ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <2 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 15-1 June 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1949 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 108 ABOLITION OF THE COMMITTEE FOR FORESTRY AND RECONSTITUTION OF THE AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY SECTION AT THE „CONSULTA CAMERALE“ OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to reconstitute the Agriculture and Forestry Section at the „Consulta Camerale“ of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and- Agriculture of Trieste as provided for by Law dated 18 April 1926, No. 731 and. by R. D. dated 20 September 1934, No. 2011, and consequently to abolish the Committee for Forestry established by Order No. 277 dated 31 December 1946, within the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE. I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The Commitee for Forestry, constituted at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste by Order No. 277, dated 31 December 1946, is hereby abolished. ARTICLE II The powers, duties and functions of the abolished Committee for forestry shall be integrally transferred to the Agriculture Section of the „Consulta Camerale“ of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste, which shall be called Agriculture and Forestry Section (Sezione Agricola e Forestale). ARTICLE III Section 1. — The following shaH be members by right of the Agriculture and Forestry Section of the „Consulta Camerale“ of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste : (a) the members of the former Agriculture Section ; (b) the Commander of the Forestry Section of the Venezia Giulia Police Force ; and (c) the Chief Engineer of „Genio Civile“. Section 2. — A delegate of each Commune of the Zone shall be called to attend the meetings of the Agriculture and Forestry Section, with the right of voting, but only in case questions concerning the Commune represented by him are being dealt with. The forests formerly registered in the name of the former Committee for Forestry shall be registered in the name of the Public Demesne and shall be administered by the Agriculture and Forestry Section of the „Consulta Camerale“ of the Chamber of Commercer Industry and Agriculture according to the plans of cultivation, betterment and protection prepared by the Forestry Section of the Venezia Giulia Police Force. ARTICLE V This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, IJ. S. Army Ref. ; LD¡Af49¡113 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 109 UNIVERSITY FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to give to the University of Trieste the power to charge students in the course of studies with a complementary contribution, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Without any prejudice to the special contributions provided for by Article 152, paragraph 4, of the Consolidated Text of the Law on higher instruction and by Article 30 of R. D. No. 1269 of 4 June 1938, and to the school taxes and sur-taxes at the rates fixed by Order No. 35 of 16 October 1947, the University shall have the power to demand, for the academic year 1948-1949, from the students in the course of studies the payment of a complementary contribution not exceeding the amount of Lire 6000 per student. Ten per cent of the total amount of contribution shall go to the „Opera Universitaria“. ARTICLE II Students who made at least two thirds of the examinations suggested by their respective Faculty for the academic year 1947-1948 and obtained in two thirds of the suggested examinations an average classification not below 24/30 and prove that they belong to a family whose income does not exceed Lire 32,000 per month, may obtain the reimbursement of a sum corresponding to the total amount of the complementary contribution mentioned in the foregoing Article. Students belonging to a family whose total monthly income is under Lire 45,000 and, as to successes achieved in schooling, fulfill the conditions laid down in the preceding paragraph, may obtain the reimbursement of a sum corresponding to one half of the whole amount of the above mentioned complementary contribution. The ascertainment of the economic conditions of the families of students requesting the above mentioned total or partial reimbursement shall be made by the Administration of the University by any means at its disposal and by requesting, if necessary, the required information from the State Finance Administration. The Committee (Consiglio) of the „Opera Universitaria“ will make unappealable decisions on applications for reimbursement. ARTICLE III The amount of the special sur-tax fixed by R. D. Xo. 1114 of 21 June 1938, as amended by Law No. 294 of 16 March 1942, shall be collected by the University. ARTICLE IV This Order shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of May 1949. R1DGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡49¡116 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 110 EXTENSION OF DURATION OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to extend the duration of certain Co-operative Societies within the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S., Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The duration of legally constituted Co-operative Societies, the termination of which took place before the effective date of this Order, is hereby presumed to have been extended for a period equal to the one originally established, and in any case for a period of not less than 2 years from the effective date of this Order, except when the extension is explicitly excluded by the statutes or in case the Co-operative Society has virtually terminated every activity after expiration of the term fixed for its duration. The assemblies of the members may deliberate the dissolution of the society in the manner and upon majority vote as established by law and by the society’s statutes. The members who, at the expiration of the statutery duration of the society, do not intend to continue in their membership, are entitled to withdraw, in conformity with the law and the statute, within sixty days from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 23rd day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U.S. Ai-my Ref.; LD\A\49\119 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. Ill TARIFF RATES OF, AND CONTRIBUTIONS DUE TO. ASSOCIAZIONE GIULIANA PER IL CONTROLLO DELLA COMBUSTIONE FOR 1949 WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for modifications and amendments to the tariff rates and dues payable for the year 1949 to Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione within the Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zoneu), NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I APPROVAL OF TARIFF RATES AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1949 The Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione is hereby authorized to charge for the year 1949, the members (consortisti) of its Association within the Zone the tariff rates and the contributions set forth in Tables „A“, „B“, „C“, „D“, „E“ and „F“ annexed to this Order. ARTICLE II DEPOSITING OF TABLES The Tables „A“, „B“, „C“, „D“, „E“ and ,,F"‘ mentioned in the preceding Article, together with the annotations set out therein, shall constitute a part of this Order. A copy of such Tables shall be deposited at the Office of the Department of Interior, at the Office of the Zone President, and at the Office of the Association, where they may be inspected by the parties interested. EFFECTIVE DATE This. Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 23rd day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S.Army Ref.; LD/AI49/120 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 112 PROVISIONS RELATING TO WRECKED MERCHANT VESSELS, SALVAGED AND RESTORED TO EFFICIENCY WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to make provisions relating to wrecked merchant vessels that have been salvaged and restored to efficiency, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Owners of wrecked ships or craft of not more than 2000 tons gross (excluding pleasure boats) which at the time of the wreck were registered with „Compartimento Marittimo“ of Trieste and were restored to efficiency by the 31st of December, 1948, shall be granted a repair compensation to be paid after the entry into service of the wrecked ships or craft provided, however, that the restoration expenses as calculated at the time of the salvage, exceed 85 % of the indemnity for loss, irrespective of the title to such indemnity. This provision shall not be applicable to ships or craft the salvage or repair of which was already terminated on 2 September 1943. Owners of requisitioned and damaged ships or craft restored to full efficiency in terms of Article 47 of Law 13 July 1939, No. 1154, by the requisitioning Administration, shall be excluded from the compensation provided for by this Article. ARTICLE II The repairs compensation established by the foregoing Article shall consist of the quotas hereinafter specified and shall be paid at the rates set forth in the Tables annexed to this Order : (a) a contribution quota for salvage expenses, not to be paid, however, where the ships or other craft, in the inappealable judgment of the Director of the Port have remained afloat after the wreck (Table „A“) ; (b) a contribution quota for expenditures incurred for hull repairs, fitting out of the craft, and for the relative auxiliary machinery (Table „B“) ; (c) a contribution quota for the restoration of the ship’s equipment and spare parts (Table „C“) ; (d) a contribution quota for expenses for repairing the propelling machinery and the auxiliary engines of same (Table „D“). The amount of the aggregate compensation provided for by this Article shall in no case exceed 40% of the expenditure incurred for the salvage operations and the restoration to efficiency of the wrecked ships or craft. For this purpose, the Director of the Port is empowered to examine all expenditure documents in conjunction with the enterprises, ship-yards and establishments which have provided for the salvage and restoration of the said ships and craft. Any disputes with the parties concerned shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of Article IV hereof. ARTICLE III The repair compensation referred to in the foregoing Articles hereof, may be recovered by the State, in whole or in part, within two years form effective date of this Order. Such recovery shall be governed by regulations to be issued by the Director of the Port in consultation with the Department of Finance, and shall be subject to the ascertainment of the profits which the rates of freight and the value of the ships or other craft on the international market will ensure to the parties who have provided for their salvage and restoration. ARTICLE IV If indemnities or refunds have already been accorded or will be accorded by any legal title whatever in respect of the damages which originated salvage and repair works, the repair compensation provided for by Article II hereof shall be adequately reduced so as to ensure that the aggregate amount of such compensation and indemnities or refunds shall not exceed the amount of expenditures incurred. As regards war-damaged ships and craft in respect of wich no indemnities or refunds, due for any reason whatever, have been granted, the Director of the Port shall communicate to „Sovraintendenza di Finanza“ the amount of the compensation granted under this Order, for the purpose of avoiding that the sum total of same and the indemnity due under Law 26 October 1940, No. 1543, as subsequently amended, may exceed the amount of expenditures incurred for the salvage and restoration. ARTICLE V Any disputes which may arise as to the necessity and size of the works and the relative costs shall be referred to a Board of Arbitration consisting of a representative of the Director of the Port, a representative of the ship-owner and a third arbitrator to be designated by the two parties and, in ease of disagreement, by the President of the Tribunale of Trieste. The procedure of the Board of Arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of „titolo“ Vili, book IV, of the Code of Civil Procedure. ARTICLE VI Deeds and contracts by which repair compensations established by this Order are granted or ceded, shall be exempt from the stamp duty and from-the taxes on Government concessions and the relative acts into the .land register and the maritime register shall be exempt from the registration and mortgage duties. ARTICLE VII Any person wishing to obtain the repair compensation provided for by Article I hereof, shall file with the Harbourmaster’s Office („Capitaneria di Porto“) wdthin 60 days of the effective date of this Order an application to be drawn up on stamped paper and accompanied by the following documents : (a) an abstract from the „matricola“ or „registro galleggianti“ or other legal document testifying the ownership of the craft, enclosing in the latter case,' a copy of the tonnage certificate or other equivalent document ; (b) a certificate by „Registro Navale Italiano“ testifying the brake horse-power of the indicated horse-power at sea trials or, m default of such certificate, another document certifying the horse-power developed at shop-trials or at sea ; (c) a certificate of the Harbourmaster’s Office („Capitaneria di Porto“) or the Maritime District Office in whose district the craft was located at the time of the wreck, or other equivalent document testifying the date, or approximate date on which the accident occured and the relative causes ; (cl) where a sunk craft has been recovered, a certificate issued by the Harbourmaster’s Office or other equivalent document ; (e) a certificate issued by the „Registro Navale Italiano“ testifying the works performed after the salvage and restoration to efficiency of the craft, as well as the quantities, at least approximate, of material (separately metal and wooden material) employed in repair works and the dates, at least approximate, on which such works were started and terminated ; (f) a final account of expenses incurred for the salvage, towing (if any), dry-docking, tracking to the slip, launching, repairs, equipment etc., to be proved by documents or, in the case of works performed directly by the ship’s owner, by an expert’s survey report compiled or approved by the „Registro Navale Italiano“ ; (g) a certificate issued by the Harbourmaster’s Office („Capitaneria di Porto“) testifying the date on which the craft actually entered service after the restoration works. For the purpose of the benefits provided for by R.D.L. 10 March 1938, No. 330, as subsequently amended, wooden hull motor vessels shall be considered to be equivalent to wooden hull motor-sailors. ARTICLE IX Section 1. — Payments made for salvage works and for restoration to full efficiency performed within 31 December 1951 on vessels carrying freight and passengers and on passenger-boats of not more than 15,000 tons gross and on ships or craft of any other type or tonnage (excluding pleasure boats), shall be exempt from the turnover tax. Section 2. — The taxes already collected at the normal rates on the effective date of this Order may not. be refunded. ARTICLE X The Director of the Port will be assisted by the Technical and Consultative Committee established by Order No. 215 dated 13 April 1948. in all matters of technical and juridical interest concerning the granting of the concessions provided fot by the present Order. ARTICLE XI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th. day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General. U. S. Army Ref.; LDIA¡49I80 Director General, Civil Affairs ANNEX TABLE „A“ REPAIR COMPENSATION Contribution quota for salvage expenses. Ships and craft up to 100 tons gross Lire 0.500 per ton gross « » „ from 101 to 300 „ „ 6.000 « « „ » 301 „ 500 „ „ 5.500 » « » » 501 „ 1000 „ „ 5.000 5? 55 55 55 1001 „ 2000 „ „ 4.000 REPAIR COMPENSATION Contribution quota for expenses for hull repairs, fitting out of the craft, and relative auxiliary machines. For each q. For each q. Maximum of wood of metal weight per installed installed ton gross Lire Lire q- Ship and craft up to 100 tons gross 2.000 2.500 2,9 „ „ „ from 101 to 300 „ „ 2.000 2.500 2,7 » ii ii ii 301 „ 500 „ 2.000 2.500 2.5 ii ii ii ii 501 „ 1000 „ „ 1.800 2.500 2,3 ii ' ii ii ii 1001 1500 „ 1.600 2.100 2,1 1501 „ 2000 „ „ 1.600 2.100 1.9 TABLE „C“ REPAIR COMPENSATION Contribution quota for the restoration of the ship's equipment and spare parts. Ships and craft up to 500 tons gross Lire 1.600 per ton gross „ „ „ from 501 to 1000 „ „ „ 1.700 „ „ „ „ „ „ 1001 „ 2000 „ „ 1.900 „ „ The value given by this Table shall be increased by 30% in the case of passenger, or mixed passenger and cargo ships. TABLE „D“ REPAIR COMPENSATION Contribution quota for repairs to the propelling machinery and auxiliary engines of the same. Brake or indicated horse-power up to 100 HP ... Lire 4.000 per horse-power ii ii „ „ ,, from 101 to 300 HP . . . . „ 3.800 „ 11 »5 55 55 301 „ 500 HP „ 3.600 „ ii ii 55 55 55 55 501 „ 1000 HP . . . . „ 3.400 „ 1001 „ 2000 HP , 3.200 „ Order No. 113 VALUE TO BE ATTRIBUTED TO COTTON CONTAINED IN MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS EXPORTED IN THE FIRST HALF-YEAR OF 1949 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the value oj cotton contained in manufactured products exported in the f irst half-year of 2949 in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United -States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the ..Zone“), NOW. THEREFORE, I RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affais, ORDER: ARTICLE I For the purpose of the restitution provided for by Article II of Order No. 274 dated 3 July 1948, the value to be attributed to the quantity of cotton contained in manufactured products exported between the 1st January and the 30th June 1949, as shown, in weight, in the respective exportation bills is hereby established as follows : Sound cotton (in bulk or flocks).......................... Lire 402 per kilo Regenerated cotton........................................... „ 240 „ „ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 26th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref.;LD\A\49¡104 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 114 RESTITUTION OF DUTIES PAID IN RESPECT OF MANUFACTURED COTTON PRODUCTS EXPORTED IN THE FIRST AND SECOND HALF-YEAR OF 1948 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the rates at which duties on manufactured cotton products exported in the first and second half-year of 1948 are to be refunded in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General. U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs. ORDER: ARTICLE I The rates of restitution of Customs duty, licence dues and turnover tax paid in respect of raw cotton employed in the manufacture of products benefiting, when exported, by such privilege and exported in the periods 18 April - 30 June 1948 and 1 July - 31 December 1948 shall be established as follows : Restitution rate for each quintal of sound or regenerated cotton contained in exported products For Customs For licence For turnover TOTAL Lire duty dues tax Lire Lire Lire Exported in the period 18 April - 30 June 1948 A) SOUND COTTON: 1) cotton wadding and carded products 160 3.318 1.479 4.987 2) cotton wool 174 3.640 1.609 5.423 174 3.640 1.609 5.423 175 3.663 1.618 5.456 B) REGENERATED COTTON: 1) cotton wadding and carded products 160 1.751 777 2.688 2) cotton wool 174 1.904 845 2.923 3) cotton yarns 174 1.904 845 2.923 4) cotton fabrics 175 1.916 850 2.941 Restitution rate for each quintal of sound or regenerated cotton contained in exported products For Customs For licence For turnover TOTAL Lire duty dues tax Lire Lire Lire Exported in the period 1st July - 31 December 1948 A) SOUND COTTON: 1) cotton wadding and carded products 160 4.223 1.865 6.248 2) cotton wool 174 4.592 2.027 6.793 3) cotton yarns 174 4.592 2.027 6.793 4) cotton fabrics 175 4.621 2.040 6.863 B) REGENERATED COTTON 1) cotton wadding and carded products 160 2.163 958 3.281 2) cotton wool 174 2.352 1.042 3.568 3 ) cotton yams 174 2.352 1.042 3.568 4) cotton fabrics-. 175 2.367 1.048 3.590 The rates of restitution established for yarns shall also apply to the restitution of duties paid in respect of cotton employed in the manufacture of pneumatic tarpaulins for vehicles. This Order shall become effective on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref.; LD\A\49\105 • Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 115 DECLARATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY AND OF URGENT AND UNDELAYABLE NECESSITY OF THE WORKS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE „DUTY-FREE TIMBER-YARD TRIESTE-PRO SECCO“ WHEREAS the works for the construction of the „Duty-free timber-yard Trieste-Prosecco“ are deemed to be of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity, and WHEREAS the project of said works, submitted by the Provisional Administration of the Railways of this Territory has been approved by the Allied Military Government, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, V. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I DECLARATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY AND OF URGENT AND UNDELAYABLE NECESSITY Section 1. — The works for the construction of the „Duty-free timber-yard Trieste-Proseceo“ in the Commune of Sgonico (cadastral area of Gabrovizza S. Primo), described in the project dated 13 May 1949 submitted by the Provisional Administration of the Railways of this Territory, are hereby declared to be of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity in accordance with Article 71 of the Law 25 June 1865, No. 2359, as amended by Law 18 December 1879, No. 5188. Section 2. — The aforesaid declaration shall have full effect in accordance with the Laws mentioned in the preceding Section as well as with the Law 7 July 1907, No. 429, as amended by the Law 7 April 1921, No. 368 and with the R.D. 24 September 1923, No. 2119. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVENESS AND DEPOSITING OF PROJECT The project dated 13 May 1949 shall be deposited at the Provisional Administration of 1he Railways of this Territory and may be freely inspected by all persons interested. It will be marked Annex „A“ and shall be made part of this Order. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General. U. S. Army Ref.; LDIA/491121 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 116 PROVISIONS FOR THE APPLICATION OF ADDITIONAL FRONTIER DUTY TO IMPORTED TEXTILE FABRICS AND FOR THE REPAYMENT OF EXCISE DUTY ON EXPORTED YARNS AND FABRICS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue certain provisions concerning the application of the additional frontier duty to im orted textile fabrics and the repayment of excise duty on exported textile yarns and fabrics in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United. States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Tables „A“ and „B“ appended to Order No. 29 dated 15 February 1949, containing provisions for the application of the additional frontier duty to imported textile fabrics and ready-made articles and for the repayment of excise duty on exported yarns and fabrics, are hereby repealed and substituted by Tables „A“ and „B“ appended to this Order. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref.; LD¡Af49ll09 Director General, Civil Affairs SOVRAIMPOSTA DI FABBRICAZIONE SU MANUFATTI TESSILI FILATI CUCIRINI, spaghi, cordami, forzina, rafforzina, lusino e simili .................. TESSUTI e NASTRI (1) : .— di filato di solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato), o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, p di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di .solo fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) o con fiocco di canapa (1) di filato di lino o di canapa, di filato di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata), o di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) in quantità superiore al 5 % in mista intima con altre fibre, rigenerate o non ; di filato di fibra artificiale a filamento continuo (compresi lamette e crini, ed i filati di lanasel, lanalux e simili) .........,...... — di filato di juta..................a Kg. — di filato di seta tratta, semplice .. „ — di filato di cascame di seta pettinata (schappe) ......................... „ — di filato di cascame di seta cardata (burretta)......................... „ — di filato di fibre tessili non nominate .. — di filati in mista intima non nominati.... TESSUTI RICAMATI con tessuto di fondo visibile........................ RICAMI su tessuto di fondo invisible PIZZI CHIMICI .............................. Aliquota corrispondente ai filati di cui sono costituiti. Aliquota corrispondente ai filati secondo il rispettivo rapporto fra lunghezza e peso (1). 25,— 350,— 230,— 50.— Aliquota stabilita per il filato delle fibre sopra nominate, al quale esso è assimilato dal repertorio doganale. Aliquota corrispondente a quella del filato della fibra più tassata che entra nella loro composizione, tenendo conto, quando sia previsto, del rapporto tra lunghezza e peso. Aliquota corrispondente ai filati costituenti il tessuto di fondo della classe immediatamente superiore a quella spettante in base al rispettivo rapporto tra lunghezza e peso, con facoltà di accertamento diretto. Aliquota massima della rispettiva classe, con facoltà di accertamento diretto. Idem. CINGHIE E TUBI MAGLIE : — di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) o di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) in quantità superiore al 5% in mista intima con altre fibre, rigenerate o non a Kg. — di lino ............................ „ — di solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato) o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata), anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 5% ...........................a Kg. — di seta ............................ „ — di cascami di seta.................. „ — di fibra artificiale a filamento continuo a Kg. PIZZI.......................................... TULLI ......................................... PASSAMANI : — di lino o di canapa ................ a Kg. — di solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato) o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di solo fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) o con fiocco di canapa, anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 5% ......................a Kg. — di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata), o di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) in quantità superiore al 5% in mista intima con altre fibre rigenerate o non .. a Kg. — di seta ............................ „ — di cascami di seta pettinata (schappe) „ — di cascami di seta cardata (burretta) „ — di fibra artificiale a filamento continuo „ Aliquota del filato di cui sono effettivamente costituiti. 224.- 140,- 210,— 350,— 230,— 252,— Aliquota massima della rispettiva classe. Idem. 70,— 95,— 192,— 350,— 230,— 50,— 2 PI- TELE DI LINO E DI CANAPA, incatramate, oliate e simili, oppure incerate o smerigliate .................................. a Kg. 15.— (con facoltà di acceft aménto diretto). TESSUTI SMERIGLIATI di solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato), o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di solo fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) o con fiocco di canapa, anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 5% a Kg. TESSUTI INCERATI di solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato) o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di solo fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) o con fiocco di canapa, anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 5%..............a Kg. TESSUTI PEGAMOID ATI di solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato), o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di solò fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) p con fiocco di canapa, anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 6 % a Kg. VELLUTI (esclusi i tappeti da pavimento compresi gli scendiletto), con pelluzzo : — di lino : sul peluzzo ..................a Kg. — di cotone o di fiocco di fibra artificiale : sul peluzzo .........................a Kg. — di lana a ricci (tipo astrakan e simili) : sul riccio .................................a Kg. — di lana, altri : sul peluzzo ......... ,, — di cascami di seta : sul peluzzo .... „ — di juta : sul peluzzo ................ „ TAPPETI da pavimento compresi gli scendiletto : — di juta ................................a Kg. — di altri vellutati, con peluzzo — di, solo cotone (sodo, cascami o rigenerato), o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di solo fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in 20.— (con facoltà di accertamento diretto). 25.-— (con facoltà di accertamento diretto). 30,-— (con facoltà di accertamento diretto) 120,— 150,— 45,— 260,— 230.— 25,— oltre alla sovraimposta relativa al tessuto di fondo 25,- mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) o con fiocco di canapa, anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 5% : sul peluzzo ........a Kg. -— di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) o di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) in quantità superiore al 5% in mista intima con altre fibre, rigenerate o non : sul peluzzo .........................a Kg. CINIGLIA (2): — di juta .........................a Kg. — di cascami di seta ............... „ — di cotone o di fiocco di fibra artificiale „ -— di lana .......................... „ TESSUTI DI CRINO (esclusi quelli per stacci) misti con fili di materia tessile, esclusa la lana e la seta ....................a Kg. TES SIITI GROSSOLANI DI PELO, esclusi quelli di pelo di cammello, pesanti più di 1600 grammi per metro quadrato ......... TESSUTI PER PRESSE, di lana o di pelo di cammello, pesanti più di 1000 grammi per metro quadrato ............................ TESSUTI, PASSAMANI, PIZZI ed altri manufatti misti con fili metallici, in misura inferiore al 50%............................. TESSUTI, PASSAMANI, PIZZI ed altri manufatti, d’oro o d’argento, buono o falso o misti con fili metallici in misura superiore al 50%........................... 28.— oltre alla sovxaimposta relativa al tessuto di fondo. Aliquota propria risultante da accertamento diretto. Oltre alla sovraim-posta relativa al tessuto di fondo. 25,- 230,- 150,- 260,- Si tassano solo per i filati di materia tessile di cui sono commisti. Come tessuti di lana Come tessuti di lana. Aliquota massima della rispettiva classe del filato di materia tessile con deduzione del peso del metallo. Idem. OGGETTI CUCITI DI CANAPA, lino, juta e di altri vegetali filamentosi, escluso il cotone : — sacchi ..................................... — biancheria da letto, da tavola, asciugamani Aliquota propria del tessuto. e altri oggetti di forma rettangolare semplicemente orlati ...................... — busti per donne e per ragazzi........... — altri : — fatti interamente di lino o di canapa .... -— fatti di lino o di canapa con parti di altre materie tessili .. ^.................... •OGGETTI CUCITI DI COTONE ................. OGGETTI CUCITI DI LANA .................... — scialli, coperte e altri oggetti di forma ret- tangolare, semplicemente orlati o con la sola applicazione di frangie ........... altri : ■— fatti interamente di lana .............. — fatti di lana con parti di altre materie tessili ................................ OGGETTI CUCITI DI SETA o di fibra artificiale .................................. LINOLEUM CON FONDO DI JUTA ................ COPERTURE DI GOMMA ELASTICA per ruote di automobili o per ruote di carrelli di aeromobili ............................. COPERTURE DI GOMMA ELASTICA per ruote di motociclette.................... COPERTURE DI GOMMA ELASTICA per ruote di biciclette ....................... Idem. Idem. Idem. Aliquota massima del prodotto predominante in superficie, con facoltà di accertamento diretto. Come per gli oggetti cuciti di lino. Aliquota propria del tessuto. Idem. Aliquota massima del prodotto predominante in superficie, con facoltà di accertamento diretto. Come per gli oggetti cuciti di lana o di cotone. 2.- 11.- 8.30 7.70 per ogni Kg. di merce FILI, CORDONI E CORDONCINI, elettrici Aliquota corrispondente al filato di materia tessile di cui sono rivestiti con deduzione del peso delle materie non tessili. TESSUTI GOMMATI : — di cotone o di fiocco di fibra artificiale : — con intonaco appariscente a Kg. 32. fatti a pili doppi riuniti da uno strato di gomma elastica a Kg. HO.— ALTRE MERCI, non classificabili nelle categorie dei prodotti tessili, formate principalmente di filati, di tessuti o di altro prodotto di materia tessile ............................... Aliquota propria risultante da accertamento diretto. (1) Sono classificati nel gruppo „cotone, ecc.“ anche i filati cardati in esso considerati, contenenti lana in mista intima in quantità non superiore al 5%. (2) I filati di materia tessile costituenti il sostegno del peluzzo non influiscono nella determinazione dell’aliquota. Il peso dei fili metallici eventualmente presenti come sostegno del peluzzo si deduce per la determinazione del peso imponibile. PRODOTTI TESSILI AMMESSI, QUANDO SONO ESPORTATI, AL BENEFICIO DELLA RESTITUZIONE DELL’ IMPOSTA DI FABBRICAZIONE SUI FILATI DI FIBRE TESSILI Aliquota d’imposta da restituire e DENOMINAZIONE DELLE MERCI modalità per la restituzione (Lire e centesimi) A) FILATI DI SOLO COTONE (sodo, cascame o rigenerato), o di solo fiocco di fibra artificiale, o di cascame o di rigenerato di fibra artificiale, o di solo fiocco di canapa, o di cotone in mista intima con fibra artificiale (fiocco, cascame o rigenerata) o con fiocco di canapa anche contenenti lana in quantità non superiore al 5% (1) (2) ............. B) FILATI DI SOLA LANA (vergine, cascame o rigenerata) o di lana (vergine, cascame o rigenerata), in quantità superiore al 5%, in mista intima con altre fibre, rigenerate o non (1) (3) ............................. 0) Manufatti fabbricati con filati di cui alle precedenti lettere A e B (per la quantità di tali filati effettivamente contenutavi) (4) (5) : a) FILATI CUCIRINI ...................... b) TESSUTI, nastri, maglie, pizzi, tulli, passamani e pizzi chimici............. c) TESSUTI RICAMATI con tessuto di fondo invisibile ..................... d) RICAMI su tessuto di fondo invisibile. .* e) TESSUTI SMERIGLIATI, incerati, pe- gamoidati o gommati .................. /) VELLUTI (esclusi i tappeti da pavimento compresi gli scendiletto), con peluzzo : 1) di cotone o di fiocco di fibra artificiale sul peluzzo ..................a Kg. 2) di lana a ricci (tipo Astrakan e simili) : sul riccio ...................a Kg. 3) di lana, altri : sul peluzzo .... a Kg. Aliquota del filato di cui sono effettivamente costituiti (2). Aliquota del filato di cui sono effettivamente costituiti. Aliquota del filato di cui sono effettivamente costituiti. Aliquota corrispondente ai filati di cui sono effettivamente costituiti. Aliquota corrispondente ai filati costituenti il tessuto di fondo. Aliquota corrispondente ai filati costituenti il ricamo. Aliquote corrispondenti ai filati di cui il tessuto è costituito, riferite alle sole materie tessili ammesso a restituzione, risultanti da accertamento diretto. 150,—I Oltre alla imposta relativa 45.— I al tessuto di fondo. 260,—J Aliquota d’imposta da restituire e DENOMINAZIONE DELLE MERCI modalità per la restituzione (lire e centesimi) g) TAPPETI da pavimento compresi gli scendiletto, VELLUTATI, con peluzzo : 1) di filati della precedente lettera A : sul peluzzo ...............a Kg. 2) di filati della precedente lettera B : sul peluzzo ..................... h) CINIGLIA : 1) di cotone o di fiocco di fibra artificiale ...................... a Kg. 2) di lana .................... „ i) CINGHIE e tubi ..................... I) OGGETTI CUCITI: 1) fatti di una sola materia tessile „• 2) fatti di più materie tessili m) FILI, cordoni e cordoncini, elettrici n) COPERTURE DI GOMMA ELASTICA : 1) per ruote di automobili e per ruote di carrelli di aeromobili .......... L. 2) per ruote di motociclette.......... L. 3) per ruote di biciclette ........... L. o) ALTRI MANUFATTI 28.— Itre alla Oimposta relativa al tessuto di fondo. Aliquota propria risultante da accertamento diretto. Oltre alla imposta relativa al tessuto di fondo. 150.— 260,— Aliquota del filato di cui sono effettivamente costituiti. Aliquota propria del filato formante il tessuto o altro manufatto, di cui sono effettivamente costituiti. Aliquota minima dei filati ammessi a restituzione, effettivamente costituenti il prodotto predominante in superficie, con facoltà di accertamento diretto. Aliquota corrispondente al filato ammesso a restituzione, di cui sono effettivamente rivestiti, con deduzione del peso delle altre materie. 9,50 ì 0 I per ogni chilogrammo di coper- 7, oU / 7,30 J tur0' Aliquota corrispondente ai filati di cui sono effettivamente costituiti, limitatamente al peso di quelli ammessi a restituzione. (1) La restituzione dell’ imposta si applica sulle partite di detti filati esportate dal 12 febbraio 1949 all’ 11 febbraio 1950. (2) Ai filati pettinati di fiocco di fibra artificiale misuranti 55.000 metri o più per ogni chilogrammo non compete restituzione d’ imposta in caso di esportazione. (3) Agli effetti della liquidazione d’ imposta, per i suddetti filati di lana, le frazioni superiori a metri 500 si arrotondano a 1.000. (4 ) La restituzione' dell’ imposta si applica sulle partite di detti manufatti esportate : — dal 4 marzo 1949 al 3 marzo 1950, per i tessuti e i cucirini, greggi o imbianchiti. — dal 4 aprile 1949 al 3 aprile 1*950, per tutti gli altri manufatti e confezioni. (5) Nei casi in cui la presente tabella stabilisce la restituzione sulla base della aliquota corrispondente ai filati di cui i ipanufatti sono costituiti, gli accertamenti possono dalle Dogane venire effettuati su matasse di paragone, che gli esportatori debbono presentre per ciascuno dei filati impiegati nella fabbricazione del manufatto. E ciò semprechè i filati di tali matasse siano riconosciuti conformi a quelli impiegati. Order No. 117 PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE RESUMPTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to issue provisions for the resumption of the construction of buildings within the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, R IDG ELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. — The Province, the Communes and the public bodies intending to construct popular houses for their own personnel, may be granted a contribution by the Allied Military Government. Section 2. — The contribution contemplated in the preceding Section may be granted to cooperative societies of permanent (di ruolo) and temporary (non di ruolo) employees or pensioners of the State, Province and Communes, as well as of persons belonging to commercial and industrial concerns, which intend to build popular houses under observance of the provisions contained in the Consolidated Text on popular and economic building activity approved by R. D. dated 28 April 1938, No. 1165 (hereinafter referred to as the „Consolidated Text“). ARTICLE II Section 1. — The contribution of the Allied Military Government shall be at the rate of one half of the expenses necessary for the purchase of the areas and for the constructions on the basis of projects approved by the Department of Public Services and shall be paid in relation to the building progress. Such contribution, however, may not exceed the following limits : a) for dwellings of 110 square meters Lire 1.200.000 b) „ - „ " „ 100 „ „ „ 1.100.000 <7 „ 90 „ „ ,, 1.020.000 d) „ 80 „ „ „ 930.000 e) „ 70' „ „ „ 830.000 t) „ 60 „ „ 730.000 g) » 50 „ „ 630.000 h) .. 40 „ „ „ 500.000 Section 2. — As to the part of expenditure not covered by the contribution contemplated in the preceding Section, the building bodies may contract loans with the benefit set forth in Article 71 of the „Consolidated Text“. ARTICLE III Section 1. — To the building bodies enjoying the facilitations provided for by the preceding Article there shall be applicable all the provisions established by the „Consolidated Text“ for bodies financed by the „Cassa Depositi e Prestiti“, even if financed by other credit institutes, by private individuals or by companies mentioned in Article 1 of the said „Consolidated Text“. Section 3. — The time-limit for construction necessary for enjoying the facilitations provided for in the preceding Article II as well as all the fiscal and tax facilitations, shall be 31 December 1950. ARTICLE IV The dwellings constructed by the Bodies mentioned in Article I, Section 1 of this Order, besides being assigned for lease only, may also be allotted for lease under the condition of futuré sale and redemption. The provisions of the „Consolidated Text“ shall continue to be applied for the allotment of the dwellings constructed by the building co-operative societies, in so far as they are not superseded by this Order. ARTICLE V Section 1. — The building bodies intending to proceed tc the lease only or under condition of future sale of lodgings constructed with the contribution by the Allied Military Government in terms of Article I Section 1 hereof shall submit to the Department of Public Services for approval the drafts of contracts to be stipulated with the lessees together with the financial plan on the basis of which the rents are being fixed. Idle said rents shall be determined by taking into account the amortization of the capital invested in the constructions, net from the subsidy and contribution of the Allied Military Government, as well as from the quota for reimbursement of the expenses for ordinary, extraordinary maintenance and of insurance, the taxes, the duties, general and local, and all the other expenses for administration and management. Section 2. — The leases shall be granted according to the order of precedence determined by the priority of application to all those persons who apply for it and prove that they are enti- tied thereto on the basis of the provisions contained in the „Consolidated Text“, as subsequently amended as well as in this Order. Any change of the order in which applicants have been booked as well as any cession of the dwelling allocated under the condition of future sale and redemption, shall be prohibited. For such purpose the leasing bodies shall inscribe in one list only all the applications coming in according to order of arrival and communicate to the applicants the progressive number with which each application has been inscribed in said list. ARTICLE VI Section 1. — The transfer of ownership of the dwellings contemplated by this Article shall be effected by the contract of sale upon the expiring of the lease, the duration of which shall not exceed 25 years. After elapse of ten years as from the beginning of the lease, the lessee may ask for an advance transfer of ownership of the dwelling after payment of a capital corresponding to the present value of the quotas of rent still due for amortization of the invested capital calculated at the rate of interest of the existing loan. Section 2. — To relationships between building bodies and lessees and to relationships with financing bodies, there shall be applicable the provisions of Articles 42 and 43 of the „Consolidated Text“. ARTICLE VII Section 1. — Those persons inscribed in the rolls of direct taxes for chargeable incomes exceeding 250,000 Lire or whose property assessed for the purposes of the progressive tax on property exceeds 3,000,000 Lire, shall be excluded from the allotment of dwellings built with the facilitations provided for by Article II of this Order. In calculating the income no account shall be taken of the quota relating to the proceeds of work. Section 2. — From the allocation of the dwellings contemplated in the preceding Section, there shall be excluded besides the persons indicated in Article 31 of the „Consolidated Text“, also those who have already obtained the assignment in ownership of other dwellings built with State subsidies or contributions. ARTICLE VIII The powers, duties and function pertaining to the Supervisory Commission for popular and economic building („Commissione di vigilanza per l’edilizia popolare ed economica“) pursuant to Artide 131 and following of the Consolidated Text, shall be vested in the Zone President as regards the disputes and eventual abuses and irregularities relating to the allotment of dwellings built by the bodies or cooperative building societies as mentioned in Article I of this Order. ARTICLE IX Section 1. — The dwellings assigned by the cooperative building societies enjoying the facilitations provided for by Article II of this Order may not be ceded or alienated but after elapse of ten years from the date of allocation of the dwellings. Section 2. — To cooperative societies with undivided ownership that are granted for their constructions the facilitations contemplated in Article II of this Order, the transformation into individual ownership may not be granted until such time as the loan contracted for the construction has been totally repaid and, in any case, not before ten years have elapsed from the date of completion of the buildings. ARTICLE X Section 1. — Article 72 of the „Consolidated Text“ is herewith repealed. The provisions of Article 88 of the „Consolidated Text“ shall not be applicable to dwellings built with the facilitations provided for by Article II of this Order. Section 2. — The dwellings built by cooperative buildihgs societies and those to be leased under the condition of future sale and redemption, with the facilitations of Article II of this Order, may not have besides accessories more than five usable rooms, neither may they have a usable surface, comprising that of accessories, exceeding 110 square meters. ARTICLE XI Section 1. — Applications for the contribution from the Allied Military Government shall be submitted within thirty days from the effective date of this Order to the Department of Public Services, which shall decide thereon in agreement with the Department of Finance. Section 2. — In assigning the contribution provided for by Article II of this Order, priority will be given to the applications submitted by a body before that of the Co-operative Society constituted among its personnel. ARTICLE XII The Department of Public Services is authorized to issue all instructions necessary for the application of this Order. ARTICLE XIII This Order shall come into force on the date of its pxiblication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. ; LD/Ä/49I117 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 118 ESTABLISHING OF A DUTY-FREE TIMBER YARD AT PROSECCO WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to establish at Prosecco a duty-free timber- yard, NOW,. THEREFORE, I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABLISHING OF A DUTY FREE TIMBER-YARD AT PROSECCO Section 1. — There shall be established at Prosecco in the two areas described in Section 2 of this Article and destined for lumber only,, a duty-free timber-yard to be called „Duty-free timber-yard, Trieste-Prosecco“ (Punto Franco Legnami Trieste - Prosecco). Section 2. — The two areas declared duty-free pursuant to Section 1 of this Article shall consist of the yard owned by the State Railways .situated in the neighbourhood of the Railway Station at Prosecco and of a second area of private property, situated along the railway and to be expropriated, as described in the map attached to this Order as Annex „A“. Said map shall be made part of this Order and shall be deposited with the „Amministrazione Provvisoria delle Ferrovie del Territorio“ at Trieste as well as with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste, where it may be inspected by any person interested. ARTICLE IT REGULATION All provisions of law and regulations existing in matters of duty-free depots and particularly the provisions relating to the „Duty-free timber-yard, Trieste-Servola“, (Punto Franco Legnami Trieste — Servóla) shall be applicable to the „Duty-free timber-yard Trieste— Prosecco“ (Punto Franco Legnami Trieste — Prosecco). ARTICLE III ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT The „Amministrazione Provvisioria delle Ferrovie del Territorio“ at Trieste shall provide for the administration and management of the „Duty-free timber-yard Trieste — Prosecco.“ ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of May 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General. TT. S. Army lief. ; LD/A¡49¡122 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 28 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. Simeone I VICE VIC-BAKU LIC, born at Cittavecchia Lesina (Dalmazia) on 15.1.1888, resident at Trieste via F. Cappello io, has complied with the law provisions required to obtain the change of his surname into that of IVICEVIC, according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 7 December 1948, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected and be valid also in respect of his legitimate descendente, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo Vili chapter I of R. D. No. 1328 of July 9, /939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied ivith and no objections having been raised ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BÜRGER, Colonel F. A., Executive. Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person Simeone IVICEVIC-BAKULIC is hereby changed into „IVICEVIC“ and the change is valid also in respect of his legitimate descendente. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of May 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD¡B¡4<)\28 Director General, Civil Affairs FEES AND CONDITIONS FOR PUBLICATION, SALE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ARTICLE I That part of the Administrative Instuction No. 1. dated 26 September 1947, relating to the fees and conditions prescribed for tho publication in, and sale of, Allied Military Government Gazette is hereby rescinded. ARTICLE II The following new fees and conditions are prescribed for the publication in, and sale of, the Allied Military Government Gazette : a) For the three translations of the Gazette, bound together, 180 lire per copy. b) For one copy, whether in English, Italian or Slovene, 60 lire per copy. c) For one copy of the „Bis“ issue, whether in Italian or Slovene, 60 lire per copy. d) For the cost of insertions to be published in the „Bis“ issue of the Allied Military Government Gazette, 7 lire for each word, exclusive of punctuation. ARTICLE III Semi-annual subscriptions to the Allied Military Government Gazette are accepted at the Gazette Office, Department of Legal Affairs, Palazzo Lavori Pubblici. The rates for semiannual subscriptions plus postage are as follows : a) For the three translations of the Gazette, bound together, 3240 lire. b) For one copy, whether in English, Italian or Slovene, 1080 lire. c) For one copy of the „Bis“ issue, whether in Italian or Slovene, 720 lire. Payment for said subscriptions must be made to the Gazette Office with a postal „vagi'a“ or an „assegno“, payable to the Prefettura of Trieste. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective as from 1 July 1949. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of May 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref.; LDIB/49129 Director General, Civil Affairs CONTENTS Order page No. 108 Abolition of the Committee for Forestry and reconstitution of the Agriculture and Forestry Section at the „Consulta Camerale“ of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste ......................................... 295 No. 109 University fees and contributions ........................................... 296 No. 110 Extension of duration of Co-operative Societies ............................. 297 No. Ill Tariff rates of, and contributions due to, Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione for 1949 .................................................. 298 No. 112 Provisions relating to wrecked merchant vessels, salvaged and restored to efficiency ..............•.............................................. 299 No. 113 Value to be attributed to cotton contained in manufactured products exported in the first half-year of 1949 ......................................... 304 No. 114 Restitution od duties paid in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the first and second half-year of 1948 ....................................... 304 No. 115 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the works for the construction of the „Duty-free timber-yard Trieste-Prosecco“ 306 No. 116 Provisions for the application of additional frontier duty to imported textile fabrics for the repayment of excise duty on exported yarns and fabrics.... 307 No. 117 Provisions concerning the resumption of the construction of buildings........ 316 No. 118 Establishing of a Duty-free timber-yard at Prosecco.......................... 319 Administrative Orders No. 28 Authority to change the surname .............................................. 321 No. 29 Fees and conditions for publication, sale and subscriptions of the Allied Military Government Gazette ............................................ 322