St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 08/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 19.02.2012 7. NEDELJA MED LETOM 7th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm BISHOP OF HAMILTON Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Lent begins with the imposition of ashes on our forehead in the sign of the Cross. The one who administers the ashes may say, "Remember, you are dust and you will return to dust," or, "Turn away from sin and believe the Gospel." Personally, I prefer the first admonition because it is a stark reminder to us all, tempted as we might be to take life for granted, that we are going to die. Sooner or later, ready or not, we are all going to die one day. Lent is a time, therefore, to reflect on the fundamental question, "Since I know that I am going to die, then HOW DO I CHOOSE TO LIVE?" As followers of Jesus Christ, it is clear that WE CHOOSE TO LIVE IN HIM; we choose to do what He did; we choose to follow His way. These 40 days of Lent give us time to do just that in three traditional and helpful ways: PRAYER, FASTING AND ALMSGIVING. PRAYER helps us to renew and deepen our relationship with Him. We spend more time in prayer, giving thanks, or reading excerpts from The Bible, reflecting on his Word, or participating in parish programs and events, becoming familiar with His teaching. We do this to know Him better, and we want to know him better because, to paraphrase a familiar old song, TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM! FASTING allows us to simplify our lives - which is always good for the soul. When I was young, I would "give up" sweets for Lent one year, television the next year, etc. Then, for a while, I thought I was above all of that. Now, I see the wisdom of it - for when I "give up" something, I express my complete life; I PUT JESUS CHRIST AHEAD OF ALL OTHER DESIRES! Finally, ALMSGIVING. Those who teach that "stewardship" is the primary attitude for Jesus' disciples, tell us over and over again to share "time, talent and treasure"! Lent is an opportunity to give an hour helping out at the food bank, serving at the school breakfast program, visiting an ailing friend, relative or neighbour, or calling (calling on) a lonely parent. Additionally, through the Share Lent collection, we are invited to be generous in our support of the good works of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. (A dollar a day - which amounts to $40 for Lent - will make an untold difference in the life of someone in a needier part of the world.) By remaining united in doing that alone, we can accomplish remarkable good! CHOOSE TO BE GENEROUS IN SOME WAY, ACCORDING TO YOUR MEANS. When all is said and done, Lent is about living in right order with God, self and others. SUCH ORDER IS HOLY AND NOURISHES OUR LIFE IN HIM. We begin Lent with ashes on our forehead; we end carrying tapers, lighted candles, proclaiming CHRIST OUR LIGHT. From the ashes of death to the light of life, this Lent, may God DRAWS US all closer to CHRIST and to one another. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, + Douglas Crosby, OMI February 19, 2012 V nedeljo pri maši smo se poslovili od g. Antona Rozmariča. Napisal mi je, da je srečno potoval. Vsem se še enkrat zahvaljuje za bivanje pri sv. Gregoriju, za vso pozornost, radodarnost in prijaznost s katero ste ga sprejeli. Sedaj se počasi privaja nazaj na Koroško. -ùMM^ii i ■ ,i » ■ M i J Cerkev St. John the Divine - London Po slovenski maši sva odhitela k maši v Kitchener, kjer so po maši, pod vodstvom Magdalene Razpotnik, otroci pripravili kratko kulturno prireditev. Pozneje sva maševala še v Londonu in se je g. Tone tudi tam poslovil. Lunch Adults: $12 in advance prepaid $1 □ at door Children 4 - 1D yrs. - $5 Children 3 & under - Free Sunday's Readings 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Is 43:18-19,21-22,24b-25 Despite the misdeeds of his chosen people, the Lord is merciful and does not remember our sins. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 Jesus, our Lord, is the "Yes", the guarantee of God's love for us. Gospel Mark 2:1-12 Jesus shows us that God's grace is meant for the restoration of the whole human person. "We have never seen anything like this." Illustration In June 1945 a young German soldier, a conscript into Hitler's army, was released from his prisoner-of-war camp, and made his way back home. He hitchhiked a ride with a dairy trucker, and came to Traunstein, in Bavaria, where his parents lived, and where he had been brought up. It was good to be home. He was now eighteen years old, and had spent the past two years as a soldier. He had missed the worst of the war, but he had seen slave laborers in Munich, and he had seen Hungarian Jews being shipped off to the death camps. Now, with the horror of war behind him, the young man could à \x\ return to his true vocation in life. He was not made for soldiering, and he had never wished to serve in Hitler's Third Reich. His desire was to be a priest, and now, in the summer of 1945, he could return to his studies, and to the service of God and of God's kingdom. Sixty years later, in the spring of 2005, that young man was elected Pope Benedict XVI. Looking back on his many years as a priest and a thinker, and reflecting on the experiences of life in the world during these years, the Holy Father was moved to write a letter, an encyclical, about the power and meaning of hope. In the face of this world's many sorrows and its destructiveness, Benedict asserted the great promise of life, here and hereafter, which is to be found in Jesus Christ. Gospel Teaching The great promise of life, the desire of every human heart, was the clear concern of the people who crowded around the house where Jesus was staying in Capernaum. The great preacher was back in town. People wanted to listen to him. What he said was inspiring. He was not preaching revolution against authorities, or the fight for greater prosperity. It was something deeper than that. He got to your heart. He made you think. He challenged you about your life now, not next week. And he had a power of healing. No wonder they came to him. When the paralyzed man was lowered through the roof, it just showed how determined people were to get to Jesus. The sick man must have come with tremendous hope in his heart. The ability to walk again! And what a deflation of spirit, to hear Jesus start talking about his sins. It is my legs I need! But Jesus wants to show people that our legs are not all we need. To be physically independent is wonderful, but it is not everything. We belong to one another, and so we need relationships with one another; and when they break down, then we are in trouble. Then we are really paralyzed. That is why the forgiving of sins is so important. Our wrongdoing brings hurt into human hearts, and guilt, and resentment, and hostility and bitterness. Justice seeks to restore order. Revenge only makes matters worse. Mercy is the healing balm that brings us back to life, and God is merciful. God truly loves each one of us. When Jesus speaks to the paralyzed man, he is telling him how much God loves him, how valued he is. Application This message of God's merciful love for all of us is precisely the message that Pope Benedict sought to communicate in the letter about hope. We are not in this world simply to make the most of what we have until our life ends. And physical ills are not the only evils in this world. Just as we strive to cure disease and to improve our medical ability, so too we are called to recognize spiritual and moral evil, and strive to become better human beings. Our personal and social lives depend upon the values of truthfulness, justice and merciful love. Pope Benedict has reminded us that there is a thoroughgoing purpose and meaning to our lives. God has created us and God is the goal of our life journey. For many people that bright hope of life is tragically crushed by the brutality they experience at the hands of others. All the more reason, then, for Christian people to be examples of hope, and bringers of hope to others. Let us sit at the Lord's feet today, in that house at Capernaum, and listen to his words. They are summed up in the Lord's Prayer, and especially in the words "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." folklorna skupina »soča«_ Folklorna skupina "SOČA" is starting its 46th season. All past and new members are invited to attend practices every Saturday starting at 12:30 [following Slovenska šola]. New members always welcome. All children from 7 years of age and above are encouraged. If we have sufficient numbers, a teenage group will be formed. Encourage your children, grandchildren and friends to learn a little about their roots through music, dance and song. For more information, please contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980. folklorna skupina »venec«_ "VENEC" will have its next practice on Sunday, February 26 th at 2pm. All members are encouraged to attend. New members and couples are always welcome to join this cross-community organization. For more information, call Dave Antolin: 905-664-5980. folklorna skupina venec -breakfast fundraiser_ It's that time again! Folklorna Skupina Venec will be hosting the 2nd Annual Breakfast Fundraiser on April 15, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. in the church hall. Please help support F.S. Venec, as we promote our Slovenian culture through traditional dance and music. Join us for a great family event, with great food and live music! Ticket prices for the event ♦ Adult: $10.00 ♦ Children, ages 3 - 12: $5.00 ♦ Children, under 3: free Tickets are available through members of Venec, or by contacting Matej Glavac at (905) 870 -1120 or Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor V četrtek po maši so pevske vaje. Naslednjič zbor poje pri maši 26. februarja 2012, prava postna nedelja. cwl - kzz We invite parish members, their i families and friends to attend our Annual Parish Bazaar, Sunday March 4. This event is a wonderful opportunity for families of our parish to come out and enjoy one another's company. Lunch tickets: will be sold before and after 9:30 mass until the 11:00 mass. Adult $12/ Child 4-10 $5/ 3 and under free. Please understand that reservations can only be made for pre-paid tickets to avoid major confusion and disappointment the day of the bazaar. Lunch tickets at the door will be $15 for an adult in an effort to encourage pre payment so we can properly prepare. Contact number is Teresa Sarjas (905) 560 -1218. In preparation for our Bazaar we look to all our members to help us in whatever way they can and for support from our parish family. This bazaar is a tradition where everyone can participate in some way as a parish community. We are kindly asking for donations of new items for our penny sale tables and your wonderful hand crafted items and home baked goods. Lottery tickets will be sold at each Sunday mass. Our members are encouraged to pick up a minimum of 5 booklets each and do their best to sell them. 10 tickets for $5.All monies raised from the sale of these tickets go directly to our parish. Our Annual Bazaar is our biggest fundraising effort for our parish. We can not be successful with out the support of our members and parish family. We thank you in advance for this support and look forward to you joining us. občni zbor društva sv. jožefa V imenu društvenega odbora vas vljudno vabimo na nai letni Občni zbor, ki bo v nedeljo 4. marca po slovenski maši v prostorih Ville Slovenie. Imamo tudi volitve odbora društva - potrbujemo tri nove člane. Kdor se želi pridužiti društvu ali predlagati kašnega novega člana, naj pokliče Franka Mramorja na telfon 905- 662-7438. banket društva sv. jožefa_ Banket društva Sv. Jožefa se tudi naglo približuje zato vas vljudno vabimo, da se ga udeležite. Banket bo v nedeljo, 18. marca, v zgornji dvorani. This year we celebrate our 75th anniversary. Tickets are: Adults:$20. Children under 12 are free. Call Frank Erzar for table and ticket reservations at 643-0285. The St. Joseph Society is planning to do a photo presentation at the annual banquet. To celebrate their 75 years. If you have old photos that we could copy, please submit them in an envelope. We will make copies and ensure that you have them returned. Please drop them off at the Parish Rectory marked - St. Joseph Society or contact Jerry Ponikvar at 905-333-5813 občni zbor: 26. 2. 2012 ob 3:oo p.m. V nedeljo, 26. februarja ob treh popoldne imamo v naši dvorani LETNI OBČNI ZBOR župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega. Rezervirajte si ta čas in pridite, da skupaj pregledamo delo preteklega leta in naredimo nove načrte za prihodnost. Ne računajte, da bodo to že drugi naredili. Obenem iščemo nove člane za Župnijski svet, da se nam pridružijo. Le s skupnimi močni in širokim sodelovanjem bomo lahko uspešno peljali naše župnijske dejavnosti in ohranjali slovenske korenine na tem področju Kanade. nedeljske nabirke - darovi_ V mesecu januarju ste pri nedeljskih nabirkah darovali: 01. Januar - $5335.00; 08. januar -$2405.00; 15. januar - $2250.00; 22. januar -$1755.00; 29. januar - $1675.00. Mramor Frank in Slavka sta darovala $100 za blazine; Dar za cerkev v spomin na Tončko Demšar je namenil $50 Anton Šverko z družino. Namesto cvetja na grob pokojne Tončke Demšar je Jakob Truden z družino daroval za rože Oltarnemu društvu $50. Jeričevi so darovali $100 za cerkev namesto rož na grob pokojne Tončke Demšar. Julijana Verdnik daruje $100 za maše v misijonih v spomin na pokojne starše Horvat in Verdnik in vse pokojne. Iskrena hvala vsem za darove. obisk misijonarja_ V soboto, 25. februarja pride v Kanado na obisk slovenski misijonar PEDRO OPEKA, ki že dolga leta deluje na Madagaskarju. V nedeljo, 26. februarja bo imel sv. maše pri Brezmadežni v Torontu, v nedeljo, 4. marca, bo maševal pri Mariji Pomagaj, popoldan pa bo na Misijonski tomboli. Povabili smo ga tudi v Hamilton in sicer v soboto, 3. marca. Maševal bo pri večerni maši ob 5:30 p.m. Vabljeni, da se udeležite te svete maše in slišite kakšno je njegovo delovanje na Madagaskarju. postni čas_ Danes je zadnja nedelja pred postom. V sredo je že PEPELNICA, prvi dan postnega časa in strogi post. Strogi post pomeni, da se vzdržimo mesnih jedi in se samo enkrat na dan do sitega najemo. Med sveto mašo bo tudi obred pepelenja kot znamenje naše spokornosti in pripravljenosti na spreobrnenje. Na prvi strani je pismo našega škofa, ki nas vse vabi h konkretnim dejanjem. Ob petkih bomo imeli pol ured pred mašo, to je ob 6:30 p.m. pobožnost križevega pota. coffe & donuts after mass Slovenska šola invites everyone to come to the Lower Hall next Sunday, February 26th to enjoy a hot cup of coffee and a donut or krof with some good company! The children will be serving them along with tea and juice for only $1.00 each in the Lower Hall. OD „. 01. 20,2 svete mase - masses Do 26. °2. 20,2 Masses Monoay-Frioay 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 19. Februar 7. Nedelja med leton Bonifacij, škof za žive in rajne župljane t Martin Glavač tt Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Žena Marija z družino Družina Ponikvar Ponedeljek - Monday 20.Februar Frančišek in Jacinta t t Jože Lehner Tončka Demšar 7:00 p.m. Mama Cilka Družina Šetej Torek - Tuesday 21.Februar Irena /Mira), dev. t t t t Tončka Demšar Adolf Terhljan Tončka Demšar Štefka Rihar 7:00 p.m. Anton Šverko z družino Joe in Kathy Terhljan Jerry Ponikvar z družino Jerry Ponikvar z družino Sreda - WEDNESDAY t Izidor Zabukovec 7.00 p.m. Mary Zabukovec z družino F tt Angelo in Zaliza Simčič Steve in Vida Sajder 22. FEBRUAR t Tončka Demšar Elizabeta in Frank Gimpelj z PEPELNICA tt starši Marija in Ivan Ray Štefan in Gizella Ray z dr. Četrtek - Thursday t Veronika Prša, obl. 7:00 p.m. Joe in Kathy Prša 23.Februar t Tončka Demšar Ludvik Hull z družino Polikarp, šk-muč. t Štefka Rihar Mešani pevski zbor Petek - Friday 24. Februar Matija, apostol Jožef Pust Matija Vlašič Tončka Demšar Štefka Rihar 7:00 p.m. Žena Frances Žena in otroci Slomškovo oltarno društvo Gizella in Štefan Ray z dr. Sobota - Saturday 25.Februar Alojzij in Kalist, muč. Po namenu tt Micka Gazvoda t Ivan in Jožica Siljevinac t Marija Vučko (Montreal) 8:15 a.m. n.n. 5:30 p.m. Anica Saje Družina Šetej Terezija Zadravec NEDELJA - SUNDAY 26.Februar 1. Postna nedelja Aleksander, šk. za žive in rajne župljane tt Mila in Fonzi Mozetič 9:30 a.m. Manja Erzetič t Mike Martin 11:00 a.m. Joe in Kathy Prša OBČNI ZBOR - GENERAL MEETING 3:00 p.m. ZGORNJA ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.