Acrocephalus 113 - 114.qxd 28.3.2003 8:52 Pagel4^K Acrocephalus 23 (113-114): 147, 2002 Forum: Comments on the short article Tucakov, M. (2002): A case of late breeding of the Black Stork Gconid nigra in northwestern Voivodina (Serbia). Acrocephalus 23 (112): 97-98. Razprava: Komentarji na članek TUCAKOV, M. (2002): Primer poznega gnezdenja črne štorklje Ciconinna Nigra v severozahodni Vojvodini. Acrocephalus 23 (112): 97-98. Béla Kalocsa1 & Eniko Anna Tamás 1TT scr\r\ r> • TvT t i c t t ilil r^i • l H-6500 Baja, JNagy I. u. 15., Hungary, e-maü: 2T T scr\r\ r> • A ' • o T T •! r^i • I H-6500 B aja, Apáczai u. 8., Hungary, e-mail: We have been monitoring the Black Stork Ciconia 3. We found a negative effect of heavy rainfall on the nigra population in the lower Hungarian valley of the reproduction success of the Black Stork in 2001. river Danube (from the throat of Sió channel to the There was a very rainy period not long after southern border of Hungary), and we consider the hatching, when the young were still lying in the Danube floodplains as a continuous habitat, bottom of the nests (they were too young to stand). regardless of the country borders from the Sió throat The bottom of the nests is typically filled with soil down to Kopa~ki rit and Apatin. Reading the article and mosses, very dense and quite hard, so water of Marko Tucakov we would like to add a few remains in it. Many young died, according to our thoughts on the subject of late breeding, food supply theory because they had to lie in the water for a week and reproduction success of the Black Stork. or even more in relatively cold weather. Of course there is no proof, just that there was no other visible 1. It is interesting that Tucakov, based on data from reason to account for the dead chicks found in such literature, times the laying, hatching and fledging on nests. average 3-4 weeks later than we do. In our 10-years of experience in the Gemenc region, laying takes 4. From 1992 to 2002 (11 years) the lowest yearly place at the end of March or beginning of April, average number of young per nest in the Gemenc hatching in the first half of May – we have several area (the floodplain between Sió throat and Báta) times seen young in the first week of May. Fledging was 2.4 (in 1998) and the highest 4.1 (in 2000), takes place in the first half of July on average. The while the mean number of young for the 11 years earliest proven fledging in Gemenc took place on was 3.0. July 11th, and the latest on September 2nd. In our experience, even those young which are already able 5. In the article mentioned by Tucakov [Kalocsa, B. to fly often stay on and around the nest until the & E. Tamás (1996): Nesting of Black Storks in the beginning of August, and the adults still feed them. Gemenc floodplain forest. IInd International It has also happened that young Black Storks left the Conference on the Black Stork, Trujillo, Spain] we nest and then, some days after, they were back on the certainly wrote that Black Storks often build a new nest again. nest due to human disturbance, but we have no proof of nesting in such a “new nest” in the same year 2. Black Storks may often fly 10, even 15, km from they leave the “old one”. This is not to mean it the nest site, if the closest Suitable feeding place are cannot be so, of course. dry. There is, for example, a regularly occupied nest near Vaskút, 10 km from the floodplain, with dry Altogether we agree with Tucakov that the breeding sand all around. There were 5 young in it in 2000. recorded by him was indeed late. We also agree that There was very heavy precipitation in the beginning it is difficult to determine the reasons; whether, for of 2000, resulting in a number of agricultural example, it was due to human disturbance or to problems. There was also a rather high flood wave on failed previous breeding attempts. the river Danube before the breeding season, so wet feeding places could remain, although possibly hard to find. We have also quite frequently observed Black Storks crossing the river for food. 145