135 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Low-power OTA-C Based Tuneable Fractional Order Filters Ibrahim Ethem Sacu 1 , Mustafa Alci 2 1 Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey 2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey Abstract: In this study, a low-voltage low-power, simple operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) based fractional order low- pass and high-pass filters of order (n+α) are designed and simulated with CADENCE-PSPICE where 0<α<1 and n≥1. The employed transconductance amplifier operates at ±0.75 V. To simulate designed filters, 0.35 μm TSMC CMOS technology parameters are used. The simulation results verify theoretical statements. The power dissipations of simulated low-pass filters of orders 1.3, 1.5, 2.3 and 2.5 are 14.6 nW, 13 nW, 17 nW and 15.3 nW, respectively. For the same filter orders, the corresponding dissipation values of high-pass filters are respectively 45.2 nW, 42.7 nW, 47.5 nW and 45 nW. In addition to the low-power low-voltage operation, another significant advantage of the proposed circuit topologies is that the OTA based low-pass and high-pass topologies provide electronic tuning capability of the orders and frequency responses of the filters without any structural change on these topologies. Therefore, same circuit topology can be used for the different orders of the same filter by just changing the biasing currents of the used OTAs. Additionally, OTA-C based filters offer usage of the grounded capacitors as well as resistorless realization. Keywords: Fractional filter; fractional circuit; low power Nastavljiv filter frakcijskega reda nizkih moči na osnovi OTA-C Izvleček: Članek predstavlja nizko in visoko pasovne filtre nizkih napetost in majhne moči na osnovi transkonduktančnega operacijskega ojačevalnika (OTC). Filtri reda (n+α) so načrtani in simulirani v CADNECE_PSPICE okolju, pri čemer je 0<α<1 in n≥1. Transkonduktančni ojačevalnik deluje pri napetosti ±0.75 V. Filtri so simulirani v 0.35 μm TSMC CMOS tehnologiji. Poraba moči simuliranih nizkopasovnih filtrov reda 1.3, 1.5, 2.3 in 2.5 so 14.6 nW, 13 nW, 17 nW in 15.3 nW. Visokopasovni filtri enakih redov porabijo 45.2 nW, 42.7 nW, 47.5 nW in 45 nW moči. Nizko napetostno delovanje pri nizki porabi moči omogoča možnost elektronske nastavitve reda filtra brez spreminjanja topologije. Ista topologija tako omogoča izvedbo filtra različnega reda le s spreminjanjem mirovnega toka OTA. Filti na osnovi OTA-C omogočajo ozemljitev kondenzatorjev in izvedb o brez uporabe uporov. Ključne besede: frakcijski filter; frakcijsko vezje; nizka moč * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: malci@ erciyes.edu.tr Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 1 Introduction Fractional calculus is a branch of mathematics that considers differential equations of arbitrary order in contrast to classical calculus. It eliminates the require- ment that the order of differential equations has to be integer. Therefore, it generalizes conventional differen- tial and integral equations and helps the modelling of the real world phenomena better [1, 2]. Fractional cal- culus has found applications in engineering, biology, control, viscoelasticity, electromagnetism, diffusion theory etc. [3]. By applying fractional calculus to elec- tronics, sinusoidal oscillators, multi-vibrator circuits, phase locked loops, analogue fractional order control- lers, differentiators-integrators and fractional order fil- ters have emerged [3-23]. In the literature, several definitions of fractional deriva- tives have been proposed. One of them is the Riemann and Liouville fractional derivative, which is given as ∫ − − Γ = ≡ t t d f dt d t f D t f dt d 0 ) ( ) ( ) 1 ( 1 ) ( ) ( α α α α τ τ τ α (1) 136 I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 where Γ(.) is the Gamma function and fractional order α is 0<α≤1 [4]. Applying the Laplace transform to (1) with zero initial conditions yields {} ) ( ) ( 0 s F s t D L t C α α = (2) where s α is called the fractional Laplacian operator [14]. Even though a non-integer order filter is usually re- quired based on the specifications of applications, cur- rent practice rounds off the filter order to the nearest integer. Therefore, the filters used today are integer orders. However, this approach limits the freedom of design. Fortunately, introducing fractional calculus into filter design removes this limitation and presents some advantages. The main advantage is that it enables the stepping attenuation of the fractional filter that is –20×(n+α) dB/dec or –6×(n+α) dB/oct [2]. In all of the designs of fractional order filters, the frac- tional Laplacian operator s α has been used, due to the fact that transfer functions can be designed easily. However, a standard two-terminal component, which meets the fractional Laplacian operator, has not as yet been produced. Therefore, different methods have been proposed for approximating the fractional Lapla- cian operator. By means of these methods, integer order transfer functions are achieved [16]. In previous studies on fractional filters, namely fractional domain first order filters and second order filters, researchers mostly prefer to emulate s α via R-C networks [3, 13, 17]. Instead of following this procedure, in this study sub- stitution of the integer order approximation function into s α is preferred and then the final transfer function is used for implementation. In this paper, by using the (1+α) order transfer function provided by [3], OTA-C based fractional step approxi- mated Butterworth filter circuits of order (n+α) are de- signed and simulated. The aim of this study is not de- signing a new OTA active element or improving of OTA performance metrics. On the contrary, the target of this study is exploiting of OTAs presented features for de- signing fractional order filters. 2 Design steps of the fractional order filters In this section, general design equations for the ap- proximated fractional order low-pass and high-pass fil- ters of orders of (1+α) and (n+α) are derived and given in order. 2.1 The Approximated fractional Butterworth low- pass filters of order (1+α) The transfer function of the low-pass filter of order (1+α) was firstly introduced by [17] but it has an undesired peak in the pass-band. The modified version of the transfer func- tion of the approximated fractional order Butterworth low- pass step filter was proposed by Freeborn et al. as [3] 3 2 1 1 ) ( c c s s c H FLP + + = + α α (3) where c 1 , c 2 and c 3 are coefficients which are deter- mined by nonlinear curve fitting to achieve Butter- worth characteristics in the frequency response. As mentioned above, there is no commercially available electronic device to make the characteristics of the fractional Laplacian operator s α available. A solution of this problem is the using integer order circuits. There- fore, approximation methods like Carlson, Oustaloup, Matsuda, Continued Fraction Expansion (CFE) and the Charef method can be used. However, the result- ing approximation functions are only valid in a limited frequency band. As the order of the approximation function increases, the accuracy as well as frequency band increase. Also, it demands more in terms of the hardware and power. Therefore, there is a trade-off between accuracy and cost in hardware. Among these methods, the CFE method was preferred in this study from the circuit complexity point of view [9, 24]. According to the CFE method, the second order ap- proximation function of s α is defined as [9] ) 2 3 ( ) 2 8 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 2 8 ( ) 2 3 ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 + + + − + + − + − + − + + + ≅ α α α α α α α α α α α s s s s s (4) Substituting (4) into (3), the following integer order transfer function is derived as 2 1 2 0 3 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 ) ( ) ( k s k s k s m s m s m m c s H FLPF + + + + + ≅ +α (5) The expressions for m 0 , m 1 , m 2 and k 0 , k 1 , k 2 are found as 0 2 2 3 0 2 0 2 3 2 1 1 0 3 2 2 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 2 0 / ) ( / ) ) ( ( / ) ( 2 3 2 8 2 3 m c m c m k m m c c m k m c m c m m k m m m + = + + = + + = + − = − = + + = α α α α α (6) 137 The values of c 1 , c 2 and c 3 are determined by curve fit- ting by minimizing the cumulative pass-band error between responses of H 1 BWLPF (s) and H 1+α FLPF (s), where H 1 BWLPF (s) and H 1+α FLPF (s) are the 1st order and the (1+α) order fractional Butterworth filter responses, respec- tively. Before realizing the fractional order transfer functions, the stability of the fractional order transfer functions must be determined. To achieve that, the s to w domain transformation which requires that w=s 1/m is selected. In this transformation, it is assumed that all of the frac- tional orders can be expressed as α i =k i /m (i=1,2,3,…) where m is the common factor. The stability condition of this method is that all of the pole angles Iθ wi I have to be greater than π/(2xm). Detailed information and examples about stability can be found in [25]. Accord- ing to the s to w domain transformation, for α=0.3 and α=0.5, the following characteristic equations from (3) are obtained as 8 (a = 0.3) . 0 477 . 0 3 13 + + w w (7a) 859 (a = 0.5) . 0 68 . 0 5 15 + + w w (7b) where s=w 1/10 . For both of the characteristic equa- tions, the stability condition is that the pole angles Iθ wi I (i=1,2,3,…) have to be greater than π/(2x10). The minimum pole angles for (7a) and (7b) are calculated as I15.1671°I and I14.1656°I respectively, which satisfy the stability condition being greater than 9°. To realize the integer order transfer function of (5), a block diagram (BD) of the inverse follow the leader feed- back (IFLF) with the input distribution form can be used. The function of (5) can also be achieved by cascading of the first order transfer function of an integrator and second order transfer function of the single amplifier bi- quad (SAB) or the multiple amplifier biquad (MAB). But this way does not provide electronic tuning capability, at the same time it increases design complexity and power consumption. Thus, the IFLF form design is preferred. The BD diagram of the fractional low-pass filter is shown in Fig.1 where G i (i=0,1,2) corresponds to the scaled ver- sion of corresponding output quantity. The transfer function of this topology is expressed as 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 ) ( T T T s T T s T s T T T G s T T G s T G s H + + + + + = (8) where G 0 , G 1 , G 2 and T 1 , T 2 , T 3 are gains and time con- stants, respectively. By equating (5) with (8), it can be obtained that 2 1 3 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 2 , , 1 , , k k T k k T k T k c G m k m c G m k m c G = = = = = = (9) At the circuit realization, expressions in (9) will be uti- lized to determine the bias currents of OTAs in the filter. Figure 1: The BD diagram of the approximated Butter- worth low-pass fractional order filter 2.2 The Approximated fractional Butterworth high- pass filters of order (1+α) The transfer function of the fractional high-pass filters of order (1+α) can be obtained by replacing s with 1/s in (3). By performing this transformation and same steps in the Section 2.1, the following transfer function is de- rived as 0 3 0 2 2 0 1 3 2 2 1 3 0 0 3 1 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( k k s k k s k k s s m s m s m k c c s H FHPF + + + + + ≅ +α (10) The expressions for m 0 , m 1 , m 2 are same as those in (6), but the expressions k 0 , k 1 , k 3 and k 4 are found as 3 0 3 3 1 2 0 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 0 0 / ) / ) (( ) / ) (( ) / ( c m k c m c m m k c m c m m k c c m m k = + + = + + = + = (11) The BD diagram of the fractional high-pass filters of or- der (1+α) is portrayed in Fig.2. The transfer function of this topology is given by 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 ) ( T T T s T T s T s s T T G s T G s G s H + + + + + = (12) By equating (10) with (12), it can be found that I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 138 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 0 3 0 1 3 , , , , k k T k k T k k T k c m c G k c m c G k c m c G = = = = = = (13) Figure 2: The BD diagram of the approximated Butter- worth high-pass fractional order filter 2.3 Fractional low-pass filters of order (n+α) The transfer functions of the fractional low-pass filters of order (n+α) could be reached by using polynomial division given by (14) [3] ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 1 s B s H s H LP n FLPF FLPF n − + + = α α (14) where H 1+ ɑ FLPF (s) is the fractional low-pass filter given by (5) and B n-1 LP (s) is the (n–1) order standard low-pass But- terworth polynomial. From (14), the general form of fractional low-pass filters is derived as 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 ..... ) ( Y s Y s Y s Y X s X s X s H n n n n FLPF n + + + + + + ≅ + + + + +α (15) where the coefficients X i (i=0,1,2) and Y i (i=n+2, n+1,...0) can be found using k j and m j (j=0,1,2) in (5) and the coef- ficients of the Butterworth low-pass polynomial B n-1 LP (s). The BD diagram of the fractional low-pass filters of or- der (n+α) is shown in Fig.3b. The transfer function of this topology is expressed as 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 ... 1 ..... 1 1 ... ... ... ) ( + + + + + + + + + + + + = n n n n n n n FLPF n T T T s T T s T s T T T G s T T T G s T T T G s H α (16) By equating (15) with (16), it can be obtained that 1 ,..., 2 ; 2 ,..., 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 + = + = = = = − n j n i Y Y T i Y X G j j i i i i (17) An alternative way of the realization of the fractional low-pass filters of (n+α) is the cascade connection of fractional order filter H 1+ ɑ FLPF (s) and Butterworth filter of order (n–1) as portrayed in Fig.3a. The transfer function of the block is given as [23] ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( 1 1 s B s H s H LP n FLPF FLPF n − + + = α α (18) where B n-1 LP (s) is the (n–1) order low-pass Butterworth polynomial. a b Figure 3: The realization of the approximated Butter- worth low-pass fractional (n+α) order filters via: a cas- cade connection; b polynomial division 2.4 Fractional high-pass filters of order (n+α) As following the similar procedure carried out in the section of the (n+α) order fractional low-pass filters, the developed BD diagram and design equations for their high-pass counterparts are depicted in Fig.4 and expressed as ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 1 s B s H s H HP n FHPF FHPF n − + + = α α (19) where H 1+ ɑ FHPF (s) is the fractional high-pass filter given by (10) and B n-1 HP (s) is the Butterworth high-pass poly- nomial derived by writing 1/s instead of s in B n-1 LP (s). Substituting (10) into (19), the general IFLF form of frac- tional high-pass filters is obtained as 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 ..... ) ( Y s Y s Y s Y X s X s X s H n n n n FHPF n + + + + + + ≅ + + + + +α (20) where the coefficients X i (i=1,2,3) and Y i (i=n+2, n+1,...0) can be derived using k j (j=0,1,2,3) in (11) and m j (j=0,1,2) I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 139 in (6) and the coefficients of the Butterworth high-pass polynomial B HP n-1 (s). From Fig.4b, the transfer function of this topology is found as 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 ... 1 ..... 1 1 ) ( + + + + + + + + + + + + = n n n n n n n FHPF n T T T s T T s T s s T T G s T G s G s H α (21) By equating (20) with (21), it can be obtained that 1 ,..., 2 ; 2 ,..., 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , ; 3 , 2 , 1 , 1 + = + = = + + = = = − n j n i Y Y T n n n j i Y X G j j i j i i (22) a b Figure 4: The realization of the approximated Butter- worth high-pass fractional (n+α) order filters via: a cas- cade connection; b polynomial division The transfer function of the Fig.4a is given by ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( 1 1 s B s H s H n HP FHPF FHPF n − + + = α α (23) where B HP n-1 (s) is the (n–1) order high-pass Butterworth polynomial. Band-pass filters can also be attained by cascading the high-pass and low-pass filters as demonstrated in Fig.5. Figure 5: The realization of the approximated Butter- worth band-pass fractional (n+α) order filters via cas- cade connection 3 OTA-C based realizations of the fractional filters To achieve very low cut-off frequencies with OTA-C fil- ters, very low transconductance values are required. In order to achieve low transconductance values, the OTA structure shown in Fig.6 is chosen [26]. It is chosen due the fact that this OTA building block has very simple internal construction to provide advantages of less power consumption and chip area. At the same time, it allows a wide range of transconductance controlla- bility. Moreover, its linear input range is improved over the classical differential pair. In this scheme, the input voltages V ip and V in are applied to improved cross cou- pled MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) cell composed of M 1 -M 2 and M 3 -M 4 . The output current I 0 is related to input differential voltage (V ip –V in ) as I 0 =g m ×(V ip –V in ). The OTA is biased in manner of operating in subthreshold region for low voltage operation. The transconductance of the OTA is adjusted by the bias current source I B . The supply voltages V DD and V CC are selected as +0.75 V and –0.75 V, respectively. The output current expression of the chosen OTA is given by         − + + = ) 2 ln 2 tanh( ) 2 ln 2 tanh( m nV V m nV V I I T id T id B o (24) where the V id is the input voltage difference (V ip –V in ), V T is the thermal voltage, m is the ratio of aspect ratios of the M 1 (M 2 ) and M 3 (M 4 ) and n is the subthreshold slope factor. Figure 6: The used OTA structure I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 140 The realized filter topologies are depicted in Fig.7 and Fig.8, respectively. From these figures, the related time constants could be expressed as mk k k g C T = (25) where k is 1, 2 and 3. Figure 7: The circuit of OTA-C based fractional order Butterworth low-pass filter of order (1+α) Figure 8: The circuit of OTA-C based fractional order Butterworth high-pass filter of order (1+α) Adding extra (n–1) OTA-C integrators to Fig.7 and Fig.8, the (n+α) order low-pass and high-pass filters are re- alized according to the polynomial division method, respectively. If the cascade connection method is pre- ferred, the circuit of the (n–1) order corresponding But- terworth filters should be connected to output ports of circuits in Fig.7 and Fig.8, respectively. 4 Simulation In this section, while the circuit level simulations of the OTA-C based low-pass and high-pass filters of or- der (n+α) are performed via PSPICE with 0.35 μm TSMC CMOS technology parameters, their corresponding transfer functions are simulated numerically. Then both of the results are given in comparative way. 4.1 The Approximated fractional Butterworth low- pass filters The parameters given by (9) are calculated and the scaled versions according to f = 100Hz are given in Ta- ble 1 for α = 0.3 and α = 0.5. Table 1: The calculated parameters given by (9) for α = 0.3 and α = 0.5 α = 0.3 α = 0.5 T 1 4.6 10 -4 5.5 10 -4 T 2 14 10 -4 14 10 -4 T 3 61 10 -4 54 10 -4 G 0 1.01 1.01 G 1 0.685 0.6 G 2 0.115 0.07 From Table 1, the required bias currents of OTAs for α = 0.5 and for α = 0.3 with the equal values of the in- tegrator capacitors of 10 pF are calculated and given in Table 2. Table 2: The calculated bias current of OTAs according to Table 1 α = 0.3 α = 0.5 I b1 1.8 nA 1.5 nA I b2 573 pA 597 pA I b3 135 pA 154 pA The results of frequency simulations for α  =  0.5 and α  = 0.3 are demonstrated in Fig.9, the corresponding theoretical values are also given in same figure. It can be clearly seen from the Fig.9 that the stop-band at- tenuation changes according to the fractional order α which supports the theoretical statements, as it is ex- pected. The derived stop-band attenuations for α = 0.5 and α = 0.3 are respectively –30.4 dB/dec and –25.61 dB/ dec in the range of 628 to 6280 rad/sec, which are close to –20×(1.5) dB/dec  =  –30 dB/dec and –20×(1.3) dB/ dec = –26 dB/dec. Therefore, unlike the integer order fil- ters, stop-band attenuation of –20×(α+1) dB/dec can be achieved closely. Moreover, the stop-band attenuation increases by increasing the order α. However, it should I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 141 be taken into account that there is not a very precise slope of attenuation beyond 6280 rad/sec because the used approximation function is just the second order form. On the other hand, the filter presents quite flat re- sponse in the pass-band for the all values of α. Figure 9: The numerical and simulated responses of fractional Butterworth low-pass filters of different orders The power dissipations of low-pass filters of orders 1.3 and 1.5 are derived as 14.6 nW and 13 nW, respectively. Hence, the proposed filter topologies are suitable for low power applications. In order to compare proposed filter circuits with the others in the literature, some performance parameters are given in Table 3. It can be deduced from Table 3 that proposed circuits outperform the work in [23] in terms of power efficiency as well as slope of stop-band atten- uation. Additionally, proposed filters support electron- ic tuning in contrast to the work in [23]. On the other hand, even though the work in [22] has advantages over proposed circuits in terms of power consumption and supply voltage, it needs very low and accurate bias currents so it can be very difficult to achieve such a very low and accurate current levels. Different from works of [22-23], comparing proposed circuits with the oth- ers, proposed filters have advantages of the low power consumption and low supply voltage, integration ca- pability, good slope of the stop-band attenuation and electronic tunability. But it should be considered that other circuits except the works of [22-23] are based on discrete form circuit components. To observe output Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) level, a fixed frequency of 30 Hz and variable amplitude sinusoidal input signal is applied to the fractional low- pass filters. The realized output is presented in Fig.10. Table 3: The comparison of some performance parameters of the fractional order filters of order 1.5 [3] [14] [16] [18] [22] [23] This study Filter Types LP-HP LP-HP BP -BR LP-HP BP LP LP-HP LP LP-HP Approx. Method - order CFE -2 nd CFE -4 th CFE -2 nd FEA CFE -2 nd CFE -2 nd CFE -2 nd Circuit configuration FPAA based RLC circuit SAB circuit CCII based Sinh/Log domain building block based DDCC based OTA based Mode VM VM VM VM CM VM VM Technology - - - - 0.18 μm 0.35 μm 0.35 μm Voltage supply - - - - 500 mV ±500 mV ±750mV Electronic tunability Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Supported Not supported Supported Integration capacitor (min) - - - - 60 pF 751 pF 10 pF Power cons. (Sim.) LP - - - - 5.47 nW 185 μW 13 nW HP 3.56 nW - 42.7 nW Cut-off freq. (Theo.\Sim..) LP 1 kHz \ - 1 kHz \ - - \ - - \160 Hz 10 Hz \11.8 Hz 1.7 kHz \- 100 Hz \101.6 Hz HP 10 kHz \ - - \ - - \ - - \ - - \3.87 Hz - \ - 100 Hz \100.3 Hz Stop-band attenuations Sim. (Theoretically -30 dB/ dec or -6 dB/oct) LP -30.75 dB/ dec - -29.74 dB/dec - -9.1 dB/oct -31 dB/dec - 30.4 dB/dec HP -29.49 dB/ dec - - - -9.2 dB/oct - -29.7 dB/dec I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 142 It is clearly seen that, the THD level is acceptable up to 120 mV input amplitude. Figure 10: The output THD versus a fixed frequency- variable amplitude input voltage To evaluate the time domain response of the low-pass filter, as an input, a 30 Hz sinusoidal signal with 50 mV amplitude is applied to filter of order α = 0.5. The ob- tained output signal is shown in Fig.11. Figure 11: The time domain response of the 1.5th or- der fractional Butterworth low-pass filter To gain more insights about higher order fractional fil- ters and show applicability of the cascade realization, the simulated responses of the 2.3rd and 2.5th order fractional low-pass filters are depicted in Fig.12. The power dissipations of low-pass filters of orders 2.3 and 2.5 are derived as 17 nW and 15.3 nW, respectively. The simulated pass-band attenuations of these filters are respectively –45.3 dB/dec and –50.13 dB/dec while their theoretical values are –45 dB/dec and –50 dB/dec. 4.2 The Approximated fractional Butterworth high- pass filters The parameters provided by (13) are calculated and given in Table 4 for α = 0.3 and α = 0.5, respectively. Table 4: The calculated parameters given by (13) for α = 0.3 and α = 0.5 α = 0.3 α = 0.5 T 1 4.13 10 -4 4.71 10 -4 T 2 18 10 -4 18 10 -4 T 3 55 10 -4 46 10 -4 G 1 0.12 0.07 G 2 0.68 0.6 G 3 1 1 According to Table 4, the corresponding bias currents of OTAs for α = 0.5 with the same values of the capaci- tors of 10 pF are obtained and presented in Table 5. The results of simulations for α  = 0.3 and α  = 0.5 are illustrated in Fig.13. It can be deduced from the Fig.13 that the stop-band attenuation changes according to fractional order α. The reached stop-band attenua- tions for α = 0.5 and α = 0.3 are respectively –29.7 dB/ dec and –25.5 dB/dec, which are close to –20×(1.5) dB/ dec = –30 dB/dec and –20×(1.3) dB/dec = – 26 dB/dec. Table 5: The calculated bias current of OTAs according to Table 4 α = 0.3 α = 0.5 I b1 2 nA 1.75nA I b2 467 pA 448 pA I b3 149 pA 178 pA I bx 2 nA 2 nA The power consumptions of high-pass filters of orders 1.3 and 1.5 are simulated as 45.2 nW and 42.7 nW, re- spectively. The main reason of higher power dissipa- tions of the high-pass filters in contrast to their low- pass counterparts is the summation node constructed by the U4(g mx ) and U5(1/g mx ) shown in Fig.8. Figure 12: The simulated responses of the 2.3rd and 2.5th order fractional Butterworth low-pass filters I. E. Sacu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 135 – 144 143 To evaluate output THD level versus input voltage, a fixed frequency of 1 kHz and variable input sinus is ap- plied to the fractional high-pass filters. The obtained THD level doesn’t exceed 2.9% up to 120 mV input volt- age. Thus, the high-pass filters can be kept in accept- able THD range up to 120 mV input amplitude. To attain higher order fractional high-pass filters, the cascade connection is preferred because of its simplic- ity. The simulated responses of the 2.3rd and 2.5th or- der fractional high-pass filters are presented in Fig.14. The power dissipations of high-pass filters of orders 2.3 and 2.5 are derived as 47.5 nW and 45 nW, respectively. The simulated pass-band attenuations of these filters are respectively –45.1 dB/dec and –49.3 dB/dec while their theoretical values are –46 dB/dec and –50 dB/dec. Figure 14: The simulated responses of the 2.3rd and 2.5th order fractional Butterworth high-pass filters 5. Conclusion In this study, the OTA-C based approximated fractional order Butterworth filters are introduced, designed and simulated. The general design equations are derived and given in order for the readers. Even though the fractional filters are approximated by higher degree integer order transfer functions or R-C networks com- posed of the many branches, these are the simple ways of circuit implementations until fractional electronic components become commercially available. The sim- ulation results confirm theoretical statements. Howev- er, it should be taken into account that there are small deviations from the ideal cases due to approximation functions, rounding errors and the non-ideal charac- teristics of active elements. Nevertheless, it can be said that unlike their integer order counterparts, fractional order filters provide fractional stepping attenuation in the stop-band. Furthermore, it can be deduced from simulations that the proposed filter topology is appro- priate for low amplitude-low frequency signals like bio- medical signals, such as EEG (electroencephalograph), EOG (electrooculogram). 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