R. KOTTNER et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CORK/RUBBER COMPOSITE 579–583 INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CORK/RUBBER COMPOSITE RAZISKAVA MEHANSKIH LASTNOSTI KOMPOZITA PLUTA/GUMA Radek Kottner1, Jiøí Kocáb2, Jan Heczko2, Jan Krystek1 1University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, European Centre of Excellence, NTIS – New Technologies for Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Plzeò, Czech Republic 2University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanics, Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Plzeò, Czech Republic kottner@kme.zcu.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-07-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.172 This work was focused on the investigation of the mechanical properties of the ACM87 composite when subjected to a large strain. Simple tension, simple shear, simple compression, and volumetric compression tests were performed using a universal testing machine. Various strain rates were used. The material data necessary for the identification of the parameters of a finite-strain viscoelastic constitutive model, such as the Bergstrom-Boyce model, were obtained. Keywords: cork, rubber, particle composite, Bergstrom-Boyce model, viscoelastic, large strain Delo je usmerjeno v preiskavo mehanskih lastnosti kompozita ACM87, ki je bil izpostavljen veliki obremenitvi. Na univerzal- nem preizku{evalnem stroju so bili izvr{eni natezni, stri`ni, tla~ni in volumetri~ni tla~ni preizkusi. Uporabljene so bile razli~ne hitrosti obremenjevanja. Dobljeni so bili podatki o materialu, ki so potrebni za postavitev parametrov konstitutivnega viskoelasti~nega modela kon~ne obremenitve, kot je Bergstrom-Boycev model. Klju~ne besede: pluta, guma, kompozitni delec, Bergstrom-Boycev model, viskoelasti~nost, velika obremenitev 1 INTRODUCTION Cork/rubber composites are often used to damp vibrations before they are radiated as an acoustic noise and before they are transmitted to the other components of the system. An improvement of the damping proper- ties of carbon-fibre reinforced plastics using an integra- tion of the layers made of a cork/rubber composite or rubber, when subjected to small strain deformations, was proved.1–3 In these works, cantilever flat bars and square tubes were experimentally analysed. Similar cantilever beams were applied in the structure of a machine tool. The influence of the hybrid composite lay-up on the stiffness and damping of the cantilever beams was numerically investigated.1,2 The Rayleigh damping was considered in the numerical simulations. Since this work is motivated by an application of the ACM87 (AMORIM cork/rubber particle composite) as a damping layer with much larger deformations (e.g., in helmets), a more accurate material model, which would be possible to use for finite-strain simulations, has to be used. The Bergstrom-Boyce model4 is one of the models suitable for elastomer modelling. This micromechanics- inspired theory successfully captures many time-depen- dent characteristics. Since cork has a cellular structure similar to foam5 it does not exhibit incompressibility (in contradistinction to rubber). Therefore, the aim of this work is to obtain experimental data for the identification Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 579–583 579 UDK 620.1:620.17:620.168 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(4)579(2016) Figure 1: Experimental samples for: a) simple tension (T2 or T9), b) simple shear (S6), c) simple compression (C9), d) volumetric com- pression (V9) Slika 1: Vzorci za preizkuse: a) enostaven nateg (T2 ali T9), b) eno- stavno stri`enje (S6), c) enostavno stiskanje (C9), d) volumetri~no tla~enje (V9) of the parameters of a finite-strain viscoelastic constitu- tive model using simple tension, simple shear and simple compression tests (simple tests) according to 6 and, in addition, using a volumetric-compression test. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Experimental samples were cut from ACM87 plates using a water jet. The plates were (2, 6 and 9) mm thick. The geometry and designation are obvious from Fig- ure 1. The first symbol denotes the type of the test and the second symbol denotes the characteristic dimension. The strain rate is appended to these two symbols (e.g., T2_0.10 is a tensile sample with a 2 mm thickness that was loaded at a 0.1 s–1 strain rate). The tests were performed on a Zwick/Roell Z050 machine using 200 N or 50 kN load cells (Figure 2). A contact-type extensometer with two sensor arms was used to measure displacements under the tensile (T) and shear (S) loading. The initial gage length in the case of the T test was 10 mm. In the case of the S test, the rela- tive displacement of the steel plates, the glue wasn't measured (it was used for the bonding of the steel plates and the samples), was measured using the Loctite 480 glue. Displacement during the compression tests was measured using an extensometer with one sensor arm that was placed on the moving platen (simple com- pression – C test) or on the moving grip where the piston was fixed (volumetric compression – V test). At least three new intact samples (to enable the observation of the Mullins effect) were used for each test. The temperature was 23±1 °C, the atmospheric moi- sture was 50±6 %. R. KOTTNER et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CORK/RUBBER COMPOSITE 580 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 579–583 Figure 5: Force-time diagram, simple tension, strain rate of 0.1 s–1 Slika 5: Diagram sila-~as, enostaven nateg, hitrost obremenjevanja 0,1 s–1 Figure 3: Applied-strain history Slika 3: Zgodovina uporabljenega obremenjevanja Figure 4: Force-time diagram, simple tension, strain rate of 0.01 s–1 Slika 4: Diagram sila-~as enostaven nateg, hitrost obremenitve 0,01 s–1 Figure 2: Performed tests: a) simple tension, b) simple shear, c) sim- ple compression, d) volumetric compression Slika 2: Izvedeni preizkusi: a) enostaven nateg, b) enostavno stri`enje, c) enostavno stiskanje, d) volumetri~no tla~enje The same nominal-strain history was applied in the T, S and C tests.6 The strain history is shown in Figure 3. Five loading/unloading cycles with values of the nominal strain 1 = 10 %, 2 = 20 % and 3 = 30 % were per- formed. The relaxation time was t = 60 s. The samples were loaded at three different nominal-strain rates: 0.01 s–1, 0.1 s–1, and 1 s–1. Only three cycles were performed during the V test. The maximum strain for all three cycles was 30 %. The relaxation time was t = 0 s. All the V samples were loaded at a 0.02 s–1 strain rate. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From the minimum of three samples for each test, typical force-time/displacement curves were selected and further processed. Figures 4 to 12 show force-time (F-t) curves for the simple tests. It is obvious that the forces relaxed signifi- cantly. Especially, when the strain rate was 0.1 s–1, the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 579–583 581 R. KOTTNER et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CORK/RUBBER COMPOSITE Figure 10: Force-time diagram, simple compression, strain rate of 0.01 s–1 Slika 10: Diagram sila-~as, enostavno tla~enje, hitrost obremenjevanja 0,01 s–1 Figure 7: Force-time diagram, simple shear, strain rate of 0.01 s–1 Slika 7: Diagram sila-~as, enostavno stri`enje, hitrost obremenjevanja 0,01 s–1 Figure 6: Force-time diagram, simple tension, strain rate of 1 s–1 Slika 6: Diagram sila-~as, enostaven nateg, hitrost obremenjevanja 1 s–1 Figure 9: Force-time diagram, simple shear, strain rate of 1 s–1 Slika 9: Diagram sila-~as, enostavno stri`enje, hitrost obremenjevanja 1 s–1 Figure 8: Force-time diagram, simple shear, strain rate of 0.1 s–1 Slika 8: Diagram sila-~as, enostavno stri`enje, hitrost obremenjevanja 0,1 s–1 582 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 579–583 R. KOTTNER et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CORK/RUBBER COMPOSITE Figure 13: Force-displacement diagram, simple tension, various strain rates, sample thickness of 2 mm Slika 13: Diagram sila-raztezek, enostaven nateg, razli~ne hitrosti obremenjevanja, debelina vzorca 2 mm Figure 12: Force-time diagram, simple compression, strain rate of 1 s–1 Slika 12: Diagram sila-~as, enostavno tla~enje, hitrost obremenjevanja 1 s–1 Figure 11: Force-time diagram, simple compression, strain rate of 0.1 s–1 Slika 11: Diagram sila-~as, enostavno tla~enje, hitrost obremenjevanja 0,1 s–1 Figure 16: Force-displacement diagram, simple compression, various strain rates Slika 16: Diagram sila-raztezek, enostavno tla~enje, razli~ne hitrosti obremenjevanja Figure 15: Force-displacement diagram, simple shear, various strain rates Slika 15: Diagram sila-raztezek, enostavno stri`enje, razli~ne hitrosti obremenjevanja Figure 14: Force-displacement diagram, simple tension, various strain rates, sample thickness of 9 mm Slika 14: Diagram sila-raztezek, enostaven nateg, razli~ne hitrosti obremenjevanja, debelina vzorca 9 mm force decrease was approximately 30 % during the rela- xation time and if the relaxation time was longer, the force would still relax. The force-displacement (F-u) curves of the simple tests are shown in Figures 13 to 16. The sequence of the loading/unloading cycles is obvious from the stress- strain curve of the simple tension test in Figure 17. A significant influence of the strain rate on the F-u curves is obvious in all the performed tests. Both hysteresis and stiffness increase with the strain rate. The observed force-time/displacement diagrams can be converted (using the mentioned geometry of the sam- ples) into stress-time/strain diagrams. Then, a closed- form solution of the identification of the parameters of a large-strain viscoelastic constitutive model can be performed. However, a conversion with high accuracy is possible only in the case of simple tension. In the cases of simple compression and simple shear, the strain distri- bution is not homogeneous. Therefore, a more accurate identification process can be done using a numerical model where the F-t or F-u curves of finite-ele- ment-method simulations are fitted to the experimental data.7,8 Figure 18 shows a pressure-volume ratio diagram of the volumetric compression test. Assuming a hydrostatic stress field, the value of the initial bulk modulus was determined to be K = 9.3 MPa.9 4 CONCLUSIONS Experimental data for the identification of the parameters of the Bergstrom-Boyce model or other vis- coelastic constitutive models of the ACM87 composite were obtained. Significant time-dependent behaviour of the material was proved. The amount of energy dissi- pated during the loading/unloading cycles (the area within the loops) demonstrates the suitability of the cork/rubber composite for damping. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Ministry of Educa- tion, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the project LO1506 PUNTIS, and by the Student Grant System SGS-2013-36. 5 REFERENCES 1 R. Kottner, J. Vacík, R. Zem~ík, Mater. Tehnol., 47 (2013) 2, 189–193 2 V. La{ová, J. Vacík, R. Kottner, Procedia Engineering, 48 (2012), 358–366, doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.526 3 J. Vacík, V. La{ová, R. Kottner, J. Káòa, Experimental determination of damping characteristics of hybrid composite structure, Proc. of the 48th International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Velké Losiny, 2010, 483–490 4 J. S. Bergström, M. C. Boyce, Mechanics of Materials, 32 (2000) 11, 627–644, doi:10.1016/S0167-6636(00)00028-4 5 A. Kossa, Effect of the modelling of lateral stretch in the parameters identification algorithm of hyperelastic foam materials, Proc. of the 31st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Kempten, 2014, 141–142 6 J. S. 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