Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. 279 BIOLOGICAL DEGRADATION OF MOTOR OIL IN WATER Karmen Plohl, Hermina Leskovšek Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Mihael Bricelj National Institute of Biology, Večna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Received 05-02-2001 Abstract The biodegradability of petroleum hydrocarbons from motor oil (Proton Avant, Petrol, Slovenia) was studied in aqueous media using different bacterial strains isolated from native catchments in Štajerska and Prekmurje. An unidentified bacterial strain AL-12 from the culture of cyanobacteria was found as the most successful in degrading alkanes from n-C15 to n-C40 present in the fresh motor oil in a quantity of 98%. Small aliquots of motor oil were incubated aerobically for a period of up to 50 days, following the hydrocarbon content by GC/MSD analysis. Within 5 days of incubation up to 70% of n-alkanes n-C15-n-C22, up to 45% of n-C22-n-C30 and up to 20% of n-C30-n-C40 were biodegraded. As expected, abiotic losses were smaller with increasing alkane chain length, but increased with incubation time. Introduction Environmental pollution with petroleum and petrochemical products (complex mixtures of hydrocarbons) has been recognized as one of the most serious current problems, especially when associated with accidental spills on the large scale. If this occurs, hydrocarbons may reach the water table before becoming immobilized in the soil. They spread horizontally on the ground-water surface and continue to partition into ground water, soil pore space air, and to the surfaces of soil particles. Bioremediation has become an alternative way of remediation of oil polluted sites, where the addition of specific microorganisms (bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa) or enhancement of microorganisms already present can improve biodegradation efficiency in both in-situ and/or ex-situ (in reactors) procedures.1,2 Hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms play an important role in the aquatic environment. Several investigation have shown that the biodegradation of the fractions making up heavy oils occurs according to the following priority scale: K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water 280 Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. aliphatics>aromatics>polars>asphaltenes.3 Under ideal conditions, the hydrocarbons are completely mineralized to carbon dioxide and water, with some biomass production. More often biodegradation is not complete. Biodegradation efficiency depends on microorganisms, capable of producing enzymes that will degrade the target compound. Factor such as temperature, pH, and nutrient status are of importance as moderators. Oxygen availability is usually the rate-limiting factor in aerobic degradation of hydrocarbons in groundwater.4 Aerobic biodegradation of aliphatic hydrocarbons with bacterial strains depends on biological (enzymatic activity, steric hidrance-diffusion into the cells) and physico-chemical parameters (solubility, emulsion effect, surface tension).3 As the most chemicals, intimate contact between the microbial cell surface and hydrocarbons appears necessary for high degradation rates. Bacteria are frequently attached to alkane droplets. The first step in the aerobic degradation of hydrocarbons is the incorporation of molecular oxygen in the hydrocarbon.1 The most common pathway of alkane biodegradation is oxidation at the terminal methyl group.1 The alkane is oxidized first to an alcohol and then to the corresponding fatty acid. After formation of a carboxyl group the oxidation proceeds by successive removal of two carbon units through ß-oxidation, which is universal to most, living systems. Under ß-oxidation, the beta methylene group is oxidized to a ketone group followed by the removal of a two-carbon fragment from the compound.1 The degradation potential of alkanes is a function of carbon chain length. It was found that the chain compounds shorter than C9 except methane are more difficult to degrade than longer chains.1 Under aerobic conditions methane is readily used as the sole carbon source by methanotrophs. For instance, successful degradation of ethane, propane, and butane by Pseudomonas methanic, require cometabolism where methane serves as a primary substratum.1 Short chain liquid aliphatics of less than 10 carbon atoms tend to be toxic for the most bacteria but not for other organisms.1 Toxicity is a function of solubility in water. The high concentration partly causes damage of bacterial cell membrane and destroys the function of proteins for transport and oxidation. The degradation of n-alkanes higher than C9 increases with the chain length.3 The longer-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons is readily degraded by a wide variety of K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. 281 microorganisms under aerobic conditions. For liquid n-alkanes, C12-C16, low solid n-alkanes, C17-C28, and high solid alkanes, above C28, a different degradation pattern can be proposed.3 Liquid and low solid n-alkanes which are less soluble in water and therefore less toxic to microorganisms, degrade more readily than short chains (n-C30. K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water 286 Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. Abundance s "P- s "P- ooooo <3soooo «300000 ssoooo sooooo -^i-soooo -^i-ooooo I3SOOOO 300000 i^soooo i^ooooo -1 soooo -I ooooo soooo TIC: ALBDOA.D =.=¦._. s. I s..-. s i-i— Abundance 900000 TIC: ALBD5B.D 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 1ooooo Bqualano n-C25 ^J^ lw w"WHfVlwi i 5.00 10.0015.0020.0025.0030.0035.0040.0045.0050.0055.0060.0065.0070.00 Time--> Abundance T'ooooo - TIC: ."»I__*>»c 3 S-&. 1.D (3SOOOO - (300000 3 Cl LI S3 IE3 ITS SSOOOO sooooo n-C2 ¦4SOOOO 1 1 1 ¦SOOOOO SSOOOO M i J II 300000 - w 1 Vf f ni UL L SSOOOO I* "H 300000 - J ' 'Pli II 1soooo- I w y \ 1ooooo- L (P soooo L _ _J^~ jJL JU IA" lp yl *<__________ S. OO I O. C3IZI-I S .OOSO.OOSS.0030 _00:3S_0040_00.4S_OOSO_OOSS_ 00(30.OOSS.OOT'O. oo Figure 1. The total ion chromatogram (a) of motor oil (concentration 83 mg mL-1) and of biotic (b) and abiotic (c) samples after 5 days of incubation. a b o c K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. 287 The higher molecular mass alkanes were less affected by abiotic losses but were also less biodegraded. In the following 2 months, however, biodegradation increased slowly, even though metabolism was high enough to maintain the bacterial activity at the same level. A possible reason was that the bacteria did not become modified to degrade less degradable higher molecular mass compounds. It was also proved that the first 5 days of incubation were the most important for biodegradation for e.g. n-C28 (Figure 2), during which the majority of the compound was degraded, and only a slight increase followed in the remaining incubation time (45 days). Unfortunately, abiotic losses increased during incubation time from 5±2% on 5 day to 40±2% on 50 day. 90 80 70 60- 50 Biodegradation (%) 40- 30 20- 10- 0 0 5 14 50 Time of incubation (days) Figure 2: Biodegradation and abiotic losses of n-C28 during 50 days of incubation. After 5 days of incubation of biotic samples the n-alkanes in the range n-C15-n-C22 disappeared totally, being degraded (70±5%) and evaporated (30±2%). At the same time some other organic compounds appeared which were not originally present in the motor K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water / 71 ^^ rr % abiotic loss % biotic degradation v 288 Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. oil. These were identified as branched alkanes and substituted phenols whose concentrations increased with incubation time. The origin of these compounds has not yet been clarified but could be explained as the degradation products of motor oil and bacterial cells, or as the presence of accumulated impurities. Conclusions This is the first reported biodegradation study of petrochemical products by the bacteria AL-12 isolated from a Slovenian native catchment. Although a direct comparison of the bacterial activity is not strictly possible when tested on different substrates we demonstrated that AL-12 was very successful at the beginning of the incubation period. The bacterial strain Pseudomonas fluorescens, Texaco used in our previous study of the biodegradation of diesel oil (plinsko olje D-2, Petrol, Slovenia) 9 showed the most rapid biodegradation of up to 65% in 8 days for n-alkanes n-C14–n-C18, while AL-12 was able to degrade 70% of aliphatic hydrocarbons in the range of n-C15–n-C22 from the complex mixture of motor oil within 5 days. References 1. J.T. Cookson, jr., Bioremediation engineering:Design and application; Mc Graw-Hill Inc., New York, 1995. 2. H. M. Freeman, E. F. Harris, Eds., Hazardous Waste remediation, Innovative Treatment Technologies,Technomic Publ. Co., Inc., Lancaster, Pa, USA, 1995. 3. L. Setti, G. Lanzarini, P.G. Pifferi and G. Spagna, Chemosphere 1993, 26, 1151-1157. 4. M. Alexander, Biodegradation and Bioremediation; Academic Press Inc., San Diego, California, 1994. 5. E. R. Weiner, Application of Environmental Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Environmental Professionals, Lewis Pub., Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, D.C., 2000. 6. C. E. Cerniglia, Petroleum Microbiology, (R. M. Atlas, Ed.), Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1984, 99-128 7. E. Šepič, H. Leskovšek, and C. Trier, J. Chromatogr. A 1995, 697, 515-523. 8. E. Šepič, C. Trier and H. Leskovšek, Analyst 1996, 121, 1451-1456. 9. M. Eriksson, A. Swartling, G. Dalhammar, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 1998, 50, 129-134. 10. H. Kiyohara, K. Nagao and K Yana, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1982, 2, 454-457. 11. J. N. Robson and S. J. Rowland, Org. Geochem. 1988, 13, 691-995. 12. B. R. Bochner and M. A. Savageau, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1977, 33(2), 434-444. 13. C. H. Collins and P. M. Lyne, Microbiological Methods, 5th Ed., Butterworths, Kent, UK,198. K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 279-289. 289 Povzetek Preoučevali smo in-vitro biodegradacijo motornega olja (Proton Avant, Petrol) v vodnem mediju z različnimi bakterijskimi sevi. Iz različnih kultur cianobakterij s področja Štajerske in Prekmurja smo osamili več sevov bakterij, katere smo testirali na minimalnem gojišču in tako prišli do najbolj učinkovite bakterije AL-12. Med 50-dnevno inkubacijo smo v biotičnih in abiotičnih vzorcih spremljali razgradnjo alifatskih ogljikovodikov (n-C15-n-C40), ki so v motornem olju zastopani z 98%. V petih dneh je prišlo do 70% biološke razgradnje alifatskih ogljikovodikov v območju od n-C15do n-C22, do 45% za n-C22 do n-C30 in do 20% razgradnje n-alkanov v območju od n-C22 do n-C40. Za abiotične izgube velja, da so z daljšanjem alkanske verige pričakovano padale, a naraščale z inkubacijsko dobo. K. Plohl, H. Leskovšek, M. Bricelj: Biological Degradation of Motor Oil in Water