IN MEMORIAM PROF. DR. FRANC VODOPIVEC (1931-2021) 3–9 Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was employed at the Insti- tute of Metals and Technology (IMT) from 1958 until his retirement in 1996. As director, he headed IMT from 1990 to 1996. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was born on October 8 th , 1931 in Rakitnik near Prestranek. He graduated from the Technical Faculty in Ljubljana in 1956 and was employed at the Metallurgical Institute. Prof. Ciril Rekar enabled him to study at the IRSID Institute in France in 1960, where he received his doctorate in 1962 from the University of Paris. After returning to the Met- allurgical Institute, he became head of the Department of Metallography and later of the Department of Metal Technology. At the Metallurgical Institute, which in 1991 was renamed the Institute of Metals and Technol- ogy (IMT), prof. dr. Vodopivec was employed for over 40 years. He was an excellent metallurgist, engineer and top researcher, and therefore a great role model for many generations of metallurgists, engineers and other re- searchers. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec worked in the metallurgical profession for more than five decades, where he left a great impression, both in industry and in the academic world, in which he directed his scientific and profes- sional work towards connecting these two segments of society. He focused his top scientific work at the institute on the research and development of those segments of metallurgy that could be used to advantage by the Slovenian economy. His life motto, which he advocated Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 3 Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil na In{titutu za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (IMT) zaposlen od leta 1958 pa do upokojitve leta 1996. Kot direktor je vodil IMT od leta 1990 do leta 1996. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec se je rodil 8. oktobra 1931 v Rakitniku pri Prestranku. Diplomiral je na Tehni{ki fakulteti v Ljubljani leta 1956 in se zaposlil na Meta- lur{kem in{titutu. Prof. Ciril Rekar mu je leta 1960 omogo~il izpopolnjevanje na In{titutu IRSID v Franciji, kjer je leta 1962 doktoriral na Univerzi v Parizu. Po vrnitvi na Metalur{ki in{titut je postal vodja Oddelka za metalografijo in pozneje Oddelka za tehnologijo kovin. Na Metalur{kem in{titutu, ki se je leta 1991 preimenoval v In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (IMT), je bil prof. dr. Vodopivec zaposlen skupaj dobrih 40 let. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil izvrsten metalurg, in`enir in vrhunski raziskovalec in zaradi tega velik vzor {tevilnim generacijam metalurgov, in`enirjem, kakor tudi drugim raziskovalcem. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je ve~ kot pet desetletij deloval v metalur{ki stroki, kjer je pustil velik pe~at, tako v industriji kot v akademskem svetu, v katerem je usmerjal svoje znanstveno in strokovno delo k pove- zovanju teh dveh segmentov dru`be. Svoje vrhunsko znanstveno delo na in{titutu je ciljno usmerjal v razis- kave in razvoj tistih segmentov metalurgije, ki jo je lahko s pridom uporabilo slovensko gospodarstvo. Njegov `ivljenjski moto, ki ga je vodil od za~etka do konca from the beginning to the end of his remarkable career, was that research should be aimed at industry, "because that’s how we do something beneficial for society." The results of science must be innovation, and new industrial products lead to higher added value and to the well-being of our society. " He was aware that knowledge of the microstructure of metals and alloys is crucial for understanding the properties of metallic materials and for the development of the metallurgical profession. He was also one of the main initiators of the purchase of the first electronic mi- cro-analyser, purchased in 1969, as the first of its kind in this part of Europe. The purchase of ascanning electron microscope in 1977 was also the result of his intensive efforts in this field. The Institute of Metals and Technol- ogy was thus a pioneer in the field of electron micros- copy in Slovenia and the former Yugoslavia. All these are the unequivocal merits of prof. dr. FrancVodopivec. When he became the director of the Institute of Metals and Technology in 1990, he took over the Insti- tute in very difficult times for Slovenian metallurgy, but with his wisdom and visionary work he managed to strengthen and maintain ties with the Slovenian iron- works and expand its activities to other areas, such as in the field of energy. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was the initiator of interna- tional cooperation from the very beginning, by organiz- ing the first international scientific conference in Portoro` in 1959, called the Colloque de Portoro`, which was organized in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Insti- tute for Steel Research in Düsseldorf, Germany, and the IRSID Institute, France. Later, in the 1990s, thanks to him, intensive collaboration was established with the Max Planck Institute for Steel Research, which continues to this day. In 1984 he received the Kidri~ Lifetime Achievement Award in the field of science and innovation. He received the award for his work "Microstructural processes and reactions before and during hot steel forming". At that time, the Kidri~ Award was the highest Slovenian recog- nition for scientific achievements or for scientific re- search work and was awarded in the years from 1957 to 1991. In 2003, prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec received the Zois Award for Scientific Achievement. It was awarded be- cause he had achieved top results in the field of metal and alloy properties. His work in the fields of solid-state chemistry, physical metallurgy, the methodology of metallographic research of materials and forensic re- search is also resounding. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was one of the initiators of the organization of metallurgical conferences, from which the traditional metallurgical conference later emerged. The conference has since grown into an inter- national conference with a broader agenda. For many years, prof dr. Franc Vodopivec was also the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Materials and 4 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 njegove izjemne kariere je bil, da morajo biti raziskave namenjene industriji, "ker tako delamo nekaj koristnega za dru`bo. Rezultati znanosti morajo biti inovacije in novi industrijski produkti in to vodi do vi{anja dodane vrednost in do blagostanja na{e dru`be." Zavedal se je, da je poznavanje zgradbe mikrostruk- ture kovin in zlitin klju~nega pomena za razumevanje lastnosti kovinskih materialov in za razvoj metalur{ke stroke. Bil je tudi eden glavnih pobudnikov nakupa prvega elektronskega mikro-analizatorja, ki je bil kupljen leta 1969, kot prvega tovrstnega v tem delu Evrope. Tudi nakup vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa leta 1977 je plod njegovih intenzivnih prizadevanj na tem podro~ju. In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije je bil tako pionir na podro~ju elektronske mikroskopije v Sloveniji, oziroma v takratni Jugoslaviji. Vse to so nedvomno zasluge prof. dr. Franca Vodopivca. Ko je leta 1990 postal direktor In{tituta za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, je prevzel In{titut v zelo te`kih ~asih za slovensko metalurgijo, vendar ga je uspel z modrostjo in s svojim vizionarskim delovanjemokrepiti in ohraniti povezave s Slovenskimi `elezarnami ter raz{iriti njegovo delovanje {e na druga podro~ja, kot na primer na podro~je energetike. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil `e od za~etka pobudnik mednarodnega sodelovanja, tako z organizacijo prve mednarodne znanstvene konference leta 1959 v Portoro`u, ki se je imenovala Colloque de Portoro`, in je bila organizirana v sodelovanju z Max-Planck-Institute for Steel Research iz nem{kega Düsseldorfa ter In{titutom IRSID iz Francije. Pozneje, v devetdesetih letih prej{njega stoletja, se je po njegovi zaslugi vzpostavilo intenzivno sodelovanje z In{titutom Max Planck for Steel Research, ki traja {e danes. Leta 1984 je prejel Kidri~evo nagrado za `ivljenjsko delo na podro~ju znanosti in inovacij. Nagrado je prejel za delo: "Mikrostrukturni procesi in reakcije pred in med vro~im preoblikovanjem jekel." Kidri~eva nagrada je bila takrat najvi{je slovensko priznanje za znanstvene dose`ke oziroma za znanstveno-raziskovalno delo, in se je podeljevala v letih od 1957 do 1991. Leta 2003 je prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec prejel Zoisovo nagrado za znanstvene dose`ke. Nagrado je prejel z utemeljitvijo, da je dosegel vrhunske rezultate na podro~ju lastnosti kovin in zlitin. Odmevno je tudi njegovo delo na podro~jih: kemije trdnega stanja, fizi- kalne metalurgije, metodologije metalografskih raziskav materialov in forenzi~nih raziskav. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil eden od pobudnikov organizacije metalur{kih posvetov, iz katerih je pozneje nastalo tradicionalno metalur{ko posvetovanje. Njegova glavna zasluga je, da je konferenca prerasla v mednarod- no konferenco s {ir{im programom. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil dolga leta tudi glavni urednik znanstvene revije Materiali in Tehnologije (MIT), ki jo IMT izdaja. Pod njegovim vodenjem je revija dosegla znanstveni ugled in visok faktor vpliva in Technology (MIT), published by IMT. Under his leader- ship, the journal achieved a scientific reputation and a high impact factor, and prof. dr. Vodopivec undoubtedly deserved the journal’s international reputation and wider recognition. For his life’s work, IMT awarded him the Ciril Rekar Lifetime Achievement Award in 2017, on the occasion of the institute’s 70th anniversary, because his role estab- lished the institute in Slovenia and internationally, be- cause the Materials and Technology journal became in- ternationally recognized and because the Materials Conference became an international conference that still connects domestic and foreign researchers today. In his life path, he always chose the harder way. His position was that in Slovenia it is necessary to inten- sively direct research intended for industry. Because he decided early on to conduct research with potentially useful value, he thus became indispensable for industry, and at the same time the system did not allow him to gain an equal foothold in the scientific spheres. The role of prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec in the field of physical met- allurgy, which enables continuous improvements of syn- theses and technologies in the field of metallic materials, is irreplaceable. His professional path did not end with his retirement, because he constantly passed on his extremely broad knowledge in the field of metallurgy to the younger gen- erations with his invaluable advice and experience. He has always helped young researchers in preparing doc- torates, researchers in preparing projects and everyone else with irreplaceable advice about research work. In 2018, he was the first to receive the Puh Lifetime Achievement Award in the field of metallurgy. He re- ceived the award for his extremely successful integration of two segments of society, both academic and industrial. His decisions had a major impact on the development of the metallurgical industry. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was, first and foremost, an Engineer with a capital letter. He was sought after and appreciated in industry throughout Yugoslavia and Slovenia. His engineering knowledge and the need to es- tablish engineering in Slovenia led him to a group of some very enthusiastic experts who, following the exam- ple of countries in the West, started with the idea of es- tablishing the Slovenian Academy of Engineering. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was undoubtedly one of the most deserving members of the Slovenian Academy of Engi- neering, which unites elected members from the techni- cal sciences of the public research sphere, economy and technological development. He was also its president from 2002 to 2003. He was also the founder, idea leader and long-term president of the Slovenian Materials Association (SDM). Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec was the one who brought me to the Institute of Metallic Materials and Technology and introduced me to research. He was extraordinarily hardworking. I still remember his words in connection Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 5 ravno prof. dr. Vodopivec je najbolj zaslu`en za to, da ima revija mednarodni ugled in {ir{o prepoznavnost. Za njegovo `ivljenjsko delo mu je IMT leta 2017, ob praznovanju 70-letnice in{tituta, podelil nagrado Cirila Rekarja za `ivljenjsko delo z utemeljitvijo, da je z njegovo vlogo in{titut postal uveljavljen v slovenskem in mednarodnem prostoru, da je revija Materiali in tehno- logije postala mednarodno prepoznavna in konferenca o materialih mednarodna konferenca, ki {e danes povezuje doma~e in tuje raziskovalce. Na njegovi `ivljenjski poti se je vedno odlo~al za te`jo pot. Njegovo stali{~e je bilo, da je v Sloveniji potrebno intenzivno usmerjati raziskave namenjene industriji. Ker se je `e zgodaj odlo~il za raziskave s potencialno uporabno vrednostjo, je tako postal nepogre{ljiv za industrijo, hkrati pa mu sistem ni omogo~al enakovredne uveljavitve v znanstvenih sferah. Nenadomestljiva je vloga prof. dr. Franca Vodopivca na podro~ju fizikalne metalurgije, ki omogo~a stalne izbolj{ave sintez in tehnologij na podro~ju kovinskih materialov. Njegova profesionalna pot se tudi z upokojitvijo ni kon~ala, ker je svoje izredno {iroko znanje s podro~ja metalurgije s svojimi neprecenljivimi nasveti in iz- ku{njami, neprekinjeno prena{al na mlaj{e generacije. Vedno je pomagal mladim raziskovalcem pri pripravi doktoratov, raziskovalcem pri pripravi projektov in vsem ostalim z nenadomestljivimi nasveti pri raziskovalnem delu. Leta 2018 je prvi prejel Puhovo nagrado za `iv- ljenjsko delo na podro~ju metalurgije. Nagrado je prejel zaradi izredno uspe{nega povezovanja dveh segmentov dru`be, tako akademskega kot industrijskega. Njegove odlo~itve so imele velik vpliv na razvoj metalur{ke industrije. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil, najprej in predvsem, in`enir z veliko za~etnico. Iskan in cenjen je bil v industriji {irom po Jugoslaviji in Sloveniji. Njegovo in`enirsko znanje ter potreba po uveljavitvi in`enirstva v Sloveniji, ga je pripeljala v skupino nekaj zelo zagnanih strokovnjakov, ki so po vzoru zahodnih dr`av za~eli z idejo o ustanovitvi In`enirske akademije Slovenije. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil nedvomno eden najbolj zaslu`nih za ustanovitev In`enirske akademije Slovenije, ki zdru`uje voljene ~lane iz tehni{kih ved javne raziskovalne sfere, gospodarstva in tehnolo{kega razvoja. V letih 2002 do 2003 je bil tudi njen predsednik. Prav tako je bil ustanovitelj, idejni vodja in dolgoletni predsednik Slovenskega dru{tva za materiale (SDM). Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je bil tisti, ki je na In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije pripeljal tudi mene in me vpeljal v raziskave. Bil je zelo delaven in izreden gara~. [e danes se spominjam njegovih besed v povezavi z mojim doktoratom. Dejal je: »… poleg doktorata se bo potrebno vklju~iti tudi v ostala dela na in{titutu, pa saj to ne bo problem, saj ima dan 24 ur.« Kljub vsemu je bil pripravljen nuditi neskon~no pomo~, za karkoli si ga with my doctorate. He said: “… in addition to the doc- torate, it will be necessary to get involved in other work at the institute, but this will not be a problem, as the day has 24 hours.” Nevertheless, he was ready to offer end- less help for whatever you pleased or asked. Having him as a tutor was a great reward for everyone. Despite his greatness, both in research and in mana- gerial terms, he remained a humble but very critical and constructive speaker. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec has left many marks on metallurgy, in the science of materials and technologies, in the meaning of the Institute of Metals and Technology, in the field of written Slovene word as well as in interpersonal relations. All of us who knew him will cherish his memory, and he will be an inspiration for our future work. In Ljubljana, January 2021 Assoc. prof. dr. Matja` Godec ***** I met prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec as a final-year stu- dent of metallurgy, when we organized the traditional "Jump over the skin" event of the Montanists, where he became my godfather. Of course, at that time I did not even imagine that our paths would be so closely and, over the long run, intertwined in the professional field. Given that Franci had an extremely broad and in-depth knowledge of metallic materials and a sophisti- cated sense of their characterization, he constantly di- rected basic research in this field in the direction of the latest findings in the world. Accordingly, he encouraged and stimulated his colleagues in various fields in the di- rection of developing and equipping individual laborato- ries with the latest research equipment, with which our research results were comparable, and often even world leading in each field. Compared to other researchers, Franci also had a very good overview and a great affinity for Slovenian in- dustry in the field of the production and processing of metallic materials. He always focused part of his re- search on new technologies or products with higher added value in the case of new findings. In the years 1984 to 1986, he came to the realization that a new approach was needed in the field of the heat treatment and surface engineering of tool and high-speed steels. Namely, toolmaking was already very developed in Slovenia at that time, and Metal Ravne, as one of the leading steelworks, produced top-quality tool and high-speed steels. It is known that the quality of the tools for working in cold and hot conditions largely depends on a properly selected and performed heat treatment. 6 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 prosil ali vpra{al. Imeti njega za mentorja je bila za vsakega velika nagrada. Kljub njegovi veli~ini, tako v raziskovalnem kot v mened`erskem smislu, je ostal skromen, vendar zelo kriti~en in konstruktiven sogovorec. Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec je pustil mnoge sledi v metalurgiji, v znanosti o materialih in tehnologijah, v pomenu In{tituta za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, na podro~ju pisane slovenske besede in tudi v med~love{kih odnosih. Vsi, ki smo ga poznali, ga bomo ohranili v lepem spominu, saj nam bo navdih za na{e nadaljnje delo. V Ljubljani, januar 2021 Izr. prof. dr. Matja` Godec Prof. dr. Franca Vodopivca sem spoznal `e kot {tu- dent zadnjega letnika metalurgije, ko smo organizirali tradicionalno prireditev montanistov "Skok ~ez ko`o", na kateri je postal moj boter. Seveda si takrat nisem niti predstavljal, da se bodo najine poti tako tesno in dolgoro~no prepletle na strokovnem podro~ju. Glede na to, da je imel Franci izredno {iroko in poglobljeno znanje na podro~ju kovinskih materialov ter prefinjen ob~utek za njihovo karakterizacijo, je osnovne raziskave s tega podro~ja ves ~as usmerjal v smeri najnovej{ih spoznanj v svetu. Temu primerno je vsa leta spodbujal in opogumljal svoje sodelavce na razli~nih podro~jih v smeri razvoja in opremljanja posameznih laboratorijev z najnovej{o raziskovalno opremo,s pomo~jo katere so bili tudi na{i raziskovalni rezultati primerljivi, nemalokrat pa na posameznem podro~ju celo vodilni na svetovnem nivoju. Franci je imel v primerjavi z drugimi raziskovalci tudi zelo dober pregled in veliko afiniteto do slovenske industrije s podro~ja izdelave in predelave kovinskih materialov.Vedno je del svojih raziskav usmerjal tako, da je v primeru novih spoznanj le-te usmeril tudi v nove tehnologije ali v izdelke z vi{jo dodano vrednostjo. V letih 1984 do 1986 je pri{el do spoznanja, da je na podro~ju toplotne obdelave in in`eniringa povr{in orodnih in hitroreznih jekel potreben nov pristop. Namre~, v Sloveniji je bilo `e takrat zelo razvito orodjarstvo, v Metalu Ravne so, kot eni vodilnih jeklarn, izdelovali vrhunska orodna in hitrorezna jekla. Poznano je, da je kakovost orodij za delo v hladnem in vro~em v Well, here our paths met again, because in 11 years of working in the automotive industry (IMV Novo mesto and Renault) I gained the most modern theoretical and practical knowledge of the heat treatment of metal mate- rials. In 1986, Franci invited me to participate and of- fered me the opportunity to set up a state-of-the-art cen- tre for vacuum heat treatment of tool and high-speed steels at the Institute, thus acquainting Slovenian toolmakers with the latest technology. Of course, I gladly accepted the offer. What really motivated me was his complete trust. Within a year, we equipped the centre, as we bought the most modern vacuum furnace with great commitment from France and with the help of industry, in which we heat-treated the most demanding tools made by Slovenian toolmakers from Slovenian tool steels, as well as for clients from abroad. Based on good results and a great commitment, we equipped the centre with the help of industry with a state-of-the-art aggregate for nitriding metallic materials in a pulsating plasma. Franci always supported and encouraged me in this development. After 35 years of operation of the centre, today in Slovenia we have quite a few very well-equipped com- mercial centres for the heat treatment and engineering of surfaces of metallic materials, which is also a great trib- ute to prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec. Of course, in parallel with the promotion of state-of-the-art technologies, which fall within the frame- work of energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, research work in the field of process opti- mization continues to be carried out. Namely, in the past, the quality criterion was only the achieved hardness, which we know does not show whether the achieved properties of the steel after heat treatment are optimal. Therefore, to optimize the heat-treatment process of tool steels, we introduced an additional parameter, namely the fracture toughness. As the measurement of the frac- ture toughness of brittle tool and high-speed steels is very demanding, we at IMT, also on the basis of his ini- tiatives, developed a very useful, non-standard methodol- ogy for measuring fracture toughness. This approach has been established in quite a few foreign centres and labo- ratories, and has also been recognized as very appropri- ate by the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE). Franci, despite the fact that you passed on many of your ideas to us, we will greatly miss your suggestions and our conversations with you. In Ljubljana, January 2021 Prof. dr. Vojteh Leskov{ek ***** Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 7 veliki meri odvisna od pravilno izbrane in izvedene toplotne obdelave. No, tu pa sta se najini poti zopet sre~ali, saj sem v enajstih letih dela v avtomobilski industriji (IMV Novo mesto in Renault) za tisti ~as pridobil najsodobnej{a teoreti~na in prakti~na znanja spodro~ja toplotne obdelave kovinskih materialov. V letu 1986 me je Franci povabil k sodelovanju in mi ponudil mo`nost, da na In{titutu postavim najsodobnej{i center za vakuumsko toplotno obdelavo orodnih in hitroreznih jekel ter na ta na~in slovenske orodjarje seznanimo z najnovej{o tehnologijo. Seveda sem ponudbo z veseljem sprejel, tisto kar me je {e posebej motiviralo, je bilo njegovo popolno zaupanje. V roku enega leta smo center usposobili, saj smo zveliko zavzetostjo Francija in s pomo~jo industrije kupili najsodobnej{o vakuumsko pe~, v kateri smo kar nekaj let toplotno obdelovali najzahtevnej{a orodja, izdelana v slovenskih orodjarnah iz slovenskih orodnih jekel, tudi za naro~nike iz tujine. Na osnovi dobrih rezultatov in njegove velike anga`iranosti, smo center s pomo~jo industrije opremili {e z vrhunskim agregatom za nitriranje kovinskih materialov v pulzirajo~i plazmi. Pri tem razvoju me je Franci vseskozi podpiral in spodbujal. Po petintridesetih letih obratovanja centra imamo danes v Sloveniji kar nekaj zelo dobro opremljenih komercialnih centrov za toplotno obdelavo in in`eniring povr{in kovinskih materialov, kar je tudi velika zasluga prof. dr. Franca Vodopivca. Seveda je vzporedno s promocijo najmodernej{ih tehnologij, ki sodijo v okvir energetsko var~nih in okolju prijaznih tehnologij, potekalo in {e vedno poteka, tudi raziskovalno delo na podro~ju optimizacije postopkov. Namre~, v preteklosti je bilo merilo kakovosti le dose- `ena trdota, za katero pa vemo, da ne poka`e ali so dose`ene lastnosti jekla po toplotni obdelavi optimalne. Zato smo za optimiziranje postopka toplotne obdelave orodnih jekel uvedli dodaten parameter, in sicer lomno `ilavost. Ker je merjenje lomne `ilavosti krhkih orodnih in hitroreznih jekel zelo zahtevnosmo na IMT, tudi na osnovi njegovih pobud, razvili zelo uporabno nestan- dardno metodologijo merjenja lomne `ilavosti. Ta pristop se je uveljavil v kar nekaj tujih centrih in laboratorijih, kot zelo primerno pa jo je pripoznal tudi International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE). Franci, navkljub temu, da si na nas prenesel veliko svojih idej, bomo zelo pogre{ali tvoje sugestije in pogo- vore s teboj. V Ljubljani, januar 2021 Prof. dr. Vojteh Leskov{ek Prof. Dr. Franc Vodopivec was born on the 8 th of Oc- tober 1931 in Rakitnik near Postojna. He successfully completed his studies of metallurgy at the Faculty for Mining and Metallurgy of the University of Ljubljana in 1956. Professor Ciril Rekar invited him to join the Met- allurgical Institute (MI) in 1958 and enabled him to re- ceive training at IRSID (Institut de Recherches de la Sidérurgie) in Saint Germaine-en-Laye near Paris. Prof. Vodopivec obtained his PhD "Etudé de comportement de l’arsenic et du phosphore pendant l’oxydation des alliages de fer faiblement alliés en ces éléments" at the Université de Paris, Faculté de Sciences in 1962. Prof. Vodopivec was nominated as the head of Metallographic Laboratory for the research field of solid-state physics and in 1969 he initiated the purchase of the first electron microprobe, the first in Central Eu- rope, which was put into operation at MI Ljubljana, and in 1978, the first scanning electron microscope in former Yugoslavia was purchased for the chemical analysis of metallic materials. From 1980 Prof. Vodopivec was responsible for the research work of the MI. In the 1980s Prof. Vodopivec engaged new and already-recognized engineers and re- searchers, as well as young metallurgical experts to par- ticipate. The first was Dr. Vojteh Leskov{ek, an expert in the field of tool steels’ thermal treatment at IMV and Renault, Dr. Borivoj [u{tar{i~, expert in the field of pow- der metallurgy at Iskra Magneti, and the late Dr. Boris Ule, who was a leading expert at Litostroj Foundry. Later, when the institute began investigations in energetics, Dr. Jelena Vojvodi~ Tuma took over the re- search and expertise of the Centre for the Revitalization of Industrial Facilities, which she founded. Prof. Vodopivec invited me to come to MI, and my classmates and my colleagues Dr. Vasilij Pre{ern and Dr. Vojteh Leskov{ek convinced me to take the job in 1989. With the initiative of the director, Dr. Jo`e Rodi~, and Dr. Du{an Kveder, MI decided to take over the scientific Journal of Iron and Steel (@elezarski zbornik), of which Ale{ Lagoja was then editor-in-chief. As I had some ex- perience with Vacuum, the journal for vacuum science and technology, vacuum metallurgy, surface science and plasma physics, I was invited to the editorial board to- gether with Dr. Jo`e Gasperi~, an expert in vacuum tech- nology and a great supporter of the Slovene technical word and a very fast and excellent reviewer. Jana Jamar joined as the technical editor of the journal, and later Cvetka Irt and Miro Pe~ar. Later, Dr. Paul McGuiness took over the proofreading of English manuscripts. Soon, there was a need for a new name for the journal, and it was renamed Metals Alloys & Technology (Kovine zlitine in tehnologije-KZT), and then more recently Ma- terials and Technology (MIT). The design was taken care of by academic painter and designer Ignac Kofol. On the advice of a friend Prof. Joe Green from the USA and edi- tor-in-chief of Thin Films, we slowly, and with a lot of work, succeeded in publishing contributions in an Eng- lish-language journal and all the articles were reviewed. 8 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 Prof. dr. Franc Vodopivec se je rodil 8.10. 1931 v Rakitniku blizu Postojne. Leta 1956 je uspe{no zaklju~il {tudij metalurgije na Fakulteti za rudarstvo in meta- lurgijo na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Profesor Ciril Rekar ga je leta 1958 povabil na Metalur{ki in{titut (MI) in mu omogo~il, da se je izobra`eval na IRSID (Institut de Recherches de la Sidérurgie) v Saint Germaine-en-Laye blizu Pariza. Leta 1962 je doktoriral na Univerzi v Parizu z doktoratom: "Etudé de comportement de l’arsenic et du phosphore pendant l’oxydation des alliages de fer faible- ment alliés en ces éléments." Ob vrnitvi na MI je bil profesor dr. Vodopivec imenovan za vodjo Metalografskega laboratorija za raziskovalno podro~je fizike trdne snovi in je leta 1969 pobudnik za nakup prve elektronske mikrosonde, prve v Srednji Evropi, ki je bila dana v obratovanje MI Ljub- ljana, in leta 1978 je bil kupljen prvi kemijski elektronski mikroskop v nekdanji Jugoslaviji za kemijsko analizo kovinskih materialov. Od leta 1980 je bil prof. Vodopivec odgovoren za raziskovalno delo MI. K sodelovanju je anga`iral nove in `e priznane in`enirje in raziskovalce ter mlade meta- lur{ke strokovnjake. Prvi je bil dr Vojteha Leskov{ek, ki se je uveljavil v IMV na podro~ju toplotne obdelave, nato dr. Borivoj [u{tar{i~, ki se je izkazal v Iskra Magneti na podro~ju metalurgije prahov in pokojni dr. Boris Ule, ki je bil vodilni strokovnjak v Litostroju Livarna in kasneje, ko se je in{titut za~el intenzivno ukvarjati z energetiko, {e dr. Jeleno Vojvodi~ Tuma, katera je prevzela raziskave in ekspertize v okviru Centra za revitalizacijo, ki ga je ustanovila. Prof. dr. Vodopivec me je povabil, naj pridem na MI, kjer sta bila `e moja so{olca in kolega Vasilij Pre{ern in Vojteh Leskov{ek, ki sta me dodatno pre- pri~ala, da sem se zaposlila na MI. MI je na pobudo takratnega direktorja dr. Jo`eta Rodi~a in dr. Du{ana Kvedra sklenil, da prevzame revijo @elezarski zbornik, katere glavni urednik je bil Ale{ Lagoja. Ker sem imela nekaj izku{enj z revijo Vakuumist, so me pritegnili v uredni{ki odbor tako kot tudi dr. Jo`eta Gasperi~a, ki je bil velik ljubitelj slovenske tehni{ke besede in zelo hiter lektor. Pridru`ila se nam je {e Jana Jamar kot tehni~na urednica revije in Cvetka Irt ter kasneje {e Miro Pe~ar. Kasneje je lektoriranje angle{kih tekstov prevzel dr. Paul McGuiness. Kmalu se je pokazala potreba po novem imenu revije, preimenovali smo jo v Kovine zlitine tehnologije - KZT in nazadnje v Materiali in tehnologije. Za obliko je v tistem ~asu skrbel akademski slikar in oblikovalec Ignac Kofol. Po nasvetu prijatelja prof. Joe Greena iz ZDA in glavnega urednika revije Thin Films, smo z vztrajnim delom po~asi le uspeli, da so bili prispevki objavljeni v reviji v angle{kem jeziku in da so bili vsi ~lanki recenzirani, kar se je obrestovalo, da je bila nato revija MIT citirana v najbolj pomembnih bazah podatkov za kovinske materiale in tehnologije in da je pridobila faktor vpliva (IF). Soon MIT was cited in the most important databases of materials and technology and it gained an impact factor (IF). From 1990 to 2000, I helped organize the autumn symposium on materials and technologies in Portoro`, which after 2000 was renamed as the Conference on Ma- terials and Technologies. Dr. Vodopivec agreed that we invited world-known experts in the field of materials and technologiey to the annual conference in Portoro`, and young researchers presented their work in English in a 10-minute talk infront of an international comission who selected the best contribution of the young reserachers for an award. In 2000, prominent Slovenian research institutes, the Jo`ef Stefan Institute and the National Institute of Chem- istry, joined the organization of the Conference. In addi- tion, in 2000 we also introduced a Metallurgical Day for participants from industry. From 1991 to 1996, Prof. Vodopivec was director of IMT, and then he retired in 1997 with the idea that as a national councilor for science of the parliament of the Republic of Slovenia he would do the most in this field for Slovenia. Vodopivec’s younger colleagues engaged in his campaign for election to the National Council of Sci- ence. Prof. Vodopivec was a state councilor from 1992 to 2002, for two mandates. For a short period of time, politics engaged and ad- dicted Prof. Franci Vodopivec. However, his pursuit of politics could not replace his engineering work and the work as a researcher. In 1998 he took over as edi- tor-in-chief of KZT, helping to establish the journal. I was a member of his research group, working on segregation phenomena and the surface analysis of soft magnetic materials. Because we did not have access to cutting-edge research equipment, Prof. Vodopivec re-es- tablished in the 1990s a cooperation with Prof. H.J. Grabke from the Max Planck Institute (MPIE) in Düsseldorf. The cooperation has been very successful and is still ongoing today. Prof. Vodopivec proposed Prof. H. J. Grabke as an honorary doctor of the Univer- sity of Ljubljana because for many years he helped Slovenian researchers prepare an experimental part of their doctoral work and post-doctorally trained on cut- ting-edge research equipment in a different research en- vironment at MPIE and brought new knowledge and ex- periences to IMT and Slovenia. From 2000 to 2011, when I was director of IMT, he was always happy to participate in the training of young researchers and to give them his years of experience in writing doctoral thesis and articles. Prof. Vodopivec was impressed by the new cutting-edge research equipment, which was purchased as part of the Centre of Excellence for Advanced Metallic Materials. He also looked forward to working with the Jo`ef Stefan International Postgradu- ate School and was happy to engage with his experience. After he and his wife moved to the Trnovo Old Citi- zens’ Home, he still liked to come to IMT, to come "for coffee" and explain his new reflections on metal materi- als, and of course he was very proud of his sons and Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 3–9 9 Od leta 1990 do 2011 sem pomagala pri organizaciji jesenskega posvetovanja o materialih in tehnologijah v Portoro`u, ki se je preimenovalo v Konferenco o mate- rialih in tehnologijah. Prof. dr. Vodopivec se je strinjal, da smo na vsakoletno konferenco v Portoro`u povabili vrhunske strokovnjake s podro~ja kovinskih materialov in tehnologij in da so mladi raziskovalci predstavili svoje delo v angle{~ini v 10 minutnem prispevku. Leta 2000 smo k organizaciji pritegnili {e vrhunska slovenska raziskovalna in{tituta Institut Jo`ef Stefan in Kemijski in{titut Ljubljana. Poleg tega smo leta 2000 uvedli tudi Metalur{ki dan za udele`ence iz industrije. V letih 1991 do 1996 je bil dr. Vodpivec direktor IMT, upokojil se je leta 1997 z mislijo, da bo kot dr`avni svetnik za znanost naredil najve~ na tem podro~ju za Slovenijo. Mlaj{i raziskovalci smo se anga`irali v njegovi volil- ni kampanji za izvolitev v dr`avni svet za podro~je znanosti. Prof. dr. Vodopivec je bil od 1992 do 2002, v dveh mandatih, dr`avni svetnik. Politika ga je za kratko obdobje o~arala in zasvojila. Vendar mu udejstvovanje v politiki ni moglo nadomestiti in`enirskega dela in dela raziskovalca, zato je leta 1998 prevzel mesto glavnega urednika revije KZT in tako pripomogel h uveljavitvi revije. Delala sem v raziskovalni skupini dr. Vodopivca, ukvarjala sem se z analizo povr{in mehkomagnetnih materialov in ker nismo imeli dostopa do vrhunske raziskovalne opreme, je dr. Vodopivec ponovno vzpo- stavil sodelovanje s prof. H. J. Grabkom iz Max Planck Instituta (MPIE) v Düsseldorfu. Sodelovanje je bilo zelo uspe{no in poteka {e dandanes. Dr . Vodopivec je predlagal prof. H. J. Grabke-ja za ~astnega doktorja Univerze v Ljubljani, ker je dolga leta pomagal, da so raziskovalci delali na vrhunski raziskovalni opremi v druga~nem raziskovalnem okolju na MPIE in so pozitivne izku{nje prinesli nazaj na IMT. V letih 2000-2011, ko sem bila direktorica IMT, je vedno z veseljem sodeloval pri usposabljanju mladih raziskovalcev in jim predajal svoje dolgoletne izku{nje pri pisanju doktroskih del in ~lankov. Bil je navdu{en nad novo vrhunsko raziskovalno opremo, ki smo jo takrat nabavili v okviru Centra odli~nosti za sodobne kovinske materiale. Prav tako se je veselil sodelovanja z Mednarodno podiplomsko {olo IJS in se je z veseljem vklju~il s svojimi izku{njami. Potem, ko sta se z `eno preselila v Dom starej{ih ob~anov Trnovo, je {e vedno rad prihajal na IMT, se oglasil "na kavi", ter razlagal svoja nova razmi{ljanja o kovinskih materialih in seveda je bil zelo ponosen na svoja sinova in vnuke. Ves ~as je upal, da se mu bo vid toliko popravil, da bo spet pri{el {tudirat v svojo biv{o pisarno, ki ga je {e vedno ~akala. Izgubili smo izvrstnega metalurga, in`enirja, razis- kovalca, u~itelja in dobrega prijatelja. Pogre{amo ga. V Ljubljani, januar 2021 Dr. Monika Jenko grandchildren. He was still hoping his eyesight will im- prove to this point, he would be able to come to his of- fice to study, again. We have lost an excellent metallurgist, an engineer, a researcher, a teacher and a good friend. We all miss him. In Ljubljana, January 2021 Dr. Monika Jenko