Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Sloyenians ' Americ esse-teon-- HOAaaad 133H1S OIHO £S6£ NOHVIAI01A1 NVIiJVIA Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 107 No. 35 USPS 024100 .ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 Phone:(216)431-0628 '’70^ Criiiail: ah@buckeyevveb.coin / ” T Seniors Caution Alert Very unscrupulous con artists continue to prey especially on our senior citizens, asking them to send money for non-existent causes or informing them that they have “won” big prizes and then telling them they have to send money in advance to cover “expenses.” Please, if you receive such things in the mail or receive phone calls asking for personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or even your Social Security number, DO NOT give out any information, and please throw away such mail or hang up on such callers. There are crooks out to cheat you. If you are not sure about the mail you are receiving, you can bring it to the parish house office and we can tell you whether the requests are legitimate or fraudulent. Even for appeals to charity, be very cautious. Make sure they are legitimate charities, and again, you can do this by checking with the parish house office. Many of these so-called “charities” do nothing more than fill the pockets of crooks with your hard-earned money.__________________ —St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church Bulletin Dr. Emery family visits Slovenia Dr. Virginia Kennick Emery, daughter of the late William J. Kennick and Antoinette Ken-nick, wanted her grandchildren to get acquainted with relatives in Slovenija, as well as with the country itself. This summer, the trip to Slovenia took place. Virginia took her grandchildren Nadia (age 10) and Hedin (age 9) to visit her first cousin (Antoinette’s sister’s daughter) Maria Verstovsek-Bizjan (newly appointed Supreme Court Justice) and other relatives. Dr. Emery resides in Bow, NH. Second picture (from left to right) is Dr. Emery, granddaughter Nadia, grandson Hedin, and Maria Verstovsek-Bizjan. Fantje na Vasi in Concert Fantje na Vasi will perform in concert on Saturday, Oct. 29 at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Concert starts at 7 p.m. Admission is $12.00; students 13 and under: admitted free of charge. Dance and social to follow. For reserved seating (8-10 table) please contact Mark Jakomin at 440-944-6997._ Collinwood Musicfest The Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave., Cleveland will be presenting a “Musicfest” honoring Kenny Zalar on Sun-Oct. 9th. Doors open at IrT The word “dime" comes from the Latin word decimus meaning “tenth." Craft and Rummage Sale Craft and Rummage sale will be held in the St. Mary of the Assumption parish center (Holmes Ave.) on Saturday, Oct. 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tables for your merchandise are $18.00. Food and refreshments will be available. For more information or to purchase table space, contact Sallie Kerman (440-585-0294). Gabrielle Therese Grdina Makes Debut Gabrielle Therese Grdina was bom on August 31sl to Patricia and Mark E. Grdina of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Grandparents are Anne and Jack Graham of Cuyahoga Falls, and Betty and Tony Grdina of Cleveland. Congratulations to all! Altar Society Benefit Dinner St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Altar Society Benefit Dinner will be in the parish center on Sunday, Oct. 2. Donation for the roast pork-chicken dinner is $11 for adults and $5 for children. Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.nu_______________ Pet Blessing at St. Christine St. Christine Church, 840 E. 222 St., Euclid, Ohio, will hold their Annual Pet Blessing on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m., as they celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. After the blessing, there will be treats for pets and their people, too. Defense Minister Karl Erjavec, Ambassador Robertson, and public Affairs Officer Bob Post look on as humanitarian aid is loaded into a NATO C-130. Slovenia Sends Aid to Katrina Victims U.S. Ambassador Robertson and Slovenian Defense Minister Karl Erjavec reviewed Slovenia’s donation of humanitarian aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina at Bmik Airport on September 16th. In a short statement to the press, the Ambassador thanked the government and people of Slovenia for their assistance. The donation, which included cots, mattresses, blankets and first-aid kits worth $120,000 was loaded into a NATO C-130 for transport to the United States via Germany. AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Oi O s o Q Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir C4 W NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) , SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: C.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) -r AM^RICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for |35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clah$ Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send add^s changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Clevfiand, OH 44103-1692. lNo. 35 September 29, 2005 y Wonderful randfather 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina ARE YOU A CHILD OF THE 80’S? (Sent by a friend, author unknown) ‘You know you’re a child of the 80’s if: □ You know the profound meaning of ‘wax on, wax off. □ You know tliat another name for a keyboard is a ‘synthesizer.’ □ You know who Mr. T is. □ You ever wore fluorescent neon clothing. □ You could break-dance, or wish you could. Q You wanted to be The Incredible Hulk for Halloween. □ You thought that ‘Transformers’ were more than meets the eye. □ You wanted to be on Star Search. □ You can remember Michael Jackson when he was black. □ You wore a banana clip at some point during your youth. □ You remember the garbage pail kids and collected about 200 of them. □ You had to have your MTV. □ You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system. □ You owned cassettes. □ You wore your Izod shirt with the collar up. □ You hated Scrappy Doo, Ul You recorded songs off the radio with your boom box. □ You owned or knew someone with a Commodore 64. □ You wish you had a light saber. □ You had to get up to change the channel. U You know what a ‘push up’ ice cream is. □ You had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos. □ You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny. □ You filled the car’s gas tank for $ ____ [and! ■’r.; j. i in: wavy, gray hair swirling like the ever crashing waves. My grandfather’s wrinkles seem to smile themselves and weave perfectly throughout his kind face. Although his many wrinkles block most of his facial features, I can clearly see his twinkling blue eyes. They gleam and sparkle as he smiles. He is a bit round in the middle and the words, “Never Trust a Skinny Cook,” come to mind. He still manages a bit of yard work and a steady job; idleness is not his main quality. I feel proud of him still working hard. He plans to retire soon and I think it would be good for him to rest, but that doesn’t mean he wqn’t b$ to with me tnymow^/- . 4* *' v,One oftpy grandfether's things to db * have (m with, ini First 'm cook. My brealftfcr ni« otfflSS. will be there beside my bed. If I fall down, hd will help me back to my feet. If I feel sad, he will cheer me up. If anything happens to me, he will be there. My grandfather will always be there for me, whether he is cooking, playing cards, or just talking to me. I must be going now because the aroma from grandpa’s cinnamon buns lures me from my seat into his warm kitchen.” Apartment For Rent E. 200 and Neff. 1 Bdrm, New carpet, appliances, clean, quiet. $460 a month. Call 440-951-3087 £v ‘AQ the words low anthers, v “What ^WouM you Looking for female live-in help to care for elderfy couple in a lovely home in Euclid, on the lake. For further details please call 440-423-3278. i&i SWU Ohio-Mich. States Convention The Slovenian Women’s Union of America annual Ohio-Michigan States Convention will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2 with 10 a.m. Mass in St. Lawrence Church, 3547 E. 80th St., Cleveland. Celebrant will be Bishop Edward Pevec. Dinner at 12 noon in the Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St, Cleveland. Meeting at 2 p.m. Featured speaker: Dr. Edw. Gobetz, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Kent State University, and founding director of Slovenian Research Center of America. Business meeting will follow. Tickets are $20.00 each for the day. Reservations are a must and can be made by calling Marge Church at330- 467-0696. *** Beautiful 1-floor condo, iiirCff. WilJqwick,2B/& HA, pw/walk-itt shower). sr-*v.Č! JF in Great 44<*S^0325 t IVORY CETVt r V '446 Kast ': „ ir-Ri.trMj —Unwin ii mumij. - f*', her she has wit! grand$. This is the insight of a granddaughter and a tnost special person she wishes all to know about, her . food is pot the only reason love my grandpa. Of course, my grandpa’s face is always the first thing I see when I visit. His sweet Ut > Tmay cc awpissi TA Ik yrith fl! but that Is not the only rea- *; son I love him. I love him t because I know no matter what happens, he will be face"is"donVup in Vgrin'with ,herc for ^ ** *« »**•he 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster .r ■V -'1 i\ I Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited v by JOHN ŽAKELJ Mama's Death Throughout her life, Mama went to church every day, whenever she could. And so it was that she was walking to church one morning in 1954. On her way to church, a man on a bicycle ran into her (some say it was intentional). She fell and broke her leg. Not long after that, she had a stroke and lost consciousness for 10 days. After she regained consciousness, all of her children gathered around her bed, except me. I was in America then and still risked imprisonment if I returned to Slovenia. My brother Joze wrote to me later and told me that he asked Mama if she could see that her children were around her when she was dying. “I see that you are all here because I love you. Each of you was a gift from God, and I accepted each of you with happiness.” Tm glad that my absence didn’t cause her grief in her final hour. Soon after, Mama had another stroke. She died on August 15, 1954, the holy day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was 69. I first learned of her death in a letter from my brother Stanko, the priest. When I received the letter, I was happy, since I had not heard from him in a long time. He had been in a forced labor camp for 5 years, accused of being lazy and not contributing to soci-ety. (At that time, the com- munists accused all priests of being lazy). I opened the letter and didn’t notice that the envelope had a black border. It was only after opening it that I realized why he was writing. I think the toughest man in the world could not have held back his tears. Thirty-two years earlier, when I accompanied Mama on the pilgrimage to Brezje, I prayed to God to let me die before my mother. I feared that I would never be able to withstand her death. In 1954, in a strange land thousands of miles away from her, I still felt that way. Ata’s Death Ata continued to work for many years, making shoes and bobbin lace. As I said earlier, he was happiest when he was working. In 1963, the political situation in Slovenia had changed enough that it was safe for me to return for a visit. I took my wife Cilka and our four children back to Slovenia. We were fortunate to see Ata before he died. At that time, he was 84 and still in reasonably good health. Four years later, he died a peaceful death, at the age of 88. --The End— Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, Oct. 8 in the Social Room. Slovenians are cool Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 & 'Po(6a, IQuCia Af^erica’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm /.Saturdays 12-2 pm Kollander World Travel, 971 East 185th St, Cleveland OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 99 Comcast Cable and World on-line www.247poikaheaven.com (216)481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 40 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety" "At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community’ Offering complete Community News Daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday F®aturing: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women's Interviews) , ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) MARK SEDMAK icir>) ----- A funeral procession accompanied Mama’s coffin from our home to the cemetery on August 17, 1954. From left, the second man is Ata, then my sisters Julka and Mici, my brothers Stanko and Ciril, my brother Vlado’s wife Alenka and Vlado. ‘Koline’ Dinners at Pristava The Slovenska Pristava Pensioners Club (SPPC) will hold its annual fall event, “Koline” on Sunday, Oct. 9. It is a traditional Slovenian custom of making homemade rice and blood sausage (krvave klobase and pečenice) at this time of year. Serving will begin at noon and continue until 3 p.m. The meal will include one big rice or blood sausage and one link of fresh garlic sausage with sauerkraut, fried potatoes, strudel and coffee. The proceeds will go to many good causes, such as the beatification of Bishop Baraga, financial support for both Slovenian Saturday Schools of St. Mary’s and St. Vitus parishes, plus many other numerous causes and community projects. . So come and enjoy a delicious homemade meal in a beautiful autumn atmosphere at Slovenska Pristava. Anton Žakelj, Sr., in the garden behind our family home in Žiri, 1958. US Casinos Interested in Slovenia The world’s biggest casino operator visited the finance minister of Slovenia on Friday to outline its plans for what would be the big-gQSt Greenfield investment in Slovenia so far, according to the business daily, “Finance.” Is our greatest problem ignorance or apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care. Joey Tomsick Orchestra Performance Schedule November, 2005 Sun, Nov. 6 iMelvIndale Michigan jMelvindale Slovenian Home Sat, Nov. 19 Stories Country House |1401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a 216/881-4181 Nov. 24 - 25 Fri, Nov. 25 December. 2005 Sat, Dec. 3 ' Thanksgiving Polka Weekend - Celebrate Tony Petkovsek's Radio Anniversary ISterles Country House |14dl E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a 216/881-4181 Fri, Dec. 9 IWestpark Slov. Home |4183 W. 130th St. A Great Time! 7:30p-11:30p [216/433-19^? P2400 Chardon Road. Euclid. OH 44117 EMAIL: joeynow@yahoo.com St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV, and much, much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any questions on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special comtnunity-. V-V 3V.SV! .;uv. r. fli qo r»'.v*b iV*e) vm Jsioafc won živ/ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR I guess about now, we are all saying that we have had enough rain, but then I guess that is better than snow which will be coming soon enough. I imagine that the folks down south in particular hope that the rain and wind subside for they have had more than their share of disaster. Perhaps the good Lord is trying to tell us something, time to return to prayer. I have to admit that the month of September really flew by fast and the changing of the leaves to the various colors will be here now. First will have to get out the “leaf blower” and then shortly thereafter will have to switch to the snow blower. There never is an end to the chores. Well, come on Ray, it is time to get back to your trip to Slovenia, so let’s return to the Sunny Side of the Slopes. Granted that when our parents and grandparents came to this country, it was to get ahead, get out of the war zone, get out of persecution, but after having been there I can well understand that they rather hated to leave such a lovely country. In a way we can learn from them, for they knew how to enjoy life. Their entire country is a sight to behold that I am sure a lot of folks who have visited there can say the same thing for the sights are unbelievable. While at my uncle’s place in Rakek, I have to admit I put on weight for my Aunt Ann Pirman really knew how to cook and as I have mentioned earlier in my articles, it was a chore for her in the respect that she always cooked on a wood burning stove in spite of the outside temperature hovering well over 85 degrees. She had a knack with the stove and she knew when to throw more wood or coal on the fire to finish off the preparation of a meal. Every meal was like a wedding feast. She made strukle one day that I would die for. I am sure that the plane that took us back to the USA was heavier due to all of us eating exceptionally well to say the least. Time itself was passing too fast to suit me which meant that each day would be bringing us closer to returning home. On our last day in Rakek, my uncle went all out and said we would be driving to the town where he and my mom were raised near Novo Mesto. I was wondering how we would be getting there since he did not own a car nor did he know how to drive, but it seemed they had everything figured out. They had contacted my aunt and her family back in Kamnik, to bring cars out, not only to pick us up to take us back to Kamnik, but also to spend the last full day in Rakek by going out to where mom had lived. He said we were going to have a picnic there. Sure enough early in the morning the caravan from Kamnik came, my aunt and her family with the grand-kids, ar, - hey brought three cars win. ‘hem. They were careful to insure that all the cars had the right number ending in the license plate so they could be allowed on the roads in Slovenia since gas was rationed. Granted the cars were small, but then all the cars there were small which they liked, not only from the standpoint of cost, but they were easy on gas. Between the three cars we all piled in and headed for mom’s original place where they lived which was approximately an hour’s drive. When we got there on an old country road, the home was gone, demolished over the years although the Pirmans themselves still owned the land. Uncle Joe took Josie and I around the entire area pointing out where the house was, where the bam was, the garden. It felt good walking the area where mom had lived for well over 20 years of her life. While We were walking around with Uncle Joe, the rest of them opened up the trunks and I could not believe what I saw. Out came the chain saws and before long they were cutting down trees, making tables and benches and even brought out a stove and had a fire going in no time. I could not believe the three cars as small as they were, had the trunk space to haul the saws, food, stoves, water, etc. In no time they were cooking on the front burner, cooking sausages as well as that special fresh meat they made from beef, pork and veal. Swear we ate like it was the last supper. They even brought a button box and needless to say when you have wine and a button box, before long, there is singing like you never heard. As cars went by and heard us singing, they tooted the horns and waved, and low and behold, one of the cars stopped and the passengers came and joined us. It was a miracle, for they lived right up the road in a beautiful log cabin chalet and it turned out they were distant relatives of Josephine’s folks, distant aunts. They went home and got^^rc f^od .^ld rctprpccj,^. and needless to say, we were there until the sun set. My aunt said we had to start back in order to pick up our luggage and continue on driving back to Kamnik. I left there with a heavy heart to say the least even though we all piled into the cars including Uncle Joe and Ann, and we all went back to Kamnik to spend the last few remaining days there. Lord, why did it have to end so soon, but fortunately it was a memory of those days that I still carry close to my heart. Well, time to bring this week’s article to an end, but can’t leave without a good joke. This joke I received from my older sister in Walton Hills which I hope you will enjoy and will give us an idea of what to look forward to when St. Peter calls us home. The joke is rather lengthy, so please bear with me. The joke is titled, “For those on a diet.” The couple was 85 years old and had been married for 60 years. Though they were far from rich, they managed to get by because they watched their pennies. And though not young, they were both in very good health, largely due to the wife’s insistence on hearty foods and exercise for the last three decades. One day, their good health didn’t help when they went on a rare vacation and their car crashed, sending them off to heaven. They reached the pearly gates and St. Peter escorted them inside. He took them to a beautiful mansion furnished in gold and fine silks with a fully stocked kitchen and a waterfall in the master bedroom. A maid could be seen hanging their favorite clothes freshly pressed in the closet. They gasped in astonishment when he said, “Welcome to heaven. This will be your home now.” The old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost. “Why nothing,” Peter replied, “remember this is your reward in heaven.” The old man looked out the window and saw a championship golf course, finer and more beautiful than any ever built on earth. “What are the greens fees?” grumbled the old man. “This is heaven,” St. Peter replied. “You can play for free, every day, any starting time you wish.” Next, they went to the clubhouse and saw a lavish buffet lunch, with every imaginable cuisine laid out before them, from seafood to steaks to exotic desserts, free flowing beverages and a fountain of champagne. “Don’t even ask,” said St. Peter to the couple. This is heaven; it is all free for you to enjoy.” The old man looked around and glanced nervously at his wife. “Well, where are those low fat and low cholesterol foods and decaffeinated tea?” he asked. arry “That’s the best part,” St. Peter replied. “You can eat and drink as much as you like of whatever you like, and you will never get fat or sick. This is heaven.” The old man pushed, “No gym to work out at?” Not unless you want to, was the answer “No testing my sugar or blood pressure. All you do here is enjoy yourself.” The old man glared at his wife and said, “You and your stupid vitamins and fat-free bran muffins. We could have been here 20 years ago!” With that it is time to close and say, “Eat hearty.” May the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you all in good health. mm Mark Avsec, (left) and Joey Tomsick play accordion at Triozzi for Mayor campaign headquarters. Urges vote for Triozzi Editor, To the people eligible to vote in the Cleveland may-oral election on October 4lh. Having grown up on E. 61st and St. Clair, the St. Clair neighborhood is dear to me. I see the board-ups and crime increasing, and good neighborhood businesses decreasing. I see our public education system failing. Now Cleveland has the highest poverty rating in the country. Robert Triozzi, a graduate of Cornell University and Case University School of Law, recently stepped down as Municipal Court Judge to run for Mayor of Cleveland. Triozzi took on Discover Card and fought for us when he was Judge, just like he’ll fight for us when he’s mayor. His honors and accomplishments in mental health and education, serving on boards with Bishop Pilla and others, would take up this entire paper if recounted. I’m for Triozzi because Campbell has not done the job, and Jackson would be more of the same. Cleveland can’t afford four more years of that. —Mark Avsec SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX we accept: We bill most major insurance plans • American Express a photo Finishing • Discover « Package & Mailing Center • MasterCard • FAX Service • Visa • Keys Mdde • Wit - Food Stamps • Layaways • Manufacturers Coupons V'lSlt US:t • Contact Lens Replacement Zarja Presents Fall Concert Fifty-Five is Still Alive and kicking, and waiting to take center stage on Sunday, Oct. 30 as Slovenian Singing Society “Zaija” prepares to present its annual fall concert and dance. Zaqa members are diligently rehearsing a varied repertoire of music which was sung in the 1950s, with a focus on 1955. The program will open at 3 p.m. with the chorus singing Slovenian folk songs and compositions by Dr. Gustav Ipavec, Dr. Franc Kimovec, Vinko Vodopivec and Ivan Zorman, with smaller ensembles presenting pieces by more modem composers. The second half is devoted to 1955, when girls wore poodle skirts and saddle shoes and boys dressed in jeans and tee shirts with slicked-down hair. The music will include songs from the musical stage, polka and waltz favorites of the era and (of course) rock and roll. Don’t think we can do that? Well then, you are in for a surprise. Bring your dancing shoes, because following the program, the Ray Polantz Orchestra will strike up with music which will delight and entertain those who are terp-sichorean and listeners alike. Delicious sandwiches and doughnuts will be available along with many of your favorite beverages. Plan to spend an afternoon and gening of entertainment with us on Sunday, October 30 at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. The donation is $10. Doors will open at 2:15. Oh, by the way, be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s Spring Frolic on Saturday, April 29, and our 90th Anniversary Fall Concert on Sunday, Nov. 5. Be there or be square. —Doug Elersich, Director Celebrities' Rea! Names Presented by Charlie Joan Crawford = Parker = (Phil Hrvatin) Lucille Le Sueur Michael Crawford = Nicholas Cage = Nicho- Michael Dumble-Smith las Coppola Bing Crosby = Harry Michael Cain = Maurice Lillis Crosby Micklewhite Tom Cruise = Thomas Maria Callas = Maria Cruise Mapother IV Kalogeropoulos Tony Curtis = Bernard Eric Carr = Florencia Schwartz Casillas Rodney Dangerfield = Ray Charles = Ray Jacob Cohen Charles Robinson Bobby Darin = Walden Chubby Checker = Waldo Robert Cassotto Ernest Evans • John Denver = John Cher = Cherilyn Sark- Henry Deutschendorf isian Donovan = Donovan Eric Clapton = Eric Pat- Phillip Leitch rick Clapp Doris Day = Doris von Patsy Cline = Virginia Kappelhoff Patterson Hensley James Dean = James Claudette Colbert = Byron Eily Chauchoin Bo Darek = Mary Cath- Nat King Cole = Na- leen Collins thaniel Adams Coles Danny DeVito Daniel Chuck Connors Michaeli Kevin Joseph Connors Angie Dickinson = An- Robert Conrad = Con- gela Brown rad Robert Falk Bo Didley = Otha Elias Alice Cooper = Vincent Bates McDaniel Eurnier Vin Diesel = Mark Vin- Gary Cooper = Frank cent •lames Cooper Phyllis Diller = Phyllis David Copperfield = Driver David Kotkin Fats Domino = Antoine Howard Cosell = How- Domino ar(l Cohen Kirk Douglas = Issur Elvis Costello = Declan Danielovitch aWck McManus Bob Dylan = Robert Lou Costello = Louis Zimmerman Cristillo (To Be Continued) L^hhout music life would be a mistake. -Friedrich Nietzsche Hospitality is Highlighted in Slovenia HAPpy News Wednesday September 14 was a red-letter day in HAP history: a record 206 members were present at the meeting! The "surprise" Matt Z. promised had to be a drawing-card. It was a very nice surprise, too. Carl Schultz, who takes such great pictures of all our doings, is also a computer expert. He "burned" a CD of pictures of several mock weddings, and Hawaiian and Halloween parties. For non-techies: burning a CD isn't arson; it means making one. (Computerese is such a special language, designed to keep us PC dummies in the dark). John Kozlevchar then ran the CD, like a slide show! Hopefully, we get to see that again; perhaps on a larger projection screen. A kind person was going to lend one, but wound up in the hospital with an infection, and was unable to help us out. Get well soon, friend. We said silent prayers for Frank Sustae, brother of Jenny Tuma; and member Frank Dusa, who died recently. May they rest in God's peace Our sympathy to the grieving families. Ann Eichler sent cheery greetings to Ann Beckert, Zora Kocin, Dorothy Kravos, Ann Orlikowsky, Frances Ruzic, and Dorothy Urbancic^j-lope everyone is well on the mend, and will be back with us soon. You're missing all the fun! Happy Birthday was sung to many members. Our vice-president Matt Zabukovec celebrated a special milestone on Sept.8; he's 80 years young! Anniversaries were celebrated by Lillian and John Dombrowsky, 55 yrs; Fran and Matt Kajfez, 51 yrs; June and Frank Kalamasz, 58 yrs; Ronnie and Al Pestotnik, 54 yrs; Evelyn and Mike Pipoly, 35 yrs; Alba and John Plutt, 55 yrs; Vida and Tom Scheid, 46 yrs; and Jennie and Carl Schultz, 57 yrs. Hip-hip-hooray, and many more happy and healthy years to all honorees! A resolution was passed that name badges be worn at all future meetings. A 25-cent fine will be imposed for non-compliance. The "huge" fine generated a big debate on what to do with the collected funds. Guess what: bet there won't BE any; no one will forget to wear the badge from now on.... ©©©©© A warm Thank you to Myra Jerkič, and her helper Pauline Barbish, for conducting another fine 50/50 raffle. The ladies were able to use the new ticket spinner, made and donated by John Dombrowski. Remarks of "shake'em up" were much fewer! Welcome to new member Mimi Stibil, who joined us last June, but was not able to attend sooner. Come back often; we always have a good time! A big THANK YOU to the kitchen ladies, who skillfully divided the donated pastry so there was enough for everyone. Sort of a loaves-and-fishes story? Fran Kajfez reported on trips: the jaunt to Green Lakes Resort was grrrrrreat! Two gorgeous trophies were on display at the front table. One was won by the balinca team, captained by John Kozlevchar, and included Ruthie Hribar, Frank Kosten, and Rosemary Toth. The other one was won by the "HAP Singers", who competed in "Amateur Night". They sang the HAP theme song, written by Ed Morel, and sung to the melody of "Živeli, živijo". What a blast!!! John K. made copies available for anyone to take home. Thank you, kind sir! The Amish trippers will leave early in the morning Sept.30; departure time is 6:45 AM from Orr Arena on Babbitt Rd. A couple of spaces are available for the Christmas Panorama at Lake Simcoe in Canada, Thursday-Friday, December 1 and 2; $155.00 PP, double occupancy. Casino site on the way home is still pending; depends on who gives us a better deal. After all, isn't that the Slovenian Way?? We'll have a Hawaiian Luau on October 12. Men are asked to wear Hawaiian shirts, and ladies should come in grass skirts, but TOPLESS, as requested by Ed Morel. Yeah, right.. You wish!!! No way, Jose; remember: what used to be perky rosebuds are now "hanging baskets"...And after deciding to wear name tags at all meetings, please tell where the ladies could pin them? A few suggestions were heard, but got "hooted" at... Rumpelstiltskin. Hi, My Name is Katarina By KATARINA TEPESH NEW YORK, NY - My official name is Katarina. It’s a Catholic name. As is the custom in Croatian families, a newborn usually gets the name from someone else in the family, either dead or alive. This was the case with me. When I asked my mother about my name, she shrugged her shoulder and casually said, “Oh, I think there was an aunt Katarina in our family.” Katarina was a Catholic saint, a virgin and martyr. While growing up in Slovenia and Croatia, at home everyone called me Katica or even briefer, Katca. When I arrived in the U.S. in 1968 and introduced myself as Katarina, Americans would say to me, “What a nice name, Katarina!” and then proceed to call me Kathy. After a couple of years, even I started to call myself Kathy. At one of the companies, a co-worker was in charge of compilfflg'data'fbr an ahftuaT'* report. Without asking me, the publication was printed with my name as Kathleen. When I became acquainted with a person from Slovenia, he called me Katja. An Albanian women liked to call me Kajo. A man from Bosnia always addressed me as Kata. Someone from Brazil spelled my name as Katiuca. A salesman called me Cat. I tried to correct him, as I don’t particularly like cats, but when he ignored me, I ignored his sales pitch. When I casually ordered a magazine, I signed up as Kay to monitor if they will sell my name and address to other unsolicited marketers against my wishes. Sure enough they sold my name with the address and I had no doubt where it was coming from. Now I am an owner of 299 pre-addressed labels as Kay from various organizations requesting a donation for free labels. In New York, I met a Russian from Leningrad, now • called $f. Petersburg, Who' called me Katarina. She pronounced the “r” so strongly, I felt it edged into my skin. Many times, people misspell my name as Katharine and often assume it is spelled with a “C.” For years, my secret computer password was Katarincica. I wanted to make it “impossible” for an on-line thief to break my code. Mind you, no one has ever called me Catherine the Great. Now, due to catastrophic damage done by hurricane Katrina we see controversial headlines: • Among Katrina’s outcasts • Katrina pushes issues of Race, Poverty at Bush • Will Katrina drive up your grocery bill? • Bush: one of the worst disasters to hit the United States • What happens to Katrina’s debris? By now, almost any version of my name is okay, except don’t call me Kitty. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 200: Two SWU Fall Lectures in NYC Branch 93 Slovenian Women’s Union of America of New York City is organizing two lecture dates in the fall... “Slovenian Women in the USA and Their Role in the Preserving of the Slovenian Cultural Heritage.” The talk will be presented by Sociologist Mirjam Hladnik, Ph.D., researcher for the Institute for Slovenian Emigration Studies in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Each date features a reception, lecture, documentary film “Američanke” (Female /imericans) and question and answer period. The dates are Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 6:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 5th, 1:30 p.m. -4:00 p.m. The lectures will be held at the Slovenian Cultural Center at St. Cyril’s, 62 St. Marks Place (8lh Street), between 1st and 2nd Avenues in New York City. Suggested donation is $5.00. RSVP by October 25th: Contact Sonja Knezevic-Kong at skll7@cornell.edu or (201) 413-5411 and indicate which lecture date you plan to attend along with the names of those attending. Please leave a detailed message if you get the answering machine so your call can be returned. Registration is limited. A trip to NYC allows for a visit to The Statue of Liberty / Ellis Island, ethnic dining and a jump start on holiday shopping. Enjoy a meal before or after the lecture. The Slovenian Cultural Center is within walking distance of many inexpensive Eastern European restaurants (Polish, Russian, Ukraine) along with Veniero’s Pasticceria & Cafe (Italian) that “has been a part of NYC’s legendary East Village since 1894.” Medicare to offer Prescription Dms Card by Jan. 1 Coming Attractions EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the last of a three-part series on Medicare. This story focuses on the new Medicare Prescription Drug. You may receive the entire series by logging on to www.kskjlife.com and clicking on News.) by Allen Rightniyer Vice president for Operations American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ)____________________ Senior citizens will get much needed help in the U.S. government’s recently enacted Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement, and Modernization Act in December of 2003. This new law preserves and strengthens the current Medicare program. Over the next few years, it will add new prescription drug and preventive benefits, and provide extra help to people with lower income. Currently, Medicare is contracting with private companies to offer voluntary, Medicare-approved drug discount cards. If you have Medicare and do not have outpatient prescription drug coverage through Medicaid, you can get a Medicare-approved drug discount card. Enrollment will continue until Medicare offers comprehensive prescription drug coverage on January 1, 2006. Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Pork Chops, and Goulash Dinners For a small annual enrollment fee of no more than $30 (it’s free if you apply for the ScriptSave Premier card available to all KSKJ members), these cards may save you 10-15 percent on your total prescription costs and as much as 25 percent on certain drugs. If you choose to get a Medicare-approved drug discount card, you might also qualify for up to a $600 credit each calendar year (2004 and 2005) to help pay for prescriptions. To get the $600 credit, you must have a Medicare-approved drug discount card and all of the following conditions must apply: You must have Medicare Part A and/or Part B and you do not have other health insurance with any prescription drug coverage (except a Medicare + Choice plan or a Medigap policy). Your income is no more than $12,569 if you are single, or no more than $ 16,862 if you are married (this includes your income and your spouse’s income). If you have a private insurance plan. Contact your insurance agent to see how your private plan fits with Medicare medical insurance. This is especially important if you have family members who are covered under the same policy. And remember, just as Medicare does not cover Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stlmburysaccounting. com EtmlM to Practice Etoftfo the Internal Revenue Sonaca Strvtans Indwdmfc Coqxnahom l Small Busmessss all health services, most private plans do not either. In planning your health insurance coverage, keep in mind that most nursing home care is not covered by Medicare or private health insurance policies. One important word of caution: for your own protection, do not cancel any health insurance you now have until your Medicare coverage actually begins. If you have insurance from an employer-provided group health plan, group health plans of employers with 20 or more employees are required by law to offer workers and their spouses, age 65 or older, the same health benefits that are provided to younger employees. If you are currently covered under an employer provided group health plan, you should talk to your human resources office before you sign up for Medicare medical insurance. If you have health care protection from other plans, or if you have coverage under a program from the Department of Defense, your health benefits may change or end when you become eligible for Medicare. You should contact the Department of Defense or a military health benefits advisor for information before you decide whether to enroll in Medicare medical insurance. Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 Št. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. o Friday, Sept. 30 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Ed Rodick. Sunday, Oct. 2 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Altar Society Benefit Dinner in parish center. Donation for the roast pork-chicken dinner is $ 11 for adults and $5 for children. Serving 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., 50-50 raffle 7 p.m. $10 admits two. Includes sandwiches & chips. Music by Joe Novak from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6 St. Vitus Alumni meeting in St. Vitus Village Slovenian Room, 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Bob Kravos. Sunday, Oct. 9 Collinwood Slovenian Home Music-fest honoring Kenny Zalar. Doors open at 12 noon. Come join the fun on Holmes Ave. Free admission. KSKJ St. Joseph #169 will be matching funds for this event. Sunday, Oct. 9 Koline Dinners at Slovenska Pristava from noon to 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Fred Ziwich. Saturday, Oct. 15 Wine Tasting Party at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd, 6 p.m. Admission $15.00 includes 6 tastes and hors d’oeuvres. Six additional tastes are $5.00. Guest speaker is Ed Trebets from Debonne Vineyards. Saturday, Oct. 16 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) School Alumni annual banquet in parish center after noon Mass. Friday, Oct. 21 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Frank Moravcik. Saturday, Oct. 22 Štajersko Prekmursko Martinovanje, 6:30 p.m. with New Generation Band. For tickets call 440-256-6716 or 216—531-4817. Sunday, Oct. 23 Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH, served 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- $5. Sunday, Oct. 23 Annual meeting of Slovenska Pristava. Friday, Oct. 28 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., featuring Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Saturday, Oct. 29 Fantje na Vasi concert, 7 Contact Tom Srsen 440-352-7455 for additional information. Sunday, Oct. 30 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., St. Lawrence School Reunion Dinner Dance. Mass at 5:30 p.m. in St. Lawrence Church officiated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Nash doors open at 6:30. Tickets $15. Music by Joe Novak from 7:30 to ? Tickets at 440-243-0312. Sunday, Oct. 30 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day, noon Mass. Dinner follows. For dinner tickets call Ray Gobec at 440-285-2359. Sunday, Oct. 30 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Annual Clambake - $25 (includes draft beer). Serving 2-4 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 4-7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30 Zarja Concert “Fifty-Five Is Still Alive” at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, 3-5 p.m. Dancing 5:30 - 8:30 by Ray Polantz Orchestra. Donation is $10. Friday, Nov. 4 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, featuring Wayne Tomsic. Saturday, Nov. 5 Harvest Masquerade Ball at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dancing to Sumrada Band. Reservations limited. Call 440 946-0610. Saturday, Nov. 5 Annual Journey of Hope Luncheon, providing financial support to adult cancer patients and their families. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Windows on the River (216) 262-0612. Friday, Nov. 11 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Frank Moravcik. Saturday, Nov. 12 Goulash Dinner, sponsored by St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) Holy Name Society, in parish center from 6 to 8 p.m. $7 adults; children $3. Sunday, Nov. 13 Slovenian Junior Chorus concert and dance at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, Nov. 13 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Veterans Day Dance and Polka Jam. Music from 2 to 6 p.m. Admission $7. Cash bar. Food sold. Coordinated by Wayne Tomsic. Saturday. Nov. 19 Glasbena Matica singing society celebrates 75th Anniversary at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. 2 Hour Cooking Video Tape • Krofe • Potica • Strudel • Pohanje • Potato Pancakes • Noodles and cabbage • AND MORE Ideal for Brides, Showers — Christmas Gifts, Personal Price $29 - Send to Florence Petrich 38453 Wood Rd., Willoughby, OH 44094-7604 Call 1-440-946-2803 ■— i . m. ..... i ii i ■ i p.m., at Slovenian National . , ... Home, 6417 St. ^Claif AVei ^ 1 ■ -W •’* ■J 5 iiC.'D.t U-JIVA'MiUWWtfJ ...... v 1 ..............MUBHuii n naBHBMMMiiuuilifiiiJiirf VtUUUUUUUUU W U Death Notices JUNE M. PRICE June M. Price (nee Babitt), age 80. Beloved wife of the late John E.; dear mother of David J. (Marcie), Michael S. (Jean), and Karen A. Car-rino (David); grandmother of Sarah Rose Carrino (fiance, Brett), Lisa Katherine Car-rino (friend, Andres), Stephen M. Price (deceased) and Katie Carrino (deceased); dear sister of Shirley Babitt (deceased). Family suggests contributions to St. Augustine Towers, 7821 Lake Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102 or Friends of the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 44103. Funeral Mass was Monday, Sept. 26 at St. Augustine Towers Chapel at 11 a.m. Frieflds called at the Babitt Funeral Home N. Royalton on Sunday. ROBERT J. OSOLIN SR. Robert J. Osolin Sr., age 83, of Euclid, Ohio, passed Way on Saturday, Sept. 17. Beloved husband of Veronica “Vera” (nee Humar); loving father of Robert J. Jr. (Janet), Raymond J., Thomas T and Timothy J. (Susanne); devoted grandfather of Holly, Raymond, Andrew, Christopher, Sgt. Timothy and Ryan (deceased) Osolin, and Kristi Gogala; great grandfather. of Hunter Osolin; son of/Louis and Victoria (both / deceased^ brother of the following deceased: Dorothy Lauther, Carl and Richard; brother-in-law of Joe (Marion) Humar; and uncle to many. Friends were received uesday from 2-8 p.m. at the akubs-Danaher, a Golden ^ule Funeral Home, 36000 ake Shore Blvd. Eastlake, OH. Mass of Christian Burial Was on Wednesday at 10 ‘0'n > at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.). Burial in All ^0l'ls Cemetery, Chardon. MILLY s. SCOVILLE Milly s. Scoville (nee jenskovic), age 95, of uclid, beloved mother of Catherine (Rudolph) “Ukovec, Neal Scoville (Oappie Jefferson) of FL, ojd Geri (James) Beemiller AZ; cherished grand-other of six; and great-randmother of 9; dear sister Eleanor Dickey, Florence , ei8er and the following deceased: Frank Jenskovic and Toni Glenn. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd. on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Mass at 11 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 29 at St. William’s Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. MAYME CESNIK Mayme Cesnik, who grew up in the Slovenian farming community of Willard, Wis., during its pioneer days in the early 1900s, was laid to rest there on July 20 following a Mass of the Resurrection celebrated in Willard’s Holy Family Catholic Church. Bom Mary Catherine Bayuk (Bajuk) in 1908 in St. Cloud, Minn., she moved to Willard with her family when she was two years old. There her parents, John Bayuk and Balbina Oman Bayuk, were among the dozens of Slovenian immigrants who carved dairy farms from the cutover timberland that then surrounded the village. She often told how at age of 10 or 11 she and other pupils at the old Willard school used their recesses to carry bricks to the men of the parish as they built the parish house in 1919. The church and parish house were alongside the school. A lifelong lover of all things beautiful, in her early teens she created a wild-flower garden in a woodlot next to the Bayuk farmhouse by transplanting specimens from woodlands for miles around. In late life she dried flowers, domestic and wild, especially Queen Anne’s Lace (wild carrots) and used the dried blossonis to create unique note cards. In her later teens she worked with her husband-to-be, Ignatius A. (“Ig”) Cesnik at a combination general store, cattle-feed mill and farm implement dealership in the village of Willard. For about three years while the U.S. was suffering through the Great Depression (1929-41), she worked in Chicago as a “nanny” for one of the city’s multimillionaire meatpacking families (the Reddys of Armour & Co.). When she and “Ig” were married in 1933, they set up housekeeping in a small building that had been the land office from which most of the Willard-area farmland was sold. (The building now is designated a “historic site.”) From 1938 the family lived in Hillsboro, Wis., for 24 years where “Ig” and his brother John, operated a privately owned, short-line railroad. In 1962 the couple moved to the Southwest where they were partners for five years in the operation of an ice cream store in Tucson, Arizona. Later, when she was in her early 70s, Mayme took up painting, which she continued into her 90s. When she and “Ig” moved back to Wisconsin for a few years in the 1980s. One of her paintings, a seascape, was awarded a “First Premium” blue ribbon at the Central Wisconsin State Fair. She worked in acrylics, oils and water-colors. Soon after she moved into a nursing home in Wau-nakee, Wis., when she was 91, a weekly newspaper there published an illustrated feature article about her and her paintings. She was a member of Holy Family Lodge #135 of the American Slovenian Catholic Union/KSKJ for more than 60 years. In Hillsboro she was a member of the St. Aloysius Altar Society and the Catholic Order of Foresters. In Tucson she served on the board of directors of the condominium where she and “Ig” lived. Survivors include four sons: James of Leesburg, Va., Bernard of Madison, Wis., Thomas of Winchester, Va., and Mark of Tucson; 9 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; one brother, Ed Bayuk of Willard; and one sister, Florence Klinke of Greenwood, Wis. She was preceded in death by her husband of 55 years, who died in 1988, four sisters and four brothers. EMMA C. ZNIDARSICH Emma C. Znidarsich, 92, of La Crosse, WI, died Wednesday, September 21, 2005, in Hillview Health Care Center surrounded by her family and friends. She was born in Bradley, Illinois on January 16, 1913, to Joseph and Caroline (Lustig) Yanesh. Emma married Frank Znidarsich on November 12, 1947 in Rome, Italy. Emma’s childhood learning enabled her to develop into a professional cook and an exceptional seamstress. She prepared meals for the nuns of St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish (1960-1966) in Bradley, Illinois and also for the Sisters of Notre Dame in Bourbonnais, Illinois (1967-1970). As a member of St. priest and altar servers’ vestments were nothing less than immaculate. Emma was a most proficient speaker of the Slovenian and English languages. She had to decline her position as a United Nations interpreter when she began her vocation as a wife and mother returning to the U.S. from Slovenia. She also managed her time well enough to be regional secretary for the K.S.K.J. organization for 15 years until returning to farming in Hurley, Wisconsin. Upon retirement in 1991, Emma and Frank Moved to La Crosse and enjoyed being a Grandma and Grandpa. She is survived by four sons: Frank Znidarsich of Kankakee, IL, Raymond (Rebecca) Znidarsich of North Salem, NY, Joseph (Teresa) Znidarsich and Gerard Znidarsich of La Crosse, WI; and five grandchildren: Ami Chandanais-Znidarsich of Brackney, PA, Joseph Znidarsich of West Palm Beach, FL, Rebecca Znidarsich of St. Cloud MN, Jacob and Timothy Znidarsich of La Crosse, WI. Emma is further survived by one sister, Ivanka Pucelj of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She was preceded in death by her husband Frank, on October 20, 1994, her parents, and one brother Joseph Yanesh. YVONNE M. PROSTOR Yvonne Marie Prostor, 80, a resident of Scdona, AZ, died Thursday, Sept. 1, 2005. Bom June 24, 1925 in Seattle, Mrs. Prostor lived 31 years in Anaheim, Calif. Before moving to Sedona 15 years ago. Mrs. Prostor was a graduate of Villa Angela Academy in Cleveland. She devoted her life to volunteering and serving the community. She dedicated 10 years of volunteer service to the Sedona-Oak Creek Canyon Chamber of Commerce; and 10 years of volunteer service at St. Luke Hospital in Fullerton, Calif. Mrs. Prostor was a member of the Niners of Oakcreek Country Club, and a men\ber of St. John Vianney Catholic Church and the women’s Guild. Mrs. Prostor is survived by her devoted husband of 57 years, Raymond Prostor; three sisters, Vivianne Metzzer, of Cashiers, N.C., Madeleine Marback of Wheaton* 111., and Jeannette Wilson of Louisville, Colo.; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorial services took place at St. John Vianney Catholic Church on Friday, Sept. 9 at 11 a.m. Donations in Mrs. Prostor’s name may be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 2718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, or the charity of your choice. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 _ Anne’s Cqunqij,■ for, Ca(hphc;v>ii, n'H Woi»e«;--—-she......devoted •• countless hours to ensure the No Paper Next Week The Ameriška Domovina (American Home) newspaper will not be printed next Thursday, Oct. 6. The next edition will be dated October 13. Also, the American Home will not be printed on Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving) and Dec. 22 and 29 (Christmas). In Loving Memory of EDWARD KAIFESH 13th Anniversary of the passing of our beloved husband, father, grandfather who died October 9,1992 Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps him near. Sadly missed by: sons and daughter; and families ( ,0 KeivKevhvLarry, Jimmy,-and‘Ktffl’Afffi > 2 m *3 ŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 ..jlglP* _______ iHli ^ Julka Zalar, left, received the “Baraga Woman of the Year 2005 plaque from Baraga Association Executive Director, Rev. Alexander Sample, and Editor and Archivist Elizabeth Delene. News from Kazakhstan Bishop A. Edward Pevec thanks everyone for his being chosen “Baraga Man of the Year 2005” by The Bishop Baraga Association. Pictured in center is editor and archivist Elizabeth Delene, and at right is executive director Alexander Sample. Last week I received an e-mail from Franciscan Fr. David Gaa, pastor of the parish in Taldykorgan, which our parish of St. Mary’s of the Assumption (Collin-wood) will be helping. In part he wrote: “Last Saturday at the International Mass in Almaty, Greg and Jenny Sedmak gave me the most generous donation from your parish ($750). On behalf of the parishioners of the parish where I work, I wish to thank you. We bought a house (just four rooms) and we plan to fix the place to become a little parish center. In two or three years, we hope to build a church since now we just meet on the first floor of the house where we Franciscan friars live (there are three of us). It is rather small and cramped. The parish itself is rather small with just 60-80 people, mostly of Polish and German descent whose families were deported here by Stalin during the 1930s and 1940s. I will try to send some photos. Until then, Thanks again! Peace! --Fr. David From St. Mary’s Church bulletin ROBERT TRIOZZI THE LEADER CLEVELAND HAS BEEN LOOKING FOR. TRIOZZI FOR MAYOR CLEVELAND RIGHT LEADER. RIGHT NOW. | TO LEARN MORE OR TO VOLUNTEER, VISIT WWW.TRIOZZIFORMAYOR.COM OR CALL 216.771.1100 P»i J «or by Trio«' ht Mayor ComiTi*ti*u Joim Sawotwy. Tmavu^r 1J600 Arrtocn A/unu«* CtWwvJ Ohio 41120 Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. (All photos by TONY GRDINA) Cooking is at once one of the simplest and most gratifying of A faithful friend is the thd arts, but to cook well one must love and respect food. medicine of life. --Craig Claiborne Books from Slovenia — In English The Making of the Slovenian State/1988-1992; and the Collapse of Yugoslavia Authored by Prime Minister Janez Janša, this book gives an insider's view of the period leading to Slovenia's independence and a portrait of the people who emerged along with it. Hardback English edition has 52 photos in 25fi pages. Price - $44.95 National Atlas of Slovenia “It is indeed impressive when a country that is smaller than Lake Ontario and has about two million people - fewer than many U.S. cities - can put out a national atlas as well presented as this one." The Library Journal, 2002 Hardback - $72.95 (Also available in Slovenian - $50.95) Wines of Slovenia Translated into English, this new book covers 386 vineyards, a remarkable number for such a small country. Presented by region, the wines are rated in a four star system and paired to food recommendations. Authored by ethnologist Or. Janez Bogataj and vinlculturalist Dr. Julij Nemanič. Price - $72.95 SLOVENIIA it /r*lM SSXlfr ■r-rr^ Slovenia from the Air There is no better way to appreciate the natural beauty of Slovenia than from the air. Over 200 stunning aerial photos in its 242 pages. Price - ^0 now $50.95 Slovenian Folk Tblcs An English version of one of the best-selling Slovenian children’s hooks, with six Slovenian folk talcs and 52 great full-color illustrations in 82 pages. Price - $34.95 Sl ovene-English Dictionary At 935 pages, this hardcover edition is intended for most translation tasks. At the condensed size of 5” x 3" x l", the dictionary is great for travelers. Price - $65.95 :M;-r ' Slovenia Slovenia: My Country This is one of the best photographic portraits of Slovenia ever published. Jt. was produced by Joco Žnidaršič, the long-serving photo editor of DELO, the major daily newspaper in Slovenia. “My Country" captures the stunning beauty of Slovenia in 277 photographs over its 200 pages. English narration. Price - $87.95 Handicrafts of Slovenia This gorgeous hook presents the craft art of over 200 craftsmen working in traditional forms. Includes a guide to artisans by region with contact information. 315 pages with 532 color photos. Standard edition - $87.95, exhibition edition with 143 color photographs in 172 pages - $40.95 Come My Gentle Ariel This C the best known of renowned Slovenian author Mi.a Mihelic’s many stories for young people. It is based on the author's up-bringing in her grandmother’s home in the mining town of TVbrovlje. 129 pages with 18 illustrations. Price -$31.95 Slovenian Cookery Over 100 classic Slovenian dishes are provided in this recent publication. Recipes selected by Slavko Adanijc, one of Slovenia's foremost chefs. 83 color photographs over its 144 pages. Attention is also given to the wines of each region. Price -$50.95 Guide to Slovenian Museums - $53.95 / The Atlas of Slovenia (240 maps at 1:50,000 scale) - $106.95 Plecnlk’s Market In Ljubljana ■ $77.95 / Vlecnlk's Treasures: - $77.95 / Triglav National Fork Guide and Map - $31.95 Architectural Guide to Ljubljana ■ Paperback - $54.95 / Slovenia rocket Guide - $15.95 Slovenian Cooking - $15.95 ff Slovenia Roadmap - $13.95 / Slovenia: The First 10 Years - $82.95 / Tourist Guide to Slovenia - $66.95 Prices include shipping and handling. Orders can be placed by credit card on-line at: www.Bonk.sofSlovcnia.coin or by sending a check ■ (()r purchase order) payable to Books of Slovenia to 453 Rialto Avenue, Venice, CA 90291. ™ For information call (310) 392-4843 or email BooksofSlovenia^comcast.net 9 Archbishop Curtiss Promotes Baraga Cause Speech given on Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005 by Most Rev. Elden Francis Curtiss, Archbishop of Omaha, in St. Mary’ Community Center in Cleveland, Ohio as the main (and only) speaker at the Bishop Baraga annual meet-jng and banquet at 3:30 p.m. Frederic Baraga was 71 Years old when he died in January, 1868 - 137 years ago. He was the first Bishop °f Marquette. He was the first of many Slovenian missionaries who came to North America in the early 1800s. But these historical facts are not the reason we have gathered to honor the mem-0ry of Frederic Baraga. He fias a special significance today for all of us with Slovenian blood, and for the whole Church, because of fils holiness that developed fiom his intimacy with Jesus In the Eucharist. This deep relationship with the Lord kd him to make a total c°mniitment to the people he ^erved, especially his be-loved Indian people around Cake Superior and northern . Cake Michigan. ' By aii accounts, Frederic Baraga was a very intelligent ^am He had honed his na-fiVe Slovenian gifts well Ifirough diligent study and academic achievement, in-c'uding a law degree from tfie University of Vienna. By ”e time he was nine years °!d> he was fluent in Slove-lan, French and German -^ of the benefits of living 'JJ Slovenia has always been t e Incentive for the young 0 learn the language of sur-^unding countries. Frederic araga would be amazed to ^am that English has be-*ne the second language of t°Bng people in Slovenia l0Qay P Anting Baraga had to learn J^lish after arriving in the i^'ted States, and he learned v "'ell with an impressive pabulary. And then he set ..°ut learning the Indian (CVCtS the Qjlbwae . mppewa), and Ottawa tiv CS authored 20 Na-iti6 J^ITlerlcan books, includ-^ a monumental grammar q.. dictionary of the J* Wan language which da^tlnues in use to this very JJ’s prolific publishing SUiv*8 ^e*Pe(i guarantee the djai 1Val of several Indian ^ects 0Ver thg years Usedls evident that Baraga Jhe isolation of long lea er days and nights to and then put into fitdit^le languages of the en *n people he be lJniered. This proved to Cate ,a very effective °ther et*Cal to°l fi°r him and ebde missionaries, and ^ed him to the Indians. ’55:s:..■ •' litr a Si1! His major impact: His holiness But the long-term impact that Bishop Baraga had on the development of Catholic life in northern Michigan and beyond was not simply the result of his intelligence and his linguistic skills. He was, first of all, a man of faith, a man of the Church. His love for Jesus was obvious to all who met him. He was able to share that love with everyone who came into his life, no matter what their condition or station of life. It was not so much his natural gifts that he perfected that made Frederic Baraga a great man - it was the supernatural gifts of the Spirit that animated his life and his ministry, gifts given to him freely and generously by the Lord. More than anything else, Frederic Baraga was a man of prayer who spent hours each day and night in the presence of the eucharistic Lord. He knew by faith that Jesus was truly present in the Eucharist - “this is my body broken for you - this is my blood poured out for you.” He became increasingly aware of the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist and the total, overpowering love that Jesus had for him. He experienced the Lord’s presence. He sensed the power of the Lord’s love for him. He spent hours with the Lord, savoring his presence, treasuring the time spent in his presence, quietly, sometimes for hours without a sense of time passing by - he would spend three hours at the beginning of each day in prayer (rising at 3 a.m. in the summer and 4 a.m. in the winter) totally absorbed in the eucharistic Lord. It was this deep relationship with Jesus that made Frederic Baraga such a special catechist and bishop despite the hardship he endured and his failures and defeats. Nothing ever daunted him because of the love of the Lord that sustained him. He was a man of constant prayer, a man of the Eucharist, a man for others. He preached more eloquently and more effectively by the priest he was, than by his deeds and his many writings were the special natural and supernatural gifts that made this pioneering Slovenian missionary bishop such a special man: a keen intelligence, exceptional linguistic skills, an entrepreneurial spirit as a catechist, and his obvious holiness that came from years of intimacy with the eucharistic Lord. He was very much like another Slavic bishop who, 125 years Most Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss later, became Pope John Paul H. Two Slavic Bishops: Two men of the Eucharist One of the last legacies of our beloved Polish Pope was a fervent appeal to the Catholics of the world to observe, in significant ways, this Year of the Eucharist. He exhorted all of us to reaffirm our faith in the unique presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Because of his personal experience of intimacy with the Lord that developed from the hours he spent every day before the tabernacle - just as Bishop Baraga before him had spent so many hours before the tabernacle - Pope John Paul II knew that the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is at the very heart of our Catholic faith. We today, with the whole Church, accept the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as a doctrine of our Catholic faith because it is contained in the Word of God as attested by Sacred Scripture and tradition. Jesus clearly stated at the Last Supper that “this is my body - this is my blood.” In an earlier controversy with his followers in chapter six of John’s Gospel, Jesus insisted that he was not using metaphor in teaching them about the Eucharist - “my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.” Many of his listeners found this a hard saying and parted his company. Jesus did not moderate his statements to win them back, and he does not do so today. This is the reason that the Bishops and Doctors of the Church throughout the ages have confidently proclaimed the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, notwithstanding the objections and misconceptions which have been raised through the centuries. Frederic Baraga knew well the teaching of the Church regarding the unique presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. But more importantly, like John Paul II a century later, Baraga had a profound sense of the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist. His faith was not based on just a cognitive adherence to a doctrine of the Church that bound him to the Eucharist. He had a deep personal experience of Jesus present in the Eucharist, present for him and loving him with an overwhelming, overpowering love that never waned. Frederic Baraga became a man of the Eucharist because Jesus revealed his presence and love for him in the Eucharist - he experienced himself embraced by the living Christ - his mind and heart and spirit were transformed by this experience. It was this same experience of the eucharistic Lord that moved the mind and heart and spirit of Pope John Paul II to proclaim this the Year of the Eucharist before he died. He will be known always as the Pope of the Eucharist because he experienced the Lord a century before. John Paul II was able to proclaim this amazing reality to the people of the world because he was an authentic witness to this truth. Frederic Baraga had been the same authentic witness to the people who knew him in this land in the 19th century. Wojtyla and Baraga: Two Role Models So this day we honor two holy men of the Eucharist -Karol Wojtyla and Frederic Baraga. When they are canonized as saints of the Church, all people of faith will rejoice that the Lord has raised up two holy bishops who were intimately bound to the eucharistic Lord. And we the living shall rejoice that we have been given two kindred spirits as our role models who have helped us appreciate the special gift that the Eucharist is for us on our journeys of faith. It was John Paul II who reminded us that each one of us can also become holy because it is Jesus in the Eucharist who fills us with his holiness. Let us, then, give a toast to our two great heroes in the faith: to Frederic Baraga, our Slovenian Bishop and saint; to Karol Wojtyla, our beloved pope and saint; and let us always give honor and praise to Jesus Christ our Savior and eucharistic Lord who was the source of their holiness and is the source of our holiness now. Salute! Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Treventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 111 I :u,; -I li-. I I-1 I. M . I I 11 li.iiml 'ifcr.«,« I AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 Report on Mihevc Grant Program The Joseph Mihevc and Antonia Mihevc Scholarship Endowment Fund of St. Vitus (i.e., Mihevc Grant Program) was established on April 19, 1989 between Edward L. Mihevic Sr. and St. Vitus Parish (Cleveland, Ohio, diocese of Cleveland). The legal agreement was a declaration of (irrevocable) trust that outlined rights and obligations of the benefactor (Mr. Mihevic Sr.) and those of the beneficiary (St. Vitus Parish). The administration of this irrevocable) was through St. Vitus Finance Council. Initial funding was a $300,000 donation made by Edward L. Mihevic Sr., the son of Joseph and Antonia Mihevc, Slovenian immigrants who had settled in Cleveland, Ohio. The scholarship and program were named in their honor. The primary objective of the irrevocable trust was to provide and "establish an Endowment Fund to assist (registered St. Vitus parishioners) who are qualified and whose financial situation requires financial assistance, " attending a tuition paving "secondary or high school or first year college who are qualified because of financial need and who exhibit and manifest such scholarship attributes for their continued education. ” None of the principal of the $300,000 donation could be used: only interest income, dividends, or other earned money were allowed for the scholarship purpose, irre-gardless of merit or any other need. The benefactor of the irrevocable trust could not incur any benefit from the donation. The administrators of the irrevocable trust were instructed to establish guidelines for a scholarship/grant program. The irrevocable trust provided enough flexibility so that in one or more years, upon review by the administrators, no grants would be distributed due to economic trends, demographics, or other factors. A summary report was provided to the benefactor on an annual basis even though this was not required by the trust agreement. The summary report provided a means to maintain communication between both parties on actual results, expectations, and changing needs for the program. Edward L. Mihevic Sr. lived to see the start and blossoming of this program until his untimely demise on May 16, 1998. The Mihevc Grant program continued in this original format until the demise of his surviving spouse, Glenna Price Mihevic, who» passed away on June 7, 2002. In accordance with the Last Will and Testament as well as Trust Agreement of Edward L. Mihevic, the bulk of the remaining proceeds of the estate of Glenna M. (Price) Mihevic were directed to the Mihevc Grant Program. With consultation, direction, and consent of the Co-Trustee (Donna Marie Boek-ley) of the above mentioned testament and trust, the Probate Court of Cuyahoga County, state of Ohio, granted permission to amend the original irrevocable trust based on two conditions: the Mihevc Grant Program would expand from secondary or high school and first-year college only to Kindergarten to senior year, college; and that St. Vitus Endowment Trust would receive approximately half the proceeds from the settled estate. The Probate Court agreed to this approach based on a review of actual results and performance of the Mihevc Grant Program over a 13 year period (1990-2002). The probate Court determined that the guidance and direction of the Mihevc Grant Program by the parish was in the best interests of all parties. It should be noted at this juncture that due to the insight, guidance, goodwill and approval of the Co-Trustee, the good work performed over the past 13 years as envisioned by the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. continues today and into the future by the parish. The results speak for themselves. From 1990 until 2002 nearly $440,000 was distributed to 347 approved applications. Therefore, the $440,000 exceeded the original funding of $300,000. The Mihevc Grant Program has enabled 875 approved applications with $1,070,293 in grant funding since 1990. Only one other Catholic parish (St. Charles Borromeo Education Endowment Trust, Parma, Ohio) in the diocese of Cleveland, has such a program, but only for applicants from grades K-to-8.* The Review Committee** of the Mihevc Grant Program approved 172 applications with allowance of $173,000 in funding for school year 2005/06. Funding was for general scholarships, the “Summer Enrichment Program,” (adminis- tered by St. Ignatius High School), and the “Edward L. Mihevic Sr. American Slovenian Scholarship” for approved applicants attending John Carroll University only, the Jesuit university in the Greater Cleveland where Mr. Mihevic Sr. was a student. The families and/or approved applicants have been a blessing to St. Vitus Parish by being involved in parish life in many different facets: mass servers, readers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, singers in one or more choirs, assisting at the parish food bank, volunteering at the annual parish picnic, assisting at numerous parish < benefit dinners, serving on parish pastoral or finance councils, teaching or volunteering at the Saturday Language School, decorating during Christmas or Holy Week; and many other parish activities. It is the service component to parish and broader community that will be the more lasting legacy of the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr.: providing many avenues to be a conscientious and contributing individual to the parish and community-at-large. Listed in today’s edition of the American Home/Ameriška Domovina are the names of the approved applicants for school year 2005/06. We take a moment to recognize the generosity and foresight of the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. and ask that he is kept in your daily prayers as well as those of all our faithfully departed. Respectfully submitted Stane Kuhar, Coordinator, Mihevc Grant Program *As of June 30, 2004 the St. Charles Borromeo Education Endowment Trust reported in the Sept. 12, 2004 parish bulletin a principal value of Edward L. Mihevic, Sr. $8,353,869.78. **Review Committee for the Mihevc Grant Program consists of members of the Mihevic family and members of St. Vitus Parish finance council. Elementary Avsec, Joshua Avsec, Luke Bloom, Kathleen Brown, Renae Celestina,Joanna Celestina, Jonathan Cisco,Cassandra Coffelt, Monica Cup Likozar Maria Dolenc,AnneMahe Dolenc,Audrey Dolinar, Michael Dolinar.Elizabeth Dolinar, Matthew Formanik Michael Formanik, Chelsea Futey, Joseph V Graf, Michelle Graf, Rachael Graf Samantha Gulley Chhstian Hebebrand, Kristen Hebebrand.Matt Harley, Alexander llisinovic, Ana Jaksic.Cariy Ann Jaksic, Jacob Jurkovič, Michael Kendzierski.John Kem, Margaret Speck Kirk, Kristina Kosir, Chelsea Kosir,Jonathan Kosir, Natalie Kosir.Nathaniel Kosir, Nicholas Kosir, Shane Krainz, Hannah Krainz, Katherine Krainz, Thomas Kurbos, Stefani Lees, Alexis Lees, Nick Leksan, Anthony Leksan,Jacob Mace, Alexis Mace, Conrad St. Vitus Parish Mihevc Grant Program Approved Applicants. School Year 2005/6 Elementary Icont'dl Mace, Noelle McKinley, Claudia McKinley, Nicholas Mihelich, Elizabeth Mihelich,Michael Paolucci, Dominic Paolucci, Vincent Pesek, Myron Pesek, Ronald Pintur, Mateo Pintur, Tereza Pintur,Anastasia Plassard,Alan Rozman, Iris Rozman, Sophie Slak, Claire Slak, Emily Stankowicz.Ben Sterle, Frank Thorkelson, Elliot Thorkelson.Erik Turk, Andrew Turk, David Turk, Matthew Vogel, Andrej Vogel, Anton Vbgel, Nicole Vogel, Rachael Vomberger, Ana Žakelj,Antonia Zakrajšek, Anna Zakrajšek, Ashley Zakrajšek, Katelyn Zakrjasek, Sarah Zitko, Mary High School Antloga, Andrea Augustine, Catherine Avsec, Olivia Bloom, Kevin Bloom,Rebecca Bratkovič, Monica Brown, Jennifer Brown, Maria Celestina,Richie Cup Likozar David Dolinar, Elise High School(Cont’d) Dolinar, Evan Formanik, Kristie Formanik, Lisa Graf, Thomas Hebebrand, Stephanie Hurley, Katherine llisinovic, Una Jakomin,John Jančar, Stephanie Krainz,Andrew Krainz,Megan Leonard, Alex Luzar, Ron Jr Manning,Cynthia McKinley,Alex Music, Victoria Paolucci, Anthony Paynter,Ashley Percic.Monika Plassard,Andrew Srsen, David Srsen, Patrick Srsen,Anne Srsen,Johnnie Stidham, Robert J Thorkelson,Evan Žakelj, JJ Zitko, Frankie College Antloga,Kristina Antloga, Thomas Bratkovič, Jessica Brown, Lauren Brown, Sean Calevich,Lauren Cancic,Marci Cevasco, Megan Coffelt, Matt Dolenc,Andrea Dolenc,Anton Dolenc,Jennifer Gulley, Cliff Jr Gulley, Nicole Gurski,Amanda Jakomin, Kristina Jurkovič, Viktoria ColleaelCont'd) Kem, Edward Speck Krainz, Michael Kristanc, Adam Kristanc, Danille Kristanc, Leah Kristanc, Rachel Kuhar, Andrew Kuhar, Mark Kuhar, Nicholas Lavrisha,Daniel Lavnsha,Nadine Leonard, Andrea Luzar, Sarah Milakovich, Samantha Mills, Nicholas Morsch, Alex Music, Christopher Music, Suzy Odar,Amy Qdar,Cath!een Ovsenik, Lisa Ovsenik, Pam Ovsenik, Tony Jr Plečnik, Maria Plečnik, Mark Polomsky.John Snyder, Carl Snyder,Robert Srsen, Andrea Srsen, Mark Sterle, Danielle Stransky, Kristen Thorkelson, Elise Yuko, Victoria Žakelj, Christian Zevnik, Nicholas Žnidaršič, Julie Zupan, Katy Zupan, Megan FOR Freedom AND Justice V Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, September 29, 2005 Pater Krizolog Cimerman v New Yorku ... Napad je ljudi zbližal New York (Demokracija, IX. 2005) - Ta čas svet Pretresajo prizori naravne katastrofe v New Orleansu, Prav te dni pa minevajo tudi štiri leta od najod-uievnejšega terorističnega dejanja v novejši zgodovi-ni - napada na stolpnici Svetovnega trgovinskega centra v New Yorku. Marsikdo ne ve, da Imamo v središču tega umeriškega mesta tudi Slovenci svoj košček. Pogovarjali smo se s patrom Krizologom Cimermanom, frančiškanom, ki vodi župnijo sv. Cirila na Manhattnu. (Pogovor je vodil peter Avsenik.) O Minila so štiri leta od terorističnega napada v vaši neposredni bližini. Kako ocenjujete današ-Uje družbeno ozračje v Primerjavi s tistim pred štirimi leti? V štirih letih se je Manhattan precej spremenil. V ljudeh se je po-JavUa neka posebna du-h°vna kvaliteta - prej so bili večji individualisti, teroristični napad pa jih je nekako zbližal. Američani so se takrat zavedeli, kako je življenje kljub vsemu pravzaprav nezavarovano. Še pomembnejša posledica tragedije pa je miselnost, da v življenju ne moremo več nikogar in ničesar izključevati; ljudje se med drugim precej več družijo. Glede New Yorka - do lanskega leta je kazalo, da se mesto zlepa ne bo postavilo na noge; šele v zadnjem letu si je nekoliko opomoglo, vanj sta se začela vračati tudi turizem in posel, kar je zelo pomembno za nadaljnji razvoj tega odprtega iin svetovljanskega mesta. Ali terorizem v Evropi v zadnjem času med Američani zbuja strah pred novim napadom v ZDA? Da, še zlasti po bombnem napadu v Londonu so strokovnjaki za domo- vinsko varnost odprli razprave o tem, da je teroristični napad v Ameriki skoraj neizbežen. Ti strokovnjaki sicer skušajo narediti vse, da bi ga preprečili, a to povzroča kar nekaj težav, saj so Američani zelo svobodoljuben narod. Del našega vsakdanjika je namreč pregledovanje ljudi - tako na letališčih kot tudi v federalnih stavbah in na podzemni železnici. Naše življenje je tako postalo zelo nadzorovano, ljudje pa tega niso vajeni. ‘ % Videti je. kot da bi bili Američani skupaj z vlado v zadnji katastrofi (DALJE na str. 15) Kaznovanje MLADOSTI IN MLADOSTNE VERE - Srečanje mladih v Stični 17. ePtembra je bilo po besedah ljubljanskega nadškofa Alojza Urana dobra injekcija Jcnja, ki Jo slovenski prostor zelo potrebuje: “Vesel sem; da se toliko mladih s °či, da pridejo skupaj in se tudi kot kristjani povežejo,” je sredi dogajanja na ^ ostanskem dvorišču, kjer se je po ocenah organizatorjev kljub slabemu vreme-2bralo 8500 mladih iz vse Slovenije, dejal nadškof Uran. “Stična je praznovanje evh^°Stl in m^at^ostne vere. Upam, da bodo mladi, ki se letos srečujejo v luči se arisbjc. imeli notranjo božjo moč, da jo bodo posredovali naprej tako, da bi p evharistija poznala v življenju,” je poudaril Uran. Mlade je pozval, naj ljudem sžejo sposobnost odpuščanja, občutljivost za potrebe drugih, zavzetost za bliž-> e§a' Predvsem pa. da živijo iz Kristusa. STA (Delo, 19. sept. 2005) Mrt.AV nbiohA Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo Oltarnega društva fare Marije Vnebovzete— To vsakoletno kosilo bo v nedeljo, 2. oktobra, v župnijski dvorani. Serviranje bo od 11. dop. do 1. pop. Kosilo bo $11 za odraslega in $5 za otroka. Nakaznice se dobe pri članicah in bodo na razpolago tudi pri vhodu na dan kosila. Koline— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave vabi v nedeljo, 9. oktobra, na Slovensko pristavo, na “koline”. Serviranje bo od 12. ure opoldan do 3. pop. Novi grobovi June M. Price Umrla je 80 let stara June M. Price, rojena Babin, vdova po Johnu, mati Davida, Michaela in Karen-Carrino, 4-krat stara mati, sestra že pok. Shirley Babitt, mnoga leta je bila ena vodilnih pevk-solistk pri zboru Glasbena Matica. Pogreb je bil 26. septembra s pogrebno sv. mašo v kapeli St. Augustine Towers. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Friends of the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 ali St. Augustine Towers, 7821 Lake Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102. Julia J. Travnikar Umrla je 87 let stara Julia J. Travnikar, rojena Jereb, vdova po Edwardu, mati Diane Kopp in Susan Raslowsky, 3-krat stara mati, 43 let je lastovala in vodila Shaker Secretarial Service, Inc. na Shaker Hts. Pogreb je bil 26. septembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene Emma C. Znidarsich Dne 21. septembra je v La Crosse, Wis., umrla 92 let stara Emma C. Znidarsich, rojena Yanesh 16. januarja 1913 v Bradleyu, 111., vdova po 1. 1994 umrlem Franku, mati Franka, Ray-monda, Josepha in Geralda, 5-krat stara mati, sestra Ivanke Pucelj (Slov.) in že pok. Josepha. Pogreb je bil 26. septembra v La Crosse, Wis., kjer je bila tudi pokopana. Milly S. Scoville Umrla je 95 let stara Milly S. Scoville iz Euclida, rojena Jenskovic, mati Katherine Bukovec, Neala in Geri Beemiller, 6-krat stara (.DALJE na str. 15) ■i I!! Tl!1..) J' i!r.,r Izid referenduma— Preteklo nedeljo je bi. . Sloveniji izveden ref dum o (ne)potrditvi nevega zakona o RTVS. Udeležil se ga je tudi neka; Pavijanov Slovenije, ki bivajo ZDA. Referendum je zako> potrdil, kar dejansko pomeni zmago za vlado, ki je bila zakon pripravila in ga je bil državni zbor sprejel. Zelo proti zakonu sta bili glavni opozicijski stranki, LDS in SD (bivša ZL). Spremenjen format— Ker lastnik ne more več dobivati dnevni Delo fax, to zato, ker sedaj omenjeno podjetje zahteva mesečno plačilo, urednik tudi ne dobivam dnevnih novic. Zato sem bil primoran spremeniti format prve strani. Če bo mogoče zadevo rešiti, se bo odpravljena rubrika vrnila. Prihodnjič 13. oktobra— Naš list bo zopet izšel čez dva tedna, torej 13. oktobra, nato pa še 20. in 27. oktobra. Martinovanje— Letošnje že tradicionalno martinovanje, ki ga prireja Štajersko-Prekmurski klub, bo v soboto, 22. oktobra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju, s pričetkom ob 6.30 zvečer. Igrala za ples in zabavo bo godba Nova generacija. Za vstopnice in več informacij, pokličite ali Tonico na 440-256-6716 ali Mimi na 216-531-4817. Fantje na vasi vab(jo— Moški zbor Fantje na vasi vabi na svoj vsakoletni koncert, ki bo v soboto, 29. oktobra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Pričel se bo ob 7h zv., vstopnina bo po $12 na osebo, za mlajše do 13. leta bo vstop prost. Za rezervacijo miz (8 - 10) pokličite Marka Jakomina na 440-944-6997. Krofi in rezanci— V soboto, 8. oktobra, ima Oltarno društvo Sv. Vida prodajo krofov in rezancev, to ob običajnem času v društveni sobi farnega avditorija. Pridite! Volitve— Prihodnji torek bodo v Clevelandu in drugod volitve. V Clevelandu iščeta ponovno izvolitev mestna odbornika Joe Cimperman (St. Clair) in Michael Polenšek (Collimvood). Volišča bodo odprta od 6.30 zj. do 7.30 zv. ■i !j:>ur:.;liter, rrntao.t' UinO MIRAN FAKIN, ujetnik poplavljenega New Orleansa ... Mislili smo, da je počila vodovodna cev “Louisianska univerza je za študente naročila dva avtobusa, da sta nas odpeljala v Baton Rouge. Kaj se je zgodilo s tisoči drugih na letališču, ne vem. ” Triindvajsetletni Miran Fakin, Ljubljančan in študent ir^dicine na dunajski univerzi, je to poletje opravljal prakso na urgentnem oddelku Charity Hospital v New Orleansu. Tam ga je v ponedeljek, 29. avgusta, ujel orkan Katrina. Ko je popustil še obrambni nasip, ki New Orleans varuje pred vodami jezera Ponchartrain, se je začelo njegovo ujetništvo. Matija Gram DELO, 9. sept. 2005 O Zakaj niste upoštevali nasveta župana New Orleansa Raya Nagina in odšli pred prihodom Katrine? Orkani v New Orleansu niso nič neobičajnega. Državni orkanski center večkrat na mesec opozori prebivalstvo, da se bliža orkan, a se vse do zadnjega ne ve, kje natanko bo potoval. Tudi za Katrino se ni vedelo. Oko Katrine se Je nazadnje za 20 milj izognilo mestu. Drugi razlog, da sem ostal, je bil, da je štu- dentski dom, v katerem sem bival, trdno zgrajena, pred orkani varna stavba. Toda nihče ni pričakoval, da bodo po orkanu popustili nasipi, ki mesto varujejo pred vodami Pontchartraina. Je ljudi zajela panika? Svetovne televizije so prenašale posnetke kilometrskih kolon avtomobilov, ki so po polžje zapuščali mesto. Res so množično odhajali, a predvsem tisti, ki imajo denar ali pa počitniške hišice na Floridi. Ti so evakuacijo vzeli kot nekakšne počitnice. Revni prebivalci, večinoma črnci, se niso imeli kam u-makniti. Ker živijo v krhkih hišicah iz lesa, so se zatekli v športno dvorano Superdome. Evakuacija z javnimi prevoznimi sredstvi mesto ni organiziralo? Kolikor vem, ne. Nam so zgolj priporočili umik iz mesta, za nekatera primestna naselja so odredili obvezno evakuacijo, nikjer pa niso razglasili prisilne evakuacije. Po mnenju ameriškega pisatelja Richarda Forda bi bila prisilna evakuacija v nasprotju Z ameriškim načinom življenja, svobodo in nc- poseganjem oblasti v zasebno življenje. Ne vem, ali je zaradi tega ni bilo. Ljudje še danes vztrajajo v poplavljenih hišah, ker se bojijo, da bodo sicer izropane. Zato je župan New Orleansa sredi tega tedna vendarle moral odrediti prisilno evakuacijo. (Op. ur. AD: Ne pozabite, da je bil ta intervju prvi teden septembra.) Kako ste doživeli Katrino? V nedeljo pozno zvečer smo še postopali po terasi študentskega doma. Vel je prijeten veter. Čez noč se je okrepil, tako da so semaforji nihali v vetru, in obilno je deževalo. Toda v celoti nič neobičajnega. Popoldne je spet bilo, kakor vedno po orkanu, zelo lepo, sončno vreme, z brezvetrjem in 40 stopinjami. Mesto ni bilo huje prizadeto. Polomljeni semaforji, tu in tam razbite izložbe in okenska stekla. Na televiziji pogosto prikazovani hotel Hyatt je bil prej izjema kakor pravilo. V polkrožno oblikovani hotel se je čelno uprl veter, zato so skoraj vsa okenska steka popokala. Je po orkanu zavladalo olajšanje? Je, mislili smo, da smo ga premagali. Šli smo na dolg popoldanski sprehod po mestu. Ko pa smo se ob enajstih zvečer vračali v študentski dom, je voda že segala čez gležnje. Ste vedeli, od kod prihaja? Ne,' domnevali smo, da je popočila podzemna cev vodovoda. Kdaj ste dojeli, da se je porušil obrambni nasip? Šele v torej zjutraj, ko smo se zbudili sredi morja sive, skoraj črne umazane vode z oljnimi madeži, ki je segala dva metra visoko. >1' '!> v 11 •< ril ni Miran fakin Odtlej smo bili ujetniki študentskega doma. Nikamor več se nismo mogli premakniti. Ni bilo elektrike, voda ni več tekla iz pip in naš edini stik z zunanjim svetom je bil prenosni tranzistor univerzitetnega varnostnika, ki nas je varoval in naslednje dni pazil, da ne bi kdo od zunaj priplaval v študentski dom. Ste se poskušali sami rešiti iz vodnega objema? Ne, v vodi so bile strupene kače in krokodili. Preplavati vodo tudi ne bi imelo nobenega smisla, saj bi se lahko zatekli le v športno dvorano. Že takrat smo vedeli, da smo na boljšem kakor ljudje v Superdomu, kjer so bile razmere obupne, nevarnost infekcij, pomanjkanje vode in hrane, nasilje, celo posilstva. Da ne omenjam tistih, ki so na pomoč čakali pri 40 stopinjah Celzija, brez vode in hrame na strehah svojih hiš. Nas so z vodo in enim sendvičem na dan oskrbovali iz zalog Louisiana State University. Kakšne so bile raiz-mere v bolnišnici? Po orkanu je zmanjkalo elektrike. Bilo je obupno vroče, monitorji niso delali, zdravniki so si svetili z žepnimi svetilkami ali svečami. Elektriko iz generatorja je imel še samo travmatološki oddelek, dokler ni tudi generatorja preplavila voda. Kakšne vrste bolnišnica je Charity Hospital? Namenjena Je revnim brez zd^^vsfvenega zava- rovanja. To so tako brezdomci in zaporniki kot ljudje, ki imajo družine, svoje hiše, so zaposleni, a si kljub temu ne morejo plačati zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Devetindevetdeset odstotkov naših pacientov so bili črnci. Beli so bili večinoma zaporniki. Zakaj je pomoč v New Orleans prišla tako pozno? Ko ste v Ameriki, hitro dojamete, da so ZDA velesila, da imajo ogromna tehnična sredstva. Zakaj jih niso uporabile za reševanje, ne vem. Veliko ljudi v New Orleansu misli, da bi pomoč prišla nemudoma, če bi poplavilo Teksas ali Florido. mere nasilja - bodisi iz lastnih izkušenj ali iz izkušenj sorodnikov in prijateljev. Kaj bodo zdaj storili prebivalci New Orleansa, ki se še mesece ne bodo mogli vrniti v mesto? Varnostnik v študentskem domu je izgubil vse: hišo, tudi službo, saj ga v prihodnjih mesecih ne bodo potrebovali. Tako kakor mnogi drugi pravi, da se bo izselil iz New Orleansa in kje drugje začel novo življenje. V resnici nihče ne ve, kaj se bo zgodilo z mestom. Kaj se bo zgodilo z institucijami - bodo ostale v mestu ali odšle. Nezadostno pomoč pripisujejo tudi temu, da je veliko pripadnikov nacionalne garde, še posebno z juga ZDA, zdaj v Iraku. Zakaj so ljudje streljali na helikopterje, ki so jim prileteli na pomoč? Po nekajdnevnem čakanju je zavladala panika. Ljudje so sprva verjeli, da bo pomoč 'zdaj zdaj prišla. Nato so spoznavali, da pomoči, kakršno so od vlade pričakovali, ne bo. Bali so se, da bodo njihovi najbližji, predvsem otroci, umrli. Počutili so se prepuščeni samim sebi, izdani in zavrženi. Ko se je upanje na hitro pomoč izkazalo za iluzijo, so začeli kriviti reševalce. V Ameriki lahko pištolo kupiš v supermarketu, z živili. V tej paniki, ki se je mešala z jezo, so nekateri začeli streljati na helikopterje - ker so bili prepričani, da ne dobijo pomoči, kakršna jim gre, ali pa da reševalci pomagajo predvsem drugim, ne pa njim. V New Orleansu je o-gromno nasilja. Zgodi se 300 umorov na leto, veliko več celo od ameriškega povprečja. Na urgentni oddelek Charity Hospital so vsak dan vozili ljudji s strelnimi ranami. Orožje ima skoraj vsak. So ga imeli tudi vaši profesorji? Ne morem reči, da vsi, večina pa. Tako pač v New Orleansu varujete sebe, družino in dom. Vsak, s komer sem go-vpril, je znal navesti , pri- Kako so vas evakuirali iz mesta? V nedeljo, šesti dan u-jetništva v študentskem domu, so nas s helikopterji prepeljali na medna-rodno letališče v New Orleansu, ki je bilo nekakšno evakuacijski center. Je bila evakuacija premišljena in dobro načrtovana? Hitro in učinkovito so nas prepeljali iz študentskega doma na letališče, tam pa nenadoma nihče ni več vedel, kaj bi z nami. Pričakovali smo, da bodo vedeli, kam nas bodo prepeljali in kje bo naša končna postaja " pa niso. V letališki stavbi so ljudje tesno drug ob drugem, v obupnih higienskih razmerah in neznosnem smradu ležali P° več dni. Med njimi so bili tudi pacienti z nalezljivimi boleznimi. Dobivali so vodo in vojaško hrane, nihče pa jim hi znal povedati, kaj bo z njimi. Naša sreča je bila, da smo bili člani Louisiana (dalje na str. 13) Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net 4Ci\lan »° im % ,f"i ^eosUa villl'' Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNjISCE-LJUBLjANA Pogovor z argentinskim rojakom Božidarjem Finkom (Prvi del tega pogovora je bil objavljen v AD 15. septembra, prostorska stiska je preprečila objavo zaključnega dela do danes. Pogovor je vodi! Gregor Drnovšek, izšel je v tedniku Demokracija v Ljublani 18. avgusta.) O Usmeriva se zdaj na našo skupno nepozabljeno preteklost. Kakšna je vaša definicija partizanstva in tudi domobranstva? Ali je po va-partizanstvo nujno Povezano z revolucijo? Ločujem pojma partizan in partizanstvo. Sprejemam, da so se nekate-ri odzvali klicu k uporu v dobri veri, da gredo res samo v boj za svobodo. Ne obsojam niti tistih, ki so sicer spoznali Prave namene vodstva, Pn se niso upali rešiti iz zank, v katere so se zapletli. Partizanstvo kot celoto Pa označujem za izvršilno silo komunistične partije, ki je s terorističnimi nacijami pripravljala teren 2a prevzem oblasti in je v sovražnosti z okupatorjem samo s tem na-nienom. Domobranstvo je kilo po mednarodnem pra-Vu predvidena domača varnostna sila, ki je nasto-Pala proti partizanstvu sa-m° zaradi obrambe ži-vljenja in premoženja na-^ib ljudi pred teroristič-nimi dejanji in zaradi njegovega vsiljevanja družbene oblike po boljševi-Žkem modelu. Nikakor pa ni ranstvo nastopalo Pnrtizanstvu zaradi Ve§a deklariranega Pr°ti okupatorju. V Je iz njegovega bjogn kroga na z °bupacije nastajali Pobud za odpor, p so prav v nje P°veljniškem kadru Pat°rji zaznavali so Usmerjenost proti s 0 vodilne častnike Prli v koncentracijs boriŠča. Partizanstvo je b neposredno na no izvajanju revolucije, kolikor je njegov terorizem sploh mogoče povezovati s klasičnim pojmovanjem revolucije. Domobranstvo pa je bilo ustanovljeno za vzdrževanje javne varnosti ter o-hranjanje uveljavljenega duhovnega in družbenega prepričanja. Sedanja vlada oz. ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve predlaga dokončno soo: čenje s preteklostjo s t. i. vojnimi zakoni. Se vam zdijo predlagani nagrobni napisi v tem predlogu primerni, ali prinašajo zadoščenje za vse žrtve, pa naj so bile u-bite v vojni ali po njej? Kakšna bi bila za vas optimalna rešitev tega vprašanja? Predlog o spremembah vojnih zakonov poznam samo približno. Vsekakor morajo biti priznani kot žrtve vojnega nasilja vsi, ki so utrpeli krivico s strani partizanov. Pri tem ne smejo biti povprek izvzeti vsi, ki bi jih kdor koli smel označevati za kolaborante. Pojem poklicnega ali prostovoljnega sodelovanja z okupatorjem bi bilo treba jasno in restriktivno opredeliti. O napisih na grobiščih se ne izrekam dokončno. Za grobišča iz povojnih pobojev ni sprejemljivo, da bi omenjali žrtve vojne, saj je bilo takrat vojno stanje že končano. Tisti, ki so po vojni poboje ukazovali in izvrševali, pa tudi niso bili več revolucionarji, ampak so bili vodstveni delavci in izvrševalci državnega aparata. Morda celo ni ustrezno označevati pobite za žrtve °n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 m/MX WEB: www wcsb.org -nM n^.'ivni icnv ilj. revolucije. Domobrancem in pozneje pomorjenim pripadnikom Slovenske narodne vojske se mora priznati vojaški status in čast vojaškega groba, pobite pa imeti za žrtve vojnega hudodelstva zoper vojne ujetnike, ranjence in bolnike ... Samo splošno pietetno stališče je zavajajoče, ker odvrača pozornost od narave zločinskih dejanj komunistov. Leta 1998 ste od takratnega veleposlanika v Argentini prejeli častni znak svobode Republike Slovenije, ki vam ga je podelil predsednik republike. Kakšni so bili vaši občutki ob tem? Delo pooblaščenca sem opravljal v duhu služenja slovenski državi in njenim ljudstvom, ne zaradi osebne časti. Tedanji predsednik republike je podpisal ukaz o odlikovanju na vnovični predlog zunanjih ministrov, ki so pač poznali moje delo. Častni znak sem sicer prejel kot osebno priznanje, a sem počastitev preusmeril na vse prijatelje, ki so si tudi prizadevali za ugled slovenstva in nove države. V zahvalnem nagovoru sem poudaril misel na pravično poravnavo sporov med nami. Na slavnostni akademiji ob 60-letnici povojnega izseljenstva v Cankarjevem domu prejšnji mesec (tj. julija) ste imeli zelo “udaren” govor, javno ste obtožili komunizem, ki naj bi bil po vaše poleg nacifaši-zma najbolj trdovratna in zahrbtna sramota 20. stoletja. Zakaj? Nisem hotel biti samo udaren, ampak predvsem tudi stvaren. Prepričan sem, da bi moral biti komuhizerii že daViio'’ura- dno obtožen in obsojen ter zavržen tako, kot je svet z nami vred zavrgel nacifašizem. Saj je pri nas in drugje v svetu povzročil s silo in prevaro največ žrtev. Nacizem in fašizem sta imela brutalen obraz in sta uvaj'ala nacionalno hegemonijo nad tujimi narodi, med katerimi sta nekatere obsodila tudi na uničenje. Oba sta bila s silo zadušena. Komunizem je sicer ponujal srečo vsem, a je za to sedem desetletij strahoval lastne ljudi povsod, kjer je zavladal. Končno pa se je zrušil sam v sebi. Njegova sprevrženost deloma učinkuje še zdaj, precej tudi med nami. V Sloveniji še vedno odmeva javno razkritje kazenske ovadbe zoper Mitjo Ribičiča, ki ga bremeni genocida. Kako New Orleans (NADALJEVANJE s str. 12) State University. Ta je po osmih urah čakanja za nas naročila dva avtobusa, ki sta nas odpeljala v Baton Rouge. Kaj se je zgodilo s tisoči drugih ljudi na letališču, ne vem. Izkušnja poplavljenega New Orleansa je bila za vas izjemna. Kako bi jo povzeli? Zame je bil nenavaden predvsem občutek popolne nemoči, popolne izro-čenosti in prepuščenosti anonimnemu drugemu. Da ne morem nič narediti sam, ne moji starši, ne kdo drug, ki ga poznam. In da se z denarjem ni dalo nič več doseči. Bil je brez vrednosti. Tega nismo yajfWtiv jju gledate na to ovadbo in kaj od nje pričakujete? Nasledniki nekdanjega režima so se spotaknili ob dejstvo, da je vložitev ovadbe sploh prišla v javnost. Očitno ni v njihovem interesu, da bi odgovorni za povojne zločine odgovarjali. Dvojna morala? Novica o ovadbi me je skoraj presenetila, saj v gluhi loži, iz katere slovenska družba še vedno ne more, ni bilo videti, da bi kmalu prišlo do te stopnje. Če hoče Slovenija dokazati značaj pravne države, ni dovolj, da pred seboj in pred svetom samo razkriva, kaj se je tako strahotnega dogajalo na njenih tleh, ampak mora poiskati storilce, u-gotoviti njihovo krivdo in s pravičnim kaznovanjem vzpostaviti porušeno pravno ravnotežje. Če v tem in drugih primerih, do katerih mora priti, ne bi prišlo do obsodilne ali oprostilne sodbe, bo spomin ha veliko hudodelstvo še dolgo bremenil kolektivno vest in oviral dosego spravnega stanja. Pripominjam, da zahteve po kaznovanju ne poraja duh maščevalnosti, ampak prepričanje, da je to potrebno zaradi ohranjanja pravnega in tudi moralnega reda v družbi. Moralna zapoved odpuščanja velja za posameznega človeka, ne za družbo, ki ima zaradi splošne blaginje pravico in dolžnost kaznovanja. V svojem govoru v Cankarjevem domu ste z zanimivim primerom orisali razcepljenost slovenskega naroda med vojno. Nazorno ste predstavili razliko med de- (DALJE na str. 14) -90 ai obodov?, .e.jriojlvi;; POGOVOR: BOŽIDAR FINK vreden niti obstoja, kaj šele časti. p. dr. VENDELIN ŠPENDOV (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) LEMONTSKI ODMEVI lovanjem partizanov in domobrancev. Lahko na kratko predstavite ta primer? S primerom požara sem hotel predstaviti, kako je mogoče sodelovati iz različnih nagibov za kak neposredni skupni cilj, s povsem različnih končnim namenom. Če mi gori hiša in sprejemam pomoč soseda, ki mi je celo zanetil ogenj, da me uniči, zdaj pa se boji, da se bo požar razširil na njegovo posest, pri gašenju delujeva skupaj, a imava različne, celo nasprotne interese. Meni gre samo za moj dom, soseda pa skrbi njegova domačija, medtem ko bi mojo hišo rad videl požgano. Ko se je bilo treba braniti pred uničevalnimi dejanji z vojaškim zatiranjem komunističnega partizanstva, ni šlo brez zunanjega sodelovanja z o-kupatorjem. Vendar so si bili nagibi vsake strani nasprotni. Okupatorju je šlo za svojo kožo, do našega naroda pa Je bil sovražen. Branilci pred komunisti pa so mrzili tuje nasilneže in so bili zgroženi ob napovedovanju njihovih vojnih ciljev, vendar so v skrajni sili morali sprejemati njihovo tehnično pomoč. Kje je tu nečastna kolaboracija? Hkrati ste zavrnili tudi očitke, ki vam jih desetletja “lepili” komunistični veljaki, da ste narodni izdajalci in ko- laboranti. Je narod mogoče izdati? Besedna zveza narodno izdajstvo je nesmisel in propagandna puhlica. Naroda ni mogoče izdati, ker ni subjekt, ki bi lahko terjal zvestobo. Nacod je skupek duhovnih, včasih tudi bioloških danosti in vrednot," predvsem pa ga označuje volja do individualnosti in zavest skupne življenjske usode. Nima pa organov, ki bi mogli posameznike obvezovati in sankcionirati za odstopanje. Izdaja česar koli tudi ne more biti v samem zunanjem ravnanju, ampak je v namenu, da se uniči ali onesposobi tisto, čemur je kdo zavezan. Izdaja naroda nikjer ne sankcionirajo, samo v nekdanji Sovjetski zvezi je bilo nekaj takega, kar bi kazalo, da gre za narodno izdajo. Kazniva je bila namreč izdaja domovine, vendar je ta pojem pomenil organizirano skupnost, državo torej, kot povsod po svetu. Sicer pa je pripisovanje narodnega izdajstva taki množici nasprotnikov komunizma sramotitev naroda, saj bi narod, ki rodi toliko izdajalcev proti samemu sebi, ne bil Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Kako ste sprejeli zamenjavo oblasti po lanskih parlamentarnih volitvah? Kako so jo sprejeli Slovenci v Argentini? Spremembo sem pričakoval in vanjo verjel. Kolikor sem mogel spremljati razvoj miselnosti in čutenja našega človeka v domovini, sem vedno zaznaval tisto globinsko jedro, ki danes postavlja naš narod nad evropsko povprečje in ga komunistična Uranija ni mogla zatreti. Z drugimi želim in upam, da se bo družba zdravo konsolidirala in dokončno rešila ostankov bližnje preteklosti. To upanje mi daje preobrat po zadnjih volitvah in visoka javna podpora sedanji vladi. Z ženo Valentino sta vzgojila šest otrok, vsi imajo akademsko izobrazbo. Trije od njih so svetovno znani pevci. Tudi vi ste odličen pevec. Od kot takšna ljubezen do petja v družini Fink? Ste pevsko še vedno dejavni? Nagnjenje k petju sva oba z ženo prejela od prednikov. Radi smo peli z otroki v družini, vsi pa smo sodelovali v zborih v slovenski šoli in drugje v skupnosti. Tako se je nekaterim obudil tudi poklic in volja do poglobljenega glasbenega študija ter uveljavljanja. Meni pa so odtekla leta in lepo petje rad samo poslušam. “Greh” škofa Rožmana (Ljubljanski tednik Demokracija v svoji rubriki “Pogled nazaj" opisuje krajše, nepodpisane članke. ki obravnavajo dogodke v preteklosti, ki so se zgodili v tekočem tednu, tako tokrat od 12. do 19. septembra. Tak dopis je bil sledeči, z gornjim naslovom. Ur. AD) O Še vedno ni dokazano, kaj naj bi bil greh medvojnega ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana, da so ga leta 1946 obsodili sodelovanja z okupatorjem proti slovenstvu. Kaže, da je šlo predvsem za njegovo ideološko nasprotovanje komuni-•• (DALJE n« str. 16) Oktober - mesec posvečen molitvi rožnega venca, zato je prva nedelja rožnovenska nedelja, poseben praznik pa je: “Kraljica venca rožnega / naj celi svet ti slavo da, / je človek star že ali mlad, / naj rožni venec moli rad.” Molitev rožnega venca so močno priporočali razni papeži, letos umrli Janez Pavel II. pa Je trem tradicionalnim delom, veselemu, žalostnemu in častitljivemu, dodal še četrtega: svetli del, ko premišljujemo dogodke za časa Jezusovega oznanjevalnega poslanstva. Godovni dan sv. Frančiška, 4. oktobra, je velik praznik za frančiškane in vse redovnike in redovnice, ki živijo po vodilu sv. Frančiška v prvem, drugem ali tretjem redu: “V raju blaženem kraljuje / sredi se-rallnskih čet, / svetli učenik Frančišek / z žarom angelskim odet. / Zdrav nam bodi oče blagi / zvezda jasnega neba, / vzor največjega uboštva, / roža umbrijskih gora." Rojstni dnevi sobratov: P. Atanazij Lovrenčič (3. okt. 1922); p. Vendelin Špendov (1. okt. 1921, goduje 20. okt.). Sobratje umrli v oktobru: p. Janez Vianney Trinko (10. okt. 1969); p. Avguštin Svete (16. okt. 1979); p. Ciril Shir-cel (17. okt. 1959); p. Bernard Ambrožič (23. okt. 1973); p. Odilo Hajnšek (30. okt. 1971). Naj jim sveti večna Luč! Že preko 50 let članice "Oltarnih društev iz Clevelanda" poromajo k Mariji Pomagaj v Lemont drugo nedeljo avgusta, ki je blizu praznika Vnebovzetja Marijinega - Velikega šmarna. Tudi to leto so se pripeljale z avtobusom in sicer v soboto popoldne, 13. avgusta. Njihov romarski dnevni red je že ustaljen in so ga tudi letos vestno upoštevale in izpolnjevale. V soboto: spoved, križev pot, romarska maša s petimi litanijami; nedelja: jutranja maša, rožni venec in kronanje Marije v rožnovenski dolinici, obisk in molitev na pokopališču, sv. maša, litanije in slovo od Marije. Letos je Marijo krona- la Marija Cugelj (Oltarno društvo sv. Vida). Za cerkev so romarice še darovale $225. Bog pla-' čaj za bogati dar. Ko so odpele “slovo od Marije” so zapeli zvonovi in jih pospremili za srečno vrnitev. Letošnje priprave romarske skupine in avtobusa je imela na skrbi ! Ivanka Matič in vestno vse izvršila. Prisedlo je tudi nekaj članov clevelandskega odseka “Slovenskega sveta”, ki so se radi pridružili romarskim mašam in pobožnostim-Na pokopališču pa je Frank Urankar v imenu “Slovenskega sveta" položil na grob škofa Gregorija Rožmana venec ob 45-letnici njegovega odhoda po večno plačilo. Pri tem je Ivan Hauptman podal primeren govor. (Tekst je že bil objavljen v AD, op. ur. AD-I Isto nedeljo je bilo tudi romanje članov in članic Slovenskega kulturnega centra v Lemontu. Sv. maša pri groti, luršld Materi božji, je bila lep0 obiskana. Po sv. maši in petju litanij Matere božje je sledil vsakoletni pi^' nik z velikim uspehom- Četrto nedeljo avgusta je vsakoletno romanje prijateljev in dobrotnikov cerkve Marije Pomagaj v Lemontu in frančiškanskega samostana. To nedeljo je tudi tradicionalni “Medeni piknik", ko je na razpolago med in d°' mače pecivo: krofi, Poli' ce, štrudelj in drug0-kar so napekle in prinesle rojakinje. Denarne dobitke iz vr' njenih srečk po žrebu dobili naslednji: $500- j Stanka Ponikvar, Etoh*' coke, Ont.; $250: Marij3 Ribič, Euclid. O.; P° 1; $100; Anton Vegel, p did. O., Joži Jakopi’ Wickliffe, O. in Brad L drna, Darien, IH. Po u Mary Hanak, DownerS L Grove. 111., Angela Bol*13' L Cleveland, O., Pam ZajeC’ ; fe Lemont, 111., Anna ^Ul1 w | der, Cleveland in Ant°fl J Jj Remic, Pickering, Ont- |j p Letos smo imeli rom^ fij ske maše v cerkvi Mar*Je j’) Pomagaj, v glavnem zara l> di hude vročine brez P3 P davin. Ob tem pisanj0 v začetku septembra še vedno ni bilo dežj3^ ki bi dobro namočil- j “ (DALJE na str. 16) "' V LJUBEČ IN BLAG SPOMIN ob deseti obletnici, ko je bil poklican od nas, naš skrbni mož in oče, stari ata brat in stric JANEZ KOŠIR Umrl 2. oktobra 1995 Spavaj mirno v tihem grobu, Upamo, da v Svetem raju Bog Ti večni daj pokoj. zduiimo se spet s Teboj. Žalujoči: Vsi njegovi tukaj in v Sloveniji, ter ostalo sorodstvo NAPAD JE LJUDI ZBLIŽAL (NADALJEVANJE s STR. 11) povsem nemočni. Kaj se ! je pravzaprav zgodilo v New Orleansu? Orkan je res velika tragedija, ki pa jo slovenski mediji predstavljajo zelo pomanjkljivo. Večinoma revno prebivalstvo ni imelo prevoznih sredstev za izselitev, ki J° je v dneh pred orka-j n°m ukazal župan. Z iz-računi so ugotovili, da bi za evakuacijo potrebovali okoli tisoč avtobusov. A ker so ljudje videli, da so začele tolpe tistim, ki So zapustili hiše, vdirati v stanovanja in jih ropati, ! 81 ljudje, ki nimajo dru-Sega kot skromne hiše, nls° ravno želeli zapustiti domov. Policisti so se bali za ' Sv°je družine, na drugi strani pa je bilo iz zapo-r°v izpuščenih precej kri-ddhalcev, saj bi ti druga-| če utonUi. Tudi če bi po-jdali tistih tisoč avtobusov, 1 jih napolnili verjetno e nekaj. bistveno pa je, da sam • °rkan ni naredil tako strahotne škode, kot so | ^^akovali, in ko se je zgodilo najhujše, je bil že znnaj mesta. Kljub vsemu ha je odkrival strehe, tr- I P* električno napeljavo n nničeval oddajnike in to „ ^ Pravzaprav povzro- takšno razsežnost ne- sreče. ^V°da je v dolžini 90 etrov spodjedla nasip j. Jezeru in ko Je Jez ^f^t11. Je bilo mesto v •j, ^J urah poplavljeno. Ved^4 ^e’ ^ IJndJe niso niti niso mogli ve- w p«*- Ko je voda začela vdirati v stanovanja, niti hitro ukrepanje ne bi veliko pomagalo. Če bi bili prebivalci New Orleansa o tem, da je jez popustil, obveščeni, bi se jih gotovo rešilo precej več. Na tisoče jih je namreč utonilo na svojih podstrešjih, ker niso imeli primernega orodja, da bi prebili streho, z golimi rokami pa je niso mogli odkriti. (Tu je p. Cimerman posredoval mnenje mnogih opazovalcev, kasnejše reševanje pa je pokazalo, da število mrtvih ni šlo v tisoče in do tega poročanja je število ugotovljenih oz. potrjenih mrtvih okoli 900, reševalci pa deloma zaradi prihoda orkana Rite še niso mogli dokončati svojega iskanja žrtev. Ur. AD.) Kako živi slovenska župnija v New Yorku? Koliko vernikov šteje, ob katerih priložnostih se jih zbere največ? Župnija Sv. Cirila je bila ustanovljena 4. julija 1916, tako da bomo naslednje leto praznovali njenih 90 let. V začetku je bilo tu skoraj tri tisoč Slovencev in zbirali so se na Manhattnu. Župnijska skupnost je bila zelo razvita, prav tako družabno življenje - imeli so tam-buraški orkester, razne zbore ipd. Bilo je živahno. Otroci pa so takrat živeli v nekakšnih getih. Družili so se le s Slovenci, zato so imeli težave v šolah, saj niso obvladali jezika. Kasneje se kft j,.Jih J»umofl* poročilo z #PAda električne.^ slednjemu je pripomogla OerohllTT CIWU11CU0.Y- slednjemu je pripomogla Pa***«*#* airt<« tadi pr^eljfeffaJtfc v drugi ^ meJcTr. drfaye 2D* čeprav je ta čas New York zaradi zastraženosti celo varnejši kot Ljubljana. Cerkev je bila leta 1997 popolnoma obnovljena, zamenjali smo strope, tla; notranjost je zdaj lesena, zunanje zidano ogrodje pa je ostalo. Pri projektu so sodelovali Eduardo la Grose, zelo znan arhitekt, ki je na konvenciji ameriških arhitektov v Dallasu osvojil prvo mesto. Za uveljavljanje Slovenije je zelo pomembno, da imamo na Manhattnu tako kulturno pomemben objekt. Tudi sicer postaja župnija na Manhattnu v zadnjem desetletju skupni dom za Slovence povsod po svetu, saj se tu vsak počuti kot doma. Peter Avsenik Demokracija. Ljubljana 15. septembra 2005 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Brez notranjih meja EZ oktobra 2007 Bruselj - Za širitev schengenskega območja, ki je načrtovana za leto 2007, je ključno predvsem, da svoj del nalog opravijo države članice, ki vanj vstopajo; priprave na strani Evropske zveze so daleč in po tej plati težav ne bi smelo biti, je v pogovoru za STA dejal Ivan Bizjak, generalni direktor za pravosodje in notranje zadeve na Svetu EZ. pod pristojnost katerega med drugim sodi schengenskega evalvacija. Svet EZ za pravosodje in notranje zadeve Je sicer časovnico za širitev schengna sprejel pred poletnimi počitnicami, evalvacije v članicah, ki vstopajo v schen-gen, pa se bodo izvajale prihodnje leto, medtem ko naj bi do širitve območja brez notranjih meja prišlo predvidoma oktobra 2007. Ena od prednostnih nalog sveta je obvladovanje zakonitega priseljevanja, kjer se odločitve v EZ sicer še vedno sprejemajo s soglasjem. Urejanje zakonitega priseljevanja je nujno zaradi obvladovanja nelegalnih migracij, ne le iz sebičnih razlogov, da se prepreči dotok nezakonitih priseljencev, temveč tudi zato, da se prepreči trgovina z ljudmi, tragedije in zlorabe, je prepričan Bizjak. Prednostni področji sta tudi vzpostavljanje skupne azilne in vizumske politike. Pri azilni politiki se končuje prva faza ustvarjanja skupne politike z določitvijo enotnega postopka in določanjem meril za enotne pogoje bivanja oseb, ki jim je bil podeljen azil. Podobno je na vizumskem področju, kjer haaški program predvideva vzpostavitve skupnih centrov za obravnavo vlog za vizume za vse države članice. STA DELO. 29. avg. 2005 SPOROČAJTE PRAVOČASNO O PRIHAJAJOČIH PRIREDITVAH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV Sprememba naslova ZD& V Yorku "»r 'šra£T' Srieii«vafc> Ur- 1 Ko m selite* trajno ali začasno, ste lepo napro-šenf. da Žagi p^arni posredujete tako Vaš novi nasl0$ kaklf sedanji oz. stari. To omogoča, da bos^ breži^ekirtitve dobivali naš list. <^•^4 NOV, IHMSlOV -•? Mi SK'-:-. •.-vnS T&rT.sm "M .M nizke p° vaši želji! mi . ga prometa bojljd v -sto pripeljati z avtomp lom. Prav tako se bojijo napadov ali ropov v Javnih prevoznih sredstvih, ^Slava Oražem roj. Furlan V sredo, 21. septembra, je v Manhattanu, Kansas, po dolgi, težki bolezni za vedno zatisnila oči Slava Oražem, roj. Furlan, v starosti 77 let. Pokojna je bila doma iz Cerknice na Notranjskem, od koder se je ob koncu vojne kot srednješolka s tremi prijateljicami umaknila na Koroško. Preživela je Vetrinje in kasneje na begunski gimnaziji v Spittalu nadaljevala šolanje in maturirala. Ker je dobila štipendijo za študij v ZDA, se je izselila v Kansas, kjer je na kolidžu v Salini leta 1952 diplomirala iz matematike. Podiplomski študij iz matematike je nadaljevala na Kansas State University v Manhattnu, Kansas. Tam je spoznala Franceta Oražma, ki je tedaj v bližini služil ameriško vojsko. Leta 1953 sta se poročila in preselila v lo-wo, kjer je France študiral za doktorat na tamkajšnji univerzi. Ko je kasneje dobil zaposlitev kot profesor za ekonomijo na univerzi v Manhattnu, sta se preselila tja, in si tam ustanovila svoj dom, saj je tudi pokojna Slava dvanajst let, do svoje upokojitve leta 1989, poučevala matematiko na srednji šoli. Ko je pokojna pred 16 leti opazila prve znake Parkinsinove bolezni, je ustanovila krajevno skupino Parkinson Support Group in s tem pomagala lajšati trpljenje drugih bolnikov domačega kraja, dokler ni sama omagala. / Pokojna Slava Oražem zapušča; ’moža t FraneeCa. sinove '•'fciarka, Petra In Tomaža ier hčerki Mary Anne Ih Helena, v Sloveniji pa vtri brate tor tri sestre. f=» '•.” Pogreb pokojne jr Jdi ; na domtfe v Manhattan*., j ■ N*Jr« poSfwrv iptndtu ir' % 8» NOV! 'GROBOVI I-m S. . ' , ■ ---------ref« " Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu Viljema in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1581. Dne 11. oktobra bo že 15 let, odkar je odšel po svoje plačilo misijonar dr. Janez Janež. Verjetno se ga bodo spomnili njegovi sovaščani in ga počastili. Prav je tudi, da se ga mi spomnimo, ko je tako misijonsko delal na Tajvanu, da je iz nič nastala velika bolnica po njegovi zdravniški spretnosti. Brala sem, kar je sam zapisal: “Misijonski zdravnik mora biti predvsem strokovnjak in veren človek, da bo svoje osebne verske dolžnosti v redu opravljal. Biti mora trden in blag značaj, ki bo znal sebe pozabljati in razumeti tuj narod, ki bo znal ljubezen dajati in ne je zase zahtevati. Z delom obložen od jutra do večera ne bo imel časa za pridiganje. To bodo delali drugi in zdravnikovo delo jim bo toliko olajševalo in množilo uspehe, čim bolje bo zdravil, saj je človeško srce v bolezni najbolj dovzetno. Tako sem jaz razumel svoj apostolat in se nisem zmotil.” Zares, kdor svoje delo vrši vestno in z ljubeznijo, gradi mostove, ki se ne bodo podrli. Misijonar jezuit p. Lovro Tomažin je bil na sakralnem letu. Vrnil se je na svoje misjionsko delo v Zambijo, se po elektronski pošti oglasil Celestinovi: “Dragi prijatelji! Pišem po vrnitvi v Zambijo. Pogled na moje petmesečno leto je: tri mesece v Argentini, kar rečem, da so bila plodna, v Rimu en mesec v Russicum, kjer sem se srečal z jezuiti z vseh kontinentov. Obiskal sem vse večje bazilike in tam tudi maševal. Zadnji mesec, v juliju, sem preživel v Sloveniji. Srečal sem se z brati jezuiti, bil večkrat v domači vasi na Vrheh in na Krki v domači župniji, kjer sem tudi maševal. Vrnitev v Zambijo, v Lusako, je bila v začetku avgusta z lepim sprejemom. Brat Jože Rovtar in patra Lojze Podgrajšek in Janez Mlakar so me pričakali na letališču ter še trije laiki od Marijanske molitvene skupine. Iz letališča so me odpeljali v naš noviciat, kjer sem tudi imel lepo dobrodošlico. Že v Sloveniji sem prejel pošto našega patra pro-vinciala, da bo moje bodoče mesto na župniji Kasisi. Ko sva se srečala s predstojnikom, mi je dejal, naj s svojo selitvijo malo počakam, ker preurejajo in barvajo hišo, kar sem sprejel in se šele po enem tednu preselil.” Toliko za danes o pismu misijonarja Tomažina. Nadaljevanje o novem misijonskem mestu pa v naslednjem dopisu. V mesecu avgustu so se naslednji dobrotniki oglasili s svojim darom: za s. M. Pavlišič sta po $100 Unttod StfttM Po«UJ Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation f FuMortonTW* (Ž PNumbr ____________ Ara«riaka Domovina(American Home) jO 2 4 1 OjOJ j 7 >«-^ ^ ' Is. Njmbtf of imu*« Pub***•'3 Annm»y weakly except first week in July i g. weak after Christmas_________________j_______4 4 , _______ 7 Compict* MtMng Mdraw o« Know« Of»C* ot PuMtcatK* fStr—f, aty. county, sUf. tnd ZIP-4) 6117 St. Clair Ave Cleveland,OH 44103-1692 (Cuyahoga) 3 Filing Data QPPT 7 0, ?00r> 8 553 Subacrtpaon Pr*ca 535.00___________ Contact Parson Madeline D. Debevec f?f6U31-062a 8 GompMs Mating Addraas ot Msadworts/a Of Oanaml Bua'nsaa 0«ca ol PuOiiahar (Notpnnfr) 6117 St. Clair Ave Cleveland,OH 44103-1692 9 Fun Ntmaa and Comptaia Man.ng Addraaaaa ot Pubtiahar. Editor! and Managing Editor (Do no! Pubtiaha* (Hurt***/comp**msimg James V. Debevec 6117 St. Clair Ave Clove,OH 44103-1692 Umi ff*tf^tndcomp**m4MnffoO*w*$j English: Jarffes V. Debevec 6117 St. Clair Ave Cleve,OH 44103-1692 Slovenian: Dr. Hudolph M. Susel 6117 St. Clair Ave Cleve.OH44103-1692 Managing E4«x (Hum comp** mo*ng James V. Debevec 6117 St. Clair Ave Cleve,0H 44103-1692 or* mHmoma o* V* om*nlt o*n*i by § r»i*m**p or othor un«>coipo***** and«**%* •• *** •» thorn ot •a©* IndMtfual cwnor. * try cubicalv* a pvbimhad by t nonprofit orponljmton. '9 nsmo sr* »Mus ) FunNwn, Compl«t* Mailing Addraaa American Home Publishing Co.,Inc. 6117 St. Clair Ave Clave,OK 14’03- James V. Debevec 6117 St. Clair Ave Cleve.OH HIM- Madeline D. Debevec 6117 St. Clair Avb Cleve.OH ii Kno»n San»»oma'a. Motgapaaa. and Qibaf Sacuiy HoWa'a Owning pr HotSng t Parcant ot Mora ol Total Amount ol Sonda. Modgagoa. or .. OtiriaftaMaa.ilwont, chtcttbo«-----------------------—------— -■ X^ona Puawama_____________________________________”________~j CompMf MaiUna Addraaa ’* Taa MS (*or comp*fion by nonprofit orgonUifioos Mutfictirod to mpi tt noopo* rotos i rC**ctr or*) T*a pu*poae. luntttow. and nenprom aiatja ot thit crganliatton a^d P*» aaamct autj* tor »aea'a* 'XO"'« *1 piypota.« C Haa »M Chang *3 During Pracadlng 12 Month* □ Paa Cbangad Diving Pracadlng 12 Mentha fPubUobor m%jot oubmtt eop*notton of cbongo wfiti th* B**monb •S SSM. Oftoaar t«M fSoo tnstnrc*ont on **<**0! •Vtt-.Vi ' darovala Y. Cozza in V. Devine; I. Hirschegger $45; Big Bouquet Florist $50: iz zapuščine Mary Sevčnikar (za Rev. P. Opeka) $1000; V. Hawkins $500; R. in V. Kolarič (za Rev. Urbanijo) $1000; M. Celestina (za Rev. Rozmana $100, za R.O. $60, za Madagaskar $40, za Rev. Urbanija /dar in 5 sv. maš/ $100) $300; N.N. (dar in 5 sv. maš za Rev. Urbanijo) $100. V septembru so darovali naslednji: za s. Pavlišič sta po $100 dala Y. Cozza in V. Devine; L. Feguš $100; B. Lavrisha za sv. mašo za + Antona Mazarella in za zdravje Ryana Peyton $50; F. J. Pičman $50; iz zapuščine Mary Sevčnikar za Rev. Buha $1000; M. V. Vrhovnik (za s. K. Knez) $25; zopet po $r00 za s. Pavlišič Y. Cozza in V. Devine. Vsem vam dobrotnikom, ki razumete potrebe misijonarjev, da lahko vršijo svoje delo, prav iskren; Bog povrni! Vam vsem, ki berete te vrstice, želim prav lepo jesen in vas vse v imenu vseh sodelavcev prav lepo pozdravlja Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 LEMONTSKI ODMEVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) sreči naš studenec ni u-sahnil, marsikje imajo pa že težave s preskrbo z vodo, da o prepovedi zalivanja in pranja avtomobilov niti ne govorimo. Letos smo za nedeljo “medenega piknika” imeli goste iz Slovenije, pevski zbor Zarja iz Šentvida pri Planini (mariborska škofija). Zbor 27 mladih fantov in deklet, ki jih vodi Matej Romih, so prepevali med sv. mašo in priredili koncert po kosilu v dvorani Kulturnega centra. Posebno je donelo v cerkvi, ko so se glasovi lepo zlili. Od solistov je na prvem mestu sopranistka z lepo barvo glasu in širokim obsegom. Ob tem romanju naj pevovodji in članom zbora Marija Pomagaj izprosi pri svojem Sinu božji blagoslov za lepo nadaljevanje v zboru in v življenju. Prejšnji dan so si ogledali Chicago, nato pa se vrnili.' Ob romanjih je bila dolgoletna navada, da so bile pete litanije Matere božje in blagoslov z Najsvetejšim popoldne ob pol treh. Žal, je bila udeležba največkrat zelo majhna kljub precejšnjemu številu romarjev. Ko smo te stvari pretehtali, smo sklenili, naj bodo pete litanije in blagoslov z Najsvetejšim takoj po romarski sveti maši. Pri 1i FutolicMIor T»* Ameriška Domovina (American Horni* 1 1«. laaua Data for Circutedon Data Bote« 5 70(15 15. extant and Naturo ol Circulation Avamga No. Coptea tach teat* During Pa«poding It Mon tha No. Coptea el Mngte laaua Pubtlahad Narwaat to Filing Data . TbWNvM.'0'CoB—("»/»»""ll • 2680 2681 (D PaUAIaqwaMtd Ovwd#-County Uaf Subacnptena 5t«i,<3 or Form »*1. flot** oPromori proof or* twertonyo cop*>/ 1 337 1 340 b. Pa« and/o* -ftolrAInJCouhly SrAiolpaona Stated oti Fomi.3541 flnduoo Otti****'* proof ind oochonpo copios) Si 6- •799 • Onšuteaon (3) .Salas Thrtough Daalara and Canter«. Street Vando*. Countar Satea. and Other Non-USPS Pa«J Dlaiiibutton 370 383 (O Othor Oaaaaa Maflad Through lha USPS c. Tbigi ppa and/or Aaguatted CircvAaOon a rsum ot 1». m. 2523 2522 A?*t 0«J»teV»On (D Outaitte-County a* Stated on Ponw 3541 br tSomp*t, (?) in-County aa Sutad on Form 3641 9 9 oryonO othortrotf m OUwf Oaaaaa M«lad huougn tha USPS hm DtaldbuSon Outatea iha MaH (Contort or otrmr moono) 4 *' To) ► 2680 268'! F Pacanj Parf and/or »te mo*m/ or i*Ao**na9ow "aoudated on iha fo*th may b« avAfact !o ftteanal aanebona (tedudteg fmaa and knpriao ......... xiaonmanr) and/or CMI aanebon« Instructions to Publishers 1. ^ Comptei« snd on* copy ol ih* loww with your poatrrabiar annvslly on o* b«lof» Octob** 1. Kaap a copy ol ih* complated lote for your rscortfc. 2 In caaaa •**'• the •tocAhotoa* oraačurtty holdar i« t Itualta. includa In Ram« 10 and 11 ih« nama 0» Ih« ptrgon or co*po*a»on 'er whom ih« tnjaiaa I« adtog Aiao toetod« ih« nam«« and addraaaai ol indndduaM who ar« atoc*hoid«r* who own or hold ^ parca"! . or mor« olth« toUl amount ol bond«, modgagaa, or otha* Mcumiai of Ih# puMiaNng Corporation. in tiam 11. if not*, chack iha boa. Ua« Monk ah««U tf mora apac« «r«qulrad. ^ 3 Ba aura to formah aN drcuiabon mtormahon cakad tor In h*m 15. Fr«« cFculalton mual b« ahown In itama I5d.«. and f I1«m 15h., Cop-a* not OMlrtoulad, mutt inctoda (1) nawaaund ooplaa originally auiad on Form 3041. and ratumod to lha pubNahr. (2) aattmatad ratomt from n*w» aganta. and (3). eoptoa tor omc» uaa. lahovan. aporiad and an othar ooplaa not dMWbutac If tha publealton had Partodteala authortoattor as a ganaral 0' r«gu«st«r publication, this Stat«m«ni of Ownarahlp. Managamart. and OrxKatton musl ba puMahad. 4 must ba pentad in any isaua In Octobar or. If to« pubMcatton is not published dunng Ociobsr ths «r«l Mao« prlmao aS«r Octobsr to asm 1». mdnsts to« dal« of to« »aua in wtoeh this Siatomant of Ownaoh© wil b« puNiahao h«m 17 mual ba a»gnad runpo to ft* or puMoh 0 oiotorront o< ownorohip moy *04 to Hjopono/on of poriodlcolf muthorUotton vseh romanjih so skoraj vsi navzoči ostali in prepevali litanije in prejeli blagoslov z Najsvetejšim. Tako lahko rečemo, da so opravili pravo romanje, zlasti še, ko je bila dana možnost spovedi Take bodo tudi vnaprej naše romarske maše. Ker je navadno romanje društev povezano s piknikom, morejo brez skrbi celo popoldne uživati pikniško vzdušje, p°' menek, pa še kakšno tombolo. Bog daj srečo! V Lorainu, Ohio, s0 10. julija slovesno obhajali 100-letnico slovenske župnije Sv. Cirila In Metoda. Faranom in župniku Fr. Pavlu Krajnik11' ki faro vodi že 30 let' čestitamo k visoki obletnici. Naj Bog blagoslavlja faro še vnaprej, predvsem z zdravjem župnika in faranov. AVE MARI* Oktober 2005 Škof Rožman (nadaljevanje s str. I4) zmu. Njegov odnos okupatorja še vedno 1,1 popolnoma raziskan. Sredi avgusta 1942 sta ško-fa obiskala generala R°a' tta in Robotti. Na teI11 obisku je Roatta grozi* Slovencem s požigi ^ uničenjem, če ne bod° sodelovali pri zatiranj11 narodnoosvobodilnega b0 ja. 12. septembra 1^42 (močne črke v origin^11' ur. AD) je zato dr. man povabil v škofij5^ dvorec okoli 22 vplivi Slovencev. Vprašal Jih Je’ kaj naj stori. Ker je krat že prišlo do poboJeV drugače mislečih Slove11 cev, je škof po pos' predlagal Italijanom, itfj bi dovolili ustanovitev nostne straže pod venskim poveljstvom- Predlagal je tudi usta novitev nekaj zbirnih *** borov pod poveljstV0 nekdanjih jugoslovansk častnikov, ki naj bi J izpusUli iz koncentraC skih taborišč. Tabori bi preprečevali ustaU oddel' Ijanje partizanskih kov. j ii/oi 26. septembra je napisal še spomenico visokega komisarja w ^ ziolija s prošnjo za 0 ukrepa pravo izjemnih ki so Jih italijanske 0 bi*' 1041' sti uvedle septembra in za izboljšanje okup torjevega odnosa do vencev. P* fm MM. Oc**» i«a« (*o»o*ot '.M 'V.\ I -v« .v.u.-i-tVA*? v?.*. 'Vx-.w.«} J