Informatica 46 (2022) 121–128 121 Using Semi-Supervised Learning and Wikipedia to Train an Event Argument Extraction System Patrik Zajec and Dunja Mladeni´ c E-mail:, Jožef Stefan Institute and Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Student paper Keywords: event extraction, event argument extraction, semi-supervised learning, probabilistic soft logic Received: June 2, 2021 The paper presents a methodology for training an event argument extraction system in a semi-supervised setting. We use Wikipedia and Wikidata to automatically obtain a small noisily labeled dataset and a large unlabeled dataset. The dataset consists of event clusters containing Wikipedia pages in multiple languages. The unlabeled data is iteratively labeled using semi-supervised learning combined with probabilistic soft logic to infer the pseudo-label of each example from the predictions of multiple base learners. The pro- posed methodology is applied to Wikipedia pages about earthquakes and terrorist attacks in a cross-lingual setting. Our experiments show improvement of the results when using the proposed methodology. The system achieves F1-score of 0:79 when only the automatically labeled dataset is used, and F1-score of 0:84 when trained according to the methodology with semi-supervised learning combined with probabilis- tic soft logic. Povzetek: V prispevku predstavimo metodologijo za polnadzorovano uˇ cenje sistema, katerega naloga je ekstrakcija kljuˇ cnih atributov dogodkov. Kot vir podatkov uporabimo prosto enciklopedijo Wikipedija in bazo znanja Wikidata. Iz obeh virov na avtomatski naˇ cin pridobimo manjši del oznaˇ cenih podatkov ter veˇ cji del neoznaˇ cenih podatkov, sestavljenih iz gruˇ c dokumentov, ki poroˇ cajo o posameznih dogodkih v veˇ c jezikih. Neoznaˇ cene podatki iterativno oznaˇ cimo s polnadzorovanim uˇ cenjem v kombinaciji z ver- jetnostno mehko logiko, ki napovedi za vsak primer iz veˇ cih predikcijskih modelov združi v eno samo psevdo-labelo. Predlagano metodologijo uporabimo na dogodkih iz Wikipedije na temo potresov in teror- istiˇ cnih napadov. Eksperimenti pokažejo izboljšanje rezultatov sistema, ki doseže F1 0; 79, ko je nauˇ cen samo na avtomatsko oznaˇ cenih podatkih, ter 0; 84, ko je nauˇ cen, z uporabo predlagane metodologije, s polnadzorovanim uˇ cenjem v kombinaciji z verjetnostno mehko logiko. 1 Introduction The event extraction task is usually divided into two sub- tasks, namely event type detection and event argument ex- traction. Event type detection aims to determine the type or topic of the event, while event argument extraction aims to extract arguments for some predefined argument roles as- sociated with the topic of the event. In this paper, we focus on event argument extraction and assume that the topic of the event is known in advance. For example, consider an excerpt from a news article reporting on an earthquake: "On April 22, 2019, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck the island of Luzon in the Philippines, leaving at least 18 dead, 3 missing and injuring at least256 others." 1 we are interested in extracting the arguments for the fol- lowing roles: the magnitude of the earthquake, the time and date when the earthquake occurred, the number of victims, 1 Source: earthquake and the number of injured. The goal is to extract an argu- ment for each role, which in our case is mentioned in the text. The output is a set of (role, argument) pairs for the given text, for example (magnitude,6.1). We formulate argument extraction as a supervised clas- sification task, where the classifier is used to assign argu- ments into predefined roles. We assume that each docu- ment reports on a single event, where the topic of the event is either earthquake or terrorist attack and is known in ad- vance. Since there is no dataset that contains the annota- tions for the roles we are interested in, one must be con- structed to train the classification model. Manually con- structing a labeled dataset is a resource-intensive process, so we instead develop a methodology to automate the la- beling. We start by automatically constructing a small, noisily labeled set of examples for each role by matching struc- tured knowledge from Wikidata with text from Wikipedia pages. Then we use semi-supervised learning [1] with mul- tiple base learners to increase the size of the labeled set. In 122 Informatica 46 (2022) 121–128 P. Zajec et al. each iteration, the most confident predictions for the exam- ples from the unlabeled set are used to increase the training set by assigning pseudo-labels. We introduce an additional component that combines the confidence of multiple base learners for each example. The contribution of this paper is a novel methodology for automatic construction of a multi-lingual labeled dataset and training of a classification system for event argument extraction in multiple languages. 2 Related work Wikipedia is a commonly used source for dataset construc- tion [2, 3, 4]. Most datasets are constructed, at least in part, under the supervision of a human annotator, since for most tasks the labels cannot be reliably generated automatically [5, 6]. The initial annotations are usually obtained using distant supervision [7], which is the automatic approach of matching knowledge from the knowledge base with free text, and later refined by the human annotator, while we use semi-supervised learning instead. As in our case, the common choice is to use Wikidata [8] as the knowledge source and Wikipedia 2 as the text source. Wikidata often does not reflect all of the knowledge available in Wikipedia pages, and a considerable amount of work has been done on the automatic population of both Wikipedia infoboxes and Wikidata [9, 10, 11, 12]. Such approaches develop the models capable of extracting the structured knowledge from free text. However, since the task is limited to Wikipedia, they mostly rely on the struc- ture of Wikipedia pages to achieve good performance. This is especially true for the language-independent models [11] and makes them not directly applicable to other domains, such as newswire data. Event extraction, which includes both event detection and argument extraction, is an active research topic that is formulated at several levels (document and sentence level) and approached using different techniques [13, 14, 15]. The approaches are most commonly evaluated on the ACE 2005 corpus [16] and the MUC-4 corpus [17]. Recently, RAMS [18] and WikiEvents [13] corpora were introduced, both being manually annotated and containing only English documents. Further, there is no information about the doc- uments that mention the same event which could be used to form the event clusters. The use of event clusters as a source of redundancy has been explored previously [19, 20]. Approaches on cross-lingual argument classification [21] are mostly fo- cused on transfer learning, where the model is first trained on the source language and later applied on the target lan- guage. None of the approaches build the event clusters using the documents from multiple languages and incor- porates cross-linguality directly into the semi-supervised training. 2 The currently best-performing approaches for event ar- gument extraction are based on machine reading compre- hension [22] or conditional generation [13] and therefore do not train a specific classifier for each argument. We find them less suitable for the semi-supervised learning part of our approach as they require a kind of event templates that are usually manually constructed. We envision that such models can instead be trained or fine-tuned on the auto- matically labeled dataset that our methodology generates. Pseudo-labeling can be considered one of the most intu- itive and simple forms of semi-supervised learning, while still achieving competitive performance if approached cor- rectly [23]. We have chosen a simple and extensible tech- nique to combine the predictions of multiple base learners into a single pseudo-label based on [24]. 3 Methodology 3.1 Problem definition We are given a collection of eventsE and a collection of topicsT , where the topic of each evente2E is exactly one topict2T . An evente has occurred at a particular time and its event clusterD e consists of documents in multiple languages, with a single document per language, reporting on it. For each topict2T there is a set of argument rolesR t that are known in advance. For example, the members of R earthquake are magnitude, number of injured, number of deaths. For each document d from the event clusterD e , there is a set of arguments that were already extracted from the text. The task is to assign at most one argument role fromR t to each extracted argument. Note that there are multiple documents in the event clus- ter, each with its own set of arguments. For evente, a single argument role might have zero, one, or multiple different arguments assigned. It is possible, for example, that the earthquake caused no casualties, so there is no argument assigned to the role of magnitude. The documents from the same event cluster might have different arguments for the same role, since, for example, the reported number of in- jured could come from different sources. In addition, there may also be multiple arguments for the same role in the single document, since the assumption that each document specifically reports only on a single event is not always true in practice. Such example is when one magnitude refers to an actual earthquake that the event is about, while the other magnitude refers to a stronger earthquake that hit the same region years ago. Choosing a single argument for each argument role is challenging and sometimes even impossible. The task is in- stead to assign all feasible arguments from the event cluster to a particular role, even if not all are directly related to the event. Using Semi-Supervised Learning and Wikipedia to. . . Informatica 46 (2022) 121–128 123 3.2 Approach There is no labeled dataset that would follow the required structure and contain the labels for argument roles. We de- velop a methodology to automatically build such dataset and train a classification model which is used to pseudo- label the dataset and once trained can be used to perform classification on new data. First, we select the Wikidata entities that are instances of topics fromT and class occurence. Each Wikidata entity links to Wikipedia pages in multiple languages that form an event cluster. We align the argument rolesR t with Wiki- data properties and try to automatically match the value for each property with the text from the pages. The matching is performed automatically either by using anchor links or literal text matching for numerical values. This gives us the arguments from text assigned to particular argument roles. As most of the Wikidata entities lack some property val- ues and automatic matching is frequently ambiguous, we obtain a small, nosily labeled set which we refer to as a seed set. We further use the named entities from the pages as arguments and assign the ones that are not a part of the seed set to an unlabeled set. Each such argument is consid- ered as an unlabeled example. To obtain label more arguments we use semi-supervised learning with multiple base learners and pseudo-labeling. Each of the base learners is trained on the set of labeled arguments from the topic (or multiple topics) and the lan- guage assigned to it. The prediction probabilities for each of the unlabeled arguments are determined by combining the probabilities of all base learners. This is done either by averaging or by feeding the probabilities as approximations of the true labels into the component, which attempts to de- rive the true value for each argument and the error rates for each learner [24]. The arguments with probabilities above or below the specified thresholds are given a pseudo-label and added to the training set. The entire workflow is repeated in each iteration until no new arguments are selected for pseudo-labeling. The result is an automatically labeled dataset that includes the given topics and labels for selected argument roles and a classification system that assigns the argument role to each argument. 3.2.1 Representing the arguments Following the related work [25], we introduce two new special tokens, and . The context of each argu- ment is converted to a sequence of tokens with the addi- tional tokens that mark the beginning and end of the argu- ment span in the context. For example, argument 6:1 from the sentence "A 6.1 magnitude earthquake." is represented with its context as "A 6.1magnitude earthquake.". Such representation is feed through the pretrained version of the XLM Roberta model [26]. We use the implemen- tation from the Transformers library [27] and use the last hidden state of token as a representation of the argu- ment. The XLM Roberta model remains fixed during the learning as we have observed that the representation from pretrained model is expressive enough for our purposes and it significantly speeds up the iterations. 3.2.2 Using multiple topics Instead of grouping all arguments assigned to the same roles across topics we keep the information about the topic of the argument’s event. Firstly because the way of express- ing an argument role might be slightly different in different topics, secondly as shown by the experiments, such separa- tion enables us additional supervision between the topics, and finally as we can use the all arguments from one topic as negative examples for some particular role in the other topic. For two topicst andt 0 there is potentially a set of com- mon roles and a set of distinct roles, appearing in only one of the topics. For roler, which appears in both topics, the base learner trained ont 0 can be used to make predictions for examples fromt. By combining predictions from learn- ers trained ont andt 0 , we could get better estimates of the true labels of the examples. For the roler 0 , which is spe- cific to the topic t, all examples from the topic t 0 can be used as negative examples. Selecting reliable negative ex- amples from the same topic is not easy, as we may inadver- tently mislabel some of the positive examples. 3.2.3 Using multiple languages In a sense, articles from different languages provide dif- ferent views on the same event. The important arguments should appear in all the articles, as they are highly relevant to the event. The arguments for the roles such as location and time should be consistent across all articles, whereas this does not necessarily apply to other roles such as the number of injured or the number of casualties. Matching such arguments across the articles is therefore not a trivial task, and although a variant of soft matching can be per- formed, we leave it for future work and limit our focus only on the values that can be matched unambiguously. We can combine the predictions of several language-specific base learners into a single pseudo-label for examples where ar- guments can be matched across the articles. 3.2.4 Base learners Each iteration starts with a set of labeled argumentsX l , a set of unlabeled arguments X u and a set of base learners trained onX l . Base learners are simple logistic regression classifiers that use the vector representations of arguments. Each base learner f r t;l is a binary classifier trained on the labeled data for the roler from the topict and the language l. Such base learners are topic-specific as they are trained on a single topic t. Base learners f r l are trained on the labeled data for the roler from the languagel and all the topics with the roler. Such base learners are shared across topics, as they consider the arguments from all the topics as a single training set. We use the classification probability 124 Informatica 46 (2022) 121–128 P. Zajec et al. of the positive class instead of hard labels, f r t;l (x); f r l (x)2 [0; 1]. For each argument x from a news article with the lan- guagel reporting on the evente from the topict we obtain the following predictions: – f r t 0 ;l (x) for eachr2R t and all sucht 0 thatr2R t 0, that is the probability that x is a argument for the role r, where r is a role from the topic t, using the topic-specific base learner trained on examples from the same language on the topict 0 that also has the role r, – f r t;l 0(x) which equals f r t;l 0(y) for eachr2R t and for each languagel 0 such that there is an article reporting about the same evente in that language and contains an argumenty which is matched tox, – f r l (x) for eachr2R t , using the shared base learner on arguments from all topicst 0 that have the roler. 3.2.5 Combining the predictions Multiple base learners make predictions for each argument. We combine such predictions to a probability distribution over argument roles as a weighted average. The weight of each base learner f is determined by its error ratee( f) which is estimated using both unlabeled and labeled examples. We introduce the following logical rules (referred to as ensemble rules in [24]) for each of the base learners f r predicting forx: f r (x)^:e( f r )!f r (x) f r (x)^e( f r )!:f r (x) : f r (x)^:e( f r )!:f r (x) : f r (x)^e( f r )!f r (x) Here, the truth values are not limited to Boolean values, but instead represent the probability that the corresponding ground predicate or rule is true. For a detailed explanation of the method, we refer the reader to [24]. We introduce a prior belief that the predictions of base learners are correct via the following two rules: f r (x)!f r (x); and;: f r (x)!:f r (x): Since each example can be a value for at most one role, we introduce a mutual exclusion rule: f r (x)^f r 0 (x)!e( f r ): The rules are written in the syntax of a Probabilistic soft logic [28] program, where each rule is assigned a weight. We assign a weight of 1 to all ensemble rules, a weight of 0:1 to all prior belief rules and a weight of 1 to all mutual exclusion rules. The inference is performed using the PSL framework 3 . As we obtain the approximations for allx2 X u , we extend the set of positive examples for each roler 3 with allx such thatf r (x) >= T p and the set of negative examples with allx such thatf r (x)<=T n , for predefined thresholdsT p andT n . 4 Experiments 4.1 Dataset To evaluate the proposed methodology, we have conducted experiments on two topics: earthquakes and terrorist at- tacks. We have collected Wikipedia articles and Wikidata infor- mation of 913 earthquakes from 2000 to 2020 in 6 different languages, namely English, Spanish, German, French, Ital- ian, and Dutch. We have manually annotated the arguments of 85 English articles using the argument roles number of deaths, number of injured and magnitude, which serve as a labeled test set and are not included in the training pro- cess. In addition, we have collected data from 315 terrorist attacks from 2000 to 2020 and articles from the same 6 lan- guages. 4.2 Evaluation settings The evaluation for each approach is performed on a labeled English dataset, where 76 arguments are labeled as num- ber of deaths, 45 as number of injured and 125 as magni- tude. The threshold values for the pseudo-labeling are set toT p = 0:6 andT n = 0:05. The approaches differ by the subset of base learners used to form the combined predic- tion and by the weighting of the predictions. Single or multiple languages In a single language set- ting, only English articles are used to label the arguments and train the base learners. In a multi-language setting, all available articles are used and the arguments are matched across the articles from the same event. Single or multiple topics In a single topic setting, only the arguments from the earthquake topic are used. In a multi-topic setting, the arguments from terrorist attacks are used as negative examples for magnitude, the base learners for the roles number of deaths and number of injured are combined as described in the section 3.2.4. Uniform or estimated weights In the uniform setting all predictions of the base learners contribute equally, while in the estimated setting the weights of the base learners are estimated using the approach described in section 3.2.5. 4.3 Results The results of all the experiments are summarized in Ta- ble 1. Since the test set is limited to the topic earthquake and English, only a subset of base learners was used to make the final predictions. We report the average value Using Semi-Supervised Learning and Wikipedia to. . . Informatica 46 (2022) 121–128 125 Table 1: Results of all experiments. The column Single iteration reports the results of approaches where base learners were trained on the seed set only. Results, where base learners were trained in the semi-supervised setting with differ- ent weightings of the predictions, are reported in the columns Uniform weights and Estimated weights. The values of precision, recall, and F1 are averaged over all argument roles. Single iteration Uniform weights Estimated weights Model P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 Single language, single topic 0.94 0.64 0.76 0.83 0.75 0.77 0.84 0.76 0.79 Multiple languages, single topic 0.94 0.64 0.76 0.82 0.74 0.76 0.83 0.75 0.77 Single language, multiple topics 0.91 0.76 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.86 0.83 0.84 Multiple languages, multiple topics 0.93 0.76 0.83 0.82 0.83 0.82 0.84 0.84 0.84 of precision, recall, and F1 across all argument roles. The probability threshold of 0:5 was used to determine the clas- sification label. Single iteration Approaches in which base learners are trained on the initial seed set for a single iteration achieve higher precision (0:94 compared to 0:84 achieved by es- timated weights in single language, single topic setting) with the cost of a lower recall (0:64 compared to 0:76). We observe that they distinguish almost perfectly between the argument roles from the seed set and produce almost no false positives. Using one or more languages has almost no effect on the averaged scores when the number of top- ics is fixed. When using multiple topics, a higher recall is achieved without a significant decrease in precision. All incorrect classifications of the role number on injured are actually examples of the number of missing role that is not included in our set and likewise almost all incorrect clas- sifications for the role magnitude are examples of the role intensity on the Mercalli scale. This could easily be solved by expanding the set of roles and shows how important it is to learn to classify multiple roles simultaneously. Uniform and estimated weights Semi-supervised ap- proaches in which base learners are trained iteratively trade precision in order to significantly improve recall (0:64 compared to 0:76 achieved by estimated weights in single language, single topic setting). Most of the loss of pre- cision is due to misclassification between roles number of deaths and number of injured, similar to the example "370 people were killed by the earthquake and related building collapses, including 228 in Mexico City, and more than 6,000 were injured." where 228 was incorrectly classified as the number of injured and not the number of deaths. The use of multiple topics reduces misclassification between these roles and further improves recall as new contexts are discovered by the base learners trained on terrorist attacks. Using the estimated error rates as weights for the predic- tions of base learners shows a slight improvement in perfor- mance. It may be beneficial to estimate multiple error rates for topic-specific base learners, as they tend to be more reli- able in labeling arguments from the same topic. We believe more data and experiments are needed to properly evaluate this component. A major advantage is its flexibility, as we can easily incorporate prior knowledge about the roles or additional constraints on the predictions in the form of log- ical rules. 5 Conclusion The proposed method avoids the need to manually anno- tate the data for event argument extraction and instead com- bines Wikipedia and Wikidata to obtain labeled data. Com- pared to the related work, the proposed methodology uses semi-supervised learning and integrates cross-lingual data into the learning process to enhance the pseudo-labeling supported by probabilistic soft logic. The resulting classi- fication models, used for automatic labeling, can be read- ily used to extract the event arguments in new texts. It is also possible to train or fine-tune a stronger state-of-the-art model on the resulting dataset, extending it to new event ar- guments and languages beyond those included in the orig- inal training datasets. The experiments were performed on a relatively small dataset and show that the proposed direc- tion seems promising. However, the more suitable test of our approach would be to apply it to a much larger num- ber of topics and events, which we will do in the next step. Moreover, the current approach needs to be evaluated in more detail. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency under the project J2-1736 Causalify and co- financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the Euro- pean Union’s H2020 research and innovation program un- der NAIADES EU project grant agreement H2020-SC5- 820985. 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