Rehabilitacija -Letnik VII. 111p/. .f. / .:008) INVITATION TO THE SYMPOS/UM 2009 D ear Colleague, Neuropathic pain is increasingly gaining in importance in neurological and neurophysiological practice, especially so with growing possibilities of pharmacological treatment. The nexl year traditional Ljubljana autumn neuroscience meeting with the 25 th Dr. Janez Faganel Memorial Lecture will take place on 9-10 October 2009, and will deal with clinical neurophysiology in investigation of pain, with spe­ cial interest in neuropathic pain. I am pleased to announce that Professor Giorgio Cruccu from Rome, ltaly, will give the Memorial Lecture with the title Clinica/ Neurophysiof­ ogy of Pain. Besides lectures, short communications are planned. Eve­ rybody with interesi and experience in this field is cordially invited to actively participale in the meeting. With best regards, Zoran Rodi m