VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 187 VESTNIK 2022 | 189 VESTNIK 2022 | 191 VESTNIK 2022 | 193 VESTNIK 2022 | 195 Ceprav je dar Duha celovit, lahko govorimo o dvojnih binkoštih. Lukove binkošti so naslikane kot velicastna slika Apostolskih del, s katero se za-cenja današnje besedno bogoslužje. Okolje dvorane zadnje vecerje nas spominja božje razodevanje na Sina-ju, z vsem povzrocenim grmenjem, silnim vetrom, ognjem in strelami. V judovski tradiciji so binkošti postale praznik sklenitve nove za-veze v Božjem Duhu, tako kot je to napovedano pri prerokih Jeremiju in Ezekijelu: »Dam vam novo srce in novega duha denem v vašo no-tranjost. Odstranim kamnito srce iz vašega mesa in vam dam mese-no srce. Svojega duha denem v vašo notranjost« (Ezek 36,26-27). Zadnja vecerja je opisana kot upodobitev novega Sinaja, kjer pa je vse najbolj pristno notranjeno: gre namrec za opis vnovicne skle-nitve zaveze in nov prodor Boga samega v srce in cloveško zgodovi-no. Središcna izjava v pripovedi je namrec »vsi so bili napolnjeni s Svetim Duhom«. Iz tega doživetja Duha izvira prav posebno zname-nje, ki ga Luka oznaci z izrazom »govoriti v tujih jezikih«. Znano je, da obširen seznam narodnosti, ki jih evangelist dodaja pripovedi o binkoštih, odseva razširjenost kršcanstva v mnogih deželah in krajih rimskega imperija. Številni so tudi jeziki Cerkve, pa vendar vsi izpo-vedujejo iste resnice, skupno vero v Kristusa Gospoda. Da bi mogli bolje razumeti znamenje »jezikov«, je treba navesti dvoje judovskih besedil, s katerimi si je mogel pomagati Luka, da bi opredelil dar Duha. Prvo je vzeto iz dela judovskega filozofa iz egiptovske Aleksandri-je, Filona, ki božje javljanje na Sinaju opredeli takole: »Bog ni imel ust ali jezika, temvec je s cudežnim dejanjem ukazal, da se v zraku ustvari grmenje, rahla sapica se je izoblikovala v besede, ki so razgibale ozracje. Ta beseda se je spremenila v ogenj, ki je imel obliko plamena ... Glas je odmeval znotraj ognja in se je spušcal izpod neba in ta glas se je izražal prav v clove-škem narecju.« Drugi navedek pa je povzet iz midraša: »Ko je bil na Sinaju izgovorjen Božji glas, se je raz-delil na sedemdeset glasov sedemdesetih jezi-kov, da bi ga mogli razumeti vsi ljudje.« Hebrej-ci so namrec na podlagi »razpredelnice naro-dov« iz 10. poglavja Prve Mojzesove knjige mislili, da je na svetu sedemdeset narodnosti. Na binkošti se torej za Luka zgodi velik preo-brat. V Babilonu, simbolnem mestu ponosa in zatiranja, so se jeziki zmešali in tako ljudi locili ljudi med seboj; v Jeruzalemu, novem Sinaju, pa Duh postane vir sožitja in enosti med ljudmi tisocev jezikov, kultur in narodov. Cerkev je v vsej odlicnosti novi proti-Babilon. Zanimivo je nasprotje, ki ga poudarja Luka: v Babilonu, kot poroca Prva Mojzesova knjiga, »nihce ni vec razumel jezika svojega bližnjega«; na binkošti pa »je vsak razumel v svojem materinem jezi-ku« (Apd 2,6). Današnji evangelij pa nam ponuja binkošti po Janezu. Izvir daru Duha je namrec vstali Kri-stus, ki se svoji Cerkvi podarja kot Duh Paraklit, tolažnik. Simbolna kretnja je v »dihniti«, kot ob stvarjenju, ko je »Božji duh plaval nad vodami« in je prodiral v cloveško ustvarjenost, v katero je Bog »vdihnil živo dušo in je bila napolnjena z oživljajocim duhom«. Jezusove besede so v ne-kem pomenu pojasnitev tistega simbolnega de-janja: »Prejmite Svetega Duha. Komur odpustite grehe, so mu odpušceni!« Duh ustvarja novo cloveštvo obhajano znotraj Cerkve. Sveti Duh nam namrec predstavlja obnovljeno zavezo z Bogom, kjer se vzpostavlja nova harmonija med ljudmi, ki so med seboj tako razlicni, vendar tu-di s tako raznolikimi sposobnostmi. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 3) BINKOŠTI PENTECOST SUNDAY SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 23/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 5.6. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Božji Duh, moc novega cloveka 186 | VESTNIK 2022 188 | VESTNIK 2022 190 | VESTNIK 2022 192 | VESTNIK 2022 194 | VESTNIK 2022 196 | VESTNIK 2022 PENTECOST SUNDAY Response: Lord, send forth your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. First Reading Acts 2:1-11 An unusual noise brought people rushing to where the apostles were. They found them filled with the Holy Spirit and speak-ing in diverse languages. Second Reading Romans 8:8-17 The indwelling of the Holy Spirit trans-forms human beings so that they become spiritual people. Gospel John 14:15-16. 23-26 The Spirit of God comes to dwell with all who live by Christ’s teachings, guiding them in how to live. “We shall come to him and make our home with him.” Illustration Photo-bombing is a recent craze in which a person tries to get into someone else’s photo-graph. It is mostly a bit of harmless fun, and with so many people using mobile phones to take pic-tures of themselves, photo-bombing is easy enough. It may happen accidentally. At the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland, Queen Elizabeth II was passing behind two hock-ey players taking a selfie when she inadvertently photo-bombed them. At least, it was assumed to be an accident, although the Queen did have rather a mischievous smile on her face. Although photo-bombing may seem like an entirely modern phenomenon, it does have some roots in history. Long before the days of photog-raphy, Renaissance artists liked to include them-selves, or their clients, in paintings of religious subjects. Some people disapproved. King Philip II of Spain certainly did. Philip was a great patron of the arts but he had something of a paintings shortage when he came to decorate the vast interiors of his new home, the Esco-rial, which was a kind of palace-cum-monastery. This was a won-derful opportunity for new artistic talent and an artist known as El Greco managed to secure a valua-ble commission. The trouble was that the king had very decided tastes, and Philip felt uncomforta-ble when El Greco depicted mem-bers of the king’s family, including the king himself, in a painting of saints and angels adoring the Holy Name. He liked his religious paint-ings “pure”. After all, earth was earth, and heaven was heaven. Gospel Teaching El Greco did not receive any further royal commissions from King Philip, but it did not stop him. In his enormously tall canvas de- picting the day of Pentecost, the artist placed himself in the same room as Our Lady and the apostles. Pentecost is the feast we celebrate today, and El Greco depicts the scene as we heard it described in our first reading, with tongues of fire coming to rest upon the heads of each of the friends and family of Jesus. And there is El Greco, gazing out of the picture quite unapologetically, as if to say, “Here I am, alongside Our Lady and the apostles, celebrating this great birthday of the Church in company with them.” He understood that the coming of the Holy Spirit was no private affair. This outpouring of God’s love was a torrent and by all accounts it sounded like one. The noise was so loud that a crowd of foreign pilgrims in Jerusalem came rushing to find out what was going on. The apostles were only too eager to tell them. What an amazing gathering that must have been – yet in all the commotion, no one was left out, nor left feeling unsure of what was happening, for the apostles found themselves able to communicate in the language of each one of those international visitors. Pentecost was a celebration of diversity and inclusivity such as the world had never known. El Greco was not being sacrilegious when he included himself in the Pentecost scene, even when he painted one of the tongues of fire resting upon his own head. Today’s Gospel makes it clear that anyone who loves Jesus is beloved of God: God will come to that person and make a home with them. None of us, then, needs think of Pentecost as past history, or as someone else’s celebration, one in which we have no right to take part. Application El Greco evidently experienced the power of God’s love for himself. For one thing, there is no ceiling in his painting. It felt to him, perhaps, as if, with the coming of the Spirit, earth and heaven had somehow blended into one. And he painted the apostles with unnaturally elon-gated necks as though he, too, sometimes sensed himself being stretched beyond the confines of the earthly dimension in which he lived. The life of heaven continues to transform ordinary people like us into spiritual beings. St Paul reminds us that we are part of God’s fami-ly, privileged to address God as our Father. We need no longer be mas-tered by selfish inclinations because the Spirit moves us in a different direction, stretching us beyond our self-absorption as we allow Jesus to live out his own life within us. We may never hear the sound of rushing wind, nor feel tongues of fire rest upon our heads, but we can be sure that God has made a home with us – a forever home. In conjunction with the Niagara Folk Arts Festival, please join us for our Sunday, June 12, 2022 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Featuring: . Slovenian Dance Group Mladi Glas/Planika . Delicious Slovenian Food including Barbecued Pork and Lamb . Slovenian Bake Sale Table includ-ing our famous Apple Strudel . Kids Fun Corner . Lipa Park Slideshow Meet our LIPA PARK AMBASSADOR Ashley Kukovica Slovenian Polka Dance at 3 p.m. featuring the award-winning Golden Keys Orchestra! MEMBERS! WE APPRECIATE YOUR CULINARY CONTRIBU-TIONS TO OUR BAKE TABLE. PLEASE BRING YOUR GOOD-IES TO LIPA PARK ON SUNDAY, JUNE 12 (PREFERABLY MORNING) 2850 OILLE ST, PELHAM, ON PHONE: 905-682-2922 EMAIL: INFO@LIPAPARK.CA WWW.LIPAPARK.CA OPEN HOUSE Good morning God is definitely looking down upon us all today, providing us with all this wonderful sunshine as we witness the sacraments of confirmation and com-munion being bestowed upon all these young parish-ioners of our community. On behalf of our Parish Council, but more im-portantly, on behalf of all our parishioners here at St. Gregory, I have the honour of welcoming Bishop Douglas Crosby here today. It has been too long since we've had the opportunity to celebrate, participate and show our support as these youngsters ac-cept these holy sacraments. With the pandemic giving us a glass half emp-ty look at life, having thrown many challenges our way over the past two years, today we are given the opportunity to look at the pandemic as giving us a glass half full way of looking at things. After such a long break, we are now given the opportunity to ap-preciate all the blessings in our lives. From family, friends and community activities, we all have much to be grateful for! Thank you Bishop Crosby for being with us here today as we appreciate and celebrate our faith. Heidy Novak Thank you Bishop Crosby and Fr. Drago for hon-ouring us with such a beautiful sacrament mass. Thank you Lori Mramor for all your time given, preparing all the details for today. Thank you to our choir for bringing such beautiful songs back to our mass. Thank you Olga Glavac, as always the church looks beautiful with all the flowers you put together here today. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in making today happen! And of course a few short announce-ments - especially since we have the pleasure of such an attentive audience. - Our Spring Banquet luncheon is be-ing held Sunday June 5th - we hope every-one will take the opportunity to attend. Our ladies made bundles of noodles which will be available first to those who attend the banquet. If there are any left, we will make them available to others in our community. They will be sold for $20/bag with a 1 bag limit to start. - Slovenski Dan will be held at Slov-enski Park this year on Saturday June 25th. Keep an eye on our Vestnik as infor-mation and details will be published. We hope everyone will take the opportunity to attend and celebrate our heritage. - Of course - Bishop Crosby is formally invited to both these events! So, mark your calendars and hopefully we will see you at these two events! We wish everyone a wonderful and sunny Sunday! - Heidy Novak Heidy je v nedeljo, pri maši pozdravila škofa in navzoce in se na koncu tudi zahvalila. First Holy Communion Confirmation 1. Anna Katerina Bartolac 2. Mika Glavac 3. Jennifer Madison Taylor 4. Ava Martha Bukvic Matthew Jack S tadler Emily Rose Lavric Alyssa Kayley Taylor Adriana Lavric V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Na racun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 22. maja 2022: $134,040. - Obljubili / Pledged $111,905. - Vplacali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Rev Srecko June 6, 1995 Gimpelj Marjeta June 6, 2018 Razpotnik Josef June 6, 2021 Volcanšek Karl June 7, 2011 Rosmus Sonya Ana June 7, 2018 Žekš Edward June 9, 2007 Prilesnik Alojz June 9, 2021 Ježovnik Branko June 10, 2011 Plut Ivan June 10, 2021 Intihar Joseph June 11, 1982 Lehner Franc June 11, 1987 Štadler Franc June 11, 1999 Novak Frank June 11, 2006 Novak Paul Pavel June 11, 2016 CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH June11th - Lukežic, Volcanšek June 25th - Jožica Vegelj and team OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV PO DRUŠTVIH: - June 5, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great - Late spring Banquet - Mass 10:00 a.m. - Dinner in upper hall at noon. For reservations call: Theresa Sarjaš: 905-930-7990 - June 12, 2022 - Lipa Park - Open House-Folk arts Picnic - June 12, 2022 - London - Mass & procession - 3:00 p.m. - St. John the Divine Church - June 18, 2022 (Saturday) - Bled - Fathers Day Picnic, Mass at 1:00 p.m. - June 25, 2022 (Saturday) - Slovenski park - Slovenski Dan - July 1 to 3 2022 - Slovenski park - Canada Day Long Weekend - Mass on Sunday, July 3rd at 1:00 p.m. POKOJNI - DECEASED V nedeljo, 29. maja 2022 je Bog poklical k sebi po vecno placilo našo faranko Marijo - Miro - Špiler. Pokojna bi letos dopolnila 79 let. Od nje ste se lahko poslovili v sredo, 1. junija popoldne in zvecer; ob 2h popoldne pa smo se zbrali k molitvi rožnega venca za pokoj nje-ne duše v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home. Po-grebno sveto mašo smo darovali v naši cerkvi v cetrtek, 2. junija ob 10h dopoldne, potem pa jo položili k vecnemu pocitku na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališcu. Iskreno sožalje možu Michaelu, sinu Rober-tu in hcerki Carmen in njeni družili. Prav tako pa tudi sestrama Ivici in Mileni v Sloveniji. Po-kojni Miri pa vecni mir in pokoj. V soboto, 3. junija 2022, je v bolnici v Whitby (Toronto), po daljši bolezni umrl Mati-ja Balažic, doma iz Hotize, star 77 let. Vec o pogrebu boste zvedeli v prihodnjih dneh. Po-kojni je bratranec Ancke Kotnjek in Mary & Toncke Horvat - London. V soboto, 3- junija 2022, smo imeli ob 12h pogrebno sveto mašo za pokojnega Sextus Ignatious Taylor, ki je umrl pred kratkim. Sextus je oce našega farana Rohana in žene Nancy (Dundek). Iskreno sožalje vsem doma-cim pokojnemu pa vecni mir in pokoj. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za indigenous Reconciliation Fund smo prejeli dar $300 od N.N. Ob smrti Marije Špiler so darovali za grad-beni sklad: - $500 - Family Joe & Carmen Horvat - $100 - Nada Miklavcic - $125 - Family Letnik - $200 - Rose Žižek z družino - $50 - Susan Rožich - $100 - Miran in Helen Špiler - $200 - Peter in Linda Novak z družino - $100 - Elizabeth in Marjan Hozjan - $150 - Leo Kline Hvala vsem za vaše darove. ZAHVALA Nenadna smrt na-še ljubece žene Mire, predrage mami in grandma, je pustila globoko rano v naših življenjih. Družina Špi-ler/Horvat se zahva-ljuje Gospodu Dra-gotu za podeljene zakramente, molitev in sveto mašo. Ob tej priložnosti se iskreno zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste nam stali ob strani in nas podpirali z besedami in dejanji. Hvala vsem, ki ste v Mirinem imenu daro-vali za gradbeni sklad in vsem, ki ste prinesli cvetje. Ta podpora nam je pomagala ostati mocni ob naši neizmerni žalosti. Zahvaljujemo se tudi gospe Elizabeth Gim-pelj in njenemu kuhinjskem osebju za odlicno kosilo. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES-SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO BINKOŠTI PENTECOST SUNDAY 5. JUNIJ BONIFACIJ, ŠKOF † † † †† † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Alojz Bedenik Anton Kamenšek Jože Razpotnik Sr. obl. Pokojni iz družine Horvat Srecko Rev, obl. Hilda Žigon Ifko Marija Irma Dorencec Milka Ferko MASS ONLY AT 10:00 A.M. PARISH SPRING BANQUET - - - - - - - - Marija Štern Sestra Marija Štern Anica Blas Tony Horvat Žena Zorka in otroci Family Regina Halas Ivan in Rozina Doma Toni in Marija Franc SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 6. 6. 2022 - 12. 6. 2022 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 6. JUNIJ Marija Mati Cerkve † † Marjeta Gimpelj, obl. Za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Jože Gimpelj Dragica Đondraš TOREK - TUESDAY 7. JUNIJ Robert, opat † † Karl Zorcic, obl. Milka Ferko Bogu v zahvalo 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica Vegelj, z družino Olga Hanc z družino Helen Kwasniewska SREDA - WEDNESDAY 8. JUNIJ Medard, škof † † Frank Pinter Jani Ternar 7:00 P.M. Sonja Langenfus Bojan Milosavljevic z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 9. JUNIJ Primož in Felicijan, muc. † † †† †† † Ivan Žižek Ivan Žižek Pero & Božo Jurkic Pokojni iz družine Jurkic Marija Špiler 7:00 P.M. Olga Hanc z družino Žena Rose z družino Ana Tadic Ana Tadic Rose Žižek z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 10. JUNIJ Bogumil, škof †† † Štefan in Marija Kovac Zoltan Gergyek 7:00 P.M. Sestra Marija Korošec z družino Žena z družino SOBOTA - SATURDAY 11. JUNIJ Barnaba, apostol Olivija, mucenka Kvatre † † † † † †† † † † † † Pavel Novak, obl. Paul Richard Novak, obl. Frank Novak, obl. Antonia Demšar Frank Pinter Slavka in Frank Mramor Frank Štadler, obl. Frank Štadler, obl. Ivan Glavac Ivan Žižek Martin Simoncic 5:30 P.M. Helen Špiler Helen Špiler Helen Špiler Demšar, Scarcelli & Purdon Fram. Žena z družino Agata Doma Žena Amalija z družino Družina Mes Ivan in Angela Antolin z družino Ivan in Angela Antolin z družino Milan in Mary Vucko SVETA TROJICA SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY 12. JUNIJ ESKIL, MUCENEC †† † † † † † † † † † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Magda Udovc Frank Mramor Frank Mramor Anton Muršic Milka Ferko Marija Špiler Marija Špiler Marija Špiler Karel Volcanšek, obl. Susan Gentilcore Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona SLOVENIAN MASS 9:30 A.M. ENGLISH MASS 11:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. - - - - - - - - Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Udovc - Levstek Families Zlatko in Marija Berkovic Toni in Marija Franc Vera Gonza Toni in Mirja Franc Sestra Ivica Burgar (Slovenija) Sestra Milena Artic (Slovenija) Družina Benko Milena Volcanšek Olga Peternel At St. John the Divine Church