ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE •S T VUJA - Kopr S! K H J I Z N ì C A ' || SI OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME I No. 25 - 21 May 1948 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria, Trieste - 1948 « ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 242 MODIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT OF „OPERA DELL’ UNIVERSITÀ’ DI TRIESTE“ / WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to modify the management of the „Opera dell’Università di Trieste“ ; hereinafter referred to as the „Opera“ ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 189 OF THE CONSOLIDATED TEXT 31 AUGUST 1933 N. 1592 The second and the last para of Art. 189 of the Consolidated Text 31 August 1933, No. 1592, are hereby amended to read as follows : „The „Opera“ is hereby recognized as a Juridical Organization. It shall be managed by a Council consisting of the following personnel of the University of Trieste : The Rector The Administrative Director One Professor — to bo designated by the Administrative Council One member of the Administrative Council designated by the said Council Three Students -— to be elected by the representative student body. The Council, thus constituted shall be presided over by the Rector of the University.“ „The „Opera“, shall have Special Regulations which shall contain particular provisions for its functioning. The said Regulations shall be issued and, if necessary, amended by decree of the Rector after consultation with the Council referred to herein. The Regulations and amendments thereto shall be submitted to the Education Office Allied Military Government, for approval.“ ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into effect on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th May 1948. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs CONTROL OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WHEREAS, the provisions of RDL 12 March 1936, No. 375, cannot be completely carried out within the British- United States Zone, Free Territory of Trieste, (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), without providing for substitutions for the Committee of Ministers, the Chief of Government and the Governor of the Bank of Italy; Now, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Wherever, in RDL, 12 March 1936, No. 375, there appear the words „Committee of Miners“, such words are substituted by the words „Board of Finance and Economics, Allied Military Government“. Wherever, in RDL, 12 March, 1936, No. 375 there appear the words „Chief of the Government“, such words are substituted by the words „Director, Coordinating Finance and Economics, Allied Military Government“. Wherever, in RDL, 12 March, 1936, No. 375, there appear the words „Governor of the Bank of Italy“, such words are substituted by the words „Manager of the Bank of Italy in Trieste“. ARTICLE II All powers, duties and functions granted by said RDL, 12 March 1936, No. 375, to the Committee of Ministers, the Chief of the Government and the Governor of the Bank of Italy will, from and after the effective date of this Order, be exercised and performed by the Board of Finance and Economics, the Director, Coordinating Finance and Economics, and the Manager of the Bank of Italy in Trieste, respectively. ARTICLE III All provisions of the said RDL, 12 March, 1936, No. 375, which are applicable to banks and other financial institutions doing business within the Zone are hereby declared to be in effect. ARTICLE IV This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date it is signed. Dated at TRIESTE, this 12th day of May 1948. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs AUTHORITY TO THE ZONE PRESIDENT TO ISSUE CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to authorize the Zone President to issue certain provisions relating to commerce and industry; NOW, THEREFORE I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The Zone President is hereby authorized to issue such provisions under (a) Law 5 February 1934, No. 327, concerning the exercise of hawking, (6) the R.D. Law 21 July 1938, No. 1468, concerning the opening of one-price stores, and (c) the R.D. Laws 21 July 1938, No. 1609, and 5 September 1938, No. 1890, concerning the exercise of baking and milling industries which lay formerly within the competency of the Prefect-President of the Provincial Council of the Corporations dissolved by Order No. 11 dated 31 August 1945. ARTICLE II The Office of Commerce and Industry established by Article II of Order No. 11 are authorized to make all necessary inquiries relating to the following: 1) applications lodged with the Prefect (Zone President) for authorization under Article 11 of the Law 5 February 1934, No. 327, and the R.D. Laws 21 July 1938, No. 1468, 21 July 1938, No. 1609, and 5 September 1938, No. 1890 ; 2) appeals submitted to the Prefect (Zone President) against the decisions of the Communal authority, as provided for by the Law 5 February 1934, No. 327 ; 3) all other provisions assigned to the competency of the Prefect (Zone President) by the above quoted laws. ARTICLE III Whenever pursuant to the Law 5 February 1934, No. 327, and to the R.D. Laws 21 July 1938, No. 1468, 21 July 1938, No. 1609, and 5 September 1938, No. 1890, an opinion is necessary in the course of an inquiry the said Office of Commerce and Industry shall request such opinions from the Giunta of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture instead of as formerly fiom the Presidential Committee of the now dissolved Provincial Council of the Corporations. ARTICLE IV This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of May 1948. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs REPEAL OF RESTRICTIONS ON THE CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY WHEREAS it is considered advisable to repeal the restrictions on the consumption of electric-it y as provided for by Order No. 21, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, Deputy Director General, ■Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Order No. 21 dated 27 September 1947 is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II This Order shall come into effect on the date of its pubblication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of May 1948. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 262 MOTOR VEHICLE CIRCULATION PERMITS — AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL ORDER N. 2 WHEREAS, certain provisions of General Order No. 2 dated 30 June 1945 are no longer applicable and it is necessary to modify and amend the said Order to conform to existing conditions, NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel. Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 2 Section 1. — The words „and a permit for such motor vehicle to be used“ appearing in Article I, Section 1 of General Order No. 2, are deleted. Section 2. — Section 2 of Article I of General Order No. 2 is hereby deleted. Section 3. — The words „permits for motor vehicles to be used and“ appearing in Section 1 of Article II of General Order No. 2, are hereby deleted. Section 4. — Section 2 of Article II of General Order No. 2 is hereby deleted. Section 5. —- The first sentence of Section 3 of Article II of General Order No. 2 beginning „Every permit and“ and ending „in point of time“ is hereby deleted. The words „ary permit and“ and the words „such permit and“ (appearing twice) in the last sentence of Section 3 of the above mentioned Article are hereby deleted. Section 6. —- Section 4 of Article II of General Order No. 2 is hereby, deleted. Sectioni 7. — Section 1 of Article IV of "General Order No. 2 is hereby deleted. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order becomes effective on the 1st day of July, 1948. Dat4d at Trieste, tais 15th day of May, 1948 H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 263 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 25 — CENTRO AUTOTRASPORTI WHEREAS certain provisions of General Order No. 25 dated 1st October 1945 are no longer applicable and it is necessary to modify and amend the said Order to conform to existing conditions ; NOW. THEREFORE. I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, Deputy Director General Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 5 of Article V of General Order No. 25 dated 1st October 1945 is hereby deleted. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the 1st day of July 1948, Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of May 1948. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Director Genera], Civil Affairs A.M.G. - F.T.T. Gazette - Voi. I, No! 25 - 21 May 1948 403 EXTENSION OF JURISDICTION OF ORDINARY JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES WHEREAS it is considered necessary to extend the Jurisdiction of the Ordinary Judicial .Authorities to offences under the Proclamations, General Orders and Orders in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, $ ORDER: ARTICLE I EXTENSION OF JURISDICTION Section 1. — The jurisdiction of the Ordinary Judicial Authorities is hereby extended ovei all those offences which may be remitted to them by Allied Military Government chargeable under the proclamations, General Orders and Orders issued by Allied Military Government and published in the Allied Military Government Official Gazette. Section 2. — Allied Military Government when transmitting cases for trial to the Ordinary Judicial Authorities, will determine the Court before which each ease shall be tried. Section 3. — Where an analogous offence exists under the Italian Penal Code or Basic Law the Ordinary Judicial Authorities will try the case as an offence under the Italian Law and not as an offence under the Proclamations, General Orders and Orders. ARTICLE II PENALTIES Section 1. — The Ordinary Judicial Authorities are authorized and empowered to impose all lawful penalties and fines provided for in the Proclamations, General Orders and Orders published in the Allied Military Government Official Gazette, provided that: (g) The expression „imprisonment“ contained in the Proclamations, General Orders and Orders published in the Official Gazette shall, unless otherwise stated, be construed to mean „reclusione“. (b) The expression „Fine“ contained in the Proclamations, General Orders and Orders published in the Official Gazette shall, unless otherwise stated, be construed to mean „Multa“. Section 2. — Where no specific limits are prescribed for penalties under the proclamations, General Orders and Orders, each Court shall be entitled to apply a penalty up to the the maximum penalty authorized for that particular Court by the Italian Penal Code and other basic laws. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the 1st day of June 1948. Dated at TRIESTE this 17th day of May 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 84 APPOINTMENT OF Mr. FEDERICO TAVCAR AS MEMBER OF THE SCHOOL COUNCIL OF TRIESTE WHEREAS by Administrative Order No. 21, dated 27 October 1947, Mr. Ermanno GREVAT IN was appointed member of the School Council of Trieste as Slovene representative of the other Communes of the Zon?, and it is deemed necessary to substitute him with another member ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General V. S. Army, Directof General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. —- Mr. Ermanno CREVATIN, appointed by Administrative Order No. 21, sub 1 letter g), dated 27 October 1947, member of the School Council of Trieste as Slovene representative of the ether Communes of the Zone, shall cease to exercise his functions, and Mr. Federico TAVCAR shall be as he hereby is appointed to substitute him with the same qualification as held by the latter. This Order shall come into force on. the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of May 1948. RIDGELY GAiTHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affaire Administrative Order No. 67 TEMPORARY GRANT OF ECONOMIC TREATMENT OF GRADE IV TO ING. MARIO PRUCHER WHEREAS Ing. Mario PRUCHER, Inspector-General of Genio Civile, is now performing functions of greater importance and responsibility than those pertaining to an official of the fifth grade ; and WHEREAS it is considered advisable to adjust his economis treatment to that of fourth grade ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, Deputy Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect as from 1st April 1948 Dott. Ing. Mario PRUCHER, Inspector-General cf Genio Civile, shall be temporarily granted the economic treatment provided for state officials of the fourth grade.; although he shall continue to belong to the fifth grade. ARTICLE II This Order shall come into force on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of March 1948. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Director Genera], Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 88 AUTHORITY TO ..ISTITUTO RELIGIOSO DELLE ANCELLE DI GESU' BAMBINO“ OF TRIESTE TO PURCHASE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY WHEREAS the „Istituto Religioso delle Ancelle di Gesú Bambino“, of Trieste has made an appilic-ation to the Allied, Military Government for authority to purchase immovable property from Mrs. Lucia SILANI, daughter of Bastiancich ; and WHEREAS the aforesaid application lias been duly approved by the Area President of Trieste and there is no objection to the granting of said application ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY The „Istituto Religioso delle Ancelle di Gesù Bambino“ of Trieste is hereby authorized to purchase from Mrs. Lucia SILANI, daughter of Bastiancich, the immovable pioperty situated at Trieste, Passeggio S. Andrea No. 30, forming P.T. 143 and 686 of Chiarbola Sup-terr. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of May 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U.S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 12 MINIMUM COMPENSATION FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED WITH NOTARIAL OFFICES NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wage Board established pursuant to Order No. 63, dated 1st December 1947, has issued, in respect of personnel employed in Notarial Offices, the following Award approved by the Department of Labour on April 26th, 1948 ; LODO: 1. — QUALIFICHE a) PERSONALE CON MANSIONI IMPIEGATIZIE I — Direttore-o Segretario di Studio : cioè colui cui è affidata la direzione del personale, la sovrintendenza di tutto il lavoro preparatorio e successivo alla, stipulazione dell’atto, esclusa cioè soltanto la facoltà indelegabile della erogazione (così in via esemplificativa : la predisposizione dell’originale, la trattazione dei ricorsi in materia civile e fiscale, la stesura dei rapporti legali, la trattazione della materia successoria colla liquidazione delle tasse relative, i rapporti coi clienti in assenza del Notaio, ecc.). II — Impiegati di concetto : sono coloro che assumono con funzione autonoma con corrispondente responsabilità, l’esecuzione di tutte le formalità relative ai vari contratti notarili, le esecuzioni delle ispezioni ipotecarie e censuarie, la predisposizione delle parcelle, nonché la tenuta della contabilità di studio e il movimento di cassa (impiegati tecnici, segretari corrispondenti, impiegati contabili). IH — Impiegati d’ordine : sono coloro cui è affidato l’adempimento delle formalità relative agli atti notarili, la tenuta di contabilità elementare e di cassa, la corrispondenza semplice degli uffici e con la clientela, stesura di originali dietro indicazione del notaio, la predisposizione di parcelle sotto il controllo del Notaio e gli altri lavori di studio di natura ordinaria (stenodattilografo, dattilografo, aiuto contabile, archivista). b) PERSONALE CON MANSIONI NON IMPIEGATIZIE Fattorino : colui che è addetto alle semplici commissioni d’Ufficio e disbrigo di corrispondenza, allo svolgimento materiale delle pratiche coi vari Uffici. Donne di pulizia : escluse quelle addette ai servizi domestici del titolare dello Studio. 2 — STIPENDI E SALARI PER IL PERSONALE SUPERIORE AI 20 ANNI ¿c- Uomini Donne Direttore o Segretario di Studio mensili........20.000 20.000 Impiegati di concetto mensili........12.000 11.600 Impiegati d’ordine mensili........ 9.000 5.600 Fattorini settimanali . . 1.233 •— Donne di pulizia orarie............. — 30 3 — INDENNITÀ’ DI CONTINGENZA GRUPPI D’ETA’ Giornaliera Settimanale Mensile u. D. u. D. u. D. A) Non Capifamiglia oltre 20 anni 461.50 400,— 2.769,— 2.400.— 12.000,— 10.400,— dai 18 ai 20 anni .... 415.40 323.05 2.492.40 1.938.30 10.800,— 8.400,— dai 16 ai 18 anni .... 346.15 252.30 2.076.90 1.513.80 9.000,— 7.560,— 184.60 184.60 1.107.60 1.107.60 4.800,— 4 800 - B) Capifamiglia oltre i 20 armi 461.50 429.60 2.769.— 2.577.60 12.000,— 11.160.— dai 18 ai 20 anni .... 429.60 369.20 2.577.60 2.215.20 11.160,— 9.600,— L’indennità di contingenza si intende a tutti gli effetti frazionabile ad ora in rapporto ad un oraio di 8 ore giornaliere, rispettivamente di 208 ore mensili o all’orario contrattuale proprio di particolari categorie di lavoratori. L’indennità di contingenza sarà corrisposta per le sole ore di effettiva prestazione lavorativa e non costituisce parte integrante della retribuzione. Dovrà però venir corrisposta : a ) Durante il periodo contrattuale di ferie. b) Durante il congedo matrimoniale. c) Nelle festività infrasettimanali e nelle ricorrenze nazionali riconosciute per legge o per contratto. d) Nel computo della gratifica natalizia e della 13a mensilità. e) Nel calcolo dell’indennità sostitutiva del preavviso. f) Durante i brevi permessi o assenze per i quali l’azienda non faccia luogo-a riduzione dello stipendio mensile. L’indennità di contingenza è agganciata all’indice costovita locale e ne subirà di conseguenza bimestralmente tutte le variazioni che nef potessero derivare sia in più che in meno. 4 — SCATTI DI ANZIANITÀ’ Gli stipendi di cui al n. 2 sono stipendi iniziali. Negli anni successivi detto personale avrà diritto a percepire degli aumenti per anzianità dell’ammontare sotto specificato : 4% dello stipendio iniziale allo scadere del 1° e 2° biennio di servizio. 5% dello stipendio iniziale allo scadere del 3®, 4°, 5° e 6° biennio di servizio. 5 — PERSONALE MINORILE Il personale minorile (maschile e femminile) percepirà : Se con meno di 16 anni ............................. il 50% Se fra i 16 ed i 18 anni ........................... il 65% Se fra i 18 ed i 20 anni ........................... 1’ 80% delle retribuzioni spettanti al corrispondente personale (maschile e femminile) di età maggiore ai 20 anni. 6 — GRATIFICA NATALIZIA E 13a MENSILITÀ’ Al personale impiegatizio verrà corrisposta alla Vigilia di Natale una 13a mensilità sulla base della retribuzione globale mensile, di fatto ; il personale non impiegatizio avrà diritto a percepire una gratifica pari a 25 giornate di salario e di indennità di contingenza. Nel caso di cessazione o di inizio del rapporto di lavoro nel corso dell’anno, il personale di cui dianzi ha diritto a percepire tanti dodicesimi della 13a mensilità o gratifica Natalizia quanti sono i mesi di servizio prestato ; computando coinè mese intero le frazioni di mese superiori a 15 giorni. 7 — DECORRENZA E DURATA Il presente LODO entra in vigore dal 1° maggio 1948 ed avrà efficacia fino al 31 ottobre Letto, confermato e sottoscritto : Trieste, 21 aprile 1948. Signed : Walter LEVITUS Livio NOVELLI Guido BORZAGHINI Carlo ARTICO Mario FROGLIA Ruggero TIRONI Giovanni POLI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Approved 26 April 1948. Signed : R. G. HUMPHREY Major F.A. Trieste, 13th May, 1948 R.G. HUMPRHREY Major F.A. Acting Chief Department of Labor Notice No. 13 TURNOVER TAX GENERAL ORDER Nc. 90 DATED 24 JANUARY 1947 Notice is hereby given tc all concerned that the Inspector for Indirect Taxation and for Taxation on business transactions (Ispettorato delle Imposte Indirette e Tasse sugii Affari) a vailing himself of the powers conferred upon him by Article 8 of General Order No. 90 dated 24 January 1947, has published a Service Order containing special taxation regulations for certain categories of commercial transactions relating to : vegetables, flowers, fruits, products of fishing licensed premises, pedlars, artisans, taxi-cabs and hire motor-vehicles, motor-boats, ships, prof essional workers, stock-brokers and money-changers, forwarding agents and ship-brokers, Railway town agencies, Tourist Offices, loading and discharging enterprises, foodstuff retailers, soda-water and drinks, ice. Copies of the above „ Service Order“ have been posted in the premises of „ So vraintendenza di Finanza“ of „Ispettorato delle Imposte Indirette e Tasse sugii Affari“ and of „Ufficio Imposta sull’Entrata“, where they are available for consultation by any person interested in the matter. Attention is called to the taxpayers’ obligation to present the declaration referred to in the above mentioned provisions not later than the 31st of May 1948. Dated, at TRIESTE, this 18th day of May, 1948. IVAN B. WHITE Director, Coordinating Finance & Economics CO N T E N T S Order Page No. 227 Authority to the Zone President to issue certain provisions relating to commerce and industry.................................... 401 No. 242 Modification of management of „Opera deirUniversità di Trieste“ 399 No. 2S7 Repeal of restrictions on the consumption of electricity.......... 402 No. 260 Control of .financial institutions ............................... 400 No. 262 Motor vehicle circulation permits - Amendments to General Order No. 2 ...................................................... 402 No. 263 Amendment to Order No. 25 - Centro Autotrasporti ................. 403 No. 264 Extension of jurisdiction of ordinary judicial authorities.... 404 Administrative Order No. 67 Temporary grant of economic treatment of grade IV to ing. Mario Prucher .............................................. 406 No. 84 Appointment of Mr. Federico Tavear as member of the School Council of Trieste ......................................... 405 No. 88 Authority to „Istituto religioso delle Ancelle di Gesfi Bambino“ of Trieste to purchase immovable property................... 406 Notice No. 12 Minimum compensation for personnel employed with notarial offices .................................................... 407 No. 13 Turnover tax - General Order No. 90 dated 24 January 1947... 410