JANUARY, 1981 VOLUME 53 NUMBER 1 Paul John and Amy Jean say Hi! Happy New Year to AH! SREČNO NOVO LETO 1981! ZARJA - THE DA WN ČtJl (f€&6 U/id/lM-' j!j?l CL ^fw4jbeA0u4~ /Jcw t' ON THE COVER... NEW YEAR’S TWINS ARE ONE YEAR OLD! Paul John and Amy Jean Nusko were born last New Year’s Day! Their mommy and daddy, Gloria and Ray Nusko of Chicago, Illinois have 8 other children, all of them members of Br. 2. Their late maternal grandma, Albina Novak, would have been so happy! As is, the babies are immediately the center of attraction at all Zveza doings which they attend with the family. Last May, their mommy was Mother of the Year. For Christmas, their daddy decorated the entire St. Stephen’s Lower Hall for all the lodge and club parties of the parish. So, we think it appropriate that Paul and Amy extend New Year’s greetings to all as they embark on their second year — that is for all of us another chance to give the world a go! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANUARY IN National Officers: jan. 6 Irene Odorizzi, Cultural Heritage Officer, Reston, Va. Presidents: Jan. 2 — Kay Juratovac, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. Jan. 13 — Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 20 — Angela Mobilia, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. Jan. 26 — Mary Moenigman, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Secretaries: Jan. 5 — Mary Jackovich, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. Jan. 8 — Agnes Lovati, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. Jan. 12 — Mary Krall, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. Jan. 14 — Virginia Zevkovich, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Jan. 18 — Mitzi Swaggard, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio Jan. 19 — Gatirielle Ltistig, Br. 22, Bradley, 111. Jan. 24 — Mary Slaney, Br. 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! (ISSN 0044-1848) NO. 1 JANUARY, 1981 Membei, Illinois Fraternal Congress VOL 53 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zve^e. Published monthly except one combined issue, July August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina S10.00 letno za ne-člane. For social Members, .65 per month za druZabne članice .65 mesečno. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All cvmmnriications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do L v mesecu. Editor. CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 DATES TO REMEMBER FEB. 5 — POT LUCK, Br. 13, San Francisco, Ca APRIL 4 — DEBUTANTE BALL, Cleveland, OH APRIL 26 — CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI JUNE 6 — COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 21, West Park, OH JULY 18—19 — CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE, Lemont, IL fazios BENEFIT DAYS January 26 thru 29 are S.W.U. Benefit Days at Fazio’s in Cleveland, Ohio. Members are asked to shop there during that time to have your purchases benefit the Slovene Home for the Aged. I.D. Slips will be available from each S.W.U. Secretary in the area or may be picked up at various places to be announced on Tony Petkovsek’s radio programs. S.W.U. can come up on top of this project if we give it our 100% try! FRAN Missing Something In Your Life? Subscribe to the American Home newspaper and become better informed on the latest news about the people and events in the Slovenian American communities in the greater Cleveland, northeastern Ohio, throughout the U.S. and Canaaa. You’ll be proud to be a Slovenian. English Friday section, $10.00 per year. Send check or Money Order to: Weekly American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. FREE SECRET SLOVAK RECIPE COOKBOOKLET SLOVAK RECIPES Dept. Z 1863 Timothy W. Mifflin, Pa. 15122 Featuring Cabbage-rolls, Nut-rolls, Pierogi, and Secret Sensible Desserts. Send $2, postage & handling for each. Mary Muller: NATIONAL PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE A New Year — a new beginning. Let us try to start the ball rolling with gusto and verve for the coming months! New ideas and suggestions for our local branch activities. Make plans to enroll one new member each, for our SUCCESS WITH UNITY campaign is still in progress. To the members who have served as officers: many thanks for your diligent work, time and effort spent in behalf of S.W.U. 1 hope you will be willing to advise and aid new officers, at their request. For our newly-elected officers, 1 extend my best wishes for a successful term, filled with co-operation from branch members. Our Zveza is starting it’s 55th year. It must have been quite a struggle for our founders to gather so many members and endure through the hardships of time. It is a tribute to their foresight and a challenge to each one of us to continue the growth of our S.W.U. The month of February we celebrate St. Valentine’s and pledge our love to dear ones. A party at your branch meeting is always welcome; invite your friends so they may see frist-hand how you enjoy S.W.U. meetings. They may ask to join, it you have not approached them already. By now you are aware of our conference: “Today’s Christian Woman” to be held in Lemont, 111., at the Franciscan Fathers’ Shrine. The setting is ideal for soul-searching — something we are all in need of in today’s world of constant strife. I hope you will not take this lightly and surely make plans to attend. We will keep you informed. Our local Baraga committee is sponsoring a dinner at St. Stephen’s Hall on January 18th. I am looking forward to meeting our members, as this is a tribute to the works of a great Slovenian leader in the Church. With the schools projecting interest in Ethnic Culture, we should try to promote our “Footsteps through Time” and “From Slovenia to America” — two books that can teach much about our Slovenian people. Our Joliet office will be glad to help you in this endeavor. Congratulations to Branch 45 in Portland, Oregon on their Golden Jubilee, we wish you many more years of togetherness. Best wishes to all members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. For our ailing members our hope is for better health and a good outlook in the future. I am sure you all join me in a prayer for our beloved deceased, with the hope that God will give them eternal peace. May God Walk with You. ACTIVITIES Deb Ball planned for April NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI A Happy New Year to everyone! May you enjoy happiness, peace and prosperity through the coming year. At the November meeting plans were decided for our Christmas party with a program, which will follow the annual meeting, December 16th. We are hoping for a record attendance. Please check your policies, members to see if the correct beneficiary is on it. We express our deep sympathy to the family of Mrs. Mary Gasser, who was a long time member of our branch. May her soul and all the departed rest in Peace. Our constant prayers to all the sick and convalesing members. We will convene again on the 17th of February. May we see you then? Happy Valentine’s Day. MARGARET FISCHER, Reporter NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Happy New Year to all members and friends. May 1981 be a Prosperous year. This wish comes from all the officers and we do hope to have a good attendance at the coming meetings. Daughters of our members, young members between the ages of 16 and 21 years of age are eligible to become Debutantes to be presented at the gala 6th Slovenian Women’s Union Presentation Ball, April 4th, 1981 at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. The SWU Junior League members, former debutantes, will act as the planning committee. They are working hard now toward making this a most memorable occasion for each participating deb, her family and the organization. In order to be a 1981 S. W.U. Deb, you must be a member and your mother also must be a member. Entry forms are available now by calling Carol Globokar at 486-2012 or Fran Sietz at 261-2856. Proceeds from the 6th Presentation Ball will be donated to the Slovenian Home for the Aged. To date the Debutantes have donated $2,500 to this charitable cause, "The young helping the old” is a generous thought which we believe in, as members of the Slovenian Women's Union. Our Penny Social was a success as usual with a good turnout by members and their friends. Anne Mladic chaired the affair with the help of her committee and did a wonderful job. Thanks to all who brought prizes and cakes and to all for the help they gave. Congratulations to Corinne and Lud Leskovar who celebrated their-25th Wedding Anniversary in November. Daniel and David Ciszek played football this past season in New Lenox, a town located near Joliet. Their teams were undefeated. They went to St. Louis for the final game and both teams came home winners. Elsie is proud of her grandsons and rightly so. On the sick list we have Julia Pavlin. She is at McNeal Hospital. Christine Pirman has been doctoring for a while. Mamie Muller was kept in the hospital overnight while having tests taken. Anna Ahacic is still recuperating from an injury suffered when she was hit by a car recently. Remember these ladies and all our sick members and shut-ins with a prayer. Frances Sardoch passed away after a long illness. Our sympathy to her family. She will be remembered in our prayers. Our scholarship winner of past years, Jo Lynn Bare, is to be married this month, Congratulations, Jo Lynn. Anne Mladic is a grandmother again - it’s Robert Reco Mladic, 8 Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M. *. A n ne M. Kompare, Nat'l Vice President “IT ONL V TAKES 10 MINUTES”... It only takes 10 minutes of your time! You don’t have to go anywhere, exert any physical energy...nor spend any money. All we ask you to do is enroll a member in the Slovenian Women’s Union during our “SUCCESS WITH UNITYcampaign. SWU is constantly changing and improving and it has done a great deal of good...for our membership., our churches and communities for over 55 years. These are all praiseworthy goals and efforts, but in need of YOUR help! SWU could do much more...if we have your help. With more new members, it would have the strength and ability to do many more things, with new objectives and ideas to keep up with the trend of today’s way of life. We particularly would like to have the younger women in their 40s and 50s to join us. They could be your family, relatives or friends, and you know them best. We are asking all SWU members to be part of this campaign. Obtain application forms from your secretaries, or the home office...fill them out as you are recommending the ladies for membership in the SWU. It works!...and all it takes is 10 minutes of your time. A POINT OF INTEREST: Plans are i« the making for a Spiritual week-end on July 18th and 19th, 1981, with participation of all SWU branches. Help us make this a success! More about the plans in the forthcoming issues of the ZARJA. A fresh beginning As the clock strikes twelve o’clock A.M. on January first, everybody yells: “Happy New Year!” and thru the day of January first we greet each other with “Happy New Year.” We wish that this new year would be happy, prosperous, spent in good health; in short: we wish that the forthcoming twelve months would bring us joy and not sorrow. Yes, it is a great gift to see this new year ushered in; this means God is giving us more time. But that this year will be a blessing, depends on us. God gives us more time for our own good, as we read in the Holy Scripture. If we meet hardships on the road, that does not mean that this year will be a failure. If we turn away from God, that would be a disaster. As we are beginning this new year we are afraid of the future, the horizons are not bright. We all realize that we have to wake up before it is too late; we will have to see some drastic changes in our way of life, in our behavior patterns, changes in our way of thinking if we wish to see good days ahead. We wish happiness for the new year and at the same time our society is eliminating the Source of all happiness — God. Today we are awakening to the fact that we are losing control over our youth; not so long ago we started to fight in our courts to throw prayer, Bible and God out of our class rooms. We can not expect to have “Godfearing” youngsters if they do not hear the word of God. What we sow, that we shall reap. At the beginning of this year let us ask ourselves what kind of seed will I put into the new days of this year of 1981. Thru God’s gift we begin a new year; as we are accepting this precious gift from God’s hand, we realize that it depends on me and you that this year will bring us a blessing and not curse. Moreover we can do a lot so that the Almighty will shower His blessings not only on our house but on the whole nation as well. Happy New Year — Yes, with God’s help I will work hard that this year will be a happy one. lbs. 6 oz. His great aunt is Stella Gorka. Congratulations to the family. May the Lord bless you all with good health and happy outlook for the New Year. ANN SCIEZKA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI November’s meeting had a few of our regulars missing as Frances Plesko was in the hospital having surgery, Jennie Ahcin was still recuperating from her surgery, Angeline Pipan wasn’t feeling too well as was Angela Medved. Do hope they all recover in time to attend our Christmas party as well as any others whom we haven’t heard about. Remember to notify Mary Evanish of any illnesses, especially when some member is hospitalized or goes into a nursing home. Just recalled that Fanny Herold and Amelia Bisjak are also on the sick list. So, here’s hoping we can hear of their return to better health as well. You might remember to include them in your prayers for a speedier recovery. Jo Wilhelm led us in the opening prayer. The various reports were all read and approved. Christmas being one of our largest affairs, we proceeded to discuss the menu and were pleased that so many of our regulars were again going to help prepare or donate for the dinner. How lucky we are to have all these good bakers still with us. Wine, too, was to be a must for which Agnes Gornik, Mrs. Urankar and Julia Plese were donating. I understand that our reliable table-setter, Jo Wilhelm and her husband were busy making special table favors for each of us. We do appreciate her devotion to having nice settings for us all year long! The yearly Christmas visits to the Nursing Homes were also discussed and again we will be visiting them all and leaving Christmas goodies, remembering to supply the diabetic ones with sugar-free treats so they aren’t in trouble with the Homes. So, we hope our list is complete as we do not want to overlook anyone! The Card Party date and hall were set for April 26, 1981 at John’s Hall again. It is so hard to get places unless one does it far in advance, so we were pleased to get that date. Numerous door prizes were donated by almost everyone so Stavia made sure that no one went away without something. Mary Kiel donated two packages of home-made noodles so those were given out as attendance prizes aside from the door prizes. Stavia led us in the closing prayer and we also added prayers for the souls of Frances Sunn and Mary Tesovnik who had passed away. Our deepest symapthy goes to the family and friends of both women. The meeting lasted quite a bit longer than usual but we still stayed to enjoy cakes by Julia Pesec, Mary Kiel and Mary Starich who brought ■n a sheet cake as her birthday treat. Happy Birthday was sung to all Birthday Girls, even Frances Plesko who missed having it with us this year. Let’s all remember to try and attend the January meeting and take care of the dues for the new year. God bless you all! MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA San Francisco will enjoy the same officers for 1981, these ladies worked diligently for our benefit, especially President Jo Aiuto who is responsible for our many happy times. President: Josephine Aiuto; Vice President: Anna Fabian; Financial Secretary: Moreen Spencer; Recording Secretary: Sonja Gregorin; Treasurer: Michele Twers (who is celebrating one year of happy married life) and Auditors: Virginia Sustarich and Rose Bianco; Reporter: Fran E. Chiodo (ME). Call and keep me posted of any of your interests. 824—8204. Mother of the Year: Margaret Rodosevich (A better choice we could not find). Yes we are certainly proud of our Mother of the Year; besides being a good and active catholic she is a true Christian always interested in the care and welfare of her dear family (whom 1 have the pleasure of knowing, this being the third generation). She has time and always was able, and did extend herself to all. As 1 have said having known Margaret’s mother and entire family it is easy to sing her praises as I know of her goodness personally. She truly depicts the word MOTHER in every sense of the word. A future article will follow fully singing of her and her dear family. CONGRATULATIONS, dear lady, you are deserving of this great honor! February 5th at 12noon we will enjoy a pot luck luncheon following a short meeting at the Slovenian Hall, 2101 Mariposa. Call Jo Aiuto and tell her what you will bring; 863—8632. Any recipe you enjoy making will be accepted with open arms.. July 29th we will enjoy once again (thanks to Jo) a luncheon at the Olympic Savings and Loan. Last time we all enjoyed the luncheon served us and the gifts we received with NO COST to our branch and we realized a good profitable day as the bank turned over the entire monies charged. Who could ask for more? The monies received paid the salaries of our officers so we urge each member who is looking for a good bank to do business with to look into the Olympic Savings and Loan. We can only enjoy these wonderful times if we work together. Marie Heath is recuperating from a hip replacement, we wish the speediest recovery ever to this fine gal. My partner in a happy trip to Hawaii many years ago, Marie has known so much sorrow for a few years now so it is time for the Good Lord to watch over her and make her recovery a good one and once again the sun will shine on all her days. Miss you, Marie, come see us soon. Mary Popich who was living in Sparks with her daughter was burned in an automobile accident. She died instantly and God now has her with Him in heaven. Mary was a dear person much loved by her family and friends so her loss will be deeply felt by many. Rest in peace dear friend may your home with God be a happy one as you deserve the BEST. Our Church of the Nativity is in the process of becoming a diocese church. It seems there is just not enough interest to maintain the ethnic catagory. Our participation is much needed at this time to maintain our status. More individual interest is requested and more attendance is needed. I for one will take heed. Katie Radovich at this time is much improved at home, after a long illness and broken hip she is walking with a walker to the surprise of her many friends. Our Katie was so ill; truly we did not expect her to recover, but with such stamina she is up and around again. Nice going for our only living charter member. Keeping a good thought and her constant smile and good humor has pulled her through once again. God keep you well, our little Katie, so nice to have you up and kicking once again... Happy 1981 to all our Sister members may the year be kind to all and may GOOD HEALTH be your gift for the year. God Bless and Keep you all Happy and Well. FRAN E. CHIODO, Reporter NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Our December meeting was our combined 3 month Birthday Party and Christmas Party. We had a delicious dinner of pork roast, home fries, polenta and saurkraut. The dinner was cooked by our member, Mary Dolsak. For dessert we had home-made strudel made and donated by our members. The dinner was served by our great and efficient kitchen committee. Thanks to all. We again donated monies to Mary Mavec School of Opportunity and Holy Family Cancer — we do this instead having a gift exchange. Thanks to all who donated. Members decided that in conjunction with our Mother-of-the-year celebration in May, we will honor our 50 year members of S.W.U. Branch 14. The officers for 1981 are: President: Pauline Krall, Vice President: Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead), Secretary: Vera Bajec, Treasurer: Mary lskra, Recording Secretary: Antoinette Zabukovec, Auditors: Mary Fakult, Addie Humphreys and Frances Plut. Sentinel: Marilyn Fitzthum. Slovenian reporter for Zarja: Mary Iskra, English reporter: Alice Kuhar. Chosen as the Mother-of-the-Year is our long-time member, Mary Dolsak, who’s mother was one of our Branch 14 founders. Mary is truly deserving of this honor. Congratulations, Mary! We welcome a new member into our branch, Joanne Vehar. Hope she will enjoy our branch’s activities. Members who were reported ill are: Josephine Perko, who is in Richmond Hts. Hospital, Beverly Pecjak who is in Euclid General Hospital, Antonia Sustar and Mary Mahne. Our prayers and best wishes are with them all. Since this is my last article for ZARJA, I wish to thank everyone who over the years were gracious enough to tell me they enjoyed reading my articles. 1 truly enjoyed writing them. Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday Season and I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year. God Bless You All Always. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC NO. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, IL Election of officers took place at our November meeting. Ann Lustig declined the appointment as Ways and Means Chairlady. Other positions remained the same, namely President, Marge Prebil, Vice President, Heleb Gornick, Secy— Treasurer, Gladys Buck, Recording Secretary, Phillis Perko, Auditors Tina Martin and Sylvia Spretnjak and Reporter, Marge Spretnjak. A Thank you note was read from Ann Klobučar and daughter, Helene in appreciation of our concern for Marie Cherne during her illness and 1981 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SCHOLARSHIPS Because of your generous support of the scholarship fund of the Slovenian Women’s Union, four $500.00 scholarships are again being offered to qualified high school graduating seniors. High school seniors who have been members of S.W.U. for a minimum of 3 years preceding date of application, and are contemplating to enter an accredited college or university in fall as a full-time student, are eligible to apply for one of the scholarship awards. Please write to Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis., 5371 1 for application. Only one scholarship can ever be granted to one family and only one scholarship is awarded each year to a particular branch. Scholarship recipients will be chosen by the scholarship committee based on academic achievement, financial need, goals, activities within the organization and recommendations by the branch president or secretary and school principal. Mary Muller Mary Bostian RoseKraemer Olga Ancel Anna Hodnik Irene Odorizzi S3 Scholarship Committee: Hermine Dicke, chairman our participation at her funeral. As November was the month of poor souls, prayers were said for our 137 deceased members. Thank you notes were also read from Hermine Dicke for scholarship donations and from Maria Kompare of Arizona for donations to the St. Jude Parish bazaar. Sunshine winners were Mary Cholak and Gladys Buck. Get well greetings were sent to Jean Franko, Lena Kafka and Mary Primožič. A big thank you to Dolores Franko, Kay Jurincie, Sylvia Spretnjak and Mary Christine Whalen who made all the Christmas ornaments for the Mini-bazaar and to Fran Zupančič and Kathy Monahan who helped sell at the meeting. Prizes were donated by Alvina Sreboth, Sylvia Spretnjak and Edna Winters. Winners were Pauline Klobučar, Elsie Starcevich, Mary Krznaric, Anita Quilici and Mary Ann Starcevich. Due to the generosity of all our members enough money was made to defray the cost of the children’s Christmas party for several more years. Present at the meeting to have their birthday celebrated were Emma Kralj and Kathy Monahan. Many happy returns. We have no meeting in January. See you all on February 12th. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter NO. 19, EVELETH, MN We had a very enjoyable Christmas Party on Dec. 7th. We had a big attendance to enjoy the roast beef dinner that was served in an inviting atmosphere. We had a sing-a-long accompanied by John Snidarsich on his button box and piano accordians. Many door prizes were distributed. A short meeting and election of officers was held. I’m happy we got a new slate of of- ficers... they are, four sisters! So, welcome to the new committee: President, Martina Michals, Vice-President, Theresa Thomas, Secretary and Rec. Sec’y is Vida Lanari, Treasurer is Mary Ferkul. Auditors: Mary Isaacson and Pauline Turnbull. Congratulatory card was sent to Jennie and Martin Shukle who celebrated their 50th Anniversary. I am sorry that I had to give up the presidency of the branch because of my illness. I want to thank the officers and members for making my four years a success. May you help the new officers. Next meeting and installation of officers will be Jan. 4th at 1:30. OLGA KLUSER NO. 20, JOLIET, IL This Special New Year Greeting is for all of you to share — A very Happy 1981 and it includes a wish as well. That, always you will find much joy and happiness in everything you do, with health and good friends without measure. For the good of our members, the following will take effect January 1981: 1. Members paying their 1981 dues by March lsl will be eligible for a gift of one year free dues selected for 1 member. This will take place at the March meeting. 2. A member over 80 years old and a member for 25 years is eligible for free dues as of Jan. I, 1981 paid by the Branch. 3. Members attending 9 meetings will be entitled to a free bus trip to the State Convention next fall. Get well wishes extended to: Carita Ancel Girman, Alice Kraus, Fran Gaspich, Katherine Jeriha, Rose Marentič, Jennie Konopek, Mary Mutz, Joe and Josephine Erjavec, John Jevitz and Magdeline Jurkovich. Our deepest sympathy to: Olga Gregorash and Sandra on the death of brother and uncle, Ed Marenshe and Betty Tezak and Donna Cusimano, sister and aunt. The annual contribution of $10.00 was sent to Trinity School-Day Care Center for Mentally Retarded Children. Volunteers are being recruited for praying at wakes and attending funerals of deceased members. If you are interested please call secretary Agnes Lovati or Vice-President Mildred Pucel. Winner of the $14.00 was Ber-nadine Rutkowski. Not being present the next drawing will be $16.00. Margaret Stalzer won the $1.00 door prize. Gift attendance winners were Rose Paul, Jonita Ruth, Edith Kunstek, Fran Kodrich and Kay Sukle. For the promotion of the Baraga Commemmorative stamp, the members were asked by the Chicago Chapter of B.B.A. to write letters to their Congressman in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones of Lockport have returned from a 3 1 /2 week Australian trip. They went primarily to visit with their son, David Wittenkeller. David is completing a year of study in Melbourne as a “Youth for Understanding” — foreign exchange student. He is a student at Romeoville High School. His proud grandmother is Louise Dobczyk. One 45 record that hit the shops this Christmas season is an “all— Joliet production.” “Merry Christmas To Me” was set to music by Steve Rutkowski and written by Lynn Lapikas Briski. Steve is a professional musician and plays the piano with a group called “Good Times.” Since April, Lynn and Steve have composed 25 songs. Besides being a talented musician, Steve is a hairstylist at Chet’s Salon. Congratulations to the parents Bountiful Grape Harvest Celebrated at Joliet’s “Vinska Trgatev” Dance The grape harvest was gathered by members of Hr. Three Sisters, members of Br. 20: 20, Joliet, Illinois in time for their “Vinska Trgatev” or Agnes Lovati, Secretary, “Crape Harvest ’’ Dance in October. Margaret Stalier Gen Klainsek and Theresa Smidberger and Fran Kodrick are two of the active members who participated. Rev. DavidStalzer, Chairman ‘ ‘ Vinska Trgatev'' Bartenders: Joe Ambrosich, Fly Rachor, Cene Klainsek and Rudy Puce! Smitty Ambrozich, JoeSkul and Marie Malnerick (these photos courtesy Marie) Fly and Marge Rachor SINCERE THANK-YOU TO ALL! IN MEMORIAM Dear Editor and Members: I wish to send my heartfelt thanks to you and the members of the S.W.U. who responded so generously to my call for help for our Indian Mission. The Bazaar was a success on a level we never dreamed possible! We made about $1200 and that’s twice as much as last year! The assistance of the S.W.U. made this possible...you made it happen! We have used our earnings to purchase a used, re-conditioned copy machine for the Mission and we still have funds left over for CCD needs and new altar linens. Please extend my gratitude and that of the members of St. Jude Parish to the readers of ZARJA - DAWN. You've put a bright light in our Christmas that will remain for years to come! Thank you, and the blessings of the Christ Child be with all of you! Sincerely, Maria Kompare Bernadine and Chet Rutkowski, for their motivating influence. To David and Steve, whatever your dreams may be... may you follow them to success and happiness. I want to “Thank” everyone who sent get well wishes to my husband and myself. It means a lot when you do not feel well to get greetings from friends and relatives. Come to our January meeting; there will be installation of the 1981 officers, a party and much more. Don’t miss it. See you on Sunday January 18. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC NO. 20, JOLIET, IL BOWLING NEWS First Place in the standings this month are three teams, tying for the honor with 20 games won by each: Crow’s Nest, Slovenian Home and Northwest Recreation. They are followed by Merichka’s Restaurant with 18 1/2, Dames Funeral with 16 112 and Tezak Funeral, 13 1/2. Single Game and Series Rothlisberger, 227 - 603; Derlinga 222 - 576; Mulvey 215 - 543 Ber-nickas; Kobe, 210 - 503; Fassioto 210 - 503 (tie) and Bernickas, 201. Individual Average Leaders Bernickas, 163, Rothlisberger, 163 (tie); Derlinga, 161; Wajchert, 159 and Mulvey, 156. Our Christmas Party was held at Merichka’s Restaurant and everyone had a wonderful time. Decorations for the party were done by D. Horvat and M. Cleveland. You did a beautiful job, girls. Our wonderful bowler, Jo Mlakar, has been unable to be with us this season, but with prayers from the bowlers and all her friends, I’m sure she will be back soon. We miss you, Jo, so hurry back! This is it for now, girls. Happy New Year to all. May God be willing. MARY RUDMAN NO. 21, WEST PARK, OH Happy and healthy New Year’s greeting to all of you in the Slovenian Women’s Union, officers and members. Our Christmas luncheon was held in November. Sadly missed were several members who were on the sick list. The luncheon was opened with prayer by our president, Rose Kosko. Delicious refreshments were served by the members. The comments were: it was a good luncheon - one of the best! Many thanks to all who donated bakery, refreshments, etc. Many dooi^prizes were given out and we thank each lady who brought one. Special thanks to Margaret Borek for many door prizes. All present officers will hold office for the ensuing year. The only activities which we plan in 1981 are the Mother’s celebration in May and the Christmas meeting in November. There will be 6 meetings for the coming year, Feb. March, June, Sept. Oct. Nov. usual place, second Wednesday at 2 p.m. On Sat. June 6th, Mass for all living and deceased members of Br. 21 will be held at the Annunciation Church, 4697 W. 130th at 5 p.m. Members are reminded to pay their dues in advance. Many thanks to Frances Skoda who contributed to our treasury. Get well wishes were sent to Anna Jesenko who fractured her ankle and to Jennie Foro with a broken hip. Our condolences to member, Mary Stevens, on the recent death of her husband, Walter. May he rest in peace. Both were former West Park residents. Mr. & Mrs. August Oblak of Felton, California celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The Holy Mass and Reception was held in October at St. John’s church in Felton. Their nephew , George Morrison and wife surprised them with the party held at the church hall and attended by relatives and friends t Ann Podgoršek, past S.W.U. National Officer and a charter member of Branch 33, Duluth, Minnesota, passed away Sept. 14. Ann had been in attendance at the Duluth National Convention, May, 1979 and at Minnesota Day, Sept. 9, 1979, when Branch 33 celebrated it’s fiftieth anniversary, in spite of poor health. Ann “lived” ZVEZA. She had been a past president of Branch 33 and Zarja Reporter. She had been National Auditor from 1958 to 1973. She was a living example of one who was completely devoted to all that iZveza stands for and took every opportunity to spread the word — whether it be to give us a “booster talk” at our meetings or recruiting new members whenever possible. She will be missed by her sons: Robert, Duluth, and William, Campbell, Calif., and all the rest of her family, as well as by all of us in Branch 33. A collection was taken up at our annual fall dinner meeting in October and the money will be sent to the Scholarship Committee as a memorial to Ann. Reporter from far and near. Our best wishes for continued health and happiness. Patient is Josephine Oblak, formerly from West Park.I will always remember her in our sewing club; she was teaching us girls to sing Slovenian songs - that was in our young days. The best of everything to both of you. Our first meeting in 1981 will be Feb. 11th at 2 p.m. STELLA DANCULL, Secretary Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 * I salute Emma Planinšek of Joliet, 111., who with much warmth and dedication has served as president of Branch No. 20 for 45 years. Under her capable leadership the Branch has grown to over 600 members. In a telephone conversation Emma said: “1 am proud of my members who have given me much support throughout the many years”. Upon request Emma and her daughter, Bertha Hofer, prepared Sweet-Sour Cabbage that the recipe be available for beginners in the new cookbook. Bertha writes: “We cooked the dish and 1 put down on paper exactly how it was prepared. It was a little “tricky” since my mom has her own measurements a little bit of this, a fistfull of that, and enough water to simmer, etc., — but it was good”. Here is Emma’s recipe of long, long standing to serve 4: SWEET-SOUR CABBAGE 1 small head cabbage (about 1 pound) 1 small onion (about 2 tablespoons), finely diced 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds 1/3 cup boiling water 2 heaping tablespoons lard 3 heaping tablespoons sugar • pepper, to taste 1 level tablespoon flour 1/2 cup cold water 1 teaspoon cider vinegar Core and slice cabbage, medium fine. Add onion and salt. With your hands work salt into cabbage and onion. This will help soften and tenderize the cabbage. Add the caraway seeds. Set aside. Have ready 1/3 cup water simmering on the stove. Melt lard, when hot add sugar. Blend and stir constantly until sugar browns and begins to bubble. Quickly add all the cabbage and blend well. Then add 1 /3 cup boiling water. Blend well and cover to simmer (about 20 minutes). Check occasionally to be sure water has not boiled away. At this time you may add pepper, to taste. Additional water may be added to keep simmering. Blend well and continue simmering on very low heat for another 5 minutes. Last add the cider vinegar and mix well. If vinegar is added too soon it may toughen the cabbage. Enjoy! This dish goes well with pork loin roast, browned/roasted potatoes, tossed salad, coffee and dessert. Emma’s technique to prepare pork loin roast is as follows: Rub well a 4 pound roast with cut clove of garlic, especially on the bone, and season with salt and pepper. Bake without rack for 2 hours covered at 300°; uncover and raise temperature to 375° and bake until brown and fork tender. Peel and quarter potatoes lengthwise; roast with meat last 45 minutes, turning once. Our Cultural Director and editor of “The Immigrant”, Irene Odorizzi, is the daughter of Emma Planinšek. Her two excellent recipes for the new cookbook are so fitting for this month’s issue: Barbecued Flank Steak and Vegetable Soup. BARBEQUED FLANK STEAK 1 pound flank steak (or enough for 2 servings) Marinade: 112 cup soy sauce 3 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (use 1/2 teaspoon if marinating overnight) 1 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 3/4 cup salad oil 1 green onion finely chopped or 2 teaspoons dried onion. Mix all the ingredients. Score flank steak. In glass dish in refrigerator marinate steak 4 to 6 hours turning once or twice. Drain. Brush with marinade before broiling at 550° for about 5 minutes on each side for medium rare, longer for well-done (best, medium rare). Brush with marinade when turning. Slice very thinly across the grain on sharp angle. May reheat remaining marinade and serve as sauce. VEGETABLE SOUP This soup may be made in a large quantity and frozen. Serves 10. 1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup chopped onion 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced celery 112 cup chopped parsley 1 cup thinly sliced carrots 2 cups plum tomatoes, chopped 1 cup pinto beans (soak overnight in water to cover; boil the next day for 30 minutes before adding to soup) 1 1/2 cups cubed potatoes 3 tablespoons tomato paste 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon basil salt and pepper to taste 3 quarts water 1 cup of wide egg noodles broken into 112 inch squares In butter saute until translucent the onion and celery. In soup kettle add parsley, carrots, tomatoes, pinto beans and cubed potatoes. Add sauteed onion and celery. Blend tomato paste, chopped garlic, basil salt and pepper. Add to soup kettle along with 3quarts of water. Cook all ingredients slowly about 1 hour or until all vegetables are cooked. 10 minutes before soup is finished, add the egg noodles. Note: If you are fond of fresh peas, zucchini or squash, either may be added to the soup (1/2 cup each) without any additional water. Soup tastes even better the “second day”. BAMBINO PIZZAS Rosemary Orenchuk of Branch No. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. shares this fun recipe which everyone enjoys, children too. Nice for a snack. 1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste 1/2 teaspoon salt dash pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1 / 4 teaspoon oregano 1/3 pound pepperoni sausage (1 link) 1 package (6 ounces) Mozzarella cheese, thin slices 60 Ritz crackers Heat broiler to 350°. In small bowl mix tomato paste with salt, pepper, garlic salt and oregano. Cut pepperoni into 60 thin slices. Cut cheese into 60 1-inch squares. Spread each cracker with tomato paste mixture to edge. Top with pepperoni then cheese squares. On upper rack in 350° oven broil for about 5 minutes until cheese melts. A Happy and Blessed New Year to all and KEEP COOKING! Fondly, Hermine NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL The members of Branch 24 have been saddened by the death of our Vice President, Nellie Mochnik, on November 9th. The large attendance at the memorial mass at Resurruction Church only gave testimony to the large number of people who were her friends. Nellie was a good person, a loving wife and mother, and a loyal member and officer. We offer our sympathy to her husband, Joseph, two sons and two daughters and their families. We share their loss. A donation to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund will be given in her memory by our branch. Plans were made for our Christmas Party held at the Paramount Club on December 14th. Christine Witek and her staff had an array of excellent dishes so dinner was super. A grab bag gift exchange followed the dinner. I had an opportunity to visit Rose Furlan recently and had such a nice visit. I found her in excellent spirits even though she is limited in what she can do since she can’t get around as fast as we can. She was preparing Cheese Štruklji for lunch and if 1 didn’t have other errands to do I would have invited myself to lunch. My mother prepares this dish for a treat occasionally and I do love it. On Thanksgiving Eve, the four Catholic churches in La Salle combined for Mass at our Resurruction Church. We had a very impressive service concelebrated by seven priests and two deacons. The four adult choirs sang in the choir loft and the four children’s choirs were in the sanctuary. Each organist played for part of the service. It was a wonderful experience at a most appropriate time. We all have so much to be thankful for. Our sick and shut in members have been in our thoughts during the holiday season: Josephine Omahen, Theresa Terselic, Mary Janko, Jennie Herakovich, Mary Predanich, Anna Frankovich, Catherine Spitzmiller, Mary Furar and Mary Sever. Several of these ladies have been confined to Nursing Homes for a long time. We’re trying to follow in your footsteps now that you no longer can lead us. Belated congratulations to Editor Corinne for the honor bestowed upon her at the Slovenian American Radio Club celebration in October. Best Wishes for a Happy, Blessed New Year to all. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Hello! As our new year starts, we here in Euclid, wish all of you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 1981. Our Christmas Party was a big success as always. Many good things to eat, singing of carols and sharing happiness with our sister members. Our election of officers was held at the November meeting and they are as follows: President, Hermine Strainer; Vice-President, Ceal Znidar; Recording Secretary, Phyllis D’Amico; Secretary, Jo Comenshek; Treasurer, Ann Cooke; Auditors: Barbara Baron, Marilyn Freck and Hostesses, Dorothy Lamm and Frances Oranjac. We also chose Esther Garbincus as Woman of the Year, 1981! It was also reported that the youth group, the S.W.U. Twirlettes, were to perform for the Old Age Home on Neff Road. It was so nice to hear of this thoughtfulness of our young members. Happiness and good fortune to Theresa and Ciril Benedycic on the ownership of a new home in Chardon, Ohio. Ann and John Chinchar have returned to Ft. Myers, Fla. for the winter. Jo Skabar is also in Florida for vacation. Across the sea in Slovenia, Toots Bevija spent a very happy vacation visiting relatives and many beautiful places. Josephine Strvan is the very proud grandmother of a baby boy, born on Sept. 20th to her daughter, Johanna Fordyce. We wish to remind all the members that dues for 1981 are due. Please help Jo Comenshek by being prompt in getting them to her. We will see the remainder of the films of the trip to Europe taken by Lavana Avitt at our next meeting, Jan. 21st, 1981. Hope to see you there, weather permitting. PHYLLIS NO. 33, DULUTH, MN HAPPY NEW YEAR! From all of us in Branch 33, Duluth, Mn. It has been another “good year” for us in Branch 33. We have lost some members (who have died) but are constantly working at replacing them with active members. Our vice president, Armenia Gi-acomini and husband, Anibole, are moving to Waverly, Mn., to be near her daughter and family. Another member Marjorie (Spehar) Douville and family are moving to Colorado. Our best wishes to them in their new homes. Gifts of fruit baskets have been taken to our members in nursing homes for Christmas. Congratulations to members on anniversaries: Emily and John Skull, 38 years; Beverly and Anthony Menart, 23; Winnifred and Dominic Ellena, 34; and Stella and Carl Mattson, 25. Our prayers for Pat Scott, recovering from a broken ankle, and also for any other sick members. A reminder to all members to be sure to get dues in on time. And also any new members are most welcome at any time. LOIS M. PELANDER, Reporter CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S CONFERENCE of the Slovenian Women’s Union JULY 18—19,1981 To learn, experience and spiritually accept the Christian principles which make up the basic precepts by which we live, the Slovenian Women’s Union of America will sponsor an inspirational weekend July 18 and 19, 1981 at the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers’ Shrine in Lemont, Illinois. Most Rev. Aloysius Ambrozich, D.D., Bishop of Toronto, Canada will be our main celebrant and homilist. Information and reservations can be made through the office of our National President, Mary Muller, 1848 West 23rd Street, Chicago, IL 60608. Overnight accommodations and meals will be provided for a package cost to be announced later. Make plans now to attend. Your family and friends are invited to join you for the spiritual event. 50th Anniversary CELEBRANTS Frank and Verna Zwak celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary recently at a Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church in Duluth, Minnesota. Father Willard Spehn officiated at the service, which included a renewal of their marriage vows, with most of their family taking part in the ceremony. Following the Mass, a dinner reception was held in the church hall, hosted by their daughter, Loretta Carlsness, and son, Larry (Marlene) Zwak. In addition to their two children, the Zwak’s have nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. More than 150 relatives and friends attended the celebration of this happy occasion. Frank and Verna were married 50 years ago on Nov. 26, 1930. Verna is a member of Slovenian Women’s Union, Lodge No. 33. Congratulations! MR. & MRS. FRANK ZWAK L.P. NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN A warm, friendly meeting was held by Branch No. 34, Soudan, on Wednesday, November 19, 1980, with only 12 members attending (but can’t say the church hall was “warm.”). Our final account of Minnesota Day was read and we had most successful day! We appreciate the nice comments from Corinne and Hermine it gives a person a little boost for their efforts! The present officers were unanimously re-elected, they are: Pres., Adeline Mustonen; Vice-Pres., Mary Vollendorf; Secretary-Treasurer, Victoria Bobence; Recording Secretary, Lorraine Berg; Auditors, Mary Gornick, Angela Planton, and Sophie Zavodnick. Our books will be audited at the January meeting, so it is hoped that our auditors will attend our meeting then. Helen Adkission was named our Youth Director. Helen enrolled her daughter, Jean, when she became a member and arranged to have Jean entertain us on Minnesota Day on the organ, so she already has been “on the job.” We are happy to announce that Sophie Spollar will be our Mother of the Year for 1981! Congratulations, Sophie! Our members, Barbara Johnson and Mayme Musich are still on the sick list, hope they will improve. Hostesses for our meeting were Angeline Grahek and Ann Stefanich who served a most delicious lunch, the door prize was brought by Helen Chiabotti and won by Lorraine Berg. It was decided to have a meeting in January, so we will meet on Wed- nesday, January 21, 1981, hoping we don’t have bitter cold weather then! The hostesses will be Adeline Mustonen and Marcella Rooney, with Louise Chiabotti bringing the door prize. Winners for the November meeting were Adeline Mustonen, Agnes Tekautz, Sophie Spollar, Lorraine Berg and Victoria Bobence. Let’s all try to attend our meetings it is good to get out and socialize with one another, bring a prospective member to a meeting, encourage others to join our group. “Success With Unity” should be our though for the year 1981 let’s all work together to make our group successful. ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Happy New Year! Nothing like good intentions, so I made a few resolutions for 1981. Could use a few improvements, in many areas! We had a busy November meeting, election of officers was at the top of the agenda. All officers returned and they are: President, Albina Uehlein, Secretary, Angeline Kozjan, Recording Secretary, Mary Matos, Treasurer, Mary Ploszaj, Auditors, Angeline Voytko and Agnes Bucher and Reporter, Mary Ploszaj. Spiritual Director will be Rev. Paul Krajnik. We also had election for Mother of the Year and we made a fine choice, Mary Matos, a good and faithful member. Congratulations, Mary! Attendance prize was won by Genevieve Wenzel and donated by Mary Matos. Our attendance prize each month should really help make up your mind to attend the meetings, we’d love to see some new faces, so come on. It’s the second Wednesday at 7 p.m. Our hostess and birthday girls were Mary Kurjan, Frances Russ, Carolyn Pandy, Albina Uehlein, Mary Matos and Ann Udovich. Happy Birthday one and all and thank you for the lovely lunch which was enjoyed be all. I must add, we had a guest, young Robert Udovich, and we enjoyed his company so much...come again soon. On the sick list are Theresa Racher, Agnes Celik and Mary Tomazic. Hurry and get well! And, to all ill members, good health, soon! Congratulations to Nora Uehlein on passing the “Bar” and is now a full fledged attorney. Nora is the wife of Glen and the daughter-in-law of Albina Uehlein. The young couple is now living in Rochester, New York. Good luck to you both in all future endeavors. As I sit and write, we have just enjoyed a most wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends, but, what is most important, across the table sat my husband of many years and as our younger generation led grace, I could feel a great thankfulness. I’ll close with this thought: “Write on your hearts that every day is the best day of the year. ” MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 41. CLEVELAND, OH On Tuesday, November 18th, Slovenian Women’s Union No. 41 held their annual meeting at Slovenian Lad Is Right At Home On The Range Ann Hodnik (left edge) smiles a greeting to Janez Funda of Slovenia and her son, Alan Hodnik of Aurora, at their community Vinska Trgatev celebration. Waterloo Workmen’s Slovenian Home. Our big project of the year was held and our wonderful members to whom tickets were mailed very graciously purchased them and helped us to have a very successful affair. Many thanks to all of you! We were hopeful for a larger attendance, but many of our ladies are incapacitated and can not get about as they used to. To them our thanks for helping and a wish that they soon feel better. We had a small but happy affair with prizes for all and after the meeting and election of officers a delicious luncheon was served. The goodies were baked and donated by our members... thank you to all who were so thoughtful! Our officers for the coming year are PRESIDENT: Amelia Oswald; V. PRESIDENT: Justine Girod; SECRETARY— TREASURER: Justine Prhne; RECORDING SECRETARY: Cecilia Wolf; SPIRITUAL ADVISOR: Fr. Victor Tome; AUDITORS: Josephine Hirter and Justine Girod. Valeria Fortuna, our efficient secretary of many years, has resigned due to ill health. Our sincere thanks to her for all her help in taking care of our books and finances — always with such gracious efficiency. Our first meeting of the New Year will be JANUARY 20th, 1981. To all a very happy holiday and a healthy and happy New Year!! The winners were: HANDMADE AFGHAN (made and donated by Amelia Oswald): K. Akos, 386 Walworth Ave.; BASKET OF CHEER: A1 Comenschek, 924 E. 223rd St; SHAWL: (donated by Perina Dus); won by Frances Cinkole, 164 E. 192nd St.; SET OF DISHES (donated by Val Fortuna): won by Julia Tavzel, 32551 Miller Ave.; CORNING WEAR: won by Justine Girod, 15557 Glynn Rd.; NECKLACE: won by Ann Snider, 318 E. 222nd St. Many door prizes were given out and each lady received a lovely wall plaque donated by Josephine Hirter. Thank you all who made this project so successful!! Reporters: JUSTINE GIROD and CECELIA WOLF NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OH Happy New Year, Ladies! Here we are, starting a new year and wishing you all a prosperous, healthy 1981. To our birthday ladies, Happy Birthday: Lillian Hrovat, Camille Lao, Beth Ann Harr, Kelly Gaines, Karen Lockard. We have one traveler in our branch, Frances Tomsic, who went to the island of Aruba in the Carribean. Marge Lipnos and husband went to Pa. Ann Marie Buehner and family went to Plymouth, Mich. Glad to hear that Helen Lipnos is doing nicely after her surgery and stay in the hospital. To all our sick members, we are thinking of you. Take care. We want to welcome Mary Stimetz and Marjorie Church to our branch. Ladies, reminding you to save for our Rummage Sale. See you at the meeting. MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Our November meeting was well attended. Please try and keep up the good attendance. Officers are happy when members are interested to know what is happening at the A visit to Minnesota by a young Slovenian lad, Janez Funda, brought a lot of interest and publicity to Slovenian community in Aurora and his host, family, Mr. & Mrs. Dan DeVaney, affiliated with the American Friends Services club. In fact, tho Janez speaks English fluently, his hostess, Jane DeVaney is taking courses in Slovenian language, to make it all equal. Yes, Janez is making quite an impact in Aurora, for he’s showing them what a bright Slovenian lad he is! Besides ability to speak English without hesitation, he is a sociable young man and recently enjoyed taking part in a local Vinska Trgatev celebration. He comes from Tržič and the family enjoys life not too much different from American life, says Janez, except for the greater mobility of Americans. In Slovenia people depend more on mass transportation and there are fewer privately owned cars, he says. He loves American food, especially not having to eat potatoes every day which is a staple in most Slovenian homes overseas. He will be here for a short time, then return home to enjoy memories of a happy time on the Mesabi Iron Range...where he was welcomed like a boy from home. meetings. Starting January, 1981, our meetings will be changed to the second Monday of each month, except no meetings in July and August. We are hoping this date will be more convenient as we were running into a problem on the second Thursday due to other meetings, bowling and rehearsals. Please note this change, the second Monday of each month starting this month, January, 1981. The Fall Poultry Card Party was a great success and to all the members who donated, worked and helped in any way, a big THANK YOU. The officers appreciate your cooperation and without your help, very little could be done. The president, Doris Frahm, appointed three members for the nominating committee. We also discussed the Christmas Party and decided catering would be the best, this way everyone could enjoy their lunch. Get well wishes for all the shut-ins. Hoping they will all be on the fast recovery list. John Spek was a very surprised person on his 70th birthday. A group of 55 relatives gathered at his sister’s tavern which is called the "Viking” and John thought the surprise was on his sister. His two daughters, son, daughter-in-law and sons-in-law and sister prepared all the food. It was a great surprise for John. On Nov. 28th, he and his wife, Jo, were married 44 years. Congratulations and best wishes to John and Jo and wishes for another 44 years. Both are retired and taking life easy. They love to travel. The A1 Tratniks are headed for Las Vegas. Hope you make some money, Mitz! Congratulations to the Rifelj families. Mr. & Mrs. John Rifelj of Milwaukee are the grandparents of a baby girl. The proud and happy parents are Mr. & Mrs. Anton Rifelj who live in Massachusetts. They waited twelve years for their first baby who is now their pride and joy. Sad news seems to be on the agenda every month. Sincere sympathy to Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ganzel. Lucille’s brother-in-law passed away. Just received word that Mary Delpost passed away at the age of 62 years. She had been ill for quite some time, but seldom complained. She is survived by her husband, Ray, one son, Kenneth, three daughters, Judy, Karen, Mari Lynn, eight grandchildren and two sisters-in-law, Angie and Paula. All are members of our branch. To her husband and family, our deepest sympathy. May she rest in peace. Hope you all had wonderful Christmas. Our next meeting is January 12th, 1981 at John’s Hall, 35th and W. Lincoln Ave. at 7 p.m. ROSE KRAEMER NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OH Our November meeting was well-attended with 106 members. Election of officers took place with Angela Shine in charge, and the officers for 1981 are Pres. Ann Tercek, Vice Pres. Dorothy Ann Winters, Sec. Treas. Irene Jagodnik, Recording Sec. Ann Winter, Auditors Marie Dolinar and Frances Marold, Dawn reporter Vera Mateyka, and Sentinel Jean Tomsic. The officers are all the same except Jean Tomsic, so at this time we want to thank Ann Kristoff for her job well done in 1980. Our November meeting was well- attended. Three smart girls guessed the Mystery place on the mystery ride, the Vogue. Julie and Frances Sietz demonstrated making strudel at the recent Arts and Crafts Guild show a! Rechar Hall. Our Christmas Dinner and Party will be over at this writing. It was held at Slovene Hall on Holmes Ave. The good cook was Mary Ster. We are happy to donate our annual contributions of which we gave $500 to the S.W.U. Youth Scholarship fund, and $100 to each of the following: Slovene Home for the Aged, Holy Family Cancer Home, Mary Mavec School, Hattie Larlham Foundation, Rose Mary Childrens Home. With 1980 gone, our President Ann Tercek wants to thank each and everyone for attending the meetings so faithfully the past year and for helping when ever asked and for all the generous donations. God willing we’ll have another good year ahead of us and please ladies don’t forget to try and get some new members. Also please get your dues up to date. Irene will like that. Interesting dates to remember: Jan. meeting the installation of officers, assisted by the Cadets. In Feb. be sure to come and see who our Valentine Queen will be. Ladies keep in mind the Cotillion Debutante Ball April 4, 1981. Girls ages 16 to 21 are eligible. In May we will have a Card Party. Sick members — Toni Turek, and we are so happy to have Mary Champa back in Cleveland and now is a resident at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. and Mary does welcome visitors. Happy to hear Frank Skoda, husband of Ella is doing fine after iopen heart surgery. Also,' Al Paulin, brother of Ann Orlikowski and Mary Sherry, was in a bad accident. Prayers were said for all the sick and deceased members. Anniversaries: Vera Nosan 42 years wed, Josephine Siewiorek 33 years, Mary Vukčevič 42 years, Josephine Smith 4 years, Ruth Kolenc 33 years, Mary Winter 46 years, Kathryn Dush 47 years, and Ann Winter 39 years. Congratulations to all you happily married people. News: Rose McHugh’s grand- daughter, Dawn Me Hugh, was Homecoming Queen at Alemany Catholic High School at Granada Hills, California. Molly Mauer’s son, Jeffrey Joel, graduated in June from Cleveland State University with a degree in Electrical Engineering, and now has a position with Avtron Co. Nellie Zalar and husband, Frank, spent Thanksgiving at West Palm Beach, Florida, joining their daughter and family from Pennsylvania. P.S. Marie and Louie Azman’s wedding anniversary was Dec. 4, 37 years. We were happy to hear that our former Senator Frank J. Lausche, who is a brother-in-law of our members, Frances and Alice Lausche, celebrated his 85th birthday with them here in Cleveland. Branch No. 50 extends their Best Wishes to all our sister branches for a Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year 1981. Todays Chuckle: Talk to a man about himself, and he wilt listen for hours. If you were to list the ten Smartest people, who would be the other nine? There are 3 faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money. Your Reporter, VERA MATEYKA NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MN Dear sisters, it is again the beginning of a new year. We held our Nov. meeting at the RAK. Rosary was recited to open the meeting in tribute to our deceased members. Our recording secretary was absent and Mildred Barbatto presided. Minutes were read and accepted. We then commenced with the business at hand. Our discussion was on the Christmas party. We have sick members who are at the New Central Mesaba Medical Center, sisters, Mary Bartol and Mrs. Laurich, our oldest member. We wish them Gods speed to a rapid recovery. Hope and pray they will soon be up and about. And, to Miss Viola Russo who is at the Minneapolis Hospital, our wishes. God bless you all. To Veronica Krizmanich who lost her dearly beloved husband, Steve, we offer our deepest sympathy. Well, after our business session we continued to the social of the evening. Hostessing were sisters, Genevieve Zidarich, Mildred Barbatto, Laura Mancuso, Theresa Montcalm. Honors were awarded to Jennie Crea, Marge Andrican, Frances Shega, Smear; Dorothy Pavitich, Celia Palitano, Bridge; Grace Cardozza and Terry Oberstar, “B” and the door prize went to Marge Andrican. A wonderful time was had by all. December report On Dec. 3rd we made our Christmas trip to Side Lake. We had a lot of women. Election of officers resulted in the following: Rose Trombly, president, Margaret Andrican, vice-president, Jennie Crea, secretary and treasurer, Dorothy Russo, recording secretary. Auditors are Margaret Kochevar, Ann Roberts, Alice Baratto. Reporter is Gertrude Kochevar. Mother of the Year is Muriel Sabattini. Our peppy Rosie... From out in San Francisco, we hear from Rose Scoff, our former State President, (an office she held for many years) who sends her best regards to all. Some of her activities may seem unusual for a senior citizen like Rosie, but not all that unusual if you know her. She is always the life of any party! Rose writes now: “So far out here it’s the same — am always busy. I go square dancing three times a week, do volunteer work, also help out at the Opera House. It’s fun. “Zarja is great. I read it all. The news is wonderful. Sorry that we have lost our great leaders, Fr. Okorn, Mrs. Prisland, Mrs. Novak and now, my friend Ann Podgoršek. It’s sad. But Zveza must carry on...” We hope Rose will have a happy and good year, 1981! She’s an inspiration to us all! Muriel is always willing to help with every project and has many hobbies such as macrame, golfing, taking care of her family and still finds time for others. We wish to take this time to congratulate her and wish her lupk. We all know that every Mother is to be honored but as you see, only one can be picked every year. Good luck to all, we love you all and God bless you. We continued on and had a wonderful time in exchanging gifts and enjoying the meal which was terrific. I must take time now to wish each and everyone a very Happy, Blessed and Prosperous New Year. This year, the seasons rolled up on us so fast. 1 sure hope and pray that the New Year will have better things in store for all of us. God bless you all and keep you in His care. We will hope to see you at the next meeting January 7th, the first Wednesday of the month at the RAK. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR NO. 54, WARREN, OH Our meeting was held at the home of our president, Josie Kassan. There were only five present so we will have to have election of officers at our next meeting. We won’t meet in January but in February. Those of you who are in arrears with your dues payments are asked to call me. I’d like to start the new year with everyone paid up. Congratulations to Frank and Rose Racher who have their second great grandchild in No. Carolina, a little boy, christened James Andrew Rogers. Just got a call that my in-laws, Frank and Mary Ponikvar are also great grandparents now - for the first time, a little girl named Theresa Louise, in Michigan. Get well wishes to all our ailing members. Vacationing in Florida is our member, Isabelle Rek, visiting her daughter. Happy New Year to all and may 1981 be blessed with peace, happiness and good health for all our loving people. JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 56, HIBBING, MN Our November meeting was opened by president, Rose Maras with prayer. Secretary and Treausrer’s reports were read and approved. Reported sick were Anna Staudahar and Dorothy Anderson. Ursula Zaic is now at the Golden Crest Nursing Home. To all other sick, a speedy recovery. Final plans were made for the Christmas party. Frances Tobey was asked to do the decorating at Assumption Hall. Special prize winner was Valeria Carlson. Lunch was served by hostesses Antonia Rapinac, Elizabeth Spolar, Margaret Skorich and Julia Vecchi. Cards were played and winners were Mary Meadows, Lena Pepruner, Valeria Carlson and Frances Tobey. December meeting was started with Slovenian music and Christmas Carols by Joe Starck and Joe Stukel which was enjoyed by all prsent. Following was a delicious buffet dinner served by cateress Jean Breit, decorations carried out in the holiday theme. Meeting followed with opening prayer by president, Rose Maras and reports were given and approved. Letters of greeting from the National President and National Secretary and Treasurer were read. We have two more members in the Nursing Home, namely Mrs. Ursula Zaic and Mrs. Rose Maras (Brooklyn). They are at the Golden Crest and a visit would be welcome. All officers were re-elected, namely, Rose Maras, pres., Frances Tobey, vice-pres., Mary Meadows, fin. sec’y, Cathran Marolt, tre^s, Anne Satovich, rec. sec’y and reporter. Mary Babich and Margaret Shelko are auditors and Elizabeth Spolar was appointed sgt. at arms. Ann Selvo will be our social chairman. Meeting place will be at 2315 1st Ave. on the second Tuesday of the month. Our Mother of the Year will be Margaret Skorich, a well-deserved honor. As long as she was able, she worked for our branch. More on this tribute in May. By laws were approved and it was decided to hold White Elephant sales at our meetings for which receipts will go towards our bus for Minnesota Day. There will be no meeting in January due to the cold weather. Door prize winners were Elizabeth Spolar, Frances Tobey (gift certificates from Zup’s), Ann Shubert, Antonia Rapinac, Mary Putzel. Cards were played following the meeting and prize winners were Anna Pintar, Mary Bill, Amelia Domen and Anne Satovich. With a new year beginning, I wish all a blessed and happy new year. ANNEB. SATOVICH Cl^aKTEWjOaSE 3RR • 150 Rooms & Suites • Restaurant & Lounge • Banquet Rooms • Business Meeting Rooms • Ballroom • Sauna • Game Rooms 24800 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio • Enclosed Swimming Pool withTerrace Bar • Whirlpools • Exercise Room Barber Shop 261-0300 i In Memoriam \ V BLAG SPOMIN ? NO. 31, GILBERT, MN Frances Lopp, former secretary of Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn and member of Zveza since 1936 passed away on November 5th, 1980. She was called to her eternal reward as she was nearing her 96th year! She was the mother of Joseph, Lawrence and Priscilla Lopp Spurbeck. Her late husband, Joseph Lopp Sr. who died in 1949, was the brother of Anton, Mike, John and Frank Lopp and Antoinette Lopp Lucich. Tončka is a 48 year member of the Slovenian Women’s Union and until last year, was the secretary of the Gilbert branch. Frances was also an active member of the American Fraternal Union. When she moved to California to live with her daughter and son-in-law, she resigned her post with the S.W.U. but kept her fond memories of all her many friends strong in her heart. She had two sisters who preceded her in death. Her sister Gertrude, also a member of S.W.U., lived with a daughter in Pasadena, Cal. and the two of them lived out their last years as residents of the Fontana Slovene Rest Home. “This is truly a lovely, comfortable and caring place for men and women of Slovenian extraction who live there with happy memories”, says daughter, Priscilla. “The food is prepared by excellent Slovenian cooks, the care is administered by dedicated personnel, the recreation which includes Slovenian music, cards and other games, is planned by experienced workers. “Mother and Aunt Gertie lived there for more than five years. Aunt Gertie died in 1973.” The family in expressing their grief at the loss of their mother, adds the following message: “With sadness and yet with joy that she has reached her eternal reward, my brothers and I wish to remember our mother, Frances Lopp, for having passed on to her children and grandchildren the wonderful heritage of the Slovenian people.” Priscilla Lopp Spurbeck, Arcardia, CA Joseph Lopp, Scottsdale, AZ Lawrence Lopp, Brainerd, MN NO. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OH Mrs. Jennie Pugely was buried on Saturday, November 15, 1980. After prayers and tributes by Mrs. Antonia Stokar, President of Lodge Naš Dom, and Mrs. Frances Persin for the Slovenian Women’s Union and Newburgh Pensioners Club. The funeral mass was at St. Therese Church. Father Mark Blinn’s euology included a reading from Proverbs 31. Her loving grandsons were pallbearers. She leaves four children, Florence Neubecker, Lillian Smith, Jo Lea, and Frank. She is also survived by 13 grandchildren and one great grandson. In Mary, 1979 she was honored by family and friends when she “retired” from her many activities. She and her husband, Frank, had been active for many years in “AMLA”, ,a fraternal family organization. She had been secretary for 25 years in this American Mutual Life Assurance Society, Lodge Naš Dom No. 50. She had also been secretary for 25 years of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, Branch No. 47 of Garfield Hts., and often contributed to “The Dawn", their national magazine. She also contributed to “The American Home” a Slovenian daily newspaper. Recently she was Recording Secretary of the Newburgh Pensioners, a group of Golden agers, where she enjoyed good fellowship and many interesting outings. She was active in fund raising for several organizations and religious groups. Her family and friends enjoyed her excellent cooking...how often she helped with banquets, picnics, weddings etc. While raising their family they maintained a bountiful garden. Their favorite project was creating a scholarship fund for their grandchildren. She will be greatly missed by her family, many good friends, and kind neighbors. Jennie lives on in the wonderful memories we have of her. REPORTER NO. 57, NILES, OH Our November meeting was held at the home of our president, Frances Yerman. Reservations were taken for the Christmas dinner at Rudy’s. The same officers were elected for the coming year. Remaining in office are Frances Yerman as president, Viola Logar as vice president, Virginia Zevkovich as secretary, Mary Molar recording secretary and Mary Strah as treasurer. Auditors are Virginia Filipan, Elizabeth Havach and Frances Stanek. All shook up in a rear end collision recently was Viola Logar. After the frightening ordeal she discovered that the only injury was a very sore thumb. Mary Visnosky is getting around with a hip brace after breaking her thigh bone. She is recuparating at the home of her daughter, Charlotte. They just moved into their newly built home in Vienna and Mary has lots of room to practice walking around. Fran and Mike Mollis are coming east from Wyoming for their yearly visit back “home”. Fran is wearing her arm in a cast after breaking her wrist in a fall in Denver, Colo. That broken “wing” sure is doing a bit of traveling. Hope all of the gals get better fast and are a bit more careful. Or is it “Whatever will be, will be” no matter how careful you are. Ann Gunther is enjoying her retirement, she is planning a trip to Cape May in New Jersey. Mary Opalko’s family is growing by leaps and bounds. She just added two new great grandchildren to her long list. Just can’t keep up with them anymore. Lunch was served by Jane Logar, Ann Hostinsky, and Frances Yerman. Door prize was won by Ann Gunther. The following is so good I just have to share it. If God whispered into your ear Acquainting himself with your sorrow- And asked you what kind of day you would choose. What gifts He should bring you tomorrow. Would you answer, "Dear Lord, bring a wonderful day, As fine as your power can make it”? Or would you reply, “Lord I don’t need a choice. As long as you 're there, I can take it”? (Written by Len G. Selle.) ANN PEASE, Reporter 13 IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT ANGELA FROM JARŠE On May 21, 1897, the 12th and last child of Thomas and Anna (Pestotnik) Kosar was born in the village of Jarše, close to the large city of Domžale, in Slovenia. 1 was called Angela. My mother had already given birth to three boys and eight girls prior to my arrival. The city of Domžale had earned popularity throughout the province for its factory which produced woven hats, baskets, and handbags, which were sold in stores in Ljubljana. Ladies wearing the Slovenian National costume from Gorenjsko carry the colorful straw bag made in Domžale. Little did I realize in my youth that the weaving skills learned as a child would sustain me and my family through many years to come. My sisters and I were taught not only farm work, but also the art of braiding straw which was sold for hats and bags. Father selected only the nicest straw from the wheat before having it threshed. Willow branches were also sold for baskets after being skinned of the outer covering and dried. We had already learned part of our trade by the age of six, and upon reaching our teens, were ready to work in the factory as our father had for 30 years prior to his death in 1909. One of my sisters, who was 18 at the time of my birth, preferred to be a seamstress and went to New York City, but she eventually began working in one of the many hat factories for which New York was known, as did thousands of other immigrants after arriving in America. Another sister went to Zagreb, where she joined a convent and was trained as a nurse, assisting in the operating room during World War I and thereafter. She worked at the hospital until 1960, when she became sick and died. One of my brothers enlisted in the Austrian Army, and my other sisters also went to New York when they were old enough. Two brothers and I were home in 1909, when my father suffered a fatal accident. Mother wept bitterly, not only because of her great personal loss, but because only one child from the twelve he had fathered attended the funeral. Even my sjster, who was a Nun, was not allowed to leave the convent/hospital. The following month after my father’s death, my older unmarried sister returned from America, and mother turned the farm and house over to her with the understanding that sister would care for mother until her death. Many young men wanted to marry her, especially now that she had inherited this property. She accepted a proposal, and upon her marriage, I moved in with my uncle. In return for room and board, it was my duty to clean the barn as I was too small and weak to do anything else. In the summer time I went to the Grablak Budspah Grašina (Baron Budspak’s Castle at Grable) asking for a job. © Irene P. Odorizzi 1981 “Do you need an errand girl?” I asked. The cook looked me over and said, “You are too small.” “I am 12 years old and stronger than you think,” I argued. “Well, may be we can hire you and see how well you do; but you will not get much pay.” “How much will I earn?” “We can give you five krone a month. Start tomorrow if you want the job.” At 5:00 a.m. the next day, I began my first paying job by walking to the bakery at Domžale for bread and rolls, then on to the butcher and grocer. This job as errand girl brought with it quite a bit of walking and explaining as well. Purchases were conducted on a one-to-one basis with the storekeeper. If I didn’t correctly explain what the cook wanted and if I brought home the wrong item, it was necessary for me to walk back to town and get the proper item. Upon returning home with food, my next errand was walking to the Domžale Post Office for the 10:00 a.m. mail. By 3:00 p.m. it was time to return to the post office with mail that had to be dispatched by the next train. Still, my day was not yet finished, even though I was very This picture of Angela and her mother, Anna Kosar, was taken in 1918. Mrs. Kosar lived until the age of 99 years. She died in 1952, after living the majority of her life in the company of her youngest daughter. tired. My cousin, Repovsek, was caretaker of the Castle grounds, their cows, and four horses. It was also my responsibility to assist him with this work as well as taking care of his chickens, ducks, pigs, and one cow. This job lasted until November when my mother tried to secure any kind of a job for me in the Tanova Fabrika (factory). Even at 13, I was too young, except to serve as an errand girl to the cook, waitress, and chambermaid hired to care for the 20 German men from Tyrol, Austria, who came to work in the factory but didn’t have living accommodations except those provided by the factory. The cook had seen me many times when I was shopping for Baron Budspah, so I was hired at 15 krajcer a day, and worked from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Included in my daily chores was walking one block to the Medved bakery at 6:00 a.m. for rolls, so the men could have their breakfast before starting work in the factory at 7:00 a.m. Then I had to go to the cellar to clean, and on to the factory where I swept or scrubbed floors, and washed the cylinders from the kerosene lamps. Wanting very much to begin work in the factory, I asked the foreman, “When will you teach me how to sew hats on the machine?” She answered, “When you’ll be 15 or 16, and not before. There’s plenty of other work for you to do here.” So this is the way it remained until 1912, when my sister and her husband decided they wanted to return to the U.S. rather than maintain the family farm here in Slovenia. Mother was so distraught that she said, “Are they going to leave me here alone? Angela, you are only 14 1/2; how will we keep the farm?” By now three sisters and two brothers were already living in the U.S., so my mother and I were also asked if we wished to go to America. We left on October 26, 1919, from Jarše, from the port of Trieste, sailing on the “Martha Washington.” We traveled second class, which was much better than third class. Although Mother, some nieces, nephews, cousins, and other friends were with us, traveling was very bad. The seas were rough for 11 days. When we saw New York Harbor we were overjoyed. The third class passengers were all taken to Ellis Island, but because we traveled second class, we were allowed to disembark in New York where we stayed and secured employment. Most Slovenians from Domžale, or nearby towns, located in New York worked in the hat industry. For me, it was a hard beginning at 15, with no experience in making hats. Without physical size, age, or experience, no one would hire me in the hat industry so I located employment as a housekeeper at $10.00 a month, with the Kersh family, who were also Slovenian. After a year I went to work as a laundry girl in a hotel located in the Catskill Mountains. It was a nice place, and I became friends with a Jewish cook who also knew my sister. I helped her, and she gave me milk, cream, and the best cakes in exchange. We slept together in the same room, and she became like a mother to me during those few summer months. In October, my sisters took me to work in the hat factory, now that I was experienced. One sister sat on each side of me, watching that I did my work correctly. Working on hats was seasonal work; six to seven months were good, and the remaining months were slow. Then, in 1916, 1 went to visit old friends in Durie and Hanover, Pennsylvania, and also met many new people, especially my future husband. It all happened at a silver anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Knapic, and by the next year, April 25, 1917, Frank and I were married in St. Mary’s Church in Nanticoke, Pennsylvania. All our friends and neighbors came to help with the wedding. It This lovely couple, Frank and Angela Voje, were married In SI. Mary’s church, Naticoke, Pennsylvania on April 25, 1917. They are both attired in the fashionable wedding outfits of the day. was so much work that we had to bake poticas, flancate, and krofe at: two houses using coal stoves. How helpful everyone was and how sad that now they have all passed on. I can still remember what a beautiful and exciting time that was. There were 200 people at the wedding and we had two accordion players who provided the music for singing and dancing. When my husband found out that in New York I had worked six days a week, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., especially during the busy season, with no rest between, he said, “I don’t want you to work like that; it is too much for a woman. After our marriage I want you to just take care of our home and bake bread and potica.” We remained in Pennsylvania, and four days after the wedding, settled down, and Frank started working again. (To be continued) flew to Cleveland from New York, and after making measurements and lining up possible camera positions, Evelyn was telephoned that the other semi-finalist had won — folks out in a tiny town, Cresco, Iowa. “In a way you’re really lucky,” the producer assured Evelyn, stating also “We would have wrecked your home!” Instead, Evelyn, her husband Steve and son Jerry were flown to New York for an all expense paid three day vacation mainly to attend the last Letterman Show (the Show might be brought back to television at a later date), and also meet the star of the Show and was congratulated by him. Evelyn based her entry on her Slovenian background, and when the crew came to Cleveland to check out accommodations for the NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OH Our October meeting was held at the home of Catherine Papez with twenty-two members attending. We want to sincerely thank Catherine for her wonderful hospitality and the time and effort in making this meeting a very enjoyable one. Besides inviting us to use her home, Catherine made and then provided all the food for the “Coffee Clutch” which follows our meetings. After a stay in the hospital and recuperation at home, Ann Fike went to California to visit her daughter and family. We were all glad that you were able to make the trip Ann, as it meant that you were feeling much better. Sorry to report that our dear Emma Sklenicka had to return to the hospital after only being home approximately ten days or so. So very glad that she has returned home and all wish her the best of health and send her our love. We are also sorry to report that dear Helen Kunka was hospitalized recently and all hope for a speedy recuperation for you and that we will see you at our meetings and social gatherings again. Through the insistence of her son, our Evelyn Majersic finally decided to enter a contest on the David Letterman Show. First prize was having the show originate for one day from the winner’s home. Evelyn was one of the two semi-finalists among the 8,000 who submitted letters. After the Letterman staff technical needs she had prepared a party tray, made Potica and Potica Cake as well as home made bread, and husband Steve was put in charge of heating up “Slovenian Sausage”. The crew coudn’t get over the ethnic foods, but especially were thrilled with the home-made sausage. As a result, Evelyn gave them some to give to Mr. Letterman, and upon meeting the Majersic family in New York, he sincerely thanked Evelyn for her toughtfulness and told her how he and the crew had enjoyed the food. In her original letter entering the contest, one of the questions was “Why the contestant thought the program should be held in his or her home”, and Evelyn wrote that the Slovenians are noted to love good friends, good food, and good music. Her son Jerry has another contest coming up that he wants his Mother to enter. We hope to hear that you do as well if not even better Evelyn, and not only your family but all your sister members are proud of you and wish you “Good Luck”. Hope everyone will have a healthy and Happy New Year, 1981. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary NO. 81, KEEWATIN, MN Our fall season began with a short meeting in August to make plans to attend Minnesota Day in Tower-Soudan on Sept. 14th. We had a nice representation at Tower. We want to congratulate the women of Br. 34 for having planned an enjoyable day for all. We were saddened to hear of the death of Ann Podgoršek that day. Condolences were sent to her family. On Nov. 5th, we had a good turn out for our meeting which was held in Father Frederick Hall. Our president, Josie Kapla, presided. Plans were made for the Christmas party, the group deciding to cater our own dinner. Josie Kapla was chosen as general chairman and other members agreed to help. Mass was to be offered for our deceased members later in November. A delicious dessert was served by the hostesses, Ann Preshiren, Anna Jackovich, Mrs. Clem Bolf and Frances Golla. The annual Christmas Dinner Party was held on Dec. 3rd. Our president, Mrs. Louis Kapla was chairman of the occasion. The evening began with an Advent Reading Prayer Service led by Fr. O’Donnell. The hall and tables looked very festive with the Christmas decorations. Members of the group prepared a delicious dinner and all enjoyed the socializing and game of “B” that followed. The prizes were donated by the members. Fr. O’Donnell and Mrs. Rose Maras of Hibbing were guests. The next meeting will be held Feb. 4th, 1981 at which time the Mother of the Year will be chosen. We want to wish all a very Happy New Year. MARY MICHELICH, Reporter NO. 92, GUNNISON, CO Meeting on Nov. 11th was at Frances Guerrari’s home. Margaret Depew opened the meeting with a prayer. Roll call by Frieda showed 13 were present. Minutes were approved as read. Treasurer’s report was also approved. Old business was brought up. We planned a Bazaar on Dec. 13th at the Plum Festival. We wanted to raise some money for our treasury. All members were hoping to join together to make this a worthwhile bazaar. We signed up volunteers for the work at the Bazaar such as pricing items and selling. Fran Austin invited the workers to her home following for cocktails. The Christmas party was on the 7th of December. Margaret Depew offered her home for the party that began at 6 p.m. All members were asked to bring meat dishes plus other items. Thank you, Margaret for inviting us. Our husbands were also expected to attend again this year. Mystery Box donated by Frances was won by Linda. We all worked on some of the things to be sold at the Bazaar and thus, concluded the evening. Some ladies even took items home to do the finishing touches. Our hostess served delicious sandwiches and italian cookies, enjoyed by all. We wish everyone a happy New Year. FERN WHITE NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, IL It indeed was heartwarming to see 48 members attend our November Meeting. Reports were given by Ann Kompare on the State Convention, and Marge Doherty. The generosity of this lady is overwhelming; her report was on the breakfast she served for our guests who attended the convention. Hannah Piekarski, Chairlady for our Christmas party, and Helen Golich, Co-chairlady, gave a full report on the Christmas party, which was planned at Marge Doherty’s. Mary Perkovich (Bob), as Chairlady of our Nominating Committee with Helen Price and Martha Štampar, presented the slate of officers for the coming year. They did their best in delegating the election, but nobody responded, and so, returned the same slate of officers. I wish to thank Mary, Martha and Helen for the time and effort they put in selecting the officers; it was delivered in a most gracious manner. After the business session, our once-a-year booklet project was held, and the lucky winners were: Mary Kahn, Manda Nosich, Ann Kompare, Kay Rosandich, Agnes Lovati (Br. 20), Kay Picciariello, Regina Buchanan, Fedelia Svalina, Colleen Doherty and Liz Zefran (Br. 2). Turkey winners were: Ann and Lottie Brkljacich, Manda Yergovich and Julie Hansen. Congratulations to all of our winners! Cash by: Hattie Isek $5, Manda Nosich, Kate Jergovich, Madeline Trivador, $2. A special thanks to Evelyn Driscoll, Chairlady, for her time and effort in preparing the booklets, to Helen Golich, Sylvia Vukodinovich, Mildred Poropat for their helping hands, last but not least, to all of you with renewed thanks and appreciation for your valued support. A Thanksgiving Table was prepared by the following hostesses: Dolores Hennelly, Helen Price, Betty Markusic, Lou Goldina, Goodies by, Dolores Hennelly, Mary Duich, Helen Price, Betty Markusic, Lou Goldina, Evelyn Driscoll, Mary Jurko, and Katica Jackovich. Our condolences to Katica Jackovich on the loss of her beloved sister who resided in Yugoslavia. We all are sorry to hear that Bernice Morrison met with an auto accident; we send you our best wishes for a complete recovery. Ann Pave spent a painful sojourn in St. Margaret’s Hospital and now is comfy, back in her own home. I, too, spent two weeks in St. Joseph’s Hospital after surgery and now am back in my own home and recovering. I should like to express my warmest personal thanks for all your cards, floral pieces, and most of all, your prayers, I am fortunate enough to have hundreds of friends, whom I will never forget. Your neatly-turned phrases written on ther cards that you sent me gave me the most pleasure. Again, thank you so much. January Birthday Greetings to: Lou Goldina, Manda Yergovich, Bernice Morrison, Vica Rukavina, Antonia Mrkobrada, Ann Sertich, Sophie Barbich, Amelia Cuzella, Helen Zeffero, Helen Spelich, Helen Yuratovac, Catherine Rosandich. No meeting in January, but do attend our February meeting. MILDRED JAMES Genevieve Ross We were saddened by the news of the death of our beloved member, Genevieie Ross, who lived at 541 Division St., Crete, 111. Gennie died of a terminal illness which she was suffering for many years, and felt by her loving family. She was a good member and served our branch with honor and distinction, and will be remembered with special gratitude. 1 know that her passing will not only be a personal loss to her family, relatives and friends, but her death represents a great loss to our branch which she served so effectively. This was the end of her journey and suffering. May the good Lord grant her family the understanding and wisdom for the tasks that lie before them, and we shall remember Gennie in our hearts and in our prayers. To the bereaved family, the members and officers offer our deepest sympathy. M.J. NO. 100, FONTANA, CA Our officers for the ensuing year are as follows: Pres. Anne Kapel, Vice-Pres. Celia Horzen, Sec’y-treas. Rosemary Mlakar, Recording Sec’y Elizabeth Marinovich, Auditors Marie Arneson and Celia Horzen, Slovenian Reporter, Jean Kurilich. My unavoidable tardiness during the period of selecting officers for 1981 caused yours truly to be chosen as English Reporter again. The protestations during my presence, to select someone else to fill my seat were over-ridden. I’ve been the Reporter for about fifteen years and I’m very sincere about my conviction that a new broom is needed in this capacity. I’m taking this opportunity to voice my desire for the need of Procuring a new broom. It’s lots of fun, being a reporter, someone else should have that pleasure for a change. Had a real nice chat with Celia Horzen pertaining to the grand vacation she and her husband, (His Honor, the Mayor) undertook in Europe. They visited many countries including Greece. Some people have all the luck, really! The only Greece I see is in the frying pan! Oh, well, Greece is fattening anyway, so I had better stay away as I am fat enough as it is! Celia also informed me about the very happy musical event in which her son, Jimmy, was a contestant. He entered a talent show that was held at the San Diego University in which 23 acts were judged. It was no surprise to me when Celia (with unmasked pride) informed me that Jimmy was awarded the top prize. His fraternity, Sigma Nu, sponsored him and in gratitude presented the beauteous trophy that was the winner’s award. Jimmy is a very talented musician and dominates several instruments with precision. I suggest you comit the name Jimmy Horzen to memory cause you are going to be hearing it nation-wide before too long. He and Frank Yankovich have been booked together for appearances at Del Mar. I’ll bet that town will long remember them for their outstanding pleasurable music. You don’t expect anything but the best, after all, they are Slovenian! I wasn’t informed of any serious illnesses amongst our members and friends, which gives me great joy in deleting sorrow of any type from my report. I hope this trend continues for a long time. Birthday celebrants for the month of Nov. were Elizabeth Marinovich, Valerie Dostaler, Betty Mohorko, Barbara Christoferson, Mary Marovic, Teresa Ann Mlakar, Agnes Pederson, Katerine Salontai. Ladies, I hope your forgot the calories and enjoyed your birthday cakes. Special wishes and blessings for a real happy birthday are transmitted across the many miles to a very dear person, my bother. The nationwide weather report informs me that it is plenty cold in Chicago now and heating is necessary for personal comfort. Some residents on W. 23rd St. can save some energy by relaxing in a soft chair on my lawn and enjoying the warmth of free solar heat. Today as I write the temperature is 74 degrees. Sounds like I’m bragging, doesn’t it? Of course, what else? I hope you all had a beautiful and memorable Christmas. God bless you all. Respectfully submitted by, EDITH DRAWENEK NO. 102, WILLARD, WI On Oct. 26th, twenty-seven members and guests gathered at Holy Family parish for a brief meeting and social afternoon. President Jo Artac opened the meeting with a prayer. As there was no old business, our main plans were for the Christmas party. The date then was left open because of the many activities at this time of the year. There was a brief discussion regarding our share of the fuel costs. Ater the meeting there were games and just a lot of visiting. The menu called for eveyone to bring apple strudel. It was interesting to look them over because each one was a little different, but all delicious. Many of our members attended the Dec. 2nd Slovenian Club Christmas Party. The attendance was excellent and the food good. Rich Yurkovich provided us with good music. It’s good to see Anne Collier and Frank Pakiz well on the road to recovery after their surgeries. Our ground is getting a little snow covering and it’s starting to look a lot like winter. ELSIE PERKO NO. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. The November meeting was cancelled, but we did spend a great deal of time and effort in preparing for the dinner-dance which was a success as usual. Tom Fudala and his Band from Richmond, Virginia were excellent, and received many comments of praise. We had a good attendance at our December meeting, and of course it was pleasant to meet with all our friends again. The first order of business was election of officers for 1981. The results were as follows: President: President: Freda Michelitch; Vice President: Nika Kovacic; Secretary: Mary Mejac; Treasurer: Mary Lou Terselic; Recording Secretary: Matilda Ausic, Program Committee: Maria Paulin, Chairperson, Betty Cesnik, Matilda Ausich. Auditors: Mollie Thomas, Iča Zebot, Matilda Terselic; Reporters for the Zarja: Matilda Ausich (Monthly Reports), Freda Michelitch (Special Events), Nika Kovacic and Alenka Richardson (Slovenian Section). Spiritual Advisor: Father Raymond Wadas; Mother of the Year: Alenka Richardson; Coordinator of Youth Programs: Susan Terselic. We then enjoyed a project which Matilda Terselic prepared. She instructed us in making lovely miniature Christmas wreaths which could be worn as a decoration, or as a tree ornament. We used green and red beads strung on red pipe cleaners, which were tied in a bow to finish the wreath. Everyone enjoyed this project which was not only easy to make, but lovely also. I wish everyone a very Happy New Year. MATILDA AUSICH Recording Secretary ANA GABER: Št. 2, Chicago IL. NAŠA SLOVENSKA DEDIŠČINA SREČNO IN BLAGOSLOVLJENO NOVO LETO 1981 VSEM ČITATELJICAM NAŠEGA LISTA ZARJE! Mirko Kunčič NOVO LETO Staro leto šlo je spat, spat v svoj daljni črni grad. Novo leto gre čez plan, Novo leto — dober dan! Si prineslo sreče nam, ali neseš jo drugam ? Novo leto odgovarja: “Z mano gre nebeška zarja, sonce, vigred, cvet rdeč, kaj pa hočete še več?" Hojej, srca mlada bi še mnogo rada: Voljo židano vse dni, pravljične gradove tri, meh za smeh in take mlinčke, ki bi mleli nam cekinčke. Alojz Rebula NOVOLETNA MISEL Tisočletja, stoletja, desetletja: ritem, v katerem diha naš planet-zemlja. Leta, meseci, dnevi: ritem v katerem dihamo mi, zajeti med tečajema rojstva in smrti. Ure, minute, sekunde: ritem, v katerem v vsakdanji razcetranosti delamo in trpimo in sanjamo. Ali, kakor je zapisal veliki slovenski poet: v katerem vriskamo, jočemo, hočemo. Hočemo. Kaj? Samo zdravja? Samo uspehov? Samo ljubezni? Samo hiš, avtov, vikendov, potovanj? Ne, hočemo nekaj več. Hočemo neizmerno več, četudi se tega ne zavedamo. Globoke večnosti hočemo! Boga! Da si ob novem letu voščimo, je nekaj zelo lepega. Želeti drugim zdravja, sreče, vsega dobrega — je to odpiranje lastnega srca svojemu sočloveku. SINO VI ODHAJAJO Matevž Hace Sodobna povest s hribov Mohorjev koledar: 1966, Celje. Obsedeli so za mizo. Bilo je v nedeljo popoldne v oktobru. Gospodar Jakob je bil velik, sirokopleč, osivelih las in trmasto odločnega obraza; bilo mu je šestdeset let. Njegova žena Helena, suha, visoka, velikih črnih oči, ki so otožno gledale v svet, je bila dve leti mlajša od moža, katerega je bolj spoštovala kot pa ljubila. Njeni pogledi so drseli od moža na vse tri sinove —ložeta, ki je imel petindvajset let in je bil po postavi in značaju izklesan oče; na Zvonka, triindvajsetletnika, ki je bil visok, suh, molčeč, bolj podoben materi s črnimi velikimi očmi in kodrastimi lasmi. Tretji je bil Peter, enaindvajset let star, ki ni bil po značaju podoben ne očetu in ne materi. Sosedje so govorili, da se je vrgel po nekem daljnem gospodarjevem stricu, ki je rad prepeval, plesal in ljubil veselo družbo. To je bila vsa Gornikova družina. Pred veliko vojno jih je bilo dvanajst pri hišli, ali štirje Gornikovi bratje so ostali po gorah, dva v mestu, sestre pa so se pomožile. Dan je bil lep in sončen. V hiši so se pa prepirali, zdaj tiše, zdaj glasneje. Zakaj prepir, ko so se do nedavnega radi imeli? Kdo je bil kriv te razprtije? Ali sosedi, dekleta, ženitev? Ne, ne! Gornik bi takoj dal kmetijo Jožetu, če bi le hotel. Samo tri leta nazaj je bilo, ko so se še vsi radi imeli. Pomanjkanja niso trpeli. V hlevu je stalo sedem goved, v svinjaku so krulili štirje prašiči, kleti so bile polna mošta. V kašči žito, ajda in vse tisto, kar si gorski kmet sam z družino pridela. Pa vendar... “Premisli Jože, kaj govoriš? Ti si najstarejši in pametno bi bilo, da ostaneš doma. Kaj ti je bilo treba iti v tovarno. Saj jih je tam dovolj brez tebe. Pol leta si že doli, pa še nisi spregledal. Lahko ti je sedaj, ko od doma nosiš hrano. Kaj pa potem, ko z materjo obnemoreva? Jože, s pametjo si se skregal! Če bi živel še moj oče, bi se za glavo prijel. Najstarejši si, pa tiščiš v dolino.” Gornik je umolknil in pogledal ženo, češ kaj nisem prav povedal. Nato je z jeznim pogledom ošvrknil Zvonkota, kakor bi hotel reči: za tebe mi ni, ti le ostani v dolini. Jože je stiskal pesti in jih premikal po mizi. ‘‘Oče, kaj me boste kar naprej učili. Za sedaj ni kaj reči. Na žagi se le zasluži. Moje žene ne veseli biti v hribih. Tudi ona dela na žagi. Kruha nikomur ne odjedam, ker delavcev manjka. Gre zato, da bi mi dali sto kubikov lesa, da si sezidam hišico. To je vse, kar vas prosim. Žena ima doto-parcelo, na kateri bova zidala. Njeni starši bodo navozili kamenja, opeke in peska. Vi bi dali hoje. Posekal jih bom sam ob nedeljah in jih speljal na žago. Sto kubikov lesa sem pa menda že zaslužil pri hiši. Rekel sem vam, da žena noče v hribe in kjer je žena, sem tudi jaz.” “Prekleto si daleč prišel, da ima žena besedo." Stari je pljunil kraj mize v lesen pljuvalnik. “Nič daleč”, je vzrojil Jože,” žena zasluži in še otroka oskrbuje. Peska za hišo je več nakopala kakor jaz. Danes sem tu gori, ona bo pa ves dan kopala temelje za hišo. Pridna je, da je kaj.” “Ljubi Jože, še ob nedljah si ne dasta miru. Jože, Jože!” se je oglasila mati. ‘‘Težjih del nismo pri nas še nikoli opravljali ob nedeljah. Sušili smo samo seno, če je bilo med tednom deževno, pa sadje smo ob nedeljah obirali. Kam boš prišel, če boš pustil, da ti po žena še ob nedeljah krampala. Jože, to ti rečem, naj bi prišla sem. Samo enkrat je bila pri nas.” Mati je očitajoče pogledala svojega najstarejšega sina. “Saj sem ji rekel, da bi jaz kopal, pa mi je rekla: za tiste kubike se kar ti zgovori, jaz sem se že s svojimi starši. Veste, žena je ponosna, ne prosi rada. Njeni starši so ji obljubili vso pomoč. Samo oni nimajo jelovega gozda. To je vse, kar sem rekel in prosil.” “Kaj pa, če ne bom dal?” je rekel jezno oče. “Taki ste, oče, do mene”, je vzkipel jože in udaril s pestjo po mizi. “Da, Jože, tak sem”. Staremu so se napele žile na vratu; še bolj trmasto je odgovoril sinu. “Ne dam, hoje so moje. Domov se vrni z ženo, pa ti grem takoj prepisat grunt, vse razen vrta in tretjega dela gozda. To bi imela midva z materjo za užitek, vse ostalo bo tvoje, Jože.” Jože je pomislil. Oče bi mu takoj izročil grunt, vse, razen gozda, kjer so najlepše hoje. “Če žena ne bi hotela priti sem gor, pa mu dajte tistih sto kubikov”, je prosil Zvonko za Jožeta. “Molči”, ga je zavrnil oče in ga jezno pogledal. “No, če je pa tako”, je rekel Zvonko, “vam ne bom delal napotja. Sedemdeset kubikov lesa dajte tudi meni, da si kupim motorno kolo. Ker sem drugi, me menda ne boste silili, da se vrnem domov. V tekstilni se nekako živi.” Zvonko je pogledal mater kot bi hotel reči: mati, pomagajte mi; še vi recite kakšno očetu. “Kaj si rekel? Da bi za hoje motor kupil, da bi se ob nedeljah vozil po cestah. Rečem ti, da jaz, oče in ded nismo zato varčevali gozdov, da bi zapravljali za take reči. Ne, ne, kar pod nosom se obriši za motorno kolo in hoje. Motor si le kupi, toda za denar, ki si boš sam prislužil. Prekleto, lahko delaš v tovarni. Hrano nosiš od doma. Drv ti je pripeljal Peter tri vozove. Rad bi vedel, kako žvijo drugi delavci, ki nimajo starega Gornika.” “Naj ves grunt vrag vzame, če nisem zaslužil toliko pri hiši, da bi si kupil motor. Saj ga ima že vsak meščan. Mati, kaj molčite? Nisem jaz kriv, če Jože noče biti doma.” Zvonko je preplašeno drsel s Pogledom od trdega očeta na mater, ki ga je imela zelo rada. Naposled se je oglasila. “No, oče, Jože naj se pogovori z ženo, da se vrneta domov. Tudi tretji delež bi mu zapisal. Zvonkotu bi pa le dal sedemdeset kubikov. Naj se tudi naš Zvonko kdaj poveseli.” “Ti bi vse razdala. Navsezadnje ne bi nihče nič imel," je rekel mož. “Gozd sem primožila, zato lahko kaj rečem,” je suho rekla mati. “Ne boste dali oče, ali mislite, da vas bomtato tožil", je Jože vstal. "Ura je tri, živino grem krmit. Do nedelje bom Premislil. Rečem ti pa, da bi moral vzeti tako ženo, ki bi ljubila zemljo.” “Ženske so enakopravne", je trdo rekel Jože. “No, o tem bi se dalo govoriti”, je zamrmral stari. “Oče, ne boste dali?” je prosil Zvonko. “Ne tebi že ne. Za Gornikove smreke že ne boš vozil mestnih žensk. Zasluži si ga.” Oče Gornik je vstal in brez besed odšel v hlev. “Jože, ljubi Jože, domov pridita z ženo. Kaj te je pičilo, da nočeš biti doma. Še svojemu preužitku bi se odpovedala, samo da se vrneta. Poslušaj očeta.” “Sto kubikov lesa sem rekel”, je suho dejal Jože. “V nedeljo se vrnem in oče naj dobro premisli. Moja Francka ne bo šla gor, to dobro vem. Naj bo po vašem, še enkrat ji bom rekel, pa ne zgrda, ker ženo bolj spoštujem kakor spoštuje oče vas, mati. Take ne bom zlepa dobil. Za vsako delo prime in zasluži.” “Kaj pa mali Jakec, zakaj ga nisi prinesel sem gor?” “Premajhen je, da bi ga tako daleč nosil. No, zbogom. V nedeljo pridem.” “Čakaj no, da ti bom dala nekaj klobas in masti”, je hitela mati. “Ne maram, da bi mi oče očital. Nisem kosil, ne oral. Kar imejte, ali pa Zvonkotu dajte, ker je sam. Midva se bova že prebijala. Delava oba. Seveda je težavno, ker imava samo malo sobico, v kateri vsi spimo in tudi kuhamo. Pa že gre. Otrok je čez dan pri njenih starših. Hm, ko bova imela svojo hišico, pa vrtiček bova imela dovolj.” Jože je segel materi v roko in hitro odšel. Zavil je v gozd, stiskal roke in ogledoval lepe hoje. Zdelo se mu je da sliši: vrni se, Jože, vrni se domov. Hoje te čakajo. Tako lepe hoje, voli, krave, telice in njive. Jože, ali ne slišiš tožečega glasu dedovih jelk, ki ti jih je kazal v mladosti. Drugi glas mu je govoril: kaj bi doma? Delo od zore do mraka. Na žagi delaš osem ur, potem si prost. Greš v kino ali na vasovanje ali bereš. Francka noče v gore, ona Francka, ki jo ima Jože tako rad. Pridi Jože, vrni se, mu poje debela jelka.... Jože hodi od jelke do jelke. V njem divja boj. Lep gorski dan. Sam bi delal z ženo. Tu ni obratovodje, ni sindikata. Ni prahu, ne sestankov. Z ženo bi bila vse: kmeta in obratovodja, upravnika in mojstra. Dela dosti, a svobodna in sama svoja gospodarja. Pridi, pridi, vrni se med nas, so mu pele jelke, ko se je spuščal v dolino. Sklenil je in zašepetal sam sebi: mfg KONFERENCA KRŠČANSKIH ŽENA Slovenske ženske zveze, 18. in 19. julija 1981. Lemont, Illinois V namenu, da se poglobimo in duhovno sprejmemo krščanska načela, ki so podlaga našemu življenju, bo Slovenska ženska zveza sponzorirala dvodnevni duhovni tečaj dne 18. in 19. julija letos v romarskem domu Slovenskih frančiškanov v Lemontu, III. Prevzv. Dr. Alojzij Ambrožič, škof iz Toronta, Canada, bo naš glavni govornik. Informacije in registracije, morete napraviti preko naše gl. preds., Mary Muller, 1848 W. 23rd Str., Chicago, III. 60608. Za prenočišča in drugo s tem v zvezi, bo oznanjeno pozneje. Napravite sedaj načrte za udeležbo. Vaše družine in prijatelji so vabljeni, da se nam pridružijo v tem duhovnem tečaju. Francko bom ie vprašal. Stegnil je roke, sklonil je glavo in hitel čez senožeti v dolino. Medtem je mati govorila Zvonku in Petru: “Jože živi, kakor so svoje dni živeli gostači. S takega grunta je, šest sob imamo, on in žena se pa z otrokom stiskata v mali kamrici. “Ha, ha, mati, jaz bi bil na skednju z dekletom, na senu”, je posmehljivo rekel Peter, ki je ves čas poslušal in molčal. “Kako so pa partizani živeli? Še na našem skednju sta spala dva zaljubljenca in dva dni nista jedla. Majhen sem bil, pa se spominjam.” “Molči, Peter! Takrat je bila vojska. Bog ve, če sta tista dva srečna? Slišala sem, da se je precej tiste gozdne ljubezni razbilo in razšlo vsaksebi. Jože je pa le siromak, če se premisli. Ljubi Bog, v eni sobici spijo, kuhajo in doma imamo za dve družini prostora. Kam smo prišli? Včasih so se ženske teple, da so prišle na grunt. Zdaj pa zemlji fige kažejo.” “Mati, motorno kolo moram imeti, če ne..” ..Zvonko je stisnil pest, “do nedelje pregovorite očeta”. Vstal je, da gre. “Čakaj, ti bom dala klobas, masti in ajdove moke”, je vzkliknila mati. “To pa to, ne bom se branil kakor Jože. V dolini je strašna draginja. V menzi odirajo, da se Bog usmili. Mati, nahrbtnik sem pustil v kuhinji.” Drugi dan je šel stari Gornik v gozd. Premišljeval je o sinovih. Kristus, kakšna sprememba! Kako smo složno živeli. Kaj bo z našim domom? Kaj neki je pičilo našega Jožeta, da noče grunta, lepe trdne hiše, dobro obdelanih njiv, lepih gozdov, v katerih je še dosti lesa. Gornikov Jaka je hodil počasi in boleče premišljeval o svojem rodu. Pokojni oče je včasih redil celo dvanajst govedi. Bil je ponosen mož, ki je večkrat dejal, da je gorski kmet kralj na svoji zemlji. Kralj, če o pravem času plača državi davke. Potem mu nihče nič ne more. Dela in živi, kakor hoče. Oče je šel trikrat na leto v dolino, da je prodal živino na sejmu ali da je dobil na žagi denar za prodani les. Sicer se je njegov oče požvižgal na dolino, njeno revščino in politične prepire. Delal je. Nikdar niso pri hiši gledali na uro. Kar pomni Gornikov Jaka, so bili pri hiši založeni z živežem in hlevi polni živine. Da, bilo je tudi nekaj slabih let. Prodali so nekaj več lesa in živeli so naprej; a sedaj sinovi..... (bo še) p. Atanazij Lovrenčič, of m: Nov koledar na steni. Vsakokrat ko v začetku novega leta spremenimo koledar na steni, nas preleti zavest: zopet je šlo eno leto v večnost; moje življenje je zopet bližje za eno leto h koncu, ali bolje rečeno, moje kratko zemeljsko življenje je bližje večnemu življenju. Razodetje nas uči, da je Bog večen; On nima ne začetka, ne konca. Vsemogočni ne meri večnosti po letih kot mi merimo čas. Stvarnik je tako uredil, da ustvarjene stvari določajo čas v našem življenju. Čas ki ga naša zemlja rabi na poti okoli sonca, mi imenujemo eno leto. Čas ki ga naša zemlja rabi da se zavrti okoli svoje osi, je za nas en dan. Tako dnevi potekajo v tedne, tedni v leta in preden se zavemo je eno leto zopet odšlo v večnost. A dejstvo ki nas vse zresni je, da čas ki je pravkar potekel, se več ne vrne. Letu, ki smo ga pravkar končali ne moremo nič več dodati ali odvzeti. Da, ta čas bomo še enkrat srečali, ko nam bo Bog pokazal v večnosti koliko časa nam je podelil, da bi lahko delali za svoje zveličanje in zveličanje drugih. Ko začnemo novo leto navadno gledamo nazaj in si sami sebi trkamo na prsa in se obtožujemo kaj vse smo naredili, ki bi morali opustiti. Res je, da zaradi človeške slabosti veliko naredimo, kar bi bilo bolje da nebi. A če smo odkriti moramo priznati, da smo ga v starem letu velikokrat polomili s tem, da smo opustili dobro. Dobro ki bi ga lahko naredili je bilo nestorjeno in tako so šli dnevi v večnost prazni, dnevi ki bi morali biti polni dobrih del. Če prisluhnemo Cerkvi posebno v začetku adventa, slišimo kako se bližamo koncu sveta in s tem nam je Kristus in njegovo kraljestvo vedno bljižje. Z Njim bo prišlo večno življenje. Ko obešaš nov koledar na steno in listaš po novih mesecih, prosi Gospoda, da bodo tvoji dnevi polni, polni dobrih del, da bodo kot polni klasi ki se klanjajo pod vetrom in komaj čakajo, da bo zrnje spravljeno v žitnice. Nov koledar te opominja, da ti Bog daje se več časa za dobro; vsako jutro ti Bog daje nov, prazen dan; je na tebi da ga napolniš z dobrim delom. IN LOVING MEMORY NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA WILLIAM R. PACHAK 1923 1980 Our dear son, husband and father was called to his eternal reward suddenly on October 5th, 1980. He was a good man, respected and beloved by his family, parish and community. In his never-to-be-forgotten memory, we, the family of William Pachak wishes to offer sincere appreciation to those whose friendship was shown in many ways, at the time of our bereavement. William Pachak was born May 23, 1923 at Delaqua, Colorado. He was a veteran of World War II and concluded his studies at the University of Colorado after the war. He was a member of many clubs and societies which interested him as the owner of the family business on Northern Avenue in Pueblo, as a sportsman and family man. The vast number of neighbors and friends who paid him their last respects, extended messages and sent floral expressions, attests to the warm friendships he made during his all too brief lifetime. The family is especially grateful to the Reverend Fathers of St. Mary's Church, pastor Rev. Blane Bebble and Rev. Claude Roberts, Brother Hillary and Msgr. Miller. To the church choir under the direction of Dorothy Zakrajšek, sincere thanks. As a long-standing member of many societies, they acknowledge the kind words offered by representatives of the Western Slovanic Association,the Slovenian Women's Union of which his mother, Anna Pachak has been a long-time national officer, the St. Francis Altar Society, Navy Mother’s Club. Ladies Eagles Auxiliary, Gerald Bible, Minnequa Businessmen, Elks National Foundation, Northern Ave. Businessmen and M.C.D. Fund of Southern Colorado University. Also, the Daughters of Isabella and individual friends, too numerous to mention, but all kept in their hearts for their kindness and generosity. “We miss you and will remember forever your loving presence. We will pray for your eternal happiness and await our reunion in Heaven.” + + + V mesecu oktobru ko listje pada z drevja in ko »e zdi, da se narava odpravlja k zimskemu spanju, naše misli odhajajo k našim ljubim, ki so odšli od nas. William R. Pachak je dne 5. oktobra zaspal v Gospodu, zadet od srčne kapi. Saj mrtev ni, le od nas je odšel. Blagi pokojni je bil rojen 23. maja, 1923 v Delaqua, Colo. Pogreb je bil 8. okt. iz cerkve Marije Pomagaj ob ogromni udeležbi prijateljev in znancev. Naša globoka zahvala velja č. duhovščini za pogrebne obrede; č.g. Rev. Claude Roberts za sv. mašo zadušnico ob somaševanju č.g. Blaine Beble in č. brata Hillary ob navzočnosti, msgr. A.G. Miller. Hvaležni smo župniku Father Blaine za pomenljive poslovilne obrede življenja pokojnega in za duhovno tolažbo preostali družini v času rožnega venca. Izraz zahvale Dorothy Zakrašek, voditeljici cerkvenega zbora za petje žalostink in društvu Holy Name za poslednje slovo od svojega člana. Iskrena zahvala Franku Kogovšek za poslovilni nagrobni govor v imenu društva Slovan, št. 3, W.S.A., Mamie Pugel za številne tolažilne obiske na domu, Mary Bostian in Corinne Leskovar in družini za darilo v spomin pok. za šolninski sklad SŽZ, za tolažilne izraze Mary Grande, Denver, Colo., Anna Sterle, Lucille Smith iz Strabane, Pa., Martha Popovich, Denver, Colo., in za toplo zamisel preds. Christine Konte in taj. McFarlen od št. 66, kakor tudi za sožalje od Hermine Dicke iz Madison, Wis. Častna zahvala č. sestram St. Mary’s School za številne obiske, sestram St. Mary Corwin Hosp. za molitev rožnega venca in tolažbo. Hvala Jennie Lukanich za njeno pozornost v času naše žalosti ter Jennie Babich za njeno pomoč. Posebno občutena zahvala članom St. Francis Oltarnega društva, Navy Mothers, Club No. 10 Ladies Eagles Auxiliary št. 145, Gerald Bible, družinski dar za Indijansko šolo, dalje Robert Roblek družini iz Colo. Springs. Iskrena zahvala vsem številnim prijateljem za dobrodelne darove, dalje častna plaketa v spomin pok. Williama od Minequa Business community, in The Elks National Foundation svojemu članu Williamu Pachak. Enako lepa počastitev rajnega od so-članov Trgovske Zveze Northern ulice. Enako spominska počastitev in dar v M.C.D. sklad in Univerzi Southern Colo. Nepozabni pokojnik je bil veteran Ameriških zračnih sil v drugi svetovni vojni in član Fin and Feather Cluba. Častni pogrebci in nosilci krste so bili člani njegovega kluba Modelers Ass’n, pri katerem je bil podpredsednik, dalje Minequa Trgovske Zveze in diplomiranec trgovskega oddelka Coloradske univerze. Bil je aktivni član omenjenih klubov in organizacij. Z žalostjo v naših srcih se zahvaljujemo Daughters of Isabella ter družini Larry Pugel, Euclid, O. in vsem za številne duhovne šopke, sožalne kartice, darila za sv. maše, za vence in rože, obiske in udeležbo pogrebnih obredov in tolažbo v teh bridkih dneh žalosti. Zahvala tudi McCarthy za vzorno vodstvo pogreba. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice in če je kaka pomanjkljivost, prosimo, da nam prizadeti oprostijo. Naš predragi William, nad vse zaslužni sin, soprog in oče Tvojih 6 otrok, katerim si bil nad vse skrbni oče, vsi Te pogrešamo, posebno Tvoja mati, kije žalostna do smrti, toda v trdnem upanju, da se vidimo v slavi večne luči. Žalujoči ostali: soproga Elsie, sinova William ml. v Bermuda, US A F, Jonathan v Pueblo, hčerke Karen Shearr v Cal., Marcia Miller v Colo. Springs, Beth Robie v Albuquerque, N.M., Cheryl Pachak v Portales, N.M. starša: John In Anna Pachak, stric Frank Yager ter številno ostalo sorodstvo. DOPISI ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Danes je bil lep sončni dan, čeprav malo hladen, vse eno se je udeležilo seje precejšnje število članic. Sejo smo imele, kot po navadi v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Zelo smo pogrešale go. Mary Komidar, ki je bila vedno zelo zvesta in dobra članica. Ni skoro nobene seje zamudila. Zaradi njene mladosti, se je preselila k svoji hčerki v Chesterland. Ona je 92 let mlada. Poslala nam je lepe pozdravi po naši tajnici. Članice so sklenile, da tiste, ki redno prihajajo na seje, bi imele 3. decembra božičnico v restavracija na Chardon. Lepo prosim vse članice, ki še niste poravnale članarino za to leto, pohitite. Božični prazniki že trkajo na vrta in leto gre k zatonu. Na današnji seji smo imele volitve odbora za prihodnje leto. Vse je ostalo po starem, nobena ni bila izvoljena na novo. Slavile smo rojstne dneve ge. Ani Markovič in ge. Mary Strancar. Članice, potrudite se in poiščite kaj novih članic, ker vedno nas katera zapusti. Ohranimo našo slovensko besedo in ponos še v naprej, zato združimo naše ženske moči! Kakor pravi stari pregovor, da žena tri vogle podpira, tako je močna, toda če ima slabega moža, se vsi poderejo. Imamo nekaj bolanih članic. Vsem skupaj želimo naj jim ljubi Bog zopet vrne novih moči, ki so najbolj potrebne in zdravja. Od družin umrlih članic, smo prejeli zahvalne kartice. Ge. štefi Koncilja je umrl mož; ga. Ženi Batič je zgubila brata; ga. Kraus moža in ga. Kastelic tudi moža. Vsem njihovim družinam globoko sožalje. Vsem članicam želim Vesele abožične praznike ter sreče polno Novo leto 1981. Tretjo nedeljo v januarju, dne 18. jan., pa zopet na svidenje! TEREZIJA FERRACCIOLI, poročevalka ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Na decemberski seji smo proslavile tri-mesečne slavljenke rojstnih dnevov. Imele smo okusno večerjo, svinjsko pečenko, polento in kislo zelje. Vse je pripravila ses. Mary Dolšak. Povrhu pa so članice prinesle tudi slastni štrudel. Hvala vsem! Mesto izmenjave daril, smo zopet darovale za Mavec šolo in v sklad proti raku. Hvala vsem darovalkam. V zvezi z letno materinsko proslavo, bomo tudi počastile 50 let članice št. 14. Odbornice za leto 1981 so naslednje: predsednica Pauline Krall, podpreds. Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead), tajnica Vera Bajec, blag. Mary Iskra, zapis. Antoinette Zabukovec in nadzornice: Mary Fakult, Addie Humphreys in Frances Plut. Vratarica, Marilyn Fitzhum. Slovenska poročevalka za Zarjo; Mary Iskra in poročevalka v angleščini; Alice Kuhar. Za zaslužno mater leta je naša podružnica izbrala ses. Mary Dolšak, katere mati je bila med ustanoviteljicami podr. št. 14. Mary res zasluži to priznanje. Naše čestitke! Pozdravljamo novo članico, Joanne Vehar. Upamo, da bo vesela aktivnosti naše podr. Naslednje članice so bile na bolniški listi: Josephine Perko, ki je v Richmond Hts. bolnici, Beverly Pečjak, ki je v Euclid Splošni bolnici ter Antonia Sustar in Mary Mahne. Naše molitve in najboljše želje so z njimi! Ker je to moj zadnji dopis v ZARJI, se želim zahvaliti vsem, ki so mi rekle, da rade čitajo moje dopise, katere sem z veseljem pisala. POIZVEDBA Išče se MILKA PLESKOVEC, rojena SOJA doma iz vasi Muhover pri Novem mestu, kjer je Uvela pred drugo svetovno vojno. Sorodniki v domovini so sestre Fanika, Tina in brat Lojze in vsi zelo ielijo dobiti zvezo z omenjeno sestro Milko, ki menda ti vi v Clevelandu. Kdor bi karkoli vedel, kaj o Milki Pleskovec, naj to sporoči njeni nečakinji: ZLA TA IVEZIČ, 6700 S. Oglesby, Chicago, Ul. 60649. Upam, da ste vse imele srečne praznike in želim Vam vsem Srečno in Zdravo Novo leto. Naj Vas Bog vedno blagoslavlja! ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naše leto bo kmalu zatonilo; samo še nekaj dni, pa bomo nastopili novo leto 1981 in z njim tudi so naši načrti za uspešno leto. Ko gledamo nazaj na preteklo leto, nam pridejo v spomin razni doživljaji in spomnimo se lepih prireditev, katere smo imeli: Baragovi dnevi, dnevi Slovenske dediščine in druge prireditve, ki so vse lepo uspele. Več naših članic je zgubilo svoje drage in Zveza žaluje za svojimi dobrimi članicami. Naj jim Bog nudi večni mir in na svidenje v nebesih. Za zaključek leta, bodo članice Zveze priredile zadnji dan družabnost s plesom in dobrim prigrizkom. Tako bodo imele priliko se v domači družbi posloviti od leta in si voščiti “Srečno Novo leto..." Upam, da Novo leto prinese vsem srečo in zdravje in Zvezi mnogo novih članic in uspehov pri njenem delu. Upam, da se vsi lepi načrti naše podružnice uresničjo. Čestitke Rose in John Pasdertz k visoki 60 letnici zakonskega življenja. Imamo naslednje bolne članice v tem času: Rose Marentič, John Jevitz, Mr. in Mrs. Erjavec, Mary Mutz, Carrie Ancel German, hčerka naše gl. tajnice Olge Ancel, dalje Alice Kraus, Frances Gaspich in Catherine Jerih. Vsem želimo hitrega okrevanja. Iskreno sožalje Sue Mihelich ob smrti njene mame Ann Mihelich, Angeline Brulc, soprog Louise Brulc and sestra Lucille Drago, kakor tudi sestra in nečakinja ter svakinja Rose Paul, sestra Betty Težak. Zopet je bilo sklenjeno, da podružnica plača članarino vse članicam, ki so dopolnile 80 let starosti in so včlanjene vsaj 25 let. Ko boste čitale te vrstice, bomo že pozdravile novo leto. Bog daj, da bi bilo srečno. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ZAPUSTILA NAS JE JENNIE PUGELY 25 let tajnica št. 47 Dne 12. novembra, je v Marymount bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrla 81 let stara Jennie Pugely s 10724 Plymouth Ave. na Garfield Hts., kjer je bivala zadnjih 53 let, rojena Debevec v vasi Bezuljak pri Cerknici, od koder je prišla v ZDA pred 60 leti, bivala v Pa. dve leti, nato pa se preselila v Cleveland, vdova po leta 1954 umrlem možu Franku, mati Florence Neubecker, Lillian Smith, Jo Lea in Franka L., 13— krat stara mati, 1—krat prastara mati, sestra Josepha in Josephine Kunstelj. Pokojna je ŠT. 68. FAIRPORT HRB. OH Krasen jesenski popoldan je zunaj, v zatišju bi me toplo sonce ogrelo in to je 22. novembra na soboto. Dobro bi bilo, da bi imeli še kaj takih dni, in bi le nekaj prihranili na kurjavi, ogrevanju stanovanj, ker so sedaj tako visoke cene. Naša seja se je vršila 19. novembra tretjo sredo v mesecu v Slov. Klubu v Fairportu ob 6.30. Vse se je vršilo kot običajno, Udeležilo se nas je 13 članic. Door Price je dobila zopet srečna Malči Južna. Ker sem bila zadnič omenila od riževih klobas je bilo na tej seji vse tiho in pozabljeno; prvič je dosti dela, drugič smo pa že vse v tistih letih, ko mam, zdravniki ne priporočajo Prašičevega mesa in ne masti. Jennie Z. je imela recept za Piškote z svinsko mastjo, zelo so bili dobri, poten sem bila pa bolana ko sem jih pokušala, tako nam je povedala. Mary G. je pa skuhala žgance in z ocvirki zabelila, potem sem jih pa prav v 9rlu čutila. Naredili pa smo krvave in riževe klobase za naše otroke, ki so še mladi in jim še ne Škodujejo. Financirala sem pa vse jaz, ker so hčerka Marica in sinova Loize in Johny vse delo odpravili kar ga je bilo z klobasami. Pregovor pravi, kakor jih starši uče tako mladiči *vrgole; tako mi je pravila. Je pa vesela, da bodo znali tudi potem brez nje to napraviti. Kako je to lePo in tudi dobro, da otroci Posnemajo starše. Mary Grželj nas je postregla z dobrimi flancati (pohanje) ona jih zna bila zelo aktivna v mnogih slovenskih organizacijah. Bila je tajnica Dr. Naš dom št. 50 ADZ skozi 25 let, tajnica podr. št. 47 SŽZ prav tako 25 let ter zapisnikarica Kluba slovenskih upokojencev v Newburgu vse do svoje upokojitve leta 1978. Prispevala je mnogo člankov Ameriški Domovini in Zarji, mesečnem glasilu SŽZ. Blago dolgoletno tajnico in redno dopisovalko ZARJE, ohranimo v najlepšem spominu. Žalujočim ostalim naše iskreno sožalje! vedno okusno napravit. Za božični party smo odločile, da pojdemo na večerjo v restavrant The Vogue. Ker tam je dobra hrana in tudi postrežba. Je najbolj pripravno, in lastnik tega restavranta je naš rojak g. Hank Zalar. Ko se nam bližajo Božični prazniki radi pohitimo v mislih v našo rojstno domovino, lepo Slovenijo, kako je bilo lepo v naših mladih letih. Božič, Novo leto, sveti Trije kralji, vsi ti prazniki so bili zelo pomembni in častitlivo smo jih praznovali. V duhu bomo z svojimi dragimi skupaj in domotožje nam pride ob vseh teh praznikih. Spominjamo se tudi vseh naših pokojnih od katerih smo se pred dolgimi leti ločili z zavestjo, da se ne bomo več videli in tako nam pride težko pri srcu. Leta se nam stekajo, smo že na večeru naše življenske poti in tudi vemo, da bo tukaj naše zadnje domovanje, kot premnogih, ki so se že poslovili za vedno od nas. Nekaj vrstic iz pisma iz Slovenije od sošolke, ki mi piše, 24. 8. je bilo v Cerknici dekanijsko srečanje bolnikov, ostarelih in invalidov. Prišel je tudi škof Ljubljanske škofije čast. gospod Aloizij Šuštar. Zunaj na trgu v Cerknici in pred cerkvijo smo se zbrali, tudi vreme smo imeli prav lepo. Zelo velika udeležba ljudi. Po končani maši so zunaj pripravili malo zakuska. So imeli prireditelji veliko dela, ker je bilo kar precej bolniških vozičkov (Wheelchairs), da so bolnike v cerkev in iz cerkve vozili. Iz pisma vidimo, kako lepo tam tudi za invalide, bolnike in ostarele skrbijo. Tej gospej, so pred tremi leti v koraku nogo odrezali in z bolniškim vozičkom vse gospodinjsko delo opravlja. V pismo mi je priložila podobicoMarije Pomagaj na Brezjah. Zadaj na podobci pa napis. Vi vsi, ki težo križa huje občutite, Vi neznani trpini ‘Ne Obupajte’ Vi ste ljubljenci božjega kraljestva. Vi ste bratje trpečega Kristusa in skupno z Njim rešujete svet. Spomin na srečanje starejših in bolnih: Cerknica 1980. Vsem, ki imate rojstne dneve v Januarju, z iskrenimi željami želim obilo zdravja in še na mnoga leta. V Novem letu pa mir z Vami in božji blagoslov. Poročevalka JULKA KLAMMER. NOBENE TEŽAVE — Na strajici mi manjka gumb! — Nič zato, saj boš oblekel jopico čežnjo. — Na jopici pa manjkata dva gumba! — Pa kaj potem, saj menda ne boš šel brez plašča ven. ŠENI POSKUSIL V bolnico so pripeljali mornarja, ki je bil po vsem telesu tetoviran. "Ali je mogoče vaše tetovirane slike zmiti z vodo?” je vprašala sestra. “Ne vem,” ji je odgovoril mornar. ŽRTVE GOLJUFIJE Spretni prodajalec časopisov je hotel povečati svoj zaslužek, zato je stal na železniški postaji in se drl na ves glas: — Velika goljufija! Že sedeminštirideset žrtev! Časopisi so mu kar kopneli izpod rok. Francelj ga je tudi pravkar kupil, že čez nekaj trenutkov pa je opaeil, da je časopis štirinajst dni star. Tako se je hotel pritožiti pri prodajalcu, vendar je ta že vpil: — Velika goljufija! Zdaj že oseminštirideset žrtev! Greetings from our Youth Director: ANNA L. HODNIK: LEARN SLOVENIAN Along with knowing the meaning of words in Slovenian, it is important to know pronounciation. I am hoping that all of you have someone you can ask to help you. Try to use the words in conversation to get the feel of the language. January — januar (j is pronounced as y) New Year novo leto begin pričeti, začeti (c has a ch sound) temperature toplota, vročina freezing point ledišče, zmrzlenje tax davek money denar income —— dohodek inflation inflacija cost veljati bill račun saving prihranek bank banka Attention Junior Members! Would you like to be a junior reporter for your S.W.U. branch? Write an article on any junior activity held in your branch. If you know of any junior who has a special talent or performed at a meeting or event or church activity write and tell us about it. Do any of you write poetry, short stories or songs? We would like to recognize your talent by having it published in the Zarja junior section. Anyone contributing something for publication will be given a cash award. Send your articles to me, Anna L. Hodnik, 706 Summit St., Aurora, MN 55705. If you have a black and white picture of yourself send it along with the article. I will be anxiously waiting to hear from you. Anna L. Hodnik COOKBOOK GOOD! sales still what do you know?... Our mail orders for S.W.U. Cookbooks come from all over the U.S. Recently, a writer stated: “I ordered two of the revised cookbooks and sold both, so I am enclosing $6.75 for another book which I plan to keep. “I am a member of Crested Butte Branch 992 and enjoy getting the ZARJA every month. Warmest greetings to all and best wishes for health!” Evelyn Mraule S uccess With Unity! Olga Ancel, our National Secretary, relates this story from her husband. Ed was shopping and entered a store just as the ice cream driver was leaving. He stopped Ed with the words: “How'd you like that co ver picture?' ’ Ed was stumped for a moment, wondering what the man meant. Ed: ‘ ‘ What cover is that?'' “St. Martin’s! And that wish to all us wine-makers, Na zdravje!” he said. “Oh, you’re talking about ZARJA!"said Ed. “You bet! And I cut out the picture and framed it! It’s going to be right by my bar where I serve my own home-made wine, you know!" said the young man. Ed and Olga thought is was a nice story. The Editor says the idea for the cover came from her husband, Lud, and the picture was drawn by the Chicago artist, Emilija Ražman—Bucik. Slovenian wine-makers are still at it and a number of Vinska Trgatev and Martinovanja events were held in communities throughout the U.S. this fall. ZARJA 's always right up there with the times! TO ALL MEMBERS OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION Happy Holidays and Good Health in 1981 ROSE SCOFF San Francisco, California Mini fooler Give a person a piece of paper — a sheet of newspaper will do nicely — and tell him or her that the paper cannot be folded in half more than seven times. Of course your friend will laugh and start right in to prove his or her strength. Your friend will be amazed to discover that no matter how strong he or she is or how hard he tries, he simply cannot make the eighth fold. It cannot be done! Try it yourself and see. RIDDLES What comes all the way to a house but never gets in? Ans. The Steps. Why did the fly, fly? Ans. Because the spider spied her. Take off my skin, I won’t cry, but you will. What am I? Ans. An onion. What are the four U ters of trie alphabet that would scare a thief? Ans. O I C U! What has teeth but does not chew? Ans. A comb. What does my mother have that no other mother has? Ans. Me. Thirty-two white horses on a red hill, when you say stop! they all stand still. What are they? Ans. Teeth. [ “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” ~~) Grandma Hi boys and girls, First off, I’d like to wish all of you and your families a very Happy New Year and I truly hope the year of 1981 will be a good one for you. The other day I went to Grandma’s place, which happens to be on the east side of town. It was a wintery day as to a close was coming the year, so all in all my spirits were sortta’ down. In her dining room I put my purse, gloves and typewriter case, then I went into the living room to chat with gram. I sat down on the couch next to her, she was in her favorite chair. Around her shoulders was her gray and pink afgan. Although her spirit is like a lioness’, she appears to be a lamb, as she sits quietly watching the traffic out doors. She asks questions of how is everyone belonging to her family clan. I shout my answer, so she will hear. “Everyone is just fine.” We talk of many things from the weather to the days of wars. 1 find that though her hearing is poor, her listening ability is tops. As I listen to her wisdom entangled in her humor, I find myself thanking God that I am hers and she is mine. And when 1 leave this lady’s house, I think 1 shall when I grow-up be like my grandma, the mother of my pops. MATI From the Art Portfolio: “I Remember Slovenia” by August Požidar Pust Sometimes, boys and girls, people get so wrapped up in their “own thing” that they forget if wasn’t for grandma’s and grandpa’s of this world they wouldn’t have “their own thing”. Let’s all start the year by remembering someday we’ll be grandma’s and grandpa’s. DAVY CHICAGO BR. 2, JUNIORS, CINDY AND BETH VUCKO displayed •heir collection of dolls, including the “Wives of the Presidents” series, at the Christmas Party Dec. 2nd. SANTA CLAUS, who else?? Junior member Joey Scianna, seemed to know how to talk to Santa as did almost 100 Junior Members at the annual fete. K . :::• n U8IV.KNJIZHICA 61', 'J LJUBLJANA TURJAŠKA 1-YU jCSLAVU ».EUROPE u N B Union National Bank & Trust Co. 50 West Jefferson, Joliet, Illinois 60431 Three locations to serve you. GEREND HABERMAN Funeral Home SHEBOYGAN, Wl 53081 FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME” By Irene M. Odorizzi A book about the time Slovenian immigrants came to America. Send $6.00 (75C postage) lo: S.W.U. Home Office, 431 N. Chicago, Si., Joliet, III. 60432 fft}; ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, IL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 SLOVENIAN COSTUME PATTERN Adjustable size: jumper, blouse and apron. Send $2.50, (postage included) toS.W.U. Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet. 11.60432 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje \ /dovoljnosi naših ljudi. To je doka/ da je podjetje i/ — naroda /a narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnile do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoproeentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pogrebni zavod 1053 E. 62nd. Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. (irecnticld Ave. Phone: 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin NEW ENLARGED & REVISED EDITION! Slovenian-International Cookbook Womans Glory— The Kitchen To order, send $6.00 (includes postage) per copy to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 N CHICAGO ST JOLIET. IL 60432 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL. ‘First in service since 1908' 459 North Ottawa Street Phone 772-0534