šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 1–2 202 Ana Šmidhofer was awarded the master’s and doctor’s degree at the De­ partment of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. She researches influences of some philosophical streams (personalism, philo­ sophical anthropology, phenomenology, etc.) on the Slovene pedagogical thought between the two world wars. Igor Ž. Žagar Igor Ž. Žagar je študiral filozofijo, sociologijo in lingvistiko na univerzah v Ljubljani, Parizu in Antwerpnu. Doktoriral je iz sociologije kulture na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Je redni profesor retorike in argumentacije (Univer­ za na Primorskem in Univerza v Mariboru) ter znanstveni svetnik (pred­ stojnik Centra za diskurzivne študije) na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljublja­ ni. Predaval je na univerzah v Belgiji, Združenih državah Amerike, Italiji, na Kitajskem, Nizozemskem, v Združenem kraljestvu, Španiji, Rusiji, Ro­ muniji in na Poljskem. Žagar se ukvarja predvsem s pragmatiko (teorija govornih dejanj, (kritična) analiza diskurza), filozofijo (jezika), argumen­ tacijo in retoriko. Je (so)avtor in (so)urednik dvanajstih knjig in preko sto člankov. igor.zagar@guest.arnes.si, www.igorzagar.net. Igor Ž. Žagar studied philosophy, sociology, and linguistics in Ljubljana, Paris, and Antwerp. He received his doctoral degree in Sociology of Cul­ ture from the University of Ljubljana. He is Professor of Rhetoric and Ar­ gumentation (University of Primorska & University of Maribor), and a Senior Research Fellow (Head of the Centre for Discourse Studies) at the Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has lectured in Belgium, United States, Italy, China, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Romania, Poland, and France. Žagar is especially interested in pragmatics (speech act theory, (critical) discourse analysis), the philo­ sophy of language, argumentation and rhetoric. He is the (co)author and (co)editor of twelve books, and more than a hundred articles. igor.zagar@ guest.arnes.si, www.igorzagar.net.