Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 10/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8. 3. 2020 2. Postna NEDELJA 2nd Sunday of Lent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N, Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Vpričo njih se je spremenil ... Človek je bitje čutov. V sodobnem svetu se zelo pogosto uravnava po tem, kar vidi, sliši, okusi, kar začuti. Zunanja čutila ga tako močno prevzemajo,\ da včasih pozabi, da ima\ čutila, ki sicer nimajo na\ zunaj vidnega učinka, so pa zaznave, kijih z njimi■ zmore zaznati, bolj bistvene od prvih. Jezus nas je danes povabil, da bi sicer ob vseh na zunaj zaznanih rečeh, mogli zaznati tisto veliko pomembnejše: slišati njegovo besedo in okusiti njegov Kruh. Prejšnjo nedeljo smo poslušali evangeljski odlomek o treh hudičevih poskusih, da Jezusa po 40 dnevnem postu v puščavi prepriča, naj zadovolji svoje čute, da bi občutil slavo, potešil lakoto, občutil na konkreten način spremljanje svojega Očeta. Jezusovi odgovori nakazujejo na bistveno razsežnost kristjanovega življenja, ki ne sme ostati samo v vidnem svetu, ki se ne sme zanašati samo na svoje čute in lastno lagodje, ampak se mora v določenem trenutku prepustiti božji skrbi in njegovemu načinu odgovora. Ta odgovor je svojevrsten, a vedno pride na takšen način, kot ga človek potrebuje. Tudi v današnjem evangeliju učenci dobijo nekaj takega. Preden jim bo začel razodevati pot, ki je polna trpljenja, zasramovanja in groze, Jezus popelje svoje učence na visoko goro, kjer bodo dobili»drugačen pogled« na svet in življenje. Tam se jim razodene ter pokaže, kaj je bistvo poti in trpljenja, ki ga čaka. Lahko rečemo, da jim skuša pokazati, kakšna je razlika med gledanjem na to, kar se bo zgodilo, če se zanašamo na telesna čutila ali pa na duhovna. Abraham, Pavel, trije učenci in mnogi drugi so doživeli konkreten odgovor na svoja iskanja v obljubi in na svojevrsten način v njeni izpolnitvi. VESTNIK 2020 Bog ima tudi za nas pripravljen načrt, kako ga moremo spoznati v vsakdanjem življenju in se tako zavedati njegove nenehne navzočnosti. To se dogaja v mnogih vsakdanjih trenutkih, v medsebojnih srečanjih, v okolju, v katerem se gibljem, pri molitvi, na prav poseben način pa pri sv. maši, ko se nam kakor učencem razodeva in nas hrani s seboj, da bi mogli zaznavati ne samo s telesnimi čutili, ampak tudi z duhovnimi. Vsi ti trenutki tako postanejo naše »gore», kjer nas Bog nagovori in se nam razodene, da potem še odločneje stopamo v vsakdanje življenje. Vsekakor pa je zato potrebno, da človek v takšnem trenutku skupaj s Petrom ponovi: »Dobro je, da smo tukaj, Gospod!« Dobro je, da sem v takšni in takšni službi, da sem med temi ljudmi, da se smem srečati s teboj v molitvi, da..., da se smem s teboj združiti pri sv. obhajilu, kjer postaneš ti moja moč. To je najpotrebnejša odprtost, da morem zaznati globlji pomen vsega svojega življenja. Občutiti to božjo bližino v vsakdanjem življenju ne pomeni nič drugega, kakor zopet slišati glas iz oblaka, ki mi v prvi vrsti razodeva vso resnico o Jezusu, ki je ljubljeni božji otrok; besede pa so namenjene tudi nam, veljajo tudi za nas. In na koncu današnjega evangelija Jezus tri izbrane učence na poti v dolino opozarja, naj o tem, kar so videli, ne govorijo, dokler se vse ne zgodi, dokler ne pokaže, da je živeti veliko več kot imeti, biti in jesti. Šele potem naj stopijo v svet in z njegovo močjo oznanjajo, kakor slišimo o tem govoriti apostola Pavla v današnjem drugem berilu. Če so učenci morali molčati, pa danes ni čas zato. Preveč je namreč ljudi, ki so potrebni veselega oznanila, preveč je stisk in težav, da bi ostali nemi opazovalci in ne bi s konkretno pomočjo pokazali tega, kar nosimo v sebi. Tako smo torej nagovorjeni, da ta postni čas v polnosti izkoristimo za srečanje z Bogom, za notranjo poglobitev in tudi za veselo podajanje resničnega veselja bližnjim okoli nas. (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005) 110 | VESTNI K 2020 - 2nd Sunday of Lent Response: Let your love be upon us, Lord, even as we hope in you. First Reading Genesis 12:1-4 Abraham is called by the Lord to leave his home and travel to a new land where he and his descendants will be blessed. Second Reading 2 Timothy 1:8-10 St Paul had to bear hardships for the sake of the Gospel, relying on the power of God, and invites us to be willing to do the same. Gospel Matthew 17:1-9 Jesus is transfigured in heavenly glory, along with the prophets Moses and Elijah. "Jesus... led them up a high mountain where they could be alone." (j t^^a; ) Illustration Illustration Brian Blessed is a larger-than-life English actor, famed for his booming voice and also for his adventures, including climbing mountains. He once went on an expedition into the jungles of Venezuela, during which he survived a plane crash; and he was the oldest man to walk to the North Magnetic Pole. He has succeeded in climbing Mount Aconcagua in Argentina and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and has attempted Mount Everest three times without oxygen. He is a fully trained astronaut and on the waiting list to travel to the International Space Station. He is now over eighty, so maybe there is hope for us all. He once paid a lovely tribute to his parents: "My parents taught me honesty, truth, compassion, kindness and how to care for Jal 'Ai people. Also, they encouraged me to take risks, to boldly go. They taught me that the greatest danger in life is not taking the adventure at all. To have the objective of a life of ease is death. I think we have all got to go after our own Everest." He was fortunate to have had parents like that, and it is interesting that he links together truth, compassion and kindness with taking risks and hardships, like climbing Mount Everest. Gospel Application Truth, compassion and kindness feature very strongly in the life of Jesus, and so does climbing mountains. Last week we heard how the devil took him up a "very high mountain" to tempt him. And in the Gospel today Jesus led Peter, James and John up a "high mountain" - not any old mountain but a high one. High mountains are dangerous, people die on them; climbers need stamina, determination and strength. Was Jesus making the same point as Brian Blessed? That life is about challenges and that a life of ease is no life at all? And that it should be combined with compassion and caring for people? In its own way caring can involve hardships, and in the long term may be as difficult as climbing Everest. St Paul urges us to bear hardships for the sake of the Gospel, but he adds, "relying on the power of God". God our Father asks us to reach out for his help. Abraham was called by God to an adventure even more challenging than Brian Blessed's expedition into the jungles of Venezuela. The Lord told Abraham to leave his homeland and his family, and travel into the unknown. It was to be a life involving great hardships and sacrifice. How could he be sure it was the voice of God and not some imaginings of his own mind? He acted in faith. But the hardest part is always summoning the courage and trust to get on and do it, "relying on the power of God". The apostles had a similar call, and told Jesus, "We have left everything and followed you." It is the same struggle that many Christians grapple with as they seek their vocation in life. Application After their exhausting climb up the high mountain, the three apostles were rewarded with a vision that is unimaginable to most people. They glimpsed the glory of heaven and were told not to describe it to anyone else until after Jesus had risen from the dead, even though at the time, as Mark tells us in his account of the same story, they could not understand what "rising from the dead" might mean. They saw Jesus in his heavenly glory, the glory he had before the beginning of the world. And they saw the great prophets of old, Moses and Elijah, whose words they knew so well from the scriptures, in glory too. Despite their pleading to be allowed to build tents and stay there, to extend their clarity of vision and certainties, Peter, James and John had to go down from the mountain, into the realm of faith rather than sight, the way of struggling rather than illumination. What they were given is what we have been given, in every age of the Church: the voice of the Father, telling us, "Listen to him." It was what Our Lady had learned as well, when she said to the steward of the wedding feast at Cana, "Do whatever he tells you." When St John Henry Newman wrote about faith, he stressed that faith is not just about good thoughts, but about "doing". "What is living faith?... works, deeds of obedience, are the life of faith," he said. VESTNI K 2020 | 111 Some Insight Into the Transfiguration By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB This Sunday, the second Sunday of Lent, has the Transfiguration as the gospel. Anything with the word "trans" in it might raise an eyebrow nowadays so let me explain the story to you. The Transfiguration gospel is the story of Jesus taking his three beloved disciples, Peter, James and John, up onto Mount Tabor in Galilee for a retreat. It was some time away from ministry, for Jesus to be with his three closest friends. They were working hard preaching and healing and needed some time away in prayer. We can be certain that Christ treasured this opportunity to commune with the Father. He also saw it as a formation opportunity for his apostles. It was an opportunity for his three men to see their Master and leader in his full glory - connected to and in communion with the Father. On their little mountaintop retreat the Glory of Christ was revealed. Jesus experienced a dazzling white transformation of his features and his clothing. In Church life it has been called the 'transfiguration'. - They all heard God's Word - a voice: "This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him." We are now in a special season - Lent. It started 10 days ago. Lent can be like a special retreat experience for us. We can pray more and take time away from normal everyday activities to look at what's going on inside of us and all around us. Hopefully we've figured out some practice to get us out of our ordinary routine and to be with Jesus. Maybe it's Eucharistic Adoration, where if we sit in silence before the Body of Christ we will experience His Glory radiating out of the Host. Maybe it's going to daily mass, receiving frequent communion and experiencing God's love for us in the sacrament. Maybe it's listening to God's Word in scripture where we hear God's confirmation that Jesus is our Lord and that we, too, are adopted sons and daughters. We are his beloved children and we need to keep listening to Him. The Transfiguration reminds us that we can't stay on retreat forever. Jesus straightened out his three friends on that issue. Peter, James and John liked what was happening on Mount Tabor. All verbalized to Christ that they wouldn't mind staying on the retreat for a few more days or weeks. It was awesome! Peter even said, "We will build three booths: one for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah. We can stay right here." Jesus broke up the party and said, "All good things must come to an end." Christ was clear: There was work to do - people to be healed and preaching of the Kingdom to be done. The message for us as Catholic, Christian, modern-day apostles is that we are contemplatives in action. We are men and women who need spiritual formation moments and prayer opportunities that build us up and strengthen us. BUT we also are workers for the Kingdom of God who do stuff - loving transformative actions - in the world. A good message from the Transfiguration is this: • We should seek and treasure those times we get to be in union with God the Father and Jesus our Savior. We love getting on our knees and having holy moments of prayer! • Yet as Catholic disciples, we are always missionaries. We must "stay on our feet" doing the work of the Lord. We are contemplatives in action. V tem tednu so obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Nedelko Katarina 1999-03-08 Vlašič Matija 2007-03-08 Ftičar Jožef Karl 2008-03-10 Peternel Anton 2010-03-10 Ostanek Louis 1983-03-11 Fylypiu Walter 1988-03-11 Langenfus Josef 1995-03-11 Gričnik Franc 2001-03-11 Lovšin Joseph 1972-03-12 Dvoršak Jakob 1981-03-12 Desarno Sabato 2010-03-13 Urek Anna 1986-03-14 Miklavčič Florian 2004-03-15 Booth Steve 2011-03-15 112 | VESTNI K 2020 SSDC - Slovenian Summer Bay mn MM This August 2020, we will be hosting the 20th anniversary of the SSDC. It is hard to believe that it has already been 20 years since the start of this tradition of bringing our children together for a week of fun and bonding. I have personally enjoyed playing with all the kids every August and had fun coming up with new ways to play, learn and watch the creativity of all the children who have joined in this week of fun! I would love to see the SSDC continue, however, the time has come to pass on the torch. Hopefully, somebody, or a group of friends, will reach out and take on this task. I am more than happy to help out in any way I can, however, I believe it is time for some fresh ideas to be injected into this fabulous and fun program that was started here so many years ago. Please call me at 905-3176002 or email me at and we can discuss the possibilities. The SSDC this year will take place from August 4th to August 7th. The theme will be "A H < Reunion of Friends." I am hoping that all families who have participated in the Day Camp in any way will come and join in the fun throughout this week. The schedule of events will be posted in June so that your calendars can be updated and plans can be made to join in our fun! We will again host our annual soccer game on the Friday of that week (August 7th) beginning at 6:00 p.m. with a BBQ, followed by some music and of course our infamous Campers vs. parents/family soccer game. But watch out parents, this year you'll be competing against many of our alumni campers. On September 27th, at our Parish Fall Banquet, we will celebrate all the children (and now young adults) and their families who have ever participated in the SSDC. We welcome you to all join us on that day for lunch and recognition of your participation. This day will act not only as recognition of the past 20 years, but set an example of the possibilities for our next 20. I am truly excited about this year's Day Camp and look forward to playing with all the kids and young adults who have ever enjoyed the games, entertainment and learning at the SSDC. Heidy Novak VESTNI K 2020 | 113 Katoliška itnska mm ■ CNL illisr: MareJi 1, MM Our bazaar held on March 1, 2020 was a fabulous occasion. We were so pleased to have a full upper hall of our members and parishioners along with their family and friends attend this time honoured tradition! We thank you for your tremendous support. Proceeds directly support our parish community. Multiple generations shared an afternoon of fellowship and fun. A tasty lunch provided by Nancy and her team was nicely served to us by our youth. Noodles, apple štrudel, krofe, and pecivo were available for purchase along with ample opportunities to buy assorted tickets with the hopes of winning prizes. The Children's Centre was a hub of activity, novelty and entertaining games. We appreciate your donations of pecivo, handcrafted items and prizes. We thank you for purchasing tickets and appreciate the efforts of those who took time to obtain sponsorship and donations. Thank you for your generosity and congratulations to all prize winners! Thank you to our volunteers who contributed to the success of our bazaar. They organized and staffed different centres of activity and worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Thank you to all who responded with a 'yes' when we reached out to you for help. Thank you for performing acts of service with great love! Our volunteers included: Father Drago Gačnik, Sidonia and Bob Poppa, Pamela and Joe Gosgnach, MaryAnn Demšar, Terezija Sarjaš, Kristen Farbotko, Alyssa Sebben, Daniela Pavlič and Sam, Nancy Dundek-Taylor, Milena Krušič, Francka Antolin, Heidy Novak, Jessica and Jesse Pace, Tončka and 114 | VESTNI K 2020 Franc Smodiš, Vera Gonza, Majda Lukežič, Kasia and Adam, Terezija Pučko and Elka Persin, Albina and Joe Antolin, Angela Antolin, Jožica and Niki Vegelj, Carli, Sofie, Zorka Rev, Tony Horvat, Dragica and Lojze Ferenčak, Marina Štefanec, Matilda Zupančič, Irena Kolmanič, Milka and Karol Ferko, Štefka Eržen, Marianne and Leah Škerl, Mary Miklavčič, Magda Benc, Anna Doma, Angela Kobe, Marija Bajuk, Frances and Olivia Scarcelli, Elizabeth, Amalia, Nikola and Kyle Lukežič, Mary, Kristina and Carmen Hode, Joshua, Ava and Jane Erzar and Matthew Mramor. A shout out as well to everyone who stayed behind and assisted with the final clean up. This was greatly appreciated. We know some of our members and parishioners would have liked to have joined us but were not able to attend. Thank you for being with us in spirit! We are grateful to our CWL and St. Gregory the Great Sponsors: St. Joseph Society, Atkinson Engineering, Scattolon Construction, Pinchin Environmental, TAK Technologies, T. Lloyd Electric, McGowan Insulations, Claybar Con tracting, SGI-Seguin Engineering, Besseling Mechanical, Johnson Controls, Punjab, Beamsville| Home Hardware, Novak Property Maintenance, K905 Groomer, Home Depot (Centennial Pkwy.), Roma and Highland Packers. A very special thank you to Scattolon Construction for their generous gift of a 12" Omcan Italian meat slicer that was donated to our church. It will be put to good use! May God bless all of our par- ish community and supporters and may our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel watch over you! V imenu naše katoliške ženske zveze najlepša hvala! Naj Bog Vam vsem tisočkrat povrni! Rosemary Šušteršič, president VESTNI K 2020 | 115 116 | VESTNI K 2020 V nedeljo, 1. marca 2020, smo pri maši imeli tudi predstavitev birmancev, ki so po pridigi izpovedali vero, se nato podpisali na dokument in s tem potrdili, da mislijo resno v pripravi na prejem zakramenta sv. birme. Birmanci so sodelovali pri maši z branjem beril, prošenj za vse potreb, prinesli so darove in dva sta prebrala uvod in razlago pozdrava miru. Lepo je bilo videli polno cerkev med mašo in še več, mnogo mladih in njihovih družin. Pri maši sta pela cerkveni mešani zbor - pri orglah pa Carl Vegelj in angleški zbor pod vodstvom Ivana Mertuka. Po maši, ko so ostali odšli v dvorano, smo se z birmanci zaustavili v cerkvi in nadaljevali s pripravo na birmo - predvsem duhovno pripravo. Hvala vsem za sodelovanje, še posebej Lorie Mramor za pomoč pri organizaciji. VESTNI K 2020 | 117 Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 8. marec: Sava - Mass 12:00 noon ♦ 8. marec: London - Mass 4:00 p.m. ♦ 15. marec: Društvo sv. Jožefa, Mass 10:00 a.m., Banquet 12:00 noon. ♦ 22. marec: St. Gregory - AGM, Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 29. marec: St. Gregory - Confirmation, Mass 11:00 a.m. (only) ♦ 30. marec: SCCN Meeting - 7:00 p.m. at St. Gregory the Great GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 8. mar. 9:30 a.m.: Ignac in Terezija Kolenko ♦ 15. mar. 10:00 a.m.: Danny Demšar & Peter Novak ♦ 22. mar. 10:00 a.m.: Parish Council ♦ 29. mar. 11:00 a.m.: Confirmation candidates PEVSKE VAJE_ Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so ob četrtkih po večerni maši, za angleški zbor pa v sredo po večerni maši. Slovenski zbor poje naslednjič v nedeljo 15. marca (St. Joseph's Society Banquet), skupaj z angleškim zborom. Maša je ob 10:00h. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA_ * Villa Slovenia Bingo is every Monday at 1:00 PM - Break up your dreary winter and join us! Also join your friends for our Tuesday social nights. * Annual St. Joseph's Banquet will be held on Sunday, March 15th. Mass at 10:00 a.m. Tickets ($25.00) available before and after Masses, Sunday March 8, on Tuesday evenings at Villa Slovenia on March 10th or call Peter Novak for more information: 905-928-9984. Ticket deadline is March 13th. NO SALES AT THE DOOR! Special Guest: Mladi Glas, dance Group Special Tribute to Jerry Ponikvar! Canadian Slovenian Historical Society On Sunday, April 19, 2020, the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society will be hosting a Luncheon and Short Program "Remembering the Slovenian Exodus 1945 - 75th Anniversary". Tickets are on sale $40 adults and $25 under 18 years and can be purchased at Moya Financial during regular business hours or following both Masses on Sunday March 8, 29 and April 5. DAROVI - DONATIONS_ Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: v spomin na pokojnega Joe Lakoviča: - $50 Ivan in Minka Šemen V spomin na pokojnega Jerry Ponikvarja: - $50 Dorothea Ježovnik - $100 Frank in Jožica Erzar v zahvalo za vse izlete, ki jih je Jerry vodil. - $50 Jože in Jožica Groznik Namesto rož za pokokjnega Maksa Pavliča: - $80 Manja Erzetič - $100 Joe in Kathy Prša - $50 Toni in Marija Franc - $50 Anita in Zvonko Vuk Cecilija Sobočan je darovala za gradbeni sklad $100 namesto rož na grob pokojne Joyce Tompa. - Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 118 | VESTNI K 2020 CWL - KŽZ_ Please note that our next CWL General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 11th after 7:00 p.m. Mass. Mass intention is for sick people. SVETI KRST - BAPTISM Zakrament svetega krsta je, v soboto, 7. marca 2020, prejel JOHNNY PETER HOČEVAR. Starša dečka sta, oče Johnny Paul Hočevar in mati Kristina Francesca Kure. Iskrene čestitke ob krstu drugega otroka. Naj njuno družino spremlja Božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške matere Marije. svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNI K 2020 | 119 lif od 08. 03. 2020 do 15. 03. 2020 svete maše - masses 2. Postna nedelja 8. Marec Janez od Boga, red. Za žive in rajne župljane f Štefka Kovič ff Starši in brat Zagorc ff Starši Erzar in sestre f Jože Hanc f Cecilija Smodiš ff Paula in Franc Pelcar ff Pokojni člani društva Sava ff Pokojni iz slovenske skupnosti 9:30 a.m...... Stojanka Jožica Erzar z družino Franc Erzar z družino Jože in Marija Magdič Jože in Marija Magdič 11:00 a.m. Stan Pelcar & Josie Dube z druž. 12:00 noon Sava - Breslau 4:00 p.m. London - St. John the Divine Pon.-Mon. 9. Marec f Eileen MacKenzie 8:00 A.M. N.N. Torek - Tuesday 10. Marec 40 mučencev ff Anton in Agnes Peternel, obl. ff Czestaw in Vanda Janowsky f Helena Žižek, obl. f Rezka Vegelj 7:00 p.m. Judy and Silvia Peternel Jožica Novak z družino Hči z družino Ivan in Jožica Vegelj Sreda - Wednesday 11. Marec Benedikt, škof f Ana Nedelko f Cecilija Smodiš f Ana Nedelko f Izidor Fujs, obl. f Ana Nedelko f Jože Pust f Stephanie Pust, obl. f Neil Lambert, obl. Intention for CWL Mass: za zdravje 7:00 p.m. Marija in Jože Magdič z družino Ivan Nedelko Mož z družino Aranka Dundek z družino Marina Štefanec Družina Pust Družina Pust Družina Pust Četrtek - Thursday 12. Marec, Doroteja, muč ff Starši, brata in sestra f Zdravko Troha j Matija Vlašič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Jožica Novak z družino Danica Maradin Dorothea Ježovnik Petek - Friday 13. Marec Kristina, dev. Muč. ff Tilka in Tone Vengar f Marija Kranjec ff Franc in Jožefa Majzelj f Maks Pavlič f Irma Dorenčec Križev pot -Stations of the Cross 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Jožica Novak z družino Olga Glavač Franc in Marica Majzelj Manja Erzetič Ignac in Gabriela Robačer ff Anton in Marija Kociper 5:30 p.m. Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak z druž. Sobota f Marta Virag Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak z druž. Saturday ff Irma Dorenčec Družina Antolin f Cecilija Smodiš Jože in Marija Magdič z družino 14. Marec f Ana Nedelko Štefan Horvat (Slovenija) Matilda, kraljica f Joe Lackovič Žena z družino Lazar Milanski, škof f Joe Lackovič Štefan Petek z družino f Joe Lackovič Jože in Marija Magdič 3. Postna nedelja Papeška 15. Marec Klemen, redovnik Za žive in rajne župljane f Slavko Štern, obl. f Marica Noč ff Teresa, Betty Ferko, Marija Bukvič f Irma Dorenčec f Frank Gimpelj, obl. f Jerry Ponikvar f Jerry Ponikvar __Banquet of St. Joseph't Society_ 10:00 a.m. ----- Žena z družino Družina Rev Jožica Novak z družino Stan in Ana Gjerek (Toronto) Jože Gimpelj Pepca Hapke Društvo sv. Jožefa 12:00 noon Parish Upper Hall_ 120 | VESTNI K 2020