Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)5, 319-325 © 2019 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2018.5965 Short Scientific Paper Received for review: 2018-12-31 Received revised form: 2019-04-11 Accepted for publication: 2019-05-08 Development of a Mixing Mechanism with a Complex Motion of the End-effector Alexey Fomin* - Wsevolod Ivanov Siberian State Industrial University, Russia This study is focused on the development and analysis of a single-driven mixing mechanism, synthesized with a minimum number of links and joints. The end-effector of this mechanism is designed as a screw ending with a mixing element (blades) moving along a spatial trajectory. The end-effector is set between movable links in the kinematic chain of the mechanism. This allows increasing the working zone of the end-effector. The study provides kinematic analysis via an analytical method of coordinate transformations that have resulted in the detection of variable kinematic parameters (tilt angles and displacements in joints) depending on driving link rotation angle. Based on these results, the motion trajectory of the mixing element has been analytically determined and reproduced. Analytical findings have been verified by results of motion simulations. The presented mechanism is advisable to use for the preparation of various mixtures and levelling the concentrations and temperature of mixed substances. The mechanism can be used in the food, medical, chemical, and construction industries, as well as in agriculture. Keywords: kinematic pair, mixing mechanism, degree-of-freedom, spatial trajectory, analytical kinematics. Highlights • A novel single-driven mixing mechanism in which an end-effector reproduces a movement with four degrees-of-freedom has been synthesized. • It has been found that the developed mechanism is the simplest one in terms of numbers and types of joints and links for the reproduction of prescribed motion with four degrees-of-freedom. • Kinematic analysis has been carried out with the definition of all variable parameters (tilt angles and displacements in joints), and the spatial trajectory of the end-effector has been calculated and reproduced. • The proposed mechanism can be applied for preparation of various mixtures and the levelling of concentrations and temperatures in mixed substances. 0 INTRODUCTION Improvements in the machine-building industry have radically affected the development of associated industries by the introduction of advanced and highperformance techniques. It has become possible to ensure advanced characteristics of created machines and mechanisms as early as at the design stage. One of the basic stages in the creation of any mechanical system is the structural synthesis (design) of its kinematic scheme, considering the numbers and types of links and joints, as well as their placement in a kinematic chain. One study [1] provides a synthesis method that allows obtaining these parameters for parallel mechanisms based on the theory of linear transformations. Another synthesis method is shown in [2]; it is applied for serial-parallel mechanisms with spatial multi-loop kinematic chains based on the displacement group theory and the Assur principle. In another study [3], the authors show a design method of the five-bar screw-lever manipulator and vary its end-effector's trajectory. The proposed method is based on searching for optimal geometries of links that allow reproducing complex screw trajectories by the end- effector. One study [4] provides fundamental concepts for diverse mechanical systems behind the design, analysis, control, and programming. Thus, it becomes possible to guarantee the required law motion of a designed system and its high efficiency at the stage of the structural synthesis. In addition, the provision of the minimum number of drives and movable elements in designed systems is a relevant task, the solution of which allows ensuring advanced reliability, high speed, and efficiency, as well as reducing structural loads in links and joints during its operation. In [5], a systematic procedure for the synthesis of single-loop compliant mechanisms having minimum elements is provided. These mechanisms are applied for adaptive structures. Another study that proposes a synthesis of mechanisms with minimum elements is [6], in which Grubler's method is used for designing mechanisms with two general imposed constraints. In [7], the optimal design of mechanisms considering tolerances on link lengths and clearances in joints is applied for four-bar linkages as the simplest systems. In [8], a multi-objective optimization procedure for a robotic *Corr. Author's Address: Siberian State Industrial University, Department of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Kirova Str. 42, 654007 Novokuznetsk, Russia, 319 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)5, 319-325 arm is developed based on the implementation of design criteria. The presented study is focused on the synthesis of mixing mechanisms. Fig. 1 shows the simplest mixing mechanisms based on the kinematic schemes of single-driven planar four-bar linkages: crank-rocker (Fig. 1a) and crank-slider (Fig. 1b). Both linkages include fixed link 1, crank 2, coupler 3, oscillating link 4, and mixing element 5. Oscillating link 4 is made as a rocker in Fig. 1a, when it is made as a slide block in Fig. 1b. In both mechanisms, the end-effector is coupler 3 that is set between movable links 2 and 4. This feature makes it possible to reach an increased working zone of mixing element 5, which is rigidly mounted on coupler 3 in both mechanisms. The fault of construction of such mechanisms is that mixing element 5 moves along a planar trajectory. If the spatial motion of the mixing element could be reached, the efficiency of the mixing process would be significantly increased. There are other mechanisms for mixing operations in which end-effectors are guided along spatial trajectories. There is a mechanism that reproduces complex screw trajectories with a curvilinear axis, presented in [3]. A mixing device that provides a complex trajectory with four dependent motions is shown in [9]. Several parallel mechanisms shown in [10] have been synthesized to reach combined spatial motions by their end-effectors. Despite the opportunity to reproduce the spatial movements of end-effectors in these mechanisms, the efficiency of their functioning for mixing processes can be improved with the development of their kinematic chains, as well as improvement of output trajectories. This study aims to develop a novel mixing mechanism, which could include a minimum number of movable links, a single drive, only one-degree-of-freedom (DoF) joints, only double-paired links and to provide a movement of the end-effector along a spatial trajectory. Also, the end-effector of the proposed mechanism will be mounted on the intermediate link in the kinematic chain to obtain its increased working zone. 1 SYNTHESIS OF KINEMATIC SCHEME OF MIXING MECHANISM Simple mechanisms, those that have a minimal number of links and joints, are preferable for practical reasons. The design issue of such mechanisms is directly related to finding the ratio between the number of DoF of a designed system, the numbers and types of links and joints, as well as the number of general constraints imposed on a whole system. These parameters are considered in the universal formula of mobility [11], written below: k=5 Wm =(6 - m )n -£(k - m ), (1) k-m=l where Wm is the mobility of a mechanical system determining the number of its DoF, m is the number of general constraints imposed on the entire mechanical system, n is the number of movable links, k is a class of kinematic pairs (joints) determining their DoF, from 5 to 1. Eq. (1) can be used to calculate structural parameters for synthesis of mechanisms with mobility Wm > 0, or kinematic chains with Wm < 0, or groups of zero mobility (Assur groups) with Wm = 0 [12] and [13]. This formula also allows carrying out structural /77777777777777777777777777, Fig. 1. Kinematic schemes of mixing mechanisms based on planar four-bar linkages: a) crank-rocker, and b) crank-slider 320 Fomin, A. - Ivanov, W. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)5, 319-325 analysis of mentioned kinematic chains with different mobility. For the aim of this study, accept the following conditions for the synthesized mechanism: having single drive (Wm = 1); provision of one DoF for all joints (p5 4 0, p4 = 0, p3 = 0, p2 = 0, p1 = 0); using only double-paired links (i.e., links that form two joints among themselves); ensuring a spatial motion with four DoF by the end-effector (m = 2). According to these conditions, Eq. (1) is transformed into the following form: n = (3p5 +1)/4. (2) According to (2), parameter n can take following values 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, ..., when p5 is equal to 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, etc. The first solution when n = 1 and p5 = 1 describes the simplest mechanism, a crank or a slider. The next solution is when n = 4 and p5 = 5. According to this solution, the kinematic scheme of the planar mechanism shown in Fig. 1b will be transformed into the spatial form. At the same time, the position of all links in one or several parallel planes will be provided to minimize dynamic loads during movement. The mechanism designed on this idea and included calculated parameters is shown in Fig. 2. This mechanism involves fixed link 1, crank 2, coupler 3, screw 4, at the end of which mixing element with blades 5 is rigidly mounted, and rocker 6 made in the form of a nut. Kinematic pairs of links 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 1-6 are rotational, and pair of links 4-6 is a screw. Moreover, the geometrical axes of joints 1-2, 2-3, and 1-6 are parallel to each other, and the geometrical axes of joints 3-4 and 4-6 lie in the perpendicular plane to them. Fig. 2. Mixing mechanism with a complex motion of the end-effector The input motion in this mechanism is realized by rotation of crank 2 around the geometric axis of links 1-2. According to Eq. (1), the mobility of the mechanism is equal to one (W2 = 1). As distinct from the other four DoF mechanisms, such as 3T1R parallel manipulators shown in [14], models of deltarobot shown in [15] and [16], the proposed mixing mechanism has different types of end-effector motions. The end-effector, screw 4 with blades 6, has three motions (two prismatic and one rotational) in a single plane and additional rotational motion around the axial axis of screw 4. The operational principle of this mechanism is in the following. When crank 2 is actuated, it drives coupler 3, which puts in motion screw 4. The distance between joints 3-4 and 4-6 will be changed, and rocker 6 will incline screw 4 with blades 5. Due to the presence of screw joint 4-6 and rotational joint 3-4 having an identical spinning axis, screw 4 has additional rotation around its axial axis. Thus, the developed mechanism has a minimum number of links and single drive, while it realizes a spatial movement of blades 5 with four DoF. A minimum number of links and the presence of only one-DoF joints ensure the simplicity of the mechanism's design and increase the reliability of its functioning. The application of this mechanism can be associated with performing various operations related to mixing. It can be used in the food, medical, chemical, and construction industries, as well as agriculture as a device for the preparation of homogeneous mixtures, as well as a device providing intensification of mass and heat exchange processes, equalizing the concentration and temperature of mixed substances. 2 KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF MIXING MECHANISM Regarding the motion trajectory definition of blades 5, it is appropriate to apply an analytical method of coordinate transformation for the kinematic analysis of the discussed mechanism as blades 5 are directed along a spatial trajectory. This method is widely used in analysing open and closed spatial kinematic chains. In [17], this method is applied to the analysis of the biped robot Pasibot as open kinematic chain. The analysis of closed kinematic chains is presented in [18], in which a 3CPS parallel manipulator is studied, and in [19], in which the mechanism for internal surfaces cutting is investigated. Fig. 3 shows the kinematic scheme of the mixing mechanism, in which spatial coordinate systems are connected with Development of a Mixing Mechanism with a Complex Motion of the End-effector 321 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)5, 319-325 each link. The origin of coordinate system Ojxxyxzx is connected with link 1 and located in joint 1-2. Fig. 3. Toward a kinematic analysis of the mixing mechanism The origin of the coordinate system O2 x2y2z2 is connected with crank 2 and located in joint 2-3. Axes xj and x2 are parallel to each other. The mechanism is actuated by the rotation of crank 2 around axis xj at angle which is a given parameter. The position of coordinate system O2 x2y2z2 in system OJxJyj zj is determined with the following Denavit and Hartenberg matrix: j(2,1) = 1 0 0 0 -a 10 0 -l2sin^1 0 cos^ - sin^ l2cos^ 0 sin^1 cos^1 \ (3) where a is given structural dimension; l2 is the length of crank 2. Parameters a and l2 define the displacement of coordinate system O2x2y2z2 relative to system O1 x1 y1z1. The origin of the coordinate system O3x3y3 z3 is connected with coupler 3 and located in joint 3-4. Axes x2 and x3 are parallel to each other. The position of coordinate system O3 x3y3 z3 in system O2 x2y2 z2 is described using a Denavit and Hartenberg matrix, written in the following form: f j(3,2) = 1 0 ^ 0 0 0 -b 1 0 -l3sm^2 0 cos^>2 sm^>2 l3cos^>2 0 - sm^>2 cos^>2 (4) where b is given structural dimension; l3 is the length of coupler 3; is a variable parameter describing the rotation of coupler 3 relative to crank 2. Parameters b and l3 define the displacement of coordinate system O3 x3y3 z3 relative to system O2 x2y2 z2. The origin of coordinate system O4 x4y4z4 is connected with screw 4 and located in joint 3-4, where axes y3 and y4 are coincident. The position of coordinate system O4x4y4z4 in system O3 x3y3z3 is defined with the following Denavit and Hartenberg matrix: T(4'3> = (1 0 0 0 0 cos^3 0 - sin^3 0 0 1 0 .0 sin^3 0 cos^3 (5) where is a variable parameter describing the rotation of screw 4 relative to coupler 3. The origin of coordinate system O5 x5 y5 z5 is connected with rocker 6 and located in joint 6-1. The position of coordinate system O5 x5 y5 z5 in system O4 x4 y4 z4 is described with the following Denavit and Hartenberg matrix: T(5'4> = (1 0 0 0 ^ 0 cos^3 0 sm^3 S 0 10 0 - sin^3 0 cos^3 (6) where S is a variable parameter describing the distance between joints 3-4 and 4-6. Parameters S and y3 are linked through screw pitch p, which is a given parameter. The position of coordinate system O1 x1 y1 z1 in system O5 x5 y5 z5 is described with the following Denavit and Hartenberg matrix: T<1'5) = 10 0 0 a + b 1 0 0 -l1cos^4 0 cos^>4 - sm^>4 -l1sin^4 0 sm^>4 cos^>4 A (7) where is a variable parameter describing the rotation of rocker 6 relative to fixed link 1; lj is the length of fixed link 1. The closedness equation of the closed contour of the investigated mechanism is written as: j(2,1) j(3,2) j(4,3) j(5,4)J(1,5) _ £ (g) where E is identity matrix. The position of end point N at screw 4 (Fig. 3) in coordinate system Oj xj yj zj is defined by radius-vector rN from the following equation: 320 Fomin, A. - Ivanov, W. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)5, 319-325 yiN = T(2,i)T(3,2)T(4,3) 0 h V 0 y (9) where y1N and z1N are coordinates of point N in system O1x1y1z1; l4 is the length of screw 4. The numerical values of angles 92, 93, 94 and displacement S are found from Eq. (8). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For the numerical calculation, the following parameters have been accepted: l1 = 600 mm, l2 = 300 mm, l3 = 246 mm, l4 = 1040 mm, a = 40 mm, b = 25 mm, and p = 100 mm. Table 1 provides the numerical values of angles 92, 93, 94, displacement S, coordinates y1N, z1N and the length of radius-vector rN depending on angle ^j. Fig. 4 provides a graphical interpretation of the dependences of angles 92, 93, 94 and displacement S on angle 91, defining a position of the driving link. These graphics have are in accordance with the analytical values shown in Table 1. Based on the obtained results, a spatial motion trajectory of blade 5 has been analytically reproduced. It is presented in Fig. 5 relative to base coordinates Oxy^]^ having a centre in joint 1-2. The motion trajectory in Fig. 5 is fundamentally different from 1 rN = z Table 1. Numerical values of variable parameters (q2, 93, q4, S, y1N, z1N and r1N) depending on angle 91 for twelve positions of mixing mechanism ide9l 92 [deg] 93 [deg] 94 [deg] S [mm] y1N [mm] Z1N [mm] r 1N [mm] 0 48.06 39.07 48.06 624.16 877.29 -309.33 930.23 30 28.24 -532.05 58.24 457.79 906.50 -495.00 1032.84 60 5.18 -1191.86 65.18 278.93 919.42 -690.80 1150.02 90 -34.97 -1576.95 55.03 171.96 1097.56 -711.29 1307.89 120 -102.40 -1191.86 17.60 278.93 1325.46 230.10 1345.28 150 -151.76 -532.04 -1.76 457.79 1181.94 17.93 1182.08 180 -185.07 39.04 -5.07 624.16 1014.22 36.73 1014.89 210 -211.06 520.92 -1.06 754.70 885.25 5.30 885.27 240 -233.54 818.86 6.46 837.46 801.25 -22.8 801.57 270 -254.15 879.21 15.85 865.78 767.60 -47.59 769.07 300 -273.74 818.86 26.26 837.46 781.64 -89.60 786.76 330 -292.85 520.92 37.15 754.70 827.41 -172.29 845.16 45 90 135 180 225 270 315