Slov Vet Res 2017; 54 (3): 109 -16 UDC 636.5.09:616.34-002.18:579.84:616-022.3:577.21 Original Research Article DETECTION OF Lawsonia intracellularis DNA IN ILEAL TISSUES OF DEAD WILD BIRDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Jung-Yong Yeh1*, Jeong-Min Hwang2, Jae Geun Kim1 1Department of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, Academy-ro 119, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, 2Veterinary Research Center, Green Cross Veterinary Products Co., Ltd., Kugal-dong 227-5, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeong-gi-do 17066, Republic of Korea Corresponding author, E-mail: Abstract: Lawsoniaintracellularisis an etiological agent that causes proliferative enteropathy in various species. Little is known about the mechanisms of transmission of L. intracellularis, especially in wild bird species. The presence of L. intracellularis in dead wild birds in the Republic of Korea was investigated using the polymerase chain reaction method. L. intracellularis DNA was identified in the mucous membrane of the ileum in one Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo, Strigidae), two black-billed magpies (Pica pica sericea, Corvidae), and one jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos, Corvidae) among 745 dead wild birds examined. Although few wild birds in this study were exposed to L. intracellularis, the exposure was likely to be epidemiologically relevant. Regarding the ecological behavior of the bird species foundto be exposed to L.intracellularisin the current study (Eurasian eagle-owl, black-billed magpie, and jungle crow), swine or horse farm facilities, which are reservoirs for L. intracellularis, might be easily accessed by such wild birds. Thus, these and similar species could have increased chances of exposure to L. intracellularisand could serve as biological vectors of proliferative enteropathy. Wild bird feeding patterns and previous reports of wild and feral animals exposed to L. intracellularis could be an alternative explanation for the association between L. intracellularisand wild Key words: Lawsonia intracellularis; gene; diagnosis; surveillance; infectious disease; PCR Introduction Proliferative enteropathy is an intestinal disease that is characterized by thickening of the distal small and proximal large intestinal mucosa due to enterocyte proliferation associated with the presence of an intracellular bacterium (1). One such bacterium is the highly fastidious, obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis (2). A salient feature of the biology of L. intracellularis is its ability to produce a chronic infection that persists in the host, thus making Received: 30 July 2016 Accepted for publication: 13 April 2017 control of proliferative enteropathy difficult in infected animals. We previously reported an overall 4-year average true prevalence of L. intracellularis infection of 40.0% (CI: 39.4 - 40.6%) at the individual animal level and 71.9% (CI: 70.3-73.4%) at the herd level in 8,008 swine serum samples obtained from 1,001 herds (3). Although proliferative enteropathy is currently present in all swine-producing areas worldwide, including the Republic of Korea (ROK) (4), the epidemiology of proliferative enteropathy is still poorly understood. Although L. intracellularis has been most frequently recognized and studied by serology and molecular methods in swine and horses (5-8), diseases that closely resemble porcine 110 J.Y. Yeh , J.M. Hwang , J.G. Kim proliferative enteropathy and are also caused by L. intracellularis have been described in a range of host species as single case reports, including rodents, deer, emus, wolves, foxes, non-human primates, and rhesus macaques (9-16). Much ofthe available information regarding L. intracellularis is still rudimentary, despite its worldwide spread, high prevalence, economic impacts on the swine industry, and newly identified susceptible animal hosts. The fastidious conditions required for the isolation and in vitro cultivation of this pathogen also impede the progress of discovery and make L. intracellularis difficult to study. Therefore, previous surveillance for proliferative enteropathy caused by L. intracellularis has focused on the swine and equine industries, while reports in other species are in the format of case studies (10, 15-17). L. intracellularis has been reported in animals living in the wild, most frequently in wild pigs in the Czech Republic (15, 18) and in the feces of wolves (Canis lupus), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the Slovak Republic (16). Recent studies of L. intracellularis in wild and feral animals caught on pig farms suggested a potential environmental spill-over from swine to wildlife (19, 20). However, little is known about the mechanisms of transmission of L. intracellularis, especially in wild bird species, which could be important vectors for this bacterium. Proliferative enteropathy has not been reported in chickens or other avian species, with the exception of ratite birds (11, 17). Although L. intracellularis DNA was recently detected in turkey flocks (21), the disease has been confirmed only in emus (11) and ostriches (17) and has been reported as being absent in chickens and wild birds (22-24). The aim of the present study was to screen for the presence of L. intracellularis in the ileal tissues of dead wild birds in the ROK. Materials and methods Samples The study was carried out from 2010 to 2013. Carcasses of wild birds submitted to the Conservation Genome Resource Bank for Korean Wildlife (CGRB, Seoul National University, Seoul, ROK) and the Animal Disease Diagnostic Center of the Animal, Plant, and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the ROK, were used in the study. A total of 745 dead wild birds (belonging to 70 species) from all geographical regions of the ROK were submitted for examination, comprising 51 samples from 2010, 167 samples from 2011, 239 samples from 2012, and 288 samples from 2013. Table 1 shows the taxonomic families of the birds collected. All of the birds were received as carcasses, which were then stored at -20°C, until required. At necropsy, the gastrointestinal tracts were examined, with special attention paid to gross pathological findings, such as swelling, congestion, and hemorrhage of the ileum and cecum. The mucous membrane of the ileum was sampled by scraping the intestinal walls of each carcass; in addition, a 1-cm sample was taken from the middle of each ileum. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Ileal tissues were processed for nucleic acid purification within 48 hours of the carcasses having thawed. Phosphate-buffered saline (2 mL) was added to 1 g of ileal tissue in a conical tube. Each sample was vortexed for 10 sec. Nucleic acid purification from 180 pL of the supernatant was performed using an automated nucleic acid extraction system (BioRobot M48 Workstation, Qiagen, GmBH, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The purified DNA was then amplified by PCR using a previously described assay targeting an L. intracellularis gene, GenBank ID L08049 (25), and using a Mastercycler Gradient Thermal Cycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). The following primer sequences were used: LIA (5'-TATGGCTGTCAAACACTCCG-3) and LIB (5'-TGAAGGTATTGGTATTCTCC-3'). Positive (DNA from a pure culture of L. intracellularis) and negative (L. intracellularis-free DNA from ileal tissue samples) DNA controls were used in each run. After the PCR reaction, amplification products (5 pL) were analyzed by electrophoresis on a 3% agarose gel containing 0.5 pg/mL ethidium bromide. A 319-bp product indicated that L. intracellularis DNA was in the original sample. To prevent cross-contamination, the lab areas used for sample preparation, DNA extraction using automated nucleic isolation/ processing, and amplification/post-PCR analysis Detection of Lawsonia intracellularisDNA in ileal tissues of dead wild birds in the Republic of Korea 111 were physically separated. To prevent false positives, individual reagents and PCR-related consumables were screened before use to test for unknowns, especially oligonucleotides. Moreover, negative controls were run for every step using fresh reagents and disposables. Cloning, Sequencing, and Analysis of Nucleotide Sequences PCR and sequencing analysis of the 16S rRNA gene were performed. The amplified PCR products of DNA extracted from the ileal tissues were used for sequence analysis. Briefly, the PCR products were purified using a PCRquick- spin™ PCR Product Purification Kit (Intron Biotechnology, Seongnam-si, ROK) and cloned into the pGEM-T cloning system (Promega Corp., Madison, WI, USA). The plasmid clones were purified with a DNA- spin™ Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit (Intron Biotechnology), and the sequence analysis was conducted by Macrogen (Seoul, ROK). Nucleotide sequence homology searches of the cloned products of L. intracellularis in ileal tissues from the dead birds were analyzed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) BLAST network service. Results and discussion Of the 745 birds examined, L. intracellularis DNA was present in the mucous membrane of the ileum from one Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo; 5.0% among 20 samples), two black-billed magpies (Pica pica sericea; 2.0% among 96 samples), and one jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos; 3.0% among 33 samples) (Table 2). The amplified 16S rRNA gene sequences from all four infected wild birds were found to be 100% identical to a strain designated L. intracellularis PHE/MN1-00 (GenBank accession no. AM 180252.1) by sequence analysis. In some wild birds, gross pathology, such as swelling, congestion, or intestinal hemorrhage, was found, but was not correlated with the molecular detection results. No pathological findings were observed in the intestines of wild birds that tested positive for L. intracellularis. The lack of molecular pathogen detection in those wild birds with pathological findings may be related to a potential intermittent mode of pathogen shedding or recovery from L. intracellularis infection. All of the wild birds that were found to be positive for L. intracellularis in this study were collected in provinces where the prevalence of farm animals was relatively high. For example, the L. intracellularis DNA-positive Eurasian eagle-owl was collected in Gyeonggi province, where a 34.8% pig prevalence and 77.3% herd prevalence of L. intracellularis were previously reported (3). A black-billed magpie was found in Gangwon province (46.5% pig and 63.6% herd prevalence) and in Chungnam province (44.4% pig and 89.1% herd prevalence). In addition, the jungle crow was found in Jeju province (40.6% pig and 64.7% herd prevalence). All of the wild birds collected in areas with a lower prevalence of pigs and herds were negative in this study, e.g., Chungbuk (26.4% pig and 52.9% herd prevalence), Jeonbuk (30.8% pig and 38.2% herd prevalence), and Gyeongnam (20.3% pig and 47.9% herd prevalence). The demonstration of L. intracellularis as a causative agent is difficult (4, 26), because its in vitro cultivation is complicated and not widely available. For these reasons, methods of molecular biology are widely used to detect this pathogen (25, 27, 38). Our surveillance method for the molecular detection of DNA demonstrated evidence of L. intracellularis in tissue samples of the small intestine in dead wild birds (Eurasian eagle-owl, black-billed magpie, and jungle crow) during the surveillance period. However, there are a few reports that detail a lack of evidence for the presence of L. intracellularis in other avian species, such as sparrows (Passer domesticus) and domestic poultry (Gallusgallus) (29, 24). McOrist et al. could not find evidence of L. intracellularis DNA in chickens with enteric disease and considered that the bacterium appears to be associated with malabsorption syndromes in these birds (23). We previously reported that 40.0% (CI: 39.440.6%) of pigs and 71.9% (CI: 70.3-73.4%) of swine herds (3) were serologically positive for L. intracellularis. Lim et al. published that a total of 13/137 healthy rabbit feces were positive for L. intracellularis in the ROK (30). In addition, Hossain et al. reported that a total of 35 (25.74%) out of 136 sera and 36 (33.03%) out of 109 feces were positive for L. intracellularis in wild animals, such as the Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis), Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), in 112 J.Y. Yeh , J.M. Hwang , J.G. Kim Table 1: Seven hundred forty-five dead wild birds from 70 species were tested for the presence of Lawsonia intracellularis infection Family Species Common name Samples Accipitridae Aegypius monachus Cinereous vulture 1 Buteo buteo Common buzzard 8 Accipiter nisus Eurasian sparrowhawk 1 Alcedinidae Alcedo atthis Common kingfisher 3 Anatidae Anas formosa Baikal teal 6 Anser fabalis Bean goose 2 Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 60 Aix galericulata Mandarin duck 2 Psittacidae Parrot 1 Anas acuta Pintail 2 Anas poecilorhyncha Spot-billed duck 16 Anser albifrons White-fronted goose 6 Anatinae Anas crecca Common teal 7 Ardeidae Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned night heron 5 Bubulcus ibis Cattle egret 10 Ardea alba Great egret 6 Ardea cinerea Gray heron 9 Mesophoyx intermedia Intermediate egret 1 Egretta garzetta Little egret 8 Butorides striatus Striated heron 3 Caprimulgidae Caprimulgus jotaka Gray nightjar 5 Ciconiidae Ciconia boyciana Oriental white stork 1 Columbidae Columba livia Feral pigeon 3 Columba rupestris Hill pigeon 39 Streptopelia orientalis Rufous turtle dove 19 Coraciidae Eurystomus glaucurus Broad-billed roller 3 Corvidae Cyanopica cyanus Azure-winged magpie 1 Pica pica sericea Black-billed magpie 96 Garrulus glandarius Jay 6 Corvus macrorhynchos Jungle crow 33 Cuculidae Cuculus canorus Common cuckoo 1 Cuculus optatus Oriental cuckoo 1 Emberizidae Emberiza rustica Rustic bunting 2 Falconidae Falco tinnunculus Common kestrel 11 Falco subbuteo Eurasian hobby 10 Fringillidae Carduelis spinus Eurasian siskin 1 Carduelis sinica Gray-capped greenfinch 1 Detection of Lawsonia intracellularisDNA in ileal tissues of dead wild birds in the Republic of Korea 113 Family Species Common name Samples Gaviidae Gavia stellata Red-throated diver 1 Halcyonidae Halcyon pileata Black-capped kingfisher 2 Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica Barn swallow 1 Laridae Larus crassirostris Black-tailed gull 2 Larus argentatus Herring gull 1 Muscicapidae Cyanoptila cyanomelana Blue-and-white flycatcher 1 Oriolidae Oriolus chinensis Black-naped oriole 2 Paridae Parus major Great tit 2 Passeridae Passer montanus Tree sparrow 18 Phasianidae Gallus gallus domesticus Chick 1 Chrysolophus pictus Golden pheasant 1 Gallus gallus var. domesticus Korean black chicken 1 Phasianus colchicus Ring-necked pheasant 39 Picidae Dendrocopos major Great spotted woodpecker 1 Picus viridus Green woodpecker 1 Dendrocopos kizuki Japanese pygmy woodpecker 1 Procellariidae Calonectris leucomelas Streaked shearwater 1 Pycnonotidae Microscelis amaurotis Brown-eared bulbul 11 Rallidae Fulica atra Coot 1 Gallinula chloropus Moorhen 1 Scolopacidae Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel 1 Scolopax rusticola Woodcock 6 Strigidae Ninox scutulata Brown hawk owl 37 Otus lettia Collared scops owl 7 Bubo bubo Eurasian eagle-owl 20 Otus scops Eurasian scops owl 33 Asio otus Long-eared owl 2 Sstrix aluco Tawny owl 1 Sturnidae Ssturnus cineraceus Gray starling 1 Sylviidae Paradoxornis webbiana Vinous-throated parrotbill 1 Turdidae Turdus hortulorum Gray-backed thrush 1 Zoothera dauma White's thrush 13 Zosteropidae Zosterops japonicus Japanese white-eye 1 Unidentified 142 Total 745 114 J.Y. Yeh , J.M. Hwang , J.G. Kim the ROK (31). However, a molecular survey of L. intracellularis in wild birds was lacking. This is the first report of the detection of L. intracellularis in wild birds in the ROK. In this study, very few wild birds were infected with L. intracel-lularis, but the infections are likely to have epidemiological relevance. One Strigidae (Eurasian eagle-owl) and two Corvidae (black-billed magpie and jungle crow) were exposed to L. intracellularis. The Eurasian eagle-owl is known to feed mainly on small mammals, such as voles, rats, mice, and hares. However, prey the size of foxes, marmots, and young deer (up to 17 kg) can also be killed, if taken by surprise (32). Another significant group of prey is other birds, and almost any type of bird is potential prey. Common avian prey includes corvids, grouse, woodpeckers, and other raptors. These feeding behaviors could be a reason why the Eurasian Eagle-owl had been exposed to L. in-tracellularis, given that recent studies have shown exposure to L. intracellularis among wild and feral animals, e.g., cats, rabbits, foxes, and wild rodents, that were caught on pig farms (16, 19, 20). The black-billed magpie is an opportunistic omnivore, known for eating many types of insects, carrion, seeds, rodents, berries, nuts, eggs, and garbage and food from pets that are fed outside (33). Its chicks are fed animal matter almost exclusively. Crows are also omnivorous (34), and will eat a variety of both plant and animal foods, whether alive or dead, including fruits, nuts, mollusks, earthworms, seeds, frogs, eggs, nestlings, mice and carrion (35, 36). In rural areas of the ROK, these two Corvidae species, the black-billed magpie and jungle crow, scavenge livestock feeding areas in large numbers, and obtain much of their food from grains spilled or wasted by livestock feeders or from undigested grain in horse manure (37). These foraging habits may be responsible for the positive PCR results for L. intracellularis, because horses are one of the most important susceptible animal species in the epidemiology of proliferative enteropathy. The feeding patterns of the Eurasian eagle-owl, black-billed magpie, and jungle crow and previous reports of wild and feral animals exposed to L. intracellularis could be possible alternative explanations for the association between L. intracellularis and wild birds. Further study will be necessary to determine the relationship between susceptible animal species and avian species, given that increasing numbers of new susceptible animal hosts being identified. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to A-Reum Ga and Dan Bi Park for helping in laboratory work. This work was supported by an Incheon National University Research Grant for Jung-Yong Yeh. None of the authors of this paper has financial or personal relationships with other individuals or organizations that could influence or bias the content of this paper. Ethics approval was not required for this study. References 1. McOrist S, Gebhart C. Porcine proliferative enteropathies. In: Straw BE, D'Allaire S, Taylor D, Zimmerman J, eds. Diseases of swine. 9 ed. Ames : Wiley-Blackwell ; Iowa State University Press, 1999: 521-34. 2. McOrist S, Gebhart CJ, Boid R, et al. Characterization of Lawsonia intracellularis gen. nov., sp. nov., the obligately intracellular bacterium of porcine proliferative enteropathy. Int J Syst Bac-teriol 1995; 45(4): 820-5. 3. Yeh JY. Seroprevalence of porcine prolif-erative enteropathy before initiating vaccine marketing in Korea. 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Prisotnost L. intracellularis pri mrtvih prosto živečih pticah v Republiki Koreji je bila raziskana z metodo verižne reakcije s polimerazo (PCR). DNK L. intracellularis smo dokazali v sluznici vitega črevesja pri veliki uharici (Bubo bubo, Strigidae), dveh korejskih srakah (Pica pica sericea, Corvidae) in eni velekljuni vrani (Corvus macrorhynchos, Corvidae) izmed 745 preiskanih mrtvih divjih ptic. Čeprav je bilo v tej študiji le nekaj prosto živečih ptic izpostavljenih L. Intracellularis, kaže, da je izpostavljenost epidemiološko pomembna. V povezavi z običajnim obnašanjem različnih vrst ptic je verjetno možno domnevati, da so vrste izpostavljene L. intracellularis(velika uharica, korejska sraka in velekljuna vrana) na različnih farmah zlahka dostopale do prašičev ali konj, ki pa so znani rezervoarji za L. Intracellularis. Tako je verjetno, da imajo te in podobne vrste visoko možnost izpostavitvi L. intracellularis in bi lahko služile kot biološki vektorji za proli-ferativno enteropatijo. Drugo možnost izpostavitve teh ptic L. intracellularis pa so lahko načini prehranjevanja divjih ptic in njihovi stiki z divjimi živalmi, okuženimi z L. Intracellularis. Ključne besede: Lawsonia intracellularis; geni; diagnoza; nadzor; nalezljiva bolezen; PCR