Povzetki | Abstracts Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc Psychoanalysis, Anthropological Differences, and Political Forms: For an Intensive Difference Key words: democratic discourse and repetition, intensive-extensive universalities, equality and difference, political anthropology, Balibar This article deals with the programme of a "topography" of the political subject: it is an attempt at writing the politics of "modernity" and the typical aporias inherent in its discursive regimes, in order to correlate the question of political subjectivation with the unconscious. Its purpose is not an "applied psychoanalysis", nor a political psychology, but a problematisation of what repeats itself in politics, and what constitutes a "symptom" in such a repetition. Following Etienne Balibar's analyses of the "proposition d'ega-liberte" and the "three concepts of politics", 1 attempt to articulate three components of the political modernity: the order of repetition, of which we have to understand the logics to catch its binding effect; the equivocity of the figures of the political subject, which is the main effect of this compulsion of repetition, but yet the only way to make it politically and subjectively productive; the contradiction between the universality of political discourse and its limit, a limit that politics confronts less as a border with its "extensive" other (as being "non-political") than as the internal intensive differences putting politics into crisis (as being "impolitical"). Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc Psihoanaliza, antropološke razlike in politične forme: za intenzivno razliko Ključne besede: demokratični diskurz in ponavljanje, intenzivno-ekstenzivne univerzalnosti, enakost in razlika, politična antropologija, Balibar Pričujoči članek se ukvarja s programom "topografije" političnega subjekta. Je poskus pisanja politike "moderne" in tipičnih aporij, notranjih njenim diskurzivnim režimom, zato da bi izpostavil zvezo med vprašanjem politične subjektivacije in nezavednim. Članek ne meri na "uporabno psihoanalizo", niti na politično psihologijo, temveč na problematiza-cijo tistega, kar se v politiki ponavlja, kar tvori "simptom" v takem ponavljanju. Sledeč Balibarjevim analizam "propozicije o enakosti-svobodi" in "trem pojmom politike", avtor artikulira tri sestavine politične moderne: red ponavljanja, čigar logiko moramo dojeti, zato da bi lahko zapopadli njegov učinek povezovanje: ekvivokacijo figure političnega subjekta, ki je poglavitni učinek te prisile k ponavljanju, a hkrati tudi edini način, kako ga narediti politično in subjektivno produktivno: protislovje med univerzalnostjo političnega diskurza in njegovo mejo, ki jo politika srečuje manj v obliki meje z njenim "ekstenzivnim" drugim (kot "ne-politično") kakor v obliki notranjih intenzivnih razlik, ki izzovejo krizo politike (kot "impolitično"). Rodrigo De La Fabian On the Imperative of Happiness in Contemporary Neoliberalism. A Psychoanalytical Reading of the New Spirit of Capitalism Keywords: happiness, enjoyment; Lacan; positive psychology; neoliberalism The article aims to make a psychoanalytic reading of the evolution of the spirit of capitalism. By reading Lacan, the paper shows that to achieve this we must distinguish between the level of enjoyment and that of happiness. If, in capitalism, the former has always remained the same, the latter, on the other hand, has undergone remarkable historical changes. Returning to the genealogy of neoliberalism made by Foucault in the late 1970s, and by analysing the recent expansion of the new discourses on happiness (positive psychology, the happiness index, etc.), the article shows three moments of the spirit of capitalism: the first, where the promise of happiness is replaced by that of enjoyment; the second, where the entrepreneur of himself finds happiness as a promise; the third, where happiness is not just a promise but also capital that the neoliberal subject must enhance. Rodrigo De La Fabian O imperative sreče v sodobnem neoliberalizmu. Psihoanalitično branje Novega duha kapitalizma Ključne besede: sreča, užitek, pozitivna psihologija, neoliberalizem V tem članku avtor poskusi predstaviti psihoanalitično branje razvoja duha kapitalizma. Opirajoč se na branje Lacana, članek pokaže, da je to mogoče doseči, če ločujemo med dvema ravnema užitka in sreče. Če je v kapitalizmu prvi ostal nespremenjen, je druga doživela velike zgodovinske spremembe. Opirajoč se na genealogijo neolibaralizma, kot jo srečamo pri Foucaultu poznih sedemdesetih let, in analizirajoč aktualno širjenje novih diskurzov o sreči (pozitivna psihologija, indeks sreče itn.), članek izpostavi tri momente duha kapitalizma: prvič, moment, ko obljubo sreče zamenja obljuba užitka; drugič, moment, ko sam podjetnik odkrije srečo kot obljubo; tretjič, moment, ko sreča ni več obljuba, temveč kapital, ki ga mora neoliberalni subjekt krepiti. 222