SECONDARY QUERCUS PETRAEA PHYTOCENOSIS OF THE SUB-PANNONIAN REGION OF SLOVENIA (SYNTAXONOMIC PROBLEM OF SECONDARY ASSOCIATIONS OF CALLUNO-QUERCETUM AND LEUCOBRYO-QUERCETUM) SEKUNDARNA GRADNOVA FITOCENOZA SUBPANONSKEGA OBMOČJA SLOVENIJE (SINTAKSONOMSKI PROBLEM SEKUNDARNIH ASOCIACIJ CALLUNO-QUER^CETUM IN LEUCOBRYO- QUERCETUM) Mitja ZUPANČIČ1 & Vinko ŽAGAR2 ABSTRACT UDC 582.632.2:581.9(497.411) Secondary Quercus petraea phytocenosis of the sub-pan-nonian region of Slovenia (Syntaxonomic problem of the secondary associations of Calluno-Quercetum and Leucobryo-Quercetum) More recent study of secondary sessile oak phyto-cenoses on primary habitats of the association Blechno-Fage-tum have shown that only one association appears, Calluno--Quercetum petraeae, with two sub-associations - typicum and pinetosum sylvestris. It was shown that the other association, Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae, is floristically the same as Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. In addition to the aforementioned new sub-associations, we also recorded a new variant with manna ash, Calluno-Quercetum petraeae var. Fraxinus ornus, which is presumed to grow on habitats of the related association, Castaneo-Fagetum. Keywords: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae, Leucobryo--Quercetum petraeae, phytocenology, sub-pannonian region of Slovenia. IZVLEČEK UDK 582.632.2:581.9(497.411) Sekundarna gradnova fitocenoza subpanonskega območja Slovenije (Sintaksonomski problem sekundarnih asociacij Cal-luno-Quercetum in Leucobryo-Quercetum) Novejša preučevanja sekundarnih fitocenoz gradna na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Blechno-Fagetum so pokazala, da se pojavlja le ena asociacija Calluno-Quercetum petraeae z dvema subasociacijama -typicum in pinetosum sylvestris. Za drugo asociacijo Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae se je izkazalo, da je floristično enaka asociaciji Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. Poleg prej omenjenih novih subasociacij smo zabeležili še novo varianto z malim jesenom Calluno-Quer-cetum petraeae var. Fraxinus ornus, ki domnevno porašča primarna rastišča sorodne asociacije Castaneo-Fagetum. Ključne besede: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae, Leucob-ryo-Quercetum petraeae, fitocenologija, subpanonsko območje Slovenije. 1 Dr., SAZU, Novi trg 5, 1000 Ljubljana. 2 Bevkova ul. 1, 1290 Grosuplje FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 54/2, 247-260, LJUBLJANA 2013 INTRODUCTION During a short visit to the edge of the sub-pannonian region of Slovenia (Log, Dobovec pri Rogatcu) we observed a form of secondary sessile oak stand similar to the already described secondary association of sessile oak and heather, Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. We were not sure whether it was the same phytocenosis, since the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae grows on primary habitats of the association Blechno-Fagetum on fresh, more or less shady non-carbonate ground/soil. Our releves are on non-carbonate miocenic sandstone, but in warm exposures of primary forest that is difficult to determine because of the extremely degraded soil. It is probably a primary habitat of acidophilous beech forest, Castaneo-Fagetum. The presence of beech in the scrub layer, occasional European woodrush Luzula luzuloides and more frequent bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and the presence of a few individual beech species supports this. The difference between phytocenoses from central Slovenia and the sub-pannonian margins is in the thermophil-ous nature of the latter ,with species of the order of downy oak, pine and non-forest species. Research was carried out according to the standard Central European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) and phytocenological code (Weber et al. 2000). Plant nomenclature is according to Mala flora Slovenije (Martincic et al. 2007). We compared phytocenoses with the S0rensen's coefficient of similarity (1948). PROBLEM OF THE ASSOCIATION CALLUNO-QUERCETUM The beginning of understanding the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum goes back to the nineteen seventies. At that time in Slovenia, Marincek (1970) investigated acidophilous beech forests with hard fern Blechno-Fagetum on the basis of Horvat's (1950: 4549) publication of the association then named Fageto--Blechnetum (previously it had been called Fagetum si-licicolum). Horvat (1938: 199) already mentioned in his monograph the possibility of an acidophilous sub-association. Horvat (1962), in a monograph on the vegetation of western Croatia, validly named the association Blechno-Fagetum, with a statement of the diag-nostically important plant species. In 1974, in a monograph by Horvat et al. (1974: 426-428), a short contribution on acidophilous beech forests was published with two synthesis tables of the association Blechno-Fa-getum (Table 101) in the context of acidophilous beech associations of the alliance Luzulo-Fagion. Marincek (1970), in a discussion on the association Blechno-Fage-tum in Slovenia, reported more extensively and grounded it with an analytical phytocenological table. He indicated in the text the possibility of degradation forms of the association Blechno-Fagetum (Marincek 1970: 117-118). In the following years, he supplemented and collected numerous phytocenological releves and published the degradation or development pathway of the association Blechno-Fagetum (Marincek 1973). Marincek (1973) described in six phytocenologi-cal tables and documented in table form, nine or twelve »so-called« development stages (three stages were not based on tables) on primary habitats of the assolciation Blechno-Fagetum. The following were described: Fagus sylvatica-Vaccinium myrtillus, Fagus-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus, Pinus-Vaccinium, Quercus petraea-Vaccini-um myrtillus, Castanea-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus, Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris and Quercus-Pinus--Calluna vulgaris. In accordance with the code of phytocenological nomenclature of 1986 (Barkman et al. 1986), in 1995 we performed a review of acidophilous beech and sessile oak associations of Slovenia, which corresponds to the new Code (Weber et al. 2000), and development stages in primary habitats of the association Blechno--Fagetum (Marincek & Zupančič 1995: 33-34). We incorporated in the association Blechno-Fagetum the stages Fagus sylvatica-Vaccinium myrtillus, Fagus-Pi-nus-Vaccinium myrtillus and Pinus-Vaccinium myrtil-lus and divided them into three sub-associations Ble-chno-Fagetum vaccinietosum myrtilli, B.-F. pinetosum sylvestris and B.-F. quercetosum petraeae. The aforementioned stages were not explicitly degradational or in any way different from the main association Blech-no-Fagetum. The sub-associations show specific ecological particularities (soil or microclimate) and also a minor degradational or developmental direction of the phytocenosis, e.g., B-F. pinetosum and partially B.-F. quercetosum petraeae. The latter sub-association has only a slightly greater share of sessile oak than the normal (standard) association. The association Blechno--Fagetum is a phytocenosis of the submontane belt, in which Carpathian species are represented, including sessile oak. We reformed the stages Quercus petraea-Vaccini-um myrtillus and Quercus-Pinus-Vaccinium into the secondary association Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae, and we classified the stages Castanea sativa-Vaccinium myrtillus and Castanea-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus into a geographic variant with sweet chestnut of the same secondary association, Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Castanea sativa. The phytocenoses are located on the most degraded and acidified thermophil-ous habitats of the primary association Blechno-Fage-tum. This is reflected in the numerous spruce (Picea) species with a large surface area of cover and permanence (presence) and abundant presence of sessile oak. In view of the similarity of the phytocenosis Leucob-ryo-Quercetum with the primary association Blechno--Fagetum, Sorensen's index a = 86.0 or Jaccard a. = 75.4 is large but slightly smaller than in comparison with the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (as = 95.2, a. = 55.6). The index (as = 86.0) nevertheless explains the specific floristic differences between the phytocenoses Blechno-Fagetum and Leucob-ryo-Quercetum. The second complex of the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae was dictated to us mainly by the very widespread heather Calluna vulgaris in the stages Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris and Quercus--Pinus-Calluna vulgaris. Stands of sessile oak are open, so the habitats are sunny, impoverished and degraded. Marincek (1973: 90) was initially of the opinion that these development stages could not be treated as the secondary sessile oak association Calluno-Quercetum. He believed that there are no ecological conditions in Slovenia that would permanently ensure the existence of margins (Calluno-Genistetum), without constant anthropogenic influence. He later changed this opinion because in the Slovene case, these are not pure margins but more or less more stable, durable secondary sessile oak stands, several decades or centuries old and more. Development to primary beech forest Blech-no-Fagetum is very slow, sometimes even impossible because of altered microclimatic and soil conditions and still present anthropomorphic influences. It is interesting that the similarity with the primary association is large (as = 95.2 or aJ = 55.6). Synecological, synchronological, floristic and other general relations of the phytocenoses under discussion are described in detail in the paper by Marinček (1973), and synsystematically or a review of nomenclature in an article by Marinček & Zupančič (1995). In the treatment of our two phytocenological rel-eves of sessile oak stands from the edge of the Slovene sub-pannonian region, we considered the similarities with one of the aforementioned secondary phyto-cenoses. In view of the predominance of heather Callu- na vulgaris and sessile oak Quercus petraea the option was open of classifying our phytocenological releves into the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum pe-traeae. However, the thermophilous nature of the stands in question bothered us, whereby above all appear thermophilous manna ash Fraxinus ornus with accompanying common whitebeam Sorbus aria and wild service tree S. torminalis and some other more or less thermophilous species (e.g., Lathyrus niger, Tilia cordata, Galium laevigatum, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Scleropodium purum, Digitalis grandiflora, Lembotro-pis nigricans, Teucrium chamaedrys). It is certainly a secondary phytocenosis but on primary habitats of a more thermophilous phytocenosis. We suspect that it is the primary acidophilous association Castaneo-Fa-getum. This conclusion, as was already said at the beginning of the paper, is confirmed by the presence of beech Fagus sylvatica in the shrub layer, the species Luzula luzoloides and Vaccinium myrtillus and a small number of Fagus and some neutral, moderately baso-philous species. (See Tables 1 and 2). It follows from this that the secondary association Calluno-Querce-tum petraeae does not appear only on primary habitats of the association Castaneo-Fagetum. Our two phyto-cenological releves could perhaps, at least temporarily, be classified into the secondary association Calluno--Quercetum petraeae as an ecological variant with manna ash, so Calluno-Quercetum petraeae var. Fraxi-nus ornus. Numerical analysis of comparisons of similarity of our two releves with the phytocenosis Callu-no-Quercetum, though, indicated a low value, namely a = 35.7 or a. = 21.7, which does not suggest classification of our releves in the phytocenosis Calluno-Quer-cetum. The aforementioned finding encouraged us to define the so far undetermined characteristic species of the associations Calluno-Quercetum petraeae and Leu-cobryo-Quercetum petraeae and to establish the similarity of the phytocenoses between our releves and the associations Blechno-Fagetum, Calluno-Quercetum petraeae and Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae. On the basis of the synthesis comparative table (Table 2), we found that the characteristic species for the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petrae-ae are the following: Quercus petraea as the leading species of the phytocenosis, in contrast to the primary association Blechno-Fagetum, Calluna vulgaris, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Genista germanica, G. tinctoria, G. pilosa, Teucrium scorodonia, Hieracium umbellatum, H. sabaudum and Potentilla erecta. These characteristic species are not found in the primary association Blechno-Fagetum, or appear here and there with low or the lowest levels of presence (I-II) and have medium cover value; these are Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Genista pilosa, Potentilla erecta and Hieracium sabaudum. The exception is the characteristic or distinguishing species Quercuspetraea, which achieves a level of presence of II-IV with low values of median cover value. It should be noted that the species Quercus petraea is a constituent part of the submontane primary association Blechno-Fagetum. In comparing the characteristic species of the associations Calluno-Quercetum petraeae and Leucob-ryo-Quercetum (Table 2), we found that eight characteristic species of ten with high to moderate presence also appear in the association Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae. This finding led us to a comparison of similarity of the phytocenoses. The result showed that the associations Calluno-Quercetum petraeae and Leucob-ryo-Quercetum petraeae are very similar or the same, as is confirmed by the indexes a^ = 100.0 or a. = 61.9. The species Leucobrium glaucum, which should decisively characterise or distinguish the association Leu-cobryo-Quercetum petraeae from the other two associations, the secondary Calluno-Quercetum petraeae and primary Blechno-Fagetum, does not have this role because it is represented in all three associations with the highest presence and with medium cover values. We conclude that the secondary associations Cal-luno-Quercetum petraeae and Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae are combined into a single secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. We find that the association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae can be designated a Southeast-European - Il-lyrian geographic variant with the distinguishing species sweet chestnut, Calluno-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Castanea sativa. Sweet chestnut, Castanea sati- va, is present in both phytocenoses or in all of the aforementioned development stages. In some it predominates in the tree layer (see column 7 of Table 2) but for the most part in the shrub layer (see columns 2, 3, 6 of Table 2) with high presence. Sinsytematic arrangement of the phytocenoses would be: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Casta-nea sativa Marinček & Zupančič 1995 Incl.: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 (Art. 1, 25) Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 (Art. 1, 25) Some characteristic species of the primary association Blechno-Fagetum remain here and there in the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae, mainly beech and in some places also the species Baz-zania trilobata and Blechnum spicant. Remnants of characteristic species and some other more or less di-agnostically important species for the primary association Blechno-Fagetum (e.g., species of the order Quer-cetalia roboris-petraeae or classes Querco-Fagetea and Vaccinio-Piceetea) confirm that the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae occupies primary habitats of the association Blechno-Fagetum. It is therefore no coincidence that in terms of the old division, the phytocenoses are very similar, as the indexes show (Table 2), namely Calluno-Quercetum (columns 2 and 3): Blechno-Fagetum (columns 4 and 5) as = 95.,2, a. = 55.6 and Blechno-Fagetum (columns 4 and 5) : Calluno--Quercetum ( = Leucobryo-Quercetum columns 6 and 7) as = 86.0, a. = 75.4. TYPOLOGICAL ARTICULATION OF THE ASSOCIATION CALLUNO-QUERCETUM In relation to the degree of degradation, the association is divided into two sub-associations: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Castanea sativa Marinček & Zupančič 1995 typicum subass. nova The habitat is slightly less affected by human influence. In terms of degradation of the stands, the exploiter is left to natural renewal, especially after the abandonment of grazing or even pasturage. We have classified here stands from previous development stages (Marinček 1973) Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris Marinček 1973 and Castanea sativa-Vaccinium myrtil-lus Marinček 1973. Details are described in the paper by Marinček (1973). The sub-association does not have distinguishing species and we consider it to be a generally widespread basic phytocenosis. The holo-type is releve no. 5 from Table 3 (Marinček 1973: 98). Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Castanea sativa Marinček & Zupančič 1995 pinetosum sylvestris subass. nova The greater human influence is mainly because of occasional planting or seeding with Scots pine. This later sub-spontaneously establishes itself with self-seeding, especially where there is more light. Scots pine does not have competitors on degraded habitats so it successfully rejuvenates. The distinguishing species of the sub-association is Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, which can even cover over half the surface area of the tree layer or achieve a good share of the tree mass. The sub-association is constructed through the previously described development stages (Marincek 1973), namely Quercus petraea-Pinus sylvestris-Calluna vulgaris Marinček 1973, Quercus-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtil-lus Marinček 1973 and Castanea-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973. Ecological descriptions of the development stages also apply for the sub-association pinetosum. The holotype is releve no. 5 from Table 6 (Marinček 1973: 104). Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Fraxinus ornus var. geogr. nova. In the region of Log - Dobovec pri Rogatcu, on presumed habitats of the association Castaneo-Fage- tum, a variant with manna ash, Fraxinus ornus, appears, which is the distinguishing species for the variant. The habitat is thermophilous and fairly degraded. We temporarily placed the phytocenosis in the association Calluno-Quercetum, although except for characteristic species of the variant it does not correspond to the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. This is shown by comparison with the phytocenoses in Marincek's (1973) paper, namely with the phytocenosis Calluno-Quercetum (columns 2 and 3, Table 2), where the index of similarity is a^ = 35.7, a. = 21.7, with Calluno-Quercetum ( = Leucobryo-Quercetum (columns 6 and 7, Table 2) where as = 28.9, a, = 16.9 or with Blechno-Fagetum (columns 4 and 5, Table 2) where as = 22.2, a. = 12.5. A deficiency of the presentation of the variant is that there are only two phytocenological rel-eves available. The releves are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The holotype of the variant is releve no. 1 in Table 1. CONCLUSION A fresh examination of the material on secondary associations of sessile oak on primary habitats of the association Blechno-Fagetum (Marinček 1973, Marinček & Zupančič 1995) established that only one secondary association appears Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 with two sub-associations -typicum and -pinetosum sylvestris and not two associations as was thought to date. The other secondary association, Leucobryo-Querce-tum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995, which was recorded (Marinček & Zupančič 1995), is not distinguished in floristic composition from the association Calluno-Queretum petraeae, so it does not have syntaxonomic grounds for indepen- dence and we include it in the association Calluno--Quercetum petraeae. Our decision on the combination of the secondary associations in question is confirmed by comparison in the synthesis table (Table 2) and S0rensen and Jaccard indexes (as = 100, a. = 61.9). In further phytocenological research in this field, we do not exclude the possibility of other or different secondary phytocenoses on primary habitats of the association Blechno-Fagetum. We have temporarily incorporated in the secondary association Calluno-Quercetum petraeae a variant with manna ash, Fraxinus ornus, which is presumed to grow on primary habitats of the related association Ca-staneo-Fagetum. POVZETEK Uvod Ob kratkem obisku obrobja predpanonskega območja Slovenije (Log, Dobovec pri Rogatcu) smo opazili obliko drugotnega gradnovega sestoja, podobnega že opisani sekundarni asociaciji gradna in jesenske vrese Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. Nismo bili prepričani, ali gre za isto fitocenozo, saj sekundarna asociacija Calluno-Quercetum petraeae zarašča primarna rastišča asociacije Blechno-Fagetum na svežih, bolj ali manj zasenčenih nekarbonatnih tleh. Naša popisa sta sicer na nekarbonatnih miocenskih peščenjakih, vendar v toplih legah zaradi izredno degradiranih tal težko določljivega primarnega gozda. Verjetno gre za primarna rastišča kisloljubnega bukovega gozda Castaneo--Fagetum. Temu sklepu v prid govori prisotnost bukve v grmovni plasti, redke rumenkaste bekice Luzula lu-zuloides in pogostejše borovnice Vaccinium myrtillus ter prisotnost maloštevilnih posamičnih fagetalnih vrst. Razlika med fitocenozama iz osrednje Slovenije in subpanonskega obrobja je v toploljubnosti slednje z vrstami reda puhastega hrasta, pinetalnih in negozd-nih vrst. Raziskava je potekala po standardni srednjeevropski metodi (Braun-Blanquet 1964) in fitocenološkem kodeksu (Weber et al. 2000). Rastlinska nomenklatura je po Mali flori Slovenije (Martincic et al. 2007). Fito-cenoze smo primerjali s koficienti S0rensenove (1948). Problematika asociacije Calluno-Quercetum Začetek zaznavanja sekundarne asociacije Calluno--Quercetum sega v sedemdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja. V Sloveniji je v tem času Marincek (1970) raziskoval kisloljubni bukov gozd z rebrenjačo Blechno-Fagetum na osnovi Horvatove (1950: 45-49) objave o takrat imenovani asociaciji Fageto-Blechnetum (pred tem jo je imenoval Fagetum silicicolum). Horvat (1938: 199) je že v svoji monografiji omenjal o možnosti acidofilne subasociacije. Horvat (1962) v monografiji o vegetaciji zahodne Hrvaške pa validno imenuje asociacijo Ble-chno-Fagetum z navedbo diagnostično pomembnih rastlinskih vrst. Leta 1974 je v monografiji Horvata et al. (1974: 426-428) objavljen kratek prispevek o kislih bukovih gozdovih z dvema sinteznima tabelama asociacije Blechno-Fagetum (Tabela 101) v sklopu kislih bukovih združb zveze Luzulo-Fagion. Marincek (1970) je v razpravi o asociaciji Blechno-Fagetum v Sloveniji obširneje poročal in jo utemeljil z analitično fitocenološko tabelo. V tekstu je nakazal možnost degradacijskih oblik asociacije Blechno-Fagetum (Marincek 1970: 117-118). V naslednjih letih je dopolnil in zbral številne fitocenološke popise in objavil degradacije oziroma razvojne poti asociacije Blechno--Fagetum (Marincek 1973). Marincek (1973) je v šestih fitocenoloških tabelah opisal in tabelarno dokumentiral devet oziroma dvanajst, »tako imenovanih« razvojnih stadijev (trije stadiji niso tabelarno utemeljeni) na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Blechno-Fagetum. Opisani so bili: Fagus sylvatica-Vaccinium myrtillus, Fagus-Pinus-Va-ccinium myrtillus, Pinus-Vaccinium, Quercus petraea--Vaccinium myrtillus, Castanea-Pinus-Vaccinium myr-tillus, Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris in Quercus-Pi-nus-Calluna vulgaris. Skladno s kodeksom fitocenološke nomenklature iz leta 1986 (Barkman et al. 1986) smo leta 1995 opravili revizijo kisloljubnih bukovih in gradnovih združb Slovenije, ki se ujema z novejšim Kodeksom (Weber et al. 2000), in razvojnih stadijev na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Blechno-Fagetum (Marincek & Zupančič 1995: 33-34). Asociaciji Blechno-Fagetum smo priključili stadije Fagus sylvatica-Vaccinium myr-tillus, Fagus-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus in Pinus-Vacci-nium myrtillus in jih razporedili v tri subasociacije Ble-chno-Fagetum vaccinietosum myrtilli, B.-F. pinetosum sylvestris in B.-F. quercetosum petraeae. Navedeni stadiji niso izrazito degradacijski ali kakor koli floristično drugačni od matične asociacije Blechno-Fagetum. Subasociacije nakazujejo določene ekološke posebnosti (talne ali mikroklimatske) pa tudi manjše degradaci-jske oziroma razvojne smeri fitocenoze, npr. B-F. pine-tosum in delno B.-F. quercetosum petraeae. Slednja sub-asociacija ima le nekoliko večji delež gradna kot običajna (standardna) asociacija. Asociacija Blechno--Fagetum je fitocenoza podgorskega pasu, kjer so zastopane karpinatalne vrste, med katerimi je tudi graden. Stadija Quercus petraea-Vaccinium myrtillus in Quercus-Pinus-Vaccinium smo preoblikovali v sekundarno asociacijo Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae, stadij Castanea sativa-Vaccinium myrtillus in Castanea-Pi-nus-Vaccinium myrtillus pa smo uvrstili v geografsko varianto z domačim kostanjem iste sekundarne asociacije Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Ca-stanea sativa. Fitocenozi se nahajata na najbolj degradiranem in zakisanem toploljubnem rastišču primarne asociacije Blechno-Fagetum. To se zrcali v številnih piceetalnih vrstah z veliko površinsko pok-rovnostjo in stalnostjo (prezenco) ter obilno prisotnostjo gradna. Glede na podobnost fitocenoze Leucob-ryo-Quercetum s primarno asociacijo Blechno-Fagetum je indeks Sorensenove a^ = 86,0 oziroma Jaccarda a. = 75,4 velik, vendar nekoliko manjši kot v primerjavi s sekundarno asociacijo Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (as = 95,2, a, = 55,6). Indeks (as = 86,0) kljub temu pojasnjuje določene floristične spremembe med fitocenoza-ma Blechno-Fagetum in Leucobryo-Quercetum. Drugi sklop sekundarne asociacije Calluno-Quer-cetum petraeae nam je narekovala predvsem zelo razširjena jesenska vresa Calluna vulgaris v stadijih Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris in Quercus-Pinus--Calluna vulgaris. Sestoji gradna so odprti, zato so rastišča osončena, revna in degradirana. Marincek (1973: 90) je bil sprva mnenja, da te razvojne stadije ne moremo obravnavati kot drugotno gradnovo združbo Calluno-Quercetum. Menil je, da pri nas ni ekoloških razmer, ki bi trajno zagotavljale obstoj resav (Calluno--Genistetum) brez stalnega antropogenega vpliva. To mnenje je kasneje spremenil, ker v našem primeru ne gre za čiste resave, temveč bolj ali manj za stabilnejše dolgotrajnejše, sekundarne gradnove sestoje, stare več desetletij oziroma stoletje in več. Razvoj k primarnemu bukovemu gozdu Blechno-Fagetum je zelo počasen, včasih celo nemogoč zaradi spremenjenih mikrokli- matskih in talnih razmer in še vedno prisotnih an-tropozoogenih vplivov. Zanimivo je, da je podobnost s primarno asociacijo velika (as = 95,2 oziroma a^ = 55,6). s Sinekološke, sinhronološke, floristične in druge splošne razmere obravnavanih fitocenoz so podrobno opisane v razpravi Marinčka (1973), sinsistematske oziroma nomenklaturne revizije pa v članku Marinčka & Zupančiča (1995). Pri obravnavi naših dveh fitocenoloških popisov gradnovih sestojev z obrobja slovenskega predpanon-skega območja smo pomislili na podobnost z eno izmed omenjenih sekundarnih fitocenoz. Glede na prevlado jesenske vrese Calluna vulgaris in gradna Quercus petraea se je nam odpirala možnost uvrščanja naših fitocenoloških popisov k sekundarno asociacijo Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. Vendar nas je motila ter-mofilnost obravnavanih sestojev, kjer se predvsem pojavlja termofilni mali jesen Fraxinus ornus s spremljajočim navadnim mokovcem Sorbus aria in brekom S. torminalis ter nekatere druge bolj ali manj toploljubne vrste (npr. Lathyrus niger, Tilia cordata, Galium laevigatum, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Scleropo-dium purum, Digitalis grandiflora, Lembotropis nigricans, Teucrium chamaedrys). Gotovo gre za sekundarno fitocenozo, vendar na primarnih rastiščih toploljubnejše fitocenoze. Domnevamo, da gre za primarno kisloljubno asociacijo Castaneo-Fagetum. Ta sklep, kot je bilo rečeno že v začetku razprave, potrjuje prisotnost bukve Fagus sylvatica v grmovni plasti, vrste Luzula luzoloides in Vaccinium myrtillus ter maloštevilnih fagetalnih in nekaterih nevtralno, zmerno bazifilnih vrst. (Glej Tabelo 1 in 2). Iz tega sledi, da se sekundarna asociacija Calluno-Quercetum petraeae ne pojavlja samo na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Ble-chno-Fagetum, temveč tudi na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Castaneo-Fagetum. Naša dva fitocenološka popisa bi morda lahko, ali vsaj začasno, uvrstili k sekundarni asociaciji Calluno-Quercetum petraeae kot ekološko varianto z malim jesenom, torej Calluno-Quercetum petraeae var. Fraxinus ornus. Numerična analiza primerjav podobnosti naših dveh popisov s fitocenozo Cal-luno-Quercetum pa je pokazala nizke vrednosti, in sicer as = 35,7 oziroma a. = 21,7, kar ne govori za uvrščanje naših popisov v fjitocenozo Calluno-Querce-tum. Navedene ugotovitve so nas spodbudile, da določimo do zdaj nedoločene značilnice sekundarnih asociacij Calluno-Quercetum petraeae in Leucobryo--Quercetum petraeae ter ugotovimo podobnost fitocenoz med našima popisoma in asociacijami Blechno-Fa-getum, Calluno-Quercetum petraeae in Leucobryo--Quercetum petraeae. Na osnovi sintezne primerjalne tabele (Tabela 2) smo ugotovili, do so značilnice za sekundarno asociacijo Calluno-Quercetum petraeae naslednje: Quercus petraea kot vodilna vrsta fitocenoze nasproti primarni asociaciji Blechno-Fagetum, Calluna vulgaris, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Genista germanica, G. tinctoria, G. pilosa, Teucrium scorodonia, Hieracium umbel-latum, H. sabaudum in Potentilla erecta. Teh značilnic ni v primarni asociaciji Blechno-Fagetum ali se pojavljajo tu in tam z nizkimi ali najnižjimi stopnjami navzočnosti (I-II) in imajo srednjo pokrovno vrednost, te so Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Genista pilosa, Po-tentilla erecta in Hieracium sabaudum. Izjema je značilnica oziroma razlikovalnica Quercus petraea, ki dosega stopnjo navzočnosti II-IV z nizko vrednostjo srednje pokrovne vrednosti. Vedeti moramo, da je vrsta Quercus petraea sestavni del flore podgorske primarne asociacije Blechno-Fagetum. Pri primerjanju značilnic asociacij Calluno-Quer-cetum petraeae in Leucobryo-Quercetum (Tabela 2) smo ugotovili, da se osem značilnic od desetih z visoko do zmerno prezenco pojavlja tudi v asociaciji Leucob-ryo-Quercetum petraeae. Ta ugotovitev nas je vodila k primerjanju podobnosti fitocenoz. Rezultat je pokazal, da sta si asociaciji Calluno-Quercetum petraeae in Leu-cobryo-Quercetum petraeae najpodobnejši, oziroma enaki, kar potrjujeta indeksa as = 100,0 oziroma a, = 61,9. Vrsta Leucobrium glaucum, ki naj bi odločilno označevala oziroma razlikovala asociacijo Leucobryo--Quercetumpetraeae od drugih dveh asociacij, sekundarne Calluno-Quercetum petraeae in primarne Blech-no-Fagetum, nima te vloge, ker je v vseh treh asociacijah zastopana z najvišjo prezenco in s srednjo pokrov-no vrednostjo. Sklepamo, da se sekundarni asociaciji Calluno--Quercetum petraeae in Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae združita v enotno sekundarno asociacijo Calluno--Quercetum petraeae. Ugotavljamo, da lahko asociacijo Calluno-Querce-tum petraeae označimo kot jugovzhodnoevropsko-ilir-sko geografsko varianto z razlikovalnico domačim kostanjem Calluno-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Ca-stanea sativa. V obeh fitocenozah oziroma v vseh prej navedenih razvojnih stadijih je prisoten domači kostanj Castanea sativa. V nekaterih prevladuje v drevesni plasti (glej 7 stolpec Tabele 2), večinoma pa v grmovni plasti (glej stolpce 2, 3, 6 Tabele 2) z visoko prezenco. Sinsistematska ureditev fitocenoz bi bila: Calluno--Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Castanea sativa Marinček & Zupančič 1995 Inkl.: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 (Art. 1, 25) Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 (Art. 1, 25) V sekundarni asociaciji Calluno-Quercetum petra-eae so tu in tam ostale nekatere značilnice primarne asociacije Blechno-Fagetum, predvsem bukev, ponekod tudi vrsti Bazzania trilobata in Blechnum spicant. Ostanki značilnic in še drugih, za primarno asociacijo Blechno-Fagetum bolj ali manj diagnostično pomembnih vrst (npr. vrste reda Quercetalia roboris-petraeae oziroma razredov Querco-Fagetea in Vaccinio-Picee-tea) potrjujejo, da sekundarna asociacija Calluno--Quercetum petraeae naseljuje primarno rastišče asociacije Blechno-Fagetum. Zato ni naključje, da sta si oziroma po stari delitvi, da so si fitocenozi(e) zelo podobne, kot kažejo indeksi (Tabela 2), in sicer Calluno--Quercetum (stolpca 2 in 3): Blechno-Fagetum (stolpca 4 in 5) as = 95,2, a. = 55,6 in Blechno-Fagetum (stolpca 4 in 5) : Calluno-Qjuercetum ( = Leucobryo-Quercetum stolpca 6 in 7) as = 86,0, a, = 75,4. Tipološka členitev asociacije Calluno-Quercetum Glede na stopnjo degradacije se asociacija deli na dve subasociaciji: Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Castanea sati-va Marinček & Zupančič 1995 typicum subass. nova Rastišče je zaradi človekovega vpliva nekoliko manj prizadeto. Po degradaciji sestojev jih je izkoriščevalec prepustil naravni obnovi, zlasti po opustitvi steljarjenja ali celo paše. Sem uvrščamo sestoje iz prejšnjih razvojnih stadijev (Marinček 1973) Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris Marinček 1973 in Castanea sativa-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973. Podrobnosti so opisane v razpravi Marinčka (1973). Subasociacija nima razlikovalnic in jo štejemo za splošno razširjeno osnovno fitocenozo. Holotip je popis št. 5 iz Tabele 3 (Marinček 1973: 98). Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Castanea sati-va Marinček & Zupančič 1995 pinetosum sylvestris subass. nova Večji človekov vpliv je predvsem zaradi občasne saditve ali nasemenitve z rdečim borom. Ta se kasneje subspontano uveljavlja z lastno nasemenitvijo, zlasti tam, kjer je več svetlobe. Na degradiranih rastiščih rdeči bor nima konkurenta, zato se uspešno pomlajuje. Razlikovalnica subasociacije je rdeči bor Pinus sylve-stris, ki lahko pokriva tudi nad polovico površine drevesne plasti oziroma doseže dober delež drevesne mase. Subasociacijo gradijo prej opisani razvojni stadiji (Marinček 1973), in sicer Quercus petraea-Pinus sylvestris-Calluna vulgaris Marinček 1973, Quercus-Pi-nus-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973 in Castanea--Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973. Ekološki opisi razvojnih stadijev veljajo tudi za subasociacijo pinetosum. Holotip je popis št. 5 iz Tabele št. 6 (Marinček 1973: 104). Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Fraxinus ornus var. geogr. nova. Na območju Log - Dobovec pri Rogatcu se na domnevnih rastiščih asociacije Castaneo-Fagetum pojavlja varianta z malim jesenom Fraxinus ornus, ki je razlikovalnica za varianto. Rastišče je toploljubno in precej degradirano. Fitocenozo smo začasno uvrstili v asociacijo Calluno-Quercetum, čeprav se razen značilnic varianta ne ujema s sekundarno asociacijo Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. To nam kaže primerjava s fitocenozami v Marinčkovi (1973) razpravi, in sicer s fitocenozo Calluno-Quercetum (stolpca 2 in 3, Tabele 2), kjer je indeks podobnosti as = 35,7, a. = 21,7, s Cal-luno-Quercetum ( = Leucobryo-Quercetum stolpca 6 in 7) (Tabela 2) je as = 28,9, a. = 16,9 ali z Blechno-Fage-tum (stolpca 4 in 5, Tabela 2) je as = 22,2, a. = 12,5. Pomanjkljivost predstavitve variante je, da imamo na voljo le dva fitocenološka popisa. Popisa sta predstavljena v Tabeli 1 in Tabeli 2. Holotip variante je popis št. 1 v Tabeli 1. ZAKLJUČEK S ponovnim pregledom gradiva o sekundarnih fitoce-nozah gradna na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Blech-no-Fagetum (Marinček 1973, Marinček & Zupančič 1995) ugotavljamo, da se pojavlja le ena sekundarna asociacija Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 z dvema subasociaci-jama -typicum in -pinetosum sylvestris in ne dve asociaciji, kot je bilo dozdaj mišljeno. Druga sekundarna asociacija Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995, ki je bila zabeležena (Marincek & ZuPANČič 1995), se po floristični sestavi ne razlikuje od asociacije Calluno-Queretum pe-traeae, zato nima sintaksonomskih osnov za samostojnost in jo vključujemo v asociacijo Calluno-Quercetum petraeae. Našo odločitev o spojitvi obravnavanih sekundarnih asociacij potrjuje primerjava v sintezni tabeli (Tabela 2) ter indeks Sorensenove in Jaccarda (a = 100, a. = 61,9). Pri nadaljnjih fitocenoloških raziskavah na tem področju ne izključujemo možnosti še drugih oziroma drugačnih sekundarnih fitocenoz na primarnih rastiščih asociacije Blechno-Fagetum. K sekundarni asociaciji Calluno-Quercetum petra-eae smo začasno priključili varianto z malim jesenom Fraxinus ornus, ki pa domnevno porašča primarna rastišča sorodne asociacije Castaneo-Fagetum. REFERENCES - LITERATURA Barkman, j. j., j. MoRAVEC & S. Rauschert, 1986: Code der pflanzensoziologischen Nomenklatur. 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FRAXINUS ORNUS var. nova -C atcista ^ 6 c Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 Altitude in m (Nadmorska višina v m) 500 360 Aspect (Nebesna lega) SW W Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) 40 40 Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) mio mio Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) 2 0 Cover (Pokrovnost) %: Tree layer (drevesna plast) 90 70 Shrub layer (grmovna plast) 30 20 Herb layer (zeliščna plast) 80 100 Moss layer (mahovna plast) 20 0 Releve (Velikost popisne ploskve) m2 400 400 Province (Pokrajina) Location (Kraj popisov) Štajerska Log Štajerska Dobovec CALLUNO-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 1 2 I 5.5 3.1 f3 Quercus petraea II 1.1 2.1 III 1.1 1.1 VP3 Calluna vulgaris 3.3 5.5 EP3 Chamaecytisus hirsutus 1.1 2.1 NC3 Genista germanica + +.2 MA Genista tinctoria 1.1 RP, Hieracium umbellatum + CALLUNO-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE var. FRAXINUS ORNUS var. nova 1_2_ Q2 Fraxinus ornus II 2.2 RP2 QUERCETALIA ROBORIS-PETRAEAE R. Tx. (1931) 1937 Pteridium aquilinum III Hieracium racemosum Hieracium umbellatum Populus tremula I Veronica officinalis III F3 QUERCO-FAGETEA Br.-Bl. et Vlieger 1937 s. lat. 1 +.3 + + + + 1 2 I 5.5 3.1 Quercus petraea II 1.1 2.1 III 1.1 1.1 OO Fraxinus ornus II 2.2 + f2 Fagus sylvatica + + F2 Galium laevigatum III 1.2 Q2 Sorbus aria II 1.1 . 1 f1 Cyclamen purpurascens III + P Juniperus communis II + Q2 Lathyrus niger III + Q2 Sorbus torminalis I + f3 Tilia cordata II + VP3 VACCINIO-PICEETEA Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 em. Zupančič (1976) 1980 s. lat. Calluna vulgaris Vaccinium myrtillus Hieracium murorum Calamagrostis arundinacea Luzula luzuloides Polytrichum formosum EP3 ERICO-PINETEA Ht. 1959 s. lat. Chamaecytisus hirsutus Scleropodium purum Pinus sylvestris III IV III IV II 1 3.3 +.3 1.2 4.3 + 1 1.1 2 5.5 1.2 + 2 2.1 1.1 2.1 + + O OTHER SPECIES (O stale vrste) 1 2 NC Genista germanica III + +.2 Boletus edulis + + MA Molinia caerulea 1.2 MA Genista tinctoria 1.1 AT Asplenium ruta-muraria 1.1 Cladonia rangiferina IV + E Digitalis grandiflora III + TG Lembotropis nigricans + FB Teucrium chamaedrys + AT EA f1 f2 FB MA NC OO P tgG LEGEND (Legenda) Sinsistematical characteristic (Sinsistematska pripadnost) Asplenietea trichomanis Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934 corr. Oberd. 1977 s. lat. Epilobietea angustifolii R. Tx. & Prsg. in R. Tx. 1950 s. lat. Aremonio-Fagion (Ht. 1938) Török, Podani & Borhidi 1989 Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawl. 1928 s. lat. Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & R. Tx. 1943 s. lat. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 s. lat. Nardo-Callunetea Prsg. 1949 s. lat. Fraxino orni-Ostryion Tomažič 1940 Prunetalia spinosae R. Tx. 1952 s. lat. Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae Br.-Bl. 1932 Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei T. Müller 1961 s. lat. Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) Miocene sandstone (miocenski peščenjaki) mio PHYTOCOENOLOGICAL TABLE (Fitocenološka tabela) 2: CALLUNO-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 o C t S ü Number of anal. table (Zaporedna številka tabele) Author of anal. Table (Avtor anal tabele) Altitude in m (Nadmorska višina v m) Aspect (Nebesna lega) Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) Stage after Marinček (Stadij po Marinčku) issLocation (Kra. popisov) 1 2 3 4 5 Zupančič Marinček Marinček Marinček 360-500 370-580 360-550 SW-W SW-W-S-E S-SW-SE 40 mio 0-2 STA 5-35 per p s b 0 Qp-Cal*1 Marinček 350-550 S-N-W-E 5-30 per s w p por 370-610 S-N-W-E 10-35 10-30 per p s b per p s b dil 0-20 0 Qp-Pin- Fag-Vac*3 Fag-Pin-Vac*4 Cal*2 Pin-Vac*5 ZAS, DOL ZAS, DOL GOR, ZAS, Sta 6 9 12 ' Number of releve (Stevilo popisov) 2 CALLUNO-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 0 ZAS, DOL, GOR 12 CALLUNO-QUERCETUM var. FRAXINUS ORN Q2 Fraxinus ornus II BLECHNO-FAGETUM Ht. (1950) 1962 emend. Marinček 1970 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. 5 III 4 III 5833 V 3084 V 2411 V 295 III Fagus sylvatica II 297 IV 2 II 939 V 744 V 471 V 87 II III . 2 I 45 III 3 II 1 I Bazzania trilobata 961 V 443 V 283 II 2 I Blechnum spicant 211 IV 483 IV 2 II RP2 QUERCETALIA ROBORIS-PETRAEAE R. Tx. (19 Pteridium aquilinum Hieracium umbellatum Hieracium racemosum Populus tremula Veronica officinalis III I III S var. nova 2 1) 1937 2 4375 V 2 I 3 4863 V 4 1839 V 5 3210 V 6 Marinček 350-690 N-NW-E 5-17 per p g dil 0 Qp-Vac*6 Cas-Vac*7 DOL, STA, GOR 11 6 1470 V 7 Marinček 230-570 W-S-N 2-27 per p s mio 0 Qp-Pin-Vac*8 Cas-Pin-Vac*9 DOL, ZAS 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 23-5 5417 V 2252 V 170 IV 128 IV 5750 V 3375 V F3 Quercus petraea II 21-2 632 V 171 V 7 IV 6 IV 349 V 463 V III 21 380 V 171 V 3 II 3 II 1031 V 298 V VP3 Calluna vulgaris EP3 Chamaecytisus hirsutus 23-5 5000 V 3496 V 2 I 127 III 6 IV 253 V 21-2 83 I NC Genista germanica 2+ 2 I 1 I 83 I NC Teucrium scorodonia 3 II 3 II 2 II MA Genista tinctoria 11 2 I RP2 Hieracium umbellatum 1+ 2 I NC Genista pilosa 1042 V 502 IV 1 I 140 II 63 I 5 III NC Potentilla erecta 87 III 199 IV 43 II 2 II NC Hieracium sabaudum 7 IV 1 I 1 I 1 I 3 .II 2 I 7 4583 V Frangula alnus II . 172 V 311 V 168 III 233 IV 68 IV 172 V Hieracium sabaudum III . 7 IV 1 I 1 I 1 I 3 II 2 II Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum 377 III 307 III 711 V 544 V 876 IV 545 V I. 3 II 1 I 3 II 47 IV 220 II 7 IV Castanea sativa II . 92 V 6 IV 90 V 168 III 69 IV 87 II III . 59 III 3 II 63 I 3 II Teucrium scorodonia 3 II 3 II 2 II Betula verrucosa I. II . 2 I 58 II 2 II 1 I Hieracium vulgatum (H. lachenalii) III . 2 I 43 II 1 I 65 II Lathyrus montanus 2 I Melampyrum pratense 131 V 283 II 2 I Polypodium vulgare 3 II 2 I 4 II Hieracium laevigatum 1 I Erythronium dens-canis 42 I 3 4 5 6 7 3 Q, QUERCETALIA PUBESCENTIS Br.-Bl. 1931 VP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fraxinus ornus II 2+-2 Lathyrus niger III 1+ Sorbus aria II 1+ Sorbus torminalis 1+ QUERCO-FAGETEA Br.-Bl. et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 23-5 5417 V 2252 V 170 IV 128 IV 5750 V 3375 V Quercus petraea II 21-2 632 V 171 V 7 IV 6 IV 349 V 463 V III 21 380 V 171 V 3 II 3 II 1031 V 298 V I 5 III 4 III 5833 V 3084 V 2411 V 296 III Fagus sylvatica II 2+ 297 IV 2 II 939 V 744 V 471 V 87 II III 2 II 45 III 3 II 1 I Galium laevigatum 11 Cyclamen purpurascens 1+ Juniperus communis II 1+ 3 II 2 II 5 III Tilia cordata I TT 1+ Prenanthes purpurea II III 1 3 II 4 III 3 II 189 III 2 I Isothecium myurum IV 3 II 46 III Convallaria majalis III 1 I VACCINIO-PICEETEA Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 em. Zupančič (1976) 2000 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Calluna vulgaris III 23-5 5000 V 3496 V 2 I 127 III 6 IV 253 V Vaccinium myrtillus 2+-1 463 V 728 V 7292 V 5042 V 5375 V 4667 V Hieracium murorum 2+-1 2 I 193 IV 88 IV 130 IV 5 III Calamagrostis arundinacea 14 Luzula luzuloides 1+ 88 IV 3 II 502 IV 275 IV 1314 V 170 IV Polytrichum formosum IV 1+ 298 IV 58 II 898 V 212 IV 1876 V 462 V Avenella flexuosa III 172 V 61 IV 419 V 2104 V 345 III 753 V Leucobryum glaucum IV 712 IV 480 V 752 V 858 V 1033 IV 335 V Hypnum cupressiforme 168 III 117 V 317 V 130 IV 131 V 172 V Gentiana asclepiadea III 3 II 2 II 151 IV 129 IV 3 II 88 IV Pleurozium schreberi IV 625 I 56 I 34 II 689 IV 130 IV 667 III I 2 I 857 IV 503 V 4 II 3 II Picea abies II 85 III 461 IV 315 IV 65 II 87 III III 211 IV 87 III 3 II 7 IV Dicranum scoparium IV 2 I 253 V 190 III 130 V 3 II Hypnum cupressiforme var. filiforme 2 I 2 II 3 II 43 II 4 II Dicranella heteromalla 58 II 190 III 5 III Hylocomium proliferum 56 I 43 I 86 III 3 II 2 I Plagiothecium denticulatum 1 I 168 III 2 I 3 II Solidago virgaurea III 1 I 3 II 1 I Bazzania trilobata IV 961 V 443 V 283 II 2 I Blechnum spicant III 211 IV 483 IV 2 II Thuidium tamariscinum IV 6 IV 4 II 2 I Luzula pilosa III 3 II 3 II 66 III 83 I Plagiothecium neglectum (P. sylvaticum) 188 I I 2 I 1 I Abies alba II 87 III 6 IV III 44 II 4 III 2 I Thelypteris limbosperma 2 I 3 II 219 I Maianthemum bifolium 3 II Vaccinium vitis-idaea 146 I 1 I Diphasiastrum tristachyum 1 I (Lycopodium chamaecyparissus) ERICO-PINETEA Ht. 1959 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chamaecytisus hirsutus III 21-2 83 I Scleropodium purum IV 21-2 I 88 IV 3803 V 5 III 2813 V 2750 V Pinus sylvestris II 1+ 3 II 62 V 1 I 147 I 2 II III 5 III 2 II 3 II 87 III Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 2213 IV 918 V 43 II 1132 V Polygala chamaebuxus 3 II 3 III 3 II 85 II Erica carnea 83 I 57 II 1 I 3 II 1 I 2 II 3 MA MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA Tx. 1937 s. Genista tinctoria III Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea Agrostis tenuis NC NARDO-CALLUNETEA Prsg. 1949 s. lat. lat. Genista germanica Genista pilosa Potentilla erecta Carex pilulifera Danthonia decumbens (Sieglingia d.) O OTHER SPECIES (Ostale vrste) III 1 2+ 2 2 I 2 2 I 1042 V 87 III 3 II 2 I 3 1 I 502 IV 199 IV 111 II 2 I 2 I 4 1 I 5 148 II 43 II 3 II 6 63 I 7 83 I 5 III 2 II 85 II III 1 2+ 2 3 5 6 2 I 2 II 3 II 4 III 1 I 3 II 2 II 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 II 2 II 2 I 3 II 90 V 310 V 88 IV 3 II 5 III 83 I 1 I 1 I 3 II 1 I 2 I 1 I 45 III 4 III 1 I 4 III 3 II 84 II Boletus edulis AT Asplenium ruta-muraria EA Digitalis grandiflora TG Lembotropis nigricans FB Teucrium chamaedrys Sorbus aucuparia I Rubus fruticosus M MOSSES AND LICHENS (Mahovi in lišaji) Cladonia rangiferina Cladonia pyxidata Beomyces roseus Brachythecium rutabulum Dicranodontium sp. Dicranum spurium Metzgeria pubescens Radula complanata Bartramia pomiformis LEGEND (Legenda) Analytical tables (Analitične tabele) 1 Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 2 Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Quercus petraea-Calluna vulgaris Marinček 1973)*1 3 Calluno-Quercetum petraeae (Quercus petraea-Pinus sylvestris-Calluna vulgaris Marinček 1973)*2 4 Blechno-Fagetum Ht. ex Marinček 1970 vaccinietosum myrtilli Marinček & Zupančič 1995 - (Fagus sylvatica-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973)*3 5 Blechno-Fagetum pinetosum sylvestris Marinček & Zupančič 1995 - (Fagus-Pinus-Vaccinium Marinček 1973)*4 (Pinus-Vaccinium Marinček 1973)*5 6 Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae (Marinček 1973) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 - (Quercus petraea-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973)*6 (Castanea sativa-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973)*7 7 Leucobryo-Quercetum petraeae - (Quercus petraea-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973)*8 (Castanea-Pinus-Vaccinium myrtillus Marinček 1973)*9 Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) mio Miocene sandstone (miocenski peščenjaki) per p Permian and carbon sandstone (permkarbonski peščen.aki) per s Permian and carbon shale (permkarbonski skrilavci) per b Permian and carbon breccia (permkarbonske breče) g gröden sandstone (grödenski peščenjaki) dil diluvial clay (diluvialne ilovice) w p werfen sandstone (werfenski peščenjaki) por porphyry (porfirit) Sinsistematical characteristic (Sinsistematska pripadnost) AT Asplenietea trichomanis Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934 corr. Oberd. 1977 s. lat. EA Epilobietea angustifolii R. Tx. & Prsg. in R. Tx. 1950 s. lat. FB Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & R. Tx. 1943 s. lat. TG Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei T. Müller 1961 s. lat. Location (Kraj popisov) DOL Dolenjska GOR Gorenjska ŠTA Štajerska ZAS Zasavje 3 4 5 6 7