VSEBINA – CONTENTS PREGLEDNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – REVIEW ARTICLES Structural steels with micrometer grain size: a survey Konstrukcijska jekla z mikrometrskimi kristalnimi zrni: pregled F. Vodopivec, D. Kmeti~, F. Tehovnik, J. Vojvodi~-Tuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES The implementation of an online mathematical model of billet reheating in an OFU furnace Implementacija simulacijskega modela za spremljanje ogrevanja gredic v OFU-pe~i A. Jakli~, F. Vode, T. Marolt, B. Kumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 The behaviour of coarse-grain HAZ steel with small defects during cyclic loading Vedenje jekla grobozrnatega TVP z napakami pri cikli~ni obremenitvi Vladimir Gliha, Toma` Vuherer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 The effect of cold work on the sensitisation of austenitic stainless steels Vpliv hladne deformacije na pove~anje ob~utljivosti nerjavnih jekel M. Dománková, M. Peter, M. Roman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Fatigue-crack propagation near a threshold region in the framework of two-parameter fracture mechanics Dvoparametrska lomno mehanska analiza hitrosti utrujenostne razpoke blizu praga propagacije S. Seitl, P. Hutaø . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Modelling of the solidification process and the chemical heterogeneity of a 26NiCrMoV115 steel ingot Modeliranje procesa strjevanja in kemi~ne heterogenosti ingota iz jekla 26NiCrMoV115 M. Balcar, R. @elezný, L. Martínek, P. Fila, J. Ba`an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Frekven~na odvisnost rezidualnega trenja viskoznostnega vakuumskega merilnika z lebde~o kroglico Frequency dependence of spinning rotor gauge residual drag J. [etina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES A wet-steam pipeline fracture Prelom cevovoda za vla`no paro R. Celin, D. Kmeti~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 15. KONFERENCA O MATERIALIH IN TEHNOLOGIJAH / 8. – 10. oktober, 2007, Portoro`, Slovenija 15th CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY / 8–10 october, 2007, Portoro`, Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 41(3)109–154(2007) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 41 [TEV. NO. 3 STR. P. 109–154 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA MAY-JUNE 2007 F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE. STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE: A SURVEY KONSTRUKCIJSKA JEKLA Z MIKROMETRSKIMI KRISTALNIMI ZRNI: PREGLED Franc Vodopivec, Dimitrij Kmeti~, Franc Tehovnik, Jelena Vojvodi~-Tuma Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia franc.vodopivecimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2006-11-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-03-01 Experimental findings and their theoretical interpretation related to the achieving of a µm grain size in structural steels with a microstructure of ferrite and pearlite are summarised. Several laboratory processing methods can be used to achieve this grain size. It seems that only DIFT (deformation induced ferrite transformation) offers the possibilty of industrial use for thin sheets, while for thicker products DIFT can ensure the small grain size only for a thiN surface layer. By very small grain size yield stress and tensile strength are increased, while elongation, reduction of area and strain hardening are decreased. For a grain size of 1.3 µm upper shelf notch toughness is smaller, toughness transition temperature is lower and lower shelf notch toughness is higher than by the steel with the grain size of 6.8 µm. Key words: structural steels, ultrafine grain size, processing methods, effect of deformation and temperature, mechanical properties Predstavljeni in interpretirani so eksperimentalni izsledki raziskovanja s ciljem doseganja mikrometrskih velikosti kristalnih zrn v konstrukcijskih jeklih z mikrostrukturo iz ferita in perlita. Tako velikost zrn je mogo~e dose~i z ve~ metodami laboratorijskega procesiranja. Po dosedanjih spoznanjih je primerna za industrijsko uporabo za izdelavo tankih trakov le metoda DIFT (deformacijsko inducirana transformacija ferita). Po tej metodi je mogo~e pri debelej{ih plo{~ah ustvariti zelo majhna zrna samo v tanki plasti ob povr{ini. Pri zelo majhni velikosti zrn se pove~ata meja plasti~nosti in trdnost, zmanj{ajo pa se razteznost, kontrakcija in deformacijska utrditev. Pri jeklu z velikostjo zrn 1,3 µm je v obmo~ju duktilnega loma zarezna `ilavost manj{a, prehodna temperatura `ilavosti je tudi manj{a, `ilavost pod to temperaturo pa ve~ja kot pri jeklu z velikostjo zrn 6,8 µm. Klju~ne besede: konstrukcijska jekla, zelo majhna kristalna zrna, metode procesiranja, vpliv deformacije in temperature, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Yield stress (RE) increases with decreasing grain size because the grain boundaries hinder the movement of dislocations produced by the cold deformation of metals according to the Hall-Petch equation: RE = Ro + k · d 1/2 (1) With: Ro – constant depending on the chemical and phase composition of the steel and k – constant charac- teristic for the effect of linear grain size (d). For steels having an essentially ferritic micro- structure the following relations were developped for the yield stress and for the notch toughness transition temperature1: RE /MPa = 104.1 + 32.6 w(Mn) + 84 w(Si) + + 17.5 d–1/2 (2) ITT /°C = 19 + 44 w(Si) + 700 w(N) – 11.5 d–1/2 (3) By smaller grain size the temperature of cleavage of ferrite is lower and the yield stress greater. Other ferrite strengthening mechanisms increase also the temperature of cleavage fracture. For this reason, their exploitation for the increase of yield stress of structural steels is limited. It is predicted2 that for a steel with a grain size of 5 µm the 50 % fracture appearance transition temperature of –100 °C would decrease to below –200 °C for a grain size of 1 µm. The extent of the beneficial effect of grain size is shown in Table 1 by comparison of the chemical composition and the share of other of strengthening mechanisms for three structural steels with a microstructure of ferrite and pearlite3. The industrial exploitation of the effect of grain size depends on the benefit obtained with the decrease of production costs which may result from the smaller content of alloying elements, the incresed costs of the technology to achieve the aimed grain size rsp. properties and the benefit of the use of the steel with increased yield strength for structures. In the last benefit several costs are included, f.i. lower transportation and erection costs for structures and a smaller quantity of welding consumables. Some- times, the user can consider as important for the choice of steel also other criteria, f.i. the resistance of the steel to hydrogen embrittlemenst which is of essential importance for steels for vessels for liquid hydrocarbons. It is shown in Figure 1 than steel C with a grain size of about 3 µm conserves a much greater reduction of area after the NACE test of tensile test after a determined time of maintaninig the specimens at stress level of 80 % of the yield stress in water saturated with H2S than the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 111 UDC/UDK 669.14.018.298 ISSN 1580-2949 Review scientific article/Pregledni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)111(2007) steel B with a grain size of about 25 µm inspite the by 1/3 greater yield stress of the first4. The fine grained steel in capable to retain in solution and in traps much more hydrogen than the coarse grained steel before the ductility is deteriorated to a significant extent. It is, thus, more resisting to hydrogen embrittlement and also more resistant to the delayed fracture due to the accumulation hydrogen at grain boundaries2. Iz is shown later that there are processing routes which have the potential to obtain a grain size of 1 µm in flat products with substatial thickness. These steel will find cost effective applications, but not major markets5. The reason is in the fact that the effect different major parameters affecting the grain size, f.i. steel chemistry, relation temperature – deformation intensity, cooling rate and transformation is not knovn to the extent allowing the industrial exploitation or the explotation would require significant investments in the hot working technology, at least for products used for steel structures. Thus, by analysing the potential effect of grain size on structural steels, two aspects should be considered: the scientific and the technological – commercial. By a given chemical composition, the parameters of hot working of steels of essential importance for the achieving of a small grain size are: the hot working temperature range, the finishing rolling temperature, the per pass deformation and the total plastic deformation in the range of temperature affecting the must the nucleation and the growth of recrystallised grains in deformed austenite or ferrite. One of the problems to overcame is the rate interpass growth of recrystallised grains and the rate of growth of ferrite grains after the austenite to ferrite transformation. In Figure 2 the effect of rolling temperature range of 56 mm slabs to 12 mm plates in 6 passes temperature is shown for structural steels with different chemical composition6,7. All slabs were soaked at 1250 °C and cooled to a different initial rolling temperature. It is evident, that by several passes rolling the initial size of austenite grains does not affect the grain size in the F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE 112 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 Table 1: Chemical composition and share of strengthening mechanisms for three structural steels Tabela 1: Kemi~na sestava in masni dele` mehanizmov utrditve za tri konstrucijska jekla Composition Element in mass fractions w/% C Mn Si Al Nb Cr Ni Cu Mo Steel A 0.21 0.51 0.25 0.027 – 0.02 0.04 0.10 – Steel B 0.17 1.32 0.32 0.009 – 0.21 0.13 – – Steel C 0.08 0.36 0.34 0.052 0.058 0.54 0.27 0.36 0.27 Share of yield stress increase, RE/MPa SM 1 SM 2 SM 3 Sm 4 Sm 5 SM 6 SM7 YSth YSexp Steel A 30 50 17 56 85 – 20 258 265 Steel B 30 61 17 104 135 – 28 372 377 Steel 3 30 15 17 136 254 9 43 504 522 SM 1 – ferrite yield stress, SM 2 – content of pearlite, SM 3 – Interstitial solution, SM 4 – Substitutional solution, SM 5 – Grain size, SM 6 – Dispersion, SM 7 – Precipitation in γ phase, YSth – calculated yield stress, YSexp – Experimental yield stress Figure 2: Effect of finishing rolling temperature on linear grain size for several structural steels rolled from 55 mm slabs in 6 passes to 16 mm plates and cooled in air on a warm bed Slika 2: Vpliv temperature konca valjanja na linearno intercepcijsko dol`ino za ve~ konstrukcijskih jekel, ki so bila izvaljana iz 55-mili- metrskih slabov v 16-milimetrske plo{~e v {estih vtikih in ohlajena na zraku na topli podlagi Figure 1: Results of the NACE test for the steels B and C in Table 1 and a microalloyed normalised steel with yield stress of 470 MPa4 Slika 1: Rezultati preizkusa NACE za jekli B in C iz tabele 1 in za mikrolegirano normalizirano jeklo z mejo plasti~nosti 470 MPa4 rolled and air cooled steel. Also, in the applied rolling conditions, the effect of niobium carbide precipitation was very limited, since, only a slightly greater ferrite-pearlite grain size was obtained in steels with similar carbon content and without niobium although the virtually complete precipitation of niobium carbide during the rolling. In Figure 3 the effect of finishing temperature on grain size is shown for steels with 0.04 % C to 0.13 % C8. The rolling regime was virtually iden- tical to that for steels in Figure 2. At the same finishing temperature the grain size in the range of 7 µm to 33 µm was obtained. The shape of the curves for different steels on Figure 3 shows that after a temperature, which depends on the content of carbon, coarser grain size is obtained at lower than by higher finishing rolling temperature. By a finishing temperature of 800 °C the grain size decreases virtually proportionally to the content of carbon in steel (Figure 4). From the shape of the relation ship in Figures 3 and 4 and considering the chemical composition of the steels, it was concluded that the difference between the theoretical transformation temperature of austenite and the real transformation temperature during the rolling was very small and that it depends mostly on the content of carbon in the steel. Also, Figures 3 and 4 show that the growth of ferrite grains after the last pass (last partial deformation of about 20 %), is very fast. The strong effect of carbon on grain size in as rolled steels is explained with the increasing share of rolling performed in ferrite range with a per pass deformation of approximately 20 %, which is lower than that necessary for the static recrystallisation of this phase, which is of about 60 %9,10. According to11,12 for the static recrystallisation of austenite only a per pass deformation of above 10 % is necessary. In absence of recristallisation, the grain growth of ferrite, termed strain induced coarsening, occurs with a much greater rate than the growth of grains of ferrite produced with the transformation of recrystallised austenite at lower temperature. With the transformation of deformed and non recrystallised grains of austenite in Nb microalloying steel bainite grains of size more than one order of magnitude greater than the size of ferrite and pearlite grains in the surrounding matrix and formed by transformation of recrystallised austenite grains, were obtained, while the transformation of grains of deformed austenite in low carbon steel produced lenticular colonies of coarser, partially acicular ferrite and pearlite grains (Figure 5). It is clear, thus, F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 113 Figure 5: (magn. 200 times) Microstructure of the steel K from Figure 3 rolled in the temperature range from 900 °C to 774 °C Slika 5: (pov. 200-kratna) Mikrostruktura jekla K s slike 3, ki je bilo izvaljano v razponu temperature od 900 °C do 774 °C Figure 3: Effect of finishing rolling temperature on the ferrite pearlite grain size for steels with the content of carbon in the range of 0.04 % to 0.13 %. The tests were carried out in the same way as those in Figure 2 Slika 3: Vpliv konca temperature valjanja na velikost zrn ferita in perlita za jekla z ogljikom v razponu med 0,04 % in 0,12 %. Preizkusi so bili izvr{eni na enak na~in kot pri jeklih na sliki 2 Figure 4: Relationship grain size versus carbon content for steels in Figure 3 rolled in the temperature range from 900 °C to 790 °C Slika 4: Velikost zrn v odvisnosti of vsebnosti ogljika za jekla s slike 3, ki so bila izvaljana v razponu temperature med 900 °C in 790 °C that the achievement of µm and smaller size of ferrite grains in structural steels is a problem of rolling tech- nology, and for a given chemical composition of the steel, it depends on the deformation and the temperature of final rolling passes, the austenite to ferrite transfor- mation temperature and the cooling of the rolled steel. It is usefull to remember that the general tendency in the development of modern structural steeels is assotiated with a constant lowering of the content of carbon13, as shown in Figure 6. In this survey the parameters related to the grain size of structural steels will be discussed considering the tests aimed to determine what can be achieved in laboratory and is, in this moment and in the near future, outside the potential of the present technology and what may be achieved with acceptable changes of the present technology. 2 THEORETICAL ROUTES TO ACHIEVE A SMALL GRAIN SIZE The benefit of grain size is achieved with small crystal grains with high angle boundaries able to stop moving dislocations produced by cold deformation by testing of tensile properties at room temperature. High angle boundaries are achieved with recrystallisation of austenite and ferrite, mostly static, and with the austenite to ferrite transformation. It is, thus, logical to assume, than small grain size involving the phase transformation can be obtained only from austenite with very small grain size and the prevention of ferrite grain growth. If the small grain size is to be obtained with static recrystallisation of ferrite at hot rolling, a very great plastic deformation is necessary, in one pass or in several passes on condition of incomplete per pass relaxation of deformation energy. The recrystallisatuon behaviour of austenite depends on the steel chemistry. For the calculations of the temperature of the end of static recrystallisation of austenite the following equation was deduced for the effect of different alloying elements in wt %14: Tnr = 887 + 464 w(C) + 890 w(Ti) – 357 w(Si) + + 6445 w(Nb) – 644 w(Nb)1/2 + 363 w(Al) (3) The effect of nobium is the greater and it is related to the precipitation of niobium carbide (NbC). For the calculation of the temperature of precipitation of this carbide the following relation was proposed14: TNbC/°C = −6770/{lg [w(Nb) × w(C)] – 2.26} – 273 (4) The rate of precipitation of NbC is at the same temperature for approximately three orders of magnitude greater during the deformation of austenite and for two orders of magnitude greater in deformed austenite15,16 than in recrystallised austenite and the increase of strain rate lowers the recrystallisation and the precipitation temperature17. The explanation of the delaying effect of niobium is that strain induced precipitates hinder the growth recrystallisation nuclea from reaching the critical size required for their growth in deformed austenite. Within this explanation it is not clear why the effect of titatium is smaller than that of niobium. By equal weight content, the atomic content of titanium is greater and the solubility product for titanium carbide is even smaller than that for NbC. For this reason, a similar effect of titanium would be expected even at higher temperature than that of niobium. It is interesting to note, with respect to the mechanism of the effect of niobium on recystallisation of austenite, that it was found with dilatometric investigations of recrystallitaion and pre- cipitation, that niobium in solid solution in ferrite delayed the recrystallisation of this phase14. Other alloying elements have a much smaller effect of the temperature of static recrystallisation of austenite and, for this reason, can not be, exploited for the achieving of small grain size. In all cases, the presence of a determined number of precipitates is necessary to prevent the growth of recrystallised austenite and ferrite grains. The microstructure of fine grained structural steels consists of ferrite, pearlite and bainite in different combinations and can be achieved with the trasformation of fine grained austenite. For a given steel chemistry, the austenite grain size depends on the extent of deformation and the growth of recrystallised grain in interpass time, the time of cooling below the minimal grain growth temperature or the time to the transformation to ferrite. It was found that, indepenedently on the cooling rate, after holding of the deformed austenite for 100 s at 900 °C, the steel had a ferrite grain size 1 µm greater than without holding time14. The explanation was in the rapid coarsening of NbC precipitates. In laboratory, it is possible to vary in a large range all the parameters affecting the grain size. At this time, the smallest grain size is achieved with ECAP18 (equal channel angular pressing) or hot pressing. The defor- mation energy is dispersed motly as heat, for this reason, test with great deformation or deformation rate are not isothermal. The rate of plastic deformation is generally F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE 114 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 Figure 6: Evolutionary trend for high strength steels for linepipes Slika 6: Smer evolucije visokotrdnih jekel za cevi high and, for this reason, the deformation energy may be generated adiabatically and the steel in the deformation zone heated significantly above the nominal deformation temperature. With ECAP processing18 a grain size below 1 µm can be obtained with interstitial free steels. With 4 passes of ECAP at 623 K a ferrite grain size of 0.3 µm and severely deformed pearlitic cementite were achieved in a steel with 0.15 % C, 0.25 % Si and 1.1 % Mn and the initial intercept length of ~ 30 µm. The yield stress was increased from 300 MPa to 944 MPa, while, the ductility was decreased to less than one half of the initial level. The addition of 0.06 % V to the steel had no visible effect on the properties after ECAP inspite of the fact, that the initial grain size was of ~ 10 µm, thus only 1/3 of that in the case of the vanadium free steel. The increase of ECAP passes from 4 to 8 did not affect the grain size and the yield stress, it increased however the misorien- tation of the grain boundaries19,20. The conclusions were that that by multiple ECAP the effect of initial grain size is not significant. The tensile properties were changed significantly after ECAP deformation of the 0.15 % C, 0.25 % Si, 1.12 % Mn, 0.34 % V and 0.012 % N, yield stress was increased from 435 MPa to 920 MPa, tensile strength for 568 MPa to 920 MPa, uniform elongation was decreased from 17 % to 2 % and total elongation from 28 % to 9 % (Figure 7)21. If during the ECAP test nanosize precipi- tation of vanadium carbide occured, the precipitates improved the thermal stability of nanostructure and of tensile properties of the steel, while, the particles obtained with normalisation before ECAP had no significant effect of the thermal stability of the ECAP nanostructure21. With ECAP at 500 °C and intercritical annealing of the 0.15 % C,0.25 % Si and 1.1 % Mn the achieved grain size of ferrite grains and martensite islands was of 0.8 µm22, the yield stress, of 540 MPa, tensile stregth of 890 MPa, uniform elongation of 9.8 % and total elongatiopn of 17.6 %. By difference of results achieved with other types of steel, the investigated steel exibited an extensive strain hardening. With four pass compression with a total strain of ε = 1.6 in the temperature range from 1143 °C to 823 °C the grains size of a 0.22 % C and 0.74 % Mn steel was diminished from 6.8 µm to 1.3 µm, yield stress increased from 360 MPa to 540 MPa23 and the elongation was decreased from 31 % to 16 %. This decrease was explained in terms of smaller strain hardening due to the spreading of dislocation in the grain boundaries of ferrite grains. Of special interest in the finding that by small grain size the upper shelf absorbed energy was smaller than by coarse grain size, while the transition temperature was lower and the transition range was greater (Figure 8). The greater notch toughness below the value of half upper shelf energy was explained in terms of delamination occurring at the fracturing in lower temperature range, which may be related to a stronger texture of crystal grains in the fracture plane. The one pass hot pressing eliminates the changes of micro/nano structure during the interpass time, avoids the multi axial deformation and enables the analysis of the micro/nano structure obtained at different strain level24. The transformation grain refinement (TGR) and recrystallisation grain refinement (RGR) are suggested as potential routes to achieve µm grain size. Both routes can be carried out f.i., with tests of ECAP, hot pressing or warm rolling. By one pass pressing of 0.16 % C, 0.41 % Si and 1.43 % Mn at 823 °C and 10–1s they were able to distinguish the different steps of the formation of small grains. First the original grain are compressed and elongated in the direction of metal flow and low angle boundaries are introduced because of the parallel rotation of elongated grains. At the strain of 2.5 fine equiaxed grains appear at high angle boundaries of initial F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 115 Figure 8: Effect of test temperature on absorbed energy for two steels with grain size 6.8 µm and 1.3 µm Slika 8: Vpliv temperature preizkusa na energijo preloma za dve jekli z velikostjo zrn 6,8 µm in 1,3 µm Figure 7: Stress-strain curves for two steels before V(1) and after ECAP V(2) Slika 7: Odvisnosti napetost-deformacija za dve jekli pred ECAP V(1) in po njem V(2) grains, at the strain of 4 the share of fine new grains is significant and it increases continously with the increasing plastic deformation. The formation of these grains is explained with work hardening accompanied with grain subdivision and dynamical recovery occuring simultateusly at warm working temperatures. With warm pressing deformation in four passes with the per pas deformation of of ε = 0.4 in temperatrure range from 600 °C to 710 °C in a 0.36 % C, 0.53 % Mn, 0.22 % Si equiaxed ferrite grains of size 1 µm to 2 µm and an uniform distribution of even smaller cementite particles were attained25. The different routes to achieve small grain size are discussed also in26 where also experimental work was performed with the aim to verify the exploitation of the deformation induced ferrrite transformation (DIFT) and the accumulative roll bonding. The investigation was performed in the frame of a ECSC project aimed to identify whether ultrafine grained steels were a potential commercial opportunity or just an academic curiosity. It was established that deformation induced ferrite transformation (DIFT) occurs at a critical strain, which is related to the chemistry of the steel and that carbon in solution in austenite increases the critical strain and retards the DIFT. The process of DIFT consists of rolling a coarse grained steel close to the Ar1 level with a reduction of 30–40 %27. The undecooling due to the roll chilling and the high shear strain at the sheet surface, increases greatly the nucleation rate in austenite grains. In this way, a very rapid austenite transformation is achieved over the whole austenite grain. It seems that the strain enegy of deformed austenite may induce the transfor- mation to ferrite slightly above the Ar3 point28,29,30, in agreement with Figure 3. In the thermodinamic analyis of DIFT31 it is assumed that the deformation elongates austenite grains, increases the grain boundary area and enhances the disorder of the grain boundary structure and the grain boundary energy per unit area. Analytical relations were developped to calculate the increase of free energy in dependence of the deformation degree and rate. Two nucleation sites for the transformation induced ferrite (DIF) were observed: austenite grain boundaries and two sites in the interior of austenite grains: deformation bands and the new formed g/a interface. The share of DIFT in the steels increases strongly with the deformation and it is of approximately 25 % by a strain of 0.4 and of 80 % by a strain of 1.2. With laboratory DIFT rolling of a 0.09 %C, 0.47 %Si, 1.38 %Mn, 0.1 %V, 0.04 %Nb, 0.02 %Al and 0.018 %N steel in the temperature range of 1473 K to1093 K with a strain of 0.93 at the final thre passes grain size of 1.5 µm was obtained. With DIFT in a microalloyed structural low carbon steel32 (X65 steel) a grain size of 1.22 µm and the volume share of DIFT ferrite of 71 % were obtained by the hot rolling reduction of 69 %, the grain size of 0.92 µm and a volume share of DIFT ferrite of 98 % were obtained after a deformation of 88 %. The precipitation of niobium should occurr before the final rolling passes. If not achieved, coarser grain size, similar to that in Figure 5, is obtained after air cooling. The 0.08 %C, 1,74 %Mn and 0.18 %Ti steel was rolled rolled in 6 passes from 30 mm to 5 mm with the finishing temperature in the range 790 °C to 820 °C and cooled with the rate in the range od 20 °C/s to 40 °C/s to the coiling temperature of 550 °C33. A microstructure consisting of ferrite of average linear size of approxi- mately 1.5 µm by a cooling velocity of 20 °C/s and bainite by a cooling rate of 30 °C/s were obtained. With the microstructure of ferrite the yield stress of 500 MPa and the elongation of 27 % were obtained, while with a microstructure of 90 % of bainite the yield stress was of 835 MPa and the elongation of 20 %. The ferrite grain size of approximately 2 µm seems to be the minimal size, which can be abtained by he DIFT mechanims and heavy rolling deformation of super- cooled austenite using the existing rolling facilities34. Further refining doesn’t seems to improve the mecha- nical properties as compared to the effects to be made. In this reference three temperature (Td) domains of grain refinenement by heavy deformation are mentioned. Deformation of supercooled austenite (Td > Ar3) and DIFT refinement mechanism and limit grain size of 2 µm, deformation of a duplex austenite + ferrite initial microstructure (Ar3 > Td >Ar1) and refining by DIFT or DRX (dynamic recrystallisation of ferrite) and limit grain size of 1 µm and deformation of ferrite (Td < Ar1) with the limit grain size of 0.6 µm. Ferrite grain size obtained with dynamic transformation is finer than that obtained with static recrystallisation. No data on the extent of deformation are given in this reference. 3 CONCLUSION Micrometer grain size can be obtained for low carbon structural steels with several methods. Virtually all of them are suited for laboratory processing, only DIFT (deformation induced ferrite transformation) and low temperature transformation of recrystallised austenite seems to offer the industrial feasibility. Several authors confirm that by µm grain size yield stress and tensile strength are greatly increased, while and elongation is significantly decreased. In one reference it was found, that by the upper shelf ductile fracturing energy was lower for the same steel by the 1.3 µm than by the 6.8 µm grain size. On the contrary below the temperature of half of the maximal fracture energy, the toughness was greater for the steel with smaller grain size. The DIFT processing seems to be suited for the production of thin sheets, for thicker product the µm size of grains can be obtained only in a relatively this surface layer. For thicker plates, a small grain size can be achieved with strictly controlled termomechanical F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE 116 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 rolling involving the completed recrystallisation of plastically deformed austenite, it transformation to polygonal ferrite at a low temperature, and a sufficiently rapid cooling to prevent the ferrite grain growth. For such processing only niobium microalloyed steel are suited. The chemical composition of the steel should ensure a low temperature of precipitation of niobium carbide and and a low transformation temperature of recrystallised austenite to polygonal ferrite. 4 REFERENCES 1 F. B. Pickering, T. Gladman: Metallurgical Development in carbon steels; ISI, 1963, 10–20 2 Ultra Steels for the 21st Century; Center for Structural Materials Research, National Institute for Materials Research, Japan, 2001 3 F. Vodopivec, J. Vojvodi~ - Tuma, M. Lovre~i~ - Sara`in: Kovine Zlit. Tehnol. 32 (1998), 463 4 S. A`man, L. Vehovar, J. 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Dong: Deformation induced ferrite transformation and grain refinement in low carbon steel; Proceedings of the 1th International conference on Super – high strength steels, Rome, Italy, 2–4 Nov. 2005 32 H. Dong, Y. Gan,Y. Weng: Research activities on advanced steels in Nercast; Proceedings of the 1th International conference on Super – high strength steels, Rome, Italy, 2–4 Nov., 2005 33 J. K. Choi: Development of high strength and high performance steels at Posco through Hipers-21 project; Proceedings of the 1th International conference on Super – high strength steels, Rome, Italy, 2–4 Nov. 2005 34 H. L. Yi, L. X. Du, G. D. Wang, X. H. Liu: ISJ Intern. 46 (2006), 754 F. VODOPIVEC ET AL.: STRUCTURAL STEELS WITH MICROMETER GRAIN SIZE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 111–117 117 A. JAKLI^ ET AL.: HE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL ... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF BILLET REHEATING IN AN OFU FURNACE IMPLEMENTACIJA SIMULACIJSKEGA MODELA ZA SPREMLJANJE OGREVANJA GREDIC V OFU-PE^I Anton Jakli~1, Franci Vode1, Toma` Marolt2, Boris Kumer2 1In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2[tore Steel, d. o. o., @elezarska cesta 3, 3220 [tore, Slovenia anton.jaklicimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2007-01-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-03-29 We present the implementation of an online mathematical model for billet reheating in the OFU walking-beam furnace at the [tore Steel d.o.o. steelworks in Slovenia. For the real-time operation of the simulation model the data about furnace charging and real-time measurements in the furnace are needed. The simulation model is connected to the existing information system of the OFU furnace, which can ensure the required data. The simulation is performed for all the billets (up to 125) that are currently charged in the furnace. The modeling of the reheating process in a gas-fired walking-beam furnace consists of descriptions of complex partial mechanisms. For the validation of the model, measurements of the billet reheating in the OFU furnace were made. These measurements involved a test billet and five trailing thermocouples. The comparison of the measurements and the simulation results, which are stored in a local database, shows good agreement across the whole temperature range of the reheating process. For a user-friendly presentation of the simulation-model results we developed a graphical user interface. This GUI allows the selection of particular billet from a visualization on the screen of the billets in the furnace. The temperature field and the history of reheating for individual positions of the billet in the furnace are shown for the selected billet. The system has been used online in the production process since May 2006. Key words: simulation of reheating, billet reheating, real-time simulation, reheating furnace, walking-beam furnace V prispevku je opisana implementacija simulacijskega modela za spremljanje ogrevanja gredic v OFU-pe~i v valjarni [tore-Steel, d. o. o. Simulacijski model za delovanje v realnem ~asu potrebuje podatke o trenutnih meritvah temperatur con pe~i in podatke o zalo`itvi pe~i, zato je povezan na obstoje~ informacijski sistem OFU-pe~i. Simulacija se izvaja v realnem ~asu za vse gredice, ki so zalo`ene v pe~i (do 125). Modeliranje ogrevnega procesa v plinsko ogrevani kora~ni pe~i je sestavljeno iz obravnave kompleksnih delnih mehanizmov. Vrednotenje simulacijskega modela je bilo izvedeno z meritvami ogrevanja gredice v OFU pe~i. Meritve ogrevanja so bile izvedene med proizvodnim procesom na preizkusni gredici s petimi vle~nimi termoelementi hkrati. Primerjava izra~una in meritev ka`e dobro ujemanje v celotnem poteku ogrevanja. Rezultati simulacije se shranjujejo v lokalno bazo podatkov. Za uporabni{ko prijazen prikaz rezultatov simulacije je bil razvit grafi~ni uporabni{ki vmesnik. Ta omogo~a izbiro poljubne gredice med prikazanimi gredicami, ki so zalo`ene v pe~i. Za izbrano gredico se prika`e trenutno temperaturno polje in celotna zgodovina ogrevanja po posameznih polo`ajih v pe~i. Sistem se v rednem proizvodnem procesu uporablja od maja 2006. Klju~ne besede: simulacija ogrevanja, ogrevanje gredic, simulacija v realnem ~asu, ogrevna pe~, kora~na pe~ 1 INTRODUCTION A computer-controlled hot-rolling process for steel billets requires high-quality reheated billets in terms of time, temperature, thermal profile and furnace atmosphere. When the furnace operates in steady-state conditions the reheating history of every billet is very similar; this type of operation can normally not be achieved. During the normal, non-steady-state, pro- duction process various transient operating conditions occur in the furnace : planned and unplanned stoppages in the mill’s operation, changing steel grades with varying drop-out temperatures and different thermo- dynamic properties, changing the stock dimensions, etc. During this kind of transient operation every billet is reheated under different reheating conditions. Therefore, the reheating history of almost every billet is different. For transient-type furnace operation information about the temperature field for all (up to 125) billets in the furnace is very important for successful furnace control and operation. Unfortunately, however, existing measuring methods cannot provide the temperature fields of billets in the furnace. Nevertheless, by using trailing thermocouples it is possible to measure the reheating at a few measuring points inside the test billet. By contrast, measurements using optical pyrometers or thermal cameras in the furnace only give information about the surface temperature of the billets. The use of an online simulation model is the most appropriate way to acquire the real-time temperature fields of billets in the furnace. In the [tore Steel, d. o. o. steelworks a continuous walking-beam furnace (Figure 1) is used for the reheating of steel billets. The furnace has three control zones. The material flow through the furnace is discontinuous, with fixed walking-beam steps. The furnace has 125 billet positions; however, it is possible to charge only every second or every third walking-beam Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 119–124 119 UDC/UDK 621.77.014:519.68 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)119(2007) step in order to shorten the residing time of the billets in the furnace. In recent years, simulation models of reheating furnaces that calculate the actual temperature distribution in the stock have been developed with increasing computational power. The current state of the art are one- or two-dimensional calculations of the stock temperature 1,2,3,4. However, the first attempts were made to calculate the stock temperature in three dimensions 5,6,7 for different types of reheating furnaces, but not in real-time. A 3D online simulation model of reheating in a walking-beam furnace is presented in 8. The imple- mentation of an online simulation model in a pusher-type furnace is presented in 9. In this paper we present the implementation of the 3D online simulation model of the OFU walking-beam furnace. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The implementation of the simulation model for the online operation of the furnace includes the development of modules to provide real-time measuring data from the furnace, to provide and recognize the current furnace charge, to provide the thermal properties of different steel grades, to store the simulation results in a database, and to present the simulation results in a user-friendly form. 2.1 Mathematical model The online mathematical model used in the implementation is presented in detail in 8,10. The determination of the temperature fields of the billets is based on algorithms that include the main physical phenomena associated with the reheating process in a natural-gas-fired walking-beam furnace. Thermal radiation represents the dominant contribution of heat transfer in a high-temperature reheating furnace. The heat exchange between the furnace gas, the furnace wall and the billet surface is calculated using the three- temperature model of Heiligenstaedt.11 Heat radiation between the surfaces inside the furnace (the furnace-wall surfaces and the billet surfaces) is described using a view-factor matrix. This matrix is obtained before the simulation using the Monte Carlo method. The heat conduction in the billets is calculated using a 3D finite-difference method. The algorithms in the model are optimized to allow a real-time simulation. 2.2 Obtaining the real-time data For the online operation of the simulation model the real-time data of furnace charging and furnace measurements are needed. The simulation model is connected to the existing furnace-process computer of the OFU furnace (Figure 2), which provides the real-time data about furnace-charging measurements in the furnace. Both computers are connected by an Ethernet connection. The data transfer is performed with ASCII files using file-transfer protocol (FTP). A data file "OFU.DAT" is generated every 30 s by the OFU furnace-process computer. It contains both online measurement data and charging data. The measurement data include: • Date and time of the measurements • Temperature measurements of the three control zones • The gas/air flows of individual control zones • Oxygen measurements • Pressure measurements • Measurements of the recuperator temperatures. The charging data are written in table form and include information about current positions and other important information about the billets in the furnace. The data for an individual billet in the table consist of: • Billet position • Working order • Serial number of the billet in the working order • Steel grade • Billet dimensions • Date and time of charging The "OFU.DAT" file is transferred from the furnace-process computer to a computer with the simulation model at regular intervals (i.e., every 20 s) by the process "ftp-transfer", which runs on the computer with the simulation model. After the transfer the file is A. JAKLI^ ET AL.: HE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL ... 120 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 119–124 Figure 1: a) OFU walking-beam furnace, b) billets in the furnace Slika 1: a) OFU-kora~na pe~ za ogrevanje gredic, b) gredice v pe~i a b deleted on the main process computer. The intervals for transferring the data file have to be shorter than the intervals for writing the data to the file to prevent data loss. 2.3 Thermal properties data The thermal properties (the specific heat and the heat conduction) of steel billets have a significant influence on the reheating process. Generally speaking, these properties are temperature dependent. In the model the tables are written in ASCII files. In the production process different steel grades with different thermal properties are reheated in the furnace; however, some of them have similar thermal properties. Therefore, all types of steel grades are classified into main groups, and for these groups the thermal properties were measured or obtained from the literature. The automatic classification is based on a uniform classification table, where the corresponding steel group is written for each steel grade in the table. When the billet is added to the charging list the corresponding steel group is recognized on the basis of the steel billet’s grade. The system then reads from the files the temperature-dependant specific heat and the heat-conduction tables for the recognized steel group. These data are used for the calculation of the thermal conduction inside the billet. 2.4 Automatic recognition of the charging events The system is capable of automatic recognition of the charging events and the charging interventions of the furnace operator on the basis of a comparison between the billet-charging table and the charging file. At the end of the event-recognition process the charging table and charging file have to be harmonized. The recognition of charging events is a three-stage process. In the first stage every billet in the charging table is tested to see if it is present in the charging file. The billets that are absent are deleted from the charging table; their reheating history is saved in the archive directory. In the second stage every billet in the charging file is tested to see if it is on the charging list. The billets that are absent are added to the charging list and a new file with billet data is opened and filled with the initial data. After the first and second stages we can be sure that the same billets are included in the charging list and in the charging file. In the third stage the billets in the charging list are sorted into the same order as in the charging file. The position of every billet in the charging list is compared to that in the charging file. If the position is different, then the position in the list is changed and the current calculated temperature field and the position data are written in the reheating file of that billet. The same algorithm is used for single and for double charging and also for transitional operations: single-to-double and double-to-single charging. 2.5 Database structure All the results of the simulation model are stored in a local database named "ofu" (Figure 3). The system uses the open-source database system MySQL. The database can be accessed locally by the online simulation model and the human-machine interface (HMI) or through an Ethernet connection by PC workstations in the local area network (LAN). The database consists of data tables. At every simulation step (30 seconds) the simulation model creates the data table "ofu_online" (Figure 3). The records in the table correspond to the billets in the furnace. Each record in the table includes basic billet data (Working order, Serial number in the working A. JAKLI^ ET AL.: HE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 119–124 121 LAN PLC OFU furnace Furnace process computer On-line simulation model Figure 2: The connection of the simulation model to the OFU furnace-process computer Slika 2: Povezava simulacijskega modela s procesnim ra~unalnikom OFU pe~i order, Steel grade, Billet width, Billet height, Billet length, Charging time, Real-time of last calculation, Number of the walking-beam step, Position in the furnace, Residing time at the position, Residing time in furnace) and the characteristic points of the last-calcu- lated temperature field of the billet (Figure 4). In cases when the charging situation in the furnace is changed (new billet charged, billet discharged, walking-beam step) the simulation model writes changes into the "Working order tables" (the names of the tables are working-order names, i.e., "066L0001686"). For those billets for which the position is changed the model writes the record of the last calculated temperature field into the table with the name that corresponds to the billet working order. The record has the same fields as the record for the table "ofu_online". Therefore, the "Working order tables" include the position-dependent history of reheating in the furnace for all the billets of the working order. When new measurements from the furnace are available (every 30 seconds) the simulation model adds the record with the measurement data to the data table "ofu_meritve" (Figure 3). The record consists of the following: Time of measurement, Temperature zone 1, Temperature zone 2, Temperature zone 3, Fuel-con- sumption zone 1, Air-consumption zone 1, Fuel- consumption zone 2, Air-consumption zone 2, Fuel-consumption zone 3, Air-consumption zone 3, Furnace pressure, Oxygen probe 1, Oxygen probe 2, Oxygen probe 3, Combustion-air temperature, Waste-gas temperature before recuperator, Waste-gas temperature after recuperator. 2.6 Human-machine interface The human-machine interface (HMI) (Figure 5) was developed for the user-friendly presentation of the real-time results of the simulation model. The HMI process runs parallel to the simulation model. The HMI gets all the data from the "ofu" database. There are two modes of HMI operation: real-time and archive. When the HMI runs in real-time mode the top view of the furnace containing charged billets is shown in the upper part of the window (Figure 5). The billet is selected with a mouse click. In the lower part of the window are detailed data about the selected billet: Working order, serial number, steel grade, dimensions, etc. The calculated temperatures of the characteristic points on the cross-section are presented numerically and using a thermal scale. Different diagram presentations, such as the reheating temperatures of three selected points in the billet, the temperatures of individual furnace-control zones, the gas consumption of individual control zones, the oxygen content, the pressure in the furnace, the holding time of a billet at a particular position in the furnace (Figure 6), can be selected. The archive mode allows a preview of the reheating process A. JAKLI^ ET AL.: HE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL ... 122 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 119–124 Figure 3: Database structure and availability Slika 3: Struktura in dostopnost baze podatkov Figure 5: The human-machine interface of the simulation model – calculated temperatures of characteristic points of the cross-section Slika 5: Grafi~ni uporabni{ki vmesnik simulacijskega modela – izra~unane temperature karakteristi~nih to~k prereza SE SC SD DE DF 1 CE S 3 2 Figure 4: Characteristic points on the billet cross-sections Slika 4: Karakteristi~ne to~ke na prerezih gredice of already-reheated billets. Billets in the archive list are sorted by discharge time. The HMI is developed using the XFORMS graphical library. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The model was validated on the basis of measurements from the OFU walking-beam furnace at the [tore Steel steelworks in Slovenia. The test billet (CK45 steel grade, dimensions 140 mm x 140 mm x 3500 mm) was reheated during the normal production process. The temperature measurements were performed using five trailing thermocouples (Type K, = 4.5 mm, L = 35 m). These five thermocouples were mounted inside a test billet, as shown in Figure 7. Thermocouple TC1 was mounted 10 mm under the upper slab surface; TC2 was mounted 10 mm from the left billet surface, 70 mm deep; TC2 was mounted 10 mm from the right billet surface, 70 mm deep; TC4 was mounted 10 mm from the bottom billet surface, 130 mm deep; and TC5 was mounted in the centre of the billet. The simulation model was compared with the measurements at all five measuring points, TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4 and TC5. The model was tuned by adjusting the temperature profile of the furnace’s ceiling and sidewalls. After tuning the model, all the parameters of the model were observed to be real physical values. Good agreement was obtained between the measured and the calculated temperatures at all five comparison points for the whole reheating process (Figures 8 and 9). The graph was divided into two graphs–the first for the time interval 0–60 min (Figure 8) and the second for the time interval 60–120 min (Figure 9) – in order to distinguish between the measured and the calculated values. The small vertical lines at the bottom of the graphs show the walking-beam step intervals of the furnace. The validation phase shows that the developed algorithms of the simulation model for billet reheating in A. JAKLI^ ET AL.: HE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 119–124 123 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 10 20 30 40 50 S t T imulation Measurement Figure 8: Validation of the simulation model for the test billet (material: CK45, 140 mm x 140 mm x 3500 mm) for the time interval 0–60 min Slika 8: Vrednotenje simulacijskega modela na preskusni gredici (material: CK45, 140 mm x 140 mm x 3500 mm) v ~asovnem intervalu 0–60 min Figure 6: The human-machine interface of the simulation model – diagram of the residing time of the billet at a particular position in the furnace Slika 6: Grafi~ni uporabni{ki vmesnik simulacijskega modela – diagram ~asa zadr`evanja gredice na posameznem mestu v pe~i Figure 7: Measuring points in the test billet Slika 7: Merilne to~ke na preizkusni gredici 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 60 70 80 90 100 110 Simulation Measurement t T Figure 9: Validation of the simulation model for the test billet (material: CK45, 140 mm x 140 mm x 3500 mm) for the time interval 60–120 min Slika 9: Vrednotenje simulacijskega modela na preskusni gredici (material: CK45, 140 mm x 140 mm x 3500 mm) v ~asovnem intervalu 60–120 min the OFU furnace are in good agreement with the real physical behavior of the reheating process. The system was developed using only open-source solutions, and the Linux platform ensures stable running of the system. The system has been used online in the regular production process at the [tore Steel, d. o. o. steelworks in Slovenia since May 2006. 4 CONCLUSIONS The implemented system allows online monitoring of non-measurable values (the 3D temperature fields of billets in the furnace). The system is connected to the furnace-process computer to ensure real-time measuring and charging data from the furnace. The simulation model’s results are stored in an SQL database, which allows internet access to the data. Good agreement between the measured and the calculated heating curves shows that the model includes the main physical phenomena occurring during the reheating process in the OFU walking-Beam furnace. The developed HMI allows a user-friendly presentation of the simulation model’s results. The system has been used online in the regular production process at the [tore Steel, d. o. o., steelworks in Slovenia since May 2006. 5 REFERENCES 1 Staalman, D. F. J.: Process control in reheating furnaces, IoM Conference Challenges in Reheating Furnaces, Conference Papers, October 2002, London, 267–285 2 Dahm, B., Klima, R.: Feedback control of stock temperature and oxygen content in reheating furnaces, IoM conference Challenges in Reheating Furnaces, Conference Papers, October 2002, London, 287–296 3 Kolenko, T.; Glogovac, B., Jaklic, A.: An analysis of a heat transfer model for situations involving gas and surface radiative heat transfer. Commun. numer. methods eng., 15 (1999), 349–365 4 Jakli~ A., Kolenko T., Glogovac B.: Supervision of slab reheating process using mathematical model, 3rd IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD, February 2–4, Vienna. 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THE BEHAVIOUR OF COARSE-GRAIN HAZ STEEL WITH SMALL DEFECTS DURING CYCLIC LOADING VEDENJE JEKLA GROBOZRNATEGA TVP Z NAPAKAMI PRI CIKLI^NI OBREMENITVI Vladimir Gliha, Toma` Vuherer University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia vladimir.glihauni-mb.si/ tomaz.vuhereruni-mb.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2006-05-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-01-15 The effects of small, artificial surface defects on the fatigue strength of coarse-grain HAZ material found at the weld toe were studied. The size of the defects did not exceed the grain size, which is the most relevant microstructural unit of polycrystalline metals. The artificial defects were made by indenting the material with a Vickers pyramid and by drilling holes. The samples of coarse-grain HAZ material were prepared using a welding thermal-cycle simulator or a furnace. The experimentally determined bending fatigue strength versus the properly evaluated defects size was compared with the propagation of long cracks. Residual stresses appear when making small artificial defects. The crack initiation from the defects was analysed and the influence of residual stresses is discussed. Key words: HAZ, weld toe, coarse grain, fatigue strength, artificial defect, residual stresses, non-propagating crack Raziskan je bil vpliv majhnih umetnih napak na dinami~no trdnost grobozrnatega dela TVP ob robu zvarov. Napake niso bile ve~je od kristalnih zrn, ki so najbolj pomembna enota polikristalnih materialov. Umetne napake smo ustvarili z odtiskovanjem Vickesove piramide in vrtanjem. Preizku{ance z grobozrnatim jeklom TVP smo pripravili v simulatorju termi~nega cikla in v pe~i. Eksperimentalno dolo~eno upogibno dinami~no trdnost v odvisnosti od velikosti napake smo primerjali s propagacijo dolgih razpok. S pripravo umetnih napak nastanejo zaostale napetosti. V razpravi je govor o za~etku razpoke iz napak in o vplivu zaostalih napetosti. Klju~ne besede: TVP, rob zvara, groba zrna, dinami~na trdnost, umetne napake, stabilna razpoka 1 INTRODUCTION Defects decrease the fatigue strength of welds. In the past, S-N curves were the only available tool to predict the fatigue life of real quality welds until LEFM concepts started to be applied to welds with macroscopic crack-like defects. Murakami and co-workers treated the influence of variously shaped small defects in the same way as cracks, i.e., using LEFM concepts 1–3. The square root of the projection of defects onto the plane perpendicular to the cyclic stress is a parameter reflecting the effect of small defects on the fatigue strength of metallic mate- rials. However, LEFM greatly underestimates the propa- gation rates of short cracks within the local plastic zones that develop as a result of the stress concentration 4,5. Small cracks, much smaller than the smallest microstructural units (microstructurally small defects), have no influence on the fatigue strength of metals (endurance limit) although these cracks can propagate unexpectedly quickly at the beginning. Nevertheless, the propagation decelerates gradually when approaching microstructural obstacles such as grain boundaries. The propagation can even stop, and the cracks then become non-propagating. However, in the presence of cracks whose size is comparable to the microstructural units of a metal, the fatigue strength of metals is lowered. The behaviour of metals with cracks from the smallest (short cracks) to the biggest (long cracks) is described with the use of a Kitagawa-Takahashy diagram 6. The crack-initiation times in the highest-quality butt-welds are shorter than predicted by LEFM if the cracks initiate at the weld toe. Therefore, the possibility of crack initiation at the weld toe, where a substantial stress concentration exists, is of greatest importance for the load-carrying capacity of cyclically loaded welded structures (Figure 1). Because of the concentrated stress, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 125–130 125 UDC/UDK 621.791.05:620.178.152.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)125(2007) Figure 1: Macrograph of a K-butt weld with a remote homogeneous stress. Arrows indicate the weld toes: the positions of the concentrated stress field. Slika 1: Makrografija K-zvara s homogeno napetostjo dale~ od spoja. Pu{~ice ozna~ujejo robove zvarov in polo`aj koncentriranega polja napetosti. cracks at the weld toe initiate in the coarse-grain region of the HAZ, the formation of which is the result of the heat input needed for the fusion welding and, as a rule, it is much harder than the base metal 7. Artificial defects, especially small holes, are used with great success in studies of the effects of small defects on the endurance limit of metallic materials. Extremely small weld defects, such as sharp transitions, inclusions, scratches or cracks, present at the weld toe, i.e., in the coarse-grain HAZ, can be modelled with artificial defects, too. Vickers indentations are suitable artificial defects. The preparation of a proper indentation of the prescribed size is easy to execute because only the hardness has to be known. The problem of Vickers indentations used as artificial weld defects is residual stresses. Any kind of defect made in a mechanical way results in the appearance of residual stresses. The reason is in the irreversibility of the plastic deformation, which is very extensive when indenting with Vickers pyramids. High residual stresses affect the local stress/strain conditions and change the actual shape of the artificial defect. The behaviour of coarse-grain HAZ materials with different types of microstructurally small defects in a stress-concentrated condition was studied for cyclic loading. The effects of the residual stresses were taken into account. 2 EXPERIMENTAL For this study samples of coarse-grained steel characteristic of the HAZ at the weld toe in the as-welded condition in the case of "cold" welding were prepared by simulating the thermal conditions in the material close to the weld on a welding thermal-cycle simulator (Smitweld). The coarse-grain microstructure was either pure martensite (M) or martensite with a small portion of bainite (M+B). The simulated coarse-grain HAZ microstructures were designated as M1–M5. They were formed at different cooling rates. The data on the cooling times, the mechanical properties and the microstructures are shown in Table 1. The specimens for the fatigue-strength testing were machined from samples with the simulated HAZ micro- structure with the shape and size shown in Figure 2. The specimens were notched in the region with the simulated HAZ microstructure. The bottom of the notch was ground and polished. The calculated stress concentration caused by the notch was 1.74. The smooth surface at the bottom of the notch is specified in Table 1 as test condition C1. Artificial defects of different sizes and shapes were made by indenting with a Vickers pyramid on the bottom of the notch. As shown in Figure 3, they were single indentations and a series of five indentations in a straight line, perpendicular to the testing stress. The average size of the single indentations, d, was (105, 160, and 221) µm. These situations are specified in Table 1 as the test conditions C2, C3 and C4. The average length of a series of indentations, l, was 386 µm and 692 µm. These situations are specified in Table 1 as the test conditions C5 and C6. The series were composed of indentations with diagonals of length of approximately 110 µm and 220 µm. In the second part of this study, a coarse-grain HAZ was prepared with furnace heating. During the first step the samples of steel were heated to 1100 °C and held for 3 h. The grains grew to a size of 200 µm. This coarse-grain annealing was followed by cooling in water. The next step of the thermal treatment was heating to 870 °C and water quenching. The result of the combined thermal treatment was a microstructure of pure martensite. The specimens were notched and artificial defects made either before or after the quenching. V. GLIHA, T. VUHERER: THE BEHAVIOUR OF COARSE-GRAIN HAZ STEEL WITH SMALL DEFECTS ... 126 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 125–130 Figure 2: Bend specimen with a notch in the simulated coarse-grain HAZ steel Slika 2: Upogibni preizku{anci z zarezo na podro~ju z jeklom simuliranega grobozrnatega TVP Table 1: Simulation parameters, mechanical properties, microstructures and test conditions Tabela 1: Parametri simulacije, mehanske lastnosti, mikrostrukture in pogoji preizku{anja Designation Cooling time t/s Yield strength /MPa Tensile strength /MPa Grain size d/µm Microstructure Condition M1 5 981 1210 130 M C1,C2,C3,C4,C6 M2 9 935 1171 140 M+B C1, C2, C4, C6 M3 5.5 992 1192 180 M C1, C2, C4, C6 M4 9.5 939 1176 140 M+B C1, C2, C4, C5, C6 M5 9.5 921 1172 180 M+B C1, C2, C4, C5, C6 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Smooth and artificially surface-defected specimens were bend-loaded in the first part of this study on a resonant machine at room temperature in the load- control mode. The frequency of the loading and the stress rate were f ≅ 115 Hz and R ≅ 0, respectively. The loading was increased in steps to 2 million cycles or to fatigue crack initiation or specimen fracture. A new specimen was used each time. The results of the testing were S-N curves, valid for the test condition C1–C6, and the coarse-grain HAZ materials M1–M5. The highest stress range, ∆σΒ, at which the material still resisted after 2 million cycles was taken as the bending fatigue strength of the material, ∆σf-B. The numerical results of the testing are shown in Table 2. The depth of the artificial defects, b in Figure 3, is an important parameter for the area evaluation, which depends on the size of the indentation. The angle between the opposite planes at the top of the Vickers pyramid is 136°. The angle, α, between the opposite edges that form the diagonal of the indentation, is therefore somewhat bigger: α = ⋅ °2 2 136 2 arctg tg( ); b d= ⋅ °2 4 136 2 ctg (1) The defect size parameter area was evaluated for each of the used artificial defects, single indentations of three sizes and a series of indentations of two sizes. A special approach for the evaluation of long-shallow small defects is available 8. As shown in Figure 4, the area is the plane of the actual defect projection for the single indentation and the product of the maximum defect width with the length of ten times the depth for the series of indentations 8. area d ind ctg= ° 2 2 8 136 2 ; area d ind 2ctg= °5 2 4 136 2 2 (2) The relationships between the results of the testing expressed as the fatigue strength ∆σf-B and the parameter area are shown on a logarithmic-logarithmic scale in Figure 5. The shapes of the curves in Figure 5 agree quite well with the Kitagawa-Takahashy plot. For that reason, three dotted lines are entered in the figure, representing the possible fatigue strengths of coarse-grained HAZ mate- rials with long cracks. One of these lines could be the right-hand side of the Kitagawa-Takahashy plot because V. GLIHA, T. VUHERER: THE BEHAVIOUR OF COARSE-GRAIN HAZ STEEL WITH SMALL DEFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 125–130 127 Figure 4: Size of the image of a series of indentations and a single indentation Slika 4: Velikost plo{~ine niza odtisov in enega odtisa Figure 3: Small artificial surface defects: a single indentation with diagonal d and a series of five indentations with length l (cross-section – a, ground plan – b) Slika 3: Majhne umetne povr{inske napake: odtis z diagonalo d in niz petih odtisov z dol`ino l (prerez – a, naris – b) Table 2: Fatigue strength of the HAZs in terms of the quality of the surface at the bottom of the notch Tabela 2: Trajna dinami~na trdnost TVP pri razli~ni kakovosti povr{ine na dnu zareze Test condition C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Defect size, µm 0 d ≅ 105 d ≅ 160 d ≅ 221 l ≅ 386 l ≅ 692 Material ∆σf-B/MPa M1 539 526 520 481 – 442 M2 546 507 – 468 – 442 M3 533 520 – 468 – 416 M4 533 533 507 442 – 416 M5 526 520 – 468 481 416 the ∆Kth-value for carbon structural steels corresponds to 5–10 MPa m. Smooth and artificially surface-defected specimens were bend-loaded in the second part of this study on a rotary bending machine at room temperature in the load-control mode. The frequency of the loading and the stress rate were f ≅ 100 Hz and R = –1, respectively. Single Vickers indentations and drilled small holes were used as artificial weld defects. The defect size parameter area was the same for both types of defect. Two examples of these defects with already-initiated cracks are shown in Figures 6 and 7. The life of fatigue cracks has two stages: initiation and propagation. The crack initiation from defects in the presence of residual stresses is either easier or more difficult because of the locally enhanced or reduced stress/strain field caused by the defect preparation. Due to the existing pre-stress, the local stress rate, R, is changed. During the fatigue loading, at a sufficiently high stress level, cracks appear due to the interactive effect of the micro-defect and the loading. To distinguish between the effects of micro- structurally small defects assisted by local residual stresses and microstructurally small defects acting alone, a suitable approach to remove those stresses was necessary. Electro-etching was not effective enough with indentations, although it is often used with drilled holes. Recrystallization in the last stage of CGHAZ simulation using a furnace seemed a convenient way to remove the local residual stresses without significantly changing the defect’s geometry. Two kinds of specimens with artificial defects were prepared: • specimens in the as-indented or as-drilled condition • specimens in the stress-relieved condition Local residual stresses due to indenting are compressive, whilst with drilling they could be tensile. When the defect is made before heating for water quenching, local residual stresses do not exist after quenching. The reason is the newly formed micro- structure, caused by recrystallization during the transformation. In contrast, the introduction of the defect after the complete thermal treatment for coarse-grain HAZ simulation induces local residual stresses. In the first stage of fatigue testing, a microcrack appears either at the surface, adjacent to the defects, or inside the defects. Crack initiation occurs in individual grains where the cyclic tangential stress in the weakest crystal plane of randomly oriented grains exceeds a determined level. If the remote stress level is not too high the grain boundary arrests the crack propagation. Local stress concentration due to the presence of defects assists the crack initiation, but the effect is reduced with the distance. An array of initiated cracks on a specimen with a smooth surface is seen in Figure 8. The cracks are not longer than the average grain size, i.e., 200 µm. Their orientation in the initiation stage is close to ± π/4. V. GLIHA, T. VUHERER: THE BEHAVIOUR OF COARSE-GRAIN HAZ STEEL WITH SMALL DEFECTS ... 128 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 125–130 Figure 7: Drilled hole with a diameter of 90 µm. Cracks are initiated on both sides of the hole. Slika 7: Izvrtina s premerom 90 µm. Razpoki nastaneta na obeh stra- neh izvrtine. Figure 5: Dependence of the bending fatigue strength on the defect size parameter area , calculated as illustrated in Figure 4 Slika 5: Odvisnost med upogibno dinami~no trdnostjo in parametrom velikosti napake area , izra~unananim tako, kot je prikazano na sliki 4 Figure 6: Vickers indentation with a diagonal of 200 µm. Cracks are visible at the ends of the indentation. Slika 6: Vickers odtis z diagonalo 200 µm. Razpoki vidimo na konceh odtisa. In specimens where the crack is defected initiation turns up in part of the grains where the intensity of the cyclic stress/strain field is sufficient and it is parallel to the shearing direction of the grain. Figure 9 represents two separate cracks initiated at the edges of the indentation. They are not connected at the bottom of the indentation and did not spread over the surface outside the indentation like the crack shown in Figure 6. The reason for this is the existence of com- pressive residual stresses, mostly at the bottom of the indentation. Figure 10 shows a single crack initiated at the edge of a round hole. The difference between the two cracks in Figure 7 and the single crack in Figure 10 is explained by the absence of tensile residual stresses in the close vicinity of the hole. Only the grain with the initiated crack was oriented to enable crack initiation, the orientation of the grain on the other side was less suitable. 4 CONCLUSIONS The shape of the relationship curve presenting the bending fatigue strength, ∆σf-B, versus the defect size parameter area shown in Figure 5 does not approach the expected linear trend defined with several ∆Kth- values up to the defect size parameter area ≅ 100 µm. This is not surprising, because the threshold stress-intensity factor, ∆Kth, which defines the fatigue strength of materials with macroscopic cracks (the long-crack propagation law) is grain-size dependent. Because of coarse grains the ∆Kth-value is very likely much higher than 7. On the other hand, it seems that the defect size parameter area underestimates the fatigue strength, thereby lowering the effect of a series of indentations. At this point it is not possible to conclude what is more important for the unexpected shape of the relation- ship curve ∆σf-B- area, the coarse grain size or the indenting residual stresses. The length of the biggest series of indentations is almost 700 µm (4–6 times the average grain size); the depth of the indentations does not exceed 31–32 µm (much less than the average grain size). A logical question is which extension of the series of indentations, length or depth, is more important? The answer – that it depends on which direction the cracks initiate – seems to be doubtful. It was expected that specimens in the as-indented condition would behave differently than those in the stress-relieved condition. The reason is the presence of the residual stresses: If compressive residual stresses are the highest at the deepest part of the indentation, cracks will initiate separately at both loaded edges of the indentation. When the stress level is sufficiently low those cracks become non-propagating after their initiation. When stress level is higher the cracks join at the deepest part of the indentation and create a single crack. The effect of a bigger single crack is greater than the effect of separate cracks, although its size is almost equal to the sum of their lengths. V. GLIHA, T. VUHERER: THE BEHAVIOUR OF COARSE-GRAIN HAZ STEEL WITH SMALL DEFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 125–130 129 Figure 10: A single crack initiated from a hole Slika 10: Ena sama razpoka, ki je nastala na izvrtini Figure 8: Cracks initiated at the bottom of the notched specimen without defects Slika 8: Razpoke, ki so nastale na dnu zareze, ko ni napak Figure 9: Two cracks initiated at both edges of a Vickers indentation Slika 9: Razpoki, ki sta nastali na obeh robovih Vickers odtisa In the absence of residual stresses the crack will initiate as a single crack over the whole length of the indentation. An initiated crack in the stress-relieved condition that is longer than the indentation diagonal has a stronger effect than the effect of two separate cracks in the as-indented condition. The higher fatigue strength of the specimens with compressive residual stresses than those without residual stresses is logical. Hole-drilled specimens behave differently than indented specimens. The residual stresses due to drilling are tensile; therefore, the opposite behaviour by the drilled specimens was observed. The fatigue strength of specimens with residual stresses is lower than the fatigue strength of specimens without residual stresses. Generally, compressive stresses at the surface increase the fatigue strength, while the tensile stresses decrease it. 5 REFERENCES 1 Murakami, Y. at al. Quantitative evaluation of effects of non- metallic inclusions on fatigue strength of high strength steels – I: Basic fatigue mechanism and evaluation of correlation between the fatigue fracture stress and the size and location of non-metallic inclusions, Int. J. of Fatigue, 9 (1989), 291–298 2 Murakami, Y., Usuki, H. Quantitative evaluation of effects of non- metallic inclusions on fatigue strength of high strength steels – II: Fatigue limit evaluation based on statistics for extreme values of inclusion size, Int. J. of Fatigue, 9 (1989), 299–308 3 Murakami, Y. 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Effects of hardness and crack geometries on ∆Kth of small cracks emanating from small defects, The behaviour of short fatigue cracks, Edited by K. J. Miller, E. R. de los Rios, Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1986 V. GLIHA, T. VUHERER: THE BEHAVIOUR OF COARSE-GRAIN HAZ STEEL WITH SMALL DEFECTS ... 130 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 125–130 M. DOMÁNKOVÁ ET AL.: THE EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON THE SENSITISATION OF AUSTENITIC ... THE EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON THE SENSITISATION OF AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS VPLIV HLADNE DEFORMACIJE NA POVE^ANJE OB^UTLJIVOSTI NERJAVNIH JEKEL Mária Dománková, Marek Peter, Morav~ík Roman Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bottova 24, 917 24 Trnava, Slovakia maria.domankovastuba.sk Prejem rokopisa – received: 2006-09-20; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-01-15 The sensitisation behaviour of austenitic stainless steel is greatly influenced by several metallurgical factors, such as the chemical composition, the degree of prior deformation, the grain size, and the ageing temperature and time. The precipitation behaviour of AISI 316 and 304 austenitic stainless steels has been investigated after ageing at various temperatures from 500 °C to 900 °C for 0.1 h to 1000 h. The TTS diagrams of the experimental steels after an oxalic-acid etch test ASTM A262 practice A were constructed. It was demonstrated that the C curves of the TTS diagrams were displaced towards shorter times by the increment of 20 % cold work (CW), since the sites inside the grain matrix have a high energy and the carbides can nucleate there easily. Cold work increases the number of dislocations/dislocation pipes along which the diffusion rate of chromium is very high. The sensitisation of the experimental steels accelerated the precipitation of M23C6. Besides M23C6, the σ-phase and M6C were detected at the grain boundaries and in the austenitic matrix in the case of the cold-worked samples. Key words: austenitic stainless steels, sensitisation, precipitation, cold working, intergranular corrosion Ob~utljivost nerjavnih jekel je odvisna od ve~ metalur{kih dejavnikov, npr. od kemi~ne sestave, predhodne deformacije, velikosti zrn, ~asa in temperature staranja. Izlo~ilno vedenje jekel AISI 316 in 304 je bilo raziskano po razli~no dolgem staranju od 0,1 h do 1000 h pri temperaturah med 500 °C in 900 °C. TTS diagrami eksperimentalnih jekel so bili pripravljeni po oksalnem preizkusu po ASTM 262 – metoda A. Dokazano je, da so C-krivulje TTS-diagramov premaknjene h kraj{im ~asom po 20-odstotni hladni deformaciji (CW), zato ker imajo tudi v zrnih mesta z veliko energijo, kjer nastanejo karbidni izlo~ki. Hladna deformacija pove~a {tevilo dislokacij/dislokacijskih cevk, kjer je difuzija kroma zelo hitra. Pove~anje ob~utljivosti jekel je pove~alo hitrost izlo~anja karbidov M23C6. σ-fazo in M6 karbide smo v hladno deformiranem jeklu opazili ob kristalnih mejah in v avstenitni matrici. Klju~ne besede: avstenitna nerjavna jekla, pove~anje ob~utljivosti, hladna deformacija, interkristalna korozija 1 INTRODUCTION The intergranular corrosion (IGC) and stress- corrosion cracking (SCC) of austenitic stainless steels are the most important corrosion processes that affect the service behaviour of these materials. Exposure to temperatures in range 500–800 °C leads to the grain- boundary precipitation of chromium-rich carbides (Fe,Cr)23C6 and to the formation of chromium-depleted regions. If the mass fraction of chromium content near the grain boundaries drops under the passivity limit of 12 %, the steel becomes sensitised. The sensitisation temperature range is often encountered during isothermal heat treatment, slow cooling from the solution annealing temperature, the improper heat treatment in the heat-affected zone of the welds or welding joints or the hot working of the material. The degree of sensitisation (DOS) is influenced by factors such as the steel’s chemical composition, the grain size, the degree of strain or temperature and the time of isothermal annealing. The sensitisation involves both the nucleation and growth of carbides at the grain boundaries. Depending on the state or the energy of the grain boundaries they can provide preferential sites for carbide nucleation and act as a favoured diffusion path for the growth of carbides. Therefore, it has been suggested that the nature of grain boundaries could also influence the DOS and IGC 1–4. In this article we report on some preliminary comparisons of the combined effects of chemical composition, deformation, temperature and aging time on sensitisation in AISI 304 and 316 stainless steels. 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The chemical composition of the experimental steels is given in Table 1. The steels were mostly investigated in the as-received condition with some in the solution-annealed condition. The solution annealing was conducted on the as-received materials at 1050 °C for 60 min followed by water quenching. The steels were 20–40 % cold rolled by controlling the thickness of the plates. The cold-worked samples were heat treated at various temperatures in the range 500–900 °C for times of 0.1 to 1000 h. The samples were then water quenched after the heat treatment. The oxalic-acid etch test (ASTM A262 practice A) was used to determine the steels’ sensitivity to inter- granular corrosion. The specimens were electrolytically etched in 10 % oxalic acid for 90 s at a current density of Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 131–134 131 UDC/UDK 669.14.018.8:620.193 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)131(2007) 1 A/cm2. The etched microstructure was then examined at 250x, and was characterised as a step, dual or ditch microstructure 5. For the individual secondary-phase identification transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the carbon extraction replicas was applied. TEM observations were performed using a JEOL 200 CX operating at 200 kV. The carbon extraction replicas were obtained from mechanically polished and etched surfaces. The replicas were stripped from the specimens in the solution of CH3COOH : HClO4 = 4 : 1 at 20 °C and 20 V. 3 RESULTS The results of the light microscopy examination are summarised in Figure 1. The microstructure of AISI 304 after solution annealing consists of polyhedral austenitic grains with twinning typical of an fcc microstructure. The average austenitic grain size in this state is about 45 µm (Figure 1a). A small amount of -ferrite was also observed. No precipitates were detected at the grain boundaries (GBs) of the solution-annealed steels. Figure 1b shows the microstructure of the AISI 304 after 40 % of CW. The microstructures of the aged states are shown in Figure 1c and Figure 1d. Figure 1c shows the evolution of secondary phases precipitated at the GB in the isothermally aged specimen (650 °C/0.5 h) without cold work. The microstructure of the isother- mally aged specimen (650 °C/0.5 h) and 40 % CW is shown in Figure 1d. The precipitation of secondary phases was observed at the GB and intragranularly and within the matrix. To compare the results of two austenitic stainless steels, time-temperature-sensitisation (TTS) diagrams for these steels for different degrees of CW ranging from 0 % to 40 % are presented in Figure 2. From the TTS diagrams it can be seen that the nose of the C curve corresponding to the maximum rate of sensitisation M. DOMÁNKOVÁ ET AL.: THE EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON THE SENSITISATION OF AUSTENITIC ... 132 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 131–134 Table 1: Chemical composition (in mass fractions, w/%) of the austenitic stainless steels Tabela 1: Kemi~na sestava (v masnih dele`ih, w/%) avstenitnih nerjavnih jekel steel C N Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Fe AISI 304 0.04 0.012 0.54 1.08 0.0032 0.008 18.52 8.47 0.21 bal. AISI 316 0.05 0.032 0.47 0.86 0.0026 0.001 17.55 11.56 2.10 bal. a b c d Figure 1: Microstructure of the AISI 304 a) after solution annealing – 0 % CW, b) after solution annealing – 40 % CW, c) after aging at 650 °C/0.5 h, 0 % CW, d) after aging at 650 °C/0.5 h, 40 % CW Slika 1: Mikrostruktura jekla AISI 304 a) po topilnem `arjenju – 0 % CW, b) po topilnem `arjenju – 40 % CW, c) po staranju 650 °C/0,5 h, 0 % CW, d) po staranju 650 °C/0,5 h, 40 % CW occurs at 800 °C for the AISI 316 in the 0 % CW condition. As the degree of CW increases, the nose temperature remains almost that same, but tmin decreases with the increase in % CW up to 20 % and remains constant thereafter. The TTS diagram of AISI 304 is shifted towards shorter times than the 0 % CW material. The tendency of the shift of the AISI 304 C curve is similar to the case of AISI 316. To identify the type of secondary phases precipitated at the grain boundaries (GBs) during the isothermal treatment, TEM analysis was carried out. First, M23C6 was detected at the grain boundaries after aging. In addition to M23C6, the σ-phase and M6C were detected at the grain boundaries (Figure 3 and Figure 4). Similar precipitation trends were detected using TEM analysis at M. DOMÁNKOVÁ ET AL.: THE EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON THE SENSITISATION OF AUSTENITIC ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 131–134 133 T em pe ra tu re , /° C T T em pe ra tu re , /° C T lg ( /s)thod. lg ( /s)thod. Figure 2: TTS diagrams for AISI type 316 and 304 stainless steels with various degrees of CW established as per ASTM A262 practice A test Slika 2: TTS diagrama za nerjavni jekli 316 in 304 pri razli~ni stopnji deformacije, dolo~eni z ASTM A262-preizkusom Figure 6: Phase ratio in AISI 304 after aging at 650 °C Slika 6: Razmerje faz v jeklu AISI 304 po staranju pri temperaturi 650 °C Figure 3: Microstructure of AISI 316 (650 °C/300 h) – TEM Slika 3: Mikrostruktura jekla AISI 316 (650 °C/300 h) – TEM Figure 5: Phase ratio in AISI 316 after aging at 650 °C Slika 5: Razmerje faz v jeklu AISI 316 po staranju pri temperaturi 650 °C Figure 4: Microstructure of AISI 316 (650 °C/1000 h) - TEM Slika 4: Mikrostruktura jekla AISI 316 (650 °C/1000 h) – TEM the grain boundaries of the AISI 304 steel. The identified secondary phases in the experimental steels and the phase ratio are shown in Figures 5 and 6. 4 CONCLUSIONS The precipitation behaviour of AISI 316 and 304 austenitic stainless steels was investigated during aging at various temperatures in range from 500 °C to 900 °C for times from 0.1 to 1000 h. The following conclusions can be drawn: TTS diagrams of the experimental steels after the oxalic-acid etch test ASTM A262 practice A show that the C curves of the TTS diagrams are displaced towards shorter times with increasing amounts of CW. After ≈20 % cold working, even the sites inside the grain matrix have high energy and carbides can nucleate there also. Cold work increases the number of dislocations/dislocation pipes along which the diffusion rate of chromium is faster. Sensitisation of the experimental steels accelerated the precipitation of M23C6. In addition to this carbide, σ-phase and M6C were detected at the grain boundaries and in the austenitic matrix in the cold-worked samples. Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank the Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic (VEGA) for their financial support of grant No. 1/2113/05. 5 REFERENCES 1 Murr L. E. Advani A., Shakar S., Atteridge D. G.: Effects of deformation and heat treatment on grain boundary sensitisation and precipitation in austenitic stainless steels. Material Characterization, 24 (1990), 135–158 2 Trillo E. A., Murr L. E.: Effects of carbon content, deformation and interfacial energetics on carbide precipitation and corrosion sensitisation in 304 stainless steel. Acta Materialia, 47 (1999) 1, 235–245 3 Janovec J., Blach J, Záhumenský P., Magula V., Pecha J.: Role of intergranular precipitation in the fracture behaviour of AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel. Canadian Metallurgical Quartely, 38 (1999) 1, 53–59 4 Parvathavartini N., Dayal R. K: Influence of chemical composition, prior deformation and prolonged thermal aging on sensitisation characteristics of austenitic stainless steels. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 305 (2002), 209–219 5 Standard Practice for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steels, ASTM, 2001 M. DOMÁNKOVÁ ET AL.: THE EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON THE SENSITISATION OF AUSTENITIC ... 134 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 131–134 S. SEITL, P. HUTA: FATIGUE-CRACK PROPAGATION NEAR A THRESHOLD REGION ... FATIGUE-CRACK PROPAGATION NEAR A THRESHOLD REGION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF TWO-PARAMETER FRACTURE MECHANICS DVOPARAMETRSKA LOMNO MEHANSKA ANALIZA HITROSTI UTRUJENOSTNE RAZPOKE BLIZU PRAGA PROPAGACIJE Stanislav Seitl, Pavel Huta Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Zizkova 22, 616 62 Brno, Czech Republic seitlipm.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2006-05-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-03-09 A two-parameter constraint-based fracture mechanics method was applied to the problems of the fatigue-crack propagation rate near a threshold region. Two geometries of specimens with different values of constraint were analyzed. The experimentally obtained results were compared with numerical data. The presented result makes it possible to relate experimentally measured data obtained from specimens with different geometries, and thus contributes to more reliable estimates of the residual fatigue life of a structure. Key words: constraint, T-stress, threshold values, fatigue crack growth rate, high cyclic fatigue, Dvoparametrska vpetostna metoda je uporabljena pri problemu {irjenja utrujenostne razpoke blizu praga propagacije. Analizirani sta dve geometriji preizku{anca z razli~no vpetostjo. Eksperimentalni podatki so primerjani z numeri~nimi. Rezultati omogo~ajo, da se pove~a eksperimentalne izsledke s preizku{ancev z razli~no geometrijo in omogo~ajo bolj zanesljivo oceno preostale trajnostne dobe neke strukture. Klju~ne besede: vpetost, vrednosti praga, hitrost rasti utrujenostne razpoke, visokocikli~na utrujenost 1 INTRODUCTION The understanding of constraint effects on the fatigue-crack propagation rate (FCPR) is relevant for the prediction of the operating life of engineering structures. The elastic T-stress, the second term of Williams’s series expansion1 for linear elastic crack-tip fields, represents the stress acting parallel to the crack plane. In paper2 results relating to FCPR measurements for a 2024 aluminum alloy of two different specimen geometries are investigated. The FCPR was found to be sensitive to the specimen’s geometry in the Paris region of the da/dN–K curve as well as in the threshold values. The same trends are quantified for different levels of constraint in the vicinity of the fatigue-crack tip by means of the T-stress. This has been published for the ratio R ≈ 0 in paper3. These findings are contradicted by the results published in 4. The experiments are focused on the fatigue-crack growth data from three different specimen geometries obtained for nickel-based super- alloys and mild steel. The recently published study5 describes experiments on edge-bending specimens SE(B) and C(T) specimens to characterize the fatigue- crack growth rates of Inconel 718, and in this study no difference in the crack-growth rate between the two kinds of specimens was observed. Within two-parameter fracture mechanics (2PFM) the stress field near the crack tip is expressed by means of two parameters, i.e., the stress-intensity factor, K, and the T-stress. The stress field at the crack tip can then be expressed for a normal mode (mode I) of loading as σ θ δ δij ij i j K r f T= +1 1 1 2π ( ) (1) where fij(θ) is a known function of the polar angle θ, and δij and δ1j are the Cronecker deltas, taking the value 1 if i and j are equal, and 1 and 0 otherwise. The work reported here uses 2PFM for a description of the different threshold values of a FCPR to predict the effect of constraint on the retardation or acceleration of the crack growth in high cyclic fatigue loading. The corresponding calculations are performed according to the finite-element method (FEM). The experimental measurements of FCPR on two kinds of specimens with a different geometries were compared and so were the experimental data covering the effect of constraint. 2 TESTS OF THE FATIGUE-CRACK PROPAGATION RATE NEAR TRESHOLD VALUES The effect of constraint on the fatigue-crack growth rate near the threshold values was experimentally studied in relation to two different specimens: the M(T) (the middle-tension specimen) and C(T) (the compact-tension specimen). The M(T) specimen produced a low level of constraint (negative values of the T-stress) and the C(T) specimen produced a high level of constraint (positive Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 135–138 135 UDC/UDK 539.42 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)135(2007) values of the T-stress) e.g., 6. The thickness of both types of specimens was the same, B = 10 mm. The experi- mental results were obtained for steel with 0.45 % C. The material properties corresponding to the cyclic strain-stress curve (Figure 1) are: Young’s modulus E = 2.1⋅105 MPa, Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3, cyclic yield stress σ0 = 350 MPa and hardening exponent n = 0.314. All the experiments were performed under the same conditions: room temperature and a loading stress ratio R ≈ 0 (close to a pulsating cycle R = 0.1). The crack length was measured optically with a resolution of 0.01 mm. The experimental data were evaluated according to ASTM E6477. The threshold values were determined at crack- growth rates of 10–8 mm/cycle. The following results were obtained, see Figure 2. The fatigue-crack growth rate was found to be higher for the M(T) specimen with a negative value of T-stress (low constraint) than for the C(T) specimen with a positive value of T-stress (high constraint), when sub- jected to the same nominal range of the stress-intensity factor, ∆K. Significant differences were seen between the threshold values of the FCPR. The corresponding parameters of the Paris-Erdogan law are then: C = 6.607 · 10–11, m = 4.609 and Kth = 8.81 MPa m1/2 for the M(T) specimen and C = 2.883 · 10–10, m = 3.662 and Kth = 9.66 MPa m1/2 for the C(T) specimen. 3 CONSTRAINT-BASED DESCRIPTION OF A FATIGUE CRACK The plastic-zone size around the crack tip depends upon many variables, such as the yield stress, the applied stress, the specimen geometry and the crack geometry. According to one-parameter linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), there is a single-valued relation between the size of the plastic zone and the corres- ponding value of the stress-intensity factor, KI, which controls the FCPR (e.g.,8). Following this, one of the parameters, say Rp = Rp(K), which characterizes the size of the plastic zone, can be used as the controlling variable, and the Paris-Erdogan law9 da/dN = C(K)m can be rewritten in the form [ ]d d p a N F R K= ( ) (2) Therefore, the size of the plastic zone can be considered as a potential parameter with a direct physical meaning to describe the FCGR. Based on the assump- tions of the 2PFM, the size of the plastic zone depends on the given value of K and the T-stress (the level of constraint), Rp* = Rp*(K,T), and Equation (2) takes the form: [ ]d d p a N F R K= * ( ) (3) Equation (3) considers the effect of the stress field at the crack tip on the FCPR, which included the non- singular term (T-stress), and this Equation (3) can be used to quantify the effect of the constraint. In the present study, see e.g.3, the plastic-zone area, Sp(K,T), is used as a parameter controlling the FCPR, and it is assumed that the crack will propagate at the same fatigue rate if the values of Sp(K,T) (corresponding to different combinations of the K and T parameters) are the same. Let us take the level of constraint corresponding to the zero value of the T-stress as a reference state and denote the corresponding area of the plastic zone as Sp0 = Sp(K,T = 0), based on the assumption of LEFM it is Sp 0 = Sp(K,T = 0) = (,T = 0)(K/0) 4 (4) where (,T = 0) is a function of Poisson’s ratio, ν, and the cyclic yield stress, σ0 of the material used. The function can be determined conventionally by substituting the singular terms of the elastic stress field into the von Mises’ yield criterion or numerically using the FEM. Similarly, let us denote the area of the plastic zone around the crack tip corresponding to a structure S. SEITL, P. HUTA: FATIGUE-CRACK PROPAGATION NEAR A THRESHOLD REGION ... 136 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 135–138 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 lg∆K (MPa m1/2) -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 lg ( ( d a /d N ) ) m m / / / r Figure 2: The influence of the geometry of the specimen on the threshold values and the fatigue crack propagating rate Slika 2: Vpliv geometrije preizku{anca na vrednosti praga in hitrost propagacije utrujenostne razpoke 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 ε 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 σ / M P a Figure 1: Cyclic stress-strain curve of the material used for experiments Slika 1: Cikli~na napetost-deformacija odvisnost materiala, ki je bil uporabljen za preizkuse with a non-zero level of constraint as Sp = Sp(K,T  0), and express it in the form Sp(K,T  0) = ψ(ν,T  0)(K/σ0) 4 (5) Both quantities, ψ(ν,T = 0) and ψ(ν,T  0), were calculated numerically by using a modified boundary- layer analysis (MBLA). The calculations of the plastic-zone size and area were performed for different values of the stress-intensity factor as a function of the ratio of the T-stress and the yield stress, T/σ0, in an interval of a real ratio < –0.8; 0.4 > (see also10). The chosen values of the K factor and the ratio T/σ0 correspond to the applied levels of the external stress and the constraint in the presented experiments. The depen- dence obtained can then be expressed in the form λ σ σ σ σ T T T T 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 33 066 0 445 ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ −. . . ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 3 , see Figure 3. The relation between the plastic-zone sizes with and without using the T-stress was found in the form: Sp(K,T) =  4(T/0)Sp 0 (6) Let us further define the effective value of the stress-intensity factor, Keff, using the equality (6) that relates the plastic-zone area for T = 0 and T ≠ 0 in the form: Keff(T) = (T/0)K(T = 0) (7) Where the application of the Keff(T) for the description of the fatigue-crack growth rate takes the level of the applied stress and the constraint into account, the Paris-Erdogan equation can be rewritten in the form da/dN = C(T/0)K m (8) Equation (8) represents a modified form of the Paris-Erdogan law and makes it possible to account for the effect of the constraint on the fatigue-crack growth rate. C and m are material constants obtained for condi- tions corresponding to T = 0. The value of the T-stress represents the level of constraint corresponding to the given specimen geometry. 4 DISCUSSION The approach presented is a phenomenological one and does not consider the effect of plasticity-induced crack closure; it proceeds from the assumption of LEFM. The two-parameter fracture methodology is based upon the assumption that the fracture behaviour of two different bodies is the same if both encompass the same value of the stress-intensity factor, K, and the same range of the constraint parameter T-stress. Note that the positive values of the T-stress correspond to a high constraint level and negative values to a low constraint. The two-parameter description characterized the stress state near the crack tip more accurately, and can explain the effect of the outer geometry of the structure. On the other hand, this approach does not take account of the corresponding mechanism of the fatigue-crack growth rate or the microstructure of the material. The correlation of the dependence da/dN – K related to a zero constraint level for the steel specimens is shown in Figure 4. The corresponding Paris-Erdogan law parameters are C = 1.473 · 10–10, m = 4.013 and Kth = 9.44 MPa m1/2. The points corresponding to the lower level of constraint (M(T) specimen) are shifted to lower values of the FCPR. Similarly, the points corresponding to a higher level of constraint (the C(T) specimen) are transformed into higher values of the FCPR. The scatter of the experimental results after this transformation is smaller in comparison to the data in Figure 2. Finally, it is possible to make an approximation of all experimental data by the one material curve, which is independent of the outer geometry of the specimen, with reasonable experimental scatter corresponding to a zero value of the constraint. Similarly, the influence of the constraint can be described in the threshold region, see Figure 4. S. SEITL, P. HUTA: FATIGUE-CRACK PROPAGATION NEAR A THRESHOLD REGION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 135–138 137 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 lg∆K (MPa m1/2) lg ( ( d a /d N ) ) m m / / / r Figure 4: The experimental data from Figure 2 correlated to a zero value of the constraint Slika 4: Eksperimentalne vrednosti s slike 2 korelirane na ni~no vrednost vpetosti – 0.8 – 0.6 – 0.4 – 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 T/σ0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 λ Figure 3: Dependence λ= λ(T/σ0) Slika 3: Odvisnost λ= λ(T/σ0) Following these observations it can be concluded that the fatigue crack will not propagate if the threshold value for zero T-stress is smaller than the effective range of the stress-intensity factor. Keff(K,T) < Kth(T = 0) (9) 5 CONCLUSIONS This work describes the constraint effect for fatigue-crack propagation near the threshold values in the context of the requirement for improved life- prediction methods. A combined experimental and modeling approach is used. Experimental measurements of the FCPR were made on two kinds of specimens with different shapes: i.e., M(T) (low level of constraint) and C(T) (high level of constraint) specimens. The plastic zone is considered as a controlling variable for near-threshold fatigue-crack behaviour and a simple procedure makes it possible to estimate the changes of the fatigue-crack propagation rate in the threshold region due to different constraint levels formulated quantitatively. The effective stress-intensity factor, Keff, becomes smaller (T > 0) or larger (T < 0) than the nominally applied one, and hence the crack propagation is slower or faster, and the threshold values are lower or higher, than would be predicted without any knowledge of the constraint effect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This investigation was supported by grants No. 101/04/P001 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and by the Institutional Research Plan AV OZ 204 105 07. 6 REFERENCES 1 M. L. Williams: On the stress distribution at the base of a stationary crack. ASME Journal Applied Mechanics, 24 (1957), 109–123 2 R. S. Vecchio, J. S. Crompton, R. W. Hartyberg: The influence of specimen geometry on near threshold fatigue crack growth, Fatigue Fracture Engineering Mat. Structure, 10 (1987), 333–342 3 Z. Knesl, K. Bednar, J. C. Radon: Influence of T-stress on the rate of propagation of fatigue crack, Physical Mesomechanics, (2000), 5–9 4 J. Tong: T-stress and its implications for crack growth, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 69 (2002), 1325–1337 5 J. A. Joyce: Evaluation of the Effect of Crack Tip Constraint on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Inconel 718, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 34 (2004), ASTM STP 1461 6 Z. Knesl, K. Bednar: Two-parameters Fracture Mechanics: Calcu- lation of Parameters and their Values, Institute of Physics of Materials, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998 7 ASTM E647-05 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate. Vol. 03.01, 591–630 8 S. Suresh: Fatigue of Materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998 9 P. Paris, F. Erdogan: A critical analysis of crack propagation laws, Journal Basic Engineering Trans. ASME, (1963), 528–534 10 S. Seitl, P. Hutaø: Influence of materials parameters on polynom used for modification Paris law, 22nd conference with international participation, Hrad Ne~tiny, 2 (2006), 543–550, Text in Czech S. SEITL, P. HUTAØ: FATIGUE-CRACK PROPAGATION NEAR A THRESHOLD REGION ... 138 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 135–138 M. BALCAR ET AL.: MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS ... MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS AND THE CHEMICAL HETEROGENEITY OF A 26NiCrMoV115 STEEL INGOT MODELIRANJE PROCESA STRJEVANJA IN KEMI^NE HETEROGENOSTI INGOTA IZ JEKLA 26NiCrMoV115 Martin Balcar1, Rudolf @elezný1, Ludvík Martínek1, Pavel Fila1, Jií Ba`an2 1@AS, a. s., Strojírenská 6, 591 71 @ár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic 2University V[B – TU Ostrava, FMMI, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic martin.balcarzdas.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2006-08-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2006-12-12 Steel making at @AS, a.s. using secondary metallurgy technology makes it possible to produce liquid metal with high levels of metallurgical cleanliness. During the casting and subsequent cooling of forging ingots, the steel solidification takes place. Directional material solidification, grain size, chemical heterogeneity and discontinuities can have a negative effect on the products’ final properties. The comparison of the chemical composition based on a numerical calculation with the heterogeneity of the real ingot has proven the possibility of using MAGMA software to model the casting and solidification of ingots for open-die forgings made from 26NiCrMoV115 steel. Key words: forging ingot, solidification, heterogeneity, modelling of segregations Za uporabo tehnologije sekundarne metalurgije se v @AS izdeluje teko~e jeklo z veliko metalur{ko ~istostjo. Med ulivanjem in ohlajanjem kova{kih ingotov se izvr{i strjevanje. Usmerjeno strjevanje, velikost zrn, kemi~na heterogenost in diskontinuitete lahko negativno vplivajo na lastnosti kon~nega proizvoda. Primerjava kemi~ne sestave z numeri~nim izra~unom heterogenosti realnega ingota je dokazala mo`nost uporabe softvera MAGMA za modeliranje ulivanja in strjevanja ingotov za prosto kovanje iz jekla 26NiCrMoV115. Klju~ne besede: kova{ki ingot, strjevanje, heterogenost, modeliranje segregacij 1 INTRODUCTION The manufacture of steel forgings for the rotary parts of gas turbines requires an adherence to exactly defined forming and heat-treatment rules. A prerequisite for the successful production of highly stressed machine parts is a high-quality initial blank or ingot. The use of MAGMA software to model the ingot casting and solidification, to forecast the internal quality and the segregation of basic alloying elements and to compare the theoretical prerequisites with practical results makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of also using software for other types of numerical simulation related to the processing of ingots. The evaluation of the chemical heterogeneity of the forging ingot of type 8K8.4 cast at @AS, a.s. from 26NiCrMoV115 steel demonstrated the requirements for an isotropic structure and mechanical properties of the steel forging are met. 2 MODELLING OF THE INGOT CASTING AND THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS Using the MAGMA software a simulation of the casting and solidification of the 8K8.4 forging ingot in 30NiCrMoV steel with the chemical composition shown in Table 1 was carried out. The results of the numerical modelling of the ingot solidification process in the form of the location of the solidus temperature for different solidification times are shown in Figure 1. A graphical visualisation of the time Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 139–144 139 UDC/UDK 669.18 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)139(2007) Figure 1: Development of the solidus temperature range depending on time Slika 1: ^asovna evolucija razpona solidusne temperature zones when the temperature of the molten steel changes through the phase between the liquidus and solidus lines is shown in Figure 2. The final phase of the solidification process is intended for an immediate share of 100 % solid phase. 1 Along with the numerical simulation of the ingot casting and the solidification, calculations of the segregation and unmixing of the basic alloying and tramp elements were also carried out. Significant concentration changes throughout the steel ingot’s cross-section were only noted for elements with greater content. The concentration distribution of some elements is shown in Figures 3 and 4. It is obvious that the degree of segregation increases from the ingot surface towards the axial part. The concentration of the elements was deduced from the concentration ranges in Figures 3 and 4 and arranged in an ascending order, with numbers from 0 to X, according to the local level of concentration. By summing the local content of all the elements the values in Table 2 were obtained showing the relative segre- gation degree according to the location of the analyses points in Figure 5. Table 2: Relative segregation degree Tabela 2: Relativna stopnja segregacije Sample 1 2 3 H 18 8 0 S 14 9 4 P 7 8 4 M. BALCAR ET AL.: MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS ... 140 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 139–144 Table 1: Chemical composition of steel as per the MAGMA software Tabela 1: Kemi~na sestava jekla za softver MAGMA MAGMA C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Mo V Al w/% 30NiCrMoV 0.30 – – 0.025 0.006 1.40 3.00 – 0.40 – – Figure 2: Stay of the melt in the phase boundary between the liquidus and solidus temperatures Slika 2: Zadr`anje taline na fazni meji med likvidusno in solidusno temperaturo Carbon Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Figure 3: Concentration of some elements in the central vertical section of the ingot Slika 3: Koncentracija nekaterih elementov na pokon~nem prerezu skozi sredino ingota The highest values of the positive segregation correspond to the ingot part marked with the index H1. Compared with the other sampling points, all the elements attain the maximum concentration here. The lowest concentrations of the analysed elements were found in H3 and events S3 and P3. 3 PRODUCTION PROCESSING AND SAMPLING METHOD Within the scope of the experimental work, the 26NiCrMoV115 steel melt with the chemical compo- sition in Table 3 was made at @AS, a.s. The molten M. BALCAR ET AL.: MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 139–144 141 Cross-section view below the ingot top Figure 4: Concentration of some elements in the cross-section, view below the ingot top Slika 4: Koncentracija nekaterih elementov na prerezu pod glavo ingota Table 3: Chemical composition of steel – final melt test Tabela 3: Kemi~na sestava jekla, kon~na analiza {ar`e Melt analyse C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Mo V Al As Sn Sb Ca w/% µg/g 30NiCrMoV 0.29 0.21 0.01 0.004 0.006 1.69 2.88 0.01 0.41 0.12 0.009 30 <5 <5 4 Figure 5: Steel ingot dividing and sampling diagram Slika 5: Razdelitev ingota in skica odvzema vzorcev metal was bottom cast in the mould of the 8K8.4 to form an ingot with a mass of approximately 8 tonnes. 3 The solidification and the cooling of the ingot to ambient temperature took place in the mould. In order to facilitate the manipulation after the fettling, the ingot was divided into three parts using a cutting machine, as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 shows the sampling points for the speci- mens taken for analysis from parts below the top, from the middle and from the bottom of the ingot. 4 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE INGOT IN THE MONITORED ZONES The samples H1, H2, H3 were cut out from the body part below the ingot top, the samples S1, S2, S3 from the middle part and the samples P1, P2 and P3 from the ingot’s bottom part. All the samples were submitted for chemical analyses in the laboratory of ISPAT NOVÁ HU, a.s. and the contents of several elements were determined. 4 The chemical compositions of the samples, shown in Table 4, only include the elements present in sufficient concentrations with respect to the detection limits of the analytical device. If the concentrations of the elements from Table 4 are arranged in ascending order, with evaluation points from 0 to X according to the increasing content, a sum for all the elements indicating the relative segregation degree in Table 5 is obtained. Table 5: Relative segregation degree Tabela 5: Relativna stopnja segregacije Sample 1 2 3 H 27 8 18 S 7 11 9 P 10 19 9 In the zone corresponding to the ingot part marked with H1 the highest positive segregations occur. In this area most elements show a significant unmixing. Com- pared with other sampling points, carbon, chromium, nickel, molybdenum and vanadium attain the maximum segregation; the lowest concentrations of the elements analysed were found in the S1 and also in the S3 and P3 zones. 5 ELEMENT HETEROGENEITY MEASUREMENT The chemical heterogeneity of the steel samples was determined at VTÚO Brno using a method previously reported 5. For the energy-dispersion (ED) X-ray micro- analysis a JEOL JXA8600/KEVEX Delta V Sesame microscope was used. The analyses were performed for elements with a content higher than the detection limit for the ED microanalysis. For each analysed element the content was determined for 101 points. The analysed elements were vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, nickel and molybdenum. For each point analyses, the program also determined some basic statistical parameters: XS mean value SX standard deviation Min minimum value IHet heterogeneity index IHet = SX/XS Max maximum value Is segregation index Is = Max/XS The results are shown in Table 6. For the evaluation of the chemical heterogeneity the maximum point content for each element was considered and obtained along a measured line of 1000 µm for each sample. The dimensionless parameter known as the segre- gation index (Is) was determined as the relationship between the maximum concentration and the average concentration in the given section (Is = Max/XS). The results are shown in Table 7. M. BALCAR ET AL.: MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS ... 142 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 139–144 Table 4: Chemical composition of samples taken throughout the ingot cross-section Tabela 4: Kemi~na analiza vzorcev, izrezanih iz prereza ingota In order to make it easier to understand, the segregation index for the analysed elements is arranged so that it emphasizes the maximum and minimum segregation index. According to the position of the samples in the ingot, the following indexes were determined. The distribution of the values of the maximum and minimum segregation indexes of the elements shows that it is not possible to decide unambiguously in which ingot part the highest and/or lowest segregation intensity occurs. If we assign the same weight to the highest and/or the lowest segregation index of each element (six analysed elements with a mass of 1/6), the distribution of the maximum and/or minimum segregation indexes of the elements, the data in Table 8, are obtained. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 139–144 143 M. BALCAR ET AL.: MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS ... Table 8: Maximum and minimum segregation indexes Tabela 8: Najve~ji in najmanj{i indeksi segregacije Table 9: Mass distribution of segregation indexes Tabela 9: Razdelitev indeksov segregacije po masi Maxima Minima H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Table 7: IHet and Is indexes Tabela 7: Indeks IHet in Is Table 6: Basic statistics of samples and elements Tabela 6: Osnovna statistika vzorcev in elementov These data show that the highest segregation index is obtained in the ingot axis area, where a fraction of 4/6 of cases falls on the vertical column of samples H1-S1-P1 The smallest segregation index is found for samples from the S2 ingot position. In terms of the fraction 3/6 it means S2 takes half of all cases. The fraction 2/3 of cases falls on the column H2, S2 and P2. The minimum fraction 1/6 of the lowest measured values of the segregation indexes falls on the vertical columns H1–S1–P1 and H3–S3–P3, while in the column H1–S1–P1 the weight of occurrence of the elements with the maximum heterogeneity index is 2/3. It can be concluded that the highest unmixing tendency is expected in the ingot axis – column 1. The lowest unmixing tendency can be expected at the surface of the ingot – column 3. The segregation behaviour of the elements Cr and Mn is different, as shown in Table 9. The smallest measured segregation indexes are found for the ingot areas H2, S2 and P2. However, there are also two exceptions to this rule, again the elements are Cr and Mn. Sequence according to the highest segregation index: Table 11: Sequence of segregation indexes Tabela 11: Sekvence indeksov segregacije Segregation V Mo Mn Cr Ni Fe Index 12.74 8.51 4.63 3.20 1.30 1.02 Sequence of elements according to the lowest segregation index: Segrgeation Mo V Mn Cr Ni Fe Index 2.47 2.27 2.17 1.49 1.20 1.01 Both sequences are almost identical, i.e., Mo, V, Mn, Cr, Ni and Fe and only two elements, molybdenum and vanadium, exchange their places in the sequence. In both sequences the elements V, Mo and Mn are in the first three places and the sequence is ended by the elements Cr, Ni and Fe. The reciprocal value of the segregation index k » 1/Is represents, as a first approxi- mation, the effective distribution coefficient of the element 6. 6 CONCLUSION The relatively good agreement of the results of the measurements and the simulations of the maximum and minimum segregation index sequence indicate the same tendencies during the solidification and cooling of a steel ingot with a given chemical composition. On the basis of the measurements it can be concluded that this tendency depends on the real value of the effective distribution coefficient of the elements. It is also possible to conclude on the basis of the measurements that, of the external parameters, the parameter referred to as the local solidification time plays an important role, i.e., the time when the particular measured area of the sample stays between the solidus and liquidus temperatures. The use of the MAGMA software to model the ingot casting and solidification process and to predict the behaviour of the basic alloying elements confirms the relative agreement between the theoretical predictions and the practical results. The determination of the chemical heterogeneity of the forging ingot type 8K8.4 of 26NiCrMoV115 steel will contribute to an explanation of the causes of possible occurrence of structural anisotropy of the steel in connection with the end-use properties. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The investigations were performed within the EUREKA programme of the E!3192 ENSTEEL project, identification number 1P04EO169. The project was funded partially with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic 7 LITERATURE 1 Martínek, L., Balcar, M., Ba`an, J. et al.: Optimization of casting and solidification with respect to the ingot structure and homogeneity. Progress report from the solution of the EUREKA E!3192 ENSTEEL project, identification number 1P04OE169, 2005, 69 p. 2 Martínek, L., Balcar, M. @elezný, R.: Optimization of casting and solidification with respect to the ingot structure and homogeneity. Annex No. 4: Numerical simulation outputs and selected quality parameters of the ingot. Progress report form the solution of the EUREKA E!3192 ENSTEEL project, identification number 1P04OE169, 2005, 97 p. 3 Martínek, L., Balcar, M. et al.: Production of components from high-clean steels for power equipment. Progress report on the solution of the EUREKA E!3192 ENSTEEL project, 2004, 117 p. 4 Metallurgical and chemical laboratories ISPAT NOVÁ HU a.s., Test report, 2004 5 Ba`an, J. et al.: Comparison of influence of the contemporary, single and combined processes of extra-furnace metallurgy and casting on the end-use properties and expensiveness of high-grade steels. /Opposed final report of the grant project GA^R 106/01/0365/. V[B - TU Ostrava, 2003, 68 p. 6 Rek, A., Stránský, K.: Element heterogeneity in the 26NiCrMoV115 steel samples from the 8 t ingot. VTÚO Brno, 2004, 35 p. M. BALCAR ET AL.: MODELLING OF THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS ... 144 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 139–144 Table 10: Limit values of the segregation indexes related to the elements Tabela 10: Mejne vrednosti za indekse segregacije za elemente Maxima Minima H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Fe Mn V Ni Fe Ni Mo Cr Mo Cr Mn V J. ŠETINA: FREKVEN^NA ODVISNOST REZIDUALNEGA TRENJA VISKOZNOSTNEGA ... FREKVEN^NA ODVISNOST REZIDUALNEGA TRENJA VISKOZNOSTNEGA VAKUUMSKEGA MERILNIKA Z LEBDE^O KROGLICO FREQUENCY DEPENDENCE OF SPINNING ROTOR GAUGE RESIDUAL DRAG Janez [etina In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija janez.setina@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2007-04-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-05-07 Viskoznostni merilnik tlaka z lebde~o kroglico (SRG – Spinning Rotor Gauge) se je uveljavil v meroslovju nizkih tlakov kot precizen in stabilen referen~ni etalon za obmo~je med 10–4 Pa in 1 Pa. Ob ustrezni kalibraciji s primarnimi vakuumskimi standardi je v tem obmo~ju tlakov dosegljiva merilna negotovost pri komercialnih merilnikih ± 0,5 %. Med vplivnimi veli~inami pri merjenjih z SRG-merilnikom je najpomembnej{e rezidualno trenje rotorja, ki se pojavi zaradi vrtin~nih elektri~nih izgub pri magnetnem lebdenju in vrtenju kroglice. Rezidualno trenje lahko izmerimo pri zelo nizkem tlaku kot ni~elni signal in ga nato upo{tevamo pri meritvi tlaka kot popravek. ^asovna stabilnost rezidualnega trenja dolo~a spodnjo merilno mejo SRG-merilnika. Izka`e se, da je rezidualno trenje odvisno od frekvence vrtenja rotorja. Frekven~no odvisnost lahko dolo~imo z linearno regresijo merjenih vrednosti rezidualnega trenja v odvisnosti od frekvence. Podrobneje smo raziskali stabilnost in frekven~no odvisnost rezidualnega trenja pri razli~nih namestitvah dveh kroglic. Rezultati so pokazali, da je frekven~na odvisnost slabo korelirana z absolutno vrednostjo rezidualnega trenja. V ve~ini primerov je frekven~na odvisnost tako velika, da jo moramo upo{tevati pri izra~unu popravka rezidualnega trenja pri meritvah tlakov plina pod 1·10–3 Pa. Klju~ne besede: viskoznostni vakuumski merilnik, rezidualno trenje, meritev vakuuma Spinning rotor gauge (SRG) is well recognized in the field of low pressure metrology as precise and stable reference standard in the range from 10–4 Pa to 1 Pa. The achievable measurement uncertainty of commercial SRG is ± 0,5%, assuring a suitable calibration with a higher level primary standard. Important correction of SRG is the pressure independent contribution to the measured signal known as residual drag. It is caused by eddy current losses in magnetic levitation system and metallic parts in the close vicinity of the spinning rotor, and can be determined at very low gas pressure as a zero signal of the gauge. The residual drag usually depends on the rotational frequency of the rotor. It can be approximated with a linear function which can be determined by linear regression of measured values as a function of rotational frequency. We have investigated stability and frequency dependence of residual drag for several different suspensions of two SRG rotors. Results showed that there is no correlation between frequency dependence and magnitude of residual drag. The frequency dependence is in most cases large enough to have significant influence on the measurements and has to be taken into account for precise pressure measurements below 1·10–3 Pa. Key words: spinning rotor gauge, residual drag, vacuum measurement 1 UVOD Vsakr{no gibanje predmetov v plinu je ovirano zaradi trkov z molekulami plina. Parameter, ki pove, kako mo~no je gibanje v nekem plinu ovirano, je viskoznost. Pojav molekularnega trenja je povezan s prenosom gibalne koli~ine med molekulami plina in gibajo~im predmetom. Enako kot toplotna prevodnost je tudi viskoznost plinov pri nizkem tlaku plina (v moleku- larnem podro~ju) sorazmerna s tlakom, kar lahko izkori- stimo za posredno merjenje vakuuma. Shematski prerez viskoznostnega vakuumskega merilnika z lebde~o kroglico (angle{ko: SRG – Spinning Rotor Gauge) je prikazan na sliki 1. Merilni element je jeklena kroglica s premerom 4,5 mm, ki prosto lebdi v magnetnem le`aju 1. Kroglica se nahaja v nekaj centi- metrov dolgi cevki z notranjim premerom 8 mm. Cevka je z ene strani zaprta, z druge strani pa je privarjena v prirobnico, ki je povezana s posodo, v kateri merimo tlak plina. Merilna glava, ki zagotavlja magnetno lebdenje, pospe{evanje in induktivno merjenje frekvence kroglice, se nahaja zunaj vakuuma. Kroglico pospe{imo (z vrte~im se magnetnim poljem, podobno kot pri asinhronskem elektromotorju) do frekvence 400 Hz in nato pustimo, da se prosto vrti v razred~enem plinu. Trenje z molekulami plina kroglico zavira. Merjena veli~ina je ~asovna odvis- nost kotne hitrosti kroglice ω. Z &ω ozna~imo ~asovni Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 145–149 145 Slika 1: Prerez merilne glave SRG-merilnika Figure 1: Cross section of a suspension head of SRG UDK/UDC 621.5/.6:533.5 ISSN 1580-2949 Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek/Original scientific article MTAEC9, 41(3)145(2007) odvod kotne hitrosti. Definirajmo relativni pojemek kotne hitrosti ( / )− &ω ω , ki ga bomo zaradi la`jega pisanja v nadaljevanju ozna~evali z DCR (okraj{ava iz angle{kih besed Deceleration Rate): DCR = − &ω ω DCR je v molekularnem podro~ju sorazmeren s tlakom plina 1: p = Kp · DCR (1) Sorazmernostni faktor Kp v ena~bi (1) je konstanta ob~utljivosti SRG-merilnika: K a RT M p = ρ σ10 8π (2) Kp vsebuje gostoto ρ in premer kroglice a, molekul- sko maso M in temperaturo plina T, koeficient prenosa gibalne koli~ine σ ter plinsko konstanto R. Edini para- meter v ena~bi (2), ki ga ne moremo zanesljivo izmeriti ali napovedati je σ, zato ga moramo za izbrano kroglico in vrsto plina dolo~iti s kalibracijo. V praksi se je izkazalo 2, da je za plin du{ik na povr{ini gladkih jekle- nih kroglic σ med 0,94 in 1,06. Razlike med razli~nimi plini so v mejah ± 2 % 3,4. SRG-merilnik je pomemben predvsem, ker v stabil- nosti preka{a vse druge merilnike v visokovakuumskem podro~ju. V razli~nih raziskavah so ugotovili, da se pri pazljivem ravnanju konstanta ob~utljivosti SRG-meril- nika v dalj{em ~asovnem obdobju (ve~ let) obi~ajno spremeni za manj kot 1 %. Merilnik se je v vakuumskem meroslovju uveljavil kot prenosni etalonski merilnik oziroma sekundarni referen~ni merilnik 5. V Laboratoriju za metrologijo tlaka na IMT je SRG-merilnik slovenski nacionalni etalon v obmo~ju med 10–5 Pa in 0,1 Pa 6. Zaradi majhnega delovnega volumna in inertnosti je SRG merilnik {e posebej primeren za meritve tlaka in netesnosti v majhnih hermeti~nih sistemih 7,8,9. 2 REZIDUALNO TRENJE ROTORJA Poleg molekularnega trenja pri SRG-merilniku opazimo tudi majhno, od tlaka in vrste plina povsem neodvisno zaviranje kroglice. To je tako imenovano rezidualno trenje, ki je navadno tako veliko, kot bi bilo trenje v plinu (du{iku) pri tlaku med 10–4 Pa in 10–2 Pa. Na prvi pogled se zdi, da zaradi rezidualnega trenja sploh ne moremo natan~no meriti tlakov pod 10–2 Pa. Vendar lahko rezidualno trenje predhodno izmerimo tako, da sistem iz~rpamo do tlaka pod 1·10–6 Pa, ko postane molekularno trenje zanemarljivo v primeri z rezidualnim. Tedaj merilnik poka`e "ekvivalent tlaka", ki ustreza rezidualnemu trenju kroglice in ga navadno imenujemo "ofset" (OFS) oziroma ni~elni premik: OFS = Kp · DCRp=0 (3) Pri meritvi tlaka dobimo pravi tlak plina p, ki je posledica molekularnega trenja tako, da v ena~bi 1 od merjenega relativnega kotnega pospe{ka DCR od{tejemo od tlaka neodvisni prispevek DCRp=0: p = Kp · (DCR – DCRp=0) = Ψ – OFS (4) Tu je Ψ prikazana vrednost tlaka brez popravka rezidualnega trenja (osnovni signal). ^e popravek rezidualnega trenja izra`amo v enotah tlaka (OFS), moramo pri tem navesti, za katero vrsto plina velja, saj je sorazmernostni faktor Kp odvisen od molekularne mase plina. V nadaljevanju bomo vse vrednosti Ψ in OFS izra`ali v ekvivalentu tlaka du{ika. Rezidualno trenje izmerimo tako, da iz~rpamo sistem s SRG-merilnikom do tlaka p, ki je ni`ji od negotovosti, ki jo `elimo dose~i, in lahko naredimo pribli`ek OFS = Ψ. Tako je za meritve v obmo~ju 10–1 Pa navadno dovolj, da izmerimo ni~elni premik pri tlaku pod 10–4 Pa, kar je manj kot 0,1 % merjenega tlaka. Za precizijske meritve nizkih tlakov pod 10–3 Pa moramo ni~elni premik izmeriti pri tlakih pod 10–6 Pa. Obi~ajen postopek za popravek rezidualnega trenja, ki ga priporo~a proizvajalec 10 v svojih navodilih, je naslednji: 1. Iz~rpati sistem pod mejo lo~ljivosti (<10–6 Pa); 2. v kontrolni enoti nastaviti (resetirati) parameter OFS na vrednost 0; 3. aktivirati nov merilni cikel in izmeriti ni~elni premik (prikazana vrednost pri tlaku plina p ≈ 0), na primer 2,5678·10–4 Pa; 4. izmerjeno vrednost vnesti v kontrolno enoto kot novo vrednost parametra OFS = 2,5678·10–4 Pa Pri vseh nadaljnjih meritvah elektronska kontrolna enota avtomati~no od{teva OFS od osnovne merjene vrednosti in tako prika`e tlak s popravkom rezidualnega trenja (ena~ba 4). Rezidualno trenje nastopi zaradi ve~ pojavov. Pogla- vitni vzrok rezidualnega trenja pri komercialnih SRG- merilnikih so inducirani vrtin~ni tokovi 11. Pri tem razlikujemo: • vrtin~ne tokove, ki se inducirajo v sami kroglici, ~e magnetno polje, v katerem lebdi kroglica, ni sime- tri~no okrog osi vrtenja kroglice; • vrtin~ne tokove, ki se inducirajo v kovinskih delih v neposredni bli`ini kroglice zaradi vrte~e se kompo- nente magnetnega momenta kroglice (ta nam v detekcijskih tuljavah tudi inducira sinusni signal za merjenje kotne hitrosti). Zaradi induciranih vrtin~nih tokov se kroglici zmanj{uje njena rotacijska energija, ki se pretvarja v elektri~no delo oziroma toplotne izgube. ^eprav so te izgube znatne v primeri z molekularnim trenjem pri niz- kih tlakih, je segrevanje kroglice in njene okolice zaradi njih prav neznatno. Mo~, ki ustreza rezidualnemu ali molekularnemu trenju pri 10–3 Pa je namre~ le 10–10 W. V praksi se je izkazalo, da velikosti rezidualnega trenja za neko kroglico ne moremo vnaprej napovedati ali izra~unati, saj je odvisna tako od asimetrije magnet- nega polja, v katerem lebdi kroglica, kot tudi od velikosti J. ŠETINA: FREKVEN^NA ODVISNOST REZIDUALNEGA TRENJA VISKOZNOSTNEGA ... 146 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 145–149 in smeri vrte~e se komponente magnetnega momenta kroglice. Zato je rezidualno trenje za razli~ne kroglice razli~no. Prav tako dobimo pri neki kroglici vsaki~ druga~no vrednost rezidualnega trenja, ~e kroglico vzamemo iz merilne glave in jo nato ponovno namestimo vanjo. Pri vsakem lebdenju se namre~ kroglica druga~e orientira v magnetnem polju. Poskusi, da bi stabilizirali orientacijo kroglice v magnetnem polju in s tem tudi rezidualno trenje, se niso obnesli 12. ^eprav se rezidualno trenje ne vede ponovljivo, pa je na sre~o pri ve~ini kroglic stabilno, ~e merilnika ne izklopimo in s tem ne prekinemo lebdenja kroglice. 3 EKSPERIMENTALNO DELO Pri meritvi z SRG-merilnikom je osnovni signal vedno vsota rezidualnega in molekularnega trenja. Po na{ih izku{njah lahko zavzame rezidualno trenje {irok obseg vrednosti od 5·10–5 Pa do 10–2 Pa, a je naj- pogosteje v obmo~ju med 2·10–4 Pa in 8·10–4 Pa. Rezidualno trenje je najpomembnej{i popravek pri SRG-merilniku v obmo~ju zelo nizkih tlakov. Negotovost popravka je odvisna od negotovosti, ki jo dose`emo pri merjenju rezidualnega trenja, in od kratkoro~ne oziroma dolgoro~ne stabilnosti. Ker ne moremo meriti hkrati tlaka plina in rezidualnega trenja, lahko negotovost ni~elnega popravka v ~asu meritve tlaka pravilno ocenimo le, ~e imamo dovolj podatkov o njegovi stabilnosti. Pri na{em eksperimentu smo SRG-merilnik iz~rpali na ultravisokovakuumskem sistemu do tlaka pod 2·10–7 Pa in z ra~unalnikom neprekinjeno zapisovali frekvenco rotorja in prikazano vrednost tlaka Ψ brez popravka rezidualnega trenja. Meritev je trajala 4 dni. Pri integracijskem intervalu 30 s bi v tem ~asu dobili ve~ kot 10 000 prikazanih vrednosti, zato smo v programu za zajem podatkov uvedli povpre~enje 10 zaporednih prikazanih vrednosti in v datoteko shranjevali povpre~ne vrednosti frekvence in tlaka v ~asovnem intervalu 300 s. S povpre~enjem se je tudi zmanj{al statisti~ni {um za faktor 10. V nadaljevanju eksperimenta smo izmerili frekven~no odvisnost rezidualnega trenja pri ve~jem {tevilu razli~nih namestitev dveh rotorjev. V kontrolno enoto SRG-merilnika so bili pri vseh meritvah vneseni parametri za plin du{ik pri temperaturi 293 K (ena~ba 2). 4 REZULTATI IN DISKUSIJA A – Frekven~na odvisnost in ~asovna stabilnost rezi- dualnega trenja Primer neprekinjene meritve osnovnega signala Ψ pri tlaku pod 2·10–7 Pa v ~asovnem obdobju 100 h je pri- kazan na sliki 2 a. Na sliki 2 b je prikazana tudi frekvenca rotorja, ki smo jo merili hkrati s Ψ. Na sliki 2a opazimo `agast potek signala, ki je koreliran s frekvenco rotorja. @agast potek frekvence je povezan s samodejnim pospe{evanjem rotorja. Ko pade frekvenca rotorja pod spodnjo mejo 405 Hz, elektronska kontrolna enota rotor ponovno pospe{i do zgornje frekven~ne meje 415 Hz. To frekven~no okno je pri na{em tipu SRG-merilnika fiksno in ga ne moremo spreminjati. Pri vsaki pospe{itvi rotorja je ni~elni premik skokovito narasel in je nato enako- merno padal, ko se je frekvenca po~asi s ~asom zmanj- {evala (posledica izgub energije zaradi rezidualnega trenja). Merjene vrednosti Ψ s slike 2 a lahko prika`emo na diagramu odvisnosti od frekvence (slika 3). V majhnem obmo~ju frekvenc med 405 Hz in 415 Hz lahko frek- ven~no odvisnost aproksimiramo z linearno funkcijo. J. ŠETINA: FREKVEN^NA ODVISNOST REZIDUALNEGA TRENJA VISKOZNOSTNEGA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 145–149 147 t / h f/ H z t / h Ψ / P a , , , , , , Slika 2: Prikazana vrednost SRG-merilnika (Ψ) v odvisnosti od ~asa (t) pri tlaku pod 10–6 Pa (a) in potek frekvence rotorja (f) v dalj{em ~asovnem obdobju (b) Figure 2: Displayed value of SRG (Ψ) versus time (t) at gas pressure below 10–6 Pa (a), and rotor frequency (f) (b) f / Hz Ψ /P a Slika 3: Prikazana vrednost SRG-merilnika (Ψ) s slike 2 v odvisnosti od frekvence rotorja (f) Figure 3: Displayed value of SRG (Ψ) from Figure 2 versus rotor frequency (f) Rezultati linearne regresije merjenih to~k z metodo najmanj{ih kvadratov so podani v tabeli 1. Popravek rezidualnega trenja v odvisnosti od frek- vence lahko izra~unamo iz konstante C in naklona premice kf iz tabele 1: OFS(f) = kf · f + C (5) Razlika merjenih vrednosti Ψ in linearne aproksi- macije popravka OFS(f) je prikazana na sliki 4. Preostale variacije merjenega signala z upo{tevanim popravkom rezidualnega trenja so posledica nihanj temperature ter vibracij in drugih vplivov 13. Ker je bil tlak v sistemu manj{i od 2·10–7 Pa nam slika 4 prikazuje dolgoro~no stabilnost popravka rezidualnega trenja. @e na prvi pogled se zdi, da se povpre~na vrednost razlike Ψ – OFS(f) v ~asu meritve ni bistveno spremenila, vendar pa je kvantitativna ocena "na pogled" zaradi znatnega raztrosa prakti~no nemogo~a. Ker imamo na razpolago veliko {tevilo merjenih to~k, si lahko pomagamo s statisti~nimi metodami in tudi v tem primeru kot merilo za dolgoro~no stabilnost rezidualnega trenja vzamemo naklon premice, ki jo dolo~imo z metodo najmanj{ih kvadratov. Naklon premice na sliki 4 je –3·10–8 Pa/d s standardno negotovostjo 7·10–8 Pa/d. To pomeni, da je izra~unani naklon bistveno manj{i od standardne nego- tovosti in lahko re~emo, da je bila vrednost rezidualnega trenja z upo{tevanim frekven~nim popravkom ~asovno neodvisna. B – Ponovljivosti rezidualnega trenja za razli~ne name- stitve rotorja Eksperiment smo nadaljevali tako, da smo rotor zaustavili, odstranili merilno glavo in jo ponovno namestili na merilno cevko. Pri tem smo dobili novo orientacijo rotorja v magnetnem le`aju glede na os vrtenja. Postopek smo ve~krat ponovili in za vsako novo namestitev dolo~ili frekven~no odvisnost rezidualnega trenja. Neodvisno od opisanega eksperimenta smo pridobili podatke o frekven~ni odvisnosti rezidualnega trenja {e za drug SRG-rotor v drugi merilni cevki, a z isto merilno glavo in kontrolno enoto. Rezultati za oba rotorja so podani v tabeli 2 in na sliki 5. Glede na razmeroma majhno {tevilo ponovitev meritve lahko re~emo, da se vrednost ofseta pri 410 Hz bistveno ne razlikuje za rotorja A in B. Pri obeh rotorjih je bila vrednost rezidualnega trenja med 3·10–4 Pa in 6·10–4 Pa. Opazna pa je razlika v koeficientu frekven~ne odvisnosti kf, ki je pri rotorju A bistveno ve~ja. Pri rotorju B smo pri eni namestitvi izmerili rezidualno trenje, ki je bilo prakti~no brez frekven~ne odvisnosti. V vseh drugih primerih pa je bila frekven~na odvisnost znatna, tako da je bila pri pospe{itvi rotorja od 405 Hz J. ŠETINA: FREKVEN^NA ODVISNOST REZIDUALNEGA TRENJA VISKOZNOSTNEGA ... 148 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 145–149 OFS k f , , , , , , , , , Slika 5: Ponovljivost rezidualnega trenja (OFS) in njegove frekven~ne odvisnosti (kf) pri razli~nih namestitvah rotorja Figure 5: Repeatability of residual drag (OFS) and frequency dependence (kf) for different suspensions of the rotor t / h Ψ – / P a O FS Slika 4: Merjeni signal s popravkom rezidualnega trenja (Ψ–OFS) Figure 4: Measured signal with residual drag correction (Ψ–OFS) (without and with a frequency dependence) Tabela 2: Rezidualno trenje (OFS) pri 410 Hz in frekven~na odvisnost (kf) za dva SRG-rotorja pri razli~nih namestitvah v magnetnem le`aju. Pri obeh rotorjih sta bili uporabljeni ista kontrolna enota in merilna glava. Table 2: Residual drag (OFS) at 410 Hz and frequency dependence (kf) for different suspensions of two SRG rotors. (The same suspension head and SRG controller has been used for both rotors). OFS (410 Hz) kf Rotor A 5.715·10–4 1.42·10–6 4.339·10–4 1.38·10–6 3.141·10–4 1.88·10–6 4.207·10–4 1.80·10–6 4.302·10–4 2.11·10–6 5.327·10–4 1.95·10–6 Rotor B 3.597·10–4 5.95·10–8 2.930·10–4 3.67·10–7 4.901·10–4 7.17·10–7 4.081·10–4 4.52·10–7 3.398·10–4 7.16·10–7 Tabela 1: Rezultati linearne regresije merjenih vrednosti Ψ s slike 2 Table 1: Results of linear regression of measured values of Ψ from figure 2 Rezultati linearne regresije: Konstanta C = –9,8878·10–6 Pa Standardni odmik konstante 1,0279·10–6 Pa R2 0,94520 [tevilo prostostnih stopenj 1169 Naklon premice kf = 1,418·10 –6 Pa/Hz Standardni odmik naklona 9,9·10–9 Pa/Hz do 415 Hz sprememba rezidualnega trenja med 3,7·10–6 Pa in 2,1·10–5 Pa, kar ima znaten vpliv pri meritvah tlaka v podro~ju pod 1·10–3 Pa. 5 SKLEPI Rezidualno trenje SRG-rotorja je odvisno od frekvence vrtenja. Le v~asih je frekven~na odvisnost tako majhna, da jo lahko zanemarimo. Podobno kot velikosti rezidualnega trenja tudi frekven~ne odvisnosti ne moremo napovedati. Pri vsaki prekinitvi magnetnega lebdenja in ponovni namestitvi rotorja se naklju~no spremenita tako velikost rezidualnega trenja kot tudi frekven~na odvisnost. Med njima ni zadostne korelacije, da bi lahko `e iz velikosti rezidualnega trenja napovedali frekven~no odvisnost. Poudariti pa velja, da navadno obe vrednosti ostaneta konstantni med neprekinjenim lebdenjem, tudi po ve~kratni pospe{itvi rotorja, tako da lahko zanesljivo izra~unamo popravke rezidualnega trenja pri meritvah tlaka. 6 REFERENCES 1 J. K. Fremerey, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A3, (1985),, 1715 2 S. Dittmann, B. E. Lindenau, C. R. Tilford, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A7, (1989), 3356 3 J. K. Fremerey, Vacuum, 32, (1982), 685 4 G. Comsa, J. K. Fremerey, B. Lindenau, G. Messer, P. Röhl, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17, (1980), 642 5 B. Erjavec, J. [etina, L. Irman~nik-Beli~, Mater. tehnol., 35, (2001), 143 6 J [etina, B. Erjavec, L. Irman~nik-Beli~, Mater. tehnol., 35, (2001), 321 7 J. [etina, R. Zava{nik, V. Nemani~, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A5, (1987), 2650 8 V. Nemani~, J. [etina, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A17, (1999), 1040 9 B. Erjavec, Vacuum, 64, (2001), 15 10 SRG 2CE, Instruction Manual, MKS Instruments, ZDA 11 J. K. Fremerey, Rev.Sci.Instrum. 43, (1972), 1413 12 C. Suk-Ho, S. Dittmann, C. R. Tilford, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A8, (1990), 4079 13 T. Bock, K. Jousten, Vacuum, 81, (2006), 234 J. ŠETINA: FREKVEN^NA ODVISNOST REZIDUALNEGA TRENJA VISKOZNOSTNEGA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 145–149 149 R. CELIN, D. KMETI^: A WET-STEAM PIPELINE FRACTURE A WET-STEAM PIPELINE FRACTURE PRELOM CEVOVODA ZA VLA@NO PARO Roman Celin, Dimitrij Kmeti~ Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia roman.celinimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2007-02-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2007-02-21 The operational reliability of a system determines the system’s availability and costs during its lifetime. Taking care of the reliability usually starts with knowledge of the operating conditions that need to be considered during the design, fabrication and maintenance of the system. In the case of a system or component failure, it is necessary to know the causes and the degradation mechanisms. An analysis of a fractured low-pressure wet-steam pipeline from a heat exchanger was performed. The fracture was located in the fillet weld’s heat-affected zone. Visual testing, chemical analysis, hardness measurements and metallographic examinations were carried out. The fracture surface was quite damaged, and so the number of fatigue-crack propagation cycles could not be determined. An examination of the microstructure revealed that the fatigue crack occurred in the heat-affected zone, where the plasticity and toughness had been diminished due to the material overheating at the welding. As a result of the fracture analysis the industrial facility concerned extended the scope of its inspection of wet-steam pipelines. Key words: pipeline, fracture, examination, fatigue failure Zanesljivost obratovanja je lastnost sistemov ali komponent, ki dolo~a njihovo razpolo`ljivost in stro{ke v trajnostni dobi. Skrb za zanesljivost je tudi poznanje pogojev obratovanja, ki jih je treba upo{tevati med konstruiranjem, izdelavo in uporabo sistema. Pri okvari sistema ali komponente pa je treba natan~no poznati vzroke in mehanizme degradacije. Zaradi tega je bila opravljena analiza preloma nizkotla~nega cevovoda za vla`no paro izmenjevalnika toplote. Prelom je nastal v toplotno vplivani coni zvarjenega spoja. Izvedena je bila vizualna kontrola, kemijska analiza, meritve trdote in metalografska preiskava. Povr{ina celega preloma je bila precej po{kodovana, zato na njej ni bilo mogo~e ugotoviti v koliko korakih je nastala utrujenostna razpoka. Preiskava mikrostrukture je odkrila, da se je prelom cevi izvr{il v obmo~ju, kjer je bila plasti~nost, z njo pa tudi `ilavost, zmanj{ana zaradi spremembe mikrostrukture pri varjenju zaradi pregretja materiala. Na osnovi rezultatov analize preloma je bil v industrijskem obratu pove~an obseg kontrole cevovodov za mokro paro. Klju~ne besede: cevovod, prelom, preiskave, utrujenostni prelom 1 INTRODUCTION Reliability is defined as the probability that a certain system will operate for a given time and under given conditions without failure. Therefore, if a failure occurs it is wise to analyse the system and determine the probable cause of the failure1. In the case of metals, one of the most commons reasons for failure is fatigue. Fatigue failure is the phenomenon leading to fracture under repeated or fluctuating stresses that are less than the tensile strength of the material. There are three stages of fatigue failure: initiation, crack propagation, and final fracture2. The initiation site is always very small, never extending for more than the size of a few grains around the origin. The point of initiation is located at a stress concentration and this stage may be extremely small, and so difficult to distinguish from the succeeding stages of propagation and crack growth. However, after the original crack is formed, it becomes an extremely sharp stress concentration that drives the crack even deeper into the metal with each stress cycle. Whenever there is an interruption in the propagation of a fatigue fracture, characteristic marks or ridges may be observed.3 As the propagation of the fatigue crack continues, gradually reducing the cross-sectional area, it eventually weakens the material so much that final, complete fracture occurs. After 25 years in operation a failure occurred in a low-pressure wet-steam pipeline. This failure was not a catastrophic one, but it was severe enough to halt the operation of the system. Figure 1 shows a sketch of the pipeline and the position of the fracture. In this case the fracture occurred in the heat-affected zone of the flange’s fillet weld. The dimensions of the tube were φ 60 mm × 4.8 mm. No other data were available about the tube material or the welding procedure used. 2 EXAMINATION The fractured part of the pipeline was cut away from the broken tube and the flanges. There are a number of Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 151–154 151 UDC/UDK 621.643:620.179 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 41(3)151(2007) Figure 1: Sketch of the wet-steam pipeline with the fracture Slika 1: Skica cevovoda mokre pare z mestom preloma methods available for the detection and analysis of fatigue cracks4. In this case it was decided to carry out a careful visual examination, a chemical analysis, hardness measurements and a metallographic examination. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Visual examination A visual examination of the inside area of the fractured tube revealed a substantial loss of metal, which is shown in Figure 2. The minimum thickness of the tube was 3 mm. The affected area was smooth with wavelike countours5. The minimum distance between the affected area and the fracture was of 6 mm. Flanges are not shown on Figure 2, becouse they were cut off. The metal loss is oriented along the direction of the wet steam’s flow and it is a classic feature of erosion- corrosion, which can be defined as the accelerated degradation of a material resulting from the joint action of erosion and corrosion when the material is exposed to rapidly moving droplets of water in a steam flow6. Figure 3 shows the tube’s fracture surface. One area of the initial crack is marked with the number 1, and it is shown in more detail in Figure 4. It is clear that the initial crack propagated in the circumferential direction more quickly than in the radial direction. The microstructure in the initial and fatigue-crack propagation area is typical for an overheated steel. In the area subject to the highest temperature the micro- structure consists of a mesh of ferrite around large grains of pearlite with many Widmanstätten ferrite needles. Such a microstructure has a low deformability and a low toughness and as such has a low fatigue strength. Ridges are visible on the fracture surface marked with the number 2 in Figure 3. The details are shown in Figure 5. The ridges are parallel with the tube’s circumference. This kind of surface morphology is typical of rapid crack propagation in steel without significal deformation. A cross-section of the tube was cut and prepared for R. CELIN, D. KMETI^: A WET-STEAM PIPELINE FRACTURE 152 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 151–154 Figure 3: Tube fracture surface Slika 3: Povr{ina preloma cevi Figure 4: Fatigue crack surface Slika 4: Povr{ina utrujenostne razpoke Figure 2: Tube with fracture and erosion-corrosion damage Slika 2: Cev s prelomom in po{kodbami zaradi erozije – korozije Figure 6: Crack on the fracture surface Slika 6: Razpoka na povr{ini preloma Figure 5: Ridges on the fracture surface Slika 5: Brazde na povr{ini preloma metallographic examination. The crack in Figure 6 shows transcrystal propagation typical for fatigue. 3.2 Chemical analysis The chemical analysis of the tube material was made with an ICP optical emission spectrometer7. This che- mical composition is listed in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of the tube in mass fractions, w/% Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava cevi v masnih dele`ih, w/% C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Mo Al 0.21 0.74 0.17 0.003 0.017 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.012 A comparison of the values in Table 1 with the reference data8 shows that the chemical composition of the tube corresponds to the steel grade ASTM A 106 Gr. B, which is widely used for the manufacturing of tubes. 3.3 Hardness measurement A sample of the fillet weld was prepared for hardness HV 0.3 measurements. The results are shown in Table 2. The hardness indentations were 0.1 mm apart, starting in the base metal, continuing across the heat-affected zone (HAZ) and on into the weld deposit metal. Table 2: Hardness HV 0.3 across the fillet weld Tabela 2: Rezultati meritev trdot HV 0,3 base metal 1. 138 2. 142 3. 141 4. 141 5. 139 6. 141 heat-affected zone 7. 153 8. 145 9. 145 10. 152 11. 154 12. 156 13. 163 14. 162 15. 175 16. 165 17. 174 18. 165 19. 159 20. 162 21. 178 22. 176 23. 175 24. 171 25. 177 26. 178 27. 177 28. 173 29. 194 30. 199 31. 192 32. 199 33. 196 34. 199 35. 203 36. 201 weld deposit metal 37. 214 38. 211 39. 210 40. 212 41. 214 42. 218 43. 217 44. 213 45. 210 46. 215 47. 211 The average base metal hardness is HV 140.3; and it is within the standard values for A 106 Gr. B steel. The highest values measured were not in the HAZ, as would be expected, but in the weld deposit metal. The average value was HV 213, which should be considered as being relatively high. 3.4 Metallographic examination of the fillet weld The fillet weld between the tube and the flange, with the base metal and the HAZ, is shown in Figure 7. There is clear evidence of columnar crystals in the weld deposit metal. The microstructure consists of bainite with a small amount of ferrite in the grain boundaries after the transformation (Figure 8). The grains of austenite in the HAZ near the fusion line grew in size because of the overheating. At the cooling cooling the austenite transformed into pearlite, bainite and a ferrite net. The microstructure of the base metal (Figure 9) consist of uniform grains of ferrite and pearlite. The wide HAZ indicates a very large input of heat during the welding. 4 CONCLUSION After our examinations we can conclude that the fracture occurred in an area where plasticity and toughness were diminished with the overheating during the welding. The fracture took place in two stages. In the first stage a fatigue crack started to grow from one point on the outer tube surface. The propagation of this fatigue crack was much faster in the circumferential direction than in the radial direction. During the second stage the crack propagated even faster, this time without any plastic deformation. The fracture surface was damaged, R. CELIN, D. KMETI^: A WET-STEAM PIPELINE FRACTURE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 151–154 153 Figure 9: Microstructure of the tube’s base metal Slika 9: Mikrostruktura osnovnega materiala cevi Figure 7: Fillet weld with heat-affected zone Slika 7: Kotni zvar s toplotno vplivanim podro~jem Figure 8: Microstructure of the fillet-weld deposit material Slika 8: Mikrostruktura deponiranega materiala zvara and so it is impossible to determine how many steps it took for the fatigue crack to start and how many steps it took for the final fracture to take place. Based on available data we can conclude that the main cause of the fracture was a local increase in the bending stresses on the outer tube surface because of uncontrolled, possibly resonant, vibrations of the wet-steam pipeline during the start up or the shut down of the system. 5 REFERENCES 1 D. J. Smith, Reliability, maintability and risk, 6th ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford 2001, 1–29 2 R. E. Smallman, R. J. Bishop, Modern physical metallurgy and mate- rials engineering, 6th ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford 1999, 256–258 3 F. Vodopivec, Kovine in zlitine, IMT, Ljubljana 2002, 121 4 B. Kosec, G. Kova~i~, L. Kosec, Engineering Failure analysis, 9 (2002), 603–609 5 H. M. Herro, The Nalco guide to cooling water system failure analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York 1993, 239–250 6 L. L. Shrerir, R. A. Jarman, G. T. Burstein, Corrosion Vol. 1, 3rd ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford 2000, 294–302 7 ASTM E 415 - 99a Standard Test Method for Optical Emission Vacuum Spectrometric Analysis of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel 8 C. W. Wegst, Stalschlussel, Verlag Stalschlussel Wengst GmbH, 1995 R. CELIN, D. KMETI^: A WET-STEAM PIPELINE FRACTURE 154 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 3, 151–154