Informacije MIDEM 23(1993)4, Ljubljana UDK 621.3:(53+54+621+66), ISSN0352-9045 TANDEM AMORPHOUS SILICON SOLAR CELLS J. Furlan, W. Kusian*, G. Conte** Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia *Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Development, Muenchen, Germany **ENEA, Centro Ricerche Fotovoltaiche, Portici-Napoli, Italy INVITEO PAPER 21 st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL'93 29th Symposium on Devices and Materials, SO'93 September 29 - October 1, 1993, Bled, SLOVENIA Key words: photovoltaic energy, solar cells, tandem cells, amorphous silicon, state of the art, conversion efficiency, stability, series tandem, parallel tandem, fabrication Abstract - Recent progress in the field of amorphous silicon tandem solar cells is reviewed. The advantages of series connected tandem cells with reg ard to single junction amorphous solar cells are discussed. Partitioning a thicker celi into two or three thinner cells results in higher inherent built-in electric fields in the cells with better conversion efficiency and stability. A new approach is described, utilizing parallel connection of cells in tandem structure to additionally improve efficiency, stability and sensitivity to thickness tolerances. The essential similarities and differences between series and parallel tandem celi arrangements are discussed and the present status of tandem cells fabrication is presented. Tandemske amorfne silicij eve sončne celice Ključne besede: energija fotonapetostna, celice sončne, celice tandemske, silicij amorfni, stanje razvoja, izkoristek konverzijski, stabilnost, tandem serijski, tandem paralelni, izdelava Povzetek: Prikazani so dosežki s področja amorfnih silicijevih tandemskih celic. Opisane so prednosti serijskih tandemskih celic proti eni sami amorfni silicijevi sončni celici. Razdelitev debelejše celice v dve ali tri tanjše vodi do večjih vgrajenih električnih polj v posameznih celicah in k boljšim izkoristkom pretvorbe in večji stabilnosti delovanja. Opisan je novi pristop z vzporedno vezavo posameznih celic, pri kateri je pričakovati dodatno izboljšanje izkoristka, stabilnosti in neobčutljivosti na tolerance debelin celic. Prikazane so glavne podobnosti in razlike med serijsko in paraleino vezavo ter trenutno stanje tehnologije izdelave tandemskih celic. INTRODUCTION The majority of photovoltaic energy conversion devices on the market today are silicon solar celis, including most efficient but expensive single crystalline devices, less expensive recrystallized metallurgical silicon de- vices, as well as low cost thin film solar cells from amorphous silicon which received a great attention dur- ing the last decade as one of the most prospective materials for low cost solar celis. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) can be inexpensively de- posited on large substrates of various materials and shapes. During its deposition it needs to be treated to relatively low temperatures in the range of 200-300°C. Due to high light absorption of a-Si, the a-Si solar celi thickness can be very small, typically less than 1 ~lm. The main limitation in obtaining high solar celi conver- sion efficiency are poor transport properties of charge carriers in amorphous silicon. The photogenerated elec- trons and holes which make up the collected solar celi photocurrent have very short diffusion lengths which are much too short to provide effective collection of these 259 carriers. Therefore, the a-Si celi has to be very thin and an aiding electric field is built inside of the celi to assist more effective charge separation and collection. On the other hand, the celi should be sufficiently thick in order to provide asuitable absorption of light flux. These opposing criteria directed to the idea of tandem a-Si solar celi structures where the individual cells are de- posited sequentially forming a multilayer solar celi struc- ture in which the unit cells are optically and electrically connected in series 11 l. Since the collected photocurrent must be the same in all unit cells, each consecutive celi in a series tandem structure must be thicker than the preceding one. A parallel connected tandem a-Si celi structure in which the individual cells are optically connected in series and electrically in parallel has been proposed recently 12/. This configuration which is presently under intensive investigations is hoped to outperform its series tandem counterpart with respect to conversion efficiency and stability promising al so lower sensitivity of solar celi efficiency on nonuniform a-Si deposition rate in large area solar celi modules 13/. J.Furlan, W.Kusian, G.Conte: Tandem Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells SERIES TANDEM CELL STRUCTURE ln series tandem structures two or three cells are opti- cally and electrically connected in series, as shown in Fig. 1 11/. The front p+in+ celi is covered by a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer providing electric contact to the p+ layer of this celI. The metal on n+ layer is serving for electric contact to the back p+in+ celI. Junctions n+p+ interfacing consecutive unit cells are acting as ohmic contacts, electrically interconnecting succeeding p+in+ cells. The individual cells in such serially stacked devices can use the same amorphous material in all unit cells. Such structure which affords a sufficient absorption of photon flux and enables a satisfactory collection of photogener- ated carriers is regarded as one of the most practical solutions. The fact that the electric current in a series connected tandem celi is the same in all unit cells demands a greater thickness of each consecutive celI. Consequently, a practical stacked a-Si celi structure consists of only two cells. A triple tandem structure would require an unacceptably thin front and thick back unit celI. Most frequently these double stacked cells are fabricated by depositing thin layers of TCO, amorphous TCO glass Fig. 1: The basic series tandem structure. silicon and metal on a glass substrate, as shown sche- matically in Fig. 2. The p+ and n+ layers are indispens- able for creating the bui It-in electric field in i-Iayers assisting charge carrier separation and collection. Since the diffusion lengths in highly doped a-Si are extremely short, these dead layers must be very thin, usually in the range between 15 and 30nm. Even a very thin p+ layer of the front celi parasitically absorbs a large amount of photons at short wave- lenghts. For this reason the energy gap of the front p+ layer is increased to about 2eV by mixing amorphous silicon with carbon, resulting in a sort of optical window. ln spite of a wider band-gap a relatively large part of light flux is absorbed in this so-called p+ window layer, as shown in Figs. 3.a and b, representing the calculated portions of the absorbed sunlight flux in specific layers of a double stacked tandem celi for two sets of solar celi thicknesses, given in Table I. It can be noticed from these plots that the absorbed fluxes in i-Iayers of both cells are matched when the top celi is much thinner tllan the bottom celI. 260 Fig. 2: Informacije MIDEM 23(1993)4, str. 259-263 N P N P 1st celi 2nd celi I 3rd celi Schematic presentation of double-stacked a-Sila-Si series tandem solar celi. The absorbed photons in both i-Iayers generate elec- trons and holes which are collected at opposite elec- trodes. The effectiveness of this charge collection great- Iy depends on the density of localized states in the gap of a-Si. Higher is the density of states in the i-Iayer, greater is the decrease of the built-in electric field and higher are thermal recombinations of photogenerated carriers, resulting in a decreased collection efficiency. The so-called Staebler-Wronski effect (SW effect), which originates from increased states density in the gap during a strong illumination, is the main cause of unstable operation of a-Si celis. When decreasing the thicknesses of individual cells in a-Si tandem structures, the built-in electric field in i-Iayers increases, and the solar celi degradation due to SW effect is reduced. Table I Thicknesses of thin layers selected for calcula- tion of absorptance Thickness (nm) layer(s) case (a) case (b) Teo 200 200 P1 15 15 h 30 470 N1 15 15 P1/h/N1 60 500 P2 15 15 12 370 570 N2 15 15 P2/12/N2 400 600 The initial efficiency of double stacked a-Si/a-Si cells has been obtained around 11 % 14/. However, after light induced degradation the stabilized efficiencies of 8% were obtained in large area modules. The second kind of series tandem celi structure consists of two or three p+in+ amorphous cells having different band-gaps. This so-called multi-gap amorphous solar celi uses the principle of spectral splitting. As shown in Flo 4. the incident light enters the first celi made from a wide band-gap material, absorbing only the blue portion Informacije MI DEM 23(1993)4, str. 259-263 1.0 Q) 0.8 12 () >=1 cd 0.6 -;-J o., H O ul 0.4 ..o cd 0.2 0.0 400 600 800 wavelength [nm] 1000 J.Furlan, W.Kusian, G.Conte: Tandem Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 400 600 800 1000 wavelength [nm] Fig. 3: Absorptance of sunlight in variaus layers of a double-stacked a-Si/a-Si solar celi in cases of an unmatched (a) and a matched (b) structure. of the solar spectrum and producing inherently high open-circuit voltage. Higher wavelength light passes through the first celi without being absorbed and gener- ates charge carriers in amorphous material of the sec- ond celi having smaller band-gap. The rest of the long wavelength flux which passes also the second celi is finally absorbed in the third celi made from the smallest band-gap material. A typical three celi configuration uses amorphous silicon-carbon, amorphous silicon, and amorphous silicon-germanium as semiconductor ma- terials in such tandem configuration. As in case of double stacked a-Si/a-Si tandem structure the photogenerated currents in all cells in series must be equal, so that the thicknesses of individual cells are tai lo red with regard to their light absorption properties and carrier collection capabilities. Fig. 4: (a) (b) MUlti-gap stackeci solar celi structure (a) with its band-gap representation (b). 261 Triple celi modules have been fabricated with initial conversion efficiencies between 10 and 11 %, which degraded for less than 20% after extended light soaking 15/. PARALLEL TANDEM CELL STRUCTURE A new a-Si tandem solar celi structure has been pro- posed recently in which individual cells are optically connected in series and electrically in parallel 12/' This structure, shown schematically in Fig. 5, consists of two or more a-Si cells stacked in the sequence pin-nip-pin- ... etc. At each interface between consecutive cells the electric contact to both joining cells is provided by a thin transparent conductive layer. ln contrast with series tandem structure in which the current passing all unit cells is the same, the parallel tandem arrangement requires equal photovoltages in all cells. This voltage, being in the vicinity of the open-circuit voltage, does not vary strongly with different light gener- ated and collected charge carrier densities. This is be- cause the voltage at the maximum celi collection effi- ciency markedly depends on strongly varying dark cur- rent and much less on gradually changing photocurrent component. This suggests that all unit cells in a parallel tandem arrangement must have equal dark charac- teristics, demanding the same amorphous semiconduc- tor for all unit cel Is. Intensive studies and experiments are currently carried on in fabricating a double stacked parallel tandem struc- ture, and computer simulation of parallel tandem celi has also been initiated 13/. Computer modelling of a-Si tan- dem cells has indicated that the expected sensitivity of a parlllel tandem arrangement on the thickness vari- 8ti0 rl '; of individual cells is much lower than in case of S811\'S tandem strLJcture. As an example, Fig. 6 shows J.Furlan, W.Kusian, G.Conte: Tandem Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells I N p Fig,5: Parallel tandem a-Si celi eonneetion. the computed conversion efficiency of parallel and series tandem cells having a fixed bottom celi thickness and a varying top celi thickness. It can be noticed that in contrast with series tandem celi the thickness of the front celi in parallel connection can vary broadly not affecting strongly the conversion efficiency. Since the thickness of unit cells in parallel tandem connection is not critical it can be expected that this tandem arrangement will outperform the series tandem structure by having a smaller decrease of conversion efficiency due to nonuni- form a-Si deposition rate in large area solar celi mo- J r metal P i n P i n -, r TeO glass I r metal I I 1 r TeO I r 1 r Teo gia ss { Informacije MIDEM 23(1993)4, str. 259-263 1 .) ." (jOOnm , 11 lo ------~ -:--. ~~--~~: ==-~=~~~ .~~ i Lj ()(IIlm //_:::-:::: i 1.".., /V-- 400nm I 10 [. ~,~o"\.<~ boUom cclI thickncsses 1 ; Yi 40() und 600 nm 8 9 1 .:;/'\ ___ .__ parallej tandem . ~ i '\ _ _ _ _ _ scries tandem 7 L \\600nm J- o Fig. 6: \\ 1 100 200 300 400 500 top cclI ~_hickness [nm] Series and paral/el tandem celi effieieney as runetion of top celi thieknesses. 600 dules. Considering the fact that all unit cells in a parallel tandem structure can be made equally thin it can be expected that a structure consisting of multiple thin cells in parallel connection will behave very stable after strong illumination, having a very weak SW effect. FABRICATION OF TANDEM CELL STRUCTURES A variety of methods, such as chemical vapor deposition and sputtering, could be used to deposit a-Si based solar cells. However, the only technique which produced ac- I I ) I I (a) \ I I Pi n I I 1 I pin I I 1 I (b) i Fig. 7: Cross-seetional view with laser serihe pattern of double sta(,vDri,c.pries eonneetion (a) and parallel conneciion (b). 262 Informacije MI DEM 23(1993)4, str. 259-263 ceptable undoped and doped amorphous silicon layers is plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition or short- Iy glow-discharge process. The existing reactors can produ ce today the monolithic modules with active areas greater than 40cm x 1 OOcm where the individual cells are patterned and interconnected into panels. The deli- neation of the monolitic pattern can be achieved by photolitography, mechanical abrasion, lift-off techniques or laser scribing. The most attractive approach for large area photovoltaic modules is that of laser scribing pro- cess, where laser cuts off the layers that have been deposited on the substrate. The typical laser scribe pattern of a two celi series tandem connection is shown in Fig. 7.a. The same patterning pfi.nciple can be used for delineation of parallel tandem arrangement, shown in Fig. 7.b. Multiple celi panels can be made as exten- sions of cross sectional presentations in Figs. 7.a and b. CONCLUSIONS Tandem amorphous solar celi consisting of serially con- nected unit cells presents an improvement of electrical characteristics when compared to those of single amor- phous silicon celI. The partition of a single celi into two or three cells connected in series results in smaller thickness of each unit celi while maintaining long enough path for photons to be moderately absorbed. The con- sequence ofthinner intrinsic layers of individual cells are higher built-in electric field strengths with an improved collection efficiency of photogenerated carriers. Higher internal electric field causes also smaller celi instability due to Staebler-Wronski effect. The concept of parallel connected stacked solar celi represents a meaningful alternative to the conventional series connected ar- rangement. The parallel connected structure promises a higher conversion efficiency and a smaller sensitivity to unit celi thickness variations and will seemingly suffer a lower Staebler-Wronski effect. 263 J.Furlan, W.Kusian, G.Conte: Tandem Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work on parallel tandem celi structure is supported by the Commission of the European Communities, Pro- gramme Joule II. REFERENCES: 1. Y. Hamakawa, H. Okamoto, Y. Nitta, A new type ol amorphous silicon photovoltaic celi generating more than 2V, Appl. Phys. LeU. 35 (1979) 187. 2. J. Furlan, Parallel connected tandem a-Si celi structure, Proc. 6th Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Coni. (1992) 287. 3. W. Kusian, J. Furlan, G. Conte, The pin/TCO/nip a-Si:H solar mo- dule, submitted to 1 ih European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Coni. (1994). 4. Y. 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