21. JUNIJ 2004 21 JUNE 2004 št./No 173 19 GRADBENIŠTVO CONSTRUCTION št./No 16 CENE NOVIH STANOVANJ, SLOVENIJA, JANUAR - DECEMBER 2003 PRICES OF NEW DWELLINGS, SLOVENIA, JANUARY - DECEMBER 2003 Povprečna cena stanovanj, dograjenih v letu 2003, je bila za Slovenijo izračunana na podlagi poročil za 1211 stanovanj in je znašala 333 074 SIT za kvadratni meter stanovanjske površine, kar je za 12,7 % več kot v letu 2002. Povprečni stroški gradnje so zavzemali 62,6 % celotne povprečne cene in so bili za 11,0 % nižji kot v enakem obdobju leta 2002. In Slovenia the average price of dwellings completed in 2003 was formed on the basis of reports for 1,211 dwellings. It amounted to SIT 333,074 per square meter of floor area, which is 12.7% more than in 2002. Average construction costs represented 62.6% of the total average price and were 11.0% higher than in 2002. Povprečna cena stanovanj v gradnji, katerih gradnja se je začela med 1. januarjem in 31. decembrom 2003, je bila za Slovenijo izračunana na podlagi poročil za 1973 stanovanj in je znašala 359 391 SIT za kvadratni meter stanovanjske površine. To je za 37,6 % več kot v letu 2002. Povprečni stroški gradnje so zavzemali 61,8 % skupne povprečne cene in so bili za 39,6 % višji kot v letu 2002. The average price of dwellings under construction whose construction started between 1 January and 31 December 2003 was calculated on the basis of reports for 1,973 dwellings. It amounted to SIT 359,391 per square meter of floor area, which is 37.6% more than in 2002. Average construction costs represented 61.8% of the total average price and were 39.6% higher than in 2002. Slika 1: Povprečne cene dograjenih stanovanj in stanovanj v gradnji, Slovenija, 1999-2003 Chart 1: Average prices of dwellings completed and dwellings under construction, Slovenia, 1999-2003 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 tisoč SIT /m thousand SIT/m 2 2 Statistične informacije, št. 173/2004 2 Rapid Reports No 173/2004 1. Povprečne cene dograjenih stanovanj, januar - december 2003 Average prices of dwellings completed, January - December 2003 Povprečne cene kvadratnega metra Average prices of square meter Od tega stroški gradnje za kvadratni meter Of that construction costs for square meter Število stano- vanj1) Number of dwellings1) Stano- vanjska površina1) Floor area of dwellings1) (m2) SIT tolars indeks index I-XII 03 I-XII 02 SIT tolars indeks index I-XII 03 I-XII 02 delež v skupni ceni share of total price (%) SLOVENIJA 1211 73193 333074 112,7 208365 111,0 62,6 SLOVENIA Po izbranih mestnih naseljih By selected urban settlements Celje - - - ... - ... ... Celje Koper - Capodistria - - - ... - ... ... Koper - Capodistria Kranj 5 286 234153 ... 201719 ... 86,1 Kranj Ljubljana 327 21993 352882 115,0 215931 113,3 61,2 Ljubljana Maribor 176 10930 226453 95,8 169395 97,4 74,8 Maribor Druga naselja 703 39984 236817 100,4 169304 98,4 71,5 Other settlements Po obliki graditve By form of construction Za trg in drugo 804 50838 360028 120,3 217267 116,0 60,3 Market construction and other Neprofitna graditev 407 22355 232685 96,9 174996 86,6 75,2 Non-profit construction Po nosilcih graditve By constructors of construction Gradbena podjetja 529 32908 372573 134,9 209972 109,6 56,4 Construction enterprises Neprofitne stanovanjske organizacije 47 2343 250335 141,8 207702 141,6 83,0 Non-profit residential organisations Druge organizacije 635 37942 322322 108,5 206984 111,3 64,2 Other organisations 1) Število stanovanj oziroma stanovanjska površina, ki smo ju upoštevali pri določitvi povprečne cene. Number and floor area of dwellings that are considered at price definition. 2. Povprečne cene stanovanj v gradnji, januar - december 2003 Average prices of dwellings under construction, January - December 2003 Povprečne cene kvadratnega metra Average prices of square meter Od tega stroški gradnje za kvadratni meter Of that construction costs for square meter Število stanovanj1) Number of dwellings1) Stano- vanjska površina1) Floor area of dwellings1) (m2) SIT tolars indeks index I-XII 03 I-XII 02 SIT tolars indeks index I-XII 03 I-XII 02 delež v skupni ceni share of total price (%) SLOVENIJA 1973 120026 359391 137,6 222105 139,6 61,8 SLOVENIA Po izbranih mestnih naseljih By selected urban settlements Celje 58 5620 234613 98,5 145286 86,9 61,9 Celje Koper - Capodistria - - - ... - ... ... Koper - Capodistria Kranj 135 8825 253547 139,8 192817 127,8 76,0 Kranj Ljubljana 649 38254 383468 142,1 232909 146,2 60,7 Ljubljana Maribor 90 5616 200759 84,9 132353 82,8 65,9 Maribor Druga naselja 1041 61711 263496 120,6 186160 115,8 70,7 Other settlements Po obliki graditve By form of construction Za trg in drugo 1770 106473 380335 105,6 227058 117,8 59,7 Market construction and other Neprofitna graditev 203 13553 220805 103,8 192232 135,3 87,1 Non-profit construction Po nosilcih graditve By constructors of construction Gradbena podjetja 916 53274 347312 95,9 187732 97,3 54,1 Construction enterprises Neprofitne stanovanjske organizacije 45 2327 173428 81,2 139828 79,1 80,6 Non-profit residential organisations Druge organizacije 1012 64425 378430 178,3 259885 182,3 68,7 Other organisations 1) Število stanovanj oziroma stanovanjska površina, ki smo ju upoštevali pri določitvi povprečne cene. Number and floor area of dwellings that are considered at price definition. Statistične informacije, št. 173/2004 Rapid Reports No 173/2004 3 STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS - ni pojava - no occurrence of event ... ni podatka ... data not available Ø povprečje Ø average * popravljen podatek * corrected data 0 podatek je manjši od 0,5 dane merske enote 0 value not zero but less than 0,5 of the unit employed 0,0 podatek je manjši od 0,05 dane merske enote 0,0 value not zero but less than 0,05 of the unit employed + in več (let, članov,...) + and more (years, members,...) 1) označba za opombo pod tabelo 1) footnote ( ) nezadostno preverjen ali ocenjen podatek ( ) incomplete or estimated data z podatek zaradi zaupnosti ni objavljen z data not published because of confidentiality METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen raziskovanja Purpose of the survey S statističnim raziskovanjem Polletno poročilo o cenah novih stanovanj (GRAD-CENE/PL) spremljamo podatke o cenah za kvadratni meter stanovanjske površine dokončanih in stanovanj in stanovanj v gradnji. V raziskovanje zajemamo cene stanovanj, ki so bila v opazovanem obdobju dograjena, in cene tistih, katerih gradnja se je v tem obdobju začela. We monitor the data on prices for one square meter of floor area of dwellings completed or under construction with the statistical survey Semi-annual Report on Prices of New Dwellings (GRAD-CENE/PL). The survey covers prices of dwellings completed in the observed year and prices of dwellings whose construction started in the observed period. Enote opazovanja Observation units je cena za kvadratni meter stanovanjske površine novih stanovanj (investitorjeva prodajna cena). Spremljamo: is price for one square meter of floor area of new dwellings (investor’s selling price) . We monitor: − ceno dograjenih stanovanj na dan dokončanja gradnje − price of completed dwellings on the day of completion − ceno dograjenih stanovanj na zadnji dan polletja − price of completed dwellings on the last day of the half-year − ceno stanovanj v gradnji na dan začetka gradnje − price of dwellings under construction on the first day of construction − ceno stanovanj v gradnji na zadnji dan polletja. − price of dwellings under construction on the last day of the half-year. Vir podatkov Data source Vir podatkov je statistično raziskovanje GRADB-CENE/PL, ki je v skladu z Zakonom o državni statistiki (Ur. l. RS št. 45/95 in št 9/01) in Nacionalnim programom statističnih raziskovanj (Ur. l. RS št. 111/02). The data source is the statistical survey GRADB-CENE/PL, which is carried out according to the Law on National Statistics (OJ of RS, No. 45/95 and No. 9/01) and the National Programme of Statistical Surveys (OJ RS, No. 111/02). Zajetje Coverage V omenjeno raziskovanje so zajete naslednje poročevalske enote: The mentioned survey covers the following reporting units: − mestne občine in nekatere druge občine − local governement units and branch offices as administrative bodies authorised for environment − gradbena podjetja − construction enterprises − druge organizacije, ki so nosilci stanovanjske graditve. − other organisations constructing dwellings. Definicije in pojasnila Definitions and explanations Vsi stroški graditve Total construction costs V ceno so poleg stroškov gradnje zajeti tudi stroški pridobitve, priprave in komunalnega urejanja zemljišča ter stroški inženiringa, nadzora, prispevkov in drugo. In addition to construction costs, the price includes the costs of obtaining, preparing and regulating the land as well as costs of engineering, supervision, contributions and other costs. Povprečne cene in indeksi povprečnih cen Average prices and indices of average prices so izračunane kot uteženo povprečje cen graditve oz.stroškov gradnje m2 novega stanovanja posameznih nosilcev (investitorjev) stanovanjske gradnje večstanovanjskih stavb. Kot uteži so uporabljene kvadrature zgrajenih stanovanj. are calculated as the weighted average of construction costs per m2 of a new dwelling constructed by constructors (investor) of more dwelling buildings. As weights, the floor area of built dwellings was used. Indeksi povprečnih cen so indeksi povprečnih vrednosti, torej gre za primerjavo povprečnih cen m2 novozgrajenih stanovanj, ne upoštevajoč spremembe v strukturi novogradenj (glede na lokacijo znotraj mest, kvaliteto gradenj itd.). Indices of average prices are unit value indices, so this is comparison of average prices per m2 of new buildings, irrespective of the change in the structure of new buildings (location, quality, etc.). Statistične informacije, št. 173/2004 4 Rapid Reports No 173/2004 Stroški gradnje Construction costs so stroški za gradbena, obrtniška in inštalacijska dela. Prikazani so ločeno kot delež celotne cene. are costs of construction, finishing and installation works. They are shown separately as the share of the total price. V površini stanovanja je upoštevana uporabna površina sob, kuhinje in drugih pomožnih prostorov, površina zaprtih teras in verand ter površina pod vgrajenimi omarami. Debelina sten ter površina odprtih teras in balkonov nista upoštevani. Floor area of dwelling includes usable floor area of rooms, kitchen and other auxiliary interiors, as well as the area of enclosed terraces and verandas and the area under fitted cupboards. The thickness of the walls and the area of open terraces and balconies are not included. Dokončano stanovanje je stanovanje, v katerem so v vseh prostorih opravljena z načrtom predvidena gradbena, obrtniška in inštalacijska dela. A completed dwelling is a dwelling in which all designed construction, finishing and installation works have been done in all interiors. Stanovanje v gradnji je stanovanje, ki je v posamezni stavbi z načrtom predvideno, pa še ni dokončano. A dwelling under construction is a dwelling planned for an individual building but not yet completed. Objavljanje Publishing Polletno: Half-yearly: − Statistične informacije. Gradbeništvo. Cene novih stanovanj − Rapid Reports. Construction. Prices of New Dwellings Letno: Yearly: − Statistične informacije. Gradbeništvo. Cene novih stanovanj − Rapid Reports. Construction. Prices of New Dwellings − Statistični letopis − Statistical Yearbook − Letni pregled gradbeništva − Annual Review of Construction Sestavil / Prepared by: Janez Rebec Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Tehnični urednik Anton Rojc - Naklada 160 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Gradbeništvo 1408-9300 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Technical editor Anton Rojc - Total print run 160 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Construction 1408- 9300 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.