ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION VOLUME 40 NUMBER 7 JULY,1968 July 4th Commemoration "OLD GLORY”- MAY SHE EWER WAVE A LIBERTY 6C| 6‘ 6( t5*U* t 6C § \r[ 6CiS IB kt ms 6; foST TREAD OS Mt 19 Ten different flags that Americans carried as colonists and as citizens of a new nation will be reproduced on commemorative stamps and placed on sale July 4, 1968 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where the Allegheny Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America, will dedicate its Flag Plaza and program and service center. Some of the flags in the series exist today, faded and tattered. Others did not survive, and the stamp designs for these are based on descriptive documents and contemporary paintings. Some of them may be known by other names. The series consists of the Ft. Moultrie Flag, (1776); the Ft. McHenry Flag, (1795-1918); Washington’s Cruisers Flag (1775); Bennington Flag (1777); Rhode Island Flag (1775); First Stars and Stripes (1777); Bunker Hill Flag (1775); Grand Union Flag (1776); Philadelphia Light Horse Flag (1775); First Navy Jack (1775). All the flags have played important roles in the history of the country and the one probably seen by most people, which inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner, is at center top. It flew above Ft. McHenry in 1814 as Key watched the rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air during bombardment by the British fleet in Chesapeake Bay. This flag of fifteen stripes and fifteen stars was the national emblem from 1795 until 1818. The Historic Flag Series is an exciting addition to stamp collections and will serve well as a reminder \Ato all Americans that patriotism, needed and desired at this time, has perhaps its greatest symbol in the •* \ American Flag. • -*■*«* nr! ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 6060S Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must hr in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo meselnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. No. 7, Vol. XL July? 1968 Št. 7, Leto XL OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION CANDIDS Ohio-Michigan State Officers, Frances Lindič (No. 15), Mary Bostian, President and Marie Beck, Rec. Secretary with Supreme President Antonia Turek, center. Tribute to deceased members was carried out by Marie Prisland Cadets, from left, Pauline Vegal, Rose Milavec, Mary Batich, Frances Stariha, Theresa Skur, Rose Roesch. Part of the crowd attending the State Convention are seen on the right photo. These Mothers Have Distinction dates to remember ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILLINOIS SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1968 Aug. 12—Picnic, Br. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Aug. 18—Barbeque Chicken Dinner, Br. 43, Milwaukee Sept. 15 - WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION and 40 th ANNIVERSARY, West Allis, Wls. Oct. 13—OHIO BAZAAR, St. Vitus Hall, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 20—Card Party, Br. 14. Euclid, Ohio Nov. 12 — Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Br. 50 has the distinction of having six mothers of religious in the service of God. They were honored at the branch’s Mother’s Day party in May 'at one of the loveliest affairs of the year. Members offered their sincere congratulations and wishes for happiness to their families. From left to right seated, they are: Ann Kristoff whose daughter is Sr. Mary of the Angels, Ursuline Order, and teaches art and religion at Villa Angela Academy; Louise Vovko honored for having two children in religious service. Rev. John Vovko was ordained May 25th and celebrated his First Mass 'at St. Vitus the following day. His sister is Sr. Mary John David, S.N.D., who just received her White Veil. Also seated is Frances Milavec. Her daughter is Sr. Mary Judith, S.N.D, a teacher at St. Stephen High School in Cleveland. From left to right, standing: Mary Hočevar, daughter is Sr. Mary Luke Marie, S.N.D., teacher of first grade at Lorain, Ohio; Agnes Modic, daughter is Sr. Mary Frances HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN IULY Supreme Officers: July 28—Rose Scoff, State President of California-Washington-Oregon, San Francisco, Calif. Branch Presidents: July 2—Anna Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3—Anna Trontel, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4—Anna Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 21 -Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. July 25—Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July M—Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 31—Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio Branch Secretaries: July 6—Mary Hadley, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa July 8—Olga Ancel, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. July 10—Anna Mundi, Br. 02, Conneaut, Ohio July 15—Elizabeth Misiewicz, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. July 23—Louise Epley, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio July 27—Rose Chiodi, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. July 30—Mary Jamsek, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. July 31—Carole McDaniels, Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! co, S.N.D., teacher at St. Michael High School in Cleveland; Nancy Avsec’s daughter is Sr. M. Antonmarie, S.N.D., teaches Home Economics and Christine Duche’s daughter is Sr. Mary St. Christine, S.N.D., fourth grade teacher at St. Mary’s in Massillon. Ohio. (See branch report.) THIRD REPORT ON NEW ERA CAMPAIGN Worker’s Name Margaret Fischer Josephine Železnikar Jennie Puhek Elizabeth Zefran Mary ICrapenec Albina Novak Frances Simonich Anna Pachak Margaret Fager Katherine Judnlch Mildred Sadar Mitzi Globokar Vera Bajec Marie Floryan Marlon Marolt Frances Hubert Emma Planinšek Josephine Sumic Frances Gaspich Frances Ukovich Josephine Erjavec Mary Haggerty Olga Erjavec Stella Dancull Barbara Rosandicli 23 Mary Shikonya Angela Strukel Mary Otoničar Helen Kunic Mary Bostian Ann Cooke Theresa Potokar Br. Member’s Name A B Jr. 1 Lori Lyn Vertacic 1 Joseph, Jimmy & Julie Fischer 3 2 Marlene Marrazzo 1 Mary Ann Dunkel 1 2 Brian & Kathleen Windle Joseph Podder 2 Kathleen Malloy 2 Beth Ann Muelleman John Louis Zefran Barbara Kosi 1 Mary DelRusso 1 2 Rosemarie Krapenc 1 2 Josephine Zajec 1 Michelle Nusko 3 Robert Simonich Gregory Cortese 3 Cathy & Carol Pavicich 1 Valerie Siegel Mary Giltner Hedwig Pavicich 1 Michael Miller Marie Bradish 1 13 Carol Fager Christine Slattery 13 Michelle Bogdanov 1 14 Beverly Pečjak 1 14 Colleen, Mary Jo & Deborah McCrory 14 Robert & Christian Mickovic 17 Lois Bielefeldt 1 Janis Bolskar 1 Bertha Kieckaefer 1 Josephine Bjertuess 1 17 Paula Fennig 1 20 Mae Rief 1 20 Mary & Bernardine Ukovich 1 1 Lyn & Victoria Nosse 1 1 Georgette Likovich 1 Theresa Buldak 1 Amalia Molek 1 Joyce Ukovich 1 20 Jenny Kochevar 1 Judith Deringa 1 20 Genevieve Klainsek 1 Colette Gruenwald 1 20 Irene, Cindy & Paula Vicic 1 2 20 Marilyn Tarizzo 1 20 Bernice Wisniewski 1 20 Karen Allbert 1 21 Shelee Chesnik 1 Deborah Stevens 1 Gina Piechowski 1 Kerry Perushek 1 23 Jennie Laurich 1 24 Becky Wittington 1 25 Julia & Josephine Smajdek 2 Mary H. Ponikvar 1 Florence J. & Ellen Straub 1 1 Rose J. Chandek 1 Mary Rodgers 1 26 Donna & Louise Gray 2 32 Mary Eliz. Plevnik 1 Edward & Louise Fabec 1 1 32 Marsha Miller 1 Susan Urankar 1 32 Frances Young 1 Olga Becker 1 Mary Drobntch 32 Mary P. Batlch 1 Anna L. Rosman 1 Ann Podgoršek 33 Kelly, Michael, Mark, Robin, Patrick Christie 5 Michael, Mark, Cynthia, Patrick, William & Caroline Macor 1 5 Donald Mrak 1 Thomas, James, Kathryn Hoppenyan 3 Tracy, Terri, Pat & Izona Borich 2 2 Caroline Macor 23 Alan & Kelly Terwey 2 Mary Popovich 33 Thomas, Faye & Janet M aga 1 2 Diane Mega 1 Pat Macor 33 Janet Terwey 1 Renee Doble 33 Edwina Kubat 1 Anna Maki 33 Mary J. Schneck 1 Jean Popovich 33 Anne Czaplicki 1 Dorothy Rychlak 32 Mary Ann, Dow & Renee Rychlak 1 2 Mary Kiel 43 Theresa Kotar 1 2 Rose Kraemer 43 Maria Rozina 1 Jan & Mary Gilboy 2 Antonia Meke 1 Stephen & Christopher Hoffarth 2 Ann Szczesny 1 Rosemary Gordon 45 Pat Gordon 1 Jennie Gerk 47 Jennie Cergol 1 Marie Beck 50 Nancy Beck 1 Juliette Slapnik 1 Antonia Turelc 50 Sally Gerscht 1 Alyce Stewart 1 Anna Krulac 50 Rose A. Tisovec 1 Ernestine Jevec 50 Betty Lee Gorgon 1 J. Arko 50 Joante Cable 1 Ann Hočevar 50 Mary Perusek 1 Bernice Somrak 50 Celia Bleekman 1 Alice Baratto 52 Anne & Jodi Nelmark 1 1 Mary Meadows 56 Mary Ann Mallcovich 1 Frances Hribar 57 Susan Hribar 1 Louise Eppley 73 Anna Krakora 1 Marie Kozak 1 David Bayus 1 Mary Krecek 1 Paul Dusek 1 Bernarda Mishe 84 Frances Roith 1 Mary Zugich 85 Pearl Drennen 1 Eva Lubin 92 Sharon Kay 1 Betty Starika 1 Evelyn Driscoll 95 Ann Polancic Mildred James 95 Marie Maras 1 Regina Buchanan 1 Helen Hoff 1 Rose Marie Cacich 95 Gertrude Lee 1 Diane Wojnovich 1 Anne Laski 1 Matilda Quinn 95 Joan M. Quinn 1 Mrs. J. Petrich 100 Carol Narley 1 Dorothy Petrich 100 Patricia Koza 1 Jean Kurilich 100 Frances Kurilich I Cecelia Horzen 100 Barbara Horzen 1 Mary Lou Vidergar 100 Lisa Videgar 1 Mary Omaits 100 Lucille & Cynthia Petrich 2 Irene Planinšek 103 Doris Lickar 1 Pauline Adamic 105 Audrey B. Krulic 1 Josephine Jacobs 106 Sharon & Pamela Jacobs 2 Jennifer Vorum 1 Total New Members This Report (167) 18 67 82 Total New Members 1st & 2nd Report (168) 27 71 70 Total New Members to Date (335) 45 138 152 SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ACTIVITIES Summer is here and everyone is looking forward to vacations. Some travel to Europe, others to lakes and other places, will find enjoyment. To all vacationers, a safe journey, stay well and enjoy yoursevles. But, don’t forget to keep the campaign for new members in mind for when your branch resumes activities in the fall, you will be able to bring in a few new members. This will make everyone happy. Keep the ball rolling — deadline is October 31st! Sunday, May 2Gth was a very busy day for me. I attended two New Masses at St. Vitus church. One was of Rev. Anthony Srsen, whose mother is a member of Br. 25 and the other was of Rev. John Vovko — his mother, Louise is a member of Br. 50. This was the first time I had the opportunity of attending and witnessing this beautiful ceremony. Afternoon banquets were held for the two celebrants, relatives and friends but I was not able to attend this function as it was the day for our Ohio-Michigan State Convention. That evening, I again attended the receptions for the two new priests and received their blessings. * * * The Ohio-Michigan State Convention was held in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of Br. 15 in Newburgh, Ohio. State President, Mary Bostian opened the meeting and the discussion was very interesting with new ideas and suggestions given. We are anxious to have increased activity and more new members — these were the important subjects to discuss! Fault lies with our inability to attract the younger members to become interested. We must get new ways going to hold our younger members! Also discussed was the up and coming Bazaar, Style Show and Bake Sale on Oct. 13, 1968. Every branch will be able to join and raise money. A very impressive and solemn memorial was held in honor of our departed members of all branches in Ohio and Michigan. Frances Sietz was in charge of this. After a lengthy meeting, we all assembled in the large hall and were served a delicious dinner attended by 300 members and friends. Father Varga spoke of the fine work that the Zveza women are doing and was highly elated with the wonderful work we are doing for the Slovenian Chapel. Father Mihelich, who has been transferred from Denver, Colo., also attended and we heard a few words of praise from him, too! Greatest surprise of the day was the appearance of Zveza’s new Dawn Choral Group under the direction of Mr. Frank Gorenselc with 35 ladies participating. They rendered three songs and sang out so well that everyone was amazed by this group in the short time they have been together. They put on a marvelous performance Congratulations, singers. * * * SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND Donations are coming in every day, some small, some large, and everyone helping to achieve the goal. To date we have $42,000.00 and still remaining is $28,000.00. Let us not forget our MARIJA POMAGAJ and send in your donations now to help this cause along so that our chapel shall be in the largest Catholic church in America. When you and your children visit the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C., you will be proud to say, I am of Slovenian descent and we Slovenians of America have given to this beautiful chapel Br. G4 of Kansas City and tšo collectors, Mary Hotyec and Antonia Kostelec again sent in a nice sum of $450.00 — making their total now $863.00. At this time, I wish to mention Dorothy Ferra, member of Br. 10 and secretary of St. Joseph’s Lodge KSKJ. She has been working faithfully and mailing in donations to the sum of $550.00. Another member of the KSKJ Supreme Board, John Bevec, started a collection and mailed in $325.00. It is more than appropriate that I give recognition to the Washington Committee who have sacrificed so much of their time and expense for this great cause. Considering the handful of Slovenian familiies who reside in the Washington, D. C. area, they have sent the Chapel Fund almost $1,200.00. Thanks to all! * * * We regret very much that the trip to the Canadian Shrines had to be cancelled at the last minute for lack of passengers. Hope that we have better luck next time. My sincere sympathy to Mary Tomsic, State President of Pennsylvania on the loss of her sister and niece. A very speedy recovery to all ailing members and happy birthdays in July! Have a nice vacation. Toni Turek No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — The May meeting was a very happy occasion. A “pitch-in” dinner was held honoring our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Josephine Tomasetig. Our best wishes, Mrs. Tomasetig, and may you celebrate many more happy occasions! Our prayers are offered for the speedy recovery of all of our sick members. Just a little reminder to all the members that July 20 and 21 is our heavenly week and to spend at Le-mont. May everyone have a safe and happy vacation. Till we meet again in September, may Our Lord and His Blessed Mother guide and protect you always. Hermina Bruder, Reporter No. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — The May meeting was a memorable one. All living and deceased members along with Mother-of-the-Year, Mrs. Pauline Barberich, were honored. A program followed with piano presentation by Johnny Judy and Jimmy Wagner; clarinet played by Michael Judy; and Becky Wagner reciting a poem entitled “Our Flag”, which brought tears to many. It was well done and appropriate for these trying times. Movies of local personalties were shown by Joe Troha. Thank you all for your genrous participation. Our cooks again came through with all the wonderful goodies. All members are reminded that we will have no meeting during the summer, but will resume again in October. Those of you who haven’t had time to attend in the past, try to do so in the future as many interesting activities are in the making. Bring in your ideas and help to make this organization an outstanding one. Have a safe and enjoyable summer. Till we meet again, remember, “Smile, God loves you!” Fran Spice, rec. secy. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — The celebration for our Mother-of-the-Year is now but a happy memory. Margaret Fager, our elected Mother-of-the-Year was raidant. She simply sparkled with pride as her entire faimly surrounded her. All of Margaret’s sisters, children and grandchildren were on hand. Needless to tell you, the entire head table was filled with her family. Now, I have a confession to make Somehow with being busy calling all the members and making all the arrangements for our breakfast, I neglected to order a corsage of orchids for Margaret; but, I tried to cover up my mistake and pinned an orchid corsage given to me by my friend Fran Schukle on Margaret's lovely suit. I know Margaret will forgive me and overlook my mistake. The orchids I did pin on her were given with all my love and respect. Am I forgiven, Margaret? Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: BROTHERHOOD Once upon a time there lived a shiny little goldfish. Its crystal aquarium was its world. It had colored shells and pebbles and gravel in the bottom. It was, in fact, the finest aquarium the little fish had ever seen. It gauged the universe by its own glass cell and thought itself to be the most beautiful, the wisest little goldfish in the world. One day its owner slipped into the aquarium a lovely, delicate Korean fantail fish. It floated in the water like a fancy in a poet’s dream. The face of the American fish fell. It said: “Where did you come from, and who are you anyway?” “I came from Korea,” answered the foreign beauty. "Where, pray, is Korea?” said the jealous American fish. “It is so far away that it makes me dizzy to think about it,” replied the fantail. The gold fish swam across its pool and back, then said, “Is Korea as far away as across my pool?” Said the fantail, “It is many, many millions of times farther. The ocean which I crossed is so large that this pool is but a tiny drop of water in comparison.” By this time the goldfish was furious with rage. It snapped out, “You are an intruder here, you came to tell me something that I know is a lie. There isn’t any Korea, nor any ocean either, for I have never seen nor heard of them. I hereby serve notice upon you to look out for that dainty tail of yours.” The housewife was vei'y sad when she went the next morning to attend the aquarium. At the bottom of the glass she saw the remains of the delicate little Korean fantail. ARE YOU A GOLDFISH? Most of us are now and then. We look at all new truth with about as much hostility as did the goldfish. It is politics? We are dead sure that our platform is the best and only set of principles upon which to build a government. When the Australian ballot system was proposed, the chief objection to it was that it had a foreign name. Because we are a big and rich country we think that we can do what we please. No recognition or humility. We should know that pride leads to a fall. Forty members attended breakfast at the Jack Tar Hotel and a wonderful time was had by all. Many gifts were given to the guests. The food, as usual, was delicious and the service excellent. Rose Scoff, our President and State President made a speech and welcomed all the ladies and asked for support in our many planned future ventures. It is only with the help of the membership and the interest of our officers we can all enjoy days such such as our Mother’s Breakfast. My beloved Teta, Katie Judnich was presented with a gift for liav-ving the largest family group. All of her children and grandchildren were there to make her day a happy one. At every Breakfast or other event Teta Katie has her lovely family with her. Daughters, Helen Sustarich, Josephine Aiuto and Virginia (Ginny) Sustarich have been officers in Zveza and all have been very active. Grandchildren Michelle, Ann, Doreen and Moreen have attended many of our functions. Of course I admit I am a little apt to honor my Teta, but she is my great Aunt and has been during my entire life a second mother to me. To my children she is Teta Nana and to all of us she is the most wonderful mother in the world. There will be two months vacation for branch 13; our next meeting being in September. Actually it is a three month vacation, so when the meetings start again try to attend and become an active part of our social group. Dorris Lovrin has just returned home from the hospital after surgery. Our vice president is a really active member, always donating cake or goodies for our socials and always there to wash the dishes. The funny part is that Dorris never makes anything look like work. It has been my pleasure to have worked with her on many projects for our school and hail and it is always such fun. We are happy to announce that Dorris is well on the way to recoveiy. Altho one of our new members, she is one of the hardest workers and her entire family are members of Br. 13. Get well real soon, Buddy, we miss you . . . Happy vacation time to all. Greetings to all our members who are ill. Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, O. — We had a fairly good attendance at our June meeting, but many of our usual faces were missing, Theresa Skur, Rose Mickovic and myself attended the Ohio State Convention in Newburgh on Sunday, May 2Gth. After the meeting a very delicious dinner was served. Congiatulations to Br. 15 on their 40th anniversary. A Bazaar will be held at St. Vitus Hall on Oct. 12th and 14th. We ask the cooperation of all the members in donating some sort of handwork to be sold in our booth. Again, I remind all the members to keep in mind our Card Party date: Sunday, Oct. 20th at the Slovenian Society Home an Recher Ave. It will be here before we know it and there is so much work to be done. We thank Rose Maurich, Jennie Stopar and Frances Plut for their donations to our goodtime fund. On the sick list is Mary Koljat, hospitalized at Euclid General Hospital after suffering a severe heart attack. Our prayers and good wishes go out to her. We also heard that Jennie Vidovich had a fall in her home and wish her a speedy recovery. Get well wishes go to Frank Fakult (husband of Mary Fakult) who is at home recuperating after surgery. There will be no meeting in July. Our next meeting will be Aug. 16th. See you then. Vera Bajec, Sec’y. No. 16, So. Chicago, III. The members of Br. 16 held their annual card and games party March 3rd. We wish to thank everyone who gave us donations, Mrs. Anne Eustig, the chairman and all the ladies that helped making it a success. We cer- tainly had a wonderful attendance. The members also enjoyed the annual chicken dinner at the Calumet Beach Inn. Mrs. Chalak, who is one of our members, is the proprietor. The women who attended at least 6 meetings last year were eligible for a free dinner, namely, Josephine Blasovich, Ann Buck, Gladys Buck, Jean Bukvich, Agnes Cherne, Josephine Krai, Mary Krzmanic, Mary Maricich, Angeline Novak, Rose Salokar, Mary Skorija, Ann Springer, Katie Triller, Frances Wine, Antonia Krese, Kristina Martinas, Ann Jancevich, Anne Eustig and Kate Vidmar. There were also 8 paid guests. We are all sad to report the death of two of our members, Mrs. Ann Wolfgang and Angeline Brncich. We also wish a speedy recovery for two members who were hospitalized recently, Mrs. Frances Vine and Mrs. Dominic. Mary Cohen, Rec. Sec’y. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Summer time is upon us and thoughts of vacation go with it. I sincerely wish each and everyone will enjoy your vacations either at home, the lakes, touring thru the U. S. or in European countries. Have a happy vacation! Preparations are being made for Sunday, Sept. 15, 19G8 when we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our Branch, combining it with the Wisconsin State Day Convention. At 9:00 a. m. the Convention meeting will convene and at 10:15 a. m. we will march in a body to the new St. Mary’s church where at 10:30 a. m. the sacrifice of the Holy Mass will be offered for the intention of S. W. U. Immediately following the Mass, a social hour will be held and the banquet will be served at 12:30 p. m. in the St. Mary’s Auditorium, So. 60th and W. Madison St. with a short program following. More details to follow in Zarja and by mail. A cordial invitation is extended to Supreme Officers, sister branches, members and friends. NEW ST. MARY'S IS BLESSED AT WEST ALLIS, WIS. Archbishop Wm. Cousins of Milwaukee at dedication ceremony of St. Mary’s Br. 17, Continued: After our 18 month Building Program at St. Mary’s Help of Christians parish which included a new church, rectory and school addition, the dedication took place Sunday March 24th by Archbishop William E. Cousins. The new church is a cruciform design in modified Romanesque architecture. The exterior features soft tones of brown and pink face brick with stone trim and masonry grille work. The interior has a large open sanctuary with transepts for choir sections on either side. The nave has seating for about 500 plus room for another 100 on the balcony for the choir members. Directly off the nave and sanctuary is a separate chapel and baptistry surmounted by a Romanesque carillon tower. The focal point of the exterior is the facade, with an ornamental canopy extending across the front of the church. Above the canopy is a niche of ornamental grille work and mosaic panel to high light a statue of the Blessed Mother. There is a full basement with rooms for various parish societies and a small auxiliary chapel. The rectory, of similar architecture, includes and basement with garage and storage equipment room. The one story and basement school unit was added at the north end of the present structure. It contains two class-rooms, teachers’ room and storage facilities. We are very proud of our new church, rectory, school and hall which was all done thru hard work and effort on behalf of Father Matthew Setnicar who has sacrificed so much thru these 29 years as pastor. Today we are very proud of him and what St. Mary’s stands for. May God shower you with good health and success in the future, Father! Reservations must be made by Sept. 1, 19G8. Best wishes are extended to all the sick members. God bless you all. Marie A. Floryan, Sec’y. EXTRA! DRILL TEAM UNIFORMS Branch No. 20 has a large number of beautiful uniforms to be given a-way to any branch for whatever price is offered. Write for information to: Josephine Erjavec, 527 N. Chicago St., Joliet, 111. No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our annual celebration honoring the popular famous mothers of the year thru the years of this organization, a very pleasant duty, was to show respect and love. Our member most deserving this year is Mrs. Frances Ukovich who is approaching her 87th year and membership of 40 years. She is a widow for 48 years, raising a large family and constantly attending the meetings; she was our companion at the SWU Convention. At our meeting, Mrs. Ukovich was honored when a corsage of carnations was presented by president, Emma Planinšek and seated beside her. Mrs. Ukovich was so impressed by this, that tears came in her eyes and she said that at her age she never expected such honors. Also honored was Frances Gaspich, our previous secretary for 21 years, with a suitable gift in thanks for the time and good deeds she has given to our branch during her years of office She was very surpised and thrilled thanking all the officers and branch for their thoughtfulness. Also a gift was presented to our previous officer, Jennie Sprengel, who is also our choral director; but to Mrs. Mary Lesnik and Ann Stefanich this was impossible due to their absence. We hope to see them at our future meetings. Secretary, Olga Ancel, gave a financial report, while Jo Muster reported on the membership and Jo Erjavec on the sick members at hospitals, home and at nursing homes. Door prize was won by Mrs. Frances Ukovich and Bernardine Ukovich. A new member, Bernice Wisnewski, was recommended by Mary Haggerty and initiated by the president. After this lively meeting which was well-attended, the two musicians Garry Smoljo and Vincent Likovich gave a number of polka selections and other dance tunes to which even our Popular Mother danced as a young girl. It was a thrill at this meeting for such a variety program. After lunch, singing with Mrs. Sprengel closed the meeting. The sick members in the hospital are Jennie Bambich, Mary Vlasich and our sentinel Theresa Muhich; at the Americana is Katherine Butala and at home, Julia Trubich and Mary Mavec is now home on Hughes Ave. after her hospitalization. We wish them all a speedy recovery also the ones not reported here. Hope you will all have a good and safe vacation. With best wishes, Josephine Erjavec No. 21, West Park, Ohio. — I want to thank all the members of Branch No. 21 for their cooperation in making our 40th Anniversary dinner combined with our Mother-of-the-Year party a success. We had good food catered by Frances Stuckey. In all, we had a good time. To Pauline Tratnik, Frances Miklich, Rose Kosko, Josephine Hočevar, Helen ,Konkoy Jennie Kmet, Fran Miklich, Julia Chesnik, Mary Otoničar, thank you ladies for the donation of door prizes and money. We enjoyed our visit with our Supreme President, Antonia Turek; State President of Ohio, Michigan, Mary Bostian; Supreme Auditor, Mary Otoničar, and all others who attended our 40th Anniversary as guests and members. All the five charter members, Supreme Officers and No. 21 officers received corsages from the members. Mother-of-the-Year, Mary Zeitz, received our good wishes along with a corsage and gift from the members. The gift was presented by our Supreme President. We know how happy this honor has made Mary as she represents our idea of a mother of a life time. Our condolences to Frances Miklich on the recent death of her brother, Michael Bolta. May he rest in peace! Nellie Strodtbeck became Grandma again, this makes 14 grandchildren. Congratulations also to our President, Teresa Lach, who is the proud grandma of a new granddaughter, Kathleen Anne Lach. Military Service: The Frank Stekals had the pleasure of having their son, Frank home for a 30 day furlough. He is stationed in Germany. Sick reports: A speedy recovery is wished to our members who were in the hospital and are still ailing at home. Mary Gustinčič, Mary Cimperman, Mary Jeson, Marie Pivek. It was reported that Mary Vehar had an accident and broke her heelbone. We are sorry to hear that, Mary. A word of good cheer also to our following ailing members. Past Pres. Anne Pelcic recuperating at home, Prances Kozely, Frances Blatnik, Antoinette Estanek, Ella Prisel and Teresa Zupančič. Drop them a card or visit them. Engagement announced: Barbara Unger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Unger of Parma is engaged to Pete Katherine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Katherine A September wedding is planned. We extend our congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Vehar who were married at St. Francis de Sales church on April 20th. Mrs. Vehar is the former Christine Majewski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Majewski. The bride is a graduate of Cuyahoga Community College. Her husband is a graduate of University of Detroit. Just a reminder, in July and August — no meetings — vacation months. Stella Dancull No. 23, Ely, Minn. The Dawn Club, social club of the Slovenian Women’s Union held their anniversary banquet at Vertin’s Cafe on May 20th at 6:00, beginning with a cocktail hour. Maiy Starkovich and Barbara Rosandich took charge of the cocktail hour with serving punch. The ladies all enjoyed the punch, it was real “McCoy”. (Apricot brandy, Vodka, Hawaiian punch, oranges and cherries). This punch made all in a happy and singing mood, with Mary Gotchnik leading and accompanying on the accordion. We want to thank Mary for being the life of the party. Dinner was served at 6:30. It was very delicious dinner with all the trimmings. There were 51 members who attended this dinner. A meeting was held after the dinner with Emma Pucel, presiding. Margaret Skubitz won the door prize. We wish our sick member Ruth Zaverl a speedy recover}' and has been confined in the hospital. We are happy to hear that Ann Merrill is now convalescing at home after being in the hospital for months and hope that she will soon be able to attend our meetings again. The following members are on next month’s lunch committee, Mayme Stoll, Amelia Marolt, Mary Tolyon, Jennie Zupancich, and Amelia Mainer. The entertainment concluded with games party and gifts given to the winners. In charge of the games Party were Rose Novak, Amelia Marolt, and Rose Stupnik. Mary M. Shikonya No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — I want to thank all members and their friends who attended our luncheon on May 21st. A special thank you to anyone who donated a prize and helped us in any way to make the luncheon a success. There will be no meetings during July and August. Congratulations to Antoinette Stay-duhar (Blondie) on her engagement to Peter Jaketic. Their marriage will take place on August 17th at St. Mary’s on 57th St. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bizjak on their 45th Anniversary which was celebrated on May 23rd with a Mass offered by Father Demsher. Get well wishes to Anna Flajnilc who recently underwent surgery; also to all other sick and ailing members. I want to mention here one of our members who has spent a lot of time in the hospital lately, Elisa Poli-cichio. Elisa attended our meetings often and we all miss you, Elisa, so get well soon. Condolences to Anna Migalic on the loss of her husband, Michael who died on May 29th. May his soul rest in peace! Wishes to all our members for an enjoyable vacation and see you in September. God bless you. Anna Frankovic, Sec’y. No. 32, Euclid, 0. — We were very happy to see new faces again at our May meeting especially our new president, Mary Bostian. She gave us a warm greeting at tills Mother’s Day meeting saying that she had many surprises in store for the members. The meeting was brief. Six junior members were introduced and Anne Cooke, our Mother-of-the- Year joined them with a program, reading to us the meaning of Mother. It was very nice. Then, the most exciting thing was to pick out a queen for May. If you weren’t there, you really missed something. Phyllis DiAmico was picked Queen for May and the entire year. Congratulations and success to her. She was crowned and a cape was put on her by the Mother-of-the-Year. President presented her with gifts and a corsage. Anne Cooke was presented the same and was caped by her own mother, Annie Godlar. President took pictures. Frances Gerjevic received a floral gift for being the oldest member at the meeting. Combined were the birthdays of our members especially Catherine Golinar (May 3rd) and she brought a Birthday Cake for our luncheon Other donors were Josephine Comenshek, strudel; Annie Pozar, cake; Mary Batich, cake; Mary Drobnich, cheesecake; Mary Vodichar, krofe; Elsie Sudar, cake; Francs Klune, cheese strudel; Annie Tekavec, cake; Frances Gerjevic, cake; and tea was served. Mary Drobnick took care of sandwiches. We thank all who baked and to Mary Vodichar and Frances Klune who were hostesses. Contributors to our goodtime treasury at $1 each were E. Gatewood, B. Baron, K. Žalec, M. Ercul, P. Vrh, J. Jagodnick; to the treasury from F. Gerjevic 12, Netty Pristov $3, Jo Posch and M. Mance each $1. Thanks to all for your generosity. We congratulate Netty Pristov and her husband who celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary May 7th. We hope for many more anniversaries and God bless you. Judy Potokar, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs Anton Potokar, became a bride on May 4th. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Potokar, Jr. Congratulations! To our sick and shut-ins, we pray that they get well real soon. We haven’t seen Mary Zek at our meetings lately and we heard she had an operation. She doesn’t miss very many meetings. Get well, dear Mary. May our Blessed Mother to whom you have always prayed, get you up and back to our meetings, we miss you. Annie Chinchar also had a serious operation in April. We hope and pray she’s much better. Annie always helped us in the kitchen, never has to be asked. Have a nice summer vacation and may God bless you all and your families. If you have news that you want to be known, please call 481-3437. Annie Tekavec, Rec. Secy. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. Twenty-one members of Branch No. 34 travelled to Ely on Monday May 13th, for the final meeting of the group before the summer recess which was begun with a 6:30 delicious chicken dinner with all the trimmings at Vertin’s Cafe— now on top of the hill (the former Rik’s Inn. Following the dinner a short business meeting was held at which time Mrs. Mary Pahula said she would call a special meeting as soon as she got particulars on “Minnesota Day" which this year will be in Nashwauk, Minn. At that time arrangements will be made for transportation for all members who will be attending. A social hour followed, and prize winners at “500” were Mmes Frank Planton, Nick Tekautz, and Anthony Yapel; at Scrabble prizes were a-warded to Mmes. John Dragavon and Herman Mesojedec and Mrs. Edward Dragavon received the door prize donated by Mrs. Joseph Jamnick. After the summer vacations, hostesses for September will be Mmes. Leo Wilson and Ernest Mustonen, and the door prizes will be donated by Mrs. Ernest Johnson. May I urge all members of the Slovenian Women’s Nnion to donate to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. If in every Community one of our members would take it upon herself to solicit Funds by contacting prospective donors whether members of Zveza or not—just as long as they are Slovenians or of Slovenian descent. I find that many “heard” of the Drive —but just didn’t know enough about it until I explained—and they they contributed. We can be assured “Marija Pomagaj” will reward us for this effort—and the contributions. Happy vacation time to all members of SWU! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio. — We are saddened at the loss of Louis Simončič, late husband of Theresa, who is a long-time member of our lodge. The contributions to the Slovenians of Mr. Simončič are many — not only to the community of Maple Heights in which he lived, but also to the Newburg area -— for he was a leader in the organization of both the Slovenian National Home in Maple Heights and on East 80th St. He also helped in the formation of numerous Slovenian lodges in both communities. Our sincere and deepest sympathies are extended to both Mrs. Simončič and their daughter, Theresa Filips. May and Jane — were the months of graduations. Thomas Tomsic, son of Frances, our “1967 Mother-of-the-Year,” graduated from Borremeo Seminary. Helen and Ed Lipnos took a trip to Milwaukee, to attend the graduation of Helen’s niece. Sister M. Susan Turyan a Sister of St. Francis, from Alvemo College. Sister M. Susan is now also a registered nurse. Helen’s nephew, Sister M. Susan’s brother David, who is studying for the priesthood, is also graduating from college this month. Congratulations and future success to all graduates. Another of our members, Mary Yemec, recently took a short trip to Holland, Mich, to attend the Tulip Festival. While enroute, Mary visited with her son, .Tack, who makes his home in Michigan. The Ženska Zveza State Convention, held at Newburg, was attended by our president, Antonia Kastelic, our secretary, Mary Yemec, and Paula Hrebar. Many members of our lodge attended the dinner afterward and a good and informative time was enjoyed by all. Happy Anniversaries to Frances and Frank Stavec and Happy Birthday to all our members celebrating this month. B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The May meeting was well-attended, in spite of the fact it was held one week earlier, due to Mother’s Day. New and old business was discussed. A letter, with all the important events during 1968 was mailed to each member. Please read it carefully and answer all the questions. The reason for the letter is that some of the members don’t attend meetings, in order for them to know what is taking place, the committee decided on the letter. No meetings in July and August. Again it is sun-time and this season will no doubt produce the usual crop of suntan and sunburn casualties, so be on the alert, use your favorite cream and avoid getting too sunburn. For many people the greatest Joy of summer is taking movies. Please share some of these with our mem- bers next fall especially of beautiful scenery. Vacations are now on the agenda; to all taking part, the happiest and safest trips wherever they may be. Jim and Jo Verbick are spending the summer up North. Jim is a retired fisherman and Jo the chief cook. The Steins and Spendes just made a trip to Las Vegas. They had a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hiller are driving to Canada making the trip to the Canadian Shrines. Mitzi and Al Tratnik are attending an Eagle Convention at the Wisconsin Dells. Mr. and Mrs. Maj-henich, Mrs. Zovic, Mrs. Meke and Mrs. Kotar are all enroute to Europe. Congratulations and best wishes are in order for the following: Miss Anna Mae Goggins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jim Goggins, graduated from Stout State University at Menomonie, Wis., with a bachelor degree of Science in Dietetics. She is a member of the Neuman Club, Stout Choir and Dietetic Club. Miss Helen Rifelj graduated from Notre Dame High School; Mark Frangesh from St. John’s Cathedral High is entering U. W. M. Allen Larsen (husband of Dolores Bevsek Larsen) graduated with a Fine Arts Degree, majoring in Arts from Wis. State University at Stevens Point, Wis. His favorite subject: Athletics. On the cover of the May issue of the "Dawn”, we saw that Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM, sent in a beautiful poem. Those of you who read it once, I am sure reread it several times. The lovely word Mother is a sacred and blessed name and with this description of the meaning of it made it very, very heartwarming. Congratulations to Father Okorn for the fine masterpiece. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, O. — The month of May was the most beautiful month that I can ever remember since being a member of this great organization. We paid tribute to the seven Mothers of our branch who have sons and daughters in religious life. Carole Traven composed a song to show these Mothers that we are very proud of them. They each received a beautiful corsage that they will remember a lifetime. (See photo inside cover.) Ann Kristoff and Rose Tisovec are now officially with us, as they were initiated on this memorable night. Our Rummage Sale was such a huge success that the ladies are already looking forward to another. The baked goods went like “hot cakes” — because Toni Turek, Vi Zak and Ann Hočevar made strudels on the spot and sold them warm. Mrs. Otoničar and Mrs. Strnisha were a big help as they made “Krofe” while our sale was in progress. See — that’s what we call “togetherness” when another branch conies in and helps out. Mrs Otoničar, thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we will do the same for you someday. Member Margaret Tomsic passed away and all the ladles join together in saying “May her soul rest in peace.” Quite a few ladies turned out to pay respects and acted as Honor Guards during the wake. Pauline Stampfel is hospitalized and gravely ill; please find one minute of your time to send her a card. This wonderful lady always gave her time and effort and never asked for any returns, so please remember her in your prayers prayers. Going to Yugoslavia on a three week tour leaving June 17th and returning July 10th are Josephine Urbančič, Jane Novak and Jennie Arko. Best wishes for a pleasant trip. I would also like to report that my son, Bob, (who is a member), is convalescing at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C. He is very ill too. His rank and serial number is: Pvt. Robert Lube, RA 11680858. Picnic plans are in the offing for August 19th — keep this date in mind, because that’s when we really let loose! A lot of surprises are in store so don’t forget August 19th. See you at the picnic. Your nosey reporter, Angie Lube P. S. I’d like to bake this time to thank all you ladies for the cards I received during my stay in the hospital. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Our May meeting was opened with a prayer led by our President, Anne Satovich. A corsage and gift was presented oair "Mother of the Year”, Mrs. Anthony Babich after which a few appropriate Mother’s Day poems were read. Highlighting the festivities was a letter received by the branch from Mrs. Babich’s children, as follows: “Dear Ladies: We want to tell you how happy we are that our mother is the “Mother of the Year.” She has long deserved an award for being so good and helpful. She has the respect and admiration of many of our friends. We think she Is wonderful because she taught us to follow the right path whether anyone else did or not. She taught us to obey whether we liked it or not This discipline certainly prepared us for many things we never expected in our lives and to follow the will of God. She is a good, devoted mother even now. She helped to care for her own mother for many years; yet, she was always home to care, too. She is the best cook, we think. “She doesn’t say too much or brag or complain, so we want to do the braggin and say'Thank you’, Ma for all you have done for us, for all yon gave up for us, for all the fine teach Hermine Prlsland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 and S** X ^ Mrs. Frances Sietz of Br. No. 50; Cleveland, O. has sent in her recipe for a favorite, delicious cooky. The dough can be mixed one day and halted the next. SWEDISH PEPPARKAKOR 1 cup shortening or margarine (margarine preferred) 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs % cup Blue Kiaro syrup Mix above ingredients with electric mixer until creamy Sift together and add: 4VŽ cups regular flour (if using Sapphire Flour use 4 cups plus 1 tablespoon) 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons cinnamon % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda Mrs. Sietz adds: “I always make a double batch and put the dough in lined waxpaper boxes and freeze it. By making icebox cookies instead of trying to roll them out into fancy shapes — you need less flour — and this is why they’re so good and crunchy. Bake at 400 degrees 8 minutes on ungreased cooky sheet. I bake 4 minutes on a lower rack and 4 on a higher rack, so you can keep two batches baking at the same time. Remove immediately after baking. The dough should feel slightly sticky when you put it into the boxes. Cut slices very thin. This is a real crisp cooky. NOTE: Cooky dough can also be shaped in a roll, wrapped in foil or heavy waxed paper and frozen. Another requested recipe from the Madison housewives was MOCK SIRLOIN. MOCK SIRLOIN 2 pounds ground beef 1 cup cracker crumbs 2 teaspoons salt Vi teaspoon pepper Va teaspoon mace 1 teaspoon prepared mustard % cup catsup % cup evaporated milk, undiluted 1 egg Mix above ingredients and form in the shape of sirloin on aluminum foil. Broil 15 minutes about 7 inches from heat. Serve with lemon butter: 3 tablespoons melted butter, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce. An unusual yet tasty and economical summer dish is a casserole made of Xirispy Crackers and cheese mixed with cooked cucumbers or potatoes. CUCUMBERS AU GRATIN 24 double Krispy Craokers 1 tablespoon minced parsley 6 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 3 large cucumbers 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups boiling water % teaspoon pepper % cup grated or shredded sharp Cheddar cheese Break crackers into medium coarse crumbs. Add parsley and toss with melted butter; Bet aside. Discarding ends of cucumbers, cut into slices a-bout V* inch thick. Drop cucumbers into salted boiling water. Bring to boil again. Lower heat. Cover and simmer about 5 minutes. Drain. Place about % of cracker mixture ing you gave us. We hope we can be half as good as you are! “Thank you ladies for choosing her, ‘Mother of the Year’. Sincerely, Anthony Babich Mary Ann (Babich) Tarro” We think this letter was great and all the mothers were deeply touched and grateful to think our children care enough to pen their thoughts. The second highlight of the evening was when good old Mr. Babich and his concertina came on the scene. Everyone seemed in good voice and we will never cease to enjoy his playing. A big thank you is in order for him too. To top an enjoyable evening came a luscious lunch and so beautifully served with a Madonna surrounded by gold roses and gold tapers. The hostesses were Miss Margaret Shelko (Mrs. Babich’s sister), Mmes. Walter I.atlck, Nick P. in bottom of shallow six-cup casserole. Cover with half the cucumbers; sprinkle with pepper and half of the cheese. Make another layer of % of the cracker mixture. Add remaining cucumbers sprinkle with pepper and balance of cheese. Finish with final layer of cracker mixture. Bake in moderately hot oven (350 degrees) for about 30 minutes, or until lightly browned on top. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. HOUSEHOLDS HINTS If you you have forgotten to remove butter or margarine from the freezer and it is too hard to use; just get out your grater and grate it as you would cheese. By the time you have your other ingredients measured, It will be soft enough to cream. * * * Thank you, Mrs. Sietz, for your very good cooky recipe. Hope you are all having an enjoyable summer. GOOD EATING! Fondly, Hermine Maras, Frank Puhek, Joseph Oberstar, Barbara Dosen, Steve Sporer, Mel Philipich and John Soldenski. Cards were played with honors gp-ing to Mmes. Fred Meadows, Mary Bovitz, Joe Bozich, Richard Carlson, Amelia Domen and Louis Drobnick. Mrs. Dan Skorich won the door prize and Mrs. Charles Hattam won the special prize. We will have no meetings in July or August but you will be hearing from us concerning the Diamond Jtabilee. Margaret Skorich, Reporter No. 57, Niles, O. — Here it is vacation time and I hope each and every one who goes on a vacation has a lovely time. When you return, come and tell us of your trip at our meeting Our Mother’s Day banquet was very well-attended; also several guests who will later become members. Our Mother of the Yeaj-, Rose Spirko, was presented with a gift. Everyone at the banquet was presented with a handkerchief and sachet. Very nice, Frances. Welcome to our new members, Susan Marie Hribar. She is the granddaughter of Frances Hribar. Say, girls, let’s get out and bring in some new members! Our sympathy goes out to Antonia Milaves and family. Also Mary De-Malio and family on the loss of their husbands and fathers. Hope to see a real nice turnout at the next meeting. We always have fun, girls. Happy Birthday to all who have them in July and August. Also get well wishes to all who are ill. Mary Moler, rec. sec’y. MARY TURK MOTJRNFD Wan ensvihe, ngis., received a music scholarship to attend one week summer music camp at Charleston, 111. She is the granddaughter of our charter member Louise Kernz. Frances Nemeth expressed her appreciation at the last meeting to the members for remembering her with kindness during a recent illiness. She had special praise for Mary Cenkar who looked in on her daily. Mrs. Cenkar is enjoying a summer trip to Yugoslavia to visit her relatives. Best wishes and good health to all! Angela Nlco, Reporter W'»' ^3 < \ • 'ip OGLESBY HAS DAY TO SHINE! Sunday, May 19th, the officers and members of Br. 89, Oglesby, 111., celebrated In grand style, their 30th anniversary. The photos are courtesy of the Daily News Tribune and depict the activities of the day Visitors from Br. 24, LaSalle included Mary Gramac and Mrs. Frank Savnik. Mrs. Angelvar and Mrs. Strukel of LaSalle also attended. Charter officers of Br. 89, from left, standing, Josephine Livek, for mer Supreme President and vice-president of Br. 89, Mary Jasbec, sec- Members, Ann Batty, Mrs. John Vidmar retary, Mary Cenkar, recording secretary; seated, Frances Nemeth, of Br. 85, DePue and Josephine Argubright president and Louise Kernz, treasurer. These officers were given spe- enjoyed the banquet at the Dickinson eial recognition. House. Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, seated, gave the main address that reviewed some of the history of the Oglesby group. Giving their congratulations also were Elizabeth Zefran, Illinois State President and Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer of Chicago. I'he present officers of Br. 89 are >ictured top left, Caroline Dawson, hairman of the anniversary who s their vice-president, Sophie Franks, treasurer, Frances Meglich, Mary Kemz, financial secretary and Angela Nico, record-ng secretary. Emma Casserly, Mother-of-the-Year ‘WHAT THE SLOVENIAN UNION MEANS TO ME” A short essay on “WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME” is required each year from the scholarship winners. The three 1968 winners: Gary Peter-'angelo of Duluth, Minnesota who plans to attend Carle-ton College to get a degree in Medicine, Miss Susan Grahek from Ely, Minnesota who will study at Vermilion State College for two years before enrolling in the University of Minnesota to major in Speech Therapy and John Strukely of Lorain, Ohio who will attend Case Western Reserve University In the field of Mathematics lmve written the following essays: What the Slovenian Women’s Union Means to Me The Slovenian Women’s Union, to me, is an organization which tries to bring women close to the Catholic Church. Although it is called Slovenian and keeps many of the Slovenian traditions, it has become far more than an organization for one nationality. It has become an organization of the whole Church, seeking to unite its members both, with each other for worthy causes, and to the Church itself. All of the many projects the Union undertakes are seeking this unity. Social events, working for worthy causes, and trips taken together all provide ways for the people to get together and enjoy themselves while doing something worthwhile. It is a tribute to the women in the Union that it has become such a fine organization with its high ideals, and especially to the leaders, including our own president Mrs. Blatnik, who have done a great job in leading the Union to what it is today. Gary Peterangelo “What the Slovenian Woman's Union Means To Me” The Slovenian Women’s Union has been very kind and granted to me the honor of receiving one of their scholarships to help with my education. For this, I will be forever grateful. An organization such as this one would not have to generously offer such a scholarship with its hard earned money. Proof of this statement is the many organizations which don’t offer scholarships. But because the Union does, indicates that it is sincerely interested in the future of the youth of our country. I feel very proud and honored to be a member of such an organization which realizes and helps prepare young people for their difficult task ahead. Once again, I’d like to thank the Slovenian Women’s Union for giving me one of their scholarships. Susan Grahek “What the Slovenian Women’s Union Means To Me” The Slovenian Women’s Union means very much to me. It has played an important part in my future as in the future of hundreds of other young people of America. Tho leadership and hard worlt of (he fine women associated with this oi-ganlzullon aro an asHot to any com muntty and the assistance you have given to the youth of our nation has been invaluable. I feel very privileged and honored to have been chosen to receive one of your scholarship awards. It will be of great value to me in my next few years at college. Thank you very much and I sincerely hope that this fine organization will continue in its work to help the youth of America. Sincerely, John Terrence Strukley » * * The Scholarship Committee, always interested in the progress of its scholarship winners, was very pleased to receive a news item from the Denver Post regarding Michael S. Francis, from Branch No. 1 of Sheboygan, Wis., a former scholarship winner. It reads, “Michael S. Francis, a junior aerospace engineering science student from Sheboygan, Wis., received the Society of Military Engineers award. He was one of 20 cadets in the nation to receive the award. Francis also received the Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Award. He is studying at the University of Colorado under a scholarship from the Slovenian Women’s Union of America.” We extend our deepest congratulations to Michael for his outstanding accomplishments at the University of Colorado and wish him continued success in the future. The Scholarship Committee: Marie Prlsland, President Antonia Turek, Member of Committee Albina Novak, Member of Committee Hermine Dicke, Secretary OHIO STATE CELEBRATION INSTRUCTIVE AND ENJOYABLE The Ohio-Michigan State Convention opened with prayer on Sunday, May 25th in Cleveland, O., Newburgh. Marie Beck was elected recording secretary which made us very happy as she is wonderful. With this kind of cooperation, the meetings are very enjoyable. Marie read the 1967 Minutes in Slovenian and English so we could all understand which was appreciated. It was a large attendance. Many more members came because it was the 40th anniversary of Br. 15 as well as the Ohio-Michigan State Day. The discussions at the meeting were many and varied. A question was raised on attendance at. funerals. We were asked to try to cooperate more with this and that all members should realize that this service is needed and wanted by the families of departed slster-members. I hope that this problem will not arise again and that every member, when asked, will do her duty to attend the prayer hour or as pallbearer. Also, don't forget the reading of the Ritual at each funeral. The fall Bazaar to be held on October 13th was also discussed. Each branch will be able to sell their own benefit, the goods they have at their booths. Art work, hand work, knitted and crocheted and sewn items all have great value. The combined branches will sponsor the bake sale to help pay the expenses such as rent, etc. We were able to see that every branch is making some progress for which I am very grateful. All reports from the delegates were lovely. Our Supreme President ad dressed the group and spoke on various subjects. She gave us much news which the members loved hearing. Many thanks to her. Members are finding the meetings more and more interesting, too. Many have commented that they will attend all such meetings from now on. It was a very great pleasure for me to address the group as presiding officer and to wish everyone continued good health and good work in the coming year. S.W U. is getting bigger and better with all the activities of the adults and juniors. Programs such as the baton twirlers, bowling leagues and Choral groups assure us progress. Thanks to our Frances Sietz for her cooperation in arranging the tribute to deceased members by the drill team girls. It was very nice. Thanks to all! My appreciation to Br. 15 for inviting us to their community and for all their preparations for the State Convention. We all enjoyed the day and evening. Now, don’t forget the Ohio Bazaar on October 13th! My best wishes to each and everyone and may God bless you all! Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan Here are the winners of prizes at the Dawn Coral Club Card Party: 1., Mae Beck, 19720 Upper Terr.; 2., R. Olschewski, 5507 Harvard Ave.; 3, Jennie M. Tuma, 29437 Vinewood Ave.; 4., Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lada, 4537 Broadview Ave.; 5., Hollander World Travel, 589 E. 185th. Congratulations, all! IN FOND MEMORY ALVIN J. JAMNIK who died in the defense of his country, in 1942 “Many years have past since you left us. We miss you more as the years pass but your smile will never be forgotten.” Loving Mother and Father Sister and Brother Royal Oak, Michigan No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. — Well, after many months of no news in our monthly Zarja from our branch, I thought I better put in a little note. First, we have quite a few sick members, our secretary, Mrs. Sorch; Treas., Mrs. Flisek and yours truly, Anna Kastelic, Pres. This cold and rainy weather does not help any. Our meetings are without much member attendance. Once again I ask our members to pay their dues and try to pay ahead for a couple of months if you wish. Also, it would be nice to send out get-well cards to the ones that are in rest homes and hospitals. Let them know that, we think about them. God bless them all and give them strength to come home to their loved ones. Now I want to send congratulations on their 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary to our Treas. Anna and Anton Flisek; 'also to Mary and Primo Zakrajšek. May God bless them with good health and loads of happiness for many years. Let us pray and ask God for peace and understanding among the nations throughout the world. I wish all members of S. W.U. good health and a very nice summer to all. With God’s blessing to all, I am yours truly, Anna Kastelic, Pres. No. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. — At our June meeting, plans got under way for our Card Party to be held in October at Aurora Road School. More concrete plans will be reported next month. Our deepest sympathy to Barbara and John Orlosky and family. John’s mother passed away recently. May she rest in peace. Congratulations and best wishes to Doris Burdyshaw’s son, Tom, and his new bride, the former Liz Rogers, who were married on June 15th. That does it for this month. Girls, don’t forget to keep the card party in mind when you’re out shopping. Maybe you could pick up a few prizes. Dorothy Matjašič, Reporter No. 103, Washington, D. C.— The Mother’s Day festivities held on May 5th, were a huge success and we thank every member who helped to make it such a memorable occasion. As I recall the activities of the day, I can’t help but comment on each specific part. The Slovenian Mass held at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was celebrated by Rev. Ceglar with Andre Bevec and Francel Choltel attending as altar boys. Mr. Eric Kovacic served as lector and Conrad Mejac, as usher. The Choral Group led the congregation in appropriate Marian hymns. Immediately following the Mass, the congregation proceeded to St. Thomas’s church hall where a most elaborate Brunch was prepared by four hostesses: Diana Moffet, Kay Parsons, Nika Kovacic & Mary Mejac. Credit for planning and supervising the entire brunch go to Diane Moffet and her sister, Mrs. Kay Parsons We extend our compliments and appreciation to these capable women for their efficient and successful preparations. The table was attractively arranged with a variety of tasty dishes which brought raves from the crowd. In fact everything was so good, that much of it disappeared amongst unfamiliar faces, who had come to observe our festivities. Appreciation is sent as well to Miss Helen Krotec, who capably handled arrangements for the hall and the May Altar. Helen also assisted in many other capacities, as is her usual and thoughtful manner. We failed to give her recognition during the program and extend our apologies at this time. Helen is one of our most active members and we couldn’t begin to thank enough for all she does in regards to each activity and in sending out the monthly notices. Immediately following the brunch a short Mother’s Day Program was presented by: Lydia and Andre Bevec, Franc Chokel, Bernadette Kovacic, Helen and Maria Mejac and Rev. Ceglar. All must be commended for the appropriate and enjoyable entertainment. Mrs. Matilda Podborsek, Mother of the Year, was honored during the program with an orchid corsage and a spray of white carnations. Her dear friend, Miss Justine Mlakar of Madison, N. J., joined Mrs. Podborsek in celebrating this special event It was a pleasure to meet Christine and have her with us. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! Annual ZVEZA DAY in Lemont, 111. will be Sunday, July 21, 1968 at the beautiful grounds of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers, Lemont, Illinois. Procession meets at the Cross at 10:30 a. m. and will proceed to the Grotto for Holy Masa in Slovenian vernacular at 11:00 a, m. Picnic during the afternoon; games and races; refreshments also available . . . hostesses, Branch No. 2, Chicago. Overnight accommodations & dinner at Baraga Retreat House must be reserved directly with the Fathers, 408 Main St., Lemont, III.. it will be wonderful to see all midwest members attend! This was also a special day for auxiliary member Miro Pregelj. It was his birthday (5t.h) and all the members joined in a musical massage of congratulations—by singing “Happy Birthday!” There is other news to report: Bernadette Kovacic, made her first Holy Communion in May and will also celebrate her birthday on July 13. Hoping that you find your happiness this summer! Irene M. Planinšek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — We had a good number of members present at our May meeting held at Angeline Yevtich’s home. Also a new member, Betty Karas was welcomed. Catherine Musick’s granddaughter is our new juvenile member. We had our “Mother of the Year” banquet last Wednesday and Ann Karun was unanimously nominated. She was presented wiMi a lovely corsage by our members and she did look lovely with it perched on her shoulder. Kathy Emerson, our juvenile member was lucky that night. Very lovely kitchen towels. She usually attends some of our meetings with her grandmother. Mrs. Kriser was ill and was unable to attend, but she surely is a regular at our monthly meetings. I do hope you are well now, Josephine, as we miss seeing you. A picture was taken for the Dawn Magazine of the Michigan-Ohlo Convention. In this picture you see as follows, Pauline Adamic, Audrey Krulic, Julie Panzlca, Jennie Bole. Gail Simon and Catherine Musick. We had several birthdays in June: Mary Bedenko, Ann Perhay, Alice Becker, Jennie Bole Many happy returns, “you all.” Ann Karun and Ann Lindich added generously to our “kitty.” Our next meeting will be held at Fulvia Rosa’s. Stephanie Hornet*, Reporter Marie Prisland: Čestitke, podružnici št. 20, Joliet, [llinois Enajsti junij je rojstni dan odlične podružnice št. 20 v Jolietu. Letos je slavila 40-letnico obstoja. Podružnica ima zelo lepo in aktivno preteklost. Zmagovalka je bila v več članskih kampanjah in njena članica M. Terlep je prejela naslov “Konvenčna Kraljica” večkrat zaporedoma, ker je v kampanji pridobila največ novih članic. Trije mladinski krožki so bili v ponos podružnici, pa tudi celemu mestu, ker so s svojimi lepimi nastopi vzbujali splošno pozornost.. Da je podružnica napredovala tako lepo je bil vzrok ta, da je poleg zvestega članstva imela tudi izvrstne odbornice. Predsednica Emma Planinšek je v uradu od leta 1935, ali skozi dobo 33 let. Koliko dela, skrbi in potov je v tem času napravila! Sestra Josephine Muster je bila več let blagajničarka, ki je k napredku podružnice mnogo pripomogla. Ustanovna članica, Josephine Erjavec, ima to odliko, da je zapisnikarca in poročevalka vse od početka, torej 40 let. Njenega ogromnega dela se spominjamo za časa, ko je bila glavna tajnica naše organizacije in to v dobi največjega članskega napredka. Ne samo sebe, tudi vso svojo družino je vpregla k delu za Zvezo. Danes ji za njen trud ponovno izrekamo najlepšo zahvalo in iskreno čestitamo k 40-letnemu udejstvovanju. Prisrčno čestitamo tudi članstvu podružnice in vsem odbornicam, prejšnim in sedajnim, ki so to odlično Zve-zino postojanko vodile po potu napredka Prav iskreno želimo najlepše bodočnosti in sesterske vzajemnosti ter vse skupaj iz srca prozdravljamo! * * * “En malo pratice in mav solatice ..." poje naša narodna pesem. Pratic in solatic je mnogo vrst. Kakor meso, je tudi solata našemu telesu in našemu zdravju neobhodno potrebna, ker vsebuje mnogo vitaminov, važno pa je, da je okusno pripravljena. Naj navedem nekatere vrste solat: Listnata solata je najbolj navadna. Vsejemo jo zgodaj spomladi. Solata pozneje napravi glave, a ko pritisne vročina, te vrste solata ni več tako okusna. Endivija, ali jesenska solata vsebuje poleg regrata, največ vitaminov. Pokrita z listjem ostane na vrtu tudi potem, ko zemlja zmrzne. Motovilec vsejemo že v jeseni, da imamo zgodaj spomladi zelo okusno solato. Regrat raste sam povsod, samo nabrati ga je treba, Regrat je izmed vseh solat najbolj zdravilen, ker vsebuje rudninske snovi, ki čistijo kri. Sveže zelje daje fino solato, ki je zadnje čase jako popularna z ribami in pečenim krompirjem. Krešo (water cress) mešamo z drugimi solatami. Vsebuje mnogo železa in daje dober okus posebne vrste. Kumarce, paradižniki, bele in črne redkvice so znane in mnogim priljubljene solate. Nastrgan rumen koren vsako solato izboljša in olepša, istotako fino narezana rdeča redkvica (radish), ki je zlasti zgodaj spomladi na trgu. Iz drobno zrezane špinače, regrata, greše in glavnate solate napravimo prav okusno in prikladno solato mešanico, ki je polna vitaminov, torej zdravja. Krompirjeva solata je okusna in priljubljena. Ta solata je dobra, četudi je postana, ako ji ne primešano Čebulja takoj, pač pa še le ko jo serviramo. Marsikateri Josephine Erjavec z mamico Mary Šetina, ob prihodu v Ameriko. misli, da mu postana krompirjeva solata škodi, a škodi mu le postana mešanica krompirja in čebule. Solato začinimo z oljem, smetano ali majonezo. Okisamo jo z limono ali jesihom. Vsaka solata bo na okusu pridobila, če ji pridenemo drobno zrezano zeleno stebelce čebule ali česna. Čebulj in česen naše ameriške gospodinje vse premalo upoštevajo in vendar obe rastlini vsebujete mnogo zdravilnih snovi. Vsaka sveža hrana ima prednost pred kuhano, zato uživajmo kolikor mogoče velike sveže hrane, zlasti sadja in solat. Naj ne bo na mizi “pratice brez solatice”. Zelenjava daje človeku rdečo kri, ga napravi zdravega in napram boleznim odpornega. Servirajmo mnogo zelenjave, pa manj kejkov in sladščic! To bi naj bilo naše geslo zlasti sedaj, ko sta vrt in trg založena s svežo zelenjavo vseh vrst. * * H« Kuharska knijga “Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen” se bliža popolni razprodaji. 26,000 teh knjig je med gospodinjami v Ameriki. Velika reklama je to za slovenski narod, ker ima lepo število Američank našo “kuharico.” * * * V New Yorku baje izide do 300 kuharskih knjig na leto. Knjige imajo različne naslove, ki vzbujajo pozornost in radovednost gospodinj. * * * Marsikateri naš slovensko-ameriški naseljenec, ki bo letos obiskal svojo rodno domovino, bo morda imel slične misli kot so naslednje: Oh, kako lepo je onkraj gora, kjer sem jaz doma! Vabijo me zastave s streh in muzikant, ki vleče meh. Ko pa res bom prišel tja, v črno žalost bom zavit, ob grobu matere, očeta, zajokal bom. pred svetom skrit. Poljubil bom rodno mi zemljo in zadnjič vzel od nje slovo . . . '' * * VABILO NA ZVEZIN DAN V LEMONTU Chicago, ill. — Čas tako hitro beži in kar kmalu bo zopet tisti čas, ko priredi Zveza in podr. št. 2 svoje letno romanje na lepi lemontski hrib. Kot preds. št. 2, vas vse prav lepo vabim, da se nam pridružite tretjo nedeljo v juliju, dne 21. julija. Ker se nahajamo v tako resnih časih, res ni boljše prilike, kakor da pohitimo k naši nebeški Materi Mariji In jo prosimo, da nam ona pomaga najti prave rešitve iz teh zapletenih časov. Istočasno pa se bomo lepo razvedrile na lepem prostoru v sveži naravi ter se srečamo s starimi znanci in prijatelji. Mnogo naših znancev je že odšlo v večnost, zato ne zamudimo te lepe priložnosti in se udeležimo našega Zvezinega dneva v največjem številu. Za vse bo dobro preskrbljeno za lačne in žejne, zato vam še enkrat kličem na veselo svidenje dne 21. julija v Lemontu. V maju sem obhajala svoj rojstni dan, pa sem. prejela zelo veliko lepih voščilnih kartic in tudi razna lepa darila od mojih zvestih prijatelic in so-sester, ki naj mi oprostijo, da se ne morem vsaki posebej zahvaliti. Naj velja moja iskrena zahvala vsem tem potem. Ohranila vas bom vedno v lepem spominu. Vas vse prav lego pozdravljam. Vedno hvaležna. Josephine Železnikar, Pres. LEPA UDELEŽBA NA PROSLAVI 40 LETNICE Št. 15, Newburg, O. — Proslava naše 40 letnice dne 2G. maja je zelo lepo uspela. Udeležilo se je mnogo članic in prijateljev. Popoldne so se zbrale vse ohijske podružnice na sestanek, ali državno konvencijo. Čeprav nam je vreme nagajalo, je vseeno udeležba bila zelo lepa. Vsa hvala gre članicam, ki se zanimajo za napredek Zveze. Cel popoldne je bil zelo zanimiv in vse navzoče zastopnice so poročale o delu, napredku in uspehih njihovih podr. od zadnje konvencije. Glavne odbornice so dale dosti koristnih navodil, posebno za mladino je bilo priporočano, da storimo vse, da jih čimveč pridobimo in bo tako Zvezina bodočnost lepa. Posebej moram opozoriti na poročilo preds. skupnih podr. M. Bostian in lepo poročilo naše gl. preds. Antonije Turek in tudi moram omeniti Mrs. Sietz, ki nam je mnogo lepega povedala in svetovala. Za sklep sestanka smo se tudi spomnile naših rajnih sester. — Mrs. Sietz je imela 6 mladih žena v uniformah s prižganimi svečami, ki so prišle do glavne mize 3 na vsako stran. Kaj tako lepega še nisem videla. Med molitvijo, ki jo je vodila M. Bostian, so ugasnile sveče druga za drugo. Prav lepa hvala vsem, ki so kaj pripomogli k tej slavnosti. Ob 5 uri je bila servirana slavnostna večerja ob lepi udeležbi. Po večerji so žene pevskega zbora skupnih Podr. zapele nekaj prav lepih pesmi. Prav lepa hvala njim posebno še njih pevovodju. Želim, da bi še dolgo prepevali po naših prireditvah. Sledil je ostali lep program. Spregovorila sta oba naša duhovna, Rev. Varga in Rev. Mihelich, ki sta voščila Zvezi in podr. Enako naša gl. preds. A. Turek, ki se tudi zelo zanima za zbirko prispevkov za kapelo Marije Pomagaj v Washingtonu, kar gre lepo naprej. Enako tudi njen soprog. Naj obema Marija pomaga do uspeha, da bo enkrat končano to delo, in bomo vsi šli na otvoritveno proslavo v Washingtonu. Sedaj pa želim opozoriti, da bo bazar skupnih podr. dne 13'. okt. v avditoriju Sv. Vida. Imeli bomo lepe dobitke in uspeh bo koristil blagani. Vabim vse, da pridno sežete po listkih in želim vam mnogo sreče. Vsem, ki ste darovale v ročno blagajno, prisrčna hvala. — Vsem, ki se odpravljate na počitnice, želimo, da se boste dobro imele. Naša prihodnja seja bo v septembru, toda med tem časom ne pozabite na zbirko za kapelo v Washingtonu in ne našega bazarja 13. oktobra. Želim vse najboljše gl. uradnicam, srečo in zdravja vsemu članstvu SŽZ. Naj vas Bog in Marija varje. Pozdrav! Mary Filipovič DOPISI Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Naša mesečna seja se je vršila dne 14. maja. Ob tej priliki smo slavile Materinski dan z večjo udeležbo, kakor po navadi, častna in zaslužna mati podružnice je bila Aloizija Čebron, ki je prav družabna žena. Razmotrivale smo društvene stvari in po seji smo pa našo mizo prav po ribniško raztegnile in na njo naložile štrudelne, zavijačke in kolačke. Tudi rumenega vinčka ni manjkalo, da nam je pobarval naša lička. Slavile smo tudi rojstne dneve naših treh članic in te so: Emily Novak, Tončka Repič in Lojzka Čebular. Naša vratarica J. Koren je ocvrla lepe zvezdice. Po dolgem času je prišla med nas naša častna predsednica Mrs. M. Urbas, ki smo jo bile prav vesele. V blagajno so darovale sledeče sestre: Frances Leskovec, Karolina Bojce in častna majniška mati Alojzija Čebron, ki je priložila lepo podobico za v blagajno. Hvala lepa vsem skupaj. V mesecu juliju in avgustu ne bo seje. Naša naslednja seja bo šele v septembru, do takrat se bodo pa že vrnile naše lastovke domov. Želim vsem članicam sesterski pozdrav. M. Komidar, poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Junijska seja je bila kar precej dobro obiskana. Ženske rade pridejo če je ugodno vreme, toda letošnja pomlad nam ni dala lepih sončnih dni, posebno v maju je bilo kar hladno. Upamo, da bo odslej naprej boljše. Za naš jesenski card party so priprave v polnem teku. Sestre so že precej daril prinesle. Poročam, da v mesecu juliju ne bo seje, a v augu-stu bomo pa zopet nadaljevale 12 in 13. okt. bo bazar skupnih društev in bo tudi naše društvo imelo svoj kotiček za prodajo. Vse sestre pa ste lepo prošene, da vsaka prinese eno primerno darilo, da se bo tam prodajalo in da se bo naša društvena blagajna malo podprla, ker stroški se vedno množe. V tem času so bolane Mrs. Koljat in Mrs. Vidovič. Želimo jim, da bi se kmalu pozdravile. Dne 5. junija je odšla večja skupina v stari kraj, tako bolo šle tudi štiri naše članice in to so sestre: Rozi Rodgers, Frances Eržen, Silva Pevek iz Geneve ter Mary Grl, ki ji organistinja pri Sv. Kristini. Vsem štirim in celi skupini želimo srečno pot in srečni povratek. V good tajm blagajno so darovale tega večera: Mrs. Stopar, Mrs. Mau-rich, Mrs. Plut in Mrs. Smrdel. V blagu so darovale: Mrs. Skur, Mrs. Iskra in Mrs. Zajc. Vsem skupaj Bog povrni na vašem zdravju in sreči. Najlepša hvala vsem in sesterski pozdrav, A. Sustar, poročevalka Št. 15, Newburgh, O. — Udeležba na naši Materinski proslavi, ki smo jo slavile s sv. mašo, je bila bolj mala. Članice bi se lahko v večjem številu udeležile skupne sv. maše, ki se daruje za žive in mrtve članice, saj smo vedno potrebne varstva od zgoraj. Tudi na materinski proslavi, je bila udeležba mala. Vseeno smo se imele prav dobro. Naša ses. tajnica nas je postregla s potico in kavo. Imele smo tudi 40 letnico naše podr. 15 in državno konvencijo. Upam da bo konvencija uspeh za Zvezo. Vesele smo bile, da smo imele tako veliko udeležbo. Želim se zahvaliti vsem, ki ste kaj pripomogle k uspehu naše proslave. Posebna zahvala našim natakarjem. Bog jim plačaj! Želimo se lepo zahvaliti vsem podružnicam, katere ste se odzvale našemu vabilu. Iskrena hvala sestram Godec, ker so pripravile tako dobro večerjo v zadovoljstvo udeležencev. Še enkrat najlepša hvala. Poročam tudi, da smo izgubile 2 sestri v enem tednu: Mary Vičič in Frances Miklauš. Želimo jima večni mir in pokoj. Družinam pa naše sožalje. P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: DOBER KATOLIČAN Velikokrat slišimo besede: Ta je dober katoličan, ta je slab katoličan. Kje je merilo za to? Vse kar je človeškega je nepopolno. Po izvirnem grehu je človeška narava nagnjena k slabemu. Če človek hoče kolikor toliko biti dober se mora vedno bojevati vse svoje življenje proti poželjenju oči, poželjenju mesa in napuhu življenja. Še sam sv. Pavel vzklika ob koncu svojega, življenja: "V slabosti Be izpopolnjujem; kar pa sem sem po milosti božji.” Kdo je torej dober kristjan? Oglejmo si nekoliko kristjane, ki si jih mi predstavljamo kot dobre katoličane. Morda je dober katoličan tisti, ki iz polnjuje božje za-povedli? Jezus pravil: “Ko storite vse, kam vam je bilo zapovedano, recite: Ubogi hlapci smo; storili smo, kar smo bili dolžni storiti. Izpolnjevanje zapovedi torej se ne pomeni biti dober katoličan. Samo izvrževanje dolžnosti še ni zanesljivo merilo popolnega krščanstva. So katoličani, ki zgledno živijo, varujejo se zapeljivega uživanja, izogibajo se grešnih potov. Krščanska pravila in navade so jim svete, dajejo, tudi v dobre namene, ponosni so na to, da so člani cerkve. Cerkvene zapovedi jim niso odveč. Poročajo se v cerkvi, otroke dajo krstiti in jih krščansko vzgajajo, redno hodijo k nedeljski službi božji in ko se bliža zadnja ura, pokličejo tudi duhovnika. Ljudi take vrste radi imenujemo dobre katoličane. Kdor svojih krsščanskih dolžnosti ne izpolnjuje se nikakor ne more imenovati dobrega katoličana. Kljub temu, da kdo izpolnjuje zapovedi božje in cerkve še vedno nastane vprašanje, ali je to dovolj, da nekoga imenujemo dobrega katoličana. Samo zunanjo izpolnjevanje zapovedi, je nekaj neživljenskega ali celo farizejskega. Črka mori, duh je, ki oživlja. Ta duh daje človekovim dejanjem veljavo in more obogatiti življenje po zapovedih. Le ta oživljajoči duh more kristjana narediti resničnega kristjana. Takšno resnično krščanstvo pa se na zunaj odraža predvsem v ljubezni do nebeškega očeta in do vsakega človeka. Zato ni dovolj, da skrbimo samo za osebno zveličanje. Tako je pravo krščanstvo, Id živo sodeluje in čuti v moči in ljubezni Kristusovi. Tako življenje napravi človeka za dobrega katoličana. V blagajno so darovale: Mary Ča-kada, Mary Novak, Mary Zabek in Justina Kazumplik. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj, kakor tudi Alojziji Ličan in Uršuli Uletič, kar je bilo izpuščeno v zadnji Zarji. Kakor veste še vedno pobiram darove za slovensko kapelo v Washing-tonu, D. C. Vsak dar je dobrodošel. A. Stokar, poročevalka Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Tudi pri naši podružnici smo izredno lepo proslavili običajno Materinsko proslavo. Počastili smo našo mater, Mrs. Prances Ukovich, našo 40 letno članico. Ona gre že v 87 leto, toda je še vedno čila, zdrava, zabavna in prijazna žena. Vzgojila je veliko družino kot vdova 48 let in z malo izjemo pride skoro vsak mesec na sejo. Po pričetku seje, povabi preds. Ema Planinšek, ses. Ukovich, ji pripne lep corsage in jo posadi poleg sebe. Čast, katera je bila izkazana naši zaslužni materi, ji je privabila solze v oči in njena pravnukinja, članica mladinskega oddelka, Mary Frances Ukovich, ji je deklamirala, nakar je dobila tudi več daril v poklon taki dobri članici. Lansko leto je potovala z nami v Washington, D C na Zve-zino konvencijo ter je bila prava dru-žabnica in spremljevalka. Naša prejšna tajnica Frances Gas-pich, je na tej seji bila tudi obdarovana z lepim in primernim darilom, kar jo je presenetilo. Nato je prejela darilo tudi prejšnja nadzornica Jennie Sprengel in direktorica naših pevk, za njeno delo. Tudi Mrs. Lesnik bi morala biti na seji in Ann Stefanich, toda radi važnih vzrokov so morale biti odstone. Frances Gaspich in Jennie Sprengel sta se lepo zahvalile vsem članicam podr. za darilo in priznanje njunemu delu. Tajnica Olga Ancel je podala finančno poročilo podr. in prosila, da članice upoštevajo med poletnim časom, da pridejo na njen dom ali pošljejo po drugih prispevke, da se jih ne suspendira. Podpreds. Jo. Muster poda poročilo glede stanja članic in Jo. Erjavec glede bolnih članic v bolnišnicah ill nursing homes. Door prize je dobila Frances Ukovich in Bernardine Ukovich. Sprejeta je bila nova članice Bernice Wisnew-sld, priporočana po Mary Haggerty. Po živahni seji je sledila zabava in na harmoniko sta igrala Smoljo in Vincent Likovich. Članice so se zavrtele po melodijah lepih polk, še celo mati leta sestra Ukovich se je tako sukala, kakor bi imela samo 25 let. Tudi okusni prigrizek je bil serviran, da se pogosti vse članice- matere. V bolnišnici se nahajajo sestre Jennie Bambich, Mary Vlasicli, redi-teljica Theresa Muhich in Mary Mance iz Hughes Ave. V American Home se še vedno nahaja, Katherine Butala, doma pa je Julia Trubich na Theodore St. Želimo vsem hitrega okrevanja! Med tem časom smo izgubile zelo dobro članico, Jennie Grškovich iz N. Broadway, staro samo G4 let. Bila je vdova in zapušča dva sinova in hčerko ter več drugih sorodnikov. Zelo jo bomo pogrešale, ker je tako' rada prihajala na seje. Njen pok. mož in sin sta bila building kontraktorja. Pokopana je bila iz nemške cerkve sv. Janeza na hrvaško pokopališče Matere Božje. Na zadnji poti so jo spremile: Jo. Šumic, Emma Planinšek, Jo. Erjavec in Jo Muster. Pok. je bila sprejeta v juniju 1944, priporočena po Enimi Planinšek. Naj ji sveti večna luč. Njenim dragim pa naše sožalje! Čas graduacij je tukaj. Mnogo naših članic je graduiralo iz raznih šol. V semenišču St. Charles v Lockport je prejel izredno čast — Honor Society — Philip Pucel, sin Mr. in Mrs. Rudolf Pucel. Nato Carita Ancel, hčerka taj. Olge Ancel in Edwarda, je tudi bila sprejeta v National Honor Society šole St. Francis Academy. Iz katoliške High School je tudi gra-duiral Christofer Pucel, sin Mr. in Mrs. Rudolph Pucel, dalje Jimmy Ko-stelec, sin Mr. in Mrs. Robert Koste-lec. Oba sta bila tudi v godbi skozi vsa leta St. Joseph šole in nato v Catholic High School. Iz St. Joseph šole sta tudi graduirale Wayne Nosse in Carol Yuvan. Sicer je še mnogo drugih, ki so graduirali iz raznih šol, katerih imena mi niso znana, pa naj veljajo naše iskrene čestitke prav vsem graduatom in njihovim staršem in najboljše želje za srečno bodočnost. Poročevalka novic za Crest Hill, čla. Bernice Kuzma-Kostelec in pa Jo. Goran sta prejele " Citizen Award” za njuno delo za naselbino od Ameriške Legije, št. 1267. Čestitke! V Herald News poroča novice Bernice Kostelec, ki je bila kadetinja št. 20 na konvenciji v Pittsburghu, Pa. so prejele največje priznanje v tekmi. Zadnja kompeticija je bila pred 25ti v Clevelandu. Ker poleti ne bo sej, zato bo naša prih. seja dne 15. sept. in ste vse vabljene, da poročate kako boste preživele počitnice. Svoje prispevke pa poravnajte pri taj. Olgi Ancel. tel. 723-8003, ali na 1117 Frederick, Joliet. Pozdrav, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, West Park, Ohio. — Drage sestre, rada bi vam kaj veselega poročala, toda je tako kislo vreme, da se kar ne da. Taka je pač božja volja in moramo sprejeti. — Pri naši podružnici imamo prav prijazne članice. Vse so prav luštne in vesele. Prav lepo se zahvalim za dar sestri Frances Kožel, za lep dar za novo slovensko kapelo v Washingtonu. Ljubo zdravje želim sestri Mary Gustinčič, ki je bila v bolnici in se sedaj zdravi doma. Ravno tako sestri Rozi Zupančič, ki tudi že dalje boleha. Molimo za nje in za vrnitev ljubega zdravja. Drugega nimam posebnega za poročati, zato pa vse prav lepo pozdravljam; Slovenski Ženski Zvezi pa želim dosti uspehov in mnogo novih članic. Upam in želim, da se vidimo na seji. Frances Kave, poročelka ZLATOPORČENCA Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — čas kar hitro beži in smo že sredi poletja v lepem času počitnic. Vsem članicam, ki potujejo po naši deželi in drugod, želim veselo razvedrilo in srečni povratek domov. V poletnih mesecih julija in augusta, ne bomo imele seje, potem bo pa že objavljeno v lokalnem listu. Upam, da se boste u-deležile septemberske seje v velikem številu, da bomo kaj dobrega ukrenile v korist podružnice. Teta štorklja se je ustavila pri naši članici in njenem možu, Mr. in Mrs. Jim Petkus (deliško ime matere je Judy Jasper.) Pustila jima je zalo hčerkico. Iskrene čestitke! Sožalje izrekamo sestri Anna Plan-tian, ki žaluje za svojim bratom, Louis Meznarič, ki je nepričakovano preminul. — Nadalje sožalje sosestri Matildi Svitek, ki žaluje za svojim očetom Frank Žibert, ki je tudi nenadoma umrl. — Dalje sožalje sestri Angeli Močnik, ki žaluje za svojim očetom, Izidor Berstajdes, ob njegovi prezgodnji smrti. — Vsem pokojnim ohranimo lep spomin. Žalujočim sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. V bolnišnici se nahaja Jennie Krulc ter Mary Savnik in prej sta se nahajale tudi Emma Šimkus in Agnes Bartoli, ki se sedaj zdravita na domu, enako Jennie Cigali in Frances Tomažin. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja in pozdrav članicam. Angela Strukel, tajnica št. 30, Aurora, III. — Pišem, danes dne 2. junija, to je mesec v katerem je bila pred 40 leti ustanovljena naša podružnica. In kdo bi si bil takrat mislil, da bo naša podr. obstajala tako dolgo in to v tako mali naselbini, kakor je bila Aurora? Seveda starejši so že skoro vsi odšli v večnost, menda nas je starejših samo še 6, a najstarejša med njimi sem pa jaz, ki bom v novembru dopolnila 82' let. In če verjamete, da jaz tudi pišem v Zarjo vseh teh 40 let od ustanovitve naše podružnice. In ko pomislim kako lepe čase, večere in seje smo imele, seveda takrat smo bile mlade, zdrave in polne življenja in če je bilo pri kateri kaj novega, pa mi je rekla: “pa me deni v Zarjo”. Ni mi žal za časom, ki sem ga porabila za pisanje v Zarjo, kajti dobila sem precej lepih in bodrilnih pisem naj še pišem. Dobila sem tudi iz Glavnega urada diplomo za moje pisanje, katero je odobrila konvencija v Minnesoti. Seveda moram pa tudi reči, da so tudi sedanje članice pridne in dobre, toda moja leta ne gredo z njihovimi. Mladina je ameriška in ima svoje ideje, kar jim pa tudi ne moremo zameriti. Na Decoration Day smo pa videli lepo sliko v Beacon News, vojaške ga učitelja pri Marmion Military A- MR. IN MRS. JOSEPH KOSTELEC Naša odlična Zvezina delavka Mrs. Antonia Kostelec je s soprogom dne 28. oktobra 1967 slavila 50 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Mr. Kostelec je doma iz Drašičev pri Metliki in je pred 60 leti prišel v Ameriko in Mrs. Kostelec je doma iz vasi Belavoda, župnija Loški potok pri Ribnici in je pred 54 leti prišla v Ameriko. Ona je predsednica in poročevalka pri podr. št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. že 17 let. V zakonu se jima je rodilo 11 otrok, G fantov in pet deklet, ki so vsi poročeni. Imata tudi 49 vnukov in dva pravnuka. Z iskrenimi čestitkami, jima kličemo: Bog Vaju živi vrla zlatoporočenca na mnoga leta! cademy School, ko čestita in podaja diplomo Leo Ahačiču za njegovo izvrstno telovadbo. Leo je vnuk naše članice Mrs. Ahačič ter njej in vsej družini iskreno čestitamo z željo, da bi mladi Leo zaslužil še več častnih diplom! In tudi to želim, da bi bil Leo tudi tako trdnega zdravja, kot sta grandpa in grandma Ahačič, ki vodijo pralnico (laundry) s svojimi 4 sinovi že nad 40 let. Živim članicam, ki so mi poslale tako lepa pisma in urednici, ki ni nikdar odklonila mojega dopisa, sem zelo hvaležna. Umrlim članicam naj pa Bog povrne njih prijaznost do mene! Mr. in Mrs. Račič sta. še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo. Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Lepe pozdrave vsemu članstvu od Vaše sestre, Frances Kranjc Št. 47, Garfield Hts., O. — Materinske proslave so za nami. Pri naši podr. smo imele to proslavo v nedeljo dne 19. maja, skupno z gospodinjskim klubom S.D.D. na Prince Ave. Anna Krešovec in Jennie Bartol so nam pripravile okusno kosilo. Prav lepa hvala obema in vsem kelnari- cam, Mary Tauchar, Ann Harsh in Jo Lea in vsem, katere ste pomagale, da je omizje bilo lepo okrašeno s cvetjem; posebno so dehteli šopki šmarnic za vsako posebej. Cvetje je bilo iz Bartel-ovega vrta. Po obedu smo počastili našo častno mater in predstavile vse prejšnje zaslužne matere, ki so bile navzoče, par jih je bolnih. Dve pa že krije ameriška zemlja: Helen Tomažič in Mary Rusjan, Spomnile smo se tudi vseh ostalih, ki so odšle v večnost in smo molile za pokoj njihovih duš. Tako smo lepo počastile žive in preminule sestre. Katera hode biti deležna vseh teh dobrot in prednosti, naj pristopi k eni izmed podružnic S.Ž.Z., naj bo že kjerkoli. Samo, da je SŽZ. Vsem se lepo zahvaljujemo za tako lepo udeležbo na proslavi. Hvala tudi za podarjena darila, ki so bila oddana na ta dan: ses. Jennie Gerk, shawel in floral arrangement ses. Mary Vlcek. — Dobile so sledeče: 1st: Frances Lozier, Gary, Ind., 2nd: Mary Blatnik, Prince Ave., 3rd: Antonija Dolinar; 4th: Jennie Mezgec, 5th: Stella Joseponis Angelus. Na posebne listke oddano okrašeno Marijo, darovala Mary Sholar, dobila jo je Mary Godec. Vsem darovalkam v enem ali v drugem oziru, prisrčna hvala. Hvala C. Ferenčak za denarno darilo v blagajno. — Za kapelco v Washingtonu, D C se darovale; Mary Frank $5, Christine Skočaj $5, Mary Seme $3, Mary Vitkovitz $2. Skupaj $15. Na seji dne 11. avg. bo poročano vse, kar je bilo v zvezi na materinski proslavi. Ker je sedaj počitniška sezona, smo tudi me odložile s sejami. Na počitnice v Arizono so odšle: sestre Agnes Žagar, Jennie Gerk in Olga Dorchak z družino. Josephine Gerlica gre v stari kraj. Vsem vesele počitnice in srečno vrnitev. Bolnim članicam pa boljšega zdravja, to so naše želje. Pozdrav vsem. Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 68, Fairport, Ohio. — Na naši zadnji seji dne 9. maja, je bila lepa udeležba, ker smo ravno tisti dan praznovale Materinski dan. Moški so nam pripravili dobro in okusno kosilo in zelo lepo so nas postregli. Bilo jih je kar lepo gledati, ko so se tako spretno sukali in nosili na mize. Niso pustili nobene ženske zraven. Tudi pomili in pospravili so vse sami. Sedaj vidimo, da so tudi moški pripravni za taka dela, saj so nas res zadovoljili. Na seji smo sklenile, da jim bomo ženske napravile in postregle s kosilom dne 16. junija na Očetovski dan. To se je tudi zgodilo in sicer v našem Slovenskem Klubu v Falrportu. Tam smo se zopet lepo zabavale. V poletnim mesecih je tam še kar najbolj luštno, malo balinamo, če je vreme lepo, drugače pa uživamo v senci pod zelenim drevjem. V juniju smo tudi začele z balinanjem za team Slov. Ženske Zveze. Lepe počitnice vsem v soncu in naravi. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam. Frances Bajc, poročevalka Št. 71, Strabne, Pa. — Vreme imamo še vedno precej mrzlo in deževno, toda ko pridejo te vrstice v naše družine, bo že vroče in tudi naša Penna. konvencija ter Zvezin dan bo že za nami. Danes dne 2. junija je po dolgi in mučni bolezni umrla Silvia Gallegar, hčerka moje sestre Antonia Senkinc, stara komaj 44 let. Zapušča soproga, 2 hčeri v starosti 18 in 21 let, dalje 3 brate, 2 sestri in mater. Frank Božič, soprog naše članice Mary, se je zdravil 6 tednov v Washington bolnici. Sedaj se zdravi na domu in zdravje mu gre na boljše. Zahvala vsem, ki so ga obiskali v bolnici in poslali bodrilne karte. Sestra Frances Batista je že dolgo bolna. Morala je prodati svojo hišo in se je preselila k njeni hčeri, Frances Košen na Midway, Pa. Vsem prijateljem in sosedom se lepo zahvali za obiske in kar so dobrega zanjo storili v času njene bolezni, o-obnem prosi, da kadar vam čas dopušča, da jo pridete obiskati. Vsem, ki boste šle obiskati staro domovino Slovenijo, želim ljubo zdravje na potu in lepe počitnice ter srečno vrnitev. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 84, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Seja dne 16. maja je bila bolj slabo obiskana. Naša tajnica Kristine Kepic je poslala veliko pismo na članice s prosš-njo za prispevke za slovenski oltar v Washingtonu. Veliko jih je odgovorilo in darovalo za oltar. Iskrene hvala vsem, posebno še Mr. in Mrs. Gardia, ki sta darovala $100. Vseh ne bom sedaj omenila, toda bom pozneje. Hvala vsem, posebno tudi Kristine za izredno^ delo. Druga seja bo dne 15. augusta ob 7:30 p. m. v Winter Garden Tavern, 1883 Madison St. v Ridgewood; bus ride bo v Greenwood Lake. Za informacije pišite na Kristine Kepic, 843 63 Rd„ Rego Park 11279, N. Y. Ona dela in je zvečer doma. Več članic je bolanih. Albina Potočnik se nahaja v bolnici. Upam, da bo zopet zdrava, kar želim vsem bolnim. Za častno mater pa smo izvolile Mrs. Križel. Žal ni poslala na urad, ker je bolj slabega zdravja. V mojem dopisu z Floride, ni bilo omenjeno, da sta bila na počitnicah v Fla. in sta me prišla obiskati v M. B., Mr. in Mrs. Jakob Cerar. Vsem, ki potujejo v domovino Slovenijo, želim srečno rajžo in zdrav povratek. Pozdrav vsem članicam S. Ž. Z. Angela Voje, predsednica FINANCIAL REPORT FINANČNO POROČILO Z Branch Assesment Adult 1 $ 99.40 173 55 2 206.85 355 159 3 149.55 266 162 4 8.40 14 — 5 91.00 106 27 6 46.80 109 8 7 53.15 101 75 8 2il.l0 51 — 9 — 30 2 10 148.25 336 36 12 73.80 177 48 13 52.90 109 21 14 142.70 288 27 15 110.20 224 12 16 67.65 125 75 17 77.75 152 67 19 57.30 124 25 20 145.00 326 29 21 62.25 118 47 22 — 19 — 23 109.15 228 53 24 78.75 157 78 25 361.65 667 179 26 44.70 101 10 27 — 57 3 28 44.25 79 9 29 11.85 28 5 30 23.55 18 — 31 47.90 97 29 32 69.65 116 106 33 112.75 186 127 34 18.40 36 6 35 34 20 61 40 37 25.50 24 3 38 52.10 139 — 39 20.80 46 10 40 53.50 101 o, 41 90.10 221 32 42 22.95 47 — 43 82.55 145 72 45 22.20 49 7 46 14.25 30 5 47 55.90 112 31 49 26.10 34 — 50 121.20 187 99 51 7.50 15 — 52' 31.95 56 17 54 39.20 72 55 55 32.80 66 6 56 41 20 94 11 57 39.15 66 33 59 16.45 31 2 61 — 10 — 62 31.00 30 — 63 — 110 34 64 — 49 2 65 24.00 52 24 66 27.45 49 16 67 39.75 69 10 68 28.75 59 17 70 — 14 3 71 57.00 115 22 72 11.20 30 3 73 63.25 113 80 74 — 35 2 77 25.55 53 30 78 21.90 26 15 79 35.90 31 20 80 — 19 — 81 16.15 30 — 83 10.90 21 84 27.35 64 2 85 18.25 39 2 FOR MARCH, 1968 t MESEC MAREC, 1968 Branch Assesment Adult Jrs. 86 11.70 21 88 19.40 44 10 89 34.65 77 27 90 22.40 47 20 91 32.50 54 12 92 20.55 27 2 92 78.85 61 4 c 94 9.80 18 7 e 95 108.75 173 24 96 23.40 47 2 97 9.40 18 3 99 7.35 18 — 100 44.75 47 6 101 22i.25 30 15 102 39.85 27 3 f 103 1810 27 10 104 7.30 19 105 — 22 6 e 106 27.60 22 4 g $4363.35 8286 2343 Income: Assessments $4,363.25 Rent for March 145.00 Interests 2,775.41 TOTAL INCOME $7,283.76 Asses, pd. a March April; b March; o Jan. Feb. March; d Jan. e Feb; f April, May, June; g Feb. March. March Disbursements—Stroški: Br. 2', Chicago, Mary Debelak $100.00 Br. 2, Chicago, Antonia Berce 100.00 Br. 7, Forest City, F. Lauriha 100.00 Br. 22, Ely, Minn., Jennie Zgonc 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Lube 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Fran. Krajnc 100 00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Medved, 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, R. Chandek 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Jennie Dular 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, A. Bojc "B” 150.00 Br. 27, No. Braddock, Mat. Kelly 100.00 Br. 2>8, Calumet, Mary Jerman 100.00 Br. 32, Euclid, Fr. Zlmperman 100.00 Br. 35, Aurora, Minn, R. Kocki 100.00 Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. M. Ceglar 100.00 Br. 40, Ix)rain, O., Joh. Svete 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Louise Kumar 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, P. Hribar 100.00 Br. 43, Milwaukee, R. Miklaucic 100.00 Br. 74, Ambridge, S. Peltz "B” 300.00 Br. 74, Ambridge, M. Grosdeck 100.00 Br. 95, S. Chicago, K. Rukavina 100.00 Br. 100, Font, M. Zdravje "B” 250.00 Zarja, The Dawn, IG pages 1,115.17 Salaries and administration 1,200.00 Directors’ meeting, fare and per diem 1,173.01 Annual report actuarial service 270.00 Secretaries’ annual awards 540.65 Insurance dept, annual report 25.00 Accrued Interest 44.52 Fuel, electricity, repairs 128.82 Home office rent 75.00 Tel., postage sec,’ supplies 241.20 Total — skupaj $ 7,513.40 Ledger bal. Feb. 1968 $517,696.24 Income in March, 1968 7,283.76 $524,980.00 Disbursements in Mar. ’68 7,513.40 Ledger bal. March 1868 $517,466.60 Albina Novak, Secretary ; Junior's Page j HI BOYS and GIRLS, At the reading of this letter many of you will have already returned from a vacation, traveling across country or just staying at a resort. Your means of transportation was a plane, train, bus or car. Traveling by one of the latter two proves that today’s smooth, modern roads and highways are a far cry from man’s early crude trails. An article in the MANNA magazine says that the “footpaths first used by hunters had to be widened and improved when man began to use animals to pull loads.” Following the invention of the wheel about 3000 BC, the first man-made roads were built in Southwest Asia. Between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf the oldest highway on record extended for 1700 miles. The first road builders were the Itoiuans. “Their greatest achievement, the Appian Way, was 350 miles long and parts of it still stand. Made of cemented blocks resting on many layers of mortar and small broken stones, built by slave labor, it went over steep hills and bridged wide rivers.” Christ appeared to St. Peter, as he traveled to Rome along the Appian Way. “With the fall of the Roman Empire, these roads were left to local landowners for maintenance and quickly fell into disrepair. The roads used by the brave Crusaders in their marches to the Holy Land from the 11th to 14th centuries were far inferior. “The only ‘roads’ that existed in early America were Indian paths and animal trails. The early settlers called the animal trails old ‘traces’ and the pioneers and their wagons widened many of the old ‘traces.’ When a man named Richard Henderson bought Transylvania (now Kentucky) from the Indians in 1775, he commissioned Daniel Boone to explore the new territory. Boone and his companions had to hack their wTay through dense forests of the Cumberland Gap to reach the rich territory. At first this road was called ‘Boone’s Tiace’ and later the Wilderness Road. “Early American highways, such as- the Boston Post Road and the Cumberland Road, or National Pike, did much to knit the young nation together. Then came the famous Oregon and Sante Fe Trails with their wagon trains sometimes stretched out for hundreds of miles with settlers bound for rich new lands. “In the 19th century, plank roads became popular because wood was plentiful and cheap. Logs and planks Placed crosswise made for bumpy but fast roads, but the planks would rot within a few years and these roads were soon abandoned. With the invention of the steam roller and the stone crusher, it appeared that the country was on the threshold of a great period of road building. However, in 1830 the ‘Iron Horse’ appeared and people felt that the only way to travel long distances was by railroad, so the once-thriving pikes were soon abandoned. River steamboats and canals only added to the downfall of the highways. By 1850, road building was practically at a standstill. “Back in the 1890’s s bicycling craze struck the country and when this was followed by the invention of the automobile, a public cry for better roads was raised—and answered by officials. “In 1916 Congress passed the Federal Aid Road Act and it led to the building of 1,384,000 miles of surfaced rural roads—the beginning of our national system of highways.” Today, there are freeways, expressways, parkways, turnpikes and thru-ways. Bridges carry roads over streams and rivers and cross-traffic is handled by cloverleafs, overpasses, underpasses and ramps. Thus if you’re planning to join the “nation on wheels” sometime during the rest of the summer, you will more fully appreciate the work of the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, a federal agency, which sets the standards for our modern American Roads. But if you should be so very lucky as to go abroad here’s something that might be helpful: If you ask for chop suey in China, you’ll find they have none. In Italy you won't be able to locate a pizza. In Wales, a Welsh rarebit is exactly that—rare. Turkey has no turkeys. Spain has no Spanish rice. India ink is made in China or Japan. And the lOnglish, it seems, don’t have English muffins on the menu. When asking for a hamburger in Hamburg, you’ll be told, "All of us here are Hamburgers.” In Copenhagen Danish pastry is called Vienna bread. And Jiaop.o autu jjo punos p[noAv lu.nqu aqj asmwaq ‘.moq auQ -qx SAVBd 3op a in pun ‘seAOoq 9Ai;q deaqg -s,tram aqi ‘|aaj oa\j }snf ■(; mou si su am i;k oqi ‘uosuqof g uopujti •§ •asanoo jo ‘^T?apvi 'L 'spooAV aqi jo ^no Sum -un.i |i:qi iaWV •Xiuvjpqi ’9 •js.iij ipiEiu aqj iqSii o^ aArnj p i n o m. no^ '2 •s;no aa.iqi GATiq qo>!a smuai oa\j, -sjno xjs a.m ejaqj, -p }jai peq no^ jCubiu A\oq pajisn }ou a.ia.w no a saiddn oa\j aAUq no^ •sXtjp gg }s«a[ }Ti suq qjuom X.iaAg ’rnaqj jo uy ■% ■ -ire a.t« isa.i aqj uy '»no T SU5IMSNV baked Alaska is almost unheard of in you-know-where. If you’ve gone on your vacation, glad you’re back! If you’re going, Godspeed! Your friend, REGINA SPRING AND I A warm, spring day in June Flies buzzing lazily about The soft, green grass Which blankets the earth like Nature’s Sunday coat. The sun, like a yellow, gleaming Jewel in the sky, Smiling upon all that is Good in creation and Fair in man. The wind, gentle and yet firm Reminding the elements that There is work to be done, And even on such a day as this, It is sacriligeous to remain still. And I, enveloping myself in The bounties of God, lavishing in The true essence of existence, Partaking of nature’s promise Of beauty, which is given only to Faithful and careful listeners. For, nature is my friend, And from her I have Nothing to fear. Sharon Planinšek Member of Br. 20 Joliet, 111. From the American Junior Red Cross News: WHIZ QUIZ by Roger W. Dana Here is a short quiz to tinker with your tinker. All the answers are easy, but be careful that you do not answer too quickly. 1. How many birthdays does a man have? 2. Some months have 31 days, some have 30 days. How many have 2S days ? 3. Take two apples from three apples. How man do you have? 4. How many outs are there in an inning of baseball? 5. If you walk into a dark room in which there are a candle, an oil lamp, and wood-burning stove, and you have only one match, which would you light first? 6. How far can a dog run into the woods? 7. A clerk in a butcher shop is G feet, 5 inches tall. What does he weigh ? 8. What was the President’s name in 1940? 9. A farmer drove ten sheep down the road with his dog. How many feet were on the ground? 10. If you go to bed at 8:00 o’clock and set your alarm clock for 9:00 o’clock the next morning, how many hours of sleep will you have? Frances Gorše X 665 Woodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27, N.Y. 11227 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWEG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAI) LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 JT»-kiUpo.llQlln~r«llu«IIUX)0 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVcrgrccn 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin GEREND — HABERMAN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 w See the delicious foods listed in S.W.LJ’s Famous Cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone Order your copy now! 1 Send $2.75 (postpaid) to:| ANTONIA TUREK 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 R.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar In dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Oliio AVE AFELY 5 NEIGHIioiiHUOlJ (JI- KICKS 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clnlr Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills ?6000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT