šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 5–6 202 nikov za raziskavo PISA 2018 ter pri različnih IEA študijah, izvedenih v Sloveniji (TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS, SITES). Zanimajo jo metodologija in sekundarne analize obsežnih baz podatkov. Nada Trunk Širca has a Ph.D. in Management in Education from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Currently she is working as a researcher at the University of Primorska and as a professor and advisor to the dean at the Internation- al School for Social and Business Studies. She has international experi- ence in research projects, she is also a conference chair for http://make- learn.mfdps.si/ as well as EIC of Human Systems Management, https:// www.iospress.nl/journal/human-systems-management/. Her research and teaching fields include management in tertiary education, managing non-profit organization, research methodology, quality and evaluations in tertiary education, the recognition of knowledge and lifelong learning. Nada Trunk Širca je doktorirala iz menedžmenta v izobraževanju na univerzi Manche- ster Metropolitan (Velika Britanija). Trenutno deluje kot raziskovalka na Univerzi na Primorskem in kot profesorica ter svetovalka dekana na Mednarodni fakulteti za družbene in poslovne študije. Ima mednarodne izkušnje na področju raziskovalnih projektov, je konferenčna predsedni- ca http://makelearn.mfdps.si/ in EIC za upravljanje s človeškimi sistemi, https://www.iospress.nl/journal/human-systems-management/. Njena področja raziskav in poučevanja vključujejo upravljanje v visokem šolstvu, vodenje neprofitne organizacije, metodologijo raziskovanja, kakovost in vrednotenje v terciarnem izobraževanju, priznavanje znanja in vseživljenj- sko učenje. Igor Ž. Žagar studied philosophy, sociology and linguistics in Ljubljana, Paris, and Ant- werp. He received his doctoral degree in Sociology of Culture from the University of Ljubljana. He is Professor of Rhetoric and Argumentation (University of Primorska & University of Maribor), Senior Research Fel- low (Head of the Centre for Discourse Studies) at the Educational Re- search Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and currently also its director. He has lectured in Belgium, United States, Italy, China, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Romania, Poland, France, and Taiwan. Žagar is especially interested in pragmatics (speech act theory, (critical) discourse analysis), philosophy of language, argumentation, and rhetoric. He is the (co)author and (co)editor of twelve books, more than a hundred