Early Miocene decapod Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 from Govce beds of Tunjice Hills (Central Slovenia) Spodnjemiocenska rakovica Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 iz govških plasti Tunjiškega gričevja Rok GAŠPARIČ1,2 & Matija KRIŽNAR3 1Oertijdmuseum De Groene Poort, Bosscheweg 80, 5293 WB Boxtel, the Netherlands; e-mail: rok.gasparic@gmail.com 2Ljubljanska cesta 4j, SI-1241 Kamnik, Slovenija; e-mail: rok.gasparic@gmail.com 3Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Prešernova 20, SI–1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija; e-mail: mkriznar@pms-lj.si Prejeto / Received 5. 10. 2016; Sprejeto / Accepted 1. 3. 2017; Objavljeno na spletu / Published online 9.6.2017 Key words: Decapoda, Miocene, Govce beds, Central Paratethys, Slovenia Ključne besede: deseteronožci, miocen, govške plasti, Centralna Paratetida, Slovenija Abstract Increasing reports of genus Retropluma Gill, 1894 from the siliciclastic sediments of South-East Europe demonstrate the abundance and preferred habitat of this genus in Miocene seas of Central Paratethys. In the present paper we report new specimens of decapod Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014, which extend the known palaeogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of the species to the western borders of Slovenian Basin of the Central Paratethys. The described specimens originate from the Early Miocene locality of Rovček in the Tunjice Hills in Slovenia and exhibit associated preservation, characteristic for endobenthic infaunal mode of living. Izvleček Vse več najdb rakovice rodu Retropluma Gill, 1894 v klastičnih kamninah jugovzhodne Evrope kaže na to, da so bile v miocenskem morju Paratetide pogostejše kot smo doslej predvidevali. V članku predstavljamo nove najdbe rakovice Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014, ki dopolnjujejo naše poznavanje paleogeografske in stratigrafske razširjenosti vrste do najbolj zahodnih delov Slovenskega bazena v miocenskem morju Centralne Paratetide. Opisani so primerki iz spodnjemiocenskih govških plasti iz nahajališča Rovček v Tunjiškem gričevju. Primerki so ohranjeni s povezanimi okončinami, kar je značilno za rakovice, ki so se vkopavale v podlago. GEOLOGIJA 60/1, 77-85, Ljubljana 2017 https://doi.org/10.5474/geologija.2017.006 © Author(s) 2017. CC Atribution 4.0 License Introduction The he rich palaeontological diversity of Tun- jice Hills is known already from the early 19th century. Most fossiliferous strata in the region are Early and Middle Miocene beds, which were investigated by Austro-Hungarian geologists and amateur naturalists of the era (Fuchs, 1875; HilBer, 1888). One of most important research- ers of the region was a local priest Simon Robič who collected fossils in his daily walks through the woods and creeks of Tunjice Hills (Žalohar & Hitij, 2014). His collection, stored in Natural History Museum of Slovenia consists of about 135 fossil specimens, among others also fossil crabs Tasadia carniolica (Bittner 1884) from locus typi- cus within Laško Formation beds in Košiše, which are common fossils in the region. Despite fre- quented finds of T. carniolica in Middle Miocene layers of Tunjice Hills, other occurrences of fossil decapods are unusually rare. The oldest are the remains of crabs from Early Miocene beds south of Tunjice village in Rovček creek. Rare speci- mens of Chaceon sp. and Homarus sp. (KriŽnar & PreisinGer, 2008; GašParič & BraJKOvič, 2016) occur in concretions in Early Miocene claystones. The age of fauna, containing also Teredo-bored wood remains, is questionable and concretions could have been reworked from older (Oligocene) strata (GašParič & BraJKOvič, 2016). 78 Rok GAŠPARIČ & Matija KRIŽNAR Herein we present new findings of Retroplu- ma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2015 from Ear- ly Miocene clastic sequence of Rovček creek in Tunjice Hills. The family Retroplumidae Gill, 1894 consists of nine genera of brachyuran crabs, seven of which have exclusively fossil represen- tatives (De Grave et al., 2009; KhoDaverDi et al., 2016). The two extant genera, Retropluma and Bathypluma de Saint Laurent, 1989, occur in the Indo-Pacific and have been reported from muddy or sandy bottoms in the depths ranging from 70 to 600 m (McLay, 2006). Geology and stratigraphy of the localities Tunjice Hills belong to the westernmost part of the Tunjice Syncline of the Sava Folds (Placer, 1999, 2008). Cenozoic sequence of Tunjice Hills starts with few meters of Oligocene conglomerates alternat- ing with beds of sandstones. These are followed by grey clays and a basal conglomerate horizon of fluvial origin. Oligocene layers end with a thick horizon of grey marine clay sequence, which at its top alternates with individual lenses of fine grained clastic rocks, particularly loose sands, and conglomerates (Žalohar & ZevniK, 2006; GašParič & BraJKOvić, 2016). Oligocene strata are discordantly overlain with Early Miocene Govce Formation. Lithologies of Govce Formation sequence starts with deposition of clays with lenses of sand and sandstones but it mostly consist of interchanging of conglomerates, sandstones, and fine-grained marls and clays. Succession of retrogradational and progradation- al sequences implies alternation of deepening and shallowing cycles (VraBec, 2000). According to ŽalOhar & zevniK (2006) Govce Formation lay- ers consist of three separate members: the Lower Govce Member, the Middle Govce Member and the Upper Govce Member. The Lower Govce Member is represented by the succession of alternating beds of clay, siltstones, sandstone, and conglomerate. Middle Govce Member consists mainly of green- ish (Glauconite rich) and brownish sandstones and marls. The Upper Govce Member begins with con- glomerate, sandstones, sandy siltstones and ends with loose sands. The Rovček section, where the described specimens originate from is part of the Upper Govce Member. Total thickness of Govce beds is between 350 to 450 m (PreMru, 1983). The Early Miocene sediments in Tunjice Hills are followed, after an unconformity, by Laško Formation of Middle Miocene (Badenian). The Middle Miocene strata consist of sandstones, marls, and marly limestones, which are rich in marine macrofossil remains. In the upper part of Laško beds we recognize increasing terrestrial influence and a transition to the Sarmatian Dol Formation beds (VraBec et al., 2014). The layers of Dol Formation are the youngest lithostratigraph- ic unit of Tunjice Hills. Characteristic horizons are cerithiid sandstone and Coprolitic horizon. Fossil fauna indicates marine environment still connected with Central Paratethys (Horvat, 2003). Upper most parts Dol Formation show renewed shallowing of the environment, fresh water influx and periodic tectonic isolation of the Tunjice ba- sin (Žalohar & Hitij, 2014). Material and methods The studied material consists of 5 specimens of Retropluma slovenica. Original cuticle of specimens is lacking, so structures are preserved as impressions in fine grained brownish sandy siltstones. Following specimens were studied: an almost complete articulated specimen (Inv. No. RGA/SMNH 1500, part and RGA/SMNH 1501, counterpart), a partial articulated specimen (Inv. No. RGA/SMNH 1502, part and RGA/SMNH 1503, counterpart), a complete articulated spec- imen (Inv. No. RGA/SMNH 1504, part and RGA/ SMNH 1505, counterpart), an isolated carapace (Inv. No. RGA/SMNH 1506), and an isolated cheliped (Inv. No. RGA/SMNH 1507). All spec- imens were photographed, measured and stud- ied using computer programmes (CoreDRAW Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Tunjice Hills (modi- fied after: ŽalOhar & zevniK, 2006). Locality of Retropluma slovenica specimens, Rovček creek, is marked on the map. 79Early Miocene decapod Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 from Govce beds of Tunjice Hills (Central Slovenia) X5, Adobe Photoshop CC and Statistica). Pho- tographs were taken with digital camera Nikon D810 under low angle light source conditions. Abbreviations RGA/SMNH - Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia (R. Gašparič Collec- tion) Systematic description The higher systematics used herein follows De Grave et al. (2009). Superfamily Retroplumoidea Gill, 1894 Family Retroplumidae Gill, 1894 Genus Retropluma Gill, 1894 Type species. Archaeoplax notopus Alcock & Anderson, 1894, by monotypy. Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 (Plate 1. A–H) 2014 Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný; p. 141–166, Figs. 18–21 2015 Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný – HyŽný et al.; pp. 147, Fig. 5, A–F Description The studied specimens exhibit subrectangu- lar carapace, about 1.20 times wider than long, maximum width at the level of median carina. Fig. 2. A detailed lithostratigraphic section of Rovček creek locality with Early Miocene marine layers from where the descri- bed specimens were recovered. 80 Rok GAŠPARIČ & Matija KRIŽNAR Carapace partially deformed and flattened, but appears transversely slightly convex and longi- tudinally nearly flat (Pl. 1F). Rostrum long, with concave sides and wider distally (Pl. 1A). Orbital margin sinuous with well-developed anterolat- eral tooth, pointing by some degrees outward; the supraorbital tooth is present, but poorly pre- served (Pl. 1E). Long anterolateral margin, con- cave till anterior carina. Lateral and posterior margins convex, with well-developed concave re-entrant for reduced fifth pereiopod at the pos- terolateral part. Dorsal carapace is adorned with three trans- verse carinae, forming blunt projections at inter- section with lateral carapace margin (Pl. 1A, C). Anterior carina almost straight, slightly down- wards curved in last third toward lateral mar- gin. Median carina strongly developed at flanks only, interrupted by urogastric region. Posterior carina sinuous and well formed. Dorsal carapace surface is pitted and finely granulose. The mesogastric region pointedly pentagonal continuing over anterior carina in a long anteri- or process, ending behind the rostrum. All sides of mesogastric region are concave and posterior border is divided into two lobes. Protogastric re- gions are not clearly delimited from hepatic re- gion, forming a sub-rectangular shape, which is intersected by the anterior carina (Pl. 1D). The urogastric region is well defined and recognized as a crescent shape; its posterior border is de- fined by the cervical groove. The cardiac region is large and well formed; its posterior margin is long and concave and the whole cardiac region is divided by the posterior carina. The intestinal region is wide and narrow, with concave anteri- or margin and straight lateral margin (Pl. 1G). The branchial regions are less defined, elongat- ed and sub rectangular in outline (Pl. 1C). Male sternal plate round in outline sternites 7–5 long, overlapping, with squarer termination. Sternite 8 reduced and covered by pleon. Male pleon narrow; somite 2 wide and narrow; somites 3–5 fused; male pleon narrows signifi- cantly after somite 3, lateral margins of fused 3–5 segment concave, narrowest between somites 4 and 5, slightly widening distally. Somite 6 almost as wide as long with rounded anterior corners and pronounced transverse crest. Telson narrow and longest, with rounded termination (Pl. 1A, B). Fig. 3. Descriptive terminology used in the text showing dorsal (A) and ventral morphology (B) of retroplumid crab (modified after: GašParič & hyŽný, 2014). Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014. A – RGA/SMNH 1500, complete associated ventral carapace with chelipeds, male; B – RGA/SMNH 1501, complete associated ventral carapace with chelipeds, male; C – RGA/SMNH 1502, complete dislo- cated carapace showing abdomen and dorsal carapace, male; D – RGA/SMNH 1503, complete dislocated carapace showing abdomen and dorsal carapace, male; E – RGA/SMNH 1504, partial associated dorsal carapace; F – RGA/SMNH 1505, partial associated dorsal carapace; G – RGA/SMNH 1506, partial imprint of dorsal carapace; H – RGA/SMNH 1507, left cheliped without dactylus. Scale bars A – G are 10 mm, scale bar in H is 5 mm. PLATE 1 81Early Miocene decapod Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 from Govce beds of Tunjice Hills (Central Slovenia) PLATE 1 82 Rok GAŠPARIČ & Matija KRIŽNAR Chelipeds long and appear equally big (Pl 1A); propodus and dactylus curved, narrowing distal- ly and with smooth surface (Pl. 1H). Pereiopods 2–4 long and slender; surface finely granulose and flattened, ending in blade-like dactyli; third pereiopod longest. Fifth pereiopod strongly re- duced (Pl. 1A, E), thin and fragile. Palaeoecology and environment Despite the study of extant representatives, several ecological and behaviouristic aspects of crabs from genus Retropluma are still undefined, mostly due to the deep sea environments which they preferentially inhabit. De saint laurent (1989) and Mclay (2006) report the occurrenc- es of extant specimens from deep-water muddy bottom waters of up to 470 m. Similarly it can be inferred that fossil representatives have been adapted to the soft muddy or sandy bottoms on inner to outer continental shelves (GašParič & HyŽný, 2015). As Paleogene species are known also from shallower water settings (Beschin et al., 1996; HyŽný & Müller, 2010; KhoDaverDi et al., 2016), it can be concluded that the deeper water habitation preference, with depth inter- val of 100–450 m, was developed by the Neogene representatives of genus Retropluma. Extant retroplumids spend most of the time buried in soft substrate (AhyonG, 2008), expos- ing only the most posterior part of the carapace with reduced setose fifth pereiopods, which possibly have a sensory function (McLay, 2006). Known fossil retroplumid material has so far been found exclusively in fine grained clastic rocks, which exhibit relatively fast sedimen- tation rates (Fraaije et al., 2005; HyŽný, 2011). This supports the hypothesis, that most of the fossil remains represent an endobenthic infau- nal community that spent most of the time al- ready buried in the sediment, which enhanced the preservation potential of otherwise fragile retroplumid cuticle. Palaeobiogeography The Eocene has been considered as a time of high evolution within the decapoda (Schweitzer & FelDMann, 2001). This can be also concluded for the retroplumids, which show high diversi- ty in Eocene Tethys Ocean, with six different genera and two species of Retropluma Gill, 1894 known from Eocene strata of Europe (Vía Boa- Da, 1959; Beschin et al., 1996; Artal et al., 2006, 2013; van BaKel, et al. 2010; HyŽný & Müller, 2010; GašParič & HyŽný, 2015). It was also ob- served that many taxa which evolved during this period were endemic to their regions of ori- gin (FelDMann et al., 2010). Retropluma is considered of Tethyan origin, as the oldest species Retropluma gallica Artal, van Bakel & Castillo, 2006 appeared in strata from Early Eocene of France (Artal et al., 2006). Genus survived in the Mediterranean until the Pliocene and Pleistocene with R. craverii known from Italy (CreMa, 1895; BalDanza et al., 2013). The Miocene occurrences comprise of Retroplu- ma slovenica from Early Miocene of Slovenia (GašParič & HyŽný, 2015) and Middle Miocene of Slovakia (HyŽný et al., 2015), Retropluma bore- alis from Late Miocene of Denmark (Fraaije et al., 2005), and Retropluma laurentae from Late Miocene of Sabakh, Borneo (Collins et al., 2003). The genus is represented today by seven species of Indo-Pacific and North-Western Pacific dis- tribution (McLay, 2006). Conclusions New findings of Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 from Early Miocene si- liciclastic sequence of Rovček creek in Tunjice Hills represents an important report, which fur- ther enhances our knowledge of Early Miocene decapod communities in Paratethys of Slovenia. The species was previously known from a sin- gle Early Miocene locality on northern slopes of Pohorje mountain range, so the new locali- ty expands the geographical distribution of the species to the western part of Slovenian Basin of Paratethys which was in Early Miocene very close to the Mediterranean and most likely con- nected to it through the Slovenian corridor. As genus Retropluma is missing from the Miocene of Mediterranean, but occurs in its Pliocene and Pleistocene strata, it is likely the genus was re- introduced in the Mediterranean from Parate- thys before the marine connection between both realms closed in Late Miocene. Further we conclude that all fossil represent- atives of genus Retropluma shared the extant species preference for inhabiting a wide range of siliciclastic environments of outer conti- nental shelves. As part of infaunal community they have a good preservation potential and are therefore likely to exhibit a robust fossil record. 83Early Miocene decapod Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 from Govce beds of Tunjice Hills (Central Slovenia) Acknowledgements We wish to thank Mojca Potočnik for access to the relevant fossil material, Rok Brajković for providing additional information on stratigraphy and Andreja Žibrat Gašparič for thoroughly proofreading our manuscript. References AhyonG, S. T. 2008: Deepwater crabs from sea- mounts and chemosynthetic habitats off eastern New Zealand (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Zootaxa, 1708: 1–72. AlcocK, A. & AnDerson, A. R. 1894: Natural History notes from H. M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer “Investigator”, Commander C.F. Oldham, R.N., commanding. Series II, No. 14. An account of a recent collection of deep-sea Crustacea from the Bay of Bengal and Laccadive Sea. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 63: 141–185. Artal, P., BaKel, B. 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