PODPORNE JEDNOTE GLASILO SLOVENSKE CHICAOO, ILU8KKPA. »1. JULIJA (JULY 11). 1W »dd POLJEDELSKI preidnva mAJSU KlUl-kapi DELAVQVORGA- poWi»»S.CWc»|u OJETARCABOMBARDIRANJA Iznajditelj brezžičnega brzojava nfcglo umrl Ford taji terorizirali je delavcev Zaslišanje pred federalnim delavskim razsodiščem 100,000 letnih delavcev prmštopilo k CIO Tacoma. WmH, »0. Jul. — Okrog 100,000 l««nih dalavca¥ ¥ gosdovfh ta|»ada in ¥ laanih tovarnah j« dun«« pra« topilo is A-mariAka ilfluvitk« fadararija k I*wlaovi induatrljaki uniji CIO. DtirgstJ« organliarija laanih da-lave* v «o na iir*dnl konvancijl % Um maatu odirianovall • <166 *la-•ov I proti 74 m praatop. karj*¥, ki jo plkatlrala tovarno. Dva «tavkarja »o pratapll do na-uvMtl, imrm drugih pa «o ara-tirali. Atavka ja iibruhnlla prad MU rimi tadnl, ko Ja drulba naana-nila uvaljavljanja daaaturnika brtti svitanja masda. Uradniki Amariftka fadaradja nofavliar-•k i h daiavea¥ ao fta praj doka-tali, da drulba plaluja allno nitk« masda, naaatarim dalav-ctm t« Miri dolarja m Udftt. , Cuddy, Pa. — Proslava dvsj-«et let nice obstanka druAtva št. 319 SNPJ se vrAi na Iabor day due 6. septembra VSM v Slov. domu na C'uddyju, Ta. Uljudiio vabimo vsa društva in piisamex-nike, da na« poaetite v polnem Ate vil u in prijieijite svoje prija-t«lje a »«boj. Na programu l>odo razne zanimive točke in «lavni govornik bo wobrat 1'hilip Godili*. upravitelj jednotinih publikacij, iz Chicaga. Odbor je na delu, da bo skrbel za izvrstno, točno in dobro postrežbo. Za pie-sa tel j ne lw igrala fina godba. Pridite vhI na Cuddy! Vabi odbor. John Jenko, tajnik, 319. ftprinffiefd, III. — Društvo II-linoih hi. 47 prireja piknik dne 26. julija pri rojaku Franku Kramiarju, 2201 Cincinnati Ave. Odbor vabi ¿lane In članice druAtva, ravno tako tudi rojake in rojakinje iz okolice, ker zabave bo dovolj, l^ahko boste balin-cali ali se vrteli na gladkem cementu. Kar se tiée transporta-cjje, vzemite bus North Kour-teenth «t. in ne peljite do North ttrand Ave. Tam bo 6akal avto lil peljal naravnost na pikniAkl p^oator. Torej he zamudile te prilike, ne bo vam žal. Vabi priliki vrnili. Ker se bo isti dan vršila seju okrožne federacije SNPJ v tej naselbini, apeliramo na društva, ki ao pri federaciji, da nas poselijo kolikor je mogoče. Vsak zastopnik naj pripelje s sabo svoje jirijatelje. Seja federacije se prične ob 10.30 dop. namesto ob 2. uri pop., kar naj zastopniki upoštevajo. Vsi dobrodošli. Loula Haao, Anton Drasler ml Feliks Ko/i na. Winder Height««, W. Va.—1* urada društva št. 407 SNPJ st» naznanja, da društvo priredi plenim veselico v,soboto zvečer dne 24 julijs v Short Creeku. W. Va., v lepih in hladnih prostorih River View poleg glavne ctote št. 2. Za ples ImmIo igrali» Bergantova dekleta iz Lisbone. O. Kdor jih je le slišal, ve, ds no mojutrc* v igranju, kdor jih I« še ni, naj jih pride poslušat. Vabimo članstvo In drugo ob činstvo in predvnem pa okolièka društva, da pridejo na našo ve selfeo. ds se skupno {»ozabava mu. Kdor ima brihtne noge, naj gotovo pride v Short Creek v soboto večer. Na svidenje na veselici našega društva. Fr. kolene, tajnik. 1>um Angelca, ('al. — Na zadnji seji druAtva Golden State št. 743 SNPJ je bilo zaključeno, da naAe društvo postane angleško poslujoče društvo. Vtrok temu i«», da bomo lažje pridobili več mladine v društvo. Članstvu tudi naznanjam, da sem se preselil na naslov 2014 Griffin ave. Isti naalov velja tudi za blagajnico Heleno Gra-chan. V bodoče se v vseh zadevah obračajte na naju na novi noslov. Članstvo našega druAtva tudi opozarjam na hrvatski dan, ki se vrši na 8. avgusta 40 SNPJ in rojena je bila v Gučem selu, KuŽeU. Hrvatsko. Zapustilu je žalujočega soproga. sinove in hčere ter sestro in brata. Člani in članice druAtva 540 SNPJ so jo spre mili k zadnjemu počitku na Arlington pokopališče. Naj ji bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Družini Štefana Cerneta naše iskreno tožalje ob izgubi blage soproge in matere. Andrew Sprogar, 540. (enter, Pa. — Naj mi bo dovoljeno, da nekoliko poročam o proslavi 90 letnice Društva 141 SNPJ v Universalu dne 27. junija. Nekako s strahom smo pričakovali omenjenega dne, ker bogovi narave letos hudo protestirajo zoper piknike. Tu pri naa dežuje akoro vsaki dan. O-krog 10. ure, baš ko je dospel br. Frank Zaitz, predsednik nadzornega odbora SNPJ, se je stemnilo in vlila se je huda ploha, tako da smo mislili, da bomo morali ostati doma pod streho. Okrog 12. ure se je zjasnilo in potem smo nadaljevali z na šim delom naprej. Ljudje so pri hajali od vseh strani, tako da je bil prostor v pa(r urah nabito napolnjen. Piknik se je vršil v najlepši slogi. Imeli smo več govornikov In glavni govornik je bil brat Frank Zaitz, ki je govoril o problemih SNPJ in poudarjal, da je mladina glavni steber jednote, da je SNPJ ena tistih podpornih organizacij, katera ae najbolj bojuje za interese delavstva. V imenu društva se zahvaljujem vsem govornikom, vsem društvom in posameznim Članom in članicam za tako veliko udeležbo. Zahvalim se pa tudi društvu 106 v Imperialu, ki nam je poslalo 5 dolarjev, ker se niso mogli slavnosti udeležiti. Hvala vsem skupaj! Kadar bo pa drugo društvo imelo kakršno slav-nost ali prireditev, bomo vrnili. Anton Krzen, predsednik. FBQ8V1TI ~ Inozemci izgubijo delo pri WPA F.L.L8. priporoča, da ae oni« o-Hebam. ki trdijo, da ao ameriški državljani, dovoli zadosti čaaa, da to dokažejo. Naglaša isiude ob dobivanju "prvega papirja.*' Granite C ity. III. — Naše dru št v o št. 230 ae zahvaljuje gl. prednedniku Vincentu Cainkarju za ponet na našem pikniku dne 4, julija in vsem članom društev v okolici in St. Ixiuiittj, 1.1 Vingst o nu, Msdisotiu, lil., ter Milwau-ju, Win., ki so nas |ioset!!i na tem izletu, lir. gl. predsednik j« imel lep govor za j«*dnoto in delava! vo. Juli um H%<»tMida. tajnik. t (ievvlsiuf. O. — Na 6. julij« g večer smo prejeli brzojavno po ročilo, da je v Stauntonu. Illinois, po dolgi bolezni preminil oče moje žene Matt Pn»ta|i4« v stan» ati 71 let. Pokojnik je bil rojen 9 vasi Javor pri Liliji <|h. doma ^- We»t Alibi. Wis. — Društvo Združenje št. 104 SNPJ priredi kegljanje v soboto opoldan in v nedeljo ves dan, to je 24. In 25. julija, na Bolskarjevem vrtu. Ker je ta prostor v sredi aloven *ke naMia-lll*-ltlMlM Dftily TaL Crawford lilt at 1858 W. Cernak BJ. 4t»0—4:00 p. m. Dolly TaL CMMI UN W«dMaSay a Sunday bjr »ppolntmcnU mty awHiBM TaLi Crawfartf MM IF NO ANSWBa-CALL AUSTIN (7M Kri oarežujo* In kri «stilni Planinski čaj i ss vitke |lJt PoAtaiaa prosta » »e fcrMplatal #aa* JaSUalh «k? to domaČih zdravil MATH PEZDIR ■a m City HsH Sts. New York. N. T. SpnmMki za vsi lMJn|i Tka U. a Auto riMMMa Carapaay, n«J**4Ja ■utowmHWka traita V Cklraru to prihranit» ra4 he »alealae. Vaake kara. ki to al »rate. «• Ja pravilu« i a m tak aaaaj a»raM> aato NeS «ra ato kar * »aMratl. Nakato Arffo. III. — Naxnjamo vsem okolUkim ilruitvom in prijatr IJem ter znancem, da nale dru *tvo 707 v Summitu priredi svoj PRVI vWerni (m(MNiUtfht> pik-nik v swlwto, 24. julija avečer pri br. A Krylu v Willow Spring-su. Pri^etek ob sedmih sveder. Želimo, da naa obiUete v veli kem Atevilu. Za dobro jedačo U) pijano bo »krbel odbor. Seveda ne bo manjkalo tudi dobre musi ke. tako da «e t>odo lahko vrteli stari In mladi. Torej na svidenje 24. julija ob 7. svrter! Plknttkl odbor. Ml AB80I.UTNO JAMČIMO TO IZJAVO PROLETARKC je sloesasko glasilo ■traake t Ameriki. Vsak dela-m ta rojak, ki ae saaime as •oeUllseaa, M ga morml radae «teti. ker vam kafte PKATO SLIKO SOCIALIZMA Naročnina maln IS.M m Mo, $1.71 nn pol leta Naalov: PROLETARKC 2301 So. Lawndale Ave^ COICAGO. ILLINOIS PUIU ae eei reelk kmjigl TRPEČI NA MEHURJU IN OBISTIH Ia katoltoa v speramts ■invfltb StMa ll.TL a FOlta ia MR8. GRETA LBSKOVAE 5#T E. 7Srd Street New Yerk, N. T, ............................ MEDEN ELECTRIC licensiziran električar Sprejemam in preskrbi« v« električno stroko spadajoč dtl Proračun brezplačno. Se pripoi čem: MILAN MEDEN Pokličite: Uwndil«74M «i............"'Tr fffHIHIM« Vezi s staro doiM Skora vaakogar i«m«l na« b ««Acji nalo ataro domovino moralni, kulturai, apodarakl In rasni 4rugi Miri, ki ■•■ lacajo ram« opravka. Pri takih «a« nudi naia tvrdka r uijudnu in ian«Uta ■radovMi«, kakor: pri potovanju v «Uri kraj pri dobavi avojeev it «tarr domovin pri podiljanju denarja v «Uri knj pri dobavi drnnrja ii lUrrii kraja pri poliljanju pakrtov v Jufi«la(iJ i Italijo pri nota rakih in drugih poalik ( t «rajrai. v V«fii raj vaarh veiiik paralkpv VMk cena kart. danarna ia dni«a pojMail Vam pri naa na raipolan«. CSNK ZA DKNAKNK POAllJU Za t l.H . JH bin Za I «.<•... H 18.#a... 420 M " HM S - ».••.. ,i«a« " " I7JI. m Pri vaijih poilljkah toraimrT« NP Cana pod vrtane «prnnwtibi Ho*il*"» dolarja. LEO ZAKRAJSEl General Trerel 8errk«, I* 302 E. 72nd StM New York. H Pripomba I Uolnem Številu in pripeljite ^i*"' prijatelje. ' Vabi 0DB0E Slov. Vabilo na POLLtTNO DELNIČARSKO SEJU ,, y kilrf« m Narodrwita doma es I7IM Jolie R-. ,Mr7 ^ÜT Ifr*»0 rrél r nralrljo dne tU. julije IM7. teiee eh f. /aatupniki ao profeai. da er te aeje edelrt«- ' f .rHr. UP* rmr* aeje. v neke Irtrto nedeljo r Meeece.—VaW 1S04A Horeete. Oelroil, Mick. VAM NI TRKftA TAKOJ PLAČATI ▼ GOTOVINI TRPEČI NA 2EL0DCU! MM G t RTA I.RffKOVAB Mt B. TIN SL. Nev Terà. N. T. iLOVKNIC PUBLISHING CO (Glee Nerede—Tre vel Berete) IIS WM m et New Verfc. N. V HAITI FIMKE CMMRT W tiré WL. Cm. ieewie. tCUC Ake as Je "nt HMeaJe (perilo) le ell eke Je eeredeo all sareMe é iMiliea eiuje krejake gu^iu eireelW. ». FlWta Ml • MBB. GRIFT A LBMOVAB m a T1 BL. Nev Tevk. N. V blagi Bpomin prve obletnice unrti eieJe IJektJen» aopr»*r «I ttt AGNES MOČNIK kelere I« prrMleele tt. MM ^ Minai* Je le lete fei ed ker T« kHJr »»"'M. V apMeiee naa* oataer! Tt rldrt al aride»«." îelejeéi eelaH: Joe Mminlk fle- eefrot. Irapald. aéeotl; Mr a. Fraerra frrMn.k Franklin, Keea. doklrf tm* m> M Jm Jf-Mar» pt,)A. IV Federacije S. N. P. J. j »j* kansoike federacije ^.lUnsw.-W^MpiB- rtie kansaške federacij« t «se je vršila dne 27. ju- _l v frontenaiki dvorani. ¿1«duje J- Tratar in aa-HTZi A. Suiar. Zastopanih ^društev. Angleško I^alujo. ¿Ltvo "Sunflower' št. 609 „ H no svojem saatopniku „Jjuje vsem, ki ao ae udele-|B,ih 10 letnice in Uko prlpo-¿¡[¡o lepega uspeha. Odbor, Si imel v oskrbi priredbo na W maja, poroča, da je ista jgo izpadla v vaeh osirih. ¿ba je bila dobra in Čisti -ostanek znaša okrog 60 dol., I se deli * društvom št. 65 SN-4 t Breezy Hillu. Vname se dsljša razprava gle-„ove situacije za prirejanje i društvenih veselic in pik-v Nova postava namreč do-rtine restrikcije, ki otetko-jej0 uspešne priredbe. Sploš-i mnenje je, da se bo morala jti pot, da nam bo mogoče tu-nadalje imeti uspešne dru-J|m priredbe. Odbor u preskrbitev stalnega ,ra ta federacijske in dru-j piknike poroča, da zaradi jie situacije glede točenja i w naj stvar odloži na po-pijii čas. Sklenjeno, da federacija ob-rfavt svojo običajno priredbo i Labor day. V ta odbor so ime-ini bratje Kumer, Bratko- _ A. Sular, Ulepich in Stru-ij. Kraj in ves program bo ob-¿rljen poineje. Br. M. Stefančič poda svojo lifnacijo kot predsednik fede-eije, ker mu zaradi bolezni ni vršiti svojega posla. , naj ostane na svojem tu do novega leta, ko se voli odbor, in pri sejah ga naj lomestuje podpredsednik br. , Trstar. Zastopniki društva št. 225 SNPJ pravijo, da je bilo njih dru-vo neopravičeno kritizirano na tjinji federacijaki seji zaradi obritve neke prošnje za izred-podporo. Ko pojasnijo zade-s predloženo korespondenco I društvom in gl. uradom, se-imatra, da niso zakrivili ni-ju nepravilnega. Ker je navzočih šest bivših atov 11. redne konvencije, ajo o raznih sklepih in vti- Prihodnja seja federacije se ii četrto nedeljo v septembru >2. uri popoldne v frontenaški ini. Anton Sular. no, da se kar peljite po glavni ulici Gilberta, dokler ne pridete do velikega česuličnega napisa, na katerem bo kazalec, ki vas pripelje v park. Torej na veselo svidenje v Gilbertu dne 25. julija na pikniku minnesotske federacije SNPJ. Anton Zganjar, 182. SNPJ v Minneeoti Gilkert. Minn.—Poročano je ^ ie v uradni številki Prosve-«dne 7. julija po br. Franku tau, da se bliža dan velikega Wka minnesotske federacije PJ. ki 8e bo vršil v tej nasel-poslujeta dve društvi Ta dan bo v nedeljo dne '•julija, dan vsega članstva ' Minnesoti. društvi se trudita, da bo dotični dan kar najbo-•Postreteno na federacijskem ■M>ku, kjer tudi ne bo manjka-» tiakovrrtnega razvedrila in JJ*. Dolžnost naa vseh je, in sentre, da ae potrudi-da bo na 25. julija pikniški »o je Hopkinsov park, zbrane^ občinstva. Dolž-naa vele, da ae odzovemo L" naselbin, kjer ima «voje postojanke. JJkn.k. m prične ob 11. uri do-Ni treb. blU v skrbeh ■Mino Naše kuharice bodo rr^ d» vam bodo imenitno Ze sedaj premišljuje- k w v*m 60 prva t»*™*- '»fli Imamo izborne kelnarje urne kuharice, ki bodo ¿T* « ne bo treba ča-P" namakanju auhih grl. rrnrim jf boffat Pri¿. uri, ob 2.SO pa na-¡TliC':Vorníki. w «o izkušeni ¡"Mil in gledajo za Z?' Med njimi boaU ru.r°rnik* A. Vider, . '' ^ j*dnote, in kongreanik t aL, Hrrn*rd» W v Minneeo-^P.njl orpnl-¡¿I . v teleznih rud- ^ 4 'mamo veliko zau-b« b Ju ST, prev* k kjer ^ piknik, naj ha Letnik piknik johne-towneke federacije Johnatown, Pa. — Priprave sa piknik naše federacije SNPJ, ki se bo vršil kot je bilo že poročano dne 15. avgusta v Kraynu, so v polnem teku. Poročano je še tudi bilo, da bo izmed glavnih odbornikov glavni govornik Vincent Cainkar. Tudi Hrvatska bratska zajed nica bo zastopana po svojem gl. odborniku Johnu Bahoriču iz Johnstowna, kjer je na liroko poznan kot dolgoletni kulturni delavec in sotrudnik pevskega zbora Rodoljuba in dober poznavatelj bratskega življenja pri društvih. Da bo program čim bolj pester, bo poleg govorništva tudi petje in drugo. Sodelovala bo tudi slovenska godba Moxham, katere glasovi se bodo prijetno razlivali po obširnem in senčnatem pikniškem prostoru Slovenskega izobraževalnega društva Vihar. Piknik se bo pričel že ob 9. uri zjutraj, program pa ob štirih popoldne. Da bodo posetni-ki čim bolj postreženi, je pripravljalni odbor preskrbel tudi velik bus za vse one, ki nimajo svojih vozil. Bus bo odpeljal točno ob eni in ob treh popoldne. Dobiti ga bo na oglu Central ave. in Ohio st. na Moxha-mu. Nazaj bo odpeljal ob 11. zvečer. Voznina za odrasle bo 25c v oba kraja, otroci v spremstvu staršev bodo prosti. Odbor je tudi v pogajanju za nakup lastnega mikrofona z dvema glasnikoma. Namen je, da bi bila naša društva ob priliki shodov in drugih priredb s tem preskrbljena proti mali odškodnini za rabo istega. Ker se nahaja v našem okrožju še sedem društev, ki še niso pri federaciji, namreč na Loy-dellu, Onallndi, South Forku, Portagu, Windberju, Rocking-hamu in Central Cityju, sem jim poslal vabila za pristop. Odbor je uverjen, da se bodo odzvala in z nami sodelovala za čim večji uspeh federacije SNPJ v našem okrožju. Letošnji piknik bo v prvi vrsti posvečen za pridobitev mladine v našo sredo. Zato se je poskrbelo, da bo mladina imela svojega govornika v osebi brata Johna Podboya iz Canonsbur-gha. On je podpredsednik prvega distrikta SNPJ in član gl. odbora. Za plesaželjne bo igral Keplerjev trio v lepem plesnem paviljonu. Trije Ličani bodo vrteli mlade janjce na ražnju. Natakarji bodo točili najboljše "apecial made" pivo in druge pijače. Kuharice bodo delile okusen prigrizek — tako velike založke, da jih boste komaj v rokah držali; če tega ne verjamete, vprašaju mrs. Kaučlč, ker ona je šef kuhinje. Proetora za parkanje avtov bo dovolj tik ob Nagiiče-vi hiši, kjer bo napis. Andrew Vldricb, tajnik fed. Zborovanje in piknik federacije zapadne Penne Moon Ran, Pa.—Na letni ali glavni seji federacije društev SNPJ v zapadni PennsylvanIJi ja bilo sklenjeno, da se vrši druga ali polletna seja federacije v WiUocku, Pa., v Slovenskem do-mu dne 26. julija. Pričetek zborovanja ob 10. dopoldne (dst). Poverllnice sem poslal vsem društvom v tem okrožju. Ako Jih katero društvo ni prejelo, je prošeno, da smatra to obvestilo sa povabilo in pošlje svoje i stopnike na to aejo. Vsa društva ao prošena. da so na tej aeji pol noštevilno zastopana po delega tih. Po končanem zborovanju bo društvo št. M v Willocku skupno s federacijo priredilo piknik v korist federacijske blagajne Ker ja to letna priredba, sta vabljeni, da ae odelellte v velikem številu k> vabljena naša mla- dinska društva, ker se mi starejši člani radi udelešujemo njih priredb. Prihodnjo nedeljo torej pričakujemo veliko udeležbo na federacijskem pikniku v Willocku. Kažipot: Ker se bo večina nas vozila akozi Pittsburgh, vzemite cesto skozi tunel Liberty (Liberty Tubes) in takoj, ko pridete la predora, zavijte na prvem križišču (atop light) na levo po cesti 61. Peljite se skozi Carrick naprej do Willocka, kjer pri trgovini Franka Petrovicha zopet zavijete na levo in boate prišli naravnost do Slovenskega doma, kjer bo zborovanje in piknik. Torej na svidenje dne 25. julija v Willocku. Jacob Ambrozich, tajnik. Zborovanje weetmore-landeke federacije Haralnie, Pa.—Stojimo pred nedeljo dne 25. julija, ko se bo vršilo zborovanje Westmoreland-ska federacije SNPJ v tej naael-bini. Seja federacije se prične kot navadno ob 10. dopoldne v! domu tukajšnjega društva št. 87 • in 618 SNPJ. Pričakuje se velika udeležba, ker bo to prva seja po konvenciji in tudi vsled tega, ker bo mladina imela isti dan I piknik. Na dnevnem redu bodo vašne stvari, med njimi tudi poročilo o zadnji federacijaki priredbi dne 81. maja. Zastopniki naj bodo točno na meštu. Torej ne pozabite na vašo društveno in kooperativno dolžnost. Anton Zornlk, 87. Piknik minne»ot»ke federacije Ely, Minn. — Splošni javnosti v Minnesoti je že znano, da federacija SNPJ priredi svoj letni piknik dne 25. julija. Ker se bo letošnji vršil v naselbini Gilbert, kjer imajo nov park, je zanimanje veliko večje kakor prejšnja leta. Poleg tega se je tudi razvila nekakšna tekma med naselbinami, katera bo boljše zastopana. Zato sem prepričan, da bomo pokazali, da smo zvesti člani največje slovenske podporne organizacija. iPrlpravljalni odbor'*® trudi, da bo vsakdo, ki se udeleži, po-strežen z vsem, kar spada na piknik. Poleg tega ima odbor tudi pripravljen program, ki se bo izvajal na prostoru. Ravno tako je tUdI preskrbel več govornikov, ki bodo nastopili. Glavni govornik v slovenščini bo glavni tajnik jednote Fred A. Vider. Kot tajnik federacije uljudno vabim ne le članstvo SNPJ, pač pa splošno javnost, da se udeleži piknika. Upam. da bo Ely častno zastopan, tako tudi ostale naselbine. Na svidenje na pikniku 25. julija! Andrew Pirts, tajnik. Piknik naie federacije Pueblo, Colo. — Federacija društev SNPJ za južni Colorado in ae verno Novo Mehiko priredi piknik dne 25. julija v krasnem letovišču Rye, Colo. (Prešernov dom), ki se nahaja 80 milj ju-žnozapadno od mesta Pueblo, Colo. V imenu federacije vabim vae članstvo in vse Slovane širom Colorada in Nove Mehike, da ae gotovo udeležite tega piknika. Kraj, kjer bo plknll, je privlačen po avojl naravni romantični lepoti. Kdor se bo udeležil, ae bo počutil kakor v raju. Mladi bodo igrali žogo (soft ballh razne tekme se bodo pri redile in za zmagovalce so pri-prav I je ne razne nagrade. Za lačne In žejne bo dobro preakrblje-no. Otrokom pod 16. letom se bo serviralo brezplačno. Pevski zbor "Slovenec" bo zapel par lepih slovenskih pesmi, ki jih radi poslušamo In pojemo. Za plesaželjne bo skrbel Pečkov orkester, ki Je prvovrsten. 6« to naj omenim, da pred poldne ob 9. url se prične redns fe-deracijska aeja. Dolžnost vaeh federacijakih odbornikov In društvenih zastopnikov je, da se o-menjene seje udeležijo. Tudi članstvo se prosi, da se udeleši aeje v velikem številu. Delega t je prošle konvencije 8NPJ nam bodo gotovo veliko poročali, kaj Je konvencija ukrenila dobrega sa bodoče štiri leta za svoje članstvo. P roti Jo se še ostala društva SNPJ v Colored u In Novi Me biki. da pošljejo svoje zastopnike ter se pridružijo federaciji. Cim več naa bo. tem lažje bomo delovali v dobrobit članstva in delavstva v obče. Naša federacija je še mlada, ampak napreduje, ne akokoma, ampak po malem. Pregovor pravi, da počaai in premišljeno ae dalj pride kakor akokoma. Vsaka organizacija, ustanovljena v naprednem duha, ima težak začetek. Gotovo je tJdi naša federacija ob ustanovitvi imela rasne zapreke, bilo je kritiziranja in nasprotatva, še danes ga je, ampak kadar se oseba osiroma več oseb skupaj zavzame ta eno stvar, napravi, pa naj pridejo še hujše zapreke* ne odneha tako dolgo, da ae ideja uresniči. Tako si je pred par leti Članstvo društva Srebrna gora v Walsenburgu, Oolo., zamislilo u-stanovitev federacije, da pridobi kar največ mogoče društev pod njeno okrilje. Neustrašeni delavec aa ustanovitev federacije je bil brat Ed Tomšič s pomočjo drugih članov, in še da-nea deluje ta njen napredek in profit, saj je tudi njen predaed-nik. Ob neki priliki se je itrt-til, da njegov namen je, pridobiti kar največ društev v federacijo. On se saveda, da več društev skupaj veliko več doseže kakor pa eno poaamezno društvo. Priporočam društvoma v Canon Cltyju in Colorado Spring-au, d* pristopite v federacijo, ker ni prevelika daljave. Na svidenja 26. julija v Raju t John M. Htonich, podpredsednik. Poziv na federacijeko —jo For eat City, Pa. — Pozivam vse zastopnike naše okrožne federacije, da sa gotovo udeležite prihodnje seje, katera se vrši dne 25. julija v Forest Cltyju ob 10:80 dopoldne, ne ob 2. popoldne, kakor je bilo sklenjeno na zadnji federacijaki seji. Vzrok, da smo sejo preložili na dopoldne, Je, ker društvo 124 priredi piknik popoldne isti dan na proetoru pri Swinging Bridgu, kakor vsako lato. Ne pozabite se udelešitl seje ob pravem času In v velikem številu. Tako so tudi vabljeni vsi delegati 11. redne konvencije, da se udeležijo te seje. Na svidenje 26. julija ob 10.80 v dvorani peyskega društva Zvon, Foreat City l John Kogoy, predsednik. Ker bo gl. predsednik br. Cankar in tudi več drugih gl. odbornikov navaočih na našem letnem skupnem pikniku dne 16. avgusta v Kraynu, priporočam vsem društvom, da se Živo zanimajo in udeleše številno. A. Vldrich, tajnik. Federaeijeki piknik Barberton, O. — Cenjenemu Članatvu društev aeverovthodne ohijske federacije SNPJ aa naznanja, da ae bo vršil federacijaki piknik dne 8. avgusta pri br. Novaku v Sharmanu. Vstopnina prosta u vsa. Bratje in aaatra, vsi na plan omenjenega dna, da bo boljll uspeh In napredek ta SNPJ! Obenem ae vabijo tudi druga društva vseh organizacij, da aa udeležijo naše vrtne zabava, ta-kar smo pripravljeni poaat vrniti ob vaaki priliki. Kašipot: Ko pridete do John->ton cornarja, volite aapadno do prve ceste, ki pelje desno In vozite še eno miljo in pol ter glejte na desno, kjer bosta videli tastavo In krenite desno, pa boate na meatu. Postrežba bo najboljša, ta plesaželjne je tudi lepa dvorana na razpolago in na vrtu je lepo drevje, tako da se bomo lahko ta-bavali vsi v prijazni senci ali pa na soincu, kakor bo komu prlja-lo, ako na bo kakšne vremanake neprilike. Apeliram na vae članstvo, da se številno odtovete, kajti koristi bomo deležni vsi enako. Obenem vabimo tudi člane In rojake is drugih naaelbin it vaa države Ohlo, ako pa pride kateri it kakšne druge države, bo tudi dobrodošel. Na svidenje 8. avgusta! 2iveia federacija in SNPJ! John Vankovlch, predsednik. Konemauika federacija Johnstown, Pa. — Ker nekatera društva, kj so sklenila pristopiti k okrožni federaciji SNPJ, želijo vedeti čaa prihodnje konference, naj bo na tem mestu še enkrst pojasnjeno, da skupna konferenca se bo vršila dne 29, avgusta ob 2. popoldne v prostorih društva 274 pri br. Cvelbarju v Dunlu, kamor naj omenjeno nedeljo pošljejo svoje zsstopnike. Kot vse ksže, bo nsša federacija narasls v kratkem na kakih 20 društev, kar je vesel pojav zanimanja za napredek SNPJ v našem okraju. Zavarovalne družbe sklicujejo skoro vsaki teden sestanke svojih agentov In zastopnikov, kjer kujejo načrte kako ljudi pridobiti za sebe in Jih odtegniti bratskim društvom. Čemu bi mi ne imeli vsaj štiriletne svoje sestanke, na katarih se medsebojno pogovorimo in si prilijemo duhovitosti v pojačanju našega Članstva, zlasti med našo mladino, v prvi vrsti naš mladinski oddelek. Velevažno je tudi to, da ae društva podvlgajo, da privabijo nazaj vae tiste člsne, ki so prišli ob društvo vsled dolgegs brezdelja v depresiji. Prav gotovo Je mnogim takim bivšim članom neznan sklep zadnje konvencije, da jih Jednota vabi topet v svojo sredo pod istimi pogoji kot so bili prej, le da prestanejo zdravniško preialuftro. Ce dotl-čni nima sredstev sa zamujeni aaeament za smrtnlnakl sklad, mu Jednota radevoije nudi priliko s tem, da bo plačal pozneje bodisi is boln. podpore ali pa Iz svoje emrtnine Ker je ta koncesija odprta le do novega leta, zato nI te prilike pretreti. Bratska društva v državi Pa. bodo s#lo prisadeta. ker jim bo zabranjeno imeti opojne pijače na svojih piknikih. Edino društva, ki lastujejo klubske licence, amejo dobavljati pijačo. Zakon, ki ga Je v takem smislu skrpu tala kg i «lat ura nam še ni popolnoma jasen Zato o tem več pozneje. Seja in elavje White Valley, Pa. — Prihodnja seja westmorelandske federacije društev SNPJ se bo vršila v nedeljo, 26. julija, v Slovenski dvorani, Hermlnie, iPa., ob deseti uri dopoldne. Prosim vsa društva, ki ao ta v federaciji in katera sa nameravajo pridružiti« da izvolijo taatopnike, da se gotovo udeleše ta saje. Na dnevnem redu bo poročilo o naši veliki zabavi, ki aa je vršila v maju in tudi o koristih naše jednote in federacija. Naše mladinsko (anglsško) društvo Keystonlans 618, Herminie, član naše federacije, praznuje dne 24. in 25. julija svojo desetletnico s programom In zabavo ta mlade in atare, Igrala bo dobra godba, ki bo vsem u-stregla. Uljudno vabim vss okoliška društva In federacije za padne Pennsylvanije in vse o-stalo občinstvo, da naše Keystonlans posetite na ta dan. Zastopniki federacija, ne pozabite priti na aejo 26. julija v Slovenski dvorani, Herminie, in na veliko slavje društva Keystonlans I Mary E. Gallcic, tajnica. Seja weetmorelandeke federacije lAtrobe, Pa. — V nedeljo dne 26. Julija se vrši seja westmorelandske federacije društev SNPJ v Herminleju v Slovenski dvorani, začetek ob 10. dopoldne. Opominjam vse delegat« druš tev, ki so včlanjena v federaciji, da se gotovo udeleže. Vabljena so tudi ostala društva, ki še niso v federaciji, ^a pošljejo svoje zsstopnike. Federacija nam Je potrebna. Na njenih aejah se razmotriva o važnih stvareh, ki so nam v poduk In korist. Joka Kradel, predsednik. Izčrpek zapienika Pairrkance, Pa. — Dne 27 junija se je vršila seja federacije društev SNPJ sa okraja Fayette In Green v Republlcu, Pa. Otvo-ril jo je predsednik ob II. do poldne. Vslad odsotnosti podpredsednika Je bil na njegovo mesto začssno izvoljen br Msr-tln Hpolsr Tajnik poroča, da je društvo št. 2H8 sporočilo pismeno, ds od stopa od federacij«, kar Ima preveč stroškov, člta tudi Imena sa atopnlkov In odbornikov, katerih je skupaj 26 na aajl. Poročilo nadsornegs od bor s vsoto ns sna nja. Sklanjano Je, da mors vsako društvo prijaviti Imena sa atopnlkov dva tedna pred vsako federacijsko aejo. Poročila odbornikov so vaeta na tnanje. Poročila zastopnikov. Zastopniki društvi 501 poročajo, da je društvo pridobilo dva Člana v mladlnaki oddelek. Poročajo tudi, da bo društvo priredilo veae-llco, na katero vabijo vaa društva in občinatvo aploh. Zastopniki društva 670 poročajo, da bo do priredili veaellco dne 4. in 5. julija in vabijo na veliko udeležbo. Poročila sastopnikov vsets na znanje. Prihodnja federacijaka aeja se vrši v Ricea Landlngu dne 29/ avguata. Anton Zale, tapianikar. Zaetopnikom elev. federacije Claveland, a — Prihodnja nedelja bo četrta v tem meaecu in seje elevelandske federacije se vrše vsako četrto nedeljo v meaecu. Valed tega ae opozarjajo tastopnlkl in tastopnice društev, da ae vrši aeja naše federacije v nedeljo, Jtf. Julija, v 8ND na St. Clalr ave. Pričetek točno ob 9. uri. Opotarja ae vaa, da se gotovo udelešite, ker Je več važnih zadev, katere je treba rešiti. Itvolill al boste predsednika federacije, ker doaedanji, br. Somrak, Ja na tadnjl aejl reaigni-ral in je potrebno, da si Izvolite novega. Dalje se opotarja okro-šni repreientant, da ja navtoč, ker tudi tanj bo nekaj važnegd na tej seji. Pridite na federaclj-sko sejo 86. julija ob 9. dopoldne I Opoaarjajo se posebni tisti tastopnlkl in saatopnlce, kateri so v bližini. Nikar ne dovolite, da vaa tastopnlki it Eudida in West Parka prehitijo In so prvi na-vtočl. Na avidenje v nedeljo! J. F. Terblžan, tajnik. Izvleček zapienika Barberton, O. — Izvleček zapisnika 8. redne seje severno-v z hod ne ohijske federacije društev SNPJ s dne 80. maja t. I. Seja se je vršila v klubovih prostorih In se ja pričela ob 9. dopoldne. Navtočl so bili vsi uradniki. Zapisnik prejšnje seje se sprejme in poročilo tajnika In blagajnika sa vtame na tntnje. V blagajni ja |166.78. Prošnja družine Zakely od društva 170 sa dvameaečnl aaeament v vaotl 112.04 se brez ugovora odobri. Poročilo pikniškega odbora. Močnik poroča, da proator pri Novaku v Shermanu ja na razpolago, nakar se sklene, da naša federacija priredi svoj piknik na tem prostoru dne 8. avgusta, vse v zvezi s piknikom pa preakr-bljo zastopniki društev 48 in 78. Sledi vroča debata glede delegata skupnih društev, končno pa so sborovalcl sklenili, da ae debata zaključi, ker bi federaciji več škodovala kot koristils. V dvorsno pride član drušiva 815 is Cantona s prošnjo, da bi federacija prispevala v pomoč tamkajšnjim stavkarjem. Is svoje blagajne federacija daruje vsoto $10, Društvo 48 sta zsstopsls J. Vsnkovich In M. Močnik, društvo 78 J. Sustaršič in A. Velen čič, št. 170 Maka Klarlč In Mar-tin Klarlč, št. 815 B. Odar In A. Kompare, št. 586 L. Bregar, J. Hllman In F. Anderluh, št. 456 Mary Hočevar, št. 647 Mary Hol-ha, društvo 6(36 pa nI poslalo zastopnika. Prihodnja seja se bo vršils v Harber tonu v dvorani Domovina v nedeljo, 26. julija. Joaeph Muataršlč. POROČILO 0 NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI NlkUMM 4M I a. talita IMV aaroav or aici bsnbmt ravnam «f J«I» II. IMf Imenik federacije droštev A.N.PJ. mMm PeMsjrlveafle v VtUafairffc. IIPUŠTVO ŠT. SS H NI'i v Mom Hum Pa., prtr«4l im» tS. avgaei* m Mr« immm prmmUtru. VaMai« vas Sreftva ki paMMtaaik*. Sa m w4*4#*4U pala» IUvUm le laka«*. imršTVO ŠT. II* S NI'J v tuddf. Fa., praalavl M lataUa Sa* 4. aa*. aa laWr Say e atafl S«*raal aa Cadir. Ca. L'IJaSa« vaM«« vaa draft va. Sa aa wkl*l* v »ala»ai «tavila. OPOMBA i Ta M* va Ía4eraeéje SNPJ «fejavlja »HeeJba draftlav ae Mlval aa aiaaat Oftaa sa ftraftlva. U aa vHaaJeae v fatfarariH. Sata ta to )a v Mala prit**— aakral lallka ftaaa. 4a aa vrftl pri- Vaa Kilava ta pdapavSa palilalia aa uktffca federadle fffPJ J A roa a M hbo/1« ii B O N« I MrKaas Barka, Pa. «TOjCM T Jaku Drvim i« |«0. Mirti« U««r laa, I MMmmM KmW m. Charta M«. J«*» »'•*•. IU.lt. Mik. U»«J III. NW Bemwvich |tT. I Milit« IWW* 111.»». Juk* J arfe «vitli III. AHM Tuml%nu*i«h III I Altort Baulmuüi H« I John Stahlt» III I rmk KunUrlt la«. l*tUr C'Ml«ltt II«, rrtfth Kotlr |a. John K..«t»*«lth N II Ahm VtlM* III. U4wl« Uruthtl IU I». II rnuiMt RovtMvl« ||||« II Anal« Horwtth III, J«hn S,*mtn III, Krlatlna Sr«««»l IK>. fruta St^atlJ Hi. BuSolph Km,» |M 10 J«M»h OvrtalU N«. J«m»Mm Jahlith III, A loa It It Br lit. Vlftar I'unttr III, Ba4ol»h l>n IM. IV Berth* An,,lc ||4, John Kovtt III, ^J*. Mh Loftr |M. frank Iwm Ml. Jatah avtt fa, II Marrar« Jaiwnlth Ml. M MIh« Barkah |M M Jaatah Satja« Ml. Anta« UrfcaatU M«. Attalph M*din lil. Jaha Saaar HM II UM f«tarh« MT. HMmI OmSm M». I» Jaha Skuta« IN. Antoa Dohrovolt Ml M AltoH Balar Ml. Umrv« Jakopin M«. frank Bvak ||a M LauU »lav«« III. M Anta« Klnkvla M M, M Praak Ho4y III. fMMik Batvrar III, frank Ü randa III M fvtar Baapotntk IU I«. Blat »o«alaj M«. fr»n««t H rov 11 M4». M Arm J tan Laka« Ml. M William fatal! Ill M frank Uvat III, Juha Aobal |l». N Jaaaph Lavan |M, John Saturate |U. M Klltabvth Hlotftr M. Aha« Vraahovteh M. Mary Bohak III. IM Marr Haw»otktr |U, VateaUna VI «t te III IO, Bteanur Koputhar |IT. Lowlt Mta- kar laa. IM frtak Truta«vte |M IM Mary Pouk» |U.M. IM Uteha«! fute M M. Šteto Uiukovlth «17, Juaaek K o« lova« M«. III Mary Boatote Ha. Th«ma UIIImA II», flUMM M al toon Ml. Ill Aa4rtw Moklteh III. («Ute Bated M«, III Mary ISatil III M, H^nry Hu«Mtr III, J«M»h sir«h«IJ IHM, Mary Unta«vteh f®®» Ju«®|ihl»iB IiiMias Mi, Ašfalš Jsks II». Joa«vkln« Kova«!» Ml. Martin Krall III, O härtet KHvaait Ml. JaMh Markte •14 IM l'owlln« Stan« M H «tea Hajtlk III, Ja* lil Stav« favte 114 M. Bat« Mlklteh «M M. IM Urw* Sata« IN, J «h« Oaralk IN IM Mary Sate IN. Mi Samaateh IN IM J «an Blatak III.M, tanila« (tem 1)1 la, Albina Sratateh IN. Mary MMtalh III, fran««a flmal III, Baaa (tamlh III III laatea f«ta«nlk IM. IM Janaphla. KlaSoN III. IM frank lita II» IM Jahn SmIIJ 117. IM Marlin Baten« 171 Uawla Ur^tarteh III. 17« Anton (tankt III, Mary lak rajata MA Mary Bnllwrta« PMteranj MI. J «ha fJ tfr«M III. IN Uwla (iornlk MI M. IBS ImopoW (Irtear M» MI U4vltk llilovteh III IM franaat llo««var IIIA», Milan M7 Alharl Tunialah lia.M. Anal« IHM. Bartal Krtnl ||7. Ann* |lliml| a m umi mufttšfilftk $i4| i^fššk lil, Mau Klarteh |M. Hite Misla III M*ry ftetrotMvtkl M» III M*r«ar«tk Uhaanlh M, Faall«* 117. M*H (teanlk Ml, iii John H«nlkman |M III M«(i Jaka* Ml. III Marko Italilt Ml. Ann* M*«*|mw lia, M*lt Juywteh IM. fr*nk ata I nt |M IM John J*«M HI, Jut Una Kaa»te |M Ml lv*n* Katetnlk III, Mary Ml II» AltlilMiy |é' Mtlllitw K ruf Int IM. Utrli furlan III, frank N«**h Ml. J» ttak ( vtlMr Ml, Ntek Vak^teS |lk Ntek M t tok IN Mary »Mar MAM, M*ry S«H»vteh IIA Juha Mih«tel«h ff«. Kaik«rln« M «4M M. fraim* Knatl» tkat III. Jahn »Hm«. M» Iltora« J*4rte IIa, jattvk Kr«Mte M» Hary M ftteaar IN Jaha lUrvol III, 0*1*1* Ita 0*1 IM-M*ry Uvrteh M Anna Uwranate MI. IternarS W. Tita nit a III, Mukati U4o4ow |I7. Anna C^fte III, Uhartet fu«l*n4teh IIB Atete Kupantte |M JuMpk Itonlgar fTI Maryar«! J trt, IN A atoa Vótete MI N. •toatey »ruylntal |N Tte«n*t fr**h 119 Ku4olyh M ota on III Jummpk I Mlinar IN, M*ry Itermata IN, fr«n«M I4h«vi«h |N, J mm* a*ww III, MaU Intlhar $14. John ritrt M« John Kaateh iii Pr«nk k Itn»nik Ml Wllltem N k Anten Ik |I*.M, John W §m> wr*k Iti Itoory« Vrhova» |M. Martin Pri'innata Ml. Jtrry Mlktevtte Ml. A«mII* Pr***lkM MT. amm MIh*«« IN, III M«ry (tegaly* IN Nf Jttoh SMI** II», fr**k Krtjtta II». A4an* I't.tte Ml. John P«te |7 M IN Mary Jovtnovlta II« III Mom Hm»t Ml IIT CteM X*vrl III. atoflte Ptrlln MM, IN Prank OunAt III Aa, Will ton, I in,u Ml, JtMte HaioMnib III N IN Maria (o|»rte Ml «a* Aim Vrata man 4lt J «ha »lartah IN NI Uta P«rtoh NI, IK Ihm Miftar M» Prank K «rta« M», JiMphiM (tahrtoh ft. John Nntttta IN »aw l^awteh Ml John hitaron |N Anna laljata N« Ma * «all Kwfttt Ml j«Ma* N*v*a, Jr. M» atary »rotar M». Ann* *»«r«*htah Mi. atovt M~tak IN Ml «'««lite II«rM« Ml Itot« I oh««ith MY. Ann* epilter Ml i>l«* Vrtata Ml rhartea hytteu IN. J««*» Bttft** IIIM I«l«< K««thta IN, An** «ate Ita Prt*« IN aa«r«i t«i*i mann Ittnan tlratalta. » ■tat« totata— A«1 aaa'y Ali tU ie mzreOH U Bil MlBdlnflld prijatelju Bil mredafci Y domovino? Te le t4M ter trajna vredmeeti, U ft m rioiTiri PR08VETA TU Kil LIGHTEN M BUT V uumriMA HfKkuta^i PBO0VKTA An, » càhpmh. m prim« (Jum H. IM1). P*— mlin wmmmi. 4m »•« M » •• Pom» tu h mntww. (k M »•• Iht M Stavke in vojaštvo Vsaka delavska stavka je vojna. Ta vojna J« lahko pasivna ali mirna, lahko pa Je aktivna ali krvava. V Ameriki so bile stavke doslej večinoma aktivne, nemirne. Razlog za to Je, ker kapitalisti nočejo pasivnih stavk, da bi se vlekle dolgo časa; kapitalisti hočejo, da Je stavke hitro konec v prid nJim. zato skušajo vssko stavko hiti* potlačiti s silo. bodisi z lsstno in lokalno policijo alf z državnim vojaštvom. • Iz tega se razvije konflikt, kajti stavkarji se upirajo, ker nočejo biti poraženi. Navadno pa je tako, da so stavke v konfliktu s oboroženo silo prej ali slej strte in delsvci so poraženi. Izkušnja uči delavce, da je večja stavka dobro In efektivno sredstvo zsnjs le toliko česa, dokler ne zadene ob oboroženo silo. Oboroženi sili države se delavci ne morejo upirati In če bi s» hoteli, imelo bi to zanje zelo slabe posledice. V interesu delavcev je torej, da se iz nobene Itavke ne izcimi krvava vojna. Takozvana publika, ki Je ob stavkah navadno razdeljena, tudi ne vidi rsda rabe orožja in običajno se zgodi, ds v slučajih ekstremnih spopadov Je večina publike na strani oborožene sile. Celo oblast sams, rszen tu pa tam, ne teli rabe orošja. Iz tega razloga naraščajo zahteve mtd oblastniki, da se stavke bolj In bolj omeje po zakonu in nadomestijo z obvezno srbitraio ali razsodiščem. Delavci si ps ne bodo pustili zlepa vzeti prs-vice do stavke. Saj je to edino skrajno postavno oroftje. ki ga imajo v demokraciji. Saj vidi-jot da v deželah, kjer nI več demokracije, tudi «i več stavk in delavstvo tamkaj mora enostavno vzeti, kar dobi in — molčati. , Stavka mora biti zakonito priznana toliko časa, dokler bo potrebne. So druga pota za odstranitev stavk, to je zadovoljiva pogodba z delodajalci. Noben pošten delavec ne hrepeni po stavki, ksr ve, ds na eni strani izgubi, čeprav snaga na drugi. Važno vprašanje pa je, kako priti do varstva stavke pred oboroženo silo. To vprašanjs se tiče najprej delavcev samih, sato ga morajo delavci oziroma njihove orgsni-sacije spraviti na površje. Navadno je doslej bik», da je oborožena sila vselej služils delodajalcu in nastopila sovrslno napram stavksrjem. To je že davno prešlo v delodajalčevo kri. tako da gleda na lokalno ali dršavno oboroženo silo kot na svojo, ki mu enostavno mors pomagati, pa naj bo njegovo stališče pravo ali napačno; na drugi strsni so se delavci navsdili gledati na policijo In vojaštvo kot na svojegs sovražnika, ki jim uničuje stavke In jih tirs nazaj v staro sužnoat. Težko je pripraviti delodajalca na misel, da bi vojaštvo smelo zaščititi stavkarje kakor je težko pripraviti delavce na misel, da policija ali milica, ki nastopi med štrajkom, ne bo ščitila stavkokazov. V demokratični državi bi javna oborožena sila, bodisi lokalna ali državna, nikdar ne smela nastopati sovražno proti nobeni stranki. Dokler je Amerika razredna država, bi morale biti vse oblasti popolnoma nevtralne ob vsaki sUvki. Razume se. da oblast mora paziti na mir. Kadar družba oboroži svoje hlapce, ki potem ogražajo stavkarje, tedaj Je dolžnoat vsake ob-lasti, da poseže vmes In |>azi, da oboroženi kom-panijaki hlapčoni ne napadejo mirnih piketov. Na drugi strani je pa dolžnost delavske unije, torej odgovornih voditeljev, da pazijo, da delavci ne nadlegujejo nikogar in da drže vroče-glavce proč od sprednjih vrst. Te nevtralnost bi morala biti postavljena po federalnem zakonu in izvajana z vso strogostjo. In ko ae to zgodi, bo kmalu vsaka stavka sto-odatotno paaivna — in sploh nt ho potrebna, kajti delodajalci bodo lahko še v naprej vedeli, da bodo isgubili bitko, ko ne morejo več nastopiti a silo in ne dobe več zaščite od jsvne oborožene alle. Vsaks oborožena privatna policija bi ■»orala biti odpravljena! Na drugi strani pa bi ae morali delavci zave sati. da ne pojdejo v stavko, dokler nimajo ve Čine delavcev v dotičnem obratu v svojih vrstah. Prisiliti trmoglavo manjšino Je demokratično, toda siliti večino pa nI demokratično In ne pravično! Kongres naj sajamči popolno nevtralnost vlade In Javne oborožene aile v vseh konfliktih med delavci in delodajalci I 8 tem bodo nemiri in krvavi izgradi ob čaau stavk odpravljeni. Glasovi iz naselbin Velik piknik dritftva 559 Chicago. — Letni nagradni in mladinski piknik društva Pioneer št. 559 SNPJ se bo vršil v nedeljo, 25. julije, na prijaznem 8teržinarjevem vrtu. Archer in 97th. Vsakdo bo imel lepo priliko, da se bo pošteno zabaval, pa naj bo mlad ali star. Na programu bo vsega dovolj za mladino in starino. Pionirji nikdar ne prezrejo dobrega prigrizka in lepe zabave. Na razpolago bo okusna jedača in pa dobrs pijača. Postrežba v kuhinji obets biti jako dobra, kajti recepte bodo imele v rokah osebe, ki se navadno ne vidijo pri tem poslu na naših piknikih. Pridite in prepričejte se sami! Vabljeni ste vsi od blizu In daleč, da se udeležite tege velikega piknike. Na letnih piknikih tega društva se vselej odda več lepih nagrad, tako bo tudi na letošnjem. Oddali se bosta dve vhodni (gate) nagradi, namreč ena moška in ena ženska obleka, vssks vredna 25 dolarjev! Zraven tega pa bo cela vrsta drugih nagrad za kontestante v dirkah in igrah. Zato pa pridite na nsš piknik in se veselite z nami! Brez plesa seveda ne gre pri Pionirjih. Tskoj popoldne bo igrala harmonika, predno se bo zmračilo pa bo pričel igrati orkester Steve Pslla. Naša muzi-ka — harmonika in orksster — bo ustregla starim in mladim. Zato pa nikar ne pozabite tega piknika v nedeljo, 25. julija, ampak se udeležite v velikem številu. Na pikniški prostor bodo vozili posebni avtobusi. (Za podrobnosti glede busov glejte zadevno naznanilo in vozni red v angleški sekciji dsnašnje Pro-svete.) Na svidenje v nedeljo na našem velikem pikniku pri Ster-žinarju I John Simon, 559. Piknik Soeedov Chicago, III. — Društvo Sosedje št. 449 SNPJ iz Cicera je sklenilo prirediti piknik dne 29. avgusta, to je zadnjo nedeljo v prihodnjem mesecu, na lepem Kobslovem vrtu na oglu CIaren-don Hllls rd. In 56th st., dobro miljo sapadno od mesta Hi nadele, poleg vasi Clarendon Hills. Naš dobro posnanl član Valentin Kobal ima zelo pripraven proator za društvene piknike, ker ima poleg senčnega vrta, kjer rastejo jabolka, češnje, češ-plje, breskve, hruške in grozdje, tudi moderno dvorano za ples. Vsa ta drevesa kažsjo letos obilo sadja — in koncem avgusta ss bo grozdje mikavno rdečilo, pa tudi zgodnejše hruške bodo že zrele. Nadalje je na Kobalovem vrtu oprema za pečenje jagnjet in prašičkov, ter za izdelek in pre-kajenje pristnih domačih kranj-skih klobas. Pikniški odbor o vssm tem razmišlja —• in če ne vse, bo gotovo nekaj teh dobrin na razpolago udeležencem piknika, kar pa bo seveda podrobnejše pojasnjeno v poznejših dopisih. Na vrtu Je točilnica za pivo in druge pijačo ter številne mize in klopi v senci dreves, kjer se po-setniki lahko komodno vsedejo. Nadalje sta na vrtu dva pešče-no zgrajena prostora za balinca-nje in obsežen kotnik za "parka-nje" avtomobilov. Do tega pro štora je povprečno dvajset milj iz Chicaga, torej baš primerno daljava za poletne nedeljske zlete v prosto naravo, Vea prostor je opremljen z električno razsvet ljavo in ima tudi sanitarne toaletne oddelke, kar vae skupaj nudi mestni komfort v prosti naravi in bo nedvomno blagodejno vplivalo za dobro razpoloženje vseh pikniških udeležencev. Glede transportacije je ta kraj tudi zelo ugoden. Večina bo seveda prišla z avti; drugi pa lahko vzamejo vlak do postaje Clarendon Hills in gredo peš pol milje od kolodvora, pa bodo na piknlškem vrtu. Sosedje v Ciceru najuljudne-je vabimo vse članstvo SNPJ v čiksški okolici, da se blagovoli udeležiti našega piknika kolikor mogoče v velikem številu. Potrudili se bomo, da bo postrežba dobra in vsestransko zadovoljiva ter raznovrstna zabava razigrano poživljajoča. Obenem pa prosimo druga društva, naj dne 29. avgusta ne delajo priredb. Za to uslugo se vsem vnaprej iskreno zahvaljujemo. Zapomnite si torej datum in prostor, pa pridite peto nedeljo v avgustu z nami vred v senco košatih drevoredov, ki se razprostirajo po prijaznem nizkem Kobalovem gričku in poljubno nudijo kombinacijo prlrodnih in umetnih velemestnih komfort-nosti, katere nam 'bodo pripomogle do veselega razpoloženja In neprisiljenega razvedrila do pozne večerne ure. Vstopnina na piknik bo prosta za vse. Člani društva Sosedje pa bomo plačali do sedaj še nedoločeno vsoto v blagajno, za kar pa bodo tisti, ki se udeleže piknika, dobili tikete za okrepčila. Ako bo slučajno ta društveni ases-ment določen pol dolarja za vsakega, bo torej vsak, ki pride na piknik prejel za petdeset centov pri baru porabnih čekov. Oni člani pa, ki se ne bodo udeležili piknika, s tem vplačilom vsaj delno pomagajo društveni blagajni, dasi nikdar ne toliko kukaja. som kapitalizma in proti svobodi in interesom delavskega ljudstva. Govornik je dejal, da je šele takrat spoznal, kakšne zastopnike je izvolilo delovno ljudstvo. V kongresu so le redki poslanci, ki čutijo z delavstvom. Pri glasovanju o zunanji politiki glede Španije je bil na primer Sam, ki je glasoval in se po-tegpval za lojalistično Španijo. Na 26. juljja bo imela minne-sotska federacija SNPJ svoj letni piknik v Gilbertu. Vabljena so vsa društva SNPJ in vsi ostali Jugoslovani, da se tega piknika udeležijo. Nastopilo bo več dobrih govornikov in bo najboljša postrežba za stare in mla de. . Max Martz st. "Slovenakl dan" 1. avgusta Ambridge, Pa. — Razne narodnostne skupine v tem mestu imajo navado, da prirejajo svoje lotne "narodne dneve". Mi Slovenci smo bili v tem oziru do-sedaj med zadnjimi. Da se pa tudi mi pokažemo javnosti kot slovenski narod v Ambridgu, ki imamo 5 slovenskih društev, so se ta društva zedinila, da skupno priredijo "Slovenski dan" s piknikom v parku Ambridge Boro v nedeljo, 1. avgusta. Vabljeni so vsi Slovenci iz vse bližnje okolice, da se bi v obilnem številu udeležili prireditve "slovenskega dneva" v Ambridgu. Podrobnosti o programu sledijo. Joeeph Tekstar, 33. Dbikuzija o jeklarski stavki Chicago. — Na prihodnji seji kluba št. 1 JSZ bo po končanem dnevnem redu diskuzija o jek larski stavki, ki je vrgla v o-spredje celo vrsto važnih vpra šanj za delavstvo. Seje se bosta skušala udeležiti tudi jeklarska delavca Steve Malnarich in Joe Kosich, tajnik društva 8 SNPJ, iz So. Chicaga. Vsi člani kluba se urgirajo, da pridejo na «ejo prihodnji petek zvečer dne 23. julija v Delavski center. Pnb. odbor. Piknik Slovenakega doma Rock Springs. Wyo. — Tukajšnja skupna društva oziroma Slovenski dom priredi velik piknik ob reki Green River na prostoru pri Covered Wagon v nedeljo, dne 25. julija. Uljudno se vabijo vsi rojaki in rojakinje iz vse naše okolice, da pridejo v velikem številu. Klnvenakl dom. Hopkins proti ipionaii med relifhimi delavci Washington, I). C. — Za oborožene stražnike in špione ni mesta v upravi PWA, se glase navodila, katera je Harry L. Hopkins, načelnik federalne ad-minisrtacije relifnih del, poalal podrejenim uradnikom. Tu sodijo, da je ta Hopkinsova akcija v prvi vrsti naperjena proti, V. L. Rftterju. načelniku uprave relifnih del v newyorškem distriktu. ki je s oboroženo alio zastražil svoj urad po zadnji demonstraciji relifnih delavcev, ki so obkolili njegov urad In protestirali proti odpustitvi več! ti*«M delavcev. ---^JSESlg^J Malo tega in onega Ivan Molek turtf J Iz starega kraja prihajajo čudni * Klerikalna firma, ki pošilja "novice" v a ko zastonj, kdor jih hoče, je pred kr.tkt". slala pretresljivo poročilo, da je w To nevarnost £¿"22 slovenski liberalci, ki podčrtavajo ¡J? f1 Slovenci "le pleme jugoslovJkegTtt To bi pomenilo, da prihajajo žalostni C bo slovenščina v tisku — tabu ' V starokrajskih listih čitamo, da ta i, slovanski unitarizem izvira od Srbov in JL tega unitarizma je tudi dr. Jankovi* vil JHZ (jugoslovanske radikalne zajednL tera danes vodi režim Jugoslavije V tli jednici pa sodelujejo tudi — slovenski ¡L kalci, ki zdaj čvrsto stoje na braniku slov. stva! „ ' Zares so to Čudne reči. Čudne zato ker toliški element v stari domovini stopa z gim kopjem na obzidje slovenstva, slovenj jezika in kulture. Slovenski klerikalci navi branijo nekaj, kar so drugi pridobili in kar oni pobijali. Zgodovina nam je trdna prida < katoliški element na Slovenskem sploh ni del, da je slovenski jezik dober za tisk, dol, se ni tega naučil od slovenskih protestant», v Trubarjevem Času. Kasneje je klerikalizeml starem kraju srdito preganjal vsakogar, ki skušal to naše slovenstvo malo modernizii duhovščina je «-Vedno hotela in se danes da mora slovenščina služiti le njeni prop_ di. Odkar pa obstoji Jugoslavija, je slovei katoliški element sodeloval pri sklepanju d vseh zakonov za umetno in prisilno ustvarji "jugoslovanskega naroda". Res so to lepe * Istočasno, ko je prišla iz starega kraja vei da je tam umrl upokojeni škof Anton Bonave. tura Jeglič, sta prišla v Cleveland dva pro stavnika starokrajskega klerikalizma: duh« niški profesor Trdan in upokojeni šolski ravni telj Slapšak. Menda sta prišla, da bosta v inv nu starokrajskega klerikalizma sodelovala p zakasnelem odkritju Cankarjevega kipa na d velandskem "kulturnem vrtu". Upamo, da bosta starokrajska gosta kaj n kla ob tej priliki. Ce bosta kaj rekla za nai javnost, bi bilo dobro, da ne pozabita pohvali pravkar pokojnega škofa Jegliča zaradi njegfl vega velikega katoliškega čina, ko je pokup vso prvo izdajo prve pesniške zbirke Ivu Cankarja in jo dal sežgati v škofijski peči. C bosta pohvalila škofa Jegliča, morata sevi da v isti sapi pohvaliti tudi Cankarja, da h katoliška logika kompletna .. . Zakaj je na slovensko katolištvo v Amerik padla božja kazen, da mora postavljati kipe -svobodomislecu in.sflpiaJiHtu Cankarju naraed svobodomislecev in socialistov, to bo pa, upan gostoma pojasnil ženijalni mister Grdina. • Katoliški misijonar iz Alaske je zadnje d« povedal časnikarjem, da vera v krščanski p« kel ni nobeno strašilo za Eskime v mrzlih kr» jih na r3veru. Ko jim je misijonar razložil kako vr jče je v tem peklu, so bili Eskimi v« srečni in izrekli željo, da baš tja pridejo, di jim bo vsaj enkrat dovolj toplo in ne boji treba vse večne čase skrbeti za drva ... Misijonarjem zdaj ne kaže drugega, kakordj revidirajo vero v pekel. Za vernike v vroč« pokrajinah — kakršna je Mala Azija, kjeriej« porodila vera v "večni ogenj" — stara vera« drži, ker vedo, kaj vročina pomeni zanje. U ljudi v večnem ledu na severu pa mora biti bal narobe: uveriti jih je treba, da je v peklu v* čen led in mraz sto stopinj pod ničlo ... UP"i da krščanski teologi z lahkoto rešijo U p* blem, saj so najiznajdljivejši ljudje na «vetu. Ali je jod nevaren? Jod je strup in v večjih količinah je tek* zelo škodljiv. V majhnih količinah je £ » potrebuje. Saj ga samo nabira v šiitnm. Cemu potrebuje telo jod, prsv za prs» popolnoma dognano. Medicina pa pomstoi že dolgo kot dobro razkužilo in celo wm mnoge bolezni jo uporablja z uspehom. njem času so dosegli z jodom P°wl,no * * iuspehe proti paradentozi in I*»Pncn'e"J, A Nevarnost, da bi škodili ščitnic, i Mhmm čino joda. je zelo majhna, kajti ugotovhja da se U dodatni jod ne nabira v poln. temveč v drugih organih, ki vsebujejo po— malo joda. Potem ga pa telo ssmo izwa.__ Pred dvajsetimi leti (Iz Proa vete z dne 21. julij« „ />omočc vesli Med P^^uoj* Arizone je mnogo članov SNU. ' » noto pomoči iz taborišča pregnsnciv busu, N. Méx. , ¿al h 0l urada SSPJ. G\ edbor^1^ * članstvu na glasovanje pet „ SK se zviša naročnina dnevnika » r< ^ letno. (2) da ae zviša P™*** * n* v izredni sklad na pet csntj* W ^ plača gl. tajnika za <»> ^ upravitelja glasila za $ 0 i* spremeni točka v pravilih gleoe j nov. ki odidejo v vojno ^^ Svetoma rajna. Nemci so in notranje boje v rusk» armadi močno ofenzivo na ruski front ^ ^ ^ Ruska revolucija. Čete * tlačile revoKo botjlerikov v » ein* ^ f stotine oaeb je bilo aret.ranií ^ zapor. _.__________ MLika^arožna jpniUmrtta 3ržimta -574J Bo. Urt-Ule Ave. mi GLAVNI ODBOR Ckkaco, 11L »...riktal „aderad-M.*..... UPBAVNI OMKKi I .........................•. Lawndale A»«.. OlNM lUioete .SWT A. Unto At«.. Cklcoge. »UMU Uw«I, |IH»>h •MAT Law»4*1« An, Chicago. IBIaela fOUl'RKOSBDNIKIi r.....................hit b. ul to* ...............MIT «. LA« JTtt-itaMk. M-*4 ................M.ïi.L.1 .................?-! •• .........Ml >»mll An, Jaknatawn, Pa. .........U1 S. Utk IM.. Milwaukee. Wit. ............bí»i >17, Strohaae. Pi SUT W. IM Bt.. Cleveland. Ohle .......U« Tedd Bt. U Hall«. 1IL .......Bai U«. Walaa.ki.rg I ratafc*' JÜ»...... »■••••v: Ii. i*** r^.'^i daw** T* dialrlitai » catrtl di-lriktnl T GOBPODAMKI OD8BK1 .........................tU B. II tat Bt, Clereland. Otto ..................MIT B. Lawndale An, Ckk«*. llllaaU ...................SMT 8. Lawndale An.. Chleage. HUaele .......... .......MIT S. Lawndale An.. Chicare, Illlneia .................MI B. PMHrt An, CUiw4m HIB«. ul ......................1MT B. Trumbull An, Chicago, IU. ......................HM B. Lombard An, Bervjra. IB. POROTNI ODBBBl .................................. W. Bm Bt, Springfield. DL 1M1I liéiú An.. Cleveland. Okie ...............b*i it. Aim, Saasas W'-.T"..........................................Ml Taiiar Bt, Lesene. Pn. ......... .........................................Ba« MT. Bt rabane. Pa. Mali......................... NADZORNIODBBKI .Mit B. Lawndale Ava.. Chleage. IlUnoto ........ .M W «atetas Ava, Para, Uli nata .....IUI] Arcada An, Cleveland. OMa Opozarjamo, da te vrstice ■ pazno prečitate! jislu zaključka enajste redne konvencije nafte organizacije »la s 1. julijem v veljavo tudi določba, da v bodoče poslujemo ^ V/t % obrestne mere asesmentne lestvice in ne več po pbt Kjn« do sedaj. To pomeni, da z imenovanim datumom jv veljavo nove določbe zavarovanja za smrtnino in da bodo i tudi novi certifikati za vse tiste člane, ki na novo pristopijo juliju 1937, ali prestopijo iz mladinskega oddelka. ii, ki so »edaj zavarovani v načrtu "A", "B" ali "C", ostanejo ivanem zavarovanju in zanje ni nobenih sprememb, toda na IM ne more nihče več zavarovati v načrtu "A", "B" ali "C", | prestopati iz načrta "A" iz razloga, ker je to zavarovanje za t&ne prenehalo s 1. julijem 1937, kar prosimo, da blagovolijo iti ¿lani in tudi vsi društveni odborniki. Novi kandidati se sprejemajo v načrt "D" in "E" in ravno tako oni, ki pre-iz mladinskega v oddelek odraslih članov, morajo biti vsi novi certifikati prej potrjeni od zavarovalnega komisarja kot so izdani in ker je sedaj ravno čas počit-,aaj bo tu omejeno, da novi certifikati ne bodo izdelani za metali več dni, vsled česar pa ni treba nikomur, ki postane član, ti, če se njegov certifikat nekaj časa zamudi, saj član pritem »se izgubi nikakih pravic. 0 novih certifikatih bomo več orne-|m pojasnili pozneje. F. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik. )Detno zborovanje gl. odbora I (en se uradno naznanja, da | polletno zborovanje celokop-glavnega odbora SNPJ v wn tednu meseca avgusta, ivnem stanu jednote, 2657-Lawndale Ave., Chicago, Prva seja prične v torek, dne »ivgUMta 1937, ob deveti uri »j. uvajo se Člani glavnega od-M se zagotovo udeleže, ker jhoprvo zborovanje novoizvo-odhornikov in prvo celo-gl. odbora po enajsti konvenciji, ki je naložila »u gl. odboru veliko dolžin prepustila važnih pro-v rešitev. VINCENT CAINKAR. gl. predsednik. tEMEMBK PHI DRUŠTVIH ■■ imri junija 19S7 (ha\(,|;s in mkmrkks111p June. 1937 I k, ~ k* No. \ífíAU Stork, c. 87222. r,%ni I'Man lUiU-t. c. KK167; ?" c. 87417; Joseph {•"»•» c 5,3041; John Maref-J» «•■ 7<^r-john RftdM c ¡¡¡JJ nr' • J»hn Ciar vas, c. sopet »prejeti: Martha ■¡¡"Ja. r. ',IM0; Kdward Cha-M"« l>*n«-ul., e. r""»n (iuch, c. 86446; Stibernik, c. 83190; Mik« m71¡ K.ti«. Jerbich, mZ t AnhM Alivojvodlch, c. * Zu %U '' 8t*ye Andrtich, c « J l^rnntr. c. 562. ; "T"! npr*M'- Steve Kr-ihn rH¿¿' K*u Krpan, e. "''L V»irntin Boxovl- 4jr » Im i. . 11«, r j,' e. 42362. I(m„ "»'»ian, c. 8884. Vk ' >pr»>#t: Ludwi« •^V,'/ HTm- Krank »m ,tf iZÄ<Ä5 Josephine » e r Anl4»Bla Mar- a: rj Kvas, «. ^■eis.' m K«»"»k. «. 16771; Hat,, u H""f- 40546 ; 8U-^m i J'' 4 *7,'H4- Umrli : e ¿¡.i V,etor t», *• ¡ hvH, e. 40652. '•mar, t. 20424 L ■ '- TZ\ T ,miapuh. c. S673S. 203 črtan: ftuph«n Svidunovich, e. 82079. *04 Umrla: Barbara Roviiaa, SSSS4. 209 Umrl: Frank Cukamajiter, e. 116SS. 116 črtan is pasimoaU: Stanley »Ars, C. 86413. . * PROSVITÄ Dr. It Lodfs No. 218 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Jowph Tomich, c. 48845; V«ra Tomich, «. 37211. 224 Črtan: Tom Kriin, c. 18603. 233 Črtana: Pauline Rusaell, c. 87667. 234 Črtan: John Mohorko, c. 82738. Umrl: Georg« Dvoriak, c. 39394. 241 Črtan: John Mil«tich, c. 86488. 247 Črtana: Franc«s Oravec, c. 92941. 271 črtan sopet «prejet: G«orge Sti-linovich, c. 77694. Črtani: J«li-ca Shester, e. 80149; Minnie Pa-vich, c. 83066. 276 Črtan: Nick Capuk, c. 83284. 277 Črtana; Julia Culak, c. 93268. 287 Črtana «opet spr«j«ta: Anna Piska, c. 77449. Umrla: Mary Lavrfch, c. 67266. črt 296 Črtan: John K«r«tein, c. 17279. 306 Črtan: William Verhovnik, c. 76906. 311 Črtana: Anna Jepaon, c. 82381. 313 Pasiven sopet «prejet: Andrej Muffarle, c. 38367. 817 Črtana: Eva Skalec, c. 86534. 321 Umrl: John Koslevcar, c. 42668. 344 Črtani: Julijana Zorman, c. 49868; Anton Zorman, c. 30279; John Simone, c. 29764; SUve German, c. 67532. 361 črtan: Miko Kosti«, c. 80624. 371 Črtan: John Butarac, c. 70360. 372 Črtani sopet «prejeti : Frank Mih«vc, c. 63843; Frank Medved, c. 86665; Frank Madvad, c. 39800. Črtani: Jera Kriiman-tH, c. 39871; John Mihevc, c. 44647. Umrla: Marjeta Zalar, c. 39876. 374 črtana sopet sprejeta: Draga Novkovich, «. 87311. 380 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Anna Mil: 1er, c. 40035; Mary Bauman, c*. 40041; Frances Kovalcsyok, c. 40046. Črtana: Agn«s Pesonti-na, c. 65281. 386 Umri: Rudolph Dolenc, c. 26416. 400 črtan zopet sprejet: Andrew L. Snosnik, c. 87134. 406 Črtana : Mary Matijes, c. 49418. 414 črtan: Micha«! Shimela, c. 74587. 422 Črtan: John Tocbi, c. 92038. 425 Črtan sopet sprejet: Matt Magdich, c. 26745. 427 Črtan: Frank Sneider, c. 35022. 432 Črtan : Vaso Barovich, c. 51245. 434 Črtana: Verona Dudas, c. 56773. 440 črtan sopet sprejet: Frank Gu-lasič, c. 69699. Črtana: Annl« Gulesic, c. 60329. 449 Črtani sopet «prejeti: Alfred Krisanic, c. 66533; John Zbasnik, c. 90924. Črtani: John Podgor-nik, c. 64437; Andrew Kurent, c. 36837; Fanny Kurent, c. 86832. 460 črtan sopet sprejet: Anton Ja-nesle, c. 44906. 466 Umri: Pet«r Drakulich, c. 82605. 464 Črtana: Lubica Bijelich, c. 6688«. Umri: Laso Rodich, c. 68666. 472 črtan «opet sprejet: Paul Lade sle, e. 63572. 476 črtan : Bvownie T«p«ic, c. 82197. 486 črtana sopet sprejeta: Mary Chambers, e. 86267. 603 črtan sopet sprejet: Alex Corei san, c. 76611. 616 Umrl: Joseph Kosinich, c. 74080. 636 Črtan zopet sprejet: Mike Misto-vleh, c. 87723. 652 Črtan sopet «prejet: John Mu-draninec, c. 64507. 659 črtan sopet sprejet: Albert Jur-ca, e. 83171. Črtani: David Bo-stlc, c. 87149; Victor Bostic, c. 87160; Frank Kobal, c. 88824; Frances Kristan, c. 89469f Jo-se phi ne Podbregar, c. 89266; Jennie Hints, c. 83463; John Spolar, c. 66603; Ray A. Olech, c. 89098; Anton J. Trampusch, c. 65010; Anna Rychel, c. 58261; Phyllis Williams, c. 86969; Mary Gregorin, c. 84668; Richard Popovich, c. 78920. 664 Črtan: Rudolph Dodig, e. 87730. 666 Umrla: Amelia Rugelj, e. 73143. 667 Črtan sopet sprejet: Kred Kramsar, c. 83120. 673 Črtana: Anna Gorishe«, e. 90961. 680 Črtan sopet sprejet: Frank So-toshek, e. 38160. 682 Umrl: Matt Katalinic, c. 62006. 683 črtani sopet sprejeti: Anna Suchko, e. 90741; Mike Suchko, c. 90744; George Suchko, e. 90743; Nick Suchko, e. 90970. 684 črtana sopet sprejvat: Justina Tratnik, e. 49078. 690 Črtani sopet sprejeti: John Ya-ko«, e. 68342| France« Rotar, e. 84217; Joaeph Gregorčič, e. 90166. črtan: Frank Zaman, c. 90646. 594 Umrl: SUve Medak, c. 61999. 631 črtani sopet sprejeti: Adam Lo-sik, e. 54996; Anton Skerbinek, e. 89133; Olla Skerbinek, c. 50471; Cheater Gienko, «. 92644; Mary Kovacevic, e. 84196; Anna Burr, «. 87870, ^rnmmmmmmmmm Dr. »t M Lodg« No. . f*-. 6S4 črtana fop«t «prejeta: Clara Resnick, c. 91001. 643 črtan sopet «prejet: Andy Kocjan, c. 91008. 689 črtani : Niek Rukavina, e. 59584; Jennia Zupec, d 70887. 698 črtana: Julija fcagovic, c. 34200. 888 črtani sopet «prejeti: Frances Gorman, c. 74790; Alex Bubin, c. 92078. 700 Črtan: Andiew Mlekush, c. 66739. 709 Črtan «op«t »prejet : John Git-nik, c. 54021. 710 Črtani: Elsia Benchina, c. 80008; Frank Jerman, c. 80006; John Benchina, e. 57030} Ralph B«n-chin, e. 86546. 711 Črtana: Katherina Markovich, e. 57308. 713 črtana sopot «prejeta: Anna Witkovits, c. 88418. 716 Črtani: Richard Kelley, e. 91036; John Barilarich, c. 89166. 719 črtana sopet «prejeta: Katie Ukraden, c. 78830. 723 Črtan: John Muhar, c. 93174. 726 Črtana: Lillian Kimnick, c. 82963. v 728 Črtani: Carl Nagel, e. 90462; . Cari P. Witt, c. 91463; Frank Kewly, c. 91044. 747 Črtani: Anton Žagar, c. 89208; Jo« Žagar, c. 8920U. 749 Črtana; Milil« Hali, c. 71070. 751 črtani: ftmily Smolta, e. 93346; Anna Treli. c. 88360. F. A. gl. ta J.—Su p. Sac'y. NOVOPRI8TOPILI ČLANI NSW asaa DwUh Steh •«m» No. Nssm Oert. rin ovna- m » 1 11 ^f />| Death Rick LMU« Ban» Bene- No. Nsste Gert. rirt fit AOMITTBD JULV I, INT I Anns Bereast ..... . IM44 1 M¡é • ... II Joa Ovar .......... .«MIT •M IM Andró Trudan ..... .MIM 1.000 l.M U Joa BodalM ....... .MITI •M l.M •t Mary Habotln .....i .11171 400 l.M H tañíala v a Stroj ... . M471 M0 l.M SI Vida Baila........ .IM7 4 IM l.M 4S Vir tor Oaapafc ..... 9M76 IM •. i Roaa Oaapah ...... .••»74 1,000 l.M II Cforfo Brodi« ..... M7TI IM IM «4 Jakob K. Yowaa.., .MITI IM l.M 44 Tony Ulapleh ...... .11111 MO l.M TI Mary ttarjack ..... • IMSl IM • i. T4 Kredarlek V. 8«klu«o.lllS4 MO l.M Il Ludwia Chachesi .••4SI MO ... LiUdwte Kamnlkar .••»»7 o («MM MH) 400 ... J An>b K aap« t N Olea Kattclrh .eeaan .MIH too l.M M Karl Wldmar ...., tltll MO l.M Bdward Buaovle . .99991 100 l.M IT Law ranea H. Ssaak .•MM MO l.M 111 John J. Clarl • MIM I.MO l.M lil Edward A. Kupea ,, 99991 IM l.M IM Norm» Kar Janato .. Stn 100 l.M 114 John VartaJ» ..... irai I.0M IM Ill Msrvsrat lian tear , •I7M MO IM 141 John Boaman ..... •1704 400 l.M 1M Paulina V loh le h .99199 MO l.M 114 Caroline Kaahar .. (•m IM l.M IM Halan Sehaepek \ .111710 MO l.M 111 Katharina i'eeariea. .09711 1.000 l.M M4 Halen Bukovec 1... •IT 14 »0 l.M Ul Lawrence Keternelli I.M71I MO IM Anns Peternell ... aeril IM > l.M ... ... ,, 1 _ ■»». . . MTIT Sli Pil II Ip Wlrevlen .. MW Si, III Betty Cvetoasr ... •m» IM l.M IST Barbara Skof .... •1711 MO l.M IST Loulae «Urkovlrh . •Mit 1,000 •. » t99 Millie Maréeh ■.... M7H IM l.M IIS Asnee Zabfcar .... M7M IM l.M II« Mary Chol le h .... MTIT MO l.M 141 Krank Gonsek •I7M IM l.M 144 Tlllle Chuek ....... M7I« IM l.M MI Anns Bullah .77.7. ¡ •ITH 900 IM 171 Louis UIJon ....... g»« IM IM MI Toay Bronefc IM l.M IM Edward Baace^.i.l ánt IM l.M Helen Koren MTM MO l.M MT John B. Kuohevar .., MTM I.0M l.M 414 Annie Oorsa» ..... •1741 IM ,,, 4M Joaeph l'srkovlc ,, •M4I MO l.M 491 John i. KrNer ..., .99149 SM IB 4T7 Paulina Hubnl« ... MT44 SM l.M 4*0 Mary Triller ...... •IT 41 IM "D" MI Barbara A. Boreœnl MT4T Mo l.M Angeline Dollar ,., MTM IM IM M4 Tlllle Podohnlkar .. MTM MO Jo« Wierfelekl erisi IM MI Chrletlne Orom MTM 900 IM MI Helen Mahntah ..... •ITTI I.SM l.M M4 Joe Kimlaao ;....., MT*4 M« IM SM Miahael l'ahanlab MTM IM im IM Krank .......... •tTM MO IM 4M Barbara KOUr .... U7M MO l.M 990 Mary Wyatsk ...... 9Š194 MO IM Tli Kaleh J. Bere ..... 9*199 1.M0 l.M Krank M. Haner .. 99191 I.MO IM MIho C. Surik ..... MTM MO ... Mareare« Vkhleh ,.. MTM MO IM TM Joeeeh V. Zelnik ... 99119 MO IM TM Peter Horvat ..... MTT4 MO IM ADMITTSIl JUNK I. HIT T William BratAiHrleh II Huilr Putoenlli M P»ul Urah MIT« M Emil Bwalafcl ...,.,H4B« M Jmmph Hrt* ........NSII II J—mk Tur« ......... An» BorUah ........ S* Mu DuMm .......»MH III lUey L. BotMl, lit P»«lln« Zaear , IM Krank Bar M ........Hin ITI ('Karlaa I'evMi .....HTM HT Martha K«***k ,...9919$ IN itmtpkirnm »lammt ,,.,MT|I 14« Lo«a Velleaa ......«ITII S»4 Mareará Oar «rak ..99199 ISt Jada Bala* .........MTtl IM Anna Malera* ......991U 141 Tom» Baslall ......,991 f <14 Olea fliae»»»— 41« IUdge No, Drult. It. 8—Frank Zupantit, 815. 30-Louis Preslan, 880; Anton Murtmc, 916. 47—Mary Mol«, 87.02; Frank Mol«, 86 66. 62 -Mihael Zunich, 810. 66—Andrew Okrogli«, $80. 107— Angela Kos, 926. 110- Frances Skrbeč, 826. - 168- Simon Kangler, |26. 230—John Jereb, $16. 281—Jacob Baloh, 816. 421 -John Zupan, 915. 427 Frank černuta, 925. 434 Simon Udovich, 916. 601 John Delost, 97-62. 618- Frank Iganc, 910.92; Martin Blatnik, 916; Fred Shuster, 9318. S Um J« dnevni red Irtrpan In predsednik sakljuti sejo ob 6. pop. VINCENT CAINKAR, F. A. VIDER, gl. predsednik. gl. Ujnik. 199 1.99 199 "U" 199 I«« "O" I ... I IN loe ice im ZAPISNIK KKMKKUTIVNK HKJK s dne 14. julija l»S7 Predseilnik otvori a«jo gl. isvrlneira odbora ob «ni uri popoldoe. Navsgovor gl«de stalnega oglasa in primerne c«ne, Nadalje se tiU pismo klovvlandsk« federacij« drulUv SNPJ, v katerem prosijo sa finantno pomot sa atlstitn« aktivnosti tamotnjih mladinskih drulUv.—Dovoljono 9160. Odobr«no je nadalje, da se ds oglss v Amerltki dru-linskl koledar sa leto 1988, sa katerega prosi uprava, in sicer v velikosti In sa cono kot obitajno vsako l«to. ČIU se pismo dr. It. 63, ki se nanaU na sahtovo br. F. Kendel«, da se mu isplate odškodnina sa pohabljeno roko.--Sklenjeno, da s« ga obvesti, da sa mora dati sdravnilko pr«iskati in vpollj* naj r«dno prolnjo sa od-tkodnino. Prodlolena je proinja «ostre Klisabete Slogar od dr. It. 98. Bila Je operirana, a v smislu pravil ni uprfVite-na do op«racijske odlkodnine.—Dovoljeno 910. Nadalje Je odobrena proinja br. J. Volka ia Isredno podporo v snesku 910, ki Je bil operiran In v smislu pravil ni upravlten do oporacljak« odlkodnine. OiU. se protnja br. J. Zalsrjs od dr. It. 104, ki j« lo; doliro bolan in teli odpravnino ii bolnilkega sklada.-*»! Odobreno. » ' •« i< » i|f Nadalje protnja br. M. Korgestalna od d». 118, ki ju neosdravljivo bolan In Uli, da s« utu ispla^a odpravnina Is bolnilkega sklada,—Sklenjeno, da se isplate. Istolako Je odobrena protnja br. A. Panicha od dr. It. 177 sa odpravnino Is bolnilkega Sklada. 4 čita se pismo Ujnika Slovanskih podpornih organlaa* Sij, v katerem |H>rote, da se bo vkratkem vrlilo njih sbordvsnje in d« Je tudi SNPJ vabljena, da polije svoj« sastopnlke.—S« vsam« na snsnj«. Nsto br, gl. tajnik in blagajnik poroteU o resulUtu seje odbor« ss protekeljo lastnikov bondov Central Texas Telephone Co., kaUrlh tudi JednoU nekaj poseduj«, ksUr« sta s« ude let Ha.—Porotilo s« vsam« na snanje. Nsto so odobrene U siedete proinja sa posojilo sa asesment: Applirsllons for l* •M Citarles Naahrwl . ..99199 4M 1 OS IM Joeeeh Yermen ,, .. «MIT IM" IM «41 Krane Maulla .... ..MTM SM IM IT» Mary Sab« ..... MTSf IM 1 M MT Tlllle Kl««* .. eiTM Mo TM Mary Malkuvlrb . , e«TTi M« 1 M Vleiwria Zalakar , ,, eiTTi MO Margaret Poaaiek .. MTTI M« 1 OS APMITTBÜ MAV 1. MIT M Theodore Mnalna . 99911 •M IM Mary Broa ...... .. 99919 M« 1 M IM Keenb Pinta« ... MTM IM 1 M IT» Km Ii Usmjsa—nh , MHS leo 4m Batbrya JaaeU .. .. »tTM M« 1 M IM Haar let le Jara« . 99149 M* 1 M «M Baee Paoyao ,. MTM «M "0" AMiirrsi» Apen. t. IMT IM P«ote! Videeaar . ..MTM MM 1 M aomittbi» w toaae 1. IMS ITT WarhoM» . „ MTM Ms 1 M S. A. V Ka». «I ft-* 4Ue Saa'i l'imUétn faAUl é/nrga «Imlreljevaaja Umome. Apam4eca t provinci Uasài. 8LOVKNSK A NAAf#á#NA fODPOB-NA IIDNOTA t adela «v«J« pobUkaclJ« la «• paaat-sa Bal Praoveia sa kartell, tar H-ireUse egttarije «v«HS 4r«AUv »« HssSti U sa prepagaada eve)ia I* d«J. NMUkar pa ae sa prspssaade irifib nipsraili «rgeaUaKJ. Vea ka argaaésa«4Ja Ima stiltejaa ac«M Taraj agttaiavtfal Sapéai Is dragtfc iiifimS argaal s«, ta «6f Is «BS draSUe Bs| «a sa paMJaU 'ISI Preevsla. _______ TISKARNA S.N.P.J. SPREJEMA VBA v tiskarsko obrt spadajoča dela t'Isks vabila za veaelica In ahoda, vlzitnica, časnlks, knjlfa, koledarje, leUke Itd. v alovensksm, hrvstjkem, slovaAksm, ¿aékem, nemlkem, snglolkem jesiku in drtjffh • ■ ■ ■ ' vomrrvo tihkahnk apkijka na ri.ANrrvo h.n.i»jn da tihkovink naroča v h VOJ i tjhkamni Vas poJaeaiU daje vadetvo tlakarse.—Cene smerna, ualjake dele prve Pilit« p9 informacija sa aaalev SNPJ PRINTERY 1817-19 so. lawndalc avbnut (iikago. i u- Tel lUckeell 4964 Ali sU le naročili Prosveto la MladlaakI list avajenia prljaU-Ija ali eonrlalka v domovino? Te ja edini dar trajas vrednosti, ki ga M «al denar lahko poAl jete svojce« v PAGE SIX Keystonians Celebrate 10th Anniversary Sat & Sun. July 24 & 25 For Member9 of Slovene National Bane fit Society and America* Comments On This and That By IVAN MOLfEK, Editor IIERMINIE, PA.—In commemoration of th« 10th anniversary of the SNPJ Keystonians Lodge 613, a mam. moth two-day celebration will take place Saturday and Sunday, July 34 and 25. Th« Keystonians' Ijodge ws* organised when th« English Hj»«-ak-ing Movement in our organisation was in ita pioneer development. It 1« th« second English Speaking Lodge organised in Pennsylvania, that waa back in the year of mi, since that time tjie Keystonian Lodge, with iU mere handful of member* ha* grown into one of the largest English Speaking Ixtdgcs in Pennsylvania. Through* out th« year« it has been active within -the HNI'J ranks by sponsoring social events und attending those h« Id by sister I/idges, overcoming ail problems in Its path, and consequently It has gained the success that it now enjoys within the gnat SNI'J family. To hold thin prestige the Keystonians are again coming forth by sponsoring the 10th anniversary. The following is a partial description of the events that will take place. Dance Kalurday. July 24 To begin this groat celebration a dance is being sponsored Saturday nit«, July 24, at th« Slovene hall, liar-minie, I'a., at M p. m> - Once again old friends will be united, new friends will be made so those of you who have never attended one of the Key-stonian affair«, let us show you an evening's entertainment you will long remember. It 1« the aim of the Keystonians to have a record-breaking attendance of HNI'J lodges. A Urge delicious cake baked by one of our fair Keystonian members will be given away to a fortunate couple at 11 p. m, by Judges chosen from distant lodges. Refreshment«, including that amh«r fluid, can b« had throughout the ea-tire evening. If arrangement« can be made souvenir« will b« available both Saturday and Sunday. So be with us this day, because llerminie shall be the center of attratcion for the week-end. Pleats Sunday, July 36 Those of you who cannot attend the dance, we have arranged a picnic and outing which will be held at the OLD FAIR ({ROUNDS, lliTininie, Pa. The first event will be a mushball game between the SNPJ Pioneers of Strabane and the Comets of Universal. members of the Western Pa. Fed. Judging from the Pioneer«' attitude towards th« fighting Com«ts, a very interesting and exciting game will tekr place. The Pioneers have already served notice to the Comets that they are out to give them a real trimming, so Comet«, why not give them a surprise? The gas»« will promptly begin at 1:80 p. m. (E.S.T.) So be ther« and «a« the Pioneer« try to live up to their boast. AfUr the game both teams will be rush«d off to a dinner prepared by Mrs. Paul/Andy and Mr«. William Kranits, both member« of our lodge. Then the dancing on the large out-dor pavilion will be open to the crowd. The swing tunes and old folk danoas will be furnished by the popular Martin Serro and his radio artist«. You request them and they will swing th«m. Those of you who have seen and heard them know that th«y can not be «quailed. For you that haven't, we have a pleasant surprise in store for you. Amateur Program Exactly at 5:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) the amateur program will be under way. All those who wish to take part in this amateur contest please notify Martin Serro for application forms at once. Forms must be filled out in advanc«, no applications will be accepted on the grounds, due to the plans of the committee in charge, to avoid misunderstandings and delays, I have been a«ked to make this request. The program will be heard over the entire grounds through a large new P. A. system. Ten dollars in cash prixe awards will be given to the winner«. Our popular member, Rudolph Zornik, will he the honored Master of Ceremonies. Concession»—Refreshments— Miscellaneous Through arrangements made by the committee the Zellers Concessions Co. will have on the grounds all day a shooting gallery, country store wheel, novelties, games and amusements of hII kinds. Refreshments will be served from thre« large stands all day. . . Keystonians' 10th Anniversary souvenir* will be available. . . Free park ing space will be «vailable for 10qp cars . . . distant lodges traveling to our affair, please take notice. . ■ Travel via Lincoln Highway U. 8. Route 30 to Irwin, Pa., and there inquire for road to llerminie, which will be marked for your convenience. All who wish to spend both days with us, please write to me at once so that I can arrange sleepfng quarters. In conclusion I again invite you all to attend our affair. JOSEPH HATIS, Chairman. ANNUAL PIONEER PRIZE AND JUVENILE PICNIC, JULY 25 CHICAGO.- Once again the Pioneers are hsppy to announce their outstanding affair of the season the Annual Juvrnib ami /Vice Pirnir to lie held Sumlay, July |4, ml SUr-tin»»'s ffrrf (¡«I, Grose, 97!k and Arrher. tj This yearly undertaking of the Pioneers has heco|m< a widely known and anticipated event among the Chicago SNPJ memlters and neighboring lodge«. This year's picnic will lie no evrcption for It will meet with all your expectation. The Committee has been hard at work securing prist»« ami «-onvmiencr* for the many SN I'Jers ami fri.-o.lt who will attend thr affair. Pritrt Irrtt Two gate prlars suit of clothes |o the gentlemen and a tailor inadr so t for the lady hold ing the lucky numbers. Your ad-miaaion ticket will entitle you to this priae; however, you must he preterm at the drawing in order to be eligiU. to receive it. Also, prises to all win-ners of contacts. Jma th« merriment of the contestants and SSSSre Veroniant' Anniversary Picnic VP.RONA, PA.— The Vsrsalsna* l>odge F.ighth Annivei«ary picnic will be held on Sunday, July 26, st Oak-dale Gardens Is Hermarvtlle. The picnic will begin at t «'clock Is the afternoon with polka msaie Wing the main feature. At 7 M p. m. Jimmy Kahula and hi* well-know« orehe.tra wilt take over the dsoee program playing until II :3S. Admission to be Uk. Refreshment* will be plentiful. So come ta "The Picnic." CATHERINE XOIJCT a prise. And to the children -It'« your big day for fun and* frolic. (Jet in the (¡rand March and free ticket« for refreshments will Iw given you. Then enter the novelty races and gtimes arranged ami vie for the hon-ors and priaea. Serial! Special! Something en-tlrely new will take place in our kitchen where we'll have "The Pie-nrrr Ckeft,m who prefer to have name« withheld, Instead of the customary woman working Iwhind the counters, five men have graciously consented to relieve the ladies from their tasks of eooki.ig over a hot stove all «lay. They will conduct all cooking and serving and allow no ladies to help (altho "Ufty" as an afterthought thinks a couple would • ome .n handy for dishwashing). These chefs, we are told confidental* ly, can really prepare delirious sandwiches ami hot coffee. CUime ami «e« who these "Pioneer Chefs" ars— you'll know them tweause they 11 he attired is spoil«»« whit« costume« sml hata. The liar also reporta something different "Piaueer Sprcinr % new drink to be served for the first time. Members who have already sampled this special miiture of beverage« report that It's Invigorating, sparkling and refreshing. Guaranteed U> quench thirst. In fact, they say K'« worth a trip to Willow Spring« Jsst to get taste of it. Dance music will he furnished by one of the favontos, SUt* Pmllm asd his nuhrttra ami »ill I* pUy«| f, 7 to II p. as. In the afternoon sn accordionist will provide the iseaic. Ride in comfort. Hm service Is and from the Grove is scheduled as fallows i Young American News ^ DETROIT. MICH.—At lsst, with s little action from the SNPJ Athletic Hoard the Young American and the Wolvsrin«« will play for the City and State Championship of the SNPJ. The game takss place Saturday, July, 24, at 3 p. m. st ?ord'e fi«ld, Oakland ave., near Six Mile road. Thi« game ha« been waitsd for by many followers of both teams, and without s doubt, should b« very interesting and hers'« hoping ths better team wina and whoever it 4s, will have ths backing of the whole Detroit in th«ir quest of th« National Championship, On Sunday, July 26, at 10 a. m. and again at Ford's fl«ld, the Detroit Champions play th« Pennsylvania Champs and from then on play at the Young Amarican-Wolvarina Invitational Tournament which ii being held on that day. Picnic ground« are, located 4 miles south of Michigan av«. off Telegraph rd. Watch tha arrows and they'll lead you directly to the park. The minutes of tha National SNPJ Athlotic Board hav« created much diasatisfaction in ragarda to membership. While no one disputes that there should b« some form of ruling in this rogards, we believe thrse month ruling would have be«n sufficient, and al«o the«« rules should have been adopted a long time ago and not on the eve of the National Tournament. It «eem« unfair not only to one team but to all in general to have these rule« thruit st them st the lait moment when thi« board ha« been in existence for several year* and have never taken any action in any regards in any form. During the National SNPJ Bowl-ing Tournament there was not one word of advice given our Committee as to eligibility and I dare aay that at laait one per«on won both cash and throphy at this affair who had not been a member for six months. Why didn't tha Athletic Board set up rules for this affairT Why did the Athletic Board not adopt baseball rules at least «lx month« ago? Why did the Athletic Board «xp«ct each lodge to have its teams play ball in a different state on only 10 days notice7 How doaa the SNPJ Athletic Board expect a lodge to get new member« when to date they have had no official rules? Why did th« Athletic Board adopt the National Softball Rules ami then contradict them-aelves and make new ones which are a direct violation to the official rulea7 These are only a few questions which we (the Young Americana and Wolverines) would lika to have an«wered. RAYMOND TRAVNIK, President, Ixtdga 664 How Long Will tha Workers Suffer from the Partiality of the Authorities? Every strike is a war. It is either a passive or an active, bloody war. Most of the strikes in this country so far have been of a violent nature because the employers 4o not wgntpassive, peaceful strikes. The employers want to crush every strike quickly and long ago they acquired the habit of employing either their own private thugs or public armed forces—usually they have both— to make a quick finisli of the conflict. This being so, it is small wonder the workers involved in a strike cannot view the coming of police or troop* without concern, fhe police or militia, having been so often prejudiced against struggling workers, are also accustomed to view the strikers with hostility. The strikes are usually effective Is long as ther are not interfered with from the public autltifritfes. But this interference usually takes place in order to safeguard the law and order, *nd this "law and order" procedure always works havoc with the workers. The law and order slogan is all right when and where applied impartially, but when and where the law and order (and protection) is all on the side of the employers and none on the side of the strikers—don't call this democracy! A government of a democracy, when intervening in the interests of peace and order, should treat both sides alike and protect the strikers as well as the property. Both should have the same rights in a democracy. Workers in a democracy will hot give up their right to «trike. No government should demand this surrender of labor unless it wants to degrade the people by dictatorship. Neither will any enlightened, liberal government, city or state, act as a strikebreaking agency for the employing class. The right to strike—until it is necessary—must stand. The only way out in a democracy is for the government to be strictly neutral in all conflicts between capital and labor. The government must see to it (1) that there is no strike unless the majority of workers at a given place of work is for it; (2) that every operation of such a place ceases completely until the strike Is settled, and (3) that no force or any kind of coercion is used by either side., • This should be the only business of a public authority in any strike, and such business should be given to the authorities by federal legislations The labor unions, supporting democracy, should demand such neutrality on the part of local, state, and federal government, and, to balance it effectively, they should obligate themselves to act always democratically, to respect the will of the majority. This will'tend to eliminate violence in labor struggles, and help to develop the processes of democracy in industry and commerce. Y. A. - W. Second H Invitational Toumamei Young American-Wolverine Yearly Event Feature Ball Games and Dance at Tp* Park, Sunday, July 25 DETROIT.—A mare few day«^ r«- be In Detroit July 25. Does our ... --- ' ~* ory serve us correctly, Brother, saia, Godina, Bolka, Lotrich «a others 7 It i« our aincerc hope u of you will round up your '"n, ter a bus, private cars or «ay moans of transportation tad < Detroit. "Joy" and "Smile,," note your promise of a visit to i in tha near future. July 25 *0 a most appropriate date. We assure all of you an en enjoyable time in Detroit, have no better opportunity new friends and meet old friendal at this spectacular event, never forget the Young Wolverine hospitality. Wa reiterate, COME TO D1 TO THE SECOND ANNUAL TATIONAL TOURNAMENT spend one extraordinary happy eventful day with us. W« will be looking for you it I Tymochko Park Sunday, July It. ANN RAUNIKAR, Lodge i mala until ths big day, namely, THE YOUNG AMERICAN - WOLVERINE SECOND ANNUAL INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT to be hsld under tha tuspieec of the Wolverine and Young American Lodges. - HP-------- 5- -—1 As stated in previous articles, this annual event wjll be hsld JULY 16 AT TYMOCHKO PARK ON WICK ] LOAD, EAST OP TELEGRAPH RdAD (definite directions will be posted on ths route to ths park), with ball gamss beginning at 9 a. m. and terminating at approximately 3 p. m. The Werholtz Trio and Osias and His Rhythm Boys hav« bean «elected to furnish their all famous music— the former polka, from 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. and the latter our modern swing time from 4 p. m. to 10 p. m. Tha very beat refreshments will be served. How distinctly w« remember th« numerous promises of many of th« Convention delegates and members in Cleveland that they would positively FLASHES leaving 1. Ivansek'i, Cermak and Wood 11a. nv, 1 p. m. and S p. m. S. Slovene l.sU.r Center, 2301 S l.awndale ll:lft a. in., 1:4ft p. m. and 8:1». 8. Clesro ftsth and Carmak—ll :30 in., !::t0 p. m. snd 3:S0 p. m. Just a word al4»ut .(fir Grove—no doubt most of you ai* familiar with the picnic grounds ai^i know that it 1« within convenient driving di«tance from Chirago. It is a cool, shady grassy grove especially suited for pienica, and this year's weather ha« been especially favorable Is making ths grove beautiful. Rain will not hinder or delay our ansusl affair Juat com,, to MNPJ hall. >667 So l.. ist«* CHICAGO.—Gosh, it sasms like ages sine« we'va b«en on these pages flashing a la Walter Winch«II. Actually, dosans are Inquiring as to the cause and effect. Laden down with so much work that flashes couldn't spark from it Is tha only explanation one can make. Rome wondered if the heat had gotten th« b«st of us or if a wife might have parched on our nock; soma even wondered with whom wa had spatted. All wrong, folks. Nothing, except lack of time, prevented our regular appearance. And now w«*v« got to make up for lost time. • e The first and moat important job before u« is the ANNUAL PRIZE AND JUVENILE PICNIC of tha Pioneer« Sunday, July 36, 1037, at Ster-sinar'« Red Gate Grove, Archer and 07th. Every Pioneer is expected to put in his appearance and all of our numerous frianda hav« been invited to attend. With good weather ws hsve reason to antlcipsta s Isrgs at tendance. And why not7 Isn't this the place where all the good paople congregate? Whsrs, for yssra, our people gathered annually to mast their old acquaintances7 And havent they always returned homo thoroughly satisfied after a moat enjoyable day. out in the open 7 Tiassa era better! You can afford to spend s fsw dimes for a worthy cause and tha Pioneers offer that opportunity ts all of you Sunday • s a As in the past srs will give to every youngster under oon member SS well as member, Sftc worth sf chips with which they can have a lot of fns. Wa pay particular attentlan to tha young people beefcesa they hsve yst to reach our stage to pisy ths drama of Hfs. We want to influence them and h«lp them aeeure ths true slant on things as thee are. And srs are firmly convinced that on« way srs can gat them to go slong with us la to gain their confidence; to «how them real «rail performed acta; to show them big and enjejrable things. That la osr sim in giving away from 300 to S00 quarter« each yesr. It's a esrvlee to our lodge, our Society and to ths progressive ideals, and We are net afraid to say so. Juat how many prises we ars going to hava at this picnic is hard to say just yet. Our prise lists of ths psst show about 76 big prises given to worthy participants who utilise their ability or their skill to win. We'va combined the prise idea with the juvenile idea because they go together so well. Young people want to play. Whan they play they want to win. Wa offer them both opportunities. The main prises, too, are different this year. A suit of clothas for some man and a tailored outfit for soms happy woman. To win elthsr of the«e two suits, you must be present when your name is csllsd. A suit of clothes shouldn't be so hsrd to tske. • • e With Stave Palla's orchestra doing its bidding for the dancers that * partment will be well taken care of. Races, games, and novelty stunts and tha children's grand march wiU occupy the time for the afternoon. Match games on tha ballina courts are common even at our picnica, too. Tha athletes say that one good ball gama Is certain and that should warm up the ball fans. But that isn't sll you coma to the picnic for. Other things and other persons will be there to amuse and receive you. s • • _ Note thla: Buses will leave from Ivsnaek'a, Cermak and Wood, st 11 s. m., 1 p. m. snd 3 p. m. They wiU atop st tha Slovene Labor Cantor 8301 S. Lawndale, at 11:16 S. m., 1:16 p. m. and 3:16 p. m. They will a too make a stop at Austin blvd. and Cermak rd. at 11 60 a. m., 1:30 p. m. I 3:60 p. m These buses ars ascsrsd especially for the convenience of thoaa who do not haVe ears Ws ask that you ssska good use of them. Thus ws else Ids ted only some of ths importsnt parts of tha picnic. Everything slae not mentioned will be taken ears sf as always. e e e Editor's Iii» •AN FRANCISCO. CALIF . A. J •Ths by-laws ivfdn Signatare DETROIT, MICH.. M K. ileal directions ia at her articlaa. Tha next item on today's listing is the report of th« Jsly 1« meet Inf Though tha attendance was small the weather hat, w« did hsaiaaaa including th« initiation three mv members snd ths aseepU of ana transferred member.—Our total activa asembershlp is still SV« sf which I IT are javsnilea. At ent we hsvs 41 members in and 31 in class B. Mare see making Inqslry «boot thSae elasa«« and will b^H farms aa tha I Solicit Your Fritndt SNPJ MeUenhip WEDNESDAY, JULYM COLLIN WOOD, O.—Now that the aummsr ssason ia in full swing, ws hsvs dseidsd to hold sn outing en Sunday, August 8, at Laurie's farm in Unionville, Ohio. On a dark and stormy nits ths Stragglers'" Entertainment Committee held a meeting snd hsrs srs ths rssulte: It's going to bs a Bsskst Picnic (or if you prefer, yos can bay a chicken dinner within the immediate vicinity) with plenty of drinks. By that I mean ust oodles snd oodlss of beer snd pop (for ths ladies), all kinds of games and contests. Your scribe has been delegated to take care of the prises (yes, indeed! there are going to be ten prises for the ladie« and ten prises for the men). And with the assistance of our Proxy I am sure this is going to be s grsnd and glorious event in the history of the Stragglers. The most eventful scene of the day will be a baseball game between the Straggler Lads and the Straggler Lassies (how about it, girla7). Last year's outing will never be forgotten, the egg throwing contest kept the crowd in an uproar— we must have one this year! To all outsiders the price of admission will be fifty cents (providing, of course, you bring your own lunch— this fifty cents includes all the be*r and pop you oan drink) and you have the privilege of entering all the con teste, and have tha distinction of i future Straggler msmbsr—we ars surs that you will have a good time! We are all to msst st the Slovene Workmen's Home, 16336 Waterloo rd . at 7:30 a. m. If you srish to go and hava no moans ef getting there, plassa gat in touch with elthsr your «crib« or John Lokar, 16409 Huntmsre av«., at your ssrliest convenience, snd we will arrange transportation for you but plssse 1st us know ss soon as possible so we can make definite plans Lest I forget, sll Strunien I admitted frae of chsrge, sad into I capable hand« ef our tmaurer, a other than Brother Jee Zsbuta goes tha job of handling all Badgeriand News MILWAUKEE, WIS. — Badger masting ws« pretty wall attended snd four now members wets initiated, namely—Mary and Otgn Lanka, Fiancee and Henry Cukjatl. Welcome to our ranks. Also foe ear prospective members: initiation is now frea and alao medicol examination. So cams you msmbsrs, snd bring Is a Ws hsvs now already passed our 3S4 mark, with 334 msmbsrs, to bs exact. What do yon aay, wa make tee before the year ia ent7l Daily BngHafc Page Tha Badgsr« aa a whole wholeheartedly endorse tha English dally page fse sny and all disenaaton«, litkslly or otherwiss. So en with th« dslly English page. Owing Event« Lodge "Bled" Invito« all to coma to Army Lake an Sanday, Aug. 8. What da you aay, gang? Let'« ge. On Sat., Aug St. tha Badgsrs' Athletic Clsb will sponsor a Moonlight Picnic st s*r».t r.'i Grave fsr ths bsn-aftt sf tlae Athistk Clsb. SNPJ Labor day Is net far sff, as be prepared to eoaae from far near, and ws win shew yea tha tnae Milwsskae hospitality. All tha« came and intend to «toy far a th« sail hp*—Alter* Sefere ar after Labor day. plasaa aeti- r before they can be leeued, end since this Is the Use we mention here thet the new certificates will peefc-■iii be completed for about a month or mere, but however. If j *ad! Alter almost t years, tee! „ember does not receive his certificete immediately, he need «»»* & Ssptomber. * y for he is insured regardleee, If there is e deley la receiv-new certifieste sa already specified above. Later on more Ition shall be given concerning the new types of certificates. F. A. VIDER, Supreme Sec'y. Jolly Allis Lodge 686 i w 1 ALUS, WIS.—Last Wednes-■tbs meeting, we had on at Muskego lake. Everything fine, Until the rain came on. refreshments galore, and all the it could have gone places, but b* satisfied with being indora, we did get the opportunity boat riding for a while, even we had to use a board for a It was fun, until we almoat lught in the middle of the lake it began to rain. To top It off, id music furnished by Frank , We even intended to have a How roast, but seeing that could'be had, it was just the who had the biggest pawa, ate them the way they were. _ all we atill had fun. We alao visitors from the Badgers, Frsn-(i la van ami Frances Zagar. Then 'way down south we had the of having Alice Vole with ua. here on a vacation and ataying the Yersios. (Tbey always gat breaks.) We also had a young who, by the way, is a Mohawk iber from Ls Salle, 111. I haven't la to get her name, inir of vacstiona, Slater Mae Is (pending hera up north, some* in Minnesota; Sister Mary ir is going to spend here «erne»-down south. Here's hbping you enjoy yourselves, «ball is in the air. Well, the up to date have suffered but one t. and that was at the handa of Badfm. Having the aituation hand the boys looked like cham-but after holding them score-r 6 innings they faltered and tore lost a to 4. Thia defeat, *r, put a spark in the team, and Hthey Will be hard to beat. I»)'» really mean buaineaa. We Uttle Forts this coming Sun-at Waukegan. Why not take a do»n there and give the boya a With s little co-operation and ckaerlng from you ardent Jolly f»ni, the boys should go places, you probably all know, Sister nne Podergois had an opera-Mi long ago. She is coming "i great style and is resting at Why not go over and see ay the bom«, fheer her up a bit; it'll do her Katie, here's hoping a speedy pry. » "as told th^t Sister Marge »ho iH Up ia getting Vny aoud, Uk>, after an illneaa »Mm*. That's awell, and we B VP* that you may oome down and P"» • visit .„on. We'll be glad to you. ,At our '•»t meeting It waa atoted that s surprise wsa to be made of some kind, as a way for entertainment for the members. That, my dear folks, shall be accomplished. Addle and I have it all doped out. Wow, is it n honey. So be on hand and take part on this occasion. Then, too, we are initiating two new members into the lodge. Both of them are boys. 80 all you lonesome girls, here's your chance to make a new hit That brings us to the most important topic of the week, and will be for a while. Yes,,sir, that's it. That of the Labor day affair which is to be held right here in Milwaukee. As you all know, this big SNPJ event that Milwaukee has the honor of having this year is nearing us day by day. The committee has been working day after day, and holding meetings regularly just so they csn make It an affair that you will never forget. Getting things together and preparing something like this is no easy mat-tor. With your co-operation we should make thia ths best SNPJ dsy we ever had. So make your plans now, and attend this doing. There are numerous reasons why you should attend. Not only for the fact of entertaining yourselves, but to meet old acquaintances as well as new, and make it eeme eert> of a reunion day for everyone. This affair, as you all should know, should promote s better feeling among the members of this great organisation. We hold these affaira each year to promote good will and fellowahip among the membera of the society. Start making your plans now and come to this annual event. Maybe some of you plan to come a week in advance and make a vacation out of R. Well, If any of you would like to stay a week, then all you have to do is to write to Bro. Adolph Yer-sin whose address is 1129 South 62nd street, West Allis, Wisconsin. (Well, Addie, here's where the girls give you some ton mail.) The boys have to play today (July 18). They meet the Integrity team here in our own town. They, by the way, are here to entertain themselves at our picnic. If we lose, we have only our manager to blame. Yes, sir, he took us tor a ten mile walk last night, and that was around eleven o'clock. What do you think of a fellow like that. Two of the five were composed of the battery of the team. Bart, how could you. That's Bart for you folks. Here's the last, folka, yes, how did you guess it. "Tha'a all, foTcs, tha's all thar' am. fe' thar' hain't no mo'." So long. SNIPPY. Angeles Lodges where they are plan- Ised their namsa (by force) that it is ning on a get-together on Oct 10. really hard to find a real Slovens They are expocting a Supreme Board nemo in Trieste, member to attend their affair. After | After visiting Trieste we went by lengthy discuaalpn It was paaaed that' bua to the little village neatlsd in the we go on record and ask the Supreme hills, where ray grandmother was pa-Board to aend Brother Vider out tu the tiontly waiting for us. Btoffie entertained her cousin Tonie, too, but she waa back in Bessemer before we knew it. My, how's thst for a lot of visitors II The 10th A. D. Committee is to moot at the Valenoheck home, 893 Third at, on Thursday, July 22. This consists of J. Messk, Mstosel, Ap-chak, Znidsrsic, A. and F. Ocepek, Janesh and V. Valencheck. See you there, gang! 1 f' Verona New» VERONA, PA.—-In past yssra it has been customary for the SNPJ Ve-ronians to sponsor a picnic celebrating their Anniversary. In keeping with this practice, this year's Anni-versary Picnic will be held on Sunday, July 25, at the apacloua Oak Hill Picnic Grounds, located in Harmarvillo, Pa. The Committee haa completed ita final arrangementa and will present a program which is expected to aatiafy each and everyone. Its motto has been to make this Anniversary Picnic bigger and better than all the prevl-ous ones. The large and beautiful daaee floor is entirely covered, ho that even if it rains, the picnic will still go on. • We urge you to come and join the Veronians on Sunday, July 26, at the Oak Hill Picnic Grounds, Harmarvills, snd help us celebrate our Anniversary. Good music has been chartered and we promise you plehty of fun. good dancing, and a full day of enjoyment. V. J. Second Annual Invitational Tournament DKTROIT. MICH.—Oh, Happy ing—and rightly eol It Is dlsheart-day I Saturday snd Sunday. July X4 ing, to say the least, to see sn entire and 26. will be the date of the Young aumper's efforts at securing new Ameriuaa-Wolwrlne Second Annuel Invitational Tournament. This year the date will be further enhanced by the fact that the Athletic Board has authorised that this event is also to serve as a district eliminating tourney. The Detroit district ami the N. Y. Peansy district will compete in this tourney with the winner playing Cleveland at some future date to determine which team will go to Milwaukee on Labor day to play the wiener of the MJd«west League for the National SNPJ Sofball Cham-pionahlp. In order to insure interesting, well-played games, theee vital elimination gamea will be played on the eity playground diamonds. Wolverines snd members for the aoclety jeopardised by a casual ruling without any apparent realisation aa to the eventual ronaequenoes. We know thst the Athletic Board can try to juatlfy thia ruling by aay* Ing that It will deprive persona who join the society for only a short pe. rind of a few weeks or months, juat for athlstica, of deriving sny benefits from aueh a membership^ such as paid trips and prlsea. And there really are "floaters" who would take advantage of the society, and join just for what they oould get out of It But all we can say Is thst the society aa a whole does not auffer because of theae temporary members. Buckeyes' Bits OHIO, lA*bKkToN __ |m .. . ■ -"•»»<-»• ■»• u iii ■ saka, the heart grow Z lhl1 ^t»'1 -hould be showered ' effect i •*"«»» upon returning to these I*, we have to con- « the w^kljr ^ (mkr 14T* of a daily Kng- », the IVo.Veta. _Üs?„U " * rr,l,ld ia mere Eg* should it ever me- L ¡Ü. "Ur* ,hat th* various who *»d write rontrlbot# ma. nu^T*;' Urrin« peruse the to .J! T*1 °r ***** enthu. J. * ®f weekly "r>e romes SSMSS at * V^les. th, wHurs of appearing regularly wsajr MNPJ«rs like W.th 9 By Ok If it's true .these scattered throughout the country the daily Kngliah aeetion in the Prosveto should prosper. It's up to the readers to contribute and agitate, thereby making this possibility a reality. This month our members foiled sa sadly on meeting nicht with only a handful making an appearance. And if you knew what you missed! In the first place, aa vice près . SUffie had to carry on in the ebeence of Joe Me-sek. A rare treat, let me Uli you. and ehe almost started off the dey's order In Slovene. Then followed the delktons refreshments. There waa enough food for a small srmy (well, maybe I did exaggerate*, bet It wne all taken eare ef by tke few praaanl. After thet came Use game "4-6-4," which ie very popular with the gang. Semi-Annual Meeting of the Supreme Board Official notice ia hereby given that the semi-annual meeting of the SNPJ Supreme Board will take place in the second week of the month of August, at-the Headquarters of the Society, 2657-59 S. Lawndale Ave., Chica-go, III The first aeaaion wlU ho opened 0« Tuesday, August the 10th, 19.37, at nine o'clock In the morning. Thia to to be the first meeting of the newly elected Supreme Board, and first after the adjournment of the eleventh regular convention which baa left many important problems to this body to aotoe. It ia, therefore, important that all supreme board members attend and every one should manage (0 be present. VINCENT CAINKAR, Supreme President- Pacific coast on a Speaking tow. Wt believe that it would add ntuoh prestige in building: the SNPJ here. We believe that we «!« entitled te auch an affair out here by having at loaat an official as a speaker on the cosst in 10-16 years. 1 Much othsr business wss taken care of at that meeting snd s good dsy of tan wss had by all. - Lodge 604 had ths ssd experience of losing one of Its members, Bro. Stove Medak. He passed away in Arisona, and before the lodge was fully informed of hi* passing, his body was on the way to Washington for funeral. Labor Movement The Labor movement here on the Pacific coast has quite s fight on hand. The rank and file of the or-ganiaationa are on very friendly terms, but the old reactionary leader-ahip of ths different A. F. of L. or-gsnlsations are using all tactics possible under ths sun to disrupt the IJ. Saturday afternoon and the winner^1 money for amrvent regardle«* of the will play the N. Y.-Penney repre- W of T^J* who participate In sentatlve early Sunday morning. thli Th*n ^ ,od*» The seen» will then shift to Ty.' hM min ,n J«'K™ont and moehko Park, Wick rd. n«ar Tide- f0^1^.on* thw* \h* LA SALLK, ILL.—After two years of absenoa tke undersigned will again make an effort to tell you of the Mohawk activities or rather non-aetlvl-tlos. Ths July meeting, waa poorly attended. This wsa perhaps due to the fact thst s Isrge number of members was away on their vacation at this particular time. Those present decided that s wiener rosst is to be held after the next meeting, so everybody should meko It their buainoss to be St the Dom at 7 p. m. sharp on August 12. The Mohawks' Sports Club Is asking sll the members' cooperation In selling drawing tickets. We haven't much tliuc and the money Is needed badly. This bunlnons of athletics In the SNPJ—is It what It should be?TT It was always my opinion to maks this s friendly affair, where members traveling to another town would make new acquaintances and renew old ones. Be not mistaken thst I don't believe In rivalry—not at all. I'm a (Irm believer of strong competition. 1 also think It would be fitting and proper as you eome into a strange town if someone was there to greet you and give you a glad handi— "Glad to see you boys," ete. It Isn't necessary to travel over 100 mliee just to plsy s game of ball. A little hos pltalltiy will go a long way putting this lsague on S higher rating. The Mohswka heve fallen down on their jobs at somo time or other, hut graph, where one or two exhibition games will be played. All you Wolves will bs notified as to when and where theee elimination games are to be played .and we expect you to pass the latormatlon around to everyone you know, and Insist on all the Wolverine rosters to be present to cheer our team on to victory. All preparatory arrangements have been made for the picnic 1 there will be plenty of food, plenty to drink, icecream for the kiddles, music all afternoon snd evening, both the Slovene and English, and plenty of ball games, so there is really no sxcuse for not being present. Therefore, we are expecting to aee all the Detroit Slovenes at Tymochko Park-—Wick rd. near Telegraph on July 26. We heve a beef to make cuncsrn-ing ths Athletic Board's eleg blllty ruling that "any member to play must be a good standing memlter of the SNPJ at leaat stf* m»„th* " Aa we underatand It, the $4000 per year apportioned by the IttilT convention to In» used fur athletics was to be used mainly sa s means of securing inrreaaed memlierslilp., Yet this ruling of the Athletic! Bosrd's wss a ruling of a aoclety, that was smugly satisfied about its membership, and not the ruling of s 1 young, sggreaalve aoclety manifest-1 ly «Interested in forging ahesdl We will have to bf phenomsnal salesmen,' that line too strongly. It la rather indeed, If we hope to use as s selling herd to get new members to Join the point, to a prospective customsr of «oclcty juat for fraternallsmi it Is our society, the Ides thst If he Joins »»»uih •»»♦•r to offer them something our society this summer he will lie also, which they csn receive today, eligible to play ball next summer.' nest year, and then we can teach This last statomsnt may sound like l»>em ihe principles of fraternallsm sheer exaggeration, but by analysing •"»«« we have them In our society. gain. We have only one way in which, P»rhsps not as much as some othera. Labor can safsgusrd the victories which it wins In ^rikes. That way is to use its political strength and power to prevent ths paaaage of anti-labor laws and the election of roas-ttofmry off!e!6T*wt»fw©uld take away these gains at the point of a policeman's gun. It should be the duty of every worker to get acquainted and Join the forces and organise into a union and see that every worker wears a union button. That ia also another way to build our own MNPJ stronger end more solid. FRANK SLABY, Lodge 604. Letters from Abroad TRIBUTE, ITALY, June SO^Oear SNPJ membera and readore:~~After a 22 hour Jaont by r*" across the continent of Europe from Ports ws reached Trteete, Italy. Swltserland, which Is famous for Its scenic won-ie really a wonderland. !6. ' THE JOURNALIST. Federation of S N P J Lodge« of W. Penna I «T; — MOON RUN, PA.—Federst ion of the SNPJ Lodge* of Western Pennsylvania will hold Its quartsrly meeting on July 26 at tke Slovene Home, Wlllork, Ps., at 10 a. m. (dji.t.). All lodgea affiliated with the fédération should havs their delegatos present as this meeting will lie of grast importance. Others Wishing to attend sre welcome. The snnusl picnic will go into full swing Immediately after the meeting. A very rordiat invitation Is extended to all. Since this is our annual picnic we sre looking forward to a large repre-sentatlon from all federated orgeniss-tlona of this sort. Especially the E. S. Federation of Weetorn Pennsylva- Geneva end tke Swiss Alps are scenes w* «fm/è you of s grand time In the good old Rlovene way. Dont forget, be with us on July 26 st Wllloek, Pa. JACOB AMBROZIC, Sec y. local lodge and one of Its worthy members suffer--not the society, And supposing we get six or seven members through athletics, and make an error In judgement on one or two, we are atlll on the right side of the tsipr Using the Wolverine t,odge as sn example, we will attempt to ahow why we believe that thirty days would be sufficient to malte one eligible to participate in the dlatrlrt and final play-offs. We huld our lodge meetings on the first Sunday of each month. We do not start Softball In earnest until the later part of May, which gives us only a few weeks at the most In whieh to oontoct prospective candidates in order to tie able to propose them at our June meeting. Then If the first Sunday of July falls on a holiday, as it did thia year, we are forced to poatpone our meutlng date lo the third Sunduy of the month. Therefore, one can see that we are fared with a difficult task trying to get new membera Into the society even a short U0 days before lodge com|Mtlli<'ona begin. We know that there will lie people who will say that If athlsties are the only rearons these people are joining the society then we don't want that type of member. But we don't want to kid ourselves* along ths ruling one can see that that whet It smounts to. We know that the Immediate reaction on reading thia article will lie for some people to say, "! grettobly, her esploretlon wes in e field in which every attempt was a risk to her life, If It were not for spirits liks Iters, aviation would atlll be s mere dream. If hers wes only a poldiHty stunt, would the same people aay the same thing about the second trio of Roaelan fliers who have elreedy reached the United States Via Ih«' North poleT Or can it he bet don't say It too loud- that we are atlll somewhat afraid to give Mlaa Kerhert her due recognition »• • end one who has achieved whet very few men ever will, to boot? S YOUNG AMERICAN AND WOLVERINE Second Annual Invitational Tournament 25,1M7 S TVMMKQ Mil, m Vtk UU, UA d Mum* • ~ Muele by Swing Time Oreheetre • •¿•MALL OAMC8 AND DANCE ADMISSION: In Atvenee SOe At Píenle Orounëe Sfe r»OSVETA Lodge Letters LODGE 47 HOLDS PICNIC SPRINGPIELD. ILL.~I>idg« 47 la rordtally inviting every one to attend iu picnic Sunday, July 25, at Bra. Prank Kramsar's, 2201 Cincinnati ave. The committee has been working hard to get a full attendance and decided at the laat regular meeting that «very member of this branch la to pay twenty-five cent* (26c) to the branch treasury and in return receive 6 ticket« at the picnic grounda that can be uaed for any purchase they deaire. The Branch Sec'y and Treat, are corresponding with tha committee and will have a list of tha members' names and will check tl off at the picnic. This leaves out only members that are on the alefc list who cannot attend. There will be plenty of refreshments and everything that is needed to make up a good time. All those that havent a car to come In, can take the No, 14 bus and get off at No. Grand ave. We will have transportation for you from there to tha picnic. Hoping to see all member* and their friends at the picnic at 1 p. m. aharp, July 25. Don't forget. COMMITTEE. furniahing a variety of entertainment for those who seek it. And after_________________ working all week ia the extreme heat; ^ * team as wall as many of this vicinity are getting excited about Tha tug-of-war eoatast ia the main attraction and tha winner will receive a beautiful gold trophy. There are at least twenty taama entered up to this time. These teams are taking it serioaaly for they are yetting their men in condition for the htg day. Almost ever/ restaurant in this section MANOR CADETS LODGE MANOR. PA.—-The Msnor Cadete wish to thank tha following lodges for their kind cooperation which they ahowed at our picnic: Comets, Key-stonians, Torches, Flood City, Ramblers, Lodge 78 and all the other members and friends who helped to make thia affair such a success. It sure was good to sse how the commit« tee and all the members worked to make thi« picnic as successful as It was. And we also extend a word of thanks to our orchestra the Bewick-ley Serenadus who played both modern and polkas pieces to please one and all who were dancing. Now the time is approaching rapidly and here we have a committee of seven different lodges working hard for the affair which is to be held on August 22, Ths purpose of this affair ia for us to get better acquainted with our neighboring lodges. And ws do hope that every member of the said Lodges which are to take part in this affair will be present at the oc^kaion. Pub. Committee: LEONA GRAD. MARY BANACH, Lodge 749. of the steel mills, there are many who seek recreation in one form or another. And ao we have the two extremes. Minute stops were made in Unity and Claridge and had time for a quick gaze in Cheswick and Harwich. This was allowed by a two-minute stop in Herminie. Here I received first-hand information on the two-days 10th annl-veraary celebration of the Keystonians. Thia information got me to wondering and a o I am asking the Traveling Bachelors and others to take notice It is known that the Bachelors have attended doings in Sharon, Barberton, Canton, etc. But this is something different. It is a worthwhile celebra tion which would add to the Bachelors'] preatige and to the miles traveled know ypu fellows wouldn't be interested, but there are plenty of nice girls around. Who knows but that a visit in Herminie might cause a reduction in the Bachelors' ranks? I could use what little influence I have and get you a fsw male members for escorts, but if you insist—mind you, if you Insist, I think it would he possible to gat some of the opposite sex. Do we go, Golden Eagles, or must I go alone? I am aura that the favor would be returned at some future time. Anyone wanting to attend, please get in touch with the writer at 167 Trumbull ave. in Girard as soon as possible. (How's that, A.?) Labor News Those who were interested in the steel strlks in Youngstown, will be sorry to hoar that it is over with nothing gained. The CIO waa cooked in ita own stew. Such things as Communistic leaders and calling men out from mills that were already signed, hurt the union plenty. There is a big difference between organising a city of 160,000 and a town of a couple of hundred. Different tactica must he used. Leaders are needed who can get the public opinion on the side of labor. Youngstown is ons place where Communism is not to be mentioned and the union officials have been around long enough to know that. Maybe I can expand the thought more in detail at another writing. The Golden Eagle, with a thrust of his majestic head and with a whirl of his gigantic wings, fliss out of sight and I say, Pare-thee-weU. PRANK REZEK JR., 648. INTEGRITY BROADCAST CHICAGO, ILL.—Once again I'm calling the attention of all Integrity Lodge members to get busy and get a few more new members. It is time to see some more new faces at our meetings. Bro. and Slsten Ray Vopatek are the proud parenta of a baby boy, Ron aid Lee. Good luck!—Sister Ann Ba nich of Uneolnites Is visiting 8istsr Agnes Mejaech, and what a time she ia having on her vacation here. On Sunday, July 26, the Pioneer Lodge holds its picnic at Stersinarfc« Red Gate Grove. As this date is our open date and I and all the members of the I*ioneer ldct> 36 LODGE PICNIC CLARIDGE, PA.—Oar Lodge No. 7, SNPJ, will sponsor a picnic at ths SNH Saturday. July 31, for the benefit of IU treasury. The picnic will start at 4 p. m. Ws cordially invito all members and friends from near and far. Good dance music. ' M. BALOH. of the fraternal organisations such as the Moose, American Legion, Pathfinders, etc. Each team will have six men and it is reported that most of these men will weigh around 200 pounds or more. Now you ean easily see why there is so much interest shown for this grant. The SNPJ Lodges of Gowanda havs slwsys prided themselves in selecting the music for their a/fairs and this yesr is no exception for they have secured Frank Slejko and Vertec orchestra from Cleveland. I am apre it will be a treat just to hear these boys play, let alone dance to their rhythmic music. The admission to the picnic will be 10 cents. Oat of Tew a Yisitera While we have no assurancs as to how many visitors will ha our guest* on July 84 and 26, wa ara happy to announce that wa have aoeommoda-tions for all who eare to eome. Our good frienda from Toronto, Canada, tell us that thay will be hare aa well as others, You ether out-of-towners, how ahogt coming to Gowanda and letting us ahow you what wa call a good time. Remember the data—the 24th and 26th of July and the place, Mentley'a Grove, Gowanda, N. Y. 80, until again, LOUIS KLUCEK, Lodge 728. NOTICB! LATROBK, PA.—The Westmoreland Coantjr Federation of SNPJ Lodges will hold its regular meeting on Sunday, July 26, In the Slovene hall In Herminia, Pa., at 10 o'clock a. m. All dslagates are requested to be present. JOHN FRADEL, President. LODGB 467 GIVES DANCE WINDSOR HEIGHTS. W. VA.-SNPJ Lodge 407 of this city is holding a dance at Rlverview Inn at Short Creek, stata route I, Saturday, July 24. All neighboring lodges and frisnds ara welcome to attend this gala affair. Music will be furnishsd by ths Bergant slaters. So come one, come all next Saturday, July 24. A BOOSTER GOI.DKN P.At*I.KM GIRARD. OHIO After »oartn« hitfh end low. far and wide fer a week or so, the Golden K.»»le» have finali« gathered a little new* and have agreed to remain in one place long enough to *e< it down ia writing STRllGGLBRS (Continued from page 6) present, so It's twelve dollars for ths month of Augustl I do hops that ths wlnnsr will be present on August 4. Come one, come all! Let's have a big attendance tweause the Strugglers are going to town this fall. Will you come? ANNE STRAUSS, Rsc. Sec'y., Lodge 614. SECOND ANNUAL INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT (Continued from page 7) the routcome of any eectional tournaments. Neither Is the article Intended to U sarcastic or rancorous. We are neither by nature or Inclination a "tearer-downer" or destruetionist, but offer the srtlcle purely as a piece of constructive criticism and trust that it will be accepted with the same spirit as U has been profferred. TONY STEEPLER. Wolverine Ixidge 677. Dawn of Liberty Lodge to Celebrate 20th Anniversary lodges .125 and 72« to Hold Huge I'lrnte in Commemeratiea GOWANDA. N. Y.- Only a few' more days to go, then all roads will lead to Mentley's Grove. Here a huge picnic will he held by the Dawn of Lib* rty and Gowanda Roosters l«odges ; in celebration of the twentieth anni-• terasry of the SNPJ Dawn of Liberty I^MlgB 326. I This will be more than just a picnic, It will be a celebration that combines tceiemony with entertainment. There . will be dancini. singing, game* of lapuit* for everyone, ismee of luck and «kill, and a tug.ufwer contest Wlii be the featuie of the day Yea. *ir. folks, the U end 26 of July will' he a red letter dey for Gowanda. t emmttlee Reports The various committee* who are • working herd to make this Gals * arranged and there is nothing being left undone Ktery little detail Is tietng looked into and taken eare of It might be mentioned here t he I the committees havs ben «elected for the >obs best suited them. Some of those men end women have bed yesr» of eapertenee end are capeble of taking rare ef the werk. It is fer this reason that we rah assure yen that everything will run as per »rbedale Tug-ef War White the progrem in Its entirely will fsntute many oetetendlng evento. v veo kraj«, peátaino piafa ase mL—PaUMe nice Moec» Order s naro/iloas. Kane gvane "S TO NIC H." 86. 86. 86. 88 palrev dolge. S rinke......88-66 Keee POLKS ANK K bol) eske. same 61.66 88.66 .86.76 88 palcev dolge, po. ... KeoMAe lepe Isdelnna p«. Wreaths Seríame kamni Klepetam oredj» is Ike pa. Srpi veMki sa hlepet ... Rlhe6al aa repe na dve M etike ro+na havane., Me« the veHke sa trtje okope v at 61.66 M 8IJ6 61.86 herv t*tryihla| M f*i»c I«U West, tV M sat herS ta h6 whet Um peopfe STEPHEN STON1CH . lAMrtaa, Miss. (Continued from page 6) the meeting the nucleus of the Pioneer Glee Club got Ita first ear rehearsal. Oh! how they sang "Sweet Adeline." see Have you heard that: Our old standby, Chaa. Pegorclec. an avowed bachelor. took unto himself a wife, and a Pioneer at that, Ann Ctgantch. a well behaved lady. We wieh them happiness. — A week prior Freeh le Vldegar stepped Into the harness for better or for worse.— I teem bee Tree i eh (formerly Com-pare) ia travelling in northern Min-' neeota With her la the ever alert' Relph M loko. ear juvenile__Jock Ter-1 rek merried a beauUful blonde — Rom Urine*ec will hereafter be known ' as Mrs. Kee.—Angeline Dollar and* F.agewe (iedlae are now ene —Otath*1 wine Uets la back from Arlsena.— Vem lade! Is «»)oav«»ytng In Oitbert. Minn. • S S \ Our sick members are: Lauto» Meh-Nn who le In Werroaville at the Sani-tenam lar 6 rest, Ralph T»»asto;, 8884 8. Ridgewsy ave., John Vogrleh, 2416 S. Troy st.. John Jaeltanks, 1440 N. Leavitt st and Frances Stark, Uni-versity of Illinois Research hospital. —Amelia Eva and Eleanors Kramer have reported wall. • • s Since the laat report of tha Flashes we have lost ons of our most loyal Pionsers, Mary Divjak. It just hurta us to say that she Is not among ths living anymore. She was sver ready to help and promote tha interests of ths Pionssr lodge. In the late years she was vary ill, but kept plugging away in the hopes of rsgalnlng her health. But she succumbed. And we were charged with the painful duty of taking care of her in her last hours on sarth. Ws placed her In charge of nature at the beautiful Woodlawn Memorial Park, 8NPJ Section, where every so often we ean go and pay our respects. Prss. Vlnoent Cainkar, Mary Jugg and yours truly made a«ldresses. • • s Postcardings: From Jeeeph and Minerva Baric. Yellowatone Park. With them are Dltta and Milton Za-vertnlk.—Millie Jakae. Aqua Callente. Mexico.—Anne Getab. Colorado Springs, Colo.—Anne writes of the beauty of that state.—Anne and Leu is Hren. Hot Springs, Ark., on the ostrich farm.—Iggie Jane. Lac Du Flandien, Wis., where he made signs at the Indiana on their reservation. • • • Meetings: — 1—Federation. Thursday, July 88. SNPJ hall. 8— Pioneer Picnic Committee. Friday. July 88. SNPJ hall. It la important that all are present. D. J. LOTRICH. Lodge 668. WEDNESDAY n,TT The following Order of the Day is approved * 1. Call to order 2. Report of credentials committee 8. Motions on urgent matters 4. Reading of minutes of previous session 6. Reading of communications and telegrams 5. Report of convention committees 7. Continuation of order of business 8. Adjournment The time for sessione is set from 9:00 A. M. to 12 00^ from 1:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M., with 10 minutes' rcceM session, upon motion of Bro. Ambrozich. The Rules of Order are accepted as follows: Ralee of Order 1. The body may, by a majority vote, remove the conv« chairman or any other officer of the convention, because or qualification, favoritism, or any other valid reason. 2. All members of the convention must be seated before the to order, and they may leave the place of meeting only upon! mission of the sergeant-at-arms. ^31 8. Whenever any member wishes to speak, he must expr intention by raiaing his hand and the number of his lod must wait for recognition from the chairman and not sp more than 10 minutes at one time. Interrupting another while talking is forbidden. 4. The chairman shall recognize the speakers in the or which they requested the floor; in case of two desiring to at the same time, the chairman ehall decide who shall When debate on any iesue is closed, only those who request floor before the closing of debate may be allowed to speak, new motion is made after the close of debate, the body shall whether discueeion ehall be opened. The motion to ca entire list of speakers after the motion to close debate ar valid only if paesed by a two-thirds majority. There shall debatee on either of theee motions. 5. Speeches on the convention floor shall )>e constructive worthwhile. S. A demand for the order of the day is proper st any however, the person requesting it must speak only upon tha of the day. An urgent or especially important matter in the of a motion takes precedence over all others. 7. Any SNPJ member in good etanding may attend meetinge of the convention; likewise any person to whom convention grants permission. 8. Delegates and Supreme Board members must sttf nd the sione regularly and notify the credential committee of their p ence. This committee ehall report the names of those presen each session. Absence from sessions shall be permissible only valid reasone, decided upon by the convention. The convsn may remove any delegate for habitual abeence, or improper havior, or who worke against the intereets of the Society by h6 ful means. 9. It is the duty of every delegate and Supreme Board Off to attend the sessions of the convention until adjournment member who leaves the convention without permission shall be entitled to hie traveling expeneee and per diems. 10. Any member of the convention body who breaks any of these Rulee of Order ehall firet be given a warning by the ch man; if he repeate, the chairman ehall reprimand him; and i: continues in the offense, the convention shall determine his pun ment. Motion of Bro. Godina is paseed to publieh the minutes of Convention in the daily Proeveta. Motion of Bro. Podboj to contribute the 6um of $100 to T Mooney for hie defense and trials ie passed. SESSION Z-M*y M. Bro. Cainkar calls meeting to order at 2:00 P. M. 286 delegates and Supreme Board members present. Nominations for convention chairman accepted by Broth Petrovich and Godina. Results: Petrovich 187, Godins 64. Nominations for first vice-chairman accepted by Vratan Mocnik, Spiller, and Kumer. Reeults: Vratarich, 68; Mocnik,! Spiller, 46; Kumer, 98. Vratarich withdraws in favor of Kura who is declared first vice-chairman. Nominations for second vice-chairman accepted by, snd rewi Vratarich, 111; Bolka, 29; Kress, 41; Bozich, 31; Trebec. Second balloting on Vratarich and Kress. Results: Vratarn 151; Krese, 76. . Nominations for convention secretary accepted by, end rtm Kosela, 27; Trojar, NOTICB TO MEMBBB8 k as a "Card si S "Memorial" S "Sarfrise Party NeUee," a alai liar ilea la Preaveta. aoCe that all 18. Utri Lotrich, 168; Medveiek, 36; elected convention aecretary. HH^^H IP^B Nomination for by-lawe committee (to elect 9) : Kerte, W Barilar, Mejaech, Paucic, Zavrinik, Unetich, Mrmolya, luw Klun, Modic, Cvetkovich, Tekautz, Krees, Chuchek. Brelih, ^ Alesh, Potokar, Klaneek, Ed. Tomeic, and Tancek. Nominations for committee on investigations. W^ irt complaints (to elect 6) : Latin, Abram. Peternel <886''* Maren, Klaniek, Bezeg, Trebec, Zganjar, Auguetir^ Prevec, nik, Koeich, Perko, Oreskovich, Laharnar, and Bolks. SESSION 3—May 18, A. M. 216 delegates and 19 Supreme Board members present The motion for acceptance of subsection (c) of section f> oi Convention Schedule was rescinded by the necessary m*jo upon motion of Bro. Lokar. Motion of Bro. Bolha secure a sergeant-at-arms who is not a member of the convsn and remunerate him for his services. Motion of Bro. Lotrich is paased to include sll commun.« and telegrams in the minutes of the convention. Motion of Bro. Zaitz is passed to allow full freedom w^ all reporters to the convention regardless of their inclinai^ The results of the voting of the previous session dis« Tekautz, 119; Kreaa, 74; Chuchek, 29; Klsnsek. kovich. 82; Kosela. 82; M. Alesh. 109; Potokar. 94; «v««-". - ^ f 77; Tancek. 79. Elected: Otto Tekautx. Klun, Minus « R Kerte, Louis Mrmolya, J. Potokar, Modic. John Homec. ^ 77; investigations, applicetions. snd ^¿¡¡fi sela. Committee on inveeugauone. appucm«».«•. -T n^t^-sl I members): Latin. 87; Bartel. 50; Abram. 9b. rmm % Maren. 47; Klaniek. 87; Trebec, 84; Angustin. 76. ^ h Zganjar. 28; Pecnik. 61; Preveč, 41; Koaich «7; " ^ harnar, 24; Oreekovlch. 32; Bolka. 7«. Bro Elected: Anton Abram. Louie Perko. Peternel. Tre' - _ irhirjgo). Resolutions committee (6 members): ZajU ^^¡¿/d Molek, 161; Olip.99; Vidmar (270), 71; Kaferk. "j^.k | 40; Ban, 49; Brega nt. 8»; Latin, 45; Durn. tf Klarich, 85; Prpich, 24; Barilar. 47; Spiller w Lovrovtt, 10. Elected: Zaitz. Molek. Olip. rtass I IxHiis Kaferie. XCeeUaeed east we*) and PrU 1«