it,sly n; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 17/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26. 4. 2020 3. Velikonočna Nedelja 3rd Sunday of Easter Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ »Ostani z nami, Gospod!« Tretja od sedmih velikonočnih nedelj postavlja v ospredje dogodek potovanja v Emavs, ki je postal liturgični, glasbeni in literarni simbol (Francois Mauriac posvetil temu evangeliju v delu »Kristusovo življenje«). Vsebino tega srečanja z vstalim Kristusom je Luka prikazal kot partituro v štirih dejanjih. V prvem se na odru prikažeta dva igralca, Jezusova učenca, Kleo-pa in še neznani učenec. »Medtem ko sta se pogovarjala in razpravljala, se jima je približal sam Jezus in hodil z njima. Njune oči pa so bile zadržane, da ga nista spoznala« (Lk 24,15-16). To je jasna prispodoba krize vere, razočaranja, pogovora brez pomena, koristnega le za zapolnitev občutka praznine v srcih, ki je vedno bolj moreča. Vendar se jima pridruži še en popotnik, s katerim razpravljata in v njiju se prižge drobna lučka. Pridemo torej do drugega prizora, v katerem vernik, ki dvomi, še zadnjič izpove vero, žal, že razdvojeno. Tisti Kristus, v katerega so upali in ki je bil »močan človek v besedah in dejanjih«, a je bil njegov konec neuspešen (»Naši duhovniki in naši voditelji so ga križali«), je morda le slepilo žensk (»Prišle so nam povedat, da se jim je prikazal angel«). V pričakovanju prehajamo v tretje dejanje. Neznanec prek Svetega pisma v ritmu korakov, ki vodijo v Emavs, zopet uči verovati. Ob teh Jezusovih besedah srca učencev vnovič zagorijo. Ni še prava vera, vendar pa ob teh besedah podoživljata občutke dneva, ko sta prvič slišala govoriti Jezusa iz Nazareta. Prišli so do zemeljskega cilja, Emavsa. V četrtem dejanju pa dosežemo tudi duhovni cilj. Luka nas med večerjo v Emavsu popelje nazaj v trenutek, ko je Jezus v krogu dva- VESTNIK 2020 | najsterih daroval zadnjo večerjo: »Vzel je kruh, ga blagoslovil, razlomil in dal svojim učencem.« V tej gesti sta utrujena učenca prepoznala svojega učitelja, Jezusa. In ravno glagol » prepoznati« je v Svetem pismu znamenje prave vere. Iskrica, ki je začela goreti med potjo, se je spremenila v požar. Učenca ne moreta zadržati v svojih dušah doživete izkušnje, zato se nemudoma odpravita v Jeruzalem, da bi tudi tam oznanila svojo srečo. Ta prelepa pripoved je zgodba potovanja našega duha po opustošenih poteh dvoma v temi, ko nismo več prepričani v svojo vero. Vendar tudi na tej poti človek ni sam, Bog je vedno z njim. Terezija Avilska je zapisala: »Vsaka naša tema povleče za seboj dragulj luči.« V Lukovi pripovedi pa naletimo na dva zelo pomembna stavka: »Tedaj je začel z Mojzesom in vsemi preroki! Mar ni bilo potrebno, da je Kristus to pretrpel in šel v svojo slavo?« (Lk 24,27) In: »Ko je sedel z njima za mizo, je vzel kruh ga blagoslovil, razlomil in jima ga dal« (Lk 24,30). Beseda in Jezusov kruh. Ravno s temi znamenji si lahko izkušnjo teh učencev »prilastimo«: Vstali Kristus je daroval besedno in evharistično bogoslužje tisti dan, kot ga daruje še danes. V tem smislu je pomemben podatek, da znanstveniki še danes niso natančno povedali, o katerem Emavsu piše Luka. V izvirniku v 3. verzu je Emavs oddaljen 60 stadijev od Jeruzalema (7 km), po nekaterih starejših podatkih pa da je oddaljen 160 stadijev (18 km), vendar je možnosti še več: Od frančiškanskega Emavsa (el-Qubeibeh) do drugega Emavsa, imenovanega (Amwas), in še drugih krajev po Judeji. Vendar ostaja poleg geografsko določljivega Emavsa tudi tisti v naših srcih, kamor romamo vsako nedeljo, da bi prisluhnili Kristusovemu glasu, da bi z njim lomili kruh in bi ga »prepoznali« v veri in ljubezni. (Oznanjevalec2005, G. Ravasi) - 3rd Sunday of Easter Response: Lord, you will show me the path of life. First Reading Acts 2:14. 22-33 Peter gives witness to the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, in fulfilment of the prophecy of David that God's holy one would not be allowed to experience corruption. Second Reading 1 Peter 1:17-21 We are freed from a useless way of life by the ransom paid in the precious blood of the lamb that is Christ. Gospel Luke 24:13-35 The disciples' hearts burn within them as they talk with the stranger on the road to Emmaus and they recognise the Lord Jesus in the breaking of bread. "They had recognised him at the breaking of bread." Illustration Children love to be told stories. They like to hear good ones over and over again until they can tell when a tired adult misses out even just a little bit. Through stories they come to understand patterns of human behaviour; what is right, what is wrong, what should be done, what should be avoided. The stories may be fantasy, but how often they are "true". Sophisticated adult minds, on the other hand, often dismiss stories as something for children. If they cannot be proved scientifically, or if they defy reason or logic, then, of course, we may think they are just "stories", they cannot be "true". 198 | VESTNI K 2020 Gospel Teaching And this is where we find the two disciples on the road to Emmaus today. They are disappointed and afraid. They have witnessed the public humiliation and execution of their friend and leader, Jesus of Nazareth. Their hopes have been crushed and they are returning home to safety and to pick up the pieces of their lives. They have heard stories that Jesus is alive, but they don't believe them. They are unable to put all the pieces of the puzzle together until the stranger on the road to Emmaus helps to put their story into the context of the whole story of Israel. They should have expected that the Christ would suffer and so enter into his glory. However, their doubts are not resolved until the stranger blesses and breaks the bread as he shares a meal with them. Then their eyes are opened and they recognise the Lord, only to find that he has disappeared from their sight. Now they have faith, they no longer need to see him. They know that he continues to be present with them as they return to Jerusalem to share the good news. Application So many people in the world today think of the Bible as merely a book of stories for children. They say stories of our origins cannot be true as they do not correspond with modern scientific knowledge. Creation of the world in seven days? Nonsense. Human generation from a single couple, Adam and Eve? Rubbish. The stories of the people of Israel journeying from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the promised land? Historically unverifiable. Miracles? Impossible. The people of our generation have very largely lost the wisdom and ability of our ancestors to discern the truth of our purpose as human beings as this is revealed through the texts of sacred scripture. We think we are too sophisticated for all that. However, we are people of faith in the midst of such an unbelieving society. We constantly hear things that deny and even ridicule what we hold most dear: our values, our moral standards, the fundamental building blocks from which, we believe, a human society can be built. We can identify fully with the disappointment and fear of those disciples on the road to Emmaus. If our Lord is truly risen from the dead, where is he when we need him most? Right here, Sunday by Sunday, as the scriptures are proclaimed and explained in the community of faith, our hearts begin to burn again. Our hopes are raised. We join with other disciples of Jesus in continuous prayer with Mary, the mother of Jesus. We long for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We try to do what Jesus commanded us to do: to love one another as he has loved us; to keep his word so that he and the Father will come to us and make their home with us; we gather to break bread and here, in the Eucharist, Jesus, our risen Lord, shows himself to us. We do not see him, but we believe. He says to us, "Peace be with you." He opens our eyes to see his wounds in the wounds of our brothers and sisters all around the world, and he sends us, "As the Father sent me, so am I sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit." We are empowered to be a believing people in an unbelieving world. We are witnesses to the reality of the resurrection of Jesus, that he lives today and the power of his love is transforming our world. This is no mere story for children. It is the promise of eternal life. But it is only those who have a childlike attitude who will be capable of understanding and be able to enter the kingdom of God. VESTNI K 2020 | 199 Corona Time Is Faith Time By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB God allows evil to exist. He doesn't like it... but He allows it. Relax, He won't ever let it triumph! God allows evil and can actually use it to bring about a greater good. - Example: 9/11 was horrible. but bravery, courage, unity and resilience shined forth as bright virtues amidst the ruin, chaos and pain. - Example: the coming forward of accusations of sexual abuse by clergy was painful for our church. but it brought about healing for victims and transparency on sinful, immoral and criminal behaviors. We are being purified as a church. God can use the very things that please the devil most, to actually thwart him. I'm not kidding! Here's how it works. Sometimes the devil thinks he's winning the epic battle of good versus evil and God is just sitting back and smiling. That's because God allows the evil one to get a little "win" here and there so that HE, The Lord God Almighty, can totally crush him and embarrass the evil one with a complete victory. Remember this: Good always wins. God always wins! The victory over evil, sin and death was "one and done" in Jesus Christ! Don't ever panic when you see evil getting its way here and there - it will never swallow up humanity. Christ conquered the devil. The coronavirus pandemic is demonic. It's rotten. It's awful. It's painful! So. that means something great is about to happen. Satan is using COVID-19 to harm people, frustrate families, attack faith, attack love and attack hope. However, Jesus uses the very things that please the devil most to thwart him. "Almighty God," says the Catechism, "would never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if He were not so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge from evil itself." In the breviary that we priests pray daily, there is a text in the Office of Readings on Holy Saturday. It's a classic piece of writing and theology that comes from an ancient homily for Holy Saturday. It expresses the truth that God reverses all of the devil's "little victories". Satan tricked Adam and Eve in a garden, so Jesus' burial tricked Satan in a garden. Adam and Eve stretched out their hands to a tree of life and got death, so Jesus stretched out his hands on the cross of death to give them life. Adam and Eve's sin exiled them from Eden, so Jesus' mercy will enthrone them in heaven. In the same way, Satan may presently be delighting in the enormous grief the coronavirus has caused mankind. Suffering, death, loneliness, financial ruin - but Jesus Christ intends to turn lonely tears into shouts of joy in the company of heaven. Right now, after one month of "shut down", Catholics are taking the very aspects of the pandemic that please the devil and using them to thwart him. The pandemic separated us from Mass, but opened up a wealth of opportunities for faith through social media. Bottom line: Even though times are difficult, people are dying and there is sickness and grief, God is up to something. If it were not for the pandemic, we would not be stepping up to faith! If not for corona, we would not be connecting so well to God and others. If not for the pandemic, many families would not be having "heart-to-heart talks" that are necessary for unity and forgiveness. Yes, if we could skip the pandemic and if we could make it go away right this minute, we'd take it - in a heartbeat! But God's allowed it. When God allows evil, He's up to something! Corona time is faith time! 200 | VESTNI K 2020 Ljvidska pobožnost šmarnic Šmarnice so še vedno ena najbolj priljubljenih ljudskih pobožnosti na Slovenskem. Začetki šmarnične pobožnosti gotovo segajo že pred leto 1815, ko je papež Pij VII. pobožnost meseca maja potrdil in obdaril z odpustki. S pobožnostjo, ki so jo poimenovali Marijin mesec, so začeli v Rimu, od koder se je hitro razširila po vsej Italiji, Nemčiji in Franciji. V Nemčiji je nadomestila praznovanje ob poganskem »majskem drevesu« (Maibaum). Tudi v Sloveniji so jo z veseljem sprejeli. Šmarnice, poimenovane po cvetlici, ki vzcveti v začetku maja. Med Slovenci se je majniška pobožnost začela v ljubljanskem semenišču na pobudo četrtoletnika Jerneja Lenčka leta 1851, od tod pa se je hitro razširila po vsej slovenski deželi. Besedilo za to pobožnost z naslovom Mesec Marije je že leta 1842 iz francoščine priredil Davorin Trstenjak. Leta 1852 so to marijansko pobožnost obhajali v ljubljanskem Alojzijevišču, leta 1855 so pobožnost obhajali že v romarski cerkvi na Kalobju, leta 1860 v mariborskem bogoslovju. Janez Volčič je leta 1855 napisal knjigo z naslovom Šmarnice, po cvetlici, ki vzcveti v začetku maja, in pod tem imenom se je pobožnost hitro razširila med ljudmi. Ljudje so to pobožnost vzeli za svojo in so jo obhajali pri številnih Marijinih kapelicah, kjer so brali šmarnično branje, molili litanije in peli Marijine pesmi. Še zdaj je ta navada marsikje ohranjena, čeprav imajo po cerkvah šmarnice največkrat med mašo. Ker so v zadnjih desetletjih duhovniki šmarnice uporabili tudi kot posebno katehezo za otroke, je nastalo tudi posebno šmarnično branje za otroke in posebno za odrasle vernike (Družina, 7. 5. 2006). Šmarnično branje in Marijine pesmi: Z razmahom šmarnične pobožnosti se je pokazala potreba po šmar-ničnem branju in primernih pesmih. Prav v času razširjanja majske pobožnosti je slovensko slovstvo dobilo največ nabožnih pesmi. Res niso bile vse umetniške, a so s primerno melodijo vernikom segle globoko v srce. Pesmi so začeli zbirati v zbirke in jih izdajati v obliki pesmaric. Prvo takšno zbirko je izdal duhovnik Blaž Potočnik leta 1827. Zaradi velikega zanimanja so jo morali trikrat ponatisniti. Povzeto po katalogu razstave Slovenske tiskane šmarnice od začetkov do danes avtoric Marjetke Tuš in Fanike Krajnc-Vrečko in članka Marijin mesec maj, ki je bil objavljen v časopisu Družina. Heart to Heart THE EASTER LETTER, sent to 55,000 Parishioners throughout the Diocese, has been received with open and generous hearts. In addition to Easter greetings, the letter encouraged Parishioners to remember the financial needs of their Parishes and provided envelopes to make it easier for them to do so. The response has been remarkable and the first wave of responses has already been forwarded to the Parishes. Thank you to those who are concerned about the ongoing well-being of their Parish! Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI VESTNI K 2020 | 201 Obvestila - Announcements Slovenian Summer Day Camp_ SSDC (SLOVENIAN SUMMER DAY CAMP) is currently scheduled to take place Tuesday August 4th to Friday August 7th. With the challenges we are all currently facing with COVID-19, it may be refreshing to plan and look forward to some brighter and less worrisome days. We hope that by the summer, our daily routines will be a little more normal and planning of family and friend time will be on our agenda. So... with optimism in mind, and with a positive attitude, I welcome everyone to consider the possibility of a wonderful week of Day Camp here on our parish grounds. I will continue to plan for a fun and exciting week, not only for our children, but for family and friends of our community. In order to do this, I am going to round up a team of volunteers who may be interested in working on creating a week's agenda that will appeal to everyone. A reminder to all - we are celebrating a milestone of SSDC, so all alumni campers, leaders and families - we invite you to join in on our week of fun. If anyone is interested in helping out with the planning, if you are interested in participating as a camper or leader please contact me, Heidy Novak at or 905-317-6002. Wishing everyone in our community a Happy and Healthy Spring! - Heidy Novak VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu maju bo večna luč gorela za pokojnega Florjana Miklavčič po namenu žene Anice z družino. DAROVI_ Družina Čule je darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad v spomin na pokojnega Maksa Pavliča. Hvala tudi vsem, ki občasno prinesete ali pošljete po pošti svoj dar za cerkev. CWL - KŽZ We thank God and Our Lady of Good Counsel for providing us with precious blessings and we ask for your ongoing grace and protection. We pray for our families and friends and our beloved parishioners. We pray for our relatives and those with whom we have close bonds who still reside in our homeland. We pray for your safety, health and well being. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 202 | VESTNI K 2020 We ask our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel to empower us to grow in faith and to bless our parish community. "Mati dobrega sveta, prosi za nas!" Rosemary Šušteršič, on behalf of our CWL Laško Pivo - Slovenian Laško Beer_ St. Gregory is selling its stock of Laško Beer at cost. If you are interested please come to St. Gregory Hall between 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Cost is $70 for case of 24 cans (0.5 litres each). Supply is limited - first come first served. Feel free to split a case with a friend. If you have any questions contact Tony Horvat 905-515-5881 or MAJ - ŠMARNIČNI MESEC_ Ta teden, ki je pred nami se bo že začetek meseca maja. V petek je praznik, sv. Jožefa, delavca, tako ga imenuje tudi liturgija. Letos je to tudi prvi petek v mesecu maju. Praznovali ga bomo drugače, kot druga leta. V Sloveniji so vedno kurili za ta dan tudi kresove, ker je to tudi praznik dela. Pomladi se v Hamiltonu in okolici nič kaj preveč ne mudi, da bi prišla med nas. Nekaj znanilcev je, ne pa veliko. Kljub temu, da se pokaže sonce pa je severovzhodni veter, ki piha iz jezera in ves čas hladi. Ko sem šel pogledat naše šmarnice, ki rastejo na vrtu za dvorano imajo sicer dovolj listov, cvetovi, pa se še skrivajo v popkih. Upamo, da se bodo kmalu tudi odprli. Slovenci obhajamo na posebej način ta Marijin mesec - s »Šmarnicami«, pobožnostjo, ki je že dolga leta zelo zakoreninjena. Kot otroci smo si tudi doma naredili oltarčke in zvečer pri njih molili. Sicer pa smo se vsak dan zvečer zbirali v naši podružnični cerkvi. Mnogi pa se zbirajo pri kapelicah ali križih. Tudi pri nas smo vsako leto v mesecu maju prebirali pri večerni maši odlomke iz knjig, ki so bile pripravljene vsako leto za šmarnično pobožnost. Tisti, ki imate priliko, boste lahko prisluhnili šmarnicam na Radiju Ognjišče. Vsako leto okrog sedme zvečer, po naše okrog ene popoldne, prebirajo šmarnice. Mnogi sprašujejo, kdaj bomo zopet lahko prišli k maši v cerkev. Žal tega odgovora nima zaenkrat nihče. Tudi škofija nam še ni dala nič vedeti kdaj in kako. Zaenkrat ostajamo kot je, pri prenosu nedeljske maše. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Kranjc Frank Sagadin Maximiljan Veselic John Peternel Elizabeth April 28, 1996 April 28, 2004 May 2, 1973 May 2, 2006 # i # SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNI K 2020 | 203 11: 04: 2020 svete mase - masses 3. Velikonočna nedelja 26. April 3rd Sunday of Easter Dominik in Gregor, red. Marija, Mati dobrega sveta Za žive in rajne župljane ff Mihaela in Megan Mes ff Marija in Franc Marič • Irma Dorenčec f Avgust Smodiš V čast Materi Dobrega Sveta 10:00 a.m. Družina Mes v živo na Družina Mes Facebooku Ivan in Rozina Doma NAŠE ŽUPNIJE Hči Olga Glavač CWL - KŽZ Ponedeljek - Monday 27. April Hozana, devica Na čast in priprošnjo Materi Božji t Martina Štepec , 8. dan (Cleveland) Ana Tadic Magda Udovč Torek - Tuesday 28. April t Max Sagadin, obl. Julija Sagadin z družino Ludvik, red. ustanovitelj Sreda - Wednesday 29. April t Alojz Uran Marija Bajuk Katarina, dev-uč. četrtek - Thursday t Joe Lackovic Ivan in Angela Antolin 30; APRIL t Joe Lackovič Žena in družina Jožef Cottolengo, red. ust. Prvi Petek First Friday V dober namen Jožica Novak z družino 1. Maj Jožef delavec Sobota - Saturday t Marija Bukvič Družina Bukvič 2. Maj tt Marija in Alojz Mes Družina Mes Atanazij Veliki, šk-uč. t Stanko Bratuž Matilda Bratuž 4. Velikonočna Nedelja Nedelja dobrega Pastirja 4. Maj 4th Sunday of Easter Filip in Jakob, apostola Za žive in rajne župljane f Irma Dorenčec f Jerry Ponikvar f Jerry Ponikvar f Ivan Sobočan 10:00 a.m. v živo na Facebooku naše župnije Milka in Franc Zadravec Olga in Viktor Glavač Joe in Kathy Prša Joe in Kathy Prša 204 j VESTNI K 2020