Jože Kušar 2oo2/1 AR Lesena konstrukcija je že od nekdaj glavna sestavina arhitekture Po: Wilhelm J., ARCHITECTURAE CIVILIS, Nürnberg 1668, Nachdruck Curt R. Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, 1977 AR 2oo2/1 Jože Kušar ln^'dimenzioniranje z ANTROPOMETRIĆNIMI PROPORCIJSKIMI SISTEMI DIMENSIONING CARRYING BUILDING ELEMENTS WITH ANTHROPOMETRIC PROPORTIONAL SYSTEMS raziskava, research povzetek Cilj raziskovalne naloge je bilo analitično preverjanje metod dimenzioniranja nosilnih gradbenih elementov s strukturo antropometriènih proporcijskih sistemov kot pripomoèkov hkratnega merskega in nosilnega dimenzioniranja teh elementov. Rezultati raziskave naj bi postali teoretska osnova novega naèina merskega in nosilnega dimenzioniranja nosilnih gradbenih elementov za arhitekte. Vplivi na določitev dimenzij gradbenih elementov so bili pravgotovo razlièni in številni. Veèina vplivov je rezultat izbranih izkustvenih, eksperimentalnih ali teoretskih napotkov, pridobljenih v èasovnem okviru razvoja arhitekture. Podana analiza vplivov na določitev dimenzij gradbenih elementov lahko postane tudi ena od metod, s katero moremo doloèevati dimenzije nosilnih prerezov gradbenih elementov. summary The aim of the research assignment was to analytically examine the methods of dimensioning carrying building elements with the anthropometric proportional system structure. Research results should be applied as the theoretical basis for a new metric and dimensioning method for carrying building elements for architects. The definition of building-element dimensions was influenced by many different parameters. Most ofthe influences have been the result of an experiential, experimental and theoretical advice selection acquired over the development of architecture. The article presents an analysis of the parameters influencing the definition of building-element dimensions which can be transformed in one of the methods usedfor the definition ofdimensions of carrying profiles in building materials. doseženi cilji, namen in rezultati Rezultati teoretskih preverjanj in usklajevanj metod dimenzioniranja nosilnih gradbenih elementov s strukturo dimenzijskih razmerij potrjujejo, da se oblikuje nova teoretska osnova "avtomatičnega" merskega in nosilnega dimenzioniranja teh gradbenih elementov. aims achieved, intentions and results The results of theoretical examinations and adjustments of the methods of dimensioning carrying building elements with the structure ofdimensional proportions confirm that a new theoretical basis for an "automatic" metric and carrying dimensioning of such building materials is being formed. problematika v arhitekturi, umestitev obravnavane teme v te tokove in njen pomen Izhajamo iz podmene, daje bilo znanje matematike in geometrije ter poznavanje eksperimentiranja v antiki na tako visoki stopnji, da je bila izvedba obremenitvenih poskusov, merjenja in primerjanja rezultatov ter formuliranje spoznanj popolnoma mogoča. Enako domnevamo, da so znali izkustvena spoznanja, pridobljena s poizkusi, strniti v praktièno uporabnost sorazmerij antropometriènih sistemov. ključne besede antropometrièni proporcijski sistemi, egiptovski komolec, nosilno dimenzioniranje problematics, topic placement and significance in architecture It is presumed that ancient times boasted of such knowledge of mathematics and geometry and of such a familiarity with experiments that an execution of burden experiments and measurements, result comparison, as well as the formulation of realisations were possible. It is equally presumed that experiential realisations acquired through experiments functioned as a basis for practical applications ofproportions in anthropometric systems. key words anthropometric proportional loadberingdimensioning systems, egyptian elbow,