GEOLOGIJA 58/1, 89-93, Ljubljana 2015 doi:10.5474/geologija.2015.008 Simplified structural map of Kras Kras (Slovene), Carso (Italian) = Geographical unit Poenostavljena strukturno-geolo{ka karta Krasa Kras (slovensko), Carso (italjansko) = geografska enota Ladislav PLACER Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimi~eva ul. 14, SI–1000 Ljubljana; e-mail: Prejeto / Received 27. 5. 2015; Sprejeto / Accepted 23. 6. 2015 Key words: Region Kras, tectonic, tectonic geomorphology, Slovenia Klju~ne besede: Kras, tektonika, tektonska geomorfologija, Slovenija Abstract With this contribution comes a printed copy of the Simplified structural map of Kras, comprising an area on both sides of the state border between Slovenia and Italy, as well as its short description. The map conveys updated information on faults and newly discovered geomorphologically indicated joint-fault zones in the area. Izvle~ek Prispevek prina{a natis Poenostavljene strukturno-geolo{ke karte Krasa, ki zajema ozemlje na slovenski in italijanski strani državne meje ter kratek opis. Karta vsebuje dopolnjene podatke o poteku prelomov in o novoodkritih geomorfolo{ko izraženih razpoklinsko-prelomnih conah. In this issue of Geologija, the Simplified structural map of Kras is published in order to provide some information about the progress of research conducted in the Kras region (Classical Karst Region – Kras). The map has been compiled as an essential appendix of a more extensive work, Geomorphology of Kras, which is being prepared in co-authorship by L. Placer and A. Mihevc. In the Slovenian part, the map is based on works published by jurKovšeK et al. (1996), jurKovšeK (2010, 2013) and Placer (2005, 2007), and in the Italian part on those by cucchi & Piano (2013), cucchi et al. (2015) and riŽnar (2014). Moreover, data gathered during sea bottom research of the Gulf of Trieste (Busetti et al., 2010; carulli, 2011) are also included. The interpretation of structure is based on the before mentioned works and on the reconnaissance structural profiling of the entire area of the map, made in 2010 to 2013. The interpretation of structure and geomorphology of the Kras region was based on the findings published in a paper entitled The bases for understanding of the NW Dinarides and Istria Peninsula tectonics (Placer et al., 2010). By applying the mentioned maps, recent structural profiling and study of remote sensing data, we identified several kinematic phases that reflect in the geological structure and geomorphology of the surface. Most of the faults underwent one or more reactivations in various directions, and therefore were not marked by map symbols of movement directions of their fault blocks. Some symbols appear only on the most important faults of the Istria-Friuli Underthrust Zone, which is the most stable in this sense. Interestingly, among the more important newly established features there are three geomorphologicaly active joint- fault zones within which structural escarpment have developed. The first one is the Doberdo (Doberdob) joint-fault zone along which the larger part of Vallone di Doberdo (Doberdobski dol) has formed, and the Opajsko selo structural escarpment, that separates the peneplains of the Kostanjevica and Doberdo (Doberdob) Kras. The latter subsided along the joint-fault zone for 60 to 70 m. The second one is the Sežana joint-fault zone with the Lipica structural escarpment, along which the west block has subsided for about 15 to 20 m. The third one is the Matavun joint-fault zone with the Škocjan structural escarpment, along which the eastern block has subsided. Systems of fissures in various directions, predominately north-south, are quite abundant on the Kras plateau, but hitherto they have been considered mostly in connection with the processes leading to the formation of dolines, caves and sinkholes. Among the plicative deformations, larger and smaller ones have been distinguished. I would like to emphasize the larger ones located on the borders between the Trieste-Komen anticlinorium and the ^i~arija anticlinorium (after Buser 1976, ^i~arija anticline) and the Brkini synclinorium (after Buser 1976, Reka synclinorium) respectively, and the ones between the Vipava synclinorium and the Ravnik anticlinorium (after Placer 2005, Ravnik anticline). On previous maps some of these were not depicted as folds; they are, however, very important for the understanding of structure and geomorphology. The Geomorphology of Kras is conceive as an extended guidebook to the Simplified structural map of Kras. It comprises a discussion on the influence of the Istria Pushed Area on the postorogenic evolution of the External Dinarides and their geomorphology. From this basis follows a schematic morphotectonic subdivision of the Dinaric Karst in the area of the External Dinarides, and a concept of morphogenetic evolution of the area of Classical Karst (between the Gulf of Trieste and Ljubljansko barje / the Ljubljana Marsh) with Istria Peninsula and Kras. The latter is considered in detail. The evolution of morphology is presented in terms of synergistic effects of lithostratigraphy, structure, exogenic processes and tectonics. In the frame of the latter, we attempted to provide some answers to the complex question of causes that lead to the formation of the Istria Pushed Area. Poenostavljena strukturno-geolo{ka karta Krasa Kras (slovensko), Carso (italjansko) = geografska enota V tej {tevilki Geologije je objavljena Poenostavljena strukturno-geolo{ka karta Krasa, kar predstavlja prispevek k obve{~anju o poteku raziskav na Krasu. Izdelana je kot osnovna priloga obsežnej{ega dela Geomorfologija Krasa, ki se pripravlja v soavtorstvu L. Placerja in A. Mihevca. Na obmo~ju Slovenije je karta sestavljena iz del, ki so jih objavili jurKovšeK et al. (1996), jurKovšeK (2010, 2013) in Placer (2005, 2007), na obmo~ju Italije pa cucchi & Piano (2013), cucchi et al., (2015) in riŽnar (2014). Poleg tega so zajeti tudi podatki raziskav morskega dna Trža{kega zaliva (Busetti et al., 2010; carulli, 2011). Interpretacija strukture sloni na omenjenih delih in na preglednem strukturnem profiliranju, ki je bilo opravljeno na celotnem ozemlju v letih 2010­2013. Ladislav PLACER Raziskovanje strukture in geomorfologije Krasa je bilo zasnovano na ugotovitvah razprave The bases for understanding of the NW Dinarides and Istria Peninsula tectonics = Osnove razumevanja tektonske zgradbe NW Dinaridov in polotoka Istre (Placer et al., 2010). Na podlagi podatkov zgoraj omenjenih kart, novega strukturnega profiliranja in prou~evanja daljinskih posnetkov, je bilo mogo~e dolo~iti ve~ kinematskih faz, ki se odražajo v geolo{ki zgradbi in geomorfologiji povr{ja. Prelomi so ve~inoma doživeli eno ali ve~ reaktivacij v razli~nih smereh, zato nimajo oznak, ki bi nakazovale smer premika prelomnih kril. Te so zabeležene le pri najpomembnej{ih prelomih Istrsko-furlanske podrivne cone, ki so v tem smislu najbolj stabilni. Od pomembnej{ih novosti so zanimive tri geomorfolo{ko tvorne razpoklinsko-prelomne cone, znotraj katerih so se razvili strukturni pragovi; prva je doberdobska razpoklinsko prelomna cona po kateri je nastal ve~ji del Doberdobskega dola in opajski strukturni prag, ki lo~i uravnavi Kostanjevi{kega in Doberdobskega Krasa. Slednja je ob njej ugreznjena okoli 60 do 70 m. Druga je sežanska razpoklinsko-prelomna cona z lipi{kim strukturnim pragom ob katerem je zahodno krilo ugreznjeno okoli 15 do 20 m. Tretja je matavunska razpoklinsko-prelomna cona s {kocjanskim strukturnim pragom ob katerem pa je ugreznjeno vzhodno krilo. Snopi razpok v razli~nih smereh, posebno v smeri sever-jug, so na Krasu {tevilni, toda doslej smo menili, da so pomembni predvsem za nastajanje vrta~, jamskih objektov in udornic. Plikativne deformacije so lo~ene na ve~je in manj{e. Opozoril bi na ve~je na mejah Trža{ko-komenskega antiklinorija s ^i~arijskim antiklinorijem (po Buserju 1976, ^i~arijska antiklinala) in Brkinskim sinklinorijem (po Buserju 1976, Re{ki sinklinorij) ter med Vipavskim sinklinorijem in Ravni{kim antiklinorijem (po Placerju 2005, Ravni{ka antiklinala), od katerih nekatere na dosedanjih kartah niso bile prikazovane kot gube, vendar imajo za razumevanje strukture in geomorfologije velik pomen. Geomorfologija Krasa je zasnovana kot raz{irjeni tolma~ Poenostavljene strukturno­geolo{ke karte Krasa. V njej bo tekla razprava o vplivu Istrskega potisnega obmo~ja na postorogeni razvoj Zunanjih Dinaridov in njihovo geomorfologijo. Iz tega bo izveden pogled na morfotektonsko rajonizacijo dinarskega krasa na prostoru Zunanjih Dinaridov ter pogled na morfogenetski razvoj ozemlja klasi~nega krasa (med Trža{kim zalivom in Ljubljanskim barjem) z Istro in na Krasu. Slednji bo obdelan podrobneje. 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