AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) AMERIŠKA DOMOViN/ .,ER 2, 1 983 VOL. LXXXV Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV Sovjetska zveza sestrelila južnokorejsko potniško letalo — 269 potnikov ubitih WASHINGTON, D.C. - Preteklo sredo je sovjetsko bojno letalo znamke SU-15 s Protiletalsko raketo sestrelilo južnokorejsko Potniško letalo znamke Boeing 747, na katerem je bilo 269 potnikov in članov posadke. Vsi potniki so bili ubiti, med njimi j<* bil ameriški kongresnik iz Georgie, dr. Larry McDonald. Na letalu je bilo tudi več drugih Amerikancev. Do incidenta je prišlo, ko je korejsko letalo iz neznanega vzroka kršilo sovjetski zračni Prostor nad polotokom Kamčatka ter potem zahodno Sibirijo. V teh krajih imajo Sovjeti mnoga vojaška oporišča. Kot kaže, je pa do sestrelitve letala prišlo, ko je bilo letalo ali zapustilo sovjetski zračni prostor ali je bilo zelo blizu mednarodnih voda. Sovjeti Poročajo, da so njihova letala, katera iščejo °stanke sestreljenega letala, našla količino kerozina na morju, a nič drugega. Sicer Sovjetska zveza do danes zjutraj še ni priznala, da je bilo letalo sestreljeno. Največ podatkov o incidentu je povedal ameriški državni tajnik George Shultz, ki je Presenetil novinarje, ko je dejal, da so ame-riške obveščevalne službe posnele med drugim pogovor med pilotom sovjetskega letala, ki je sestrelilo korejsko letalo, in njegovim kontrolorjem na zemlji. Tako naj bi sovjetski pilot poročal, da je opazil korejsko leta-1°- Kontrolor je kmalu nato rekel pilotu, naj strelja. Pilot je streljal in poročal, da je zadel cilj in da je le-ta »uničeno«. Dalje je Shultz Povedal, da so vedele sovjetske radarske po-staje za korejsko letalo najmanj dve in pol |*re in da so morali vedeti, da gre za potniško ctalo. Kljub temu so letalo sestrelili. Opazovalci in analitiki sovjetskih pol ličnih razmer skušajo pojasniti, zakaj s ^°vjeti sestrelili letalo, dejanje, ki je povzr< no val ogorčenja po svetu. Prevladuje mn< nje» da gre za sovjetsko paranojo, ker so Sc vjeti tako zaskrbljeni glede varnosti in tajne Ni znano, ali je povelje za sestrelitev leti a Prišlo neposredno iz Moskve, ali je odge 'črnost prevzel kak poveljnik v Sibiriji. ( em so poznavalci sovjetskih razmer deljeni Mnenja. Nekateri omenjajo incident pre leti, ko je drugo korejsko potniško letal Podrlo več kot 1000 milj v sovjetski zrači Pr°stor nad Karelijo. Takrat so bili zahodi ^njitiki presenečeni nad neučinkovitost] , *0vjetskih obrambnih sil, ki so čakale tak ° 80, predno so prisilile letalo do prisilnef Postajanja, pri katerem sta bila ubita d\ Panika. Od takrat, menijo analitiki, so Sc Jeti najbrž podvzeli ustrezne obrambi ukrepe. Južna Koreja in ZDA so zahtevale iz-J^dno sejo Varnostnega sveta pri Združenih Prodih. Ta seja bo danes. Predsednik Rea-®an je obsodil sovjetsko dejanje ter se bo rnil v Washington danes. Bil je na počitni-a .na svojem rafteu v Kaliforniji. V Reaga-®v* administraciji razmišljajo o možnih 2 repih zoper ZSSR. ZDA zahtevajo od ci: ske je I Prii vt< nap Alo da °Pi! jOtl! POv D ^ak nitn nin &0] L Iji Kresa so pomagali pri vS<.(1 iji i^resa so punia*«*^ r- ^ različnih delih, mladina s* vadila ter plesala še in Se- koliko8; Res je neverjetno, lentov imamo v svoii Nekdo je predlagal, na Pr' { ko smo si ogledali vse kon ko smo si ogieaaii vav — ^ maske, da bi jih po Pr0®r^ 5j razstavili občinstvu, da . lahko tudi naši rojaki, roj *» TflJ nje in drugi ogledali od P to delo. Ustavimo se in s .j, mislimo: V teh malih. v ^ nepomembnih de tajim ,0 naša skrivnost uspeha, ^jji izmed nas naj ho e skromnih močeh svoj delež k obstoju s K Pi P< •g Si N; D; s Glav *U| H v N) $0p stva! Tako bo slika pop0 ^y in ideja močnejša, ideia nejša! August Božida mit MALI OGLAsI Prijatel’s Pharmacy ,* SI. Clair Ave. * E. 68 St-IZDAJAMO TUDI ZA RAČUN POMOČI I>R OHIO. — AID FOB A prescriptions- {fil 'Olj, kl^ ^luj Mil, Carst Mentori^ Kraška kamneseŠkaJJ 15425 Waterloo Rd. ^inl«8 Edina Slovenska izde' v nagrobnih dol dlJs te; Slovenska folklorna skupina KRES vabi na dve predstavi v soboto, 10. septembra, ob 7.30 zvečer Vsi sedeži rezervirani — kličite 944-0708. v nedeljo, 25. septembra, ob 3. popoldne otroci bodo vstopnine prosti! v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 602. M.Z.A. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, kova-lenefl1 : spo- enofl1 itvom je imela že trinajsti misi-iw118^ P'kmk* dva tedna po Cleveland. Predsednica 8®. Mici Coffeltova je poslala jzfrpno poročilo, ki ga objav-Jamo v vsem, kar utegne vse I jonske prijatelje in sodeče zanimati. Piknik se je y1 il v Triglavskem parku 24. Nuja 1983. Začel se je s sv. kot vsako leto. Dr. Jože je bil zdoma in v duhu s ^°jimi rojaki gotovo prisoten, v*. e P’^e ga. Mici Coffelto- in * jldeta 0 bili ,alog° jbčut-> vid«" u 1®' sep-osta v dom11 rredn* , del° :lo, naši11 1 sej'*1 ta n8' •rijat«' ri vS{J i se Is e. ik0?i sred'1 ,rimer’ igraia1! i bi ?’ rojaK'; i bli^ včas*11 h t /saK^J svoj' pri^ sl< ja U*1' ar P85' U;’ Is & Odličen uspeh misjion-■ e8a Piknika v Milwaukee, to bil naslov članka, ki ga je hnesla Ameriška Domovina otek, 2. avgusta. Članek je Pisal naš misijonski prijatelj j 0jz Galič. Zelo sem vesela, On' ^ tak° °bSirn0 in leP° : Sai Potek trinajstega misi-nskega piknika. Naj mu Bog ^e za trud. •j, ^anes bi še dodala številke. U* 0 bo lahko vsak, ki se za-'Pa. dobil sliko gmotne stra-“"•ksa piknika. “OHODKI: Listki — Si.ige.OO kuhinja - $1,485.00 njača - $680.00 ^ivo — $300.00 Jfre ~ $249.00 ^eCkanje - $163.00 J^birka (maša) — $127.00 s, arovi - $715.00 I>?n° ~~ 54,905.00 ^ATKI: avna dobitka — $150.00 s, p0raba parka — $200.00 uPn° __ $35o.oo ^BLAG SPOMIN N ^Vl OBLETNICI SMRTI Socls^GA ljubljenega r°ga, očeta, brata •n STRICA Ci*Ul ferkul ^ Je »o •Pile * Ve<*no zatisnil svoje „ °G 3. septembra 1982. ^Qdkn 1q h, ,nani Je misel na Te, bo hp e(i ^v°j nasmeh, ^ (fr e.^e ljubeznive, s*61’‘jih do vseh. ^ioti ostali: 6ria Ferkul roj. Forte — c. soproga; in rt. ^ar'e' Elizabeth j 'heresa - hčerke; a n, Stanley, David john Boris - sinovi; Just1 in StanleY — brata; ter9 Gorichan ~ sestra; °stalo sorodstvo tu ^C|id ln v S|oveniji. septembra 1983. ČISTEGA za misijonsko pomoč — $4,555.00 Darovalci so naslednji: Družina Frank Skvarča za vzdrževanje bogoslovca $200; dr. Jože Golč $150; družina Ivo Kunovar $55; ga. Ana Ti-sev $50; družina John in Biba Bambič-Kralj $25; Neimenovana, West Allis, Wis. $20; g. Charles Horzen $5. Ga. Frances Jezernik je darovala $50; po $10 za s. Anico Miklavčič, Mater Terezijo, o. Jožeta Cukale, g. Pedro Opeka in g. Rado Sušnik. Muršecovi so darovali za o. Evgena Ketiša $110; ga. Jožica Muršec $50; gdč. Milica Mur-šec $20; ga. Silvija $20; g. Milan Muršec $20. K tej vsoti smo od piknika dodali $140 in odposlali vsoto $250 v Lemont za o. Ketiša v Togo, Afrika. $50 je bilo darovano tudi v pomoč Baragovi zadevi. Želja nas vseh je bila, da se zopet vzdržujeta dva nova bogoslovca. Ves ostali denar, ki ga je piknik prinesel, naj se razdeli med vse slovenske misijonarje. Kot vidite, so številke lepe in pričajo o velikodušnosti naših rojakov, ki so vsakoleto pripravljeni podpreti misijone. Njihov trud in delo je Bog obilno blagoslovil. Naj bo Večni Misijonar vsem in vsakemu posebej bogati Plačnik. Zahvalila bi se rada za pismo in priloženo sliko, ki sem jo prejela od našega novomašnika. Spomnili smo se ga ta dan še posebej v molitvi, da bi bil res dober služabnik v vinogradu Gospodovem. Prosila bi vas, da se zahvalite g. Jožetu Draganu za njegovo dobroto, ki jo izkazuje vsako leto in daruje 75 piščancev. Zelo hvaležna sem g. in ge. Janez Limoni, ki prevzameta kuhinjo in pečenje piščancev. G. Franjotu Mejaču in fantom, da poskrbijo za žejne. G. in ge. Jožef Butinar, da lepo okrasita v parku oltar pri kapelici za sv. mašo. Vsem gospodinjam za dobro pecivo. Gdč. Šeškarjevi in ge. Smoletovi za krasne afgane. Predvsem pa g. župniku o. Law-rencu, ki pomaga, kjer more, in je natiskal listke zastonj. Sprejmite prisrčne pozdrave od Mici Coffelt.« Ge. predsednici Coffeltovi in vsem sodelujočim v MZA Milwaukee naj Bog njihove žrtve povrne z večnimi obrestmi, kot zamore le On. Ge. Mici želimo posebej zdravja, da bi mogla misijonariti, kot je zmožna že dolga leta, še mno- go let v bodočnosti. Vsem zgoraj imenovanim tudi posebna zahvala na tem mestu in vsakemu se bomo posebej zahvalili v kratkem. Škof Sulumeti iz Kakamege, Kenya, nam sporoča, da bodo 4 od 9 teologov, ki študirajo za to škofijo, posvečeni h koncu leta v dijakone. Trije od 7, ki so doštudirali filozofijo, so odšli v Regional Theological Seminary v Nairobi, Kenya, v prvi letnik teologije. So to Cornel Odundo, Richard Mu-leshe Matata in Vincent Lumumba Likunda. Drugi štirje so izstopili ali bili naprošeni, da si izberejo drugi poklic. Trije, ki so odšli v Nairobi, lepo obetajo in škof upa, da bodo vztrajali v letih priprav do mašniškega posvečenja. Škof Jean-Baptiste Gaha-manyi iz Butare, Rwanda, Afrika, je 12. avgusta poslal vrsto zahvalnih pisem od sedmih bogoslovcev, ki jih vzdržujejo dobrotniki v MZA. Vsem bomo poslali original pisma. Eden se oglaša iz Rima. Vzdrževala ga je gdč. Ana Pavli iz domovine. Dne 3. junija ji piše iz Papeškega Kolegija Sv. Petra Apostola v Večnem mestu. Zahvaljuje se ji za vse žrtve, da mu je pomagala v letih študija in omenja, da mu je njegov škof izrazil željo, da se ji pismeno zahvali za njeno dobroto. V juniju je branil svojo doktorsko disertacijo, nakar se je vrnil v svojo škofijo Butare v Afriki, v državi Rwanda. Obljublja svoje molitve pri oltarju, do katerega mu je ona z velikodušno žrtvijo pripomogla. Priložil je lepo fotografijo, ko se rokuje v Rimu s sv. očetom Janezom Pavlom II. Njegovo ime je Father Linguyeneza. Darovali so za naše misijonarje: G. Jože Vrečar, Ely, Minn. $100; Mrs. Mary Pirjevec, Eveleth, Minn. $2 v spomin rajnega Leo Moeglein v Gilbertu. Ge. Pirjevec se je tudi oglasil vzdrževani bogoslovec iz Rwande John Bosco Munyawera, ki je peti otrok iz držine 4 fantov in 3 deklet. Po MZA pikniku v Clevelandu so še darovali: g. Milan Zajec $20 in Neimenovani $40. Bo povrni vsem! Za sv. maše sta poslali ga. Anica Tushar in družina Karla in Louise Rogina. Bo šlo kmalu naprej v roke potrebnim misijonarjem. S sv. mašami si morejo potrebni misijonarji precej pomagati - za sproti. Rev. Charles Wolbang, C.M. 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1N 3J7 Graditelji nove Evrope CLEVELAND, O. - Kristjani treh dežel, treh narodov, združeni v molitvi, so se zbrali 20. avgusta na Brezjah, na osrednji slovenski Marijini božji poti. Od vseh strani so prišli. Čez Ljubelj je iz Avstrije pripeljalo štirinajst avtobusov; v enajstih so bili slovenski romarji, v treh pa nemško govoreči. Tudi iz videmske nadškofije je prišlo nekaj avtobusov, od vsepovsod pa veliko avtobusov. Ljubljanska nadškofija je letos gostila sosede iz Italije in Avstrije, pridružile pa so se jim tudi romarji iz drugih dveh škofij, zlasti koprska je bila zelo lepo zastopana. Zamisel o mednarodnih odnosno o meddržavnih srečanjih vernih se je bila rodila lani na Višarjah, na tamkajšnjem tako imenovanem »evropskem« srečanju. Tam je bil tudi nekdo predlagal, naj bi takšna srečanja odslej prirejali izmenoma letno na Brezjah, na Višarjah in pri Gospe Sveti, torej v slovitih Marijinih svetiščih, ki so odigrala v slovenski zgodovini odločilno vlogo. Letošnje srečanje je vodil ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit dr. Alojzij Šuštar; ob njem pa so bili videmski nadškof Alfredo Battisti, celovški škof dr. Egon Kapellari, koprski škof dr. Janez Jenko,škof Elden Curtiss iz Helene, Mont. v ZDA in škofje dr. Stanislav Lenič in Jožef Kvas iz Ljubljane ter dr. Jožef Smej iz Maribora. Somaševalo pa je blizu sto duhovnikov iz vseh treh slovenskih škofij in iz videmske in celovške škofije. Nadškof Šuštar, ki je vodil srečanje, je najprej v sloven- Mary Fabijan (nee Legan) Fifth Anniversary died Aug. 31, 1978 In loving memory from those who loved her. Sadly missed by: Her Family Maple Hts., O. Sept. 2,1983 skem, nemškem in italijanskem jeziku pozdravil vse navzoče, nato pa je uvodno misel v m&so povedal videmski nadškof Battisti. Za takšno srečanje romarjev je najprimernejše ljudsko petje. In tudi tokrat so na Brezjah romarji vseh treh narodov lahko zapeli vsak v svojem jeziku iz dna svojega srca in duše. Slovenci smo bili najštevilnejši, zato je bil tudi njihovo petje najbolj ognjevito. Toda tudi nemška in italijanska pesem sta ubrano zazveneli. Prvo berilo je bilo v nemščini kakor tudi pesem po njem, drugo v italijanščini, evangelij pa v slovenščini. V homiliji je nadškof Šuštar najprej izrazil iskreno veselje, da so se ob Mariji zbrali v tako velikem številu predstavniki treh narodov v eni sami želji: okrepiti medsebojne prijateljske vezi, poglobiti krščansko bratstvo ter tako graditi prihodnost Evrope v miru in pravičnosti. Kristjani se zavedamo, da bomo kos tej nalogi samo s Kristusovo pomočjo. Ob tem je nadškof hkrati razmišljal o znamenjih, katera spremljajo Jezusove učence. Posebej je omenil izganjanje duhov in dar jezikov. V našem času smo poklicani k izganjanju duhov sovraštva, krivice, nasilja; različni jeziki pa se na Brezjah prepletajo podobno, kakor so se v Jeruzalemu prve binkošti. Nadškof je na koncu svoje misli kar sam povzel tudi v nemščini in italijanščini. Vsa druga besedila pa je tudi v vseh treh jezikih povzemal komentator prof. dr. France Dolinar, ki je bil pred začetkom maše pojaznil, kar je treba vedeti o Brezjah, tej najbolj priljubljeni slovenski božji poti. Pri prošnjah vernikov so se zvrstili predstavniki vseh treh narodov. Vsi so prosili za dar medsebojnega razumevanja, ljubezni in odpuščanja ter da bi kot kristjani izpolnili poslanstvo v tem za Evropo in svet tako kritičnem času. Med darovanjem pa je v vseh treh jezikih izmenoma zvenela znana Marijina lurška pesem; vsi glasovi so se združili v mogočen pripev »Ave, ave!« v pozdrav nebeški Materi. Evharistična molitev je bila v latinščini, očenaš pa je pel vsak v svojem jeziku. Obhajilo so škofje in duhovniki ponesli med ljudi. Čeprav je bilo delivcev zelo veliko, je obhajilo trajalo zelo dolgo. Vmes pa so se v petju spet lahko zvrstili vsi trije jeziki. Maši je sledila kratka priložnostna akademija, pri kateri so sodelovali vsi (dalje na str. 4) Graditelji... (nadaljevanje s 3. str.) trije škofje odn. vse tri narodnosti. Srečanje je trajalo natanko dve uri. Vsi romarji so vsemu zbrano sledili in živo sodelovali. Posebno simpatijo je izzval sproščen nastop škofa Eldena Curtissa iz Helene, Montana. Povedal je, da je bila njegova babica Slovenka in da vse življenje nosi v sebi podobico brezjanske Marije Pomagaj, katero mu je bila ona dala. V svoji škofiji ima tudi Slovence, Italijane in Nemce, torej podobne sosede, kakor so se zbrali zdaj na Brezjah. Vseh je vesel in jih ima rad. Med obedom, ki so ga priredili za škofe in večino duhovnikov frančiškani, se je nadškof Šuštar zahvalil vsem, ki so pripravili to srečanje, posebej pa še gostom iz Italije in Avstrije za številno udeležbo. Celovški škof Kapellari pa je za drugo leto že povabil vse h Gospe Sveti na Koroško v Avstriji. Zgornje poročilo je povzeto po poročilu v ljubljanskem verskem tedniku Družina, štev. 33 od 28. avg. 1983. Tukaj bodi pripomnjeno samo še to, da je letošnje mednarodno srečanje »graditeljev nove Evrope« na naših Brezjah organizacijsko izpeljal s pomočjo sodelavcev glavni urednik Družine dr. Drago Klemenčič. Za naš list je po Družininem poročilu pripravil poročilo J.S. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 1. str.) ter A. Bericic, rojen v fari Idrija, Slovenija, od koder je prišel v ZDA 1. 1959, mož Therese (p.d. Zinka), roj. Petkovšek, oče Silvestra in Fride, sin Antona in Ivane, roj. Likar, Bericic (oba že pok.), brat Moritza, Melani Eržen (Jug.) in Astrid Jurjavcic (Francija), zaposlen kot mehanik pri Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., član Društva sv. Ane št. 150 KSKJ. Pogreb je bil iz Fortunovega pogrebnega zavoda na 5316 Fleet Ave. v petek, 2. septembra, v cerkev sv. Lovrenca. Frank L. Strainer V ponedeljek, 29. avgusta, zjutraj je v St. Vincent Charity bolnišnici preminul 74 let stari Frank L. Strainer s 13608 Rockside Rd. na Garfield Hts. Tukaj zapušča žalujočo soprogo Mary, roj. Matisic, sinova Franka in Jerryja, hčer Marilyn Hopodar, 8 vnukov, brate Antona, Louisa in Rudolfa, sestre Mary, Amalijo Zakrajšek, Josephine Becka in Frances Kowalski, zaposlen pri Standard Oil Co. kot nadzornik v vzdrževalnem oddelku do 1. 1974, ko je šel v pokoj, član Društva Bled št. 10 ADZ. Pogreb je bil iz pogrebnega zavoda Ferfolia v četrtek, 1. septembra, ob 9. dopoldne, v cerkev sv. Monike ob 9.30, nato na pokopališče Vseh svetnikov. MALI OGLASI KANARČKA NAPRODAJ Dva mlada kanarčka. Kličite 431-3767. 5710 Bonna Ave. (pritličje). (65-66) For Rent 4 rooms down, St. Marys area. Older or retired couple or single person. 541-2881. (64-65) For Rent Neff Rd. (up). Available October. Lge. 3 bdrm. $375 a month plus lease & security. 888-7029. (64-67) DR. ALAN B. NAHA Complete dental care. All types of dental insurance accepted. Ask about our special family group plan. Conveniently located at 848 E. 185th St. in the Jo-Ann Medical Bldg, between Shore Carpet & Yale TV across the street from the LaSalle Theater. 531-7700 (F-X) ---------------——— -------------— -------——— Izvrstna izbira mesa pri R & D Sausage Co. na 15714 Waterloo Rd. Izvrstna izbira svežega in prekajenega mesa. Šunke s kostjo in brez. Sveže in prekajene »Cottage« šunke, kranjske klobase in vsak dan sveže pečenice. Po starem kranjskem receptu pripravljene izvrstne tirolske in krakovske i salame, ljubljanske šunkarice in doma pripravljena in prekajena slanina. Prav tako po madžarskem receptu. Dnevno sveže pripravljeno meso za čevapčiče. Iz Slovenije uvožene razne slaščice, kekse, bonbone, rezanci in marmalade ter bučno olje. Dalje, sadni sokovi, čaji, turško kavo, radensko vodo in druge dobrote, uvožene iz Slovenije. — OtXXXXXXXXXXrXZXXXIXXri YrZXTXZXZXXXTTTTT * tt t TTT' BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & East 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio £ :xxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxžXXXTxir PREŠA NAPRODAJ Kličite 881-9250. (65-66) Pick Your Own Peppers Medium, hot, yellow or green sweet, also lima beams. Mon., Wed., Sat. 8-5. Produce barn now open daily 8-7. Home grown cantaloupes and picked peppers. Toll free number 1-800-362-9535. Hilgerts Berry Farm 3431 Waterloo Rd. Randolph, Ohio (65,67) HOUSE FOR SALE Across Lake Shore Blvd. is Eastlake’s new Croatian Complex. California ranch in Timberlake. 3 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, 3/4 inch paneling in every room. Corner 3/4 acre lot. In-ground heated pool. New roof, 2 car garage. $82,500. Call 951-2985 or 354-6434. (65,67,69,71) FOR RENT 2 bdrm bungalow off E. 185 St. Call 656-1159. (65-68) FOR SALE Euclid - 4 bdrm. Tudor with formal din. rm. large liv. rm., carpeting thruout, finished rec. rm. with wet bar. 2 1/2 car garage with 2nd floor storage. Close to schools, shopping and transportation. Extra lot available. Must see to appreciate. LOCATION REALTY 531-8788 731-8488 (65,66) ELDERLY CARE! My home. Live-in or daily. Personalized. Complete care. Call 881-6143. (65-72) OGRAJE POSTAVLJAM Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Tudi prodajam potrebni material za ograje po zmerni ceni in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Lahko pokličete vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) T.K. General Contractors We do all carpentry, painting, wall covering, electrical, plumbing, carpeting, roofing and driveway jobs. TONY KRISTAVNIK, Owner 831-6430 (X) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 531« Fleet Ave. «41- completely remodeled. ReC room. Garage. Must see. North of Lake Shore. Larg6 3-4 bdrm colonial. Family room, Florida room, reC room, fireplace. Above ground pool. Garage- $47,500 Brick double, and s'n® house on 1 lot on E. 68 S ■ Immediate occupancy. Owner financing 10% on 1 beautiful acres, housSi barn. Jefferson. Make offer-CAMEO REALTY 261-3900 ask for Anton Mafic 531-6787 (fx) SHELIGA DRUG S13I St Clair Ave, OPEN DAILY 9 AM - 8 PM SUNDAY 9 AM - 4 PM Phone 431-1036 Phone 692-0826 Open 3:30 to 10:00 Sat. all Day Call for Appointment MARIO FILIPASIC Rust Never Sleeps Protect Your Car From Rusting RUSTPROOFING & UNDERCOATING Have your car undercoated before winter — $85.00 1363 East 152nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Roy G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore 531-3600 funerals to meet the financial status of all farnlU®* Roy G. Sankovič, director Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1983 News and Musical Notes 'King' hospitalized By TONY PETKOVŠEK Vankovic’s Open Heart J“rKery to Curtail His ^wtedule. - Frankie Yankovic Underwent a triple bypass heart operation on August 24 « Huron Road Hospital. The K'Hg” had been complaining chest pains, was diagnosed and tested and told to have the deration immediately. Long time musician-associate ^°ey Miskulin will be assumes the heavy schedule of °0okings nationally for rankie. This will force Joe to eave his tavern establishment Occasionally to fulfill the ankovic commitments. here has been a lot of bad ews lately in the Yankovic e8ard including the cancella->on by television channel 5 in poland of the Sunday °lka Varieties show, a 27 ear Mainstay on the local and othetime nationally syn-lcated scene. He, along with toducer Walter Masky and ost pauj Wilcox, were direct-tio1-0^ in the TV opera- tj^^hh°ut a doubt the loss of e television program on Ptember 18 is one of the big-^5. losses for polka and me music people ever, ."'ost comparable to losing e full time FM ethnic radio cts in Cleveland a few shars a8o. By the way, the last 0vv will be a live one from and' aU8a ^a*ce ^^toherfest the *S a*S° suPP°secl10 include Mi ,taped highlights Joey E iBU^n from the recent ' i,85 St. Old World Fest. Wq ,"e forces are out there •hu •ln8 to keep the polka 0nly C 8o*n8 °n TV even if it is ^ a half hour show weekly bie whatever station possi-the f "ere’ll he more on this in s ,.uture- M*S.S ^“hara Sells, But Polka Sinti1C Continues. — The John fhei^ family recently sold Winr ^ahara Lounge in Buck0iU8hby Hins t0 c- c-havo e,y and -f*111 Cvelbar wh k eP ' bands bandP ed8ed t0 keep the polkt eights 8°'ng on Saturday With fi. *“Velhar was associatec Clev , e Euclid Tavern in Easi evdand also • U and o'5 family i Euciirilnv°lved with Cebar’ Street Javern on E- 18 lonB'“o Sahara has been ; the d ltTle p°fka spot ever sine Sint ays’ 16 years prior to th Shib]C nianagement, th Verv ys Were owners. °f rou"ear fhe Sahara locatioi 0ffice CS b and is fhc nev deDeni° be °Pen soon. of In Hn dfnt Savings. Thi 8rowin lnstitution has beei ever sj8 f’y leaps and bound nce they established oi E. 260 and E. 185 St. Another office is also planned for Rich-mond Heights General Hospital. The new St. Noel Church on Chardon Rd. in Willoughby Hills, O., which was officially opened recently, will have a new multi-purpose social hall named after Bishop Frederick Baraga, the Slovenian missionary priest. It undoubtedly is a tribute to the many Slovenian parishioners belonging there. Vadnals Planning European Tour in 1984. — The Vadnal Band, whose tours to Europe were so popular, especially in the early 1970’s on an annual basis, are planning a return or “reunion” tour to Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia next summer. Initial details are being released now by Kollander Travel. The Vadnals will be playing for the first Clambake of the Waterloo Trade Assn, on September 11 outdoors of the Croatian Home in Collin-wood. Speaking of clambakes, one of the biggest get-togethers of the season is sponsored by the Polka Boosters Club and this year they have switched their location from SNPJ Farm in Kirtland to the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue and E. 65th on Oct. 9. The Don Wojtila Orchestra will be playing and tickets are available at the Polka Village. Joey Tomsick of Euclid won the chromatic accordion divisional title in a button box contest held in Denver, Colorado this summer. He played a beautifully restored white Mervar chromatic which was worked on by Don Krance of E. 239 St., considered one of the best accordion repairmen in the country. Another fine young gentleman who went home a winner in his age division was Rudy Pryately of Conneaut, active in our local Slovenian community. We’ll close with these tavern happenings: The former Timko’s place on E. 156 which has been known as Las Vegas is talking about going back to polkas under new owners. Down the street, Fanny’s Restaurant is really shaping up with its expansion project being handled by Frank Culkar Construction. Tony and Delores Mihelich of the Hometown Restaurant on Babbitt Road have announced their establishment is for sale. And is there really another tavern and Italian restaurant coming to E. 185 St in the former State Liquor Store? At the games and races portion of the Ohio KSKJ Day held Sunday, Aug. 28 at St. Joseph Picnic Grove in Willoughby Hills, Ohio, the ladies were given a balloon to blow up. Then they were asked to let go and see how far forward the balloon would travel. Some went up, some in a circle, and a few even went forward. Seen passing out the balloons at right is KSKJ National President, Henry S. Grosel. A good turnout at the grounds together with perfect weather meant another successful KSKJ picnic. Rock Saturday at Slovenska Pristava This Saturday, Sept. 3rd the Slovenska Pristava will be hopping with the excitement " of “Pristava Jam 4’’, Pristava’s rock music showcase. Like the times, this year’s “jam” has changed also. Not only will there be live performances by rock acts, but afterwards there will be a DJ to have you dancing to your favorite artists and groups. The debut of Force 4 will be The Glasbena Matica Singing Society announces that due to unforeseen circumstances, the Fall Concert scheduled for Sunday, October 15, 1983 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. has been cancelled. Chorus director Vladimir Malečkar has been engaged in the renovation of his recording studio and with the installation of new equipment. Because of delays caused by inability to complete the renovation as quickly as anticipated, Mr. Malečkar has advised Glasbena Matica that he must devote all of his energies to the completion of this project. Since he will be unable to participate either in conducting rehearsals or the concert, the chorus has most reluctantly decided to cancel the October performance. In no sense does this mean that Glasbena Matica, which featured this Saturday evening. The DJ, dance music and lighting will be provided by Sound on Wheels fronted by Bob Zakrajšek. All the profits and proceeds go to the Slovenska Pristava. The event begins at about 7:00 p.m. So if you like music — if you like to dance — go to Pristava this Saturday and rock-n-roll. Tom Veider has enriched the Slovene culture in Cleveland for more than a half century, has come to the end of its activity. Quite the contrary. Rehearsals will resume in the first week of October in preparation for two future performances. Glasbena Matica has been invited to participate in the Holiday Festival sponsored by the Junior League of Cleveland, to be held the First week of December in the Terminal Building concourse. Glasbena will perform on Sunday, December 4, and present a 30 to 45 minute program beginning at two o’clock in the afternoon. The next major performance for Glasbena Matica will be its annual spring social this coming March. The chorus will begin working on this program as soon as rehearsals resume. Aged Home Open House is Sept. 10 The Board of Trustees of the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 announces that an Open House will be held on Saturday, September 10, 1983 from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. and cordially invites all members and friends of the Home to attend. The Open House will celebrate the completion of the two' and one-half million dollar expansion of the Home from 87 to 150 beds. Ground was broken in the fall of 1981 and the 63 new beds became available earlier this year. The additional beds were filled very rapidly and there still remains a long waiting list, proof that there was indeed need for the expansion. Among numerous improvements, the physical therapy and other facilities have been enlarged and modernized. A new, fully-equipped kitchen and laundry room have added to greater efficiency of those services. A large new multi-purpose room was named in honor of the late Captain James A. Launch, a career naval officer from Yukon, Pa. who bequeathed more than one hundred thousand dollars to the SHA. A fine electric organ donated by Mary Wolf and her late husband Frank adds to the Launch room. In appreciation of their quiet generosity and dedication to the SHA over many years, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zlatoper of Moreland Hills have been asked to preside over the official ribbon-cutting ceremonies. Guided tours of the facility will be conducted throughout the afternoon. Light refreshments will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary and by volunteers of the Home. Members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees are: Marie Shaver, President; Rudolph Kozan, Vice-President; Alma Lazar, Treasurer; Jean Križman, Recording Secretary; Rudolph M. Susel, Corresponding Secretary. Other members of the current Board of Trustees are John Cech, Frank Cesen, Jr., Sutton J. Girod, Vida Kalin, Walter Lampe, Albert Pestot-nik, Richard Tomsk, Cecilia Wolf, Ronald Zele and Anthony Lavrisha, the newest member who assumed the seat of the late Raymond Perme. Serving as an alternate mem- (Continued on page 8) Glasbena Matica Cancels Concert Memo From Madeline ■—by Madeline Debevec«.. Happy 50th John and Josephine Craine of Brigham Road in Gates Mills, Ohio, marked a very memorable occasion on July 23 — the 50th anniversary of their marriage. The renewal of their wedding vows took place at a Mass celebrated by Bishop Edward Pevec on the Craines’ spacious grounds^ He was assisted by Rev. Louis Baznik and Rev. Joseph Celesnik, the Craines’ classmates from St. Vitus School; and their dear friend, Rev. Thomas Gallagher. Organ music at the ceremony was provided by Frank Pike. A delicious dinner was served following the ceremony. Present at the joyous event were their two aunts and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pockar Sr. and Mrs. Frank Pyke; Stan and Beverly Pockar Jr.; daughter and son-in-law, Frank and Patricia Kay and their children, Michael and Mary Kay. Also attending was their other daughter and family from Pocatello, Idaho — Dr. Ronald and Dr. Linda Katzen-buehler and children Lindsay and John. Both Ronald and Linda are professors at Idaho State University, where Linda also is associate dean. Other guests included Ann Tekavec, Christine and Frank Glavan, former classmates of Josephine; well-known artist Mrs. Anthony (Enika) Zulic, who presented them with a gorgeous painting of Lake Bled; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kotze, Mrs. Charles Lausche, Mrs. Olgi Conway, Dr. and Mrs. Uros Roesman, Mrs. Ljudmila and Aniska Lekan Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lekan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Marko Sfiligoj, Mr. and Mrs. Vinko Sfililgoj and Mr. and Mrs. John Klopcic. A good time was had by all. We at the American Home add our wishes for good health and happiness for many more years. * * * Last Call for Reservations Reservation deadline is Sept. 3 for the annual fall luncheon and card party, sponsored by the Holy Family Cancer Home Guild. The event will be held at noon Saturday, Sept.'17, at the downtown Higbee’s auditorium. For tickets, priced at $6, call Ethel Dietrick at 476-0089 or Ann O’Rourke, 237-8752. For more information, contact me at the American Home, 431-0628. All proceeds benefit the Holy Family Cancer Home. Hope to see you there. * * * Kres to Perform The Slovenian Folklore Dancing Group KRES will have two performances this fall — at 7:30 p.m. Sataurday, Sept. 10, and 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25 — both at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. All tickets for the Saturday performance are reserved. Call Cilka Svigel at 944-0708. Tickets for Sunday’s performance are free to children 13 and younger. Adults may purchase their tickets from members for a donation of $5. The Duke Marsic Orchestra will provide the music for the performance and entertain following the program. * * * Kuhar-Legan Engagement Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kuhar of Euclid annouce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn to Gregory Scott Legan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Legan, also of Euclid. The bride-elect, a 1975 West Tech High School graduate, is a bookkeeper for Main Hurd-man CPAs in Pepper Pike. Her fiance, a 1975 Euclid High alumnus, is a district supervisor with the Great Lakes Liquor Co. in Cleveland. After an Oct. 15 wedding at St. William’s Church, the couple will honeymoon in the Caribbean and take up residence in Euclid. * * • Slovenian Classes Four Slovenian language courses again are available for credit at Kent State University this fall, but sign up fast. Call Prof. Edward Gobetz (944-7237) or the Kent Critical Languages Program (672-4443). All courses are being taught as a voluntary overload and without pay by Prof. Gobetz, in addition to his regular schedule as professor of sociology and anthropology. * * * Get Well — Ann Marie Zak of St. Clair Avenue recently underwent two surgeries at two different hospitals within two weeks. After being released from Hillcrest Hospital, she underwent surgery at Cleveland Clinic, from which she was released this week. Our prayers are with her for a speedy recovery. * * * Oktoberfest Tickets Tickets for the Hofbrau Haus Oktoberfest, set for the Lake County Fairgrounds in Painesville Sept. 3-5, are now on sale at the St. Vitus Church Rectory. Cost is $3 of which a portion will remain in the parish for the needs of the school. * * * Travel News Henry and Anne Grosel of Euclid, Ohio, spent an adventurous and educational two weeks in Russia. The trip included stops in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Odessa. Meanwhile, Gene Ann and Norm Robben and family of St. Louis, Mo., enjoyed a month in Cleveland visiting Gene Ann’s mom. Gene Drobnič. Grandma Anna Jaksic also enjoyed all the excitement. * * * Campus News Ann Marie Zak recently received her bachelor of science in metallurgy and materials science with honors from Case Institute of Technology. President of the student chapter of the American Society of Metals for two years and a staff member of the campus paper, “The Observer,” she was honored with many academic awards, including the Robert S. Shankland Scholarship from Case and the K.H. Donaldson Award as outstanding metallurgy student. A 1975 Euclid High School graduate currently employed at the TRW Valve Division, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zak of Euclid. Ann Marie is the granddaughter of Justine Klemenčič Prhne and Joseph and Vi Zak, all also of Euclid. Congratulations! * * * Youngest KSKJ member at the Ohio picnic on Sunday, Aug. 25 was Daniel Walter Cosic (19 days) who is pictured in the arms of his mom Susan Rae. Also in the photo is his dad Dan and family members Jennifer, Julie, Allison, and Margaret along with Susan’s mother Margaret Kuta. Free balloons were given to the youngsters in attendance. Susan Rae Zak-Cosic and husband Dan are owners of the Zak-Cosic Funeral Home in Willoughby Hills, Ohio and are members of KSKJ. Bishop Edward Pevec celebrated a 50th anniversary Mass for John and Josephine Craine on July 23 on the Craines’ spacious grounds in Gates Mills, Ohio. Another big name on campus is Dan Krane, son of Ed and Justine Krane of Hudson, Ohio. A junior at John Carroll University, Dan airs a polka show from 6 to 8 p.m. each Thursday on the college station, WUJC-FM (88.7) on the dial. He’s also sports editor of “The Carroll News,” the college newspaper. We’ll be listening and reading, Dan. • * * A Big, Fun Weekend Henry Grosel, national president of KSKJ; Joseph Baškovič, second vice president; Al Orehek, Cleveland St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 secretary; and Joe Hočevar, KSKJ regional director, were among the good sports who actively participated in the National KSKJ Softball Tournament, held last weekend in Euclid, Ohio. Little did we know that a former All-Cleveland third baseman of 1948 was amongst us. But he was, in the form of Baškovič, who went two for three in a sparkling return to the diamond. In fact, all the gents did great, considering the number of years that have passed since their last appearances on the softball or baseball field. Later Saturday evening, more than 300 fans of Christ the King Athletic Club (KSKJ) attended the reverse dinner-dance. A sumptuous dinner, which featured four varieties of meat, was prepared by Mrs. Steffie Smolič and enjoyed by everyone. On Sunday, we were among the more than 1,000 persons who attended the Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges picnic at the St. Joseph Grounds on White Road. What a beautiful day! And how great it was to see so many hundreds of our friends who stopped to greet us. While the popular Jasmin Band entertained, everyone had a grand time, including the youngest KSKJer in the group, 19-day-old Daniel Walter Zak, son of Dan and Susan (Zak) Cosic who own the funeral home in Willoughby Hills. From there it was on t0 Holmes Avenue where another great Collinwood Slovenia® HomeHomecoming celebration was taking place. More than 500 were still on hand when we arrived at 9:3® p.m., including Art Perk®, who performed after being honored as the Home’s “Musical Man of the Year.” As Vivianne Cecelic of the Fairport Harbor Button Bo* Group exclaimed, “It was a great day for everyone.” Collinwood Home offic*4^ John Habat, Dan Pavšek a®® Frank Koncilija agreed. Even popular songstress Cilka Dolgan was on hand to please the crowd with a fe'v selections. . Another 19-day-0^ sweetheart, Jillian Jenene W0’ jtila, was in this crowd, too-The daughter of Delene an Joey Wojtila was making M public debut and cooed 4,1 gurgled along with the musio-All in all it was a gtcat weekend in the local Slovenia^ community. And there another long weekend ahea A happy and safe Lah°r Day Weekend to all! Cancer Home Benefit Luncheon and Card Party Slated Sept. 17 The Holy Family Cancer Home Guild is sponsoring its annual Fall Luncheon and Card Party at noon on Saturday, September 17 at Higbee (downtown) auditorium. Donation is $6.00. Reservation deadline is September 3. To reserve a s«£ call Ethel Dei trick at 476-00° or Ann O’Rourke at 237-87 For further information c° tact Madeline Debevec 431-0628. he All proceeds benefit Holy Family Cancer Horn®’ Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3H8 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo The Stockes-Grdina- Sheliga Building E=Recent Deaths Compiled and Researched by Frank Zupančič The Grdina Bowling Alley building has a long and distinguished history of service to the St. Clair neighborhood. When first built in the 1870s, 't was called the Stockes Building, after its owner, Christian Stockes (pronounc-tti Stokes). Stockes manufactured cigars at the location. An early feature of the building was its large dance ball on the second floor. It served the neighborhood with utany hours of foot stomping Oiusic. Actually, at the very beginn-ln8» two buildings were connected together at the 1725-27 t- Clair address up to 1905. After that, the address became ^l7-25 St. Clair. John rdina, brother of Anton, Pnrchased the building in U. after having operated a avern in the same place since 04. Anton Grdina operated a furniture store also in the Saine building, next to the tavern. After 1911, the building ®came a beehive of activity. any Slovenian fraternal °dges made the third floor of . e building their home and as Ijnrnigrants made their way to e U-S., they were sure to ^ngregate with their own in ® Grdina (Stockes) building, here were countless dances, . ^quets, boxing and wrestl-8 matches, drama presenta-l0ns> and exhibitions in ^e'ghtlifting and strength on y^second floor. One Peter ebiJ, a Serb, comes to mind a “superman” in his own r»ght. In the KSKJ National °rivention was held at *na Hall. Mr. Anton pj ina was elected Supreme SIq5^601 t^lat Catholic lion611'311 ^raterna* organiza- s In the 1930s, Grdina Hall’s Twh-111 ^oor became the 1 *8ht Gardens, a dance em-v riUrn operated by Dominic hahS°VeC' Krašovec sold the Mod'11 Car*y t0 Tino ball 1C> 'V^° a*so °Perate^ the tavern at the time. Tino’s the rd t^le eastern enc^ stOr a^> Grdinas furniture bfick Western enc*> w*tb v Bohar’s barber shop in lween. djs °n October 20th, the pl0 S r°Us East Ohio gas ex-abi‘°n set the Grdina Hall g° *e’ al°ng with the rest of a teisshk Sectton of the Ciaj °rhood north of St. flo0r roof on the third Wate ^as burned, with much ttyn ~ aniage to the remaining boors. After the extensive refur- 8> the Grdina Building for all your CHRISTENING needs ^ZLOVAR'S °ept store reopened on Jan. 22, 1946 with modern 12 lanes Brunswick bowling alleys on the second floor. A snack bar restaurant and the Grdina Furniture store on the main level were also re-instated. The third floor was totally eliminated. Then, the Grdina building underwent another catastrophic fire, gutting the entire building on Jan. 1, 1950. After about six months rebuilding, the building again reopened with bowling alleys. However, this time they were on the main level, along with a bar restaurant on the street front side of the building. This time, the second floor was totally eliminated. The Grdina furniture store also vanished. At Kres Concert consolidating to new quarters in the Collinwood area of Cleveland. From 1950 to 1981, the building continued to function as planned with bowling, food and drink. In 1981, the Grdina family closed the building totally with the demise of Krane’s bar. This year, the alleys were carefully removed and sold to a collector. And this fall, Sheliga Drug Inc. will move into its new home, the former Grdina building, with 7,000 spacious square feet of selling space in the famous landmark; thus one of our finer establishments will continue “serving our neighborhood daily” in the famous historical edifice. FRANCES PERME Frances Perme (nee Petrovik) died Tuesday evening, Aug. 23 after being a resident of the Slovene Home for the Aged for eight months. Mrs. Perme is survived by her husband, Frank J., her sisters: Mary Kastelic, Josephine Brown, and Lucille Smrekar, and her nieces, and nephews and grand-nieces and grandnephews. She was the daughter of Ignatius Petrovik and Frances (nee Kozjak) (both deceased). Another sister, Ann Svigel, and her brother, James Petrovik, are also deceased. Mrs. Perme was born in Yugoslavia in 1898. Funeral Mass was Sat., Aug. 27 at St. Williams Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. handled funeral arrangements. JOHN J. BRODNICK John J. Brodnick, beloved husband of the late Rose (nee Dugan) died recently. He was the father of Mae R. Preiss, grandfather of two, greatgrandfather of six, brother of Jennie Marolt, Joseph, Sophie Japel, Mary Figurski, Anthony and Louis (dec.). John worked for Chase Brass as a tube mill supervisor. He was a member of AMLA LodgeNo. 9 Funeral Mass was at St. Vitus Church. Funeral arrangements were handled by Zak-Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Char-don Rd., Willoughby Hills. Dancers ready for September Mardi Gras Don’t the weeks pass slowly when you are anxiously awaiting that special evening? Well, it is finally here — the event that marks the opening of the Slovenian cultural calendar after the summer hiatus. The Kres dancers are opening this year’s stage curtains in a special way. While we’ve been picnicing and vacationing, 118 young dancers have been preparing for their festive performance. This year they have doubled their efforts to present two performances, both at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. The first performance will be Saturday evening, Sept. 10 at 7:30 p.m. The same program will be repeated in a Sunday matinee presentation on Sept. 11th at 3:30 p.m. Both productions will be followed by dancing for all to the music of Veseli Slovenci (the Duke Marsic Orchestra). By now you may be wondering about the reference to the famed Mardi Gras. Much as the French brought their bestloved traditions to New Orleans, the Kres dancers will be bringing the Slovenian version to their audiences next weekend. Part one of the “Program of National and Artistic Dances” will be an exhibit of the exhilarating dances of Slovenia. Included will be the audience favorites, the authentic regional dances of Prekmurje, Štajerska, Belokrajina, and Gorenska in local costumes. The Duke Marsic Orchestra will provide music for many of the numbers. In the second half of the program, the Kres dancers outdo themselves year after year. This year they are reliving the Mardi Gras or Pust festivities of Slovenia. This was a time after winter when signs of new life began appearing and the last opportunity for merriment before Lent. Many of the traditions were rather humorous. It was a time when the unmarried girls were teased with straw “husbands”, a time when evil spirits were chased away, even a time when old women could be magically transformed into young beauties by the hags mill. There will be portrayals of these and, of course, old man Pust. He symbolizes Old Man Winter and must be captured. A myriad of masked creatures will participate in the merriment. The costumes and stage props for both performances are all hand-crafted authentic reproductions, a display of art in themselves. The artisans are parents and dancers themselves who have spent as many hours fashioning the costumes, masks, and props as their forefathers in preparation for their festivities. This year’s Kres weekend has been choreographed by the dedicated pair of Mrs. Breda Lončar and Mrs. Bernie Ovsenik, along with the debut of several new choreographers. The following dancers have choreographed and taught their own material: Eddy Fujs, Jane Jaksic, Tom Kmetic, Stan Krulc, Annie Kurbos, Matt Lončar, Maria Nunnally, Annie Sterle, Cec Svigel, Stan Zalar, and Mrs. Ronnie Žnidaršič. Please note that the Saturday evening performance is reserved seating only. Tickets are available through Miss Cecilia Svigel at 944-0708 or Mrs. Breda Lončar at 944-8675. Tickets for the Sunday matinee performance can be obtained from all Kres dancers. Slapnik Florist (E. 185 St.), Baragov Dom (St. Daily luncheon specials have been added to the Swiss Haus restaurant menu. On Monday, featured is chicken paprikash with dumplings -$3.95. Tuesday has roast beef with mashed potatoes for $4.50. On Wednesday rižota (rice and pork specialty) can be had for $3.95. Thursday’s special is stuffed cabbage with mashed potatoes for $3.95. Friday finds meat loaf with mashed potatoes for $3.95. The Saturday feature is Sauerbraten with spatzels priced at $4.50. Besides the specials the Clair Ave.), Tony’s Polka Village (E. 185 St.), and American Home Publishing Co. (St. Clair Ave.). Donation is $5.00. Children under 13 will be admitted without charge to the Sunday performance. Refreshments, including many ethnic specialties, will be available at both performances. Come enjoy Kres’ 29th year performance and be a part of the “Pust” festivities. S. S. Kurent regular luncheon menu lists club sandwich, liver and onions with mashed potatoes, Nordic schnitzel (pork, home fries, veg.), hot beef sandwich (home fries, veg.), hot turkey sandwich (with home fries and veg.), Swiss Haus Omelet, Butt Steak (home fries, veg.), steak burger, steak, cheeseburger, chef’s salad, segadin goulash, Slovenian sausage and kraut. Plus an assortment of home made pastries is available. The Swiss Haus restaurant is located at 7480 Warner Rd (Rt. 307), about a mile from the Madison exit of 190. NOW ; ZAK FUNERAL OPEN . COSIC j HOME ...i . Xinn 1890.,;/:* THE FJNEST TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNERAL FACILITY IN NORTHEAST OHIO 28890 Chardon Rd.f Willoughby Hills (One block East of Bishop) Susan Zak-Cosic, Reasonable and Dignified Funeral Director ..... 585-5100 or St. Clair area 361-3113 (FX) Daily Specials Added to Swiss Haus Grdina Funeral Homes ^ 1053 East 62 Street 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road A531-1235 RECIPES . m shaped strips of remaining dough by rolling it against floured board with palms of hand. Arrange in lattice over top, pressing ends against dough on sides of pan. Bake at 325°F. 45 min. until lightly browned. Cool in pan; cut into bars. Makes 2 doz. bars. chopped onion and garlic in butter or margarine; add bread cubes and herbs. WALNUT LINZER BARS 3/4 cup butter or margarine 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 egg 1/2 tsp grated lemon peel 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/8 tsp. cloves 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup ground walnuts 1 cup raspberry or apricot jam Cream butter with sugar, egg, lemon peel, salt and spices. Blend in flour and walnuts. Set aside 1/4 of dough for lattice top. Pat remaining dough into bottom and 1/2 in. up sides of greased 9-in. sq. pan. Spread with jam. Make pencil- STUFFED BREAST OF VEAL 4-pound breast of veal, cut with pocket 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup chopped onion (1 large) 1 small clove of garlic, crushed 1/4 cup butter or margarine 4 cups soft bread cubes (8 slices) 1 1/2 tablespoons dried parsley flakes 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, crumbled 1/4 teaspoon basil, crumbled 3 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons pure vegetable oil 1 cup water 1 teaspoon salt 1 large onion, sliced 3 tablespoons flour 1/2 cup water Heat oven to 325°. Sprinkle inside of veal with 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Saute Stuff veal with bread mixture; close pocket with skewers. Dredge veal with 3 tablespoons flour. Brown well in oil in roasting pan. Add 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon salt and sliced onion. Roast, covered, 3 hours or until fork tender. Place meat on heated platter; keep warm. Measure pan drippings; add water to make 2 1/2 cups; return to pan. Blend 3 tablespoons flour and 1/2 cup water until smooth. Stir into pan drippings. Cook, stirring constantly, until gravy thickens and comes to boiling; boil 1 minute. Makes 6 servings. Padre Pio Meets The Our Lady of the Rosary Padre Pio Prayer Group of Cleveland will meet for its September prayer service at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18. The group will gather at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21320 Euclid Ave. (Chardon Road entrance). Service begins with the Rosary, followed by Mass. A social will follow in the Knights Room. »Join the nfpst exciting company of young dancers Discover and enjoy the excitement of friendship, adventure, travel, prestige and fame. Become part of a first-class Slovenian performing folkdance company. Learn the riches of the 1400-year cultural heritage and the beauty of the folklore of your forefathers. iJL With the support of the Ohio Arts Council All ages ai& welcottfe Yes, 1 am interested in preserving the beauty of Slovenian cultural heritage. Please send details and application form. Name: . Address: City, ZIP:................................ Tel. .................Age:........ [Slovene ^olRlore institute * PO. Box 17359 Euclid, Ohio 44117 *■■■■■—■ 216/951-1782 I 111 fi 11 The Avsenik Story — 30 Years of Music The Avsenik story, cont. The Avsenik Ensemble was formed in 1953 and in each year since the group has gone on to ever greater success. The following account traces this remarkable development on a chronological basis. Translation from the Slovene is by Rudolph M. Susel. (Continued) 1967 — The tenth Avsenik niks make their four thou-long play record is released, sandth concert appearance. All concert appearances are in 1972 _ The Avseniks continue standing room only halls. The (q win popularity contests - ' lu wm pupumuiy Avseniks have travelled almost sponsored by various West 400,000 miles on concert tours. 1968 — On February 20 Teldec Records awards the Avseniks their second and third gold records in recognition of having passed the two and three million mark in records sold. The ceremony takes place in Nuremberg, West Germany. 1969 — The Avseniks are by far the most popular group on the extremely popular West German radio program “The Happy Musicians”. 23,000 listeners vote for an Avsenik number sung by Ema Prodnik as their favorite. A concert in Vienna is number 3,000 for the group. 1970 — The Avseniks complete a one month tour among Slovene communities in the United States and Canada and win huge successes from San Diego to Toronto. On March 31 they receive their fourth gold record for four million records sold. The award is made in Munich, West Germany. Teldec Records releases the two hundredth Avsenik composition. The Avseniks rename themselves the “Original Oberkrainer Avsenik” for the German market. This change removes a problem caused by the appearance of other groups with similar names. 1971 — The double album “Golden Sounds” sells 105,000 copies in one year. The Avseniks record their twenty-fifth long play album. A diamond record album is presented the Avseniks for having sold five million records and just three months later they receive another gold album for six million records sold. Avsenik fan clubs spread rapidly. On April 2, in Ljubljana’s Tivoli Hall, the Avse- Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 German radio stations. 1° Essen, West Germany, °n December 6, the Avsenik® receive gold records in honor of having sold their sevent and eighth millionth records. 1973 — The Avseniks give a jubilee concert on the twentieth anniversary of their foun ding. The concert takes place in Hanover, West GefflianV' On New Year’s Eve the Avseniks play for Yug0sl®v President Tito and his gue* at Tito’s residence in near Kranj, Slovenia. 1974 —On April 19, the Avseniks officially celebrate th twentieth anniversary in LJU Ijana’s Tivoli Hall- ^ ^ receive their ninth gold rečot and then a platinum record ^ recognition of ten mil"0 records sold. At the same til® the Teldec Record divisions1 Switzerland and Austria eac present the Avseniks with 3 sold gold record for having - , one million records in each those countries. For unpm0 dented record sales on Slovene and Yugoslav mark^j the Avseniks receive a 8° Helid00 record from the Obzorja recording firm. Singer Franc Koren l®®^ the Avsenik ensemble an replaced by the duo of J° ^ Svete and Alfi Nipič. For N Year’s Eve the Avseniks ® again play for President 1 (To be continued) Open Houtf (Continued from p*8e ^ ber of the Board is Ro*®111 ^ Toth. The Administrator the Home is Agnes Jeri® ” Honorary members m ^ Board are Mary Kobal, Kosich, James Kozel, ^ p. erick E. Križman, Albifl d pold, Vida Shiffr®«-Michael Telich. Legal Ad J to the SHA is attorney ^ Hribar. James Richlak, serves as financial cons'-11 to the SHA. 0[ Once again, all fri®0^ the Slovene Home for tb® ‘^c j ed are invited to atten Open House on Septemb®f ^ 1983. Guided tours facility will be availabl®- ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 30.-3112 Nova tel. st. 361-3112 John Fortuna, licensed funeral director