M IC R O CDS/ISIS RAZVOJ, UPORABA IN INTERAKCIJA S STANDARDI COBISS Matjaž Musek, Mednarodni center za podjetja v državni lasti, Ljubljana UDK 025.3/.5: 519.68 Povzetek Članek v začetku prinaša opis nastanka in razvoja program a Micro CDS/ISIS, ki je zadnji član širše družine program ov' ISIS. V nadaljevanju so podani opisi osm ih osnovnih m odulov ter nakazane nekatere posebnosti pri delu s program om . Zadnji del prinaša tako opis m ožnosti kot problem ov pri tvorjenju kom patibilnih podatkovnih struktur z nacionalnim standardom COMARC v sistem u vzajem ne­ ga kataloga COBIB. Članek zaključuje pregled večjih baz podatkov, ki so zgrajene z Micro CDS/ISIS. U D C 0 2 5 .3 /.5 : 519.68 Summary The first part of the article gives a background and description of thedevelopm ent of Micro CDS/ISIS, the last m em ber of a larger group of ISIS program s for library autom ation. The following chapters bring descriptions of eight basic m odules, with some characteristics and peculiarities in w orking with them. The last part of the article brings some reflections of the au tho r on the possibilities of interfacing data structures of Micro CDS/ISIS w ith those of the national standard COMARČ w hich is the basis for the national union catalogue called COBIB. The article ends w ith description of larger data bases run by Micro CDS/ISIS. MUSEK, Matjaž: Micro C D S /ISIS : Its D evelopm ent, A pplication and Interaction with COBISS Standards. Knjižnica, 36(1992)3/4, 7-39