33 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1. OZEMLJE IN PODNEBJE TERRITORY AND CLIMATE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki o zemljepisni opredelitvi so povzeti iz StatistiËnih letopisov Republike Slovenije in iz drugih dokumentacijskih virov, leksikonov in registrov StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije. Podatki so prevzeti tudi iz Pregledne karte SR Slovenije 1 : 250.000 (PK-250), ki jo je v letu 1985 izdala Republiöka geodetska uprava, ter iz Topografske karte 1 : 25.000 (TK-25) za obmoËje Republike Slovenije. Imena teritorialnih enot so v skladu s predpisi. Podatke so posredovali: Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (o geografskih koordinatah skrajnih toËk drűave, dolűini drűavne meje in o nadmorskih viöinah), Geodetska uprava obalne skupnosti v Kopru (o dolűini slovenske morske obale), Inötitut za raziskovanje Krasa ZRC - SAZU v Postojni (o kraökih jamah), Uprava Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave (o zavarovanih naravnih obmoËjih Republike Slovenije), Hidrometeoroloöki zavod Republike Slovenije (o jezerih in vodnih akumulacijah, rekah in o podnebju: temperaturah, vlaűnosti, oblaËnosti, vetrovih, padavinah) ter Uprava Republike Slovenije za geofiziko (o potresih). Podatke o digitalnem modelu reliefa v Republiki Sloveniji so posredovali: Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije, Gozdarski inötitut Republike Slovenije in StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije. ZAJETJE V preglednicah so zajete nekatere naravnogeografske znaËilnosti ozemlja in podnebja Slovenije. Prikazana so tudi zavarovana obmoËja narave v Sloveniji in karta z izoseistami najmoËnejöega potresa leta 1996. Diagrami prikazujejo razporeditev nadmorske viöine, razporeditev naklona zemljiöË v Sloveniji in nekatere podnebne znaËilnosti. DEFINICIJE Nadmorska viöina krajev, kjer so sedeűi obËin, je vnesena po razdelitvi na obËine v Republiki Sloveniji konec leta 1996. Razporeditev nadmorske viöine in naklona zemljiöËa v Republiki Sloveniji je povzeta po projektu Digitalnega modela reliefa (DMR - 100); merjena enota je 1 ha. Med zavarovanimi naravnimi obmoËji v Republiki Sloveniji so upoötevani vsi naravni parki, ki zajemajo vse narodne parke, vse krajinske parke in druga zavarovana obmoËja z elementi krajinskih parkov. RazvröËeni in oznaËeni so v skladu s kategorizacijo Mednarodne zveze za varstvo narave (IUCN): IUCN kategorija II - narodni park IUCN kategorija III - naravni spomenik IUCN kategorija V - zavarovana krajina. Za vodno stanje oz. pretoke rek so upoötevane le najpomembnejöe vodomerske postaje, za katere je bilo na voljo najveË popolnih podatkov glede na ötevilo elementov in glede na dolűino Ëasovne vrste. Pomen znakov: QS - srednji pretok v letu, QVK - najveËji pretok - konica v letu. QNK - najmanjöi pretok - konica v letu. Jakost potresov je prikazana po naslednjih lestvicah: MCS (Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg) MSK (Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik) EMS (European Macroseismic Scale). Vse lestvice imajo 12 stopenj. MSK-lestvica upoöteva öe statistiko posledic potresa. Karta potresa je prikazana z izoseistami, tj. Ërtami, ki povezujejo toËke z enako intenzivnostjo potresnih sunkov. Pri podnebnih podatkih so upoötevani le podatki najpomembnejöih meteoroloökih postaj. Prikazane so letne srednje temperature in letna viöina padavin, poleg teh pa öe srednje temperature za januar in julij ter srednje temperature in viöine padavin za glavno vegetacijsko obdobje (od aprila do vkljuËno junija). Pri podatkih za absolutno maksimalno oziroma minimalno letno temperaturo je izbrana temperatura, ki je bila doseűena v enem dnevu ali veË. Prikazani sta tudi absolutna minimalna in maksimalna temperatura za desetletno obdobje. PovpreËna meseËna temperatura zraka je raËunana iz opazovanj ob 7., 14. in 21. uri po krajevnem Ëasu po obrazcu (t7 + t14 + 2 x t21) : 4. Srednje letne vrednosti so raËunane iz srednjih meseËnih vrednosti. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on geographical characteristics are taken from the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia and from other documentational sources, lexicons and registers of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Data are also taken from the Map of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia 1:250,000 (PK-250), published in 1985 by the Surveying and Mapping Authority, and from the Topographical Map 1:25,000 (TK-25) for the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Territorial units are referred to by their legally-established names. Data were supplied by: the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia on geographical coordinates of the extreme points of the state, the length of the state border and heights above sea level, the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Littoral Community in Koper on the length of the Slovenian coastline, the Institute for Karst Research of the Environmental Research Institute of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts on karst caves, the Nature Protection Authority of the Republic of Slovenia on protected natural areas of the Republic of Slovenia, the Hydrometheorological Institute of the Republic of Slovenia on lakes and water accumulations, rivers (over 25 km in length) and their watersheds, on the level and rate of flow of rivers and on climate (temperatures, humidity, cloudiness, wind, precipitation) and the Geophysical Survey of Slovenia on earthquakes. The data on digital model of relief are from the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, the Institute of Forestry of the Republic of Slovenia and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. COVERAGE Covered are some geographical characteristics of Slovenian territory and climate. Also shown are protected areas of nature in Slovenia and the chart with isoseismals of the strongest earthquake in 1996. Diagrams show distribution of the height above sea level, distribution of the inclination of the territory in Slovenia and some characteristics of the climate. DEFINITIONS The height above sea level of seats of municipalities is given with respect to the shape of communities in the Republic of Slovenia as of the end of 1996. Distribution of the height above sea level and of the inclination of the territory in the Republic of Slovenia is presented according to the project of the Digital Model of Relief (DMR - 100); observed unit was 1 ha. Among protected natural areas of the Republic of Slovenia we include all natural parks. They include all national parks, all landscape parks and other protected areas with elements of landscape parks. Categorisation of natural parks is in accordance with the categorisation of IUCN (International Union of the Conservation of Nature). IUCN II denotes national parks. IUCN III denotes natural monuments. IUCN V denotes protected landscapes. With respect to the level/rate of flow of rivers we have considered only the most important hydrometric stations, for which the fullest data were available with regard to the number of elements and the length of the time series. The signs have the following meanings: QS - medium flow in the year; QVK - maximum flow, yearly peak; QNK - minimum flow, yearly peak. Macroseismic intensity is given in the MCS (Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg), MSK (Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik) and EMS (European Macroseismic Scale) intensity scale. All scales have 12 degrees. The MSK intensity scale includes statistics of the earthquake effects. On the map, areas of a given intensity are delineated by means of intensity contours or "isoseismals". Climatological data take account of the most important weather stations alone. In addition to average annual temperatures and annual precipitation, average temperatures for January and July and average temperatures and precipitation for the main vegetation period (from April to June inclusive) are also shown. The absolute maximum/minimum annual temperature is taken from the temperature reached on one (or more) day(s). Ten-year absolute maximum and minimum temperatures are shown. Average monthly air temperature is calculated from observations at 7.00, 14.00 and 21.00 local time using the formula (t7 + t14 + 2 x t21) : 4. Average annual values are calculated from the average monthly values. 34 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate Padavine se merijo vsak dan ob 7. uri zjutraj. Dan z deűjem ali dan s snegom je dan, ko je na meteoroloöki postaji padlo vsaj 0,1 mm ustreznih padavin v 24 urah (od 7. ure do 7. ure naslednjega dne). »e je v tem Ëasu deűevalo ali sneűilo hkrati ali izmenoma, se öteje tak dan kot dan z deűjem in snegom. Dan s sneűno odejo je dan, ko je bilo na meteoroloöki postaji ob 7. uri najmanj 1 cm sneűne odeje. Srednja oblaËnost je raËunana po opazovanjih ob 7., 14. in 21. uri. Stopnja oblaËnosti je ocenjena po lestvici od 0 do 10. Kadar je srednja dnevna oblaËnost manjöa od 2,0, govorimo o jasnem dnevu, kadar pa je srednja dnevna oblaËnost veËja od 8,0, gre za oblaËen dan. Ure sonËnega obsevanja zapisuje heliograf (do desetinke ure natanËno), prikazane so kot vsota ur. Relativna vlaga je stopnja nasiËenosti zraka z vodno paro ali razmerje med dejansko mnoűino vodne pare in moűno koliËino vodne pare, ki je lahko v zraku pri doloËeni temperaturi. IzraËuna se po opazovanjih ob 7., 14. in 21. uri. Smeri vetra so oznaËene z mednarodnimi kraticami in njihovimi kombinacijami: N - sever, S - jug, E - vzhod, W - zahod. Jakost vetra se meri po Beaufortovi lestvici, ki ima 12 stopenj. Dan z vetrom 8 ali veË po Beaufortovi lestvici je npr. tisti dan, v katerem veter doseűe tako jakost, da lomi veje na drevju ali veËinoma onemogoËa hojo proti vetru. Precipitation is measured daily at 7.00. A day with rain or a day with snow is a day on which at least 0.1 mm of the respective precipitation falls at the weather station within a period of 24 hours (from 7.00 to 7.00 on the following day). If rain and snow fall simultaneously or alternately within this period the day is classified as a day with rain and snow. A day with snow cover is a day on which there is at least 1 cm of snow covering the weather station at 7.00. Average cloudiness is calculated from observations at 7.00, 14.00 and 21.00. The degree of cloudiness is assessed on a scale of 1 to 10. A clear day is one on which the average daily cloudiness is less than 2.0, while a cloudy day is one on which the average daily cloudiness is greater than 8.0. Sun duration is measured on a heliograph (to one tenth of an hour) and is given in hours. Relative humidity is the level of saturation of the air by water vapour, i.e. the ratio of the actual quantity of water vapour and the possible quantity of water vapour which may occur in the air at the given temperature. It is calculated from observations at 7.00, 14.00 and 21.00. Wind directions are shown by means of international abbreviations and their combinations: N(orth), S(outh), E(ast), W(est). Wind force is measured on the Beaufort scale, which has 12 degrees. A day with wind force 8 or more on the Beaufort scale is a day on which at any time the wind achieves a force such that it breaks tree branches or such that walking against the wind is impossible. 35 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.1 Geografske koordinate skrajnih toËk Geographical coordinates of the extreme points 1) Po Greenwichu. / From Greenwich. 2) GEOSS - GeometriËno srediöËe Republike Slovenije / GEOSS - Geometrical centre of the Republic of Slovenia. 3) Stanje 1. 1. 1997. / As of 1. 1. 1997. 1.2 Dolűina meje Slovenije Length of the border of Slovenia km 1) Dolűina drűavne meje po podatkih Mednarodne komisije za meje. / The length of the state border according to the data of the International Commission for Boundaries. 2) Meja na zemljiöËu öe ni oznaËena; dolűina meje je izraËunana na osnovi digitalnih podatkov mej katastrskih obËin. / The border is not yet staked out on the territory. The length of the border is computed from the digital data on borders of the cadastral communities. 3) Dolűina meje na morju öe ni doloËena. / The length of the border on the sea is not defined yet. 1.3 Nadmorska viöina krajev, kjer so sedeűi obËin Height above sea level of seats of municipalities m Smer Severna geografska öirina North geographical latitude Vzhodna geografska dolűina1) East geographical longitude1) ObËina3) Municipality3) Naselje Settlement ZraËna razdalja po zemljepisni öirini in dolűini Aerial distance by geographical latitude and longitude Direction stopinj degrees km Sever 46o53' 16 o14' Hodoö-äalovci Hodos-äalovci Budinci 1o28' 163 North Jug 45o25' 15 o10' »rnomelj Damelj South Vzhod 46o28' 16 o36' Lendava Benica 3o13' 248 East Zahod 46o17' 13 o23' Kobarid Breginj West GEOSS 2) 46o07' 14 o49' Litija Slivna GEOSS 2) Drűava Skupaj Total Suhozemna Land ReËna River Morska1) Sea 1) Neighbouring country SKUPAJ 1334 921 413 ... TOTAL Avstrija1) 330 251 79 - Austria 1) Hrvaöka 2)3) 670 380 290 ... Croatia2)3) Italija1)3) 232 201 31 ... Italy1)3) Madűarska1) 102 89 13 - Hungary 1) Dolűina morske obale 46,6 - - - Lenght of coastline Naselje 2) Settlement2) ObËina 2) Municipality 2) Nadmorsk a viöina1) Height above sea level1) Naselje2) Settlement2) ObËina2) Municipality2) Nadmorsk a viöina1) Height above sea level1) Naselje 2) Settlement2) ObËina 2) Municipality 2) Nadmorska viöina1) Height above sea level1) AjdovöËina AjdovöËina 106 Doműale Doműale 303 KidriËevo KidriËevo 239 Beltinci Beltinci 178 Dornava Dornava 217 Kobarid Kobarid 235 Bled Bled 500 Dravograd Dravograd 385 Kobilje Kobilje 186 Bohinjska Bistrica Bohinj 509 Spodnji Duplek Duplek 237 KoËevje KoËevje 465 Borovnica Borovnica 299 Gorenja vas Gorenja vas - Poljane 426 Komen Komen 273 Bovec Bovec 451 Goriönica Goriönica 210 Koper - Capodistria Koper - Capodistria 4 Dobrovo Brda 115 Gornja Radgona Gornja Radgona 209 Kozje Kozje 274 Brezovica pri Ljubljani Brezovica 296 Gornji Grad Gornji Grad 433 Kranj Kranj 386 Breűice Breűice 158 Gornji Petrovci Gornji Petrovci 284 Kranjska Gora Kranjska Gora 803 Cankova Cankova - Tiöina 215 Grosuplje Grosuplje 338 Kröko Kröko 162 Celje Celje 238 äalovci Hodoö-äalovci - Hodos- äalovci 243 Zgornja Kungota Kungota 273 Cerklje na Gorenjskem Cerklje na Gorenjskem 391 Hrastnik Hrastnik 298 Kuzma Kuzma 267 Cerknica Cerknica 559 Hrpelje Hrpelje - Kozina 501 Laöko Laöko 262 Cerkno Cerkno 355 Idrija Idrija 340 Lenart v Slov. goricah Lenart 261 »renöovci »renöovci 170 Ig Ig 292 Lendava - Lendva Lendava - Lendva 161 »rna na Koroökem »rna na Koroökem 586 Ilirska Bistrica Ilirska Bistrica 440 Litija Litija 241 »rnomelj »rnomelj 172 IvanËna Gorica IvanËna Gorica 325 Ljubljana Ljubljana 295 Trnovska vas Desternik-Trnovska vas 231 Izola - Isola Izola - Isola 2 Ljubno ob Savinji Ljubno 436 DivaËa DivaËa 437 Jesenice Jesenice 585 Ljutomer Ljutomer 174 Videm Dobrepolje 442 Juröinci Juröinci 234 Logatec Logatec 481 Dobrova Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec 314 Kamnik Kamnik 382 Stari trg pri Loűu Loöka dolina 593 Dol pri Ljubljani Dol pri Ljubljani 268 Kanal Kanal 106 Hrib - Loöki Potok Loöki Potok 776 36 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1) Po centru - sedeűu. / By centre - seat. 2) Stanje 31. 12. 1996. / As of 31. 12. 1996. 1.4 Nadmorska viöina nekaterih vrhov in prelazov Height above sea level of some peaks and mountain passes m LuËe LuËe 521 Postojna Postojna 555 äkocjan äkocjan 175 Lukovica pri Doműalah Lukovica 339 Preddvor Preddvor 496 äkofja Loka äkofja Loka 354 Majöperk Majöperk 262 Ptuj Ptuj 229 äkofljica äkofljica 312 Maribor Maribor 275 Puconci Puconci 206 ämarje pri Jelöah ämarje pri Jelöah 236 Medvode Medvode 312 RaËe RaËe - Fram 260 ämartno ob Paki ämartno ob Paki 314 Mengeö Mengeö 315 RadeËe RadeËe 194 äoötanj äoötanj 360 Metlika Metlika 167 Radenci Radenci 200 ätore ätore 264 Meűica Meűica 482 Radlje ob Dravi Radlje ob Dravi 380 Tolmin Tolmin 198 Miren Miren - Kostanjevica 50 Radovljica Radovljica 488 Trbovlje Trbovlje 307 Mislinja Mislinja 588 Ravne na Koroökem Ravne - Prevalje 495 Trebnje Trebnje 293 MoravËe MoravËe 381 Ribnica Ribnica 492 TrűiË TrűiË 520 Moravske Toplice Moravske Toplice 201 Rogaöovci Rogaöevci 237 TurniöËe TurniöËe 170 Mozirje Mozirje 340 Rogaöka Slatina Rogaöka Slatina 228 Velenje Velenje 400 Murska Sobota Murska Sobota 189 Rogatec Rogatec 234 Velike LaöËe Velike LaöËe 523 Muta Muta 369 Ruöe Ruöe 309 Videm pri Ptuju Videm 221 Naklo Naklo 408 SemiË SemiË 314 Vipava Vipava 118 Nazarje Nazarje 365 Sevnica Sevnica 182 Vitanje Vitanje 459 Nova Gorica Nova Gorica 93 Seűana Seűana 370 Vodice Vodice 337 Novo mesto Novo mesto 189 Slovenj Gradec Slovenj Gradec 410 Vojnik Vojnik 286 Odranci Odranci 172 Slovenska Bistrica Slovenska Bistrica 271 Vrhnika Vrhnika 293 Ormoű Ormoű 216 Slovenske Konjice Slovenske Konjice 326 Vuzenica Vuzenica 366 Osilnica Osilnica 298 Staröe Staröe 239 Zagorje ob Savi Zagorje ob Savi 269 Pesnica pri Mariboru Pesnica 266 Videm Sveti Jurij 232 ZavrË ZavrË 240 Piran - Pirano Piran - Pirano 23 äenËur äenËur 402 ZreËe ZreËe 396 Pivka Pivka 548 äentilj v Slov. goricah äentilj 295 éalec éalec 256 PodËetrtek PodËetrtek 224 äentjernej äentjernej 195 éelezniki éelezniki 466 Podvelka Podvelka - Ribnica 356 äentjur pri Celju äentjur pri Celju 260 éiri éiri 481 Vrh, prelaz Peak, pass Pogorje - gorska skupina Mountains Nadmorska viöina Height above sea level Vrh, prelaz Peak, pass Pogorje - gorska skupina Mountains Nadmorska viöina Height above sea level Triglav Julijske Alpe 2864 »rni vrh Pohorje 1543 äkrlatica Julijske Alpe 2740 Velika Kopa Pohorje 1542 Veliki Mangart Julijske Alpe 2679 PeË Karavanke 1509 Jalovec Julijske Alpe 2645 Pleöa Nanos 1260 Razor Julijske Alpe 2601 Kum Zasavsko hribovje 1216 Visoki Kanin Julijske Alpe 2587 »aven Trnovski gozd 1186 Grintavec Kamniöke in Savinjske Alpe 2558 Trdinov vrh Gorjanci 1178 Prisojnik Julijske Alpe 2547 Mrzlica Zasavsko hribovje 1121 Skuta Kamniöke in Savinjske Alpe 2533 Krim Krimsko hribovje 1107 Planjava Kamniöke in Savinjske Alpe 2396 Rog KoËevski Rog 1099 Ojstrica Kamniöke in Savinjske Alpe 2350 Mirna gora KoËevski Rog 1047 Bavöki Grintavec Julijske Alpe 2347 Slavnik Slavnik - »iËarija 1028 Krn Julijske Alpe 2244 Javornik Bohor 1024 Stol Karavanke 2236 BoË Konjiöko-BoËko hribovje 978 Koöutnikov turn Karavanke - Koöuta 2133 Srebrni breg GoriËko 404 StorűiË Kamniöke in Savinjske Alpe 2132 VröiË Julijske Alpe 1611 Kordeűeva glava Karavanke - Peca 2126 Ljubelj Karavanke 1370 Raduha Kamniöke in Savinjske Alpe 2062 Jezerski vrh Karavanke 1216 Rodica Julijske Alpe 1966 Predil Julijske Alpe 1156 Sneűnik Sneűnik 1796 Korensko sedlo Karavanke 1071 Urölja gora Karavanke 1699 Petrovo brdo Julijske Alpe 804 Ratitovec Julijske Alpe 1666 Radelj Kobansko 672 Porezen äkofjeloöko hribovje 1630 Vahta Gorjanci 615 Blegoö äkofjeloöko hribovje 1562 Naselje2) Settlement 2) ObËina2) Municipality2) Nadmorsk a viöina1) Height above sea level 1) Naselje 2) Settlement2) ObËina 2) Municipality 2) Nadmorsk a viöina1) Height above sea level1) Naselje2) Settlement 2) ObËina2) Municipality2) Nadmorska viöina 1) Height above sea level1) 1.3 Nadmorska viöina sedeűev obËin (nadaljevanje) Height above sea level of seats of communities (continued) m 37 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.5 Urejene kraöke jame Cultivated karst caves 1.6 Jezera in vodne akumulacije Lakes and water accumulation Kraöka jama Karst cave ObËina8) Community8) Naselje 1) Settlement1) Dolűina Length m Globina Depth m Nadmorska viöina2) Height above sea level2) m ElektriËna razsvetljava Electric lighting Urnik obiskov Time-table of visits Postojnska jama Postojna Postojna 195553) 115 562 da/yes da/yes Kriűna jama Cerknica Bloöka Polica 8273* 32 629 ne/no da/yes 5) Predjama Postojna Predjama 8047* 143 490 ne/no da/yes 4) Planinska jama Postojna Planina 6650* 13 453 ne/no da/yes 6) Dimnice Hrpelje-Kozina MarkovöËina 6020 134 567 ne/no ne/no äkocjanske jame DivaËa Matavun 5800 250 425 da/yes da/yes Rudnik svinca in cinka Meűica9) Ravne na Koroökem Meűica 3500 300 500 da/yes da/yes »rna jama Postojna Postojna 3294 39 540 da/yes da/yes 4) Zelöke jame Cerknica Rakek 3012 45 524 ne/no ne/no Pekel v Savinjski dolini éalec äempeter 1159 40 314 da/yes da/yes Velika ledena jama v Paradani Nova Gorica Lokve 1076 385 1135 ne/no ne/no Sneűna jama na planini Arto Mozirje LuËe 1062 75 1556 ne/no da/yes Antonijev rov - RéS Idrija 9) Idrija Idrija 1000 22 330 da/yes da/yes 7) Vilenica Seűana Lokev 803 180 418 da/yes da/yes 5) Pivka jama Postojna Postojna 794 77 540 da/yes da/yes 4) NeËilËeva jama AjdovöËina Buje 747 35 80 ne/no ne/no Divaöka jama Seűana DivaËa 672 89 430 ne/no ne/no Zadlaöka jama - Dantejeva jama Tolmin Zatolmin 600 30 298 ne/no ne/no Taborska jama Grosuplje Velike Lipljene 632* 70 468 da/yes da/yes Kostanjeviöka jama Kröko Kostanjevica 438 20 180 da/yes da/yes Jama pod Babjim zobom Radovljica Bled 359 50 860 ne/no ne/no Ravenska jama Cerkno Ravne pri Cerknem 352 20 703 da/yes da/yes6)7) Sveta jama Koper - Capodistria Socerb 231 44 420 ne/no ne/no Gabrovöka jama Cerknica Dobec 92 28 680 ne/no ne/no éelezna jama Doműale Gorjuöe 86 24 344 da/yes da/yes Rotovnikova jama Velenje äoötanj 41 18 360 da/yes da/yes Francetova jama Ribnica Ribnica 22 8 570 da/yes da/yes 6) 1) Navedeno je najbliűje naselje. / The nearest settlement. 2) Pri vhodu v jamo. / At entrance to the cave. 3) Skupaj s Pivko in »rno jamo. / Together with Pivka and »rna jama. 4) Samo poleti. / Only in summer. 5) Ob nedeljah. / On Sundays. 6) Za vikend. / For weekends. 7) Obvezen predhodni dogovor. / By binding agreement. 8) Stanje 31. 12. 1995. / As of 31. 12. 1995. 9) Rudniöka jama, prirejena za turistiËni obisk. / Mine cave for tourist visits. Vir:MOP - Uprava RS za varstvo narave ObËina Municipalities6) Povröina Area ha Nadmorska viöina Hight above sea level m NajveËja globina Greatest depth m Obseg Extent m Prostornina Volume mio m3 Cerkniöko 2) Cerknica 2400 552 10,7 40200 76,0 Ptujsko3) Ptuj 346 220 12,1 14400 19,8 Bohinjsko 1) Bohinj 318 526 44,5 11000 120,0 Vuhred3) Radlje 241 317 23,0 26600 11,2 Mariborsko 3) Maribor 239 267 10,7 31400 13,8 Ledavsko 4) Cankova-Tiöina, Rogaöevci 218 222 6,0 8900 5,7 Vuzenica 3) Dravograd, Vuzenica, Muta 196 330 10,8 24000 7,5 Oűbalt3) Ruöe, Podvelka-Ribnica 154 299 23,9 25400 10,2 Dravograd3) Dravograd 142 339 12,4 20400 5,6 Blejsko1) Bled 140 475 30,6 5590 31,7 Velenjsko 5) Velenje 124 368 55,8 4780 22,0 ämartinsko 4) Celje 107 261 7,0 9800 6,5 VogröËek4) Nova Gorica 82 99 27,8 9800 8,5 Zbiljsko 3) Medvode 69 328 20,0 11500 6,5 Moste3) Jesenice 69 523 50,0 9300 7,0 1) Naravno jezero. / Natural lake. 2) Kraöko, presihajoËe. / Karst lake, periodic lake. 3) HE-akumulacija. / Hydroelectric accumulation.4) VeËnamenska akumulacija. / Accumu- lation is designed for different uses. 5) Jezerska kotanja je nastala z ugrezanjem zaradi rudarstva (montanogena ugreznina). / Basin is the result of mining. 6) Stanje 1. 1. 1996. / As of 1. 1. 1996. Vir:MOP - Uprava RS za varstvo narave 38 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.7 Zavarovana obmoËja narave - naravni parki1) Protected areas of nature - natural parks1) 1) Brez naravnih rezervatov in naravnih spomenikov. / Without reserves of nature and monuments of nature. 2) Stanje 1. 1. 1997. / As of 1. 1. 1997. Vir: MOP - Uprava RS za varstvo narave ät. No. ObstojeËi naravni park, ime Existent natural park, name Kat. IUCN Cat. by IUCN Povröina Area ha ObËine na obmoËju naravnih parkov2) Municipalities on the area of natural parks2) Leto zavarovanja Year of protection Narodni parki / National parks 1. Triglavski narodni park / Triglav national park II/V 83807 Bled, Bohinj, Jesenice, Kobarid, Kranjska Gora, Tolmin 1924, 1981 Regijski parki / Regional parks 2. äkocjanske jame III 413 DivaËa 1996 Krajinski parki / Landscape parks 3. Beka (soteska GlinöËice / Gorge of GlinöËica) V 308 Hrpelje-Kozina, Koper 1992 4. BoË (Pleöivec) V 879 Rogaöka Slatina, Slovenska Bistrica 1990, 1992 5. »aven (Trnovski gozd) V 4776 AjdovöËina, Nova Gorica 1985, 1987 6. Drava V 2337 Duplek, Maribor, Ptuj, Staröe 1992 7. Golte V 1148 Ljubno, Mozirje, äoötanj 1987 8. Jareninski dol V 1533 Pesnica, äentilj 1992 9. Jeruzalemske gorice V 1370 Ljutomer, Ormoű 1992 10. KamenöËak (Hrastovec) V 851 Lenart 1992 11. Lahinja V 260 »rnomelj 1988 12. Lipica V - Seűana 1992 13. Logarska dolina V 2475 LuËe 1987 14. Mariborsko jezero / Lake of Maribor V 204 Maribor 1992 15. Maöun V 83 Ilirska Bistrica 1969 16. Nanos V 2632 Postojna, Vipava 1984 17. Negovsko jezero / Lake of Negova V 172 Gornja Radgona, Lenart 1967 18. Planinsko polje V 434 Logatec, Postojna 1984 19. Porezen (DavËa) V 3895 Cerkno, Gorenja vas-Poljane, Tolmin, éelezniki 1990 20. RaËki ribniki (Poűeg) V/III 484 RaËe-Fram, Slovenska Bistrica 1992 21. Rakov äkocjan V 113 Cerknica 1994 22. Robanov kot V 1423 LuËe 1950, 1987 23. SeËoveljske soline / Salt works of SeËovlje V 835 Piran 1990 24. Sneűnik (graöËinski kompleks / Park at the castle) V 271 Loöka dolina, Ilirska Bistrica 1987 25. Strunjan V 192 Izola, Piran 1990 26. ätanjel V - Komen 1992 27. ätatenberg V - Slovenska Bistrica 1992 28. äturmovec V 227 Ptuj, Videm 1979 29. Tivoli (Roűnik, äiöenski hrib) V 448 Ljubljana 1984 30. Topla V 1368 »rna na Koroökem 1966 31. VremöËica V 93 DivaËa, Pivka 1984 32. Zgornja Idrijca V 4195 Idrija 1993 33. éabljek V - Slovenska Bistrica 1992 34. Spominski park revolucionarnih tradicij / Park of the tradition of revolucion V - Doműale 35. Spominski park TrebËe / Park of memory TrebËe V 196 Breűice, Kozje, Kröko, PodËetrtek 1981 36. Udin boröt V - Kranj, Naklo, TrűiË 1985 39 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.8 Reke nad 25 km dolűine in njihova padavinska obmoËja Rivers longer than 25 km and their catchment areas 1) S Savo Dolinko (izvir Zelenci). / With Sava Dolinka (source Zelenci). 2) S Savico. / With Savica. 3) S Poljansko Soro. / With Poljanska Sora. 4) Z Malo Ljubljanico. / With Mala Ljubljanica. 5) Z Malo vodo. / With Mala Voda. 6) Z LoËnico. / With LoËnica. 7) Kras. / Karst. 8) Padavinsko obmoËje v Sloveniji in Hrvaöki. / Catchment area is in Slovenia and in Croatia. Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod Republike Slovenije Nadmorska viöina (m) Height above sea level (m) Relativna viöinska razlika Relative difference in height above sea level m Povröina padavinskega zaledja v Sloveniji Catchment area in Slovenia km2 Dolűina vodotoka (km) Length of river (km) pri izviru oziroma v toku v Sloveniji at source or inflow in Slovenia pri izlivu oziroma iztoku iz Slovenije at river mouth or outflow from Slovenia skupaj total v tujini abroad v Sloveniji in na meji in Slovenia and on border na meji on border Drava 340 175 165 3259 707 565 142 25 Meűa 1280 335 945 543 43 1 42 - Mislinja 1450 340 1110 238 36 - 36 - Dravinja 1150 210 940 811 73 - 73 - Oplotnica 1340 275 1065 86 28 - 28 - Loűnica 950 240 710 105 26 - 26 - Polskava 950 225 725 189 40 - 40 - Framski p. 1080 234 846 43 26 - 26 - Pesnica 300 190 110 539 69 4 65 - Mura 250 130 120 1375 438 343 95 67 äËavnica 360 175 185 288 56 - 56 - Ledava 250 140 110 675 76 8 68 - Sava1) 833 132 701 10838 947 727 221 4 Sava Bohinjka2) 790 411 379 3887) 41 - 41 - Trűiöka Bistrica 1460 370 1090 146 27 - 27 - Kokra 1300 346 954 221 34 - 34 - Sora3) 700 308 392 636 52 - 52 - Poljanska Sora 700 330 370 328 43 - 43 - Selöka Sora 910 330 580 215 32 - 32 - Kamniöka Bistrica 600 261 339 530 33 - 33 - Pöata 405 269 136 139 28 - 28 - Ljubljanica4) 300 260 37 1890 7) 41 - 41 - Pivka 555 510 45 2627) 27 - 27 - Iöka 760 287 473 86 31 - 31 - GradaöËica5) 737 287 450 181 33 - 33 - Savinja 1310 185 1125 1848 102 - 102 - Dreta 1100 339 761 126 29 - 29 - Paka 1280 305 975 210 40 - 40 - Bolska 800 265 535 190 32 - 32 - Loűnica 430 240 190 141 26 - 26 - Voglajna 6) 340 232 58 412 35 - 35 - Hudinja 1380 234 1146 207 32 - 32 - Mirna 735 170 565 294 44 - 44 - Krka 275 141 134 2315 7) 94 - 94 - Temenica 425 260 265 103 27 - 27 - Radulja 500 155 345 118 33 - 33 - Sotla 580 135 445 4518) 90 3 86 86 Bistrica 480 180 300 108 32 - 32 - Kolpa 313 130 183 1553 8) 294 176 118 118 Lahinja 150 130 20 3607) 34 - 34 - SoËa 876 56 820 1549 7) 138 43 96 - Idrijca 960 150 810 5987) 60 - 60 - Vipava 110 35 75 5987) 49 5 44 - Reka 720 360 360 3657) 54 3 51 - Dragonja 315 0 315 72 30 - 30 - 40 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.9 ZnaËilni pretoki na vodomernih postajah izbranih slovenskih rek Characteristic discharges for gauging stations on the selected rivers in Slovenia Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod RS Reka Vodomerna postaja Nadmorska viöina (m) River Gauging Station Hight above sea level (m) PovpreËni letni pretok 1961-1990 m3/s Average annual discharge 1966-1985 Znak Symbol ZnaËilni vodni pretoki (m3/s) Characteristic water discharges (m3/s) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mura QS 196,0 148,0 179,0 175,0 149,0 141,0 155,0 Petanjci 160,0 Qvk 1114,0 797,0 853,0 697,0 1120,0 725,0 856,0 193,8 Qnk 48,4 76,2 58,5 55,2 56,3 71,8 57,3 Sava QS 36,5 43,3 53,1 48,0 36,3 40,6 35,2 Radovljica 44,9 Qvk 272,0 527,0 262,0 603,0 346,0 280,0 256,0 408,1 Qnk 5,3 6,6 8,1 6,6 6,1 8,0 8,0 »ateű QS 238,0 262,0 279,0 267,0 215,0 245,0 286,0 290,0 Qvk 1487,0 3267,0 2258,0 2227,0 2222,0 1680,0 - 137,3 Qnk 51,9 73,5 69,3 49,3 49,9 70,6 - Kokra QS 3,8 3,8 4,4 4,3 2,9 3,7 3,7 Kokra 4,5 Qvk 68,7 119,0 98,7 154,0 57,2 58,0 69,5 522,8 Qnk 0,7 0,8 1,3 0,9 0,9 1,1 1,6 Sora QS 14,2 20,3 ... 17,2 15,5 17,0 21,0 Suha 20,7 Qvk 389,0 687,0 ... 435,0 303,0 244,0 302,0 329,5 Qnk 2,4 3,9 ... 2,8 2,1 3,8 3,8 Ljubljanica QS 45,5 50,1 55,6 58,5 50,1 54,6 66,9 Ljubljana, Moste 57,3 Qvk 261,0 297,0 304,0 294,0 313,0 268,0 257,0 280,8 Qnk 4,1 7,6 2,7 6,0 5,7 8,0 8,6 Savinja QS 34,6 40,3 45,3 39,9 29,3 35,4 42,5 Laöko 41,5 Qvk 736,0 1406,0 711,0 846,0 728,0 586,0 531,0 215,0 Qnk 5,7 7,6 9,9 4,2 4,3 8,1 8,8 Krka QS 48,9 45,8 48,4 50,3 50,2 46,4 63,3 PodboËje 54,7 Qvk 273,0 276,0 356,0 319,0 356,0 267,0 286,0 146,3 Qnk 7,0 10,5 8,1 7,9 4,7 3,0 13,5 Sotla QS 9,2 6,4 10,8 7,8 7,4 7,5 13,1 Rakovec 9,1 Qvk 264,0 109,0 242,0 159,0 182,0 159,0 234,0 139,2 Qnk 1,2 0,4 1,1 0,6 0,4 0,8 0,7 Kolpa QS 58,0 56,3 69,3 70,1 74,1 60,7 82,3 Metlika 73,1 Qvk 686,0 880,0 909,0 922,0 971,0 909,0 1001,0 127,2 Qnk 7,2 8,4 7,2 7,2 5,8 7,9 9,0 SoËa QS 28,5 32,9 36,6 35,9 29,0 29,5 30,8 Kobarid 34,1 Qvk 283,0 488,0 470,0 445,0 392,0 505,0 436,0 195,9 Qnk 4,6 8,3 9,5 6,3 5,2 8,8 10,4 Vipava QS 13,5 15,9 18,4 19,9 17,0 15,4 22,2 Miren 17,9 Qvk 192,0 205,0 258,0 280,0 254,0 240,0 319,0 37,0 Qnk 1,6 1,8 1,4 1,7 1,4 1,8 1,9 Idrijca QS 15,6 23,6 24,2 24,0 21,0 19,9 28,1 Hoteök 24,7 Qvk 245,0 852,0 430,0 757,0 426,0 469,0 621,0 160,8 Qnk 3,7 5,6 5,6 3,8 4,1 4,6 5,4 Reka QS 6,0 7,1 8,3 9,3 7,6 6,1 10,3 Cerkvenikov mlin 8,3 Qvk 162,0 229,0 243,0 259,0 245,0 124,0 169,0 341,7 Qnk 0,5 0,9 0,1 0,7 0,3 0,6 1,0 41 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.10 PovpreËni meseËni in znaËilni vodni pretoki rek, 1995 Average monthly and characteristic discharges of rivers, 1995 m3/s Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod RS Vodomerna postaja Gauging station Reka River I II III IV V VI VII Petanjci Mura 104,0 120,0 151,0 197,0 231,0 250,0 172,0 Radovljica Sava 26,6 23,1 28,0 41,5 49,3 48,8 26,6 »ateű Sava 337,0 334,0 488,0 236,0 254,0 309,0 154,0 Kokra Kokra 2,7 2,9 4,5 4,8 4,1 4,6 2,2 Suha Sora 23,0 27,5 34,1 13,4 18,2 24,2 7,2 Ljubljana, Moste Ljubljanica 80,7 98,4 147,0 47,8 47,8 69,8 32,6 Laöko Savinja 53,7 57,0 78,2 33,3 34,5 39,9 22,1 PodboËje Krka 96,8 74,0 123,0 35,9 42,2 70,2 32,0 Rakovec Sotla 31,4 20,5 29,2 4,8 6,0 6,4 2,9 Metlika Kolpa 135,0 124,0 125,0 55,7 71,0 79,9 26,2 Kobarid SoËa 21,9 21,7 25,1 35,7 50,4 49,1 21,6 Miren Vipava 25,1 42,4 29,5 12,0 23,9 27,9 5,3 Hoteök Idrijca 29,1 37,0 33,4 14,0 24,2 27,7 8,3 Cerkvenikov mlin Reka 12,5 23,2 25,4 3,7 10,1 13,7 2,2 Vodomerna postaja Gauging station Reka River VIII IX X XI XII ZnaËilni pretok Characteristic discharge Qs Qvk Qnk Petanjci Mura 149 215 105 79,1 83,2 155 856 57,3 Radovljica Sava 25,2 69,5 22,4 27,5 34,8 35,2 256 7,98 »ateű Sava 162 516 164 163 323 286 - - Kokra Kokra 2,83 7,37 2,3 1,94 4,37 3,7 69,5 1,64 Suha Sora 9,09 44,8 8,73 14,1 29,2 21 302 3,83 Ljubljana, Moste Ljubljanica 34,8 108 25,4 34,3 79,1 66,9 257 8,62 Laöko Savinja 23,2 87,2 19,8 16,4 45,9 42,5 531 8,8 PodboËje Krka 38,2 114 24,9 26,9 82,9 63,3 286 13,5 Rakovec Sotla 5,65 29,6 3,49 2,67 15,5 13,1 234 0,69 Metlika Kolpa 36,9 114 19,8 62 142 82,3 1001 9,04 Kobarid SoËa 14,9 55,8 18,2 22,7 32,6 30,8 436 10,4 Miren Vipava 8,28 25,2 4,77 22,5 42 22,2 319 1,9 Hoteök Idrijca 41,8 41,8 7,64 30,4 42,7 28,1 621 5,43 Cerkvenikov mlin Reka 1,94 9,5 2,08 6,21 14,5 10,3 169 1,02 42 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.11 Potresi Earthquakes 1) Stopnje po MCS-lestvici. / Degrees of MCS intesity scale. 2) Stopnje po MSK-lestvici. / Degrees of MSK intensity scale. 3) Stopnje po EMS-lestvici. / Degrees of EMS intensity scale. 4) Stanje 31. 12. 1996. / As of 31. 12. 1996. 1.12 Temperature in padavine Temperatures and precipitations ätevilo Number Z najveËjo jakostjo With maximum intensity jakost1) intensity 1) datum date obËina4) municipality4) naselje (obmoËje) settlement (area) 1974 100 7 20.6. PodËetrtek, ämarje pri Jelöah, äentjur pri Celju Zibika, Pristava, Ponikva (Kozjansko) 1975 121 5 18.6. Bled, Bohinj, Kobarid, Tolmin, Kranjska Gora Bohinjska Bistrica (Triglavsko pogorje) 1976 478 8 6.5. Zunaj Slovenije Breginj, Podbela (Breginjski kot) 8 15.9. Zunaj Slovenije (Breginjski kot) 1977 52 6-7 16.7. Kranj, Preddvor Trstenik, Zg. in Sp. Bela 1978 98 6 17.12. Gorenja vas-Poljane, éiri, Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec Stara vas, éiri, »rni Vrh (Zg. Poljanska dolina) 1979 127 5 3.9. Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec »rni Vrh (Polhograjski Dolomiti) 1980 128 5 12.7. »rnomelj Vinica-PriliöËe (Dolina Kolpe) 1981 169 5 28.6. Postojna, Pivka Postojna, Zagorje, Koöana 1982 158 6 3.7. éalec äempeter v Savinjski dolini 1983 126 5-6 5.8. Idrija, AjdovöËina Idrija-GodoviË 1984 217 6 11.3. Kröko »rneËa vas-Kostanjevica na Krki 1985 255 5-6 20.1. »rnomelj Bojanci 1986 181 5 16.10. Ilirska Bistrica Ilirska Bistrica 1987 170 5 28.6. Zagorje ob Savi Zagorje ob Savi 1988 170 5 22.1. Kröko, Sevnica Senuöe, Blanca, Leskovec pri Krökem 1989 437 6 28.12. Kröko Kröko, Leskovec pri Krökem, Libna 1990 399 6 30.5. Dobrepolje Ponikve, PodpeË, Videm 1991 333 62) 27.4. Dravograd, Vuzenica Muta, Vuzenica 1992 354 5-62) 11.6. Trebnje, Novo mesto Vrbovec, Gorenja vas pri Mirni, Dolnji Ajdovec 1993 390 62) 29.5. Metlika, »rnomelj Boröt, Griblje 1994 319 52) 21.7. Breűice Bukoöek, LoËe, Mihalovec 1995 435 62) 22.5. Ilirska Bistrica Ilirska Bistrica 1996 463 53) 3.10 éalec, Hrastnik, äentjur pri Celju, Laöko éalec, Dol pri Hrastniku, Planina pri Sevnici, Zgornja ReËica Meteoroloöka postaja z nadmorsko viöino (m) Meteorological station with height above sea level (m) Obdobji, leto Periods, year Temperatura zraka (oC) Air temperature (oC) ätevilo dni Number of days Viöina padavin Quantity of precipitation mm povpreËna average absolutna absolute hladnih (z mini- mumom pod 0,0 oC) cool (with minimum under 0,0 oC and over) toplih (z maksi- mumom 25,0 in veË oC) warm (with maximum 25,0 oC and over) letna annual april - junij April- Junejanuar January julij July april-junij April-June letna annual maksimalna maximum minimalna minimum Na nekaterih glavnih meteoroloökih postajah At some principal meteorological stations Celje Ø 1961-1990 -1,8 19,2 13,7 9,2 36,8 -27,2 117 60 1145 320 245 Ø 1981-1990 -1,6 19,9 13,9 9,4 36,8 -27,2 114 64 1133 324 1996 -1,0 18,4 15,0 19,2 32,6 -19,0 122 61 1202 338 Ljubljana, Beűigrad Ø 1961-1990 -1,1 19,9 14,1 9,8 37,1 -20,3 90 61 1394 386 300 Ø 1981-1990 -1,1 20,7 14,2 10,0 37,1 -20,3 92 64 1351 397 1996 -0,8 19,1 15,4 9,8 33,3 -13,0 88 58 1446 385 Maribor Ø 1961-1990 -1,3 19,6 14,2 9,7 35,8 -22,3 96 54 1046 293 275 Ø 1981-1990 -0,9 20,3 14,4 10,0 35,8 -21,0 93 61 1053 302 1996 -1,4 18,9 15,5 9,4 31,8 -17,1 105 50 1087 383 1) Od 1961 do vkljuËno leta 1980 so podatki s postaje AjdovöËina. / From 1961 to 1980 data refer to the AjdovöËina station. 2) Od 1961 do vkljuËno leta 1975 so podatki s postaje Koper. / From 1961 to 1975 data refer to the Koper station. 3) Podatki za leto 1986 so s postaje Metlika. / For 1986 data refer to the Metlika station. Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod RS 43 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate Na nekaterih glavnih meteoroloökih postajah At some principal meteorological stations Murska Sobota Ø 1961-1990 -2,4 19,2 14,0 9,2 37,2 -31,0 114 55 817 232 191 Ø 1981-1990 -2,1 19,9 14,2 9,4 35,6 -26,9 114 58 804 241 1996 -2,1 18,3 15,3 9,0 32,2 -21,3 118 51 1026 352 Novo mesto Ø 1961-1990 -1,3 19,4 13,8 9,4 36,4 -23,6 105 57 1138 316 208 Ø 1981-1990 -0,9 20,1 14,1 9,8 34,7 -23,5 100 61 1185 338 1996 -1,5 18,6 15,1 9,3 32,0 -17,1 111 59 1245 368 Portoroű LetaliöËe / Airport 2) Ø 1961-1990 4,9 22,8 16,3 13,6 35,0 -9,3 16 69 1050 261 Ø 1981-1990 4,9 23,2 16,2 13,7 32,5 -9,3 14 66 984 246 1996 5,7 20,9 16,5 12,7 34,4 -8,5 46 85 1127 263 Slap pri Vipavi1) Ø 1961-1990 2,8 21,2 15,0 11,9 36,0 -13,1 58 79 1514 400 137 Ø 1981-1990 2,5 21,2 14,7 11,7 36,0 -11,0 57 87 1375 388 1996 3,5 19,5 15,7 11,5 34,0 -8,5 52 82 1692 465 Na nekaterih reprezentativnih meteoroloökih postajah At some representative meteorological stations Bovec Ø 1961-1990 -0,7 18,5 12,9 9,1 31,1 -12,8 103 45 2731 714 425 Ø 1981-1990 -3,0 19,2 13,0 9,3 35,5 -17,6 102 52 2634 731 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Brnik LetaliöËe / Airport Ø 1961-1990 -2,4 18,5 12,6 8,3 32,3 -18,6 129 53 1393 376 362 Ø 1981-1990 -2,1 19,8 1,3 9,0 36,3 -24,6 113 62 1400 389 1996 -1,9 17,4 13,7 8,1 31,6 -19,2 115 42 1440 375 »rnomelj, DobliËe 3) Ø 1961-1990 -0,7 20,1 14,6 10,1 33,8 -16,6 97 70 1261 326 156 Ø 1981-1990 -0,6 20,7 14,5 10,2 36,2 -24,2 102 71 1210 329 1996 -1,3 18,4 15,3 9,3 32,6 -22,0 120 61 1415 396 Ilirska Bistrica Ø 1961-1990 0,8 18,7 12,9 9,6 32,0 -14,2 100 52 1448 353 414 Ø 1981-1990 0,8 19,7 13,2 10,0 35,2 -19,1 101 59 1267 345 1996 0,9 17,9 14,1 9,6 32,5 -14,5 104 49 1467 1446 KoËevje Ø 1961-1990 -1,6 17,9 12,3 8,3 32,2 -20,0 119 46 1529 398 461 Ø 1981-1990 -1,6 18,6 12,5 8,6 35,6 -27,6 126 52 1466 402 1996 -1,9 16,3 12,8 7,6 31,8 -18,6 134 44 1453 405 Kredarica Ø 1961-1990 -8,2 5,8 -0,5 -1,7 16,4 -22,8 249 - 1997 535 2514 Ø 1981-1990 -7,7 6,7 -0,3 -1,3 21,6 -28,3 243 - 2147 606 1996 -6,0 5,1 1,1 -1,9 14,3 -26,3 262 0 1951 637 Lesce Ø 1961-1990 -2,2 18,1 12,4 8,3 31,1 -16,8 125 38 1482 381 515 Ø 1981-1990 -2,5 18,5 12,3 8,1 34,9 -23,7 125 42 1385 375 1996 -2,0 16,8 13,3 7,8 30,5 -18,5 117 37 1741 554 Postojna Ø 1961-1990 -0,9 17,7 11,7 8,4 30,5 -16,9 108 33 1584 418 353 Ø 1981-1990 0,9 18,4 11,8 8,6 33,8 -23,7 106 41 1550 449 1996 -1,1 16,8 12,6 8,0 31,0 -14,0 113 31 1654 473 RateËe, Planica Ø 1961-1990 -4,7 15,7 9,7 5,7 29,6 -20,0 163 22 1560 428 864 Ø 1981-1990 -4,7 16,4 9,9 5,9 36,1 -26,4 161 25 1395 404 1996 -2,7 15,4 11,0 5,8 29,2 -20,8 148 21 1597 464 Rogaöka Slatina Ø 1961-1990 -1,6 18,6 13,0 9 ,0 32,6 -17,4 110 61 1060 303 Ø 1981-1990 -1,5 19,3 13,6 9,3 36,8 -28,8 108 68 1039 307 1996 ... 17,7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ämartno pri Slovenj Gradcu 452 Ø 1961-1990 -3,4 17,6 12,2 7,7 30,9 -19,3 133 37 1179 333 Ø 1981-1990 -3,5 18,4 12,4 8,0 34,5 -27,0 133 40 1101 320 1996 -2,1 16,6 13,3 7,6 30,9 -17,6 130 30 1264 448 Velenje Ø 1961-1990 -1,0 17,0 13,3 9,2 31,7 -14,4 102 49 1232 347 420 Ø 1981-1990 -0,6 19,5 13,5 9,5 35,8 -20,0 93 54 1161 326 1996 -1,2 17,8 14,7 9,0 32,5 -14,8 102 46 1342 390 Meteoroloöka postaja z nadmorsko viöino (m) Meteorological station with height above sea level (m) Obdobji, leto Periods, year Temperatura zraka (oC) Air temperature (oC) ätevilo dni Number of days Viöina padavin Quantity of precipitation mm povpreËna average absolutna absolute hladnih (z mini- mumom pod 0,0 oC) cool (with minimum under 0,0 oC and over) toplih (z maksi- mumom 25,0 in veË oC) warm (with maximum 25,0 oC and over) letna annual april - junij April- Junejanuar January julij July april-junij April-June letna annual maksimalna maximum minimalna minimum 1.12 Temperature in padavine (nadaljevanje) Temperatures and precipitations (continued) 44 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.13 PovpreËne temperature zraka Average air temperatures oC 1) Podatki za leto 1986 so s postaje Metlika. For year 1986 data refer to the Metlika station. Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod RS Meteoroloöka postaja z nadmorsko viöino Meteorological station with height above sea level Obdobje, leto Period, year PovpreËna letna Average annual PovpreËne meseËne Average monthly I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Bovec Ø 1981-1990 9,3 -0,3 0,0 4,6 9,1 13,3 16,5 19,2 18,4 15,0 10,6 4,2 1,2 425 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Brnik, LetaliöËe / Airport Ø 1981-1990 9,0 -2,1 -0,4 4,0 8,9 14,1 16,8 19,8 18,8 15,1 10,1 2,9 0,1 362 1996 8,1 -1,9 -2,8 1,0 8,6 14,4 18,1 17,4 17,7 12,1 9,2 6,2 -2,4 Celje Ø 1981-1990 9,4 -1,6 -0,2 4,6 9,7 14,6 17,5 19,9 18,7 15,2 10,3 3,5 0,8 245 1996 9,2 -1,0 -1,8 2,4 9,8 16,1 19,2 18,4 18,7 12,5 10,6 7,2 -1,6 »rnomelj, DobliËe1) Ø 1981-1990 10,2 -0,6 0,7 5,5 10,4 15,1 18,1 20,7 19,3 16,0 10,9 4,2 1,6 156 1996 9,3 -1,3 -1,4 2,6 10,2 15,7 20,0 18,4 19,5 12,7 10,6 7,3 -2,7 Ilirska Bistrica Ø 1981-1990 10,0 0,8 1,5 5,4 9,3 13,7 16,5 19,7 18,8 15,6 11,2 5,1 2,6 414 1996 9,6 0,9 0,4 3,2 9,8 14,5 17,9 17,9 18,7 12,5 10,3 7,7 1,1 KoËevje Ø 1981-1990 8,6 -1,6 -0,4 3,7 8,4 13,2 15,9 18,6 17,5 14,4 9,8 3,4 0,6 461 1996 7,6 -1,9 -2,3 0,9 7,6 13,8 16,9 16,3 17,0 11,0 9,3 6,0 -3,1 Kredarica Ø 1981-1990 -1,3 -7,7 -8,6 -6,7 -4,2 0,2 3,2 6,7 6,3 4,3 1,4 -3,8 -6,2 2514 1996 -1,9 -6,0 -10,3 -9,4 -2,9 1,1 5,1 5,1 5,3 -0,8 -0,6 -3,7 -6,0 Lesce Ø 1981-1990 8,1 -2,5 -1,2 3,1 8,0 13,0 15,8 18,5 17,5 13,9 9,1 2,2 -0,4 515 1996 7,8 -2,0 -2,9 0,7 8,9 13,6 17,5 16,8 17,4 11,4 8,7 5,6 -2,3 Ljubljana, Beűigrad Ø 1981-1990 10,0 -1,1 0,7 5,4 10,1 15,0 17,6 20,7 19,6 15,9 10,9 3,9 1,1 300 1996 9,8 -0,8 -0,9 3,4 10,6 16,0 19,7 19,1 19,4 13,2 11,0 7,5 -1,0 Maribor Ø 1981-1990 10,0 -0,9 0,5 5,4 10,3 15,2 17,7 20,3 19,5 15,9 10,8 3,9 1,2 275 1996 9,4 -1,4 -1,8 2,3 10,5 16,4 19,7 18,9 19,2 12,6 11,0 7,5 -1,8 Murska Sobota Ø 1981-1990 9,4 -2,1 -0,4 4,9 10,0 15,1 17,6 19,9 18,7 15,2 9,9 3,4 0,5 191 1996 9,0 -2,1 -3,5 2,0 10,5 16,2 19,1 18,3 19,0 12,4 10,7 7,2 -2,4 Novo mesto Ø 1981-1990 9,8 -0,9 0,5 5,3 10,0 14,9 17,4 20,1 19,0 15,6 10,6 3,9 1,3 208 1996 9,3 -1,5 -1,0 2,9 9,9 16,0 19,3 18,6 19,0 12,6 10,5 7,3 -2,4 Portoroű, LetaliöËe / Airport 2 Ø 1981-1990 13,7 4,9 5,1 8,4 12,1 16,6 19,9 23,2 22,7 19,6 15,3 9,6 6,7 1996 12,7 5,7 3,6 5,6 11,9 16,9 20,8 20,9 21,3 15,2 13,5 11,1 5,4 Slap pri Vipavi Ø 1981-1990 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 137 1996 11,5 3,5 2,1 5,3 11,5 15,9 19,7 19,5 20,3 14,1 12,8 9,3 3,4 Postojna Ø 1981-1990 8,6 -0,9 -0,2 3,6 7,7 12,4 15,3 18,4 17,3 14,1 9,9 3,9 1,2 533 1996 8,0 -1,1 -1,6 1,6 7,9 13,2 16,7 16,8 17,1 10,8 9,2 6,0 -1,2 RateËe, Planica Ø 1981-1990 5,9 -4,7 -3 ,0 1,0 5,3 10,6 13,8 16,4 15,3 11,8 7,3 0,3 -2,8 864 1996 5,8 -2,7 -4,3 -1,0 6,1 11,3 15,5 15,4 15,4 9,1 6,5 3,0 -4,2 Rogaöka Slatina Ø 1981-1990 9,3 -1,5 0,0 4,7 9,6 14,4 16,9 19,3 18,4 15,1 10,2 3,5 0,9 230 1996 ... ... ... ... ... 18,3 17,7 18,2 12,2 10,3 6,8 -1,9 ... ämartno pri Slovenj Gradcu Ø 1981-1990 8,0 -3,5 -1,2 3,2 8,1 13,2 15,9 18,4 17,3 14 ,0 9,1 2,0 -1,1 452 1996 7,6 -2,1 -2,9 0,3 8,2 14,4 17,2 16,6 16,9 11,2 8,9 5,5 -3,1 Velenje Ø 1981-1990 9,5 -0,6 0,4 4,8 9,4 14,4 16,8 19,5 18,6 15,3 10,5 4,0 1,4 420 1996 9,0 -1,2 -1,3 2,1 10,0 15,6 18,6 17,8 18,1 12,2 10,3 7,3 -1,5 45 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.14 Padavine Precipitations mm 1) Podatki za leto 1986 so s postaje Metlika. For year 1986 data refer to the Metlika station. Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod RS Meteoroloöka postaja z nadmorsko viöino (m) Meteorological station with height above sea level (m) Obdobje, leto Period, year PovpreËna letna Average annual Po mesecih By months I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Bovec Ø 1981-1990 2634,0 168,0 131,0 156,0 168,0 326,0 237,0 159,0 218,0 247,0 272,0 290,0 262,0 425 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Brnik, LetaliöËe / Airport Ø 1981-1990 1400,0 72,0 78,0 99,0 95,0 115,0 179,0 108,0 133,0 136,0 129,0 147,0 109,0 362 1996 1439,8 87,1 107,9 14,1 109,5 123,1 142,1 139,3 179,0 104,0 159,7 200,8 73,2 Celje Ø 1981-1990 1133,0 52,0 60,0 82,0 69,0 99,0 156,0 124,0 130,0 99,0 108,0 84,0 70,0 245 1996 1201,5 77,1 41,4 19,4 90,1 134,2 114,1 159,9 147,2 128,9 155,5 96,8 36,9 »rnomelj, DobliËe 1) Ø 1981-1990 1210,0 66,0 81,0 89,0 85,0 107,0 137,0 87,0 135,0 118,0 118,0 101,0 86,0 156 1996 1415,2 53,4 83,7 39,4 116,7 143,0 136,6 77,0 151,5 177,7 133,4 194,7 108,1 Ilirska Bistrica Ø 1981-1990 1267,0 80,0 79,0 101,0 88,0 114,0 143,0 74,0 107,0 106,0 147,0 110,0 118,0 414 1996 1466,7 89,6 93,8 9,6 118,2 127,4 120,7 119,3 87,8 131,7 239,1 177,9 151,6 KoËevje Ø 1981-1990 1466,0 79,0 93,0 123,0 110,0 125,0 167,0 84,0 146,0 144,0 146,0 129,0 120,0 461 1996 1453,1 68,3 95,2 28,9 147,7 122,4 135,0 75,2 144,6 149,8 167,9 218,8 99,3 Kredarica Ø 1981-1990 2147,0 110,0 106,0 126,0 158,0 228,0 220,0 188,0 241,0 228,0 210,0 173,0 159,0 2514 1996 1951,4 77,3 104,1 40,8 111,0 196,6 329,0 233,2 221,8 155,2 256,2 172,3 53,9 Ljubljana, Beűigrad Ø 1981-1990 1351,0 75,0 76,0 99,0 94,0 120,0 183,0 92,0 149,0 129,0 126,0 112,0 96,0 300 1996 1446,4 88,7 94,8 12,3 126,0 120,9 138,1 140,7 117,9 141,9 179,5 203,7 81,9 Lesce Ø 1981-1990 1385,0 63,0 80,0 87,0 109,0 118,0 148,0 108,0 152,0 140,0 129,0 138,0 113,0 515 1996 1741,3 73,9 102,4 24,5 150,8 190,0 213,0 160,0 154,1 83,7 286,3 258,0 44,6 Maribor Ø 1981-1990 1953,0 47,0 59,0 78,0 70,0 103,0 129,0 103,0 123,0 108,0 92,0 73,0 68,0 275 1996 1086,7 60,2 58,1 23,9 135,8 123,6 123,2 112,4 122,6 135,7 114,1 52,9 24,2 Murska Sobota Ø 1981-1990 804,0 38,0 43,0 56,0 48,0 78,0 115,0 71,0 107,0 84,0 61,0 54,0 49,0 191 1996 1025,7 69,6 41,6 13,9 107,9 108,1 135,9 135,8 89,4 155,7 70,9 53,5 43,4 Novo mesto Ø 1981-1990 1185,0 48,0 65,0 94,0 76,0 95,0 167,0 105,0 141,0 127,0 107,0 87,0 73,0 208 1996 1245,1 56,8 50,5 17,2 111,5 128,2 128,1 75,9 123,6 171,0 119,7 186,4 76,2 Portoroű, LetaliöËe / Airport 2 Ø 1981-1990 984,0 53,0 68,0 84,0 62,0 86,0 98,0 55,0 108,0 94,0 109,0 82,0 85,0 1996 1126,6 93,0 69,7 5,7 82,6 107,3 74,1 57,3 55,4 255,8 69,9 137,7 118,1 Postojna Ø 1981-1990 1550,0 107,0 73,0 138,0 126,0 150,0 173,0 64,0 129,0 143,0 160,0 139,0 148,0 533 1996 1654,4 83,7 116,6 12,4 158,7 167,7 146,5 114,3 80,9 203,6 185,5 218,5 166,0 RateËe, Planica Ø 1981-1990 1395,0 58,0 67,0 87,0 103,0 150,0 151,0 118,0 151,0 154,0 120,0 124,0 112,0 864 1996 1596,6 39,4 81,9 18,5 66,6 178,7 218,5 168,7 180,9 87,9 210,4 326,9 18,2 Rogaöka Slatina O 1981-1990 1039,0 50,0 55,0 80,0 71,0 93,0 143,0 86,0 106,0 118,0 93,0 77,0 67,0 230 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... 84,4 124,4 163,0 136,8 80,1 71,6 45,2 Slap pri Vipavi Ø 1981-1990 1375,0 91,0 76,0 103,0 112,0 128,0 148,0 60,0 124,0 124,0 157,0 127,0 125,0 137 1996 1692,2 101,6 128,2 1,6 128,6 230,3 105,9 189,2 75,6 156,7 130,2 274,2 170,1 ämartno pri Slovenj Gradcu Ø 1981-1990 1101,0 46,0 51,0 72,0 70,0 100,0 150,0 117,0 122,0 123,0 102,0 84,0 64,0 452 1996 1264,0 62,1 82,2 15,5 123,0 160,5 164,1 127,7 132,6 109,2 149,9 114,3 22,9 Velenje Ø 1981-1990 1161,0 51,0 64,0 81,0 67,0 100,0 159,0 118,0 126,0 131,0 104,0 90,0 70,0 420 1996 1342,4 83,0 83,3 42,1 81,3 134,8 173,7 147,3 193,4 99,5 150,9 118,4 34,7 46 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 1.15 Vlaűnost, padavine, oblaËnost in vetrovi Humidity, precipitations, cloudiness and winds 1) Podatki za leto 1986 so s postaje Metlika. For year 1986 data refer to the Metlika station. Vir: MOP - Hidrometeoroloöki zavod RS Meteoroloöka postaja z nadmorsko viöino (m) Meteorological station with height above sea level (m) Obdobje leto Period, year Povpre Ëna rela- tivna vlaűnost Average relative humidity % ätevilo dni Number of days Povpre- Ëna obla- Ënost v desetinah Average cloudi- ness in tenth ätevilo dni Number of days ätevilo ur sonËnega obse- vanja Sun duration in hours Veter Wind jasnih clear oblaËni cloudy prevladujoËa smer in pogostost prevalent direction and frequency ötevilo dni z 8 ali veË Beauf. number of days with wind 8 Beauf. or more z deűjem 0,1 mm in veË with 0,1 mm of rain or more s snegom 0,1 mm in veË with 0,1 mm of snow or more z nevihto with thunderst orm s toËo ali sodro with hail or sleet s sneűno odejo with snow cover Bovec Ø 1981-1990 75,0 133,0 24,0 46,0 2,0 63,0 5,7 72,0 116,0 1780,0 NE 11,6 2,0 425 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Brnik, LetaliöËe /Airport Ø 1981-1990 78,0 128,0 29,0 46,0 2,0 63,0 6,2 42,0 124,0 1807,0 W 16,5 2,0 362 1996 82,0 147,0 43,0 44,0 3,0 113,0 6,9 25,0 163,0 ... E 20,7 2,0 Celje Ø 1981-1990 75,0 121,0 25,0 34,0 1,0 46,0 6,2 35,0 115,0 1698,0 E 14,7 3,0 245 1996 79,0 141,0 47,0 47,0 2,0 91,0 6,7 39,0 160,0 1771,9 E 16,7 0,0 »rnomelj, DobliËe1) Ø 1981-1990 78,0 135,0 26,0 43,0 1,0 45,0 6,0 58,0 131,0 ... SW 16,5 1,0 156 1996 82,0 150,0 37,0 35,0 0,0 88,0 6,6 56,0 169,0 ... SW 6,8 0,0 Ilirska Bistrica Ø 1981-1990 76,0 127,0 13,0 54,0 1,0 17,0 5,4 83,0 109,0 ... S 21,6 14,0 414 1996 75,0 145,0 13,0 41,0 2,0 29,0 6,0 61,0 138,0 ... S 18,9 1,0 KoËevje Ø 1981-1990 78,0 130,0 39,0 30,0 1,0 78,0 6,4 33,0 130,0 ... SE 24,9 0,0 461 1996 83,0 159,0 46,0 26,0 0,0 103,0 6,8 35,0 155,0 0,0 S 18,6 0,0 Kredarica Ø 1981-1990 75,0 72,0 129,0 40,0 0,0 262,0 5,8 56,0 110,0 1764,0 NW 41,5 103,0 2514 1996 79,0 78,0 140,0 41,0 11,0 277,0 6,5 53,0 149,0 1642,2 NW 31,2 132,0 Lesce Ø 1981-1990 80,0 120,0 26,0 49,0 1,0 59,0 5,8 65,0 118,0 ... SE 15,3 0,0 515 1996 80,0 140,0 34,0 28,0 0,0 91,0 6,5 55,0 156,0 1728,6 SE 19,4 0,0 Ljubljana, Beűigrad Ø 1981-1990 77,0 134,0 30,0 46,0 2,0 56,0 6,4 39,0 135,0 1804,0 NE 19,5 2,0 300 1996 75,0 155,0 41,0 39,0 4,0 110,0 7,0 32,0 166,0 1666,0 E 21,3 2,0 Maribor Ø 1981-1990 74,0 119,0 26,0 35,0 1,0 49,0 5,9 54,0 112,0 1885,0 NW 19,6 1,0 275 1996 74,0 133,0 46,0 35,0 1,0 79,0 6,1 53,0 132,0 1735,5 NW 25,0 3,0 Murska Sobota Ø 1981-1990 79,0 120,0 22,0 37,0 1,0 37,0 6,0 49,0 118,0 1941,0 W 10,6 4,0 191 1996 81,0 122,0 43,0 31,0 0,0 85,0 6,5 40,0 147,0 1842,8 E 16,5 4,0 Novo mesto Ø 1981-1990 79,0 131,0 31,0 49,0 2,0 55,0 6,3 43,0 131,0 1912,0 S 20,7 6,0 208 1996 79,0 139,0 45,0 42,0 5,0 90,0 6,5 50,0 149,0 1737,0 W 21,3 3,0 Portoroű, LetaliöËe / Airport Ø 1981-1990 68,0 111,0 4,0 54,0 1,0 2,0 4,8 100,0 87,0 2334,0 NE 35,5 69,0 2 1996 73,0 143,0 2,0 59,0 4,0 0,0 5,2 88,0 106,0 2299,8 SE 30,7 17,0 Postojna Ø 1981-1990 81,0 121,0 23,0 14,0 1,0 41,0 5,4 74,0 106,0 1936,0 NE 37,4 0,0 533 1996 80,0 146,0 27,0 25,0 0,0 71,0 5,9 59,0 127,0 ... NE 21,5 0,0 RateËe, Planica Ø 1981-1990 80,0 116,0 42,0 35,0 0,0 118,0 5,4 66,0 96,0 1926,0 SE 10,9 0,0 864 1996 79,0 133,0 43,0 41,0 0,0 142,0 6,0 54,0 131,0 1805,6 SE 9,7 0,0 Slap pri Vipavi Ø 1981-1990 73,0 128,0 6,0 37,0 1,0 4,0 5,5 60,0 102,0 ... NE 24,4 1,0 137 1996 64,0 143,0 0,0 29,0 4,0 1,0 5,9 66,0 127,0 ... W 28,3 1,0 Rogaöka Slatina Ø 1981-1990 78,0 120,0 22,0 20,0 1,0 43,0 6,0 49,0 118,0 ... SE 22,9 3,0 230 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... E 37,9 ... ämartno pri Slovenj Gradcu Ø 1981-1990 79,0 122,0 33,0 43,0 2,0 73,0 6,7 31,0 163,0 1867,0 SE 19,3 1,0 452 1996 80,0 122,0 40,0 32,0 1,0 117,0 7,1 23,0 171,0 1709,8 SE 13,6 0,0 Velenje Ø 1981-1990 81,0 111,0 24,0 13,0 1,0 43,0 5,6 75,0 111,0 ... W 14,0 0,0 420 1996 76,0 122,0 33,0 11,0 1,0 72,0 6,3 60,0 156,0 0,0 W 22,8 0,0 47 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 48 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Ozemlje in podnebje Territory and climate 49 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure 2. UPRAVNO-TERITORIALNA UREDITEV ADMINISTRATIVE TERRITORIAL STRUCTURE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Teritorialno ureditev smo po imenih teritorialnih enot in po obdobjih navedli po zakonih ter njihovih spremembah in popravkih, ki so bili objavljeni v uradnih listih Ljudske Republike Slovenije, SocialistiËne Republike Slovenije in Republike Slovenije. Podatke za stanje 1. 6. 1939 smo prevzeli po sploönem pregledu Dravske banovine iz leta 1939. Del Primorske, prikljuËen po pariökem sporazumu, upoötevamo od 23. 2. 1948 naprej, del Koprskega, prikljuËen po londonskem sporazumu, pa od 4. 11. 1954. Podatke o teritorialnih enotah in o spremembah posreduje Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije, vodimo in vzdrűujemo jih v Registru teritorialnih enot. ZAJETJE V registru vodimo in vzdrűujemo podatke o teritorialnih enotah, ki so definirane z Zakonom o imenovanju in evidentiranju naselij, ulic in stavb (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 5/80, 42/86) in s podzakonskimi akti. Za statistiËna raziskovanja smo v letu 1959 uvedli statistiËni kataster, katerega osnovna teritorialna enota je statistiËni okoliö. PrviË je bil uporabljen za izvedbo popisa prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj v letu 1961. Po reviziji je bil tudi osnova za izvedbo popisa prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj v letu 1971. Na podlagi statistiËnega katastra smo skupaj z Geodetsko upravo Republike Slovenije in njenimi izpostavami izdelali novo metodologijo za vodenje Registra teritorialnih enot in njegovega kartografskega dela od leta 1978 do 1981; ta je postal osnova za izvedbo popisov prebivalstva, gospodinjstev, stanovanj in kmeËkih gospodarstev v letih 1981 in 1991 ter drugih statistiËnih raziskovanj od leta 1981. Povröine obËin, ki so prevzete iz Registra prostorskih enot Republike Slovenije, so izraËunane iz koordinat mejnih toËk posameznega prostorskega okoliöa in nato seötete na podlagi atributne opredelitve pripadnosti prostorskega okoliöa viöji prostorski enoti. Seötevek povröin obËin tako ni enak seötevku povröin katastrskih obËin, ki so povzete iz zemljiökega katastra in se z novimi izmerami vsako leto spreminjajo. Za statistiËne raziskave se uporablja povröina obËin iz Registra prostorskih enot Republike Slovenije. DEFINICIJE V prikazih razvoja teritorialne ureditve smo za posamezne teritorialne enote navedli obdobja, ko so te enote v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi obstajale. Znak X pomeni, da so enote obstajale le v obdobju, ki je v preglednici oznaËeno s tem znakom. ObËina (po stanju 1. 1. 1995) je temeljna lokalna samoupravna skupnost, ki v okviru ustave in zakonov samostojno ureja in opravlja svoje zadeve in izvröuje naloge, ki so nanjo prenesene z zakoni (Ur. l. RS, öt. 72/93, 14/95). ObmoËja obËin so doloËena z obmoËji naselij (Ur. l. RS, öt. 60/94, 69/94). Upravne enote so organizirane za obmoËje ene ali veË lokalnih skupnosti, tako da se zagotovi racionalno in uËinkovito opravljanje z zakonom doloËenih nalog drűavne uprave (Ur. l. RS, öt. 67/94, 75/94, 78/ 94). Katastrska obËina je osnovna teritorialna enota za vodenje zemljiökega katastra. Pri razdelitvi katastrskih obËin po velikostnih razredih smo upoötevali Zakon o postopku za ustanovitev, zdruűitev oziroma spremembo obmoËja obËine ter o obmoËjih obËin (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 28/80, 9/82, 27/84, 38/89 in Ur. l. RS, öt. 30/90) in popravke zaradi komasacije ali preimenovanj (po podatkih Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije). Pri povröini katastrskih obËin se z novimi izmerami vsako leto popravljajo podatki za tiste obËine, za katere so opravljene nove meritve. Zato tudi povröina Slovenije, ki je seötevek povröin katastrskih obËin, ni vsako leto enaka . Mesto se po predpisih o teritorialni razdelitvi, veljavni od 30. 6. 1955, ne pojavlja kot upravna teritorialna enota. Po stanju 30. 6. 1955, ko je bilo na ozemlju Slovenije 130 obËin, je bilo 50 mest. ätevilo mest je ostalo SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The territorial structure by named territorial units and by periods is cited according to laws and their changes and amendments, published in the Official Gazette of the People’s Republic of Slovenia, the Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia and the Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia. Data for the situation as of 1 June 1939 are drawn from the 1939 General Survey of the Drava Banovina (Drava province). The part of Primorska (i.e. the Littoral) incorporated under the terms of the Paris Agreement is taken into account from 23 February 1948 onwards and the part of the Koper region incorporated under the London Agreement is taken into account from 4 November 1954 onwards. Data on territorial units and changes are supplied by Surveying and Mapping Authority and kept in the Register of Territorial Units. COVERAGE The register is used to keep and maintain information on territorial units defined under the Law on the Naming and Record-keeping of Settlements, Streets and Buildings (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 5/80, 42/86) and by supplements to legislative acts. For the purposes of statistical surveys, a statistical cadastral register was introduced in 1959. Its basic territorial unit is the statistical district. It was first used for the census of population, households and dwellings in 1961. After revision it was used for the census of population, households and dwellings in 1971. On the basis of the statistical cadastral register and in collaboration with the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia and geodetic administrations of communities, we created a new record- keeping methodology and a cartographic section for the Register of Territorial Units in the 1978-1981 period. This became the basis for conducting censuses of population, households, dwellings and agricultural holdings in 1981 and 1991 and other statistical surveys since 1981. The total area of municipalities taken from the Register of Spatial Units of the Republic of Slovenia is calculated from coordinates of boundary points of an individual spatial environment and then they are summed up - on the basis of the attributive belonging of the spatial environment - to a higer spatial unit. The total area of municipalities thus does not equal the total area of cadastral municipalities, which is taken from the land cadastre and changes every year with new measurements. For statistical surveys the area of municipalities from the Register of Spatial Units of the Republic of Slovenia is used. DEFINITIONS In setting out the development of the territorial structure we give the period of existence of each territorial unit as determined by legislation. Periods of existence are tabulated against territorial units and marked with an X. Municipalities (as of 1 January 1995) are fundamental local self- government communities, which on the basis of the constitution and laws have to execute their own affairs and affairs which are turned over to them by laws (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 72/93, 14/ 95). The teritories of the municipalities are determined by the territories of settlements (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 60/94, 69/94). Administrative units are organized for one or more local communities. Administrative units are designed for effective administration of state government tasks which are defined by law (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 67/94, 75/94, 78/94). Cadastral communities are basic territorial units for keeping the land register. In classifying cadastral communities by size we have taken into account the Law on the Procedure for Establishing, Merging and Changing the Territory of a Community and on the Territories of Communities (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 28/80, 9/82, 27/84, 38/89; Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 30/90) and amendments due to commassations or changes of names (according to the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia). In the areas of cadastral communities new measurements are introduced each year to correct data relating to cadastral communities for which new measurements have been conducted. For this reason the area of Slovenia, which is the aggregate area of all cadastral communities, is not identical in every year. Towns, under the legislative arrangements for the territorial structure which have been in effect since 30 June 1955, do not occur as administrative territorial units. On 30 June 1955, when there were 130 50 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure enako vse do 23. 10. 1964 (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 30/64), ko je bil med mesta uvröËen öe éalec; s tem se je ötevilo mest poveËalo na 51. Taköno stanje je ostalo prav do uveljavitve Zakona o postopku za ustanovitev, zdruűitev oziroma spremembo obmoËja obËine ter o obmoËjih obËin (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 28/80, 9/82, 27/84, 38/89 in Ur. l. RS, öt. 30/90) ter Zakona o imenovanju in evidentiranju naselij, ulic in stavb (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 5/80). Ta predpisa sta mestna naselja izenaËila z drugimi naselji v Sloveniji. Naselje je strnjena ali nestrnjena skupina stavb, ki sestavljajo naseljeno zemljepisno enoto (mesto, trg, vas, industrijsko in rudarsko naselje, zdraviliöËe itd.); ta ima skupno ime, lastni sistem oötevilËenja stavb ter doloËeno obmoËje, ki ga tvori en ali veË statistiËnih okoliöev. Ta opredelitev je v skladu z zakonom o imenovanju in evidentiranju naselij, ulic in stavb (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 5/80). StatistiËni okoliöi so bili ustanovljeni leta 1959 za statistiËna raziskovanja in so stalne temeljne teritorialne enote, ki se ne spreminjajo, razen Ëe se spremenijo meje naselij. StatistiËni okoliö pripada le enemu naselju. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Pregled obËin Republike Slovenije z njihovimi naselji in öiframi: Metodoloöko gradivo, 1961, öt. 4; 1963, öt. 5; 1966, öt. 2; 1967, öt. 6; 1970, öt. 4; 1971, öt. 1; 1973, öt. 5; 1974, öt. 1; 1976, öt. 5; 1977, öt. 23; 1979, öt. 3; 1980, öt. 8; 1986, öt. 8; 1988, öt. 5; 1991, öt. 3; 1993, öt. 3; 1995, öt. 6. Pregled teritorialnih enot s öiframi (obËine, naselja, ulice, krajevne skupnosti, poöte) Rezultati raziskovanj öt: 245, 385, 541, 666. Pregled sprememb naselij Republike Slovenije (Preimenovanja, pristavki, zdruűitve, razdruűitve in razglasitve): StatistiËno gradivo, 1965, öt. 6; 1973, öt. 5; Posebna publikacija, 1985-1992. communities on the territory of Slovenia, there were 50 towns. The number of towns remained constant until 23 October 1964 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 30/64), when éalec was classified as a town, bringing the number to 51. This situation persisted until the introduction of the Law on the Procedure for Establishing, Merging and Changing the Territory of a Community and on the Territories of Communities (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 28/80, 9/82, 27/84, 38/89; Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 30/90) and the Law on the Naming and Record-keeping of Settlements, Streets and Buildings (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 5/80). These two laws abolished the distinction between towns and other settlements in Slovenia. Settlements are compact or non-compact groups of buildings constituting a settled geographical unit (town, market, village, industrial or mining settlement, spa, etc.). A settlement has a single name, its own system of numbering buildings and a determinate area made up of one or more statistical districts. The Law on the Naming and Record-keeping of Settlements, Streets and Buildings (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 5/80). Statistical districts were established in 1959 for the purposes of statistical surveys and are standard fundamental territorial units which are adjusted only when settlement boundaries are changed. Each statistical district falls within one settlement only. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Survey of Communities of the Republic of Slovenia with Their Settlements and Codes: Methodological Material 1961 No. 4, 1963 No. 5, 1966 No. 2, 1967 No. 6, 1970 No. 4, 1971 No. 1, 1973 No. 5, 1974 No. 1, 1976 No. 5, 1977 No. 23, 1979 No. 3, 1980 No. 8, 1986 No. 8, 1988 No. 5, 1991 No. 3, 1993 No. 3, 1995 No. 6. Survey of Territorial Divisions with Codes (communities, settlements, streets, local communities, post offices), Results of Surveys No. 245, 385, 541, 666. Survey of Changes to Settlements of the Republic of Slovenia (Changes of name, additions, integrations, separations and proclamations); Statistical Material 1965 No. 6, 1973 No. 5, Special Publication 1985- 1992. 51 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure 2.1 Razvoj upravno-teritorialnega oblikovanja Republike Slovenije v letih 1939 in 1945 - 1996 Development of the administrative territorial structure of the Republic of Slovenia in 1939 and 1945 - 1996 2.2 Upravne-teritorialne enote po dobah obstoja Administrative-territorial units by period of existence A) Okroűja B) Oblasti Regions, counties Regions C) Glavno mesto Ljubljana, od 25. 1. 1947. Ljubljana, capital city, since 25. 1. 1947. Obdobje Period Okroűja Regions, counties Oblasti Region districts Glavno mesto Ljubljana Ljubljana capital city Okraji Districts Mesta, izloËena iz okrajev Towns distinct from districts ObËine Communities (Municipalities) Upravne enote Admini- strative units Kraji in naselja Localities and settle- ments Mestne Ëetrti Urban settle- ments Mestni rajoni Urban districts Oűja mestna obmoËja Kernel of town skupaj total okroűno mesto regional town skupaj total z mestom with town skupaj total glavno capital skupaj total mestne urban 1. 6. 1939 - - - - 25 - 4 - 403 23 - - - - - 8. 9. 1945 - 1. 3. 1946 5 1 - - 28 2 - - - - - 1544 10 - - 2. 3. 1945 - 13. 9. 1946 5 1 - - 27 2 - - - - - 1530 16 - - 14. 9. 1946 - 24. 1. 1947 5 1 - - 27 2 - - - - - 1119 10 - - 25. 1. 1947 - 22. 2. 1948 - - - 1 27 2 - - - - - 1119 10 - - 23. 2. 1948 - 28. 2. 1949 - - - 1 29 2 - - - - - 1267 - 4 - 1. 3. 1949 - 24. 10. 1949 - - 1 1 29 2 - - - - - 1265 - 7 - 25. 10. 1949 - 7. 11. 1949 - - 3 1 27 - 2 - - - - 1183 - 8 - 8. 11. 1949 - 20. 6. 1950 - - 3 1 27 - 2 - - - - 1136 - 8 - 21. 6. 1950 - 13. 11. 1950 - - 3 1 27 - 4 - - - - 1134 - 8 - 14. 11. 1950 - 22. 1. 1951 - - 3 1 27 - 4 - - - - 1134 - 12 - 12. 1. 1951 - 28. 2. 1951 - - 1 1 27 - 4 - - - - 1134 - 12 - 1. 3. 1951 - 18. 4. 1952 - - - 1 27 - 4 - - - - 1134 - 12 - 19. 4. 1952 - 8. 7. 1952 - - - - 19 - 3 1 371 44 - - - - 2 9. 7. 1952 - 17. 9. 1953 - - - - 19 - 3 1 374 44 - - - - 2 18. 9. 1953 - 7. 4. 1954 - - - - 19 - 3 1 374 44 - - - - 3 8. 4. 1954 - 3. 11. 1954 - - - - 19 - 2 1 375 45 - - - - 2 4. 11. 1954 - 29. 6. 1955 - - - - 20 - 2 1 384 48 - - - - 2 30. 6. 1955 - 22. 7. 1957 - - - - 11 - - - 130 - - - - - - 23. 7. 1957 - 6. 6. 1958 - - - - 9 - - - 122 - - - - - - 7. 6. 1958 - 9. 10. 1958 - - - - 8 - - - 122 - - - - - - 10. 10. 1958 - 29. 12. 1958 - - - - 8 - - - 111 - - - - - - 30. 12. 1958 - 11. 6. 1959 - - - - 8 - - - 92 - - - - - - 12. 6. 1959 - 20. 1. 1960 - - - - 8 - - - 89 - - - - - - 21. 1. 1960 - 9. 3. 1960 - - - - 8 - - - 85 - - - - - - 10. 3. 1960 - 1. 2. 1961 - - - - 8 - - - 93 - - - - - - 2. 2. 1961 - 31. 5. 1961 - - - - 8 - - - 75 - - - - - - 1. 6. 1961 - 28. 6. 1961 - - - - 8 - - - 71 - - - - - - 29. 6. 1961 - 31. 12. 1961 - - - - 8 - - - 67 - - - - - - 1. 1. 1962 - 31. 12. 1962 - - - - 8 - - - 66 - - - - - - 1. 1. 1963 - 31. 3. 1963 - - - - 4 - - - 66 - - - - - - 1. 4. 1963 - 22. 10. 1964 - - - - 4 - - - 62 - - - - - - 23. 10. 1964 - 31. 3. 1965 - - - - 4 - - - 62 - - - - - - 1. 4. 1965 - 31. 12. 1966 - - - - - - - - 62 - - - - - - 1. 1. 1967 - 31. 3. 1982 - - - - - - - - 60 - - - - - - 1. 4. 1982 - 15. 4. 1990 - - - - - - - - 65 - - - - - - 16. 4. 1990 - 31. 12. 1994 - - - - - - - - 62 - - - - - - 1. 1. 1995 in dalje - - - - - - - - 147 - 58 - - - - 1. 1. 1995 and onwards Doba obstoja Period of existence Doba obstoja Period of existence 8. 9. 1945 - 13. 9. 1946 14. 9. 1946 - 24. 1. 1947 1. 3. 1949 - 24. 10. 1949 25. 10. 1949 - 22. 1. 1951 23. 1. 1951 - 28. 2. 1951 SKUPAJ 5 5 TOTAL SKUPAJ 1 3 1 TOTAL Okroűno mesto Ljubljana x Regional city of Ljubljana Primorska oblast x Primorska region Okroűje Ljubljana mesto x Ljubljana city, region Goriöka oblast x x Gorica region Celjsko okroűje x x Celje region, county Ljubljanska oblast x Ljubljana region Ljubljansko okroűje x x Ljubljana region, county Mariborska oblast x Maribor region Mariborsko okroűje x x Maribor region, county Novomeöko okroűje x x Novo mesto region, county 52 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure D) Okraji Districts E) Mesta (izloËena iz okrajev) Towns (distinct from districts) Doba obstoja / Period of existence 1. 6. 1939 8. 9. 1945 - 1. 3. 1946 2. 3. 1946 - 13. 9. 1946 14. 9. 1946 - 22. 2. 1948 23. 2. 1948 - 24. 10. 1949 25. 10. 1949 - 20. 6. 1950 21. 6. 1950 - 18. 4. 1952 19. 4. 1952 - 7. 4. 1954 8. 4. 1954 - 3. 11. 1954 4. 11. 1954 - 29. 6. 1955 30. 6. 1955 - 22. 7. 1957 23. 7. 1957 - 6. 6. 1958 7. 6. 1958 - 31. 12. 1962 1. 1. 1963 - 31. 3. 1965 od 1. 4. 1965 do preklica from 1. 4. 1965 until abolition SKUPAJ 25 28 27 27 29 27 27 19 19 20 11 9 8 4 - TOTAL Breűice x Breűice Celje x x x x x x x Celje Celje - mesto x x x x Celje - town Celje - okolica x x x x x x x Celje - environs »rnomelj x x x x x x x x x x »rnomelj Dolnja Lendava x x Dolnja Lendava Dravograd x x x Dravograd Gorica x x x x x x x x x Gorica Gornji Grad x x Gornji Grad Grosuplje x x x x x x Grosuplje Idrija x x x Idrija Ilirska Bistrica x x x Ilirska Bistrica Jesenice x x x x x Jesenice Kamnik x x x x x x x Kamnik KoËevje x x x x x x x x x x x KoËevje Konjice x x Konjice Koper - Capodistria x x x x x Koper - Capodistria Kranj x x x x x x x x x x x x Kranj Kranj - okolica x Kranj - environs Kröko x x x x x x x x x x Kröko Laöko x Laöko Lendava - Lendva x x x x x Lendava - Lendva Litija x Litija Ljubljana x x x x x Ljubljana Ljubljana - okolica x x x x x x x x x Ljubljana - environs Ljutomer x x x x x x x x x x Ljutomer Logatec x Logatec Maribor x x x x Maribor Maribor - mesto x x x x Maribor - town Maribor - desni breg x x Maribor - right bank Maribor - levi breg x x Maribor - left bank Maribor - okolica x x x x x x x x Maribor - environs Mozirje x x x Mozirje Murska Sobota x x x x x x x x x x x x x Murska Sobota Novo mesto x x x x x x x x x x x x x Novo mesto PoljËane x x x PoljËane Postojna x x x x x x Postojna Prevalje x x x Prevalje Ptuj x x x x x x x x x x x Ptuj Radgona x x x x x x Radgona Radovljica x x x x x Radovljica Rakek x x x Rakek Seűana x x x x x x Seűana Slovenj Gradec x x x x x Slovenj Gradec Slovenska Bistrica x x Slovenska Bistrica Slovenske Konjice x x Slovenske Konjice äaleöko - Savinjski x äaleöko - Savinjski äkofja Loka x x x x äkofja Loka ämarje x ämarje ämarje pri Jelöah x x x ämarje pri Jelöah äoötanj x x x x x äoötanj Tolmin x x x x x x Tolmin Trbovlje x x x x x x x x x x x Trbovlje Trebnje x x x x x x Trebnje Doba obstoja Period of existence 1. 6. 1939 25. 10. 1949 - 20. 6. 1950 21. 6. 1950 - 18. 4. 1952 19. 4. 1952 - 7. 4. 1954 8. 4. 1954 - 29. 6. 1955 SKUPAJ 4 2 4 3 2 TOTAL Celje - mesto x x x x Celje - town Glavno mesto Ljubljana x x Ljubljana - capital city Jesenice x Jesenice Kranj - mesto x Kranj - town Ljubljana - mesto x Ljubljana - town Maribor - mesto x x x x x Maribor - town Ptuj - mesto x Ptuj - town F) ObËine in druge enote Communities and other divisions Doba obstoja Period of existence ObËine 1. 6.1939 19 . 4. 1952 - 31 .12. 1994 Communities ObËine 1. 1. 1995 do preklica 1. 1. 1995 until abolition Municipalities Kraji (KLO) 8. 9. 1945 - 18. 4. 1952 Localities (KLO) Mestne Ëetrti 8. 9. 1945 - 22. 2. 1948 Urban settlements Mestni rajoni 23. 2. 1948 - 18. 4. 1952 Urban districts Oűja mestna obmoËja 19. 4. 1952 - 29. 6. 1955 Kernel of town 53 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure 2.3 ObËine po ötevilu prebivalcev in povröini, 31. 12. 1996 Municipalities by number of inhabitants and area, 31. 12. 1996 2.4 Katastrske obËine, 31. 12. 1996 Cadastral communities, 31. 12. 1996 Velikostni razredi glede na ötevilo prebivalcev ätevilo obËin in ötevilo prebivalstva Number of municipalities and the number of inhabitants Size by the number of inhabitants ätevilo obËin Number of municipalities ätevilo prebivalstva Number of inhabitants SLOVENIJA 147 1986989 SLOVENIA do 2500 prebivalcev 10 18153 up to 2500 inhabitants 2501-5000 41 156153 2501-5000 5001-7500 29 173474 5001-7500 7501-10000 11 93563 7501-10000 10001-15000 20 253883 10001-15000 15001-20000 18 317293 15001-20000 20001-30000 6 151532 20001-30000 30001-40000 5 169620 30001-40000 40001-50000 3 140614 40001-50000 50001-60000 2 103447 50001-60000 nad 60000 prebivalcev 2 409257 over 60000 inhabitants Velikostni razredi glede na povröino ätevilo obËin in povröina (km2) Number of municipalities and size of area (km2) Size of area ätevilo obËin Number of municipalities Povröina (km2) Area (km2) SLOVENIJA 147 20273 SLOVENIA do 50 km2 30 1027,3 up to 50 km2 51-100 40 2970,9 51-100 101-150 30 3776,7 101-150 151-200 13 2243,8 151-200 201-250 13 2891,5 201-250 251-300 7 1924,9 251-300 301-350 8 2621,9 301-350 351-400 3 1116,5 351-400 401-500 1 480,0 401-500 501-600 1 596,6 501-600 nad 600 km2 1 622,9 over 600 km2 Velikostni razred Katastrske obËine Cadastral communities Size ötevilo number povröina1) area ha deleű (%) share (%) na ötevilo per number na povröino per area SLOVENIJA 2695 2025469 100 100 SLOVENIA do 50 ha 18 544 0,7 0,0 up to 50 ha 51-100 33 2732 1,2 0,1 51-100 101-200 220 34074 8,2 1,7 101-200 201-300 356 90407 13,2 4,5 201-300 301-400 344 120753 12,8 6,0 301-400 401-500 304 136447 11,3 6,7 401-500 501-600 252 138550 9,3 6,8 501-600 601-700 193 124421 7,2 6,1 601-700 701-800 171 128300 6,3 6,3 701-800 801-900 115 97408 4,3 4,8 801-900 1) Povröine katastrskih obËin so povzete iz zemljiökega katastra in se z novimi izmerami vsako leto spreminjajo. Zaradi razliËnih postopkov merjenja se ne ujemajo s povröinami iz Registra prostorskih enot. The area of cadastral communities is taken from the land cadastre and changes every year with new measurements. Due to different measurement procedures it is not equal to the area from the Register of Spatial Units of the Republic of Slovenia. 54 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure 2.5 Popisni okoliöi, statistiËni okoliöi in hiöne ötevilke po obËinah, 31. 12. 1996 Census districts, statistical districts and house numbers by municipalities, 31. 12. 1996 901-1000 101 95814 3,7 4,7 901-1000 1001-1100 82 85854 3,0 4,2 1001-1100 1101-1200 76 87404 2,8 4,4 1101-1200 1201-1300 58 72075 2,1 3,6 1201-1300 1301-1400 46 61883 1,7 3,1 1301-1400 1401-1500 53 76839 2,0 3,8 1401-1500 1501-2000 140 242848 5,2 12,0 1501-2000 2001-3000 86 202288 3,2 10,0 2001-3000 3001-4000 23 81112 0,8 4,0 3001-4000 4001-5000 8 33914 0,3 1,7 4001-5000 5001-6000 7 36681 0,3 1,8 5001-6000 6001-7000 2 12169 0,1 0,6 6001-7000 7001-8000 4 30169 0,2 1,5 7001-8000 nad 8000 ha 3 32783 0,1 1,6 over 8000 ha ätevilo popisnih okoliöev1) Number of census districts1) ätevilo statistiËnih okoliöev1) Number of statistical districts1) ätevilo hiönih ötevilk2) Number of house numbers2) SLOVENIJA 14532 8124 471510 SLOVENIA AjdovöËina 110 65 5193 Beltinci 35 21 2426 Bled 82 42 3445 Bohinj 52 35 2333 Borovnica 37 17 893 Bovec 30 21 1664 Brda 52 50 1996 Brezovica 49 26 2499 Breűice 220 160 8365 Cankova-Tiöina 37 23 1872 Celje 301 118 8231 Cerklje na Gorenjskem 46 35 1899 Cerknica 95 80 3082 Cerkno 56 39 1523 »renöovci 21 20 1785 »rna na Koroökem 46 16 707 »rnomelj 157 125 4105 Destrnik-Trnovska vas 40 37 1649 DivaËa 39 35 1227 Dobrepolje 38 36 1185 Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec 66 48 2364 Dol pri Ljubljani 33 20 1043 Doműale 130 60 7092 Dornava 17 14 833 Dravograd 82 32 2012 Duplek 33 16 1787 Gorenja vas-Poljane 82 74 1917 Velikostni razred Katastrske obËine Cadastral communities Size ötevilo number povröina1) area ha deleű (%) share (%) na ötevilo per number na povröino per area 2.4 Katastrske obËine, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Cadastral communities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) 1) Podatki o ötevilu popisnih in statistiËnih okoliöev se razlikujejo od podatkov, objavljenih v publikaciji 'Slovenija v ötevilkah 1997', ker smo nekatere podatke o spremembah za leto 1996 dobili od poroËevalskih enot naknadno. Data on the number of census districts and statistical districts differ from data published in 'Slovenia in Figures 1997' because we obtained soure changes for 1996 from reporting units subsequently. 2) ätevilo hiönih ötevilk je prevzeto iz Registra teritorialnih enot, datum izpisa je 31. 12. 1996. The house numbers are from the Register of Territorial Units, the date of print is 31. 12. 1996. 55 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure Goriönica 36 27 2408 Gornja Radgona 104 64 3706 Gornji Grad 17 11 735 Gornji Petrovci 21 16 1039 Grosuplje 116 78 3972 Hodoö-äalovci - Hodos-äalovci 21 15 928 Hrastnik 84 34 1801 Hrpelje-Kozina 41 38 1552 Idrija 176 78 2660 Ig 32 24 1566 Ilirska Bistrica 99 75 4448 IvanËna Gorica 162 148 4551 Izola - Isola 61 26 2679 Jesenice 152 45 3901 Juröinci 17 13 901 Kamnik 181 131 6525 Kanal 50 37 2010 KidriËevo 36 22 1805 Kobarid 42 35 1814 Kobilje 3 3 231 KoËevje 216 145 3858 Komen 40 37 1513 Koper - Capodistria 347 169 11521 Kozje 35 26 1201 Kranj 292 95 9079 Kranjska Gora 34 21 1831 Kröko 368 217 7962 Kungota 33 21 1357 Kuzma 30 20 1403 Laöko 137 108 4156 Lenart 149 97 5394 Lendava - Lendva 65 49 4428 Litija 200 183 5330 Ljubljana 1412 245 34032 Ljubno 28 15 829 Ljutomer 112 88 5708 Logatec 56 42 2677 Loöka dolina 78 70 1893 Loöki Potok 21 20 760 LuËe 25 17 685 Lukovica 68 66 1286 Majöperk 45 35 1939 Maribor 666 135 21304 Medvode 85 45 3253 Mengeö 23 10 1458 Metlika 81 61 2475 Meűica 29 14 664 Miren-Kostanjevica 31 22 1454 Mislinja 45 21 1281 MoravËe 56 53 1350 Moravske Toplice 53 39 2852 Mozirje 46 29 1808 Murska Sobota 117 25 4615 Muta 26 13 779 Naklo 30 22 1296 Nazarje 19 15 629 Nova Gorica 250 113 9503 Novo mesto 453 327 14781 Odranci 9 4 456 Ormoű 140 88 5993 ätevilo popisnih okoliöev 1) Number of census districts1) ätevilo statistiËnih okoliöev 1) Number of statistical districts1) ätevilo hiönih ötevilk 2) Number of house numbers 2) 2.5 Popisni okoliöi, statistiËni okoliöi in hiöne ötevilke po obËinah, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Census districts, statistical districts and house numbers by municipalities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) 56 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure Osilnica 19 19 196 Pesnica 63 35 2114 Piran - Pirano 94 31 4245 Pivka 67 47 1837 PodËetrtek 51 45 1795 Podvelka-Ribnica 35 24 1155 Postojna 154 65 3088 Preddvor 26 19 1170 Ptuj 137 58 7723 Puconci 49 30 2246 RaËe-Fram 35 19 1741 RadeËe 40 27 1317 Radenci 60 29 1678 Radlje ob Dravi 42 21 1423 Radovljica 122 68 4306 Ravne-Prevalje 158 49 2907 Ribnica 132 97 3116 Rogaöevci 28 19 1126 Rogaöka Slatina 84 55 2834 Rogatec 21 12 793 Ruöe 98 48 3373 SemiË 72 68 1173 Sevnica 199 128 6337 Seűana 100 78 3432 Slovenj Gradec 122 37 3663 Slovenska Bistrica 254 165 10095 Slovenske Konjice 95 67 3700 Staröe 26 14 1132 Sveti Jurij 31 28 1141 äenËur 39 21 2211 äentilj 55 30 2084 äentjernej 73 65 2194 äentjur pri Celju 220 138 6290 äkocjan 38 38 1170 äkofja Loka 130 77 4217 äkofljica 39 27 1844 ämarje pri Jelöah 108 88 3183 ämartno ob Paki 16 10 848 äoötanj 56 27 1870 ätore 33 19 910 Tolmin 134 99 4117 Trbovlje 138 38 2562 Trebnje 295 236 7691 TrűiË 92 52 2790 TurniöËe 11 10 981 Velenje 183 59 4068 Velike LaöËe 92 90 1221 Videm 66 52 3138 Vipava 36 32 1640 Vitanje 33 11 681 Vodice 23 17 1000 Vojnik 98 75 2988 Vrhnika 73 33 4213 Vuzenica 20 10 694 Zagorje ob Savi 195 103 3416 ZavrË 13 10 755 ZreËe 35 26 1519 éalec 282 141 10467 éelezniki 58 42 1478 éiri 47 39 1262 ätevilo popisnih okoliöev1) Number of census districts1) ätevilo statistiËnih okoliöev1) Number of statistical districts1) ätevilo hiönih ötevilk2) Number of house numbers2) 2.5 Popisni okoliöi, statistiËni okoliöi in hiöne ötevilke po obËinah, 31. 12. 1996 (nadalevanje) Census districts, statistical districts and house numbers by municipalities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) 57 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure 2.6 ObËine in naselja, 1. 1. 1997 Municipalities and settlements, 1. 1. 1997 Povröina obËin1) Area of municipalities 1) km2 ätevilo naselij v obËini 2) Number of settlements in municipality2) skupaj total celih undivided deljenih divided deli deljenih parts of divided SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 20273 5967 5943 24 47 AjdovöËina 245,2 45 45 - - Beltinci 62,2 8 8 - - Bled 188,5 22 22 - - Bohinj 333,7 23 23 - - Borovnica 42,3 12 12 - - Bovec 367,3 13 13 - - Brda 72,0 45 45 - - Brezovica 91,2 16 16 - - Breűice 268,1 109 109 - - Cankova-Tiöina 69,4 20 20 - - Celje 94,9 39 39 - - Cerklje na Gorenjskem 78,0 30 30 - - Cerknica 241,3 65 65 - - Cerkno 131,6 29 29 - - »renöovci 52,4 9 9 - - »rna na Koroökem 156,0 9 9 - - »rnomelj 339,7 117 117 - - Destrnik-Trnovska vas 74,8 31 31 - - DivaËa 147,8 32 32 - - Dobrepolje 118,2 27 27 - - Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec 150,0 42 40 2 2 Dol pri Ljubljani 33,3 19 19 - - Doműale 79,7 49 49 - - Dornava 28,4 12 12 - - Dravograd 105,0 24 23 1 1 Duplek 40,0 10 10 - - Gorenja vas-Poljane 149,1 72 72 - - Goriönica 61,2 24 24 - - Gornja Radgona 128,1 51 51 - - Gornji Grad 90,1 7 7 - - Gornji Petrovci 66,8 14 14 - - Grosuplje 133,8 66 66 - - Hodoö-äalovci - Hodos-äalovci 76,3 8 8 - - Hrastnik 58,6 19 17 2 2 Hrpelje-Kozina 192,2 38 38 - - Idrija 293,7 35 35 - - Ig 98,7 21 21 - - Ilirska Bistrica 480,0 63 63 - - IvanËna Gorica 227,0 137 137 - - Izola - Isola 28,6 8 8 - - Jesenice 118,4 21 21 - - Juröinci 36,3 13 13 - - Kamnik 289,7 116 115 1 1 1) Povröine obËin so prevzete iz Registra prostorskih enot Republike Slovenije, stanje 1. 1. 1997. IzraËunane so iz digitaliziranih obrisov posameznega prostorskega okoliöa na kartah 1:5000 in 1:10000 in nato seötete na podlagi pripadnosti prostorskega okoliöa viöji prostorski enoti, Seötevek povröin obËin zato ni enak seötevku povröin katastrskih obËin. Ta povröina se uporablja za statistiËna raziskovanja od 1. 1. 1996. The area of municipalities is taken from the Register of Spatial Units of the Republic of Slovenia, as of 1. 1. 1997. It is calculated from digitalised outlines of individual areas on maps 1:5000 and 1:10000 and then added on the basis of affiliation to the higher unit. The total area of municipalities therefore is not equal to the area of cadastral communities. This area has been used for statistical surveys since 1 January 1996. 2) Podatki o ötevilu naselij se razlikujejo od podatkov, objavljenih v publikaciji 'Slovenija v ötevilkah 1997', ker smo nekatere podatke o spremembah za leto 1996 dobili od poroËevalskih enot naknadno. Data on the number of settlements differ from data published in 'Slovenia in Figures' because we obtained soure changes for 1996 from reporting units subsequently. 58 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure Kanal 146,5 19 19 - - KidriËevo 71,5 18 18 - - Kobarid 192,7 32 32 - - Kobilje 19,7 1 1 - - KoËevje 596,5 135 135 - - Komen 102,7 35 35 - - Koper - Capodistria 311,2 104 104 - - Kozje 89,7 23 23 - - Kranj 148,0 48 48 - - Kranjska Gora 256,3 10 10 - - Kröko 344,9 185 185 - - Kungota 49,0 19 18 1 1 Kuzma 60,2 12 12 - - Laöko 199,1 86 86 - - Lenart 204,5 79 78 1 1 Lendava - Lendva 154,2 26 25 1 1 Litija 321,9 164 161 3 3 Ljubljana 275,0 38 38 - - Ljubno 78,9 9 9 - - Ljutomer 175,3 69 69 - - Logatec 173,1 19 18 1 1 Loöka dolina 241,9 65 65 - - Loöki Potok 134,5 17 17 - - LuËe 212,2 11 11 - - Lukovica 74,9 66 66 - - Majöperk 108,8 30 30 - - Maribor 213,7 50 49 1 2 Medvode 77,6 31 31 - 1 Mengeö 22,5 4 4 - - Metlika 108,9 59 59 - - Meűica 26,4 6 6 - - Miren-Kostanjevica 62,8 15 15 - - Mislinja 112,2 11 10 1 1 MoravËe 62,6 51 51 - - Moravske Toplice 144,5 28 28 - - Mozirje 85,7 21 21 - - Murska Sobota 64,4 11 11 - - Muta 38,8 6 6 - - Naklo 28,3 13 13 - - Nazarje 41,4 14 14 - - Nova Gorica 323,9 55 55 - - Novo mesto 622,9 242 242 - - Odranci 6,9 1 1 - - Ormoű 212,4 81 81 - - Osilnica 36,2 19 19 - - Pesnica 75,8 30 30 - - Piran - Pirano 44,4 11 11 - - Pivka 223,2 29 29 - - PodËetrtek 91,7 37 37 - - Podvelka-Ribnica 163,0 17 15 2 2 Postojna 269,9 40 40 - - Preddvor 155,8 16 16 - - Povröina obËin1) Area of municipalities1) km2 ätevilo naselij v obËini2) Number of settlements in municipality2) skupaj total celih undivided deljenih divided deli deljenih parts of divided 2.6 ObËine in naselja, 1. 1. 1997 (nadaljevanje) Municipalities and settlements, 1. 1. 1997 (continued) 59 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Upravno-teritorialna ureditev Administrative territorial structure Ptuj 118,1 26 26 - - Puconci 107,7 23 23 - - RaËe-Fram 51,2 13 13 - - RadeËe 50,3 22 22 - - Radenci 34,1 22 22 - - Radlje ob Dravi 94,1 14 14 - - Radovljica 118,7 52 52 - - Ravne-Prevalje 121,5 28 27 1 2 Ribnica 203,1 85 84 1 1 Rogaöevci 40,1 11 11 - - Rogaöka Slatina 71,5 41 41 - - Rogatec 39,6 9 9 - - Ruöe 209,7 28 28 - 3 SemiË 146,7 56 56 - - Sevnica 272,2 113 113 - - Seűana 217,4 64 64 - - Slovenj Gradec 173,7 22 22 - 1 Slovenska Bistrica 367,7 129 129 - - Slovenske Konjice 97,8 57 56 1 1 Staröe 34,0 8 8 - - Sveti Jurij 51,3 27 27 - - äenËur 43,2 13 13 - - äentilj 65,0 22 22 - 1 äentjernej 96,0 58 58 - - äentjur pri Celju 239,8 121 120 1 2 äkocjan 58,6 38 38 - - äkofja Loka 149,1 62 62 - - äkofljica 43,3 18 18 - - ämarje pri Jelöah 107,7 77 77 - 1 ämartno ob Paki 18,2 10 10 - - äoötanj 95,6 11 11 - - ätore 28,1 12 12 - - Tolmin 381,5 72 72 - - Trbovlje 57,8 17 15 2 4 Trebnje 311,5 218 218 - 1 TrűiË 155,4 35 35 - - TurniöËe 23,8 4 4 - - Velenje 83,5 25 25 - - Velike LaöËe 103,2 88 88 - 1 Videm 128,1 44 44 - - Vipava 107,4 20 20 - - Vitanje 59,4 8 7 1 2 Vodice 31,4 16 16 - - Vojnik 106,9 66 66 - - Vrhnika 126,3 21 21 - 2 Vuzenica 50,1 5 5 - - Zagorje ob Savi 147,1 72 72 - 4 ZavrË 19,3 9 9 - - ZreËe 67,0 20 20 - 1 éalec 335,1 100 100 - 1 éelezniki 164,8 29 29 - - éiri 49,2 18 18 - - Povröina obËin1) Area of municipalities 1) km2 ätevilo naselij v obËini 2) Number of settlements in municipality2) skupaj total celih undivided deljenih divided deli deljenih parts of divided 2.6 ObËine in naselja, 1. 1. 1997 (nadaljevanje) Municipalities and settlements, 1. 1. 1997 (continued) Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 60 3. POSLOVNI SUBJEKTI BUSINESS UNITS VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Viri podatkov o poslovnih subjektih v Poslovnem registru Slovenije so registri, ki jih vodijo pristojna okroűna sodiöËa, upravne enote, organi za notranje zadeve, drugi registrski organi, pooblaöËeni po zakonih, predpisih in drugih aktih, ki so objavljeni v Uradnih listih Republike Slovenije. V letu 1995 sta bila sprejeta Zakon o Poslovnem registru Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, öt. 13/95) in Uredba o vodenju in vzdrűevanju poslovnega registra Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, öt. 70/95). Urejata vzpostavitev, vodenje in vzdrűevanje Poslovnega registra Slovenije, opredelitev enot v tem registru, doloËanje njihove identifikacije in njeno obvezno uporabo, podatke o enotah in njihovo razvröËanje po dejavnostih Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 34/94, 3/95 in 15/96). Sprejeta je bila tudi Uredba o uvedbi in uporabi Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 34/94, 3/95, 33/95, 15/96). Identifikacijo, doloËeno v Poslovnem registru Slovenije, morajo obvezno uporabljati vsi poslovni subjekti v Sloveniji, prav tako tudi podruűnice tujih poslovnih subjektov pri posredovanju podatkov ter poslovanju. Vsi poslovni subjekti so v Poslovnem registru Slovenije razvröËeni po svoji glavni dejavnosti oziroma po dejavnosti, ki jim je bila doloËena z zakonom ali z aktom o njihovi ustanovitvi. Od leta 1976 do leta 1994 je StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije razvröËal vse pravne subjekte in njihove dele v Register podjetij, druűb in drugih organizacij (ROS), za katerega so veljali tile predpisi: Zakon o enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 6/76), Odlok o enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 34/76, 62/77, 72/80, 77/82, 71/83, 68/84, 28/86, 72/86, 78/87, 63/88, 6/89, 29/90, 47/90), Pravilnik o razvröËanju organizacij in skupnosti (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 42/76, 61/77, 5/78, 72/80, 69/83, 4/84), Uredba o razvröËanju organizacij in skupnosti po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 43/76, 10/77, 14/78). V istem obdobju smo vodili, vzdrűevali in razvröËali fiziËne osebe v Enotni register obratovalnic za Republiko Slovenijo (ERO), za katerega pa so veljali tile predpisi: Sploöni zakon o obrtnih delavnicah samostojnih obrtnikov (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 14/63), Obrtni zakon (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 1-13/79), Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah obrtnega zakona (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 37/85), Pravilnik o vodenju in vzdrűevanju registra obratovalnic v obËini in Enotnega registra obratovalnic za Republiko Slovenijo (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 14/86, 21/87, 34/87), Obrtni zakon (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 35/88), Zakon o gospodarskih druűbah (Ur. l. RS, öt. 30/93, 29/94, 82/ 94), Pravilnik o naËinu in postopku priglasitve ter o ureditvi vpisnika samostojnih podjetnikov posameznikov (Ur. l. RS, öt. 47/93). StatistiËni register delovno aktivnega prebivalstva (SRDAP) je bil v StatistiËnem uradu Republike Slovenije vzpostavljen v letu 1986. Redno je aűuriran na podlagi podatkov iz obrazcev Prijava podatkov za uvedbo in vodenje matiËne evidence pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, evidence zdravstvenega zavarovanja, evidence o sklenitvi delovnega razmerja ( M-1, M-2, M-1A, M-3, M-3A). ZAJETJE PODATKOV Poslovni register Slovenije zajema vse pravnoorganizacijske oblike poslovnih subjektov ter njihove enote v sestavi, ki jih doloËajo Zakon o podjetjih (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 77/88, 40/89, 46/90, 61/90), Zakon o gospodarskih druűbah (Ur. l. RS, öt. 30/93, 29/94, 82/94), Zakon o zadrugah (Ur. l. RS, öt.13/92), Zakon o zavodih (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/91), Zakon o bankah in hranilnicah (Ur. l. RS, öt. 1/91, 38/92, 46/93), Zakon o gospodarskih javnih sluűbah (Ur. l. öt. 32/93), Zakon o zdruűenem delu (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 53/76) in drugi zakoni, ki dajejo posameznim subjektom pravni status. V Poslovnem registru Slovenije so bile v letu 1996 öe vedno zajete nekatere druge organizacijske oblike, ki so bile ustanovljene po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu (ZZD) in drugih starih zakonih. V registru se bodo vodile, dokler ne bodo usklajene z Zakonom o gospodarskih druűbah in drugih zakonih. DEFINICIJE Podjetje je pravna oseba, ki opravlja dejavnosti zaradi pridobivanja dohodka oziroma dobiËka. Podjetja se lahko ustanovijo v druűbeni, zasebni, zadruűni ali meöani lasti in se lahko organizirajo v razliËne SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLETION Sources of data on business units in the Business Register of Slovenia are registers kept by compentent regional courts, communities, bodies of internal affairs and other register bodies authorised by laws, regulations and other legal documents published in Offical Journals of the Republic of Slovenia. In 1995 a new Law on the Business Register of Slovenia (OJ RS, No. 13/ 95) and the Decree on Keeping and Maintaining of the Business Register of Slovenia (OJ RS, No. 70/95) were accepted. The two regulate the set-up, managing and maintenance of the Business Register of Slovenia, definition of units in the register, definition of their identification and obligatory use, data on units and their classification by activities of the Standard Classification of Activities (OJ RS, No. 34/94, 3/95, 15/96). The Decree on Implementation and Use of the Standard Classification of Activities (OJ RS, No. 34/94, 3/95, 33/95, 15/96) was accepted as well. The identification defined in the Business Register of Slovenia must be used by all bussiness entities in Slovenia, as well as subsidiaries of foreign entities at data mediation and operation. All business entities are classifield according to their main activity or activity which was appointed to them by the law or by the legal document of their foundation. From 1976 to 1994 the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia maintained a register of legal entities and their constituent units in the Register of Organizations and Communities (ROS). The legal basis for the register were the Law on the National Classification of Activities (OG SFRY, No. 6/76), the Decree on the National Classification of Activities (OG SFRY, No. 34/76, 62/77, 72/80, 77/82, 71/83, 68/84, 28/86, 72/86, 78/ 87, 63/88, 6/89, 29/90, 47/90), the Regulations on the Classification of Organizations and Communities by Activities (OG SFRY, No. 42/76, 61/77, 5/78, 72/80, 69/83, 4/84), the Decree on the Classification of Organizations and Communities by the National Classification of Activities (Official Gazete of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, No. 43/76, 10/77, 14/78). In the same period the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia maintained physical persons in the Register of Craft Establishments for the Republic of Slovenia (ERO) on the basis of: the General Law on Craft Establishments of Individual Private Entrepreneurs (OG SFRY, No. 14/63), the Law on Crafts (OG SRS, No. 1-13/79), the Law on Modifications and Supplements of the Law on Crafts (OG SRS, No. 37/85), the Regulation on Keeping and Maintaining the Register of Craft Establishments Within Communities and the Register of Craft Establishments for the Republic of Slovenia (OG SRS, No. 14/86, 21/97, 21/87, 34/87), the Law on Crafts (OJ SRS, 35/88), the Law on Commercial Companies (OJ RS, No. 30/93, 29/94, 82/94), the Regulations on Mode and Procedure of Application and Regulation of the Register of Individual Private Entrepreneurs (OJ RS, No. 47/93). Statistical Register of Labour Force was organised at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia in 1986. It is regularly updated on the basis of data from the forms Registration of data for introducing and keeping pension and disability insurance records, health insurance records and employment records ( M-1, M-2, M-1A, M-3, M-3A ). COVERAGE The Business Register of Slovenia covers all legal organizational forms of bussines units and their constituent paits, as determined by the Law on Enterprises (OG SFRY, No 77/88, 40/89, 46/90, 61/90), the Law on Commercial Companies (OJ RS, No. 30/93, 29/94, 82/94), the Law on Cooperatives (OJ RS, No. 30/93), the Law on Institutes (OJ RS, No. 12/ 91), the Law on Banks and Savings Banks (OJ RS, No. 1/91, 38/92, 46/ 93), the Law on Public Economic Offices (OJ RS, No. 32/93), the Law on Associated Labour (OG SFRY, No. 53/76) and other laws conferring legal status on given entities. Sources of data on business units in the Business Register of Slovenia are registers kept by compentent regional courts, communities, bodies of internal affairs and other register bodies authorised by laws, regulations and other legal documents published in Offical Journals of the Republic of Slovenia. In the Business Register of Slovenia in 1996 still comprised some organizational forms founded upon the Law on Associated Labour and other old laws. They will be kept in the register until they are harmonized with the Law on Commercial Companies and other laws. Individual private entreprenuers are physical persons, which can be founded in private ownership for self-dependent to profitable activities on the free market. DEFINITIONS An enterprise is a legal entity that performs economic and other activities to create income or profit. Enterprises can be founded in social, private, cooperative or mixed ownership and can be organized Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 61 pravnoorganizacijske oblike in s kapitalom razliËnega porekla (tuji, meöani, domaËi). Druűba je pravna oseba, ki na trgu samostojno opravlja pridobitno dejavnost. Zavod je organizacija, ki se ustanovi za opravljanje dejavnosti vzgoje, izobraűevanja, znanosti, kulture, öporta, zdravstva, socialnega varstva, otroökega varstva, invalidskega varstva itn., Ëe namen poslovanja ni pridobivanje dobiËka. Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki so fiziËne osebe, ki se ustanovijo v zasebni lasti za samostojno opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti na prostem trgu. Zaposlene osebe, vkljuËene v StatistiËni register delovno aktivnega prebivalstva (SRDP), so: - zaposlene osebe, ki so v delovnem razmerju (pokojninsko in invalidsko ter zdravstveno zavarovane) pri poslovnih subjektih - pravnih osebah ne glede na njihovo lastnino; - lastniki poslovnih subjektov - pravnih oseb, Ëe jih osebno vodijo in Ëe niso zavarovani iz drugega naslova; - izvoljeni ali imenovani nosilci javnih ali druűbenih funkcij; - matere, ki delajo po posebnih predpisih; - zaposlene osebe, ki so v delovnem razmerju (pokojninsko in invalidsko ter zdravstveno zavarovane) pri samostojnih podjetnikih posameznikih, osebah, ki opravljajo poklicno dejavnost kot edini ali glavni poklic, fiziËnih osebah, ki uporabljajo dopolnilno delo drugih oseb; - samostojni podjetniki posamezniki; - osebe, ki opravljajo poklicno dejavnost kot edini ali glavni poklic; - vrhunski öportniki. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 25; 1964, öt. 15, 25; 1965, öt. 12, 25; 1966, öt. 20; 1967, öt. 2; 1968, öt. 5; 1970, öt. 16; 1972, öt. 2, 16; 1973, öt. 19, 1974, öt. 1, 19. Rezultati raziskovanj: öt. 3, 38, 41, 117, 184, 206, 256, 295, 422, 470, 546, 574, 599, 619, 622 in 634. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1959, zv. III; 1960, zv. III; 1961, zv. III; 1963, zv. I; 1964, zv. V; 1965, zv. II; 1966, zv. II; 1967, zv. III; 1968, zv. V; 1969, zv. V; 1971, zv. V; 1972, zv. VI; 1973, zv. VII; 1974, zv. IX; 1975, zv. X; 1976, zv XII; 1977, zv. XIX; 1979, zv. XXV; 1980, zv. XVIII; 1981, zv. XVIII; 1982, zv. XVII; 1986, öt.7; 1987, öt. 14; 1989, öt. 7; 1992, öt. 1. according to various legal organizational forms and with capital of foreign, Slovenian and mixed origin. A company is a legal entity performing profitable activity on the market. An institution is an organization founded to do activities of education, science, culture, sport, health, social work, taking care of children and the disabled, etc., if the aim of the activity is not making profit. Individual private entrepreneurs are natural persons, which can be founded in private ownership for self-dependent to profitable activities on the free market. Employed persons in the Statistical Register of Labour Force are: - persons in paid employment who are employed (insured at the pension and disability insurance and health insurance) in business units - legal persons, irrespective of who owns them; - owners of business units - legal persons, if they manage them personally and if they are not insured somewhere else; - elected or appointed public or social officials; - mothers working under special regulations; - persons in paid employment who are employed (insured at the pension and disability insurance and health insurance) by individual private entrepreneurs, persons who perform their proffesion as the only or main profession, natural persons who make use of additional supplementary work of other persons; - individual private entrepreneurs; - persons who perform their professional activity as their only or main profession; - professional sportsmen. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Statistical Material: 1963, No. 25; 1964, No. 15, 25; 1965, No. 12, 25; 1966, No. 20; 1967, No. 2; 1968, No. 5; 1970, No. 16; 1972, No. 2, 16; 1973, No. 19; 1974, No. 1, 19. Results of Surveys: No. 3, 38, 41, 117, 184, 206, 256, 295, 422, 370, 546, 574, 599, 619, 622, 634. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia : 1959, vol. III; 1960, vol. III; 1961, vol. III; 1963, vol. I; 1964, vol. V; 1965, vol. II; 1966, vol. II; 1967, vol. III; 1968, vol. V; 1969, vol. V; 1971, vol. V; 1972, vol. VI; 1973, vol. VII; 1974, vol. IX; 1975, vol. X; 1976, vol. XII; 1977, vol. XIX; 1979, vol. XXV; 1980, vol. XVIII; 1981, vol. XVIII; 1982, vol. XVII; 1986, No. 7; 1987, No. 14; 1989 No. 7; 1992 No. 1. Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 62 3.1 Poslovni subjekti po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. Business units by the National Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1) V letih 1994-1996 so zajete öe organizacijske oblike po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu. Te enote (31. 12. 1996 jih je bilo 81) niso v "StatistiËnih informacijah" zajete v tabeli "Podjetja in druűbe", ampak so prikazane posebej. In the 1994-1996 period organizational forms are included by the Law on Associated Labour. These units ( 81 units on the day 31. 12. 1996) in "rapid reports" are not included in the table " Enterprises and companies " , but presented separately. 2) V letih 1990-1994 so zajete vse organizacijske oblike, v letih 1995-1996 pa samo samostojni podjetniki posamezniki. In the 1990-1994 period all organizational forms are included, in 1995-1996 period only individual private entrepreneurs are included. 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Poslovni subjekti Business units SKUPAJ 83565 104227 115576 128174 127174 134881 TOTAL Podjetja in druűbe1) Enterprises and companies1) Skupaj 14597 36448 47734 51253 52053 52580 Total Industrija in rudarstvo 2433 5085 6317 6682 6824 6884 Manufacturing, minning and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 182 504 699 761 741 725 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 21 64 89 128 125 116 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 8 14 16 16 16 16 Water management Gradbeniötvo 667 1785 2442 2663 2812 2928 Construction Promet in zveze 278 917 1364 1502 1587 1653 Transport and communications Trgovina 3699 8464 10834 11492 11738 11882 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 484 1433 1948 2116 2198 2313 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 1079 2725 3492 3672 3576 3463 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejavnosti 114 383 477 581 568 600 Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve 5157 13913 18589 20032 20172 20180 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 403 1077 1335 1419 1472 1519 Education and culture Zdravstveno in socialno varstvo 33 84 132 183 217 266 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 39 - - 6 7 35 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Zavodi, organi in organizacije Institutions, bodies and organizations Skupaj 15967 15731 16364 17007 17319 20098 Total Industrija in rudarstvo 233 25 13 - - 1 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 154 84 31 - - - Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 126 102 46 - - - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1 - - - - - Water management Gradbeniötvo 86 25 17 - 1 - Construction Promet in zveze 28 8 4 - - - Transport and communications Trgovina 56 9 3 - - - Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 47 1 - - - - Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 102 39 28 - - - Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejavnost 174 225 203 114 105 105 Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve 199 38 48 51 71 82 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 5561 6030 6423 6911 7307 7716 Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 466 357 390 394 394 407 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 8734 8788 9158 9537 9441 11787 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations FiziËne osebe2) Natural persons 2) Skupaj 53001 52048 51478 59914 57802 62203 Total Industrija in rudarstvo - - - - - - Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 468 507 506 549 327 379 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo - - - - - - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo - - - - - - Water management Gradbeniötvo 5365 5584 5790 6980 7516 8242 Construction Promet in zveze 7181 7195 7386 8662 8634 9077 Transport and communications Trgovina 2680 4026 4103 5279 5348 5586 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 6207 6905 6710 7354 6197 6537 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 29513 25880 25003 27274 23198 24313 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejavnost - - - - - - Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve 1587 1951 1980 3816 6582 8069 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura - - - - - - Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo - - - - - - Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organi zacije - - - - - - Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 63 3.2 Poslovni subjekti po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 Business units by legal organizational forms and by the National Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 1) V podatkih pod "Drugo" so zajete organizacijske oblike poslovnih subjektov po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu. Te enote v "StatistiËnih informacijah" niso zajete v tabeli "Podjetja in druűbe", ampak so prikazane posebej. In to "Other" are included organizational forms of the business units by the Law on Associated Labour. These units in "Rapid reports" are not included in the table " Enterprises and companies", but presented separately. Skupaj Industrija in rudar- stvo Kme- tijstvo in ribiötvo Gozdar- stvo Vodno gospo- darstvo Gradbe- niötvo Promet in zveze Trgovina Total Manu - factur- ing, mining and electric- ity sup- ply Agricul- ture and fishing Forestry and hunting Water manage- ment Con- struction Trans- port and commu- nications Trade Poslovni subjekti Business units SKUPAJ 134881 6885 1104 116 16 11170 10730 17468 TOTAL Podjetja in druűbe1) Enterprises and companies 1) Skupaj 52580 6884 725 116 16 2928 1653 11882 Total Javna podjetja 52 8 - - - 1 1 - Public enterprises Druűbena podjetja 760 261 26 15 8 81 20 78 Enterprises in social ownership Zasebna podjetja 161 19 3 1 - 8 3 49 Private enterprises Pogodbena podjetja 3 1 - - - 1 - - Contractual enterprises Zadruűna podjetja 1 - 1 - - - - - Cooperative enterprises Podjetja za zaposlovanje invalidov 3 - - - - - - - Enterprises for employment of disabled persons FinanËne organizacije 81 - - - - - - - Financial organizations Sestavljene oblike zdruűevanja 17 1 - - - - - - Enterprises in composite form Delniöke druűbe 1107 283 12 2 - 54 36 175 Joint stock companies Druűbe z omejeno odgovornostjo 46656 6024 476 64 7 2499 1464 10969 Limited liability companies Komanditne druűbe 497 38 2 - - 45 20 81 Limited partnerships Druűbe z neomejeno odgovornostjo 2519 222 26 4 - 199 89 499 General partnerships Zadruge 470 23 162 18 1 29 12 23 Cooperatives Druge oblike organiziranja 5 - - - - - - - Other kinds of organizations Podruűnice tujih podjetij 167 1 - - - 8 5 8 Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises Drugo 81 3 17 12 - 3 3 - Other Zavodi, organi in organizacije Institutions, bodies and organizations Skupaj 20098 1 - - - - - - Total Zavodi 1515 - - - - - - - Institutions Zdruűenja, zbornice, skupnosti 157 1 - - - - - - Associations, chambers, communities Organi in organizacije drűavne uprave 320 - - - - - - - Bodies and organizations of public administration Organi sodstva 95 - - - - - - - Bodies of judicature Organi krajevnih skupnosti 1241 - - - - - - - Bodies of local communities PolitiËne organizacije, sindikati 2350 - - - - - - - Political organizations, trade unions Druűbene organizacije 12720 - - - - - - - Social organizations Druötva 1239 - - - - - - - Associations of citizens Druge organizacije 461 - - - - - - - Other organizations FiziËne osebe Natural persons Skupaj 62203 - 379 - - 8242 9077 5586 Total Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki 62203 - 379 - - 8242 9077 5586 Individual private entrepreneurs Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 64 3.2 Poslovni subjekti po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Business units by legal organizational forms and by the National Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) 1) V podatkih pod "Drugo" so zajete organizacijske oblike poslovnih subjektov po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu. Te enote v "StatistiËnih informacijah" niso zajete v tabeli "Podjetja in druűbe", ampak so prikazane posebej. In to "Other" are included organizational forms of the business units by the Law on Associated Labour. These units in "Rapid reports" are not included in the table " Enterprises and companies", but presented separately. Gostin- stvo in turizem Obrt in osebne storitve Stan. komu- nalne dejavnosti FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve Izobra- űevanje znanost, kultura, infor- miranje Zdrav- stveno in socialno varstvo Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja Hotels, restau- rants and travel agencies Crafts and personal service activities Commu- nity ser- vice activities Financial and busi- ness activities Educa- tion and culture Health and social work Public adminis- tration, funds, associa- tions and organisa- tions Poslovni subjekti Business units SKUPAJ 8850 27776 705 28331 9235 673 11822 TOTAL Podjetja in druűbe1) Enterprises and companies1) Skupaj 2313 3463 600 20180 1519 266 35 Total Javna podjetja - - 38 2 1 - 1 Public enterprises Druűbena podjetja 49 63 29 109 18 3 - Enterprises in social ownership Zasebna podjetja 4 14 1 50 9 - - Private enterprises Pogodbena podjetja - - - 1 - - - Contractual enterprises Zadruűna podjetja - - - - - - - Cooperative enterprises Podjetja za zaposlovanje Enterprises for employment of invalidov - - - - - 3 - disabled persons FinanËne organizacije - - - 81 - - - Financial organizations Sestavljene oblike zdruűevanja - - 1 15 - - - Enterprises in composite form Delniöke druűbe 62 37 23 387 28 8 - Joint stock companies Druűbe z omejeno odgovornostjo 2012 3077 349 18147 1328 238 2 Limited liability companies Komanditne druűbe 31 44 3 204 26 3 - Limited partnerships Druűbe z neomejeno odgovornostjo 149 188 21 1007 104 11 - General partnerships Zadruge 2 37 134 28 1 - - Cooperatives Druge oblike organiziranja - - - - 4 - 1 Other kinds of organizations Podruűnice tujih podjetij 1 - 1 142 - - 1 Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises Drugo 3 3 - 7 - - 30 Other Zavodi, organi in organizacije Institutions, bodies and organizations Skupaj - - 105 82 7716 407 11787 Total Zavodi - - - 82 1026 407 - Institutions Zdruűenja, zbornice, skupnosti - - - - - - 156 Associations, chambers, communities Organi in organizacije drűavne - - - - - - 320 Bodies and organizations of public uprave administration Organi sodstva - - - - - - 95 Bodies of judicature Organi krajevnih skupnosti - - - - - 1241 Bodies of local communities PolitiËne organizacije, sindikati - - - - 5 - 2345 Political organizations, trade unions Druűbene organizacije - - - - 6633 - 6087 Social organizations Druötva - - - - 11 - 1228 Associations of citizens Druge organizacije - - 105 - 41 - 315 Other organizations FiziËne osebe Natural persons Skupaj 6537 24313 - 8069 - - - Total Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki 6537 24313 - 8069 - - - Individual private entrepreneurs Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 65 3.3 Poslovni subjekti po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 Business units by legal organizational forms and by the Standard Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 1) V podatkih pod "Drugo" so zajete organizacijske oblike poslovnih subjektov po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu. Te enote v "StatistiËnih informacijah" niso zajete v tabeli "Podjetja in druűbe", ampak so prikazane posebej. In to "Other" are included organizational forms of the business units by the Law on Associated Labour. These units in "Rapid reports" are not included in the table " Enterprises and companies", but presented separately. Skupaj Kme- tijstvo, lov, gozdar- stvo Ribiötvo Rudar- stvo Prede- lovalne dejavnosti Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo Gradbe- niötvo Trgo-vina; popravila mot. vozil Total Agricul- ture, hunt- ing, and forestry Fishing Mining and quar- rying Manufac- turing Electric- ity, gas and water supply Construc- tion Whole- sale, retail; cer- tain repair Poslovni subjekti Business units SKUPAJ 134881 1625 134 196 23702 276 11760 33764 TOTAL Podjetja in druűbe1) Enterprises and companies 1) Skupaj 52580 777 31 45 8263 122 2948 22892 Total Javna podjetja 52 - - 1 1 32 3 - Public enterprises Druűbena podjetja 760 37 1 8 292 12 91 90 Enterprises in social ownership Zasebna podjetja 161 3 - - 30 - 8 67 Private enterprises Pogodbena podjetja 3 - - - 1 - 1 - Contractual enterprises Zadruűna podjetja 1 - - - - - - 1 Cooperative enterprises Podjetja za zaposlovanje invalidov 3 - - - - - - - Enterprises for employment of disabled persons FinanËne organizacije 81 - - - - - - - Financial organizations Sestavljene oblike zdruűevanja 17 - - - 1 - - 1 Enterprises in composite form Delniöke druűbe 1107 15 - 2 316 8 50 226 Joint stock companies Druűbe z omejeno odgovornostjo 46656 509 27 33 7207 65 2511 21081 Limited liability companies Komanditne druűbe 497 2 - - 56 - 46 194 Limited partnerships Druűbe z neomejeno odgovornostjo 2519 34 1 1 299 2 199 1066 General partnerships Zadruge 470 162 2 - 55 2 29 57 Cooperatives Druge oblike organiziranja 5 - - - - - - - Other kinds of organizations Podruűnice tujih podjetij 167 - - - 1 1 8 109 Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises Drugo 81 15 - - 4 - 2 - Other Zavodi, organi in organizacije Institutions, bodies and organizations Skupaj 20098 422 0 - 8 - - 27 Total Zavodi 1515 - - - 6 - - 26 Institutions Zdruűenja, zbornice, skupnosti 157 - - - 1 - - - Associations, chambers, communities Organi in organizacije drűavne uprave 320 - - - - - - - Bodies and organizations of public administration Organi sodstva 95 - - - - - - - Bodies of judicature Organi krajevnih skupnosti 1241 - - - - - - - Bodies of local communities PolitiËne organizacije, sindikati 2350 - - - - - - - Political organizations, trade unions Druűbene organizacije 12720 421 76 - 1 - - 1 Social organizations Druötva 1239 1 - - - - - - Associations of citizens Druge organizacije 461 Other organizations FiziËne osebe Natural persons Skupaj 62203 426 27 151 15431 154 8812 10845 Total Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki 62203 426 27 151 15431 154 8812 10845 Individual private entrepreneurs Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 66 3.3 Poslovni subjekti po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Business units by legal organizational forms and by the Standard Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) 1) V podatkih pod "Drugo" so zajete organizacijske oblike poslovnih subjektov po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu. Te enote v "StatistiËnih informacijah" niso zajete v tabeli "Podjetja in druűbe", ampak so prikazane posebej. In to "Other" are included organizational forms of the business units by the Law on Associated Labour.These units in "Rapid reports" are not included in the table " Enterprises and com- panies", but presented separately. Gostin- stvo Promet, skladiö- Ëenje, zveze FinanËno posred- niötvo Nepre- miËnine, najem, poslovne storitve Javna uprava, obramba socialno zavaro- vanje Izobra- űevanje Zdrav- stvo, socialno varstvo Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve Hotels and res- taurants Trans- port, storage and commu- nication Financial interme- diation Real estate, renting, bussi- ness ser- vices Public adminis- tration, defence, social security Educa- tion Health and social work Other social and per- sonal services Poslovni subjekti Business units SKUPAJ 8045 11924 579 18058 3246 1719 1551 18302 TOTAL Podjetja in druűbe1) Enterprises and companies1) Skupaj 1686 2760 549 10495 32 612 320 1048 Total Javna podjetja - 2 - 2 1 - - 10 Public enterprises Druűbena podjetja 45 21 - 131 - 2 4 26 Enterprises in social ownership Zasebna podjetja 2 8 1 31 - 5 - 6 Private enterprises Pogodbena podjetja - - - 1 - - - - Contractual enterprises Zadruűna podjetja - - - - - - - - Cooperative enterprises Podjetja za zaposlovanje invalidov - - - - - - 3 - Enterprises for employment of disabled persons FinanËne organizacije - - 81 - - - - - Financial organizations Sestavljene oblike zdruűevanja - - - 15 - - - - Enterprises in composite form Delniöke druűbe 44 67 165 188 1 2 8 15 Joint stock companies Druűbe z omejeno odgovornostjo 1446 2485 286 9312 4 538 273 879 Limited liability companies Komanditne druűbe 26 24 1 113 - 12 4 19 Limited partnerships Druűbe z neomejeno odgovornostjo 120 124 7 519 - 51 14 82 General partnerships Zadruge 1 14 2 145 - - - 1 Cooperatives Druge oblike organiziranja - - - - 1 - - 4 Other kinds of organizations Podruűnice tujih podjetij - 10 - 37 - - - 1 Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises Drugo 2 5 6 1 25 2 14 5 Other Zavodi, organi in organizacije Institutions, bodies and organizations Skupaj 1 2 3 225 3211 1009 1200 13914 Total Zavodi 1 2 2 114 1 900 252 211 Institutions Zdruűenja, zbornice, skupnosti - - - 4 - - - 152 Associations, chambers, communities Organi in organizacije drűavne uprave - - - 2 317 - - 1 Bodies and organizations of public administration Organi sodstva - - 1 - 94 - - - Bodies of judicature Organi krajevnih skupnosti - - - - 1241 - - - Bodies of local communities PolitiËne organizacije, sindikati - - - - - - - 2350 Political organizations, trade unions Druűbene organizacije - - - - 1551 108 942 9620 Social organizations Druötva - - - - 1 - 5 1232 Associations of citizens Druge organizacije 105 6 1 1 348 Other organizations FiziËne osebe Natural persons Skupaj 6358 9162 27 7338 3 98 31 3340 Total Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki 6358 9162 27 7338 3 98 31 3340 Individual private entrepreneurs Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 67 3.4 Podjetja in druűbe po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, lastnini in poreklu kapitala 31. 12. 19961) Enterprises and companies by legal organizational forms, ownership and kind of capital, 31. 12. 19961) 1) V podatkih pod "Drugo" so zajete organizacijske oblike poslovnih subjektov po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu. Te enote v "StatistiËnih informacijah" niso zajete v tabeli "Podjetja in druűbe", ampak so prikazane posebej. In to "Other" are included organizational forms of the business units by the Law on Associated Labour. These units in "Rapid reports" are not included in the table " Enterprises and companies", but presented separately. 3.5 Ustanovitve in prenehanja poslovnih subjektov, 1990-1996 Establishments and cessations of business units, 1990-1996 Skupaj Total Lastnina Kind of ownership Poreklo kapitala Kind of capital druűbena social zasebna private zadruűna cooperative meöana mixed domaËi domestic tuji foreign meöani mixed SKUPAJ 52580 2442 48144 508 1486 48761 1631 2188 TOTAL Javna podjetja 52 52 - - - 52 - - Public enterprises Druűbena podjetja 760 759 - - 1 759 - 1 Enterprises in social ownership Zasebna podjetja 161 - 161 - - 160 1 - Private enterprises Pogodbena podjetja 3 3 - - - 3 - - Contractual enterprises Zadruűna podjetja 1 - - 1 - 1 - - Cooperative enterprises Podjetja za zaposlovanje invalidov 3 3 - - - 3 - - Enterprises for employment of disabled persons FinanËne organizacije 81 37 - 31 13 81 - - Financial organizations Sestavljene oblike zdruűevanja 17 15 - 1 1 17 - - Enterprises in composite form Delniöke druűbe 1107 154 658 1 294 1036 10 61 Joint stock companies Druűbe z omejeno odgovornostjo 46656 1335 44140 13 1168 43247 1379 2030 Limited liability companies Komanditne druűbe 497 - 494 - 3 456 16 25 Limited partnerships Druűbe z neomejeno odgovornostjo 2519 - 2519 - - 2378 71 70 General partnerships Zadruge 470 - 3 461 6 470 - - Cooperatives Druge oblike organiziranja 5 3 2 - - 5 - - Other kinds of organizations Podruűnice tujih podjetij 167 - 167 - - 12 154 1 Subsidiaries of foreign enterprises Drugo 81 81 - - - 81 - - Drugo Ustanovitve Establishments Prenehanja Cessations skupaj total pravne osebe legal persons fiziËne osebe natural persons skupaj total pravne osebe legal persons fiziËne osebe natural persons 1990 20635 12493 8142 7154 2349 4805 1991 17385 9071 8314 10532 558 9974 1992 23630 14094 9536 9335 506 8829 1993 16476 11612 4864 5814 213 5601 1994 13425 4591 8834 5606 285 5321 1995 13363 3155 10208 5152 1923 3229 1996 7438 2305 5133 5175 1830 3345 Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 68 3.6 Poslovni subjekti - pravne osebe po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, 31. 12. 1996 Business units - legal persons by the National Classification of Activities and number of employed persons, 31. 12. 1996 3.6 Poslovni subjekti - pravne osebe po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Business units - legal persons by the National Classification of Activities and number of employed persons, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) 1) Poslovni subjekti - pravne osebe z zaposlenimi osebami, ki so zavarovanci pokojninskega in invalidskega ter zdravstvenega zavarovanja (Vir: StatistiËni register delovno aktivnega prebivalstva-SRDAP) Business units - legal persons with employed persons who are insured at the pension and disability insurance and health insurance (Source: Statistical Register of Labour Force). 2) V letu 1996 niso imeli prometa na űiro raËunu (Vir: Agencija za plaËilni promet Republike Slovenije). In 1996 there were no payments through resident accounts (Source: Agency for Payments of the Republic of Slovenia). Skupaj Total Po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb1) By number of employed persons1) skupaj total 1 2 3-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 SKUPAJ 72678 27561 9074 4650 4346 3602 1914 1683 1050 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 6885 3966 917 540 542 526 356 325 239 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 725 334 75 42 36 46 27 38 34 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 116 96 19 11 11 14 8 20 8 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 16 12 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 Water management Gradbeniötvo 2928 1600 442 229 248 284 161 107 45 Construction Promet in zveze 1653 764 295 153 112 90 42 21 16 Transport and communications Trgovina 11882 5429 1953 1082 1002 733 324 153 69 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 2313 1023 301 185 195 140 76 64 32 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 3463 1555 564 253 255 196 129 99 33 Craft and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-kom. dejavnosti 705 345 64 29 32 52 42 43 42 Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 20262 8498 3455 1693 1490 1120 398 232 52 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 9235 2061 454 219 226 203 212 367 286 Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 673 589 39 29 29 62 59 99 147 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 11822 1289 496 184 167 135 79 115 45 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb1) By number of employed persons1) Brez zaposlenih oseb With no employed persons Neaktivne2) Inactive2) 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-499 500-999 1000 in veË 1000 and over SKUPAJ 447 241 124 263 104 63 33883 11234 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 148 106 55 130 49 33 2419 500 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 18 4 3 9 1 1 322 69 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 18 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 Water management Gradbeniötvo 27 18 11 20 7 1 1075 253 Construction Promet in zveze 13 5 4 5 5 3 698 191 Transport and communications Trgovina 40 23 10 22 11 7 5401 1052 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 10 9 5 4 2 0 1053 237 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 18 4 2 1 0 1 1505 403 Craft and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-kom. dejavnosti 24 9 1 6 1 0 189 171 Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 19 11 7 11 5 5 9877 1887 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 55 18 4 13 3 1 4399 2775 Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 49 23 15 24 9 5 71 13 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 20 8 5 18 11 6 6868 3665 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 69 3.7 Poslovni subjekti - pravne osebe po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, 31. 12. 1996 Business units - legal persons by the Standard Classification of Activities and number of employed persons, 31. 12. 1996 1) Poslovni subjekti - pravne osebe z zaposlenimi osebami, ki so zavarovanci pokojninskega in invalidskega ter zdravstvenega zavarovanja (Vir: StatistiËni register delovno aktivnega prebivalstva-SRDAP). Business units - legal persons with employed persons who are insured at the pension and disability insurance and health insurance (Source: Statistical Register of Labour Force). 2) V letu 1996 niso imeli prometa na űiro raËunu (Vir: Agencija za plaËilni promet Republike Slovenije). In 1996 there were no payments through resident accounts (Source: Agency for Payments of the Republic of Slovenia). Skupaj Total Po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb1) By number of employed persons1) skupaj total 1 2 3-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 SKUPAJ 72678 27561 9074 4650 4346 3602 1914 1683 1050 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 1199 379 90 55 43 53 29 46 32 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry B Ribiötvo 107 20 6 2 4 4 1 2 1 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 45 38 4 3 4 3 9 4 3 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 8271 4526 1137 619 635 587 406 372 253 D Manufacturing DA Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 482 273 50 30 25 42 28 19 22 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco DB Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 857 447 116 46 63 46 31 35 32 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products DC Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 128 80 25 13 8 1 8 7 7 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 669 314 80 42 41 38 29 29 22 DD Manufacture of wood and wood products DE Pro.vlaknin,papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 1051 583 178 101 93 91 35 31 16 DE Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing DF Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 6 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 DF Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umetnih vl. 211 112 25 9 11 6 13 10 7 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man- made fibres DH Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 524 254 60 47 34 35 23 27 11 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 272 151 25 13 19 21 16 14 11 DI Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products DJ Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 1583 844 232 133 135 112 66 76 34 DJ Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products DK Pro.strojev in naprav 543 367 73 38 51 48 37 41 28 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 1017 600 152 81 87 89 73 39 23 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment DM Pro.vozil in plovil 157 103 15 5 11 19 6 13 11 DM Manufacture of transport equipment DN Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred.dej., reciklaűa 771 394 106 60 57 39 41 29 29 DN Manufacturing nec. E Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo 122 90 4 2 2 5 3 20 21 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 2948 1614 446 229 252 280 157 112 48 F Construction G Trgovina;popravila mot.vozil 22919 9580 3790 1947 1670 1223 493 228 98 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 1534 715 201 141 136 114 56 37 18 Sale, repair etc motors; fuel Posredniötvo,trg.na debelo,brez vozil 15318 6264 2592 1265 1080 796 305 139 42 Wholesale, commission, not motors Trg.na drobno brez mot.vozil;poprav.izd. 6067 2601 997 541 454 313 132 52 38 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 1687 787 211 135 146 113 65 60 30 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet,skladiöËenje,zveze 2762 1266 445 239 218 186 75 34 25 I Transport, storage and communication J FinanËno posredniötvo 552 303 47 43 57 72 31 17 9 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine,najem,poslovne stor. 10720 4992 1859 936 893 680 298 219 58 K Real estate,renting& business activities L Javna uprava,obramba,socialno zavarov. 3243 769 237 72 96 93 60 104 42 L Public administ.& defence; comp.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 1621 1232 118 86 95 81 123 317 307 M Education N Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 1520 568 104 50 37 60 56 72 99 N Health and social work O Dr.javne,skupne in osebne stor. 14962 1321 525 221 185 159 107 75 24 O Other social and personal services Neznano 0 76 0 51 11 9 3 1 1 Unknown Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 70 3.7 Poslovni subjekti - pravne osebe po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Business units - legal persons by the Standard Classification of Activities and number of employed persons, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) Po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb1) By number of employed persons1) Brez zaposlenih oseb With no employed persons Neaktivne2) Inactive2) 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-499 500-999 1000 in veË 1000 and over SKUPAJ 447 241 124 263 104 63 33883 11234 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 14 5 4 6 1 1 736 84 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry B Ribiötvo 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 5 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 2 3 0 1 0 2 7 0 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 151 105 57 128 46 30 3062 683 D Manufacturing DA Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 18 10 2 19 8 0 176 33 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco DB Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 20 17 6 21 11 3 339 71 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products DC Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 4 1 3 0 3 40 8 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 10 7 5 7 4 0 277 78 DD Manufacture of wood and wood products DE Pro.vlaknin,papirja; zaloűniötvo,tiskar. 13 5 6 10 2 2 395 73 DE Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing DF Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 DF Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umetnih vl. 14 3 2 8 1 3 82 17 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man- made fibres DH Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 5 6 2 1 2 1 226 44 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 9 10 3 6 3 1 95 26 DI Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products DJ Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 11 13 9 15 1 7 595 144 DJ Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products DK Pro.strojev in naprav 15 14 7 9 4 2 147 29 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 18 10 7 9 6 6 348 69 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment DM Pro.vozil in plovil 4 3 6 7 1 2 42 12 DM Manufacture of transport equipment DN Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred. dej.,reciklaűa 10 7 1 13 2 0 298 79 DN Manufacturing nec. E Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo 14 5 0 8 5 1 29 3 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 30 19 13 20 7 1 1076 258 F Construction G Trgovina;popravila mot.vozil 51 25 11 26 11 7 11098 2241 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 8 0 0 3 0 1 644 175 Sale, repair etc motors; fuel Posredniötvo,trg.na debelo,brez vozil 22 9 4 7 1 2 7709 1345 Wholesale, commission, not motors Trg.na drobno brez mot.vozil;poprav.izd. 21 16 7 16 10 4 2745 721 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 8 9 5 4 1 0 729 171 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet,skladiöËenje,zveze 17 7 4 6 6 4 1200 296 I Transport, storage and communication J FinanËno posredniötvo 7 3 3 6 5 3 249 0 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine,najem,poslovne stor. 20 16 5 6 1 1 4754 974 K Real estate,renting& business activities L Javna uprava,obramba, socialno zavarov. 21 7 5 16 10 6 2251 223 L Public administ.& defence; comp.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 67 21 5 9 3 310 79 M Education N Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 30 14 11 22 8 5 400 552 N Health and social work O Dr.javne,skupne in osebne stor. 15 2 1 5 0 2 7976 5665 O Other social and personal services Neznano 0 0 0 0 0 0 -76 0 Unknown Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Poslovni subjekti Business units 71 3.8 Poslovni subjekti - fiziËne osebe po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, 31. 12. 1996 Business units - natural persons by the Standard Classification of Activities and number of employed persons, 31. 12. 1996 1) Vir: Poslovni register Slovenije (PRS). Source: Business Register of Slovenia. 2) Vir: StatistiËni register delovno aktivnega prebivalstva. Source: Statistical Register of Labour Force. 3) Do razlike v podatkih med registroma prihaja zato, ker so v Poslovni register Slovenije vkljuËene tudi trenutno neaktivne fiziËne osebe, v StatistiËni register delovno aktivnega preb- ivalstva pa so vkljuËene tudi fiziËne osebe, ki se öe niso prijavile v PRS (vendar so pokojninsko in invalidsko ter zdravstveno zavarovane). The discrepancy in data between both registers arises due to the fact that the Business Register of Slovenia comprises also at present inactive physical persons and the Statistical Reg- ister of labour force comprises physical persons who have not yet been registered into the Business Register of Slovenia (but have pension and disability insurance and health insurance). Skupaj1) Total1 ) Po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb 2) By number of employed persons2) Razlika med regis- troma Discrep- ancy between- registers skupaj total 1 2 3-4 5-9 10-19 50-99 50-99 100-149 SKUPAJ 62203 55696 36892 8791 6242 2945 648 166 10 2 6507 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 426 564 483 49 18 8 5 1 - - -138 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry B Ribiötvo 27 75 68 6 1 - - - - -48 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 151 119 60 28 18 9 4 - - - 32 C Mining and guarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 15431 11785 7006 1995 1645 836 230 67 5 1 3646 D Manufacturing DA Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 634 551 205 90 107 89 39 18 2 1 83 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco DB Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 2019 1625 1101 243 154 88 29 10 - - 394 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products DC Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 481 350 231 53 36 20 7 3 - - 131 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 1393 824 510 129 124 48 11 2 - - 569 DD Manufacture of wood and wood products DE Pro.vlaknin,papirja; zaloűniötvo,tiskar. 825 639 364 113 112 44 6 - - - 186 DE Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing DF Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 7 3 1 1 1 - - - - - 4 DF Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umetnih vl. 84 64 48 7 7 2 - - - - 20 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres DH Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 992 781 443 138 114 66 15 3 2 - 211 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 261 200 108 35 32 17 7 1 - - 61 DI Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products DJ Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 4138 3320 1916 589 499 246 53 16 1 - 818 DJ Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products DK Pro.strojev in naprav 882 645 433 99 72 26 12 3 - - 237 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 1537 1132 744 201 122 52 10 3 - - 405 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment DM Pro.vozil in plovil 13 12 11 1 - - - - - - 1 DM Manufacture of transport equipment DN Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred.dej., reciklaűa 2165 1639 891 296 265 138 41 8 - - 526 DN Manufacturing nec. E Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo 154 22 19 1 1 - 1 - - - 132 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 8812 7746 4940 1038 957 602 158 49 2 - 1066 F Construction G Trgovina;popravila mot.vozil 10845 8870 5168 1772 1278 549 83 18 2 - 1975 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 2275 1933 1033 359 346 155 38 2 - - 342 Sale, repair etc motors; fuel Posredniötvo,trg.na debelo,brez vozil 2319 1225 1024 119 56 21 4 - 1 - 1094 Wholesale, commission, not motors Trg.na drobno brez mot.vozil;poprav.izd. 6251 5712 3111 1294 876 373 41 16 1 - 539 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 6358 4744 1843 1242 1042 509 98 9 1 - 1614 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet,skladiöËenje,zveze 9162 8466 6981 901 434 125 21 4 - - 696 I Transport, storage and communication J FinanËno posredniötvo 27 18 13 2 2 1 - - - - 9 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine,najem,poslovne stor. 7338 6054 4784 720 351 150 33 16 - - 1284 K Real estate,renting& business activities L javna uprava,obramba,socialno zavarov. 3 2 2 - - - - - - - 1 L Public administ.& defence; comp.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 98 72 57 8 6 1 - - - - 26 M Education N Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 31 954 393 425 125 10 1 - - - -923 N Health and social work O Dr.javne,skupne in osebne stor. 3340 5704 4590 592 363 142 14 2 - 1 -2364 O Other social and personal services P Zasebna gosp.z zaposlenim osebjem - 501 485 12 2 2 - - - - -501 P Private households with employees StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 72 4. PREBIVALSTVO POPULATION VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Viri podatkov so: - popisi prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj; - letna statistiËna raziskovanja o rojstvih, smrtih, priznanjih in ugotovitvah oËetovstva ter posvojitvah otrok, sklenitvah zakonskih zvez, razvezah zakonskih zvez, selitvah prebivalstva, ki jih izvaja StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije; - Centralni register prebivalstva Republike Slovenije; vodi ga StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije; - evidenca o tujih drűavljanih Ministrstva za notranje zadeve; - evidenca RdeËega kriűa Republike Slovenije in Urada za priseljevanje in begunce pri Vladi Republike Slovenije o osebah z zaËasnim zatoËiöËem v Sloveniji. S popisi prebivalstva zbira StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije podatke o ötevilËnem stanju in osnovnih strukturah prebivalstva in gospodinjstev. Po I. svetovni vojni je bilo v Sloveniji izvedenih osem popisov prebivalstva: 31. 1. 1921, 31. 3. 1931, 15. 3. 1948, 31. 3. 1953, 31. 3. 1961, 31. 3. 1971, 31. 3. 1981 in 31. 3. 1991. Ob popisih 1971, 1981 in 1991 je bil hkrati opravljen tudi popis stanovanj, ob popisu 1991 pa öe popis gospodinjstev s kmeËkim gospodarstvom. Osnovni podatki popisov prebivalstva so prikazani najprej za ozemlje Slovenije ob popisih, nato pa öe za sedanje ozemlje naöe drűave. V popisih leta 1921 in 1931, ko je bilo ozemlje Slovenskega primorja prikljuËeno k Italiji, so bili prebivalci tega obmoËja popisani v italijanskih popisih prebivalstva. Ker ta dva popisa v Sloveniji in Italiji nista bila izvedena hkrati, so osnovni podatki za omenjeni del ozemlja ocenjeni. V Ëasu popisov 1948 in 1953 je bilo zunaj danaönjih meja Slovenije Svobodno trűaöko ozemlje, razdeljeno v coni A in B. Za cono B je bilo 15. 12. 1948 izvedeno delno ötetje prebivalstva, soËasno z zbiranjem prijav za preskrbo z űivilskimi kartami. Cona B je bila prikljuËena k Sloveniji leta 1954. Prvo evidentiranje prebivalstva na tem ozemlju je bilo izvedeno 25. 4. 1956. Podatke o prebivalstvu objavljamo tudi na podlagi: - bilanËnega izraËuna ötevila prebivalstva (od leta 1920 do leta 1953); - obËinskih registrov stalnega prebivalstva (od leta 1954 do leta 1984); - Centralnega registra prebivalstva (od leta 1985 do leta 1994); - spremenjene definicije prebivalstva (od leta 1995). PoroËevalske enote za vitalno in selitveno statistiko prebivalstva so oddelki za upravne notranje zadeve, le za razveze zakonskih zvez so poroËevalske enote okroűna sodiöËa. StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije zbira podatke o: - rojstvih, smrtih, priznanjih in ugotovitvah oËetovstva ter posvojitvah otrok, sklenitvah zakonskih zvez z obrazci, ki jih na osnovi vpisov in zaznamb v matiËne knjige, izpolnjujejo delavci oddelkov za upravne notranje zadeve pri upravnih enotah; - vzroku smrti z obrazci, ki jih izpolnjujejo zdravniki - mrliöki ogledniki ali obducenti; - razvezah zakonskih zvez z obrazci, ki jih izpolnjujejo sodniki okroűnih sodiöË na podlagi sodb o razvezah zakonskih zvez. StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije zbira te podatke po kraju dogodka, rezultate pa objavlja po stalnem prebivaliöËu: - pri rojstvu po stalnem prebivaliöËu matere ob otrokovem rojstvu; - pri priznanju in ugotovitvi oËetovstva po stalnem prebivaliöËu otroka; - pri posvojitvi po stalnem prebivaliöËu posvojitelja; - pri smrti po zadnjem stalnem prebivaliöËu umrle osebe; - pri sklenitvi zakonske zveze po stalnem prebivaliöËu űenina pred sklenitvijo zakonske zveze; - pri razvezi zakonske zveze po zadnjem skupnem stalnem prebivaliöËu moűa in űene pred razvezo zakonske zveze. Podatke o selitvah prebivalstva posreduje StatistiËnemu uradu Republike Slovenije Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve na podlagi podatkov o prijavi, odjavi, spremembi stalnega prebivaliöËa v Sloveniji na elektronskih medijih. Za priselitve tujih drűavljanov v letih 1995 in 1996 pa je posredovalo agregirane podatke na podlagi svoje evidence o tujcih v Sloveniji. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Sources of data are: - censuses of the population, households and housing, - national annual statistical surveys on births, deaths, acknowledgment and ascertainment of paternity, child adoptions, marriages, divorces and migration, conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, - the Central Register of Population of the Republic of Slovenia kept by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, - records of foreigners provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, - records of persons under temporary protection in Slovenia, provided by the Red Cross of the Republic of Slovenia and the Office of Immigration and Refugees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Population censuses are used to compile data on the size and basic structure of the population and households. Eight censuses have been carried out on the territory of Slovenia after the First World War: 31 January 1921, 31 March 1931, 15 March 1948, 31 March 1953, 31 March 1961, 31 March 1971, 31 March 1981 and 31 March 1991. During the censuses in 1971, 1981 and 1991 a census of dwellings was also carried out, and a census of agricultural holdings in 1991. The basic data from the censuses of population are shown first by the territory at the time of the census and then for the current territory of Slovenia. At the time of the censuses in 1921 and 1931 the Slovenian coast belonged to Italy so the population of this region was registered in the Italian population census. These censuses did not coincide with the censuses in the Republic of Slovenia, therefore the data for these territories are estimated for both years. At the time of the censuses in 1948 and 1953 the Free Territory of Trieste was outside the current borders of Slovenia and divided into Zone A and Zone B. On 15 December 1948 a partial population count was carried out in Zone B connected with the registration for food coupons. Zone B was incorporated into the Republic of Slovenia in 1954. The first registration of population on this territory was carried out on 25 April 1956. Data on population are published on the basis of: - balance calculation of the size of the population (from 1920 to 1953), - municipal registers of permanent population (from 1954 to 1984), - Central Register of Population (from 1985 to 1994), - modified definition of population (from 1995). The reporting units for births and deaths, marriage, and migration statistics of the population are the municipal administrative bodies of internal affairs. The courts are the reporting units only in the case of divorce statistics. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia collects data on: - births, deaths, acknowledgment of paternity, ascertainment of paternity, child adoption and marriages on forms filled in by employees of the administrative units of the departments of internal affairs based on entries and records in the register, - cause of death on forms filled in by coroners, - divorces on forms filled in by district court judges based on legally effective sentences on divorces. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia collects these data according to the place of event, and the results are published by permanent residence: - permanent residence of mother at child birth, - permanent residence of child at acknowledgment and ascertainment of paternity, - permanent residence of adopter at adoption, - the last permanent residence of dead person at death, - at marriage permanent residence of groom before marriage, - at divorce the last common permanent residence of husband and wife before divorce. Data on migration of population are mediated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, based on information on registrations, departure notices, and changes of permanent residence in Slovenia. Aggregated data on immigrations of foreign citizens for 1995 and 1996 are supplied on the basis of the records on foreigners in Slovenia. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 73 Podatki za Ëasovne vrste niso popolnoma primerljivi. Do leta 1992 so v njih upoötevane selitve drűavljanov SFR Jugoslavije (drűavljanov vseh republik nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki so se priselili v Slovenijo oziroma odselili iz Slovenije ali so se selili znotraj njenega obmoËja). Od leta 1992 so upoötevane le selitve drűavljanov Republike Slovenije. Po slovenskih zakonskih predpisih s podroËja osebnih stanj so nekdanji drűavljani SFR Jugoslavije postali tujci, Ëe niso sprejeli oziroma niso izpolnjevali pogojev za pridobitev drűavljanstva Republike Slovenije. Za leti 1995 in 1996 so v podatkih za priselitve v Slovenijo in odselitve iz Slovenije upoötevani tudi podatki o selitvah tujih drűavljanov. Podatki za odselitve tujih drűavljanov so ocenjeni na osnovi podatkov o ötevilu in naravnem gibanju tujih drűavljanov v Sloveniji. Koeficienti, strukture in vsa druga relativna ötevila so izraËuni StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije. Nekatere vrednosti kazalnikov, ki jih je v svojih publikacijah do leta 1989 objavljal tudi Zvezni zavod za statistiko, se od izraËunov StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije razlikujejo. Zvezni zavod za statistiko pri raËunanju ötevila prebivalstva ni upoöteval selitvenega prirasta, ki je bil za Slovenijo od leta 1957 stalno pozitiven. Zato imajo izraËuni zveznega zavoda viöje vrednosti. StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije je pri svojih izraËunih upoöteval ötevilo prebivalstva po starosti in spolu na dan 30. junija: - do leta 1980 ocene Zveznega zavoda za statistiko (za tiste kazalnike, ki jih raËunamo na podlagi starostne strukture) oziroma podatke StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije (za kazalnike, ki jih raËunamo le na podlagi skupnega ötevila prebivalstva); - od leta 1981 do leta 1985 ocene StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije; - od leta 1986 do leta 1994 podatke Centralnega registra prebivalstva; - od leta 1995 podatke po spremenjeni definiciji prebivalstva. DEFINICIJE Aktivnost je ekonomski znak, na podlagi katerega delimo prebivalstvo na: aktivne osebe, osebe z lastnimi dohodki in vzdrűevane osebe. Aktivni prebivalec je oseba, ki: - opravlja poklic in za svoje delo prejema dohodke v denarju ali naravi; v kmeËkih gospodinjstvih sta aktivni osebi tudi pomagajoËi druűinski Ëlan (oseba, starejöa od 14 let, ki ne obiskuje öole) in kmeËka gospodinja, ki veËinoma opravlja kmeËka dela; - ne opravlja poklica, ker prviË ali ponovno iöËe zaposlitev, ali je prekinila delo, ker sluűi vojaöki rok, je v priporu ali prestaja zaporno kazen. Oseba z lastnimi dohodki je oseba, ki ni aktivna, je pa ekonomsko samostojna, ker űivi od dohodkov svoje prejönje zaposlitve (upokojenec, delovni invalid itd.) ali prejönje zaposlitve enega od oűjih druűinskih Ëlanov (druűinski upokojenec) ali se preűivlja s socialno podporo, ötipendijo, rento ipd. Vzdrűevana oseba je oseba, ki nima lastnih sredstev za preűivljanje in jo zato vzdrűujejo staröi, sorodniki ali drugi. Druűina je űivljenjska skupnost: - staröev (obeh ali enega) in njihovih neporoËenih otrok, ki űivijo v istem gospodinjstvu; starost otrok ni omejena, vendar pa le-ti nimajo svoje druűine oziroma ne űivijo v zunajzakonski skupnosti; - moűa in űene brez otrok oziroma moökega in űenske, ki űivita v zunajzakonski skupnosti. Drűavljan Republike Slovenije je oseba z drűavljanstvom Republike Slovenije in stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji. Drűavljan Republike Slovenije, ki je zaËasno odöel v tujino, je drűavljan Republike Slovenije s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji, ki je odöel v tujino za veË kot tri mesece in je svoj odhod prijavil v upravni enoti svojega stalnega prebivaliöËa. Drűavljan Republike Slovenije, ki se je vrnil iz tujine, je drűavljan Republike Slovenije s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji, ki se je vrnil iz tujine po veË kot treh mesecih in je pred odhodom v tujino svoj odhod prijavil v upravni enoti svojega stalnega prebivaliöËa. Gospodinjstvo je: - skupnost oseb, ki izjavijo, da skupaj stanujejo in skupaj porabljajo dohodke za osnovne űivljenjske potrebe (stanovanje, hrano, ipd.); Data for time series are not entirely comparable. Until 1992 data on migration included migration of citizens of the SFR Yugoslavia (citizens of all republics of the former Yugoslavia who took up permanent residence in Slovenia or left permanent residence in Slovenia or changed their permanent residence in Slovenia). Since 1992 only migration of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia are included. According to legal regulations of Slovenia concerning personal conditions, the ex-citizens of the SFR Yugoslavia who did not accept or fulfill conditions of acquiring citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia became foreigners. For 1995 and 1996 data on immigration and emigration in Slovenia include also the data on migration of foreign citizens. Data on emigration of foreign citizens are estimated on the basis of the size and natural changes of foreign citizens in the Republic of Slovenia. Coefficients, structures and all other relative figures are calculated by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Some values of indicators, published also by the Federal Statistical Office until 1989, differ from the calculations of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. In the calculation of the size of the population the Federal Statistical Office did not take into account population growth through migration which has had a positive effect on the size of the Slovenian population since 1957. So the figures calculated by the Federal Office are higher. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia took into account the size of the population by age and sex as of 30 June in its calculations: - until 1980 estimations of the Federal Statistical Office (for indicators calculated on age structure), or data of the Republic of Slovenia (for indicators calculated on total number of population), - from 1981 to 1985 estimations of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, - from 1986 to 1994 data of the Central Register of Population, - from 1995 data according to the modified definition of the population. DEFINITIONS Activity is an economic category by which the population is divided into: active population, people with their own income and dependents. An economically active inhabitant is a person, who: - performs an occupation and receives payment for his/her work in money or in kind. In agricultural households, active person are also an unpaid family member who works in the agricultural household (a person over 14 who does not attend school) and the agricultural housewife who is predominantly involved in agricultural work; - does not perform an occupation because he/she is seeking a job for the first time, for the subsequent time, he/she interrupted work because of military service, or is in detention or serving a prison sentence. A person with his/her own income is a person who is not economically active but is financially independent because he/she lives off income from his/her previous employment (pensioner, disabled worker, etc.) or previous employment of a member of his/her nuclear family (family pensioner) or lives off his/her social benefit, scholarship, rent, etc. A dependent is a person who does not have his/her own income and is therefore supported by parents, relatives or others. A family is a community of: - parents (both or one) and their unmarried children living in the same household; the age of children is not limited, but they must not have their own families or live in a consensual union; - husband and wife without children or man and woman living in a consensual union. A citizen of the Republic of Slovenia is a person with Slovenian citizenship and permanent residence in Slovenia. A citizen of the Republic of Slovenia temporarily residing abroad is a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent residence in Slovenia who emigrated temporarily abroad for more than three months and gave notice of his/her departure at the administrative body. A citizen of the Republic of Slovenia returning from abroad is a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia who emigrated abroad for more than three months and gave notice of his/her departure at the administrative body, and after returning from abroad registered his/her return. A household is: - a community of persons who declare that they live together and share their income for covering the basic costs of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 74 navadno vsi Ëlani enega gospodinjstva űivijo skupaj, lahko pa kak Ëlan zaËasno dlje Ëasa űivi drugje zaradi dela, öolanja ali drugih vzrokov; - oseba, ki űivi sama ali z drugimi osebami, s katerimi ne porablja dohodkov za preűivljanje in ni Ëlan drugega gospodinjstva. Mrtvorojeni je otrok, ki je bil rojen oziroma izloËen iz materinega telesa brez znakov űivljenja (ni dihal, ni gibal, srce ni utripalo), in je: - noseËnost trajala 28 dopolnjenih tednov ali veË ter je plod tehtal manj kot 500 gramov; - noseËnost trajala manj kot 28 tednov, plod pa je tehtal veË kot 500 gramov. Naravni prirast je razlika med ötevilom űivorojenih otrok in ötevilom umrlih na doloËenem obmoËju v koledarskem letu. Narodna pripadnost je pripadnost narodu ali narodnosti. Skladno z naËeli ustave o enakopravnosti narodov in narodnosti ima oseba pravico, da svobodno izraűa pripadnost narodu ali narodni skupnosti (Ustava Republike Slovenije, Ur. l. RS, öt. 33/91-I, Ëlen 61). NatanËnejöa pojasnila so objavljena v StatistiËnih informacijah öt. 30/1992 - Popis prebivalstva, gospodinjstev, stanovanj in kmeËkih gospodarstev v Republiki Sloveniji v letu 1991. Notranja selitev je sprememba naselja prebivaliöËa osebe na obmoËju Slovenije. Odseljeni je prebivalec Slovenije, ki: - je v Sloveniji odjavil prebivaliöËe z namenom, da se bo odselil v tujino; - se je odselil v drugo naselje, obËino v Sloveniji. Poklic je delo, ki ga oseba opravlja zato, da si pridobi sredstva za preűivljanje. Posvojitev je postopek, ko oseba (osebi razliËnega spola) skladno z veljavnimi zakonskimi predpisi posvoji (posvojita) otroka. Prebivalec je oseba, ki ima v Sloveniji stalno, zaËasno prebivaliöËe ali z drugimi predpisi urejeno prebivaliöËe. Glede na vir podatka je definicija prebivalstva razliËna. 1. Popisi prebivalstva V podatkih popisov pred 2. svetovno vojno je bilo prikazano prisotno (de facto) prebivalstvo. V podatkih popisov po 2. svetovni vojni je bilo upoötevano prebivalstvo s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji (de jure). Upoötevane so bile osebe, ki so izjavile, da imajo v naselju popisa stalno prebivaliöËe (drűavljani Republike Slovenije, tuji drűavljani in osebe brez drűavljanstva), ne glede na to, ali so bile ob popisu zaËasno odsotne. ZaËasno odsotne so bile osebe, ki so bile odsotne krajöi Ëas, in tudi osebe na delu v tujini ter njihovi druűinski Ëlani, ki so z njimi űiveli v tujini (zdomci), ne glede na trajanje dela oziroma prebivanja v tujini. V popisih 1948, 1953, 1961 in 1971 je bilo za zaposlene osebe, ki se niso dnevno vraËale v naselje stalnega prebivaliöËa, upoötevano naselje dela kot naselje stalnega prebivaliöËa. 2. ObËinski registri prebivalstva Od leta 1954 do leta 1984 so podatki o ötevilu prebivalstva Slovenije zraËunani in objavljeni iz podatkov obËinskih registrov stalnega prebivalstva. ZraËunani so tako, da so podatkom o ötevilu prebivalstva obËin na zaËetku leta priöteti oziroma odöteti podatki o naravnem in selitvenem gibanju prebivalstva na obmoËju obËin ter popravki v obËinskem registru stalnega prebivalstva, ki so vplivali na njegovo ötevilo. V podatkih o ötevilu prebivalstva Slovenije po registrih stalnega prebivalstva obËin so upoötevani prebivalci, ki so imeli prijavljeno stalno prebivaliöËe v Sloveniji, ne glede na to, ali so zaËasno űiveli v tujini. 3. Centralni register prebivalstva Od leta 1985 so podatki o ötevilu prebivalstva objavljeni po podatkih Centralnega registra prebivalstva. Ta je zbir podatkov o prebivalcih, ki imajo prijavljeno stalno prebivaliöËe v Sloveniji, ne glede na to, ali zaËasno űivijo v tujini in so pred odhodom tja svoj odhod prijavili pristojnemu uradu. Tuji drűavljani, ki imajo stalno prebivaliöËe v (accommodation, food, etc.). Usually all members of one household live together. A member of a household can, however, temporarily for a longer time live apart because of work, schooling or other reasons; - a person who lives alone or with other persons with whom he/she does not share income for covering the basic costs of living and he/ she is not a member of another household. A stillborn is a child born or extracted from its mother’s body without signs of life (no breathing, no moving, no beating of the heart) and: - the pregnancy lasted 28 completed weeks or more, the foetus was less than 500 grams in weight; - the pregnancy lasted less than 28 weeks, the foetus was more than 500 grams in weight. Natural increase is the difference between the number of live-born children and the number of deaths for a given area in the calendar year. Ethnic affiliation is being a member of a nation or ethnic group. In accordance with the constitutional principles of the equality of nations and ethnic groups, a person has a right to declare his/her ethnic affiliation (Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, Official Journal of RS, No. 33/91-I, article 61). More exact explanations are published in Rapid Reports No. 30/1992 Census of the Population, Households, Housing and Agricultural Holdings in the Republic of Slovenia in 1991. Internal migration is a change of settlement of person’s residence on the territory of Slovenia. An emigrant is a resident of Slovenia who: - in Slovenia gave notice of leaving his/her permanent residence with the intention of emigrating abroad, - emigrated to another settlement or municipality in Slovenia. Occupation is work a person performs in order to earn a living. Adoption is a procedure in which a person (persons of opposite sexes) adopt(s) a child in accordance with the valid legal regulations. A resident is a person with permanent, temporary or another legally determined residence in Slovenia. The definition is different according to the source of data. 1. Population censuses Census data in the period before the Second World War took into consideration present (de facto) population. Census data in the period after the Second World War took into consideration persons with permanent residence in Slovenia (de jure). Included are persons who stated that they were permanently residing in the census settlement (citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship), irrespective of whether they were temporarily absent at the time of census. Considered as temporarily absent were those persons who were, for short periods, away from their settlement of permanent residence and also persons who were working abroad, together with those family members who were living with them abroad (migrant workers), irrespective of the duration of their work or residence abroad. In the censuses of 1948, 1953, 1961 and 1971, the working settlement was considered as the settlement of permanent residence for employed persons who did not return daily to their settlement of permanent residence. 2. Municipal registers of population Between 1954 and 1984 data on the population of Slovenia were calculated and published on the basis of data from municipal registers of permanent population. They were calculated in such a way that data on natural and migration movements of the population within the area of the community, together with corrections in the municipal register of permanent residence that might have affected the number of residents, were added or subtracted from the population of the community at the beginning of the month. Data on the population of Slovenia according to municipal registers of permanent population include residents registered as permanent residents of Slovenia irrespective of whether they were temporarily living abroad. 3. The Central Register of Population Since 1985 data on the number of population have been published according to the information provided by the CRP. The CRP is a collection of data on population registered as permanent residents in Slovenia irrespective of whether they are temporarily living abroad and whether they gave notice of departure in the administrative unit of their StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 75 Sloveniji, niso vkljuËeni v Centralni register prebivalstva. V ötevilu prebivalstva Slovenije so do 25. junija 1991 upoötevani prebivalci, ki so imeli prijavljeno stalno prebivaliöËe v Sloveniji. To so bili drűavljani nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije (drűavljani SR Slovenije in drűavljani drugih republik nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije). Po 25. juniju 1991 so v ötevilu prebivalstva Slovenije upoötevani: - drűavljani Republike Slovenije s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji, - osebe, ki so bile do 25. 6. 1991 drűavljani nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije in so imele takrat prijavljeno stalno prebivaliöËe v Sloveniji, a si niso pridobile drűavljanstva Republike Slovenije oziroma drűavljanstva druge drűave. Zaradi popravkov v obËinskih registrih stalnega prebivalstva oziroma popravkov v Centralnem registru prebivalstva izraËuni ötevila prebivalstva po stanju na zaËetku leta in podatkov naravnega in selitvenega gibanja prebivalstva za vse leto niso enaki stanju ötevila prebivalstva ob koncu leta. 4. Spremenjena definicija prebivalstva V letu 1995 je StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije pripravil novo definicijo prebivalstva, ki uradno öe ni sprejeta. Podatki za leti 1995 in 1996 so objavljeni po definiciji, ki je z novo definicijo prebivalstva űe delno usklajena. Skladno z njo so prebivalstvo Slovenije: - drűavljani Republike Slovenije s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji brez tistih, ki so odöli v tujino za veË kot tri mesece in so svoj odhod prijavili v upravni enoti svojega stalnega prebivaliöËa; - tuji drűavljani v Republiki Sloveniji z izdanim dovoljenjem za stalno prebivanje v Republiki Sloveniji, ki so v Sloveniji prijavili stalno prebivaliöËe; - tuji drűavljani v Republiki Sloveniji z izdanim dovoljenjem za zaËasno prebivanje v Republiki Sloveniji, ki so v Sloveniji prijavili zaËasno prebivaliöËe; - tuji drűavljani v Republiki Sloveniji z veljavnim delovnim ali poslovnim vizumom, ki so v Sloveniji prijavili zaËasno prebivaliöËe; - osebe z zaËasnim zatoËiöËem v Republiki Sloveniji (zaËasni begunci); - begunci, ki jim je bil po Zakonu o tujcih priznan status begunca v Republiki Sloveniji. Obseűnejöa pojasnila za podatke popisov prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj so objavljena v Rezultatih raziskovanj öt. 617/1994, za podatke vitalne in selitvene statistike v Rezultatih raziskovanj öt. 685/1997 in za ötevilo prebivalstva po spremenjeni definiciji v StatistiËni informaciji öt. 93/1997. PriËakovano trajanje űivljenja je povpreËno ötevilo let űivljenja, ki jih öe lahko priËakuje oseba, stara toËno x let, Ëe bo umrljivost po starosti v Ëasu űivljenja te osebe enaka vrednostim umrljivosti v tablicah umrljivosti za opazovano leto. Priseljeni je prebivalec, ki se je v Slovenijo: - priselil iz tujine in v Sloveniji prijavil prebivaliöËe; - priselil v drugo naselje, obËino v Sloveniji in tam prijavil prebivaliöËe. Priznanje oËetovstva je postopek, ko moöki skladno z veljavnimi zakonskimi predpisi prizna otroka za svojega. Projekcija prebivalstva je izraËun verjetnega prihodnjega ötevila in sestave prebivalstva po razliËnih znakih. (IzhodiöËe projekcije so podatki Centralnega registra prebivalstva po stanju 1. 1. 1992.) Selitev je sprememba naselja prebivaliöËa osebe. Selitveni prirast je razlika med ötevilom priseljenih in odseljenih oseb na doloËenem obmoËju v koledarskem letu. Starost je Ëas, ki ga je oseba preűivela od rojstva do trenutka opazovanja (popis, stanje) oz. do opazovanega dogodka (rojstvo prvega otroka, sklenitev zakonske zveze). Prikazana je v dopolnjenih letih, starost umrlih dojenËkov pa tudi v mesecih, dnevih in urah. äolska izobrazba je najviöja stopnja izobrazbe, ki si jo je oseba pridobila z dokonËano redno öolo, öolo za izobraűevanje ob delu, opravljenimi izpiti na redni öoli ali z dokonËanjem teËajev, s katerimi je oseba po veljavnih predpisih dosegla doloËeno öolsko izobrazbo. permanent resident. Foreign citizens with permanent residence in Slovenia are not included in the CRP. Until 25 June 1991 the number of residents had included those who were registered as permanent residents in Slovenia. These were citizens of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (citizens of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other republics of the former SFR Yugoslavia). After 25 June 1991 in the number of residents are included: - citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia, - persons who until 25 June 1991 were citizens of the former SFR Yugoslavia and were registered as permanent residents Slovenia at the time but did not acquire citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia or citizenship of any other country. Due to corrections made in municipal registers of permanent population and those made in the CRP, calculations of the number of population at the beginning of the year and data on natural and migration movements of residents for the whole year are not the same as the number of population calculated at the end of the year. 4. Modified definition of population In 1995 the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia prepared a modified definition of the population which has not yet been officially adopted. The data for 1995 and 1996 are published according to a definition which is partly harmonised with the new one. The population of Slovenia are: - citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent residence in Slovenia, excluding those who went abroad for more than three months and gave notice of their departure in the administrative unit of their permanent residence, - foreign citizens in the Republic of Slovenia with issued permission for permanent residing in the Republic of Slovenia, who registered a permanent residence in Slovenia, - foreign citizens in the Republic of Slovenia with issued permission for temporary residing in the Republic of Slovenia, who registered a temporary residence in Slovenia, - foreign citizens in the Republic of Slovenia with a valid work permit or business visa, who registered a temporary residence in Slovenia, - persons under temporary protection in the Republic of Slovenia (temporary refugees), - refugees on the basis of the Law on Foreigners whose refugee status was granted in the Republic of Slovenia. More extensive explanations for data of censuses of the population, households, and housing are published in Results of Surveys, No. 617/1994, for data of vital and migration statistics in Results of Surveys, No. 685/1997, and for the number of population in 1995 in Rapid Reports, No. 93/1997. Life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a person, aged exactly x years, if the mortality by age during his/her lifetime remains the same as the values of the life tables for the observed year. An immigrant is a resident of Slovenia who: - immigrated from abroad and registered his/her residence in Slovenia, - immigrated to another settlement or municipality in Slovenia and registered his/her residence there. Acknowledgment of paternity is a procedure in which a man in accordance with the valid legal regulations acknowledges a child to be his own. Population projection is the calculation of the probable future number and structure of population by various indicators. (The basis for the projection are data from the Central Register of Population as of 1 January 1992). Migration is the change of settlement of residence of a person. Net migration is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants for a given area in the calendar year. Age is the period of time a person has lived from his/her birth to the moment of observation (census, time cross-section) or until the observed event (birth of the first child, marriage). It is expressed by completed years of age, and infant mortality also by months, days and hours. Educational attainment is the highest education a person obtained by finishing a regular school or a school for adults, by passing examinations at a regular school or by finishing courses with which according to the valid regulations he/she obtained certain education. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 76 Tuji drűavljan v Sloveniji je: - oseba z drűavljanstvom tuje drűave in izdanim dovoljenjem za stalno oziroma zaËasno prebivanje v Sloveniji, ki je v Sloveniji prijavila stalno oziroma zaËasno prebivaliöËe; - oseba z drűavljanstvom tuje drűave in veljavnim delovnim ali poslovnim vizumom, ki je v Sloveniji prijavila zaËasno prebivaliöËe; - oseba brez ugotovljenega drűavljanstva oziroma brez drűavljanstva in s stalnim oziroma zaËasnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji, ki je bila drűavljan nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije, »eökoslovaöke, Sovjetske zveze oziroma kake druge drűave. Vzroki smrti so vse bolezni, bolezenska stanja ali poökodbe, ki so povzroËile smrt ali so prispevale k smrti, in okoliöËine nezgode ali nasilja, ki so povzroËile take poökodbe. Osnovni vzrok smrti je: - bolezen ali poökodba, ki je povzroËila vrsto dogodkov, ki so privedli neposredno do smrti, - okoliöËine nezgode ali nasilja, ki so povzroËile poökodbo, zaradi katere je oseba umrla. Vzroki smrti so razvröËeni po Mednarodni klasifikaciji bolezni, poökodb in vzrokov smrti - IX. revizija, izdana leta 1975. Zdomec (delavec na delu v tujini in njegovi druűinski Ëlani, ki z njim űivijo v tujini) je prebivalec Republike Slovenije, ki je v Ëasu opazovanja delal v tujini pri tujem delodajalcu ali samostojno oziroma je bil druűinski Ëlan le-tega in je z njim űivel v tujini. Ni pomembno, koliko Ëasa je tam delal oziroma űivel. éivorojen je otrok, ki je takoj po rojstvu pokazal znake űivljenja (dihanje, srËni utrip, trzanje miöic), Ëeprav le za krajöi Ëas. Trajanje noseËnosti ni pomembno. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Metodoloöko gradivo 1971: Popis prebivalstva in stanovanj v letu 1971. Navodila za statistiko naravnega in selitvenega gibanja ter register stalnega prebivalstva 1974. Prebivalstvo Slovenije 1933 in 1941. Demografska, zdravstvena, socialna statistika LRS. Podatki za leti 1946 in 1947. Naravno gibanje prebivalstva v LRS v letih 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954. Definitivni rezultati popisa prebivalstva v LRS na dan 15. 3. 1948. Prebivalstvo LRS po okrajih, po spolu in starosti 1948. Prijava prebivalstva za preskrbo v istrskem okroűju (1951). ätevilo hiö, gospodinjstev in prebivalstva po druűbenem sestavu v LRS, upravna razdelitev po okrajih in obËinah 9. 7. 1952. Selitve v LRS 1955, v I. polletju 1957, v II. polletju 1957, 1958, 1959. Naravno in selitveno gibanje prebivalstva ter vzroki smrti 1955 in 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959. Stalno prebivalstvo v obËinah Izola, Koper in Piran 25. 4. 1956, 1960. Pregled skupnega ötevila prebivalstva po registru 1962. Prebivalstvo po registru 31. 3. 1963. Gospodinjstva v LRS 31. 3. 1962. StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 3, 7, 11; 1964, öt. 7, 14; 1965, öt. 11, 15; 1966, öt. 6, 8, 9; 1967, öt. 3; 1968, öt. 4; 1969, öt. 11; 1970, öt. 6; 1971, öt. 2, 8; 1973, öt. 14, 18. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 5, 27, 29, 36, 75, 89, 122, 175, 195, 221, 228, 229, 255, 264, 275, 282, 290, 304, 305, 306, 307, 314, 323, 336, 346, 409, 418, 501, 502, 506, 514, 538, 589, 603, 617, 664, 685. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1959, zv. I; 1960, zv. I; 1961, zv. I; 1962, zv. I; 1963, zv. III; 1964, zv. X; I965, zv. V; 1966, zv. V; 1967, zv. IV; 1960, zv. VII; 1970, zv. VI; 1971, zv. IX; 1974, zv. XI; 1975, zv. XI; 1976, zv. VIII; 1977, zv. III; 1978, z. XVI; 1979, zv. XX; 1980, zv. XVII; 1981, zv. XV; 1982, zv. XV; 1984, zv. 3; 1986, zv. 9; 1988, zv. l; 1989, zv. 12; 1989, zv. 24; 1990, zv. 10, 20; 1991, zv. 11, 15; 1992, zv. 4, 9; 1994, zv. 1; 1995, zv. 8. Foreign citizen in the Republic of Slovenia is: - person with foreign citizenship and permission for permanent or temporary residing in Slovenia, who registered their residence in Slovenia, - person with foreign citizenship and valid work permit or business visa, who registered their temporary residence in Slovenia, - person without established citizenship or without citizenship, who was citizen of the former SFR Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union or some other countries, but has permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia. Causes of death are all illnesses or injuries which caused death or contributed to death, and the circumstances of the accident or violence which caused such injuries. The basic cause of death is: - the illness or injury which caused the sequence of events which led directly to death, - the circumstances of the accident or violence which caused the fatal injury. The causes of death are classified according to the International Classification of Illness, Injury and Causes of Death - IX. revision, published in 1975. A migrant worker (worker abroad together with those family members who are living with him/her abroad) is an inhabitant of the Republic of Slovenia who in time of statistical observation worked abroad at an employer or independently, or was a family member of the same and lived with him/her. It is not important how long the person worked or lived abroad. A live-born is a child who immediately after birth showed signs of life (breathing, beating of the heart, muscle twitch), even though only for a short period. Duration of pregnancy is not important. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Methodological Material 1971: Census of Population and Dwellings 1971. Instructions for Statistics on Natural and Migration Trends and the Register of Permanent Population 1974. Population of Slovenia 1933 and 1941. Demographic, Health and Social Statistics of the People's Republic of Slovenia. Data for 1946 and 1947. Natural Movement of Population in the People's Republic of Slovenia 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954. Final Results of the Census of Population in the People's Republic of Slovenia on 15 March 1948. Population of the People's Republic of Slovenia by Districts, Sex and Age 1948. Population Supply Register in the District of Istria (1951). Number of Houses and Households and the Size of the Population by Social Structure in the People's Republic of Slovenia, Administrative Division by Districts and Communities 9 July 1952. Migration in the People's Republic of Slovenia 1955, 1st half of 1957, 2nd half of 1957, 1958, 1959. Natural Movement and Migrations of Population, and Causes of Death 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959. Permanent Population in the Communities of Izola, Koper and Piran 25 April 1956, 1960. Review of Total Population According to the Register 1962. Population According to the Register 31 March 1963. Households in the People's Republic of Slovenia 31 March 1962. Statistical Material 1963 No. 3, 7, 11, 1964 No. 7, 14, 1965 No. 11, 15, 1966 No. 6, 8, 9, 1967 No. 3, 1968 No. 4, 1969 No. 11, 1970 No. 6, 1971 No. 2, 8, 1973 No. 14, 18. Results of Surveys No. 5, 27, 29, 36, 75, 89, 122, 175, 195, 221, 228, 229, 255, 264, 275, 282, 290, 304, 305, 306, 307, 314, 323, 336, 346, 409, 418, 501, 502, 506, 514, 538, 589 603, 617, 685. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1959 vol. I, 1960 vol. I, 1961 vol. I, 1962 vol. I, 1963 vol. III, 1964 vol. X, 1965 vol. V, 1966 vol. V, 1967 vol. IV, 1969 vol. VII, 1970 vol. VI, 1971 vol. IX, 1974 vol. XI, 1975 vol. XI, 1976 vol. VIII, 1977 vol. III, 1978 vol. XVI, 1979 vol. XX, 1980 vol. XVII, 1981 vol. XV, 1982 vol. XV, 1984 No. 3, 1986 No. 9, 1988 No. 1, 1989 No. 12, 24, 1990 No. 10, 20, 1991 No. 11, 15, 1992 No. 4, 9, 1994 No. 1, 1995 No. 8. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 77 4.1 Prebivalstvo ob popisih 1857 do 19101) Population according to 1857 - 1910 censuses1) 1) Podatki veljajo za sedanje ozemlje. Povzeti so po ötudiji dr. éivka äifrerja: Stanovniötvo, 1963, öt. 3. Data apply to the current territory. Source: the study by dr. éivko äifrer: Population, 1963, No. 3. 4.2 Povröina ozemlja, gospodinjstva in prebivalstvo ob popisih 1921 do 1991 Area, households and population according to 1921 - 1991 censuses 1857 1869 1880 1890 1900 1910 SKUPAJ 1101854 1128768 1182223 1234056 1268055 1321098 TOTAL Moöki 535945 545614 576964 601031 618065 643898 Men éenske 565909 583154 605259 633025 649990 677200 Women Povröina ozemlja Surface area km2 Gospodinjstva Households Prebivalci Population Gostota prebivalstva na km2 Density of population per km2 PovpreËno ötevilo Ëlanov na gospodinjstvo Average number of members per household ätevilo űensk na 1000 moökih Women per 1000 men Deleű kmeËkega prebivalstva (%) Share of agri- cultural popu- lation in total population (%) skupaj total moöki men űenske women Na ozemlju ob popisu On territory at the census 1921 15809 ... 1054919 503026 551893 66,7 ... 1097 ... 1931 15809 235143 1144298 551211 593087 72,4 4,9 1076 ... 1948 19981 368754 1391873 652872 739001 69,7 3,8 1132 49,0 1953 19992 398379 1466425 693321 773104 73,4 3,7 1115 41,1 1961 20255 458853 1591523 760770 830753 78,6 3,5 1092 31,1 1971 20255 515531 1727137 835998 891139 85,3 3,4 1066 20,4 1981 20256 594571 1891864 918766 973098 93,4 3,2 1059 9,2 1991 20256 640195 1965986 952611 1013375 97,1 3,1 1064 7,6 Na sedanjem ozemlju On present territory 1921 20255 ... 1304800 622168 682632 64,4 ... 1097 ... 1931 20255 287228 1397650 673248 724402 69,0 4,9 1076 58,8 1948 20255 380950 1439800 675353 764447 71,1 3,8 1132 48,9 1953 20255 410976 1504427 712034 792393 74,3 3,7 1113 41,1 1961 20255 458853 1591523 760770 830753 78,6 3,5 1092 31,1 1971 20255 515531 1727137 835998 891139 85,3 3,4 1066 20,4 1981 20256 594571 1891864 918766 973098 93,4 3,2 1059 9,2 1991 20256 640195 1965986 952611 1013375 97,1 3,1 1064 7,6 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 78 4.3 Prebivalstvo po narodni pripadnosti ob popisih 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981 in 1991 Population by ethnic affiliation according to 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 censuses 1) Ozemlje ob popisu. Territory at the census. 2) V popisih leta 1953 in 1961 so Rusini in Ukrajinci prikazani skupaj. In 1953 and 1961 censuses the Rusinians and the Ukrainians appear under one item. 19531) 1961 1971 1981 1991 skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA 1466425 100 1591523 100 1727137 100 1891864 100 1965986 100 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA NARODNOSTNO OPREDELJENI DECLARED Slovenci 1415448 96,52 1522248 95,65 1624029 94,03 1712445 90,52 1727018 87,84 Slovenes Italijani 854 0,06 3072 0,19 3001 0,17 2187 0,12 3064 0,16 Italians Madűari 11019 0,75 10498 0,66 9785 0,57 9496 0,50 8503 0,43 Hungarians Romi 1663 0,12 158 0,01 977 0,06 1435 0,08 2293 0,12 Roma Albanci 169 0,01 282 0,02 1281 0,07 1985 0,10 3629 0,18 Albanians Avstrijci 289 0,02 254 0,02 278 0,02 180 0,01 199 0,01 Austrians Bolgari 49 0,00 180 0,01 139 0,01 105 0,01 169 0,01 Bulgarians »ehi 807 0,06 584 0,04 445 0,03 433 0,02 323 0,02 Czechs »rnogorci 1356 0,09 1384 0,09 1978 0,11 3217 0,17 4396 0,22 Montenegrins Grki 24 0,00 50 0,00 24 0,00 18 0,00 23 0,00 Greeks Hrvatje 17978 1,23 31429 1,97 42657 2,47 55625 2,94 54212 2,76 Croats Judje 15 0,00 21 0,00 72 0,00 9 0,00 37 0,00 Jews Makedonci 640 0,04 1009 0,06 1613 0,09 3288 0,17 4432 0,22 Macedonians Muslimani 1617 0,11 465 0,03 3231 0,19 13425 0,71 26842 1,36 Muslims Nemci 1617 0,11 732 0,05 422 0,02 380 0,02 546 0,03 Germans Poljaki 275 0,02 222 0,01 194 0,01 204 0,01 204 0,01 Poles Romuni 41 0,00 48 0,00 43 0,00 94 0,01 116 0,01 Rumanians Rusi 593 0,04 295 0,02 302 0,02 194 0,01 170 0,01 Russians Rusini 2) 46 0,00 384 0,02 66 0,00 54 0,00 57 0,00 Rusinians 2) Slovaki 60 0,01 71 0,00 85 0,01 144 0,01 141 0,01 Slovaks Srbi 11225 0,77 13609 0,86 20521 1,19 42182 2,23 47911 2,44 Serbs Turki 68 0,01 135 0,01 53 0,00 87 0,00 155 0,01 Turks Ukrajinci 2) ... ... ... ... 143 0,01 192 0,01 213 0,01 Ukrainians 2) Vlahi 9 0,00 6 0,00 5 0,00 17 0,00 38 0,00 Vlachs Drugi 352 0,02 449 0,03 307 0,02 577 0,03 1178 0,06 Other NARODNOSTNO NEOPREDELJENI UNDECLARED Narodnostno se niso opredelili po 214. Ël. Ustave Republike Slovenije - - - - 3073 0,18 2975 0,16 9011 0,46 Undeclared per Art. 214 of Slovenian Constitution Opredelili so se kot Jugoslovani - - 2784 0,18 6744 0,39 26263 1,39 12307 0,63 Yugoslavs Opredelili so se po regionalni pripadnosti - - - - 2705 0,16 4018 0,21 5254 0,27 Regional affiliation NEZNANO 211 0,01 1154 0,07 2964 0,17 10635 0,56 53545 2,72 UNKNOWN StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 79 4.4 Prebivalstvo po aktivnosti in spolu ob popisih 1961, 1971, 1981 in 19911) Population by activity and sex according to 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 censuses1) 1) Brez oseb na delu v tujini in druűinskih Ëlanov, ki z njimi űivijo v tujini. Excluding persons who are working abroad and their family members who live with them abroad. 4.5 Prebivalstvo, staro 15 let in veË, po spolu in öolski izobrazbi ob popisih 1961, 1971, 1981 in 1991 Population aged 15 and over by sex and educational attainment according to 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 censuses Skupaj Total Aktivni Economically active Osebe z lastnimi dohodki Persons with income of their own Vzdrűevani Dependents Deleű od skupnega prebivalstva (%) Share in total population (%) aktivni economically active osebe z lastnimi dohodki persons with income of their own vzdrűevani dependents Popis 1961 1961 census Skupaj 1591527 768424 123961 699142 48,3 7,8 43,9 Total Moöki 760782 453699 58320 248763 59,6 7,7 32,7 Men éenske 830745 314725 65641 450379 37,9 7,9 54,2 Women Popis 1971 1971 census Skupaj 1681928 791339 194627 695962 47,0 11,6 41,4 Total Moöki 807653 444453 91824 271376 55,0 11,4 33,6 Men éenske 874275 346886 102803 424586 39,7 11,8 48,5 Women Popis 1981 1981 census Skupaj 1838381 912726 256630 669025 49,6 14,0 36,4 Total Moöki 888824 491932 109386 287506 55,3 12,3 32,4 Men éenske 949557 420794 147244 381519 44,3 15,5 40,2 Women Popis 1991 1991 census Skupaj 1913355 945766 441197 526392 49,4 23,1 27,5 Total Moöki 923643 504382 178578 240683 54,6 19,3 26,1 Men éenske 989712 441384 262619 285709 44,6 26,5 28,9 Women Skupaj Brez öolske izo- brazbe 1-3 raz. osnovne öole 4-7 raz. osnovne öole Osnovna öola Srednje öole Secondary schools Viöje öole Visoke öole Neznano poklicne, delovodske in poslovod- ske öole gimnazija tehniËne in druge stro- kovne öole öole za srednje usmerjeno izbraűe- vanje Total No schooling 1-3 primary school grades 4-7 primary school grades Primary school vocational schools for skilled workers and higher skilled workers grammar school tehnical and other profes- sional schools vocational secon-dary schools Non-uni- versity colleges Univer- sities Unknown Popis 1961 1961 census SKUPAJ 1156387 25243 64109 609700 227116 151348 16214 36873 ... 5347 15036 5401 TOTAL Moöki 539641 10981 29788 261055 87943 103534 9173 19427 ... 3613 11310 2817 Men éenske 616746 14262 34321 348645 139173 47814 7041 17446 ... 1734 3726 2584 Women Deleű (%) Share (%) skupaj 100 2,2 5,5 52,7 19,6 13,1 1,4 3,2 ... 0,5 1,3 0,5 total moöki 100 2,0 5,5 48,4 16,3 19,2 1,7 3,6 ... 0,7 2,1 0,5 men űenske 100 2,3 5,6 56,5 22,6 7,8 1,1 2,8 ... 0,3 0,6 0,4 women Popis 1971 1971 census SKUPAJ 1311225 18086 42251 331423 536857 230023 30256 72033 ... 17006 26355 6935 TOTAL Moöki 623502 7801 20740 155611 202985 154811 13465 35636 ... 9693 19037 3723 Men éenske 687723 10285 21511 175812 333872 75212 16791 36397 ... 7313 7318 3212 Women StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 80 4.6 Prebivalstvo po starosti in spolu v mestnih in drugih naseljih, popis 1991 Population by age groups and sex in urban and other settlements, 1991 census 1) VkljuËno z neznanim (690 skupaj, 340 moökih in 350 űensk). Including unknown (total 690, 340 men and 350 women). Deleű (%) Share (%) skupaj 100 1,4 3,2 25,3 40,9 17,6 2,3 5,5 ... 1,3 2.0 0,5 total moöki 100 1,2 3,3 25,0 32,5 24,8 2,2 5,7 ... 1,6 3,1 0,6 men űenske 100 1,5 3,1 25,6 48,5 10,9 2,4 5,3 ... 1,1 1,1 0,5 women Popis 1981 1981 census SKUPAJ 1457218 20703 31267 326106 473982 320784 45327 136675 564 40680 45623 15507 TOTAL Moöki 694342 9257 14488 138868 178612 211233 17918 65445 285 20052 30256 7928 Men éenske 762876 11446 16779 187238 295370 109551 27409 71230 279 20628 15367 7579 Women Deleű (%) Share (%) skupaj 100 1,4 2,1 22,4 32,5 22,0 3,1 9,4 0,1 2,8 3,1 1,1 total moöki 100 1,3 2,1 20,0 25,7 30,4 2,6 9,4 0,1 2,9 4,4 1,1 men űenske 100 1,5 2,2 24,6 38,7 14,4 3,6 9,3 0,0 2,7 2,0 1,0 women Popis 1991 1991 census SKUPAJ 1561628 9909 17810 238885 466782 303198 38944 215541 111475 70779 67233 21072 TOTAL Moöki 744982 3633 8113 104878 176818 196840 13800 102670 56673 30979 40398 10180 Men éenske 816646 6276 9697 134007 289964 106358 25144 112871 54802 39800 26835 10892 Women Deleű (%) Share (%) skupaj 100 0,6 1,2 15,3 29,9 19,4 2,5 13,8 7,1 4,5 4,3 1,4 total moöki 100 0,5 1,1 14,1 23,7 26,4 1,8 13,8 7,6 4,2 5,4 1,4 men űenske 100 0,8 1,2 16,4 35,5 13,0 3,1 13,8 6,7 4,9 3,3 1,3 women Skupaj Total Starost Age Struktura po starosti in spolu (%) Population by age groups and sex (%) 0-14 let 0-14 years 15-64 15-64 65 let in veË1) 65 years and over1) skupaj total 0-14 let 0-14 years 15-64 15-64 65 let in veË1) 65 years and over1) SKUPAJ 1965986 404358 1346254 215374 100 20,5 68,5 11,0 TOTAL Moöki 952611 207629 670253 74729 100 21,8 70,4 7,8 Men éenske 1013375 196729 676001 140645 100 19,4 66,7 13,9 Women Mestna naselja Urban settlements Skupaj 993049 204676 690911 97462 100 20,6 69,6 9,8 Total Moöki 473672 105069 334547 34056 100 22,2 70,6 7,2 Men éenske 519377 99607 356364 63406 100 19,2 68,6 12,2 Women Druga naselja Other settlements Skupaj 972937 199682 655343 117912 100 20,5 67,4 12,1 Total Moöki 478939 102560 335706 40673 100 21,4 70,1 8,5 Men éenske 493998 97122 319637 77239 100 19,7 64,7 15,6 Women Skupaj Brez öolske izo- brazbe 1-3 raz. osnovne öole 4-7 raz. osnovne öole Osnovna öola Srednje öole Secondary schools Viöje öole Visoke öole Neznano poklicne, delovodske in poslovod- ske öole gimnazija tehniËne in druge stro- kovne öole öole za srednje usmerjeno izbraűe- vanje Total No schooling 1-3 primary school grades 4-7 primary school grades Primary school vocational schools for skilled workers and higher skilled workers grammar school tehnical and other profes - sional schools vocational secon-dary schools Non-uni- versity colleges Univer- sities Unknown 4.5 Prebivalstvo, staro 15 let in veË, po spolu in öolski izobrazbi ob popisih 1961, 1971, 1981 in 1991(nadaljevanje) Population aged 15 and over by sex and educational attainment according to 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 censuses (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 81 4.7 Gospodinjstva1) po ötevilu Ëlanov v mestnih in drugih naseljih, popisa 1981 in 1991 Households1) by size in urban and other settlements, 1981 and 1991 censuses 1) Gospodinjstva, ki imajo (A) oziroma nimajo (B) kmeËkega gospodarstva. Households which have (A) or have not (B) an agricultural holding. 4.8 Druűine po ötevilu otrok v mestnih in drugih naseljih, popis 1991 Families by number of children in urban and other settlements, 1991 census Skupaj Total ätevilo Ëlanov / Number of household members 1 Ëlan 1 member 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ëlanov in veË 10 members and more Popis 1981 1981 census SKUPAJ 594571 101610 117234 130328 145024 56139 26445 10836 4106 1648 1201 TOTAL A 192090 20079 35382 34189 40696 29050 18650 8506 3280 1321 937 A B 402481 81531 81852 96139 104328 27089 7795 2330 826 327 264 B Mestna naselja 322026 64126 69056 78532 81266 20444 5889 1729 591 232 161 Urban settlements A 30584 3188 6626 6937 8373 3314 1368 482 182 69 45 A B 291442 60938 62430 71595 72893 17130 4521 1247 409 163 116 B Druga naselja 272545 37484 48178 51796 63758 35695 20556 9107 3515 1416 1040 Other settlements A 161506 16891 28756 27252 32323 25736 17282 8024 3098 1252 892 A B 111039 20593 19422 24544 31435 9959 3274 1083 417 164 148 B Popis 1991 1991 census SKUPAJ 640195 115392 134141 136688 160721 55185 24200 8678 3187 1184 819 TOTAL A 156531 17597 30202 27915 32591 23394 14920 6153 2348 867 544 A B 483664 97795 103939 108773 128130 31791 9280 2525 839 317 275 B Mestna naselja 350120 69608 80627 81771 88436 20936 6109 1681 578 207 167 Urban settlements A 19347 2021 4319 4430 5029 2088 951 327 114 42 26 A B 330773 67587 76308 77341 83407 18848 5158 1354 464 165 141 B Druga naselja 290075 45784 53514 54917 72285 34249 18091 6997 2609 977 652 Other settlements A 137184 15576 25883 23485 27562 21306 13969 5826 2234 825 518 A B 152891 30208 27631 31432 44723 12943 4122 1171 375 152 134 B Skupaj Total ätevilo otrok / Number of children 1 otrok 1 child 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 otrok in veË 10 children and more SKUPAJ 551899 205571 189562 34368 5928 1326 394 124 39 12 15 TOTAL Zakonski par brez otrok 109594 - - - - - - - - - - Married couple without children Zakonski par z otroki 325622 128869 160739 29388 5033 1112 328 98 30 10 15 Married couple with children Mati z otroki 85214 59763 21085 3547 616 135 41 21 5 1 - Mother with children OËe z otroki 14095 9432 3725 743 152 29 9 3 2 - - Father with children NeporoËen par brez otrok 4966 - - - - - - - - - - Unmarried couple without children NeporoËen par z otroki 12408 7507 4013 690 127 50 16 2 2 1 - Unmarried couple with children Mestna naselja 283434 112728 96814 12433 1650 328 107 27 5 2 4 Urban settlements Zakonski par brez otrok 56085 - - - - - - - - - - Married couple without children Zakonski par z otroki 162114 69379 80801 10213 1351 252 91 20 2 1 4 Married couple with children Mati z otroki 47466 33792 11857 1561 187 49 11 6 2 1 - Mother with children OËe z otroki 7489 5205 1905 307 60 10 2 - - - - Father with children NeporoËen par brez otrok 3251 - - - - - - - - - - Unmarried couple without children NeporoËen par z otroki 7029 4352 2251 352 52 17 3 1 1 - - Unmarried couple with children Druga naselja 268465 92843 92748 21935 4278 998 287 97 34 10 11 Other settlements Zakonski par brez otrok 53509 - - - - - - - - - - Married couple without children Zakonski par z otroki 163508 59490 79938 19175 3682 860 237 78 28 9 11 Married couple with children Mati z otroki 37748 25971 9228 1986 429 86 30 15 3 - - Mother with children OËe z otroki 6606 4227 1820 436 92 19 7 3 2 - - Father with children NeporoËen par brez otrok 1715 - - - - - - - - - - Unmarried couple without children NeporoËen par z otroki 5379 3155 1762 338 75 33 13 1 1 1 - Unmarried couple with children StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 82 4.9 Prebivalstvo Slovenije po starosti in spolu, 30. 6. 1996 in 31. 12. 19961) Population of Slovenia by age and sex, 30. 6. 1996 and 31. 12. 19961) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. Dopolnjena leta Completed years 30. 6. 1996 31. 12. 1996 Dopolnjena leta Completed years 30. 6. 1996 31. 12. 1996 skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ / TOTAL 1991169 969114 1022055 1986989 968634 1018355 0 let/years 18380 9481 8899 18789 9707 9082 50 19152 9507 9645 23717 11878 11839 1 19293 9871 9422 19024 9775 9249 51 18974 9674 9300 17304 8749 8555 2 19809 10144 9665 19636 10001 9635 52 23760 11735 12025 21371 10718 10653 3 20343 10482 9861 19895 10213 9682 53 23591 11606 11985 23775 11659 12116 4 20414 10498 9916 20107 10381 9726 54 23377 11546 11831 23768 11670 12098 5 22631 11523 11108 21655 11112 10543 55 22790 11315 11475 22503 11244 11259 6 22834 11787 11047 22377 11451 10926 56 22927 11313 11614 22689 11250 11439 7 24171 12452 11719 23341 12021 11320 57 21665 10530 11135 22011 10723 11288 8 25925 13326 12599 25273 13018 12255 58 21021 10149 10872 21355 10272 11083 9 25569 12979 12590 25557 12996 12561 59 21884 10526 11358 21093 10155 10938 10 25019 12809 12210 25073 12807 12266 60 21308 10221 11087 21542 10284 11258 11 26683 13577 13106 25976 13302 12674 61 21195 9803 11392 20919 9934 10985 12 26949 13838 13111 26437 13460 12977 62 20957 9595 11362 20934 9610 11324 13 27541 14053 13488 27081 13776 13305 63 21057 9290 11767 20606 9215 11391 14 28992 14900 14092 28171 14494 13677 64 20744 9186 11558 20844 9153 11691 15 29861 15251 14610 29226 15076 14150 65 21275 9376 11899 20291 8832 11459 16 30215 15609 14606 30137 15308 14829 66 19853 8600 11253 20856 9139 11717 17 30727 15839 14888 30374 15811 14563 67 18754 7794 10960 18561 7863 10698 18 30016 15683 14333 30313 15862 14451 68 17980 7319 10661 18208 7455 10753 19 30380 15558 14822 30012 15496 14516 69 17023 6556 10467 17257 6852 10405 20 30463 15553 14910 30358 15543 14815 70 16035 5680 10355 16150 5842 10308 21 29271 14954 14317 29780 15123 14657 71 15024 5196 9828 15412 5390 10022 22 28877 14868 14009 29029 15013 14016 72 14503 4845 9658 14280 4727 9553 23 29179 14925 14254 29139 14922 14217 73 13562 4576 8986 13939 4760 9179 24 28927 14727 14200 29001 14806 14195 74 12862 4140 8722 12708 4089 8619 25 27519 13884 13635 28307 14521 13786 75 10874 3589 7285 11655 3739 7916 26 27962 14245 13717 27488 13820 13668 76 10157 3287 6870 10124 3280 6844 27 28368 14267 14101 28418 14444 13974 77 6169 1940 4229 8175 2604 5571 28 29777 14942 14835 29043 14808 14235 78 4418 1430 2988 5005 1576 3429 29 31325 15710 15615 30339 15056 15283 79 4635 1524 3111 4260 1376 2884 30 31688 15892 15796 31710 16150 15560 80 4379 1383 2996 4106 1303 2803 31 31374 15664 15710 31889 15939 15950 81 6802 2172 4630 5304 1657 3647 32 30627 15441 15186 30827 15498 15329 82 6779 2094 4685 6751 2100 4651 33 31201 15831 15370 30893 15623 15270 83 6121 1835 4286 6108 1799 4309 34 31525 16048 15477 31096 15927 15169 84 5167 1501 3666 5473 1620 3853 35 30876 15398 15478 31435 15896 15539 85 4356 1243 3113 4358 1231 3127 36 31018 15785 15233 30842 15554 15288 86 3907 1137 2770 3886 1095 2791 37 30872 15754 15118 30730 15736 14994 87 3037 853 2184 3236 919 2317 38 31046 15670 15376 30737 15805 14932 88 2391 591 1800 2465 629 1836 39 32525 16678 15847 31562 15942 15620 89 1863 434 1429 1890 463 1427 40 32701 16860 15841 32861 17019 15842 90 1460 349 1111 1522 323 1199 41 33181 17059 16122 32771 16982 15789 91 1026 239 787 1085 266 819 42 32255 16804 15451 32308 16666 15642 92 744 152 592 770 169 601 43 32826 17175 15651 32761 17119 15642 93 537 123 414 583 124 459 44 31197 16188 15009 32207 16831 15376 94 385 81 304 375 86 289 45 31629 16439 15190 30692 15888 14804 95 237 49 188 246 51 195 46 30168 15690 14478 31155 16242 14913 96 153 33 120 143 32 111 47 27338 13949 13389 28332 14672 13660 97 75 20 55 101 26 75 48 26330 13545 12785 26882 13709 13173 98 62 8 54 47 9 38 49 26299 13359 12940 26104 13366 12738 99 27 - 27 38 3 35 100 let in veË 39 5 34 40 4 36 100 years and over StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 83 4.10 Projekcija stalnega prebivalstva Republike Slovenije, brez zdomcev, po spolu in starostnih skupinah za leta 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 in 2020, srednja varianta s prilagojenimi vrednostmi rodnosti Projection of de jure population of the Republic of Slovenia, excluding persons who have worked abroad for more than 1 year and members of their families living with them, by sex and age groups for 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 and 2020 de jure, excluding..., medium adjusted fertility Starostne skupine 1998 2003 2008 Age groups skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women Petletne starostne skupine 5-year age groups SKUPAJ 1957336 947585 1009751 1975164 957276 1017888 1996888 968911 1027977 TOTAL 0-4 let 100482 51616 48866 106167 54537 51630 112357 57720 54637 0-4 years 5-9 111882 57498 54384 100981 51850 49131 106736 54806 51930 5-9 10-14 128476 65586 62890 111982 57532 54450 101114 51902 49212 10-14 15-19 146128 75209 70919 129122 65719 63403 112702 57708 54994 15-19 20-24 145941 74512 71429 148394 75845 72549 131642 66484 65158 20-24 25-29 138605 69947 68658 147947 75510 72437 150653 76985 73668 25-29 30-34 150714 74240 76474 138685 69989 68696 148123 75614 72509 30-34 35-39 150818 75487 75331 149856 73602 76254 137989 69462 68527 35-39 40-44 157727 80393 77334 149430 74460 74970 148619 72693 75926 40-44 45-49 144688 73841 70847 155396 78662 76734 147469 73015 74454 45-49 50-54 109403 54073 55330 141192 71280 69912 151950 76142 75808 50-54 55-59 109721 53090 56631 105245 51006 54239 136180 67551 68629 55-59 60-64 102487 47482 55005 103393 48496 54897 99761 47001 52760 60-64 65-69 96380 41220 55160 93663 41610 52053 95247 43004 52243 65-69 70-74 73716 26183 47533 83827 33863 49964 82311 34751 47560 70-74 75-79 44544 14142 30402 59117 19398 39719 68096 25682 42414 75-79 80-84 23401 7127 16274 30876 8789 22087 41601 12384 29217 80-84 85-89 16327 4582 11745 12032 3240 8792 17281 4354 12927 85-89 90 let in veË 5896 1357 4539 7859 1888 5971 7057 1653 5404 90 years and over Velike starostne skupine Broad age groups 0-6 let 142451 73176 69275 146897 75452 71445 155929 80095 75834 0-6 years 0-14 340840 174700 166140 319130 163919 155211 320207 164428 155779 0-14 0-19 486968 249909 237059 448252 229638 218614 432909 222136 210773 0-19 7-14 198389 101524 96865 172233 88467 83766 164278 84333 79945 7-14 15-49 1034621 523629 510992 1018830 513787 505043 977197 491961 485236 15-49 15-59 1253745 630792 622953 1265267 636073 629194 1265327 635654 629673 15-59 15-64 1356232 678274 677958 1368660 684569 684091 1365088 682655 682433 15-64 60 let in veË 362751 142093 220658 390767 157284 233483 411354 168829 242525 60 years and over 65 let in veË 260264 94611 165653 287374 108788 178586 311593 121828 189765 65 years and over 80 let in veË 45624 13066 32558 50767 13917 36850 65939 18391 47548 80 years and over 85 let in veË 22223 5939 16284 19891 5128 14763 24338 6007 18331 85 years and over StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 84 4.10 Projekcija stalnega prebivalstva Republike Slovenije, brez zdomcev, po spolu in starostnih skupinah za leta 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 in 2020, srednja varianta s prilagojenimi vred- nostmi rodnosti (nadaljevanje) Projection of de jure population of the Republic of Slovenia, excluding persons who have worked abroad for more than 1 year and members of their families living with them, by sex and age groups for 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 and 2020 de jure, excluding..., medium adjusted fertility (continued) Starostne skupine 2013 2018 2020 Age groups skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women Petletne starostne skupine 5-year age groups SKUPAJ 2014780 978700 1036080 2021123 982546 1038577 2019399 981759 1037640 TOTAL 0-4 let 113369 58243 55126 107527 55244 52283 104062 53464 50598 0-4 years 5-9 112931 57992 54939 113951 58521 55430 112325 57687 54638 5-9 10-14 106872 54860 52012 113066 58046 55020 114321 58692 55629 10-14 15-19 101867 52102 49765 107623 55058 52565 110448 56510 53938 15-19 20-24 115309 58539 56770 104537 52980 51557 106159 53815 52344 20-24 25-29 134015 67716 66299 117772 59839 57933 110188 55884 54304 25-29 30-34 150873 77121 73752 134345 67938 66407 129563 65809 63754 30-34 35-39 147444 75095 72349 150235 76632 73603 143933 72800 71133 35-39 40-44 136967 68693 68274 146427 74323 72104 150134 76322 73812 40-44 45-49 146878 71416 75462 135490 67586 67904 137645 69399 68246 45-49 50-54 144561 70906 73655 144228 69509 74719 140269 67964 72305 50-54 55-59 146999 72461 74538 140281 67749 72532 140145 67119 73026 55-59 60-64 129537 62646 66891 140288 67517 72771 137549 65633 71916 60-64 65-69 92592 42138 50454 120738 56581 64157 128036 60313 67723 65-69 70-74 84656 36497 48159 82980 36188 46792 90217 39928 50289 70-74 75-79 67867 26954 40913 70713 28811 41902 71129 29073 42056 75-79 80-84 48789 16879 31910 49330 18107 31223 49695 18528 31167 80-84 85-89 23697 6330 17367 28265 8845 19420 28900 9214 19686 85-89 90 let in veË 9557 2112 7445 13327 3072 10255 14681 3605 11076 90 years and over Velike starostne skupine Broad age groups 0-6 let 158998 81676 77322 152729 78460 74269 148285 76177 72108 0-6 years 0-14 333172 171095 162077 334544 171811 162733 330708 169843 160865 0-14 0-19 435039 223197 211842 442167 226869 215298 441156 226353 214803 0-19 7-14 174174 89419 84755 181815 93351 88464 182423 93666 88757 7-14 15-49 933353 470682 462671 896429 454356 442073 888070 450539 437531 15-49 15-59 1224913 614049 610864 1180938 591614 589324 1168484 585622 582862 15-59 15-64 1354450 676695 677755 1321226 659131 662095 1306033 651255 654778 15-64 60 let in veË 456695 193556 263139 505641 219121 286520 520207 226294 293913 60 years and over 65 let in veË 327158 130910 196248 365353 151604 213749 382658 160661 221997 65 years and over 80 let in veË 82043 25321 56722 90922 30024 60898 93276 31347 61929 80 years and over 85 let in veË 33254 8442 24812 41592 11917 29675 43581 12819 30762 85 years and over StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 85 4.11 ätevilo in naravno gibanje prebivalstva Number of population and natural change of population 1) Stanje 30.6. / As of 30 June. Srednje ötevilo prebivalstva 1) Mid-year population 1) Prebivalstvo ob koncu leta Population on 31 December ≥tevilo Number Koeficient na 1000 prebivalcev Rate per 1000 inhabitants űivorojeni live births umrli deaths naravni prirast natural increase űivorojeni live births umrli deaths naravni prirast natural increase 1920 1295884 1301172 35246 26678 8568 27,2 20,6 6,6 1921 1303850 1306529 39681 27711 11970 30,4 21,2 9,2 1922 1310355 1314182 39346 25088 14258 30,0 19,1 10,9 1923 1318733 1323284 40710 25003 15707 30,9 19,1 11,9 1924 1328440 1333597 40215 23297 16918 30,3 17,5 12,8 1925 1338330 1343063 39476 23405 16071 29,5 17,5 12,0 1926 1347241 1351418 38267 23307 14960 28,4 17,3 11,1 1927 1355401 1359383 37794 23324 14470 27,9 17,2 10,7 1928 1363532 1367682 37359 22355 15004 27,4 16,4 11,0 1929 1370386 1373082 35201 23189 12012 25,7 16,9 8,8 1930 1378536 1383984 38346 20846 17500 27,8 15,1 12,7 1931 1389323 1392466 36851 22925 13926 26,5 16,5 10,0 1932 1397675 1402883 36832 23849 12983 26,4 17,1 9,3 1933 1407450 1413017 34587 22035 12552 24,6 15,7 8,9 1934 1418234 1423451 33373 19585 13788 23,5 13,8 9,7 1935 1427708 1431966 32433 20590 11843 22,7 14,4 8,3 1936 1436035 1440103 32630 20479 12151 22,7 14,2 8,5 1937 1441542 1442980 31520 21221 10299 21,9 14,8 7,1 1938 1444242 1445503 31199 20392 10807 21,6 14,1 7,5 1939 1447247 1448991 31251 19910 11341 21,6 13,8 7,8 1940 1450332 1451673 31536 21001 10535 21,7 14,5 7,2 1941 1452166 1452659 32456 19812 12644 22,3 13,6 8,7 1942 1448611 1444562 30681 22061 8620 21,2 15,2 6,0 1943 1440515 1436468 31434 25149 6285 21,8 17,4 4,4 1944 1430205 1423942 27379 26609 770 19,1 18,6 0,5 1945 1416312 1408681 20239 28572 -8333 14,3 20,2 -5,9 1946 1415156 1421631 28599 18145 10454 20,2 12,8 7,4 1947 1429266 1436900 31312 18708 12604 21,9 13,1 8,8 1948 1443031 1447550 31538 17884 13654 21,9 12,4 9,5 1949 1453581 1459622 33284 18838 14446 22,9 13,0 9,9 1950 1466881 1474149 35992 17335 18657 24,5 11,8 12,7 1951 1480245 1486341 34819 18497 16322 23,5 12,5 11,0 1952 1493550 1500759 34165 15617 18548 22,9 10,4 12,5 1953 1508428 1515228 33754 14948 18806 22,4 9,9 12,5 1954 1521485 1527741 31828 14897 16931 20,9 9,8 11,1 1955 1533998 1540255 32096 15109 16987 20,9 9,8 11,1 1956 1545591 1550957 31466 16351 15115 20,4 10,6 9,8 1957 1556521 1562088 30086 14545 15541 19,3 9,3 10,0 1958 1566979 1571873 28284 14082 14202 18,0 9,0 9,0 1959 1576204 1580535 28429 15357 13072 18,0 9,7 8,3 1960 1580145 1588904 27825 15145 12680 17,6 9,6 8,0 1961 1595450 1599357 28955 14013 14942 18,1 8,8 9,3 1962 1604980 1607941 29035 15866 13169 18,1 9,9 8,2 1963 1614414 1626000 29174 15102 14072 18,1 9,4 8,7 1964 1630553 1638227 29184 16729 12455 17,9 10,3 7,6 1965 1650413 1660092 30587 15987 14600 18,5 9,7 8,8 1966 1669606 1679717 30941 15248 15693 18,5 9,1 9,4 1967 1690939 1699339 29824 16353 13471 17,6 9,7 7,9 1968 1703708 1709752 28580 17446 11134 16,8 10,2 6,6 1969 1714022 1719906 27883 18564 9319 16,3 10,8 5,5 1970 1726513 1731787 27432 17354 10078 15,9 10,1 5,8 1971 1738101 1744882 28278 17425 10853 16,3 10,0 6,3 1972 1751506 1759584 28713 18153 10560 16,4 10,4 6,0 1973 1766125 1773809 29548 17614 11934 16,7 9,9 6,8 1974 1782470 1790229 28625 17206 11419 16,0 9,6 6,4 1975 1800022 1808707 29786 18180 11606 16,5 10,1 6,4 1976 1819276 1831790 30339 18157 12182 16,8 10,0 6,8 1977 1839358 1852963 29904 17633 12271 16,2 9,6 6,6 1978 1862620 1872133 30354 18357 11997 16,3 9,9 6,4 1979 1882304 1893064 30604 18148 12456 16,2 9,6 6,6 1980 1901208 1909566 29902 18820 11082 15,7 9,9 5,8 1981 1917469 1924690 29220 18733 10487 15,2 9,8 5,4 1982 1924877 1929292 28894 19647 9247 15,0 10,2 4,8 1983 1933104 1937588 27200 20703 6497 14,1 10,7 3,4 1984 1942802 1948577 26274 20214 6060 13,5 10,4 3,1 1985 1973151 1975273 25933 19854 6079 13,1 10,0 3,1 1986 1980718 1985486 25570 19499 6071 12,9 9,8 3,1 1987 1989462 1994066 25592 19837 5755 12,9 10,0 2,9 1988 1999988 1996325 25209 19126 6083 12,6 9,6 3,0 1989 1999404 1996377 23447 18669 4778 11,7 9,3 2,4 1990 1998090 1999945 22368 18555 3813 11,2 9,3 1,9 1991 2001768 1998912 21583 19324 2259 10,8 9,7 1,1 1992 1995832 1994084 19982 19333 649 10,0 9,7 0,3 1993 1990623 1989408 19793 20012 -219 9,9 10,0 -0,1 1994 1988850 1989477 19463 19359 104 9,8 9,7 0,1 1995 1987505 1990266 18980 18968 12 9,5 9,5 0,0 1996 1991169 1986989 18788 18620 168 9,5 9,4 0,1 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 86 4.12 PriËakovano trajanje űivljenja ob rojstvu1) let Life expectancy at birth1) years 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 4.13 éivorojeni otroci Live births Obdobje Period Moöki Men éenske Women Obdobje Period Moöki Men éenske Women 1958-1959 65,56 70,68 1978-1979 66,98 74,87 1960-1961 66,11 71,96 1979-1980 67,29 75,12 1961-1962 66,09 71,98 1980-1981 67,42 75,21 1962-1963 65,48 71,90 1981-1982 67,23 75,14 1963-1964 65,19 72,27 1982-1983 66,85* 74,97* 1964-1965 64,98 71,94 1983-1984 66,99 75,04 1965-1966 65,45 72,74 1984-1985 67,38 75,52 1966-1967 65,96 72,92 1985-1986 67,85 75,89 1967-1968 65,59 72,41 1986-1987 68,14 76,10 1968-1969 64,83 72,13 1987-1988 68,26 76,26 1969-1970 65,04 72,35 1988-1989 68,86 76,72 1970-1972 65,35 72,92 1989-1990 69,38 77,19 1972-1973 65,64 73,38 1990-1991 69,54 77,38 1973-1974 66,64 73,88 1991-1992 69,45 77,25 1974-1975 66,70 74,16 1992-1993 69,40 77,29 1975-1976 66,55 74,18 1993-1994 69,58 77,38 1976-1977 66,77 74,53 1994-1995 70,27 77,76 1977-1978 66,80 74,77 1995-1996 70,79 78,25 Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 25150 20638 19982 19793 19463 18980 18788 TOTAL DeËki 12917 10598 10333 10188 9899 9741 9710 Boys Deklice 12233 10040 9649 9605 9564 9239 9078 Girls Rojeni v zdravstvenem zavodu 25053 20584 19930 19750 19419 18953 18754 Born in a medical facility od vseh űivorojenih (%) 99,6 99,7 99,7 99,8 99,8 99,9 99,8 share of all live births Rojeni drugje 97 54 52 43 44 27 34 Born elsewhere Rojeni s strokovno pomoËjo 25109 20611 19953 19767 19440 18970 18766 Born with medical assistance od vseh űivorojenih (%) 99,8 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 share of all live births Rojeni brez strokovne pomoËi 41 27 29 26 23 10 22 Born without medical assistance Rojeni po starosti matere Children by age of mother pod 15 let 4 4 5 2 2 4 4 under 15 years 15-19 2418 1374 1400 1171 1042 971 805 15-19 20-24 10493 7455 7300 6691 6240 5759 5571 20-24 25-29 7639 7334 7064 7354 7355 7196 7088 25-29 30-34 3283 3206 3020 3278 3553 3713 3943 30-34 35-39 1114 1058 978 1089 1091 1133 1157 35-39 40-44 189 198 205 198 170 192 213 40-44 45-49 10 9 9 10 9 12 7 45-49 50 let in veË - - - - - - - 50 years and over neznano - - 1 - 1 - - unknown StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 87 4.14 PovpreËna starost matere ob otrokovem rojstvu1) Mean age of mother at birth of any child1) 1) RaËunano na dopolnjena leta starosti. Calculated upon completed years of age. Vrstni red rojstva Order of birth prvo 12015 9846 9847 9391 9109 8780 8781 first drugo 9869 8074 7579 7743 7709 7482 7364 second tretje 2450 2071 1937 2017 2020 2073 2050 third Ëetrto 568 431 406 450 417 458 410 fourth peto 158 130 130 126 119 116 110 fifth öesto 53 50 46 39 53 45 35 sixth sedmo 22 20 23 16 20 12 22 seventh osmo 8 10 7 7 11 9 7 eight deveto in nadaljnje 7 6 6 4 5 5 9 ninth and over neznano - - 1 - - - - unknown éivorojeni po trajanju zakonske zveze Live births by duration of marriage skupaj 19806 15067 14453 14257 13863 13323 12804 total rojeni live births v prvem letu 8663 6245 6126 5793 5419 5094 4879 in first year v drugem 1959 1481 1405 1352 1292 1324 1264 in second year v tretjem 1800 1399 1363 1310 1209 1249 1214 in third year v Ëetrtem 1589 1269 1209 1208 1217 1043 1018 in fourth year v petem 1276 1032 1032 982 980 937 873 in fifth year v öestem 982 797 703 803 822 787 694 in sixth year v sedmem 794 637 587 633 633 610 561 in seventh year v osmem 601 472 424 445 509 464 490 in eight year v devetem 478 386 360 397 404 376 387 in ninth year v 10.-14. 1236 1002 886 990 1041 1099 1083 in 10th-14th year v 15.-19. 314 294 301 290 282 294 283 in 15th-19th year v 20. in nadaljnjih letih 45 53 57 54 55 46 58 in 20th year and over neznano 69 - - - - - - unknown Rojeni zunaj zakonske zveze 5344 5571 5529 5536 5600 5657 5984 Illegitimate live births Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Starost matere Age of mother pri űivorojenih 25,6 26,5 26,4 26,7 27,0 27,2 27,4 at live births pri mrtvorojenih 27,0 27,3 27,4 27,1 28,3 28,1 28,5 at still births pri vseh rojstvih 25,7 26,5 26,4 26,7 27,0 27,2 27,5 at births, total Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 4.13 éivorojeni otroci (nadaljevanje) Live births (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 88 4.15 StarostnospecifiËne stopnje rodnosti1) Age-specific birth rates by age of mother1) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 1980 1985 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Starost matere Age of mother pod 15 let 0,1 0,4 0,3 0,1 0,1 0,3 0,3 under 15 years 15-19 56,3 34,7* 19,3 16,2 14,2 13,2 9,3 15-19 15 2,3 1,7 1,0 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,4 15 16 11,4 6,9* 3,6 1,9 2,9 3,0 1,8 16 17 38,7 25,5* 10,4 10,0 7,3 6,1 5,4 17 18 89,1 60,7* 29,4 23,0 21,8 17,2 15,2 18 19 143,8 103,1* 53,5 46,8 38,8 38,2 31,9 19 20-24 176,8 144,1* 103,2 95,8 89,6 81,8 77,7 20-24 20 172,4 138,3* 75,9 69,8 64,6 55,7 49,8 20 21 191,6 150,2* 96,4 83,2 78,1 68,8 66,8 21 22 178,7 150,9* 106,2 98,5 94,9 84,2 81,7 22 23 176,7 145,7* 118,9 112,7 101,3 98,1 92,7 23 24 165,6 135,6* 118,0 115,9 110,3 103,1 99,1 24 25-29 112,6 97,5* 90,6 95,5 97,2 97,3 98,6 25-29 25 150,1 126,8* 111,7 116,6 115,2 109,1 104,9 25 26 130,6 116,3* 105,6 107,8 108,1 110,8 111,2 26 27 110,7 92,6* 90,9 94,4 100,0 98,6 106,0 27 28 89,1 83,1* 77,6 84,2 88,5 93,4 92,4 28 29 84,7 71,3* 66,6 75,2 76,6 77,7 81,1 29 30-34 51,3 41,4* 39,1 42,6 46,4 48,1 50,9 30-34 30 70,8 55,5* 58,3 63,5 67,1 65,4 69,6 30 31 56,3 49,6* 48,5 49,4 55,3 57,8 60,1 31 32 47,0 40,7* 35,8 41,5 45,8 49,0 51,2 32 33 43,0 32,6* 29,8 32,9 37,0 37,6 40,1 33 34 33,4 28,1* 22,7 25,8 27,1 30,7 32,6 34 35-39 19,7 16,5* 12,1 13,7 13,8 14,6 15,0 35-39 35 ... 23,3 19,2 20,2 23,9 23,9 23,6 35 36 ... 20,8 15,7 16,6 16,3 18,8 18,4 36 37 ... 14,1 11,3 14,0 12,8 13,6 15,9 37 38 ... 13,7 8,8 9,3 9,9 10,3 10,7 38 39 ... 7,7 5,6 8,6 7,2 7,0 6,7 39 40-44 5,3 3,4 2,8 2,6 2,2 2,5 2,7 40-44 40 ... 6,7 5,1 4,5 3,9 5,9 5,9 40 41 ... 4,6 3,2 3,2 2,8 2,9 3,1 41 42 ... 3,9 2,8 2,4 1,7 1,6 2,5 42 43 ... 1,5 1,4 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,5 43 44 ... 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,4 0,6 44 45-49 0,5 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,1 45-49 45 ... 0,9 0,5 0,4 0,1 0,5 0,4 45 46 ... 0,5 - 0,1 0,4 0,4 0,1 46 47 ... - 0,1 - 0,1 - - 47 48 ... - 0,1 0,3 0,1 - - 48 49 ... - - - - - - 49 Celotna rodnost 2,11 1,71* 1,34 1,34 1,32 1,29 1,28 Total fertility rate StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 89 4.16 Navadni porodi, porodi dvojËkov in trojËkov Type of birth, single, twin and other 1) Pri porodih trojËkov sta upoötevana tudi dva poroda ËetverËkov v letu 1985. In 1985 two births of quadruplets are included among births of triplets. 2) Pri porodih trojËkov je upoötevan tudi en porod ËetverËkov v letu 1996. In 1996 one birth of quadruplets is included among births of triplets. 4.17 Priznanje in ugotovitev oËetovstva ter posvojitev otrok Acknowledgment and ascertainment of paternity and child adoption 1980 1985 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Porodi skupaj 29790 25778 19840 19639 19326 18833 18648 Type of births total Navadni porodi 29497 25495 19596 19402 19090 18614 18412 Single Porodi dvojËkov 289 277 236 225 230 207 228 Twin éivorojeni otroci Live births deËki 309 289 235 226 208 220 236 boys deklice 254 252 223 219 240 191 202 girls Mrtvorojeni otroci Still births deËki 9 8 6 2 8 2 5 boys deklice 6 5 8 3 4 1 13 girls Porodi trojËkov 4 61) 8 12 6 12 82) Other éivorojeni otroci Live births deËki 5 121) 11 20 11 22 132) boys deklice 7 81) 13 16 7 12 122) girls Mrtvorojeni otroci Still births deËki - - - - - - - boys deklice - - - - - 2 - girls Deleű porodov dvojËkov in 1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 Share of twin births and trojËkov od vseh porodov (%) other births of all births (%) Deleű rojstev dvojËkov in 2 2,2 2,5 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,5 Share of twin births and trojËkov od vseh rojstev (%) other births of all births (%) 1980 1985 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Priznanje oËetovstva 2788 4143 5062 4952 5072 5228 5474 Acknowledgment of paternity Ugotovitev oËetovstva ... ... 81 50 40 28 39 Ascertainment of paternity Posvojitev otroka 96 87 77 80 86 64 65 Child adoption StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 90 4.18 Priznanje in ugotovitev oËetovstva ter posvojitev otrok glede na starost otroka, 1996 Acknowledgment and ascertainment of paternity and adoption of child by age of child, 1996 4.19 Umrli Deaths Starost otroka Priznanje oËetovstva Acknowledgment of paternity Ugotovitev oËetovstva Ascertainment of paternity Posvojitev otrok Adoption of child Posvojitev otrok sozakoncev Adoption of child of married partner Age of child skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ 5474 2826 2648 39 20 19 65 41 24 35 21 14 TOTAL pred rojstvom otroka - - - - - - - - - - - - before birth of child do starosti pod 1 mesecem 2036 1048 988 - - - - - - - - - under 1 month 1-10 mesecev 3103 1599 1504 4 4 - 4 2 2 - - - 1-10 months 11-12 mesecev 14 10 4 2 - 2 2 2 - - - - 11-12 months 1-4 leta 202 106 96 16 8 8 19 12 7 7 4 3 1-4 years 5-9 let 60 32 28 8 3 5 25 15 10 13 7 6 5-9 years 10-14 let 36 23 13 6 4 2 11 8 3 11 8 3 10-14 years 15-19 let 12 6 6 1 - 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 15-19 years 20 let in veË 11 2 9 2 1 1 - - - - - - 20 years and over Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 19397 19317 19333 20012 19359 18968 18620 TOTAL Moöki 10018 9869 9948 10265 9815 9630 9498 Men éenske 9379 9448 9385 9747 9544 9338 9122 Women Mesto smrti Place of death v zdravstveni ustanovi 9244 9194 8881 9094 8883 8728* 8711 in medical a facility deleű od vseh umrlih (%) 47,6 47,6 45,9 54,6 45,9 46,0 46,8 share of all deaths (%) drugje 10153 10123 10452 10918 10476 10240 9909 other Zdravljenje Medical treatment zdravljeni 14901 12690 12463 12378 11614 11575 11436 received treatment deleű od vseh umrlih (%) 76,8 65,7 64,5 61,8 50,7 61,0 61,4 share of all deaths (%) niso bili zdravljeni 4496 6627 6870 7634 7745 7393 7184 did not receive treatment Vzrok smrti je ugotovil Cause of death given by zdravnik 19320 19317 19333 20012 19359 18968 18620 physician deleű od vseh umrlih (%) 99,6 100 100 100 100 100 100 share of all deaths (%) druga oseba 77 - - - - - - other person deleű od vseh umrlih (%) 0,4 - - - - - - share of all deaths (%) Umrli dojenËki 274 160 177 134 126 105 89 Deaths under 1 year deËki 157 94 98 82 61 58 58 boys deklice 117 66 79 52 65 47 31 girls Koeficienti Rates umrli na 1000 prebivalcev 9,8 9,7 9,7 10,0 9,7 9,5* 9,4 deaths per 1000 inhabitants umrli dojenËki na deaths under 1 year 1000 űivorojenih 10,8 7,8 8,9 6,8 6,5 5,5 4,7 per 1000 live births StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 91 4.20 StarostnospecifiËne stopnje smrtnosti po spolu1) Age-specific mortality rates by sex1) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 1980 1985 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Moöki 10,8 10,8 10,3 10,6 10,2 10,0 9,8 Men éenske 9,2 9,6 9,1 9,5 9,3 9,1 8,9 Women 0 let moöki 16,0 16,0 9,5 1,6 6,1 6,0 6,8 men 0 years űenske 13,8 10,0 8,1 5,4 6,8 5,1 3,1 women 1-4 moöki 0,8 0,6 0,4 1,8 0,5 0,4 0,3 men 1-4 űenske 0,6 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,1 0,3 women 5-9 moöki 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,2 men 5-9 űenske 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,3 0,2 0,1 women 10-14 moöki 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,3 0,3 men 10-14 űenske 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,2 women 15-19 moöki 1,2 1,0 0,9 0,9 1,3 0,9 1,0 men 15-19 űenske 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,3 women 20-24 moöki 2,1 1,8 1,7 1,9 1,5 1,4 1,3 men 20-24 űenske 0,7 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,5 women 25-29 moöki 2,1 1,8 1,4 1,7 1,8 1,2 1,5 men 25-29 űenske 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,4 0,5 women 30-34 moöki 2,3 2,2 2,2 2,2 1,9 1,7 1,5 men 30-34 űenske 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,5 women 35-39 moöki 3,3 2,9 2,9 2,9 2,8 2,1 2,2 men 35-39 űenske 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,0 1,0 1,1 women 40-44 moöki 5,4 4,6 4,0 4,5 4,2 3,9 3,8 men 40-44 űenske 1,9 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,7 1,5 women 45-49 moöki 8,5 7,9 6,1 6,2 6,4 5,9 5,7 men 45-49 űenske 3,9 2,9 3,2 2,7 2,7 2,8 2,8 women 50-54 moöki 12,9 12,6 9,7 10,2 10,3 9,5 9,3 men 50-54 űenske 4,8 4,9 4,2 4,2 4,1 4,3 4,4 women 55-59 moöki 17,4 19,7 16,4 17,4 14,7 14,8 13,3 men 55-59 űenske 7,6 7,3 6,0 6,5 6,3 5,4 5,8 women 60-64 moöki 23,7 27,7 26,8 25,9 25,0 24,1 22,7 men 60-64 űenske 11,0 11,6 10,2 11,0 9,5 9,6 8,9 women 65-69 moöki 39,4 39,3 37,5 37,7 35,8 35,6 34,7 men 65-69 űenske 18,9 20,3 15,6 15,7 16,1 15,8 14,6 women 70-74 moöki 64,2 57,7 51,1 53,2 52,6 51,7 51,0 men 70-74 űenske 34,4 34,4 27,5 28,6 26,4 26,7 24,5 women 75-79 moöki 94,7 99,5 86,5 89,0 82,8 79,2 76,4 men 75-79 űenske 62,4 62,6 54,8 54,8 55,9 46,3 42,4 women 80-84 moöki 153,2 148,1 137,2 140,4 128,9 125,9 124,2 men 80-84 űenske 111,1 110,1 92,6 97,1 91,9 87,5 87,9 women 85 let in veË moöki 286,3 201,8 237,7 235,4 214,1 214,3 213,1 men 85 years and over űenske 233,1 193,1 192,8 197,0 187,5 182,1 179,3 women PovpreËna starost moöki 63,5 64,4* 65,8* 65,7 65,6 66,5 66,6 men Mean age umrlih űenske 71,8 73,4* 74,8 75,2 75,1 75,4 75,7 women at death StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 92 4.21 Umrli po vzrokih smrti, spolu in starosti, 1996 Deaths by cause of death, sex and age, 1996 Spol Skupaj Total 0-6 dni 0-6 days 7-27 dni 7-27 days 28 dni- < 2 meseca 28 days- < 2 months 2-5 mesecev 2-5 months 6-11 mesecev 6-11 months 1-4 let 1-4 years 5-14 let 5-14 years Sex SKUPAJ skupaj 18620 47 14 10 11 7 25 42 total TOTAL moöki 9498 30 8 7 8 5 14 29 men űenske 9122 17 6 3 3 2 11 13 women Nalezljive in parazitarne bolezni skupaj 89 1 - 1 - - 1 - total Infectious and parasitic deseasesmoöki 40 - - 1 - - - - men űenske 49 1 - - - - 1 - women Novotvorbe skupaj 4617 - - 1 - - 3 6 total Neoplasms moöki 2561 - - - - - 1 5 men űenske 2056 - - 1 - - 2 1 women Endokrine bolezni skupaj 454 - - - - - 2 2 total Endocrine, metabolic and nutritional disorders moöki 187 - - - - - 1 1 men űenske 267 - - - - - 1 1 women Bolezni krvi in krvotvornih organov skupaj 43 - - - - - - - total Diseases of the blood and blood-producing organs moöki 18 - - - - - - - men űenske 25 - - - - - - - women Duöevne motnje skupaj 204 - - - - - - - total Mental illness moöki 104 - - - - - - - men űenske 100 - - - - - - - women Bolezni űivËevja in Ëutil skupaj 150 - 1 - - - 3 4 total Neurological and sensory disordersmoöki 82 - - - - - 1 3 men űenske 68 - 1 - - - 2 1 women Bolezni obtoËil skupaj 7903 - - - - - - 1 total Circulatory diseases moöki 3379 - - - - - - 1 men űenske 4524 - - - - - - - women Bolezni dihal skupaj 1358 - 1 - 2 1 1 - total Respiratory diseases moöki 790 - 1 - 2 - 1 - men űenske 568 - - - - 1 - - women Bolezni prebavil skupaj 1138 1 - - - - - 1 total Disorders of the digestive systemmoöki 667 - - - - - - 1 men űenske 471 1 - - - - - - women Bolezni mokril in spolovil skupaj 179 - - - - - - - total Urogenital diseases moöki 75 - - - - - - - men űenske 104 - - - - - - - women Zapleti pri noseËnosti, porodu in v poporodni dobi skupaj 3 - - - - - - - total Complications of pregnancy, birth and confinement űenske 3 - - - - - - - women Bolezni koűe in podkoűja skupaj 3 - - - - - - - total Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue moöki 2 - - - - - - - men űenske 1 - - - - - - - women Bolezni miöic, kosti in gibal skupaj 20 - - - - - - 1 total Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue moöki 3 - - - - - - - men űenske 17 - - - - - - 1 women Prirojene nakaze skupaj 71 15 7 1 8 3 6 7 total Congenital disorders moöki 43 11 3 - 5 2 5 5 men űenske 28 4 4 1 3 1 1 2 women Perinatalna morbiditeta skupaj 40 29 5 4 - 2 - - total Perinatal mortality moöki 28 18 4 4 - 2 - - men űenske 12 11 1 - - - - - women Nezadostno opredeljena stanja skupaj 536 - - - 1 1 - 1 total Insufficiently defined symptoms and conditions moöki 293 - - - 1 1 - 1 men űenske 243 - - - - - - - women Poökodbe skupaj 1812 1 - 3 - - 9 19 total Accidents, poisonings and violencemoöki 1226 1 - 2 - - 5 12 men űenske 586 - - 1 - - 4 7 women StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 93 4.21 Umrli po vzrokih smrti, spolu in starosti, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Deaths by cause of death, sex and age, 1996 (continued) Spol 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 let in veË 75 years and over Sex SKUPAJ skupaj 229 303 689 1353 2644 4591 8655 total TOTAL moöki 176 230 491 922 1808 2622 3148 men űenske 53 73 198 431 836 1969 5507 women Nalezljive in parazitarne bolezni skupaj - 2 9 11 11 16 37 total Infectious and parasitic deseasesmoöki - 1 7 7 5 7 12 men űenske - 1 2 4 6 9 25 women Novotvorbe skupaj 16 36 156 494 1023 1492 1390 total Neoplasms moöki 9 23 82 284 639 876 642 men űenske 7 13 74 210 384 616 748 women Endokrine bolezni skupaj - 7 4 14 57 133 235 total Endocrine, metabolic and nutritional disordersmoöki - 4 4 11 39 49 78 men űenske - 3 - 3 18 84 157 women Bolezni krvi in krvotvornih organov skupaj - 1 4 2 5 8 23 total Diseases of the blood and blood-producing organsmoöki - - 4 1 1 5 7 men űenske - 1 - 1 4 3 16 women Duöevne motnje skupaj 1 6 7 19 31 36 104 total Mental illness moöki 1 5 5 17 28 19 29 men űenske - 1 2 2 3 17 75 women Bolezni űivËevja in Ëutil skupaj 10 4 17 25 24 32 30 total Neurological and sensory disordersmoöki 7 3 11 15 16 15 11 men űenske 3 1 6 10 8 17 19 women Bolezni obtoËil skupaj 6 16 103 275 733 1866 4903 total Circulatory diseases moöki 4 11 79 200 518 1019 1547 men űenske 2 5 24 75 215 847 3356 women Bolezni dihal skupaj - 5 10 27 106 308 897 total Respiratory diseases moöki - 4 5 20 87 228 442 men űenske - 1 5 7 19 80 455 women Bolezni prebavil skupaj 1 28 75 161 275 302 294 total Disorders of the digestive systemmoöki - 18 57 116 191 175 109 men űenske 1 10 18 45 84 127 185 women Bolezni mokril in spolovil skupaj - 1 1 6 22 52 97 total Urogenital diseases moöki - 1 - 3 10 17 44 men űenske - - 1 3 12 35 53 women Zapleti pri noseËnosti, porodu in v poporodni dobi skupaj - 3 - - - - - total Complications of pregnancy, birth and confinement űenske - 3 - - - - - women Bolezni koűe in podkoűja skupaj - - - - - 1 2 total Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissuemoöki - - - - - 1 1 men űenske - - - - - - 1 women Bolezni miöic, kosti in gibal skupaj - - 1 - 5 5 8 total Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue moöki - - - - - 2 1 men űenske - - 1 - 5 3 7 women Prirojene nakaze skupaj 3 4 4 4 3 5 1 total Congenital disorders moöki 2 2 1 3 2 2 - men űenske 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 women Perinatalna morbiditeta skupaj - - - - - - - total Perinatal mortality moöki - - - - - - - men űenske - - - - - - - women Nezadostno opredeljena stanja skupaj 15 15 44 59 74 78 248 total Insufficiently defined symptoms and conditionsmoöki 12 10 33 45 62 50 78 men űenske 3 5 11 14 12 28 170 women Poökodbe skupaj 177 175 254 256 275 257 386 total Accidents, poisonings and violencemoöki 141 148 203 200 210 157 147 men űenske 36 27 51 56 65 100 239 women StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 94 4.22 Umrli dojenËki po starosti Infant deaths by age Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 274 160 177 134 126 105 89 TOTAL Do 24 ur 91 53 61 43 35 35 33 Under 1 day 1-6 dni 59 28 32 24 19 15 14 1-6 days 1 dan 19 9 12 8 9 4 4 1 day 2 dni 13 7 7 5 2 4 - 2 days 3 dni 11 4 2 5 3 1 3 3 days 4 dni 8 3 2 1 2 1 3 4 days 5 dni 4 3 6 3 3 2 2 5 days 6 dni 4 2 3 2 - 3 2 6 days 7-27 dni 36 24 25 24 24 8 14 7-27 days 7-13 dni 18 14 19 14 13 3 8 7-13 days 14-20 dni 10 8 6 7 9 5 3 14-20 days 21-27 dni 7 2 - 3 2 - 3 21-27 days 28 dni - < 2 meseca 18 14 17 6 20 10 10 28 days - < 2 months 2-11 mesecev 70 41 42 37 28 37 18 2-11 months 2 meseca 12 9 7 9 6 14 5 2 months 3 mesece 9 6 5 9 4 6 3 3 months 4 mesece 12 7 8 8 5 3 1 4 months 5 mesecev 7 5 3 5 5 5 2 5 months 6 mesecev 6 4 5 2 4 1 4 6 months 7 mesecev 4 2 2 2 - 2 - 7 months 8 mesecev 4 4 5 - 2 2 1 8 months 9 mesecev 8 2 5 - 1 1 1 9 months 10 mesecev 3 1 1 2 - 2 - 10 months 11 mesecev 5 1 1 - 1 1 1 11 months StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 95 4.23 Nasilne smrti Deaths due to accidents, homicides and suicides Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 1993 1854 1824 1894 1963 1727 1812 TOTAL Nezgode 1326 1202 1188 1253 1302 1116 1163 Accidents Usmrtitve, uboji 37 47 48 27 40 47 42 Homicides Samomori 630 605 588 614 621 564 607 Suicides Nezgode Accidents Skupaj 1326 1202 1188 1253 1302 1116 1163 Total moöki 896 794 787 831 832 700 734 men űenske 430 408 401 422 470 416 429 women Starost Age groups 0-4 leta 26 19 16 18 20 13 10 0-4 years 5-9 18 15 11 7 22 6 4 5-9 10-14 16 12 12 9 11 10 10 10-14 15-19 57 56 52 46 73 52 54 15-19 20-49 447 399 415 425 406 359 366 20-49 50 let in veË 762 701 682 748 770 676 719 50 years and over Vzrok nezgode Cause of accident motorna vozila 464 481 475 486 505 418 389 motor vehicle druga prometna vozila 12 19 19 19 27 12 9 other transport vwhicles zastrupitve 32 31 33 33 28 44 44 poisoning padci 392 387 378 423 441 410 401 falls ogenj in eksplozije 19 13 17 11 5 13 23 fire and explosions zaduöitve in utopitve 79 71 88 59 73 47 67 suffocations and drownings drugi vzroki 328 200 178 221 223 172 230 all other causes 1163 Usmrtitve in uboji Homicides Skupaj 37 47 48 27 40 47 42 Total moöki 21 34 29 18 28 34 27 men űenske 16 13 19 9 12 13 15 women Starost Age groups 0-9 let 3 2 1 1 5 3 3 0-9 years 10-14 - 1 - 2 - 2 1 10-14 15-19 1 2 2 - 3 4 3 15-19 20-49 19 28 23 19 19 27 23 20-49 50 let in veË 14 14 22 5 13 11 12 50 years and over Samomori Suicides Skupaj 630 605 588 614 621 564 607 Total moöki 474 465 439 481 480 435 465 men űenske 156 140 149 133 141 129 142 women Starost Age groups 0-14 let 3 5 4 5 3 4 4 0-14 years 15-19 14 16 14 24 21 19 19 15-19 20-49 306 290 270 296 296 270 279 20-49 50 let in veË 307 294 300 289 301 271 305 50 years and over Na 100 umrlih Per 100 deaths vse nasilne smrti 10,3 9 9,4 9,5 10,1 9,1 9,7 all violent deaths nezgode 6,8 5,8 6,1 6,3 6,7 5,9 6,2 accidents usmrtitve in uboji 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2 3 0,2 homicides samomori 3,3 2,9 3 3,1 3,2 0,2 3,3 suicides StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 96 4.24 Sklenitve zakonskih zvez po starosti neveste in űenina ter po zakonskem stanu Marriages by age of bride and groom and by marital status of bride and groom Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Sklenitve zakonskih zvez Marriages SKUPAJ 10102 8630 9119 9022 8314 8245 7555 TOTAL Starost neveste Age of bride Pod 15 let 1 - - - - - - Under 15 years 15-19 1875 878 943 795 633 544 441 15-19 20-24 5197 4031 4295 3946 3592 3537 3098 20-24 25-29 1781 2264 2360 2534 2493 2535 2393 25-29 30-34 568 663 665 790 720 796 844 30-34 35-39 253 308 354 367 341 328 300 35-39 40-44 128 175 180 231 200 210 184 40-44 45-49 90 104 97 134 97 88 115 45-49 50-54 78 76 89 84 81 76 61 50-54 55-59 54 56 59 58 61 67 49 55-59 60-64 40 35 37 45 38 27 41 60-64 65 let in veË 37 40 40 38 58 37 29 65 years and over Neznano - - - - - - - Unknown Starost űenina Age of groom Pod 15 let - - - - - - - Under 15 years 15-19 153 75 88 69 68 49 40 15-19 20-24 4182 2565 2708 2368 2023 1927 1572 20-24 25-29 3550 3450 3635 3614 3432 3425 3203 25-29 30-34 1150 1275 1355 1461 1419 1518 1445 30-34 35-39 453 528 547 616 550 549 540 35-39 40-44 188 264 301 331 283 282 281 40-44 45-49 124 149 159 184 156 151 185 45-49 50-54 88 95 94 119 113 108 91 50-54 55-59 66 75 86 85 68 84 62 55-59 60-64 49 56 48 66 66 50 47 60-64 65 let in veË 97 98 98 109 136 102 89 65 years and over Neznano 2 - - - - - - Unknown Zakonski stan Marital status Samski Single (M) samska 8695 7292 7681 7503 6965 7009 6398 single (W) vdova 67 53 58 67 55 53 58 widowed (W) razvezana 336 355 393 409 337 292 262 divorced (W) Vdovec Widowed (M) samska 54 46 32 61 64 56 43 single (W) vdova 98 65 63 71 80 65 61 widowed (W) razvezana 52 65 50 81 77 77 51 divorced (W) Razvezan Divorced (M) samska 428 396 424 439 383 361 335 single (W) vdova 51 52 58 61 53 46 37 widowed (W) razvezana 319 306 360 330 300 286 310 divorced (W) Skupaj Total samski 9098 7700 8132 7979 7357 7354 6718 single (M) samske 9177 7734 8137 8003 7412 7426 6776 single (W) vdovci 204 176 145 213 221 198 155 widowed (M) vdove 216 170 179 199 188 164 156 widowed (W) razvezani 798 754 842 830 736 693 682 divorced (M) razvezane 707 726 803 820 714 655 623 divorced (W) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 97 4.25 Sklenitve zakonskih zvez po starosti neveste in űenina, 1996 Marriages by age of bride and groom, 1996 4.26 Sklenitve zakonskih zvez po vrstnem redu sklenitve zakonske zveze neveste in űenina glede na prejönji zakonski stan, 1996 Marriages by order of marriage and previous marital status of bride and groom, 1996 Starost neveste Skupaj Total Starost űenina Age of groom Age of bridepod 15 let under 15 years 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 let in veË 65 years and over SKUPAJ 7555 - 40 1572 3203 1445 540 281 185 91 62 47 89 TOTAL Pod 15 let - - - - - - - - - - - - - Under 15 years 15-19 441 - 14 243 155 24 2 2 1 - - - - 15-19 20-24 3098 - 23 1107 1531 359 60 11 5 2 - - - 20-24 25-29 2393 - 2 194 1311 668 148 45 21 2 1 1 - 25-29 30-34 844 - 1 23 178 324 206 76 22 12 1 1 30-34 35-39 300 - - 2 24 50 89 71 43 14 5 1 1 35-39 40-44 184 - - 1 4 14 26 49 50 18 12 4 6 40-44 45-49 115 - - 2 - 5 6 19 28 25 17 6 7 45-49 50-54 61 - - - - - 3 6 13 7 13 10 9 50-54 55-59 49 - - - - 1 - 1 2 4 7 16 18 55-59 60-64 41 - - - - - - 1 - 4 4 7 25 60-64 65 let in veË 29 - - - - - - - - 3 2 2 22 65 years and over Vrstni red sklenitve zakonske zveze Skupaj Total Prejönji zakonski stan űenina Previous marital status of groom Order of marriage samski single vdovec widowed razvezan divorced prejönji zakonski stan neveste previous marital status of bride samska single vdova widowed razvezan divorced samska single vdova widowed razvezan divorced samska single vdova widowed razvezan divorced SKUPAJ 7555 6398 58 262 43 61 51 335 37 310 TOTAL Prva 6776 6398 - - 43 - - 335 - - First Druga 731 - 54 253 - 55 46 - 33 290 Second Tretja in veË 48 - 4 9 - 6 5 - 4 20 Third and more Prva 6718 6398 58 262 - - - - - - First Prva 6398 6398 - - - - - - - - First Druga 307 - 54 253 - - - - - - Second Tretja in veË 13 - 4 9 - - - - - - Third and more Druga 784 - - - 37 56 46 321 34 290 Second Prva 358 - - - 37 - - 321 - - First Druga 397 - - - - 51 41 - 30 275 Second Tretja in veË 29 - - - - 5 5 - 4 15 Third and more Tretja in veË 53 - - - 6 5 5 14 3 20 Third and more Prva 20 - - - 6 - - 14 - - First Druga 27 - - - - 4 5 3 15 Second Tretja in veË 6 - - - - 1 - - - 5 Third and more StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 98 4.27 Sklenitve prvih zakonskih zvez po starosti neveste in űenina, 1996 First marriages by age of bride and groom, 1996 4.28 Razveze zakonskih zvez po starosti űene in moűa ter trajanju zakonske zveze Divorces by age of wife and husband and by duration of marriage Starost neveste Skupaj Total Starost űenina Age of groom Age of bridepod 15 let under 15 years 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 let in veË 65 years and over SKUPAJ 6398 - 39 1547 3085 1240 347 95 24 11 6 2 2 TOTAL Pod 15 let - - - - - - - - - Under 15 years 15-19 439 - 14 243 154 24 2 1 1 - - - - 15-19 20-24 3017 - 23 1099 1509 328 50 6 2 - - - - 20-24 25-29 2191 - 2 186 1263 608 106 21 4 1 - - - 25-29 30-34 597 - - 18 148 253 142 32 4 - - - - 30-34 35-39 102 - - 1 10 22 38 21 6 3 1 - - 35-39 40-44 27 - - - 1 3 8 8 4 3 - - - 40-44 45-49 16 - - - - 1 1 4 2 2 5 1 - 45-49 50-54 3 - - - - - - 2 1 - - - - 50-54 55-59 4 - - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 55-59 60-64 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 60-64 65 let in veË 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 65 years and over Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 2244 1907 1966 1962 1923 1585 2004 TOTAL Starost űene Age of wife Pod 20 let 18 6 5 8 5 5 3 Under 20 years 20-24 326 170 163 157 144 92 103 20-24 25-29 499 379 420 380 345 245 302 25-29 30-34 494 385 403 381 384 320 436 30-34 35-39 354 379 360 399 390 314 391 35-39 40-44 223 269 269 299 318 280 359 40-44 45-49 152 142 150 136 173 164 217 45-49 50-54 78 84 92 95 81 74 95 50-54 55-59 53 48 47 58 44 43 50 55-59 60-64 26 26 38 27 23 27 25 60-64 65 let in veË 21 18 19 22 16 21 23 65 years and over Starost moűa Age of husband Pod 20 let 1 1 - - 1 - 1 Under 20 years 20-24 121 58 56 53 49 24 33 20-24 25-29 414 270 290 255 255 178 205 25-29 30-34 524 376 382 363 368 290 345 30-34 35-39 434 402 391 419 373 312 417 35-39 40-44 297 341 354 379 377 313 399 40-44 45-49 196 195 201 200 230 210 291 45-49 50-54 122 121 144 128 127 113 125 50-54 55-59 64 76 75 85 78 74 93 55-59 60-64 35 37 35 44 37 43 49 60-64 65 let in veË 36 31 38 36 28 28 46 65 years and over Trajanje zakonske zveze Duration of marriage Manj kot 1 leto 32 29 34 33 14 12 10 Under 1 year 1 leto 107 68 69 80 54 39 57 1 year 2 140 90 92 74 93 54 76 2 3 141 101 98 103 94 77 91 3 4 145 107 120 123 94 55 90 4 5-9 603 462 507 445 451 332 449 5-9 10-14 439 381 360 389 358 323 374 10-14 15 let in veË 637 670 686 715 765 693 857 15 years and more StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 99 4.29 Razveze zakonskih zvez po starosti űene in moűa, 1996 Divorces by age of wife and husband, 1996 4.30 Razveze zakonskih zvez po ötevilu vzdrűevanih otrok iz teh zakonskih zvez in trajanju zakonske zveze, 1996 Divorces by number of dependent children and by duration of marriage, 1996 4.31 PovpreËna starost neveste in űenina ob sklenitvi zakonske zveze Mean age of bride and groom at marriage 4.32 Koeficienti sklenitev in razvez zakonskih zvez in ötevilo razvez zakonskih zvez na 1000 sklenitev zakonskih zvez Crude marriage rate, crude divorce rate and number of divorces per 1000 marriages Starost űene Skupaj Total Starost moűa Age of husband Age of wifepod 20 let under 20 years 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 let in veË 65 years and over SKUPAJ 2004 1 33 205 345 417 399 291 125 93 49 46 TOTAL Pod 20 let 3 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - Under 20 years 20-24 103 - 24 56 17 5 1 - - - - - 20-24 25-29 302 - 8 125 123 35 9 1 - - - 1 25-29 30-34 436 - - 18 166 185 58 9 - - - - 30-34 35-39 391 - - 3 26 153 148 52 4 5 - - 35-39 40-44 359 - - 2 10 32 153 123 27 8 3 1 40-44 45-49 217 - - - 3 7 25 93 52 26 9 2 45-49 50-54 95 - - - - - 4 9 36 32 8 6 50-54 55-59 50 - - - - - 1 4 5 17 18 5 55-59 60-64 25 - - - - - - - - 4 9 12 60-64 65 let in veË 23 - - - - - - - 1 1 2 19 65 years and over ≥tevilo vzdrűevanih otrok iz te zakonske zveze Skupaj Total Trajanje zakonske zveze Duration of marriage Number of dependent childrenpod 1 leto under 1 year 1 2 3 4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25 let in veË 25 years and over SKUPAJ 2004 10 57 76 91 90 449 374 343 282 232 TOTAL Brez otrok 642 10 40 35 26 28 104 46 36 126 191 Without children En 800 - 17 38 55 52 225 155 118 116 24 One Dva 511 - - 3 10 10 116 157 163 37 15 Two Trije 45 - - - - - 4 15 22 2 2 Three ≥tirje 5 - - - - - - 1 3 1 - Four Pet otrok in veË 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - Five children and more Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Nevesta 23,8 26,1 26,1 26,7 26,9 26,9 28,2 Bride éenin 26,6 29,4 29,3 30,0 30,2 30,1 30,4 Groom Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Sklenitve zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev 5,1 4,3 4,6 4,5 4,2 4,2 3,8 Crude marriage rate Razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev 1,1 1,0 1,1 1,0 1,0 0,8 1,0 Crude divorce rate Razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 sklenitev zakonskih zvez 222,1 221,0 215,6 217,5 231,3 192,2 265,3 Divorces per 1000 marriages StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 100 4.33 Selitve prebivalstva1) Migration1) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 2) Ocena StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije. Estimates of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Vir: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve za podatke o tujih drűavljanih. Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs for the data on foreign citizens. 4.34 Notranje selitve po starostnih skupinah in spolu selivcev, 19961) Internal migration by age groups and sex of migrants, 19961) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. Ø 1985-1989 Ø 1990-1994 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Notranje selitve 43207 36971 42741 34997 31420 25736 28655 Internal migration Meddrűavne selitve International migration Priseljeni 8324 4238* 3461 2745 1919 5879 9495 Immigrants drűavljani Republike Slovenije ... ... ... ... ... 2191 1500 citizens of Republic of Slovenia tuji drűavljani ... ... ... ... ... 3688 7995 foreign citizens Odseljeni 2) 4725 4038 3848 1390 983 3372 2985 Emigrants 2) drűavljani Republike Slovenije ... ... ... ... ... 776 803 citizens of Republic of Slovenia tuji drűavljani 2) ... ... ... ... ... 2596 2182 foreign citizens 2) Selitveni prirast 2) 3600 200 -387 1355 936 2507 6510 Net migration 2) drűavljani Republike Slovenije ... ... ... ... ... 1415 697 citizens of Republic of Slovenia tuji drűavljani 2) ... ... ... ... ... 1092 5813 foreign citizens 2) Drűavljani Republike Slovenije, ki so se vrnili iz tujine, kjer so zaËasno prebivali ... ... ... 387 634 395 423 Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia returning from temporarily living abroad Drűavljani Republike Slovenije, ki so zaËasno odöli v tujino ... ... ... 1271 402 777 990 Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia departing temporarily abroad Skupaj Total Selitve med obËinami Migration between municipalities Selitve med naselji v obËinah Migration between settlements skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ 28655 13377 15278 17687 8274 9413 10968 5103 5865 TOTAL 0-4 leta 3214 1660 1554 1914 996 918 1300 664 636 0-4 years 5-9 2281 1155 1126 1266 646 620 1015 509 506 5-9 10-14 1491 759 732 834 436 398 657 323 334 10-14 15-19 1701 716 985 1058 453 605 643 263 380 15-19 20-24 4062 1302 2760 2531 867 1664 1531 435 1096 20-24 25-29 4747 2114 2633 2957 1319 1638 1790 795 995 25-29 30-34 3506 1783 1723 2150 1081 1069 1356 702 654 30-34 35-39 2104 1148 956 1271 675 596 833 473 360 35-39 40-44 1536 844 692 975 526 449 561 318 243 40-44 45-49 1097 595 502 734 384 350 363 211 152 45-49 50-54 752 386 366 504 257 247 248 129 119 50-54 55-59 630 324 306 417 207 210 213 117 96 55-59 60-64 525 246 279 357 172 185 168 74 94 60-64 65-69 378 158 220 263 114 149 115 44 71 65-69 70-74 254 91 163 190 70 120 64 21 43 70-74 75-79 138 36 102 89 24 65 49 12 37 75-79 80-84 130 31 99 92 26 66 38 5 33 80-84 85 let in veË 109 29 80 85 21 64 24 8 16 85 years and over PovpreËna starost 27,5 27,4 27,6 28,4 28,1 28,6 26,2 26,4 26,1 Mean age StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 101 4.35 Priseljeni v Slovenijo po starostnih skupinah, spolu in drűavljanstvu, 19961) Immigrants to Slovenia by age groups, sex and citizenship, 19961) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. Vir: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve za podatke o tujih drűavljanih. Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs for the data on foreign citizens. 4.36 Odseljeni iz Slovenije po starostnih skupinah, spolu in drűavljanstvu, 19961) Emigrants from Slovenia by age groups, sex and citizenship, 19961) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 2) Ocena StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije. Estimates of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Vir: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve za podatke o tujih drűavljanih. Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs for the data on foreign citizens. Skupaj Total Drűavljani Republike Slovenije Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia Tuji drűavljani Foreign citizens skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ 9495 5979 3516 1500 768 732 7995 5211 2784 TOTAL 0-4 leta 487 264 223 143 76 67 344 188 156 0-4 years 5-9 638 330 308 96 50 46 542 280 262 5-9 10-14 505 259 246 80 45 35 425 214 211 10-14 15-19 739 507 232 100 59 41 639 448 191 15-19 20-24 1099 687 412 97 45 52 1002 642 360 20-24 25-29 1288 824 464 108 48 60 1180 776 404 25-29 30-34 1219 792 427 151 84 67 1068 708 360 30-34 35-39 960 677 283 101 57 44 859 620 239 35-39 40-44 797 583 214 105 57 48 692 526 166 40-44 45-49 547 399 148 93 50 43 454 349 105 45-49 50-54 341 201 140 78 29 49 263 172 91 50-54 55-59 301 170 131 81 41 40 220 129 91 55-59 60-64 255 143 112 96 47 49 159 96 63 60-64 65-69 140 60 80 71 31 40 69 29 40 65-69 70-74 86 45 41 49 26 23 37 19 18 70-74 75-79 32 16 16 20 10 10 12 6 6 75-79 80-84 34 14 20 16 8 8 18 6 12 80-84 85 let in veË 27 8 19 15 5 10 12 3 9 85 years and over PovpreËna starost 31,1 31,4 30,6 35,9 34,9 36,9 30,2 30,9 28,9 Mean age Skupaj2) Total2) Drűavljani Republike Slovenije Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia Tuji drűavljani2) Foreign citizens2) skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ 2985 1757 1228 803 390 413 2182 1367 815 TOTAL 0-4 leta 199 100 99 39 18 21 160 82 78 0-4 years 5-9 152 84 68 46 23 23 106 61 45 5-9 10-14 123 67 56 40 20 20 83 47 36 10-14 15-19 218 122 96 66 31 35 152 91 61 15-19 20-24 462 257 205 82 42 40 380 215 165 20-24 25-29 459 286 173 70 32 38 389 254 135 25-29 30-34 402 271 131 82 41 41 320 230 90 30-34 35-39 273 186 87 90 51 39 183 135 48 35-39 40-44 187 117 70 68 35 33 119 82 37 40-44 45-49 158 90 68 65 24 41 93 66 27 45-49 50-54 126 71 55 52 25 27 74 46 28 50-54 55-59 93 45 48 34 18 16 59 27 32 55-59 60-64 72 38 34 35 16 19 37 22 15 60-64 65-69 24 9 15 12 6 6 12 3 9 65-69 70-74 20 7 13 13 4 9 7 3 4 70-74 75-79 9 4 5 4 2 2 5 2 3 75-79 80-84 4 3 1 2 2 - 2 1 1 80-84 85 let in veË 4 - 4 3 - 3 1 - 1 85 years and over PovpreËna starost 30,0 30,1 30,0 33,9 33,5 34,3 28,6 29,1 27,7 Mean age StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 102 4.37 Priseljeni v Slovenijo po drűavi drűavljanstva in spolu, 19961) Immigrants to Slovenia by country of citizenship and sex, 19961) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. Vir: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve za podatke o tujih drűavljanih. Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs for the data on foreign citizens. 4.38 Drűavljani Republike Slovenije, priseljeni v Slovenijo, po drűavah prejönjega prebivaliöËa1) Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia who immigrated to Slovenia by countries of previous residence1) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 2) Drűavljani Republike Slovenije in drűavljani nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije. Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of the former SFR Yugoslavia. Drűava drűavljanstva Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Country of citizenship Drűava drűavljanstva Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Country of citizenship SKUPAJ 9495 5979 3516 TOTAL Nizozemska 6 4 2 Netherlands Poljska 87 82 5 Poland Evropa 9152 5751 3401 Europe Romunija 15 5 10 Romania Albanija 19 19 - Albania Ruska federacija 175 35 140 Russian Federation Avstrija 41 22 19 Austria Slovenija 1500 768 732 Slovenia Belgija 4 3 1 Belgium ≥vedska 5 4 1 Sweden Bolgarija 15 6 9 Bulgaria ≥vica 10 6 4 Switzerland Bosna in Hercegovina 2699 1434 1265 Bosnia and Herzegovina Velika Britanija 24 16 8 United Kingdom »eöka republika 5 2 3 Czech Republic Druge drűave 102 40 62 Other countries Danska 14 7 7 Denmark Francija 26 20 6 France Afrika 9 8 1 Africa Hrvaöka 1516 933 583 Croatia Azija 107 62 45 Asia Italija 117 78 39 Italy Juűna Amerika 8 7 1 America, South Jugoslavija 1902 1538 364 Yugoslavia Severna in Srednja America, North Madűarska 12 3 9 Hungary Amerika 56 27 29 and Central Makedonija 799 689 110 Macedonia Oceanija 4 2 2 Oceania NemËija 59 37 22 Germany Neznana drűava drűavljanstva 159 122 37 Unknown country of citizenship Drűava prejönjega prebivaliöËa Ø 1985-1989 2) Ø 1990-19942) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Country of previous residence SKUPAJ 8324 4238 3461 2745 1919 2191 1500 TOTAL Evropa 8257 4150 3367 2627 1798 2112 1410 Europe Avstrija 26 49 64 61 75 74 72 Austria Bosna in Hercegovina 4292 1361 693 567 430 722 301 Bosnia and Herzegovina Francija 17 15 23 18 11 15 16 France Hrvaöka 1857 1675 1579 1141 702 757 562 Croatia Italija 16 31 39 33 52 48 40 Italy Jugoslavija 1560 684 537 499 307 252 206 Yugoslavia Makedonija 331 123 56 67 26 51 27 Macedonia NemËija 117 157 274 186 147 127 136 Germany ≥vedska 11 12 23 10 11 12 9 Sweden ≥vica 11 19 50 22 10 15 18 Switzerland Druge drűave 18 23 29 23 27 39 23 Other countries Afrika 2 4 2 10 2 4 6 Africa Azija 3 7 5 8 2 7 4 Asia Juűna Amerika 4 20 25 39 20 14 12 America, South Severna in Srednja Amerika 34 39 44 45 66 35 46 America, North an Central Kanada 13 17 31 24 31 21 19 Canada Zdruűene drűave 21 22 13 21 35 14 27 United States Avstralija in Oceanija 13 14 16 13 23 14 22 Australia and Oceania Neznano 13 3 2 3 8 5 - Unknown StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 103 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 104 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 105 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prebivalstvo Population 106 4.39 Drűavljani Republike Slovenije, odseljeni iz Slovenije, po drűavah bodoËega prebivaliöËa1) Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia who emigrated from Slovenia by countries of next residence1) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. See: Methodological explanations. 2) Drűavljani Republike Slovenije in drűavljani nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije. Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of the former SFR Yugoslavia. 4.40 Tuji drűavljani v Sloveniji po drűavi drűavljanstva in spolu, 31. december 1996 Foreign citizens in Slovenia by country of citizenship and sex, 31 December 1996 Vir: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve. Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs. Drűava bodoËega prebivaliöËa Ø 1985-1989 2) Ø 1990- 19942) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Country of next residence SKUPAJ 4725 4038 3848 1390 983 776 803 TOTAL Evropa 4684 3960 3713 1297 878 687 723 Europe Avstrija 82 107 80 175 161 132 111 Austria Bosna in Hercegovina 1465 1257 991 145 41 40 47 Bosnia and Herzegovina Francija 4 11 11 19 12 10 12 France Hrvaöka 1670 945 877 150 144 133 177 Croatia Italija 50 33 43 35 36 37 33 Italy Jugoslavija 1102 1217 1215 278 102 66 87 Yugoslavia Makedonija 112 118 130 17 16 11 11 Macedonia NemËija 157 210 296 393 252 194 174 Germany ≥vedska 12 12 15 21 21 13 4 Sweden ≥vica 20 27 33 27 58 36 52 Switzerland Druge drűave 11 22 22 37 35 15 15 Other countries Afrika 1 2 3 2 - 8 3 Africa Azija - 2 4 4 - 5 1 Asia Juűna Amerika 1 3 2 10 3 2 9 America, South Severna in Srednja Amerika 19 36 39 46 67 44 46 America, North an Central Kanada 7 14 24 27 37 27 29 Canada Zdruűene drűave 12 21 13 19 30 17 17 United States Avstralija in Oceanija 11 19 16 28 33 25 21 Australia and Oceania Neznano 9 15 71 3 2 5 - Unknown Drűava drűavljanstva Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Country of citizenship Drűava drűavljanstva Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Country of citizenship SKUPAJ 43373 29007 14366 TOTAL Nizozemska 27 18 9 Netherlands Poljska 44 5 39 Poland Evropa 41992 27930 14062 Europe Romunija 49 16 33 Romania Albanija 84 70 14 Albania Ruska federacija 359 79 280 Russian Federation Avstrija 164 77 87 Austria ≥vedska 16 10 6 Sweden Belgija 9 5 4 Belgium ≥vica 25 10 15 Switzerland Bolgarija 54 31 23 Bulgaria Velika Britanija 53 33 20 United Kingdom Bosna in Hercegovina 22071 13453 8618 Bosnia and Herzegovina Druge drűave 236 60 176 Other countries »eöka republika 39 10 29 Czech Republic Danska 12 6 6 Denmark Afrika 65 54 11 Africa Francija 67 37 30 France Azija 245 158 87 Asia Hrvaöka 5788 3740 2048 Croatia Juűna Amerika 30 9 21 America, South Italija 434 235 199 Italy Severna in Srednja America, North Jugoslavija 9911 7966 1945 Yugoslavia Amerika 121 63 58 and Central Madűarska 39 8 31 Hungary Oceanija 19 10 9 Oceania Makedonija 2200 1915 285 Macedonia NemËija 311 146 165 Germany Neznana drűava drűavljanstva 901 783 118 Unknown country of citizenship Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 107 5. VOLITVE ELECTIONS VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o izvoljenih delegatih skupöËin so za leto 1990 posredovale obËinske volilne komisije in kadrovske sluűbe skupöËin obËin. Podatke o deleűih strank, ki so jih dobile na volitvah, nam je posredovala Republiöka volilna komisija. Ob volitvah 1992 je StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije podatke o kandidatih drűavnega zbora in drűavnega sveta zbiral na individualnih obrazcih (VO-DZ in VO-DS), podatke o izvoljenih poslancih oz. izvoljenih Ëlanih drűavnega sveta ter podatke o izvolitvi predsednika Republike Slovenije pa smo dobili na disketah od Republiöke volilne komisije. Podatke o volitvah v drűavni zbor za leto 1996 nam je posredovala Republiöka volilna komisija. Podatke v prvem in drugem krogu izvoljenih űupanov mestnih in drugih obËin leta 1994 smo prejeli na disketah od Republiöke volilne komisije. Individualne podatke o izvoljenih Ëlanih obËinskih svetov za leto 1994 so nam poslale obËinske volilne komisije po objavi v uradnih glasilih. Deleűe glasov, ki so jih dobile posamezne stranke pri volitvah Ëlanov obËinskih svetov, nam je prav tako posredovala Republiöka volilna komisija. Podatke o plebiscitu 23. 12. 1990 nam je posredovala Republiöka volilna komisija. Leta 1975 je bilo uvedeno republiöko raziskovanje o samoprispevkih. Od takrat zbiramo preko obËinskih skupöËin tudi podatke o vseh uvedenih samoprispevkih. ZAJETJE V podatkih so zajeti vsi kandidati in izvoljeni poslanci drűavnega zbora ter Ëlani drűavnega sveta in vsi izvoljeni űupani mestnih in drugih obËin ter izvoljeni Ëlani obËinskih svetov. V raziskovanje o samoprispevkih so zajeti vsi samoprispevki obËin, krajevnih skupnosti in njihovih delov, uvedeni do leta 1975, ko se je to raziskovanje zaËelo. Z letnimi raziskovanji o samoprispevkih dobivamo podatke o novo uvedenih samoprispevkih. Zajetje je popolno. DEFINICIJE Drűavni zbor je zakonodajno telo, sestavljajo ga poslanci drűavljanov Slovenije in öteje 90 poslancev. Poslanci so predstavniki ljudstva in pri opravljanju poslanskega mandata niso vezani na kakröna koli navodila. Poslanski mandat opravljajo v skladu z ustavo, zakonom in poslovnikom drűavnega zbora. Poslanci drűavnega zbora se volijo iz list kandidatov, ki jih predlagajo politiËne stranke in volivci. Lista kandidatov je seznam kandidatov, ki jih predlagajo politiËne stranke ali volivci v volilni enoti. Volilne komisije in volilni odbori so organi za izvedbo drűavnozborskih volitev. Drűavni svet je zastopstvo nosilcev socialnih, gospodarskih, poklicnih in lokalnih interesov. Drűavni svet izvaja civilnodruűbeni nadzor nad strankarsko sestavljenim drűavnim zborom in vpliva na delo in odloËitve ter lahko izreËe veto na zakone, ki jih predlaga drűavni zbor. Drűavni svet ima 40 Ëlanov. Mandat Ëlanov drűavnega sveta traja 5 let. Organi za izvedbo volitev Ëlanov drűavnega sveta v lokalnih skupnostih so lokalne volilne komisije in Republiöka volilna komisija, za Ëlane drűavnega sveta interesnih organizacij pa Republiöka volilna komisija. éupan predstavlja in zastopa obËino. Voli se po veËinskem naËelu. Pravico voliti in biti izvoljen za űupana ima vsak obËan, ki ima volilno pravico pri volitvah v obËinski svet. Predlagatelji kandidatov za űupane so politiËne stranke in skupine volivcev. ObËinski svet je predstavniöko telo in je najpomembnejöi organ lokalne samouprave; izvolijo ga prebivalci lokalne skupnosti in predstavlja njihovo voljo. ObËinski svet se lahko voli po dveh sistemih, veËinskem in proporcionalnem. Pravico voliti in biti voljen za Ëlana obËinskega sveta ima vsak drűavljan Republike Slovenije, ki je na dan glasovanja dopolnil 18 let in mu ni odvzeta poslovna sposobnost. Pravico voliti in biti voljen za Ëlana obËinskega sveta, predstavnika italijanske oziroma madűarske narodne skupnosti, imajo pripadniki teh narodnostnih skupnosti, ki imajo volilno pravico. Pravico voliti in biti voljen za Ëlana obËinskega sveta, SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on elected deputies of assemblies for 1990 were mediated by the municipal electoral commissions and personnel offices of municipalities. The share of elected parties was mediated by the National Electoral Com - mission. At the 1992 elections we compiled data on candidates for the election to the National Assembly and the National Council on individual forms (VO- DZ and VO-DS). Data on elected National Assembly deputies and National Council members and data on the election of the president of the Repub - lic of Slovenia were sent to us on diskettes by the National Electoral Com- mission. Data on 1996 elections to the National Assembly were mediated by the National Electoral Commission. Data on mayors of urban and other municipalities elected in the first and second round were sent to us on diskettes by the National Electoral Com - mission. Individual data on the elected members of municipal councils 1994 were sent by municipal electoral commissions after the publication in official journals. Shares of elected parties gained at the election for the members of municipal councils were also mediated by the National Electoral Com - mission. Data on the plebiscite, held on 23 December 1990, were sent to us by the National Electoral Commission. In 1975 we introduced a nation-wide survey on self-imposed contributions to municipal financing. Since then we also collect data from the municipal assemblies on all self-imposed contributions to municipal financing. COVERAGE The coverage of candidates and elected deputies of the National Assem - bly and members of the National Council is complete as is the coverage of all elected mayors of urban and other municipalities and members of municipal councils. The survey on self-imposed contributions to municipal financing has been compiling data on all self-imposed contributions to municipal financing at the level of municipalities, local communities and their parts since 1975 when the survey has begun. With these annual surveys we obtain data on newly introduced self-imposed contributions to municipal financing. The coverage is complete. DEFINITIONS The National Assembly is a legislative body composed of 90 deputies of citizens of Slovenia. Deputies are representatives of the people and in performing their man - date are not bound to any instructions. The mandate is performed in ac - cordance with the Constitution, laws and the National Assembly proceedings. Deputies of the National Assembly are elected from the can - didate lists proposed by political parties and voters. List of candidates is submitted by the political parties or voters in an elec- toral units. Electoral commissions and electoral committees are bodies responsi - ble for the realization of elections of deputies to the National Assembly. The National Council represents social, economic, professional and lo - cal interests. It has 40 members. The National Council performs civil and social supervision of the National Assembly, influences its work and the decisions it makes, and has the power of veto on laws proposed by the National Assembly. The mandate of members of the National Council is 5 years. The organs for the realization of elections of members of the Nation- al Council in local communities are local electoral commissions and the National Electoral Commission. For members of the National Council of organizations of interests the organ is the National Electoral Commission. Mayor represents the municipality. Mayors are elected according to the majority system. Every member of the municipality who has the right to vote at the elections to the municipal council has the right to vote and be elected mayor. Proposers of the candidates for mayors are political par - ties and groups of voters. The municipal council is a representative body and the most important body of the local self-management. It is elected by the members of local communities and represents their will. The municipal council can be elected according to the majority system or proportional system. Every cit- izen of Slovenia who has completed 18 years of age by the election day and was not deprived of his/her business capacity has the right to vote and be elected a member of the municipal council. Members of Italian and Hungarian national minorities who have the right to vote have the right to vote or be elected a member of the municipal council, representative of Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 108 predstavnika romske skupnosti, imajo pripadniki te skupnosti, ki imajo volilno pravico. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Metodoloöko gradivo: 1971, öt. 1; 1976, öt. 5; 1977, öt. 23; 1979, öt. 3. Volitve v zbore proizvajalcev okrajnih in mestnih ljudskih odborov 1953. Volitve v obËinske in okrajne ljudske odbore 1957. Odborniki, sveti in stalne komisije svetov, okrajnih in obËinskih ljudskih odborov konec l. 1959, 1960. Sestava in dejavnost okrajnih in obËinskih ljudskih odborov 1961. Volitve v ljudsko skupöËino LRS 18. marca 1951, 1953. StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 6, 14, 15, 16; 1964, öt. 10; 1965, öt. 6, 22; 1966, öt. 21; 1968, öt. 1, 14; 1969, öt. 13; 1970, öt. 17; 1971, öt. 1, 6; 1978, öt. 5, 15; 1975, öt. 5, 15. Rezultati raziskovanj, öt. 9, 25, 44, 48, 65, 101, 116, 164, 166, 169, 218, 260, 318, 340, 344, 370, 403, 404, 421, 429, 511, 600. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1959, zv. l; 1960, zv. l; 1961, zv. I; 1962, zv. l; 1964, zv. X; 1965, zv. l; 1966, zv. lll; 1969, zv. l; 1970, zv. VI; 1973, zv. X; 1979, zv. ll; 1980, zv. XIV; 1983, zv. lll; 1984, öt. 5; 1987, öt. 1; 1989, öt. 10; 1990, öt. 8; 1991, öt. 2. Volitve v ljudsko skupöËino LRS 18. marca 1951, 1953. StatistiËno gradivo 1963 öt. 6, 14, 15, 16; 1964 öt. 10, 1965 öt. 6, 22; 1966 öt. 21; 1968 öt. 1, 14; 1969 öt. 13; 1970 öt. 17; 1971 öt. 1, 6; 1978 öt. 5, 15; 1975 öt. 5, 15. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 9, 25, 44, 48, 65, 101, 116, 164, 166, 169, 218, 260, 318, 340, 344, 370, 403, 404, 421, 429, 511, 600. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah 1959 zv. l., 1960 zv. l, 1961 zv. I, 1962 zv. l, 1964 zv. X, 1965 zv. l, 1966 zv. lll, 1969 zv. l, 1970 zv. VI, 1973 zv. X, 1979 zv. ll, 1980 zv. XIV, 1983 zv. lll, 1984 öt. 5, 1987 öt. 1, 1989 öt. 10, 1990 öt. 8, 1991 öt. 2. StatistiËne informacije 71/92, 34/93, 70/93, 339/94, 16/95, 86/95, 291/96, 332/96. the Italian or Hungarian national minority in Slovenia. Members of Romany community who have the right to vote have the right to vote and be elected a member of the municipal council, representative of the Romany commu- nity in Slovenia. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Methodological Material 1971 No. 1, 1976 No. 5, 1977 No. 23, 1979 No. 3. Elections to the Chambers of Producers on District and Municipal People’s Committees 1953. Elections to Municipal and District People’s Committees 1957. Committee Members, Councils and Permanent Commissions of Councils, District and Municipal People’s Committees at Year’s End 1959, 1960. Composition and Activities of District and Municipal People’s Com- mittees 1961. Elections to the People’s Assembly of the People’s Republic of Slo- venia, 18 March, 1951, 1953. Statistical Material 1963 No. 6, 14, 15, 16, 1964 No. 10, 1965 No. 6, 22, 1966 No. 21, 1968 No. 1, 14, 1969 No. 13, 1970 No. 17, 1971 No. 1, 6, 1975 No. 5, 15, 1978 No. 5, 15. Results of Surveys No. 9, 25, 44, 48, 65, 101, 116, 164, 166, 169, 218, 260, 318, 340, 344, 370, 403, 404, 421, 429, 511. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1959 vol. I, 1960 vol. I, 1961 vol. I, 1962 vol. I, 1964 vol. X, 1965 vol. I, 1966 vol. III, 1969 vol. I, 1970 vol. VI, 1973 vol. X, 1979 vol. II. 1980 vol. XIV, 1983 vol. III, 1984 No. 5, 1987 No. 1, 1989 No. 10, 1990 No. 8, 1991 No, 2. Rapid reports 71/92, 34/93, 70/93, 339/94, 16/95, 86/95, 291/96, 332/96. Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 109 VOLITVE V DRéAVNI ZBOR IN DRéAVNI SVET ELECTIONS IN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND NATIONAL COUNCIL 5.1 DruűbenopolitiËni zbor Republike Slovenije, volitve 1990 Sociopolitical Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia, 1990 elections 1) Izvoljena sta bila po en poslanec italijanske in madűarske narodne skupnosti. Volijo jih samo pripadniki teh narodnih skupnosti, po veËinskem sistemu. Elected were one deputy of Italian and one of Hungarian national minority. They are elected by members of these national minorit ies and according to the majority system. 5.2 Drűavni zbor Republike Slovenije, volitve 1992 National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 1992 elections 1) Izvoljena sta bila po en poslanec italijanske in madűarske narodne skupnosti. Volijo jih samo pripadniki teh narodnih skupnosti, po veËinskem sistemu. Elected were one deputy of Italian and one of Hungarian national minority. They are elected by members of these national minorit ies and according to the majority system. ätevilo glasov Valid votes cast Kandidati skupaj Candidates total Izvoljeni poslanci skupaj Elected deputies total skupaj total deleű share % Liste kandidatov List of Candidates Stranka demokratiËne prenove (ZKS - SDP) 186928 17,3 91 14 Party of Democratic Reforms ZSMS liberalna stranka (ZSMS - LS) 156843 14,5 64 12 Liberal Democratic Party Socialdemokratska zveza Slovenije (SDZS) 79951 7,4* 73 6 Social Democratic Party of Slovenia Slovenski kröËanski demokrati (SKD) 140403 13,0 70 11 Slovenian Christian Democrats Slovenska obrtniöka stranka (SOS) 38269 3,5 57 3 Liberal Party SocialistiËna zveza Slovenije (SZS - SZDL) 58082 5,4 65 5 Socialist Party of Slovenia Zeleni Slovenije (ZELENI) 95640 8,8 73 8 The Green of Slovenia Slovenska demokratiËna zveza (SDZ) 102931 9,5 67 8 Slovene Democratic Party Slovenska kmeËka zveza (SKZ) 135808 12,6 67 11 Slovenian Farmers’ Union Italijanska narodna skupnost1) ... ... 1 1 Italian national minority representative1) Madűarska narodna skupnost1) ... ... 1 1 Hungarian national minority representative1) ätevilo glasov Valid votes cast Kandidati skupaj Candidates total Izvoljeni poslanci skupaj Elected deputies total skupaj total deleű share % Liste kandidatov List of candidates Liberalno-demokratska stranka (LDS) 278638 23,5 75 22 Liberal Democratic Party Slovenski kröËanski demokrati (SKD) 172304 14,5 89 15 Slovenian Christian Democrats Zdruűena lista (ZL) 161297 13,6 90 14 The United List Slovenska nacionalna stranka (SNS) 119010 10,0 57 12 Slovenian National Party Slovenska ljudska stranka (SLS) 103199 8,7 80 10 Slovenian People’s Party Demokratska stranka (DEMOKRATI) 59460 5,0 86 6 Democratic Party Zeleni Slovenije (ZELENI) 44002 3,7 67 5 The Green Party Socialdemokratska stranka (SDSS) Slovenije 39650 3,3 76 4 Social Democratic Party of Slovenia Italijanska narodna skupnost 1) 1599 ... 2 1 Italian national minority representative1) Madűarska narodna skupnost 1) 5145 ... 6 1 Hungarian national minority representative1) Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 110 5.3 Kandidati in izvoljeni poslanci drűavnega zbora Republike Slovenije, po spolu in starostnih skupinah, 1992 Candidates and deputies elected to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, by sex and age groups, 1992 5.4 Drűavni zbor Republike Slovenije, volitve 1996 National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 1996 elections 1) Izvoljena sta bila po po en poslanec italijanske in madűarske narodne skupnosti. Volijo jih samo pripadniki teh narodnih skupnosti, po veËinskem sistemu. Elected were one deputy of Italian and one of Hungarian national minority. They are elected by members of these national minorities and according to the majority system. 5.5 Kandidati in izvoljeni poslanci drűavnega zbora Republike Slovenije, po spolu in starostnih skupinah, 1996 Candidates and deputies elected to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia by sex and age groups, 1996 Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Starostne skupine Age groups do 29 let up to 29 years 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 let in veË 60 years and over Kandidati Candidates Skupaj 1477 1258 219 128 371 527 333 118 Total Izvoljeni poslanci Elected deputies Skupaj 90 78 12 4 30 38 12 6 Total ätevilo glasov Valid votes cast Kandidati skupaj Candidates total Izvoljeni poslanci skupaj Elected deputies total skupaj total deleű share % Liste kandidatov List of candidates Liberalna demokracija Slovenije (LDS) 288783 27,01 80 25 Liberal Democrats of Slovenia Slovenska ljudska stranka (SLS) 207186 19,38 81 19 Slovenian People’s Party Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije (SDS) 172470 16,13 84 16 Social Democratic Party of Slovenia Slovenski kröËanski demokrati (SKD) 102852 9,62 84 10 Slovenian Christian Democrats Zdruűena lista socialnih demokratov (ZL) 96597 9,03 88 9 The United List of Social Democrats DemokratiËna stranka upokojencev Slovenije (DeSUS) 46152 4,32 78 5 Slovenska nacionalna stranka (SNS) 34422 3,22 56 4 Slovenian National Party Italijanska narodna skupnost 1) 9939 ... 4 1 Italian national minority representative1) Madűarska narodna skupnost 1) 23954 ... 4 1 Hungarian national minority representative1) Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Starostne skupine Age groups do 29 let up to 29 years 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 let in veË 60 years and over Kandidati Candidates Skupaj 1300 1058 242 120 248 443 339 150 Total Izvoljeni poslanci Elected deputies Skupaj 90 83 7 - 26 34 23 7 Total Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 111 5.6 Kandidati in izvoljeni Ëlani drűavnega sveta po lokalnih interesih in interesnih organizacijah, spolu in starostnih skupinah, 1992 Candidates and elected to the National Council by local and interest organizations, sex and age groups, 1992 IZVOLJENI éUPANI IN »LANI OB»INSKIH SVETOV ELECTED MAYORS AND MEMBERS OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILS 5.7 Izvoljeni űupani mestnih in drugih obËin po spolu in listah, volitve 1994 Elected mayors of urban and other municipalities by sex and lists, 1994 election 1) Liste Lists : Slovenski kröËanski demokrati (SKD) / Slovenian Christian Democrats Liberalna demokracija Slovenije (LDS) / Liberal Democrats of Slovenia Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije (SDSS) / Social Democratic Party of Slovenia Zdruűena lista (ZL) / The United List Slovenska ljudska stranka (SLS) / Slovenian People’s Party Demokratska stranka upokojencev Slovenije (DeSUS) / Democratic Party of Retired Persons of Slovenia Slovenska nacionalna stranka (SNS) / Slovenian National Party Zeleni Slovenije (ZELENI) / The Green Party Demokratska stranka Slovenije (DS) / Democratic Party of Slovenia Slovenska obrtno-podjetniöka stranka centra (SOPS) / Slovenie Craftsmen and Enterpreueurs Party of the Centre Zveza za Primorsko (ZZP) / Association for Primorska Region Slovenska nacionalna desnica (SND) / Slovenian National Right Narodna demokratska stranka (ND) / National Democratic Party Stranka enakopravnih deűel (SED) / Party for the Equality of Regions Koalicije / Coalitions Neodvisni / Independent Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women Starostne skupine Age groups do 29 let up to 29 years 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 let in veË 60 years and over Kandidati Candidates Skupaj 195 184 11 2 42 61 68 22 Total Lokalni interesi 117 109 8 1 27 34 40 15 Local interests Interesne organizacije 78 75 3 1 15 27 28 7 Interest organizations Izvoljeni Ëlani Elected members Skupaj 40 39 1 - 7 12 16 5 Total Lokalni interesi 22 22 - - 7 5 7 3 Local interests Interesne organizacije 18 17 1 - - 7 9 2 Interest organizations Izvoljeni űupani Elected mayors skupaj total po spolu by sex po listah1) by lists1) moöki men űenske women SLS LDS SKD SDSS ZL ZZP SOPS koalicije coa- litions neo- dvisni inde- pendent SKUPAJ 147 145 2 27 23 21 18 13 2 1 13 29 TOTAL Mestne obËine 11 11 - - 4 1 1 2 - - - 3 Urban municipalities Druge obËine 136 134 2 27 19 20 17 11 2 1 13 26 Other municipalities Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 112 5.8 Volilni upraviËenci in izidi glasovanj za Ëlane obËinskih svetov po listah, volitve 1994 The electorate and the results of the voting for the members of municipal councils by lists, 1994 elections 5.9 Izvoljeni Ëlani obËinskih svetov po spolu in listah, volitve 1994 Elected members of municipal councils by sex and lists, 1994 elections 1) Liste Lists: Slovenski kröËanski demokrati (SKD) / Slovenian Christian Democrats Liberalna demokracija Slovenije (LDS) / Liberal Democrats of Slovenia Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije (SDSS) / Social Democratic Party of Slovenia Zdruűena lista (ZL) / The United List Slovenska ljudska stranka (SLS) / Slovenian People’s Party DemokratiËna stranka upokojencev Slovenije / (DeSUS) Democratic Party of Retired Persons of Slovenia Slovenska nacionalna stranka (SNS) Slovenian National Party Zeleni Slovenije (ZELENI) / The Green Party Demokratska stranka Slovenije (DS) / Democratic Party of Slovenia Slovenska obrtno-podjetniöka stranka centra (SOPS) / Slovenie Craftsmen and Enterpreueurs Party of the Centre Zveza za Primorsko (ZZP) / Association for Primorska Region Slovenska nacionalna desnica (SND) / Slovenian National Right Narodna demokratska stranka (ND) / National Democratic Party Stranka enakopravnih deűel (SED) / Party for the Equality of Regions Koalicije / Coalitions Neodvisni / Independent 2) Drugi Others: SNS, DS, ZZP, SND, ND, SOPS, SED 3) Drugi Others: SND, DS, SOPS ätevilo volivcev skupaj Number of voters total Veljavni glasovi, ki so jih dobile liste 1) Valid votes that the lists received1) skupaj total SKD LDS SDSS ZL SLS DeSUS ZELENI neo- dvisni inde- pendent drugi others deleű share (%) Proporcionalni sistem volitev Proportional system Skupaj 1491584 817098 18,4 17,2 13,9 13,3 12,7 4,0 3,0 9,4 8,12) Total Mestne obËine 583817 292765 14,7 16,9 14,4 17,5 7,6 6,1 4,1 9,3 9,4 Urban municipalities Druge obËine 907767 52433 20,4 17,4 13,6 10,9 15,6 2,8 2,4 9,5 7,4 Other municipalities VeËinski sistem volitev Majority system Skupaj 27370 - 19,2 15,2 13,9 6,3 20,8 0,9 2 18 3,23) Total Druge obËine 27370 - 19,2 15,2 13,9 6,3 20,8 0,9 2 18 3,7 Other municipalities Skupaj Total éenske Women Izvoljeni Ëlani obËinskih svetov po spolu in listah1) Elected members of municipal councils by lists1) SKD LDS SLS SDSS ZL DeSUS ZELENI neo- dvisni inde- pendent koalicije coalitions drugi2) other2) Skupaj 2779 299 592 492 464 390 291 82 57 227 44 140 Total Mestne obËine 366 46 56 71 34 50 62 24 15 26 5 23 Urban municipalities Druge obËine 2413 253 536 421 430 340 229 58 42 201 39 117 Other municipalities Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 113 Volitve Elections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 114 PLEBISCIT / PLEBISCITE 5.10 Izid glasovanja na plebiscitu za samostojnost in neodvisnost Republike Slovenije, 23. 12. 1990 Results of voting at the plebiscite on sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Slovenia, 23. 12. 1990 Izid glasovanja za samostojno in neodvisno drűavo Slovenijo Results of voting for a sovereign and independent Slovenia 1) Na podlagi 8. Ëlena Zakona o plebiscitu o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije se zaradi dela v tujini, sluűenja vojaökega roka ali vojaökih vaj niso mogli udeleűiti glaso- vanja. Takih oseb je bilo 42 274, zato se za ugotavljanje izida upoöteva 1 457 020 volivcev. Pursuant to Article 8 of the Law on the Plebiscite on a Sovereign and Independent Slovenia, 42,274 people were not able to take part in the voting due to work abroad, military service or military exercise. Therefore the result of the plebiscite is based on a figure of 1,457,030 votes. 2) Na dan plebiscita jih ni bilo v kraju stalnega prebivaliöËa; bili so npr. v bolniönici, zdraviliöËu, domu za starejöe, v priporu. Absent from place of permanent residence on the day of the plebiscite, e.g. in hospital, health resort, homes for the elderly, detention. SAMOPRISPEVKI / SELF-IMPOSED CONTRIBUTIONS 5.11 Samoprispevki, uvedeni do 31. 12. 1996 Self-imposed contributions to municipal financing, introduced up to 31. 12. 1996 Po objektih, za katere so bili uvedeni1) By facilities1) 1) Posamezni samoprispevki so bili uvedeni tudi za veË vrst objektov, zato je seötevek prikazanih samoprispevkov po vrstah objektov veËji, kot je seötevek vseh samoprispevkov. Individual self-imposed contributions to municipal financing were also introduced for several types of facilities. Therefore the list of contributions shown by facilities is larger than the list of all self-imposed contributions. ätevilo volilnih upraviËencev Entitled to vote Glasovali Voted skupaj total vpisani v volilne imenike included in the electoral registers glasovali s potrdilom voted with certificate skupaj total na voliöËih at polling stations predËasno na podlagi 74. Ël. Zakona o volitvah v skupöËine before polling day, pursuant to Art.74, Law on Elections to Assemblies na podl. 85. Ël. Zakona o volit. v skupöËine2) pursuant to Art. 85, Law on Elections to Assemblies2) 14992941) 1496860 2434 1361738 1329523 19233 12982 ötevilo1) volivcev skupaj number 1) of voters total da yes ne no neveljavne glasovnice invalid ballot papers neoddane glasovnice returned ballot papers niso glasovali did not vote skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % skupaj total deleű share % 1457020 1289369 88,5 57800 4,0 12412 0,9 2157 0,1 95282 6,5 Po obmoËjih, za katera so bili uvedeni By areas skupaj total del krajevne skupnosti part of a local community krajevna skupnost local community veË krajevnih skupnosti several local communities obËina, veË obËin municipality several municipalities 2812 733 1829 90 160 öole schools vzgojnovarstveni zavodi kindergartens zdravstveni in öportni objekti, druűbeni centri health and sports facilities, social centres ceste in mostovi roads and bridges elektriËna mreűa in transformatorji electricity networks and substations vodovod in kanalizacija waterworks and sewage komunalna ureditev naselij community service activities in settlements telefonsko omreűje, TV- pretvorniki, kabelska TV telephone network, TV transmitters, cable TV veËnamenski multipurpose 378 252 673 1883 306 891 1345 259 362 Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 115 6. IZOBRAéEVANJE EDUCATION VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o vrtcih, osnovnih öolah, glasbenih öolah, srednjih öolah, zavodih za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami ter visokoöolskih zavodih zbiramo z rednimi letnimi raziskovanji statistike izobraűevanja. K uËencem osnovnih öol, ki so dokonËali öolo, ötejemo tiste, ki so uspeöno izdelali osmi razred, k dijakom srednjih öol, ki so konËali öolo, pa spadajo tisti, ki so opravili zakljuËni izpit ali maturo. Upoötevali smo tudi obËane, ki so si znanje pridobili s samoizobraűevanjem. Podatke o ötipendistih srednjih öol in visokoöolskih zavodov zbiramo letno po stanju 31. 12. ZAJETJE Z letnimi poroËili statistike izobraűevanja zbiramo podatke o osnovnih öolah, glasbenih öolah, srednjih öolah in visokoöolskih zavodih. Podatki o vpisu ötudentov na visokoöolske zavode se nanaöajo na ötudijsko leto, podatki za diplomante in doktorje znanosti pa na koledarsko leto. Podatki o vpisu v 1. razred oziroma letnik osnovnih in srednjih öol so zbrani za zaËetek öolskega leta, drugi podatki öol pa se nanaöajo na konec öolskega leta. Podatke o vrtcih zbiramo po stanju 30. 9. Podatki zajemajo tudi otroke s posebnimi potrebami, ki so vkljuËeni v razvojne oddelke vrtcev. Podatke o zavodih za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami zbiramo po stanju 31. 12. v tekoËem öolskem letu. Podatki o dijaökih in ötudentskih domovih so zbrani po stanju 31. 3. v tekoËem öolskem letu. V podatke o pripravi otrok na osnovno öolo (mala öola) so zajeti otroci, ki obiskujejo malo öolo v osnovnih öolah in vrtcih. Prikazujemo vse ljudske univerze, ki so vkljuËene v Zvezo ljudskih univerz Slovenije; podatki se nanaöajo na öolsko leto. Zajeti so ötipendisti, ki prejemajo kadrovske ötipendije, Zoisove ötipendije, ötipendije za deficitarnost, ki so prav tako kadrovske ötipendije, nato republiöke ötipendije, ötipendije Mundovega sklada ter ötipendisti s plaËanim ötudijskim dopustom. DEFINICIJE äola je organizirana kot vzgojno-izobraűevalni zavod ali kot enota vzgojno-izobraűevalnih ali drugih zavodov, podjetij ali organizacij ali kot zasebna dejavnost. Oddelek je organizacijska enota, v kateri vzgajajo in izobraűujejo uËence enega razreda (Ëisti oddelek) ali hkrati uËence veË razredov (kombinirani oddelek). Osnovna öola daje osnovno vzgojo in osnovno sploöno izobrazbo (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96). Vzgojno-izobraűevalni proces organizira kot osrednja osnovna öola, kot podruűnica v sestavi osrednje osnovne öole ali kot samostojna osnovna öola. Osnovne öole same ali skupaj z vrtci organizirajo oddelke podaljöanega bivanja kot tudi malo öolo, ki je organizirana priprava na osnovno öolo v letu pred vstopom vanjo. Glasbena öola (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96) je sestavni del vzgojno- izobraűevalnega sistema in daje dopolnilno izobrazbo. Srednje öole (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96). Poklicne öole dajejo praktiËno in teoretiËno znanje, ki je potrebno za opravljanje dela v posameznih poklicih, pri katerih je pomembno zlasti praktiËno znanje. Poglabljajo in razöirjajo tudi sploöno izobrazbo. Tehniöke öole dajejo strokovno teoretiËno in osnovno praktiËno znanje in seznanjajo uËence z delovnimi procesi in z organizacijo dela v posameznih panogah gospodarstva, druűbenih sluűb in javne uprave, razöirjajo in poglabljajo znanje dijakov iz naravoslovnih in druűbenih ved. Gimnazija razöirja in poglablja znanje dijakov iz naravoslovnih, druűbenih in humanistiËnih ved, iz sploöne tehniËne izobrazbe in jih pripravlja na univerzitetni ötudij. Zavodi za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96) izobraűujejo in usposabljajo otroke, mladostnike in mlajöe polnoletne osebe, ki zaradi motenj v telesnem in duöevnem razvoju potrebujejo posebne oblike vzgoje, izobraűevanja in usposabljanja. Pri zavodih za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami prikazujemo domove za vzgojo in oskrbo otrok in mladostnikov z motnjami v telesnem in duöevnem razvoju, zavode za usposabljanje vedenjsko in osebnostno motenih otrok in mladostnikov ter zavode za usposabljanje zmerno in teűe prizadetih otrok in mladostnikov. äole za izobraűevanje odraslih (öole in enote za odrasle) omogoËajo izobraűevanje osebam, ki si niso pridobile ustrezne izobrazbe med SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on kindergartens, elementary schools, music schools, upper secondary schools, institutions for special needs education of children and youth and institutions of higher education have been gathered by regular educational surveys. Elementary school graduates are pupils who have successfully completed eight years of study. Upper secondary school graduates are pupils who have successfully passed the Final exam or Maturity Examination. Self-educating persons are also covered by our surveys. Data on grant-holders of secondary schools and of higher education institutions are collected as of 31 December. COVERAGE The annual surveys of education statistics cover elementary schools, music schools, upper secondary schools and institutions of higher education. Data on the enrolment at higher educational levels refer to the academic year, while data on diploma graduates and doctors of sciences refer to the calendar year. Data on enrolment for the first year of elementary schools and upper secondary schools are gathered for the beginning of the school year, while other data refer to the end of the school year. Data on kindergartens for pre-school children are collected as of 30 September. Data capture olso children with special educational needs who are included in specilal class units of kindergartens. Data on institutions for special needs education of children and youth are gathered as of 31 December of the current school year. Data on student accommodation are gathered as of 31 March of the current academic year. Data on elementary school preparation (little school) include children in elementary schools or in kindergartens. All adult education institutes which are included in the Association of Adult Education Institutes of Slovenia are included in our data; data refer to the academic year. The following grant-holders are included: recipients of sponsorships, Zois grants and deficit subject grants, which are also sponsorships, recipients of the national and Munda Fund grants and grant-holders entitled to paid study leave. DEFINITIONS A school is an organized educational institution or a branch of educational or other institutions, enterprises or other organizations and private schools. A class unit is an organizational unit either including pupils of one year of study or pupils of different years of study. Elementary schools give basic general education (OJ RS, No. 12/96). The educational process runs either in a central elementary school, its branches or in the autonomous elementary school. Daily extension and pre-school class units, which are organized as one-year elementary school preparation for children, are organized by either elementary school or together with kindergarten. Music schools (OJ RS, No. 12/96) are a constituent part of the educational system and provide supplementary education. Upper secondary schools (OJ RS, No. 12/96). Vocational schools give practical and theoretical knowledge required to perform works in particular professions where practical knowledge is especially important. They also broaden and deepen general education. Technical schools give basic theoretical and practical knowledge, introduce students to the working processes and work organization in particular economic branches, public offices and administration and broaden and deepen knowledge of the natural and social sciences. Grammar school broaden and deepen pupils' knowledge of the natural, social sciences and humanities and their general techincal education and prepare pupils for university studies. Institutions for special needs education of children and youth (OJ RS, No. 12/96) educate and train children, youth and young disabled adults who need special education and training. The following are included under the category of institutions for special needs education of children and youth: institutions for physicaly and mentally disabled children and youth, institutions for children and youth with behavioral and personal disturbances, and institutions for moderately and seriously disabled children and youth. Schools for adult education (schools and branches for adults) offer education to adults who have not obtained an adequate education in the Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 116 rednim öolanjem. Delimo jih kot redne öole. Lahko so samostojne ali v sestavi vzgojno-izobraűevalnih in drugih zavodov. Izobraűevanje v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, ki ga organizirajo sami za svoje delavce, se ureja s pravilniki teh organizacij. Visokoöolski zavodi (Ur. l. RS, öt. 67/93) so univerze, fakultete, umetniöke akademije in visoke strokovne öole. ätudij na visokoöolskih zavodih poteka po ötudijskih programih za pridobitev izobrazbe in programih za izpopolnjevanje. ätudijski programi za pridobitev izobrazbe so: a) dodiplomski: - programi za pridobitev visoke strokovne izobrazbe, - programi za pridobitev univerzitetne izobrazbe; b) podiplomski: - programi za pridobitev specializacije, - programi za pridobitev magisterija, - doktorat znanosti. Pedagoöko osebje na visokoöolskih zavodih sestavljajo tako visokoöolski uËitelji kot tudi sodelavci, ki sodelujejo v pedagoökem procesu. Srednje izobraűevanje (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96) obsega izobraűevanje za pridobitev strokovne izobrazbe, izpopolnjevanje strokovne izobrazbe ter usposabljanje z delom. Izobraűevanje za pridobitev strokovne izobrazbe se izvaja po vzgojno-izobraűevalnih programih. Programi za pridobitev izobrazbe v srednjem izobraűevanju so programi srednjega izobraűevanja, nadaljevalni programi srednjega izobraűevanja, skrajöani programi srednjega izobraűevanja ter programi poklicnega, tehniökega in drugega strokovnega izobraűevanja, gimnazijski programi in programi nadaljevalnega izobraűevanja. Vrtci (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96) so ustanove, ki pomagajo staröem pri celoviti skrbi za otroke, izboljöanju kvalitete űivljenja druűin in otrok ter ustvarjanju pogojev za razvoj otrokovih telesnih in duöevnih sposobnosti. Dijaöki domovi (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96) so javna mreűa dijaökih domov, ki omogoËajo uËencem, vajencem, dijakom in ötudentom viöjih öol, ki se öolajo zunaj kraja stalnega bivaliöËa, pogoje za bivanje in uËenje. Ljudske univerze so ustanove, ki organizirajo in izvajajo izobraűevanje odraslih. Organizirajo seminarje in teËaje za sploöno, strokovno in drugo izobraűevanje ter izobraűevanje za pridobitev izobrazbe. Do leta 1990 so se imenovale delavske, z letom 1991 pa so se preimenovale v ljudske univerze. V preteklih letih smo njihove podatke objavljali v poglavju o kulturi. ätipendisti so dijaki srednjih öol in ötudentje visokoöolskih zavodov, ki med öolanjem prejemajo ötipendijo kot redni meseËni denarni znesek. Podeljujejo jih podjetja, zavodi in druge organizacije, ki imajo ötipendiste. ätipendiranje je urejeno s Pravilnikom o ötipendiranju (Ur. l. RS, öt. 24/ 91), s Statutom sklada dr. Franca Munde za ötipendiranje ötudentov v Republiki Sloveniji (Ur. l. RS, öt. 15/91) ter po Zakonu o zaposlovanju in zavarovanju za primer brezposelnosti (VI. poglavje, Ëleni 55-59, Ur. l. RS, öt. 58/91). ätipendije iz Mundovega sklada prejemajo samo ötudenti od 3. letnika dalje. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Rezultati glavnega popisa sluöateljev univerze, viöjih öol in akademij (...) v zimskem semestru öolskega leta 1949/50. Sluöatelji fakultet (akademij) visokih in viöjih öol v zimskem semestru öolskega leta 1950/51. Poletni semester öolskega leta 1951/52, 1952/53, 1953/54, 1954/55, 1955/56. Sluöatelji visokih in viöjih öol 1957/58, 1958/59, 1959/60, 1960/61, 1961/62. äole za sploöno izobrazbo v öolskem letu 1950/51. Sploöno izobraűevanje öole v öolskem letu 1951/52. Sploöno izobraűevalne in umetniöke öole v letu 1952/53. Sploöno izobraűevalne in uËiteljske öole v letu 1953/54. Strokovne in umetniöke öole ob zakljuËku öolskega leta 1951/52, 1952/53, 1953/54. Sploöno izobraűevalne in strokovne öole konec öolskega leta 1954/55 in course of regular schooling. They are classified in the same way as regular schools. They may be autonomous or connected to educational or other institutions. Education organized by and within enterprises and other organizations for their own employed persons is arranged according to the regulations of these organizations. Institutions of higher education (OJ RS, No. 67/93) are universities, faculties, academies of art and professional higher education institutions. Courses of study offered by institutions of higher education are degree study programmes and credential study programmes. Degree study programmes are: a) undergraduate: - leading to a degree of a professional higher education institution - leading to a university degree b) graduate: - leading to a specialist degree - leading to a master’s degree - leading to a Ph. D. degree Higher education teaching staff includes both teaching faculty and faculty assistants. Upper secondary education (OJ RS, No. 12/96) covers professional education, additional professional education and training for employed people. Professional education follows educational programmes. Educational programmes at upper secondary level are upper secondary educational programmes, advanced upper secondary educational programmes and shortened upper secondary educational programmes. Kindergartens (OJ RS, No. 12/96): are institutions which help parents with comprehensive care for children, improving the quality of life of families and children, and creating conditions for development of children’s physical and mental capabilities. Upper secondary school boarding homes (OJ RS, No, 12/96): are public network of upper secondary school boarding homes which provides housing and learning conditions for pupils, apprentices and student attending schools outside the place of their permanent residence. Adult education institutes re institutions which organize and conduct adult education. They organize seminars and courses for general, vocational and other education and formal education. They were called workers' universities until 1991, when they were renamed to popular universities. In past years we have published data on them under the section on culture. Grant-holders are upper secondary school pupils and higher education students who receive a grant during their education in the form of a regular monthly sum. Grants are conferred by enterprises, institutions and other organizations which support grant-holders. The award of grants is regulated by the Rules on the Award of Grants (OJ RS, No. 24/91), by the Statute of the Dr. Franc Munda Fund for the Award of Grants to Students in the Republic of Slovenia (OJ RS, No. 15/91) and on the basis of the Law on Employment and Insurance in the Event of Unemployment, (Chapter VI, Articles 55-59; OJ RS, No. 58/91). Munda Fund grants are available only to students in the third year or higher years. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Results of the Main Census of University, College and Academy Students (...) in the Winter Semester of the 1949/50 Academic Year. Students at Faculties (Academies), Colleges and Higher Professional Schools in the Winter Semester of the 1950/51 Academic Year. Summer Semester of the 1951/52, 1952/53, 1953/54, 1954/55 and 1955/ 56 Academic Years. Students at Non-University Colleges and Universities 1957/58, 1958/59, 1959/60, 1960/61 and 1961/62. Schools for General Education in the 1950/51 Academic Year. General Educational Schools in the 1950/51 Academic Year. General Educational and Art Schools in the 1952/53 Academic Year. General Educational and Teacher Training Schools/Colleges in the 1953/ 54 Academic Year. Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 117 na zaËetku 1955/56. Sploöno izobraűevalne in strokovne öole konec öolskega leta 1955/56 in na zaËetku 1956/57. Sploöno izobraűevalne in strokovne öole konec 1956/57 in na zaËetku 1957/58. Anketa o uËencih 1. marca 1957. Osnovne in srednje öole konec öolskega leta 1957/58 in zaËetku 1958/59. Osnovne in srednje öole konec 1958/59. Osnovne in srednje öole konec 1959/60 in na zaËetku 1960/61. Skrb za otroke in mladino v LRS 1948-1952, 1953. Ustanove za vzgojo in varstvo otrok, mladine in odraslih 1955 in kratek pregled po osvoboditvi. 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 in 1960, 1961, 1962. StatistiËno gradivo 1963, öt. 5, 13; 1964, öt. 2, 16, 18, 19; 1965, öt. 8, 9, 13, 16; 1966, öt. 1, 12, 14, 20; 1967, öt. 1, 7, 9, 16; 1968, öt. 3, 6, 17; 1969, öt.1, 12, 14, 26; 1970, öt. 1, 12, 14, 26; 1971, öt. 3, 5, 9, 15; 1972, öt. 5, 15, 20; 1973, öt. 11, 25; 1974, öt. 3, 4, 9, 14; 1975, öt. 3, 4, 12. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 7, 22, 24, 30, 37, 43, 55, 58, 59, 68, 80, 86, 87, 91, 93, 96, 105, 113, 130, 152, 155, 156, 161, 188, 204, 205, 210, 214, 216, 227, 236, 239, 258, 271, 285, 286, 288, 291, 310, 317, 322, 329, 343, 347, 358, 368, 369, 377, 379, 395, 401, 412, 414, 416, 419, 431, 434, 441, 478, 479, 492, 493, 504, 533, 549, 552, 553, 558, 575, 576, 580, 583, 593, 601, 602, 605, 611, 616, 626, 628, 629, 636, 644, 646, 657, 659, 665, 668, 669, 674, 682. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije 1960, zv. IV; 1961, zv. IV; 1962, zv. IV; 1963, zv. II; 1964, zv. I; 1965, zv. III; 1966, zv. IV; 1967, zv. V; 1969, zv. II; 1970, zv. VIII; 1971, zv. VIII; 1972, zv. X; 1973, zv. XI; 1974, zv. X; 1975, zv. IX; 1976, zv. XV; 1977, zv. XVIII; 1978, zv. XIII; 1979, zv. XXII; 1980, zv. XV; 1981, zv. X; 1982, zv. XI; 1983, zv. XIV; 1984, öt. 15; 1986, öt. 1; 1987, öt. 9; 1988, öt. 4; 1989, öt. 14; 1990, öt. 1; 1990, öt. 17; 1991, öt. 13; 1992, öt. 11; 1992, öt. 12; 1994, öt. 4; 1995, öt. 15. Ljudske univerze - glej publikacije o kulturi, umetnosti in informacijah do vkljuËno leta 1991. Professional and Art Schools at the End of the 1951/52, 1952/53 and 1953/ 54 Academic Years. General Educational and Professional Schools at the End of the 1954/55 and the Beginning of the 1955/56 Academic Years. General Educational and Professional Schools at the End of 1955/56 and Beginning of 1956/57. General Educational and Professional Schools at the End of 1956/57 and Beginning of 1957/58. Survey of Pupils, March 1, 1957. Primary Schools and Secondary Schools at the End of the 1957/58 and the Beginning of the 1958/59 Academic Years. Primary Schools and Secondary Schools at the End of 1958/59. Primary Schools and Secondary Schools at the End of 1959/60 and Beginning of 1960/61. Child and Youth Care in the People's Republic of Slovenia 1948-52, 1953. Institutions for the Nurture and Care of Children, Youth and Adults 1955 and a Short Review of the Post-Liberation Period. 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 and 1960, 1961, 1962. Statistical Material 1963 No. 5, 13; 1964 No. 2, 16, 18, 19; 1965 No. 8, 9, 13, 16; 1966 No. 1, 12, 14, 20; 1967 No. 1, 7, 9, 16; 1968 No. 3, 6, 17; 1969 No. 1, 12, 14, 26; 1970 No. 1, 12, 14, 26; 1971 No. 3, 5, 9, 15; 1972 No. 5, 15, 20; 1973 No. 11, 25; 1974 No. 3, 4, 9, 14; 1975 No. 3, 4, 12. Results of Surveys No. 7, 22, 24, 30, 37, 43, 55, 58, 59, 68, 80, 86, 87, 91, 93, 96, 105, 113, 130, 152, 155, 156, 161, 188, 204, 205, 210, 214, 216, 227, 236, 239, 258, 271, 285, 286, 288, 291, 310, 317, 322, 329, 343, 347, 358, 368, 369, 377, 379, 395, 401, 412, 414, 416, 419, 431, 434, 441, 478, 479, 492, 493, 504, 533, 549, 552, 553, 558, 575, 576, 580, 583, 593, 601, 602, 605, 611, 616, 626, 628, 629, 636, 644, 646, 657, 659, 665, 668, 669, 674, 682. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1960 vol. IV, 1961 vol. IV, 1962 vol. IV, 1963 vol. II, 1964 vol. I, 1965 vol. III, 1966 vol. IV, 1967 vol. V, 1969 vol. II, 1970 vol. VIII, 1971 vol. VIII, 1972 vol. X, 1973 vol. XI, 1974 vol. X, 1975 vol. IX, 1976 vol. XV, 1977 vol. XVIII, 1978 vol. XIII, 1979 vol. XXII, 1980 XV, 1981 vol. X, 1982 vol. XI, 1983 vol. XIV, 1984 No. 15, 1986 No. 1, 1987 No. 9, 1988 No. 4, 1989 No. 14, 1990 No. 1, 1990 No. 17, 1991 No. 13, 1992 No. 11, 1992 No. 12, 1994 No. 4, 1995 No. 15. Adult Education Institutes: see publications on culture, art and information up to and 1991 inclusive. Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 118 6.1 Otroci, uËenci, dijaki in ötudenti Children, pupils and students 1) Pri srednjih öolah so zajeti dijaki, ki so se izobraűevali po Zakonu o usmerjenem izobraűevanju. Data include upper secondary school pupils who were educated under the Law on Job-Oriented Education. 2) Zakon o poklicnem in strokovnem izobraűevanju uvaja niűje in srednje poklicne öole, viöje poklicne öole, srednje tehniöke in strokovne öole, Zakon o gimnazijah pa sploöne in strokovne gimnazije (Ur. l. RS, öt. 12/96). Pri poklicnih öolah so prikazani podatki o ötevilu vpisanih dijakov na dveletnih in triletnih poklicnih programih, pri tehniökih in strokovnih öolah vpisani dijaki na ötiriletnih oz. petletnih strokovnih in tehniökih programih, pri gimnazijah pa ötevilo vpisanih dijakov na sploönih in strokovnih gimnazijah. The Law on Vocational and Professional Education introduces senior and upper secondary vocational schools. The Law on Gymnasiums introduces general and technical gymnasiums (OJ RS, No. 12/96). Data on vocational schools illustrate the number of enrolled pupils in 2-and 3-year vocational programmes, data on technical and professional schools ilustrate the number of enrolled pupils in 4-or 5-year professional and technical programmes, and data on gymnasiums ilustrate the number of enrolled pupils in general and technical gymnasiums. 3) Pri viöjih öolah so zajeti vsi diplomanti viöje stopnje. Data for 2-3 year colleges include also all graduates at other non-university levels. Vrtci Kinder-gartens Osnovne öole Elementary schools Srednje izobraűevanje Upper secondary education Viöje öole Colleges (2-2,5 year program) Visoke öole, fakultete, umetniöke akademije Professional higher education institutions, faculties, academies of art poklicne öole vocational schools tehniöke in strokovne öole technical and professional schools öole za izobraűevanje uËnega osebja teacher training schools gimnazije (sploöne in strokovne) grammar school (general and technical) srednje öole1) secondary schools1) Otroci, uËenci, dijaki in ötudenti Children, pupils and students 1972/73 30505 215569 35907 18099 1468 14531 - 7539 15551 1973/74 34595 216841 35565 19317 1729 15302 - 5910 19294 1974/75 38810 217316 34848 20989 1919 16038 - 6006 20751 1975/76 42404 218560 34201 22643 2167 18120 - 6755 21327 1976/77 47796 218206 35189 24675 2184 18586 - 7432 22047 1977/78 52020 217520 36092 25990 2823 18878 - 7370 22571 1978/79 56688 216966 37570 27582 2676 19147 - 7446 22214 1979/80 62708 217993 39198 28756 2154 18618 - 7008 22737 1980/81 66872 219396 40695 29968 2235 17976 - 7097 20610 1981/82 71784 220109 25935 22103 1627 12964 28000 5809 20398 1982/83 75175 219709 11459 14790 1085 8443 52008 5628 20569 1983/84 77301 221370 - 7492 588 4289 71940 5423 21980 1984/85 78935 223130 - - - - 81970 5225 22466 1985/86 75669 225789 - - - - 80451 4258 25343 1986/87 76593 228053 - - - - 80443 4518 26467 1987/88 78819 229378 - - - - 82618 3182 27799 1988/89 76878 229887 - - - - 85677 3445 27610 1989/90 75838 227677 - - - - 89335 3594 30634 1990/91 73631 225640 - - - - 92060 3230 30335 1991/92 69370 220879 - - - - 94423 2825 33679 1992/93 66029 217431 - - - - 95621 2181 35181 1993/94 67178 213137 - - - - 97092 1821 38418 1994/95 66703 209334 - - - - 99657 2626 40623* 1995/96 66553 207032 341642) 430112) - 249042) - - 45951 KonËali öolo 3) Graduates 3) 1972/73 - 21658 10384 3522 193 2905 - 2215 1235 1973/74 - 22217 11232 3805 216 3184 - 2652 1459 1974/75 - 22720 11209 4165 233 3344 - 2495 1615 1975/76 - 24578 10791 4350 328 3501 - 2709 1792 1976/77 - 24772 11848 4975 403 3769 - 2934 1911 1977/78 - 25777 10667 5367 557 33830 - 3283 2195 1978/79 - 24843 11189 5596 974 4288 - 3386 2315 1979/80 - 26273 11162 5769 558 4668 - 3338 2620 1980/81 - 26652 11637 5975 491 4414 - 3512 2455 1981/82 - 25642 12444 5511 486 4259 - 3911 2583 1982/83 - 24837 10580 6660 459 3981 1947 3910 2473 1983/84 - 24373 - 6878 542 4133 9126 3797 2583 1984/85 - 24135 - - - - 19154 3498 2398 1985/86 - 24234 - - - - 20056 3568 2053 1986/87 - 24898 - - - - 18097 3318 2216 1987/88 - 25422 - - - - 19192 3113 2196 1988/89 - 26479 - - - - 19268 3158 2309 1989/90 - 25755 - - - - 22396 3311 2368 1990/91 - 26466 - - - - 21330 3421 2530 1991/92 - 26179 - - - - 21825 3046 2393 1992/93 - 26582 - - - - 22173 3104 2607 1993/94 - 26611 - - - - 21793 2991 2952 1994/95 - 26474 - - - - 22197 2668 3144 1995/96 - 26400 10472 7677 - 5188 - 2746 3673 Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 119 6.2 Vrtci Kindergartens Oddelki in otroci v vrtcih, 1996/1997 Class units and children in kindergartens, 1996/1997 Priprava otrok na osnovno öolo (mala öola) Pre-school preparation (little school) 6.3 äole, oddelki, uËenci, dijaki in uËitelji Schools, class units, pupils and teaching staff Vrtci Kindergartens Zavodi Institutions Oddelki Class units otroci children zaposlene osebe za nego in vzgojo care and educational staff skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 1985/86 793 3585 75669 35795 6739 6584 1990/91 785 3593 73631 34772 6950 6889 1992/93 774 3356 66029 31586 6396 6298 1993/94 773 3404 67178 32156 6343 6308 1994/95 776 3446 66703 31694 6526 6450 1995/96 793 3500 66553 31559 6672 6555 1996/97 800 3509 65332 31161 6709 6609 Skupaj Total Do 3 let Up to 3 years Nad 3 leta do vkljuËitve v pripravo na öolo Above 3 years to entering pre-school preparation Priprava otrok na öolo Pre-school preparation Kombinirani oddelki Combined class units Razvojni oddelki Class units for children with special educational needs Oddelki 3509 799 1297 906 443 64 Class units Otroci 65332 11141 25901 19698 8227 365 Children 1985/86 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 Otroci, ki se pripravljajo na öolo 37021 32183 29647 30205 30856 29525 28158 Children involved in po celoletnem programu 23957 22942 20846 21477 22710 21724 21311 whole-year programmes po skrajöanem programu 13064 9241 8801 8728 8146 7801 6847 part-time programmes äole Schools Oddelki Class units UËenci, dijaki Pupils UËitelji Teaching staff skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women Osnovne öole Elementary schools äole za mladino Regular schools 1985/86 830 9228 225789 109947 13675 11437 1985/86 1990/91 824 9486 225640 109886 14655 12358 1990/91 1991/92 820 9005 220879 107573 14691 12424 1991/92 1992/93 822 9481 217431 106034 14971 12660 1992/93 1993/94 820 9435 213137 104050 15053 12766 1993/94 1994/95 825 9451 209334 102578 15199 12911 1994/95 1995/96 826 9456 207032 101239 15372 12985 1995/96 äole za odrasle Schools for adults 1985/86 33 103 1671 641 279 162 1985/86 1990/91 26 94 1639 564 218 153 1990/91 1991/92 25 81 1460 515 245 169 1991/92 1992/93 27 110 1785 713 285 198 1992/93 1993/94 26 107 1695 545 288 194 1993/94 1994/95 25 110 1655 574 272 188 1994/95 1995/96 23 90 1204 420 245 177 1995/96 Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 120 6.4 Srednje öole - oddelki in dijaki po usmeritvah, konec öolskega leta 1995/96 Upper secondary schools - class units and pupils by fields of study, at the end of the 1995/96 school year Glasbene öole Music schools 1985/86 94 - 14885 9464 1012 526 1985/86 1990/91 90 - 15477 9839 1151 661 1990/91 1991/92 63 - 14915 9255 1171 650 1991/92 1992/93 63 - 15180 9481 1258 714 1992/93 1993/94 61 - 15866 9811 1318 750 1993/94 1994/95 59 - 15798 9806 1399 779 1994/95 1995/96 59 - 16274 9935 1454 796 1995/96 Srednje öole Upper secondary schools äole za mladino Regular schools 1985/86 155 2911 80451 40610 6294 3094 1985/86 1990/91 149 3209 92060 46402 6701 3542 1990/91 1991/92 146 3326 94423 47715 6722 3656 1991/92 1992/93 145 3458 95621 48391 6977 3904 1992/93 1993/94 151 3615 97072 49117 7360 4237 1993/94 1994/95 152 3797 99657 50231 7796 4606 1994/95 1995/96 154 3895 102079 51266 8143 4892 1995/96 äole za odrasle Schools for adults 1985/86 82 315 9017 3346 1844 828 1985/86 1990/91 94 372 9610 3956 2230 1127 1990/91 1991/92 80 306 7457 3525 1966 1089 1991/92 1992/93 76 320 7370 3886 1949 1072 1992/93 1993/94 75 322 7517 4568 2005 1113 1993/94 1994/95 72 344 8460* 4568 1952 1133 1994/95 1995/96 72 390 9617 5037 2263 1318 1995/96 äole za mladino Regular schools äole za odrasle Schools for adults oddelki class units dijaki pupils oddelki class units dijaki pupils skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women SKUPAJ 3895 102079 51266 390 9617 5037 TOTAL Agroűivilstvo 252 5971 2969 22 282 148 Agriculture Gozdarstvo 7 92 4 - - - Forestry Usnjarstvo 22 381 308 1 22 17 Leather Processing Tekstil 211 5051 4914 4 94 89 Textiles Kemija, farmacija, gumarstvo, nekovine 67 1552 1105 2 88 61 Chemistry, Pharmacy, Rubber Processing and Non-metals Lesarstvo 150 3521 117 8 152 3 Wood Processing Gradbeniötvo 119 2715 463 4 71 1 Construction Gostinstvo in turizem 217 5692 2618 9 328 167 Catering and Tourism Ekonomija 696 19892 13969 146 4334 2962 Economics Tisk in papir 32 690 315 - - - Paper and Printing Elektrotehnika in raËunalniötvo 329 8163 105 27 569 2 Electrotechnics and Computer Science Metalurgija in strojniötvo 504 11557 321 72 1446 38 Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering Promet in zveze 48 1133 455 17 442 31 Transport and Communications Rudarstvo 8 175 - 1 25 - Mining Zdravstvo 150 4388 3524 24 724 641 Health Care Pedagoöka skupina 26 751 735 - - - Teacher Training Druűboslovje 54 1394 1250 24 636 617 Social Sciences Kultura 46 1371 867 14 72 38 Culture Sploöno izobraűevanje 865 24904 15233 8 253 155 General Education Osebne storitve 74 2135 1994 7 79 67 Personal Services Notranje zadeve 18 551 - - - - Internal Affairs äole Schools Oddelki Class units UËenci, dijaki Pupils UËitelji Teaching staff skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 6.3 äole, oddelki, uËenci in uËitelji (nadaljevanje) Schools, class units, pupils and teaching staff (continued) Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 121 6.5 Osnovne öole s prilagojenima predmetnikom in uËnim naËrtom ter srednje öole s prilagojenimi programi Elementary and upper secondary schools for pupils with special educational needs 1) V tej tabeli so prikazane posebej. V tabelah 6.4 in 6.9 so vkljuËene v programe. Here they are shown separately. In tables 6.4 and 6.9 they are included in programmes. 2) Oddelki s prilagojenimi programi za laűe duöevno prizadete in vedenjsko in osebnostno motene uËence so organizirani na razliËnih srednjih öolah za mladino. Class units for slightly mentally retarded and behaviorally disturbed pupils are organized in different upper secondary schools. 6.6 Zavodi za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami Special institutions for mentally and physically handicapped äole Schools Oddelki Class units UËenci Pupils UËitelji Teaching staff skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 1985/86 77 569 4975 2033 941 786 1985/86 1990/91 78 584 4847 1903 986 835 1990/91 1991/92 79 563 4695 1913 985 819 1991/92 1992/93 78 539 4611 1826 993 835 1992/93 1993/94 75 521 4261 1593 931 807 1993/94 1994/95 76 506 4135 1566 936 798 1994/95 1995/96: 77 486 3963 1481 933 806 1995/96: Skupaj 77 486 3963 1481 933 806 Total Osnovne öole s prilagojenim predmetnikom in uËnim naËrtom 58 426 3405 1312 866 772 Elementary schools for pupils with special educational needs za laűe duöevno prizadete 53 376 3124 1190 752 670 for slightly mentally retarded pupils za slepe in slabovidne 1 10 49 21 25 19 for blind and weak-sighted pupils za sluöno in govorno prizadete 2 20 118 58 40 40 for pupils with speech and hearing difficulties z drugimi telesnimi motnjami 2 20 114 43 49 43 for other handicapped pupils Srednje öole s prilagojenimi programi1) 19 60 558 169 67 34 Upper secondary schools for pupils with special educational needs1) za slepe in slabovidne 1 3 25 11 14 9 for blind and weak-sighted pupils za sluöno in govorno prizadete 1 10 70 23 20 9 for pupils with speech and hearing difficulties z drugimi telesnimi motnjami 1 16 157 55 33 16 for other handicapped pupils drugo2) 16 31 306 80 ... ... others2) Zavodi oziroma oddelki pri vrtcih in osnovnih öolah Institutions or class units in kindergartens and elementary schools Otroci, mladostniki Children, youth Zaposlene osebe Persons in employment skupaj total specialni pedagogi special education teaching professionals 1985 93 2749 1135 284 1985 1990 108 2905 1360 362 1990 1992 107 2813 1344 454 1992 1993 106 2773 1325 410 1993 1994 124* 2421 1308 492 1994 1995 123* 2420 1361 519 1995 1996 122 2458 1406 540 1996 Otroci, mladostniki Children, youth Zaposlene osebe Persons in employment skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women Skupaj 2458 1003 1406 1110 Total za laűe duöevno prizadete 365 157 151 143 for slightly mentally retarded children and youth za sluöno in govorno prizadete 533 226 216 186 for children and youth with hearing and speech difficulties za slepe in slabovidne 107 51 68 48 for blind and weak-sighted children and youth z drugimi telesnimi motnjami 244 98 267 228 for other handicapped children and youths za vedenjsko in osebnostno motene 472 136 391 219 for children and youth with personal and behavioral disturbances za zmerno in teűe prizadete otroke in mladostnike 737 335 313 286 for moderately and seriously handicapped children and youth Obiskujejo öolo 1182 442 - - Attending school Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 122 6.7 Podaljöano bivanje uËencev in celodnevna osnovna öola Daily extension and all-day primary school 6.8 Italijanske in dvojeziËne öole Italian and bilingual schools 6.9 UËenci, dijaki, vpisani v 1. razred oz. letnik osnovnih in srednjih öol Pupils, enroled in the first year of study in elementary schools and upper secondary schools Podaljöano bivanje (PB) Daily extension Celodnevna öola (COä) All-day school öole oddelki uËenci uËitelji deleű uËencev v COä öole oddelki uËenci uËitelji deleű uËencev v PB schools class units pupils teaching staff share of pupils in daily extension % schools class units pupils teaching staff share of pupils in all- day school % 1985/86 355 1184 26058 1274 11,5 153 1332 32211 2342 14,3 1990/91 375 988 21383 1137 9,5 43 371 8375 621 3,7 1991/92 379 936 20258 788 9,1 10 60 1107 96 0,5 1992/93 399 973 20898 811 9,6 4 20 322 30 0,1 1993/94 418 1009 22165 839 10,4 - - - - - 1994/95 443 1055 23430 874 11,2 - - - - - 1995/96 463 1109 24666 929 11,9 - - - - - Osnovne öole Primary schools Srednje izobraűevanje Secondary schools öole schools oddelki class units uËenci pupils uËitelji teaching staff oddelki class units uËenci pupils uËitelji teaching staff 1985/86 19 110 1752 187 31 431 83 1985/86 1990/91 19 110 1928 205 33 534 90 1990/91 1991/92 19 107 1924 205 34 545 80 1991/92 1992/93 19 111 1946 205 31 463 72 1992/93 1993/94 19 113 1948 209 38 541 90 1993/94 1994/95 19 112 1880 213 34 489 77 1994/95 1995/96 19 110 1828 219 41 602 97 1995/96 Italijanske 9 38 580 89 22 294 57 Italian DvojeziËne 10 72 1248 130 19 308 40 Bilingual Mladina / Youth Odrasli / Adults 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 Osnovne öole 26042 25435 25004 25423 25140 23132 1160 1260 1420 1319 1353 1285 Elementary schools Javne osnovne öole 2015 25406 24978 25397 25117 23114 1160 1260 1420 1319 1353 1285 Public elementary schools Zasebne osnovne öole 27 26 26 26 23 18 - - - - - - Private elementary schools Osnovne öole s prilagojenima predmetnikom in uËnim naËrtom 273 265 232 246 222 239 - - - - - - Elementary schools for pupils with special educational needs Srednje öole 30990 31229 32372 33147 32974 32743 1820 1431 1582 1367 1808 1964 Upper secondary schools Javne srednje öole: 30959 31165 32065 32741 32612 32392 1820 1431 1582 1367 1808 1964 Public upper secondary schools Niűji in srednji poklicni programi 12655 14010 13645 13825 13708 13823 797 613 750 795 780 1003 Vocational programes Srednji tehniöki in strokovni programi 12098 11013 11835 12204 12092 11891 1016 783 820 552 1006 952 Technical and professional programes Gimnazije 6206 6142 6585 6712 7812 6678 7 35 12 20 22 9 Grammar schools Zasebne srednje öole: 31 64 307 406 362 351 - - - - - - Private upper secondary schools Niűji in srednji poklicni programi - - 85 133 118 106 - - - - - - Vocational programmes Srednji tehniöki in strokovni programi - - - - - - - - - - - - Technical and professional progammes Gimnazije 31 64 222 273 244 245 - - - - - - Grammar schools Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 123 6.10 UËenci, dijaki, ki so konËali izobraűevanje v osnovnih in srednjih öolah po skupinah programov Graduates of elementary schools and upper secondary schools by fields of study 6.11 Vpisani ötudenti po univerzah, spolu in naËinu ötudija Student enrolment in universities by sex and mode of study Mladina / Youth Odrasli / Adults 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 Osnovne öole 26179 26582 26611 26474 26400 315 510 565 559 414 Elementary schools Osnovne öole s prilagojenima predmetnikom in uËnim naËrtom 539 574 602 611 523 - - - - - Elementary schools for pupils with special educational needs Srednje öole 21825 22173 21793 22197 23535 2180 1744 1828 1807 2509 Upper secondary schools Agroűivilstvo 1035 1249 1385 1533 1634 23 89 39 54 44 Agriculture Gozdarstvo 52 42 33 18 13 7 1 - - Forestry Usnjarstvo 192 166 109 124 103 - - - - 22 Leather Processing Tekstil 1131 1244 1247 1449 1513 78 - 48 10 39 Textiles Kemija, farmacija, gumarstvo in nekovine 378 436 361 368 331 31 31 3 96 16 Chemistry, pharmacy, Rubber processing and non-metals Lesarstvo 838 833 699 864 951 7 15 39 43 22 Wood Processing Gradbeniötvo 583 604 512 602 684 9 12 13 4 16 Construction Gostinstvo in turizem 1121 1290 1332 1204 1353 62 67 64 78 116 Catering and Tourism Ekonomija 3364 3176 3189 3153 4214 598 524 547 579 1065 Economics Tisk in papir 174 192 121 87 94 13 8 39 46 102 Paper and Printing Elektrotehnika in raËunalniötvo 1959 1865 1584 1722 1760 186 58 79 120 120 Electrotechnics and Computer Science Metalurgija in strojniötvo 4214 3994 3660 3468 3162 559 397 543 264 315 Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering Promet in zveze 315 314 200 323 275 199 188 77 256 149 Transport and Communications Rudarstvo 78 67 52 36 44 - 59 - - 25 Mining Zdravstvo 720 758 774 767 782 31 71 172 102 176 Health Care Pedagoöko podroËje 1152 892 167 157 152 - - - - - Teacher Training Druűboslovje 1824 1666 450 349 291 278 222 134 125 219 Social Sciences Kultura 188 188 215 197 193 - - 2 - 9 Culture Naravoslovno-matematiËna usmeritev 1936 2349 - - - - - - - - Natural Sciences Sploöno izobraűevanje 70 357 5077 5135 5204 - - 15 28 36 General Education Osebne storitve 281 279 420 497 660 6 2 14 2 18 Personal Service Notranje zadeve 220 212 206 144 122 93 - - - - Internal Affairs Skupaj Total Redni Regular students Izredni Part-time students skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women Skupaj Total 1985/86 29601 15643 22030 12315 7571 3328 1985/86 1990/91 33565 18668 27774 15383 5791 3285 1990/91 1992/93 37362 20459 30788 16788 6574 3671 1992/93 1993/94 40239 22318 32728 18023 7511 4295 1993/94 1994/95 43249 24346 33835 18846 9414 5500 1994/95 1995/96 45951 26126 35998 20441 9953 5685 1995/96 1996/97 50667 28660 37314 21199 13353 7461 1996/97 Univerza v Ljubljani University of Ljubljana 1985/86 20378 11109 17133 9664 3245 1445 1985/86 1990/91 22824 12972 20393 11441 2431 1531 1990/91 1992/93 26655 14804 23051 12679 3604 2125 1992/93 1993/94 28522 15963 24183 13432 4339 2531 1993/94 1994/95 30552 17306 25057 14062 5495 3244 1994/95 1995/96 32577 18807 26730 15226 5847 3581 1995/96 1996/97 34715 20095 27307 15627 7410 4468 1996/97 Viöje öole Colleges (2-2,5 year program) 1985/86 3484 2385 2254 1683 1230 702 1985/86 1990/91 2217 1353 1560 1027 657 326 1990/91 1992/93 2181 1410 1050 759 1130 651 1992/93 1993/94 1724 944 630 396 1094 548 1993/94 1994/95 2432 1431 639 395 1793 1036 1994/95 1995/96 - - - - - - 1995/96 1996/97 - - - - - - 1996/97 Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 124 Visoke öole Professional higher education institutions 1985/86 - - - - - - 1985/86 1990/91 1986 1819 1444 1334 542 485 1990/91 1992/93 925 476 576 303 349 173 1992/93 1993/94 2059 1317 1400 955 659 362 1993/94 1994/95 2359 1539 1712 1222 647 317 1994/95 1995/96 5019 3212 2386 1708 2633 1504 1995/96 1996/97 4650 3432 1789 1498 2861 1934 1996/97 Skupaj 4650 3432 1789 1498 2861 1934 Total Visoka öola za socialno delo 603 540 439 396 164 144 University College of Social Work Visoka upravna öola 3139 2138 494 377 2645 1761 University College of Public Administration Visoka öola za zdravstvo 908 754 856 725 52 29 University College of Health Care Fakultete Faculties 1985/86 16513 8522 14533 7790 1980 732 1985/86 1990/91 18161 9529 16934 8811 1227 718 1990/91 1992/93 23072 12667 20948 11366 2124 1301 1992/93 1993/94 24261 13462 21675 11841 2586 1621 1993/94 1994/95 25268 14090 22213 12199 3056 1891 1994/95 1995/96 27013 15297 23799 13220 3214 2077 1995/96 1996/97 29455 16322 24906 13788 4549 2534 1996/97 Skupaj 29455 16322 24906 13788 4549 2534 Total Filozofska fakulteta 4242 3320 3892 3062 349 258 Faculty of Arts Ekonomska fakulteta 5541 3378 3438 2044 2103 1334 Faculty of Economics Pravna fakulteta 1510 981 1173 775 337 206 Faculty of Law Fakulteta za druűbene vede 2277 1552 1930 1346 347 206 Faculty of Social Sciences Fakulteta za öport 585 190 550 181 35 9 Faculty of Sport Pedagoöka fakulteta 1961 1763 1664 1483 297 280 Faculty of Education Teoloöka fakulteta 481 226 477 224 4 2 Theological Faculty Fakulteta za strojniötvo 1178 28 1175 28 3 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakulteta za elektrotehniko 1197 34 1197 34 - - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Fakulteta za arhitekturo 739 391 736 389 3 2 Faculty of Architecture Fakulteta za gradbeniötvo in geodezijo 849 231 849 231 - - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo 1065 475 917 455 148 20 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko 515 177 515 177 - - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Naravoslovnotehniöka fakulteta 955 615 907 590 48 25 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Odd. za tekstilstvo 551 450 509 428 42 22 Department of Textile Technology Odd. za materiale in metalurgijo 173 76 172 76 1 - Department of Materials and Metallurgy Odd. za geotehnologijo in rudarstvo 98 25 97 24 1 1 Department of Geotechnology and Mining Odd. za geologijo 133 64 129 62 4 2 Department of Geology Fakulteta za raËunalniötvo in informatiko 700 53 700 53 - - Faculty of Computer Sciences and Informatics Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet 1369 406 645 215 724 191 Faculty of Naval and Maritime Transport Biotehniöka fakulteta 2132 1034 1981 1033 151 1 Biotechnical Faculty Odd. za agronomijo 428 248 428 248 - - Department of Agronomy Odd. za űivilstvo 237 160 237 160 - - Department of Food Science and Technology Odd. za gozdarstvo 302 32 151 31 151 1 Department of Forestry Odd. za biologijo 277 202 277 202 - - Department of Biology Odd. za lesarstvo 394 58 394 58 - - Department of Wood Technology Odd. za zootehniko 251 155 251 155 - - Zootechnical Department Mikrobiologija 168 127 168 127 - - Microbiology Krajinska arhitektura 75 52 75 52 - - Landscape Architecture Veterinarska fakulteta 309 185 309 185 - - Veterinary Faculty Medicinska fakulteta 1234 786 1234 786 - - Faculty of Medicine Fakulteta za farmacijo 617 497 617 497 - - Faculty of Pharmacy Umetniöke akademije Academies of art 1985/86 381 202 346 191 35 11 1985/86 1990/91 460 271 455 269 5 - 1990/91 1992/93 477 251 477 251 - - 1992/93 1993/94 478 240 478 240 - - 1993/94 1994/95 493 246 493 246 - - 1994/95 1995/96 545 298 545 298 - - 1995/96 1996/97 610 341 610 341 - - 1996/97 Skupaj 610 341 610 341 - - Total Akademija za likovno umetnost 226 130 226 130 - - Academy of Fine Arts Akademija za glasbo 303 172 303 172 - - Academy of Music Akademija za gledaliöËe, radio, film in televizijo 81 39 81 39 - - Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television Skupaj Total Redni Regular students Izredni Part-time students skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 6.11 Vpisani ötudenti po univerzah, spolu in naËinu ötudija (nadaljevanje) Student enrolment in universities by sex and mode of study (continued) Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 125 Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor 1985/86 9223 4543 4897 2651 4326 1883 1985/86 1990/91 10741 5696 7381 3942 3360 1754 1990/91 1992/93 10707 5655 7737 4109 2970 1546 1992/93 1993/94 11717 6355 8545 4591 3172 1764 1993/94 1994/95 12697 7040 8778 4784 3919 2256 1994/95 1995/96 12888 7154 9133 5128 3755 2026 1995/96 1996/97 15026 8186 9485 5290 5541 2896 1996/97 Viöje öole Colleges (2-2,5 year program) 1985/86 774 426 461 301 313 125 1985/86 1990/91 1013 635 605 416 408 219 1990/91 1992/93 - - - - - 1992/93 1993/94 97 92 94 89 3 3 1993/94 1994/95 194 184 194 184 - - 1994/95 1995/96 - - - - - - 1995/96 1996/97 - - - - - - 1996/97 Visoke öole Professional higher education institutions 1985/86 5836 3510 2644 1872 3192 1638 1985/86 1990/91 - - - - - - 1990/91 1992/93 1106 743 856 592 250 151 1992/93 1993/94 339 165 331 161 8 4 1993/94 1994/95 385 197 385 197 - - 1994/95 1995/96 771 507 685 478 86 29 1995/96 1996/97 292 271 292 271 - - 1996/97 Skupaj 292 271 292 271 - - Total Visoka zdravstvena öola 292 271 292 271 - - University College of Nursing Studies Fakultete Faculties 1985/86 2613 598 1792 478 821 120 1985/86 1990/91 9728 5061 6776 3526 2952 1535 1990/91 1992/93 9601 4912 6881 3517 2720 1395 1992/93 1993/94 12281 6098 8120 4341 4161 1757 1993/94 1994/95 12118 6659 8199 4403 3919 2256 1994/95 1995/96 12117 6647 8448 4650 3669 1997 1995/96 1996/97 14734 7915 9193 5019 5541 2896 1996/97 Skupaj 14734 7915 9193 5019 5541 2896 Total: Pedagoöka fakulteta 2702 2207 2115 1717 587 490 Faculty of Education Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta 4720 3021 1987 1318 2733 1703 Faculty of Business and Economics Fakulteta za organizacijske vede 2107 927 1037 533 1070 394 Faculty of Organizational Sciences Pravna fakulteta 884 604 680 472 204 132 Faculty of Law Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, raËunalniötvo in informatiko 1253 75 995 61 258 14 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Fakulteta za gradbeniötvo 838 223 624 183 214 40 Faculty of Civil Engineering Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo 334 218 210 147 124 71 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fakulteta za strojniötvo 1425 404 1142 377 283 27 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakulteta za kmetijstvo 471 236 403 211 68 25 Faculty of Agriculture Samostojni visokoöolski zavodi Free-standing higher education institutions 1995/96 486 165 135 87 351 78 1995/96 1996/97 926 379 524 282 402 97 1996/97 Skupaj 926 379 524 282 402 97 Total Visoka policijsko varnostna öola 286 19 129 15 157 4 College of Police Work and Security Visoka öola za hotelirstvo in turizem 332 229 254 183 78 46 College of Hotel-Keeping and Tourism Visoka öola za management 182 96 114 73 68 23 College of Management Visoka strokovna öola za podjetniötvo 126 35 27 11 99 24 College of Entrepreneurship Skupaj Total Redni Regular students Izredni Part-time students skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 6.11 Vpisani ötudenti po univerzah, spolu in naËinu ötudija (nadaljevanje) Student enrolment in universities by sex and mode of study (continued) Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 126 6.12 Diplomanti po univerzah, stopnji ötudija in spolu Students graduating in universities by levels of study and sex Skupaj Total Viöja stopnja Non-university degree Visoka stopnja University degree or equivalent vsi total űenske women vsi total űenske women Skupaj Total 1985 5621 3568 2211 2053 1094 1985 1990 5951* 3421 2149 2530 1393 1990 1992 5711 3104 2027 2607 1421 1992 1993 5943 2991 1925 2952 1752 1993 1994 5812 2668 1584 3144 1881 1994 1995 6419 2746 1590 3673 2219 1995 1996 7724 3217 1883 4507 2775 1996 Univerza v Ljubljani University of Ljubljana SKUPAJ 5363 1923 1123 3440 2110 TOTAL Visoke öole 872 726 550 146 119 Professional Higher Education Institutions Visoka öola za socialno delo 151 28 25 123 103 University College of Social Work Visoka upravna öola 496 493 346 3 2 University College of Public Administration Visoka öola za zdravstvo 225 205 179 20 14 University College of Health Care Fakultete 4405 1194 572 3211 1948 Faculties Filozofska fakulteta 341 - - 341 289 Faculty of Arts Ekonomska fakulteta 1006 421 307 585 417 Faculty of Economics Pravna fakulteta 243 - - 243 144 Faculty of Law Fakulteta za druűbene vede 188 - - 188 137 Faculty of Social Sciences Fakulteta za öport 117 - - 117 60 Faculty of Sport Pedagoöka fakulteta 425 105 105 320 295 Faculty of Education Teoloöka fakulteta 25 - - 25 - Theological Faculty Fakulteta za strojniötvo 294 151 2 143 5 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakulteta za elektrotehniko 286 85 3 201 17 Faculty of Electrical Engineering Fakulteta za arhitekturo 78 - - 78 45 Faculty of Architecture Fakulteta za gradbeniötvo in geodezijo 84 41 11 43 17 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo 238 93 34 145 91 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko 89 15 6 74 30 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Naravoslovnotehniöka fakulteta 107 43 31 64 38 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Odd. za tekstilstvo 53 27 26 26 25 Department of Textile Technology Odd. za materiale in metalurgijo 37 16 5 21 7 Department of Materials and Metallurgy Odd. za geotehnologijo in rudarstvo 4 - - 4 1 Department of Geotechnology and Mining Odd. za geologijo 13 - - 13 5 Department of Geology Fakulteta za raËunalniötvo in informatiko 79 17 2 62 8 Faculty of Computer Sciences and Informatics Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet 167 121 34 46 19 Faculty of Naval and Maritime Transport Biotehniöka fakulteta 320 75 11 245 144 Biotechnical Faculty Odd. za agronomijo 80 17 6 63 36 Department of Agronomy Odd. za űivilstvo 57 - - 57 41 Department of Food Science Odd. za gozdarstvo 48 25 - 23 7 Department of Forestry Odd. za biologijo 46 - - 46 39 Department of Biology Odd. za lesarstvo 62 30 4 32 4 Department of Wood Technology Odd. za zootehniko 22 3 1 19 13 Zootechnical Department Krajinska arhitektura 5 - - 5 4 Landscape Architecture Veterinarska fakulteta 43 - - 43 20 Veterinary Faculty Medicinska fakulteta 174 - - 174 112 Faculty of Medicine Umetniöke akademije 86 3 1 83 43 Academies of Art Akademija za glasbo 53 3 1 50 31 Academy of Music Akademija za likovno umetnost 22 - - 22 8 Academy of Fine Arts Akademija za gledaliöËe, radio, film in televizijo 11 - - 11 4 Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 127 6.13 ätudenti v ötudijskem letu 1996/97 in diplomanti v letu 1996, po podroËjih ötudija Students enrolled in 1996/97 and graduates of 1996 by fields of study Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor SKUPAJ 2303 1236 756 1067 665 TOTAL Visoke öole 11 11 9 - - Professional Higher Education Institutions Visoka zdravstvena öola 11 11 9 - - University College of Nursing Studies Fakultete 2292 1225 747 1067 665 Faculties Pedagoöka fakulteta 319 86 81 233 208 Faculty of Education Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta 876 517 392 359 259 Faculty of Business and Economics Fakulteta za organizacijske vede 347 180 81 167 83 Faculty of Organizational Sciences Pravna fakulteta 302 201 141 101 74 Faculty of Law Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, raËunalniötvo in informatiko 167 77 - 90 4 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Fakulteta za gradbeniötvo 27 17 2 10 5 Faculty of Civil Engineering Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo 54 30 15 24 18 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fakulteta za strojniötvo 168 86 25 82 14 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakulteta za kmetijstvo 32 31 10 1 - Faculty of Agriculture Samostojni visokoöolski zavodi Free-standing education institutions Visoka policijsko-varnostna öola 58 58 4 - - College of Police Work and Security ätudenti Students Diplomanti Graduates skupaj total viöja stopnja non- university degree visoka stopnja university degree or equivalent skupaj total viöja stopnja non- university degree visoka stopnja university degree or equivalent SKUPAJ 50667 6192 44475 7724 3217 4507 TOTAL Vzgoja in izobraűevanje; izobraűevanje uËiteljev 5758 154 5604 948 191 757 Education and teacher training UpodabljajoËe in uporabne umetnosti 831 5 826 97 4 93 Fine and applied arts HumanistiËne vede 2613 - 2613 187 - 187 Humanities Religija in teologija 481 - 481 25 - 25 Religion and theology Druűbene vede 2440 - 2440 228 2 226 Social sciences Poslovanje, upravljanje in menedűment 15572 2626 12946 2671 1580 1091 Business administration and management Pravne vede 2394 - 2394 545 201 344 Law Naravoslovne vede 1073 6 1067 157 4 153 Natural sciences Matematika in raËunalniötvo 207 7 200 35 11 24 Mathematics and computer sciences Medicinske vede 3051 613 2438 511 243 268 Medical sciences Tehniöke vede 9497 1835 7662 1468 662 806 Engineering Arhitektura in urbanizem 814 - 814 83 - 83 Architecture and town planning Kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, ribiötvo 1951 349 1602 277 71 206 Agriculture, forestry and fishery Promet in zveze 1225 455 770 133 87 46 Transport and communications Storitvene dejavnosti 410 53 357 29 29 - Service trades MnoűiËne komunikacije in informatika 1147 - 1174 59 - 59 Mass communication and information science Druga ötudijska podroËja 1203 89 1114 271 132 139 Other fields of study Skupaj Total Viöja stopnja Non-university degree Visoka stopnja University degree or equivalent vsi total űenske women vsi total űenske women 6.12 Diplomanti po univerzah, stopnji ötudija in spolu (nadaljevanje) Students graduating in universities by levels of study and sex (continued) Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 128 6.14 Tuji ötudenti po drűavah, 1996/97 Foreign students by country of origin, 1996/97 6.15 Doktorji znanosti, magistri in specialisti po podroËju znanosti Doctors of science, masters of science and specialists by fields of science Skupaj Total Avstrija Austria Bosna in Herce- govina Bosnia and Herze- govina Hrvaöka Croatia Italija Italy Jugoslavija, Zvezna republika Yugoslavia, Federal Republic Madűarska Hungary Make- donija Mace- donia NemËija Germany Druga tujina Other foreign countries SKUPAJ 424 3 135 158 42 27 3 11 8 37 TOTAL Visoke strokovne öole 24 1 9 7 1 3 - - - 3 Professional higher education institutions Fakultete 375 2 122 137 37 24 3 9 8 33 Faculties Umetniöke akademije 25 - 4 14 4 - - 2 - 1 Academies of Art Doktorji znanosti Doctors of science Magistri in specialisti Masters of science and specialists 1945- 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1962- 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 2608 192 160 199 238 5306 725 577 548 595 TOTAL Moöki 2105 129 102 125 159 3782 354 321 278 299 Men éenske 503 63 584 74 79 1524 371 256 270 296 Women Naravoslovne vede Natural sciences Matematika in raËunalniötvo 47 1 1 6 5 93 8 7 11 26 Mathematics and computer sciences Fizika in druge fizikalne vede 116 5 4 4 17 125 11 13 8 10 Physics and other physical sciences Nuklearne vede 6 - - - - 39 - - - - Nuclear sciences Kemija in druge kemijske vede 261 9 22 20 18 329 29 21 12 11 Chemistry and other chemical sciences Biologija 108 5 1 4 4 144 8 3 3 7 Biology Biokemija 32 4 2 2 5 51 6 6 - 3 Biochemistry Druge bioloöke vede - 4 5 3 11 - 4 2 14 5 Other biological sciences Geologija 41 1 1 1 4 41 3 3 4 3 Geology FiziËna geografija - - - - 2 - 1 - - - Physical geography Ekologija - - - - 1 -- - - - 4 Ekology Geofizika - - - - - - 1 1 - - Geophysics Mehanika 23 - - - - 26 - - - - Mechanics Druge naravoslovne vede 7 - - 2 - 25 - 7 2 - Other natural sciences Tehniöko-tehnoloöke vede Engineering and technology Tehnika 101 - - - - - - - - - Tehnical science Elektrotehnika 155 10 6 8 12 551 31 15 16 23 Electrical engineering Elektronika 35 1 2 4 6 73 2 6 3 4 Electronics Energetika - 2 1 2 3 - 3 - 2 1 Energetics RaËunalniötvo (strojna op.) - 8 7 5 4 - 19 15 12 11 Computer engineering Druge elektrotehniöke vede - 3 2 5 - - 4 6 6 6 Other electrical engineering sciences Rudarstvo 15 - - 2 2 23 1 - 1 3 Mining Arhitektura 39 3 3 1 3 46 5 1 1 1 Architecture Krajinska arhitektura - - - - 2 - - - - - Landscape architecture Gradbeniötvo in vodno gospodarstvo 29 6 5 9 6 68 11 18 6 7 Civil engineering and water management Urbanizem 2 - 1 - - 7 - - - - Town planning Drugo, gradbeniötvo in arhitektura - - - - - - 2 2 3 2 Other, architecture and civil engineering Strojniötvo 96 7 12 10 16 361 36 20 25 30 Mechanical engineering Kemijska tehnologija in procesno inűenirstvo 31 5 2 1 5 209 13 10 9 9 Chemical technology and process engineering Metalurgija 33 1 1 3 5 105 10 3 1 1 Metallurgy éivilska tehnologija 17 2 1 3 6 52 6 4 2 7 Food technology Tekstilna tehnologija 10 2 1 3 2 24 8 4 4 4 Textile technology Proizvodnja in predelava nafte 1 - - - - - - - - - Petroleum engineering Farmacevtska tehnologija 1 - - - - 9 - - - - Pharmaceutical technology Druge procesne tehnologije 5 - - - - 13 - - - - Other process technologies Aeronavtika 1 - - - - - - - - - Aeronautical engineering Geodezija (uporabna) 15 4 - 1 1 10 - - 1 - Geodesy (applied) Kartografija - - - - - 2 - - - - Cartography Promet 1 - - - - - - - - - Transport Industrijsko inűenirstvo - - - - - - - - - - Industrial engineering Lesarstvo - - - - 1 - 3 3 2 1 Wood processing Druge tehniöko- tehnoloöke vede - - 1 - 1 20 2 - 1 - Other engineering and technological sciences Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 129 6.16 Dijaöki in ötudentski domovi Student accommodation Medicinske vede Medical sciences Medicina 354 19 19 23 20 441 165 181 173 157 Medicine Stomatologija 19 - - - - 29 5 2 - - Stomatology Farmacija 20 4 1 6 2 66 18 6 8 8 Pharmacy Druge medicinske vede 3 - - - - - - - - - Other medical sciences Kmetijske vede Agricultural sciences Kmetijstvo 42 3 1 3 5 58 9 7 7 2 Agriculture éivinoreja 17 - 1 - 1 55 3 6 1 4 Stockbreeding Veterina 55 6 5 6 4 190 19 14 17 12 Veterinary science Gozdarstvo 20 - 1 - 2 50 1 1 2 2 Forestry Druge biotehniöke vede 3 - - - - 8 - 1 - 1 Other agricultural sciences Druűbene in humanistiËne vede Social sciences and humanities Ekonomija 119 12 6 6 10 564 99 44 73 67 Economics Menedűment - 1 - - - - 63 26 20 18 Management Pravne vede 116 3 6 3 6 127 6 6 3 13 Law PolitiËne vede 39 3 2 2 1 78 1 5 5 4 Political sciences Sociologija 49 14 7 3 7 51 11 18 5 14 Sociology Filozofija 43 - 2 6 5 56 4 3 6 4 Philosophy Psihologija 54 7 6 7 4 79 3 6 8 11 Psychology Zgodovina 70 9 3 5 3 47 3 8 3 4 History Pomoűne zgod. v. (arheologija, numizmatika, paleografija) 29 3 1 1 2 11 1 3 3 - Auxiliary historical disciplines (archeology, numismatics, paleography) Vede o vzgoji in izobraűevanju 25 2 2 5 5 43 2 14 5 12 Educational sciences Vede o jeziku in knjiűevnosti 61 8 6 11 6 106 13 11 17 11 Languages and their literature Umetnostna zgodovina 41 4 - 1 - 23 3 1 3 - Art history Likovne umetnosti 3 - - - - 203 8 5 9 8 Fine arts Glasba in muzikologija 18 1 - 1 - 93 5 3 7 11 Music and musicology Druge umetnosti - 1 - - - -- - - 1 - Other arts Etnologija 15 1 - 3 1 20 5 2 2 1 Ethnology Geografija (druűbena) in demografija 51 3 3 4 - 43 3 3 - 2 Geography (social) and demography Organizacijske vede 30 3 1 2 3 226 17 16 13 28 Organizational sciences Telesnokulturne vede 20 1 2 1 8 58 9 6 2 12 Physical education Teologija - 1 2 - - - - - 2 1 Theology Socialno delo - - - - - 106 17 5 2 - Social work Druge druűbene in humanistiËne vede 63 - - 1 1 29 - 4 2 5 Other social sciences and humanities Dijaöki domovi Secondary school boarding homes ätudentski domovi Student residence halls domovi institutions dijaki pupils vzgojitelji teaching staff domovi institutions ötudenti students vsi total űenske women vsi total űenske women 1985 57 10864 4416 408 17 7675 4108 1990 54 9662 4130 366 18 8459 4840 1993 45 8399 4312 321 19 8781 5033 1994 45 8891 4606 351 19 8947 5215 1995 45 9516 5052 371 19 8876 5107 1996 45 10113 5240 374 18 8532 4950 1997 45 10367 5411 405 18 8567 5002 Doktorji znanosti Doctors of science Magistri in specialisti Masters of science and specialists 1945- 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1962- 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 6.15 Doktorji znanosti, magistri in specialisti po podroËju znanosti (nadaljevanje) Doctors of science, masters of science and specialists by fields of science (continued) Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 130 6.17 Zaposleno pedagoöko osebje po vrsti zavoda, spolu in delovnem Ëasu, 1995/96 Full-time and part-time teaching staff by types of institutions, sex and type of employment, 1995/96 6.18 Izobraűevanje zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, 1995 Education of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations, 1995 Izobraűevanje za pridobitev strokovne izobrazbe po verificiranih programih, 1995 Education towards professional qualifications by verified educational programmes Stroöki izobraűevanja zaposlenih oseb, 1995 Costs for education of persons in paid employment, 1995 mio SIT Skupaj Total Polni delov. Ëas Full-time Krajöi delov. Ëas Part-time Pogodbeno delo Contract Skupaj 32985 25356 1337 6292 Total éenske 22525 18539 797 3189 Women Osnovne öole 15372 14717 440 215 Elementary schools éenske 12985 12481 338 166 Women Osnovne öole s prilagojenima predmetnikom in uËnim naËrtom 866 826 32 8 Elementary schools for pupils with special educational needs éenske 772 736 29 7 Women Glasbene öole 1454 836 181 437 Music schools éenske 796 494 87 215 Women Srednje öole 8143 6847 445 851 Upper secondary schools éenske 4892 4201 289 402 Women Visokoöolski zavodi 3566 2102 239 1225 Higher education institutions éenske 987 605 54 328 Women Ljudske univerze 3584 28 - 3556 Adult education institutes éenske 2093 22 - 2071 Women Usposabljanje za delo Vocational training Strokovno izpopolnjevanje Further vocational training Organizatorji izobraűevanja Education providers Izvajalci izobraűevanja Educators vsi total od tega prekvalifi- kacije od I. do VII. st. po never. programih of these retraining from levels I to VII according to non-verified educational programmes vsi total od tega strokovno izpopol- njevanje v tujini of these further professional training abroad vsi total od tega z ustrezno ped.-andr. izobrazbo of these suitably qualified in teaching aduts vsi total od tega z ustrezno ped.-andr. izobrazbo of these suitably qualified in teaching aduts ätevilo udeleűencev 64849 1549 262785 5637 3689 939 13571 2947 Participants ätevilo udeleűencev na 1000 zaposlenih oseb 101 2 409 9 6 2 21 5 Participants per 1000 persons in paid employment ätevilo udeleűencev / Participants skupaj total I. II. III. IV. V. VI/1 VI/2 VII/1 VII/2 VIII. SKUPAJ 11722 18 135 444 1055 2402 2945 531 2206 1621 365 TOTAL Prekvalifikacije 1565 4 74 148 436 424 261 40 111 57 10 Retraining Specializacije 734 - - - - 40 - 52 - 642 - Specializations od tega v tujini 55 - - - - 5 - 13 - 37 - of these abroad Skupaj Total Iz sklada skupne porabe From workers' consumption fund V breme materialnih stroökov Material costs Drugi viri iz organizacij Other sources from organizations SKUPAJ 7550 174 7015 362 TOTAL Od tega izobraűevanje v tujini 1146 6 1087 53 of which costs of education abroad Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 131 Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 132 Izobraűevanje Education StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 133 6.19 Ljudske univerze Adult education institutes 6.20 ätipendisti po vrstah öol Grant-holders by types of schools 6.21 ätipendisti po vrsti ötipendij in stopnjah zahtevnosti, 1996 Grant-holders by types of grants and levels of study, 1996 Ljudske univerze Adult education institutes Seminarji in teËaji Seminars and courses Izobraűevanje za pridobitev izobrazbe Formal education ötevilo number vpisani udeleűenci number of participants enrolled ötevilo oddelkov number of class units vpisani udeleűenci number of participants enrolled skupaj total sploöno izobraűevanje general education strokovno izobraűe- vanje vocational education, training drugo izobraűe- vanje other education 1985/86 44 5407 146119 46917 66097 33105 232 5334 1990/91 44 4430 93617 57818 35438 361 274 8066 1991/92 43 3882 71147 45894 24771 482 260 6840 1992/93 42 3146 50448 27053 23395 - 268 7240 1993/94 44 3355 50222 24241 25324 657 279 7591 1994/95 44 3557 52820 24076 28373 371 341 9537 1995/96 44 3025 44599 18145 26149 305 375 11641 Skupaj Total Srednje öole Upper secondary schools Viöje öole in 1. stopnja fakultet Colleges (2-2,5 year program), non-university degree Visoke öole Professional higher education institutions (3-4 year program) Fakultete in umetniöke akademije Faculties and academies of art 1985 56341 43381 3735 1520 8705 1990 65569 48605 5403 802 10759 1991 60382 43694 2537 392 13759 1992 66925 48753 1765 742 15665 1993 65684 47550 1185 832 16117 1994 61322 44132 3268 279 13643 1995 61030 44674 3853 571 11932 1996 63394 44042 2250 1053 16049 Skupaj Total ätipendisti po stopnjah zahtevnosti Grant-holders by levels of study II. III. IV. V. VI/1. VI/2. VII/1. VII/2./VIII SKUPAJ 63394 1735 62 15974 26271 639 34 18430 249 TOTAL Kadrovske ötipendije 8249 16 62 1545 1928 638 34 4006 20 Sponsorships Zoisove ötipendije 8709 - - 1 4220 - - 4410 78 Zois grants Republiöke ötipendije 46051 1719 - 14428 20118 - - 9786 - National grants Mundov sklad 153 - - - - - - 145 8 Munda Fund grants Drugi skladi 232 - - - 5 1 - 83 143 Other Funds StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 134 7. RAZISKOVANJE IN RAZVOJ, ZNANOST IN TEHNOLOGIJA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VIRI PODATKOV Podatke o raziskovalno-razvojni dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji zbiramo vsako leto s statistiËnim poroËilom R-RD. Izpolnijo ga vsi javni raziskovalni zavodi, gospodarske druűbe in gospodarske javne sluűbe, ki so a) registrirani (vpisani v razvid, Ur. l. öt. 8/91, Zakon o raziskovalni dejavnosti, Ël. 8) pri Ministrstvu za znanost in tehnologijo; b) samo evidentirani pri Ministrstvu za znanost in tehnologijo; c) raziskovalne organizacije po zakonu (SAZU, visokoöolski javni zavodi; visoke öole, fakultete in umetniöke akademije). ZAJETJE VkljuËno od leta 1978 prikazujemo javne visokoöolske zavode kot raziskovalne organizacije. V ta popis niso vkljuËene raziskovalne organizacije, ki jih ustanovita Ministrstvo za obrambo in Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, ter gospodarske druűbe in organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo preteűno s poskusno proizvodnjo, kontrolo vpeljane proizvodnje, trűnimi raziskavami itd., Ëe pri tem ne gre za tehniËno izboljöavo izdelka ali postopka. DEFINICIJE Podatki so pridobljeni na osnovi letnega statistiËnega raziskovanja o dejavnosti znanstvenoraziskovalnih in raziskovalno-razvojnih organizacij, ki je prilagojeno mednarodni metodologiji OECD - Frascati. Le-ta zajema mednarodna priporoËila za merjenje dveh temeljnih kazalnikov na znanstvenoraziskovalnem podroËju, delovno silo ter finanËna sredstva. Znanstveno raziskovanje in eksperimentalni razvoj obsegata ustvarjalno in sistematiËno delo, namenjeno poveËanju znanja o Ëloveku, kulturi in druűbi, ter uporabo tega znanja za razvoj novih aplikacij. Znanstveno raziskovanje in eksperimentalni razvoj pokrivata tri dejavnosti: - temeljna raziskovanja - aplikativna raziskovanja - eksperimentalni razvoj Temeljno raziskovanje je eksperimentalno in teoretiËno delo, katerega osnovni cilj je pridobivanje novega znanja na podlagi temeljnih pojavov ali opazovanih dejstev. Aplikativno raziskovanje je tudi izvirno raziskovanje, usmerjeno k pridobivanju novega znanja, vendar s specifiËnimi praktiËnimi cilji in nameni. Rezultati temeljnega in aplikativnega raziskovanja se v znanosti povezujejo kot sistem znanj o pojavih in zakonitostih v naravi in druűbi. Eksperimentalni razvoj je sistematiËna uporaba znanja, pridobljenega s temeljnim in aplikativnim raziskovanjem oz. s praktiËnimi izkuönjami, ki je usmerjeno v proizvodnjo novih materialov, izdelkov ali naprav ter k vzpostavljanju novih procesov, sistemov in storitev. Raziskovalno dejavnost opravljajo raziskovalci v raziskovalnih in drugih organizacijah ter zasebni raziskovalci ob sodelovanju strokovnega, tehniËnega in drugega osebja (Zakon o raziskovalni dejavnosti, Ur. l. öt. 8/91). Raziskovalec je oseba, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje: - ima doktorat znanosti - ima objavljena znanstvena dela v zadnjih treh letih - izkazuje sposobnost za organiziranje in vodenje raziskovalne skupine - je praviloma v delovnem razmerju, kjer izvaja projekt ali je zasebni raziskovalec. Odgovorni nosilec razvojnega projekta je lahko raziskovalec, ki izpolnjuje naötete pogoje. Odgovorni nosilec razvojnega projekta pa je lahko tudi strokovnjak, ki ne izpolnjuje prvih dveh pogojev, Ëe ima objavljena raziskovalna ali razvojna dela, registrirane patente oziroma inovacije. Raziskovalna dela so projekti, ki se uresniËujejo v okviru znanstveno- raziskovalnih in raziskovalno-razvojnih organizacij ter raziskovalnih enot in so rezultat odkrivanja in razvijanja obstojeËih znanj in izkuöenj ter njihove ustvarjalne uporabe. KonËana raziskovalna dela so tista, ki so bila konËana in recenzirana SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The data on research and development activitity in the Republic of Slovenia are collected each year by the statistical report R-RD. Included in this report are all public research institutions, economic companies and economic public services, namely those which are: a) registered (entered in the evidence, Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 8/91, Law on Research Activity, Article 8) at the Ministry of Science and Technology, b) only registered at the Ministry of Science and Technology, c) research organizations according to the law (Slovenian Academy of Science and Art,public higher education institutions: universities, faculties and art academies). COVERAGE Since 1978, public higher education institutions are presented as research organizations. Research organizations, founded by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, economic companies and organizations, which mainly deal with trial production, market research, etc., are not included in this register unless a tehnical improvement of a product or a procedure is involved. DEFINITIONS The data are the result of the annual statistical survey on activities of scientific-research organizations and R&D organizations, which was harmonized with the international OECD methodology - Frascati. It includes international recommendations for measuring two basic indicators on the field of science and research, data on the employees and financial data. Scientific research and experimental development comprise creative and systematic work, intended to increase knowledge of human beings, culture and society, and usage of this knowledge for the development of new applications. Scientific research and experimental development cover three activities: - basic research, - applied research, - experimental development. Basic research is experimental and theoretical work, the main objective of which is to obtain new knowlege on the basis of basic phenomena or observed facts. Applied research is also original research, aimed at obtaining new knowledge. It is aimed at specific practical aims and purposes. The results of basic and applied research are connected in science as a system of knowledge of phenomena and laws in nature and society. Experimental development is systematic usage of knowledge, obtained with basic and applied research or practical experience, which is aimed at producing new materials, products or devices and creating new processes, systems and services. Research activity is performed by researchers in research and other organizations and private researchers in cooperation with other professional and assistant staff (Research Activity Act, Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 8/91). Researcher is a person who fulfill following terms: - has doctorate of science - has published scientific works in the last three years - has capacity to organize and controll the research team - is employed in research organization, where is working on a project or is independent researcher Responsible holder of research project can be researcher, who fulfill the abovementioned terms. Responsible holder of research project can also be an expert, who does not fulfill the first two terms, if he has published R&D works, registered patents or innovations. Research works are projects which are realised in the framework of scientific-research organizations and R&D organisations and research units and are the result of finding new and developing existing knowledge and experience and its creative use. Completed research projects are those which have been finished and StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 135 od 1. 1. do 31. 12. 1995, ne glede na to, kdaj so bila zaËeta. Zaposlene osebe so prikazane po stanju 31. 12. Notranji odhodki so vsi stroöki, ki se nanaöajo na raziskovalno-razvojno dejavnost znotraj raziskovalne organizacije in nekega sektorja, ne glede na vir financiranja. Sem so vöteti vsi tekoËi in investicijski izdatki. Zunanji odhodki so vsa plaËila neki drugi organizaciji za opravljene storitve in usluge s podroËja raziskovalno-razvojne dejavnosti. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE StatistiËno gradivo:1963 öt. 8; 1969 öt. 21; 1970 öt. 14; 1973 öt. 17; 1974 öt. 1; 1975 öt.; 1976 öt. 12. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 12, 49, 88, 120, 170, 213, 265, 294, 330, 372, 408, 426, 453, 463, 509, 535, 566, 596, 620. reviewed from 1 January through 31 December, irrespective of when they were started. Persons in paid employment are shown as of 31 December. Intramural expenditure is all expenditure on R&D within the research organization or a sector, irrespective of the source of financing. Included is all current and investment expenditure. Extramural expenditure is every payment to another organization for the performed R&D service. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Statistical Material 1963 No. 8, 1969 No. 21, 1970 No. 14, 1973 No. 17, 1974 No. 16, 1975 No. 1, 1976 No. 12. Results of Surveys No. 12, 49, 88, 120, 170, 213, 265, 294, 330, 372, 408, 426, 453, 463, 509, 535, 596, 620. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 136 7.1 Raziskovalna in raziskovalno-razvojna dejavnost Research and experimental development 1) Popravljen podatek Corrected data. 7.2 Zaposlene osebe za doloËen in nedoloËen Ëas v raziskovalno-razvojni dejavnosti po sektorju zaposlitve in po stopnji strokovne izobrazbe Number of persons in paid employment for definite and indefinite period in research and development by sector of employment and level of professional attainment Raziskovalne organizacije Research organizations Raziskovalci ter strokovno in tehniËno osebje z visoko izobrazbo Researches, professional collaborators and technicians with university degree Raziskovalna dela Research projects Prihodki od raziskovalnega dela Income from research work 1000 SIT konËana finished objavljena published 1980 139 4917 4899 3125 337 1981 144 5077 5106 3310 488 1982 148 5513 4763 3849 672 1983 146 5869 5836 3935 967 1984 160 6033 5631 4364 1495 1985 176 6103 6032 4750 2232 1986 175 6026 5364 4524 6351 1987 191 6882 5660 5199 15069 1988 187 6946 5519 6099 48213 1989 194 7145 5679 7205 702896 1990 192 6867 5474 7024 3101340 1991 230 6990 4830 6161 6508222 1992 246 7031 4822 7673 10410921 1993 177 5999* 2557* 8746 20983767 1994 275 7059 2931 9471 29722817 1995 297 7205 4002 10836 35549901 Sektor Skupaj Total Doktorat Ph.D. Magisterij M.Sc., M.A. Specializacija Specialization Sector skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 1993 10359 4389 1737 367 1369 525 232 106 1993 1994 12097 5030 1988 414 1595 597 314 155 1994 1995 12416 5088 2155 449 1527 575 158 68 1995 SKUPAJ 12416 5088 2155 449 1527 575 158 68 TOTAL Raziskovalci 6094 1900 2006 414 1293 491 121 55 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 1010 443 17 9 347 151 4 3 young researchers Strokovno osebje 1799 749 84 27 169 68 24 9 Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 2744 1374 7 2 6 1 - - Technicians Vodilno osebje 295 55 56 4 53 14 13 4 Leading personnel Drugo osebje 1484 1010 2 2 6 1 - - Other personnel Poslovni sektor 4484 1537 95 17 330 93 31 12 Business sector Raziskovalci 1559 402 63 14 264 75 20 7 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 90 32 1 - 17 5 2 2 young researchers Strokovno osebje 898 265 10 3 24 9 5 4 Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 1359 561 - - - - - - Technicians Vodilno osebje 227 39 22 - 42 11 10 2 Leading personnel Drugo osebje 441 270 - - - - - - Other personnel Vladni sektor 3046 1433 568 146 463 208 68 37 Government sector Raziskovalci 1760 717 530 142 432 198 64 34 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 361 175 2 - 129 60 2 1 young researchers Strokovno osebje 196 97 6 - 21 7 1 1 Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 599 335 1 - - - - - Technicians Vodilno osebje 61 15 31 4 10 3 3 2 Leading personnel Drugo osebje 434 272 - - - - - - Other personnel Visokoöolski sektor 4746 2084 1461 279 711 266 54 18 Higher education sector Raziskovalci 2651 761 1382 251 574 212 36 14 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 547 230 14 9 197 84 - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 702 384 68 24 124 52 18 4 Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 782 475 6 2 6 1 - - Technicians Vodilno osebje 6 - 3 - 1 - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 605 464 2 2 6 1 - - Other personnel Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 140 34 31 7 23 8 5 1 Private non-profit sector Raziskovalci 128 23 31 7 23 8 5 1 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 12 6 1 - 4 2 - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 3 3 - - - - - - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 4 3 - - - - - - Technicians Vodilno osebje 1 1 - - - - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 4 4 - - - - - - Other personnel StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 137 7.2 Zaposlene osebe v raziskovalno-razvojni dejavnosti za doloËen in nedoloËen Ëas po sektorju zaposlitve in stopnji strokovne izobrazbe (nadaljevanje) Number of persons in paid employment in research and development for definite and indefinite period by sector of employment and level of professional attainment (continued) Sektor Visoka strok. izobrazba University degree Viöja strok. izobrazba College degree Srednja strok. izobrazba Upper Secondary degree Drugo Other Sector skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 1993 2938 1175 874 450 2284 1269 925 497 1993 1994 3489 1358 1114 562 2635 1440 962 504 1994 1995 3720 1471 1124 516 2731 1465 1001 544 1995 SKUPAJ 3720 1471 1124 516 2731 1465 1001 544 TOTAL Raziskovalci 2510 925 128 14 33 1 3 - Researchers mladi raziskovalci 642 280 - - - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 849 399 342 117 295 113 36 16 Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 136 64 494 268 1923 984 187 55 Technicians Vodilno osebje 151 26 18 5 4 2 - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 74 57 142 112 476 365 784 473 Other personnel Poslovni sektor 1706 490 505 110 1453 630 364 185 Business sector Raziskovalci 1085 296 111 12 20 1 - - Researchers mladi raziskovalci 70 25 - - - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 434 151 220 49 203 49 2 - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 41 16 137 40 1079 482 102 23 Technicians Vodilno osebje 135 22 14 2 4 2 - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 11 5 23 7 147 96 260 162 Other personnel Vladni sektor 859 400 191 126 614 381 283 135 Government sector Raziskovalci 728 339 2 1 - - - - Researchers mladi raziskovalci 228 114 - - - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 89 42 56 33 23 14 - - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 16 7 86 48 479 272 17 8 Technicians Vodilno osebje 13 3 4 3 - - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 13 9 43 41 112 95 266 127 Other personnel Visokoöolski sektor 1114 572 409 276 647 450 350 223 Higher education sector Raziskovalci 659 284 - - - - - - Researchers mladi raziskovalci 336 137 - - - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 325 205 66 35 67 48 34 16 Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 79 41 268 178 364 229 59 24 Technicians Vodilno osebje 2 - - - - - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 49 42 75 63 216 173 257 183 Other personnel Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 41 9 19 4 17 4 4 1 Private non-profit sector Raziskovalci 38 6 15 1 13 - 3 - Researchers mladi raziskovalci 8 4 - - - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 1 1 - - 2 2 - - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje - - 3 2 1 1 - - Technicians Vodilno osebje 1 1 - - - - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other personnel StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 138 7.3 Zaposlene osebe v raziskovalno-razvojni dejavnosti za doloËen in nedoloËen Ëas, po pogodbi o delu oz. pogodbi o avtorskem honorarju, zaposlene osebe v dopolnilnem delovnem razmerju, ter samostojni raziskovalci1) po sektorjih Enota: ekvivalent polne zaposlenosti (FTE) Persons in paid employment in R&D for definite and indefinite period, external collaborators under work contract or royalty, persons in supplement employment and independent researchers1), by economic sectors Unit:FTE 1) Samostojni raziskovalci so vkljuËeni v zasebni nepridobitni sektor. Independent researchers are included in private non-profit sector. Sektor Skupno ötevilo zaposlenih na raziskovalno-razvojnem podroËju Zaposlene osebe za doloËen in nedoloËen Ëas Zunanji sodelavci po pogodbi o delu oz. avtorskem honorarju Zaposlene osebe v dopolnilnem delovnem razmerju Sector Total R&D personnel Persons in paid employment for definite and indefinite period in R&D activity External collaborators under work contract or royalty Persons in supplement employment skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 1993 8866 3907 8603 3824 263 83 - - 1993 1994 9924 4121 9565 4015 313 100 46 6 1994 1995 9879 4050 9428 3925 362 112 89 13 1995 SKUPAJ 9879 4050 9428 3925 362 112 89 13 TOTAL Raziskovalci 4897 1569 4570 1497 244 60 83 12 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 971 420 963 418 8 2 - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 1437 598 1355 572 77 26 5 - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 2183 1107 2157 1091 25 15 1 1 Technicians Vodilno osebje 244 50 242 49 2 1 - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 1118 726 1104 716 14 10 - - Other personnel Poslovni sektor 3916 1334 3819 1316 92 18 5 - Business sector Raziskovalci 1399 351 1335 340 60 11 4 - Researchers mladi raziskovalci 95 32 89 31 6 1 - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 817 245 794 240 22 5 1 - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 1146 472 1138 471 8 1 - - Tecnicians Vodilno osebje 178 32 177 32 1 - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 376 234 375 233 1 1 - - Other personnel Vladni sektor 2796 1251 2605 1195 156 53 35 3 Government sector Raziskovalci 1607 621 1460 585 116 34 31 2 Researchers mladi raziskovalci 361 175 359 174 2 1 - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 188 86 158 75 27 11 3 - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 523 273 518 269 4 3 1 1 Tecnicians Vodilno osebje 60 17 59 16 1 1 - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 418 254 410 250 8 4 - - Other personnel Visokoöolski sektor 3022 1431 2870 1382 107 40 45 9 Higher education sector Raziskovalci 1757 573 1652 550 61 14 44 9 Researchers podiplomci raziskovalci 598 253 598 253 - - - - postgraduate researchers mladi raziskovalci 503 207 503 207 - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 429 264 400 254 28 10 1 - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 511 360 498 349 13 11 - - Tecnicians Vodilno osebje 5 - 5 - - - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 320 234 315 229 5 5 - - Other personnel Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 145 34 134 32 7 1 4 1 Private non-profit sector Raziskovalci in zasebni raziskovalci 134 24 123 22 7 1 4 1 Researchers and independent researchers mladi raziskovalci 12 6 12 6 - - - - young researchers Strokovno osebje 3 3 3 3 - - - - Expert personnel TehniËno osebje 3 2 3 2 - - - - Tecnicians Vodilno osebje 1 1 1 1 - - - - Leading personnel Drugo osebje 4 4 4 4 - - - - Other personnel StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 139 7.4 KonËana raziskovalna dela, po sektorjih, vedah, vrsti raziskav in po naroËniku Finished research projects by sectors, fields of science, type of activity and subscriber Sektor Vede Po vrsti raziskav By type of activity Po naroËniku By subscriber Sector Field of science skupaj total temeljna raziskova- nja basic research aplikativna raziskova- nja applied research ekspe- rimentalni razvoj expe- rimental develop- ment gospodar- ske druűbe business enterprises Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo Ministry of Science and Technology Ministrstvo za öolstvo in öport Ministry of Education and Sport druga ministrstva other ministries drugi other 1993 2557 312 1100 1145 1489 721 23 142 182 1993 1994 2931 408 1620 903 1850 547 27 240 267 1994 1995 4002 558 2357 1087 2531 748 35 270 418 1995 SKUPAJ 4002 558 2357 1087 2531 748 35 270 418 TOTAL Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 497 158 240 99 185 200 5 30 77 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 2515 142 1632 741 1906 271 3 150 185 Engineering Medicinske vede 476 98 218 160 373 77 2 9 15 Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 97 20 55 22 6 53 - 25 13 Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 303 96 144 63 52 110 19 52 70 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 114 44 68 2 9 37 6 4 58 Humanities Poslovni sektor 2054 105 1167 782 1730 127 1 74 122 Business sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 91 4 83 4 74 3 - 3 11 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 1517 50 861 606 1255 112 1 56 93 Engineering Medicinske vede 377 48 170 159 370 5 - 2 - Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 29 1 22 6 6 3 - 10 10 Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 24 2 15 7 16 4 - 3 1 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 16 - 16 - 9 - - - 7 Humanities Vladni sektor 1343 241 900 202 621 377 17 116 212 Government sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 344 119 133 92 82 173 5 27 57 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 738 37 616 85 535 82 1 65 55 Engineering Medicinske vede 72 33 39 - - 48 2 7 15 Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 19 5 13 1 - 12 - 4 3 Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 116 32 60 24 4 54 9 12 37 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 54 15 39 - - 8 - 1 45 Humanities Visokoöolski sektor 417 180 171 66 56 232 16 67 46 Higher education sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 21 19 2 - - 21 - - - Natural sciences TehniËne vede 150 48 80 22 31 76 1 21 21 Engineering Medicinske vede 27 17 9 1 3 24 - - - Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 49 14 20 15 - 38 - 11 - Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 133 54 53 26 22 45 9 1 2 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 37 28 7 2 - 28 6 1 2 Humanities Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 188 32 119 37 124 12 1 13 38 Private non-profite sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 41 16 22 3 29 3 - - 9 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 110 7 75 28 85 1 - 8 16 Engineering Medicinske vede - - - - - - - - - Medical sciences Kmetijske vede - - - - - - - 3 - Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 30 8 16 6 10 7 1 2 9 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 7 1 6 - - 1 - - 4 Humanities StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 140 7.5 NedokonËana raziskovalna dela, po sektorjih, vedah, vrsti raziskav in po naroËniku Unfinished research projects by sectors, fields of science, type of activity and subscriber Sektor Vede Po vrsti raziskav By type of activity Po naroËniku By subscriber Sector Field of science skupaj total temeljna raziskova- nja basic research aplikativna raziskova- nja applied research ekspe- rimentalni razvoj expe-rimental development gospodar- ske druűbe business enterprises Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo Ministry of Science and Technology Ministrstvo za öolstvo in öport Ministry of Education and Sport druga ministrstva other ministries drugi other 1994 2241 666 1028 547 824 996 42 194 185 1994 1995 2097 470 1036 591 926 664 42 215 250 1995 SKUPAJ 2097 470 1036 591 926 664 42 215 250 TOTAL Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 286 88 121 77 91 118 4 11 59 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 1159 169 558 432 762 249 3 65 80 Engineering Medicinske vede 162 85 69 8 27 91 2 7 35 Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 173 27 107 39 18 74 - 75 6 Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 205 51 128 26 27 78 17 49 34 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 112 50 53 9 1 54 16 5 36 Humanities Poslovni sektor 932 65 500 367 772 79 1 43 37 Business sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 41 2 31 8 34 3 - 2 2 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 793 34 414 345 685 63 1 18 26 Engineering Medicinske vede 28 15 8 5 26 1 - 1 - Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 46 10 32 4 18 8 - 14 6 Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 24 4 15 5 9 4 - 8 3 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 5 2 3 - - - - - - Humanities Vladni sektor 533 163 253 117 57 250 8 93 125 Government sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 198 58 77 63 43 93 4 12 46 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 111 36 39 13 1 46 1 29 22 Engineering Medicinske vede 92 42 50 - - 51 2 5 34 Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 49 3 38 8 - 17 - 32 - Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 71 20 43 8 1 38 1 14 17 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 12 4 6 2 - 5 - 1 6 Humanities Visokoöolski sektor 536 219 229 88 52 319 33 72 60 Higher education sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 21 19 - 2 - 21 - - - Natural sciences TehniËne vede 206 92 75 39 39 135 1 9 22 Engineering Medicinske vede 46 28 13 5 1 39 - 6 - Medical sciences Kmetijske vede 75 14 36 25 - 49 - 26 - Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 91 21 58 12 12 28 16 25 10 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 94 45 44 5 - 47 16 3 28 Humanities Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 96 23 54 19 45 16 - 7 28 Private non-profite sector Naravoslovno-matematiËne vede 26 9 13 4 14 1 - - 5 Natural sciences TehniËne vede 46 7 27 12 25 5 - 6 10 Engineering Medicinske vede 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 Medical sciences Kmetijske vede - - - - - - - - 2 Agricultural sciences Druűbene vede 17 6 10 1 5 8 - - 4 Social sciences HumanistiËne vede 6 1 3 2 1 2 - 1 2 Humanities StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 141 7.6 Bruto domaËi izdatki za raziskovalno-razvojno dejavnost po finanËnih virih in sektorjih Gross domestic expenditure on research and development by sector of performance and source of funds mio SIT 1) Do leta 1995 se tabeli o bruto domaËih izdatkih za RR po finanËnih virih in po vrsti stroökov razlikujeta. Ta razlika oz. primanjkljaj finanËnih sredstev raziskovalne organizacije pokrivajo z lastnimi sredstvi. V letu 1995 je ta razlika vkljuËena med lastna sredstva raziskovalnih organizacij. V tabeli 1 so prikazani RR prihodki. Until 1995 the tables on gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sources of funds and type of costs differed. Research organisations cover this difference (deficit) with their own funds. In 1995 this difference was included among own funds of research organisations. Table 1 shows R&D income. 7.7 Bruto domaËi izdatki za raziskovalno-razvojno dejavnost po sektorju izvedbe in vrsti stroökov Gross domestic expenditure on research and development by sector of performance and type of costs mio SIT Viri financiranja Skupaj Total Sektor izvajanja raziskovalno-razvojne dejavnosti Sector of performance of R&D Source of fundsposlovni sektor business enterprise vladni sektor government sector visokoöolski sektor higher education sector zasebni nepridobitni sektor private non-profit sector 1993 229891) 9421 7132 6322 114 1993 1994 326211) 13806 9571 8991 253 1994 1995 37654 17543 9492 10389 230 1995 SKUPAJ 37654 17543 9492 10389 230 TOTAL Gospodarske druűbe 17134 15507 1219 328 80 Business enterprises Neposredna vladna sredstva 14602 1407 7967 5108 120 Direct government funds Javni sploöni univerzitetni sklad 791 - - 791 - General university funds Visokoöolski javni zavodi 3854 7 3 3844 - Higher education institutions Zasebna nepridobitna podjetja 36 - 6 - 30 Private non-profit enterprises Tujina 1237 622 297 318 - Funds from abroad Sektor Skupaj Total Vrsta stroökov Type of costs Sector tekoËi odhodki current expenditure kapitalni odhodki capital expenditure skupaj total stroöki dela labour costs drugi tekoËi odhodki other current expenditure skupaj total zemljiöËa in zgradbe land and buildings inötrumenti in oprema instrument and equipment drugo other 1993 22989 21012 12527 8485 1977 203 1316 458 1993 1994 32621 29113 17791 11322 3508 480 2569 459 1994 1995 37654 33413 20432 12979 4242 448 3181 613 1995 SKUPAJ 37654 33412 20433 12979 4242 448 3181 613 TOTAL Poslovni sektor 17543 15053 9413 5640 2490 418 1669 403 Business sector Vladni sektor 9492 8572 5232 3340 920 19 814 87 Government sector Visokoöolski sektor 10389 9576 5690 3886 813 0 692 121 Higher education sector Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 230 211 98 113 19 11 6 2 Private non-profit sector StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 142 7.8 Ustvarjeni prihodek od raziskovalno-razvojnega dela od 1. 1. do 31. 12. za dokonËana in nedokonËana raziskovalna dela po druűbeno - ekonomskih ciljih in vrsti raziskovanja Income from research & development activities for finished and unfinished research works by socio-economic objectives and by kind of research Sektor Raziskovalna dela skupaj Research works total Prihodek skupaj Income total mio SIT Vrsta raziskovanj Kind of research Sector temeljna raziskovanja basic research aplikativna raziskovanja applied research razvojna raziskovanja exp. development ötevilo del number of works prihodek income mio SIT ötevilo del number of works prihodek income mio SIT ötevilo del number of works prihodek income mio SIT 1994 4422 23322 890 5818 2246 9574 1286 7930 1994 1995 5356 24948 857 6320 3016 11244 1483 7384 1995 SKUPAJ 5356 24948 857 6320 3016 11244 1483 7384 TOTAL Razvoj kmet., gozd. in ribolova 276 1554 47 392 157 849 72 313 Development of agriculture, forestry and fishing Pospeöevanje industr. razvoja 2523 11652 179 1219 1330 5761 1014 4671 Promotion of ind. development Proizv. in racion. raba energ. 155 1993 30 714 67 719 58 560 Prod. and rational use of energy Razvoj infrastrukture 53 153 2 13 47 116 4 24 Development of infrastructure Transport in telekomunikacije 81 415 5 32 65 343 11 40 Transport and telecommunications Prostor. planiranje mest in podeűelja 44 191 7 46 21 58 16 87 Urban and rural planning Nadzor in skrb za okolje 46 294 8 79 28 155 10 60 Control and care of the environment RR - prepreËevanje onesnaűevanja 13 107 - - 8 96 5 11 RD-the prevention of pollution Razisk. vzrokov onesnaűevanja 60 119 2 2 50 115 8 2 Identification of pollution Zdravstveno varstvo 497 2816 188 1167 213 1073 96 576 Health Druűbeni razvoj in storitve 553 2250 182 1209 303 600 68 441 Social development and services Raz., izkoriöËanje zemlje in ozraËja 680 1092 73 200 586 735 21 157 Exploration and exploatation of the art and atmosphere Sploöni napredek znanja 359 2052 134 1247 129 462 96 342 General advancement of knowledge Obramba 16 262 - - 12 162 4 100 Defence Poslovni sektor 2895 14423 169 1152 1588 7392 1138 5879 Business sector Razvoj kmet., gozd. in ribolova 63 166 6 13 43 136 14 17 Development of agriculture, forestry and fishing Pospeöevanje industr. razvoja 2113 9249 76 339 1125 4680 912 4230 Promotion of ind. development Proizv. in racion. raba energ. 96 1365 6 226 49 623 41 516 Prod. and rational use of energy Razvoj infrastrukture 49 146 1 11 45 111 3 23 Development of infrastructure Transport in telekomunikacije 67 302 3 30 56 237 8 35 Transport and telecommunications Prostor. planiranje mest in podeűelja 4 12 1 3 3 9 - - Urban and rural planning Nadzor in skrb za okolje 36 186 4 11 22 115 10 60 Control and care of the environment RR - prepreËevanje onesnaűevanja 10 97 - - 5 86 5 11 RD-the prevention of pollution Razisk. vzrokov onesnaűevanja 39 96 - - 38 96 1 0 Identification of pollution Zdravstveno varstvo 254 1638 63 315 103 761 88 562 Health Druűbeni razvoj in storitve 69 255 6 153 51 76 12 26 Social development and services Raz., izkoriöËanje zemlje in ozraËja 20 196 - - 5 51 15 144 Exploration and exploatation of the art and atmosphere Sploöni napredek znanja 59 454 3 50 31 248 25 155 General advancement of knowledge Obramba 16 262 - - 12 162 4 100 Defence Vladni sektor 1332 4693 274 2199 922 1695 136 799 Government sector Razvoj kmet., gozd. in ribolova 70 657 9 123 52 421 9 112 Development of agriculture, forestry and fishing Pospeöevanje industr. razvoja 57 287 8 52 20 48 29 186 Promotion of ind. development Proizv. in racion. raba energ. 1 1 - - 1 1 - - Prod. and rational use of energy Razvoj infrastrukture 4 7 1 1 2 5 1 1 Development of infrastructure Transport in telekomunikacije 1 2 - - 1 2 - - Transport and telecommunications StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 143 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Raziskovanje in razvoj, znanost in tehnologija Research and development, science and technology 144 Prostor. planiranje mest in podeűelja 23 101 1 2 6 13 16 87 Urban and rural planning Nadzor in skrb za okolje 7 108 4 67 3 41 - - Control and care of the environment RR - prepreËevanje onesnaűevanja - - - - - - - - RD-the prevention of pollution Razisk. vzrokov onesnaűevanja 20 22 2 2 12 19 6 2 Identification of pollution Zdravstveno varstvo 160 616 77 396 83 220 - - Health Druűbeni razvoj in storitve 188 998 49 519 115 170 24 310 Social development and services Raz., izkoriöËanje zemlje in ozraËja 654 864 69 177 579 674 6 13 Exploration and exploatation of the art and atmosphere Sploöni napredek znanja 147 1029 54 859 48 82 45 89 General advancement of knowledge Obramba - - - - - - - - Defence Visokoöolski sektor 918 5625 391 2882 367 2063 160 680 Higher education sector Razvoj kmet., gozd. in ribolova 133 725 32 256 59 290 42 180 Development of agriculture, forestry and fishing Pospeöevanje industr. razvoja 234 2053 88 820 100 993 46 240 Promotion of ind. development Proizv. in racion. raba energ. 53 624 24 488 15 94 14 42 Prod. and rational use of energy Razvoj infrastrukture - - - - - - - - Development of infrastructure Transport in telekomunikacije 11 109 2 2 6 102 3 6 Transport and telecommunications Prostor. planiranje mest in podeűelja 14 76 5 41 9 35 - - Urban and rural planning Nadzor in skrb za okolje 3 - - - 3 - - - Control and care of the environment RR - prepreËevanje onesnaűevanja - - - - - - - - RD-the prevention of pollution Razisk. vzrokov onesnaűevanja 3 10 - - 3 10 - - Identification of pollution Zdravstveno varstvo 80 555 47 455 26 86 7 13 Health Druűbeni razvoj in storitve 256 900 119 471 108 327 29 102 Social development and services Raz., izkoriöËanje zemlje in ozraËja 4 14 3 14 1 0 - - Exploration and exploatation of the art and atmosphere Sploöni napredek znanja 127 559 71 335 37 127 19 98 General advancement of knowledge Obramba - - - - - - - - Defence Zasebni nepridobitni sektor 211 207 23 87 139 94 49 26 Private non-profit sector Razvoj kmet., gozd. in ribolova 10 5 - - 3 1 7 4 Development of agriculture, forestry and fishing Pospeöevanje industr. razvoja 119 63 7 8 85 40 27 14 Promotion of ind. development Proizv. in racion. raba energ. 5 4 - - 2 2 3 2 Prod. and rational use of energy Razvoj infrastrukture - - - - - - - - Development of infrastructure Transport in telekomunikacije 2 2 - - 2 2 - - Transport and telecommunications Prostor. planiranje mest in podeűelja 3 2 - - 3 2 - - Urban and rural planning Nadzor in skrb za okolje - - - - - - - - Control and care of the environment RR - prepreËevanje onesnaűevanja - - - - - - - - RD-the prevention of pollution Razisk. vzrokov onesnaűevanja 1 0 - - 0 - 1 0 Identification of pollution Zdravstveno varstvo3 3 8 1 - 1 6 1 2 Health Druűbeni razvoj in storitve 40 96 8 67 29 26 3 3 Social development and services Raz., izkoriöËanje zemlje in ozraËja 2 18 1 9 1 9 - -. Exploration and exploatation of the art and atmosphere Sploöni napredek znanja 26 10 6 3 13 6 7 1 General advancement of knowledge Obramba - - - - - - - - Defence Sektor Raziskovalna dela skupaj Research works total Prihodek skupaj Income total mio SIT Vrsta raziskovanj Kind of research Sector temeljna raziskovanja basic research aplikativna raziskovanja applied research razvojna raziskovanja exp. development ötevilo del number of works prihodek income mio SIT ötevilo del number of works prihodek income mio SIT ötevilo del number of works prihodek income mio SIT 7.8 Ustvarjeni prihodek od raziskovalno-razvojnega dela od 1. 1. do 31. 12. za dokonËana in nedokonËana raziskovalna dela po druűbeno - ekonomskih ciljih in vrsti raziskovanja (nadaljevanje) Income from research & development activities for finished and unfinished research works by socio-economic objectives and by kind of research (continued) 145 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8. KULTURA CULTURE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o kulturi zbiramo na podlagi vsakoletnih, triletnih in obËasnih statistiËnih raziskovanj. Izjema so podatki o knjiűni proizvodnji ter serijskih publikacijah; te podatke je do leta 1990 za vso nekdanjo SFRJ zbiral Jugoslovanski bibliografski inötitut in obdeloval Zvezni zavod za statistiko, od vkljuËno leta 1991 te podatke zbira in obdeluje Narodna in univerzitetna knjiűnica v Ljubljani, raËunalniöke storitve pa opravljata Univerzitetni inötitut informacijskih znanosti v Mariboru ter StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije. Podobno velja tudi za podatke o knjiűnicah, do leta 1989 jih je zbiral in obdeloval StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije, od vkljuËno leta 1990 pa to delo opravlja Narodna in univerzitetna knjiűnica v Ljubljani; to je matiËna knjiűnica za vso Slovenijo, ki zbira in obdeluje podatke o vseh knjiűnicah, le podatke o öolskih knjiűnicah öe vedno zbira SURS. Izjema so tudi podatki o radijskih in TV-naroËnikih, ki jih posreduje naroËniöka sluűba RTV Slovenije. Podatke o branosti serijskih publikacij ter posluöanosti in gledalnosti radijskih in TV-postaj pa smo povzeli iz Mediane-PovpreËje 1996 (Inötitut za raziskovanje medijev). ZAJETJE V letnih poroËilih statistike kulture prikazujemo podatke o zaloűbah, galerijah in razstaviöËih, gledaliöËih, filharmoniji in poklicnih orkestrih, kinematografih, filmskih proizvajalcih in distributerjih (vsakoletna raziskovanja), öolskih knjiűnicah, muzejih in muzejskih zbirkah, arhivih, zavodih za kulturo in kulturnih domovih (triletna raziskovanja) ter kulturno-umetniökih druötvih (obËasno raziskovanje). Podatke o gledaliöËih, filharmoniji in poklicnih orkestrih, zavodih za kulturo in kulturnih domovih ter kulturno-umetniökih druötvih zbiramo po gledaliökih sezonah, podatke o drugih kulturnih zavodih pa po koledarskih letih. Upoötevali smo vse kulturne zavode, enote, druötva itd., ki so delovali ob popisu. DEFINICIJE Knjiűna proizvodnja. Knjige (dela ali naslovi) so tiskane ali drugaËe razmnoűene neperiodiËne publikacije v knjiűni obliki. Lahko imajo en zvezek ali veË zvezkov (fiziËnih enot). Naslovi knjig ali del so po vsebini razvröËeni po univerzalni decimalni klasifikaciji (UDK). Serijske publikacije so publikacije v tiskani ali netiskani obliki, ki izhajajo v zaporednih delih, navadno s ötevilËnimi in Ëasovnimi oznakami, nedoloËen Ëas. Sem sodijo Ëasniki, Ëasopisi (revije, magazini, űurnali), almanahi, koledarji, obËasni zborniki itd. Knjiűnice so samostojni zavodi ali enote v sestavi drugih zavodov, organizacij itd. Njihova glavna dejavnost je knjiűniËarska dejavnost; po Zakonu o knjiűniËarstvu (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 27/82) je to "sistematiËno zbiranje, strokovno obdelovanje, hranjenje in predstavljanje knjiűniËnega gradiva, njegovo oddajanje v uporabo ter drugo bibliografsko, informacijsko, dokumentacijsko in komunikacijsko delo, namenjeno javnosti". Vrste knjiűnic glede na oűji namen delovanja in na krog obiskovalcev, ki so jim predvsem namenjene, so: a) narodna (NUK) b) visokoöolske oziroma univerzitetne knjiűnice (knjiűnice fakultet, akademij, visokih in viöjih öol, kateder, oddelkov in inötitutov v okviru univerze) c) sploönoizobraűevalne knjiűnice - obmoËne d) öolske (osnovnoöolske, srednjeöolske, vzgojno-varstvenih zavo- dov). KnjiűniËno gradivo je vse gradivo, ki je strokovno obdelano (inventarizirano, katalogizirano, klasificirano) in je na voljo uporabnikom. Knjiűno gradivo zajema knjige in broöure ter serijske publikacije, neknjiűno gradivo pa avdiovizualno gradivo, mikrooblike, kartografsko gradivo, slikovno gradivo itd. Letni prirast zajema nove enote knjiűniËnega gradiva, pridobljene v enem letu, tj. od 1. 1. do 31. 12. Obisk - vsak uporabnik (oseba) je ötet tolikokrat, kolikorkrat je v enem letu obiskal knjiűnico, da bi si izposodil ali vrnil gradivo, podaljöal izposojo ali dobil doloËene informacije. Muzeji so organizacijsko samostojni zavodi, muzejske zbirke pa so enote v sestavi drugih podjetij, zavodov, organizacij, skupnosti in druötev ter civilnopravnih oseb. Muzeji so zavodi, ki delujejo na osnovi Zakona o naravni in kulturni dediöËini (Ur. l. SRS, öt. 1/81, Ëleni 13, 71, 87). SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The data on culture are collected by means of annual, three-yearly and occasional statistical surveys. The exception are the data on book production, and periodicals and newspapers (press); until 1990 these data had been collected for the whole former SFRY by the Yugoslav Bibliographical Institute and processed by the Federal Statistical Office. Since 1991 these data have been collected and processed by the National and University Library in Ljubljana, while computer services have been performed by the University Institute of Information Sciences in Maribor and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. The same holds good for the data on libraries. Until 1989 the data had been collected and processed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, while since 1990 this work has been performed by the National and University Library in Ljubljana, which is the central library for the whole Slovenia and collects and processes data on all libraries in the country, except data on school libraries which are collected by the Statistical Office. An exception are also the data on television and radio licences, which are been mediated by the subscription service of Radio and Television Slovenia. Data on press by the number of readers, radio programmes by the number of listeners and TV programmes by the number of viewers were taken from Mediana- PovpreËje 1996 (Institute for Media Research). COVERAGE In annual reports of culture statistics the following are included: publishing houses, galleries and exhibition grounds, theatres, philharmonic society and professional orchestras, cinemas, film producers and distributors (annual surveys), school libraries, museums and museum collections, archives, institutions for culture and homes of culture (three-year surveys), and cultural and arts societies (occasional surveys). The data on theatres, philharmonic society and professional orchestras, institutions for culture and homes of culture as well as cultural and arts societies are collected by theatre seasons, while the other data are collected by calendar years. We took into consideration all institutions active at the time of census. DEFINITIONS Book production. Books (works or titles) are printed or otherwise multiplied non-periodic publications in book form. They may consist of one or more volumes (physical units). Titles of books or works are arranged according to universal decimal classification (UDC). Press are serial publications in printed or non-printed form issued in consecutive parts, usually with number and time signs, for an indefinite period of time. Press includes newspapers, periodicals (reviews, magazines, journals), almanacs, calendars, occasional miscellanies, etc. Libraries are independent institutions or constituent units of other institutions, organizations, etc. Their main activity is library activity. According to the Library Activity Act (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 2/82) library activity is "systematic collecting, professional processing, keeping and presenting of book material, its borrowing and other bibliographic, documentation and communication work intended for public." According to the basic purpose and the circle of visitors they are intended for, libraries are: a) National and University Library b) university libraries (university libraries, faculty libraries, academy libraries, department libraries and libraries of institutes within the university) c) public libraries d) school libraries (elementary, upper secondary, kindergarten librar- ies). Library material is all material which has been professionally processed (inventoried, catalogued, classified) and is available to users. Book material includes books and brochures, and serial publications, while other library material includes audio-visual materials, microforms, maps, images, etc. Annual additions include new volumes and units, obtained in one year, i.e. from 1 January to 31 December. Visitors - each user (person) is shown as many times as the number of visits to the library to borrow or return a book, to prolong the borrowing of a book or to obtain information in the course of one year. Museums are organisationally independent institutions, whereas museum collections are constituent parts of other enterprises, institutions, organizations, communities and societies, and civil and legal entities. Museums are institutions acting on the basis of the Law on Natural and Cultural Heritage (Official Gazette of SRS, No. 1/81, articles 13, 71, 87). 146 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture Muzeje in muzejske zbirke delimo glede na muzejsko gradivo na sploöne in posebne. Posebni muzeji in muzejske zbirke imajo muzejsko gradivo doloËene vrste, delimo pa jih na druűbenozgodovinske, naravoslovne, ekonomsko-tehniöke ter umetnostne. Predmeti, obiskovalci ter zaposleno osebje enot v sestavi muzejev so prikazani pri matiËnih muzejih. Galerije in razstaviöËa so samostojni zavodi ali enote v sestavi drugih podjetij, zavodov, organizacij, skupnosti, druötev, druűb z omejeno odgovornostjo, trajnih delovnih skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev, ki redno ali obËasno pripravljajo razstave. Arhivi so zavodi, ki opravljajo arhivsko javno sluűbo, tj. varujejo javno arhivsko gradivo po Zakonu o arhivskem gradivu in arhivih (ZAGA) (Ur. l. RS, öt. 20/97, Ëleni 7, 8, 9, 11). "Arhivsko gradivo je izvirno in reproducirano (pisano, risano, tiskano, fotografirano, filmano, fonografirano, magnetno, optiËno ali kako drugaËe zapisano) dokumentarno gradivo, ki je bilo prejeto ali je nastalo pri delu pravnih oziroma fiziËnih oseb in ima trajen pomen za znanost in kulturo. Arhivsko gradivo je kulturni spomenik." (Ur. l. RS, öt. 20/97, Ëlen 2) Gledaliöka in glasbena dejavnost. Prikazujemo dejavnost raznih gledaliöË, skupin, kulturnih zavodov itd. Poklicno gledaliöËe je zavod, v katerem je zaposleno poklicno umetniöko in tehniËno osebje. Sem spadajo tudi eksperimentalna poklicna gledaliöËa in vsi drugi odri (npr. mala drama, mali oder), ki delujejo v svoji dvorani in pripravljajo samostojne predstave, ne glede na to, ali so samostojni ali pa v sestavi poklicnih (matiËnih) gledaliöË. Poklicna mladinska in otroöka gledaliöËa so zavodi, v katerih je zaposleno poklicno umetniöko in drugo osebje. Redno prirejajo predstave za mladino in otroke. Od 1992/93 so prikazana samo lutkovna gledaliöËa. Amaterska gledaliöËa so druötva, umetniöko osebje je veËinoma nepoklicno, ljubiteljsko, pri posameznih predstavah pa sodelujejo tudi poklicni reűiserji, igralci, scenografi itd. V tabeli 8.11, stolpec “osebe, zaposlene s polnim delovnim Ëasom” prikazujemo podatke o amaterjih (ljubiteljskih sodelavcih). Neodvisne gledaliöke skupine so druötva ali trajne delovne skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev, umetniöko osebje pa so profesionalni sodelavci, zaposleni po pogodbi o delu. Producenti gledaliöke dejavnosti. Prikazujemo podatke o dejavnosti Cankarjevega doma, Doma öpanskih borcev ter Inart centra, od 1994⁄95 pa samo o dejavnosti Cankarjevega doma in Doma öpanskih borcev. Filharmonija in poklicni orkestri. Prikazujemo podatke o poklicnih orkestrih in zborih, katerih umetniöko osebje so profesionalni glasbeniki, ki so v rednem delovnem razmerju v tem orkestru ali zboru. Zavodi (centri) za kulturo in kulturni domovi so zavodi, ki opravljajo kulturno-umetniöko, vzgojno-izobraűevalno in kongresno dejavnost. Do gledaliöke sezone 1987/88 smo upoötevali samostojne zavode, od 1990/ 91 pa poleg teh tudi nekatere obËinske zveze kulturnih organizacij po izboru ZKOS-a. Kulturno-umetniöka druötva se ukvarjajo z eno ali veË panogami kulturne ali umetniöke dejavnosti. Druötva, katerih dejavnost nima izkljuËno kulturno-umetniökega znaËaja (npr. druötva esperantistov), tukaj niso upoötevana. V tabeli 8.11, stolpec “osebe, zaposlene s polnim delovnim Ëasom” prikazujemo podatke o aktivni Ëlanih, ljubiteljih. Radiotelevizija. Radijske in TV-postaje predvajajo in proizvajajo radijski oziroma TV-program za javnost. Organizacijsko so lahko samostojni ali pa delujejo v sestavi drugih zavodov, organizacij itd. RTV Slovenija ima nacionalni oziroma matiËni pomen, druge RTV postaje pa lokalni. V tabeli 8.16 so prikazane TV postaje, ki predvajajo TV program, v tabeli 8.12 pa tudi tiste, ki imajo samo videostrani in reklame, ne pa tudi predvajanega TV-programa. V podatkih o rednih radijskih in TV-naroËnikih so upoötevani uporabniki samo tistih radijskih in TV-sprejemnikov, za katere se plaËuje naroËnina. Niso upoötevani naroËniki, oproöËeni plaËevanja naroËnine, ter nadaljnji sprejemniki, za katere se ne plaËuje naroËnina, ker o njih ni natanËne evidence. Kinematografi so kinematografske dvorane, kjer se prikazujejo filmi za javnost. Navedeni so podatki o obiskovalcih in predstavah celoveËernih filmov in tistih kratkometraűnih filmov, ki so izpolnjevali ves spored ene kinematografske predstave. CeloveËerni film izpolnjuje osnovni spored ene javne kinematografske predstave in traja okoli 90 minut (od 2000 m Museums and museum collections are divided according to the museum material they have into general and special. Special museums and collections have museum material of a certain kind and are divided into social history, natural history, economical-technical and art museums. Exhibits, visitors and persons in paid employment in units which are constituent parts of museums are shown at central museums. Galleries and exhibition grounds are independent institutions or units which are constituent parts of other enterprises, institutions, organizations, societies, communities, limited liability companies, permanent working associations of independent cultural workers, who prepare exhibitions regularly or occasionally. Archives are institutions performing archival public service, i.e. preservation of public archive material according to the Law on Archive Material and Archives (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 20/ 97, articles 7, 8, 9, 11). "Archive material is original and reproduced (written, drawn, printed, photographed, filmed, phonographed, magnetically, optically or otherwise recorded) documentary material which was received or created by legal entities or natural persons and has permanent significance for science and culture. Archive material is a monument of culture.” (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 20/97, Article 2). Performing arts. Activity of various theatres, companies, institutions, etc. is shown. Professional theatre is an institution where art and technical staff is employed. Experimental professional theatres and all other stages (e.g. small drama, small stage), which act in their own hall and prepare independent performances, regardless of whether being independent or constituent parts of professional (central) theatres, are included here. Professional youth and children's theatres are institutions employing art and other staff. They regularly perform for youth and children. Since 1992/93 only puppet theatres are included. Amateur theatres are societies, art staff is mainly non-professional and amateur. Professional directors, actors and scene-painters, etc. cooperate only in individual performances. In Table 8.11 the column “persons in full-time employment” shows only amateurs. Independent theatre companies are societies or permanent working associations of independent cultural workers. Art staff is professionally employed under work contract. Producers of theatres activity. Data of Cankarjev dom, äpanski borci and Inart center are shown, and since 1994/95 only of Cankarjev dom and äpanski borci. Philharmonic society and professional orchestras. Data on professional orchestras and choirs whose art staff are professional musicians regularly employed in such orchestras or choirs are shown. Institutions (centres) for culture and homes of culture are institutions, performing cultural-artistic, educational and congress activity. Until the 1987/88 theatre season independent institutions are shown, and from 1990/91, besides these, also some community associations of cultural organizations, according to the choice of the Association of Cultural Organizations of the Republic of Slovenia. Cultural-art societies deal with one or more branches of cultural and art activity. Societies whose activity does not have only cultural-artistic character (e.g. societies of Esperanto speakers) are not included. In Table 8.11 the column “persons in full-time employment” shows only active members - amateurs. Broadcasting. Radio and TV stations broadcast and produce radio and TV programme for public. They can be organisationally independent or they can act as constituent parts of other institutions, organisations, etc. RTV Slovenia is of national or central significance, whereas other radio and TV stations are of regional or local significance. Table 8.16 shows TV stations broadcasting TV programmes and Table 8.12 shows also those that have only video pages and advertising but no TV programme. Data on radio and TV licenses include only those users of radio and television sets for which subscription is paid. Temporarily not licensed sets and subscribers exempted from paying subscription as well as further sets for which subscription is not paid are not included, as there are no exact records about them. Cinemas are halls where films are shown publicly. Data on attendance and long films and those short films which fulfilled the whole feature of a cinema performance are shown. A long film fulfils the main feature of a public cinema performance and lasts for about 90 minutes (at least 2000 m for 35-mm film reel or at least 900 m for 16-mm film reel). 147 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture dalje pri 35-mm filmskem traku ali od 900 m pri 16-mm filmskem traku). Proizvodnja filmov. Prikazujemo podatke o ötevilu proizvedenih celoveËernih filmov, namenjenih za prikazovanje v kinematografih. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Pregled kulture in prosvete v letu 1948. Kulturno prosvetna dejavnost v Sloveniji, 1952. Kulturno-prosvetna dejavnost, 1957; Kulturna in umetniöka dejavnost 1957, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1962. StatistiËno gradivo 1963, öt. 8; 1964, öt. 5; 1967, öt. 4; 1968, öt. 8; 1969, öt. 21; 1970, öt. 14; 1973, öt. 17; 1974, öt. 16, öt. 21; 1975, öt. 1, öt. 7. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 12, 21, 49, 60, 88, 99, 120, 136, 180, 197, 238, 268, 274, 283, 312, 320, 353, 381, 420, 462, 477, 486, 495, 552, 594, 615, 655, 672. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije 1962, zv. IV; 1963, zv. IV; 1964, zv. IV, 1965, zv. II; 1966, zv. VII; 1967, zv. I; 1968, zv. I; 1969, zv. VI; 1970, zv. I; 1972, zv. XI; 1973, zv. II; 1976, zv. VI; 1977, zv. VI; 1978, zv. II; 1979, zv. III; 1980, zv. V; 1981, zv. XIX; 1983, zv. II; 1984, öt. 4; 1985, öt. 2; 1987, öt. 3; 1987, öt. 12; 1989, öt. 15; 1990, öt. 9; 1991, öt. 1; 1992, öt. 11; 1993, öt. 6; 1995, öt. 10; 1996, öt. 4. Film production. Data on the number of recorded long films made for cinemas are shown. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Review of Culture and Education in 1948. Cultural-educational Activity in Slovenia, 1952. Cultural-educational Activity, 1957; Cultural and Art Activity 1957, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1962. Statistical Material 1963 No. 8, 1964 No. 5, 1967 No. 4, 1968 No. 8, 1969 No. 21, 1970 No. 14, 1973 No. 17, 1974 No. 16, No. 21, 1975 No. 1, No. 7. Results of Surveys No. 12, 21, 49, 60, 88, 99, 120, 136, 180, 197, 238, 268, 274, 283, 312, 320, 353, 381, 420, 462, 477, 486, 495, 552, 594, 615, 655, 672. Statistical Data by Communities 1962 Vol. IV; 1963 Vol. IV; 1964 Vol. IV, 1965 Vol. II, 1966 Vol. VII, 1967 Vol. I, 1968 Vol. I, 1969 Vol. VI, 1970 Vol. I, 1972 Vol. XI, 1973 Vol. II, 1976 Vol. VI, 1977 Vol. VI, 1978 Vol. II, 1979 Vol. III, 1980 Vol. V, 1981 Vol. XIX, 1983 Vol. II, 1984 No. 4, 1985 No. 2, 1987 No. 3, 1987 No. 12, 1989 No. 15, 1990 No. 9, 1991 No. 1, 1992 No. 11, 1993 No. 6, 1995 No. 10, 1996 No. 4. 148 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.1 Kulturni kazalniki Cultural indicators 1) Od 1990 izposojeno knjiűniËno gradivo. Since 1990 all library material. Obiskovalci Attendance 1000 Izposojene knjige iz sploöno- izobraűevalnih knjiűnic 1) Books borrowed from public libraries1) 1000 Knjiűna proizvodnja, ötevilo naslovov izdanih knjig Book production, number of book titles published TV-naroËniki TV-licences 1000 Proizvedeni celoveËerni filmi Production of long filmsmuzejev in muzejskih zbirk museums and museum collections poklicnih gledaliöË professional theatres kinematografov cinemas 1947 54 450 6570 ... 421 - - 1948 107 479 7885 ... 522 - 1 1949 189 575 8998 ... 387 - - 1950 154 514 9298 ... 509 - 1 1951 184 544 9393 ... 604 - 1 1952 165 506 8993 1188 542 - 2 1953 246 602 10984 1343 635 - 3 1954 292 663 12809 1418 659 - 1 1955 465 678 13769 1600 626 - 2 1956 523 681 15082 1870 688 - 1 1957 574 661 15110 2073 748 - 1 1958 633 585 15941 2172 657 - 3 1959 720 533 17182 2296 711 1 2 1960 766 541 17189 2492 739 3 3 1961 989 534 16520 2387 799 10 6 1962 ... 470 15619 ... 836 22 2 1963 ... 494 15465 ... 806 36 2 1964 967 477 15588 2189 1058 72 2 1965 ... 495 14868 ... 1054 96 6 1966 ... 523 13688 ... 1067 117 3 1967 ... 515 13042 ... 1321 147 4 1968 1190 480 12621 2379 1171 169 5 1969 ... 451 10987 ... 1131 195 3 1970 ... 502 10456 ... 1102 218 3 1971 1463 554 9962 2168 1378 243 3 1972 ... 507 9581 ... 1510 273 1 1973 ... 493 9147 ... 1719 299 5 1974 2025 514 8944 2828 2568 329 3 1975 ... 530 8762 ... 1974 346 3 1976 ... 504 8400 ... 1852 384 3 1977 ... 502 8329 3871 1855 401 2 1978 ... 479 8152 ... 2060 420 3 1979 2483 468 8478 ... 2366 432 3 1980 ... 459 8651 4895 2075 443 2 1981 ... 427 8079 ... 1889 444 1 1982 2068 412 8020 ... 1916 461 6 1983 ... 432 8113 5733 1756 459 5 1984 ... 456 7949 ... 2192 463 5 1985 2031 435 7787 6531 2328 468 5 1986 ... 441 7868 ... 2019 467 5 1987 ... 412 7086 6589 1878 473 6 1988 2221 438 5473 ... 2089 484 4 1989 ... 444 3789 7366 1932 443 3 1990 ... 395 2846 7936 1853 449 4 1991 1045 350 1792 9248 2459 444 4 1992 ... 322 1588 11274 2136 441 3 1993 469 2343 11677 2440 454 1 1994 1809 452 2738 11980 2906 456 1 1995 ... 468 2926 12817 3194 455 2 1996 ... 461 2714 ... 3441 458 3 149 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.2 Knjiűna proizvodnja Book production Skupaj Total ätevilo naslovov izdanih knjig (del) Number of book titles (works) published po jeziku by language po izdaji by edition izvirna dela original works prevodi translations prve izdaje first editions ponatisi re-editions 1985 2328 2119 209 2030 298 1985 1990 1853 1272 581 1358 495 1990 1992 2136 1228 908 1753 383 1992 1993 2440 1547 893 2084 356 1993 1994 2906 1981 925 2417 489 1994 1995 3194 2219 975 2728 466 1995 1996 3441 2354 1087 2962 479 1996 SKUPAJ 3441 2354 1087 2962 479 TOTAL Sploöna skupina 82 64 18 72 10 General group Sploöno 74 57 17 64 10 Generalities Bibliografije, katalogi, seznami knjig 8 7 1 8 - Bibliography, catalogues Filozofija, psihologija 123 39 84 109 14 Philosophy, psychology Verstvo, bogoslovje 135 77 58 112 23 Religion, theology Druűbene vede 645 547 98 523 122 Social sciences Socialna vpraöanja, sociografija, sociologija 122 105 17 106 16 Social questions, sociography, sociology Statistika, demografija 39 37 2 34 5 Statistics, demography Politika 35 27 8 32 3 Politics PolitiËna ekonomija, gospodarstvo 81 71 10 57 24 Political economy, economics Delo, samoupravljanje 7 6 1 5 2 Labour, self management Pravo, javna uprava 64 55 9 44 20 Law, public administration Skrbstvo, medsebojna pomoË, zavarovalstvo 14 11 3 11 3 Social welfare, mutual help, insurance Vzgoja, öolstvo, izobraűevanje, pouk 223 188 35 178 45 Education, teaching, training, instruction Oblikovanje prostega Ëasa, amaterske dejavnosti 13 10 3 13 - Leisure, non-professional activities Narodopisje, ljudsko slovstvo 44 36 8 40 4 Etnography, folk literature éensko vpraöanje, poloűaj űenske 3 1 2 3 - Women?s questions, position of women Matematika, prirodoslovne vede 261 178 83 178 83 Mathematics, natural sciences Uporabne znanosti, medicina, tehnika 692 534 158 585 107 Applied sciences, medicine, technics Medicina, veterina 262 198 64 221 41 Medical science, veterinary science Nezgode, zaöËite pred nezgodami, rdeËi kriű 7 6 1 7 - Accidents, accident protection, red cross Inűenirske vede, tehnika, razne industrije in obrti 158 147 11 130 28 Engineering, technology, various industries and crafts Varstvo pri delu 4 4 - 4 - Protection at work Kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, űivinoreja, lov, ribiötvo 73 56 17 67 6 Agriculture, forestry, stockbreeding, huting, fishing Gospodinjstvo 28 17 11 20 8 Domestic science Vodenje in organizacija poslovanja v industriji, Management and organization of operation in industry, trgovini in prometu 102 76 26 82 20 trade and transport Avtomatska obdelava podatkov, raËunalniki 58 30 28 54 4 Automatic data processing, computers Umetnost, arhitektura, fotografija, glasba, öport 438 197 241 420 18 Art, arshitecture, photography, music, sport Umetnost 51 39 12 46 5 Art Urbanizem, arhitektura 17 11 6 17 - Town planning, architecture UpodabljajoËa umetnost, uporabna umetnost, Plastic arts, applied arts, fotografija 124 40 84 122 2 photography Slikanice, stripi 158 40 118 153 5 Picture books, strip cartoons Glasba 22 16 6 22 - Musics Film, gledaliöËe 13 11 2 13 - Film, theatre äah, öport 53 40 13 47 6 Chess, sport Jezikoslovje, leposlovje, literarna veda 803 542 261 736 67 Linguistics, philology, literature, literary sciences Jezikoslovje 123 95 28 87 36 Philology Literarna teorija, literarne kritike in ötudije 28 24 4 25 3 Literary theory, literary criticism and studies Leposlovje 652 423 229 624 28 Literature Arheologija, domoznanstvo, zemljepis, Geography, biography, biografije, zgodovina 262 176 86 227 35 history Arheologija, zgodovina 128 95 33 113 15 Archeology, history Domoznanstvo, zemljepis 86 47 39 70 16 Geography Biografije 48 34 14 44 4 Biography 150 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.3 Leposlovje (ötevilo izdanih naslovov) Literature (number of titles published) 8.4 Serijske publikacije Press Skupaj Total Romani Novels Pesniötvo Poetry Drame Dramas Kratka proza Short stories Drugo Other 1995 720 145 168 23 278 106 1995 Slovenska knjiűevnost 453 59 143 15 170 66 Slovenian literature Knjiűevnost drugih narodov 267 86 25 8 108 40 Literature of other nations 1996 652 156 149 26 226 95 1996 Slovenska knjiűevnost 204 30 72 5 73 24 Slovenian literature Knjiűevnost drugih narodov po Literature of other nations by individual posameznih jezikovnih skupinah - skupaj 448 126 77 21 153 71 language groups - total Angleöka in ameriöka knjiűevnost 349 100 68 14 128 39 English and American literature »eöka in slovaöka knjiűevnost 2 1 - - 1 - Czech and Slovak literature Francoska knjiűevnost 4 3 - - 1 - French literature Knjiűevnost drugih juűnoslovanskih narodov 14 - 6 2 5 1 Literature of South Slavic nations KlasiËna knjiűevnost 3 - - 1 1 1 Classical literature Nemöka knjiűevnost 19 6 - 2 10 1 Germanic literature Druge germanske knjiűevnosti 4 2 - - 2 - Others Germanic literatures Poljska knjiűevnost 1 - - 1 - - Polish literature Ruska knjiűevnost 2 2 - - - - Russian literature äpanska knjiűevnost 1 - - - 1 - Spanish and Portugese literature Knjiűevnost raznih drugih narodov 49 12 3 1 4 29 Literatures of various nations Skupaj Total Dnevni Daily Dvakrat na teden Twice a week Tedenski Weekly ätiri- najst- dnevni Fort- nightly MeseËni Monthly Dvome- seËni Bi- monthly Tri- in ötiri- meseËni 3- and 4- monthly Pol- letni Semi- annually Letni Annual Drugi Other 1985 776 3 2 29 28 211 19 22 - - 462 1985 1990 649 4 2 40 33 194 62 79 30 30 175 1990 1992 641 6 2 31 31 169 44 70 27 64 197 1992 1993 800 6 4 35 37 172 49 71 31 129 266 1993 1994 953 6 4 41 49 210 50 91 35 201 266 1994 1995 1045 8 4 42 40 249 55 97 37 220 293 1995 1996 1274 8 3 30 34 260 55 111 43 356 374 1996 SKUPAJ 1248 8 3 30 34 258 55 109 43 338 370 TOTAL »asniki 134 7 3 20 12 34 6 3 1 1 47 Newspapers Sploöna skupina 72 6 2 14 7 22 3 - - - 18 General group Verstvo, bogoslovje 2 - - - - 2 - - - - - Religion, theology Druűbene vede 37 - 1 3 2 4 2 2 1 - 22 Social sciences Matematika, prirodoslovne vede 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 Mathematics, natural sciences Uporabna znanost, medicina, tehnika 11 - - 1 - 4 1 1 - 1 3 Applied sciences, medicine, technics Umetnost, arhitektura, fotografija, glasba, öport 8 1 - 2 2 1 - - - - 2 Art, architecture, photography, music, sport Jezikoslovje, filologija, leposlovje, literarne vede 2 - - - - 1 - - 1 Linguistics, philology, literature, literary sciences Domoznanstvo, zemljepis, biografija, zgodovina 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - Geography, biography, history Druge serijske publikacije 1114 1 - 10 22 224 49 106 42 337 323 Periodicals Sploöna skupina 201 - - 4 6 56 3 6 5 57 64 General group Filozofija, psihologija 15 - - - - 3 1 3 2 2 4 Philosophy, psychology Verstvo, bogoslovje 40 - - - 1 11 7 9 - 3 9 Religion, theology Druűbene vede 411 1 - 2 5 59 14 29 12 176 113 Social sciences Matematika, prirodoslovne vede 40 - - - 4 4 7 3 12 10 Mathematics, natural sciences Uporabna znanost, medicina, tehnika 220 - - 2 2 55 15 31 10 51 54 Applied sciences, medicine, technics Umetnost, arhitektura, fotografija, glasba, öport 117 - - 2 8 29 3 13 2 19 41 Art, architecture, photography, music, sport Jezikoslovje, filologija, leposlovje, literarne vede 32 - - - - 4 2 3 5 5 13 Linguistics, philology, literature, literary sciences Domoznanstvo, zemljepis, biografija, zgodovina 38 - - - - 3 - 5 3 12 15 Geography, biography, history 151 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.5 Branost nekaterih serijskih publikacij po ötevilu bralcev, 19961) Press by number of readers, 19961) 1) Vir: Mediana - PovpreËje 1996 Source: Mediana - PovpreËje 1996 ätevilo bralcev od vseh 6000 anketi- rancev Number of readers from all 6000 inter- viewed Projekcija vzorca na slovensko populacijo med 10. in 75. letom starosti Sample projection for the whole Slovenian population aged 10 to 75 ötevilo bralcev number of reders 1000 deleű share % ötevilo bralcev po spolu number of readers by sex 1000 ötevilo bralcev po izobrazbi number of readers by education 1000 nepopolna osnovna incom- plete ele- mentary osnovna elementary poklicna vocational srednja upper sec- ondary viöja higher visoka university moöki men űenske women Slovenske novice 1183 340 20,3 167 172 38 87 90 100 15 8 VeËer 1061 304 18,2 162 144 25 73 78 90 20 13 Delo 978 281 16,8 152 129 10 40 45 100 35 47 Dnevnik 748 216 12,9 107 109 22 42 45 77 12 17 Nedeljski dnevnik 1862 535 32,0 249 286 53 129 125 169 30 27 Lady 1251 360 21,5 102 257 30 95 84 120 17 13 OgnjiöËe 1250 360 21,5 149 209 53 127 82 72 13 12 Jana 1091 314 18,8 92 222 27 77 60 102 23 23 Naö dom 821 236 14,1 107 129 30 57 53 63 15 15 Naöa űena 706 203 12,1 57 145 12 52 42 68 15 13 Ciciban 695 201 12,0 75 124 42 42 37 52 15 10 Druűina 692 199 11,9 77 122 32 73 37 40 10 7 Nedelo 669 193 11,5 105 87 15 33 30 65 18 28 Razvedrilo 658 189 11,3 84 105 30 43 42 62 7 5 Stop 619 178 10,6 77 100 18 43 32 60 12 12 Salomonov oglasnik 619 178 10,6 110 68 15 42 42 62 12 5 Obrtnik 576 166 9,9 89 77 13 28 47 60 12 7 Zdravje 565 162 9,7 55 107 8 38 33 50 17 17 KmeËki glas 549 157 9,4 82 77 32 67 32 23 3 2 Smrklja 512 147 8,8 35 110 30 48 20 40 3 3 7D 490 141 8,4 73 67 8 33 35 43 8 10 Avto magazin 460 132 7,9 102 30 10 23 35 43 10 10 Antena 458 132 7,9 53 77 17 38 30 40 3 2 Motorevija 425 122 7,3 92 30 10 20 30 42 7 13 Pil - Pisani list 422 122 7,3 47 73 60 28 8 12 5 7 Mag 393 114 6,8 65 47 7 17 18 45 12 13 Primorske novice 381 109 6,5 52 58 10 30 30 28 5 5 Mladina 373 107 6,4 68 40 5 10 12 42 15 23 Gorenjski glas 371 107 6,4 52 55 17 23 25 28 7 7 Gea 363 104 6,2 45 58 22 25 8 25 10 12 Kih 330 96 5,7 48 47 5 18 22 37 8 5 Kihova slikovna kriűanka 314 91 5,4 47 43 7 20 25 30 5 3 Novi tednik 297 86 5,1 35 48 7 30 20 22 3 3 Revija Obramba 287 82 4,9 60 22 13 13 18 28 3 5 Kaj 277 81 4,8 47 32 3 18 28 25 3 2 Otrok in druűina 250 72 4,3 23 48 5 13 10 22 12 8 E äport 230 67 4,0 50 15 10 15 18 17 3 2 AS 229 66 3,9 35 30 7 17 17 22 3 2 Vestnik Murska Sobota 214 62 3,7 32 30 3 22 15 12 5 5 Moj mikro 181 52 3,1 38 13 3 7 7 22 7 8 Podjetnik 177 51 3,0 28 22 2 7 8 20 7 7 Viva 176 51 3,0 13 37 3 8 3 22 5 8 Radar 160 46 2,7 32 13 5 8 10 13 5 5 Miki Miöka 156 46 2,7 20 25 18 10 5 5 2 2 Manager 152 44 2,6 28 15 0 3 3 17 8 12 Tom & Jerry 143 41 2,4 22 20 15 10 5 7 3 2 Kmetovalec 141 41 2,4 25 17 5 17 8 8 2 0 Gospodarski vestnik 138 41 2,4 22 18 0 3 3 13 10 10 Monitor 132 39 2,3 28 8 2 7 3 13 5 8 Kapital 116 34 2,0 20 13 0 2 3 12 5 10 Pepita 99 29 1,7 5 23 2 5 2 12 3 5 ZajËek Dolgouhec 86 26 1,5 13 12 12 7 2 2 2 2 152 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.6 Knjiűnice in knjiűniËno gradivo in letni prirast1) Libraries, collections and annual adition1) 1) Vir: Narodna in univerzitetna knjiűnica v Ljubljani (razen öolske knjiűnice). Source: National and University Library in Ljubljana (except school libraries). 8.7 Obisk, izposoja in zaposlene osebe v knjiűnicah1) Attendance, loans to users and employees1) 1) Vir: Narodna in univerzitetna knjiűnica v Ljubljani (razen öolske knjiűnice). Source: National and University Library in Ljubljana (except school libraries). 2) Brez specialnih knjiűnic, ker zanje podatkov öe nimamo na razpolago. Without special libraries, because data are not available yet. Vrste knjiűnic2) ätevilo knjiűnic Number of libraries KnjiűniËno gradivo (1000 enot) stanje 31.12. Collections (1000 units) as for 31.12. Letni prirast (1000 enot) Annual addition (1000 units) Category of libraries2) skupaj total knjiűno gradivo book materials neknjiűno gradivo other library materials skupaj total knjiűno gradivo book materials neknjiűno gradivo other library materials 1990 1990 Narodna (NUK) 1 1914 1189 725 61 ... ... National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 66 3034 2705 329 91 ... ... Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 60 5248 4959 289 307 282 25 Public - regional 1991 1991 Narodna (NUK) 1 2000 1213 787 65 ... ... National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 67 3130 2781 349 82 ... ... Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 60 5428 307 291 265 26 Public - regional 1992 1992 ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 60 5613 5283 329 266 234 32 Public - regional äolske 646 6305 6075 230 284 259 25 School 1993 1993 Narodna (NUK) 1 2120 1309 811 65 52 13 National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 68 3420 2974 446 94 83 11 Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 60 5780 5442 338 260 236 24 Public - regional 1994 1994 ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 60 5993 5635 358 288 263 25 Public - regional 1995 1995 Narodna (NUK) 1 2105 1267 835 35 21 14 National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 66 3531 3098 443 108 95 12 Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 60 6323 5944 379 333 308 25 Public - regional Vrste knjiűnic2) Obisk (1000) Attendance (1000) Izposoja (1000 enot) Loans to users (1000 units) MedbiblioteËna izposoja (1000 enot) Interlibrary lending (1000 units) Zaposlene osebe Employees Category of libraries2) 1990 1990 Narodna (NUK) 191 182 ... 116 National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 566 1660 ... 299 Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 3437 7936 5 653 Public - regional 1991 1991 Narodna (NUK) 163 238 ... 114 National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 838 1591 ... 294 Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 4408 9248 4 682 Public - regional 1992 1992 ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 4751 11274 4 684 Public - regional äolske 3108 4802 2 296 School 1993 1993 Narodna (NUK) 209 193 7 115 National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 968 1938 52 341 Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 4971 11677 6 712 Public - regional 1994 1994 ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 5164 11980 6 740 Public - regional 1995 1995 Narodna (NUK) 228 236 8 125 National library Visokoöolske oz. univerzitetne 1003 2092 58 321 Higher education ObmoËne sploönoizobraűevalne 5352 12819 8 754 Public - regional 153 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.8 Arhivi Archives 8.9 Muzeji in muzejske zbirke Museums and museum collections 1993 1996 skupaj total republiöki national regionalni regional skupaj total republiöki national regionalni regional ätevilo arhivov 8 1 7 8 1 7 Number of archives Arhivsko gradivo, 31. 12. Archival holdings, 31. 12. spisovno gradivo (metri) 41246 15350 25896 45531 15733 29798 conventional archives (metres) kartografsko gradivo (kosi) 44940 6900 38040 54033 12500 41533 cartographic archives (items) avdiovizualno gradivo (kosi) 150985 105000 45985 413845 333573 80272 audiovisual archives (items) mikrofilmi (kosi) 17407 2515 14892 24237 3454 20783 microforms (items) drugo gradivo - (metri) 655 - 655 680 - 680 other archives (metres) (kosi) 14524 10790 3734 3739 - 3739 other archives (items) Prirast, 1. 1. - 31. 12. Accessions, 1. 1. - 31. 12. spisovno gradivo (metri) 935 289 646 1518 108 1410 conventional archives (metres) kartografsko gradivo (kosi) 4027 - 4027 2739 60 2679 cartographic archives (items) avdiovizualno gradivo (kosi) 76078 75200 878 4531 - 4531 audiovisual archives (items) mikrofilmi (kosi) 1904 - 1904 1574 819 755 microforms (items) drugo gradivo (metri) 48 - 48 49 - 49 other archives (metres) (kosi) 5 - 5 - - - other archives (items) Izposoja, 1. 1. - 31. 12. Reference service, 1. 1. - 31. 12. uporabniki v Ëitalnici 4287 1141 3146 3159 939 2220 users in the search room obiskovalci v Ëitalnici 10198 4390 5808 8924 4330 4594 users - visits in the search room uporabljene enote v Ëitalnici 21629 6292 15337 23543 8488 15055 items consulted Pisni odgovori uporabnikom (ötevilo) 6441 2773 3668 30728 23014 7714 Recorded enquiries (number) Razstave (ötevilo) 21 2 19 35 2 33 Exhibitions (number) obiskovalci 12500 5500 7000 59836 6200 53636 visitors Predavanja, seminarji (ötevilo) 38 10 28 119 25 94 Lectures and seminars (number) obiskovalci 199 30 169 2084 103 1981 visitors Zaposleno osebje s polnim delovnim Ëasom 188 65 123 193 68 125 Persons in full-time employment od tega strokovno osebje 156 62 94 159 65 94 of which professional staff ätevilo Number Inventarizirani predmeti Documented museum objects ObËasne razstave Temporary exhibitions Obiskovalci Visitors Zaposlene osebe s polnim delovnim Ëasom Persons in full-time employment skupaj total od tega obËasnih razstav of these tempo- rary exhibitions skupaj total strokovni in tehniËni sodelavci professional and technical staff 1988 125 770255 387 2221173 623436 535 337 1988 Muzeji 39 725305 321 1701367 540266 507 319 Museums Muzejske zbirke 86 44950 66 520030 83170 28 18 Museum collections 1991 114 879601 333 1044851 358293 606 340 1991 Muzeji 40 826337 286 763647 324652 581 402 Museums Muzejske zbirke 74 53264 47 281204 33641 25 16 Museum collections 1994 80 1593540 684 1809265 815710 689 377 1994 SploönI 24 645066 251 475149 297753 289 160 General PosebnI 56 948474 433 1334116 517957 400 217 Special druűbenozgodovinskI 33 807261 111 823420 265525 172 104 socio-historical naravoslovnI 2 58281 - 51569 - 29 22 natural history ekonomskotehniökI 7 29884 39 122654 19653 54 24 economy-technical umetnostnI 14 53048 283 336473 232779 145 67 art Muzeji 50 1564218 647 1640988 768881 664 360 Museums Sploöni 24 645066 251 475149 297753 289 160 General Posebni 25 919152 396 1165839 471128 375 200 Special druűbenozgodovinski 11 797725 93 709481 237026 159 94 socio-historical naravoslovni 2 58281 - 51569 - 29 22 natural history ekonomskotehniöki 2 26610 32 78646 6353 44 18 economy-technical umetnostni 11 36536 271 326143 227749 143 66 art Muzejske zbirke 30 29322 37 168277 46829 25 17 Museum collections Posebne 30 29322 37 168277 46829 25 17 Special druűbenozgodovinske 22 9536 18 113939 28499 13 10 socio-historical ekonomskotehniöke 5 3274 7 44008 13300 10 6 economy-technical umetnostne 3 16512 12 10330 5030 2 1 art 154 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.10 Galerije in razstaviöËa Galleries and exhibition grounds 8.11 Gledaliöka in glasbena dejavnost Performing arts ätevilo razstaviöË, galerij Number of exhibition grounds, galleries ätevilo obËasnih razstav Number of temporary exhibitions ätevilo obisko- valcev Number of visitors Strokovni in tehniËni sodelavci, zaposleni s polnim del. Ëasom Professional and techni- cal staff in full-time employment skupaj total domaËih avtorjev domestic authors tujih avtorjev foreign authors tujih in domaËih avtorjev domestic and foreign autors 1988 89 812 650 83 79 739804 60 1988 1990 114 1031 823 102 106 766254 84 1990 1992 141 1069 854 159 56 638954 132 1992 1993 137 1129 946 143 40 693910 142 1993 1994 175 1368 1176 155 37 616254 181 1994 1995 173 1397 1195 161 41 846401 184 1995 1996 184 1386 1174 173 39 670204 149 1996 SKUPAJ 184 1386 1174 173 39 670204 149 TOTAL Muzeji, centri ali zavodi za kulturo 45 454 340 88 26 346423 98 Museums, centres or institutions for culture Drugi kulturni zavodi 15 91 85 5 1 57942 3 Other cultural institutions Druötva, zveze kulturnih organizacij 36 324 293 25 6 117890 13 Societies, associations of cultural organizations Trajne delovne skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev 1 2 2 - - ... - Permanent working associations of independent cultural workers Druűbe z omejeno odgovornostjo 12 33 25 8 - 15910 5 Limited liability companies Drugo 75 482 429 47 6 132039 30 Other GledaliöËa, skupine, zavodi Theatres, companies, institutions Sedeűi in stojiöËa Seats and standing places Predstave Performances Obiskovalci Attendance Osebe, zaposlene s polnim delovnim Ëasom Persons in full-time employment skupaj total 1000 na gostovanjih on tours 1000 na eno predstavo per one performance na 1000 prebivalcev per 1000 inhabitants skupaj total umetniki artists Poklicna in eksperimentalna gledaliöËa Professional and experimental theatres 1984/85 8 2832 1533 435 92 284 223 970 466 1989/90 8 2894 1464 395 97 270 198 877 514 1991/92 8 2784 1300 322 93 247 161 858 503 1992/93 8 3434 1819 469 138 258 236 986 551 1993/94 8 3833 1739 452 118 260 227 951 540 1994/95 8 4769 1703 468 122 275 235 970 539 1995/96 9 5149 1730 461 129 266 231 999 557 Poklicna mladinska in otroöka gledaliöËa Professional youth and children's theatres 1984/85 3 760 863 166 78 192 - 92 49 1989/90 3 842 850 145 82 171 - 104 49 1991/92 3 840 847 144 74 169 - 94 50 1992/93 2 485 843 136 59 161 - 49 26 1993/94 2 469 888 149 66 167 - 48 25 1994/95 2 530 846 146 61 173 - 55 28 1995/96 2 510 852 150 71 177 - 56 27 Amaterska gledaliöËa Amateur theatres 1984/85 6 1687 458 80 39 175 41 245 233 1989/90 3 645 277 54 16 195 27 141 114 1991/92 3 765 266 41 18 154 20 142 129 1992/93 3 765 276 39 9 140 19 157 157 1993/94 3 765 275 48 13 176 24 139 139 1994/95 3 752 261 40 18 153 20 145 141 1995/96 3 752 320 53 25 165 26 125 125 155 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.12 Radiotelevizija Broadcasting Neodvisne gledaliöke skupine Independent theatre companies 1992/93 7 514 319 42 30 133 21 3 - 1993/94 6 420 331 43 32 131 22 3 1 1994/95 6 664 340 50 26 146 25 13 9 1995/96 5 555 373 54 44 144 27 3 1 Producenti gledaliöke dejavnosti Producers of theatre activity 1992/93 3 2891 289 91 22 314 46 12 - 1993/94 3 2908 264 70 35 265 35 11 - 1994/95 2 2864 235 72 23 305 36 11 - 1995/96 2 2864 227 56 24 245 28 11 - Filharmonija in poklicni orkestri Philharmonic society and professional orchestras 1984/85 4 ... 173 195 104 1126 100 264 246 1989/90 4 ... 168 191 99 1139 96 267 250 1991/92 5 ... 210 179 53 850 89 272 253 1992/93 5 ... 215 185 48 859 93 315 288 1993/94 5 ... 215 182 58 846 91 329 298 1994/95 5 ... 214 194 85 906 98 326 219 1995/96 5 ... 273 357 75 1306 179 327 294 Zavodi za kulturo, kulturni domovi Institutions for culture, homes of culture 1984/85 21 12237 8738 1471 ... 168 758 364 ... 1987/88 26 10667 8477 1399 ... 165 702 488 ... 1990/91 43 16980 10221 1258 ... 123 630 546 ... 1993/94 42 17138 9218 1561 ... 169 785 474 ... 1995/96 49 18335 12306 1852 ... 151 931 554 Kulturno-umetniöka druötva Cultural-art societies 1985/86 508 ... 7736 1874 785 242 944 31395 29542 1990/91 497 ... 7295 1933 1065 265 967 24077 22547 1995/96 1024 ... 16681 3886 2263 233 1952 49514 43633 RTV Slovenija - predvajani program (ure) RTV Slovenia - transmitted programmes (hours) Lokalne RTV postaje Local broadcasting institutions NaroËniki Licences skupaj total prvi program programme 1 drugi program programme 2 tretji program programme 3 ötevilo number predvajani program (ure) transmitted pro- grammes (hours) ötevilo number na 1000 prebi- valcev per 1000 inhabitants Radio Radio broadcasting 1985 16711 8224 6103 2384 19 28835 626557 317 1990 18025 8757 6381 2887 21 61131 604024 302 1992 20265 8506 5978 5781 24 87391 581891 292 1993 21130 8374 5999 5757 29 121548 596092 300 1994 21095 8366 6227 6502 39 206006 592576 298 1995 21354 8522 6325 6507 42 241467 530305 266 1996 21484 8577 6386 6521 49 298046 530015 267 Televizija Television broadcasting 1985 3082 3032 - - 1 3893 467979 237 1990 6815 5046 1769 - 1 4879 449194 225 1992 7872 4558 3314 - 2 5966 441216 221 1993 8222 4555 3667 - 2 8110 454438 228 1994 8587 4647 3940 - 22 26507 456189 229 1995 9258 4738 4520 - 29 30103 454881 229 1996 10717 4821 5896 - 42 53703 458462 231 GledaliöËa, skupine, zavodi Theatres, companies, institutions Sedeűi in stojiöËa Seats and standing places Predstave Performances Obiskovalci Attendance Osebe, zaposlene s polnim delovnim Ëasom Persons in full-time employment skupaj total 1000 na gostovanjih on tours 1000 na eno predstavo per one performance na 1000 prebivalcev per 1000 inhabitants skupaj total umetniki artists 8.11 Gledaliöka in glasbena dejavnost (nadaljevanje) Performing arts (continued) 156 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.13 Predvajani program Radia Slovenija Transmitted programmes of Radio Slovenia ure / hours Skupaj ure Total hours 1995 Skupaj ure Total hours Deleű Share % Prvi program Programme 1 Drugi program Programme 2 Tretji program Programme 3 1996 SKUPAJ 21354 21484 100 8577 6386 6521 TOTAL Glasba 13253 13231 61,6 4591 3833 4807 Music Resna glasba 4601 4426 20,6 98 - 4328 Serious music Zabavna in popularna 8188 8133 37,9 4290 3729 114 Light, popular Narodna glasba 104 120 0,6 79 - 41 Folk music Glasba za otroke 115 125 0,6 17 - 108 Music for children Druga glasba 245 427 2,0 107 104 216 Other music Razvedrilo 295 294 1,4 224 70 - Entertainment Kontaktne oddaje 145 110 0,5 88 22 - Talk, chatshows Kvizi, tekmovanja 40 43 0,2 18 25 - Quizzes, contests Humor, satira 62 112 0,5 89 23 - Humour, satire Drugo 48 29 0,1 29 - - Other Igrani, dramski program 582 636 3,0 278 - 358 Acted, drama programme Radijske igre 203 196 0,9 70 - 126 Radio drama resne 97 122 0,6 42 - 80 serious zabavne 41 13 0,0 1 - 12 light za otroke 65 61 0,3 27 - 34 for children Literarne oddaje 348 434 2,0 204 - 230 Literary programmes Drugo 31 6 0,0 4 - 2 Other äport 438 521 2,4 174 347 - Sport äportni dogodki 33 121 0,6 28 93 - Sports events äportni pregledi 118 119 0,6 - 119 - Sports magazines äportne vesti 287 255 1,2 120 135 - Sports news Drugo - 26 0,1 26 - - Other Dnevnoinformativni program 2808 2867 13,4 1311 1055 501 Daily informative programme PoroËila 645 569 2,6 251 126 192 Newscasts, flashes Dnevniki, kronike 1392 1519 7,1 663 584 272 News magazines Vreme 527 489 2,3 239 214 36 Weather Prometne informacije 82 115 0,5 59 56 - Traffic news Drugo 162 175 0,8 99 75 1 Other Aktualnoinformativni program 3340 3269 15,2 1838 1081 350 Information Aktualne oddaje 658 796 3,7 565 119 112 Current affairs PoroËanje iz parlamenta 119 144 0,7 115 29 - Parliamentary broadcasting Oddaje o politiËnih strankah 10 47 0,2 31 16 - Party political broadcasting Svetovalne oddaje 1141 775 3,6 243 492 40 Advisory programmes Sploöne informativne oddaje 923 725 3,4 372 254 99 General informative programmes Specializirane oddaje 410 430 2,0 331 - 99 Specialized programmes za otroke in mladostnike 169 198 0,9 107 - 91 for children and youth za izseljence 114 100 0,5 100 - - for emigrants za slovenske manjöine 52 59 0,3 51 - 8 for the Slovenian minority za kmetijce 75 73 0,3 73 - - for farmers Drugo 79 352 1,6 181 171 - Other Umetnost, humanistiËne vede, znanost 264 173 0,8 51 - 122 Arts, humanities, sciences Izobraűevanje 285 403 1,9 93 - 310 Education äolsko 62 138 0,6 - - 138 School Za odrasle 223 130 0,6 42 - 88 For adults Drugo - 135 0,6 51 - 84 Other Religija 89 90 0,4 17 - 73 Religion Verski obredi 60 65 0,3 13 - 52 Rituals Drugo 29 25 0,1 4 - 21 Other 157 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.14 Predvajani program, TV Slovenija Transmitted programmes of TV Slovenia ure / hours Skupaj ure Total hours 1995 Skupaj ure Total hours Deleű Share (%) Premierno predvajano First transmissions Ponovitve Repeats 1996 SKUPAJ 9258 10717 100 6539 4178 TOTAL Igrani program 3137 3232 30,2 1606 1626 Fiction Serije, nadaljevanke 1741 1458 13,7 731 727 Series lahke 759 304 2,4 152 152 light resne 683 934 8,7 520 414 serious za otroke in mladostnike 299 220 2,1 59 161 for children and youth Posamezne drame 143 161 1,5 65 96 Single plays lahke 7 3 0,0 - 3 light resne 136 158 1,5 65 93 serious CeloveËerni, TV-filmi 1049 1354 12,6 737 617 Movies, telefilms Kratki animirani filmi 129 138 1,3 28 110 Animation Igrane oddaje za otroke 46 79 0,7 20 59 Acted programme for children Druge igrane oddaje 29 42 0,4 25 17 Other acted programme Razvedrilo 808 1091 10,2 553 538 Entertainment Igre 127 309 2,9 158 151 Games Kvizi, tekmovanja 60 55 0,5 28 27 Quizzes, contests MozaiËne, blok oddaje 169 47 0,4 21 26 Mozaic, bloc programmes äov, humor, satira 58 187 1,8 94 93 Shows, humour, satire Kontaktne in mozaiËne oddaje za mlade 128 197 1,8 99 98 Contact and mosaic programmes for youth Drugo 266 296 2,8 153 143 Other Glasba 901 1113 10,4 548 565 Music Opera, balet 64 91 0,6 30 61 Opera, ballet Resna glasba 109 193 1,8 90 103 Serious music Narodna glasba in folklora 185 169 1,6 79 90 Folk music and dance Zabavna, lahka in rok glasba 313 452 4,2 225 227 Light, pop and rock music Pop video 79 - - - - Pop video Glasba za otroke 23 15 0,1 4 11 Music for children Drugo 128 193 1,8 120 73 Other äport 936 1247 11,6 1127 120 Sport äportni dogodki 735 1029 9,6 957 72 Sports events äportni pregledi 67 104 1,0 69 35 Sports magazines äportne vesti 70 66 0,6 66 - Sports news Drugo 64 48 0,4 35 13 Other Dnevnoinformativni program 821 1264 11,8 1252 12 Daily informative programme PoroËila 33 51 0,5 51 - Newscasts, flashes Dnevniki, kronike 287 282 2,6 282 - News magazines Vreme 26 24 0,2 12 12 Weather Drugo 475 907 8,5 907 - Other Aktualnoinformativni program 1649 1629 15,2 939 690 Information Aktualne oddaje 891 818 7,6 510 308 Current affairs PoroËanje iz parlamenta 23 9 0,1 9 - Parliamentary broadcasting Oddaje o politiËnih strankah - 16 0,2 16 - Party political broadcasts Svetovalne oddaje 78 96 0,9 48 48 Consumer advice Sploöne informativne oddaje 106 135 1,3 65 70 General informative programme Specializirane 96 143 1,3 92 51 Specialized za otroke in mladostnike 1 2 0,0 - 2 for children and youth za slovenske manjöine 69 85 0,8 64 21 for the Slovenian minority za kmetijce 26 56 0,5 28 28 for farmers Drugo 455 412 3,8 199 213 Other Umetnost, humanistiËne vede, znanost 68 45 0,4 14 31 Arts, humanities, sciences Izobraűevalni program 263 324 3,0 103 221 Education äolski 160 115 1,1 36 79 School Za odrasle - 45 0,4 22 23 For adults Sploöni in poljudnoznanstveni 85 148 1,4 37 111 General and popular science Drugo 18 16 0,1 8 8 Other Dokumentarni program 550 641 6,0 309 332 Documentary programme Religija 96 111 1,0 84 27 Religion Verski obredi 30 51 0,5 51 - Rituals Drugo 66 60 0,6 33 27 Other Drug program (brez EPP in napovedi) 29 20 0,2 4 16 Other programmes (excluding advertising and announcements) 158 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.15 Predvajani program lokalnih radijskih postaj, 1996 Transmitted programmes of local radio broadcasting institutions, 1996 ure / hours Lokalne radijske postaje Skupaj Glasba Razvedrilo Igrani dramski program äport Dnevno infor- mativni program Aktualno infor- mativni program Umetnost, huma- nistiËne vede, znanost Izobra- űevanje Religija Drugo (brez epp in napo- vedi) Local radio broadcasting institutions Total Music Entertain- ment Acted drama pro- gramme Sport Daily informa- tive pro- gramme Inorma- tion Arts, humani- ties sci- ences Education Religion Other (exclud- ing adver- tising and announ cements) SKUPAJ / TOTAL 298046 218791 20690 1074 5348 20802 21215 3862 2483 956 2825 Radio Nova, AjdovöËina 8760 7141 1049 - 263 52 255 - - - - Radio Posavje, Breűice 3215 2080 245 - 68 449 208 62 - 9 94 Radio Celje, Celje 5605 4115 78 - 208 714 260 52 130 26 22 Radio Fantasy, äkofja vas pri Celju 791 679 60 - - 26 26 - - - - Radio Cerkno, Cerkno 1460 760 140 3 50 139 271 - 15 62 20 Radio Hit, Doműale 7940 7271 156 12 20 301 180 - - - - Radio Zeleni val, Sp. Slivnica pri Grosuplju 7296 4998 518 156 134 364 512 114 100 52 348 Radio Morje, Izola 6870 6200 350 - 50 150 120 - - - - Radio Triglav, Jesenice 3712 2255 493 13 161 239 362 - 39 20 130 Radio Kobarid, Kobarid 7859 7420 136 6 62 95 86 12 36 6 - Radio Univox, KoËevje 4015 2610 362 9 127 261 508 47 49 19 23 Radio Capris, Koper 8213 6022 913 - 183 730 365 - - - - Radio OgnjiöËe, Koper 8760 5475 182 183 182 1095 730 365 - 365 183 Radio Kranj, Kranj 8760 5341 1447 20 256 1049 314 22 285 26 - Radio Slovenske Gorice, Lenart 3569 1869 72 - 144 988 448 - 48 - - Pomurski madűarski radio, Lendava 2852 1596 324 39 51 157 547 128 - 10 - Radio ätudent, Ljubljana 8601 5270 55 74 - 61 1012 2026 - - 103 Radio Maribor, Maribor 12766 10943 372 24 228 662 500 - - 37 - RTV Koper-Capodistria, Koper 9293 6192 968 85 207 995 672 - 166 4 4 Radio Glas Ljubljane, Ljubljana 6266 4088 1752 56 70 300 - - - - - Radio Poslovni val, Ljubljana 6012 4192 478 - 47 905 390 - - - - Radio Gama MM, Ljubljana 7665 6205 365 - 183 547 365 - - - - Radio Salomon, Ljubljana 8330 8330 - - - - - - - - - Radio Veseljak, Ljubljana 5880 5550 200 - - 130 - - - - - Radio B dur, Ljubljana 8784 7869 - - 200 275 440 - - - - Radio Slovenski poslovni kanal, Ljubljana 4266 2742 556 - 27 284 583 37 18 7 12 Radio City, Maribor 8128 7033 144 - 229 550 172 - - - - Radio Marö, Maribor 8760 6570 635 52 271 542 104 104 26 - 456 Radio Murski val, Murska Sobota 5766 2698 438 57 183 761 1283 96 205 45 - Radio Idea, Murska Sobota 8390 5760 1425 - 330 360 415 - 100 - - Radio Robin, Nova Gorica 3759 1459 584 - 52 365 934 365 - - - Studio D, Novo Mesto 6672 4164 951 1 45 568 910 - 11 22 - Radio Sraka, Novo Mesto 8760 5770 1042 52 104 438 834 - - - 520 Radio Krka, Novo Mesto 8578 6488 183 - 60 1300 547 - - - - Radio Ormoű, Ormoű 413 238 30 2 4 52 43 6 - 14 24 Radio 94, Postojna 8665 6132 450 - 139 252 1258 25 - 6 403 Radio Tednik, Ptuj 8260 5568 1050 - 100 414 1031 52 30 15 - Radio Radlje, Radlje ob Dravi 1840 1030 130 80 130 35 230 50 130 25 - Radio Sevnica, Sevnica 1419 866 105 - 17 247 169 - - 15 - Radio Val, Dutovlje 8390 7615 450 - - 252 73 - - - - Koroöki radio, Slovenj Gradec 4795 3438 - 26 162 402 672 46 36 13 - Radio Alfa, Slovenj Gradec 4380 3658 80 - - 90 - 78 - - 474 Radio Ton, Slovenska Bistrica 6200 5700 300 - 15 125 30 - 20 10 - Radio ätajerski val, ämarje pri Jelöah 7850 6132 79 60 115 285 1117 - 36 26 - Radio Trbovlje, Trbovlje 8511 5793 320 20 120 990 872 105 220 71 - Radio TrűiË, TrűiË 1806 1015 212 44 69 141 257 18 39 11 - Radio Velenje, Velenje 2925 2002 90 - 138 300 340 20 20 6 9 Radio Max, Trebnje 1431 1007 - - - 424 - - - - - Radio Sora, äkofja Loka 4808 1442 721 - 144 941 770 32 724 34 - 159 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.16 Predvajani program lokalnih TV - postaj, 1996 Transmitted programmes of local TV broadcasting institutions, 1996 ure / hours 1) Podatki o programu v koprodukciji (POP TV) so prikazani pri vsakem koproducentu, zato skupno ötevilo ur programa pomeni dejansko ötevilo ur programa (zaradi koprodukcije se torej podatki ne podvajajo). Data on coproduced programme (POP TV) are shown at each coproducer, therefore the total number of hours is the actual number of hours (due to coproduction the data do not duplicate). Lokalne TV - postaje Local TV - broadcasting institutions Skupaj Igrani program Razved- rilo Glasba äport Dnevni infor- mativni program Aktualno infor- mativni program Umet- nost, huma- nistiËne vede, znanost Izobra- űevanje Doku- mentarni program Religija Drugo (brez epp in napovedi) Total Fiction Enter- tainment Music Sport Daily informa- tive pro- gramme Inorma- tion Arts, humani- ties, sci- ences Educa- tion Docu- mentary pro- gramme Religion Other (excluding advertising and announ- cements) SKUPAJ / TOTAL1) 53703 14020 6106 6928 4664 5026 8510 515 1265 923 712 5034 TV Celje (catv), Celje 1095 182 365 - 365 - - - - - - 183 Studio Radgona, Kanal 11, »reönjevci 1574 - 750 130 90 - 556 - 18 - 30 - Elastik, Kanal 5, Hrastnik 324 - - 52 108 - 164 - - - - - Impulz No 1 (catv), Kanmnik 2049 224 160 264 168 104 372 104 - - - 653 Interni kanal CH 07 Capris, Koper 351 - - 40 154 - 148 - - - - 9 TELE-TV Kranj (catv), Kranj 1740 - 86 330 330 384 350 40 120 40 40 20 ATM TV, Kranjska Gora 378 46 12 49 - 48 144 - 79 - - - Studio Dart, Lendava 156 30 2 10 - - 111 - - 3 - - ATV Signal, Litija 1811 547 730 183 91 182 - - 78 - - - RTV Koper-Capodistria, Koper 3041 384 105 256 479 334 1100 60 107 206 10 - Studio Signal Skyline (catv), Ljubljana 226 54 8 117 10 - 11 1 7 18 - - Kanal A, Ljubljana 3346 2307 104 221 214 110 53 89 - 95 - 153 Kanal 8, SA. TE. ING., Ljubljana 690 390 - 100 - - 200 - - - - - MMTV - POP TV, Ljubljana 6641 5113 531 333 259 365 40 - - - - - TV 3, Ljubljana 8670 2117 760 544 90 146 1239 - - 60 315 3399 KRS Ljutomer (catv), Ljutomer 12 - - - - 12 - - - - - - KATV Logatec Naklo, Logatec 12 - - - - 12 - - - - - - TELE 59 - POP TV, Maribor 5896 4366 532 334 259 365 40 - - - - - TELE 59, Mestni program (catv), Maribor 2702 - 152 800 342 380 904 - 100 - 24 - CATV Tezno, Maribor 540 228 - - - - 312 - - - - - Kabelska TV Medvode, Medvode 1026 - 312 312 - - 382 - - 20 - - TVM-K 12, Studio Meűica, Meűica 765 446 - 117 22 52 2 - 20 106 - - TV Idea, Kanal 10, Murska Sobota 2611 700 336 236 272 386 248 - 20 - 30 383 Studio AS (catv), Murska Sobota 2756 476 410 302 230 1048 240 - 40 - 10 - TV Primorka, Nova Gorica 2150 162 310 440 300 220 466 - - 40 50 162 VI-TEL, Dobrnek 468 30 65 104 15 80 104 - 50 - 20 - TV Robin - POP TV, Nova Gorica 4278 1359 635 513 492 396 163 - 720 - - - Televizija Novo mesto, Novo mesto 1095 242 71 146 58 488 - 52 38 - - - Studio Proteus, Postojna 96 - 96 - - - - - - - - - TV Ptuj (catv), Ptuj 128 - - 44 12 - 72 - - - - - Interni TV kanal Radenci, Radenci 600 - - 110 190 50 250 - - - - - Radio Kanal, Ribnica 1008 200 100 250 200 100 80 14 20 25 19 - Moj video TV, Selnica ob Dravi 500 220 40 60 20 - 160 - - - - - Kanal 3, (catv), Videm ob äËavnici 24 - - - - 24 - - - - - - Loka TV, äkofja Loka 403 83 18 104 34 - 96 12 26 6 2 22 Regionalna TV Trbovlje, K-10, Trbovlje 525 218 130 21 62 - 62 16 - 16 - - VTV, Velenje 3356 926 338 578 306 296 428 112 192 138 12 30 Kanal 2, Vrhnika 120 20 10 10 - - - - 80 - - - ETV Zasavje, Izlake 1460 175 70 605 135 195 85 15 30 150 - - TV éelezniki, éelezniki 290 - - - 30 - 90 - - - 150 20 160 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.17 Posluöanost nekaterih radijskih postaj po ötevilu posluöalcev, 19961) Radio broadcasting institutions by number of listeners, 19961) 1) Vir: Mediana - PovpreËje 1996 Source: Mediana - PovpreËje 1996 8.18 Gledanost nekaterih TV postaj po ötevilu gledalcev, 19961) TV broadcasting institutions by number of viewers, 19961) 1) Vir: Mediana - PovpreËje 1996 Source: Mediana - PovpreËje 1996 ätevilo posluöal- cev od vseh 6000 anke- tirancev Number of listeners from all 6000 inter- viewed Projekcija vzorca na slovensko populacijo med 10. in 75. letom starosti Sample projection for the whole Slovenian population aged 10 to 75 ötevilo posluöal- cev number of listeners 1000 deleű share % ötevilo posluöalcev po spolu number of listeners by sex 1000 ötevilo posluöalcev po izobrazbi number of listeners by education 1000 moöki men űenske women nepopolna osnovna incomplete elementary osnovna elementary poklicna vocational srednja upper secondary viöja higher visoka university Radio Slovenija I. program 1343 386 23,1 204 182 62 115 87 84 15 22 Radio Slovenija II. program - Val 202 1199 345 20,6 175 169 30 70 75 109 27 32 Radio Maribor - MM1 485 139 8,3 70 68 15 37 43 35 5 3 Radio ämarje pri Jelöah - ätajerski val 449 129 7,7 62 67 17 47 28 28 5 2 Radio City 292 84 5,0 45 40 13 17 13 28 8 5 Radio OgnjiöËe 256 74 4,4 23 50 13 23 15 15 3 3 Studio D 244 71 4,2 28 42 17 25 13 12 2 0 Radio HIT 243 71 4,2 33 37 5 10 13 35 3 2 Murski val 226 66 3,9 33 32 5 25 15 12 3 3 Radio Koper - Capodistria 213 62 3,7 32 28 7 18 17 13 3 2 Koroöki radio Slovenj Gradec 189 54 3,2 27 28 5 15 15 15 2 3 Radio Krka 172 49 2,9 25 25 10 13 7 15 3 2 Radio Celje 170 49 2,9 22 27 5 17 12 12 2 2 Radio Kranj 114 34 2,0 13 18 3 7 8 10 2 2 Radio Glas Ljubljane 98 29 1,7 13 13 2 3 3 12 3 5 Radio Alfa 90 26 1,5 12 15 7 8 5 7 0 0 ätevilo gledalcev od vseh 6000 anke- tirancev Number of viewers from all 6000 inter- viewed Projekcija vzorca na slovensko populacijo med 10. in 75. letom starosti Sample projection for the whole Slovenian population aged 10 to 75 ötevilo gledalcev number of viewers 1000 deleű share % ötevilo gledalcev po spolu number of viewers by sex 1000 ötevilo gledalcev po izobrazbi number of viewers by education 1000 moöki men űenske women nepopolna osnovna incomplete elementary osnovna elementary poklicna vocational srednja upper secondary viöja higher visoka university Slovenija I. 3498 1006 60,2 478 526 144 286 214 252 55 52 Slovenija II. 1166 335 20,0 180 155 52 82 68 99 18 15 MM TV / TELE 59 / TV Robin (POP TV) 2233 642 38,4 304 337 82 149 144 200 37 27 TV 3 203 59 3,5 25 33 8 13 13 18 2 3 161 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 162 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 163 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kultura Culture 8.19 Kinematografi Cinemas 8.20 Kinematografi po ötevilu sedeűev in obiskovalcev, 1996 Cinemas by number of seats and attendance, 1996 8.21 Proizvodnja in distribucija filmov Film production and distribution Kinematografi Cinemas Sedeűi Seats Predstave Performances Obiskovalci Attendance Zaposleno osebje s polnim delovnim Ëasom Persons in full- time employment skupaj total od tega domaËi filmi of these domestic films skupaj total 1000 od tega domaËih filmov of these domestic films 1000 na 1000 prebivalcev per 1000 inhabitants na eno predstavo per one performance 1985 175 50291 57816 4688 7787 648 3947 134 257 1990 140 40101 50120 1359 2846 414 1424 57 263 1992 88 26949 32436 410 1588 50 796 49 139 1993 94 28644 33702 433 2343 26 1178 70 134 1994 102 30852 36517 209 2738 12 1377 75 148 1995 98 29141 37959 450 2926 24 1470 77 138 1996 97 28026 37261 275 2714 19 1366 73 137 ätevilo obiskovalcev Kinematografi skupaj Cinemas total Kinematografi po ötevilu sedeűev Cinemas by number of seats Number of visitors do 100 to 100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601 in veË 601 and more SKUPAJ 97 9 18 32 20 12 2 4 TOTAL do 1 000 11 3 4 4 - - - - up to 1 000 1 001-2 500 7 - 6 1 - - - - 1 001-2 500 2 501-5 000 15 1 3 9 2 - - - 2 501-5 000 5 001- 10 000 17 - 2 5 7 2 1 - 5 001-10 000 10 001- 20 000 11 2 1 2 3 3 - - 10 001-20 000 20 001- 50 000 19 1 2 5 4 5 - 2 20 001-50 000 50 001- 100 000 9 2 - 6 - 1 - - 50 001-100 000 100 001 in veË 8 - - - 4 1 1 2 100 001 and more 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 CeloveËerni filmi, namenjeni za prikazovanje v kinematografih - domaËa proizvodnja 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 Long films intended for commercial exibition in cinemas - domestic production CeloveËerni filmi v prometu, predvajani v kinematografih 233 119 90 151 147 192 524 Long films - distributed among cinemas StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zdravstvo Health 164 9. ZDRAVSTVO HEALTH VIRI PODATKOV Podatke o zdravstu poilja Statističnemu uradu Republike Slovenije Intitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije. Ta jih zbira neposredno od poročevalskih enot. Vse zdravstvene ustanove so dolþne po posebnih navodilih o organizaciji sluþbe poiljati poročila Intitutu za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, da jih obdela in objavi rezultate. Območni zavodi za zdravstvo mu poiljajo podatke vsake tri mesece. V okviru zdravstvenih regij zbirajo podatke vsak mesec. Podatki o tevilu zdravstvenih ustanov in njihovem osebju se nanaajo na 31. december. Vsi podatki o zdravstvu so objavljeni v letopisu Intituta za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije. SOURCES OF DATA The data on health service are sent to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia by the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, which collects them directly from reporting units. All institutes are to send reports, according to special instructions on organization of health service, to the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, which processes the reports and publishes the results. Regional health insitutes send him the data in three-month intervals. Within health regions these data are collected every month. Data on the number of health institutions and their staff apply to 31 December. All data on health service are published in the yearbook of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zdravstvo Health 165 9.1 Bolninice in porodninice Hospitals and maternity hospitals 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Bolninice in porodninice 1) 28 27 23 24 24 24 24 Hospitals and maternity hospitals 1) Postelje 12832 11881 11839 11540 11493 11411 11276 Beds Sprejeti bolniki 315471 312350 312865 314399 314309 310991 307750 Admitted patients Odpučeni bolniki 315806 312774 312782 314185 314396 311136 307956 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 4039 3599 3472 3483 3384 3308 3282 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki in zobozdravniki 1779 2) 1922 2) 1975 2) 2009 2) 2110 2) 2298 2) 2354 Physicians and dental physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 7824 8086 8107 8450 8648 8732 8748 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 600 258 172 175 294 265 224 Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje 111 158 143 162 167 146 142 Other medical staff education (daily) Splone in klinične bolninice 3) 17 17 13 13 13 13 13 General and clinical hospitals 3) Postelje 10512 10027 9819 9442 9415 9374 9290 Beds Sprejeti bolniki 278505 281864 282295 282235 282769 278569 276874 Admitted patients Odpučeni bolniki 278819 202213 282294 281976 282911 278592 277100 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 3271 2984 2864 2807 2721 2652 2636 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki in zobozdravniki 1624 1765 1802 1819 1922 2057 2113 Physicians and dental physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 7011 7332 7240 7505 7671 7623 7740 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 506 214 125 127 244 175 182 Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje 100 148 131 147 152 118 125 Other medical staff Porodninice 4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Maternity hospitals 4) Postelje 157 157 157 157 157 151 151 Beds Sprejete bolnice 8449 8084 7426 6952 7184 7804 7604 Admitted patients Odpučene bolnice 8449 8044 7433 6976 7169 7814 7606 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 50 50 46 40 40 39 40 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki 22 24 23 23 24 23 3 Physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 108 106 101 101 102 95 94 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 3 - - - - - - Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Other medical staff Bolninice za TBC pljuč 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Tuberculosis hospitals Postelje 728 668 668 571 571 541 490 Beds Sprejeti bolniki 12559 11935 11260 11886 10781 10400 9949 Admitted patients Odpučeni bolniki 12541 11944 11262 11865 10786 10388 9965 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 253 215 169 170 160 154 147 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki 66 70 69 69 66 70 66 Physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 326 328 319 311 305 301 312 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 20 9 7 6 6 1 1 Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 Other medical staff 1) Od leta 1992 so ginekoloka, pediatrična, psihiatrična klinika in Intitut Golnik vključene v Klinični center kot ena bolninica. Zaradi primerjave je Intitut Golnik e vedno prikazan pri bolninicah za TBC pljuč. Since 1992 gynecological, pediatric, psychiatric clinic and Institute Golnik have been included in the Clinical Centre as one hospital. Due to comparison, Institute Golnik is still shown at pulmonary tuberculosis hospitals. 2) Vteti so tudi pripravniki. Trainees are also included. 3) Podatki o bolninici za otroke v Stari Gori pri Novi Gorici so priteti k podatkom o splonih bolninicah. The data on children's hospital Stara Gora near Nova Gorica are added to the data on general hospitals. 4) Brez porodnikih oddelkov splonih bolninic. Excluding obstetric departments in general hospitals. 5) Vteta je Psihiatrična bolninica Ormoþ, ki je bila do leta 1990 psihiatrični oddelek Splone bolninice Ptuj. V letu 1993 je prikazana Psihiatrična bolninica Vojnik, ki je bila do tedaj psihiatrični oddelek Splone bolninice Celje. Psychiatric Hospital Ormoþ, which had been a psychiatric department of the general hospital Ptuj until 1990, is included. In 1993 Psychiatric Hospital Vojnik, which had been a psychi- atric department of the general hospital Celje until 1993, is included. 6) Zavodi za rehabilitacijo invalidov od leta 1989 do 1991 pri bolninicah niso več prikazani, kasneje pa so vnovič vključeni. In the 1989-1991 period institutions for rehabilitation of the disabled are not included in hospitals any more, after this period they are included again. 7) Upotevan tudi Zavod za revmatične in srčne rekonvalescente ≥entvid pri Stični. Also Institution for Rheumatic and Heart Convalescents ≥entvid pri Stični is included. Vir: / Source: Intitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije / Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zdravstvo Health 166 9.2 Ambulantno-poliklinični in drugi zdravstveni zavodi Dispensary-polyclinic and other health institutions Bolninice za duevne bolezni 2 3 5) 3 5) 4 5) 4 5) 4 5) 4 5) Hospitals for mental diseases Postelje 455 615 615 805 805 805 810 Beds Sprejeti bolniki 2624 3653 3548 5029 4908 5006 4992 Admitted patients Odpučeni bolniki 2643 3731 3564 5034 4883 4999 5021 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 178 218 216 287 284 284 285 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki 23 35 35 49 50 53 53 Physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 108 162 168 222 245 247 249 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 30 24 17 17 15 14 13 Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje 2 4 2 4 4 6 6 Other medical staff Centri za rehabilitacijo 6) 2 - 1 1 1 1 1 Rehabilitation centres 6) Postelje 536 - 200 200 200 200 200 Beds Sprejeti bolniki 6038 - 1985 1876 1801 1879 1715 Admitted patients Odpučeni bolniki 6071 - 1965 1916 1817 1875 1737 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 131 - 60 63 68 68 71 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki 17 - 20 23 22 21 22 Physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 122 - 120 138 141 154 159 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 16 - 21 23 27 26 28 Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje 3 - 4 4 4 4 5 Other medical staff Ortopedske bolninice 7) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Orthopedic hospitals 7) Postelje 444 414 380 365 345 340 335 Beds Sprejeti bolniki 7296 6850 6351 6421 6866 7333 6616 Admitted patients Odpučeni bolniki 7283 6842 6264 6418 6830 7468 6527 Outpatients treated Bolniki dnevi (1000) 156 132 118 116 112 111 102 Hospitalization days (1000) Zdravniki 27 28 26 26 26 30 32 Physicians Vije in srednje medicinsko osebje 149 158 159 173 184 188 194 Medical staff with higher and upper secondary education Niþje medicinsko osebje 25 11 2 2 2 - - Medical staff with elementary education Drugo medicinsko osebje - - - - - - - Other medical staff 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Ambulantno-poliklinični zavodi Dispensary-polyclinic institutions Zavodi Institutions Splone ambulante 697 600 442 1) 470 1) 466 1) 595 566 General medical services Specialistične ambulante, ustanove in poliklinike 427 534 508 520 607 672 692 Specialist dispensaries, institutions and polyclinics Zdravniki 452 319 325 341 385 384 453 Physicians Zdravniki specialisti 302 530 245 255 302 319 355 Physicians - specialists Drugo medicinsko osebje 1382 1161 830 886 968 997 1040 Other medical staff Pregledi - skupaj (1000) 7331 7147 5183 5959 6449 6938 6863 Examinations - total (1000) prvi pregled (1000) 2614 2588 1609 2300 2411 2643 2722 first examination ponovni pregledi (1000) 4717 4559 3555 3645 4038 4295 4141 repeated examinations (1000) Zdravniki obiski na domu 170612 128561 119305 113431 114799 104067 102318 Home calls of physicians 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 9.1 Bolninice in porodninice (nadaljevanje) Hospitals and maternity hospitals (continued) 1) Brez podatkov za Ljubljano in Celje. / Excluding data on Ljubljana and Celje. 2) Brez podatkov za Celje. / Excluding data on Celje. Vir: / Source: Intitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije / Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zdravstvo Health 167 Zobne ambulante Dental clinics Ambulante 830 905 1199 1109 2) 1172 1276 1241 Dispensaries Zobozdravniki in dentisti 1031 1159 1094 1074 1155 1194 1211 Dental physicians and dentists Zobotehniki 666 744 694 674 661 590 512 Dental technicians Drugo medicinsko osebje 1071 1218 1180 1175 1189 1235 1223 Other medical staff Sistematski pregledi (1000) 199 213 190 177 142 152 157 Systematic examinations (1000) Obiski v zobni ambulanti (1000) 3240 3457 3278 2990 3060 3059 3137 Examinations at the dental clinic (1000) prvi obisk (1000) 566 534 429 558 592 551 524 first examination (1000) Antituberkulozni dispanzerji-pneumofizioloke ambulante Antituberculosis dispensaries-pneumophysiological dispensaries Dispanzerji 48 48 54 56 51 51 53 Dispensaries Zdravniki specialisti 39 58 52 54 52 47 47 Physicians specialists Drugi zdravniki 10 - - - - - - Other physicians Drugo medicinsko osebje 153 148 120 115 118 114 100 Other medical staff Pregledi - skupaj (1000) 400 205 191 193 199 174 156 Examinations - total (1000) Dispanzerji za þenske Dispensaries for women Operativne enote 149 134 121 122 132 133 127 Operative units Zdravniki 73 89 95 99 101 99 112 Physicians Drugo medicinsko osebje 174 172 170 179 166 164 170 Other medical staff Vsi obiski v ginekolokih All examinations at dispanzerjih (1000) 696 685 670 658 731 745 768 gynecological dispensaries (1000) Vsi prvi obiski (1000) 274 281 275 305 324 330 350 All first examinations (1000) zaradi nosečnosti (1000) 34 30 26 26 22 22 20 due to pregnancy (1000) zaradi kontracepcije (1000) 50 52 55 63 64 67 62 due to contraception (1000) zaradi drugih preventivnih razlogov (1000) 16 19 23 28 23 33 39 due to other preventive reasons (1000) zaradi bolezni (1000) 174 180 171 188 215 208 230 due to illness (1000) Dispanzerji za predolske otroke Dispensaries for pre-school children Operativne enote 199 209 208 188 183 176 181 Operative units Zdravniki 161 184 185 167 174 167 165 Physicians Drugo medicinsko osebje 315 289 271 276 277 274 269 Other medical staff Pregledi - skupaj (1000) 1141 1216 1107 1120 1097 1132 1087 Examinations - total (1000) prvi pregledi (1000) 589 594 551 578 562 586 562 first examination (1000) ponovni pregledi (1000) 552 622 556 542 534 546 525 repeated eminations (1000) Dispanzerji za olske otroke in mladino Dispensaries for school children and youth Operativne enote 114 120 115 109 108 119 119 Operative units Zdravniki 151 163 148 155 150 152 164 Physicians Drugo medicinsko osebje 246 293 232 227 244 236 245 Other medical staff Prvi pregledi (1000) 441 468 470 548 513 515 478 First examination (1000) Ponovni pregledi (1000) 348 385 402 415 422 430 387 Repeated examinations (1000) Sistematski pregledi (1000) 160 162 150 151 151 144 156 Systematic examinationts (1000) Kontrolni pregledi (1000) 50 63 110 88 75 58 65 Control examinations (1000) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 9.2 Ambulantno - poliklinični in drugi zdravstveni zavodi (nadaljevanje) Dispensary - polyclinic and other health institutions (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zdravstvo Health 168 9.3 Prijavljeni primeri nalezljivih bolezni1) Reported cases of infectious diseases1) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Salmoneloza Salmonella infection zboleli 1886 3985 3125 3372 3025 1548 1177 No. of cases umrli - 8 1 1 2 1 1 No. of deaths Griþa (flexneri) Dysenteria sh. flexneri zboleli 195 101 26 37 22 19 10 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Griþa (sonnei) Dysenteria sonnei zboleli 505 415 314 82 60 38 30 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Botulizem Butulism zboleli 4 - - 5 3 6 - No. of cases umrli - - - 1 - - - No. of deaths Okuþba s hrano Toksiinfectio alimentaris zboleli 863 1082 1063 643 460 521 716 No. of cases umrli - - - - 1 - - No. of deaths Enterocolitis Enterocolitis zboleli 12009 10762 10029 8308 8346 7361 5985 No. of cases umrli 1 - 1 - 1 3 1 No. of deaths Oslovski kaelj Pertussis zboleli 272 61 29 65 13 35 57 No. of cases umrli - - - - - 1 - No. of deaths ≥krlatinka Scarlatina zboleli 2786 3358 3096 3166 1906 2374 2909 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Tetanus Tetanus zboleli 13 10 9 8 13 9 5 No. of cases umrli 6 - 1 1 7 1 1 No. of deaths Norice Varicella zboleli 13404 19124 14877 12798 11066 17124 13700 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Opice Morbilli zboleli 641 92 10 7 133 398 7 No. of cases umrli - - - - 1 - - No. of deaths Rdečke Rubella zboleli 12086 1895 526 201 118 139 54 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Hepatitis A Hepatitis A zboleli 638 543 315 232 72 92 57 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Hepatitis B Hepatitis B zboleli 179 117 94 68 38 43 35 No. of cases umrli - - 2 1 1 - - No. of deaths 1) Upotevana IX. revizija Mednarodne klasifikacije bolezni, pokodb in vzrokov smrti. According to the IXth Edition of the International Classification of Diseases, Injures and Causes of Death. Vir: / Source: Intitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije / Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zdravstvo Health 169 Mumps Parotitis epidemica zboleli 329 173 97 93 82 65 56 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Hemoragična mrzlica z renalnim sindromom Hemor. fever with renal syndrome zboleli - 7 10 9 4 9 3 No. of cases umrli - 1 1 - - - - No. of deaths Mikrosporia Mikrosporia zboleli - 1731 842 927 1357 1495 1647 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Virusni meningitis Meningitis viralis zboleli 20 376 542 336 270 194 334 No. of cases umrli - 2 - - - 2 - No. of deaths Virusni meningoencefalitis Meningoencephalitis viralis zboleli 939 114 139 94 120 83 80 No. of cases umrli - - - 1 1 1 - No. of deaths Meningokokni meningitis Meningitis meningococicca zboleli - 13 9 19 3 7 6 No. of cases umrli - 1 - - - - - No. of deaths Meningokokna sepsa Meningococcemia zboleli 8 13 9 7 9 2 9 No. of cases umrli 3 1 - - - - - No. of deaths Pnevmokokni meningitis Pneumococcal meningitis zboleli - 10 10 9 5 13 9 No. of cases umrli - 4 3 1 1 - - No. of deaths Gnojni meningitis, povzročen s h. influenzae b Purulenta meningitis-H. influenzae b zboleli - 4 10 2 4 8 10 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Gnojni meningitis - drugih povzročiteljev Purulenta meningitis - other zboleli 81 7 33 51 62 40 43 No. of cases umrli 4 6 1 7 6 2 - No. of deaths Klopni meningoencefalitis 274 104 80 197 528 281 406 Tick borne meningoencephalitis zboleli - - 1 - 1 - - No. of cases umrli No. of deaths Boreliozni meningitis Lyme meningitis zboleli - 20 30 35 24 22 13 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Boreliozni eritem Lyme eritema chr. migrans zboleli - 815 1490 2237 2731 2301 2634 No. of cases umrli - - - - - - - No. of deaths Aids Aids zboleli - 2 4 7 6 14 10 No. of cases umrli - 2 4 3 4 11 6 No. of deaths 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 9.3 Prijavljeni primeri nalezljivih bolezni (nadaljevanje) Reported cases of infectious diseases (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 170 10. SOCIALNA VARNOST SOCIAL PROTECTION ZDRAVSTVENO, POKOJNINSKO IN INVALIDSKO ZAVAROVANJE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Vir podatkov o zdravstvenem, pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju so redna poroËila in letopisi o zdravstvenem in socialnem varstvu v Sloveniji; od leta 1978 jih izdajajo Ministrstvo za zdravstvo, Ministrstvo za delo, druűino in socialne zadeve ter Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije. Podatke o nesreËah pri delu in podatke o aktivnih zavarovancih zbira Inötitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije. Povzeti so iz letnih poroËil. Podatki o uűivalcih pokojnin, invalidnin in odhodkih invalidsko- pokojninskega zavarovanja so povzeti iz letnih poroËil Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije. DEFINICIJE IN METODOLOäKA POJASNILA Za aktivne zavarovance ötejemo zaposlene osebe, ki so zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah najmanj polovico polnega delovnega Ëasa, in osebe, ki so z njimi izenaËene (zaposlene osebe pri zasebnikih, samozaposlene osebe, osebe, ki sklenejo delovno razmerje v tujini). V obveznem pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju so zavarovane zaposlene osebe v delovnem razmerju v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah ter pri delodajalcih, ki opravljajo samostojno gospodarsko ali poklicno dejavnost, in kmetje ter Ëlani njihovih gospodarstev. Zavarovanje je v Republiki Sloveniji enotno za vse zavarovance. ZaËasna odsotnost z dela zaradi bolezni, poökodb, poklicnih bolezni, izolacije in spremstva ter nege bolnega druűinskega Ëlana je bolniöki dopust, izraűen v treh kazalnikih (primerih, dnevih in povpreËnem trajanju v dnevih). Podatki za zaËasno odsotnost z dela zaradi noseËnosti in poroda od leta 1980 do 1989 so bili povzeti po podatkih o druűbenem varstvu otrok v Sloveniji (Letopis o zdravstvenem in socialnem varstvu). V letu 1991 je bil sprejet Zakon o invalidskem in pokojninskem zavarovanju v Republiki Sloveniji. Zakon naj bi celovito urejal podroËje, ki so ga dotlej urejali zvezni in republiöki zakoni ter statut in drugi akti Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje. Najpomembnejöe in najpogostejöe pravice iz pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja so starostne, invalidske, druűinske in kmeËke pokojnine, denarna nadomestila iz invalidskega zavarovanja, denarna nadomestila za telesno okvaro, varstveni dodatek in dodatek za pomoË in postreűbo. V zadnjih letih je bila rast ötevila starostnih upokojencev nadpovpreËno visoka. Na tako rast so vplivali predvsem naslednji razlogi: - uvedba predËasne pokojnine od leta 1983 in skokovita rast predËasnega upokojevanja, ki ga je v letu 1991 pospeöila priprava novega zakona o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju z napovedjo zaostritve pogojev upokojevanja; - dokup pokojninske dobe za posamezne kategorije zavarovancev (vrhunski öportniki, obrtniki), zlasti ugoden dokup dobe za Ëas opravljanja kmetijske dejavnosti; - uvedba dokupa delovne dobe za delavce, katerih delo ni veË potrebno, in za delavce, ki jim je prenehalo delovno razmerje zaradi steËaja ali likvidacije podjetij oz. organizacij, kar je pospeöilo upokojevanje starejöih brezposelnih oseb; - upokojevanje generacije zavarovancev, ki se je zaposlila po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je bila znaËilna visoka stopnja zaposlovanja; - priznanje dobe iz starostnega zavarovanja kmetov zakoncem kmetov in prevzemnikom kmetij. Invalidski upokojenci. Na dinamiko rasti ötevila invalidskih upokojencev vpliva predvsem velikost in dinamika gibanja populacije zaposlenih oseb ter stopnja organiziranosti in razvitosti zdravstva, varstva pri delu v najöiröem smislu ter bolezni in poökodbe zunaj dela. Med vzroki nastanka invalidnosti prevladujejo bolezni in poökodbe zunaj dela. NesreËe pri delu in poklicne bolezni imajo na invalidsko upokojevanje le manjöi vpliv. Razmere v gospodarstvu so v letu 1992 vplivale na poveËan pritisk invalidskega upokojevanja. Delovni invalidi s preostalo delovno zmoűnostjo imajo pravico do dela z delovnim Ëasom, ki ustreza njihovi zmoűnosti, do zaposlitve oziroma razporeditve na drugo ustrezno delo, do poklicne rehabilitacije in do ustreznih denarnih nadomestil. HEALTH, PENSION AND DISABILITY INSURANCE SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Sources of data on health, pension and disability insurance are regular reports and yearbooks on health and social security in Slovenia, published since 1978 by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs and the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance of Slovenia. Data on accidents at work and the active insured are gathered by the Health Care Institute of the Republic of Slovenia from annual reports. Data on recipients of pensions, disability benefits and disbursements from pension and disability insurance are taken from annual reports of the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance of Slovenia. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION OF METHODOLOGY Active insurance covers people who are employed for at least half of the full-time working hours and people equated with them (people employed in independent personal work, the self-employed and people employed abroad). Insured under compulsory pension and disability insurance schemes are people employed in enterprises and organizations and with other employers performing an independent commercial or professional activity, as well as farmers and members of their households. Insurance in the Republic of Slovenia is unified for all insured. Temporary absence from work for reasons of illness, injury, occupational disease, isolation, accompaniment and attending to a sick family member are treated as sick leave. Sick leave is expressed in terms of three indicators - cases, days and average number of days. Data on temporary absence from work due to pregnancy or maternity leave for the period 1980 to 1989 were taken from the data on child care in Slovenia (Health Care and Social Security Yearbook). The Law on Pension and Disability Insurance in the Republic of Slovenia was adopted in 1991. It is intended to regulate this whole field, which was previously administered according to federal and republic laws, statutes and other acts issued by the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance. The most important and most frequent rights deriving from pension and disability insurance are old-age, disability, survivor’s and farmers' pensions, disability benefit, disability allowance, supplementary benefit and allowance for care and help. In recent years the growth in the number of old-age pensioners has been above average, influenced particularly by the following factors: - the introduction of early retirement in 1983 and the leaping increase of people taking early retirement, accelerated in 1991 with the preparation of the new Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, which envisaged stricter pension conditions; - the opportunity for independent categories of insured persons (top athletes, tradesmen) to buy up their pension qualification period and the particularly favourable conditions for buying up the pension qualification period for time spent in performing agricultural activities; - the introduction of the opportunity to buy up the working period for workers whose work is no longer needed and whose employment has been terminated due to the bankruptcy or liquidation of their enterprise or organization, which has increased the pressure on the provision of pensions to the older unemployed persons; - providing pensions to a generation of the insured who took up employment after World War II when the level of employment was high; - granting the years earned towards old-age pension of a farmer to the farmer's spouse or the recipient of the farm. Disability pensioners. The major influence on the dynamics of the growth in the number of disability pensioners has come from the size and dynamics of the trends in the employed population and the level of organization and development of health, safety at work in the widest sense and illnesses and injuries outside work. Illnesses and injuries outside work are the main cause of disability. Accidents at work and occupational diseases have a smaller effect on the number of disability pensioners. The economic circumstances in 1992 led to an increased pressure on disability insurance. Disabled persons who retain some working capacity - the working disabled - have the right to work for the number of hours corresponding to their remaining working capacity, to employment or reallocation to other suitable work, to occupational rehabilitation and to appropriate benefits. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 171 Uűivalci drugih denarnih dajatev Poleg pokojnin in nadomestil delovnim invalidom Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje priznava in izplaËuje varstvene dodatke, invalidnine za telesne okvare in dodatke za pomoË in postreűbo. Varstveni dodatek prejemajo upokojenci z nepopolno pokojninsko dobo, ki so socialno ogroűeni. Pravico do denarnega nadomestila za telesno okvaro si pridobi zavarovanec, Ëe je telesna okvara posledica: - poökodbe pri delu ali poklicne bolezni in Ëe je najmanj 30-odstotna ne glede na pokojninsko dobo in - bolezni ali poökodbe zunaj dela, Ëe je najmanj 50-odstotna in Ëe ima zavarovanec ob nastanku telesne okvare pokojninsko dobo, ki je doloËena za pridobitev invalidske pokojnine, ne glede na to, ali telesna okvara povzroËa invalidnost ali ne. Telesne okvare so po teűavnosti razvröËene v 8 stopenj, ki jim je prilagojena tudi viöina denarnega nadomestila, pri Ëemer se upoöteva tudi vzrok nastanka telesne okvare. Dodatek za pomoË in postreűbo. Pravico do tega dodatka imajo uűivalci pokojnin (razen kmetov, ki so zavarovani le starostno, ob izgubi delovne sposobnosti ali smrti), Ëe invalidska komisija ugotovi, da potrebujejo pomoË druge osebe za opravljanje veËine ali vseh űivljenjskih potreb. Pravico do tega dodatka imajo tudi slepi in nepokretni aktivni zavarovanci. Preűivninsko varstvo kmetov. Od zaËetka veljavnosti Zakona o preűivninskem varstvu kmetov je bilo do konca leta 1992 sklenjenih 200 pogodb, na podlagi katerih se za prodano zemljiöËe in druge nepremiËnine pridobi pravica do pokojnine. Uűivalci vojaökih pokojnin in uűivalci pokojnin, uveljavljenih v drugih republikah nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije. Po doloËilih Ustavnega zakona za izvedbo temeljne listine o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije je Republika Slovenija z odloki Izvrönega sveta SkupöËine Republike Slovenije z dne 31. 10. in 14. 11. 1991 s 1. 11. 1991 prevzela obveznosti izplaËevanja vojaökih pokojnin in zaËasno prevzela izplaËevanje akontacij pokojnin in drugih dajatev iz pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja osebam s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Republiki Sloveniji, ki so to pravico uveljavile v drugih republikah nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije. Po zakonu o zagotavljanju socialne varnosti slovenskim drűavljanom, ki dobivajo pokojnino iz republik nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije, imajo drűavljani Republike Slovenije, ki so prejemniki teh pokojnin, pravico do dodatka k pokojnini. Dodatek k pokojnini odmeri in izplaËuje Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje. SOCIALNO VARSTVO VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki so rezultat rednih letnih statistiËnih raziskovanj s podroËja socialnega varstva. Objavljamo tudi podatke Ministrstva za delo, druűino in socialne zadeve o druűinskih prejemkih ter podatke o varstvu vojaökih in civilnih invalidov vojne in űrtev vojaöke agresije. ZAJETJE V prikazanih podatkih so zajeti domovi za otroke, zavodi za usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo v razvoju, domovi za starejöe, posebni socialnovarstveni zavodi, varstveno-delovni centri, zavodi in podjetja za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov. Prikazujemo tudi podatke o druűinskih prejemkih, in sicer: otroökih dodatkih, upraviËencih do nadomestila plaËe med porodniökim dopustom, upraviËencih do pomoËi pri opremi novorojenca, upraviËencih do staröevskega dodatka. Prikazujemo öe podatke o uűivalcih invalidskih prejemkov in izdatkih za varstvo vojaökih invalidov, civilnih invalidov vojne in űrtev vojaöke agresije. DEFINICIJE Otroöki domovi so varstvene in vzgojne ustanove za otroke brez staröev, otroke pod skrbstvom in otroke, ki so jih staröi zapustili. Zavodi za usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo v razvoju vkljuËujejo tudi varstvene oddelke, ki nudijo trajno nego, oskrbo in zdravstveno varstvo otrokom s teűjo duöevno ali telesno prizadetostjo. Zavodi in podjetja za poklicno rehabilitacijo in zaposlovanje Recipients of other financial assistance In addition to pensions and benefits for the working disabled persons the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance pays supplementary benefit, disability benefit and allowances for care and help. Pensioners who have not completed the full pension qualification period and who have insufficient income receive care allowances. People with a disability have the right to a disability allowance if the disability arose as a result of: - an injury at work or an occupational disease and if the disability is at least 30 per cent, irrespective of the pension qualification period; - illness or injury outside work, if the disability is at least 50 per cent and provided that, when the disability was incurred, the insured individual had a pension qualification period sufficient to obtain a disability pension, irrespective of whether or not the disability causes invalidity. Disability is classified according to degree of severity into eight levels. Each level has a corresponding allowance, whereby the cause of the disability is taken into consideration. Allowance for care and help. Pension recipients (apart from farmers insured for retirement, loss of the ability to work or death) have the right to an allowance if the disability board establishes that they require the help of another person to perform most or all of their essential needs. Blind and immobile active insured also have the right to this allowance. Protecting the livelihood of farmers. From the time the Law on Protecting the Livelihood of Farmers came into force until the end of 1992, 200 contracts were signed forming the basis for the acquisition of pension rights against the sale of land and other real estate. Recipients of military pensions and recipients of pensions established in other republics of the former SFR Yugoslavia. Pursuant to the Constitutional Law for the Implementation of the Basic Constitutional Charter on the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Slovenia assumed on 1 November 1991, by decrees of the Executive Council of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia of 31 October and 14 November 1991, the obligation to pay military pensions, and temporarily took over the payment of pensions and other contributions from pension and disability insurance to persons with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia who had established that right in other republics of the former SFR Yugoslavia. According to the law guaranteeing social security to Slovenian citizens who receive pensions from other republics of the former SFR Yugoslavia, citizens of the Republic of Slovenia recipients of such pensions have the right to a pension supplement. The pension supplement is calculated and paid by the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance. SOCIAL WELFARE SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The data are the result of annual statistical social welfare surveys. We also publish the data of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs on family allowances and welfare for military and civil war invalids and victims of military aggression. COVERAGE Covered are homes for children, institutions for training moderately and seriously handicapped children and youth, old people’s homes, special social welfare institutions, centres for protection and training, institutions and companies for vocational training and employment of the disabled. Presented are also family recept and child allowances, persons entitled to maternity leave compensation, assistance for goods for a new born child and parental allowance, recipients of disability allowances and spending of welfare for military invalids, civil war invalids and victims of military aggression. DEFINITIONS Homes for children are intended for care and upbringing of orphans, children in care and children abandoned by their parents. Institutions for training moderately and seriously handicapped children and youth include welfare departments intended for permanent care (including health care) of children with serious mental or physical handicaps. Institutions and companies for vocational rehabilitation and StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 172 invalidov strokovno usposabljajo in zaposlujejo invalide, ki so zaradi posledic nezgod, bolezni ali drugih vzrokov funkcionalno manj sposobni za űivljenje. Domovi za starejöe so ustanove za varstvo starejöih, ki jim ti domovi nadomeöËajo ali dopolnjujejo funkcije dóma in lastne druűine (organizirana prehrana in varstvo ter zdravstveno varstvo). Posebni socialnovarstveni zavodi so ustanove, ki nudijo posebne oblike varstva odraslim duöevno in telesno prizadetim osebam. Varstveno-delovni centri so ustanove, ki nudijo varstvo in vodenje ter organizirano zaposlitev v posebnih razmerah duöevno in telesno prizadetim odraslim osebam. Prikazujemo tudi podatke o otrocih in odraslih, ki so deleűni socialnega varstva. Otroci in mladostniki, prikrajöani za normalno druűinsko űivljenje, so otroci in mladostniki brez obeh staröev, iz nepopolnih druűin, iz neurejenih druűin, materialno in vzgojno ogroűeni in ogroűeni v razvoju zaradi neurejenih stanovanjskih razmer. Med otroke in mladostnike z motnjami v telesnem razvoju uvröËamo otroke in mladostnike, ki so slepi in slabovidni, ki imajo sluöne, govorne ali druge telesne motnje ali veË motenj. Med otroke, mladostnike in mlajöe polnoletne osebe z motnjami v duöevnem razvoju uvröËamo take, ki so laűe, zmerno, teűe ali teűko duöevno prizadeti, pa tudi tiste, ki so na meji normalnih sposobnosti. Kot vedenjsko in osebnostno moteni otroci in mladostniki so obravnavani tisti, ki so uűivalci mamil oz. prestopniki (otroci: do 14 let starosti; mlajöi mladoletniki od 14 do pod 16 let starosti; starejöi mladoletniki: od 16 do pod 18 let starosti). Drugi otroci in mladostniki v druűbenem varstvu so otroci s statusnimi vpraöanji, ki se nanaöajo na premoűenjske razmere itd. Otroöki dodatek je dopolnilni druűinski prejemek za delno pokrivanje stroökov in vzdrűevanje otroka. Do otroökega dodatka so upraviËeni otroci, Ëe dohodek na druűinskega Ëlana ne presega 43 % povpreËne plaËe v Sloveniji (to je veljalo od 1. 1. do 1. 5. 1994) oziroma 50 % povpreËne plaËe v Sloveniji (velja od 1. 5. 1994 dalje). Nadomestilo plaËe med porodniökim dopustom je nadomestilo plaËe v Ëasu dopusta ob rojstvu otroka, dopusta za nego in varstvo otroka ter daljöega dopusta za nego in varstvo otroka. PomoË za opremo novorojenca je enkratna pomoË ob rojstvu otroka kot zavitek za novorojenca ali kot denarna pomoË. Staröevski dodatek je denarna pomoË staröem ob in po rojstvu otroka in znaöa 52 % zajamËene plaËe. Pravico do staröevskega dodatka ima vsaka mati, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev za pravico do denarnega nadomestila med porodniökim dopustom ali kakönega drugega nadomestila plaËe, Ëe je drűavljanka Republike Slovenije in ima stalno prebivaliöËe v Sloveniji. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Seznam ustanov za vzgojo in varstvo otrok in mladine ter odraslih 1965. Socialno skrbstvo in ustanove za zaöËito odraslih 1947. Letni pregled socialnega skrbstva za leto 1947. Skrb za otroke in mladino v LRS 1948-1952, 1953. Ustanove za vzgojo in varstvo otrok, mladine in odraslih 1955 in kratek pregled po osvoboditvi. Ustanove za vzgojo in varstvo otrok, mladine in odraslih oseb v letih 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 in 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. Popis socialnih dejavnosti krajevnih skupnosti v letu 1964. StatistiËno gradivo, 1963, öt. 13; 1964, öt. 19; 1965, öt. 9 in 16; 1966, öt. 1 in 14; 1967, öt. 17; 1969, öt. 12; 1971, öt. 3 in 17; 1972, öt. 15; 1974, öt. 3 in 1975, öt. 3. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah, 1960, zv. IV; 1961, zv. IV; 1962, zv. IV; 1963, zv. III; 1964, zv. I; 1965, zv. III; 1966, zv. IV; 1967, zv. V; 1968, zv. II; 1970, zv. VIII; 1971, zv. VIII; 1972, zv. X; 1973, zv. XI; 1974, zv. X; 1975, zv. IX; 1976, zv. XV; 1977, zv. XVIII; 1978, zv. XIII; 1979, zv. XXII; 1980, zv. XV; 1981, zv. X; 1982, zv. XI; 1983, zv. XIV; 1984, öt. 15 in 1986, öt. 1. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 24, 55, 86, 113, 161, 216, 258, 291, 329, 368, 395, 433, 464, 475, 532, 558, 593, 616, 636, 659, 682. employment of the disabled train and employ disabled people whose functional abilities have been reduced as a consequence of accident, illness or some other handicap. Old people’s homes provide institutional welfare for old persons with which they replace or supplement the functions of home and family, nutrition, protection and health care. Special social welfare institutions provide special forms of institutional welfare for mentally and physically handicapped adults. Centres for protection and training provide guidance, protection and organised work under special conditions for mentally and physically handicapped adults. Data on children and adults recipients of social welfare are also shown. Children and youth deprived of a normal family life are children and youth without parents, from single-parent families and disorderly families, as well as those who are materially and educationally deprived and those whose development is threatened due to unsettled accommodation circumstances. Children and youth considered to have disturbances in their physical development are those who are blind or weak-sighted, those with hearing and speech difficulties, those with other physical retarded and those with several disturbances. Children, youth and young adults considered to have disturbances in their mental development are those with low, moderate, high or severe mental disturbances, as well as all those who are on the limit of normal abilities. Behaviourally and personally disturbed are those children and youth who use drugs, children (offenders under 14 years of age), younger and older juveniles. Other children and youth in social welfare are those involved in status questions relating to financial circumstances, etc. Child allowance is supplementary income for a family for partial covering of expenses and supporting a child. Entitled to child allowance are those children whose parents’ income per family member does not exceed 43% of average income in Slovenia (this was in force from 1 January 1994 to 1 May 1994) or 50% of average income in Slovenia (in force since 1 May 1994). Maternity leave compensation is compensation of income for the time of maternity leave at childbirth, leave for the care and nursing of the child, or longer leave for the care and nursing of the child. Assistance for goods for a new born child is a single assistance at childbirth. It is assured as a package for a newborn child or as financial assistance. Parental allowance is financial assistance for parents at or after childbirth and amounts to 52% of the guaranteed wage. Every mother who does not fulfil the conditions for maternity leave compensation or some other wage compensation, on condition that she is a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia and has permanent residence in Slovenia, has the right to parental allowance. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS List of Institutions for the Upbringing and Welfare of Children, Youth and Adults 1965. Social Care and Institutions for Adult Welfare 1947. Annual Review of Social Care 1947. Child and Youth Care in the People’s Republic of Slovenia 1948-1952, 1953. Institutions for the Upbringing and Welfare of Children, Youth and Adults 1955 and Short Review of the Period Since the Liberation. Institutions for the Upbringing and Welfare of Children, Youth and Adults 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 and 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. Census of Social Activities of Local Communities 1964. Statistical Material 1963 No. 13, 1964 No. 19, 1965 No. 9, 16, 1966 No. 1, 14, 1967 No. 17, 1969 No. 12, 1971 No. 3, 17, 1972 No. 15, 1974 No. 3, 1975 No. 3. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1960 vol. IV, 1961 vol. IV, 1962 vol. IV, 1963 vol. III, 1964 vol. I, 1965 vol. III, 1966 vol. IV, 1967 vol. V, 1968 vol. II, 1970 vol. VIII, 1971 vol. VIII, 1972 vol. X, 1973 vol. XI, 1974 vol. X, 1975 vol. IX, 1976 vol. XV, 1977 vol. XVIII, 1978 vol. XVIII, 1979 vol. XXII, 1980 vol. XV, 1981 vol. X, 1982 vol. XI, 1983 vol. XIV, 1984 No. 15, 1986 No 1. Results of Surveys No. 24, 55, 86, 113, 161, 216, 258, 291, 329, 368, 395, 433, 464, 475, 532, 558, 593, 616, 636, 659, 682. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 173 10.1 PovpreËno ötevilo uporabnikov zdravstvenega varstva Average number of medical care users 1) Ocenjen podatek Estimated data 2) Uűivalci invalidskih oskrbnin, zaËasnih nadomestil, tuji upokojenci, zavarovanci v tujini zavarovanih in zaposlenih oseb, uűivalci raznih pomoËi in priznavalnin, vojaöki vojni invalidi in njihovi druűinski Ëlani. Beneficiaries of disability allowance, temporary disability pension beneficiaries, foreign pensioners, in RS insured family members of persons who are employed and insured abroad, beneficiaries of permanent grants and survivor's pensions, permanent social financial assistance, military war invalids and their family members. 3) V letu 1980 so vöteti ötudenti viöjih öol in akademij ter njihovi druűinski Ëlani. Data for 1980 include college students and academy students and their family members. 10.2 Nekateri kazalniki zdravstvenega zavarovanja Some health insurance indicators 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 2224401 2325415 2293696 2269996 2000610 1975636 1944190 TOTAL Zaposlene osebe, osebe, ki zaËasno niso v delovnem razmerju, upokojenci, ostali ter drugi uporabniki - skupaj 1221308 1299675 1295865 1341557 1356559 1354775 1341183 Persons in paid employment, retired persons and other users - total - njihovi druűinski Ëlani - skupaj (859935) 1) (894912) 1) (871450) 1) (839828) 1) (594941) 1) (573916) 1) 562341 - their family members Zaposlene osebe in drugi delovni ljudje 903952 886767 790916 777487 774582 784717 770459 Persons in paid employment and other working people - njihovi druűinski Ëlani 705484 696248 622458 594731 506344 495274 479336 - their family members Osebe, ki zaËasno niso v delovnem razmerju 7969 12203 22909 32755 51221 34773 35418 Persons who are temporarily not in paid employment - njihovi druűinski Ëlani 7470 10534 20047 26850 14011 9341 10729 - their family members Upokojenci 292107 375046 455672 480137 460284 460513 455133 Retired persons - njihovi druűinski Ëlani 146981 188130 228945 218245 65672 58629 59559 - their family members Ostali 2) 15791 18093 19200 17494 51649 52883 51749 Other users 2) - njihovi druűinski Ëlani ... ... ... ... 8914 10672 12717 - their family members Drugi uporabniki 3) 1489 7566 7168 33684 18823 21889 28424 Other users 3) Uporabniki kmetje - skupaj 143158 130828 126381 88613 49110 46945 40666 Farmers users - total - od tega kmetje, zavezanci za prispevek 61011 56704 49207 40729 31407 29959 25436 - of which farmers - liable to pay contribution 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 KAZALNIKI ZA»ASNE ODSOTNOSTI Z DELA PO VZROKIH INDICATORS OF TEMPORARY ABSENCE FROM WORK BY REASONS SKUPAJ (brez noseËnosti in poroda) TOTAL (without pregnancy and child birth) Primeri 1271609 1075862 796462 859407 862812 814207 733318 Cases Dnevi 12300528 15155787 1123433 12118903 12741732 12642873 11617168 Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 9,7 14,1 14,3 14,1 14,8 15,5 15,8 Average duration (days) Poökodbe pri delu Work injuries Primeri 58945 38372 35135 34498 36097 36708 38782 Cases Dnevi 1024145 882609 796793 810655 877315 942845 997452 Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 17,4 23,0 22,7 23,5 24,3 25,7 25,7 Average duration (days) Poklicne bolezni Occupational diseases Primeri 413 234 200 155 177 135 251 Cases Dnevi 13680 14774 8723 6320 7177 6235 16708 Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 33,1 63,1 43,6 40,8 40,5 46,2 66,6 Average duration (days) Bolezni, poökodbe izven dela in transplantacije Illnesses, injuries out of the working time and transplantations Primeri 916788 770203 590789 644227 652781 614193 569975 Cases Dnevi 10107068 13070779 9 9690919 10461077 11056330 10930219 9978992 Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 11,0 17,0 16,4 16,2 16,9 17,8 17,5 Average duration (days) Nega druűinskega Ëlana Family member care Primeri 233893 208195 127080 138104 131218 121851 92212 Cases Dnevi 1083154 1121545 689548 791706 753250 715260 585917 Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 4,6 5,4 5,4 5,7 5,7 5,9 6,4 Average duration (days) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 174 10.3 Odhodki zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvene storitve Health communities' expenses for medical services mio SIT1) 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. Izolacija in spremstvo Isolation and attendance Primeri 61570 58858 43258 42423 42539 41320 32098 Cases Dnevi 72052 66060 47564 49145 47660 48314 38099 Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,1 1,2 1,2 Average duration (days) NoseËnost in porod Pregnancy and child birth Primeri (1000) 22590 ... ... ... ... ... ... Cases Dnevi (1000) 5926 ... ... ... ... ... ... Days PovpreËno trajanje (dni) 262,3 ... ... ... ... ... ... Average duration (days) OBISKI V OSNOVNIH IN SPECIALISTI»NIH AMBULANTAH V BOLNIöNI»NI ZDRAVSTVENI DEJAVNOSTI VISITS TO BASIC AND SPECIALIST DISPENSARIES IN HOSPITALS Osnovna zdravstvena dejavnost Basic medical activity ätevilo vseh obiskov (1000) 10409 10235 9572 10549 11016 11252 10842 Number of all visits - otroöko varstvo 1218 1129 1110 1121 1098 1132 1087 - child care - varstvo öolarjev 1043 1122 1131 1193 1162 1146 1087 - schoolchildren care - varstvo űena 697 685 670 659 731 746 767 - women care - pulmoloöko in dermatoliöko varstvo 264 196 250 237 248 220 197 - pulmonary and dermatological care - sploöna medicina in varstvo borcev NOV 5158 5207 5183 5952 6453 6952 6879 - general medicine and National Liberation War combatants care -medicina dela 2029 1896 1228 1386 1326 1056 826 - medicine of work Zdravljenje in nega bolnika na domu Medical treatment and nursing of patients at home - ötevilo obiskov pri zdravstveni negi (1000) 385 477 492 503 536 577 219 - number of visits at medical care - ötevilo negovanih bolnikov (1000) 18 22 22 22 24 23 651 - number of nursed patients SpecialistiËna ambulantna dejavnost Specialist dispensary activity - ötevilo obiskov (1000) 2173 2186 2186 2306 2521 2526 2587 - number of visits BolniöniËna dejavnost Hospital activity - ötevilo bolnikov (1000) 315 319 319 321 321 317 314 - number of patients - ötevilo bolniöko oskrbnih dni (1000) 4040 3600 3472 3483 3384 3308 3282 - number of hospital care days - povpreËno trajanje zdravljenja 12,8 11,3 10,9 10,9 10,6 10,4 10,5 - average duration of medical treatment (days) Zdravila Medicine - ötevilo izdanih receptov (1000) 12225 12956 11504 12395 13464 12623 11423 - number of prescriptions 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 10076 65696 99266 124740 143448 163719 TOTAL Sploöno ambulantno in dispanzersko zdravljenje 2005 12665 16709 20237 24078 28400 General and dispensary medical treatment SpecialistiËno ambulantno zdravljenje 1256 8532 11374 17274 15725 17659 Specialist dispensary medical treatment BolniöniËno zdravljenje 4314 21468 34276 39252 48773 57626 Hospital treatment Zdraviliöko zdravljenje 269 1238 1928 2168 1506 1896 Spa treatment Zdravila in injekcije 1047 9575 14378 18899 21203 22069 Medicine and injections Zobna nega in zobna protetika 764 3936 5244 5989 6727 8072 Dental treatment and dental protetics Prevozi z reöevalnimi in drugimi vozili - zasebni prevozi 142 759 1000 1165 1231 1250 Transport by ambulances and other vehicles - private transports Ostali odhodki 279 7524 14357 19758 24205 26747 Other expenses Od tega: Of these: - nadomestila odsotnosti ... 4756 9582 12929 15905 17240 - absence compensations - ortopedski pripomoËki ... ... 2676 3964 4506 4750 - orthopedical equipment 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 10.2 Nekateri kazalniki zdravstvenega zavarovanja (nadaljevanje) Some health insurance indicators (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 175 10.4 Uűivalci invalidnin in pokojnin - letno povpreËje Disability pension and pension beneficiaries - annual average 1) Od leta 1991 so vkljuËene tudi vojaöke pokojnine ter pokojnine in dodatki, uveljavljeni v drugih republikah nekdanje Jugoslavije. Since 1991 military pensions and pensions asserted in countries of the former Yugoslavia are included. 10.5 Odhodki invalidskega in pokojninskega zavarovanja Disability and pension insurance expenses mio SIT 1) 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 2) Od leta 1993 z varstvenim dodatkom. Since 1993 with care allowances. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 1) 426829 528283 595190 599247 601699 608123 609373 TOTAL 1) Skupaj pokojnine 274752 356274 425612 437748 440525 444643 449618 Pensions total Starostne pokojnine 137441 197259 252546 260396 261777 263669 266455 Old-age pensions Invalidske pokojnine 67645 82289 92440 95075 96079 97275 98047 Disability pensions Druűinske pokojnine 69666 76726 80626 82277 82669 83699 85116 Survivors' pensions Uűivalci drugih dajatev 152077 172009 169578 161499 161174 163480 159755 Beneficiaries of other contributions Invalidnine 34366 42332 44457 45074 46072 47211 47784 Disability benefits Dodatek za pomoË in postreűbo 15370 19381 19322 19455 19619 20442 20855 Allowance for care and help Prekvalifikacije 0 0 223 182 159 172 205 Retraining Oskrbnine 129 285 0 0 0 0 0 Supplements Nadomestila 24423 26836 22997 21232 21872 24419 27309 Compensations KmeËke pokojnine 35838 27820 25727 21517 19516 17671 15805 Farmers' pensions Varstveni dodatki 41951 55355 56852 54039 53936 53565 47797 Care allowances 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 22909 140075 201607 267293 325809 369718 TOTAL Starostne pokojnine 2) 12219 71431 104990 138751 167422 190014 Old-age pensions 2) Invalidske pokojnine 2) 4104 21291 31432 42375 49696 55793 Disability pensions 2) Druűinske pokojnine 2) 3347 15713 22918 30809 36300 41129 Survivors' pensions 2) Davek od pokojninskih prejemkov - 603 489 1772 - - Taxes from pension income KmeËke pokojnine 583 2524 3297 4026 4388 4410 Farmers' pensions Vojaöke pokojnine - 2302 3324 4296 5056 5558 Military pensions Pokojnine, uveljavljene v drugih republikah nekdanje Jugoslavije - 193 272 324 360 368 Pensions, asserted in other countries of the former Yugoslavia Dodatek pokojninam, uveljavljenim v drugih republikah nekdanje Jugoslavije ... 84 321 454 574 669 Allowances to pensions, asserted in other countries of the former Yugoslavia Invalidnine 160 1085 1606 2225 2705 3098 Disability benefits Rehabilitacije in zaposlovanje invalidov 552 2656 2656 5374 7914 10274 Rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons Prispevki od pokojnin 293 12414 15291 19799 23460 27990 Contributions from pensions Drugi izdatki 816 6451 8656 11166 21070 24130 Other expenses Stroöki izvajanja zavarovanja 836 3327 5108 5922 6864 6285 Costs of performing insurance Kritje izgube - - - - - - Coverage of loss StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 176 10.6 PovpreËno ötevilo aktivnih zavarovancev po podroËjih dejavnosti in spolu The average number of active insured persons by activity and sex 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 SKUPAJ TOTAL SKUPAJ 886767 835588 790916 777484 776249 783243 TOTAL Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah 815203 759169 712381 692419 680024 677649 Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations Industrija in rudarstvo 371985 339274 309151 292150 276004 272159 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 15882 15465 14937 14189 13792 13215 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 6409 5321 4554 4207 3988 3052 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1247 1189 1082 1000 990 850 Water management Gradbeniötvo 56081 49188 40114 36121 36830 36825 Construction Promet in zveze 45519 43050 40146 37934 39514 39442 Transport and communications Trgovina 79815 74847 71080 71018 69090 67818 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 20774 18445 17001 16712 17241 18298 Hotel, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 19719 17285 16809 16418 17780 18271 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanj.-komunal. dejav. 13827 12810 11984 11885 11838 11531 Community service activities Finance idr. posl. stor. 35781 37454 41023 44717 44362 44751 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 53321 52740 51972 52645 52510 53801 Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 55514 54158 53167 52802 53011 52512 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizac. 39329 37943 39361 40621 43074 45124 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Zaposlene osebe v samostojnem osebnem delu 31890 33154 33243 37002 45579 51051 Persons in paid employment in individual personal work Samozaposlene osebe 38435 42032 44150 47120 49929 53806 Self-employed persons Osebe, ki sklenejo delovno razmerje v tujini 1239 1233 1142 943 717 737 Persons in paid employment abroad éenske Women SKUPAJ 398688 376676 360019 355854 341895 342079 TOTAL Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah 376796 352022 333970 327554 306853 304570 Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations Industrija in rudarstvo 157908 142358 129508 122188 108308 104872 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 6464 6309 6170 5939 5990 5913 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 1243 926 807 731 416 298 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 185 179 167 149 279 205 Water management Gradbeniötvo 6360 5433 4544 4143 4192 4609 Construction Promet in zveze 9502 9257 8980 8594 9073 8750 Transport and communications Trgovina 49024 46092 43601 43102 40555 39318 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 14177 12445 11470 11114 10597 11065 Hotel, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 5045 5055 5543 5769 8236 7888 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanj.-komunal. dejav. 3227 3041 2894 2848 2222 1514 Community service activities Finance idr. posl. stor. 20145 20809 22383 23745 21281 20756 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 35424 34694 34157 34582 35816 39311 Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 46735 45175 43950 43703 39520 39116 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizac. 21357 20249 19796 20287 20368 20928 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Zaposlene osebe v samostojnem osebnem delu 12304 13578 14123 15373 20432 22372 Persons in paid employment in individual personal work Samozaposlene osebe 9425 10892 11713 12717 14375 14896 Self-employed persons Osebe, ki sklenejo delovno razmerje v tujini 163 184 213 210 235 241 Persons in paid employment abroad StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 177 10.7 Aktivni zavarovanci po panogah dejavnosti Active insured persons by activity 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 SKUPAJ 886767 835588 790916 777484 776249 783243 TOTAL Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah 815203 759169 712381 692419 680024 677649 Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations Industrija in rudarstvo 371985 339274 309151 292150 276004 272159 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 8643 8093 7781 8072 8074 8370 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 10010 9677 9118 8849 8696 8268 Coal mining Predelava premoga 1 1 3 6 0 0 Manufacture of coal Pridob. nafte in zemeljskega plina 84 4 3 6 6 5 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizv. naftnih derivatov 600 1211 1198 1221 1168 1057 Manufacture of refined petroleum products Pridobivanje űelezove rude 0 0 2 3 0 0 Mining of iron ores »rna metalurgija 14034 12993 10815 10014 9984 9884 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. in barv. kovin 867 567 453 249 207 148 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 3121 2655 1943 1751 1625 1598 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 5585 5008 4375 4324 5541 6062 Smelting, alloying and refining of non - ferrous metals Pridob. nekov. rudnin 866 775 758 722 673 599 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 8760 8136 7659 7700 7543 7218 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Kovinska pred. dejavnost 35644 32614 29860 27925 25617 25156 Manufacture of metal products Strojna industrija 23673 19741 16711 14886 14476 15995 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 23386 20737 19527 18362 17569 17410 Manufacture of cars, trucks and transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 386 301 235 266 233 216 Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. apar. 49920 44835 40521 37564 34452 33657 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 5355 4710 3999 3414 3342 3142 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 17127 15604 14968 14300 14791 14201 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 1233 1281 1421 1415 1021 846 Sand and stone quarrying Proiz. gradb. mat. 7878 6765 5481 5198 4372 4240 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 5748 5616 5534 5201 5018 4942 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË.les. izd. 26207 22940 21063 19419 18048 17713 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and wooden products Proizv. in predelava. papirja 10905 10728 9683 8815 8077 7832 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 19517 16591 13200 12553 9854 9067 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst.izd. 36641 34694 33864 33534 32129 31251 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 4918 5239 3808 3586 2993 2678 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 10473 9771 9814 8740 8784 8697 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 5510 5533 5359 5244 4965 4806 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. izdelkov 19103 18455 17288 16388 14859 15078 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 3829 3703 3470 3429 3137 3016 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 425 394 382 372 305 288 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka 866 837 731 713 609 558 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 6018 5802 5550 5470 5271 4977 Printing Zbiranje in predelava indus. odpadkov 868 743 649 622 670 646 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 3784 2520 1925 1817 1895 2538 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 15882 15465 14937 14189 13792 13215 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska pridelava 13045 12786 12404 11751 11807 11462 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 2231 2156 2087 2021 1716 1562 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 606 523 446 417 269 191 Fishing Gozdarstvo 6409 5321 4554 4207 3988 3052 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1247 1189 1082 1000 990 850 Water management Gradbeniötvo 56081 49188 40114 36121 36830 36825 Construction Visoke gradnje 30294 26064 20905 18614 17420 17117 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 15096 13449 10998 9970 11096 11537 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 10691 9675 8211 7537 8314 8171 Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 45519 43050 40146 37934 39514 39442 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 15157 14098 12836 12206 13123 12182 Railway transport Pomorski promet 498 320 255 237 183 252 Sea and coastal water transport ReËni in jezerski promet 501 3 3 6 9 6 Inland waterway transport ZraËni promet 1501 1454 1220 1100 1055 1052 Air transport Cestni promet 17147 15161 14204 12976 12774 12460 Road transport Mestni promet 1360 1068 794 766 662 1864 Urban transport Cevovodni transport 11213 1878 1869 1866 1708 1537 Pipeline transport Prekladalne storitve 2338 2003 1829 1661 1858 1714 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 6991 7065 7136 7116 8142 8375 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 79815 74847 71080 71018 69090 67818 Trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 178 Trgovina na drobno 47286 45337 44555 44814 42852 42747 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 22704 21164 19752 20419 20877 20018 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 9825 8346 6773 5785 5361 5053 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 20774 18445 17001 16712 17241 18298 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 18307 16063 14919 14677 14821 15409 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 2467 2382 2082 2035 2420 2889 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 19719 17285 16809 16418 17780 18271 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve in popravila 18151 15185 13997 13258 13092 13339 Crafts and repairs Osebne storitve in storitve gospodinjstvom 1568 2100 2812 3160 4688 4932 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejavnosti 13827 12810 11984 11885 11838 11531 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 3338 3117 2862 2774 2756 2524 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 337 312 251 245 339 343 Housing services 10152 9381 8871 8866 8743 8664 Public services Finance in druge poslovne storitve 35781 37454 41023 44717 44362 44751 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 13930 12594 12265 12149 10690 10495 Banking Premoűenjsko in osebno zavarovanje 2630 2718 2948 3248 3700 3753 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 6346 7591 9520 11358 11502 10587 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 8279 8083 8516 8951 9725 10230 Architectural and engineering activities, including technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 262 4 16 12 314 307 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno razvojno delo 2317 4036 4860 5812 4666 4437 Research and development (razen znanstvenoraziskovalnega) (Scientific research excluded) Poslovne storitve 2017 2428 2898 3187 3765 4942 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 53321 52740 51972 52645 52510 53801 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 37804 37411 37070 37989 36524 38106 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalne dejavnosti 5817 5664 5393 5127 5641 5273 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost in informacije 8785 8706 8531 8560 9211 9312 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 915 959 978 969 1134 1110 Recreactional and sporting activities Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 55514 54158 53167 52802 53011 52512 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 37061 35653 34499 34073 34193 33658 Health care Socialno varstvo 18453 18505 18668 18729 18818 18854 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 39329 37943 39361 40621 43074 45124 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 31738 31287 33064 34618 38233 40597 Public administration Skladi 2742 2526 2419 2235 2137 2093 Business associations Sploöna in posebna zdruűenja 1835 1622 1436 1403 699 633 Membership and political organizations PolitiËne in interesne organizacije 3014 2508 2442 2365 2005 1801 Political organizations Zaposlene osebe pri zasebnikih 31890 33154 33243 37002 45579 51051 Persons in paid employment at private persons - pri obrtnikih 25578 25850 25422 26881 34467 39576 - at craftsmen - pri gostincih 4469 5238 5607 6000 7197 7166 - at catering staff - pri avtoprevoznikih 636 748 842 998 1020 1210 - at transporters - pri drugih 1010 1087 1064 1196 1016 1008 - at others - pri delavcih, ki poklic opravljajo drugje 197 231 308 1927 1879 2091 - at workers, who work elsewhere Samozaposlene osebe 38435 42032 44150 47120 49929 53806 Self-employed persons - obrtniki 23474 26021 26825 27824 33187 37764 - craftsmen - gostinci 3186 3623 4461 5443 5495 5021 - catering staff - prevozniki 6694 6785 6896 7201 6265 6008 - transporters - umetniki 825 926 954 1052 1057 976 - artists - glasbeniki 504 443 409 400 389 405 - musicians - odvetniki 412 544 639 723 803 840 - lawyers - postreűËki 10 19 32 40 35 32 - porters - filmski delavci 131 129 136 136 161 138 - film workers - raznaöalci tiska 605 608 582 559 202 194 - press delivers - öportniki 64 70 80 93 84 79 - sportsmen - samostojni zdravstveni delavci 10 10 21 144 100 113 - independent medical workers - arhitekti 290 326 338 343 207 215 - architects - duhovniki, redovnice 1131 1173 1210 1229 1163 1180 - priests, nuns - drugi delovni ljudje 1099 1355 1567 1993 781 841 - other working people - zdruűeni kmetje 0 0 0 0 0 0 - associated farmers Osebe, ki sklenejo delovno razmerje v tujini 1239 1233 1142 943 717 737 Persons in paid employment abroad 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 10.7 Aktivni zavarovanci po panogah dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Active insured persons by activity (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 179 10.8 PonesreËeni pri delu po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti Persons injured at work by the National Classification of Activities 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 skupaj total smrtno mortally skupaj total smrtno mortally skupaj total smrtno mortally skupaj total smrtno mortally skupaj total smrtno mortally skupaj total smrtno mortally SKUPAJ 33136 44 25855 39 24262 41 26351 28 25611 37 27996 36 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 20005 22 15209 17 13733 16 14746 12 13294 12 13799 9 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 358 341 1 317 2 356 - 361 - 378 2 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 1322 1071 1062 - 1141 - 765 1 753 1 Coal mining Predelava premoga - - - - - - 2 - - - - - Manufacture of coal Pridobivanje nafte in zemeljskega plina - - 1 - - - 4 - - - - - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 45 - 47 - 46 - 58 - 19 - 28 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products Pridobivanje űelezove rude - - - - 1 - 1 - 2 - - - Mining of iron ores »rna metalurgija 1139 1 779 - 469 - 547 - 531 - 568 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridobivanje rud in barvnih kovin 62 - 31 - 36 - 41 - 9 - 40 - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 580 2 290 1 186 - 175 - 142 - 198 - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 309 - 231 - 180 - 211 - 179 - 161 - Smelting, alloying and refining of non - ferrous metals Pridobivanje nekovinskih rudnin 27 9 43 - 21 - 40 - 28 - 41 - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 637 1 497 - 517 1 602 1 549 - 461 - Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Kovinska predelovalna dejavnost 2127 - 1885 2 1782 - 1967 - 1688 2 1937 1 Manufacture of metal products Strojna industrija 1581 - 1303 4 1051 - 1086 - 962 1 732 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 1762 1 1240 1 882 3 818 - 702 - 582 - Manufacture of cars, trucks and traffic equipment Ladjedelniötvo 52 - 18 - 24 - 33 - 52 - 10 - Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektriËnih strojev in aparatov 1696 3 1088 1 1051 - 1219 4 1251 2 1324 - Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baznih kemiËnih izdelkov 222 - 209 - 207 1 220 - 205 - 332 - Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 641 1 457 1 430 - 483 - 478 1 470 1 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 48 - 46 - 60 - 83 - 70 - 58 - Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega materiala 486 - 273 1 264 1 313 3 253 2 316 - Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űaganega lesa in ploöË 369 - 330 - 306 1 303 - 342 1 512 - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izdelkov 1577 - 1269 - 1242 3 1296 1 1231 2 1208 - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 674 - 467 1 422 - 436 1 392 - 426 2 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 699 2 443 - 423 - 346 - 329 - 294 - Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekstilnih izdelkov 679 - 670 1 760 2 779 2 658 - 679 1 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 196 - 90 - 64 - 85 - 92 - 71 - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 351 - 365 - 305 1 276 - 265 - 263 - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 472 1 435 - 395 - 398 - 313 - 322 - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 1185 - 856 3 832 - 926 - 918 - 904 1 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 278 - 163 - 133 1 164 - 150 - 201 - Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 34 - 16 - 8 - 14 - 21 - 7 - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka 44 - 42 - 26 - 25 - 27 - 24 - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 194 1 141 - 130 - 172 - 157 - 180 - Printing Zbiranje in predelava industrijskih odpadkov - - 15 - 18 - 30 - 37 - 57 - Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 159 - 57 - 83 - 96 - 139 - 262 - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 870 - 716 - 633 3 634 - 675 - 761 3 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 439 2 279 - 260 1 238 - 187 - 267 3 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 73 - 56 - 51 - 44 - 46 - 53 - Water management Gradbeniötvo 3599 5 2181 4 1912 3 2113 1 1972 6 2257 4 Construction Promet in zveze 1494 7 1156 - 1068 - 1029 4 1037 1 1273 5 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 492 5 261 3 275 - 239 1 285 - 347 1 Railway transport Cestni in mestni promet 601 1 485 - 403 - 388 2 379 - 358 1 Road and urban transport Ostali promet 401 1 410 - 390 - 402 1 373 1 568 3 Other transport Trgovina 1400 1 1133 1 1188 2 1258 1 1402 - 1669 1 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 550 - 343 - 422 1 525 1 492 - 630 - Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 899 - 601 - 599 - 599 - 676 - 706 - Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejavnosti 475 - 350 1 333 1 429 - 410 - 476 - Community service activities FinanËne in druge poslovne storitve 366 - 417 2 439 3 498 - 643 4 537 2 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 581 1 585 3 577 1 636 2 711 2 902 2 Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 893 1 984 1 956 - 1088 - 1046 1 1168 - Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, Public administration, funds, zdruűenja in organizacije 528 1 783 2 912 3 1041 2 1113 2 1338 3 associations and organizations Obrt - zasebni sektor 744 3 344 2 384 7 468 3 525 4 582 1 Craft - private sector Pogodbeni in drugi zavarovanci 220 1 694 1 777 - 946 2 1187 4 1246 3 Contracted and other insured persons Zaposleni in upokojenci, uËenci Persons in paid employment and pensioners, poklicnih öol itd. - - 3 - - - - - 3 - 3 - vocational school students, etc. Ni podatka - - 21 2 18 - 57 - 192 1 329 - No data StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 180 10.9 Javni socialnovarstveni zavodi Public social welfare institutions 10.10 Oskrbovanci in zaposleni v javnih socialnovarstvenih zavodih, 1996 People in care and persons in paid employment in social welfare institutions, 1996 10.11 Zavodi in podjetja za poklicno rehabilitacijo in zaposlovanje invalidov Institutions and companies for vocational rehabilitation and employment of the disabled 10.12 Invalidi na usposabljanju, zaposleni invalidi in drugi zaposleni v zavodih in podjetjih za poklicno rehabilitacijo, 1996 Disabled persons in training, disabled persons in paid employment and other employed persons, 1996 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1995 1996 Zavodi Institutions Domovi za otroke 3 3 3 3 1 1 - Homes for children Zavodi za usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo v razvoju 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 Institutions for training moderately and seriously handicapped children and youth Domovi za starejöe 53 52 53 53 43 47 48 Old people's homes Posebni socialnovarstveni zavodi 3 3 3 4 7 6 6 Special social welfare institutions Varstveno-delovni centri ... ... ... ... 37 39 39 Centres for protection and training Oskrbovanci People in care Domovi za otroke 128 121 114 115 28 19 - Homes for children Zavodi za usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo v razvoju 319 369 370 554 786 794 812 Institutions for training moderately and seriously handicapped children and youth Domovi za starejöe 10166 10604 11260 11178 9876 10757 11057 Old people's homes Posebni socialnovarstveni zavodi 1019 1018 1003 1006 1842 1602 1613 Special social welfare institutions Varstveno-delovni centri ... ... ... ... 1333 1427 1552 Centres for protection and training Zavodi Institutions Odklonjeni prosilci Applicants refused Oskrbovanci People in care Zaposleno osebje Persons in paid employment skupaj total moöki men űenske women skupaj total od tega zdravstveno osebje, negovalci of these health workers, carers Zavodi za usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo v razvoju 5 12 812 488 324 791 137 Institutions for training moderately and seriously handicapped children and youth Domovi za starejöe 48 8250 11057 3045 8012 4258 2397 Old people's homes Posebni socialnovarstveni zavodi 6 218 1613 809 804 753 473 Special social welfare institutions Varstveno-delovni centri 39 44 1552 843 709 362 38 Centres for protection and training 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 11 11 21 47 83 86 102 TOTAL Zavodi 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 Institutions Podjetja 6 6 16 42 81 84 100 Enterprises Invalidi na usposabljanju Disabled persons in training Zaposleni invalidi Disabled persons in paid employment Drugi zaposleni Other employed persons skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women SKUPAJ 172 70 3539 1253 3935 1708 TOTAL Zavodi 85 37 87 37 183 118 Institutions Podjetja 87 33 3452 1216 3752 1590 Enterprises StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 181 10.13 Uporabniki socialnega varstva Recipients of social welfare 10.14 UpraviËenci in sredstva, namenjena za socialne pomoËi 1) Funding for social benefits and persons entitled to social benefits 1) 1) PovpreËno meseËno ötevilo prejemnikov. Sredstva so skupni znesek za program. / Average montly number of recipients. Funding is total amount for the programme. 2) Upoötevani so samo oskrbovanci, ki jim oskrbnino plaËuje oz. doplaËuje socialno varstvo. / Only persons in care whose care is paid or supplied by social welfare are considered. 3) Sredstva izplaËanih ötipendij za december. / Scholarships paid for December. PREJEMNIKI DRUéINSKIH PREJEMKOV FAMILY ALLOWANCE RECEIPTS 10.15 UpraviËenci in otroci, prejemniki otroökega dodatka Persons entitled to child allowance and children receiving child allowance 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 10.16 UpraviËenci in otroci, prejemniki otroökega dodatka, 1996 Persons entitled to child allowance and children receiving child allowance, 1996 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Otroci in mladostniki - skupaj 60363 58639 61075 70922 58824 40030 39392 Children and youth - total Prikrajöani za normalno druűinsko űivljenje 41404 42144 44719 53156 38808 27962 28016 Deprived of normal family life Telesno prizadeti 1559 1478 1239 1245 1095 1071 1178 Physically handicapped Duöevno prizadeti 6360 6245 5697 5833 4661 4594 4153 Mentally retarded Vedenjsko in osebnostno moteni 9504 7038 7554 8373 7230 6403 6045 With behavioural and personality disturbances Drugi v druűbenem varstvu 1536 1734 1866 2315 7030 - - Others in social welfare Odrasli - skupaj 53085 61363 69891 84613 69713 60760 69266 Adults - total Materialno ogroűeni 10556 15704 22135 37100 33165 31425 42732 With financial problems Ogroűeni zaradi pojavov, ki spremljajo staranje (starost 60 let in veË) 13461 14998 15859 15582 11437 8345 8136 With problems of old age (over 60) Invalidi 11198 10994 10713 10457 8505 7895 7629 Disabled Vedenjsko in osebnostno moteni 9801 10020 9942 9480 6075 5274 4991 With behavioural and personality disturbances Drugi v druűbenem varstvu 8069 9647 11242 11994 10531 7821 5778 Others in social welfare 1990 1993 1994 1995 1996 upraviËenci entitled znesek amount (mio din) upraviËenci entitled znesek amount (mio SIT) upraviËenci entitled znesek amount (mio SIT) upraviËenci entitled znesek amount (mio SIT) upraviËenci entitled znesek amount (mio SIT) Denarne pomoËi Benefits Edini vir preűivljanja 1893 43 1770 318 1709 333 1558 359 1494 370 As single source of livelihood Denarni dodatek 5100 57 15774 2179 20914 3370 24908 5016 29988 6844 Financial benefits Domovi za starejöe2) 5616 181 5269 1283 4255 1314 4986 1514 3894 1745 Old people's homes2) Posebni socialnovarstveni zavodi2) 1237 74 1321 419 1627 557 1648 646 1375 891 Special social welfareinstitutions2) Varstveno-delovni centri2) 849 39 883 327 901 449 978 476 1552 875 Centres for protection and raining2) Otroci na usposabljanju 2360 167 2235 1248 2230 1624 2055 1780 603 1216 Children in training Otroci v rejniötvu 1883 69 1706 411 1655 472 1626 585 1575 594 Children in foster family allowances Republiöka ötipendija3) 33783 65 47754 416 45223 490 45628 695 46051 790 National scholarship3) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 ätevilo upraviËencev 65562 73181 74399 75259 100063 123006 204029 Number of entitled persons ätevilo otrok 151663 152393 149435 147478 187639 222634 342443 Number of children Skupni znesek za program (mio SIT) 0,0 1) 978 4476 7658 11156 14314 21104 Total amount for the programme (mio SIT) UpraviËenci - skupaj 204029 Entitled persons - total drűavljani Republike Slovenije 202842 Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia tuji drűavljani 1187 Foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia Otroci - skupaj 342443 Children - total drűavljani Republike Slovenije 340628 Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia tuji drűavljani 1815 Foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 182 10.17 PovpreËno meseËno ötevilo upraviËencev do nadomestila plaËe med porodniökim dopustom Average monthly number of persons entitled to maternity leave compensation 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 10.18 UpraviËenci do pomoËi pri opremi za novorojenca Persons entitled to assistance for goods for a new born child 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 10.19 PovpreËno meseËno ötevilo upraviËenk do staröevskega dodatka ob rojstvu otroka, 19961) Average monthly number of women entitled to parental allowance at and after childbirth, 19961) 1) Skupni znesek za program 556 mio SIT. Total amount for the programme 556 mio SIT. 10.20 Uűivalci invalidskih prejemkov1) Recipients of disability allowances1) 1) Podatki Ministrstva za delo druűino in socialne zadeve. Data from the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. 2) V letu 1996 je bilo izplaËanih enajst meseËnih izplaËil. In 1996 there were 11 monthly payments. 10.21 Izdatki za varstvo vojaökih invalidov, civilnih invalidov vojne in űrtev vojaöke agresije1) Expenditure on military invalids, civil war invalids and victims of military aggression1) 1000 SIT2) 1) Podatki Ministrstva za delo, druűino in socialne zadeve. Data from the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 3) V letu 1996 je bilo izplaËano enajst meseËnih izplaËil. In 1996 there were 11 monthly payments. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 PovpreËno meseËno ötevilo upraviËencev 23765 22891 19182 18873 19257 17261 17080 Average monthly number of entitled persons Skupni znesek za program (mio SIT) 0,01) 0,01) 7971 12123 5624 16508 18892 Total amount for the programe (mio SIT) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 UpraviËenci 28081 22634 19806 19634 18917 18394 18417 Number of entitled persons Skupni znesek za program (mio SIT) 0,01) 21) 280 318 344 404 397 Total amount for the programme (mio SIT) Skupaj Total Denarna oblika Monetary form Funkcionalna oblika Functional form UpraviËenke 2822 2820 2 Entitled women Dijakinje 78 78 - Pupils ätudentke 234 234 - Students Druge upraviËenke 2510 2508 2 Other entitled women 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2) Invalidnine 15591 8840 8268 8245 7853 7533 7283 Disability benefit Invalidski dodatek 5956 5626 4685 4799 4547 4276 2906 Disability supplement Ortopedski dodatek 1577 1343 1222 1700 1704 1682 1619 Orthopaedic supplement 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 19963) SKUPAJ 294 212194 1587740 3071820 3479641 4203000 3115327 TOTAL Invalidnine 105 42659 856597 1852648 2048912 2583000 1862184 Disability benefit Invalidski dodatek 141 148264 581914 866448 901653 951000 634389 Disability supplement Ortopedski dodatek 8 1693 101033 197056 335258 422000 328754 Orthopaedic supplement Zdravstveno varstvo 39 21271 48196 155668 193818 247000 290000 Health care StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Socialna varnost Social protection 183 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 184 11. KRIMINALITETA CRIME VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki o storilcih kaznivih dejanj in gospodarskih prestopkov so rezultat rednih statistiËnih raziskovanj s podroËja statistike kriminalitete. Objavljamo tudi nekatere podatke Ministrstva za pravosodje, Ustavnega sodiöËa, Drűavnega toűilstva in Republiökega senata za prekröke. ZAJETJE Zajetje kriminalitete kot druűbeno negativnega pojava je popolno, ker so s statistiËnimi raziskovanji zajeti vsi storilci kaznivih dejanj in gospodarskih prestopkov in tudi kazniva dejanja neznanih storilcev. Prikazane so vse polnoletne in mladoletne osebe, ki jim je bila v doloËenih letih izdana pravnomoËna odloËba na okroűnih drűavnih toűilstvih in okrajnih oziroma okroűnih sodiöËih. Prav tako so zajete vse reöene zadeve pri rednih sodiöËih in vse obsojene osebe pri obËinskih sodnikih za prekröke v doloËenih letih. Podatki o ötevilu sodiöË, drűavnih toűilstev, organov za sojenje prekrökov, delovnih in socialnih sodiöË in ötevilu zaposlenih oseb v teh inötitucijah so prikazani po stanju dne 31. 12. 1996. DEFINICIJE Kriminaliteta z vidika statistiËnih raziskovanj obsega pojav od vloűitve ovadbe za storjeno kaznivo dejanje oziroma gospodarski prestopek do pravnomoËnega konËanja postopka pri pristojnem organu. Kaznivo dejanje je protipravno dejanje, ki ga zakon zaradi njegove nevarnosti doloËa kot kaznivo dejanje in hkrati doloËa njegove znake (Kazenski zakonik RS, Ëlen 7). Kazniva dejanja vsebujejo kazenski zakoni in kazenske doloËbe nekaterih drugih zakonov. Do 31. 12. 1994 sta bila v veljavi Kazenski zakon RS (Ur. l. SRS, 12/77) in Kazenski zakon SFRJ (Ur. l. SFRJ, 44/ 76), od 1. 1. 1995 pa imamo nov Kazenski zakonik Republike Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, 63/94). ée zaradi novel k starima kazenskima zakonoma je bila kontinuiteta podatkov ponekod oslabljena, zaradi nove kazenske zakonodaje pa öe bolj1. Da bi se kontinuiteta Ëim bolj ohranila tudi v prihodnje, so podatki po skupinah kaznivih dejanj preurejeni v skladu s Kazenskim zakonikom Republike Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, 63/94). Kljub temu je primerjanje podatkov za pretekla leta oteűeno. Enote opazovanja so storilci kaznivih dejanj. »e stori ena oseba veË kaznivih dejanj, se kot lastnost storilca spremlja samo glavno kaznivo dejanje. Kadar je veË oseb udeleűenih pri storitvi enega kaznivega dejanja, je enota opazovanja vsak udeleűenec posebej. Polnoletni storilci kaznivih dejanj so osebe, ki so ob storitvi kaznivega dejanja űe dopolnile 18 let, zoper katere je postopek na podlagi kazenske ovadbe in predhodni postopek (pri drűavnem toűilstvu) konËan, in obtoűene osebe, zoper katere je kazenski postopek pravnomoËno konËan. Z izrazom znani storilec razumemo polnoletnega storilca kaznivega dejanja, proti kateremu je postopek pri drűavnem toűilstvu konËan z izdajo odloËbe, s katero je: - ovadba zavrűena, - preiskava ustavljena, - vloűena obtoűnica - obtoűni predlog, - odstop tuji drűavi in ovadbe, reöene na drug naËin. Pod pojmom neznani storilec razumemo neznano osebo, proti kateri je podana kazenska ovadba drűavnemu toűilstvu za storjeno kaznivo dejanje, a ta oseba po preteku enega leta od dne ovadbe öe ni odkrita. Pod pojmom obtoűena oseba, zoper katero je kazenski postopek pravnomoËno konËan, razumemo polnoletno osebo, zoper katero je vloűen obtoűni akt, proti kateri je kazenski postopek pravnomoËno konËan z odloËitvijo sodiöËa, s katero je: - obtoűni akt zavrűen, - postopek ustavljen, - oseba oproöËena obtoűbe, - obtoűba zavrnjena, - izreËen varnostni ukrep brez izreka kazni, - storilec spoznan za odgovornega. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on perpetrators of criminal offences and economic crimes are the result of regular statistical surveys in the field of statistics on crime. We also publish certain data of the Ministry of Justice, the Constitutional Court, the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the National Senate for Minor Offences. COVERAGE Crime as a negative social phenomenon is fully covered since statistical surveys encompass all perpetrators of criminal offences and economic crimes as well as criminal offences committed by unknown perpetrators. Data are presented on all adults and juveniles who in defined years were the subject of a legally binding order from regional public prosecutors and regional or district courts. Also covered are all matters solved at regular courts and all persons sentenced by magistrates for minor offences committed in defined years. The data on the number of courts, public prosecutors' offices, magistrates' courts, labour and social courts and the number of people employed in these institutions are as of 31 December 1996. DEFINITIONS Statistical research of crime ranges from the filing of the charge for a criminal offence to the conclusion of the legal proceedings at the competent body. Criminal offence is an unlawful activity determined by the law because of its danger as crime and at the same time given a code (Penal Code of the RS, Article 7). Criminal offences are contained in penal laws and the penal provisions of certain other laws. Until 31 December 1994 the Penal Code of the RS (Official Gazette of the SRS, 12/77) and Penal Code of the SFRJ (Official Gazette of the SFRJ, 44/76) had been in force, and since 1 January 1995 the Penal Code of the RS (Official Journal of the RS, 63/94) has been in force. Because of the novels to the old penal codes the continuity of the data had in some cases been worse, but because of the new penal code it has been even worse1. With the purpose to keep continuity of the data in the future, we have rearranged data by type of crimes on Penal Code of the RS (Official Journal of the RS, 63/94). Nevertheless, the comparison of data for past years is made difficult. Units of observation are perpetrators of criminal offences. If one perpetrator committed several criminal offences, the attribute of the perpetrator is only the main criminal offence. When more than one perpetrator participated in committing one criminal offence, each participant is a separate unit of observation. Adult perpetrators of criminal offences are people who had reached the age of 18 years when they committed an offence, and against whom proceedings based on a criminal charge and committal proceedings (through the public prosecutor) have been concluded, and accused persons against whom criminal proceedings have been legally concluded. The term known perpetrator means an adult perpetrator of a criminal offence against whom proceedings through the public prosecutor have been concluded with the issuing of an order by which: - the charge is rejected, - the investigation is terminated, - an indictment (proposed indictment) is filed, - he is surrendered to a foreign country or the charge is solved in another way. The term unknown perpetrator refers to an unknown person against whom a criminal charge has been filed with the public prosecutor relating to a criminal offence but where such a person remains unknown one year from the day the charge was filed. The term accused person against whom criminal proceedings have been legally concluded, refers to an adult against whom an indictment was filed and against whom criminal proceedings have been concluded with a court decision, by which: - the indictment is rejected, - the proceedings are terminated, - the charge is dropped, 1) S 1. 1. 1995 je priËel veljati Zakon o kazenskem postopku (Ur. l. RS, 63/94). Zakon o sodiöËih (Ur. l. RS, 19/94) in Zakon o drűavnem toűilstvu (Ur. l. RS, 63/94) sta priËela veljati v letu 1994, reorganizacija toűilstev in sodiöË pa je bila izvedena s 1. 1. 1995. 1) On 1 January 1995 the Law on Criminal Proceeding came into force (Official Journal of the RS, 63/94). The Law on Courts (Official Journal of the RS, 19/94) and the Law on Public Prosecutor’s Office (Official Journal of the RS, 63/94) came into force in 1994, but the reorganisation of the courts and public prosecutor’s offices had been made by 1 January 1995. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 185 Obsojena oseba je polnoletna oseba, ki je spoznana za odgovorno in proti kateri so izreËene kazenske sankcije: kazen (zaporna ali denarna), pogojna kazen, sodni opomin, varnostni ali vzgojni ukrep, in tudi oseba, spoznana za krivo in oproöËena kazni. Mladoletni storilci kaznivih dejanj so osebe, ki so ob storitvi kaznivega dejanja űe dopolnile 14, ne pa öe 18 let, proti katerim: - postopek po kazenski ovadbi ni uveden - ovadba zavrűena, - je pripravljalni postopek ustavljen, - je podan predlog za izrek kazni ali vzgojnega ukrepa (konËan postopek pri drűavnem toűilstvu), kakor tudi osebe, zoper katere je kazenski postopek pred senatom pravnomoËno konËan. Z izrazom mladoletna oseba, zoper katero je kazenski postopek pred senatom pravnomoËno konËan, razumemo mladoletnika, proti kateremu je podan predlog za izrek kazni ali vzgojnega ukrepa, in je: - postopek pred senatom ustavljen, - izreËen varnostni ukrep brez izreka kazni, - izreËen vzgojni ukrep ali izreËena kazen. Mladoletne storilce delimo na mlajöe mladoletnike, ki so ob storitvi kaznivega dejanja dopolnili 14, ne pa öe 16 let, ter na starejöe mladoletnike, ki so ob storitvi kaznivega dejanja űe dopolnili 16, ne pa öe 18 let. Mlajöi mladoletnik ne more biti kaznovan, izreËe se mu lahko le vzgojni ukrep, starejöega mladoletnika pa se lahko tudi obsodi na kazen mladoletniökega zapora ali denarno kazen. Gospodarski prestopek je druűbeno ökodljiva kröitev predpisov o gospodarskem ali finanËnem poslovanju, ki je povzroËila ali bi bila lahko povzroËila hujöe posledice in je s predpisom pristojnega organa doloËena kot gospodarski prestopek (Zakon o gospodarskih prestopkih, Ëlen 2). STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE S PODRO»JA KRIMINALITETE Sodno kriminalitetna statistika LRS 1948-1950. Arbitraűni spori v LRS 1952. Kazensko sodno obsojene osebe 1948-1955. Kazenska sodna statistika 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959-1960. StatistiËno gradivo, 1964, öt. 9 in 21; 1965, öt. 14 in 18; 1966, öt. 15; 1967, öt. 8; 1968, öt. 7; 1969, öt. 10; 1970, öt. 9 in 12; 1971, öt. 13; 1972, öt. 22; 1973, öt. 23; 1974, öt. 22; 1975, öt. 17 in 18; 1976, öt. 39. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 118, 165, 208, 262, 292, 331, 362, 399, 425, 443, 461, 480, 512, 560, 588, 625, 635, 650, 677. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije, 1964, zv. X; 1965, zv. X; 1966, zv. V; 1967, zv. V; 1968, zv. IV; 1969, zv. VIII; 1970, zv. VI; 1972, zv. VIII; 1973, zv. XII; 1974, zv. XIII; 1975, zv. XII; 1976, zv. IX; 1977, zv. XXIII; 1979, zv. XXIII; 1980, zv. XIX; 1982, zv. XIII; 1983, zv. VII; 1983, zv. IX; 1984, öt. 14; 1986, öt. 5; 1987, öt. 11; 1988, öt. 6; 1989, öt. 16; 1990, öt. 14; 1991, öt. 18; 1993, öt. 2; 1994, öt. 13. - the charge is rejected, - a security measure is passed without penal sentence, - the perpetrator is recognised as being responsible. A convicted person is an adult who has been recognised as responsible and against whom penal measures have been imposed: sentence (imprisonment or fine), suspended sentence, judicial caution, security or educational measure, and a person recognised as guilty but not given a sentence. Juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences are persons who had reached the age of 14 years but not yet 18 years at the time of committing a criminal offence and against whom: - criminal proceedings have not been initiated - charge was rejected, - committal proceedings have been terminated, - a proposal for a penal sentence or an educational measure has been filed, (concluded proceedings at the public prosecutor), as well as persons against whom criminal proceedings through a senate have been legally concluded. The term juvenile perpetrator against whom criminal proceedings through a senate have been concluded, refers to a juvenile against whom a proposal for a penal sentence or an educational measure has been filed, where: - proceedings before a senate have been terminated, - a security measure is passed without penal sentence, - an educational measure or sentence has been imposed. Juvenile perpetrators are divided into younger juveniles, aged 14 or 15, and older juveniles, aged 16 or 17 at the time of committing the offence. Younger juveniles may not be punished, they may only be given educational measures. Older juveniles may be sentenced to juvenile prison or fine. An economic crime is a socially harmful violation of regulations on economic or financial operations which has or could have serious consequences and which is stipulated as an economic crime by the regulation of the competent body (Law on Economic Crimes, Article 2). STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS ON CRIME Criminal statistics in the People’s Republic of Slovenia 1948-50. Arbitration disputes in the People”s Republic of Slovenia 1952. Convicted persons 1948-1955. Court sentence statistics 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959-1960. Statistical material 1964 No. 9 and 21, 1965 No. 14 and 18, 1966 No. 15, 1967 No. 8, 1968 No. 7, 1969 No. 10, 1970 No. 9 and 12, 1971 No. 13, 1972 No. 22, 1973 No. 23, 1974 No. 22, 1975 No. 17 and 18, 1976 No. 39. Results of Surveys No. 118, 165, 208, 262, 292, 331, 362, 399, 425, 443, 461, 480, 512, 560, 588, 625, 635, 650, 677. Statistical data by communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1964 vol. X, 1965 vol. X, 1966 vol. V, 1967 vol. V, 1968 vol. IV, 1969 vol. VIII, 1970 vol. VI, 1972 vol. VIII, 1973 vol. XII, 1974 vol. XIII, 1975 vol. XII, 1976 vol. IX, 1977 vol. XXIII, 1979 vol. XXIII, 1980 vol. XIX, 1982 vol. XIII, 1983 vol. IX, 1984 No. 14, 1986 No. 5, 1987 No. 11, 1988 No. 6, 1989 No. 16, 1990 No. 14, 1991 No. 18, 1993 No. 2, 1994 No. 13. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 186 11.1 SodiöËa, 31. 12. 19961) Courts, 31. 12. 19961) 1) Podatki Ministrstva za pravosodje. / Data from the Ministry of Justice. 11.2 Organi za sojenje prekrökov, 31. 12. 19961) Magistrates' courts, 31. 12. 19961) 1) Podatki Republiökega senata za prekröke. / Data from the National Senate for Minor Offences. 11.3 Drűavna toűilstva, 31. 12. 19961) State prosecutor's offices, 31. 12. 19961) 1) Podatki Drűavnega toűilstva Republike Slovenije. / Data from the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Slovenia. 11.4 Delovna in socialna sodiöËa, 31. 12. 19961) Labour and social courts, 31. 12. 19961) 1) Podatki Ministrstva za pravosodje. / Data from the Ministry of Justice. SodiöËa Courts Sodniki Judges Porotniki Jurors Strokovni sodelavci Experts Pripravniki Apprentices skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women Vrhovno sodiöËe Republike Slovenije 1 31 10 - - 1 ... - - Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia Viöja sodiöËa 4 82 37 - - 15 ... 171 ... High courts Okroűna sodiöËa 11 188 118 3382 1420 43 ... - - Regional courts Okrajna sodiöËa 44 212 151 - - 43 ... - - District courts Organi Institutions Sodniki za prekröke Magistrates skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ 56 156 59 97 TOTAL Republiöki senat za prekröke 1 17 6 11 National Senate for Minor Offences ObËinski sodnik za prekröke 55 139 53 86 Municipal magistrates Toűilstva Prosecutor's offices Vodje drűavnih toűilstev in drűavni toűilci Heads of public prosecutor's offices and public prosecutors Strokovni sodelavci Experts PomoËniki Assistants skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women SKUPAJ 16 147 75 4 1 9 7 TOTAL Drűavno toűilstvo Republike Slovenije 1 11 3 1 - - - Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Slovenia Viöja drűavna toűilstva 4 15 4 - - - - Higher public prosecutor's offices Okroűna drűavna toűilstva 11 121 68 3 1 9 7 Regional public prosecutor's offices SodiöËa Courts Sodniki Judges skupaj total moöki men űenske women SKUPAJ 5 59 23 36 TOTAL Viöje delovno in socialno sodiöËe 1 13 5 8 Higher Labour and Social court Delovno in socialno sodiöËe ter delovna sodiöËa 4 46 18 28 Labour and social court and labour courts StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 187 11.5 Reöene zadeve in obsojene osebe pri sodiöËih sploöne pristojnosti in obËinskih sodnikih za prekröke Matters solved and people convicted at general jurisdiction courts and by municipal magistrates 1) Podatki Ministrstva za pravosodje. Data from the Ministry of Justice. 2) Podatki Republiökega senata za prekröke. Data from the National Senate for Minor Offences. 11.6 Delo Ustavnega sodiöËa Republike Slovenije1) The work of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia1) 1) Podatki Ustavnega sodiöËa Republike Slovenije. Data from the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. 11.7 Polnoletne in mladoletne osebe, zoper katere je bil postopek pri drűavnem toűilstvu konËan Adults and juveniles against whom procedures at a public prosecutor's office have been concluded Reöene zadeve pri sodiöËih sploöne pristojnosti1) Matters solved at general jurisdiction courts1) Obsojene osebe pri sodiöËih sploöne pristojnosti People convicted at general jurisdiction courts Obsojene osebe pri obËinskih sodnikih za prekröke2) People convicted by municipal magistrates2) civilni spori civil disputes gospo- darski spori economic disputes upravni spori admini- strative disputes kazenske zadeve criminal pro- ceedings gospo- darski prestopki economic crimes polnoletni adults mladoletni juveniles pravne osebe legal entities odgovorne osebe respon- sible persons pravne osebe legal entities fiziËne osebe natural persons polnoletni adults mladoletni juveniles 1985 24585 6701 726 19237 2640 13528 1098 1185 1472 2459 120398 7855 1990 31414 26560 566 20100 1464 9842 997 597 944 1066 162574 13379 1992 30064 33123 578 21153 1187 7618 1115 502 640 2372 162014 12672 1993 31390 33271 821 22421 1558 6871 1095 525 601 4175 182200 11395 1994 31557 20818 1196 20154 1511 6289 1027 573 894 4486 179990 11126 1995 25083 16106 1090 15720* 787 3462 499 57 74 12680 177371 16429 1996 25309 15107 1130 15539 833 3942 500 228 258 18732 220552 17391 Skupaj Total Ocena ustavnosti in zakonitosti predpisov in sploönih aktov Evaluation of constitutionality and legality of regulations and general acts Vloge za dajanje mnenj in predlogov Petitions for opinions and proposals Ustavne pritoűbe Constitutional complaints na novo prejeto received reöeno solved na novo prejeto received reöeno solved na novo prejeto received reöeno solved na novo prejeto received reöeno solved 1985 205 182 126 109 79 73 - - 1990 99 111 63 77 36 34 - - 1992 258 234 172 154 86 80 29 2 1993 314 295 221 196 93 99 48 - 1994 604 485 345 299 138 138 121 48 1995 643 446 305 179 133 133 205 134 1996 886 748 399 382 136 136 351 230 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Polnoletne osebe 40096 37689 33903 37099 31483 35884 33104 Adult perpetrators znani storilci 21845 18587 14841 15429 12494 16916 15088 known perpetrators neznani storilci 18251 19102 19062 21670 18989 18968 18016 unknown perpetrators Mladoletne osebe 1970 2002 2186 2045 1592 2309 2930 Juveniles perpetrators StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 188 11.8 Polnoletne osebe, zoper katere je bil kazenski postopek pred senatom pravnomoËno konËan Adults against whom criminal proceedings through a senate have been legally concluded 11.9 Obsojene polnoletne osebe po skupinah kaznivih dejanj Convicted adults by type of criminal offences 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 19942 16367 10982 10999 9914 6550 7511 TOTAL Obtoűni akt zavrűen, postopek ustavljen 3562 3869 1723 2319 2131 2248 2514 The indictment is rejected, the proceedings are terminated Oprostitev, zavrnitev obtoűbe 2852 2656 1641 1809 1494 840 1055 The charge is dropped or rejected IzreËen varnostni ukrep brez izreka kazni 15 78 25 24 10 6 21 Security measure is passed without penal sentence Spoznan za odgovornega 13513 9764 7593 6847 6279 3456 3921 Recognised as being responsible zaporna kazen 8286 7265 6273 5520 5348 2948 3413 imprisonment od te pogojna 5862 5628 ... 4442 4431 2398 2812 of which suspended denarna kazen 4848 2246 1115 1022 739 340 339 fine od te pogojna 241 134 ... 243 183 11 31 of which suspended sodni opomin 268 253 178 269 168 140 139 judicial reprimand kazen odpuöËena 101 - 27 34 20 26 27 no punishment imposed vzgojni ukrep 10 - - 2 4 2 3 educational measure 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ skupaj 13528 9842 7618 6871 6289 3462 3942 total TOTAL űenske 1776 1336 947 864 792 428 429 women Zoper űivljenje in telo skupaj 1176 992 814 705 810 405 443 total Against life and body űenske 110 84 69 64 80 26 30 women Zoper Ëlovekove pravice in svoboöËine skupaj 262 315 309 300 300 155 156 total Against human and civil freedoms and rightsűenske 25 34 32 39 32 21 17 women Zoper Ëast in dobro ime skupaj 381 256 167 183 165 92 101 total Against honour and good name űenske 153 101 59 66 62 25 39 women Zoper spolno nedotakljivost skupaj 93 75 75 66 39 43 51 total Against sexual inviolability űenske 1 1 1 3 - 1 - women Zoper Ëlovekovo zdravje skupaj 43 39 29 16 13 36 91 total Against human health űenske 3 4 1 - 1 5 4 women Zoper zakonsko zvezo, druűino in mladino skupaj 145 121 98 78 69 41 64 total Against matrimony, family and youthűenske 15 22 5 6 11 7 12 women Zoper premoűenje skupaj 6613 4896 4009 3634 3051 1453 1493 total Against property űenske 943 744 535 475 399 180 155 women Zoper gospodarstvo skupaj 675 366 190 129 101 73 163 total Against economy űenske 180 108 53 41 25 16 48 women Zoper pravni promet skupaj 285 277 185 191 226 242 325 total Against legal business űenske 53 31 23 13 28 33 24 women Zoper uradno dolűnost in javna pooblastila skupaj 47 44 22 24 23 23 26 total Against official obligation and public authorityűenske 5 4 3 1 - 1 3 women Zoper pravosodje skupaj 120 76 73 92 83 77 51 total Against the administration of justiceűenske 29 15 9 17 16 9 7 women Zoper javni red in mir skupaj 659 528 346 281 292 164 209 total Against public order and peace űenske 52 17 13 6 7 4 5 women Zoper sploöno varnost ljudi in premoűenja skupaj 249 253 244 232 260 80 60 total Against the general safety of people and propertyűenske 16 23 21 21 14 13 3 women Zoper varnost javnega prometa skupaj 2507 1480 927 764 773 543 662 total Against the safety of public transportűenske 160 140 108 95 101 82 80 women Zoper okolje, prostor in naravne dobrine skupaj 69 44 56 61 49 23 26 total Against the environment, space and natural assetsűenske 8 2 6 3 7 4 1 women Druga kazniva dejanja skupaj 204 80 74 115 35 12 21 total Other criminal offences űenske 23 6 9 14 9 1 1 women StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 189 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kriminaliteta Crime 190 11.10 Mladoletne osebe, zoper katere je bil kazenski postopek pred senatom pravnomoËno konËan Juveniles against whom criminal proceedings through a senate have been legally concluded 1) Kazen oz. vzgojni ukrep uvaja Kazenski zakonik Republike Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, 63/1994). Sentence or educational measure are determined by the Penal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Journal of RS, No. 63/94). 2) Vzgojni ukrep, ki ga Kazenski zakonik Republike Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, 63/1994) ne doloËa. Educational measure not determined by the Penal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Journal of RS, No. 63/94). 11.11 Mladoletne osebe, ki sta jim bila izreËena vzgojni ukrep ali kazen, po skupinah kaznivih dejanj Juveniles against whom educational measure or sentence have been given by type of criminal offences 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 1598 1446 1556 1691 1606 971 843 TOTAL Postopek pred senatom ustavljen 496 448 428 596 579 471 343 Proceedings before a senate have been terminated IzreËen varnostni ukrep brez izreka kazni 4 1 13 - - 1 - Security measure is passed without penal sentence IzreËena vzgojni ukrep ali kazen 1098 997 1115 1095 1027 499 500 An educational measure or sentence has been imposed mladoletniöki zapor 11 3 1 2 9 7 3 juvenile prison denarna kazen1) - - - - - 1 5 fine1) vzgojni ukrep 1087 994 1114 1093 1018 491 492 educational measure ukor 534 581 672 675 650 290 267 reprimand navodila in prepovedi1) - - - - - 14 48 directives and prohibitions1) nadzorstvo organa socialnega varstva 330 216 269 244 225 146 149 supervision by social assistance authority oddaja v vzgojni zavod 57 38 38 36 39 28 22 sent to correction centre oddaja v prevzgojni dom 30 23 16 23 23 12 6 sent to reform centre oddaja v zavod za usposabljanje - - - 2 - 1 - sent to education centre oddaja v disciplinski center za mladoletnike2) 103 65 93 67 51 - - sent to juvenile discipline centre2) stroűje nadzorstvo staröev, posvojitelja, rejnika ali skrbnika2) 32 71 26 43 28 - - stricter supervision by parents, adoptive parents, foster parents or quardian2) stroűje nadzorstvo druge druűine2) 1 - - 3 2 - - stricter supervision by another family2) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 1098 997 1115 1095 1027 499 500 TOTAL Zoper űivljenje in telo 25 16 19 30 26 29 26 Against life and body Zoper Ëlovekove pravice in svoboöËine 11 8 13 18 8 6 8 Against human and civil freedoms and rights Zoper spolno nedotakljivost 21 4 8 4 8 3 - Against sexual inviolability Zoper Ëlovekovo zdravje 2 4 5 3 8 2 3 Against human health Zoper premoűenje 969 895 1002 973 908 404 415 Against property Zoper pravni promet 5 17 9 8 15 16 15 Against legal business Zoper pravosodje 3 3 4 7 3 9 4 Against the administration of justice Zoper javni red in mir 14 7 6 21 13 4 10 Against public order and peace Zoper sploöno varnost ljudi in premoűenja 5 7 14 5 11 6 1 Against the general safety of people and property Zoper varnost javnega prometa 33 32 24 21 25 16 11 Against the safety of public transport Druga kazniva dejanja 10 4 11 5 2 4 7 Other criminal offences Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 191 12. ZAPOSLENOST EMPLOYMENT VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o zaposlenih osebah v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah dobivamo od leta 1992 z rednim meseËnim raziskovanjem ZAP-M (MeseËno poroËilo o plaËah in zaposlenih osebah v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah). Od leta 1963 do 1991 smo te podatke zbirali z meseËnim raziskovanjem RAD-1, pred letom 1963 pa dvakrat letno, in sicer marca in septembra. Podatke o zaposlenih osebah pri zasebnikih in o samozaposlenih osebah smo zbirali z rednim Ëetrtletnim raziskovanjem ZAP-»L do vkljuËno leta 1994 prek Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije. Podatke o stopnji strokovne izobrazbe in stopnji strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog smo zbirali s statistiËnim raziskovanjem RAD-10 (PoroËilo organizacij in skupnosti o delavcih). Podatke o zaposlenih osebah po stopnji strokovne izobrazbe in stopnji strokovne usposobljenosti za leta 1967, 1976 in 1986 pa smo zbrali s popisom zaposlenih oseb RAD-20. Baza podatkov o zaposlenih osebah je bila vzpostavljena na osnovi popisa zaposlenih oseb leta 1986. Aűurira se s podatki iz obrazcev M, to je Prijava podatkov za uvedbo in vodenje matiËne evidence pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja in zdravstvenega varstva (evidence o sklenitvi delovnega razmerja). Anketa o delovni sili (ADS) je bila v Sloveniji uvedena kot razvojni projekt leta 1989. Razvojna faza, ki jo je izvajal Inötitut za druűbene vede, je trajala do konca leta 1992. V letu 1993 je bila anketa vkljuËena v Nacionalni program statistiËnih raziskovanj in preneöena na Republiöki zavod za zaposlovanje, ki jo je izvedel skupaj z Zavodom Republike Slovenije za statistiko. Anketo o delovni sili smo izvedli skladno z navodili mednarodne organizacije za delo (ILO), sprejetimi na 13. Konferenci statistikov dela ter skladno z zahtevami Eurostata, ki se nanaöajo na harmonizirano anketo Evropske skupnosti. Podatke o registriranih brezposelnih osebah in o prostih delovnih mestih posreduje Republiöki zavod za zaposlovanje. Zajetje V statistiËna raziskovanja o zaposlenih osebah v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah so bila do leta 1991 zajeta vsa podjetja in organizacije, razen zasebnih oziroma enot v njihovi sestavi. Od leta 1992 pa so zajeta tudi podjetja v zasebni lasti s tremi ali veË zaposlenimi osebami. Prav tako so od leta 1992 v to raziskovanje vkljuËene zaposlene osebe v oboroűenih silah, od l. 1993 dalje pa tudi zaposlene osebe v upravah za notranje zadeve. Da bi zagotovili podatke o zaposlenih osebah po obËinah Republike Slovenije, smo po letu 1960 raziskovanja izvajali po organizacijsko- teritorialnem naËelu, po katerem je obËina osnovna teritorialna enota. NajveËkrat se organizacijsko naËelo sklada s teritorialnim. Do razlik prihaja samo pri organizacijah, ki imajo svoje delovne enote v drugih obËinah. LoËene dele organizacij smo upoötevali v podatkih kot samostojne poroËevalske enote po dejavnosti, ki so jo dejansko opravljale, ne pa po preteűni dejavnosti organizacije, ki so ji pripadale. LoËene enote na obmoËju obËine, kjer je sedeű organizacije, smo opazovali v sklopu matiËne organizacije kot eno poroËevalsko enoto po njeni preteűni dejavnosti. Od leta 1977 dalje zbiramo podatke o zaposlenih osebah po teritorialnem naËelu in po Ëistih dejavnostih. PoroËila so sestavljena posebej za vsako podjetje oziroma organizacijo ter za vsako poslovno in drugo enoto v njihovi sestavi (teritorialno loËeno enoto ali enoto, ki je zaokroűena poslovna ali proizvodna celota, v kateri se opravlja dejavnost, ki je praviloma razliËna od dejavnosti, v katero sta matiËno podjetje ali organizacija razvröËena po preteűnosti). Izjema je poroËilo organizacij in skupnosti o zaposlenih osebah RAD-10, kjer je bilo pri zbiranju podatkov do leta 1988 vedno upoötevano organizacijsko-teritorialno naËelo. Baza podatkov o zaposlenih osebah zajema podatke o zaposlenih osebah, ki so v delovnem razmerju v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah ne glede na lastnino. V zasebnih podjetjih so med zaposlene osebe zajeti tudi njihovi lastniki. Anketa o delovni sili zajema vzorec stalnega prebivalstva, ki je vzet iz Centralnega registra prebivalcev, to je oseb, ki imajo prebivaliöËe na ozemlju Republike Slovenije. V anketo je zajeto samo tisto prebivalstvo, ki űivi v individualnih gospodinjstvih. Zaposlitveni status posameznika se je doloËal glede na njegovo aktivnost v tednu pred anketiranjem. Enota opazovanja so bili posamezniki, ki obiËajno űivijo v izbranem SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations have been collected since 1992 with monthly surveys of earnings and persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations (ZAP-M). From 1963 to 1991 these data were collected with the RAD-1 monthly survey. Prior to 1963 the data were collected twice a year, in March and September. Data on persons employed by private entrepreneurs and self-employed persons were collected with the ZAP-»L quarterly surveys until the end of 1994 through the Health Insurance Office of Slovenia. Data on the level of professional attainment and the level of professional qualification required by post were collected with the RAD-10 statistical survey (Report on Workers by Organizations and Communities). Data on persons in paid employment by level of professional attainment and level of professional qualification for the years 1967, 1976 and 1986 were collected with the RAD-20 Census of Persons in Paid Employment. The database of persons in paid employment was set up on the basis of Census of Persons in Paid Employment in 1986. It is updated from M-forms, i.e. Registration data for introduction and monitoring of records on retirement and disablement insurance and health insurance (records on stipulated employment). The Labour Force Survey (LFS) was introduced as a developmental project in Slovenia in 1989. The developmental phase lasted until the end of 1992 and was carried out by the Institute for Social Sciences. In 1993 the survey became part of the National Programme of Statistical Surveys and was transferred to the National Employment Office, which - together with the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - conducted the 1993 LFS. The Slovenian LFS was carried out in compliance with the International Labour Office guidelines for labour force statistics, adopted at the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians and in compliance with Eurostsat requirements which refer to harmonized EU survey. Data on registered unemployed persons and job vacancies are forwarded by the National Employment Office. COVERAGE Until 1991, the statistical surveys on persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations covered all enterprises and organizations, (other than private ones) and their constituent units. Coverage since 1992 has included enterprises in private ownership with three or more persons in paid employment, and armed forces staff, while since 1993 studies have included staff in internal affairs administrations. In order to provide data on persons in paid employment by communities of the Republic of Slovenia, after 1960 we carried out surveys on organizational and territorial lines, in which the community was the basic territorial unit. In most cases the organizational principle coincides with the territorial principle, with differences coming only where organizations have work units in other communities. Separated parts of an organization were considered as independent reporting units in the activity they actually performed, and not according to the predominant activity of the organization to which they belonged. Separated units in the territory of a community containing the headquarters of the organization were observed together with the parent organization as one reporting unit according to its predominant activity. Since 1977 we have collected data on persons in paid employment according to the territorial principle and by kind of activity. The reports are compiled separately for each enterprise or organization and for each of their business or other constituent unit (territorially separated constituent units or constituent units representing a whole, in the business or production sense, in which the activity is performed, as a rule, different from the predominant activity under which the company or organization is classified). An exception is the RAD-10 Report on Persons in Paid Employment in Organizations and Communities, where the organizational-territorial principle was taken into consideration in the collecting of data until 1988. The database on persons in paid employment covers all persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations regardless of ownership. In private enterprises, owners are also included. Labour Force Survey sample covers the resident population, i.e. all persons whose usual place of residence is in the territory of Slovenia. The survey covered only the population living in private households. Employment status of a person was assessed by reference to his previous week's activities. The observational units were all individuals usually living within the selected households. Non-response and non- Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 192 gospodinjstvu, ki so stari veË kot 15 let in ki niso odsotni iz gospodinjstev. Skupna stopnja neodgovorov, tj. neodgovorjenih vpraöalnikov (odsotnost, nesposobnost sodelovanja ipd.) je bila v ADS 1996 10,0 %, stopnja zavrnjenih odgovorov pa 7,9 %. DEFINICIJE Kot zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah obravnavamo: - osebe, zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, ki so sklenile delovno razmerje za doloËen ali nedoloËen Ëas, ne glede na to, ali delajo v podjetju oz. organizaciji poln delovni Ëas ali delovni Ëas, ki je krajöi od polnega (tudi pripravnike); - osebe, zaposlene pri zasebnikih. Med zaposlene osebe ne ötejemo: - oseb, ki v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah opravljajo zaËasno ali obËasno delo po pogodbi o delu ali po avtorski pogodbi in - oseb, drűavljanov Republike Slovenije, stalno zaposlenih v slovenskih predstavniötvih, na gradbiöËih ipd. v tujini. Strokovna izobrazba (formalnopravna izobrazba) zaposlene osebe je stopnja izobrazbe, ki jo je zaposlena oseba pridobila s konËano ustrezno öolo, z opravljenim izpitom ali s priznanjem na osnovi dela. Zaposlena oseba jo lahko uveljavi na osnovi sploöno formalnopravno priznane dokumentacije: diplome, spriËevala, odloËbe. Strokovna usposobljenost za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog je potrebna stopnja izobrazbe in drugi izpolnjeni pogoji (strokovni izpit, praksa itd.), ki so doloËeni z akti poslovnega subjekta kot pogoji za opravljanje dela. äolska izobrazba je vrsta öole, s katero si je zaposlena oseba pridobila najviöjo stopnjo v svojem izobraűevanju s öolanjem na verificiranih vzgojno-izobraűevalnih ustanovah. Zaposlena oseba jo dokazuje s spriËevalom oziroma z diplomo. TeËajev, ki ne zagotavljajo enakovrednega spriËevala kot redna öola, ali teËajev, ki jim ni priznana stopnja doloËene öole, ne upoötevamo. Izmenski koeficient je izraËunan po naslednjem obrazcu: S S1 + 1/2 S2 + 1/3 S3 S = ötevilo zaposlenih oseb v vseh izmenah S1 = ötevilo zaposlenih oseb na enoizmenskih delovnih mestih S2 = ötevilo zaposlenih oseb na dvoizmenskih delovnih mestih S3 = ötevilo zaposlenih oseb na triizmenskih delovnih mestih (in v turnusu) Fluktuacija zaposlenih oseb se nanaöa na meseËno, in ne na letno fluktuacijo. IzraËunana je po naslednjem obrazcu: O ZS + P x 100 Pomen simbolov: % F - odstotek fluktuacije, O - odöli v mesecu, ZS - zaËetna stopnja zaposlenih oseb in P - priöli v mesecu. Iskalca zaposlitve ötejemo za registrirano brezposelno osebo v naslednjih primerih: - Ëe nima redne zaposlitve ali samozaposlitve, Ëe ni lastnik ali solastnik poslujoËega podjetja ali Ëe ni lastnik ali uporabnik nepremiËnin, s katerimi bi se lahko preűivljal; - Ëe je sposoben in voljan delati ter je pripravljen sprejeti zaposlitev, primerno njegovi strokovni izobrazbi oziroma z delom pridobljeni delovni usposobljenosti; - Ëe se zaradi zaposlitve prijavi na pristojnemu zavodu za zaposlovanje. Novo prijavljene registrirane brezposelne osebe so osebe, ki so se prijavile v doloËenem roku na pristojnem zavodu za zaposlovanje. Preko zavoda zaposlene osebe so tiste, ki so bile pri zavodu prijavljene in so se v doloËenem Ëasu zaposlile. Podatke o prostih delovnih mestih sporoËajo podjetja in druge organizacije zavodu za zaposlovanje. coverage: the total non-response rate in the 1996 LFS was 10,0% and the refusal rate 7,9%. DEFINITIONS Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations are: - persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations who have signed a work contract for a fixed or unspecified period of time, irrespective of whether they work in the enterprise or other organization full time or less than full time (including trainees); - persons in paid employment in private establishments. The following categories are not counted as persons in paid employment: - persons performing temporary or occasional contract work, - citizens of the Republic of Slovenia employed permanently in Slovenian representations, on construction sites, etc., abroad. Professional attainment (formal education) of persons in paid employment is the level of education acquired by such a person upon completing an appropriate school after sitting for exams or receiving recognition based on course work. A person can demonstrate the level acquired with a general legally and formally recognized document: diploma, certificate, decree. Professional qualification for performing certain types of work and certain tasks are represented by the necessary level of education and the fulfilment of other conditions (professional examinations, experience, etc.), which are determined by act of the enterprise or organization as conditions for performing work. School education means the type of school at which persons in paid employment acquired their highest level of education through schooling at verified educational institutions. A person can demonstrate the level acquired with a certificate or a diploma. Courses not leading to a regular school certificate or courses not recognized as having the equivalent level of a certain type of school are not taken into consideration. The shift coefficient is calculated according to the following formula: N N1 + 1/2 N2 + 1/3 N3 where, N = No. of persons in paid employment in all shifts N1 = No. of persons in paid employment in single-shift jobs N2 = No. of persons in paid employment in twin-shift jobs N3 = No. of persons in paid employment in triple-shift jobs (shift rotation) Fluctuation of persons in paid employment refers to monthly and yearly turnover and is calculated by the formula: D IL + A x 100 Where %F = percentage fluctuation, D = departures in month, IL = initial level of persons in paid employment and A = arrivals in month. Job-seekers are considered registered unemployed persons: - if they do not have a regular job or are not self-employed, if they are not the owner or co-owner of an operating enterprise, and if they are not the owner or user of property which could provide a living; - if they are capable of and willing to work and are prepared to accept a job suitable to their professional attainment or working skills acquired through work; - if they have registered as job-seekers with the NEO. Newly registered unemployed persons are persons who have registered with the NEO within a certain period. Persons employed through the NEO are those who were registered with the NEO and who obtained a job within a certain period. Enterprises and other organizations report data on job vacancies to the NEO. % F = % F = Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 193 Pursuant to the Law on Employment and Insurance Against Unemployment (Official Journal of RS, No. 5/91 and 71/93), registered unemployed persons who lost their job against their will and through no fault of their own have the right to unemployment benefit if they register with the NEO within 30 days of losing their job. The right to unemployment benefit may be exercised by unemployed people who worked uninterrupted for at least 9 months or for 12 months with interruptions over the previous 18 months. Upon expiry of the right to unemployment benefit, an unemployed person may claim supplementary benefit within 30 days if their total income, together with the total earnings per person of their family members, in the 3 months prior to the claim for supplementary benefit did not exceed 80% of the guaranteed earnings. In Labour Force Survey persons in employment are those, who during the last week prior to the interview, did any work for payment (in cash or kind) or profit, or were not working but had jobs from which they were temporarily absent. Family workers and workers on temporary or permanent lay-off are included in labour force. Unemployed persons are those who, during the last week prior to the interview, had no employment, were not self-employed and did no work for payment, and: - were actively looking for paid employment and were available to start work immediately (within two weeks), or - were looking to set up their own business or professional practice, or - had found a job to start later. The labour force is defined as the sum of persons in employment and unemployed persons. Inactive persons are those who are not classified as persons in employment or as unemployed persons. These definitions relate to the population of working age 15 years or over. Activity rate represents the labour force as a percentage of the population of working age. Employment/population ratio represents persons in employment as a percentage of the population of working age. Unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force. Data obtained by administrative records (Database on Persons in Paid Employment) or by enterprise survey (ZAP-M) or by Labour Force Survey (survey implemented in households) are not equal because of different definitions, survey methods and ways of data collection. However, these differences enable examination of problems from different methodological aspects, which enables greater reliability in ascertaining and solving problems of employment and unemployment. The methodology of monthly survey ZAP/M is directed towards a different target population than Labour Force Survey. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Review of Persons in Paid Employment in 1951. Annual Review of Persons in Paid Employment 1952. Annual Review of Persons in Paid Employment 1953. Persons in Paid Employment in July 1954. Persons in Paid Employment on 30 March 1955. Persons in Paid Employment in PR Slovenia 30 September 1955 and 1956. Persons in Paid Employment in Institutes 1 April and 1 October 1957. Civil Servants and Workers in Institutes 31 December 1958. Persons in Paid Employment in PR Slovenia 30 October 1959. Statistical Material: 1972, No. 11, 12; 1974, No. 2, 7. Results of Surveys No. 1, 23, 69, 111, 112, 121, 157, 177, 189, 192, 224, 249, 273, 278, 319, 335, 349, 371, 387, 406, 432, 451, 6474, 497, 554, 584, 607, 623, 643, 663, 675 and 683. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia: 1960, vol. II; 1962, vol. II; 1963, vol. IX; 1964, vol. VII; 1965, vol. X; 1966, vol. XI; 1969, vol. IX; 1970, vol. II; 1971, vol. VII; 1972, vol. I; 1973, vol. III; 1974, vol. II; 1975, vol. V; 1976, vol. III; 1977, vol. XI; 1978, vol. VIII; 1979, vol. IV, IX, XVI, XXI; 1980, vol. I, XII; 1981, vol. IX; 1982, vol. V; 1983, vol. XV; 1984, No. 13; 1985, No. 7; 1986, No. 10; 1989, No. 4; 1990, No. 3, 16; 1991, No. 5; 1992, No. 13 in 1996 No. 2. Po Zakonu o zaposlovanju in zavarovanju za primer brezposelnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 5/91 in 71/93) imajo registrirane brezposelne osebe, ki jim je delovno razmerje prenehalo brez njihove volje ali krivde, pravico do denarnega nadomestila, Ëe so se najkasneje v roku 30 dni po prenehanju delovnega razmerja prijavile na zavodu za zaposlovanje. Pravico do denarnega nadomestila lahko uveljavi brezposelna oseba, ki je bila v delovnem razmerju nepretrgano najmanj 9 mesecev ali 12 mesecev s presledki v zadnjih 18 mesecih. Po izteku pravice do denarnega nadomestila lahko brezposelna oseba v roku 30 dni uveljavi pravico do denarne pomoËi, Ëe njeni dohodki skupaj z dohodki druűinskih Ëlanov na osebo v zadnjih treh mesecih pred uveljavitvijo denarne pomoËi ne presegajo 80 % zajamËenega osebnega dohodka. Z anketo o delovni sili se je uveljavil öe izraz delovno aktivno prebivalstvo. Gre za osebe, ki so v zadnjem tednu pred anketiranjem opravile kakrönokoli delo za plaËilo (denarno ali naturalno) ali za dobiËek in tisti, ki so sicer zaposleni ali samozaposleni, a so bili v zadnjem tednu pred anketiranjem z dela zaËasno odsotni. Med delovno aktivno prebivalstvo so vkljuËene tudi zaposlene osebe, ki so zaËasni in trajni preseűki do prenehanja delovnega razmerja ter pomagajoËi druűinski Ëlani (osebe, ki pomagajo na druűinski kmetiji ali v druűinskem podjetju, obrti). Brezposelne osebe so tiste osebe, ki v zadnjem tednu pred anketiranjem niso bile zaposlene ali samozaposlene in niso opravile nikakrönega dela za plaËilo ter: - so aktivno iskale zaposlitev in bi bile le-to takoj (v dveh tednih) pripravljene sprejeti, Ëe bi jo naöle, ali - so iskale moűnosti za samozaposlitev ali - so űe naöle zaposlitev, ki jo bodo zaËele opravljati kasneje. Aktivno prebivalstvo tvorijo delovno aktivni prebivalci in brezposelne osebe. Neaktivno prebivalstvo so tisti, ki niso razvröËeni niti med delovno aktivne prebivalce niti med brezposelne osebe. Navedene definicije se nanaöajo na populacijo, staro 15 let in veË. Stopnja aktivnosti je odstotni deleű aktivnega prebivalstva v delovno sposobnem prebivalstvu. Stopnja delovne aktivnosti je odstotni deleű delovno aktivnega prebivalstva v delovno sposobnem prebivalstvu. Stopnja brezposelnosti je odstotni deleű brezposelnih oseb v aktivnem prebivalstvu. Podatki, ki jih dobimo iz administrativnih virov (Baza podatkov o zaposlenih osebah), se razlikujejo od podatkov, pridobljenih neposredno od podjetij in drugih organizacij (ZAP-M), in od podatkov iz Ankete o delovni sili, ki temelji na anketiranju gospodinjstev. Razlike nastanejo zaradi razliËnega naËina zbiranja podatkov in zaradi razliËnih definicij, vendar te razlike omogoËajo pogled na problem z razliËnih metodoloökih vidikov, kar omogoËa veËjo zanesljivost pri ugotavljanju in reöevanju problemov zaposlenosti in brezposelnosti. Metodologija meseËnega raziskovanja ZAP-M je usmerjena k drugi ciljni populaciji kot Anketa o delovni sili. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Pregled zaposlenega osebja v l. 1951. Letni pregled o zaposlenem osebju 1952. Letni pregled zaposlenih 1953. Zaposleni julija 1954. Zaposleni 31. III. 1955. Zaposleni v LRS 30. IX. 1955 in 1956. Usluűbenci v ustanovah 1. IV. in 1. X. 1957. Javni usluűbenci in delavci v ustanovah 31. 12. 1958. Zaposleni v LRS 30. IX. 1959. StatistiËno gradivo: 1972, öt. 11, 12; 1974, öt. 2, 7. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 1, 23, 69, 111, 112, 121, 157, 177, 189, 192, 224, 249, 273, 278, 319, 335, 349, 371, 387, 406, 432, 451, 474, 497, 554, 584, 607, 623, 643, 663, 675 in 683. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1960, zv. II; 1962, zv. II; 1963, zv. IX; 1964, zv. VII; 1965, zv. X; 1966, zv. XI; 1969, zv. IX; 1970, zv. II; 1971, zv. VII; 1972, zv. I; 1973, zv. III; 1974, zv. II; 1975, zv. V; 1976, zv. III; 1977, zv. XI; 1978, zv. VIII; 1979, zv. IV, IX, XVI, XXI; 1980, zv. I, XII; 1981, zv. IX; 1982, zv. V; 1983, zv. XV; 1984, öt. 13; 1985, öt. 7; 1986, öt. 10; 1989, öt. 4; 1990, öt. 3, 16; 1991, öt. 5; 1992, öt. 13 in 1996 öt. 2. Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 194 12.1 Osnovne znaËilnosti prebivalstva glede na aktivnost1)2) Principal characteristics of the population by its activity1)2) 1) Vir: Anketa o delovni sili. / Source: Labour Force Survey. 2) Seötevki se zaradi zaokroűevanja ne ujemajo. / Totals are not accurate due to rounding up. 3) Ocena z 0,10 < CV < 0,20. / The estimates with 0,10 < CV < 0,20. 12.2 Osnovne znaËilnosti prebivalstva, starega od 15 do 24 let, glede na aktivnost 1)2) Principal characteristics of the population aged 15 to 24 by its activity 1)2) 1) Vir: Anketa o delovni sili. / Source: Labour Force Survey. 2) Seötevki se zaradi zaokroűevanja ne ujemajo. / Totals are not accurate due to rounding up. 3) Ocena z 0,10 < CV < 0,20. / The estimates with 0.10 < CV < 0.20. 4) Ocena z 0,20 < CV < 0,30. / The estimates with 0.20 < CV < 0.30. Prebivalstvo Population skupaj total moöki men űenske women 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 ätevilo (1000) Number (1000) Skupaj 1994 1988 1989 1991 967 967 964 965 1027 1021 1025 1026 Total stari 15 let in veË 1613 1624 1621 1644 771 782 776 785 842 843 845 859 persons, 15 years and over stari pod 15 let 381 364 368 347 196 185 188 179 185 178 180 168 persons under 15 years Aktivno prebivalstvo 931 936 952 946 500 502 512 506 430 433 440 440 Labour force Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo 845 851 882 878 451 454 473 468 395 397 409 410 Persons in employment s skrajöanim delovnim Ëasom 44 46 50 59 20 22 22 24 24 24 27 35 working part-time Brezposelne osebe 85 85 70 69 49 48 39 38 36 37 31 31 Unemployed persons registrirane na zavodu za zaposlovanje 70 67 58 59 41 39 32 32 29 28 25 27 registered at the National Employment Office iöËejo prvo zaposlitev 18 19 18 18 10 10 10 9 83) 9 8 9 seeking first job Neaktivno prebivalstvo 680 689 667 698 270 279 262 279 270 409 404 419 Non-active persons se izobraűujejo 161 173 170 193 78 87 82 93 78 86 89 100 in education Deleű (%) Share (%) Stopnja brezposelnosti 9,1 9,0 7,4 7,3 9,9 9,5 7,7 7,5 8,3 8,4 7,0 7,0 Unemployment rate Stopnja aktivnosti 57,7 57,6 58,7 57,6 64,9 64,3 66,1 64,4 51,1 51,4 52,0 51,3 Activity rate Stopnja delovne aktivnosti 52,4 52,4 54,4 53,4 58,5 58,1 61,0 59,6 46,9 47,1 48,4 47,7 Employment / population rate Deleű starih pod 15 let v skupnem prebivalstvu 19,1 18,3 18,5 17,4 20,3 19,1 19,6 18,6 18,0 17,5 17,5 16,3 Share of population under 15 years in total population skupaj total moöki men űenske women 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 ätevilo (1000) Number (1000) Skupaj 294 299 305 316 151 156 156 159 144 142 149 157 Total Aktivno prebivalstvo 123 118 127 120 68 66 71 64 55 52 56 56 Labour force Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo 93 92 103 98 50 52 58 52 43 40 45 46 Persons in employment s skrajöanim delovnim Ëasom 73) 63) 63) 8 43) 34) 34) 43) 34) 34) 34) 53) working part-time Brezposelne osebe 30 26 24 23 18 14 13 12 12 12 11 10 Unemployed persons registrirane na zavodu za zaposlovanje 25 20 19 19 15 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 registered at the National Employment Office iöËejo prvo zaposlitev 18 18 17 14 10 9 9 73) 8 8 83) 63) seeking first job Neaktivno prebivalstvo 173 180 177 196 83 90 85 95 89 90 93 101 Non-active persons se izobraűujejo 158 171 164 185 76 86 78 89 82 85 86 96 in education Deleű (%) Share (%) Stopnja brezposelnosti 24,2 22,2 18,8 18,8 26,2 21,2 18,1 18,9 21,3 23,4 19,7 18,6 Unemployment rate Stopnja aktivnosti 41,6 39,5 41,7 38,0 44,8 42,2 45,6 40,2 38,2 36,6 37,6 35,8 Activity rate Stopnja delovne aktivnosti 31,5 30,7 33,8 30,9 32,9 33,2 37,4 32,6 30,1 28,0 30,2 29,1 Employment / population rate Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 195 12.3 Osebe, zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah,1) in osebe, zaposlene pri zasebnikih, ter brezposelne osebe Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1) and by private employers, and unemployed persons 1) Do leta 1991 niso vkljuËena zasebna podjetja. Until 1991 private enterprises were excluded. 2) Letno povpreËje je izraËunano iz podatkov za marec in september. Yearly average of March and September. 3) Letno povpreËje je izraËunano iz podatkov dvanajstih mesecev leta. Yearly average of twelve months. Zaposlene osebe2) Persons in paid employment2) Brezposelne osebe 3) Unemployed persons 3) Indeks (predhodno leto =100) Index (previous year =100) skupaj total űenske women v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah in enterprises and other organizations pri zasebnikih by private employers zaposlene osebe persons in paid employment brezposelne osebe unemployed persons 1953 281334 90871 270078 11256 9929 105,5 212,6 1954 308068 96733 296298 11770 11566 109,5 116,5 1955 331396 110686 319023 12373 6943 107,6 60,0 1956 332996 114551 319797 13199 7855 100,5 113,1 1957 352532 122681 338739 13793 7417 105,9 94,4 1958 377297 132809 363209 14088 7737 107,0 104,3 1959 404380 143555 390572 13808 8803 107,2 113,8 1960 427214 154224 414146 13068 7725 105,6 87,8 1961 458286 167733 445222 13064 7721 107,3 99,9 1962 470563 174108 458365 12198 9314 102,7 120,6 1963 484655 182715 473511 11144 8620 103,0 92,5 1964 519173 200744 508180 10993 7276 107,1 84,4 1965 520080 206320 508202 11878 9274 100,2 127,5 1966 505312 204920 492907 12405 12004 97,2 129,4 1967 504074 204838 490513 13561 15341 99,8 127,8 1968 508768 206308 494519 14249 19033 100,9 124,1 1969 525556 215085 511520 14036 18156 103,3 95,4 1970 546742 225522 532590 14152 16725 104,0 92,1 1971 572814 238295 558009 14805 14978 104,8 89,6 1972 594303 251873 579218 15085 12768 103,8 85,2 1973 614858 264002 600433 14425 11061 103,5 86,6 1974 644815 277508 630447 14368 9212 104,9 83,3 1975 677224 292104 662091 15133 9944 105,0 107,9 1976 696443 302042 680684 15759 12309 102,8 123,8 1977 724151 314457 707581 16570 12016 104,0 97,6 1978 753997 329053 736167 17830 11075 104,1 92,2 1979 779544 342148 760207 19337 10043 103,4 90,7 1980 794829 351448 773577 21252 10771 102,0 107,2 1981 801798 357226 779746 22052 12315 100,9 114,3 1982 808888 363788 785728 23160 13700 100,9 111,2 1983 816280 367953 792068 24212 15781 100,9 115,2 1984 828748 373930 803377 25371 15309 101,5 97,0 1985 840836 381140 814461 26375 14657 101,5 95,7 1986 855220 389567 827511 27709 14192 101,7 96,8 1987 867797 395693 838294 29503 15184 101,5 107,0 1988 861725 395814 831170 30555 21341 99,3 140,5 1989 851273 392992 819990 31283 28218 98,8 132,2 1990 817792 379932 786036 31756 44227 96,1 156,7 1991 746041 349828 713115 32926 75079 91,2 169,8 1992 692079 328123 658922 33157 102593 92,8 136,6 1993 665568 303121 629016 36553 129087 96,2 125,8 1994 647336 295034 605496 41840 127056 97,3 98,4 1995 641952 290600 594394 47558 121483 99,2 95,6 1996 634651 283584 581106 53545 124470 98,9 102,5 Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 196 1) ZaöËita podatkov po Zakonu o drűavni statistiki, Uradni list RS öt. 45/95 Data protected by Law on National Statistics, OJ RS, No. 45/95 2) Do leta 1991 niso vkljuËena zasebna podjetja. Until 1991 private enterprises were excluded. 3) Letno povpreËje je izraËunano iz podatkov za marec in september. Yearly average is calculated on the basis of data for March and September. 12.4 Osebe zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah2), po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti3) Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations2) by National Classification of Activity3) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 814461 786036 658992 629016 605496 594394 581106 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 370134 362723 290105 264367 252194 243268 227940 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 8243 7885 7795 7610 7311 7274 7523 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 9853 9732 7961 7604 7191 6824 6358 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 570 1232 509 520 461 391 381 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 8954 11256 10313 4547 5091 5078 4843 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin 891 837 437 250 222 z1) z1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 1986 3367 2132 1785 1686 1640 1720 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 3227 4598 2271 2130 1842 1439 1345 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 1122 761 665 658 609 548 459 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 9082 9099 7439 7428 6840 6611 6636 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 41508 33766 27468 25075 23403 21538 19847 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 26011 26048 18359 17323 14625 13291 12095 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 21959 23942 18072 15742 14743 13870 12181 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 552 538 210 235 244 240 224 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 49528 49752 39312 35546 33541 33564 31885 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 5085 5981 4740 3832 3887 4030 3788 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 16240 15809 13207 12220 12463 12609 12697 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 964 961 959 929 961 1031 1021 Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 8044 8062 5143 4613 4629 4521 4595 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 7790 6644 5871 4812 4430 4388 4534 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 27634 23249 17777 17163 16623 16120 15028 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 9417 10837 8933 8164 7815 7381 6990 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 20157 18257 11271 9718 9701 8600 6924 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 37093 35113 32933 33399 31518 30219 27536 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 4076 4917 2528 2352 2242 2123 1783 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 12300 11167 10494 9773 9149 8214 7231 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 4534 4576 4661 4452 4363 4449 4175 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 17723 18582 16297 14840 15134 15433 14879 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 4025 4017 3291 3134 2985 3106 3069 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 545 520 511 491 480 476 451 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka 705 943 717 717 666 z1) z1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 6417 5774 5255 4941 4868 4714 4344 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 482 1066 765 693 679 720 739 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 3417 3443 1817 1679 1800 2003 1880 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 13658 13373 11307 10090 9569 8830 8348 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 11672 11358 9391 8335 7871 7065 6591 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 1652 1632 1725 1577 1545 1605 1597 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 334 384 191 178 153 160 160 Fishing Gozdarstvo 7548 6061 4180 3786 3098 2297 2285 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1380 1323 1161 1118 1104 1070 1091 Water management Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 197 Gradbeniötvo 64487 50979 34424 30032 30336 29847 28613 Construction Visoke gradnje 31704 25548 16743 14404 13789 13269 12609 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 16846 13058 8791 7992 9610 10039 9779 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 15937 12373 8890 7637 6938 6539 6226 Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 47969 46419 38931 36274 31524 29918 29402 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 15102 14643 12318 11574 10054 9599 9532 Railway transport Pomorski promet 1470 484 262 208 163 164 183 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 1139 1517 1143 1031 1030 1059 1087 Air transport Cestni promet 17465 16492 12993 11289 10010 8832 8365 Road transport Mestni promet 1790 2466 1999 1923 1881 1867 1890 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 3779 2803 2336 2287 1996 1901 1683 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 7103 7884 7941 7963 6391 6498 6664 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 74521 72915 63100 60139 56776 55892 55223 Trade Trgovina na drobno 42550 43761 39962 38298 36753 35608 35890 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 23874 19272 17283 17503 16628 17003 16377 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 8097 9882 5855 4338 3395 3281 2956 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 25820 25066 18721 17136 16465 15155 15478 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 23942 22874 17124 15578 14855 14050 14302 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 1878 2192 1597 1558 1610 1105 1176 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 28953 22774 16876 16659 15330 14860 14785 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 27281 20661 14127 13467 11458 10638 9817 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 1672 2113 2749 3193 3872 4222 4968 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 14451 12944 10713 10377 10515 10802 11504 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 2247 1746 1144 1079 1126 1125 1046 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 1590 144 158 124 109 229 310 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 10614 11055 9412 9174 9280 9448 10149 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 36646 36934 39655 39227 35807 36450 38182 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 10778 12311 10641 10924 10075 10423 10716 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 2379 2832 3105 3543 3808 4591 4848 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 7655 6804 6733 6739 6781 6903 7986 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 8388 8386 7451 6932 6652 6665 7428 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 1826 448 338 278 228 240 247 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 2742 2879 8121 8340 5298 4831 4043 Research and development Poslovne storitve 2878 3276 3367 3103 2967 2798 2916 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 48749 51973 48988 50281 51073 51335 52022 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 33572 35631 34406 36054 37093 37488 38185 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 5560 5702 4900 4553 4153 3918 3778 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 8908 9916 9064 9091 9263 9341 9485 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 709 725 619 584 565 588 574 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 52187 55778 53105 52919 53668 54481 54575 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 34141 35606 32691 32447 32443 32225 31507 Health care Socialno varstvo 18046 20172 20415 20472 21225 22257 23068 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 27958 26776 27658 36615 38042 40192 41661 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 19749 22895 25472 35022 36829 38994 40453 Public administration Skladi 4280 951 815 364 20 23 23 Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 1160 1080 565 488 495 509 545 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 2769 1851 807 741 698 668 641 Membership and political organizations 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 12.4 Osebe zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah2), po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti3) (nadaljevanje) Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations2) by National Classification of Activity3) (continued) Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 198 12.5 Osebe, zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in spolu, 1996 Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by National Classification of Activity and sex, 1996 Letno povpreËje1) Yearly average1) Deleű zaposlenih űensk Share of employed women (%) Marec March September September skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women SKUPAJ 581106 283584 48,8 585961 286055 576250 281112 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 227940 96403 42,3 233445 98880 222435 93925 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 7523 1338 17,8 7540 1341 7505 1334 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 6358 382 6,0 6434 382 6282 381 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 381 104 27,3 378 99 383 109 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 4843 753 15,5 4976 779 4710 727 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin z1) z1) z1) z1) z1) z1) z1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 1720 206 12,0 1725 206 1714 205 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 1345 416 30,9 1351 384 1338 448 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 459 95 20,6 462 95 456 94 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 6636 2805 42,3 6727 2857 6544 2752 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 19847 5558 28,0 20679 5889 19015 5226 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 12095 2399 19,8 12263 2435 11926 2363 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 12181 2818 23,1 13399 3052 10963 2583 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 224 69 30,6 231 72 216 65 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 31885 15756 49,4 32515 16169 31255 15342 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 3788 1217 32,1 3848 1238 3727 1196 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 12697 5855 46,1 12713 5918 12681 5791 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 1021 121 11,9 1008 116 1033 126 Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 4595 629 13,7 4509 633 4681 625 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 4534 1206 26,6 4639 1251 4429 1161 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 15028 5696 37,9 15227 5786 14828 5606 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 6990 2417 34,6 7065 2459 6914 2375 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 6924 4255 61,4 7540 4657 6308 3852 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 27536 22883 83,1 28200 23406 26872 22360 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 1783 824 46,2 1806 832 1759 816 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 7231 5538 76,6 7686 5857 6775 5219 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 4175 1196 28,7 4300 1225 4049 1167 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 14879 6669 44,8 14810 6733 14947 6604 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 3069 1218 39,7 3049 1227 3089 1208 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 451 81 17,9 454 81 447 80 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka z1) z1) z1) z1) z1) z1) z1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 4344 1951 44,9 4442 2003 4245 1898 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 739 158 21,3 730 159 748 156 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 1880 1083 57,6 1919 1109 1840 1057 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 8348 3617 43,3 8352 3609 8343 3625 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 6591 2984 45,3 6604 2988 6577 2980 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 1597 612 38,3 1587 598 1607 625 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 160 22 13,4 161 23 159 20 Fishing Gozdarstvo 2285 332 14,5 2263 328 2306 335 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1091 133 12,2 1123 137 1059 129 Water management 1) Letno povpreËje je zraËunano iz podatkov za marec in september Yearly average is calculated on the basis of data for March and September. Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 199 Gradbeniötvo 28613 3508 12,3 28926 3596 28300 3420 Construction Visoke gradnje 12609 1363 10,8 12756 1390 12462 1335 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 9779 1233 12,6 9953 1289 9604 1176 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 6226 913 14,7 6217 917 6234 909 Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 29402 6564 22,3 29648 6559 29155 6569 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 9532 1348 14,1 9568 1370 9495 1326 Railway transport Pomorski promet 183 71 38,8 153 68 213 74 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 1087 441 40,6 1097 444 1076 438 Air transport Cestni promet 8365 1075 12,9 8640 1068 8089 1082 Road transport Mestni promet 1890 240 12,7 1910 240 1870 240 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 1683 320 19,0 1689 319 1676 321 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 6664 3069 46,1 6591 3050 6736 3088 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 55223 33834 61,3 55060 33795 55385 33873 Trade Trgovina na drobno 35890 24629 68,6 35795 24587 35985 24671 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 16377 7316 44,7 16267 7279 16486 7352 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 2956 1881 63,6 2998 1911 2914 1850 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 15478 10352 66,9 15411 10363 15545 10341 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 14302 9603 67,1 14220 9608 14384 9598 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 1176 749 63,7 1191 755 1161 743 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 14785 6119 41,4 14443 6011 15126 6227 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 9817 2116 21,5 9557 2093 10077 2138 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 4968 4004 80,6 4886 3918 5049 4089 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 11504 2317 20,1 11321 2295 11687 2338 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 1046 210 20,1 1038 206 1053 214 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 310 185 59,6 264 170 355 199 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 10149 1922 18,9 10019 1919 10279 1925 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 38182 20741 54,3 37842 20688 38522 20793 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 10716 8476 79,1 10634 8436 10798 8515 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 4848 2318 47,8 4802 2304 4893 2332 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 7986 3645 45,6 7892 3639 8079 3650 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 7428 2504 33,7 7195 2486 7660 2522 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 247 18 7,3 247 18 247 18 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 4043 2160 53,4 4122 2194 3963 2125 Research and development Poslovne storitve 2916 1621 55,6 2950 1611 2882 1631 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 52022 34993 67,3 51816 34807 52227 35178 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 38185 27925 73,1 37988 27747 38382 28102 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 3778 1925 51,0 3789 1926 3766 1924 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 9485 4937 52,1 9464 4927 9506 4947 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 574 206 35,9 575 207 573 205 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 54575 44702 81,9 54615 44749 54534 44655 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 31507 25909 82,2 31642 26001 31372 25816 Health care Socialno varstvo 23068 18794 81,5 22973 18748 23162 18839 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 41661 20286 48,7 41696 20238 41626 20334 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 40453 19546 48,3 40506 19508 40399 19584 Public administration Skladi 23 17 73,9 23 18 23 16 Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 545 347 63,7 528 338 562 356 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 641 376 58,7 639 374 642 378 Membership and political organizations Letno povpreËje1) Yearly average1) Deleű zaposlenih űensk Share of employed women (%) Marec March September September skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women skupaj total űenske women 12.5 Osebe, zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in spolu, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by National Classification of Activity and sex, 1996 (continued) Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 200 12.6 Pripravniki v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in öolski izobrazbi1) Trainees in enterprises and other organizations by National Classification of Activity and professional attainment1) 1) Do leta 1991 niso vkljuËena zasebna podjetja. Until 1991 private enterprises were excluded. 12.7 Fluktuacija oseb, zaposlenih v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah,1) po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti2) Fluctuation of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1) by National Classification of Activity2) % Skupaj Total Visoka öolska izobrazba University degree Viöja öolska izobrazba Non- university degree Srednja öolska izobrazba Upper Secondary school Struktura (%) Structure (%) Skupaj Total Visoka öolska izobrazba University degree Viöja öolska izobrazba Non- university degree Srednja öolska izobrazba Upper Secondary school 1985 11435 1188 1166 9081 100,0 10,4 10,2 79,4 1985 1990 7156 1029 896 5231 100,0 14,4 12,5 73,1 1990 1992 7248 1039 717 5492 100,0 14,3 9,9 75,8 1992 1993 7072 1135 1148 4789 100,0 16,0 16,2 67,7 1993 1994 6604 1143 846 4615 100,0 17,3 12,8 69,9 1994 1995 5362 1254 696 3412 100,0 23,4 13,0 63,6 1995 1996 5296 1318 733 3245 100,0 24,9 13,8 61,3 1996 Industrija in rudarstvo 1577 313 202 1062 100,0 19,8 12,8 67,3 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 110 21 22 67 100,0 19,1 20,0 60,9 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 12 4 - 8 100,0 33,3 0,0 66,7 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 6 3 1 2 100,0 50,0 16,7 33,3 Water management Gradbeniötvo 216 20 25 171 100,0 9,6 11,6 79,2 Construction Promet in zveze 152 27 18 107 100,0 17,8 11,8 70,4 Transport and communications Trgovina 504 65 28 411 100,0 12,9 5,6 81,5 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 216 10 8 198 100,0 4,6 3,7 91,7 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 170 2 15 153 100,0 1,2 8,8 90,0 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejav. 66 13 4 49 100,0 19,7 6,1 74,2 Community service activities FinanËne, tehn. in poslovne stor. 623 225 98 300 100,0 36,1 15,7 48,2 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 388 197 51 140 100,0 50,8 13,1 36,1 Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 743 184 164 395 100,0 24,7 22,1 53,2 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdr. in org. 513 234 97 182 100,0 45,6 18,9 35,5 Public administration, funds, associations, and organizations 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 1,4 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,4 1,4 1,4 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,3 1,4 1,4 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 0,7 1,1 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,5 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 1,1 2,0 1,3 1,1 0,8 1,6 1,3 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 1,1 0,5 0,3 1,1 0,7 1,9 1,4 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 1,2 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,1 0,8 1,0 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin 1,5 4,0 1,8 1,2 1,0 z1) z1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 1,2 2,3 1,6 1,7 0,5 0,7 0,5 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 1,2 1,2 1,0 1,1 0,9 1,2 0,7 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 1,6 1,2 1,5 1,3 1,1 0,7 1,6 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 1,0 1,7 1,1 1,5 1,0 1,0 1,1 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 1,6 1,4 1,7 1,9 1,6 1,8 2,0 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 1,4 2,2 2,0 2,3 2,2 2,4 1,7 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 2,0 1,7 1,4 1,3 1,1 1,8 2,2 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 2,9 8,9 6,9 1,9 1,7 1,7 1,5 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,5 1,3 1,2 1,2 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 1,3 1,8 1,2 1,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 1,0 1,4 1,5 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 2,8 2,0 2,1 1,1 1,5 1,5 0,9 Sand and stone quarrying 1) Do leta 1991 niso vkljuËena zasebna podjetja. Until 1991 private enterprises were excluded. 2) Letno povpreËje je izraËunano iz podatkov za vse mesece leta. Yearly average is calculated on the basis of data for twelve months. Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 201 Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 1,4 2,3 2,1 1,6 1,2 1,3 1,2 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 1,6 1,3 1,2 1,4 1,7 1,6 1,6 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 2,0 1,8 1,3 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,5 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 1,4 1,0 1,2 1,5 0,9 1,1 0,8 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 1,5 2,5 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,6 2,9 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 0,8 1,0 0,9 0,8 1,3 1,4 1,3 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 0,9 2,4 1,0 1,1 0,8 1,7 0,9 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,9 1,4 1,6 1,8 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 1,2 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,4 1,2 1,7 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 1,2 1,2 1,8 1,4 1,2 1,3 1,2 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 1,2 1,4 1,3 1,4 1,0 1,1 1,1 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 1,0 0,9 1,2 0,8 0,9 0,7 0,8 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka 0,6 0,9 0,2 0,9 1,0 z1) z1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 1,2 1,1 0,9 0,8 0,9 1,9 1,6 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 2,1 2,0 2,3 1,2 0,9 0,6 1,9 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 2,1 4,9 3,0 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,3 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,9 1,4 1,8 1,4 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 1,4 1,7 1,6 2,1 1,5 1,7 1,5 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 1,4 1,2 1,4 1,1 1,0 2,2 0,8 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 1,3 2,5 2,1 2,3 1,7 1,2 1,6 Fishing Gozdarstvo 1,8 2,8 1,8 1,2 2,5 1,8 1,2 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 0,8 0,8 1,4 1,1 1,0 0,8 1,3 Water management Gradbeniötvo 2,0 2,8 2,7 1,9 1,8 2,2 1,9 Construction Visoke gradnje 1,9 3,1 2,8 1,8 1,9 2,9 1,9 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 1,9 2,5 2,4 1,5 1,3 1,1 1,8 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 2,1 2,6 2,9 2,6 2,1 2,1 1,9 Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 1,2 1,7 1,3 1,6 1,5 0,9 0,9 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 1,2 1,9 1,2 2,0 2,1 0,6 0,6 Railway transport Pomorski promet 6,9 5,0 2,0 1,7 0,9 0,5 3,2 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 0,7 1,9 1,8 0,9 0,5 0,4 0,6 Air transport Cestni promet 1,1 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,7 1,2 1,4 Road transport Mestni promet 1,2 1,4 1,2 0,8 0,7 0,7 1,3 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 2,0 1,7 1,2 1,4 1,0 1,4 0,7 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 0,9 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,9 1,1 0,9 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 1,6 1,8 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,8 1,9 Trade Trgovina na drobno 1,7 1,8 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 1,5 1,7 2,2 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,9 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 1,5 2,3 3,1 2,8 1,7 1,9 2,0 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 2,8 3,1 2,6 2,6 2,3 2,3 2,1 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 2,8 3,0 2,6 2,6 2,4 2,3 2,2 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 2,1 3,9 2,3 2,4 1,5 1,4 1,5 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 1,5 2,1 2,0 2,3 2,1 1,7 1,7 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,4 2,2 1,7 1,6 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 2,1 2,3 2,2 2,2 1,9 1,7 1,7 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 1,4 1,5 2,1 1,4 1,3 1,3 1,3 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 0,9 1,4 2,4 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,3 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 1,8 0,4 2,2 5,7 1,9 2,2 1,4 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 1,4 1,5 2,0 1,4 1,3 1,3 1,3 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 1,9 2,3 2,1 2,2 1,8 1,4 1,5 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 1,3 1,6 1,1 1,2 0,9 0,8 0,8 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 0,6 1,0 0,7 0,5 1,0 0,6 0,7 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 2,2 2,6 2,7 2,1 1,9 1,7 1,8 Trade-related services including storage 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 12.7 Fluktuacija oseb, zaposlenih v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah1) po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti2) (nadaljevanje) Fluctuation of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1) by National Classification of Activity2)(continued) % Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 202 12.8 Podjetja in druge organizacije po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, Slovenija, 1996 Enterprises and other organizations by number of employed persons, 1996 Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 2,3 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,1 1,6 1,7 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 1,4 2,0 2,4 2,0 0,8 0,9 0,7 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 3,6 4,5 3,3 4,2 3,5 2,7 2,6 Research and development Poslovne storitve 1,4 1,6 2,6 2,2 1,6 1,5 2,0 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 1,0 1,1 1,0 0,9 1,0 0,9 0,8 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 0,9 1,1 0,9 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 1,3 1,1 0,9 1,3 1,0 1,1 0,8 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 1,1 1,1 1,1 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,9 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 1,6 2,1 2,1 1,4 1,7 1,7 1,5 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 0,9 1,1 1,0 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 0,9 1,1 0,9 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,9 Health care Socialno varstvo 1,1 1,2 1,1 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 1,5 1,4 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,2 0,9 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 1,2 1,3 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,2 0,9 Public administration Skladi 0,9 0,9 0,8 -0,3 0,1 0,4 1,8 Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 1,2 3,1 2,0 0,9 0,8 1,1 1,0 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 6,9 2,8 1,8 1,7 1,8 2,0 1,3 Membership and political organizations ätevilo podjetij in drugih organizacij Number of enterprises and other organi- zations Podjetja in druge organizacije po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb Enterprises and other organizations by number of employed persons 1-6 7-15 16-29 30-60 61-125 126-250 251-500 501-1000 1001- 2000 2001 in veË and over SKUPAJ 18165 7569 4375 2250 1901 1163 560 250 68 23 6 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 2246 301 456 335 333 340 282 134 44 16 5 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 109 16 20 14 23 19 12 3 2 - - Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 9 - - - - 2 3 1 2 - 1 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 3 - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 7 - - - 1 1 - 1 2 2 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 8 - 1 2 - 1 3 - - 1 - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 8 1 1 - 1 2 2 - 1 - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 11 - 2 2 5 2 - - - - - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 33 - 8 3 5 3 6 4 3 1 - Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 244 45 53 33 40 29 27 13 2 2 - Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 154 24 30 21 25 21 25 5 2 1 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 73 5 10 9 11 14 11 11 1 - 1 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 3 1 - - - 2 - - - - - Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 239 41 56 34 28 26 27 15 6 4 2 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 35 2 8 6 7 8 4 - Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 158 29 36 26 14 22 19 9 2 1 - Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 54 15 18 12 7 1 1 - - - Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 57 6 9 8 7 12 13 2 - - - Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 80 6 26 15 16 8 5 3 1 - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 12.7 Fluktuacija oseb, zaposlenih v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah,1) po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti2) (nadaljevanje) Fluctuation of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1) by National Classification of Activity2) (continued) % Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 203 Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 157 11 26 19 24 37 27 11 2 - - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 42 4 8 6 2 10 6 3 1 2 - Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin - - - - - - - - - - - Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 41 2 3 2 8 7 9 10 - Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 178 21 15 18 26 40 32 17 7 1 1 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 9 1 1 - - 3 2 1 1 - - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 45 1 7 5 6 11 9 2 4 - - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 19 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 1 1 - Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 256 29 57 59 40 40 21 8 2 - - Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 41 3 9 4 10 9 4 2 - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka 14 - 1 6 6 1 - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - Printing Recirkulacija surovin 80 14 30 9 10 7 7 3 - - Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 20 2 4 8 2 1 - 2 1 - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 364 123 108 60 48 16 7 2 - - - Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 258 70 81 50 37 12 6 2 - - - Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 89 42 23 9 10 4 1 - - - - Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 17 11 4 1 1 - - - - - - Fishing Gozdarstvo 88 17 20 26 18 6 1 - - - - Forestry and hunting Gozdarstvo 88 17 20 26 18 6 1 - - - - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 10 - 1 1 - 5 3 - - - - Water management Vodno gospodarstvo 10 - 1 1 - 5 3 - - - - Water management Gradbeniötvo 564 82 174 115 71 61 39 20 2 - - Construction Visoke gradnje 167 18 41 26 26 26 20 9 1 - - Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 179 28 44 47 25 14 11 9 1 - - Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 218 36 89 42 20 21 8 2 - - - Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 1105 555 205 132 105 56 34 15 3 - - Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 257 67 78 39 37 19 11 5 1 - - Railway transport Pomorski promet 5 - 2 1 - 2 - - - - - Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 8 3 1 - 1 - - 3 - - - Air transport Cestni promet 255 94 49 42 34 22 10 4 - - - Road transport Mestni promet 16 5 1 1 5 - 2 1 1 - - Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 16 1 3 2 4 1 4 - 1 - - Cargo handling PTT-storitve 548 385 71 47 24 12 7 2 - - - Post and telecommunications Trgovina 5312 3256 1328 414 192 90 21 9 2 - - Trade Trgovina na drobno 4321 2873 1008 273 113 38 10 5 1 - - Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 818 288 276 130 69 42 8 4 1 - - Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 173 95 44 11 10 10 3 - - - - Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 1010 517 262 114 69 36 9 2 1 - - Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 914 464 238 106 62 32 9 2 1 - - Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 96 53 24 8 7 4 - - - - - Travel agencies ätevilo podjetij in drugih organizacij Number of enterprises and other organi- zations Podjetja in druge organizacije po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb Enterprises and other organizations by number of employed persons 1-6 7-15 16-29 30-60 61-125 126-250 251-500 501-1000 1001- 2000 2001 in veË and over 12.8 Podjetja in druge organizacije po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, Slovenija, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Enterprises and other organizations by number of employed persons, 1996 (continued) Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 204 12.9 Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po zaposlitvenem statusu1)2) Persons in employment by status in employment1)2) 1000 1) Vir: Anketa o delovni sili. Source: Labour Force Survey. 2) Seötevki se zaradi zaokroűevanja ne ujemajo. Totals are not accurate due to rounding up. Obrt in osebne storitve 572 166 188 99 59 44 12 3 - 1 - Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 351 87 113 65 41 34 8 3 - - - Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 221 79 75 34 18 10 4 - - 1 - Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 303 74 66 54 49 43 11 6 - - - Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 27 7 5 6 5 2 1 1 - - - Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 31 15 9 3 1 3 - - - - - Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 245 52 52 45 43 38 10 5 - - - Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 2118 927 641 264 178 62 33 8 4 1 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 442 224 108 47 30 16 12 2 2 1 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 89 37 6 13 14 8 6 3 2 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 673 290 239 80 42 17 5 - - - - Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 430 150 154 67 40 10 7 2 - - - Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 3 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 321 165 82 38 27 7 2 - - - - Research and development Poslovne storitve 160 60 52 19 25 3 1 - - - Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 1709 576 286 250 380 167 32 16 2 - - Education and culture Izobraűevanje 1139 321 140 174 332 144 21 6 1 - - Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 77 19 16 9 17 9 5 1 1 - - Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 412 181 116 57 29 14 6 9 - - - Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 81 55 14 10 2 - - - - - - Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 1360 420 381 183 175 126 41 22 8 3 1 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 443 159 98 39 39 52 27 17 8 3 1 Health care Socialno varstvo 917 261 283 144 136 74 14 5 - - - Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 1404 555 259 203 224 111 35 13 2 2 - Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 1225 412 240 191 221 110 34 13 2 2 - Public administration Skladi 5 4 - 1 - - - - - - - Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 28 17 3 4 2 1 1 - - - - Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 146 122 16 7 1 - - - - - - Membership and political organizations Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo 851 882 878 454 473 468 397 409 410 Persons in employment Delodajalci in samozaposlene osebe 104 108 110 76 78 78 28 31 31 Employers and self-employed persons Zaposlene osebe 701 733 730 362 381 375 339 351 356 Persons in paid employment PomagajoËi druűinski Ëlani 46 41 37 16 14 15 30 27 23 Unpaid family workers ätevilo podjetij in drugih organizacij Number of enterprises and other organi- zations Podjetja in druge organizacije po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb Enterprises and other organizations by number of employed persons 1-6 7-15 16-29 30-60 61-125 126-250 251-500 501-1000 1001- 2000 2001 in veË and over 12.8 Podjetja in druge organizacije po ötevilu zaposlenih oseb, Slovenija, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Enterprises and other organizations by number of employed persons, 1996 (continued) Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 205 12.10. Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po sektorjih Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti1)2) Persons in employment by sectors of Standard Classification of Activities1)2) 1000 1) Vir: Anketa o delovni sili. Source: Labour Force Survey. 2) Seötevki se zaradi zaokroűevanja ne ujemajo. Totals are not accurate due to rounding up. 3) Ocena z 0,10 < CV < 0,20. The estimates with 0.10 < CV < 0.20. 4) Ocena z 0,20 < CV < 0,30. The estimates with 0.20 < CV < 0.30. 12.11 Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo glede na povpreËno ötevilo dejansko opravljenih ur na teden po sektorjih Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti1)2) Persons in employment by average hours actually worked during the reference week by sectors of Standard Classification of Activities1)2) 1000 1) Vir: Anketa o delovni sili. Source: Labour Force Survey. 2) Seötevki se zaradi zaokroűevanja ne ujemajo. Totals are not accurate due to rounding up. 3) Ocena z 0,10 < CV < 0,20. The estimates with 0.10 < CV < 0.20. Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 850 882 878 454 473 468 396 409 410 TOTAL Kmetijske dejavnosti 98 92 89 54 49 50 44 44 39 Agriculture Nekmetijske dejavnosti (razen storitvenih) 359 381 370 227 243 237 133 138 133 Industry Rudarstvo 9 8 9 83) 73) 8 . . . Mining and quarrying Predelovalne dejavnosti 293 314 301 170 185 176 124 129 124 Manufacturing Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 9 13 13 73) 11 11 34) 24) 24) Electricity, gas and water supply Gradbeniötvo 48 45 47 42 40 41 63) 53) 63) Construction Storitvene dejavnosti 392 408 417 173 181 181 219 227 236 Services Trgovina; popravila mot. vozil 97 105 103 44 51 48 54 54 55 Wholesale, retail; certain repair Gostinstvo 30 31 34 13 11 11 18 20 22 Hotels and restaurants Promet, skladiöËenje, zveze 51 52 51 38 41 41 13 11 10 Transport, storage and communication FinanËno posredniötvo 18 21 21 63) 63) 63) 12 14 15 Financial intermediation NepremiËnine, najem, poslovne stor. 30 33 36 16 17 20 14 16 16 Real estate, renting and business activities Javna uprava, obramba, socialno. zavarov. 37 39 41 19 19 20 19 20 21 Public administ. and defence; comp.soc.sec. Druge storitve 128 128 132 38 37 34 89 92 98 Other services Skupaj Total Moöki Men éenske Women 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo 41,1 40,1 39,4 42,3 40,1 41,2 39,8 38,5 37,4 Persons in employment Kmetijske dejavnosti 59,5 54,5 48,9 58,7 54,5 51,3 60,6 53,5 45,9 Agriculture Nekmetijske dejavnosti (razen storitvenih dej.) 38,1 38,2 38,2 39,9 38,2 39,7 36,7 36,3 35,5 Industry Storitvene dejavnosti 39,4 38,6 38,5 41,7 38,6 40,4 37,5 37,0 37,1 Services Od tega Of these Zaposlene osebe 38,0 37,7 37,8 39,1 37,7 39,3 36,7 36,3 36,1 Persons in paid employment Kmetijske dejavnosti 38,1 36,2 38,9 38,3 36,2 40,8 37,73) 36,63) 35,83) Agriculture Nekmetijske dejavnosti (razen storitvenih dej.) 37,6 37,7 37,7 38,3 37,7 39,1 36,5 36,1 35,4 Industry Storitvene dejavnosti 38,3 37,7 37,8 40,4 37,7 39,6 36,8 36,4 36,6 Services Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 206 12.12 Stopnje aktivnosti in stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po starostnih skupinah1)2) Activity rates and ILO unemployment rates by age groups1)2) 1) Vir: Anketa o delovni sili. Source: Labour Force Survey. 2) Seötevki se zaradi zaokroűevanja ne ujemajo. Totals are not accurate due to rounding up. 3) Ocena z 0,10 < CV < 0,20. The estimates with 0,10 < CV < 0,20. 4) Ocena z 0,20 < CV < 0,30. The estimates with 0,20 < CV < 0,30. skupaj total moöki men űenske women 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 Stopnje aktivnosti Activity rates % SKUPAJ 57,6 58,7 57,6 64,3 66,1 64,4 51,4 52,0 51,3 TOTAL 15-19 let 11,6 11,9 9,4 12,7 14,9 9,9 10,5 8,73) 8,9 15-19 years 20-24 70,4 70,8 68,2 73,5 75,9 72,2 66,9 65,4 64,1 20-24 25-29 90,8 92,3 91,1 92,8 93,1 91,8 88,5 91,5 90,3 25-29 30-34 94,5 95,7 94,9 96,4 97,4 97,2 92,2 94,0 92,6 30-34 35-39 94,4 94,1 93,1 97,0 95,7 95,7 92,0 92,5 90,5 35-39 40-44 92,1 92,5 92,0 94,6 94,9 95,1 98,7 90,0 88,9 444 45-49 85,9 87,6 88,0 92,0 92,0 91,2 79,5 83,0 84,5 45-49 50-54 61,5 62,5 64,7 78,1 77,8 79,2 45,8 47,1 50,7 50-54 55-59 29,8 32,1 30,6 44,7 48,6 43,1 16,4 16,6 18,4 55-59 60-64 15,9 16,0 16,1 20,3 19,4 20,4 12,03) 13,33) 12,63) 60-64 65-69 11,3 9,3 10,7 12,93) 11,83) 15,13) 10,13) 7,53) 7,53) 65-69 70 let in veË 6,2 5,63) 4,03 7,63) 6,44) 5,74) 4,93) 5,23) 3,24) 70 years and over 15-24 let 39,5 41,7 38,0 42,2 45,6 40,2 36,6 37,6 35,8 15-24 years 25-49 91,7 92,6 91,8 94,7 94,7 94,2 88,7 90,3 89,4 25-49 50 let in veË 24,7 24,6 24,1 34,9 35,8 34,6 16,8 16,3 16,2 50 years and over 25 let in veË 61,7 62,7 62,2 69,7 71,2 70,6 54,4 55,1 54,8 25 years and over Stopnje brezposelnosti Unemployment rates % SKUPAJ 9,0 7,4 7,3 9,5 7,7 7,5 8,4 7,0 7,0 TOTAL 15-19 let 35,7 27,43) 32,73) 27,93) 25,44) 31,44) 45,53) 31,04) 34,14) 15-19 years 20-24 19,7 17,4 16,8 20,0 16,6 17,1 19,3 18,2 16,4 20-24 25-29 10,9 7,5 8,2 13,03) 8,73) 8,53) 8,6 6,43) 7,83) 25-29 30-34 7,0 6,0 5,7 7,93) 6,63) 5,83) 6,73) 5,33) 5,63) 30-34 35-39 7,3 5,3 5,43) 7,93) 5,63) 6,43) 6,83) 5,03) 4,44) 35-39 40-44 7,1 6,0 5,23) 8,43) 7,33) 5,53) 5,73) 4,64) 4,94) 444 45-49 5,7 5,3 5,13) 6,23) 5,44) 5,63) 5,03) 5,14) 4,64) 45-49 50-54 5,63) 4,34) 4,04) 5,43) 3,84) 3,84) 6,13) 5,14) 4,24) 50-54 55-59 6,24) 4,34) 3,53) 5,23) 3,44) 4,24) . . . 55-59 60-64 . . . . . . . . . 60-64 65-69 . . 9,54) . - . . - . 65-69 70 let in veË . . . . . . - - . 70 years and over 15-24 let 22,2 18,8 18,8 21,2 18,1 18,9 23,4 19,7 18,6 15-24 years 25-49 7,6 6,0 5,9 8,5 6,7 6,3 6,6 5,3 5,4 25-49 50 let in veË 5,13) 3,93) 4,33) 5,13) 3,53) 3,94) 5,24) 4,54) 4,84) 50 years and over 25 let in veË 7,1 5,6 5,6 7,8 6,0 5,8 6,4 5,2 5,3 25 years and over Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 207 12.13 Registrirane brezposelne osebe in prosta delovna mesta Registered unemployed persons and job vacancies Prijavljena prosta delovna mesta Registered vacancies Novo prijavljene brezposelne osebe Newly registered unemployed persons Osebe, zaposlene preko Republiökega zavoda za zaposlovanje Persons employed via National Employment Office Registrirane brezposelne osebe, 31. 12. Registered unemployed persons, 31. 12. skupaj total űenske women IöËejo prvo zaposlitev seeking first job pol- in nekvalificirane semi-skilled and unskilled upraviËenci do denarnega nadomestila unemployment benefit claimants 1957 59969 71385 63694 8694 6740 2764 6888 1136 1958 77436 83503 75214 9296 7283 2707 7561 1096 1959 90779 103514 93248 10342 8288 3280 8619 1084 1960 103716 109617 103043 8490 6633 2825 7039 683 1961 89883 104634 94290 9348 6824 2973 7684 650 1962 106340 115353 102560 11459 8190 3750 9118 791 1963 148826 148826 141671 8231 6336 2995 6664 505 1964 149436 147884 139286 8288 6008 2702 6462 489 1965 94717 87131 72544 13252 7945 4255 9593 2060 1966 86630 62424 50756 13663 8783 4760 9463 1667 1967 69978 58168 41207 19044 11756 6592 12693 1947 1968 75210 63741 49923 19138 12218 7115 10684 1624 1969 101119 56333 50149 17570 11820 6547 9687 884 1970 109914 31526 25868 16016 10700 6040 9197 498 1971 109935 30799 26332 14826 9360 5848 8353 535 1972 111935 26631 23442 12561 7628 4624 6937 433 1973 113272 24464 21182 11012 6681 3996 6129 355 1974 119875 22121 19639 9462 5871 3470 5254 359 1975 120640 23641 18310 11663 6684 3872 8678 540 1976 103630 24288 18640 13333 7437 4316 9560 679 1977 118554 23429 20589 11973 6832 3913 8210 661 1978 132365 22692 20378 10971 6288 3595 7658 666 1979 134400 20517 18115 10360 5768 3365 7002 618 1980 114872 22177 16839 12227 6667 4260 7497 891 1981 108668 24264 18864 13350 7683 4752 7495 1190 1982 100278 25689 19919 16043 9049 5646 8566 1250 1983 111937 27558 22332 16858 9206 5643 9112 1096 1984 119844 25753 22227 15394 8246 5320 8453 907 1985 120824 23366 19416 15297 8113 4858 8723 1027 1986 127495 21786 19085 13964 7043 4408 8132 925 1987 122585 23186 15689 17826 8467 5388 10382 1284 1988 82631 27782 16332 25371 12235 7520 14267 1912 1989 121532 31694 18307 33796 16359 10104 18408 3144 1990 65431 52168 22163 55441 26161 14200 26411 11238 1991 63793 81556 37234 91161 40322 19809 41368 25336 1992 82331 99752 59489 118224 51947 23846 53423 32533 1993 108808 97722 60006 137142 60003 25780 61892 35569 1994 150868 79488 75528 123517 56397 24870 56917 31452 1995 155214 79644 59992 126759 59884 26652 59035 28305 1996 157204 86450 54640 124470 59949 24760 58254 33715 Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 208 12.14 Registrirane brezposelne osebe po stopnji strokovne izobrazbe1) Registered unemployed persons by level of professional attainment1) 1) Letno povpreËje, zraËunano iz podatkov za vse mesece leta. Yearly average of twelve months. 12.15 Registrirane brezposelne osebe z zmanjöano delovno zmoűnostjo Registered unemployed persons with lower working ability 12.16 Delovna doba registriranih brezposelnih oseb in trajanje njihove brezposelnosti1) Work experience of registered unemployed persons and duration of their unemployment1) 1) Stanje 31. 12. Stand on 31. December 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Z visoko, viöjo in srednjo izobrazbo skupaj 4030 11758 25750 33410 33276 31923 30174 total University, non-university and highersecondary degreeűenske 2835 7420 14073 17841 17660 17237 16504 women Visokokvalificirani in kvalificirani skupaj 2527 10622 28987 37259 35602 32860 31144 total Highly skilled and skilled workersűenske 1192 4340 9925 12858 12782 12668 12456 women Polkvalificirani in nekvalificirani skupaj 8100 26411 47733 58419 58178 56700 56282 total Semi-skilled and unskilled workersűenske 3842 9637 20973 25881 26593 26772 27317 women 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 2167 4126 4374 5564 7165 8671 TOTAL Vojaöki mirnodobni invalidi 14 18 13 22 22 21 Military peacetime disabled persons Delovni invalidi 1070 2486 2725 3888 5358 6826 Disabled workers Kategorizirana mladina 283 709 707 815 866 914 Categorized youth Ostali invalidi 800 913 929 839 919 910 Other disabled persons 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Delovna doba Work experience SKUPAJ 15297 55441 118224 137142 123517 126759 124470 TOTAL Brez delovne dobe 4858 4175 23846 28749 27258 29108 26355 Without work experience Do 1 leta 2561 21035 16922 15774 12988 13314 11957 Less than 1 year Nad 1 do 2 leti 1304 3563 6066 6382 5402 5830 5809 1 - 2 years Nad 2 do 3 leta 786 2654 4533 4478 3574 3803 3819 2 - 3 years Nad 3 do 5 let 1229 4188 7670 7721 6103 5838 5522 3 - 5 years Nad 5 do 10 let 1992 7189 16518 18922 15777 14830 13194 5 - 10 years Nad 10 do 20 let 1886 8690 23970 29978 26787 26343 25613 10 - 20 years Nad 20 do 30 let 624 3299 13907 19163 19540 20758 22731 10 - 30 years Nad 30 let 57 648 4792 5975 6088 6935 9470 Over 30 years Trajanje brezposelnosti Duration of unemployment Do 6 mesecev 7584 22278 36405 38689 29705 35267 36746 Less than 6 months Nad 6 do 9 mesecev 1395 6384 10429 12507 8407 8903 10626 6 - 9 months Nad 9 do 12 mesecev 1116 6017 11212 10823 8745 7743 9566 9 - 12 months Nad 1 do 3 leta 3731 15850 47119 55391 50650 42716 36987 1 - 3 years Nad 3 do 5 let 927 3492 9297 14371 18691 21551 17979 3 - 5 years Nad 5 do 8 let 324 1048 3039 4434 6039 8636 9736 5 - 8 years Nad 8 let 220 372 723 927 1280 1943 2310 Over 8 years Zaposlenost Employment StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 209 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 210 13. PLA»E WAGES VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o povpreËnih meseËnih plaËah pridobimo na podlagi rednega meseËnega raziskovanja o plaËah in zaposlenih osebah v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah (ZAP-M). Od leta 1992 so zajeta tudi podjetja v zasebni lasti. Podatke o strukturi zaposlenih oseb po velikosti bruto plaË pridobivamo iz rednega polletnega raziskovanja o plaËah in zaposlenih osebah za marec in september (ZAP-PL). Podatke o plaËah zaposlenih oseb po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog za leti 1994 in 1995 smo zbrali z letnim raziskovanjem ZAP-1, za .leto 1993 pa z raziskovanjem ZAP-3, ki je razöirjena razliËica raziskovanja ZAP-1 in ga izvajamo vsaka tri leta. ZAJETJE V statistiËno raziskovanje o plaËah in zaposlenih osebah so vkljuËena podjetja in druge organizacije (podjetja v zasebni lasti le, Ëe imajo zaposlene najmanj 3 osebe). Od leta 1992 so v raziskavo vkljuËena zasebna podjetja in oboroűene sile, od leta 1993 pa tudi policija. Upoötevane so vse zaposlene osebe, ne glede na delovni Ëas, niso pa zajeti prejemki zunanjih sodelavcev. DEFINICIJE PovpreËne meseËne plaËe sestavljajo prejemki zaposlenih oseb. Poleg prejemkov za dejansko opravljeno delo v rednem delovnem Ëasu zajemajo tudi vse ostale prejemke, ki se oblikujejo na tej osnovi: prejemke za delo nad polnim delovnim Ëasom, nadomestila za letni dopust, bolezen do 30 dni, zastoj brez krivde zaposlenih oseb, drűavne praznike, opravljanje drűavljanskih dolűnosti, plaËane odsotnosti ipd., nagrade, premije, prejemke za minulo delo, stimulativne dodatke ter prejemke po periodiËnem obraËunu in zakljuËnem raËunu. Neto plaËa je bruto plaËa, ki sta ji odöteta prispevek za socialno varnost in davek od osebnih prejemkov. Indeks nominalnih plaË raËunamo iz podatkov o povpreËnih meseËnih plaËah. Indeks realnih plaË je razmerje med indeksom nominalnih plaË in indeksom cen űivljenjskih potreböËin za isto obdobje. RazvröËanje zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti plaËe opravimo na podlagi skupno izplaËanih plaË oziroma akontacij plaË za marec in september. Zaposlene osebe, ki so imele najmanj 160 in najveË 200 plaËanih ur v polnem delovnem Ëasu oz. prek polnega delovnega Ëasa, so razvröËene po velikosti bruto plaË. Druge definicije so v poglavju Zaposlenost. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Pregled zaposlenega osebja v l. 1951, Letni pregled o zaposlenem osebju 1952, Letni pregled zaposlenih 1953, Zaposleni julija 1954, Usluűbenci v ustanovah 1. IV. - 1. X. 1957, Osebni dohodki zaposlenih po obËinah v marcu 1962, Rezultati ankete o OD po poklicih 1963, 1964, StatistiËno gradivo 1969 öt. 18, 1972 öt. 11, 1973 öt. 10, 1974 öt. 2, 7, 11, 1975 öt. 13. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 1, 14, 28, 47, 69, 76, 79, 95, 102, 123, 125, 137,140, 144, 179, 192, 194, 211, 226, 231, 263, 281, 311, 325, 510, 515, 561, 563, 606, 676. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1965, zv. X; 1966, zv. XI; 1968, zv. IX; 1970, zv. II; 1971, zv. VII; 1972, zv. I; 1973, zv. III; 1974, zv. II; 1975, zv. VIII; 1976, zv. IV, XI; 1977, zv. XII, XVI; 1978, zv. III, V; 1979, zv. VI, VII; 1980, zv. II, XI; 1981, zv. III, V; 1982, zv. IV in IX; 1983, zv. VIII; 1984, zv. I; 1985, zv. 12; 1987, zv. 2; 1989, zv. 5; 1989, zv. 26; 1990, zv. 4; 1990, zv. 18; 1992, zv. 2; 1994, zv. 6 in 1996, zv. 1. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on average monthly earnings are based on regular monthly surveys of persons in paid employment and earnings in enterprises and other organizations (ZAP-M). Since 1992 this information has included private enterprises. Data on the structure of persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings are from the regular half-yearly study on earnings and persons in paid employment for March and September (ZAP-PL). The data on earnings of persons in paid employment by level of professional attainment required by post for 1994 and 1995 have been collected from the annual survey ZAP-1, while for 1993 they have collected by the thriennial survey ZAP-3. COVERAGE The statistical survey of persons in paid employment and earnings includes enterprises and other organizations (private enterprises are included only if they have 3 or more persons in paid employment). Private enterprises and members of the armed forces have been included since 1992, while the police have been included since 1993. All persons in paid employment, employed for fixed or unspecified period of time, irrespective of whether they work full time or part-time, are taken into consideration. The earnings of external associates and consultants are not covered. DEFINITIONS Average monthly earnings are composed of income received by persons in paid employment. In addition to income earned for work actually done during regular working hours, all other income is counted, and is set out on the following basis: income from overtime, supplements for annual leave, sickness pay for up to 30 days, slowdown through no fault of the persons in paid employment, public holidays, performing of civic duties, paid leave and similar, awards, premiums, income for past work, incentive bonuses and bonuses after periodic and final balance sheets. Net earnings are gross earnings less contributions for social security and earnings tax. The index of nominal earnings is calculated from information on average monthly earnings. The index of real earnings represents the relationship between the index of nominal earnings and the consumer price index. The categorization of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings is made for March and September. Persons in paid employment who had a minimum of 160 and a maximum of 200 paid hours of full working time or overtime are categorized according to the amount of gross earnings. For other definitions see chapter Employment. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Review of Persons in Paid Employment in 1951, Annual Review of Persons in Paid Employment 1952 and 1953, Persons in Paid Employment in July 1954, Persons in Paid Employment in Institutions 1. Apr. - 1. Oct. 1957, Earnings of Persons in paid employment by Communities in March 1962, Results of a Questionnaire on Earnings by Occupations in 1963 and 1964, Statistical Material 1969 No. 18, 1972 No. 11, 1973 No. 10, 1974 No. 2, 7 & 11, 1975 No. 13. Results of Surveys No. 1, 14, 28, 47, 69, 76, 79, 95, 102, 123, 125, 137, 140, 144, 179, 192, 194, 211, 226, 231, 263, 281, 311, 325, 510, 515, 561, 563, 606 and 676. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia: 1965 vol. X, 1966 vol. XI, 1968 vol. IX, 1970 vol. II, 1971 vol. VII, 1972 vol. I, 1973 vol. III, 1974 vol. II, 1975 vol. VIII, 1976 vol. IV, XI, 1977 vol. XII, XVI, 1978 vol. III, V, 1979 vol. VI, VII, 1980 vol. II, XI, 1981 vol. III, V, 1982 vol. IV & IX, 1983 vol. VIII, 1984 vol. I, 1985 vol. 12, 1987 vol. 2, 1989 vol. 5, 1989 vol. 26, 1990 vol. 4, 1990 vol. 18, 1992 vol. 2, 1994 vil. 6 and 1996 vol. 1. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 211 13.1 PovpreËne meseËne plaËe na zaposleno osebo v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah1), indeksi nominalnih in realnih plaË Average monthly earnings per person in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1), indices of nominal and real earnings 1) Z letom 1992 so vkljuËena tudi zasebna podjetja. Private enterprises are included from 1992. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 13.2 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe na zaposleno osebo v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah1) Average monthly gross earnings per person in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1) SIT2) 1) Z letom 1992 so zajeta tudi zasebna podjetja. Private enterprises are included from 1992. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. PovpreËne meseËne plaËe Average monthly earnings SIT 2) Indeksi nominalnih plaË Indices of nominal earnings (Ø 1995 = 100) Indeksi realnih plaË Indices of real earnings (Ø 1995 = 100) bruto gross neto net bruto gross neto net bruto gross 1980 1,28 0,88 0,0011 0,0012 120,8 1981 1,56 1,14 0,0014 0,0016 103,2 1982 1,96 1,44 0,0018 0,0020 99,7 1983 2,53 1,83 0,0023 0,0026 84,1 1984 3,75 2,78 0,0033 0,0039 88,5 1985 7,52 5,5 0,0067 0,0077 98,9 1986 17,27 12,25 0,0154 0,0172 116,0 1987 38,38 27,11 0,0343 0,0380 111,1 1988 120,32 71,95 0,1074 0,1009 116,6 1989 2120,86 1180,46 1,8937 1,6561 148,7 1990 10172 5657 9,0825 7,9364 109,4 1991 16823 10322 15,0211 14,4811 84,2 1992 51044 30813 45,5766 43,2287 83,1 1993 75432 46826 67,3524 65,6940 92,5 1994 94618 60089 84,4834 84,3011 95,8 1995 111996 71279 100,0000 100,0000 100,0 1996 129125 81830 115,2943 114,8024 104,9 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 7,52 10172 51044 75432 94618 111996 129125 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 7,18 8905 44067 63812 81065 94812 107890 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 7,07 10519 52608 77097 95068 114528 133264 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 8,07 10363 60961 85625 95011 125131 139774 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 6,99 10645 52733 78565 90356 110960 125692 Water management Gradbeniötvo 6,60 8103 41411 61812 79643 93924 109418 Construction Promet in zveze 8,11 11644 59800 81727 104075 121572 135808 Transport and communications Trgovina 7,54 10602 52938 78230 95915 111482 126042 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 6,78 9022 49226 75807 99353 113021 126882 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 7,46 9248 41856 60487 76682 89052 100019 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejavnost 7,17 10123 46705 72071 89274 105084 117965 Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve 9,11 13865 66412 98273 130787 155787 176319 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 8,87 13213 62691 91484 110688 133220 154907 Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 7,67 12081 57661 84808 102991 123112 144766 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 9,32 14343 70724 106885 124811 148044 172856 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 212 13.3 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po Stan- dardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti Average monthly gross earnings per persons in paid employment in enterprises and other orga- nizations by the Standard Classification of Activities Dejavnosti 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Activity S K U P A J 16823 51044 75432 94618 111996 129125 T O T A L A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdar. 18437 54896 79477 95022 107492 123136 Agriculture, hunting and forestry Kmetijstvo, lov, stor. 18263 52552 77071 95025 102855 118691 Agriculture, hunting and services Gozdarstvo, storitve 18845 60961 85625 95011 122891 136691 Forestry, logging and services B Ribiötvo 20487 55656 78484 97553 108595 122348 Fishing C Rudarstvo 19854 61161 91849 113838 132222 146846 Mining and quarrying CA Pri.energetskih surovin 20825 64640 97364 120035 137635 151689 Mining & quarrying of energy materials CB Pri.rud in kamnin 15920 47552 69000 88924 105197 120058 Other mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 14729 43304 62491 79347 92877 106144 Manufacturing DA Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaË.izd. 18571 51163 77652 97756 113835 128426 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco DB Pro.tekstilij;tekst.krzn.izd. 12468 37771 53487 64086 72233 79869 Mfr. of textiles and textile products DC Pro.usnja, usnjenih izd. 12572 38926 52952 63415 72062 79947 Mfr. of leather and leather products DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 12878 38120 56416 69971 80920 91841 Manufacture of wood and wood products DE Pro.vlaknin,papirja,zaloű. 18450 54312 79868 96609 111128 128176 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing DF Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv. 26358 70407 88079 102470 141403 157034 Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc fuel DG Pro.kemikalij,kemiË.izd. 19858 57439 88985 116879 139554 162876 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&and man-made fibres DH Pro.izd.iz gume in plast.mas 15863 49208 69433 85837 101518 112222 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro.dr.nekovin.mineral.izd. 14487 43862 63144 80151 92467 105413 Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products DJ Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 14084 41145 57810 77115 91411 104828 Mfr. of basic metals &fabricated products DK Pro.strojev in naprav 13837 42142 59047 76378 89721 101591 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opr. 14447 42676 62527 82088 95641 110158 Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment DM Pro.vozil in plovil 14833 42118 60189 76474 91308 105493 Manufacture of transport equipment DN Pro.pohiötva,reciklaűa 13486 37986 55735 68661 81062 91212 Manufacturing nec. E Oskrba z elektriko,plinom 20715 58769 87645 114367 133896 148320 Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 13103 41792 62605 80312 94427 109282 Construction G Trgovina,popravila mot.vozil 18126 52873 79092 98242 113009 128015 Whole sale, retail; certain repair H Gostinstvo 13599 45283 68173 91538 107945 121652 Hotels and restaurants I Promet,skladiöËenje,zveze 18734 61926 86768 110087 125267 142511 Transport, storage and communication J FinanËno posredniötvo 26486 74981 108443 139612 168555 194922 Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine,najem,posl.st. 19839 57109 85756 114905 127893 141086 Real estate,renting& business activities L Javna uprava,socialno zavar. 24063 70485 106558 124010 146640 171476 Public administ.& Defence; comp.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 19477 60150 86697 103247 118972 138609 Education N Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 17955 56662 82621 99982 128835 152378 Health and social work O Dr.javne,skupne,osebne stor. 20330 61025 90242 109794 146112 169328 Other social and personal services NerazvröËeno 8560 - - - - - Not classified StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 213 13.4 PovpreËna meseËna bruto in neto plaËa na zaposleno osebo v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, 1996 Average monthly gross and net earnings per person in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations, 1996 SIT Bruto plaËa Gross earning Neto plaËa Net earningskupaj plaËa brez zaostalih izplaËil izplaËila po period. obr. zak. raË. in druga zaos. izplaËila nadure total earnings without payments for previous months earnings for previous months earnings for overtime work SKUPAJ 129125 128296 829 2183 81830 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 107890 107224 666 1757 70440 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 153867 153484 383 3217 96901 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 151725 151567 158 3624 98359 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 157034 157034 - 92 98386 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 108831 108831 - 1221 72529 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin z 1) z 1) z 1) z 1) z 1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 117044 117003 41 1745 76874 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 114073 114073 - 2310 76157 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 123528 122365 1163 2867 80608 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 101344 101246 98 1499 67333 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 101595 101005 590 1694 67246 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 102127 101842 285 2488 67116 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 105276 104565 711 1411 69309 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 126195 126195 - 3833 80207 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 107679 106849 830 2461 70557 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 147614 143492 4122 1173 92013 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 145236 143079 2157 2190 89430 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 117992 117712 280 2111 76833 Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 110407 109461 946 2505 72481 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 87889 87539 350 876 58812 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 89685 89651 34 1347 59510 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 105702 103652 2050 1642 70131 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 81050 81050 - 592 54787 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 79597 79577 20 677 53811 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 108672 108672 - 673 71741 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 72609 72609 - 954 49704 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 120703 120701 2 1270 78879 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 122699 121197 1502 1660 78957 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 149092 148539 553 1439 91586 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 125443 125443 - 1214 79866 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka z 1) z 1) z 1) z 1) z 1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 119967 119812 155 4259 76474 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 146025 143531 2494 411 90778 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 93633 93593 40 743 61971 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 133264 131539 1725 1713 84510 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 115645 114887 758 662 74924 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 206066 200297 5769 6111 124141 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 117577 117189 388 241 75748 Fishing Gozdarstvo 139774 137559 2215 83 90303 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 125692 125692 - 1073 81033 Water management Gradbeniötvo 109418 108860 558 2771 71562 Construction Visoke gradnje 98234 98188 46 2168 65163 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 127817 126432 1385 4121 82362 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 103529 103216 313 1911 67777 Installation and finishing works StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 214 Promet in zveze 135808 135209 599 1589 87296 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 126586 126586 - 1263 83508 Railway transport Pomorski promet 175864 175704 160 1782 107219 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 209568 208550 1018 6008 121051 Air transport Cestni promet 125506 125385 121 1310 81561 Road transport Mestni promet 128284 128180 104 5312 83360 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 162930 157775 5155 497 101547 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 143733 142761 972 872 91188 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 126042 125407 635 955 79839 Trade Trgovina na drobno 116966 116415 551 1024 75237 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 136721 135999 722 759 85340 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 176775 175605 1170 1211 105081 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 126882 125853 1029 818 79137 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 121035 120341 694 878 76310 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 198729 193585 5144 82 113873 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 100019 99870 149 1395 65598 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 111467 111278 189 1682 72374 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 77105 77037 68 820 52034 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 117965 116920 1045 1987 75832 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 116793 115115 1678 2104 75913 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 159073 158143 930 1030 94927 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 116708 115723 985 2008 75184 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 176319 173672 2647 1062 105547 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 193741 187539 6202 776 115747 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 229187 225753 3434 954 130352 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 152990 151764 1226 862 93479 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 158154 157675 479 1646 96267 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 117787 117787 - - 78854 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 172257 171420 837 1056 102693 Research and development Poslovne storitve 147763 146933 830 1445 91231 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 154907 154219 688 1534 95922 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 145441 145095 346 1350 91384 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 195813 193335 2478 1843 115963 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 177887 176529 1358 2216 106880 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 136151 135568 583 415 85127 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 144766 143954 812 6245 90580 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 167157 166032 1125 10242 102070 Health care Socialno varstvo 114348 113962 386 813 74970 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 172856 172154 702 3788 105390 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 171777 171086 691 3868 104881 Public administration Skladi 224593 224593 - 106 133221 Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 224058 222498 1560 1690 130116 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 194255 193598 657 744 114929 Membership and political organizations Bruto plaËa Gross earning Neto plaËa Net earningskupaj plaËa brez zaostalih izplaËil izplaËila po period. obr. zak. raË. in druga zaos. izplaËila nadure total earnings without payments for previous months earnings for previous months earnings for overtime work 13.4 PovpreËna meseËna bruto in neto plaËa na zaposleno osebo v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross and net earnings per person in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations, 1996 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 215 13.5 Struktura zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti bruto plaËe, Slovenija, september 1996 Structure of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings, Slovenia, September 1996 Skupaj Total Do/to 35000 SIT 35001 do/to 40000 40001 do/to 45000 45001 do/to 50000 50001 do/to 55000 55001 do/to 60000 60001 do/to 65000 SKUPAJ 100,0 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 2,2 2,9 3,4 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 100,0 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,4 3,1 4,2 4,9 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 100,0 - - - - - 0,1 0,5 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 100,0 - - - - - 0,1 0,3 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 100,0 - - - - - - 0,3 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 100,0 - - - - 0,2 0,3 1,2 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 100,0 - - - - - 2,0 2,0 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 100,0 - - - - - - 1,8 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 100,0 - - - - 0,5 0,7 0,2 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 100,0 - - - 0,3 1,6 2,7 3,9 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,6 4,1 4,5 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 100,0 - - - - 2,8 4,5 5,1 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 100,0 - - 0,1 - 0,8 2,6 3,3 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 100,0 - - 0,6 - 1,8 1,2 1,2 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 100,0 - 0,1 0,1 0,3 2,5 4,2 4,9 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 100,0 - - - - 0,1 0,7 1,5 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,0 1,6 2,5 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 100,0 - - - 0,2 1,0 1,6 3,4 Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 100,0 - - - - 1,4 1,8 3,0 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 100,0 - - - 0,2 4,1 8,7 9,6 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 100,0 - - - 0,2 5,6 7,2 8,8 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 100,0 - - 0,3 0,3 1,8 6,7 6,6 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 100,0 0,7 1,2 0,7 1,1 7,4 8,6 10,1 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 100,0 0,9 1,0 1,6 2,3 9,3 9,0 8,7 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 100,0 - - - - 1,8 2,0 2,9 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 100,0 - - 0,2 0,4 11,9 11,5 11,1 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 100,0 - - - - 0,1 1,1 1,2 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 100,0 - - - 0,1 0,7 1,5 2,9 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 100,0 - - - - - 0,4 1,4 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 100,0 - - - 0,3 0,8 1,6 2,4 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,6 2,6 4,2 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 100,0 - - - - 3,1 0,6 0,9 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 100,0 - - 0,1 0,2 4,3 4,4 9,0 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,0 2,3 3,3 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 100,0 - - - 0,2 1,3 2,9 4,1 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 100,0 - - - - 0,3 0,4 0,1 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 100,0 - - - - 0,7 - 5,8 Fishing Gozdarstvo 100,0 - - - - - 0,6 1,1 Forestry and hunting Gozdarstvo 100,0 - - - - - 0,6 1,1 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 100,0 - - - - - 3,9 2,7 Water management Vodno gospodarstvo 100,0 - - - - - 3,9 2,7 Water management Gradbeniötvo 100,0 - - 0,3 0,2 4,1 4,1 4,8 Construction Visoke gradnje 100,0 - - 0,2 0,1 4,8 5,7 6,6 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 100,0 - - 0,5 0,4 1,3 1,6 2,6 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 100,0 - - - - 7,2 5,1 4,9 Installation and finishing works StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 216 Promet in zveze 100,0 - - - 0,1 0,4 0,7 1,3 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 100,0 - - - - - 0,2 1,6 Railway transport Pomorski promet 100,0 - - - - 0,5 - - Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 100,0 - - - - - - - Air transport Cestni promet 100,0 - - - 0,2 1,5 2,2 2,6 Road transport Mestni promet 100,0 - - - - 0,6 1,1 1,2 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 100,0 - - - - 0,2 0,3 0,2 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 100,0 - - - - - - - Post and telecommunications Trgovina 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,8 2,2 2,7 Trade Trgovina na drobno 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,6 2,0 2,9 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 100,0 - - 0,1 0,1 2,5 2,7 2,6 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,1 1,0 1,0 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 100,0 - - - 0,1 2,0 3,3 3,8 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 100,0 - - - 0,1 2,0 3,3 3,9 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 100,0 - - - - 2,0 3,2 2,3 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 100,0 - 0,1 0,2 0,2 9,6 7,9 5,9 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 100,0 - 0,1 0,2 0,2 2,5 3,1 3,4 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 100,0 - - 0,1 0,2 24,1 17,8 10,9 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 100,0 - - - - 4,8 6,1 4,5 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 100,0 - - - - 0,7 1,7 1,3 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 100,0 - - - - 7,4 3,9 3,3 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 100,0 - - - - 5,1 6,6 4,9 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 100,0 - - 0,1 0,1 1,5 1,6 1,2 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 100,0 - - - - - - - Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 100,0 - - - - 0,3 0,3 0,3 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 100,0 - - - 0,1 3,2 2,9 1,9 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 100,0 - - - 0,1 2,5 3,0 2,1 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 100,0 - - - - - 1,3 2,1 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 100,0 - - 0,7 0,4 3,0 2,2 2,4 Research and development Poslovne storitve 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,1 2,2 1,8 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 100,0 - - - 0,1 0,6 1,2 2,1 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 100,0 - - - 0,1 0,4 1,3 2,5 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 100,0 - - 0,1 - 0,2 0,2 0,6 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 100,0 - 0,1 - - 1,1 0,8 1,0 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 100,0 - - - - 4,4 3,0 4,4 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 100,0 - - - - 0,7 1,3 1,8 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 100,0 - - - - 0,1 0,3 0,8 Health care Socialno varstvo 100,0 - - - 0,1 1,4 2,4 3,1 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 100,0 - - - - 0,2 0,5 1 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 100,0 - - - - 0,2 0,5 1,1 Public administration Skladi 100,0 - - - - - - - Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 100,0 - - - - 0,2 0,2 0,4 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 100,0 - - - - 0,4 0,7 0,7 Membership and political organizations Skupaj Total Do/to 35000 SIT 35001 do/to 40000 40001 do/to 45000 45001 do/to 50000 50001 do/to 55000 55001 do/to 60000 60001 do/to 65000 13.5 Struktura zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti bruto plaËe, Slovenija, september 1996 (nadaljevanje) Structure of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings, Slovenia, September 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 217 13.5 Struktura zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti bruto plaËe, Slovenija, september 1996 (nadaljevanje) Structure of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings, Slovenia, September 1996 (continued) 65001 do/to 70000 70001 do/to 75000 75001 do/to 80000 80001 do/to 85000 85001 do/to 90000 90001 do/to 95000 95001 do/to 100000 SKUPAJ 4,0 4,3 4,6 4,7 4,8 4,7 4,7 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 5,7 6,1 6,5 6,4 6,3 6,0 5,5 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 0,9 1,0 0,8 1,1 1,4 2,1 3,4 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 0,3 0,4 1,1 1,2 1,9 2,0 2,1 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 0,8 0,8 1,1 1,3 1,1 2,7 2,2 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 1,9 3,3 6,2 6,4 9,0 9,6 8,7 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 3,7 3,8 4,9 4,9 6,1 8,5 7,4 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 1,9 4,4 4,7 6,9 7,6 6,8 7,9 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 1,4 3,0 4,6 7,9 7,4 10,9 7,9 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 4,6 8,3 9,2 8,1 6,9 6,1 6,5 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 5,2 5,9 7,3 7,6 8,0 6,8 6,8 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 5,8 5,8 7,0 7,3 7,9 7,3 6,1 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 3,2 3,6 4,9 6,2 7,5 8,7 8,1 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 1,8 8,4 8,4 5,4 8,4 4,2 5,4 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 5,8 6,5 7,4 7,4 6,7 6,4 5,6 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 2,4 2,5 3,8 4,7 5,1 5,7 6,1 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 3,0 3,8 4,5 4,6 4,9 5,6 5,5 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 2,9 6,0 6,4 6,4 6,1 5,2 6,3 Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 4,6 6,3 5,8 7,4 6,8 7,4 6,2 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 9,8 9,2 8,7 6,7 7,1 5,5 4,6 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 9,9 9,0 8,2 7,7 6,7 5,3 4,9 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 7,7 8,1 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,3 5,4 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 2,5 11,0 9,7 6,7 5,5 4,3 3,7 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 9,4 8,6 8,2 7,1 6,0 5,1 4,2 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 3,4 7,7 8,5 9,2 9,2 7,1 7,7 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 1,6 9,8 8,2 7,2 6,2 5,2 3,8 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 1,7 3,0 4,2 5,3 5,1 6,6 7,0 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 4,0 4,8 6,2 6,1 6,6 6,9 6,1 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 3,1 5,1 5,6 3,8 5,2 5,1 3,8 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 3,4 8,4 5,0 7,3 7,6 7,9 6,3 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 6,7 5,6 5,4 5,3 5,7 4,5 5,1 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 1,1 3,0 4,0 4,1 4,7 5,1 5,4 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 9,6 9,7 7,7 7,6 5,7 5,1 4,4 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 4,5 4,4 5,9 5,7 5,9 6,9 5,4 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 5,5 5,3 7,4 6,9 7,1 8,2 6,2 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 0,6 0,6 0,5 1,0 1,4 1,9 2,1 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 5,1 4,3 2,2 4,3 5,8 8,7 4,3 Fishing Gozdarstvo 1,3 1,5 2,1 2,3 2,4 3,0 3,8 Forestry and hunting Gozdarstvo 1,3 1,5 2,1 2,3 2,4 3,0 3,8 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 3,6 6,0 4,1 3,6 4,1 4,7 5,2 Water management Vodno gospodarstvo 3,6 6,0 4,1 3,6 4,1 4,7 5,2 Water management Gradbeniötvo 5,1 5,9 5,9 6,3 6,6 6,1 5,3 Construction Visoke gradnje 7,1 8,4 8,2 7,6 8,0 7,0 5,2 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 2,8 3,1 3,3 4,2 4,7 4,8 5,2 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 5,1 5,5 5,7 6,9 7,0 6,4 5,6 Installation and finishing works StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 218 Promet in zveze 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,7 2,7 3,0 3,8 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 2,9 2,9 2,7 3,0 2,9 3,4 4,5 Railway transport Pomorski promet 2,9 - 2,0 1,5 6,9 2,0 2,5 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet - - 0,4 0,2 0,7 0,6 2,0 Air transport Cestni promet 2,7 2,9 2,9 4,2 4,5 5,0 4,9 Road transport Mestni promet 1,4 2,1 3,0 2,9 1,9 2,3 4,2 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 0,6 1,2 3,5 3,6 3,4 3,9 3,6 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,7 0,7 1,6 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 4,0 4,8 6,1 6,7 6,6 6,6 6,1 Trade Trgovina na drobno 4,4 5,5 6,8 7,5 7,2 7,2 6,4 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 3,7 3,5 5,3 4,9 5,7 5,7 5,9 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 1,9 1,9 2,2 5,3 4,3 4,1 4,5 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 5,0 6,1 6,7 6,2 6,6 6,2 6,3 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 5,2 6,2 6,8 6,5 6,9 6,5 6,6 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 1,5 5,2 5,4 2,9 3,3 2,4 3,2 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 5,8 5,2 5,4 5,1 5,7 4,7 5,0 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 4,8 4,8 6,1 5,9 6,8 6,0 6,4 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 7,9 6,0 4,1 3,6 3,4 2,0 2,2 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 4,4 4,9 4,4 4,3 4,9 4,7 5,1 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 2,9 9,0 7,7 10,3 11,2 9,2 9,0 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 3,9 3,9 2,1 3,3 3,0 3,6 3,3 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 4,5 4,5 4,1 3,8 4,4 4,3 4,8 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 1,3 1,7 1,9 2,2 2,7 2,5 2,8 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,9 1,2 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,5 0,8 0,8 1,7 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 1,9 2,5 2,5 3,8 4,9 4,3 4,0 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 2,3 3,0 2,9 3,0 3,3 3,3 3,5 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 7,3 7,7 6,0 3,0 8,2 5,2 6,9 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 1,8 2,1 3,0 3,9 4,0 3,9 4,5 Research and development Poslovne storitve 2,2 3,1 3,8 3,7 3,9 2,6 4,0 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 2,5 1,6 1,3 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,2 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 3,0 1,9 1,3 1,2 1,5 1,7 2,1 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 0,3 0,8 0,6 1,0 1,1 1,7 2,4 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,4 1,7 1,9 2,1 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 4,0 2,6 2,6 3,6 1,8 5,6 4,4 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 2,2 3,0 3,5 3,5 3,8 3,8 4,9 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 1,4 2,3 3,3 2,9 2,5 2,7 4,0 Health care Socialno varstvo 3,2 3,9 3,8 4,3 5,3 5,1 6,0 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 0,8 0,7 0,9 1,3 1,7 2,4 2,9 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 0,8 0,7 0,9 1,3 1,7 2,5 2,9 Public administration Skladi - - - - - - - Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 1,1 1,5 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 1,2 2,0 2,5 2,1 1,8 2,0 1,8 Membership and political organizations 65001 do/to 70000 70001 do/to 75000 75001 do/to 80000 80001 do/to 85000 85001 do/to 90000 90001 do/to 95000 95001 do/to 100000 13.5 Struktura zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti bruto plaËe, Slovenija, september 1996 (nadaljevanje) Structure of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings, Slovenia, September 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 219 13.5 Struktura zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti bruto plaËe, Slovenija, september 1996 (nadaljevanje) Structure of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings, Slovenia, September 1996 (continued) 100001 do/to 110000 110001 do/to 150000 150001 do/to 200000 200001 do/to 300000 300001 do/to 400000 400001 in veË and more Deleű razvröËe- nih Share of classified persons in paid employm. Povpr. plaËa Average earnings (SIT) SKUPAJ 8,6 24,4 14,5 7,2 2,4 2,1 92,5 131918 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 9,3 20,0 8,5 4,3 1,1 1,2 92,9 110009 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 8,5 40,3 24,6 11,8 1,7 1,8 91,7 155453 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 5,9 27,1 38,0 18,4 0,9 0,3 97,8 158621 Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 8,1 46,4 18,8 11,3 4,3 0,8 99,2 162357 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 13,4 29,2 6,2 2,6 1,1 0,7 97,7 113107 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rudnin barvnih kovin Z 1) Z 1 Z 1) Z 1 Z 1) Z 1 Z 1) Z 1 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 13,3 32,9 6,6 1,8 0,3 1,8 93,7 116153 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 15,1 32,7 5,7 2,6 0,5 1,4 94,1 117719 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin 14,4 24,7 9,7 4,4 0,2 2,1 98,0 125673 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekovinskih rudnin 11,4 20,4 5,8 2,2 0,8 1,2 92,5 104530 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 10,9 19,5 6,7 3,0 1,0 1,0 93,3 105293 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 10,2 19,2 6,0 3,2 1,0 0,8 95,7 105735 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 14,7 24,4 6,8 3,0 0,9 1,2 87,5 108895 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 6,0 22,0 12,6 7,2 1,2 4,2 85,6 131586 Shipbuilding Proizvodnja elektr. strojev, apar. 9,2 19,2 7,8 3,7 1,1 1,1 94,4 109020 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baz. kem. izdelkov 10,7 27,8 14,7 8,3 3,0 2,9 93,2 144640 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 11,1 24,0 13,1 8,8 2,7 3,2 94,0 142732 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 9,8 29,0 8,9 4,0 1,2 1,6 93,0 123247 Sand and stone quarrying Proizvodnja gradbenega mat. 11,5 24,5 8,0 3,6 0,7 1,0 91,1 116391 Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űag. lesa in ploöË 7,6 11,4 3,8 1,8 0,9 0,3 93,1 88596 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesnih izd. 7,1 12,4 3,4 2,2 0,7 0,7 93,9 92271 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 8,0 19,0 5,9 2,9 0,7 0,8 96,6 106417 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 5,2 6,7 2,2 1,3 0,6 0,8 88,0 81976 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekst. izd. 5,7 8,6 2,3 1,0 0,4 0,6 90,3 80830 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 12,8 20,9 4,9 1,2 0,1 0,6 99,4 108135 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galanterije 4,3 5,0 1,7 1,2 0,4 0,3 92,9 75103 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 13,7 37,4 8,0 3,5 1,2 0,9 92,9 119880 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih proizvodov 10,9 25,1 9,5 5,0 1,5 2,1 92,2 122050 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 7,6 22,8 17,2 13,1 2,5 3,3 89,0 153794 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 7,1 22,5 10,7 4,5 2,1 2,1 95,5 125876 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 9,0 22,2 11,3 6,8 2,0 1,9 90,1 123100 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 11,6 29,3 16,0 5,8 1,9 3,4 97,0 140821 Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 8,0 14,4 5,9 2,5 0,6 0,8 92,5 97217 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 9,8 19,4 11,3 7,9 3,9 2,3 93,3 135416 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 10,8 19,3 7,0 4,3 1,8 1,7 93,4 116346 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 5,9 18,1 28,5 22,1 12,0 4,5 92,6 213415 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 10,1 24,9 10,1 7,2 4,3 2,2 95,8 127527 Fishing Gozdarstvo 15,4 46,6 11,0 3,8 2,0 3,1 94,3 136069 Forestry and hunting Gozdarstvo 15,4 46,6 11,0 3,8 2,0 3,1 94,3 136069 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 15,5 22,8 13,6 6,0 1,6 2,6 89,4 129662 Water management Vodno gospodarstvo 15,5 22,8 13,6 6,0 1,6 2,6 89,4 129662 Water management Gradbeniötvo 8,7 21,1 8,8 4,0 1,4 1,3 88,3 113650 Construction Visoke gradnje 7,8 12,5 5,4 2,9 1,3 1,2 86,2 102484 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 9,8 33,8 13,8 5,3 1,4 1,4 88,4 131160 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instalacijska in zakljuËna dela 8,8 17,8 7,1 4,1 1,5 1,3 92,5 108500 Installation and finishing works StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 220 Promet in zveze 10,6 39,4 21,6 5,0 1,4 1,3 95,1 136860 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 11,8 34,7 25,7 2,9 0,4 0,4 96,5 128945 Railway transport Pomorski promet 10,3 34,7 18,6 3,4 1,5 13,2 93,2 175069 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 4,0 21,8 36,7 22,3 5,1 6,2 93,6 199849 Air transport Cestni promet 11,1 30,5 16,8 5,4 1,3 1,3 91,7 127994 Road transport Mestni promet 11,1 36,5 27,9 2,3 0,7 0,8 96,1 128386 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 6,7 34,1 25,2 8,0 1,8 3,7 97,9 158149 Cargo handling PTT-storitve 10,4 60,5 16,0 5,2 2,3 1,1 96,2 144344 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 10,2 21,6 10,5 5,5 2,2 2,3 95,6 125925 Trade Trgovina na drobno 10,7 21,2 9,1 4,2 1,6 1,6 95,9 117210 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 9,3 22,5 12,5 7,2 2,7 3,1 95,2 135736 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 7,7 22,2 16,5 12,5 6,6 7,1 94,4 177301 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 9,8 17,8 7,9 5,0 3,4 3,8 94,5 127456 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 9,8 18,3 7,6 4,7 2,2 3,4 94,5 121485 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 8,7 12,9 11,5 8,9 17,8 8,8 93,8 200839 Travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 8,3 17,9 7,4 3,6 1,2 0,8 91,1 101347 Crafts and personal service activities Obrtne storitve, popravila 10,6 22,9 9,4 4,5 1,4 0,9 91,0 113157 Crafts and repairs Obrtne storitve 3,6 7,8 3,3 1,8 0,7 0,5 91,3 77558 Personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejav. 10,5 24,8 9,4 4,2 1,6 1,4 95,2 116600 Community service activities Urejanje naselja in prostora 9,2 17,4 5,2 3,1 0,9 1,2 95,2 117136 Landscaping Stanovanjska dejavnost 8,3 26,2 12,8 6,3 3,0 5,7 96,0 148217 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 10,7 25,5 9,6 4,2 1,7 1,3 95,1 115451 Public services FinanËne, tehniËne in posl. stor. 6,1 27,8 20,6 14,6 5,5 5,8 95,2 179729 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 4,5 39,4 27,6 14,2 4,7 5,5 96,0 200635 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 5,8 23,3 21,3 21,3 9,9 12,1 95,3 231289 Insurance of property and persons Storitve na podroËju prometa 6,6 24,4 17,4 12,1 4,1 3,4 95,5 154421 Trade-related services including storage Projektiranje in druge dejavnosti 7,6 21,2 17,9 14,9 4,9 4,5 93,9 159250 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Geoloöko raziskovanje 14,2 24,4 6,4 3,4 3,0 0,9 100,0 119992 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskovalno-razvojno delo 6,3 20,6 15,3 12,0 6,5 7,4 94,8 174164 Research and development Poslovne storitve 7,1 25,9 16,1 14,8 4,1 3,5 94,9 151751 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 4,6 28,7 31,2 13,8 3,2 2,3 94,8 161189 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 4,4 30,2 33,9 10,9 2,0 1,6 94,7 152191 Education Znanstveno-raziskovalna dejav. 4,6 23,4 26,3 20,9 9,4 6,4 93,4 202609 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost, informatika 5,0 24,8 24,4 23,1 5,6 4,0 95,6 183204 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 7,8 24,6 14,1 10,7 4,8 1,6 96,9 135914 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 8,3 31,3 18,9 8,1 3,2 1,7 85,7 148711 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 6,8 32,9 20,8 11,3 5,1 2,8 80,3 171452 Health care Socialno varstvo 10,2 28,8 16,7 4,3 1,0 0,4 93,0 117971 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruű., org. 7,7 31,7 23,9 14,6 5,6 4,1 89,2 177959 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 7,8 31,8 24,1 14,3 5,5 3,9 89,0 176985 Public administration Skladi - 42,9 9,5 19,0 23,8 4,8 100,0 231719 Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruűenja 3,0 28,7 17,6 24,2 12,9 9,2 92,5 223939 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizac. 6,2 21,8 21,6 21,6 6,6 7,0 95,6 195626 Membership and political organizations 100001 do/to 110000 110001 do/to 150000 150001 do/to 200000 200001 do/to 300000 300001 do/to 400000 400001 in veË and more Deleű razvröËe- nih Share of classified persons in paid employm. Povpr. plaËa Average earnings (SIT) 13.5 Struktura zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po velikosti bruto plaËe, Slovenija, september 1996 (nadaljevanje) Structure of persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by amount of gross earnings, Slovenia, September 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 221 13.6 Indeksi povpreËnih meseËnih neto1) plaË zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje del in nalog Indices of average monthly net1) earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of pro- fessional attainment required by post nekvalificirani delavec = 100 / unskilled worker = 100 1) Od vkljuËno leta 1993 naprej indeksi povpreËnih bruto plaË. Since 1993 indices of average gross earnings. 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 SIT Skupaj Total Visoka University degree Viöja College degree Srednja Secondary professional degree Niűja Lower professional degree VKV Highly skilled workers KV Skilled workers PKV Semi-skilled workers NKV Unskilled workers 1966 145 274 212 164 129 186 136 111 100 1967 145 286 211 160 127 185 131 106 100 1968 145 281 211 162 125 185 131 111 100 1969 142 273 203 156 122 180 130 105 100 1970 149 291 221 167 128 189 136 108 100 1971 153 289 223 174 130 193 141 110 100 1972 149 279 213 169 128 189 138 109 100 1973 144 256 200 163 121 173 132 106 100 1974 149 274 211 170 123 182 140 112 100 1976 142 253 201 160 127 172 133 106 100 1978 149 264 208 165 128 175 138 111 100 1981 145 249 196 157 125 168 133 110 100 1983 142 236 186 152 121 160 133 111 100 1985 147 247 194 157 126 162 136 112 100 1986 135 224 173 142 114 143 123 104 100 1988 137 228 180 146 121 146 122 107 100 1990 147 264 204 163 130 142 129 107 100 1991 151 279 200 163 133 141 130 107 100 1992 157 290 205 167 133 145 132 108 100 1993 169 330 226 174 133 148 135 106 100 1994 170 341 222 173 136 150 133 107 100 1995 174 349 228 177 135 150 133 109 100 Skupaj Total Visoka strokovna usposobljenost University degree Viöja strokovna usposob- ljenost College degree Skupaj All doktorji Ph. D. magistri M. Sc. M. A. ostali other SKUPAJ 115554 231820 288223 247342 228220 151601 TOTAL moöki 124263 251653 295846 260783 248140 163796 men űenske 105664 204693 259841 223055 202484 142234 women Industrija in rudarstvo 97755 239343 341928 255304 237692 147215 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply moöki 108700 246380 355823 261544 244584 153038 men űenske 81527 221444 289821 238045 220285 135135 women Elektrogospodarstvo 142589 260110 332985 257509 259201 183223 Production and distribution of electricity moöki 146362 263397 332985 262864 262281 187161 men űenske 124601 244321 182544 244904 166907 women Pridobivanje premoga 138972 232117 - 343957 231005 183508 Coal mining moöki 141011 247268 - 343957 246044 195558 men űenske 108120 175742 - - 175742 128710 women Proizv.naftnih derivatov 133043 201256 - - 201256 185569 Manufacture of refined petroleum products moöki 135225 207560 - - 207560 180942 men űenske 126048 184866 - - 184866 199030 women »rna metalurgija 97086 189910 434852 152011 189324 106832 Manufacture of basic iron and steel moöki 97589 198452 434852 185080 196629 110843 men űenske 94369 168233 - 118942 170449 98747 women StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 222 Pridob.rud.barv.kovin Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores moöki Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) men űenske Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) women Proizv.barvastih kovin 105380 250705 - 341817 249892 118509 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals moöki 103652 268204 - 341817 267167 123143 men űenske 119519 219976 - - 219976 104809 women Predelava barvastih kovin 93239 287642 - 409064 279122 122186 Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals moöki 96144 302156 - 496664 289741 130557 men űenske 83728 221671 - 146266 229212 109031 women Proizvodnja nekov.rudnin 114004 245240 - 542278 237424 185720 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals moöki 113556 255962 - 542278 244510 187321 men űenske 115734 223796 - - 223796 178516 women Predelava nekov.rudnin 89424 258240 - 139844 259367 136644 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals moöki 98505 282671 - 139844 284526 145680 men űenske 75826 190182 - - 190182 121793 women Predelava kovin 90967 206555 301465 137320 210302 136423 Manufacture of metal products moöki 96043 209583 301465 139333 212582 140362 men űenske 77775 194989 - 132958 201297 124292 women Strojegradnja 90879 193503 161937 247750 192842 134781 Manufacture of machinery and equipment moöki 95004 195499 161937 247750 194783 136780 men űenske 73976 178547 - - 178547 125818 women Proizv.prometnih sredstev 98865 204404 149335 220383 203195 118939 Manufacture of transport equipment moöki 102040 209782 149335 237134 208157 119389 men űenske 88061 184198 - 191767 183070 117189 women Ladjedelniötvo 129782 318826 - - 318826 168935 Shipbuilding moöki 134197 359533 - - 359533 178022 men űenske 107078 115290 - - 115290 148166 women Proizv.elektr.stroj.,apar. 95609 208799 237739 256462 207595 135541 Manufacture of electrical equipment moöki 112140 215778 238270 264808 214322 138731 men űenske 77819 183022 235083 122936 183295 126680 women Proizv.baz.kem.izdelkov 131971 294939 461266 354503 292148 156105 Manufacture of basic chemicals moöki 138131 320759 461266 362668 317741 181126 men űenske 117924 243717 - 272856 243479 133442 women Predelava kem.izdelkov 130515 321647 326456 426026 316905 179467 Manufacture of chemical products moöki 135436 337029 360336 456432 331518 184130 men űenske 124383 302097 272812 394352 298280 173733 women Proizvodnja kamna in peska 103872 126155 68622 78967 178769 171102 Sand and stone quarrying moöki 103049 121492 68622 78432 171834 174790 men űenske 110548 176516 - 86456 236556 139379 women Proizv.gradb.mat. 98923 229174 - 268347 228375 174783 Manufacture of construction materials moöki 98586 231450 - 268347 230550 185186 men űenske 100884 217230 - - 217230 154532 women Proizv.űag.lesa in ploöË 77619 228794 - 184551 234502 145378 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards moöki 80978 237350 - 204168 240447 148698 men űenske 67803 198287 - 157086 209732 134679 women Manufacture of furniture, lumber Proizv.konË.les.izd. 82016 222421 302240 189899 222489 141972 and other wooden products moöki 87168 234181 279190 211056 234291 152908 men űenske 73167 189809 394442 142297 189650 118924 women Proizv.in predel.papirja 93589 293399 - 360491 292600 176180 Manufacture of paper and paper products moöki 99890 312375 - 360491 311508 194249 men űenske 81875 255780 - - 255780 148174 women Skupaj Total Visoka strokovna usposobljenost University degree Viöja strokovna usposob- ljenost College degree Skupaj All doktorji Ph. D. magistri M. Sc. M. A. ostali other 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 223 Proizv.preje in tkanin 74100 215799 - - 215799 125067 Manufacture of textiles moöki 84122 224323 - - 224323 137986 men űenske 66825 200883 - - 200883 113910 women Proizv.konË.tekst.izd. 74202 245790 - 364137 242101 141590 Manufacture of textile products moöki 99641 293071 - 333389 291902 175092 men űenske 68277 199381 - 390492 193011 123780 women Proizv.usnja in krzna 96624 305729 - - 305729 142731 Manufacture of leather and fur moöki 103784 389592 - - 389592 149689 men űenske 86457 234769 - - 234769 135773 women Manufacture of leather footwear Proizv.obutve in galant. 65405 208918 - 285467 206160 118136 and other leather products moöki 82318 238794 - 305184 235865 134965 men űenske 59796 160711 - 226316 159185 105248 women Predelava kavËuka 102704 228641 390908 300057 206527 141018 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products moöki 106723 245736 413966 300435 215586 148584 men űenske 90425 197827 237191 295751 193881 126506 women Proizv.űivil.proizvodov 115045 291537 293132 279175 292653 198391 Manufacture of food products moöki 124969 328263 293132 328991 328434 217298 men űenske 101937 245101 - 222861 247251 176403 women Proizvodnja pijaË 129065 304700 - 288724 304961 176153 Manufacture of beverages moöki 138268 342312 - 288724 343674 181329 men űenske 114046 235745 - - 235745 168736 women Proizvodnja krmil 119469 300395 383609 - 283753 210479 Manufacture of animal feeds moöki 117480 324564 352855 - 322543 224958 men űenske 129581 260114 393860 - 193241 152566 women Proizvodnja in pred.tobaka Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Manufacture of tobacco products moöki Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) men űenske Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) women GrafiËna dejavnost 107893 252475 749624 519317 247449 186614 Printing moöki 122172 256338 749624 - 251854 198908 men űenske 89773 242503 - 519317 235913 157107 women Dod. pred., proiz. sur. iz odp. 132040 355674 - - 355674 295036 Recycling moöki 130316 348764 - - 348764 306363 men űenske 138395 393683 - - 393683 258439 women Proizv.raznovrstnih izd. 90484 192441 - 398547 187088 127133 Manufacture of miscellaneous products moöki 110294 193482 - 398547 186531 123437 men űenske 75664 188915 - - 188915 135707 women Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 115204 252860 324877 290829 245006 159455 Agriculture and fishing űenske 126031 278674 330595 307891 271173 171166 men moöki 99367 185245 258173 177082 184540 144624 women Kmetijska proizvodnja 106144 257868 448155 360386 252951 162823 Agricultural production moöki 114248 283017 448155 411488 276045 175223 men űenske 95300 200300 - 104881 201814 147352 women Kmetijske storitve 166859 247988 310374 280643 233533 150199 Agricultural service activities moöki 184286 276039 315426 292737 265450 159234 men űenske 129992 163835 258173 197711 157333 138317 women Ribiötvo 102958 208527 - 153587 226841 148286 Fishing moöki 105146 208527 - 153587 226841 191871 men űenske 83636 - - - - 82908 women Gozdarstvo 128346 337804 255667 489122 335739 175668 Forestry and hunting moöki 128222 361549 255667 673001 359535 182952 men űenske 129055 270418 - 305244 268428 163376 women Skupaj Total Visoka strokovna usposobljenost University degree Viöja strokovna usposob- ljenost College degree Skupaj All doktorji Ph. D. magistri M. Sc. M. A. ostali other 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 224 Gozdarstvo 128346 337804 255667 489122 335739 175668 Forestry and hunting moöki 128222 361549 255667 673001 359535 182952 men űenske 129055 270418 - 305244 268428 163376 women Vodno gospodarstvo 119732 254153 - 458222 247775 224531 Water management moöki 117281 272574 - 458222 264839 241932 men űenske 138616 196585 - - 196585 179288 women Vodno gospodarstvo 119732 254153 - 458222 247775 224531 Water management moöki 117281 272574 - 458222 264839 241932 men űenske 138616 196585 - - 196585 179288 women Gradbeniötvo 98148 229325 - 315693 228129 157179 Construction moöki 97266 237923 - 351128 236473 166827 men űenske 104405 192574 - 209388 192266 135831 women Visoke gradnje 88662 223181 - 229718 223133 154469 Construction of buildings moöki 87052 237287 - 353493 236923 165325 men űenske 101638 172461 - 167831 172568 134575 women Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 113874 232005 - 436604 229024 162052 Civil engineering and construction of water projects moöki 114137 240092 - 458138 236708 171431 men űenske 112021 194592 - 285866 193661 137561 women Instal.in zaklj.dela 92364 234303 - 173820 235815 154583 Installation and finishing works moöki 91286 233300 - 163269 234978 162381 men űenske 98509 239347 - 216023 240054 135895 women Promet in zveze 121565 244786 603229 242382 244610 158301 Transport and communications moöki 122617 257320 603229 261846 256837 169406 men űenske 117667 217046 - 187530 217755 142583 women éelezniöki promet 113834 185094 603229 318598 181998 131620 Railway transport moöki 115508 197366 603229 332048 193054 138412 men űenske 103410 161029 - 210998 160750 115056 women Pomorski promet 133272 214885 - 286082 193310 136935 Sea and coastal water transport moöki 153197 230068 - 277642 211452 151328 men űenske 106893 170717 - 362040 151584 119220 women ZraËni promet 163188 226760 - - 226760 180976 Air transport moöki 170264 232070 - - 232070 187678 men űenske 151654 210749 - - 210749 169149 women Cestni promet 117302 332336 - 184890 350539 172923 Road transport moöki 118309 344877 - 192006 359436 183568 men űenske 109972 293002 - 174215 319399 154151 women Mestni promet 122596 257958 - 96064 263740 168911 Urban transport moöki 126020 254954 - - 254954 206183 men űenske 96546 272381 - 96064 316460 101466 women Prekladalne storitve 150583 429220 - - 429220 216106 Cargo handling moöki 150839 454542 - - 454542 237670 men űenske 149373 370136 - - 370136 168356 women PTT-storitve 123052 258383 - 329000 257994 157193 Post and telecommunications moöki 125157 268715 - 329000 268183 172046 men űenske 120626 240988 - - 240988 148170 women Trgovina 115911 308583 341684 396848 306193 177046 Trade moöki 137446 341683 341684 473429 337906 193034 men űenske 102007 254616 - 236029 255026 162492 women Trgovina na drobno 107064 328452 - 305619 328871 182630 Retail trade moöki 133500 386931 - 311655 388275 208817 men űenske 94793 245638 - 297571 244652 160985 women Skupaj Total Visoka strokovna usposobljenost University degree Viöja strokovna usposob- ljenost College degree Skupaj All doktorji Ph. D. magistri M. Sc. M. A. ostali other 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 225 Trgovina na debelo 125216 304580 341684 416087 300133 174502 Wholesale trade moöki 134288 326442 341684 520296 319017 180847 men űenske 114119 261229 - 215687 262980 167201 women Zunanja trgovina 161772 290292 - 451459 287632 168788 Foreign trade moöki 194745 313913 - 487040 309486 195664 men űenske 141249 256852 - 131227 257347 154628 women Gostinstvo in turizem 120345 335513 262902 277480 337922 216438 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies moöki 153538 398916 322583 525691 398256 255937 men űenske 103976 246635 143540 178196 250836 173561 women Gostinstvo 114959 293164 262902 277480 294203 224120 Hotels and restaurants moöki 147175 361244 322583 525691 358998 263211 men űenske 99375 202391 143540 178196 204611 176807 women TuristiËno posredovanje 182782 465767 - - 465767 183195 Travel agencies moöki 216937 505499 - - 505499 213203 men űenske 161906 400606 - - 400606 162907 women Obrt in osebne storitve 95544 233202 102825 197976 236020 170489 Crafts and personal service activities moöki 104444 239887 93180 197324 242792 171039 men űenske 78635 192613 112469 202213 194176 169306 women Obrtne storitve, popravila 104210 231337 102825 187733 234922 166415 Crafts and repairs moöki 106747 237447 93180 185319 240978 166319 men űenske 93567 179066 112469 202213 179912 166665 women Osebne storitve 72772 245538 - 341382 243016 190276 Personal service activities moöki 85257 263375 - 341382 259983 204818 men űenske 68506 217000 - - 217000 176282 women Stanovanj.komunal.dejav. 107822 275968 - 281017 275756 193065 Community service activities moöki 107095 288184 - 249860 289505 203309 men űenske 110642 241215 - 329977 235515 173577 women Urejanje naselja in prost. 101132 269147 - 323593 266727 188571 Landscaping moöki 101320 306351 - - 306351 203217 men űenske 100470 171842 - 323593 144251 166951 women Stanovanjska dejavnost 153024 371416 - - 371416 190035 Housing services moöki 183566 415031 - - 415031 243380 men űenske 132370 301633 - - 301633 153664 women Komunalne dejavnosti 107405 270174 - 275695 269927 193749 Public services moöki 106733 278729 - 249860 279910 201570 men űenske 110229 244416 - 332531 239410 177140 women Finance in dr.posl.stor. 159483 270359 321994 283396 269272 175781 Financial and business activities moöki 180089 280430 328411 299357 278751 187187 men űenske 142475 253555 275242 235781 253976 165045 women BanËniötvo 168844 330162 482862 467738 326181 188046 Banking moöki 222953 382056 568390 500119 375280 208987 men űenske 154092 295350 140750 383545 294516 182329 women Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 202291 351007 485964 533291 348352 230827 Insurance of property and persons moöki 241952 378160 485964 533291 374607 257917 men űenske 158646 305652 - - 305652 188832 women Storitve na podr.prometa 147090 274422 384997 266018 273934 185418 Trade-related services including storage moöki 156932 292933 384997 307485 291532 197408 men űenske 136257 243300 - 233437 243833 169400 women Projekt.idr.dejav. 146359 218357 236817 220005 218064 147756 incl. technical consultancy moöki 160376 228929 245297 237892 228201 153863 men űenske 118694 176872 168975 128184 179066 135561 women Skupaj Total Visoka strokovna usposobljenost University degree Viöja strokovna usposob- ljenost College degree Skupaj All doktorji Ph. D. magistri M. Sc. M. A. ostali other 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 226 Geoloöko raziskovanje 113499 246617 - 462017 236360 164758 Geological and prospecting activities moöki 112641 262613 - 462017 250883 166347 men űenske 125226 174637 - - 174637 156016 women Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 148468 250539 300265 227047 250944 150603 Research and development moöki 170318 260474 282201 227911 262668 157926 men űenske 127233 230473 420694 223723 228797 143593 women Poslovne storitve 133295 227487 407896 426380 220226 147486 Other business activities moöki 147227 241187 518885 570422 230633 162989 men űenske 120001 207816 185917 282338 205143 130547 women Izobraűevanje in kultura 139546 183136 279961 178000 170107 136322 Education and culture moöki 162561 209973 284620 180701 193251 148973 men űenske 126677 160500 261453 173767 154990 131975 women Izobraűevanje 129116 165706 292892 167927 145872 129759 Education moöki 151327 193971 296862 169441 157182 132950 men űenske 120184 146995 275415 165580 140672 128910 women Znan.razisk.dejav. 163653 208784 243161 194751 197322 148350 Scientific research moöki 178158 215254 246367 199061 201511 151013 men űenske 148895 198148 233339 187828 192083 146763 women Kultura,umetnost, inform. 164925 224385 246080 197342 224786 178136 Culture, art and media activities moöki 178719 242491 258115 202747 243267 192233 men űenske 149895 201510 209974 188874 201712 162774 women Telesna kultura in öport 117579 169558 - - 169558 168745 Recreational and sporting activities moöki 125627 175114 - - 175114 169333 men űenske 101484 146222 - - 146222 164234 women Zdravstvo in soc.varstvo 126851 258823 281862 309329 249246 150663 Health and social work moöki 155240 299421 322842 328719 289554 164843 men űenske 120241 234441 236864 282839 228884 148592 women Zdravstvena zaöËita 145169 272722 284501 310851 264393 153835 Health care moöki 196040 307704 322842 329714 299502 165808 men űenske 133274 249799 238818 284866 245204 152250 women Socialno varstvo 101974 172840 213899 225655 171590 145561 Social work moöki 99376 217446 - 260818 215822 163587 men űenske 102575 158174 213899 194888 157280 142521 women Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, Public administration, funds, associations organizacije 149426 237689 429159 326863 235004 145404 and organizations moöki 161495 242383 487903 364913 238330 153594 men űenske 132814 229582 269711 235772 229302 137349 women Javna uprava 148535 236197 417721 325338 233602 143529 Public administration moöki 160677 240877 473724 364193 236981 152004 men űenske 131398 228067 269711 234270 227773 135047 women Skladi 211719 419595 - - 419595 199492 Management of public funds moöki 283763 464702 - - 464702 212373 men űenske 180843 374489 - - 374489 160849 women Sploöna in posebna zdruűenja 172672 260844 - 359502 254437 194670 Business associations moöki 219084 284783 - 378412 275420 217707 men űenske 150798 233125 - 283862 231753 182474 women PolitiËne in interesne organizacije 181908 317826 1012529 - 311146 199761 Membership and political organizations moöki 193160 315617 1012529 - 304728 208233 men űenske 173781 321415 - - 321415 194466 women Skupaj Total Visoka strokovna usposobljenost University degree Viöja strokovna usposob- ljenost College degree Skupaj All doktorji Ph. D. magistri M. Sc. M. A. ostali other 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 227 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopn- jah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT Srednja strokovna usposobljenost Secondary professional degree Niűja strokovna usposobljenost Lower professional degree Visoko kvalificirani Highly skilled workers Kvalificirani Skilled workers Polkvalifi- cirani Semi-skilled workers Nekvalifi- cirani Unskilled workers SKUPAJ 117920 89950 99640 88733 72223 66501 TOTAL moöki 126657 95232 102102 95781 77343 74969 men űenske 110679 82333 92787 75935 67225 61057 women Industrija in rudarstvo 110171 89664 91829 85717 70880 68210 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply moöki 117544 94940 95720 94833 76529 76576 men űenske 99199 76763 75868 67989 65822 62569 women Elektrogospodarstvo 141146 98608 132282 121409 104514 79838 Production and distribution of electricity moöki 150376 98376 133543 122206 105881 87676 men űenske 117861 99221 86776 104343 91520 71857 women Pridobivanje premoga 158047 44386 175872 140747 112967 109742 Coal mining moöki 175008 44386 177024 141759 114468 110256 men űenske 103822 - 166658 78625 79295 67988 women Proizv.naftnih derivatov 123012 100248 - 106891 - 87852 Manufacture of refined petroleum products moöki 128754 83985 - 110313 - 94102 men űenske 112259 116510 - 53420 - 78030 women »rna metalurgija 94596 79509 85683 87846 70421 57641 Manufacture of basic iron and steel moöki 100961 82445 85862 88804 71466 57993 men űenske 81602 68742 74569 73487 61660 57084 women Pridob.rud.barv.kovin Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Mining of non-ferrous metal ores moöki Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) men űenske Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) women Proizv.barvastih kovin 104711 93975 126681 91041 66577 69093 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals moöki 108669 94932 126681 90729 66424 75537 men űenske 92022 69236 - 100755 71494 57279 women Predelava barvastih kovin 93128 76662 110742 85087 64494 70619 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals moöki 96008 75569 111367 88658 65736 71498 men űenske 84978 78897 102615 72225 59284 57139 women Proizvodnja nekov.rudnin 115909 93692 90709 94249 92894 76779 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals moöki 121527 86316 90709 94409 95648 80556 men űenske 108143 95273 - 87955 72514 66078 women Predelava nekov.rudnin 102116 74150 110983 88764 68194 64522 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals moöki 116355 79717 116148 93555 70589 68233 men űenske 86583 65667 73302 78479 64652 61596 women Predelava kovin 100525 89428 84706 81928 68699 63227 Manufacture of metal products moöki 105000 91390 84892 84638 70809 68473 men űenske 90260 82735 83228 65310 65993 58807 women Strojegradnja 98105 77398 92100 79550 68838 50779 Manufacture of machinery and equipment moöki 102393 78784 92315 79805 69353 57798 men űenske 83922 66639 90804 76501 66517 45152 women Proizv.prometnih sredstev 102172 79323 90980 86523 70982 60886 Manufacture of transport equipment moöki 104143 82275 91527 88140 73004 64840 men űenske 96974 67884 78174 74529 66656 58214 women Ladjedelniötvo 122654 - - 90550 65850 54393 Shipbuilding moöki 131783 - - 90550 66576 53742 men űenske 95268 - - - 64580 55695 women Proizv.elektr.stroj.,apar. 106841 89329 78726 88474 69105 68691 Manufacture of electrical equipment moöki 111582 98302 85589 91710 73328 79282 men űenske 97770 71726 56223 79770 67310 65131 women Proizv.baz.kem.izdelkov 125091 84307 127381 110838 83162 83323 Manufacture of basic chemicals moöki 136184 85969 128729 114819 87352 92099 men űenske 111886 77123 79542 89148 74326 67911 women Predelava kem.izdelkov 133077 113311 107510 100622 82333 69378 Manufacture of chemical products moöki 137775 105004 109130 103455 83010 76417 men űenske 128788 125375 97955 94177 81676 65239 women StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 228 Proizvodnja kamna in peska 123238 101762 111888 92887 77915 75191 Sand and stone quarrying moöki 123860 102071 111888 93889 78079 75246 men űenske 121793 100788 - 74849 72200 74623 women Proizv.gradb.mat. 107904 91625 95564 87279 78952 65542 Manufacture of construction materials moöki 113173 98154 95564 87896 79436 66302 men űenske 97465 80744 - 80559 72057 61742 women Proizv.űag.lesa in ploöË 93112 79635 71358 69503 59455 56920 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards moöki 99101 80940 71610 70805 63358 59649 men űenske 81166 71294 67730 62702 53772 51250 women Manufacture of furniture, lumber Proizv.konË.les.izd. 96874 72094 78006 75098 65072 62289 and other wooden products moöki 100483 75746 80204 76939 66942 66130 men űenske 90222 68191 73767 68731 62817 58565 women Proizv.in predel.papirja 110183 102017 142842 82055 67781 59240 Manufacture of paper and paper products moöki 116380 107346 143681 83852 69841 62045 men űenske 101788 70767 118816 74023 65066 56886 women Proizv.preje in tkanin 85915 72067 72233 65967 54199 54513 Manufacture of textiles moöki 90356 75621 73981 72076 59943 56725 men űenske 81132 65962 64367 62720 51907 53318 women Proizv.konË.tekst.izd. 93028 72866 68019 64143 66160 63937 Manufacture of textile products moöki 108637 92979 77940 82314 73053 75480 men űenske 88310 63315 62930 61495 64597 60595 women Proizv.usnja in krzna 122972 99327 93508 84595 86083 83440 Manufacture of leather and fur moöki 138897 95205 97470 82795 93237 90698 men űenske 105248 99785 81076 91797 69389 75052 women Manufacture of leather footwear Proizv.obutve in galant. 80723 71225 73090 58924 48302 57848 and other leather products moöki 91056 72798 86063 67729 58211 63422 men űenske 75481 70050 72021 56086 45981 56762 women Predelava kavËuka 108676 99682 119630 84179 71408 82481 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products moöki 115422 101834 121560 89720 72759 90145 men űenske 93815 80770 101780 69282 68959 68176 women Proizv.űivil.proizvodov 124919 104170 113300 101350 80866 83112 Manufacture of food products moöki 142675 111518 117953 106351 85122 92593 men űenske 109219 89914 98302 89362 76808 77093 women Proizvodnja pijaË 132957 85486 94264 110579 97404 75274 Manufacture of beverages moöki 139334 90996 106424 120407 102165 76284 men űenske 127841 79059 71566 82554 90039 73881 women Proizvodnja krmil 131159 152401 93235 101396 76351 108814 Manufacture of animal feeds moöki 138489 152401 93909 102916 76895 112716 men űenske 121301 - 73023 85326 69354 75652 women Proizvodnja in pred.tobaka Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Manufacture of tobacco products moöki Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) men űenske Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) Z 1) women GrafiËna dejavnost 117348 87553 121725 98021 69849 68252 Printing moöki 126422 93977 127749 103832 77887 70291 men űenske 102870 83016 107225 86450 66295 66707 women Dod. pred., proiz. sur. iz odp. 150219 120593 - 109437 101382 75851 Recycling moöki 174817 122741 - 109159 103510 73353 men űenske 139385 95527 - 114580 79532 83344 women Proizv.raznovrstnih izd. 103628 66638 106256 83728 70667 58341 Manufacture of miscellaneous products moöki 102746 61310 111568 83874 78274 53897 men űenske 105155 68575 90320 83262 68226 58592 women Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 103097 85940 77852 88700 76718 75907 Agriculture and fishing moöki 112419 92395 80429 92924 77789 83387 men űenske 96694 72935 71838 76720 74915 62097 women Srednja strokovna usposobljenost Secondary professional degree Niűja strokovna usposobljenost Lower professional degree Visoko kvalificirani Highly skilled workers Kvalificirani Skilled workers Polkvalifi- cirani Semi-skilled workers Nekvalifi- cirani Unskilled workers 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 229 Kmetijska proizvodnja 98792 85486 77799 88305 75890 76006 Agricultural production moöki 107598 91946 80461 92506 76523 83496 men űenske 94122 72367 71838 77066 74890 61482 women Kmetijske storitve 123848 97043 79250 94126 90843 73211 Agricultural service activities moöki 127502 105893 79250 100578 93467 79151 men űenske 117738 85243 - 67144 76085 69098 women Ribiötvo 96581 97583 80420 91325 83335 82452 Fishing moöki 97462 97583 80420 92604 83335 - men űenske 89527 - - 76933 - 82452 women Gozdarstvo 125631 120937 121278 109234 89641 81913 Forestry and hunting moöki 133380 126513 121278 110579 89586 87637 men űenske 113837 91773 - 84446 90572 65456 women Gozdarstvo 125631 120937 121278 109234 89641 81913 Forestry and hunting moöki 133380 126513 121278 110579 89586 87637 men űenske 113837 91773 - 84446 90572 65456 women Vodno gospodarstvo 130542 94480 110226 108530 70262 64212 Water management moöki 136415 94230 110226 108353 70306 65408 men űenske 119775 97104 - 127645 67934 51460 women Vodno gospodarstvo 130542 94480 110226 108530 70262 64212 Water management moöki 136415 94230 110226 108353 70306 65408 men űenske 119775 97104 - 127645 67934 51460 women Gradbeniötvo 110475 79504 93146 76132 72696 56524 Construction moöki 117304 80013 93120 76124 73043 56936 men űenske 95115 76345 94166 76444 60715 53914 women Visoke gradnje 102831 73511 83921 69664 74514 51324 Construction of buildings moöki 109558 73525 83537 69336 74904 51195 men űenske 89934 73367 102545 83460 61260 52383 women Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 121160 91392 108872 89635 74506 66229 Civil engineering and construction of water projects moöki 128218 92213 109325 89877 74839 67683 men űenske 101517 84884 93572 74735 60328 57970 women Instal.in zaklj.dela 101157 74273 84884 74621 60040 55235 Installation and finishing works moöki 105224 74604 85030 74834 60053 55940 men űenske 93256 73279 80534 69591 59738 51798 women Promet in zveze 124592 101549 113387 106594 84490 71800 Transport and communications moöki 135921 103431 117810 107052 84311 73596 men űenske 109069 85592 97850 90409 88603 68410 women éelezniöki promet 130069 103301 98010 90770 78824 63729 Railway transport moöki 139812 107542 99938 91142 78959 63848 men űenske 92709 76266 79562 76760 55909 53318 women Pomorski promet 97412 87558 - 101533 74401 65140 Sea and coastal water transport moöki 108792 108926 - 103045 70431 65140 men űenske 91723 78061 - 87921 82340 - women ZraËni promet 146565 92109 116462 123726 84068 85592 Air transport moöki 151421 65973 117212 126762 82470 - men űenske 142717 98643 113869 111264 92697 85592 women Cestni promet 105396 88206 130404 111540 79672 63874 Road transport moöki 112679 88066 131335 112070 79503 65275 men űenske 97698 90982 68883 89555 82836 60012 women Mestni promet 117513 70888 115915 124878 83701 91526 Urban transport moöki 129165 70458 117706 125316 87003 99613 men űenske 103128 71364 81000 106433 58939 73972 women Prekladalne storitve 145802 147890 154146 118755 100882 74369 Cargo handling moöki 158526 150368 154146 120752 100109 73911 men űenske 126166 112168 - 88081 118909 76712 women Srednja strokovna usposobljenost Secondary professional degree Niűja strokovna usposobljenost Lower professional degree Visoko kvalificirani Highly skilled workers Kvalificirani Skilled workers Polkvalifi- cirani Semi-skilled workers Nekvalifi- cirani Unskilled workers 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 230 PTT-storitve 118956 117112 107538 101627 70716 68720 Post and telecommunications moöki 128656 139826 118111 101808 - 68824 men űenske 115769 105755 101537 94242 70716 68714 women Trgovina 116403 89899 110778 86914 82783 78614 Trade moöki 130551 103206 122116 101681 87733 84446 men űenske 108930 81875 103071 79995 70601 67960 women Trgovina na drobno 114872 80365 115166 85697 79484 83054 Retail trade moöki 131521 84299 130150 104391 85699 93537 men űenske 106662 78797 107073 79667 67688 69085 women Trgovina na debelo 116972 105599 99160 91490 86027 74897 Wholesale trade moöki 127770 121378 110634 96948 89505 78270 men űenske 109842 86200 86382 80797 74598 66470 women Zunanja trgovina 124400 99771 92515 100260 73030 84484 Foreign trade moöki 142503 95268 90791 101652 79253 101515 men űenske 119222 101678 102173 99023 65734 69818 women Gostinstvo in turizem 152556 84867 103167 102584 80984 78001 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies moöki 180388 92450 113547 110141 91996 98576 men űenske 132580 81962 96522 98931 78640 74275 women Gostinstvo 147952 83938 101120 101470 80476 76906 Hotels and restaurants moöki 178422 92974 108909 108123 91559 97639 men űenske 124339 80297 96218 98367 78101 73338 women TuristiËno posredovanje 174698 100705 147316 142059 130780 99260 Travel agencies moöki 192999 67444 194716 148070 190421 108175 men űenske 165788 104507 104224 133044 125810 95815 women Obrt in osebne storitve 107826 83322 103516 91293 67753 53152 Crafts and personal service activities moöki 110038 89408 100363 93728 75794 65444 men űenske 103206 73569 137629 82657 60307 48812 women Obrtne storitve, popravila 108074 96292 100815 93661 73934 68834 Crafts and repairs moöki 110457 98189 100544 95545 80223 71983 men űenske 101911 91864 110791 77335 65572 63136 women Osebne storitve 106256 56835 132324 81212 53967 48652 Personal service activities moöki 105161 61114 93965 69332 55668 57441 men űenske 106961 53422 148364 85934 53305 47088 women Stanovanj.komunal.dejav. 115715 75176 96717 97490 80274 66755 Community service activities moöki 119071 75409 97035 98196 80681 71282 men űenske 111766 73901 84204 89934 72985 56688 women Urejanje naselja in prost. 120944 83486 115364 85805 68622 64856 Landscaping moöki 133045 83471 115119 85807 68491 69609 men űenske 106707 83889 119775 85792 73849 59597 women Stanovanjska dejavnost 120645 96438 128067 92369 89230 42891 Housing services moöki 137092 82010 128067 92369 89230 37950 men űenske 114268 116638 - - - 55245 women Komunalne dejavnosti 114753 74645 95763 99357 82620 67388 Public services moöki 116893 75069 96131 100031 83227 72001 men űenske 112014 72326 80460 91187 72912 56143 women Finance in dr.posl.stor. 132599 99325 90706 94354 80376 75016 Financial and business activities moöki 149909 104960 92442 97121 81206 80739 men űenske 123818 95561 85328 88388 79147 70255 women BanËniötvo 130664 108228 93894 97762 102672 83844 Banking moöki 146695 119625 108825 109703 110644 98056 men űenske 127752 104106 86429 91321 96942 71818 women Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 177495 106243 95279 172382 134630 119984 Insurance of property and persons moöki 215929 121591 127028 174875 147718 156926 men űenske 139556 101545 79404 166241 120887 102667 women Srednja strokovna usposobljenost Secondary professional degree Niűja strokovna usposobljenost Lower professional degree Visoko kvalificirani Highly skilled workers Kvalificirani Skilled workers Polkvalifi- cirani Semi-skilled workers Nekvalifi- cirani Unskilled workers 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 231 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËe Wages 232 Storitve na podr.prometa 130029 99328 94809 92031 89678 75945 Trade-related services including storage moöki 134427 103268 94768 95481 88072 79265 men űenske 126542 93177 94942 86326 94167 72772 women Projekt.idr.dejav. 109884 79732 86604 89507 72744 65014 incl. technical consultancy moöki 114432 83501 86713 91705 70919 65446 men űenske 104722 77626 85193 81726 77627 64453 women Geoloöko raziskovanje 114394 - 89618 87005 59076 85381 Geological and prospecting activities moöki 116184 - 89618 87034 57343 85381 men űenske 100329 - - 83902 81607 - women Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 100685 106261 84918 76025 57300 55738 Research and development moöki 98882 115912 90318 80276 60339 58254 men űenske 101452 96824 61775 68513 54558 55002 women Poslovne storitve 109503 103223 90919 85220 66458 60052 Other business activities moöki 121787 102513 93084 85875 67307 66977 men űenske 103145 103738 84209 83481 65380 51645 women Izobraűevanje in kultura 116926 85116 102257 87024 64940 52455 Education and culture moöki 120010 87492 110020 92462 69419 56561 men űenske 115185 83425 85624 79528 63276 52122 women Izobraűevanje 108202 80025 88818 76586 57694 51150 Education moöki 105799 82327 94629 79852 59151 53891 men űenske 108978 78619 80136 73511 57243 50944 women Znan.razisk.dejav. 120371 94910 103122 93528 77924 58783 Scientific research moöki 116796 92243 109703 94071 81322 55651 men űenske 122331 97775 88645 92504 77231 59460 women Kultura,umetnost, inform. 124204 93949 119534 105745 82053 65312 Culture, art and media activities moöki 128141 98150 124330 108198 84996 78791 men űenske 120848 90668 101273 99039 79438 63515 women Telesna kultura in öport 116267 75623 137428 99219 80850 63362 Recreational and sporting activities moöki 107999 68911 144824 101934 87696 55606 men űenske 129875 95760 89359 88787 74004 64187 women Zdravstvo in soc.varstvo 116093 88095 96580 85290 70549 59233 Health and social work moöki 123481 100301 99922 86413 70141 56387 men űenske 115240 85466 93196 84576 70618 59802 women Zdravstvena zaöËita 117067 94206 105153 92317 70878 63278 Health care moöki 129817 103865 108634 99422 77258 61356 men űenske 115601 90787 96625 86451 70306 63406 women Socialno varstvo 114341 86044 90115 81777 70155 57926 Social work moöki 112213 98201 86478 78175 66944 55885 men űenske 114589 83916 92048 83777 71056 58437 women Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, Public administration, funds, associations organizacije 120585 102660 82520 96271 62105 51658 and organizations moöki 131231 109353 87648 106805 85278 84099 men űenske 103867 90769 79010 87250 55454 49754 women Javna uprava 119879 102202 79928 96257 61231 50895 Public administration moöki 130961 109294 83024 107096 83624 88626 men űenske 101696 88851 78039 87346 54878 49262 women Skladi 147133 139566 - - - - Management of public funds moöki 136056 - - - - - men űenske 148240 139566 - - - - women Sploöna in posebna zdruűenja 137739 120175 109149 83032 61039 48728 Business associations moöki 191551 138682 114027 83663 58798 - men űenske 125283 117998 103457 81561 62160 48728 women PolitiËne in interesne organizacije 154919 103193 120086 99611 92642 66845 Membership and political organizations moöki 148489 106492 118387 106750 148978 73106 men űenske 156762 97194 143866 83802 73864 63714 women Srednja strokovna usposobljenost Secondary professional degree Niűja strokovna usposobljenost Lower professional degree Visoko kvalificirani Highly skilled workers Kvalificirani Skilled workers Polkvalifi- cirani Semi-skilled workers Nekvalifi- cirani Unskilled workers 13.7 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po stopnjah strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje doloËenih del in nalog, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Average monthly gross earnings in enterprises and other organizations by level of professional attainment required by post, 1995 (continued) SIT éivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 233 14. éIVLJENJSKA RAVEN LEVEL OF LIVING VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke zberemo z anketo o porabi v gospodinjstvih, ki se v tej obliki izvaja od leta 1984 in zdruűuje dotedanjo anketo o druűinskih proraËunih delavskih druűin in anketo o kmeËkih gospodinjstvih. Vzorec za anketo je dvostopenjski, stratificiran. Znotraj öestih stratumov je izbranih 218 enot prve stopnje - segmentov, ki so naËeloma popisni okoliöi. Enote druge stopnje so gospodinjstva. V vsakem segmentu je sistematiËno izbranih 5 do 7 oseb, ki doloËajo gospodinjstva, vkljuËena v vzorec. Skupno je v vzorcu 1 331 gospodinjstev, kar je 0,2 % slovenskega prebivalstva. Od leta 1994 ne izbiramo veË nadomestnih gospodinjstev, s katerimi bi zamenjali tista, ki niso sodelovala. Namesto tega izberemo veËji vzorec na podlagi neodziva iz prejönjih let. Gospodinjstva kot enote opazovanja so skupnosti oseb, ki skupaj stanujejo, se skupaj hranijo in skupaj porabljajo svoje prejemke, ali samske osebe, ki űivijo same ter porabljajo sredstva in se hranijo samostojno. V anketi ne upoötevamo skupinskih gospodinjstev, kot so ustanove za varstvo in nego otrok in starejöih, bolniönice, dijaöki in ötudentski domovi ipd. Podatke o razpoloűljivih in porabljenih sredstvih v gospodinjstvu oziroma podatke o osnovnih elementih osebne porabe so dajali Ëlani gospodinjstva neposredno (v obliki intervjuja) anketarju, ki ga je za to delo pooblastil StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije. Podatke objavljamo za vsa gospodinjstva skupaj in za vsako kategorijo posebej (meöana in nekmeËka). Zaradi majhnega ötevila kmeËkih gospodinjstev v vzorcu, so ocene nenatanËne in jih ne objavljamo. Razvrstitev gospodinjstev v posamezne kategorije smo opravili glede na prevladujoËi vir dohodkov Ëlanov anketiranega gospodinjstva. ZAJETJE V anketi o porabi v gospodinjstih, ki jo je Urad izvedel v decembru 1996, je bilo zajetih 875 gospodinjstev, od tega 24 kmeËkih, 280 meöanih in 571 nekmeËkih. Podatke, ki jih dobimo s to anketo, lahko posploöimo na vse enake tipe gospodinjstev. ätevilo in sestava anketiranih gospodinjstev po socialnoekonomskih kategorijah, 1996 DEFINICIJE KmeËko gospodinjstvo ima lastno kmeËko gospodarstvo in vsi njegovi Ëlani, stari veË kot 15 let, delajo na tem gospodarstvu kot kmetje. Nobeden izmed Ëlanov ni v delovnem razmerju zunaj gospodarstva, ni zasebnik ali podjetnik, ni upokojenec ali druga oseba z lastnimi prejemki, lahko pa nekateri med njimi (eden ali veË) obËasno delajo zunaj gospodarstva, da si tako pridobijo dodatna sredstva. Med kmeËka sodijo tudi naslednja gospodinjstva: - gospodinjstvo kmetijskih delavcev brez lastne zemlje, katerih Ëlani redno delajo na drugih zasebnih kmeËkih gospodarstvih; - gospodinjstvo ostarelih kmetov, ki imajo gospodarstvo, pa niso veË sposobni za delo in jim zemljo obdelujejo drugi, tako da jim za to plaËajo, pa tudi tako, da jo dajo v zakup ali na spolovino. Njihovi dohodki torej izvirajo samo iz gospodarstva in nimajo nobenih drugih prejemkov; - gospodinjstvo katerega Ëlani so si kot kmeËki - zavarovanci (Zakon o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju, Zakon o starostnem zavarovanju kmetov) pridobili pravico do kmeËke pokojnine ali zaradi odtujitve zemlje pravico do preűivnine (Zakon o preűivninskem varstvu kmetov); ätevilo anketiranih gospodinjstev Ocenjeno ötevilo gospodinjstev PovpreËno öt. Ëlanov gospodinjstev Vsa gospodinjstva 875 636330 3,06 KmeËka 24 17724 2,75 Meöana 280 203575 3,48 NekmeËka 571 415031 2,87 SOURCES AND METHODS OF GATHERING DATA Data are colleted with the Household Budget Survey, which has been conducted quarterly since 1984 and contains the previous Survey on Family Budgets of Worker's Households and the Survey on Private Agricultural Holdings. The sample for the survey is a stratified two-stage probability sample. Within six strata we select 218 primary sampling units - segments. In principle the primary sampling units are enumeration areas. The units of the second stage are households. In each segment 5 to 7 persons are systematically selected and they determine the households that are included in the sample. The sample comprises a total of 1,331 households, or in other words, 0.2 % of the Slovene population. In 1996 we did not select substitute households which would replace the households that dropped out. The households as observation units are either communities of persons who live together, eat together and spend their income together, or single persons who live and eat on their own and independently use the means. The survey does not cover collective households (nursing homes for children, homes for the elderly, hospitals, secondary school boarding homes and student hostels). Data on available and allocated assets of households were given by the members to the interviewers who have authorisation from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. The results of the survey are published per household and separately per individual categories (mixed and non-agricultural). Because the number of agricultural households in the sample is small, the estimations are inaccurate and we are not published. The classification of households into one of the socio-economic categories is determined by the source of income of household members. COVERAGE The Household Budget Survey, which was conducted in December 1996 by our Statistical Office, covered 875 households, of that 24 agricultural, 280 mixed and 571 non-agricultural. Data gathered with this survey can be generalised to all households of the same type. The number and composition of surveyed households by socio- economic categories, 1996 DEFINITIONS An agricultural household is ahousehold which has its own agricultural holding and all its members, older than 15 years, work on the holding as farmers. None of the household members holds an employment outside the holding, none of them is an entrepreneur, a pensioner or any other person with personal income. One or more household members, however, can occasionally work outside the household in order to earn some additional income. An agricultural household can also be a household: - comprising farm workers without their own land, whose household members regularly work on other private agricultural holdings; - comprising aged farmers who have a holding but are not capable of working and other people who cultivate their land - whereas the latter are either being paid for their work or they hold a lease for the land or are share-croppers. Thus their income stems only from the holding and they do not have any other income; - whose members have gained, as farmers - insured persons (Law on Pension Insurance and Disability Insurance, Law on Old-age Insurance of Farmers) the right to the farmers' pension or have acquired the right to an alimony (Law on Protection of Farmers to Survive); Number of households in the sample Estimated number of households Average number of household members Total 875 636330 3,06 Agricultural 24 17724 2,75 Mixed 280 203575 3,48 Non-agricultural 571 415031 2,87 úivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 234 - gospodinjstvo katerega Ëlan je na zaËasnem delu v tujini. Meöano gospodinjstvo ima lastno kmeËko gospodarstvo, v katerem pa je poleg tistih, ki delajo na njem, tudi en ali veË Ëlanov, ki je v delovnem razmerju zunaj gospodarstva, je zasebnik ali podjetnik, upokojenec ali ima druge lastne prejemke. Meöano gospodinjstvo je tudi tisto, ki ima kmeËko gospodarstvo, vsi njegovi aktivni Ëlani pa so v delovnem razmerju zunaj gospodarstva, so zasebniki ali podjetniki, upokojenci ali druge osebe z osebnimi prejemki, v prostem Ëasu (popoldne, ob nedeljah in praznikih) pa delajo na gospodarstvu ali plaËujejo za obdelovanje pod svojim nadzorstvom, dajejo zemljo v zakup ali na spolovino, torej izvira del njihovih dohodkov tudi iz kmetijstva. NekmeËko gospodinjstvo nima kmeËkega gospodarstva, en ali veË njegovih Ëlanov je v delovnem razmerju, je zasebnik ali podjetnik, upokojenec ali ima druge lastne prejemke. Zasebno kmeËko gospodarstvo je vsako kmeËko posestvo, ki ima najmanj 10 arov obdelovalne zemlje. Posestvo, manjöe od 10 arov, ötejemo za kmeËko gospodarstvo, Ëe na njem pridelujejo za prodajo zelenjavo, sadje, cvetje, aromatiËna, zdravilna zeliöËa ali redijo űivino, in sicer najmanj: - kravo in tele ali kravo in mlado goved ali - kravo in dve odrasli drobnici ali - pet odraslih ovac ali - tri odrasle praöiËe ali - ötiri odrasle ovce in praöiËe skupaj ali - 50 glav odrasle perutnine ali - 20 Ëebeljih panjev. Razpoloűljiva sredstva zajemajo vsa denarna sredstva ter potroöniöka in investicijska posojila, ki so bila gospodinjstvu na voljo v anketnem obdobju. Denarna sredstva gospodinjstva zajemajo vse denarne prejemke, ki so jih Ëlani gospodinjstva dobili v letu 1996: - prejemke iz delovnega razmerja (plaËe in drugi prejemki zaposlenih Ëlanov); - prejemke iz honorarnega dela (vkljuËno s prejemki na podlagi avtorskih pravic in od prodaje predmetov domaËe obrti); - prejemke iz samozaposlitve (plaËa podjetnika, dohodek iz kmetijstva in iz dejavnosti); - prejemke iz socialnega zavarovanja (pokojnine z dodatki, otroöki dodatek, nadomestilo za porodniöki dopust, socialne pomoËi, invalidnine, ötipendije, nadomestila nezaposlenih); - druge prejemke (prejemki od oddajanja sob, denarna darila in dobitki, denarni prejemki od Ëlanov, ki delajo v tujini, preűivnine, vzdrűevalnine, denarna darila in prejemki iz tujine, prejemki od prodaje premiËnin in nepremiËnin, nadomestila za nacionalizirano in razlaöËeno imetje, posojila od drugih oseb); - zmanjöanje prihrankov (prejemki na podlagi prodaje vrednostnih papirjev, iz naslova űivljenjskega zavarovanja, od zavarovalnic, vraËanje posojil, zmanjöanje gotovine v gospodinjstvu). Potroöniöka in investicijska posojila so posojila, najeta in porabljena za nakup predmetov osebne porabe ter za nakup in gradnjo stanovanjskih objektov. Porabljena sredstva obsegajo izdatke za űivljenjske potreböËine (denarne izdatke - vrednost kupljenega blaga ne glede na to, ali je bilo plaËano v gotovini ali na kredit), odplaËila posojil, izdatke gospodinjstev za stanovanje oz. hiöo in prihranke. Upoötevani so vsi izdatki Ëlanov gospodinjstva, ne glede na to, ali so jih porabili za lastne potrebe ali za darila drugim osebam. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Rezultati ankete o űivljenju kmetov 1. 4. 1952 - 31. 5. 1953. éivljenje kmetov v gospodarstvu l. 1953/54. StatistiËno gradivo: 1966, öt. 7; 1969, öt. 23; 1973, öt. 26; 1978, öt. 15; 1983, öt. 8; 1983, öt. 9; 1988, öt. 10; 1988, öt. 11; 1988, öt. 12; 1993, öt. 4. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 8, 61, 67, 90, 141, 176, 241, 280, 485, 539, 543, 572, 609, 639 in 684. - whose member is temporarily working abroad. A mixed household is that household which has its own agricultural holding in which, besides those who work on the holding, there are one or more members who are employed outside the holding, are entrepreneurs, pensioners or other persons with personal income. A mixed household is also a household which has an agricultural holding and all its active household members hold an employment outside the holding, are entrepreneurs, pensioners or other persons with personal income, and in their spare time (in the afternoons, on Sundays and holidays) they work on the holding or pay for the cultivation of land under their supervision, they lease their land or give it to the share- croppers, as part of their income also stems from the holding. A non-agricultural household is that household which does not comprise an agricultural holding, one or more of its household members hold an employment, are private legal persons or entrepreneurs, pensioners or other persons with personal income. A private agricultural holding is every agricultural holding which comprises at least 0.1 ha of cultivable land. A holding, smaller than 0.1 ha, is considered to be an agricultural holding only in case vegetables, fruit, flowers, aromatic and medicinal herbs, are cultivated for sale or cattle is reared, where by the minimum number of cattle is: - a cow and calf or a cow and young cattle or - a cow and two grown-up small cattle (sheep, goat and pigs) or - five grown-up sheep or - three grown-up pigs or - four grown-up sheep and pigs together or - 50 grown-up fowls or - 20 beehives. Available assets within a household are available financial assets (income), and consumer and investment loans that a household had at its disposal in the survey period. Available money assets within a household include all money income that was received by household members during 1996: - income from work under employment (wages and other income of employed members); - income from work under contract or copyright agreement or for direct pay; - income from selfemployment (income of entrepreneur, from agricultural holding, of independent craftsmen and lawyers); - pension and social receipts (supplement for children, compensation for maternity leave, social benefits, disability allowances, scholarships, unemployment benefits); - other income (income from property, money gifts and winnings, financial income from members working abroad, alimonies, money gifts and income from abroad, income from sale of intangible and tangible goods, compensations for nationalised and dispossessed property, loans from other persons); - decrease of savings (income on the basis of the sale of securities, income from life insurance, from insurance companies, repayment of loans, decrease of cash in a household). Consumer and investment loans are raised and spent loans for the purchase of consumption goods and for purchase and constructing of a dwelling or a house. Allocated assets include consumption expenditure (money expenditure - value of purchased goods, regardless if they were paid in cash or by credit), repayment of loans, households' expenditure for a dwelling or a house and savings. All expenditure that household members had during the year is included, regardless if they spent them for their personal needs or for presents to other persons. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Results of the Survey of Living of the Farmers 1 April 1952 - 31 May 1953. The Living of Farmers 1953/54. Statistical Material 1966 No. 7, 1969 No. 23, 1973 No. 26., 1978 No. 15, 1983 No. 8, 1983 No. 9, 1988 No. 10, 1988 No. 11, 1988 No. 12, 1993 No. 4. Results of Surveys No. 8, 61, 67, 90, 141, 176, 241, 280, 485, 539, 543, 572, 609, 639, and 684. éivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 235 14.1 PovpreËna letna razpoloűljiva in porabljena denarna sredstva na gospodinjstvo Average annual available and allocated money assets per household 1990 1994 1995 1996 Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure SIT % SIT % SIT % SIT % Razpoloűljiva sredstva 151791 100,0 1418405 100,0 1805135 100,0 2105727 100,0 Available assets Denarna sredstva 150888 99,4 1401429 98,8 1750924 97,0 2057581 97,7 Available money assets prejemki iz delovnega razmerja 95968 63,2 743131 52,4 959478 53,2 1076715 51,1 Income from work under employment prejemki iz honorarnega dela 3224 2,1 36821 2,6 42191 2,3 47945 2,3 Income from work under contract prejemki iz samozaposlitve 7637 5,0 115111 8,1 133809 7,4 211337 10,0 Income from selfemployment prejemki iz soc. zavarovanja 27572 18,2 332106 23,4 444654 24,6 500657 23,8 Pension and social receipts drugi prejemki 3637 2,4 69905 4,9 76845 4,3 97828 4,6 Other receipts zmanjöanje prihrankov 12845 8,5 104355 7,4 93947 5,2 123099 5,9 Decrease of savings Posojila 903 0,6 16976 1,2 54211 3,0 48146 2,3 Loans potroöniöko posojilo 772 0,5 13387 0,9 45981 2,5 31742 1,5 Consumer loan investicijsko posojilo 131 0,1 3589 0,3 8230 0,5 16404 0,8 Investment loan Porabljena sredstva 151538 100,0 1417339 100,0 1803291 100,0 2102577 100,0 Allocated assets Izdatki za űivljenjske potreböËine 121322 80,1 1207036 85,2 1523322 84,5 1727870 82,2 Consumption expenditure Hrana 37832 25,0 369415 26,1 416289 23,1 477705 22,7 Food kruh, moka, testenine, riű, drugo 3636 2,4 40125 2,8 44079 2,4 50390 2,4 bread, flour, pasta, rice, other vrtnine, presne in predelane 3683 2,4 27130 1,9 34583 1,9 37204 1,8 fresh and processed vegetables sadje, presno in predelano 4025 2,7 34499 2,4 41353 2,3 49734 2,4 fresh and processed fruit meso in mesni izdelki 8310 5,5 92676 6,6 96565 5,4 104302 5,0 meat and meat products ribe in izdelki iz rib 453 0,3 7600 0,5 9304 0,5 11171 0,5 fish and fish products maöËobe 1017 0,7 10565 0,8 10611 0,6 11279 0,5 fat mleko in mleËni izdelki 4593 3,0 40560 2,9 44587 2,5 52777 2,5 milk and milk products jajca 697 0,5 5670 0,4 6015 0,3 7031 0,3 eggs druga űivila in storitve 4754 3,1 44330 3,1 49674 2,8 58897 2,8 other food and services hrana zunaj gospodinjstva 6664 4,4 66260 4,7 79518 4,4 94920 4,5 food bought outside the household PijaËa 5957 3,9 51013 3,6 49821 2,8 56750 2,7 Beverages Tobak 1952 1,3 20158 1,5 24627 1,4 25586 1,2 Tobacco Obleka 10072 6,6 89052 6,3 101000 5,6 122204 5,8 Clothes blago in tkanine za oblaËila in perilo 432 0,3 2243 0,2 2226 0,1 2542 0,1 cloth and fabrics for clothes and underwear konfekcijski izdelki 4324 2,9 44987 3,2 52753 2,9 64596 3,1 ready-made products trikotaűa in volna 4603 3,0 37380 2,6 41056 2,3 49157 2,3 knitted-wear and wool druga oblaËila 341 0,2 1539 0,1 1350 0,1 2091 0,1 other clothes storitve 372 0,2 2903 0,2 3615 0,2 3818 0,2 services Obutev 3653 2,4 29825 2,1 29749 1,7 35918 1,7 Footwear vse vrste obutve 3464 2,3 28528 2,0 28038 1,6 33781 1,6 all kinds of footwear storitve 189 0,1 1297 0,1 1711 0,1 2137 0,1 services Stanovanje 4538 3,0 51743 3,6 77217 4,3 85989 4,1 Dwelling stanarina, hiönina, zemljarina 1909 1,3 19757 1,4 26207 1,5 30888 1,5 rent including ground rent and taxes on the property drugo za stanovanje 2629 1,7 31986 2,2 51010 2,8 55101 2,6 other expenditure on dwelling Kurjava in razsvetljava 7830 5,2 82841 5,8 104339 5,8 112124 5,3 Heating and lighting premog 837 0,5 6120 0,4 3372 0,2 2638 0,1 coal úivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 236 drva 1006 0,7 7043 0,5 8021 0,4 8453 0,4 firewood elektrika 3321 2,2 39199 2,8 49618 2,8 51491 2,5 electricity centralna kurjava 911 0,6 9690 0,7 11825 0,7 13369 0,6 central heating drugo (plin ipd.) 1676 1,1 20145 1,4 31159 1,7 35427 1,7 other (gas, etc.) storitve za kurjavo 79 0,1 644 0,0 344 0,0 746 0,0 heating services Stanovanjska oprema 6323 4,2 60055 4,2 86347 4,8 101037 4,8 Household equipment pohiötvo 1469 1,0 14469 1,0 25970 1,4 31252 1,5 furniture preproge in talne obloge 260 0,1 1790 0,1 2929 0,2 2538 0,1 carpets and floor coverings tekstil za gospodinjstvo 1056 0,7 5994 0,4 9262 0,5 9925 0,5 household textiles gospodinjski aparati 1465 1,0 15337 1,1 18927 1,1 23199 1,1 household appliances posoda in drugo 1625 1,1 19223 1,4 25847 1,4 30325 1,4 kitchen ustensils and other storitve in zavarovanje opreme 448 0,3 3242 0,2 3412 0,2 3798 0,2 services and insurance of equipment Higiena, kozmetika in zdravje 7436 4,9 92431 6,5 121655 6,7 135506 6,5 Personal care, cosmetics and health expenses sredstva za higieno in kozmetiko 4706 3,1 42788 3,0 49563 2,7 53415 2,5 goods for personal care and cosmetics storitve za higieno in kozmetiko 1383 0,9 14581 1,0 16857 0,9 17759 0,9 services for personal care and cosmetics zdravila in zdravstvene storitve 1347 0,9 35062 2,5 55235 3,1 64332 3,1 medicines and health services Izobraűevanje, kultura in razvedrilo 9108 6,0 95824 6,8 118385 6,5 144551 6,9 Education, culture and entertainment knjige 543 0,3 6434 0,5 5860 0,3 9647 0,5 books pribor za öolo in pisanje 1234 0,8 13399 1,0 16328 0,9 22583 1,1 writing equipment and other accessories Ëasopisi in revije 1701 1,1 16882 1,2 18658 1,0 21628 1,0 newspapers and magazines predmeti za razvedrilo 1882 1,2 18770 1,3 20949 1,2 21769 1,0 goods for entertainment vstopnice za razne prireditve 401 0,3 6245 0,4 7316 0,4 11610 0,5 entrance tickets for different performances RTV-naroËnina 1618 1,1 14636 1,0 16176 0,9 18312 0,9 television and radio subscription stroöki za dopust in izlete 1169 0,8 13726 1,0 25320 1,4 30490 1,5 expenditure on vacation and trips drugi neblagovni stroöki 560 0,4 5732 0,4 7778 0,4 8512 0,4 other expenses Prevozna sredstva in storitve 19052 12,6 188578 13,3 292630 16,2 324352 15,4 Transport means and services prevozna sredstva 6439 4,3 55162 3,9 130974 7,3 134996 6,4 transport means razni stroöki za prevozna sredstva 9819 6,5 100847 7,1 122180 6,8 142105 6,8 various expenditure relating to transport means stroöki za medkrajevni prevoz 762 0,5 7247 0,5 8870 0,5 10502 0,5 expenditure for long distance public transport stroöki v lokalnem prometu 803 0,5 8972 0,6 9614 0,5 9230 0,4 expenditure in local public transport PTT-storitve 1229 0,8 16350 1,2 20992 1,1 27519 1,3 postal services Drugo 7569 5,0 76101 5,4 101263 5,6 106148 5,1 Other razliËni predmeti in storitve 4743 3,1 43282 3,1 55339 3,1 55065 2,6 various goods and services Ëlanarina, davek, darila v denarju, membership fees in organizations, taxes, izgube in podobno 2826 1,9 32817 2,3 45924 2,5 51083 2,5 money gifts and losses and the like OdplaËila posojil 1580 1,0 21604 1,5 47713 2,6 68169 3,2 Repayment of loans Izdatki za stanovanje oz. hiöo 7803 5,2 58882 4,1 91290 5,1 115538 5,5 Expenditure for a dwelling or a house Prihranki 20833 13,7 129817 9,2 140966 7,8 191000 9,1 Savings 1990 1994 1995 1996 Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure SIT % SIT % SIT % SIT % 14.1 PovpreËna letna razpoloűljiva in porabljena denarna sredstva na gospodinjstvo (nadaljevanje) Average annual available and allocated money assets per household (continued) éivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 237 14.2 PovpreËna letna razpoloűljiva in porabljena denarna sredstva na meöano gospodinjstvo Average annual available and allocated money assets per mixed household 1990 1994 1995 1996 Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure SIT % SIT % SIT % SIT % Razpoloűljiva sredstva 149590 100,0 1478194 100,0 1828558 100,0 1992992 100,0 Available assets Denarna sredstva 148425 99,2 1468878 99,4 1769701 96,8 1939957 97,3 Available money assets prejemki iz delovnega razmerja 80983 54,1 710233 48,1 923231 50,5 899992 45,1 Income from work under employment prejemki iz honorarnega dela 1595 1,1 19129 1,3 45870 2,5 21472 1,1 Income from work under contract prejemki iz samozaposlitve 20950 14,0 164176 11,1 161650 8,9 292321 14,7 Income from selfemployment prejemki iz soc. zavarovanja 28762 19,2 364563 24,7 487010 26,6 513780 25,8 Pension and social receipts drugi prejemki 2567 1,7 106948 7,2 70202 3,8 81192 4,0 Other receipts zmanjöanje prihrankov 13568 9,1 103829 7,0 81738 4,5 131200 6,6 Decrease of savings Posojila 1165 0,8 9316 0,6 58857 3,2 53035 2,7 Loans potroöniöko posojilo 787 0,5 6741 0,4 47737 2,6 21110 1,1 Consumer loan investicijsko posojilo 378 0,3 2575 0,2 11120 0,6 31925 1,6 Investment loan Porabljena sredstva 149292 100,0 1476700 100,0 1826734 100,0 1989772 100,0 Allocated assets Izdatki za űivljenjske potreböËine 105949 71,0 1213651 82,2 1462213 80,0 1594587 80,1 Consumption expenditure Hrana 25525 17,1 312747 21,2 354606 19,4 412105 20,7 Food kruh, moka, testenine, riű, drugo 3135 2,1 43128 2,9 45001 2,5 53657 2,7 bread, flour, pasta, rice, other vrtnine, presne in predelane 1486 1,0 13562 0,9 15522 0,9 19053 1,0 fresh and processed vegetables sadje, presno in predelano 2509 1,7 26111 1,8 27912 1,5 33842 1,7 fresh and processed fruit meso in mesni izdelki 4661 3,1 69491 4,7 75493 4,1 88359 4,4 meat and meat products ribe in izdelki iz rib 308 0,2 6945 0,5 8773 0,5 10220 0,5 fish and fish products maöËobe 861 0,6 10515 0,7 10493 0,6 12060 0,6 fat mleko in mleËni izdelki 2275 1,5 27871 1,9 29594 1,6 38744 1,9 milk and milk products jajca 167 0,1 2513 0,2 3645 0,2 4077 0,2 eggs druga űivila in storitve 4503 3,0 50647 3,4 55275 3,0 63162 3,2 other food and services hrana zunaj gospodinjstva 5620 3,8 61962 4,2 82898 4,5 88931 4,5 food bought outside the household PijaËa 5773 3,9 55002 3,7 52233 2,9 56279 2,8 Beverages Tobak 1679 1,1 19737 1,3 21633 1,2 19995 1,0 Tobacco Obleka 9999 6,7 98319 6,6 92636 5,1 109753 5,5 Clothes blago in tkanine za oblaËila in perilo 520 0,3 2849 0,2 2094 0,1 3268 0,2 cloth and fabrics for clothes and underwear konfekcijski izdelki 4005 2,7 40922 2,7 47394 2,6 56796 2,8 ready-made products trikotaűa in volna 4782 3,2 50082 3,4 39080 2,1 45346 2,3 knitted-wear and wool druga oblaËila 405 0,3 1570 0,1 1138 0,1 1329 0,1 other clothes storitve 287 0,2 2896 0,2 2930 0,2 3014 0,1 services Obutev 3878 2,6 31909 2,2 27230 1,5 34991 1,8 Footwear vse vrste obutve 3696 2,5 30687 2,1 25673 1,4 32986 1,7 all kinds of footwear storitve 182 0,1 1222 0,1 1557 0,1 2005 0,1 services Stanovanje 2749 1,8 37925 2,6 56892 3,1 63159 3,2 Dwelling stanarina, hiönina, zemljarina 331 0,2 6880 0,5 9690 0,5 13413 0,7 rent including ground rent and taxes on the property drugo za stanovanje 2418 1,6 31045 2,1 47202 2,6 49746 2,5 other expenditure on dwelling úivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 238 Kurjava in razsvetljava 7863 5,3 79393 5,4 100416 5,5 114295 5,7 Heating and lighting premog 1150 0,8 9695 0,7 3892 0,2 3340 0,2 coal drva 924 0,6 6930 0,5 11350 0,6 13895 0,7 firewood elektrika 3415 2,3 42037 2,8 53711 3,0 54174 2,7 electricity centralna kurjava 250 0,2 1450 0,1 1269 0,1 3759 0,2 central heating drugo (plin ipd.) 2085 1,4 18707 1,3 29846 1,6 38140 1,9 other (gas, etc.) storitve za kurjavo 39 0,0 574 0,0 348 0,0 987 0,0 heating services Stanovanjska oprema 6519 4,4 69814 4,7 95553 5,2 103161 5,2 Household equipment pohiötvo 1123 0,8 15093 1,0 25087 1,4 29075 1,4 furniture preproge in talne obloge 366 0,3 2441 0,2 2524 0,1 1938 0,1 carpets and floor coverings tekstil za gospodinjstvo 907 0,6 6015 0,4 8983 0,5 11607 0,6 household textiles gospodinjski aparati 2149 1,4 17679 1,2 26297 1,4 23266 1,2 household appliances posoda in drugo 1617 1,1 24742 1,6 29340 1,6 33704 1,7 kitchen ustensils and other storitve in zavarovanje opreme 357 0,2 3844 0,3 3322 0,2 3571 0,2 services and insurance of equipment Higiena, kozmetika in zdravje 6579 4,4 104858 7,1 119780 6,6 132770 6,7 Personal care, cosmetics and health expenses sredstva za higieno in kozmetiko 4137 2,8 48399 3,3 46847 2,6 51338 2,6 goods for personal care and cosmetics storitve za higieno in kozmetiko 986 0,6 13662 0,9 15302 0,8 14356 0,7 services for personal care and cosmetics zdravila in zdravstvene storitve 1456 1,0 42797 2,9 57631 3,2 67076 3,4 medicines and health services Izobraűevanje, kultura in razvedrilo 6753 4,5 79817 5,4 90242 4,9 109441 5,5 Education, culture and entertainment knjige 452 0,3 5420 0,4 4178 0,2 5592 0,3 books pribor za öolo in pisanje 1296 0,9 13199 0,9 13512 0,7 20891 1,0 writing equipment and other accessories Ëasopisi in revije 1277 0,9 15193 1,0 17652 1,0 19258 1,0 newspapers and magazines predmeti za razvedrilo 978 0,7 13886 0,9 13590 0,7 16994 0,9 goods for entertainment vstopnice za razne prireditve 347 0,2 5346 0,4 6096 0,3 6572 0,3 entrance tickets for different performances RTV-naroËnina 1556 1,0 14522 1,0 16059 0,9 18243 0,9 television and radio subscription stroöki za dopust in izlete 535 0,3 8598 0,6 12866 0,7 14596 0,7 expenditure on vacation and trips drugi neblagovni stroöki 312 0,2 3653 0,2 6289 0,4 7295 0,4 other expenses Prevozna sredstva in storitve 20823 14,0 237527 16,1 342484 18,7 325498 16,3 Transport means and services prevozna sredstva 7458 5,0 77879 5,3 153609 8,4 131798 6,6 transport means razni stroöki za prevozna sredstva 10271 6,9 126044 8,5 143752 7,9 153925 7,7 various expenditure relating to transport means stroöki za medkrajevni prevoz 977 0,7 9983 0,7 16600 0,9 12257 0,6 expenditure for long distance public transport stroöki v lokalnem prometu 1050 0,7 9134 0,6 7431 0,4 6679 0,3 expenditure in local public transport PTT-storitve 1067 0,7 14487 1,0 21092 1,1 20839 1,1 postal services Drugo 7809 5,2 86603 5,9 108508 5,9 113140 5,7 Other razliËni predmeti in storitve 4060 2,7 44247 3,0 60103 3,3 55544 2,8 various goods and services Ëlanarina, davek, darila v denarju, membership fees in organizations, taxes, izgube in podobno 3749 2,5 42356 2,9 48405 2,6 57596 2,9 money gifts and losses and the like OdplaËila posojil 1204 0,8 17747 1,2 45551 2,5 49126 2,5 Repayment of loans Izdatki za stanovanje oz. hiöo 15857 10,6 109170 7,4 156662 8,6 175027 8,8 Expenditure for a dwelling or a house Prihranki 26282 17,6 136132 9,2 162308 8,9 171032 8,6 Savings 1990 1994 1995 1996 Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure SIT % SIT % SIT % SIT % 14.2 PovpreËna letna razpoloűljiva in porabljena denarna sredstva na meöano gospodinjstvo (nadaljevanje) Average annual available and allocated money assets per mixed household (continued) éivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 239 14.3 PovpreËna letna razpoloűljiva in porabljena denarna sredstva na nekmeËko gospodinjstvo Average annual available and allocated money assets per non-agricultural household 1990 1994 1995 1996 Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure SIT % SIT % SIT % SIT % Razpoloűljiva sredstva 153099 100,0 1421938 100,0 1842576 100,0 2209937 100,0 Available assets Denarna sredstva 152272 99,5 1401762 98,6 1787698 97,0 2162461 97,9 Available money assets prejemki iz delovnega razmerja 101985 66,6 779923 54,9 1015891 55,1 1209380 54,7 Income from work under employment prejemki iz honorarnega dela 3751 2,5 43178 3,0 41831 2,3 62665 2,8 Income from work under contract prejemki iz samozaposlitve 2509 1,6 89621 4,0 111789 6,1 151545 6,9 Income from selfemployment prejemki iz soc. zavarovanja 27481 18,0 325141 22,9 435496 23,6 505497 22,9 Pension and social receipts drugi prejemki 3947 2,6 57270 6,3 82643 4,5 109667 5,0 Other receipts zmanjöanje prihrankov 12599 8,2 106629 7,5 100048 5,4 123707 5,6 Decrease of savings Posojila 827 0,5 20176 1,4 54878 3,0 47476 2,1 Loans potroöniöko posojilo 776 0,5 16110 1,1 47370 2,6 37984 1,7 Consumer loan investicijsko posojilo 51 0,0 4066 0,3 7508 0,4 9492 0,4 Investment loan Porabljena sredstva 152858 100,0 1421009 100,0 1840687 100,0 2206820 100,0 Allocated assets Izdatki za űivljenjske potreböËine 127068 83,1 1224898 86,2 1586207 86,2 1832338 83,0 Consumption expenditure Hrana 42205 27,6 396994 27,9 451687 24,5 522509 23,7 Food kruh, moka, testenine, riű, drugo 3833 2,5 39577 2,8 44844 2,4 49437 2,2 bread, flour, pasta, rice, other vrtnine, presne in predelane 4441 2,9 32548 2,3 42878 2,3 47337 2,2 fresh and processed vegetables sadje, presno in predelano 4563 3,0 38077 2,7 47699 2,6 59008 2,7 fresh and processed fruit meso in mesni izdelki 9575 6,3 103115 7,2 107533 5,9 114574 5,2 meat and meat products ribe in izdelki iz rib 505 0,3 7957 0,5 9704 0,5 11989 0,5 fish and fish products maöËobe 1075 0,7 10736 0,8 10756 0,6 11083 0,5 fat mleko in mleËni izdelki 5403 3,5 45997 3,2 51808 2,8 61322 2,8 milk and milk products jajca 879 0,6 6953 0,5 7122 0,4 8750 0,4 eggs druga űivila in storitve 4860 3,2 42647 3,0 47854 2,6 57554 2,6 other food and services hrana zunaj gospodinjstva 7071 4,6 69387 4,9 81489 4,4 101455 4,6 food bought outside the household PijaËa 6024 3,9 50242 3,5 50201 2,7 58098 2,6 Beverages Tobak 2060 1,4 20305 1,4 26540 1,4 29131 1,3 Tobacco Obleka 10141 6,6 87041 6,1 106281 5,8 130975 5,9 Clothes blago in tkanine za oblaËila in perilo 404 0,2 2058 0,1 2356 0,2 2242 0,1 cloth and fabrics for clothes and underwear konfekcijski izdelki 4443 2,9 36601 2,6 55944 3,0 70007 3,2 ready-made products trikotaűa in volna 4569 3,0 43874 3,1 42522 2,3 51897 2,3 knitted-wear and wool druga oblaËila 322 0,2 1545 0,1 1481 0,1 2524 0,1 other clothes storitve 403 0,3 2963 0,2 3978 0,2 4305 0,2 services Obutev 3593 2,3 29519 2,1 31295 1,7 36948 1,7 Footwear vse vrste obutve 3401 2,2 28155 2,0 29527 1,6 34724 1,6 all kinds of footwear storitve 192 0,1 1364 0,1 1768 0,1 2224 0,1 services Stanovanje 5167 3,4 57386 4,1 86649 4,7 99467 4,5 Dwelling stanarina, hiönina, zemljarina 2477 1,6 24919 1,8 33089 1,8 40613 1,8 rent including ground rent and taxes on the property drugo za stanovanje 2720 1,8 32467 2,3 53560 2,9 58854 2,7 other expenditure on dwelling úivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 240 Kurjava in razsvetljava 7875 5,2 85380 6,0 108500 5,9 112709 5,1 Heating and lighting premog 743 0,5 4833 0,3 3120 0,2 2222 0,1 coal drva 1044 0,7 7201 0,5 7009 0,4 5825 0,3 firewood elektrika 3302 2,2 38515 2,7 48811 2,6 50052 2,3 electricity centralna kurjava 1140 0,7 12897 0,9 16326 0,9 18653 0,8 central heating drugo (plin ipd.) 1553 1,0 21258 1,5 32876 1,8 35296 1,6 other (gas, etc.) storitve za kurjavo 93 0,1 676 0,1 358 0,0 661 0,0 heating services Stanovanjska oprema 6277 4,1 57906 4,1 85402 4,7 103223 4,7 Household equipment pohiötvo 1568 1,0 14628 1,0 27416 1,5 33655 1,5 furniture preproge in talne obloge 229 0,2 1604 0,1 3155 0,2 2941 0,1 carpets and floor coverings tekstil za gospodinjstvo 1110 0,7 6090 0,4 9506 0,5 9228 0,4 household textiles gospodinjski aparati 1256 0,8 14956 1,1 16611 0,9 23919 1,1 household appliances posoda in drugo 1639 1,1 17505 1,3 25182 1,4 29491 1,4 kitchen ustensils and other storitve in zavarovanje opreme 475 0,3 3123 0,2 3532 0,2 3989 0,2 services and insurance of equipment Higiena, kozmetika in zdravje 7695 5,0 88927 6,3 124072 6,8 139404 6,3 Personal care, cosmetics and health expenses sredstva za higieno in kozmetiko 4921 3,2 41351 2,9 51507 2,8 55687 2,5 goods for personal care and cosmetics storitve za higieno in kozmetiko 1522 1,0 15266 1,1 17845 1,0 19879 0,9 services for personal care and cosmetics zdravila in zdravstvene storitve 1252 0,8 32310 2,3 54720 3,0 63838 2,9 medicines and health services Izobraűevanje, kultura in razvedrilo 9934 6,5 103452 7,3 132731 7,2 166015 7,5 Education, culture and entertainment knjige 576 0,4 6993 0,5 6737 0,4 11864 0,5 books pribor za öolo in pisanje 1225 0,8 13785 1,0 17874 1,0 23759 1,1 writing equipment and other accessories Ëasopisi in revije 1852 1,2 17696 1,2 19447 1,0 23357 1,1 newspapers and magazines predmeti za razvedrilo 2199 1,4 20903 1,5 24532 1,3 25000 1,1 goods for entertainment vstopnice za razne prireditve 421 0,3 6754 0,5 8093 0,4 14566 0,7 entrance tickets for different performances RTV-naroËnina 1639 1,1 14783 1,0 16426 0,9 18588 0,8 television and radio subscription stroöki za dopust in izlete 1387 0,9 15919 1,1 30955 1,7 39531 1,8 expenditure on vacation and trips drugi neblagovni stroöki 635 0,4 6619 0,5 8667 0,5 9350 0,4 other expenses Prevozna sredstva in storitve 18597 12,2 175354 12,3 283151 15,4 332179 15,1 Transport means and services prevozna sredstva 6175 4,0 49080 3,5 128275 7,0 142329 6,5 transport means razni stroöki za prevozna sredstva 9714 6,4 94018 6,6 116250 6,3 137915 6,2 various expenditure relating to transport means stroöki za medkrajevni prevoz 689 0,5 6337 0,4 6247 0,3 9969 0,5 expenditure for long distance public transport stroöki v lokalnem prometu 728 0,5 9152 0,6 10834 0,6 10517 0,5 expenditure in local public transport PTT-storitve 1291 0,8 16767 1,2 21545 1,2 31449 1,4 postal services Drugo 7500 4,9 72392 5,1 99698 5,4 101680 4,6 Other razliËni predmeti in storitve 5007 3,3 43386 3,1 54691 3,0 56199 2,5 various goods and services Ëlanarina, davek, darila v denarju, membership fees in organizations, taxes, izgube in podobno 2493 1,6 29006 2,0 45007 2,4 45481 2,1 money gifts and losses and the like OdplaËila posojil 1721 1,1 23635 1,7 50615 2,7 80076 3,7 Repayment of loans Izdatki za stanovanje oz. hiöo 5120 3,4 42110 2,9 66105 3,6 88686 4,0 Expenditure for a dwelling or a house Prihranki 18949 12,4 130366 9,2 137760 7,5 205720 9,3 Savings 1990 1994 1995 1996 Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure Znesek Value Strukturni deleűi Structure SIT % SIT % SIT % SIT % 14.3 PovpreËna letna razpoloűljiva in porabljena denarna sredstva na nekmeËko gospodinjstvo (nadaljevanje) Average annual available and allocated money assets per non-agricultural household (continued) éivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 241 úivljenjska raven Level of living StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 242 14.4 PovpreËna letna koliËina nabavljenih űivil in pijaË na Ëlana gospodinjstva Average annual quantity of purchased food and beverages per household member Merska enota Vsa gospodinjstva Total Meöana gospodinjstva Mixed households NekmeËka gospodinjstva Non- agricultural households Unit of measure 1990 1994 1995 1996 1996 Kruh in pecivo kg 63,8 69,3 67,5 69,5 62,0 74,4 kg Bread and pastries Moka vseh vrst in zdrob kg 14,5 17,0 16,0 17,5 21,2 15,1 kg Flour, all kinds and grits Testenine kg 6,5 7,7 8,0 9,3 9,1 9,4 kg Pasta Riű kg 3,4 3,8 5,0 4,7 5,4 4,4 kg Rice Krompir kg 28,1 27,2 32,6 31,4 14,5 42,6 kg Potatoes Fiűol, grah in bob (suh) kg 1,5 1,3 1,8 1,7 0,9 2,3 kg Bean, peas and horsebean (dried) »ebula in Ëesen kg 3,0 3,6 3,8 3,5 1,5 4,7 kg Onion and garlic Paradiűnik kg 3,4 3,1 4,9 4,8 1,8 6,7 kg Tomatoes Paprika kg 2,0 2,0 3,3 3,2 2,1 3,9 kg Red pepper Zelena solata kg 7,8 7,2 7,2 7,0 1,6 10,6 kg Garden lettuce Fiűol in grah v stroËju kg 1,1 0,6 1,3 1,1 0,5 1,6 kg String-beans and green peas Druge presne vrtnine kg 2,7 3,3 2,7 2,7 0,7 4,0 kg Other fresh vegetables Konzervirane vrtnine kg 4,6 5,0 4,9 5,0 3,4 6,0 kg Sour and preserved vegetables Jabolka kg 17,8 14,1 14,9 16,0 9,3 20,7 kg Apples Slive kg 0,6 0,5 1,0 0,8 0,3 1,1 kg Plums Grozdje kg 1,7 1,7 2,3 3,2 1,9 4,1 kg Grapes Breskve in marelice kg 2,5 2,4 3,2 3,1 2,0 3,8 kg Peaches and apricots Drugo presno sadje kg 1,3 0,4 0,8 0,8 0,4 1,0 kg Other fresh fruits PomaranËe in limone kg 8,6 10,5 8,3 9,4 7,6 10,6 kg Oranges and lemons Drugo juűno sadje kg 3,8 6,7 7,2 7,8 5,3 9,3 kg Other southern fruits Predelano in konzervirano sadje kg 2,0 8,8 6,9 8,4 6,5 9,6 kg Processed and preserved fruit Govedina kg 13,5 12,9 11,1 11,0 8,7 12,4 kg Beef Svinjina kg 7,4 5,8 6,0 6,6 5,4 7,5 kg Pork Perutnina kg 8,5 9,0 9,2 8,4 5,9 10,0 kg Poultry Drugo presno meso kg 1,3 1,6 1,1 1,4 0,8 1,8 kg Other fresh meat Suha slanina kg 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,5 kg Dried bacon äunka, pröut in drugo suho meso kg 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,3 0,8 1,5 kg Ham, smoked ham and other dried meat Predelano in konzervirano meso kg 0,8 0,7 0,5 0,7 0,5 0,8 kg Processed and preserved meat Svinjska mast in presna slanina kg 1,2 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,9 0,7 kg Lard and row bacon Jedilno olje l 11,3 12,0 12,1 12,0 11,2 12,5 l Edible oils Mleko (sladko in kislo) l 98,8 94,8 94,3 92,0 52,1 118,3 l Milk (sweet and sour) Sir (vseh vrst) kg 4,1 5,0 5,4 5,8 4,5 6,7 kg Cheese (all kinds) Surovo maslo kg 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,6 kg Butter Drugi mleËni izdelki kg 2,0 2,8 2,9 3,0 2,2 3,7 kg Other milk products Jajca kos 107,1 110,3 104,8 98,6 51,1 130,5 pcs Eggs Sladkor in med kg 13,2 12,2 13,1 13,5 16,8 11,6 kg Sugar and honey Kava kg 2,5 2,8 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,1 kg Coffee »okolada in kakav kg 2,2 2,1 1,8 2,3 1,9 2,6 kg Chocolate and cocoa Keksi, biskvit in napolitanke kg 3,3 3,0 2,6 2,9 2,2 3,4 kg Biscuits, teacakes and waffles Vino l 12,1 10,6 9,7 9,7 8,6 10,5 l Wine Pivo l 15,6 20,6 19,2 16,5 15,9 17,2 l Beer Druge alkoholne pijaËe l 0,4 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,4 l Other alcoholic beverages JabolËnik, moöt in medica l 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,2 l Cider, must and mead Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 243 15. CENE PRICES VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Cene na drobno (kmetijskih pridelkov, industrijskih izdelkov in storitev), cene gostinskih storitev ter cene na debelo zbirajo opazovalci cen v stalno doloËenih krajih, na stalnih prodajnih mestih in v stalno doloËenih razdobjih. Cene na drobno za kmetijske pridelke opazovalci zbirajo dvakrat na mesec, vse ostale cene na drobno pa enkrat meseËno. Cene doloËenih industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih zbiramo meseËno z vpraalniki pri izbranih industrijskih in drugih podjetjih. ZAJETJE Cene na drobno so osnova za izraËun indeksa cen na drobno in indeksa cen űivljenjskih potrebËin. Drobnoprodajne cene spremljamo za okoli 490 predmetov in storitev v 4 izbranih mestnih naseljih na okoli 500 prodajnih mestih. Tako zberemo skupno okrog 10.000 drobnoprodajnih cen. Cene industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih spremljamo za pribliűno 450 industrijskih izdelkov v okoli 290 izbranih podjetjih. Cene gostinskih storitev spremljamo v 27 gostinskih podjetjih v 4 izbranih mestnih naseljih. Seznam gostinskih storitev zajema okoli 60 vrst storitev. Cene na debelo smo do konca leta 1996 spremljali za okoli 160 industrijskih izdelkov v 4 izbranih mestnih naseljih pri izbranih trgovskih podjetjih na debelo. Za spremljanje cen na debelo so bili izbrani enaki izdelki kot za spremljanje cen na drobno. DEFINICIJE IN METODOLO≥KA POJASNILA Indeksi cen so izraËunani po (modificirani) Laspeyresovi formuli na osnovi cen predmetov in storitev ter njihovih uteűi (ponderjev). Uteűi predstavljajo relativne deleűe predmetov in storitev v skupni vrednosti vseh opazovanih predmetov in storitev. Tako doloËajo relativen pomen spremembe cene posameznega izmed njih na skupno spremembo. Uteűi spreminjamo praviloma najmanj na vsakih pet let. Indeks cen na drobno je indeks, ki kaűe spremembe drobnoprodajnih cen izdelkov in storitev z vidika strukture prodaje le-teh na domaËem trgu ne glede na namen njihove nadaljnje uporabe in ne glede na vrsto potronika. Drobnoprodajna cena je tista, po kateri trgovina na drobno, kmetijski pridelovalci in druga podjetja prodajajo svoje izdelke in zaraËunavajo storitve uporabnikom. To so hkrati konËne cene, po katerih uporabniki plaËujejo predmete iroke porabe in storitve. Ponderacija (uteűevanje) temelji na podatkih o strukturi vrednosti prodaje pridelkov, izdelkov in storitev v prodaji na drobno. Nazadnje je bila spremenjena v letu 1997 na podatkih iz leta 1994. Indeks cen űivljenjskih potrebËin meri spremembe v ravni drobnoprodajnih cen izdelkov in storitev glede na strukturo izdatkov, ki jih individualna rezidenËna gospodinjstva namenjajo za konËno porabo. Ponderacija temelji na podatkih o strukturi porabe v gospodinjstvih po anketah o porabi gospodinjstev. Nazadnje je bila spremenjena v letu 1995 na podlagi ankete iz leta 1993. Indeks cen űivljenjskih potrebËin ne kaűe sprememb v ravni in strukturi űivljenjskih strokov, kar opazujemo s posebnimi anketami. Odraűa le spremembe cen in je posebna vrsta indeksa cen na drobno. Najpomembneja razlika med indeksom cen na drobno in indeksom cen űivljenjskih potrebËin je ponderacijska shema. Obstajajo e manje razlike glede zajema izdelkov in storitev. Tako npr. indeks cen űivljenjskih potrebËin ne zajema izdelkov, ki niso namenjeni konËni porabi (npr. doloËeni predstavniki za reprodukcijske namene v kmetijstvu), sicer pa so vkljuËeni v spremljanje indeksa cen na drobno. Po drugi strani pa so upotevane nekatere storitve, ki niso vkljuËene v spremljanje indeksa cen na drobno (npr. hrana in pijaËa v gostinstvu). Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih je indeks, ki meri spremembe cen industrijskih izdelkov, ki jih proizvajalci v Sloveniji prodajo na domaËem trgu. Cena industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcu je tista, po kateri podjetje proda svoj izdelek v najveËjih koliËinah na domaËem trgu - franko tovarna. V njej niso upotevani trgovski rabat in popusti. Ponderacija temelji na podatkih o strukturi vrednosti prodaje industrijskih izdelkov na domaËem trgu. Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov v trgovini na debelo je indeks, ki kaűe spremembe cen izdelkov, ki jih v izbranih krajih prodaja trgovina na debelo preteűno trgovini na drobno. Prodajna cena industrijskih izdelkov v trgovini na debelo je fakturirana cena (franko skladiËe), po kateri trgovina na debelo prodaja izdelke v opazovanem obdobju po odbitku rabata in popustov, ki jih odobri kupcu. Ponderacija temelji na podatkih o strukturi vrednosti prodaje v trgovini na debelo v Sloveniji. Indeks cen gostinskih storitev meri spremembe v ravni konËnih cen gostinskih storitev z vidika strukture njihove prodaje na domaËem trgu. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Retail prices (of agricultural products, industrial products and services), prices of catering services and wholesale prices are collected in fixed locations, at fixed outlets and in regular periods within each month. With the exception of retail prices for agricultural products, which are collected twice per month, the other prices are collected monthly. Producers prices of certain manufactured goods are collected monthly via questionnaires at selected industrial and other enterprises. COVERAGE Retail prices, which are the basis for calculating the retail price index and consumer price index, are monitored for about 490 articles and services in 4 selected towns. In fact we monitor retail prices in about 500 sales outlets and get a total of about 10,000 prices. Producers prices of manufactured goods are monitored for about 450 industrial products in about 290 selected enterprises. Prices of catering services are monitored in 27 catering enterprises in 4 selected towns. The list of catering services comprises about 60 kinds of services. Until the end of 1996, wholesale prices were monitored for about 160 industrial products in 4 selected towns at selected wholesale trade enterprises. The products whose wholesale prices we monitored are equal to those for which we monitored retail prices. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS ON METHODOLOGY The price indices are calculated by using the (modified) Laspeyres formula on the basis of prices of goods and services and their weights. These weights represent relative shares of goods and services in the common value of all monitored goods and services. In this way determine the relative importance or impact of the change in price of any products or service on the total change. By rule, weights are changed every five years. The retail price index is the index which indicates the changes of retail prices of goods and services from the point of view of the sales structure of these on domestic market, irrespective of both: the purpose of their further use and the type of consumer. The retail price is the price at which retail sales outlets, agricultural producers and other enterprises sell their products and charge their services to users. At the same time these are final prices, at which users pay for consumption goods and services. Weighting is based on data on the value structure of sale of products and services in retail sale. Its last revision was made in 1997 at 1994 data. The consumer prices index measures changes at the level of retail prices of goods and services in view of the structure of expenditure which are designated by each individual residential household for final consumption. Weighting is based on data on the structure on consumption within a household as per the Family Budget Survey. Its last revision was made in 1995 on the basis of the 1993 survey. The consumer price index does not show any changes in the level and structure of costs of living. This is monitored by separate surveys. It only reflects the changes in prices and is special kind of the retail price index. The most important difference between the retail price index and consumer price index is the weighting scheme. There exist some minor differences in view of coverage of goods and services as well. For instance: the consumer price index does not cover the goods which are not intended for final consumption (e. g. certain representatives for breeding purposes in agriculture), but these are included in the monitoring of retail prices. On the other hand, there are included some services which are not covered in the monitoring of the retail price index (e. g. food and drinks in catering). The producer price index of manufactured goods is the index which measures changes in prices of manufactured goods which are produced and sold in Slovenia. The producer price of manufactured goods is the price at which factory sells their products in largest quantities on domestic market - Ex Works. Price does not include rebate and discounts. Weighting is based on data of the structure of sales value of manufactured goods on domestic market. The producer price index of manufactured goods in wholesale trade outlets is the index which indicates the price changes of products which the wholesale trade outlet sells in selected areas mainly to the retail trade outlet. The sales price of manufactured goods in wholesale trade outlets is the invoice price (Ex Warehouse) at which the wholesale trade outlet sells the products in the observed period upon having deducted the rebate and discounts to which the buyers are entitled. Weighting is based on data on the value structure of sale in wholesale trade outlet in Slovenia. The index of prices of catering services measures the changes in the Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 244 Cena gostinskih storitev je cena, po kateri gostinski objekti zaraËunavajo storitve porabnikom na podlagi jedilnega lista oziroma cenika prenoËitev. Cena prenoËiËa zajema tudi vse druge pripadajoËe stroke: prijavo in odjavo, ogrevanje sob. Ponderacija temelji na podatkih o vrednostnem prometu hrane, pijaË in prenoËitev v gostinstvu v Sloveniji. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Statistika cena i trokova űivota /.../. Bgd. SZS 1961 (Metodoloki materijali 122). Statistika cena. Uputstvo za snimanje cena. Bgd. SZS 1966 (Metodoloki materijali 168). Statistika cena. Nomenklatura proizvoda i usluga za prikupljanje cena i ponderi za indekse cena i indeks trokova űivota. Bgd. SZS 1968 (Metodoloki materijali 181), Nomenklatura proizvoda i usluga za prikupljanje cena i ponderi za indekse cena i indeks trokova űivota. Bgd. SZS 1977 (Metodoloki materijali 233). Letni pregled o cenah 1951. Letni pregled o cenah na drobno 1952, 1953. Letni pregled o cenah na veliko 1952, 1953. Letni pregled cen 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962. StatistiËno gradivo 1963, t. 12; 1964, t. 12; 1965, t. 7; 1966, t. 16; 1968, t. 11; 1970, t. 13; 1971, t. 19; 1973, t. 4, 27; 1974, t. 18. Rezultati raziskovanj t. 4, 32, 74, 104, 143, 198, 234, 287, 326, 355, 390, 428, 445, 452, 482, 505, 578, 614, 654, 679 StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1960, zv. II; 1961, zv. II; 1962, zv. II; 1963, zv. III; 1964, zv. III; 1965, zv. II; 1966, zv. VI; 1967, zv. II; 1969, zv. XII; 1970, zv. III; 1971, zv. IV; 1972, zv. V; 1973, zv. IX; 1974, zv. VII; 1975, zv. VII; 1976, zv. X; 1977, zv. XII; 1978, zv. IX; 1979, zv. XV; 1980, zv. XVI; 1981, zv. XI; 1982, zv. X; 1983, zv. X; 1984, t. 16; 1985, t. 11; 1987, t. 7; 1989, t. 3; 1989, t. 27; 1990, t. 19; 1995, t. 4; 1995, t. 14. level of final prices of catering services from the point of view of the structure of their sale on the domestic market. The price of catering services is the price upon which the catering enterprises charge their customers for their services on the basis of the bill of fare or price list for overnight stays. The latter comprises all other costs that are included as well: registration, heating of rooms. The weighting is based on data regarding the value of turnover with food, drinks and overnight stays in catering in Slovenia. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Price Statistics and the Cost of Living /.../ Bgd. NSO 1961 (Methodological Materials 122). Price Statistics. Guidelines for Recording Prices. Bgd. NSO 1966, (Methodological Materials 168). Price Statistics. Nomenclature of Products and the Service for Compiling Prices and Weights for Price Indices and Cost of Living Indices. Bgd, NSO 1968, (Methodological Materials 181), Nomenclature of Products and the Service for Compiling Prices and Weights for Price Indices and Cost of Living Indices, Bgd. NSO 1977, (Methodological Materials 233). Annual Review of Prices 1951. Annual Review of Retail Prices 1952, 1953. Annual Review of Wholesale Prices 1952, 1953. Annual Review of Prices 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962. Statistical Material 1963, No. 12; 1964, No. 12; 1965, No. 7; 1966, No. 16; 1968, No. 11; 1970, No. 13; 1971, No. 19; 1973, No. 4, 27; 1974, No. 18. Results of Surveys No. 4, 32, 74, 104, 143, 198, 234, 287, 326, 355, 390, 428, 445, 452, 482, 505, 578, 614, 654, 679. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia: 1960, Vol. II; 1961, Vol. II; 1962, Vol. II; 1963, Vol. III; 1964, Vol. III; 1965, Vol. II; 1966, Vol. VI; 1967, Vol. II; 1969, Vol. XII; 1970, Vol. III; 1971, Vol. IV; 1972, Vol. V; 1973, Vol. IX; 1974, Vol. VII; 1975, Vol. VII; 1976, Vol. X; 1977, Vol. XII; 1978, Vol. IX; 1979, Vol. XV; 1980, Vol. XVI; 1981, Vol. XI; 1982, Vol. X; 1983, Vol. X; 1984, No. 16; 1985, No. 11; 1987, No. 7; 1989, No. 3; 1989, No. 27; 1990, No. 19; 1995, No. 4; 1995, No. 14. Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 245 15.1 Indeksi cen1) Price indices1) 1) Podatke beremo samo vodoravno. /The tables are to be read only horizontally. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Indeksi cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih 100 184 379 1162 17581 86216 193210 609965 744157 878105 992259 1059733 Producer price indices of manufactured goods 54 100 206 632 9570 46933 105176 332040 405089 478005 540146 576876 26 48 100 306 4637 22739 50957 160872 196264 231592 261699 279495 8,6 16 33 100 1513 7421 16631 52504 64055 75585 85411 91219 0,57 1,0 2,2 6,6 100 490 1099 3470 4233 4995 5644 6028 0,12 0,2 0,4 1,3 20 100 224 707 863 1018 1150 1228 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,6 9,1 45 100 316 386 455 514 549 0,016 0,032 0,063 0,19 2,9 14 32 100 122 144 163 174 0,013 0,026 0,052 0,16 2,4 12 26 82 100 118 133 142 0,011 0,022 0,044 0,13 2,0 9,8 22 70 85 100 113 121 0,010 0,019 0,039 0,12 1,8 8,7 19 62 75 89 100 107 0,009 0,018 0,037 0,11 1,7 8,2 18 58 70 83 94 100 Indeksi cen na debelo 100 186 380 1234 17517 97098 223131 755745 967354 1199519 1355456 1488291 Wholesale price indices54 100 205 665 9438 52316 120221 407189 521202 646290 730308 801878 26 49 100 325 4613 25569 58759 199016 254740 315878 356942 391922 8,1 15 31 100 1420 7870 18085 61254 78405 97222 109861 120627 0,57 1,1 2,2 7,0 100 554 1274 4314 5522 6847 7737 8495 0,10 0,19 0,39 1,3 18 100 230 778 996 1235 1396 1533 0,04 0,08 0,17 0,55 7,9 44 100 339 434 538 608 668 0,012 0,024 0,050 0,16 2,3 13 30 100 128 159 180 198 0,009 0,019 0,039 0,13 1,8 10 23 78 100 124 140 154 0,007 0,015 0,031 0,10 1,5 8,2 19 63 81 100 113 124 0,006 0,013 0,027 0,090 1,3 7,2 16 56 71 89 100 110 0,005 0,012 0,025 0,082 1,2 6,6 15 51 65 81 91 100 Indeksi cen 100 193 445 1346 18920 122924 267606 806296 1064311 1277173 1443205 1583196 Retail price indicesna drobno 52 100 231 697 9798 63658 138582 417549 551165 661398 747380 819876 22 43 100 302 4249 27605 60097 181071 239014 286817 324103 355541 7,4 14 33 100 1406 9135 19886 59918 79092 94910 107248 117651 0,53 1,0 2,4 7,1 100 650 1414 4262 5626 6751 7629 8369 0,08 0,16 0,36 1,1 15 100 218 656 866 1039 1174 1288 0,04 0,07 0,17 0,5 7,1 46 100 301 397 476 538 590 0,013 0,023 0,056 0,17 2,4 15 33 100 132 158 179 196 0,010 0,017 0,042 0,13 1,8 12 25 76 100 120 136 149 0,008 0,014 0,035 0,11 1,5 9,7 21 63 83 100 113 124 0,007 0,012 0,031 0,093 1,3 8,5 19 56 74 89 100 110 0,006 0,011 0,028 0,085 1,2 7,8 17 51 67 81 91 100 Indeksi cen űivljenjskih potrebËin 100 196 454 1361 18855 122857 264142 811709 1079573 1306283 1476100 1622234 Consumer price indices51 100 232 695 9625 62714 134836 414350 551086 666814 753500 828097 22 43 100 300 4150 27044 58144 178677 237640 287544 324925 357093 7,3 14 33 100 1385 9027 19407 59638 79319 95976 108453 119190 0,53 1,0 2,4 7,2 100 652 1401 4305 5726 6928 7829 8604 0,08 0,16 0,37 1,1 15 100 215 661 879 1064 1202 1321 0,04 0,07 0,17 0,5 7,1 47 100 307 408 494 558 613 0,013 0,023 0,055 0,2 2,3 15 33 100 133 161 182 200 0,010 0,017 0,041 0,13 1,7 12 25 75 100 121 137 151 0,008 0,014 0,034 0,11 1,4 9,5 20 62 83 100 113 124 0,007 0,012 0,030 0,093 1,3 8,4 18 55 73 89 100 110 0,006 0,011 0,027 0,085 1,2 7,7 16 50 67 81 91 100 Indeksi cen gostinskih storitev 100 221 506 1478 21952 129165 267371 820027 1266942 1685033 2055740 2288039 Catering price indices45 100 229 670 9955 58578 121256 371892 574573 764182 932302 1037652 20 44 100 292 4340 25535 52858 162114 250466 333120 406406 452330 6,8 15 34 100 1485 8739 18090 55481 85718 114005 139086 154803 0,46 1,0 2,3 6,7 100 588 1218 3736 5772 7677 9366 10424 0,08 0,17 0,39 1,1 17 100 207 635 981 1305 1592 1772 0,04 0,08 0,19 0,55 8,2 48 100 307 474 630 769 856 0,013 0,026 0,062 0,18 2,7 16 33 100 155 205 250 278 0,008 0,017 0,040 0,12 1,7 10 21 65 100 133 162 180 0,006 0,013 0,030 0,087 1,3 7,6 16 49 75 100 122 136 0,005 0,011 0,025 0,071 1,1 6,2 13 40 62 82 100 111 0,004 0,010 0,022 0,064 1,0 5,6 12 36 55 74 90 100 Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 246 15.2 Indeksi cen povpreËje predhodnega leta = 100 Price indices average of the previous year = 100 Cene industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih Producers prices of manufactured goods Cene industrijskih izdelkov v trgovini na debelo Wholesale prices of industrial products Cene na drobno Retail prices Cene gostinskih storitev Prices of catering services Cene űivljenjskih potrebËin Consumer prices 1953 96,7 ... 102,0 121,9 105,6 1954 97,8 ... 101,6 105,7 101,4 1955 102,2 ... 110,2 105,4 109,1 1956 100,0 ... 104,8 107,2 103,4 1957 101,1 ... 102,7 116,4 104,7 1958 102,2 ... 103,5 109,4 104,2 1959 98,9 91,8 102,8 102,5 103,4 1960 103,7 106,9 108,2 113,2 110,3 1961 103,8 105,7 109,5 128,9 109,3 1962 101,6 103,5 109,2 113,1 114,4 1963 101,5 102,3 105,6 108,9 107,5 1964 104,5 105,8 110,3 115,3 110,0 1965 116,9 119,7 128,0 127,9 131,5 1966 111,1 117,8 123,1 128,7 123,0 1967 102,7 104,8 106,6 114,5 107,8 1968 101,7 104,2 103,9 106,2 105,4 1969 103,2 107,7 108,9 108,6 110,5 1970 111,6 106,4 111,4 116,0 111,3 1971 115,9 110,9 114,3 117,5 114,8 1972 108,0 116,2 115,5 120,1 117,3 1973 113,2 120,6 118,2 122,4 120,0 1974 133,8 135,5 127,2 119,9 124,3 1975 127,3 126,9 126,0 123,2 126,0 1976 105,2 107,1 109,5 114,6 113,1 1977 108,8 112,3 113,3 115,0 114,6 1978 110,6 112,5 114,2 120,3 115,8 1979 114,7 116,0 124,9 121,6 124,0 1980 128,8 130,6 130,9 127,4 129,8 1981 142,5 157,7 145,1 134,7 142,6 1982 123,1 129,4 129,0 126,8 130,1 1983 130,6 143,8 140,4 134,7 140,3 1984 161,2 164,3 155,2 146,6 153,7 1985 194,8 183,8 179,3 193,8 179,4 1986 183,7 185,6 193,1 220,5 195,9 1987 206,4 204,2 230,6 229,4 231,9 1988 306,4 324,9 302,2 292,2 299,6 1989 1513,3 1419,8 1406,0 1485,2 1385,3 1990 490,4 554,3 649,7 588,4 651,6 1991 224,1 229,8 217,7 207,0 215,0 1992 315,7 338,7 301,3 306,7 307,3 1993 121,6 128,0 132,3 154,5* 132,9 1994 117,7 123,6 119,8 133,1 121,0 1995 112,8 113,3 112,6 122,3 113,5 1996 106,8 109,8 109,7 111,3 109,9 Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 247 15.3 Indeksi cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih povpreËje predhodnega leta = 100 Producer price indices of manufactured goods average of the previous year = 100 15.4 Indeksi cen v trgovini na debelo povpreËje predhodnega leta = 100 Wholesale price indices average of the previous year = 100 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 194,8 490,4 315,7 121,6 117,7 112,8 106,8 TOTAL Sredstva za delo 213,7 509,3 316,0 119,3 115,7 105,8 107,4 Capital goods Reprodukcijski material 197,7 481,3 306,0 119,0 116,7 114,7 105,7 Intermediate goods Blago za iroko porabo 186,5 493,2 325,2 124,5 119,1 111,9 107,7 Consumption goods Elektrogospodarstvo 155,7 497,3 179,6 171,8 131,1 118,2 112,1 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 163,9 445,9 358,3 128,1 136,4 112,1 105,7 Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 183,1 539,6 259,7 110,7 114,8 101,5 104,6 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 198,2 405,1 307,7 111,4 119,0 113,2 102,6 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 203,2 - - - - - - Manufacture of non-ferrous metals Proizv. barvastih kovin 158,9 453,8 260,1 112,8 126,7 126,9 97,7 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 198,1 406,0 309,3 96,4 115,8 133,1 95,6 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizv. nekovinskih rudnin 187,4 680,9 303,8 125,6 117,5 112,0 112,5 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 192,7 502,5 428,2 109,1 104,1 112,6 104,8 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 241,4 501,4 352,4 116,6 114,6 111,0 109,3 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 183,1 491,4 315,4 118,6 109,3 106,0 109,6 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 212,2 564,6 317,2 124,2 120,8 102,8 105,5 Manufacture of transport equipment Proizv. elektr. stroj. apar. 210,2 445,9 312,1 114,8 106,9 103,9 104,3 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 226,2 498,3 310,7 100,6 106,8 114,1 105,1 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 190,5 506,2 335,4 125,3 115,5 111,6 102,8 Manufacture of chemical products Proizv. kamna in peska 166,9 576,1 324,0 149,8 119,4 114,0 114,6 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradbenega materiala 209,9 514,7 306,2 123,4 116,4 110,5 109,7 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploË 251,3 494,3 280,5 106,2 106,6 110,1 101,2 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 174,4 529,3 319,4 125,3 114,4 105,1 107,7 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 165,7 486,2 334,8 104,1 106,2 126,7 97,1 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 171,7 492,9 432,1 116,8 108,1 106,5 107,0 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekstil. izdelkov 191,4 422,4 335,0 131,1 115,1 107,8 102,4 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 143,6 418,7 294,7 109,3 114,4 134,5 100,7 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galanterije 186,1 618,7 352,0 121,9 111,8 111,8 105,7 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 215,8 429,1 307,1 115,8 109,0 109,6 92,7 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. izdelkov 177,0 469,7 301,0 121,8 124,7 115,0 109,3 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 202,8 628,1 316,1 128,3 120,2 120,6 118,4 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 167,0 601,8 288,9 117,2 119,9 95,3 142,7 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 250,9 593,7 409,8 126,8 121,7 119,3 114,8 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost - 441,5 372,5 127,5 113,3 107,7 112,7 Printing IzkoriËanje gozdov 196,0 566,9 259,4 126,5 115,9 109,6 107,1 Exploatation of forests 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 183,8 554,3 338,7 128,0 123,6 113,3 109,8 TOTAL éivilski izdelki 185,8 571,7 309,3 124,9 141,8 121,0 116,6 Foodstuffs Tekstilni izdelki 167,4 623,7 394,1 149,9 111,5 111,3 108,6 Textile products Usnje 168,7 771,0 211,9 161,2 142,3 120,2 102,5 Leather Kurjava in razsvetljava 182,1 507,9 311,9 102,4 107,8 100,8 112,6 Fuel and light ElektriËni gospodinjski aparati 235,4 431,1 312,2 125,7 112,2 104,8 102,1 Electrical appliances for household Predmeti za gospodinjstvo 167,4 524,4 335,3 144,2 97,8 105,1 100,7 Household appliances Posoda in pribor 156,9 883,5 486,4 125,7 107,6 109,2 101,3 Dishes and tableware Higienske in Ëistilne potrebËine 187,2 683,3 463,7 133,2 135,0 120,4 106,5 Personal care and cleansing products Zdravila 235,2 535,8 466,7 132,9 128,4 104,1 99,0 Medicaments Pisarnike in olske potrebËine 183,6 521,7 326,3 108,7 104,2 121,8 109,7 Products for offices and schools Prometna sredstva 173,2 487,2 275,5 129,1 117,5 101,7 105,8 Transport equipment Pnevmatike za vozila 189,0 486,8 342,0 113,0 125,7 113,1 100,8 Pneumatic tyres Gradbeni material 177,2 583,3 334,1 119,1 121,2 112,9 110,3 Building materials Kmetijsko orodje 206,7 656,8 309,9 152,7 110,3 114,0 110,7 Agricultural tools ZaËitna sredstva za kmetijstvo 258,6 591,3 313,5 108,3 105,5 109,4 112,8 Chemicals for use in agriculture Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 248 15.5 Indeksi cen na drobno povpreËje predhodnega leta = 100 Retail price indices average of the previous year = 100 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 179,3 649,7 301,3 132,3 119,8 112,6 109,7 TOTAL BLAGO 179,0 634,0 309,3 129,6 118,8 111,2 108,2 GOODS Sveűe vrtnine, sadje, jajca in ribe 173,6 898,9 288,2 142,8 114,3 116,2 111,1 Fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs and fish Sveűe vrtnine 190,9 1340,8 309,7 162,5 102,3 106,2 111,6 Fresh vegetables Sveűe sadje 181,1 849,1 263,6 136,0 132,5 126,8 102,4 Fresh fruit Jajca 150,8 472,6 277,7 119,1 119,5 117,3 124,0 Eggs Sveűe ribe 143,0 559,3 324,3 130,4 98,2 112,1 132,7 Fresh fish Industrijski izdelki skupaj 178,5 630,1 310,0 129,3 118,9 111,1 108,0 Manufactured goods, total Industrijski űivilski izdelki 186,1 550,0 313,4 124,0 123,4 113,7 107,9 Manufactured foodstuffs Izdelki iz űit 181,8 527,8 258,5 144,4 127,7 112,8 108,9 Cereal products Predelane vrtnine 173,5 837,7 282,4 134,4 126,8 122,5 106,7 Processed vegetables Predelano sadje 182,3 779,2 348,7 122,7 116,7 111,3 110,0 Processed fruit Sveűe meso 170,3 498,3 332,2 115,7 123,1 113,0 106,3 Fresh meat Predelano meso 181,9 563,8 340,5 126,2 112,4 116,7 107,1 Processed meat Predelane ribe 196,6 756,2 341,2 116,6 103,8 112,2 112,4 Processed fish Mleko in mleËni izdelki 178,4 575,1 331,9 122,5 126,8 109,6 109,6 Milk and dairy products MaËobe 173,9 453,4 308,8 117,3 129,6 107,7 104,5 Oils, fats Drugi industrijski űivilski izdelki 192,9 591,6 289,7 121,3 133,1 115,5 110,4 Other manufactured foodstuffs PijaËe 209,0 715,8 294,1 127,4 135,7 120,8 112,1 Beverages TobaËni izdelki 177,6 524,5 430,6 130,8 156,1 111,0 110,7 Tobacco Industrijski neűivilski izdelki 177,0 657,8 306,7 131,2 114,8 109,5 107,6 Manufactured non-food products Tekstilni izdelki 174,9 724,3 390,9 149,9 112,9 109,1 105,6 Textile products Volnene tkanine 173,1 852,4 538,3 143,8 107,9 101,9 101,5 Woollen fabrics Bombaűne tkanine 152,6 811,6 447,4 155,5 112,7 104,8 104,0 Cotton fabrics Svilene tkanine 190,7 1016,9 423,7 172,0 115,7 110,0 105,2 Silk fabrics Pletenine 207,8 613,5 383,9 160,5 110,9 105,1 102,3 Knitted goods Nogavice 183,1 709,1 347,3 129,6 107,3 113,8 108,0 Stockings Perilo 176,0 724,8 414,8 152,8 115,6 110,2 104,7 Underwear Konfekcijska oblaËila 170,3 642,9 353,4 148,5 114,4 110,1 107,9 Ready-made clothing Konfekcija za gospodinjstvo 174,0 773,9 366,9 146,4 111,9 107,1 105,0 Ready-made articles for housekeeping Obutev 162,8 757,1 353,3 140,3 115,5 109,7 104,7 Footwear Usnjena galanterija 197,1 760,0 322,1 154,1 120,5 111,6 110,5 Leather products Kurjava in razsvetljava 178,9 584,7 228,2 134,0 124,0 113,9 111,4 Heating and lighting ElektriËna energija za gospodinjstvo - 502,2 177,5 154,0 137,2 117,5 112,1 Electric energy for housekeeping Drugo za razsvetljavo - 712,9 387,1 101,3 100,9 105,2 105,2 Other for lighting Kurjava 179,7 551,0 284,8 122,4 109,3 108,3 112,2 Fuel Pohitvo 182,4 541,4 316,1 128,5 116,4 112,0 106,6 Furniture Posoda in pribor 191,5 1173,8 428,7 129,7 104,9 108,7 106,4 Dishes and tableware Drugi gospodinjski predmeti - 804,1 363,3 146,0 112,0 109,2 104,1 Other household articles ElektriËni gospodinjski aparati 241,8 648,6 311,0 128,5 104,4 105,2 104,1 Electrical household appliances Higienske potrebËine 187,5 805,3 374,7 122,3 115,5 112,4 107,7 Products for personal care Zdravila 210,6 613,2 442,1 141,9 116,9 112,5 109,1 Medicaments Sredstva za izobraűevanje 171,0 858,5 308,5 117,7 111,2 113,9 109,3 Products for education Sredstva za kulturo - 717,4 265,7 139,6 121,9 122,6 118,8 Products for culture Sredstva za razvedrilo - 675,2 305,3 135,1 118,3 108,3 103,0 Products for entertainment Prometna sredstva 166,0 552,2 268,0 126,7 119,5 102,2 104,9 Transport equipment TekoËa goriva in maziva 151,9 538,1 246,1 117,6 113,1 105,6 108,6 Motor fuels and lubricants Kmetijsko orodje 154,5 810,7 306,4 143,5 122,8 114,2 106,7 Agricultural tools ZaËitna sredstva za kmetijstvo 248,5 804,2 436,4 119,3 111,1 112,8 104,0 Chemicals for use in agriculture Gradbeni material 196,7 659,6 285,2 117,0 107,1 108,9 107,8 Construction material STORITVE 183,1 731,8 266,8 145,4 124,3 117,9 115,6 SERVICES Obrtne storitve 188,5 775,7 322,9 177,5 120,2 113,5 110,9 Craft services Osebne storitve - 770,3 279,8 150,4 129,6 124,6 114,5 Personal services Stanovanjske storitve 184,7 672,0 250,3 155,7 151,1 122,2 152,7 Housing services Komunalne storitve 197,3 735,3 339,6 156,1 122,9 113,3 110,3 Community services FinanËne in druge storitve - 802,2 246,1 107,1 107,1 113,3 107,7 Financial and other services Kulturne storitve 160,1 704,9 247,6 162,9 125,5 114,1 113,5 Cultural services Storitve druűbenega varstva - 974,6 275,5 160,4 125,5 120,3 124,8 Social care Prometne storitve 187,4 644,4 293,2 130,9 121,7 112,9 113,7 Transport services PTT-storitve 144,3 636,6 169,2 127,6 129,0 146,0 104,8 Communication services Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 249 15.6 Indeksi cen gostinskih storitev povpreËje predhodnega leta = 100 Catering price indices average of the previous year = 100 15.7 Indeksi cen űivljenjskih potrebËin povpreËje predhodnega leta = 100 Consumer price indices average of the previous year = 100 15.8 PovpreËne cene na drobno Average retail prices 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 196,5 588,4 306,7 154,5* 133,1 122,3 111,3 TOTAL Jedi 184,8 531,9 329,0 143,3* 125,1 120,4 109,4 Dishes ZaËetne jedi 186,9 525,0 315,4 167,3 120,9 117,6 111,1 Commencing dishes Pripravljene jedi 179,8 504,4 328,6 146,1* 131,0 120,5 109,0 Prepared dishes PeËenke in jedi po naroËilu 185,5 521,5 345,7 123,0* 119,5 119,2 107,8 Roasts and dishes made to order Prikuhe 188,0 608,2* 305,3 173,5 132,6 127,4 111,7 Trimmings (Vegetables) Solate 183,3 592,9 306,4 177,9 129,4 124,5 114,8 Salads Sladice 182,7 558,6 322,3 190,9 145,9 119,7 107,7 Desserts Alkoholne pijaËe 215,9 607,5 261,6 154,6 126,4 127,1 111,4 Alcoholic drinks Brezalkoholne pijaËe 189,8 629,6 270,3 160,9* 133,1 130,1 110,4 Non-alcoholic beverages PrenoËitve 205,8 696,3 315,0 170,0* 148,1 120,5 113,9 Accommodation 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 179,4 651,6 307,3 132,9 121,0 113,5 109,9 TOTAL Hrana 179,3 616,9 305,7 125,7 123,0 115,7 109,3 Food Tobak in pijaËa 197,0 651,7 328,7 126,2 134,7 116,4 111,3 Beverages and tobacco Obleka in obutev 174,1 703,4 369,6 147,2 114,4 110,2 106,6 Clothing and footwear Najemnina in ostalo za vzdrűevanje stanovanj 191,2 629,8 291,4 161,9 132,6 121,1 130,7 Rent for dwelling and other for upkeep Gorivo in energija 180,4 569,1 255,6 134,4 121,3 111,5 109,4 Heating and lighting Stanovanjska oprema 189,2 700,3 350,3 136,6 109,2 108,3 105,0 Household equipment Higiena in nega zdravja 195,2 824,9 358,6 130,7 120,7 114,3 109,1 Personal and medical care Izobraűevanje, kultura, oddih 178,8 760,9 283,7 145,8 122,2 115,4 112,6 Education, culture and entertainment Promet s storitvami 165,7 613,8 261,1 124,5 117,0 109,2 107,5 Transport and communications Blago 178,7 641,7 313,9 129,9 119,9 112,3 108,4 Goods Storitve 185,4 703,5 274,0 150,1 126,2 118,4 115,2 Services Merska enota 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit éITA CEREALS Riű kg 139,63 153,31 205,08 222,55 284,58 kg Rice IZDELKI IZ éIT CEREAL PRODUCTS Bel kruh kg 62,94 97,84 130,51 150,13 159,14 kg White bread »rn kruh kg 62,02 93,11 124,81 141,85 151,43 kg Brown bread Bela moka kg 37,70 56,58 71,44 77,39 80,75 kg White flour Testenine z jajci kg 160,55 186,84 189,81 213,91 251,82 kg Pasta with eggs éemlja kos 8,50 14,03 18,15 19,87 21,96 piece Roll Napolitanke kg 413,88 529,60 639,75 716,77 942,68 kg Naples biscuits DomaËi keksi kg - 428,84 441,27 499,09 593,82 kg Biscuits VRTNINE VEGETABLES Krompir kg 36,61 55,72 54,48 76,68 51,36 kg Potatoes Fiűol v zrnju kg 148,89 221,07 303,38 334,50 321,59 kg Beans »ebula kg 65,08 103,86 123,81 138,27 104,67 kg Onions »esen kg - - - 346,64 391,51 kg Garlic Sladko zelje kg 64,77 77,47 82,85 108,28 99,68 kg Cabbage Kislo zelje kg 100,71 169,11 190,04 197,30 177,42 kg Pickled cabbage Jedilno korenje kg 90,28 117,31 142,19 162,22 186,28 kg Carrots Sveűi paradiűnik kg 185,18 146,32 293,32 272,45 299,58 kg Tomatoes Sveűa paprika kg 250,48 172,52 370,60 340,48 386,80 kg Paprika CvetaËa kg 163,30 203,87 268,95 257,14 263,07 kg Cauliflower Zelena solata (endivija) kg 142,94 171,90 198,90 209,96 283,56 kg Green salat Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 250 SADJE FRUIT Jabolka kg 90,28 81,33 122,07 138,58 142,39 kg Apples Hruke kg 111,64 129,43 182,79 211,38 220,16 kg Pears »enje kg 133,73 210,93 354,55 532,41 519,63 kg Cherries Vrtne jagode kg 435,84 455,49 748,70 984,78 1101,31 kg Strawberries Slive kg 107,57 141,64 238,53 203,11 223,29 kg Plums Grozdje kg 254,63 177,15 379,79 532,09 443,30 kg Grapes Limone kg 133,37 133,88 164,75 187,08 234,09 kg Lemons PomaranËe kg 94,49 105,89 139,18 167,80 207,59 kg Oranges Banane kg - - - 140,51 148,83 kg Bananas Orehova jedrca kg 968,27 936,91 1118,60 1110,10 1007,10 kg Kernels SVEéE MESO FRESH MEAT Govedina s kostmi kg 496,03 569,27 753,59 894,97 990,26 kg Unboned beef Teletina s kostmi kg 692,09 823,60 1087,03 1357,12 1388,39 kg Unboned veal Svinina s kostmi kg 541,88 621,91 775,26 812,78 804,60 kg Unboned pork Zaklani piËanec kg 317,09 356,85 422,88 456,54 529,60 kg Chicken MESNI IZDELKI MEAT PRODUCTS Suha svinjska rebra kg 563,60 807,78 830,30 968,22 1014,35 kg Dried pork ribs ≥unka kg 983,69 1122,19 1218,27 1326,62 1327,08 kg Ham Prekajena mesnata slanina kg 782,78 1154,49 1133,17 1071,27 1315,29 kg Smoked bacon Salama unkarica kg 806,61 1025,54 1103,89 1269,52 1328,39 kg Rolled ham Hrenovke kg 577,88 717,19 840,33 1010,37 1045,53 kg Frankfurt sausage Mortadela kg 625,52 777,61 869,39 1004,26 1154,21 kg Frankfurter Zimska salama kg 1482,33 1905,36 2297,33 2717,85 2956,05 kg Winter / dried salami JAJCA kos 12,22 14,57 17,13 20,17 24,40 piece EGGS MLEKO IN MLE»NI IZDELKI MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Mleko, TP l - 54,97 67,25 73,22 78,27 l Milk Alpsko mleko l 70,32 78,83 96,86 103,99 121,29 l Alpine / sterilized milk Jogurt l 96,90 148,86 210,10 239,65 270,96 l Yoghourt Surovo maslo kg 473,91 493,04 648,33 665,46 736,99 kg Butter Sir trapist kg 642,93 708,40 820,65 863,28 886,81 kg Trappist cheese Skuta kg 270,84 345,65 406,02 435,10 466,77 kg Cottage cheese MA≥»OBE FATS DomaËa svinjska mast kg 191,01 230,46 243,07 272,14 266,34 kg Lard Jedilno olje l 124,28 147,31 197,14 198,44 200,05 l Edible oil Margarina kg 266,47 295,63 376,84 423,03 497,56 kg Margarine ALKOHOLNE PIJA»E ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Kakovostno belo vino l 136,25 212,62 265,69 310,59 391,85 l Quality white wine éganje l 619,40 825,04 1280,25 1733,33 1930,96 l Fruit brandy Pivo 1/2 l 86,80 117,31 159,22 188,83 219,64 1/2 l Beer Vinjak l 646,65 762,87 1244,76 1728,09 1672,69 l Brandy distilled from wine DRUGA INDUSTRIJSKA éIVILA OTHER INDUSTRIAL FOOD PRODUCTS Sladkor kg 73,38 80,61 116,45 133,92 140,38 kg Sugar Med kg 376,61 450,49 478,29 555,99 627,70 kg Honey Praűena kava kg 601,26 698,73 1392,93 1736,28 1734,69 kg Roasted coffee »aj zavitek 101,38 139,37 194,59 204,27 209,29 box Tea Jedilna Ëokolada kg 686,84 860,04 933,50 1087,26 1291,91 kg Chocolate MleËna Ëokolada kg 724,83 909,13 1011,28 1151,22 1354,28 kg Milk chocolate Kuhinjska sol kg 50,46 58,53 62,96 73,61 81,94 kg Table salt Kis l 127,68 143,92 156,06 176,03 189,04 l Vinegar VOLNENE TKANINE WOOLLEN FABRICS Tkanina iz Ëesane preje za moke obleke m 2275,17 3245,72 3515,39 3492,96 3456,91 m Cloth from worsted yarn for men's suits Tkanina iz Ëesane preje za űenske obleke m 1803,62 2888,32 3165,67 2924,30 3077,65 m Cloth from worsted yarn for women's suits Tkanina za űenske obleke m 1728,24 2437,48 2590,80 2540,93 2586,99 m Cloth for women's suits Merska enota 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit 15.8 PovpreËne cene na drobno (nadaljevanje) Average retail prices (continued) Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 251 BOMBAéNE TKANINE COTTON FABRICS Posteljno platno (140 cm) m 539,50 854,99 928,99 940,75 894,68 m Bed linen (140 cm) Damast m 734,79 1122,42 1224,10 1206,37 1247,45 m Damast linen Poplin za űenske bluze m 520,00 808,76 949,83 1009,66 1067,25 m Poplin for women's blouses KONFEKCIJSKI IZDELKI READY-MADE CLOTHING Moke hlaËe kos 5110,04 7485,22 8945,06 10081,31 10997,06 piece Men's pants Moka srajca (100-%-ni bombaű) kos 2867,70 4166,74 5054,89 5546,40 6008,98 piece Men's 100% cotton shirt éensko krilo kos - 5488,23 6960,04 7810,55 8093,79 piece Women's skirt éenska bluza (100-%-na viskoza) kos 3810,38 6129,91 6565,24 6793,46 8258,73 piece Women's blouses, 100% viscoze Otroka trenirka kos 2804,02 4096,15 4619,26 4784,26 4746,54 piece Children's track-suits Otroke hlaËe kos 3077,75 3927,68 4143,22 4309,30 4089,85 piece Children's pants DRUGI TEKSTILNI IZDELKI OTHER TEXTILE PRODUCTS Jogi rjuha kos - 1589,31 1794,43 1722,86 1905,04 piece Mattress sheet Preita odeja kos 5406,40 7910,03 7666,89 7914,52 8210,56 piece Quilts BrisaËa kos 488,13 721,23 823,56 938,81 1052,80 piece Bath towels Preproga kos 20825,62 34397,84 23069,77 3908,29 3528,89 piece Carpet OBUTEV FOOTWEAR Moki nizki Ëevlji iz boksa par 3518,56 4528,31 5308,21 5870,12 6372,73 pair Men's boxcalf shoes éenski nizki Ëevlji iz boksa par 3529,92 4786,45 5270,56 5774,19 6251,91 pair Women's boxcalf shoes éenski salonarji par 3295,06 4360,05 5238,18 5587,07 5968,31 pair Women's shoes Otroki nizki Ëevlji z gumijastim podplatom par 2241,59 3282,97 3782,80 4132,29 4710,96 pair Children's rubber-soled shoes ≥portni copati par 2943,51 4033,42 4629,77 5800,48 6186,36 pair Sport shoes POHI≥TVO FURNITURE Spalnica garn. 136870,42 176274,91 182672,67 203532,08 207144,03 suite Bedroom Kuhinjski stol kos - - - 8894,57 9944,73 piece Chair Kuhinjska miza kos 14670,31 20277,95 31161,21 34136,97 42265,29 piece Dinner table Pomivalno korito kos - - 14772,41 14545,97 14060,94 piece Washing sink ViseËa dvokrilna kuhinjska omarica kos 9767,92 11093,92 12572,44 16310,65 16168,79 piece Wall-mounted two-door kitchen cabinet KavË kos 58896,36 74221,58 76923,97 81130,65 77402,77 piece Sofa GOSPODINJSKI APARATI HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES ElektriËni tedilnik kos 44147,37 57962,09 57897,60 57360,73 64689,63 piece Electric cooker Emajliran tedilnik kos 33720,49 46812,43 48439,61 52113,30 62470,82 piece Enamel cooker Sesalnik kos 15820,31 18358,39 19543,22 19331,58 19206,24 piece Vacuum cleaner Pralni stroj kos 57486,09 71031,54 69667,89 62490,28 66767,20 piece Washing machine Hladilnik kos 35964,37 51016,10 53042,91 40847,73 51947,26 piece Refrigerator Televizor (zaslon 60-66 cm) kos 66139,31 86059,78 112009,81 114263,64 118364,48 piece Television set (screen 60-66 cm) ElektriËni likalnik kos 2259,93 2858,01 3166,26 3594,29 3785,39 piece Electric iron DRUGI GOSPODINJSKI PREDMETI OTHER HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Emajliran lonec, 2.5 l kos 811,90 1250,39 1240,76 1293,79 1358,40 piece Enamel pot, 2,5 l Teflonska ponev kos 1793,02 2033,74 2150,04 1988,00 2153,21 piece China plates Emajlirana kozica kos 634,17 825,64 913,59 991,86 968,18 piece Enamel casserole Jedilni pribor kos 6179,45 8103,00 8316,72 7250,31 7804,61 piece Cutlery Kroűnik iz porcelana kos 306,28 380,78 410,65 407,59 391,41 piece China plates Kozarec za vodo, 2 dl kos 119,71 100,45 88,03 82,35 83,81 piece Glasses, 2 dl éarnica, 60 W kos 100,21 86,59 80,98 84,67 86,50 piece Light bulbs (60 W) KMETIJSKO ORODJE AGRICULTURAL TOOLS Sekira kg 842,26 1271,53 1657,29 1791,77 1839,81 kg Axe Motika kg 783,14 1070,31 1289,18 1438,24 1429,74 kg Hoe Motorna kosilnica kos - 41495,31 42746,11 37178,76 31347,12 piece Reaping-machine Vinogradnika kropilnica kos 10433,21 14438,59 14963,51 12859,71 12800,40 piece Vineyard spraying device GRADBENI MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL Zidna opeka kos 27,62 33,19 43,57 45,61 48,82 piece Brick Cement portland kg 9,13 10,59 11,26 12,61 13,60 kg Portland cement Hidrirano apno kg 11,04 12,93 14,51 15,63 15,20 kg Hydrated lime Deske iz mehkega lesa m2 15209,83 17818,31 19919,53 24254,73 26004,11 m2 Soft wood planks éeblji kg 203,13 216,65 190,88 204,36 203,26 kg Nails Merska enota 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit 15.8 PovpreËne cene na drobno (nadaljevanje) Average retail prices (continued) Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 252 KURJAVA IN RAZSVETLJAVA HEATING AND LIGHTING Drva za kurjavo m3 4958,89 6307,97 5581,82 6104,96 6560,85 m3 Firewood Lignit t 5877,91 7859,57 8407,40 8932,63 9677,38 t Lignite Kurilno olje l 24,54 27,73 31,25 33,33 36,14 l Fuel oil TekoËi plin butan kg 53,13 58,59 63,59 73,58 94,76 kg Gas ElektriËna energija za gosp. (dnevna) kWh 5,00 7,33 9,61 11,24 12,63 kWh Electricity for housekeeping (in daytime) GORIVA FUELS NeosvinËeni motorni bencin, 91-okt. l 45,98 53,85 61,15 64,41 69,66 l Motor petrol, 91 octane (unleaded) OsvinËeni motorni bencin, 98-okt. l 53,98 63,28 71,65 75,36 81,57 l Motor petrol, 98 octane (leaded) Plinsko olje D-2 l 44,75 52,93 60,20 63,61 69,05 l Gas oil ≥OLSKE POTRB≥»INE SCHOOL OUTFIT Zvezek kos 69,05 81,66 79,10 68,01 88,39 piece Exercise notebooks Pisalni papir (500 listov) zavitek* 855,02 862,10 744,26 848,58 969,06 pocket* Writing paper (500 pages) Navadni svinËnik kos 39,24 45,70 45,71 38,64 42,54 piece Pencil Ravnilo kos 41,53 70,10 74,49 56,48 58,91 piece Ruler HIGIENSKE POTREB≥»INE IN »ISTILNA SREDSTVA HYGIENE AND CLEANING MATERIALS Toaletno milo kg 509,47 698,58 818,20 921,40 988,73 kg Toilet soap Zobna krema kos 128,10 161,37 184,89 211,87 238,24 piece Toothpaste ≥ampon kos - - 652,60 1063,88 1260,65 piece Shampoo Pralni praek kg 221,26 244,80 302,32 305,89 285,67 kg Washing powder Milo za pranje kg 362,38 363,71 405,16 465,70 497,23 kg Washing soap OBRTNE STORITVE CRAFT SERVICES ≥ivanje moke obleke kos 8045,11 12328,50 15676,89 17674,53 20173,37 piece Men's tailoring ≥ivanje krila kos - 2589,93 3674,59 3999,70 4636,86 piece Dressmaking (skirt) Podplatenje mokih Ëevljev par 624,69 916,77 1076,74 978,15 1010,09 pair Resoling men's footwear Moko striűenje 376,91 572,90 829,50 1016,59 1236,59 Men's hairdressing Britje (kolonjska voda in krema) 273,14 410,33 548,84 676,09 778,45 Shaving (eau de Cologne and shaving cream) Trajna ondulacija (hladna) 1827,94 2791,21 3505,63 4400,60 5270,82 Perm, cold KemiËno ËiËenje moke obleke kos 536,69 841,82 995,22 1169,09 1285,51 piece Dry cleaning of men's suit Popravilo televizorja 1 ura 887,33 1304,29 1517,36 2529,15 2908,23 1 hour Television set repair Pleskanje prostorov m2 155,47 329,21 386,53 201,36 220,64 m2 House painting STANOVANJSKE STORITVE HOUSING SERVICES Obratovalni stroki m2 8,57 14,03 14,11 16,88 35,08 m2 Operating costs Stanarina m2 50,84 74,46 92,38 109,93 221,49 m2 Rent KOMUNALNE STORITVE COMMUNITY SERVICES Voda za gospodinjstvo m3 29,44 43,84 54,98 59,09 66,64 m3 Water for households Odvoz smeti m2 3,01 4,38 5,72 6,77 7,68 m2 Rubbish collection Ogrevanje stanovanj MWh 47,77 62,65 3002,58 3274,75 3309,02 MWh Apartment heating PO≥TNE IN TELEFONSKE STORITVE POSTAL SERVICES Znamka za pismo kos 6,00 7,83 10,83 13,00 13,00 piece Stamp for a letter Dopisnica kos 5,00 6,83 10,42 13,00 13,00 piece Postcard Telefonska kartica (100 impulzov) kos - - - - 1300,00 piece Phone card (100 units) Telefonska naroËnina za samost. prikljuËek kos 488,75 687,75 813,75 890,40 915,60 piece Telephone subscription for individual connection KULTURNE STORITVE CULTURAL SERVICES Vstopnica za kino kos 160,64 342,93 433,39 487,98 521,58 piece Cinema ticket Vstopnica za gledaliËe kos 349,44 585,69 1102,61 1431,21 1762,50 piece Theatre ticket Vstopnica za nogometno tekmo kos 203,93 419,50 593,42 883,33 933,33 piece Ticket for a football match PROMETNE STORITVE TRANSPORT SERVICES Prevoz potnikov Passenger transport z mestnim avtobusom vozovnica 36,27 48,95 61,54 73,64 84,30 ticket City bus z medkrajevnim avtobusom km 4,44 6,11 7,19 8,33 9,62 km Intercity bus z vlakom km 3,23 4,27 4,93 5,33 6,09 km Train s taksijem km 54,51 71,84 122,66 136,90 172,09 km Taxi z letalom km 35,39 44,74 55,41 55,74 57,52 km Aeroplane Merska enota 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit 15.8 PovpreËne cene na drobno (nadaljevanje) Average retail prices (continued) Cene Prices StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 253 Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 254 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 * 16. KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIäTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki so rezultati statistiËnih raziskovanj s podroËja kmetijstva ter popisov kmetijstva (1960, 1969) in prebivalstva (1981, 1991). Statistika kmetijstva zbira podatke loËeno za druűbeni in zasebni sektor kmetijstva. Podatki o kmetijski dejavnosti (rastlinska pridelava, űivalska prireja in nekatere storitve v kmetijstvu) podjetij, zadrug in drugih organizacij so prikazani kot podatki o druűbenem sektorju. Podatki o zasebnem sektorju pa prikazujejo drugo kmetijsko dejavnost, ki ni definirana kot druűbeni sektor. Nekatera veËja odstopanja podatkov za leti 1993 in 1994 so posledica nekaterih űe opravljenih sprememb v prilagajanju metodologije mednarodnim standardom. Indeksi vse kmetijske pridelave so zraËunani iz podatkov o rastlinski pridelavi in űivalski prireji ter iz triletnih drseËih sredin za povpreËne odkupne cene. Indeksi konËne kmetijske pridelave so zraËunani na podlagi vrednosti vse kmetijske pridelave, zmanjöane za vrednost pridelkov, porabljenih za krmo űivali. Spremembe v izraËunu űivalske prireje so vplivale na izraËun indeksov, zato so indeksi od 1993 do 1995 popravljeni. Podatki o zemljiökih kategorijah, posevkih, sadovnjakih in vinogradih ter podatki o pridelkih kmetijskih kultur so zbrani s statistiËnimi raziskovanji in so ocena statistiËnih ocenjevalcev za zasebni sektor, za druűbeni sektor pa poroËajo kmetijske zadruge in podjetja. K zemljiöËem druűbenega sektorja ötejemo öe vsa preostala zemljiöËa, ki niso zasebna last in jih ne uporabljajo kmetijske zadruge in podjetja. ätevilo űivine prikazujemo po naËelu lastniötva. Podatke o űivini v druűbeni lasti zbiramo z letnim PoroËilom o űivinoreji. Vsa podjetja in zadruge, ki imajo lastno űivino, poroËajo o njej, ne glede na to, kje je űivina vhlevljena. Podatke o ötevilu űivine v zasebni lasti zbiramo z Anketo o ötevilu űivine na vzorËnih kmetijah. V anketo je vkljuËenih 6,7 % gospodinjstev, ki so ob popisu redila vsaj eno vrsto űivine. Zaradi razliËne zastopanosti posameznih vrst oziroma kategorij űivine je relativna standardna napaka ocene ötevila űivine v lasti kmetov razliËna. Podatki o ötevilu űivine, pri katerih je relativna standardna napaka ocene ötevila veËja od 10 % (pri nobenem podatku pa ni veËja od 20 %), so objavljeni z opombo. Podatki so reprezentativni le za Slovenijo. Podatke o űivini, zaklani v klavnicah, zbiramo z rednimi meseËnimi poroËili vseh klavnic v Sloveniji. ätevilo vseh zaklanih űivali v bilancah (tabele 16.15, 16.17 in 16.19) je od leta 1993 zraËunano iz razlike med ötevilom űivali na zaËetku in koncu leta, ötevilom rojenih in poginulih űivali ter ötevilom uvoűenih in izvoűenih űivali. Podatki o zakolu praöiËev v klavnicah za leti 1993 in 1994 so popravljeni. Za ti dve leti je ötevilo zaklanih praöiËev v klavnicah zraËunano iz podatkov o oddaji praöiËev iz druűbenih farm in kooperacije, odkupu klavnih praöiËev od kmetov in podatkov o uvozu praöiËev. Zakol na gospodarstvih je zraËunan iz razlike v ötevilu vseh zaklanih űivali in űivali, zaklanih v klavnicah. Strukturo ötevila glede na kategorije űivali in povpreËne mase za posamezne kategorije smo prevzeli iz Anket o ötevilu űivine, deleűe klavnosti pa iz podatkov klavnic. Zaradi navedenih popravkov so popravljeni tudi podatki o prirastu űivine. O porabi mineralnih gnojil v druűbenem sektorju poroËajo podjetja in zadruge. Ta so do leta 1991 poroËala tudi o oskrbi in prodaji mineralnih gnojil kmetom in tako zbrane podatke smo objavili kot porabo mineralnih gnojil v zasebnem sektorju. Od leta 1992 pa so objavljeni podatki o zasebnem sektorju zraËunani iz podatkov o uvozu, izvozu in proizvodnji mineralnih gnojil in podatkov o mineralnih gnojilih, porabljenih v druűbenem sektorju v Sloveniji. Kmetijska podjetja in zadruge letno sporoËajo podatke o porabi sredstev za varstvo rastlin za lastno pridelavo in o oskrbi in prodaji teh zasebnikom. Zato podatki o sredstvih za varstvo rastlin, prikazanimi za zasebni sektor, lahko pomenijo razpoloűljiva, in ne nujno tudi porabljena sredstva. Podatki o morskem ribiötvu so zbrani z meseËnimi poroËili, ki jih izpolnjujejo podjetja in zasebni ribiËi, katerim je ribolov glavna ali dopolnilna dejavnost. Podatkov o öportnem ribolovu v morju ne zbiramo. Podatke o sladkovodnem ribiötvu povzemamo iz letnih poroËil podjetij in öportnih ribiËev. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The sources of data are the results of regular agricultural statistical surveys and agricultural (1960, 1969) and population censuses (1981, 1991). Data are collected separately for the social and private sector. Data on the social sector are data on agricultural activity (crop production, livestock production and some services in agriculture) of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives in social, cooperative and mixed property. Data on the private sector are data on agricultural activity other than agricultural activity in the social sector. Some greater differences between 1993 and 1994 data are the result of some changes made in harmonizing the methodology with international standards. Agricultural total production indices are calculated from the data on crop and animal production and from triennial moving arithmetic mean of average purchasing prices. The index of final agricultural production is calculated from total value, excluding the value of agricultural products used as fodder. Changes in the calculation of total indigenous meat production influenced the volume indices of agricultural output, therefore incides from 1993 to 1995 are corrected. The data on land use, crops, fruit trees and vineyards as well as the data on production are collected by means of regular statistical surveys. The data on the private sector are assessed by statistical estimators. The data on the social sector are reported by agricultural enterprises and cooperatives. Social sector land includes land used by the social sector as well as other land which is not in private property and is not used by cooperatives and enterprises. The number of livestock is reported by owners. The data on livestock in the social sector are collected by the Annual Report on Livestock. All enterprises and cooperatives owning livestock are reporting, regardless of where their livestock is stabled. The data on the number of livestock in the private sector are collected by the Survey on the Number of Livestock by means of a sample survey on the farms. The sample includes 6.7% of agricultural households, which were breeding at least one category of livestock at the time of census. Due to different share of different livestock breeds and categories, the coefficient of variation for livestock number varies for different livestock breeds and categories. Data on livestock breeds, where the coefficient of variation exceeds 10% (there are no data with the coefficient of variation greater than 20%), are published with a remark. The data are representative for the Republic of Slovenia only. The data on slaughtered livestock in slaughterhouses are collected by regular monthly reports from all slaughterhouses in the Republic of Slovenia. Since 1993 the number of all slaughtered animals in alterations (tab. 16.15. 16.17. and 16.19) is calculated from the difference in the number of animals at the beginning and the end of the year, the number of born and lost animals and the number of imported and exported animals. For 1993 and 1994 the data on slaughter of pigs in slaughterhouses have been corrected. For this two years, the number of slaughtered pigs in slaughterhouses is calculated from the data on delivery of pigs from social farms and cooperatives, purchase of pigs for slaughter from farmers and data on import of pigs. Slaughter on agricultural holdings is calculated from the difference in the number of all slaughtered animals and animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses. The structure of the number in view of the categories of animals and the average weight for individual categories was taken from surveys on the number of animals and conversion coefficients from live in to carcass weight were taken from data of slaughterhouses. Due to mentioned corrections the data on total indigenous meat production were also corrected. Until 1991 agricultural enterprises and cooperatives have reported also on supplying and selling of mineral fertilizers to farmers and the data have been presented as use of mineral fertilizers in the private sector. Since 1992 the data on the private sector have been calculated from data on import, export and production of mineral fertilizers and from data on their consumption in the social sector. Agricultural enterprises and cooperatives annually report on consumption of pesticides for own crop production and supply and sale of these to private persons. Quantities of pesticides published as used in the private sector are therefore available and not necessarily used up. The data on marine fishing are collected with monthly reports from enterprises and fishermen whose main or supplementary activity is fishing. The data on marine sport fishing are not collected. The data on freshwater fishing are taken from annual reports from enterprises and anglers. Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 255 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 ZAJETJE V tem poglavju so zbrani podatki o kmetijstvu in ribiötvu. PodroËje kmetijstva zajema rastlinsko pridelavo in űivalsko prirejo, ne zajema pa lova in gozdarstva, ki sta po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti v istem podroËju. Podatki o ribiötvu so zajeti v tem poglavju, Ëeprav je ribiötvo po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti samostojno podroËje. DEFINICIJE Obdelovalna zemljiöËa so njive in vrtovi, sadovnjaki, vinogradi in travniki. Kmetijska zemljiöËa so obdelovalna zemljiöËa, paöniki, ribniki, trstiöËa in moËvirja. Rodovitna zemljiöËa so kmetijska in gozdna zemljiöËa. Med sadna drevesa ötejemo vsa drevesa, rodna in nerodna (mlada), bodisi da rastejo v strnjenem nasadu v sadovnjaku ali pa posamezno zunaj sadovnjakov. Za rodna drevesa ötejemo sadna drevesa, ki so űe rodila, ne glede na to, ali so rodila v opazovanem letu. Enako velja za vinsko trto. Prirast űivine je zraËunan iz űive mase zaklanih űivali, razlike v masi izvoűenih in uvoűenih űivali in razlike v masi űivali na zaËetku in koncu leta (razlika v zalogah). Meso je masa primarno obdelanih trupov, ki so definirani v Pravilniku o ocenjevanju in razvröËanju govejih trupov in polovic na klavni liniji (Ur. l. RS, öt. 28/94) in Pravilniku o kakovosti zaklanih praöiËev in kategorizaciji svinjskega mesa (Ur. l. RS, öt. 68/95). Vse pridobljeno meso je meso vseh v Sloveniji zaklanih űivali, zrejenih v Sloveniji in v Slovenijo uvoűenih. DomaËa prireja mesa je meso zrejenih űivali na obmoËju Slovenije in v meso preraËunana masa űivih izvoűenih űivali. KmeËko gospodarstvo ima tisto gospodinjstvo, ki uporablja: a) najmanj 10 arov obdelovalnih zemljiöË; b) manj kot 10 arov obdelovalnih zemljiöË, vendar ima najmanj: - kravo in tele ali kravo in mlado govedo ali - kravo in dve odrasli drobnici ali - pet odraslih ovac ali - tri odrasle praöiËe ali - ötiri odrasle ovce in praöiËe skupaj ali - 50 vratov odrasle perutnine ali - 20 Ëebeljih panjev. Gospodinjstva s kmeËkim gospodarstvom po viru dohodka Podatek o viru dohodka je izveden iz odgovora o poklicu posameznih Ëlanov gospodinjstva in njihovih rednih dohodkov. Dohodek samo iz kmetijstva imajo gospodinjstva, katerih Ëlani so aktivni samo na lastnem kmeËkem gospodarstvu, ki je tudi edini vir dohodka tega gospodinjstva. Vsaj en Ëlan gospodinjstva mora biti aktivni kmet. Meöani vir dohodka imajo gospodinjstva, katerih Ëlani so aktivni na lastnem kmeËkem gospodarstvu in zunaj njega oziroma imajo lasten vir dohodka. To gospodinjstvo mora imeti vir dohodka iz kmetije in vsaj en vir dohodka zunaj nje. Vir dohodka iz nekmetijstva imajo gospodinjstva, v katerih je aktivnost Ëlanov omejena na nekmetijske dejavnosti. Noben Ëlan gospodinjstva ni aktivni kmet. V kategorijo gospodinjstev brez vira dohodka ötejemo gospodinjstva, katerih Ëlani so vzdrűevani oziroma delajo v tujini in po metodologiji popisa prebivalstva niso uvröËeni po poklicih. V zbranih podatkih o kmetijskih strojih in prevoznih sredstvih so prikazani najpomembnejöi za delo uporabni kmetijski stroji in traktorski prikljuËki, in to samo tisti, ki so v lasti gospodinjstva oziroma so njihova delna last (skupno lastniötvo). COVERAGE This chapter covers data on agriculture and fishing. Agriculture covers crop production and livestock production but does not cover hunting and forestry, which are according to the Standard Classification of Activities in the same field. Data on fishing are covered in this chapter, although fishing is an independent field in the Standard Classification of Activities. DEFINITIONS Utilized land consists of arable land and kitchen gardens, orchards, vineyards and meadows. Agricultural land consists of utilized land, rough grazing, fish-ponds, reeds and marshes. Fertile land consists of agricultural land and forests. Fruit trees are all trees, fertile and non-fertile (young), irrespective of whether growing in orchards or individually outside them. Fertile trees are those trees, which have borne fruit, irrespective of whether they borne fruit in the year of reporting. The same criteria is used for vine. Total indigenous production is calculated from the live weight of slaughtered animals, the difference between the weight of exported and imported live animals and the difference in weight of animals at the beginning and the end of the year (changes in stocks). Meat is expressed in dressed carcass weight as defined by the Regulation on Estimating and Classifying Cattle Carcasses and Halves on the Line of Slaughter (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 28/ 94) and the Regulation on the Quality of the Slaughtered Pigs and Categorisation of Pork Meat (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 68/95). Meat production from slaughtered animals is meat of all animals slaughtered in Slovenia (indigenous and imported). Gross indigenous production is production from slaughtered animals plus the meat equivalent of all animals exported alive minus the meat equivalent of all animals imported alive. An agricultural holding is a household that uses: a) at least 0.1 ha of utilized land b) less than 0.1 ha of utilized land but owns at least: - a cow and a calf or a cow and young cattle or - a cow and two full-grown sheep or goats or - five full-grown sheep or - three full-grown pigs or - four full-grown sheep and pigs in total or - 50 heads of full-grown poultry or - 20 beehives. Households with an agricultural holding by source of income Data on sources of income are based on answers made by household members regarding their occupation and their permanent income. Income only from agriculture applies to those households whose members' activities are limited to their own agricultural holding, which is also the sole source of income of this household. At least one member of this household must be listed as an active farmer. Mixed sources of income apply to those households whose members are active in their own agricultural holding, outside it or they have their own source of income. A household with mixed source of income must have a source of income from its agricultural holding and at least one other source of income. A source of income from non-agricultural activities applies to those households in which the members' activities are limited to non- agricultural activities. None of the members of the household is an active farmer. Households without a source of income are all those whose members are dependants and households whose members all work or live abroad, and are according to the census methodology not classified by occupations. Data on the most important agricultural machinery and tractor accessories used for work were collected, but only those in household ownership or joint ownership (co-ownership) were included. Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 256 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Zbrani so podatki o zmogljivosti lastnih in v najem vzetih kmetijskih stavb in drugih objektov, ki jih je gospodinjstvo uporabljalo za vhlevljenje űivine, shranjevanje kmetijskih strojev in kmetijskih pridelkov. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Kmetijstvo - pregled za leto 1951. Letni pregled kmetijstva LRS 1952, 1954 in 1955. Letni pregled kmetijstva 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 in 1960. StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 4; 1964, öt. 13; 1965, öt. 2, 21; 1966, öt. 19; 1967, öt. 15; 1968, öt. 16; 1969, öt. 15; 1970, öt. 11; 1971, öt. 11; 1972, öt. 18; 1973, öt. 24 in 1974, öt. 25. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 11, 42, 85, 153, 154, 185, 187, 207, 237, 284, 327, 360, 383, 413, 442, 446, 481, 516, 555, 590, 611, 632, 656, 678. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije 1959, zv. III; 1960, zv. III; 1961, zv. III; 1962, zv. III; 1963, zv. III; 1964, zv. IV; 1965, zv. IX; 1966, zv. VIII; 1967, zv. VIII; 1969, zv. IV; 1970, zv. VII; 1971, zv. III; 1972, zv. IV; 1973, zv. V; 1974, zv. VI; 1976, zv. X, IV; 1977, zv. IV; 1978, zv. IV; 1979, zv. VIII; 1980, zv. VIII; 1981, zv. IV; 1982, zv. VIII; 1983, zv. VI; 1984, öt. 8; 1985, öt. 13; 1987, öt. 6; 1989, öt. 8; 1989, öt. 19; 1989, öt. 32; 1990, öt. 13; 1991, öt. 9; 1993, öt. 3; 1994, öt. 8; 1995, öt. 6. Data on the capacity of owned and rented agricultural buildings and other facilities, used at the time of the census by a household for stables, for storing agricultural machinery and agricultural products, were collected. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Agriculture - A Survey for 1951. Annual Survey of Agriculture of the People's Republic of Slovenia 1952, 1954, 1955. Annual Survey of Agriculture 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 and 1960. Statistical Material 1963 No. 4, 1964 No. 13, 1965 No. 2, 21, 1966 No. 19, 1967 No. 15, 1968 No. 16, 1969 No. 15, 1970 No. 11, 1971 No. 11, 1972 No. 18, 1973 No. 24, 1974 No. 25. Results of Surveys No. 11, 42, 85, 153, 154, 185, 187, 207, 237, 284, 327, 360, 383, 413, 442, 446, 481, 516, 555, 590, 611, 632, 656, 678. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1959 vol. III, 1960 vol. III, 1961 vol. III, 1962 vol. III, 1963 vol. III, 1964 vol. IV, 1965 vol. IX, 1966 vol. VIII, 1967 vol. VIII, 1969 vol. IV, 1970 vol. VII, 1971 vol. II, 1972 vol. IV, 1973 vol. V, 1974 vol. VI, 1976 vol. X, IV, 1977 vol. IV, 1978 vol. IV, 1979 vol. VIII, 1980 vol. VIII, 1981 vol. IV, 1982 vol. VIII, 1983 vol. VI, 1984 No. 8, 1985 No. 13, 1987 No. 6, 1989 No. 8, 1989 No. 19, 1989 No. 32, 1990 No. 13, 1991 No. 9, 1993 No. 3, 1994 No. 8, 1995 No. 6. Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 257 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.1 Pregled razvoja kmetijstva in ribiötva Review of agriculture and fishing development 16.2 Indeksi obsega kmetijske pridelave1) Volume indices of agricultural output1) predhodno leto = 100 / previous year = 100 Kmetijska zemljiöËa Agricultural area utilized Pridelek Production Prirast űivali Total indigenous meat production Pridelek na prebivalca Production per inhabitant KonËna kmetijska pridelava Final agricultural output Ø 1992-1996=100 pöenice wheat koruze grain maize mleko milk meso meat ha 1000 t 1000 t 1000 t l kg 1970 944928 133,4 146,2 153,8 232,6 58,3 65 1971 921201 158,7 134,3 163,1 228,8 62,9 65 1972 915350 123,2 150,2 162,5 223,9 55,4 62 1973 913310 160,2 186,9 171,7 234,0 56,3 70 1974 909455 161,8 185,9 184,6 260,8 64,7 75 1975 901222 138,2 211,3 188,2 258,6 65,8 71 1976 891587 161,3 190,7 188,8 265,6 72,3 75 1977 890823 156,2 219,0 203,6 276,1 73,4 75 1978 889197 131,2 184,7 219,2 282,2 77,8 78 1979 875820 125,4 226,5 223,7 283,4 78,8 82 1980 875162 158,7 214,1 235,4 279,9 80,8 86 1981 888667 106,1 269,4 234,8 290,5 79,1 86 1982 889486 174,3 275,8 243,8 291,9 77,4 93 1983 878860 160,3 259,3 253,5 288,4 84,2 93 1984 876672 171,8 284,6 272,5 262,4 89,9 96 1985 870664 161,6 298,6 262,1 315,3 87,4 92 1986 872184 140,9 315,1 265,2 306,2 87,7 100 1987 872795 165,5 314,5 284,0 293,1 92,6 101 1988 866231 164,1 272,9 292,1 292,3 94,1 98 1989 869829 166,5 324,5 278,3 291,5 90,4 96 1990 866405 198,8 337,5 272,8 289,7 94,9 100 1991 865848 180,7 336,5 265,6 311,7 86,3 100 1992 863945 178,4 207,5 226,1 267,2 71,3 94 1993 862434 167,8 248,8 220,1* 267,8 83,5 93 1994 790672 181,7 324,4 218,6* 281,1 82,2 101 1995 787102* 177,5 305,3 235,7 297,4 90,2 105 1996 785499 160,7 333,2 226,0 289,0 88,2 108 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Skupaj Total KonËna kmetijska pridelava 95,0 104,2 94,5 99,0 108,4 104,5 102,3 Final agricultural output Vsa kmetijska pridelava 96,9 103,5 89,9 99,3 122,6 102,3 101,6 Total agricultural output Poljedelstvo 100,4 106,6 79,0 100,2 151,8 102,2 97,6 Arable crops éita 100,8 111,0 79,1 102,4 123,1 95,4 100,1 Cereals Industrijske rastline 87,6 105,2 82,3 106,8 121,6 104,0 105,0 Industrial plants Vrtnine 101,4 112,1 83,4 102,7 123,3 119,8 96,0 Vegetables Krmne rastline 97,0 103,5 75,3 105,3 159,4 109,6 101,2 Fodder plants Travniötvo 103,2 97,0 76,3 91,9 202,7 91,4 94,2 Green forage crops Sadjarstvo 49,6 141,9 122,7 111,6 149,9 91,8 99,7 Fresh fruit Vinogradniötvo 57,2 122,0 113,0 103,5 100,6 78,6 139,6 Grape éivinoreja 99,3 98,4 92,8 97,0 101,4 106,2 101,1 Animal output Govedoreja 99,6 96,6 98,0 95,5 103,3 108,7 99,9 Cattle and milk PraöiËereja 91,6 103,6 97,1 104,7 102,1 100,4 98,7 Pigs OvËereja 75,7 88,3 35,1 162,6 96,2 140,5 97,8 Sheep, milk and wool Perutninarstvo 104,4 97,9 80,7 91,3 95,3 107,0 108,7 Poultry and eggs »ebelarstvo 81,5 71,2 126,4 144,5 128,9 63,2 56,7 Honey Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 258 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 1) Indeksi od leta 1993 do 1995 so popravljeni, űivalska prireja je zraËunana s popravljenim prirastom in vinogradniötvo brez samorodnice. Indices for 1993 - 1995 are corrected, livestock breeding is calculated with the corrected data on total indigenous meat production and wine growing is calculated without self-grown plants. 16.3 Zemljiöke kategorije Land use ha 16.4 Skupine zemljiökih kategorij in njivskih posevkov Land use and use of arable land ha 1) Podatek zajema njive in vrtove, travnike, sadovnjake in vinograde. / Included land under a system of crop rotation, kitchen gardens, permanent pastures and meadows, orchards and vineyards. 2) Podatek zajema poleg vrtnin tudi zgodnji in pozni krompir na njivah. / Besides vegetables early and late potatoes on arable land are also included 3) Pod drugo uvröËamo: cvetje in okrasne rastline, drevesnice, trsnice in matiËnjaki vrbiöËa in topoli na njivah, trznina, neobdelane njive. / Other includes flowers, ornamental plants, nursery, fruit trees, vine slips, plantations of forest trees, fallow land. Zasebni sektor Private sector KonËna kmetijska pridelava 93,4 104,1 97,5 ... ... ... ... Final agricultural output Vsa kmetijska pridelava 96,0 103,7 90,5 ... ... ... ... Total agricultural output ... Poljedelstvo 100,9 106,5 76,8 101,1 159,3 102,9 97,9 Arable crops éita 100,2 108,1 76,0 103,6 133,1 95,4 100,6 Cereals Industrijske rastline 83,4 105,1 68,1 119,8 167,0 109,3 118,9 Industrial plants Vrtnine 101,6 112,3 83,2 102,8 123,5 119,9 95,9 Vegetables Krmne rastline 98,2 104,1 74,2 108,1 172,7 110,3 101,2 Fodder plants Travniötvo 102,8 97,9 73,5 93,1 201,1 91,7 94,7 Green forage crops Sadjarstvo 40,0 155,1 146,6 99,0 145,7 91,8 101,7 Fresh fruit Vinogradniötvo 54,1 120,8 11,7 107,5 106,9 86,2 145,3 Grape éivinoreja 98,0 96,0 97,9 ... ... ... ... Animal output Govedoreja 102,2 95,2 99,9 ... ... ... ... Cattle and milk PraöiËereja 88,9 100,4 100,6 ... ... ... ... Pigs OvËereja 76,3 88,5 34,4 ... ... ... ... Sheep, milk and wool Perutninarstvo 84,9 92,4 72,4 ... ... ... ... Poultry and eggs »ebelarstvo 81,7 71,2 126,5 ... ... ... ... Honey Skupna povröina Total area Njive in vrtovi Arable land and kitchen gardens Sadovnjaki Orchards Vinogradi Vineyards Travniki Meadows Paöniki Rough grazing Ribniki, trstiöËa in moËvirja Reeds, fish- ponds and marshes Gozdovi Forests Nerodovitno Bare land 1985 2025304 248567 35650 21352 340557 221454 3084 1019456 135184 1985 1990 2025473 247083 36279 21558 347747 211517 2221 1024535 134533 1990 1992 2025462 244787 35252 21780 347466 212622 2038 1016747 144770 1992 1993 2025396 245432 34847 21827 347020 210959 2349 1020060 142902 1993 1994 2025469 234171 29467 22455 353592 147607 3380 1094201 140596 1994 1995 2025627 234432 31494 22955 345091 149831 3299 1097929 140596 1995 1996 2027245 231484 30880 23012 329316 166286 4521 1098844 142902 1996 SKUPAJ 2027245 231484 30880 23012 329316 166286 4521 1098844 142902 TOTAL Druűbeni sektor 606902 26527 2003 2799 27596 57430 1067 379300 110180 Social sector Zasebni sektor 1420343 204957 28877 20213 301720 108856 3454 719544 32722 Private sector Skupine zemljiökih kategorij Groups of land use Skupine njivskih posevkov Arable crops skupna povröina total area obdelo- valna1) povröina utilized land1) kmetijska povröina agricultural areas rodovitna povröina agricultural areas and forests űita cereals industrijske rastline industrial crops vrtnine2) vegetables2) krmne rastline fodder plants drugo3) other3) 1985 2025304 646126 870664 1890120 121901 9386 41632 71163 4485 1985 1990 2025473 652667 866405 1890940 122721 9293 40083 71811 3175 1990 1992 2025462 649285 863945 1880692 120163 9149 40817 71125 3633 1992 1993 2025396 649126 862434 1882494 119953 9355 39787 72704 3633 1993 1994 2025469 639685 790672 1884873 111743 11820 33545 74596 2467 1994 1995 2025627 633972 787102 1885031 109761 10834 33729 77895 2274 1995 1996 2027245 614692 785499 1884343 107603 11708 77491 2569 1996 SKUPAJ 2027245 614692 785499 1884343 107603 11708 33729 77491 2569 TOTAL Druűbeni sektor 606902 58925 117422 496722 18499 3706 183 3348 656 Social sector Zasebni sektor 1420343 555767 668077 1387621 89104 8002 33546 74143 1913 Private sector 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 16.2 Indeksi obsega kmetijske pridelave1) (nadaljevanje) Volume indices of agricultural output1) (continued) predhodno leto = 100 / previous year = 100 Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 259 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.5 Pospravljena zemljiöËa in pridelki Harvested area, production and yield Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha pöenica wheat rű rye jeËmen barley Ø 1986-1990 42794 167313 3910 2819 6852 2431 7226 21627 2993 Ø 1991-1995 42471 177230 4175 2419 6433 2689 10095 33544 3299 1992 42558 178396 4192 2692 6966 2588 8146 26559 3260 1993 43663 167806 3843 2635 5814 2207 9093 26378 2901 1994 41953 181743 4330 2101 6141 2920 12652 44250 3500 1995 41962 177518 4230 1925 5819 3023 12719 44018 3461 1996 40807 160747 3940 1938 5540 2860 12543 40626 324 oves oats sorűica mixture of wheat and rye koruza - glavni posevek maize - main crop Ø 1986-1990 2934 6611 2253 39 105 2703 65116 312885 4805 Ø 1991-1995 2318 5441 2407 291) 821) 25511) 57435 284475 5059 1992 2376 5816 2448 41 131 3202 61714 207476 3362 1993 2388 5161 2161 24 59 2475 61825 248819 4025 1994 2590 6420 2480 3 5 1670 51236 324442 6332 1995 1866 4458 2689 ... ... ... 48170 305281 6338 1996 1888 4555 2410 ... ... ... 48612 333166 6900 koruza - strniöËni posevek maize - stubble crop ajda - glavni posevek buck wheat - main crop ajda - strniöËni posevek buck wheat - stubble crop Ø 1986-1990 65 115 1763 74 91 1230 800 748 935 Ø 1991-1995 1271) 10901) 17731) 121 152 1308 465 470 1022 1992 68 166 2440 25 31 1240 458 277 604 1993 98 160 1635 44 53 1209 411 250 607 1994 272 3900 1048 320 358 1119 400 733 1800 1995 ... ... ... 165 247 1497 487 609 1251 1996 ... ... ... 113 173 1530 429 492 1146 proso - glavni posevek millet - main crop proso - strniöËni posevek millet - stubble crop hmelj hops Ø 1986-1990 84 161 1911 240 444 1850 2500 3692 1477 Ø 1991-1995 104 204 1839 137 239 1660 2363 3502 1484 1992 35 52 1483 144 121 838 2398 3431 1431 1993 48 79 1640 71 86 1211 2466 3429 1391 1994 212 450 2123 211 465 2200 2292 3372 1471 1995 96 192 2000 159 313 1969 2205 3507 1591 1996 88 164 1860 111 202 1820 2233 3348 1500 oljna ogröËica oil rape sladkorna pesa sugar beet sonËnice - vmesni posevek sunflower - associate crop Ø 1986-1990 2106 5202 2470 3846 158530 41219 535 323 603 Ø 1991-1995 1632 4104 2510 4273 176354 40411 246 194 1119 1992 1978 5021 2538 3153 96598 30637 310 131 421 1993 1654 3926 2373 3499 132636 37907 363 278 767 1994 2278 5203 2280 4910 221886 45191 80 103 1287 1995 296 732 2473 6132 265077 43228 98 253 2582 1966 149 327 2190 6341 308005 48574 109 188 1720 krompir potatoes grah - zrnje peas - grain vrtno korenje carrot Ø 1986-1990 30615 400439 13080 234 348 1487 555 5536 9974 Ø 1991-1995 27386 401995 14976 281 809 2865 546 6116 11725 1992 30333 368008 12132 272 391 1436 583 4662 7996 1993 29117 367237 12612 289 317 1098 615 5117 8321 1994 23145 400909 17300 300 905 3000 539 7287 13519 1995 23627 448693 18991 279 1995 7151 412 7782 18888 1996 23748 504446 21250 295 1651 5590 397 8961 22560 1) Ø 1991-1994 Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 260 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 fiűol - zrnje - glavni posevek beans - grain - main crop fiűol - zrnje - vmesni posevek beans - grain - associate crop paradiűnik - glavni posevek tomato - main crop Ø 1986-1990 1682 2474 1471 5543 2683 484 730 8788 12038 Ø 1991-1995 1619 3573 2465 38851) 24561) 8261) 645 8994 14371 1992 1826 2021 1107 4731 1729 365 687 6766 9849 1993 1781 1825 1025 4426 2433 550 691 6885 9964 1994 1530 4325 2827 1584 2840 1800 626 9325 14896 1995 1188 6830 5749 835 1964 1648 568 15101 26586 1996 1190 2115 1777 857 1999 2330 574 15276 26613 paprika paprika Ëebula onion Ëesen garlic Ø 1986-1990 213 1219 5723 938 8997 9592 499 2627 5265 Ø 1991-1995 232 2025 8095 906 11035 12626 477 2786 6180 1992 195 778 3990 956 8292 8674 539 2348 4357 1993 219 1090 4976 980 8248 8416 526 2204 4189 1994 249 2701 10847 897 13594 15155 457 3057 6689 1995 289 4459 15429 746 15785 21160 353 3724 10550 1996 322 6138 19062 730 14731 20179 337 3616 10740 zelje in ohrovt - glavni posevek cabbage and kale - main crop Ërna detelja - glavni posevek red clover - main crop Ërna detelja - podsevek red clover - associate crop Ø 1986-1990 2407 48972 20346 11112 62006 5580 3113 7705 2475 Ø 1991-1995 2324 53512 23766 8172 43666 5582 20361) 45741) 23891) 1992 2469 38729 15686 9464 39302 4153 2353 3877 1648 1993 2560 42783 16712 9096 37785 4154 2122 3541 1669 1994 2192 65246 29766 7083 45974 6491 1122 3902 3500 1995 1955 70781 36205 5475 41699 7616 ... ... ... 1996 1892 63900 3377 4938 38162 7730 ... ... ... lucerna - glavni posevek lucerne - main crop lucerna - podsevek lucerne - associate crop repa - strniöËni posevek turnip - stubble crop Ø 1986-1990 9772 52251 5347 1103 2417 2192 3323 60395 18175 Ø 1991-1995 7398 39467 5588 7561) 16871) 23121) 2641 46644 17777 1992 8480 36851 4346 818 1470 1797 2407 28182 11708 1993 8379 33162 3958 790 1364 1727 3020 39590 13109 1994 6112 39859 6521 537 1784 3300 2790 64825 23235 1995 5190 40393 7783 ... ... ... 2218 50247 22654 1996 4828 37816 7960 ... ... ... 1800 41394 23000 koruza za siliranje - glavni posevek maize for silage - main crop koruza za siliranje - strniöËni posevek maize for silage - stubble crop meöanica trav in detelj - glavni posevek mixture of grass and clover - main crop Ø 1986-1990 31064 1053075 33900 1434 19105 13323 9147 54132 5918 Ø 1991-1995 39157 1337372 33674 1151 17431 14770 8689 51402 5946 1992 36948 926141 25066 952 8495 8923 8927 41713 4673 1993 36358 989291 27210 1187 11482 9673 8783 39174 4460 1994 43435 1742353 40114 1467 28705 19600 7515 53195 7079 1995 44982 1817347 40402 1094 24839 22705 8996 69550 7731 1996 45364 1911736 42140 973 20248 20810 8928 69489 7780 meöanica trav in detelj - podsevek mixture of grass and clover - associate crop meöanica stroËnic in űit - glavni posevek mixture of legumes and cereals - main crop krmna pesa - glavni posevek fodder beet - main crop Ø 1986-1990 1694 4483 2647 741 3920 5290 4836 123281 25492 Ø 1991-1995 14711) 37411) 25821) 573 3909 8079 4721 123300 25808 1992 1575 2967 1884 740 3051 4123 4509 82761 18355 1993 1529 2711 1773 587 2391 4072 4581 92412 20173 1994 1358 5059 3700 435 5223 12000 5427 181318 33410 1995 ... ... ... 313 4646 14843 4603 150251 32642 1996 ... ... ... 273 3369 12340 4177 140666 33680 Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha 16.5 Pospravljena zemljiöËa in pridelki (nadaljevanje) Harvested area, production and yield (continued) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 261 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.6 Pridelek sena Hay production 1) Pridelek vseh koöenj s travnikov, paönikov, trznin, ledin, neobdelanih njiv in pridelek sena v sadovnjakih. Total crop of hay on meadows, pastures, fallow land and crop of hay in orchards. 16.7 Sadna drevesa in pridelki Fruit trees and production krmna pesa - strniöËni posevek fodder beet - stubble crop krmno korenje - glavni posevek fodder carrot - main crop krmno korenje - podsevek fodder crop - associate crop Ø 1986-1990 1689 34387 20359 1688 24376 14441 2606 32072 12307 Ø 1991-1995 1196 23650 19987 1593 22943 14622 1625 17189 11407 1992 1242 16111 12972 1659 18085 10901 2102 17157 8162 1993 1221 18077 14805 1715 19915 11612 2004 17936 8950 1994 1024 24693 24114 1648 29318 17790 1244 14948 12016 1995 1064 27196 25560 1286 24239 18848 571 8958 15688 1996 817 20872 25547 1152 23052 20010 438 7748 17689 Ves pridelek1) Total production 1) t Od tega na travnikih Of these on meadows pospravljena zemljiöËa harvested areas ha pridelek production ves total t kg/ ha yield kg/ha Ø 1986-1990 1536742 314325 1245597 3963 Ø 1991-1995 1657599 368294 1349077 4134 1992 1219553 307949 986177 3202 1993 1121252 465015 906569 1950 1994 2272368 448001 1901629 6000 1995 2076038 308962 1668044 5399 1996 1955419 300075 1561171 5200 Drevesa Trees Pridelek Production t Drevesa Trees Pridelek Production tvsa total rodna fertile vsa total rodna fertile jabolka apples hruöke pears Ø 1986-1990 5382714 4565924 83603 1573062 1403459 17251 Ø 1991-1995 6899276 6054291 94218 1473932 1357828 15091 1992 6706217 5747780 85201 1620646 1478663 16517 1993 6881489 6124357 91343 1617106 1461088 13518 1994 5691574 5429394 108350 1255793 1229614 14502 1995 8915206 7389325 113311 1252610 1163436 16946 1996 8673700 7570537 115642 1374758 1160372 14845 kutine quince Ëeöplje in slive plums Ø 1986-1990 12399 7648 50 1049788 939830 8090 Ø 1991-1995 16696 10758 139 991616 894042 7135 1992 9583 8142 66 1010724 915337 9150 1993 20498 7657 83 960251 879913 5508 1994 34659 22273 418 1221203 1061642 8212 1995 7679 7038 70 749239 696260 7989 1996 7599 6974 53 663700 608441 7873 Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production Pospravljena zemljiöËa Harvested area ha Pridelek Production ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha ves (t) total (t) kg/ ha yield kg/ha 16.5 Pospravljena zemljiöËa in pridelki (nadaljevanje) Harvested area, production and yield (continued) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 262 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.8 DomaËa predelava sadja Household processing of fruit 1) Ø 1991-1992 Ëeönje cherries viönje sour cherries Ø 1986-1990 298218 265233 3591 116044 100389 1244 Ø 1991-1995 300142 266097 5394 105263 98881 1492 1992 294028 263866 4138 101137 96583 1042 1993 291153 258747 4142 101636 96780 1361 1994 346101 301072 9255 124678 114247 2590 1995 275841 244984 6640 93863 89535 1806 1996 256630 238288 5359 98316 88123 1431 marelice apricots breskve peaches Ø 1986-1990 59203 47923 444 609721 517188 6180 Ø 1991-1995 70657 60665 789 717960 607893 8967 1992 64111 57368 517 636686 551926 8506 1993 62374 55058 653 679933 546436 10184 1994 90833 72416 855 904265 761058 9598 1995 74128 63859 1097 752695 639563 9360 1996 70246 62585 1027 761232 637027 13161 orehi nuts mandeljni almonds Ø 1986-1990 214039 184260 1008 10055 8334 30 Ø 1991-1995 223994 193472 1867 12365 8766 33 1992 210413 182278 1423 11515 10950 37 1993 204130 187533 1865 20220 7960 66 1994 308746 253845 3274 12220 8465 23 1995 184956 161259 2174 9220 8560 15 1996 189205 164071 2494 9230 8560 18 fige figs oljke olives Ø 1986-1990 24140 23005 119 39366 25142 161 Ø 1991-1995 23782 22462 120 101889 62054 660 1992 24363 23290 152 60315 34100 421 1993 24540 23565 149 72660 39200 505 1994 23138 21635 89 140971 96300 751 1995 22319 20580 81 179074 109070 1338 1996 22026 19035 57 ... 114480 1389 Suhe slive Dried plums t Drugo suho sadje Other dried fruits t Mezga iz sliv Plum jam t Druge mezge Other jam t Slivovka Plum brandy hl Sadno űganje Fruit brandy hl Tropinovec Strong spirit made from grapes hl Sadni sokovi Fruit juice hl JabolËnik Apple wine hl Olivno olje Olive oil hl Ø 1986-1990 157 164 298 223 4575 7510 3213 7475 85720 282 Ø 1991-1994 132 226 327 408 3779 9295 39021) 6196 69582 902 1992 129 239 321 213 5185 9494 4176 9258 77156 821 1993 86 209 264 237 2862 8396 ... 5706 49126 955 1994 138 291 338 999 4308 12699 ... 5336 102150 1311 1995 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2239 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2222 Drevesa Trees Pridelek Production t Drevesa Trees Pridelek Production tvsa total rodna fertile vsa total rodna fertile 16.7 Sadna drevesa in pridelki (nadaljevanje) Fruit trees and production (continued) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 263 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.9 Vinogradi, pridelek in predelava grozdja v vino Vineyards, production of grapes and wine 1) Grozdje brez samorodnice / Grapes without self-sown plants. 2) Vino iz doma pridelanega in iz kupljenega grozdja. / Wine from home-grown grapes and bought grapes. 16.10 ätevilo űivine Livestock number 16.11 Prirast űivine Total indigenous meat production 1000 t/1000 MT 16.12 Prireja mleka in jajc Production of milk and eggs Vinska trta Vines Pridelek vina Production of wine povröina rodnih vinogradov area of bearing vineyards ha ötevilo rodnih trt number of bearing vines 1000 pridelek1) production1) t grozdje predelano v vino2) grapes turned into wine2) t vino wine hl izkoristek conversion factor % Ø 1986-1990 19115 72616 110813 74120 512676 69,2 Ø 1991-1995 20742 69644 121318 91868 625040 68,1 1992 20484 71856 124011 90260 606151 67,1 1993 20570 72296 128343 103444 710546 68,7 1994 22464 69751 129112 119158 807246 67,7 1995 20063 63021 101477 93068 635867 68,3 1996 20011 62853 141685 132580 932233 70,3 Konji Horses Govedo Cattle PraöiËi Pigs Ovce Sheep Perutnina 1000 vratov Poultry 1000 headsskupaj total kobile in breje űrebice mares and fillies in total skupaj total krave in breje telice cows and heifers in calf skupaj total plemenske in mlade breje mladice breeding sows and sows mated for the first time skupaj total plemenske breeding ewes 1985 16165 7294 577206 268127 620460 61089 26231 15029 13853 1990 11298 5988 546048 257682 557878 57871 23408 14051 13521 1993 8898 4819 503770 245904 601850 55511 20799 12770 11424 1994 8509 4510 477548 237884 591514 55130 19521 11682 10592 1995 7959 4168 477400 236889 570774 55854 18491 12461 10194 1996 7994 4432 495535 241737 592034 56232 27707* 16373 9320 1997 8450 4242 484303 236078 559465 55310 28189 18332 9732 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Govedo 86,1 88,0 79,0 76,2* 77,2* 86,9 89,1 Cattle PraöiËi 75,0 76,8 73,9* 77,4* 79,0* 79,3 78,3 Pigs Ovce 0,3 0,4 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,5 Sheep Perutnina 100,6 107,6 73,0* 66,2* 62,1* 69,0 72,3 Poultry 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ TOTAL PovpreËno ötevilo krav 253751 255034 220023 210609 213703 215161 212293 Average number of cows Namolzeno mleko (1000 l) 573924 578900 563318 533029 559145 589985 575531 Net production of milk (1000 l) ätevilo kokoöi nesnic 2413550 2340480 2322966 1858010 1839978 1653314 1615304 Number of laying hens ätevilo jajc (1000 kosov) 386425 411192 359941 332907 327849 322426 379286 Hen eggs (1000 pcs) Od tega zasebni sektor Of these in private agricultural holdings PovpreËno ötevilo krav 244339 246956 212728 203845 207267 208618 2061411 Average number of cows Namolzeno mleko (1000 l) 525714 532710 520184 492642 520039 548916 537799 Net production of milk (1000 l) ätevilo kokoöi nesnic 1122944 1096138 1031721 1012318 943833 915517 854484 Number of laying hens ätevilo jajc (1000 kosov) 140209 153113 131252 130589 125530 130003 174600 Hen eggs (1000 pcs) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 264 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.13 Konji po sestavi Ërede Horses population 1) Relativna standardna napaka ocene ötevila je veËja od 10 %. Coefficient of variation exceeds 10 %. 16.14 Govedo po sestavi Ërede Cattle population 1) V 1980 in 1985 teleta do 6 mesecev. In 1980 and 1985 calves under 6 months. 2) V 1980 in 1985 mlado govedo od 6 mesecev do 1 leta. In 1980 and 1985 animals over 6 months but under 1 year. Konji skupaj Horses total érebeta in mladi konji Foals and young horses Kobile in breje űrebice Mares and fillies in foal érebci in delovni konji Stallions and draught-horses Skupaj Total 1985 16165 2220 7294 6651 1990 11298 2227 5988 3083 1993 8898 2513 4819 1566 1994 8509 2427 4510 1572 1995 7959 2219 4168 1572 1996 7994 2357 4432 1205 1997 8450 2850 4242 1358 Od tega v zasebni lasti Of these in private agricultural holdings 1985 15846 2153 7217 6476 1990 10902 2161 5913 2828 1993 8538 24271) 4749 13621) 1994 8137 23311) 4438 13681) 1995 7706 21321) 4101 14731) 1996 7720 22461) 4364 11101) 1997 8158 2750 4155 1253 Govedo skupaj Cattle total Teleta Calves Mlado govedo Young cattle Krave in breje telice Cows and heifers in calf Plemenski biki Bulls used for breeding Voli Oxen do 3 mesecev1) under 3 months1) nad 3 mes. do 1 leta2) over 3 months but under1 year2) nad 1 do 2 leti over 1 year but under 2 years nad 2 leti over 2 years Skupaj Total 1985 577206 105482 91784 84371 21752 268127 353 5337 1990 546048 58743 116351 92548 18158 257682 308 2258 Od tega v zasebni lasti Of these in private agricultural holdings 1985 501198 91172 58898 69827 19906 255883 177 5335 1990 459623 48542 73898 69457 17799 247546 125 2256 Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 265 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.14 Govedo po sestavi Ërede (nadaljevanje) Cattle population (continued) 1) V 1980 in 1985 teleta do 6 mesecev. / In 1980 and 1985 calves under 6 months. 2) V 1980 in 1985 mlado govedo od 6 mesecev do 1 leta. / In 1980 and 1985 animals over 6 months but under 1 year. 3) Vöteti so biki nad 6 mesecev do 24 mesecev in telice za pitanje nad 6 mesecev do 30 mesecev. / Including bulls over 6 months but under 24 months and heifers over 6 months but under 30. 4) Relativna standardna napaka ocene ötevila je veËja od 10 %. / Coefficient of variation exceeds 10 %. 16.15 Bilanca goveda Alteration in number of cattle 1) Podatki Republiöke veterinarske uprave. Data are recorded by Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. 16.16 PraöiËi po sestavi Ërede Pig population Govedo skupaj Cattle total Teleta do 6 mes. Calves under 6 months Mlado govedo Young cattle Breje telice Heifers in calf Krave Cows Plemenski biki Bulls used for breeding Drugo klavno govedo Other animals for slaugther pitanci nad 6 mes. do 30 mes.3) slaughter animals over 6 months but under 30 months3) voli nad 6 mes. do 30 mes. oxen over 6 months but under 30 months plem.telice nad 6 mes. do pripust. heifers over 6 months until mated Skupaj Total 1993 503770 90142 122399 2679 39202 26935 218969 291 3153 1994 477548 84877 114432 2082 36335 26206 211678 178 2760 1995 477400 84036 113278 2044 38093 29466 207423 178 2882 1996 495535 91325 116437 2173 40098 29419 212318 183 3582 1997 484303 85479 116381 1761 41670 29326 206752 243 2691 Od tega v zasebni lasti Of these in private agricultural holdings 1993 441331 79853 84394 20824) 36296 25319 211873 85 14294) 1994 434385 78634 88561 18794) 34299 24824 205214 - 9744) 1995 439732 80082 92360 17314) 35360 28074 201094 24 10074) 1996 460701 86977 99307 21734) 37261 27981 205823 24 11554) 1997 454348 81146 103519 163644) 38579 28017 200417 87 9474) ätevilo na zaËetku leta Number at the beginning of the year Skotena teleta Born calves Uvoz űivega goveda Live cattle imports Izvoz űivega goveda Live cattle exports Zakol Slaughter Pogin Losses ätevilo konec leta Number at the end of the year 1993 503770 186671 164851) 10101) 215691 12674 477551 1994 477551 180486 258151) 21151) 191969 12368 477400 1995 477400 186100 30790 - 185799 12956 495535 1996 495535 183240 15227 195 196222 13282 484303 PraöiËi skupaj Pigs total Pujski do 2 mesecev Piglets under 2 months PraöiËi nad 2 do 6 mesecev Pigs over 2 months but under 6 months PraöiËi nad 6 mesecev Pigs over 6 months plemenske in breje mlade svinje breeding sows and sows mated for the first time plemenski merjasci breeding boars klavni praöiËi for fattening Skupaj Total 1985 620460 134967 245780 61089 1315 95263 1990 557878 128762 274228 57871 1164 95853 Od tega v zasebni lasti Of these in private agricultural holdings 1985 383697 69869 127942 42236 870 60710 1990 311215 66921 124859 35279 673 83483 1) Relativna standardna napaka ocene ötevila je veËja od 10 %. Coefficient of variation exceeds 10%. Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 266 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.16 PraöiËi po sestavi Ërede (nadaljevanje) Pig population (continued) 16.17 Bilanca praöiËev Alteration in number of pigs 1) Podatki Republiöke veterinarske uprave. / Data are recorded by the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. 16.18 Ovce po sestavi Ërede, perutnina in Ëebelji panji Sheep population, poultry and honey bee colonies 1) Podatek Zveze Ëebelarskih druötev Slovenije. / Data are recorded by Federation of Bee-keepers’ Association. 2) Relativna standardna napaka ocene ötevila je veËja od 10 %. / Coefficient of variation exceeds 10 %. PraöiËi skupaj Pigs total Pujski do 2 mesecev Piglets under 2 months PraöiËi Pigs PraöiËi nad 6 mesecev Pigs over 6 months nad 2 meseca do 6 mesecev over 2 months but under 6 months klavni praöiËi for fattening breje mladice sows mated for the first time plemenske svinje breeding sows plemenski merjasci breeding boars Skupaj Total 1993 601850 165892 269071 109842 11083 44428 1534 1994 591514 161246 283108 90554 10637 44493 1476 1995 570774 161551 241551 110286 11554 44300 1532 1996 592034 178385 249155 106809 9204 47028 1453 1997 559465 164068 271366 67259 9855 45455 1462 Od tega v zasebni lasti Of these in private agricultural holdings 1993 351674 92747 124703 98549 6191 28357 11271) 1994 350600 89344 143132 83459 5972 27651 10421) 1995 331859 90044 133300 73335 6404 27666 11101) 1996 348479 93727 142905 76580 4435 29804 10281) 1997 328755 89969 139023 65161 5201 28359 10421) ätevilo na zaËetku leta Number at the begin- ning of the year Skoteni pujski Born piglets Uvoűeni űivi praöiËi Live pig imports Izvoűeni űivi praöiËi Live pig exports Zakol Slaughter Pogin Losses ätevilo konec leta Number at the end of the year 1993 601850 849028* 106991) 101) 684962* 185088* 591517 1994 591517 863715* 161581) - 717226* 183390* 570774 1995 570774 877965* 26499 67 699642* 183495* 592034 1996 592034 865496 12363 - 717422 193006 559465 Ovce skupaj Sheep total Jagnjeta in mlade ovce do 1 leta Lambs and sheep under 1 year Plemenske ovce Breeding sheep Ovni in jalove ovce Rams and spent breeding sheep Perutnina Poultry 1000 »ebelji panji Honey bee colonies Skupaj Total 1985 26231 8564 15029 2877 13853 34614 1990 23408 6764 14051 2593 13521 19982 1993 20799 6484 12770 1545 11424 122430 1994 19521 6596 11682 1243 10592 144903 1995 18491 4729 12461 1301 10194 152000 1966 27707 9927 16373 1407 9320 144000 1997 28189 8078 18332 1779 9973 147000 Od tega v zasebni lasti Of these in private agricultural holdings 1985 25784 8398 14551 2835 1488 34303 1990 23152 6642 13955 2555 1387 19982 1993 203332) 6275 2) 125412) 15172) 1258 1224141) 1994 188042) 64762) 111712) 11572) 1206 1447481) 1995 176052) 44782) 118852) 12422) 1117 1520001) 1996 266042) 96132) 156992) 12922) 1063 1440001) 1997 272402) 76622) 178382) 17402) 1012 1470001) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 267 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.19 Bilanca ovac Alteration in number of sheep 1) Podatki Republiöke veterinarske uprave. Data are recorded by Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. 16.20 Zakol űivine v klavnicah1) Slaughter in slaughterhouses1) 1) Tudi uvoűena klavna űivina. / Including imported animals for slaughter. 2) PraöiËki. / Piglets 3) Pitani praöiËi. / Fattened pigs. 4) IzloËeni plemenski praöiËi. / Eliminated breeding pigs. ätevilo na zaËetku leta Number at the beginning of the year Skotenih jagnjet Born lambs Uvoz űivih ovc Live sheep import Izvoz űivih ovc Live sheep exports Zakol Slaughter Pogin Losses ätevilo konec leta Number at the end of the year 1993 20799 12916 41) - 12645 1553 19521 1994 19521 10672 31) 41) 10065 1636 18491 1995 18491 18171 565 9 7092 2418 27708 1996 27707 21669 27 4 18724 2487 28189 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 ätevilo Number Konji 783 914 674 286 295 907 1192 Horses Govedo 177560 173091 115725 115652 120026 119863 124129 Cattle teleta do 6 mesecev 14123 13160 10122 16045 13397 14208 19034 calves under 6 months mlado govedo nad 6 mesecev do 3 let 143155 141656 90666 82881 94405 90782 88285 young cattle over 6 months but under 3 years of age krave 19809 17443 14622 16456 11483 12517 14484 cows drugo govedo 473 832 315 270 741 2356 2326 other cattle PraöiËi 533201 574464 332958 430827 340641 445388 498326 Pigs do 80 kg 4339 12227 8383 8521 9393 12303 131491) under 80 kg nad 80 do 125 kg 522179 558072 315706 402633 418937 390889 4821493) from 80 kg to 125 kg nad 125 kg 6683 4165 8879 19673 17058 56048 18794) over 125 kg mladi pitani merjasci 1149 young fattened boars Ovce 2234 2193 1715 1152 820 693 2282 Sheep jagnjeta do 6 mesecev 1447 1981 1362 890 658 577 2154 lambs under 6 months ovce in ovni 787 212 353 262 162 116 128 breeding sheep and rams Perutnina (1000) 52719 54985 40256 31763 28040 28854 27101 Poultry (1000) Masa trupov Weight of dressed carcas (t) Konji 97 164 161 68 72 192 263 Horses Govedo 44873 46211 31666 30112 31684 33026 33641 Cattle teleta do 6 mesecev 801 895 683 1118 975 1052 1415 calves under 6 months mlado govedo nad 6 mesecev do 3 let 39044 40632 27129 24718 27586 27951 27789 young cattle over 6 months but under 3 years of age krave 4852 4485 3778 4212 2938 3313 3782 cows drugo govedo 175 199 76 64 185 709 655 other cattle PraöiËi 40019 45467 26154 35317 35167 36512 38393 Pigs do 80 kg 72 176 144 147 159 267 1932) under 80 kg nad 80 do 125 kg 39229 44815 25243 33156 33283 31106 378723) from 80 kg to 125 kg nad 125 kg 717 476 767 2014 1725 5139 2614) over 125 kg mladi pitani merjasci 67 Ovce 32 29 23 16 12 10 31 Sheep jagnjeta 16 25 16 10 8 7 28 lambs under 6 months ovce in ovni 16 4 7 6 4 2 4 breeding sheep and rams Perutnina 67351 102152 76086 47390 63984 50072 51046 Poultry Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 268 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.21 Prireja mesa Meat production 1000 t/1000 MT 1) Meso skupaj obsega tudi ovËje in konjsko meso . / Meat total includes mutton, lamb and horse meat. 16.22 Morsko in sladkovodno ribiötvo Marine and freshwater fishing t 16.23 Porabljene koliËine mineralnih gnojil in sredstev za varstvo rastlin Consumption of fertilizers and pesticides Skupaj Total Goveje Beef and veal PraöiËje Pigmeat Perutninsko Poultry meat Vse pridobljeno meso Meat production from slaughtered animals 1993 164,3 53,3 61,8 48,8 1994 156,6 47,9 63,1 45,2 1995 165,0 49,0 59,5 56,0 1996 172,2 50,8 62,7 58,2 Od tega domaËa prireja Gross indigenous production 1993 158,9 49,7 60,1 48,7 1994 148,2 42,6 61,2 44,0 1995 157,6 43,9 57,3 55,9 1996 169,1 48,8 61,7 58,1 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Morski ulov Marine fish catch Skupaj 6468 6024 3768 2052 2110 1911 2203 Total Ribe, skupaj 6221 5747 3593 1951 2066 1845 2138 Fish, total plave ribe 6098 5607 3533 1849 1956 1770 2037 pelagic fishes druge ribe 123 140 60 102 110 75 101 other fishes Glavonoűci, raki in ökoljke 247 287 175 101 44 66 65 Cephalopodes, crustaceans and shells Sladkovodni ulov Freshwater fish catch Skupaj 1016 888 970 917 1002 1019 1009 Total Ulov rib v tekoËih vodah, skupaj 317 262 257 264 317 292 265 Catch in fresh waters, total niűinske vode 273 215 212 219 266 232 209 lowland waters viöinske vode 44 47 45 45 51 60 56 highland waters Ulov rib v ribnikih, skupaj 699 626 713 653 685 726 744 Catch in ponds, total salmonidi 472 524 610 487 552 471 532 salmonides druge ribe 227 102 103 166 133 255 212 other fish Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mineralna gnojila Mineral fertilizers Skupaj Total Mineralna gnojila t 172267 149677 189922 174055 182191 171389 170909 Fertilizers Porabljeno na ha obdelovalnih zemljiöË kg 267 229 293 268 285 270 278 Consumption per ha of utilized land »isti: Plant nutrient: N t 27882 27169 38938 33376 33944 32508 31714 N P2O5 t 16016 14870 15486 17137 18950 17851 17499 P2O5 K2O t 18447 15878 20426 21735 22256 21705 21593 K2O Od tega v zasebnem sektorju Of these in private sector Mineralna gnojila t 118109 105536 1578721) 1428471) 1465841) 1436671) 1426041) Fertilizers Porabljeno na ha obdelovalnih zemljiöË kg 206 183 274 248 255 252 257 Consumption per ha of utilized land »isti: Plant nutrient: N t 19901 19433 32927 27467 27071 27112 26657 N P2O5 t 9964 9906 12169 17137 15391 15148 14658 P2O5 K2O t 11582 10359 16580 21734 17824 18277 17586 K2O Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 269 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 1) Razpoloűljiva mineralna gnojila. Available mineral fertilizers. 16.24 Podjetja, druűbe in zadruge v druűbeni, zadruűni in meöani lasti1) Enterprises, companies and cooperatives in social, cooperative and mixed property1) Sredstva za varstvo rastlin Pesticides Skupaj t 2368 2212 1926 1672 1424 1495 1444 Total Fungicidi in baktericidi t 972 1045 917 731 627 693 659 Fungicides & bactericides Herbicidi t 735 634 576 526 446 418 425 Herbicides Insekticidi t 492 417 324 296 249 260 243 Insecticides Druga sredstva t 169 116 109 119 102 124 117 Other pesticides Od tega v zasebnem sektorju Of these in private sector Skupaj t 1408 1481 1292 1168 898 968 948 Total Fungicidi in baktericidi t 623 703 606 483 366 426 412 Fungicides & bactericides Herbicidi t 444 428 398 372 285 275 286 Herbicides Insekticidi t 257 259 220 230 178 188 172 Insecticides Druga sredstva t 84 91 68 83 69 79 78 Other pesticides Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 ätevilo podjetij, druűb in zadrug 2) Number of enterprises, companies and cooperatives 2) 254 202 214 203 190 192 191 Zaposlene osebe Persons in paid employment Skupaj 16501 14870 12917 12263 11760 11153 10649 Total Kmetijski strokovnjaki 2300 2601 2465 2275 2112 2104 2086 Agricultural experts ZemljiöËa Land use Skupaj ha 90505 86371 99023 102480 61162 66364 ... Total Njive in vrtovi ha 30084 31929 30549 29300 28247 27927 26449 Arable land and kitchen gardens Sadovnjaki ha 3214 2956 2902 2738 2591 2079 2003 Orchards Vinogradi ha 3880 3919 3795 3519 3428 3293 2799 Vineyards Travniki ha 14178 10502 12267 12745 10735 7133 4101 Meadows Paöniki ha 10504 10214 10266 13216 5422 3064 2689 Rough grazing Ribniki in trstiöËa ha 835 749 595 570 466 361 353 Reeds, fish-ponds and moors Gozdovi ha 22275 20774 33357 32763 8496 21489 ... Forest Nerodovitno ha 5535 5328 5293 7629 1777 1018 ... Barren surfaces (yards, roads, built up areas) Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 16.23 Porabljene koliËine mineralnih gnojil in sredstev za varstvo rastlin (nadaljevanje) Consumption of fertilizers and pesticides (continued) 1) Podatki o ötevilu podjeti, druűb in zadrug, zaposlenih osebah in kmetijskih strojih so prikazani po stanju 31. 12., podatki o zemljiöËih in skupinah njivskih posevkov pa so prikazani na dan 31. 5., drugi podatki prikazujejo rezultate celega leta. Data on enterprises, companies and other organizations, persons in paid employment and agricultural machinery on 31. December, data on land use on 31. May, other data are for annual periods. 2) ätevilo podjetij se poveËuje in zmanjöuje zaradi reorganizacij. V letih 1995 in 1996 so prkazana vsa podjetja, ki so primerljiva s prejönjimi druűbenimi ne glede na lastniötvo. Number of enterprises and other organizations increases and reduced due to reorganization. 3) Samo z lastnim pogonom. Only with own motors. Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 270 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Skupine njivskih posevkov Arable crops éita ha 16481 19854 20530 18898 18505 19761 18499 Cereals Industrijske rastline ha 5879 5486 5043 4908 5493 4111 3706 Industrial plants Vrtnine ha 355 337 292 243 253 183 239 Vegetables Krmne rastline ha 6792 5952 4204 4787 3630 3991 3348 Fodder plants Kmetijski stroji Agricultural machinery and vehicles Traktorji, dvoosni öt./No. 1805 1945 1758 1650 1582 1415 1234 Tractors, double axle Kombajni3) öt./No. 252 267 224 212 193 157 126 Combines3) Tovornjaki öt./No. 339 287 257 247 198 170 140 Trucks Sejalniki öt./No. 352 348 349 324 308 250 232 Seeders Kosilniki öt./No. 396 345 369 355 320 284 274 Mowers Praöilniki in meglilniki öt./No. 406 405 387 331 337 278 260 Airblast sprayers äkropilniki öt./No. 476 390 394 378 327 309 300 Sprayers Trosilniki mineralnih gnojil öt./No. 401 444 386 361 369 313 298 Brodcasters Poraba energije Electricity and fuels consumtion Nafta t 10933 10053 8646 7280 7723 6391 5793 Petroleum Bencin t 1169 1088 984 723 832 647 567 Petrol Mazut t 3332 2542 2964 1690 2027 1958 2172 Residual fuel oil Olje - mazivo t 296 358 289 218 181 163 148 Lubricants ElektriËna energija 1000 kWh 51305 58463 60398 55676 49306 54577 53166 Electricity Pospravljena zemljiöËa in pridelki Harvested area, production and yield Pöenica Wheat poűeto ha 7032 8851 8753 9105 9281 9961 9205 harvested area pridelek t 35416 58990 54491 53101 54944 54033 44770 production pridelek na ha kg 5036 6665 6225 5832 5920 5424 4864 yield kg/ha Rű Rye poűeto ha 74 288 321 191 229 172 255 harvested area pridelek t 281 1100 1085 595 655 494 739 production pridelek na ha kg 3797 3819 3380 3115 2860 2872 2898 yield kg/ha JeËmen Barley poűeto ha 652 671 1103 1187 1180 536 974 harvested area pridelek t 2364 2890 4504 5081 4710 2405 3644 production pridelek na ha kg 3626 4307 4083 4281 3992 4487 3741 yield kg/ha Oves Oats poűeto ha 247 325 349 260 212 105 50 harvested area pridelek t 829 1392 1482 1069 543 334 191 production pridelek na ha kg 3356 4283 4246 4112 2561 3181 3820 yield kg/ha Koruza - glavni pridelek Grain maize - main crop pospravljeno ha 8258 9352 9361 8474 7134 6680 7201 harvested area pridelek t 56189 75272 49223 61829 54554 50914 61317 production pridelek na ha kg 6804 8049 5258 7296 7647 7622 8515 yield kg/ha Sladkorna pesa Sugar beet pospravljeno ha 2806 1844 1471 1559 1990 2293 1990 harvested area pridelek t 101099 81955 51296 64575 80941 91241 89220 production pridelek na ha kg 36030 44444 34872 41421 40674 39791 44834 yield kg/ha Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 16.24 Podjetja, druűbe in zadruge v druűbeni, zadruűni in meöani lasti1) (nadaljevanje) Enterprises, companies and cooperatives in social, cooperative and mixed property1) (continued) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 271 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Hmelj Hops pospravljeno ha 1769 1737 1676 1732 1583 1527 1434 harvested area pridelek t 2887 2581 2548 2542 2215 2470 2237 production pridelek na ha kg 1632 1486 1520 1468 1399 1618 1560 yield kg/ha Krompir - glavni posevek Potatoes - main crop pospravljeno ha 235 201 219 178 181 154 208 harvested area pridelek t 4474 3207 4791 3988 4609 4744 5785 production pridelek na ha kg 19038 15955 21877 22404 25464 30805 27813 yield kg/ha Lucerna - glavni posevek Lucerne - main crop pospravljeno ha 278 113 52 49 54 61 67 harvested area pridelek t 2349 1080 407 254 522 550 601 production pridelek na ha kg 8450 9558 7827 5184 9667 9016 8970 yield kg/ha Koruza za siliranje - glavni posevek Maize for silage main crop pospravljeno ha 4756 4120 4001 3466 3359 3740 3138 harvested area pridelek t 152522 150830 113317 100224 100446 106719 112469 production pridelek na ha kg 32069 36609 28322 28916 29904 28534 35841 yield kg/ha Travniöko seno Hay from meadows pospravljeno ha 8339 5554 7219 5039 4889 3373 2100 harvested area pridelek t 37990 27408 56776 42352 44485 25066 14239 production pridelek na ha kg 4556 4935 7865 8405 9099 7431 6780 yield kg/ha Sadna drevesa in pridelki / Fruit trees, productions and yield Jabolka Apples drevesa 1950536 2608958 3274513 3174283 3074022 2956726 2618333 trees, total rodna drevesa 1640037 2191809 2696592 2836351 2814842 2678116 2618333 fertile pridelek t 23505 32182 25569 35304 32968 36900 34758 production pridelek na rodno drevo kg 14,3 14,7 9,5 12,4 11,7 13,8 13,3 yield kg/tree Hruöke Pears drevesa 788966 692051 719082 719734 667624 592253 530172 trees, total rodna drevesa 572072 628027 664858 645144 641445 571733 530172 fertile pridelek t 5022 8500 4142 3084 4538 5680 4831 production pridelek na rodno drevo kg 8,8 13,5 6,2 4,8 7,1 9,9 9,1 yield kg/tree »eöplje in slive Plums drevesa 1672 800 867 947 627 70 - trees, total rodna drevesa 848 180 195 185 ... ... - fertile pridelek t 4 1 1 1 ... ... - production pridelek na rodno drevo kg 5,2 3,3 2,6 6,5 ... ... - yield kg/tree Viönje Sour cherries drevesa 66435 58962 53241 52896 44753 29014 28273 trees, total rodna drevesa 55757 46003 53225 52480 43835 29014 28273 fertile pridelek t 625 722 532 768 478 577 340 production pridelek na rodno drevo kg 11,2 15,7 10 14,6 10,9 19,9 12,0 yield kg/tree Breskve Peaches drevesa 164993 156138 139298 128302 96446 72452 80677 trees, total rodna drevesa 150313 112168 109183 85830 79169 72112 80677 fertile pridelek t 1191 861 897 797 538 574 1429 production pridelek na rodno drevo kg 7,9 7,7 8,2 9,3 6,8 8,0 17,7 yield kg/tree Vinogradi Vineyards skupaj ha 3880 3919 3795 3519 3428 3293 2799 ha, total trte 1000 9203 9657 9622 9156 9000 8542 7566 vines rodne trte 1000 8023 8708 8982 8473 8384 8006 7050 fertile pridelek grozdja t 13148 18740 21931 20402 19531 16453 18185 production pridelek na rodno trto kg 1,64 2,15 2,44 2,41 2,33 2,1 2,6 yield kg/vines Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 16.24 Podjetja, druűbe in zadruge v druűbeni, zadruűni in meöani lasti1) (nadaljevanje) Enterprises, companies and cooperatives in social, cooperative and mixed property1) (continued) Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 272 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.25 Kmetijska mehanizacija, stavbe in drugi gradbeni objekti Agricultural machinery, buildings and other facilities 1) Rezultati statistiËnega raziskovanja KME-71, stanje 31. 12. 1990. Results of statistical survey KME-71, as of 31. December 1990. 2) Rezultati popisa prebivalstva, gospodinjstev, stanovanj in kmeËkih gospodarstev, stanje 31. 3. 1991. Results of Census of Population, Households, Housings and Agricultural Holdings, as of 31. March 1991. Merska enota Skupaj Total Podjetja in zadruge1) Enterprises and cooperatives1) KmeËka gospodarstva2) Agricultural holdings2) Unit Kmetijska mehanizacija Agricultural machinery Traktorji: enoosni ötevilo 32556 69 32487 No. Tractors: one-axle moË (kW) 276062 414 275648 power (kW) dvoosni, skupaj ötevilo 89283 1827 87456 No. double-axle, total moË (kW) 2565739 102271 2463468 power (kW) do 26 kW ötevilo 42464 172 42292 No. up to 26 kW moË (kW) 914111 4154 909957 power (kW) 26,1-38 kW ötevilo 37521 370 37151 No. 26,1-38 kW moË (kW) 1194604 11885 1182719 power (kW) 38,1-66 kW ötevilo 8273 879 7394 No. 38,1-66 kW moË (kW) 373204 46801 326403 power (kW) nad 66 kW ötevilo 1025 406 619 No. over 66 kW moË (kW) 83820 39431 44389 power (kW) Kombajni ötevilo 1390 267 1123 No. Combines moË (kW) 75755 25810 49945 power (kW) Traktorski plugi ötevilo 67050 781 66269 No. Ploughs Traktorske brane: skupaj ötevilo 62844 709 62135 No. Harrows: total kroűne ötevilo 15976 312 15664 No. disk druge ötevilo 46868 397 46471 No. other Traktorski sejalniki: skupaj ötevilo 16032 348 15684 No. Seeders: total za strnjeno setev ötevilo 6014 125 5889 No. drills za presledno setev ötevilo 10018 223 9795 No. row crop planters Trosilniki umetnih gnojil ötevilo 12205 437 11768 No. Broadcasters Trosilniki hlevskega gnoja ötevilo 15985 151 15834 No. Manure spreaders Cisterne za gnojevko ötevilo ... ... 3628 No. Dung liquid tanks Traktorski ökropilniki ötevilo 23588 363 23225 No. Sprayers Traktorski kosilniki ötevilo 25983 340 25643 No. Mowers Traktorski zgrabljalniki ötevilo 39173 229 38944 No. Rakes Obiralniki za koruzo ötevilo 1319 10 1309 No. Corn pickers Kombajni za izkop sladkor. pese ötevilo 157 31 126 No. Sugar-beet harvesters Kombajni za izkop krompirja ötevilo 3387 15 3372 No. Potato harvesters Priklopniki: navadni in kiper ötevilo 41886 1484 40402 No. Trailers: ordinary & tippers samonakladalni ötevilo ... ... 28259 No. with pick-up attachment Stavbe in drugi gradbeni objekti Agricultural buildings and other facilities Hlevi za govedo in konje m2 4302296 307583 3994713 m2 Stables for cattle and horses Hlevi za praöiËe m2 1601734 255894 1345840 m2 Pigsties Hlevi za ovce m2 77686 2582 75104 m2 Sheep pens Objekti za perutnino m2 656738 52947 603791 m2 Poultry sheds Prostori za shranjevanje Storage space kmetijskih strojev m2 2866962 61556 2805406 m2 for machines kmetijskih pridelkov m2 2538782 299620 2239162 m2 for agricultural products Koruznjaki m3 736458 387612 348846 m3 Maize granaries Seniki in kozolci m3 10894204 153926 10740278 m3 Haylofts and drying frames Silosi, koritasti in stolpni m3 1879537 199494 1680043 m3 Built silos Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 273 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing 274 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 16.26 ätevilo kmeËkih gospodarstev ob popisih glede na vir dohodka Number of agricultural holdings at censuses by source of income 16.27 ätevilo kmeËkih gospodarstev ob popisih glede na velikost skupnih uporabljenih zemljiöË Number of agricultural holdings at censuses by total used land 16.28 »lani gospodinjstva s kmeËkim gospodarstvom po aktivnosti in viru dohodka, popis 1991 Members of a household with an agricultural holding by activity and source of income, 1991 census ätevilo kmeËkih gospodarstev po viru dohodka Number of agricultural holdings by source of income Deleű (%) Share (%) skupaj total samo iz kmetijstva only from agriculture meöani from mixed sources iz nekmetij- stva from non- agricultural activities brez vira dohodka without a source of income skupaj total iz kmetijstva only from agriculture meöani from mixed sources iz nekmetij- stva from non- agricultural activities brez vira dohodka without a source of income 1960 194855 95918 84251 11306 3380 100 49,2 43,3 5,8 1,7 1969 180020 80302 80043 14793 5289 100 44,5 44,4 8,2 2,9 1981 192090 21675 52060 116533 1822 100 11,3 27,1 60,7 0,9 1991 156549 18585 57721 79293 950 100 11,9 36,9 50,6 0,6 ätevilo kmeËkih gospodarstev Number of agricultural holdings Deleű (%) Share (%) 1960 1969 1981 1991 1960 1969 1981 1991 SKUPAJ 194855 180228 192090 156549 100 100 100 100 TOTAL do 1,00 ha 40657 37903 62467 44428 20,8 21,0 32,5 28,4 up to 1,00 ha 1,01-3,00 43758 42597 40632 35081 22,5 23,6 21,2 22,4 1,01-3,00 3,01-5,00 29659 27420 24763 21246 15,2 15,2 12,9 13,6 3,01-5,00 5,01-8,00 27017 24859 22497 19338 13,9 13,8 11,7 12,3 5,01-8,00 8,01-10,00 12113 11447 10249 8774 6,2 6,4 5,3 5,6 8,01-10,00 nad 10,00 ha 41651 36002 31482 27682 21,4 20,0 16,4 17,7 above 10,00 ha »lani gospodinjstev Members of households Aktivni Ëlani gospodinjstev Active members of households »lani z lastnimi dohodki Members with their own income Vzdrűe- vani Ëlani Depen- dents Osebe na zaËas-nem delu v tujini in njihovi druűinski Ëlani Persons tem- porarily working abroad and members of their families »lani gospodinjstva, ki obËasno opravljajo kmetijska dela Members of a household who occasionally perform farm work skupaj total pov- preËno na gospo- dinjstvo average number per house- hold na svojem kmeËkem gospo- darstvu farmers in their own agri- cultural holding zunaj svojega kmeËkega gospo- darstva active outside their own agri- cultural holding skupaj total gospo- dinje house- wifes SKUPAJ 574490 3,7 99990 182111 101300 175760 15329 136614 17423 TOTAL Samo iz kmetijstva 42207 2,3 26355 - - 13317 2535 4336 2454 Only from agriculture Meöani 252360 4,4 73635 70293 37047 66578 4807 56633 5363 From mixed sources Iz nekmetijstva 277158 3,5 - 111818 64253 94830 6257 75385 9446 From non-agricultural activities Brez vira dohodka 2765 2,9 - - - 1035 1730 260 160 Without a source of income Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 275 VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o gozdnem fondu (povröinah, lesni zalogi, prirastku) so za leta 1953, 1956 in 1958 sporoËali gozdarski organi pri okrajih, za leto 1961 gozdarski organi pri obËinskih skupöËinah, za nadaljnja leta pa so podatki prevzeti iz popisov za gozdnogospodarske naËrte. Podatki o gojitvenih delih, poseku in gozdnih sortimentih, gozdni mehanizaciji in gozdnih cestah so bili do leta 1990 zbrani z letnimi poroËili; poöiljale so jih organizacije, ki so gospodarile z gozdovi. Od leta 1991 poroËa o teh podatkih Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, le podatke o gozdni mehanizaciji öe vedno dobimo z letnimi statistiËnimi poroËili poslovnih subjektov, registriranih za izvajanje gozdarskih del. Podatke o poökodovanosti gozda je prispeval Gozdarski inötitut Slovenije. PoroËila o lovu so dale lovske druűine in organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z lovnim gospodarstvom. Uvoz in izvoz gozdnih sortimentov sta preraËunana v m3 iz ton, vir pa je statistika zunanje trgovine. DEFINICIJE Gozd. V letih 1953, 1956 in 1958 so kot gozd prikazovali povröine, porasle z gozdnim drevjem, in vse manjöe vkljuËene gozdne povröine (gozdni osredki). Od leta 1961 kot gozd prikazujemo povröino, veËjo od 5 arov, obraslo z gozdnim drevjem, ne glede na viöino dreves in zarast. Drevoredov, parkov v naseljih, gozdnih drevesnic in skupin dreves na povröini, manjöi od 5 arov, ne ötejemo kot gozd. Varovalni gozd je tisti, v katerem je poudarjena katerakoli ekoloöka funkcija, in je zato doloËen poseben reűim gospodarjenja z njim. Sanacijski posek je posek okuűenega, od mrËesa napadenega ali moËno poökodovanega drevja. Varstvo gozdov obsega dela za prepreËitev in zatrtje rastlinskih bolezni, prerazmnoűenih populacij űuűelk, zaöËito pred ökodo, ki jo povzroËa divjad, zaöËito pred poűari in naravnimi ujmami. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Letni pregled gozdarstva 1947, 1949. StatistiËno gradivo 1964 öt. 26, 1966 öt. 3, 1967 öt. 14, 1969 öt. 4, 20, 1970 öt. 10, 1971 öt. 14, 1972 öt. 13, 1974 öt. 5, 1975 öt. 6, 14. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 51, 83, 97, 138, 196, 235, 279, 356, 373, 411, 456, 471, 496, 550. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah SR Slovenije 1965, zv. III, 1966 zv. VIII, 1967 zv. VIII, 1969 zv. IV, 1970 zv. VII, 1971 zv. III, 1972 zv. IV. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on forestry reserves (acreage and standing volume) for 1953, 1956, 1958 and 1961 were supplied by the district forestry authorities. For 1980 and 1990 data were drawn from the inventory for the forestry management plan. Data on fellings, cultivation works, forest damages and production of raw wood were gathered from the annual reports submitted by forest management organisations until 1990. Since 1991 reporting has been entirely the responsibility of the Institution for Forest Managemen of Slovenia, except data on forest mechanization which are still gathered with the statistical reports from forestry enterprises and organisations. Data on forest damages have been supplied by the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Data on hunting have been supplied by hunting societies and organizations involved in the management of hunting. Forestry imports and exports have been recalculated from tons into cubic metres, with the source being foreign trade statistics. DEFINITIONS Forest: In 1953, 1956 and 1958, all areas grown over with forest trees as well as smaller incorporated forest areas were shown as forest. Since 1961 the term forest covers areas larger than 0.05 ha that are covered with forest trees, irrespective of their height and growth. Trees lining paths, parks in inhabited areas, forest nurseries and groups of trees on areas smaller than 0.05 ha are not considered as forest. Protective forest is forest with outstanding ecological function, where special management is required. Sanitation removals are removals of trees attacked by insects or desease or injuried and damaged trees. Protection of forest includs forestry works on preventing and exterminating tree deseases, too large populations of insects, damages caused by game and protection from fire and natural disasters. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Annual Review of Forestry 1947, 1949 Statistical Material 1964 No. 26, 1966 No. 3, 1967 No. 14, 1969 No. 4, 20, 1970 No. 10, 1971 No. 14, 1972 No. 13, 1974 No. 5, 1975 No. 6, 14. Results of Surveys No. 51, 83, 97, 138, 196, 235, 279, 356, 373, 411, 456, 471, 496, 550. Statistical Data by Communities of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia 1965 vol. III, 1966 vol. VIII, 1967 vol. VIII, 1969 vol. IV, 1970 vol. VII, 1971 vol. III, 1972 vol. IV. 17. GOZDARSTVO IN LOV FORESTRY AND HUNTING Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 276 17.1 Posek, obnova in nega gozdov Removals, regeneration and tending of forest 1) Po denacionalizaciji so od leta 1993 upoötevani drűavni, obËinski in ökofijski gozdovi ter gozdovi lokalnih skupnosti in zadrug. After denationalization in 1993 forest of the state, church, municipalities, rural communities and agricultural cooperative are taken into consideration. 17.2 Povröina gozda Forest area ha Posek Removals 1000 m3 Obnova in nega gozdov Regeneration and tending of forest ha skupaj total druűbeni gozd1) public forest1) zasebni gozd private forest skupaj total druűbeni gozd1) public forest1) zasebni gozd private forest 1970 2887 1424 1463 22396 14468 7928 1971 2816 1393 1423 23710 15263 8447 1972 2770 1422 1348 24375 15634 8741 1973 2789 1416 1373 24773 15262 9511 1974 2884 1371 1513 24821 15066 9755 1975 3035 1435 1600 24825 14708 10117 1976 3025 1520 1505 26818 16011 10807 1977 3241 1571 1670 25421 14868 10553 1978 3230 1560 1670 25041 14960 10081 1979 3235 1552 1683 25065 14455 10610 1980 3141 1528 1613 24065 12835 11230 1981 3384 1595 1789 24952 14079 10873 1982 3519 1611 1908 27817 15500 12317 1983 3453 1619 1834 26331 14395 11936 1984 3538 1613 1925 27689 13974 13715 1985 3406 1537 1869 29488 14906 14582 1986 3501 1569 1932 28666 14135 14531 1987 3398 1611 1787 26611 13466 13145 1988 3384 1570 1814 27939 13888 14051 1989 3162 1406 1756 29045 14018 15027 1990 2435 1230 1205 21200 9903 11297 1991 2098 1116 982 19127* 10593* 8534* 1992 2168 ... ... 15793 10457 5336 1993 2088 ... ... 9915 6628 3287 1994 2255 804 1451 9921 7009 2912 1995 2092 862 1230 10742 7257 3485 1996 2330 876 1454 8609 4882 3727 Skupaj Total Rezervati Reserves Varovalni gozd Protective forest 1953 852147 ... ... 1953 1956 885501 ... ... 1956 1958 919268 ... ... 1958 1961 943209 ... ... 1961 1980 1045367 5655 41034 1980 1990 1071151 ... 59300 1990 1994 1094201 10421 62154 1994 1995 1097929 10421 62154 1995 1996 1098844 10421 62154 1996 Drűavni gozd 369344 ... ... State forest Zasebni gozd 719544 ... ... Private forest Gozd drugih pravnih oseb 9956 ... ... Other publicly owned forest Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 277 17.3 Lesna zaloga Growing stock 17.4 Letni prirastek Annual gross increment 17.5 Izvoz in uvoz gozdnih sortimentov Export and import of raw wood categories 1000 m3 1000 m3 m3/ha skupaj total iglavci conifers listavci non-conifers skupaj total iglavci conifers listavci non-conifers 1953 95213 54506 40707 112 64 48 1956 116280 63819 51461 131 72 59 1958 126219 75188 51031 138 82 56 1961 150047 87263 62784 159 92 67 1980 193957 104913 89044 186 ... ... 1990 207252 107860 99392 194 ... ... 1994 219763 111021 108742 201 102 99 1995 228493 113161 115332 208 103 105 1996 231521 114443 117078 211 104 107 1000 m3 m3/ha skupaj total iglavci conifers listavci non-conifers skupaj total iglavci conifers listavci non-conifers 1953 2336 1301 1035 2,76 1,54 1,22 1956 2617 1471 1146 2,96 1,67 1,29 1961 3372 1972 1400 3,58 2,09 1,49 1980 4931 2556 2365 4,72 ... ... 1990 5301 2615 2686 4,95 ... ... 1994 5645 2674 2971 5,16 2,44 2,72 1995 5995 2766 3229 5,46 2,52 2,94 1996 6086 2807 3279 5,53 2,55 2,98 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 IZVOZ - SKUPAJ 107 270 366 216 215 178 190 EXPORT - TOTAL Hlodi 65 120 228 132 110 79 63 Logs Iveri, les za celulozo 11 56 38 7 3 14 8 Stackwood, pulpwood Drogovi, tehniËni les 5 30 30 6 ... 10 1 Longwood Drva 26 64 70 71 102 75 118 Fuelwood UVOZ - SKUPAJ 500 572 250 143 305 340 291 IMPORT - TOTAL Hlodi 70 74 38 46 280 22 264 Logs Iveri, les za celulozo 427 489 199 89 25 257 16 Stackwood, pulpwood Drogovi, tehniËni les 1 8 7 4 ... 49 1 Longwood Drva 2 1 6 4 1 12 10 Fuelwood Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 278 17.6 Obnova, nega in varstvo gozdov Regeneration, tending and protection of forest 1) Do leta 1991 je pri obnovi v pripravi sestojev upoötevana premena, pri sajenju pogozdovanje v gozdu, v drugi obnovi pa spopolnjevanje sestojev. Pri negi je do leta 1991 obűetev upoötevana v negi mladja in goöËe. Until 1991 the conversion was included in stand preparing, reforestation was included in plantation and repair planting was included in other regeneration. Reaping was included in tending of new growth. 2) Po denacionalizaciji so od leta 1993 upoötevani drűavni, obËinski in ökofijski gozdovi ter gozdovi lokalnih skupnosti in zadrug. After denationalization in 1993, forests of the state, church, municipalities, rural communities and agricultural cooperative are taken into consideration. 17.7 Posek lesa po vrstah drevja Removals by tree species 1000 m3 Enota 19851) 19901) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Obnova ha 5365 2823 2598 1629 1183 1239 1199 Regeneration Priprava sestoja ha 402 209 888 565 580 467 404 Stand preparing Priprava tal ha 2673 920 675 379 - - 278 Ground preparing Sajenje ha 1898 1524 1016 634 525 759 517 Plantation Druga obnova ha 392 170 19 51 78 13 - Other regeneration Nega ha 29845 16132 13195 8286 8738 9503 7410 Tending Obűetev ha ... ... 4775 2632 2409 2078 1704 Reaping Nega mladja ha 12176 7582 2813 1991 1861 2064 1324 Tending of new growth Nega goöËe ha 9897 4973 2504 1438 2777 2753 2349 Clearing RedËenje ha 7772 3577 3075 2202 1690 2608 2033 Thinning Druga nega ha ... ... 28 23 1 - - Other tending Varstvo ure ... ... 15980 41592 123624 113224 204920 Protection Obnova ha 5365 2823 2598 1629 1183 1239 1199 Regeneration of druűbenih gozdov2) ha 2370 1332 1459 888 825 728 563 public forest2) zasebnih gozdov ha 2995 1491 1139 741 358 511 637 private forest Nega ha 29845 16132 13195 8286 8738 9503 7410 Tending of druűbenih gozdov2) ha 16729 7785 8998 5740 6184 6529 4320 public forest2) zasebnih gozdov ha 13116 8247 4197 2546 2554 2974 3090 private forest Varstvo ure ... ... 15980 41592 123624 113224 204920 Protection of druűbenih gozdov2) ure ... ... 11212 32518 104476 60928 94800 public forest2) zasebnih gozdov ure ... ... 4768 9074 19148 52296 110120 private forest 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 3406* 2435 2168 2088 2255 2092 2330 TOTAL Iglavci 2015* 1450 1208 1290 1411 1248 1512 conifers Listavci 1391* 985 960 798 844 844 818 Non-conifers Od tega zasebni gozd 1869* 1205 ... ... 1451 1230 1454 Of this in private forest Iglavci 1066* 667 ... ... 884 728 955 conifers Listavci 803* 538 ... ... 567 502 499 Non-conifers Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 279 17.8 Posek po vrstah seËnje Annual removals by kinds of cutting m3 17.9 Varstveno-sanacijski posek 1) Sanitation removals1) m3 1) Do leta 1985 je sanacijski posek prikazan samo v druűbenih gozdovih. Until 1985 only sanitation removals in public forest are included. 17.10 Mehanizacija in poraba goriv podjetij za delo v gozdu Mechanization and fuel consumption of forestry enterprises and organizations 1995 1996 skupaj total iglavci conifers listavci non-conifers skupaj total iglavci conifers listavci non-conifers SKUPAJ 2091910 1247957 843953 2330404 1512284 818120 TOTAL Nega 1325130 668297 656833 1130895 548355 582540 Tending Obnova 11708 2537 9171 13410 2979 10431 Regeneration Varstvo - sanacija 589047 491353 97694 1063081 898767 164314 Sanitation Za infrastrukturo 14887 7956 6931 15450 8445 7105 For infrastructure KrËitve 34826 21160 13666 29322 15359 13963 Deforestation Brez odobritve 112658 54598 58060 76062 37303 38759 Illicit Drugo 2296 1136 1160 2084 1076 1008 Other Zunaj gozda 1359 921 438 ... ... ... Non-forest area Skupaj Total Insekti Insects Bolezni Disease Poűar Fire Vremenske ujme Natural disasters Drugo Other 1985 711499 55296 81675 3804 393279 177445 1985 1989 653939 62609 201205 1535 177026 211564 1989 1990 513228 39498 138274 10611 127174 197671 1990 1993 785882 222156 192968 7090 169108 194560 1993 1994 808 242898 100085 8023 200781 256336 1994 1995 589047 169235 119876 7147 105641 187147 1995 1996 1063081 87902 101590 5269 723582 144738 1996 Iglavci 898767 86009 60799 5036 625882 121041 Conifers Listavci 164314 1893 40791 233 97700 23697 Non-conifers Stanje 31. 12. As of 31. 12. Avtomobili Cars Traktorji Tractors Motorne űage Power saws Drugi stroji Other mechanization Poraba goriv Fuel consumption 1000 l skupaj total tovorni trucks 1985 1814 368 502 5485 1143 7202 1988 1721 332 480 4320 843 8857 1989 1825 294 496 4463 910 6285 1990 746 252 384 3150 767 5922 1994 425 142 261 332 551 3842 1995 361 132 241 183 512 3680 1996 306 106 211 173 425 3906 Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 280 17.11 Proizvodnja gozdnih sortimentov Production of raw wood 1000 m3 17.12 Odstrel divjadi Hunting 17.13 Lovci, lovske koËe Hunters, hunting lodges 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Skupaj 2589 1790 1269 1065 1943 1751 1990 Total Iglavci 1619 1153 752 709 1201 1042 1277 Conifers Listavci 970 637 517 356 742 709 713 Non-conifers Hlodi 1477 979 730 645 1045 918 1028 Logs Iglavci 1072 720 499 487 720 677 790 Conifers Listavci 405 259 231 158 325 241 238 Non-conifers Les za celulozo 272 281 194 155 396 519 499 Pulpwood Iglavci 219 238 142 130 264 292 392 Conifers Listavci 53 43 52 25 132 227 107 Non-conifers Drug tehniËni les 583 335 226 158 268 88 102 Other industrial wood Iglavci 326 194 109 91 217 73 95 Conifers Listavci 257 141 117 67 51 15 7 Non-conifers Drva 257 195 119 107 234 226 361 Fuelwood Jelenjad Red deer Srnjad Roe-deer Gams Chamois Medved Bear Divji praöiË Boar Zajec Hare Lisica Fox Kuna Marten Piűmovka Muskrat Druga dlakasta divjad Other game 1985 3504 41734 1462 54 2648 12361 5364 1434 4093 1879 1990 4394 40283 1747 37 4601 8765 4548 1433 2904 1842 1991 5043 48976 1987 29 3641 7653 4427 1450 2438 1220 1992 5721 49281 2216 35 3690 9542 5661 1467 3027 1033 1993 5506 45431 2230 42 3958 9244 7061 1636 2355 939 1994 3847 36291 2076 38 3123 6867 8395 1718 1339 1096 1995 3595 31163 1805 29 2776 4946 9361 2148 1858 1145 Ruöevec Grouse Poljska jerebica Common partridge Gozdni jereb Red-legged partridge Fazan Pheasant Mlakarice Waterfowl Skobec, kragulj Sparrowhawk, goshawk Druga pernata divjad Other game birds 1985 180 881 244 31839 9354 2639 37209 1990 115 1636 131 37411 11225 2228 12291 1991 112 953 102 29845 9082 1408 5773 1992 117 1697 96 35803 8446 1742 7238 1993 103 2251 34 36462 6561 ... 113 1994 - 1914 - 32281 8869 - - 1995 - 1850 - 31081 8405 - - »lani lovskih druűin Members of hunting societies Lovski Ëuvaji Wildlife rangers Lovske koËe Hunting lodges 1985 22503 259 624 1990 21133 83 585* 1992 22858 86 724* 1993 22826 87 724* 1994 22715 86 731* 1995 22734 86 744* 1996 22605 86 721* Gozdarstvo in lov Forestry and hunting StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 281 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 282 18. RUDARSTVO IN PREDELOVALNE DEJAVNOSTI MINING AND MANUFACTURING VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke za dejavnosti rudarstva, predelovalnih dejavnosti in oskrbe z elektriko zbira StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije s statistiËnima raziskovanjema MeseËno poroËilo industrije in Letno poroËilo industrije. ZAJETJE V statistiËno raziskovanje MeseËno poroËilo industrije so vkljuËena industrijska podjetja in obrati, ki zaposlujejo vsaj deset oseb in opravljajo eno ali veË dejavnosti podroËja Industrija in rudarstvo po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti. V raziskovanje Letno poroËilo industrije pa so zajeta industrijska podjetja in obrati, ki imajo eno ali veË dejavnosti, ki sodijo v podroËje Rudarstva, Predelovalnih dejavnosti in Oskrbe z elektriko, plinom in vodo po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in imajo vsaj pet zaposlenih oseb. Rezultati MeseËnega poroËila industrije so vir podatkov v tabelah: 18.1, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 18.10 in 18.12; rezultati Letnega poroËila industrije pa so vir podatkov v tabelah: 18.2, 18.7, 18.8, 18.9 in 18.11. DEFINICIJE Industrijska podjetja in industrijski obrati, ki so v sestavi neindustrijskih podjetij, imajo za glavno dejavnost industrijsko proizvodnjo in so po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti v Poslovnem registru Slovenije uvröËeni v eno od podroËij Rudarstva, Predelovalnih dejavnosti in Oskrbe z elektriko, plinom in vodo. Industrijski proizvodi so definirani z Nomenklaturo industrijskih proizvodov. Za vsak proizvod prikazujejo podjetja in obrati celotno proizvodnjo, ne glede na to, ali je proizvod dokonËan ali pa se uporabi pri nadaljnji proizvodnji v istem ali drugem podjetju. Osnova za raËunanje indeksov industrijske proizvodnje so podatki o proizvodnji v fiziËnih merskih enotah, zbrani po Nomenklaturi industrijskih proizvodov, in ponderacijski koeficienti, ki pomenijo oceno dodane vrednosti za posamezne industrijske proizvode. Indeks industrijske proizvodnje za celotno podroËje industrije in rudarstva se izraËuna s ponderacijskimi faktorji, ki industrijskim panogam doloËijo njihovo relativno pomembnost in hkrati uravnajo razliËno stopnjo zajetja proizvodnje med panogami. Ponderacijski faktorji pomenijo deleű dodane vrednosti posamezne industrijske panoge v skupni dodani vrednosti podroËja industrije in rudarstva. Ponderacijski sistem za obraËun indeksov industrijske proizvodnje se vsako leto sistematiËno popravi glede na strukturne spremembe v industrijskih panogah med predpreteklim in preteklim letom. Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje so izraËunani po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, s pomoËjo prevajalnika med Nomenklaturo industrijskih proizvodov in klasifikacijo dejavnosti EU NACE Rev. 1 pa tudi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, ki je s klasifikacijo dejavnosti EU usklajena. Indeks zaposlenih oseb po dejavnosti proizvodnje zajema samo zaposlene osebe v industrijskih dejavnostih, ne pa tistih, ki v okviru industrijskih podjetij delajo v gozdarstvu, gradbeniötvu, trgovini in drugih neindustrijskih dejavnostih. Zaposleni v podjetjih so razvröËeni v dejavnosti, ki jih podjetja opravljajo. Indeks produktivnosti v industriji pomeni razmerje med indeksom industrijske proizvodnje in indeksom zaposlenih oseb. Izmenski koeficient na osnovi zaposlenih oseb prikazuje povpreËno ötevilo izmen, v katerih delajo industrijska podjetja. IzraËuna se iz podatkov zasedenosti delovnih mest tako, da vse zaposlene osebe na delovnih mestih, na katerih so delale v eni izmeni, uvröËamo v prvo izmeno; polovico zaposlenih oseb na delovnih mestih, na katerih so delale v dveh izmenah, uvröËamo v prvo, polovico pa v drugo izmeno; tretjino zaposlenih oseb z delovnih mest, na katerih so delali v treh izmenah, uvröËamo v prvo, tretjino v drugo in tretjino v tretjo izmeno. Koeficient izmen na osnovi zaposlenih oseb pa je razmerje med skupnim ötevilom zaposlenih oseb in ötevilom zaposlenih oseb prve izmene. Izmenski koeficient na osnovi pogonskih strojev in motorjev je izraËunan iz podatka o moËi pogonskih strojev in motorjev, ki so bili izkoriöËeni v treh izmenah, pomnoűenega s tri, in iz podatka o moËi strojev, ki so bili izkoriöËeni v dveh izmenah, pomnoűenega z dva. Zmnoűkoma je dodan podatek o moËi pogonskih strojev in motorjev, ki so bili izkoriöËeni za delo v eni izmeni. Dobljena vsota je deljena s skupno moËjo pogonskih strojev in motorjev. MoË pogonskih strojev in motorjev na zaposleno osebo je izraËunana po stanju na izbrani dan v mesecu najintenzivnejöe proizvodnje leta tako, da je podatek o moËi pogonskih strojev in elektromotorjev, ki so obratovali v prvi, drugi in tretji izmeni, deljen s SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on mining and manufacturing are collected by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia with the statistical surveys Monthly Industrial Report and Annual Industrial Report. COVERAGE According to the National Classification of Activities the industry sector includes manufacturing, mining and electricity supply and according to the Standard Classification of Activities this sector covers Mining and quarrying (C), Manufacturing (D) and Electricity supply (part of E). Statistical units of the monthly survey are enterprises and establishments which are primarily engaged in these activities and have at least ten employees. Statistical units of the annual survey are enterprises and establishments with at least five employees. Source for tables 18.1, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 18.10 in 18.12 is the monthly survey and for tables 18.2, 18.7, 18.8, 18.9 in 18.11 the annual survey. DEFINITIONS Industrial enterprises and establishments which are part of non- industrial enterprises are predominantly engaged in one or more industrial activities and are listed in the Business Register of Slovenia. Industrial products are defined by the National Nomenclature of Industrial Products. Data are gathered for products and semi-finished products which could be used in further manufacturing processes in the same or other enterprise. Production volume indices are calculated with quantities of products and their weighting coefficients, which represent the estimated value added of products. Production volume index of the total industry sector is calculated by computing activity indices, using the share of value added of particular industrial activity as weights. Weighting coefficients are systematically updated every year considering the changes in the shares of value added in activities during the preceding year and the year before that. Production volume indices are calculated according to the National Classification of Activities. Indices are also calculated according to the Standard Classification of Activities through the conversion table between the National Nomenclature of Industrial Products and NACE Rev. 1. The index of employed persons by activity covers only persons employed in industrial activities, and not those who within industrial enterprises work in forestry, construction, retail trade and other non- industrial activities. Persons in paid employment in enterprises are classified into activities of their enterprises. The index of productivity in industry represents the relationship between the production volume index and the index of employed persons. Coefficient of work in shifts on the basis of persons in paid employment presents the average number of shifts in which industrial enterprises work. It is calculated according to the occupancy level of work places in the following: all employed persons working at their working place in one shift are listed in the first shift; one half of the employed persons working at their working place in two shifts is listed in the first shift and the other half in the second shift; one third of the employed persons working at their working place in three shifts is listed in the first, the second third in the second shift and a third in the third shift. The coefficient represents the relationship between the total number of employed persons and the number of employed persons in the first shift. Coefficient of work in shifts on the basis of machine drives and motors is calculated from the power of the machine drives and motors used in three shifts, multiplied by three, while the power of the machines used in two shifts is multiplied by two. The power of machine drives and motors used for work in one shift is added to these multiplications. The sum obtained is divided by the total power of machine drives and motors. The power of machine drives and motors per person in paid employment is calculated according to the situation on a selected day of the month in which the production is the most intensive by dividing the power of machine drives and electrical motors which were in operation StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 283 ötevilom zaposlenih oseb v prvi, drugi in tretji izmeni. Poraba elektriËne energije na zaposleno osebo je razmerje med skupno porabljeno elektriËno energijo in letnim povpreËjem zaposlenih oseb v industriji in rudarstvu. ätevilo zaposlenih oseb v proizvodnji na neproizvodno zaposleno osebo je razmerje ötevila zaposlenih oseb v proizvodnji in ötevila zaposlenih oseb pri vodstvenih, strokovnih, sploönih in raziskovalnih delih (direktorji, vodje obratov, inűenirji, tehniki, komercialisti, knjigovodje, evidentiËarji, skladiöËniki, drugi administrativni delavci, kurirji, snaűilke). Podatki o zaposlenih osebah po izmenah so prikazani za izbrani dan v mesecu najintenzivnejöe proizvodnje za posamezno leto. Njihovo razporeditev prikazujemo po delovnih mestih, na katerih so zaposleni delali v eni, dveh ali treh izmenah. Na enem delovnem mestu lahko dela samo ena zaposlena oseba v dopoldanski izmeni, ena zaposlena oseba v popoldanski izmeni in ena zaposlena oseba v noËni izmeni, Ëe se na tem delovnem mestu dela v treh izmenah. MoË pogonskih strojev in motorjev, izkoriöËenih za delo po izmenah, je prikazana za isti dan, kakor so prikazani podatki o zaposlenih osebah po izmenah. Pogonske stroje in motorje razvröËamo v skupine glede na to, ali so bili izkoriöËeni za delo v eni, dveh ali treh izmenah. Za prikaz zajemamo pogonske stroje, ki ne poganjajo generatorjev, in elektromotorje. Primarni pogonski stroji so zaganjalniki, ki poganjajo generatorje in katerih moË se v celoti ali deloma izkoriöËa za proizvodnjo elektriËne energije z zagonom generatorja. Generatorji pa so stroji, ki pretvarjajo mehansko energijo primarnih zaganjalnikov v elektriËno energijo. Primarni zaganjalniki, ki ne poganjajo generatorjev, so stroji in motorji, katerih moË neposredno izkoriöËamo za pogon delovnih strojev, transmisij in podobno. Elektromotorji so vsi samostojni motorji in motorji, vdelani v delovne stroje, ki dajejo mehansko energijo, poganja pa jih elektriËna energija. ElektriËne peËi in druge termiËne naprave so elektriËne peËi, suöilnice, grelci, bojlerji in podobne naprave za gretje s prikljuËno moËjo, veËjo od 1 kW, ki se uporabljajo v industrijski dejavnosti. Med hladilne naprave, ki se uporabljajo v industrijski dejavnosti, sodijo npr. v hladilnice za zamrzovanje sadja, vrtnin in mesa v podjetju. Podatki o porabi elektriËne enegije in nekaterih goriv v industrijskih podjetjih zajemajo porabo elektriËne energije in goriv za pogonske namene, notranji prevoz, ogrevanje delovnih in pisarniökih prostorov in porabo za pogonske in tehnoloöke namene v proizvodnji. Podatki o urah dela elektromotorjev pomenijo razmerje med porabljeno elektriËno energijo za elektromotorje in instalirano moËjo elektromotorjev. Poraba surovin in materialov v industrijskih panogah obsega le tiste surovine in materiale, ki so predvideni z Nomenklaturo surovin in materialov. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Rezultati industr. popisa LRS v l. 1945. Industrija, rudarstvo LRS v l. 1946. Letni pregled ind. in gradb. dej. 1947. Letni pregled republ. ind. 1948. Industrija republ. za l. 1949. Letni pregled industrije LRS za l. 1950. Pregled industr. proizvodnje za l. 1951. Letni pregled industrije in obrti 1952, 1953, 1954. Premog in nekovine 1947-1951. Rudarstvo v LRS 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956. Industrija (LRS) 1939-1952, 1939 in 1946-1956. Letni pregled industrije 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 10; 1964, öt. 11; 1965, öt. 10; 1966, öt. 5, 13; 1967, öt. 6; 1969, öt. 5, 8; 1970, öt. 7; 1971, öt. 16; 1972, öt. 17; 1973, öt. 16; 1974, öt. 15. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 6, 35, 50, 77, 103, 108, 150, 199, 200, 201 202, 203, 230, 247, 248, 253, 269, 270, 276, 300, 302, 313, 352, 378, 394, during the first, second and third shift by the number of employed persons in the first, second and third shift. Consumption of electrical power per person in paid employment represents the relationship between the total of the consumed electrical power and the annual average of employed persons. The number of persons employed in production per person employed in non-production is calculated by dividing the number of employed persons in production by the number of employed persons in managerial, professional, general and research work (general managers, plant managers, engineers, technicians, sales managers, accountants, ledger managers, warehouse operatives, other administrative workers, couriers and cleaners). Persons in paid employment by shift are represented for the selected day of the month in which the production is the most intensive in the individual year. They are classified according to the places of work at which they worked in one, two or three shifts. Only one employed person can work at one place of work in the first shift, one person in the second shift and one person in the third shift if work is organised in three shifts. Capacity force of machine drives and motors by shift is shown for the same day as the presentation of persons in paid employment by shift. Machine drives and motors are listed in groups with regard to whether they were used for work in one, two or three shifts. This presentation covers machine drives that do not drive generators or electric motors. Primary machine drives and motors are those machines and motors which drive generators (turbines, etc.). Generators are machines which transform mechanical power from primary motors into electricity. Primary machine drives which do not drive generators are machines and motors whose power is used directly to drive machine tools, transmissions and similar. Electrical motors cover all motors that are either free-standing or built-in parts of machines which provide mechanical power and which are driven by electrical power. Electric ovens and thermal apparatuses include electrical ovens, dryers, boilers and devices for heating with their own power source, greater than 1 kW, and which are used in industrial activities. Cold- storage installations are installations used in industrial activities like cold- storage chambers for freezing fruit, vegetables and meat. Consumption of electricity and fuels includes consumption for driving purposes, internal transport, heating in enterprises, including operation units and offices, and consumption for driving and technological purposes. The hours of work of electrical motors is calculated by dividing the consumption of electrical power for electrical motors by the installed power of the electrical motors. Consumption of raw materials and materials by branch of industry comprises only those raw materials and materials as foreseen by the National Nomenclature of Raw Materials. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Results of the Industry Census, PRS 1945. Industry and Mining, PRS 1946. Annual Review of Industry and Construction 1947. Annual Review of Republic Industry 1948. Industry in the Republic for 1949. Annual Review of Industry of PRS for 1950. Review of Industrial Production for 1951. Annual Review of Industry and Trades, 1952, 1953, 1954. Coal and Non-metals 1947-1951. Mining in PRS 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956. Industry (PRS) 1939-1952, 1939 and 1946-1956. Annual Review of Industry 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960,1961 Statistical Material 1963 No. 10, 1964 No. 11, 1965 No. 10, 1966 No. 5 & 13, 1967 No. 6, 1969 No. 5 & 8, 1970 No. 7, 1971 No. 16, 1972 No. 17, 1973 No. 16, 1974 No. 15. Results of Surveys No. 6, 35, 50, 77, 103, 108, 150, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 230, 247, 248, 253, 269, 270, 276, 300, 302, 313, 352, 378, 394, StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 284 397, 410, 440, 447, 488, 513, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 531, 567, 568, 592, 630, 633, 641, 652, 670, 671, 673. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1962, zv. III; 1963, zv. I; 1964, zv. V; 1965, zv. II; 1966, zv. II; 1967, zv. III; 1969, zv. V; 1971, zv. V; 1972, zv. VI; 1973, zv. VII; 1974, zv. IX; 1975, zv. X; 1977, zv. I; 1978, zv. X. 397, 410, 440, 447, 488, 513, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 531, 567, 568, 592, 630, 633, 641, 652, 670, 671, 673. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1962 vol. III, 1963 vol. I, 1964 vol. V, 1965 vol. II, 1966 vol. II, 1967 vol. III, 1969 vol. V, 1971 vol. V, 1972 vol. VI, 1973 vol. VII, 1974 vol. IX, 1975 vol. X, 1977 vol. I, 1978 vol. X. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 285 18.1 Pregled razvoja podroËij dejavnosti rudarstva, predelovalnih dejavnosti in oskrbe z elektriko Review of development of manufacturing, mining and electricity supply 1) Letno povpreËje. Annual average. 2) Podatki SDK. Data of the National Accounting Service. 3) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. Podjetja, organizacije Enterprises, organizations Zaposlene osebe v industrijskih dejavnostih1) Persons in paid employment in industrial activities1) Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje Production volume Indices 1969=100 Indeksi produktivnosti Indices of productivity 1969=100 PlaËilo za investicije v osnovna sredstva2) Payment for gross fixed capital formation2) 1000 SIT 1970 439 261065 109 105 187 1971 433 270326 120 110 216 1972 428 280023 130 116 258 1973 440 291316 139 119 328 1974 447 309045 155 127 550 1975 426 322953 163 128 734 1976 1172 329471 166 128 1076 1977 1209 318149 179 134 1157 1978 1436 340754 194 141 1421 1979 1696 344543 208 149 1891 1980 1920 348509 213 153 2021 1981 2061 353791 217 154 2242 1982 2093 356594 222 156 2686 1983 2112 361192 230 159 3482 1984 2106 369160 235 159 6489 1985 2084 374425 238 158 12880 1986 2109 392237 242 159 30549 1987 2040 389142 239 157 508587 1988 1927 385162 233 155 126678 1989 1796 372370 236 160 1234341 1990 1460 345496 211 148 4174565 1991 1490 321465 185 146 6785286 1992 1630 288801 160 141 14638390 1993 1605 264276 156 150 19258099 1994 1657 251515 166 169 27491623 1995 1613 240685 169 180 31802761 1996 1530 222687 171 197 45988690 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 286 18.2 Kazalniki dela industrijskih podjetij, 1995 Indicators of work of industrial enterprises, 1995 1) Zaloűniöka podjetja niso vkljuËena Enterprises with activity of publishing are excluded 2) Zajeta so le podjetja z dejavnostjo oskrbe z elektriko Only enterprises with activity of electricity supply are included Izmenski koeficient na osnovi zaposlenih oseb Coefficient off work in shifts on the basic of persons in paid employment Izmenski koeficient na osnovi pogonskih strojev in motorjev Coefficient of work in shifts on the basic of machine driv- ers and motors MoË izkoriöËenih pogonskih strojev in motorjev na zaposleno osebo the pover of machine drivers and motors per person in paid employment (kW) Poraba elektriËne energije na zaposleno osebo Consumption of electricity in paid employ- ment (MWh) ätevilo zaposlenih oseb v proizvodnji na neproizvodno zaposleno osebo Number of per- sons employed in production per person employed in non- produc- tion v prvi izmeni in the first shift v drugi izmeni in the second shift v tretji izmeni in the third shift SKUPAJ 1,28 1,8 13,4 37,72789 123,48254 24,2 2,4 Total industrial production Rudarstvo 1,66 2,0 29,9 65,5 71,1 19,6 4,8 Mining and quarrying Pri.energetskih surovin 1,77 2,2 29,7 64,7 69,7 17,7 5,2 Mining & quarrying of energy materials Pri.rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 1,20 1,3 30,5 73,7 114,7 29,2 3,4 Mining & quarrying, not energy materials Predelovalne dejavnosti 1,27 1,6 11,5 29,6 100,7 21,6 2,4 Manufacturing Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 1,21 1,5 8,6 24,6 51,3 10,9 2,2 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 1,31 1,6 5,4 13,4 55,3 7,3 3,4 Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 1,33 1,5 4,0 6,9 30,3 4,4 3,3 Mfr. of leather and leather products Obdelava in predelava lesa 1,26 1,4 15,7 30,0 96,1 15,5 3,9 Manufacture of wood and wood products Pro.vlaknin,papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 1) 1,46 2,3 33,6 84,8 255,4 43,1 1,9 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 1,49 2,4 25,1 91,3 69,0 33,4 3,0 Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umet.vl. 1,32 1,7 19,0 56,4 97,8 26,6 1,2 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man- made fibres Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 1,41 2,0 23,8 58,1 112,7 15,5 2,0 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 1,37 1,8 17,3 37,3 88,7 32,1 3,7 Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 1,27 1,6 14,8 42,8 108,6 79 2,4 Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products Pro.strojev in naprav 1,23 1,2 7,4 13,2 50,3 7,9 2,2 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 1,23 1,3 5,0 8,4 33,3 5,8 1,8 Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment Pro.vozil in plovil 1,15 1,2 14,7 40,1 49,6 7,7 1,8 Manufacture of transport equipment Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred.dej., reciklaűa 1,16 1,2 8,5 14,4 60,1 8 3,2 Manufacturing nec. Oskrba z elektriko,plinom, vodo2) 1,18 2,3 54,6 549,5 645,9 99,2 1,4 Electricity, gas and water supply2) Oskrba z elektriko,plinom, vodo2) 1,18 2,3 54,6 549,5 645,9 99,2 1,4 Electricity, gas and water supply2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 287 18.3 Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti povpreËje predhodnega leta=100 Production volume indices by the National Classification of Activities average of previous year =100 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 101,2 89,5 86,8 97,2 106,4 102,0 101,0 TOTAL Sredstva za delo 106,8 80,7 80,0 96,2 113,5 107,5 110,1 Capital goods Reprodukcijski material 100,2 89,9 89,4 95,3 108,6 102,4 98,5 Intermediate goods Blago za öiroko porabo 100,4 93,5 83,6 100,2 102,4 100,3 101,6 Consumption goods Elektrogospodarstvo 95,0 98,6 94,9 96,4 107,8 99,7 100,8 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 100,0 87,0 107,0 91,7 93,1 99,4 96,7 Coal mining Pridob. nafte, zemelj. plina 101,7 74,1 85,8 82,8 93,2 139,9 71,2 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizv. naftnih derivatov 128,5 111,9 99,5 99,9 67,2 135,9 76,6 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 98,0 87,5 103,7 92,0 118,0 100,7 80,8 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud barvastih kovin 121,5 74,6 87,5 48,9 47,9 - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 105,8 96,4 88,5 97,8 96,3 106,3 102,0 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 105,9 104,4 102,9 98,0 103,6 111,3 100,1 Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 114,3 89,3 80,5 104,9 117,5 100,5 97,1 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 107,0 94,7 93,8 96,4 107,9 102,7 97,3 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 101,4 85,0 84,0 95,3 103,1 94,7 97,7 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 108,5 82,5 80,5 85,3 106,6 103,6 86,5 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev 100,1 93,8 82,3 83,4 98,2 103,0 93,4 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 117,5 69,0 88,5 61,9 153,3 95,0 88,0 Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. in apar. 101,6 85,8 81,7 102,2 123,0 113,5 110,1 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 101,6 81,6 93,7 94,4 118,6 107,5 104,8 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 104,8 93,2 69,4 101,4 113,7 100,6 101,7 Manufacture of chemical products Proizv. kamna in peska 95,8 91,7 99,1 87,2 101,5 107,1 125,0 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat. 94,7 89,0 90,7 92,9 119,0 99,5 115,0 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 99,0 89,7 90,2 94,7 102,5 99,6 98,5 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izd. 89,6 86,1 90,2 104,3 105,6 106,0 102,3 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv.in pred. papirja 100,3 95,0 87,6 93,0 110,9 98,5 97,1 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 101,9 82,2 93,4 101,7 106,1 101,7 100,9 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 98,8 89,6 83,1 100,8 93,7 102,7 99,3 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 105,2 87,1 97,7 95,4 95,4 87,5 94,7 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 106,8 82,9 102,0 95,7 98,4 89,3 75,8 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 99,5 98,7 99,7 99,3 106,4 104,5 99,4 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proizvodov 100,6 100,6 81,1 97,5 103,9 101,6 103,7 Manufacture of food products Proizv. pijaË 104,2 111,9 89,8 95,2 99,8 95,9 110,3 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 94,8 102,6 87,5 88,1 99,4 104,7 100,1 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 87,8 80,8 110,0 91,9 97,3 91,4 106,9 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 111,6 95,5 84,2 110,1 102,3 83,4 95,1 Printing Recirkulacija surovin - 83,8 88,2 96,9 106,5 107,1 101,3 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 109,5 70,7 108,8 115,7 95,7 98,6 103,0 Manufacture of miscellaneous products StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 288 18.4 Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti Production volume indices by Standard Classification of Activities PovpreËje predhodnega leta =100 / Average of previous year =100 1) Indeks za industrijo je izraËunan po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in ne zajema obrti, zaloűniötva, distribucije plinastih goriv, oskrbe s paro in toplo vodo ter zbiranja, ËiöËenja in dis- tribucije vode. Index for industry is computed using the National Classification of Economic Activites and does not include arts and crafts, publishing, manufacturing of gas, distribution of gaseous fuels through mains, steam andhot water supply, collection, purification and distribution of water. 2) Zajeta so le podjetja z dejavnostjo oskrbe z elektriko Only enterprises with activity of electricity supply are included 18.5 Industrijski proizvodi po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti Industrial products by the National Classification of Activities PodroËja in podpodroËja 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Section and subsection SKUPAJ 1) 101,2 89,5 86,8 97,2 106,4 102,0 101,0 TOTAL 1) Rudarstvo 101,8 86,5 100,0 89,7 94,9 100,9 100,4 Mining and quarrying Pri. energetskih surovin 100,1 86,5 106,2 91,2 93,2 99,8 96,4 Mining & quarrying energy materials Pri. rud in kamnin brez energetskih 106,8 86,5 91,1 86,2 102,1 103,8 115,9 Mine & quarry, not energy materials Predelovalne dejavnosti 101,6 89,6 85,6 97,5 106,7 102,6 100,9 Manufacturing Pro. hrane, pijaË, tobaËnih izd. 100,1 101,3 83,5 96,5 102,7 99,8 105,4 Mfr of food; beverages & tobacco Pro. tekstilij; tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 100,1 86,6 86,2 101,0 96,0 102,4 96,6 Mfr of textiles & tekstile products Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 106,9 83,9 100,9 95,4 96,2 87,8 80,6 Mfr of leather & leather products Obdelava in predelava lesa 95,9 90,1 87,9 98,4 106,6 99,3 100,9 Manufacture of wood & wood products Pro. vlaknin, papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 102,9 95,0 87,0 95,5 110,0 93,4 97,2 Mfr paper; publishing; printing Pro. koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva 128,5 111,9 99,5 99,9 67,2 135,9 76,6 Mfr coke, petroleum prods & nuclear Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vl. 103,3 88,1 74,6 97,5 115,7 102,1 103,4 Mfr chemicals, prods & man-made Pro. izd. iz gume in plastiËnih mas 103,7 96,5 87,4 102,3 107,3 104,3 98,3 Mfr of rubber & plastic products Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 101,0 92,3 92,5 94,8 112,0 101,0 106,3 Mfr other non-metal mineral prods Pro. kovin in kovinskih izd. 101,4 90,6 93,2 95,3 109,2 102,3 94,4 Mfr basic metals & fabricated prods Pro strojev in naprav 104,8 92,0 80,2 94,2 117,8 100,6 93,1 Mfr of machinery & equipment nec Pro. elektriËne, optiËne opreme 103,0 76,3 82,3 102,0 121,0 116,4 116,4 Mfr electrical & optical equipment Pro. vozil in plovil 101,6 93,5 82,3 83,2 97,3 102,9 92,9 Manufacture of transport equipment Pro. pohiötva, dr. pred. dej., reciklaűa 93,6 81,8 93,7 104,8 103,5 108,5 100,2 Manufacturing nec Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 2) 95,0 98,6 94,9 96,4 107,8 99,7 100,8 Electricity, gas and water supply 2) Merska enota 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit Elektrogospodarstvo Production and distribution of electricity ElektriËna energija - skupaj Mio kWh 12205 12398 12026 11682 12499 12475 12653 Mio kWh Electricity, total Hidroenergija Mio kWh 3144 2973 3374 2978 3287 3086 3578 Mio kWh Hydroenergy Termoenergija Mio kWh 5008 4803 4681 4661 4603 4610 4514 Mio kWh Thermoenergy Jedrska energija Mio kWh 4053 4622 3971 3957 4609 4779 4561 Mio kWh Nuclear energy Pridobivanje premoga Coal mining Rjavi premog 1000 t 2051 1372 1323 1200 1079 967 841 1000 t Brown coal Lignit 1000 t 5106 4210 4233 3921 3775 3917 3937 1000 t Lignite Prid. nafte in zemelj. plina Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Surova nafta t 2564 2545 2079 1925 1716 1858 1398 t Crude petroleum Zemeljski plin 1000 m3 7259 24036 16518 13392 12595 18220 12840 1000 m3 Natural gas Proizv.naftnih derivatov Manufacture of refined petroleum products Kurilno olje 1000 t 185 116 106 114 92 177 123 1000 t Fuel oil »rna metalurgija Mining of iron ores Surovo űelezo 1000 t 191 - - - - - - 1000 t Pig iron Jeklo, vseh vrst 1000 t 794 504 392 355 424 407 328 1000 t Steel total Elektrojeklo 1000 t 505 504 392 355 424 407 328 1000 t Electrosteel Valjana űica 1000 t 92 66 38 15 - - - 1000 t Rolled wire Debela in srednja ploËevina 1000 t 123 71 50 33 109 61 54 1000 t Thick and medium sheets Tanka in fina ploËevina t 3615 884 9080 13971 795 6220 565 t Thin and fine sheets äivne cevi t 40382 38419 37100 44461 57705 61575 61792 t Seam pipes VleËeno in luöËeno jeklo t 48154 41481 24620 20164 21571 24432 18724 t Extruded and peeled steel VleËena űica t 49386 36229 21029 16571 17611 17821 15804 t Extruded wire StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 289 Kovani proizvodi t 34168 27853 12244 12795 15681 21027 23927 t Forged products Ferokrom t 8305 16734 17623 8812 13412 23247 23142 t Ferrochrome Jekleni odlitki t 30694 22662 22261 15703 17988 20112 20173 t Steel castings Pridob. rud barv. kovin Mining of non-ferrous metal ores SvinËevo-cinkova ruda 1000 t 298 136 152 62 25 - - 1000 t Lead-zinc ore Proizv. barv. kovin Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Rafinirani svinec t 9263 12163 7768 6424 7425 7237 5601 t Refined lead Glinica 1000 t 102 83 4 2 3 14 88 1000 t Alumina Aluminij v bloku t 46608 99508 84809 82682 76741 57692 59486 t Aluminium in blocks éivo srebro t 88 37 12 - 6 5 - t Mercury Predelava barv. kovin Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Valjani izdelki iz svinca t 1046 579 238 202 252 271 241 t Rolled lead products Valjani izdelki iz cinka t 6137 7931 8111 9386 10773 11851 10692 t Rolled zinc products Stisk. in vleË. izdel. iz Al in Al-zlitin t 9868 13864 10935 10637 13408 11265 13211 t Pressed and extruded products made of aluminium and aluminium alloys Valjani izdelki iz Al in Al-zlitin t 37606 35085 33218 31877 29543 33687 40100 t Rolled products made of aluminium and aluminium alloys Pridob. nekov. rudnin Extraction of non-ferrous metals Morska sol t 10500 3500 7000 12300 11230 2738 4033 t Sea salt Predelava nekov. rudnin Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Azbestni proizvodi t 9389 10380 8591 7007 7513 5744 662 t Asbestos products äamotni nezgorljivi materiali t 3750 1838 - 857 589 - - t Fireclay refractory material Gospodinjska keramika t 2931 2709 1820 1522 103 72 14 t Ceramic ware for households Izolatorji in elektroporcelan t 2418 1561 1874 1616 1655 1673 1516 t Isolators and electric porcelain Votlo steklo (tudi embalaűno) t 33135 24705 20150 19188 23277 27204 29917 t Glassware (including packing glass) Umetni brusi t 9746 7967 6307 6270 6215 7333 8062 t Artificial whetstones Korund t 42307 30896 12521 9949 13461 8935 13098 t Corundum Amorfne mase t 25084 53296 43253 42292 43045 44758 43139 t Amorphous masses Predelava kovin Manufacture of metal products éelezni odlitki t 113783 88627 63106 55889 59935 56374 52219 t Iron castings Odlitki barvastih kovin t 17407 11747 9182 7450 9282 10055 12546 t Non-ferrous metal castings éeblji t 10209 7467 3880 3597 3900 3012 1325 t Nails VijaËno blago t 16236 10993 6729 4414 6861 7857 6826 t Screw goods Elektrode za varjenje t 16753 11340 6118 4929 4648 4431 4965 t Electrodes for welding éelezne, ploËevinaste in dr. kovinske konstrukcije, transporterji in dvigala t 51266 41731 27090 27875 22742 24602 21598 t Iron, tin and other metal structures, conveyors and lifts Kovinsko pohiötvo t 16958 23185 28022 26183 28490 15078 14002 t Metal furniture PeËi, ötedilniki in deli t 7363 4293 7188 5708 3101 2737 2659 t Stoves, ranges and parts Posoda iz jeklene ploËevine t 7072 6155 5388 4820 3195 2429 1749 t Steel metal containers Aluminijasta posoda t 105 44 8 4 - - 2 t Aluminium containers Kovinska embalaűa t 15175 21610 12788 12005 10459 13917 18300 t Metal packaging Strojegradnja Manufacture of machinery and equipment Stroji in naprave za industrijo, rudarstvo, gozdarstvo t 35320 27174 13411 7933 9375 9336 6323 t Machinery and apparatuses for industry, mining, forestry Stroji in naprave za gradb. t 12168 5573 1876 1422 1456 4391 1969 t Machinery and apparatures for construction Hladilne naprave t 372 1238 95 53 64 61 65 t Cooling machines Kmetijski stroji in orodje t 46207 14538 7343 5097 5773 5657 6294 t Machinery and tools for agriculture Proizv.prometnih sredstev Manufacture of transport equipment Tovornjaki kos 4100 1568 360 405 356 233 185 pcs Trucks Avtobusi kos 2796 2068 379 318 97 131 9 pcs Buses Motocikli kos 75341 57537 20310 29580 34020 56198 46102 pcs Motorcycles Kolesa 1000 kosov 284 237 190 186 182 104 104 1000 pcs Bicycles Proizv. elektr. stroj., apar. Manufacture of electrical equipment Rotacijski stroji in mikromotorji 1000 kosov 1940 2324 2179 2209 2308 2619 2738 1000 pcs Rotating machines and microengines UËinski transformatorji t 5785 2192 302 294 359 322 319 t Power transformers Instalacijski material t 3016 2050 2447 2624 2666 2327 2083 t Installation material Akumulatorji t 15755 10949 9571 8911 8308 8685 13673 t Accumulators ElektriËni ötevci 1000 kosov 965 632 831 1039 1569 1719 1792 1000 pcs Electrical counters Svetilke t 7578 5517 4052 4997 5968 7511 6616 t Lamps Radijski sprejemniki kos 29880 - - - - - - pcs Radio receivers Telefonski aparati 1000 kosov 286 108 123 172 316 749 297 1000 pcs Telephones Merska enota 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit 18.5 Industrijski proizvodi po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Industrial products by the National Classification of Activities (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 290 TermiËni aparati t 33004 26671 19552 24979 23925 23715 22267 t Thermal apparatus Hladilniki 1000 kosov 877 844 661 665 797 863 765 1000 pcs Refrigerators Stroji za pranje in suöenje 1000 kosov 334 313 200 199 218 242 318 1000 pcs Washing and drying machines Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov Manufacture of basic chemicals Oleum (660 Be) t 231700 124511 120959 113501 122700 116200 101650 t Oleum (660 Be) Solna kislina t 17747 18165 17636 16838 18044 17921 18895 t Hydrochloric acid 100 % Fosforna kislina, 100% t 20751 17634 16291 17774 7741 73 100 t Phosphoric acid 100 % Klor t 9692 10194 10457 9659 10421 10615 13610 t Chlorine Natrijev hipoklorit t 14729 15915 14250 12963 13182 11613 11040 t Sodium hypochlorite Umetna gnojila t 98937 5486 4186 3706 4728 5980 5204 t Artificial fertilizers Vodikov peroksid, 100% t 14721 19936 16450 17766 21464 21622 21796 t Hydrogen peroxide 100 % Litopon t 5032 4970 4185 1574 - - - t Litopon SvinËeni minij t 903 - - - - - - t Red lead Cinkov oksid t 4530 1339 641 13 20 - - t Zinc oxide Ekstrati za strojila t 3632 3709 3400 4000 3270 3960 3596 t Extracts for tanning Predel. kem. izdelkov Manufacture of chemicals products Pomoűna sredstva za usnje t 4531 3778 1142 775 827 1192 771 t Assistant agents for leather Pomoűna sredstva za tekstil t 15701 15125 10294 9715 14066 10951 9012 t Assistant agents for textile Lepilo t 48787 45036 50511 41537 27740 85632 91903 t Glue Firneű t 810 364 273 305 346 346 321 t Varnish Klej in űelatina t - - - - - - - t Glue and gelatine Oljne in tiskarske barve t 2281 1023 440 367 536 353 382 t Oil paints and printers? ink Suhe barve t 4631 1693 228 290 362 234 198 t Dry colours Laki in emajli t 46230 22088 16033 17900 15620 18037 18025 t Varnishes and enamels Mila in detergenti t 29688 43660 36355 35177 39015 34048 31111 t Soaps and detergents Izdelki iz plast. snovi za sploöno porabo t 24922 10475 5475 5973 6745 7136 5996 t Products of plastics matter for general consumption Izdelki iz plastiËnih snovi za industrijo t 12649 10321 9136 10033 11499 10688 10125 t Products of plastic matter for industry Proizvodnja kamna in peska Sand and stone quarrying Kamnite in marm. ploöËe 1000 m2 196 359 326 324 254 237 273 1000 m2 Stone and marble slabs Proizv. gradb. materiala Manufacture of construction materials Apno 1000 t 344 275 137 135 160 149 136 1000 t Lime Zidna opeka mio kosov, NF 350 310 275 252 239 239 243 Mio pcs,NF Bricks Streöniki mio kosov 44 28 35 34 35 31 38 Mio pcs Tiles Portland cement 1000 t 1313 1143 801 707 898 991 1026 1000 t Portland cements Azbestno-cementni proizvodi 1000 t 143 87 32 30 36 33 33 1000 t Asbestos cement products Lahke gradbene ploöËe 1000 m2 1008 487 543 557 681 419 651 1000 m2 Light building boards Streöna lepenka t 29985 15330 12086 14902 19623 16798 18979 t Roofing felt Bloki za zidanje mio kosov, NF 112 46 46 40 26 29 30 Mio pcs,NF Blocks for building Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards éagan les - skupaj 1000 m3 1078 727 583 525 528 481 460 1000 m3 Sawn timber, all éagan les, hrastov 1000 m3 48 10 32 26 23 26 25 1000 m3 Sawn timber, oak éagan les, bukov 1000 m3 231 191 139 106 107 111 107 1000 m3 Sawn timber, beech éagan les, iglavcev 1000 m3 730 499 394 381 386 333 321 1000 m3 Sawn timber, conifer éagan les, drug 1000 m3 69 27 18 12 12 11 10 1000 m3 Sawn timber, other Furnir m3 31828 27391 22825 21297 27307 26502 20771 m3 Veneer PloöËe, vezane m3 13881 12826 11218 9720 10767 10869 11024 m3 Plywood PloöËe, panel m3 14957 14508 7320 7794 5553 4526 6362 m3 Panel-boards PloöËe, umetne (vlaknene) 1000 m2 12844 8864 3532 3023 2535 1778 2136 1000 m2 Fibre boards, artificial Proizv. konË. lesenih izd. Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Sobno in kuhinjsko pohiötvo 1000 kosov 2182 1323 1011 962 1102 1174 1283 1000 pcs Room and kitchen furniture Oblazinjeno pohiötvo 1000 kosov 667 428 424 427 392 397 336 1000 pcs Upholstered furniture Neoblazinjeno pohiötvo 1000 kosov 2909 2117 1928 2033 1952 1760 1861 1000 pcs Non-upholstered furniture Pisarniöko in öolsko pohiötvo 1000 kosov 279 150 216 205 182 369 453 1000 pcs Office and school furniture Zaboji m3 36528 15740 6232 3986 3193 2249 1943 m3 Chests Kompletna vrata 1000 kosov 140 107 68 75 84 76 64 1000 pcs Complete doors Vratna krila 1000 kosov 878 802 630 611 765 804 693 1000 pcs Door folds Okna 1000 kosov 769 597 323 345 351 356 364 1000 pcs Windows Proizv. in predel. papirja Manufacture of paper and paper products Lesovina t 58732 62639 30893 27699 22893 32383 29847 t Lumber Merska enota 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit 18.5 Industrijski proizvodi po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Industrial products by the National Classification of Activities (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 291 Celuloza t 152962 149760 71898 41352 60635 81165 73813 t Cellulose Papir, vseh vrst 1000 t 327 326 263 244 282 278 264 1000 t Paper, all Pisalni in tiskovni papir t 162365 158999 126235 98874 120773 132288 80057 t Writing and printing paper Ovojni in embalaűni papir t 23304 14724 14804 14006 15381 14734 12351 t Wrapping and packing paper Roto papir t 26887 43272 - - - 38746 t Newsprint paper Karton t 96430 95020 92283 75928 90614 90504 105061 t Cardboard Lepenka t 29176 22379 12466 12125 11998 12758 11239 t Millboard Proizv. preje in tkanin Manufacture of textiles Preja - skupaj t 44615 30329 20680 20716 22326 19406 18674 t Yarn, all Bombaűna preja t 28966 20899 13379 13346 15394 14030 16542 t Cotton yarn Volnena preja t 9289 7386 7144 7220 6886 5376 2132 t Woollen yarn Konopljina preja t 271 176 157 150 46 - - t Hemp yarn Jutina preja t 1999 510 - - - - t Jute yarn Bombaűni in sintetiËni sukanec t 566 167 262 273 315 979 1014 t Cotton and synthetic thread Tkanine, vseh vrst mio m2 251 113 108 109 112 125 132 Mio m2 Fabrics, all Bombaűne tkanine in tkan. bomb. tipa mio m2 208 136 79 80 81 82 76 Mio m2 Fabrics of cotton and related Volnene tkanine in tkan. volnen. tipa 1000 m2 15860 9913 13139 11018 8101 6 5 1000 m2 Fabrics of wool and related Tkanine iz umetne svile 1000 m2 4282 7092 7366 9694 9927 10 7 1000 m2 Fabrics of artificial silk Tkanina iz sintet. filamenta 1000 m2 16497 8288 5987 5434 10247 24 44 1000 m2 Synthetic filament fabrics Jutine tkanine 1000 m2 6642 4100 - - - - 1000 m2 Jute fabrics Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov Manufacture of textile products Nogavice 1000 parov 44576 29139 10160 11181 10599 10636 30382 1000 pairs Hosiery Konfekcija perila 1000 m2 14121 11459 9308 8701 7965 6224 5137 1000 m2 Ready-made underwear Konfekcija oblek 1000 m2 32175 34918 30031 28004 26195 23845 20862 1000 m2 Ready-made clothing Trikotaűa t 3636 2584 2558 2360 1892 2768 2189 t Knitwear Proizv. usnja in krzna Manufacture of leather and fur Usnje za podplate t 350 - - 12 8 4 t Sole leather Vrhnje usnje 1000 m2 2681 1159 514 547 527 446 512 1000 m2 Upper leather Galanterijsko svinjsko usnje 1000 m2 2988 4192 4664 4416 4232 3746 3432 1000 m2 Fancy pigskin Proizv.obutve in galanterije Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Obutev, vseh vrst 1000 parov 14599 11042 9492 8840 8913 7258 5531 1000 pairs Footwear, all Teűka obutev 1000 parov 253 155 189 196 230 296 267 1000 pairs Heavy footwear Navadna obutev 1000 parov 4961 4386 4313 4423 5005 3991 3289 1000 pairs Ordinary footwear Usnjena galanterija 1000 m2 196 200 279 216 226 251 266 1000 m2 Leather fancy goods Predelava kavËuka Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Avtomobilski plaöËi 1000 kosov 3004 4070 5076 5610 5574 6069 6341 1000 pcs Car tyres PlaöËi za dvokolesa 1000 kosov 3006 2808 2722 2725 2826 2061 1740 1000 pcs Tyres for bicycles ZraËnice za dvokolesa 1000 kosov 3978 3406 3386 3513 3340 2896 2594 1000 pcs Inner tubes for bicycles Drugo gumijasto blago t 18026 10641 16575 16212 16476 16594 16529 t Other rubber goods Proizvodnja űivilskih izdelkov Manufacture of food products Testenine t 13523 12998 11307 11796 13445 11279 14439 t Pasta products Konzerve vrtnin t 2583 3470 2655 2079 2097 1878 1611 t Canned vegetables Sadne predelave t 6210 2748 2629 2880 3057 2285 2508 t Fruit manufacture Klobase t 30258 37049 26023 26349 30717 30166 33467 t Sausages Mesne konzerve t 4578 5947 4635 4700 4885 4183 5231 t Canned meat Ribje konzerve t 5466 4350 3254 2913 3101 2686 2657 t Canned fish Mleko v prahu t 4552 5076 5038 3601 2520 2846 1799 t Milk powder Jedilno olje t 52207 36262 27332 29390 29668 31243 35845 t Edible oil Bonboni in kakavovi izdelki t 15467 14670 10095 11261 12616 10978 9623 t Bonbons and cocoa products Kvas t 6340 4864 3715 3723 3870 3749 3412 t Yeast äkrob t 354 984 651 866 1097 823 531 t Starch Kavovina t 532 417 256 211 233 226 117 t Coffee Juöni koncentrat t 4791 2555 3410 1243 1676 1561 1690 t Concentrated soups Proizvodnja pijaË Manufacture of beverages Pivo in hmeljni napitki 1000 hl 1886 2456 1813 1979 2098 2110 2160 1000 hl Beer and hop beverages Brezalkoholne pijaËe1) 1000 hl 446 1096 839 938 1162 1162 1433 1000 hl Soft drinks1) Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka Manufacture of tobacco products Cigarete mio kosov 7195 5179 5278 4851 4722 4543 4909 Mio pcs Cigarettes Merska enota 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit 18.5 Industrijski proizvodi po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Industrial products by the National Classification of Activities (continued) 1) Od leta 1987 uvröËamo med umetne brezalkoholne pijaËe tudi mineralno vodo z dodatki. Since 1987 mineral water with additives has been included in artificial non-alcoholic beverages. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 292 18.6 Indeksi zaposlenih oseb po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti Indices of persons in paid employment by the National Classification of Activities povpreËje predhodnega leta=100 / average of previous year=100 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 101,8 96,5 89,8 91,9 94,0 96,0 92,5 TOTAL Elektrogospodarstvo 100,7 94,9 99,3 96,6 95,1 100,2 102,8 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 97,2 99,8 95,4 96,5 95,1 94,4 93,2 Coal mining Pridob. nafte, zemelj. plina - 94,1 99,0 102,0 76,4 110,5 93,0 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizv. naftnih derivatov 108,5 96,6 104,4 95,1 84,6 89,3 103,3 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 101,0 124,7 96,9 87,6 102,0 93,2 94,1 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 111,5 94,1 95,7 93,2 91,5 31,9 - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 104,0 96,0 79,5 81,6 98,5 89,0 105,4 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 103,8 86,9 74,4 95,3 90,8 92,2 69,8 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 101,8 86,9 91,8 90,4 98,1 90,5 107,3 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 118,0 100,3 86,6 93,3 93,3 98,1 93,3 Manufacture of non-ferrous minerals Predelava kovin 101,7 94,9 89,3 89,0 87,5 92,7 91,2 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 102,2 96,9 79,4 82,8 84,4 90,8 82,7 Manufacture of machinery equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 99,1 96,8 90,2 90,7 91,6 93,5 84,9 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 105,4 97,6 85,5 94,3 104,7 99,8 87,2 Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj., in apar. 101,4 93,3 89,3 90,1 94,8 101,3 95,9 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz kem. izdelkov 101,3 104,5 92,7 98,4 93,8 97,6 99,6 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 101,8 91,6 90,0 92,8 99,7 98,7 102,0 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 88,3 94,8 92,3 94,6 100,4 104,2 89,1 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradbenega materiala 97,0 111,4 86,3 88,2 101,1 92,9 97,4 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 100,4 96,0 93,7 87,6 92,9 100,4 94,6 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konËnih lesenih izd. 99,3 89,6 91,2 96,8 97,4 97,5 92,4 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 102,6 101,0 88,2 87,8 92,9 96,2 90,7 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 101,7 93,8 78,3 91,6 93,4 89,2 81,1 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 104,5 97,3 94,9 98,8 95,2 93,5 91,8 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 104,6 101,2 75,5 88,6 97,1 96,3 88,5 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 104,7 97,1 95,1 91,6 92,5 91,5 88,5 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 101,6 100,4 98,8 91,8 98,5 97,2 96,6 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. izdelkov 101,1 98,4 93,2 93,5 99,2 102,3 95,3 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 97,9 93,7 104,6 92,6 95,5 99,8 101,6 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 100,5 96,3 92,0 97,4 97,4 99,5 96,7 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 98,4 79,6 104,3 99,7 91,3 88,3 94,4 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 101,8 98,5 91,7 94,7 96,2 95,8 89,8 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 97,4 97,3 89,6 85,5 92,1 99,0 96,4 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izdelkov 102,6 94,5 86,0 97,5 89,0 123,2 95,9 Manufacture of miscellaneous products StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 293 18.7 Izmene zaposlenih oseb, pogonskih strojev in motorjev v proizvodnji po dejavnosti na znaËilni dan v mesecu z najveËjo intenzivnostjo, 1995 Shifts of employed persons, machine drives and motors in production by activity on the significant day in the month of the highest intensity, 1995 1) Zaloűniöka podjetja niso vkljuËena Enterprises with activity of publishing are excluded 2) Zajeta so le podjetja z dejavnostjo oskrbe z elektriko Only enterprises with activity of electricity supply are included Zaposlene osebe v proizvodnji na delovnih mestih Persons in paid employment by work places MoË pogonskih strojev in motorjev izkoriöËenih za delo Capacity force of machine drives and motors for work (kW) skupaj total od tega of these skupaj total od tega of these v eni izmeni in one shift v dveh izmenah in two shifts v treh izmenah in tree shifts v eni izmeni in one shift v dveh izmenah in two shifts v treh izmenah in tree shifts SKUPAJ 175111 100379 48701 18614 2090114 596657 386614 766168 TOTAL Rudarstvo 6362 2396 508 3318 137341 23153 10450 78615 Mining and quarrying Pri.energetskih surovin 5416 1759 340 3215 109507 8871 5665 74677 Mining & quarrying of energy materials Pri.rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 946 637 168 103 27834 14282 4785 3938 Mining & quarrying, not energy materials Predelovalne dejavnosti 163727 94414 48069 14337 1682199 567474 372902 481075 Manufacturing Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 14069 9171 3064 1256 112130 47254 26486 21488 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 29835 16036 10746 2120 150437 37664 42548 39103 Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 7545 3852 3180 364 25483 10444 8085 3680 Mfr. of leather and leather products Obdelava in predelava lesa 8917 5236 2839 491 120306 59249 31830 15730 Manufacture of wood and wood products Pro.vlaknin,papirja;zaloűniötvo, tiskar.1) 9204 3776 3069 1802 234016 17318 27596 153421 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing1) Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 630 291 0 287 10245 952 2132 6605 Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umet.vl. 7148 3870 1526 1259 118347 29135 25654 41050 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man- made fibres Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 6297 2970 1860 1223 111546 24672 31802 45942 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 9754 4830 2764 1695 135544 44534 22591 50108 Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 19877 11606 5258 2185 279564 77615 64537 79066 Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products Pro.strojev in naprav 15767 9571 4593 645 107545 56251 22311 10825 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 15601 9584 4886 576 69362 38691 15664 6388 Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment Pro.vozil in plovil 9200 6669 1861 292 128716 72242 36418 4825 Manufacture of transport equipment Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred.dej.,reciklaűa 9883 6952 2423 142 78958 51453 15248 2844 Manufacturing nec. Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo2) 5022 3569 124 959 270574 6030 3262 206478 Electricity, gas and water supply2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 294 18.8 Agregati v elektrarnah po dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1995 Aggregates in power stations by activity, 31. 12. 1995 1) Zaloűniöka podjetja niso vkljuËena Enterprises with activity of publishing are excluded 2) Zajeta so le podjetja z dejavnostjo oskrbe z elektriko Only enterprises with activity of electricity supply are included Primarni pogonski stroji Primary machine drives Generatorji Generators skupaj total v hidroelektrarnah in hydro power stations v termoelektrarnah in thermal power stations skupaj total v hidroelektrarnah in hydro power stations v termoelektrarnah in thermal power stations kos pcs kW kos pcs kW kos pcs kW kos pcs kVA kos pcs kVA kos pcs kVA SKUPAJ 243 2733064 173 864758 70 1868306 239 3361062 168 1062349 71 2298713 TOTAL Rudarstvo 3 343 - - 3 343 3 340 - - 3 340 Mining and quarrying Pri. energetskih surovin 3 343 - - 3 343 3 340 - - 3 340 Mining & quarrying of energy materials Predelovalne dejavnosti 81 122077 34 41124 47 80953 80 146693 32 49795 48 96898 Manufacturing Pro. hrane, pijaË, tobaËnih izd. 5 10495 1 70 4 10425 5 11665 1 75 4 11590 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro. tekstilij; tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 10 10882 8 4552 2 6330 9 13835 7 5910 2 7925 Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 5 3165 1 840 4 2325 5 3490 1 840 4 2650 Mfr. of leather and leather products Obdelava in predelava lesa 2 100 2 100 - - 2 95 2 95 - - Manufacture of wood and wood products Pro. vlaknin, papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar.1) 21 70885 14 34926 7 35959 20 85810 12 41830 8 43980 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing1) Pro. koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva 1 7500 - - 1 7500 1 9330 - - 1 9330 Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vl. 23 9207 4 256 19 8951 22 11065 4 300 18 10765 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres Pro. izd. iz gume in plastiËnih mas 1 1230 - - 1 1230 1 950 - - 1 950 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro. kovin in kovinskih izd. 7 5293 3 260 4 5033 9 6028 4 495 5 5533 Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products Pro. strojev in naprav 1 150 - - 1 150 1 125 - - 1 125 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.pohiötva, dr. pred. dej., reciklaűa 5 3170 1 120 4 3050 5 4300 1 250 4 4050 Manufacturing nec. Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo2) 159 2610644 139 823634 20 1787010 156 3214029 136 1012554 20 2201475 Electricity, gas and water supply2 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 295 18.9 Pogonski stroji, motorji in naprave po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31.12.1995 Machine drives, motors and devices by Standard Classification of Activity, 31.12. 1995 1) Zaloűniöka podjetja niso vkljuËena Enterprises with activity of publishing are excluded 2) Zajeta so le podjetja z dejavnostjo oskrbe z elektriko Only enterprises with activity of electricity supply are included Primarni stroji, ki ne poganjajo generatorjev Primary Machine drives which do not drive generators Elektromotorji Electromotors ElektriËne peËi in termiËni aparati Electric ovens and thermal devices Elektrolize in naprave za galvanizacijo Electrolysis and devices for galvanization Hladilne naprave Cooling devices kos pcs kW kos pcs kW kos pcs kW kos pcs kW kos pcs kW SKUPAJ 4117 58201 274498 2023745 13768 477278 1062 152566 3116 59417 TOTAL Rudarstvo 444 4366 5751 132619 189 631 - - 9 20 Mining and quarrying Pri.energetskih surovin 400 2295 4038 107311 58 229 - - 4 12 Mining & quarrying of energy materials Pri.rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 44 2071 1713 25308 131 402 - - 5 8 Mining & quarrying, not energy materials Predelovalne dejavnosti 3666 45280 263514 1625871 13243 474104 1060 147146 3090 49274 Manufacturing Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 360 1391 25543 110322 1031 5933 - - 1568 21076 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 689 4200 50869 146382 1748 11630 - - 174 3604 Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 16 113 9925 25521 177 1305 - 2 8 148 Mfr. of leather and leather products Obdelava in predelava lesa 112 1014 20912 118689 543 3931 5 116 16 18 Manufacture of wood and wood products Pro.vlaknin,papirja;zaloűniötvo, tiskar.1) 983 15740 18704 218508 788 2819 - - 395 1055 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing1) Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 17 1547 608 8698 6 18 - - 8 362 Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umet.vl. 9 919 17767 116904 1172 15268 18 6796 312 10953 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man- made fibres Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 87 744 10770 103586 1334 8133 30 300 62 821 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 51 2359 14176 132647 660 31389 2 80 35 196 Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 205 8286 32988 270579 1939 319386 474 132370 190 5284 Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products Pro.strojev in naprav 26 616 17082 106870 1010 22206 102 3117 102 1032 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 361 2711 15048 65669 1492 21845 245 3206 132 3026 Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment Pro.vozil in plovil 727 3993 10753 124645 592 27611 181 1154 49 1210 Manufacture of transport equipment Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred.dej.,reciklaűa 23 1647 18369 76851 751 2630 2 5 39 489 Manufacturing nec. Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo2) 7 8555 5233 265255 336 2543 2 5420 17 10123 Electricity, gas and water supply2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 296 18.10 Poraba elektriËne energije in goriv po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 1996 Consumption of electricity and fuel by National Classification of Activities, 1996 ElektriËna energija Electricity Koks Coke »rni premog Black coal Rjavi premog Brown coal Lignit Lignite TekoËa goriva Liquid fuels Mazut Fuel oil Zemeljski plin Natural gas UtekoËin- jen plin Liquified gas Drugi plini Other gases GWh t 1000 m3 t 1000 m3 SKUPAJ 5766 36796 1016 13398 251 57543 74243 390868 15372 1660 TOTAL Elektrogospodarstvo 785 - - - - 346 - 67 83 - Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 112 - - 5956 - 123 - - - Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 26 - - - - 183 5812 1324 - - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 644 - - 163 - 12 _ 61621 1530 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 1100 - - 176 - 38 108 7438 360 - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 69 - - - - 76 - 11578 - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 11 57 - - - 283 147 - 778 - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 220 18616 - - - 526 321 48939 4219 136 Manufacture of non-ferrous minerals Predelava kovin 268 3362 - 133 - 5203 2435 21632 1000 305 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 64 - 1236 44 - 1471 1919 4458 597 387 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 111 294 - 739 15 4277 1520 12601 673 241 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 2 - - - - 99 - - - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. in apar. 246 - 50 96 - 3627 1096 11927 1248 168 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 246 - - - - 1048 547 22454 94 - Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 182 - 319 1549 - 1890 5929 21462 42 - Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 17 - 10 2 5 3270 64 - 37 - Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. materiala 180 13215 1 - 1 6240 32441 72650 14 20 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 85 - - - - 3576 712 10903 - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 160 - - 274 - 1483 3092 54395 65 - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 546 - 17 - - 841 127 20988 3271 - Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 169 - 494 - 1372 3349 7453 - - Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 87 - 91 1339 15 3790 4107 8278 24 - Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 19 - 217 935 - 2991 - 6625 - - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 18 - - 39 - 336 588 189 20 - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 83 - 90 - - 73 - 2551 153 - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proizvodov 159 1181 60 1090 215 10783 8963 14845 1100 266 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 49 - - 44 - 548 460 1480 - - Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 13 - - 7 - 379 411 - - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 5 - - - - - - 1308 - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 24 - 338 - - 708 46 564 - - Printing Recirkulacija surovin 3 - - - - 963 - - 60 - Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izdelkov 12 - - - - - - 3426 - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 297 18.11 Poraba elektriËne energije po tehnoloökem namenu in ure dela elektromotorjev po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 1995 Consumption of electricity by technological purpose and hours of work of electromotors by Standard Classification of Activity, 1995 1) Zaloűniöka podjetja niso vkljuËena Enterprises with activity of publishing are excluded 2) Zajeta so le podjetja z dejavnostjo oskrbe z elektriko Only enterprises with activity of electricity supply are included 18.12 Poraba surovin po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti1) Consumption of raw materials by the National Classification of Activities1) Poraba ( MWh ) Consumption ( MWh ) Vrednost porabljene elektriËne energije (tisoË SIT) Value of consump- tion of elec- tricity (100 SIT) Ure dela elektro- motorjev Hours of work of electro- motors skupaj total za elektro- motorje for electro- motors za termiËne namene for thermi- cal pur- poses za elektrolizo in galvani- zacijo for electrol- ysis and galvaniza- tion za druge namene for other purposes SKUPAJ 6000641 3394756 984006 1146853 475026 44683290 1677 TOTAL Rudarstvo 148695 142707 1269 - 4719 1293449 1077 Mining and quarrying Pri.energetskih surovin 113041 109552 202 - 3287 928343 1020 Mining & quarrying of energy materials Pri.rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 35654 33155 1067 - 1432 365106 1320 Mining & quarrying, not energy materials Predelovalne dejavnosti 4991698 2510996 977194 1140460 363048 36856985 1544 Manufacturing Pro.hrane,pijaË,tobaËnih izd. 220982 177625 10880 - 32477 2209145 1610 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 281043 234869 17733 - 28441 2669795 1604 Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 43182 38628 1880 15 2659 422439 1513 Mfr. of leather and leather products Obdelava in predelava lesa 173249 157031 5430 170 10618 1785479 1323 Manufacture of wood and wood products Pro.vlaknin,papirja;zaloűniötvo, tiskar.1) 599869 490503 4067 - 105299 4014048 2245 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing1) Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrskega goriva 29249 26152 8 - 3089 226207 3006 Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umet.vl. 351095 249888 38517 31297 31393 2732459 2137 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 143911 118281 13278 1532 10820 1264542 1141 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 395507 267017 105020 261 23209 3108838 2013 Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 2219744 387625 687485 1088699 55935 12708347 1432 Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products Pro.strojev in naprav 179157 122692 35341 7851 13273 1804124 1148 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.elektriËne,optiËne opreme 140943 73494 40291 4462 22696 1456950 1119 Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment Pro.vozil in plovil 110363 79628 13311 6163 11261 1288140 638 Manufacture of transport equipment Pro.pohiötva,dr.pred.dej.,reciklaűa 103404 87563 3953 10 11878 1166472 1139 Manufacturing nec. Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo2) 860248 741053 5543 6393 107259 6532856 2793 Electricity, gas and water supply2) Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Elektrogospodarstvo Production and distribution of electricity Rjavi premog 1000 t 1128 1316 1333 1177 1219 1224 1017 Brown coal Lignit za suöenje 1000 t 4928 4211 4030 4083 3699 3780 3594 Lignite, dried Pridobivanje premoga Coal mining Rudarska razstreliva t 547 500 380 281 278 203 - Mining explosives Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Surova nafta 1000 t 452 529 502 484 328 514 480 Crude petroleum »rna metalurgija Manufacture of basic iron and steel éelezova ruda z 42% in veË Fe 1000 t 313 1 - - - Iron ore with 42 or more percent of iron Koks za plavűe 1000 t 117 - - - 1 1 1 Coke for blast furnaces Staro űelezo 1000 t 240 350 288 231 289 282 210 Iron scrap Belo űelezo plav. red. peËi 1000 t 206 45 1 3 2 1 5 White crude iron from blast furnaces and electroreduction ovens Ferovanadij t 120 91 93 137 262 243 210 Ferrovanadium Ferosilicij t 8215 4831 3302 3013 3709 3839 3008 Ferrosilicon Ferokrom t 10410 7326 7043 7132 9075 11564 11023 Ferrochromium Feromangan t 7060 4274 2540 1958 2485 2531 1633 Ferromanganese 1) Od leta 1988 gre za podatke objavljene po Ëistih dejavnostih. Since 1988 raw materials have been classified by the same activities as the products they have been used for. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 298 Feromolibden t 420 150 180 237 553 579 806 Ferromolybdenum Ferovolfram t 88 70 73 197 94 124 117 Ferrotungsten Silikomangan t 2268 718 1065 962 1280 1027 1025 Silicomanganese Nikelj t 617 681 791 668 1042 1422 1424 Nickel Sinter magnezit t 4774 312 343 8 165 Sintermagnesite Ingoti 1000 t 622 348 192 211 265 239 171 Ingots - Pridob. rud. barv. kovin - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Rudarska razstreliva t 357 222 94 41 11 - - Mining explosives SvinËevo-cinkova ruda 1000 t 298 137 152 62 25 - - Lead-zinc ore Flotacijski reagenti t 332 179 133 35 8 - - Flotation reagents - Proizv. barv. kovin Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metal Boksit 1000 t 279 229 - - - - Bauxite Elektrolitski baker t 285 2166 802 470 864 1011 1008 Electrolytic copper Glinica t 88614 175951 145023 145958 147138 150367 143214 Alumina Rafinirani svinec t - 187 198 58 20 - 234 Refined lead - Predelava barv. kovin Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Elektrolitski baker t 1441 - - - - - Electrolytic copper Rafinirani svinec t 151 255 81 167 129 249 - Refined lead Rafinirani cink t 2324 - - - - - Refined zinc - Pridobivanje nekov. rudnin Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Rudarska razstreliva t 47 35 44 31 44 45 41 Mining explosives Predelava nekov. rudnin Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Pepelika - druge neom.soli t 1321 497 393 438 444 438 392 Potash - other potassium salts Surova negorljiva glina t 2160 9826 3563 5030 4926 15614 874 Refractory clay KremenËev pesek - sur.pran. t 43309 31797 30528 29896 35670 38607 36182 Silicic sand - separated, washed Natrijev karbonat t 9985 7771 6850 6862 8213 9038 8841 Sodium carbonate Surova keramiËna glina t 20306 59081 49580 62862 60996 83693 50543 Unworked ceramic clay Predelava kovin Manufacture of metal products Sivo surovo űelezo t 39575 20864 14730 10071 6396 7483 5789 Gray pig iron Staro űelezo t 60490 34933 26407 27030 32510 31473 21472 Iron scrap Jekleni odlitki t 445 1050 874 1022 1170 807 1063 Steel castings Odlitki iz sive litine t 3600 1175 780 506 393 498 1734 Castings from gray casting Odlitki iz barv. kovin in zlit t 4337 3055 2099 2113 3495 3377 2897 Castings from non-ferrous metals and non- ferrous metals alloys Valj. űica iz nav. in kval. jekla t 42453 22991 16504 21276 30438 43433 48258 Rolled wire made of ordinary and quality steel Hlad. trakovi vseh dim., kval. t 18893 50424 45471 47938 46423 47470 48945 Cold-rolled strips of all dimensions and qualities Bela ploËevina za embalaűo t 13245 18216 8005 7983 6075 8202 12153 Tin plate Strojegradnja Manufacture of machinery and equipment Jekleni odlitki iz proizv. t 3035 3037 2935 1877 1537 1304 860 Steel castings Debela ploËevina t 32630 30880 15581 12276 15397 15647 15970 Plates and sheets Odlitki iz sive litine t 17572 5742 4843 2746 1667 1825 702 Castings from gray casting Odlitki iz barv. kov. in zlit. t 698 1711 1535 279 240 227 109 Castings from non-ferrous metals and non- ferrous metals alloys Brezöivne cevi t 7292 4858 2327 2187 2472 3122 2348 Seamless pipes Proizv. prometnih sredstev Manufacture of transport equipment Jekleni odlitki t 1613 1031 1918 572 694 332 142 Steel castings Sred. ploËevina t 9133 7667 5982 4055 3341 7298 8913 Medium sheets Odlitki iz sive litine t 7096 8011 5436 5282 6129 6791 4970 Castings from gray casting Odlitki iz barv. kov. in zlit. t 1211 861 491 488 508 188 56 Castings from non-ferrous metals and non- ferrous metals alloys Hlad. valj. ploË. vse dimenzije t 19103 17003 6223 590 400 393 5971 Cold-rolled strips of all dimensions and qualities Ladjedelniötvo Shipbuilding Ladijska ploËevina t 681 408 284 483 500 989 701 Marine plates and sheets Proizv. elektr. stroj. in apar. Manufacture of electrical equipment Rafinirani svinec t 16113 8551 6709 7047 8728 9518 10384 Refined lead Aluminijeve zlitine t 4314 1256 1035 1158 1131 1280 1167 Aluminium alloys Hlad. valj. dinam. in transformator. ploË. in trak. t 12703 13600 9027 8354 9133 11977 9592 Cold-rolled dynamo and transformer plates and strips Hlad. valj. ploË. vseh dimenzij t 49228 17906 14940 15083 18057 19492 16723 Cold-rolled tin of all dimensions and qualities Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 18.12 Poraba surovin po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Consumption of raw materials by the National Classification of Activities (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 299 Hlad. trakovi vseh dim., kval. t 33030 12305 7655 8 10 10 6602 Cold-rolled strips of all dimensions and qualities Odlitki iz sive litine t 14945 12708 12049 10567 14741 16082 13996 Castings from gray casting Premazna sredstva t 4050 4704 3512 3633 3465 3731 3405 Coating agents Luűena ploËevina t 662 35 14 16 79 47 32 Lixivial sheet Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov Manufacture of basic chemicals Surovi fosfati t 49684 42146 37997 40518 18558 1163 1199 Crude phosphates Klor t 8470 9107 9779 9015 9794 9698 11235 Chlorine DuöiËna kislina t 106 234 188 185 267 355 389 Nitrogen acid éveplena kislina in oleum 1000 t 132 107 213 201 201 160 95 Sulphuric acid and oleum Kalcijev karbid t 2649 - 1493 1077 1127 1230 1278 Calcium carbide Metanol t 33786 27640 24783 18387 12446 37105 39016 Methanol Fosforna kislina, 100% t 31443 17897 16748 18067 14482 12991 12765 Phosphoric acid 100 % Predelava kem. izdelkov Manufacture of chemical products éveplena kislina in oleum t 122 439 1599 1518 1968 1807 1580 Sulphuric acid and oleum Laneno olje t 142 623 134 58 102 286 205 Linseed oil Kokosovo olje t 156 238 249 190 272 220 80 Coconut oil Natrijev sulfat, brezvodni t 4634 5462 6652 7354 7928 6744 5806 Sodium sulphate, waterless Proizvodnja kamna in peska Sand and stone quarrying Rudarska razstreliva t 104 385 280 239 273 207 - Mining explosives Proizv. gradb. materiala Manufacture of construction materials Bitumen in bitumen. emulzija t 35994 40515 41307 47421 65043 58862 68596 Bitumen Azbestno vlakno t 15731 9403 3758 3161 4870 3354 3385 Asbestos fibres äamotna opeka t 1026 282 114 62 95 238 187 Refractory bricks Lapor 1000 t 1293 1239 1043 738 1046 1104 1162 Marl Portlandski cement 1000 t 297 282 15 16 16 24 243 Portland cement Natron vreËe t 1965 1664 879 2006 4382 4491 4620 Kraft paper bags Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Hlodi za űag., bukovi 1000 m3 203 265 224 166 175 193 151 Beech sawlogs Hlodi za űag., hrastovi 1000 m3 52 35 33 20 20 24 22 Oak sawlogs Hlodi za űag., smr. in jel. 1000 m3 654 695 552 553 546 490 460 Fir and spruce sawlogs Hlodi za űag., ost. iglavci 1000 m3 35 13 21 14 15 12 13 Other coniferous trees sawlogs Hlodi za furnir 1000 m3 68 61 66 65 79 79 67 Logs for veneer Ind. odpadki ig. in list. 1000 t 123 134 100 116 142 146 131 Industrial waste of coniferous and broad- leaved trees Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products éagan les iglavcev 1000 m3 340 314 229 213 233 211 172 Sawn timber of coniferous trees éagan hrastov les 1000 m3 19 20 18 18 17 17 15 Sawn oak timber éagan bukov les 1000 m3 158 127 132 101 100 101 92 Sawn beech timber Plemeniti furnir 1000 m3 35143 25102 17137 15181 15782 9172 37389 Refined veneer Oplemenitene ploöËe 1000 m3 10699 5452 2069 1874 2367 3466 3585 Refined boards Neopl. iverne ploöËe 1000 m3 126 124 87 94 103 105 121 Reconstituted particle boards SintetiËna lepila t 3994 9805 3604 3887 2867 3124 2650 Synthetic glues éagan tropski les m3 8008 4642 992 1682 2455 2724 3259 Sawn tropical timber Proizv. in predelava papirja Manufacture of paper and paper products Celulozni les, vseh vrst 1000 m3 732 804 443 73 324 457 346 Cellulose wood Celulozni les listavcev 1000 m3 212 171 129 6 97 145 72 Cellulose broad-leaved trees wood Lesovina t 84137 72979 41553 36335 35919 45355 39472 Lumber Sulfitna celuloza t 174108 146517 110846 89834 97549 91545 81199 Sulphite woodpulp Star papir t 186679 169471 154417 173975 196345 193988 189795 Scrap paper Kolofonija t 2838 321 146 106 79 85 119 Colophony Ovojni embalaűni papir t 48234 50368 73266 75032 89208 88036 44536 Wrapping and packing paper Aluminijev sulfat t 16876 15837 13453 10915 13099 12232 8636 Aluminium sulphate Karton t 24297 37140 26060 26871 13935 14144 14679 Cardboard Lepenka t 4040 6915 6497 5905 5654 4094 6635 Roofing felt Proizv. preje in tkanin Manufacture of textiles Bombaűno vlakno t 22632 16938 10129 10067 12151 11213 10051 Cotton fibre Konopljino vlakno t 588 202 200 153 56 - - Hemp fibre Jutino vlakno t 1507 503 - - - - Jute fibre Konopljina preja t 268 138 - - - - Hemp yarn Jutina preja t 1672 454 - - - - Jute yarn Bombaűna preja t 24055 16413 8044 7187 8378 11201 10733 Cotton yarn Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 18.12 Poraba surovin po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Consumption of raw materials by the National Classification of Activities (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 300 Volnena preja t 8669 2510 2091 2159 1770 848 1220 Woollen yarn Preja iz umetne svile (rayon) t 579 924 1225 1460 1408 1508 1016 Rayon yarn Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov Manufacture of textile products Bombaűne tkanine 1000 m2 45864 55059 48608 33240 35916 30820 25169 Cotton fabrics Volnene tkanine 1000 m2 6230 7891 9272 10633 8689 8077 6270 Woollen fabrics Bombaűna preja t 4272 3269 2413 3496 2681 3428 2103 Cotton yarn Volnena preja t 2581 352 242 244 243 190 153 Woollen yarn Tkanin.iz umetne svile (rayon) 1000 m2 2872 1187 730 3999 977 626 275 Rayon fabrics Tkan. iz sint. filamenta 1000 m2 19021 21547 25806 11854 9975 9852 13309 Synthetic filament yarn Trikot. plet. za trikotaűo 1000 m2 7006 1651 1395 994 513 1071 598 Knitted fabrics for knitwear SintetiËna krep preja t 4125 3168 1934 2279 2110 1773 1930 Synthetic crape yarn Proizv. usnja in krzna Manufacture of leather and fur Surove teűke koűe t 13307 3182 1376 1513 1242 911 316 Undressed square hide Surove svinjske koűe t 24926 31200 24085 20731 20213 20687 18273 Undressed pig skin Surove koűe drobnice t 1223 1463 745 852 1277 1172 1371 Undressed kip skin Ekstrakti za strojilo t 4494 4152 900 620 536 322 193 Extracts for tanning Proizv. obutve in galant. Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Podplatno usnje t 260 617 101 36 129 61 11 Sole leather Vrhnje usnje 1000 m2 1735 2051 1701 1403 1818 1522 1543 Upper leather Gum. izdelki za obutev t 2229 515 365 2901 296 250 375 Rubber products for footwear Podloga iz usnja drobnice 1000 m2 64 - - 9 10 11 53 Kip skin lining Svinjsko usnje za podloge 1000 m2 305 118 95 91 126 106 155 Pig skin lining Predelava kavËuka Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Kord t 5037 5490 5521 5353 5673 6514 5356 Cord SintetiËni kavËuk t 15248 14637 15675 14825 15464 15837 13664 Synthetic rubber Naravni kavËuk t 11381 13401 13158 13133 13351 14381 12222 Natural rubber Saje t 10872 12041 13108 12670 13150 13644 12117 Black carbon Proizv. űivil. izdelkov Manufacture of food products Koruza t 24097 8355 9839 5856 2693 2724 3753 Maize Mleko 1000 hl 2028 2960 3078 3045 3282 3509 3567 Milk Sladkor t 30510 32166 26455 27119 30054 26808 39411 Sugar Moka belih űit t 115378 94449 83502 76142 73390 68775 78829 White cereals flour Sveűe meso vseh vrst t 83555 44607 36820 32593 43626 36596 51990 Fresh meat, all kinds Sveűe morske ribe t 7432 5099 4157 2679 2631 2329 3135 Fresh sea fish Kakavovec t 425 885 1283 1312 1340 1256 1306 Cocoa SonËnice t 638 31 3 6 42 59 44 Sunflowers Oljna repica t 4005 249 724 20 1170 2377 Oil rape Druge oljarice t 1210 1023 942 765 680 685 700 Other oil plants Krompir t 4463 3725 - - - Potato Sveűe sadje t 17936 30776 27068 24135 12927 15103 30213 Fresh fruit Sveűa zelenjava t 8617 18494 8551 9406 9418 9704 9123 Fresh vegetables Pöenica t 159721 139406 148705 133855 159598 149570 169575 Wheat Surovo olje za predelavo t 55820 22040 18520 20326 20666 21471 29715 Crude oil for manufacturing Jedilno olje t 3553 22261 13911 14089 13568 14561 29715 Refined and non-refined oil Proizvodnja pijaË Manufacture of beverages Rafinada 1000 hl 958 28 32 19 13 9 599 Syrup Sladkor t 10184 11204 8957 8958 10363 10729 13799 Sugar Slad za pivo t 22222 27826 21968 22857 25158 24397 24046 Malt for beer JeËmen t 7219 7167 6803 5604 6462 6471 6235 Barley Proizvodnja krmil Manufacture of animal feeds Koruza t 269498 235423 211403 186712 141602 195888 206849 Maize Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka Manufacture of tobacco products Cigaretni papir t 325 198 242 228 235 203 214 Cigarette paper Fermentirani tobak t 6789 3762 4514 4016 3934 3687 3945 Tobacco GrafiËna dejavnost Printing Lepenka t 2079 2702 2920 2200 2262 1717 1785 Cardboard Tiskarske barve t 1406 570 356 451 403 361 354 Printers ink Brezlesni pis. in tisk. papir t 19008 17811 13130 12309 12463 10199 8484 Wood-free writing and printing paper Premazni papir t 6000 6063 5841 6138 7313 6695 10351 Coating paper »asopisni papir t 15542 13939 9320 16945 16726 10953 6688 Newspaper paper Karton t 4552 5477 3967 4077 4154 1528 1650 Cardboard Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 18.12 Poraba surovin po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Consumption of raw materials by the National Classification of Activities (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti Mining and manufacturing 301 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Energetika Energy 302 VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke iz energetike zbiramo z naslednjimi statistiËnimi raziskovanji: KOM-PL je letno poroËilo plinarn. Z njim zbiramo podatke o nabavi, proizvodnji in distribuciji plinov, o porabi elektriËne energije in goriv ter o dobavi plinov konËnim porabnikom. KOM-TPL je letno poroËilo javnih toplarn in kotlovnic. Z njim zbiramo podatke o nabavi, proizvodnji in distribuciji toplotne energije, o porabi elektriËne energije in goriv ter o dobavi toplotne energije konËnim porabnikom. IND-4a je letno poroËilo Podjetja za prenos elektriËne energije (ELES) in podjetij za distribucijo elektriËne energije. S tem poroËilom zbiramo podatke o proizvodnji v javnih elektrarnah, o nakupu od samoproizvajalcev in individualnih proizvajalcev, o izvozu in uvozu, o izgubah v omreűju, o konËni porabi, o porabi goriv ter o ötevilu, tipu in nazivni moËi javnih elektrarn. IND-4b je letno poroËilo samoproizvajalcev elektriËne energije. To so podjetja, ki poleg osnovne dejavnosti proizvajajo öe elektriËno energijo za lastne potrebe in jo prodajajo (ali tudi ne) podjetjem za distribucijo elektriËne energije. Tudi s tem poroËilom spremljamo proizvodnjo elektriËne energije, porabo goriv ter ötevilo, vrsto in nazivno moË elektrarn. Poleg tega se podatki s podroËja energetike zbirajo öe z meseËnim poroËilom industrije (proizvodnja in poraba elektriËne in toplotne energije ter poraba goriv) ter z letnimi poroËili s podroËja gradbeniötva in prometa. ZAJETJE Pri oskrbi z zemeljskim plinom in toplotno energijo so zajeta vsa podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo s proizvodnjo in oskrbo, ne glede v kateri panogi so registrirana. Pri oskrbi z elektriËno energijo so zajeti Podjetje za prenos elektriËne energije (ELES), podjetja za distribucijo elektriËne energije in pa samoproizvajalci elektriËne energije. DEFINICIJE TE-TO (termoelektrarna-toplarna) je objekt, ki je namenjen soËasni proizvodnji elektriËne in toplotne energije. Samoproizvajalci so podjetja, ki poleg svojih osnovnih proizvodov proizvajajo öe elektriËno energijo za lastne potrebe in jo prodajajo (ali tudi ne) podjetjem za prenos in distribucijo. Energetski sektor zajema pridobivanje plina, nafte, premoga ter plinarne, elektrarne in toplarne (lastna poraba tu ni vöteta). Transformacija zajema porabo goriv za proizvodnjo elektriËne in toplotne energije. G.C.V. (gross calorific value) pomeni celotno koliËino toplotne energije, ki se sprosti pri izgorevanju goriva. N.C.V. (net calorific value) pomeni tisti del toplotne energije pri izgorevanju goriv, ki jo lahko uporabimo. Drugi del se porabi za izparevanje vlage iz goriva. LPG (liquefied petroleum gas): tekoËi naftni plin je butan oziroma propan ali pa meöanica obeh. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The data on energy are collected by the following statistical surveys: KOM-PL is an annual report of gas-works. By means of this report the data on purchase, production and distribution of gases as well as on consumption of electricity and fuels and on supply of gases to final consumers are collected. KOM-TPL is an annual report of public heating plants and boiler houses. By means of this report the data on purchase, production and distribution and of heat as well as on consumption of electricity and fuels and on supply of heat to final consumers are collected. IND-4a is an annual report of the Company for the Transfer of Electricity (ELES) and companies for the distribution of electricity. By means of this report the data on electricity production in public power plants, purchase from autoproducers and individual producers, import and export, network losses, final consumption, fuel consumption and number, type, and power of power plants are collected. IND-4b is an annual report of electricity autoproducers. These are enterprises which have electricity production beside their basic production. They produce electricity for their own use and (or not) sell it to the Companies for the distribution of Electricity. Electricity production, fuel consumption and number, type and power of power plants are also collected by means of this report. Besides, the data from energy are collected with industry’s monthly report (production and consumption of electricity and heat and fuel consumption) and with annual construction and transport reports. COVERAGE At natural gas and heat supply are covered all undertakings which produce and supply irrespective of their registration. At electricity supply are covered the Company for the Transfer of electricity (ELES), companies por for the distribution of electricity and autoproducers. DEFINITIONS CHP (combined heat and power) refers to a plant which is designed to produce both heat and electricity. Autoproducers are enterprises which generate electricity wholly or partly for their own use as an activity which supports their primary activity. Energy sector includes gas and crude oil extraction, coal mining, gas- works, electricity and heat power plants (own use is not included). Transformation includes fuel consumption in electricity and heat power plants. G.C.V. (gross calorific value) measures the total amount of heat produced by fuel combustion. N.C.V. (net calorific value) measures the amount of heat we can use. The other part is used for evaporation of fuel moisture. LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is made up of propane, butane or a mixture of both. 19. ENERGETIKA ENERGY StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Energetika Energy 303 19.1 Letna bilanca proizvodnje in porabe elektriËne energije1) Annual balance of production and consumption of electricity1) GWh 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se seötevki ne ujemajo. The figures are rounded up, so the sum might not be totally correct. 19.2 Proizvodnja elektriËne energije po vrstah proizvajalcev in moË objektov, 1996 Electricity production by type of plants and power of the plants, 1996 GWh 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Proizvodnja na generatorju 12059 11682 12616 12684 12737 Gross production Hidroelektrarne 3411 3020 3397 3237 3668 Hydro power plants Termoelektrarne 4677 4706 4610 4668 4507 Conventional thermal plants Jedrska elektrarna 3971 3957 4610 4779 4562 Nuclear power plants Lastna poraba 743 749 761 676 765 Own use by power plants Hidroelektrarne 48 45 48 50 53 Hydro power plants Termoelektrarne 482 497 495 406 510 Conventional thermal plants Jedrska elektrarna 213 207 218 221 203 Nuclear power plants Proizvodnja na pragu 11316 10933 11855 12008 11972 Net production Hidroelektrarne 3363 2974 3348 3187 3616 Hydro power plants Termoelektrarne 4195 4209 4115 4262 3997 Conventional thermal plants Jedrska elektrarna 3758 3750 4391 4558 4359 Nuclear power plants Uvoz 329 715 454 751 859 Import Izvoz 2145 2125 2387 2396 2526 Export Dobava v omreűje 9500 9523 9922 10363 10305 Delivery to the network Izgube v omreűju 584 668 546 707 723 Losses in the network Dobava konËnim porabnikom 8917 8855 9376 9656 9582 Delivery to final consumers Neposredni porabniki 1938 1854 2018 2005 1886 Immediate consumers Distribucija 6979 7000 7358 7651 7696 Distribution KonËna poraba 8917 8855 9376 9656 9582 Final consumption Industrija 4400 4475 4934 5074 4956 Industry Energetski sektor 170 178 211 220 168 Energy sector Kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo 60 56 59 87 110 Agriculture and forestry Gradbeniötvo 91 92 70 76 103 Construction Promet 160 172 230 230 258 Transport Gospodinjstva 2490 2404 2531 2501 2594 Households Obrt in storitve . . . . . . 258 358 342 Crafts and services Drugo . . . . . . 1082 1110 1052 Other Skupaj Total Javne elektrarne Public plants Samoproizvajalci Autoproducers skupaj total elektrarne electricity only TE-TO CHP elektrarne electricity only TE-TO CHP elektrarne electricity only TE-TO CHP SKUPAJ TOTAL Proizvodnja na generatorju 12737 8771 3966 8582 3657 189 309 Gross production Lastna poraba 765 295 470 293 436 2 34 Own use by power plants Proizvodnja na pragu 11972 8476 3496 8289 3221 187 275 Net production MoË objektov (MW) 2524 1648 876 1626 765 25 111 Power of plants (MW) Hidroelektrarne Hydro power plants Proizvodnja na generatorju 3668 3668 - 3479 - 189 - Gross production Lastna poraba 53 53 - 50 - 2 - Own use by power plants Proizvodnja na pragu 3616 3616 - 3429 - 187 - Net production MoË objektov (MW) 768 768 - 746 - 22 - Power of plants (MW) Termoelektrarne Conventional thermal plants Proizvodnja na generatorju 4507 541 3966 541 3657 - 309 Gross production Lastna poraba 510 40 470 40 436 - 34 Own use by power plants Proizvodnja na pragu 3997 501 3496 501 3221 - 275 Net production MoË objektov (MW) 1124 248 876 248 765 - 111 Power of plants (MW) Jedrska elektrarna Nuclear power plant Proizvodnja na generatorju 4562 4562 - 4562 - - - Gross production Lastna poraba 203 203 - 203 - - - Own use by power plants Proizvodnja na pragu 4359 4359 - 4359 - - - Net production MoË objekta (MW) 632 632 - 632 - - - Power of plants (MW) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Energetika Energy 304 19.3 Proizvodnja elektriËne energije in toplote iz posameznih goriv v termoelektrarnah, 1996 Electricity and heat production from individual fuels in conventional thermal plants, 1996 19.4 Poraba goriv v termoelektrarnah, 1996 Fuel consumption in conventional thermal plants, 1996 19.5 Poraba posameznih goriv za proizvodnjo elektriËne energije in toplote v termoelektrarnah, 1996 Consumption of individual fuels for electricity and heat production in conventional thermal plants, 1996 Merska enota Unit Skupaj Total Iz rjavega premoga From brown coal Iz lignita From lignite Iz lesa in lesnih odpadkov From wood and wood wastes Iz kurilnega olja From fuel oil Iz zemeljskega plina From natural gas Iz deponijskega plina From bio gas vsi objekti all plants ElektriËna energija GWh 4507 1100 3182 7 84 136 7 Electricity Toplota TJ 6253 4171 1790 - - 298 - Heat samoproizvajalci autoproducers ElektriËna energija GWh 309 - 35 7 133 128 7 Electricity Toplota TJ 298 - - - - 298 - Heat Merska enota Unit Skupaj Total Javne elektrarne Public plants Samoproizvajalci Autoproducers skupaj total elektrarne electricity only TE-TO CHP elektrarne electricity only TE-TO CHP elektrarne electricity only TE-TO CHP Rjavi premog 1000 t 1623 529 1094 529 1074 - 20 Brown coal Lignit 1000 t 3661 0 3661 - 3594 - 67 Lignite Les in lesni odpadki 1000 t 69 0 69 - - - 69 Wood and wood wastes Kurilno olje 1000 t 103 2 101 2 6 - 95 Fuel oil Zemeljski plin mio m3 344 2 342 2 - - 342 Natural gas Deponijski plin mio m3 4 0 4 - - - 4 Bio gas Rjavi premog Brown coal 1000 t Lignit Lignite 1000 t Les in lesni odpadki Wood and wood wastes 1000 t Kurilno olje Fuel oil 1000 t Zemeljski plin Natural gas mio m3 Depon. plin Bio gas mio m3 vsi objekti all plants Skupaj 1623 3661 69 103 344 4 Total Za proizvodnjo elektriËne energije 1388 3456 5 25 309 4 For electricity production Za proizvodnjo toplote 235 205 64 78 35 - For heat production samoproizvajalci autoproducers Skupaj 20 67 69 95 342 4 Total Za proizvodnjo elektriËne energije - 34 5 20 307 4 For electricity production Za proizvodnjo toplote 20 33 64 75 35 - For heat production StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Energetika Energy 305 19.6 Bilanca oskrbe s toploto, 1996 Balance of heat supply, 1996 19.7 Bilanca oskrbe z zemeljskim plinom, 19961) Balance of natural gas supply, 19961) mio m3 G.C.V. = 35,784 MJ/m3 N.C.V. = 34,080 MJ/m3 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se seötevki ne ujemajo. The figures are rounded up, so the sum might not be totally correct. 2) Samo za proizvodnjo elektriËne energije. Just for electricity production. Merska enota Unit 1995 1996 Proizvodnja TJ 8097 8191 Production Toplarne TJ 2420 2230 Heat only plants TE-TO - javne TJ 5677 5961 CHP - public Poraba goriv Fuel consumption Rjavi premog 1000 t 221* 234 Brown coal Lignit 1000 t 205 192 Lignite Les in lesni odpadki 1000 t 41 41 Wood and wood wastes Kurilno olje 1000 t 10 19 Fuel oil LPG 1000 t 1 0 LPG Zemeljski plin mio m3 78 88 Natural gas KonËna poraba TJ 8097 8191 Final consumption Industrija TJ 1225 1262 Industry Gospodinjstva TJ 3876 4446 Households Obrt TJ ... 66 Crafts Druga poraba TJ 2996 2417 Other 1995 1996 Proizvodnja 18 13 Production Uvoz 818 848 Import Sprememba zalog 23 16 Stock change Poraba 838 853 Consumption Transformacija 112* 122 Transformation Javne elektrarne 2 2 Public power plants Samoproizvajalci2) 30 31 Autoproducers CHP2) Javne toplarne 80 88 Public heat only plants KonËna poraba 726 731 Final consumption Energetski sektor 1 1 Energy sector Industrija in gradbeniötvo 557 616 Industry and construction Gospodinjstva 31 51 Households Druga poraba 137 63 Other StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 306 20. OBRT CRAFTS VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki, ki osvetljujejo razvoj obrti, so bili zbrani s polletnimi in letnimi poroËili razliËnih statistiËnih raziskovanj, ki so navedena v opombah pri tabelah. Podatki, ki osvetljujejo obrt kot naËin opravljanja dejavnosti s prikazom ötevila obrtnih obratov z obrtno ali obrti podobno dejavnostjo ter z domaËo ali umetno obrtjo, so prevzeti iz Obrtnega registra Slovenije. Obrtni register je javna knjiga. Vodi ga Obrtna zbornica Slovenije. Vodenje tega registra je opredeljeno v Pravilniku o postopku izdaje obrtnega dovoljenja in o obrtnem registru (Ur. l. RS, öt. 10/95). ZAJETJE V prikazanem obdobju je bilo podroËje obrti razliËno definirano. Glede na lastnino sta bili loËeni druűbena in zasebna obrt. V druűbeno obrt so spadale do vkljuËno leta 1976 samostojne obrtne organizacije proizvajalnih, gradbenih in storitvenih dejavnosti, dalje obrtne delavnice drűavnih organov in ustanov, druűbenih organizacij, kmetijskih zadrug in delavnice, ustanovljene po 27. Ëlenu sploönega zakona o obrtnih delavnicah samostojnih obrtnikov (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 14/ 63). S sprejetjem Odloka o Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 34/76, 52/76, 62/77, 72/80, 77/82, 71/83, 68/84, 76/85, 28/86, 72/86, 78/ 87, 63/88, 6/89, 29/90, 47/90) je bilo podroËje druűbene obrti (podroËje: Obrt in osebne storitve) zmanjöano za proizvajalne dejavnosti, ki so bile razvröËene v podroËje: Industrija in rudarstvo. S sprejetjem Uredbe o uvedbi in uporabi Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 34/94, 3/95, 33/95, 15/96) in z njeno uveljavitvijo pa se podroËje: Obrt in osebne storitve veË ne pojavlja kot dejavnost. Zasebna obrt je bila urejena z obrtnimi zakoni, ki so bili veËkrat na novo izdani in spreminjani. Z njimi se je postopoma öiril obseg zasebne obrti. Obrtni zakon, izdan v Ur. l. SRS, öt. 26/73, je doloËal, da lahko obËani z osebnim delom in s svojimi sredstvi samostojno opravljajo obrtno, gostinsko, avtoprevozniöko in brodarsko dejavnost ter prodajo na drobno pod pogoji, ki jih je doloËal zakon. VkljuËene so bile tudi obrtne storitve kot postranski poklic. Obrtne dejavnosti zasebne obrti so bile nato z letom 1977 definirane s podroËjem dejavnosti Obrt in osebne storitve Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti in z dejavnostjo stavbne in gradbene obrti. Po doloËilih Obrtnega zakona, objavljenega v Ur. l. SRS, öt. 1/79, 6/83, 37/85, so zasebno obrt do leta 1985 sestavljale obrtna, gostinska, avtoprevozniöka in brodarska dejavnost ter prodaja na drobno, od leta 1986 pa öe turistiËna dejavnost ter druge gospodarske in negospodarske dejavnosti; pri tem so bile dejavnosti, ki jih ni bilo dovoljeno opravljati kot obrt, posebej naötete. S sprejetjem novega Obrtnega zakona (objavljenega v Ur. l. SRS, öt. 35/88, 24/89) pa je zasebna obrt zajemala obrtno, gostinsko, turistiËno, prometno, kmetijsko, gozdarsko in ribiöko dejavnost, trgovino na drobno, intelektualne storitve gospodarskega znaËaja ter druge dejavnosti gospodarskega znaËaja, katerih opravljanje ni bilo prepovedano z zakonom. S sprejetjem zdaj veljavnega obrtnega zakona je obrt definirana kot naËin opravljanja dejavnosti. Zanjo so veljavni naslednji pravni akti: 1. Zakon o gospodarskih druűbah (Ur. l. RS, öt. 30/93, 29/94, 82/94) 2. Obrtni zakon (Ur. l. RS, öt. 50/94) 3. Uredba o uvedbi in uporabi Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 34/94, 3/95, 33/95, 15/96) 4. Uredba o listi A obrtnih dejavnosti in listi B obrti podobnih dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 76/94) 5. Pravilnik o postopku izdaje obrtnega dovoljenja in o obrtnem registru (Ur. l. RS, öt. 10/95) 6. Pravilnik o opravljanju preizkusa strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje obrti podobne dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 18/95) 7. Pravilnik o minimalnih tehniËnih in drugih pogojih za opravljanje obrtnih in obrti podobnih dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, öt. 14/96) 8. Pravilnik o minimalnih sanitarno-zdravstvenih pogojih poslovnih prostorov, funkcionalnega zemljiöËa, drugih zunanjih povröin, opreme, naprav in delavcev v obrtni obratovalnici (Ur. l. RS, öt. 17/ 96) 9. Zakon o gostinstvu (Ur. l. RS, öt. 1/95) z nanj vezanimi podzakonskimi akti 10. Zakon o prevozih v cestnem prometu (Ur. l. RS öt. 72/94) 11. Pravilnik o pogojih za pridobitev licenc za prevoze v cestnem prometu, naËinu in postopku njihove pridobitve ter o naËinu vodenja evidence o izdanih licencah (Ur. l. RS, öt. 33/96) SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data throwing light upon craft development were collected with semi- annual and annual reports of various statistical surveys stated in the notes to tables. Data throwing light upon craft as a way of performing activity with the presentation of craft establishments performing craft activity or activity similar to craft and home or art manufacture are from the Craft Register of Slovenia. The Craft Register is a public register kept by the Chamber of Crafts. The keeping of this register is defined in the Regulation on Issuing Trade Licences and on the Craft Register. COVERAGE In the presented period the field of craft was defined in different ways. As regards the ownership we distinguish between social and private crafts. Until 1976 social crafts included independent craft organisations of industrial, construction and service activities, craft establishments of government bodies and institutions, and social organisations, agricultural co-operatives, and workshops established according to Article 27 of the General Law on Craft Establishments of Independent Craftsmen (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, No. 14/63). With the adoption of the Decree on National Classification of Activities (Official Gazette of SFRY, No. 34/76, 52/76, 61/77, 72/80, 77/82, 71/83, 68/84, 76/ 85, 28/86, 72/86, 78/87, 63/88, 6/89, 29/90, 47/90) the field of social crafts (Craft and personal service activities) was reduced by production activities classified into the field Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply. With the adoption of the Decree on Introduction and Use of the Standard Classification of Activities (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 34/94, 3/95, 33/95, 15/96) and its enforcement the field of craft as activity no longer exists. Private crafts were regulated by craft legislation which changed during the years and expanded the field of private crafts. The Law on Crafts (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 26/73) defined that citizens can with personal work and their own funds independently perform craft, catering and transport activities, and retail sale under conditions defined by law. Included were also craft services as a side job. Private craft activities were in 1977 defined with the field of activity Craft and personal service activities of the National Classification of Activities and with the activity of construction crafts. According to the Law on Crafts (Official Gazette of SRS, No. 1/79, 6/83, 37/85) until 1985 private crafts were craft, catering and transport activities, and retail sale, and since 1986 also tourist activity and other economic and non- economic activities. Activities which could not be performed as crafts were enumerated. With the adoption of the new Law on Crafts (Official Gazette of SRS, No. 35/88, 24/89) private crafts covered craft, catering, tourist, transport, agriculture, forestry and fishing activities, retail trade, intellectual services of economic character and other activities of economic character whose performing was not forbidden by law. With the adoption of the present Law on Crafts, crafts are defined as a way of performing activity. Legal acts regulating this field are: 1. Law on Economic Companies (OJ RS, No. 30/93, 29/94, 82/94) 2. Law on Crafts (OJ RS, No. 50/94) 3. Decree on Introduction and Use of the Standard Classification of Activities (OJ RS, No. 34/94, 3/95, 33/95, 15/96) 4. Decree on List A of Craft Activities and List B of Activities Similar to Craft (OJ RS, No. 76/94) 5. Regulation on Issuing Trade Licences and on the Craft Register (OJ RS, No. 10/95) 6. Regulation on Taking a Test in Qualification for Performing Activity Similar to Craft (OJ RS, No. 18/95) 7. Regulation on Minimum Technical and Other Conditions for Performing Craft Activity and Activity Similar to Craft (OJ RS, No. 14/ 96) 8. Regulation on Minimum Sanitary Conditions in Business Premises, on Functional Area, Other External Areas, Equipment, Devices and Workers in Craft Establishment (OJ RS, No. 17/96) 9. Law on Catering (OJ RS, No 1/95) with legal acts connected with it 10. Law on Road Transport (OJ RS, No. 72/94) 11. Regulation on Conditions for Obtaining Licences for Road Transport, Way and Procedure for Obtaining Them, and Method of Keeping Records on Issued Licences (OJ RS, No. 33/96) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 307 12. Pravilnik o minimalnih tehniËnih in drugih pogojih za parkiriöËa in mesta za vzdrűevanje vozil (Ur. l. RS, öt. 33/96) 13. Pravilnik o programu preizkusa usposobljenosti ter o postopku in naËinu opravljanja preizkusa za pridobitev licence za prevoze v cestnem prometu (Ur. l.RS, öt. 33/96). DEFINICIJE Obrtna oziroma obrti podobna dejavnost je po Obrtnem zakonu pridobitna dejavnost, doloËena z Uredbo o listi A obrtnih dejavnosti in listi B obrti podobnih dejavnosti. Za obe vrsti dejavnosti je znaËilno: - da gre za proizvodno ali storitveno dejavnost navadno na podlagi individualnih naroËil, - da se proizvodnja opravlja le v majhnih serijah, - da serijska proizvodnja ne obsega preteűnega dela dejavnosti, - da se uporabljajo stroji, orodja in tehniËne naprave, primerni za opravljanje obrtne in obrti podobne dejavnosti ter da nimajo znaËilnosti tekoËih trakov ali avtomatiziranega delovnega procesa. Pri doloËenih storitvenih dejavnostih se lahko osebam, za katere se opravi storitev zaradi zaokroűitve oziroma dopolnitve celovitosti dejavnosti, proda na drobno doloËeno blago, ki ga obrtnik uporablja pri opravljanju teh storitev. Prodaja teh izdelkov mora biti vpisana v obrtno dovoljenje. Gostinska dejavnost se lahko opravlja kot obrti podobna dejavnost le, Ëe jo opravlja gostinec kot samostojni podjetnik posameznik v gostinskem obratu: penzionu, restavraciji, gostilni, slaöËiËarni, kavarni in okrepËevalnici. Upoötevati pa mora Zakon o gostinstvu in na njegovi podlagi sprejete podzakonske akte. Prevozniöka dejavnost v cestnem prometu se öteje kot obrti podobna dejavnost le, Ëe jo opravlja prevoznik kot fiziËna oseba na podlagi pridobljene licence kot samostojni podjetnik posameznik. Upoötevati pa mora Zakon o prevozih v cestnem prometu in nanj vezane podzakonske akte. Za dejavnost domaËe in umetne obrti je znaËilen enostaven naËin dela s preteűnim roËnim delom ter umetniöko in oblikovalsko ustvarjanje. Mnenje o tem, ali je izdelek predmet domaËe ali umetne obrti, daje Obrtna zbornica Slovenije po mnenju strokovne komisije, sestavljene iz etnografov, likovnih umetnikov in zgodovinarjev, ki pregleda in oceni posamiËni predmet. Do uveljavitve predpisov, ki bodo urejali dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetijah, lahko kmetje in Ëlani njihovega gospodinjstva opravljajo dejavnosti po Obrtnem zakonu na podlagi priglasitve Obrtni zbornici Slovenije. Ni jim treba izpolnjevati pogojev za opravljanje dejavnosti. Pravica do opravljanja obrtne dejavnosti, obrti podobne dejavnosti ter dejavnosti domaËe in umetne obrti se pridobi na podlagi obrtnega dovoljenja in vpisa v Obrtni register. Po Pravilniku o postopku izdaje obrtnega dovoljenja in o obrtnem registru lahko pridobijo obrtno dovoljenje: fiziËna oseba, tuja fiziËna ali pravna oseba, samostojni podjetnik posameznik, druűba z neomejeno odgovornostjo, komanditna druűba, druűba z omejeno odgovornostjo in delniöka druűba. Ugotovitvena odloËba je osnova za izdajo obrtnega dovoljenja. Izda jo upravna enota, ko na osnovi strankine vloge preveri, ali so izpolnjeni pogoji za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti na obrtni naËin. Poleg dokazil je potrebno v vlogi natanËno opredeliti, katere dejavnosti bo stranka opravljala in na kaköen naËin. PooblaöËena oseba v upravni enoti, pristojni za gospodarstvo, preveri in opredeli dejavnosti po Uredbi o Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in po Uredbi o listi A obrtnih dejavnosti ter listi B obrti podobnih dejavnosti ter v ugotovitveno odloËbo navede toliko dejavnosti, za kolikor se je stranka opredelila. Pogoji za pridobitev obrtnega dovoljenja so: Samostojni podjetnik posameznik mora za pridobitev obrtnega dovoljenja najprej izpolnjevati pogoj o izobrazbi: - za opravljanje obrtne dejavnosti je potreben mojstrski izpit, - za opravljanje obrti podobne dejavnosti je potrebna konËana ustrezna poklicna öola ali opravljen preizkus strokovne usposobljenosti za opravljanje dejavnosti ali strokovna izobrazba V., 12. Regulation on Minimum Technical and Other Conditions for Parking Places and Areas for Repairing Vehicles (OJ RS, No. 33/ 96) 13. Regulation on the Programme of the Test in Qualification and on Procedure and Method of Taking the Test in Obtaining the Licence for Road Transport (OJ RS, No. 33/96). DEFINITIONS Craft activity or activity similar to craft is according to the Law on Crafts a gainful activity defined with the Decree on List A of Craft Activities and List B of Activities Similar to Craft. For both types of activities it is characteristic that: - they are production or service activities, usually based on individual orders, - production is performed only in small series, - mass production is not a major part of activity, - machines, tools and technical devices suitable for performing craft activity or activity similar to craft are used, they do not have conveyor belts or automated process of work. In certain service activities certain material can be sold to persons for whan the service is performed, but only material used by the craftsman in performing the service. Sale of products must be written in the trade licence. Catering activity can be performed as an activity similar to craft only if it is performed by the caterer as an independent entrepreneur in a catering facility: boarding house, restaurant, inn, confectionery, coffee- house or snack bar. The Law on Catering and legal acts adopted on its basis have to be taken into consideration. Road transport activity can be performed as an activity similar to craft only if it is performed by the transporter as a natural person on the basis of obtained licence as independent entrepreneur. The Law on Road Transport and legal acts adopted on its basis have to be taken into consideration. Characteristic for activity of home and art manufacture are simple methods of work with predominantly manual work, and artistic and designing creation. Opinion on whether an object is a work of home or art manufacture is given by the Chamber of Crafts, i.e. its expert commission composed of ethnographers, artists and historians who examine and evaluate individual products. Until the enforcement of regulations which will regulate supplementary activities on farms farmers and members of their households can perform activities according to the Law on Crafts on the basis of application at the Chamber of Crafts. They do not have to fulfil the requirements for performing the activity. The right to perform craft activities, activities similar to craft and activities of home and art manufacture is gained on the basis of a trade licence and registration in the Craft Register. According to the Regulation on Issuing Trade Licences and on the Craft Register trade licences can be obtained by: natural persons, foreign natural or legal persons, independent entrepreneurs, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies and joint stock companies. Assessment decrees are the basis for issuing trade licences. They are issued by administrative units after checking, on the basis of individual applications, whether the requirements for performing gainful activity in a craft way are fulfilled. In adition to enclosed documents proving that the requirements are fulfilled, the application must include exact definition of activity which the applicant would like to perform and the way of its performing. An authorised person at the department dealing with economic issues at the administrative unit checks and defines the activity according to the Decree on the Standard Classification of Activities and the Decree on List A of Craft Activities and List B of Activities Similar to Craft and states in the assessment decree as many activities as the applicant defined. The requirements for obtaining a trade licence are: In order to obtain a trade licence an independent entrepreneur must first fulfil the education requirement: - for performing a craft activity an award of master’s degree, - for performing an activity similar to craft a finished vocational school, or a passed examination of qualification for performing activity, or professional education of the V, VI or VII degree which gives StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 308 VI. ali stopnje, ki daje ustrezno strokovno oziroma praktiËno znanje za obrt. Samostojni podjetnik posameznik, ki sam ne izpolnjuje izobrazbenega pogoja, pridobi obrtno dovoljenje, Ëe zaposluje vsaj eno osebo, ki ta pogoj izpolnjuje. Gospodarske druűbe si pridobijo obrtno dovoljenje tako, da osebe, ki bodo kot zastopniki vpisane v Obrtni register, vloűijo vlogo, v kateri priloűijo dokazila, da izpolnjujejo zahtevane pogoje, in sicer: - druűba z omejeno odgovornostjo oziroma druűba z neomejeno odgovornostjo mora zaposlovati vsaj eno osebo z zahtevano izobrazbo ali pa mora ta pogoj izpolnjevati vsaj eden od druűbenikov; - komanditna druűba mora zaposlovati vsaj eno osebo z zahtevano izobrazbo ali pa mora ta pogoj izpolnjevati vsaj eden od komplementarjev; - delniöka druűba, mora zaposlovati vsaj eno osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoj o izobrazbi, lahko pa ta pogoj izpolnjuje vsaj eden v poslovodstvu. Samostojni podjetnik posameznik in gospodarska druűba morata izpolnjevati tudi v ustreznih pravilnikih predpisane minimalne pogoje za opravljanje dejavnosti. Izdelovalci izdelkov domaËe in umetne obrti si pridobijo obrtno dovoljenje na podlagi mnenja Strokovne komisije za preverjanje izdelkov domaËe in umetne obrti pri Obrtni zbornici Slovenije. OdloËbo o obrtnem dovoljenju za opravljanje obrtne in obrti podobne dejavnosti ter za dejavnost domaËe in umetne obrti izda Obrtna zbornica Slovenije. Samostojni podjetnik posameznik se mora z ugotovitveno odloËbo in obrtnim dovoljenjem priglasiti pristojnemu davËnemu organu, ki ga vpiöe v vpisnik podjetnikov. Definicije za samostojnega podjetnika posameznika, druűbo z neomejeno odgovornostjo, komanditno druűbo, druűbo z omejeno odgovornostjo ter delniöko druűbo so v Zakonu o gospodarskih druűbah. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Statistika rokodelskih obrti in lokalne industrije po stanju 1. 10. 1946 Pregled obrtniötva, stanje 31. 12. 1947. Letni pregled obrtne dejavnosti LRS v l. 1948, 1949. Rezultati popisa lokalne industrije in obrti 1951. Rezultati popisa obrti v LRS 30. 9. 1954. Obrt v druűbenem sektorju 1956 in 1957. Obrt po zaËasnih rezultatih popisa 15. 12. 1959. StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 25; 1964, öt. 15, 25; 1965, öt. 12, 25; 1966, öt. 10; 1967, öt. 2; 1968, öt. 5; 1972, öt. 2, 16; 1973, öt. 19; 1974, öt. 19. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 3, 41, 117, 184, 186, 206, 256, 295, 422, 470, 546, 574, 599, 619, 622 in 634. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1959, zv. III; 1960, zv. III; 1961, zv. III; 1963, zv. I; 1964, zv. V; 1965, zv. II; 1966, zv. II; 1967, zv. III; 1968, zv. V; 1969, zv. V; 1971, zv. V; 1972, zv. VI; 1973, zv. VII; 1974, zv. IX; 1975, zv. X; 1976, zv. XII; 1977, zv. XIX; 1979, zv. XXV; 1980, zv. XVIII; 1981, zv. XVIII; 1982, zv. XVII. corresponding professional or practical knowledge for performing the craft. An independent entrepreneur who does not fulfil the necessary education requirement can obtain a trade licence if (s)he employs at least one person who fulfils this requirement. Economic companies can obtain trade licences so that persons who will be recorded as representatives in the Craft Register apply for the licence and enclose in their application the proof of fulfilling the necessary requirements, i.e.: - a limited liability company or a general partnership has to employ at least one person who fulfils the education requirement or it has to be fulfilled by at least one of the partners, - a limited partnership has to employ at least one person who fulfils the education requirement or it has to be fulfilled by at least one of the partners, - a joint stock company has to employ at least one person who fulfils the education requirement or it has to be fulfilled by at least one person in the management. Independent entrepreneurs and economic companies have to fulfil the prescribed minimum requirements for performing the activity which are listed in the corresponding regulations. Manufacturers of home and art manufacture products can obtain trade licences on the basis of an opinion of the expert commission of the Chamber of Crafts for checking home and art manufacture products. The decree on trade licence for performing craft activity or activity similar to craft, and home and art manufacture is issued by the Chamber of Crafts. Independent entrepreneurs must take the assessment decree to the authorised tax authority which registers them in the record of entrepreneurs. Independent entrepreneurs, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies and joint stock companies are defined by the Law on Economic Companies. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Statistics of Handicrafts and Local Industry, as of 1 October 1946. Survey of Crafts, as of 31 December 1947. Annual Review of Craft Activities of the People’s Republic of Slovenia in 1948, 1949. Results of the Census of Local Industries and Crafts 1951. Results of the Census of Crafts in the People’s Republic of Slovenia, 30 September 1954. Crafts in the Social Sector 1956 and 1957. Crafts According to First Temporary Census Results, 15 December 1959. Statistical Material 1963, No. 25; 1964, No. 15, 25; 1968, No. 12, 25; 1966, No. 10; 1967, No. 2; 1968, No. 5; 1972, No. 2, 16; 1973, No. 119; 1974, No. 19. Results of Surveys No. 3, 441, 117, 184, 186, 206, 256, 295, 422, 470, 546, 574, 599, 619, 622 and 634. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1959, vol. III; 1960, vol. III; 1961, vol. III; 1963, vol. I; 1964, vol. V; 1965, vol. II; 1966, vol. II; 1967, vol. III; 1968, vol. V; 1969, vol. V; 1971, vol. V; 1972, vol. VI; 1973, vol. VII; 1974, vol. IX; 1975, vol. V; 1976, vol. XII; 1977, vol. IX; 1979, vol. XXV; 1980, vol. XVI; 1981, vol. XVIII; 1982, vol. XVII. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 309 20.1 Pregled razvoja obrti Review of craft development 1) Registrirana podjetja in druge organizacije s podroËja obrti in osebnih storitev, od leta 1989 ne glede na lastnino. Do leta 1988 je druűbena obrt brez proizvajalne, ki je bila zajeta vse do leta 1976. Registered enterprises and other organizations in the field of crafts and personal services, since 1989 irrespective of ownership. Until 1988 only social organizations were covered, without craft production, which was covered until 1976. 2) Do leta 1976 so bili prikazani tudi delavci v proizvajalnem delu obrti (Vir: poroËilo Obrt-3). Od 1977 podatek predstavlja povpreËje stanj konec marca in septembra (Vir: poroËilo ZAP). Until 1976 workers in craft production were also included (Source: report OBRT-3). Since 1977 the datum has been the average of the situation at the end of March and September (Source: report ZAP). 3) Po podatkih Agencije za plaËilni promet Republike Slovenije. Data of the Agency for Payment of the Republic of Slovenia. 4) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 5) Od leta 1980 upoötevane vse gospodarske dejavnosti, definirane s posameznimi obrtnimi zakoni, ki so se opravljale zasebno. (Vir: do leta 1993 poroËilo OBRT-3, za leta 1994, 1995 in 1996 Register obratovalnic). Since 1980 all economic activities, defined with individual laws on craft, which are performed in the private sector have been included. (Source: Until 1993 report OBRT-3, for 1994, 1995 and 1996 the Register of Craft Establishments) 6) Do 1986 lastniki in zaposlene osebe, od 1987 do 1993 lastniki, solastniki in zaposlene osebe (Vir: poroËilo OBRT-3); od leta 1994 le zaposlene osebe - podatek je povpreËje stanj konec marca in septembra (Vir: poroËilo ZAP). Until 1986 owners and workers were included, from 1987 to 1993 owners, co-owners and employed persons (Source: report OBRT-3); since 1994 employed persons only - the datum is the average of the situation at the end of March and September (Source: report ZAP). 7) Do leta 1988 po podatkih Zveznega zavoda za statistiko SFRJ za Republiko Slovenijo. Until 1988 data of the Federal Statistical Office of SFRJ, for the Republic of Slovenia. Podjetja in druge organizacije1) Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah1)2) Investicije podjetij in drugih organizacij1)3) Obratovalnice5) Lastniki, solastniki in pri njih zaposlene osebe4)6) Veriűni indeks cen obrtnih storitev7) Enterprises and other organizations1) Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations1)2) Investments of enterprises and other organizations1)3) 1000 SIT4) Independent craft establishments5) Craft establishments and their persons in paid employment4)6) Chain price index of craft services7) 1970 559 30852 12 12250 21618 118 1971 529 31444 14 11881 22496 115 1972 506 30211 18 11697 23229 108 1973 477 29968 19 11535 23050 124 1974 453 31395 28 11388 23469 125 1975 444 35827 41 11422 22915 122 1976 448 39279 39 11565 23897 114 1977 288 20827 20 11886 25350 113 1978 252 24463 46 12257 26923 120 1979 250 25898 57 12894 29540 133 1980 244 27243 73 23012 44386 135 1981 248 27733 103 23677 45526 129 1982 267 28041 114 24210 46567 121 1983 262 28553 196 24647 48305 124 1984 256 29101 325 25674 49974 142 1985 229 28953 541 26759 52879 189 1986 224 29656 1129 27825 55615 237 1987 219 31414 1855 30426 58670 267 1988 205 29024 3911 30150 60988 285 1989 232 27526 40030 31306 60783 1312 1990 1139 22774 93194 34143 65509 776 1991 1836 18299 176859 35576 66752 216 1992 2764 16876 540549 36818 68698 322 1993 3520 16659 675949 38975 73274 178 1994 3645 15330 1371000 59914 41840 120 1995 3576 14701 1751000 57802 48666 114 1996 3475 ... ... 62203 ... 111 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 310 20.2 Podjetja in druge organizacije s podroËja obrti in osebnih storitev po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti1) Enterprises and other organizations in crafts and personal service activities by the National Classification of Activities1) 1) Vir: OBRT-3; od leta 1987: Poslovni register Republike Slovenije / Source: OBRT-3; since 1987: Business Register of Slovenia 20.3 Podjetja in druge organizacije1) po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti Enterprises and other organizations1) by the Standard Classification of Activities 1) Podjetja in druge organizacije s podroËja obrti in osebnih storitev po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, prerazvröËena v Standardno klasifikacijo dejavnosti, Enterprises and other organisations from the fields of crafts and personal services by the National Classification of Activities, reclassified into the Standard Classification of Activities. OBRT KOT NA»IN OPRAVLJANJA DEJAVNOSTI CRAFT AS THE WAY OF PERFORMING THE ACTIVITY 20.4 Obrtni obrati, 31. 12. 1995 in 1996 Craft establishments, 31. 12. 1995 and 1996 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 229 1139 2764 3520 3645 3576 3475 TOTAL Obrtne storitve in popravila 189 924 2155 2742 2838 2778 2672 Crafts and repairs Nekovinska 3 9 18 22 25 21 19 Non-metal Kovinska 101 388 1025 1332 1407 1404 1383 Metal Elektrotehniöka 18 216 485 623 646 606 570 Electrical Lesna 29 92 209 255 261 248 237 Wooden Tekstilna 16 77 161 195 205 188 177 Textile Usnjarska, gumarska 4 16 27 35 35 37 36 Leather, rubber éivilska 5 9 15 20 21 20 19 Food Druga 13 117 215 260 264 254 231 Other Osebne storitve in storitve gospodinjstvom 40 215 609 778 807 798 803 Personal service activities Skupaj Total Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo Agriculture, hunting and forestry Rudarstvo Mining and quarrying Prede- lovalne dejavnosti Manufactur- ing Gradbe- niötvo Construc- tion Trgovina; popravila mot.vozil Wholesale, retail; certain repair Gostinstvo Hotels and restaurants Promet skladiöËe- nje, zveze Transport, storage and com-muni- cation NepremiË- nine, najem, poslovne stor. Real estate, renting and business activities Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo Health and social work Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. Other social and personal services 31. 12. 1995 3576 3 1 1498 25 1085 3 15 574 19 353 31. 12. 1996 3475 3 1 1459 25 1030 3 12 563 18 361 FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons skupaj total samostojni podjetniki posamezniki individual private entrepreneurs domaËa in umetna obrt home and art manifacture establish- ments druge others skupaj total druűbe z neomejeno odgovor- nostjo general partnerships komanditne druűbe limited partnerships druűbe z omejeno odgovor- nostjo limited liability companies delniöke druűbe joint stock companies druge others Obrtni obrati Craft establishments 31. 12. 1995 45612 42631 51 2930 5350 105 15 4957 37 236 31. 12. 1996 43837 43817 7 13 5153 149 20 4774 50 160 Obrtni obrati z obrtnimi dejavnostmi, domaËo in umetno obrtjo Craft establishments with craft activities, home and art manufacture establishments 31. 12. 1995 19975 18807 49 1119 2748 57 10 2544 31 106 31. 12. 1996 19442 19434 3 5 2761 84 13 2545 38 81 Obrtni obrati z obrti podobnimi dejavnostmi Craft establishments with activities similar to craft 31. 12. 1995 25637 23824 2 1811 2602 48 5 2413 6 130 31. 12. 1996 24395 24383 4 8 2392 65 7 2229 12 79 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 311 20.5 Obrtni obrati z obrtnimi dejavnostmi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti z domaËo in umetno obrtjo, po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 Craft establishments with craft activities classified by the Standard Classification of Activities with home and art manufacture establishments by legal organisational forms, 31. 12. 1996 Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti podroËja, oddelki in razredi FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons Standard Classification of Activities section, divisions and classes sk up aj to ta l sa m os to jn i p od je tn ik i p os am ez ni ki in di vi du al p riv at e en tre pr en eu rs do m aË a in u m et na o br t ho m e an d ar t m an ifa ct ur e es ta bl is hm en ts dr ug e ot he rs sk up aj to ta l dr uű be z n eo m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo ge ne ra l p ar tn er sh ip s ko m an di tn e dr uű be lim ite d pa rtn er sh ip s dr uű be z o m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo lim ite d lia bi lit y co m pa ni es de ln iö ke d ru űb e jo in t s to ck c om pa ni es dr ug e ot he rs SKUPAJ 19442 19434 3 5 2761 84 13 2545 38 81 TOTAL D Predelovalne dejavnosti 7815 7811 1 3 792 27 3 743 5 14 D Manufacturing Pro.hrane,pijaË,krmil 518 518 - - 35 1 - 33 - 1 Mfr. of food products and beverages Pro.,konzerviranje mesa 25 25 - - 6 - - 6 - - Production and preserving of meat Pro.,konzerviranje perutnine 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - Production & preserv. of poultry meat Pro.mesnih,perutninskih izd. 109 109 - - 4 - - 4 - - Production of meat & poultry products Mlinarstvo 43 43 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of grain mill products Pro.kruha,sveűega peciva,slaöËic 337 337 - - 22 1 - 20 - 1 Mfr. of bread, fresh pastry and cakes Pro.prepeËenca, trajnega peciva, ipd. 3 3 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of biscuits, preserv. pastry, etc Pro.tekstilij 13 13 - - 14 2 - 12 - - Manufacture of textiles Pro.tekstilnih izd.brez oblaËil 13 13 - - 14 2 - 12 - - Mfr. of made-up textiles, not apparel Pro.oblaËil;strojenje,dodelava krzna 834 834 - - 33 3 - 29 - 1 Mfr. of wearing apparel; dress. of fur Pro.usnjenih oblaËil 22 22 - - 2 - - 2 - - Manufacture of leather clothes Pro.dr.vrhnjih oblaËil 776 776 - - 30 - - 26 - 1 Manufacture of other outerwear Pro.dr.oblaËil,dodatkov,d.n. 14 14 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of other wearing apparel,etc.nec. Strojenje,dodelava krzna; pro. krzn.izd. 22 22 - - 1 - - - - - Dress. & dye. of fur; mfr. of fur goods Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 279 278 - 1 27 - - 26 - 1 Leather tanning; mfr. of luggage, etd. Strojenje,dodelava usnja 10 10 - - 2 - - 2 - - Tanning and dressing of leather Pro.usnjene galanterije 118 118 - - 20 - - 19 - 1 Mfr. of luggage and the like, saddlery Pro.obutve 151 150 - 1 5 - - 5 - - Manufacture of footwear Obdelava in predelava lesa 1161 1161 - - 29 - - 27 - 2 Mfr. of vwood and wood, cork, etc. goods Lesno stavbarstvo 1143 1143 - - 26 - - 24 - 2 Mfr. of builders' carpentry and joinery Pro.lesene embalaűe 18 18 - - 3 - - 3 - - Manufacture of wooden containers Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 2 2 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Obnovitev,protektiranje gum za vozila 2 2 - - 2 - - 2 - - Retread. & rebuilding of rubber tyres Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 179 178 1 - 9 1 - 8 - - Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products Oblikovanje,obdelava ravnega stekla 9 9 - - 1 - - 1 - - Shaping and processing of flat glass Pro.votlega stekla 18 17 1 - - - - - - - Manufacture of hollow glass Pro.keramiËnih zidnih,talnih ploöË 1 1 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of ceramic tiles & flags Obdelava naravnega kamna 151 151 - - 8 1 - 7 - - Cutting, shaping & finishing of stone Pro.kovin 45 45 - - 4 - - 4 - - Manufacture of basic metals Litje űeleza 30 30 - - 1 - - 1 - - Casting of iron Litje lahkih kovin 1 1 - - 2 - - 2 - - Casting of light metal Litje dr.neűeleznih kovin 14 14 - - 1 - - 1 - - Casting of other non-ferrous metal Pro.kovinskih izd.brez strojev,naprav 2595 2594 - 1 115 2 - 108 4 1 Mfr. of fabricated metal, not machines Pro.kovinskih konstrukcij 165 164 - 1 33 1 - 29 3 - Mfr. of metal structures and parts Pro.kovinskih kontejnerjev,cistern,ipd. 8 8 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of tanks, etc. & metal containers Pro.radiatorjev,kotlov za centralno ogr. 2 2 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of central heating rads & boilers Pro.parnih kotlov,razen za central.ogr. 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of steam generators, not boilers Kovanje,valjanje kovin,praöna metalur. 91 91 - - 5 - - 5 - - Forg. pres.,stamp.&roll form. of metal Povröinska obdelava,prekrivanje kovin 63 63 - - 4 - - 4 - - Treatment and coating of metals Spl.mehaniËna dela 1950 1950 - - 54 1 - 51 1 1 General mechanical engineering Pro.rezil 5 5 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of cutlery Pro.dr.orodja 274 274 - - 8 - - 8 - - Manufacture of tools Pro.kljuËavnic,okovja 1 1 - - 2 - - 2 - - Manufacture of locks and hinges Pro.dr.kovinskih izd.,d.n. 35 35 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr.of oth.fabric. metal products nec. Pro.strojev in naprav 579 579 - - 61 1 - 60 - - Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.motorjev,turbin,razen za vozila 12 12 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of engines, not aircraft, etc Pro.Ërpalk,kompresorjev 26 26 - - 8 - - 8 - - Manufacture of pumps and compressors Pro.peËi,gorilnikov 6 6 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of furnaces and furnace burners Pro.dvigalnih,transportnih naprav 56 56 - - 15 - - 15 - - Mfr. of lifting and handling equipment Pro.hladilnih,prezraËevalnih naprav 165 165 - - 6 - - 6 - - Mfr. of non-domestic ventilation equip. Pro.traktorjev 37 37 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of agricultural tractors Pro.obdelovalnih strojev 176 176 - - 15 1 - 14 - - Manufacture of machine tools Pro.rudarskih,gradbenih strojev 12 12 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of mach. for mining, quarrying... Pro.strojev za űivilsko,tobaËno ind. 9 9 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of machin.for food, bever.&tobac. Pro.strojev za tekstilno,usnjarsko ind. 24 24 - - 4 - - 4 - - Mfr. of textile, apparel & leather.prod. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 312 Pro.strojev za papirno ind. 4 4 - - - - - - - - Mfr.of machin. for paper &-board prod. Pro.oroűja,streliva 15 15 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of weapons and ammunition Pro.neel.gospodinjskih aparatov 37 37 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of non-electric domes. appliance Pro.el.strojev,aparatov 632 632 - - 275 8 3 263 - 1 Mfr. of electric. machineryetc. nec. Pro.elektromot.,generator.,transformat. 5 5 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of elec. motors, generators, etc. Pro.naprav za distrib.,krmiljenje el. 16 16 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of electricity distribution etc. Pro.opreme za razsvetljavo 30 30 - - 4 - - 4 - - Mfr. of lighting equipment and lamps Pro.el.opreme za stroje,vozila 6 6 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of elec.equip.for engines... nec. Pro.dr.el.opreme,d.n. 575 575 - - 269 8 3 257 - 1 Mfr. of other electrical equip. nec. Pro.RTV,komunikacijskih aparatov, opreme 335 335 - - 101 5 - 96 - - Mfr. of radio, tv and equipment Pro.RTV oddajnikov,telef.,teleg.apar. 90 90 - - 13 2 - 11 - - Mfr. of TV transmit., telephony, etc. Pro.RTV sprejemnikov,dodatne opreme 245 245 - - 88 3 - 85 - - Mfr.of TV& radio, sound/video appar... Pro.medicin.,finomehan.,optiËnih instr. 226 226 - - 35 1 - 30 1 3 Mfr. of medical & precision instruments Pro.medicin.,kiruröke,ortoped.opreme 22 22 - - 19 1 - 14 1 3 Mfr. of medical, orthopaed.,etc.equip. Pro.merilnih,kontrolnih,navigac.instr. 73 73 - - 9 - - 9 - - Mfr. of instrum. for measuring, etc. Pro.optiËnih instr.in fotoopreme 131 131 - - 7 - - 7 - - Mfr. of optical & photographic equip. Pro.pohiötva,dr.predelovalne dej. 417 416 - 1 52 3 - 45 - 4 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing nec. Pro.sedeűnega pohiötva 28 28 - - 6 - - 5 - 1 Manufacture of chairs and seats Pro.dr.pohiötva za poslovne prostore 42 41 - 1 16 - - 15 - 1 Mfr. of other office & shop furniture Pro.dr.kuhinjskega pohiötva 10 10 - - 4 - - 4 - - Mfr. of other kitchen furniture Pro.dr.pohiötva 170 170 - - 11 2 - 7 - 2 Manufacture of other furniture Pro.nakita 167 167 - - 15 1 - 14 - - Mfr. of jewellery and related nec. F Gradbeniötvo 6466 6463 1 2 1217 37 6 1107 19 48 F Construction Gradbeniötvo 6466 6463 1 2 1217 37 6 1107 19 48 Construction Ruöenje objektov,zemeljska dela 14 14 - - 5 2 - 3 - - Demolition of buildings; earth moving Sploöna gradbena dela 1798 1798 - - 510 12 1 463 12 22 Gener. construction & civil engineer. Postavljanje ostreöij,krovska dela 305 304 - 1 7 - - 7 - - Erection of roof covering & frames Gradnja cest,letaliöË,ipd. 46 46 - - 149 1 1 130 1 16 Construction of roads, airfields, etc. Hidrogradnja in urejanje voda 4 4 - - 26 - - 25 1 - Construction of water projects Dr.gradbena dela 76 76 - - 3 - - 3 - - Other special trades construction El.instalacije 1365 1365 - - 113 6 - 107 - - Installation of electrical wiring... Vodovodne,plinske,sanitarne instal. 1164 1164 - - 367 12 4 337 4 10 Plumbing Dr.instalacije pri gradnjah 12 12 - - 7 1 - 6 - - Other building installation Fasaderska,ötukaterska dela 49 49 - - 5 2 - 3 - - Plastering Oblaganje tal,sten 453 452 1 - 9 - - 9 - - Floor and wall covering Soboslikarska,steklarska dela 1180 1179 - 1 16 1 - 14 1 - Painting and glazing G Trgovina;popravila mot.vozil 2452 2451 1 - 467 1- 2 439 8 8 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 1745 1744 1 - 430 8 2 404 8 8 Sale, reapair etc. motors; fuel Vzdrűevanje,poprav.mot.vozil 1704 1703 1 - 427 8 2 401 8 8 Maintenance and repair of motors Poprav.,trg.z mot.kolesi,deli 41 41 - - - - - 3 - - Sale, repair etc.of motorcycles& parts Trg.na drobno brez mot.vozil;poprav.izd. 707 707 - - 37 2 - 35 - - Retail trade, not motors; repairs Trg.na drobno v dr.spec.prod. 145 145 - - 8 1 - 7 - - Other retail in specialised stores Popravilo el.gosp.aparatov 428 428 - - 27 1 - 26 - - Repair of electrical household goods Popravilo ur,nakita 134 134 - - 2 - - 2 - - Repair of clocks and jewellery K NepremiËnine,najem,poslovne stor. 490 490 - - 140 3 1 127 2 7 K Real estate,renting& business activities Obdelava podatkov,s tem povezane dej. 264 264 - - 100 2 1 91 1 5 Computer and related activities Vzdrűevanje,popravila raËunalnikov 264 264 - - 100 2 1 91 1 5 Mainten. office & computing machinery Druge poslovne dej. 226 226 - - 40 1 - 36 1 2 Other business activities Fotografska dej. 226 226 - - 40 1 - 36 1 2 Photographic activities O Dr.javne,skupne in osebne stor. 2219 2219 - - 145 7 1 129 4 4 O Other social and personal services Dr.storitvene dej. 2219 2219 - - 145 7 1 129 4 4 Other service activities Dej.pralnic,kemiËnih Ëistilnic 165 165 - - 5 - - 5 - - Washing & dry-cleaning textile& fur Dej.frizerskih,kozmetiËnih salonov 2054 2054 - - 140 7 1 124 4 4 Hairdress and other beauty treatment Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti podroËja, oddelki in razredi FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons Standard Classification of Activities section, divisions and classes sk up aj to ta l sa m os to jn i p od je tn ik i p os am ez ni ki in di vi du al p riv at e en tre pr en eu rs do m aË a in u m et na o br t ho m e an d ar t m an ifa ct ur e es ta bl is hm en ts dr ug e ot he rs sk up aj to ta l dr uű be z n eo m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo ge ne ra l p ar tn er sh ip s ko m an di tn e dr uű be lim ite d pa rtn er sh ip s dr uű be z o m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo lim ite d lia bi lit y co m pa ni es de ln iö ke d ru űb e jo in t s to ck c om pa ni es dr ug e ot he rs 20.5 Obrtni obrati z obrtnimi dejavnostmi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti z domaËo in umetno obrtjo, po pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Craft establishments with craft activities classified by the Standard Classification of Activities with home and art manufacture establishments by legal organisational forms, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 313 20.6 Obrtni obrati z obrti podobnimi dejavnostmi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 Craft establishments with activities similar to craft classified by Standard Classification of Activities and legal organisational forms, 31.12. 1996 Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti podroËja, oddelki in razredi FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons Standard Classification of Activities sections, divisions and classes sk up aj to ta l sa m os to jn i p od je tn ik i p os am ez ni ki in di vi du al p riv at e en tre pr en eu rs do m aË a in u m et na o br t ho m e an d ar t m an ifa ct ur e es ta bl is hm en ts dr ug e ot he rs sk up aj to ta l dr uű be z n eo m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo ge ne ra l p ar tn er sh ip s ko m an di tn e dr uű be lim ite d pa rtn er sh ip s dr uű be z o m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo lim ite d lia bi lit y co m pa ni es de ln iö ke d ru űb e jo in t s to ck c om pa ni es dr ug e ot he rs SKUPAJ 24395 24383 4 8 2392 65 7 2229 12 79 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo,lov,gozdarstvo 506 506 - - 12 - - 12 - - A Agriculture, hunting and firestry Kmetijstvo,lov,stor. 487 487 - - 12 - - 12 - - Agriculture, hunting and services Prid.vrtnin,okras.rastlin,semen,sadik 383 383 - - 11 - - 11 - - Grow of vegetables & nursery products Reja dr.űivali 9 9 - - - - - - - - Other farming of animals Stor.za rastlinsko prid. 95 95 - - 1 - - 1 - - Agricultural service activities Gozdarstvo,stor. 19 19 - - - - - - - - Forestry, logging and services Gozdarske stor. 19 19 - - - - - - - - Forestry and logging related services C Rudarstvo 14 14 - - 2 - - 1 1 - C Mining and quarrying Pri.dr.rudnin in kamnin 14 14 - - 2 - - 1 1 - Other mining and qarrying Pri.kamnin za gradnjo 2 2 - - - - - - - - Quarrying of stone for construction Pri.skrilavcev 1 1 - - - - - - - - Quarrying of slate Pri.peska,gramoza 11 11 - - 2 - - 1 1 - Operation of gravel and sand pits D Predelovalne dejavnosti 7008 7004 3 1 1135 30 4 1055 2 44 D Manufacturing Pro.hrane,pijaË,krmil 138 138 - - 15 2 - 13 - - Mfr. of food products and beverages Pro.,konzerviranje mesa 4 4 - - - - - - - - Production and preserving of meat Pre.sadnih,zelenjavnih sokov 1 1 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of fruit and vegetable juice Dr.pre.,konzerviranje sadja,vrtnin 14 14 - - 3 - - 3 - - Proces., preser. of fruit, veget. nec. Pro.rafiniranega olja in maöËob 15 15 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of refined oils & fats Pro.sladoleda 6 6 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of ice cream Pro.krmil za male űivali 2 2 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of prepared pet foods Pro.kruha,sveűega peciva,slaöËic 5 5 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of bread, fresh pastry and cakes Pro.kakava,Ëokolade,bonbonov 2 2 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of cocoa, chocolate, confection. Pro.testenin 18 18 - - 4 1 - 3 - - Mfr. of macaroni & simi. farina. prod. Pre.Ëaja,kave 12 12 - - 1 - - 1 - - Processing of tea & coffee Pro.zaËimb,diöav 4 4 - - 1 1 - - - - Mfr. of condiments & seasonings Pro.dr.űivil,d.n. 32 32 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of other food products nec. Pro.űganih pijaË 8 8 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of distil. potable alcoh. drinks Pro.piva 1 1 - - 3 - - 3 - - Manufacture of beer Pro.mineralnih vod,brezalkohol.pijaË 14 14 - - - - - - - - Production of miner.water, soft drinks Pro.tekstilij 750 750 - - 139 6 - 127 - 6 Manufacture of textiles Priprava,predenje volnene mikanke 1 1 - - - - - - - - Prepar. & spin. of woollen-type fibres Pro.öivalnih sukancev - - - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of sewing threads Tkanje bombaűne preje 6 6 - - 2 - - 2 - - Cotton-type weaving Tkanje dr.preje 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - Other textile weaving Plemenitenje tekstilij 28 28 - - 1 - - 1 - - Finishing of textiles Pro.tekstilnih izd.brez oblaËil 14 14 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of made-up textiles, not apparel Pro.preprog,talnih oblog 3 3 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of carpets and rugs Pro.vrvi,motvozov,ipd. 10 10 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of cordage, rope, twine& netting Pro.netkanih tekstilij brez oblaËil 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of nonwovens & goods, not apparel Pro.dr.tekstilnih izd. 439 439 - - 118 3 - 1-9 - 6 Manufacture of other textiles nec. Pro.nogavic 13 13 - - 4 1 - 3 - - Mfr. of knitted and crocheted hosiery Pro.pletenih,kvaËkanih oblaËil 234 234 - - 8 2 - 6 - - Mfr. of knit. & croch. pullovers, etc. Pro.oblaËil;strojenje,dodelava krzna 409 409 - - 23 1 1 21 - - Mfr. of wearing apparel; dress. of fur Pro.delovnih oblaËil 11 11 - - 3 - 1 2 - - Manufacture of workwear Pro.dr.vrhnjih oblaËil 308 308 - - 16 1 - 15 - - Manufacture of other outerwear Pro.spodnjega perila 5 5 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of underwear StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 314 Pro.dr.oblaËil,dodatkov,d.n. 85 85 - - 4 - - 4 - - Mfr. of other wearing apparel,etc.nec. Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 40 40 - - 3 - - 3 - - Leather tanning; mfr. of luggage, etd. Pro.usnjene galanterije 16 16 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of luggage and the like, saddlery Pro.obutve 24 24 - - 3 - - 3 - - Manufacture of footwear Obdelava in predelava lesa 764 763 1 - 136 3 1 121 1 10 Mfr. of vwood and wood, cork, etc. goods éaganje,skobljanje,impregniranje lesa 264 264 - - 116 2 1 102 1 10 Sawmill., planing, impregnation of wood Pro.furnirja,vezanega lesa,ploöË 5 5 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of veneer sheets; plywood, etc. Lesno stavbarstvo 2 2 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of builders' carpentry and joinery Pro.lesene embalaűe 110 110 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of wooden containers Pro.dr.izd.iz lesa 379 378 1 - 20 1 - 19 - - Mfr. of other products of wood Pro.izd.iz plute,slame,protja 4 4 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of articles of cork, straw, etc. Pro.vlaknin,papirja ter izd.iz njih 181 181 - - 22 1 - 21 - - Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products Pro.valovitega kartona,embalaűe 27 27 - - 6 - - 6 - - Mfr.corrugated paper & containers Pro.gospodinjskih,higienskih izdelkov 1 1 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of household & toilet goods Pro.pisalnih potreböËin iz papirja 3 3 - - 2 1 - 1 - - Manufacture of paper stationery Pro.dr.izd.iz papirja,kartona 150 150 - - 14 - - 14 - - Mfr. of paper & paperboard goods nec. Zaloűniötvo,tiskarstvo 850 850 - - 60 4 - 56 - - Publishing, printing and recorded media Dr.tiskarstvo 355 355 - - 17 2 - 15 - - Printing not elsewhere classiffied Knjigoveötvo in dodelava 36 36 - - - - - - - - Bookbinding and finishing Priprava tiskovnih sestavkov 301 301 - - 23 2 - 21 - - Composition and plate-making Dr.tiskarske stor. 158 158 - - 20 - - 20 - - Other activities to printing Pro.kemikalij,kemiËnih izd.,umetnih vl. 88 88 - - 54 1 - 50 - 3 Mfr. of chemicals & chemical products Pro.barvil in pigmentov 1 1 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of dyes and pigments Pro.dr.organskih osnovnih kemikalij 5 5 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of other organic basic chemicals Pro.farmacevtskih preparatov 21 21 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of pharmaceutical preparations Pro.mil,pralnih,Ëistilnih sredstev 10 10 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of soap & deterg., polishes, etc. Pro.parfumov,toaletnih sredstev 14 14 - - 4 1 - 3 - - Mfr. of perfumes & toilet preparations Pro.eteriËnih olj 4 4 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of essential oils Pro.dr.kemiËnih izd.,d.n. 33 33 - - 48 - - 45 - 3 Mfr. of other chemical products nec. Pro.izd.iz gume in plastiËnih mas 936 935 - 1 79 - - 76 1 2 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro.dr.izd.iz gume 59 59 - - 6 - - 6 - - Mfr. of other rubber products Pro.ploöË,folij,cevi iz plastiËnih mas 122 122 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of plastic plates, sheets, etc. Pro.embalaűe iz plastiËnih mas 110 110 - - 8 - - 8 - - Manufacture of plastic pack goods Pro.izd.iz plastiËnih mas za gradb. 95 95 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of builders' ware of plastic Pro.dr.izd.iz plastiËnih mas 550 549 - 1 59 - - 56 1 2 Manufacture of other plastic products Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 181 181 - - 22 1 - 20 - 1 Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products Pro.dr.vrst stekla,steklenih izd. 29 29 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of other glass incl. technical Pro.gospodinjske,okrasne keramike 13 13 - - 14 1 - 12 - 1 Mfr. of ceramic household, etc. goods Pro.dr.keramike 20 20 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of other ceramic products Pro.keramiËnih streönikov,opeke,ipd. 10 10 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of bricks, etc. in baked clay Pro.apna 1 1 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of lime Pro.betonskih izd.za gradbeniötvo 83 83 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of concrete goods for construction Pro.dr.izd.iz betona,cementa,mavca 12 12 - - 4 - - 4 - - Mfr. of other articles of concrete,etc. Pro.brusilnih sredstev 5 5 - - - - - - - - Production of abrasive products Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 8 8 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of other non-metal. minerals nec. Pro.kovinskih izd.brez strojev,naprav 1384 1384 - - 415 8 1 390 - 16 Mfr. of fabricated metal, not machines Kovanje,valjanje kovin,praöna metalur. 7 7 - - 2 - - 2 - - Forg. pres.,stamp.&roll form. of metal Povröinska obdelava,prekrivanje kovin 95 95 - - 9 1 - 8 - - Treatment and coating of metals Spl.mehaniËna dela 29 29 - - 1 - - 1 - - General mechanical engineering Pro.rezil 3 3 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of cutlery Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti podroËja, oddelki in razredi FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons Standard Classification of Activities sections, divisions and classes sk up aj to ta l sa m os to jn i p od je tn ik i p os am ez ni ki in di vi du al p riv at e en tre pr en eu rs do m aË a in u m et na o br t ho m e an d ar t m an ifa ct ur e es ta bl is hm en ts dr ug e ot he rs sk up aj to ta l dr uű be z n eo m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo ge ne ra l p ar tn er sh ip s ko m an di tn e dr uű be lim ite d pa rtn er sh ip s dr uű be z o m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo lim ite d lia bi lit y co m pa ni es de ln iö ke d ru űb e jo in t s to ck c om pa ni es dr ug e ot he rs 20.6 Obrtni obrati z obrti podobnimi dejavnostmi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Craft establishments with activities similar to craft classified by Standard Classification of Activities and legal organisational forms, 31.12. 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 315 Pro.kljuËavnic,okovja 35 35 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of locks and hinges Pro.jeklenih bobnov,sodov,ipd. 4 4 - - - - - - - - Mfr.of steel drums, similar containers Pro.izd.iz űice 14 14 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of wire products Pro.dr.kovinskih izd.,d.n. 1197 1197 - - 401 7 1 377 - 16 Mfr.of oth.fabric. metal products nec. Pro.strojev in naprav 348 348 - - 21 - - 21 - - Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro.pip,ventilov 8 8 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of taps and valves Pro.leűajev,zobnikov,ipd. 4 4 - - 0 - - - - - Mfr. of bearings, gears, gear.elements Pro.peËi,gorilnikov 8 8 - - 0 - - - - - Mfr. of furnaces and furnace burners Pro.hladilnih,prezraËevalnih naprav 3 3 - - 0 - - - - - Mfr. of non-domestic ventilation equip. Pro.dr.naprav za sploöno rabo,d.n. 16 16 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of other general machinery nec. Pro.dr.kmetijskih,gozdarskih strojev 229 229 - - 10 - - 10 - - Mfr. other agric.& forest. machines Pro.obdelovalnih strojev 32 32 - - 2 - - 2 - - Manufacture of machine tools Pro.metalurökih strojev 4 4 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of machinery for metallurgy Pro.rudarskih,gradbenih strojev 6 6 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of mach. for mining, quarrying... Pro.strojev za űivilsko,tobaËno ind. 12 12 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of machin.for food, bever.&tobac. Pro.strojev za tekstilno,usnjarsko ind. 14 14 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of textile, apparel & leather.prod. Pro.strojev za dr.posebne namene,d.n. 12 12 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of other spec.purpose machin. nec. Pro.el.strojev,aparatov 116 116 - - 59 - 1 57 - 1 Mfr. of electric. machineryetc. nec. Pro.izoliranih el.kablov,űic 3 3 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of insulated wire and cable Pro.akumulator.,primarnih Ël.,baterij 5 5 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of accumulators, batteries, etc. Pro.opreme za razsvetljavo 17 17 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of lighting equipment and lamps Pro.dr.el.opreme,d.n. 91 91 - - 57 - 1 55 - 1 Mfr. of other electrical equip. nec. Pro.RTV,komunikacijskih aparatov,opreme 128 128 - - 23 1 - 22 - - Mfr. of radio, tv and equipment Pro.elektronk,dr.elektron.komponent 128 128 - - 23 1 - 22 - - Mfr. of electronic components Pro.medicin.,finomehan.,optiËnih instr. 38 38 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of medical & precision instruments Pro.medicin.,kiruröke,ortoped.opreme 32 32 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of medical, orthopaed.,etc.equip. Pro.optiËnih instr.in fotoopreme 6 6 - - 1 - - 1 - - Mfr. of optical & photographic equip. Pro.mot.vozil,prikolic,polprikolic 7 7 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of motor vehicles, trailers, etc. Pro.delov,opreme za mot.vozila 7 7 - - 2 - - 2 - - Mfr. of motor vehicle & engine parts Pro.dr.vozil,plovil 16 16 - - 3 - - 3 - - Mfr. of other transport equipment Pro.,popravilo öportnih Ëolnov,jaht 14 14 - - 3 - - 3 - - Build.& repair. pleas., sport.boats Pro.dr.vozil 2 2 - - - - - - - - Mfr. of other transport equipment nec. Pro.pohiötva,dr.predelovalne dej. 603 601 2 - 57 2 - 5- - 5 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing nec. Pro.dr.pohiötva 4 4 - - 1 - - 1 - - Manufacture of other furniture Pro.űimnic 2 2 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of mattresses Pro.glasbenih instr. 33 33 - - 2 - - 2 - - Manufacture of musical instruments Pro.öportnih izd. 80 80 - - 4 - - 4 - - Manufacture of sports goods Pro.igraË 32 32 - - 4 - - 4 - - Manufacture of games and toys Pro.biűuterije 4 4 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of imitation jewellery Pro.metel,krtaË 22 22 - - - - - - - - Manufacture od brooms and brushes Pro.dr.izd.,d.n. 426 424 2 - 46 2 - 39 - 5 Other manufacturing nec. Reciklaűa 31 31 - - 1 - - 1 - - Recycling Reciklaűa kovinskih odpadkov 9 9 - - - - - - - - Recycling of metal waste & scrap Reciklaűa nekovinskih odpadkov 22 22 - - 1 - - 1 - - Recycling non-metal waste & scrap F Gradbeniötvo 2560 2557 - 3 798 23 2 743 4 26 F Construction Gradbeniötvo 2560 2557 - 3 798 23 2 743 4 26 Construction Sploöna gradbena dela 393 393 - - 13 - - 12 1 - Gener. construction & civil engineer. Postavljanje ostreöij,krovska dela 7 7 - - - - - - - - Erection of roof covering & frames Gradnja cest,letaliöË,ipd. 3 3 - - 1 - - 1 - - Construction of roads, airfields, etc. Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti podroËja, oddelki in razredi FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons Standard Classification of Activities sections, divisions and classes sk up aj to ta l sa m os to jn i p od je tn ik i p os am ez ni ki in di vi du al p riv at e en tre pr en eu rs do m aË a in u m et na o br t ho m e an d ar t m an ifa ct ur e es ta bl is hm en ts dr ug e ot he rs sk up aj to ta l dr uű be z n eo m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo ge ne ra l p ar tn er sh ip s ko m an di tn e dr uű be lim ite d pa rtn er sh ip s dr uű be z o m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo lim ite d lia bi lit y co m pa ni es de ln iö ke d ru űb e jo in t s to ck c om pa ni es dr ug e ot he rs 20.6 Obrtni obrati z obrti podobnimi dejavnostmi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Craft establishments with activities similar to craft classified by Standard Classification of Activities and legal organisational forms, 31.12. 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 316 Dr.gradbena dela 26 26 - - 1 - - 1 - - Other special trades construction Izolacijska dela 79 79 - - 3 1 - 1 1 - Insulation work activities Vodovodne,plinske,sanitarne instal. 99 99 - - 3 - - 3 - - Plumbing Vgrajevanje pohiötva 591 588 - 3 27 1 - 26 - - Joinery installation Oblaganje tal,sten 251 251 - - 6 - - 6 - - Floor and wall covering Dr.zakljuËna gradbena dela 242 242 - - 728 21 2 677 2 26 Other building completion Dajanje gradb.str. s posadko v najem 869 869 - - 16 - - 16 - - Renting of construct. equip. & operator G Trgovina;popravila mot.vozil 496 496 - - 21 1 - 20 - - G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 377 377 - - 13 1 - 12 - - Sale, reapair etc. motors; fuel Vzdrűevanje,poprav.mot.vozil 377 377 - - 13 1 - 12 - - Maintenance and repair of motors Trg.na drobno brez mot.vozil;poprav.iz . 119 119 - - 8 - - 8 - - Retail trade, not motors; repairs Popravilo obutve,usnjenih izd. 71 71 - - 2 - - 2 - - Repair of boots, shoes, leather goods Dr.popravila,d.n. 48 48 - - 6 - - 6 - - Repair not elsewhere classified H Gostinstvo 4756 4753 - 3 20 - - 19 - 1 H Hotels and restaurants Gostinstvo 4756 4753 - 3 20 - - 19 - 1 Hotels and restaurants Hoteli z restavracijo,penzioni 30 30 - - 1 - - 1 - - Hotels and motels, with restaurant Gostinske storitve prehrane 4411 4409 - 2 6 - - 5 - 1 Restaurants ToËenje pijaË,napitkov 315 314 - 1 13 - - 13 - - Bars I Promet,skladiöËenje,zveze 7967 7966 1 14 - - 14 - - I Transport, storage and communication Kopenski promet,cevovodni transport 7928 7927 - 1 13 - - 13 - - Land transport; pipelines transport Dr.kopenski potniöki promet,redne linij 39 39 - - 1 - - 1 - - Oth scheduled passenger land transp. Taksi 438 438 - - - - - - - - Taxi operation Dr.kopenski potniöki promet 250 250 - - - - - - - - Other passenger land transport Cestni tovorni promet 7201 7200 - 1 12 - - 12 - - Freight transport by road Vodni promet 39 39 - - 1 - - 1 - - Water transport Pomorski promet 20 20 - - - - - - - - Sea and coastal water transport ReËni,jezerski promet 19 19 - - 1 - - 1 - - Inland water transport K NepremiËnine,najem,poslovne stor. 810 809 1 - 332 7 1 319 3 2 K Real estate,renting& business activities Dajanje strojev,opreme v najem 24 24 - - 1 - - 1 - - Renting equipment without operator Izposojanje izd.öiroke porabe 24 24 - - 1 - - 1 - - Rent. of personal & h'hold goods nec. Druge poslovne dej. 786 785 1 - 331 7 1 318 3 2 Other business activities »iöËenje stavb 455 455 - - 320 6 1 308 3 2 Industrial cleaning Fotografska dej. 141 141 - - 3 - - 3 - - Photographic activities Pakiranje 87 86 1 - 2 - - 2 - - Packaging activities Dr.raznovrstne poslovne dej.,d.n. 103 103 - - 6 1 - 5 - - Other business activities nec. O Dr.javne,skupne in osebne stor. 278 278 - - 58 4 - 46 2 6 O Other social and personal services Stor.javne higiene 31 31 - - 5 1 - 3 - 1 Refuse disposal, sanitation, etc. Stor.javne higiene 31 31 - - 5 1 - 3 - 1 Refuse disposal, sanitation, etc. Rekreacijske,kulturne,öportne dej. 24 24 - - - - - - - - Recreational, cultural& sport.activities Umetniöko ustvarjanje,poustvarjanje 24 24 - - - - - - - - Artistic and literary creation, etc. Dr.storitvene dej. 223 223 - - 53 3 - 43 2 5 Other service activities Dej.pralnic,kemiËnih Ëistilnic 92 92 - - 37 1 - 29 2 5 Washing and dry-cleaning of textile& fur Dr.stor.za nego telesa 88 88 - - 13 2 - 11 - - Physical well-being activities Pogrebne stor. 27 27 - - 2 - - 2 - - Funeral and related activities Dr.storitvene dej.,d.n. 16 16 - - 1 - - 1 - - Other service activities nec. Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti podroËja, oddelki in razredi FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons Standard Classification of Activities sections, divisions and classes sk up aj to ta l sa m os to jn i p od je tn ik i p os am ez ni ki in di vi du al p riv at e en tre pr en eu rs do m aË a in u m et na o br t ho m e an d ar t m an ifa ct ur e es ta bl is hm en ts dr ug e ot he rs sk up aj to ta l dr uű be z n eo m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo ge ne ra l p ar tn er sh ip s ko m an di tn e dr uű be lim ite d pa rtn er sh ip s dr uű be z o m ej en o od go vo rn os tjo lim ite d lia bi lit y co m pa ni es de ln iö ke d ru űb e jo in t s to ck c om pa ni es dr ug e ot he rs 20.6 Obrtni obrati z obrti podobnimi dejavnostmi po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Craft establishments with activities similar to craft classified by Standard Classification of Activities and legal organisational forms, 31.12. 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Obrt Crafts 317 Gradbeniötvo Construction 318 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21. GRADBENIäTVO CONSTRUCTION VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki o razvoju gradbeniötva, stanju in rezultatih dela gradbenih podjetij in organizacij ter podatki o organizaciji in strukturi gradbeniötva so zbrani s podatki v zakljuËnih raËunih (Agencija za plaËilni promet, nadziranje in informiranje), z MeseËnim raziskovanjem o zaposlenih osebah in plaËah, s podatki Republiöke uprave za javne prihodke, z MeseËnim poroËilom o gradbeniötvu in z Letnim poroËilom o gradbenem objektu. Drugi podatki so zbrani z Letnim poroËilom o gradbenem objektu, z Letnim poroËilom o porabi gradbenega in pogonskega materiala, s TrimeseËnim poroËilom o izvajanju gradbenih del v tujini ter storitvah projektiranja, inűeniringa in tehniËnega svetovanja pri graditvi objektov v tujini, z Letnim poroËilom o ruöitvah in spremembah namembnosti stanovanj ter s Polletnim poroËilom o cenah novih stanovanj. ZAJETJE Z Letnim poroËilom o gradbenem objektu so po Nomenklaturi gradbenih objektov in del zajeti objekti, na katerih so gradbena podjetja in organizacije opravljala gradbena, obrtniöka in/ali inötalacijska dela. Z Letnim poroËilom o stavbi, grajeni v reűiji individualnega lastniötva, so poleg stanovanjskih zajete tudi druge stavbe, na katerih so v letu poroËanja obËani v lastni reűiji opravljali gradbena, obrtniöka in/ali inötalacijska dela pri novih gradnjah, poveËavah in adaptacijah. Vrednost opravljenih del na objektih, ki so jih gradila podjetja, temelji na letnih ali konËnih obraËunskih situacijah, vrednost del na objektih, ki so jih gradili obËani v lastni reűiji, pa ocenjujejo referenti v upravnih enotah. Podatki o stanovanjski gradnji so zbrani z Letnim poroËilom za vsako stavbo, v kateri je stanovanje in na kateri so bila v tekoËem letu izvedena gradbena, obrtniöka in/ali inötalacijska dela. Zajeta so vsa stanovanja v novih stavbah, v prizidkih k starim stavbam in stanovanja, pridobljena z rekonstrukcijo ali adaptacijo drugih prostorov. Stanovanja so klasificirana po investitorju kot pravni ali fiziËni osebi. Z Letnim poroËilom o porabi gradbenega in pogonskega materiala je zajeta poraba v gradbenih in drugih delovnih organizacijah. Podatki o gradbeni dejavnosti v tujini so zbrani s TrimeseËnim poroËilom o izvajanju gradbenih del v tujini ter storitvah projektiranja, inűeniringa in tehniËnega svetovanja pri graditvi objektov v tujini. PoroËajo podjetja ter druge organizacije, ki opravljajo gradbena, obrtniöka in inötalacijska dela ter projektantske, inűeniring in svetovalne storitve za tujino. Polletno poroËilo o cenah novih stanovanj zajema cene za dokonËana stanovanja, ki so jih gradila gradbena podjetja in druge organizacije. Podatki o ruöitvah in drugih spremembah stanovanjskega sklada so zbrani v letnem poroËilu upravnih organov, podjetij ter drugih organizacij, ki imajo dokumentacijo za to vrsto gradbenih del. PoroËilo zajema vsako podrto stavbo, v kateri je bilo vsaj eno stanovanje. Niso zajete stavbe brez stanovanj, stavbe, ki so se uporabljale samo med sezonskimi deli, stavbe za skupinska stanovanja (internati, domovi, samski hoteli, barake ipd.) niti zasilno naseljeni prostori (lope, garaűe ipd.). Skupni stanovanjski sklad predstavljajo podatki o stanovanjih (glej definicijo), zbrani ob Popisu prebivalstva, gospodinjstev, stanovanj in kmeËkih gospodarstev 31. 3. 1991. Ker so k tem priöteta tudi po Popisu 1991 zgrajena stanovanja, so zajeta vsa stanovanja na obmoËju Republike Slovenije, namenjena za stalno stanovanje, ne glede na to, ali so bila ob popisu naseljena ali ne. V stanovanjskem skladu niso upoötevana stanovanja, ki se uporabljajo samo obËasno za poËitek ali rekreacijo ali med sezonskimi deli v kmetijstvu. Prav tako niso upoötevani zasilno naseljeni prostori (poslovni prostori, barake, kleti, podstreöja itd.) ter skupinska stanovanja (domovi, internati itd.). Praviloma so zajeta samo dokonËana stanovanja, v katerih so bila opravljena vsa gradbena, inötalacijska in obrtniöka dela. Izjemoma so bila ob popisu zajeta tudi nedokonËana stanovanja, Ëe jih je gospodinjstvo űe uporabljalo za stalno stanovanje. Popisan je bil le del, ki se je uporabljal za stanovanje, ne glede na to, do katere stopnje je bil objekt zgrajen. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The development of construction, the situation and results of construction enterprises and organizations and data on organization and structure of construction are collected from data in balance sheets (the Agency for Payment, Supervision and Information), by Monthly Surveys on Employed Persons and their Wages, by data from the National Office of Public Income, by the Monthly Report on Construction Works and by the Annual Report on Building or Civil Engineering Work. Other data are gathered through the Annual Report on Building or Civil Engineering Work, the Annual Report on the Consumption of Construction and Propulsion Materials, the Quarterly Report on Construction Work abroad and Designing, Engineering and Consulting Services for Foreign Countries, the Annual Report on Demolitions and Other Changes in the Dwelling Stock, and the Half-yearly Report on Prices of New Dwellings. COVERAGE With the Annual Report on Building or Civil Engineering Work, in accordance with the Nomenclature of Structures and Construction Works, we cover facilities at which construction enterprises and organizations have carried out construction, finishing and/or installation works. With the Annual Report on Building Constructed Under the Direction of Individual Ownership we cover, besides residential buildings, other buildings in which construction, finishing and/or installation works have been carried out by citizens under their own direction in the year under review. Three types of building activities are distinguished: new construction, extension, and adaptation. The value of construction works carried out by enterprises is based on the annual or final state of accounts. The value of construction works carried out by citizens under their own direction is assessed by municipality officials. Data on residential building are gathered by means of the Annual Report on Building or Civil Engineering Work for each building containing dwellings where, during the current year, construction, finishing and/or installation works have been carried out. We cover all dwellings in new buildings and in extensions to old buildings, as well as dwellings created through the renovation or conversion of other premises. Dwellings are classified according to the investor, who may be a legal or physical person. The Annual Report on the Consumption of Construction and Propulsion Materials covers consumption within construction and other organizations. Data on construction activity abroad are gathered by means of the Quarterly Report on Construction Works and Designing, Engineering and Consulting Services for Foreign Countries. Reports are received from enterprises and other organizations and groups carrying out construction, finishing and/or installation works and designing, engineering and consulting services for foreign partners. The Half-yearly Report on Prices of New Dwellings covers only the prices of new dwellings built by construction enterprises and other organizations. Data on demolitions and other changes in the dwelling stock are gathered in the annual report of municipal organs, enterprises and other organizations and groups which keep files of construction works of this kind. The report covers every demolished building with at least one dwelling. The report does not cover buildings without dwellings, buildings which were used only during seasonal labour periods, buildings in multiple occupation where the occupants do not form a single household (boarding homes, homes, dormitory hostels, huts, etc.) and temporary accommodation premises (garages, hangars, etc.). The total dwelling stock is made up of data on dwellings (see Definitions) gathered during the Census of Population, Households, Housings and Agricultural Holdings on 31 March 1991. Since dwellings built after the Census are also counted, we include all dwellings on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia intended for permanent residence, irrespective of whether they were occupied at the time of the Census or not. The dwelling stock does not include dwellings used temporarily for rest or recreation or during seasonal farming labour periods. Living quarters other than conventional dwellings (business premises, huts, cellars, attics, etc.) and residences in multiple occupation (homes, boarding homes, etc.) are also excluded. Dwellings where all construction, finishing and installation works have been completed are included. Conventional dwellings under construction are only included in exceptional cases where they have already been used as permanent residence by a household. The part used for residence is recorded irrespective of its state of completion. Gradbeniötvo Construction 319 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Posebej so prikazani podatki za naselja mestnega tipa. Seznam mestnih naselij je bil izdelan za potrebe statistike pri obdelavi podatkov popisa in drugih statistiËnih raziskovanj v sodelovanju Republiöke geodetske uprave, Urada za makroekonomske analize in razvoj, UrbanistiËnega inötituta, Geodetskega inötituta ter StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije. DEFINICIJE Gradbeni objekt je vsaka podzemna ali nadzemna zgradba, ki je v gradbenem pomenu celota z vnaprej doloËenim namenom, vezana na doloËen prostor. Podkategorije objektov in gradbene velikosti so navedene po Nomenklaturi gradbenih objektov in del (Metodoloöko gradivo, öt. 1/92). Nova gradnja je na novo zgrajen objekt na kraju, kjer je űe stal objekt, ki je bil poruöen, ali na kraju, kjer pred gradnjo ni bilo drugega objekta. Za novo gradnjo se öteje tudi poveËava objekta v vodoravni ali v navpiËni smeri. Izboljöave kot rekonstrukcije in adaptacije so gradbena dela, s katerimi se spremeni konstrukcijski sistem objekta zato, da se izboljöa njegova uporabnost. Namen gradbenega objekta pri rekonstrukciji ostane isti, pri adaptaciji pa se spremeni. Velika popravila so gradbena dela, s katerimi se obnovijo dotrajani deli stavb in drugih objektov. Razporeditev prostorov, konstrukcijski sistem in namen objekta pri teh delih ostanejo nespremenjeni. Dela rednega vzdrűevanja so manjöa gradbena dela, katerih izvedba je potrebna za normalno uporabo gradbenega objekta. Vrednost opravljenih del je izraűena v tekoËih cenah in vkljuËuje tudi vgrajeni material in opremo. Pri vrednosti pogodb za dela v tujini so zajete vse pogodbe, ki so jih sklenila podjetja ali druge organizacije neposredno ali prek poslovnih zdruűenj oziroma za te posle specializiranih organizacij. Vrednost opravljenih del na gradbenih objektih v tujini zajema skupno vrednost del ter porabljenega materiala in vgrajene opreme, ne glede na to, od kod oboje izvira. Podatki o stanovanjih, zbrani s Popisom prebivalstva, gospodinjstev, stanovanj in kmeËkih gospodarstev v Republiki Sloveniji 1991, so objavljeni v poglavju Pregled po obËinah StatistiËnega letopisa Republike Slovenije 1994. Stanovanje je vsaka gradbeno povezana celota, ki je namenjena za stanovanje in ima eno ali veË sob z ustreznimi pomoűnimi prostori (kuhinja, shramba, predsoba, kopalnica, straniöËe) ali je brez njih ter ima vsaj en poseben vhod. Stanovanja so razvröËena po ötevilu sob. Soba je prostor, ki je s stalnimi stenami loËen od drugih stanovanjskih prostorov, ima neposredno dnevno svetlobo in najmanj 6 m2 povröine. Pri enosobnih stanovanjih so prikazane: posebne sobe, garsonjere in enosobna stanovanja. Posebna soba je stanovanje s sobo brez kuhinje in kopalnice. Lahko ima predsobo, straniöËe ali shrambo, vendar mora biti uporabna povröina teh pomoűnih prostorov manjöa od 6 m2. Garsonjera je stanovanje z eno sobo, kopalnico in predsobo, z majhno kuhinjo (do 4 m2) ali brez nje. Enosobno ali veËsobno stanovanje ima eno ali veË sob, kuhinjo (ali pa ne) in druge pomoűne prostore, katerih uporabna povröina je veËja kot 6 m2. V povröini stanovanja je upoötevana uporabna povröina sob, kuhinje in drugih pomoűnih prostorov, povröina zaprtih teras in verand ter povröina pod vgrajenimi omarami. Debelina sten ter povröina odprtih teras in balkonov nista upoötevani. Stanovanje v gradnji je stanovanje, ki je predvideno z naËrtom v posamezni stavbi in bo dokonËano v prihodnjih letih. DokonËano stanovanje je stanovanje, v katerem so v vseh prostorih opravljena z naËrtom predvidena gradbena, obrtniöka in inötalacijska dela. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Popis temeljnih podatkov stanovanjskega fonda in zgradb LRS za leto 1949. Gradnje za leto 1949. Letni pregled gradbeniötva, investicij za leto 1950. Pregled gradbene in investicijske dejavnosti 1951. Letni pregled gradbeniötva, investicij in komunalne dejavnosti 1952. Data for urban settlements are given separately. The list of urban settlements was created for statistical purposes in connection with the processing of data of the census and other statistical surveys in collaboration with the Surveying and Mapping Authority, the Institute for Social Planning, the Urban Planning Institute, the Geodetic Institute and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. DEFINITIONS Any freestanding under- or aboveground structure is considered to be a building or civil engineering work, whose purpose is determined in advance and is located in a specific area. Subcategories and building sizes are cited according to the Nomenclature of Structures and Construction Works (Methodological Material, No. 1/92). A new construction is a newly-built structure built on a location previously cleared by demolition or on a location where there was no previous structure. New construction works include extensions of existing structures, both horizontally or vertically. Improvements, such as restorations and adaptations, relate to structural changes of a building in such a way as to increase its utility. The purpose of the structure remains the same in the case of restoration and is altered in the case of adaptation. Capital repairs are construction works which comprise the renewal of buildings and other structures, while the arrangement, structure system and purpose of these facilities remain the same. Current maintenance works are minor construction works which keep the structure in a state of normal functioning. The value of construction put in place is given at current prices. It comprises the value of all materials and equipment built in and the manhours as well. The contractual value of works abroad encompasses all contracts signed by an enterprise or other organization directly or through commercial associations or organizations specialised in such business. The value of construction works done abroad covers the total value of such works including the value of the material used and equipment fitted, irrespective of their origin. Data on dwellings gathered with 1991 Census of Population, Households, Housings and Agricultural Holdings in the Republic of Slovenia are published in the Review by municipalities in the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1994. According to the definition, a dwelling is any structurally unified whole intended for residence, with one or more rooms, with or without appropriate utility spaces (kitchen, larder, hallway, bathroom, toilet) and with at least one separate entrance. Dwellings are classified according to the number of rooms they consist of. A room is an interior space separated from others by permanent walls, which receives direct daylight and has an area of at least six square metres. One-room dwellings comprise: separate rooms, bedsit and one room dwellings. A separate room is a dwelling with a room, with no kitchen or bathroom. It may have a hallway, toilet or larder, but only if the area of such auxiliary interiors does not exceed six square metres. A bedsit is a dwelling with a room, hallway and bathroom and which may have a small kitchen (up to four square metres of area). A one-room or multi-room dwelling has one or more rooms, which may have a kitchen and has other auxiliary interiors with an area greater than six square metres. The useful floor space of a dwelling covers the utilisable area of the rooms, kitchen and other auxiliary interiors, the area of terraces and verandas enclosed and the area enclosed by fitted cupboards. The thickness of the walls and the area of open terraces and balconies are not included. A dwelling under construction is a dwelling planned for a particular building and which will be completed in future. A dwelling completed is a dwelling in which all designed construction, installation and finishing works in all interiors have been accomplished. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Census of Fundamental Data on the Housing Stock and Buildings of the People's Republic of Slovenia for 1949. Constructions for 1949. Annual Review of Construction and Investments for 1950. Review of Construction and Investment Activity 1951. Annual Review of Construction, Investments and Public Utilities 1952. Gradbeniötvo Construction 320 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Statistical Material, 1963, No. 20; 1964, No. 17; 1965 No. 23, 1966 No. 11, 1967 No. 18, 1968 No. 15. Results of Surveys, No. 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 74, 134, 145, 171, 220, 272, 301, 357, 396, 436, 476, 530, 556, 598, 621, 660, 686. Statistical Data by Communities, of the Republic of Slovenia, 1959, vol. III; 1960, vol. III; 1961, vol. III; 1962, vol. III; 1963, vol. VI; 1964, vol. IX; 1965, vol. VI; 1966, vol. VII; 1967, vol. VI; 1969, vol. XI; 1970, vol. IX; 1971, vol. X; 1972, vol. XI; 1974, vol. XII; 1975, vol. III; 1976, vol. XVI; 1978, vol. I; 1979, vol. XXIV; 1981, vol. I; 1981, vol. XVII; 1982, vol. I; 1983, vol. I; 1984, vol. X; 1985, No. 8; 1986, No. 6; 1987, No. 13; 1989, No. 7, 25; 1991, No. 3; 1992, No. 5; 1993, No. 8; 1994, No. 10; 1995, No. 7; 1996, No. 3. StatistiËno gradivo, 1963, öt. 20; 1964, öt. 17; 1965, öt. 23; 1966, öt. 11; 1967, öt. 18; 1968, öt. 15. Rezultati raziskovanj, öt. 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 74, 134, 145, 171, 220, 272, 301, 357, 396, 436, 476, 530, 556, 598, 621, 660, 686. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije, 1959, zv. III; 1960, zv. III; 1961, zv. III; 1962, zv. III; 1963, zv. VI; 1964, zv. IX; 1965, zv. VI; 1966, zv. VII; 1967, zv. VI; 1969, zv. XI; 1970, zv. IX; 1971, zv. X; 1972, zv. XI; 1974, zv. XII; 1975, zv. III; 1976, zv. XVI; 1978, zv. I; 1979, zv. XII; 1979, zv. XXIV; 1981, zv. I; 1981, zv. XVII; 1982, zv. I; 1983, zv. I; 1984, zv. X; 1985, öt. 8; 1986, öt. 6; 1987, öt. 13; 1989, öt. 7, 25; 1991, öt. 3; 1992, öt. 5; 1993, öt. 8; 1994, öt. 10; 1995, öt. 7; 1996, öt. 3. Gradbeniötvo Construction 321 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.1 Pregled razvoja gradbeniötva Summary of construction industry development 1) Letno povpreËje. Annual average. 2) Vrednost opravljenih del v druűbeni lasti. Value of construction put in place, investor being a legal person. 3) TekoËe cene. Current prices. 4) Po Nomenklaturi gradbenih objektov in del. According to the Nomenclature of Structures and Construction Works. 5) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 21.2 Vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del - tekoËe cene Value of construction put in place - current prices mio SIT1) 1) Za leto1990 v dinarjih. For 1990 in Dinars. ätevilo podjetij in drugih organizacij Number of enterprises and other organizations Zaposlene osebe1) Persons in paid employment1) Veriűni indeks opravljenih ur Chain index of hours done Vrednost opravljenih del2)3) Value of construction put in place2)3) skupaj total gospodarski objekti4) business projects4) negospodarski objekti4) non-business projects4) 1000 SIT5) 1974 135 50740 110,1 967 613 354 1975 252 57288 108,9 1437 887 550 1976 352 70470 96,9 1553 996 557 1977 348 74676 103,6 1804 1157 647 1978 372 74799 105,3 2417 1334 1083 1979 384 76471 106,0 3431 2267 1164 1980 389 76261 96,1 4618 3146 1472 1981 388 73089 89,9 5126 3202 1924 1982 369 69936 87,9 5586 3653 1933 1983 354 67309 95,7 5717 3814 1903 1984 348 67761 101,6 9918 6463 3455 1985 348 68813 97,1 18182 12951 5231 1986 342 66772 101,0 38436 28800 9636 1987 330 65610 99,4 88476 63732 24744 1988 308 63270 102,9 245329 185481 59848 1989 294 62163 110,5 2553945 2358554 195391 1990 456 57508 85,4 15381254 11466681 3914573 1991 734 48314 74,3 22972315 17813895 5158420 1992 1080 38618 88,7 67453109 47837109 19616000 1993 1532 31722 81,8 77310946 60047886 17263060 1994 1655 31946 99,9 100630090 77950137 22679953 1995 1857 34121 100,9 116680900 91397900 25283000 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 SKUPAJ 20969 34420 90352 108500 142363 195996 TOTAL Investitor Investor pravna oseba 15381 22972 67453 77311 100630 116681 legal person fiziËna oseba 5588 11448 22899 31189 41733 79315 physical person Gradbeniötvo Construction 322 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.3 Vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del po vrstah in kategorijah objektov - investitor je pravna oseba Value of construction put in place by type of structure - investor is a legal person mio SIT1)2) 1) Za leto1990 v dinarjih. / For 1990 in Dinars. 2) TekoËe cene. / Current prices. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 SKUPAJ 15381 22972 67453 77311 100630 116681 TOTAL Objekti hidrogradenj 949 1806 4523 5183 7438 7324 Hydro-engineering projects Pregrade in nasipi 61 115 385 333 626 166 Dams and dikes Kanali 18 17 238 108 268 61 Canals Bazeni 14 45 2 45 326 862 Reservoirs of all types Predori in cevovodi za dovod in odvod vode 7 76 172 123 12 104 Hydroenergetic plant tunnels and water conduits Zavarovanje obal 67 359 673 548 291 345 Protection of banks Zunanji vodovodi 332 430 1231 1979 2816 2295 External water supply systems Zunanje kanalizacije 225 369 726 1202 2052 2122 External sewage Drugi objekti 225 396 1096 845 1047 1369 Other projects Prometni objekti 4568 7286 16056 18139 25100 35298 Transport facilities Ceste 2622 4097 12069 12733 15675 22455 Roads and highways Predori in galerije 638 1025 18 - 217 1447 Tunnels and galleries Ulice in trgi 122 174 787 1356 1681 1534 Streets and squares éelezniöki mostovi, nadvozi, podvozi in viadukti 8 10 73 14 6 158 Railway bridges, overpasses, underpasses and viaducts Cestni mostovi, nadvozi, podvozi in viadukti 667 907 1604 1738 3153 5234 Road bridges, overpasses, underpasses and viaducts éelezniöke proge 146 162 408 490 1681 3283 Railway tracks Operativna obala 14 39 208 127 211 182 Wharfs and decks Drugi objekti 350 872 888 1682 2478 1004 Other facilities Gradbeni objekti elektroenergetskih prenosov, TT- zvez in VS-naprav 560 1223 3555 4389 5229 4978 Power transmission lines, transmitting and connecting facilities Elektroenergetski vodi in omreűja 347 581 1319 1724 1500 1598 Transmission lines Drugi objekti 213 642 2236 2665 3729 3380 Other facilities Naftovodi, plinovodi, parovodi, űiËnice idr. transportni objekti 230 267 455 643 1060 1595 Oil, gas and hot-water pipelines, cableways and other transport facilities Naftovodi, plinovodi, parovodi 220 261 440 634 1055 1431 Oil, gas and hot-water pipelines éiËnice 9 7 4 7 4 132 Cableways Drugi objekti - - 11 2 1 32 Other transport facilities Geoloökoraziskovalna in rudarska dela 96 171 324 - 185 324 Geological exploration and mining projects Raziskovalna dela 0 - 3 - 185 324 Exploratory drilling Eksploatacijski jaöki in hodniki, podkopi in nadkopi 96 171 318 - - - Exploratory shafts, corridors and other facilities Druga rudarska dela - - 4 - - - Other mining projects Industrijske stavbe in objekti 1083 1364 4075 5607 5149 5238 Industrial buildings and other facilities Proizvodne stavbe 366 404 894 1575 2648 1922 Production buildings Hale in hangarji 208 273 1576 1650 692 1529 Factory sheds and hangars PeËi, suöilnice in dimniki 4 8 19 827 177 63 Refactory facilities Silosi, hladilnice, rezervoarji in cisterne 25 47 21 44 98 158 Silos, refrigeration facilities, reservoirs and tanks Druge stavbe 128 217 491 494 149 561 Other industrial buildings Drugi objekti 353 415 1074 1017 1385 1004 Other industrial facilities Kmetijske in gozdarske stavbe in objekti 86 78 120 305 242 473 Agricultural and forestry buildings and facilities Hlevi za veliko űivino in drobnico 18 13 40 60 40 59 Stalls for large and small livestock Stavbe za perutnino 29 38 - - - 26 Poultry houses Stavbe za kmetijske pridelke in orodje 17 9 30 85 89 131 Storage facilities for agricultural products and implements Druge stavbe in objekti v kmetijstvu 15 16 50 149 95 233 Other agricultural buildings and facilities Stavbe in objekti v gozdarstvu 8 3 0 12 18 24 Forestry buildings and facilities Druge gospodarske stavbe in objekti 2469 2501 10222 14822 17373 19930 Other buildings and facilities in the business sector Stavbe, hale in hangarji trgovine, gostinstva in turizma 1265 1207 4556 7601 9656 11620 Buildings, sheds and hangars for trade, hotels, restaurants and tourism Stavbe, hale in hangarji javnega prometa 286 225 533 894 1700 2448 Buildings, sheds and hangars for public transport Silosi, hladilnice, rezervoarji in cisterne (razen industrijskih) 7 0 - - - - Silos, refrigeration facilities, reservoirs and tanks (not for industrial purposes) Stavbe in objekti v gradbeniötvu in obrti 299 276 2187 1822 679 1441 Buildings and facilities in construction and crafts Upravne stavbe gospodarskih organizacij 411 537 2492 3649 2852 3348 Administration buildings of business sector Druge stavbe in objekti 202 256 453 856 2486 1074 Other buildings and facilities Stavbe in objekti negospodarskih dejavnosti 3774 4273 18670 16084 20507 22902 Buildings and facilities in the non-business sector Stanovanjske stavbe 1753 1806 8446 5336 7217 8060 Residential buildings Administrativne in upravne stavbe 255 450 2206 1872 2237 3958 Administration and management buildings Stavbe za izobraűevanje 380 606 2847 2192 3527 4445 Educational buildings Stavbe in objekti za kulturo, umetnost in informacije 292 344 692 1129 1359 959 Buildings and facilities for cultural activities, art and information centres Stavbe za zdravstveno dejavnost 382 276 1004 1639 2635 2222 Health buildings Stavbe socialnega skrbstva 217 187 1093 1183 1046 629 Social services buildings Stavbe in objekti za öportno vzgojo 272 228 477 1134 1464 1516 Buildings and facilities for physical education Druge stavbe in objekti 223 377 1906 1599 1021 1112 Other buildings and facilities Drugi objekti 341 954 2264 2117 3997 4470 Other facilities Redno vzdrűevanje 1225 3049 7189 10021 14351 14150 Regular maintenance Gradbeniötvo Construction 323 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.4 Vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del po dejavnosti izvajalca, 1995 Value of construction put in place by the contractor’s activity, 1995 mio SIT 21.5 DokonËani gradbeni objekti1) New construction projects completed1) Skupaj Objekti hidro- gradenj Pro- metni objekti Objekti TT-linij in VS- naprav Nafto- vodi, pli- novodi, paro- vodi, űiËnice in drugo Geo- loöko razis- kovalna in rudar- ska dela Indus- trijske stavbe in objekti Kme- tijske in gozdar- ske stavbe in objekti Druge gospo- darske stavbe in objekti Stano- vanjske stavbe Druge stavbe in objekti Redno vzdrűe- vanje Drugi objekti Total Hydro- engi- neering projects Trans- port facilities Trans- mitting and con- necting facilities Oil, gas and hot- water pipe- lines, cable- ways and other trans- port facilities Geologi- cal explora- tion and mining projects Indus- trial build- ings and other facilities Agricul- tural and forestry build- ings and facilities Other build- ings and facilities in the busi- ness sector Resi- dential build- ings Other build- ings and facilities Regular mainte- nance Other facilities SKUPAJ 120453 7497 35427 4978 1596 324 5291 506 21302 9235 15256 14465 4576 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 2635 75 12 1984 - - 49 - 312 97 26 62 18 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 104 - - - - - - 102 - - - 2 - Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 609 17 377 - - - 15 10 15 - 67 108 - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 3885 2142 529 - 4 28 8 - 2 2 - 1108 62 Water management Gradbeniötvo 98973 3682 32080 221 1358 277 4796 370 20597 6762 14556 9861 4413 Construction Promet in zveze 1452 - 229 129 - - - - 18 - - 1076 - Transport and communications Stanovanjsko- komunalne dejavnosti 4548 987 816 17 234 - 111 6 176 5 13 2122 61 Community service activities Druge dejavnosti 8247 594 1384 2627 - 19 312 18 182 2369 594 126 22 Other activities Merska enota 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Unit Objekti hidrogradenj Hydraulic engineering projects Pregrade in nasipi ötevilo 32 33 34 129 12 22 5 number Dams and dikes 1000 m3 79 6 16 19 65 16 981 1000 m3 Kanali ötevilo 16 5 8 4 1 1 - number Canals km 18 4 0 10 0 1 - km 1000 m3 110 21 0 38 2 11 - 1000 m3 Bazeni ötevilo 3 3 6 - 2 5 1 number Resevoirs of all types m2 996 511 3792 - 400 4227 1250 m2 m3 3236 1525 7435 - 2000 14235 3440 m3 Predori in cevovodi pri hidroelektrarnah ötevilo - 2 - 1 1 - - number Hydroelectric plants, tunnels and water conduitskm - 0 - 3 0 - - km 1000 m3 - 2 - 9 0 - - 1000 m3 Vodovodno dovodno in razdelilno omreűje km 443527 157 81 123 149 174 232 km Water supply pipes and distribution networks Kanali in zbiralniki km 48787 47 37 41 50 98 57 km Sewer conduits and mines Drugi objekti ötevilo 253 141 261 153 81 140 93 number Other hydroengineering projects 1) Upoötevani so objekti, pridobljeni z novogradnjo in poveËavo. Including projects acquired by new construction and extension. Gradbeniötvo Construction 324 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Prometni objekti Transport facilities Ceste ötevilo 449 93 52 77 61 29 87 number Roads and highways km 358 180 76 127 96 16 144 km 1000 m2 1836 1349 596 743 608 159 1627 1000 m2 Predori in galerije ötevilo 2 1 2 - - - - number Tunnels and galleries m 1265 1522 5085 - - - - m m3 52023 152200 361100 - - - - m3 Ulice in trgi ötevilo 21 13 7 23 34 26 18 number Streets and squares km 14 7 4 6 122 17 9 km 1000 m2 45 55 20 43 75 96 56 1000 m2 éelezniöki in cestni mostovi, nadvozi, podvozi in viadukti ötevilo 7774 31 54 45 17 24 32 number Railway and road bridges, overpasses, underpasses and viaducts m 1300 4093 3411 2800 2940 3053 m éelezniöke proge ötevilo 2 - - - - - - number Railway tracks km trase 712 - - - - - - km of route km tira 1236 - - - - - - km of track Operativna obala ötevilo 3 1 4 1 1 - 2 number Wharfs and docks m 400 100 20 250 300 - 450 m Drugi objekti ötevilo 79 66 99 70 72 168 30 number Other transport facilities Daljnovodi, naftovodi, plinovodi, parovodi in drugi objekti Oil, gas and hot-water pipelines, cableways and other transport facilities Daljnovodi ötevilo 53 338 297 333 278 262 287 number Power lines km trase 47 246 267 346 209 191 175 km of route km voda 68 598 998 831 437 389 374 km of cable Drugi objekti elektroenergetskih prenosov in zvez ötevilo 824 250 254 231 230 219 235 number Other transmitting and connecting facilities Naftovodi, plinovodi, parovodi in cevovodi ötevilo 37 29 74 66 32 76 66 number Oil, gas and hot-water pipelines and other pipelineskm 25 71 135 34 18 60 72 km Drugi transportni objekti ötevilo 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 number Other facilities Geoloökoraziskovalna in rudarska dela Geological exploration and mining Raziskovalna vrtanja ötevilo 2 1 - 1 - - - number Exploratory drilling 1000 m 9 0 - 0 - - - 1000 m ötev. vrtin 2 2 - 2 - - - number of wells Drugi objekti v rudarstvu ötevilo 32 4 5 2 - 2 2 number Other mining projects Industrijske stavbe in objekti Industrial buildings and facilities Proizvodne stavbe ötevilo 94 21 11 13 4 9 14 number Production buildings 1000 m2 133 55 23 19 2 22 14 1000 m2 1000 m3 909 236 116 119 12 123 58 1000 m3 Hale in hangarji ötevilo 77 19 21 20 15 11 9 number Factory sheds and hangars 1000 m2 226 35 19 38 33 17 7 1000 m2 1000 m3 3078 234 137 292 264 109 40 1000 m3 Merska enota 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Unit 21.5 DokonËani gradbeni objekti1) (nadaljevanje) New construction projects completed1) (continued) Gradbeniötvo Construction 325 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Industrijske peËi, ötevilo 5 - - 2 1 2 - number Refactory facilities suöilnice in dimniki 1000 m3 12 - - 1 1 3 - 1000 m3 Silosi, hladilnice, rezervoarji in cisterne ötevilo 7 7 9 1 3 4 6 number Silos, refrigeration facilities, reservoirs and tanks1000 m3 33 16 34 0 3 1 2 1000 m3 Druge stavbe in objekti ötevilo 196 48 29 43 26 21 22 number Other industrial buildings and facilities Kmetijske in gozdarske stavbe in objekti Agricultural and forestry buildings and facilities Hlevi za veliko űivino in drobnico ötevilo 13 1 - 1 1 - 6 number Stalls for large and small livestock 1000 m2 45 0 - 0 1 - 4 1000 m2 1000 m3 226 1 - 2 3 - 20 1000 m3 Stavbe za kmetijske pridelke in orodje ötevilo 9 7 1 3 5 3 - number Storage facilities for agricultural products and implements1000 m2 6 5 0 2 2 32 - 1000 m2 1000 m3 29 29 1 14 7 158 - 1000 m3 Druge stavbe in objekti v kmetijstvu in gozdarstvu ötevilo 25 34 5 4 4 6 7 number Other agricultural and forestry buildings and facilities Druge gospodarske stavbe in objekti Other buildings and facilities in the business sector Stavbe, hale in hangarji trgovine, gostinstva in turizma ötevilo 46 47 50 44 71 56 64 number Buildings, sheds and hangars for trade, hotels, restaurants and tourism 1000 m2 48 93 77 40 78 33 49 1000 m2 1000 m3 259 323 295 161 314 123 189 1000 m3 Stavbe, hale in hangarji javnega prometa ötevilo 19 23 23 15 7 9 13 number Buildings, sheds and hangars for public transport1000 m2 106 17 20 8 4 10 6 1000 m2 1000 m3 244 82 90 33 14 44 25 1000 m3 Druge stavbe in objekti ötevilo 179 111 97 65 76 119 75 number Other buildings and facilities Stavbe in objekti negospodarskih dejavnosti Buildings and facilities in the non-business sector Stanovanjske stavbe ötevilo 5203 4247 3568 4239 5494 4147 4191 number Residential buildings 1000 m2 1495 1117 887 1039 1287 941 976 1000 m2 1000 m3 4212 3137 2498 2971 3614 2616 2767 1000 m3 Administrativne in upravne stavbe ötevilo 12 7 9 11 10 2 8 number Administration and management buildings1000 m2 7 12 24 24 3 0 21 1000 m2 1000 m3 40 50 89 89 17 1 65 1000 m3 Stavbe za izobraűevanje, kulturo, umetnost in informacije ötevilo 46 19 24 14 14 13 16 number Buildings for education, cultural activities, art and information centres 1000 m2 150 18 26 19 29 12 27 1000 m2 1000 m3 361 62 90 65 111 42 107 1000 m3 Stavbe za zdravstveno dejavnost ötevilo 9 11 8 3 10 4 7 number Health buildings 1000 m2 20 15 15 5 4 3 23 1000 m2 1000 m3 83 59 56 15 17 12 71 1000 m3 Stavbe za öportno vzgojo ötevilo 12 8 11 8 13 12 5 number Buildings and facilities for physical education1000 m2 13 8 15 9 26 21 7 1000 m2 1000 m3 82 42 105 79 103 203 47 1000 m3 Stavbe socialnega skrbstva ötevilo 37 11 7 1 9 6 2 number Social services buildings 1000 m2 62 21 8 0 14 7 1 1000 m2 1000 m3 143 27 24 1 45 22 4 1000 m3 Druge stavbe in objekti ötevilo 79 39 46 26 11 30 21 number Other buildings and facilities Merska enota 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Unit 21.5 DokonËani gradbeni objekti1) (nadaljevanje) New construction projects completed1) (continued) Gradbeniötvo Construction 326 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.6 DokonËana stanovanja Dwellings completed 1) Seötevek se ne ujema zaradi zaokroűevanja. The totals do not match because of the rounding up. 21.7 Stanovanja v gradnji ob koncu leta Dwellings under construction at year’s end ätevilo Number Povröina stanovanj (1000 m2) Useful floor space (1000 m2) skupaj total eno- sobna 1 room dvo- sobna 2 rooms tri- sobna 3 rooms ötiri- sobna 4 rooms pet- in veËsobna 5 rooms or more skupaj1) total1) eno- sobna 1 room dvo- sobna 2 rooms tri- sobna 3 rooms ötiri- sobna 4 rooms pet- in veËsobna 5 rooms or more Skupaj Total 1985 11252 1990 2649 2756 2428 1429 918 75 158 233 254 198 1990 7759 961 1572 2053 1986 1187 721 38 93 178 231 181 1991 5918 695 1013 1323 1655 1232 576 27 60 115 187 187 1992 6492 507 1051 1603 1887 1444 646 20 62 141 215 208 1993 7925 419 841 2424 2532 1709 809 17 51 204 288 249 1994 5522 374 650 1106 1510 1882 591 14 39 96 175 267 1995 5715 508 771 1257 1616 1563 603 19 47 111 187 238 Investitor je pravna oseba Investor is a legal person 1985 5114 1843 2104 909 229 29 287 69 125 69 20 4 1990 2246 705 934 514 91 2 130 28 54 37 11 0 1991 1332 403 592 279 55 3 75 15 34 20 5 0 1992 1349 333 606 330 69 11 80 13 33 25 8 1 1993 794 186 335 147 93 33 53 7 18 11 10 7 1994 538 200 234 88 15 - 30 8 13 7 2 - 1995 661 217 221 154 40 29 42 9 13 12 5 4 Investitor je fiziËna oseba Investor is a physical person 1985 6138 147 545 1847 2199 1400 631 5 34 163 234 195 1990 5513 256 638 1539 1895 1185 591 10 39 141 220 181 1991 4586 292 421 1044 1600 1229 501 12 26 95 182 186 1992 5143 174 445 1273 1818 1433 566 7 29 116 207 207 1993 7131 233 506 2277 2439 1676 756 10 33 193 278 242 1994 4984 174 416 1018 1495 1882 561 6 26 89 173 267 1995 5054 291 550 1103 1576 1534 561 10 34 100 183 234 Skupaj Total Investitor Type of investor ötevilo number povröina useful floor space 1000 m2 pravna oseba legal person fiziËna oseba physical person ötevilo number povröina useful floor space 1000 m2 ötevilo number povröina useful floor space 1000 m2 1985 34719 3511 5173 296 29546 3215 1990 28042 3084 1871 115 26171 2969 1991 26529 2944 993 59 25535 2884 1992 24411 2729 1162 74 23249 2655 1993 19727 2269 700 42 19027 2227 1994 17992 2086 705 51 17287 2035 1995 17046 1989 645 47 16401 1942 Gradbeniötvo Construction 327 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.8 Stanovanjski sklad, stanje 31. 12. 1995 Dwelling stock, 31. 12. 1995 21.9 Stanovanjski sklad po vrsti in opremljenosti stanovanj, stanje 31. 12. 1995 Dwelling stock by number of rooms and equipment of dwellings, 31. 12. 1995 1) Pod skupaj je vkljuËeno tudi ötevilo stanovanj z neznanim ötevilom sob. The total also includes the number of dwellings where the number of rooms is unknown. 21.10 DokonËane stanovanjske stavbe po ötevilu stanovanj in gradbeni velikosti, 19951) Completed residential buildings by number of dwellings and useful floor area, 19951) 1) Stanovanjske stavbe, pridobljene z novogradnjo in poveËavo. Residential buildings acquired by new construction and extension. Merska enota Skupaj Total Mestna naselja Urban areas Druga naselja Other areas Unit Stanovanja ötevilo 683003 362187 320816 number Dwellings Povröina stanovanj 1000 m2 47822 23625 24197 1000 m2 Useful floor space PovpreËna povröina stanovanja m2 70,0 65,2 75,4 m2 Average floor space PovpreËna povröina stanovanja na osebo m2 24,0 ... ... m2 Average floor space per person PovpreËno ötevilo oseb v stanovanju ötevilo 2,9 ... ... number Average number of persons in a dwelling ätevilo stanovanj Number of dwellings Opremljenost stanovanj z napeljavo Equipment of dwellings with Stanovanja s kopalnico Dwellings with bathroom skupaj1) total1) enosobna 1 room dvosobna 2 rooms trisobna 3 rooms ötirisobna 4 rooms pet in veËsobna 5 or more rooms centralnega ogrevanja central heating vodovoda water supply system elektriË- nega toka electricity SKUPAJ 683003 107843 224045 199133 95027 56794 438327 665978 679960 595962 TOTAL Mestna naselja 362187 69952 126687 100775 41274 23431 263118 361132 361937 339431 Urban areas Skupaj stavbe Total buildings Stavbe po ötevilu stanovanj Buildings by number of dwellings Gradbena velikost stavb Buildings’ floor area 1000 m2 DokonËana stanovanja v stavbah Dwellings completed in buildings 1-2 3-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 ötevilo number 1000 m2 Skupaj 4416 4378 15 14 7 2 1025 5610 592 Total PritliËne 3146 3144 2 - - - 670 3385 374 Groundfloor buildings 1-nadstropne 1212 1203 7 1 1 - 291 1560 178 1 storey buildings 2-nadstropne 38 30 5 1 2 - 22 154 11 2 storey buildings 3-nadstropne 6 1 - 3 2 - 10 119 6 3 storey buildings 4-nadstropne 14 - 1 9 2 2 32 392 23 4 storey buildings Gradbeniötvo Construction 328 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.11 DokonËane stanovanjske stavbe po sistemu graditve in nadstropjih, 19951) Completed residential buildings by the system of building and storeys, 19951) 1) Stanovanjske stavbe, pridobljene z novo gradnjo in poveËavo. Residential buildings acquired by new construction and extension. 21.12 Poraba gradbenega in pogonskega materiala v gradbeniötvu, 1990-1995 Consumption of building and propulsion material in construction, 1990-1995 Skupaj Total ätevilo stavb po nadstropjih Number of buildings by storeys pritliËne ground floor buildings 1-nadstropne 1 storey buildings 2-nadstropne 2 storey buildings 3-nadstropne 3 storey buildings 4-nadstropne 4 storey buildings Investitor je pravna oseba Investor is a legal person Skupaj 29 - 4 6 5 14 Total KlasiËna gradnja, zunanje stene grajene iz: Conventional type of building construction, material of external walls: opeke in opeËnih blokov 15 - 4 5 3 3 bricks betona in betonskih blokov 14 - - 1 2 11 concrete products drugih materialov - - - - - - other materials Montaűni sistem - - - - - - Prefabricated elements system Investitor je fiziËna oseba Investor is a physical person Skupaj 4387 3146 1208 32 1 - Total Zunanje stene grajene iz: Material of external walls: panelov 25 17 8 - - - panels betona in betonskih blokov, opeke in kamna 3840 2707 1101 31 1 - bricks, concrete blocks and stone lesa 12 11 1 - - - wood drugih materialov 510 411 98 1 - - other Merska enota KoliËina Quantity Unit 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Elementi za zidanje Masonry units Polna opeka 1000 kosov NF1) 7716 3684 2788 1980 2500 1860 1000 SBS units1) Solid clay bricks Votla opeka 1000 kosov NF 21586 9648 9560 7969 8951 10289 1000 SBS units Hollow clay bricks Polna fasadna opeka 1000 kosov NF 3122 1055 2014 26145 956 822 1000 SBS units Solid facing bricks Votli opeËni bloki 1000 kosov NF 16638 7496 9640 8569 6040 6411 1000 SBS units Hollow clay blocks Fasadni bloki 1000 kosov NF 199 348 238 113 395 552 1000 SBS units Facing blocks Betonski zidaki in bloki 1000 kosov NF 9755 3844 6391 4018 2345 2371 1000 SBS units Concrete bricks and blocks Zidaki in bloki iz drugih materialov 1000 kosov NF 23973 5003 7240 4734 4948 3257 1000 SBS units Other bricks and blocks Elementi za strope in oboke Deck and arch units Monta in drugi votlaki za strope 1000 kosov NF 1426 15702 995 1064 1072 1022 1000 SBS units Monta and other floor hollow blocks Polmontaűne in montaűne gredice 1000 m 31 11 10 10 10 17 1000 m Semi-prefabricated and prefabricated beam units Montaűni elementi in montaűne konstrukcije Prefabricated structural components and buildings Lahke gradbene ploöËe za zunanje stene m2 50380 39868 41052 48227 82589 104575 m2 Light boards for external walls PloöËe za oblaganje sten m2 27475 21052 48201 23739 47931 31663 m2 Facing wall boards Lahke ploöËe za predelne stene m2 43490 43314 74547 39153 15433 8214 m2 Lightweight partition wall boards Lahke ploöËe za strope m2 33906 35286 17620 13467 8515 7500 m2 Lightweight deck boards Lahke gradbene ploöËe za izolacijo m2 584252 279710 335544 268288 227622 345369 m2 Lightweight building insulation boards MavËne ploöËe, vseh vrst m2 93973 41211 138846 180558 6464 250623 m2 Plaster boards, of all types Zidni elementi - paneli m2 68810 37497 30464 45341 12800 13000 m2 Wall units - panels Jeklene konstrukcije za mostove t - 6 152 15 89 300 t Steel bridge structures Druge jeklene konstrukcije t 1006 258 98 434 167 268 t Other steel structures 1) Dimenzije zidakov in drugih elementov so preraËunane na velikost standardnega zidaka: 1 kos NF (normalnega formata): 1950 cm3 = 25 cm * 12 cm * 6,5 cm Shapes of bricks and other products are converted into standard brick size unit: 1 SBS (standard brick size) unit: 1950 cm3 = 25 cm * 12 cm * 6,5 cm Gradbeniötvo Construction 329 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Lesene konstrukcije m3 6032 53265 1757 1989 1048 1893 m3 Timber structures Druge gradbene konstrukcije za visoke gradnje t 5852 323 51040 28584 703 31818 t Other building structures Druge gradbene konstrukcije za nizke gradnje t 7738 5951 4697 6495 3084 7634 t Other civil engineering structures Veziva, malte in sveűi betoni Binders, mortars and ready-to- pour concretes Negaöeno apno t 26 515 713 11 2721 2728 t Quick lime Hidrirano apno t 23642 40745 24279 13336 7932 12754 t Hydraulic lime Mavec t 2746 1711 1236 32 2242 42 t Plaster Portland cement t 274446 135823 119624 112521 135959 223208 t Portland cement Druge vrste cementa t 63800 47165 31812 23035 27159 27071 t Other types of cement PlastiËna veziva t 1854 1503 1037 581 2288 3668 t Plastic binders Cementne malte m3 4329 671 2820 2689 1821 5121 m3 Cement mortars Sveűi betoni m3 337640 233495 315178 339258 345186 486822 m3 Ready-to-pour concretes Kameni agregati in obdelan kamen Stone aggregates and worked stone Agregati za beton m3 1089482 447316 237617 368520 348747 678379 m3 Concrete aggregates Gramoz m3 2405223 1663795 1563233 1631526 1622016 3105859 m3 Gravel Pesek m3 1088711 945660 929290 1107748 1138475 1317582 m3 Sand Teraco granulati t 4234 1185 319 482 91351 255 t Terazzo granulates Obdelani elementi iz kamna m3 22526 33539 7286 14906 8813 11296 m3 Worked stone products Lomljen tehniËni kamen m3 325274 314339 270210 134707 151843 143229 m3 Broken technical stone TolËen kamen in drobir m3 594538 389105 215984 360675 339145 692407 m3 Crushed stone and chippings Armatura za beton, jekleni profili in material za pritrjevanje Reinforcing steel, steel shapes and fixing material Betonsko jeklo t 50275 22325 17516 17275 19339 30872 t Reinforcing bars Drugi elementi za armirani beton t 19818 11746 10667 9822 12441 31530 t Other reinforcing products, of steel »rna in pocinkana űica t 1166 619 472 738 251 593 t Wire, black and zinc coated Jekleni profili t 19725 5289 4808 4179 5071 7522 t Steel shapes éeblji t 1268 662 412 325 301 443 t Nails Gradbeni les Building timber Les iglavcev m3 65673 179727 59418 64003 30174 34366 m3 Coniferous wood, sawn Oblovina iglavcev m3 20004 7776 7574 993 526 2020 m3 Coniferous wood, round Les listavcev m3 8564 20322 4526 3346 2095 8438 m3 Non-coniferous wood, sawn Oblovina listavcev m3 15337 2229 1168 1073 563 817 m3 Non-coniferous wood, round Pragi, vseh vrst kos 6860 19734 5937 25039 10273 38403 unit Sleepers, of all types Opaűi m3 13412 14130 5247 4574 14931 9923 m3 Forms Jamski les m3 3158 801 1285 1617 2084 2510 m3 Pit props Materiali za izolacijo in premazi Insulating materials and coatings Streöna lepenka vseh vrst rola 86494 66533 43648 43553 37512 34739 roll Asphalt-impregnated paper, of all types Bitumen in bitumenski izdelki t 50812 43895 49420 40495 95250 116316 t Bitumen and bitumen products Drugi izolacijski material t 2172 2995 1500 7492 2084 4422 t Other insulating materials Barve, laki, emajli in razredËila kg 1490454 1358407 1596230 1543166 1493618 1512250 kg Paints, varnishes, enamels and diluents Streöne kritine Roofing materials Azbestnocementna kritina, ravni in valoviti elementi m2 193970 119991 87910 66213 51095 59608 m2 Asbestos-cement roofing units, flat and corrugated Streöniki, vseh vrst 1000 kosov 3643 4222 1590 1573 1404 1605 1000 units Roofing tiles, of all types Drugi materiali za kritje streh m2 45733 24507 44973 29046 11821 18210 m2 Other roofing materials Materiali za pode in oblaganje zidov Floor and wall coatings PVC in drugi plastiËni podi t 1530 262 232 97 6581 3634 t Floor coverings, of PVC and other plastics KeramiËne ploöËice za stene, tla in fasade m2 191638 128035 139651 150580 102906 138555 m2 Floor, wall and facade tiles, of ceramics Kamnite obloűne ploöËe m2 16088 6713 13328 16051 4091 30832 m2 Facing boards, of stone Merska enota KoliËina Quantity Unit 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 21.12 Poraba gradbenega in pogonskega materiala v gradbeniötvu, 1990-1995 (nadaljevanje) Consumption of building and propulsion material in construction, 1990-1995 (continued) Gradbeniötvo Construction 330 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PloöËice iz mletega kamna m2 20078 10136 6726 12565 2607 13324 m2 Tiles, of stone chippings Teraco ploöËice m2 17540 10099 12451 18850 8379 92530 m2 Terrazzo floor tiles Vezane, panelne in druge ploöËe na osnovi lesa m2 105298 188349 84441 208006 42785 89371 m2 Plywood, panel and other boards, based on wood Bukov, hrastov in druge vrste klasiËnega parketa m2 38544 25708 65165 20232 8002 11839 m2 Parquet woodblocks, beech, oak and other types of wood Lamelni parket m2 26047 36261 46396 14142 11549 17404 m2 Parquet woodpanels Ladijski pod, lesene stenske in stropne obloge m2 66255 34627 31858 26659 19199 19807 m2 Streep flooring and other floor, ceiling and wall coverings, of wood Stenske ploöËe iz plastiËnih mas m2 5490 4929 280 432 5846 413267 m2 Wall coverings, of plastics Tapete vseh vrst m2 29886 4140 15461 5258 5143 11285 m2 Wallpapers, of all types Materiali za instalacijo vode, kanalizacijo, ogrevanje, prezraËevanje in sanitarne naprave Materials for water installation, sewage, heating, ventilation and sanitary equipment Brezöivne cevi t 3056 2234 1553 1431 992 768 t Seamless pipes äivne cevi t 3307 2549 1729 1543 1159 1145 t Non-seamless pipes Litoűelezne cevi in fazonski deli t 1953 1953 953 701 648 1534 t Pipes and fittings, of cast iron PlastiËne cevi t 1558 1198 995 1349 1127 1369 t Pipes, of plastics SvinËene cevi t 201 334 65 38 3 36 t Pipes, of lead KeramiËne kanalizacijske cevi t 63 30 35 60 63 22 t Sewer pipes, of ceramics Fitingi in prirobnice t 1676 1322 942 639 674 622 t Fittings and flanges Azbestnocementne cevi t 4157 2597 3315 1407 1472 1929 t Pipes, of asbestos-cement Betonske cevi t 38497 39069 25043 23967 34482 32403 t Pipes, of concrete Sanitarna keramika t 162 269 206 199 140 125 t Sanitary ceramic products Sanitarna oprema iz ploËevine in litega űeleza t 179 160 152 51 43 22 t Sanitary equipment, of metal sheet and cast iron Sanitarna oprema iz plastiËnih mas t 417 12 48 80 5 7 t Sanitary equipment, of plastics Druga keramika v gradbeniötvu t 54 38 61 14 55 1 t Other ceramic products in building Kotli za centralno ogrevanje kos 381 206 271 121 348 285 unit Boilers Radiatorji vseh vrst m2 320022 221657 183728 124405 104085 94400 m2 Radiators, of all types Materiali za instalacijo elektriËnega toka Materials for electricity installation Vrvi in űice iz bakra kg 101932 87259 96309 109881 14226 10602 kg Ropes and wires, of copper éice iz aluminija in zlitin kg 52138 20928 16531 59739 16859 53295 kg Wires, of aluminium and aluminium alloys Vrvi iz aluminija in aluminium- feruma kg 107558 154787 89047 108764 100811 89265 kg Ropes, of aluminium and aluminium-ferum Izolirani prevodniki t 254 129 249 325 116 103 t Insulated conductors Kabli vseh vrst t 3414 3066 2548 3612 5047 4801 t Cables, of all types Elektroizolatorji vseh vrst t 154 216 196 210 66 55 t Electroinsulators, of all types Drugi materiali in elementi za vgrajevanje Other building materials and components éelezniöke traËnice in pribor t 605 2255 725 3703 471 2402 t Rails and appliances »rna ploËevina t 4429 1792 1881 2905 3081 1372 t Sheet-metal, annealed Pocinkana in cinkova ploËevina t 1032 1029 807 1390 776 943 t Sheet-metal, zinc coated and of zinc PloËevina iz aluminija t 324 528 212 351 124 226 t Sheet-metal, of aluminium Termoizolacijsko steklo 1000 m2 2 4 18 256 4 - 1000 m2 Thermoinsulating glass Druge vrste ravnega stekla 1000 m2 245 52 181 640 59 147 Other types of plane glass Konstrukcije iz barvastih kovin t 73 21 12 283 86 17 t Structures, of colored metals Gradbeni kovinski elementi t 204 659 280 158 84 81 t Metal building components Lesena vrata in okna kos 16063 12162 10845 8746 7720 7998 unit Doors and windows, of wood Lesene predelne stene m2 488 683 438 873 545 300 m2 Partition walls, of wood Pogonski materiali Propulsion materials ElektriËna energija MWh 118951 115939 90133 91809 69299 79415 MWh Electricity Premog vseh vrst t 3545 21530 16971 19196 6076 1722 t Coal, of all types Bencin vseh vrst t 17973 4490 3734 4936 7624 3370 t Gasoline, of all types Plinsko olje t 38471 31950 26354 23512 110570 25802 t Gas oil Kurilno olje t ... ... ... ... 8121 10869 t Fuel oil Zemeljski plin 1000 m3 ... ... ... ... 8348 10611 1000 m3 Natural gas UtekoËinjeni plin t ... ... ... ... 64 225 t Liquefied petroleum gas Toplota GJ ... ... ... ... 6547 13124 GJ Heat Merska enota KoliËina Quantity Unit 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 21.12 Poraba gradbenega in pogonskega materiala v gradbeniötvu, 1990-1995 (nadaljevanje) Consumption of building and propulsion material in construction, 1990-1995 (continued) Gradbeniötvo Construction 331 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.13 Vrednost porabljenega gradbenega in pogonskega materiala Value of building and propulsion material consumed mio SIT1)2) 1) Za leto 1990 v dinarjih. / For 1990 in Dinars. 2) TekoËe cene. / Current prices. 21.14.1 Gradbena dejavnost v tujini Construction works abroad 1) Vrednostni podatki so obraËunani po uradnem teËaju 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT. / Data on value are calculated upon the official exchange rate 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT. 2) Pred 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 3) Podatki v stolpcu skupaj so seötevek podatkov za visoko gradnjo, nizko gradnjo in hidrogradnjo. / The column civil engineering works does not comprise data for construction of hydro-engineering projects, column Total includes also the data for construction of hydro-engineering facilities. 4) Do leta 1991 iz nekdanje SFRJ. / Until 1991 from the former SFRY. 5) Kot tujina se upoöteva od leta 1992. / Until 1991 it is not regarded as a foreign country. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Skupaj 5097 9248 22403 27197 29577 50120 Total Elementi za zidanje 219 164 615 667 579 692 Masonry units Elementi za strope in oboke 4 64 26 40 63 73 Deck and arch units Montaűni elementi in montaűne konstrukcije 121 294 752 992 374 1046 Prefabricated structural components and buildings Veziva, malte in sveűi betoni 599 1240 2627 3377 3576 6300 Binders, mortars and ready-to-pour concretes Kameni agregati in obdelan kamen 459 796 2034 2659 3240 5834 Stone aggregates and worked stone Armatura za beton, jekleni profili in material za pritrjevanje 517 607 1544 1771 1995 4377 Reinforcing steel, steel shapes and fixing material Gradbeni les 284 970 1133 1491 825 1374 Building timber Materiali za izolacijo in premazi 324 518 1339 1449 1832 2414 Insulating materials and coatings Streöne kritine 40 61 148 132 104 158 Roofing materials Materiali za pode in oblaganje zidov 84 172 445 485 304 865 Floor and wall coatings Materiali za instalacijo vode, kanalizacijo, ogrevanje, prezraËevanje in sanitarne naprave 476 893 2369 2052 1978 2332 Materials for water installation, sewage, heating, ventilation and sanitary equipment Materiali za instalacijo elektriËnega toka 242 588 1529 2164 2655 2449 Materials for electricity installation Drugi materiali in elementi za vgrajevanje 1154 1691 5700 7144 5795 16302 Other building materials and components Pogonski materiali 574 1188 2140 2775 6257 5904 Propulsion materials Vrednost pogodb Value of contracts Vrednost opravljenih del po vrstah gradbenih objektov Value of construction put in place by type of structure Vrednost4) vgrajenega materiala iz Slovenije Value4) of material consumed, by origine from Slovenia Vrednost4) vgrajene opreme Value4) of equipment installed PovpreËno ötevilo4) zaposlenih oseb v letu Average number4) of persons in paid employment skupaj3) total3) visoka gradnja building nizka3) gradnja civil3) engineering works skupaj total od tega iz Slovenije of these from Slovenia mio SIT1)2) 1985 32953 30592 20569 10023 9253 207 3225 3142 1985 1990 34719 30314 21667 8597 4898 1543 3871 3391 1990 1992 64799 47963 37665 10158 6185 2119 4011 3335 1992 1993 73619 60981 43522 17455 8270 2194 3389 2648 1993 1994 71137 35718 29649 6069 3476 865 2865 1939 1994 1995 67552 31238 22465 8723 2178 825 2999 1919 1995 1996 41889 21190 18353 2825 2077 865 1813 1114 1996 SKUPAJ 41889 21190 18353 2837 2077 864,63 1813 1114 TOTAL Razvite drűave 13743 7163 4972 2191 178 45 725 618 Developed countries Avstrija 518 510 33 477 - - 2 2 Austria Italija 254 183 - 183 - - - - Italy NemËija 12911 6416 4885 1531 178 45 722 615 Germany ävica 60 53 53 - - - 1 1 Switzerland Druge drűave 28146 14027 13381 646 1899 820 1088 496 Other countries Alűirija 684 23 9 14 2 1 62 10 Algeria Belorusija 350 324 324 - 79 102 11 3 Belarus BiH 361 361 361 - 13 20 2 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina »eöka 1 1 1 - - - - - Czech Republic Hrvaöka5) 809 386 262 124 19 11 31 25 Croatia5) Latvija 870 772 772 - 313 170 37 29 Latvia Libija 452 452 114 338 29 - 8 8 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madűarska 132 10 10 - - - 2 1 Hungary Makedonija5) 16 15 - 15 5 3 12 12 Macedonia5) Poljska 526 561 561 - - - 40 10 Poland Ruska federacija 23135 10514 10358 156 1324 492 803 372 Russian federation Ukrajina 808 608 608 - 115 20 80 24 Ukraine Gradbeniötvo Construction 332 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.14.2 Gradbena dejavnost v tujini Construction works abroad 1) Od leta 1992 zbiramo podatke po srednjih teËajih teËajnih list Banke Slovenije, ki so veljali 1. aprila v letu, za leti 1985 in 1990 pa smo jih zbirali po tedaj veljavnih predpisih za poslo- vanje s tujino. Since 1992 we have been collecting data at the medium exchange rates of the Bank of Slovenia valid on 1 April. For 1985 and 1990 we collected data by the then valid regulations for operation with foreign countries. 2) Serijo podatkov vsako leto preraËunamo po teËajni listi Banke Slovenije na dan 1. aprila za zadnje leto (za leto 1996 je bil ta teËaj: 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT). Every year data series is calculated at the Bank of Slovenia exchange rate on 1 April for the last year (for 1996 the exchange rate was 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT). 3) Podatki v stolpcu skupaj so seötevek podatkov za visoko gradnjo, nizko gradnjo in hidrogradnjo. The column civil engineering works does not comprise data for construction of hydro-engineering projects, column Total includes also the data for construction of hydro-engineering facilities. 4) Do leta 1991 iz nekdanje SFRJ. Until 1991 from the former SFRY. 5) Kot tujina se upoöteva od leta 1992. Until 1991 it is not regarded as a foreign country. Vrednost pogodb Value of contracts Vrednost opravljenih del po vrstah gradbenih objektov Value of construction put in place by type of structure Vrednost4) vgrajenega materiala iz Slovenije Value4) of material consumed, by origine from Slovenia Vrednost4) vgrajene opreme Value4) of equipment installed skupaj3) total3) visoka gradnja building nizka3) gradnja civil3) engineering works 1000 USD1)2) 1985 245766 228159 153408 74751 69014 1546 1985 1990 258943 226088 161596 64117 36534 11510 1990 1992 483282 357714 280908 75764 46132 15802 1992 1993 549061 454803 324593 130181 61678 16366 1993 1994 530549 266389 221127 45262 25922 6453 1994 1995 503813 232980 167548 65059 16246 6150 1995 1996 312415 158038 136877 21066 15490 6449 1996 SKUPAJ 312415 158038 136877 21160 15490 6449 TOTAL Razvite drűave 102496 53421 37082 16339 1328 336 Developed countries Avstrija 3863 3804 249 3556 - - Austria Italija 1894 1365 - 1365 - - Italy NemËija 96292 47853 36435 11419 1328 336 Germany ävica 447 399 399 - - - Switzerland Druge drűave 209919 104616 99795 4821 14162 6113 Other countries Alűirija 5101 170 68 102 16 10 Algeria Belorusija 2608 2416 2416 - 587 762 Belarus BiH 2695 2695 2695 - 100 152 Bosnia and Herzegovina »eöka 11 11 11 - - - Czech Republic Hrvaöka5) 6036 2876 1953 923 139 78 Croatia5) Latvija 6489 5760 5760 - 2334 1269 Latvia Libija 3374 3374 851 2523 213 - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madűarska 985 77 77 - - - Hungary Makedonija5) 120 108 - 108 35 21 Macedonia5) Poljska 3926 4181 4181 - - - Poland Ruska federacija 172546 78417 77251 1166 9876 3669 Russian federation Ukrajina 6029 4533 4533 - 861 150 Ukraine Gradbeniötvo Construction 333 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.15 Projektantske in inűenirinöke storitve za tujino Designing and other engineering services for foreign partners 1) Vrednostni podatki so obraËunani po uradnem teËaju 1 USD =134,0814 SIT. Data on value are calculated upon the official exchange rate 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 3) Od leta 1992 zbiramo podatke po srednjih teËajih teËajnih list Banke Slovenije, ki so veljali 1. aprila v letu, za leti 1985 in 1990 pa smo jih zbrali po tedaj veljavnih predpisih za poslo- vanje s tujino. Since 1992 we have been collected data at the medium exchange rates of the Bank of Slovenia valid on 1 April. For 1985 and 1990 we collected data by the then valid regulations for operations with foreign countries. 4) Serijo podatkov vsako leto preraËunamo po teËajni listi Banke Slovenije na dan 1. aprila za zadnje leto (za leto 1996 je bil ta teËaj: 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT). Every year data series is calculated at the Bank of Slovenia exchange rate on 1 April forthe last year (for 1996 the exchange rate was 1 USD = 134,0814 SIT). 5) ätevilo oseb, ki so pripravljale tehniËno in finanËno dokumentacijo, nadzor in druga tehniËna opravila. Included are persons who were directly engaged in preparing technical and financial documents, in supervising and other technical activities. 21.16 Zmanjöanje stanovanjskega sklada Decrease in dwelling stock Delitev po opremljenosti Classification by equipment Vrednost pogodb Value of contracts Vrednost opravljenega dela Value of work done Vrednost pogodb Value of contracts Vrednost opravljenega dela Value of work done PovpreËno ötevilo zaposlenih oseb v letu5) Average number of persons in paid employment in the year5) skupaj total projektiranje designing inűeniring engineering skupaj total projektiranje designing inűeniring engineering mio SIT1)2) 1000 USD3)4) 1985 1138 1029 ... ... 8485 7676 ... ... 120 1985 1990 2593 2564 ... ... 19338 19126 ... ... 55 1990 1992 688 569 ... ... 5130 4245 ... ... 51 1992 1993 2505 1769 794 975 18679 13195 5924 7271 125 1993 1994 2425 1433 576 857 18086 10684 4294 6390 117 1994 1995 3630 2265 483 1782 27074 16893 3601 13292 101 1995 1996 3400 2080 534 1546 25360 15511 3979 11532 141 1996 SKUPAJ 3400 2080 534 1546 25360 15511 3979 11532 141 TOTAL Razvite drűave 462 174 23 151 3446 1296 172 1130 29 Developed countries Druge drűave 2938 1906 511 1395 21914 14215 3813 10402 112 Other countries Merska enota Skupaj Total Opremljenost Equipment Unit napeljava installations pomoűni prostori utility space elektrika electricity vodovod water supply centralno ogrevanje central heating kopalnica bathing facilities straniöËe toilet facilities 1985 ötevilo 355 329 289 27 94 176 number 1990 ötevilo 245 239 217 11 79 132 number 1991 ötevilo 193 185 155 35 64 126 number 1992 ötevilo 134 129 97 14 52 69 number 1993 ötevilo 172 171 151 46 106 133 number 1994 ötevilo 250 246 224 116 206 62 number 1995 ötevilo 242 240 215 54 126 175 number Gradbeniötvo Construction 334 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 21.16 Zmanjöanje stanovanjskega sklada (nadaljevanje) Decrease in dwelling stock (continued) Delitev po vzroku zmanjöanja Classification by cause of decrease Delitev po lastniötvu in ötevilu sob Classification by ownership and number of rooms Delitev po letu zgraditve Classification by period of completion Merska enota Skupaj Total Vzrok za zmanjöanje Cause of decrease Unitgradnja novih objektov new construction works naravne nesreËe natural disasters sprememba v poslovni prostor change into business premises dotrajanost in drugi vzroki dilapidation and other causes 1985 ötevilo 355 302 4 ... 49 number 1990 ötevilo 245 153 6 ... 86 number povröina (m2) 13709 8341 412 ... 4956 useful floor space (m2) 1991 ötevilo 193 128 14 ... 51 number povröina (m2) 10477 7180 785 ... 2512 useful floor space (m2) 1992 ötevilo 134 60 3 20 51 number povröina (m2) 7553 3754 154 1145 2500 useful floor space (m2) 1993 ötevilo 172 108 4 32 28 number povröina (m2) 12227 7349 314 3011 1553 useful floor space (m2) 1994 ötevilo 250 62 2 141 45 number povröina (m2) 19133 4313 70 11268 3482 useful floor space (m2) 1995 ötevilo 242 115 1 77 49 number povröina (m2) 15663 7639 96 4618 3310 useful floor space (m2) Merska enota Skupaj Total Druűbena lastnina Public ownership Stanovanja po ötevilu sob Dwellings by number of rooms Unit eno- sobna 1 room dvo- sobna 2 rooms tri- sobna 3 rooms ötiri- sobna 4 rooms pet- in veËsobna 5 rooms or more 1985 ötevilo 355 162 158 98 70 18 11 number povröina (m2) 20032 6919 4677 5579 5941 2062 1773 useful floor space (m2) 1990 ötevilo 245 144 84 101 44 11 5 number povröina (m2) 13709 7049 1798 5579 3347 1365 620 useful floor space (m2) 1991 ötevilo 193 87 72 73 36 11 1 number povröina (m2) 10477 4131 2584 3955 2623 1200 115 useful floor space (m2) 1992 ötevilo 134 61 43 54 32 5 - number povröina (m2) 7553 2589 1348 2957 2650 598 - useful floor space (m2) 1993 ötevilo 172 75 33 68 45 11 15 number povröina (m2) 12227 4793 466 3719 3866 1322 2115 useful floor space (m2) 1994 ötevilo 250 27 27 72 81 47 23 number povröina (m2) 19133 1944 767 3756 6395 5339 2876 useful floor space (m2) 1995 ötevilo 242 84 64 84 65 24 5 number povröina (m2) 15663 4693 1999 5128 4955 2781 800 useful floor space (m2) Merska enota Skupaj Total Leto zgraditve Period of completion Unit do / until 1900 1901-1918 1919-1945 1946-1960 1961-1975 1976-1980 po / after 1980 1985 ötevilo 355 133 123 71 25 3 - ... number povröina (m2) 20032 8203 5133 4578 1895 223 - ... useful floor space (m2) 1990 ötevilo 245 109 19 62 43 5 1 6 number povröina (m2) 13709 6285 1028 3317 2392 289 62 336 useful floor space (m2) 1991 ötevilo 193 84 8 58 35 3 2 3 number povröina (m2) 10477 4784 386 2788 1878 168 218 255 useful floor space (m2) 1992 ötevilo 134 67 16 12 20 8 2 9 number povröina (m2) 7553 3345 840 751 1303 422 78 814 useful floor space (m2) 1993 ötevilo 172 - 83 41 21 9 - 18 number povröina (m2) 12227 - 6587 2601 1054 639 - 1346 useful floor space (m2) 1994 ötevilo 250 47 12 38 44 31 17 61 number povröina (m2) 19133 3852 808 2598 3011 2077 1715 5072 useful floor space (m2) 1995 ötevilo 242 83 13 58 38 30 11 9 number povröina (m2) 15663 5286 865 4066 2295 2132 525 494 useful floor space (m2) Gradbeniötvo Construction 335 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 336 22. PROMET IN ZVEZE TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o űelezniökem prometu smo zbrali pri Slovenskih űeleznicah. Podatke o PTT-prometu vkljuËno do leta 1994 smo zbrali pri PTT-podjetju Slovenije, za leti 1995 in 1996 pa pri Poöti Slovenije (podatke o poötnih storitvah) in Telekomu Slovenije (podatke o telekomunikacijskih storitvah). Podatke o cestnem omreűju je posredovalo Ministrstvo za promet in zveze, podatke o registriranih motornih vozilih in prometnih nezgodah pa Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve. Druge podatke smo zbrali z rednimi statistiËnimi raziskovanji s podroËja statistike prometa in zvez. ZAJETJE éelezniöko gospodarstvo Ljubljana do leta 1991 ni upoötevalo vseh prog na ozemlju Slovenije. Tako ni bila upoötevana proga pri Lendavi, zajete pa so bile proge na obmoËju Hrvaöke: äapjane - Reka (brez reöke postaje), Buzet - Pula in Lupoglav - Raöa. Podatki za éG Ljubljana in Slovenijo so se zato razlikovali. Podatki o ötevilu űelezniökih postaj in dolűini proge so bili objavljani za obe obmoËji, vsi drugi podatki pa so se nanaöali na éG Ljubljana. Od leta 1992 se vsi podatki o űelezniökem prometu nanaöajo na ozemlje Slovenije. Promet v pristaniöËih se nanaöa na pristaniöËa Koper, Izolo in Piran. Pri prometu ladij ötejemo ladje trgovske mornarice in ribiöke ladje s 5 NRT ali veË, namenjene za prevoz potnikov ali blaga, in ladje z manj kot 5 NRT, Ëe vozijo na redni progi. Pomorski in zraËni prevoz ter promet na letaliöËih so v celoti zajeti v prikazanih podatkih (upoötevali smo vse poslovne subjekte, ki se ukvarjajo z navedenimi dejavnostmi). V javnem cestnem prevozu od leta 1992 spremljamo izbrane poslovne subjekte, ki so registrirani v dejavnosti cestnega prometa (potniöki in blagovni). Enote izberemo v januarju tekoËega leta glede na spodnji prag na osnovi doseűenega prometa v doloËenem preteklem obdobju in glede na ötevilo zaposlenih oseb (pet in veË). Zasebnega prevoza potnikov s taksiji, avtobusi in osebnimi avtomobili ter prevoza blaga, ki ga opravljajo samostojni avtoprevozniki, nismo upoötevali. V podatke o cestnem prevozu za lastne potrebe so zajeti poslovni subjekti, ki sicer niso registrirani v dejavnosti cestnega prometa, opravljajo pa cestni prevoz. Izbrani so bili vsi poslovni subjekti, ki imajo veË kot eno vozilo (avtobus, tovorno vozilo ali kombinacijo obeh). Upoötevani so le avtobusi z 10 sedeűi in veË ter tovorna vozila z nosilnostjo 1 tone in veË. Prevoz (potnikov in blaga) za lastne potrebe, ki ga opravljajo javni cestni prevozniki, zasebni prevoz s taksiji, avtobusi in osebnimi avtomobili ter prevoz blaga, ki ga izvajajo samostojni avtoprevozniki, niso vkljuËeni. Pri mejnih prehodih v űelezniökem, pomorskem in zraËnem prometu upoötevamo vse mejne prehode, v cestnem prometu pa mednarodne, meddrűavne in obmejne prehode. Upoötevamo tiste obmejne prehode, prek katerih je mogoË prehod s cestnimi vozili. Planinskih mejnih prehodov in prehodov po posebnem sporazumu ne upoötevamo. Pri registriranih motornih vozilih upoötevamo vsa vozila iz registra vozil Ministrstva za notranje zadeve, razen diplomatskih vozil in mopedov . Podatki o poötnih in telekomunikacijskih storitvah se nanaöajo na celotno ozemlje drűave. Pri prekladanju v pristaniöËih je prikaz podatkov popoln, prav tako tudi pri drugih prekladalnih mestih, saj smo upoötevali vse poslovne subjekte, ki opravljajo to dejavnost. Podatki o mestnem prometu se nanaöajo na promet v Ljubljani in Mariboru. Pri vseh vrstah prometa se notranji in mednarodni promet vkljuËno do leta 1991 nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije, od tedaj pa na ozemlje Slovenije. DEFINICIJE Promet v öiröem pomenu je dejavnost, ki se ukvarja s prometom in zvezami. Prevoz je prevaűanje potnikov ali blaga na doloËeno razdaljo, torej od vstopa oz. nakladanja do izstopa oz. razkladanja. Promet potnikov ali blaga v oűjem pomenu besede pomeni ötevilo potnikov, ki so prispeli ali odpotovali, oziroma koliËina blaga prispelega ali odpravljenega blaga na postajaliöËih (űelezniöke, avtobusne postaje, pristaniöËa, letaliöËa, skladiöËa). Potniöki kilometri (pkm) so seötevek zmnoűkov ötevila potnikov in razdalj, na SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on railway traffic are supplied by the Slovenian Railways. Data on P.T.T. traffic were supplied by PTT Slovenia until (including) 1994, for 1995 and 1996 they were supplied by the Post of Slovenia (data regarding postal services) and Telekom of Slovenia (data regarding telecommunication services). Data on the road network are supplied by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Data on registered motor vehicles and road accidents are supplied by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Other data are compiled from regular statistical surveys in the area of transport and communications. COVERAGE Until 1991 the territory of the Ljubljana Rail Authority did not cover all routes on the territory of Slovenia. Thus, the route in the vicinity of Lendava was not included, while the following routes on the territory of Croatia were covered: äapjane - Rijeka (excluding Rijeka station), Buzet - Pula and Lupoglav - Raöa. Data for the Ljubljana Rail Authority and for Slovenia were therefore not identical. Data on the number of railway stations and the length of routes were published for both territories, while all other information related to the Ljubljana Rail Authority. As of 1992, all data on rail traffic relate to the Republic of Slovenia. Harbour traffic relates to the ports of Koper, Izola and Piran. Under shipping we include merchant vessels and fishing vessels with 5 NRT or more, intended for carrying passengers or goods, and vessels with less than 5 NRT if they ply regular routes. Coverage of maritime and air transport and of airport traffic is complete (all business units conducting such activities are covered). Under road transport for hire or reward we cover all business units whose registered activity is road carriage (of goods or passengers). Road transport for hire or reward from 1992 on cowers selected enterprises and other entities whose registered activity is road carriage (of goods or passengers). The selection of units is made in January and the lower threshold is defined on the basis of the turnover achieved in a certain past period and the number of employees (five and more). Transport of passengers by taxis, buses by independent transporters and passenger cars as well as transport of goods by independent transporters i.e. individual entrepreneurs are not included. Under road transport on own account we cover business units whose registered activity is not road carriage but who are engaged in road transport. We have selected all business units with two or more vehicles (buses, motor vehicles or both). Only buses with ten or more seats and motor vehicles with carrying capacity of one tonne or more are considered. Transport (of passengers and goods) on own account performed by carriers in road transport for hire or reward, transport of passengers by taxis, buses by independent transporters and passenger cars as well as transport of goods by independent transporters i.e. individual entrepreneurs are not included. Under border crossings we take into consideration all border crossings in rail, marine and air transport and of international, interstate and local border crossings in road transport. We consider those border crossings which may be crossed by road vehicles. Mountain border crossings and crossings under special agreement are not included. Registered motor vehicles refer to all vehicles from the register of vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs except diplomatic vehicles and mopeds. Data on postal and telecommunication services relate to the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Coverage of transshipment in harbours is comprehensive. Under transship- ment at other places, all business units which perform transshipment activities are included. Data on urban traffic relate to traffic in Ljubljana and Maribor. National and international traffic in all modes of transport refer until (including) 1991 to the territory of the former Yugoslavia, after that they refer to the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. DEFINITIONS Transport in the broad sense is used for an activity in the area of transport and communications. Transport in the narrow sense is the conveying of passengers or goods over a given distance, and thus from boarding/loading to alighting/unloading. Traffic of passengers or goods is the number of passengers who have arrived or departed or the quantity of goods at stations (railway stations, bus stations, ports, airports, depots, etc.). Passenger-kilometres are the aggregate product of the number of StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 337 katerih so se ti potniki peljali. Tonski kilometri (tkm) so seötevek zmnoűkov koliËine blaga in razdalj, na katerih je bilo to blago prepeljano. éELEZNIäKI PROMET Meöane postaje so postaje za potnike in blago. Dejanska dolűina proge za doloËen odsek proge je dolűina od sredine postajnega poslopja zaËetne postaje do sredine postajnega poslopja konËne postaje. Vlakovni kilometri (km) so razdalje (v km), ki jih prevozijo vlaki. Brutotonski kilometri (km) so seötevki zmnoűkov celotne teűe blaga (tovora in teűe vagonov, brez pogonskega vozila) z razdaljami, na katerih se ta teűa pri prevozu ni spreminjala. Normalno gorivo je teűa goriva v tonah (stvarno gorivo), pomnoűena z ekvivalentom kurilne vrednosti goriva. Ekvivalent 1 ima gorivo s kurilno vrednostjo 4800 kal. »e ima gorivo veËjo kurilno vrednost, je ekvivalent veË kot 1, sicer pa manj kot 1. Odpotovali potniki so potniki, ki so odpotovali z űelezniökih postaj (po evidenci prodanih vozovnic). Netotonski kilometri (km) so seötevki zmnoűkov teűe prepeljanega blaga z dejanskimi razdaljami, na katerih je bilo to blago prepeljano. POMORSKI PROMET Brutoregistrska tonaűa (BRT) je ves zaprt ladijski prostor pod palubo in nad njo (od tod naziv bruto) in se meri v m3. 1 registrska tona je 2,83 m3. Netoregistrska tonaűa (NRT) je ladijski prostor, namenjen izkljuËno za prevoz potnikov in blaga. Bruto nosilnost ladje (DWT) je najveËja nosilnost ladje. Poleg neto nosilnosti ladje, ki je na voljo za prevoz tovora, je v bruto nosilnost zajeta tudi teűa pogonskega goriva, posadke, hrane itd. Indicirana moË pogonskih motorjev (v kW) je moË, ki jo je oznaËil proizvajalec. Jadran je obmoËje prevozov med pristaniöËi Jadranskega morja skupaj s pristaniöËema Otranto in Valona. Mediteran je obmoËje prevozov med pristaniöËi Sredozemskega, »rnega in Azovskega morja skupaj s pristaniöËema Gibraltar in Tanger. Prekomorska plovba so vsi drugi prevozi, ki ne spadajo v prejönji dve skupini. ZRA»NI PROMET Letalski kilometri (km) so razdalje v km, ki jih prevozijo letala. »arterski leti so pogodbeni leti. Bruto nosilnost letala je razlika med najveËjo dovoljeno teűo letala pri vzletu in teűo praznega letala (brez potnikov, tovora in pogonskega goriva). CESTNI PROMET Magistralna cesta je mednarodna javna cesta, ki povezuje glavna mesta ali pomembnejöa gospodarska obmoËja drűav. Regionalna cesta je javna cesta, ki povezuje gospodarska obmoËja znotraj drűave ali pa je posebno pomembna za drűavo. Lokalna cesta je javna cesta, ki povezuje vasi in naselja znotraj obËin ali pa je posebno pomembna za promet na obmoËju obËine. Mednarodna E-cesta je javna cesta, ki je z mednarodnim aktom uvröËena v mreűo mednarodnih cest. Avtocesta je javna cesta, namenjena izkljuËno prometu z motornimi vozili. OznaËena je s predpisanim prometnim znakom. Ima dva med seboj loËena vozna pasova za promet v nasprotni smeri, je brez kriűiöË s cesto, űeleznico ali tramvajsko progo v isti ravnini in ima posebej zgrajene prikljuËke na drugo javno cestno omreűje. Specialna vozila so gasilska, sanitetna (reöilna), pogrebna vozila itd. VleËna vozila so sedlasti vlaËilci za prevoz kontejnerjev ipd. Od traktorjev so bili do leta 1985 upoötevani le registrirani, od leta 1986 pa prikazujemo evidentirane, ker se od tedaj le öe evidentirajo. Mejni prehod za mednarodni promet je kraj, kjer je dovoljeno prestopiti mejo drűavljanom Slovenije in drugim drűavljanom. passengers multiplied by the distances they have travelled. Tonne-kilometres are the aggregate product of the quantity of goods multiplied by the distances over which they have been conveyed. RAILWAY TRANSPORT Mixed stations are stations for passengers and goods. The actual length of line for a given section of railway is the length between the mid-point of the building of the departure station to the mid-point of the building of the terminal station. Train-kilometres are the distances in kilometres travelled by trains. Gross tonne-kilometres are the aggregate products of the total weight of goods (the load and weight of the wagons, not including the locomotive) multiplied by the distances over which this weight remains constant during transport. Normal fuel is the weight of fuel in tonnes (actual fuel) multiplied by the equivalent of the calorific value of the fuel. Fuel with a calorific value of 4800 cal has an equivalent of 1. If the fuel has a higher calorific value, the equivalent is higher than 1, otherwise it is lower. Passenger departures are the number of passengers who have departed from railway stations on the basis of recorded ticket sales. Net-tonne kilometres are the aggregate products of the weight of conveyed goods multiplied by the actual distances over which they have been conveyed. MARITIME TRANSPORT Gross register tonnage (GRT) is the total enclosed space below deck and above (hence gross) and is measured in cubic metres. 1 registered tonne is 2,83 m3. Net register tonnage (NRT) is the space of the vessel which is exclusively intended for carrying passengers and goods. The gross carrying capacity (DWT) of a ship is the maximum load it can carry. In addition to the net carrying capacity available for the carriage of cargo, the gross capacity also includes the weight of engine fuel, the crew, provisions, etc. The indicated engine power (in kW) is the power specified by the manufacturer. Adriatic is the shipping area between the ports on the Adriatic Sea, including the ports of Otranto and Valona. Mediterranean is the shipping area between the ports of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, including the ports of Gibraltar and Tangier. Transoceanic shipping is all maritime transport which does not fall under the above two groups. AIR TRANSPORT Air kilometres are the distances in kilometres travelled by aircraft. Charter flights are contractual flights. The gross carrying capacity of an aircraft is the difference between its maximum permitted weight at take-off and its weight when empty (without passengers, cargo and engine fuel). ROAD TRANSPORT Major roads are international highways connecting capital cities or major economic regions of countries. Regional roads are highways connecting economic regions within the country or which are of particular importance to the country. Local roads are public roads connecting villages and settlements within communities or which are of particular importance to traffic within the community. International E-roads are highways included in the international road network under international agreements. Motorways are highways designated exclusively for motor vehicle traffic and marked with a prescribed traffic sign, having two non-adjoining carriageways for traffic in either direction, no crossings with roads, railways or tramways on the same level, and specially constructed junctions for access to the rest of the highway network. Special vehicles are fire engines, emergency (rescue) vehicles, hearses, etc. Road tractors are tractive units for transporting containers, etc. In the case of agricultural tractors, only registered vehicles were included until 1985; since 1986 we show noted agricultural tractors, as from that year on they are only noted. The border crossing for international traffic is intended for cross-border traffic of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other countries. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 338 Mejni prehod za meddrűavni promet je kraj, kjer je dovoljeno prestopiti mejo drűavljanom Slovenije in drűavljanom sosednjih drűav. Mejni prehod za obmejni promet je kraj, kjer je dovoljeno prestopiti mejo drűavljanom z doloËenega obmoËja Slovenije in doloËenega obmoËja sosednje drűave v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo. Promet Ëez meddrűavne mejne prehode je priötet k mednarodnemu prometu. Hudo poökodovani so osebe, ki so v prometni nezgodi utrpele zlom, pretres moűganov, notranje poökodbe itd. POäTNE IN TELEKOMUNIKACIJSKE STORITVE Redna poöta je tista, na kateri opravljajo vsa poötna opravila. Pomoűna poöta je tista, na kateri opravljajo poötna opravila v omejenem obsegu. Po posebni pogodbi jih lahko opravlja tudi delavec, ki ni poötni usluűbenec. Zmogljivost central je zgrajeno ötevilo prikljuËnih toËk za naroËniöke prikljuËke. ätevilo telefonskih aparatov v uporabi je ötevilo prikljuËnih telefonskih aparatov, vkljuËno z dvojËki in s stranskimi aparati. Impulz (telefonski, telegrafski) je koliËinska obraËunska enota pri avtomatskih centralah. Pri pogovorih (brzojavkah) v lokalnem in medkrajevnem prometu je impulz odvisen od razdalje med uporabnikoma telefona (telegrafa). PREKLADANJE Prekladalna prometna tona je enota za koliËine blaga, ki ga je prevzel in odpremil poslovni subjekt. Blago je v tej enoti prikazano samo enkrat, ne glede na njegova premeöËanja. Premanipulirana tona je enota delovnega uËinka, ki obsega celotno premikanje blaga (razlaganje, nalaganje, direktno prekladanje in premeöËanje). STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Statistika cestnega prometa 1968. Nomenklatura prevoza blaga v prometu 1968. Statistika pretovora robe. Metodoloöki material 180, SZS, Beograd 1968. Brojanje saobraËaja na drumovima u 1975. Metodoloöki material 212, SZS Beograd 1974. PTT in prometna statistika od osvoboditve do 31. 12. 1945. Prometna statistika po OLO za 1946 in 1947. Promet v l. 1948. Promet cestni v l. 1949. Letni pregled prometa za l. 1947, 1950. Pregled prometa za l. 1951. Letni pregled prometa 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961. StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 18; 1964, öt. 17; 1965, öt. 20; 1966, öt.22; 1967, öt. 12; 1968, öt. 13; 1969, öt. 16, 1997 öt. 2. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 52, 56, 57, 63, 64, 70, 72, 81, 107, 163, 303, 359, 483, 500, 518, 520, 540, 586, 610, 631, 649 in 662. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1960, zv. III; 1961, zv. III; 1962, zv. III; 1963, zv. V; 1964, zv. VIII; 1965, zv. XII; 1966, zv. IX; 1967, zv. VII; 1969, zv. X; 1970, zv. X; 1976, zv. XIII; 1977, zv. XIV; 1978, zv. XI; 1979, zv. XVIII; 1980, zv. XX; 1981, zv. XII; 1982, zv. XVI; 1983, öt. 6; 1984, öt. 7; 1985, öt. 6; 1986, öt. 6; 1987, öt. 20; 1988, öt. 7; 1989, öt. 21; 1990, öt. 16; 1991, öt. 4; 1992, öt. 7; 1993, öt. 9 in 1994, öt. 17. The border crossing for interstate traffic is intended for cross-border traffic of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of the neighbouring country. The border crossing for local traffic is intended for cross-border traffic of citizens from a certain area of the Republic of Slovenia and a certain area of the neighbouring country according to international agreement. The traffic across interstate border crossings is added to the international traffic. Seriously injured are persons sustaining fractures, concussion, internal injuries, etc. in traffic accidents. POST AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS A regular post office is one where all postal services are performed. An auxiliary post office is one where limited postal services are performed. Under special contracts these may be carried out by a worker who is not a postal clerk. The exchange capacity is the number of connection points constructed for exchange connections. The number of telephone sets in use is the number of connected telephone sets, including doublets and extension sets. A (telephone, telegraph) impulse is the quantitative billing unit at automatic exchanges. In local and long-distance calls (telegram messages) the impulse depends on the distance between the two telephone (telegraph) users. TRANSSHIPMENT Transshipment tonnes denote the quantity of goods received and forwarded by a business unit. Goods are shown with transshipment tonnes once only, irrespective of multiple transfers. Manipulated tonnes are the unit of working effect represented by complete moving of goods (unloading, loading, direct transshipment and transfer). STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Road Traffic Statistics 1968. Nomenclature of the Transport of Goods in Traffic 1968. Goods Transshipment Statistics. Methodological Material 180, FSO, Belgrade 1968. Road Traffic Count 1975. Methodological Material 212, FSO, Belgrade 1974. Postal and Transport Statistics from the Liberation to 31 Dec. 1945. Transport Statistics for 1946 and 1947. Transport in 1948. Road Transport in 1949. Annual Review of Transport for 1947, 1950. Review of Transport for 1951. Annual Review of Transport 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961. Statistical Material 1963 No. 18, 1964 No. 17, 1965 No. 20, 1966 No. 22, 1967 No. 12, 1968 No. 13, 1969 No. 16, 1997 No. 2. Results of Surveys No. 52, 56, 57, 63, 64, 70, 72, 81, 107, 163, 303, 359, 483, 500, 518, 520, 540, 586, 610, 631, 649, 662. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1960 vol. III, 1961 vol. III, 1962 vol. III, 1963 vol. IV, 1964 vol. VIII, 1965 vol. XII, 1966 vol. IX, 1967 vol. VII, 1969 vol. X, 1970 vol. X, 1976 vol. XIII, 1977 vol. XIV, 1978 vol. XI, 1979 vol. XVIII, 1980 vol. XX, 1981 vol. XII, 1982 vol. XVI, 1983 No. 6, 1984 No. 7, 1986 No. 6, 1987 No. 6, 1988 No. 20, 1989 No. 21, 1990 No. 16, 1991 No. 4, 1992 No. 7, 1993 No. 9, 1994 No. 17. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 339 22.1 Sploöni pregled prometa in zvez1) General review of transport and communications1) 1) NaËelo Ëistih dejavnosti: od 1971 prikazano po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti. / By kind of activity: from 1971 on shown according to the National Classification of Activities. 2) Prepeljani potniki v vseh panogah prometa. / Passengers carried in all modes of transport. 3) Prepeljano blago v vseh panogah prometa. / Goods carried in all modes of transport. 4) Od leta 1980 so podatki izraűeni v tisoËih in so vzeti iz tabele 27.5 “Zaposlenost po dejavnostih. / From 1980 the data are in thousands and are taken from Table 27.5 Employment by activities”. 22.2 Postaje in dolűina prog v űelezniökem prometu Stations and length of tracks in railway transport 1) ätete so tovorne in ranűirne postaje ter druga postajaliöËa. / Goods stations, marshaling yards and other stops are included. Prepeljani potniki 10002) Passengers carried 10002) Prepeljano blago 1000 t3) Goods carried 1000 t3) Zaposlene osebe, letno povpreËje4) Persons in paid employment, annual average4) 1970 239117 61683 29959 1971 248073 66986 35714 1972 258291 72369 36551 1973 270715 86935 37533 1974 288345 79700 39389 1975 289349 74284 38463 1976 328224 68459 38428 1977 335225 77438 39478 1978 337535 85419 41030 1979 358119 92318 42999 1980 375706 91520 58,1 1981 381977 98080 59,9 1982 391777 93204 61,3 1983 458276 95757 62,5 1984 512973 94125 62,7 1985 543259 89578 64,7 1986 534063 89947 65,6 1987 527970 85870 66,8 1988 505048 91815 65,3 1989 491486 99267 64,0 1990 479587 96259 61,9 1991 415784 84919 58,8 1992 328595 44574 57,2 1993 304253 46419 51,9 1994 295417 41642 49,1 1995 291848 49121 49,6 1996 287620 46904 ... Postaje Stations Dejanska dolűina prog (km) Actual length of tracks (km) skupaj total potniöke in meöane passenger and mixed druge1) other1) skupaj total od tega of which dvotirne double elektrificirane electrified Slovenske űeleznice Slovenian Railways 1985 308 126 182 1228 332 518 1990 320 129 191 1366 332 526 1992 281 125 156 1201 332 499 1993 289 118 171 1201 332 499 1994 295 118 177 1201 332 499 1995 294 122 172 1201 332 499 1996 296 119 177 1201 332 499 Slovenija Slovenia 1985 271 111 160 1058 332 491 1990 283 114 169 1196 332 499 1992 281 125 156 1201 332 499 1993 289 118 171 1201 332 499 1994 295 118 177 1201 332 499 1995 294 122 172 1201 332 499 1996 296 119 177 1201 332 499 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 340 22.3 Lokomotive in motorni vagoni - aktivni vozni park1) Locomotives and railcars - active rolling stock 1) äteti so tudi tirni avtobusi. Railbuses are included. 22.4 Potniöki in tovorni vagoni Passenger and goods wagons 1) äteti so tudi motorniki in njihova prikljuËna vozila. Railcars and their trailers are included. 2) Sluűbeni vagoni za potniöke in tovorne namene ter vagoni za posebne űelezniöke namene. Wagons for passenger and goods purposes and wagons for special railway purposes. Skupaj Total Lokomotive Locomotives Motorni vagoni (garniture) Railcars (sets) parne steam elektriËne electric dizel diesel skupaj total elektriËni electric dizel diesel V prometu Active 1985 245 7 101 137 129 32 971) 1985 1990 236 3 99 134 122 32 901) 1990 1992 228 4 95 129 114 30 84 1992 1993 222 4 95 123 113 30 83 1993 1994 223 5 95 123 113 30 83 1994 1995 214 5 95 114 113 30 83 1995 1996 210 5 95 110 113 30 83 1996 Stanje 1996 po letu izdelave As of 1996 by the year of manufacture do 1955 5 5 - - - - - until 1955 1956-1996 205 - 95 110 113 30 83 1956-1996 Potniöki vagoni Passenger wagons Tovorni vagoni Goods wagons skupaj total vagoni za potnike1) passenger wagons1) sluűbeni vagoni2) vans2) skupaj total zaprti covered odprti open cisterne tank wagons drugi vagoni other skupna nosilnost total carrying capacity t V prometu Active 1985 701 616 85 8657 2732 4791 373 761 372194 1985 1990 691 606 85 8692 2945 4774 204 769 381800 1990 1992 748 582 166 8480 3655 3440 203 1182 376876 1992 1993 705 545 160 8401 3606 3420 201 1174 374356 1993 1994 686 518 168 8269 3538 3365 200 1166 368761 1994 1995 703 513 190 7865 3463 2990 199 1213 352689 1995 1996 676 485 191 7273 3234 2643 192 1204 328920 1996 Stanje 1996 po letu izdelave As of 1996 by the year of manufacture do 1949 109 12 97 61 4 29 2 26 ... until 1949 1950-1996 567 473 94 7212 3230 2614 190 1178 ... 1950-1996 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 341 22.5 IzkoriöËanje űelezniökih prevoznih sredstev in poraba goriv Usage of railway vehicles and fuel consumption 22.6 Prepeljani potniki in potniöki km v űelezniökem prometu1) Passengers carried and passenger-km in railway transport1) 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 22.7 éelezniöki blagovni promet Railway goods transport 1) Podatki so popravljeni. Data are corrected. Vlakovni km (1000) Train-km (1000) Brutotonski km (mio) Gross tonne-km (mio) Poraba normalne- ga goriva Standard fuel consumption 1000 t Porabljena elektriËna en- ergija Electric power consumption 1000 MWh skupaj total potniöki vlaki passenger trains tovorni vlaki goods trains skupaj total potniöki vlaki passenger trains tovorni vlaki goods trains 1985 22710 12597 10113 11356 2801 8555 - 231 1990 22968 12258 10710 11190 2687 8503 - 225 1992 17272 10022 7250 7216 1766 5450 0 147 1993 17182 10470 6712 6643 1747 4896 0 146 1994 18594 11535 7059 7560 1898 5662 0 147 1995 18515 10885 7630 7967 1790 6177 0 169 1996 17835 10892 6943 7072 1792 5228 12 160 Prepeljani potniki (1000) Passengers carried (1000) Potniöki km (mio) Passenger-km (mio) skupaj total v mednarodnem prometu in international trans- port v notranjem prometu in national transport skupaj total v mednarodnem prometu in international trans- port v notranjem prometu in national transport 1985 29149 1503 27646 1667 241 1426 1990 21096 1669 19427 1429 263 1166 1992 12286 1331 10955 547 143 404 1993 12636 1042 11594 566 113 453 1994 13105 992 12113 590 115 475 1995 13307 885 12422 595 104* 491* 1996 13683 813 12870 613 103 510 Vagoni (1000) Wagons (1000) Blago (1000 t) Goods (1000 t) Neto tonski km Net tonne-km mionaloűeni loaded razloűeni unloaded naloűeno loaded razloűeno unloaded 1985 403 463 9696 12287 4292 1990 310 330 8853 9553 4209 19921) 248 226 6330 6390 2574 19931) 176 193 5413 6078 2262 19941) 189 208 5789 6769 2448 19951) 204 229 6567 7783 3076 1996 203 210 6384 6872 2550 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 342 22.8 éelezniöki prevoz blaga v notranjem in mednarodnem prometu1) Railway goods transport in national and international transport1) 1000 t 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 2) ätete so kosovne, ekspresne in poötne poöiljke. Parcel, express and postal shipments are included. 3) Podatki za leta 1994, 1995 in 1996 niso primerljivi s podatki za predhodna leta zaradi drugaËne definicije posameznih vrst prometa. Data for 1994, 1995 and 1996 are not comparable with data for previous years because of a different definition of individual types of transport. 22.9 Naloűeno blago v űelezniökem prometu Goods loaded in railway transport 1000 t 1) Podatki so popravljeni. Data are corrected. 22.10 Razloűeno blago v űelezniökem prometu Goods unloaded in railway transport 1000 t 1) Podatki so popravljeni. Data are corrected. Skupaj Total Notranji promet National transport Mednarodni promet International transport Mednarodni promet2) International transport2) izvoz export uvoz import tranzit transit 1985 24392 13073 11319 3151 3672 4496 1990 22445 8594 13851 4093 3920 5838 1992 13045 3366 9679 1126 2462 6091 1993 11900 3064 8836 1186 2451 5199 19943) 13020 1866 11154 1390 4086 5678 19953) 14893 1752 13141 1482 4204 7455 19963) 13155 1811 11344 1399 3980 5965 1985 1990 1991 19921) 19931) 19941) 19951) SKUPAJ 9696 8853 6964 6330 5413 5789 6567 TOTAL Premog 2321 1172 1140 1089 861 663 683 Coal Nafta 60 47 159 301 468 451 492 Crude oil Rude, staro űelezo 1033 2170 1397 1510 773 1065 1586 Ore and scrap iron Nekovinske rudnine 298 113 127 80 89 - - Non-metal minerals Kovine 368 316 192 136 136 232 275 Metals Les 410 314 244 472 206 324 344 Wood Drva in celulozni les 279 281 135 119 119 56 72 Wood and pulpwood Cement 317 323 259 159 91 182 170 Cement Drug gradbeni material 895 539 433 254 257 107 131 Other construction material éita 85 361 119 20 175 133 77 Cereals Gnojila 430 191 183 187 297 1 1 Fertilizers Kosovno blago 176 67 39 14 13 18 19 Parcel goods Drugo blago 3024 2959 2537 1989 1928 2557 2717 Other goods 1985 1990 1991 19921) 19931) 19941) 19951) SKUPAJ 12287 9553 7895 6390 6078 6769 7783 TOTAL Premog 2415 1440 1215 1101 875 637 721 Coal Nafta 651 521 508 604 604 741 763 Crude oil Rude, staro űelezo 1433 1031 450 386 328 198 243 Ore and scrap iron Nekovinske rudnine 539 317 261 118 185 - - Non-metal minerals Kovine 653 553 396 259 503 909 1104 Metals Les 766 672 576 416 388 635 770 Wood Drva in celulozni les 702 528 288 163 167 180 194 Wood and pulpwood Cement 271 170 143 103 71 118 78 Cement Drug gradbeni material 843 647 528 284 354 98 99 Other construction material éita 419 311 412 400 257 584 957 Cereals Gnojila 331 192 192 270 167 86 93 Fertilizers Kosovno blago 89 34 25 14 14 15 13 Parcel goods Drugo blago 3175 3137 2901 2272 2165 2568 2748 Other goods StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 343 22.11 Naloűeno in razloűeno blago v űelezniökem prometu1) Loaded and unloaded goods in railway transport1) 1000 t 1) Od leta 1996 se blago razvröËa po Klasifikaciji blaga za statistiko prometa (NST/R). Since 1996 goods are clasified according to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST/R). 22.12 Priplule ladje v pristaniökem prometu Vessels having entered the harbours 22.13 Promet potnikov po pristaniöËih1) Passenger transport by harbours1) 1000 1) Prispeli in odpotovali potniki. / Passengers having arrived and departed. Naloűeno Loaded Razloűeno Unloaded 1996 SKUPAJ 6369 6860 TOTAL Kmetijski pridelki in űive űivali 645 1116 Agricultural products and live animals éivila in űivalska krma 265 208 Foodstuffs and animal fooder Trdna mineralna goriva 678 750 Solid mineral fuels Nafta in naftni derivati 507 785 Petroleum products Rude in kovinski odpadki 1382 455 Ores and metal waste Kovinski izdelki 105 585 Metal products Surovi in predelani materiali, gradbeni materiali 811 932 Crude and manufactured minerals, building materials Gnojila - 90 Fertilizers Kemikalije 550 539 Chemicals Stroji, transportna oprema, industrijski izdelki in meöani izdelki 1426 1400 Machinery, transport equipment, manufacture articles and miscellaneous articles Skupaj Total Izola Isola Koper Capodistria Piran Pirano ötevilo number NRT 1000 m3 ötevilo number NRT 1000 m3 ötevilo number NRT 1000 m3 ötevilo number NRT 1000 m3 1985 2114 12504 318 605 1214 11738 582 161 1985 1990 2077 17294 479 908 1041 14739 557 1647 1990 1992 1284 13000 136 285 1091 12662 57 53 1992 1993 1411 14144 107 259 1261 13857 43 28 1993 1994 1355 13876 83 280 1226 13558 46 38 1994 1995 1557 15650 61 230 1454 15340 42 80 1995 1996 1816 17259 44 192 1499 16920 273 147 1996 SKUPAJ 1816 17259 44 192 1499 16920 273 147 TOTAL Po pristaniöËih By harbours iz domaËih pristaniöË 43 113 22 39 11 71 10 3 from local harbours iz tujine 1773 17146 22 153 1488 16849 263 144 from abroad Po ladjah By vessels domaËe 129 47 19 2 5 11 105 113 local tuje 1687 17212 25 190 1494 16909 168 34 foreign Skupaj Total Prispeli potniki Passengers having arrived Odpotovali potniki Passengers having departed skupaj total Izola Isola Koper Capodistria Piran Pirano skupaj total Izola Isola Koper Capodistria Piran Pirano skupaj total Izola Isola Koper Capodistria Piran Pirano 1985 68 5 1 62 31 3 1 28 37 2 0 34 1985 1990 63 16 1 46 31 8 0 23 32 9 0 23 1990 1992 14 3 0 11 6 1 0 5 8 2 0 6 1992 1993 39 3 0 36 19 1 0 18 20 2 0 18 1993 1994 42 1 0 41 21 0 0 21 21 1 0 20 1994 1995 40 0 0 40 18 0 - 18 22 - 0 22 1995 1996 32 0 1 31 16 0 0 16 16 0 1 15 1996 SKUPAJ 32 0 1 31 16 0 0 16 16 0 1 15 TOTAL Po pristaniöËih By harbours iz domaËih pristaniöË 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 - 1 from local har- bours iz tujine 30 - 1 29 15 - 0 15 15 - 1 14 from abroad StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 344 22.14 Pristaniöki promet po vrstah blaga1) Harbour transport of goods by type1) 1000 t 1) Prispelo in odpremljeno blago. / Goods received and dispatched. 2) Pesek, opeka, apno itd. / Sand, bricks, lime, etc. 22.15 Notranji in mednarodni pristaniöki promet po vrstah blaga1) National and international harbour transport of goods by type1) 1000 t 1) Do leta 1991(vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. / Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 2) Pesek, opeka, apno itd. / Sand, bricks, lime, etc. 22.16 Plovni park - tovorne ladje Waterways fleet - freight vessels 1) Ladje, ki jih je slovenski prevoznik najel od svojega podjetja v tujini. / Vessels chartered by the Slovenian carrier from its company abroad. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 4082 5542 4652 5159 5252 6811 6502 TOTAL Premog 760 87 450 504 322 447 1006 Coal Nafta 751 630 688 905 1107 1089 1357 Crude oil Rude 704 2074 1162 779 1109 1679 1036 Ore Nekovine 71 41 312 246 190 301 441 Non-metals Kovine 42 76 21 82 74 176 161 Metals Les 149 81 97 209 215 236 223 Wood Drva in celulozni les - 6 7 7 5 12 7 Wood and pulpwood Cement 99 3 - 7 - 1 1 Cement Drug gradbeni material2) - 12 25 16 17 31 24 Other construction material éita in űitni izdelki 125 599 535 432 436 1107 639 Cereals and products Gnojila 318 284 119 177 170 130 156 Fertilizers Drugo blago 1063 1649 1236 1795 1607 1602 1451 Other goods Promet skupaj Transport total Notranji promet National transport Izvoz Export Uvoz Import Tranzit Transit skupaj total naloűeno loaded razloűeno unloaded 1985 4082 2 1 1 827 1934 1319 1985 1990 5542 15 8 7 648 1982 2897 1990 1992 4652 0 0 - 127 1378 3147 1992 1993 5159 - - - 103 1961 3095 1993 1994 5252 - - - 87 1856 3309 1994 1995 6811 - - - 137 2204 4470 1995 1996 6502 - - - 143 2567 3792 1996 SKUPAJ 6502 - - - 143 2567 3792 TOTAL Premog 1006 - - - - 295 711 Coal Nafta 1357 - - - - 1323 34 Crude oil Rude 1036 - - - 1 93 942 Ore Nekovine 441 - - - - 375 66 Non-metals Kovine 161 - - - 0 6 155 Metals Les 223 - - - 11 4 208 Wood Drva in celulozni les 7 - - - 4 - 3 Wood and pulpwood Cement 1 - - - 1 - - Cement Drug gradbeni material2) 24 - - - 4 1 19 Other construction material éita in űitni izdelki 639 - - - - 146 493 Cereals and products Gnojila 156 - - - - 33 123 Fertilizers Drugo blago 1451 - - - 122 291 1038 Other goods ätevilo Number BRT GRT m3 Potniöka mesta Passenger places Bruto nosilnost DWT (t) Gross carrying capacity DWT (t) Pogonska moË (KW) Driving power (KW) 1985 21 679359 58 378745 127580 1990 11 392000 - 223671 68553 19921) 22 1005632 - 596944 165924 19931) 13 586680 - 346466 96520 19941) 13 586680 - 346466 96520 19951) 13 586680 - 346466 96520 19961) 16 804143 - 475736 126878 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 345 22.17 Pomorski prevoz blaga po vrstah plovbe Maritime transport of goods by mode of navigation 22.18 Mednarodni pomorski prevoz blaga1) International maritime transport of goods1) 1000 t 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 2) V letih 1992-1996 so prikazane ladje, ki jih je slovenski prevoznik najel od svojega podjetja v tujini. In 1992-1996 vessels chartered by the Slovenian carrier from its company abroad. 3) Delitev po podroËjih glede na izvor blaga. Division by areas as regards the origin of goods. 4) Prevoz ni ötet v stolpcu Skupaj. Transport is not included in column Total. Prevoz blaga (1000 t) Goods transport (1000 t) Tonske milje (mio) Tonne-miles (mio) skupaj total Jadran in Mediteran Adriatic and Mediterranean prekomorska plovba overseas transport skupaj total Jadran in Mediteran Adriatic and Mediterranean prekomorska plovba overseas transport 1985 3323 1011 2312 18047 3412 14635 1985 1990 3226 1162 2064 20716 7459 13257 1990 1992 3363 789 2574 21799 6623 15176 1992 1993 3056 691 2365 19600 4627 14973 1993 1994 3183 633 2550 18858 3748 15110 1994 1995 3122 567 2555 17775 3091 14684 1995 1996 3318 706 2612 18112 3274 14838 1996 SKUPAJ 3318 706 2612 18112 3274 14838 TOTAL Izvoz - - - - - - Export Uvoz - - - - - - Import Tranzit - - - - - - Transit Prevozi med tujimi pristaniöËi - razloűeno 3318 706 2612 18112 3274 14838 Transport among foreign harbours - unloaded Skupaj Total Izvoz Export Uvoz Import Tranzit3) Transit3) Prevoz med tuji- mi pristaniöËi - razkladanje Transport among foreign harbours -un- loading Prevoz med tujimi pristaniöËi - nakladanje4) Transport among foreign harbours - loading4) 1985 3323 42 741 15 2525 2525 1985 1990 3226 30 76 3 3117 3117 1990 19922) 3363 4 10 4 3345 3345 19922) 19932) 3056 0 10 0 3046 3046 19932) 19942) 3183 - - - 3183 3183 19942) 19952) 3122 - 23 - 3099 3099 19952) 19962) 3318 - - - 3318 3318 19962) Prevoz po podroËjih Transport by areas SKUPAJ 3318 - - - 3318 3318 TOTAL Jadran in Mediteran 706 - - - 706 400 Adriatic and Mediterranean Atlantska obala Evrope 173 - - - 173 446 European Atlantic coast Zahodna Afrika 150 - - - 150 554 West Africa Obala Indijskega oceana, RdeËega Indian Ocean coast, Read morja in Perzijskega zaliva 453 - - - 453 322 Sea and Persian Gulf Vzhodna Azija in Oceanija 839 - - - 839 480 East Asia and Oceania Severna in Srednja Amerika 800 - - - 800 934 North and Central America Juűna Amerika 197 - - - 197 182 South America StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 346 22.19 Letala Aircrafts 22.20 Prevoz potnikov v zraËnem prometu1) Air transport of passengers1) 1) Do leta 1991(vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 22.21 Prevoz blaga v zraËnem prometu1) Air transport of goods1) 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije. Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former SFR Yugoslavia. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 ätevilo letal, 31. 12. 11 13 13 13 9 7 7 Number of aircrafts, 31. 12. ätevilo sedeűev 1387 1780 1780 1780 1112 810 810 Number of seats Bruto nosilnost (kg) 273220 334000 334000 334000 215000 150000 158900 Gross carrying capacity (kg) ätevilo vzletov 16910 18339 5719 8530 8855 9797 10236 Number of take-offs Letalski km - plaËani (1000) 13849 16118 5808 7593 8068 9063 9685 Aircraft-km - paid (1000) 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Potniki (1000) Passengers (1000) SKUPAJ 1267 1463 333 431 505 548 594 TOTAL Notranji promet 411 418 9 16 2 3 3 National transport Mednarodni promet 856 1045 324 415 503 545 591 International transport v tujino 414 483 114 179 285 268 289 to foreign countries iz tujine 408 468 114 173 215 257 279 from foreign countries po tujini 34 94 96 63 3 20 23 in foreign countries Potniöki km (mio) Passenger-km (mio) SKUPAJ 1248 1554 417 475 548 614 655 TOTAL Notranji promet 166 183 1 2 0 0 0 National transport Mednarodni promet 1082 1371 416 473 548 614 655 International transport v tujino 539 669 137 202 202 309 323 to foreign countries iz tujine 532 646 131 187 230 289 289 from foreign countries po tujini 11 56 148 84 116 16 43 in foreign countries 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Blago (t) Goods (t) SKUPAJ 2607 1755 1885 4119 3808 3877 3785 TOTAL Notranji promet 862 1015 110 389 61 1 7 National transport Mednarodni promet 1745 740 1775 3730 3747 3876 3778 International transport v tujino 1685 531 1105 2350 1812 1910 1980 to foreign countries iz tujine 36 195 634 1344 1842 1964 1786 from foreign countries po tujini 26 14 36 36 93 2 12 in foreign countries Tonski km (1000) Tonne-km (1000) SKUPAJ 3025 1302 1918 3731 3549 3655 3648 TOTAL Notranji promet 331 415 14 52 7 0 1 National transport Mednarodni promet 2694 887 1904 3679 3542 3655 3647 International transport v tujino 2641 620 1190 2408 1546 1928 2001 to foreign countries iz tujine 53 260 703 1214 1522 1726 1599 from foreign countries po tujini 0 7 11 57 474 1 47 in foreign countries StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 347 22.22 Promet na letaliöËih1) Activities at airports1) 1) LetaliöËa Ljubljana, Maribor in od leta 1986 tudi Portoroű. The airports Ljubljana, Maribor and from 1986 also Portoroű. 2) Tranzit glede na letaliöËe (Ljubljana, Maribor, Portoroű). Transit by airports (Ljubljana, Maribor, Portoroű). 22.23 Cestno omreűje Road network km 1) CestiöËe iz asfalta, betona ali kock. Roadway made of asphalt, concrete or cubes. 2) Dolűina avtocest brez prikljuËkov je v letu 1993 znaöala 200 km, v letu 1994 206 km, v letu 1995 218 km in v letu 1996 221 km. Motorway length excluding junctions amounted to 200 km in 1993, 206 km in 1994, 218 km in 1995 and 221 km in 1996. 3) Nekaterim E-cestam so bile spremenjene smeri in oznake. Some E-roads have changed their course and signs. Prispela letala Aircraft having landed Potniki (1000) Passengers (1000) Blago (t) Goods (t) skupaj total prispeli having arrived tranzit2) prispeli having arrived in transit2) odpotovali having departed skupaj total prispelo received tranzit2) prispelo received in transit2) odpravljeno dispatched 1985 6085 666 304 65 297 6893 1589 897 4407 1985 1990 7814 747 360 34 353 4682 1758 145 2779 1990 1992 4748 274 135 9 130 3129 1369 271 1489 1992 1993 7108 422 206 10 206 6336 2444 28 3864 1993 1994 8311 504 251 2 251 8078 2000 2 6076 1994 1995 9466 649 324 2 323 8295 2252 - 6043 1995 1996 9481 679 337 3 339 5239 1747 - 3492 1996 SKUPAJ 9481 679 337 3 339 5239 1747 - 3492 TOTAL Notranji promet 1040 0 0 - 0 - - - - National transport Mednarodni promet 8441 679 337 3 339 5239 1747 - 3492 International transport Redni leti 6108 567 283 - 284 4918 1684 - 3234 Regular flights »arter leti 3373 102 54 3 55 321 63 - 258 Charter flights Ceste skupaj Roads total Kategorija cest Road category Od vseh cest Of all roads avtoceste motorways magistralne major regionalne regional lokalne local s sodobnim1) cestiöËem with modern roadway1) mednarodne E-ceste international E-roads 1985 14113 199 1082 3694 9137 8889 584 1985 1990 14552 228 1357 3395 9572 10524 631 1990 1992 14794 254 1356 3393 9791 11130 638 1992 1993 14803 2682) 1356 3393 9786 11328 6633) 1993 1994 14810 2772) 1356 3396 9781 11512 663 1994 1995 14836 2932) 1357 3395 9791 11843 652 1995 1996 14869 3102) 1370 3395 9794 12070 652 1996 SKUPAJ 14869 3102) 1370 3395 9794 12070 652 TOTAL Sodobno cestiöËe 12070 310 1370 3063 7327 12070 652 Modern roadway Gramoz 2799 - - 332 2467 - - Gravel StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 348 22.24 Registrirana cestna motorna vozila in prikolice, 31. 12. Registered road motor vehicles and trailers, 31. 12. 1) Do leta 1986 so upoötevana tudi kombinirana vozila. / Until 1986 combined vehicles are included. 2) VkljuËeni so tudi vlaËilci. / Road tractors are included. 3) Vozila za prevoz potnikov / tovora. / Station wagons / light vans. 4) VkljuËena so tudi delovna vozila. / Service vehicles are included. 5) Upoötevani so registrirani (do 1985) oz. evidentirani (od 1986) dalje traktorji. / Until 1985 only registered agricultural tractors are included. Nowadays agricultural tractors are only being noted. 22.25 PrviË registrirana cestna motorna vozila in prikolice, 31. 12. Road motor vehicles and trailers, registered for the first time, 31. 12. 1) Brez mopedov. / Mopeds are excluded. 2) Do leta 1986 so upoötevana tudi kombinirana vozila. / Until 1986 combined vehicles are included. 3) VkljuËeni so tudi vlaËilci. / Road tractors are included. 4) Vozila za prevoz potnikov / tovora. / Station wagons / light vans. 5) VkljuËena so tudi delovna vozila. / Service vehicles are included. 6) Upoötevani so registrirani (do 1985) oz. evidentirani (od 1986) dalje traktorji. / Until 1985 only registered agricultural tractors are included. Nowadays agricultural tractors are only being noted. 22.26 Cestni javni potniöki prevoz1) Road passenger transport for hire or reward1) 1) Brez zasebnega prevoza potnikov s taksiji, avtobusi in osebnimi avtomobili. Transport of passengers by taxis, buses by independent transporters and passenger cars is not included. Motorna vozila / Motor vehicles Prikolice Trailers skupaj total motorna kolesa motorcycles osebni avtomobili1) passenger cars1) avtobusi buses tovorni avtomobili2) lorries2) kombinirana vozila3) combined vehicles3) specialna vozila4) special vehicles4) kmetijski traktorji5) agricultural tractors5) 1985 593626 39261 501538 3369 33883 ... 13494 2081 16725 1990 739975 15842 578268 3077 30767 8836 8677 94508 23277 1992 768961 13568 606820 2676 31281 8911 8391 97314 24842 1993 792935 9967 632563 2527 32167 9130 8456 98125 25916 1994 761825 8786 657287 2486 34121 9964 8751 40430 17163 1995 813347 8430 698211 2467 37739 11403 9262 45835 19811 1996 849632 8022 727554 2408 40239 13303 9665 48441 21465 Motorna vozila Motor vehicles Prikolice Trailers skupaj total motorna kolesa1) motorcycles1) osebni avtomobili2) passenger cars2) avtobusi buses tovorni avtomobili3) lorries3) kombinirana vozila4) combined vehicles4) specialna vozila5) special vehicles5) kmetijski traktorji6) agricultural tractors6) 1985 37420 594 32484 344 2690 ... 1290 18 1161 1990 74985 827 69276 172 1665 604 488 1953 480 1992 35195 424 31191 119 1650 684 279 848 352 1993 65547 764 59878 84 2544 1024 369 884 459 1994 53206 547 47217 110 2810 1234 371 917 635 1995 69590 666 61700 82 3847 1835 438 1022 879 1996 67758 750 59358 79 3599 2364 541 1067 779 Avtobusi in prikolice Buses and trailers Prevoz Transport ötevilo number sedeűi seats stojiöËa standing places prevoűeni km km made 1000 prepeljani potniki passengers carried 1000 potniöki km passenger-km mio 1985 2249 105993 36695 136548 306930 6416 1990 2080 101535 34519 133820 280801 6444 1992 1573 78008 23683 97524 146107 3377 1993 1433 68397 19476 89455 130586 2751 1994 1403 66714 18350 88197 125344 2595 1995 1378 64977 17410 84927 121573 2507 1996 1338 64746 18173 84705 113411 2348 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 349 22.27 Cestni javni blagovni prevoz1) Road goods transport for hire or reward1) 1) Brez blagovnega prevoza samostojnih avtoprevoznikov. / Transport of goods for hire or reward by independent transporters i.e. individual entrepreneurs is not included. 2) Med tovorna vozila so vöteta tudi vleËna vozila. / Goods vehicles include also road tractors. 3) VkljuËeni so km tovornih in vleËnih vozil ter njihovih prikolic. / Km of goods vehicles and road tractors and their trailers are included. 22.28 Cestni javni prevoz po vrstah blaga1)2) Road transport for hire or reward by types of goods1)2) 1) Od leta 1996 razvröËamo blago po Klasifikaciji blaga za statistiko prometa (NST/R). / Since 1996 goods are clasified according to Standard goods classification for transport statistics (NST/R). 2) Brez blagovnega prevoza samostojnih avtoprevoznikov. / Transport of goods for hire or reward by independent transporters i. e. individual entrepreneurs is not included. 22.29 Cestni javni prevoz blaga po izvoru in namembnosti1)2) Road transport of goods for hire or reward by origin and destination1)2 1) Brez blagovnega prevoza samostojnih avtoprevoznikov. / Transport of goods for hire or reward by independent transporters, i.e. individual entrepreneurs is not included. 2) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se notranji in mednarodni promet nanaöata na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. / Until (including) 1991 national and international transport refer to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Tovorna vozila Goods vehicles Tovorne prikolice Trailers Prevoz Transport ötevilo2) number2) nosilnost carrying capacity t ötevilo number nosilnost carrying capacity t prevoűeni km3) km made3) 1000 prepeljano blago goods carried 1000 t tonski km tonne-km mio 1985 5341 57570 1832 28818 418341 18649 3772 1990 4006 50285 1424 19858 374109 11268 3440 1992 2812 38282 1190 19302 241251 6411 2260 1993 2387 31512 1076 17052 217953 5664 1989 1994 1990 27201 827 14178 193948 5442 1935 1995 2097 32466 840 13579 177233 4436 1740 1996 1815 26942 714 11370 171143 4545 1705 Prepeljano blago (1000 t) Goods carried (1000 t) 1996 Tonski km (mio) Tonne-km (mio) 1996 SKUPAJ 4545 1705 TOTAL Kmetijski pridelki in űive űivali 464 156 Agricultural products and live animals éivila in űivalska krma 174 66 Foodstuffs and animal fooder Trdna mineralna goriva 97 4 Solid mineral fuels Nafta in naftni derivati 1167 224 Petroleum products Rude in kovinski odpadki 168 21 Ores and metal waste Kovinski izdelki 231 92 Metal products Surovi in predelani materiali, gradbeni materiali 592 133 Crude and manufactured minerals, building materials Gnojila 28 10 Fertilizers Kemikalije 385 214 Chemicals Stroji, transportna oprema, industrijski izdelki in meöani izdelki 1239 785 Machinery, transport equipment, manufacture articles and miscellaneous articles Prevoz skupaj Transport total Notranji prevoz National transport Mednarodni prevoz / International transport izvoz export uvoz import tranzit transit prevoz po tujini in foreign countries Blago (1000 t) Goods (1000 t) 1985 18649 17313 685 427 223 1 1990 11268 9411 793 738 322 4 1992 6411 4092 1114 849 327 29 1993 5664 3570 1009 829 250 6 1994 5442 3407 961 859 209 6 1995 4436 2667 893 743 129 4 1996 4545 2714 883 806 131 11 Tonski km (mio) Tonne-km (mio) 1985 3772 2413 604 419 333 3 1990 3440 1536 811 723 369 1 1992 2260 420 843 692 286 19 1993 1989 298 797 648 243 3 1994 1935 253 795 670 213 4 1995 1740 251 753 585 142 9 1996 1705 232 741 567 157 8 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 350 22.30 Cestni potniöki prevoz za lastne potrebe Road transport of passengers on own account 1) Rezultati vzorËnega raziskovanja, ki so razöirjeni na celotno ötevilo registriranih vozil v cestnem prometu za lastne potrebe. / Sampling results apply to the complete number of registered vehicles in road transport on own account. 2) Zajeti so poslovni subjekti, ki imajo veË kot en avtobus z 10 ali vee sedeűi. / Business units, having more than one bus with 10 seats and over, are included. 3) Brez prevozov za lastne potrebe, ki jih opravljajo javni cestni prevozniki ter zasebnega prevoza potnikov s taksiji, avtobusi in osebnimi avtomobili. / Transport on own account performed by carriers in road transport for hire or reward and transport of passengers by taxis, buses by independent transporters and passenger cars are not included. 4) Potniöka mesta (seötevek sedeűev in stojiöË) v tisoËih. / Passenger places (sum of seats and standing places) in thousands. 22.31 Cestni blagovni prevoz za lastne potrebe Road transport of goods on own account 1) Rezultati vzorËnega raziskovanja, ki so razöirjeni na celotno ötevilo registriranih vozil v cestnem prometu za lastne potrebe. / Sampling results apply to the complete number of registered vehicles in road transport on own account. 2) Zajeti poslovni subjekti, ki imajo veË kot eno tovorno vozilo z nosilnostjo 1 tone in veË. / Business units, having more than one goods vehicle with carrying capacity 1t and over, are included. 3) Brez prevozov za lastne potrebe, ki jih opravljajo javni cestni prevozniki, ter blagovnega prevoza samostojnih avtoprevoznikov. Transport on own account performed by carriers in road transport for hire or reward and transport of goods by independent transporters i.e. individual entrepreneurs are not included. 4) äteta so tudi specialna tovorna vozila (cisterne, hladilniki, itd.). / Special goods vehicles (tankers, refrigerated vehicles, etc.) are also included. 5) VleËna vozila. / Road tractors. 6) Kmetijski traktorji. / Agriculture tractors. 7) äteti tudi kmetijski traktorji. / Agriculture tractors are included. 8) Namesto nosilnosti je prikazana moË v kW. / Power in kW is shown instead of carrying capacity in thousand of tonnes. 9) Prevoűeni km tovornih avtomobilov, vleËnih vozil in prikolic. / Km made by goods vehicles, road tractors and trailers. ätevilo / Number Prevoz / Transport avtobusi buses sedeűi seats stojiöËa standing places prevoűeni km km made mio prepeljani potniki passen- gers car- ried 1000 potniöki km passen- ger km mio 1985 242 7168 793 5 5207 89,9 1985 19901) 420 14,94) - 9,7 8562 112,1 19901) 19922)3) 133 4,74) - 2,8 1327 28,6 19922)3) 19932)3) 114 4,04) - 2,6 1172 28,6 19932)3) 19942)3) 105 3,64) - 2,5 1000 23,5 19942)3) 19952)3) 80 3,14) - 2,3 995 24,9 19952)3) 19962)3) 60 2,14) - 1,5 557 16,2 19962)3) SKUPAJ 60 2,1 - 1,5 557 16,2 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 12 0,8 - 0,3 321 4,0 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo - - - - - - Agriculture and fishing Gradbeniötvo 25 0,7 - 0,5 88 4,1 Construction Promet in zveze3) 3 0,2 - 0,2 46 4,2 Transport and communications3) Gostinstvo in turizem 2 0,1 - 0,1 6 0,6 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve - - - - - - Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejavnost - - - - - - Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve 1 0,0 - 0,0 3 0,3 Financial and business activities Izobra`evanje in kultura 13 0,2 - 0,3 62 2,2 Education and culture Zdravsto in socialno varstvo 3 0,1 - 0,1 30 0,7 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja organizacije 1 0,0 - 0,0 1 0,1 Public administration, funds, associations, organi- zations Tovorni avtomobili Lorries Specialna tovorna vozila Special good vehicles Tovorne prikolice Trailers Prevoz Transport ötevilo number nosil- nost carry- ing ca- pacity 1000 t ötevilo number nosil- nost carry- ing ca- pacity 1000 t ötevilo number nosil- nost carry- ing ca- pacity t prevoűe ni km9) km made9) mio prepel- jano blago goods carried 1000 t tonski- km tonne- km mio 1985 9419 57,1 5055) 371128) 1115 10,7 257 43213 913 1985 19901) 13368 62,5 2375 14 2444 31,4 460 59318 1447 19901) 19922)3) 67954) 41,74) 6546) 308218) 932 7,5 179 21753 517 19922)3) 19932)3) 5912 37,2 16717) 7,1 1146 9,6 181 25795 509 19932)3) 19942)3) 4982 31,4 15917) 6,8 1150 10,3 175 19993 487 19942)3) 19952)3) 5433 34,1 17517) 9,8 1085 11,7 196 26666 619 19952)3) 19962)3) 5164 36,1 17347) 13,6 1018 11,0 200 26099 582 19962)3) SKUPAJ 5164 36,1 1734 13,6 1018 11,0 200 26099 582 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 1476 7,5 484 2,6 191 1,5 61 4357 151 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 176 1,1 489 5,6 368 2,0 15 975 29 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 33 0,4 58 0,7 53 0,6 4 414 17 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 71 0,8 2 0,0 3 0,1 2 1151 19 Water management Gradbeniötvo 1421 13,9 117 1,4 193 3,8 45 13491 210 Construction Promet in zveze3) 264 4,5 9 0,1 96 2,2 4 506 19 Transport and communications3) Trgovina 956 4,2 154 0,8 41 0,4 36 2101 81 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 17 0,1 3 0,0 1 0,0 1 14 1 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 72 0,3 21 0,1 5 0,0 4 45 3 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalne dejavnosti 363 1,8 340 1,9 36 0,1 13 2431 36 Community service activities FinanËne, tehniËne in poslovne storitve 206 1,2 29 0,2 30 0,3 11 341 13 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 76 0,2 18 0,2 1 0,0 3 203 3 Education and culture Zdravstveno in socialno varstvo 27 0,1 3 0,0 - - 1 66 0 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja organizacije 6 0,0 7 0,0 - - 0 4 0 Public administration, funds, associations, organizations StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 351 22.32 Prehod potnikov Ëez mejo v vseh panogah prometa1) Cross-border transport of passengers in all types of transport1) 1000 1) Peöci, kolesarji, mopedisti in potniki s tovornjaki niso öteti. Upoötevan je tudi tranzit potnikov. / Pedestrians, cyclists, mopedists and passengers in goods vehicles are not included. Transit of passengers is included. 2) V podatkih o cestnem mejnem prometu je zajet tudi meddrűavni promet. / In road boarder traffic interstate traffic is included. 22.33 Prehod potnikov Ëez mejo v űelezniökem prometu Cross-border transport of passengers in railway transport 1000 22.34 Cestni mejni prihodi vozil v mednarodnem, meddrűavnem in obmejnem prometu1) Road cross-border entries of vehicles in international, interstate and local border transport1) 1000 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se mejni promet nanaöa na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. / Until (including) 1991 cross-border transport refers to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 2) Upoötevan je tudi tranzit. / Transit is included. Skupni mejni promet Total border transport Mednarodni mejni promet2) International border transport2) Obmejni promet Local border transport 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 éelezniöki promet Railway transport potniki skupaj 2850 2970 2851 2853 2825 2952 2835 2838 25 18 16 15 passengers - total tuji 2257 2326 2101 2149 2241 2314 2090 2139 16 12 11 10 foreign Pomorski promet Maritime transport potniki skupaj 234 900 922 1761 230 894 910 1760 4 6 12 1 passengers - total tuji 154 705 696 1404 150 699 684 1403 4 6 12 1 foreign ZraËni promet Air transport potniki skupaj 435 530 685 722 435 530 685 722 - - - - passengers - total tuji 310 352 440 433 310 352 440 433 - - - - foreign Cestni promet Road transport potniki skupaj 164466 186243 180293 195821 133398 155029 149245 164892 31068 31214 31048 30929 passengers - total tuji 107955 129185 122993 138324 88864 110005 104413 120180 19091 19180 18580 18144 foreign Carinarnica Skupni mejni promet Total border transport Mednarodni mejni promet International border transport Obmejni promet Local border transport Customs office 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ potniki skupaj 2850 2970 2851 2853 2825 2952 2835 2838 25 18 16 15 passengers total TOTAL tuji 2257 2326 2101 2149 2241 2314 2090 2139 16 12 11 10 foreign Seűana potniki skupaj 674 775 854 800 672 772 850 796 2 3 4 4 passengers total Seűana tuji 524 606 660 631 524 605 659 630 0 1 1 1 foreign Nova Gorica potniki skupaj 8 8 9 8 0 1 1 0 8 7 8 8 passengers total Nova Gorica tuji 8 8 9 8 0 1 1 0 8 7 8 8 foreign Jesenice potniki skupaj 445 472 444 460 430 464 440 457 15 8 4 3 passengers total Jesenice tuji 302 318 179 198 294 314 177 197 8 4 2 1 foreign Dravograd potniki skupaj 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 passengers total Dravograd tuji 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 foreign Maribor potniki skupaj 235 206 242 313 235 206 242 313 0 0 0 0 passengers total Maribor tuji 180 152 183 248 180 152 183 248 0 0 0 - foreign Murska Sobota potniki skupaj 457 301 183 208 457 301 183 208 - - - - passengers total Murska Sobota tuji 405 261 148 168 405 261 148 168 - - - - foreign Celje potniki skupaj 199 159 112 118 199 159 112 118 - - - - passengers total Celje tuji 126 111 72 72 126 111 72 72 - - - - foreign Ljubljana potniki skupaj 828 1046 1003 942 828 1046 1003 942 - - - - passengers total Ljubljana tuji 711 869 849 822 711 849 869 822 - - - - foreign 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Prihodi vozil skupaj 11251 19298 25458 30468 34171 33947 34931 Entries of vehicles total tuji 7629 10755 16150 20141 23638 23033 24279 foreign Osebni avtomobili 10776 18676 24307 29244 32768 32437 33252 Passenger cars tuji 7321 10393 15408 19344 22692 22038 23169 foreign Avtobusi 113 167 192 175 218 214 209 Buses tuji 73 84 113 108 157 151 159 foreign Motorna kolesa 78 84 91 106 132 114 138 Motorcycles tuja 54 58 57 69 87 74 99 foreign Tovorna vozila2) 284 371 868 943 1053 1182 1332 Goods vehicles2) tuja 181 220 572 620 702 770 852 foreign StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 352 22.35 Cestni mejni prihodi potnikov po drűavi registracije vozil1) Road cross-border entries of passengers by the country of vehicle registration1) 1000 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se mejni promet nanaöa na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. / Until (including) 1991 cross-border transport refers to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 2) Do leta 1991 gre za vozila, registrirana v nekdanji Jugoslaviji. / Until 1991 vehicles registered in former Yugoslavia. 3) Do leta 1990 podatki veljajo za ZR NemËijo. / Until 1990 data for Germany, Federal Republic. 4) Upoötevane so drűave na ozemlju nekdanje Jugoslavije brez Slovenije in Hrvaöke. / Countries of the former Yugoslavia except Slovenia and Croatia are included. 22.36 Cestni mejni prihodi potnikov po smereh prihoda in mejnih prehodih1) Road cross-border entries of passengers by directions of entry and border crossings1) 1000 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se mejni promet nanaöa na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. / Until (including) 1991 cross-border transport refers to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Prihodi skupaj 36114 62137 71967 82642 93522 90752 98712 Entries total obmejni 10725 13518 14370 15376 15561 15523 15402 local border traffic Slovenija2) 12606 28738 26707 28293 28441 28723 28842 Slovenia2) obmejni 4366 5512 5671 5952 5996 6226 6353 local border transporf Tuji skupaj 23508 33399 45260 54349 65081 62029 69870 Foreign total obmejni 6359 8006 8699 9424 9565 9297 9049 local border transport Avstrija 3503 6737 7430 7710 9450 10866 13324 Austria obmejni 202 270 463 428 425 379 359 local border transport Italija 10063 15676 16511 19282 20399 21696 23282 Italy obmejni 6130 7728 7790 8196 8274 8237 7895 local border transport Madűarska 150 133 637 1489 1384 950 1275 Hungary obmejni 27 8 4 2 1 2 2 local border transport Hrvaöka - - 13905 18689 24410 20978 22027 Croatia obmejni - - 442 798 865 679 793 local border transport Belgija 504 169 42 81 93 72 97 Belgium »eöka - - - 1089 1614 516 864 Czech Republic »eökoslovaöka 289 78 341 - - - - Czechoslovakia Danska 204 161 14 24 31 46 82 Denmark Francija 835 519 123 199 157 208 236 France GrËija 240 176 6 3 5 4 8 Greece NemËija3) 4818 7075 4083 4101 5646 4689 5823 Germany3) Nizozemska 817 549 175 129 278 311 391 Netherlands Poljska 31 69 48 88 50 39 109 Poland Romunija 0 17 13 27 41 30 33 Romania Nekdanja Jugoslavija - del4) - - 1138 372 382 438 750 Former Yugoslavia - part4) Slovaöka - - - 95 232 200 291 Slovakia ävedska 527 188 54 46 53 72 97 Sweden ävica 957 1207 560 796 665 724 786 Switzerland TurËija 239 284 24 7 8 3 8 Turkey Velika Britanija 140 67 13 25 32 26 32 United Kingdom ZDA 37 4 2 2 3 3 3 United States Druge drűave 154 290 141 95 148 158 352 Other countries 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Prihodi skupaj 36115 62137 71967 82642 93522 90752 98712 Entries total obmejni 10725 13518 14370 15376 15561 15523 15402 local border transport »ez italijansko-slovensko mejo 20775 33543 25841 30591 34588 37173 40398 Via Italian-Slovenian border crossing obmejni 9310 12649 13172 14157 14604 14597 14546 local border transport äkofije 4668 6652 4610 5283 5402 5722 8034 äkofije obmejni 1857 2771 2578 2764 2165 2227 2594 local border transport Kozina 2518 4160 1822 2730 2987 3195 3236 Kozina obmejni 308 444 395 451 426 448 442 local border transport FernetiËi 4577 6321 3831 4794 5919 5764 5160 FernetiËi obmejni 1034 1230 1384 1354 1448 1315 1075 local border transport Roűna dolina 1685 2666 2709 2638 2859 2393 3729 Roűna dolina obmejni 964 1027 1032 943 951 765 1244 local border transport RobiË 205 921 712 655 873 986 1102 RobiË obmejni 112 247 154 158 251 247 217 local border transport Drugi 7122 12823 12157 14491 16548 19113 19137 Other obmejni 5035 6930 7629 8487 9363 9595 8974 local border transport »ez avstrijsko-slovensko mejo 14844 27976 19523 19827 23338 25615 28430 Via Austrian-Slovenian border crossing obmejni 1370 850 1195 1215 955 923 853 local border transport Korensko sedlo 2403 3252 1057 1357 1546 2039 2462 Korensko sedlo obmejni 23 29 23 14 12 10 10 local border transport Ljubelj 3134 3937 2102 2088 2077 2008 1670 Ljubelj obmejni 36 109 96 90 6 5 3 local border transport äentilj 5931 11978 6918 6176 7998 8033 9976 äentilj obmejni 107 22 45 77 44 19 22 local border transport Gornja Radgona 741 1688 1647 1810 1890 2238 2221 Gornja Radgona obmejni 318 279 278 302 260 253 265 local border transport Drugi 2635 7121 7799 8396 9827 11297 12101 Other obmejni 886 411 753 732 633 636 553 local border transport »ez madűarsko-slovensko mejo 496 618 953 1570 1989 2379 2341 Via Hungarian-Slovenian border crossing obmejni 45 19 4 4 2 3 3 local border transport »ez hrvaöko-slovensko mejo - - 25650 30654 33607 25585 27543 Via Croatian-Slovenian border crossing SeËovlje - Sicciole - - 5406 7493 3521 3131 3227 SeËovlje - Sicciole Dragonja - Dragogna - - 1837 2687 2285 2015 2915 Dragonja - Dragogna Gruökovlje - - 2329 2660 4148 2484 2805 Gruökovlje Obreűje - - 3399 3227 3299 2688 3083 Obreűje Jelöane - - 1876 1571 4480 2227 2294 Jelöane Drugi - - 10803 13016 15874 13040 13219 Other StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 353 22.37 Cestni mejni promet tovornih vozil in blaga1) Road border transport of goods vehicles and goods1) 1) Do leta 1991 (vkljuËno) se mejni promet nanaöa na ozemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije. Until (including) 1991 cross-border transport refers to the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 22.38 Prometne nesreËe na cestah Road transport accidents 22.39 Mestni potniöki promet Urban passenger transport Merska enota Unit 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Promet skupaj Transport total vozila 1000 552 746 1700 1813 2075 2225 2569 vehicles blago 1000 t 6563 9071 15716 16719 20092 22189 24636 goods Izvoz Export vozila 1000 186 256 466 437 470 469 531 vehicles blago 1000 t 2421 3463 3874 3397 4016 4000 4311 goods Uvoz Import vozila 1000 174 253 488 501 511 556 597 vehicles blago 1000 t 1215 2056 4146 4063 4564 5116 5333 goods Tranzit (prihod in odhod) Transit (arrival and departure) vozila 1000 192 237 746 875 1094 1200 1441 vehicle blago 1000 t 2927 3552 7696 9259 11512 13073 14992 goods Obmejni promet skupaj Local border transport total vozila 1000 47 34 32 52 59 68 82 vehicles blago 1000 t 209 326 188 397 494 511 454 goods Izvoz Export vozila 1000 22 17 14 23 26 30 36 vehicles blago 1000 t 155 261 153 235 289 270 217 goods Uvoz Import vozila 1000 25 17 18 29 33 38 46 vehicles blago 1000 t 54 65 35 162 205 241 237 goods Prometne nesreËe s smrtnim izidom ali s telesno poökodbo Transport accidents in- volving death or injury Posledice / Consequences Smrtno ponesreËeni Persons killed Hudo poökodovani Seriously injured skupaj total vozniki drivers potniki passengers peöci pedestrians 1985 5481 464 251 101 112 2531 1990 5177 517 277 132 108 2638 1992 5882 492 281 94 117 2642 1993 6290 493 285 97 111 2555 1994 6586 505 281 125 99 2613 1995 6540 415 231 101 83 2537 1996 6348 389 226 100 63 2197 ätevilo avtobusov Number of buses Sedeűi in stojiöËa Seats and standing places Prevoűeni km Km made 1000 Prepeljani potniki Passengers carried 1000 1985 396 52566 20210 200706 1985 1990 343 49723 19124 167665 1990 1992 528 60710 29014 168542 1992 1993 491 57429 28511 159428 1993 1994 498 58905 28242 155463 1994 1995 472 56023 27511 155425 1995 1996 468 57023 28428 159375 1996 SKUPAJ 468 57023 28428 159375 TOTAL Ljubljana 282 38249 16632 117156 Ljubljana Maribor 186 18774 11796 42219 Maribor StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 354 22.40 Poötno omreűje Postal network 22.41 Poötne storitve Postal services 1000 1) äteti so tudi Ëasopisi in revije. Newspapers and magazines are included. Poöte Post offices skupaj total redne regular pomoűne in sezonske auxiliary and seasonal s teleprinterjem in telefonom with teleprinter and tele- phone samo s telefonom with telephone only 1985 497 485 12 84 413 1990 505 494 11 76 429 1992 505 496 9 71 434 1993 504 495 9 70 434 1994 506 497 9 8 498 1995 512 503 9 ... ... 1996 525 517 8 ... ... Teleksni naroËniki Telex subscribers Telefaksni naroËniki Telefax subscribers Krajevne telefonske centrale Local telephone exchanges NaroËniöke telefonske centrale PABX Telefonski aparati v uporabi Telephone sets in use skupaj total avtomatske automatic roËne manual zmogljivost capacity telefonski naroËniki telephone subscribers 1985 1977 3 391 384 7 358482 286481 3402 452150 1990 2191 3925 420 420 - 498384 421803 3862 656932 1992 1777 8792 441 441 - 609875 494268 3995 765637 1993 1400 11048 465 465 - 673099 527827 4282 827617 1994 1030 13241 544 544 - 730179 577173 4500. 908216 1995 829 15541 559 559 - 758374 614796 4550. 950000. 1996 539 17727 592 592 - 828484 661902 ... ... Storitve skupaj Services total Navadne pisemske poöiljke1) Ordinary postal letters1) PriporoËene poöiljke Registered consignments Vrednostna pisma Letters with value declared Paketi Parcels Denarni promet Monetary transactions 1985 295774 245123 18885 1496 2401 27869 1990 307713 249254 17327 976 2039 38117 1992 308911 253490 16882 788 910 36841 1993 324370 262846 19739 1007 1186 39592 1994 367269 299830 21562 961 1621 43295 1995 366883 295240 23147 1075 1402 46019 1996 441239 367603 24064 1093 1138 47341 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 355 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Promet in zveze Transport and communications 356 22.42 Telegrafski in telefonski promet Telegram and telephone service 1) Od leta 1989 je zajemanje podatkov spremenjeno. / Since 1989 data collection has changed. 2) Od leta 1988 je zajemanje podatkov spremenjeno. / Since 1988 data collection has changed. 3) Od leta 1995 je zajemanje podatkov spremenjeno. / Since 1995 data collection has changed. 22.43 Prekladalne storitve v pristaniöËih Transshipment in harbours 1000 t 22.44 Prekladalne storitve na drugih prekladalnih mestih Transshipment at other places 1000 t 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Telegrafska sporoËila (1000)/ Telegraphic messages (1000) SKUPAJ 1163 779 593 662 744 679 684 TOTAL Sprejeta 1128 754 561 641 724 662 669 Received za notranji promet 1094 732 518 602 683 625 635 for national service za mednarodni promet 34 22 43 39 41 37 34 for international service Prispela iz mednarodnega prometa 35 25 32 21 20 17 15 Received from international service Telegrafski impulzi1)3)(1000) / Telegraphic impulses1)3)(1000) SKUPAJ 49776 15548 4518 2270 1383 436 173 TOTAL Telefonski pogovori (1000) / Telephone calls (1000) SKUPAJ 111 68 224 216 199 ... ... TOTAL Medkrajevni 89 68 224 216 199 ... ... Long-distance Telefonski impulzi2)3) (mio) / Telephone impulses2)3) (mio) SKUPAJ 4206 4583 6612 10214 11618 6979 6833 TOTAL 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Prekladalne tone 3955 5484 4764 5122 5344 6712 6543 Transshipment tonnes Premanipulirane tone skupaj 7400 7508 7276 8622 9641 11684 12271 Manipulated tonnes total z mehanizacijo 7400 7508 7276 8622 9641 11684 12271 with machines Razloűeno 3161 2817 3495 4030 4873 5408 6450 Unloaded from z vagona 471 253 349 403 536 595 1419 wagon z ladje 2398 2367 2866 3305 3898 4326 4257 ship s cestnega vozila 292 197 280 322 439 487 774 road vehicle Naloűeno 2616 1954 2314 3143 3259 3998 4044 Loaded onto na vagon 695 430 486 691 717 880 890 wagon na ladjo 1650 1348 1620 2169 2216 2718 2709 ship na cestno vozilo 271 176 208 283 326 400 445 road vehicle Direktno prekladanje 1594 2105 1467 1449 1509 2278 1777 Direct transshipment Prekladanje v skladiöËu 29 632 - - - - - Transshipments in warehouse 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Prekladalne tone 3025 2322 1678 1251 1518 1572 1560 Transshipment tonnes Premanipulirane tone skupaj 4617 3732 2505 1979 2659 3174 3252 Manipulated tonnes total od tega z mehanizacijo 4244 3422 2247 1710 2262 2715 2790 of which by machines Razloűeno 1675 1416 903 677 1209 1594 1711 Unloaded from z vagona 1139 965 617 439 911 1329 1437 wagon s cestnega vozila 536 451 286 238 298 265 274 road vehicle Naloűeno 2013 1695 1128 951 1089 1233 1208 Loaded onto na vagon 784 603 317 380 464 887 834 wagon na cestno vozilo 1229 1092 811 571 625 346 374 road vehicle Direktno prekladanje 666 414 281 276 298 296 305 Direct transshipment Prekladanje v skladiöËu 263 207 193 75 63 51 27 Transshipments in warehouse Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 357 23. ZUNANJA TRGOVINA EXTERNAL TRADE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Vir podatkov za statistiko zunanje trgovine so carinske deklaracije. Te so bile za razliËne vrste carinskih postopkov do leta 1996 razliËne. Z zaËetkom leta 1996 je bila uvedena enotna carinska listina (ECL), ki se uporablja v EU in drugih drűavah. StatistiËni urad prejema od Carinske uprave Republike Slovenije kumulativne podatke (izbor podatkov iz ECL) v meseËnih presledkih. Te podatke nam posredujejo na raËunalniökih medijih za vse carinske postopke. Statistika dopolni podatke s carinskih deklaracij z dodatnimi podatki in klasifikacijami, potrebnimi za statistiËno poroËanje. Pri tem so upoötevana priporoËila StatistiËnega urada OZN tako glede obsega zajetja podatkov kakor drugih metodoloökih elementov, ki doloËajo naËin prikaza zunanjetrgovinskih podatkov tako, da so mednarodno Ëim bolj primerljivi. ZAJETJE Statistika zunanje trgovine zajema samo specialno trgovino, kar pomeni, da so predmet statistiËnega opazovanja vsi blagovni tokovi, ki poleg drűavne meje prestopijo tudi carinsko mejo drűave. Izvoz zajema: - blago, izvoűeno iz Slovenije, ki izvira iz proizvodnje v naöi drűavi ozi- roma iz notranjega blagovnega prometa; - izvoz pridobljenih proizvodov po zaËasnem uvozu v oplemenitenje; - izvoz pridobljenih proizvodov po uvozu zaradi proizvodnje za izvoz (sistem odloga); - izvoz pridobljenih proizvodov po uvozu zaradi proizvodnje za izvoz (sistem povraËila); - zaËasni izvoz v oplemenitenje. Uvoz zajema: - blago, uvoűeno v Slovenijo, ki je bilo sproöËeno v prost promet in deklarirano za domaËo porabo; - zaËasni uvoz blaga v oplemenitenje; - uvoz blaga zaradi proizvodnje za izvoz (sistem odloga); - uvoz blaga zaradi proizvodnje za izvoz (sistem povraËila); - uvoz blaga po oplemenitenju. Statistika doloËa zajetje transakcij v zunanjetrgovinsko statistiko glede na vrsto carinskega postopka. Pri zajetju se v doloËeni meri upoöteva tudi vrsta posla (njegove komercialne znaËilnosti). Carinski postopki so bili v letu 1996 v okviru nove carinske zakonodaje usklajeni s carinskimi postopki v EU. Navedeni obseg zajetja izvoznih in uvoznih transakcij je doloËen na osnovi carinskih postopkov, veljavnih v letu 1996. Izvoz in uvoz na osnovi oplemenitenja in izvoz in uvoz z drűavami na ozemlju nekdanje Jugoslavije sta vkljuËena v zunanjetrgovinske podatke Slovenije od leta 1992 dalje. V statistiki zunanje trgovine ne upoötevamo transakcij blaga, ki se bo v doloËenem Ëasu vrnilo v nespremenjenem stanju (v letu 1996 so obstajale pri tem doloËene omejitve na izvozni strani zaradi predvidenih carinskih postopkov), storitev, popravil, denarja, monetarnega zlata, oskrbe tujih vozil z gorivom v naöi drűavi in naöih vozil v tujini, osebne prtljage potnikov, komercialnih vzorcev in poötnih poöiljk manjöe vrednosti. DEFINICIJE IN POJASNILA StatistiËna vrednost blaga temelji na carinski vrednosti, tj. na transakcijski vrednosti blaga. Fakturna vrednost se preraËuna na pariteto franko slovenska meja, tako da se fakturni vrednosti v celoti ali delno priötevajo ali se od nje odötevajo stroöki prevoza, natovarjanja in zavarovanja glede na prikazano pariteto dobave v pogodbi. StatistiËna vrednost izvoűenega blaga je prikazana po pariteti tipa FOB, statistiËna vrednost uvoűenega blaga pa po pariteti tipa CIF. Tako definirane izvozne in uvozne vrednosti se preraËunajo po tekoËih teËajih, ki veljajo na dan predloűitve carinske deklaracije oziroma na drug datum, ki se uporablja za izvajanje carinskih predpisov. Vrednostni podatki o izvoűenem in uvoűenem blagu se objavljajo v nacionalni valuti (tolarjih) in v ameriökih dolarjih. Kot drűava trgovinska partnerica je pri izvozu prikazana namembna drűava, pri uvozu pa drűava porekla. Kadar ta ni znana, je pri uvozu prikazana drűava, od koder je blago prispelo, pri izvozu pa drűava, kamor je blago naslovljeno, in sicer vedno zadnja öe znana drűava. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The source of data for external trade statistics are customs declarations. Until 1996 for different customs procedures different customs declarations were used. In the beginning of 1996 the Single Administrative Document (SAD), used in EU and other countries, was introduced. The Statistical Office receives from the Customs Administration in monthly periodicity cumulative data (selection of data from SAD). Data are on magnetic tapes and refer to all customs procedures. Statistics completes data from customs declarations with the additional data and classifications, required for statistical reporting. At this process the recommendations of the Statistical Office of the United Nations are taken into consideration, from the aspect of data coverage as well as other methodological elements which determine the manner of presentation of external trade statistics with the aim of achieving maximum international comparability. COVERAGE External trade statistics covers the special trade only; which means that all the flows of goods which cross not only the national but also the customs borders represent the object of the statistical observation. Exports cover: - all goods exported from Slovenia, originating from the production in Slovenia or from free circulation in internal market; - export of compensating products after temporary import for inward processing; - export of compensating products after import for export production (suspension system); - export of compensating products after import for export production (drawback system); - temporary import for outward processing. Imports cover: - all goods imported into Slovenia and released for free circulation and consumption; - temporary import for inward processing; - import for export production (suspension system); - import for export production (drawback system); - import after outward processing. Statistics defines the coverage of external trade statistics by kinds of customs procedures. Commercial characteristics of transaction are also taken into consideration to a certain extent. In 1996 customs procedures were harmonised with the EU customs procedures in the framework of the new customs legislation. The stated coverage of export and import transactions is defined on the basis of the customs procedures, valid in 1996. Exports and imports on the basis of processing and exports and imports with the countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia have been included in external trade statistics of Slovenia since 1992. External trade statistics does not cover: goods which will return after a certain period in unchanged condition (in 1996 certain limitation existed due to anticipated customs procedures), services, repairs, money, monetary gold, fuel supply of foreign cars in Slovenia and Slovenian cars abroad, personal baggage of travellers, commercial samples and postal packages of minor value. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS The statistical value of goods is based on the customs value, i.e. on the transaction value of goods. Invoice value is recalculated on the value at Slovenian border by adding or subtracting on whole or in part costs of transport, loading, unloading and insurance, depending on terms of delivery set down in the contract. The statistical value of exported goods is thus FOB-type valuation and the statistical value of imported goods is CIF-type valuation. Thus defined statistical values of the exported and imported goods are recalculated to the current exchange rates valid on the day of submission of the customs declaration, or, if this date is not used for implementing customs regulations, on the date which is specially stated for this purpose. Value of the exported and imported goods is published in the national currency (Tolars) and in US Dollars. As a trading partner country in exports a country of destination is shown, and in imports a country of origin. In cases where the country of origin or destination is unknown, for imports we show the country from where the goods arrived, and for exports the country to which the goods were dispatched, always to the most distant known country. Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 358 Namembna drűava je tista, v kateri je blago dano v notranji promet, kjer ga potem uporabljajo ali dalje predelujejo. Drűava porekla blaga je tista, v kateri je bilo blago proizvedeno. Za blago, ki je bilo predelano ali obdelano drugje, kot je bilo proizvedeno, je kot drűava porekla prikazana drűava, v kateri je bila opravljena predelava. Podatki o izvozu in uvozu blaga po podroËjih in panogah Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti so razvröËeni po pripadnosti proizvodov v panogo, in ne po dejavnosti podjetja oziroma organizacije, ki je te proizvode izdelala oziroma uporabila. Blago je klasificirano po Standardni mednarodni trgovinski klasifikaciji Zdruűenih narodov (SMTK). Podatke obdelujemo po omenjeni klasifikaciji űe od leta 1953. Od 1. 1. 1988 se uporablja SMTK-Rev3. Podatki o ekonomskem namenu izvoza in uvoza so prikazani po nacionalni statistiËni klasifikaciji, ki ni usklajena s klasifikacijo Zdruűenih narodov o konËni porabi proizvodov. Ekonomski namen se doloËa za vsak proizvod carinske nomenklature po naËelu preteűnosti. Podatki o stopnji predelave izvoznih in uvoznih proizvodov so prikazani glede na to, ali so proizvodi pridobljeni neposredno iz narave, ali so samo pripravljeni za nadaljnjo predelavo, ali pa gre za proizvode z visoko stopnjo predelave, predvsem za tiste za investicije in za öiroko porabo. Dopolnitve in popravke podatkov vkljuËujemo v mesec opazovanja po datumu prejema deklaracije. Letne podatke objavljamo dvakrat: prviË kot predhodne oz. prve podatke v rednem Ëasovnem presledku, drugiË kot konËne (predvidoma v juniju za prejönje leto). V letu 1996 je priölo zaradi ötevilnih sprememb pri izpolnjevanju deklaracij (uvedba ECL) do sistematiËnih napak pri izpolnjevanju statistiËne vrednosti pri poslih oplemenitenja. Pri ötevilnih transakcijah je bila statistiËna vrednost izpolnjena le po dodani vrednosti, zato je bila vrednost izvoza in uvoza po oplemenitenju podcenjena. Problem smo v soglasju z drugimi institucijami reöili z avtomatiËnimi popravki. Opravljeni so bili po statistiËnih metodah, zato ostajajo podatki, ki se nanaöajo na posle oplemenitenja v letu 1996, statistiËna ocena. Podrobnejöa pojasnila o izpeljavi avtomatiËnih popravkov so na voljo v StatistiËnem uradu Republike Slovenije. Vrednosti izvoza in uvoza so v Letopisu prikazane v nacionalni valuti in v dolarjih. Podatki so v vsaki tabeli najprej prikazani v tolarjih po tekoËih teËajih. V drugi razliËici iste tabele so vrednosti izraűene v dolarjih. Izjema je Tabela 23-1., kjer so vrednosti prikazane samo v dolarjih, in sicer do leta 1986 po letni teËajni listi, ki se je uporabljala za potrebe plaËilne bilance in statistike, od leta 1987 pa po tekoËih teËajih. Dolgoletna vrsta v nacionalni valuti ni moűna, ker Republika Slovenija od 8. 10. 1991 pri izpolnjevanju vrednosti franko slovenska meja na carinski deklaraciji ne uporablja veË letne teËajne liste. Kombinacija Ëasovne vrste v nacionalni valuti po letnih in po tekoËih teËajih vsebinsko ni sprejemljiva, saj gre za bistveno razliËne podatke; uËinek te metodoloöke spremembe je znatno manjöi, Ëe so podatki izraűeni v dolarjih. Zaradi zaokroűevanja se seötevki ponekod ne ujemajo. INDEKSI POVPRE»NIH CEN ZUNANJE TRGOVINE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Vir podatkov za indekse povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine so isti podatki, kot se uporabljajo za statistiko zunanje trgovine. V osnovi so to carinske deklaracije na raËunalniökem mediju. ZAJETJE V izraËun indeksa povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine so vkljuËeni vsi proizvodi, doloËeni z devetmestno öifro carinske tarife rednega izvoza oz. uvoza, razen nekaterih zelo heterogenih skupin proizvodov. Deleű vrednosti teh nezajetih proizvodov je manjöi od 1 % skupne vrednosti izvoza oz. uvoza doloËenega obdobja. Zaradi primerljivosti Ëasovne vrste so iz izraËuna izloËeni tudi podatki o menjavi z drűavami na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije. V nadaljnjem postopku raËunanja indeksa povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine pa so izloËeni öe posamezni dokumenti, razvröËeni v isto öifro carinske tarife, pri katerih ni podatka o koliËini ali vrednosti oz. je vrednost neznatna, dokumenti, katerih cena je zunaj intervala povpreËna cena +/ - 2 standardna odklona, ter tiste öifre carinske tarife, katerih indeks je veËji od zgornje oz. manjöi od spodnje meje. The country of destination is the country in which the goods are released into the free circulation for consumption or further processing. The country of origin of goods is the country in which goods were produced. For goods that were processed somewhere else than where they were produced, the country where the processing took place is shown. Data on exports and imports by the National Classification of Activities are classified according to the activity to which the products belong and not according to the activity of the enterprise or organization which produced or used the products. Goods are classified according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) of the United Nations. We have been processing data according to this classification since 1953. Since 1 January 1988 SITC-Rev3 has been used. Exports and imports by end-use are presented according to the national statistical classification which is not harmonised with the Classification by Broad Economic Categories of the United Nations. The end-use of each product in the customs nomenclature is determined according to the principle of predominance. The level of processing of export and import products is shown according to whether the products were obtained directly "from nature" or simply prepared for further processing, or whether the products concerned have a high level of processing, which includes mainly capital goods and consumption goods. Completion and data corrections are included in the month of observation according to the date of submission of the customs declaration. Annual data are published twice: the first time as preliminary data with the regular delay and the second time as final data (presumably in June for the previous year). In 1996 systematic errors occurred in filling in statistical values of transactions referring to processing, which was due to many differences between the Single Administrative Document and the old declarations. In many declarations the statistical value was filled in only by value added, therefore the value of exports and imports following the processing was underestimated. The problem was solved in accordance with other institutions with automatic data corrections. The corrections were made with statistical methods, therefore the data for 1996 which refer to processing remain statistical estimates. Detailed information about the procedures of automatic data corrections are available at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. In this Yearbook, the values of exports and imports are shown in the national currency and in US Dollars. In each table the values are shown first in Tolars at current exchange rates. In the second variant of the same table the values are expressed in Dollars. The only exception is Table 23.1, where the values are only expressed in Dollars; until 1986 according to the annual exchange rate lists that were used for balance of payments and statistical purposes, and thereafter according to current exchange rates. It is not possible to continue this many years series in the national currency, because from 8 October 1991 on, annual exchange rate lists are no longer used for filling in statistical values on customs declarations. In terms of content, a combination of time series in the national currency by annual and current exchange rates is unacceptable because the data are fundamentally different; the effect of this methodological change is considerably smaller if the data are expressed in Dollars. In some cases the totals do not agree with data due to rounding up. EXTERNAL TRADE UNIT VALUE INDICES SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The source of data for external trade unit value indices are the same data that are used for external trade statistics, i.e. customs declarations on electronic media. COVERAGE The calculation of the external trade unit value indices includes all products - determined with a 9-digit code number of the customs tariff of regular exports or imports - except some very heterogeneous groups of products. The share of value of these products is smaller than 1% of the total value of exports or imports in a certain period. In order to produce a comparable time series also the data on commodity exchange with the countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia are excluded. In further procedure of calculating the unit value indices some individual documents are eliminated, i.e. those - classified in the same code number of the customs tariff - which are lacking data on quantity or value or the value is very small, those whose prices exceed the interval average price +/- 2 standard deviations, and those code numbers of the customs tariff whose indices are larger than the upper or smaller than the lower limit. Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 359 Meje, v katerih naj bi bili izraËunani indeksi öe sprejemljivi, se doloËajo izkustveno. V izraËunih indeksov cen zunanje trgovine, ki jih je SURS opravil za leta od 1991-1995, je bila zgornja meja tehtano povpreËje indeksa 300 z deleűem dolarskih valut in indeksa 400 z deleűem nedolarskih valut v vrednosti izvoza oz. uvoza (pribliűno 380). Spodnja meja je bila tehtano povpreËje indeksa 45 z deleűem nedolarskih valut in indeksa 60 z deleűem dolarskih valut (pribliűno 40). Za leto 1996 je spodnja meja 40 in zgornja meja 400. KonËna vrednost zajetih proizvodov v izraËunu indeksov povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine znaöa v posameznih obdobjih nad 85 odstotkov rednega izvoza ter pribliűno 90 odstotkov rednega uvoza. DEFINICIJE IN POJASNILA Indeksi povpreËnih cen (vrednosti) zunanje trgovine so zraËunani iz dolarskih vrednosti po tekoËih teËajih, ki veljajo na dan carinjenja izvoza oz. uvoza blaga. V indeksih povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine v dolarjih so upoötevane tudi medvalutne spremembe vrednosti drugih valut v primerjavi z ameriökim dolarjem, tako kot so te spremembe vkljuËene tudi v podatke o sami vrednosti zunanje trgovine v dolarjih. PovpreËna cena ni cena doloËenega proizvoda, temveË povpreËna vrednost na fiziËno enoto (kilogram) vseh proizvodov, razvröËenih v isto öifro carinske tarife. Kadar v eno öifro carinske tarife ni razvröËen en sam proizvod, temveË veË proizvodov razliËnih vrst ali razliËne kakovosti, lahko relativna sprememba povpreËne cene izraűa spremembo tako cene kot sestave blaga. Ne glede na to pa se indeks povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine lahko uporablja kot pribliűna ocena razvoja cen v zunanji trgovini oz. kot deflator, posebno za veËje skupine blaga. Indeksi povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine so raËunani kot veriűni indeksi po Laspeyresovem (uteűi so koliËine iz baznega leta) in Paaschejevem obrazcu (uteűi so koliËine iz tekoËega leta), objavljamo pa jih kot geometriËno povpreËje obeh (Fisherjev indeks). Za leto 1996 so indeksi cen zaradi prehoda stare carinske nomenklature na Kombinirano nomenklaturo izraËunani iz 6-mestne ravni proizvoda (obe klasifikaciji sta primerljivi na prvih 6 mestih). Ker gre na tej ravni za zelo öiroke in nehomogene skupine proizvodov, lahko te indekse uporabljamo samo kot grobe ocene gibanja izvoznih in uvoznih cen v letu 1996. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Letni pregled izvoza 1952, 1953. Letni pregled zunanje trgovine 1953 (v dveh zvezkih), 1954, 1955. Letni pregled zunanje trgovine 1954 (v dveh zvezkih), 1956. Letni pregled izvoza 1955, 1957. Letni pregled zunanje trgovine 1962, 1964. Letni pregled zunanje trgovine 1963, 1964. Izvoz in uvoz po drűavah in predmetih 1963, 1965. Letni pregled zunanje trgovine 1964, 1966. Zunanja trgovina SR Slovenije 1957-1968, öt. 2/70. Izvoz in uvoz SR Slovenije 1957-1968, öt. 3/70. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 191, 209, 232, 223, 252, 328, 333, 361, 398, 444, 450, 484. Novejöi podatki na ravni proizvodov (po Standardni mednarodni trgovinski klasifikaciji in po Carinski nomenklaturi) so dostopni na StatistiËnem uradu Republike Slovenije kot raËunalniöki izpisi. The range limits of the still acceptable indices are set on the basis of experience. In the calculation of indices for the years 1991-1995 the upper limit was the weighted average of the index 300 with the share of Dollar currencies and index 400 with the share of non-Dollar currencies of the total value of imports or exports (ca. 380). The lower limit was the weighted average of the index 45 with the share of non-Dollar currencies and index 60 with the share of Dollar currencies (ca. 40). For 1996 the lower limit is 40 and the upper limit is 400. The final value of products covered in the calculation of the unit value indices, in individual periods, amounts to over 85 percent of regular exports and about 90 percent of regular imports. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS External trade unit value indices are calculated from Dollar values at current exchange rates, valid on the day of customs clearance of export or import of goods. External trade unit value indices in Dollars comprise also the intercurrency changes of values of other currencies in comparison with the US Dollar, since these changes are comprised already in the value of external trade in Dollars. The unit value is not the price of a determined product, but the average value per physical unit (kg) of all products classified under the same code number of the customs tariff. In cases when not only one product but more products of various kinds or various quality are classified into one code number of the customs tariff, the relative change of the average price can reflect the change of price as well as the change of composition of goods. Irrespective of this, the external trade unit value index can be used as an approximate estimate of price development of the value of external trade or as a deflator, especially for larger groups of goods. The unit value indices are calculated as chain indices by the Laspeyres (the weights are quantities from the base period) and Paasche formulas (the weights are quantities from the current period). They are published as the geometrical average of both, i.e. the Fisher index. For 1996 the indices are calculated from the 6-digit level of the customs tariff nomenclature because of the transition from the old customs tariff nomenclature to the Combined nomenclature (both nomenclatures are comparable on the first six digits). Since on this level the groups of products are very wide and heterogeneous, these indices can only be used as a rough estimate of the movement of exports and imports prices in 1996. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Annual Export Review 1952, 1953. Annual External Trade Review 1953 (in two volumes), 1954, 1955. Annual External Trade Review 1954 (in two volumes), 1956. Annual Export Review 1955, 1957. Annual External Trade Review 1962, 1964. Annual External Trade Review 1963, 1964. Exports and Imports by Countries and Products 1963, 1965. Annual External Trade Review 1964, 1966. External Trade of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia 1957-68, No. 2/70. Exports and Imports of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia 1957-1968, No. 3/70. Results of Surveys No. 191, 209, 232, 223, 252, 328, 333, 361, 398, 444, 450, 484. The most recent data by commodities (according to the Standard International Trade Classification and the Customs Nomenclature) are available from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia in the form of computer print-outs. Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 360 23.1 Trgovinska bilanca Balance of trade 1) Do leta 1986 v tisoË USD, po statistiËnih teËajih; od leta 1987 v tisoË USD, po tekoËih teËajih. Until 1986 in thousand USD, at statistical exchange rates; since 1987 in thousand USD, at current exchange rates. 2) Izvoz in uvoz na osnovi oplemenitenja ter izvoz in uvoz z drűavami na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije sta vkljuËena v podatke za Republiko Slovenijo od leta 1992. Exports and imports for/after processing and exports and imports with countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia have been included in data for the Republic of Slovenia since 1992. 23.2 Indeksi povpreËnih cen zunanje trgovine in pogoji menjave1) Ø predhodnega leta = 100 Unit value indices and terms of trade1) Ø previous year = 100 1) Indeksi so zraËunani iz dolarskih podatkov. / The indices are calculated from Dollar values. 2) Laspeyresovi indeksi. / Laspeyres type indices. 3) Fisherjevi indeksi. / Fisher type indices. 4) Redni izvoz in uvoz, brez drűav na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije. / Normal exports and imports, without the countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. KoliËina / Quantity 1000 t Vrednost / Value 1000 USD1) Saldo trgovinske bilance Balance of trade izvoz exports uvoz imports izvoz exports uvoz imports izvoz-uvoz exports-imports 1000 USD1) deleű izvoza v uvozu share of exports in imports % 1952 329 ... 31105 ... ... ... 1953 379 340 34955 53631 -18676 65 1954 467 365 40015 46612 -6596 86 1955 446 377 46612 59025 -12413 79 1956 537 428 56155 61104 -4949 92 1957 663 514 69463 85650 -16187 81 1958 579 450 63660 90473 -26813 70 1959 494 424 64280 83874 -19595 77 1960 492 595 78349 110096 -31747 71 1961 493 602 80619 121578 -40958 66 1962 650 554 109091 118077 -8986 92 1963 837 640 132279 136901 -4621 97 1964 677 671 152377 202753 -50376 75 1965 688 690 184358 192425 -8067 96 1966 764 896 206269 241054 -34785 86 1967 840 1437 220210 328303 -108093 67 1968 932 1219 236038 341735 -105697 69 1969 1065 1553 274477 427458 -152981 64 1970 1096 1983 295827 546279 -250451 54 1971 898 2605 334379 609686 -275307 55 1972 1481 2397 428840 633687 -204847 68 1973 1602 2590 555667 922918 -367251 60 1974 1559 3166 703551 1455937 -752386 48 1975 1342 2704 760508 1496174 -735666 51 1976 2526 2053 909581 1264807 -355227 72 1977 3650 2577 942829 1604175 -661346 59 1978 1609 2527 1025364 1612297 -586934 64 1979 4332 3141 1369589 2350658 -981068 58 1980 4386 3594 1836341 2462796 -626455 75 1981 3949 4640 1988520 2327290 -338770 85 1982 3839 4041 1912606 2014913 -102306 95 1983 4227 4217 1984207 2137841 -153634 93 1984 4015 3472 2004135 1928257 75878 104 1985 5640 3640 2110729 2075293 35436 102 1986 5016 3718 2566541 2739562 -173021 94 1987 4201 3972 2757100 2721668 35432 101 1988 5115 5216 3278417 2913583 364834 113 1989 4573 3743 3408450 3216329 192121 106 1990 5127 5013 4117827 4726565 -608738 87 1991 4676 5439 3874308 4131346 -257038 94 19922) 7070 9062 6681162 6141011 540151 109 1993 7346 9852 6082875 6500950 -418075 94 1994 6857 9071 6827851 7303935 -476085 93 1995 6756 9862 8315815 9491678 -1175863 88 1996 5951 9818 8309813 9421427 -1111613 88 19852) 19903) 19923)4) 19933)4) 19943)4) 19953)4) 19963)4) Indeks povpreËnih izvoznih cen 99 116 102 100 107 121 101 Export unit value indices Indeks povpreËnih uvoznih cen 101 110 99 90 102 116 99 Import unit value indices Pogoji menjave 98 105 103 111 105 104 102 Terms of trade Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 361 23.3.1 Izvoz in uvoz po podroËjih in panogah Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji Export and imports by the National Classification of Activities at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 688842 876800 983979 1125682 737409 937878 1121887 1277469 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 680173 864872 972621 1115457 680302 868585 1048455 1230528 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 5164 6776 10213 7045 1699 946 2255 2923 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 262 191 64 51 1703 1327 2328 2938 Coal mining Predelava premoga - 0 0 5 726 1017 986 1011 Manufacture of coke and gas Pridobivanje nafte, zemelj. plina 25313 1254 6 16 40933 18661 23781 26569 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizv. naftnih derivatov 3846 1336 1543 3403 31327 43306 43063 67927 Manufacture of refined petroleum products Pridob. űelezove rude 4 5 1 2 10 11 28 34 Mining of iron ores »rna metalurgija 15618 23563 33555 33137 26660 38120 47882 49730 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 78 74 1 5 656 1221 1405 1510 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 7021 10291 11374 12880 7176 10992 12650 16168 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 11479 15897 19564 21794 9498 13591 15250 15838 Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 356 369 432 391 3419 4624 4570 4771 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 17354 22067 24795 30865 14685 19599 23666 26693 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 53049 68602 81267 97126 33419 45700 55715 72735 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 36586 50859 62376 75385 64394 93351 109154 110142 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 70288 101593 120244 144547 97378 122797 168339 196716 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 655 1026 1336 935 491 247 759 1138 Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. apar. 94551 128891 143093 175703 69678 93867 113610 138544 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 17682 27859 36565 37611 58331 76357 90226 94743 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 53895 75666 82074 99986 53513 63272 73898 88678 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 445 624 533 653 1713 2204 2606 3960 Stone and sand quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat. 2775 4093 4274 5072 2405 2682 3720 4599 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 9902 13578 15449 15121 7216 10341 11185 12838 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izd. 39439 53138 55234 63464 3712 6065 9185 11549 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 26056 35696 46001 43517 18110 27027 36925 34195 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 19113 24777 27911 33199 16880 23953 27922 29112 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izd. 79990 87400 87245 89786 31503 35506 40255 77259 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 7433 9520 8079 8627 4391 6154 4893 5866 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galant. 20578 24481 22598 22184 11485 12818 13584 14313 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 16418 20306 23594 26342 5029 7312 9992 11674 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivilskih izdelkov 22245 27674 24871 29246 37820 50458 55021 59930 Manufacture of food products Proizv. pijaË 4812 5561 5658 8898 3735 3933 5551 6918 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 972 1579 1265 1937 1463 2059 2380 2345 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka 961 1483 1148 1597 2355 3347 2919 2979 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 6066 6587 6959 9150 2321 3770 5060 7673 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 967 1379 1791 2275 4885 10324 13513 9519 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 8800 10676 11509 13502 9584 11624 14176 16991 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 5550 7951 7427 8039 25407 33709 34953 41570 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska pridelava 5364 7773 7329 7862 24207 32054 33366 39456 Agricultural production Ribiötvo 186 178 97 177 1200 1655 1586 2113 Fishing Gozdarstvo 1689 2141 1729 1875 2550 4745 6230 5183 Forestry and hunting Drugo 1430 1836 2202 312 29149 30839 32249 189 Other Komunalna dejavnost 64 108 109 141 4 2 5 4 Public services Projektivna in druge dejavnosti 181 60 37 149 2 7 9 18 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Kulturna dejavnost 25 2 7 14 32 20 52 91 Culture, art and media activities NerazvröËeno 1160 1666 2049 8 29111 30810 32184 75 Non-classified Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 362 23.3.2 Izvoz in uvoz po podroËjih in panogah Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by the National Classification of Activities at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6082875 6827851 8315815 8309813 6500950 7303935 9491678 9421427 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 6005801 6734529 8220277 8234217 5996912 6765360 8870482 9075125 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 42481 53081 84932 51199 15191 7347 18860 21669 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 2330 1473 527 374 14676 10257 19463 21716 Coal mining Predelava premoga - 4 0 36 6375 7919 8393 7467 Manufacture of coke and gas Pridobivanje nafte, zemelj. plina 232263 9412 49 114 363687 145032 200017 195381 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizv. naftnih derivatov 34307 10491 13074 25093 276167 337437 362667 500833 Manufacture of refined petroleum products Pridob. űelezove rude 35 38 11 11 88 86 240 248 Mining of iron ores »rna metalurgija 138540 183856 283746 244855 236246 297372 405376 367061 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 706 585 6 40 5671 9512 11955 11250 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 61821 80191 96242 95139 63331 85884 106703 119393 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 102024 123747 165507 161050 83929 106014 129016 117037 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 3109 2877 3657 2899 30131 35967 38579 35246 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 153602 171867 209539 227713 129496 152687 200270 197037 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 467697 534522 686486 716944 293723 356312 471765 535551 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 321001 396286 526805 556567 562771 727187 922227 810790 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 617172 790072 1018536 1066288 863885 954501 1430543 1452389 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 5805 7953 11458 6877 4333 1904 6628 8454 Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. apar. 833883 1004055 1208958 1296489 614520 731369 957834 1021323 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 156483 217170 309625 277740 516494 594012 763604 699648 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 476366 589071 693160 738176 467210 492864 624820 654150 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 3944 4856 4508 4826 14996 17229 22165 29172 Stone and sand quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat. 24708 31872 36243 37495 21073 20969 31630 33936 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 88047 105681 130828 111684 63587 80324 94798 94677 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izd. 346758 413954 467020 468235 32455 47324 77789 85068 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 229697 278170 389203 321636 160301 211045 312835 252610 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 169038 192852 235719 244871 148867 186494 235922 214797 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izd. 707867 679046 735685 664158 277719 276577 340586 568650 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 65504 74015 68352 63638 38458 47771 41377 43230 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja obutve in galant. 181497 190965 191138 164002 101679 99899 115144 105772 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 146228 158078 199747 194658 44114 57100 84447 86065 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivilskih izdelkov 195332 215223 210351 215793 331505 393412 465631 442162 Manufacture of food products Proizv. pijaË 42535 43335 47765 65645 33294 30554 47151 51038 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 8600 12310 10685 14344 12835 16093 20141 17345 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka 8498 11504 9533 11716 20909 26064 24786 21984 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 53184 51396 58769 67507 20289 29470 42735 56560 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 8606 10759 15167 16759 43059 80754 114697 70224 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 76134 83761 97246 99646 83848 90617 119687 125189 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 49192 62255 62396 59467 225103 261701 295811 306656 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska pridelava 47505 60870 61570 58155 214522 248854 282372 291056 Agricultural production Ribiötvo 1687 1385 826 1313 10582 12847 13439 15600 Fishing Gozdarstvo 15162 16631 14594 13807 22441 37053 52833 38249 Forestry and hunting Drugo 12720 14435 18548 2322 256494 239822 272552 1397 Other Komunalna dejavnost 556 843 923 1045 33 14 40 30 Public services Projektivna in druge dejavnosti 1588 473 310 1116 20 57 74 133 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consultancy Kulturna dejavnost 215 18 56 101 282 159 444 674 Culture, art and media activities NerazvröËeno 10361 13101 17259 60 256159 239592 271994 560 Non-classified Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 363 23.4.1 Izvoz in uvoz po drűavah mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by countries at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 688842 876800 983979 1125682 737409 937878 1121887 1277469 TOTAL Evropa 622364 802481 908709 1044632 644090 834132 993692 1112549 Europe Albanija 437 638 699 1035 115 115 441 455 Albania Avstrija 34273 47870 63126 74546 62732 96947 108680 113128 Austria Belgija 5911 7602 8487 10299 7319 10768 17067 19734 Belgium Belorusija1) 1769 1709 1954 4489 280 540 826 391 Belarus1) Bolgarija 4744 1822 1490 1261 2421 3708 2768 1096 Bulgaria Bosna in Hercegovina2) 2236 8728 14130 35779 1178 660 957 2069 Bosnia and Herzegovina2) »eöka republika3) 6333 10565 15652 19859 13735 22812 29166 32050 Czech Republic3) »eökoslovaöka3) - - - - - - - - Czechoslovakia3) Danska 2645 4142 5000 6399 2830 4162 5469 5670 Denmark Estonija1) 22 65 89 158 11 10 20 71 Estonia1) Finska 1118 1604 2127 2658 2840 5929 4690 5310 Finland Francija 59633 75374 80259 80959 59057 78691 94140 125448 France GrËija 2060 2177 3770 3108 600 835 1260 1707 Greece Hrvaöka2) 83504 94558 105450 115936 66814 63956 68138 80041 Croatia2) Irska 2062 795 2090 582 2350 2320 2371 3904 Ireland Italija 85203 118478 143575 149346 119491 161735 190180 216045 Italy Jugoslavija2) 836 2000 1147 13007 30 24 191 4340 Yugoslavia2) Latvija1) 190 281 338 573 8 10 28 210 Latvia1) Lihtenötajn 137 268 382 393 359 456 438 220 Liechtenstein Litva1) 266 764 1050 1535 43 59 92 146 Lithuania1) Luksemburg 161 154 265 280 312 617 1130 1068 Luxembourg Madűarska 9929 12632 13582 14270 18793 24638 31521 32380 Hungary Makedonija2) 22447 28103 22362 23148 10017 10356 10096 9680 Macedonia2) Moldavija, Republika1) 119 104 72 224 24 85 49 19 Moldova, Republic of1) NemËija 203420 265753 296743 344606 184921 222616 260821 277084 Germany Nizozemska 10159 12796 13868 16901 13828 21457 24453 26305 Netherlands Norveöka 1318 1824 1477 1599 532 3857 4111 9132 Norway Poljska 9849 12402 12410 19157 1601 2897 4461 6567 Poland Portugalska 905 854 1044 1761 1044 543 634 701 Portugal Romunija 2125 1593 2487 3029 1769 2670 3994 3366 Romania Ruska federacija1) 28739 33976 36200 40483 23124 18955 28541 28212 Russian Federation1) Drűave na obmoËju 63 - - - 8 - - - Countries on the territory nekdanje SZ1) of the former USSR1) Slovaöka3) 3438 3902 6124 7748 3508 7456 9701 12513 Slovak Republic3) äpanija 5630 4631 4997 5953 8238 14777 26477 23027 Spain ävedska 5153 6491 6935 7345 7431 10746 11875 14989 Sweden ävica 5933 7421 8368 9132 14291 19724 23524 24166 Switzerland Ukrajina1) 2232 3177 3485 4539 543 876 1189 1240 Ukraine1) Velika Britanija 17074 26838 27061 21840 11752 16635 22568 28236 United Kingdom Druge drűave 288 390 413 699 142 1489 1628 1831 Other countries Azija 29526 24859 25466 28482 49935 49106 61539 79694 Asia Armenija1) 25 6 13 32 3 - 0 0 Armenia1) Azerbajdűan1) 20 9 266 78 - 40 63 1 Azerbaijan1) Bangladeö 114 56 49 49 29 67 75 531 Bangladesh Ciper 1751 921 417 331 934 697 201 541 Cyprus Gruzija1) 44 152 2 42 1 - 0 0 Georgia1) Hongkong 526 657 1327 1653 1224 1715 2202 2512 Hong Kong Indija 520 902 1354 1533 1028 1391 1969 2094 India Indonezija 294 678 486 622 1538 1546 2606 4042 Indonesia Irak 16 18 11 10 23 6 1 1 Iraq Iran (Islamska republika) 6801 4109 2446 3470 9441 140 146 542 Iran (Islamik Republik of) Izrael 527 1035 911 902 659 2590 2460 6629 Israel Japonska 2933 2334 2475 2584 14119 16238 18524 22034 Japan Jordanija 627 538 463 508 259 146 8 38 Jordan Kazahstan1) 312 185 163 177 39 42 19 16 Kazakhstan1) Kirgizistan1) 223 - 3 39 - - 3 1 Kyrgyzstan1) Kitajska 883 801 644 981 3376 4748 6274 6722 China Koreja 866 1420 1552 1255 5298 6063 9241 12364 Korea 1) Izvoz in uvoz z drűavami na obmoËju nekdanje Sovjetske zveze sta do leta 1992 prikazana skupaj v okviru evropskih drűav, od leta 1993 imamo loËene podatke za posamezne drűave na obmoËju nekdanje Sovjetske zveze v okviru evropskih in azijskih drűav. Until 1992 exports and imports with countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union are shown together in the framework of European countries, from 1993 we have separate data for countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union in the framework of European and Asian countries. 2) Od leta 1993 so podatki loËeni za vse drűave na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Za leto 1992 sta bila izvoz in uvoz z drűavami na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije prikazana skupaj, razen s Hrvaöko. For 1993 data are shown separately for all countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. For 1992 exports and imports with countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia were shown jointly, except for Croatia, for which we had separate figures. 3) Od leta 1993 so podatki za »eöko republiko in Slovaöko prikazani loËeno, do leta 1992 so skupni podatki za »eökoslovaöko. Since 1993 we have separate figures for the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, until 1992 data refer to Czechoslovakia. Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 364 Kuvajt 253 117 115 167 6 8 1 22 Kuwait Libanon 257 266 281 243 1 7 6 14 Lebanon Malezija 567 834 820 450 705 1033 2182 3433 Malaysia Pakistan 166 299 663 706 232 402 465 423 Pakistan Saudova Arabija 1956 1968 1866 1833 5 1 4 22 Saudi Arabia Singapur 719 805 726 776 908 848 1047 1286 Singapore Sirska arabska republika 488 589 866 1347 785 18 60 85 Syrian Arab Republic Tadűikistan1) 55 - 14 0 219 306 336 208 Tajikistan1) Tajska 732 708 922 1015 1332 1717 2021 2444 Thailand Tajvan, Provinca Kitajske 799 1471 1000 1039 3679 4933 5703 6255 Taiwan, Province of China TurËija 3899 996 2431 3316 3141 2771 3782 4470 Turkey Turkmenistan1) 298 116 96 212 102 80 122 71 Turkmenistan1) Uzbekistan1) 5 37 748 366 347 766 1193 1413 Uzbekistan1) Zdruűeni arabski emirati 2508 2186 1709 1959 56 39 42 87 United Arab Emirates Druge drűave 341 647 629 790 448 747 781 1392 Other countries Afrika 4500 5038 6884 6598 9914 11457 13533 17051 Africa Alűirija 173 533 1236 734 4801 5694 7389 8891 Algeria Bocvana 2 21 0 1 23 49 12 0 Botswana Egipt 2080 2573 2893 3496 843 1719 1683 1089 Egypt Etiopija 33 13 194 15 22 16 104 60 Ethiopia Gabon - - 0 6 8 7 5 3 Gabon Gana 276 138 188 151 59 123 94 86 Ghana Gvineja 18 9 7 13 724 1419 129 78 Guinea Kamerun 1 1 0 15 31 11 85 72 Cameroon Kenija 157 234 212 151 28 100 171 154 Kenya Liberija 12 1 10 16 - - 0 64 Liberia Libija 140 58 460 460 1956 101 558 3825 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Maroko 79 110 137 109 34 111 150 157 Morocco Nigerija 330 165 212 158 5 19 15 58 Nigeria Senegal 35 37 75 34 9 10 0 0 Senegal SlonokoöËena obala 80 64 115 95 31 23 22 72 Cote dÉIvoire Sudan 96 13 36 19 38 54 33 14 Sudan Tanzanija 248 12 36 3 43 68 19 67 Tanzania, United Republic of Tunizija 380 443 482 534 123 146 1183 274 Tunisia Uganda 9 13 11 24 70 329 144 223 Uganda Zair - 22 18 8 66 176 143 84 Zaire Zimbabve 1 - 6 0 373 303 109 236 Zimbabwe Druge drűave 351 577 556 557 627 980 1484 1544 Other countries Severna in Srednja Amerika 28769 39041 37405 38342 24931 30937 40379 50724 North and Central America Dominikanska republika 62 84 25 43 36 54 61 52 Dominican Republic Honduras - 7 8 0 13 15 32 22 Honduras Kanada 3562 5386 4357 4407 2155 4463 5395 5461 Canada Kostarika 48 124 135 181 78 72 71 52 Costa Rica Kuba 46 6 15 5 526 590 19 34 Cuba Mehika 187 269 461 240 32 88 150 345 Mexico Panama 47 25 177 56 5 18 151 239 Panama Zdruűene drűave 24567 32112 30876 33240 21695 25358 34337 44230 United States Druge drűave 249 1029 1352 170 390 278 164 289 Other countries Juűna Amerika 1738 2759 3293 4529 7430 10350 10164 14328 South America Argentina 479 734 414 614 1928 958 1096 3218 Argentina Brazilija 227 548 1269 2446 3432 5602 6046 7448 Brazil »ile 144 182 182 127 115 245 421 556 Chile Ekvador 383 287 188 11 1085 1310 1579 1933 Ecuador Kolumbija 310 662 913 1047 293 682 508 652 Colombia Peru 15 27 28 34 184 361 335 317 Peru Urugvaj 21 49 17 50 193 79 46 91 Uruguay Venezuela 52 180 227 173 11 5 5 63 Venezuela Druge drűave 108 90 54 28 190 1108 127 50 Other countries Avstralija in Oceanija 1945 2622 2222 2309 1108 1895 2580 2920 Australia and Oceania Avstralija 1795 2302 1993 2093 1001 1755 2458 2745 Australia Francoska Polinezija 57 86 115 2 42 26 23 1 French Polynesia Nova Zelandija 80 206 92 167 39 95 79 113 New Zealand Druga Oceanija 12 27 22 47 26 18 19 60 Other Oceanic countries NerazvröËeno ... ... ... 790 ... ... ... 203 Other n.e.c. Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 23.4.1 Izvoz in uvoz po drűavah (nadaljevanje) mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by countries (continued) at current exchange rates Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 365 23.4.2 Izvoz in uvoz po drűavah 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by countries at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6082875 6827851 8315815 8309813 6500950 7303935 9491678 9421427 TOTAL Evropa 5497090 6249301 7679539 7711998 5678294 6496464 8406629 8206210 Europe Albanija 3786 4997 5913 7601 1018 912 3753 3347 Albania Avstrija 303007 373328 534647 550680 553209 755521 918891 835133 Austria Belgija 52381 59109 71477 75943 64480 83989 144209 145416 Belgium Belorusija1) 15702 13264 16466 33063 2551 4232 7046 2884 Belarus1) Bolgarija 45283 14301 12589 9307 22571 28642 23092 7938 Bulgaria Bosna in Hercegovina2) 20092 68575 118915 263554 10935 5185 8063 15226 Bosnia and Herzegovina2) »eöka republika3) 55934 82513 132026 146559 121386 177766 246860 236551 Czech Republic3) »eökoslovaöka3) - - - - - - - - Czechoslovakia3) Danska 23270 32267 42187 47225 24710 32439 46188 41782 Denmark Estonija1) 180 504 737 1160 98 79 164 526 Estonia1) Finska 9886 12562 17991 19603 24999 45487 39515 39087 Finland Francija 527711 586221 681295 597943 521682 612613 798027 924338 France GrËija 18207 16938 31866 22851 5301 6533 10698 12608 Greece Hrvaöka2) 738516 737726 891078 855013 595410 498218 575644 590439 Croatia2) Irska 18313 6168 17002 4309 20372 17998 19919 28630 Ireland Italija 755947 923498 1211690 1103207 1051206 1258083 1611017 1592769 Italy Jugoslavija2) 7642 15678 9466 95722 266 184 1592 32006 Yugoslavia2) Latvija1) 1703 2185 2858 4244 68 77 232 1539 Latvia1) Lihtenötajn 1223 2096 3295 2930 3209 3579 3728 1628 Liechtenstein Litva1) 2259 5942 8826 11305 375 462 790 1068 Lithuania1) Luksemburg 1443 1224 2260 2082 2720 4850 9557 7880 Luxembourg Madűarska 87680 98679 114604 105417 164975 192604 266823 238639 Hungary Makedonija2) 198215 218042 189337 170528 89324 80389 85677 71455 Macedonia2) Moldavija, Republika1) 1037 815 606 1653 223 658 404 137 Moldova, Republic of1) NemËija 1797619 2067743 2507773 2545381 1625975 1734251 2205967 2044102 Germany Nizozemska 89835 99546 117191 124879 121958 167522 206641 194324 Netherlands Norveöka 11480 14323 12377 11793 4689 30592 34327 67704 Norway Poljska 87405 96324 104850 141510 14035 22477 37678 48430 Poland Portugalska 7912 6631 8797 12978 9888 4225 5396 5168 Portugal Romunija 19006 12441 20973 22291 15705 20647 33371 24706 Romania Ruska federacija1) 248580 264914 305236 298321 202404 147434 241418 208521 Russian Federation1) Drűave na obmoËju 542 - - - 77 - - - Countries on the territory nekdanje SZ1) of the former USSR1) Slovaöka3) 30143 30330 51704 57213 30787 58066 82340 92246 Slovak Republic3) äpanija 47957 36151 42393 43898 70770 115399 224622 169995 Spain ävedska 45411 50434 58482 54214 65437 83541 100702 110515 Sweden ävica 52087 57846 70749 67508 126519 153573 198820 178478 Switzerland Ukrajina1) 19045 24722 29246 33420 4769 6880 10062 9107 Ukraine1) Velika Britanija 148114 208241 229137 161527 103016 129633 189922 208280 United Kingdom Druge drűave 2535 3024 3502 5167 1178 11725 13473 13604 Other countries Azija 260836 193157 215247 209929 444105 382856 519870 587807 Asia Armenija1) 245 49 103 238 23 - 0 0 Armenia1) Azerbajdűan1) 181 66 2222 561 - 297 528 8 Azerbaijan1) Bangladeö 987 437 412 363 260 526 639 3866 Bangladesh Ciper 17310 7095 3537 2434 9118 5558 1706 3992 Cyprus Gruzija1) 382 1222 16 307 5 - 0 0 Georgia1) Hongkong 4676 5162 11204 12184 10729 13382 18513 18546 Hong Kong Indija 4585 7068 11511 11261 9130 10824 16667 15448 India Indonezija 2525 5276 4107 4601 13051 11960 21833 29805 Indonesia Irak 139 141 98 72 198 51 11 8 Iraq Iran (Islamska republika) 59840 31660 20790 25414 87070 1083 1230 3967 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Izrael 4582 8007 7688 6655 5684 20653 20773 48456 Israel Japonska 25451 18159 20953 19075 125119 126200 156738 162545 Japan Jordanija 5523 4173 3898 3721 2307 1102 66 281 Jordan Kazahstan1) 2556 1436 1347 1307 345 334 157 116 Kazakhstan1) Kirgizistan1) 1888 - 22 284 - - 27 11 Kyrgyzstan1) Kitajska 7979 6363 5403 7314 29406 37201 52937 49585 China Koreja, Republika 7571 11051 13125 9302 46993 47106 78364 91680 Korea 1) Izvoz in uvoz z drűavami na obmoËju nekdanje Sovjetske zveze sta do leta 1992 prikazana skupaj v okviru evropskih drűav, od leta 1993 imamo loËene podatke za posamezne drűave na obmoËju nekdanje Sovjetske zveze v okviru evropskih in azijskih drűav. Until 1992 exports and imports with countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union are shown together in the framework of European countries, from 1993 we have separate data for countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union in the framework of European and Asian countries. 2) Od leta 1993 so podatki loËeni za vse drűave na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Za leto 1992 sta bila izvoz in uvoz z drűavami na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije prikazana skupaj, razen s Hrvaöko. For 1993 data are shown separately for all countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. For 1992 exports and imports with countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia were shown jointly, except for Croatia, for which we had separate figures. 3) Od leta 1993 so podatki za »eöko republiko in Slovaöko prikazani loËeno, do leta 1992 so skupni podatki za »eökoslovaöko. Since 1993 we have separate figures for the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, until 1992 data refer to Czechoslovakia. Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 366 Kuvajt 2251 904 969 1231 58 63 11 158 Kuwait Libanon 2268 2052 2385 1776 6 57 51 105 Lebanon Malezija 4948 6463 6945 3330 6229 8051 18421 25315 Malaysia Pakistan 1449 2322 5466 5262 2020 3132 3950 3118 Pakistan Saudova Arabija 17113 15297 15831 13588 48 9 35 165 Saudi Arabia Singapur 6309 6243 6112 5729 8098 6608 8849 9491 Singapore Sirska arabska republika 4108 4578 7354 9797 6963 142 515 635 Syrian Arab Republic Tadűikistan1) 518 - 113 0 1935 2400 2836 1547 Tajikistan1) Tajska 6520 5548 7807 7442 11668 13303 17197 18055 Thailand Tajvan, Provinca Kitajske 7046 11514 8382 7683 32392 38420 47952 46171 Taiwan, Province of China TurËija 34130 7700 20546 24416 26864 21710 31769 32900 Turkey Turkmenistan1) 2643 888 780 1607 925 623 1073 523 Turkmenistan1) Uzbekistan1) 39 288 6417 2715 3038 5976 10055 10378 Uzbekistan1) Zdruűeni arabski emirati 22060 16946 14419 14444 499 292 366 647 United Arab Emirates Druge drűave 3011 5050 5282 5814 3922 5793 6601 10288 Other countries Afrika 39792 39331 58223 48551 86865 88844 113732 125648 Africa Alűirija 1539 4224 10410 5406 42017 44013 62005 65229 Algeria Bocvana 15 155 0 4 202 388 100 0 Botswana Egipt 18434 20056 24521 25716 7393 13471 14220 8046 Egypt Etiopija 300 98 1612 109 182 125 898 435 Ethiopia Gabon - - 0 41 68 56 41 22 Gabon Gana 2456 1074 1580 1108 514 943 788 635 Ghana Gvineja 155 70 60 98 5740 10966 1151 573 Guinea Kamerun 11 8 0 106 300 85 723 536 Cameroon Kenija 1361 1777 1806 1117 243 771 1465 1132 Kenya Liberija 110 6 82 115 - - 3 471 Liberia Libija 1241 449 3869 3367 16967 802 4554 28399 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Maroko 694 851 1165 805 290 849 1272 1152 Morocco Nigerija 2958 1301 1780 1163 43 150 125 423 Nigeria Senegal 291 292 649 254 82 77 2 2 Senegal SlonokoöËena obala 718 498 992 693 289 182 194 531 Cote dÉIvoire Sudan 817 103 305 136 337 426 275 101 Sudan Tanzanija 2162 93 310 26 377 536 161 496 Tanzania, United Republic of Tunizija 3362 3453 4072 3942 1084 1134 9781 2035 Tunisia Uganda 74 105 97 181 588 2572 1201 1654 Uganda Zair - 174 147 62 562 1367 1223 624 Zaire Zimbabve 4 - 52 3 3892 2305 910 1768 Zimbabwe Druge drűave 3088 4544 4714 4099 5694 7627 12642 11383 Other countries Severna in Srednja Amerika 252856 304232 316282 283132 216540 240289 343071 372794 North and Central America Dominikanska republika 569 643 209 318 303 413 506 370 Dominican Republic Honduras - 50 69 2 115 120 269 164 Honduras Kanada 31269 42022 36789 32471 19107 34815 46337 40146 Canada Kostarika 398 974 1150 1337 705 571 610 382 Costa Rica Kuba 438 49 122 36 4588 4457 154 255 Cuba Mehika 1621 2090 3722 1776 267 690 1253 2550 Mexico Panama 402 203 1488 409 47 144 1287 1754 Panama Zdruűene drűave 215955 250167 260876 245515 187943 196957 291252 325038 United States Druge drűave 2201 8034 11858 1265 3466 2121 1403 2134 Other countries Juűna Amerika 15085 21446 27756 33373 65465 80765 86031 105648 South America Argentina 4099 5692 3495 4531 16942 7409 9282 23684 Argentina Brazilija 1986 4281 10713 18027 30084 43757 51208 54935 Brazil »ile 1279 1411 1550 948 1006 1925 3539 4099 Chile Ekvador 3266 2228 1607 81 9765 10093 13384 14264 Ecuador Kolumbija 2764 5124 7657 7690 2565 5339 4297 4799 Colombia Peru 123 212 239 251 1631 2813 2820 2351 Peru Urugvaj 183 382 142 360 1699 616 399 677 Uruguay Venezuela 454 1400 1895 1282 89 41 44 469 Venezuela Druge drűave 930 714 458 202 1683 8771 1058 372 Other countries Avstralija in Oceanija 17216 20385 18768 17027 9681 14718 22345 21831 Australia and Oceania Avstralija 15880 17884 16850 15438 8737 13635 21324 20527 Australia Francoska Polinezija 504 673 963 11 383 207 193 10 French Polynesia Nova Zelandija 722 1614 778 1233 342 735 665 842 New Zealand Druga Oceanija 110 214 176 345 219 141 164 452 Other Oceanic countries NerazvröËeno ... ... ... 5804 ... ... ... 1490 Other n.e.c. Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 23.4.2 Izvoz in uvoz po drűavah (nadaljevanje) 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by countries (continued) at current exchange rates Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 367 23.5.1 Izvoz in uvoz po blagovnih sektorjih in odsekih Standardne mednarodne trgovinske klasifikacije - Rev.3 Exports and imports by commodity sections and divisions of the Standard International Trade Classification - Rev.3 mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji / at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 688842 876800 983979 1125682 737409 937878 1121887 1277469 TOTAL éivila in űive űivali 27173 35222 31162 35750 54332 71257 75292 86418 Food and live animals éive űivali 500 299 217 301 1425 2633 2991 1602 Live animals Meso in mesni izdelki 9244 11221 9488 11245 7273 10260 8864 8917 Meat and meat preparations MleËni izdelki in jajca 2942 4106 4678 5241 2286 2526 2674 2940 Dairy products and eggs Ribe in ribji izdelki 668 800 522 783 1959 2643 2819 3570 Fish and preparations thereof éita in izdelki iz űit 962 1661 1298 2397 11727 12970 11892 17863 Cereals and cereal preparations Sadje in zelenjava 6307 8218 6849 5665 12239 15757 18803 21327 Fruit and vegetables Sladkor in med 1746 2309 2245 2192 3081 4635 4904 4516 Sugar and honey Kava, Ëaj, kakav in zaËimbe 966 1234 912 1081 5675 8458 9095 10141 Coffee, tea, cocoa and spices éivinska krmila 1192 1840 1541 2202 4965 5933 6155 7600 Feeding stuff for animals Druga űivila 2646 3533 3412 4643 3702 5443 7094 7942 Miscellaneous edible products PijaËe in tobak 5109 6368 6052 9824 4926 6031 7183 8141 Beverages and tobacco PijaËe 4148 4885 4904 8226 2571 2684 4263 5161 Beverages Tobak in tobaËni izdelki 961 1483 1148 1597 2355 3347 2919 2979 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures Neobdelani materiali, razen goriv 12140 16787 20152 18855 39140 60633 73226 64481 Crude materials, except fuels Surove koűe in neobdelano krzno 1134 1453 1703 2207 2205 3037 3721 3687 Hides and furskins, raw Oljno seme in oljni sadeűi 19 8 120 57 160 191 271 386 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits Surovi in sintetiËni kavËuk 115 158 379 56 3917 5283 7510 7274 Crude and synthetic rubber Les, gradbeni les in plutovina 7540 9635 9961 10053 4777 7877 8489 7880 Wood and cork Celuloza in papirni odpadki 984 2476 4494 2117 6968 12214 18716 11389 Pulp and waste paper Tekstilna vlakna in odpadki 235 284 310 414 5915 8267 7867 6850 Textile fibres and their wastes Naravna gnojila in minerali 518 599 609 655 4725 6414 7696 8160 Crude fertilizers and crude minerals Kovinske rude in odpadki kovin 1018 1388 1749 2331 7267 12936 13792 12807 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Druge surovine 577 787 825 964 3207 4412 5166 6049 Crude materials n.e.s. Mineralna goriva in maziva 34830 9801 11860 10583 79054 66945 74117 102378 Mineral fuels and lubricants Premog, koks in briketi 262 191 64 55 2427 2339 3294 3930 Coal, coke and briquettes Nafta in derivati 29168 2794 1580 3468 63061 51755 53487 79504 Petroleum and petroleum products Naravni in industrijski plin 236 39 3 16 11867 11905 15082 16020 Gas, natural and manufactured ElektriËna energija 5164 6776 10213 7045 1699 946 2255 2923 Electric current éivalska in rastlinska olja in maöËobe 751 842 878 1285 2651 3828 4532 5248 Animal and vegetable oils and fats éivalska olja in maöËobe 299 408 274 188 305 527 474 583 Animal oils and fats Rastlinska olja 348 298 380 658 1922 2717 3515 3927 Vegetable fats and oils Predelava olj in maöËob 104 136 224 438 423 585 544 739 Fats and oils, processed KemiËni izdelki 62451 90677 103054 119368 84655 114511 135325 152371 Chemical products Organski kemiËni proizvodi 3240 10819 13576 10429 14333 20773 25281 26284 Organic chemicals Anorganski kemiËni proizvodi 5001 6764 7570 10356 6726 8245 10091 11963 Inorganic chemicals Materiali za barvanje in strojenje 9282 10980 14179 17099 8538 10813 11806 12953 Dyeing and tanning materials Medicinski in farmacevtski izdelki 26502 36442 37837 48443 12837 17589 19646 24905 Medical and pharmaceutical products Toaletni in Ëistilni izdelki 6912 10086 10093 12556 5877 8201 9861 11901 Personal care and cleaning preparations Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 368 Umetna gnojila 29 42 62 82 2877 3869 4767 5489 Fertilizers, manufactured PlastiËne mase v primarnih oblikah 3322 5257 8471 8356 14891 20820 26037 26815 Plastics in primary forms PlastiËne mase v drugih oblikah 3619 4996 6579 7276 7910 10953 12716 15251 Plastics in non-primary forms Druge kemikalije 4544 5291 4687 4771 10665 13249 15120 16809 Chemical materials n.e.s. Proizvodi, klasificirani po materialu 179310 239604 280622 308320 130030 181954 221752 251515 Manufactures classified by material Usnje, krzno in izdelki 7516 9591 8333 9126 4563 6291 5297 6565 Leather, furskins and manufactures Izdelki iz kavËuka, neomenjeni 16041 19928 23596 26983 4672 7225 10040 11733 Rubber manufactures Leseni in plutovinasti izdelki 19475 28399 31432 34309 4729 7029 8466 9681 Wood and cork manufactures Papir, lepenka in drugi izdelki 26914 37113 46449 45953 13288 18010 23872 26338 Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Preja, tkanine in tekstilni izdelki 27945 34555 38129 44051 24415 33148 39714 43669 Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Nekovinski mineralni izdelki 16970 21239 23469 28865 13969 17929 22071 25201 Non-metallic mineral manufactures éelezo in jeklo 16461 24681 35086 34945 27456 39019 48084 52378 Iron and steel Barvaste kovine 18667 26695 31105 34603 15752 23554 26910 30584 Non-ferrous metals Kovinski izdelki 29320 37404 43023 49485 21186 29747 37296 45367 Manufactures of metal Stroji in transportne naprave 189222 265537 309047 375818 223242 298605 378480 430589 Machinery and transport equipment Pogonski stroji in naprave 17428 21189 25246 29805 15991 19345 26697 34586 Power generating machinery and equipment Specialni stroji za posamezne 11300 15016 18764 22916 22759 35057 44843 39961 Machinery specialized for industrijske panoge particular industries Stroji za obdelavo kovin 4664 5637 6573 8848 5318 5840 8044 8610 Metal working machinery Industrijski stroji za sploöno 19373 30263 36266 43294 30292 48046 50108 55592 General industrial machinery n.e.s. uporabo, neomenjeni Stroji pisarniöki in za AOP 1037 1758 1453 1923 17243 20605 26668 28783 Office and automatic data processing Telekomunikacijski in elektroakustiËni aparati 6550 10734 13809 21995 11139 13477 20551 21635 Telecommunications and electroacoustic apparatus ElektriËni stroji, aparati in naprave 62004 81728 89848 105823 33997 50424 55341 70088 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances Cestna vozila 65398 93730 112401 137563 84999 102874 140525 162029 Road vehicles Druga transportna vozila 1468 5482 4688 3651 1504 2938 5704 9304 Other transport equipment Razni konËni izdelki 176589 210194 218970 245746 89584 102629 119244 174998 Miscellaneous manufactured articles Montaűne stavbe, sanitarne, grelne naprave in svetila 10544 12862 13813 16601 3760 5372 6646 8721 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary plumbing, heating devices and lamps Pohiötvo in njegovi deli 36316 47687 53322 63458 7280 10124 12918 16326 Furniture and parts thereof KovËki, potovalke, neseserji ipd. 797 1118 1335 1432 1091 1565 1899 1924 Suitcases, handbags and related products Obleke 72629 79217 78134 80176 26264 28146 30893 65327 Articles of clothing Obutev 17777 20890 18826 17762 9052 10259 10645 11240 Footwear Znanstveni, kontrolni instrumenti 13259 17925 19228 23727 11247 15109 17067 19845 Scientific and controlling instruments Fotoaparati, optiËni izdelki in ure 4688 5900 6917 7272 5061 6574 8181 9396 Photographic equipment, optical goods, watches and clocks Razni drugi proizvodi 20580 24594 27394 35318 25829 25479 30995 42219 Miscellaneous manufactured articles n.e.s. Drugo blago in transakcije 1265 1768 2182 135 29795 31486 32735 1330 Commodities and transactions n.e.s. Poötne poöiljke - - - - - - - - Postal packages Specialne transakcije in blago, neklasificirano 1160 1666 2049 8 29111 30810 32184 75 Special transactions and commodities not classified by kind Kovanci, ki niso plaËilno sredstvo - - 25 1 - - - 15 Coins, not being legal tender Nemonetarno zlato 105 102 108 126 684 677 551 1240 Gold, non-monetary Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 23.5.1 Izvoz in uvoz po blagovnih sektorjih in odsekih Standardne mednarodne trgovinske klasifikacije - Rev.3 (nadaljevanje) Exports and imports by commodity sections and divisions of the Standard International Trade Classification - Rev.3 (continued) mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji / at current exchange rates Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 369 23.5.2 Izvoz in uvoz po blagovnih sektorjih in odsekih Standardne mednarodne trgovinske klasifikacije - Rev.3 Exports and imports by commodity sections and divisions of the Standard International Trade Classification - Rev.3 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji / at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6082875 6827851 8315815 8309813 6500950 7303935 9491678 9421427 TOTAL éivila in űive űivali 239125 274401 263088 263957 478328 554887 637430 637204 Food and live animals éive űivali 4602 2313 1815 2228 12372 20591 25171 11813 Live animals Meso in mesni izdelki 80799 87304 80166 82935 63875 80558 74647 65730 Meat and meat preparations MleËni izdelki in jajca 26220 32065 39699 38719 20317 19710 23005 21627 Dairy products and eggs Ribe in ribji izdelki 5832 6231 4407 5786 17311 20523 23877 26343 Fish and preparations thereof éita in izdelki iz űit 8452 12945 10931 17673 103771 100413 100846 131351 Cereals and cereal preparations Sadje in zelenjava 55662 64231 57473 41901 108338 122514 159150 157499 Fruit and vegetables Sladkor in med 15214 17957 19011 16199 26537 35851 42222 33368 Sugar and honey Kava, Ëaj, kakav in zaËimbe 8361 9579 7682 7963 49549 66134 76551 74795 Coffee, tea, cocoa and spices éivinska krmila 10495 14362 13001 16296 43843 46190 52027 56038 Feeding stuff for animals Druga űivila 23488 27413 28903 34257 32415 42404 59934 58640 Miscellaneous edible products PijaËe in tobak 45149 49581 51086 72399 43790 46906 61027 60080 Beverages and tobacco PijaËe 36651 38076 41552 60683 22881 20842 36241 38096 Beverages Tobak in tobaËni izdelki 8498 11504 9533 11716 20909 26064 24786 21984 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures Neobdelani materiali, razen goriv 107671 130927 170537 139064 344873 472606 620262 476480 Crude materials, except fuels Surove koűe in neobdelano krzno 9888 11281 14331 16278 19310 23647 31545 27343 Hides and furskins, raw Oljno seme in oljni sadeűi 175 62 1030 419 1394 1497 2258 2855 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits Surovi in sintetiËni kavËuk 1002 1261 3197 418 34541 41155 63636 53713 Crude and synthetic rubber Les, gradbeni les in plutovina 67224 74941 84335 74143 42016 61317 72075 58081 Wood and cork Celuloza in papirni odpadki 8646 19519 38165 15574 61614 95536 158945 84263 Pulp and waste paper Tekstilna vlakna in odpadki 2107 2212 2632 3064 52397 64245 66556 50619 Textile fibres and their wastes Naravna gnojila in minerali 4556 4670 5167 4848 41527 49960 65150 60202 Crude fertilizers and crude minerals Kovinske rude in odpadki kovin 9008 10844 14804 17188 63630 100985 116596 94630 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Druge surovine 5067 6137 6867 7131 28445 34264 43501 44774 Crude materials n.e.s. Mineralna goriva in maziva 313418 76289 98869 77294 699613 521189 623821 754544 Mineral fuels and lubricants Premog, koks in briketi 2330 1477 527 410 21035 18140 27687 29042 Coal, coke and briquettes Nafta in derivati 266518 21434 13387 25572 557783 403594 450497 586198 Petroleum and petroleum products Naravni in industrijski plin 2089 296 23 114 105604 92109 126778 117635 Gas, natural and manufactured ElektriËna energija 42481 53081 84932 51199 15191 7347 18860 21669 Electric current éivalska in rastlinska olja in maöËobe 6627 6554 7403 9492 22977 29716 38307 38770 Animal and vegetable oils and fats éivalska olja in maöËobe 2609 3159 2303 1393 2628 4107 3997 4301 Animal oils and fats Rastlinska olja 3026 2334 3200 4868 16615 21072 29715 29009 Vegetable fats and oils Predelava olj in maöËob 992 1061 1900 3231 3733 4537 4595 5460 Fats and oils, processed KemiËni izdelki 552491 706134 871152 881341 749579 891235 1145150 1124536 Chemical products Organski kemiËni proizvodi 28527 84818 114685 77055 126754 161755 213934 193993 Organic chemicals Anorganski kemiËni proizvodi 44213 52761 63995 76413 59346 64211 85233 88322 Inorganic chemicals Materiali za barvanje in strojenje 81959 85560 120233 126288 75383 84231 100016 95607 Dyeing and tanning materials Medicinski in farmacevtski izdelki 234691 283072 318773 357708 114079 137136 165800 183658 Medical and pharmaceutical products Toaletni in Ëistilni izdelki 60968 78598 85494 92705 51912 63843 83367 87804 Personal care and cleaning preparations Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 370 Umetna gnojila 271 326 520 609 26413 29656 40280 40575 Fertilizers, manufactured PlastiËne mase v primarnih oblikah 29165 41009 71948 61650 131734 162145 220541 197978 Plastics in primary forms PlastiËne mase v drugih oblikah 31976 39017 55653 53678 69626 85297 107853 112471 Plastics in non-primary forms Druge kemikalije 40721 40975 39851 35235 94332 102961 128126 124128 Chemical materials n.e.s. Proizvodi, klasificirani po materialu 1585540 1866414 2372864 2276978 1147429 1418585 1876048 1855703 Manufactures classified by material Usnje, krzno in izdelki 66246 74567 70486 67326 39955 48833 44772 48402 Leather, furskins and manufactures Izdelki iz kavËuka, neomenjeni 142849 155146 199712 199420 40967 56405 84835 86521 Rubber manufactures Leseni in plutovinasti izdelki 171627 221458 266002 253246 41683 54654 71672 71407 Wood and cork manufactures Papir, lepenka in drugi izdelki 237415 288992 392738 339635 117795 140504 202090 194490 Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Preja, tkanine in tekstilni izdelki 246754 268804 321971 324985 215482 258197 335436 322146 Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Nekovinski mineralni izdelki 150324 165457 198350 213065 123175 139798 186954 185984 Non-metallic mineral manufactures éelezo in jeklo 145987 192547 296693 258177 243298 304421 407012 386493 Iron and steel Barvaste kovine 165262 207865 263136 255663 139030 183909 227381 225864 Non-ferrous metals Kovinski izdelki 259075 291577 363776 365461 186043 231864 315897 334397 Manufactures of metal Stroji in transportne naprave 1664293 2067475 2614039 2773283 1969207 2324072 3204504 3175482 Machinery and transport equipment Pogonski stroji in naprave 154348 164605 213456 220447 138376 150802 227153 254527 Power generating machinery and equipment Specialni stroji za posamezne industrijske panoge 99197 117221 158658 169038 199970 273361 378402 294066 Machinery specialized for particular industries Stroji za obdelavo kovin 40802 43825 55373 65499 45766 45358 67504 63275 Metal working machinery Industrijski stroji za sploöno uporabo, neomenjeni 170196 235839 306528 319496 266642 374048 423539 409720 General industrial machinery n.e.s. Stroji pisarniöki in za AOP 9062 13690 12325 14184 151759 160406 223686 211947 Office and automatic data processing machines Telekomunikacijski in elektroakustiËni aparati 56493 83984 116390 161824 98887 105144 173101 159209 Telecommunications and electroacoustic apparatus ElektriËni stroji, aparati in naprave 547647 636726 759434 781341 299549 392949 467440 517163 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances Cestna vozila 573664 729534 952273 1014429 755024 799235 1194432 1197316 Road vehicles Druga transportna vozila 12883 42050 39602 27026 13233 22769 49246 68260 Other transport equipment Razni konËni izdelki 1557297 1636182 1848388 1815010 782925 799888 1008510 1288763 Miscellaneous manufactured articles Montaűne stavbe, sanitarne, grelne naprave in svetila 92626 100196 116817 122573 32869 41994 56258 64266 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary plumbing, heating devices and lamps Pohiötvo in njegovi deli 319402 371040 449959 468155 64089 78788 109239 120291 Furniture and parts thereof KovËki, potovalke, neseserji ipd. 6961 8721 11279 10569 9499 12214 16098 14175 Suitcases, handbags and related products Obleke 642962 615525 658706 593251 231559 219242 261606 480617 Articles of clothing Obutev 157106 162932 159365 131323 80380 79922 90248 83148 Footwear Znanstveni, kontrolni instrumenti 117178 139463 162245 174889 98848 117669 143999 146345 Scientific and controlling instruments Fotoaparati, optiËni izdelki in ure 41293 46050 58332 53694 44525 51305 69237 69248 Photographic equipment, optical goods, watches and clocks Razni drugi proizvodi 179768 192255 231686 260555 221155 198755 261823 310673 Miscellaneous manufactured articles n.e.s. Drugo blago in transakcije 11266 13895 18390 995 262229 244851 276621 9864 Commodities and transactions n.e.s. Poötne poöiljke - - - - - - - - Postal packages Specialne transakcije in blago, neklasificirano 10361 13101 17259 60 256159 239592 271994 560 Special transactions and commodities not classified by kind Kovanci, ki niso plaËilno sredstvo - - 218 11 - - - 109 Coins, not being legal tender Nemonetarno zlato 905 794 913 924 6071 5259 4627 9195 Gold, non-monetary Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 23.5.2 Izvoz in uvoz po blagovnih sektorjih in odsekih Standardne mednarodne trgovinske klasifikacije - Rev.3 (nadaljevanje) Exports and imports by commodity sections and divisions of the Standard International Trade Classification - Rev.3 (continued) 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji / at current exchange rates Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 371 23.6.1 Izvoz in uvoz po ekonomskem namenu mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by end-use of products at current exchange rates 23.6.2 Izvoz in uvoz po ekonomskem namenu 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by end-use of products at current exchange rates Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 688842 876800 983979 1125682 737409 937878 1121887 1277469 TOTAL Proizvodi za reprodukcijo 315032 391905 464554 507318 446196 576392 679000 731781 Intermediate goods Surovine in polizdelki 100470 143307 170802 179869 184834 258925 300171 318087 Crude materials and semi-products Mineralna goriva 34676 9558 11856 10440 72837 61433 68469 95689 Mineral fuels KonËni izdelki 179886 239040 281896 317008 188526 256035 310360 318005 Manufactured goods for reproduction Proizvodi za investicije 73272 98324 111511 135687 107965 149764 190423 206418 Capital goods Pogonski stroji 499 618 744 1940 6601 4236 7793 9707 Power generating machinery Poljedelski stroji 1313 2181 2374 3017 1222 2312 3510 3798 Agricultural machinery Stroji za obdelavo kovin 2027 2950 2985 3640 3776 4140 5408 5784 Metal working machinery Drugi stroji in naprave 20767 30263 38082 47349 38143 63398 70129 66364 Other machinery ElektriËni motorji in naprave 12862 15787 16489 25300 22389 25970 36046 40938 Electric motors and equipment Transportna sredstva 8543 9802 9541 6683 8558 14257 24532 28195 Transport equipment Drugo investicijsko blago 27260 36724 41297 47757 27274 35450 43004 51633 Other capital goods Proizvodi za öiroko porabo 300538 386571 407914 482677 183247 211721 252464 339269 Consumption goods Hrana 23576 30142 26776 30831 36738 48517 52926 58091 Food PijaËe in tobak 5105 6282 6046 9798 3770 4126 6113 6983 Beverages and tobacco Obleka in obutev 87609 96636 93306 94111 32023 34116 37718 72946 Clothing and footwear Pohiötvo 23573 29384 29411 32650 2719 3533 5243 6712 Furniture Tekstilni izdelki 5116 5759 6085 5812 3345 3837 4506 4250 Textile articles (excl. clothing) Medicinski in farmacevtski izdelki 30171 41835 43987 56708 13650 18867 22867 28795 Medical and pharmaceutical products Drugi izdelki 125388 176534 202303 252766 91003 98725 123092 161492 Other consumer goods Izvoz Exports Uvoz Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6082875 6827851 8315815 8309813 6500950 7303935 9491678 9421427 TOTAL Proizvodi za reprodukcijo 2790731 3052891 3927111 3745398 3938026 4488655 5743550 5398388 Intermediate goods Surovine in polizdelki 888690 1117115 1444738 1328310 1632725 2016008 2541465 2348295 Crude materials and semi-products Mineralna goriva 312235 74450 98857 76217 644843 478112 576036 705176 Mineral fuels KonËni izdelki 1589807 1861325 2383516 2340872 1660458 1994534 2626048 2344916 Manufactured goods for reproduction Proizvodi za investicije 642926 765699 941980 1000692 947593 1166534 1608492 1519618 Capital goods Pogonski stroji 4384 4795 6277 14242 55687 33105 66775 71136 Power generating machinery Poljedelski stroji 11772 16879 20110 22280 10821 17971 30021 28027 Agricultural machinery Stroji za obdelavo kovin 17620 23048 25149 26955 32222 32075 45268 42427 Metal working machinery Drugi stroji in naprave 181763 236144 321671 349470 335546 493936 591516 488517 Other machinery ElektriËni motorji in naprave 113168 123170 139213 186305 198208 202321 302909 301308 Electric motors and equipment Transportna sredstva 74178 75563 80686 49145 75427 110897 208573 207549 Transport equipment Drugo investicijsko blago 240042 286100 348874 352295 239682 276229 363430 380653 Other capital goods Proizvodi za öiroko porabo 2649218 3009261 3446724 3563724 1615332 1648746 2139636 2503421 Consumption goods Hrana 207148 234865 226467 227565 322786 378455 447592 428353 Food PijaËe in tobak 45115 48926 51035 72213 33828 32112 51907 51537 Beverages and tobacco Obleka in obutev 775181 751384 787133 696338 282990 265793 319479 537038 Clothing and footwear Pohiötvo 207393 228517 248347 240825 23846 27541 44355 49474 Furniture Tekstilni izdelki 44906 44767 51329 42917 29511 29884 38060 31362 Textile articles (excl. clothing) Medicinski in farmacevtski izdelki 267234 325158 370814 418690 121176 147107 192935 212300 Medical and pharmaceutical products Drugi izdelki 1102241 1375643 1711598 1865176 801195 767856 1045307 1193357 Other consumer goods Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 372 23.7.1 Izvoz in uvoz po stopnji predelave mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by degree of processing at current exchange rates 23.7.2 Izvoz in uvoz po stopnji predelave 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by degree of processing at current exchange rates 23.8.1 Izvoz in uvoz po ekonomskih skupinah drűav mio SIT, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by economic groups of countries at current exchange rates 23.8.2 Izvoz in uvoz po ekonomskih skupinah drűav 1000 USD, tekoËi teËaji Exports and imports by economic groups of countries at current exchange rates Izvoz / Exports Uvoz / Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 688842 876800 983979 1125682 737409 937878 1121887 1277469 TOTAL Nepredelani proizvodi 41233 22004 19163 21574 79886 72741 80488 92458 Unprocessed products Proizvodi nizke predelave 91121 123927 145223 149619 146495 205666 234891 266973 Processed products Proizvodi visoke predelave 556487 730870 819593 954489 511028 659471 806507 918037 Highly processed products Izvoz / Exports Uvoz / Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6082875 6827851 8315815 8309813 6500950 7303935 9491678 9421427 TOTAL Nepredelani proizvodi 372937 171124 161540 159243 707058 565440 679929 681601 Unprocessed products Proizvodi nizke predelave 803143 966017 1227155 1104124 1293531 1603253 1986727 1970206 Processed products Proizvodi visoke predelave 4906796 5690710 6927119 7046446 4500360 5135242 6825022 6769620 Highly processed products Izvoz / Exports Uvoz / Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 688842 876800 983979 1125682 737409 937878 1121887 1277469 TOTAL Razvite drűave 485366 636152 719913 790950 549540 734685 877137 993318 Developed countries EU 394875 519614 659390 726600 411761 535181 771845 862403 EU EFTA 47956 65510 10262 11185 88284 137716 28132 33611 EFTA Druge razvite drűave 42535 51027 50261 53166 49495 61788 77160 97303 Other developed countries Drűave v razvoju 203475 240648 264066 333942 187869 203192 244750 283947 Developing countries Evrope 180506 217844 240348 307784 144751 162450 195437 218214 Europe CEFTA 29550 39501 47768 61035 37637 57803 74849 83510 CEFTA countries Drűave na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije 109023 133390 143089 187870 78038 74996 79383 96131 Countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia Druge evropske drűave 41932 44953 49491 58879 29076 29651 41206 38573 Other European developing countries Azije 16379 14744 13466 15139 25428 18722 26027 34635 Asia Afrike 4290 4618 6467 6100 9491 10771 12703 16167 Africa Amerike 2293 3423 3772 4880 8186 11240 10568 14902 America Oceanije 8 19 14 39 13 8 15 30 Oceania NerazvröËeno ... ... ... 790 ... ... ... 203 Other n.e.c. Izvoz / Exports Uvoz / Imports 1993 1994 1995 1996 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6082875 6827851 8315815 8309813 6500950 7303935 9491678 9421427 TOTAL Razvite drűave 4285634 4952193 6086100 5841985 4833958 5721493 7422954 7325142 Developed countries EU 3488796 4043906 5574544 5366856 3622248 4167722 6531540 6360390 EU EFTA 423301 510833 86721 82681 778851 1072740 237369 248500 EFTA Druge razvite drűave 373535 397454 424835 392447 432859 481031 654045 716252 Other developed countries Drűave v razvoju 1797242 1875658 2229715 2462024 1666992 1582443 2068724 2094794 Developing countries Evrope 1593351 1698384 2029182 2269409 1283432 1265476 1652273 1609667 Europe CEFTA 261162 307846 403184 450699 331183 450913 633701 615867 CEFTA countries Drűave na obmoËju nekdanje Jugoslavije 964465 1040021 1208797 1384818 695936 583976 670975 709127 Countries on the territory of the former Yugoslavia Druge evropske drűave 367724 350517 417202 433892 256313 230587 347597 284673 Other European developing countries Azije 145878 114504 113946 111472 228344 145841 220112 255907 Asia Afrike 37961 36035 54669 44885 83036 83502 106746 119132 Africa Amerike 19979 26590 31807 35973 72065 87564 89467 109864 America Oceanije 73 145 110 286 116 60 126 224 Oceania NerazvröËeno ... ... ... 5804 ... ... ... 1490 Other n.e.c. Zunanja trgovina External trade StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 373 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 374 24. TRGOVINA DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, ki opravljajo trgovinsko dejavnost, ter o prodajalnah in prometu v dejavnosti trgovine na drobno in trgovine na debelo zberemo z rednimi statistiËnimi poroËili trgovine: Ëetrtletno (vrednost prometa, ötevilo zaposlenih in ötevilo prodajaln) in praviloma triletno (prodajna zmogljivost v trgovini na drobno). Letno raziskovanje (struktura prometa po predmetih) je bilo z letom 1995 odpravljeno, saj zaradi spremenjenih razmer poslovanja (tudi raËunovodskih standardov) ne moremo veË zagotoviti sprejemljivih rezultatov po ustaljeni, za poroËevalske enote izredno obremenjujoËi metodologiji. Izpad teh podatkov smo delno nadomestili s podatki o vrednostnem prometu po 24 blagovnih skupinah. Zbiramo jih Ëetrtletno, in sicer le za trgovino na drobno. Zaradi nestabilnih razmer v trgovski dejavnosti nismo izvedli popisa prodajnih zmogljivosti v trgovini na drobno, predvidenega v letu 1995. Podatki po trgovinski dejavnosti so grupirani glede na to, v katero dejavnost je razvröËen opazovani poslovni subjekt. Do leta 1976 je upoötevana Nomenklatura za razvröËanje gospodarskih in drugih organizacij (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 10/62), od leta 1977 pa Enotna klasifikacija dejavnosti (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt.6/76). Podatki za leto 1996 so prikazani po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, kar zaradi nepopolne primerljivosti povzroËa trganje statistiËne vrste in s tem manjöo primerljivost vsebine podatkov. ZAJETJE PoroËila o trgovini poöiljajo opazovana trgovska ter druga podjetja in organizacije, ki sama ali pa v svojih poslovnih enotah opravljajo dejavnost trgovine na drobno ali na debelo in imajo veË kot dve zaposleni osebi. DEFINICIJE Za promet trgovine na drobno ötejemo prodajo blaga v prodajalnah (upoötevane so tudi lekarne, komisijske trgovine in zasebne prodajalne) in prodajo na drobno neposredno iz skladiöË. Promet na űivilskih trgih ni upoötevan (ne pri podatkih o zasebnih proizvajalcih ne pri potroönikih). Prodajalna je poslovni prostor (lokal ali poseben objekt) trgovskega podjetja ali druge organizacije ali samostojne trgovine, kjer poteka promet blaga na drobno in kjer se sprejema, razloűi, hrani in prodaja blago neposrednim potroönikom. Prodajalna ima praviloma prodajni prostor, priroËno skladiöËe in pomoűne prostore. Po tipih loËimo naslednje vrste prodajaln: klasiËna prodajalna, samopostreűna prodajalna, blagovna hiöa, kiosk, bencinski servis in lekarna. Pri podatkih o prodajnem prostoru in o priroËnih skladiöËih niso upoötevane lekarne in komisijske trgovine. Pri raËunanju povpreËij so upoötevane le zaposlene osebe v prodajalnah in promet, opravljen v njih. Promet, opravljen zunaj prodajaln, ni upoötevan. Vsi ti podatki se s posebnimi poroËili zbirajo vsako tretje leto. Za promet trgovine na debelo ötejemo prodajo blaga na debelo, ki so jo opravila trgovska podjetja, druge organizacije in prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih organizacij ter konsignacijska skladiöËa. Skupni promet trgovine na debelo zajema prodajo trgovskemu omreűju in prodajo drugim odjemalcem. K slednjim ötejemo gostinska in proizvodna podjetja ter druge organizacije in ustanove. Pri skupnem prometu ne ötejemo izvoza blaga. Ta promet je prikazan posebej, podrobno ga spremlja statistika zunanje trgovine po metodologiji, ki je drugaËna kot za notranjo trgovino. Promet blaga po vrednosti je v trgovini na drobno in trgovini na debelo prikazan z dveh vidikov: po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij ter po skupinah in podskupinah blaga. Za zaposlene osebe v notranji trgovini ötejemo tiste osebe, ki opravljajo izkljuËno ali preteűno dela in naloge trgovine na drobno oziroma trgovine na debelo. Osebe, ki opravljajo dela in naloge netrgovinskih dejavnosti v opazovani enoti, se ne ötejejo med zaposlene osebe v notranji trgovini. Izvzete so tudi zaposlene osebe za doloËen Ëas in po pogodbi o delu, Ëeprav so ta delovna mesta znaËilno trgovinska. Pri zaposlenih osebah v trgovini na drobno niso zajete zaposlene osebe v lekarnah. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Letni pregled trgovine, preskrbe in cene 1947. Letni pregled trgovinske, gostinske in prometne statistike, v l. 1948. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on enterprises and other organizations performing trading activities, sales outlets, retail trade and wholesale trade turnover are compiled from the regular statistical reports of shops, which are quarterly (turnover, persons in paid employment, sales outlets), and triennial (retail trade sales area and retail trade in-store storage space). Because the annual survey on the structure of turnover by goods and relevant groups of goods was abandoned in 1995, due to the changed conditions of trading (including new accounting standards) and very demanding reports for the responding units, we could not provide proper results with the existing methodology. We have partly substituted the lack of these data with the retail trade turnover for 24 groups of goods, collected quarterly. Because of unstable conditions in retail trade in 1995 we did not take the planned census of retail trade capacities. The data by trade activities are grouped with regard to the activity of the observed business subject. Until 1976 we used the Nomenclature for the Classification of Commercial and Other Organizations (Official Gazette of SFRY No. 10/ 62) and since 1977 we used the National Classification of Activities (Official Gazette of SFRY, No. 6/76). For 1996 the data are represented by the Standard Classification of Activities, which causes the breake of the data series, because it can not be entirely compared with the previous figures. COVERAGE Trade reports are sent by trading and other enterprises and organizations which, themselves or through their branches, perform retail or wholesale trade and have more than two persons in paid employement. DEFINITIONS Retail trade is sale of goods in sales outlets (including pharmacies, commission shops and private shops) and retail sales directly from a warehouse. Trade at food markets (between private producers and consumers) is not included. Sales outlets are business premises (shops or special facilities) of a trading enterprise or other organization or private shops where retail trade is conducted and where goods are received, stored, unloaded and sold directly to consumers. As a rule, a sales outlet will have sales premises, a convenient storage area and additional premises. The following types of sales outlets are distinguished: traditional shop, department store, self-service shop, kiosk, petrol station and pharmacy. The data on sales premises and on convenient storage areas do not include pharmacies and commission shops. In calculating average figures we take into consideration only people in employment and trade performed in the sales outlet. Trade performed outside sales outlets is not included. All these data are collected every three years with special reports. Wholesale trade is wholesale performed by trading enterprises and other organizations, from sales warehouses of production organizations and from consignment warehouses. Total wholesale trade includes sales to trading networks and sales to other customers. Other customers are hotels and restaurants and production enterprises as well as other organisations and institutions. Goods exports are not included in total trade. External trade is shown separately and is monitored in detail according to a different methodology than that used for distributive trade. Goods trade by value is shown from two aspects for retail and wholesale trade: by activities of enterprises and other organizations and by groups and subgroups of goods. Persons in paid employment in domestic trade are those employed individuals who perform exclusively or predominantly work related to retail or wholesale trade. Persons in employment performing work of a non-trade nature in the reporting units were not included as persons employed in distributive trade. Also not included were temporarily employed persons and individuals employed on the basis of a work contract, irrespective of whether or not their jobs involved them in trade. Employees in pharmacies are not included among employed workers in retail trade. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Annual Review of Distributive Trade, Supply and Prices 1947. Annual Review of Distributive Trade, Hotels and Restaurants and Transport Statistics in 1948. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 375 Pregled blagovnega prometa za l. 1951. Letni pregled trgovine, gostinstva in turizma 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. Letni pregled trgovine 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960. SkladiöËa trgovskih organizacij, 15. 12. 1960. Zaloge v trgovini in gostinstvu 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. StatistiËno gradivo: 1963, öt. 1; 1964: öt. 1, 24; 1965, öt. 29; 1967, öt. 13; 1968, öt. 15; 1969, öt. 22; 1970, öt. 18; 1972, öt. 1; 1973: öt. 3, 6, 22; 1974, öt. 23. Rezultati raziskovanj 53, 84, 114, 158, 217, 257, 293, 299, 342, 348, 365, 386, 424, 430, 458, 472, 537, 570, 585, 595, 651. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1959, zv. II; 1960, zv. II; 1961, zv. II; 1962, zv. II; 1963, zv. VIII; 1964, zv. VI; 1965, zv. XI; 1966, zv. X; 1967, zv. IX; 1969, zv. VII; 1970, zv. IV; 1971, zv. II; 1972, zv. III; 1974, zv. IV; 1975, zv. IV; 1976, zv. V; 1977, zv. X; 1978, zv. VI; 1979, zv. XIII; 1980, zv. VI; 1981, zv. VI; 1982, zv. XI; 1983, zv. XI; 1984, öt. 11; 1985, öt. 5; 1987, öt. 5; 1989, öt. 17; 1989, öt. 30; 1990, öt. 15; 1991, öt. 7; 1992, öt. 8; 1994, öt. 3. Review of Goods Distributive Trade for 1951. Annual Review of Distributive Trade, Hotels and Restaurants and Tourism 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. Annual Distributive Trade Review 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960. Warehouses of Trading Organizations, 15 December 1960. Stocks in Distributive Trade and Hotels and Restaurants 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. Statistical Material 1963 No. 1, 1964 No. 1, 24, 1965 No. 29, 1967 No. 13, 1968 No. 15, 1969 No. 22, 1970 No. 18, 1972 No. 1, 1973 No. 3, 6, 22, 1974 No. 23. Results of Surveys 53, 84, 114, 158, 217, 257, 293, 299, 342, 348, 365, 386, 424, 430, 458, 472, 537, 570, 585, 595, 651. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1959 vol. II, 1960 vol. II, 1961 vol. II, 1962 vol. II, 1963 vol. VIII, 1964 vol. VI, 1965 vol. XI, 1966 vol. X, 1967 vol. IX, 1969 vol. VII, 1970 vol. IV, 1971 vol. II, 1972 vol. III, 1974 vol. IV, 1975 vol. IV, 1976 vol. V, 1977 vol. X, 1978 vol. VI, 1979 vol. XIII, 1980 vol. VI, 1981 vol. VI, 1982 vol. XI, 1983 vol. XI, 1984 No. 11, 1985 No. 5, 1987 No. 5, 1989 No. 17, 1989 No. 30, 1990 No. 15, 1991 No. 7, 1992 No. 8, 1994 No. 3. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 376 24.1 Pregled razvoja trgovine1) Review of distributive trade development1) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi./Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Podjetja in druge organizacije, ki poroËajo o trgovini. / Enterprises and other organizations which report on trade. 3) Do 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 24.2 Kazalniki razvoja trgovine1) Distributive trade development indicators1) 1) Od vkljuËno 1993 leta podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. / Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 3) Srednje ötevilo prebivalcev. / Mean population. Podjetja in druge organizacije2) Enterprises and other organizations2) Prodajalne Sales outlets Zaposlene osebe Persons in paid employment Promet Turnover mio SIT 3) trgovina na drobno retail trade trgovina na debelo wholesale trade trgovina na drobno retail trade trgovina na debelo wholesale trade trgovina na drobno retail trade trgovina na debelo wholesale trade 1971 764 212 6341 30336 18982 1 2 1972 752 215 5433 32700 17857 2 2 1973 749 216 6559 34651 20363 2 3 1974 739 220 6566 34484 20773 3 4 1975 717 227 6646 36893 20873 4 5 1976 717 229 6694 37288 21861 4 5 1977 731 262 6660 38138 21716 5 6 1978 729 282 6613 38137 24380 6 8 1979 871 346 6641 39398 26266 8 11 1980 879 344 6589 39982 26138 10 14 1981 889 357 6466 39895 26125 14 20 1982 951 358 6510 40047 26131 18 26 1983 958 352 6458 39954 26161 26 38 1984 970 341 6455 39240 29174 41 70 1985 995 343 6460 39949* 27154 74 129 1986 1014 328 6509 40376 26638 151 248 1987 1040 322 6475 41089 26957 350 482 1988 1078 307 6496 41748 25392 982 1399 1989 1122 308 6477 41592 25162 11616 16113 1990 1336 298 6638 39331 23279 65349 79976 1991 1581 399 6732 37359 20701 132629 148964 1992 2133 645 7303 36828 19935 357604 352013 1993 1870 714 6896 35002 19149 483609 474343 1994 1988 947 6870 34918 19571 608663 619877 1995 2035 909 6972 35472 27000 705827 689113 1996 2242 1092 7144 36674 17252 740612 793794 Trgovina na drobno Retail trade Promet trgovine na debelo Wholesale trade promet (SIT)2) turnover (SIT)2) ötevilo prebivalcev na prodajalno3) number of inhabitants per sales outlet3) skupaj total mio SIT2) udeleűba share % na prodajalno per sales outlet na zaposleno osebo per person in paid employment na prebivalca3) per inhabitant3) trgovina na drobno retail trade drugi odjemalci other buyers 1970 173 42 1 280 2 49 51 1971 220 46 1 274 2 48 52 1972 280 55 1 272 2 50 50 1973 342 65 1 269 3 49 51 1974 442 84 2 270 4 45 55 1975 542 98 2 271 5 45 55 1976 615 110 2 272 5 46 54 1977 736 128 3 276 6 48 52 1978 904 157 3 282 8 49 51 1979 1191 202 4 282 11 48 52 1980 1589 262 5 283 14 49 51 1981 2188 355 8 291 20 48 52 1982 2804 456 9 297 26 49 51 1983 4006 648 13 299 38 48 52 1984 6325 1040 21 301 70 47 53 1985 11415 1846 37 305 129 47 53 1986 23156 3733 76 304 248 49 51 1987 54095 8525 176 307 482 47 53 1988 151165 23521 491 308 1399 47 53 1989 1793414 279283 5810 309 16113 52 48 1990 9844608 1661501 32705 301 79976 53 47 1991 19701294 3550125 66256 297 148964 53 47 1992 48966767 9710120 179176 273 352013 54 46 1993 70128930 13816613 242944 289 474343 59 41 1994 88597210 17431205 306038 289 619877 61 39 1995 101237389 19898147 355132 285 689113 63 37 1996 103669057 20194463 372634 278 793794 49 51 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 377 24.3 Trgovska podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno1) Retail trade enterprises and other organizations1) 1) Od vkljuËno 1993 leta podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi./ Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Zajet tudi lov, gozdarstvo, ribolov./ Also included hunting, forestry, fishing. 3) Zajeto pri trgovini na drobno./ Included at retail trade. 4) Mleko in mleËni izdelki niso zajeti. / Milk and milk-products are not included. 5) Zajete so prodajalne s pijaËami in druge specializirane prodajalne. / Included are stores with beverages and other specialized stores. 6) Guma in plastika ni zajeta. / Rubber and plastic are not included. 7) ElektrotehniËno blago ni zajeto. / Electrical goods are not included. 8) Kurivo ni zajeto, zajeti so kovinski izdelki in barve. / Fuel is not included, included are metal goods and paints. 9) Zajeta tudi svetila in drugi predmeti za gospodinjstvo (zavese,...). / Also included illuminants and other household goods (curtains,...) 10) Zajeto pri pohiötvu. / Included at furniture. 11) Zajeto pri kovinskem blagu. / Included at metal goods. 12) Zajeto tudi gorivo in druga neűivila v specializiranih prodajalnah (kozmetiËni in toaletni izdelki, medicinski izdelki,...). / Included also fuel and other non-food products in specialized stores (cosmetics, toilet requisits, medical products,...) 13) Zajeto pri meöanem blagu, preteűno z űivili oziroma preteűno z neűivili. / Included are general stores, mainly with food products. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 995 1336 2133 1870 1988 2035 2242 TOTAL Podjetja in druge organizacije po osnovni dejavnosti Enterprises and other organizations by basic activity Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 240 704 1513 1220 1264 1324 1448 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 83 68 185 224 320 315 336 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Prodajalne kmetijskih podjetij in drugih organizacij 113 141 98 94 93 96 61 2) Stores of agricultural enterprises and other organizations Prodajalne industrijskih ter obrtnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 460 335 250 242 231 197 209 Stores of industrial and craft establishments and trade organizations Lekarne 20 20 21 24 23 23 3) Pharmacies Druge prodajalne 79 68 66 66 57 80 188 Other stores Podjetja in druge organizacije po trgovinski dejavnosti Enterprises and other organizations by trade activity Trgovina z űivili 323 415 426 374 361 372 278 Food stores Kruh, mleko in mleËni izdelki 60 58 68 66 61 61 55 4) Bread, milk and other dairy products Zelenjava, sadje in izdelki 66 112 93 69 63 74 47 Vegetables, fruit and processed vegetables and fruit Meso, perutnina, ribe in izdelki 117 131 126 115 112 111 119 Meat, poultry, fish and processed meat, poultry and fish éivila, pijaËe in gospodinjske potreböËine 80 114 139 124 125 126 57 5) Other food products, beverages and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 478 516 604 597 674 677 988 Stores selling non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 113 176 184 167 178 175 255 Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Obutev, usnje, guma in plastika 113 114 32 31 34 33 45 6) Footwear, leather, rubber and plastic Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 45 44 84 100 112 115 37 7) Metal and electrical goods Kurivo in gradbeni material 29 28 62 58 63 61 170 8) Fuel and construction materials Pohiötvo 29 27 28 26 28 24 42 9) Furniture Keramika, steklo in porcelan 4 6 5 4 7 7 10) Ceramics, glass and porcelain Barve, laki in kemikalije 3 4 13 17 23 18 11) Paints, varnishes and chemicals Knjige in pisarniöki material 13 16 22 22 26 35 55 Books and office supplies Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 34 21 45 58 81 88 154 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 17 9 10 9 9 11 24 Petroleum products Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 78 71 119 105 113 110 207 12) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 174 385 1082 875 930 963 906 General stores Veleblagovnice 16 8 15 15 15 14 - 13) Department stores Druge trgovine z meöanim blagom 158 377 1067 860 915 949 - 13) Other general stores Meöano blago; preteűno űivila - - - - - - 794 General stores; food stores Meöano blago; preteűno neűivila - - - - - - 111 General stores; stores selling non-food products Komisijske trgovine - - - - - - 0 Commission stores Lekarne 20 20 21 24 23 23 31 Pharmacies Zunaj prodajaln - - - - - - 39 Selling outside stores StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 378 24.4 Prodajalne v trgovini na drobno1) Retail trade sales outlets1) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi./ Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Zajet tudi lov, gozdarstvo, ribolov./ Also included hunting, forestry, fishing. 3) Zajeto pri trgovini na drobno./ Included at retail trade. 4) Mleko in mleËni izdelki niso zajeti. / Milk and milk-products are not included. 5) Zajete so prodajalne s pijaËami in druge specializirane prodajalne. / Included are stores with beverages and other specialized stores. 6) Guma in plastika ni zajeta. / Rubber and plastic are not included. 7) ElektrotehniËno blago ni zajeto. / Electrical goods are not included. 8) Kurivo ni zajeto, zajeti so kovinski izdelki in barve. / Fuel is not included, included are metal goods and paints. 9) Zajeta tudi svetila in drugi predmeti za gospodinjstvo (zavese,...). / Also included illuminants and other household goods (curtains,...) 10) Zajeto pri pohiötvu. / Included at furniture. 11) Zajeto pri kovinskem blagu. / Included at metal goods. 12) Zajeto tudi gorivo in druga neűivila v specializiranih prodajalnah (kozmetiËni in toaletni izdelki, medicinski izdelki,...). / Included also fuel and other non-food products in specialized stores (cosmetics, toilet requisits, medical products,...) 13) Zajeto pri meöanem blagu, preteűno z űivili oziroma preteűno z neűivili. / Included are general stores, mainly with food products. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 6460 6638 7303 6896 6870 6972 7144 TOTAL Prodajalne po osnovni dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Stores by basic activity of enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 2635 3509 4634 4231 4109 4281 4309 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 995 550 572 665 849 752 1078 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Prodajalne kmetijskih podjetij in drugih organizacij 786 808 668 648 654 685 3912) Stores of agricultural enterprises and other organizations Prodajalne industrijskih ter obrtnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 1531 1260 1086 1016 935 949 759 Stores of industrial and craft establishments and trade organizations Lekarne 140 138 150 154 149 147 - 3) Pharmacies Druge prodajalne 373 373 193 182 174 11 607 Other stores Prodajalne po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Stores by trade activity of enterprises and other organizations Trgovina z űivili 1903 1839 1655 1592 1454 1498 954 Food stores Kruh, mleko in mleËni izdelki 150 120 132 128 121 131 1514) Bread, milk and other dairy products Zelenjava, sadje in izdelki 164 191 178 151 135 145 82 Vegetables, fruit and processed vegatables and friut Meso, perutnina, ribe in izdelki 624 599 496 464 397 421 395 Meat, poultry, fish and processed meat, poultry and fish éivila, pijaËe in gospodinjske potreböËine 965 929 849 849 801 801 3265) Other food products, beverages and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 2383 2398 2375 2314 2371 2447 3010 Stores selling non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 462 509 449 447 482 470 637 Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Obutev, usnje, guma in plastika 277 282 242 248 247 249 2746) Footwear, leather, rubber and plastic Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 221 222 250 245 238 298 1367) Metal and electrical goods Kurivo in gradbeni material 82 89 86 76 86 97 3268) Fuel and construction materials Pohiötvo 46 41 60 57 56 50 719) Furniture Keramika, steklo in porcelan 7 9 8 7 8 8 0 10) Ceramics, glass and porcelain Barve, laki in kemikalije 14 24 40 46 51 52 0 11) Paints, varnishes and chemicals Knjige in pisarniöki material 126 119 109 130 128 146 169 Books and office supplies Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 97 103 130 130 161 171 248 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 317 332 330 316 312 316 328 Petroleum products Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 734 668 671 612 602 590 821 12) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 2034 2263 3123 2836 2896 2880 2989 General stores Veleblagovnice 60 55 106 104 90 87 0 13) Department stores Druge trgovine z meöanim blagom 1974 2208 3017 2732 2806 2793 0 13) Other general stores Meöano blago; preteűno űivila - - - - - - 2586 General stores; mainly with food products Meöano blago; preteűno neűivila - - - - - - 403 General stores; mainly with non-food products Komisijske trgovine - - - - - - 0 Commission stores Lekarne 140 138 150 154 149 147 165 Pharmacies Zunaj prodajaln - - - - - - 26 Selling outside stores StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 379 24.5 Zaposlene osebe v trgovini na drobno1) Persons in paid employment in retail trade1) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. / Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Zajet tudi lov, gozdarstvo, ribolov./ Also included hunting, forestry, fishing. 3) Delavci v lekarnah do leta 1995 niso upoötevani. Od vkljuËno leta 1996 so zajeti pri trgovini na drobno. / Until 1995 persons in paid employment in pharmacies are not included. Since 1996 retail trade includes pharmacies. 4) Mleko in mleËni izdelki niso zajeti. / Milk and milk-products are not included. 5) Zajete so prodajalne s pijaËami in druge specializirane prodajalne. / Included are stores with beverages and other specialized stores. 6) Guma in plastika ni zajeta. / Rubber and plastic are not included. 7) ElektrotehniËno blago ni zajeto. / Electrical goods are not included. 8) Kurivo ni zajeto, zajeti so kovinski izdelki in barve. / Fuel is not included, included are metal goods and paints. 9) Zajeta tudi svetila in drugi predmeti za gospodinjstvo (zavese,...). / Also included illuminants and other household goods (curtains,...) 10) Zajeto pri pohiötvu. / Included at furniture. 11) Zajeto pri kovinskem blagu. / Included at metal goods. 12) Zajeto tudi gorivo in druga neűivila v specializiranih prodajalnah (kozmetiËni in toaletni izdelki, medicinski izdelki,...). / Included also fuel and other non-food products in specialized stores (cosmetics, toilet requisits, medical products,...) 13) Zajeto pri meöanem blagu, preteűno z űivili oziroma preteűno z neűivili. / Included are general stores, mainly with food products. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 39949 39331 36828 35002 34918 35472 36674 TOTAL Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po osnovni dejavnosti Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by basic activity Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 20769 25113 26068 24533 23577 24160 23268 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 8785 4998 3999 4240 5150 4974 6048 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Prodajalne kmetijskih podjetij in drugih organizacij 2590 2625 1991 1911 2031 2196 11832) Stores of agricultural enterprises and other organizations Prodajalne industrijskih ter obrtnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 6112 4888 3718 3357 3164 2948 2852 Stores of industrial and craft establishments and trade organizations Lekarne 3) - - - - - - Pharmacies 3) Druge prodajalne 1693 1707 1052 961 996 1194 3323 Other stores Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po trgovinski dejavnosti Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by trade activity Trgovina z űivili 9135 8828 7741 7654 7084 7142 4134 Food stores Kruh, mleko in mleËni izdelki 475 347 403 395 372 390 4354) Bread, milk and other dairy products Zelenjava, sadje in izdelki 364 335 304 278 241 304 282 Vegetables, fruit and processed vegetables and friut Meso, perutnina, ribe in izdelki 1849 1882 1616 1426 1317 1284 1273 Meat, poultry, fish and processed meat, poultry and fish éivila, pijaËe in gospodinjske potreböËine 6447 6264 5418 5555 5154 5164 21445) Other food products, beverages and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 15279 15571 12738 12062 11937 12354 14151 Stores selling non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 3813 3495 2340 2274 2300 2085 3031 Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Obutev, usnje, guma in plastika 1428 1395 1082 1048 976 977 9516) Footwear, leather, rubber and plastic Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 2735 3057 2487 2338 2155 2597 6027) Metal and electrical goods Kurivo in gradbeni material 880 1031 640 555 621 628 20668) Fuel and construction materials Pohiötvo 573 462 538 422 376 329 4069) Furniture Keramika, steklo in porcelan 30 27 22 16 22 21 0 10) Ceramics, glass and porcelain Barve, laki in kemikalije 127 161 197 198 222 225 0 11) Paints, varnishes and chemicals Knjige in pisarniöki material 1115 1146 1073 942 984 977 991 Books and office supplies Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 964 903 800 798 848 1046 1270 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 1882 2142 2052 2071 2011 2046 1990 Petroleum products Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 1732 1752 1507 1400 1422 1423 2844 12) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 15535 14932 16349 15286 15897 15976 17003 General stores Veleblagovnica 3512 2231 2539 2354 2247 2203 0 13) Department stores Druge trgovine z meöanim blagom 12023 12701 13810 12932 13650 13773 0 13) Other general stores Meöano blago; preteűno űivila - - - - - - 14653 General stores; mainly with food products Meöano blago; preteűno neűivila - - - - - - 2350 General stores; mainly with non-food products Komisijske trgovine - - - - - - 0 Commission stores Lekarne - - - - - - 1203 Pharmacies Zunaj prodajaln - - - - - - 7566 Selling outside stores StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 380 24.6 Vrednost prometa v trgovini na drobno1) Retail trade turnover value1) mio SIT2) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi./ Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 3) Zajet tudi lov, gozdarstvo, ribolov./ Also included hunting, forestry, fishing. 4) Zajeto pri trgovini na drobno./ Included at retail trade. 5) Mleko in mleËni izdelki niso zajeti. / Milk and milk-products are not included. 6) Zajete so prodajalne s pijaËami in druge specializirane prodajalne. / Included are stores with beverages and other specialized stores. 7) Guma in plastika ni zajeta. / Rubber and plastic are not included. 8) ElektrotehniËno blago ni zajeto. / Electrical goods are not included. 9) Kurivo ni zajeto, zajeti so kovinski izdelki in barve. / Fuel is not included, included are metal goods and paints. 10) Zajeta tudi svetila in drugi predmeti za gospodinjstvo (zavese,...). / Also included illuminants and other household goods (curtains,...) 11) Zajeto pri pohiötvu. / Included at furniture. 12) Zajeto pri kovinskem blagu. / Included at metal goods. 13) Zajeto tudi gorivo in druga neűivila v specializiranih prodajalnah (kozmetiËni in toaletni izdelki, medicinski izdelki,...). / Included also fuel and other non-food products in specialized stores (cosmetics, toilet requisits, medical products,...) 14) Zajeto pri meöanem blagu, preteűno z űivili oziroma preteűno z neűivili. / Included are general stores, mainly with food products. 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 65349 357604 483609 608663 705827 740612 TOTAL NaËin plaËila Mode of payment Gotovina 45368 262487 360438 457020 519557 574208 Cash Potroöniöko posojilo 4214 10842 13465 14264 20583 19418 Consumer loan Virman 15766 84275 109706 137379 165687 146985 Bank transfer Promet po osnovni dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Turnover by basic activity of enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 39553 236986 316538 389785 450298 410734 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 8269 38768 60397 85735 87665 140137 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Prodajalne kmetijskih podjetij in drugih organizacij 5070 21282 24946 33048 38519 234043) Stores of agricultural enterprises and other organizations Prodajalne industrijskih ter obrtnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 7400 35202 47135 53233 60892 53918 Stores of industrial and craft establishments and trade organizations Lekarne 1381 13235 20957 27872 30939 4) Pharmacies Druge prodajalne 3675 12131 13636 18990 23228 243101 Other stores Promet po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Turnover by trade activity of enterprises and other organizations Trgovina z űivili 12760 60400 77307 92130 104183 78615 Food stores Kruh, mleko in mleËni izdelki 333 2438 3483 4188 4721 98515) Bread, milk and other dairy products Zelenjava, sadje in izdelki 530 1995 2536 3121 3962 5031 Vegetables, fruit and processed vegetables and fruit Meso, perutnina, ribe in izdelki 3490 16127 18912 21496 24938 22857 Meat, poultry, fish and processed meat, poultry and fish éivila, pijaËe in gospodinjske potreböËine 8407 39840 52376 63325 70562 408766) Other food products, beverages and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 30491 156345 219136 275326 323796 453687 Stores selling non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 3050 12178 17251 21176 22151 38112 Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Obutev, usnje, guma in plastika 1647 7812 9500 10650 11526 109387) Footwear, leather, rubber and plastic Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 5662 23585 31494 39629 44897 123838) Metal and electrical goods Kurivo in gradbeni material 1588 5635 8375 9708 10924 532219) Fuel and construction materials Pohiötvo 679 3668 5203 6295 7981 11768 10) Furniture Keramika, steklo in porcelan 30 140 184 526 514 0 11) Ceramics, glass and porcelain Barve, laki in kemikalije 274 1841 2402 2959 3444 0 12) Paints, varnishes and chemicals Knjige in pisarniöki material 1774 10835 12777 15220 17289 17246 Books and office supplies Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 3819 16421 29870 39669 57927 98967 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 9821 64818 88335 112418 127686 154947 Petroleum products Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 2147 9413 13745 17076 19457 56105 13) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 20716 127624 166209 213335 246910 297799 General stores Veleblagovnice 2692 15104 20627 24696 27260 0 14) Department stores Druge trgovine z meöanim blagom 18024 112520 145582 188639 219651 0 14) Other general stores Meöano blago; preteűno űivila - - - - - 254592 General stores; mainly with food products Meöano blago; preteűno neűivila - - - - - 43207 General stores; mainly with non-food products Komisijske trgovine - - - - - 0 Commission stores Lekarne 1381 13235 20957 27872 30939 33657 Pharmacies Zunaj prodajaln 7566 Selling outside stores StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 381 24.7 Struktura prihodka v trgovini na drobno po blagovnih skupinah in trgovinskih dejavnostih, 19961) Structure of profit in retail trade by group of goods in trade activities, Slovenia 19961) 1) Od vkljuËno leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) VkljuËuje dejavnosti: trgovina na drobno s farmacevtskimi, kozmetiËnimi in toaletnimi izdelki, trgovina na drobno s tekstilom, oblaËili, obutvijo, usnjenimi izdelki, pohiötvom, svetili in drugimi predmeti za gospodinjstvo, z elektriËnimi gospodinjskimi in RTV aparati, s kovinskimi izdelki, z barvami, laki in gradbenim materialom, s knjigami, Ëasopisi, z revijami, s papir- jem in pisarniökimi potreböËinami, trgovina na drobno v drugih specializiranih prodajalnah. Including activities: retail trade with pharmaceutical, cosmetical and toilet requisites, retail trade with textille, cloths, footwear, retail trade with furniture, illuminants and other household goods, retail trade with electrical, household and TV sets, retail trade with metal products, paints, varnishes and other constuction goods, retail trade with newspapers, magazines, paper and office supplies, retail trade in other specalized stores. 3) VkljuËuje dejavnosti: trgovina na drobno v drugih nespecializiranih prodajalnah preteűno z neűivili, trgovina na drobno s tobaËnimi izdelki, trgovina na drobno z rabljenim blagom, trgovina na drobno po poöti, trgovina na drobno zunaj prodajaln. Including activities: retail trade in other non-specialized stores, predominantly with non-food products, retail trade with tobacco products, retail trade with secondhand goods, retail trade selling by post, retail trade outside stores. Blagovne skupine Vrednost prihodka skupaj Total turnover value mio SIT Deleű po skupinah trgovinske dejavnosti (%) Share by groups of trade activities (%) Group of goods skupaj total trgovina na drobno z űivili, pijaËami v specializi- ranih prodajalnah retail trade in special- ized stores with food, beverages trgovina na drobno v nespecializ- iranih prodajal- nah, preteűno z űivili retail trade in non spe- cialized stores pre- dominantly with food trgovina na drobno z neűivili v specializi- ranih prodajal- nah 2) with non- food prod- ucts in spe- cialized stores2) trgovina na drobno z gorivi retail trade with fuels trgovina na drobno z motornimi vozili in rezervnimi deli retail trade with motor vehicles and parts drugo 3) other 3) SKUPAJ 740612 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TOTAL Hrana, pijaËa in druga űivila 240096 32,4 79,5 66,3 1,7 4,6 0,6 20,2 Food, beverages Tobak in tobaËni izd. 23136 3,1 2,7 3,6 0,2 4,7 0 8,9 Tobacco and other tobacco products KozmetiËni in parfumerijski izd., toal. potr., droger. blago 18879 2,5 3,6 4,3 2,8 0,2 0,1 1 Cosmetics and parfumes Zdravila in farmacevtski izdelki (tudi zdravilne rastline) 32383 4,3 0 0,1 19,1 0 0 0,1 Medicine and pharmaceutical products (also medical herbs) Tekstil in pribor (pozamenterija), tekstil za gospodinjstvo 10502 1,4 1,4 1,7 3 0 0 0,6 Textile and set (trimming), household textile Tekstilni izd. (oblaËila) 37653 5,1 2,5 4,4 14 0 0,1 2 Textile products (clothes) Obutev, usnjeni izd., poslovna in osebna galanterija 14719 2 0,4 1 6,7 0 0 0,9 Footwear, leather products, business and personal fancy goods Pohiötvo (razen pisarniöko) 14228 1 1,3 5,7 0 0,1 0,8 Furniture (except office) Gospodinjski izdelki in opr. (posoda, pribor, steklenina, svetila, zavese, dr. napr. za gospod.) 12536 1,6 0,8 2,6 2,2 0 0,1 2,4 Household products and equipment (dishes, set, glass, curtain, other household appliances) ElektriËni gospodinjski stroji in naprave 14262 1,9 1 1,7 5 0 0,1 1,8 Electrical household machinery and devices Radio, video, TV in drugi izd., muzikalije 9604 1,7 0,5 1,3 3 0,1 0 1,1 Radio sets, TV and other products, musical instruments Kovinski stroji (tudi kmetijski stroji) 20160 2,6 1 1,5 7,3 0 0 4,1 Metal machinery (also agricultural machinery) Gradbeni, sanitarni, inötalacijski in ogrevni material, keramiËni izd. 42878 5,7 1,4 2,6 12,3 0 0,4 15,9 Construction, sanitary, installation and warming goods, ceramics goods KemiËni izd., barve, laki, potreböËine, Ëistila, tapete, talne obloge 4516 2 0,7 2,3 2,8 0,7 0,2 3,1 Chemical goods, paints, varnishes, requirements, cleansing detergents, wallpapers, tapestries Knjige, Ëasopisi, revije, papir, öolski in pisarniöki material 21139 2,8 0,6 1,3 9,2 0,4 0 2,1 Books, newspapers, magazines, other paper goods, school and office supplies Pisarniöko pohiötvo, oprema, raËunalniki 1436 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,4 0 0 0,2 Office furniture, equipment, computers Izdelki za öport in prosti Ëas (öportna oprema, kolesa, igraËe, igralni pripomoËki) 8456 1,1 0,7 1,3 1,4 0,2 0,3 2,3 Sport products, equipment, bicycles, toys, playthings Fotografska oprema, umetniöki predmeti, ure, nakit 2206 0,3 0,1 0,3 0,3 0,1 0 0,9 Cameras, artistic objects, clocks, jewels Cvetje, semena, hiöne űivali 6716 0,8 0,5 0,5 0,2 0 0 5,3 Flowers, seeds, pets Starine, rabljeno blago (tudi knjige) 1130 1,4 0 0 0 0 0 1,2 Antiques, secondhand goods (also books) Motorna vozila, rezervni deli in oprema 93769 12,6 0,2 0,2 1 1,9 97,2 4,7 Motor vehicles, parts Motorna goriva 57635 7,7 0,1 0,1 0,1 67,3 0,1 0,5 Gasoline Kurilno olje, plinske bombe, premog, drva 21871 3 0,2 0,4 0,2 16,9 0,1 6,9 Diesel oil, gas bombs, coal fire wood Drugo 20335 2,6 0,8 1 1,4 2,9 0,3 13 Other StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 382 24.8 Prodajni prostor in priroËna skladiöËa trgovine na drobno Retail trade sales area and retail trade in-store storage space 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 2) Lekarne in komisijske trgovine ter prodajalne z odprtim prodajnim prostorom niso upoötevane. Pharmacies, commission stores and stores with open sales area are not included. 3) Prodajalne industrijskih, kmetijskih, obrtnih in zaloűniökih organizacij. Stores of industrial, agricultural, craft and publishing enterprises. ätevilo prodajaln Number of stores Prodajni prostor Sales area PriroËna skladiöËa pri prodajalnah In-store storage space Prodajni prostor na prodajalno Sales area per store Prodajni prostor na prodajalca Sales area per salesperson Promet1) na m2 prodajnega prostora Sales area turnover1) per m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 SIT Po vrsti organizacij2) By kind of organizations2) SKUPAJ TOTAL 1980 6039 677082 391818 112 19 14 1982 5790 680397 411389 118 20 24 1984 6082 736077 535975 121 21 58 1986 6177 731280 524443 118 20 194 1989 6106 824740 575504 135 20 13230 1992 6733 826357 597790 123 25 397985 V podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po osnovni dejavnosti In enterprises and other organizations by basic activity Trgovska podjetja in druge organizacije na drobno Retail trade enterprises and other organizations 1980 2355 326209 211396 139 20 12 1982 4676 604007 343489 129 20 23 1984 4714 622545 449381 132 21 57 1986 4670 605416 418897 129 20 184 1989 4375 673160 430327 153 20 12339 1992 4423 587783 400126 133 25 389471 Trgovska podjetja in druge organizacije na debelo Wholesale trade enterprises and other organizations 1980 1374 228656 103690 166 22 16 1982 265 23783 16711 90 18 31 1984 259 44955 16754 174 29 46 1986 309 52846 33148 171 26 229 1989 296 44147 42766 149 20 14730 1992 557 109491 80334 197 30 344151 Izvozno-uvozne trgovske organizacije Export-import trade organizations 1980 51 5694 2356 112 21 10 1982 9 1330 482 147 28 19 1984 11 1358 511 123 21 39 1986 17 2214 1199 130 19 265 1989 48 17231 15559 359 34 10143 1992 48 5802 7337 121 30 259780 Proizvodne organizacije3) Manufacturing organizations3) 1980 1857 99919 44499 54 16 16 1982 667 37411 38912 56 18 33 1984 1018 58409 64157 57 19 73 1986 1087 61630 65567 57 19 261 1989 1285 78309 80258 61 18 20459 1992 1613 107352 97016 67 20 507675 Druge prodajalne Other stores 1980 402 16604 6211 41 14 13 1982 173 13866 11795 80 14 41 1984 80 8810 5172 110 16 53 1986 94 9174 5632 98 16 189 1989 102 11893 6594 116 17 14991 1992 92 15929 12977 173 31 393281 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 383 24.9 Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo1) Wholesale trade enterprises and other organizations1) 1) Od vkljuËno 1993 leta podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Zajete so tudi druge pijaËe. Other beverages are also included. 3) Zajeta je tudi obutev. Footwear also included. 4) Zajeta so tudi druga tekstilna vlakna in papir. Other textile fibres and paper also included. 5) Zajeti so instalacijski material in stroji (gradbeni, kmetijski in drugi ). Installation materials and machinery (construction, agricultural and other) included. 6) Brez instalacijskega materiala, ki je vkljuËen v postavko kovinsko in elektriËno blago. Installation material is not included, it is included with metal and electrical products. 7) Zajeti so tudi pisalne potreböËine, knjige, Ëasopisi, pohiötvo, fotografski material, optika, usnjeni izdelki razen obutve, öportna oprema. Papir ni zajet, vkljuËen je v postavki surove koűe, volna. Office supplies, books, newspapers, furniture, fotografical material nad equipment, lether products except footwear, sport equipment. Paper is not included, it is included at raw leather and wool. 8) Zajeti so tudi porcelan, keramika, parfumi in kozmetika. Porcelan, cheramic, parfums and cosmetic are also included. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 343 298 645 714 947 909 1092 TOTAL Podjetja in druge organizacije po osnovni dejavnosti Enterprises and other organizations by basic activity Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 100 77 326 409 583 553 649 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 59 68 164 148 219 211 268 Enterprises and other organizations wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 39 33 52 54 47 45 39 Foreign trade Prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih podjetij in dr. organiz. 145 120 103 103 98 100 136 Sales storage spaceof manufacturing enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije po trgovinski dejavnosti Enterprises and other organizations by trade activity Trgovina z űivili 84 70 84 91 103 107 219 Trade with food éita in mlevski izdelki 4 4 3 2 3 3 19 Cereals and other milled products Zelenjava in sadje 11 9 7 11 12 12 28 Vegetables and fruit Alkoholne pijaËe 19 14 11 9 11 10 512) Alcoholic beverages éivina in perutnina 4 9 11 11 13 15 1 Livestock and poultry éivila in gospodinjske potreböËine 46 34 52 58 64 67 120 Other food products and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 211 172 336 370 471 443 594 Trade with non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 14 16 46 45 65 55 1003) Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Surove koűe, volna ipd. 5 7 5 8 8 8 194) Raw leather, wool, etc. Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 48 41 98 112 144 129 1415) Metal and electrical goods Gradbeni in instalacijski material 25 24 50 53 62 57 946) Construction and installation materials KemiËni izdelki, barve in laki 3 4 14 14 19 17 28 Chemicals, paints and varnishes Papir in pisarniöki material 12 12 19 19 29 32 407) Paper and office supplies Zdravila in sanitetni material 6 4 4 5 6 7 16 Medicine and sanitary materials Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 31 13 34 42 51 52 105 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 3 2 8 9 10 11 15 Petroleum products Kovine in rude 10 Metal and minerals Industrijski odpadki 9 - - - - 2 Industrial waste Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 55 49 58 63 77 75 248) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 48 56 225 253 373 359 279 Trade with general merchandise StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 384 24.10 Zaposlene osebe v trgovini na debelo1) Persons in paid employment in wholesale trade1) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Zajete so tudi druge pijaËe. Other beverages are also included. 3) Zajeta je tudi obutev. Footwear also included. 4) Zajeta so tudi druga tekstilna vlakna in papir. Other textile fibres and paper also included. 5) Zajeti so instalacijski material in stroji (gradbeni, kmetijski in drugi ). Installation materials and machinery (construction, agricultural and other) included. 6) Brez instalacijskega materiala, ki je vkljuËen v postavko kovinsko in elektriËno blago. Installation material is not included, it is included with metal and electrical products. 7) Zajeti so tudi pisalne potreböËine, knjige, Ëasopisi, pohiötvo, fotografski material, optika, usnjeni izdelki razen obutve, öportna oprema. Papir ni zajet, vkljuËen je v postavki surove koűe, volna. Office supplies, books, newspapers, furniture, fotografical material nad equipment, lether products except footwear, sport equipment. Paper is not included, it is included at raw leather and wool. 8) Zajeti so tudi porcelan, keramika, parfumi in kozmetika. Porcelan, cheramic, parfums and cosmetic are also included. 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 27154 23279 19935 19149 19571 27000 17281 TOTAL Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po osnovni dejavnosti Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by basic activity Podjetja in druge organiz. v trgovini na debelo 11999 10422 9905 9894 10175 17601 9768 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Podjetja in druge organiz. v trgovini na drobno 3619 3296 3385 3285 3561 3410 3368 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Izvozna in uvozna podjetja in druge organizacije 3267 4209 1737 1475 1506 1419 926 Foreign trade Prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 8269 5352 4908 4495 4329 4570 3219 Sales storage space of manufacturing enterprises and other organizations Zaposlene osebe v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po trgovinski dejavnosti Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by trade activity Trgovina z űivili 6862 4490 5048 4854 4913 4821 4901 Trade with food products éita in mlevski izdelki 140 121 42 35 39 40 212 Cereals and other milled products Zelenjava in sadja 1035 689 571 538 530 519 658 Vegetables and fruit Alkoholne pijaËe 1960 1155 669 1216 1241 1233 20412) Alcoholic beverages éivina in perutnina 478 394 454 423 444 437 3 Livestock and poultry éivila in gospodinjske potreböËine 3249 2131 3312 2642 2659 2592 1987 Other food products and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 16662 14723 9517 9055 8610 16415 7743 Trade with non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 1172 1119 738 616 682 685 8803) Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Surove koűe, volna ipd. 346 324 397 383 372 361 3284) Raw leather, wool, etc. Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 6363 5559 3714 3447 2935 10744 22295) Metal and electrical goods Gradbeni in instalacijski material 1204 1317 1017 823 757 742 6656) Construction and installation materials KemiËni izdelki, barve in laki 480 513 366 384 433 438 510 Chemicals, paints and varnishes Papir in pisarniöki material 755 619 616 583 658 686 5467) Paper and office supplies Zdravila in sanitetni material 429 454 379 389 312 421 517 Medicine and sanitary materials Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 1183 1314 733 868 839 886 1038 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 487 435 590 652 651 237 637 Petroleum products Kovine in rude 53 Metal and minerals Industrijski odpadki 994 - - - - 4 Industrial waste Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 3249 3069 967 910 971 1215 3368) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 3630 4066 5370 5240 6048 5764 4637 Trade with general merchandise StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 385 24.11 Vrednost prometa v trgovini na debelo1) Wholesale trade turnover value1) mio SIT2) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in dinars. 3) Zajete so tudi druge pijaËe. Other beverages are also included. 4) Zajeta je tudi obutev. Footwear also included. 5) Zajeta so tudi druga tekstilna vlakna in papir. Other textile fibres and paper also included. 6) Zajeti so instalacijski material in stroji (gradbeni, kmetijski in drugi ). Installation materials and machinery (construction, agricultural and other) included. 7) Brez instalacijskega materiala, ki je vkljuËen v postavko kovinsko in elektriËno blago. Installation material is not included, it is included with metal and electrical products. 8) Zajeti so tudi pisalne potreböËine, knjige, Ëasopisi, pohiötvo, fotografski material, optika, usnjeni izdelki razen obutve, öportna oprema. Papir ni zajet, vkljuËen je v postavki surove koűe, volna. Office supplies, books, newspapers, furniture, fotografical material nad equipment, lether products except footwear, sport equipment. Paper is not included, it is included at raw leather and wool. 9) Od leta 1986 do leta 1995 so podatki vkljuËeni v industriji. From 1986 to 1995 included in industry. 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 79976 352013 474343 619877 689113 828122 TOTAL Promet po osnovni dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Turnover by basic activity of enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 39663 240787 315517 345769 467618 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 11115 65832 87301 117741 136414 157947 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Zunanja trgovina 10148 25609 32564 44427 43876 27689 Foreign trade Prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 19050 75118 113691 142192 163054 174868 Sales storage space of manufacturing enterprises and other organizations Promet po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Turnover by trade activity of enterprises and other organizations Trgovina z űivili 12259 72455 92804 119511 138328 186278 Trade with food products éita in mlevski izdelki 145 700 839 1146 1405 11364 Cereals and other milled products Zelenjava in sadje 1243 3576 4370 5678 7854 14085 Vegetables and fruit Alkoholne pijaËe 2684 12209 18502 25506 28607 727293) Alcoholic beverages éivina in perutnina 891 6382 8443 10372 11634 270 Livestock and poultry éivila in gospodinjske potreböËine 7296 49588 60650 76809 88828 87830 Other food products and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 56665 183232 237293 315530 354884 492659 Trade with non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 3706 11663 11858 12821 13029 266534) Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Surove koűe, volna ipd. 1049 4554 5818 6178 4841 88005) Raw leather, wool, etc. Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 24010 61000 74854 79667 82607 1106916) Metal and electrical goods Gradbeni in instalacijski material 4747 12548 14344 16795 19950 302417) Construction and installation materials KemiËni izdelki, barve in laki 1202 4692 5611 7939 9369 17418 Chemicals, paints and varnishes Papir in pisarniöki material 1863 9472 10008 13148 16791 126338) Paper and office supplies Zdravila in sanitetni material 2110 15578 22494 30797 33436 39138 Medicine and sanitary materials Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 8498 21083 35130 43559 54102 118019 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 2576 23767 31977 38168 46456 60294 'Petroleum products Kovine in rude 2398 Metal and minerals Industrijski odpadki9) - - - - 247 Industrial waste9) Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 6904 18875 25198 66458 74285 66127 10) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 11052 96326 144246 184836 195794 149185 Trade with general merchandise StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 386 24.12 Prodaja v trgovini na debelo po vrstah odjemalcev1) Wholesale sales by types of buyers1) mio SIT2) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. /Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in dinars. 3) Zajete so tudi druge pijaËe. / Other beverages are also included. 4) Zajeta je tudi obutev. / Footwear also included. 5) Zajeta so tudi druga tekstilna vlakna in papir. / Other textile fibres and paper also included. 6) Zajeti so instalacijski material in stroji (gradbeni, kmetijski in drugi ). / Installation materials and machinery (construction, agricultural and other) included. 7) Brez instalacijskega materiala, ki je vkljuËen v postavko kovinsko in elektriËno blago. / Installation material is not included, it is included with metal and electrical products. 8) Zajeti so tudi pisalne potreböËine, knjige, Ëasopisi, pohiötvo, fotografski material, optika, usnjeni izdelki razen obutve, öportna oprema. Papir ni zajet, vkljuËen je v postavki surove koűe, volna. Office supplies, books, newspapers, furniture, fotografical material nad equipment, lether products except footwear, sport equipment. Paper is not included, it is included at raw leather and wool. 9) Zajeti so tudi porcelan, keramika, parfumi in kozmetika. / Porcelan, cheramic, parfums and cosmetic are also included. 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Trgovskim organizacijam To trade organizations SKUPAJ 42102 191839 281918 380365 436625 551883 TOTAL Prodaja po osnovni dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Sale by basic activity of enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 19552 92308 128276 177917 199238 298620 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 5863 35136 52714 68020 82604 100666 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Zunanja trgovina 3568 7248 11856 19289 23288 18915 Foreign trade Prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 13119 57147 89072 115139 131495 133682 Sales storage space of manufacturing enterprises and other organizations Prodaja po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Sale by trade activity of enterprises and other organizations Trgovina z űivili 9266 57140 75922 99103 114606 150914 Trade with food products éita in mlevski izdelki 99 546 668 951 1082 7292 Cereals and other milled products Zelenjava in sadje 829 2970 3637 4739 6825 13101 Vegetables and fruit Alkoholne pijaËe 2107 10305 15649 21433 23474 570983) Alcoholic beverages éivina in perutnina 563 4278 5616 7123 8454 0 Livestock and poultry éivila in gospodinjske potreböËine 5668 39041 50352 64857 74772 73423 Other food products and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 25754 69824 101146 158793 184789 284650 Trade with non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 3028 9374 9756 10697 10576 220794) Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Surove koűe, volna ipd. 281 2018 2047 2414 1976 34295) Raw leather, wool, etc. Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 10027 16732 22639 25228 27335 394046) Metal and electrical goods Gradbeni in instalacijski material 1992 5328 5522 6636 7930 172147) Construction and installation materials KemiËni izdelki, barve in laki 417 1831 2413 3689 4084 12950 Chemicals, paints and varnishes Papir in pisarniöki material 896 3990 5339 8153 10542 83318) Paper and office supplies Zdravila in sanitetni material 159 180 525 2988 3626 14150 Medicine and sanitary materials Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 5051 13644 27842 32580 42721 103985 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 25 3001 6730 8416 11965 12574 Petroleum products Kovine in rude 1117 Metal and minerals Industrijski odpadki - - - - - 2 Industrial waste Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 3878 13726 18333 57992 64034 494159) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 7082 64875 104850 122469 137113 116319 Trade with general merchandise Proizvodnim organizacijam in drugim odjemalcem To manufacturing organizations and other buyers SKUPAJ 37875 160174 192425 239512 252488 241911 TOTAL Prodaja po osnovni dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Sale by basic activity of enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 20112 93147 112511 137600 146531 161837 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 5252 30697 34587 49721 53810 51615 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Zunanja trgovina 6580 18360 20708 25138 20588 7570 Foreign trade Prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 5931 17970 24619 27053 31559 20889 Sales storage space of manufacturing enterprises and other organizations Prodaja po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Sale by trade activity of enterprises and other organizations Trgovina z űivili 2994 15315 16882 20408 23722 28923 Trade with food products éita in mlevski izdelki 46 154 171 195 322 3973 Cereals and other milled products Zelenjava in sadje 415 606 733 939 1029 839 Vegetables and fruit Alkoholne pijaËe 577 1904 2853 4073 5134 104643) Alcoholic beverages éivina in perutnina 328 2104 2827 3249 3180 271 Livestock and poultry éivila in gospodinjske potreböËine 1628 10547 10298 11952 14057 13378 Other food products and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 30911 113409 136147 156737 170077 182786 Trade with non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija 679 2289 2103 2124 2453 42684) Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Surove koűe, volna ipd. 768 2536 3771 3764 2864 52735) Raw leather, wool, etc. Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 13983 44269 52215 54439 55273 701796) Metal and electrical goods Gradbeni in instalacijski material 2755 7220 8822 10159 12020 126887) Construction and installation materials KemiËni izdelki, barve in laki 785 2860 3198 4250 5286 4040 Chemicals, paints and varnishes Papir in pisarniöki material 966 5482 4669 4995 6249 38958) Paper and office supplies Zdravila in sanitetni material 1952 15398 21969 27809 29810 24550 Medicine and sanitary materials Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 3447 7440 7288 10979 11381 12327 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati 2550 20766 25247 29752 34491 43755 Petroleum products Kovine in rude 1257 Metal and minerals Industrijski odpadki - - - - 237 Industrial waste Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 3026 5149 6865 8466 10250 3179) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 3970 31450 39396 62367 58681 30199 Trade with general merchandise StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 387 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Trgovina Distributive trade 388 24.13 Prodaja v trgovini na debelo neposredno za izvoz1) Direct export wholesale sales1) mio SIT2) 1) VkljuËno od leta 1993 podatki zajemajo le podjetja z dvema ali veË zaposlenimi. Since 1993 data include only enterprises with two or more persons in paid employment. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in dinars. 3) Zajete so tudi druge pijaËe. Other beverages are also included. 4) Zajeta je tudi obutev. Footwear also included. 5) Zajeta so tudi druga tekstilna vlakna in papir. Other textile fibres and paper also included. 6) Zajeti so instalacijski material in stroji (gradbeni, kmetijski in drugi ). Installation materials and machinery (construction, agricultural and other) included. 7) Brez instalacijskega materiala, ki je vkljuËen v postavko kovinsko in elektriËno blago. Installation material is not included, it is included with metal and electrical products. 8) Zajeti so tudi pisalne potreböËine, knjige, Ëasopisi, pohiötvo, fotografski material, optika, usnjeni izdelki razen obutve, öportna oprema. Papir ni zajet, vkljuËen je v postavki surove koűe, volna. Office supplies, books, newspapers, furniture, fotografical material nad equipment, lether products except footwear, sport equipment. Paper is not included, it is included at raw leather and wool. 9) Zajeti so tudi porcelan, keramika, parfumi in kozmetika. Porcelan, cheramic, parfums and cosmetic are also included. 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 7745 27533 40974 49622 64924 75851 TOTAL Prodaja po osnovni dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Sale by basic activity of enterprises and other organizations Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na debelo 2396 8286 13517 17421 26519 33666 Enterprises and other organizations in wholesale trade Podjetja in druge organizacije v trgovini na drobno 5 529 796 1869 3053 3937 Enterprises and other organizations in retail trade Zunanja trgovina 2702 4931 7627 7515 11748 5922 Foreign trade Prodajna skladiöËa proizvodnih podjetij in drugih organizacij 2642 13787 19034 22817 23604 32326 Sales storage space of manufacturing enterprises and other organizations Prodaja po trgovinski dejavnosti podjetij in drugih organizacij Sale by trade activity of enterprises and other organizations Trgovina z űivili 483 5471 6310 8234 9754 18402 Trade with food products éita in mlevski izdelki - 3 1 2 1 882 Cereals and other milled products Zelenjava in sadje 111 122 796 1553 1066 353 Vegetables and fruit Alkoholne pijaËe 242 1776 2142 2076 1719 58953) Alcoholic beverages éivina in perutnina 10 1617 1112 1596 1888 79 Livestock and poultry éivila in gospodinjske potreböËine 120 1953 2259 3007 5080 111793 Other food products and household goods Trgovina z neűivili 6749 16566 27134 28583 40310 46220 Trade with non-food products Tkanine in konfekcija - 281 624 781 1715 59614) Textiles and ready-to-wear clothing Surove koűe, volna ipd. 360 4586 7821 8502 6841 20915) Raw leather, wool, etc. Kovinsko in elektriËno blago 2644 7767 11910 9770 19196 123066) Metal and electrical goods Gradbeni in instalacijski material 308 1592 2903 3274 3444 38437) Construction and installation materials KemiËni izdelki, barve in laki - 16 21 68 37 1737 Chemicals, paints and varnishes Papir in pisarniöki material 3 959 321 1293 1840 17498) Paper and office supplies Zdravila in sanitetni material - 16 22 118 85 192 Medicine and sanitary materials Motorna vozila, deli in pribor 891 64 1079 1743 5127 11953 Vehicles and parts Naftni derivati - 8 23 12 23 1267 Petroleum products Kovine in rude 947 Metal and minerals Industrijski odpadki - - - - 201 Industrial waste Tobak in drugo neűivilsko blago 2543 1277 2410 3022 2002 39739) Tobacco and other non-food products Trgovina z meöanim blagom 513 5496 7530 12805 14858 11229 Trade with general merchandise Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 389 METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki o odkupu kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov so vzeti iz meseËnih poroËil. Izpolnjujejo jih vsa podjetja, zadruge in druge organizacije, ki prodajajo pridelke in proizvode iz lastne pridelave ali jih odkupujejo neposredno od zasebnega sektorja. Upoötevani so le tisti kmetijski pridelki in proizvodi, ki so bili pridelani na obmoËju Republike Slovenije. Do leta 1959 je statistika spremljala odkup in prodajo skupaj, od leta 1959 dalje pa loËeno. Od leta 1964 spremlja loËeno tudi odkup lesa iz zasebnih gozdov. Po letu 1985 ne spremljamo veË odkupa oziroma prodaje po vrsti organizacij. ZAJETJE O odkupu kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov poroËajo vsa podjetja, zadruge in druge organizacije, ki jih odkupujejo od zasebnega sektorja. Niso pa tu zajete odkupljene koliËine kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov, ki jih kupujejo gostinska podjetja in druge organizacije neposredno pri zasebnih pridelovalcih, in tiste, ki jih ti pridelovalci sami pripeljejo na űivilske trge. O prodaji kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov poroËajo vse organizacije, ki jih prodajajo iz lastne pridelave (vsa kmetijska podjetja in druge organizacije, öole, zavodi itd.). O odkupu lesa iz zasebnih gozdov poroËajo zadruge in gozdno- gospodarske organizacije. O dovozu kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov zasebnih pridelovalcev na űivilske trge poroËajo podjetja in organizacije, ki o prodaji vodijo ustrezno evidenco. Po tej evidenci so v letu 1996 zajeti trgi v Celju, Kopru, Kranju, Ljubljani, Mariboru, Murski Soboti, Novi Gorici, Novem mestu, Piranu, TrűiËu in Velenju. DEFINICIJE Odkup od zasebnega sektorja je odkup kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov neposredno od zasebnih pridelovalcev prek organizacij, ki so pooblaöËene, da pridelke odkupijo in potem predelajo ali prodajo naprej. Za odkup ötejemo tudi vse koliËine pridelkov in proizvodov, ki jih dobijo organizacije od svojih kooperantov ali iz zdruűene pridelave. Prodaja zajema podatke o prodaji kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov iz lastne pridelave. K prodaji pa ne ötejemo pridelkov, Ëe so dani kot surovine lastnim enotam za predelavo mleka ali grozdja, űganjarnam, suöilnicam sadja, pitaliöËem űivine in perutnine. V tem primeru ötejemo k prodaji izdelke teh enot, npr.: mleËne izdelke, alkoholne pijaËe, suho sadje, pitano govedo itd. V skladu z metodoloökimi navodili ni od leta 1981 veË vkljuËena v prodajo vrednost prodanega lesa. V vrednosti odkupa od zasebnih pridelovalcev kakor tudi v prodaji je vötet davek, ki ga plaËa pridelovalec. Niso pa v vrednost odkupa oziroma prodaje vöteti premije, regresi, kompenzacije ipd., ki jih ti dobijo za doloËene pridelke. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Letni pregled trgovine 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. StatistiËno gradivo 1964, öt. 28; 1965, öt. 26; 1967, öt. 3; 1968, öt. 19; 1969, öt. 19; 1970, öt. 3; 1971, öt. 21; 1972, öt. 21; 1973, öt. 24. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 2, 33, 78, 115, 159, 243, 289, 332, 363, 392, 423, 454, 468, 508, 534, 564 587, 619, 637, 658, 680. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1960, zv. II; 1961, zv. II; 1963, zv. VIII; 1964, zv. VI; 1965, zv. XI; 1966, zv. X; 1967, zv. IX; 1969, zv. VII; 1970, zv. IV; 1971, zv. II; 1972, zv. III; 1973, zv. IV; 1975, zv. IV; 1976, zv. V; 1977, zv. X; 1978, zv. VI; 1979, zv. XIX; 1980, zv. XIII; 1981, zv. VI; 1982, zv. VI; 1983, zv. XI; 1984, öt. 11; 1985, öt. 5; 1987, öt. 5; 1989, öt. 17; 1989, öt. 30; 1990, öt. 15; 1991, öt. 7; 1992, öt. 8; 1994, öt. 3; 1995, öt. 11. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on the purchase of agricultural products are taken from the monthly reports. These are filled in by all enterprises, cooperatives and other organizations that sell products from their own production or purchase products directly from the private sector. Only agricultural products produced in the Republic of Slovenia are included. Until 1959 the Statistical Office monitored the purchase and sale of agricultural production together, and since 1959 separately. Since 1964, statistics on the purchase of wood from private forests have also been monitored separately. From 1985 on we do not monitor the purchase or sale by type of organization. COVERAGE Reports on the purchase of agricultural products are submitted by all enterprises, cooperatives and other organizations that purchase agricultural products from the private sector. These reports do not include the quantities of agricultural products bought directly by catering enterprises and other organizations directly from private producers, nor do they include the products taken to food markets by private producers themselves. Reports on the sale of agricultural products are submitted by all organizations that sell agricultural products from their own production (all agricultural enterprises and other organizations, schools, institutes, etc). Reports on the purchase of wood from private forests are submitted by cooperatives and forest management organizations. Reports on the supply of the products of private producers to food markets are submitted by enterprises and organizations which keep the relevant records of sales. In 1996 these records covered the markets in Celje, Koper, Kranj, Ljubljana, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Piran, TrűiË and Velenje. DEFINITIONS Purchase from the private sector is the purchase of agricultural products directly from private producers, through authorised organizations, for processing or further sale. All quantities of products obtained by organizations from their cooperators or from joint production are also considered as purchases. Sale covers data on the sale of agricultural products from own production. Not considered as sale is the giving of raw materials to own distilleries, fruit drying operations, plants for the fattening of livestock and poultry, and units for the processing of milk or grapes. In this case only the products of these units, e.g. dairy products, alcoholic drinks, dried fruit, fattened cattle, etc., are considered as sale. In accordance with the Explanations on methodology, since 1981 sales have no longer included the value of sold wood. The tax paid by the producer is included in the value of purchases from private producers as well as in the sale. Not included in the value of purchase or sale are bonuses, reimbursements, compensations, etc., which producers obtain for certain products. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Annual Trade Review 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. Statistical Material 1964 No. 28, 1965 No. 26, 1967 No. 3, 1968 No. 19, 1969 No. 19, 1970 No. 3, 1971 No. 21, 1972 No. 21, 1973 No. 24. Results of Surveys No. 2, 33, 78, 115, 159, 243, 289, 332, 363, 392, 423, 454, 468, 508, 534, 564, 587, 619, 637, 658, 680. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia: 1960, vol. II; 1961, vol. II; 1963, vol. VIII; 1964, vol. VI; 1965, vol. XI; 1966, vol. X; 1967, vol. IX; 1969, vol. VII; 1970, vol. IV; 1971, vol. II; 1972, vol. III; 1973, vol. IV; 1975, vol. IV; 1976, vol. V; 1977, vol. X; 1978, vol. VI; 1979, vol. XIX; 1980, vol. XIII; 1981, vol. VI; 1982, vol. VI; 1983, vol. XI; 1984, No. 11; 1985, No. 5; 1987, No. 5; 1989, No. 17; 1989, No. 30; 1990, No. 15; 1991, No. 7; 1992, No. 8; 1994, No. 3; 1995, No. 11. 25. ODKUP PURCHASE Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 390 25.1 Vrednost odkupljenih kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov Value of purchase of agricultural products 1000 SIT1) 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. Skupaj Total Od tega od zasebnega sektorja Of this from private sector only skupaj total kmetijske organizacije agricultural organizations trgovske in industrijske organizacije trade and industrial organizations gozdnogospodarske organizacije forest management organizations 1971 199 110 76 17 17 1972 242 132 93 22 17 1973 317 176 124 24 28 1974 278 201 139 24 38 1975 429 234 160 29 45 1976 510 276 195 38 43 1977 605 324 234 33 57 1978 708 364 261 42 61 1979 910 475 349 51 75 1980 1215 625 441 55 129 1981 1868 925 684 65 176 1982 2543 1206 893 89 224 1983 3835 1782 1403 122 257 1984 6133 2749 2161 184 404 1985 9285 4501 3347 309 845 1986 17987 8820 ... ... 1606 1987 37176 18295 ... ... 2835 1988 118085 57411 ... ... 8793 1989 1385818 624054 ... ... 115890 1990 7377233 2801158 ... ... 445859 1991 15378774 5574019 ... ... 947995 1992 42303664 15548708 ... ... 2023249 1993 45602887 19444430 ... ... 1686901 1994 56565038 24228702 ... ... 2080435 1995 65103046 31425086 ... ... 2514210 1996 74209502 32996380 ... ... 2766368 Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 391 25.2 Vrednost odkupljenih pridelkov in proizvodov po skupinah Value of purchased agricultural products by groups of produtcs mio SIT1) 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 2) Poleg namiznega sadja tudi sadje za predelavo. Fruit for industry included. 3) Odkup lesa iz zasebnih gozdov, ki poteka prek zadrug in gozdnih gospodarstev. Purchase of wood from private forests bought via cooperatives and forest management organizations. 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 7377 42304 45603 56565 65103 74209 TOTAL éivina 2039 12770 13877 15573 19031 20866 Livestock Perutnina in jajca 1862 10601 9513 10723 12504 14863 Poultry and eggs Mleko in mleËni izdelki 1257 7420 9157 12866 15446 16273 Milk and dairy products Koűe in perje 22 74 74 81 79 66 Hides and feathers éita 337 1988 2638 3498 3364 3840 Cereals Industrijske rastline 268 1730 2023 2935 2719 3482 Industrial plants Krmne rastline 4 32 57 39 43 44 Fodder plants Vrtnine 158 495 472 703 681 623 Vegetables Sadje2) 433 2052 2005 2924 2584 3723 Fruits2) Alkoholne pijaËe 360 2002 2607 3103 3970 5579 Alcoholic drinks Les3) 458 2321 2061 2592 3256 3547 Wood3) Ribe 52 305 309 459 400 436 Fishes Drugi pridelki 127 514 810 1069 1026 867 Other products Odkup od zasebnega sektorja 3247 17572 19444 26309 31425 35763 Purchase from private sector éivina 1041 5861 6356 7168 9708 11101 Livestock Perutnina in jajca 43 202 128 118 126 140 Poultry and eggs Mleko in mleËni izdelki 1094 6484 7920 11400 13769 14594 Milk and dairy products Koűe in perje 22 74 74 81 79 66 Hides and feathers éita 94 517 865 1212 1189 1275 Cereals Industrijske rastline 122 736 512 1198 1527 1953 Industrial plants Krmne rastline 3 21 34 25 20 29 Fodder plants Vrtnine 143 383 414 612 549 522 Vegetables Sadje2) 183 854 909 1667 992 2002 Fruits2) Alkoholne pijaËe 9 31 12 22 27 383 Alcoholic drinks Les3) 458 2321 2061 2592 3256 3547 Wood3) Ribe 9 18 26 18 11 11 Fishes Drugi pridelki 26 70 133 196 172 140 Other products Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 392 25.3 Vrednost odkupa pomembnejöih kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov Value of purchase of main agricultural products mio SIT1) 1) Mesnati praöiËi, pujski za zakol. Porkers and sucking pigs. 2) Jedilni in semenski krompir. Potato for consumption and seed potato. 3) Odkup lesa, ki poteka preko zadrug in gozdnih gospodarstev. Purchase of wood from private forests bought via cooperatives and forest management organizations. Skupaj Total Odkup od zasebnega sektorja Purchase from the private sector 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 éivina 12770 13877 15573 19031 20866 5861 6356 7168 9708 11101 Livestock éivina za klanje Livestock for slaughter Pitani praöiËi 155 202 393 445 244 61 97 250 296 45 Fed pigs Mesnati praöiËi1) 5439 5078 6833 7867 9305 476 622 730 856 1689 Porkers and sucking pigs1) Govedo 4681 5157 6115 8192 8786 3668 3946 4656 6690 7541 Cattle Teleta 375 488 453 511 551 350 451 404 472 527 Calves Konji 72 93 69 99 142 71 93 69 99 142 Horses Druga űivina za klanje, pleme in pitanje 2048 1859 1710 1917 1838 1235 1147 1059 1295 1157 Other livestock for slaughter, breeding, fattening Perutnina in jajca 10601 9513 10723 12504 14863 202 128 118 126 140 Poultry and eggs Perutnina za zakol 7850 6673 7582 8784 10338 0 0 0 0 45 Poultry for slaughter Konzumna jajca 1304 1403 1669 1586 2003 190 128 110 126 95 Hen eggs Valilna jajca 334 271 143 240 272 12 - 5 0 - Hatching eggs Enodnevni piöËanci 1113 1166 1329 1740 1923 0 - 3 - - Day-old chickens JarËke in purani za nad. pitanje ... ... ... 154 327 - - - - - Pullets and turkeys for breeding Mleko in mleËni izdelki 7420 9157 12866 15446 16273 6484 7920 11400 13769 14594 Milk and milk products Mleko, sveűe 7420 9155 12863 15439 16266 6483 7918 11396 13763 14587 Milk,fresh Maslo 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - Butter Drugi mleËni izdelki 0 2 3 7 7 1 2 4 6 7 Other dairy products Vrtnine 495 472 703 681 623 383 414 612 549 522 Vegetables Fiűol v zrnju 5 3 3 2 0 4 3 3 2 0 Beans Krompir2) 322 248 389 400 279 218 205 303 279 192 Potato2) Presno zelje 19 41 38 37 46 17 38 37 33 44 Cabbage Druga zelenjava 149 180 273 242 298 144 168 269 235 286 Other Sadje 2052 2005 2924 2584 3723 854 909 1667 992 2002 Fruits Namizna jabolka 971 728 915 1168 1352 36 59 43 68 87 Dessert apples Jabolka za predelavo 86 98 84 227 197 35 15 8 54 90 Apples for industry »eönje in viönje 25 31 27 44 35 9 7 6 6 5 Cherries and marascas Marelice in breskve 55 32 73 104 165 30 8 50 64 109 Apricots and peaches Namizno grozdje 2 0 1 0 94 0 0 0 0 94 Grapes Grozdje za predelavo 792 971 1639 801 1632 701 769 1535 752 1583 Wine grapes Drugo sadje 121 145 185 240 248 43 51 25 48 34 Other Alkoholne pijaËe 2002 2607 3103 3970 5579 31 12 22 27 383 Alcoholic drinks Vino 1992 2597 3094 3958 5556 22 3 13 14 360 Wine éganje 0 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 - Fruit brandy Druge alkoholne pijaËe 10 10 9 12 23 9 9 9 13 23 Other alcoholic drinks Industrijske rastline 1730 2023 2935 2719 3482 736 512 1198 1527 1953 Industrial plants Hmelj 1105 1168 1442 763 976 477 173 425 222 191 Hops Sladkorna pesa 379 636 1256 1910 2448 207 312 745 1268 1715 Sugar beet Druge industrijske rastline 246 219 237 46 58 52 27 28 37 47 Other Les3) 2321 2061 2592 3256 3547 2321 2061 2592 3256 3547 Wood3) Drva 38 37 93 156 155 38 37 93 156 155 Fuelwood TehniËni les 2159 1937 2409 2963 3141 2159 1937 2409 2963 3141 Pitprops and logs Celulozni les 124 87 90 137 251 124 87 90 137 251 Pulpwood Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 393 25.4 KoliËinski odkup pomembnejöih kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov Purchase of main agricultural products by quantities 1) Mesnati praöiËi, pujski za zakol. Porkers and sucking pigs. 2) Jedilni in semenski krompir. Potato for consumption and seed potato. 3) Odkup lesa iz zasebnih gozdov, ki poteka preko zadrug in gozdnih gospodarstev. Purchase of wood from private forests bought via cooperatives and forest management organizations. Merska enota Skupaj Total Odkup od zasebnega sektorja Purchase from the private sector Unit 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 éivina za klanje Livestock for slaughter Pitani praöiËi t 1193 1447 2462 2617 1513 465 670 1532 1713 282 t Fed pigs Mesnati praöiËi1) t 35951 38598 36779 38976 42266 3343 4083 4197 4505 8392 t Porkers and sucking pigs1) Govedo t 38704 34104 30834 34113 36578 31521 27592 24260 28268 31603 t Cattle Teleta t 1672 1831 1213 1086 1193 1552 1693 1078 1006 1137 t Calves Konji t 458 489 287 370 483 458 488 287 370 481 t Horses Perutnina in jajca Poultry and eggs Perutnina za zakol t 80868 59855 58467 64508 63807 0 1 - 0 263 t Poultry for slaughter Konzumna jajca 1000 kosov 161402 157554 151513 131813 136822 20276 12294 8946 8926 5339 1000 pcs Hen eggs Mleko Milk Mleko, sveűe 1000 l 353906 330677 355052 392502 387128 313331 290259 318354 353593 349591 1000 l Milk, fresh Vrtnine Vegetables Fiűol v zrnju t 59 19 16 7 2 51 17 16 6 2 t Beans Krompir2) t 19898 10470 19099 15349 10584 15004 8914 15340 11947 8444 t Potato2) Presno zelje t 931 2136 2028 1809 2013 846 2011 1987 1623 1927 t Cabbage Sadje Fruits Namizna jabolka t 21352 21935 22723 22826 23268 1038 1830 1108 1456 1258 t Dessert apples Jabolka za predelavo t 11265 11802 9102 15135 13294 5105 1564 1082 4278 6900 t Apples for industry »eönje in viönje t 519 775 493 628 369 123 106 60 51 30 t Cherries and marascas Marelice in breskve t 1658 637 1451 1869 3005 1046 131 1188 1363 2224 t Apricots and peaches Namizno grozdje t 46 5 12 1 847 1 5 2 1 847 t Grapes Grozdje za predelavo t 17434 21391 29847 10250 16518 15448 17503 28302 9653 16122 t Wine grapes Alkoholne pijaËe Alcoholic drinks Vino 1000 l 16526 15118 13823 14496 17336 386 24 70 82 2349 1000 l Wine Druge alkoholne pijaËe hl 3133 3907 4184 4454 6523 3089 3866 4181 454 6523 hl Other alcoholic drinks Industrijske rastline Industrial plants Hmelj t 3289 2730 2772 1472 1750 1078 335 814 416 362 t Hops Sladkorna pesa t 101288 98686 215448 273610 300015 58390 48222 124164 180934 209397 t Sugar beet Les3) Wood3) Drva 1000 m3 18 13 26 42 45 18 13 26 42 45 1000 m3 Fuel wood TehniËni les 1000 m3 441 308 308 334 343 441 308 308 334 343 1000 m3 Pitprops and logs Celulozni les 1000 m3 56 39 36 45 78 56 39 36 45 78 1000 m3 Pulpwood Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 394 25.5 PovpreËne odkupne cene pomembnejöih kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov Average purchase prices of main agricultural products SIT 1) Mesnati praöiËi, pujski za zakol. Porkers and sucking pigs. 2) Odkup lesa iz zasebnih gozdov, ki poteka preko zadrug in gozdnih gospodarstev. Purchase of wood from private forests bought via cooperatives and forest management organizations. Merska enota Odkup od zasebnega sektorja Purchase from the private sector Prodaja iz druűbenega sektorja Sale from the social sector Unit 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 éivina za klanje Livestock for slaughter Pitani praöiËi kg 131,57 144,47 163,12 172,62 160,31 129,23 134,71 154,34 165,89 161,22 kg Fed pigs Mesnati praöiËi1) kg 142,35 152,23 173,9 190,03 201,27 152,22 158,09 187,31 203,38 224,83 kg Porkers and sucking pigs1) Govedo kg 116,35 143,00 191,92 236,66 238,61 141,12 186,04 221,90 257,02 250,27 kg Cattle Teleta kg 225,45 266,62 374,65 468,86 463,04 208,21 266,70 360,50 491,27 445,09 kg Calves Konji kg 156,22 190,99 241,59 268,24 294,88 - 162,00 - 243,92 208,86 kg Horses Perutnina in jajca Poultry and eggs Perutnina za zakol kg 155,20 130,02 - 194,00 170,45 97,07 111,49 129,67 136,17 161,98 kg Poultry for slaughter Konzumna jajca kos 9,38 10,39 12,36 14,08 17,88 7,89 8,78 10,93 11,89 14,51 pcs Hen eggs Mleko Milk Mleko,sveűe l 20,69 27,28 35,80 38,92 41,72 23,07 30,60 39,96 43,09 44,73 l Milk,fresh Vrtnine Vegetables Fiűol v zrnju kg 88,78 160,60 197,70 301,9 288,06 94,42 161,80 - 224,21 - kg Beans Krompir - jedilni kg 14,22 22,63 19,06 22,58 20,20 21,06 23,67 19,77 26,36 20,50 kg Potato for consumption Presno zelje kg 19,5 18,76 18,67 20,40 22,71 29,84 22,5 35,26 20,84 23,37 kg Cabbage Sadje Fruits Namizna jabolka kg 35,08 32,46 38,53 46,64 68,81 45,98 33,24 40,35 51,46 57,48 kg Dessert apples Jabolka za predelavo kg 6,77 9,55 7,24 12,64 13,00 8,31 8,09 9,52 15,89 16,85 kg Apples for industry »eönje in viönje kg 71,94 64,98 106,38 124,42 177,95 41,79 36,37 47,22 64,86 86,23 kg Cherries and marascas Marelice in breskve kg 28,61 59,55 42,60 47,11 49,16 41,70 49,19 83,84 79,68 71,1 kg Apricots and peaches Namizno grozdje kg 59,47 44,11 75,65 105,91 111,18 55,67 - 150,00 - - kg Grapes Grozdje za predelavo kg 45,36 43,95 54,23 77,81 98,18 45,93 51,79 67,30 84,44 123,64 kg Wine grapes Alkoholne pijaËe Alcoholic drinks Vino l 56,79 123,15 175,26 171,27 153,45 122,05 171,88 224,05 273,56 346,67 l Wine Industrijske rastline Industrial plants Hmelj kg 442,19 516,85 521,98 534,73 528,82 284,17 415,38 519,8 512 565,22 kg Hops Sladkorna pesa kg 3,55 6,47 6,00 7,01 8,19 4,01 6,42 5,59 6,93 8,09 kg Sugar beet Les2) Wood2) Drva m3 2127,59 2770,84 3512,51 3696,38 3451,58 - - - - - m3 Fuelwood TehniËni les m3 4898,31 6284,05 7826,00 8871,81 9143,88 - - - - - m3 Pitprops and logs Celulozni les m3 2199,51 2260,54 2490,30 3024,09 3235,62 - - - - - m3 Pulpwood Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 395 25.6 Prodaja lastnih kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov na űivilskih trgih Sale of agricultural products of private producers on food markets Merska enota 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Unit Perutnina in jajca Poultry and eggs éiva perutnina t 7 2 1 4 2 2 3 t Poultry live Zaklana perutnina t 154 219 183 207 240 263 305 t Poultry slaughtered Jajca 1000 kosov 8650 7087 7251 6240 4384 3056 3114 1000 pcs Hen eggs Mleko in mleËni izdelki Milk and milk products Mleko, sveűe l 3755 56400 19550 11850 6660 7272 7830 l Milk, fresh Maslo t 16 23 15 11 13 14 13680 t Butter Sir vseh vrst t 1 25 2 0 0 0 505 t Cheeses Smetana t 36 60 57 38 40 47 51011 t Cream Vrtnine Vegetables Fiűol v zrnju t 381 227 419 337 303 178 125 t Beans Krompir t 1202 1587 1249 979 1072 1245 1177 t Potato »ebula t 1166 553 794 523 464 414 445 t Onion »esen t 240 187 250 196 197 150 165 t Garlic Korenje t 216 181 254 212 227 220 213 t Carrot Presno zelje t 537 354 409 358 325 282 291 t Cabbage Paradiűnik t 1394 760 802 262 182 207 162 t Tomato Paprika t 1346 646 510 213 96 142 102 t Paprika Fiűol v stroËju t 151 128 71 82 83 71 73 t Beans - green Grah v stroËju t 49 19 31 24 16 20 14 t Peas - green äpinaËa t 116 113 102 94 83 71 79 t Spinach BuËke t 84 39 72 50 44 37 36 t Pumpkin Lubenice in dinje t 653 349 376 159 31 63 36 t Watermelons and melons Zelena solata t 1306 1094 907 787 755 739 761 t Lettuce CvetaËa t 150 250 212 179 159 138 139 t Cauliflower Ohrovt t 74 136 124 116 105 92 91 t Kale Sadje Fruits Jabolka t 2210 1144 1299 1169 1179 1073 926 t Dessert apples Hruöke t 360 343 229 241 217 190 152 t Pears Grozdje t 668 498 306 154 88 89 67 t Grapes Sveűe slive t 594 375 109 79 59 60 48 t Plums »eönje in viönje t 263 138 149 120 97 80 74 t Cherries and marascas Marelice in breskve t 1138 690 587 547 493 290 200 t Apricots and peaches Jagode t 157 140 37 45 48 64 54 t Strawberries Maline t 0 1 8 3 3 3 3 t Raspberries Sveűe fige t 51 10 56 27 22 14 23 t Figs Celi orehi t 15 35 30 52 28 7 9 t Nuts Orehova jedrca t 67 115 207 211 195 133 75 t Kernels Kostanj t 36 25 38 34 17 23 23 t Chesnut Suhe slive t 42 61 92 99 75 39 38 t Dried plums Drugo Other Med t 19 47 76 61 60 48 52 t Honey Kislo zelje t 538 411 412 403 378 383 392 t Sauerkraut Kisla repa t 136 240 267 235 199 209 226 t Sauerturnip Gobe t 12 49 20 38 19 10 11 t Mushrooms Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 396 25.7 Prodaja lastnih kmetijskih pridelkov in proizvodov na nekaterih űivilskih trgih v letu 1996 Sale of agricultural products of private producers on food markets in 1996 M er sk a en ot a Ce lje Ko pe r Kr an j Lj ub lja na M ar ib or M ur sk a So bo ta No va G or ic a No vo m es to Pi ra n Tr űiË Ve le nj e Un it Perutnina in jajca Poultry and eggs éiva perutnina t - - - - 3 - - - - - - t Poultry live Zaklana perutnina t 20 - - 115 170 - - 0 - - - t Poultry slaugtered Jajca 1000 kosov 850 134 400 1317 205 0 29 97 38 4 40 1000 pcs Hen eggs Mleko in mleËni izdelki Milk and milk products Mleko, sveűe l - - - - - 75 - 3390 - 385 3980 l Milk, fresh Maslo kg - - - 13040 640 - - - - - - kg Butter Sir vseh vrst kg - - - - - - 207 298 - - - kg Cheeses Smetana kg 7500 - 1205 36000 5560 - - 303 - 48 395 kg Cream Vrtnine Vegetables Fiűol v zrnju t 8 1 25 55 14 4 12 0 6 0 0 t Beans Krompir t 20 49 64 523 341 18 40 4 100 16 2 t Potato »ebula t 6 3 44 208 90 9 13 2 68 1 1 t Onion »esen t 2 1 35 83 24 8 5 0 7 0 0 t Garlic Korenje t 4 1 39 120 26 10 4 1 7 0 1 t Carrot Presno zelje t 9 4 54 129 76 - 2 1 11 1 4 t Cabbage Paradiűnik t 2 8 36 66 18 16 9 0 7 0 0 t Tomato Paprika t 3 8 38 21 - 12 13 1 6 0 - t Paprika Fiűol v stroËju t 4 1 10 41 8 - 3 0 6 0 0 t Beans - green Grah v stroËju t 1 2 2 6 - - 0 - 3 - - t Peas - green äpinaËa t 1 1 17 45 3 - 2 - 10 0 0 t Spinach BuËke t - 1 - 30 0 - 1 0 4 0 0 t Pumpkins Lubenice in dinje t 1 - 13 - 6 - 12 - 4 0 - t Watermelons and melons Zelena solata t 23 8 63 548 48 20 14 2 34 0 1 t Lettuce CvetaËa t 2 2 28 85 9 1 2 0 10 0 0 t Cauliflower Ohrovt t 1 2 13 48 10 - 5 - 12 0 0 t Kale Sadje Fruits Jabolka t 27 22 45 612 94 12 58 5 49 1 1 t Dessert apples Hruöke t 5 2 24 103 6 - 8 0 4 0 0 t Pears Grozdje t 1 - 22 23 - - 6 0 14 0 1 t Grapes Sveűe slive t 1 1 13 23 1 - 4 1 4 0 0 t Plums »eönje in viönje t 6 4 6 36 12 - 7 0 3 0 0 t Cherries and marascas Marelice in breskve t 15 12 35 103 - - 16 7 11 0 1 t Apricots and peaches Jagode t 2 4 6 40 0 - 1 0 1 - - t Strawberries Maline t 1 0 - 2 - - 0 0 0 - - t Raspberries Sveűe fige t 0 1 4 12 - - 0 0 6 - 0 t Figs Celi orehi t 1 0 1 1 4 - 0 - 2 - - t Nuts Orehova jedrca t 3 0 23 40 6 - 1 0 2 0 0 t Kernels Kostanj t 2 1 - 5 13 - 2 0 0 - 0 t Chesnut Suhe slive t - - 13 4 16 - 1 1 3 - 0 t Dried plums Drugo Other Med t 1 - - 47 2 - 1 0 1 - 0 t Honey Kislo zelje t 27 22 19 236 73 - 0 1 14 0 0 t Sauerkraut Kisla repa t 12 13 - 144 44 - 0 1 12 0 0 t Sauerturnip Gobe t 0 1 - 7 3 - 0 0 - - 0 t Mushroom Odkup Purchase StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 397 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 398 26. GOSTINSTVO IN TURIZEM HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, TOURISM VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Osnovne podatke o poslovanju v gostinstvu zberemo od podjetij, druűb in drugih organizacij (pravnih oseb) Ëetrtletno, od podjetnikov posameznikov (fiziËnih oseb) v gostinstvu pa letno; v te podatke ni vkljuËeno oddajanje sob. Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije poroËajo vsako leto tudi o porabi surovin za pripravo hrane. Podatki o zaposlenih osebah v tem poglavju so iz dveletnega raziskovanja o podjetjih, druűbah in drugih organizacijah. O turistiËnem prometu (gostje in prenoËitve) in o ötevilu leűiöË meseËno poroËajo podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije, ki nudijo gostom nastanitve ali jim to storitev samo posredujejo, kakor tudi obËani, ki oddajajo zasebne turistiËne sobe. Najpogosteje sestavljajo poroËila po svojih evidencah recepcijske sluűbe. ZAJETJE Vsa raziskovanja so bila do leta 1992 zasnovana na popolnem zajetju, vendar je iz praktiËnih razlogov ostalo nezajeto predvsem doloËeno ötevilo zasebnih gostiöË. Zaradi teűav pri zajemanju podatkov Ëedalje ötevilËnejöih enot smo za letno raziskovanje o obratovalnicah (GO - 11a) z letom 1993 (podatki za leto 1992) preöli na enostavni nakljuËni izbor poroËevalskih enot. Pri podatkih za leta od 1992 do 1995 je ta izbor zajel 10 % enot. Tudi za leto 1996 smo izmed registriranih gostinskih obratov podjetnikov posameznikov vnoviË izbrali 10 % enot in jih opredelili kot poroËevalske enote. To pomeni, da rezultati, prikazani za leta 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 in 1996, zaradi nepopolnega zajetja ne pomenijo dejanske mreűe obratovalnic niti celotnega obsega gostinskih storitev. Tudi zajem podjetij, druűb in drugih organizacij (pravnih oseb) ni popoln, saj nam zasebna podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije űal ne poroËajo redno. Ocenjujemo, da je v rezultate zajeta le Ëetrtina manjöih zasebnih podjetij, druűb in drugih organizacij. Ker so torej podatki o gostinskih podjetjih, druűbah in drugih organizacijah praviloma öe vedno zajeti popolno, podatki o obratih podjetnikov posameznikov pa so rezultat vzorËne populacije, podatkov za leta od 1992 do 1996 ne prikazujemo skupaj, paË pa loËeno. DEFINICIJE Gostinski obrat je gostinsko podjetje, druűba ali druga organizacija oziroma vsaka gostinska enota podjetja, druűbe ali druge organizacije, ki v poslovnem, gradbenem in funkcionalnem pogledu sestavlja celoto, kakor tudi gostinski obrat podjetnika posameznika. Po vrsti gostinskih storitev, ki jih nudijo, po tehniËni opremljenosti in po naËinu streűbe se gostinske enote delijo v posamezne vrste obratov (hotele, motele, restavracije ...). Zasedenost leűiöË zraËunamo po ötevilu leűiöË na viöku sezone (avgusta). Odstotek zasedenosti leűiöË zraËunamo za vsa leűiöËa (stalna in pomoűna) po naslednjem obrazcu: ötevilo prenoËitev leűiöËa x Ëas Pri sedeűih ötejemo sedeűe v objektu in zunaj njega. Med zaposlene osebe v gostinski dejavnosti ötejemo tiste, ki so sklenile delovno razmerje za nedoloËen ali doloËen Ëas (tudi v upravi); ne ötejemo pa uËencev v gospodarstvu ter zaposlenih oseb, ki delajo polni delovni Ëas drugje, v gostinstvu pa so dopolnilno zaposlene; prav tako ne ötejemo samostojnih gostincev in pomagajoËih druűinskih Ëlanov, ki nimajo statusa zaposlene osebe. Vrednostni promet izraűamo v tekoËih cenah. Obsega ves promet, ki ga je dosegla poroËevalska enota s prodajo hrane in pijaË ter z blagovnimi in neblagovnimi storitvami. Skupni iztrűek torej obsega iztrűek za hrano in napitke, alkoholne pijaËe, brezalkoholne pijaËe, druge blagovne storitve ter prenoËitve in druge neblagovne storitve. Turist je oseba, ki v kraju zunaj svojega stalnega prebivaliöËa prenoËi vsaj eno noË v gostinskem ali kakem drugem nastanitvenem objektu zaradi poËitka ali rekreacije, zdravja, ötudija, öporta, religije, druűine, dela, javne misije ali shoda. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Basic data on business results and conditions in hotels and restaurants are collected for enterprises, companies and other organizations with a quarterly report, and for independent operators (natural persons) with an annual report, excluding private accommodations. Every year, enterprises, companies and other organizations also report on the ingredients used in the preparation of food. Data on persons in paid employment in this chapter are taken from the biannual survey of enterprises, companies and other organizations. Enterprises, companies and other organizations offering accommodation to tourists or providing such service as an agency, as well as individuals who let private rooms, report monthly on tourist turnover (number of guests and overnight stays) and on the number of beds offered. The reports are usually compiled from the reception records. COVERAGE Until 1992 the coverage in all surveys was complete, although for practical reasons a certain number of private hotels and restaurants (independent operators) were omitted. Due to difficulties data collection, the coverage of Annual Survey of Private Units (GO-11a) in 1993 (data for 1992) was based on a simple random selection of reporting units. In the data for 1992 to 1995 that selection covered only 10% of the units. In the data for 1996 we selected 10% of the registered hotels and restaurants as reporting units. This means that the results presented for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 do not show the existing network of private hotels and restaurants, due to the difference in coverage, neither do they show the overall extent of hotels and restaurants. The coverage of enterprises, companies and other organizations (legal persons) is also not complete since private enterprises, companies and other organizations do not always report. We estimate that the results cover only a quarter of small private enterprises. Since the data on enterprises, companies and other organizations are, as a rule, still fully covered, while the data on private units are results of the sample, for 1992 to 1996 the data for private units are shown separately from the data for enterprises and other organizations. DEFINITIONS Hotels and restaurants are enterprises, companies and other organisations providing services of hotels and restaurants or units of enterprises, companies and other organisations providing services of hotels and restaurants and forming a whole in the business, construction and functional sense, as well as private hotels and restaurants. According to the type of service offered and technical facilities, hotels and restaurants are divided into individual types of units (hotel, motel, restaurant, etc.). Bed occupancy is calculated according to the number of beds in the high season (August). The percentage occupancy of beds is calculated for all beds (permanent and temporary) using the formula: No. of overnight stays beds x time Data on seats include seats inside and outside a building. Included among persons in paid employment in hotels and restaurants are persons who have signed an employment contract for an unlimited or a fixed period (including persons employed in administration); not included among those persons are apprentices and employed persons who work full time elsewhere and who are additionally employed in the hotel or restaurant. Also excluded are independent hoteliers and restaurant owners and their family members who help out but who do not have the status of employed persons in an enterprise or other organization. The value of turnover is expressed in current prices and includes all turnover generated by the reporting unit through the sale of food and beverages and through the provision of goods and non-goods services. Total revenues therefore include all revenues from food and beverages, alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, other goods services, overnight stays and the provision of non-goods services. Tourists are people who, in a location outside their place of permanent residence, spend at least one night in a hotel or some other accommodation facility for reasons of rest, recreation, health, study, sport, religion, family, work, a public task or a meeting. x 100 x 100 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 399 DomaËi turist je oseba s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Sloveniji, ki zaËasno prebiva v kakem drugem kraju v Sloveniji ter tam prenoËi vsaj eno noË v gostinskem ali drugem nastanitvenem objektu. Pred letom 1992 so bili k domaËim turistom öteti tudi turisti iz vseh drugih republik nekdanje Jugoslavije. Tuji turist je oseba, ki je priöla iz tujine in se zaËasno nastanila v nekem kraju v Sloveniji ter tam vsaj eno noË prenoËila v gostinskem ali kakem drugem nastanitvenem objektu. Tujim turistom doloËamo pripadnost po potnem listu. Od leta 1992 so mednje öteti tudi turisti iz drűav na ozemlju nekdanje Jugoslavije. TuristiËni kraj. V Sloveniji ni sploönih predpisov o pogojih, ki bi jih kraji morali izpolnjevati, da bi dobili naziv turistiËnega kraja. Zato uporabljamo statistiËne definicije pojma turistiËnega kraja in merila za razvrstitev krajev v doloËene vrste. Za turistiËni kraj ötejemo tistega, ki izpolnjuje: 1. atraktivne pogoje (naravne lepote, zdravilni vrelci, kulturno- zgodovinski spomeniki, kulturne, zabavne in öportne prireditve itd.); 2. komunikacijske pogoje (moűnost dostopa, prometne zveze itd.); 3. receptivne pogoje (namestitveni objekti s spremljajoËimi trgovskimi, obrtniökimi, PTT- itd. storitvenimi objekti, pa tudi parki, sprehajaliöËa, kopaliöËa ipd.). Po omenjenih merilih so kraji razvröËeni v te vrste: 1. Glavno mesto Slovenije - Ljubljana - pritegne obiskovalce predvsem kot administrativno-politiËni center, nato pa s svojimi zgodovinskimi, etniËnimi, gospodarskimi, urbanistiËno-arhitektonskimi in drugimi znaËilnostmi. 2. Zdraviliöki kraji so kraji, pri katerih je znanstveno, medicinsko ali izkustveno ugotovljen zdravilni uËinek termalnih ali mineralnih voda ali drugih geoloöko-mineraloökih sestavin. Sem spadajo klimatska, mineralna in termalna zdraviliöËa, ki imajo praviloma tudi ustrezne objekte za zdravljenje in rehabilitacijo obiskovalcev. 3. Obmorski kraji so kraji vzdolű morske obale. 4. Gorski kraji so praviloma tisti, ki leűijo nad 500 metrov nadmorske viöine ali v teritorialnem obmoËju gore. 5. Drugi turistiËni kraji so tisti, ki so privlaËni zaradi podnebnih razmer, kulturnozgodovinskih spomenikov ipd., kraji ob rekah in jezerih in drugi kraji, ki jih ne moremo uvrstiti v prej navedene. 6. Drugi kraji so vsi, ki jih ne moremo uvrstiti v nobeno od prej navedenih skupin. Opombe: Od 1970 so podatki o ötevilu gostinskih objektov in sedeűev navedeni po stanju 31. avgusta, podatki o zaposlenih osebah pa po stanju 30. septembra. Podatki o ötevilu zaposlenih oseb v tabeli 26.10 niso popolnoma usklajeni z ustreznimi podatki v drugih tabelah, ker so zajeti z drugim raziskovanjem. Pri uporabi podatkov iz tabel 26.6, 26.7 in 26.8 opozarjamo na spremenjeno kakovost podatkov v Ëasovni vrsti. V letih 1990 in 1991 so zasebna podjetja prikljuËena k zasebni lastnini, od leta 1992 pa so kot zasebna lastnina obravnavani le podatki o obratovalnicah podjetnikov posameznikov (fiziËnih osebah) v gostinstvu. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Letni pregled trgovinske gostinske in prometne statistike v l. 1948. Letni pregled trgovine, gostinstva in turizma 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. Letni pregled gostinstva 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961. Letni pregled turizma 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961. Zaloge v trgovini in gostinstvu 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. StatistiËno gradivo s podroËja gostinstva: 1964, öt. 4, 23; 1965, öt. 23; 1966, öt. 27; 1968, öt. 10; 1969, öt. 6; 1971, öt. 4; 1972, öt. 7, 8; 1973, öt. 8. StatistiËno gradivo s podroËja turizma: 1962, öt. 20/1963; 1963, öt. 4/ 1965; 1964, öt. 2/1966; 1965, öt. 25/1967; 1966, öt. 12/1968; 1967, öt. 5/ 1969; 1968, öt. 24/1969; 1969, öt. 12/1971; 1970, öt. 9/1972; 1971, öt. 9/ 1973; 1972, öt. 10/1974. Domestic tourists are people with permanent residence in Slovenia who temporarily stay in some other place in Slovenia and in that place spend at least one night in a hotel or some other accommodation facility. Data prior to 1992 included among domestic tourists all tourists from other countries of the former Yugoslavia. Foreign tourists are people who come to Slovenia from abroad and temporarily stay in a certain place in this country where they spend at least one night in a hotel or some other accommodation facility. We record the nationality of foreign tourists according to their passports. Since 1992 foreign tourists have included tourists from other countries of the former Yugoslavia. Tourist resorts - in Slovenia there are no general conditions that a place would have to meet in order to receive the title "tourist resort". Therefore, we use a statistical definition of the term tourist resort and of the criteria for classification of locations into different types. Any place meeting the following specifications is considered to be a tourist resort: 1. is attractive (natural beauty, health spas, cultural and historical monuments, cultural, entertainment and sporting events, etc.); 2. has communications (ease of access, transport connections, etc.); 3. has reception facilities (accommodation facilities and accompanying facilities providing trade, crafts and postal services as well as parks, promenades and bathing facilities, etc.). According to these criteria, places are classified into the following types: 1. The Slovenian capital - Ljubljana - attracts visitors mainly as an administrative and political centre, and also for its historical, ethnic, economic, town-planning, architectural and other features. 2. Health resorts are places where the healing effect of thermal or mineral waters or other geological mineral components is medically or empirically proven. These include climatic, mineral water and thermal water health resorts which, as a rule, offer suitable facilities for healing and rehabilitation of visitors. 3. Seaside resorts are places located along the sea coast. 4. Mountain resorts are, as a rule, places lying more than 500 metres above sea level or in the territorial area of a mountain. 5. Other tourist resorts are places with particularly attractive elements (e.g. climate conditions, cultural or historical monuments, etc.), riverside and lakeside areas and other places that cannot be classified among any of the places mentioned. 6. Other places are all those places not falling within any of the above groups. Notes: Since 1970 data on the number of hotels and restaurants and seats are taken as of 31 August, and data on the number of persons employed as of 30 September. The data on the number of persons employed in Table 26.10 do not fully conform with the relevant data in other tables since they were gathered by a different survey. For use of the data from Tables 26.6, 26.7 and 26.8 we would point out the difference in quality of the data in the time series. In 1990 and 1991 private enterprises were included within private ownership. Since 1992, however, only data on private units or individuals working in hotels and restaurants were treated as private ownership. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Annual Review of Trade, Hotels and Restaurants, and Transport Statistics 1948. Annual Review of Trade, Hotels and Restaurants, and Tourism 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. Annual Review of Hotels and Restaurants 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961. Annual Review of Tourism 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961. Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963. Statistical Material on Hotels and Restaurants 1964 No. 4, 23, 1965 No. 23, 1966 No. 27, 1968 No. 10, 1969 No. 6, 1971 No. 4, 1972 No. 7, 8, 1973 No. 8. Statistical Material on Tourism 1962 No. 20/1963, 1963 No. 4/1965, 1964 No. 2/1966, 1965 No. 25/1967, 1966 No. 12/1968, 1967 No. 5/1969, 1968 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 400 Rezultati raziskovanj s podroËja gostinstva öt. 126, 127, 109, 139, 181, 219, 250, 309, 339, 364, 407, 427, 487, 522, 547, 571, 597, 624, 642. Rezultati raziskovanj s podroËja turizma öt. 129, 178, 182, 222, 242, 298, 367, 384, 417, 467, 536, 577, 608, 661, 681. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1959, zv. II; 1960, zv. II; 1961, zv. II; 1962, zv. II; 1963, zv. V; 1964, zv. VIII; 1965, zv. XII; 1966, zv. IX; 1967, zv. VII; 1968, zv. X; 1969, zv. X; 1970, zv. X; 1971, zv. XII; 1972, zv. IX; 1974, zv. VIII; 1977, zv. II; 1978, zv. XV; 1979, zv. XVII; 1980, zv. XXI; 1981, zv. XIII; 1982, zv. XII; 1983, zv. XII; 1984, öt. 17; 1985, öt. 6; 1986, öt. 3; 1987, öt. 10. No. 24/1969, 1969 No. 12/1971, 1970 No. 9/1972, 1971 No. 9/1973, 1972 No. 10/1974. Results of Surveys in Hotels and Restaurants No. 126, 127, 109, 139, 181, 219, 250, 309, 339, 364, 407, 427, 487, 522, 547, 571, 597, 624, 642. Results of Surveys in Tourism No. 129, 178, 182, 222, 242, 298, 367, 384, 417, 467, 536, 577, 608, 661, 681. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1959 vol. II, 1960 vol. II, 1961 vol. II, 1962 vol. II, 1963 vol. V, 1964 vol. VIII, 1965 vol. XII, 1966 vol. IX, 1967 vol. VII, 1968 vol. X, 1969 vol. X, 1970 vol. X, 1971 vol. XII, 1972 vol. IX, 1974 vol. VIII, 1977 vol. II, 1978 vol. XV, 1979 vol. XVII, 1980 vol. XXI, 1981 vol. XIII, 1982 vol. XII, 1983 vol. XII, 1984 No. 17, 1985 No. 6, 1986 No. 3, 1987 No. 10. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 401 26.1 Pregled razvoja gostinstva Review of development of hotels and restaurants 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 2) Zaradi razliËnega zajetja obeh pravnoorganizacijskih oblik so nekateri podatki (zaposlene osebe, sedeűi in promet) prikazani loËeno. Podatki za obratovalnice se nanaöajo le na 10 % registriranih obratovalnic. Because of the different coverage of both legal organisational forms, some data (persons in paid employment, seats and turnover) are shown separately. Data of independent opera- tors represent only 10% of all registered units. Gostinski objekti Business units Zaposlene osebe Persons in paid employment Sedeűi Seats LeűiöËa Beds Promet Turnover 1000 SIT1) Prebivalci na gostinski objekt Population per business unit 1970 3585 17435 256386 69819 152 481 1970 1971 3658 19237 268964 67485 190 472 1971 1972 3612 20180 284311 70425 243 485 1972 1973 3505 21044 269685 71800 293 504 1973 1974 3681 21080 260515 70882 354 484 1974 1975 3671 23348 280792 67437 476 490 1975 1976 3512 24755 286470 68704 550 518 1976 1977 3579 23635 281253 69465 664 513 1977 1978 3540 23064 291507 69053 812 524 1978 1979 3767 27486 313947 70747 1079 500 1979 1980 3801 26174 318336 71927 1337 501 1980 1981 3830 27255 329376 71478 1786 491 1981 1982 3627 25191 313147 72940 2155 533 1982 1983 3776 26585 344437 76887 3139 514 1983 1984 3815 26715 345821 79957 4761 509 1984 1985 3851 29583 360154 82779 9129 510 1985 1986 3862 30325 362925 89251 19566 511 1986 1987 3995 28457 355560 89664 41333 498 1987 1988 3870 28740 342479 91088 119436 517 1988 1989 3988 27052 337640 89345 1312558 501 1989 1990 4102 24988 336038 91215 8186478 488 1990 1991 3972 22360 324881 74964 13305093 507 1991 19922) 19922) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije 1216 15660 159342 71761 29421840 1641 Enterprises, companies and other organizations Obratovalnice 390 1026 23104 ... 1615742 ... Independent operators 19932) 19932) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije 1179 15144 158193 74825 43052805 1688 Enterprises, companies and other organizations Obratovalnice 423 1006 27648 ... 3201557 ... Independent operators 19942) 19942) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije 1175 14914 152824 75003 53825987 1693 Enterprises, companies and other organizations Obratovalnice 448 1031 29046 ... 3738752 ... Independent operators 19952) 19952) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije 1245 14741 154268 72853 60929765 1596 Enterprises, companies and other organizations Obratovalnice 478 1231 31170 ... 5368880 ... Independent operators 19962) 19962) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije 1092 13928 141804 77803 63680608 1821 Enterprises, companies and other organizations Obratovalnice 542 1289 34380 ... 5470601 Independent operators StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 402 26.2 ätevilo gostinskih objektov po vrstah objektov1) The number of hotels and restaurants by their types1) 1) Delovne skupnosti skupnih sluűb v gostinstvu v podatkih niso zajete. Working communities of general divisions are excluded. 2) Zaradi razliËnega zajetja obeh pravnoorganizacijskih oblik so podatki prikazani loËeno. Podatki za obratovalnice se nanaöajo le na 10 % registriranih obratovalnic. Because of the different coverage of both legal organisational forms, data are shown separately. Data on independent operators refer only to 10% of all registered units. 3) Za leto 1985 so turistiËna naselja zajeta pri motelih. For 1985 the tourist settlements are included in motels. 4) VeËina zdraviliöË je zajeta pri podatkih o hotelih. The majority of spas and climatic cures are monitored among hotels. 5) V podatkih od leta 1987 dalje niso zajete tiste menze, ki poslujejo izkljuËno za potrebe svojih delavcev oziroma delavcev podjetij in drugih organizacij, ki so te restavracije ustanovile. From 1987 the canteens in working enterprises, companies and other organizations, established only for the needs of their own employeees are not included. 6) V podatkih so zajeti delavski, otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi. Company vacation facilities and vacation facilities for children and youth are included. 7) Podatki veljajo za noËne bare, ki so samostojno organizirani. Night clubs which are organized independently are included. 8) V podatkih so zajeti gostilne, okrepËevalnice, disko klubi, kava bari, pivnice, picerije, priprava in dostava hrane in druge gostinske obratovalnice. Inns, bars, discotheques, cafes, taverns, pizza parlours, preparation and delivery of food to the door and other catering business units are included. 26.3 Sobe in leűiöËa po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov in po vrstah krajev, 31. 8. Rooms and beds by types of accommodation facilities and by types of tourist resorts, 31. 8. 1985 1990 19932) 19942) 19952) 19962) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije Enter- prises, companies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent opera- tors Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije Enter- prises, companies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent opera- tors Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije Enter- prises, companies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dentopera- tors Podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije Enter- prises, companies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent opera- tors GOSTINSKI OBJEKTI TYPES OF BUSINESS UNITS Hoteli 144 140 133 - 131 1 131 2 118 2 Hotels Penzioni 30 37 15 - 15 5 21 5 12 4 Boarding houses Moteli 15 13 12 2 11 1 12 1 11 1 Motels PrenoËiöËa 9 7 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 9 Overnight accommodations Kampi 15 16 13 - 11 1 12 2 12 3 Camping sites TuristiËna naselja3) - 1 5 - 5 - 2 - 2 1 Tourist settlements3) ZdraviliöËa4) 9 7 - - - - - - - Health establishments4) Restavracije 190 209 124 13 134 14 116 22 112 20 Restaurants, full service Samopostreűne restavracije 14 10 19 3 21 - 26 - 22 2 Express restaurants and self-service restaurants Restavracije, kjer ne toËijo alkoholnih pijaË 2 2 2 - 2 2 1 - 1 - Non-alcoholic restaurants ätudentske restavracije 4 8 4 - 2 - 5 - 1 - Student restaurants Menze5) 193 30 29 6 33 8 36 10 39 8 Canteens in working organizations5) Planinski domovi in koËe 110 102 68 1 65 3 66 8 64 6 Mountain huts PoËitniöki domovi6) 105 47 17 - 14 - 12 - 14 - Vacation facilities6) Kavarne 26 27 8 2 10 5 8 7 9 9 Cafes NoËni bari7) 1 1 - 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 Night clubs7) Gostilne in druge gostinske enote8) 1628 1971 221 303 235 283 287 266 281 387 Inns and other catering business units8) Bifeji 1340 1441 484 86 462 116 481 150 367 81 Buffets SlaöËiËarne 16 33 21 2 19 3 23 1 23 6 Confectioneries 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Sobe Rooms Skupaj 32547 33937 27584 28334 27893 27955 29738 Total Po nastanitvenih objektih By types of accommodation facilities Hoteli 12152 13311 14229 14272 14101 13840 13759 Hotels Penzioni 318 507 481 627 813 728 787 Boarding houses Moteli 552 666 426 410 442 451 493 Motels PrenoËiöËa 274 459 411 468 499 432 711 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 389 639 473 473 419 457 373 Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 640 669 348 324 292 305 724 Inns ZdraviliöËa 2241 1238 43 122 124 124 - Health establishments Planinski domovi in koËe 760 760 618 681 631 590 880 Mountain huts 1) Prikazana so vsa leűiöËa (stalna in pomoűna). Total number of beds (permanent and temporary). StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 403 26.4 LeűiöËa po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov in vrstah krajev, 31. 8. 1996 Beds by types of accommodation facilities and by types of tourist resorts, 31. 8. 1996 1) Prikazana so vsa leűiöËa (stalna in pomoűna). Total number of beds (permanent and temporary). Delavski poËitniöki domovi 3056 3187 2264 1966 2107 1927 2021 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 567 250 150 151 232 259 256 Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 5912 5836 5144 5418 5422 5376 6589 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 4829 5167 2562 2923 2419 2972 2609 Private accommodations ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 597 968 415 459 392 494 536 Temporary accommodation facilities Spalni vagoni 260 280 20 40 - - - Sleeping cars Po vrstah krajev By type of tourist resorts Glavno mesto Ljubljana 1897 2173 2007 1829 1693 1527 1658 Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji 4406 5078 5074 5491 5158 5441 5545 Health resorts Obmorski kraji 10124 9728 7542 7978 7468 8203 7550 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 9482 10366 8624 8593 9032 8559 9673 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 5701 5551 3938 3960 4031 3802 4469 Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji 937 1041 399 483 511 422 843 Other places LeűiöËa 1) Beds 1) Skupaj 82779 91215 71761 74825 75003 72853 77803 Total Po nastanitvenih objektih By types of accommodation facilities Hoteli 24986 27532 29427 29193 29319 28289 27929 Hotels Penzioni 745 1218 1151 1492 2067 1782 2095 Boarding houses Moteli 1248 1401 941 950 958 980 1137 Motels PrenoËiöËa 639 1155 973 1184 1333 1059 2007 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 1226 2229 1148 1148 1184 1073 1114 Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 1517 1723 851 761 682 695 1746 Inns ZdraviliöËa 3726 1862 278 278 248 248 - Health establishments Planinski domovi in koËe 4374 4959 3770 4487 4160 3999 5870 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 9528 10148 6925 6493 7338 7170 7405 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 2200 1656 1406 1309 1645 1725 1815 Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 18365 18879 16816 17261 18431 16568 18591 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 12025 14990 6957 8936 6563 7739 6517 Private accommodations ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 1630 2623 1058 1213 1075 1526 1577 Temporary accommodation facilities Spalni vagoni 570 840 60 120 - - - Sleeping cars Po vrstah krajev By type of tourist resorts Glavno mesto Ljubljana 3986 4984 4274 3285 3021 2749 3296 Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji 8760 11402 11611 12111 12379 11933 11808 Health resorts Obmorski kraji 25978 26548 19450 21867 20315 21800 20518 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 27736 32656 26694 27475 29183 27257 29959 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 13330 12998 8799 8998 8951 8167 10085 Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji 2989 2627 933 1089 1154 947 2137 Other places Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourists resorts Drugi kraji Other places SKUPAJ 1) 77803 3296 11808 20518 29959 10085 2137 TOTAL 1) Hoteli 27929 1581 5451 7801 7883 5020 193 Hotels Penzioni 2095 10 331 240 884 333 297 Boarding houses Moteli 1137 - 60 49 46 836 146 Motels PrenoËiöËa 2007 286 304 71 761 439 146 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 1114 - 695 290 129 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 1746 32 37 138 707 274 558 Inns Planinski domovi in koËe 5870 - - - 5710 75 85 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki dom 7405 - 117 3107 4160 9 12 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poË. dom. 1815 - 174 1172 469 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 18591 900 4182 4530 6150 2330 499 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 6517 82 337 2497 3060 340 201 Private accommodations ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 1577 405 120 623 - 429 - Temporary accommodation facilities 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 26.3 Sobe in leűiöËa po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov in po vrstah krajev, 31. 8. (nadaljevanje) Rooms and beds by types of accommodation facilities and by types of tourist resorts, 31. 8. (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 404 26.5 PovpreËna zasedenost leűiöË po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov in vrstah krajev, 19961) Average occupation of beds by types of accommodation facilities, 19961) % 1) Zmogljivosti so vzete po stanju 31. 8. Capacity as of 31. August 26.6 Zmogljivosti in vrednostni promet v gostinstvu po lastniötvu Capacity and turnover in hotels and restaurants by type of ownership 1) V podatkih za leta od 1992 do 1996 so podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije praviloma zajete popolno, obratovalnice pa le 10-odstotno (glede na ötevilo). From 1992 to 1996 there is, as a rule, full coverage of enterprises, companies and other organizations, wheras there is only 10% coverage of independent operators (with regard to number). 2) V letih 1990, 1991 druűbena, meöana in zadruűna lastnina, v letih od 1992 do 1996 podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije. In 1990 and 1991 social, mixed and cooperative ownership, from 1992 to 1996 enterprises, companies and other organizations. 3) V letih 1990, 1991 zajema zasebna lastnina fiziËne in pravne osebe, v letih od 1992 do 1996 le fiziËne osebe (obratovalnice). In 1990 and 1991 private ownership relates to natural and legal persons, from 1992 to 1996 only to natural persons (independent operators). Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourists resorts Drugi kraji Other places PovpreËna letna zasedenost Average annual occupation SKUPAJ 20,5 25,2 43,2 21,4 12,9 15,7 7,6 TOTAL Hoteli 34,9 42,7 56,9 35,1 26,3 22,8 12,1 Hotels Penzioni 15,6 26,3 32,7 8,8 13,3 15,4 8,7 Boarding houses Moteli 20,8 - 33,5 7,8 15,0 23,5 6,4 Motels PrenoËiöËa 22,0 32,9 41,2 13,6 21,8 9,0 5,2 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 44,4 - 57,5 23,4 21,0 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 8,1 20,5 16,5 13,1 6,4 11,5 6,3 Inns Planinski domovi in koËe 3,7 - - - 3,7 2,6 0,8 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 13,4 - 25,2 13,1 13,2 19,4 41,9 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 20,9 - 6,8 24,7 16,9 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 12,8 2,5 30,7 12,6 6,4 2,9 8,3 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 7,6 17,9 2,4 9,1 6,3 11,4 6,5 Private accommodations ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 4,7 3,8 2,5 6,7 - 3,4 - Temporary accommodation facilities PovpreËna zasedenost v avgustu Average occupation in August Skupaj 46,3 28,1 64,9 71,0 33,4 23,8 22,2 Total Hoteli 58,4 35,9 67,6 84,8 50,8 28,2 18,6 Hotels Penzioni 33,6 22,3 57,5 45,3 28,8 22,3 24,9 Boarding houses Moteli 30,4 - 46,7 15,5 10,3 34,4 12,4 Motels PrenoËiöËa 32,2 39,8 70,1 38,8 27,8 15,9 6,8 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 76,0 - 80,2 73,2 59,3 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 15,2 28,3 21,6 44,3 11,5 16,4 10,9 Inns and other catering business units Planinski domovi in koËe 20,1 - - - 20,5 13,0 3,9 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 44,8 - 41,7 63,6 30,8 29,0 48,9 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 65,0 - 45,7 85,6 20,4 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 46,0 13,0 67,6 66,8 32,0 16,2 48,3 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 35,1 25,0 7,0 51,9 27,9 20,9 12,8 Private accommodations ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 23,8 23,2 6,8 36,9 - 10,0 - Temporary accommodation facilities 1985 1990 19921) 19931) 19941) 19951) 19961) Objekti / Business units Skupaj 1) 3851 4102 1606 1602 1623 1723 1634 Total 1) Druűbena lastnina2) 1798 1527 1216 1179 1175 1245 1092 Social property2) Zasebna lastnina3) 2053 2575 390 423 448 478 542 Private property3) Sedeűi / Seats Skupaj 1) 360154 336038 182446 185841 181870 185438 176184 Total 1) Druűbena lastnina2) 238732 192524 159342 158193 152824 154268 141804 Social property2) Zasebna lastnina3) 121422 143514 23104 27648 29046 31170 34380 Private property3) Zaposlene osebe / Employment Skupaj 1) 29583 24988 16686 16150 15945 15972 15217 Total 1) Druűbena lastnina2) 26922 21189 15660 15144 14914 14741 13928 Social property2) Zasebna lastnina3) 2661 3799 1026 1006 1031 1231 1289 Private property3) Vrednostni promet / Turnover Skupaj 1) (mio SIT) 9 8186 31038 46254 57565 66299 69152 Total 1) (in mio SIT) Druűbena lastnina2) 8 6520 29422 43053 53826 60930 63681 Social property2) Zasebna lastnina3) 1 1666 1616 3202 3739 5369 5471 Private property3) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 405 26.7 Vrednostni promet v gostinstvu po vrstah obratov, vrstah krajev in vrstah storitev Turnover in hotels and restaurants by types of business units, by tourist resorts and by kinds of services mio SIT1) 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Zaradi zaokroűevanja se seötevki ne ujemajo. Until 1990 in Dinars. The figures are rounded up, so the sums might not be totally correct. 2) Zaradi razliËnega zajetja obeh pravnoorganizacijskih oblik so podatki prikazani loËeno. Podatki za obratovalnice se nanaöajo le na 10 % registriranih obratovalnic. Because of the different coverage of both legal organisational forms, data are shown separately. Data on independent operators refer only to 10% of all registered units. 3) Za leto 1985 so podatki o turistiËnih naseljih zajeti pri motelih. For 1985 tourist settlements are included in motels. 4) VeËina zdraviliöË je zajeta pri podatkih o hotelih. The majority of spas and climatic cures are monitored among hotels. 5) V podatkih so zajeti delavski, otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi. Company vacation facilities and vacation facilities for children and youth are included. 6) Upoötevani so noËni bari, ki so samostojno organizirani, sicer pa so podatki o vrednostnem prometu zajeti pri hotelih. Night clubs which are organized independently are included. In other cases the turnover is shown among hotels. 7) V podatkih so prikazani gostilne, okrepËevalnice, disko klubi, kava bari, pivnice, picerije, priprava in dostava hrane in drugi gostinski obrati. Inns, bars, discotheques, cafes, taverns, pizza parlours, preparation and delivery of food to the door and other catering business units are included. 1990 19932) 19942) 19952) 19962) Podjetja, druűbe in druge organi- zacije Enter- prises, compa- nies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent oper- ators Podjetja, druűbe in druge organi- zacije Enter- prises, compa- nies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent oper- ators Podjetja, druűbe in druge organi- zacije Enter- prises, compa- nies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent oper- ators Podjetja, druűbe in druge organi- zacije Enter- prises, compa- nies and other organiza- tions Obrato- valnice Indepen- dent oper- ators Po vrstah obratov By types of business units Hoteli 2372 18301 - 24295 5 26807 133 29052 70 Hotels Penzioni 60 549 43 608 128 884 60 737 128 Boarding houses Moteli 187 961 40 1056 36 1232 35 1313 41 Motels PrenoËiöËa 15 50 - 67 1 45 11 52 - Overnight accommodations Kampi 43 372 - 468 3 541 9 594 11 Camping sites TuristiËna naselja 3) 3 1327 - 1764 - 2065 - 2039 - Tourist settlements3) ZdraviliöËa 4) 359 - - - - - - - - Health establishments4) Restavracije 1070 6818 366 8169 299 7171 501 7054 695 Restaurants, full service Samopostreűne restavracije 98 1988 66 2375 - 2997 - 2203 - Express restaurants and self - service restaurants Restavracije, kjer ne toËijo alkoholnih pijaË 12 60 - 72 9 87 - 133 - Non-alcoholic restaurants ätudentske restavracije 19 56 - 88 - 110 - 67 - Student restaurants Menze 557 1809 69 1932 191 2820 314 2633 151 Canteens in working organisations Planinski domovi 48 298 5 368 19 407 30 417 38 Mountain huts PoËitniöki domovi 5) 49 164 - 137 - 80 - 153 - Vacation facilities 5) Kavarne 48 186 7 227 53 133 79 144 89 Cafes NoËni bari 6) 4 4 16 18 22 53 14 38 42 Night clubs 6) Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 7) 1854 4287 2211 5559 2497 8210 3499 10103 2363 Inns and other catering business units 7) Bifeji 1282 5306 369 6066 468 6487 678 6136 482 Buffets SlaöËiËarne 107 516 11 558 8 800 6 814 27 Confectioneries Po vrstah krajev By types of tourist resorts Glavno mesto Ljubljana 1290 7753 328 9449 567 11290 326 11636 246 Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji 700 6408 45 7907 51 753 243 8500 - Health resorts Obmorski kraji 949 5316 242 6697 336 7081 244 7846 97 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 913 4788 198 6579 308 5709 242 6449 271 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 2641 13728 1033 16916 738 12416 829 13870 144 Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji 1643 5060 1355 6277 1738 16680 3486 15379 4713 Other resorts Po vrstah storitev By kinds of services Pivo 1030 3523 477 4371 604 4697 691 4659 874 Beer Vino 636 2196 354 2613 376 2935 495 3066 583 Wine éganje 137 509 37 600 44 599 61 612 61 Brandy Druge űgane pijaËe 287 1157 115 1276 115 1399 143 1321 178 Other alcoholic drinks Koncentrirani sadni sokovi 14 55 26 92 28 60 34 134 79 Fruit juices, concentrated Druge brezalkoholne pijaËe 669 2876 398 3494 472 4058 579 3985 684 Other non-alcoholic beverages Slatina in sodavica 140 600 82 776 94 853 96 874 127 Soda and mineral water Hrana 3338 18248 1338 22619 1576 25819 2683 26719 2185 Food Napitki 308 1549 171 1959 188 2451 259 2687 323 Tea, coffee, milk and other beverages TobaËni izdelki in vűigalice 288 1375 157 1753 180 1851 223 1747 252 Tobacco and matches Druge blagovne storitve 82 550 15 594 1 756 6 681 3 Other goods PrenoËitve 1014 82350 19 11182 40 12630 73 13901 93 Lodging Druge neblagovne storitve 242 2180 11 2498 20 282 27 3294 29 Other services StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 406 26.8 KoliËinska prodaja pijaË v gostinskih objektih Quantities of beverages sold in hotels and restaurants 1000 l 1) V podatkih za leta od 1992, do 1996 so podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije praviloma zajete popolno, obratovalnice pa le 10-odstotno (glede na ötevilo). From 1992 to 1996 there is, as a rule, full coverage of enterprises, companies and other organizations, whereas there is only 10% coverage of independent operators (with regard to number). 2) V letih 1990, 1991 druűbena, meöana in zadruűna lastnina, v letih od 1992 do 1996 podjetja, druűbe in druge organizacije. In 1990 and 1991 social, mixed and cooperative ownership from 1992 to 1996 enterprises, companies and other organizations. 3) V podatkih za leti 1990 in 1991 zajema zasebna lastnina fiziËne in pravne osebe, za leta od 1992 do 1996 le fiziËne osebe (obratovalnice). In 1990 and 1991 private ownership relates to natural and legal persons, from 1992 to 1996 only to natural persons (independent operators). 26.9 Poraba surovin za pripravo hrane v podjetjih, druűbah in drugih organizacijah druűbene, meöane in zadruűne lastnine Raw materials consumed when preparing food in enterprises, companies and other organizations in catering trade of social, mixed and cooperative property 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ1) TOTAL1) Pivo 42781 35556 19419 17652 16251 14417 12805 Beer Vino 17435 10223 5018 4679 4098 3905 3410 Wine éganje 995 569 278 243 203 158 139 Brandy Druge űgane pijaËe 2017 1361 672 597 468 385 310 Other alcoholic drinks Koncentrirani sadni sokovi 396 281 137 206 243 389 488 Fruit juices, concentrated Druge brezalkoholne pijaËe 21809 17626 9645 9575 9157 8872 8116 Other non-alcoholic beverages Slatina in sodavica 17395 10171 4895 4293 4096 3797 3347 Soda and mineral water Druűbena lastnina 2) Social property 2) Pivo 32333 24431 17546 15213 14013 12343 10583 Beer Vino 11364 5492 4311 3801 3394 3160 2724 Wine éganje 799 432 261 223 186 140 122 Brandy Druge űgane pijaËe 1561 993 619 528 422 344 269 Other alcoholic drinks Koncentrirani sadni sokovi 345 191 96 142 192 322 397 Fruit juices, concentrated Druge brezalkoholne pijaËe 17477 11919 8696 8327 8012 7739 6472 Other non-alcoholic beverages Slatina in sodavica 13304 6774 4374 3683 3547 3330 2812 Soda and mineral water Zasebna lastnina 3) Private property 3) Pivo 10448 11125 1873 2439 2238 2074 2222 Beer Vino 6070 4731 707 878 704 745 686 Wine éganje 196 137 17 20 17 18 17 Brandy Druge űgane pijaËe 456 368 53 69 46 41 41 Other alcoholic drinks Koncentrirani sadni sokovi 50 91 41 64 51 67 91 Fruit juices, concentrated Druge brezalkoholne pijaËe 4332 5707 949 1248 1145 1133 1156 Other non-alcoholic beverages Slatina in sodavica 4090 3397 521 610 549 467 535 Soda and mineral water Merska enota 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Indeks Index 1996 1995 Unit Sveűe in zamrznjeno meso vseh vrst t 10791 6247 4742 4565 4262 4315 4051 93,8 t All sorts of meat (fresh and frozen) Suhomesnati izdelki in klobase t 3659 1758 1390 1437 1301 1097 1195 108,9 t Dehydrated meat and sausages Mesne konzerve vseh vrst t 662 396 290 216 235 339 627 185,0 t All kinds of tinned meats Ribe, polűi, raki, ökoljke t 777 626 576 633 670 660 714 108,2 t Fish,snail,crab,shell Mast za zabelo t 344 84 89 43 58 65 45 69,2 t Eating fat Jedilno olje t 2821 1905 1600 1357 1384 1534 1577 102,8 t Salad oil Sveűe in kondenzirano mleko tisoË l 4435 2124 1815 1724 1592 1914 2022 105,6 thousand l Milk (fresh and tinned) Jajca tisoË kosov 24791 17384 12730 14862 11599 13707 12490 91,1 thousand pcs Eggs Maslo, smetana, sir, margarina t 1373 1603 1390 1369 1388 1379 1620 117,5 t Butter, cream, cheese and margarine Krompir t 12443 7017 5870 5014 4168 4204 3926 93,4 t Potatoes Fiűol t 1079 522 410 361 331 330 336 101,8 t Beans Sveűa jabolka t 859 661 505 498 479 431 529 122,7 t Apples Sveűe grozdje t 119 71 48 59 63 64 80 125,0 t Grapes Juűno sadje t 281 424 499 512 559 647 675 104,3 t Tropical fruits Drugo sveűe in zamrznjeno sadje t 798 160 124 159 223 219 246 112,3 t Other sorts of fruits (fresh and frozen) Sveűa, zamrznjena in konzervirana zelenjava t 5929 6373 4660 4904 2793 5275 6402 121,4 t Vegetables (fresh frozen and tinned) Kruh in pecivo t 16710 7262 5439 494 4605 4841 4989 103,1 t Bread and biscuits Riű in testenine t 1464 767 702 648 632 669 684 102,2 t Rice and pasta Sladkor t 1566 911 843 791 662 705 681 96,6 t Sugar Kava t 411 284 229 245 216 226 237 104,9 t Coffee StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 407 26.10 Zaposlene osebe v gostinskih podjetjih in drugih organizacijah druűbene, meöane in zadruűne lastnine v gostinstvu, po poklicih in po stopnji strokovne izobrazbe, 30. 9. 1995 Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations in catering trade (social, mixed and cooperative property) by occupations and by the level of professional attainment, 30. 9. 1995 26.11 Turisti in prenoËitve1) Tourist arrivals and overnight stays1) 1000 1) Turisti iz drűav nekdanje Jugoslavije so do vkljuËno leta 1991 öteti med domaËe turiste. Data prior to 1992 include among domestic tourists all tourists from other countries of the former Yugoslavia. Skupaj Visoka Viöja Srednja Niűja VKV KV PKV NKV Total University degree Non- university degree Secondary profes- sional degree Lower profes- sional degree Highly skilled workers Skilled workers Semi- skilled workers Unskilled workers ZAPOSLENE OSEBE - SKUPAJ 15101 204 404 3403 618 340 6326 1437 2369 PERSONS IN PAID EMPLOYMENT - TOTAL Direktorji 411 81 89 195 1 12 33 - - Directors Upravniki, vodje objektov 473 23 42 230 6 30 135 5 2 Managers and leaders Drugi vodilni delavci 468 8 21 168 1 30 196 26 18 Other management Natakarji 3782 2 9 593 175 68 2410 298 227 Waiters ToËilci in meöalci pijaË 617 - - 63 15 6 315 134 84 Bartenders Receptorji in portirji 741 5 23 478 31 3 137 24 40 Receptionists and porters Sobarji in sobarice 854 - - 46 53 - 90 174 491 Chambermaids Kuharji 2428 - 1 297 101 61 1610 199 159 Cooks »evapËiËarji 13 - - 1 - - 7 3 2 Specialists for preparing grilled meat SlaöËiËarji 230 - - 30 1 2 168 13 16 Confectioners Drugi pripravljalci jedi 863 - 2 109 27 34 142 244 305 Other cooking workers Osebje za vzdrűevanje in prevoz 493 3 5 69 19 15 271 46 65 Maintenance and transport workers Delavci za osebne storitve 144 10 36 42 1 8 30 4 13 Personal service workers Delavci za vzdrűevanje ËistoËe 658 - 1 11 38 6 48 72 482 Cleaners Administrativni delavci ipd. 445 45 66 222 21 1 69 9 12 Clerks, etc. RaËunovodski delavci 709 12 64 470 39 1 97 14 12 Accounting clerks Drugi storitveni delavci 1379 - 6 249 66 71 480 145 372 Other service workers Drugi delavci 393 15 39 130 23 2 88 27 69 Other workers Turisti Tourist arrivals PrenoËitve Overnight stays skupaj total domaËi domestic tuji foreign skupaj total domaËih turistov of domestic tourists tujih turistov of foreign tourists 1970 1780 973 807 4826 2525 2301 1971 1902 1022 880 5444 2867 2577 1972 1945 1092 853 5629 3061 2568 1973 2037 1082 955 5964 3054 2910 1974 2024 1211 813 6130 3576 2554 1975 2152 1311 841 6444 3854 2590 1976 2111 1326 785 6359 3929 2430 1977 2297 1506 791 6741 4379 2362 1978 2509 1632 877 7523 4836 2687 1979 2519 1705 814 8081 5367 2714 1980 2378 1509 869 7771 4976 2795 1981 2419 1557 862 7680 4731 2949 1982 2360 1590 770 7304 4697 2607 1983 2351 1566 785 7426 4759 2667 1984 2575 1620 955 8095 4856 3239 1985 2753 1697 1056 8822 5093 3729 1986 2821 1770 1051 9213 5549 3664 1987 2734 1664 1070 9044 5401 3643 1988 2724 1607 1117 8808 4934 3874 1989 2663 1526 1137 8510 4623 3887 1990 2537 1442 1095 7956 4283 3673 1991 1425 1126 299 4886 3916 970 1992 1367 751 616 5098 3083 2015 1993 1450 826 624 5385 3372 2013 1994 1579 831 748 5866 3385 2481 1995 1577 845 732 5883 3448 2435 1996 1658 826 832 5832 3282 2551 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 408 26.12 PovpreËna doba bivanja po vrstah krajev The average length of stay by tourist resorts dni/days 26.13 Turisti po drűavni pripadnosti1) Arrivals of tourists by countries of origin1) 1000 Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji Other places 1970 2,7 1,6 6,9 4,4 2,7 1,6 1,8 1971 2,9 1,6 7,0 4,8 2,8 1,7 1,9 1972 2,9 1,6 6,7 4,7 2,9 1,7 1,9 1973 2,9 1,6 6,4 5,0 2,9 1,7 1,9 1974 3,0 1,7 7,1 5,1 2,9 1,7 1,8 1975 3,0 1,6 7,1 4,9 2,8 1,9 1,7 1976 3,0 1,6 7,3 4,9 2,9 1,9 1,6 1977 2,9 1,6 7,3 4,6 2,7 1,9 1,7 1978 3,0 1,6 7,7 4,8 2,8 2,0 1,8 1979 3,2 1,6 8,0 5,4 3,0 2,1 1,9 1980 3,3 1,7 8,1 5,7 3,0 2,2 1,9 1981 3,2 1,6 7,1 5,6 3,2 1,9 2,0 1982 3,1 1,5 6,8 5,3 3,1 1,7 1,9 1983 3,2 1,5 6,7 5,6 3,2 2,0 1,9 1984 3,1 1,4 6,7 5,4 3,2 2,0 2,1 1985 3,2 1,4 7,0 5,5 3,6 1,9 2,5 1986 3,3 1,4 7,3 5,5 3,6 1,9 2,6 1987 3,3 1,4 6,7 5,5 3,7 2,0 2,8 1988 3,2 1,5 6,3 5,0 3,7 1,8 3,0 1989 3,2 1,4 6,3 4,9 3,6 1,8 2,4 1990 3,1 1,5 6,3 4,7 3,5 1,6 2,3 1991 3,4 1,7 6,1 4,1 3,5 2,0 2,5 1992 3,7 2,9 6,0 4,2 3,1 2,2 2,4 1993 3,7 2,6 5,9 4,2 3,1 2,0 2,2 1994 3,7 2,5 5,8 4,3 3,2 2,0 2,2 1995 3,7 2,2 5,5 4,5 3,3 2,0 2,4 1996 3,5 2,0 5,4 4,1 3,2 1,9 2,6 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 2753,0 2536,8 1367,2 1450,1 1578,7 1576,7 1657,7 TOTAL Iz Slovenije 748,9 651,3 750,8 826,0 830,4 844,6 825,8 From Slovenia Iz tujine 2004,1 1885,5 616,6 624,4 748,3 732,1 831,9 From abroad Avstrija 96,9 86,6 95,9 112,5 130,8 116,9 122,6 Austria Baltiöke drűave - - - 0,7 0,8 0,8 1,0 Baltic countries Belgija 18,1 40,6 4,0 7,4 10,9 11,6 13,4 Belgium Belorusija - - - 0,1 0,3 0,6 0,5 Belarus Bolgarija 2,3 3,5 2,0 4,9 2,1 2,2 2,1 Bulgaria Bosna in Hercegovina 189,1 177,9 55,0 22,9 23,0 22,0 26,6 Bosnia and Herzegovina »eökoslovaöka 16,5 11,3 9,6 - - - - Czechoslovakia »eöka - - - 14,0 19,0 15,6 18,8 Czech Republic Danska 36,5 10,8 1,1 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,7 Denmark Finska 6,7 7,1 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,7 Finland Francija 40,2 36,6 8,0 10,2 13,6 13,7 16,7 France GrËija 11,2 8,5 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,2 Greece Hrvaöka 320,4 269,0 91,7 71,1 77,0 76,9 78,9 Croatia Irska 0,7 1,4 0,3 0,6 0,9 0,9 1,1 Ireland Islandija 1,4 0,4 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,1 Iceland Italija 165,6 281,9 162,5 157,6 176,6 160,3 192,9 Italy Jugoslavija 390,9 306,4 31,8 12,4 8,8 10,8 12,9 Yugoslavia Madűarska 23,3 10,9 11,6 18,5 20,2 18,0 19,2 Hungary Makedonija 47,9 37,1 15,1 13,4 12,2 14,9 13,8 Macedonia NemËija, Zvezna republika 291,5 227,2 62,6 94,3 131,4 136,5 162,0 Germany, Federal Republic of NemËija, DemokratiËna republika 4,0 11,7 - - - - - Germany, Democratic Republic of Nizozemska 80,8 80,2 8,4 12,5 19,2 18,3 22,2 Netherlands Norveöka 7,2 4,6 1,1 1,2 1,8 1,5 1,9 Norway Poljska 10,4 5,0 2,4 3,7 6,3 7,3 9,3 Poland Portugalska 1,2 1,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,8 Portugal Romunija 0,9 3,5 2,2 2,1 3,0 3,6 5,7 Romania Ruska federacija - - - 8,3 12,4 14,7 14,0 Russian Federation 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se vsote vedno ne ujemajo. The figures are rounded up; the sums might not be totally correct. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 409 26.14 PrenoËitve turistov po drűavni pripadnosti1) Overnight stays of tourists by countries of origin1) 1000 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se vsote vedno ne ujemajo. The figures are rounded up; the sums might not be totally correct. Slovaöka - - - 1,1 1,9 4,6 6,1 Slovakia Sovjetska zveza 16,2 21,4 5,9 - - - - USSR äpanija 8,0 12,5 1,1 1,7 2,3 2,4 3,5 Spain ävedska 18,1 26,4 3,0 3,3 4,1 3,4 4,0 Sweden ävica 16,6 15,9 5,9 6,8 10,8 10,4 11,6 Switzerland Ukrajina - - - 1,0 2,4 2,4 3,3 Ukraine Velika Britanija 86,5 82,3 10,4 11,6 14,5 13,9 19,0 United Kingdom Druge evropske drűave 4,5 7,4 1,6 3,5 5,0 5,4 5,2 Other European countries Izrael 3,1 12,8 0,9 0,7 0,7 1,1 1,5 Israel Japonska 1,3 2,8 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,2 Japan TurËija 19,1 16,1 2,1 1,1 2,4 7,9 3,0 Turkey Kanada 5,0 4,8 1,6 1,8 2,8 3,5 3,2 Canada Zdruűene drűave Amerike 37,6 30,4 7,4 10,1 13,8 11,9 13,7 United States Avstralija 4,0 3,4 0,8 1,2 1,4 1,8 2,0 Australia Nova Zelandija 0,5 0,9 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,5 0,6 New Zealand Druge neevropske drűave 19,9 24,9 7,5 7,0 9,3 8,4 9,8 Other non-European countries 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 8822,4 7956,4 5098,0 5384,6 5865,6 5883,0 5832,2 TOTAL Iz Slovenije 2659,8 2611,0 3083,0 3372,2 3384,5 3447,6 3281,6 From Slovenia Iz tujine 6162,6 5345,4 2015,0 2012,4 2481,1 2435,5 2550,6 From abroad Avstrija 398,1 334,0 334,7 403,0 480,5 440,7 438,2 Austria Baltiöke drűave - - - 2,1 3,3 2,8 3,5 Baltic countries Belgija 51,2 158,0 15,2 31,2 43,2 49,7 51,0 Belgium Belorusija - - - 0,6 1,2 1,8 2,1 Belarus Bolgarija 5,6 6,0 4,6 10,0 5,9 5,2 4,5 Bulgaria Bosna in Hercegovina 512,7 386,9 230,6 97,6 99,7 83,4 66,7 Bosnia and Herzegovina »eökoslovaöka 79,9 43,8 29,1 - - - - Czechoslovakia »eöka - - - 39,9 48,5 38,6 42,9 Czech Republic Danska 167,9 47,3 3,3 3,9 5,3 6,6 9,8 Denmark Finska 49,1 53,4 3,2 3,4 4,4 3,6 3,7 Finland Francija 82,2 76,1 23,9 26,3 34,1 38,9 40,0 France GrËija 13,4 10,0 1,3 1,6 2,6 2,4 3,1 Greece Hrvaöka 988,8 688,0 286,5 189,2 215,6 212,8 212,6 Croatia Irska 1,7 4,7 0,9 1,7 2,3 2,6 3,8 Ireland Islandija 5,9 1,3 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,3 Iceland Italija 391,3 713,8 440,8 409,6 454,6 387,8 446,0 Italy Jugoslavija 840,2 524,9 87,4 33,5 30,8 44,4 31,5 Yugoslavia Madűarska 50,2 29,6 34,0 63,9 70,0 58,1 56,3 Hungary Makedonija 92,1 72,5 54,6 35,8 32,3 32,5 35,4 Macedonia NemËija, Zvezna republika 1060,5 752,3 243,0 374,5 525,1 571,6 595,5 Germany, Federal Republic of NemËija, DemokratiËna republika 11,1 22,1 - - - - - Germany, Democratic Republic of Nizozemska 363,3 336,8 37,8 50,0 89,3 83,4 97,4 Netherlands Norveöka 37,5 19,9 3,4 2,9 4,5 3,7 4,5 Norway Poljska 21,0 11,4 6,6 11,5 20,3 25,7 27,5 Poland Portugalska 1,5 2,0 0,7 0,8 1,1 1,2 1,9 Portugal Romunija 5,2 4,6 3,8 5,0 6,7 7,1 11,8 Romania Ruska federacija - - - 45,4 72,3 84,7 61,2 Russian Federation Slovaöka - - - 3,8 5,0 18,3 21,1 Slovakia Sovjetska zveza 24,6 56,2 28,8 - - - - USSR äpanija 12,2 25,6 2,5 3,8 5,2 5,3 8,6 Spain ävedska 76,0 123,7 10,2 8,9 12,2 9,0 11,4 Sweden ävica 70,4 52,3 18,2 20,4 34,8 31,0 32,9 Switzerland Ukrajina - - - 4,7 10,6 12,6 16,1 Ukraine Velika Britanija 547,6 575,1 49,8 54,8 65,9 65,8 98,8 United Kingdom Druge evropske drűave 11,4 14,9 4,0 8,1 11,9 12,4 11,3 Other European countries Izrael 8,6 37,3 3,3 2,9 3,3 4,3 5,8 Israel Japonska 2,5 4,7 2,9 3,0 3,4 4,4 5,9 Japan TurËija 22,5 19,8 3,5 3,0 4,5 10,8 6,3 Turkey Kanada 9,9 10,0 4,1 4,8 6,3 10,0 8,3 Canada Zdruűene drűave Amerike 79,0 68,9 21,0 26,3 34,3 32,0 35,3 United States Avstralija 7,0 6,9 2,3 3,5 3,3 4,4 5,2 Australia Nova Zelandija 0,9 1,6 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,3 1,3 New Zealand Druge neevropske drűave 59,6 49,0 18,7 20,8 26,2 24,1 31,1 Other non-European countries 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 26.13 Turisti po drűavni pripadnosti1) (nadaljevanje) Arrivals of tourists by countries of origin1) (continued) 1000 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 410 26.15 Turisti in njihove prenoËitve po vrstah krajev1) Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist resorts1) 1000 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se vsote vedno ne ujemajo. / The figures are rounded up; the sums might not be totally correct. 2) VkljuËena tudi Ljubljana. / Including Ljubljana. 3) Turisti iz drűav nekdanje Jugoslavije so do 1991 öteti med domaËe turiste, od leta 1992 pa med tuje. / Since 1992 the item foreign tourists includes tourists from other countries of the former Yugoslavia. 26.16 Turisti po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov1) Tourist arrivals by types of accommodation facilities1) 1000 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Turisti Tourist arrivals Skupaj 2753,0 2536,8 1367,2 1450,1 1578,7 1576,7 1657,7 Total Zdraviliöki kraji 221,0 288,9 280,8 310,8 332,7 340,1 343,8 Health resorts Obmorski kraji 441,5 450,3 303,8 343,2 368,0 370,2 390,4 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 653,7 601,0 363,3 403,4 443,2 440,9 441,8 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 2) 1364,0 1142,9 402,0 377,2 417,1 406,0 458,7 Other tourist resorts2) Drugi kraji 72,8 53,7 17,2 15,6 17,6 19,5 22,9 Other places Tuji turisti 3) 1055,8 1095,1 616,4 624,4 748,3 732,1 831,9 Tourist arrivals of foreign tourists3) Zdraviliöki kraji 56,5 83,3 67,8 78,4 93,7 92,7 98,8 Health resorts Obmorski kraji 254,7 263,3 143,7 151,8 174,7 160,2 182,2 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 280,1 275,4 117,6 138,3 189,3 184,8 203,6 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 2) 436,8 452,8 276,2 245,3 278,1 282,3 331,1 Other tourist resorts2) Drugi kraji 27,7 20,2 11,2 10,6 12,5 12,1 16,3 Other places PrenoËitve Overnight stays Skupaj 8822,4 7956,4 5098,0 5384,6 5865,6 5883,0 5832,2 Total Zdraviliöki kraji 1544,6 1822,7 1674,6 1819,4 1933,4 1884,5 1866,9 Health resorts Obmorski kraji 2413,4 2102,2 1266,4 1454,5 1587,7 1662,6 1607,3 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 2364,7 2117,9 1133,1 1259,8 1411,9 1443,3 1414,1 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 2) 2319,2 1790,2 982,6 816,4 893,3 845,6 884,9 Other tourist resorts2) Drugi kraji 180,5 123,3 41,2 34,5 39,3 47,1 59,1 Other places PrenoËitve tujih turistov 3) 3728,8 3673,1 2015,0 2012,5 2481,1 2435,5 2550,6 Overnight stays of foreign tourists3) Zdraviliöki kraji 324,5 477,3 363,7 418,7 521,7 507,4 517,9 Health resorts Obmorski kraji 1582,8 1388,3 517,5 533,2 663,4 623,6 623,0 Seaside resorts Gorski kraji 1117,4 1090,5 713,4 475,1 647,0 657,4 707,1 Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji 2) 659,3 681,3 392,5 561,2 622,5 618,7 662,1 Other tourist resorts2) Drugi kraji 45,0 35,7 28,0 24,3 26,5 28,3 40,5 Other places 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Turisti Tourist arrivals SKUPAJ 2753,0 2536,8 1367,2 1450,1 1578,7 1576,7 1657,7 TOTAL Hoteli 1591,0 1494,0 897,8 937,7 1035,9 1039,8 1054,7 Hotels Penzioni 33,2 30,9 19,7 21,2 34,4 34,9 39,0 Boarding houses Moteli 170,2 174,2 54,8 52,6 56,5 56,2 60,9 Motels PrenoËiöËa 34,3 47,4 24,5 23,3 23,9 29,1 51,2 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 24,4 48,1 27,5 32,4 34,9 34,2 36,6 Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 43,4 37,7 14,0 14,7 9,9 10,7 18,9 Inns ZdraviliöËa 107,2 54,8 6,1 4,8 7,2 7,0 - Health establishments Planinski domovi in koËe 94,9 77,3 69,3 81,1 72,1 62,1 66,9 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 117,6 110,6 71,6 66,6 63,7 67,4 69,4 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 17,7 17,3 14,0 15,7 15,4 18,7 18,4 Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 222,5 203,6 119,8 147,9 180,3 166,3 191,5 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 114,5 98,6 39,2 45,2 36,4 41,4 41,3 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 10,0 10,6 6,3 5,9 8,0 8,9 8,7 Temporary accommodation facilities Spalni vagoni 172,5 131,7 2,5 1,0 0,1 - - Sleeping cars 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se vsote vedno ne ujemajo. / The figures are rounded up; the sums might not be totally correct. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 411 2) Turisti iz drűav nekdanje Jugoslavije so do leta 1991 öteti med domaËe turiste, od leta 1992 pa med tuje. / Since 1992 the item foreign tourists includes tourists from other countries of the former Yugoslavia. 26.17 PrenoËitve turistov po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov1) Overnight stays by types of accommodation facilities1) 1000 1) Zaradi zaokroűevanja se vsote vedno ne ujemajo. / The figures are rounded up; the sums might not be totally correct. 2) Turisti iz drűav nekdanje Jugoslavije so do leta 1991 öteti med domaËe turiste, od leta 1992 pa med tuje. / Since 1992 the item foreign tourists includes tourists from other countries of the former Yugoslavia. Tuji turisti 2) Arrivals of foreign tourists 2) Skupaj 1055,8 1095,1 616,4 624,4 748,3 732,1 831,9 Total Hoteli 632,9 716,7 482,7 481,0 574,3 568,7 616,1 Hotels Penzioni 10,5 13,8 9,8 9,9 18,9 15,1 21,3 Boarding houses Moteli 66,7 61,6 29,8 27,0 27,6 26,2 32,7 Motels PrenoËiöËa 7,2 14,5 16,9 12,9 14,9 17,9 24,2 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 7,7 10,2 4,0 5,7 5,9 6,6 7,7 Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 11,9 15,9 8,6 9,8 6,0 6,5 11,8 Inns ZdraviliöËa 19,3 22,5 1,2 1,0 0,8 1,0 - Health establishments Planinski domovi in koËe 11,9 10,2 5,6 8,5 10,7 9,0 12,0 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 10,6 10,8 2,9 4,0 1,7 1,8 2,3 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 3,5 1,4 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,3 0,3 Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 189,7 139,3 28,7 38,2 62,1 51,9 73,6 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 75,4 65,5 21,5 23,5 21,7 22,7 25,8 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 7,2 6,3 2,8 2,0 3,5 4,3 4,2 Temporary accommodation facilities Spalni vagoni 1,3 6,5 1,7 0,6 0,0 - - Sleeping cars 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 PrenoËitve Overnight stays SKUPAJ 8822,4 7956,4 5098,0 5384,6 5865,6 5883,0 5832,2 TOTAL Hoteli 4679,8 4425,9 3130,6 3287,0 3652,9 3630,4 3569,8 Hotels Penzioni 77,2 83,7 81,4 83,9 101,7 126,3 119,5 Boarding houses Moteli 199,7 200,2 79,4 75,1 79,2 86,0 86,7 Motels PrenoËiöËa 77,1 88,4 62,7 61,4 63,5 77,3 161,9 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 122,0 260,4 143,6 179,9 181,6 175,6 181,1 Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 177,7 108,8 42,8 34,2 28,7 29,7 52,0 Inns ZdraviliöËa 903,4 453,5 69,2 61,9 73,2 69,9 - Health establishments Planinski domovi in koËe 140,4 91,5 77,3 85,8 79,0 71,0 79,3 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 704,6 611,1 374,9 358,4 346,3 363,8 363,2 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 127,3 133,8 102,2 115,9 120,9 143,0 139,1 Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 762,7 840,9 666,6 796,7 914,3 849,4 871,0 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 639,3 453,6 187,7 219,0 173,8 201,8 181,3 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 38,7 73,1 77,0 24,2 50,4 59,0 27,3 Temporary accommodation facilities Spalni vagoni 172,5 131,7 2,5 1,0 0,1 - - Sleeping cars PrenoËitve tujih turistov 2) Overnight stays of foreign tourists 2) Skupaj 3728,8 3673,1 2015,0 2012,4 2481,0 2435,5 2550,6 Total Hoteli 2287,5 2444,5 1525,9 1547,0 1919,6 1884,4 1937,2 Hotels Penzioni 18,1 31,7 39,1 32,0 49,4 45,0 52,5 Boarding houses Moteli 75,1 70,5 46,4 41,6 41,0 40,2 48,7 Motels PrenoËiöËa 15,4 23,3 42,6 32,2 37,1 45,1 67,1 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 47,3 62,2 19,2 29,5 27,4 29,4 32,4 Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 27,5 30,0 23,8 23,8 14,3 14,9 29,1 Inns ZdraviliöËa 174,8 187,1 7,1 5,7 6,4 6,4 - Health establishments Planinski domovi in koËe 14,9 12,8 6,4 10,5 12,0 10,2 13,1 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 75,9 61,7 14,8 21,0 8,6 7,7 11,7 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 11,3 5,4 1,1 0,9 0,6 1,8 2,0 Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 550,4 422,9 129,8 146,2 230,1 198,9 234,2 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 400,8 290,0 105,8 114,2 108,2 113,9 114,0 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 28,5 24,6 51,1 7,4 26,3 37,7 8,6 Temporary accommodation facilities Spalni vagoni 1,3 6,5 1,7 0,6 0,0 - - Sleeping cars 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 26.16 Turisti po vrstah nastanitvenih objektov1) (nadaljevanje) Tourist arrivals by types of accommodation facilities1) (continued) 1000 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 412 26.18 Turisti po vrstah krajev in vrstah nastanitvenih objektov, 1996 Tourist arrivals by tourist resorts and types of accommodation facilities, 1996 26.19 PrenoËitve turistov po vrstah krajev in vrstah nastanitvenih objektov, 1996 Overnight stays by tourist resorts and types of accommodation facilities, 1996 Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdravililiöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji Other places Turisti skupaj Tourist arrivals - total SKUPAJ 1657669 149416 343834 390393 441816 309290 22920 TOTAL Hoteli 1054749 125574 199891 278642 230037 217723 2882 Hotels Penzioni 39018 576 10234 1518 13586 10293 2811 Boarding houses Moteli 60936 - 5521 1123 623 50304 3365 Motels PrenoËiöËa 51212 14103 11935 1719 14977 7419 1059 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 36620 - 26743 7657 2220 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 18921 883 399 2792 5129 3857 5861 Inns Planinski domovi in koËe 66911 - - - 66155 513 243 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 69448 - 1913 22065 44977 202 291 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 18364 - 698 12309 5357 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 191506 2734 85197 42542 42371 14127 4535 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 41301 2138 800 16314 16384 3792 1873 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 8683 3408 503 3712 - 1060 - Temporary accommodation facilities Tuji turisti Arrivals of foreign tourists Skupaj 831895 126219 98800 182212 203553 204842 16269 Total Hoteli 616115 107229 74736 149702 135028 147750 1670 Hotels Penzioni 21261 507 3156 209 6502 8643 2244 Boarding houses Moteli 32704 - 3654 675 258 25524 2593 Motels PrenoËiöËa 24176 9916 3192 1427 3624 5191 826 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 7677 - 2493 4535 649 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 11786 712 151 2130 2077 2642 4074 Inns Planinski domovi in koËe 11966 - - - 11920 40 6 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 2303 - 1 523 1774 - 5 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 311 - 85 62 164 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 73553 2729 10555 11730 32921 12178 3440 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 25813 1955 582 10591 8636 2638 1411 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 4230 3171 195 628 - 236 - Temporary accommodation facilities Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji Other places PrenoËitve Overnight stays SKUPAJ 5832244 303882 1866948 1607274 1414106 580969 59065 TOTAL Hoteli 3569816 246995 1136122 1001810 757472 418874 8543 Hotels Penzioni 119545 962 39567 7743 43055 18809 9409 Boarding houses Moteli 86684 - 7365 1407 2525 71984 3403 Motels PrenoËiöËa 161883 34410 45828 3543 60855 14462 2785 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 181111 - 146333 24874 9904 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 52038 2404 2236 6630 16494 11483 12791 Inns Planinski domovi in koËe 79284 - - - 78298 725 261 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 363222 - 10795 148480 201466 639 1842 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 139074 - 4339 105763 28972 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 870959 8138 470277 208556 144385 24361 15242 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 181308 5384 2996 83241 70680 14218 4789 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 27320 5589 1090 15227 - 5414 - Temporary accommodation facilities StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 413 26.20 Turisti po vrstah krajev in po mesecih, 1996 Tourist arrivals by tourist resorts and months, 1996 PrenoËitve tujih turistov Overnight stays of foreign tourists Skupaj 2550607 259500 517930 622997 707081 402582 40517 Total Hoteli 1937190 212823 424983 496414 495542 301170 6258 Hotels Penzioni 52507 873 9621 910 19441 14653 7009 Boarding houses Moteli 48719 - 3907 824 1041 40337 2610 Motels PrenoËiöËa 67101 25646 11316 3018 15364 9477 2280 Overnight accommodations TuristiËna naselja 32358 - 13673 15491 3194 - - Tourist settlements Gostilne in druge gostinske enote 29106 2082 1539 4573 5495 7426 7991 Inns Planinski domovi in koËe 13135 - - - 13068 61 6 Mountain huts Delavski poËitniöki domovi 11661 - 14 1953 9624 - 70 Company vacation facilities Otroöki in mladinski poËitniöki domovi 1954 - 812 482 660 - - Vacation facilities for youth Kampi 234249 8062 49512 41282 105047 19382 10964 Camping sites Zasebne sobe 114012 4747 2139 56074 38605 9118 3329 Private accommodation ZaËasne nastanitvene zmogljivosti 8615 5267 414 1976 - 958 - Temporary accommodation facilities Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji Other places Turisti Tourist arrivals 1996 1657669 149416 343834 390393 441816 309290 22920 I 84048 9864 18831 6827 29590 18201 735 II 99139 10035 25357 9748 35698 17422 879 III 106933 11602 27013 16484 29045 21684 1105 IV 111995 12672 27768 24041 20594 25490 1430 V 134645 13852 29664 32607 28666 28145 1711 Vl 161393 13113 30314 50230 38599 27221 1916 VII 220210 12800 34926 71020 67746 29585 4133 VIII 280853 15229 40567 84684 96858 38301 5214 IX 150446 14342 30293 37846 35941 30063 1961 X 116611 13809 28215 23753 21261 27872 1701 XI 93455 12055 26572 18173 11631 23951 1073 XII 97941 10043 24314 14980 26187 21355 1062 Tuji turisti Arrivals of foreign tourists 1996 831895 126219 98800 182212 203553 204842 16269 I 41085 7680 5702 3929 12187 11130 457 II 38101 8077 5954 4370 8786 10405 509 III 49547 9353 8436 8827 8978 13182 771 IV 63403 10465 9682 14687 11242 16292 1035 V 74066 11858 9592 17276 16188 17923 1229 VI 78808 11491 7349 19888 21519 17203 1358 VII 102700 11419 6549 26059 33654 21926 3093 VIII 135555 14044 9865 34688 43266 29774 3918 IX 85054 12499 10380 20788 19698 20363 1326 X 67564 11619 9983 14765 12051 17977 1169 XI 48387 9829 8879 9100 4686 15211 682 XII 47625 7885 6429 7835 11298 13456 722 Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji Other places 26.19 PrenoËitve turistov po vrstah krajev in vrstah nastanitvenih objektov, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Overnight stays by tourist resorts and types of accommodation facilities, 1996 (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 414 26.21 PrenoËitve turistov po vrstah krajev in po mesecih, 1996 Overnight stays by tourist resorts and months, 1996 26.22 PrenoËitvene zmogljivosti, ötevilo turistov in njihove prenoËitve po pomembnejöih krajih, 1996 Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist resorts, 1996 Skupaj Total Glavno mesto Ljubljana, the capital Zdraviliöki kraji Health resorts Obmorski kraji Seaside resorts Gorski kraji Mountain resorts Drugi turistiËni kraji Other tourist resorts Drugi kraji Other places PrenoËitve Overnight stays 1996 5832244 303882 1866948 1607274 1414106 580969 59065 I 300072 19391 100156 19121 125610 34161 1633 II 365945 21025 128478 30504 150618 33506 1814 III 353264 24040 138314 47153 101138 40590 2029 IV 339873 24476 139230 72685 50421 48967 4094 V 421599 28746 162269 98414 75653 51900 4617 VI 560419 27103 178642 186174 112159 50951 5390 VII 933207 26956 217327 379641 239084 58150 12049 VIII 1116849 28686 237677 451374 310121 74271 14720 IX 517902 30136 174253 160160 93203 55965 4185 X 353278 29775 148760 73671 45703 51729 3640 XI 274251 23828 132857 47460 23789 43399 2918 XII 295585 19720 108985 40917 86607 37380 1976 PrenoËitve tujih turistov Overnight stays of foreign tourists 1996 2550607 259500 517930 622997 707081 402582 40517 I 140111 15605 31375 9247 59710 23004 1170 II 119409 17400 31250 9007 38560 22230 962 III 141496 19722 42001 20735 30588 27081 1369 IV 180615 20285 51693 43669 27859 34069 3040 V 214761 25023 53985 51456 45679 35042 3576 VI 240232 23524 42975 67044 68965 33763 3961 VII 356268 24355 34051 115156 132723 41549 8434 VIII 448316 26337 47700 147983 159820 56280 10196 IX 260748 26650 55297 75476 61788 39051 2486 X 191492 25229 54563 44777 28913 35707 2303 XI 126096 19727 44720 19924 10554 29437 1734 XII 131063 15643 28320 18523 41922 25369 1286 Zmogljivosti Accommodation facilities Turisti Tourist arrivals PrenoËitve turistov Overnight stays sobe rooms leűiöËa beds vsi total tuji foreign vseh total tujih foreign skupaj total stalna permanent AjdovöËina 55 120 120 4328 2816 6714 4553 Ankaran - Ancarano 1030 3887 3754 44537 9375 251729 38084 Banovci 234 464 459 6386 1750 40668 9694 Bled 1) 1763 4555 3990 109661 82312 332734 273751 Bohinj 2) 1089 3404 3010 57663 22969 190985 90066 Bohinjska Bistrica 520 1787 1774 13747 4033 64769 13839 Bovec 3) 697 1719 1695 28559 13744 92367 45408 Brestrnica 65 154 130 1038 906 2104 1851 Celje 156 295 251 12461 8169 23933 15804 Cerkno 80 185 145 5841 1629 20590 4525 »ateű ob Savi 1062 3254 3170 89509 13788 441246 37746 »rnomelj 31 66 66 2261 737 4906 2020 DivaËa 10 27 27 508 461 2901 2790 Dobrna 343 517 517 13448 3879 108303 37046 Dolenjske Toplice 265 628 554 12435 2084 90317 11238 Dovje-Mojstrana 135 742 738 14234 3399 17210 4558 Dravograd 42 77 77 993 609 2176 1354 Gornja Radgona 36 54 54 1364 416 2897 775 Gozd Martuljek 339 959 890 13245 4560 44968 18677 Grosuplje 60 111 107 6715 3200 11199 5578 Izlake 35 77 59 3325 1506 9447 4340 Izola - Isola4) 1012 2755 2307 58014 17202 280966 60331 Jesenice 29 58 55 655 590 1890 1774 Jezersko 59 232 207 4355 923 10853 2911 1) VkljuËena so tudi naselja Ribno, Spodnje Gorje, Zasip in Zgornje Gorje. / Settlements Ribno, Spodnje Gorje, Zasip, Zgornje Gorje are also included. 2) VkljuËena so naselja Polje, RibËev Laz, Srednja vas v Bohinju, Stara Fuűina, Studor v Bohinju in Ukanc. / Settlements Polje, RibËev Laz, Srednja vas v Bohinju, Stara Fuűina, Studor v Bohinju and Ukanc are included. 3) VkljuËeno je tudi naselje »ezsoËa. / Settlement »ezsoËa is also included. 4) VkljuËeno je tudi naselje Dobrava. / Settlement Dobrava is also included. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 415 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 416 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels and restaurants, tourism 417 Kamniöka Bistrica 5) 128 545 414 5124 377 11718 708 Kobarid 76 207 188 4069 2569 8606 5589 KoËevje 36 123 108 1832 922 2958 1681 Kope 120 503 503 3369 425 11703 1833 Koper - Capodistria 523 1295 1272 23627 11820 62340 24536 Kotlje 24 52 52 1013 645 3064 2350 Kozina 86 246 220 10083 8601 17105 12943 Kranj 236 589 525 11913 9168 31210 25689 Kranjska Gora 1259 3542 3116 67003 30867 259701 134133 Kröko 82 204 148 4599 2140 16195 10444 Krvavec 6) 30 139 137 1757 248 6662 1091 Laöko 184 347 344 8314 1388 77325 7019 Lendava - Lendva 144 257 257 11251 5277 53682 27445 Lesce 506 1518 1518 9854 8272 42788 34464 Lipica 179 311 304 11331 9018 25159 21257 Ljubljana 1658 3296 3149 149416 126219 303882 259500 Ljutomer 42 77 77 2886 962 4490 1776 Log pod Mangartom 37 115 102 905 204 4258 839 Maribor 428 754 710 33231 21787 58189 39456 Mariborsko Pohorje 7) 182 609 490 7864 2119 30862 8362 Medno 74 151 134 17467 5498 21997 9164 Metlika 36 84 79 1336 591 2006 830 Meűica 24 54 54 602 304 2228 1232 Moravske Toplice 8) 681 1312 1299 48251 22889 233779 124169 Most na SoËi 31 78 63 1437 713 2616 1379 Moönje 30 67 60 4550 3732 6363 5325 Mozirje 9) 184 413 363 2024 665 7404 2807 Murska Sobota 99 200 162 10442 3804 20612 10526 Nova Gorica 237 438 426 42104 35966 73706 64211 Novo mesto 48 90 77 3524 2277 7948 5587 Ormoű 45 86 86 3385 1760 5431 2797 OtoËec 197 473 473 17527 10374 34979 23455 Pesnica 31 72 72 2838 2239 2838 2239 Piran - Pirano 393 1062 1010 19526 10910 65648 27081 PodËetrtek 473 1244 1212 43044 4294 233445 20000 Podljubelj 92 238 238 1840 785 6686 3907 Pokljuka 10) 76 252 213 5892 52 25456 608 Portoroű - Portorose11) 3497 8322 8002 203775 122587 737157 428792 Postojna 304 670 588 18767 14865 32445 26408 Preddvor 12) 49 104 94 4560 1415 8288 3918 Predoslje 69 149 136 4857 1960 11133 5701 Ptuj 292 700 656 14685 7123 46242 18199 Radenci 377 569 569 20920 8394 110785 52365 Radovljica 171 540 533 6307 3740 19898 9328 Rajec 30 73 65 3295 2738 4835 3976 Rakitna 24 100 80 728 - 9142 - RateËe 84 292 234 2972 299 11374 350 Ravne na Koroökem 22 39 39 722 303 1216 395 Rogaöka Slatina 960 1437 1404 32054 17247 202212 123153 Rogla 239 800 684 22417 4314 96756 21441 SeËa - Sezza 482 1447 1435 18135 6440 61370 18892 Sevnica 15 30 30 891 541 2525 1751 Seűana 110 232 219 11992 10191 23269 19198 Slovenj Gradec 67 116 116 4463 1972 9682 4825 Slovenska Bistrica 17 36 36 308 259 1408 1187 Slovenske Konjice 60 162 147 5459 1666 9861 3827 SoËa 223 432 429 2304 1490 7104 4929 SolËava-Logarska dolina 128 384 365 3103 618 6285 1419 Strunjan - Strugnano 603 1730 1539 22651 3764 147536 24846 äempeter pri Gorici 28 58 51 3916 2753 7855 5038 äentjur 14 34 34 1367 530 3208 983 äkofja Loka 50 116 102 4438 3167 8677 7011 ämarjeöke Toplice 13) 166 290 290 11037 1484 87466 9732 Tolmin 136 324 316 4236 1832 9003 3360 Topolöica 156 267 267 12393 3640 56710 19421 Trbovlje 25 57 32 842 506 4678 3866 Trebnje 23 57 53 1173 1028 1342 1139 Trenta 96 615 437 13725 4198 14307 4446 Velenje 30 74 66 1532 1297 4235 3076 Vrhnika 10 23 23 505 382 1512 1175 ZreËe 137 369 279 16312 3949 73452 16203 éalec 48 100 100 4837 3498 11874 9262 Zmogljivosti Accommodation facilities Turisti Tourist arrivals PrenoËitve turistov Overnight stays sobe rooms leűiöËa beds vsi total tuji foreign vseh total tujih foreign skupaj total stalna permanent 26.22 PrenoËitvene zmogljivosti, ötevilo turistov in njihove prenoËitve po pomembnejöih krajih, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist resorts, 1996 (continued) 5) VkljuËena je tudi Velika Planina. / Velika Planina is also included. 6) Naselje Ambroű pod Krvavcem. / Settlement Ambroű pod Krvavcem. 7) VkljuËena so naselja Lobnica, HoËko Pohorje, Pivola, Slivniöko Pohorje. / Settlements Lobnica, HoËko Pohorje, Pivola, Slivniöko Pohorje are included. 8) VkljuËeno je tudi naselje Martjanci. / Settlement Martjanci is also included. 9) VkljuËene so tudi Golte (naselje Radegunda). / Golte is also included (settlement Radegunda). 10) VkljuËeni sta naselji Goreljek in Koprivnik. / Settlements Goreljek and Koprivnik are included. 11) VkljuËeno je tudi naselje Lucija - Lucia. / Settlement Lucija - Lucia is also included. 12) VkljuËeno je tudi naselje Hrib. / Settlement Hrib is also included. 13) VkljuËeno je tudi naselje Brezovica. / Settlement Brezovica is also included. Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 418 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27. BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Glavni viri podatkov so letni zakljuËni raËuni in bilance gospodarskih druűb ter organizacij, letni podatki davËnih sluűb o poslovanju fiziËnih oseb, osnovna statistiËna raziskovanja, davËne evidence in finanËna statistika ter drugi viri. ZAJETJE V obraËun so zajete vse dejavnosti v skladu s konceptom proizvodnje po Sistemu nacionalnih raËunov iz leta 1993. PRIKAZ PODATKOV Do vkljuËno leta 1992 so podatki na ravni posameznih dejavnosti prikazani po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti na podlagi prevajalnika z Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti, od leta 1994 pa na podlagi podatkov Poslovnega registra Slovenije poslovnih subjektov in njihovih enot v sestavi. Za obdobje 1980-1995 so v tekoËih cenah prikazani osnovni agregati obraËuna bruto domaËega proizvoda po proizvodni metodi in zaposlenost po podroËjih Standardne klasifikacije dejavnosti. Za obdobje 1990-1995 je prikazan bruto domaËi proizvod po izdatkovni in po proizvodni metodi v tekoËih in v stalnih cenah leta 1992 ter za leto 1996 po proizvodni metodi v tekoËih cenah. Temeljni agregati in kategorije so vsebinsko in pojmovno usklajeni s Sistemom nacionalnih raËunov iz leta 1993. Do leta 1993 je dodana vrednost po dejavnostih prikazana v cenah faktorjev, od leta 1994 pa v osnovnih cenah. RaËun proizvodnje in raËun oblikovanja dohodkov po dejavnostih in za institucionalne sektorje je prikazan za leti 1994 in 1995. PRIMERLJIVOST PODATKOV Podatki so primerljivi za obdobje 1980-1995. Zaradi metodoloökih dopolnitev ocene dodane vrednosti po dejavnostih je primerljivost dodane vrednosti in zaposlenosti po podroËjih med letoma 1993 in 1994 slaböa. Metodoloöke dopolnitve niso vplivale na raven ocene skupne dodane vrednosti in bruto domaËega proizvoda. DEFINICIJE (agregati in kategorije imajo v oklepaju navedeno oötevilËenje iz Sistema nacionalnih raËunov 1993). Prozvodnja (P.1) je enaka vrednosti dokonËanih proizvodov in opravljenih storitev od zaËetka do konca leta. Z letom 1994 je proizvodnja po panogah dejavnosti vrednotena v osnovnih cenah. V osnovnih cenah so iz vrednosti proizvodnje izloËeni vsi davki na proizvode in storitve (D.21), vkljuËene pa vse subvencije po proizvodih in storitvah (D.31). Vmesna poraba (P.2) je vrednotena v cenah kupcev kot vrednost proizvodov in storitev, ki jih posamezni proizvajalec nabavi zato, da proizvede druge proizvode in storitve. VkljuËeni so vsi proizvodi z űivljenjsko dobo, krajöo od enega leta, in proizvodi z vrednostjo do 300 ekujev in z daljöo űivljenjsko dobo ter storitve tekoËih popravil in vzdrűevanja, ki ne poveËujejo osnovne vrednosti in űivljenjske dobe osnovnih sredstev. Dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah (B.1g) je enaka proizvodnji v osnovnih cenah, zmanjöani za vmesno porabo v cenah kupcev. Dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah je tudi enaka vsoti sredstev za zaposlene (D.1), plaËanim drugim davkom na proizvodnjo (D.29), minus prejete druge subvencije na proizvodnjo (D.39), bruto poslovni preseűek (B.2g) in bruto raznovrstni dohodek (B.3g). Med davke na proizvode in storitve (D.21) so vkljuËene vse carine in uvozne dajatve, davki po proizvodih in storitvah, posebne dajatve na naftne derivate, cigarete, alkohol, igre na sreËo in igralne avtomate ter davki na transakcije nepremiËnin. Drugi davki na proizvodnjo (D.29) so davki, ki jih podjetja plaËujejo za uporabo doloËenih osnovnih sredstev, in davki na delovno silo kot dejavnik proizvodnje. Subvencije po proizvodih in storitvah (D.31) so nepreklicna plaËila trűnim proizvajalcem s strani drűavnih institucij. Iz kategorije so z letom 1994 izloËene druge subvencije (D.39), s katerimi drűava subvencionira zaposlovanje. Bruto domaËi proizvod (B.1*g) je enak dodani vrednosti v osnovnih cenah (B.1g), poveËani za davke na proizvode in storitve (D.21) in zmanjöani za subvencije po proizvodih in storitvah (D.31). Bruto domaËi proizvod je tako enak vsoti dodane vrednosti v osnovnih cenah vseh domaËih (rezidenËnih) proizvodnih enot in neto davkov na proizvode in storitve (davki minus subvencije po proizvodih in storitvah). Poraba fiksnega kapitala (K.1) je v oceni bruto domaËega proizvoda po podatkih zakljuËnih raËunov in bilanc podjetij in organizacij. V stanovanjski dejavnosti in v dejavnostih samozaposlenih oseb in nekorporativnih podjetij je poraba stalnega kapitala posebej ocenjena. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The main source of data are annual final accounts and balances of enterprises and organizations, annual data of tax authorities on operation of unincorporated enterprises and selfemployed persons, basic statistical surveys, tax records, financial statistics and other sources. COVERAGE The calculation covers all activities following the concept of production by the 1993 System of National Accounts. DATA PRESENTATION Until 1992 inclusive, the data at the level of individual activities are shown by the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 1) on the basis of conversion tables from the National Classification of Activities, and since 1994 on the basis of data from the Business Register. For the 1980-1995 period are shown, the basic aggregates of the calculation of gross domestic product by production method at current prices and employment data by activities of the Standard Classification of Activities. For the 1990-1995 period, gross domestic product is shown by the expenditure and production method at current and constant prices 1992 and for 1996 by production approach at current prices. The basic aggregates and categories are, as regards the contents and terminology, harmonized with the 1993 System of National Accounts. Until 1993 value added by activities was shown at factor prices and since 1994 it is stated at basic prices. The production and generation of income account by activities and for institutional sectors is given for the years 1994 and 1995. DATA COMPARABILITY The data are comparable for the 1980-1995 period. Due to methodological completion of the estimation of value added by activities, the comparability of value added by fields of activities between 1993 and 1994 is less favourable. Methodological completion had no effect on the level of the estimation of total value added and gross domestic product. DEFINITIONS (parentheses after aggregates and categories indicate the numeration in the 1993 System of National Accounts) Output (P.1) equals the value of finished products and performed services from the beginning to the end of the year. Since 1994 the output by fields of activities is evaluated at basic prices, from which all taxes on products and services (D.21) are excluded, but all subsidies on products and services are included (D.31). Intermediate consumption (P.2) is given at purchaser’s prices, as the value of goods and services which are purchased by an individual producer in order to produce other goods and services. These comprise all products with the life time up to one year and value up to ECU 300, if life time is over one year and services of current repair and maintenance, which do not increase the value and life time of fixed assets. Value added at basic prices (B.1g) equals the output at basic prices, reduced by intermediate consumption at purchaser’s prices. Value added at basic prices also equals the sum of compensation of employees (D.1), other taxes on production (D.29), minus other subsidies on production (D.39), gross operating surplus (B.2g) and gross mixed income (D.3g). Taxes on products (D.21) are all taxes and import duties, taxes for products and services, special duties on petrol, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and slot machines and taxes on real estate transactions. Other taxes on production (D.29) are taxes which are paid by enterprises for the use of certain fixed assets, and taxes on labour force as production input. Subsidies on products (D.31) are irrevocable payments to market producers, made by government institutions. Since 1994, other subsidies on production (D.39) with which the government subsidizes employment have been eliminated from this category. Gross domestic product (B.1*g) equals value added at basic prices (B.1g), increased by taxes on products (D.21), and reduced by subsidies on products (D.31). Gross domestic product thus equals the sum of value added at basic prices of all domestic (resident) production units and net taxes on products (taxes minus subsidies on products). Consumption of fixed capital (K.1) is in the estimation of gross domestic product taken from the data in final accounts and balances of enterprises and organizations. In housing activity and in activities of self- employed persons and unincorporated individual enterprises of households, the consumption of fixed capital is estimated separately. Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 419 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Sredstva za zaposlene (D.1) so bruto plaËe, bruto nadomestila plaË (boleznine do enega meseca in nadomestila plaË med letnim dopustom, prazniki ipd.) in prejemki zaposlenih (D.11) ter obvezni prispevek delodajalcev za socialno varnost zaposlenih (D.121). Osebne prejemke sestavljajo denarna nadomestila zaposlenim za hrano, prevoz na delo in z dela, regresi za letni dopust, vsa bruto plaËila delodajalcev za pogodbene, zaËasne in enkratne zaposlitve. V obrambnih storitvah so vsi izdatki za prehrano vojakov sestavni del sredstev za zaposlene. Poslovni preseűek (B.2) je rezidualna kategorija dodane vrednosti v finanËnih in nefinanËnih gospodarskih druűbah ter v stanovanjski dejavnosti v okviru gospodinjstev. Kategorija je lahko prikazana neto (B.2) ali pa bruto (B.2g) skupaj s porabo stalnega kapitala. V netrűnih dejavnostih je bruto poslovni preseűek enak obraËunani porabi stalnega kapitala. Raznovrstni dohodek (B.3) je rezidualna kategorija v obraËunu dodane vrednosti samozaposlenih oseb in nekorporativnih podjetij. Kategorija je lahko prikazana kot neto (B.3) ali bruto (B.3g) vrednost skupaj s porabo stalnega kapitala. Zaposlenost zajema vse stalno zaposlene osebe po domaËem konceptu ter samozaposlene osebe v kmetijstvu in v drugih dejavnostih gospodinjstev. Izdatke konËne potroönje (P.3) sestavljata agregata individualni izdatki za potroönjo (P.31) in kolektivni izdatki drűave za potroönjo (P.32). Individualno potroönjo sestavljajo izdatki za konËno potroönjo gospodinjstev, izdatki institucij neprofitnih storitev gospodinjstvom (NPISG) in izdatki drűavnih inötitucij. Individualne izdatke in potroönjo drűave sestavljajo izdatki za netrűne storitve drűave (izobraűevanje, zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo, kultura, öport itd.) in izdatki za trűne proizvode in storitve (zdravila, ortopedski pripomoËki, koncesijske pravice zasebnemu sektorju, storitve zdraviliöË ipd.). Kolektivni izdatki drűave so izdatki za upravne, administrativne, obrambne, ekonomske, razvojno-raziskovalne in druge skupne netrűne storitve drűave. Drűavni izdatki in izdatki NPISG za konËno potroönjo so enaki razliki med vrednostjo proizvodnje po stroökovni metodi in vrednostjo prodaj. Bruto investicije so sestavljene iz bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva (P.51) in sprememb v zalogah (P.52). Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva so sestavljene iz investicij v nova osnovna sredstva, stroökov transakcij rabljenih osnovnih sredstev in iz nabav nematerialnih osnovnih sredstev. Spremembe v zalogah so obraËunane za nedokonËano proizvodnjo in dokonËane proizvode pri proizvajalcih, zaloge trgovskega blaga v trgovini in zaloge surovin, materiala, rezervnih delov ipd. pri vseh trűnih proizvajalcih. Pri netrűnih proizvajalcih so stroöki proizvodov enaki sprotnim nabavam. V analizi izdatkovne strukture bruto domaËega proizvoda je v agregat sprememb v zalogah vkljuËena statistiËna napaka kot razlika med oceno bruto domaËega proizvoda po proizvodni metodi in po izdatkovni metodi. Kategoriji izvoz in uvoz proizvodov zajemata izvoz in uvoz proizvodov v zvezi z oplemenitenjem po bruto naËelu. Izvozna vrednost proizvodov je obraËunana po pariteti FOB, uvozna vrednost je po podatkih Banke Slovenije iz paritete CIF, zmanjöana na pariteto FOB. Izvoz in uvoz storitev je iz plaËilne bilance po podatkih in metodologiji Banke Slovenije razen vrednosti investicijskih del v tujini, ki je do leta 1994 ocenjena iz podatkov statistike gradbeniötva, ter neposrednih nakupov nerezidentov v Sloveniji in rezidentov v tujini, ki so statistiËne ocene. Nove metodoloöke spremembe in dopolnitve v plaËilni bilanci Banke Slovenije, ki so bile objavljene po letu 1996, v tej publikaciji öe niso upoötevane. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Razvojna vpraöanja statistike öt. 3/91, 5/92. StatistiËne informacije öt. 86/92, 156/92, 136/93, 313/93, 180/94, 187/94, 152/95, 324/95, 296/96, 338/96, 138/97. Compensation of employees (D.1) are gross wages, gross wage compensations (sick benefits up to one month and compensation of wages during annual vacation, holidays, etc.), personal allowances (D.11), and employers’ social contributions (D.121). Personal allowances comprise expenses for food, transport to and from work, reimbursement for annual vacation, all gross payments of employers for contract, temporary or part-time employment. In defense services all expenditure on soldiers’ food is part of compensation of employees. Operating surplus (B.2) is the residual category of value added in financial and non-financial corporations and in housing activities of households. The category can be shown either as net (B.2) or gross (B.2g), together with consumption of fixed capital. In non-market activities, gross operating surplus equals the consumption of fixed capital. Mixed income (B.3) is the residual category in the calculation of value added of self-employed persons and unincorporated enterprises of households. The category can be shown either as net (B.3) or gross (B.3g), together with consumption of fixed capital. Employment covers all permanently employed persons according to the domestic concept and self-employed persons in agriculture and other household activities. Final consumption expenditure (P.3) is composed of aggregates individual consumption expenditure (P.31) and collective consumption expenditure (P.32). Individual consumption is composed of expenditure of households, non-profit institutions serving households and government. Individual government expenditure comprises payments for non-market government services (education, health, social care, culture, sport, etc.) and market goods and services (pharmaceutical and therapeutical products, concessions to private sector, health resort services, etc.). Collective government expenditure consists of expenditure on administrative, defence, economic, R&D and other non-market government services. Governemnt and NPISHs final consumption expenditures are calculated as the difference between the output value by cost method and sales. Gross capital formation is composed of gross fixed capital formation (P.51) and increase in stocks (P.52). Gross fixed capital formation consists of investments into new fixed assets, costs of transactions of existing fixed assets and of additions to the value of non-produced assets. Increase in stocks is calculated for work-in-progress and finished goods at producers, stocks of trade goods in stores, and stocks of raw material, spare parts, etc. at all market producers. At non-market producers costs of goods equal current purchase. In the analysis of expenditure structure of gross domestic product the aggregate increase in stocks contains a statistical error as a difference between the estimation of gross domestic product by production method and by expenditure method. Exports and imports of goods cover exports and imports of goods in connection with processing by gross principle. The export value of goods is calculated by FOB and the import value of goods has been reduced from CIF to FOB according to the data supplied by the Bank of Slovenia. Exports and imports of services are taken from the balance of payments according to the data and methodology of the Bank of Slovenia, except the value of investment work abroad, which has been until 1994 estimated from the data of construction statistics, and direct purchase of non-residents in Slovenia and residents abroad, which are statistical estimates. Recent methodological changes and completion in the balance of payments, which were published in 1996, were not taken into consideration in this Yearbook. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Development Questions No. 3/91, 5/92. Rapid Reports No. 86/92, 156/92, 136/93., 313/93, 180/94, 187/94, 152/ 95, 324/95, 296/96, 338/96, 138/97. Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 420 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.1 Izdatkovna struktura bruto domaËega proizvoda Gross domestic product by expenditure mio SIT 1990 % 1991 % 1992 % 1993 % TekoËe cene Current prices KonËna potroönja 138896 70,6 257870 73,8 768124 75,5 1141855 79,6 Final consumption Individualna potroönja 125095 63,6 228931 65,5 678574 66,7 1012510 70,6 Individual Gospodinjstva 102796 52,2 187778 53,7 548668 53,9 823459 57,4 Households Individualna potroönja drűave 20425 10,4 37469 10,7 117454 11,5 173261 12,1 Government NPISG 1874 1,0 3684 1,1 12452 1,2 15790 1,1 NPISH Kolektivna potroönja drűave 13801 7,0 28939 8,3 89550 8,8 129345 9,0 Collective Bruto investicije 33803 17,2 59093 16,9 179022 17,6 277632 19,3 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 36917 18,8 72016 20,6 189608 18,6 270237 18,8 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog -3114 -1,6 -12923 -3,7 -10586 -1,0 7395 0,5 Changes in inventories Izvoz proizvodov in storitev 178580 90,8 291877 83,5 642772 63,1 843148 58,8 Exports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 154388 78,5 258271 73,9 547553 53,8 692187 48,2 Goods (fob) Storitve 16774 8,5 21298 6,1 52617 5,2 87653 6,1 Services Turizem 7418 3,8 12308 3,5 42602 4,2 63308 4,4 Tourism Minus: uvoz proizvodov in storitev 154517 78,5 259432 74,2 571953 56,2 827540 57,7 Less: imports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 129650 65,9 223396 63,9 482054 47,4 707536 49,3 Goods (fob) Storitve 15256 7,8 26409 7,6 61550 6,0 80640 5,6 Services Turizem 9611 4,9 9627 2,8 28349 2,8 39364 2,7 Tourism BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 196762 100,0 349408 100,0 1017965 100,0 1435095 100,0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 KonËna potroönja 865293 73,2 792928 73,6 768124 75,5 857090 81,9 Final consumption Individualna potroönja 780297 66,0 703282 65,3 678574 66,7 763369 72,9 Individual Gospodinjstva 642535 54,4 570664 53,0 548668 53,9 627678 60,0 Households Individualna potroönja drűave 126350 10,7 121006 11,2 117454 11,5 124274 11,9 Government NPISG 11412 1,0 11612 1,1 12452 1,2 11417 1,1 NPISH Kolektivna potroönja drűave 84996 7,2 89646 8,3 89550 8,8 93721 9,0 Collective Bruto investicije 220354 18,6 185856 17,3 179022 17,6 215696 20,6 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 245905 20,8 217620 20,2 189608 18,6 209941 20,1 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog -25551 -2,2 -31764 -2,9 -10586 -1,0 5755 0,5 Changes in inventories Izvoz proizvodov in storitev 1052133 89,0 840168 78,0 642772 63,1 646543 61,8 Exports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 890871 75,4 742352 68,9 547553 53,8 530965 50,7 Goods (fob) Storitve 106772 9,0 59567 5,5 52617 5,2 67581 6,5 Services Turizem 54490 4,6 38249 3,6 42602 4,2 47997 4,6 Tourism Minus: uvoz proizvodov in storitev 955783 80,9 742154 68,9 571953 56,2 672419 64,2 Less: imports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 791864 67,0 638289 59,3 482054 47,4 580760 55,5 Goods (fob) Storitve 90583 7,7 73125 6,8 61550 6,0 61137 5,8 Services Turizem 73336 6,2 30740 2,9 28349 2,8 30522 2,9 Tourism BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 1181997 100,0 1076798 100,0 1017965 100,0 1046910 100,0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Letna stopnja rasti BDP (%) ... -8,90 -5,46 2,84 Annual growth rate of GDP (%) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 421 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.1 Izdatkovna struktura bruto domaËega proizvoda (nadaljevanje) Gross domestic product by expenditure (continued) mio SIT 1994 % 1995 % 1996 % TekoËe cene Current prices KonËna potroönja 1423778 76,8 1735127 78,1 1978154 77,5 Final consumption Individualna potroönja 1267010 68,4 1544111 69,5 1757172 68,8 Individual Gospodinjstva 1032419 55,7 1262623 56,8 1438302 56,3 Households Individualna potroönja drűave 217520 11,7 257135 11,6 293377 11,5 Government NPISG 17071 0,9 24353 1,1 25493 1,0 NPISH Kolektivna potroönja drűave 156768 8,5 191016 8,6 220982 8,7 Collective Bruto investicije 381301 20,6 514652 23,2 597333 23,4 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 365964 19,7 470891 21,2 573863 22,5 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog 15337 0,8 43761 2,0 23470 0,9 Changes in inventories Izvoz proizvodov in storitev 1091299 58,9 1203665 54,2 1385819 54,3 Exports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 878620 47,4 983979 44,3 1125682 44,1 Goods (fob) Storitve 114949 6,2 111303 5,0 120976 4,7 Services Turizem 97730 5,3 108383 4,9 139161 5,5 Tourism Minus: uvoz proizvodov in storitev 1043381 56,3 1231985 55,5 1408638 55,2 Less: imports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 899699 48,6 1076234 48,4 1225620 48,0 Goods (fob) Storitve 97779 5,3 104296 4,7 118688 4,6 Services Turizem 45903 2,5 51455 2,3 64330 2,5 Tourism BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 1852997 100,0 2221459 100,0 2552668 100,0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 KonËna potroönja 886084 80,4 952772 83,0 Final consumption Individualna potroönja 789595 71,6 851438 74,2 Individual Gospodinjstva 653266 59,2 711979 62,0 Households Individualna potroönja drűave 125991 11,4 126609 11,0 Government NPISG 10338 0,9 12850 1,1 NPISH Kolektivna potroönja drűave 96489 8,8 101334 8,8 Collective Bruto investicije 246403 22,3 303931 26,5 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 236158 21,4 276531 24,1 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog 10245 0,9 27400 2,4 Changes in inventories Izvoz proizvodov in storitev 714334 64,8 721450 62,8 Exports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 576509 52,3 591670 51,5 Goods (fob) Storitve 76336 6,9 68567 6,0 Services Turizem 61489 5,6 61213 5,3 Tourism Minus: uvoz proizvodov in storitev 744137 67,5 830180 72,3 Less: imports of goods and services Proizvodi (fob) 650994 59,0 737689 64,3 Goods (fob) Storitve 62823 5,7 61029 5,3 Services Turizem 30320 2,7 31462 2,7 Tourism BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 1102684 100,0 1147973 100,0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Letna stopnja rasti BDP (%) 5,33 4,11 Annual growth rate of GDP (%) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 422 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.2 Izdatki gospodinjstev za konËno potroönjo po namenu in vrstah proizvodov Households final consumption expenditure by purpose and by type mio SIT 1990 % 1991 % 1992 % TekoËe cene Current prices 01 Hrana in brezalkoholne pijaËe 21279 21,0 42081 21,9 130297 23,0 01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 02 Alkoholne pijaËe in tobak 3994 3,9 7875 4,1 26856 4,7 02 Alcoholci beverages and tobacco 03 Obleka in obutev 7862 7,7 12838 6,7 44979 7,9 03 Clothing and footwear 04 Stanarina, voda, energija 20958 20,7 41871 21,8 112548 19,8 04 Housing, water, fuels 05 Pohiötvo, gospodinjska oprema in vzdrűevanje 5441 5,4 10378 5,4 32465 5,7 05 Furnishings, household equip. and mainten. 06 Zdravstvo 1236 1,2 2009 1,0 7083 1,2 06 Health 07 Promet 15715 15,5 31689 16,5 78226 13,8 07 Transport 08 Komunikacije 946 0,9 3163 1,6 6049 1,1 08 Communication 09 Rekreacija in kultura 9534 9,4 16330 8,5 50847 9,0 09 Recreation and culture 10 Izobraűevanje 1675 1,7 3102 1,6 7722 1,4 10 Education 11 Hoteli in restavracije 7557 7,4 12116 6,3 43729 7,7 11 Hotels, cafes and restaurants 12 Raznovrstni proizvodi in storitve 5290 5,2 8422 4,4 26676 4,7 12 Miscellaneous goods and services IZDATKI GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO NA DOMA»EM TRGU 101487 100 191874 100 567477 100 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN THE DOMESTIC MARKET BY HOUSEHOLDS Trajni proizvodi 10277 10,1 20395 10,6 48095 8,5 Durable goods Poltrajni proizvodi 14118 13,9 23524 12,3 78228 13,8 Semi-durable goods Netrajni proizvodi 38676 38,1 79960 41,7 241851 42,6 Non-durable goods Storitve 38416 37,9 67995 35,4 199303 35,1 Services Plus: neposredni nakupi rezidenËnih gospodinjstev v tujini 8727 8,6 8212 4,3 23793 4,2 Plus: Direct purchases abroad by resident households Minus: neposredni nakupi nerezidenËnih gospodinjstev na domaËem trgu 7418 7,3 12308 6,4 42602 7,5 Less: Direct purchases in the domestic market by non-resident households IZDATKI REZIDEN»NIH GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO 102796 101,3 187778 97,9 548668 96,7 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF RESIDENT HOUSEHOLDS Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 01 Hrana in brezalkoholne pijaËe 131795 20,9 127894 21,9 130297 23,0 01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 02 Alkoholne pijaËe in tobak 26962 4,3 26886 4,6 26856 4,7 02 Alcoholci beverages and tobacco 03 Obleka in obutev 48153 7,6 47115 8,1 44979 7,9 03 Clothing and footwear 04 Stanarina, voda, energija 111406 17,7 112538 19,3 112548 19,8 04 Housing, water, fuels 05 Pohiötvo, gospodinjska oprema in vzdrűevanje 38769 6,1 37034 6,4 32465 5,7 05 Furnishings, household equip. and mainten. 06 Zdravstvo 8678 1,4 8038 1,4 7083 1,2 06 Health 07 Promet 105856 16,8 89430 15,3 78226 13,8 07 Transport 08 Komunikacije 5375 0,9 5665 1,0 6049 1,1 08 Communication 09 Rekreacijea in kultura 58601 9,3 48542 8,3 50847 9,0 09 Recreation and culture 10 Izobraűevanje 12150 1,9 11827 2,0 7722 1,4 10 Education 11 Hoteli in restavracije 51673 8,2 40773 7,0 43729 7,7 11 Hotels, cafes and restaurants 12 Raznovrstni proizvodi in storitve 31016 4,9 26949 4,6 26676 4,7 12 Miscellaneous goods and services IZDATKI GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO NA DOMA»EM TRGU 630434 100 582691 100 567477 100 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN THE DOMESTIC MARKET BY HOUSEHOLDS Trajni proizvodi 74592 11,8 64041 11,0 48095 8,5 Durable goods Poltrajni proizvodi 84421 13,4 81598 14,0 78228 13,8 Semi-durable goods Netrajni proizvodi 248591 39,4 238894 41,0 241851 42,6 Non-durable goods Storitve 222830 35,3 198158 34,0 199303 35,1 Services Plus: neposredni nakupi rezidenËnih gospodinjstev v tujini 66591 10,6 26222 4,5 23793 4,2 Plus: Direct purchases abroad by resident households Minus: neposredni nakupi nerezidenËnih gospodinjstev na domaËem trgu 54490 8,6 38249 6,6 42602 7,5 Less: Direct purchases in the domestic market by non-resident households IZDATKI REZIDEN»NIH GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO 642535 101,9 570664 97,9 548668 96,7 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF RESIDENT HOUSEHOLDS Letne stopnje rasti (%) ... -11,2 -3,9 Annual growth rate (%) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 423 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.2 Izdatki gospodinjstev za konËno potroönjo po namenu in vrstah proizvodov (nadaljevanje) Households final consumption expenditure by purpose and by type (continued) mio SIT 1993 % 1994 % 1995 % TekoËe cene Current prices 01 Hrana in brezalkoholne pijaËe 181073 21,2 233183 21,4 279583 21,1 01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 02 Alkoholne pijaËe in tobak 41319 4,8 60759 5,6 69607 5,2 02 Alcoholci beverages and tobacco 03 Obleka in obutev 63360 7,4 78671 7,2 92551 7,0 03 Clothing and footwear 04 Stanarina, voda, energija 148630 17,4 182741 16,7 228164 17,2 04 Housing, water, fuels 05 Pohiötvo, gospodinjska oprema in vzdrűevanje 51348 6,0 60401 5,5 72715 5,5 05 Furnishings, household equip. and mainten. 06 Zdravstvo 15864 1,9 20586 1,9 27042 2,0 06 Health 07 Promet 145439 17,0 180619 16,5 230931 17,4 07 Transport 08 Komunikacije 9558 1,1 13190 1,2 18426 1,4 08 Communication 09 Rekreacija in kultura 74700 8,7 101349 9,3 117753 8,9 09 Recreation and culture 10 Izobraűevanje 11429 1,3 15191 1,4 19310 1,5 10 Education 11 Hoteli in restavracije 63749 7,5 84331 7,7 101472 7,6 11 Hotels, cafes and restaurants 12 Raznovrstni proizvodi in storitve 47403 5,6 60615 5,6 69934 5,3 12 Miscellaneous goods and services IZDATKI GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO NA DOMA»EM TRGU 853872 100 1091636 100 1327488 100,0 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN THE DOMESTIC MARKET BY HOUSEHOLDS Trajni proizvodi 106002 12,4 126892 11,6 168592 12,7 Durable goods Poltrajni proizvodi 114362 13,4 144804 13,3 173654 13,1 Semi-durable goods Netrajni proizvodi 340903 39,9 441008 40,4 521300 39,3 Non-durable goods Storitve 292605 34,3 378932 34,7 463942 34,9 Services Plus: neposredni nakupi rezidenËnih gospodinjstev v tujini 32895 3,9 38513 3,5 43518 3,3 Plus: Direct purchases abroad by resident households Minus: neposredni nakupi nerezidenËnih gospodinjstev na domaËem trgu 63308 7,4 97730 9,0 108383 8,2 Less: Direct purchases in the domestic market by non-resident households IZDATKI REZIDEN»NIH GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO 823459 96,4 1032419 94,6 1262623 95,1 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF RESIDENT HOUSEHOLDS Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 01 Hrana in brezalkoholne pijaËe 146745 22,6 154758 22,4 163451 21,9 01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 02 Alkoholne pijaËe in tobak 30575 4,7 30583 4,4 30125 4,0 02 Alcoholci beverages and tobacco 03 Obleka in obutev 42478 6,5 46903 6,8 50737 6,8 03 Clothing and footwear 04 Stanarina, voda, energija 114277 17,6 116125 16,8 121159 16,2 04 Housing, water, fuels 05 Pohiötvo, gospodinjska oprema in vzdrűevanje 39215 6,0 41859 6,1 45446 6,1 05 Furnishings, household equip. and mainten. 06 Zdravstvo 11282 1,7 12163 1,8 13964 1,9 06 Health 07 Promet 114518 17,6 119996 17,4 145064 19,4 07 Transport 08 Komunikacije 6657 1,0 7301 1,1 8192 1,1 08 Communication 09 Rekreacijea in kultura 54039 8,3 64013 9,3 69132 9,3 09 Recreation and culture 10 Izobraűevanje 10476 1,6 11385 1,7 12182 1,6 10 Education 11 Hoteli in restavracije 44737 6,9 47538 6,9 49786 6,7 11 Hotels, cafes and restaurants 12 Raznovrstni proizvodi in storitve 35330 5,4 36849 5,3 37765 5,1 12 Miscellaneous goods and services IZDATKI GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO NA DOMA»EM TRGU 650329 100 689473 100 747003 100 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN THE DOMESTIC MARKET BY HOUSEHOLDS Trajni proizvodi 81451 12,5 84745 12,3 107309 14,4 Durable goods Poltrajni proizvodi 80151 12,3 88770 12,9 96215 12,9 Semi-durable goods Netrajni proizvodi 272733 41,9 288835 41,9 302085 40,4 Non-durable goods Storitve 215994 33,2 227123 32,9 241394 32,3 Services Plus: neposredni nakupi rezidenËnih gospodinjstev v tujini 25346 3,9 25282 3,7 26189 3,5 Plus: Direct purchases abroad by resident households Minus: neposredni nakupi nerezidenËnih gospodinjstev na domaËem trgu 47997 7,4 61489 8,9 61213 8,2 Less: Direct purchases in the domestic market by non-resident households IZDATKI REZIDEN»NIH GOSPODINJSTEV ZA KON»NO POTROäNJO 627678 96,5 653266 94,7 711979 95,3 FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF RESIDENT HOUSEHOLDS Letne stopnje rasti (%) 14,4 4,1 9,0 Annual growth rate (%) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 424 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.3 Drűavni izdatki za konËno potroönjo Government final consumption expenditure mio SIT 27.4 Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva Gross fixed capital formation mio SIT 1990 % 1991 % 1992 % TekoËe cene Current prices Drűavni izdatki za konËno potroönjo 34226 100,0 66408 100,0 207004 100,0 Government final consumption expenditures Kolektivna potroönja 13801 40,3 28939 43,6 89550 43,3 Collective Raziskovanje in razvoj 1020 3,0 1618 2,4 4603 2,2 Research and development Dejavnost javne uprave 12781 37,3 27321 41,1 84947 41,0 Administration, defence, etc. Individualna potroönja 20425 59,7 37469 56,4 117454 56,7 Individual Izobraűevanje 8985 26,3 16967 25,5 48385 23,4 Education Zdravstvo 9434 27,6 16836 25,4 60001 29,0 Health Socialno varstvo 912 2,7 1709 2,6 3970 1,9 Social services Druge individualne storitve 1094 3,2 1957 2,9 5098 2,5 Other individual services Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 Drűavni izdatki za konËno potroönjo 211346 100,0 210652 100,0 207004 100,0 Government final consumption expenditures Letne stopnje rasti (%) - -0,3 -1,7 Annual growth rate (%) Kolektivna potroönja 84996 40,2 89646 42,6 89550 43,3 Collective Raziskovanje in razvoj 6214 2,9 5092 2,4 4603 2,2 Research and development Dejavnost javne uprave 78782 37,3 84554 40,1 84947 41,0 Administration, defence, etc. Individualna potroönja 126350 59,8 121006 57,4 117454 56,7 Individual Izobraűevanje 52787 25,0 53668 25,5 48385 23,4 Education Zdravstvo 61339 29,0 55799 26,5 60001 29,0 Health Socialno varstvo 5535 2,6 5470 2,6 3970 1,9 Social services Druge individualne storitve 6689 3,2 6069 2,9 5098 2,5 Other individual services 1990 % 1991 % 1992 % TekoËe cene Current prices Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 36917 100,0 72016 100,0 189608 100,0 Gross fixed capital formation Gradbeni objekti in dela 20009 54,2 33526 46,6 92912 49,0 Buildings and construction works Stanovanjske zgradbe 7295 19,8 14103 19,6 40836 21,5 Residental buildings Druge zgradbe in objekti 12714 34,4 19423 27,0 52076 27,5 Other buildings and construction Oprema in stroji 15375 41,6 35033 48,6 86834 45,8 Producers' durable goods Transportna oprema 3715 10,1 6277 8,7 16458 8,7 Transport equipment Osebna vozila 2293 6,2 3435 4,8 9145 4,8 Personal cars Druga transportna oprema 1422 3,9 2842 3,9 7313 3,9 Other motor vehicles and equipment Drugi stroji in oprema 11660 31,6 28756 39,9 70376 37,1 Other machinery and equipment Osnovna Ëreda, dolgoletni nasadi 543 1,5 1247 1,7 4048 2,1 Breeding stocks and orchard development Nabave minus prodaje rabljenih Acquisitions less dispolsals of existing osnovnih sredstev 205 0,6 550 0,8 2005 1,1 tangible fixed assets Druge investicije 785 2,1 1660 2,3 3809 2,0 Other products Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 245905 100,0 217620 100,0 189608 100,0 Gross fixed capital formation Letne stopnje rasti (%) ... -11,5 -12,9 Annual growth rate (%) Gradbeni objekti in dela 123119 50,1 98341 45,2 92912 49,0 Buildings and construction works Stanovanjske zgradbe 49604 20,2 41262 19,0 40836 21,5 Residental buildings Druge zgradbe in objekti 73515 29,9 57079 26,2 52076 27,5 Other buildings and construction Oprema in stroji 112202 45,6 109434 50,3 86834 45,8 Producers' durable goods Transportna oprema 23727 9,6 19614 9,0 16458 8,7 Transport equipment Osebna vozila 13288 5,4 10428 4,8 9145 4,8 Personal cars Druga transportna oprema 10439 4,2 9186 4,2 7313 3,9 Other motor vehicles and equipment Drugi stroji in oprema 88475 36,0 89820 41,3 70376 37,1 Other machinery and equipment Osnovna Ëreda, dolgoletni nasadi 4286 1,7 3952 1,8 4048 2,1 Breeding stocks and orchard development Nabave minus prodaje rabljenih Acquisitions less dispolsals of existing osnovnih sredstev 1305 0,5 1467 0,7 2005 1,1 tangible fixed assets Druge investicije 4993 2,0 4426 2,0 3809 2,0 Other products Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 425 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.3 Drűavni izdatki za konËno potroönjo Government final consumption expenditure mio SIT 27.4 Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva Gross fixed capital formation mio SIT 1993 % 1994 % 1995 % TekoËe cene Current prices Drűavni izdatki za konËno potroönjo 302606 100,0 374288 100,0 448151 100,0 Government final consumption expenditures Kolektivna potroönja 129345 42,7 156768 41,9 191016 42,6 Collective Raziskovanje in razvoj 6085 2,0 8632 2,3 9542 2,1 Research and development Dejavnost javne uprave 123260 40,7 148136 39,6 181474 40,5 Administration, defence, etc. Individualna potroönja 173261 57,3 217520 58,1 257135 57,4 Individual Izobraűevanje 74202 24,5 90721 24,2 112944 25,2 Education Zdravstvo 85659 28,3 109568 29,3 122716 27,4 Health Socialno varstvo 6321 2,1 7735 2,1 9290 2,1 Social services Druge individualne storitve 7079 2,3 9496 2,5 12185 2,7 Other individual services Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 Drűavni izdatki za konËno potroönjo 217995 100,0 222480 100,0 227943 100,0 Government final consumption expenditures Letne stopnje rasti (%) 5,3 2,1 2,5 Annual growth rate (%) Kolektivna potroönja 93721 43,0 96489 43,4 101334 44,5 Collective Raziskovanje in razvoj 4378 2,0 4921 2,2 4618 2,0 Research and development Dejavnost javne uprave 89343 41,0 91568 41,2 96716 42,4 Administration, defence, etc. Individualna potroönja 124274 57,0 125991 56,6 126609 55,5 Individual Izobraűevanje 53018 24,3 52590 23,6 55115 24,2 Education Zdravstvo 61949 28,4 63470 28,5 60994 26,8 Health Socialno varstvo 4614 2,1 4581 2,1 4668 2,0 Social services Druge individualne storitve 4693 2,2 5350 2,4 5832 2,6 Other individual services 1993 % 1994 % 1995 % TekoËe cene Current prices Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 270237 100,0 365964 100,0 470891 100,0 Gross fixed capital formation Gradbeni objekti in dela 118011 43,7 157531 43,0 207341 44,0 Buildings and construction works Stanovanjske zgradbe 45931 17,0 57855 15,8 72913 15,5 Residental buildings Druge zgradbe in objekti 72080 26,7 99676 27,2 134428 28,5 Other buildings and construction Oprema in stroji 139253 51,5 192520 52,6 239751 50,9 Producers' durable goods Transportna oprema 34469 12,8 51128 14,0 66787 14,2 Transport equipment Osebna vozila 21367 7,9 30902 8,4 34407 7,3 Personal cars Druga transportna oprema 13102 4,8 20226 5,5 32380 6,9 Other motor vehicles and equipment Drugi stroji in oprema 104784 38,8 141392 38,6 172964 36,7 Other machinery and equipment Osnovna Ëreda, dolgoletni nasadi 3329 1,2 4444 1,2 6864 1,5 Breeding stocks and orchard development Nabave minus prodaje rabljenih Acquisitions less dispolsals of existing osnovnih sredstev 3327 1,2 4744 1,3 7196 1,5 tangible fixed assets Druge investicije 6317 2,3 6725 1,8 9739 2,1 Other products Stalne cene 1992 Constant prices 1992 Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 209941 100,0 236158 100,0 276531 100,0 Gross fixed capital formation Letne stopnje rasti (%) 10,7 12,5 17,1 Annual growth rate (%) Gradbeni objekti in dela 88544 42,2 88919 37,7 99296 35,9 Buildings and construction works Stanovanjske zgradbe 34978 16,7 31119 13,2 32479 11,7 Residental buildings Druge zgradbe in objekti 53566 25,5 57800 24,5 66817 24,2 Other buildings and construction Oprema in stroji 112079 53,4 137673 58,3 164857 59,6 Producers' durable goods Transportna oprema 27165 12,9 35471 15,0 44741 16,2 Transport equipment Osebna vozila 16641 7,9 21000 8,9 22635 8,2 Personal cars Druga transportna oprema 10524 5,0 14471 6,1 22106 8,0 Other motor vehicles and equipment Drugi stroji in oprema 84914 40,4 102202 43,3 120116 43,4 Other machinery and equipment Osnovna Ëreda, dolgoletni nasadi 2588 1,2 2914 1,2 3714 1,3 Breeding stocks and orchard development Nabave minus prodaje rabljenih Acquisitions less dispolsals of existing osnovnih sredstev 2288 1,1 2649 1,1 3408 1,2 tangible fixed assets Druge investicije 4442 2,1 4003 1,7 5256 1,9 Other products Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 426 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.5 Bruto domaËi proizvod in primarni dohodki Gross domestic product and primary incomes 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 TekoËe cene (Mio SIT) Current prices (Mio SIT) Sredstva za zaposlene 116978 220485 652814 861937 1074494 1271699 Compensation of employees PlaËe in prejemki 112533 192216 545185 718687 902040 1070010 Wages and salaries DelodajalËevi soc. prispevki 4445 28269 107629 143250 172454 201689 Employers' actual social cont. Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 28018 50415 150962 229385 306636 377964 Taxes on production and imports Uvozne dajatve 9733 12555 32550 51860 64717 78371 Import duties Davki na proizvode in storitve 18003 37339 116662 172965 234219 290463 Taxes on products Drugi davki na proizvodnjo 282 521 1750 4560 7700 9130 Other taxes on production Minus: subvencije 6369 9360 25139 29630 43123 48001 Minus: subsidies Bruto poslovni preseűek 42167 54664 139301 215616 316774 380932 Gross operating surplus Poraba stalnega kapitala 30877 62207 190336 222401 280387 330634 Consumption of fixed capital Neto poslovni preseűek 11290 -7543 -51035 -6785 36387 50298 Net operating surplus Bruto raznovrstni dohodek 15968 33204 100027 157787 198216 238865 Gross mixed income Poraba stalnega kapitala 2045 3966 12589 22977 33442 38576 Consumption of fixed capital Neto raznovrstni dohodek 13923 29238 87438 134810 164774 200289 Net mixed income BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 196762 349408 1017965 1435095 1852997 2221459 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Struktura (%) Structure (%) Sredstva za zaposlene 59,5 63,1 64,1 60,1 58,0 57,2 Compensation of employees PlaËe in prejemki 57,2 55,0 53,6 50,1 48,7 48,2 Wages and salaries DelodajalËevi soc. prispevki 2,3 8,1 10,6 10,0 9,3 9,1 Employers' actual soc.cont. Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 14,2 14,4 14,8 16,0 16,5 17,0 Taxes on production and imports Uvozne dajatve 4,9 3,6 3,2 3,6 3,5 3,5 Import duties Davki na proizvode in storitve 9,1 10,7 11,5 12,1 12,6 13,1 Taxes on products Drugi davki na proizvodnjo 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,4 Other taxes on production Minus: subvencije 3,2 2,7 2,5 2,1 2,3 2,2 Minus: subsidies Bruto poslovni preseűek 21,4 15,6 13,7 15,0 17,1 17,1 Gross operating surplus Poraba stalnega kapitala 15,7 17,8 18,7 15,5 15,1 14,9 Consumption of fixed capital Neto poslovni preseűek 5,7 -2,2 -5,0 -0,5 2,0 2,3 Net operating surplus Bruto raznovrstni dohodek 8,1 9,5 9,8 11,0 10,7 10,8 Gross mixed income Poraba stalnega kapitala 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,6 1,8 1,7 Consumption of fixed capital Neto raznovrstni dohodek 7,1 8,4 8,6 9,4 8,9 9,0 Net mixed income BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 100 100 100 100 100 100 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 427 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.6 Dodana vrednost po dejavnostih1) in bruto domaËi proizvod - tekoËe cene Value added by activities1) and gross domestic product - current prices 1) Do leta 1993 v stroökih faktorjev, 1994 in 1995 v osnovnih cenah. / Until 1993 at factor costs, 1994 and 1995 at basic prices 2) Do leta 1993 davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz. / Until 1993 taxes on production and imports 3) Do leta 1993 subvencije na proizvodnjo. / Until 1993 subsidies on production 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mio SIT A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 9806 17909 52634 64492 73150 87115 98260 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 50 91 246 224 239 387 439 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 2007 4563 17618 14681 23702 26044 26254 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 58756 108249 288613 371638 486015 547733 620839 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo 5010 13101 20171 34553 50954 57801 65032 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 8529 12823 38698 58858 76423 96895 123827 F Construction G Trgovina in popravila mot. vozil 20483 30839 95791 139346 190893 227814 257273 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair H Gostinstvo 4009 6280 22671 36509 48410 57240 68467 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 15324 25001 66489 97909 121401 145893 169275 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 5818 12372 32043 49839 53460 77082 93181 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 18106 30388 95260 133606 181983 226457 263568 K Real estate, renting snd business activities L Javna uprava, obramba; obvezno soc. zav. 6413 11111 40405 61768 82328 102937 118746 L Public administration and defence; com.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 8394 14943 45017 67905 87103 108182 123881 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo 8287 13639 48148 63914 83398 100532 118454 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 7178 13920 44924 65338 58449 66146 77431 O Other community, social and personal service activities Skupaj panoge dejavnosti 178170 315229 908728 1260580 1617908 1928258 2224927 Total of branches Osnovna ind. podroËja (od A do F) 84158 156736 417980 544446 710483 815975 934651 Basic industries (from A to F) Storitvene dejavnosti (od G do O) 94012 158493 490748 716134 907425 1112283 1290276 Service activities (from G to O) Trűne storitve 69928 116169 350742 509547 642456 786914 915713 Market Netrűne storitve 24084 42324 140006 206587 264969 325369 374563 Non-market Inputirane banËne storitve -3057 -6876 -16586 -25240 -32955 -43947 -55127 FISIM Skupaj dodana vrednosti, osn. cene 175113 308353 892142 1235340 1584953 1884311 2169800 Total value added (basic prices) Davki na proizvode2) 28018 50415 150962 229385 298936 368834 418577 Taxes on products2) Minus: subvencije po proizvodih3) 6369 9360 25139 29630 30892 31686 35709 Less: subsidies on products3) BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 196762 349408 1017965 1435095 1852997 2221459 2552668 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Struktura (%) Structure (%) A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 5,0 5,1 5,2 4,5 3,9 3,9 3,8 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 1,0 1,3 1,7 1,0 1,3 1,2 1,0 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 29,9 31,0 28,4 25,9 26,2 24,7 24,3 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo 2,5 3,7 2,0 2,4 2,7 2,6 2,5 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 4,3 3,7 3,8 4,1 4,1 4,4 4,9 F Construction G Trgovina in popravila mot. vozil 10,4 8,8 9,4 9,7 10,3 10,3 10,1 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair H Gostinstvo 2,0 1,8 2,2 2,5 2,6 2,6 2,7 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 7,8 7,2 6,5 6,8 6,6 6,6 6,6 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 3,0 3,5 3,1 3,5 2,9 3,5 3,7 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 9,2 8,7 9,4 9,3 9,8 10,2 10,3 K Real estate, renting snd business activities L Javna uprava, obramba, obvezno soc. zav. 3,3 3,2 4,0 4,3 4,4 4,6 4,7 L Public administration and defence; com.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 4,3 4,3 4,4 4,7 4,7 4,9 4,9 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo 4,2 3,9 4,7 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,6 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 3,6 4,0 4,4 4,6 3,2 3,0 3,0 O Other community, social and personal service activities Skupaj panoge dejavnosti 90,6 90,2 89,3 87,8 87,3 86,8 87,2 Total of branches Osnovna ind. podroËja (od A do F) 42,8 44,9 41,1 37,9 38,3 36,7 36,6 Basic industries (from A to F) Storitvene dejavnosti (od G do O) 47,8 45,4 48,2 49,9 49,0 50,1 50,5 Service activities (from G to O) Trűne storitve 35,5 33,2 34,5 35,5 34,7 35,4 35,9 Market Netrűne storitve 12,2 12,1 13,8 14,4 14,3 14,6 14,7 Non-market Inputirane banËne storitve -1,6 -2,0 -1,6 -1,8 -1,8 -2,0 -2,2 FISIM Skupaj dodana vrednosti, osn. cene 89,0 88,3 87,6 86,1 85,5 84,8 85,0 Total value added (basic prices) Davki na proizvode2) 14,2 14,4 14,8 16,0 16,1 16,6 16,4 Taxes on products2) Minus: subvencije po proizvodih3) 3,2 2,7 2,5 2,1 1,7 1,4 1,4 Less: subsidies on products3) BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 428 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.7 Dodana vrednost po dejavnostih in bruto domaËi proizvod - stalne cene 1992 Value added by activities and gross domestic product - constant prices 1992 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mio SIT A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 57724 56351 52634 50501 52639 53468 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 361 304 246 155 163 153 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 19998 17618 17618 15803 14997 15132 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 380782 334203 288613 282760 303472 310933 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo 21486 21663 20171 19737 20893 20945 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 46283 41010 38698 35491 35635 38906 F Construction G Trgovina in popravila mot. vozil 110718 99667 95791 104211 109044 116394 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair H Gostinstvo 28108 21138 22671 22972 24315 25159 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 84907 70336 66489 65497 69631 73736 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 34400 33395 32043 33166 34461 35662 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 90113 91497 95260 101019 105607 108863 K Real estate, renting snd business activities L Javna uprava, obramba; obvezno soc. zav. 35223 35338 40405 43993 45426 46828 L Public administration and defence; com.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 44571 45723 45017 46110 45070 46347 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo 49606 46321 48148 51272 54217 55332 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 41898 43516 44924 45839 48460 49499 O Other community, social and personal service activities Skupaj panoge dejavnosti 1046178 958080 908728 918526 964030 997357 Total of branches Osnovna ind. podroËja (od A do F) 526634 471149 417980 404447 427799 439537 Basic industries (from A to F) Storitvene dejavnosti (od G do O) 519544 486931 490748 514079 536231 557820 Service activities (from G to O) Trűne storitve 387999 353236 350742 369542 391456 410835 Market Netrűne storitve 131545 133695 140006 144537 144775 146985 Non-market Inputirane banËne storitve -18583 -17882 -16586 -16555 -16330 -16250 FISIM Skupaj dodana vrednosti, fak.cene 1027595 940198 892142 901971 947700 981107 Total value added (factor cost) Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 187247 164679 150962 170537 182469 195497 Taxes on production and imports Minus: subvencije 32845 28079 25139 25598 27485 28631 Less: subsidies BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 1181997 1076798 1017965 1046910 1102684 1147973 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Letne stopnje rasti (%) Annual growth rates (%) A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo ... -2,4 -6,6 -4,1 4,2 1,6 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo ... -15,8 -19,1 -37,0 5,2 -6,1 B Fishing C Rudarstvo ... -11,9 0,0 -10,3 -5,1 0,9 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti ... -12,2 -13,6 -2,0 7,3 2,5 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo ... 0,8 -6,9 -2,2 5,9 0,2 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo ... -11,4 -5,6 -8,3 0,4 9,2 F Construction G Trgovina in popravila mot. vozil ... -10,0 -3,9 8,8 4,6 6,7 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair H Gostinstvo ... -24,8 7,3 1,3 5,8 3,5 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze ... -17,2 -5,5 -1,5 6,3 5,9 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo ... -2,9 -4,0 3,5 3,9 3,5 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve ... 1,5 4,1 6,0 4,5 3,1 K Real estate, renting snd business activities L Javna uprava, obramba; obvezno soc. zav. ... 0,3 14,3 8,9 3,3 3,1 L Public administration and defence; com.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje ... 2,6 -1,5 2,4 -2,3 2,8 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo ... -6,6 3,9 6,5 5,7 2,1 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve ... 3,9 3,2 2,0 5,7 2,1 O Other community, social and personal services Skupaj panoge dejavnosti ... -8,4 -5,2 1,1 5,0 3,5 Total of branches Osnovna ind. podroËja (od A do F) ... -10,5 -11,3 -3,2 5,8 2,7 Basic industries (from A to F) Storitvene dejavnosti (od G do O) ... -6,3 0,8 4,8 4,3 4,0 Service activities (from G to O) Trűne storitve ... -9,0 -0,7 5,4 5,9 5,0 Market Netrűne storitve ... 1,6 4,7 3,2 0,2 1,5 Non-market Inputirane banËne storitve ... -3,8 -7,2 -0,2 -1,4 -0,5 FISIM Skupaj dodana vrednosti, osn.cene ... -8,5 -5,1 1,1 5,1 3,5 Total value added (basic prices) Davki na proizvode ... -12,1 -8,3 13,0 7,0 7,1 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije po proizvodih ... -14,5 -10,5 1,8 7,4 4,2 Less: subsidies on products BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD ... -8,9 -5,5 2,8 5,3 4,1 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 429 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.8 RaËun proizvodnje in oblikovanja dohodkov, 1994 Production and generation of income account, 1994 mio SIT Proiz- vodnja Vmesna poraba Dodana vrednost Sredstva za zaposlene Drugi davki na proiz- vodnjo Minus: druge subvencije Bruto poslov. pres./ raznov. dohodek Poraba stalnega kapitala Neto poslov. pres./ raznov. dohodek Output Intermedi- ate con- sumption Value added Compen- sation of employ- ees Other taxes on production Less: other sub- sidies on production Gross oper. sur- plus/ mixed income Consump- tion of fixed capi- tal Net oper. surplus/ mixed income TekoËe cene Current prices A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 211476 138326 73150 11278 135 570 62307 10854 51453 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 642 403 239 212 6 50 71 88 -17 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 41446 17744 23702 20728 66 1219 4128 3506 622 C Minig and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 1523561 1037546 486015 358167 1784 3681 129745 98508 31237 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, paro in vodo 126250 75296 50954 25762 340 28 24879 23808 1071 E Electricity, gas, steam and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 267323 190900 76423 50651 280 128 25620 9137 16484 F Construction Skupaj osnovna industrijska podroËja 2170698 1460215 710483 466798 2611 5676 246750 145901 100849 Total G Trgovina in popravila motornih vozil 406019 215126 190893 135747 982 1502 55666 29029 26637 G Wholesale and retail trade, motor vehicle repair H Gostinstvo 106559 58149 48410 28082 104 131 20355 8233 12122 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 262746 141345 121401 71341 554 332 49839 27443 22396 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 85262 31801 53460 33975 234 0 19251 6455 12796 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 358741 176758 181983 60118 1692 1952 122125 75412 46713 K Real estate, renting and business activities Stanovanjska dejavnost 122800 26311 96489 810 1146 0 94533 61154 33379 Gross rent Druge dejavnosti 235941 150447 85494 59308 546 1952 27592 14258 13334 Other activities L Javna uprava, obramba, obvezno socialno zav. 169482 87154 82328 79861 426 0 2041 2041 0 L Public administration and compulsory soc. sec. M Izobraűevanje 115898 28796 87103 81070 454 557 6135 5978 157 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 133389 49991 83398 75986 424 1559 8547 6720 1827 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 111187 52738 58449 41517 219 522 17235 6617 10618 O Other community, social and personal services Skupaj storitvene dejavnosti 1749283 841858 907425 607696 5089 6555 301195 167928 133267 Total Skupaj panoge dejavnosti 3919981 2302073 1617908 1074494 7700 12231 547945 313829 234116 Total of branches S.11 NefinanËne druűbe 2729460 1756843 972618 759364 4960 12231 220525 197359 23165 S.11 Non-financial corporations S.12 FinanËne druűbe 85262 31801 53460 33975 234 0 19251 6455 12796 S.12 Financial corporations S.13 Drűava 417085 162600 254485 238628 1360 0 14497 14497 0 S.13 General government S.14 Gospodinjstva 655013 328152 326861 32965 1146 0 292750 94596 198154 S.14 Households S.15 NPISG 33161 22677 10484 9562 0 0 922 922 0 S.15 NPISHs Inputirane banËne storitve 32955 -32955 -32955 -32955 FISIM Skupaj dodana vrednost (osnovne cene) 3919981 2335028 1584953 1074494 7700 12231 514990 313829 201161 Total value added (basic prices) Davki po proizvodih in storitvah 298936 298936 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije po proizvodih in storitvah 30892 30892 Less: subsidies on products SKUPAJ (cene kupcev) 4188025 2335028 1852997 TOTAL (purchaser's prices) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 430 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.9 RaËun proizvodnje in oblikovanja dohodkov, 1995 Production and generation of income account, 1995 mio SIT Proiz- vodnja Vmesna poraba Dodana vrednost Sredstva za zaposlene Drugi davki na proiz- vodnjo Minus: druge subvencije Bruto poslov. pres./ raznov. dohodek Poraba stalnega kapitala Neto poslov. pres./ raznov. dohodek Output Intermedi- ate con- sumption Value added Compen- sation of employ- ees Other taxes on production Less: other sub- sidies on production Gross oper. sur- plus/ mixed income Consump- tion of fixed capi- tal Net oper. surplus/ mixed income TekoËe cene Current prices A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 230586 143471 87115 12339 122 184 74837 12664 62174 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 703 316 387 233 1 0 153 79 74 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 47785 21741 26044 23283 73 2305 4993 4098 896 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 1751725 1203992 547733 408369 1876 4255 141743 113647 28095 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, paro in vodo 147771 89970 57801 29515 665 0 27621 22643 4978 E Electricity, gas, steam and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 331202 234307 96895 61255 277 331 35695 11225 24470 F Construction Skupaj osnovna industrijska podroËja 2509772 1693797 815975 534994 3014 7075 285042 164355 120687 Total G Trgovina in popravila motornih vozil 482902 255088 227814 158398 1161 1711 69966 33339 36626 G Wholesale and retail trade, motor vehicle repair H Gostinstvo 125026 67786 57240 33796 102 681 24023 9228 14795 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 312252 166359 145893 82017 429 1982 65429 35495 29934 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 120840 43758 77082 49275 199 104 27712 10348 17364 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 427025 200568 226457 72058 2536 2021 153884 91375 62509 K Real estate, renting and business activities Stanovanjska dejavnost 149676 33670 116006 1028 1966 0 113012 73949 39063 Gross rent Druge dejavnosti 277349 166898 110451 71030 570 2021 38851 17426 21425 Other activities L Javna uprava, obramba, obvezno socialno zav. 205631 102694 102937 99839 478 0 2620 2620 0 L Public administration and defence; compulsory soc. sec. M Izobraűevanje 144436 36254 108182 100442 506 16 7249 7161 88 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo 158294 57762 100532 91809 477 2049 10295 7738 2557 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 131166 65019 66147 49071 228 676 17524 7551 9973 O Other community, social and personal services Skupaj storitvene dejavnosti 2107572 995289 1112283 736705 6116 9240 378702 204855 173848 Total Skupaj panoge dejavnosti 4617344 2689085 1928258 1271699 9130 16315 663745 369210 294535 Total of branches S.11 NefinanËne druűbe 3151158 2028461 1122697 867827 5431 16211 265650 227815 37835 S.11 Non-financial corporations S.12 FinanËne druűbe 120809 43747 77062 49273 199 104 27694 10347 17347 S.12 Financial corporations S.13 Drűava 503913 191581 312332 293437 1534 0 17361 17361 0 S.13 General government S.14 Gospodinjstva 799361 396231 403130 49287 1966 0 351877 112524 239353 S.14 Households S.15 NPISG 42103 29065 13037 11875 0 0 1163 1163 0 S.15 NPISHs Inputirane banËne storitve 43947 -43947 -43947 -43947 FISIM Skupaj dodana vrednost (osnovne cene) 4617344 2733032 1884311 1271699 9130 16315 619798 369210 250588 Total value added (basic values) Davki po proizvodih in storitvah 368834 368834 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije po proizvodih in storitvah 31686 31686 Less. subsidies on products SKUPAJ (cene kupcev) 4954492 2733032 2221459 TOTAL (purchaser's prices) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 431 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.10 Proizvodnja, vmesna poraba, dodana vrednost, bruto domaËi proizvod in zaposlenost 1980-1996 Output, intermediate consumption, value added, gross domestic product and employment 1980-1996 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1000 din TekoËe cene Current prices Proizvodnja 67603 92688 118708 167644 272000 510436 1023454 2320447 6940559 Output Vmesna poraba 44460 61796 78290 116821 191548 349767 667592 1474919 4482952 Intermediate consumption Dodana vrednost 23143 30892 40418 50823 80452 160669 355862 845528 2457607 Value added Neto davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 2202 3324 3860 6850 9974 17176 33573 63688 251810 Net taxes on production and on imp. BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 25345 34216 44278 57673 90426 177845 389435 909216 2709417 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Mio USD 10277 9782 8806 6215 5912 6583 10273 12339 10737 Mio USD Per capita, USD 5405 5101 4575 3215 3043 3336 5187 6202 5369 Per capita, USD ZAPOSLENOST (1000) 899,5 902,5 906,7 912,0 927,6 945,7 962,5 969,7 965,5 EMPLOYMENT (1000) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 mio din mio SIT TekoËe cene Current prices Proizvodnja 86125 417912 803634 2241281 3034194 3919981 4617344 5311403 Output Vmesna poraba 54224 242799 495281 1349139 1798854 2335028 2733032 3141603 Intermediate consumption Dodana vrednost 31901 175113 308353 892142 1235340 1584953 1884312 2169800 Value added Neto davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 3044 21649 41055 125823 199755 268044 337147 382868 Net taxes on production and on imp. BRUTO DOMA»I PROIZVOD 34945 196762 349408 1017965 1435095 1852997 2221459 2552668 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Mio USD 12112 17382 12673 12523 12673 14386 18744 18858 Mio USD Per capita, USD 6058 8699 6331 6275 6366 7233 9431 9471 Per capita, USD ZAPOSLENOST (1000) 955,7 918,0 871,5 835,7 820,5 822,9 830,0 ... EMPLOYMENT (1000) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 432 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 27.11 Zaposlenost po dejavnostih Employment by activities 1000 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 89,5 87,2 85,1 82,8 81,3 82,3 81,4 79,7 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 13,3 13,3 13,5 14,2 14,5 13,6 14,0 14,7 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 363,3 364,6 367,2 374,7 383,7 390,5 400,6 403,5 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo 11,0 11,4 12,0 11,9 11,6 11,6 12,7 12,3 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 82,4 79,8 76,4 74,0 76,2 76,1 74,7 74,0 F Construction G Trgovina in popravila mot. vozil 91,1 91,3 90,9 90,9 91,2 92,2 94,7 95,0 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair H Gostinstvo 26,3 26,3 27,6 27,4 28,1 28,7 29,8 30,3 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 58,1 59,9 61,3 62,5 62,7 64,7 65,6 66,8 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 15,1 15,1 15,0 15,0 15,6 16,8 17,7 17,9 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 18,8 19,6 20,1 20,7 22,1 24,9 24,5 26,3 K Real estate, renting snd business activities L Javna uprava, obramba; obvezno soc. zav. 25,2 25,9 26,5 25,2 25,9 26,7 26,3 26,3 L Public administration and defence; com.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 42,9 43,4 44,7 45,2 46,0 46,9 47,4 48,4 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo 34,8 35,7 36,3 37,4 38,5 39,7 41,1 42,6 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 27,5 28,7 29,8 29,8 29,9 30,7 31,8 31,5 O Other community, social and personal service activities SKUPAJ 899,5 902,5 906,7 912,0 927,6 945,7 962,5 969,7 TOTAL Osnovna ind. podroËja (od A do F) 559,7 556,5 554,6 557,9 567,6 574,4 583,6 584,6 Basic industries (from A to F) Storitvene dejavnosti (od G do O) 339,8 346,0 352,1 354,1 360,0 371,2 378,9 385,1 Service activities (from G to O) 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 80,5 79,0 74,8 72,7 64,8 61,7 56,5 52,6 A Agriculture, hunting, forestry B Ribiötvo 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 B Fishing C Rudarstvo 14,1 13,7 11,2 11,0 10,4 9,4 11,2 11,2 C Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 400,8 394,2 372,6 343,9 323,1 300,3 284,4 280,2 D Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo 12,8 12,2 12,7 12,5 11,8 12,6 13,7 14,1 E Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeniötvo 71,3 69,0 59,4 55,6 48,3 44,6 49,8 52,0 F Construction G Trgovina in popravila mot. vozil 96,0 98,8 102,4 92,1 89,3 99,2 105,3 107,7 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair H Gostinstvo 29,9 29,5 28,2 27,9 26,9 27,9 34,1 34,6 H Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiöËenje in zveze 65,3 64,0 61,9 58,8 57,2 51,9 50,3 51,1 I Transport, storage, communications J FinanËno posredniötvo 18,2 18,4 17,2 16,7 16,0 16,5 17,3 18,0 J Financial intermediation K NepremiËnine, najem in poslovne storitve 26,0 25,8 29,1 28,9 31,4 38,7 42,4 45,2 K Real estate, renting snd business activities L Javna uprava, obramba; obvezno soc. zav. 26,6 27,0 25,8 30,7 36,9 39,9 41,5 42,8 L Public administration and defence; com.soc.sec. M Izobraűevanje 49,0 48,1 47,9 47,5 46,1 46,7 46,7 47,9 M Education N Zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo 43,2 43,8 44,8 42,2 41,2 41,4 41,9 42,9 N Health and social work O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve 31,2 31,9 29,7 30,5 32,2 29,4 27,4 29,2 O Other community, social and personal service activities SKUPAJ 965,5 955,7 918,0 871,5 835,7 820,5 822,9 830,0 TOTAL Osnovna ind. podroËja (od A do F) 580,0 568,4 531,1 496,1 458,6 428,9 416,0 410,6 Basic industries (from A to F) Storitvene dejavnosti (od G do O) 385,5 387,3 386,9 375,4 377,1 391,6 406,9 419,4 Service activities (from G to O) Bruto domaËi proizvod Gross domestic product 433 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 434 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28. INVESTICIJE GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION (GROSS INVESTMENT) VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Viri za prikazane podatke o investicijah so: - Letno poroËilo o investicijah v osnovna sredstva (INV-01) (izvaja StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije), s katerim se zajemajo pravne osebe (podjetja in ostale organizacije) s sedeűem na obmoËju Slovenije in - ocene investicij fiziËnih oseb (ostali zasebni sektor), ki temeljijo na rezultatih rednih statistiËnih raziskovanj StatistiËnega urada. ZAJETJE StatistiËni urad zbira podatke o investicijah űe od leta 1966 neposredno pri investitorjih. Do leta 1992 smo zbirali podatke o investicijah samo pri podjetjih in ostalih organizacijah v druűbeni, meöani in zadruűni lasti (INV-01). Za leto 1992 smo uvedli öe dodatno raziskavo Letno poroËilo o investicijah v osnovna sredstva za podjetja v zasebni lasti (INV-03). Glede na spremembe v sistemu lastniötva podjetij smo za leto 1995 obe raziskavi nadomestili z enotnim Letnim poroËilom o investicijah StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije. S tem poroËilom zbiramo podatke o investicijah pri vseh enotah, ki so pravne osebe in imajo veË kot 10 zaposlenih. Ocene investicij enot zasebnega sektorja, ki niso pravne osebe, temeljijo predvsem na posameznih statistiËnih raziskavah naslednjih podroËij: gradbeniötva, kmetijstva, trgovine in transporta. Upoötevani so obrtniki, kmetje, samostojni raziskovalci in odvetniki. Med gradbenimi deli je upoötevana tudi stanovanjska gradnja obËanov. V tabeli 28.1 so prikazane ustvarjene investicije pravnih oseb v druűbeni in zasebni lasti (vkljuËno od leta 1992 dalje) in v zasebnem sektorju (fiziËne osebe). V izraËunu investicij za leta 1993, 1994 in 1995 v skladu z metodologijo SNA niso upoötevane investicije v rabljena osnovna sredstva, razen uvoűenih. V drugih tabelah prikazujemo podatki o investicijah za podjetja ter druge organizacije, ki so rezultat raziskave INV-01 (zajema le pravne osebe, ki so bile pred lastninskimi spremembami v druűbeni, zadruűni ali meöani lasti). V podatke za leto 1995 so vkljuËena tudi zasebna podjetja. Podatki so prikazani po dveh naËelih: po organizacijskem naËelu, to je po preteűni dejavnosti in sedeűu investitorja ter po naËelu Ëistih dejavnosti, to je po dejavnosti in lokaciji obratov oziroma enot, ki so jim investicije namenjene. V tem StatistiËnem letopisu objavljamo podatke o investicijah po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti in Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti. Tabele 28.2 do 28.6 prikazujejo: - izplaËila investicij podjetij in drugih organizacij glede na vrsto glavne dejavnosti investitorja (EKD in SKD) in vrsto vira financiranja (tabeli 28.2 in 28.3) - ustvarjene investicije podjetij in drugih organizacij glede na vrsto glavne dejavnosti investitorja (EKD) in glede na dejavnost, ki jim je investicijski proizvod (oziroma storitev) namenjen (tabela 28.4) - ustvarjene investicije podjetij in drugih organizacij glede na vrsto glavne dejavnosti investitorja (EKD in SKD) ter glede na tehniËno strukturo in namen investicij. (tabeli 28.5 in 28.6) DEFINICIJE Proizvodne dejavnosti so po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti naslednja podroËja: industrija in rudarstvo, kmetijstvo in ribiötvo, gozdarstvo, vodno gospodarstvo, gradbeniötvo, promet in zveze, trgovina ter gostinstvo in turizem. V naslednjih podroËjih so proizvodne samo nekatere dejavnosti: s podroËja obrt in osebne storitve samo panoga obrtne storitve in popravila; v podroËju stanovanjsko-komunalne dejavnosti samo panoga komunalne dejavnosti, vendar brez skupin vzdrűevanje ËistoËe naselij in druge komunalne dejavnosti; v podroËju finance in druge poslovne storitve samo panoge storitve na podroËju prometa, projektiranje in druge dejavnosti, geoloöko raziskovanje, raziskovalno razvojne storitve in poslovne storitve; v podroËju izobraűevanje in kultura samo skupini Ëasopisno-zaloűniöka dejavnost in kinematografija, vendar slednja brez podskupine predvajanje filmov; v podroËju zdravstveno in socialno varstvo pa samo lekarne ter poklicna rehabilitacija in zaposlovanje invalidov. Po letu 1977 smo vkljuËili v proizvodne dejavnosti öe panogo urejanje naselja in prostora. Neproizvodne dejavnosti so vse druge dejavnosti v Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on gross fixed capital formation are the result of: - the Annual Report on Gross Fixed Capital Formation (INV-01) for legal entities (enterprises and other organisations) collected by the Statistical Office on the territory of Slovenia, and - the estimation of gross fixed capital formation in the private sector (physical persons) based on the results of regular statistical surveys carried out by the Statistical Office. COVERAGE The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia has been collecting data on gross fixed capital formation since 1966 directly from investors. Until 1992 we have been collecting data on gross fixed capital formation only for enterprises and other organisations in social, mixed and co-operative ownership (INV-01). In 1992 we introduced another survey, i.e. Annual Report on Gross Fixed Capital Formation for Privately Owned Enterprises (INV-03). But since the process of ownership transformation of enterprises is coming to an end, in 1995 we combined both reports into one unified Annual Report on Gross Fixed Capital Formation of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. With this report we collect data on gross fixed capital formation for enterprises with more than 10 persons in paid employment and for other organisations. Estimation of gross fixed capital formation in the private sector is based mainly on statistical surveys from the following fields: construction, agriculture, trade and transport. Private sector includes craftsmen, farmers, independent researchers and lawyers. Construction works include also own construction of dwellings. Table 28.1 shows gross fixed capital formation of legal entities in social and private ownership (since 1992) and in the private sector (physical persons). Gross fixed capital formation for 1993, 1994 and 1995 was calculated by the SNA methodology, which does not take into consideration gross fixed capital formation for used fixed assets except imported. Other tables show data for enterprises and other organisations as the result of the survey INV-01. Data for 1995 include also private enterprises. Data are shown according to two principles: by the organisation principle, i.e. by main activity and location of the investor, and by the activity principle, i.e. by activity and location of operating units for which investment is in fact intended. In this Statistical Yearbook we publish data on gross fixed capital formation according to the National Classification of Activities and the Standard Classification of Activities. Tables 28.2 to 28.6 show: - Financing of gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations according to main activities (National Classification of Activities - NCA and Standard Classification of Activities - SCA) and financial sources of investor (Tables 28.2 and 28.3) - Gross fixed capital formaton of enterprises and other organisations according to main activities of investor (NCA) and according to activity principle (Table 28.4) - Gross fixed capital formaton of enterprises and other organisations according to main activities of investor (NCA and SCA), tehnical structure and purpose of gross investment (Tables 28.5 and 28.6). DEFINITIONS Production activities according to the National Classification of Activities are: manufacturing, mining and quarrying, agriculture and fishing, forestry and hunting, water management, construction, transport and communications, trade, and hotels, restaurants and travel agencies. Only some activities of the following fields are production activities: from the field of crafts and personal service activities only the branch crafts and repairs; from the field of community service activities only the branch municipal activities without groups maintaining the cleanliness of settlements and other municipal activities; from the field financial and other business services only the branch services from the field of transport, project management and other activities, geologic research, R&D services and business services; from the field education and culture only the groups publishing and printing, and cinematography, the latter without the subgroup activities of cinemas; and from the field health and social work only pharmacies and occupational rehabilitation and employment of the disabled. After 1977 we included in production activities the branch management of settlements and environment. Non-production activities are all other activities in the National Classification of Activities. Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 435 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Investicije obsegajo nakupe, lastno izgradnjo in finanËni lizing osnovnih sredstev, ne zajemajo pa porabljenih sredstev za investicijsko in redno vzdrűevanje obstojeËih objektov; IzplaËila za investicije so prikazana za obdobje, v katerem so bila dejansko izplaËana ne glede na Ëas zgraditve ali nabave. Ustvarjene investicije zajemajo investicije ob njihovi dejanski uresniËitvi ne glede na izplaËilo. Investicije v nove zmogljivosti so vlaganja v graditev novih samostojnih organizacij, obratov, prometnih poti, ki jih prej ni bilo ali pa so imeli drugaËen namen kot na novo zgrajeni. Investicije za razöiritev, rekonstrukcijo in posodobitev so vlaganja v obstojeËe zmogljivosti zaradi poveËanega obsega proizvodnje ali storitev ali zaradi spremembe tehnologije in tehnike proizvodnje; zajemajo tudi preureditev űe obstojeËih objektov, opreme in naprav in tudi graditev ali nabavo novih osnovnih sredstev v sklopu űe obstojeËe organizacijsko samostojne delovne enote. Investicije za vzdrűevanje obstojeËih zmogljivosti na enaki ravni so vlaganja zaradi zamenjave, intenzifikacije in racionalizacije proizvodnje, ne da bi öirili razpoloűljive zmogljivosti ali bistveno spreminjali sedanjo tehnologijo ali tehniko proizvodnje. Za gradbena dela ötejemo tudi vrednost opreme, ki je vgrajena v gradbene objekte, pri opremi pa so zajeti tudi stroöki montaűe, transporta in zavarovanja. Oprema z montaűo vsebuje naloűbe v energetske stroje in naprave, delovne stroje in naprave, prometna sredstva, pisarniöko opremo in stroje za obdelavo podatkov, notranjo opremo ter drugo opremo. Pod drugo spadajo vlaganja v ötudije, projekte, programsko opremo, investicijske elaborate, odkupe patentov in licenc, pogozdovanje, osnovno Ëredo, odkup zemljiöË in podobno. Opomba: V nekaterih tabelah vsota v vrsticah oz. stolpcih zaradi zaokroűevanja na tisoË din oz. SIT in mio SIT ne ustreza skupni vrednosti. STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE Metodoloöko gradivo, 1974, öt. 2; 1976, öt. 2; 1977, öt. 5, 9; 1978, öt. 3; 1979, öt. 4; 1980, öt. 2; 1981, öt. 3; 1987, öt. 3. Investicije za leto 1946-1947. Investicije leta 1949. Financiranje investicij v LRS 1947-1952. StatistiËno gradivo 1973, öt. 20; 1974, öt. 13; 1975, öt. 11. Rezultati raziskovanj öt. 26, 73, 100, 147, 193, 259, 277, 324, 354, 402, 415, 437, 457, 551, 581, 612, 667 StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije, 1972, zv. VII; 1973, zv. VIII; 1974, zv. V; 1975, zv. VI, VIII; 1976, zv. VII; 1977, zv. IX; 1978, zv. VII; 1979, zv. XI; 1980, zv. X; 1981, zv. XIV; 1982, zv. VII; 1983, zv. XII; 1984, zv. XII; 1986, zv. VIII; 1987, öt. 31; 1988, öt. 12; 1989, öt. 31; 1990, öt. 12; 1991, öt. 8; 1992, öt. 8; 1994, öt. 2; 1995, öt. 16; 1996, öt. 5. Gross fixed capital formation shows capital expenditure in fixed assets, own account production of fixed assets and financial leasing of enterprises and other organisations, but does not cover regular maintenance and repairs of existing fixed assets. Financing of gross fixed capital formation is shown for the period in which the expenditures were actually paid, irrespective of the time of construction or purchase. Gross fixed capital formation is covered for the time of its physical realisation, irrespective of payment. Gross fixed capital formation in new capacities comprises expenditures on new buildings and constructions, machinery and equipment of enterprises and other organisations where previously there were no buildings and constructions, or they had a different purpose from those newly constructed. Gross fixed capital formation for enlargement, reconstruction and renovations comprises expenditures in existing capacities in order to increase the range of production or services or to the change technology and the systems of production. These capital expenditures cover reorganisation or enlargement of existing buildings and constructions, equipment and devices, as well as the construction or purchase of new fixed assets with in the already existing organisationally independent operating unit. Gross fixed capital formation for the maintenance of existing capacities on the same level comprises expenditures in order to change, intensify and rationalise production, but without an expansion of the available capacities or vital changes in the existing technology or production systems. Construction works include the value of the built-in equipment of constructions, while as equipment includes the costs of assembly, transport and insurance. Equipment with assembly covers gross fixed capital formation in machinery, transport equipment, office machinery and computers, business furniture and other equipment. The other section covers gross fixed capital formation in studies, projects, computer software, capital expenditure plans, buying of patents and licences, land improvement, breeding stocks, purchase of land and similar. Note: In some tables the total in the rows and columns does not correspond to the total value due to rounding up to thousands of Dinars or SIT. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Methodological Material 1974 No. 2, 1976 No. 2, 1977 No. 5, 9, 1978 No. 3, 1979 No. 4, 1980 No. 2, 1981 No. 3, 1987 No. 3. Gross Fixed Capital Formation in 1946-1947. Gross Fixed Capital Formation in 1949. The Financing of Gross Fixed Capital Formation in the People's Republic of Slovenia 1947-1952. Statistical Material 1973 No. 20, 1974 No. 13, 1975 No. 11. Results of Surveys No. 26, 73, 100, 147, 193, 259, 277, 324, 354, 402, 415, 437, 457, 551, 581. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1972 vol. VII, 1973 vol. VIII, 1974 vol. V, 1975 vol. VI & VIII, 1976 vol. VII, 1977 vol. IX, 1978 vol. VII, 1979 vol. XI, 1980 vol. X, 1981 vol. XIV, 1982 vol. VII, 1983 vol. XII, 1984 vol. XII, 1986 vol. VIII, 1987 No. 31, 1988 No. 12, 1989 No. 31, 1990 No. 12, 1991 No. 8, 1992 No. 8, 1994 No. 2, 1995 No. 16, 1996 No. 5. Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 436 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28.1 Ustvarjene investicije v osnovna sredstva v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah ter zasebnem sektorju - organizacijsko naËelo1) Gross fixed capital formation in enterprises and other organizations and capital expenditure in the private sector - organizational principle1) 1000 SIT2) 1) Kumulativen podatek se razlikuje od seötevka zaradi zaokroűevanja. / Comulative data do not correspond to the total value because of rounding up. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 3) IzraËun investicij po metodologiji SNA, kjer investicije v rabljena osnovna sredstva razen uvoűenih niso upoötevane. / Gross fixed capital formation is calculated according to SNA metodology, excluding gross investment of second hand except imported one. 4) VkljuËno s podjetji v zasebni lasti za leta 1992, 1993, 1994 in 1995. / Including private enterprises for years 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995. 5) Obrtniki, kmetje, samostojni kulturni delavci, samostojni raziskovalci, odvetniki. Med gradbena dela je vkljuËena tudi stanovanjska gradnja obËanov. / Craftsmen, farmers, indepen- dent actors, musicians, painters, researchers, lawyers. The construction works include dwellings built by residents. Skupaj Total Gradbena dela Dwelings, non-residential buildings and structures Oprema Equipment Drugo Other Skupaj Total 1973 1462 746 647 59 1974 1977 1066 812 99 1975 3223 1636 1423 165 1976 3638 1735 1685 218 1977 4259 2101 1864 293 1978 5251 2706 2163 382 1979 6671 3608 2633 430 1980 7737 4350 2698 689 1981 9533 5680 3109 745 1982 11085 6282 4101 702 1983 13400 7298 5449 653 1984 21277 11248 9187 842 1985 41244 19935 19749 1560 1986 96531 47162 16164 3205 1987 182999 89085 84949 8965 1988 541121 267400 249096 24625 1989 6478784 3135124 3053334 290326 1990 35805382 19605631 14969821 1229930 1991 66254004 30694334 32705408 2854262 1992 177018284 87039969 81806214 8172101 19933) 270836475 136022000 131171000 3643475 19943) 362059000 158370000 192520000 11169000 19953) 470891000 207341000 239751000 23799000 Podjetja in druge organizacije4) Enterprises and other organizations4) 1973 1156 520 585 52 1974 1593 777 725 92 1975 2777 1285 1338 155 1976 3107 1323 1575 209 1977 3572 1550 1745 277 1978 4534 2158 2011 265 1979 5764 2907 2451 406 1980 6606 3487 2459 661 1981 7661 4187 2760 714 1982 8741 4412 3684 647 1983 10512 5071 4839 601 1984 16886 7901 8230 755 1985 33265 13906 17957 1401 1986 76360 31153 42258 2949 1987 146709 62996 75644 8069 1988 416016 169291 223942 22784 1989 4691707 1633074 2788495 270137 1990 25464634 10737119 13561609 1165906 1991 50482022 16946657 30763052 2772313 1992 130033467 47748969 76622678 5661820 19933) 179415424 65107843 110843106 3464475 19943) 243672646 81586190 154423034 7663422 19953) 311340000 113987000 178905000 18448000 Zasebni sektor5) Private sector5) 1973 296 227 63 7 1974 384 289 87 8 1975 446 351 85 10 1976 531 412 110 9 1977 687 552 119 16 1978 717 548 152 17 1979 907 701 182 23 1980 1131 863 239 28 1981 1872 1492 348 31 1982 2343 1871 418 55 1983 2888 2226 610 52 1984 4391 3347 957 87 1985 7979 6029 1792 158 1986 20171 16009 3906 256 1987 36290 26089 9306 895 1988 125105 98108 25155 1842 1989 1787077 1502050 264839 20189 1990 10340748 8868512 1408212 64024 1991 15771982 13747677 1942356 81949 1992 46984817 39291000 51835536 251281 19933) 91421051 70914157 20327894 179000 19943) 118386354 76783810 38096966 3505578 19953) 159551000 93354000 60846000 5351000 Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 437 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28.2 IzplaËano za investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po dejavnostih investitorja ter po virih financiranja in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo Financing of gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organizations by kind of activity and sources of investor and by the National Classification of Activities - organizational principle mio SIT Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj Total IzplaËano za investicije v osnovna sredstva Financing of gross fixed capital formation Activity of investoriz lastnih sred. from own financial assets iz zdruűenih sredstev from joint assets iz finanËnih kreditov from financial credits iz sredstev namenskih skladov from assets of budget 1991 53149 43232 2687 5433 1797 1991 1992 124746 103097 4721 13739 3189 1992 1993 182025 144879 5707 22078 9362 1993 1994 224105 170677 3173 34226 16030 1994 1995 325421 262290 3220 44869 15042 1995 SKUPAJ 325421 262290 3220 44869 15042 TOTAL PROIZVODNE DEJAVNOSTI 256201 208445 2183 39571 6001 PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Industrija in rudarstvo 109976 90175 1386 17199 1216 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying Elektrogospodarstvo 21035 14105 233 5866 831 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 1069 906 0 163 0 Coal mining Proiz. naftnih derivatov 523 523 0 0 0 Manufacture »rna metalurgija 1887 1463 0 258 167 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 27 27 0 0 0 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proiz. barvastih kovin 1089 927 0 74 88 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 327 214 0 114 0 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekov. rudnin 540 405 0 135 0 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 2652 2313 0 338 0 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 5313 4130 36 1136 11 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 2009 1298 150 560 1 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 3662 3187 270 123 82 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 11 11 0 0 0 Shipbuilding Proiz. elektr. stroj., apar. 12721 10538 629 1543 11 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 6986 5658 0 1328 0 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 13817 13095 0 722 0 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 542 341 7 194 0 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat. 1489 1297 0 191 0 Manufacture of construction materials Proiz. űag. lesa in ploöË 638 530 0 94 14 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proiz. konË. les. izdekov 3196 2359 0 825 12 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proiz. in pred. papirja 1350 1229 0 121 0 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proiz. preje in tkanin 1610 1151 0 459 0 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 3492 3079 0 413 0 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 389 387 0 1 0 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 735 494 0 241 0 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 2373 2223 0 150 0 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proiz. űivil. izdelkov 7911 7058 15 838 0 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 8012 7742 0 270 0 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 191 191 0 0 0 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka 584 584 0 0 0 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 3069 2110 0 959 0 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 591 493 46 52 0 Recycling Proiz. raznovrstnih izdelkov 137 106 0 31 0 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 3945 3454 3 421 67 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska pridelava 3561 3141 0 398 21 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 331 269 3 23 36 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 53 43 0 0 10 Fishing Gozdarstvo 748 728 0 20 0 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 348 196 0 22 129 Water management Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 438 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gradbeniötvo 9359 7511 0 1533 315 Construction Visoke gradnje 2707 2287 0 411 8 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 5688 4299 0 1082 307 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instal. in zaklj. dela 964 925 0 39 0 Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 33982 21471 31 10185 2295 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 8044 1166 0 4673 2205 Railway transport Pomorski promet 35 35 0 0 0 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 719 645 0 28 46 Air transport Cestni promet 5279 3343 0 1928 8 Road transport Mestni promet 1075 825 28 222 0 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 3017 3017 0 0 0 Cargo handling Ptt-storitve 15814 12441 3 3333 36 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 38603 34609 83 3903 9 Trade Trgovina na drobno 23716 21258 7 2443 9 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 10278 8773 76 1428 0 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 4610 4578 0 32 0 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 7996 5652 135 2208 0 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 6193 3927 134 2132 0 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 1803 1725 1 77 0 Travel agencies Obrtne storitve, popravila 3441 3165 0 276 0 Crafts and repairs Stanovanj.-komunal. dejav. 9683 7600 388 429 1267 Community service activities Finance idr. posl. stor. 35058 31447 157 3055 400 Financial and business activities Storitve na podr. prometa 7521 6218 44 926 333 Trade-related services including storage Projekt. idr. dejav. 26458 24326 111 2018 3 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consulting Geoloöko raziskovanje 45 17 0 28 0 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 64 51 2 11 0 Research and development Poslovne storitve 969 834 0 71 64 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kutura 1427 1182 0 233 12 Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 1635 1256 0 89 291 Health and social work NEPROIZVODNE DEJAVNOSTI 69220 53845 1037 5298 9040 NON-PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Osebne storitve 610 520 0 90 0 Personal service activities Stanovanj.-komunal.dejav. 2718 1689 317 455 258 Community service activities Stanovanjska dejavnost 266 180 0 85 0 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 2453 1509 317 370 258 Public services Finance idr. posl. stor. 17733 14508 1 3076 148 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 8439 8435 0 0 4 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 3691 3637 0 54 0 Insurance of property and persons Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 5583 2417 0 3022 144 Research and development Poslovne storitve 19 19 0 0 0 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 15047 11494 179 478 2896 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 9265 6897 171 56 2141 Education Znanstvenoraziskovalna dejav. 1840 1666 1 124 49 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost in infor. 3048 2164 7 298 578 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 895 767 0 0 127 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 10560 7170 99 1103 2188 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 8037 5615 75 977 1370 Health care Socialno varstvo 2523 1555 24 127 817 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, organizacije 22552 18464 441 96 3551 Activities of trade unions, membership and political organizations Javna uprava 20921 17042 441 93 3344 Public administration Skladi 335 335 0 0 0 Management of public funds Sploöna in posebna zdruűenja 888 782 0 0 107 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizacije 408 305 0 3 100 Membership and political organizations Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj Total IzplaËano za investicije v osnovna sredstva Financing of gross fixed capital formation Activity of investoriz lastnih sred. from own financial assets iz zdruűenih sredstev from joint assets iz finanËnih kreditov from financial credits iz sredstev namenskih skladov from assets of budget 28.2 IzplaËano za investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po dejavnostih investitorja ter po virih financiranja in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo (nadaljevanje) Financing of gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organizations by kind of activity and sources of investor and by the National Classification of Activities - organizational principle (continued) mio SIT Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 439 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28.3 IzplaËano za investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po dejavnostih investitorja ter po virih financiranja in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo Financing of gross fixed capital formation by kind of activity and sources of investor and by the Standard Classification of Activities - organizational principle mio SIT Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj Total IzplaËano za investicije v osnovna sredstva Financing of gross fixed capital formation Activity of investorsiz lastnih sred. from own financial assets iz zdruűenih sredstev from joint assets iz finanËnih kreditov from financial credits iz sredstev namenskih skladov from assets of budget 1991 53149 43232 2687 5433 1797 1991 1992 124746 103097 4721 13739 3189 1992 1993 182025 144879 5707 22078 9362 1993 1994 224105 170677 3173 34226 16030 1994 1995 325421 262290 3220 44869 15042 1995 SKUPAJ 325421 262290 3220 44869 15042 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 3681 3302 0 358 21 A Agriculture, hunting,foresty Kmetijstvo, lov, stor. 2942 2582 0 338 21 Agriculture, hunting and services Gozdarstvo, stor. 739 719 0 20 0 Forestry, logging and services B Ribiötvo 58 48 0 0 10 B Fishing Ribiötvo 58 48 0 0 10 Fishing, hatcheries and services C Rudarstvo 2004 1540 7 407 50 C Mining and quarrying CA Pri.energetskih surovin 1080 917 0 163 0 CA Mining & quarrying of energy materials Pri. Ërnega, rjavega premoga, lignita, öota 1069 906 0 163 0 Mining of coal& lignite; extrac. of peat Pri. uranovih in torijevih rud 11 11 0 0 0 Mining of uranium and thorium ores CB Pri. rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 924 623 7 244 50 CB Mining & quarrying, not energy materials Pri rud. 176 52 0 74 50 Mining of metal ores Pri. drugih rud in kamenin 748 571 7 170 0 Other mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 88249 75344 1146 11462 297 D Manufacturing DA Pro. hrane, pijaË, tobaËnih izdelkov 16994 15831 15 1148 0 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro. hrane, pijaË, krmil 16410 15247 15 1148 0 Mfr. of food and beverages Pro. tobaËnih izd. 584 584 0 0 0 Mfr. of tobacco products DB Pro. tekstilij; tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 5124 4251 0 873 0 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro. tekstilij 2818 2239 0 579 0 Mfr. of textiles Pro. oblaËil; strojenje, dodelava krzna 2306 2012 0 294 0 Mfr. of wearing apparel; dress. of fur DC Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 1121 880 0 241 0 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 1121 880 0 241 0 Leather tanning, mfr. of luggage, etc. DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 2173 1745 0 413 14 DD Manufacture of wood and wood product Obdelava in predelava lesa 2173 1745 0 413 14 Mfr. of wood and wood, cork, etc. goods DE Pro. vlaknin, papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 5771 4490 0 1280 0 DE Mfr. of paper, publishing and printing Pro. vlaknin papirja ter izd. iz njih 1367 1246 0 121 0 Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products Zaloűniötvo, tiskarstvo 4403 3244 0 1159 0 Publishing, printing and recorded media DF Pro. koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva 523 523 0 0 0 DF Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro. koksa, naftnoh deriv., jedrskega goriva 523 523 0 0 0 Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vlaken 18406 16883 0 1523 0 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vlaken 18406 16883 0 1523 0 Mfr. of chemicals &chemical products DH Pro. izdelkov iz gume in plastiËnih mas 4823 3600 270 952 0 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro. izdelkov iz gume in plastiËnih mas 4823 3600 270 952 0 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 4381 3700 0 681 0 DI Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 4381 3700 0 681 0 Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products DJ Pro. kovin in kovinskih izd. 8290 6642 36 1437 176 DJ Mfr. of basic metals& fabricated products Pro. kovin 3225 2709 0 349 167 Manufacture of basic metals Pro. kovin, kovinskih izd.brez strojev, naprav 5065 3933 36 1087 9 Mfr. of fabricated metal, not machines DK Pro. strojev in naprav 6612 5305 150 1154 2 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro. strojev in naprav 6612 5305 150 1154 2 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro. elektriËne, optiËne opreme 8549 6795 629 1115 11 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment Pro. pisarniökih strojev, raËunalnikov 483 477 0 6 0 Mfr. of office machinery and computers Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 440 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pro. el. strojev, aparatov 5021 3598 624 792 8 Mfr. of electric. machinery etc. nec. Pro. RTV, kominikacijskih aparatov, opreme 1285 1081 5 196 3 Mfr. of radio, TV and equipment Pro. medicin. finomehan., optiËnih instr. 1759 1639 0 120 0 Mfr. of medical &precision instruments DM Pro.vozil in plovil 3085 2921 0 82 82 DMManufacture of transport equipment Pro. mot. vozil, prikolic. polprikolic 2946 2782 0 82 82 Mfr. of motor vehicle., trailers, etc. Pro. dr. vozil, plovil 139 139 0 0 0 Mfr. of other transport equipment DN Pro. pohiötva, dr., pred. dej., reciklaűa 2396 1777 46 561 12 DNManufacturing nec. Pro. pohiötva, dr., predelovalne dej. 1826 1300 0 514 12 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturig nec. Reciklaűa 570 477 46 47 0 Recycling E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 30024 21130 583 6224 2087 E Electricity, gas and water supply Oskrba z el., plinom, para, topla voda 23348 16160 295 5987 906 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water Zbiranje, ËiöËenje, distribucija vode 6677 4970 288 237 1182 Colection, purification etc. of water F Gradbeniötvo 9832 7997 0 1384 451 F Construction Gradbeniötvo 9832 7997 0 1384 451 Construction G Trgovina; popravila mot. vozil 46319 41656 119 4536 9 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav., trg. z mot. vozili, gorivi 17153 15684 0 1469 0 Sale, repair etc. motors; fuel Posredniötvo, trg. na debelo, brez vozil 16513 15147 111 1254 0 Wholesale, commision, not motors Trgovina na drobno brez mot. vozil; poprav izd. 12653 10825 7 1812 9 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 6070 3805 134 2132 0 H Hotels and restaurans Gostinstvo 6070 3805 134 2132 0 Hotels and restaurans I Promet, skladiöËenje, zveze 38027 25443 32 9961 2591 I Transport, storage and communication Kopenski promet, cevovodni transport 12908 4234 28 6434 2213 Land transport; pipelines transport Vodni promet 17 17 0 0 0 Water transport ZraËni promet 191 163 0 28 0 Air transport Pomoűne prometne dejavnosti, turistiËne org. 9046 8537 1 166 342 Supporting transport; travel agencies Poöta in telekomunikacije 15864 12492 3 3333 36 Post and telecommunications J FinanËno posredniötvo 12139 11871 0 264 4 J Financial intermediation Fin. posred. brez zavarovalniötva, skladov 9047 8833 0 210 4 Financial intermed., not insur., pens. fund. Zavarovalniötvo brez socialnega, skladi 2598 2597 0 0 0 Insurance, pension not comp. soc. sec. Pomoűne dej. v fin. posredniötvu 494 441 0 54 0 Activities aux. to financial intermed. K NepremiËnine, najem, poslovne stor. 38579 31650 123 6204 603 K Real estate, renting& busines activities Poslovanje z nepremiËninami 2163 1355 0 466 342 Real estate activities Dajanje strojev, opreme v najem 502 198 0 305 0 Renting equipment without operator Obdelava podatkov, s tem povezane dej. 425 382 0 44 0 Computer and related activities Raziskovanje in razvoj 1932 1733 1 126 72 Research and devalopment Druge poslovne dejavnosti 33556 27983 122 5263 188 Other business activities L Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 20840 16977 441 93 3329 L Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 20840 16977 441 93 3329 Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. M Izobraűevanje 10475 7717 203 89 2466 MEducation Izobraűevanje 10475 7717 203 89 2466 Education N Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 10722 7585 78 999 2061 N Health and social work Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 10722 7585 78 999 2061 Health and social work O Dr. javne, skupine in osebne stor. 8357 6183 354 758 1063 O Other social and personal services Stor. javne higiene 2211 1259 354 349 249 Refuse disposal, sanitation, etc. Dej. zdruűenj, organizacij 1076 947 0 3 126 Membership organisation nec. Rekreacijske, kulturne, öportne dej. 4781 3773 0 320 688 Recreational, cultural& sport. activities Druge storitvene dej. 289 204 0 85 0 Other service activities Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj Total IzplaËano za investicije v osnovna sredstva Financing of gross fixed capital formation Activity of investorsiz lastnih sred. from own financial assets iz zdruűenih sredstev from joint assets iz finanËnih kreditov from financial credits iz sredstev namenskih skladov from assets of budget 28.3 IzplaËano za investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po dejavnostih investitorja ter po virih financiranja in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo (nadaljevanje) Financing of gross fixed capital formation by kind of activity and sources of investor and by the Standard Classification of Activities - organizational principle (continued) mio SIT Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 441 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28.4 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vlaganja in dejavnosti investitorja in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations by activity principle and by activity of investor and by the National Classification of Activities - organizational principle mio SIT Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj industrija in rudar- stvo kme- tijstvo in ribiötvo ter vodno gospo- darstvo goz- darstvo gradbe- niötvo promet in zveze trgovina, gostin- stvo in turizem druge proiz- vodne dejav- nosti stano- vanjsko komu- nalne dejav- nosti, neproiz. del. druge neproiz- vodne dejavno- sti Activity of investor Total manu- factur- ing, mining and elec- tricity suppy agri- cul- ture, fishing and water mana- gement for- estry and hunting con- struc- tion trans- port and com- muni- cations trade; hotels, restaur- ants and travel age- ncies other produ- ction activities com- munity service activi- ties (non- prod.) other non- pro- duc- tion activi- ties 1991 50482 19721 1234 120 746 7873 6741 3772 497 9778 1991 1992 124986 46782 2594 364 2258 20132 13292 11506 2686 24936 1992 1993 180633 61453 2829 290 3896 26550 24773 18893 2184 39764 1993 1994 229247 78452 3448 308 6316 40402 25395 22560 4226 48140 1994 1995 327824 111521 5325 694 9322 57806 45912 26393 7183 62349 1995 SKUPAJ 327824 111521 5325 694 9322 57806 45912 26393 7183 62349 TOTAL PROIZVODNE DEJAVNOSTI 259045 111397 5223 694 9174 57763 45851 26009 1511 105 PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Industrija in rudarstvo 112099 111079 15 6 1 13 302 338 345 - Manufacturing, mining and quarrying Elektrogospodarstvo 21111 21086 - - - - - - 24 - Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 1077 1071 - - - - 7 - - - Coal mining Proiz. naftnih derivatov 527 527 - - - - - - - - Manufacture »rna metalurgija 1744 1731 - - - - - - 13 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 30 30 - - - - - - - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proiz. barvastih kovin 1118 1030 - - - - - - 87 - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 328 328 - - - - - - - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekov. rudnin 518 518 - - - - - - - - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 2622 2622 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 5020 5019 - - - - 1 - - - Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 1905 1905 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 3936 3932 - - - - 3 - - - Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 12 12 - - - - - - - - Shipbuilding Proiz. elektr. stroj., apar. 12998 12898 - - - - - 53 47 - Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 7259 7183 - - 1 4 1 43 28 - Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 13218 13129 - - - - - - 89 - Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 596 596 - - - - - - - - Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat. 1703 1703 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of construction materials Proiz. űag. lesa in ploöË 662 641 14 6 - - - - - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proiz. konË. les. izdekov 3270 3207 1 - - 9 8 - 44 - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proiz. in pred. papirja 1253 1239 - - - - 4 - 10 - Manufacture of paper and paper products Proiz. preje in tkanin 1888 1887 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 3926 3826 - - - - - 98 2 - Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 375 375 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 629 618 - - - - 10 - - - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 3512 3512 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proiz. űivil. izdelkov 7508 7298 - - - - 64 144 2 - Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 8662 8569 - - - - 93 - - - Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 174 174 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka 574 466 - - - - 109 - - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 3227 3226 - - - - 1 - - - Printing Recirkulacija surovin 585 585 - - - - - - - - Recycling Proiz. raznovrstnih izdelkov 134 134 - - - - - - - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 3979 58 3552 - - 4 174 191 - - Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska pridelava 3594 58 3167 - - 4 174 191 - - Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 332 - 332 - - - - - - - Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 53 - 53 - - - - - - - Fishing Gozdarstvo 689 - - 688 - - - - 2 - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 447 - 447 - - - - - - - Water management Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 442 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Gradbeniötvo 9371 9 - - 9168 - 14 174 6 - Construction Visoke gradnje 2714 - - - 2710 - - 0 5 - Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 5637 - - - 5463 - - 174 1 - Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instal. in zaklj. dela 1019 9 - - 995 - 14 - 1 - Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 34143 - - - - 33983 - - 160 - Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 8308 - - - - 8308 - - - - Railway transport Pomorski promet 35 - - - - 35 - - - - Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 717 - - - - 717 - - - - Air transport Cestni promet 5344 - - - - 5344 - - - - Road transport Mestni promet 961 - - - - 961 - - - - Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 2938 - - - - 2938 - - - - Cargo handling Ptt-storitve 15840 - - - - 15680 - - 160 - Post and telecommunications Trgovina 38603 153 - - - 35 37846 263 236 70 Trade Trgovina na drobno 23246 23 - - - 8 23057 104 54 - Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 11215 130 - - - 27 10656 159 173 70 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 4142 - - - - - 4134 - 9 - Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 7244 - - - - - 7241 - 3 - Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 5546 - - - - - 5546 - - - Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 1698 - - - - - 1695 - 3 - Travel agencies Obrtne storitve, popravila 3563 81 - - - - 141 3341 - - Crafts and repairs Stanovanj.-komunal. dejav. 9651 0 1209 - - - - 8211 227 4 Community service activities Finance idr. posl. stor. 36233 16 - - 5 23728 129 11890 437 28 Financial and business activities Storitve na podr. prometa 7418 16 - - - 438 90 6815 46 14 Trade-related services including storage Projekt. idr. dejav. 27602 - - - - 23289 33 3894 372 14 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consulting Geoloöko raziskovanje 146 - - - - - - 146 - - Geological and prospecting activities Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 64 - - - - - - 64 - - Research and development Poslovne storitve 1004 - - - 5 - 6 972 20 1 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kutura 1408 - - - - - 4 - 86 - Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 1615 - - - - - - 1603 10 2 Health and social work NEPROIZVODNE DEJAVNOSTI 68779 124 102 - 148 43 61 384 5671 62244 NON-PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Osebne storitve 621 - - - - - 8 - 104 509 Personal service activities Stanovanj.-komunal.dejav. 2716 - - - - - - - 2716 - Community service activities Stanovanjska dejavnost 186 - - - - - - - 186 - Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 2530 - - - - - - - 2530 - Public services Finance idr. posl. stor. 17093 124 - - - - 45 15 364 16546 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 8805 - - - - - 45 - 80 8681 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 2339 - - - - - - - 10 2329 Insurance of property and persons Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 5930 124 - - - - - 15 274 5518 Research and development Poslovne storitve 19 - - - - - - - - 19 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 15336 - 18 - - - 7 - 15 15295 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 9253 - - - - - 7 - 4 9243 Education Znanstvenoraziskovalna dejav. 1876 - 18 - - - - - 9 1850 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost in infor. 3304 - - - - - - - - 3302 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 903 - - - - - - - 2 901 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 10594 - - - - - - 74 440 10081 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 8046 - - - - - - - 129 7917 Health care Socialno varstvo 2549 - - - - - - 74 311 2163 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, organizacije 22419 - 84 - 148 43 1 295 2033 19814 Activities of trade unions, membership and political organizations Javna uprava 20773 - 4 - 148 43 1 295 2033 18248 Public administration Skladi 335 - - - - - - - - 335 Management of public funds Sploöna in posebna zdruűenja 904 - 80 - - - - - - 823 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizacije 408 - - - - - - - - 408 Membership and political organizations Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj industrija in rudar- stvo kme- tijstvo in ribiötvo ter vodno gospo- darstvo goz- darstvo gradbe- niötvo promet in zveze trgovina, gostin- stvo in turizem druge proiz- vodne dejav- nosti stano- vanjsko komu- nalne dejav- nosti, neproiz. del. druge neproiz- vodne dejavno- sti Activity of investor Total manu- factur- ing, mining and elec- tricity suppy agri- cul- ture, fishing and water mana- gement for- estry and hunting con- struc- tion trans- port and com- muni- cations trade; hotels, restaur- ants and travel age- ncies other produ- ction activities com- munity service activi- ties (non- prod.) other non- pro- duc- tion activi- ties - 28.4 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vlaganja in dejavnosti investitorja in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo (nadaljevanje) Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations by activity principle and by activity of investor and by the National Classification of Activities - organizational principle (continued) mio SIT Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 443 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28.5 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vlaganj, znaËaju graditve in tehn. strukturi in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - naËelo Ëistih dejavnosti Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations, by purpose of investment, kind of constructions and technical composition and by the National Classification of Activities - by kind of activity mio SIT Namen investicij ZnaËaj graditve Kind of construction TehniËna struktura Technical composition Purpose of investment skupaj total nove zmoglji- vosti new capaci- ties rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dograditev enlarge- ment, reconstru- ction, ren- ovations vzdrűe- vanje na obstojeËi ravni mainte- nance of existing capaci- ties skupaj total gradbena dela dwellings, non-reside- ntial build- ings and construc- tion oprema z montaűo equipment with assembly drugo other skupaj total domaËa domestic uvoűena imported 1991 50158 15458 23793 10907 50158 16673 30714 20234 10480 2771 1991 1992 124986 47943 49249 27793 124986 45408 74029 43407 30622 5549 1992 1993 180633 67222 77109 36302 180633 65453 105170 62829 42341 10010 1993 1994 229247 76489 102710 50048 229247 79428 135958 79818 56140 13861 1994 1995 327824 130275 136359 61190 327824 125975 182281 107006 75275 19569 1995 SKUPAJ 327824 130275 136359 61190 327824 125975 182281 107006 75275 19569 TOTAL PROIZVODNE DEJAVNOSTI 258292 100730 109743 47819 258292 98752 143383 81406 61977 16156 PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Industrija in rudarstvo 111521 29878 53537 28107 111521 26429 79509 40500 39009 5584 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying Elektrogospodarstvo 21151 6386 5908 8857 21151 8659 9925 6954 2971 2567 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 1071 0 979 92 1071 602 451 250 201 17 Coal mining Proiz. naftnih derivatov 527 63 464 0 527 7 511 424 87 9 Manufacture »rna metalurgija 1731 522 1204 4 1731 318 1394 813 581 18 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 30 3 14 13 30 0 30 29 1 0 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proiz. barvastih kovin 1030 719 298 13 1030 150 782 697 86 98 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 338 26 312 0 338 0 320 99 222 17 Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekov. rudnin 554 287 55 213 554 274 276 257 19 4 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 2647 705 1428 513 2647 551 2065 800 1265 30 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 5019 1382 2531 1106 5019 528 4215 2434 1781 276 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 1914 560 1105 249 1914 406 1425 968 457 83 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 3932 1477 2218 237 3932 1045 2658 1403 1255 229 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 12 0 2 10 12 2 9 9 0 1 Shipbuilding Proiz. elektr. stroj., apar. 12954 2743 5428 4783 12954 2703 9781 6146 3635 470 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 6927 940 5709 278 6927 787 5889 1922 3967 252 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 13279 5250 5299 2730 13279 3638 9201 4523 4677 440 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 596 125 470 1 596 52 533 160 373 10 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat. 1719 262 1279 177 1719 163 1473 871 602 82 Manufacture of construction materials Proiz. űag. lesa in ploöË 736 147 285 304 736 94 622 379 243 20 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proiz. konË. les. izdekov 3255 672 1652 931 3255 421 2783 1424 1359 52 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proiz. in pred. papirja 1351 636 515 201 1351 316 1005 534 471 30 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proiz. preje in tkanin 1887 419 1228 240 1887 166 1441 255 1186 280 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 3826 1560 1466 800 3826 685 3089 1078 2010 53 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 375 174 185 17 375 174 201 123 78 0 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 618 36 319 263 618 36 573 252 321 10 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 3512 746 374 2391 3512 786 2682 1035 1648 43 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proiz. űivil. izdelkov 7330 1191 3216 2923 7330 1363 5629 2783 2846 338 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 8573 960 7243 369 8573 1785 6736 2309 4427 51 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 207 64 87 56 207 65 133 122 12 9 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka 466 178 217 71 466 0 466 75 391 0 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 3234 1467 1605 162 3234 507 2642 873 1769 84 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 585 112 399 74 585 129 456 436 20 1 Recycling Proiz. raznovrstnih izdelkov 134 65 41 28 134 16 111 62 49 7 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 3665 609 1888 1168 3665 1094 2164 1562 602 407 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska pridelava 3262 530 1653 1079 3262 976 1908 1392 515 378 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 349 79 181 89 349 108 213 142 71 29 Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 53 0 53 0 53 10 44 27 16 0 Fishing Gozdarstvo 694 269 326 99 694 29 589 326 263 76 Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1660 1498 129 32 1660 1083 459 153 306 118 Water management Gradbeniötvo 9322 3482 3946 1893 9322 1396 7621 4794 2826 305 Construction Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 444 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Visoke gradnje 2682 1035 1192 454 2682 529 1891 1028 863 261 Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 5639 2122 2389 1128 5639 591 5016 3147 1869 32 Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instal. in zaklj. dela 1001 325 365 311 1001 276 714 619 95 11 Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 57806 33327 20963 3516 57806 34190 17175 10852 6323 6441 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet 8308 0 8308 0 8308 6488 1816 1803 13 4 Railway transport Pomorski promet 35 0 32 3 35 10 25 24 1 0 Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 717 13 579 125 717 331 377 209 168 9 Air transport Cestni promet 29333 24990 2054 2289 29333 18231 5209 2418 2791 5894 Road transport Mestni promet 791 143 174 475 791 144 645 81 564 3 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 2938 1637 709 593 2938 1721 1022 585 437 195 Cargo handling Ptt-storitve 15684 6545 9108 31 15684 7266 8081 5732 2350 336 Post and telecommunications Trgovina 38158 19586 13273 5299 38158 18604 17573 10663 6910 1982 Trade Trgovina na drobno 23962 14380 6264 3318 23962 12466 10093 6481 3613 1403 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 10270 4003 4739 1529 10270 4112 5654 3032 2622 504 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 3925 1203 2270 453 3925 2026 1825 1150 675 74 Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 7754 2217 4800 738 7754 4451 3102 2655 447 201 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 6059 2100 3307 652 6059 3504 2446 2035 412 108 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje 1695 116 1493 86 1695 946 656 621 35 93 Travel agencies Obrtne storitve, popravila 3980 781 1627 1572 3980 803 3068 1932 1136 109 Crafts and repairs Stanovanj.-komunal. dejav. 8679 4273 2413 1993 8679 5127 3110 2130 980 442 Community service activities Finance idr. posl. stor. 12131 3996 5178 2957 12131 4891 6776 4200 2576 464 Financial and business activities Storitve na podr. prometa 6967 2026 2489 2452 6967 3017 3654 2401 1252 296 Trade-related services including storage Projekt. idr. dejav. 3943 1334 2167 442 3943 1576 2228 1416 811 139 Architectual and engineering activities, incl. technical consulting Geoloöko raziskovanje 146 143 3 0 146 0 146 6 140 0 Geological and prospecting activities Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 68 29 24 15 68 3 47 40 7 18 Research and development Poslovne storitve 1008 464 496 48 1008 294 701 337 365 12 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kutura 1320 304 787 228 1320 315 985 686 299 19 Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 1603 510 876 216 1603 340 1254 953 300 9 Health and social work NEPROIZVODNE DEJAVNOSTI 69532 29545 26616 13371 69532 27222 38897 25599 13298 3413 NON-PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Osebne storitve 509 119 215 176 509 118 382 234 148 9 Personal service activities Stanovanj.-komunal.dejav. 7183 3495 1550 2138 7183 5237 1331 768 563 615 Community service activities Stanovanjska dejavnost 4185 1802 946 1437 4185 3620 89 82 7 477 Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 2998 1693 604 700 2998 1617 1242 686 556 138 Public services Finance idr. posl. stor. 16646 6621 8233 1792 16646 7182 7650 5312 2338 1814 Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 8693 2222 5481 990 8693 3317 4873 3278 1595 502 Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb 2329 769 1150 409 2329 1055 1031 772 259 242 Insurance of property and persons Raziskoval.-razvojno delo 5606 3631 1583 393 5606 2809 1728 1247 481 1069 Research and development Poslovne storitve 19 0 19 0 19 0 18 15 3 1 Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 15898 6132 5467 4299 15898 3862 11646 8943 2703 391 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 9630 3338 3620 2671 9630 2519 6959 5996 963 152 Education Znanstvenoraziskovalna dejav. 1850 244 452 1154 1850 209 1633 918 716 8 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost in infor. 3516 1834 1275 407 3516 738 2569 1555 1014 209 Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport 902 715 120 67 902 396 484 474 10 22 Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 10174 2578 4094 3503 10174 4030 6028 3596 2432 116 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 7829 2178 3031 2620 7829 3224 4502 2352 2150 103 Health care Socialno varstvo 2345 400 1063 883 2345 807 1526 1244 281 13 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, organizacije 19122 10600 7057 1465 19122 6793 11861 6747 5114 468 Activities of trade unions, membership and political organizations Javna uprava 17556 9476 6665 1415 17556 6126 10978 6444 4535 452 Public administration Skladi 335 334 1 0 335 329 6 2 4 0 Management of public funds Sploöna in posebna zdruűenja 823 539 277 8 823 134 673 128 546 16 Business associations PolitiËne in interesne organizacije 408 251 115 42 408 204 203 174 29 0 Membership and political organizations Namen investicij ZnaËaj graditve Kind of construction TehniËna struktura Technical composition Purpose of investment skupaj total nove zmoglji- vosti new capaci- ties rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dograditev enlarge- ment, reconstru- ction, ren- ovations vzdrűe- vanje na obstojeËi ravni mainte- nance of existing capaci- ties skupaj total gradbena dela dwellings, non-reside- ntial build- ings and construc- tion oprema z montaűo equipment with assembly drugo other skupaj total domaËa domestic uvoűena imported 28.5 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vla- ganj, znaËaju graditve in tehn. strukturi in po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - naËelo Ëistih dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations, by purpose of investment, kind of constructions and technical composition and by the National Classification of Activities - by kind of activity (continued) mio SIT Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 445 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 28.6 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vlaganj, znaËaju graditve in tehn. strukturi in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations, by purpose of investment, kind of constructions and technical composition and by the Standard Classification of Activities - organizational principle mio SIT Namen investicij ZnaËaj graditve Kind of construction TehniËna struktura Technical composition Purpose of investment Skupaj Total nove zmoglji- vosti new capaci- ties rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dogra- ditev enlarge- ment, recon- stru- ction, renova- tions vzdrűe- vanje na obsto- jeËi ravni mainte- nance of existing capaci- ties Skupaj Total grad- bena dela dwel- lings, non-resi- dential build- ings and con- struction oprema z montaűo equipment with assembly drugo other skupaj total domaËa domestic uvoűena imported 1991 50482 15608 23942 10931 50482 16947 30763 20280 10483 2772 1991 1992 124986 47943 49249 27793 124986 45408 74029 43407 30622 5549 1992 1993 180633 67222 77109 36302 180633 65453 105170 62829 42341 10010 1993 1994 229247 76489 102710 50048 229247 79428 135958 79818 56140 13861 1994 1995 327824 130275 136359 61190 327824 125975 182281 107006 75275 19569 1995 SKUPAJ 327824 130275 136359 61190 327824 125975 182281 107006 75275 19569 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 3663 772 1850 1041 3663 864 2385 1665 720 414 A Agriculture, hunting,forestry Kmetijstvo, lov, stor. 2983 501 1540 942 2983 833 1811 1343 468 339 Agriculture, hunting and services Gozdarstvo, stor. 680 271 311 99 680 31 574 322 252 76 Forestry, logging and services B Ribiötvo 58 0 55 3 58 12 46 29 18 0 B Fishing Ribiötvo 58 0 55 3 58 12 46 29 18 0 Fishing, hatcheries and services C Rudarstvo 2028 333 1360 335 2028 931 1058 709 349 39 C Mining and quarrying CA Pri.energetskih surovin 1088 7 979 103 1088 608 454 251 203 26 CA Mining & quarrying of energy materials Pri. Ërnega, rjavega premoga, lignita, öota 1077 7 979 92 1077 608 451 250 201 17 Mining of coal & lignite; extrac. of peat Pri. uranovih in torijevih rud 11 0 0 11 11 0 2 1 2 9 Mining of uranium and thorium ores CB Pri. rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 940 326 381 233 940 322 604 458 146 13 CB Mining & quarrying, not energy materials Pri rud. 208 3 186 19 208 32 174 139 35 3 Mining of metal ores Pri. drugih rud in kamenin 731 323 194 214 731 291 431 319 112 10 Other mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti 90353 23117 47982 19254 90353 17534 69789 32989 36800 3031 D Manufacturing DA Pro. hrane, pijaË, tobaËnih izdelkov 17211 2495 11210 3507 17211 3275 13516 5481 8035 420 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco Pro. hrane, pijaË, krmil 16637 2293 10942 3402 16637 3243 12983 5359 7625 410 Mfr. of food and beverages Pro. tobaËnih izd. 574 202 267 105 574 32 533 123 410 9 Mfr. of tobacco products DB Pro. tekstilij; tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 5846 2073 2722 1051 5846 897 4611 1349 3262 338 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products Pro. tekstilij 3524 1141 1926 457 3524 390 2826 655 2171 307 Mfr. of textiles Pro. oblaËil; strojenje, dodelava krzna 2322 932 796 594 2322 507 1785 694 1091 31 Mfr. of wearing apparel; dress. of fur DC Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 1006 210 506 291 1006 210 786 385 401 10 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 1006 210 506 291 1006 210 786 385 401 10 Leather tanning, mfr. of luggage, etc. DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 2218 417 1056 745 2218 327 1852 1079 773 39 DD Manufacture of wood and wood product Obdelava in predelava lesa 2218 417 1056 745 2218 327 1852 1079 773 39 Mfr. of wood and wood, cork, etc. goods DE Pro. vlaknin, papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 5857 2219 2996 642 5857 1221 4509 1991 2519 127 DE Mfr. of paper, publishing and printing Pro. vlaknin papirja ter izd. iz njih 1270 524 514 233 1270 316 924 450 474 30 Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products Zaloűniötvo, tiskarstvo 4587 1696 2482 409 4587 905 3585 1540 2045 97 Publishing, printing and recorded media Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 446 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 DF Pro. koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva 527 63 464 0 527 7 511 424 87 9 DF Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel Pro. koksa, naftnoh deriv., jedrskega goriva 527 63 464 0 527 7 511 424 87 9 Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vlaken 18140 4946 10492 2702 18140 4151 13357 5321 8036 633 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.& man- made fibres Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vlaken 18140 4946 10492 2702 18140 4151 13357 5321 8036 633 Mfr. of chemicals & chemical products DH Pro. izdelkov iz gume in plastiËnih mas 5916 2107 1074 2736 5916 1227 4566 1707 2859 123 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products Pro. izdelkov iz gume in plastiËnih mas 5916 2107 1074 2736 5916 1227 4566 1707 2859 123 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 4614 965 2983 666 4614 705 3804 1683 2121 105 DI Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 4614 965 2983 666 4614 705 3804 1683 2121 105 Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products DJ Pro. kovin in kovinskih izd. 7874 2517 4351 1005 7874 1182 6411 3862 2549 281 DJ Mfr. of basic metals & fabricated products Pro. kovin 3093 1241 1748 105 3093 433 2539 1648 891 122 Manufacture of basic metals Pro. kovin, kovinskih izd.brez strojev, naprav 4781 1276 2604 901 4781 749 3872 2214 1658 160 Mfr. of fabricated metal, not machines DK Pro. strojev in naprav 6851 1054 2120 3677 6851 1252 5385 3458 1927 215 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. Pro. strojev in naprav 6851 1054 2120 3677 6851 1252 5385 3458 1927 215 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro. elektriËne, optiËne opreme 8444 2393 4536 1515 8444 1721 6255 3802 2453 468 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment Pro. pisarniökih strojev, raËunalnikov 505 289 175 40 505 269 196 101 95 39 Mfr. of office machinery and computers Pro. el. strojev, aparatov 4947 845 3079 1023 4947 1137 3569 2150 1419 241 Mfr. of electric. machinery etc. nec. Pro. RTV, kominikacijskih aparatov, opreme 1308 108 915 284 1308 131 1047 591 456 130 Mfr. of radio, TV and equipment Pro. medicin. finomehan., optiËnih instr. 1684 1152 366 167 1684 184 1443 961 483 57 Mfr. of medical & precision instruments DM Pro.vozil in plovil 3389 1088 2055 246 3389 990 2190 1290 900 209 DMManufacture of transport equipment Pro. mot. vozil, prikolic. polprikolic 3252 1088 1975 189 3252 985 2063 1196 867 204 Mfr. of motor vehicle., trailers, etc. Pro. dr. vozil, plovil 137 0 80 57 137 5 127 94 33 5 Mfr. of other transport equipment DN Pro. pohiötva, dr., pred. dej., reciklaűa 2459 569 1417 472 2459 368 2035 1156 879 55 DNManufacturing nec. Pro. pohiötva, dr., predelovalne dej. 1894 457 1037 400 1894 241 1598 733 865 55 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturig nec. Reciklaűa 564 112 380 72 564 127 437 423 14 1 Recycling E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 30062 11603 7975 10484 30062 14505 12468 8897 3570 3090 E Electricity, gas and water supply Oskrba z el., plinom, para, topla voda 23364 8091 6251 9022 23364 10106 10576 7407 3169 2683 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water Zbiranje, ËiöËenje, distribucija vode 6698 3513 1724 1461 6698 4399 1892 1490 402 407 Colection, purification etc. of water F Gradbeniötvo 9940 3578 4200 2162 9940 1462 8179 5050 3129 299 F Construction Gradbeniötvo 9940 3578 4200 2162 9940 1462 8179 5050 3129 299 Construction Namen investicij ZnaËaj graditve Kind of construction TehniËna struktura Technical composition Purpose of investment Skupaj Total nove zmoglji- vosti new capaci- ties rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dogra- ditev enlarge- ment, recon- stru- ction, renova- tions vzdrűe- vanje na obsto- jeËi ravni mainte- nance of existing capaci- ties Skupaj Total grad- bena dela dwel- lings, non-resi- dential build- ings and con- struction oprema z montaűo equipment with assembly drugo other skupaj total domaËa domestic uvoűena imported 28.6 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vlaganj, znaËaju graditve in tehn. strukturi in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo (nadaljevanje) Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations, by purpose of investment, kind of constructions and technical composition and by the Standard Classification of Activities - organizational principle (continued) mio SIT Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 447 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Investicije Gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) 448 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 1) Do leta 1990 dinarji. Until 1990 in Dinars. 2) Skupaj z urejanjem in vzdrűevanjem semafornega sistema. Including maintenance of traffic-lights system. G Trgovina; popravila mot. vozil 46239 22580 16086 7574 46239 21041 22992 14694 8299 2206 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair Poprav., trg. z mot. vozili, gorivi 17207 9665 4482 3060 17207 7696 8645 4051 4594 867 Sale, repair etc. motors; fuel Posredniötvo, trg. na debelo, brez vozil 16139 5713 7908 2518 16139 6774 8754 6162 2592 611 Wholesale, commision, not motors Trgovina na drobno brez mot. vozil; poprav izd. 12893 7202 3695 1996 12893 6570 5594 4481 1113 729 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 5414 1871 2943 600 5414 3071 2237 1908 329 106 H Hotels and restaurans Gostinstvo 5414 1871 2943 600 5414 3071 2237 1908 329 106 Hotels and restaurans I Promet, skladiöËenje, zveze 38026 11374 23145 3508 38026 18836 18371 11932 6440 819 I Transport, storage and communication Kopenski promet, cevovodni transport 13126 2050 9693 1384 13126 6734 6340 3686 2654 52 Land transport; pipelines transport Vodni promet 17 0 17 0 17 0 17 17 0 0 Water transport ZraËni promet 190 0 66 124 190 2 179 47 131 9 Air transport Pomoűne prometne dejavnosti, turistiËne org. 8803 2583 4251 1969 8803 4648 3734 2434 1300 421 Supporting transport; travel agencies Poöta in telekomunikacije 15891 6741 9118 31 15891 7453 8102 5748 2354 336 Post and telecommunications J FinanËno posredniötvo 11391 3302 6775 1313 11391 4648 5972 4112 1860 770 J Financial intermediation Fin. posred. brez zavarovalniötva, skladov 9415 2839 5482 1094 9415 3611 5195 3401 1793 610 Financial intermed., not insur., pens. fund. Zavarovalniötvo brez socialnega, skladi 1480 390 892 198 1480 755 570 509 61 156 Insurance, pension not comp. soc. sec. Pomoűne dej. v fin. posredniötvu 495 73 402 21 495 283 208 202 6 5 Activities aux. to financial intermed. K NepremiËnine, najem, poslovne stor. 40209 30228 5619 4362 40209 24781 8365 5263 3102 7063 K Real estate, renting& busines activities Poslovanje z nepremiËninami 2126 981 393 751 2126 1492 600 565 35 33 Real estate activities Dajanje strojev, opreme v najem 502 0 5 497 502 5 487 240 247 10 Renting equipment without operator Obdelava podatkov, s tem povezane dej. 432 120 262 50 432 62 365 139 226 5 Computer and related activities Raziskovanje in razvoj 1969 257 548 1164 1969 236 1709 951 758 24 Research and devalopment Druge poslovne dejavnosti 35180 28869 4411 1900 35180 22986 5204 3368 1835 6991 Other business activities L Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 20685 10528 7340 2818 20685 8720 10966 6487 4479 999 L Public administ.& defence; comp. soc. sec. Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 20685 10528 7340 2818 20685 8720 10966 6487 4479 999 Public administ.& defence; comp. soc. sec. M Izobraűevanje 10472 3184 4232 3056 10472 2547 7781 6706 1076 143 MEducation Izobraűevanje 10472 3184 4232 3056 10472 2547 7781 6706 1076 143 Education N Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 10745 2877 4559 3309 10745 4231 6381 3663 2717 134 N Health and social work Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 10745 2877 4559 3309 10745 4231 6381 3663 2717 134 Health and social work O Dr. javne, skupine in osebne stor. 8493 4883 2239 1371 8493 2794 5244 2863 2382 455 O Other social and personal services Stor. javne higiene 2309 1342 344 623 2309 1278 907 419 489 124 Refuse disposal, sanitation, etc. Dej. zdruűenj, organizacij 1089 690 364 35 1089 237 832 272 560 20 Membership organisation nec. Rekreacijske, kulturne, öportne dej. 4794 2738 1420 636 4794 1182 3306 2092 1213 307 Recreational, cultural & sport. activities Druge storitvene dej. 300 112 111 77 300 97 199 79 120 4 Other service activities Namen investicij ZnaËaj graditve Kind of construction TehniËna struktura Technical composition Purpose of investment Skupaj Total nove zmoglji- vosti new capaci- ties rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dogra- ditev enlarge- ment, recon- stru- ction, renova- tions vzdrűe- vanje na obsto- jeËi ravni mainte- nance of existing capaci- ties Skupaj Total grad- bena dela dwel- lings, non-resi- dential build- ings and con- struction oprema z montaűo equipment with assembly drugo other skupaj total domaËa domestic uvoűena imported 28.6 Ustvarjene investicije v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah v osnovna sredstva po namenu vlaganj, znaËaju graditve in tehn. strukturi in po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - organizacijsko naËelo (nadaljevanje) Gross fixed capital formation of enterprises and other organisations, by purpose of investment, kind of constructions and technical composition and by the Standard Classification of Activities - organizational principle (continued) mio SIT Bilanca javnega financiranja Balance of public financing StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 449 29. BILANCA JAVNEGA FINANCIRANJA BALANCE OF PUBLIC FINANCING VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Bilanca javnega financiranja Slovenije za obdobje 1992-1996 je statistiËni prikaz razvejanega segmenta dogajanj v gospodarstvu drűave in nudi osnovni vpogled v tokove, v katere so vkljuËene enote sektorja drűava. Bilanca javnega financiranja sistematiËno izkazuje - za vsako obraËunsko obdobje (1 leto) - transakcije, ki pomenijo realizacijo predpisov o financiranju funkcij drűave preko proraËuna Republike Slovenije, proraËunov obËin in dveh skladov obveznega socialnega zavarovanja - Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje (ZPIZ) in Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (ZZZS). Bilanco javnega financiranja sestavlja Ministrstvo za finance iz posameznih bilanc, tako da je bilanca javnega financiranja konsolidirani zbirni raËun prihodkov in odhodkov vseh ötirih blagajn “rednega” javnega financiranja v Sloveniji, to je drűavnega proraËuna, Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje, Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (del, ki se nanaöa na obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje) ter proraËunov obËin. Tokovi med posameznimi javnofinanËnimi blagajnami so izloËeni. Osnovni viri podatkov za konsolidirano bilanco javnega financiranja so podatki o prihodkih drűavnega proraËuna, ki se vplaËujejo prek evidenËnih raËunov Agencije za plaËilni promet, ter podatki iz tekoËe evidence Ministrstva za finance. Ta vsebuje naslednje vrste podatkov: podatke o realizaciji tistih prihodkov drűavnega proraËuna, ki se vplaËujejo neposredno na raËune proraËuna, podatke o vseh odhodkih drűavnega proraËuna ter podatke iz obveznih meseËnih poroËil o javnofinanËnih prihodkih in odhodkih Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje, Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije in vseh slovenskih obËin. Glavne opredelitve poslovanja preko proraËuna RS in preko obËinskih proraËunov, torej financiranja funkcij, ki jih v skladu z ustavo in zakonom opravljajo Republika Slovenija in obËine (javna poraba), daje Zakon o financiranju javne porabe (Ur. l. RS öt. 48/90). Struktura prihodkov in vrste odhodkov, ki jih doloËa omenjeni zakon skupaj z drugimi predpisi, se odraűa v strukturi bilance javnega financiranja. Posamezne bilance, iz katerih se sestavi konsolidirana bilanca, se sestavljajo v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. ZAJETJE V bilanci javnega financiranja je zajet preteűni del transakcij med sektorjem drűava in drugimi sektorji gospodarstva drűave (finanËne in nefinanËne druűbe, gospodinjstva, neprofitne ustanove, ki oskrbujejo gospodinjstva). To zajetje je oűje v primerjavi z zajetjem raËunov za sektor drűava (general government accounts) po metodologiji Sistema nacionalnih raËunov (System of National Accounts - SNA). S temi raËuni se zajema öe nekatera druga ekonomsko relevantna dogajanja v sektorju drűava ali v zvezi z njim, npr. drűavno proizvodnjo blaga in storitev. V skladu z zakonodajo, ki doloËa poslovanje preko ötirih blagajn (Zakon o financiranju javne porabe ter drugi zakoni in predpisi), so v bilanci javnega financiranja poleg transferjev iz drugih sektorjev gospodarstva drűave zajeti tudi lastni prihodki enot sektorja drűava. Med javnofinanËnimi odhodki pa so poleg plaËil in transferjev drugim sektorjem prikazani tudi odhodki, ki se porabijo v sektorju drűava. NaËeloma so v bilanco javnega financiranja za posamezna leta vkljuËeni vsi javnofinanËni prihodki in odhodki, ki so bili v obraËunskem letu dejansko realizirani, ne glede na to, kdaj je nastala obveznost plaËila. TekoËi del bilance javnega financiranja (tabela 29.1) kaűe, kako enote sektorja drűava porabljajo oziroma razporejajo sredstva, ki jih pridobivajo od drugih sektorjev (javnofinanËni prihodki in odhodki). Razlika med javnofinanËnimi prihodki in odhodki je javnofinanËni preseűek ali primanjkljaj. JavnofinanËni primanjkljaj se izravna s financiranjem iz razliËnih virov; to je razvidno iz raËuna financiranja tekoËega dela bilance javnega financiranja (tabela 29.2). Trije glavni viri izravnavanja primanjkljaja tekoËega javnega financiranja so: zadolűevanje pri drugih sektorjih gospodarstva drűave ali v tujini in Ërpanje lastnih rezervnih sredstev (zajeto v postavke raËuna financiranja) ter notranje zadolűevanje med posameznimi blagajnami (ni prikazano v konsolidirani bilanci). V raËunu financiranja tekoËega dela bilance javnega financiranja je zajet le en del celotnega zadolűevanja enot sektorja drűava v obraËunskem obdobju in sicer zadolűevanje za financiranje proraËunskega salda in plaËila glavnic. Drugi del - zadolűevanja, ki ima podlago v posebnih predpisih (zadolűevanje za posebne namene), se evidentira samo v premoűenjski bilanci Slovenije. SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Balance of public financing in Slovenia for the period 1992-1996 is a statistical record of a ramifying complex of economic relations in a country and provides a basic insight into flows between the general government sector units and other units of the economy. It systematically summarizes - for each particular accounting period (1 year) - transactions, which are the result of implementing legislation on financing general government functions through the central government budget, municipal budgets and the other two (regular) public financing “cash boxes” - the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance (IPDI) and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS). Balance of public revenues and expenditure is being compiled at the Ministry of Finance. It is compiled from four separate balances so that it is a consolidated collective account of revenues and expenditures of all four “cash boxes” of the public financing in Slovenia, namely of the state budget, the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance, the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (obligatory health insurance transactions only) and the municipal budgets. Flows between the individual “cash boxes” are consolidated (eliminated). There are two main sources for the consolidated balance of public financing: firstly, included are all data on state budget revenues from payments made through the record accounts of the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Payments; secondly, data from the current records of the Ministry of Finance are used including the following data: data on state budget revenues realised through direct payments on the budget accounts, data on expenditure of the state budget and data from obligatory monthly reports on revenues and expenditure of the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance, the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia and of all municipalities in Slovenia. The Law on Financing Public Consumption basically defines administration of the central government budget and the municipal budgets. Structure of revenues and expenditures as defined by the mentioned Law and other regulations is partly reflected in the structure of the consolidated balance of public financing. Structures of the four separate balances, from which the consolidated balance of public financing is compiled, are in line with the valid regulations. COVERAGE Balance of public financing includes most of transactions between the general government sector and other sectors of the economy (non-financial and financial corporations, households, non-profit institutions serving households). Balance of public financing includes only part of the transactions covered by the general government accounts of the System of National Accounts (SNA). SNA accounts also cover some other complexes of economically relevant changes connected with the general government sector, e.g. the general government production of goods and services. In accordance with the legislation, determining administration of the four “cash boxes” of public financing (Law on Financing Public Consumption and other legislation) the balance of public financing also includes own revenues of central government units. On the other hand, in addition to transfers to other sectors, it includes among public financing expenditures also expenditures for the use in the general government sector itself. Included in the balance for each year are, in principle, all revenues and expenditures, which were in the accounting period actually realised, irrespective of the time point at which the duty of payment arose. The current part of the balance of public financing (table 29.1) shows in what way and for what purposes the general government sector units dispose revenues, which they acquire by law from other sectors of the economy (public financing revenues and expenditures). The difference between public financing revenues and expenditures is a public financing surplus or deficit. Public financing deficit is settled by financing from various sources, as it is shown in the financing account of the balance of public financing (table 29.2). There are three main sources of financing the current public financing deficit: incurring financial liabilities towards other sectors and towards the rest of the world, use of general government reserve assets (shown in items of the table) and internal financing flows between the particular “cash boxes” (not seen from the consolidated statement). In the financing account only one part of overall new debts of the general government units, incurred in the accounting period, is covered, namely incurring new debts for the purposes of financing the budget deficit and repayment of principals. The other part - incurring debts for special purposes on the basis of special legislation - is only recorded in the balance of general government assets. Bilanca javnega financiranja Balance of public financing StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 450 Poleg lastnih prihodkov so prenosi iz ene blagajne rednega javnega financiranja v drugo za prejemnike prenosov (to so obËine, ZPIZ in ZZZS) dodatni vir financiranja njihove javne porabe. Agregati teh transferjev iz konsolidirane bilance niso jasno razvidni, saj odhodki iz ene v drugo blagajno javnega financiranja niso vkljuËeni med odhodke. Na velikost teh transferjev kaűejo odhodki prejemnikov na podlagi teh transferjev, ki so zajeti v glavnih podpostavkah odhodkov bilance javnega financiranja. Na obseg udeleűbe obËin v konsolidirani bilanci javnega financiranja vplivajo po eni strani predpisi, ki doloËajo, kaj so funkcije obËin, po drugi pa spremembe v sistemu financiranja obËin. Tudi po novi zakonodaji o financiranju obËin, ki je zaËela veljati v letu 1995 za novih 147 obËin, so obËine subjekt opravljanja vrste funkcij in nalog javnega pomena. Te funkcije in naloge se financirajo na podlagi lastnih prihodkov obËin (veËja ali manjöa avtonomija obËin pri pripravi predpisov o teh dajatvah) ali na podlagi transferjev iz drűavnega proraËuna, namenjenih finanËni izravnavi. Dve osnovni skupini teh transferjev sta: prva, za “zagotovoljeno porabo” obËin in druga, za izvajanje drugih nalog v pristojnosti obËin. Obe ti dve vrsti prihodkov sta sestavini javnofinanËnih prihodkov obËinskih proraËunov. V bilanci javnega financiranja prikazani javnofinanËni prihodki in odhodki ne zajemajo vsega financiranja javne porabe v Sloveniji, ampak le t.i. “redno financiranje”. Del financiranja javne porabe, ki ni redno in ni izkazano v konsolidirani bilanci javnega financiranja, ima posebne institucionalne nosilce, to so npr. nekateri skladi, agencije ipd., ki so po mednarodnih standardih drűavne ustanove. Razlogi, zaradi katerih nekateri novonastali subjekti javnega financiranja v Sloveniji niso vkljuËeni v bilanco javnega financiranja, in se posebej spremljajo, so razliËni. Nekateri zunajproraËunski skladi imajo npr. ne le prihodke iz drűavnega proraËuna, temveË tudi prihodke, ki jih pridobivajo neposredno na podlagi lastninske zakonodaje. Taki prihodki niso trajne narave in se z doloËenimi izjemami (npr. del dohodkov od privatizacije se steka neposredno v drűavni proraËun) izkazujejo loËeno. DEFINICIJE TekoËi del bilance javnega financiranja kaűe na eni strani vrste virov prihodkov, oziroma na kakönih podlagah drűava pridobiva sredstva od enot drugih sektorjev ali iz lastnih virov, na drugi strani pa, kako drűava tako zbrana sredstva razporeja po razliËnih vrstah uporabe in uporabnikov, vkljuËno z uporabo znotraj sektorja drűava. Razlika med javnofinanËnimi prihodki in odhodki v obraËunskem obdobju je javnofinanËni preseűek ali primanjkljaj. JavnofinanËni prihodki so vsi izvirni prihodki, ki se oblikujejo na raËunih vseh ötirih blagajn javnega financiranja. IzloËeni (pobotani oz. konsolidirani) so vsi tisti prihodki posameznih blagajn, ki ne pomenijo njihovih izvirnih prihodkov, temveË prenose sredstev iz drugih blagajn javnega financiranja. JavnofinanËni prihodki so razËlenjeni po posameznih kategorijah prihodkov, v skladu s pravnimi podlagami, ki jih predpisujejo. Osnovni dve skupini prihodkov so davËni prihodki (davki in prispevki za socialno varnost - sploöne obvezne dajatve) in nedavËni prihodki. Slednje sestavljajo tri skupine: takse; drugi nedavËni prihodki ter lastni prihodki od premoűenja in lastne dejavnosti. DavËni prihodki zajemajo davke in prispevke za socialno varnost. Davki zajemajo izvirne prihodke Republike Slovenije in obËin, ki imajo razliËne pravne podlage in so po podobnosti zdruűeni v nekaj skupin. Prispevki za socialno varnost so razËlenjeni po posameznih vrstah prispevkov, ki se zbirajo v drűavnem proraËunu ter v Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje ter v Zavodu za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije. Prispevki za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje zajemajo tudi prispevke za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje upokojencev, ki se oblikujejo kot prihodek Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje, a se tekoËe nakazujejo v Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije. NedavËni prihodki so razËlenjeni po najpomembnejöih kategorijah in so seötevek posameznih vrst nedavËnih prihodkov, ki se v doloËenem obdobju oblikujejo v posameznih javnofinanËnih blagajnah. NedavËni prihodki zajemajo tudi prihodke iz lastnih virov enot sektorja drűava. Kapitalski prihodki so posebna podskupina nedavËnih prihodkov, ki so v zvezi s spremembami v relevantnih nefinanËnih sredstvih. V tej postavki so prihodki od prodaje stanovanj in prihodki od privatizacije podjetij v tesni zvezi z zakonodajo, ki opredeljuje proces lastninskega In addition to own revenues, transfers from one public financing “cash box” to another, which are part of the process of public financing, are additional sources of revenues for the recipient institutions (these are municipalities, IPDI and HIIS). Aggregates of those transfers are not explicitly visible from the consolidated balance of public financing. Expenditures of the recipients on the basis of such transfer revenues are included in the overall expenditures from the four “cash boxes”, seen in the expenditure side of the consolidated balance of public financing. As for the level of the share of municipalities in the revenues and expenditures of the consolidated balance of public financing, it is a result of both changes in legislation defining the functions in the competence of municipalities and changes in the system of financing the implementation of those functions. After adoption of the new legislation on financing municipalities (introduced in 1995 for 147 new municipalities), municipalities remain subject of the wide range of functions and tasks of public importance. These functions and tasks are being financed on the basis of the municipalities’ own revenues (greater or lesser autonomy of the municipalities in taking decisions on the preparation legislation on those duties) and on the basis on transfers from the central government budget for the purpose of “financial leveling”. Two basic groups of these transfers are transfers for “assured consumption” of the municipalities and transfers for implementing other tasks in municipalities’ competence. Both those sorts of revenues are the components of the whole public financing revenues of the municipal budgets. Public financing revenues and expenditures covered in the balance of public financing do not include the overall financing of public consumption, but only “regular”. A part of public financing, which is not “regular” and is not covered by the balance of public financing, is implemented by special institutions - funds, agencies, etc., which are - in accordance to the international standards - general government units. Reasons for which these newly emerging subjects of public financing in Slovenia are treated separately are different. Some extrabudgetary funds, for example, receive revenues not only from central government budget, but also receive direct revenues on the basis of privatization legislation. Such revenues are not “regular” in nature and are, with some exceptions (e.g. some central government budget revenues are based on privatisation legislation) - shown separately. DEFINITIONS Current part of the balance of public financing shows on the one hand what are the sources of public financing revenues (revenues of the general government units from other sector units and from own sources). On the other hand it shows how the general government units use those collected revenues for various kinds of uses and users, including uses inside the general government sector. The difference between the current public financing revenues and expenditures in a given accounting period is a public financing surplus or deficit. General government revenues are all original revenues which are formed on the accounts of all four “cash boxes”. Excluded (consolidated) are all such revenues of individual “cash boxes” which are not original revenues but are transfers of funds from one of the other three “cash boxes”. Revenues are broken down into particular categories of revenues in accordance with the legislation which defines them. Two basic groups of revenues are tax revenues (taxes and social security contributions - general duties) and non-tax duties. Non-tax duties are composed of three subgroups: fees, other non-tax revenues and revenues from general government units’ own sources. Tax revenues cover taxes and social security contributions. Taxes are broken down into categories as sums of particular categories of taxes which are realised either by the state budget or by municipal budgets. Social security contributions are broken down into particular types of contributions, which are accumulated either in the state budget or in the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance and the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. Contributions for obligatory health insurance also include contributions for obligatory health insurance of pensioners, which is original revenue of the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance, but is currently transferred to the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. Non-tax revenues are broken down into main categories and are the sum of particular types of non-tax revenues which are accumulated in the individual “cash boxes” of public financing. Non-tax revenues include revenues from general government units’ own sources. Capital revenues are a special subgroup of non-tax revenues connected with the relevant changes in non-financial assets. In this item revenues from selling flats and revenues from privatisation are in close connection with the legislation determining the process of ownership Bilanca javnega financiranja Balance of public financing StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 451 preoblikovanja in so torej rezultat izjemnih sprememb v nefinanËnih sredstvih, medtem ko imajo prihodki od prodaje osnovnih sredstev naravo stalnejöega proraËunskega vira (lastni vir sredstev). JavnofinanËni odhodki so razËlenjeni na ötiri osnovne sestavine javnega financiranja: pokojninsko-invalidsko zavarovanje, obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, proraËunska poraba na ravni drűave ter proraËunska poraba obËin. ProraËunska poraba drűave je razËlenjena po posameznih ekonomskih namenih (izdatki za plaËe in materialne stroöke drűave in druga sredstva za zagotavljanje storitev drűavnih organizacij, socialni transferji, plaËila storitev javnim zavodom, plaËila obresti in drűavnih garancij in subvencij ter drugi transferji podjetjem, drugi tekoËi odhodki, izdatki za investicije ter poveËanje proraËunskih rezerv). IzloËeni so odhodki, ki se iz drűavnega proraËuna namenjajo za pokrivanje obveznosti do Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje, sredstva za zdravstvo in sredstva za finanËno izravnavo obËinam. ProraËunska poraba obËin je razËlenjena po posameznih namenih porabe v obËinah, izloËena pa so sredstva, ki se iz proraËunov obËin namenjajo za zdravstvo. Odhodki za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje zajemajo vse javnofinanËne odhodke za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje (tudi tiste iz drűavnega proraËuna). Odhodki za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje zajemajo vse odhodke, namenjene za obvezno zdravstvo, skupaj s sredstvi, ki se za zdravstvo namenjajo iz drűavnega in iz obËinskih proraËunov. JavnofinanËni preseűek (suficit) oziroma primanjkljaj (deficit) v posameznem obdobju je razlika med celotnimi konsolidiranimi javnofinanËnimi prihodki in celotnimi javnofinanËnimi odhodki v tem obdobju. V raËunu financiranja bilance javnega financiranja je razlika med agregatoma “zadolűevanje drűavnega sektorja” in “odplaËila dolga” naËeloma enaka vsoti vrednosti postavke “poveËanje ali zmanjöanje sredstev na raËunih” in vrednosti javnofinanËnega preseűka oziroma primanjkljaja. V praksi se zaradi napak in izpustitev pojavlja razlika, ki je prikazana v postavki “raËunska razlika pri konsolidaciji”. Transakcije, ki jih zajema raËun financiranja, vplivajo na razliko v stanju premoűenjske bilance drűave na zaËetku in na koncu obraËunskega obdobja. Zadolűevanje drűavnega sektorja zajema vrednost v obraËunskem obdobju na novo prevzetih finanËnih obveznosti drűave do drugih domaËih sektorjev in do tujine. OdplaËila dolga zajemajo celotno vrednost v obraËunskem obdobju odplaËanih dolgov do drugih domaËih sektorjev in do tujine. Neto zadolűevanje drűavnega sektorja je enako zadolűevanju drűavnega sektorja, zmanjöanemu za odplaËila dolga in za poveËanje oziroma zmanjöanje sredstev na raËunih enot javnega financiranja. StatistiËna razlika pri konsolidaciji je rezultat napak in izpustitev, do katerih pride pri sestavljanju konsolidirane bilance javnega financiranja. transformation and are therefore the result of exceptional changes in non- financial assets. A more constant budget source are revenues from selling fixed assets (own source of revenues). General government expenditure is broken down into the following four basic components of public financing: old age pension and disability insurance expenditure; obligatory health insurance expenditure; expenditure of the state budget; and expenditure of municipal budgets. Central government expenditure is broken down into categories of expenditure distinguished on the basis of particular economic purposes (expenditure for wages, contributions and funds for other purchases of goods and services provided by government institutions, social transfers, transfers for social services performed by public institutions, payments for interest and government guarantees and subsidies and other transfers to business sector, other current expenditure, expenditure for investment purposes and for the increase of budget reserves). Excluded from this aggregate are use of funds formed in the state budget for the purpose of fulfilling the state’s financial obligations towards the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance, funds which are formed in the state budget for the obligatory health insurance purposes and funds transferred from the state budget for the purpose of financial leveling of municipal budgets. Local government expenditure is broken down into particular components according to the purpose of expenditure. Excluded from this aggregate are the funds transferred from municipal budgets for public health insurance. Expenditure of Pension and Disability insurance covers all expenditure of public financing for the purposes of obligatory pension and disability insurance (including funds transferred from the state budget). Expenditure of Obligatory Health Insurance covers all expenditure for the obligatory health insurance purposes, including funds transferred from the state budget and municipal budgets. General government Surplus or deficit for a given period is a difference between consolidated revenues of public financing and consolidated expenditure of public financing for the same period. In financial part of the balance of public financing the difference between the aggregates “borrowing” and “amortization of debt” is in principle equal to the sum of the values of item “changes in cash and deposits” and the current public financing surplus or deficit. However, due to errors and omissions made in the real accounting practice, a difference appears, which is shown in the item “statistical differences in consolidation”. Transactions included in the financing account influence the difference between opening and closing general government sector balance sheet. Borrowing is the total value of newly incurred debts towards other sectors of the economy and towards the rest of the world, which take place in the accounting period. Amortization of debt is the total value of repayments of previously incurred debts to other sectors of the economy and to the rest of the world. Net borrowing is equal to borrowing minus amortization of debt minus changes in cash and deposits. Statistical differences in consolidation are the result of errors and omissions made in the process of compiling the balance of public financing. Bilanca javnega financiranja Balance of public financing StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 452 29.1 Bilanca javnega financiranja - konsolidirani javnofinanËni prihodki in odhodki Consolidated general government revenues and expenditures - current account mio SIT 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 JAVNOFINAN»NI PRIHODKI GENERAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES SKUPAJ 466776,8 674824,9 849755,5 1015350,3 1153820,0 TOTAL DavËni prihodki 424495,1 616054,0 790256,2 939395,7 1054131,6 Tax revenues Davki 215765,0 315493,8 443624,2 531418,6 629847,9 Taxes Davek od dobiËka pravnih oseb 5947,3 6659,8 14993,9 12940,9 22291,4 Corporate income tax Davek na plaËe; davek na pogodbeno delo 143,0 0,0 5918,8 3828,7 18258,9 Tax on wages; tax on contracting work Dohodnina 68830,2 97996,7 128257,3 147668,6 174657,5 Personal income taxes Davki na promet proizvodov in storitev 108133,4 158842,2 229517,5 288031,7 337076,4 Domestic taxes on goods and services Carine in druge uvozne dajatve 32300,7 51462,9 64266,9 78176,5 76592,5 Customs duties and other import taxes Drugi davki 410,5 532,2 669,8 772,2 971,2 Other taxes Prispevki za socialno varnost 208730,1 300560,3 346632,1 407977,2 424283,7 Social security contributions Prispevek za zaposlovanje 13882,3 21082,0 9883,0 7294,2 2783,8 Contribution for unemployment insurance Prispevek za porodniöko 0,0 0,0 1121,5 1813,5 2097,5 Contribution for maternity leave Prispevki za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje 85273,1 102108,1 116465,8 138446,8 166911,2 Contributions for obligatory health insurance Prispevki za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje 109574,7 177370,2 219161,9 260422,7 252491,2 Contributions for pension and disability insurance NedavËni prihodki 42281,7 58770,9 59499,4 75954,6 99688,4 Non-tax revenues Registracijske takse 1743,1 4475,2 5752,9 6352,3 7232,1 Motor vehicle registration duties Cestnine 1542,8 2963,2 13,2 0,0 0,0 Tolls on highways Vodna povraËila 617,1 1130,2 1542,8 1666,0 1147,9 Charges for water works Odökodnine zaradi spremembe namembnosti zemljiöË 122,0 519,4 2657,9 1694,0 1898,2 Duties on use of agriculture land Nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljiöËa 2763,9 5710,8 7299,4 8075,0 11018,9 Charges for the use of building-ground Takse 3628,0 5683,8 6490,7 8398,3 10944,0 Administrative fees Takse na igralne avtomate 0,0 393,6 930,7 1208,8 1226,0 Taxes on gambling machines Prispevki solidarnosti 3817,8 2084,5 2092,3 0,0 0,0 Contribution for solidarity Prihodki od obresti 9527,8 7694,1 11091,6 5931,0 6651,2 Interest receipts Drugi nedavËni prihodki drűavnega in obËinskih proraËunov 9851,2 15592,7 16365,5 29614,9 42646,2 Other nontax revenues (state and local budgets) Drugi nedavËni prihodki ZPIZ in ZZZS 8507,7 5446,6 2667,0 2747,0 4782,1 Other non-tax revenues (Pension and Health Fund) Preseűek prihodkov Banke Slovenije po zakljuËnem raËunu 158,3 3574,9 1033,9 0,0 0,0 Profit transferred from the Bank of Slovenia Udeleűba pri dobiËku javnih podjetij 0,0 0,0 0,0 28,3 592,8 Profit shares in public enterprises Kapitalski prihodki 0,0 3501,9 1561,4 10239,0 11549,0 Capital revenues Prihodki od prodaje osnovnih sredstev 0,0 400,0 1561,4 1683,5 1188,1 Revenues from selling fixed assets Prihodki od prodaje stanovanj 0,0 3101,9 0,0 0,0 0,0 Revenues from selling flats Kupnine od privatizacije podjetij 0,0 0,0 0,0 8555,5 10360,9 Revenues from privatisation Bilanca javnega financiranja Balance of public financing StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 453 29.1 Bilanca javnega financiranja - konsolidirani javnofinanËni prihodki in odhodki (nadaljevanje) Consolidated general government revenues and expenditures - current account (continued) mio SIT 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 JAVNOFINAN»NI ODHODKI GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE SKUPAJ 464285,6 670168,9 853997,6 1016005,7 1147130,4 TOTAL ProraËunska poraba drűave 210847,8 300686,0 373998,4 453000,2 498273,8 Central government expenditure PlaËe, drugi prejemki in prispevki zaposlenim v drűavnih organih (tudi obramba) in izvajalskih organizacijah 52386,5 81533,6 89524,8 142925,1 171622,6 Wages, salaries and employer contributions Materialni in drugi stroöki drűavnih organov (tudi obramba) in izvajalskih organizacij 23775,4 26535,5 35123,3 47278,3 42453,5 Purchases of goods and services Socialni transferi (brez transferov v ZPIZ) 34825,4 59305,5 72618,8 75481,1 87340,9 Social transfers PlaËila storitev javnim zavodom (brez zdravstva) 20103,0 28206,3 35358,2 29813,2 34657,8 Transfers to social services (without health insurance) Druga plaËila storitev 7020,6 11963,4 13292,5 19340,6 20696,8 Other payments for services PlaËila obresti 4794,9 18357,4 27624,5 24566,4 30435,0 Interest payments PlaËila garancij 9050,2 4126,7 3900,9 904,9 2168,1 Payments for government guarantees Subvencije in transferi v gospodarstvo 28373,4 31465,6 30076,4 36350,6 29843,5 Subsidies and other transfers to business sector Drugi tekoËi odhodki 2491,3 3433,6 8654 10710,9 10509,3 Other current expenditure Sredstva za begunce 1443,2 2091,2 2378,8 2220,2 1884,5 Payments for refugees Investicije (brez investicij v obrambo in zdravstvo) 24318,2 31341,4 52486,9 58799,1 61904,9 Acquisition of fixed assets and other capital expenditure Kapitalske naloűbe 494,3 1572,4 2545,7 4209,8 3738,9 Capital transfers to financial institutions Sredstva, izloËena v rezerve 1771,5 1753,3 413,5 400,0 1000,0 Increase of budget reserves ProraËunska poraba obËin 50334,3 74092,4 98006,9 102367,8 123936,6 Local government expenditure PlaËe, materialni in drugi stroöki obËinskih organov 10762,9 15202,8 20798,0 13531,6 15808,4 Wages, contributions and purchases of goods and services PlaËila storitev javnim zavodom (brez zdravstva) 21009,5 29346,0 38185,6 45532,2 49966,0 Transfers to social services Subvencije in drugi transferi v gospodarstvo 15762,9 24662,8 33778,7 36709,6 50775,4 Subsidies and other transfers to business sector Drugi tekoËi odhodki 1772,2 3310,4 2928,1 3590,3 4243,7 Other current expenditure PlaËila obresti 184,7 250,0 623,4 603,5 551,4 Interest payments Sredstva za delo krajevnih skupnosti 627,4 960,3 1310,3 1652,8 1497,2 Transfers to municipalities Sredstva, izloËena v rezerve 214,7 360,1 382,8 747,8 1094,5 Increase of budget reserves Odhodki za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje 127398,2 186053,2 247989,1 302531,0 340783,2 Expenditure of Pension and Disability Insurance Pokojnine (vkljuËno z dodatki) 116757,5 169704,6 226065,1 273354,5 309106,9 Pensions Denarne dajatve in nadomestila 7575,6 11847,2 16002,4 22312,3 26636,2 Allowances and other payments to pensioners Odhodki za delo ZPIZ 3065,1 4501,4 5921,6 6864,2 5040,1 Pension Fund administration Odhodki za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje 72274,9 107252,7 131911,7 153232,4 173172,5 Expenditure of Obligatory Health Insurance PlaËila zdravstvenih storitev 64695,8 92513,4 113186,7 130835,1 149607,7 Payments for providing health services Nadomestila plaË in drugi odhodki 5728,4 12527,1 15960,7 19280,8 19853,0 Other social benefits in cash Odhodki za delo ZZZS 1850,7 2212,2 2763,7 3116,5 3711,8 Health Fund administration Poraba sredstev solidarnosti 3430,4 2084,5 2092,3 0,0 0,0 Expenditure of solidarity fund Poraba kupnin od privatizacije 0,0 0,0 0,0 4874,3 10964,3 Expenditure of revenues from privatisation JAVNOFINAN»NI PRESEéEK (+) OZIROMA PRIMANJKLJAJ (-) 2491,2 4656,0 -4242,1 -655,4 6689,6 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SURPLUS (+) OR DEFICIT (-) Bilanca javnega financiranja Balance of public financing StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 454 29.2 Bilanca javnega financiranja - raËun financiranja Consolidated general government - financing mio SIT 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Zadolűevanje drűavnega sektorja 5104,3 16718,3 15555,0 19592,0 45484,3 Borrowing Zadolűevanje v tujini 2885,4 12964,5 14102,3 18844,0 44162,9 Borrowing abroad Zadolűevanje drűavnega proraËuna v tujini 2885,4 12964,5 14102,3 18844,0 44162,9 State budget borrowing abroad DomaËe zadolűevanje 2218,9 3753,8 1452,7 748,0 1321,4 Domestic borrowing Zadolűevanje drűavnega proraËuna pri bankah 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Monetary authorities Zadolűevanje obËin pri bankah 663,4 1135,5 1177,3 481,4 1321,4 Borrowing of local governments from banks Prodaja drűavnih in obËinskih obveznic 1196,3 1460,9 275,4 266,6 0.0 Sales of government securities Drugo kratkoroËno zadolűevanje drűave 359,2 1157,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 Other state budget domestic borrowing OdplaËila dolga 7421,8 11210,8 17344,2 25036,6 34346,9 Amortization of debt OdplaËila v tujino 2041,6 4489,3 8398,2 12569,0 21062,6 Amortization of foreign debt OdplaËila dolga v tujino iz drűavnega proraËuna 2041,6 4489,3 8398,2 12569,0 21062,6 State budget amortization of foreign debt OdplaËila domaËega dolga 5380,2 6721,5 8946,0 12467,6 13284,4 Amortization of domestic debt OdplaËila dolga iz drűavnega proraËuna 4732,9 5646,9 7967,5 10780,2 11650,2 State budget amortization of domestic debt OdplaËila dolgov iz proraËunov obËin 647,3 1074,6 978,5 1687,4 1634,2 Local governments amortization of domestic debt PoveËanje (+) ali zmanjöanje (-) sredstev na raËunih -623,7 9631,6 -5720,5 -5348,5 17959,3 Changes in cash and deposits Drűavni proraËun -3748,8 1639,3 5813,5 -1137,6 10536,7 Central government budget ObËinski proraËuni 861,3 757,9 1813,9 3915,4 5032,8 Local government budgets ZPIZ -3157,2 5379,5 -6434,5 -7601,4 -323,1 Pension fund ZZZS 5421,0 1854,9 -6913,4 -524,9 2712,9 Health fund Neto zadolűevanje drűavnega sektorja -2941,2 -4124,1 3931,3 -96,1 -6821,9 Net borrowing RaËunska razlika pri konsolidaciji -450,0 531,9 -310,8 -751,5 -132,4 Statistical differences in consolidation Sredstva prebivalstva, potroöniöki krediti in zavarovanje Means of individuals, consumer credits and insurance StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 458 1) Doseűene bruto premije za posamezno leto zajemajo tudi prenosne premije v tem letu. Gross premiums paid for the individual year include transfer premiums in that year. 2) IzplaËane odökodnine za posamezno leto ne zajemajo rezerviranih ökod v tem letu. Claims paid for the individual year do not cover reserve damages in that year. 30.4 ObraËunane bruto zavarovalne premije, tehniËne premije in odökodnine Gross premium, technical premium and claims mio SIT Odökodnine2) Claims paid2) SKUPAJ 3811 5949 25944 35042 46697 TOTAL Civil 404 315 1498 2520 2845 Civil éivali 128 128 556 752 898 Livestock Posevki 143 258 1050 625 1030 Crops Industrija 1278 1217 5374 6225 5991 Industry Transport 97 226 2134 919 1647 Transport Krediti 35 191 726 1100 2045 Credits Avtomobilski kasko 585 1280 4601 5821 8806 Motor vehicle comprehensive Avtomobilska odgovornost 830 1575 6263 10078 12650 Motor vehicle third party liability éelezniöko gospodarstvo 41 92 273 406 539 Railway Razno 131 237 986 1601 2496 Other Nezgode 82 267 1658 2975 4221 Accidents éivljenje 57 163 825 1621 2726 Life Prostovoljno zdravstveno zavarovanje - - - 399 803 Voluntary health insurance Zavarovalne skupine Bruto premije Gross premium TehniËne premije Technical premium Odökodnine Claims Insurance groups 1995 1996 1995 1996 1995 1996 SKUPAJ 92445 107236 74553 86263 54482 63398 TOTAL Nezgodna zavarovanja 8762 10316 6244 7780 5969 6628 Accident insurance Prostovoljna zdravstvena zavarovanja 2741 2733 2143 2124 1196 1542 Voluntary health insurance Kasko zavarovanje cestnih vozil 15236 18368 12475 15010 10226 11656 Motor vehicle comprehensive ins. Kasko zavarovanje tirnih vozil 435 490 414 467 540 481 Railway insurance Kasko zavarovanje letal in dugih zraËnih plovil 599 460 571 440 41 33 Aircraft hull insurance Zavarovanje pomorskega in reËno-jezer. kaska 205 230 187 213 101 106 Marine hull insurance Transportna kargo zavarovanja 1263 1312 1022 1056 235 285 Transport insurance Poűarno zavarovanje in elementarne nevarnosti 11465 12443 8976 9589 3710 3435 Fire insurance Druga premoűenjska zavarovanja 13029 14515 10742 11872 7699 9853 Other property insurance Zavarovanje odgovornosti lastnikov cestnih vozil 18586 21035 15711 17771 14969 18132 Motor vehicle third party liability ins. Zavarovanje odgovornosti v zraËnem prometu 203 243 195 233 1 2 Aircraft third party liability ins. Zavarovanje odgovornosti ladjarjev in popravljalcev ladij 64 93 57 84 55 87 Marine third party liability ins. Druga zavarovanja odgovornosti 2545 2980 2177 2539 2150 2310 Other liability insurance Kreditna zavarovanja 3314 3436 2699 2795 3457 3326 Credit insurance Kavcijska zavarovanja 21 59 17 46 0 0 Insurance of TIR carnets Zavarovanja raznih finanËnih izgub 346 348 308 318 175 223 Insurance against financial losses Zavarovanje pravne zaöËite 12 21 9 16 0 0 Legal protection insurance Zavarovanje nudenja pomoËi osebam v teűavah 30 30 23 23 17 20 Travel assistance insurance éivljenjska zavarovanja 13589 18124 10581 13887 3941 5279 Life insurance 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 30.3 Doseűene bruto zavarovalne premije, tehniËne premije in izplaËane ökode (nadaljevanje) Gross premiums, technical premiums and claims paid (continued) mio SIT 461 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËilna bilanca Balance of payments 31. PLA»ILNA BILANCA BALANCE OF PAYMENTS VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Sploöno o plaËilni bilanci PlaËilno bilanco Slovenije sestavlja Banka Slovenije na podlagi metodologije Mednarodnega denarnega sklada (MDS) - PriroËnika za izdelavo plaËilne bilance (Balance of Payments Manual, Ëetrta razliËica te metodologije je izöla leta 1977, peta pa leta 1993) in v okviru razpoloűljivih podatkov. PlaËilna bilanca je statistiËni zapis, ki za doloËeno Ëasovno obdobje sistematiËno zajema ekonomske transakcije med subjekti gospodarstva drűave in tujino, praviloma med rezidenti drűave in nerezidenti. V plaËilno bilanco se zajemajo naslednje vrste transakcij: izvoz in uvoz blaga, izvoz in uvoz storitev, prejemki in izdatki iz naslova dohodkov, finanËne terjatve in obveznosti do tujine ter enostranske transakcije - transferji. Te transakcije se zajemajo v dva temeljna podraËuna plaËilne bilance: v tekoËi raËun ter v kapitalski in finanËni raËun. Uporaba jasnega koncepta rezidenËnosti enote omogoËa ustrezno identificiranje in zajetje transakcij med rezidenti drűave in nerezidenti (tujino). Koncept rezidenËnosti, ki ga uporablja PriroËnik za sestavljanje plaËilne bilance, je identiËen konceptu rezidenËnosti v Sistemu nacionalnih raËunov (SNA, 1993). V skladu s tem konceptom je enota- transaktor rezidenËna enota takrat, kadar ima na ekonomskem ozemlju drűave srediöËe svojega ekonomskega interesa; Ëe tega pogoja ne izpolnjuje, je nerezidenËna enota. Kar zadeva ekonomsko ozemlje v tej definiciji, le-to zajema geografski teritorij, ki ga upravljajo organi drűave, in ne sovpada povsem z ozemljem drűave. Eno temeljnih naËel pri sestavljanju plaËilne bilance je sistem dvojnega knjigovodstva, tako da je vsaka transakcija knjiűena dvakrat; vsota vseh knjiűenj bi morala teoretiËno biti niË, v resnici pa pride do salda, ki se knjiűi v postavki "neto napake in izpustitve". PlaËilna bilanca v osnovni razliËici je tudi delno sektorizirana (denarne oblasti, vlada, poslovne banke, drugi). Pomembno je tudi razlikovanje med kratkoroËnimi in dolgoroËnimi terjatvami oziroma obveznostmi. Vsi podatki so izraűeni v ameriökih dolarjih; v vrednosti v USD so torej po tekoËih teËajih preraËunane tudi vse transakcije - plaËila v nedolarskih valutah. Negativen predznak (-) pomeni uvoz oziroma preseűek uvoza nad izvozom v tekoËem raËunu, poveËanje terjatev ali zmanjöanje obveznosti v kapitalskem in finanËnem raËunu ter poveËanje mednarodnih rezerv. Posebnosti plaËilne bilance Slovenije NaËin obraËuna plaËilne bilance Slovenije je bil po letu 1991 nekajkrat dopolnjen z namenom, da bi se Ëim bolj pribliűali metodoloökim napotkom spremenjene razliËice priporoËil MDS. To je bilo dokaj odvisno od razpoloűljivih virov podatkov; ti so bili ob denarni osamosvojitvi Slovenije (8. oktobra 1991) in takoj po letu 1991 precej pomanjkljivi. Na novo je bilo treba organizirati zbiranje, obdelavo in objavljanje denarnih in finanËnih podatkov. Do leta 1991, ko je bila Slovenija sestavni del Jugoslavije, se v plaËilno bilanco Slovenije transakcije s tedanjimi jugoslovanskimi republikami niso zajemale. Tako prikazana plaËilna bilanca Slovenije za obdobje 1990-1992 (prvi del tabele - poöevni tisk) zajema le transakcije s t. i. pravo tujino, medtem ko plaËilnobilanËni podatki za obdobje 1992-1996 (drugi del tabele - pokonËni tisk) zajemajo tudi transakcije z nekdanjimi jugoslovanskimi republikami. Bistvena razlika med obema deloma podatkov v plaËilni bilanci je tudi v tem, da je oplemenitenje za obdobje 1990-1992 vkljuËeno po neto naËelu v bilanco storitev, za obdobje 1992- 1996 pa po bruto naËelu v bilanco menjave blaga. Rezidenti Republike Slovenije so za potrebe sestavljanja plaËilne bilance Slovenije opredeljeni kot: - fiziËne osebe s stalnim prebivaliöËem v Republiki Sloveniji in tuje fiziËne osebe, ki imajo veljavno delovno vizo za öest ali veË mesecev; - pravne osebe in zasebniki s sedeűem v Republiki Sloveniji in tuje pravne osebe, ki na ozemlju Republike Slovenije s stalno dejavnostjo pridobivajo dohodek; - diplomatska, konzularna ter druga predstavniötva Republike Slovenije, ki so financirana iz proraËuna, in slovenski drűavljani, ki so zaposleni pri njih, in njihovi druűinski Ëlani; - registrirana predstavniötva tujih podjetij in poslovne enote, ki SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION General features of the balance of payments The balance of payments of Slovenia is being compiled by the Bank of Slovenia on the basis of International Monetary Fund’s recommendations (Balance of Payments Manual, the fourth and the fifth editions were issued in 1977 and in 1993 respectively) and under limitations posed by availability of data sources. The balance of payments is a statistical statement that systematically summarises, for a specific time period, the economic transactions of an economy with the rest of the world. Transactions consist of those involving goods, services and income; those involving financial claims on, and liabilities to, the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers, which involve offsetting entries to balance - in an accounting sense - one-sided transactions. These transactions are covered by two main subaccounts of the balance of payments: the current account and the capital and financial account. Use of a clear concept of residency of a unit enables appropriate identification and coverage of all transactions between residents of an economy and non-residents (rest of the world). Concept of residency used in the Balance of Payments Manual is identical to that used in the System of National Accounts. According to this concept, a unit-transactor is a resident unit when it has a center of economic interest in the economic territory of a country. As far as economic territory concerns, it consists of the geographic territory administred by the government and is not completely identical to the territory encircled by the country’s geographical boundaries. One of the basic principles in compiling the balance of payments is the system of double accounting; the sum of all entries should theoretically be zero, but practically it is a balance (positive or negative), which is then entered into the item "net errors and omissions". The balance of payments in its basic more structured variant is also partly sectored (monetary authorities; government; commercial banks; others). Another important feature in the balance of payments compilation is distinguishing between short-term and long-term claims and liabilities. All data in the presented balance of payments are in US dollars; so the conversions to USD have been made in the case of transactions - payments made in non-USD values. Minus sign (-) indicates imports or surplus of imports over exports in current account, increase in assets or decrease in liabilities in the capital and financial accounts, and growth of reserve assets. Some specific features of the balance of payments of Slovenia Methodology for the compilation of the Balance of Payments of Slovenia has been supplemented a few times since 1991 with the objective to come more in line with the IMF recommendations. However, those changes have to a great extent depended on the availability of data sources, which were after the attainment of monetary independence of Slovenia (October 8, 1991) rather deficient. It was necessary to establish a new organization of monetary and financial data collection, processing and publishing. In the period until 1991, when Slovenia had been a constitutional part of Yugoslavia, the balance of payments of Slovenia did not include transactions with then other Yugoslav republics. Providing that the presented balance of payments of Slovenia for the period 1989-1992 (first part of the table - inclined print) only include transactions with the so called real abroad, while the data for the period 1992-1996 (second part of the table - erected print) also cover transactions with the former other Yugoslav republics. As another important difference between the two sets of data, processing is included into the 1989-1992 data on net principle into the balance of services, while into the 1992-1996 data it is included on gross principle into the balance of goods. Residents of the Republic of Slovenia are for the purpose of compiling balance of payments of Slovenia defined in the following way: - physical entities with a permanent settlement in the Republic of Slovenia and foreign physical entities, which have a working visa valid for six months or more; - legal entities and private persons which have their seats in the Republic of Slovenia, and foreign legal entities, which on the territory of Slovenia acquire income with a permanent economic activity; - diplomatic, consular and other representative organs of the Republic of Slovenia, which are financed out of the budget, and Slovene citizens employed by them, and their family members; - representative agencies of foreign enterprises registered in Slovenia 462 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËilna bilanca Balance of payments opravljajo na ozemlju Republike Slovenije stalno dejavnost, za tisti del dejavnosti, ki ga opravljajo v Republiki Sloveniji; - dnevni migranti. Nerezidenti pa so za namene sestavljanja plaËilne bilance zajemajo tudi: - domaËe fiziËne osebe z veljavno tujo bivalno ali delovno vizo; - predstavniötva in poslovne enote slovenskih podjetij, ki opravljajo v tujini stalno dejavnost, za tisti del dejavnosti, ki ga opravljajo v tujini; - diplomatska, konzularna ter druga predstavniötva tujih drűav ali mednarodnih organizacij v Republiki Sloveniji, ki jih financirajo ali sofinancirajo tuje vlade, in tuji drűavljani, zaposleni pri njih, in njihovi druűinski Ëlani. Viri podatkov in metodologija izkazovanja plaËilne bilance Slovenije za obdobje 1992-1996 Kar zadeva vire podatkov, ima poseben poloűaj v plaËilni bilanci postavka blago, za katero so vir carinske listine. ObraËune blagovne menjave s tujino na podlagi carinskih listin pripravlja StatistiËni urad Republike Slovenije (izvoz blaga FOB in uvoz blaga CIF, vkljuËno oplemenitenje po bruto naËelu), Banka Slovenije pa te podatke vkljuËuje v plaËilno bilanco Slovenije. Poleg podatkov iz carinskih listin sta za tekoËi raËun plaËilne bilance Slovenije öe dva temeljna sklopa virov podatkov: sistem poroËanja o transakcijah s tujino (International Transaction Reporting System - ITRS) in ocene za posamezne postavke. Slovenski ITRS je zaprt sistem poroËanja: poroËati so dolűne vse banke, ki opravljajo plaËilni promet s tujino in vsi rezidenti, ki imajo odprte raËune v tujini. ITRS zagotavlja podatke o transakcijah na osnovi poroËanja o plaËilih preko raËunov domaËih bank in drugih domaËih podjetij pri bankah v tujini (tudi raËuni centralne banke) ter preko raËunov nerezidentov pri domaËih bankah in na osnovi poroËanja o poslovanju preko drugih odprtih raËunov med rezidenti in nerezidenti, vkljuËno z izplaËili v SIT. Uporabljajo se naslednji modeli ocenjevanja postavk tekoËega raËuna plaËilne bilance: - prilagoditev vrednosti podatkov o izvoűenem blagu in prilagoditev zaobjema podatkov o izvoűenem in uvoűenem blagu (postavki "prilagoditev zaobjema"); - ocena prejemkov iz naslova turizma (postavka "potovanja - prejemki"); - ocena izdatkov za potovanja v tujino (postavka "potovanja - izdatki"); - ocena plaËil iz tujine slovenskim delavcem dnevnim migrantom (postavka "dohodki - prejemki od dela"); - ocena prejemkov iz naslova italijanskih pokojnin (postavka "tekoËi transferi - prejemki"). Za finanËni raËun se uporabljajo öe naslednji dodatni viri: - podatki o Ërpanjih/odplaËilih v okviru kreditnih poslov s tujino iz neposrednih poroËil o kreditih, pridobljenih v tujini oziroma danih tujini; - podatki o spremembah stanj na raËunih terjatev in obveznosti poslovnih bank in BS do tujine; - ocena transakcij v zvezi s tujo gotovino in vlogami pri bankah v tujini slovenskih gospodinjstev. Opisani viri podatkov se uporabljajo v okviru sedaj veljavne metodologije. Od leta 1991 naprej so se podatkovni viri postopoma izgrajevali v okviru prilagajanja metodologije sestavljanja plaËilne bilance mednarodnim priporoËilom, tako da uvajanje metodoloökih popravkov v obraËunske sheme delno vpliva na primerljivost podatkov. Po enotni obraËunski shemi so izkazani podatki plaËilne bilance za leti 1992 in 1993. Metodologija je bila pomembneje spremenjena v letu 1996 in 1997 na podlagi priporoËil MDS. Te spremembe so upoötevane v obraËunih plaËilne bilance za obdobje 1994-1996 in zadevajo izvoz in uvoz blaga (v obraËun je vkljuËena "prilagoditev zaobjema"), nekatere postavke v bilanci storitev (potovanja, konstrukcijske storitve, vladne and business units, which on the territory of Slovenia implement a permanent activity, for the part which is implemented in the Republic of Slovenia; - daily migrants. Non-residents for the purpose of compiling balance of payments of Slovenia also include: - domestic physical entities with a foreign staying or working visa; - representative agencies and business units of Slovene enterprises which implement a permanent activity abroad, for the part only which is actually implemented abroad; - diplomatic, consular and other representative organs of foreign countries or international organisations in the Republic of Slovenia, which are financed or co-financed by foreign governments, and foreign citizens, employed in them, and their family members. Data sources and methodology used in the balance of pay- ments compilation for the period 1992-1996 As for the data sources, a special case is the balance of exchange of goods, which is compiled on the basis of customs data. Calculations of "export FOB" and "import CIF" are prepared by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, and then included into the overall balance of payments. Apart from the customs data there are two additional basic complexes of data sources for the current account of the balance of payments of Slovenia: the system of reporting about international transactions of resident units (International Transactions Reporting System - ITRS) and estimations for particular items. Slovene ITRS is a closed reporting system: obliged to report are all banks, which implement payments with the rest of the world and all residents having accounts opened abroad. It provides data on transactions on the basis on reporting on payments through accounts opened at domestic banks and through accounts of domestic banks and other domestic enterprises opened at banks abroad (including the central bank’s accounts) and through accounts of non residents opened at domestic banks and on the basis of reporting on businesses done between residents and non-residents through other accounts opened, including payments in SIT. The following models of estimating items of the current account are in use for the compilation of the current account of the balance of payments of Slovenia: - adjustment of the value of the transactions included in the aggregate export of goods, FOB and adjustment of coverage of data on export and import of goods (items "coverage adjustment"); - estimations of receipts from tourism (item "travel - receipts"); - estimation of expenditure on travel abroad (item "travel - expenditure"); - estimation of payments from the rest of the world to Slovene workers- daily migrants (item "income - receipts from work"); - estimation of receipts from pensions paid by Italy (item "current transfers - receipts"). The following additional data sources are used for the financial account items: - data on using/repayments of credits from the direct reports about credits, acquired abroad or given to the rest of the world respectively; - data on changes on the accounts of claims and liabilities of commercial banks and the central bank vis-a-vis the rest of the world; - estimations of transactions in foreign cash and deposits in the banks abroad of resident households. Data sources described are used in the presently used methodology. Since 1991 data sources have been built up by degrees in the framework of overall adapting of the methodology of compiling balance of payments of Slovenia to international standards, so that introducing methodological addings or corrections in the accounting schemes partly affects comparability of data. 1992 and 1993 balance of payments data are presented according to the same accounting scheme. The methodology has been significantly changed in 1996 and 1997 on the basis of the IMF mission recommendations, so that those changes affect the presented balance of payments data for the period 1994-1996. The mentioned changes, which 463 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËilna bilanca Balance of payments storitve) in bilanco dohodkov, bilanco tekoËih transferjev ter del kapitalskega in finanËnega raËuna (zlasti spremenjen izraËun "kratkoroËnih komercialnih kreditov", postavke "prebivalstvo"). Te obraËunske popravke je treba upoötevati pri primerjavi podatkov za leti 1993 in 1994. VeËina podatkov za leti 1994 in 1995, ki so prikazani v tabeli 31.1, se razlikuje od podatkov, objavljenih v tabeli 31.1 StatistiËnega letopisa 1996. Te razlike so rezultat revizije plaËilne bilance (nekateri metodoloöki popravki in izboljöave ocen). ZAJETJE IN DEFINICIJE V pojasnilih za posamezne postavke - standardne sestavine plaËilne bilance Slovenije - so upoötevane opredelitve iz PriroËnika za izdelavo plaËilne bilance MDS (1993), navedene pa so tudi űe omenjene spremembe metodologije za sestavo plaËilne bilance, ki so bile prviË uveljavljene leta 1996 in so upoötevane v izkazu za obdobje 1994-1996. TekoËi raËun plaËilne bilance zajema vse transakcije, v katere so vkljuËene ekonomske vrednosti in so transakcije med rezidenti v opazovani ekonomiji in nerezidenti, ne spadajo pa v kapitalski in finanËni raËun. Temeljna razvrstitev tekoËih transakcij je: transakcije blaga in storitev, transakcije dohodkov in tekoËi transferji. Postavka blago zajema: blago, blago za oplemenitenje, popravila blaga, blago, ki se dobavlja v pristaniöËa, in nemonetarno zlato. V postavko blago se uvröËajo vse tiste transakcije z blagom, v katerih sta udeleűena rezident in nerezident in pri katerih se spremeni lastniötvo. Od naËela spremembe lastniötva sta vsaj dve pomembni odstopanji - transakcije med rezidenti in nerezidenti na osnovi oplemenitenja in finanËnega zakupa, ki se zajamejo v postavko blago, Ëeprav ni priölo do spremembe lastniötva predmeta, ki je sicer preËkal drűavno mejo. Izvoz blaga je v plaËilni bilanci izkazan kot izvoz blaga FOB (podatki iz carinskih listin), v podatke za obdobje 1994-1996 pa je vkljuËena öe t.i. "prilagoditev zaobjema", to je: tisti izvoz blaga, za katerega se ne izdelajo carinske deklaracije, izvoz blaga iz popravila in odpisi/pripisi razlik v vrednosti; na novo pa je izkljuËena iz te postavke vrednost podatka o izvozu blaga v okviru izvajanja investicijskih del (vkljuËeno v postavko konstrukcijske storitve, ki je v tem prikazu del postavke druge storitve). V podatkih o izvozu blaga za obdobje 1992-1996 je tudi s carinskimi listinami zajet izvoz blaga na osnovi oplemenitenja. Uvoz blaga je v plaËilni bilanci izkazan kot uvoz blaga CIF (podatki iz carinskih listin), zmanjöan za prilagoditev CIF/FOB. V podatke za obdobje 1994-1996 je dodatno zajeta "prilagoditev zaobjema", s katero so v uvozu blaga prikazani öe tile podatki: o tistem uvozu blaga, za katerega se ne izpolnijo carinske listine, o uvozu blaga iz popravila, o odpisih/pripisih razlik v vrednosti ter podatek o prodaji tujega blaga rezidentom v prostih carinskih prodajalnah in konsignacijskih skladiöËih. V podatkih o uvozu blaga za obdobje 1992-1996 je tudi s carinskimi listinami zajet uvoz blaga na osnovi oplemenitenja. Storitve (izvoz storitev in uvoz storitev) so v prikazani plaËilni bilanci po vrstah izkazane le s postavkami oplemenitenje (za obdobje pred letom 1992, ko se je posle oplemenitenja izkazovalo po neto naËelu), transport in potovanja, preostale storitvene transakcije pa so zdruűene v postavko druge storitve, in sicer: komunikacijske, konstrukcijske storitve, zavarovanje, finanËne storitve, raËunalniöke in informacijske storitve, pravice in licence, preostale poslovne storitve, osebne, kulturne in rekreativne storitve ter vladne storitve. Dohodki zajemajo dva tipa transakcij med rezidenti in nerezidenti: (i) tiste, ki zajemajo prejemke za opravljeno delo in se plaËujejo nerezidentom (npr. mejni, sezonski in drugi kratkoroËni delavci) - ti so v prikazani plaËilni bilanci izkazani kot "dohodki od dela" - in (ii) tiste, v katerih so prejemki in izdatki dohodkov na podlagi finanËnih terjatev in obveznosti do tujine. V slednjih so prejemki in izdatki na podlagi neposrednih naloűb, naloűb v vrednostne papirje (portfolio naloűbe) in posojil - v prikazani plaËilni bilanci so izkazani kot "dohodki od kapitala". V bilancah za obdobje 1994-1996 so dohodki od dela - prejemki ocenjeni na podlagi podatkov centralnih bank sosednjih drűav o vrednostih dohodkov od dela rezidentov Slovenije v Avstriji in Italiji. are also presented in the framework of explanation of individual components of the balance of payments, concern export and import of goods ("coverage adjustment" is included), some of the items in the balance of services (travel, construction, government services) and the balance of income, the balance of current transfers, and a part of the capital and financial account (mainly the calculation of the item "short- term commercial credits"). These compilation changes should be taken into account when comparing 1994 and 1993 data. Most of 1994 and 1995 data shown in table 31.1 differ from data for the same period published in the 1996 Statistical Yearbook. The differences are result of the revision of the balance of payments (some methodological changes and improvements of estimations). COVERAGE AND DEFINITIONS Explanations for particular items of the presented balance include definitions from the IMF Balance of Payments Manual (1993) and already mentioned changes of methodology for the compilation of the balance of payments of Slovenia, which have come into force in 1996 and influence balance of payments data for the period 1994-1996. Covered in the current account of the balance of payments are all transactions (other than those in financial items) that involve economic values and occur between the residents of the observed economy and non-residents. Specifically, the major classifications are goods and services, income and current transfers. Goods covers general merchandise, goods for processing, repairs on goods, goods procured in ports by carriers, and nonmonetary gold. Item goods is a collection of all transactions in goods between residents and non-residents if changes of ownership occurred. There are at least two major deviations from the principle of change of ownership - transactions on the basis of processing and financial leasing, which are included in goods although there were no changes of ownership of the goods that had passed the state border. Export of goods is presented in the balance of payments as export of goods FOB (customs data), with the "coverage adjustment" additionally included in the data for the period 1994-1996. Coverage adjustment for export of goods includes the following items: value of export of goods for which customs declarations have not been made; export of goods after the repair; and write-offs and addings of values. Additionally excluded from the item "export of goods" is value of export of goods on the basis of implementing investment works (this part of export is included in the item "services" - construction). Data on export of goods for the period 1992-1996 also include export of goods on the basis of processing which is covered by the customs documents. Import of goods is presented in the balance of payments as import of goods CIF (customs data), minus adjustment CIF/FOB, and with the "coverage adjustment" additionally included in the data for the period 1994-1996. Coverage adjustment for import of goods includes the following items: value of import of goods, for which customs declarations have not been made; import of goods after the repair abroad; write-offs and addings of values; and value of imported goods (not covered by customs declarations) which are sold to residents in the duty free shops and the consignment warehouses. Data on import of goods for the period 1992-1996 also include import of goods on the basis of processing which is covered by the customs documents. Data on services (export and import of services) are presented in the balance of payments on a highly aggregated level. Separate data are for processing (for the period up to 1992 when it was presented on net principle), transport and travel, while the rest of the service transactions are aggregated into the item other services. Other services is the aggregation of the following standard components of the balance of payments: communication services; construction; insurance; financial services; computer and information services; royalties and licence fees; other business services; personal, cultural and recreational services; and government services. Income covers two types of transactions between residents and non- residents: (i) those involving compensation of employees, which is paid to non-residents (e.g., border, seasonal, and other short-term workers) - these are presented in the balance of payments as "income from work", and (ii) those involving investment income receipts and payments on external financial assets and liabilities. Included in the letter are receipts and payments on direct investment, portfolio investment, other investment, and loans - these are presented in the balance of payments as "income from capital". In the balances for the period 1994-1996, data on income are estimated on the basis of the data from the central banks of the neighbouring 464 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËilna bilanca Balance of payments TekoËi transferji zajemajo vse transferje, ki niso prenosi kapitala, razen: (i) transferjev lastniötva osnovnih sredstev; (ii) transferjev sredstev, ki so v zvezi ali so pogojeni s pridobitvijo ali odpravo osnovnih sredstev; (iii) oprostitve obveznosti do upnikov brez kakrönega koli nadomestila. Za razliko od kapitalnih transferjev tekoËi transferji neposredno vplivajo na raven razpoloűljivega dohodka in na porabo blaga ali storitev, tako da zmanjöujejo dohodkovne in porabne moűnosti dajalcu in jih poveËujejo prejemniku transferja. ZnaËilne vrste tekoËih transferjev so: denarni prenosi za financiranje tekoËih izdatkov drűav, prejemnic tekoËih transferjev, darila in pomoËi v naravi (hrana, obleka, zdravila, vojaöka oprema itd.), prispevki drűav Ëlanic mednarodnim organizacijam itd. V plaËilni bilanci Slovenije so tekoËi transferji razËlenjeni na tekoËe transferje uradnega sektorja (transakcije med rezidenti, ki so drűavne ustanove, in med nerezidenti) in na tekoËe transferje drugih sektorjev. Glede na spremembo metodologije so v podatke za obdobje 1994-1995 dodatno zajete te postavke (predvsem podatki iz carinskih listin): "uvoz blaga brez plaËila protivrednosti", "poseben uvoz prek OZN in Mednarodnega RdeËega kriűa" in "izplaËila iz naslova mednarodnih poötnih nakaznic" na strani tekoËih transferjev v Slovenijo ter "izvoz blaga kot pomoË RS" in "izvoz blaga brez plaËila protivrednosti" na strani tekoËih transferjev v tujino; za leto 1996 in tekoËe leto ti podatki öe niso na voljo. Od 1994 - 1996 pa so ocenjeni öe prejemki v Slovenijo iz naslova italijanskih pokojnin. Kapitalski in finanËni raËun plaËilne bilance ima dve temeljni sestavini - kapitalski raËun in finanËni raËun, kar je v skladu z raËuni v Sistemu nacionalnih raËunov (1993). Stranki v transakciji s terjatvami ali obveznostmi sta navadno rezident in nerezident, v nekaterih primerih pa sta lahko obe bodisi rezidenta bodisi nerezidenta. Poglavitni sestavini kapitalskega raËuna sta kapitalski transferji ter transakcije z neproizvedenimi nefinanËnimi sredstvi (npr. razliËni patenti in licence). Glavna struktura finanËnega raËuna temelji na funkcionalnem naËelu, tako da je finanËni raËun sestavljen iz bilanc neposrednih naloűb, naloűb v vrednostne papirje, drugih naloűb in sprememb mednarodnih rezerv. Neposredne naloűbe zajemajo vse transakcije med neposrednimi investitorji in podjetji z neposredno naloűbo. Podatki o neposrednih naloűbah v plaËilni bilanci Slovenije zajemajo podatke bank iz plaËilnega prometa s tujino o zneskih vloűenega kapitala; pri tem je v to postavko za obdobje 1994-1995 dodatno vkljuËena vrednost "uvoza iz naslova vlaganj sredstev tujih oseb v domaËa podjetja" s carinskih listin, za leto 1996 in tekoËe leto ti podatki öe niso razpoloűljivi. Naloűbe v vrednostne papirje, ki so v tem prikazu izkazane z ustreznimi podatki bank o plaËilnem prometu s tujino, zajemajo transakcije z lastniökimi in dolűniökimi vrednostnimi papirji; slednji zajemajo obveznice in instrumente finanËnega trga. Druge naloűbe, ki so v plaËilni bilanci Slovenije razvröËene v terjatve in obveznosti do tujine, zajemajo kratko- in dolgoroËne trgovinske kredite, posojila (skupaj s porabo kreditov MDS, posojili MDS in posojili v zvezi s finanËnimi najemi), gotovino in vloge ter preostale terjatve oziroma obveznosti. Mednarodne denarne rezerve zajemajo transakcije s tistimi sredstvi, ki so po mnenju denarnih oblasti vedno takoj na voljo za uskladitev plaËilnobilanËnih neravnovesij. Sredstva rezerv zajemajo denarno zlato, posebne pravice Ërpanja (SDR), sredstva rezerv v MDS in tuje valute (gotovina in vrednostni papirji). Pozitivna ali negativna vrednost postavke neto napake in izpustitve je posledica uporabe razliËnih virov za postavke plaËilne bilance, napak v poroËanju in pomanjkljivosti metodologije za sestavo plaËilne bilance. Ker se napake in izpustitve v plaËilni bilanci navadno pobotajo, velikost statistiËne napake ne more biti kazalec natanËnosti bilance. countries on the value of incomes of the residents of Slovenia in Austria and Italy. Current transfers consist of all transfers that are not transfers of capital. Current transfers thus consist of all current transfers that do not involve: (i) transfers of ownership of fixed assets, (ii) transfers of funds linked to, or conditioned upon, acquisition or disposal of fixed assets, (iii) forgiveness, without any counterparts being received in return, of liabilities by creditors. (All of these are capital transfers.) The distinguishing feature of current transfers against capital transfers is that current transfers directly affect the level of disposable income and should influence the consumption of goods and services, so that they would reduce the income and consumption possibilities of the donor and increase these possibilities for the recipient. Characteristic types of current transfers are: financial transfers for financing current expenditure of countries recipients of current transfers, gifts and help in kind (food, clothes, medicines, military equipment, etc.), contributions of member states to international organisations, etc. In the balance of payments of Slovenia current transfers are broken down into the current transfers of the official sector (transactions between residents, which are governmental institutions, and non-residents) and current transfers of other sectors. Due to methodological changes, data on current transfers in the balance of payments of Slovenia for 1994-1995 additionally include the following items (partly customs data): "import of goods without any counterpart payment"; "special import via UN and International Red Cross"; and "payments out from the international postal money orders"; and the following are additionally included in the current transfers to the rest of the world: "export of goods as the aid of the Republic of Slovenia"; and "export of goods without any counterpart payment"; for the year 1996 and the current year these data are not available yet. Included in 1994-1996 data are estimations of receipts by Slovenia from pensions paid by Italy. The capital and financial account has two major components - the capital account and the financial account - that are in concordance with those same accounts in the System of National Accounts (1993). The two parties to a transaction in asset or liabilities are usually a resident and a nonresident but, in some instances, both parties may be residents or non- residents. The major components of the capital account are capital transfers and acquisition/disposal of non-produced, nonfinancial assets (various patents and licences). The main structure of the financial account is based on the functional criteria, so as the financial account is composed of the following subaccounts: balance of direct investment, balance of portfolio investment, balance of other investment, and change of reserve assets. Direct investment covers transactions between direct investors and direct investment enterprises. The practical solution for the presented balance is the inclusion into the direct investment of the banks’ data on the payments of such capital flows from the rest of the world to Slovenia and vice versa. As for the 1994- 1996 data, direct foreign investment in Slovenia additionally includes the item: "import of goods as direct foreign investment into domestic enterprises" (customs data), for the year 1996 and the current year these data are not available yet. Portfolio investment, which is presented in the balance of payments with the appropriate banks’ data on payments between Slovenia and the rest of the world, covers transactions in equity securities and debt securities; the latter are subsectored into bonds and instruments of financial market. Other investment (claims and liabilities vis-a-vis the rest of the world) covers short- and long-term trade credits; loans (including use of IMF credit, loans from the IMF, and loans associated with financial leases); currency and deposits; and other claims or liabilities. Reserve assets cover transactions in those assets that are considered, by the monetary authorities of an economy, to be available for use in meeting balance of payments.The items covered are monetary gold, special drawing rights (SDRs), reserve position in the IMF; and foreign exchange assets (currency and securities). Positive or negative value of net errors and omissions is the result of use of different sources for the components of the balance of payments, reporting mistakes and imperfection of the methodology for the compilation of the balance of payments. Since some of the errors and omissions that occur in the course of compilation usually offset one another, the size of the statistical error does not necessarily provide any indication of the overall accuracy of the statement. 465 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 PlaËilna bilanca Balance of payments 31.1 PlaËilna bilanca Balance of payments 1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 TEKO»I RA»UN 518,4 129,1 758,7 926,2 191,9 600,1 -22,8 39,0 CURRENT ACCOUNT BLAGO -608,7 -262,2 49,5 791,1 -154,2 -337,5 -954,3 -881,7 GOODS Izvoz blaga 4117,8 3869,1 4184,1 6682,9 6082,9 6830,3 8350,2 8370,0 Export of goods Izvoz blaga FOB 4117,8 3869,1 4184,1 6682,9 6082,9 6827,9 8315,8 8309,8 Export of goods FOB Prilagoditev zaobjema ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 2,5 34,4 60,2 Coverage adjustment Uvoz blaga -4726,6 -4131,3 -4134,6 -5891,8 -6237,1 -7167,8 -9304,5 -9251,7 Import of goods Uvoz blaga CIF -4726,6 -4131,3 -4134,6 -6141,0 -6501,0 -7303,9 -9491,7 -9421,4 Import of goods CIF Prilagoditev CIF/FOB ,,, ,,, ,,, 249,2 263,8 296,4 385,2 382,4 Adjustment CIF/FOB Prilagoditev zaobjema ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, -160,3 -198,1 -212,7 Coverage adjustment STORITVE 1139,5 482,9 754,4 180,3 375,3 675,8 631,1 704,2 SERVICES Izvoz storitev 1699,4 1012,6 1369,9 1219,3 1392,7 1804,3 2022,9 2126,9 Export of services Oplemenitenje 162,3 152,8 179,6 ,,, ,,, Processing Transportne storitve ,,, ,,, ,,, 275,6 446,5 486,3 504,8 480,4 Transport Potovanja ,,, ,,, ,,, 671,0 734,1 911,3 1082,4 1230,0 Travel Druge storitve ,,, ,,, ,,, 272,7 212,1 406,6 435,7 416,5 Other services Uvoz storitev -560,0 -529,7 -615,5 -1039,0 -1017,3 -1128,5 -1391,8 -1422,6 Import of services Oplemenitenje -6,2 -25,6 -4,0 ,,, ,,, Processing Transportne storitve ,,, ,,, ,,, -439,4 -389,5 -418,4 -435,0 -404,7 Transport Potovanja ,,, ,,, ,,, -281,9 -305,2 -374,0 -524,4 -542,5 Travel Druge storitve ,,, ,,, ,,, -317,7 -322,6 -336,1 -432,4 -475,5 Other services DOHODKI -118,7 -106,3 -91,3 -91,3 -51,4 169,6 209,5 154,9 INCOME Prejemki 59,7 41,5 69,8 69,8 114,7 334,3 439,0 419,5 Receipts Izdatki -178,4 -147,8 -161,1 -161,1 -166,0 -164,7 -229,5 -264,6 Expenditure TEKO»I TRANSFERI 106,4 14,7 46,0 46,0 22,2 92,2 90,8 61,6 CURRENT TRANSFERS Prejemki 134,5 49,7 93,0 93,0 155,1 238,5 250,1 206,7 Receipts Izdatki -28,2 -35,0 -47,0 -47,0 -132,9 -146,3 -159,3 -145,1 Expenditure KAPITALSKI IN FINAN»NI RA»UN -48,0 -290,6 -649,8 645,4 -202,0 -523,6 168,2 -46,8 CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNT KAPITALSKI RA»UN ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 4,1 -4,4 -17,9 -4,9 CAPITAL ACCOUNT Kapitalski transferi ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 4,7 -2,8 -15,6 -2,4 Capital transfers Patenti in licence ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, -0,6 -1,6 -2,3 -2,5 Patents and licences FINAN»NI RA»UN -48,0 -290,6 -649,8 645,4 -206,1 -519,2 186,0 -41,9 FINANCIAL ACCOUNT Neposredne naloűbe -2,1 41,3 112,9 112,9 111,3 131,0 170,5 177,7 Direct investment DomaËe v tujini -6,5 -23,5 1,8 1,8 -1,3 2,9 -5,5 -7,7 Domestic abroad Tuje v Sloveniji 4,3 64,9 111,0 111,0 112,6 128,1 176,0 185,5 Foreign in Slovenia Naloűbe v vrednostne papirje 2,5 ,,, -8,9 -8,9 3,1 -32,5 -13,5 636,9 Portfolio investment Druge naloűbe -48,4 -225,1 -121,3 -116,8 -209,2 27,3 264,5 -269,7 Other investment Terjatve -179,0 -108,7 -155,9 -157,5 -313,5 -306,3 -351,0 -425,6 Assets Obveznosti 130,6 -116,4 34,7 40,6 104,3 333,5 615,4 155,9 Liabilities Mednarodne denarne rezerve ,,, -106,8 -632,6 -632,6 -111,3 -644,9 -235,4 -586,8 Reserve assets NETO NAPAKE IN IZPUSTITVE -470,4 161,5 -108,9 -288,6 10,1 -76,5 -145,4 7,8 NET ERRORS AND OMISSIONS StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 466 32. OKOLJE ENVIRONMENT ZRAK VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Emisije űveplovega dioksida so ocenjene na podlagi izraËunov StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije in Hidrometeoroloökega zavoda Republike Slovenije. Ti temeljijo na statistiËnih podatkih o porabi goriv in surovin po podroËjih dejavnosti. Podatke o uvoznih in izvoznih koliËinah snovi, ki ökodljivo delujejo na ozonski plaöË, nam je posredovalo Ministrstvo za zdravstvo Republike Slovenije. ZAJETJE V prikazanih podatkih so zajeta vsa veËja mesta in kraji, kjer se pojavlja onesnaűenost zraka z űveplovim dioksidom in dimom. Onesnaűenost zraka z űveplovim dioksidom in dimom zaradi gospodarskih dejavnosti in ogrevanja je merjena na doloËenih merilnih mestih. DEFINICIJE Onesnaűenost zraka. Podatki o koncentraciji űveplovega dioksida in dima so prikazani na podlagi analiz 24-urnih vzorcev, meritve se zaËnejo praviloma ob 7. uri zjutraj. Koncentracija űveplovega dioksida se doloËa z laboratorijsko peroksidno metodo z acidimetriËno detekcijo. Koncentracija dima se doloËa glede na potemnitev filtra po standardni reflektometriËni metodi. Mejna imisijska 24-urna koncentracija űveplovega dioksida je 125 (µg/m3. (Uredba o mejnih, opozorilnih in kritiËnih imisijskih vrednostih snovi v zraku, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, öt. 73/94.) Ozonu ökodljive snovi so tiste, katerih emisija v zrak povzroËa tanjöanje ozonskega plaöËa. VODA VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o vodnem gospodarstvu zbiramo z letnimi poroËili, ki jih poöiljajo podjetja in organizacije s podroËja industrije in rudarstva, kmetijstva in ribiötva, gozdarstva, vodnega gospodarstva, stanovanjsko- komunalne dejavnosti ter krajevne skupnosti, ki upravljajo javni vodovod in javno kanalizacijo. Osnova za vse podatke so meritve z vodomeri, nameöËenimi na vodnih virih in proizvodnih napravah. »e vodomerov ni, se koliËine zajete vode ocenjujejo na podlagi normativov za doloËeno panogo dejavnosti, ali na osnovi glavnega projekta in obratovalnega Ëasa ter zmogljivosti Ërpalk, ali na podlagi strokovne ocene. Podatke o kakovosti vode v slovenskih rekah je posredoval Hidrometeoroloöki zavod Republike Slovenije. ZAJETJE V prikazanih podatkih so zajeta podjetja in druge organizacije, odgovorne za izkoriöËanje, izpust in preËiöËevanje vode. Podatke za javni vodovod in javno kanalizacijo spremljamo po upravnih enotah in poreËjih, podatke o koliËini zajete vode in odplak pa tudi po naseljih. Pri podatkih o vodovodnih in kanalizacijskih sistemih niso zajeti lokalni sistemi, ki jih upravljajo vaöki odbori, in ne vodovodi in kanalizacijski sistemi podjetij, ki jih uporabljajo posamezna gospodinjstva oziroma podjetja. Vodovodni sistemi dobivajo vodo predvsem iz podtalnic in izvirov, le izjemoma iz odprtih virov. Po ötevilu vodnih virov prevladujejo izviri, po koliËini vode pa podtalnica. Prikazani so vsi podatki o namakalnih sistemih in regulaciji vodotokov ne glede na to, kdaj so bili zgrajeni, niso pa upoötevani namakalni sistemi v zasebni lasti. DEFINICIJE Vodovod je sistem za preskrbo s pitno vodo, ki ima urejen in zavarovan vir, zajetje, zbiralnik in vodovodno omreűje. Javna preskrba prebivalstva s pitno vodo je preskrba z vodo veË kot AIR SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Sulphur dioxide emissions are estimated on the basis of calculations made by the Statistical Office and the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. The calculations are based on statistical data on fuel and raw material consumption by fields of activities. Data on the imported and exported quantities of ozone depleting substances have been provided by the Ministry for Health of the Republic of Slovenia. COVERAGE Data cover all major towns and places where air pollution by sulphur dioxide and smoke occurs. Air pollution by sulphur dioxide and smoke due to economic activities and heating is measured at some places. DEFINITIONS Air pollution: data on the concentration of sulphur dioxide and smoke are made on the basis of analyses of 24-hour samples. As a rule, measurements begin at 7 a.m. every day. The concentration of sulphur dioxide is determined by using laboratory peroxide method with acidimetric detection. The concentration of smoke is determined from the degree of blackness of a filter, according to the standard reflectometric method. The limit 24-hour emission concentration of sulphur dioxide is 125 (µg/m3. (Ordinance on Limit, Alarm, and Critical Values of Compounds in the Air, Official Journal of Republic of Slovenia, No. 73/94.) Ozone depleting substances are those whose emission causes the depletion of the ozone layer. WATER SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on water management are collected from the annual reports forwarded by enterprises and organizations from the fields of manufacture, mining and electricity supply, agriculture and fishing, forestry and hunting, water management, community service activities, and from local communities which manage public waterworks and sewage. All data are entered on the basis of measurements made with water gauges placed in water sources and production installations. If there is no water gauge, the quantities of collected water are estimated on the basis of the norms for a given branch of activity, main project, operating times and pumping station capacity, or on the basis of an expert assessment. Data on the quality of water in Slovenian rivers are forwarded by the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. COVERAGE The data cover enterprises and organizations involved in the exploatation, release and purification of water. Data on public waterworks and sewage are monitored by communities and by river basins, and include coverage of the quantities of collected water and waste water by settlements. With waterworks and drainage systems, local systems managed by village committees are not covered, neither are the waterworks and drainage systems of enterprises and individual households which they themselves manage. Waterworks systems receive water mainly from underground sources and springs, and only exceptionally make use of open water sources. Springs dominate in terms of the number of water sources, underground sources in terms of quantity. All data on irrigation systems and water course regulation are shown, irrespective of the year of construction. Privately-owned irrigation systems are not covered. DEFINITIONS Waterworks is a system for providing drinking water. It comprises an organized and protected source, a system to tap the water, a collector well and a water supply network. Public drinking water supply is the supply of water to more than five StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 467 petih gospodinjstev oziroma veË kot dvajsetih prebivalcev. Vir sta voda in kraj, na katerem se zajema voda za javno preskrbo prebivalstva. Naravne vode zaprtih virov so higieniËno zajeti naravni vrelci, izviri in podtalnice za vodovodne sisteme. Naravne vode odprtih (povröinskih) virov so nezajeti vrelci, izviri, vodotoki I. in II. razreda, jezera in zbiralniki (akumulacije), Ëe se uporabljajo za preskrbo s pitno vodo. Zbiralnik (akumulacija) je umetno zgrajen sistem zbiranja vode, ki se po ustreznem ËiöËenju in razkuűevanju uporablja za javno preskrbo prebivalstva. PoreËje je geografsko ozemlje, s katerega odteka voda v isto reko (npr. poreËje Save). Primarno vodovodno omreűje sestavljajo cevovodi od ËrpaliöË ali zajetij do sekundarnega vodovodnega omreűja in vodohranov oziroma cevovodi med posameznimi stanovanjskimi ali drugimi obmoËji. Sekundarno vodovodno omreűje je napeljava, ki se uporablja za neposredno prikljuËevanje porabnikov na posameznem stanovanjskem, industrijskem ali drugem obmoËju. Kanalizacija je omreűje zaprtih kanalov za odvajanje odplak in padavinskih voda od prikljuËkov v naselju do izliva v odprte vode, zemljo ali Ëistilne naprave. Sveűa voda je prevzeta iz virov v naravnem stanju ali je obdelana po obiËajnih metodah. Tehnoloöka voda se uporablja v proizvodnji in drugod in ne ustreza dogovorjenim normativom za pitno vodo. Pitna voda je voda, ki po kakovosti ustreza merilom, ki so predpisana v pravilniku o higienski neoporeËnosti vode (po mikrobioloökih, fizikalnih, kemiËnih, radioloökih lastnostih ter glede vsebnosti pesticidov in bojnih strupov). Ta pravilnik predpisuje higiensko neoporeËnost vode, ki je namenjena za javno preskrbo prebivalstva kot pitna voda ter za proizvodnjo űivil, namenjenih za prodajo. Uporabljena voda je tista, ki jo je podjetje prviË uporabilo za svoje potrebe (brez recirkulirane in vnoviË uporabljene vode). Voda v recirkulaciji je letna koliËina vode v cirkulacijskem sistemu. Ista koliËina je obraËunana za vsako kroűenje posebej. Porabljena voda je tista koliËina vode, ki se izgublja z uparjanjem ali postane del proizvoda in torej ni veË razpoloűljiva, ni veË na voljo. VnoviË uporabljena voda je bila űe uporabljena in bi bilo treba namesto nje uporabiti dodatne koliËine sveűe vode. Neonesnaűena voda je primerna za vsako uporabo brez kakröne koli obdelave in med uporabo ne spremeni svojih prvotnih lastnosti. Onesnaűena voda (odplake) je vsa izpuöËena uporabljena voda, katere fizikalne, kemiËne in bioloöke lastnosti ne dosegajo standardov II. kakovostnega razreda. Kakovost vode v slovenskih rekah se ocenjuje po analizah vzorcev, ki jih vzamejo za fizikalno-kemijske in bakterioloöke analize 3- do 4-krat na leto, za bioloöke analize pa 1- do 2-krat na leto. Pri oceni kakovosti so upoötevani normativi, ki jih doloËajo veljavni predpisi s podroËja voda (Ur. l. SFRJ, öt. 6/78 in 8/78, ter Ur. l. SRS, öt. 38/81 in 18/85). I. razred: vode, ki jih lahko ob morebitni dezinfekciji uporabljamo kot pitno vodo in v űivilski industriji, Ëe so povröinske, pa za gojitev plemenitih vrst rib (salmonide). II. razred: vode, ki so v naravnem stanju primerne za kopanje, vodne öporte, gojitev drugih vrst rib (ciprinide), po obiËajnih metodah predpriprave (koagulacija, filtracija, dezinfekcija) pa tudi za pitje in v űivilski industriji. III. razred: vode, ki so primerne za namakanje, po obiËajnih metodah predpriprave pa tudi v industriji, razen v űivilski. IV. razred: vode, ki jih je mogoËe uporabljati za druge namene le po ustrezni obdelavi. Breűinska zavarovanja prepreËujejo podiranje bregov. Jezbice so objekti, zgrajeni zaradi oblikovanja űe reguliranih bregov, households or to more than twenty individuals. A water source is water and the location at which water is collected for public water supply. Natural waters from closed water sources are hygienically tapped natural springs, sources and underground waters for waterworks systems. Natural waters from open (surface) water sources are untapped first and second class springs, sources and water courses, and lakes and reservoirs, if they are used for the supply of drinking water. A reservoir is an artificially constructed system for the collection of water, which, after appropriate purification, is used for public water supply. A river basin is a geographic area from which the water flows into the same river (e.g. the Sava basin). The primary waterworks network consists of pipelines from the pumping or drawing stations to the secondary waterworks network and pipelines between individual residential or other areas. The secondary waterworks network is used for direct linking of users in an individual residential, industrial or other area. Sewage system consists of a network of closed channels for draining waste water and precipitation water from the point of connection in a settlement to the outflow into open water, the ground or a purification plant. Fresh water is drawn from water sources in its natural state or is processed by the usual methods. Technological water is used for production and other purposes and does not meet the agreed norms for drinking water. Drinking water must conform to regulations on the cleanliness of drinking water in terms of microbiological, physical, chemical and radiological content, pesticides and military poisons. These regulations prescribe a level of cleanliness of water intended for supply as public drinking water or water for the production of food intended for sale. Used water is water used by an enterprise for its own needs, for the first time without recirculation or reuse. Water in recirculation is the annual quantity of water turned over in the circulation system. The same quantity of water is calculated as many times as there are circulations in the recirculation process in one year. Consumed water is the quantity of water lost through vaporisation or water which becomes part of a product. Such water is no longer available. Reused water is water that has already been used and without which it would be necessary to use additional quantities of fresh water. Unpolluted water is suitable for all types of use with no processing whatsoever and is water whose properties remain unchanged during use. Polluted (waste) water is all released used water whose physical, chemical and biological properties do not confirm to the second class quality standard. The quality of water in Slovene rivers is estimated on the basis of samples taken for physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses three or four times a year and for biological analyses once or twice a year. The quality analysis takes account of the norms determined by regulations in the field of water (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, No. 6/78, and 8/78 and in the Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 38/81 and 18/85). First class: water which, with disinfection if required, can be used as drinking water and in the food industry, and surface water which can be used for breeding food fish (salmonidae). Second class: water which, in its natural state, is suitable for bathing, water sports, breeding other sorts of fish (cyprinidae) and also, with the normal methods of treatment (coagulation, filtration, disinfection), for drinking and use in the food industry. Third class: water which is suitable for irrigation and also, with the normal methods of treatment, for use in industries other than the food industry. Fourth class: water which can be used for other purposes only after suitable treatment. Riverbank protection forbids the destruction of river banks. Small dams are constructions built to give shape to banks that are StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 468 potekajo pa pod doloËenim kotom s tokom reke. Hudournik je hribski vodotok z erodirnim zlivnim obmoËjem ali erodirno strugo, razmeroma velikimi padci in velikim razmerjem med pretoki visokih in nizkih voda. RADIOAKTIVNOST V éIVLJENJSKEM OKOLJU VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o radioaktivnosti v űivljenjskem okolju je posredoval Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo pri delu. Zbrani so bili z meritvami in analizami odvzetih vzorcev: - prsti (vzorci zemlje, dvakrat letno, enkraten vzorec in analiza), - padavin (dnevno zbiranje, meseËna analiza), - mleka (meseËno zbiranje, analiza sestavljenega vzorca). DEFINICIJE NajveËje meje radioaktivne kontaminacije zraka, pitne vode in űivil so opredeljene z mejami letnega vnosa radionuklidov v Ëloveöki organizem z dihanjem in prehranjevanjem (Pravilnik o najveËjih mejah radioaktivne kontaminacije Ëlovekovega okolja in o dekontaminaciji, Ur. l. SFRJ, öt.8/87). ODPADKI VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatke o odpadkih zbiramo z obrazcema KOOP-1 in ODP-1, redno vsaka tri leta. Pri izdelavi metodologije smo upoötevali dosedanjo zakonodajo glede ravnanja z odpadki, veljavno v Republiki Sloveniji, vkljuËili smo tudi metodoloöke prvine nemöke statistike odpadkov ter priporoËila Organizacije zdruűenih narodov in Evropske unije s podroËja statistike okolja. ZAJETJE S PoroËilom o javnem odvozu in odlagaliöËih odpadkov (obrazec KOOP-1) smo za leto 1995 pridobili podatke od podjetij, ki imajo koncesijo oz. dovoljenje za opravljanje dejavnosti zbiranja, odvoza in odstranjevanja gospodinjskih, njim po sestavi podobnih in kosovnih odpadkov, ter podjetij, ki upravljajo javna odlagaliöËa odpadkov. KoliËina odpadkov, prikazana v tabelah, se nanaöa na vse tri navedene vrste odpadkov, ki so sicer sestavni del komunalnih odpadkov ter na posebne nenevarne odpadke iz proizvodnih in storitvenih dejavnosti. V tabeli 32.27 pa smo za leto 1992 obdrűali podatke po regijah, ki se nanaöajo na naselja, iz katerih odvaűajo odpadke, in na prebivalce, zajete s storitvami odvoza. Podatki o prebivalcih in naseljih, ki so v zvezi s podatki o odvozu odpadkov v letu 1992, se nanaöajo na dan 30. 6. 1992. Pri poroËevalskih enotah, ki za leto 1992 niso navedle koliËin odpadkov v tonah, je bil manjkajoËi del mase odpadkov zraËunan iz njihove prostornine z enotnim koeficientom 0,17 t/m3. Pri prostornini odpadkov je upoötevano razsuto (nestisnjeno) stanje. S statistiËnim poroËilom o odpadkih iz industrije, kmetijstva, gradbeniötva in bolniönic (obrazec ODP-1) smo za leto 1992 zajeli podatke podjetij in organizacij ter njihovih poslovnih enot, ki delujejo v panogah dejavnosti s öiframi 0101-0139, 0201, 0202, 0501-0503 in v skupini dejavnosti s öifro 13013 Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti (1976). Podatki o koliËini odpadkov, zbrani z obrazcem ODP-1, so obdelani in dostopni v dveh merskih enotah, v tonah in v kubiËnih metrih. V tabelah je prikazana le koliËina odpadkov v tonah. Pri tem je treba opozoriti, da so nekatere poroËevalske enote za kak odpadek navedle koliËino v tonah, druge pa v kubiËnih metrih. Za vsako mersko enoto je bila zato koliËina vsakega odpadka zraËunana z uporabo ustreznega koeficienta pretvorbe, ki je lahko za vsak odpadek drugaËen. NatanËnost preraËunanih podatkov o koliËini posameznega odpadka in o skupni koliËini odpadkov je odvisna od natanËnosti posameznega koeficienta pretvorbe. V skupni koliËini odpadkov so vötete vse vrste trdnih in tekoËih odpadkov iz omenjenih dejavnosti kakor tudi posebni in posebej nevarni odpadki ter radioaktivni odpadki. Odpadki, ki so nastali pri posamezni already regulated and are constructed at a certain angle to the flow of the river. A steep mountain stream is an upland water course with an erodible flow area or an erodible bed, relatively large falls and large difference between high and low water flows. RADIOACTIVITY IN THE LIVING ENVIRONMENT SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on radioactivity in the living environment have been provided by the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Safety at Work. The data were collected with measurements and analyses of samples taken of: - soil (samples of earth, twice a year, single sample and analyses), - precipitations (daily collection, monthly analyses), - milk (monthly collection, analyses of compiled samples). DEFINITIONS The upper limits of radioactive contamination of air, drinking water and food are defined by the limits of annual intake of radionucleides in the human body through breathing and eating (Regulation on the upper limits of radioactive contamination of the human environment and on decontamination, Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, No. 8/87). WASTE SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The data on waste were collected using the forms KOOP-1 and ODP-1. Data on waste are collected in regular three-year intervals. In formulating the methodology we took into account the current legislation of the Republic of Slovenia for the field of waste management. We also incorporated methodological elements of German waste statistics, as well as the recommendations of the United Nations and the European Union relating to the field of environment statistics. COVERAGE Data collected by the Survey on Public Waste Removal and landfill sites for the year 1995 (form KOOP-1) were obtained from enterprises authorized in the removal of household waste, waste similar to household waste and bulky waste, and enterprises that manage public landfill sites. The quantity of waste shown in the tables refers to all three types of waste mentioned, which together make up municipal waste as well as special non-hazardous waste from economic activities. Data presented in the table 32.27 are from the year 1992 and refer to the settlements included in public waste removal and the number of inhabitants served, sorted by regions. Data on inhabitants and settlements included in waste removal are given as of 30 June 1992. For reporting units that did not give the quantity of waste in tons, the missing waste mass was calculated from the volume in cubic metres using the uniform coefficient 0.17 t/m3. The volume of waste is considered as the loose (uncompressed) volume. Data on enterprises, organizations and their business units which are involved with branches of the activities coded 0101-0139, 0201, 0202, 0501-0503 and in the group of activities coded 13013 from the National Classification of Activities (1976), for the year 1992, were collected with the Statistical Survey on Waste From Industry, Agriculture, Construction and Hospitals (form ODP-1). Data on the quantity of waste, collected with ODP-1 form, are processed and made available in both tons and cubic metres. The tables only show the quantity of waste in tons. It should be mentioned that for the same waste type, some reporting units submitted quantities in tons, while others in cubic metres. For each unit of measure, therefore, each waste quantity was calculated using the appropriate conversion coefficient, which could be different for each waste type. The data on individual waste quantities and on the total waste quantity are therefore as accurate as the individual conversion coefficient. The total waste quantity includes all types of solid and liquid wastes from the relevant activity as well as special (hazardous) waste and radioactive waste. Waste originating at an individual reporting unit in quantities less StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 469 poroËevalski enoti v koliËini, manjöi od 0,1 t ali 0,1 m3, niso zajeti. V tabelah o posebnih oziroma posebej nevarnih odpadkih niso vöteti radioaktivni odpadki, ker jih urejajo posebni predpisi. DEFINICIJE Odpadek je snov, ki je lastnik ne more ali ne űeli uporabiti in se je hoËe znebiti oziroma se je je znebil in ki ni bila proizvedena za prodajo. Za odpadek se öteje tudi snov, ki je nastala kot odpadek in je bila zaradi premiöljenega ravnanja prodana drugim kot uporabna surovina. Kot odpadek pa ni obravnavana snov, ki jo lastnik sam vnoviË predela ali uporabi v lastnem proizvodnem procesu (vendar ne v napravah za ravnanje z odpadki). Prav tako se ne öteje za odpadek snov, ki se spusti neposredno v okolje, npr. v zrak, vodo ali kanalizacijo. Javni odvoz odpadkov je dejavnost, ki jo v javnem interesu opravljajo pristojne javne sluűbe (komunalna in druga podjetja, ki so za opravljanje te dejavnosti pooblaöËena oziroma imajo zanjo dovoljenje ali koncesijo). Gospodinjski odpadki so trdni odpadki, ki nastajajo v gospodinjstvih in zanje ni potrebna posebna obdelava. Redno jih odvaűajo pristojne javne sluűbe v tipiziranih zabojnikih, ki stojijo na javnih povröinah. Odlagajo jih na javnih odlagaliöËih odpadkov. Gospodinjskim podobni odpadki so trdni odpadki negospodinjskega izvora, ki so po sestavi podobni gospodinjskim in zanje ni potrebna posebna obdelava. Nastajajo v trgovini in drugih storitvenih in proizvodnih dejavnostih ter jih skupaj z gospodinjskimi odpadki odvaűajo pristojne javne sluűbe. Odlagajo jih na javnih odlagaliöËih odpadkov. Kosovni odpadki so odpadki, ki jih zaradi teűe, velikosti ali prostornine ni mogoËe odvaűati kakor vsakdanje gospodinjske odpadke, sicer pa zanje ni potrebna posebna obdelava. Odvaűajo jih pristojne javne sluűbe v obËasnih zbiralnih akcijah. Odlagajo jih na javnih odlagaliöËih odpadkov oziroma uporabijo za predelavo v sekundarne surovine. Posebni odpadki so odpadki, ki jih zaradi koliËine ali lastnosti ni mogoËe varno odstranjevati skupaj s komunalnimi odpadki oziroma je to mogoËe po njihovi posebni obdelavi (Pravilnik o ravnanju s posebnimi odpadki, ki vsebujejo nevarne snovi, Ur. l. SRS, öt. 20/86). Mednje ötejemo odpadke, ki jih je treba nadzorovati (Priloga 2), in posebej nevarne odpadke (Priloga 3). K posebnim odpadkom in posebej nevarnim odpadkom po tem pravilniku ne ötejemo radioaktivnih odpadkov, ker ravnanje z njimi urejajo posebni predpisi. Sekundarna surovina je proizvod vnoviËne predelave odpadne snovi v procesu reciklaűe. Njena uporaba v nekem proizvodnem procesu prispeva k varËevanju primarnih surovin oz. naravnih virov. OdlagaliöËe gospodinjskih odpadkov je urejen in nadzorovan prostor, namenjen za odlaganje gospodinjskih in njim podobnih ter kosovnih odpadkov, za katere ni potrebna posebna obdelava. Na odlagaliöËe gospodinjskih odpadkov se odlagajo tudi drugi komunalni odpadki, ne pa posebni. OdlagaliöËe gradbenih odpadkov je urejen in nadzorovan prostor za odlaganje odpadkov, ki nastanejo pri visokih in nizkih gradnjah; sem spada tudi material iz zemeljskih izkopov pri gradnji zgradb in cest. IKROS je kratica ötudije o ravnanju z odpadki v Sloveniji s polnim naslovom Integralni koncept ravnanja z odpadki v Sloveniji. INVESTICIJE IN TEKO»I IZDATKI ZA VARSTVO OKOLJA VIRI IN METODE ZBIRANJA PODATKOV Podatki o investicijah in tekoËih izdatkih za varstvo okolja so rezultat vsakoletnega raziskovanja StatistiËnega urada Republike Slovenije (INV- 01). Pridobivamo jih neposredno od podjetij in drugih organizacij. ZAJETJE V tabelah so navedeni podatki za podjetja in druge organizacije (zajete le pravne osebe, ki so bile pred lastninskimi spremembami v druűbeni, zadruűni ali meöani lasti). Prikazani so po organizacijskem naËelu, to je po preteűni dejavnosti in sedeűu investitorja. DEFINICIJE Sploöne definicije so navedene v poglavju o investicijah (28. poglavje). than 0.1 tons or 0.1 m3 is not included. The tables on special (hazardous) wastes do not include radioactive waste, since this is governed by other regulations. DEFINITIONS Waste is a substance which the owner cannot or does not wish to use himself and wants to remove it or has already removed it and which was not produced for the purpose of sale. Also counted as waste is a substance which originated as waste and which, for reasons of good management, was sold to another person as a usable raw material. Not counted as waste is a substance whose owner reworks or uses it in his own production process, other than in waste management devices. Also not counted as waste is a substance which is released directly into the environment, for example into the air, water or sewage system. Public waste removal is an activity performed in the public interest by a competent public service (enterprises engaged in community service activities and other enterprises authorised to perform such activity or which hold a licence or a concession). Household waste is solid waste originating in households which does not require special treatment. Household waste is removed regularly by the competent public service and taken to standardised containers standing on public land. These are then taken to public landfill sites. Waste similar to household waste is solid waste of non-household origin not requiring special treatment. Such waste originates in commerce and other service activities and is removed, together with household waste, by the competent public service. It is taken to public landfill sites. Bulky waste is waste which, while not requiring special treatment, cannot be removed as everyday household waste due to its weight, size or volume. Such waste is removed by the competent public service in periodic collections. It is taken to public landfill sites or used as secondary raw material. Special (hazardous) waste is waste which cannot be safely removed together with municipal waste, or not before special treatment, because of its quantity or properties (Regulations on Handling Special Waste Containing Dangerous Substances /abbr.: Hazardous Waste Treatment Regulation Act/, Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 20/86). Special (hazardous) wastes require supervision (Supplements 2 and 3 to the Regulations). Under these Regulations radioactive waste is not considered as special (hazardous) waste since it is governed by special regulations. Secondary raw materials are usable materials that are the result of waste recovery operations. They can be re-used in a production process, thus avoiding the use of primary raw materials. A household waste landfill site is a regulated and supervised area intended for the dumping of household and similar waste and bulky waste which does not require special treatment. Other municipal waste which is not classified as special (hazardous) waste can also be dumped in a household waste landfill site. A building rubble landfill site is a regulated and supervised area for dumping waste originating from civil engineering and construction. This includes earth excavation in the construction of buildings and roads. IKROS is the abbreviation for a study project on waste management in Slovenia entitled Integral Concept of Waste Management in Slovenia. GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION AND CURRENT EXPENDITURE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOURCES AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data on gross fixed capital formation and current expenditure for environmental protection are the result of annual collections of data by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (INV-01), gathered directly from enterprises and other organizations. COVERAGE Tables present data for enterprises and other organizations. The data are presented according to the organizational principle, that is according to the predominant activity and location of the investor. DEFINITIONS General definitions are stated in the chapter on gross fixed capital formation (gross investment) (Chapter 28). StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 470 Investicije v varstvo okolja so izloËene iz skupnih investicij po znaËaju graditve in so prikazane posebej. Sem spadajo investicije v zemljiöËa, stavbe in druge gradnje, v stroje, naprave in v opremo za: - zbiranje, prevoz, obdelavo, odlaganje in skladiöËenje odpadkov; - izogibanje odplakam, zmanjöanje koliËine ali prepreËevanje odplak in za varstvo povröinskih vod; - zmanjöanje aIi prepreËevanje hrupa ali izogibanje hrupu; - odstranitev ali zmanjöanje koliËine snovi iz odpadnih plinov, ki kvarijo zrak, ali za izogibanje tem snovem; - varovanje prsti in podzemnih vod; - varovanje narave in pokrajine. TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja so vsi izdatki v zvezi z napravami in opremo za varovanje okolja, s katerimi se prepreËuje, odstranjuje ali zmanjöuje ökodljive vplive podjetij na okolje (brez investicijskih izdatkov in amortizacije), ter drugi izdatki (za naËrtovanje, raziskave, razvoj ipd.). STATISTI»NE PUBLIKACIJE StatistiËno gradivo 1961-1965; 1967, öt. 17; 1966, öt. 11; 1962, öt. 23; 1963, öt. 5; 1964, öt. 22; 1965, öt. 24; 1966, öt. 18; 1967, öt. 10. StatistiËni podatki po obËinah Republike Slovenije: 1956, zv. III; 1958, zv. III; 1959, zv. III; 1960, zv. III; 1961, zv. III; 1962, zv. III; 1963, zv. IV; 1964, zv. IX; 1965, zv. IV; 1966, zv. VII; 1967, zv. VI; 1968, zv. VI. StatistiËne informacije: 1996, öt. 22; 1997, öt. 129. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. Gross fixed capital formation in environmental protection is separated from gross fixed capital formation by kind of construction and is shown separately. Here belongs investment in land, buildings and other constructions, machinery, devices and equipment for: - collecting, transport, processing, depositing and storage of waste, - avoiding, reducing or preventing the burdening of waste waters and for protection of surface waters, - reduction, avoidance or removal of noise, - removal, avoidance or reduction of waste gas matters which are foreign to air, - protection of soil and underground waters, - protection of nature and landscape. Current expenditure for environmental protection is all expenditure connected with devices and equipment for environmental protection with which to avoid, remove or reduce harmful influence of enterprises on environment (without investment expenditure and amortization), as well as other expenditure (for planning, research, development, etc.). STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS Statistical Material 1961-1965, 1967 No. 17, 1966 No. 11, 1962 No. 23, 1963 No. 5, 1964 No. 22, 1965 No. 24, 1966 No. 18, 1967 No. 10. Statistical Data by Communities of the Republic of Slovenia 1956 vol. III, 1958 vol. III, 1959 vol. III, 1960 vol. III, 1961 vol. III, 1962 vol. III, 1963 vol. IV, 1964 vol. IX, 1965 vol. IV, 1966 vol. VII, 1967 vol. VI, 1968 vol. VI. Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 471 32.1 Emisija űveplovega dioksida v zrak po porabnikih goriv in surovin1) Emissions of sulphur dioxide by consumers of energy and raw materials1) 1000 t 1) PreraËunano po enotni evropski metodologiji za izdelavo emisijskih evidenc. Calculated under the unified European methodology for creating the emission records. 2) Upoötevane so tudi industrijske elektrarne in toplarne. Including industrial power stations and heating plants. 3) Brez elektrarn in toplarn, vkljuËeno je izgorevanje pri industrijskih procesih. Power stations and heating plants excluded, including industrial combustion. 32.2 Emisija űveplovega dioksida v zrak po nosilcih energije1) Emissions of sulphur dioxide by sources of energy1) 1000 t 1) PreraËunano po enotni evropski metodologiji za izdelavo emisijskih evidenc. Calculated under the unified European methodology for creating the emission records. 2) »rni premog, antracit, koks. Hard coal, anthracite, coke. 3) Lahka olja, bencin in gorivo za reakcijske letalske motorje, plinsko olje. Light fuel oils, petrol, jet fuel, diesel fuel oil. Skupaj Total Elektrarne in toplarne2) Power stations and district heating plants2) Industrija in rudarstvo3) Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply3) äiroka poraba Households and small consumers Promet Traffic 1980 234 148 55 29 3 1985 241 172 39 27 3 1990 195 154 21 17 3 1991 181 137 19 22 3 1992 190 153 15 20 3 1993 183 149 13 18 3 1994 177 145 13 15 3 1995 113 99 7 6 1 1996 110 96 6 7 1 Skupaj Total Lignit Lignite Rjavi premog Brown coal Drugi premogi 2) Other coals 2) Mazut Residual fuel oil Drugo3) Other3) 1980 234 124 53 7 40 10 1985 241 141 60 10 23 7 1990 195 113 51 2 17 11 1991 181 102 50 2 15 11 1992 190 107 55 1 14 13 1993 183 106 48 1 15 13 1994 177 95 50 2 16 14 1995 113 66 37 2 5 3 1996 110 64 34 2 5 4 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 472 32.3 Koncentracije dima na reprezentativnih merilnih mestih po sezonah1) Concentrations of black smoke at the representative measuring sites by seasons1) µg/m3 1) Celotna sezona: januar - december 1996; nekurilna sezona: april - september; kurilna sezona: januar - marec in oktober - december 1996. PovpreËna koncentracija je povpreËje dnevnih vzorcev, maksimalna koncentracija je vzorec z najveËjim dnevnim povpreËjem. Whole season: Januar - December 1996; non-heating season: April - September ; heating season: Januar - March and October - December 1996. Average concentration is the average of the daily samples, maximum concentration is the sample with the biggest daily average 2) 98-percentilna vrednost od 24-urnih koncentracij dima 98-percentile values of 24-hours concentrations of black smoke Merilno mesto Measuring site Koncentracija Concentration celotna sezona whole season kurilna sezona heating season nekurilna sezona non-heating season povpreËna average povpreËna average povpreËna average maksimalna maximum povpreËna average maksimalna maximum Ljubljana, Gospodarska zbornica / Chamber of Economy 30 93 42 175 17 76 éalec 28 79 38 98 18 58 Vrhnika 26 101 40 194 12 73 Ptuj 24 78 34 98 13 46 Ljubljana, Moste 22 107 32 134 9 70 Ljubljana, Resljeva 21 93 31 166 11 81 Kanal 25 71 30 103 20 48 Doműale 30 100 42 151 17 65 Radenci 16 60 27 75 7 28 Kranj 23 61 31 81 13 45 Ljubljana, Beűigrad 22 94 32 167 12 70 Ljubljana, äiöka 23 94 34 154 12 73 KoËevje 22 67 31 100 12 35 Zagorje 20 72 32 164 9 26 Trbovlje 19 71 29 125 9 38 Novo mesto 20 61 28 87 12 36 Ljubljana, Viűmarje 22 89 34 131 8 67 Sevnica 17 44 23 53 11 27 Maribor, Tabor 17 57 25 83 9 57 Kamnik 18 75 29 101 7 51 Slovenska Bistrica 19 47 23 59 14 32 Slovenj Gradec 17 55 24 73 9 20 Maribor, Center 17 60 27 74 7 20 Laöko 19 61 30 69 10 47 Idrija 19 64 30 110 8 55 äentjur pri Celju 18 52 26 75 11 52 TrűiË 17 59 26 104 9 32 Ruöe 17 69 28 119 5 20 RadeËe pri Zidanem Mostu 17 53 24 68 9 23 Ljubljana, ViË 23 85 36 177 11 79 Ljubljana, Preöernova 21 83 29 149 12 54 Murska Sobota 17 57 23 70 8 26 Celje, Center 16 63 24 78 8 48 »rnomelj 16 54 22 110 10 32 ätore 15 48 21 77 9 39 Medvode 15 62 24 98 6 46 Jesenice 14 47 21 66 7 20 Izola - Isola 12 38 17 73 8 29 Rogaöka Slatina 21 51 23 56 10 27 Litija 14 42 20 114 7 25 Kröko 12 47 19 55 5 20 KidriËevo 13 47 19 63 7 39 Ilirska Bistrica 13 46 19 70 7 26 Celje, Teharje 12 45 19 64 6 29 äkofja Loka, Trata 12 49 18 134 5 41 äkofja Loka 14 59 21 79 6 31 Meűica 12 43 18 53 6 20 Nova Gorica 13 37 18 70 7 18 Hrastnik 11 38 16 50 6 16 äoötanj II 11 35 15 42 6 15 Ravne, »eËovje 10 31 14 43 6 19 Koper - Capodistria 10 37 15 49 5 14 éerjav 10 33 15 42 5 59 »rna 9 36 14 60 4 19 Rimske Toplice 8 26 12 40 4 15 Zavodnje 7 27 10 34 4 20 Velenje 7 28 11 35 4 13 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 473 32.4 Koncentracije űveplovega dioksida na reprezentativnih merilnih mestih po sezonah1) Concentrations of sulphur dioxide at the representative measuring sites by seasons1) µg/m3 1) Celotna sezona: januar - december 1996; nekurilna sezona: april - september; kurilna sezona: januar - marec in oktober - december 1996. PovpreËna koncentracija je povpreËje dnevnih vzorcev, maksimalna koncentracija je vzorec z najveËjim dnevnim povpreËjem. Whole season: Januar - December 1996; non-heating season: April - September ; heating season: Januar - March and October - December 1996. Average concentration is the average of the daily samples, maximum concentration is the sample with the biggest daily average 2) 98-percentilna vrednost od 24-urnih koncentracij űveplovega dioksida 98-percentile values of 24-hours concentrations of sulphur dioxide Merilno mesto Measuring site Koncentracija Concentration celotna sezona whole season kurilna sezona heating season nekurilna sezona non-heating season povpreËna average maksimalna maximum povpreËna average maksimalna maximum povpreËna average maksimalna maximum Kamnik 40 98 45 113 35 107 Trbovlje 63 143 66 195 60 149 Celje, Teharje 35 135 55 197 19 52 Radenci 45 93 40 83 48 115 Ljubljana, Beűigrad 35 73 40 82 30 82 Ljubljana, Moste 49 136 40 101 60 202 Ljubljana, äiöka 64 155 61 152 67 190 Zagorje 30 109 51 295 7 52 Hrastnik 25 74 32 132 19 81 Laöko 47 140 37 128 55 170 Celje, Center 34 102 35 101 33 193 Rimske Toplice 24 78 35 166 12 46 Zavodnje 40 132 51 244 29 131 ätore 47 109 46 171 47 122 éalec 39 86 37 101 42 113 TrűiË 51 150 37 84 64 220 Ljubljana, Viűmarje 56 172 45 126 69 221 Vrhnika 29 95 32 116 27 159 Meűica 20 94 31 124 9 73 Ljubljana, Gospodarska zbornica / Chamber of Economy 49 133 42 107 56 168 Ptuj 26 88 32 114 21 59 Ljubljana, ViË 41 112 38 119 44 153 éerjav 24 87 36 146 12 94 Sevnica 9 43 13 59 6 36 äentjur pri Celju 26 78 42 92 9 72 »rnomelj 15 48 19 60 11 73 Maribor, Center 24 70 31 89 17 60 Ljubljana, Preöernova 34 86 36 101 32 96 Kröko 30 116 24 93 37 162 »rna 60 185 38 114 83 207 Ljubljana, Resljeva 33 117 27 91 38 140 Slovenj Gradec 28 105 22 108 36 138 Kranj 36 99 33 89 40 163 Ilirska Bistrica 33 84 28 105 38 114 Doműale 45 104 45 100 45 112 äkofja Loka 34 167 19 64 55 198 Ruöe 30 94 39 99 21 111 Kanal 18 58 15 62 21 132 äkofja Loka, Trata 24 80 22 83 27 130 Murska Sobota 26 96 26 11 26 118 RadeËe pri Zidanem Mostu 30 96 25 84 40 158 Nova Gorica 26 66 20 58 33 118 Jesenice 23 82 23 82 24 167 Slovenska Bistrica 12 50 20 63 4 25 Ravne, »eËovje 36 127 22 80 50 154 Novo mesto 49 134 46 138 57 141 Medvode 25 88 22 74 33 131 Maribor, Tabor 31 80 25 87 38 117 Koper - Capodistria 28 52 23 67 33 59 Idrija 42 142 26 71 66 208 Velenje 33 128 40 107 25 68 Litija 37 167 19 72 58 236 Rogaöka Slatina 21 56 23 59 7 17 KidriËevo 9 46 16 71 2 19 Izola - Isola 6 21 5 24 8 25 äoötanj II 29 132 34 149 25 148 KoËevje 7 34 13 49 2 13 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 474 32.5 Uvoz snovi, ki ökodljivo delujejo na ozonski plaöË Import of substances that deplete the ozone layer t 32.6 Izvoz snovi, ki ökodljivo delujejo na ozonski plaöË Export of substances that deplete the ozone layer t 32.7 Javni vodovod Public water supply 1) Dokumentacija omreűja je v izdelavi. Documentation of the system is being prepared. Ozonu ökodljive snovi 1993 1994 1995 1996 Ozone depleting substances CFC-11 153 212 154 - CFC-11 CFC-12 371 302 183 0.05 CFC-12 CFC-113 23 22.3 8.2 - CFC-113 CFC-114 51 72.1 8.6 - CFC-114 CFC-115 1.5 1.5 2.7 - CFC-115 HCFC-22 75 111 180 172.7 HCFC-22 HCFC-141b 15 27 32.5 34 HCFC-141b HCFC-142b 6 19 41.7 - HCFC-142b 1,1,1-trikloroetan 819 726 493 - 1,1,1-trichloroethane ogljikov tetraklorid 0.7 0.96 0.1 0.5 carbon tetrachloride metilbromid 5.5 0.3 1 - methilbromide Ozonu ökodljive snovi 1993 1994 1995 1996 Ozone depleting substances CFC-11 - 40.6 - - CFC-11 halon 1301 - 0.9 - - halon 1301 1,1,1-trikloroetan 10 20 7 - 1,1,1-trichloroethane ogljikov tetraklorid - 0.95 - 0.475 carbon tetrachloride 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Vodni viri Water sources 1000 m3 Skupaj 203861 244691 262144 256671 259297 266589 265872 259687 Total Podtalnice 98948 121199 132207 131684 135303 144525 146792 138167 Underground waters Studenci 97890 114330 125064 118184 116035 114553 108116 113750 Springs Povröinske vode 7022 9162 4873 6803 7959 7511 10964 7770 Surface waters Zbiralniki (akumulacije) - - - - - - - - Accumulations Jezera 1 - - - - - - - Lakes Zagotovljene koliËine vode Volume of water taken 1000 m3 Skupaj 203861 244691 262144 256671 259297 266589 265872 259687 Total Obmorje Jadranskega morja 28608 34628 33864 34365 36880 38937 35048 34212 Adriatic watershed SoËa 17358 23940 23432 23925 25915 29778 24814 24249 SoËa Ostale reke 11250 10688 10432 10440 10965 9159 10234 9963 Other rivers Obmorje »rnega morja 175253 210063 228280 222306 222417 227652 230824 225475 Black Sea watershed Drava 28001 31727 31512 34275 34941 41890 42419 39582 Drava Mura 3587 7561 5321 6159 9348 6093 8946 8772 Mura Sava 56441 111468 128389 128845 125711 124710 72765 71913 Sava Ljubljanica 50846 12417 9241 9302 10006 8799 64603 62897 Ljubljanica Savinja 20921 32587 34569 30474 26031 30334 28618 25003 Savinja Krka 11341 10051 12280 11330 11167 11092 10091 9973 Krka Kolpa 4116 4252 6968 1921 5213 4734 3382 7335 Kolpa Dobavljene koliËine vode iz javnega vodovoda Water supplied from public water supply 1000 m3 Skupaj 159992 167225 182355 177484 152608 154658 157874 152400 Total Gospodinjstva 60065 75655 86217 85378 80326 84496 91765 86475 Households Dejavnosti 99927 83002 79834 76686 66016 62138 56559 56294 Activities Drugi vodovodni sistemi - 8568 16304 15420 6266 8024 9550 9631 Other water supply systems Izguba vode v omreűju in prelivi 71486 77466 79789 79187 106689 111931 115441 107287 Water loss within waterworks network Vodovodno omreűje1) Water supply network1) 1000 km Dolűina primarnega omreűja 3214 3574 4614 4672 4703 4801 5105 ... Length of primary networks Dolűina sekundarnega omreűja 7069 8461 9016 9103 9158 8295 8443 ... Length of secondary networks ätevilo prikljuËkov 220333 289598 328579 338168 338842 344659 345757 ... No. of connections StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 475 32.8 Preskrba industrije in rudarstva z vodo Water supplied to manufacturing, mining and electricity supply 1000 m3 1) Proizvodnja, prenos in distribucija elektriËne energije. Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. 2) Podjetja z neindustrijsko dejavnostjo, ki se ukvarjajo tudi z industrijsko dejavnostjo Non-industrial enterprises partly involved in industrial activities Lastna preskrba Own water supplies Vodovodni sistemi Waterworks systems skupaj total podtalnice undergrou nd waters izviri springs vodotoki surface waters drugi viri other skupaj total od tega iz javnega vodovoda of which from public water supply 1985 Skupaj 71875650 54229 13809 66275492 5532120 137840 48759 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 71763759 15436 6226 66210162 5531935 2398 2396 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 111891 38793 7583 65330 185 135442 46363 Other industry 1990 Skupaj 67923851 32591 10000 59538725 8342535 70970 62602 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 67810924 1064 6460 59461412 8341988 731 731 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 112927 31527 3540 77313 547 70239 61871 Other industry 1991 Skupaj 78936854 39195 9455 73128373 5759831 49214 41569 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 78841247 1739 7330 73074267 5757911 720 720 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 95607 37456 2125 54106 1920 48494 40849 Other industry 1992 Skupaj 77020459 32412 9081 68288684 8690282 57896 46021 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 76940395 1824 6272 68244794 8687505 1106 1106 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 80064 30588 2809 43890 2777 56790 44915 Other industry 1993 Skupaj 69681647 31093 2296 62460917 7187341 44974 35551 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 69601936 1377 293 62413728 7186538 781 781 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 79711 29716 2003 47189 803 44193 34770 Other industry 1994 Skupaj 74154522 29327 8266 65125739 8991190 44003 30915 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 74081913 6244 6644 65078684 8990341 1068 1068 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 72609 23083 1622 47055 849 42935 29847 Other industry 1995 Skupaj 73821879 26240 15494 61286168 12493977 68136 32238 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 73730872 363 6296 61235319 12488894 2362 2362 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 70530 20605 3417 46137 371 64010 28792 Other industry Drugo2) 20477 5272 5781 4712 4712 1764 1084 Other2) Skupaj 91007 25877 9198 50849 5083 65774 29876 Total Pridobivanje premoga 1488 - - 1374 114 799 716 Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 806 - - 806 - 62 62 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 1390 931 - 459 - 10563 628 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 6 - 6 - - 27 6 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 35 - 35 - - 6 6 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 2814 - 166 2648 - 174 174 Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 654 - - 654 - 7 7 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 217 111 37 59 10 940 935 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 3189 878 1265 1046 - 3867 3437 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 83 82 - 1 - 749 627 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 1442 1442 - - - 1132 1126 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo - - - - - 36 36 Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. apar. 1085 28 654 403 - 2796 2741 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 3119 2878 1 240 - 4653 1163 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 6900 2671 432 3797 - 1934 1924 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 323 23 37 58 205 369 367 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. materiala 1290 415 6 869 - 2637 2444 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 96 62 - 34 - 467 257 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 178 14 85 79 - 1364 1363 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 34222 3722 1 30499 - 21330 1478 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 2448 1874 231 343 - 1215 568 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 685 564 28 93 - 708 690 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 1220 155 104 961 - 239 239 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 13 13 - - - 299 203 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 1285 - - 1285 - 814 814 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. izdelkov 2879 2091 318 429 41 4584 4542 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 2467 2456 10 - 1 1454 1454 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil - - - - - 53 53 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka - - - - - 60 60 Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 195 195 - - - 209 209 Printing Recirkulacija surovin - - - - - 421 421 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 1 - 1 - - 42 42 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Drugo2) 20477 5272 5781 4712 4712 1764 1084 Other2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 476 32.9 Uporaba vode v industriji in rudarstvu Water used in manufacturing, mining and electricity supply 1000 m3 1) Proizvodnja, prenos in distribucija elektriËne energije. Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. 2) Podjetja z neindustrijsko dejavnostjo, ki se ukvarjajo tudi z industrijskimi dejavnostmi Non-industrial enterprises partly invovled in industrial activies Sveűa voda Fresh water Voda v recirkulaciji Water in recirculation VnoviË uporabljena voda Reused water skupaj total tehno- loöka voda techno- logical water pitna voda drinking water skupaj total dodana sveűa voda added fresh water skupaj total od tega / of which po preËi- öËevanju after purifying po hlajenju after cooling 1985 Skupaj 72007629 71920158 87471 842476 76485 57089 15930 35083 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 71764726 71762180 2546 588310 59884 29379 11180 12123 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 242903 157978 84925 254166 16601 27710 4750 22960 Other industry 1990 Skupaj 67981507 67931857 49650 901827 25895 107343 28595 58360 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 67811623 67810815 808 602740 9869 26300 6060 20240 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 169884 121042 48842 299087 16026 81043 22535 38120 Other industry 1991 Skupaj 78983021 78941182 41839 752631 29463 72378 18736 52722 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 78841940 78841017 923 570504 8490 27920 5970 21030 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 141081 100165 40916 182127 20973 44458 12766 31692 Other industry 1992 Skupaj 77073549 77034878 38671 778133 34381 58387 20285 36709 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 76941810 76940368 1442 570504 11008 12280 2310 8760 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 131739 94510 37229 207629 23373 46107 17975 27949 Other industry 1993 Skupaj 69717479 69685928 31551 685736 18632 35503 7395 25863 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 69602702 69601675 1027 570504 10208 1494 1494 - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 114777 84253 30524 115232 8424 34009 5901 25863 Other industry 1994 Skupaj 74188998 74152102 36896 723309 23183 44126 12263 19863 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 74082945 74080571 2374 570504 9838 5371 5371 - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 106053 71531 34522 152805 13345 38755 6892 19863 Other industry 1995 Skupaj 73846220 73805345 33380 846806 21722 41322 12014 18733 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 73733234 73730641 2593 601609 10097 10262 - - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 105780 74703 30787 245197 11625 31060 12014 18733 Other industry Drugo2) 7206 1645 5561 13 1 - - - Other2) Skupaj 112986 76638 36348 245210 11626 31060 12014 18733 Total Pridobivanje premoga 2227 1560 667 - - - - - Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 867 805 62 26352 805 - - - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 11863 10895 968 28525 1524 12000 5000 7000 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 33 21 12 - - - - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 41 6 35 616 - - - - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 2954 2794 160 1200 20 - - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 661 654 7 0 0 1932 1932 - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 1151 259 892 747 71 15 - 4 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 6920 3291 3629 1886 30 2 - - Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 826 132 694 104 2 - - - Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 2110 61 2049 24257 221 37 37 - Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 8 - 8 - - - - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj., apar. 3805 1589 2216 1197 34 - - - Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 6738 6035 703 3743 521 5968 - 5968 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 8679 6615 2064 1003 107 33 - 33 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 690 289 401 - - 50 50 - Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. materiala 3904 1256 2648 - - - - - Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 603 280 323 - - - - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 1502 406 1096 5 1 - - - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 29888 28609 1279 126583 7466 10648 4973 5675 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 3558 2846 712 380 67 25 - 25 Manufacture of textiles Proizv.konË.tekst.izdelkov 1381 663 718 34 2 4 - 4 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 1670 1504 166 - - 322 22 - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 311 14 297 - - - - - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 2097 1285 812 20305 460 - - - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. izdelkov 7320 2365 4955 4419 114 24 - 24 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 2992 564 2428 3840 180 - - - Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 53 - 53 - - - - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 60 - 60 - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 404 195 209 - - - - - Printing Recirkulacija surovin 421 - 421 - - - - - Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 43 - 43 1 - - - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Drugo2) 7206 1645 5561 13 1 - - - Other2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 477 32.10 Uporaba vode v industriji in rudarstvu po namenu Water used in manufacturing, mining and electricity supply by type of use 1000 m3 1) Proizvodnja, prenos in distribucija elektriËne energije. Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. 2) Podjetja z neindustrijsko dejavnostjo, ki se ukvarjajo tudi z industrijskimi dejavnostmi. Non-industrial enterprises partly involved in industrial activities. Uporabljena voda Used water Porabljena voda v tehnoloökem procesu Water consumed in technological process skupaj total za tehnoloöki proces for tehnological process za sanitarne namene for sanitary purposes za ostale namene otherproizvodnja production hlajenje cooling 1985 Skupaj 72007629 71239343 744111 17839 6336 31996 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 71764726 71100948 661871 1814 93 19145 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 242903 138395 82240 16025 6243 12851 Other industry 1990 Skupaj 67981507 67346898 604560 19855 10194 16543 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 67811627 67252781 550391 424 8031 5763 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 169880 94117 54169 19431 2163 10780 Other industry 1991 Skupaj 78983021 78212932 742542 14315 13232 14616 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 78841940 78145224 686821 685 9210 5260 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 141081 67708 55721 13630 4022 9256 Other industry 1992 Skupaj 77073549 76464750 581084 14436 13279 13581 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 76941810 76409315 522296 1086 9113 6182 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 131739 55435 58788 13350 4166 7399 Other industry 1993 Skupaj 69717479 69116978 577292 10317 12892 17003 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 69602702 69073190 519489 794 9229 6029 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 114777 43788 57803 9523 3663 10974 Other industry 1994 Skupaj 74188998 73507028 664603 9262 8105 16991 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 74082945 73466093 610517 931 5404 6512 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 106053 40935 54086 8331 2701 10479 Other industry 1995 Skupaj 73846220 73123889 695093 13578 13660 101782 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 73733234 73075883 644350 2156 10845 89152 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 105780 46654 45690 10704 2732 12421 Other industry Drugo2) 7206 1352 5053 718 83 209 Other2) Skupaj 112986 48006 50743 11422 2815 12630 Total Pridobivanje premoga 2227 1540 100 577 10 806 Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 867 1 804 60 2 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 11863 165 11165 430 103 2076 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud. barv. kovin 33 21 - 12 - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 41 7 32 2 - - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 2954 32 2864 56 2 20 Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 661 654 - 7 - 2578 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 1151 288 559 244 60 242 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 6920 2839 2620 1392 69 83 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 826 151 212 449 14 22 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 2110 562 781 733 34 73 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 8 1 - 7 - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj.,apar. 3805 1402 1403 966 34 105 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 6738 1600 4966 144 28 1004 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 8679 2006 5800 654 219 148 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 690 597 1 69 23 17 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. materiala 3904 1945 545 1147 267 1353 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 603 286 46 200 71 53 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 1502 540 211 651 100 41 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 29888 19444 8841 560 1043 1326 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 3558 2629 541 319 69 378 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 1381 840 59 417 65 155 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 1670 1570 12 82 6 33 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 311 14 13 264 20 6 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 2097 553 1311 209 24 720 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proizvodov 7320 4271 1909 728 412 524 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 2992 2169 739 48 36 610 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 53 29 2 18 4 7 Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 60 36 7 12 5 - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 404 106 146 152 - 4 Printing Recirkulacija surovin 421 340 - 69 12 35 Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 43 16 1 26 - 2 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Drugo2) 7206 1352 5053 718 83 209 Other2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 478 32.11 Uporaba vode za namakanje Water used for irrigation 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Zajete vode za namakanje Volume of water for irrigation 1000 m3 Skupaj 223 3952 3887 2863 3667 3474 5512 4785 Total Podtalnice - - 963 175 752 200 218 326 Underground waters Vodotoki 223 3944 2912 2643 2823 3268 3170 1416 Watercourses Zbiralniki (akumulacije) - - 6 39 86 - 2118 3039 Accumulations Ostalo - 8 6 6 6 6 6 4 Other Povröine, pripravljene za namakanje Areas prepared for irrigation ha Skupaj 1245 1023 2941 2941 3023 3246 4184 4200 Total Namakana povröina 392 459 1426 1292 1734 2050 2836 1592 Irrigation area Povröinsko 1 163 36 104 5 - 20 On surface Z oroöevanjem 391 296 1294 1092 1633 1797 2733 1447 By sprinkling KapljiËasto - - 96 96 96 253 103 125 Drop by drop Njive in vrtovi 218 240 1091 1024 1426 1831 2125 1257 Arable land and gardens Sadovnjaki 151 208 268 268 277 173 679 319 Orchards Ostalo 23 11 67 - 31 46 32 6 Other Namakalni objekti in naprave Objects and equipment for irrigation Kanali in cevovodi (km) 36 114 363 363 363 369 373 394 Canals and pipelines (km) »rpalne postaje (ötevilo) 2 3 23 23 23 24 26 26 Pumping plants (No.) ätevilo Ërpalk 35 25 43 43 44 45 52 51 No. of pumps Pogonska moË (kW) 1907 1550 3023 3023 3220 3486 4366 4291 Power installed (kW) Zmogljivost (l/s) ... 1003 1855 1855 1960 2064 2654 2650 Capacity (l/s) Agregati in oroöevalni topovi 201 197 92 94 99 152 102 96 Sprinkler systems Zmogljivost (l/s) 1604 935 1218 1253 1367 1569 1348 1232 Capacity (l/s) Dolűina oroöevalnih kril (m) 74 2668 6147 6147 4909 4909 5809 15041 Length of sprinkler systems (m) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 479 32.12 IzpuöËanje odpadne vode iz industrije in rudarstva Discharge of waste water from manufacturing, mining and electricity supply 1000 m3 1) Proizvodnja, prenos in distribucija elektriËne energije. Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. 2) Podjetja z neindustrijsko dejavnostjo, ki se ukvarjajo tudi z industrijskimi dejavnostmi Non-industrial enterprises partly invovled in industrial activies Skupaj Total V zemljo To land V javno kanalizacijo To public sewerage V povröinske vode To surface water skupaj total od tega v vodotoke of which to watercourses 1985 Skupaj 68282 3933 64349 804058 803267 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 4073 19 4054 647518 647518 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 64209 3914 60295 156540 155749 Other industry 1990 Skupaj 62747 3559 59188 693907 583286 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 892 - 892 601562 544039 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 61855 3559 58296 92345 39247 Other industry 1991 Skupaj 38496 2075 36421 785904 775430 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 1131 1 1130 691544 681466 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 37365 2074 35291 94360 93964 Other industry 1992 Skupaj 38957 1662 37295 613314 601477 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 1222 2 1220 526196 515137 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 37735 1660 36075 87118 86340 Other industry 1993 Skupaj 32392 1352 31040 596063 584781 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 1110 - 1110 523542 512997 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 31282 1352 29930 72521 71784 Other industry 1994 Skupaj 31401 1392 30009 762685 755527 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 1551 - 1551 696961 690561 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 29850 1392 28458 65724 64966 Other industry 1995 Skupaj 32626 2606 30020 733102 732732 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 2012 7 2005 665070 664990 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 29179 2551 26628 62515 62230 Other industry Drugo2) 1435 48 1387 5517 5512 Other2) Skupaj 30614 2599 28015 68032 67742 Total Pridobivanje premoga 24 - 24 1720 1470 Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 61 - 61 - - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 141 - 141 9730 9730 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud barv. kovin 33 - 33 - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 6 - 6 35 35 Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 104 - 104 2830 2830 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin 7 2 5 8 5 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 221 17 204 704 701 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 3992 1042 2950 2855 2853 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 538 5 533 263 258 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 1981 36 1945 56 56 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 8 - 8 - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj., apar. 2871 172 2699 807 807 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 527 113 414 5344 5344 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 1713 24 1689 6510 6510 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 637 140 497 36 21 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. materiala 472 185 287 1231 1230 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 392 9 383 130 129 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 1239 41 1198 217 217 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 2545 344 2201 26017 26017 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 1601 - 1601 1453 1453 Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 1036 153 883 190 190 Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 790 - 790 558 558 Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 278 - 278 27 27 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 139 - 139 82 82 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proizvodov 4741 257 4484 1527 1522 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 2158 9 2149 182 182 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 39 2 37 - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka 60 - 60 - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 400 - 400 - - Printing Recirkulacija surovin 386 - 386 - - Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. 39 - 39 3 3 Manufacture of miscellaneous products Drugo2) 1435 48 1387 5517 5512 Other2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 480 32.13 PreËiöËevanje odpadne vode iz industrije in rudarstva Purification of waste water from manufacturing, mining and electricity supply 1000 m3 1) Proizvodnja, prenos in distribucija elektriËne energije. / Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. 2) Podjetja z neindustrijsko dejavnostjo, ki se ukvarjajo tudi z industrijskimi dejavnostmi. / Non-industrial enterprises partly involved in industrial activities Nekombinirano preËiöËevanje Uncombined purification Kombinirano preËiöËevanje Combined purification skupaj total mehan- sko mechani- cally kemiËno chemi- cally bioloöko biologi- cally skupaj total mehan- sko- kemiËno mechani- cally- chemically mehan- sko- bioloöko mechani- cally-bio- logically kemiËno- bioloöko chemi- cally bio- logically mehansko- kemiËno- bioloöko mechan.- chem. bio- logically 1985 Skupaj 48008 26553 20861 594 21122 17611 1483 22 2006 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 1779 241 1488 50 1244 54 840 - 350 Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 46229 26312 19373 544 19878 17557 643 22 1656 Other industry 1990 Skupaj 29576 22293 6209 1072 28265 19207 1308 4723 3027 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 10660 9110 1441 109 - - - - - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 18916 13185 4768 963 28265 19207 1308 4723 3027 Other industry 1991 Skupaj 34363 24630 8924 809 25002 16755 2247 214 5786 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 10743 10116 519 108 - - - - - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 23620 14514 8405 701 25002 16755 2247 214 5786 Other industry 1992 Skupaj 26167 20592 4858 717 23617 18493 2925 280 1919 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 11273 11112 55 106 73 - - 73 - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 14894 9480 4803 611 23544 18493 2925 207 1919 Other industry 1993 Skupaj 30702 26811 3009 882 20224 16184 1670 269 2101 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 10733 10584 36 113 - - - - - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 19969 16227 2973 769 20224 16184 1670 269 2101 Other industry 1994 Skupaj 25537 22877 1854 806 18920 14698 1679 32 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 6848 6650 51 147 3 - 3 - - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 15850 12711 2723 442 25910 14698 1674 3690 1968 Other industry 1995 Skupaj 20647 17319 2880 448 26128 18629 1829 3690 1980 Total Elektrogospodarstvo1) 155 78 77 - 155 - 155 - - Electricity supply1) Ostala industrija 15876 12711 2723 442 25910 18578 1674 3690 1968 Other industry Drugo2) 4616 4530 80 6 63 51 - - 12 Other2) Skupaj 20492 17241 2803 448 25973 18629 1674 3690 1980 Total Pridobivanje premoga 1460 1460 - - - - - - - Coal mining Proizv. naftnih derivatov 2 - 2 - 656 - - - 656 Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 3718 3598 30 90 2635 2633 2 - - Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud barv. kovin 26 26 - - - - - - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin - - - - - - - - - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 82 72 10 - - - - - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizv. nekov. rudnin - - - - 2 - 2 - - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 72 27 40 5 128 102 26 - - Manufacture of non-metallic minerals Predelava kovin 1821 302 1469 50 368 124 137 - 107 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 88 63 25 - 60 47 7 - 6 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 21 15 - 6 297 258 5 - 34 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo - - - - - - - - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj. apar. 317 212 88 17 706 533 155 18 - Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 149 46 60 43 4602 2180 10 2412 - Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 87 61 10 16 1789 508 929 - 352 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 110 93 17 - 4 - - - 4 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. materiala 708 551 - 157 504 11 - - 493 Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 87 62 - 25 - - - - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 245 230 10 5 11 4 7 - - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in predel. papirja 3602 3599 3 - 11155 9895 - 1260 - Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja preje in tkanin 397 361 36 - 729 729 - - - Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 547 78 469 - 17 10 7 - - Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 40 40 - - 1298 1183 115 - - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 26 26 - - 1 - 1 - - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 69 69 - - - - - - - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proizvodov 1859 1422 409 28 728 146 271 - 311 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 338 296 42 - 198 198 - - - Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil - - - - 1 1 - - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in predel. tobaka - - - - - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 5 2 3 - 5 - - - 5 Printing Recirkulacija surovin - - - - - - - - - Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izd. - - - - 16 16 - - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Drugo2) 4616 4530 80 6 63 51 - - 12 Other2) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 481 32.14 Javna kanalizacija Public sewage network 1) Industrijske odpadne vode delno odvaűajo v Ëistilne naprave. Industrial waste waters are partly removed to purifying plants. 2) Dokumentacija omreűja je v izdelavi. Documentation of the network is being prepared. 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Odpadna voda Waste water 1000 m3 Skupaj 112793 124328 137074 137755 132097 139364 132091 131816 Total Gospodinjstva 43125 49668 62201 63955 57150 81395 68693 70117 Households Dejavnosti 69668 74660 74873 73800 74947 56239 63398 60130 Activities Komunalne storitve ... ... 3879 2462 1466 1730 1658 1569 Community service activities IzpuöËena odpadna voda iz javnih kanalizacijskih sistemov Discharge of waste water from public sewage systems 1000 m3 Skupaj 112793 124540 137074 137755 132097 139364 132091 131816 Total NepreËiöËena 97459 91716 87463 91515 61279 51732 56858 52554 Unpurified water Obmorje Jadranskega morja 5956 7822 11153 9891 5352 5447 5933 4972 Adriatic watershed SoËa 4932 3547 5983 6586 3215 3040 3318 3190 SoËa Ostale reke 690 1553 1891 1606 1352 744 877 692 Other rivers Neposredno 334 2722 3279 1699 785 1663 1738 1090 Adriatic Sea Obmorje »rnega morja 91503 83894 76310 81624 55927 46285 50925 47582 Black Sea watershed Drava 18093 15628 16372 18347 23098 20182 18949 18474 Drava Mura 2218 4876 3120 5108 5534 3904 3856 805 Mura Sava 22083 17312 17061 16796 15958 11737 11887 11874 Sava Ljubljanica 33786 33240 30329 29120 1508 1476 7605 7473 Ljubljanica Savinja 12936 10999 7815 10392 8107 7105 7284 8379 Savinja Krka 556 479 593 1149 1010 1304 926 138 Krka Kolpa 1831 1360 1020 712 712 577 418 439 Kolpa PreËiöËena1) 15334 32824 49611 46240 70818 87632 75233 79262 Purified waters Obmorje Jadranskega morja 5772 7384 6881 8936 8907 7692 7574 7886 Adriatic watershed SoËa 5404 5381 4233 4566 4395 4060 3929 3997 SoËa Ostale reke 182 183 179 212 235 219 226 231 Other rivers Neposredno 186 1820 2469 4158 4277 3413 3419 3658 Adriatic Sea Obmorje »rnega morja 9562 25440 42730 37304 61911 79940 67659 71376 Black Sea watershed Drava 2668 3072 5187 5006 4933 5100 4751 4487 Drava Mura ... 1927 3972 2514 2668 2730 2732 4638 Mura Sava 4094 11007 13803 15814 13770 20243 17065 17530 Sava Ljubljanica 97 1475 2794 2780 29976 46770 37890 38776 Ljubljanica Savinja 1104 3944 9370 5330 5115 1109 1145 1265 Savinja Krka 1599 2950 5360 3596 3185 1962 1960 2670 Krka Kolpa ... 1065 2244 2264 2264 2026 2116 2010 Kolpa PreËiöËevanje odpadne vode Purified waste waters 1000 m3 Skupaj 15334 34184 49611 46240 70818 87632 75233 79262 Total Mehansko 7888 13452 18015 10332 39911 52726 40208 48312 Mechanically KemiËno ... 772 107 81 7 1288 26 24 Chemically Bioloöko 7446 8143 6251 8242 7373 4222 5028 2110 Biologically Kombinirano ... 11817 25238 27585 23527 29396 29971 28816 Combined Kanalizacijsko omreűje2) Sewage network2) »rpalke: ötevilo ... 93 76 75 75 188 221 232 Pumping plants: number zmogljivost (l/s) ... 4565 12393 14404 16372 16402 18477 18734 capacity (l/s) Dolűina primar. omreűja (km) 487 642 688 711 736 627 657 787 Length of primary network (km) Dolűina sekund. omreűja (km) 2090 2218 3172 3214 3237 3260 3326 3488 Length of secondary network (km) ätevilo prikljuËkov 80188 97225 117309 119721 123360 124005 129649 130664 No. of meters StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 482 32.15 Kakovost vode v slovenskih rekah, 19961) Water quality of rivers in Slovenia, 19961) 1) Glej metodoloöka pojasnila. ätevilka v oklepaju pomeni, da se kakovost vode nekoliko nagiba v razred v oklepaju, vendar s poudarkom na oceni zunaj oklepaja. See Methodological explanations. Number in parenthesis means, that the quality of water inclines to be the class in parenthesis, but with main emphasis on the values which are not in parenthesis. 2 Ocena po vsebnosti teűkih kovin v sedimentu. Estimation by the content of heavy metals in the sediment. Reka River Zajemno mesto Sampling point Razred kakovosti po fizikalno - kemijski analizi Water quality class by physical- chemical analysis Razred kakovosti po bakterioloöki analizi Water quality class by bacteriological analysis Razred kakovosti po saprobioloöki analizi Water quality class by saprobiological analysis Skupna ocena Final evaluation Drava Dravograd 2 - 3 2 - (3) 2 2 - 3 Mura Ceröak (2) - 3 3 2 (2) - 3 Petanjci (2) - 3 3 2 (2) - 3 Sava OtoËe 2 - (3) 2 - (3) 2 2 - (3) Medno 2 - 3 2 - (3) 2 2 - 3 Litija 2 - 3 4 2 (2) - 3 RadeËe 2 - 3 4 2 (2) - 3 Breűice 3 - (4) 3 - (4) 2 3 - (4) Trűiöka Bistrica Bistrica 2 - 3 4 2 2 - 3 Kokra Kranj 2 - (3) 2 - 3 2 2 - (3) Sora Medvode 2 - (3) 2 - 3 2 2 - (3) Kamniöka Bistrica BeriËevo 4 4 3 4 Ljubljanica Zalog 3 - 4 4 3 3 - 4 Savinja Medlog 2 - 3 3 - 4 2 (2) - 3 Veliko äirje 2 - 3 4 2 (2) - 3 Krka Kröka vas 2 - (3) 2 - (3) 2 2 - (3) Sotla Rakovec 3 3 2 - 3 3 Kolpa Metlika (RadoviËi) 3 3 2 3 SoËa Trnovo 2 1 1 1 - 2 Plave 2/42) 2 - (3) 2 2/42) Solkan 2/42) 2 2 2/42) Idrijca HoteöËek 2/42) 2 2 2/42) Vipava Miren 2 - 3 3 - 4 2 (2) - 3 Reka Topolc 2 - 3 4 2 2 - 3 Cerkvenikov mlin 2 - (3) 3 2 2 - 3 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 483 32.16 Varovanje pred poplavami povröinskih voda Protection against floods by surface waters 32.17 Regulacija vodotokov Regulation of watercourses Nasipi Embankments Varovano pred poplavami Protected against floods skupaj total km od tega glavna linija of which main line km povröina area ötevilo vseh objektov number of all objects ceste roads km skupaj total ha obdelovalna cultivated ha 1980 754 ... 228218 126537 166 499 1980 1985 857 511 232313 130887 216 531 1985 1990 904 535 234351 131573 444 574 1990 1991 912 542 236078 132645 545 621 1991 1992 937 569 237353 133783 623 630 1992 1993 945 570 238363 134356 817 640 1993 1994 946 573 238997 134477 817 642 1994 1995 946 618 239132 134675 1036 662 1995 Skupaj 946 618 239132 134675 1036 662 Total Obmorje Jadranskega morja 89 121 865 670 53 81 Adriatic watershed SoËa 18 50 350 350 3 6 SoËa Druge reke 71 71 515 320 50 75 Other rivers Obmorje »rnega morja 857 497 238267 134005 983 581 Black Sea watershed Drava 344 147 129791 70536 55 214 Drava Mura 386 273 98184 56963 605 217 Mura Sava 59 54 3952 3756 196 35 Sava Savinja 68 23 6340 2750 127 115 Savinja Dolűina (m) Length (m) ätevilo Number Regulirani odseki Regulated sections Breűinska zavarovanja Riverbank protection Jezbice Small dams Sekanje meandrov Meander cuts Vzdolűne zgradbe Alongside objects Ostali objekti Other objects Jezbice Small dams Prekopi Drains 1980 ... 455631 ... 408087 163113 8000 153 ... 1980 1985 1143645 810267 8814 467039 251152 18626 455 736 1985 1990 1463157 1005077 10009 510703 270141 31088 549 965 1990 1991 1501719 1016604 10604 511274 383406 30801 595 975 1991 1992 1535742 1095879 10913 511274 383185 31982 671 998 1992 1993 1580847 961909 11176 511463 383406 30801 671 998 1993 1994 1640520 978316 11249 511966 383789 32149 675 989 1994 1995 1613071 968732 11646 493243 384959 56309 709 887 1995 Skupaj 1613071 968732 11646 493243 384959 56309 709 887 Total Obmorje Jadranskega morja 259678 45970 6392 15786 8011 27655 334 42 Adriatic watershed SoËa 174481 39254 6392 15486 8011 3858 334 42 SoËa Druge reke 85197 6716 - 300 - - - - Other rivers Obmorje »rnega morja 1353393 922762 5254 477457 376948 28654 375 845 Black Sea watershed Drava 379134 281391 366 195473 146142 2436 66 299 Drava Mura 376533 325225 1004 255573 139042 1458 67 313 Mura Sava 284665 186726 3661 8465 85991 11671 227 109 Sava Ljubljanica 62333 83216 - 11805 - 3180 - 42 Ljubljanica Savinja 123050 6850 120 5930 4950 2017 14 61 Savinja Krka 113065 34158 103 211 823 7118 1 21 Krka Kolpa 14613 4946 - - - 774 - - Kolpa Blejsko jezero - 250 - - - - - - Lake Bled StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 484 32.18 Urejanje hudournikov Regulation of steep mountain streams 32.19 Skupna letna specifiËna aktivnost stroncija 90 in cezija 137 v padavinah Annual specific activity of strontium - 90 and caesium - 137 in precipitations Bq/m2 Hudourniki, ki so jih urejali Regulated steep mountain streams Delo v hudourniökih strugah Work in riverbeds of steep mountain streams ötevilo number povröina povodij watershed surface km2 dolűina strug length of riverbeds km izdelani preËni objekti constructed transverse objects izdelani vzdolűni objekti constructed alongside objects ötevilo number koliËina materiala quantity of material m3 ötevilo number dolűina length km koliËina materiala quantity of material m3 1980 78 747 326 119 2457 64 5 9449 1980 1985 83 1025 438 144 4739 58 6 11835 1985 1990 79 625 456 168 2298 115 21 57241 1990 1991 85 1017 501 232 9974 91 14,6 147493 1991 1992 106 1137 531 349 16226 128 25,3 74298 1992 1993 104 1522 601 105 6305 157 11 35057 1993 1994 146 2778 988 60 9529 135 37 72915 1994 1995 109 3149 378 82 8467 145 10 27944 1995 Skupaj 109 3149 378 82 8467 145 10 27944 Total Obmorje Jadranskega morja 20 290 162 15 997 36 3 10236 Adriatic watershed SoËa 16 174 136 11 619 33 2 9264 SoËa Druge reke 4 116 26 4 378 3 1 972 Other rivers Obmorje »rnega morja 89 2859 216 67 7470 109 7 17708 Black Sea watershed Drava 19 466 108 6 412 19 3 6150 Drava Sava 64 2304 89 58 6844 72 3 8140 Sava Savinja 6 89 19 3 214 18 1 3418 Savinja Merilno mesto Monitoring station Ljubljana Bovec Murska Sobota 90Sr 137Cs 90Sr 137Cs 90Sr 137Cs 1965 310,0 ... 236,0 ... 246,0 ... 1975 44,0 ... 95,1 ... 22,9 ... 1980 2,9 ... 4,4 ... 1,8 ... 1985 0,9 ... 1,9 ... 0,7 ... 1986 450,0 ... 630,0 ... 140,0 ... 1990 0,4 16,0 1,1 14,7 0,8 13,6 1991 1,4 31,0 1,8 11,0 0,3 6,8 1992 0,7 18,0 1,2 6,7 0,5 7,8 1993 0,5 14,0 2,4 8,8 0,6 5,0 1994 0,4 7,5 1,5 8,6 0,8 4,0 1995 0,1 2,4 0,2 4,4 0,2 1,9 1996 0,0 6,1 0,0 1,4 ... 1,4 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 485 32.20 PovpreËna letna specifiËna aktivnost stroncija 90 v vzorcih zemlje Annual average specific activity of strontium - 90 in soil samples Bq/m2 32.21 PovpreËna letna specifiËna aktivnost cezija 137 v vzorcih zemlje Annual average specific activity of caesium - 137 in soil samples Bq/m2 32.22 PovpreËna letna specifiËna aktivnost stroncija 90 in cezija 137 v mleku Annual specific activity of strontium - 90 and caesium - 137 in milk Bq/l 1) Analiza mleËnega prahu, preraËunano na liter sveűega mleka. Analysis of milk-powder is recalculated per 1 litre of fresh milk. Merilno mesto / Monitoring station Ljubljana Kobarid Murska Sobota globina / depth globina / depth globina / depth 0-5 cm 10-15 cm 0-5 cm 10-15 cm 0-5 cm 10-15 cm 1970 ... ... 1376 603 851 233 1975 ... ... 995 396 455 189 1980 603 505 903 703 381 302 1985 107 172 154 176 56 63 1986 123 77 680 255 115 71 1990 130 150 335 245 82 80 1991 80 120 240 210 73 80 1992 82 90 305 155 71 99 1993 94 125 280 150 53 56 1994 76 63 230 140 68 35 1995 70 99 210 160 80 40 1996 41 49 155 130 57 45 Merilno mesto / Monitoring station Ljubljana Kobarid Murska Sobota globina / depth globina / depth globina / depth 0-5 cm 10-15 cm 0-5 cm 10-15 cm 0-5 cm 10-15 cm 1987 25500 1016 32250 2910 4870 301 1988 8650 805 5950 970 2750 205 1990 12500 4050 17000 4600 6200 395 1991 11000 6550 7750 4100 4350 995 1992 9350 4900 14000 2500 5050 430 1993 10500 3200 16500 3600 4650 480 1994 7400 3100 10100 3800 4550 445 1995 8000 3250 10500 3900 3950 845 1996 6200 3800 9700 3600 4000 385 Merilno mesto / Monitoring station Ljubljana Kobarid Murska Sobota1) Bohinjska Bistrica 90Sr 137Cs 90Sr 137Cs 90Sr 137Cs 90Sr 137Cs 1965 1,24 ... 2,93 ... 1,40 ... 2,28 ... 1975 0,37 ... 0,71 ... 0,49 ... 0,66 ... 1985 0,19 0,10 0,32 0,27 0,30 0,09 0,25 0,56 1986 0,28 20,78 0,81 65,81 0,38 17,40 0,43 25,11 1990 0,19 1,10 0,43 4,90 0,25 0,70 0,28 4,10 1991 0,15 0,58 0,35 3,50 0,26 0,54 0,25 5,00 1992 0,16 0,41 0,32 4,00 0,31 0,51 0,25 4,00 1993 0,15 0,47 0,26 2,90 0,20 0,40 0,21 3,30 1994 0,14 0,48 0,22 2,00 0,18 0,29 0,16 3,60 1995 0,12 0,45 0,24 1,70 0,20 0,31 0,17 2,40 1996 0,13 0,36 0,29 1,20 0,18 0,25 0,17 2,30 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 486 32.23 KoliËina nastalih odpadkov po skupinah odpadkov in izbranih dejavnostih Enotne klasifikacije dejavnosti, 1992 Amount of waste generated, by groups of wastes and selected activities by the National Classification of Activities, 1992 t 1) Skupine odpadkov so prevzete iz statistiËnega öifranta odpadkov. Groups of wastes from Statistical Catalogue of Waste. 2) Zajeto je le kmetijstvo brez ribiötva. Excluded fishing. 3) Zajeto je le stacionarno zdravstveno varstvo. Stationary health care only. Skupina odpadkov1) äifra skupine odpadka Catalogue number of waste group Skupaj Total Industrija in rudarstvo Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo2) Agriculture and fishing2) Gradbeniötvo Construction Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo3) Health and social work3) Group of wastes1) SKUPAJ 7742817 7225786 311676 189386 15969 TOTAL Odpadki űivil in poűivil 11 48648 45098 3545 - 5 Foodstuff wastes and stimulants Odpadki rastlinskih in űivalskih maöËob 12 229301 229236 43 3 19 Vegetable and animal fat wastes Odpadki iz űivinoreje in klavnic 13 616387 357712 258558 110 7 Livestock production and slaughtering wastes Odpadki koű in usnja 14 15637 15637 - - - Leather and fur wastes Ostanki predelave in obdelave lesa 17 621861 613523 5521 2814 3 Wastes from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture Odpadki papirja, celuloze in lepenke 18 88302 86669 226 1107 300 Cellulose, paper and paperboard wastes Drugi odpadki űivalskega in rastlinskega izvora (brez gume, tekstila in odpadkov iz naselij in bolniönic) 19 207 127 80 - - Other organic wastes (excluding rubber, textile, settlement and hospital wastes) Odpadki mineralnega izvora (brez kovinskih odpadkov) 31 5400284 5232449 75 166799 961 Mineral wastes (excluding metal wastes) Kovinski odpadki 35 170652 167614 37 2954 47 Metal wastes Drugi odpadki mineralnega izvora in odpadki oplemenitenih proizvodov 39 100 100 - - - Other wastes of mineral origin and wastes of ennobled products Oksidi, hidroksidi, odpadne soli 51 14532 14467 - 65 - Oxides, hydroxides and used salts Odpadki kislin, lugov in koncentratov 52 13947 13873 1 - 73 Acids, alkalies and concentrated solutions wastes Odpadki agrokemiËnih in farmacevtskih izdelkov 53 751 412 3 335 1 Agrochemical and pharmaceutical wastes Odpadki pri proizvodnji mineralnih olj 54 34857 30665 62 4129 1 Wastes from mineral oil production Odpadki organskih topil, lepil, lakov, barv 55 3736 3489 - 235 12 Wastes of organic solvents, glues, lacquers, paints Odpadki umetnih mas in gumija 57 34877 33775 33 1064 5 Plastic and rubber wastes Tekstilni odpadki iz naravnih in umetnih vlaken 58 202311 202128 - 176 7 Textile wastes from natural and synthetic fibres Drugi odpadki kemiËnih pretvorb in sintez 59 585 490 - - 95 Other wastes from chemical transforming and synthesis Radioaktivni odpadki 71 82 79 - - 3 Radioactive wastes Trdni odpadki iz naselij in obrtne dejavnosti 91 51275 30431 1585 7753 11506 Solid wastes from settlements and similar industrial wastes Odpadki iz priprave vode in ËiöËenja odplak 94 92937 91058 35 1642 202 Wastes from water pre-treatment and waste water treatment TekoËi odpadki iz naprav za obdelavo odpadkov 95 99843 56754 41870 200 1019 Liquid wastes from waste treatment plants SpecifiËni odpadki bolniönic 97 1639 - 2 - 1637 Specific hospital wastes Drugi odpadki iz naselij in obrtne dejavnosti 99 66 - - - 66 Other wastes from settlements and similar industrial wastes StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 487 32.24 KoliËina in naËin odstranjevanja odpadkov po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 1992 Amount of wastes and waste removal by activities, by the National Classification of Activities, 1992 t KoliËina odpadkov / Amount of wastes skupaj (nastala in prevzeta) total (gener- ated and received) od tega / of this nastala gener- ated prevzeta od drugih podjetij received from other enterprises odpeljana ali izroËena drugim podjetjem taken away or delivered to other enterprises skupaj total v okviru javnega odvoza odpad- kov by public waste removal service z lastnimi ali najetimi vozili by own or rented vehicles v tujino abroad iz Slove- nije from Slo- venia iz tujine from abroad na odlag. gospo- din. odpad- kov to munic- ipal land- fills na odlag. grad- benih odpad- kov to build- ing rubble landfills na druge naprave to other waste treat- ment plants drugim za prede- lavo to others for reuse SKUPAJ 7749012 7742817 6037 158 3511673 204339 62132 1278589 598217 1276288 92108 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 7228593 7225786 2650 157 3205529 174877 58508 1172685 510186 1197265 92008 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 3466377 3465943 434 - 144178 42506 1690 1647 1923 10125 86287 Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga 1102288 1102288 - - 1102282 - - 1076129 26153 - - Coal mining Predelava premoga - - - - - - - - - - - Manufacture of coal Pridobivanje nafte in zemeljskega plina ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov 142 142 - - 142 - - - 120 22 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products Pridobivanje űelezove rude - - - - - - - - - - - Mining of iron ores »rna metalurgija 122882 122882 - - 64375 25 2035 - 40360 21955 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridobivanje rude barvnih kovin 147091 147091 - - 147004 1 - - 146975 28 - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizvodnja barvastih kovin 8353 8353 - - 7533 1 - - 6345 1162 25 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 108629 108629 - - 108598 178 4000 - 101624 1378 1418 Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekovinskih rudnin (brez gradbenega materiala) 69055 69055 - - 54055 - - - 2 54030 23 Extraction of non-ferrous minarals (excl. construct.m.) Predelava nekovinskih rudnin (brez gradbenega materiala) 27520 27520 - - 23780 10609 5066 1391 2414 4278 22 Manufacture of non-metallic minerals (excl. construct.m.) Predelava kovin 140219 140135 84 - 129402 16385 7116 5526 62230 37100 1045 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 67595 67580 8 7 67540 1649 97 277 955 64543 19 Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizvodnja prometnih sredstev (brez ladjedelniötva) 56568 56278 290 - 44530 31269 2645 736 549 9331 - Manufacture of transport equipment (excl. shipbuilding) Ladjedelniötvo 1920 1519 373 28 889 469 - - - 420 - Ship-building Proizvodnja elektriËnih strojev in aparatov 44312 44219 32 61 42761 7644 2988 202 186 31256 485 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizvodnja baziËnih kemiËnih izdelkov 122537 122437 100 - 118553 24691 2699 - 86844 4282 37 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kemiËnih izdelkov 38174 37878 296 - 37311 5484 3108 25364 860 2436 59 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna, gramoza in peska 2862 2862 - - 2189 987 - 896 138 168 - Sand and stone quarrying 1) Zajeto je le kmetijstvo brez ribiötva. Excluded fishing. 2) Zajeto je le stacionarno zdravstveno varstvo. Stationary health care only. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 488 Proizvodnja gradbenega materiala 99402 98540 862 - 65393 226 492 57981 4094 2600 - Manufacture of construction materials Proizvodnja űaganega lesa in ploöË 570366 570366 - - 59756 2316 1760 1822 6647 46641 570 Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizvodnja konËnih lesenih izdelkov 44627 44566 - 61 37680 1463 671 272 3587 31687 - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizvodnja in predelava papirja 46601 46601 - - 30319 6452 3682 - - 19501 684 Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizvodnja tekstilne preje in tkanin 6532 6532 - - 6107 1339 2015 214 353 1974 212 Manufacture of textiles Proizvodnja konËnih tekstilnih izdelkov 220314 220314 - - 220108 3692 454 165 76 215721 - Manufacture of textile products Proizvodnja usnja in krzna 27599 27599 - - 27597 - 14149 - 9508 3940 - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizvodnja usnjene obutve in galanterije 8913 8884 29 - 8799 5643 268 - 457 2396 35 Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 6433 6433 - - 6398 2401 20 14 10 3345 608 Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizvodnja űivilskih izdelkov 628967 628967 - - 620743 2690 2157 7 2466 613309 114 Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 31330 31320 10 - 17006 3518 268 - 5263 7592 365 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 1186 1186 - - 1121 554 60 - - 507 - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizvodnja in predelava tobaka 464 464 - - 464 456 - - - 8 - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 8220 8220 - - 7836 1529 951 - 26 5330 - Printing Zbiranje in primarna predel.industr.odpad. 687 555 132 - 655 536 117 - - 2 - Recycling Proizvodnja raznovrstnih izdelkov 428 428 - - 425 164 - 42 21 198 - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo1) 312475 311676 799 - 113473 8171 921 96 42602 61683 - Agriculture and fishing1) Kmetijska pridelava 308729 308729 - - 109727 8014 891 96 41616 59110 - Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve 3746 2947 799 - 3746 157 30 - 986 2573 - Agricultural service activities Gradbeniötvo 191968 189386 2582 - 177770 9237 2586 105742 44052 16053 100 Construction Visoke gradnje 132576 132576 - - 127292 967 1113 77118 40488 7606 - Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrogradnje 22949 20367 2582 - 21178 1284 646 9258 3408 6581 1 Civil engineering and construction of¸ water projects Instalacije in zakljuËna dela 36443 36443 - - 29300 6986 827 19366 156 1866 99 Installation and finishing works Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo2) 15976 15969 6 1 14901 12054 117 66 1377 1287 - Health and social works2) Stacionarno zdravstveno varstvo 15976 15969 6 1 14901 12054 117 66 1377 1287 - Stationary health care KoliËina odpadkov / Amount of wastes skupaj (nastala in prevzeta) total (gener- ated and received) od tega / of this nastala gener- ated prevzeta od drugih podjetij received from other enterprises odpeljana ali izroËena drugim podjetjem taken away or delivered to other enterprises skupaj total v okviru javnega odvoza odpad- kov by public waste removal service z lastnimi ali najetimi vozili by own or rented vehicles v tujino abroad iz Slove- nije from Slo- venia iz tujine from abroad na odlag. gospo- din. odpad- kov to munic- ipal land- fills na odlag. grad- benih odpad- kov to build- ing rubble landfills na druge naprave to other waste treat- ment plants drugim za prede- lavo to others for reuse 32.24 KoliËina in naËin odstranjevanja odpadkov po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 1992 (nadaljevanje) Amount of wastes and waste removal by activities, by the National Classification of Activities, 1992 (continued) t StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 489 32.25 KoliËina in naËin odstranjevanja posebnih odpadkov, 1992 Amount of hazardous wastes by type of removal, 1992 t Ime odpadka1) äifra odpadka Cata- logue number of waste KoliËina posebnih odpadkov / Amount of hazardous wastes Type of waste1) skupaj (nastala in prevzeta) total (gene- rated and received) od tega / of this nastala gene- rated prevzeta od drugih podjetij received from other enterprises odpeljana ali izroËena drugim podjetjem taken away or delivered to other enterprises lastno skladiö- Ëenje2) own storage2) skupaj total na odla- galiöËa waste on landfills na druge naprave to other treatment plants drugim za predelavo to others for reuse v tujino abroad iz Slove- nije from Slo- venia iz tujine from abroad SKUPAJ 74826,8 74368, 431,2 27,6 61505,4 28306,3 3660,6 28811,4 727,1 13321,4 TOTAL Poskusne űivali 13401 1,5 - 1,5 - 1,5 - - 1,5 - - Test animals Okuűen gnoj 13705 52,0 52,0 - - 52,0 - - 52,0 - - Infected manure Odpadne obloge peËi 31110 10713,9 10713,9 - - 1715,8 1104,2 216, 0 395,6 - 8998,1 Used furnace linings Prah pri procesih taljenja 31223 18439,8 18439,8 - - 18239,8 1103,8 861,0 15905,0 37,0 20,0 Smelting dust élindra in pepel iz naprav za seűig posebnih odp. 31310 359,1 359,1 - - 359,1 359,1 - - - - Slag and ash from hazardous waste incineration Z oljem onesnaűena tla 31423 5,5 5,5 - - 1,9 1,9 - - - 3,6 Oil contaminated soil Izrabljeni filtri, silikagel, aktivno oglje 31434 212,8 212,8 - - 181,2 162,6 16,7 1,9 - 31,6 Used filters (all types) Azbestni prah 31437 97,5 97,5 - - 97,5 97,2 0,3 - - - Asbestos (dust) Kalilniöke goöËe, ki vsebujejo nitrat in nitrit 31629 1,1 1,1 - - 0,0 - - - - 1,1 Nitrate, nitrite - containing tempering sludge Prah, ki vsebuje barvne kovine 35321 255,8 255,8 - - 255,9 0,6 - 33,3 222,0 (0,1) Non-ferrous metals - containing dust Nikelj-kadmijski akumulatorji 35323 6,9 6,9 - - 6,9 0,1 - 6,8 - - Ni-Cd dry cell batteries Suhe baterije (suhi galvanski Ëleni) 35325 15,6 15,6 - - 15,6 5,0 10,6 - - - Dry cell batteries (other) éivo srebro in ostanki, ki vsebujejo Hg 35326 0,1 0,1 - - 0,1 0,1 - - - - Mercury and mercury - containing residues Galvanski mulj, ki vsebuje cianid 51101 291,0 175,9 115,1 - 175,9 - - 175,9 - 115,1 Cyanide - containing galvanic sludge Galvanski mulj, ki vsebuje krom (VI) 51102 92,1 92,1 - - 91,8 - 5,7 86,1 - 0,3 Chromium (VI) - containing galvanic sludge Galvanski mulj, ki vsebuje baker 51104 55,3 55,3 - - 55,3 - 21,5 32,3 1,5 - Cooper - containing galvanic sludge Odpadki iz solnih kopeli 51511 3, 0 3,0 - - 2,0 - 2,0 - - 1,0 Wastes from salting bathes Odpadne snovi pri bruniranju (brunirne soli) 51516 1,5 1,5 - - 0,1 - 0,1 - - 1,4 Brunnating salts Kalilna sol, ki vsebuje cianid 51533 8,0 8,0 - - 1,0 - 0,4 0,6 - 7,0 Cyanide - containing tempering salt Kalilna sol, vsebuje nitrat, nitrit idr. 51534 9,7 9,7 - - 5,6 3,6 0,6 1,4 - 4,1 Nitrite, nitrate - containing tempering salt Kalilna sol, vsebuje barij 51539 3,2 3,2 - - 3,2 - 2,2 1,0 - - Barium - containing tempering salt Akumulatorska kislina 52101 3,9 3,9 - - 4,4 1,5 - 2,0 0,9 (0,5) Acid from car batteries Kisline, meöanice kislin s primesmi 52102 2107,7 2107,7 - - 1910,6 27,5 1319,5 563,6 - 197,1 Acids and acid mixes with admixtures Krom űveplena kislina 52105 0,3 0,3 - - 0,3 0,3 - - - - Chromium-sulphuric acid Lugi, meöanice lugov s primesmi 52404 3473,2 3473,2 - - 3389,2 - 159,2 323,0 - 84,0 Lyes and lye mixes with admixtures Koncentrati, ki vsebujejo krom (VI) 52712 178,2 178,2 - - 0,0 - - - - 178,2 Chromium (VI) - containing concentrates Koncentrati, ki vsebujejo kovinske soli 52716 40,2 40,2 - - 4,0 - 4,0 - - 0,2 Metal-salt containing concentrates Kopeli za razvijanje 52723 15,9 15,9 - - 14,3 6,2 3,1 5,0 - 1,6 Film developing bathes 1) Seznam odpadkov po prilogi 2 Pravilnika o ravnanju s posebnimi odpadki, ki vsebujejo nevarne snovi (Ur.l.SRS öt.20/86). Posebni odpadki, ki jih ta tabela ne vsebuje, niso nastali ali jih poroËevalske enote v obrazcu niso navedle. Radioaktivni odpadki niso vöteti, ker jih ureja poseben zakon. The list of wastes based on Annex 2 of the Hazardous Wastes Treatment Regulation Act (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, No. 20/86). Hazardous wastes which are not specified have not been generated or declared by the reporting units. Radioactive wastes not included. They are regulated by special legislation. 2) Odpeljane tudi zaloge iz prejönjih let. The stores of wastes from previous years were also taken away. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 490 Nerabni ostanki sredstev za varstvo rastlin 53103 155,2 155,2 - - 154,1 3,5 0,5 150,1 - 1,1 Useless residues of plant preserving agents Odpadki iz proizvodnje biocidov 53104 25,2 20,2 5,0 - 5,2 - 5,2 - - 2,0 Waste from biocides production Zdravila s preteËenim rokom uporabe 53501 25,2 25,2 - - 12,7 0,3 12,3 0,1 - 12,5 Overdued, obsolated medicines Odpadki pri proizvodnji farmacevtskih izdelkov 53502 180,8 180,8 - - 116,0 - 16,0 10,0 - 64,8 Waste from the production of pharmaceuticals Olja, ki vsebujejo kisline 54101 4,1 4,1 - - 4,1 - 3,1 1,0 - - Acid - containing oils Stara odpadna olja (tudi motorna in leűajna) 54102 29608,3 29595,0 13,3 - 29390,6 25010,8 65,0 4301,9 12,9 217,7 Used oils (engine and bearing oil, too) Onesnaűena goriva 54104 14,1 14,1 - - 12,7 - - 12,7 - 1,4 Polluted fuels Neklorirana trafo in termo olja (nehalogenirana) 54106 60,2 59,8 0,4 - 57,0 5,8 0,7 50,5 - 3,2 Non-chlorinated traffo and heat transmission oils Klorirana trafo in termo olja (halogenirana) 54107 3,0 3,0 - - 8,4 - 3,5 - 4,9 21,6 Chlorinated traffo and heat transmission oils Onesnaűena kurilna olja 54108 24,6 24,6 - - 22,5 - 16,7 - 5,8 2,1 Polluted heating oils Vrtalna, rezalna in brusilna olja 54109 127,8 122,0 5,8 - 115,9 0,4 13,9 95,8 5,8 11,9 Drilling, cutting and honing oils SintetiËna hladilna in mazalna sredstva 54401 54,2 54,2 - - 30,7 3,4 22,7 4,6 - 23,5 Synthetic cooling and lubricating products Vrtalne in brusilne oljne emulzije in meöanice 54402 1587,5 1401,8 185,7 - 591,4 9,0 85,5 475,5 21,4 996,1 Drilling and honing oil emulsions and mixes Meöanice olj in vode 54408 504,4 470,8 6,0 27,6 391,0 30,0 84,4 257, 19,6 113,4 Oil/water mixtures Ostanki iz lovilcev olj in bencina 54702 433,9 433,9 - - 415,0 19,7 23,8 364,5 7,0 18,9 Residues from oil and benzine collectors Mulji iz loËilnih naprav za olja 54703 113,2 113,2 - - 95,5 51,8 28,0 15,7 - 17,7 Sludges from oil separators Mulji iz ËiöËenja rezervoarjev in sodov 54704 70,7 70,7 - - 70,5 0,2 9,9 40,2 20,2 0,2 Sludges from storage tanks and drums cleaning Brusilni mulji, ki vsebujejo olja 54710 472,6 472,6 - - 0,3 - 0,3 - - 472,3 Oil - containing honing sludges Mulji, ki vsebujejo fenole 54903 2,4 2,4 - - 2,4 - - 2,4 - - Phenol - containing sludges Ostanki, ki vsebujejo fenol 54907 1348,3 1348,3 - - 1346,6 - - 1346,6 - 1,7 Phenol - containing residues Fenolna voda 54918 22,7 22,7 - - 22,7 - - - 22,7 - Phenol water Izrabljena oljna veziva 54926 1,0 1,0 - - 1,0 - - 1,0 - - Used oil bindings Izrabljeni oljni in zraËni filtri 54928 15,5 15,5 - - 14,9 9,6 3,0 2,3 - 0,6 Used oil and air filters Kloroform 55203 1,2 1,2 - - 0,2 - - 0,2 - 1,0 Chloroform Metilen klorid 55206 13,3 13,3 - - 9,0 - 0,3 8,7 - 4,3 Methylene-chloride Klorirani parafini 55208 0,2 0,2 - - 0,2 - - 0,2 - - Chlorinated paraffins Tetrakloretan (perkloretilen) 55209 12,5 12,5 - - 12,4 - 6,0 6,4 - 0,1 Tetrachloroethane (perchloroethylene) Nehalogenirani mehËalci 55210 25,0 25,0 - - 25,0 - - 25,0 - - Non-halogenated softeners Tetraklorogljik 55211 5,0 5,0 - - 5,0 - - 5,0 - - Carbontetrachloride Trikloretan 55212 174,3 174,3 - - 189,7 - 34,0 155,7 - (15,4) Trichloroethane Trikloretilen 55213 73,3 73,3 - - 60,8 - 7,5 53,3 - 12,5 Trichloroethylene »istilna sredstva, ki vsebujejo halogen 55214 3,2 3,2 - - 3,2 0,4 2,3 0,5 - - Halogenated cleaning agents (for cool cleaning) Meöanice topil, ki vsebujejo halogen 55220 11,7 11,7 - - 12,4 - - 12,4 - (0,7) Halogenated solvent mixes Aceton 55301 53,5 53,5 - - 29,9 - 1,0 26,9 2,0 23,6 Acetone Etilacetat 55302 9,7 9,7 - - 8,7 - - 8,7 - 1,0 Ethyl acetate Etilenglikol 55303 1,0 1,0 - - 1,0 - 1,0 - - - Ethylene glycol Ime odpadka1) äifra odpadka Cata- logue number of waste KoliËina posebnih odpadkov / Amount of hazardous wastes Type of waste1) skupaj (nastala in prevzeta) total (gene- rated and received) od tega / of this nastala gene- rated prevzeta od drugih podjetij received from other enterprises odpeljana ali izroËena drugim podjetjem taken away or delivered to other enterprises lastno skladiö- Ëenje2) own storage2) skupaj total na odla- galiöËa waste on landfills na druge naprave to other treatment plants drugim za predelavo to others for reuse v tujino abroad iz Slove- nije from Slo- venia iz tujine from abroad 32.25 KoliËina in naËin odstranjevanja posebnih odpadkov, 1992 (nadaljevanje) Amount of hazardous wastes by type of removal, 1992 (continued) t StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 491 Butilacetat 55307 0,2 0,2 - - 0,0 - - - - 0,2 Butyl acetate Cikloheksanon 55308 12,5 12,5 - - 0,0 - - - - 12,5 Cyclo hexanone Dietileter 55310 0,4 0,4 - - 0,0 - - - - 0,4 Diethyl ether Dimetilformamid 55311 2,8 2,8 - - 0,0 - - - - 2,8 Dimethyl formamide Dioksan 55314 15,8 15,8 - - 0,0 - - - - 15,8 Dioxan Metanol 55315 103,7 103,7 - - 0,0 - - - - 103,7 Methanol Metiletilketon 55317 14,2 14,2 - - 0,0 - - - - 14,2 Methyl ethyl ketone Toluen 55325 32,6 32,6 - - 0,2 - - 0,2 - 32,4 Toluene Pralni bencin, petroleter, ligroin, testni bencin 55326 38,3 38,3 - - 4,6 0,5 2,4 1,7 - 33,7 Washing benzine, petrolether, ligroin, testing benzine Ksilen 55327 6,7 6,7 - - 2,0 - - 2,0 - 4,7 Xylene Butanol 55354 10,4 10,4 - - 10,4 - 1,0 0,4 - - Butanol Glikoleter (antifriz) 55356 1,0 1,0 - - 1,0 - - 1,0 - - Glycol ether (antifreeze agent) NitrorazredËila (za barve in lake) 55359 100,5 100,5 - - 88,9 0,2 5,3 83,4 - 11,6 Nitrated solvents (for paints and varnishes) Petrolej 55360 13,2 13,2 - - 13,0 - 12,0 1,0 - 0,2 Petroleum Meöanica nehalogeniranih topil brez organskih komponent 55370 566,6 468,6 98,0 - 52,3 0,2 1,2 50,9 - 514,3 Mixture of non-halogenated solvents Mulji, ki vsebujejo halogenirana topila 55401 16,6 16,6 - - 16,2 - 1,5 14,7 - 0,4 Halogenated solvents containing sludges Mulji, ki vsebujejo nehalogenirana topila 55402 42,7 42,7 - - 4,3 - 3,0 1,3 - 38,4 Non-halogenated solvents containing sludges Stari laki in barve (vsebujejo topila, nestrjeni) 55502 77,1 77,1 - - 28,1 1,8 21,3 5,0 - 49,0 Old varnishes and paints (non-hardened) Mulji barv in lakov 55503 355,3 355,3 - - 134,0 40,8 90,2 3,0 - 221,3 Sludge of paints and varnishes Ostanki barv (vsebujejo topila, nestrjeni) 55507 27,0 27,0 - - 17,7 16,3 - 1,4 - 9,3 Paint residues (containing solvents, non-hardened) Premazi (vsebujejo teűke kovine, topila) 55508 96,0 96,0 - - 96,0 - - 96,0 - - Heavy metals and solvents containing smears Aditivi in mehËalci,ki vsebujejo halogen 57201 0,3 0,3 - - 0,0 - - - - 0,3 Halogenated additives and softeners Mulji iz umetnih mas, ki vsebujejo topila 57305 6,1 6,1 - - 5,0 4,1 - 0,9 - 1,1 Solvents - containing sludges of plastics Mulji iz umetnih mas, ki vseb.halogenirana topila 57306 25,1 25,1 - - 2,1 - 2,1 - - 23,0 Halogenated solvents - containing sludges of plastics Filtrirna platna in vreËe, kemiËno onesnaűene 58119 72,0 72,0 - - 65,8 0,7 4,0 61,1 - 6,2 Chemically polluted filter linens and bags PirotehniËni odpadki 59101 0,1 0,1 - - 0,0 - - - - 0,1 Pyrotechnical wastes Odpadno razstrelivo in naboji 59102 3,0 3,0 - - 0,0 - - - - 3,0 Decommissioned explosives and cartridges Ostanki kemikalij in laboratorijski odpadki 59305 63,4 63,4 - - 13,2 9,7 3,0 0,5 - 50,2 Chemical residues and laboratory wastes Odpadna pralna sredstva 59405 500,1 499,7 0,4 - 396,3 - 396,3 - - 103,8 Detergents Katalizatorji - nevarnejöi 59507 7,5 7,5 - - 7,5 - - - 7,5 - Hazardous catalysts Poliklorirani bifenili in terfenili (PCB,PCT) 59901 10,5 10,5 - - 3,1 - 0,2 - 2,9 7,4 Polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls (PCB,PCT) Infektivni odpadki iz bolniönic 97101 426,5 426,5 - - 216,0 213,4 2,6 - - 210,5 Infective waste from hospitals Ime odpadka1) äifra odpadka Cata- logue number of waste KoliËina posebnih odpadkov / Amount of hazardous wastes Type of waste1) skupaj (nastala in prevzeta) total (gene- rated and received) od tega / of this nastala gene- rated prevzeta od drugih podjetij received from other enterprises odpeljana ali izroËena drugim podjetjem taken away or delivered to other enterprises lastno skladiö- Ëenje2) own storage2) skupaj total na odla- galiöËa waste on landfills na druge naprave to other treatment plants drugim za predelavo to others for reuse v tujino abroad iz Slove- nije from Slo- venia iz tujine from abroad 32.25 KoliËina in naËin odstranjevanja posebnih odpadkov, 1992 (nadaljevanje) Amount of hazardous wastes by type of removal, 1992 (continued) t StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 492 32.26 Sestava gospodinjskih, njim podobnih in kosovnih odpadkov, 1995 Composition of household, similar to household and bulky wastes, 1995 % 1) Deleűi snovi v tonah so izraËunani na osnovi koeficientov pretvorbe, ti so za vsako snov razliËni. The shares of materials specified in tons are calculated by specific conversion factors. 32.27 Javni odvoz gospodinjskih, njim podobnih in kosovnih odpadkov po regijah, 1992 Public waste removal (household, similar to household and bulky wastes) by regions, 1992 1) IKROS = Integralni koncept ravnanja z odpadki v Sloveniji. IKROS = Integral Concept of Waste Management in Slovenia. 32.28 Ravnanje z odpadki, zbranimi v javnem odvozu po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti izvajalca, 1995 (Predhodni podatki) Handling of waste, collected by public waste removal, by the Standard Classification of Activities, 1995 (Preliminary data) Merska enota Unit Sestava odpadkov po vrstah snovi Composition of waste by type of materials Skupaj Total Papir in karton Paper and paperboard Guma in plastika Rubber and plastics Druge organske snovi Other organic materials Steklo Glass Kovine Metals Druge anorganske/ mineralne snovi Other inorganic/ mineral materials Drugo Other m3 100 19,0 12,7 28,1 4,3 5,5 9,9 20,6 t1) 100 14,4 9,7 32,6 5,2 6,6 11,5 20,0 Regija (po IKROS-u)1) Region (by IKROS)1) Prebivalci Population Naselja Settlements KoliËina odpadkov Amount of wastes vsi total zajeti s storitvami odvoza odpadkov coverage 30.6.1992 deleű od vseh v regiji share zajeta s storitvami odvoza odpadkov coverage 30.6.1992 deleű od vseh v regiji share zbrana v regiji v letu 1992 generated and collected in 1992 na 1 prebivalca na leto per capita per year na 1 prebivalca na dan per capita per day vseh v regiji of total population zajetih s storitvami odvoza odpadkov of coverage population vseh v regiji of total population zajetih s storitvami odvoza odp. of coverage population 1000 1000 % % 1000 m3 1000 t m3 kg m3 kg kg kg SLOVENIJA 1996 1514 75,8 2057 34,6 2588 742 1,3 372 1,7 490 1,02 1,34 SLOVENIA Pomursko-dravska 459 286 62,4 407 39,8 428 161 0,9 530 1,5 561 0,96 1,54 Savinjsko-koroöka 333 242 72,6 209 21,8 474 84 1,4 251 2, 346 0,69 0,95 Posavsko-zasavska 120 69 57,3 58 11, 0 199 63 1,7 523 2,9 913 1,43 2,50 Ljubljansko-notranjska 564 509 90,4 451 29,5 694 242 1,2 429 1,4 475 1,18 1,30 Dolenjska 104 80 23,8 438 56,7 96 25 ,9 239 1,2 313 0,66 0,86 Obalno-kraöka-goriöka 222 156 70,1 233 34,7 376 77 1,7 345 2,4 491 0,94 1,35 Gorenjska 195 172 88,5 261 56,6 322 92 1,7 473 1,9 535 1,30 1,47 KoliËine odpadkov glede na naËin ravnanja z njimi Amount of waste by type of handling Skupaj Total Odloűeno Landfilled Reciklirano Recycled Kompostirano Composted t m3 t m3 t m3 t m3 SKUPAJ 1143348 3412880 1106007 3297371 24911 72659 4584 13071 TOTAL Predelovalne dejavnosti 19002 54300 17615 50340 1387 3960 - - Manufacturing Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 164149 512481 147703 454695 7499 25434 1701 3830 Electricity, gas and water supply Gradbeniötvo 23374 66973 23374 66973 - - - - Construction Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. 936923 2779126 917315 2725363 16025 43265 2883 9241 Other social and personal services StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 493 32.28 Ravnanje z odpadki, zbranimi v javnem odvozu po standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti izvajalca, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Handling of waste, collected by public waste removal, by the standard classification of activities, 1995 (continued) 32.29 Investicije v varstvo okolja po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, organizacijsko naËelo, 1995 Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by the National Classification of Activities, organizational principle, 1995 1000 SIT KoliËine odpadkov glede na naËin ravnanja z njimi Amount of waste by type of handling TermiËno obdelano Thermally treated Drugo Other Izvoz Export t m3 t m3 t m3 SKUPAJ - - 7646 29472 200 307 TOTAL Predelovalne dejavnosti - - 7146 28522 - - Manufacturing Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo - - - - - - Electricity, gas and water supply Gradbeniötvo - - - - - - Construction Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. - - 500 950 200 307 Other social and personal services Investicije v varstvo okolja skupaj Gross fixed capital forma- tion for envi- ronmental protection total Odstranje- vanje odpadkov Waste removal Varstvo povröin. voda Protection of surface waters Varstvo pred hrupom Protection against noise Varstvo zraka Protection of air Varstvo tal in podzemnih voda Protection of soil and groundwaters Varstvo narave in pokrajine Protection of natural land- scape 1992 1772185 425088 249939 267715 534050 162215 133178 1992 1993 4908497 677369 371921 38672 2893731 460367 466437 1993 1994 12368841 1276303 617188 29920 10002875 175927 266628 1994 1995 11111495 1833017 1120761 299525 6706475 707649 444068 1995 SKUPAJ 11111495 1833017 1120761 299525 6706475 707649 444068 TOTAL Proizvodne dejavnosti 10117779 1108501 974380 299102 6677266 645127 413403 Production activities Industrija in rudarstvo 8530042 842076 767815 209045 6246418 337263 127425 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 5521948 93073 299643 - 4970398 158834 - Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga - - - - - - - Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov - - - - - - - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 307858 180858 - 124886 2114 - - Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud barv. kovin - - - - - - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 172767 172167 - - 600 - - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin - - - - - - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non- ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekov. rudnin 56 56 - - - - - Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 170824 120324 - 8470 41711 319 - Manufacture of non-metalic minerals Predelava kovin 124802 361 53394 3597 50660 16618 172 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 1523 1523 - - - - - Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 82657 6252 8865 1000 20571 982 44987 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo - - - - - - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj., aparat. 649448 40509 42421 58298 505920 - 2300 Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 681712 17859 22163 - 531200 110490 - Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 143205 9917 16665 - 55596 43407 17620 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 15513 - 4626 - - - 10887 Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat.. 27911 156 - - 27755 - - Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË - - - - - - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 5496 - 2 5494 - - - Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in pred. papirja 296313 1069 295244 - - - - Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 3048 - - - - 3048 - Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 9440 - 2000 - 4240 3200 - Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna 28692 12017 - - 16675 - - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 8013 4101 1520 - 2319 73 - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 100000 100000 - - - - - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proiz. 27661 4597 21272 1300 200 292 - Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 51459 - - - - - 51459 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil 22459 - - 6000 16459 - - Manufacture of animal feeds StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 494 Proizv. in pred. tobaka - - - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 343 343 - - - - - Printing Recirkulacija surovin 76894 76894 - - - - - Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izdelkov - - - - - - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 18807 8766 1201 - 8840 - - Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 18807 8766 1201 - 8840 - - Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve - - - - - - - Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo - - - - - - - Fishing Gozdarstvo - - - - - - - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1439 - 1439 - - - - Water management Gradbeniötvo 2029 815 281 933 - - - Construction Visoke gradnje 512 231 281 - - - - Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 568 568 - - - - - Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instal. in zaklj. dela 949 16 - 933 - - - Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 135288 228 - - 31949 151 102960 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet - - - - - - - Railway transport Pomorski promet - - - - - - - Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet 379 228 - - - 151 - Air transport Cestni promet - - - - - - - Road transport Mestni promet 2069 - - - 2069 - - Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 132840 - - - 29880 - 102960 Cargo handling PTT - storitve - - - - - - - Post and telecommunications Trgovina 651835 35328 66666 89124 202432 222660 35625 Trade Trgovina na drobno 649160 35216 66666 88888 202398 222660 33332 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 2675 112 - 236 34 - 2293 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina - - - - - - - Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 22144 5103 6924 - - 200 9917 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 22144 5103 6924 - - 200 9917 Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje - - - - - - - Travel agencies Obrtne storitve, popravila 123 123 - - - - - Crafts and repairs Stanovanj.-komunal.dejav. 742088 214782 118949 - 186028 84853 137476 Community service activities Fin., tehn. in posl. storitve 13285 1280 11105 - 900 - - Financial and business activities Storitve na podroËju prometa 17 17 - - - - Trade-related services including storage Projekt. idr. dejav. 12875 870 11105 - 900 - - Architectural and engineering activities inclu. technical consulting Geoloöko raziskovanje - - - - - - - Geological and prospecting activities Raziskoval.-razvojno delo - - - - - - - Research and development Poslovne storitve 393 393 - - - - - Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 699 - - - 699 - - Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo - - - - - - - Health and social work Neproizvodne dejavnosti 993716 724516 146381 423 29209 62522 30665 Non-production activities Osebne storitve 4086 1831 1766 89 - 400 - Personal service activities Stanovanj. komunal. dejav. 523756 375444 132468 - 924 - 14920 Community service activities Stanovanjska dejavnost - - - - - - - Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 523756 375444 132468 - 924 - 14920 Public services Fin., tehn. in posl. storitve 32796 20352 - - 12444 - - Financial and business activities BanËniötvo - - - - - - - Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb - - - - - - - Insurance of property and persons Raziskoval.- razvojno delo 32796 20352 - - 12444 - - Research and development Poslovne storitve - - - - - - - Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 23451 7665 - 41 - - 15745 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 515 - - - - - 515 Education Znan. razisk. dejav. 15538 308 - - - - 15230 Scientific research Kultura, umetnost in infor. 7398 7357 - 41 - - - Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport - - - - - - - Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 23025 2770 - - 14529 5726 - Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 2117 1030 - - 1087 - - Health care Socialno varstvo 20908 1740 - - 13442 5726 - Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, organizacije 386602 316454 12147 293 1312 56396 - Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 386485 316454 12147 176 1312 56396 - Public administration Skladi - - - - - - - Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruű. - - - - - - - Business associations Polit. in interesne org. 117 - - 117 - - - Membership and political organizations Investicije v varstvo okolja skupaj Gross fixed capital forma- tion for envi- ronmental protection total Odstranje- vanje odpadkov Waste removal Varstvo povröin. voda Protection of surface waters Varstvo pred hrupom Protection against noise Varstvo zraka Protection of air Varstvo tal in podzemnih voda Protection of soil and groundwaters Varstvo narave in pokrajine Protection of natural land- scape 32.29 Investicije v varstvo okolja po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, organizacijsko naËelo, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by the National Classification of Activities, organizational principle, 1995 (continued) 1000 SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 495 32.30 Investicije v varstvo okolja po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, organizacijsko naËelo, 1995 Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by the Standard Classification of Activities, organizational principle, 1995 1000 SIT Investicije v varstvo okolja skupaj Gross fixed capital for- mation for environmen- tal protec- tion total Odstranje- vanje odpadkov Waste removal Varstvo povröin. voda Protection of surface waters Varstvo pred hrupom Protection against noise Varstvo zraka Protection of air Varstvo tal in podzemnih voda Protection of soil and groundwa- ters Varstvo narave in pokrajine Protection of natural land- scape 1992 1772185 425088 249939 267715 534050 162215 133178 1992 1993 4908497 677369 371921 38672 2893731 460367 466437 1993 1994 12359697 1276303 608044 29920 10002875 175927 266628 1994 1995 11111495 1833017 1120761 299525 6706475 707649 444068 1995 SKUPAJ 11111495 1833017 1120761 299525 6706475 707649 444068 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 18807 8766 1201 - 8840 - - Agriculture, hunting and forestry A B Ribiötvo - - - - - - - Fishing B C Rudarstvo 183110 172223 - - - - 10887 Mining and quarrying C CA Pri. energetskih surovin - - - - - - - Mining & quarrying of energy materials CA CB Pri. rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 183110 172223 - - - - 10887 Mining & quarrying, not energy materials CB D Predelovalne dejavnosti 2826139 576903 468172 209978 1276119 178429 116538 Manufacturing D DA Pro. hrane, pijaË, tobaËnih izd. 101579 4597 21272 7300 16659 292 51459 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco DA DB Pro. tekstilij; tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 12488 - 2000 - 4240 6248 - Mfr. of textiles and textile products DB DC Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 36705 16118 1520 - 18994 73 - Mfr. of leather and leather products DC DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 5496 - 2 5494 - - - Manufacture of wood and wood products DD DE Pro. vlaknin, papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 297355 1412 295244 - 699 - - Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing DE DF Pro. koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva - - - - - - - Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DF DG Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vl. 820296 26895 38828 - 583056 153897 17620 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres DG DH Pro. izd. iz gume in plastiËnih mas 105603 100881 - - 3740 982 - Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DH DI Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 203361 120480 4626 8470 69466 319 - Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products DI DJ Pro. kovin in kovinskih izd. 430224 181219 52383 129079 50753 16618 172 Mfr. of basic metals& fabricated products DJ DK Pro. strojev in naprav 484807 1523 - - 483284 - - Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DK DL Pro. elektriËne, optiËne opreme 166164 40509 42421 58298 22636 - 2300 Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment DL DM Pro. vozil in plovil 85044 6252 9876 1337 22592 - 44987 Manufacture of transport equipment DM DN Pro. pohiötva, dr. pred. dej., reciklaűa 77017 77017 - - - - - Manufacturing nec. DN E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 6259393 304889 418348 - 5155469 243687 137000 Electricity, gas and water supply E F Gradbeniötvo 2535 815 1720 - - - - Construction F G Trgovina; popravila mot. vozil 651852 35345 66666 89124 202432 222660 35625 Wholesale, retail; certain repair G H Gostinstvo 22144 5103 6924 - - 200 9917 Hotels and restaurants H I Promet, skladiöËenje, zveze 135288 228 - - 31949 151 102960 Transport, storage and communication I J FinanËno posredniötvo - - - - - - - Financial intermediation J K NepremiËnine, najem, poslovne stor. 70198 21923 11105 - 16214 5726 15230 Real estate,renting& business activities K L Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 387085 316454 12147 176 1912 56396 - Public administ.& defence; comp.soc.sec. L M Izobraűevanje 715 200 - - - - 515 Education M N Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 15153 2570 - - 12583 - - Health and social work N O Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. 539076 387598 134478 247 957 400 15396 Other social and personal services O P Zasebna gosp. z zaposlenim osebjem - - - - - - - Private households with employees P Q Eksteritorialne organizacije, zdruűenja - - - - - - - Extra-territorial organizations Q StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 496 32.31 TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, organizacijsko naËelo, 1995 Current expenditure for environmental protection by the National Classification of Activities, organizational principle, 1995 1000 SIT TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja skupaj Current expen- diture for envi- ronmental protection total Odstranje- vanje odpadkov Waste removal Varstvo povröin. voda Protection of surface waters Varstvo pred hrupom Protection against noise Varstvo zraka Protection of air Varstvo tal in podzemnih voda Protection of soil and groundwaters Varstvo naravne pokrajine Protection of natural land- scape 1992 485116 210942 119297 15343 66635 44982 27917 1992 1993 1587483 1071385 249821 13891 142669 80887 28830 1993 1994 1947882 1315374 272233 19065 164227 140650 36333 1994 1995 2615260 1717975 396256 28899 145275 240650 86205 1995 SKUPAJ 2615260 1717975 396256 28899 145275 240650 86205 TOTAL Proizvodne dejavnosti 2231738 1427047 318913 28899 139847 237432 79600 Production activities Industrija in rudarstvo 1548346 1025034 285694 28861 51400 91168 66189 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Elektrogospodarstvo 149013 - 149013 - - - - Production and distribution of electricity Pridobivanje premoga - - - - - - - Coal mining Proizvodnja naftnih derivatov - - - - - - - Manufacture of refined petroleum products »rna metalurgija 6296 3760 1624 - 556 - 356 Manufacture of basic iron and steel Pridob. rud barv. kovin - - - - - - - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores Proizv. barvastih kovin 114659 60577 8612 - - 45470 - Manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals Predelava barvastih kovin 503 503 - - - - - Smelting, alloying and refining of non-ferrous metals Proizvodnja nekov. rudnin 25199 213 1727 - - 459 22800 Extraction of non-ferrous minerals Predelava nekov. rudnin 35634 3960 - - 31674 - - Manufacture of non-metalic minerals Predelava kovin 85527 35435 21654 872 1035 1004 25527 Manufacture of metal products Strojegradnja 1987 1898 73 - - 16 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment Proizv. prometnih sredstev 48133 35002 3981 - 5591 - 3559 Manufacture of transport equipment Ladjedelniötvo 300 300 - - - - - Shipbuilding Proizv. elektr. stroj., aparat. 69319 33532 4197 25025 6557 8 - Manufacture of electrical equipment Proizv. baz. kem. izdelkov 652452 629822 2325 - - 15309 4996 Manufacture of basic chemicals Predelava kem. izdelkov 149982 123076 3373 1026 4300 12689 5518 Manufacture of chemical products Proizvodnja kamna in peska 530 - 530 - - - - Sand and stone quarrying Proizv. gradb. mat.. 884 - 884 - - - - Manufacture of construction materials Proizv. űag. lesa in ploöË 4338 3179 - 404 755 - - Sawmills and manufacture of wood boards Proizv. konË. les. izdelkov 40648 24126 1449 260 595 13061 1157 Manufacture of furniture, lumber and other wooden products Proizv. in pred. papirja 66029 21586 44443 - - - - Manufacture of paper and paper products Proizv. preje in tkanin 12357 5038 6380 - - 939 - Manufacture of textiles Proizv. konË. tekst. izdelkov 9409 7014 734 100 84 102 1375 Manufacture of textile products Proizv. usnja in krzna - - - - - - - Manufacture of leather and fur Proizv. obutve in galant. 637 - 137 500 - - - Manufacture of leather footwear and other leather products Predelava kavËuka 7852 7852 - - - - - Manufacture of rubber and rubber products Proizv. űivil. proiz. 59430 21868 34524 674 253 2111 - Manufacture of food products Proizvodnja pijaË 855 - - - - - 855 Manufacture of beverages Proizvodnja krmil - - - - - - - Manufacture of animal feeds Proizv. in pred. tobaka - - - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products GrafiËna dejavnost 6373 6293 34 - - - 46 Printing Recirkulacija surovin - - - - - - - Recycling Proizv. raznovrstnih izdelkov - - - - - - - Manufacture of miscellaneous products Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 55908 26553 21818 - 4401 - 3136 Agriculture and fishing Kmetijska proizvodnja 54772 26464 21785 - 4401 - 2122 Agricultural production Kmetijske storitve - - - - - - - Agricultural service activities Ribiötvo 1136 89 33 - - - 1014 Fishing Gozdarstvo - - - - - - - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo - - - - - - - Water management StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 497 Gradbeniötvo 13760 13503 257 - - - - Construction Visoke gradnje 12480 12226 254 - - - - Construction of buildings Nizke gradnje in hidrog. 48 48 - - - - - Civil engineering and construction of water projects Instal. in zaklj. dela 1232 1229 3 - - - - Installation and finishing works Promet in zveze 19755 8137 7788 - - 1100 2730 Transport and communications éelezniöki promet - - - - - - - Railway transport Pomorski promet 180 180 - - - - - Sea and coastal water transport ZraËni promet - - - - - - - Air transport Cestni promet - - - - - - - Road transport Mestni promet 5857 1098 929 - - 1100 2730 Urban transport Prekladalne storitve 13718 6859 6859 - - - - Cargo handling PTT - storitve - - - - - - - Post and telecommunications Trgovina 28901 24942 1401 38 12 845 1663 Trade Trgovina na drobno 24690 23359 1241 - - 90 Retail trade Trgovina na debelo 2632 134 30 38 12 755 1663 Wholesale trade Zunanja trgovina 1579 1449 130 - - - - Foreign trade Gostinstvo in turizem 5362 4794 318 - - 250 - Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Gostinstvo 5362 4794 318 - - 250 - Hotels and restaurants TuristiËno posredovanje - - - - - - - Travel agencies Obrtne storitve, popravila 1750 1314 326 - - 110 - Crafts and repairs Stanovanj.-komunal.dejav. 553817 319757 508 - 83834 143836 5882 Community service activities Fin., tehn. in posl. storitve 1664 1299 155 - 200 10 - Financial and business activities Storitve na podroËju prometa - - - - - - - Trade-related services including storage Projekt. idr. dejav. 1511 1299 2 - 200 10 - Architectural and engineering activities inclu. technical consulting Geoloöko raziskovanje - - - - - - - Geological and prospecting activities Raziskoval.-razvojno delo - - - - - - - Research and development Poslovne storitve 153 - 153 - - - - Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 2130 1369 648 - - 113 - Education and culture Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 345 345 - - - - - Health and social work Neproizvodne dejavnosti 383522 290928 77343 - 5428 3218 6605 Non - production activities Osebne storitve 2099 685 1195 - - 219 - Personal service activities Stanovanj. komunal. dejav. 96765 72401 23434 - - - 930 Community service activities Stanovanjska dejavnost - - - - - - - Housing services Komunalne dejavnosti 96765 72401 23434 - - - 930 Public services Fin., tehn. in posl. storitve 3318 3318 - - - - - Financial and business activities BanËniötvo 2000 2000 - - - - - Banking Zavarovanje posesti, oseb - - - - - - - Insurance of property and persons Raziskoval.- razvojno delo 1318 1318 - - - - - Research and development Poslovne storitve - - - - - - - Other business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 5485 2252 186 - - - 3047 Education and culture Izobraűevanje 5419 2190 182 - - - 3047 Education Znan. razisk. dejav. - - - - - - - Scientific research Kultura, umetnost in infor. 66 62 4 - - - - Culture, art and media activities Telesna kultura in öport - - - - - - - Recreational and sporting activities Zdravstvo in soc. varstvo 15739 8140 577 - 5298 1212 512 Health and social work Zdravstvena zaöËita 6931 6198 - - - 733 - Health care Socialno varstvo 8808 1942 577 - 5298 479 512 Social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja, organizacije 260116 204132 51951 - 130 1787 2116 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Javna uprava 260003 204019 51951 - 130 1787 2116 Public administration Skladi - - - - - - - Management of public funds Spl. in posebna posl. zdruű. - - - - - - - Business associations Polit. in interesne org. 113 113 - - - - - Membership and political organizations TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja skupaj Current expen- diture for envi- ronmental protection total Odstranje- vanje odpadkov Waste removal Varstvo povröin. voda Protection of surface waters Varstvo pred hrupom Protection against noise Varstvo zraka Protection of air Varstvo tal in podzemnih voda Protection of soil and groundwaters Varstvo naravne pokrajine Protection of natural land- scape 32.31 TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, organizacijsko naËelo, 1995 (nadaljevanje) Current expenditure for environmental protection by the National Classification of Activities, organizational principle, 1995 (continued) 1000 SIT StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 498 32.32 TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, organizacijsko naËelo, 1995 Current expenditure for environmental protection by the Standard Classification of Activities, organizational principle, 1995 1000 SIT TekoËi izdatki za varstvo okolja skupaj Current expenditure for environ- mental pro- tection total Odstranje- vanje odpadkov Waste removal Varstvo povröin. voda Protection of surface waters Varstvo pred hrupom Protection against noise Varstvo zraka Protection of air Varstvo tal in podzemnih voda Protection of soil and groundwa- ters Varstvo naravne pokrajine Protection of natural landscape 1992 485116 210942 119297 15343 66635 44982 27917 1992 1993 1587483 1071385 249821 13891 142669 80887 28830 1993 1994 1947882 1315374 272233 19065 164227 140650 36333 1994 1995 2615260 1717975 396256 28899 145275 240650 86205 1995 SKUPAJ 2615260 1717975 396256 28899 145275 240650 86205 TOTAL A Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo 49462 24274 20787 - 4401 - - Agriculture, hunting and forestry A B Ribiötvo 1136 89 33 - - - 1014 Fishing B C Rudarstvo 139858 60790 10339 - - 45929 22800 Mining and quarrying C CA Pri. energetskih surovin - - - - - - - Mining & quarrying of energy materials CA CB Pri. rud in kamnin, razen energetskih 139858 60790 10339 - - 45929 22800 Mining & quarrying, not energy materials CB D Predelovalne dejavnosti 1261602 965605 126995 28861 51400 45352 43389 Manufacturing D DA Pro. hrane, pijaË, tobaËnih izd. 60285 21868 34524 674 253 2111 855 Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco DA DB Pro. tekstilij; tekstilnih, krznenih izd. 24366 14652 7114 100 84 1041 1375 Mfr. of textiles and textile products DB DC Pro. usnja, usnjenih izd. 637 - 137 500 - - - Mfr. of leather and leather products DC DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 7024 4779 516 584 1145 - - Manufacture of wood and wood products DD DE Pro. vlaknin, papirja; zaloűniötvo, tiskar. 74532 29248 45125 - - 113 46 Mfr. of paper; publishing and printing DE DF Pro. koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva - - - - - - - Mfr. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DF DG Pro. kemikalij, kemiËnih izd., umetnih vl. 786148 738675 4585 526 4000 27998 10364 Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres DG DH Pro. izd. iz gume in plastiËnih mas 25202 23139 1113 500 300 - 150 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DH DI Pro. dr. nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 37048 3960 1414 - 31674 - - Mfr. of other non-metal.mineral products DI DJ Pro. kovin in kovinskih izd. 90587 39335 22832 872 661 1004 25883 Mfr. of basic metals& fabricated products DJ DK Pro. strojev in naprav 3263 1914 419 - 930 - - Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DK DL Pro. elektriËne, optiËne opreme 69582 33779 4197 25025 6557 24 - Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment DL DM Pro. vozil in plovil 44969 31738 4081 - 5591 - 3559 Manufacture of transport equipment DM DN Pro. pohiötva, dr. pred. dej., reciklaűa 37959 22518 938 80 205 13061 1157 Manufacturing nec. DN E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 694780 316707 149521 - 83834 138836 5882 Electricity, gas and water supply E F Gradbeniötvo 21810 16553 257 - - 5000 - Construction F G Trgovina; popravila mot. vozil 36128 28618 2720 38 12 955 3785 Wholesale, retail; certain repair G H Gostinstvo 5362 4794 318 - - 250 - Hotels and restaurants H I Promet, skladiöËenje, zveze 19575 7957 7788 - - 1100 2730 Transport, storage and communication I J FinanËno posredniötvo 2000 2000 - - - - - Financial intermediation J K NepremiËnine, najem, poslovne stor. 3493 2797 155 - 200 201 140 Real estate,renting& business activities K L Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 260003 204019 51951 - 130 1787 2116 Public administ.& defence; comp.soc.sec. L M Izobraűevanje 6541 2940 182 - - - 3419 Education M N Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 14478 7391 577 - 5298 1212 - Health and social work N O Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. 99032 73441 24633 - - 28 930 Other social and personal services O P Zasebna gosp. z zaposlenim osebjem - - - - - - - Private households with employees P Q Eksteritorialne organizacije, zdruűenja - - - - - - - Extra-territorial organizations Q StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 499 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 500 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Okolje Environment 501 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 502 33.1 Povröine statistiËnih regij Area of statistical regions ObËina1) Community1) Povröina km2 3) Area km2 3) 1985 - 1994 ObËina2) Municipality2) Povröina km2 3) Area km2 3) 1996 SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 20256 20273 Pomurska 1336 1337 Gornja Radgona 209,9 Beltinci 62,2 Lendava - Lendva 256,2 Cankova-Tiöina 69,4 Ljutomer 178,7 »renöovci 52,4 Murska Sobota 691,5 Gornja Radgona 128,1 Gornji Petrovci 66,8 Hodoö-äalovci - Hodos-äalovci 76,3 Kobilje 19,7 Kuzma 60,2 Lendava - Lendva 154,2 Ljutomer 175,3 Moravske Toplice 144,5 Murska Sobota 64,4 Odranci 6,9 Puconci 107,7 Radenci 34,1 Rogaöevci 40,1 Sveti Jurij 51,3 TurniöËe 23,8 Podravska 2168 2170 Lenart 204,1 Desternik-Trnovska vas 74,8 Maribor 356,8 Dornava 28,4 Ormoű 212,1 Duplek 40,0 Pesnica 171,5 Goriönica 61,2 Ptuj 645,3 Juröinci 36,3 Ruöe 209,4 KidriËevo 71,5 Slovenska Bistrica 368,6 Kungota 49,0 Lenart 204,5 Majöperk 108,8 Maribor 213,7 Ormoű 212,4 Pesnica 75,8 Ptuj 118,1 RaËe-Fram 51,2 Ruöe 209,7 Slovenska Bistrica 367,7 Staröe 34,0 äentilj 65,0 Videm 128,1 ZavrË 19,3 33. PREGLED PO STATISTI»NIH REGIJAH REVIEW BY STATISTICAL REGIONS 1) Stanje 31. 12. 1994. As of 31. 12. 1994. 2) Stanje 31. 12. 1996. As of 31. 12. 1996. 3) Povröine statistiËnih regij se spreminjajo skladno s povröinami obËin zaradi natanËnejöih meritev. Povröine obËin so zraËunane iz digitaliziranih obrisov posameznega prostorskega okoliöa na kartah 1:5000 in 1:10000 in so nato seötete na podlagi pripadnosti prostorskega okoliöa viöji prostorski enoti. Areas of statistical regions change in accordance with areas of municipalities due to more detailed measurements. Areas of municipalities are calculated from digitalised outlines of individual areas on maps 1:5000 and 1:10000 and then added on the basis of affiliation to the higher unit. 4) ObËina ZreËe sega delno v Savinjsko in delno v Podravsko statistiËno regijo. Municipality ZreËe extends partly to Savinjska and partly to Podravska statistical region. 5) ObËina äkocjan sega delno v Spodnjeposavsko in delno v Dolenjsko statistiËno regijo. Municipality äkocjan extends partly to Spodnjeposavska and partly to Dolenjska statistical region. 6) ObËina Trebnje sega delno v Spodnjeposavsko in delno v Dolenjsko statistiËno regijo. Municipality Trebnje extends partly to Spodnjeposavska and partly to Dolenjska statistical region. StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 503 Koroöka 1041 1041 Dravograd 104,9 »rna na Koroökem 156,0 Radlje ob Dravi 346,3 Dravograd 105,0 Ravne na Koroökem 303,6 Meűica 26,4 Slovenj Gradec 286,1 Mislinja 112,2 Muta 38,8 Podvelka-Ribnica 163,0 Radlje ob Dravi 94,1 Ravne-Prevalje 121,5 Slovenj Gradec 173,7 Vuzenica 50,1 Savinjska 2380 2384 Celje 229,7 Celje 94,9 Laöko 249,6 Gornji Grad 90,1 Mozirje 507,5 Kozje 89,7 Slovenske Konjice 222,5 Laöko 199,1 äentjur pri Celju 239,8 Ljubno 78,9 ämarje pri Jelöah 399,7 LuËe 212,2 Velenje 182,4 Mozirje 85,7 éalec 349,2 Nazarje 41,4 PodËetrtek 91,7 RadeËe 50,3 Rogaöka Slatina 71,5 Rogatec 39,6 Slovenske Konjice 97,8 äentjur pri Celju 239,8 ämarje pri Jelöah 107,7 ämartno ob Paki 18,2 äoötanj 95,6 ätore 28,1 Velenje 83,5 Vitanje 59,4 Vojnik 106,9 ZreËe4) 67,0 éalec 335,1 Zasavska 263 264 Hrastnik 58,6 Hrastnik 58,6 Trbovlje 57,6 Trbovlje 57,8 Zagorje ob Savi 147,2 Zagorje ob Savi 147,1 Spodnjeposavska 905 885 Breűice 268,4 Breűice 268,1 Kröko 344,5 Kröko 344,9 Sevnica 292,6 Sevnica 272,2 Dolenjska 1663 1684 »rnomelj 486,4 »rnomelj 339,7 Metlika 108,4 Metlika 108,9 Novo mesto 759,8 Novo mesto 622,9 Trebnje 308,2 SemiË 146,7 äentjernej 96,0 äkocjan5) 58,6 Trebnje6) 311,5 Osrednjeslovenska 3546 3546 Doműale 240,0 Borovnica 42,3 Grosuplje 420,8 Brezovica 91,2 Kamnik 289,3 Dobrepolje 118,2 KoËevje 765,9 Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec 150,0 Litija 327,5 Dol pri Ljubljani 33,3 Ljubljana Beűigrad 46,3 Doműale 79,7 Ljubljana Center 5,1 Grosuplje 133,8 Ljubljana Moste-Polje 152,5 Ig 98,7 ObËina1) Community1) Povröina km2 3) Area km2 3) 1985 - 1994 ObËina2) Municipality2) Povröina km2 3) Area km2 3) 1996 33.1 Povröine statistiËnih regij (nadaljevanje) Area of statistical regions (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 504 Ljubljana äiöka 156,0 IvanËna Gorica 227,0 Ljubljana ViË-Rudnik 543,6 Kamnik 289,7 Logatec 173,0 KoËevje 596,5 Ribnica 256,0 Litija 321,9 Vrhnika 168,8 Ljubljana 275,0 Logatec 173,1 Loöki Potok 134,5 Lukovica 74,9 Medvode 77,6 Mengeö 22,5 MoravËe 62,6 Osilnica 36,2 Ribnica 203,1 äkofljica 43,3 Velike LaöËe 103,2 Vodice 31,4 Vrhnika 126,3 Gorenjska 2135 2137 Jesenice 374,7 Bled 188,5 Kranj 452,9 Bohinj 333,7 Radovljica 640,6 Cerklje na Gorenjskem 78,0 äkofja Loka 511,6 Gorenja vas-Poljane 149,1 TrűiË 155,4 Jesenice 118,4 Kranj 148,0 Kranjska Gora 256,3 Naklo 28,3 Preddvor 155,8 Radovljica 118,7 äenËur 43,2 äkofja Loka 149,1 TrűiË 155,4 éelezniki 164,8 éiri 49,2 Notranjsko-kraöka 1454 1456 Cerknica 482,5 Cerknica 241,3 Ilirska Bistrica 479,6 Ilirska Bistrica 480,0 Postojna 491,7 Loöka dolina 241,9 Pivka 223,2 Postojna 269,9 Goriöka 2322 2325 AjdovöËina 352,4 AjdovöËina 245,2 Idrija 424,6 Bovec 367,3 Nova Gorica 604,3 Brda 72,0 Tolmin 940,3 Cerkno 131,6 Idrija 293,7 Kanal 146,5 Kobarid 192,7 Miren-Kostanjevica 62,8 Nova Gorica 323,9 Tolmin 381,5 Vipava 107,4 Obalno-kraöka 1043 1044 Izola - Isola 28,4 DivaËa 147,8 Koper - Capodistria 270,8 Hrpelje-Kozina 192,2 Piran - Pirano 45,4 Izola - Isola 28,6 Seűana 698,0 Komen 102,7 Koper - Capodistria 311,2 Piran - Pirano 44,4 Seűana 217,4 ObËina1) Community1) Povröina km2 3) Area km2 3) 1985 - 1994 ObËina2) Municipality2) Povröina km2 3) Area km2 3) 1996 33.1 Povröine statistiËnih regij (nadaljevanje) Area of statistical regions (continued) StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 505 33.2 Poslovni subjekti po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 Business units by the National Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 1) V tej tabeli ni zajeto 81 enot, registriranih po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu, ki do 31. 12. 1996 niso bile preoblikovane. The table does not cover 81 units to registered under the Law on Associated Labour, which hod not been transformed by 31 December 1996. Skupaj Total Industrija in rudarstvo Manufacturing, mining and elec- tricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo Water manage- ment Gradbeniötvo Construction Promet in zveze Transport and communica- tions Trgovina Trade Poslovni subjekti Business units Slovenija / Slovenia 134881 6885 1104 116 16 11170 10730 17468 Pomurska 6447 233 113 6 1 505 486 810 Podravska 18329 798 166 8 2 1549 1505 2535 Koroöka 4054 244 27 12 - 308 319 481 Savinjska 15300 770 110 20 1 1260 1629 1799 Zasavska 2258 119 9 - - 186 151 310 Spodnjeposavska 4573 228 82 5 - 374 441 631 Dolenjska 6244 368 55 4 1 574 638 752 Osrednjeslovenska 43013 2368 258 28 5 3289 2837 6018 Gorenjska 12463 736 76 12 2 907 827 1456 Notranjsko-kraöka 3162 211 36 10 - 250 343 373 Goriöka 9269 464 78 8 1 992 813 1021 Obalno-kraöka 9769 346 94 3 3 976 741 1282 Podjetja in druűbe 1) Enterprises and companies 1) Slovenija / Slovenia 52499 6881 708 104 16 2925 1650 11882 Pomurska 1729 233 85 6 1 101 67 490 Podravska 6529 798 112 8 2 400 179 1574 Koroöka 1205 243 19 12 - 69 39 238 Savinjska 5062 769 72 18 1 250 213 1056 Zasavska 726 119 7 - - 63 26 175 Spodnjeposavska 1318 228 61 4 - 56 37 372 Dolenjska 1865 368 34 4 1 121 83 443 Osrednjeslovenska 22128 2366 147 19 5 1213 548 4839 Gorenjska 4618 736 38 12 2 224 166 1017 Notranjsko-kraöka 935 211 26 10 - 47 32 189 Goriöka 2894 464 49 8 1 192 130 615 Obalno-kraöka 3490 346 58 3 3 189 130 874 Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki Private individual entrepreneurs Slovenija / Slovenia 62203 - 379 - - 8242 9077 5586 Pomurska 3146 - 26 - - 404 419 320 Podravska 9104 - 48 - - 1148 1326 961 Koroöka 2155 - 7 - - 239 280 243 Savinjska 7900 - 36 - - 1010 1416 743 Zasavska 1050 - 2 - - 123 125 135 Spodnjeposavska 2503 - 21 - - 318 404 259 Dolenjska 3226 - 20 - - 453 555 309 Osrednjeslovenska 15391 - 108 - - 2074 2288 1179 Gorenjska 5888 - 37 - - 683 660 439 Notranjsko-kraöka 1625 - 10 - - 203 311 184 Goriöka 4989 - 29 - - 800 682 406 Obalno-kraöka 5226 - 35 - - 787 611 408 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 506 33.2 Poslovni subjekti po Enotni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Business units by the National Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) Gostinstvo in turizem Hotels, restau- rants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve Crafts and per- sonal service ac- tivities Stan. komunalne dejavnosti Community ser- vice activities Fin., tehn. in poslovne storitve Financial and business activi- ties Izobraűev., znanost, kultura, inf. Education and culture Zdravstveno in socialno varstvo Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja Public adminis- tration, funds, as- sociations and organisations Poslovni subjekti Business units Slovenija / Slovenia 8850 27776 705 28331 9235 673 11822 Pomurska 537 1296 27 812 607 30 984 Podravska 1048 3701 82 4068 1196 95 1576 Koroöka 254 958 17 701 327 22 384 Savinjska 818 3293 74 3039 1077 85 1325 Zasavska 116 501 14 345 208 20 279 Spodnjeposavska 289 1012 18 704 291 35 463 Dolenjska 367 1413 25 857 403 29 758 Osrednjeslovenska 2092 8192 311 11372 2836 207 3200 Gorenjska 1309 2891 54 2114 892 48 1139 Notranjsko-kraöka 221 628 9 452 270 19 340 Goriöka 501 2155 33 1742 623 38 800 Obalno-kraöka 1298 1736 41 2125 505 45 574 Podjetja in druűbe 1) Enterprises and companies 1) Slovenija / Slovenia 2310 3460 600 20173 1519 266 5 Pomurska 71 85 27 508 48 7 - Podravska 219 354 75 2610 152 45 1 Koroöka 56 93 17 378 36 5 - Savinjska 154 328 72 1965 125 39 - Zasavska 26 49 14 222 21 4 - Spodnjeposavska 40 76 16 395 22 11 - Dolenjska 70 137 21 541 35 7 - Osrednjeslovenska 883 1467 229 9507 799 102 4 Gorenjska 346 411 49 1482 119 16 - Notranjsko-kraöka 38 60 8 284 24 6 - Goriöka 149 188 32 984 72 10 - Obalno-kraöka 258 212 40 1297 66 14 - StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 507 33.3 Poslovni subjekti po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 Business units by the Standard Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 1) V tej tabeli ni zajeto 81 enot, registriranih po Zakonu o zdruűenem delu, ki do 31. 12. 1996 niso bile preoblikovane. The table does not cover 81 units to registered under the Law on Associated Labour, which had not been transformed by 31 December 1996. Skupaj Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo Ribiötvo Rudarstvo Predelovalne dejavnosti Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo Gradbeniötvo Trgovina; popravila mot. vozil Total Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, and water supply Construction Wholesale retail; certain repair Poslovni subjekti Business units Slovenija / Slovenia 134881 1625 134 196 23702 276 11760 33764 Pomurska 6447 137 8 11 1020 6 526 1400 Podravska 18329 224 21 20 2891 17 1687 5048 Koroöka 4054 80 2 10 833 22 332 881 Savinjska 15300 179 14 20 2736 46 1355 3587 Zasavska 2258 17 3 3 401 4 193 525 Spodnjeposavska 4573 119 5 8 835 7 384 1081 Dolenjska 6244 91 4 14 1230 5 612 1323 Osrednjeslovenska 43013 355 23 53 7569 27 3385 12102 Gorenjska 12463 115 10 20 2554 76 949 2831 Notranjsko-kraöka 3162 79 3 7 595 3 258 683 Goriöka 9269 133 7 9 1739 58 1059 1928 Obalno-kraöka 9769 96 34 21 1299 5 1020 2375 Podjetja in druűbe 1) Enterprises and companies 1) Slovenija / Slovenia 52499 762 31 45 8259 122 2946 22892 Pomurska 1729 81 3 1 270 6 103 784 Podravska 6529 108 4 5 945 12 394 3102 Koroöka 1205 33 - 4 283 7 69 452 Savinjska 5062 88 1 5 896 19 247 2232 Zasavska 726 4 - 1 142 3 63 284 Spodnjeposavska 1318 59 - 2 248 6 58 604 Dolenjska 1865 35 1 1 403 5 126 760 Osrednjeslovenska 22128 166 5 16 2960 21 1229 9677 Gorenjska 4618 47 - 4 891 24 222 1925 Notranjsko-kraöka 935 36 - 3 238 3 46 346 Goriöka 2894 53 - 1 536 11 195 1144 Obalno-kraöka 3490 52 17 2 447 5 194 1582 Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki Private individual entrepreneurs Slovenija / Slovenia 62203 426 27 151 15431 154 8812 10845 Pomurska 3146 24 10 749 - 423 615 Podravska 9104 53 2 15 1944 5 1293 1942 Koroöka 2155 21 - 6 549 15 263 428 Savinjska 7900 44 1 15 1839 27 1108 1351 Zasavska 1050 3 - 2 259 1 130 240 Spodnjeposavska 2503 31 1 6 587 1 326 474 Dolenjska 3226 24 - 13 827 - 486 562 Osrednjeslovenska 15391 110 6 37 4603 6 2154 2419 Gorenjska 5888 43 - 16 1662 52 727 905 Notranjsko-kraöka 1625 15 1 4 357 - 212 336 Goriöka 4989 37 - 8 1203 47 864 781 Obalno-kraöka 5226 21 16 19 852 - 826 792 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 508 33.3 Poslovni subjekti po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, 31. 12. 1996 (nadaljevanje) Business units by the by the Standard Classification of Activities, 31. 12. 1996 (continued) Gostinstvo Promet, skladiöËenje, zveze FinanËno posredniötvo NepremiËnine, najem, poslovne stor. Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarovanje Izobraűevanje Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and communica- tion Financial inter- mediation Real estate, renting & busi- ness activities Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. Education Health and social work Other social and personal services Poslovni subjekti Business units Slovenija / Slovenia 8045 11924 579 18058 3246 1719 1551 18302 Pomurska 509 532 21 495 388 98 91 1205 Podravska 957 1621 88 2409 390 239 239 2478 Koroöka 237 345 7 478 103 58 49 617 Savinjska 751 1723 41 1995 377 190 227 2059 Zasavska 109 161 3 244 81 39 29 446 Spodnjeposavska 275 464 21 463 137 67 52 655 Dolenjska 341 672 28 587 250 86 59 942 Osrednjeslovenska 1830 3258 262 7221 770 568 420 5170 Gorenjska 1226 947 31 1284 292 147 127 1854 Notranjsko-kraöka 203 362 9 269 109 39 61 482 Goriöka 433 906 26 1239 221 95 117 1299 Obalno-kraöka 1174 933 42 1374 128 93 80 1095 Podjetja in druűbe 1) Enterprises and companies 1) Slovenija / Slovenia 1684 2755 543 10494 7 610 306 1043 Pomurska 54 100 21 239 - 23 10 34 Podravska 160 297 82 1199 1 70 50 100 Koroöka 44 58 5 205 - 20 5 20 Savinjska 114 293 40 949 1 62 41 74 Zasavska 22 32 3 141 - 12 4 15 Spodnjeposavska 31 58 20 196 - 12 12 12 Dolenjska 57 104 26 291 - 18 8 30 Osrednjeslovenska 648 950 249 5305 3 291 124 484 Gorenjska 278 276 29 748 1 44 16 113 Notranjsko-kraöka 23 59 8 136 - 10 6 21 Goriöka 97 215 20 520 1 27 13 61 Obalno-kraöka 156 313 40 565 - 21 17 79 Samostojni podjetniki posamezniki Private individual entrepreneurs Slovenija / Slovenia 6358 9162 27 7338 3 98 31 3340 Pomurska 455 431 - 252 - 4 3 180 Podravska 797 1323 6 1188 2 5 3 526 Koroöka 193 287 2 273 - 3 1 114 Savinjska 637 1430 1 1036 - 13 4 394 Zasavska 87 129 - 103 - 1 - 95 Spodnjeposavska 244 406 - 264 1 12 9 141 Dolenjska 284 568 2 292 - 9 3 156 Osrednjeslovenska 1181 2306 7 1755 - 29 4 774 Gorenjska 948 670 - 528 - 9 3 325 Notranjsko-kraöka 180 303 1 130 - 1 1 84 Goriöka 336 690 6 714 - 6 - 297 Obalno-kraöka 1016 619 2 803 - 6 - 254 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 509 33.4 Prebivalstvo po statistiËnih regijah, 30. junij1) Population by statistical regions, 30 June1) 1) Glej opombe pri tabeli 33.1. See notes at table 33.1. 33.5 Gostota naseljenosti po statistiËnih regijah, 30. junij1) Density of population by statistical regions, 30 June1) 1) Glej opombe pri tabeli 33.1. See notes at table 33.1. 33.6 Prebivalstvo po starosti in povpreËna starost po statistiËnih regijah, 31. december 1996 Population by age groups and mean age by statistical regions, 31 December 1996 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 1973151 1998090 1995832 1990623 1988850 1987505 1991169 Pomurska 133482 131272 130809 130535 130119 126896 126390 Podravska 327568 327967 328112 325563 324968 320961 320648 Koroöka 73009 74401 74462 74356 74338 74129 74130 Savinjska 253737 257920 258241 257803 257520 256061 257417 Zasavska 47352 47797 47291 47032 46790 47161 47167 Spodnjeposavska 72633 73179 72569 72468 72074 71208 71175 Dolenjska 101729 103760 104212 104424 104656 104949 105254 Osrednjeslovenska 507636 514883 513865 513020 512785 517017 519287 Gorenjska 186455 193834 194557 194472 194681 194601 195652 Notranjsko-kraöka 50311 50465 49711 49374 49435 50782 50546 Goriöka 121035 120856 120241 120046 119921 120723 120485 Obalno-kraöka 98204 101756 101762 101530 101563 103017 103018 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 97,4 98,6 98,5 98,3 98,2 98,1 98,2 Pomurska 99,9 98,2 97,9 97,7 97,4 95,0 94,5 Podravska 151,1 151,3 151,4 150,2 149,9 148,1 147,8 Koroöka 70,1 71,5 71,5 71,4 71,4 71,2 71,2 Savinjska 106,6 108,4 108,5 108,3 108,2 107,6 107,9 Zasavska 179,8 181,5 179,6 178,6 177,7 179,0 179,0 Spodnjeposavska 80,2 80,8 80,1 80,0 79,6 78,6 80,4 Dolenjska 61,2 62,4 62,7 62,8 62,9 63,1 62,5 Osrednjeslovenska 143,2 145,2 144,9 144,7 144,6 145,8 146,4 Gorenjska 87,3 90,8 91,1 91,1 91,2 91,1 91,6 Notranjsko-kraöka 34,6 34,7 34,2 34,0 34,0 34,9 34,7 Goriöka 52,1 52,1 51,8 51,7 51,7 52,0 51,8 Obalno-kraöka 94,2 97,6 97,6 97,4 97,4 98,8 98,6 Skupaj Total Starost Age Struktura po starosti (%) Population by age groups (%) PovpreËna sta- rost Mean age0-14 let 0-14 years 15-64 65 let in veË 65 years and over 0-14 let 0-14 years 15-64 65 let in veË 65 years and over SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 1986989 348392 1383189 255408 17,5 69,6 12,9 37,6 Pomurska 126224 21504 86753 17967 17,0 68,7 14,2 38,1 Podravska 320361 53210 225843 41308 16,6 70,5 12,9 38,1 Koroöka 73965 13633 52113 8219 18,4 70,5 11,1 36,5 Savinjska 256456 46569 178983 30904 18,2 69,8 12,1 36,9 Zasavska 46901 7849 32464 6588 16,7 69,2 14,0 38,5 Spodnjeposavska 70298 12536 47800 9962 17,8 68,0 14,2 38,1 Dolenjska 105868 21207 72081 12580 20,0 68,1 11,9 36,1 Osrednjeslovenska 517312 90790 362444 64078 17,6 70,1 12,4 37,5 Gorenjska 195372 36513 135012 23847 18,7 69,1 12,2 36,9 Notranjsko-kraöka 50343 8765 34119 7459 17,4 67,8 14,8 38,6 Goriöka 120862 19920 82770 18172 16,5 68,5 15,0 38,8 Obalno-kraöka 103027 15896 72807 14324 15,4 70,7 13,9 39,0 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 510 33.7 ätevilo in naravno gibanje prebivalstva po spolu in statistiËnih regijah, 1996 Number of population and natural changes of population by sex and statistical regions, 1996 Prebivalstvo Population ätevilo Number 30. junij 30 June 31. december 31 December űivorojeni live birth umrli deaths naravni prirast natural increase Skupaj Total SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 1991169 1986989 18788 18620 168 Pomurska 126390 126224 1183 1522 -339 Podravska 320648 320361 2982 3232 -250 Koroöka 74130 73965 729 666 63 Savinjska 257417 256456 2510 2407 103 Zasavska 47167 46901 359 508 -149 Spodnjeposavska 71175 70298 661 782 -121 Dolenjska 105254 105868 1083 952 131 Osrednjeslovenska 519287 517312 4882 4339 543 Gorenjska 195652 195372 2038 1617 421 Notranjsko-kraöka 50546 50343 475 504 -29 Goriöka 120485 120862 1070 1200 -130 Obalno-kraöka 103018 103027 816 891 -75 Moöki Men SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 969114 968634 9710 9498 212 Pomurska 61163 61113 608 757 -149 Podravska 155776 155805 1539 1671 -132 Koroöka 36903 36843 388 328 60 Savinjska 125901 125483 1285 1224 61 Zasavska 22831 22718 196 253 -57 Spodnjeposavska 34992 34630 326 408 -82 Dolenjska 51787 52099 560 497 63 Osrednjeslovenska 250238 249806 2526 2168 358 Gorenjska 95062 95076 1053 825 228 Notranjsko-kraöka 24843 24830 248 267 -19 Goriöka 59048 59495 549 651 -102 Obalno-kraöka 50570 50736 432 449 -17 éenske Women SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 1022055 1018355 9078 9122 -44 Pomurska 65227 65111 575 765 -190 Podravska 164872 164556 1443 1561 -118 Koroöka 37227 37122 341 338 3 Savinjska 131516 130973 1225 1183 42 Zasavska 24336 24183 163 255 -92 Spodnjeposavska 36183 35668 335 374 -39 Dolenjska 53467 53769 523 455 68 Osrednjeslovenska 269049 267506 2356 2171 185 Gorenjska 100590 100296 985 792 193 Notranjsko-kraöka 25703 25513 227 237 -10 Goriöka 61437 61367 521 549 -28 Obalno-kraöka 52448 52291 384 442 -58 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 511 33.8 Delovno sposobno prebivalstvo po spolu in statistiËnih regijah, 30. junij1) Working age population by sex and statistical regions, 30 June1) 1) Za moöke so upoötevane starosti 15-64 let, za űenske 15-59 let. Men 15-64 years, women 15-59 years. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Skupaj Total SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 1311771 1317723 1317775 1316619 1319581 1318558 1326779 Pomurska 84092 84525 84870 84929 85141 82753 82929 Podravska 220093 220964 220987 219305 219338 215811 216270 Koroöka 49289 49520 49733 49906 50036 49970 50133 Savinjska 169186 170076 170674 170987 171434 170274 172285 Zasavska 31259 31076 30979 30815 30715 31038 31163 Spodnjeposavska 46868 46962 46698 46706 46613 45915 46093 Dolenjska 67172 67693 67891 68081 68282 68312 68684 Osrednjeslovenska 341229 342414 341846 341375 342072 345700 348792 Gorenjska 126550 127467 127785 128071 128616 128331 129514 Notranjsko-kraöka 31925 32170 31627 31567 31740 32643 32704 Goriöka 76668 77004 77107 77366 77707 78632 78755 Obalno-kraöka 67440 67852 67578 67511 67887 69179 69457 Moöki Men SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 682015 687074 687948 687852 689622 691787 697240 Pomurska 44345 44697 44962 45026 45163 43727 43823 Podravska 115096 115811 115975 115215 115294 113645 113905 Koroöka 26171 26328 26471 26587 26674 26674 26753 Savinjska 88004 88785 89249 89425 89684 89407 90781 Zasavska 16466 16415 16342 16248 16185 16347 16426 Spodnjeposavska 24861 24978 24874 24951 24899 24548 24659 Dolenjska 35636 35993 36195 36277 36363 36481 36711 Osrednjeslovenska 173527 174734 174587 174397 174753 178135 180381 Gorenjska 65240 65920 66246 66583 66918 66985 67723 Notranjsko-kraöka 17264 17453 17125 17056 17126 17573 17633 Goriöka 40501 40776 40827 40995 41176 41955 41954 Obalno-kraöka 34904 35184 35095 35092 35387 36310 36491 éenske Women SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 629756 630649 629827 628767 629959 626771 629539 Podravska 104997 105153 105012 104090 104044 102166 102365 Koroöka 23118 23192 23262 23319 23362 23296 23380 Savinjska 81182 81291 81425 81562 81750 80867 81504 Zasavska 14793 14661 14637 14567 14530 14691 14737 Spodnjeposavska 22007 21984 21824 21755 21714 21367 21434 Dolenjska 31536 31700 31696 31804 31919 31831 31973 Osrednjeslovenska 167702 167680 167259 166978 167319 167565 168411 Gorenjska 61310 61547 61539 61488 61698 61346 61791 Notranjsko-kraöka 14661 14717 14502 14511 14614 15070 15071 Goriöka 36167 36228 36280 36371 36531 36677 36801 Obalno-kraöka 32536 32668 32483 32419 32500 32869 32966 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 512 33.9 Selitveno gibanje prebivalstva po spolu in statistiËnih regijah, 1996 Migration by sex and statistical regions, 1996 Priseljeni Immigrants Odseljeni Emigrants Selitveni prirast oziroma padec Net migrationskupaj total iz drugih regij Slovenije from other regions of Slovenia iz tujine from abroad skupaj total v druge regije Slovenije to other regions of Slovenia v tujino abroad Skupaj Total SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 7098 5598 1500 6401 5598 803 697 Pomurska 338 274 64 338 279 59 0 Podravska 869 627 242 761 655 106 108 Koroöka 212 189 23 265 241 24 -53 Savinjska 766 569 197 800 675 125 -34 Zasavska 238 216 22 174 162 12 64 Spodnjeposavska 318 251 67 291 256 35 27 Dolenjska 438 380 58 358 319 39 80 Osrednjeslovenska 1967 1527 440 1973 1717 256 -6 Gorenjska 905 762 143 693 616 77 212 Notranjsko-kraöka 286 226 60 164 157 7 122 Goriöka 277 214 63 282 257 25 -5 Obalno-kraöka 484 363 121 302 264 38 182 Moöki Men SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 3341 2573 768 2963 2573 390 378 Pomurska 180 150 30 162 132 30 18 Podravska 428 298 130 368 329 39 60 Koroöka 110 97 13 128 113 15 -18 Savinjska 365 269 96 393 335 58 -28 Zasavska 101 90 11 76 73 3 25 Spodnjeposavska 147 117 30 118 106 12 29 Dolenjska 196 165 31 160 145 15 36 Osrednjeslovenska 924 685 239 906 767 139 18 Gorenjska 398 329 69 324 279 45 74 Notranjsko-kraöka 141 118 23 75 71 4 66 Goriöka 131 98 33 110 99 11 21 Obalno-kraöka 220 157 63 143 124 19 77 éenske Women SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 3757 3025 732 3438 3025 413 319 Pomurska 158 124 34 176 147 29 -18 Podravska 441 329 112 393 326 67 48 Koroöka 102 92 10 137 128 9 -35 Savinjska 401 300 101 407 340 67 -6 Zasavska 137 126 11 98 89 9 39 Spodnjeposavska 171 134 37 173 150 23 -2 Dolenjska 242 215 27 198 174 24 44 Osrednjeslovenska 1043 842 201 1067 950 117 -24 Gorenjska 507 433 74 369 337 32 138 Notranjsko-kraöka 145 108 37 89 86 3 56 Goriöka 146 116 30 172 158 14 -26 Obalno-kraöka 264 206 58 159 140 19 105 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 513 33.10 Notranje selitve prebivalstva po spolu in statistiËnih regijah, 1996 Internal migration by sex and statistical regions, 1996 Regija odselitve Region of emigration Skupaj Total Regija priselitve Region of immigration Pomur- ska Podrav- ska Koroöka Savinj- ska Zasav- ska Spodnje- posav- ska Dolenj- ska Osred- njeslo- venska Gorenj- ska Notranj- sko- kraöka Goriöka Obalno-kraöka Skupaj Total SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 5598 274 627 189 569 216 251 380 1527 762 226 214 363 Pomurska 279 - 134 7 18 - 3 2 93 12 1 4 5 Podravska 655 136 - 61 185 6 20 11 156 33 11 15 21 Koroöka 241 11 72 - 76 2 2 4 54 13 1 1 5 Savinjska 675 34 196 80 - 37 42 10 203 28 9 9 27 Zasavska 162 2 6 - 42 - 16 2 73 5 2 3 11 Spodnjeposavska 256 1 21 3 46 12 - 79 78 4 3 2 7 Dolenjska 319 1 7 - 15 13 64 - 177 17 6 4 15 Osrednjeslovenska 1717 68 106 23 127 130 76 235 - 574 147 71 160 Gorenjska 616 13 42 8 29 9 18 19 387 - 11 48 32 Notranjsko-kraöka 157 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 87 11 - 12 36 Goriöka 257 3 23 2 13 4 3 7 104 41 13 - 44 Obalno-kraöka 264 4 19 4 15 2 6 8 115 24 22 45 - Moöki Men SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 2573 150 298 97 269 90 117 165 685 329 118 98 157 Pomurska 132 - 63 5 3 - 2 - 51 3 - 3 2 Podravska 329 78 - 23 99 1 10 8 67 16 5 10 12 Koroöka 113 5 34 - 34 1 1 3 23 7 - - 5 Savinjska 335 18 102 42 - 14 20 3 104 14 5 1 12 Zasavska 73 - 3 - 20 - 7 - 32 4 2 - 5 Spodnjeposavska 106 - 11 3 24 4 - 28 28 1 2 1 4 Dolenjska 145 - 2 - 9 6 24 - 85 10 3 1 5 Osrednjeslovenska 767 36 46 13 55 53 35 104 - 249 82 33 61 Gorenjska 279 6 19 7 14 5 11 8 173 - 5 19 12 Notranjsko-kraöka 71 1 - - - 1 1 3 34 5 - 6 20 Goriöka 99 2 10 2 3 4 2 4 40 9 4 - 19 Obalno-kraöka 124 4 8 2 8 1 4 4 48 11 10 24 - éenske Women SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 3025 124 329 92 300 126 134 215 842 433 108 116 206 Pomurska 147 - 71 2 15 - 1 2 42 9 1 1 3 Podravska 326 58 - 38 86 5 10 3 89 17 6 5 9 Koroöka 128 6 38 - 42 1 1 1 31 6 1 1 - Savinjska 340 16 94 38 - 23 22 7 99 14 4 8 15 Zasavska 89 2 3 - 22 - 9 2 41 1 - 3 6 Spodnjeposavska 150 1 10 - 22 8 - 51 50 3 1 1 3 Dolenjska 174 1 5 - 6 7 40 - 92 7 3 3 10 Osrednjeslovenska 950 32 60 10 72 77 41 131 - 325 65 38 99 Gorenjska 337 7 23 1 15 4 7 11 214 - 6 29 20 Notranjsko-kraöka 86 - 1 1 3 - - - 53 6 - 6 16 Goriöka 158 1 13 - 10 - 1 3 64 32 9 - 25 Obalno-kraöka 140 - 11 2 7 1 2 4 67 13 12 21 - StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 514 33.11 Ocena ötevila zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po statistiËnih regijah in sektorjih dejavnosti Estimation of number of persons in paid employment in enterprises and organizations by statistical regions and by sectors of activity 1985 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 SLOVENIJA SLOVENIA Skupaj 814256 782222 664149 626806 605326 593848 581651 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 21177 19044 15369 13819 12399 11142 10578 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 369890 360447 289321 263368 251935 242793 227585 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 423189 402731 359459 349619 340992 339913 343487 Services POMURSKA POMURSKA Skupaj 39414 39851 34009 32725 31594 31084 30102 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 2480 2291 1934 1631 1614 1658 1602 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 20336 21229 16802 16242 15275 14642 13823 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 16598 16330 15273 14852 14705 14785 14678 Services PODRAVSKA PODRAVSKA Skupaj 127097 120943 101154 93645 87981 83788 80980 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 4166 3958 3346 2920 2453 2160 1993 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 55139 55650 42621 37601 34187 31650 29204 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 67792 61334 55187 53124 51341 49978 49783 Services KOROäKA KOROäKA Skupaj 27659 27322 23973 22941 21770 21286 20831 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 1263 1134 868 738 524 395 388 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 14948 16740 14085 11939 12040 12265 11660 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 11447 9448 9020 10264 9205 8626 8782 Services SAVINJSKA SAVINJSKA Skupaj 104919 101830 88082 82159 79092 77804 75482 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 2395 2078 1760 1629 1490 1369 1323 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 55209 53603 45440 41127 39947 39051 37086 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 47315 46149 40883 39403 37656 37384 37073 Services ZASAVSKA ZASAVSKA Skupaj 21546 19617 16117 15671 15170 14336 13422 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 73 95 55 58 61 57 52 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 13093 12343 10065 9788 9369 8667 7835 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 8381 7179 5997 5825 5740 5613 5534 Services SPODNJEPOSAVSKA SPODNJEPOSAVSKA Skupaj 22476 22924 20118 18890 18147 17737 17235 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 1006 989 763 705 732 711 662 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 11617 12780 10743 9701 8969 8389 7970 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 9854 9156 8612 8483 8445 8637 8603 Services DOLENJSKA DOLENJSKA Skupaj 40560 40641 36032 34401 32958 31350 30095 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 1259 1085 791 738 675 617 612 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 22734 23495 20061 18514 17388 16237 14905 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 16567 16062 15180 15149 14895 14496 14578 Services OSREDNJESLOVENSKA OSREDNJESLOVENSKA Skupaj 238851 229456 194091 183505 178446 178217 178067 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 3703 3315 2746 2658 2524 2206 2031 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 84750 80471 61419 56151 53029 51071 47876 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 150398 145670 129927 124696 122892 124940 128160 Services GORENJSKA GORENJSKA Skupaj 81956 77217 64223 61528 60695 59908 58195 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 1475 1236 910 808 679 609 590 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 45170 41103 34434 31590 31674 31382 29267 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 35311 34878 28880 29130 28342 27918 28338 Services NOTRANJSKO-KRAäKA NOTRANJSKO-KRAäKA Skupaj 19100 17518 15357 14595 13956 13657 13300 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 1375 1082 829 745 684 608 560 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 9486 8772 7324 6787 6303 6157 5978 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 8239 7664 7204 7064 6969 6892 6762 Services GORIäKA GORIäKA Skupaj 48167 45720 39719 37121 35977 35410 34793 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 1188 983 842 737 625 549 552 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 24781 24004 19214 17466 16859 16391 15639 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 22199 20734 19663 18918 18493 18470 18602 Services OBALNO-KRAäKA OBALNO-KRAäKA Skupaj 42511 39182 31275 29626 29541 29271 29149 Total Kmetijske dejavnosti 794 797 526 453 338 204 214 Agriculture Nekmetijske dej.(razen storitv.dej.) 12628 10259 7114 6462 6895 6891 6341 Non agriculture (except services) Storitvene dejavnosti 29089 28126 23635 22710 22309 22176 22594 Services StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 515 33.12 Obrtni obrati z obrtnimi dejavnostmi in domaËo in umetno obrtjo po statistiËnih regijah in pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 Craft establishments with craft activities with home and art manufacture establishments by statistical regions and legal organisational forms, 31. 12. 1996 33.13 Obrtni obrati z obrti podobnimi dejavnostmi po statistiËnih regijah in pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah, 31. 12. 1996 Craft establishments with activities similar to craft by statistical regions and legal organisational forms, 31. 12. 1996 FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons skupaj samostojni podjetniki posamezniki domaËa in umetna obrt druge skupaj druűbe z neomejeno odgovor- nostjo komanditne druűbe druűbe z omejeno odgovor- nostjo delniöke druűbe druge total individual pri- vate entrepre- neurs home and art manufacture establish- ments others total general part- nerships limited part- nerships limited liability companies joint stock companies others SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 19442 19434 3 5 2761 84 13 2545 38 81 Pomurska 1005 1004 1 - 74 4 - 64 1 5 Podravska 2858 2857 1 - 313 8 - 290 4 11 Koroöka 674 674 - - 38 - - 33 1 4 Savinjska 2400 2400 - - 260 6 - 241 5 8 Zasavska 358 358 - - 48 1 - 47 - - Spodnjeposavska 802 802 - - 59 1 - 57 - 1 Dolenjska 1039 1039 - - 111 4 1 98 1 7 Osrednjeslovenska 4711 4709 1 1 1063 37 8 977 17 24 Gorenjska 1806 1802 - 4 344 8 1 324 3 8 Notranjsko-kraöka 473 473 - - 42 - - 41 - 1 Goriöka 1823 1823 - - 239 1- - 219 3 7 Obalno-kraöka 1493 1493 - - 170 5 3 154 3 5 FiziËne osebe Natural persons Pravne osebe Legal persons skupaj samostojni podjetniki posamezniki domaËa in umetna obrt druge skupaj druűbe z neomejeno odgovor- nostjo komanditne druűbe druűbe z omejeno odgovor- nostjo delniöke druűbe druge total individual private en- trepreneurs home and art manufacture establish- ments others total general part- nerships limited part- nerships limited liabil- ity compa- nies joint stock companies others SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 24395 24383 4 8 2392 65 7 2229 12 79 Pomurska 1264 1264 - - 67 5 - 59 - 3 Podravska 3512 3512 - - 267 4 - 252 2 9 Koroöka 837 837 - - 43 - - 41 - 2 Savinjska 3174 3174 - - 265 1 1 248 1 14 Zasavska 381 381 - - 50 1 - 47 1 1 Spodnjeposavska 1006 1006 - - 40 1 - 39 - - Dolenjska 1509 1509 - - 64 1 - 61 1 1 Osrednjeslovenska 6292 6288 2 2 928 28 5 862 3 30 Gorenjska 2166 2162 - 4 328 12 - 308 1 7 Notranjsko-kraöka 716 714 - 2 33 1 1 29 - 2 Goriöka 1910 1910 - - 154 7 - 140 3 4 Obalno-kraöka 1628 1626 2 - 153 4 - 143 - 6 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 516 33.14 Promet in zveze po statistiËnih regijah, 1996 Transport and communications by statistical regions, 1996 1) Upoötevane so tudi industrijske postaje. Industrial stations are included. 2) äteto je naloűeno in razloűeno blago. Loaded and unloaded goods are included. 3) äteti so tovorni avtomobili, kombinirana vozila in vlaËilci. Lorries, combined vehicles and road tractors are included. 4) Upoötevane so stalne poöte, poötne in pomoűne izpostave ter pomoűne poöte. Regular post offices, post and auxiliary branch offices and auxiliary post offices are included. 33.15 Trgovina na drobno, 1996 Retail trade, 1996 1) Brez davka na promet blaga in storitev. Net of turnover tax. ätevilo űelezniökih postaj1) Number of railway stations1) Promet blaga na űel. postajah2) Goods transport at railway stations2) 1000 t ätevilo osebnih avtomobilov Number of passenger cars ätevilo tovornih avtomobilov3) Number of goods road vehicles3) ätevilo poöt4) Number of post offices4) SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 218 13256 727554 53542 525 Pomurska 10 588 40089 2263 34 Podravska 33 1415 107903 7542 87 Koroöka 12 161 24816 1296 20 Savinjska 33 1284 87364 6301 70 Zasavska 3 488 14806 774 10 Spodnjeposavska 13 475 23999 1638 32 Dolenjska 22 318 36764 2750 33 Osrednjeslovenska 37 2914 206666 17784 97 Gorenjska 16 453 70559 4170 52 Notranjsko-kraöka 8 135 18767 1318 18 Goriöka 18 495 51232 3912 40 Obalno-kraöka 13 4530 44589 3794 32 ätevilo, 31. 12. 1996 Number, 31. 12. 1996 Prihodek po vrsti blaga (mio SIT)1) Turnover by kind of goods (mio SIT)1) prodajaln of stores zaposlenih oseb of persons in paid employment skupaj total űivilsko blago food products neűivilsko blago non-food goods SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 7517 37780 740612 240096 500516 Pomurska 404 1744 31838 11499 20339 Podravska 921 4652 90491 33103 57388 Koroöka 240 1014 16906 6816 10090 Savinjska 793 4630 74811 25204 49607 Zasavska 135 596 9007 4113 4894 Spodnjeposavska 258 1181 17301 5194 12107 Dolenjska 332 1502 28140 15229 12911 Osrednjeslovenska 2612 14149 313156 73709 239447 Gorenjska 760 3944 69465 23322 46143 Notranjsko-kraöka 165 607 9831 5100 4731 Goriöka 444 1705 35544 22052 13492 Obalno-kraöka 453 2056 44118 14751 29367 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 517 StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 Pregled po statistiËnih regijah Review by statistical regions 518 33.16 Trgovina na debelo, 1996 Wholesale trade, 1996 1) Brez davka na promet blaga in storitev. / Net of turnover tax. 33.17 Investicije v varstvo okolja po statistiËnih regijah, 1995 Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by statistical regions, 1995 1000 SIT 1) Upoötevane tudi investicije obËine äkocjan. Including gross fixed capital formation of äkocjan municipality. 33.18 TekoËi izdatki v varstvo okolja po statistiËnih regijah, 1995 Current expenditure for environmental protection by statistical regions, 1995 1000 SIT ätevilo, 31. 12. 1996 Number, 31. 12. 1996 Promet po vrsti kupcev (mio SIT)1) Turnover by types of buyers (mio SIT)1) enot of units zaposlenih oseb of persons in paid employment skupaj total trgovina na drobno retail trade veliki porabniki other large organisations proizvodne dejav- nosti za predelavo manufacturing enterprises trgovina na debelo wholesale trade SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 1115 18204 793794 387031 92788 164852 149123 Pomurska 45 433 21979 6327 1735 6824 7093 Podravska 149 1803 70409 35151 5571 16462 13225 Koroöka 18 180 6306 3272 666 1574 794 Savinjska 109 2294 88656 39339 5482 22822 21013 Zasavska 11 69 1767 360 489 694 224 Spodnjeposavska 28 238 6151 3933 500 871 847 Dolenjska 47 415 43429 37801 1307 1519 2802 Osrednjeslovenska 452 8918 408223 202317 50877 70011 85018 Gorenjska 95 1747 67934 21603 19026 17330 9975 Notranjsko-kraöka 11 212 9555 6747 928 694 1186 Goriöka 75 794 34293 14444 3909 4164 11776 Obalno-kraöka 75 1101 35092 15737 2299 6158 10898 Investicije v varstvo okolja skupaj Odstranjevanje odpadkov Varstvo povröinskih voda Varstvo pred hrupom Varstvo zraka Varstvo podzemnih voda in tal Varstvo narave in pokrajine Gross fixed capital for- mation for environ- mental protection total Waste removal Protection of surface waters Protection against noise Protection of air Protection of soil and ground- waters Protection of natural landscape SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 11 111 495 1 833 017 1 120 761 299 525 6 706 475 707 649 444 068 Pomurska 152 956 137 116 - - 8 840 7 000 - Podravska 464 229 197 227 131 376 1 933 122 116 11 577 - Koroöka 366 455 239 153 484 124 886 832 1 100 - Savinjska 6 457 027 258 153 47 040 337 6 027 957 112 481 11 059 Zasavska 234 935 21 379 7 570 - 47 152 158 834 - Spodnjeposavska 117 841 106 216 - - 9 986 - 1 639 Dolenjska1) 363 519 94 416 57 883 41 27 909 1 283 181 987 Osrednjeslovenska 1 125 571 352 278 546 683 7 742 89 851 94 998 34 019 Gorenjska 555 193 324 619 59 390 8 470 91 709 71 005 - Notranjsko-kraöka 95 007 168 47 700 3 260 18 040 23 539 2 300 Goriöka 241 088 41 642 24 424 58 298 49 427 918 66 379 Obalno-kraöka 937 674 60 650 198 211 94 558 212 656 224 914 146 685 TekoËi izdatki v varstvo okolja skupaj Odstranjevanje odpadkov Varstvo povröinskih voda Varstvo pred hrupom Varstvo zraka Varstvo podzemnih voda in tal Varstvo narave in pokrajine Current expenditure for environmental protection total Waste removal Protection of surface waters Protection against noise Protection of air Protection of soil and ground- waters Protection of natural landscape SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA 2 615 260 1 717 975 396 256 28 899 145 275 240 650 86 205 Pomurska 38 613 32 484 348 - 668 5 113 - Podravska 320 233 190 316 115 979 - 4 000 5 535 4 403 Koroöka 122 603 65 536 11 544 12 14 45 470 27 Savinjska 821 537 701 581 67 137 - 980 17 814 34 025 Zasavska 38 328 35 236 2 792 - 300 - - Spodnjeposavska 78 854 60 499 5 023 500 5 298 90 7 444 Dolenjska 162 288 123 799 3 858 100 5 591 459 28 481 Osrednjeslovenska 231 100 146 600 54 676 1 564 4 994 17 985 5 281 Gorenjska 553 511 273 602 22 725 460 115 380 139 681 1 663 Notranjsko-kraöka 31 002 25 158 840 624 1 480 - 2 900 Goriöka 185 396 48 245 102 889 25 599 6 570 112 1 981 Obalno-kraöka 31 795 14 919 8 445 40 - 8 391 - Pregled po mestnih naseljih Review by urban settlements StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 519 34.1 Osebe, zaposlene v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po dejavnosti, 30. 9. 1996 Persons in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by activity, 30. 9.1996 34.2 PovpreËne meseËne bruto plaËe zaposlenih oseb v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah po podroËjih dejavnosti, 30. 9. 1996 Average monthly gross earnings per person in paid employment in enterprises and other organizations by activity, 30. 9. 1996 Slovenija Slovenia Celje Jesenice Koper -Capodistria Kranj Ljubljana Maribor Ptuj Trbovlje SKUPAJ 576250 20652 8094 11757 21687 134942 47716 9198 5750 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 222435 4613 2794 1654 11396 26457 14137 2660 2611 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 8343 127 - 77 247 546 314 832 28 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 2306 27 6 - 15 111 90 31 - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 1059 16 - 125 85 408 - 116 - Water management Gradbeniötvo 28300 2111 719 550 787 6895 3253 678 581 Construction Promet in zveze 29155 1752 601 1479 1033 7677 2768 305 224 Transport and communications Trgovina 55385 2544 497 1560 1670 17250 4476 1375 255 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 15545 467 433 230 393 2920 864 36 83 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 15126 887 294 430 417 3790 2771 335 173 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejav. 11687 603 356 373 423 3478 1400 177 127 Community service activities FinanËne, tehn. in poslovne stor. 38522 1465 495 1927 1167 16299 3792 323 463 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 52227 1577 470 998 1371 18729 4863 726 299 Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 54534 2728 872 1150 1265 14149 5892 1068 611 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 41626 1735 557 1204 1418 16233 3096 536 295 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations Slovenija Slovenia Celje Jesenice Koper -Capodistria Kranj Ljubljana Maribor Ptuj Trbovlje SKUPAJ 131918 135694 126925 142268 131616 160199 129882 120049 133615 TOTAL Industrija in rudarstvo 110009 115704 108140 117228 122631 131637 106590 98699 129379 Manufacturing, mining and electricity supply Kmetijstvo in ribiötvo 135416 141746 - 172394 133222 180769 150518 143851 119742 Agriculture and fishing Gozdarstvo 136069 136160 135396 - 152867 138550 150186 130066 - Forestry and hunting Vodno gospodarstvo 129662 151471 - 106552 114579 141427 - 142761 - Water management Gradbeniötvo 113650 127642 101273 120656 104583 124169 116176 94829 103208 Construction Promet in zveze 136860 127634 130216 154340 133515 154430 137660 112763 128873 Transport and communications Trgovina 125925 121090 113741 121492 130556 147385 112207 102253 126172 Trade Gostinstvo in turizem 127456 93430 132756 97231 111495 123738 110224 92628 84609 Hotels, restaurants and travel agencies Obrt in osebne storitve 101347 105372 86964 99443 121538 111261 80188 128559 125788 Crafts and personal service activities Stanovanjsko-komunalna dejav. 116600 118604 122637 128815 107144 113389 115574 121750 116591 Community service activities FinanËne, tehn. in poslovne stor. 179729 178810 194819 170278 161767 197844 169181 148689 163540 Financial and business activities Izobraűevanje in kultura 161189 154828 140871 163042 156516 185452 171392 145495 145990 Education and culture Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 148711 155263 157416 135821 146689 159653 151048 145612 156841 Health and social work Javna uprava, skladi, zdruűenja in organizacije 177959 175235 160873 171835 172216 200127 165129 155357 160146 Public administration, funds, associations and organizations 34. PREGLED PO MESTNIH NASELJIH REVIEW BY URBAN SETTLEMENTS Pregled po mestnih naseljih Review by urban settlements StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 520 34.3 Indeksi cen na drobno, 1996 Retail price indices, 1996 Ø 1995 = 100 Koper - Capodistria Ljubljana Maribor Novo mesto SKUPAJ 110,0 110,3 109,6 110,2 TOTAL BLAGO 108,4 108,6 107,6 108,7 GOODS Sveűe vrtnine, sadje, jajca in ribe 104,8 109,3 112,0 106,9 Fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs and fish Sveűe vrtnine 104,1 107,9 105,1 101,9 Fresh vegetables Sveűe sadje 99,9 99,5 112,5 103,0 Fresh fruit Jajca 122,5 124,5 122,1 125,9 Eggs Sveűe ribe 125,6 149,3 125,2 120,3 Fresh fish Industrijski izdelki skupaj 108,5 108,5 107,4 108,8 Manufactured goods, total Industrijski űivilski izdelki 108,7 108,3 107,7 108,6 Manufactured foodstuffs Izdelki iz űit 109,8 108,5 109,9 108,6 Cereal products Predelane vrtnine 107,0 106,1 106,5 107,1 Processed vegetables Predelano sadje 109,2 115,6 108,5 112,1 Processed fruit Sveűe meso 108,8 106,7 104,9 107,7 Fresh meat Predelano meso 107,9 107,5 107,2 108,5 Processed meat Predelane ribe 110,5 112,7 111,7 106,6 Processed fish Mleko in mleËni izdelki 110,3 109,7 110,8 110,0 Milk and dairy products MaöËobe 102,8 106,0 104,4 105,1 Oils, fats Drugi ind. űivilski izdelki 109,8 110,1 110,0 109,2 Other manufactured foodstuffs PijaËe 114,7 112,0 111,9 115,6 Beverages TobaËni izdelki 110,7 110,7 110,7 110,7 Tobacco Industrijski neűivilski izdelki 107,7 108,2 106,8 108,2 Manufactured non-food products Tekstilni izdelki 106,4 106,8 104,3 106,0 Textile products Volnene tkanine 103,7 102,3 100,5 104,1 Woollen fabrics Bombaűne tkanine 104,1 105,1 102,5 101,1 Cotton fabrics Svilene tkanine 110,1 104,4 104,9 104,1 Silk fabrics Gotovi tekstilni izdelki 106,5 106,5 104,6 106,3 Knitted goods Perilo 106,6 106,5 102,5 103,7 Underwear Konfekcijska oblaËila 107,6 107,5 107,9 108,6 Ready-made clothing Konfekcija za gospodinjstvo 107,5 105,0 103,3 107,4 Ready-made articles for housekeeping Obutev 108,4 103,9 106,7 107,4 Footwear Usnjena galanterija 104,0 113,1 102,9 108,8 Leather products Kurjava in razsvetljava 112,2 111,5 111,1 111,8 Heating and lighting ElektriËna energija za gospodinjstvo 112,0 112,0 112,0 112,0 Electric energy for housekeeping Drugo za razsvetljavo 105,0 104,7 103,4 106,9 Other for lighting Kurjava 114,9 112,8 110,7 112,5 Fuel Pohiötvo 103,3 107,6 105,0 107,5 Furniture Posoda in pribor 106,1 108,4 100,1 106,8 Dishes and tableware Drugi gospodinjski predmeti 103,9 105,2 103,1 105,1 Other household articles ElektriËni gospodinjski aparati 105,3 105,2 102,4 102,2 Electrical household appliances Higienske potreböËine 108,5 110,3 104,9 108,9 Products for personal care Zdravila 108,1 109,4 108,6 110,4 Medicaments Sredstva za izobraűevanje 108,3 109,6 108,5 109,0 Products for education Sredstva za kulturo 118,8 122,3 118,9 118,7 Products for culture Sredstva za razvedrilo 108,3 101,9 100,5 102,8 Products for entertainment Prometna sredstva 104,8 105,0 104,9 104,9 Transport equipment TekoËa goriva in maziva 108,4 108,7 108,8 108,6 Motor fuels and lubricants Kmetijsko orodje 104,8 103,8 110,6 114,7 Agricultural tools ZaöËitna sredstva za kmetijstvo 100,9 103,6 104,5 106,5 Chemicals for use in agriculture Gradbeni material 108,9 107,3 111,8 111,8 Construction material STORITVE 116,7 116,0 116,3 115,8 SERVICES Obrtne storitve 112,1 112,7 107,8 121,7 Craft services Osebne storitve 112,9 116,4 112,3 111,9 Personal services Stanovanjske storitve 159,7 155,4 163,5 146,2 Housing services Komunalne storitve 114,1 109,6 116,2 110,0 Community services FinanËne in druge storitve 107,1 108,8 107,5 107,7 Financial and other services Kulturne storitve 113,4 113,6 113,1 113,4 Cultural services Storitve druűbenega varstva 119,7 123,4 127,6 128,6 Social care Prometne storitve 117,6 113,5 114,9 113,0 Transport services PTT storitve 104,6 104,8 104,8 104,8 Communication services Pregled po mestnih naseljih Review by urban settlements StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 521 34.4 PovpreËne cene na drobno, 1996 Average retail prices, 1996 SIT Merska enota Koper - Capodistria Ljubljana Maribor Novo mesto Unit éita Cereals Riű kg 278,98 286,96 282,32 282,71 kg Rice Izdelki iz űit Cereal products Bel kruh kg 167,90 162,93 155,79 138,58 kg White bread »rn kruh kg 132,38 160,54 143,56 132,25 kg Brown bread Bela moka kg 80,77 80,73 80,82 80,52 kg White flour Testenine z jajci kg 262,36 247,26 263,28 248,27 kg Pasta with eggs éemlja kos 27,75 21,50 22,67 21,25 piece Roll Napolitanke kg 842,05 943,40 955,47 946,88 kg Naples biscuits DomaËi keksi kg 539,73 590,17 624,01 504,31 kg Biscuits Vrtnine Vegetables Krompir kg 55,13 48,56 54,49 51,86 kg Potatoes Fiűol v zrnju kg 307,40 323,30 321,96 327,50 kg Beans »ebula kg 116,52 103,52 106,24 95,24 kg Onions »esen kg 451,11 372,77 415,84 407,99 kg Garlic Sladko zelje kg 104,51 97,46 102,55 111,43 kg Cabbage Kislo zelje kg 166,88 178,88 179,26 123,85 kg Pickled cabbage Jedilno korenje kg 189,21 188,48 177,03 193,72 kg Carrots Sveűi paradiűnik kg 317,12 285,41 328,54 292,51 kg Tomatoes Sveűa paprika kg 438,73 379,40 395,64 391,82 kg Paprika CvetaËa kg 277,74 259,30 288,58 285,36 kg Cauliflower Zelena solata (endivija) kg 296,46 281,78 277,12 305,24 kg Green salat Sadje Fruit Jabolka kg 154,21 148,93 135,32 140,40 kg Apples Hruöke kg 244,84 219,27 209,60 205,96 kg Pears »eönje kg 311,44 673,08 381,60 675,00 kg Cherries Vrtne jagode kg 1204,98 1111,81 1109,52 711,25 kg Strawberries Slive kg 179,92 252,43 205,63 267,25 kg Plums Grozdje kg 469,29 428,57 491,63 468,60 kg Grapes Limone kg 232,45 225,00 254,92 233,40 kg Lemons PomaranËe kg 198,77 207,78 210,83 196,48 kg Oranges Banane kg 159,62 143,84 156,89 156,25 kg Bananas Orehova jedrca kg 1296,70 969,89 1061,28 1069,19 kg Kernels Sveűe meso Fresh meat Govedina s kostmi kg 1027,97 993,80 971,13 1005,25 kg Unboned beef Teletina s kostmi kg 1479,47 1476,83 1235,80 1377,52 kg Unboned veal Svinina s kostmi kg 833,50 806,36 805,00 780,09 kg Unboned pork Zaklani piöËanec kg 548,61 520,88 532,67 550,98 kg Chicken Mesni izdelki Meat products Suha svinjska rebra kg 962,28 1020,65 1016,60 1002,88 kg Dried pork ribs äunka kg 1399,01 1271,06 1399,10 1400,37 kg Ham Prekajena mesnata slanina kg 1235,15 1380,66 1237,39 1227,58 kg Smoked bacon Salama öunkarica kg 1275,14 1337,80 1309,73 1333,44 kg Rolled ham Hrenovke kg 1076,87 1013,91 1126,68 1013,14 kg Frankfurt sausage Mortadela kg 1114,10 1180,35 1102,73 1133,86 kg Frankfurter Zimska salama kg 3213,89 3253,20 2277,33 2813,60 kg Winter / dried salami Jajca kos 26,79 24,96 21,52 25,64 piece Eggs Mleko in mleËni izdelki Milk and dairy products Mleko, TP l 78,15 78,34 78,15 78,14 l Milk Alpsko mleko l 120,40 121,42 121,07 121,33 l Alpine / sterilized milk Jogurt l 265,09 267,79 288,10 262,72 l Yoghourt Surovo maslo kg 746,39 732,90 741,21 736,12 kg Butter Sir trapist kg 867,51 901,82 847,67 950,29 kg Trappist cheese Skuta kg 501,38 453,77 509,65 413,59 kg Cottage cheese MaöËobe Fats DomaËa svinjska mast kg 241,20 269,61 243,16 302,50 kg Lard Jedilno olje l 201,26 199,68 200,28 200,10 l Edible oil Margarina kg 498,55 492,09 507,32 494,70 kg Margarine Alkoholne pijaËe Alcoholic drinks Kakovostno belo vino l 393,71 344,73 423,37 402,50 l Quality white wine éganje l 1951,55 1761,73 2289,73 1883,42 l Fruit brandy Pivo 1/2 l 228,46 223,82 210,68 213,53 1/2 l Beer Vinjak l 1656,92 1478,38 2025,04 1915,26 l Brandy distilled from wine Pregled po mestnih naseljih Review by urban settlements StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 522 Druga industrijska űivila Other industrial food products Sladkor kg 142,19 143,37 136,13 137,54 kg Sugar Med kg 662,23 599,45 689,62 646,02 kg Honey Praűena kava kg 1680,02 1746,31 1736,25 1654,06 kg Roasted coffee »aj zavitek 207,79 203,80 217,11 212,08 box Tea Jedilna Ëokolada kg 1326,77 1245,21 1346,56 1343,28 kg Chocolate MleËna Ëokolada kg 1231,83 1240,73 1533,27 1180,61 kg Milk chocolate Kuhinjska sol kg 79,45 81,88 82,75 78,63 kg Table salt Kis l 192,85 190,14 188,02 178,77 l Vinegar Volnene tkanine Woollen fabrics Tkanina iz Ëesane preje za moöke obleke m 3578,28 3288,33 3419,95 3688,72 m Cloth from worsted yarn for men's suits Tkanina iz Ëesane preje za űenske obleke m 3256,00 3371,75 3149,81 2617,00 m Cloth from worsted yarn for women's suits Tkanina za űenske obleke m 2611,33 2775,56 2605,26 2336,58 m Cloth for women's suits Bombaűne tkanine Cotton fabrics Posteljno platno (140 cm) m 698,30 851,90 942,21 1089,00 m Bed linen (140 cm) Damast m 1157,33 1241,44 1245,54 1378,16 m Damast linen Poplin za űenske bluze m 994,50 1153,97 975,14 1040,56 m Poplin for women's blouses Konfekcijski izdelki Ready-made clothing Moöke hlaËe kos 12115,45 11609,78 10209,70 9985,57 piece Men's pants Moöka srajca (100-%-ni bombaű) kos 4717,50 6549,02 5278,92 5788,10 piece Men's 100% cotton shirt éensko krilo kos 7673,01 8540,67 7344,13 7706,83 piece Women's skirt éenska bluza (100-%-na viskoza) kos 8604,33 8382,53 7865,03 8330,03 piece Women's blouses, 100% viscoze Otroöka trenirka kos 5186,67 4770,00 4787,44 4546,43 piece Children's track-suits Otroöke hlaËe kos 4413,06 4242,08 4008,85 3641,63 piece Children's pants Drugi tekstilni izdelki Other textile products Jogi rjuha kos 1991,58 1934,17 1731,16 1914,06 piece Mattress sheet Preöita odeja kos 8248,13 8660,42 7593,43 8452,11 piece Quilts BrisaËa kos 997,50 1073,19 1036,19 1056,93 piece Bath towels Preproga kos 4729,70 3161,22 3971,50 4207,05 piece Carpet Obutev Footwear Moöki nizki Ëevlji iz boksa par 6439,50 6231,38 6961,18 6010,33 pair Men's boxcalf shoes éenski nizki Ëevlji iz boksa par 6370,50 6392,39 5828,60 6046,03 pair Women's boxcalf shoes éenski salonarji par 5547,50 6096,39 5719,29 5794,41 pair Women's shoes Otroöki nizki Ëevlji z gumijastim podplatom par 4850,53 4674,19 4779,25 4687,69 pair Children's rubber-soled shoes äportni copati par 5896,86 6361,56 5599,60 5931,09 pair Sport shoes Pohiötvo Furniture Spalnica garn. 219643,56 206797,54 205831,80 200449,42 suite Bedroom Kuhinjski stol kos 7263,69 11487,86 7044,33 7369,35 piece Chair Kuhinjska miza kos 40910,89 41170,25 44636,42 44433,06 piece Dinner table Pomivalno korito kos 16749,44 13660,01 14711,58 13666,75 piece Washing sink ViseËa dvokrilna kuhinjska omarica kos 14041,42 16762,78 14901,00 17772,38 piece Wall-mounted two-door kitchen cabinet KavË kos 98436,95 75025,68 79267,04 77566,04 piece Sofa Gospodinjski aparati Household appliances ElektriËni ötedilnik kos 63916,35 66345,46 63120,67 58394,04 piece Electric cooker Emajliran ötedilnik kos 64886,56 62228,00 61480,59 65224,59 piece Enamel cooker Sesalnik kos 18435,78 18990,02 20110,89 18313,22 piece Vacuum cleaner Pralni stroj kos 65385,78 66062,31 68288,89 64779,19 piece Washing machine Hladilnik kos 50838,00 53281,75 50103,09 50676,90 piece Refrigerator Televizor (zaslon 60-66 cm) kos 114179,54 133785,61 98922,67 102818,35 piece Television set (screen 60-66 cm) ElektriËni likalnik kos 3723,75 3755,00 3980,65 3734,17 piece Electric iron Drugi gospodinjski predmeti Other household articles Emajliran lonec, 2.5 l kos 1130,78 1403,00 1320,43 1315,33 piece Enamel pot, 2,5 l Teflonska ponev kos 2279,20 1999,05 2493,54 1863,27 piece China plates Emajlirana kozica kos 815,55 873,25 1074,72 1097,02 piece Enamel casserole Jedilni pribor kos 6508,61 7983,78 8118,47 6538,67 piece Cutlery Kroűnik iz porcelana kos 359,77 405,27 374,99 349,72 piece China plates Kozarec za vodo, 2 dl kos 75,23 83,75 83,79 85,31 piece Glasses, 2 dl éarnica, 60 W kos 92,18 87,27 78,34 84,27 piece Light bulbs (60 W) Kmetijsko orodje Agricultural tools Sekira kg 1658,85 1939,67 1669,82 1817,90 kg Axe Motika kg 1718,32 1299,17 1679,30 1389,90 kg Hoe Motorna kosilnica kos 32339,82 32063,50 33018,00 26842,24 piece Reaping-machine Vinogradniöka ökropilnica kos 10384,54 12795,00 14103,74 11050,00 piece Vineyard spraying device Merska enota Koper - Capodistria Ljubljana Maribor Novo mesto Unit 34.4 PovpreËne cene na drobno, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Average retail prices, 1996 (continued) SIT Pregled po mestnih naseljih Review by urban settlements StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 523 Gradbeni material Construction material Zidna opeka kos 57,22 47,07 47,78 50,35 piece Brick Cement portland kg 11,58 13,67 13,99 12,92 kg Portland cement Hidrirano apno kg 11,62 16,04 14,80 13,60 kg Hydrated lime Deske iz mehkega lesa m2* 24508,33 27338,15 23652,60 20533,33 m2* Soft wood planks éeblji kg 185,14 200,00 232,10 148,52 kg Nails Kurjava in razsvetljava Heating and lighting Drva za kurjavo m3 6633,33 6797,50 6791,00 3912,30 m3 Firewood Lignit t 13500,00 9554,00 9484,27 10510,67 t Lignite Kurilno olje l 36,14 36,14 36,14 36,14 l Fuel oil TekoËi plin butan kg 94,77 94,75 94,76 94,77 kg Gas ElektriËna energija za gosp. (dnevna) kWh 12,63 12,63 12,63 12,63 kWh Electricity for housekeeping (in daytime) Goriva Fuels NeosvinËeni motorni bencin, 91-okt. l 69,66 69,66 69,66 69,66 l Motor petrol, 91 octane (unleaded) OsvinËeni motorni bencin, 98-okt. l 81,57 81,57 81,57 81,57 l Motor petrol, 98 octane (leaded) Plinsko olje D-2 l 69,05 69,05 69,05 69,05 l Gas oil äolske potreböËine School Outfit Zvezek kos 88,50 89,28 81,05 73,58 piece Exercise notebooks Pisalni papir (500 listov) zavitek* 1465,83 923,79 925,80 935,72 pocket* Writing paper (500 pages) Navadni svinËnik kos 37,04 42,90 45,93 32,91 piece Pencil Ravnilo kos 46,00 62,61 64,87 52,67 piece Ruler Higienske potreböËine in Ëistilna sredstva Hygiene and cleaning materials Toaletno milo kg 991,33 1019,92 891,73 974,77 kg Toilet soap Zobna krema kos 229,45 244,08 235,44 219,01 piece Toothpaste äampon l 1093,38 1415,83 1033,26 1076,00 l Shampoo Pralni praöek kg 348,43 274,63 295,56 290,28 kg Washing powder Milo za pranje kg 474,76 491,42 514,57 472,03 kg Washing soap Obrtne storitve Craft services äivanje moöke obleke kos 24566,67 21250,00 18875,42 19333,33 piece Men's tailoring äivanje krila kos 4400,00 5800,00 3469,17 4958,33 piece Dressmaking (skirt) Podplatenje moökih Ëevljev par 1804,17 931,11 950,00 1341,67 pair Resoling men's footwear Moöko striűenje 1200,00 1316,67 1195,83 925,00 Men's hairdressing Britje (kolonjska voda in krema) 1050,00 663,89 883,33 775,00 Shaving (eau de Cologne and shaving cream) Trajna ondulacija (hladna) 5800,00 5368,34 5146,67 4765,00 Perm, cold KemiËno ËiöËenje moöke obleke kos 1483,33 1277,92 1215,00 1278,33 piece Dry cleaning of men's shirt Popravilo televizorja 1 ura 1921,29 3045,00 1787,94 2138,79 1 hour Television set repair Pleskanje prostorov m2 249,58 220,75 220,00 180,83 m2 House painting Stanovanjske storitve Housing services Obratovalni stroöki m2 14,86 37,23 38,03 18,62 m2 Operating costs Stanarina m2 186,46 226,45 222,36 225,68 m2 Rent Komunalne storitve Community services Voda za gospodinjstvo m3 163,02 53,67 75,96 86,80 m3 Water for households Odvoz smeti m2 10,38 6,06 10,60 6,15 m2 Rubbish collection Ogrevanje stanovanj MWh - 3481,39 2933,33 - MWh Apartment heating Poötne in telefonske storitve Postal services Znamka za pismo kos 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 piece Stamp for letter Dopisnica kos 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 piece Postcard Telefonska kartica (100 impulzov) kos 1300,00 1300,00 1300,00 1300,00 piece Phone card (100 units) Telefonska naroËnina za samost. prikljuËek kos 915,60 915,60 915,60 915,60 piece Telephone subscription for individual connection Kulturne storitve Cultural services Vstopnica za kino kos 433,33 541,67 450,00 500,00 piece Cinema ticket Vstopnica za gledaliöËe kos 1400,00 1700,00 2000,00 1300,00 piece Theatre ticket Vstopnica za nogometno tekmo kos - 1000,00 800,00 - piece Ticket for a football match Prometne storitve Transport services Prevoz potnikov Passenger transport z mestnim avtobusom vozovnica 80,00 88,33 153,33 130,83 ticket City bus z medkrajevnim avtobusom km 9,62 9,62 9,62 9,62 km Intercity bus z vlakom km 6,09 6,09 6,09 6,09 km Train s taksijem km 213,33 160,00 194,00 200,83 km Taxi z letalom km - 57,52 - - km Aeroplane Merska enota Koper - Capodistria Ljubljana Maribor Novo mesto Unit 34.4 PovpreËne cene na drobno, 1996 (nadaljevanje) Average retail prices, 1996 (continued) SIT Pregled po mestnih naseljih Review by urban settlements StatistiËni letopis Republike Slovenije 1997 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia 1997 524 34.5 Cene novih stanovanj, ki so jih zgradila gradbena podjetja in druge organizacije Prices of new dwellings built by construction enterprises and other organizations 1) ätevilo novih stanovanj, za katera je bil v letu opravljen konËni obraËun. / No. of new dwellings for which final financial calculation was made during the year. 2) Do leta 1990 dinarji. / Until 1990 in Dinars. 34.6 éelezniöki promet, 1996 Railway transport, 1996 1) äteti sta postaji Jesenice in Slovenski Javornik. / Stations Jesenice and Slovenski Javornik are included. 2) ätete so postaje Ljubljana Center, Moste, äiöka, Rakovnik in »rnuËe. / Stations Ljubljana Center, Moste, äiöka, Rakovnik and »rnuËe are included. 3) äteti sta postaji Ljutomer in Ljutomer-mesto. / Stations Ljutomer and Ljutomer-city are included. 4) ätete so postaje Maribor, Maribor-Studenci in Tezno. / Stations Maribor, Maribor-Studenci and Tezno are included. ätevilo stanovanj1) No. of dwellings1) Povröina stanovanj Area of dwellings PovpreËna konËna cena za 1 m2 Average final price per 1 m2 Od tega stroöki gradnje Of that construction costs Deleű stroökov gradnje Share of construction costs (m2 ) SIT2) SIT2) (%) 1985 4810 269904 9 7 79,5 1990 1430 79610 12939 9929 76,7 1992 687 43173 98730 69550 70,4 1993 631 36224 155289 99675 64,2 1994 582 34262 153751 107975 70,2 1995 646 38130 192064 138014 71,9 1996 595 35887 189022 131329 69,5 SKUPAJ / TOTAL 595 35887 189022 131329 69,5 Celje 52 2774 127587 101637 79,7 Koper - Capodistria 6 434 198580 129077 65,0 Kranj - - ... ... ... Ljubljana 268 17702 197913 134598 68,0 Maribor 16 1000 152950 135514 88,6 Druga naselja / Other settlements 253 13977 145174 110609 76,2 Potniöki promet odpotovali Passenger transport Passengers having departed 1000 Tovorni promet / Goods transport 1000 t skupaj total naloűeno loaded razloűeno unloaded SKUPAJ / TOTAL 7400 6028 1929 4099 Bled - jezero / lake 13 16 12 4 Breűice 96 42 27 15 Celje 648 632 123 509 »rnomelj 257 35 29 6 Hrastnik 142 134 30 104 Ilirska Bistrica 130 43 4 39 Jesenice1) 290 279 46 233 Kranj 99 78 33 45 Kröko 167 349 54 295 Laöko 222 21 4 17 Lendava 0 393 218 175 Litija 714 13 7 6 Ljubljana, oűji del2) 1522 1227 510 717 Viűmarje 6 3 2 1 Zalog 42 1099 161 938 Ljutomer3) 41 23 10 13 Maribor4) 723 318 56 262 Metlika 44 4 2 2 Murska Sobota 59 32 16 16 Nova Gorica 123 95 42 53 Novo mesto 168 177 56 121 Ormoű 92 197 22 175 Postojna 118 8 5 3 Ptuj 151 59 6 53 Lesce 94 7 2 5 Sevnica 336 37 18 19 Seűana 77 29 8 21 Slovenska Bistrica 109 45 20 25 äkofja Loka 127 51 17 34 äoötanj 74 19 1 18 Velenje 53 136 63 73 Trbovlje 307 291 229 62 Viönja Gora 51 0 0 0 Zagorje ob Savi 280 63 42 21 éalec 25 73 54 19