Secular trend in body dimensions in boys from Tuzla region in period 1980 –1996 1HAD@IHALILOVI] Jasminka, 1TERZI] Rifet, 1AHMI] Adisa, 2H.HALILOVI] Amir, 3NO@INOVI] Amra, 1[EHI] Amela, 1HAMIDOVI] Hajrija, and 4JUSUPOVI] Fatima 1Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Department of Biology, University of Tuzla, 75000 Tuzla, Univerzitetska br.4, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Tel.fax: ++ 387 35 286 454; E-mail: 2Gymnasium »M. Selimovi}« Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 3School of Phylosophy of Tuzla University, Faculty of Physical Education, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 4College of Healt Studies, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Abstract. Within 16 year-period secular trend in seven measurements of physical growth of male children and youth from Tuzla Region, was researched by correspon- ding analysis of the sample that involved 1329 researched subjects. Our data were compared with the results of research from 1980 in the sample of 1349 boys. Nine suc- cessive generations in 1980 and 1996, from Tuzla region, were involved in this research. Analysis of the data obtained is based primarily on scientific elaboration of the situation registered in 1996 in the tested part of the broader population, after an unnatural and extremely unfavorable period for physical growth of the large majority of that population. The aim of this research was to establish secular trend (negative or positive) for the seven measurements of physical growth of male children and youth comparing our results from 1996 to corresponding research results on growth and development from 1980, the sample of about same population (nearly same number of investigated persons). Although the unfavorable war living conditions negatively affected ontogenesis of the researched subjects, body dimensions of male children and youth were established as harmonious, in the limits of average European standards. However, it seems the unfavorable living conditions caused temporary slowdown in body dimensions, so, for these generations (11 to 19 years old), we could not find any increase of mean values (for certain number) of the researched parameters in compar- ison with the sample from 1980 year. So, 16 year-acceleration trend for most param- eters was established and it is particularly evident in postpubertal period. Key words: secular trend, boys’ growth and development ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2005 Vol. 48, [t. 1: 33-44 Sprejeto (accepted): 2004-11-17 Introduction In the last century, nearly in all the world population, gradual acceleration of different increased measures of physical growth was noticed. This occurance was marked as acceleration of growth (sec- stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 33 ular trend), and it means faster growth (shortened growth cycle) faster achievement of sexual matu- rity and increase in body height and weight. Children are »higher« and »heavier« in all ages than the children of the same age 100, 50, even 20 years ago. The term acceleration in broader sense means increase in body dimensions, prolonged reproductive period, longer human lifetime, faster growth of fetus, changes in psychic development, then increased dimensions of certain organs, as well as mat- uration of their functions (NIKOLI} & DOVAT 1978 ). Most significant factors causing this occurance are: improvement of general living conditions (among them nutrition is most important), children get sick more rarely, increased possibility of new combination of genes is present due to more frequent migrations (NIKOLI} & DOVAT 1978), occur- ance of increased number of heterozygotes for the genes that prevailing to a certain extent direct growing. There is no direct evidence that it is a causal mechanism, so environmental factors might be main cause of secular changes (SUSANNE 1985, MALINA 1979). However, secular change of growth is a reversible biological process, so, if socio-economic and growth-hygienic conditions would aggravate to the level they were on a few centuries ago, we could expect come-back of growth type that used to exist in Europe (WIERINGEN 1979). The same author concludes that secular changes may be positive and negative. He relied upon the time of investiga- tion and upon geographic varieties among population (WIERINGEN 1986). This author researched sec- ular changes in Holland, related to the body height, within the period 1850 -1978, and found (1979) strong connection between the secular changes and general socio-economic impacts, nutrition, health conditions, and demographic parametrs. In his opinion there are no indications of certain changes (as a result of selection) in genotype of the Dutch population that could be the cause of that connection. Heterosis did not play a significant role in it, either. For Belgian population the data for the period 1830-1980 show the average height and weight sig- nificantly increased, particularly in the course of the growing period, and to a lower extent, in the adulthood. These data are in accordance to European and North American data on secular trend for the period 1880 –1980, and they are as follows: 1,5 cm/decade in childhood, 2,5 cm/decade in ado- lescence, and about 1 cm/decade in adulthood. Increase in body dimensions of adults in the recent decades has varied between 0,3 & 3,0 cm/decade (HAUSPIE & AL 1997 ). Secular tendency toward a higher growth and earlier maturity are predominantly connected to better nutrition and general health conditions of the population (HISAFUMI & AL 1999). In the last two or three decades in our country 18-years old boys are every year approximatelly high- er for about 0,2 mm, heavier to 0,3 kg (BERBEROVI} & HAD`ISELIMOVI} 1982). This increase is expected to be followed by improvement of socio-economic conditions and vice versa, and it decreases during crises and wartime periods. Some indications show that this rate has decreased since 1980, or even stopped in these countries (BIELICKI & WALISKO 1991; SANNA, FLORIS & COSSEDU 1993). These indications in industrialized countries show that environmental living con- ditions enabled reaching their maximal genetic potentials, or their social conditions ceased improv- ing (WEBER & AL 1995). Secular tendency in the achieved growth and growth rate are usually more frequent in children of lower socio-economic status. Secular trend in growth rate slowdowned in some populations, but in the others it is going on, or it may decrease in future. Lots of researches in the world show that secular tendency in adults’ height has been getting slow in most countries during recent 10 to 20 years (HAUSPIE & AL 1996). The lowest increase in growth of the adults was noticed in Sweden and Norwey, what indicates that adults’ growth nearly reached its peak in these countries in recent decades. Western countries like Belgium, England, The Netherlands, show secular tendency between the values of 1,0 – 1,3 cm/decade. The highest increase in the adults’ height (3,0 cm/decade was found (in women) in Chech Republic and (in men) in Japan (1950 – 1960; HAUSPIE & AL 1996). Many countries worldwide have publications with referential data on children and youth’s body development, and on secular trend in certain populational measures. In former Yugoslavia secular trend in growth and development was researched by KOVA~ (1973), BRODAR (1961), DOVE~AR Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (1), 2005 34 stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 34 (1978), TOMAZO-RAVNIK (1988, 1999), [TEFAN~I} ET AL. (1996), GAVRILOVI} (1972, 1974), PREBEG (1978, 1995, 1997), and IVANOVI} (1985). The tables and centile diagrams (obtained in such researches) are used directly as tables of norms in pediatrics, school medicine, in anthropologic sport institutes (because they deal with normal physi- cal growth of children and youth). Basic biological factors of secular tendencies are not completely cleared up. However, most of researchers dealing with this phenomenon have been explaining it by genetic factors and factors of external environment. These data on acceleration of individual physical growth seriously put the question: Will the period required for reaching the boys & girls’ sexual maturity keep shortening childhood and will a human being be of a giantic stature in future? However, if the suppositions on heterosis (as a result of increased migrations) and improved socio-economic situation in the world population are the main factors of this acceleration, then it is difficult to believe in such prognoses. In addition to this, pos- sibility of increasing heterezygosity in stimulation of quantitative features (potentially similar geno- types) is naturally limited, the topic that has been discussed about much recently, (HAD`ISELIMOVI} 1988). HIERNAUX (1975) set a hypothesis that our descendants would probably be higher than we are today, but they should not be giants. Basic demographic, economic and climate features of the researched Region Tuzla is a powerful economic, cultural, educational and administrative center, not only in the Region itself, but on all B&H territory. This city is characterized by relatively fast socio-economic develop- ment after World War II, what resulted in a hasty increase of inhabitants number, primarily by means of mechanical increase in population (migrations). So, the census from 1971 year established the number of 107 293 inhabitants in Tuzla, out of which 37,08% were immigrants. The biggest increase in inhabitants number was registered between 1955 and 1965. This factor influenced bioanthropo- logic heterogeneity of the researched sample of the Tuzla’s population, as well. From the time of the researches in Tuzla community (NOVAKOVI} 1980) and the researches of ours, number of inhabitants increased for 47 092 more. For the time of 16 years (including the war results, as well), demographic picture of Tuzla changed considerably.In the course of the four year- war (1992-1996), the number of inhabitants in this region increased rapidly due to forced migrations, banishments, so, in 1996 it amounted 154 384; 38.566 (24,98% of expatriates, and 115 818 (75,03%) domiciles (FEDERAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS SARAJEVO 1998). Mixture of the population of different local origin with domiciles before the war, as well as expatriates presence and displaced people during and after the war in the Region of Tuzla affected (and will do it in the future) the changes of genetic structure of the population. According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics Sarajevo (1998) there were 31 097 (20,14%) employed people. And 16 years ago the number of employed people was 34 885 (32,50%) in 1980 (NOVAKOVI} 1980). According to the same source, an average salary for December 1996 was 253,10 KM or 126,55 Eura. From the data offered it can be concluded that Tuzla’s populaton is mainly consisted of workers, what naturally affects socio-economic status of a family and the population in general. The war and migrations changed the national structure of the researched Region. Speaking about climate, Tuzla has moderate-continental climate. In this Region, summers are warm, winters are cold. The mean year air temperature is relatively high, it ranges from 10,2 to 11,4 0C, with clearly distinguished seasons. Summer and spring temperatures are changeable (KULENOVI} 1980). Had`ihalilovi} J., Terzi} R., Ahmi} A., H. Halilovi} A., No`inovi} A., [ehi} A.: Secular trend... 35 stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 35 Objectives To analyze 16 year-secular trend in growth dynamic changes by comparison the obtained results with corresponding data from 1980. To create necessary data – base for research of temporal differences, including four-year aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into consideration the fact that all the researched subjects lived one period of physical growth in extremely unfavorable war conditions. Material and methods Researches that are a source of data collected in this study, were carried out in Tuzla Region in autumn 1996/97. Anthropological measurements were carried out out in four primary and two sec- ondary schools. Crosss – sectional method was used. The measurement involved 1321 male pupils, age 11 to 19 years.The sample was randomly chosen and stratified according to subjects’ decimal age: pupils age 10 years and six months to the 11 years and 5 months made the group of the age 11 years; 16,6 to 12,5 made the group of the age 12 years (Table 1). Seven anthropometric parameters were used in this research: 1. stature 2. body weight 3. mean chest circumference 4. upper arm circumference; 5. total arm length; 6. biacromial breadth and 7. biil- iocristal breadth. All measurements were carried out according to IBP (International Biologic Program), (HAD`ISE- LIMOVI} & LELO 1998). Descriptive statistics and t-tests were done in the Program Statistics for Windows, Copyright Stat Soft, Inc.1993. Statistical analysis primarily involved evaluation of the central tendency measure- ments. Statistical significance of differences between the results of our research and the researches from 1980 was evaluted, as well (t-test). Results and discussion Stature (body height) is one of the most stable parameters of physical growth, that reflects complex processes in organism. Comparison of the results from 1996 (series II) with those from 1980 (series I) reveals significantly lower mean values of body height in series II than in series I (age 11 to 15 years).This difference in mean values is statistically significant, that is shown in t-test results (Table 2). Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (1), 2005 36 1980 1996 1996 Total: Age (years) N N N Domiciles Refugees 11 113 107 32 139 12 149 117 26 143 13 143 132 33 165 14 188 146 38 184 15 140 115 41 156 16 187 75 58 133 17 138 89 57 146 18 192 86 69 155 19 69 54 46 100 Total: 1349 921 400 1321 Table 1: Age structure of the researched sample stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 36 Boys from series II over 15 year age have higher mean body height than in series I, due to 16 year – accelerating trend. So, for example, 18 years old boy from series II is approximately higher for 1,16 cm than the same boy from series I, so, acceleration trend for that generation is 0,73 cm/decade. Secular trend for the generations from 11 to 15 years, is negative (Fig.1) (due to already mentioned reasons), but for the postadolescent growth (age 16, 17, 18 and 19 years) is evident and amounts 1,01 cm/decade. These data correspond to decade diapason of secular trend for Europe and North America, that show secular trend in growth between 1880 and 1980 was 1,5 cm/decade in childhood, 2,5 cm/decade in adolescency, and about 1,0 cm/decade in adulthood (MALINA 1990). This temporary slowdown in body height increase in boys from series II in prepuberty and puberty is probably due to higher child’s sensitivity to negative impact of external factors. Namely, all the external factors that more or less affect physical growth and development, were led to the values that strongly affected children and youth in the mentioned period due to four year-agression. Results on body height in Ljubljana’s boys (Slovenia) from 1991/92, series III ([TEFAN~I} & AL 1996), and from 2000 year – series IV (STREL & AL 2001) show secular trend in that area to stagnate (Fig.1). Figure 1 shows boys from series III and IV approximately »higher« than boys from series II. Those differences in average body height are supposed to be result of genetic potential difference. Had`ihalilovi} J., Terzi} R., Ahmi} A., H. Halilovi} A., No`inovi} A., [ehi} A.: Secular trend... 37 Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1 (cm) X2 (cm) SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 145,36 142,77 5,98 6,54 - - 3,28* * 12 149 143 150,07 146,30 7,06 6,55 3,24 2,47 4,74* ** 13 143 165 156,02 153,47 8,36 8,40 3,96 4,90 2,66* 14 188 184 163,05 161,13 9,20 8,29 4,50 4,99 2,12* 15 170 156 169,98 168,18 8,03 8,56 4,25 4,37 1,95 16 187 133 170,90 172,44 7,61 6,56 0,54 2,53 1,94 17 138 146 174,07 175,14 6,55 6,99 1,85 1,56 1,33 18 192 155 176,76 177,92 7,16 7,21 1,54 1,59 1,50 19 69 100 176,17 178,87 6,78 6,79 0,99 0,53 2,54* Table 2: Stature of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) 140 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 172 176 180 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Age St at ur e (c m ) Series I Tuzla 1980 Series II Tuzla 1996 Series III Ljubljana 1991/92 Series IV Ljubljana 2000 Fig.1. Comparative diagram of stature of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996, and the youth from Ljubljana 1991/92 and 2000 stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 37 Those differences might have been a bit smaller if the boys from series II had not stagnated in growth due to already mentioned reasons. Examples of negative and stagnating secular trend were found in many countries in a lot of studies including those from wartime and economic crises (TANNER 1968, WALKER & AL 1988, KUH AND WADSWORTH 1989). Body weight. In addition to body height, body weight is most important parameter in bioanthropol- ogy for research and monitoring physical growth and development. Unlike height, weight is labile factor, changable by impact of various endo- and exogenous factors. Body weight increase coincides with body hight increase, so most intensive increase in body weight in series II was registered in age of 14 years (Fig. 2). Negative or stagnating secular trend was registered in series II in age of 11, 12, 13, 17, and 18 years in comparison to series I. Comparison of results from series II and series I shows boys from series II, aged 11 to13 years have significantly lower average body weight, than in series II (Table 3, Fig. 2). Temporary stagnation in body weight increase in series II could be explained before all, by incorrect diet (hunger, lack of vitamins and proteins), bad socio-healthy and hygienic conditions our domicile and banished population experinced in the course of the last agression on Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparison of the results from series II on average body weight and series III and IV (considering time distance between publishd reseraches in Ljubljana and Tuzla) shows differences that are an out- come of already mentioned differences in average body height (Table 3, Fig. 2). Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (1), 2005 38 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Age Bo dy W ei gh t ( kg ) Series I 1980 Tuzla Series II 1996 Tuzla Series III 1991/92 Ljubljana Series IV 2000 Ljubljana Fig.2. Comparative diagram of body weight of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996, and the youth from Ljubljana 1991/92 and 2000 Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1 X2 SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 35,92 33,92 6,09 6,07 - - 2,60* 12 149 143 40,02 36,44 8,38 6,57 11,41 7,43 4,07*** 13 143 165 44,13 42,28 9,80 10,76 10,26 16,02 1,58 14 188 184 50,98 50,53 0,09 12,30 15,52 19,53 0,5 15 170 156 56,40 55,87 9,46 11,77 10,63 10,56 0,45 16 187 133 58,05 59,98 9,86 9,08 2,92 7,35 1,81 17 138 146 63,50 61,96 8,21 8,79 9,38 3,31 1,53 18 192 155 67,00 66,34 8,72 8,78 5,51 7,06 0,70 19 69 100 68,42 68,35 7,54 9,52 2,11 3,03 0,05 Table 3. Body weight of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 38 Mean chest circumference. Mean chest circumference represents a few parameters of body dimen- sions characteristic for growth. Chest circumference is sufficient if it amounts a half of body height, and insufficient if it is under a half of that measure. Comparison of the results from series II with series I, shows acceleration increase of this parameter (1,78 cm/dec) particularly apparent in post-14 years of life (Table 4). Boys from series II have in all age categories higher average values for mean chest circumference than their age boys 16 years ago (series I). At age 15 to 19 years, the established differences between average values are statistically significant (Table 4). Boys from series II have lower value of chest circumference than in series III in all periods of growth (Fig. 3). Upper arm circumference. Increase in upper arm circumference in series II is highest in adolescent shock (age 14 years), but it is most intensive between age 17 and 18 years, as well, (Table 5). The first maximum in relation to intensive general growth and development in puberty, the second one is likely in relation to muscle growth, when maximal sport and physical efforts start. Secular trend in boys from series II is found in puberty, while it stagnates in prepuberty and postpuberty (Fig. 4). Total arm length. Results of analysis on the arm length are shown in Tabe 6 and Figure 5. Mean values for the arm length are significantly lower (Tab. 6) in series II in relation to series of all ages, except in 18 years old boys. Negative secular trend is happening here until 19 years age, when mean value in series II came close to values in series I. Biacromial breadth. Is a good indicator for growth of trunk, skeleton and musculature. Fig.6 shows that shoulder growth in width is happening in the course of puberty. Most intensive growth is in 15 year age, then it slowdowns until 19 year age. The boys from series II of all ages have significantly higher values (Tab. 7) in relation to series I. Tuzla’s boys (series II) have around same shoulder width as well as their age boys from Ljubljana (series III) in all ages from 11 to 15 years, and after that period Tuzla’s boys have higher values of shoulder width than their age boys from Ljubljana (Fig. 6). Acceleration increase for this parameter is overt in all age categories and it is 1,74 cm/decade. Had`ihalilovi} J., Terzi} R., Ahmi} A., H. Halilovi} A., No`inovi} A., [ehi} A.: Secular trend... 39 Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1(cm) X2(cm) SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 67,37 68,66 4,15 4,81 - - 2,29* 12 149 143 69,64 70,11 5,12 5,05 3,37 2,10 0,80 13 143 165 72,45 73,80 6,19 6,72 4,04 5,27 1,83 14 188 184 78,74 79,14 4,53 8,22 8,68 7,24 0,58 15 170 156 79,70 82,48 5,42 7,98 1,22 4,21 3,65** 16 187 133 79,76 85,79 4,72 5,65 0,08 4,02 10,07*** 17 138 146 84,11 86,97 4,57 5,77 5,45 1,37 4,64*** 18 192 155 86,03 89,74 4,58 5,29 2,28 3,19 6,90*** 19 69 100 87,49 91,05 4,02 5,48 1,70 1,46 4,86*** Table 4. Mean chest circumference of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1(cm) X2(cm) SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 19,23 19,41 1,96 1,99 - - 0,72 12 149 143 20,07 19,80 2,42 2,02 2,02 4,36 1,04 13 143 165 20,48 20,76 2,36 2,85 4,84 2,04 0,94 14 188 184 21,81 22,39 2,39 2,98 7,86 6,49 2,08* 15 170 156 22,80 23,26 2,21 2,70 3,87 4,53 1,67 16 187 133 23,30 24,27 2,31 2,25 4,32 2,19 3,77** 17 138 146 24,74 24,37 2,11 2,15 0,41 6,18 1,46 18 192 155 25,29 25,39 2,04 2,13 4,18 2,22 0,44 19 69 100 25,92 25,78 2,01 2,24 1,56 2,49 0,43 Table 5. Upper arm circumference of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 39 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (1), 2005 40 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Age U pp er a rm c irc um fe re nc e (c m ) Series I 1980 Tuzla Series II 1996 Tuzla Fig.4. Comparative diagram of upper arm circumference of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Age To ta l a rm le ng th (c m ) Series I 1980 Tuzla Series II 1996 Tuzla Fig.5. Comparative diagram of total arm length of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996 Fig.3. Comparative diagram of mean chest circumference of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996, and the youth from Ljubljana 1991/92 stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 40 Had`ihalilovi} J., Terzi} R., Ahmi} A., H. Halilovi} A., No`inovi} A., [ehi} A.: Secular trend... 41 Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1(cm) X2(cm) SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 64,04 62,93 3,06 3,52 - - 2,68* 12 149 143 66,25 64,02 3,64 3,29 3,45 1,73 5,49*** 13 143 165 69,52 68,13 4,31 4,15 4,93 6,42 2,87* 14 188 184 72,65 70,98 4,88 4,14 4,50 4,19 3,56** 15 170 156 76,15 74,51 4,32 4,23 4,81 4,97 3,46** 16 187 133 77,14 76,08 3,95 3,63 1,30 2,11 2,48* 17 138 146 78,92 77,21 3,65 3,60 2,30 1,48 3,98** 18 192 155 79,79 78,08 3,59 4,17 1,10 1,13 4,04*** 19 69 100 79,25 78,81 3,66 3,74 0,70 0,93 0,76 Table 6. Total arm length of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Age Bi ac ro m ia l b re ad th (c m ) Series I 1980 Tuzla Series II 1996 Tuzla Series III 1991/92 Ljubljana Fig.6. Comparative diagram of biacromial breadth of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996, with the youth from Ljubljana 1991/92 29 23 22 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 33 32 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 Age Bi iai cr oim l abd oe t lh b(r ) S seoiembI 3879bTuza seoiembI 3885bTuza seoiembIIIb3883/82 Ljudaj n Fig.7. Comparative diagram of biiliocristal breadth of Tuzla's male children and youth: 1980 and 1996, with the youth from Ljubljana 1991/92 stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 41 Biiliocristal breadth. Yearly relative increase in average width of pelvis is highest between 13 and 14 years age (series II; Tab. 8). Pelvis growth completes in 18 years age. Fig.7 shows presence of growth acceleration for this parameter (after 16 years age) in all ages (1,86 cm/decade). Mean val- ues for the pelvis width are significantly higher in series II in relation to series I (confirmed by t-test; Tab. 8). Boys from series II have significantly narrower pelvis than boys from series III in all ages, except for 18 years age, when those values are about equal in both series. Bad living conditions due to the last war did not effect much the width parameters, as they effected body height and circumferences. Conclusions Comparison of our results (series II) and corresponding results (from 16 years ago – series I) shows that boys from series II in prepuberty and puberty for some parameters have same or even lower mean values in relation to the boys from series I (negative acceleration trend). This a direct result of negative effect of exogenous factors that caused temporary growth stagnation in all age groups. In postpuberty that stagnation is relatively fast compensated, so a mild secular trend is present for all parameters observed for that growth and developmental period. All the boys from series II spent one or two intensive periods of heght growth in prewar, wartime and postwar period, so malnutrition, comprehensive indigence and other war misfortunes significantly slowdowned growth and development in both periods.That’s why the most intensive growth was pro- longed for one year more, as well, in relation to the expected one. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (1), 2005 42 Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1(cm) X2(cm) SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 20,65 21,56 1,54 1,91 - - 4,19*** 12 149 143 21,55 22,20 1,63 1,97 4,35 2,96 3,07** 13 143 165 22,74 23,44 1,87 1,74 5,52 5,59 3,42** 14 188 184 23,82 24,90 2,09 2,03 4,74 6,22 5,09*** 15 170 156 25,19 26,01 2,01 2,01 5,75 4,45 3,66** 16 187 133 25,76 26,82 1,79 1,74 2,26 3,14 5,30*** 17 138 146 26,71 27,48 1,71 1,65 3,68 2,44 3,85** 18 192 155 27,45 27,90 1,74 1,61 2,77 1,52 2,47* 19 69 100 27,53 28,04 1,56 1,64 0,29 0,52 2,05* Table 8. Biiliocristal breadth of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) Age N1 1980. N2 1996. X1(cm) X2(cm) SD1 SD2 Relative Increase (%) 1 2 t-test p<0,05 11 113 139 30,31 31,70 1,72 1,78 - - 9,17*** 12 149 143 31,57 32,30 1,68 1,82 4,15 1,60 3,56** 13 143 165 32,82 33,60 2,43 2,29 3,95 4,02 2,89* 14 188 184 34,39 35,32 2,40 2,66 4,78 4,11 3,54** 15 170 156 36,24 37,42 2,54 2,98 5,37 5,95 3,83** 16 187 133 36,97 38,69 2,40 2,28 2,01 3,38 6,52*** 17 138 146 38,68 39,67 2,15 2,42 4,49 2,52 3,67** 18 192 155 39,41 40,19 2,19 2,21 2,01 1,31 3,29** 19 69 100 40,05 41,03 1,97 2,19 1,62 2,11 3,04** Table 7. Biacromial breadth of the boys of Tuzla Region (1980 & 1996) stevilka 1_05.qxp 13.12.2005 12:32 Page 42 Ten year-secular trend for body height for the boys from series III and IV (Ljubljana) was slow- downed, while 16 year trend for this parameter (series I and II) is evident in postpuberty. Comparison of our results and those of [TEFAN~I} & AL (1996) and of STREL & AL (2001) revealed larger mean values for almost all tested parameters in Ljubljana’s male youth of all tested genera- tions. However, those differences slowly decrease in postadolescent period. We assume those differ- ences occured due to different ecologic factors, living standard, as well as specific genetic features charasteristic for all populations. We suppose the population of the researched area has not come close to full expression of genetic material for the investiagted features. Sa`etak [esnaestogodi{nji trend sedam pokazatelja fizi~kog rasta i razvoja mu{ke djece i omladine prou~avan je odgovaraju}om analizom uzorka, koji je 1996. godine obuhvatio 1329 ispitanika. Na{i podaci kom- parirani su odgovaraju}im rezultatima istra`ivanja iz 1980. godine u uzorku od 1349 dje~aka. U ovu studiju uklju~eno je 9 sukcesivnih generacija iz 1980. i 1996. godine sa podru~ja Tuzle. Provedena anl- iza prikupljenih podataka primarno po~iva na nau~noj elaboraciji registriranog stanja iz 1996.godine u prou~avanom dijelu {ire populacije, nakon jednog neprirodnog i ekstremno nepovoljnog perioda u procesu rasta i razvoja ogromne ve}ine njihovih pripadnika. Cilj ovog rada je bio utvrditi sekularni trend (negativan ili pozitivan) za 7 antropometrijskih pokazatelja rasta i razvoja mu{ke djece i omla- dine, kompariraju}i na{e rezultate iz 1996. godine sa odgovaraju}im podacima rasta i razvoja na uzorku pribli`no iste veli~ine (iste populacije) iz 1980. godine. Unato~ tome {to su nepovoljni (ratni) `ivotni uvjeti negativno djelovali na ontogenezu ispitanika, utvr|eno je da se rast i razvoj mu{ke djece i omladine na prou~avanom podru~ju odvija skladno te da se nalazi u granicama prosje~nih evropskih standarda. 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