ACTA CARSOLOGICA 30/2 7 115-128 LJUBLJANA 2001 COBISS: 1.0 CONTACT KARST PHENOMENA ON THE EDGE OF THE GALYASAG (GÖMÖR-TORNA KARST) KONTAKTNI KRAS NA ROBU HRIBOVJA GALYASÄG (SLOVENSKY KRAS) JÄNOS MOGA1 1 Eötvös Loränd University (ELTE TFK), Geography Department, 1518 BUDAPEST, Pf. 120 HUNGARY, e-mail: Izvle~ek UDK: 551.44(439) Janos Moga: Kontaktni kras na robu hribovja Galyasag (Slovensky kras) Nižji del tega kraškega sveta, Galyasäg, sestavljata nižje sredogorje in gričevje na južnem robu Slovenskega (= Slovaškega) krasa. Galyasäg je mozaik različnih strukturnih in površinskih enot. Od zahoda proti vzhodu ga lahko razdelimo na 4 morfološko različna ozemlja. Zahodni del, ki spominja na planoto Aggtelek, gradijo apnenci, močno podvrženi zakrasevanju. Na robu kraške planote, okoli hriba Pitics, se pojavljajo tudi nekraške kamnine, ki dlje proti vzhodu prevladujejo. Planota Teresztenye (gozd Galya) je kraški otok obkrožen s spodnjetriasnimi škriljevci in sedimenti iz panona. Na vzhodnem obrobju Galyasäga, blizu reke Bodve, so nekraške kamnine. Na Galyasägu je značilni alogeni kras s površinskimi in podzemeljskimi oblikami. Razen korozije zaradi padavinske vode, je opazno tudi korozijsko-erozijsko delovanje ponikalnic z vododržnega obrobja, ki izginjajo v ponore, ko pritečejo na kras. Prispevek govori o zapažanjih z robnega dela Galyasäga, v sklopu preučevanja kontaktnega krasa. Klju~ne besede: kraška geomorfologija, kontaktni kras, Galyasäg, Madžarska. Abstract UDC: 551.44(439) Janos Moga: Contact karst phenomena on the edge of the Galyasag (Gömör-Torna karst) The lowest part of the karst region, the Galyasäg, incorporating low middle mountains and hilly territories is situated on the Southern border of the Gömör-Torna Karst. The Galyasäg is the mosaic of diverse structural and superficial regions. Running from West to East it can be divided into 4, more or less morphologically diverse territories. Its Western part, resembling to the Aggteleki-plateau is built from limestone with strong inclination towards karstification. On the edge of the karst plateau, around the Pitics-mount, non-karstified rocks also appear, which become predominant towards the East. The Teresztenye-plateau (Galya-wood) is a karstic island in the ring of Lower Triassic slate and Pannon sediments. On the Eastern border of the Galyasäg, on the territory neighbouring the Bodva-river no karstic rocks can be found. On the characteristic allogenic karst of the Galyasäg, in the formation of the surface and sub-surface forms, besides the corrosion of the infiltrating waters, the corrosion-erosion effects of the outflowing and the dissappearing waters in swallow holes coming from the neighbouring non-karstic regions can be well observed. In the paper the observations accomplished on the border area of the Galyasäg, during the research of the phenomena of the contact karst, are presented. Key words: karst geomorphology, contact karst, Galyasäg, Hungary. INTRODUCTION The karstic mountain range built up similarly to the Aggtelek plateau continues between the Josva, and the Toth (Henc) valleys. This region, mainly lower middle-mountainous, but to a lesser extend already hilly territory is referred to as the Galyasag. The Galyasag is the mosaic of diversely constructed regions with various surfaces. Starting from West to East it can be divided into four morphologically more or less different territories. Its Western part, bordering the Hideg-valley, is most similar to the Aggtelek plateau, as it is mainly built up from rocks with a strong inclination towards karstification (Steinalm, and Gutenstein limestone). On the Western edge of the karstic plateau, towards Pitics mount, non-karstifying rocks also appear, which become more and more determining towards the East. The Teresztenye plateau is only a karstic island within the ring of Lower Triassic slate and Pannonic sediments. East from this plateau we cannot find carbonated rocks at all. On the characteristic allogenic karst of the Galyasag, in the formation of the surface and subsurface landforms, besides the corrosion of the infiltrating waters, the corrosion-erosion effects of the outflowing and the disappearing waters in swallow-holes coming from the neighbouring non-karstic regions can be well observed. In my paper I would like to present my observations accomplished on the border area of the Galyasag, during the research of the phenomena of the Contact Karst. GEOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION The peaks of the lower mountainous region, mainly built up from the blocks of Middle Triassic limestone connected to the South. wing of the Josva valley anticlinal, reach a height of 350 -400 m. Even the peak of the Pitics mount rising well above its neighbourhood is only 452 m high. The fragmentation of the limestone is due partly to the movements taking part at the meeting point of the covered and open karst, partly to the NE-SW and SE-NW fractures dividing the Galyasag. NE-SW diagonal fracture lines indicate the main valleys of the Galyasag (Kecske well, Szöveteny, Parozsa valleys), and the direction of the doline-lines (Piticsalja) as well. The Josva valley on the Northern border of the Galyasag developed at a structurally premarked place (anticlinal valley), as well as the Toth (Henc) valley on its Southern edge (Fig. 1). The latter breaks through the buried limestone horst in the environment of Szolosardo with epigenetic valley sections. The structural movements taking place in the Lower Pannonic period caused in the splitting of the limestone blocks of the Galysag different measurements. The blocks sinking in the Lower Pannonic were covered by sea-lake sediments during the Upper Pannonic and by continental sediments later. The Southern edge of the Gömör-Torna karst, including the territory of the Galyasag and the neighbouring Rudabanya mounts evolved into covered karst. (We have no data concerning the possible burial of the plateaus with Pannonic sediments lying North from the line between Aggtelek and Josvafo.) In the depressions between the irregularly sank carbonated horsts, mainly towards the South. lignite and marshy ironcarbonate developed. According to the age of the lignite layers, the period of burial can be dated to the Sümegium of the Upper Pannonic. The horsts of the Galyasag covered by Upper Pannonic sediments, during the projection taking place under Fig. 1: Geology of the Galyasag (after Mello, J. 1996 and Less, Gy. et al. 1988): Legend: 1. aluvium, 2. Quaternary eluviums andproluviums, 3. Pliocene gravels and sands (Borsod or Poltar Pebbles F.), 4. Lower Triassic shales and sandstone, 5. Gutenstein limestone, 6. Gutenstein dolomit, 7. Steinalm limestone, 8. Reifling limestones, 9. Wetterstein limestones, 10. Wetterstein dolomit. the Pliocene and Pleistocene periods were formed into a hilly or lower middle mountainous territory. We can reconstruct the measurements of the movements (Roman and Baku) from the position of the embedded lignite layers in Upper Pannonic sediments. The height above sea level of the above mentioned layers are 260-270 m around the Rudabanya mountains, 200 m at Szuhogy, 160 m at Szendro (Mezosi 1984). The rising was uneven; it was less prominent on the territory of the Putnok hills (the so-called covered karst), but in the Galyasag it could reach a 100 meters. The cover sediment was carried off at a quicker pace from the higher peaks, and these were exhumed nearly entirely by the present day. The Upper Pannonic/Ponthian sediments and mainly the relics of the pebble covers survived everywhere (series of dolines at Piticsalja, Dasz doline, Teresztenye plateau etc). The above mentioned pebble occurrences and surface forms attached to cover sediments prove the earlier burial of the karstic plateau. The Galyasag, according to the classification of Hevesi (1986) is an exhuming, soil and vegetation covered, partly covered, mixed, allogenic karst. THE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE WESTERN GALYASAG The Western part of the Galyasag, which comprises of the catchment area of the Beke cave, shows characteristics that of the Aggtelek plateau (Csüllög-Moga 1997, Moga 1999). Its Southern border is the capture-line extending on the border of the covered and open karst, where well developed swallow-holes form a line (Szomor-hegyi, Nagy-völgyi swallow-holes, Bibic doline swallow-hole). According to water tracing experiments these swallow-holes feed the Komlos spring breaking forth in the Töröfej valley at Josvafo, and form an underground water system parallel to the Domica-Baradla cave system, but independent from it. L. Jakucs (Beke-cave) and colleagues found the cave system hypothetically shown through water trace marks in 1952. The karstic catchment area of the Beke cave is a typical allogenic karst (Jakucs 1971), where the corrosion of the infiltrating waters, as well as the dissolving activity of the flowing waters disappearing in swallow-holes from the neighbouring non-karstic territories take part in the formation of surface and underground forms. On the karstic plateau bordered by the Szomor mount (380 m), Nagy Jene peak (445 m), Laz peak (398 m) and the Hideg valley dissolved dolines partly filled in by red clay usually form groups of uvalas (Zambo 1970) (Fig. 2, Photo 1). Protruding rocks rarely disturb the thin soil layer covering the peaks separated by doline groups. Karren Fig. 2: Geomorphological map of the Western part of the Galyasag: Legend: 1. pannonian-pontian sediments, 2. intervalley back developed on non-karstic rocks, 3. the summit of the intervalley back developed in non-karstic environment, 4. karstic plateau or intervalley back developed on carstic rocks, 5. the higher back of the karstic plateau or the summit of the intervalley back (on karstic rocks). Photo 1: The Red lake and its environment on the Western part of the Galyasag. Fig. 3: The karst plateu around the Pitics mount: Legend: 1. Lower Triassic shales and sandstone, 2. Steinalm limestone, 3. Pliocene gravels and sands (Borsod or Poltar Pebbles F.). appear on the narrow ridges between dolines and on steep slopes. Well developed swallow-holes generating on rock borders, characteristic to allogenic karst can be found at the foot of Szar mount (427) and Szomor mount, at the real edge of the karst plateau. The swallow-holes function in rainy and snow melting periods; even the water flow belonging to the Nagy-völgyi swallow-hole with the biggest catchment area is a dry valley without permanent water supply. The Beke cave in reality is the 8743 m long underground bed of the Komlos spring's stream and is a stream cave without well definable cave stories or lavels. The stream, forming a tube system even today flows in the canyon-like main branch of the cave. The missing stories or layers can be explained with the different tectonical history of the Galyasag and the Aggtelek plateau. The uprising of the Gömör-Torna karst on the territory of the Galyasag was so scanty, that the incision of the underground water flow could keep pace with the rise of the limestone block, and instead of developing stories or levels, formed a deep, canyon-like passage. During the rising periods, the deepening of the karstic water level was not as great as in the neighbouring Baradla. In the time of the development of the cave the karst water level was situated near the bottom of the passage, and this prevented the development of hollows of deeper layers. The evolution of the hollow system can be dated to the Pleistocene. According to the research of the undisturbed (in situ) sediments from the flooded high water erosion level, and the terraces of the Beke cave's passages, the first period of cave formation can be dated to the Günz-Mindel interglacial. Fig. 4: Geomorphologycal map of the Teresztenye karst plateau and its environment. Legend: 1. Pannonian-Pontian sediments, 2. intervalley back developed on non-karstic rocks, 3. the summit of the intervalley back developed in non-karstic environment, 4. karstic plateau or intervalley back developed on karstic rocks, 5. the higher back of the karstic plateau or the summit of the intervalley back (on karstic rocks). Photo 2: Danca spring cave in the Toth valley. THE KARST AROUND THE PITICS MOUNT The limestone zone carrying karstic surface forms, narrows East from the catchment area of the Beke cave, as on the North part of the Galyasag, bordered by the Josva valley, the Lower Triassic weakly, or non-karstified rocks of the Josva valley anticline surface (Szinpetri Limestone Formation, Szini Marl Formation, Bodvaszilasi Sandstone Formation) (Less et al. 1988) (Fig. 1). In the layered, slated limestone of the Lower Triassic Period (Szinpetri Limestone Formation), the karstic forms can be discovered in fragments (small dolines under the Huta peak), but towards the Eest, on the surface of insoluble sandstones and slates the surface water flows appear (Almas, Kecske spring, Szöveteny, Parozsa valleys) (Figs. 2, 3, 4). The backward erosion of the Kecske spring valley reached and drained the Middle Triassic limestone zone. This drainage was so intensive in the Kecske spring valley that it could attract the sub-surface water flows of the many square km karstic plateau. The Kecske spring issuing from the slated, layered limestone is the most abundant spring of the neighbourhood (2000 l/min maximum, 100 l/min minimum, 400-600 l/min average water discharge) (Balazs 1961). The backward erosion of the Toth valley to the Southern edge of the narrow Steinalm limestone stops the swallow-hole line, situated between Hosszuszo and Szomor mount. The valley developing at the border of the covered and open karst in the continuation of the baticapture line, from there on collects the waters flowing down from the pebble backs bordering the karst and continues its way on the surface towards the Bodva river. The deepening of the Toth valley started from the surface of the Pannonic sediments, which in time was inherited in the limestone layers lying below. With the deepening of the epigenetic Toth valley gradually the Southern directed subsurface drainage of the area neighbouring the Pitics mount of the Galyasäg began. The karst plateau according to the blocks of rocks moving along the fracture lines can be divided into lower peaks and projecting horsts. A thick layer of soil, red clay and pebble covers its surface, not counting the steepest slopes, so rocks surface rarely. The most characteristic surface forms of the karst around the Pitics mount developed along 2 parallel fracture lines following the NE-SW direction between the Josva, and the Toth valleys. The elongated horst of the Pitics mount (452 m) was formed by the rise of the above mentioned fault plain. The fracture of the edge of the SE part of the mount is the most frequent occurrence of the karren forms. The swallow-hole opening at the bottom of the Däsz doline and the valley of the Kecske well is connected to the fracture line forming the steep slope of the Pitics mount. This fracture line appears in the deep in the first few 100 m of the Szabadsäg cave. More or less parallel with the above, another fracture line runs on the NW side of the Pitics mount in the line of the Danca, Gyökerkuti swallow-hole, the Piticsalji uvala and the Almäs valley. The Piticsalja uvala was formed by the corrosion of the infiltrating waters in the intersection of fracture lines crossing each other. In its vertical axis we can recognise the fault plain causing the rise of the Pitics mount. Terra rossa and clay of unknown thickness, which makes the infiltration of the waters difficult, cover the bottom of the uvala. In one of the dolines the water remains for a long time following snow melt, and a temporary lake develops. The uvala of an extend of about 0,3 km2 is connected to the water system of the Kecske spring. Its only developed swallow-hole belongs to the branch of the Gyöngyfolyo of the Szabadsäg cave. The waters infiltrating around the Pitics mount partly flow towards the Toth valley (Danca spring cave, Mocsolyäk spring and Delelo well) and partly towards the Kecske well (Photo 2). It is difficult to bind the exact catchment area of the karst plateau nearly fully exhumed from the cover deposits with its territory poor in swallow-holes, but it seems sure that the main watershed is the horst of the Pitics mount rising between parallel fracture lines. The water tracing research conducted in the 1950s proved the relationship between the swallow-holes of the studied area and the springs in the neighbouring valleys. The most developed swallow-hole of the karst around Pitics mount opens in the Däsz doline. The waters of the Däsz doline swallow-hole expanding on an area of 0,13 km2 and covered by Pannonic deposits surface in the Kecske well situated some 1550 m away. Following the water disappearing in the swallow-hole, D. Baläzs and his colleagues discovered the third longest cave system of the Hungarian part of the Gömör-Torna karst region. The length of the passages of the Szabadsäg cave, along with the later excavated parts is 3300 m. The catchment area of the Mocsolyäk spring and the Delelo well, bursting forth in the environment of Egerszög is unsure; most probably they are fed by the waters infiltrating in the Pitics ridge. The swallow-holes of the Danca cave open in the dual swallow-hole doline below the Pitics mount ridge, and their catchment area is separated from the B^bic doline of the Beke cave's Discovery (Felfedezo) branch by a low peak. About 300 m from the spring the Danca swallow-hole, opening at an altitude of 328 m only functions in the rainy season and when the snow melts. The Gyöker well swallow-hole (353 m) situated further off is fed by a small spring during the larger part of the year (Gyöker well). On the surface of the territory of the catchment area of the swallow-hole (some 450 000 m2) covered by Pannonic sediments, red clay and at some places quartz pebbles, a dry valley of about a few 100 m deepened and conducts the waters of the non-karstic area into the swallow-hole. The spring of the Danca hole operates 80-100 days a year, with a water discharge of 0-5000 l/min. The waters of the stream flowing from the 1,5 m high mouth of the cave are swallowed in the limestone gorge of the Toth valley. The new appearance of the water is uncertain, most probably it emerges in the springs around Egerszög. Our hydrological research in the karstic environment of the Pitics mount (The deep bathicapture of the Toth valley and its attachment to the Mocsolyak spring and Delelo well), show signs of a gradual displacement of subsurface waters. THE KARSTIC PHENOMENA OF THE TERESZTENYE PLATEAU In the Galyaseg the limestone zone continuing from West to East, at the sharp bend between Egerszög and Kecske spring is suddenly interrupted (Fig. 1). The carbonated rocks surfacing round the Pitics mount, due to the differentiated structural movements taking place in the Lower Pannonic period sank down and on their surface the thick, multicoloured clay layers, dissected by sand and pebble benches were placed. The Pannonic sediments, as well as the Lower Triassic slated limestone and marl embrace the last karstic patch of the Galyasag the Teresztenye plateau or Galya woods. The small clip of the 350-370 m high Teresztenye plateau built up of Steinalm and Gutenstein limestone appears isolated in the environment of the villages Egerszög, Teresztenye and Tornakapolna (Fig. 1). The Galya woods show the characteristics of the open, mixed, allogenic karst. The patches of Pannonic sediments and the pebble cover give evidence of the burial of the plateau. During the Lower Pannonic structural movements most probably the Teresztenye block sank as well and was buried under the Upper Pannonic transgression. By the end of the Upper Pannonic however it must have emerged as dry land from the surrounding lake and marshy environment. During the geological mapping of the Aggtelek-Rudabanya mountain the fine sand found at 300 m at the foot of the Teresztenye plateau refers to spring activity in the Upper Pannonic/Ponthian period. The karst plateau however did not rise high above its surroundings as later quartz pebbles covered it brought from the Gömör-Szepesi ore mountains which was named by the Slovak geologists and morphologists as Poltar Pebble Formation and its accumulation is dated to the Ponthian period. (Jakal 1975, Mello 1996) In Hungary the age of these pebble covers is dated to the Pleistocene (Lang 1955) or the Pannonic (Jakucs 1956). According to Less (1998) it was during the turn of the Pliocene-Pleistocene that it reached its present place. Under the rise of the Teresztenye plateau in the Pleistocene-Holocene the greater part of the cover sediments decayed and remained in above mentioned small patches. The sediment cover could not have been thick and/or the exhumation took place quickly so the epigenetic valleys generating to limestone, which is characteristic to exhuming karst areas is missing. The territory of the karst plateau is too small to develop important water flows. Its tops are segmented by sink dolines characteristic to open karst. Plate like, deep dolines developed on the surface of the more soluble Steinalm limestone. (Veszettarpas doline, Boros doline etc) With the fusion of the dolines situated on the border of the Steinalm and Gutenstein limestone the greatest uvala of the plateau was formed. The dolines of the less soluble Gutenstein limestone are smaller, shallow and less regular. Temporary water flows run into the dolines lying on the border of non-karstic neighbourhood. In the bottom of one of the dolines a layer spring issues (Matyas well) and this water spreads at the bottom only to disappear in a nearby swallow-hole. The most developed swallow-holes were formed at the foot of the Teresztenye plateau (Figs. 4, 5). On the surface of clay and pebble sediments deposited in the one time bay of the Upper Pannonic sea, sloping towards the karst edge, short water flows developed ending in swallow-holes. According to water tracing study of waters disappearing in swallow-holes (Balazs 1960) the waters remain at the Southern foot of the plateau and feed the stream of the Teresztenye spring cave. A line of surface tapped cavities, swallow-hole dolines encircle the island like block of the Galya woods. Two permanent water flows feed the Vizetes swallow-hole with the biggest catchment area. The small spring issuing in the neighbourhood of Tornakapolna, after a 1 km long Fig. 5: The Teresztenye-plateau: Legend: 1. Pliocene gravels and sands (Borsod or Poltar Pebbles F.), 2. Lower Triassic shales and sandstone, 3. Steinalm limestone. journey accross the swallow-hole doline, reaches the swallow-hole opening at the deepest point of the valley. The water of the Kut spring issuing from the nearby marshy land also feeds the swallow-hole. The swallowing capacity of the Vizetes swallow-hole is really small, according to estimations around 50-60 l/min (Balazs 1960). In time of showers and melting of snow the elder, higher situated swallow-holes also function, but altogether are unable to swallow the water from the many km2 territory. In such periods a temporary lake with a depth of 5-8 m develops around the swallow-holes. On the bottom of the swallow-hole dolines situated on the Western edge of the plateau temporary swallow-holes open (Keseru-to swallow-hole doline, Szel hole, Beszakadas). The swallow-hole opening in the Keseru-to swallow-hole doline is the most developed swallow-hole of the Teresztenye karst spring. Though its catchment area today is small, but it can swallow an unlimited amount of water without swelling. The Vizetes swallow-hole's poor capacity can be connected with its young age. At present the evolution of the unexcavated part of the Teresztenye cave system is to a large extend still unknown, but it seems liable that its swallow-holes were formed with the periodical bathicapture and the backward erosion of its valley. According to my research, the water accumulating on the surface on the more or less similarly high Lower Triassic limestone and Pannonic sediment at the end of the Pliocene and the beginning of the Pleistocene partly flowed down through the Szöveteny valley towards the Josva valley and partly towards the Toth valley. The later water flow could have reached the main valley at Egerszög. With the gradual deepening of the stream running towards the Josva valley and the Vizetes stream, by the time of the early Pleistocene the position of the watershed was slowly fixed (325 m) at its present place, in the neighbourhood of Tornakapolna. The Szöveteny stream deepening into the slated surface, remained a surface water flow and it reaches the Josva between Szin and Szinpetri. The Vizetes stream cutting into the Pannonic sediments on the other hand became an underground water flow on its lower section, when during its deepening at the Keseru-to swallow-hole doline reached the limestone, and the rocks fracture line system gradually tapped the waters of the stream. With the baticapture of the water flow, the development of the lower part of the valley stopped. With the further deepening of the valley ending at the Keseru-to swallow-hole doline, between the doline and the Toth valley, in the place of the earlier valley, a watershed was formed with a 327 m high saddle-back, which provides facts about the height of earlier valley bottom. The deepening of the Vizetes valley continued, but the waters of the stream still disappeared at the Keseru-to swallow-hole doline (300 m). In the later period of valley formation the baticapture was several times repeated and with the development of further swallow-holes a gradually greater sections of the old valley were cut off from the active, watery section of the Vizetes stream. On the other hand the number of swallow-holes gradually grew in the bottom of the valley (Szel hole, Beszakadas etc.). The valley of the Vizetes, possessing a permanent water flow was shortened by every bathicapture until it reached its present level. The deepening process of the valley sections cut off and waterless slowed down as they could only collect and conduct waters generating from rainfall towards the swallow-hole from their close environment. Thus the developed swallow-hole line widened. The waters running down the Western slopes of the former valley covered by Pannonic clay and pebble deepened ditches in the loose deposit, and by carrying away the sediments, widened a bit the nearest section of the one-time valley. The swallow-hole dolines were created during this process. Thus the Vizetes swallow-hole is the youngest in the line and developed with the last bathicapture. Though the biggest catchment area belongs to this swallow-hole, its water-conducting gallery is rather undeveloped. THE EASTERN PART OF THE GALYASAG East from the line connecting Szolosardo with Tornakäpolna only the Lower Triassic rocks remain on the surface. Towards the East the lower-lying, older formations of the Lower Triassic period (Szini Marl Formation, Bodvaszilasi Sandstone Formation) take part in the construction of the low mountain region between the Henc, and Josva valleys (Fig. 1) The seemingly simple occurrences of the surface rocks conceal a tectonically complicated situation, which became known through the analyses of the deep drilled material of Tornakäpolna. Below the Lower Triassic layers of the Szilice cover heavily tectonised bloks of oceanic crusts (serpentinite, metabasalt) can be found. The highest peaks of the Eastern Galyasäg (Zabanyik 410 m, Berc 409 m) emerge from the watershed back between Tornakäpolna and Varboc villages. From the Bodva river to Varboc village the backward eroded V^z-völgyi stream with its tributaries slashed through entirely the southwards tipped mountain region. This hilly and low mountain region dissected by techtonically preformed erosion valleys and rich in derasional forms, falls into the tectonical ridge of the Bodva with a steep slope. REFERENCES Baläzs D. 1960: A Piticsi-barlangrendszer. Karszt- es Barlangkutatäsi Täjekoztato 10. pp. 66575. Baläzs D. 1961: A Szabadsäg-barlang. Karszt es Barlang 1. pp. 1-14. Csüllög, G. - Moga J. 1997: Geomorphology and drainage of the S-Gömör-Torna karst region in view of an environmental hazard. Zeitschrift Geomorph. Suppl. Bd. 110. pp. 255-261. Hevesi, A. 1986: Hidegvizek letrehozta karsztok osztälyozäsa. Földr. Ert. 35. 3-4. pp. 231-254. Jakäl, J. 1975: Kras Silickej Planiny. Vyd. Osveta 145 p. 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KONTAKTNI KRAS NA ROBU HRIBOVJA GALYASAG (SLOVENSKY KRAS) Povzetek Nižji del tega kraškega sveta, Galyasag, ki je podoben planoti Aggtelek, se nadaljuje med dolinama rek Josva in Tot (Henc). Sestavljata ga nižje sredogorje in v manjšem obsegu gričevje na južnem robu Slovenskega (= Slovaškega) krasa. Galyasag je mozaik različnih strukturnih in površinskih enot. Od zahoda proti vzhodu ga lahko razdelimo na štiri morfološko bolj ali manj različna ozemlja. Zahodni del, ki meji na dolino Hideg, spominja na planoto Aggtelek, saj ga gradijo apnenci (Steinalm in Gutenstein), močno podvrženi zakrasevanju. Na zahodnem robu kraške planote, okoli hriba Pitics, se pojavljajo tudi nekraške kamnine, ki dlje proti vzhodu počasi prevladujejo. Planota Teresztenye (gozd Galya) je kraški otok obkrožen s spodnjetriasnimi škriljevci in sedimenti iz Panona. Vzhodno od planote Galyasag, blizu reke Bodve, sploh ni več karbonatnih kamnin. Na Galyasagu je značilni alogeni kras s površinskimi in podzemeljskimi oblikami. Razen korozije zaradi padavinske vode, je opazno tudi korozijsko-erozijsko delovanje ponikalnic z vododržnega obrobja, ki izginjajo v ponore, ko pritečejo na kras. Prispevek govori o zapažanjih z robnega dela Galyasaga, v sklopu preučevanja kontaktnega krasa. Podrobneje so obravnavani geološka sestava ozemlja, geomorfologija zahodnega dela Galyasaga, kras okoli hriba Pitics, kraški pojavi na planoti Teresztenye in vzhodni del Galyasaga. Sintezo raziskav predstavljata geo-morfološki karti obravnavanega ozemlja.