W. ZHANG et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WIRE ARC ADDITIVE-MANUFACTURING ... 359–364 MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WIRE ARC ADDITIVE-MANUFACTURING HIGH-CARBON CHROMIUM BEARING STEEL MIKROSTRUKTURA IN MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI Cr-Mo LE@AJNEGA JEKLA IZDELANEGA Z DODAJNO TEHNOLOGIJO NA OSNOVI @I^NEGA OBLOKA Wenjie Zhang 1 , Weining Lei 1,2* , Yang Zhang 1,2 , Xiao Liu 1,2 1 School of Materials Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology, No. 1801 Zhongwu Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213001, China 2 Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing of Jiangsu Province, No. 1801 Zhongwu Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213001, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2019-07-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2019-10-11 doi:10.17222/mit.2019.168 Wire arc additive-manufacturing technology (WAAM) was conducted successfully on a high-carbon chromium bearing steel with an ER55-Ni welding wire and a GCr18Mo substrate. It is found that the microstructure of the cross-section of the WAAM sample is divided into three parts, i.e., the deposition layer, the transition layer and the substrate. The microstructure of the deposition layer mainly consists of needle-like tempered martensite and cementite, with a small quantity of ferrite. The transition zone is composed of coarse bainite and ferrite. In the deposition layer, the hardness gradually decreases from the top to the root, and the hardness of the transition layer is close to 350 HV. The arc-cladding sample exhibits a higher yield strength and tensile strength but lower elongation than the substrate sample. The necking is formed and a failure occurs at the transition layer of the WAAM sample. The maximum depth values of wear scars on WAAM and substrate samples are close to each other. The wear is more uniform on the WAAM sample but the cross-sectional area of its wear scar is larger than that of the substrate sample. The wear resistance of the WAAM sample is lower than that the substrate sample, which is mainly attributed to the low hardness of the WAAM sample. Keywords: additive manufacturing technology, high-carbon chromium bearing steel, microstructure, mechanical properties Avtorji so uspe{no nanesli prevleko na podlago iz visoko oglji~nega Cr-Mo le`ajnega jekla GCr18Mo z dodajalno tehnologijo na osnovi obloka (WAAM) varilne ER55-Ni `ice. Ugotovili so, da je mikrostruktura v preseku WAAM-vzorca razdeljena na tri dele. Ti so: na nane{eno (navarjeno) plast, prehodni pas in podlago. Mikrostruktura na podlago nane{ene plasti je v glavnem sestavljena iz igli~astega popu{~enega martenzita in cementita z majhno vsebnostjo ferita. Prehodna cona je sestavljena iz grobega bainita in ferita. Trdota nane{ene plasti se postopno zmanj{uje od vrha proti podlagi in v povpre~ju zna{a okoli 350 HV. Oblo~no nane{ena plast ima vi{jo mejo plasti~nosti toda manj{i raztezek kot podlaga. Med nateznim preizkusom je pri{lo do zo`evanja (nastanka vratu) na WAAM-vzorcu in do njegove poru{itve je pri{lo v prehodni coni. Maksimalna globina raz nastalih s preizkusi obrabe je pribli`no enaka na WAAM-vzorcu in vzorcu iz podlage. Obraba je bolj enakomerna na WAAM-vzorcu vendar je v preseku nastale ve~je {tevilo raz zaradi obrabe kot tiste, ki so nastale na podlagi. Odpornost proti obrabi WAAM-vzorca je manj{a od tiste na podlagi, kar avtorji v glavnem pripisujejo ni`ji trdoti WAAM-vzorca. Klju~ne besede: dodajna tehnologija, nanos prevleke na osnovi obloka varilne `ice, kromovo le`ajno jeklo z visoko vsebnostjo ogljika, mikrostruktura, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Additive-manufacturing (AM) technology is a bottom-up and layer-by-layer manufacturing method, which has the advantages of a fast forming speed, high utilization of the material and high production efficiency. 1–2 Over the years, AM researches have been focused on improving the mechanical properties of forming components so that they can be used directly. As one kind of the AM technology, wire arc additive- manufacturing technology (WAAM) takes arc as the heat source and inert gases (such as Ar) as the protection atmosphere. 3–4 By layer-by-layer manufacturing, near-net shape forming is achieved in WAAM. 5–6 The direct-form- ing technology based on an arc heat source has the advantages of low production costs and good mechanical properties and has been widely used in various industrial fields, such as the automobile industry, aerospace, food and medical treatment. 7–8 In recent years, WAAM has attracted great attention with the formation and repair of various kinds of metallic materials, including Mg alloys, Al alloys and Ti alloys. 9–10 For example, Y. Y. Guo et al. 11 studied the microstructure and tensile properties of an AZ80M Mg alloy made with WAAM, and the results showed that the microstructure of the WAAM AZ80M alloy was inhomo- geneous, containing micro-defects, which influenced the mechanical properties. T. T. Wang et al. 12 studied the microstructure and tensile properties of WAAM die-steel components made of an H13 steel welding wire, and the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 3, 359–364 359 UDK 620.1/.2:620.17:669.1.017:621.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 54(2)359(2020) *Corresponding author's e-mail: leiweining@jsut.edu.cn (Weining Lei) results showed that the components were well formed with a uniform hardness distribution. High-carbon chromium bearing steel is widely used as a rolling-bearing material, due to its high toughness, good wear resistance, suitable elasticity, good corrosion resistance and good machinability. 13–14 However, the repair of high-carbon chromium bearing steel in a service environment is difficult once damage occurs. So far, there has been little research on the AM of high-carbon chromium bearing steel. In this paper, an ER55-Ni welding wire was used for WAAM on a GCr18Mo substrate, which was a typical bearing steel. The microstructure, mechanical properties and wear behavior of the WAAM sample were investigated. The reasons for the difference between the WAAM sample and the substrate were analyzed. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials The chemical compositions of the ER55-Ni welding wire and GCr18Mo bearing steel used in this study are listed in Table 1. The diameter of the ER55-Ni welding wire was 1.2 mm and the dimensions of the GCr18Mo bearing-steel plate was 200 mm × 200 mm × 14 mm. 2.2 WAAM process A schematic of the WAAM process is shown in Figure 1. A tungsten-inert-gas (TIG) welding machine and alternating-current power supply were used in this study. The welding parameters used in this study are listed in Table 2. The length of the weld bead deposited on the substrate is 150 mm and 12 layers were deposited. The final weld-bead height was about 20 mm. Table 2: WAAM processing parameters used in this study Processing parameter Value Welding current (A) 190 Wire feed speed (mm/s) 3.2 Travel speed (mm/s) 4 Wire feeding angle (°) 55 Tungsten electrode diameter (mm) 3.2 Flow rate of 99.99-% argon shielding gas (L/s) 1.7 Interval time between two layers (s) 30 2.3 Testing and characterization The cross-section specimens of the WAAM sample were cut with wire-cut electrical-discharge machining and treated with the standard metallographic preparation method. The microstructure was observed with a light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The hardness of the specimens was measured with a digital microhardness tester (HVS-1000B). The sampling place of the tensile specimens is shown in Figure 1; the gauge dimensions were 10 mm in length, 3 mm in width and 1 mm in thickness. A tensile test at room temperature was conducted with an electronic universal tensile-testing machine (WDW3200) and the tensile rate was 2 mm/min. In the tensile test, two groups of samples were drawn and one set of data was selected. The strain evolution during the tensile test was charac- terized with a digital image correlation (DIC) system. The wear behavior was tested with a friction-wear tester (Nanovea Tribometer). A micro-profilometer (Nanovea PS50) and SEM were used to observe the surface morphology of the tensile specimens and wear marks. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microscopy As shown in Figure 2a, the microstructure of the cross-section is divided into three parts, i.e., the deposition layer, transition layer and substrate. As shown in Figure 2b, the microstructure of the deposition layer mainly consists of tempered martensite and cementite, with a small quantity of ferrite. The morphology of tempered martensite exhibits a fine needle-like pattern, which grows irregularly in multiple directions. It can be seen from the SEM image of the deposition layer in Figure 2c that some carbides are distributed at the grain boundaries and in the tempered-martensite matrix. Figure 2d shows the microstructure of the transition zone, which is composed of coarse bainite and ferrite. Due to the thermal-exposure influence during WAAM, microcracks were formed in the transition zone and these microcracks range in length from 40 μm to 50 μm, leading to a great reduction in both plasticity and toughness of the region. W. ZHANG et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WIRE ARC ADDITIVE-MANUFACTURING ... 360 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 3, 359–364 Table 1: Chemical compositions of the ER55-Ni welding wire and GCr18Mo bearing steel used in this study, (w%C) Alloys C Si Mn P Ni Cr Mo Cu Fe ER55-Ni2 0.12 0.4 1.25 0.025 0.80 1.10 0.15 0.35 0.35 Bal. GCr18Mo 0.9 0.2 0.25 0.02 0.25 1.65 0.20 0.25 Bal. Figure 1: Schematic presentation of WAAM As shown in Figures 2d and 2e, the microstructure of the transition zone is different from the deposition layer or the substrate. There is an obvious difference in the chemical composition between the welding wire and the substrate. High-carbon steel usually exhibits high crack sensitivity. Due to the high energy density and fast cool- ing during the WAAM process, hardening and cracking are easy to occur in the transition zone. In addition, the heat exposure of bainite results in the precipitation and coarsening of carbides. Figure 2f shows the microstruc- ture of the substrate, which is composed of fine-grained low bainite and cementite. The SEM image in Figure 2g shows that the carbides are uniformly distributed in the GCr18Mo substrate. 3.2 Hardness Figure 3 shows the hardness distribution from the top to the root at the center of the weld. According to the hardness-distribution curve, the hardness gradually decreases from the top to the root, and the hardness of the transition layer is close to 350 HV. As the welding joint is subjected to several thermal cycles, the marten- site gradually changes into tempered martensite with a relatively low hardness. Since the chemical composition of the deposition layer is different from that of the substrate, its amount of carbide is lower than that of the substrate. Meanwhile, coarse grains are formed in the W. ZHANG et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WIRE ARC ADDITIVE-MANUFACTURING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 3, 359–364 361 Figure 2: Microstructure of the cross-section of a WAAM sample observed with LM and SEM: a) junction of WAAM, b), c) welding layer, d), e) transition zone f), g) parent metal Figure 3: Hardness distribution from the top to the root at the center of the weld deposition layer due to the thermal exposure. As a result, the hardness of the deposition layer is lower than that of the substrate. 3.3 Tensile properties The specific data for the tensile properties are summarized in Table 3. According to the tensile-test results, the WAAM sample exhibits higher yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) but lower elongation (EL) than the substrate sample. The YS and UTS of the WAAM sample reach 622 MPa and 998 MPa, higher by 102 % and 70 % than the substrate sample, respectively, while its EL is 20 %, which is 46 % higher than that of the substrate sample. Table 3: Specific data for the tensile properties Material YS/MPa UTS/MPa Elongation/% Weld 622 998 20 Parent metal 308 588 37 Figure 4 shows images of the dynamic-failure process of the tensile test obtained with the high-speed digital image correlation (DIC) method. As shown in Figure 4, there is an obvious neck shrinkage in both specimens after the tensile test, which indicates a ductile fracture in both the WAAM and substrate sample. The three recording moments during the tensile test are the initial moment, the intermediate moment and the near-failure moment, respectively. It can be seen that, at the initial moment, the axial strain field in the gauge part of both the WAAM and substrate sample is uniform and there is no obvious local strain. At the intermediate moment, a local strain is observed and obvious necking is seen in the WAAM sample. The necking is located at the transition layer. During the welding process, the fiber region in the interface between the cladding layer and the substrate undergoes a strong plastic deformation. This plastic deformation not only leads to an increase in the macroscopic strength of the sample, but also increases the overall microhardness of different regions and reduces the toughness. As for the substrate sample, there is still no obvious strain concentration. At the near- failure moment, the strain distribution in the WAAM sample shows a little difference compared to the inter- mediate moment. The necking is formed and the failure occurs at the transition layer. As for the substrate sample, the strain concentration is observed at the near-failure moment and the corresponding necking and failure occur. 3.4 Wear behavior Figure 5 shows a 3D wear scar and cross-sectional images of the WAAM and substrate sample. The maxi- mum depth, cross-sectional area and wear rate calculated according to the cross-sectional images are shown in W. ZHANG et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WIRE ARC ADDITIVE-MANUFACTURING ... 362 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 3, 359–364 Figure 5: 3D wear scar and cross-section images of the WAAM and substrate samples: a) substrate sample, b) WAAM sample Figure 4: Images of the dynamic failure process of the tensile test obtained with the high-speed digital image correlation (DIC) method: a) substrate sample, b) WAAM sample Table 5. It can be seen that the maximum depths of the wear scars in the WAAM and substrate sample are close to each other. The wear is more uniform on the WAAM sample but its cross-sectional area of the wear scar is larger than that of the substrate sample. The wear rate of the WAAM sample is 26.42 mm 3 /(N·m), while the wear rate of the substrate sample is only 8.33 mm 3 /(N·m). This shows that the wear resistance of the WAAM sample is lower than that of the substrate sample, which is mainly attributed to the low hardness of the WAAM sample. According to Archard’s law, materials with high hardness always exhibit low wear rate and good wear resistance. 15–16 Table 4: Wear results for the WAAM and substrate samples Materials Maximum wear depth/ mm Cross-sectional area of wear marks/mm 2 Wear rate mm 3 /(N·m) Substrate sample 7.6×10 –3 8.33×10 –4 8.33 WAAM sample 7.22×10 –3 2.642×10 –3 26.42 WAAM is applied to high-carbon steel. It takes about 12 min to form a cladding layer with a thickness of 20 mm and a length of 15 cm, which enables rapid additive manufacturing. As shown in Figure 2, there are signi- ficant differences between the microstructures of the deposition layer, transition layer and substrate. During a WAAM process, the transition zone is subjected to the arc heat for several times and it is seriously affected by it, which results in a strong plastic deformation occurring in the fiber zone of the interface. As the height of the deposition layer gradually increases during the WAAM process, the heat dissipation and heat accumulation change. 17,18 The heat-dissipation speed of the deposition layer slows down along the substrate and the temperature gradient gradually decreases along the vertical direction. The microstructure at the bottom of the deposition layer changes from martensite to tempered martensite, and the grain size is slightly larger than that of the substrate. As shown in Figure 3, as the temperature gradient decreases, the grains grow coarse and the hardness is decreased. The hardness usually decreases as the grain size is increased. The hardness at the top of the depo- sition layer is the highest and close to that of the substrate. The microstructure evolution of the transition layer inevitably influences the tensile properties of the WAAM sample. The stress concentration and fracture appear in the transition layer, and the bonding between deposition layers is good. During a tensile test, a crack initiated at the transition layer is continuously expanded by the stress, resulting in a deteriorative elongation. 19,20 The research on the WAAM of high-carbon steel is still new. For this reason, it is necessary to modify the test procedure, including the preheating of the substrate before the test and annealing after WAAM to reduce the residual stress and improve the mechanical properties. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the WAAM process was successfully conducted on a high-carbon chromium bearing steel with an ER55-Ni welding wire and GCr18Mo substrate. The microstructure, mechanical properties and wear behavior of the WAAM sample were investigated. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) The microstructure of the cross-section of the WAAM sample is divided into three parts, i.e., the deposition layer, transition layer and substrate. The microstructure of the deposition layer mainly consists of needle-like tempered martensite and cementite, with a small quantity of ferrite. The transition zone is composed of coarse bainite and ferrite. 2) For the deposition layer of the WAAM sample, the hardness gradually decreases from the top to the root, and the hardness of the transition layer is close to 350 HV. The WAAM sample exhibits higher YS and UTS but lower EL than the substrate sample. 3) The maximum depths of the wear scars in the WAAM sample and substrate sample are close to each other. The wear of the WAAM sample is more uniform, but its cross-sectional area of the wear scar is larger than that of the substrate sample. The wear resistance of the WAAM sample is lower than that of the substrate sample. 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