FAST MOS TRANSISTOR MISMATCH OPTIMIZATION - A COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT APPROACHES Gregor Cijan^, Tadej Tuma^, Sašo Tomažič^, Ärpäd Bürmen'^ ^ Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska, Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: MOS transistor mismatch, optimization, mismatch simulation, integrated circuits Abstract: In this paper two different approaches for calculating the standard deviation of circuit performance measures caused by MOS transistor mismatch are presented. The short CPU time needed for mismatch evaluation makes it possible to include the proposed approaches in a circuit optimization loop as a criterion subject to optimization. Both mismatch evaluation methods v\/ere tested on four different circuits. The optimized circuits were compared to the circuits obtained from an optimization run where the list of criteria did not include mismatch. The results show that a significant reduction of standard deviations is obtained when mismatch evaluation is included in the optimization loop. Hitra optimizacija neujemanja MOS tranzistorjev - primerjava različnih pristopov Kjučne besede: neujemanje MOS tranzistorjev, optimizacija, simulacija neujemanja, integrirana vezja Izvleček: V članku sta predstavljena dva različna pristopa za Izračun standardnih deviacij lastnosti vezja, ki jih povzroča neujemanje Identično načrtovanih MOS tranzistorjev. Glavna prednost opisanih pristopov je hiter izračun standardnih deviacij lastnosti vezja, ki so posledica neujemanja. To je ključnega pomena, če želimo posledice neujemanja vključiti v kriterijsko funkcijo optimizacijskega postopka. Oba pristopa sta bila preizkušena z optimizacijo štirih različnih vezij. Lastnosti tako dobljenih vezij smo primerjali z lastnostmi vezja dobljenega z optimizacijskim postopkom, ki ni vključeval učinkov neujemanja. Primerjava je pokazala, da je tovrstna vključitev neujemanja v optimizacijsko zanko smiselna, saj se standardna devicija lastnosti vezja občutno zmanjša. 1 Introduction Mismatch is an effect that arises in IC fabrication and is a limiting factor of the accuracy and reliability of many analog integrated circuits. The main reason for mismatch is the stochastic nature of the fabrication process. Due to mismatch two equally designed transistors exhibit different electrical behaviour Consequently the operating point and other circuit characteristics differ from their desired values. Mismatch can be divided into a systematic and a stochastic component. The systematic component is not considered in this paper because it can be reduced to great extend with proper layout /1/, /2/. The stochastic component is caused by random microscopic device architecture fluctuations. It can be reduced with better process control and larger transistor areas /3/, /4/. Most often the Gaussian distribution is used for modelling the stochastic variations of model parameters. The amount of mismatch can be expressed with standard deviation (a) of transistor model parameters. Mismatch can be modelled in many different ways /3/-/6/. Because of the limited availability of mismatch model parameters only some of them can be used for general purpose. One of the simplest models is the Pelgrom model (1)/3/, G(AP) = ■sJwL (1) In this model the standard deviation (o) of the parameter difference {ap) between two identically drawn transistors depends on parameter/4p (which in turn is technology-dependent) and effective channel dimensions \N and L. In the optimization runs presented in this paper we used (1) because it is simple and the technology-dependent parameters are available in the literature /7/. In /8/ it is shown that the model (1) is suitable for the 0,18|am technology. Due to the limited availability of mismatch parameters, this model is still frequently used for mismatch evaluation. In this paper two different methods of mismatch simulation are presented and tested on four different circuits. Most commonly used transistor parameters in mismatch modelling (mismatch parameters) are threshold voltage (Vr) and current factor (/3). The standard deviation of Vr and ß can be expressed as 4wl ß •Jwi (2) (3) The technology dependant parameters Ayt and Aß for different types of technologies are available in /7/. 2 Mismatch optimization A robust circuit exhibits adequate performance in all corners. A corner defines a group of different process variations. The performance of the circuit is expressed with the cost function which is a sum of penalties /9/. Each measure has a goal and if the measured value deviates from this goal, a penalty which is proportional to the violation, is added to the cost function. The goal is to minimize the cost function taking into account all corners. For this purpose the Constrained simplex /9/ optimization method has been used, which performs remarkably well on circuit optimization problems /10/. To include mismatch in the optimization as yet another criterion, it has to be simulated first. The goal of mismatch simulation is to obtain a standard deviation of circuit properties caused by the stochastic nature of transistor model parameters. This standard deviation can be included in the cost function. In this paper two different approaches for mismatch simulation are presented. The first one is the sensitivity-based approach and the second one is the min-max approach. In both approaches a design of an operational amplifier will be used for better understanding. Consider an operational amplifier where a designer is interested in the standard deviation of the output voltage caused by the stochastic nature of the transistor model parameters. Beside the offset voltage performance measures like swing at gain, bandwidth, phase margin, etc. are also important in the design process. All these performance measures are circuit properties but only offset voltage is relevant for mismatch analysis. 2.1 Sensitivity-based approach The sensitivity-based approach assumes that mismatch parameters are not correlated and that the changes caused by the stochastic nature of model parameters are within the bounds where the circuit behaves linearly. The evaluation of the standard deviations of the circuit properties can be divided in three major steps: Step 1: Calculate the standard deviation of every relevant transistor parameter (mismatch parameter). Step 2: Calculate the sensitivity of circuit properties to all mismatch parameters. Step 3: Calculate the approximated standard deviation of the circuit property. In a circuit composed of k MOS transistors only n g 0.75 10 20 Temp It] 0.8 0.79 P 0.72 0.71 Ö sip M„ -|-||ix! SIpx D—jp!; 'B'AS HE^ € '^NIS ^NIB M«, i H§ Fig 4: Operational amplifer (OPA) Table 2: Comparison of three different optimization runs (OPA-circuit) Desired Optimization processes value OPA-A OPA-B OPA-C w Swing at gain jV] >2 2,58 2,24 2,18 3 Phase margin [°] >45 61,8 65,7 67,2 (/) S Unity gain b.w. fMHzl >18 32,7 20,3 43,1 £ Gain fdBl >70 72,1 83,5 85,3 'S Area [|jmT <250 233,8 249,7 249,8 CL ctCVout) [mV] < 1,8 4,44 1,87 1,70 The results of the three optimization runs are listed in table 2. We can see that for the circuit obtained from the first run (without mismatch) the output voltage has a standard deviation of 4,44 mV (offset). Both optimization runs that included mismatch produced better results. In runs B and C the standard deviation of the output voltage was reduced by a factor of 2,3 or more. Most of the remaining performance measures stayed within the desired range. 3.3 Beta-multiplier reference (BMR) The Beta-multiplier circuit is used for providing a stable and temperature independent current reference for a whole range of circuits like operational amplifiers, comparators, etc. It can also be used as a voltage reference circuit. Ma4 r— M4 — — >< — M, -1 MA, l-» P» Vbjasp -D 1^2 =Hc 1 ^BtASN -D Fig 3: Variation of the BGR output voltage with respect to the temperature and the supply voltage when mismatch is included in the optimization loop (30 samples). Fig 5: Beta multiplier reference (BMR) The circuit in figure 5 can provide a stable current {Iref) that flows through resistance R. This current is fairly stable with respect to temperature and supply voltage variations. One can mirror the reference current using gate voltages Vbiasp and Vbiasn- The optimization goals were to minimize the variation of the current caused by the change of temperature and supply voltage. The optimization parameters were the resistance R and channel dimensions of all transistors except transistors that constitute the start up circuit (Msui, Msu2, Msus). The results of the three optimization runs are listed in table 3. The standard deviation (jOref) is calculated from 1000 Monte Carlo simulations. Table 3: Comparison of three different optimization runs (BMR-circuit) Desired Optimization processes value BMR-A BMR-B BMR-C Max(dlREG/dVDD)[MAA/] <0,4 0,31 0,30 0,49 S Max (diREG/dT) [|jAn <0,06 0,047 0,053 0,060 s Ireg fuM = 20 19,9 20,0 20,0 t CD Area fum^l <500 490 497 513 Q. a (Ireg) ftJAl < 1 3,45 0,99 0,53 The first two performance measures {dlREo/dVoD and dl-reg/dT) provide the information on the output current maximum variation with respect to the supply voltage and temperature variations. The third measure is the value of the reference current while the last two are the circuit area and the standard deviation of the reference current caused by mismatch. From table 3 it can clearly be seen that the standard deviation {g(Ireg)) from runs B and C (where mismatch was included in the cost function) is more than 3 times smallerthan the one obtained in run A. All the design requirements are fulfilled except the area In run C where a small goal violation occurs. The standard deviation obtained in run C is nearly two times smaller then the goal. The reason is that min-max approach calculates the maximum value of the standard deviation, which is in this example 2 to 3 times bigger than the real standard deviation (see table 5). Due to this the weight of this performance measure is effectively bigger than the weight of the circuit area. 3.4 Comparator (COMP) The comparator from Figure 6 is a decision-making circuit. The output voltage (Vout) switches from OVto l/dc/when V;wp is greater than V/ww. The output switches back to OV when V;a/p becomes smaller than Vim- The output does not switch instantly when the difference Vinp-Vinn changes sign meaning that there is some hysteresis present in the circuit. Mismatch causes that the width of the hysteresis to vary randomly. The optimization run which includes mismatch attempts to remove the variation of hysteresis. The optimization parameters were the channel dimensions of all transistors. The results of the optimization runs are listed in table 4. The first performance measure (Delay time LH) measures the time form the moment when Vinp crosses Vinn and the moment when Vour reaches 90% of the difference between the initial and the final value. The second measure (Delay time HL) is the same as previous with the difference that Ml Ifc 3!' ha CD'w -Ifn, H, Mt ^ r H6 M,« Mil Fig 6: Comparator (COMP) Table 4: Comparison of three different optimization runs (COMP-circult) Desired Optim; zation processes value COMP-A COMP-B COMP-C Delay time LH [nsl <5 3,68 4,94 5,80 Delay time HL [ns] <5 3,87 3,38 4,66 Rise time [nsl <0,3 0,17 0,13 0,11 Fall time [nsl <0,3 0,18 0,18 0,26 3 (f) Hysteresis [mV] <1 0,83 0,56 1,95 S £ Positive slope [mV] <1 0,93 0,46 0,40 t Negative slope [mV] <1 0,51 0,46 0,40 OJ Q. Oversiioot [mV] < 50 13,7 6,18 8,26 Undershoot [mV] < 50 6,63 8,52 4,18 Area [pm ] < 90 85,4 89,5 88,1 ^(Vhist) [mV] <5 10,2 5,29 4,50 the falling edge of Vout is measured (when Vout reaches 10% of the difference between the initial and final value). The rise time is the time needed for the output to rise from 10% to 90% of the difference and the fall time is measured between the points where the output crosses the 90% and 10% level of the difference. The fifth measure is the width of the hysteresis, while the last two measures provide the slope of the hysteresis. From the results it can be seen that almost all the design requirements are fulfilled and that the standard deviation of the hysteresis is reduced to half if mismatch is considered in the optimization run. 3.5 Comparison of the approaches for mismatch evaluation In table 5 the standard deviations of the circuit properties affected by mismatch are listed for all four circuits. For every circuit the computational effort of the mismatch evaluation has been calculated for all three methods: Monte-Carlo, sensitivity-based approach and min-max approach. Table 5 shows that the mismatch effect calculated with the sensitivity-based approach is close to the value obtained from 1000 Monte Carlo simulations. The min-max approach overestimates the mismatch. This can also be seen from table 5. Typically the min-max approach results in 2 to 4 times larger values than Monte-Carlo analysis. The main difference between the two presented approaches and Monte-Carlo approach is the number of simulations need- Table 5: Comparison between of different approaches for mismatch evaluation Monte Carlo Sensitivity-Based Min-Max Approach Approach Approach BGR-A [mV] 16,2 16,3 43,6 BGR-B rmVl 7,05 7,04 19,3 BGR-C [mV] 6,67 6,71 17,5 OPA-A fmVl 4,45 4,40 9,59 OPA-B [mV] 1,87 1,87 4,49 OPA-C [mV] 1,70 1,71 4,03 BMR-A [|JA] 3,45 3,39 7,53 BMR-B [|JA] 0,99 0,99 2,71 BMR-C [mA] 0,53 0,52 1,64 COMP-A [mV] 10,2 9,59 34,8 GOMP-B [mV] 5,29 4,99 19,9 COMP-C [mV] 4,50 5,57 12,5 ed to evaluate the standard deviation of a circuit property. To obtain the actual value of the standard deviation of a circuit property 1000 or more Monte-Carlo simulations are needed. The sensitivity-based approach is significantly faster since it needs only m+1 simulations (where m is the number of mismatch parameters) to obtain similar values as Monte-Carlo approach. The min-max approach also gives satisfying results with only m+3 simulations. 4 Conclusion With the reduction of transistor dimensions the mismatch is becoming the dominating factor of the accuracy of many analog circuits. In the examples it was shown how mismatch can be included in circuit optimization. Two different ways of mismatch evaluation were presented. The sen-sitivity-based approach returns more realistic values while on the other hand the min-max approach results in the upper (lower) bound of a circuit performance measures. 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Tadej Tuma Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana E-mall: tadej. tuma @fe. uni-lj. si Telefon: (01) 4768 329 prof. dr. Sašo Tomažič Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana E-mail: Telefon: (01) 4768 432 doc. dr. Ärpäd Bürmen Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana E-mall: arpadb@fides. fe. uni-lj. si Telefon: (01) 4768 322