Uvodnik / Editorial Nagovor rektorja UM prof. dr. Zdravka Kačiča 15. obletnica Medicinske fakultete UM 17. 1. 2020 Spoštovani predsednik Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, minister za zdravje Republike Slovenije, dekan Medicinske fakultete, akademski zbor, gostje, drage študentke in študenti. Vemo, kako pomembno je zdravje in z njim povezana skrb za zdrav način življenja, zato razumemo pomen latinskega pregovora: »Če nimaš zdravnika, naj bodo tvoji zdravniki vedra duša, počitek in zmerno življenje.« Vendar pa si danes v urbanem okolju razvite družbe, ko nam je skoraj vse dosegljivo na roko, težko predstavljamo težke situacije milijonov ljudi po svetu, ki nimajo na voljo najosnovnejših zdravstvenih storitev. Prav tako si težko predstavljamo npr. srednjeveško situacijo enega najpomembnejših reformatorjev medicine Paracelsusa, ki je po končanem študiju medicine potoval in deloval kot nekakšen »potujoči zdravilec« ter trdil, da zdravnik mora biti popotnik, ki mora poiskati stare ženice, cigane, čarodeje, klateže, stare razbojnike in podobne izobčence, od katerih se lahko veliko nauči. Morda Slovenci premalo cenimo naš obstoječi zdravstveni sistem, ki je sicer potreben posodobitve in prenove, in se ne zavedamo prav dobrobiti in storitev, ki jih nudi sodobna medicina? Morda tudi v Mariboru še premalo cenimo vse dobrobiti, ki nam jih nudijo zdravstvene in medicinske ustanove, med katerimi z znanstveno-raziskovalnega vidika ob današnjem slavnostnem dogodku posebej izpostavljam Medicinsko fakulteto Univerze v Mariboru? Njeno 15-letno delovanje je v mnogih Speech by the UM Rector Professor Zdravko Kacic, PhD 15th Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Maribor January 17, 2020 Dear revered guests President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Minister for Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Academic Assembly, Guests, Students. We know how important health is and that it is associated with a healthy lifestyle. That is why we understand the meaning of the Latin proverb: "If you lack a physician, let your physicians be a light-hearted soul, rest and moderate life". However, nowadays in the urban environment of a developed society, when almost everything is available to us, it is hard to imagine the difficulties of millions of people across the world, who lack fundamental health care services. Similarly, it is hard to imagine, for example, the situation of one of the most important medieval reformers of medicine, Paracelsus, who after completing his medical studies, travelled and was "a travelling healer" and claimed that "a physician has to be a traveller who must look for old women, Romanies, magicians, vagrants, old bandits and similar outcasts, from whom one can learn much". Perhaps we, the Slovenian people, do not value our existing health care system enough, which is in need of an update and renovation, and are we really aware of the welfare and services that are offered by contemporary medicine? In addition, maybe we in Ma- ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA IT" 2020; 13 (1): 7-10 Uvodnik / Editorial pogledih zelo poživilo mesto Maribor in celotno vzhodno Slovenijo ter danes predstavlja pomembno jedro intelektualnega, znanstvenega, kulturnega in tudi gospodarskega potenciala. S pridobitvijo nove zgradbe pred dobrimi šestimi leti in s pomočjo najsodobnejše medicinske opreme in sodobnih študijskih programov pa že sedaj dosega visoko kakovost v znanju in usposobljenosti zdravnikov. Ta kakovost se iz leta v leto vztrajno povečuje. Ob tem želim izpostaviti mnoge napore v preteklosti, da lahko danes ponosno praznujemo. Prva uradna pobuda za ustanovitev medicinske fakultete v Mariboru je stara že 60 let, kot sledi iz zapisov prvega rektorja Univerze v Mariboru, zasl. prof. dr. Vladimirja Bračiča v monografiji Prispevki za zgodovino visokega šolstva v Mariboru. V dodatku elaborata o programu razvoja Univerze v Mariboru, izdelanem marca 1960, je bila namreč med predlaganimi višjimi šolami navedena tudi Višja medicinska šola oziroma fakulteta, ki bi naj z delom začela že v šolskem letu 1961/62. Triletna Višja medicinska šola je bila zamišljena kot prva stopnja fakultete za splošno medicino. Takrat so namreč v Ljubljani v okviru splošne razprave o reformi visokega šolstva še predvidevali, da uvedejo stopnjevani študij tudi na splošni medicini. Šele kasneje so se namreč odločili, da na oddelku za splošno medicino ohranijo nedeljen desetsemestrski študij, medtem ko so na oddelku za stomatologijo študij razdelili na dve stopnji. To je bil tudi eden od razlogov, da je bila že istega leta ustanovljena Višja stomatološka šola v Mariboru, ki pa je bila dokaj kmalu, in sicer že leta 1969 z zakonom ukinjena po nekajletnih razpravah o umestnosti in neumestnosti šolanja »višjih dentistov«. Na koncu je »kratko potegnil« Maribor, kot temu radi rečemo, čeprav je poleg ugotovljenih potreb bil izkazan velik interes in odličen vpis. Nenadoma so ugotovili, da se je stanje izboljševalo hitreje kot so predvidevali in posledično se je pojavila pobuda, da se odpravi stopenjski študij stomatologije, pri čemer Maribor ni imel možnosti za ohranitev šole. Ob vsem tem je zanimivo, kot navaja Vladimir Bračič, da je pravzaprav iz Ljubljane prišla pobuda, ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA IT" 2020; 13 (1): 7-10 ribor do not value all the welfare systems enough, which are offered to us by health care and medical institutions, among which, from the scientific-research aspect during today's celebratory event, I especially focus on the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Maribor. The 15-year-old activity of this faculty has in many ways very much enlivened the city of Maribor and the whole of Eastern Slovenia, and now represents an important core of intellectual, scientific, cultural and economic potential. With the acquisition of the new building approximately 6 years ago, and with the aid of contemporary medical equipment and modern study programmes, it has already reached a high level of physician knowledge and competence. This quality is continually increasing year after year. In this regard, I would like to emphasize the many efforts made in the past, so that we can celebrate these efforts today. The first official initiative for the establishment of a medical faculty is now 60-years--old, and is detailed in the records of the first rector of the University of Maribor, Emeritus Professor Vladimir Bracic in the monograph entitled Contributions to the History of Higher Education in Maribor. A supplement to this report included a program of the development of the University of Maribor in March 1960, and the medical college or faculty was among the suggested colleges that should have started their work in the academic year 1961/62. A 3 year medical program had been conceived as the first level of the degree course for general medicine in the faculty. At that time in Ljubljana, during a general discussion on higher education reform, it had been predicted that the introduction of two degrees in general medicine should also be included. It was subsequently decided that in the department of general medicine, the undivided 10 semester course should be preserved, whereas in the department of stomatology, study was divided into two degrees. This was also one of the reasons why in the same year, the dental college was established in Maribor, but was abolished in 1969 by law after several years of discussion on the relevance and imprudence of schooling "dental technicians who graduate with an associate degree". In the end, Maribor "was given Uvodnik / Editorial da se v Mariboru ustanovi tako medicinsko kot stomatološko fakulteto. Na podlagi tega je bila imenovana posebna strokovna komisija, ki je marca 1960 podala ugotovitev, da je »... ustanovitev obeh imenovanih fakultet možna le, ako bo na voljo okoli 300 milijonov dinarjev za gradnjo potrebnih institutov«. Pobuda se je nato že junija 1960 do nadaljnjega odložila, ker ni bilo potrebnega denarja. Ponovni predlog je bil zaradi velikega pomanjkanja zdravnikov podan že naslednje leto, in sicer maja 1961. Tudi tokrat je na koncu odločilo odprto vprašanje zagotovitve potrebnih financ. Za predvideni novi objekt, ki bi ga naj zgradili v obdobju 1961-1965 in bi ga uporabljale tako medicinska kot stomatološka fakulteta, bi po finančnem načrtu bila potrebna ena milijarda dinarjev. Navajam Bračičev zapis: »V Ljubljani so ocenili, da ob povečanih izdatkih za visoko šolstvo (nove šole) navedenega zneska ni mogoče zagotoviti in tako je bila pobuda za ustanovitev samostojne Medicinske fakultete v Mariboru ponovno odložena.« Pred 25-imi leti je častni doktor Univerze v Mariboru akademik dr. Anton Trstenjak na svečani akademiji ob praznovanju 20. obletnice Univerze v Mariboru, dne 18. 9. 1995, odločno izpostavil, da je zadnji čas, da mariborska univerza dobi medicinsko fakulteto, in da je anomalija, ker je še nima, ob tem pa Mariborčani medicino študirajo v Gradcu. Navkljub močni sinergiji v prizadevanjih za ustanovitev Medicinske fakultete, tako s strani vodstva Univerze v Mariboru skupaj z vodstvom takratne Splošne bolnišnice Maribor, kot tudi ob sodelovanju mnogih iz sfere politike, je bilo potrebnih še nadaljnjih 10 let do vpisa prvih študentov v študijskem letu 2004/2005. Kdor vztraja, zmaga! Spoštovani! Kot rektor univerze z veseljem in s ponosom prihajam na praznovanje 15. obletnice Medicinske fakultete, ki z mladostjo in entuziazmom mnogo obeta in zagotavlja nadaljnji razvoj. Nenazadnje to dokazuje priprava novih študijskih programov Dentalna medicina, ki je bil v teh dneh akreditiran, kakor tudi programa Farmacija, ki še čaka na akreditacijo. Še enkrat čestitam in se zahvaljujem vsem, ki ste short shrift", as we like to call it, although great interest and excellent enrolment were identified. It was discovered that the situation had been improving faster than predicted and consequently, an initiative was taken to withdraw the study of stomatology with two degrees, and Maribor had no possibility of retaining the school. Interestingly, as stated by Vladimir Bracic, the Ljubljana discussion resulted in an incentive to establish a medical faculty as well as a dental faculty in Maribor. On this basis, a special technical commission was set up which on March 1960 issued a statement that "... the establishment of both named faculties will be possible only if around 300 million dinars are available for the building of needed institutes". The building of these faculties was then postponed in June 1960 due to the lack of required funding. The suggestion was repeated due to the huge lack of physicians the following year in May 1961. However, provision of the required finances remained an issue. The proposed building which was supposed to be constructed between 1961 and 1965 and used by the medical faculty as well as the stomatology faculty, required one billion dinars according to the financial plan. I quote an entry by Bracic: "In their estimation in Ljubljana it has been stated that upon increased expenses for higher education (new schools) the amount indicated could not be provided and so the initiative to set up an independent medical faculty in Maribor was again postponed. " Twenty-five years ago an honorary doctor of the University of Maribor, the academic Anton Trstenjak, PhD, at the ceremonial event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the University of Maribor, on June 18, 1995, emphatically pointed out that it was time that the University of Maribor had a medical faculty, and that it was an anomaly as it still lacked this facility, so Mariborers had to study medicine in Graz. Despite strong endeavours to establish a medical faculty by management of the University of Maribor together with management of the former General Hospital Maribor as well as by the cooperation of many from the sphere of politics, it was a further 10 years before enrollment of the first students in the ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA IT" 2020; 13 (1): 7-10 Uvodnik / Editorial kakorkoli sodelovali pri pripravi, za trud, vztrajnost in odlično opravljeno delo. Prav je, da danes živo obudite dosedanjo pot, da izpostavite uspehe in nagradite zaslužne ter nato skupno vzpodbudimo mlade, da bodo z veseljem sledili začrtani poti razvoja. Ob tem nam vsem polagam na srca zavedanje, da kot akademska skupnost, kot dedinje in dediči razsvetljenstva, še naprej krepimo zavezanost humanizmu, svobodi, solidarnosti in enakosti kot osnovnim vrednotam, ki uokvirjajo in pogojujejo naše delo. Pri tem pa moramo biti predvsem pošteni do sebe in drugih ter zavezani resnici. Hvala! Rektor Univerze v Mariboru, prof. dr. Zdravko Kačič academic year 2004/2005. Victory is on the side of those who persist! Dear revered guests! As the rector of Maribor University, I am delighted and proud to attend the celebration of the 15 th anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, and widespread enthusiasm will ensure further development of this faculty. This has been proven by the preparation of new study programs in Dental Medicine, which have recently been fully accredited and the program in Pharmacy, which is still awaiting accreditation. Once again, I offer my congratulations and express my gratitude to all who have in any way cooperated in these preparations, for your endeavours, your persistence and excellent work. It is fitting that today you reminisce about your path to the present, that you celebrate your successes and award those who are deserving, and then jointly encourage the youth of today to follow a set path of development. I would like to make you aware that as an academic community, as heiresses and heirs of enlightenment, we continue to strengthen our duty to humanism, liberty, solidarity and equality as basic values, which frame and condition our work. In addition, we must show the utmost fairness to ourselves and others and be committed to the truth. Thank you! Rector University Of Maribor, Professor Zdravko Kačič, PhD ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA IT" 2020; 13 (1): 7-10