Slov Vet Res 2005; 42 (3/4): 89-100 UDC 619:611.73:57.088:612.65:636.7 Original Research Paper CHANGES IN HISTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE FIBRES IN DEVELOPING CANINE SKELETAL MUSCLES Malan Strbenc Address of author: Institute for Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Veterinary Faculty, Gerbiceva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Summary: In the study changes in muscle fibres of canine skeletal muscles were observed during development from perinatal period to 6 months of age. Emphasis was put on the histochemical fibre type classification and general morphological properties. In neonates muscle fascicles contained one centrally located primary fibre which in some cases still retained a central space as seen in developing myotubes. These fibres started to stain differently from surrounding secondary fibres on foetal day 55. The classification of muscle fibres according to the myosin ATPase (mATPase) method was possible after third week post partum; prior to this the majority of fibres seemed to be undifferentiated. Between the third and the sixth week 7 different fibre phenotypes were found and in two-month-old dog the usual adult composition of muscles with 4 fibre types was first noted. The glycolytic and oxidative capacities were weak in neonates but increased gradually with age. The metabolic differentiation between fibres was first noted at the third week. The diameter of fibres was increasing constantly. The number of muscle fibres assessed by ratio between primary and secondary fibres increased in perinatal period. When compared to data in the literature, we ascertained that dog skeletal muscles are relatively immature at birth. There were parts of muscles which developed even more slowly and still had a myotubal morphology in neonates. Some muscle-dependent differences were noted: the diaphragm developed faster and an early distinction between slow (m. rhom-boideus) and fast muscles (m. extensor carpi radialis and m. tibialis cranialis) was observed. Mature morphology with a random distribution of fibre types inside muscle fascicles and a defined metabolic profile was observed in all muscles in two-month-old dogs. The standard mATPase method became applicable to determine fibre types by this time. Key words: anatomy, veterinary; muscle, skeletal; muscle fibres - growth and development; myosin ATPase; dogs Introduction Canine skeletal muscles have been studied mainly with histochemical methods. On the basis of muscle fibre type numbers and distribution one can presuppose the muscle predominant function and the state of activity. Fibre types according to the mATPase reaction found in dogs were slow type I, hybrid IIC and fast IIA. Instead of the conventional type IIB rather an unique fast subtype of fibres was described (1), labelled as type IIDog by Lattore et al. (2). These fibres strongly express the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform IIx, a protein expressed only in some muscles (3, 4). Type IIDog fibres could be therefore also named IIX fibres. Another dog peculiarity is a high degree of oxidative activity in the muscle fibres suggesting that dog muscles are adapted to endurance activity (1, 4, 5). Received: 8 September, 2005 Accepted for publication: 16 January, 2006 During development fibre types are more ambiguous. It is well known that different MHC iso-forms are present in the fibres during development, hence the fibre types do not comply with the traditional (adult) classification (6). New fibre types were proposed, such as IB and IC. However, in developing canine muscles a high proportion of IIC fibres was reported by several authors (7, 8). These fibres retain a high mATPase activity in alkaline and acid prein-cubations. IIC fibres in adults are hybrid fibres since they contain fast and slow MHC isoforms. It is obvious that developing muscle fibres are hybrid as well, but co-expressing developmental MHC isoforms, i.e. embryonic and neonatal (MHC-emb, MHC-neo). These developmental isoforms are replaced by adult MHC isoforms, before and/or after birth, depending on the length of gravidity and subsequently adult fibre types are established. More appropriate designation for darkly stained fibres according to the mATPase method in developing muscles is therefore "undifferentiated fibres" (7, 9, 10). 90 M. Štrbenc The degree of muscle fibre differentiation or muscle maturity at the time of birth is correlated with the length of gravidity and general maturity of neonates, which reflects animal's physiological needs right after birth (9, 11). While most of the studies were performed on laboratory animals (including cats), some information is available for domestic animals as well. In cattle the total number of muscle fibres is fixed at foetal day 230. Primary generation consists of slow fibres as in other animals and humans, except of purely fast muscle m. cutaneus trunci, in which primary myotubes expressed fast isoform from the beginning. In mid-gestation various types of secondary fibres were observed, differentiating to slow or fast fibres. Only the third generation of fibres was still undifferentiated just before birth. The precocity of differentiation was muscle-type dependent (12, 13). Also in m. tibialis cranialis of neonate sheep all primary fibres were slow. Secondary fibres started to express adult fast isoforms in mid-gestation - some of them only transiently since they transformed into slow fibres by day 20 post par-tum (14). In newborn horses a lot of fibres seem to be type IIX and transformed into IIA in the next 48 weeks. By week 10 after birth all fibres differentiated (15, 16). Pig muscles are unique in the way that the central location of slow fibre remains visible throughout the adult life and is accompanied by a rosette of secondary slow fibres that are established in the third postnatal week. A third generation of small diameter fibres was noted only after birth. Dramatic changes were described in the first postnatal week in piglets: the disappearance of undifferentiated fibres (decrease in developmental MHC), formation of proper type I and II fibres (increase in MHC- I and MHC-IIa) and remodelling of energy metabolism (17, 18). Although immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting provide additional and less ambiguous information on the fibre composition, the enzyme-histochemistry, namely the mATPase fibre type classification, oxidative and glycolitic capacity still present quick, cost-efficient and species-universal methods in quick diagnostics of muscle pathology, regeneration or training efficiency. Postnatal changes in canine skeletal muscles were histochemically assessed in the past, but one study concentrated on a single muscle (10) while in the other the glycolitic capacity assessment of the fibres was lacking and an interval between postnatal weeks 5 and 12 was not studied (7). The aims of our study were therefore to compare several different skeletal muscles in perinatal and postnatal period, determine the time of muscle maturation with regard to mor- phological characteristics of muscle fibres, and compare the fibre type classification in young dogs to other animals. The muscle characteristics of prenatal and pubertal dogs were also assessed for the first time. Material and methods Muscle samples were obtained from 6 fetal dogs after histerectomy or cesarean section on foetal days 50, 55 and 60 (F50, F55, F60; gesta-tional period is on average 63 days) and from 16 puppies with an age range between 1 day and 6 months (1, 3, 5, 11, 15, 22, 28, 42, 60 and 180 days) which died of natural causes or were euthanised due to severe trauma. The puppies had no apparent neuromuscular deficiencies. Five adult dogs were included in the study for comparative purposes. All dogs were of medium size (pure-breeds or mongrels with known parents). The samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C. The middle portions of the following muscles were extracted: m. rhom-boideus (p. capitis), m. longissimus dorsi (at the level of the last rib), the diaphragm, m. triceps (c. longum), m. extensor carpi radialis, m. sartorius (p. cranialis), m. semitendinosus, m. rectus femoris, m. tibialis cranialis and m. masseter. Transverse serial cryosections (10 |im) were cut on Leica CM 1800 cryostat at -17°C, mounted on APES-covered slides and air-dried. To determine fibre types in dog skeletal muscles the sections were processed for the mATPase reaction following some of the procedures described by Latorre et al. (2). The sections were incubated either in 0.1M Na-acetate at pH 4.3 and 4.35 or in 0.2M Na-acetate at pH 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 for 5 minutes at room temperature. For the alkaline preincubation the solutions of 0.1M CaCl2, 0.07M Na-acetate and 0.075M Na-barbital adjusted to pH 9.8 and 10.2 were used (15 min, RT). Sections were then incubated in medium containing 0.1M CaCl2, 0.07M Na-acetate and 0.075M Na-barbital, pH 9.65 and ATP 1.5 mg/ml for 60 min folloving the acid preincubation or 30 minutes folloving alkaline preincubation, both at 37°C. After washing in 0.2M CaCl2 visualization was performed by incubation in a 2% (w/v) cobalt chloride solution (5 min), followed by fresh 1% (w/v) ammonium sulphide solution for 30 seconds. The diameter of muscle fibres was measured by Lucia M imaging software (Optoteam Wienna). Minimum diameter was selected as a measure of fibre diameter to avoid errors due to possible section obliquity. Changes in histochemical properties of muscle fibres in developing canine skeletal muscles 91 To estimate fibres' basic metabolic profile the presence of active oxidative enzyme succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and glycolytic mitochondrial menadion-linked a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (a-GPDH) was demonstrated as previously described by Nachlas et al. (1957) and Dubowitz and Brooke (1973), respectively. The age-dependant differences in enzyme activities was followed by biochemistry. Frozen muscle samples were cut on microtome and homogenised (Ultra-turrax, IKA-Werke) in 20 volumes of 100 mM KPO4, 5 mM EDTA and 5 mM EGTA (pH 7.4) while kept on ice. The homogenate was sonicated on ice to further disrupt mitochondrial membranes and frozen. The procedure was repeated and after second thawing the samples were further diluted with ice-cold 100 mM KPO4, 5 mM EDTA and 5 mM EGTA (pH 7.4) to achieve final dilution 1:20 (wet tissue mass : buffer volume). Citrate synthase (CS) activity was determined by the standard method of Srere (19) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) by Bergmeyer and Bernt (20) spectrophotometrically at 25°C using UV/VIS Spectrofotometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 12. The appearance of CoA-SH was measured at wavelength 412 nm to asses CS activity in the following reaction: acetyl-CoA + oxaloacetate + H2O o citrate + CoA-SH + H+ (side reaction CoA-SH + DTNB ^ mercapptide ion). Aliquots of the diluted homogenate were used for the assay in duplicates. They were kept on ice just prior to the analysis and then submerged in water bath at 25°C to increase reaction kinetics. 975 |l of 100 mM Tris (pH 8,1) used as a buffer was dispersed into 1.5 ml quartz cuvette and the following reagents added: 75 | l 3 mM acetyl-CoA, 150 | l 1 mM DTNB, 150 |l oxaloacetate and 150 |l of sample homogenate. The LDH activity was determined by the rate of oxidation of NADH ( pyruvate + NADH + H+ o lactate + NAD+) as decrease in extinction at 340 nm. To 1.5 ml of buffer-pyruvate solution (50 mM phosphate, pH 7.5 and 0.63 mM pyruvate), 25 |l of reduced NADH (ca. 11.3 mM p-NADH obtained by dissolving 14 mg NADH-Na2 and 15 mg NaHCO3 in 1.5 ml distilled water) and 50 |l of sample homogenate ere added. Readings were taken at 20-s intervals and plotted against time. Enzyme activities were calculated from the rate of change of assay absorbance at the maximal linear slope and expressed as micromoles per minute per gram (wet mass) of tissue. Results In foetuses and newborns all muscles were composed of fascicles which had one centrally located primary myotube/myofibre, surrounded by secondary fibres with smaller diameter. In the diaphragm myotubes were transforming into myofibres already on F50, but m. rectus femoris and m. triceps brachii were still composed solely of myotubes on F50. Between fascicles and individual fibres of foetuses (F50, F55) there were wide intercellular spaces with loose connective tissue that diminished just before birth (F60). Fibres were more or less rounded compared to typical polygonal morphology of mature fibres. In other muscles myotubes (seen as rings or crescents) remained visible in some parts of the muscle in neonates while other parts of the same muscle were maturing faster. The tubal morphology of primary fibres was therefore noted up to postnatal day 5 and that of the secondary fibres up to postnatal day 1 in majority of the muscles. Typical changes in myofibre morphology are shown in Fig. 1. In some parts of m. rhom-boideus, m. rectus femoris, m. triceps brachii and m. semitendinosus tubal morphology was noted up to postnatal day 11 (Fig. 2). No distinction between primary and secondary fibres could be made on the basis of the mATPase staining method on fetal days F50 or F55 (se panels A and B in Fig. 1). On F60 and in newborns two different fibre types were observed according to mATPase staining method: primary fibres had a low mATPase activity and secondary fibres retained a high mATPase activity after both, alkaline and acid preincubation (for example of acid preincubation see Fig. 1C). On the third day post partum a few intermediately stained fibres occurred in some muscles. The rhomboideus muscle had the highest number of intermediately-stained fibres on postnatal days 11 and 22 after acid preincubation at 4.4 (Fig. 2 and Table 1). By the third week a mosaic appearance in mATPase staining with acid preincubation was noted in most muscles (Fig. 1E). A spectrum of staining intensities was observed between weeks 3 and 6 and seven different fibre phenotypes could be established in the majority of the muscles. They did not completely comply with the standard classification of fibre types in adults, but the destination of differentiation could be proposed (Table 2). Fibres with the smallest diameter retained a high mATPase activity after all preincu-bation media used and they were referred to as undifferentiated fibres. M. rectus femoris and m. triceps brachii had more undifferentiated fibres than the other muscles. Proper type I fibres were 92 M. Štrbenc Figure 1: Canine skeletal muscle fascicles in m. sartorius (A) and in m. triceps brachii (B) on foetal day 50 (F50); m. sartorius on F60 (C), on postnatal day 11 (D), the third week (E), the sixth week (F), the second month (G) and in adult dog (H) according to the mATPase reaction at pH 4.4. Few days before birth big primary myotubes (arrowheads) and smaller secondary myotubes (arrows) can be seen clearly. After birth, there is a centrally located primary myofibre (Ip), surrounded by smaller secondary ones (II). The number of secondary fibres increased after birth. After the third week undifferentiated (u) and differentiating (d) fibres can be observed and adult types start to appear (I, IIA). IIX fibres were first noted at two-month-old dog. By postnatal week 6 the inversion of the staining properties of primary slow fibres (Ip) occurred (compare panels C, D and E with F). Scale bars = 50 |im. Changes in histochemical properties of muscle fibres in developing canine skeletal muscles 93 Figure 2: The mATPase demonstration of fibre types in serial sections of m. rhomboideus on postnatal day 11; acid preincubation at pH 4.4 (A) and 4.6 (B). After acid preincubation at pH 4.4 (and 4.3, not shown) about 11% of the fibres stained with intermediate intensity (*). They possibly represent the future slow fibres but stain dark at 4.5 and higher, the same as the rest of secondary fibres, classified as undifferentiated (u). At this age big type I fibres (I) are weakly stained after 4.2 - 4.4 pH values of preincubation media (also in alkaline, not shown) and intermediately in pH 4.5 (and 4.6). Some fibres still have a tubal morphology (arrows). Scale bar = 50 |im. Table 1: Three different dog fibre phenotypes established by the mATPase method after foetal day 55 and up to the third postnatal week. Gray to black circles represent the staining intensity of muscle fibres. Big primary fibres had different staining properties than any adult fibre type. Intermediately stained fibres (differentiating) occurred in some parts of m. extensor carpi radialis, m. tib-ialis cranialis and m. rhomboideus at postnatal day 3, but in most of the other muscles at postnatal day 11, except in m. triceps brachii, m. semi-tendinosus and m. rectus femoris, where only big fibres and undifferentiated fibres were seen. Table 2: General staining scheme of seven different fibre phenotypes established by the mATPase method on weeks 3, 4 and 6 in investigated canine muscles excluding the masseter. The undifferentiated fibres had the same staining properties as adult IIC fibres but were the smallest in the diameter. With the three fibre types which did not fall into normal adult category a proposed differentiating direction is given. Primary fibres failed to comply with proper type I until the second month of age as well as proper IIDog were not found during this period. developing muscles between postnatal days 1 and week 3 preincubation fibre type alkaline 10.2 acid 4.5 acid 4.3 big primary fibres o o o differentiating • o • undifferentiated • • • developing muscles between postnatal weeks 3 and 6 preincubation fibre type alkaline 10.2 acid 4.5 acid 4.3 primary slow (big type I) o • • secondary slow (small type I) o • • undifferentiated (IIC) • • • differentiating IIC^I o • • differentiating IIC IIA • • o differentiating IIC IIDog (IIX) • • • IIA • o o 94 M. Štrbenc observed between weeks 3 and 6 (Fig. 1 E and F). They retained a high mATPase activity after the acid preincubation (dark stain) and had lost it after alkaline preincubation (no stain), however, the big primary fibres stained slightly after alkaline preincubation until week 6. In m. rhom-boideus there was already 43% of type I fibres in six-week-old dog, while other muscles had between 12 and 19% of type I fibres. In adults m. rhomboideus was the slowest muscle, with the ratio between fast and slow fibres about 1:1. At two months of age the muscle fibre type composition resembled those found in adult animals (Fig. 1 G). Fibre types I, IIA, IIC and IIX (IIDog), irregularly distributed inside muscle fascicles, were found (except in m. extensor carpi radialis, see below), and their proportions were similar to previously established patterns in adult animals (3). Type IIM fibres in m. masseter, as seen in adults, strongly resemble the undifferen-tiated fibres: they stained dark after acid and alkaline preincubations. The number of fibres per muscle fascicle was increasing. The ratio between primary and secondary fibres increased in average from 1:9 on F55 to 1:25 on F60 and to 1:44 at day 5 post partum in most of the muscles. In the masseter these numbers were lower, in average 1:5 fibres on F50, 1:15 on F60 and 1:19 on day 5. M. rectus femoris and m. triceps brachii had slightly higher number of fibres in one muscle fascicle after postnatal day 5; in average ratio between primary and secondary fibres was 1:47. |jm 50 40 30 20 10 slow fibres ^ N * * * ❖ fy & fr & ^ days of age Mtn 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 fast fibres IIA and undifferentiated IIA (IIM) N