VHilN MULLl'Uk\: i-O-43 24465 LAKELAND BLVD. EUCLID,OHIO 23 OGLAŠAJTE V NAJBOLJŠEM SLOVENSKEM ČASOPISU V OHIJU ★ Izvršujemo vsakovrstne tiskovine VOL. XXXII. — LETO ХХХП. Plesna veselica Clev. fed. SNPJ Clevelandska federacija društev SNPJ bo priredila v soboto zvečer veliko plesno veselico v avditoriju Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave. Vesele poskočnice in lepe valčke bo sviral Lou ^ Trebarjev orkester, v prizidku se bodo servirala vsakovrstna okrepčila in zabava bo v splošnem najlepša. Vabi se članstvo društev SNPJ in ostalo občinstvo na mnogobrojni poset. Veselica veteranov Euclidski veterani bodo priredili veliko plesno veselico v soboto zvečer v Slovenskem društvenem domu na Recher Ave. Kot običajno, bo zabava prvovrstna za vse posetnike. Za ple-saželjne bo na razpolago orkester Sokach-Habat Tunemixers. čiščenje preprog Družba Family Rug & Carpet Cleaning Co. na 10315 Union A-ve. sčisti vsakovrstne preproge in karpete v popolno zadovoljstvo in po zmernih cenah. AJfo jih pokličete pridejo po preproge na dom in zopet v kratkem času nazaj pripeljejo. I^obri gradbeniki Firma A. Siegler & Sons, ki |nia svoj urad na 4923 Lee Rd., izvršuje vsakovrstna gradbena ,. Y y owner on shopping tours '200 a.H^yndhurst estate. A (giQC -^_.____^omobile for only .... ФЛ130 ")48^Г '——---- '^ded »^X^olet. Popular Coupe model extras: this l>eautiful biaCk buyer $1495 lo, Car Г," WiVr"' extras; this -beautiful black fBaraiini' provide the lucky Only transporation « 1948 BUICK ROADMASTER Dynaflow 4-door. Still has the paper on it 6,810 miles; not even broken in! Carlsbad black finish, leather trimmed interior. 8:20x15 white tires, chrome wheels, radio, heater, backup lights, directional signals, windshield washers under-coated. Why settle for less Фплпс than the best? $700 below list. Ф4430 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDANET. Its extremely low mileage and glistening iridescent regency blue finish are proof positive of the meticulous care its 1 owner gave it. Loaded with extras, including radio, heater, foglights, etc., it is priced 11 CQC at only -......................................... ФЈОЗО CONVERTIBLES • 1948 Buick Roadmaster, maroon, • 1947 Chevrolet, be(ge. # 1946 De Soto Custom, blue. # 1946 Mercury, light gray. # 1941 Pontiac, cream. • 1940 Ford, blue (hot rod). 1946 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR. Driven very little by prominent Cleveland banker wiio spared no expense in equipping this gorgeous gray car with General Squeegee tires, blowout proof tubes, radio, heater and defroster. This Buick came from a fine owner and deserves another who ф 1 CCfJ can appreciate the best ... фЈУОУ 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE. The perfect condition of this trim 2-door testifies to its former owner's conscientious care. Fully equipped including low pressure white tires .....-..........-...... $1995 1941 BUICK ROADMASTER 4-DOOR SEDAN. This beautiful car was turned in to us by a prominent Shaker Hts. family. A one owner gem, fully equipped; bargain priced $995 1949 MERCURY STATION WAGON. Delivered new 6,910 miles ago for $3,300. Л truly beautiful thing to behold with its maroon finish and contrasting birch and mahogany wood. Genuine. moroccan leather interior. Radio, heater, low pressure tires. You save $100 for every 1,000 miles ФОДОК it has been driven ................... 1941 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR finished in beautiful Ludington green. This car is absolutely rustless and shows discriminating care throughout from its original lady owner; only 34,000 carefully driven miles; try and $1025 beat it at ....................................... _________ - 'T'sroon chrome wheels, fully 1 $895 LOWER PRICED SPECIALS Custom Club Coupe. 1940 BUICK Super Club Coupe. Metallic blue, radio and heater. An ideal car for family with small children ............-.....-......... 4»/^»^ 1941 DE SOTO CUSTOM 2-DOOR. Not good looking, but darned dependable transportation; ^equipged with $395 I a heater and A ^ USED CAR DEPT. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Shaker Blvd. at E. 103 St. TY1-0660 Just one block East of Buckeye-E. 93-Woodhill Intersection huncu. Pristopila je h Grigoriju in se začela nasmihati. Omotljiv vonj po kumaričji maži ji je vel od zalega obraza. — Morebiti ti lahko kaj pomagam, Grišenka? — Nimaš kaj pomagati. — Oh, Grigorij Pantelevič! Zakaj ste pa zdaj z menoj, z vdovo, tako osorni! Ne zasnie-jete se in niti z ramo ne zmig-nete. — V kuhinjo bi se šla zavr-tet, razgetela! — Uh, ravno to mi je na misel! — Nataliji bi j)omagala. Po-lej Mišatka, kakšen ti leta okrog, umazan ko pujsek. — Še tega se manjka! Vidva jih bosta rodila, jaz naj jih pa za vama čedim ? Ta bi bila lepo! Tvoja Natalja je rodovita ko zajka. Ta ti jih bo še kak ducat naklepala. Tako si lahko do comolcev zbrusim orke, preden ti jih bom vse odrgnila. — A, ba, ba! Beži! — Grigor Pantelevič! Vi ste zdaj na vasi edini kozak izmed vseh. Ne podite me, naj vam vsaj od daleč pogledam na črne zapeljive brkice. Grigorij se je zasmejal in si vrgel lase s potnega čela. — Na, pa še nbs! Kako je Petro živel ste boj . . . Ti menda že kar pozabljaš nanj . . . — Le mirni bodite! — je giz-davo zagotovila Darja, upirala v Grigorija poigravajoče se, priprte oči in se narejeno uplašena ozrla proti hiši. — Ej, to bi jo skupila, če bi zdajle Natalja prišla .. . kako ti je ljubosumna nate — to je že od sile! Včeraj, pri južini, sem majheno pogledala po tebi, pa ji je že vsa barva zginila z obraza. Meni pa so že včeraj mlade ženske deja-e: "Kakšna pravica je to? Kozakov ni, vaš Griška pa je prišel v vas in se ne gane od žene. Kako pa, misliš, naj me živimo? tftdi komaj pol nekdanjega, me bi se tudi s to polovico čisto zadovoljile. Poreci mu, naj ponoči ne lazi po vasi, če ne, ga bomo prestregle in vraga bo videl!" Jaz pa sem jim rekla: "Naka, babnice, naš Griša samo po drugih vaseh živi na kratko nogo, doma se pa drži venomer Čas pomladanskega snaženja je tu! Vaše dobre preproge in karpeti so vredni najboljše čistilne posluge. Olepšajte vaš dom—naj se vaše preproge svetijo. Zadovoljivo, prvovrstno delo vam napravijo naši eksperti. Za ločno poslugo pokličite in pridemo iskali ler nazaj pripeljemo. Family Rug & Carpet Cleaniftg Co. 10315 UNION AVE. BRoadway 4500 BOCK BEER M ARI NKO'S BEER — WINE — SOFT DRINKS Corner E. 156th St. 8 WATERLOO RD. Free Fast Delivery Phone IVanhoe 3170 TOKAY AVE. Maple Heights, O. Prazna hiša s 6 sobami, Colonial tipa; 2 leti stara; fornez na plin, kombinacijska okna, preproge. Takoj $3,000. Dobi se tudi pohištvo. WM, H. BROWN Realtor 17591 Broadway Pokličite operatorico za št. Monlrose 1400 Hiis genuine only 42# THE MAYTAG CHIEFTAIN, America's finest low-priced washer. Easy terms—liberal trade-in. Come in today for demonstration. EASY TERMS BRODNICK BROS. Appliances & Furniture Store 16013-15 Waterloo Rd. IV 6072 Natalje za kiklo. Ni dolgo tega, kar je postal pravi svetnik . . " (Dalje prihodnjič) OPREMLJENO SOBO SE ODDA V NAJEM POŠTENEMU MOŠKEMU ALI ŽENSKI. Poizve se na 20630 Tracy Ave. jPrijatel's Lekarna! [PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS} Zastonj pripeljemo na dom St. Clair Ave., vogal E. 68 SI. ENdicott 4212 PAPIRAMO IN BARVAMO Prvovrstno delo, zmerne cene. Pokličite, da vara damo prost proračun.—Se priporočamo. Geo. PanchuT in Sinovi 16603 Waterloo Rd. — KE 2146 Trgovina s stenskim papirjem in barvo. Wallpaper Steamer for Rent PETER ROSTAN 449 EAST 158 ST. — KE 0620 PAINTER & DECORATOR Barvamo zunaj in znotraj—v mestu ali izven mesta ■ Delo vedno prvovrstno in zadovoljivo. Cene nizke. — Se priporočamo. Ali kašljate? Pri nas imamo izborno zdravilo, da vam ustavi kašelj in prehlad. MANDEL DRUG 15702 WATERLOO RD. Domači maU oglasnik GOSTILNA PRAVE VREDNOSTI ZA ENO DRUilNO Linton Ave., 5 sob. plinska gorkota ..$6300 Boston Ave., 7 sob, fornez na plin _$8,000 Covert Ave., 7 sob, fornez na plin ....$8,500 Avondale Ave., Garfield Heights ........$9,800 Gaylord Ave., 9 sob, parna gorkota ..$10,000 Engel Ave., 8 sob, fornez na ^in _____$11,000 Nelson Ave., 6 sob, fornez na plin ..$11,500 ZA DVA DRU4INI Lansing Ave., 4-2, 2 kopalnici, fornez na plin, beneški zastori, zimska okna, eno stanovanje prazno, drugo bo v dveh tednih ..................................................$9,800 E. 93 St., blizu Mt. Auburn, 5-5, fornez na plin, eden na premog; 2 garaži; eno je prazno _. .. ..............................................$12,000 E. 65 St., od Union Ave., 5-5, 2 kopalnici .......................................................$7,500 ORLOWSKI REALTY Popolna zavarovalninska postrežba BR. 3869 3806 E. 65 ST. DI 8912 GOOD TIME CAFE 9413 ST. CLAIR AVE. VICTOR In ANČKA HOČEVAR Za kozarec dobre piva, žganja ali vina in okusen prigrizek, obiščite našo gostilno. Serviramo ko-košjo pečenko in steak vsaki Imamo odprlo tudi ob nedeljah popoldne. HECKER TAVERN John Sustaršič in Frank Hribar 1194 EAST 71sl ST. ENdicott 9779 pivo, vino in žganje ter okusen prigrizek. Odprto do 2:30 zjutraj GOSTILNA CAKST MEMORIALS Kraška kamnoseška obrt 15425 WATERLOO ROAD IVanhoe 2237 Edina slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spomenikov HARMONIKE vseh vrst slovenske in nemške ter kromatične ali klavirske izdelujem in popravljam po zmernih cenah VSE DELO JE JAMČENO Se priporočam ANTON BOHTE R. D. 2, Clymer, Pa. . Frank Mihčič Cafe 7114 ST. CLAIR AVE. Dobro pivo, žganje in prigrizek ter slastno vino ENdicott 9359 Odprto od 6. zj. do 2.30 zj. SAMO $1250 VPLAČILA ZA G. I. Nov bungalow na 7519 Manhat-ten Ave., od Ridge Rd. 3. cesta južno od Brook Park. Se lahko vselite; inteligentno planiranje je vidno v tem domu; prostorne sobe na enemu nadstropju; lepo ^ekorirane; prostor na 2. nadst. za dodatne sobe; plinska gorkota, insulirano, ce-mentiran dovoz. F-H.Av, G. I. odobreno. Blizu šol in trgovin ter tran-sportacije. A. SlEGLER fc SONS "Boljši domovi za boljše življenje" 4923 Lee Rd__WA 2130 Three Corner Cafe 1194 EAST 71st ST. Frank Baraga in John Levstik, lastnika Izvrstno pivo — vino — žganje in okusen prigrizek. Pri nas dobite vedno dobro Se priporočamo "OLD OXFORD TAVERN" 1014 E. 63 ST.. EN 9288 TONY PERUSEK—EDDIE SESEK Prvovrstno sveže pivo in žganje; okusna jedila ter ribja pečenka; vsak petek zvečer igra Croatian Tamburitza. Se priporočamo. AVTOMOBILSKA POSTREŽBA ANTON mBLER 6530 St. Clair Ave. ' . EX 8316 priporoča v naklonjenost svojo zlatarno vsem Slovencem in Hrvatom Kot izučen urar v stari domovini, prvovrstno popravi ure vseh izdelkov ter zlatnino. DANICA'S CAFE Vogal E. 169 SI. in Grovewood Ave. Danica in Joe Hrvatin Priporočamo se za obisk. Fine pijača in prijetna družba. NOV BUNGALOW 7406 LIBERTY AVE. od Ridge Rd. Samo $1450 Aranžira se GI financiranje; Pred-vhod, velika sprejemnica, 2 veliki spalnici, "tile" kopalnica, velika kuhinja z primernimi shrambami; zgoraj se lahko poveča. Klei pod vso hišo. Avtomatična plinska gorkota, in grelec za vodo. Cementiran dovoz. Samo $11,300. Dober nakup. A. SlEGLER & SONS Gradbeniki 4923 Lee Rd. WA 2130 zv. WA 8742 GAY INN Frank iti Emily Svigel 6933 ST. CLAIR AVE. Fino pivo, vino in žganje, ler skusen prigrizek. J—Za prijelno družbo obiščite nas. MAX'S AUTO BODY SHOP 1109 E. 61st ST. — UTah 1-3040 Max Želodec, lastnik Nove avte, ki so poškodovani, popravimo, da zopet zgleda j o kot novi. CVETLIČARNE SLOVENSKA CVETLIČARNA felercit jFlorisitsi 15302 WATERLOO RD. IVanhoe 0195 Imamo še nekaj pravih naglenov in več vrst vrtnic. RAZNO Re-Nu Auto Body CO. 982 EAST 152nd ST. Popravimo vaš avto in prebarvamo, da bo kot nov. Popravljamo body in fenderje. Welding! J. POZNIK GLenville 3830 Elyria Auto Repair and Welding Joe Mrhar, lastnik Towing. Parts, Batteries, Painting Body Fenders 6815-31 SUPERIOR AVE. ENdicott 9361 Moderna slovenska popravljalnica Prodajamo tudi nove Willy# avtomobile in truke CLEVELAND TRUST PERSONAL LOANS AM lOIV-COSr lASr fO AKRANCC NOV BUNGALOW Samo $10.600 KENNERDOWN, od Dunham Rd. Velika sprejemnica, 2 veliki spalnici, lin-o-wall kopalnica; velika kuhinja z primernimi shrambami; proster za povečanje na 2. nadst.; klel pod vso hišo: avtomatična plinska toplota in vodni grelec. Popolnoma insulirana. Veterani plačajo takoj samo $1500, neveterani nekoliko več. Se aranžira nizko financiranje. A. SlEGLER & SONS Gradbeniki 14923 Lee Rd. WA 2130 zv. WA 8742 CITY-WIDE DRY CLEANING 5807 WHITE AVE.—16005 WATERLOO RD. Obleke ukrojimo, popravimo, sčistimo in zlikamo. Čistimo tudi preproge. Pridemo iskati in nazaj pripeljemo. Pokličite KE 1920 Superior Body & Paint Co. Popravimo ogrodje in fenderje. Prvovrstno delo. Frank Cvelbar 6605 ST. CLAIR AVE.—EN 1633 OGLAŠAJTE V ENAKOPRAVNOSTI Rich Body Shop 1078 E. 64 St. HEnderson 9231 FRANK RICH. lastnik Se priporočamo za popravilo In barvanje vašega avtomobila. Delo točno in dobro. KUPUJEMO IN PRODAJAMO RABLJENE AVTE V priporočilo Za vljudno in točno postrežbo ter zmerne cene OBIŠČITE DAVID'S na 934 E. 152 St. GLenville 8287 kjer si boste lahko izbrali iz njih obširne zaloge zlatnino, stenske in zapestne ure, srebrnino, radio aparate in električne predmete. VABIMO VAS, DA SI OGLEDATE NAŠO TRGOVINO IN SE SEZNANITE Z NAMI Mrs. Josephine Močnik, Active in Cultural and Social Circles, Died Suddenly Last Tuesday A heart attack last Tuesday, caused the sudden death of the well known and beloved Josephine Mocnik (nee Koprivec) of 1964 East 221 Street, Euclid, Ohio. "Josie," as she was known to her numerous friends and acquaintances, was active in cultural and social affairs in the Slovene National Home, St. Clair Avenue. Born in Lljubljana 54 years ago, she came to America about 44 years ago. She was a member of Lodge Napredne Slovenke No. 137 SNPJ, of which she was president for the last 15 years, the Svobodomiselne Slovenke Lodge No. 2 SDZ, of which she was recording secretary. Circle No. 2 of the Progressive Slovene Women, and the Ivan Cankar Dramatic Club. She appeared in several performances given by the dramatic club. She also belonged to the Women's Benefit association No. 16 TM and the Collinwood Business Ladies' Club; Mrs. Mocnik is survived by her husband John, a son Stanley of Fort Lauderdale, Pla., and daughter Mrs. Dorothy Schlarb. She also leaves her mother Mrs. Jennie Koprivec, two brothers Joe of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and John, and five sisters: Mrs. Nettie Birtich, Mrs. Emily Svigel, Mrs. Pauline Birk, Mrs. Jennie Strukel and Mrs. Alice Spehek of Florida. Funeral services were held today at 1:30 p. m. from the Jos. Zele and Sons Funeral Parlors, East 152 Street. Burial took place in Highland Park Cemetery. straight From Washington WASHINGTON, D. C.—Congress will enact a housing measure. The Administration housing proposal has already been approved by the Senate Banking Sub-Committee. This calls for an expenditure of $308,000,-000 per year for the next four years. It provides for the building of 800,000 government-fi-nanced public housing units during the coming six years. In addition, there is a $1,250,000,000 slum clearance program in the form of loans and grants to states and municipalities. Also, a $262,000,000 rural housing program. This represents fulfillment of campaign promises of Democratic candidates for Congress. This complies with President Truman's repeated recommendations that our Government in time of peace do exactly what it did in time of war in the erection of housing for Oak Ridge and other cities. Homeless veterans who have been taken for a long ride have received new hope. In addition, the pending bill provides an extensive program of Government aid to housing research and a national housing census in 1950. Do Nothing Congress? Criticism, and it may be justified, has been leveled at the present Congress for failure to pass needed legislation although in session for more than two months. Perhaps those now protesting will be the ones squealing loudest next July that this Congress has done too much. Time will tell. A new Congress always gets off to a slow start. It takes two or three weeks to select committees. Then a week or so longer for committees to organize and fire employees appointed by the party formerly in power and select new employees. Then if bills are passed on by committee members without adequate public hearings, which may take weeks, there is justification for complaint. Frankly, most proposed legislation of this administration is highly controversial, with opposition in both parties. For example, conservative Democrats oppose liberal Social Security laws and are fighting By Stephen M. Young Congressman at Large— Ohio President Truman's Civil Rights Program. Another reason for delay is that committees with overloaded schedules present another problem. As an example, take the committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives. Public hearing on Reciprocal Trade extension consumed six weeks. Social Security will take two or three months—then follow compulsory health insurance, repeal of excise taxes and possible tax increases. Bottleneck or no bottleneck, all revenue and tax legislation, social security and trade agreements, etc. must originate in the committee on Ways and Means, consisting of 15 Democrats and 10 Republicans, each elected by his fellow congressmen. Rent Controls Extensive public hearings have been conducted before Congressional Committee. Subject: Should rent controls be extended? New congress will debate and vote on rent control proposals. Senator Taft, Ohio, conservative Republican leader, declared he favored ending rent control. Congressman Wolcott, Michigan, Republican leader jn the House of Representatives, joined his party policy-leader in a declaration that rent control should be ended by October 1949. Federal Rent Control Director Woods testified that where rent control was discontinued rents rose on an average of 55%. Americans do not like controls. On the other hand, Americans like fair play and, generally speaking, would not wish congress to create a situation where even a small minority of landlords could mercilessly gouge needy men, women and children and force them to pay exorbitant rents, or else. Films Tonight at SNH Tonite, March 18th, Circle No. 2 will show films of past SNPJ activities in the lower hall of the Slovene National Home, East 65 Street and St. Clair Avenue. The time will be 7 p. m. The public is invited. A. Zagar, Director. ENAKOPRAVNOST 6231 St. Clair Avenue HEnderson 5311-12 ENGUSH SECTION FRIDAY MARCH 18. 1949 STRABANE YOUTH RETURNED FOR BURIAL Funeral services for ' Pfc. Frank Sterle, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. i'rank and Annie Sterle of Strabane, Pa., were held last Wednesday in Canonsburg. Pfc. Sterle was called to the service on December 8, 1941, and left for overseas duty in 1942. At the time of his death he was 20 years old. He was a member of Lodge 589 SNPJ and the American Fraternal Union, both in Strabane, Pa. Besides his parents he is survived by a brother John and sister Hedwig of Strabane, Pa. and brother Joe and sisters Mrs. Mary Zigman and Mrs. Annie Dusic of Cleveland. VARIETY PROGRAM AT SNH SUNDAY On March 20, 1949 at 4 p. m. at the Slovene National Home on St. Clair Avenue, a variety program will be given for the benefit of the Educational Bureau of the JSF. The musical portion of the program will be given by the Slovene Singing Societies, Jadran, Slovan and Zarja. The dramatic club "Anton Verovsek" will present a play "Pozabljivost." Tickets may be obtained from any member of the above clubs. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Sophie Kapel. SUPPER AND DANCE The Ladies' Club of the Slovenian Co-operative Stores is celebrating the 20th year of its organization by sponsoring a Supper and Dance at the Slovene Workmen's Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, on Saturday, March 19th at 7:30. Since March 19th is the feast of St. Joseph this is a special celebration for all Josephs and Josephines. Frances Princ. Springtime Dance sponsored by Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges Saturday, March 19,1949 Slov. Nat'I Home ST. CLAIR AVE. Music by Lou Trebar and His Orchestra ADMISSION 75c tax included CLEVELAND TO SEE ITS OWN "MIGNON" mm Ktse srey/enff Ambroise Thomas' "Mignon" will be presented by the Metropolitan Opera in Public Auditorium as "Cleveland's Own Opera" Tuesday night, April 5. The new production of the opera—one of eight in Cleveland's 24th Metropolitan season—was made possible through a gift from the Northern Ohio Opera Association. The Cleveland season will open Monday, April 4, and close Saturday night, April 9. \ Rise Stevens will have the title role with Patrice Munsel as Philine, Giuseppe Di Stefano as Wilhelm Meister and Jean Browning-Madeira as Frederic. This will be Miss Browning-Ma-deara's Cleveland debut. The opera will bring the first of two appearances by Miss Munsel. She will be the Rosina in Gioacchino Rossini's "The Barber of Seville," Saturday afternoon, April 9. Mail orders are now being received at'the Northern Ohio Opera Association's box office in the main lobby of the Union Bank of Commerce, Euclid Avenue and East 9th Street, Cleveland 14, Ohio. Prices are $1.20, $2.40, $3.60, $4.80, $6 and $7.20, including tax. Because seats at some prices are not available for all operas, second and third choices should be included in all orders. MILITARY SERVICES FOR PFC. JOHN VALENCIC The body of Pfc. John J. Val-encic, who was killed in action in the Fiji Islands on December 29, 1943, was returned to Cleveland this week for burial. Entering the service in May of 1942, he received his basic training at Camp Shelby, Miss., after which he was sent to Fort Ord, California, and then to the Southwest Pacific. He was 28 years old at the time of his death. Prior to his call to the service he was employed at the Osborn Mfg. Co. Besides his parents John and Jennie (nee Bambic), he is survived by brothers Anthony, Mathias and Edward, and three sisters Jennie Kozan, Josephine and Elsie. The family residence is at 1239 East 58 Street. Friends will be received at the Zakrajsek Funeral Parlor, 6016 St. Clair Avenue. Military services will be held tomorrow morning at 9:30 from St. Vitus Church. Burial will take place in the Soldiers Section of Calvary Cemetery. IN FLORIDA Greetings arrived this week from Mr. and Mrs. M. Beros, who are vacationing at Lake Wales, Florida. IN CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Anne (Bradač) Sowinski of 3852 East 112 Street left for a one month vacation in California. Art Kushlan Candidate for Presidency of AWA Arthur Kushlan, son of Mrs. Mary Kushlan-Somrak, who has been an employee of Thompson Products for over 10 years, is a candidate for the Presidency of the Aircraft Workers Alliance Union. Art, who was raised in the St. Clair-65th area, where his mother operated the confectionery store in the Slovene National Home, graduated from East High School in 1933. He was one of our delivery boys some 20 years ago. Art now owns a farm out Chardon way where with his wife and three sons they are rapidly learning the hows and whys of farming. IN HOSPITAL The well known attorney Leo Kushlan of 19516 Tiverton Road is confined to Charity Hospital, where friends may visit him. RELIEF FOR SINUS SUFFERERS ARK YOU SUFFERING FROM SINUS DISCOMFORT? Many users have obtained relief with the new pills offered to the public for the first time. TRY USING oSo TABLETS FOR PLEASANT RELIEF Non-habit forming and not a narcotic. Distributed by Chely's Medical Products Co. 834 Rudyard Road., KEnmore 5578 JOSEPHINE and DOLORES HOMOVEC Dolores Beauty Salon 1167 EAST 74th STREET (Between Superior and St. Clair Ave.) PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYUNG SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER THE LATEST IN PERMANENT WAVING With Prices Beginning at Only $4.95 and up WITH EVERY $8.50 PERMANENT WAVE—A FREE REVLON ELECTRICAL MANICURE Phone: UT 1-7243 Open Evenings Euclid Vets Tid-Bits The Euclid Veterans held their meeting on Monday, March 7, 1949 at Ludwig's Barn, the new home of the Euclid Vets Club. A nice crowd was present. After the meeting, refreshments were served. The Euclid Vets will hold a house warming dance this Saturday, March 19, 1949 at the Slovene Society Home on Re-cher Avenue from 8 p. m. un-, til??? Music will be by Sokach and Habat Tunemixers. Everybody is welcome and everyone will have a gala time. So come prepared to have a good time. All members of the E. V. C. know that there is a two month open campaign on for new m«n-bers. Bring in members that want to co-operate in all events "JOES NITE DANCE" The Westside Slovene Athletic Club is holding its annual dance tomorrow (Saturday, March 19, 1949) at 8 p. m. at the Westside Slovene Home, 6818 Denison Avenue. The dance is called "Joes Nite Dance," because all Joes and Josephines celebrate their name day on March 19th. Music is going to be furnished by our popular orchestra Stan Mauser's Polka Knights. Admission is 60 cents. This group has for several years sponsored bowling, balina leagues and baseball teams. At present we have a 10 team mixed bowling league, which consists of bowlers, who are members of SNPJ and SDZ Lodges on the Westside and the Ambassadors SDZ of Garfield Heights. We are extending cordial invitations to all our friends and lodge members to participate at this affair. Carl J. Samanich. and not one that shirks his duty. We want honest, capable, and efficient members, that we can say "He is a good member," and those that can proudly say "I am a good member." So all you old members, bring in some of your friends. How about each member bring in one candidate? How about some of you members attending our meetings more frequently? This is all for now. See you all at our dance Saturday. 'Til then, "The Spy." Euclid Vets' Club News BH* Just a little reminder to let you know our "House-Warming" Dance will be held tomorrow at 8 p. m. in the Slovene Society Home on Recher Avenue. The Tunemixers" — Eddie Habat and Pete Sokach with their ОГ" chestra will be at the bandstand. The usual refreshments will be served. Come early and stay late. Have fun at our "House-Warming" Dance. See you all there! Ivan P. KotoraC Girls in Tag Team Match A little glamor has been added to the Armory Mat card next Tuesday evening, March 22. There will be a four girls' tag team match sharring top billing with the main event. In this tag team June Byers and Juanita Coffman will form one team and Violet Viann and Lillian Ellison the opposing team. All four girls are well-known in the national wrestling circle and are building themselves up so they can meet Mildred Burke, world's champion lady wrestler, in the near future. Bob "Strangler" Wagner has taken a fancy to Cleveland and is returning to tangle with Bobby Bruns. VISIT NEW Ш0 MODIC'S CAFE 6030 St. Clair Ave. EN. 9691 You Are AlwauB Welcome RAIMOR STUDIOS Formerly Bukovnik'c 762 EAST 185ih ST. — IV 1166 WEDDINGS - PORTRAITS CANDIDS Charles đk Olga Slapmh FLORI8T8 Beautiful Bouquete, Oorsacea, Wreaths, Potted Plants and Mowers for all Occasions 6026 ST. CLAIR AVE. EX. 3134 Spring Dance held by Waterloo Grove No. MOW.C. AT LAURICH'S 15601 HOLMES AVE. you get home made sausages, sandwich meat, steaks and chops __at any time_ t The Three D's 1. DOCTOR 2. DIAGNOSIS 3. D RJJ G S Feeling not quite up to par? Winter sort of getting you " down—"Why not see your doctor," and get the right prescription here where it will be filled quickly, accurately and priced right. HEAT LAMPS — VAPORIZERS ATOMIZER Registered Pharmacist Alway* on Duty Toedtman & Follis PHARMACISTS SUPERIOR AVE. AT E. BSth ST. Call HE 1035 — EN 9412 NOTICE You can pay Gas, Water, Electric and Telephone bills every day ® the office of: Mihaljevich Bros. СотраоУ 6424 ST. CLAIR AVENUE With our Special Money Order* you can pay all other bills, such »* doctors, hospitals, rents, stores, e**' Office hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. ^ B. J. RADIO SERVICE 1363 E. 45 St. — HE 3026 SOUND SYSTEM INDOOR—OUTDOOR Expert Repairing on all of Radios Tubes, Radios, Rec. Play#^ All Work Guaranteed SjEDMAK Moving and Stord^® also Light Expressing 1024 EAST 174th ST. KE 6580 Elsmihere doily In popf, read about losses suffered tnr вМ*** I citizens. Toke heed ^ bonk igJJ' savings and eorninos promptly ore cordially invited lo bonk ws. DtvgliMtaHni«* # ШМШШШ <111 sr. CLAijl # ШШШШ IS619 WATCR^ # •Roadway ! ##### SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1949 at Slovene Workmen's Home on Waterloo Road Music by JOHNNY VADNAL and HIS ORCHESTHA 8 p. m. to 12 p. m. Admission HOUSE WARMING DANCE EUaiD VEH' (lUB SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1949 Slovene Society Home, Recher Ave. MUSIC BY Ц SOKACH-HABAT TUNEMlX®^ DONATION 75c