Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. doi: 10.2478/raon-2024-0010 99 research article The prognostic significance of programmed cell death protein 1 and its ligand on lymphoma cells and tumor-immune cells in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified Teja Cas Slak 1,2 , Simona Miceska 1,2 , Gorana Gasljevic 3,4 , Lucka Boltezar 2,5 , Veronika Kloboves-Prevodnik 1,4 1 Department of Cytopathology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Department of Pathology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia 5 Department of Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Received 7 November 2023 Accepted 25 November 2023 Correspondence to: Assoc. Prof. Veronika Kloboves-Prevodnik, M.D., Ph.D., Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Zaloška 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: Disclosure: No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY license ( Background. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (DLBCL, NOS) is the most common type non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma, where the treatment of relapsed/refractory cases is the major challenge. Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 play a crucial role in the negative regulation of the immune response against the disease. The aim of the study was to analyze the expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 on lymphoma cells (LCs) and tumor-immune cells (TICs) and to investigate their correlation with outcome. Patients and methods. Samples from 283 patients diagnosed with DLBCL, NOS (both germinal center B cell like [GCB] and non-GCB subtypes) were included in the study. Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 was determined using double immunohistochemical staining (D-IHC) for PD-1/PAX5 and PD-L1/ PAX5 on tissue microarrays. LCs were highlighted by D-IHC to obtain more accurate results. Clinical data and histologic diagnoses were obtained from electronic data records. We correlated clinical characteristics, and PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on LCs and TICs with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Results. Expression of PD-1 on TICs was observed in 38.4% and on LCs in 8.8% of cases, while PD-L1 was expressed on TICs in 46.8% and on LCs in 6.5% of cases. PD-L1 expression on LCs was more frequent in non-GCB subtype (p = 0.047). In addition, patients with PD-L1 expression on LCs had significantly shorter PFS (p = 0.015), and the expression retained significant in the multivariate model (p = 0.034). Conclusions. PD-L1 was more frequently expressed in LCs of the non-GCB subtype. Additionally, PD-L1 in LCs may predict shorter PFS time. D-IHC staining for PD-L1/PAX5 is a feasible method to assess PD-L1 expression on LCs of DLBCL, NOS patients and can be used to identify patients who may benefit from targeted immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors. Key words: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; immunohistochemistry; PD-1; PD-L1; PAX5 Introduction Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (DLBCL, NOS) is the most prevalent type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) arising from a complex interplay of genetic and molecular fac- tors. This heterogeneity results in approximately 35% of DLBCL, NOS cases not responding to Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 100 standard treatment method that combines rituxi- mab with anthracycline-based chemotherapy. As a result, patients who do not respond to standard therapy experience relapsed or refractory disease, which remains the leading cause of mortality. 1,2 In recent years, a variety of novel therapies, including immunotherapies, have emerged that may provide effective treatment strategies for DLBCL, NOS pa- tients, particularly for relapsed or refractory dis- ease. Identifying additional biomarkers and care- fully assessing them to precisely define the effec- tiveness of immunotherapy are therefore critical for improved treatment outcomes, which are being investigated in several ongoing studies. 3-5 The programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)/ programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) immune checkpoint pathway, which is crucial for main- taining self-tolerance and excessive immune re- sponses, has emerged as a novel biomarker target for various malignant neoplasms to suppress the anti-tumor immune response and evade immune surveillance. 6 Immunotherapy based on the PD- 1/PD-L1 signaling pathway has already been in- cluded in standard treatment guidelines for vari- ous carcinomas such as melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, triple negative breast cancer and many others. 7 Moreover, it has also attracted wide attention for the treatment of lymphomas, with the greatest success achieved in classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma and T-cell lympho- ma. 8-13 However, in DLBCL, NOS, immunotherapy based on the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway has not yet become part of the standard treatment approach. Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 in DLBCL, NOS is often elevated, leading to impaired immune cell function and tumor growth. The expression of PD-1 has been reported mainly on immune cells, emphasizing tumor-immune cells (TICs), while PD-L1 expression on lymphoma cells (LCs) and TICs. Some studies have already shown that in- creased PD-1 expression on TICs is associated with favorable overall survival (OS) of DLBCL, NOS pa- tients. 14 In contrast, increased PD-L1 expression on LCs has been associated with poorer prognosis and increased resistance to chemotherapy 8 , which also correlates with the DLBCL, NOS non-germi- nal center B-cell like (non-GCB) DLBCL, NOS sub- type defined by the Hans algorithm. 15 These data confirm their pivotal role in the tumor microen- vironment of DLBCL, NOS and also their contri- bution to the poor clinical outcomes. 8,14 However, to date, reported data have yielded conflicting results, particularly in relation to PD-1 expression on TICs, which has been by some authors associ- ated with better progression-free survival (PFS) and OS, while some other studies have found no association with survival. 1,6,16-20 On the other hand, some findings revealed an association of PD-L1 ex- pression on LCs with worse OS 1,6,8,14,16,18-21 , although there are data disputing the prognostic signifi- cance of PD-L1 or even showing a correlation with better rather than worse outcomes. It is also worth noting that most studies on the expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 in DLBCL, NOS have focused on the Asian population, where there is a higher prevalence of non-GCB DLBCL, NOS subtypes 22 , which has led to a lack of comprehensive research in the European population. Furthermore, almost all published studies have generally included only a very small number of DLBCL, NOS patients in their analyses. 1,18,19,23-25 Moreover, the majority of published research on DLBCL, NOS has merely focused on analyzing PD- 1 and PD-L1 expression on LCs or TICs, and when this has been the case, the analyses had been based on only a single immunohistochemical (IHC) staining assessment. To our knowledge, the use of markers to accurately identify LCs, such as PAX5, has rarely been reported. 14 PAX5, a member of the paired box gene family of transcription factors, is a B cell-specific activator protein that plays an im- portant role during B lymphopoiesis. It shows con- sistent expression across various stages of B-cell maturation and can be identified in the majority of B-cell neoplasms, even in cases where mature B-cell markers are not expressed. 26 Furthermore, no studies have investigated the simultaneous ex- pression of PD-1 and PD-L1 on both LCs and TICs and their prognostic significance. Therefore, our aim was to evaluate the simulta- neous expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 on LCs and TICs in a Slovenian cohort of DLBCL, NOS patients using double IHC staining in combination with PAX5 and to investigate their association with prognosis. Patients and methods Patients Patients who were diagnosed with de novo DLBCL, NOS at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (IOL), Slovenia, between February 2004 and May 2018, were included in the study. All patients were older than 18 years, tested negative for HIV and under- went lymph node biopsy and histology assessment before receiving any specific oncologic treatment. In addition, all patients were treated with stand- Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 101 ard treatment (R-CHOP: rituximab-cyclophospha- mide, vincristine, doxorubicin and prednisone or an R-CHOP-like protocol) and radiotherapy of residual disease if needed. Each patient has given written informed consent. Study design The study was conducted retrospectively, and rep- resentative lymph node excision biopsy samples were utilized. All DLBCL, NOS patients were di- agnosed and subtyped according to the Hans algo- rithm 27 , as was previously described 28 (classifying DLBCL, NOS by the cell-of-origin into germinal center B-cell [GCB] and non-germinal center B-cell like [non-GCB]). Double PD-1/PAX5 and double PD-L1/PAX5 IHC staining were performed on tis- sue microarrays (TMAs). Results were evaluated by one experienced haemato-pathologist (GG), following an already published criteria. 14,16,17,25,29,30 Clinical data were obtained from the patients’ elec- tronic medical record and were used to calculate the correlation with the survival outcomes, as well as with PD-1 and PD-L1 expression. International Prognostic Score (IPI) was calculated for each patient. 31 Survival analysis was based on a mini- mum of a 5-year patient follow-up. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was also approved by the Republic of Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee (No. 0120-151/2019/4). Immunohistochemical staining Double IHC staining was performed for PAX5 and PD-1 as well as for PAX5 and PD-L1 to determine PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on LCs and TICs, re- spectively. PAX5 nuclear staining was visualized by the presence of red chromogen in B cells, in- cluding DLBCL cells, while PD-1 and PD-L1 mem- branous staining was visualized by the presence of brown (diaminobenzidine, DAB) chromogen. IHC staining was performed using Benchmark XT and Benchmark Ultra automated immunostainers TABLE 1. Description of the PAX5, PD-1 And PD-L1 antibodies and immunohistochemistry staining protocols Primary Ab Clone Vendor Reaction type Antigen retrieval [100°C] Ab dilution Ab incubation time [min] IHC detection kit PAX5 SP34 Ventana Nuclear CC1 56 min RTU 32 (37°C) UltraView Universal Alkaline Phosphatase Red PD-1 NAT105 Dako Cytoplasmic, Membranous CC1 88 min 1:200 60 (37°C) OptiView DAB PD-L1 SP263 Ventana Cytoplasmic, Membranous CC1 64 min RTU 16 (37°C) OptiView DAB Ab = antibody; CC1 = cell conditioning solution 1; DAB = diaminobenzidine; IHC = immunocytochemistry; RTU = ready to use FIGURE 1. Representable images of the double immunohistochemical staining for (A) PD-1/PAX5 and (B) PD-L1/PAX5. Red chromogen indicates PAX5 in DLBCL, NOS nuclei of LCs, with brown chromogen is labeled PD-1 (A) or PD-L1 (B), respectively (40x magnification). DLBCL = diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; LCs = lymphoma cells; NOS = not otherwise specified; PD-1 = programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1 = PD-1 ligand A B Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 102 (Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., Tucson, AZ, USA). A detailed description of the used antibodies and IHC staining protocols are shown in Table 1. Evaluation of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression TICs and LCs were defined by re-evaluating he- matoxylin and eosin H&E slides and IHC slides stained for Bcl-6, CD5, CD10, CD20, and MUM1. LCs were recognized according to PAX5 expres- sion and morphology. The expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 was assessed semi-quantitatively for both LCs and TICs, using already published cut-off values. PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on TICs was assessed in three high-powered fields (HPF), and the score was categorized in four groups: score 0 (no positive cells), score 1 (less than 10 cells), score 2 (10-30 cells) and score 3 (more than 30 cells). According to the references 16,17,25 we considered scores 0 and 1 as negative and 2 and 3 as positive. PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on LCs was catego- rized into negative and positive group by using cut-off of 10% and 30%, respectively. 14,29,30 Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics were used to describe the basic characteristic of the data. The median and range were calculated for the age of the patients, OS, PFS, and observation time. The Chi-square test or Fisher´s exact test were used to analyze if there is a difference between PD-1 and PD-L1 ex- pression and clinicopathological characteristics of the patients. PFS was calculated as the time from diagnosis until disease progression or death from any cause, and OS was calculated as the time from diagnosis to death from any cause. The median survival of the patients was expressed in months. Kaplan Maier with log-rank test was used to com- pare PFS and OS between two groups. Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for both univariate and multivariate analysis (Cox regression model). Parameters that proved to be significant in the univariate analysis were included in the multivariate analysis. p < 0.05 was considered significant. IBM SPSS Statistics (version, IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for the analysis. Results Patients’ characteristics The study included 283 Slovenian patients diag- nosed with DLBCL, NOS. However, due to incom- plete data on patients’ treatment, lost follow-up or inadequate biological material, 67 patients were excluded, resulting in a final cohort of 216 patients TABLE 2. Clinicopathological characteristics of the Slovenian patient cohort (N = 216) included in the analysis Age at diagnosis (years) Median 64 Range 27-89 ≤60 84 >60 132 Sex, N (%) Male 104 (48) Female 112 (52) Ann Arbor stage, N (%) I 37 (17) II 47 (22) III 45 (21) IV 87 (40) Involvement of an extranodal organ, N (%) Yes 72 (33) No 103 (48) No data 41 (19) Involvement of spleen, N (%) Yes 34 (16) No 129 (60) No data 53 (24) B symptoms, N (%) Yes 76 (35) No 116 (54) No data 24 (11) IPI score, N (%) 0, 1 63 (29.2) 2 51 (23.6) 3 50 (23.1) 4, 5 54 (24.1) Classification according to Hans Algorithm, N (%) Non-GCB 92 (43) GCB 124 (57) Survival status of the patients, N (%) Alive 102 (47) Dead 114 (53) GCB = germinal center B-cell diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) subtype; IPI = International Prognostic Index; N = number; non-GCB = non-germinal center B-cell like DLBCL subtype Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 103 for subsequent analyses. The median observation time for the analyzed patients was 162 months (range 60-234 months). Clinicopathological char- acteristics of our patient’s cohort are presented in Table 2. The expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 PD-1 was expressed on TICs in 38.4% of cases and on LCs in 8.8% of cases, while PD-L1 was expressed on TICs in 62.5% of cases and on LCs in 6.5% of cases (Figure 1). We also investigated whether there was a difference between the non-GCB and GCB subtypes regarding PD-1 and PD-L1 expres- sion on both TICs and LCs. Our results showed no difference in the expression of PD-1 on TICs and LCs (p = 0.291 and p = 0.224, respectively), nor for PD-L1 on TICs (p = 0.393). Interestingly, we con- firmed significantly increased PD-L1 expression on LCs within the non-GCB subtype compared to the GCB subtype (p = 0.047). The detailed results of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression analysis can be found in Table 3. Regarding clinicopathological characteristics of the patients (Table 4), no significant differences were observed in PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on TICs or LCs when analyzed in relation with vari- ables such as the age, sex, Ann Arbor stage, in- volvement of an extranodal organ, involvement of spleen, presence of B symptoms or IPI score. Clinicopathological characteristics and correlation with progression free- survival and overall survival The results of the survival analysis, which was performed on the basis of the clinicopathological characteristics of the patients, are summarized in Figure 2 and Table 5. The median PFS was 77.4 months (range 0.23-224.89) and the median OS TABLE 3. Clinicopathological characteristics of the Slovenian patient cohort (N = 216) included in the analysis PD-1 on TICs Expression PD-1 on LCs Expression PD-L1 on TICs Expression PD-L1 on LCs Expression (N, %) Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative All cases (N = 216) 83 133 19 197 135 81 14 202 Non-GCB subtype (N = 92) 31 (37.3) 61 (45.9) 11 (57.9) 81 (41.1) 58 (43.0) 34 (42.0) 10 (71.4) 82 (40.6) GCB subtype (N = 142) 52 (62.7) 72 (54.1) 8 (42.1) 116 (58.9) 77 (57.0) 47 (58.0) 4 (28.6) 120 (59.4) Non-GCB versus GCB subtype (p value) 0.258 0.224 0.887 0.047 GCB = germinal center B-cell DLBCL subtype; LCs = lymphoma cells; N = number; non-GCB = non-germinal center B-cell like DLBCL subtype; PD-1 = programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1 = PD-1 ligand; TICS = tumor-immune cells FIGURE 2. Kaplan-Meier curves for (A) progression-free survival and (B) overall survival, representing only significant differences among all analyzed clinicopathological characteristics of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified patients. was 83.3 months (range 0.23-224.89). In the group of patients under 60 years of age, the OS was sig- A B Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 104 nificantly longer than in the group of patients over 60 years of age (p < 0.001). At the same time, we did not find age to be statistically significant for PFS. Moreover, patients in Ann Arbor stages I or II showed a significant association with longer PFS (p = 0.044) and OS (p < 0.001) compared to patients in stages III and IV. In addition, a longer PFS (p = 0.025) and OS (p = 0.004) were observed in patients without B-symptoms compared to patients with B-symptoms. A low IPI score (score between 0 and 2) was associated with a longer PFS (p = 0.003) and a longer OS (p < 0.001). No correlation with PFS and OS was observed for the other clinicopathological characteristics such as Hans algorithm, gender, an extranodal organ and spleen involvement. Correlation of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression with progression free- survival and overall survival We conducted individual survival analyses for PD- 1 and PD-L1 on TICs. The results were obtained TABLE 4. PD-1 and PD-L1 expression in association with clinicopathological characteristics of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified PD-1 expression on TICs PD-1 expression on LCs PD-L1 expression on TICs PD-L1 expression on LCs [N, (%)] Positive Negative p value Positive Negative p value Positive Negative p value Positive Negative p value Total 83 (38.4) 133 (61.6) 19 (8.8) 197 (91.2) 135 (62.5) 81 (37.5) 14 (6.5) 202 (93.5) Age 0.775 0.466 0.885 0.406 ≤60 31 (14.4) 53 (24.5) 9 (4.2) 75 (34.7) 53 (24.5) 31 (14.4) 7 (3.2) 77 (35.6) >60 52 (24.1) 8 0 (37.0) 10 (4.6) 122 (56.5) 82 (38.0) 50 (23.1) 7 (3.2) 125 (57.9) Sex 0.889 0.811 0.265 1.000 Male 39 (18.1) 65 (30.1) 10 (4.6) 94 (43.5) 61 (28.8) 43 (19.9) 7 (3.2) 97 (44.9) Female 44 (20.4) 68 (31.5) 9 (4.2) 103 (47.7) 74 (34.2) 38 (17.6) 7 (3.2) 1,5 (48.6) Ann Arbor stage 1.000 1.000 0.116 0.134 I-II 32 (14.8) 52 (24.1) 7 (3.2) 77 (35.6) 47 (21.8) 37 (17.1) 3 (1.4) 81 (37.5) III-IV 51 (23.6) 81 (37.5) 12 (5.6) 120 (55.6) 88 (40.7) 44 (20.4) 11 (5.1) 121 (56.0) Involvement of an extranodal organ 0.643 0.412 0.332 0.738 Yes 33 (18.9) 39 (22.3) 8 (4.6) 64 (36.6) 44 (25.1) 28 (16.0) 3 (1.7) 69 (39.4) No 43 (24.6) 60 (34.3) 7 (4.0) 96 (54.9) 71 (40.6) 32 (18.3) 6 (3.4) 97 (55.4) Involvement of spleen 0.847 1.000 0.540 1.000 Yes 15 (9.2) 19 (11.7) 3 (1.8) 31 (19.0) 25 (15.3) 9 (5.5) 1 (0.6) 33 (20.2) No 61 (37.4) 68 (41.7) 11 (6.7) 118 (72.4) 87 (53.4) 42 (25.8) 7 (4.3) 122 (74.8) B symptoms 0.366 0.598 0.536 0.085 Yes 27 (14.1) 49 (25.5) 5 (2.6) 71 (37.0) 52 (27.1) 24 (12.5) 9 (4.7) 67 (34.9) No 50 (26.0) 66 (34.4) 11 (5.7) 105 (54.7) 73 (38.0) 43 (22.4) 5 (2.6) 111 (57.8) IPI score 0.780 0.228 0.575 1.000 0-2 45 (20.8) 69 (31.9) 13 (6.0) 101 (46.8) 69 (31.9) 45 (20.8) 7 (3.2) 107 (49.5) 3-5 38 (17.6) 64 (29.6) 6 (2.8) 96 (44.4) 66 (30.6) 36 (16.7) 7 (3.2) 95 (44.0) Hans Algorithm classification 0.258 0.224 0.887 0.047 Non-GCB 31 (14.4) 61 (28.2) 11 (5.1) 88 (37.5) 58 (26.9) 34 (15.7) 10 (4.6) 82 (38.0) GCB 52 (24.1) 72 (33.3) 8 (3.7) 116 (53.7) 77 (35.6) 47 (21.8)) 4 (1.9) 120 (55.6) Patients’ outcome 0.124 0.639 0.779 0.788 Alive 45 (20.8) 57 (26.4) 10 (4.6) 92 (42.6) 65 (30.1) 37 (17.1) 6 (2.8) 96 (44.4) Dead 38 (17.6) 76 (35.2) 9 (4.2) 105 (48.6) 70 (32.4) 44 (20.4) 8 (3.7) 106 (49.1) GCB = germinal center B-cell DLBCL subtype; IPI = International Prognostic Index; LCs = lymphoma cells; N = number; non-GCB = non-germinal center B-cell like DLBCL subtype; PD-1 = programmed cell death protein 1: PD-L1 = PD-1 ligand; TICs = tumor-immune cells; % = percentage Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 105 while classifying the samples into four groups, as well as grouping them in two categories: negative (0 and 1) and positive (2 and 3). However, no statis- tically significant differences were found in either data set (Figure 3). Correlation analysis between PD-L1 expression on LCs and patient survival showed a significant correlation for patients who had no PD-L1 expres- sion on LCs (i.e. less than 30% of LCs were PD-L1 positive), with significantly longer progression- free survival (PFS) (p = 0.015) compared to patients who had detectable PD-L1 expression (77 .7 months vs. 15.6 months). However, no correlation with OS was observed. Furthermore, correlation PD-1 ex- pression on LCs cell showed no correlation with PFS and OS. Detailed results of the correlation analysis for PD-1 and PD-L1 expression with PFS and OS are summarized in Table 4 and Figure 4. Multivariate analysis of the significant parameters in the univariate analysis Only the significant clinicopathological features from the univariate analysis were included in the multivariate analysis: the Ann Arbor stage, pres- ence of B symptoms, IPI score, and PD-L1 expres- sion on LCs were used for the PFS analysis, and the age, Ann Arbor stage, presence of B symptoms, and IPI score were used for the OS analysis. Our results showed that the IPI score (p = 0.048, HR = 1.945) and the presence of PD-L1 on the LCs (p = 0.034, HR = 2.393) retained their significant prog- nostic impact for PFS. As expected, patient age (p < 0.001, HR = 2.907) was found to be a significant prognostic factor for OS, while the other variables, including IPI score, remained non-significant. The results of the multivariate analysis are shown in Table 5. Discussion In the present study, we investigated the expres- sion of PD-1 and PD-L1 on LCs and TICs in the tumor microenvironment of DLCBL, NOS patients in relation to non-GCB and GCB subtypes and pa- tients’ survival. The expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 has drawn great attention to the impact of lymphoma treat- ment, particularly in aggressive lymphomas such as DLBCL, NOS, where they evade immune re- sponse and drive aggressiveness. 21 Identification of patients for PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy, pos- sibly through IHC evaluation, holds promise for better patient outcomes and further research in checkpoint inhibitor treatment. Currently, there are few ongoing clinical trials investigating the use of anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-L1 treatments in pa- tients with relapsed or refractory DLBCL, NOS. Preliminary results in small patient cohorts show promising results for prolonged disease-free inter- vals. 29 However, the selection criteria for patient enrollment are not dependent on PD-1 or PD-L1 ex- pression on either TICs or LCs. One of the explana- tions for this could be the lack of consensus in the FIGURE 3. Kaplan-Meier curves for (A) progression-free survival (PFS) and (B) overall survival (OS) for PD-1 and PD-L1 on tumor-immune cells. The cases were divided into four groups based on the cell count per high-power field. Furthermore, these cases were stratified into two classifications: negative (cell counts 0 and 1) and positive (cell counts 2 and 3). PD-1 = programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1 = PD-1 ligand; TICs = tumor immune cells. A B Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 106 evaluation criteria, especially for PD-1 expression, as it is less frequently assessed and less defined. Different evaluation criteria are used to assess cell positivity, and we have used the most commonly used ones. 8,14,16,17,25,29,32 We found only a few stud- ies investigating whether there is a correlation between the expression of PD-1 or PD-L1 on TICs or LCs and patient outcomes. For the assessment of PD-1 and PD-L1 on LCs and TICs in our study, we performed double staining for PD-1/PAX5 and PD-L1/PAX5 to simplify the assessment of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression and obtain more reliable re- sults. Indeed, P AX5 was required for accurate iden- tification of B cells, including LCs, because PAX5 is expressed in mature B cells and LCs. 14,24,25,33 The use of PAX5 increased the accuracy of LC identifi- cation, which in combination with the simultane- ous staining of PD-1 and PD-L1 is one of the major advantages of this study. This double staining was so far reported in Kiyasu’s study of 1091 patients with DLBCL 14 , NOS and Chen’s study of various lymphoma subtypes, including 66 patients with DLBCL, NOS 33 , but both studies used only PD-L1/ PAX5 staining. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to perform PD-L1 and PD-1 stain- ing simultaneously with PAX5. In this way, we confirmed a PD-1 expression of 38.4% on TICs and 8.8% on LCs. Our results were similar to the already published data, where PD- 1 expression on TICs ranged from 22.2-60.0%. For PD-1 on LCs, we observed a slightly lower expres- sion rate compared to the expression levels of PD- 1 reported in the literature (22.2-65.0%). 16,24,25,29,34 Using the same assessment method as in the other published studies 14,16,17,25,29,30 , we reported 62.4% PD-L1 expression on TICs and 6.5% on LCs. Our data again differed from already reported PD-L1 expression levels, where expression ranged from 15.3-37.0% on TICs and 8.9-61.1% on LCs. 14,17,24,29 In summary, we observed a lower expression of PD-L1 and PD-1 on LCs and a higher expression of PD-L1 on TICs. We speculate that the major rea- son for the low expression on LCs is the additional staining with PAX5. With the double staining, we were able to recognize PD-1/PD-L1 positive LCs more precisely, so the numbers are probably more TABLE 5. Univariate and multivariate analysis of the patients’ survival based on their clinicopathological characteristics and PD-1 and PD-L1 expressions on lymphoma cells and tumor-infiltrating immune cells in tissue samples of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis PFS OS PFS OS p value Median when patients have relapse [months] p value Median when patients died [months] p value HR (95% CI) p value HR (95% CI) Age ≤ 60 vs. > 60 0.330 91.8 vs. 59.7 < 0.001 110.1 vs. 73.5 < 0.001 2.907 (1.710-4.940) Sex Male vs. Female 0.945 69.1 vs. 80.9 0.324 78.3 vs. 90.8 Ann Arbor stage I-II vs. III-IV 0.044 91.3 vs. 59.7 < 0.001 113.8 vs. 72.0 0.845 1.072 (0.532-2.130) 0.073 1.654 (0.955-2.865) Involvement of an extranodal organ (-) vs. (+) 0.886 77.4 vs. 74.1 0.451 81.8 vs. 82.3 Involvement of the spleen (-) vs. (+) 0.915 69.9 vs. 81.8 0.844 80.1 vs. 81.8 B symptoms (-) vs. (+) 0.025 85.3 vs. 30.8 0.004 91.8 vs. 65.3 0.338 1.319 (0.748-2.326) 0.170 1.354 (0.879-2.087) IPI score 0-2 vs. 3-5 0.006 88.8 vs. 29.3 < 0.001 101.2 vs. 62.7 0.048 1.945 (1.005-3.767) 0.494 1.205 (0.706-2.058) Hans classification Non-GCB vs. GCB 0.914 66.5 vs. 80.7 0.095 77.6 vs. 85.9 PD-1 on TICs (-) vs. (+) 0.797 81.6 vs. 76.0 0.478 85.9 vs. 80.7 PD-1 on LCs (-) vs. (+) 0.657 77. 8 vs. 76.0 0.882 84.9 vs. 76.3 PD-L1 on TICs (-) vs. (+) 0.955 85.9 vs. 76.2 0.623 111.0 vs. 79.2 PD-L1 on LCs (-) vs. (+) 0.015 77.7 vs. 15.6 0.373 85.1 vs. 22.3 0.034 2.393 (1.070-5.352) GCB = germinal center B-cell DLBCL subtype; IPI = International Prognostic Index; LCs = lymphoma cells; N = number; non-GCB = non-germinal center B-cell like DLBCL subtype; OS = overall survival; PD-1 = programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1 = PD-1 ligand; PFS = progression-free survival; TICs = tumor-immune cells Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 107 reliable than in other studies where other cells such as macrophages could be misinterpreted as LCs and resulted in higher expression of PD-L1 and PD-1 on LCs. Two already published stud- ies using PAX5 staining reported 8.9% 14 and 11% PD-L1 positivity on LCs 33 , which is comparable to our results. We also speculate that a possible reason for this discrepancy in PD-L1 and PD-1 expression rates could be a consequence of several other factors. One reason might be the different inclu- sion criteria of the patients. Almost all published studies included patients with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive DLBCL, NOS, which typically ex- hibit PD-L1 positive status due to the association between PD-L1 expression and EBV infection. EBV positive patients were not a part of our pa- tient cohort, so this could be one of the reasons for the discrepant results. In addition, different algorithms were used to define the DLBCL, NOS subtypes. The majority of the studies have used Hans’ algorithm 14,16,17,25,29,30 , but some have applied Choi’s algorithm. 35 The choice of one of these al- gorithms may contribute to different percentages of GCB and non-GCB subtypes, as well as differ- ent percentages of PD-L1 positive LCs and TICs within each subtype. 35 Furthermore, different an- tibody clones were used in different studies, and in some cases the clones used were not clearly stated. 8,25 Additionally, some studies lacked a clear description of the criteria used for the assessment of PD-L1 positivity. 24 Since the major focus was on the Asian population, where non-GCB subtypes of DLBCL, NOS, were more common than GCB subtypes, a higher number of PD-L1 positive cases was expected. 22 The second aim of our study was to investigate the association of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on TICs or LCs with clinicopathological characteris- tics. We investigated the potential differences be- tween various clinicopathological characteristics of patients such as age at diagnosis, gender, Ann Arbor stage, extranodal organ involvement, in- volvement of the spleen, presence of B symptoms, and IPI score, but our results showed no difference in PD-1 and/or PD-L1 expression on LCs and/or TICs between these groups. Additionally, we ex- amined the histological subtypes determined by the Hans algorithm and found that PD-L1 posi- tive expression was more frequent in the non-GCB subtype, as already reported. 14,15,17,19 However, in a univariate analysis, the Hans algorithm showed no significant impact on PFS or OS. Regarding pa- tient survival, we found that patients with PD-L1 expression on the LCs are correlated with shorter PFS, which also had a significant impact in the multivariate analysis including the IPI score. This indicates that although the number of patients with PD-L1 positive expression on the LCs is small, their survival is worse in comparison with the patients with no PD-L1 expression, regardless of the IPI score. Since the IPI score is still one of the strongest and most reliable prognostic markers in DLBCL, NOS, even in the era of novel therapies, we believe this is an interesting conclusion that re- quires further research. In the multivariate analysis for PFS, where the Ann Arbor stage, presence of B symptoms, IPI score, and PD-L1 expression on LCs for PFS were included as significant parameters from the uni- variate analyses, PD-L1 expression on LCs was found to be an independent prognostic marker for PFS. As expected, the IPI score also proved to be an independent prognostic marker for PFS. In the multivariate analysis of OS, where the age, Ann Arbor stage, B symptoms and IPI score were included, we showed that age remained as an in- dividual marker for OS. This result was consist- ent with already published data based on 5-year follow-up analyses for PFS and OS of DLBCL, NOS patients. 8 Noteworthy, there are some limitations of our study that need to be considered. For example, due FIGURE 4. Kaplan-Meier curves for (A) progression-free survival and (B) overall survival representing the influence of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression on lymphoma cells (LCs). PD-1 expression on LCs was categorized as negative below 10%. PD-L1 expression on LCs was categorized as negative below 30%. PD-1 = programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1 = PD-1 ligand A B Radiol Oncol 2024; 58(1): 99-109. Cas Slak T et al. / Prognostic significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in B-cell lymphoma 108 to the retrospective nature of the study, the longer archiving time of FFPE tissue blocks may poten- tially influence the staining results. In addition, it is still unclear whether the expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 on tumors and TICs is a key factor for the clinical prognosis of DLBCL, NOS patients treated with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade therapy. On the other hand, our study has certain advantages, such as centralized evaluation of specimens, homogene- ous treatment and long follow-up time. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to simultaneous- ly assess the expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 on both TICs and LCs from the same cohort of patients us- ing a double immunostaining approach and their impact on PFS and OS, as well as their association with other clinicopathological characteristics. Our results were consistent with individual studies on the European population as well as studies on the Asian population. In conclusion, we demonstrated that PD-L1 ex- pression on LCs was associated with shorter PFS and was more frequently observed in the non-GCB subtype. Double IHC staining with PAX5 proved to be a feasible method to assess PD-1 and PD-L1 expression in tissue samples. Further research and clinical studies are required to assess the impor- tance of assessing PD-1 and PD-L1 in DLBCL, NOS patients as well as methods to determine their expression, particularly with regard to planning immunotherapy treatments. It is also important to understand the mechanisms of tumor immune evasion induced by PD-1/PD-L1 and to explore ap- proaches to modulate the host immune response accordingly, which requires further research. Acknowledgments We would like to thank to the Department of Pathology and the Department of Cytopathology at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana for their sup- port, contributions and collaboration. The publication of this article was financed by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS), grant No. P3-0289. 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