FOR Freedom AND Justice NO. 96 Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY Sl.OVFNIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, December 14, 1984 VOL. LXXXVI Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV Neenotnost med Reaganovimi svetovalci glede proračuna - Predsednik naklonjen stališču obrambnega tajnika Weinbergerja WASHINGTON, D.C. - V Reaganovi administraciji pripravljajo osnutek zveznega Proračuna za fiskalno leto 1986, ki ga bo prihodnji januar predsednik predložil zvezne-mu kongresu v obravnavo in odobritev. Vsi, hi se s proračunskim osnutkom ukvarjajo, soglašajo, da je treba znižati ogromen pri-manjkljaj v proračunu, pojavili pa sta se dve struji. Na eni strani je velika večina Reaganovih gospodarskih in političnih svetoval-Cev. ki trdijo, da je treba znatno omejiti rast 'zdatkov obrambnega tajništva, na drugi strani pa je predvsem obrambni tajnik Caspar Weinberger, ki nasprotuje vsakršni obsežnejši omejitvi proračuna svojega tajni-tva. Kot kaže, ima Weinberger precej podpore od predsednika. Weinbergerjevi kritiki v administraciji Poudarjajo, da mora tudi obrambno tajni-tvo prispevati svoj delež k skupnemu priza-evanju za znižan proračunski primanjkljaj. Weinberger meni, da je treba posodobiti anieriške vojaške sile zaradi povečane sovjetske nevarnosti. S tem stališčem menda sogla-a tudi Reagan. Drugi glasovi v Beli hiši pa trdijo, da zvezni kongres - in predvsem od emokratov kontrolirani predstavniški dom ne bo odobril nobenega proračunskega °snutka, v katerem ne bo rast izdatkov za °hrambno tajništvo znižano. Nihče namreč ne trdi, da morajo biti izdatki za obrambne namene v 1. 1986 manjši od letošnji; gre Predvsem za to, kolikšna bo stopnja rasti teh •zdatkov med 1. 1985 in 1. 1986. Amerikanca, ki sta preživela ugrabitev Uvajtskega letala, se vrnila v ZDA - Več °kazov o iranskem sodelovanju s teroristi . Washington, d.c. - včeraj sta se Wnila v ZDA John Costa in Charles Kaspar, sta bila med talci na ugrabljenem kuvajt-em letalu pretekli teden. Dva druga Ame- rikam ca sta bila ubita od teroristov. V prvih jzjavah po izpustitvi sta Costa in Kaspar de-a> da nista opazila kakega vidnega sodelo-is!^ med ugrabitelji in iranskimi oblastmi, Je trdil tudi angleški pilot letala. Oba . menkanca sta bila od uerabiteliev mu . sta bila od ugrabiteljev mučena bitr®animi ciSaretami in tudi tepena. Ugra-e Ji so skušali izsiliti priznanje, da sta bila rnerikanca uslužbenca CIA. ra' 5Uva-itshi poslanik v ZDA je dejal vče-> a so kuvajtski preiskovalci prepričani o ŠaT *Cein sode*ovanju z ugrabitelji. Poslanik J kSaud Nasir al Sabah je dejal, da je bila ra Itev skrbno pripravljena. Ugrabitelji so boH3'* VnapraJ vedeti, je rekel al Sabah, da žb ° na *eta*u tah° ameriški vladni uslu-jraenc't hot kuvajtski diplomati. Nekdanji Abolhj predsednik v Homeinijevem Iranu assan Bani-Sadr, ki sedaj živi v iz-anstvu v Franciji, je povedal v intervjuju, Us "k-3 d°haze o tem, da sta dva od štirih ra iteljev sodelovala tudi v ugrabitvi dru- Pra& eta^a’ teJ prejšnji ugrabitvi, ki se je av tako kot naj novejša končala v Tehera-’ sta hila terorista izpuščena. pa Ventila ugrabiteljev še ni znana, Iran je zavrnil kuvajtsko zahtevo, naj bodo vsi 1 rje izročeni Kuvajtu. p6”* Richard Lugar nasprotuje ameriški ° pori Protisandinističnim gverilcem - Washington, d.c. - Repubiikan- 0d Jenat0r Richard Lugar, ki je nov načelnik v. 0ra za zunanje zadeve, je rekel v inter-diniU’ da na^ bi ZDA PrRishaie na protisan-•stične gverilce, naj opustijo svoj oboro- r\ % žen boj ali pa naj ZDA ustavijo svojo podporo tem gverilcem. V zameno, je nadaljeval Lugar, naj bi Nikaragva uradno obljubila, da ne bo pošiljala podpore gverilcem v El Salvadorju in ne bo postala sovjetsko oporišče. Sen. Lugar je konservativec in vnet zagovornik predsednika Reagana. V intervjuju je govoril zelo previdno glede možne uporabe ameriških vojakov v tujih državah, prav tako glede maščevalnih ukrepov zoper teroristov. Ameriški vojak ne bi smeli biti poslani v kako tujo državo brez popolne podpore ameriškega ljudstva in brez trdnega zagotovila, da bo tak vojaški poseg po vsej verjetnosti uspel, je rekel sen. Lugar. William J. Schroeder, človek z umetnim srcem, zadet od možganske kapi - Nahaja se v intenzivni negi, vendar okreva LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Sinoči je bil 52 let stari William J. Schroeder zadet od možganske kapi. Schroeder živi z umetnim srcem in je v tednih od operacije zelo lepo okrevaL Njegovi zdravniki so bili presenečeni nad kapjo in skušajo ugotoviti vzrok. Najnovejša poročila, ki prihajajo iz bolnišnice danes zjutraj, trdijo, da je Schroeder v intenzivni negi, da pa se je njegovo stanje v zadnjih urah izboljšalo. Preteklo sredo je Schroederja poklical predsednik Reagan. V krajšem pomenku je Reagan čestital Schroederju, ker je tako dobro in s tako ravnodušnostjo prestal operacijo in okrevanje. Schroeder je izkoristil priliko in povedal predsedniku o težavah, ki jih ima s sistemom Social Security glede plačevanja njegovih zdravniških računov. Malce presenečen, Reagan je obljubil, da se bo za zadevo pozanimal. Že včeraj sta se v Schroe-derjevi sobi pojavila dva uslužbenca Social Security sistema ter mu izročila ček. V Baltimoru, kjer ima Social Security sistem svojo osrednjo pisarno, je dejal predstavnik za tisk: »Ko govori predsednik, poslušamo.« Včeraj je prebivalce Bhopala, Indija zajela panika - Vzrok so bile vesti, da nameravajo uničiti ostanki strupenega plina v tovarni BHOPAL, Indija - Včeraj je več deset tisoč prebivalcev zapustilo tega mesta. Nastala je panika, ker je bilo sporočeno, da bodo strokovnjaki v tovarni Union Carbide začeli uničevati količine strupenega plina z imenom methyl isocyanate, ki so še uskladiščene v podzemelskih rezervoarjih. V nesreči 3. decembra, je velika količina tega izredno strupenega plina zajela večji del Bhopala, pri tem pa je izgubilo življenje najmanj 2000 ljudi, več tisoč drugih pa je bilo poškodovanih. Prebivalci mesta niso verjeli, da bo uničenje ostalega plina poteklo brez nevarnosti. Pravniki, ki zagovarjajo interese žrtev nesreče in njih svojcev, so že vložili tožbe za odškodnino v skupnem znesku več kot 85 milijard dolarjev. NATO države podpirajo pogajanja med ZDA in Sovjetsko zvezo BRUSELJ, Bel. - Včeraj je bil v tem mestu sestanek zunanjih ministrov NATO držav, na katerem je državni tajnik ZDA George P. Shultz pojasnil ameriško stališče v zvezi s prihajajočimi sestanki s sovjetskim zunanjim ministrom Andrejem A. Gromi-kom, ki bodo 7. in 8. januarja v Ženevi. Na teh sestankih bo skušal Shultz doseči sovjetsko soglasje o obnovitvi pogajanj med velesilama o omejevanju oboroževalne tekme. NATO države so Shultzu pri tem obljubili popolno podporo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Krofi— Jutri, v soboto, ima Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu prodajo krofov in sicer ob običajnem času v društveni sobi šolskega avditorija. Pridite! Naslov za č.g. J. Slapšaka— C.g. Julij Slapšak, ki se že precej časa nahaja v negovali-šču St. Augustine Manor, želi, da bi njegovi prijatelji in znanci poslali pisma in kartice na njegov novi naslov, ki je: Rev. Julius Slapšak, c/o St. Augustine Manor, 7818 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102. Še vedno dobiva pošto na naslov sv. Vida, kar pomeni zamudo. Obenem vošči vsem prijateljem in znancem blagoslovljene božične praznike ter srečno in zdravo novo leto! Seja in božičnica— Klub slov. upokojencev v Nevburgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 19. decembra, ob 12. uri opoldne. Po seji bo božičnica in izmenjava daril. Odborniki voščijo vsemu članstvu vesele božične in novoletne praznike. Izredna podpora— Nettie Mihelich, Cleveland, Ohio, je darovala $100 v tiskovni sklad našega lista. Za res velikodušno podporo se ji iskreno zahvaljujemo! Zadušnica— V nedeljo, 16. decembra, ob 8. uri zjutraj bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za Petra Jelarja ob 14. obletnici njegove smrti. Vabilo na božičnico— V-nedeljo, 23. dec., ob 3. uri pop. v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu prireja Društvo SPB, Cleveland svojo božičnico. Vabljeni! Novi grobovi Elizabeth (Betty) Vokač V ponedeljek, 10. decembra, je nenadno umrla 58 let stara Elizabeth (Betty) Vokač, rojena Oswald, vdova po Cla-rence-u, mati Carole, Ronalda, Jamesa, Nancy Burke in Cheryl, 3-krat stara mati, sestra Helen Ehlert, Emme Schmidt, Shirley Wires in Johna (pok.), teta. Pogreb bo iz pogreb, zavoda Zak, 6016 St. Clair Ave., danes, v petek, dop. ob 9.30., v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10., nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. George P. Sekulič Umrl je 38 let stari George P. Sekulič, sin Johna in Helen, brat Johna, oče Shiloh in Marije, veteran vietnamske vojne. Pogreb bo iz pogreb, zavoda Zak, 6016 St. Clair Ave., jutri, v soboto, dop. ob 9.30., v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10., nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. (Dalje na str. 6) Korotanovo silvestrovanje— Pevski zbor Korotan prireja silvestrovanje letos v zgornji dvorani Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave. Vstopnina z večerjo $15, brez večerje $6. Vstopnice se dobijo v predprodaji, ako pokličete Mari Erda-ni na tel. št. 486-3495. Okreva na domu— Anna Tomšič z E. 154. ceste se je vrnila domov iz bolnišnice Euclid General. Sedaj okreva na domu in je že napekla 15 potic in jih poslala svojim vnukom in vnukinjam v Kaliforniji in New Yorku. Do Božiča bo napekla še 20, ki jih bodo prejeli kot darila njeni sorodniki in prijatelji. Želimo ji popolnega okrevanja in vesele praznike! Posebne ure— »Nick’s Barber Shop«, prej Petričeva brivnica na E. 185. cesti, bo odprta v ponedeljek, 17. decembra, ob običajnih urah, v ponedeljek, 24. dec., pa do 1. ure pop. Običajno je brivnica zaprta ob ponedeljkih. Grdinovi koledarji— V naši pisarni smo dobili več koledarjev za 1. 1985 od Grdi-novega pogrebnega zavoda. Družina Grdina vas vošči vesele božične in novoletne praznike. Koledarje lahko dobite v naši pisarni na 6117 St. Clair Ave. od 9. dop. do 4.30 pop. Spominska darova— V spomin ob 6. obletnici smrti g. Johna F. Zgonca, ki je bila 2. decembra, so v naš tiskovni sklad darovali $20 njegova mati, žena in družina. Josephine Knific, Cleveland, Ohio, je poklonila $10 v naš sklad v spomin pok. sestre Frances Debevec v Sloveniji. Vsem darovalcem prisrčna hvala! V tiskovni sklad— Društvo Martha Washington št. 38 ADZ je darovalo $25 v tiskovni sklad A.D. Pevski zbor Korotan je daroval $20 v naš tiskovni sklad kot božično darilo. Dramatsko društvo Lilija je prav tako prispevalo $20 v naš sklad v obliki božičnega darila. Iskrena hvala! VREME Oblačno in deževno danes z naj višjo temperaturo okoli 41 ° F. Spremenljivo oblačno in vetrovno jutri z možnostjo dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 55° F. V nedeljo zopet deloma oblačno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 58° F. V ponedeljek oblačno z možnostjo dežja in najvišjo temperaturo okoli 50° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 4^1 «628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 ______________ ® 83 ____________ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 1 8 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $18.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 No. 96 Friday, December 14, 1984 - ZAHVALA IN VOŠČILO -Družbe sv. Mohorja iz Celovca Z velikim veseljem prihajam s temile vrsticami pred Vas, dragi Slovenci in Mohorjani. Lepo se vsakemu posebej in vsem skupaj zahvaljujem za napore in požrtvovalnost pri našem skupnem delu za Mohorjevo. Prisrčno se zahvaljujem številnim udom (članom) Moh. knjig - poverjenikom - podpornikom naših študentov ^ in to leto še posebno zahvalo odboru v Clevelandu, za tako lepo uspelo nabirko »V spominski sklad škofa Gregorija Rožmana«. Rožman v nebesih, mi na zemlji - vsi skupaj pa smo veseli za tako lepo povezavo med nami. Za vse žive in rajne dobrotnike - posebej še za pokojne, v kateri namen nekateri darujejo - se daruje v kapeli »Slomškovega doma« vsak teden ena sv. maša. Msgr. Janez Hornbock Mohorjeve knjige smo koncem novembra odposlali in se sedaj peljejo preko oceana. Knjige so sledeče: Koledar za leto 1985. Prvi del v barvah in prikazuje naše Koroške pevske zbore. Prinaša nekaj gradiva iz življenja Slovencev v ZDA in Kanadi, zanimivo razpravo »Zarota v Celovcu« (The Klagenfurt Conspiracy), in seznam naročnikov Mohorjevih, ter seznam darovalcev za študente in Rožmanovo knjižnico. Čar letnih čarov (Pavle Zablatnik). Koroške šege in navade. Jezus v času (Pavle Zidar). 39. zvezek družinskih večernic. Izlet v vesolje (Maksimiljan Osojnik, živeč v Argentini). Zanimiva mladinska povest. Betlehemska zvezda (Kujnik Kaufman). Božična risalnica v barvah - primerna za otroke. Vsem Mohorjanom in vernim Slovencem po širnem svetu, kakor tudi uredništvu Ameriške Domovine, voščim blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno leto 1 985, vsem vam pa pošiljam koroške pozdrave. Ostanite z Bogom! Msgr. Janez Hornbock Koliko nas bo pa Miklavž sklical...? NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ta današnji sestavek kroničarja new-yorške slovenske srenje in njenega farnega patrona sv. Cirila na Osmi nikakor ne bo več vabljenje na miklavževanje naše narodne skupnosti. To delo sem opravil v zelo skromni meri kot navadni zemljan že v poprejšnjem svojem sestavku. V glavnem ga prepuščam nebeščanu sv. Miklavžu, da on sam opravi to vabljenje s svojo svetostjo. Morda bi jaz s svojo strašno kroničarsko grešnostjo več škodoval kot pa koristil. Ta-le moj zapis torej naj bo bolj moje premišljevanje o nebeškem prebivalcu v dopoldanskih urah njegovega godo-vnega dne, ko vem, da ga bom čez dva dobra dneva srečal na sloveni Osmi pri Sv. Cirilu. O, ja, sv. Miklavža bom v nedeljo popoldne spet srečal, ali pa bo on mene, ko bo slovesno vstopil kar že drugič v našo novo cerkveno dvorano. Nekateri farani so se le odločili, da so darovali denar ali pa osebno-delo, ker so menili tudi to: In, ko bo slovenski Miklavž spet prišel med nas, naj pride v prostor lepote, v katerem naj mu sestrujejo še dobrota, požrtvovalnost, ljubezen in bratstvo ter svobodno opažanje in izražanje. Takšen, menim, mora biti O delu MZA CLEVELAND, O. - Pretekli teden smo prejeli pošto, da je bogoslovec, ki ga podpira MZA-Cleveland, prejel novo-mašniško posvečenje na dan sv. Miklavža. Povabil nas je na novo sv. mašo, katero je imel na drugo adventno nedeljo, to je 9. decembra. Tako je mali znesek članarine $3.- tolikih razumnih duš omogočil zopet enemu fantu, da bo lahko vodil ljudstvo k Bogu. Zelo smo bili veseli te novice, tudi Vi, ki berete te vrstice, se veselite z nami. Lep bo božični praznik, ko bomo mislili, daje zopet novi delavec na polju žetve božjega kraljestva. Prav te dni se razpošiljajo nabrani darovi našim misijonarjem in misijonarkam, tako bo ob koncu leta zopet blagajna prazna in jo bo treba znova začeti napoljnevati. To bomo storili na drugo nedeljo v januarju - 13. - ko bo naš božični sestanek in bomo potegnili 6 srečnežev, denar pa oddali v glavno blagajno. Če Vas bo kdo poprašal, da bi kupili listek za $1.- ne odrecite, pač pa z veseljem prispevajte. Naša iskrena zahvala družini Jožeta in Zalke Likozar, ki sta darovala znesek kot dar misijonom $30.- namesto božičnih voščilnih kart prijateljem in znancem, prav tako tudi družini Mirota in Mari Celestina, za dar $20 po istem namenu. Naj Vas vse, ki berete te vrstice, Novorojeno Dete v jaslicah blagoslovi s svojim mirom, katerega prenesite tudi v vse leto 1985. iskreno želi MZA-Cleveland naš skupen narodno-cerkveni dom. In v takšnem domu se bo menda tudi dobro počutil sve-tec nebeških višav, ko pride med nas v zemeljske nižave kot preganjalec zlega in slabosti človekove, kar on preganja kot graditelj lepote in delilec dobrote med ljudmi, ki naj postanejo njemu podobni. Ne sinoči in ne danes mi okolje ni dajal in ne daje občutja Miklavževe skrivnostne pojave. Ne mislim, da tega ne dobivam, ker nisem več otrok. Ne. Ampak vse to je zaradi tega, ker moje ameriško okolje, zavito v pridobljivosti Santa Clausa, izganja iz naših duš in src sleherno hrepenenje po lepoti in dobroti in nas bolj poganja v zrelo čutnosti in nenasitnosti. In zakaj ne bi ravno kot Slovenci za trenutek zbežali iz tega nam, enkrat poprej, tako tujega v tisto domače slovensko Miklavževo okolje? Tega še zmerom nosim v sebi, ko se vrača vsako leto s polno živostjo ob Miklavževem času. To Miklavževo veličastje sta mi dala kot otroku oče in mati še'v mojih otroških clevelandskih letih v domu ne daleč od cerkve sv. Vida. Za očeta nisem gotov, ali je sploh poznal ameriškega, uvoženega in Evrope, Santa Claus-a? Za mater sem gotov, da je vedela samo o sv. Miklavžu, kar ji je dala njena mati, ker ji je oče umrl, ko je bila stara štiri leta. Še ne dvaindvajsetletna seje poročila in odšla z ravno toliko starim mladim možem v Ameriko, v Cleveland, kjer je moj oče živel poprej že štiri leta kot fant. Prvič je prišel v Cleveland še ne štirinajst let star, potem ko so se domžalski Slovenci prvič odločno posta vili tamkajšnjim nemškiin Tirolcem po robu. To je bilo leta 1905. In po tej narodni demonstraciji v Domžalah, so še tisto nedeljo v Kuharjevi (Slokarjevi) gostilni ustanovi i sokolsko društvo. Moja mlada starša sta v Cie veland prinesla s seboj g'0 0 ko v srcu in duši svojo dom0 vino in njun dom ter vse živ je nje v njem je bil v duhovne košček tega njunega doma eg^ slovenskega starega kraja. n tem ameriškem, toda si domačem slovenskem °lc0j* in vzdušju, polnem slovensK besede in pesmi, so mi te ^ moja prva otroška leta. ti njih sem doživljal ter m doživel vsako leto do sV°ie šestega leta tudi vso vo skrivnost in njegovo ar žljivost. . Pa potem v očetnjavi so t« tekla naprej otroška leta, sem kmalu odklonil >grfe sladkarije ter prosil Miklav -da mi naj raje prinese knJ1 In zdaj sem že v letih, Pa !£! v. še zmerom oboje rad: M* „ ža in knjige! .0 In to je dediščina, ki se”Vn prejel od svojih staršev, f (Dalje na str. 3) Zahvala Folklornega instituta in vabil0 CLEVELAND, O.'- Vodstvo Slovenskega folklornega inštituta vošči vsem plesalcem, staršem, prijateljem in vsem Slovencem blagoslovljene božične praznike, veliko uspehov, medsebojne ljubezni, da bi nam s skupnimi močmi uspelo ohraniti našo slovensko mladino za naš narod, ji z našim prizadevanjem posredovati ponos in zavest do slovenskega naroda in slovenske kulturne dediščine. Obenem se iz vsega srca zahvaljujemo vsem plesalcem, staršem, prijateljem, skupinam, društvom in posameznikom za velikodušno pomoč, kateri ste na kakršenkoli način pomagali ali sodelovali v preteklem letu, kakor tudi vsem, kateri ste se v tako ogromnem številu udeležili letošnjega Festivala slovenske folklore v Ameriki. Z naglico se bližamo božičnim praznikom in koncu leta. Ko se oziramo nazaj, se z vso hvaležnostjo in srečo v srcu spominjamo vsega, kar nam je Bog naklonil in vsega, za kar smo se zvesto in neumorno trudili, da smo s skupnimi močmi dosegli tako lepe uspehe. Ves trud, in nesebična požrtvovalnost tisočerih ur nam je rodila nepoplačljive, nepozabne trenutke in spomine. Ves trud nas vseh nam je bil v momentu poplačan, nam vsem v veliko zadoščenje in ponos ob pogledu na prekra- :n šopek slovenske rn^_, 3,aM iz Amerike in Ka«»£ si navzoči gledalci in n ajoči so v srcu čutih, J dje ene velike srečne a te družine na tujih t e ’ mdar doma v s*ovenkateri rtu med našimi ljudmi, j to čutijo in stremijo za e Iji, ustvariti si malo P ovenske domačnosti. Veseli nas zlasti, da se ^ eumornega delovan^aiStitota ^nskega folklornega m ^ ^ bčno čuti v preporod^1 učno cuu v , . ta v nske folklore zadnja ^ meriki in Kanadi. vs6 m času vzpodbujam ^ irše in stare starše-' navdušujejo svoje .0 vnuke, da se nam Pr'^r jjj-tako mlademu rodu n , za bodoče ne samo^ ^ slovenstva, Pa^ P rjja-rogo dobrih, iskrenih v ' hra b°' V soboto, 22. decern ’ za. > imeli ob 6. uri zve ^ alno sv. mašo pn j0ven' Vnebovzete, natopa ^ v u božičnico ob jaS ^jef vzočnosti vseh druZ‘ ’ ysi, mo zapeli »Sveto n°c a|j v ste člani, ali ste po^ ^ :teklosti, ali Pa se nte vijU' :ravate pridružiti, s . upnU o vabljeni, da b°m° eiisKa tili našo domačo ^0t veto noč«, tako ° ,oVeH' ma, med domačim* ^ valll mi ljudmi. Prisrei, d* ala vsem in vas va nam pridružite! Qdb°r Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 643. GILBERTSKA MISIJONSKA NEDELJA na Aurori je prinesla za naše misijonarje $1,125 darov od teh darovalcev: Ga. Gertrude Zakrajšek S250 in družina Franca in Jožefe Krulc $200. Po $60 je dala ga. Pepca Gruden in družina Jože ter Silva Dolenc. Po $50: družina August in vka Kovač, John in Anica ushar ter Neimenovana. Po $30: župnik Janez Šuštaršič in družina Andrej in Rezka Pučko. Po $25; Fr. Jože Vovk iz oride, družini Tony in Mary enart ter John in Katherine ‘rampusch, ga. Marija Štru-kelj in Joseph Potočnik. Po $20: Rev. John Dolšina, 8e. Cilka Zupančič in Anica untara, družine Paul in ^anja Bajda, Jože in Milka gorjanec in Rudi ter Leo ochutte. Po $15; ge Marija Pater-0st m Johanna Škrbec. P° $10: Tone Zupančič, eimenovani in Frank Mihe- M r,’ ^a’ ^ose K°be> družine lha in Ivanka Sodnik, Ivan Marija Vuk ter Tony in hran Kovatovich. roval"10 te Vs0te je že preje da" p. xZa vse 8- Jože Vrečar iz Ely< Mtnn., $H5. nim^ Eo8°slovsko vzdrževal-k J6 obnovila za svojega trudeč 2aen0let0ga Ger-Zakrajšek z $250. b^r sem garačem v MZA Cilje k 1S^ren plačaj! S tem lien^n*ano zadnjič že objav-in n-u0ročil° 0 MZA Gilbert (MSlJph^2)MiSij°nski nedelji Tusharjevi in zelo k Gilbert Je MZA j°nskeVi CŽna za mn°ge misi-nova nZuVe rnno8'b let. Vsaka i.... Železnem okrožju škofije novega po pri našem i novega pc nju sem skupnem sode! prevzei?ertrUde Zakrajše kidata T° VZdrževal aianyj iz d^ 83 Je škof G Butare, Rwanda ar*na Tratnik OOfjpn, drQ8Q, neZlrUuZdajpočivaj’ v nebesihP Zabna nam' d° svidJečno sreč° uživaj, < Ja’ na vekomaj. ?a|nio«i; Sin°vi in, ostali sorodniki. ^ ‘ °” ,4 dec. 1984. davno nanovo poslal: Victor -Emmanuel Ntezilyayo. V septembru je začel prvi letnik teologije. (Konec) BRAT LEOPOLD VIDMAR, jezuitski misijonar v Indiji skoraj 50 let, je srečal svojega Stvarnika. Ko pišem ta članek, je prišlo sporočilo od njegovega sobrata in mojega sošolca v ljubljanski teologiji, o. Jožeta Cukaleta, ki 9. novembra piše: »Sporočam Tebi in vsem misijonskim prijateljem, znancem in dobrotnikom, da je odšel k Očetu Luči naš dobri, veliki gradbenik 24 Parganasa in redovnik starih solidnih veljav Br. Leopold Vidmar. Umrl je nocoj ob dveh po polnoči. Brat Vidmar se je rodil na Dolenjskem leta 1901. Vstopil je k jezuitom 1922, napravil zaobljube 1935 in prišel v Indijo leta 1936. Zdravnik ga je že pred leti ’’izbrisal”, a krepki, v trpljenju preizkušani brat Leopold je vzdržal še nekaj let, kljub trdovratni cirozi jeter (cirrhosis of the liver). Odtis njegovih pridnih rok je viden vzdolž vse krščanske Bengalije in je ostal morda naj lepši v naši cerkvi svetega Antona, ki si nam jo Ti z MZA, Ivanka Pograjčeva in toliko drugih, posebno cleve- V BLAG IN LJUBEČI SPOMIN OB PRVI OBLETNICI, ODKAR NAS JE ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBI MOŽ, OČE IN BRAT JOŽE CHAMPA Odšel je 16. decembra 1983. Že eno leto Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš, srce Tvoje več ne bije, v duhu med nami pa še živiš. Kako pozabit’ na Tvoj domek, kjer Tvoje zlato srce spi, kako pozabit ’ bolečino, ko vedno spremlja nas vse dni? Zelo, zelo smo Te ljubili, solzne naše so oči, Te nikdar ne bomo pozabili, prav do konca naših dni. Počivaj v miru božjem, predragi, in prosi Jezusa za nas, saj križ nam sveti govori, da vidimo se nad zvezdami. Žalujoči: Žena — Malka Otroka - Jo in Mirko Brat — Tony v Clevelandu Brat - France; sestri Mici in Ani ter ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Richmond Hts., O. 14. dec. 1984 landskih prijateljev, pomagali zgraditi, da se je nadškof in zagrebški kardinal ob svojem obisku pri nas izrazil, da bi bil ponosen, ko bi imel zase tako lepo katedralo... Bil je človek naravnost, ki ni mencal in mevžal, ampak govoril, kakor mu je njegovo apostolsko goreče srce narekovalo. Pravi Natanael, v katerem ni bilo zvijače. Bil je misijonar, globoko predan svoji družbi, a še bolj Cerkvi in njenemu misijonu. Po več mesecih je bil sam brez duhovnika, pioniril v Bodipur-ju, mizaril v Basantinju, zidal po celi Bengaliji, ki ga je zmerom klicala, da j4 gradi cerkve, domove, samostane itd. Brat Vidmar ni nikdar odrekel. DELAL JE DO ZADNJEGA, še štiri dni pred smrtjo v kuhinji pri Prabhu Jisu Gir-dža - Kalkuta. Rad bi umrl doma, pa skrbna dobrota sobratov ga je odnesla v kliniko v upanju, da ga še nekaj časa ohranijo, pa nam ni uspelo. Bil sem ure in ure z njim. V začetku je pol zavestno molil z menoj slovenske očenaše; a pri Zdravi Mariji so ga zalile solze... Takrat je vstopil v njegovo V BLAG SPOMIN ŠTIRINAJSTE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA SOPROGA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA IN BRATA PETER JELAR ki je umrl 16. decembra 1970. V hladnem grobu zdaj počivaš rešen si prav vseh skrbi, mi pa mislimo na Tebe, Te pogrešamo vse dni. V srcih nosimo ljubeče glas, spomin in pogled Tvoj, dokler ne steče nit življenja in pridemo vsi za Teboj. Petnajst let že Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš, srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost srca trga, rosijo solze nam oči, dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: FRANCES, roj. SMAJC, žena JOHN, FRANK, JOŽE, sinovi MARIE por. LUTON, FRANCES por. SCHMITT, hčeri Mary Jo, Sue, Margie, snahe vnuki in vnukinje in ostali sorodniki. Cleveland, Ohio, 14. dec. 1984. sobo tudi kalkutski kardinal Pikači in ker ga ni mogel več priklicati k zavesti, je molil ’’poseben blagoslov na misijonarja, ki je prišel od daleč in se izgaral za Tebe, Gospod, in za Tvoje kraljestvo. Zahvaljen za tega služabnika božjega in pošlji novih bratov, z gorečnostjo’ Vidmarja in požrtvovalnostjo pravega jezuita...” Z Vidmarjem odhaja lep kos misijonske zgodovine 24. Parganasa, o katerem smo s hrvatskimi misijonarji sanjali, da postane misijon, kot ga imajo malteški patri v Santal Parganasu. Seme je padlo v zemljo in verujemo, da ne ostane samo, marveč, da obrodi obilen sad... Naj se spočije v Očetovi hiši počitka! O. Jože Cukale, D.J. Ps. Pa še Ti, dragi Karel, kaj pripiši, saj si ga poznal, in sporoči njegovim prijateljem o ODHODU. Hvaležni I.C.« POČIVAJ V MIRU, ob sveti reki Ganges, sredi rižnih polj, ki obdajajo misijonske postojanke in središča jezuitskih misjonov. OO. Sedej, Ehrlich, Poderžaj in brata Udovč ter Drobnič, vsi so se razveselili srečanja onstran časovnosti, kjer se prava sreča začenja in misijonska srečanja in pomenki vso večnost nadaljujejo. Ob Njem, ki je bil vsem vse življenje vse, in Mariji, ki prikliče solze v oči in blaga čustva v srce vsem, ki hodijo za Kristusom in oznanjajo narodom blagovest svetega evangelija - veselo oznanilo. Vsak na svojski način so pionirili, kot delamo še danes vsi, ki so nam bili v iskanju božje Ljubezni svetilnik in vzor. Njihova dela bodo pričala zanamcem o njihovi veličini. Preprosti brat in vendar je bilo v njegovem življenju toliko veličine, odraza božje Lepote, ki jo je Sveti Duh položil v njegovo osebnost in nje- V BLAG SPOMIN TRINAJSTE OBLETNICE, ODKAR NAS JE ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBLJENI STRIC IN BRAT Joseph J. Miklavčič (IZ NEWBURGHA) ki je umrl 10. decembra 1971. V hladnem grobu zdaj počivaš, rešen si prav vseh skrbi, mi pa mislimo na Tebe, Te pogrešamo vse dni. V srcih nosimo ljubeče glas, spomin in pogled Tvoj, dokler nit življenja ne izteče in pridemo vsi za Teboj. Žalujoči: ANN SNYDER - roj. Miklaučič -nečakinja nečaki in nečakinje tu in v Sloveniji. Cleveland O , 7 dec. 1984 gova dela. Kot verjetno nihče ne bo zlepa prekosil rajnega br. Udov-ča pri gojenju darjelinskih vrtnic; tako zlepa ne bo nobeden zmogel graditi, kot je znal rajni brat Leopold. Počivaj v miru, dragi brat in - na svidenje, ko Ti bomo sledili... Danes je praznik sv. Frančiška Ksaverija. Poglejmo v lastno dušo ob začetku adventa. Nekega dne bo božji Misijonar tudi nas poklical. Bomo pripravljeni? Da bi le ne zapuščali ta svet ob velikih, praznih hišah, brez dobrih del. Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Koliko bo nas pa Miklavž sklical...? (nadaljevanje z 2. str.) v Ameriki, ko še ni bilo ne radia ne televizije, ko so ljudje naši, čeprav so trše delali kot danes, imeli dovolj časa za pripovedovanje svojim o lepih in plemenitih stvareh. Med temi je bila tudi narodna zavest in domovinska ljubezen. Takšna so bila moja otroška leta. In ta leta se zdaj odražajo tudi v mojih dozorelih letih. Zato bom tudi letos srečal sv. Miklavža pri slovenskem sv. Cirilu na Osmi v New Yorku. In vprav zato bo tudi on mene srečal v tej lepi, mali narodni skupnosti. Na Miklavževo v letu 1984 sem to zapisal svojim staršem v spomin, ki sta mi dala Miklavževo veličastje za vse moje življenje, dala domovinsko in narodno ljubezen, daleč na njunem tujem - a meni rojstnem - kraju Clevelandu. Zapisal pa sem ta svoj spominski miklavžev pre.blisk tudi mladim za napotilo, kaj in kako je k nam slovenski Miklavž prihajal... Tone Osovnik V BLAG SPOMIN OB PETI OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠE SESTRE MARY FARČNIK rojena ROZMAN Pet let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalostna so naša srca, ko se spominjamo na Te. V raju prosi zdaj Boga, da raj nebeški nam da, kjer bomo spet združeni, veselje večno uživali. Žalujoči: Sophie Verderber — sestra; Stephanie Balogh — sestra (Florida); Rudolph Rozman — brat Ljubljana, Slov.). CleveTand, O., 14. dec. 1984 »Prišel čas je krog Božiča« V Montrealu se iz sivine ponuja prvi sneg. Od Mount Royala vse do St. Lawrence River po ozkih ulicah brijejo sunki severnih vetrov. Ljudje so izvlekli kožuje in parke. A nikomur ni kaj prida mar vremena. Nastopila je predbožična komercialna mrzlica. Vsako jutro ljudje pregledujejo pisane časopisne reklame in potem drve v trgovine, ki privabljajo z resničnimi ali navideznimi razprodajami. Treba je nakupiti kopico božičnih darov: za družino, za strice in tete, za prijatelje, za učitelje, za vse, ki jim dolguješ kako uslugo. UNICEF prodaja voščilnice pred Christ Church Cathedral, pohabljeni slikarji pa so svoje že zdavnaj razposlali po pošti. Pošta ima naprodaj živobarvne božične znamke, trgovine pa bleščeče ovojne papirje. Ena sama velika radost, ena sama pijanost pričakovanja darov, zabav in pojedin. Veletrgovine tekmujejo s fantastičnimi izložbami. Cele vasi lutk in medvedkov se premikajo v veseli muziki. Mlade mamice in očetje se z otroki za hip ustavijo, potem pa spet brž v trgovino! Samo še trideset, dvajset, osemnajst dni do Božiča! Nakupovanje, brž, brž! In tamle med igračami je Santa Claus, debeli starček, ki se kar naprej nečemu krohota. Povsod ga je polno, tega rdečega možička. Le kako naj še kak otrok verjame, da je vse skupaj en sam Santa Claus, tisti, ki bo na božični večer priplezal v hišo skozi dimnik in razobesil svoje darove? In čemu naj se sploh obnaša tako skrivnostno, ko pa je prej že cele tedne posedal po trgovinah, obdan od luči, vsem na očeh? In tako prihaja Božič. Le redkokdo v tem velemestu se bo vprašal, zakaj se je treba prav na ta dan najesti, napiti in zadolžiti. Tradicija. Dela prost dan, dva. Za nekaj srečnih izbrancev počitnice nekje na jugu, na soncu. Praznujmo! Ali mar ni lepo, ko gore po mestu pisane luči, ko pred Place Ville Marie utripajo gir-lande belih žarnic, nanizane v obliko velikanskega božičnega drevesa? Lepo je to cingljanje, ko gospe od Salvation Army stresajo bobenčke po cestnih vogalih. Lepa je muzika starih in novih božičnih pesmi, ki diskretno spremlja nakupovanje... Posebno prijetne so tiste pesmi, ki poskakujejo v ritmu kraguljčkov, in tiste, ki pojejo o veselih vožnjah na saneh, o romantiki toplega ognjišča. Jaz pa se spominjam drugačnih Božičev, Božičev, ki so že tako daleč, da se človek sprašuje, ali ni o njih le sanjal. Nekatere izmed njih smo preživljali v Savinjski dolini. Stanovali smo na Srebotnja-kovi žagi. Stala je ob Strugi, majhnem potoku. Žaga je bila sredi decembra kot samoten otok. Včasih še v komaj kilometer oddaljeni Šempeter ni bilo mogoče, ker je bližnja Savinja dostikrat preplavila cesto in polja okoli žage. Žaga sama je bila dolgo, leseno poslopje sredi velikega skladišča hlodov in nažagane-ga lesa. Po skladišču so stale tudi velike ute za les, pa zidano gospodarsko-poslopje, kjer je imel Srebotnjak spravljeno seno in stare kočije. Sam se je takrat že vozil z avtomobili. »Na žagi« je bila tudi stanovanjska hiša, kjer je bilo prostora za dve družini, kjer pa so navadno stanovale tri. Za hišo je bil vrt in veliki sadovnjaki, tik pred njo pa sta na vsaki strani vodnjaka na pumpo stali dve ogromni smreki. Meni se je zdelo, da segata do neba. In ko je takole snežilo, smo gle- dali v tistih dvoje prelepih božičnih dreves vso dolgo zimo. A Božič smo preživljali še posebej. Oče je zmeraj od nekod prinesel smrečico. Steklenih, kupljenih okraskov smo zanjo imeli malo, ker so bili predragi. Na drevescu je namesto njih viselo vse polno piškotov, ki jih je mama napekla v vseh mogočih oblikah: zvezdicah, zvončkih, sneženih možičkih, mesecih... Pravzaprav smo imeli le šest steklenih okraskov: tri krogle, konico za vrh drevesca, pa dva pisana ptiča s svilenima repoma. Ptiča, konica, pa ena od krogel, podolgovata, srebrna, so bili skupna last. Dve krogli pa sta bili najini, moja in bratova. Moja je bila modra s srebrnimi rožami, njegova pa rdeča s srebrnim pasom. Vse praznične dni sem se hodila ogledovat v tisto rdečo brator vo kroglo, ki je bila kot zrcalo. V njej je odseval okrogel obrazek z velikimi rjavimi očmi, nad njimi pa - oj, črna žalost! - na novo postriženi kratki lasje. Vsako leto me je oče ostrigel pred prazniki, tako da je potem iz tiste krogle odseval obrazek, ki je istočasno spominjal na dvornega paža in na kako Japončico. Darov pod našim božičnim drevesom ni bilo nikoli. Pri nas je »nosil« Miklavž, 6. decembra, ne Božiček. Božiček - nekateri so tudi rekli Jezu-šček - je nosil darove le po nekaterih bogatih družinah. Vsaj pravili so tako, jaz jih nisem nikoli videla. A naš Božič zaradi tega še malo ni bil žalosten. Bil je prelep, tih, svečan praznik. Na In Loving Memory OF THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF Louis A. Arko Who Died Dec. 10, 1981 Lou, you may be gone, But you will remain In our thoughts and memories, Till the end of time. Sadly missed by: Francka — wife Gregory — son and daughter-in-law Joann granddaughter Jacqueline Lynn — daughter and son-in-law Michael Kelley - NAROČILNICA - Želim postati naročnik časopisa »Ameriška Domovina« Združene države: ____Za eno leto - $33.00. ____Za pol leta - $ 1 8.00. ____Za tri mesece - 1 5.00. Kanada: Za eno leto - $42.00. Za pol leta - $27.00. Za tri mesece - $ 1 7.00. Petkova izdaja: ______$ 1 8.00 na leto v ZDA. ______$22.00 na leto v Kanadi. Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: ______$45 (leto) $25 za petkovo (leto) IME NASLOV PROSIMO, PIŠITE RAZLOČNO! SPREJEL SEM POVABILO CLEVELAND, O. - Pravi jesenski dan je bil. Zunaj je bila megla, v sobi pa je bilo gorko. Odprl sem okno, rosa se je takoj napravila na njem. Zagledal sem se v to rosno okno. Sam ne vem, kako mi je prišlo na misel, da sem v tem rosnem oknu odkril toliko lepote. Dvorana, velika, z več tisoči svečkami razsvetljena; v ozadju je bilo čuti lahne zvoke glasbe, ki so se postopno krepili. Plesali so. O, glasba, petje in ples! Zaigrali so valček. Kako so svilena krila valovala ob zvokih glasbe. »Če si zaljubljen, ljubiš valček!« pravi pregovor. Takč sem bil očaran od vsega tega, da sem pozabil zapreti okno; hladno je že bilo v sobi. Takrat se mi približa mlada, vitka deklica v dolgem krilu, se pokloni in reče: »Povabim te na Pristavsko noč!« Ne da bi kaj pomislil, sem prikimal. Kako te bom spoznal na plesu? sem vprašal. Pa mi je odgovorila: »Prišla bom pri stranskih vratih v dolgi, beli obleki. Moja obleka po posuta z neštetimi snežnimi kristali, lica mi bodo rdeča, ker bo mrzlo. Oči bom imela modre. Spoznal me boš. Prišla te bom prosit za ples-Plesala bom z vsemi in pela. Peli bomo skupaj vsi, prav vsi, tako, da nas bodo slišali pri Sv. Vidu, pri Sv. Kristini v Eucli-du, pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, v Nevburgu in na zahodnem delu mesta. Peli bomo tako glasno, da nas bodo slišali v vsaki hiši, kjer prebiva slovenska duša. Bili bomo veseli in peli, da nas bo slišala še tako osamljena slovenska mati!« Zbudil sem se iz tega sna. V sobi je bilo temno. Megla je zginila, na oknu ni bilo več rose. Ostal sem sam... S. Vrhovec sveti večer smo prižgali kadilo, pokropili stanovanje z blagoslovljeno vodo in molili rožni venec. Duh po kadilu - ki si ga drugače poznal le iz cerkve - je spremenil skromni dom v svetišče. S kadilom se je mešal duh po medu, cimetu in rozinah. Mama je potem narezala potice in nalila čaja. Vanj sta z očetom kanila ruma in je potem še ta aroma odišavala božični večer. V sosednjem stanovanju so stanovali skladiščnikovi. Pri njih so imeli drevo ovešeno z veliko okraski, namesto piškotov pa so se na vejicah zibali v pisane svilene papirje zaviti bonboni. Iz njihovega stanovanja je dišalo že ves teden po samih sladkih dobrotah. Gospa in njena prijateljica sta en dan pekli in mi dali pokusiti orehove rogljičke. Nič na svetu ni bilo tako dobro ne dotlej ne poslej. Tudi luči so bile Prl sosedovih svetlejše ko pri nas. Pri nas smo zmeraj varčevali z elektriko. K polnočnici v Šempetru ni smo hodili. V fari je gospodaril učeni, a rahlo čudaški žup nik Janez Jančič, ki ni mara maše opravljati ponoči. gelska maša« je bila na bozi no jutro ob šestih. Vstali smo v temo, si zavili noge v debe e, volnene nogavice - v cerkva po Sloveniji takrat niso kun - in se napotili v Šempeter-(dalje na str. 5) UPOKOJENCI: POZOR! STANOVANJA Z 1 ALI 2 SPALNICAMA Zakaj ne bi živeli v St. Clair Place — najboljše storitve, odlična skupina sosedov, klimatska naprava v vsakem stanovanju kakor tudi preproge, blizu grocerij in drugih trgovin, z najemnino, odvisno od vaših dohodkov. Kličite r>as na tel: 439-3800 ^ T.K. General Contractors, Inc* Predelujemo kuhinje, kopalnice, delamo strehe/ »driveways«, nove garaže in vsa potrebna gradbena dela na hišah ali poslovnih stavbah. Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj in tapeciramo. Zidamo tudi nove hiše in poslovne stavbe. - Vprašajte za brezplačen predračun! - - 831-6430 - “SLOVENIA RADIO PROGRAM” HEARD COAST TO COAST 3 till 4 on Saturday afternoons E.S.T. on N.B.N. Cable TV systems. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 l Name Namesto običajnih božičnih kart I m novoletnih voščil voščijo preko | naše Ameriške Domovine Slovenci | iz Chicaga in okolice svojim prijate- ? jjem in znancem blagoslovljen Božič | ^ in srečno novo leto. | VOŠČILA IZ ILLINOISA f A ^rago in Marinka Velkovrh z hčerkami Ireno in Natašo BERWYN, ILL. I Blagoslovljen Božič in prav tako poslovljeno novo leto želita duhovnika slovenske fare sv. Štefana v Chicago IL. Rev. Vendelin Špendov in Rev. Kalist Langerholz. Tem voščilom se pridružujejo [---- tudi naše šolske sestre. i Z I I ;!! I \ f I ff "r ! I & n y* Duhovnika fare sv. Jožefa **ev. Ta v Jolietu IL. adej Trpin in Rev. Atanazij Lovrenčič ; b| 2e,ita vsem faranom in prijateljem i _____®8°slovljen božič in srečno novo leto. ^°ny’s Import Motors Mercedes Benz, 8-M.W., Audi, V.W. IN SERVICE C°U|Mrjsid( ^ WeS‘ 55 S‘reCt | vo§či le II. Tel. 482-4900 r . ^sem slovenskim posebno prekurskim JsOcom vesel božič in srečno novo leto 0ny in Darinka Rons z družino. Jero *ne in Milena Šoukal 223<5 \y 21 Pia s sinovi Chicago IL p I VABILO na slovensko silvestrovanje v Chicagu BERWYN, 111. - Kot pretekla leta tudi letos mladina Slovenskega športnega kluba v Chicagu vabi na pristno slovensko silvestrovanje, ki naj bi bilo letos eno od najboljših. Silvestrovanje bo v veliki svetošte-fanski dvorani na 1835 W. 22 Place v Chicagu. Ta poslovitev od starega leta se prične 31. decembra ob pol osmi uri zvečer, ko bodo pričeli servirati večerjo. Vstopnice v predprodaji so po $15, pri vratih bodo pa po $17. V tej ceni je vključena okusna slovenska večerja in nato pristna domača zabava ob zvokih dveh orkestrov, »Good Time« in ansambla »Heritage«. Vsi slovenski rojaki iz Chicaga in okolice so prav lepo vabljeni na to poslovitev od starega leta. Za nadaljnje informacije lahko pokličete Tony Buha na tel. 496-3578. Tony Buh Za Slov. športni klub »Prišel čas je krog Božiča,..« (nadaljevanje s 4. str.) Cerkev je bila majhna, a lepo oskrbovana, vedno umita in pološčena, a še posebej za praznike. Na levo pred glavnim oltarjem so bile izbrano preproste, čudovite jaslice: velik hlevček in samo trije umetniški kipi, Marija, Jožef in Jezušček, pred hlevčkom pa mahast hrib s puhastimi ovčkami. Na vsaki strani hlev-ca je stala visoka, visoka smreka, a brez vseh okraskov razen malo vatastega snega. Po maši so si ljudje zaželeli vesel Božič, a obiskovali se na ta dan niso. Šele Štefanovo je bilo za družabnost in obiske. Božič je bil za mir ljudem na zemlji. Čisto drugačni so bili Božiči v Žužemberku pri teti in stari mami. Večkrat smo iz Šempetra odšli za Božič tja. Hiša je stala na pobočju hriba, tik pod mogočno farno cerkvijo. V sobi, ki je bila obrnjena v nasprotni hrib nad Krko, je bila velika krušna peč. Vsi smo se po večerji spravili nanjo. Luči smo ugasnili; le vrsta drobnih svečk je gorela pred jaslicami, ki so bile pritrjene na trikotno desko v kotu. Vse polno pisanih pastirčkov in majcenih belih ovčk se je drenjalo po ma-hovnatem hribčku okoli hlev-ca s sveto družino. Ves večer smo prepevali božične pesmi; pozno zvečer se nam je pridružil stric Žane, sosed z žametnim basom. Včasih je vmes povedal tudi kako storijo. Veliko jih je bilo veselih, smešnih - najbrž si jih je izmislil, ker v življenju ni imel kaj dosti drugega ko garanje. Okrog enajstih so se po pobočjih nad Krko začeli premikati lučke. Od povsod so pri-(dalje na str. 6) I — • C f- Mtaay CuatSTMAS ttr\bu / Happy Nvjj year, too-/ Zbor Slovenska pesem želi vsem ljubiteljem slovenske pesmi v Chicagu in Jolietu vesel božič in srečno novo leto z željo, da bi še dolgo donela slovenska pesem. Mah Machine Co. 3434 S. 53 A ve. Cicero, IL Tel. 656-1826 Martin Hozjan in družina želijo vsem slovenskim rojakom vesel božič in srečno novo leto. Jože in Marija Bernik Chicago II. želita slovenskim rojakom v Chicagu in drugod po svetu blagoslovljen božič in uspehov polno novo leto. Ludvik in Mara Jelenc iz Benvyna IL. želita vsem slovenskim rojakom blagoslovljene božične praznike in zdravja polno novo leto. Tem voščilom se pridružujeta tudi hčerke Mary Ann in Tom Benson s sinom Timmijem in Beti in Dale Jarvas s sinom Davidom. I Milan’s Machine Co. 1301 South Laramie Ave. Cicero IL 60650 Tel. (312) 788-6600 | Milan in Martha Pecharich z družino. V imenu društva Slovenija redsednik Vikto želi predsednik Viktor Lavriša in družina vsem članom vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto. fSi *vi ^jfv> fS» u^ao^a ^ <* fq fia f!>» VOŠČILA IZ ILLINOISA | -------------------------------1 Družina Ivan in Ivanka Buh | Bridgeview IL Pavle in Anica Lenassi Bridgeview IL Chicago IL Dr. Marjan Erman in žena Renata Chicago IL FRANK KRMELJ in sestra MARIJAN 2053 W. Coulter St. Chicago IL i Cikažanka Tomaž in Ana Šušteršič s sinovi Berwyn IL Družina Tone in Margaret VEBEL West Chicago IL A. A. PHOTOGRAPHY Lemont, IL 60439-4151 Cicero - Berwyn 795-1880 Lemont 257-2199 WEDDINGS — PORTRAITS — PASSPORTS Capitol Avto Body Co. 3244 S. Grove Ave., Berwyn, 111. Pavel in Karmen Vavken Janez in Marika Arko s hčerko Sonjo Chicago IL Jože in Frida Arko z otroci Eriko in Filipom Lemont IL ! i ! o i I 2 Dr. Lojze Arko in žena Krista | z otroci Alenka, Mihec in Marija ^ Lockport IL | Družina Lojze in Vera Gregorič l 1 FRANCE in NADI PUC Z DRUŽINO WESTMONT, ILL Družina Mihael in Pepca Kores s hčerko Lydijo Riverside IL »Prišel čas je krog Božiča...« (nadaljevanje s 5. str.) bajale in se zlivale v pasove svetlobe. To so bile beklje v rokah ljudi, ki so prihajali k polnočnici. Nižala se je ta procesija vse do mostu čez Krko, potem pa se je po naši strani spet začela vzpenjati. Ko so ljudje prišli do cerkve, so bak-' Ije zmetali na kup in tako je med polnočnico pri Fari gorel kres. Ko so zaklenkali zvonovi, smo se odpravili k polnočnici tudi mi. V cerkvi je migljalo morje sveč, duh po kadilu pa se je mešal z duhom po smoli, ki je kapljala od svežega smrečja. Orgle so bučale in noč se je spremenila v čudež. Ko sem bila majhna, sem morala s staro mamo ostati doma. Na peči sva sedeli in poslušali oddaljeno muziko zvonov in orgel, dokler nisva zadremali. Tik pred vojno je Žužemberk dobil elektriko. Cerkev se je vsa lesketala v luči novih lestencev, pri naših jaslicah doma pa so gorele drobne rdeče žarnice. Še celo pastirski ogenjček, ki ga je v jaslice vgradil moj brat, je električno žarel pod rdečim celofanom. Kdaj in kaj smo večerjali na sveti večer, ne vem. Hrana je bila čisto postranska reč. Vem pa, da smo v božičnih dneh vedno dobivali koline; v spominu so mi vonji po pečenki in krvavicah. Na božični dan smo dolgo spali. Ob desetih pa še k eni maši, po škripajočem snegu, v volnenih nogavicah. V Montrealu zdaj z družino praznujem Božič po amerikan- Social Security v prihodnjem letu S 1. januarjem 1985 bo 37 milijonov prejemnikov Social Security čekov prejelo 3.5% povišanja pokojnine. To povišanje je bilo odobreno, četudi bi inflacija tekom 1984 ostala pod uradno določene 3% višine inflacije, ki opravičuje povišanje mesečnih pokojnin. To pomeni, da bo povprečni samski upokojenec prejel okrog $15 več na mesec, upokojeni zakonski par pa okrog $26. Social Security pokojnine so finansirane z davki, ki jih plačujejo uslužbenci in delodajalci. Po zakonu mora vsako povišanje pokojnine biti podprto s povišanjem baze dohodkov, po katerih se odbijajo Social Security davki. Dosedanja baza najvišjih dohodkov za Social Security obdavčenje je bila $37.800, v letu 1985 pa bo ta baza zvišana na $39.300 letnih dohodkov. Povišan pa je tudi odstotek za Social Security obdavčenje in sicer od 6.7% na 7.05%. Najvišje Social Security obdavčenje je bilo doslej $2.532.60 na leto, prihodnje leto pa bo najvišje $2.791.80. Za mnoge to pomeni, kar bodo pridobili na znižanju davkov, bodo morali plačevati več za Social Security, kar bi pa itak morali plačati tudi če davki ne bi bili znižani. sko. Le plastičnih dreves ne postavljamo nikoli. Vedno imamo pravo, dišečo, zeleno smrečico. In pod njo vedno postavim majcen hlevček, pa nekaj starih, majhnih ovčk, vse, kar je ostalo od Božičev v Žužemberku, od mladosti, od spominov na brata, ki je moral umreti še čisto mlad, od spominov na Božiče, ki jih ne bo nikoli več. Irma M. Ožbalt Montreal, Kanada Ameriška Domovina druži Slovence po vsem svetu! Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 1. str.) Edward J. Rozman Umrl je Edward J. Rozman, mož Patricie, roj. Zaletel, oč£ Edwarda F. in Martina L., s'11 Louisa A. (že pok.) in Ant°' nie, roj. Gregorčič, Rozman, brat Louisa in Alberta. Pogfe bo iz Fortunovega pogreb. #' voda na 5316 Fleet Ave. danes, v petek, dop. ob 9.30.< cerkev sv. Lovrenca ob Id" nato na Kalvarijo. Norman N. Mlachak V torek, 11. decembra, je 22 rakom umrl 57 let stari N# man N. Mlachak, znani Časi" kar slovensko-hrvaškega P° (Dalje na str. 7) ! VOŠČILA IZ ILLINOISA Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! AVE MARIA verski mesečnik P.O. Box 608 Izdajajo slovenski frančiškani Lemont, Illinois Slovenska nedeljska šola škofa Martina Slomška j v Chicago, III. .-'V1 ANDREJ in MARIJA REMEC Z DRUŽINO WESTMONT, ILL. ____^ t Družina Branko in Vera Magajne z otroci Brookfield IL "Družina Frank” in Frances Martinčič s hčerko ALICE Chicago IL Družina Stane in Mihaela Simrayh z otroci Herman, Stanko in Bernardka Lemont IL Družina Anton in Dina Škamperle Berwyn IL Slovenski športni klub v Chicago IL — J i ^ i ! Otmar in Anica Tašnar 2257 Bellview Westchester IL ^ VOŠČILA IZ ILLINOISA f „ Da bi slovenska pesem donela še mnocjo I £ let! Upamo, da vam prinesemo en košček $ § Slovenije. Najlepše božične praznike in $ ° srečno novo leto vam vošči < 1905 W. 21 Place Chicago IL 60608 ! — CHICAGO, IL Janez in Dawn Vidmar s sinovoma Mihec in Joško BROOKFIELD IL «•*/flyui fyn/fZ/Wf f Ansambel Glas Slovenije. | Jr Mrs. Metoda Fischinger f Anton in Ana Gaber s sinom Petrom 2215 S. Wood St. Chicago IL 60608 Družina Tone in Nežka Gaber s sinom Francijem in hčerko Katico I I: O ! 5 5 2 5 i w Zefranov pogrebni zavod 1941 - 1943 West Cermak Rd. Chicago IL Or. Leopold Šeme in žena Marina z otroci OLYMPIA FIELDS IL Mrs. Marija Pečarič Chicago IL | Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 6. str.) rekla, ki je mnoga leta pisal za Cleveland Press, dnevnik, ki ga ni več. Zadnji čas je bil pomožni urednik pri Penton Pub. Co. Bil je mož Mary, roj. Kenney, oče Nicholasa, There-se in Jennifer, sin Frances in že pok. Josepha, brat Evelyn Gordon, Harveyja, Myrona, Marcie, Geralda, Constance Keough in Dennisa (pok.). Pogreb bo iz Brickmanovega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Marije Magdalene dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Darovi v pokojnikov spomin American Cancer Society ali Lake County Hospice bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Rojaki! Oglašujte v Ameriški Domovini! MALI OGLASI KMETIJA NAPRODAJ 124 akrov z gospodarskim poslopjem, tudi 2 silosa, stara hiša, majhno jezero. Leži ob 4-pasovni cesti, pri Lodi, Ohio. Okoli 35 milj od Clevelanda. Kličite 305-744-0279. (96-99) FOR SALE Vicinjty of Holmes Ave. - St. Mary’s Church area. 3 bedroom aluminum sided bungalow. Call 942-3634 ask for Harry or Arlene 951-9622. (96-99) Lease Office or Retail E. 185 St. Old World Plaza 1200 sq. ft. Basement Parking 692-0060 FOR SALE Chromatic accordion “Metrotone”, 100 - 20 bass -11 switches. $700.00. 531-2745 (96-99) V NAJEM 5 sob zgoraj z garažo. Preproge in nov peč za ogrev. V okolici sv. Vida, na razpolago 1. jan. 19 8 5. 881-4411 dnevno do 5. zv. (92,94,96) MACHINISTS DeVlieg Jig Mili Operator Must be abfe to set up, operate and grind tool. 5 years experience preferred. Competitive Wages Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Paid Hospitalization For more info and interview appt., call 216-391-9300. Bobby Hahn Jr., Plant Mgr. Hahn Mfg. Co. Cleveland, Ohio t VOŠČILA IZ ILLINOISA I i i I | f i ! I i Družina Ciril in Olga Kastelec CHICAGO IL Družina JOŽE RUS Berwyn IL i DRUŽINA DR. JOŽE GORŠIČ Elmhurst IL Družina Štefan Balažič Chicago, IL Alojz in Jožica Horvat Berwyn, IL Jože in Mara Virant Chicago IL Družina Metod in Ivanka Žerdin Chicago IL Družina Janko Tajčman Elmhurst IL f MRS. REZKA PRISTOV I IN SIN ANTON ! 2 I 2 6 Družina p | dr. Andrej Fischinger in Anica f s otroci ___________WHEATON ^_____________ Družina pokojnega Ludvika Leskovar žena Corinne sin Ludvik in hči Miriam in mož Chicago IL | Družina Janko in Hana Burjek f Cicero IL ALGONQUIN, ILL. i Vesele, miru polne božične praznike ter sreče, zdravja in uspehov polno novo leto želi vsem Družina Matija Lončar IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! 1 f I f Dr. in Mrs. MAX RAK ŽELITA SVOJIM PA CIENTAM IN PRIJA TELJAM ° VESEL BOŽIČ S i P VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! ž A' Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Borromeo Seminary 28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! m >ž\ n/ Družina Ivana in Pavle Hauptman 25922 Highland Rd. Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Vesele božične praznike in zdravo novo leto Naj božji blagoslov in mir vladata med nami vsemi. To želim vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in dobrotnikom še psebno pa vsem članicam Oltarnega društva pri Mariji Vnebovzeti in vsem članicam skupnih Oltarnih društev. Bog Vam poplačaj za vse dobrote skozi celo leto.' ROSE BAVEC IN MOJA DRUŽINA ROSIE KOVAČIČ IN OTROCI ■I f I I j House & Lot for Sale 3 bdrm, Euclid bungalow and adjoining lot for sale. 442-2602. Furnished Room for Rent Nottingham area. 486-8186 (95-96) FOR RENT 4 clean rms., up. $1 50.00. E. 60th & St. Clair area. Call 431-0628. (94-97) Help Wanted Retired man to help around the home in exchange for room & board. 541-5182 (93-96) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 (FX) Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Prijatel's Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED _____PRESCRIPTIONS_____ PODIATER (Foot Doctor) E. 62. cesta in St. Clair 881-4411 FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLO VAR'S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! h I O f h f f i I I I ! l i I P f i p i f f f i i i i p i Družina Janez in Marija Semen j Willoughby Hills, Ohio j ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN ZDRAVO, SREČNO NOVO LETO ________________ Precision Grinding Corp. PRECISION GRINDING AND GENERAL MACHINGING 6717 St. Clair Ave. Phone: 391-7294 Želimo vsem rojakom vesele božične praznike in vso srečo v novem letiu_ VESEL BOŽIČ • SREČNO NOVO LETO CITY MOTORS INC. 5413 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Frank Tominc 44103 Tel: 88T238S BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO £ Družina Jože Lah ml., iz Willoughby Hills, 0-SLOMŠKOV KROŽEČ Cleveland, Ohio želi vsem članom, sodelavcem in dobrotnikom srečen Božič in blagoslova polno novo leto! Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! _ Vesel božič in srečno novo leto želiva vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem. Karol in Agnes BOJC 2110 Algonquin Rd. — Euclid, O. Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! MARY MARINKO l 125 E. 156 St., Apt. 936 Cieveland, OhM*^ 0 Vesele božične praznike £ in srečno novo leto 1 Emilee and Rikk Jenko ^ Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American home Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER SECTION AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. DECEMBER 14, 1984 In the Mood By JAMES V. DEBEVEC During the Christmas holiday season we are constantly reminded that this is the time for giving and receiving, but one rarely is confronted with the thought of taking away. One of the greatest contribu-tions to mankind is music. It can ■ Prompt man to change rooods. When one is feeling sad. music can lift him up, it can also make one blue, or make an individual feel like Jumping and dancing, and, it can relax the listener. Music can make a person feel melanchony; it can ease two Persons into love. How many say. “They’re playing our s°ng,” meaning the melody as special significance for em and each time they hear e tune it reminds one of the other. One of the greatest gifts to jUankind was a bandleader by me name of Glenn Miller. His ? y e of music will live forever m the hearts of all romantics. 1 was easy to listen to, it was easy to dance to. ,^ne °f the most remarkable °ws on television was aired ast week, in Cleveland on t l3 K06* ^ during their ■I on to raise funds. It was .4 Moonlight Serenade 1 Glenn Miller. Two hours long, it featured the present Miller band leader Gordon Lee “Tex” Beneke, the Modernaires, and singer Johnny Desmond. It was a trip down nostalgia lane that demonstrated how music should be played. Tex Beneke and Johnny Desmond were better than ever. The program put one in a mood to reflect upon the merits of superior music. It reminded me of the Slovenian arranger and conductor Andre Plevnik who favorably recreates the modern Miller sound. But sadly, it was 40 years ago tomorrow (Dec. 15) that 40-year old Glenn Miller was on a routine flight from England to Paris in 1944 when his plane disappeared over the English Channel. One of the world’s most eminent contributors to all that is good in life was taken away during the Christmas season. It makes one stop and think. Maybe, like the Christ Child coming down to earth, the most prestigious gift is not one of monetary value, but the appreciation of one who has elevated the quality of life up another notch further away from the barbaric and into benevolence. Traditional Slovene Folk Customs Described in New Book By RUDOLPH M. SUSEL weCently the Zarja Singing devoted to the Grape Festival tial rty pu.M‘sbed - with par-qu- lnAanc'al support from the deta,.A«s Council - a book custn'11^ c®rta*n Slovene folk Slov^S’ ln Particular the Ce Ian bedding Unveiling and the Grape Festival year« lne ^ur*cman. f°r many and Jery active with Zarja her ] rrtlerly the owner with Tivni^ ^usband Andrew of Clair ^terprises ^ the St. National 'nto^e, pu^cation is divided bo°ks "r flstinct Parts, or Writt^ 1 is devoted to a dine 0 desc.ription of the wed-c°ntai!,nVeilin8 ceremony and granK S a number of photo-With S aS We** as several songs cassettCCOmpanying music- A the k~e |ape aiso accompanies sPecifip°u The description is veiline * y **mited to the un-"Pillo Ceremony and to the "'eddirT Dance” Parts of the t>°ok j8 custom and so the view *Sfn0t a comprehensive Ceremonythe entire adding 0,C tWo of the volume is custom, which has in recent years been a common celebration among many Slovene groups. The text provides an extensive discussion of what is involved and includes a number of songs and sheet music appropriate to this tradition. The text is in English, although the Slovene original of the songs is provided, as is a fairly literal and free translation into English. In addition to Mrs. Turkman as editor, Jennie Mramor and the late Andrew Turkman were responsible for the text, Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. for the art and layout, Edwin Polšak for musical arrangements, Edward Ozanich for audio, while technical assistance was provided by Frank Elersich, Jennie Fatur and Frank Kokal. Copies of this interesting 48 page book and accompanying cassette tape are available at $26.45 each (including postage and handling) from: Zarja Project c/o Jennie Mramor, Sec’y., 266 E. 204 St., Euclid, OH 44123. (Photo by James V. Debevec) Celebrating the Holmes Ave. Collinwood Commissioner, John Habat (at the mike) Home Slovenian Home’s official designation as a President Dan Pavšek, State Representative Cleveland Landmark are, left to right, Richard Ronald Suster (in back) ln whose dlstric‘ the Schanfarbcr, Chairman, Cleveland Landmarks hal1 ls’ and Cleveland Councilman Michael Commission, John Cimperman, Landmarks Polenšek. Holmes Hall Is Now Landmark By MADELINE DEBEVEC The Collinwood Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland became the 186th official landmark in the city of Cleveland. The announcement came on Tuesday evening as the Holmes Hall was in the midst of celebrating an appreciation dinner for about 100 persons who had helped the facility in some way during the year. Cleveland CounCiman Michael Polenšek (in whose ward the hall is situated) announced tl(e landmark bill, which he had solely sponsored, passed city council on Monday. “I was determined to get this passed and wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer,” he said. Also talking about the event was Cleveland Landmarks Commissioner, fellow Slovenian, John Cimperman. “After careful study, the Landmarks office felt this site was worthy of the designation,” he told the American Home. “It passed from our office in three months, one of the fastest okays in the history of the city. It usually takes over a year.” The landmark label means the Collinwood Slovenian Home cannot be changed without permission from the Landmarks office, and it is to be treated with the reverence and dignity of a historic building which was significant in the history of our country. John Habat was the catalyst to sparkplug the movement. He was proud as a peacock on Tuesday and had a sign painted which proclaimed, “Holmes Hall is a Landmark Site.” Habat has been active for many years in promoting activities for the Collinwood Home. Look for the St. Clair Avenue Slovenian National Home to become a landmark in March in time for their anniversary gathering. Slovenians and St Nick By AUGUST B. PUST According to the Roman Catholic calendar, St. Nicholas Day comes on December 6th. That is the start of the Christmas season and the Feast of St. Nicholas. This is celebrated on the first Sunday of Advent by all Catholic Middle European cultures. Historically St. Nicholas was a Bishop in the City of Smyrna in Asia Minor in the Fourth Century. Legend tells how he helped three young maidens, whose poor father could not afford doweries, by throwing money through the window into the house during the night. He was especially good to the youngsters and known for his gifts to the children. Naturally, this legend was adopted and combined with local flavor of folklore in other nations. Slovenians have a special admiration for good old St. Nicholas or “Sveti Miklavž,” and so he became one of the most popular saints. He is traditionally pictured dressed as a bishop. In one hand is a bishop’s cane, in the other golden apples. This symbolized the book of all the names of children, who have been good throughout the whole year, and eligible for gifts. On St. Nicholas Eve, children placed containers such as straw baskets, plates and even boots to hold the gifts he brought. But, before his arrival, Lucifer and his company of devils would go from house to house rattling chains and making other horrible sounds scaring the children who were bad for the year. Parents told the children for days before St. Nicholas’ arrival to be good or else the devils would take them away. To equalize the effect of their medieval develish appearance, there are always angels with St. Nicholas. They are his ' helpers and reassure the children that everything is alright. Meanwhile, the tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day is also popular with the Greater Cleveland Slovenian Community. The pupils of both the Slovenian parish schools — St. Vitus and St. Mary’s —- usually present a short play with dancing and music in Slovenian preceding his arrival. And so, this centuries-old tradition, with its origin in medieval passion plays, is still alive here, among children of the Slovenian community. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 1984 ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361 - 3112 — tel. št. 361-3112 • No Branches nor Affiliations • Exciting Opportunity For 2 Weeks Health Holiday in Slovenia in NEW MODERN HOTEL IN SMARJETA, SUPERIOR FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN ROGAŠKA SLATINA. BOTH HOTELS WITH HEATED INDOOR SWIMMING POOLS. IN SMARJETA FILLED WITH MINERAL WATER. 3 Meals daily, round trip transfers airport/hotel, including round trip air fare from Cleveland to Ljubljana: For only $826.00 from New York $886.00 from Cleveland $994.00 from Pittsburgh $986.00 from Chicago This special price is valid from November 19 to March 31 — Departures: November 19 & 26, December 10, January 7 & 21, February 4 & 18, March 4 & 18 If you work under pressure and need relaxation and recreation then this Is the right product to buy. Both health resorts are known lor special treatments: in Smarjeta: Rheumatoid arthritis, Arthroses, Stress related disorders. Two weeks treatments for.............................$118. in Rogaška: Treatments are for stress related problems, diabetes, • stomach, duodenal ulcers, chronic constipation. Cost of medical program..............................$118. Ski Olympic Slopes — Sarajevo 8 days............from Cleveland from $598. Ski Slovenia 8 days..........................from New York City from $698. For brochure ;»nd reserv«'itions please call: HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. Main office: 971 E. 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 1216) 692 2225 Pittsburgh: 414 5th Avenue, McKeesport, PA 15132 (412) 678-6500 Chicago: 5792 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659 (312) 878-1190 Detroit: 19741 Van Dyke Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48234 (313) 366-4300 St. Clair Pensioners Happenings I am happy to announce the attendance at our November meeting was a pleasant surprise. It was the largest of the year. In fact it was suggested if the large crowd continues to come, we move the site from the annex back to the larger lower hall. On Dec. 3 we were host club for the meeting of the Federation of Slovenian Pensioners. There are seven clubs, each has five delegates. They convene once every three months. The Annual Christmas Dinner for our members will be Dec. 20 at 1 p.m. in the lower hall of the St. Clair National Home. Members who have not yet made reservations, and plan to attend, call me at 391-9761 at once. Members who are sick or housebound, and cannot attend in person, can have a dinner delivered. But we must have your request early. Election of officers was held COMING EVENTS............. and here are the results: President, Marge Kaus; 1st Vice President, John Skrabec; 2nd Vice President, Frances Kotnik; Recording Secretary, Anton Zakel; Financial Secretary, Stanley Frank. The auditors are Jewel Karpinski, Nettie Malnar, and Hattie Gorgan. Our meetings will continue to be held on the third Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Unless advised otherwise, the meeting place will continue to be the annex, with entrance at the rear of the building, on Diemer Court. If you are not yet a member, but would like to join, contact a member or see me at our next meeting. We are still accepting qualified applicants. We wish you all a Blessed and Joyous Holiday Season. Stanley Frank, Sec y-P.S. — As a starter, we have reserved April 21, 1985 for our Annual Dinner event. R 15 open to the public. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-311» Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo Sunday, Feb. 17 St. Mary’s Parish Annual Venison Dinner at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., to benefit the Slovene Home for the Aged. Dinner is served from 3-5 p.m., followed by music and entertainment. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio From Slovenia Maps of Slovenia and Yugoslavia Records and Cassettes Books CALENDARS FROM LJUBLJANA Art Treasures of Slovenia 1985 wall calendars with beautiful pictures. For more information write or call: Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-5296 Family owned and operated for 82 yearS GRDINA Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. — 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. — 431-2088 Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. — Ambulance Service Available — Funerals to meet the financial status of all farnili051 ________ Roy G. Sankovič, director FOR OPENING NEW ACCOUNT FREE 0.14% passb0ok Effective Annual Rate $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. 0.24% checking Effective Annual Rate $100.00 Minimum. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge 6 Month to 36 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. INDEPENDENT HAYINGS (One Bear per Customer) R Dak|n S Con'Pany 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som C tr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 A Subsidiary of Independent Share C'orp. i "'suing you iigrrj ! \THE happ,est Mff f ^ OF HOLIDAYS 'joty0" > ST-AA"^: SAFEWAY Tire Company S I 4623 Superior Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 4* rr T m : x X ! ! S> I V 970 E. 64 St. Cleveland, Ohio ! i I i C $ I ? c s Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year Grdina Funeral Homes s x p x x * x p s» ft 6 I (7 a $ s a 0 f Memo (Continued from page 2) Slovenian Workman’s Home on Waterloo Rd. on Saturday, Jan. 19 from 8-12 p.m. Featured will be Johnny Vadnal and his Orchestra. Last year the first “40’s Dance” was such a tremendous success, another one was put together. Tickets are $5.00 each and can be obtained at John’s Fun House, 684 E. 185 St., or by call Louise Jagodnik at 9430553, or Emily La Porte at 585-2462. * * * Travel News Tony and Tina Štepec of Richmond Heights enjoyed a vacation in Greece. Ivan and Vida Jakomin, Victor and Minka Kmetich, and Stani Grdadolnik toured Fatima and Rome aboard the Blue Army plane. * * * Cathleen Christine Odar Makes Her Debut On Friday, November 23 Andy and Barb Odar became the proud parents of an 8-pound baby girl, Cathleen Christine. Congratulations, Barb and Andy! Happy Birthday to Rosemarie Reiger of 1213 E. 60 St., Cleveland who will celebrate her special day on Dec. 20. Fondest wishes from hubby Danny and daughter Carmella Rose. Don Knific of Knific Insurance who celebrated his 23rd birthday on Dec. 11. Special wishes from his family. Don is a member of the Joey Tomsick Band. Thanks for the Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to reduce the mortgage on the new off-set printing press: Katie Pavli, Richmond Hts., O. — $2.00 Joseph Zelenik, Cleveland — $2.00 Ing. Frank and Julijana Gorensek, Wickliffe, O. — $12.00 Josephine Leufkens, Mentor, O., in memory of her parents Josie and Frank Jazbec, and her deceased husband, Ray Leufkens — $10.00 Joseph Delost, Cleveland — $1.00 Helen Sfiligoj, So. Euclid, O. — $20.00 Felix Kurbos, Cleveland — $2.00 William Dreu, Cleveland — $2.00 Mrs. Henry (Dorothy) Lauther, Euclid — $10.00 Anton Štrukelj, Emily, Minn. — $2.00 Vladimir N. and Lea Plyt Pregelj, Washington, DC — $7.00 Heda M. Sfiligoj, So. Euclid, O. — $20.00 Frank Kamin, Cleveland — $5.00 Mrs. Štefanija Koncilja, Cleveland — in memory of husband, Joseph Koncilja — $10.00 i I P \ t Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Alpine Sextet I> t> m £ ^ 0 cn< fc 7Š “ > § Cleveland O Š ° f ^ X ° i;< > £ a m O m MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muller 8408 E. Angus Dr. Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 MERR Y CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Bill and Mary Tome CD m I CO V 00 a * 5 2504 Lee Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 £ 6 a a i a a f* a p MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Jacob and Mary Grum 886 E. 210 St. Euclid, Ohio | f I a I £ We wish all our friends a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Health, Peace and Happiness! ŽELIVA VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ TER ZDRA VO IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Družina Dan in Mollie POSTOTNIK Mollie K. in Dan T. f I x a a Happy Holidays AIR CONDITIONED • TUB AND SHOWER BATH • COLOR TV MODERN • QUIET • 28 UNITS • IN ROOM TELEPHONE Stowe/ flbtti jllotel R. R. 2, BOX 24B. HOWE, INDIANA 46746 HOWE - LaGRANGE EXIT 121, INDIANA TOLL ROAD TRUCKERS WELCOME BOB & MARY KRANJEC OWNERS and MANAGERS 219-562-3481 £ £ | 0 0 \ ft ft 0 l § a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MARY STRANCAR 833 EAST 156 ST. — CLEVELAND MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Zalka in Jože Likozar 741 Kenbridge Dr., Highland Hts., O. A MOST MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THE HAPPIEST NEW YEAR £ p ft a a a £ a ft a a ft a ft ft The Cleveland Saw & Mfg. Co. I 1173 E. 58th Street a Cleveland, Ohio 44103 l 431-4211 Christmas SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM THE CITY OF EUCLID Mayor Anthony J. Giunta MICHAEL KOSMETOS - President of Council EDWARD SUSTARSIC - Council-at-Large FAY MILLER - Council-at-Large DON MALONE - Council-at-Large WILLIAM DeMORA - Ward 1 GEORGE CARSON - Ward 3 NICK MARINO - Ward 4 Judge ROBERT F. NICCUM — Euclid Municipal Court — PAUL OYASKI, President and Members of The Euclid Independent Coalition Club Paid for by the Euclid Independent Coalition Club t { Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All Our Slovenian Friends Mayor and Mrs. Anthony Giunta and Family EUCLID, OHIO i Happy Holidays Collision Specialists Expert color matching Lake Auto Body & Frame Tel. 361-1919 American and Foreign Car Repairs Rust work our specialty Slovenian owner Bill Modic BLA GOSLOVA IN RADOSTI POLNI BOŽIČ TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! St. Vitus Holy Name Society Cleveland, Ohio A BLESSED AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS I AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR I I :> Merry Christmas £ and Happy New Year o | JULIA GRABELSEK f | 6058 N. River Rd. — Geneva, Ohio 44041 4 Cribs By FRANK ZUPANČIČ Now that the wonderful season of Christmas is upon us, everyone is in the process of buying or decorating a Christmas tree, be it a real evergreen or a costly manmade substitute. More important to our family, however, was the manger scene located under the spreading lower branches of our Yule tree. The figurines in our nativiity scene are six inches high, made of plaster of paris and 25 years old. The family original crib set is now in the keeping of the eldest son, whose family cherishes the half century old keepsakes. In the 1920’s, our parents would firmly secure a triangular piece of cardboard in a far corner of the living room. They would then proceed to place paper figures (reinforced with heavy paper for strength) on this three-sided cardboard. The paper representations of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Infant, shepherds and Magi would have a toothpick glued on the back that would be pushed into the triangular cardboard base. Within a short time, a complete nativity scene would evolve much to our amazement and joy. As an added touch. Dad would use dried moss as grass and spread it between the paper figures. And suspended on a thread from the ceiling was an angel, who would watch over the holy scene below. When I asked my parents where this custom began, they said that in the poorer regions of Austria-Hungary (now Slovenia) the paper figures were traditional as the cost of wood or plaster ot pans figures was prohibitive. We can be grateful to St. Francis of Assissi for the popularity of the Christmas creche. During his lifetime, he would gather his parishidners on Christmas Eve and proceed to a cave in the hills of Greccio, Italy. All the familiar figures, the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the shepherds and the Magi would be enacted by the parish people. Real animafs were used and only the Christ Child would be a wax figure. I wonder why a living stable scene at a Midnight Mass has not been re-enacted in any of our Slovenian churches. I truly believe it would be well received by the Christmas worshippers and would add significantly to the true meaning of Christmas. May this coming Christmas Season find a nativity scene under your Yule tree. A most Merry Christmas and Healthful, Happy New Year to all. I CAPITOL BEVERAGE f • ALL POP QUARTS — 3 FOR $1.19 • WINES AND BEERS The Perfect Party Place to Shop for All Your Party Needs • Free Home Deliveries Every Day • Open Monday thru Saturday 9 a.m. to 11 P-m* j 6104 St. Clair Ave. 361-1229; Member St. Clair Business Association 7430 Mentor Ave. 942-1977 j l Open Sundays — High power beer and wine j — OPEN HOLIDAYS — 5 I I VESELE PRAZNIKE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 KSKJ s I ! President: Joseph Baškovič Vice-Pres.: Joseph Hočevar Secretary: Ai Orehek Rec. Sec’y-: Frank Zupančič Treasurer: John Turek Sgt.-at-Arms: Frank A. Turek Auditors: John Hočevar, Dominic Stupica, and James Debevec Cleveland, Ohio JLjdtemal^ Inst£rance_since 1^895^.____ I MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR I | Smrekar Hardware l 6112-14 St. Clair Ave. 431-5479 Cause of BISHOP FREDERIC BARAGA May the example and spirit of Bishop Baraga- , p labored so zealously to announce the Good Ne b in his time, bring about in your hearts a rebirt. e I the love of the Christ Child at this Christmas ti I Father Charles J. Strelick, Executive ®'re^n Agnes B. Rufus, Directress of Promo LOVE May Baraga's love for CHRIST ignite an intense - 1 TlON in all hearts. PRA Y FOR THE CANONIZA BISHOP FREDERICK BARAGA. ____________i MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR £ l BRICKMAN & SONS C 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 I ! Memo from Madeline By Madeline Debeveč fr^nkV0 neighbors and lends from St. Mary’s S"''1'. 11 -year-old eyenth grader will have a •ghter holiday season. be^?Ce he/ leg was amPutated Meli^n6 °[Icancer on July 11, ofMrda daughter ma^ ®ncLMrs- peter Hoff- graduaH kE' 156th Street> her n y.^as resumed most of paremsUahaaCtivjties- And her manv benefited from handleSUCCeSSful attemPts to some mT* 0f the burd^- me medical bills. Si" e\/fthe suPervision of l"0S, ^ittaker, KtorVod -ikl- Previn f *^jw.ppr- c\5^ 1*- * Wolidiyg W\ jC. * ‘Hotidiys ^ * holiday g W'v A- I ^ MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR ! FRANK’S CAFE | Home of the Slovenian cheeseburger I i 800 E. 200th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 531-9858 FRANK and ANN BOB and MARGE — and MOM CIGOY I i 19901 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44117 Phone: 481-6106 4 Christmas Greetings FROM THE i Lausche Family Mrs. Josephine Lausche Welf Mrs. William Bobnar Lausche Mrs. Charles Knaus Lausche Mrs. Frances Lausche Urankar Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Lausche Mr. Frank J. Lausche Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kramer HAPPY HOLIDAYS Mr. John E. LOKAR EUCLID, OHIO ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From the employees of: EUCLID FOREIGN MOTORS INC. SWEDISH STEEL RADIAL TIRES PIRELLI STEEL RADIAL TIRES I VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE! I I 1 i RECIPES WALNUT PUMPKIN TORTE 1 c sifted flour 1/4 c brown sugar 1/3 c butter 1/2 c. chopped nuts Mix flour and cut butter to resemble course meal. Add sugar and nuts. 10 x 6 1/2 ” pyrix dish. Bake 350° 20 minutes. Filling 1 pkg. 3 oz. cream cheese 1 16-oz. can pumpkin 1 can Eagle brand milk (condensed) 1 tea. pumpkin spice 1 large egg I c hot water Soften cream cheese, beat in egg. Add pumpkin, milk and spice. Stir in hot water. Pour into baked crust. Bake 50 minutes or longer. Ann Katanik Cape Coral, Fla.. DAQUIRI PUNCH 1 large Seven up 1 large can pineapple juice 2 pkgs. dry daquiri mix 2 small cans frozen orange juice 1 qt. lime or pineapple sherbet (we use 1/2 & 1/2) 1/2 (qt.) bottle rum or vodka (we prefer rum) Add ice ring Jim and Millie Logar Richmond Hts., O. (This Daquiri Punch was served at the Slovenian Heritage Foundation’s get-together with Bishop Pevec last week at Borromeo Seminary in Wickliffe, O., and lifted everyone’s spirits. SPARKLING CRANBERRY PUNCH 1 quart cranberry juice cocktail, chided 1 1/2 cups orange juice, chilled 2 quarts ginger ale 1 small orange, sliced thin Mix cranberry juice cocktail and orange juice in punch bowl with ice block. Pour in ginger ale down the side of the bowl. Mix gently. Garnish with orange slices, makes about 12 cups (24 half-cup servings). RAW SPINACH SALAD 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1 /4 teaspoon vinegar 1/4 teaspoon iodized salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons dehydrated minced onion 2 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and chopped 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 1 pound fresh spinach, washed and dried In a large salad bowl, combine mayonnaise, vinegar, salt, pepper and minced onion. Add chopped eggs and celery. Tear spinach into bowl and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate till serving time. Makes 12 servings. i wy- didayg 'IšBt ^ 4 cHšppy- cHoIidayg i ‘h r> ‘Htper' I ‘HohitH Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! Mrs. S. (Alice) I Opalich 1107 Pine Lane, S.W. H-4 Cape Coral, Fla. 33914 I f SEASON iv |.// f GREETINGS from D J Hairlines Jerry is with us Full Time now MANICURING — SCULPTURED NAILS I 6128 Glass Avenue ^ Cleveland, Ohio 431-899o , Open Tues., Wed., Sat. — 9-6 Thurs., Fri. — 9-9 ! Š $ $ Š i 4 Sheliga Drug New and Expanded Store^ 6025 St. Clair Ave. 431-1035 Daily 9 am - 8 pm, Sundays 9 am • 4 P01 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Holiday Greetings to All Our Patrons MALENSEK’s Meat Market 1217 Norwood Rd. a" j old0 361-1037 Cleveland, ^ HOME MADE SMOKED MEATS HAPPY HOLIDAYS VESELE PRAZNIKE Wilke Hardware 809 East 222 St. 731 -7070 i ! \ ! mippy- ‘Hoiidtn Wiper VoiHirt ^ * Recipes MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Judge August and l__Elaine Pryatel___ Season’s Greetings | FROM Judge Robert F. NICCUM and Family Wife Shirley and chidren Douglas, Laurie, and Janet | EUCLID MUNICIPAL COURT SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND MEMBERS AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR JOSEPHINE TRUNK 17609 Schenely Ave. — Cleveland I 44.. ------------------- 7^ f yOŠČIMO VSEM PRIJA TELJEM IN ZNANCEM yESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO " Reason’s Greetings — Fritz’s Tavern 991 East 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone 481-9635 Fritz and Ruth Hribar | I i \ I I I I I 6 I I i i l P i i I I P $ & « BERRY BEEF MEATBALLS These fruit flavored meat-balls and a nice clear soup — make a great quick meal. 1 can (10 1/4) beef gravy 1 lb. ground beef 2 this, fine dry bread crumbs 1 egg, slightly beaten 1/2 tsp. onion salt 1/4 cup whole berry cranberry sauce 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon Mix thoroughly 1/4 cup gravy, beef, bread crumbs, egg and onion salt. Then shape into 16 firm meatballs. Brown meatballs in large skillet over medium heat. Pour off fat. Add remaining gravy, cranberry sauce and cinnamon. Cover and cook over low heat 10 minutes or until done. Stir occasionally. Makes 4 servings. HAM, BROCCOLI AND NOODLE COMBO This is a colorful combination with plenty of nutritional value. Plus it cooks in a jiffy. a & i S» £ FROM FANNY’S Restaurant & £ I f I A Family Tradition \ for 37 Years f I f i i i I I Home Cooking at Family Prices Hours Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday 11:30 - 7 p.m. — Closed holidays 353 E. 156 St. Cleve. 531-1231 I j l ! *: | I 1 1/2 cups diced cooked ham g__________________________________________________£ 6 this, butter or margarine 2 pkgs. (10 oz. each) frozen broccoli spears 8 oz. egg noodles pepper lemon slices or wedges Lightly brown ham in butter and set aside. Cook broccoli as directed on package. Meanwhile cook noodles as directed on package. Drain in colander. Mix noodles with ham and pan drippings. Turn out onto a large plate and arrange the broccoli on top at the center. Sprinkle with pepper and garnish with lemon. Makes 6 servings. CHRISTMAS SWEET BALLS COMBINE: 1 cup ground almonds 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, ground 1/2 cup carob powder 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, toasted Form balls from the combined mixture. Add honey if too dry or carob powder if too sticky. Store in the refrigerator. These sweet balls literally melt in your mouth. ! i $ 1 I I P VESEL BOŽIČ VSEM SREČNO NOVO LETO James A. SLAPNIK, Jr. FLORIST- CVETLIČAR f? v * i $ £ a i p 650 E. 185 St. 531-7887 | BEST WISHES FOR A MERR Y CHRISTMAS SEASON AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS! Happy Holidays Azman & Sons Market & 6501 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland 44103 p — 361-0347 — | Louie Jr., Billy Jr., Ed, Frank Jr. ! ? ! i r f MERRY CHRISTMAS - HAPPY NEW YEAR Bill’s Automatic f I £ Transmission Service Automatic Transmission Specialists 4 Speed Differential Clutch Hydraulic — Ultramatic — Dynaflow — Power Glide — Power Flite — Fordomatic — Turbo-Glide — Jet-Away Bill Modic, 1311 East 55th Street, Cleveland 44103 391-9188 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 1984 Waterloo Pensioners News Members of the Waterloo Pensioners Club held their annual meeting November 13 at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Pres. Frank Bittenc opened the meeting with a warm greeting to the nearly 200 persons attending. After officers and committees gave their reports, correspondence was read which included thank you notes from Directors of Slovenian Workmen’s Home for a donation received, and a card from Joe Matejka expressing appreciation for kindnesses shown him upon the loss of his beloved wife, Vera. Mary and Joe Winter donated $50.00 to our club in commemoration of their 50th wedding anniversary. We will celebrate with them at our January meeting. There were eight other couples celebrating wedding anniversaries ranging from 36 to 50 years. Hearty congratulations to all! Katie Kozel, our Sunshine Chairperson, sent get-well cards to a number of members who are ill. She has been doing this faithfully all year. Thank you, Katie. We are sure our shut-in members appreciate being remembered even though they cannot be with us... temporarily, we hope. Alice Bozic has made up name tags for all members. See her at our next meeting if you do not have one. Cecelia Wolf regretfully had no trips planned but suggested we spend a day at the zoo, Cultural Gardens, etc. during the winter months. We have asked Steve Shimits to show one of his very interesting travel films at our January meeting. He has some dandies, so don’t miss it. Louis Jam attended a meeting at City Hall with Mayor Voinovich and others. Discussion was mainly, “What is good for the City of Cleveland.” Major donations for 1985 were approved for Slovene Home for the Aged and Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Frank Slejko consented to head the Funeral Committee. Please do not refuse to accept his request when called upon. Steve Shimits can always be relied upon to deliver an appropriate eulogy. Showing this respect for our deceased member is appreciated by their families. We mourn the loss of 10 members who passed away during 1984. Three Charter members, we are happy to report, are still with us. They are: Ursula Branisel, Angela Marinko and Amelia Perko. May they enjoy continued good health and much happiness with their families and friends. Our Christmas Dinner will be held Tuesday, Dec. 11. Mary Dolšak and her crew will delight us with their usual delicious meal. A donations box will be set up at the entrance of the hall. All monies will be turned over to the Slovene Home for the Aged. A most worthy cause, so let’s all be generous voluntarily. Members who play a button box or accordion are asked to bring them to the meeting and help put us into a real holiday mood. Election of officers was next on the agenda. After some coaxing, the entire slate of officers and committee members agreed to retain their positions. A complete list will be printed in this paper, soon. Please be sure to call Steve Shimits to let him know you plan to attend this dinnermeeting if you have not already done so. His phone number is 531-2281. Festivities begin at noon, Dec. 11. Cecelia M. Wolf Get Your Furnace ‘Audited’ James Debevec (left) owner of American Home Publishing Co., Inc. happily accepts a check in the amount of $500.00 from the Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges presented by Federation President Joseph Baškovič. The money was from the 90th Anniversary Celebration of KSKJ as observed in Ohio nn the weekend of Sent. 29 and 30th. Josephine Valencie (center) is given a present and plaque from her daughter Cilka Dolgan in recognition of her countless years of fixing costumes for the Circle 2 singers. The occasion marked Mrs. Valencic’s 75th birthday. The event took place after the Circle 2 concert on Sunday, Nov. 11 at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. (Photo by James Debevec) Deaths By Eleanor Pavey Remember the horrendous gas bills from last January? Well, I finally decided to do something about it. I sent a check for $15 made payable to Equifax, mailed it to Equifax, Inc., P.O. Box 6558, Cleveland, OH 44101, requesting a professional survey. In about two weeks, a certified auditor visited my home and conducted an on-site survey. By using the phone and a portable computer, he gave me a print-out of the energy-saving measures applicable to my home, an estimate of the cost of installation, either by me or a contractor, and an estimate of annual savings.- — * In my instance the print-out - showed that I was getting only 53% efficiency from my furnace. Usually within four or five years you will have saved in fuel costs the price of a new furnace. The auditor does not recom- mend any specific contractor. He does suggest you get three estimates and cautions that you get a reliable furnace contractor preferrably someone who has been in business for some time, someone not too far away from your home in the event you need to call him at night which is generally when the furnace konks out, and someone who has agreed to comply with the fedral RCS standards for materials, installation and financing. After you have an energy audit completed and obtained cost estimates for the materials and work to be done, take the papers to a bank that is participating in OEAC (Ohio Energy Action Corp.) and complete a loan application. If the lender approves the loan, you can get the loan for as low as 5% interest payments. To find out which lending institutions in your neighborhood are participating, call toll free 1-800-521-1756. EDWARD J. ZIMPERMAN Edward J. Zimperman, 81, died suddenly early Saturday morning, Nov. 24 at Euclid General Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Anna (nee Peskar); his children: Donald, Mrs. Raymond (Eleanor) Lonchar, and Richard; 13 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. One brother and one sister are deceased. He worked as a machinist for New York Central railroad for 50 years until his retirement. He was a member of SNPJ No. 53 and AMLA No. 6. The funeral Mass was Monday, Nov. 26 at St. Christine Church. Interment was at All Souls Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were handled by Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. THERESE R. DOMINES Therese R. Domines (nee ’Plemel), age 70, died early Monday morning, Dec. 3 at Cleveland Clinic after a long illness. She was the wife of Victor; the mother of Maria (Calif.), Mrs. Frank (Margaret) Bajc, Victor Jr. (Calif.), Emil, and Mrs. Rick (Rosie) Johnson (Calif.); the grandmother of 12; and the sister of Mrs. Lou (Helen) Gorjanc of Tulsa and four other sisters in Yugoslavia. She was born in Bled, Yugoslavia, and came to the United States in 1915. She was a member of KSKJ. The funeral mass was Thursday, Dec. 6 at St. Felicitas Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. handled arrangements. Nick’s Barber Shop (Formerly Petrie’s) 783 E. 185 St. 481-3465 Nick Francetič, owner South Florida Slovene Club j News ... I The American Slovene Glut of South Florida held September meeting after ‘ hiatus of two months. Levstek was a visitor and was nice to see her again, came down to attend a graa daughter’s wedding. A number of our mem'’e. had just returned from an r to Slovenia. They are t e Novaks, Mrs. Race. Vraničar, Theresa Cem the Frank Perhays, ana Ivan Willis’. Another coup celebrated 50 years ofwed_ bliss by going to Ireland, are Kay and Dick Flynn-We all had stories to relaj' but Theresa Clements have more to tell heenn was the victim of a robb r We had a number of 50 jg celebrants, Pauline an Klobuchar tacked on w > this summer. In October we had Oktoberfest with a good nt birthdays to help make it enjoyable. On the sick list we have^ ^ Nagode, Fran VogsteVe Dorothy Punchar, an ^ Smygelski who had ft>u heart surgery. ^ Two new members are ^ and Joe Urbanich Cleveland. We welco01 oII1jna-In November we had n tions of officers In December our L ^ a, party will be held on Gibbys in Fort Lau 0[) The meeting will be Dec. 9. We lost a very fin* of namely Anthony fine Miami. He was ° a^a) gentleman, but PaS' ijiefli5' Oct. 7 due to heart P .e5 to We extend our his family. One tfue diofl he always had his ^ in with him. May ^ peace. We must n0f ^erly0’ lost Ned Girlando, ^as} Akron, Ohio. H®’ wil1 ^ good member, missed. We hope you all had a Thanksgiving. j,) I’ve tried to months into one c tin riBh. hand cooperate, the e arc no not. Broken wrist cup of tea. ss* Christmas ^-k f0' * , Frio" the Pr,% hristt1135 ever^o and 3 mmm ^ ' , VTiHI 8» J HO figami ml m I T iguglc : r^ač« .as ■■■ CI-RIS17VMS SECTION III AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 1984 (Photo by Madeline Debevec) AMLA St. Anne Lodge 4 has Christmas Party and Angela Kovac. Standing, left to right, are 1 P.m. Wed., Dec. 12 at St. Vitus Social Stella Vokac, Mary Sadar, Frances Novak, Room in Cleveland. Seated, left to right, are Frances Kotnik, Rose Sodnikar, Ann Zak, Opeka, Marie Telic, Josephine Ambrosic, Sophie Opeka, and Marie Orazem. The Best Present - Ever By FRANK ZUPANČIČ U Was December of 1934. The nation was still in the deep 1 roes of an economic depres-S1pp. Able bodied men, many whh large families to support, Were out of work. The St. Clair area of eveland was especially hard K. Many pioneer Slovenian ■nimigrants were unskilled adorers — and they were the fir« to be laid off. It was a week before r'stmas. Snowflakes were gently wafting to the ground. A tow-headed lad of nine was ®az,ng intently into the win-°w of the Smrekar Variety atore on St. Clair Ave. His t^eS|Were as big as saucers for e little youngster was view-8 the many gleaming nstmas toys in the window. ln ertoys, Erector Sets, toy t^lns! aH failed to capture his ention. Instead the nine ar-old focused his wide eyes of tk 8reen wind-up toy model at year’s Chrysler Airflow w 0m°bile. While other cars 'V* square shaped and xllke, this Airflow Chrysler stvr ahead °f its time in auto a .ln®‘f If had front headlights in ,!ad lights that operated Jusi hke a real car. Ian Urriedly lhe blond-haired cit rushed into the store. Ex-0we y he inquired of the ner, friendly Mrs. Smrekar, r. ovv mnch is that green JTsler in the window? e amiable smiling pro-jt,letress answered, “Sonny , f°r $ made t0y and h seHs kn- ,Hastily irie corduroy-inf0 Cred *5°y sped home and w °’,rned his mother of the n erous sight he had seen at lhe store. p/*'S IT10m> i*1 the process of "dth^Hg supper’ heef soup mi k3 *ot k°nes anci not 50 s c rneat, replied, “So you spii y?U fhat toy car that knoVtf c1'98- Wel1’ 1 don,t " Santa will bring the kids very much this year. You know times are bad, young man.” After all, she reflected to herself, her husband only workes two or three days a week. Even worse, there were rumors that the company he worked for would probably go into bankruptcy. And beside, a $1.98 would be much better spent on bare essentials such as food and wearing apparel. The boy’s two older brothers, upon hearing their youngest member of the family speak glowingly of the shiny Chrysler toy, took him aside and said, “Forget about that car, you’ll probably get a new shirt and a bag of assorted nuts from St. Nick.” Well, Christmas finally dawned, and our fair-haired lad rushed downstairs to see what Santa had deposited under the Christmas tree. To his amazement, there under the spreading pine branches was his beautiful little Chrysler. He couldn’t contain his enthusiasm, jumping up and down, and shouting with uncontrolled emotion, “It’s the best Christmas present that anyone could ever receive!” And how do I know about this story — well, I was that little boy! Crisp Entertaining I d e a s One of the nicest holiday snacking, open a can of traditions is that of the Planters Sesame Nut Mix, a unexpected. Guests head crunchy trio of cashews, the list of joyous surprises... mini sesame sticks and pea-when host and hostesses nuts. It’s nice to know that have had the foresight to this crowd pleaser comes in plan ahead for chance resealable cans so you can company calls. When caught keep any leftovers fresh for red-faced with more com- the next round. pany than they think they stretching a meai can handle, quick thinkers shouldn-t be an ordeal. Add scan the cupboard shelves or freezer compartment for emergency edibles to prepare in a flash so they can enjov their guests. If it isn’t a mealtime visit, offer some sips and snacks. bottle of a soup course. Cook some extra vegetables, noodles or rice. Toss in Sesame Nut Mix for an unexpected crispy twist. Sesame Nut Mix also doubles as a delicious crouton topping for Always keep a botte any saiad For dessert, offer wine, some beer and other , ...______, , wine, some assorted non-alcoholic beverages on hand for the unplanned. Find cheese and fruit, or bake a quick cake mix. and file a A pre-stocked pantry isn’t favorite easy punch recipe just a holiday helper, and have the necessary Sesame Nut Mix and a little frozen juices or canned in- ingenuity are year ’round gredients within easy reach measures for unexpected of your punch bowl. For pleasures. Frank Hiti Receives Mr. Chicken Commendation The Mr. Chicken Restaurant Chain, which has employed Frank Hiti since 1978 has conferred upon him a commendation for loyal service, dependability, and the willingness to accept responsibility; all of which have made him an outstanding employee. Frank began working as a cook for Mr. Chicken at the age of sixteen. One year later, he became the company’s youngest manager, and has since been managing during summer vacations. He worked at many of the restaurants in the Cleveland area, helping out when and where he was needed. As manager, he had many responsibilities and his experience he says, “has improved my ability to make decisions, set priorities, and communicate effectively with people.” Frank feels that these and other skills he acquired during his employment at Mr. Chicken have been useful to him in other areas as well. He was twice named Employee of the Year at Mr. Chicken, being selected from all the employees in the entire chain. Hiti says the opportunity to work and reach his potential at Mr. Chicken enabled him to finance his college education at the University of Dayton where he was a Pre-Medicine major. While in college, Frank was active in the Cystic Fibrosis Club where he acted as Treasurer. He was the Founding Secretary of the University of Dayton Rotaract Club and Chairman of the Pre-Professinal Financial Aid Workshop held at the University of Dayton in 1982. During this time he worked as a hospital volunteer. At the hospital, he worked on the Surgical Floor aiding the nurses in primary patient care. Frank Hiti “My time spent at the hospital deepened my interest in a medical career, led me to become certified in Advanced First Aid and Emergency Medical Technical course. Hiti is very proud of his heritage as a Clevelander and as an American of Slovenian descent. His father, Frank, Sr., a machinist, emigrated from Slovenia, Yugoslavia to Cleveland at the age of 27. His Mother, Mary Jane, also of Slovenian descent, is a bookkeeper. Hiti, having much knowledge of the Slovenian culture, visited the land of his forefathers, and since he is able to speak Slovenian fluently, says, “the trip has given me better understanding of my identity as an individual, as well as to how I relate to society through the past.” He graduated from the Llniversity of Dayton College in April, 1984 and is currently studying at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He is engaged to Miss Joan Doyle to whom he plans to be married this summer. Hiti has expressed his appreciation of his parents’ support and encouragement throughout his endeavors. Mr. Chicken has been proud to have had his services in the past, and wishes him the very best in all his future pursuits. He is the son of Frank and Mary Jane (Milavec) Hiti of Euclid, Ohio. (PhoTo by Madeline Debevec) Rev. John Kumse (of St. Vitus Parish) chats with Emily Jenko (of Emilee’s Beauty Salon, 6412 St. Clair Ave.) at the St. Clair Business Association Christmas Party and lunch at the Hof-brau Haus on E. 55th St. in Cleveland on Wednesday, Dec. 12. f HAPPY HOLIDAYS | I from I JAMES W. TEKAVEC ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 330 Standard Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 621-4810 Season’s Greetings PHONE: 531-0066 GLOBOKAR’S 1 Marathon Service \ General Repairs*Tune-Up*Ignition Brakes*Rust Treal*Wheel Balance 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, O. 44119 ? Vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike ’ ter srečno novo leto želimo sorodnikom, l ter vsem prijateljem in znancem j Družina Toneta Vegel HOLIDAY GREETINGS! SHIMRAK’S HOUSE OF PHOTOGRAPHY 6405 St. Clair Ave. (Slovenian Home Building) Cleveland, O. 44103 “Your neighborhood photographer” By appointment — 391-4698 MERRY CHRISTMAS — HAPPY NEW YEAR Lake County Foreign Cars Service Inc. (AUTO PARTS WAREHOUSE ALSO) 3380 No. Ridge Rd. — Perry, Ohio 4 ^>ol Joe VidmavFrank Vidmar'Leo Vidmar 951-1577 (TOLL FREE) — 259-2991 MOTOR REPA I RS* BOD Y REPA IR* PA IN TING For imported cars and some small domestic autos HOLIDAY GREETINGS CENTURY TIRE SERVICE 15300 Waterloo Rd. 531-3536 Happy Birthday to Ivan Rus who celebrated his 21st birthday on Dec. 10, and his sister Kristina who celebrates her 9th birthday on Dec. 15. Fondest wishes from family and friends. Christmas Gifts Through The Ages One of the most coveted Christmas gifts for a Swedish girl is to be chosen Lucia. The Feast of St. Lucia on December 13 ushers in the Swedish Christmas season. The girl in The lucky Swedish girl who’s chosen St. Lucia by her family earns the right to prepare and serve their breakfast. each family (usually the prettiest) who is chosen Lucia rises early to prepare hot coffee and cakes. She serves them to her family, which has been awakened by their fragrance. A Christmas gift many Americans will covet is a coffeemaker that will awaken them every day of the year with the fragrance of fresh-brewed coffee. The new 12-cup Norelco Ready Brew drip coffee-maker with an automatic clock/timer starts coffee brewing at any time it’s “told.” It also features Dial-A-Brew strength control and a Coffee Miser basket that makes three-to-five cups. Clothes were the gift most coveted by Queen Elizabeth I of England. And she made her preference quite clear. Even the royal dustman (garbage collector) is on record as having contributed fine linen for the royal underwear. ?????????????????? 7 YoucAsk I ?????????????????? Questions and Answers MICROWAVE OVEN Question: My older boys have become chow hounds. Is it okay for them to reheat their midnight snacks in a “doggie bag” from a restaurant? IF THE BAG HAS A SILVERY LINING, don’t use it in a microwave oven. Answer: It depends on the breed of doggie bag, say home economists from Whirlpool Corporation. Some have a layer of aluminum foil on the inside of the paper bag. When heated in a micro-wave oven, this foil can cause a spark which may start the paper bag on fire. , The same situation may occur if butter or margarine is softened in the foil wrapping in which some brands are packed. Avoid the use of any wrapping which contains a layer of foil when heating foods in a microwave oven. MONEY SAVING TIP: For inexpensive quick snacks, keep cupcake batter in a covered pitcher in the refrigerator. Two tablespoons of batter in a paper baking cup cooks at HIGH in 30-35 spron Hr "A man can be destroyed but not defeated." Ernest Hemingway J.F. Optical Center Many thanks to our patrons for their wholehearted support in the past and we hope to serve you in the future. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Complete eye examination by Dr. Scott Bannerman — CONTACT LENSES — John Fuduric 775 E. 185 St. 6428 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland 44119 Cleveland 44103 Tel.: 531-7933-34 Tel.: 361-7933 "We own and operate our own plant" I JAY-DEE CLEANERS I f Phone — 731-7060 CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERATIONS “QUALITY CLEANING" 7 a.m. — 6:30 p.m. 878 E. 222 St. — Euclid, Ohio 44123 i t t Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želita vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem IVANA, MARIA IN ANNIE LUNDER 1150 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio i SEASON’S GREETINGS Bella Donne f S Creations Precision Cuts for Guys and Gals * f Let Us Discover your Loveliness i 6116 Glass Avenue 881-4376 MARIE J. AZMAN f .-i ! I MERRY CHRISTMAS RED KLIR COMPANY Thank you for your patronage $ 662-1079 Aluminum Siding — Awnings Storm Windows — Doors — Gutters “RED KLIR WAS HERE’^ ^ i JOE KLIR f I I f* Prav vesele božične praznike in vse dobro v | novem letu želijo vsem svojim sorodnikom, - °šči vsem gostom, prijateljem in znancem vesele božične praznike in vso srečo v novem letu. Zahvaljuje se vsem za dosedanjo naklonjenost in se priporoča za bodoče. Ob sobotah in nedeljah igra izvrstna godba Poskočne polke in živahno mehke valčke. VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Družina Frank Kastigar I860 E. 227 St. Euclid, Ohio 44117 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Rozalija Zupančič 1207 E. 60 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Frank in Jožefa Tominc j 1019 E. 62 St. Cleveland I Frank Sterle Slovenian Country House 1401 E. 55th St. prijateljem in znancem I $ Tel. 881-4181 f f p i I p t t VESELE božične praznike in SREČNO NOVO LETO! FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Phone 641-0046 | JOSEPH L FORTUNA I I ky.. JOHN J. FORTUNA ! f WARY ANN (FORTUNA) TRŽAŠKA f JAMES R. TRŽAŠKA £ Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper: John and Antonette Celesnik, Cleveland — in memory of her sister and brother-in-law Louis and Frances Peterlin — $20.00 Mrs. Helen Wahl, Cleveland — $3.25 Stefania Cigale, Cleveland — $2.00 Mrs. Mary Terenta, Pier-refonds, P. Quebec, Canada — $2.00 John Kozina, Richmond Hts., O. — $12.00 Duke Marsic, Eastlake, O. — $5.00 Mrs. John (Mary) Samsa, Independence, O. — $10.00 Frank Shesek, South Holland, 111. — $2.00 John Štempihar, Wickliffe, O. — $12.00 Vilko Cec, New York, NY — ■ $7.00 Andrej Remec, Westmont, 111. — $12.00 Stanley and Ivana Selak, Girard, O. — $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Dominik Gallien, Cleveland — $10.00 Belokranjski Klub, Cleveland — $100.00 Josephine Selic, Cleveland — $12.00 Tone and Tončka Urbančič, Cleveland — $2.00 John Semen (Pricision Grinding Co.), Cleveland — $22.00 The Collinwood Board of Directors of Collinwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.) — $100.00 Paula Adamič, Cleveland — $7.00 Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Wickliffe — $22.00 Marija Merala, Davis, Calif. — $5.00 Frank Percic, Euclid — $2.00 Drago Velkavrh, Berwyn, 111. — $12.00 Mrs. Gizella Hozian, Wilmette, 111. — $12.00 Ciril and Margaret Selan, Euclid — $7.00 Matej Roesmann, Euclid — $2.00 Anthony P. Gaber, Chicago — $7.00 A. J. Pogachar, Lorain, O. — $5.00 Stefania Dornik, Wadsworth, 111. — $7.00 Alois Sampl, Beamsville, Ont., Canada — $2.00 Vincent H. Lauter, Barberton, O. — $2.00 George and Rose Poprik, Cleveland — $5.00 Janez Košir, Cleveland — $2.00 Anna Vidergar, Cleveland — $5.00 Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead) Cleveland — in memory of her deceased husband, Joseph’s, 12th anniversary — $15.00 Joseph Kastelic, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $20.00 Rose Blatnik, Euclid — $2.00 Angela Platnar, Toronto — $3.00 Marijan Strancar, Euclid — $7.00 Felix Augustin, Holly Hill, Fla. — $2.00 John Jager, Toronto — $5.00 Joseph Lipec, Wickliffe, O. — $2.00 I I | P IN PRIJATELJEM ŽELIVA VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO USPEHA POLNO NOVO LETO ! I SLOVENSKO ŠIVALNO l | PODJETJE | I Frangie’s j I Fashions I I Lastnika Frank in Angela Fujs ! f 475 E. 200 St. Phone 692-2099 \ £ š f $ }l, f f f I t f | f DRUŽINA MAUSER Emil, Olga, Darinka, Sylvia, Irena RICHMOND HEIGHTS, OHIO Želi vsem prijateljem in znancem prav l | vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto ? VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Hinko in Maria Zupančič 6704 Schaefer Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Družina Janez Košir in Mama 1045 E. 61 St., Cleveland, Ohio VOŠČIMO VSEM IN NAŠIM ODJEMALCEM IN PRIJA TEL JEM VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Naše podjetje Vam nudi kompletno izbiro pohištva za Vaš dom po najnižjih cenah. NORWOOD Furniture Co. | 6202 St. Clair Ave. 361-3634 ' f Mr. in Mrs. John J. Sušnik in sinovi I \ j^gJ*** CHR/STMAS DA BI BLAGODEJEN MIR IN SREČA VLADALA V VAŠIH DOMOVIH IN VAŠIH SRCIH MED BOŽIČNIMI PRAZNIKI IN V NOVEM LETU da bi potovali vedno prijetno in udobno, da bi radostni uživali naravne krasote Slovenije, morja in neba ter vseh krajev, ki jih boste obiskovali VAM IZ VSEGA SRCA ŽELITA lastnika najstarejše slovenske potniške pisarne Kollander World Travel Inc. 971 E. 185 St. — Tel.: 692-2225 Offices in Cleveland, New York and Chicago Mr. in Mrs. August Kollander MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Olga’s Slovenian Restaurant Phone 486-3838 689 East 185 St. AMERIŠKI DOMO VINI IN w VSEM NJENIM NAROČNIKOM SVOJIM ČLANOM, PRIJATELJEM IN PODPORNIKOM ŽELI VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Pevski Zbor KOROTAN Albin Resnik Food Market 3583 E. 81 St. Cleveland, 0.44105 Phone 641-5471 SEASON'S GREETINGS from Norwood Drug, Inc. Discount Prescription Center FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Frank Krašovec — Rudolph Kozan 808 E. 185 St. Tele. 531-9188 Ann Slapnik Petkovšek (seated) gets ready to have lunch with the St. Clair Business Assoc, at the annual Christmas Party on Wed., Dec. 12 at the Hofbrau Haus. Standing is her daughter, Priscilla. They own Slapnik’s Shoppe, 6620 St. Clair Ave. Capitals of Europe (Continued from page 8) ment. The walls of Grkovac and Velenjak fortress bear witness to the struggles against' the Turks. On we go to Sveti Stefan, built five centuries ago on a reef secure from maurading pirates. The town hotel known as S.S. has earned itself every possible Yugoslav and international acknowledgement for superlative service. Its fabulous apartments has accommodated kings, stars and petroleum magnates. Rooms are available, but extremely expensive. The end of another day, and we return to our hotel for our last dinner. With an early start the next morning, we are bused to the airport, fly to Belgrade, change planes to Ljubljana, pick up additional passengers, and arrive at Cleveland Hopkins Airport at 8:00 p.m. Cleveland time. This concludes our exciting Capitals of Austria Tour, arrangements by Kollander World Travel. Release Holiday Tension The holidays rush, tensions and frustrations got you down. Release your tensions through exercise. Get in a comfortable position. The ideal is sitting in a dark room with soft music. RELAX. Take a deep breath, slowly exhale through your mouth and release your negative thoughts and feelings. Imagine that you are releasing tension and negative thoughts and feelings. Let them leak out of your body. Then, mentally itemize each part of your body from the hair on your head to your toes. Tell each part to relax. Spend at least 10-20 minutes doing this exercise twice daily. tSC Sims Buick 48T-8800 21601 Euclid Ave. Stan Sims — President Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Councilman Edmund M. Ciolek Jr. and Family CLEVELAND. OHIO 771-0320 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jack and Sylvia BANKO „ 17301 East Park Dr. Cleveland, O. 4411!' ■ Duhovniki in sodelavci slovenske fare Sv. Vida V Cleveland, Ohio voščijo vsem faranom in slovenskim r0ia^!f* po svetu žegnane božične praznike ter 0 * božjega blagoslova in miru v novem le u ^ Božji blagoslov v teh božičnih praznikih in v let 1984 prijateljem in znancem želita. Janez in Marija Pr0SHeJ}h,i0 44110 16211 Trafalgar Cleveland, Oh Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ' FROM I I Louis Slapnik & Son, | I FLORISTS H i | [ 431-1126 — 391-2134 | r We can supply you with all your Christmas Needs: ^ > Christmas trees, potted plants, gifts, etc. £ > 2jty & Suburban deliveries. Master & Visa cards accepted ^ | May the happiness of Christmas and the spirit it conveys Be with you And your loved ones Through a year of happy days. Ferfolia & Sons Funeral Home - 5386 Lee Rd. at Broadway ,P,e Heights — 663-4222 Louis L. Ferfolia - Donald L Ferfolia °nald B. Ferfolia - Anthony Ferfolia ! 487979 481-4544 Razinger Auto Rental ^earse, Limousine and Removal Service Rudolph F. Razinger, President 131 East 194 St. — Euclid, Ohio 44119 '—It^Wlshes for the Holiday Season sušohTgreeiingš « ^ ^ iit Paulich IDEAS IN ACTION E. 160th & Waterloo CLEVELAND, OHIO SPECIALTY ADVTG. 481-«300 TROPHIES S AWARDS 4S8-SSOO ^ &i3kt on tko Button ! ------ ^ v VESEL BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELITA VSEM gostom IN PRIJA TELJEM Hribar in Mary Šuštaršič, solastnici HECKER tavern 1194^ ast 71 st. Tel.: 881-5235 Usv^ttingham Tavern „C6S‘-Clair6 53,-6289 Th 6 aesf p0ika Spot /„ Nottingham" SERVING LIQUOR ON SUNDAY Musio COME JOIN US FOR to EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT f[ Thanks for the Donations Thanks to the foliowing for their donations to reduce the mortgage on the new off-set printing press: Anna Fortuna, Cleveland — in memory of her husband, Anthony’s, anniversary $15.00 Anton Velbel, West Chicago, 111. — $2.00 Bogdan Kovacic, Manhattan Beach, Calif. — $2.00 Josephina Slanich, Orinda, Calif. — $5.00 Dorothy A. Stanonik, Cleveland — in memory of deceased Mrs. Anna Jaksic — $10.00 Stanley Mrak, Gary, Indiana — $2.00 Zdenka Mihelich, Burr Ridge, 111. — $2.00 Frank Sega, Willoughby Hills, O. — $7.00 Jože Vegel, Richmond Hts., O. — $2.00 Frances Lausche, Gates Mills, O. — $100.00 John E. Lokar, Euclid — $25.00 Stanley Krulc Family, Euclid — $7.00 Tone Dolinar, Willowdale, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Wenzel, Sun City, Ariz. — $5.00 Rose Zgonetz, Cleveland — $4.00 Rev. Victor N. Tome, Pastor St. Mary’s Collinwood — $200.00 John Skrabec, Euclid — $2.00 Mrs. Vera Šebenik, Euclid — $10.00 Mary and Josephine Novak, Richmond Hts., O. — $10.00 Louis and Amelia Oswald, Euclid — $2.00 Mrs. Mamie Feiklowicz, Cleveland — in memory of Louis and Frances Peterlin — $10.00 Josephine Zernic, Cleveland — $2.00 Mrs. Mary Omejc, Valley, Wash. — $1.00 John Kramar, Thunder Bay, Ont., Canada — $25.00 Marija Šef, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank Zevnik, Cleveland — $2.00 Theresa Tomic, Cleveland — $5.00 Anna Lacijan, Cicero, 111. — $2.00 Ivan Berlec, So. Euclid, O. — $7.00 Josephine Kovač, Cleveland — in memory of her husband Joseph and her brother Ferdo Gospodaric — $20.00 Rudolph and Anna Knez, Cleveland — $12.00 Anonymous, Euclid — $10.00 Wencel Frank, Cleveland — $25.00 Frančiška Kosem, Cleveland — $2.00 Priscilla Slapnik, Willoughby, O., in memory of Rudolph Champa — $5.00 Mrs. Alfred Fischinger, Chicago — $2.00 Frank Martinčič, Sr., Chicago — $5.00 Jože Žakelj, Cleveland — $2.00 r f l BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ED PIKE Lincoln-Mercury Inc. 9647 Mentor Ave. Mentor, Ohio 44060 942-3191 (Cleveland) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto ROY G. SANKOVIČ Funeral Home Sankovič-Johnston Funeral Home Newly Remodeled and Expanded 15314 Macauley Ave. (Corner of E. i52nd St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial needs of all families Roy G. Sankovič, director f 357-7533 (Mentor) HAPPY HOLIDAYS I I i S|v rr '~T‘ i? Slovenian American Heritage Foundation $ I l AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 1984 TRAVELING BEEF STEW 3 pounds boneless beef _ chuck, cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes » f VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM KNIFIC 1/3 cup flour 1 teaspoon iodized salt 6 slices bacon, diced 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1 cup sliced onion 1 cup thinly sliced carrot 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons iodized salt 1/2 teaspoon thyme 1 cup dry red wine 11/2 cups beef bouillon or 1 1/2 cups water and 3 beef bouillon cubes 12 small white onions 1/2 pound f^h mushrooms, sliced ’ 2 tablespoons fresh chopped j parsley [? Dredge meat cubes in 0 . f and salt. Fry bacon in D“tc ’ oven until crisp and ig ’ browned. Remove [ pieces from Dutch oven, r ’ and save. Add butter margarine, sliced onion, -rot and garlic to bacon drip ings; cook slowly j vegetables are tender. Re111 ’ Insurance Service Inc. VSdl'S X.0 drippy f « brown well on all sides, ing as needed to brown eve ■ Add cooked vegetables.* bacon, salt Add wine Add reserved thyme, bouillon. Cover; cook over very heat until meat is ^^*11 j afld 1 and ’ and if f lo^| — 2 to 2 1/2 hours. 820 E. 185 St. 481-7540 onions 30 minutes Rudy Knific, lastnik in sin Don onions ji/ . fore ! mushrooms 15 minutes end of cooking time. To tote to party: c | Dutch oven with tight ' ^ cover. Wrap securely m « ^ eight sheets of newspape . • * •_rigni with string, keeping rig ;n large PaPc up, and place in bag or foam cooler. Be sure to carry nght s ® ^ It will stay hot for we hour. At serving time, SP ,ey. top with chopped P Makes 6 to 8 serving5' ^ Mamie Feiklo^' Cleveland, di CO( f If you’re like most people, you’ll soon be running yourself ragged looking for Christmas gifts that are “different” and “just right” for your loved ones. This year, why not give the gift of life itself by protecting your loved ones from the tragedy of a home fire? Reasonably priced home fire extinguishers and Life Ladders, for example, say “I love you” all-year wood, paper, textiles, multi-purpose, dry chemical long. drapery, and upholstery. model. A 2A-10B:C unit is Home fires claim thou- Class B fires are caused considered adequate for sands of lives every year, by flammable liquids in- most homes and is priced according to William G. eluding fuel oil, gasoline, to fit most Christmas P Blagoslovljene božične praznike in vs0_sreri>rn o novem letu t želita sorodnikom, prijate'l It r- in znancem: 17910 Brazil Rd. Ivi in Franc Mavsar 9 Cleveland. Ohl® ^ ^ ^rJovouT XMibaosj “1------ Gilmore, senior vice presi- grease, paints, and solvents, shopping budgets, dent of A-T-0 Inc., pro- Class C fires are electri- “If you’re planning to ducer of American LaFrance cally active fires caused by buy a fire extinguisher,” says and Badger fire extin- defective wiring, overheated Gilmore, “keep in mind the guishers. “This Christmas,” fuse boxes, and other elec- types of fires possible in says Mr. Gilmore, “consider trical sources. Once the various rooms in the house, the life-saving advantages electricity is off, however, and plan your purchase of fire extinguishers and a class C fire becomes a accordingly. You might find Life Ladder home fire B or A fire. There is a D that more than one unit will escapes while you’re class that covers combus- be needed to provide shopping.” tible metals, but these fires maximum protection.” Underwriters’ Laborato- are rare in the home. Life Ladder, a compact, ries (UL) has developed an Be sure the extinguisher portable ladder made of easy-to-understand rating you buy carries a UL label metal chain, also makes system for fire extinguishers that bears a letter rating, an ideal Christmas gift. The so you know what to look Gilmore said. ladder is attached to a for. Adopted by the Preceding each lettered bracket that easily slips over National Fire Protection class designation is a num- the window sill turning vir-Association as the national ber that tells you how much tually any window into standard, the system rates area that unit will cover, an emergency fire escape, fire extinguishers according The important thing to Available in 15- and 25-foot to the types of fires they remember is that higher- lengths, Life Ladder prowill extinguish, and the size numbered units will cover vides a fast, safe escape of the area they will cover, more area than those with from two- and three-story Each unit is given an A, B or lower numbers. For exam- buildings. C rating, or a combination pie, a 2A or 2B unit will This Christmas, give a of these letters. cover a fire twice as large as practical gift — a life- Class A fires involve or- a 1A or IB unit. saving fire extinguisher of dinary combustibles such as The best home unit is a Life Ladder. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS pep3ir 55th/St. Clair Auto Care Service Center Complete Mechanical — Towing — Phone: 361-4697 5505 St. Clair Avenue 44103 FRANK GRUBISA Cleveland, Ohio 4« inch % rine t * esh > 'ped j1 lour p itch p htly J con ^ rain | °r car-1 ipp- ntil f ] iove ind fore Season’s Greetings from the Members of St. Clair Business Association I 1 $ i S'f Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 nly' Th |eS’l w r,e St. Clair Business Association an,'i s established to provide the business-an if m 0 community a forum for the lo« | der|UtUal exchan9e ideas- ^ further lder f coonICateS itse^ to motivate the effective mal1 ' forthati°n anci communication necessary and| he instilling of pride, the establish- er>t of confidence, resulting in the Creation of a more wholesome community atmosphere. Support Your Member Merchants Merry Christmas and Happy New Year i jvef ting xto ;tie sir*6 lPer I l p up- i ran ; nkle ;ley- ----------------------------------------- C. ' JOSEPH GORNICK 21550 Nicholas Ave., Euclid, Ohio 4 ! $ o 3 ^airiest of Christmas Holidays dnd Happiest of New Years! Vesele božične praznike srečno novo leto! i 5 1 Or. Frank A. Mršnik * Family Dentistry • •185 ST. Cleveland, O. 44119 ^_^ 4 81 - 0 1 1 7 CHRISTMAS AND happy new year I & S;! Donations (Continued from page 5) Mrs. Dorothy (Sever) Kraft, Harper Woods, Mich., in memory of her parents, Louis and Jennie Sever — $10.00 Jože Škulj, Toronto — $10.00 Peter Selak, Great Britain — $3.00 Mary Koscak, Euclid — $5.00 Rose Sterling, Willowick — $5.00 Darinka Debevc, Geneva, O. — $12.00 Mrs. Josephine Sadar, Cleveland — in memory of her husband, Joseph, and her parents John and Jennie Žnidaršič — $5.00 Anonymous, Cleveland — $22.00 Anton Koritnik, Cleveland — $2.00 Terezija Klemen, Cleveland — $2.00 Mary Skerl, Euclid — $10.00 A. Vrhove, Mentor, O. — $10.00 John and Darlene Turek, Euclid — $5.00 Joseph Jursic, Cleveland — $7.00 Anna Pinculic, Cleveland — $10.00 Frank Lovko, Cleveland — $2.00 Frances Zakrajšek, Cleveland — $10.00 Louise Kosmerl, Cleveland — $2.00 Pauline Železnik, Garrett-sville, O. — $10.00 Anton Žakelj, Cleveland — $6.00 Leopold Zupančič, Cleveland — $2.00 Ursula Unetič, Cleveland — $1.00 Zele Funeral Homes, Inc., Cleveland — in memory of Victoria Poljšak — $50.00 Anonymous, Rome Italy — $20.00 Mary Gorenc, Cleveland — $2.00 Jackie Hanks, Euclid — $10.00 Frank Jerina, Toronto — $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Karel Zorjan, Forest Park, 111. — $7.00 John Meglen, Cleveland — $2.00 Victor Modic, Cleveland — $2.00 & Recipes i j? RHUBARB COOLER 3 cups sliced rhubarb 3/4 cup sugar 3 cups water 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice 2 cups ginger ale In saucepan, combine rhubarb, sugar, and water. Cook about 10 minutes or until tender. Put mixture into blender container and blend until smooth. Chill thoroughly. Mix in pineapple juice. Pour over ice in bowl dr pitcher and add ginger ale at serving time. To make a half-recipe in quart pitcher, pour 2 1/2 cups fruit mixture over ice and add 1 cup ginger ale. Whole recipe makes 7 cups. Jfrom all of us to all of jpou Best Wishes for The New Year MAYOR AND MRS. George Y. VOINOVICH and Family Wishing You a Blessed and Prosperous 1985 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from Supreme Board of the Holy Family Society One Fairlane Drive — Joliet, II. 60435 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE in SREČNO NOVO LETO! Heinz Mikota, D.D.S. Office Hours By Appointment Tel. 431-3772 6420 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Wishing You and Yours A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Maple Heights Catering 17330 Broadway 663-7733 Maple Heights i MERRY CHRISTMAS AND £ HAPPY NEW YEAR s AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 1984 ® The Capitals of Europe By Joe Gornick (Continued) ZAGREB Zagreb is the Capital city of the Socialist Republic of Croatia. One of the six Constituent Republic Sovereign States, which together make the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a self managing and non-aligned community of working people. Croatia has a population of 4.800.000. Zagreb is is on the river Sava and is the second largest town in Yugoslavia, population 800.000. It grew from the two settlements of Gric or Gradec (7th century) and the slightly more recent Kaptol and acquired its present name in 1557. Major international sea and land tours lead through Croatia. The Zagreb Trade Fair is among the largest in the world and is an important meeting point for international businessmen. The Croats are a south Slav people who settled in the Pannonian Plain and on the shores of the Adriatic during the massive migrations of the peoples between the fourth and the sixth century, A.D. For centuries since that time the Croats have fought to live in freedom and peace on their soil and their sea. Tito expressed their aspirations in the slogan, “We do not want what is not ours, but we will not give away what is ours.” Visitors can move freely in the country wherever they want. And they can feel secure as their peace and safety is the concern of all people in Yugoslavia in the system of total national defense. A shipping fleet of over three million tons is operated by Croatian shipowners. The following morning after breakfast on a sightseeing tour we left the hotel and received 143.4 dinars for the American dollar. We saw the National Theater University of the 13th century with 41 faculties. The Yugoslav Academy of Science was built here in 1884. We rode along commercial avenue with its many small stores. Here, too, is Archeological University. Next, we strolled along the lower town. The guide informed us of a Monastery built in the 16th century. The second largest pharmacy in Yugoslavia is here; it dates from 1355 and is still operating. We continue our walk to the Jesuit Monastery of the 13th century. In the upper town we find the Strossmayer Gallery is celebrating 100 years. On display are artifacts, and items of long ago. We visit St. Mark church of the 9th century which has a unique ceramic roof. In 1242 it was badly ruined by the Tartars. No services are held here; it is used for concerts and plays. Leaving upper town we are bused to visit St. Stephen’s Cathedral. It was destroyed in the 11th century, but rebuilt in 1217 and consecrated by eight bishops and the Hungro-Croatian King Andrew II who sojourned to Zagreb on his way to the crusades in Palestine. This is the principal church in Zagreb, the largest in Croatia and in the whole of the Balkan area. There are 12 altars in the church, with an additional one in the sancristy. Croatia is an industrial-agricultural country at the medium level of development with the per capita income of about three thousand American dollars. The northern plains are known for agricultural output, particularly cereals and cattle, while the Adriatic coast for tourism. We returned to our hotel for a delicious dinner. The next morning after breakfast we are on our own shopping and sightseeing trips. Our safe driver John Luciano and our versatile tour guide Frank Bozic continue on with most of our group in another direction. Four of us are bused to Zagreb airport where we board a plane for Dubrovnik. DUBROVNIK In Dubrovnik we stayed at Plakir Hotel. During the Middle Ages Dubrovnik was a small but free and independent republic. Today it is one of Europe’s leading tourist attractions. It is surrounded by well preserved high, thick walls, nestled beneath Dalmatia’s rugged mountains. Waves pound against sheer cliffs and thick stone walls. Dubrovnik remained a republic for centuries, surrendering independence only after Napoleon had swept through Europe. Sometimes called the Slav Athens, Dubrovnik offers music, theater, regattas and tennis. We walked along the traffic-free streets. Located here is the oldest pharmacy in the world and still operating. The street is packed with tourists. There are many small shops and boutiques as well as gift and snack bars. Many boats are docked in the harbor. The Franciscan monastery is in the western part of the city. Construction began in 1317. Next is Onofrio’s Fountain of the 13th century. St. Blaise is the patron saint of Dubrovnik. After a rest stop and lunch we start a long walk to the top of the fortified walls. The beauty and magnificnce of Dubrovnik and its walls is an expression of the unlimited love of its people for liberty, independence and autonomy. The wall’s builders well knew how to make use of the shapes of the rocks and hard ground. The entire inner city is girdled and enclosed by massive walls and fortifications which were built and reinforced and expanded. The town was also protected by two freestanding fortresses Lovrijenac in the west, rising 46 meters on a cliff, and the Fortress of Revelin. The top reveals a photographer’s dream. — Now the end of a beautiful day. We return to our hotel for dinner. Saturday morning is the last leg of our trip. On an optional tour via Atlas Travel, we are bused to the old town where hundreds of boats are docked in the harbor. We drive up the upper road through winding roads with hairpin turns and see many new homes under construction. There is a scenic view in any direction. We circle the area then visit Kotor located on one of the four bays. We stroll along this old town founded in the 9th century. A severe earthquake in 1979 caused considerable damage. The Cathedral of St. Triphun was built in 1166. Our next stop is Risan, a small town. On display here are ceramics of the 2nd century. At one time it was an ancient Illyrian, then Greek, Roman, and finally Slav settle-(Continued on page 4) The World Famous SALAMANDER Shoes are a long lasting Christmas gift. We have a large selection in imported from West Germany 4164 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland — Tel. (216) 281-7003 Business Hours: Mo. 9-4; Wed. & Thur. 9-4; Fri. 8-6; Sat. 8-5; Sun. til Christmas 1-5 — Closed on Tuesdays The only Salamander Shoe Store in the State of Ohio Frank Mahnič, right, was Tuesday evening by the Collinwood Slovenian HoI"eofferjng be honored with a three day celebration in August' Franli congratulations on the occasion is Homes Hall Secrc ® y^gj Koncilja. Mahnič has been the regular sax man with m Deb0veC| bands from their inception in 1940. (photo by a (Photo by Madeline ^ ^ "irila Kermavner (standing) chats with friends at the S ^ ^ lusiness Association Christmas Party at the jorek Ved., Dec. 12 at the Hofbrau Haus. Seated are Lena S eft) and Rosie Jaklič of Triangle Cleaners. Lakewood Center, California, is the w°rld s^f.9.6;*5 area ping center with a 2,451,438-square-foot build 9 and parking space for 12,500 cars. arc®1 * “IT’S A TEN!!” .. .Gorgeous 10 acre^ of wooded wonderland surround this dr story home. Built with the finest * “THE FRUIT OF THE VINE • • ■1 j(1 fjor FIT!” ... Excellent opportunity to iriye vjneyf>r