I I I II___ 0 . ' ■ NASLOV—ADDRESS: Glasilo K.S.K. Jednote «127 St. Clair Am. CLEVELAND, OHIO Talnkiau: HTaderseu »11 • F54JC KATOLIŠKI SLOVENEC IN SLOVENKA bi moral(a) spadati h K. S. K. Jednoti Entered as Second Class Matter 12th, It« al tka Post Offleo at Cknkad, Okla, Uader tka AH af at Spadal Bata al Pttlaca PrarfdM for ta Section 116ft, Act of October Srd. 1*17. Aathorted oa May ttd, If 11. NO. 47 — ŠTEV. 47 CLEVELAND, O., 23. NOVEMBRA (NOVEMBER), 1938 LETO (VOLUME) XXIV. NEKAJ VAŽNIH PODATKOV 0 MINULEM POSLOVANJU NAŠE JEDNOTE Na minuli konvenciji v Evelethu, Minn, je dobil vsak delegat posebno knjižico z naslovom "Poročilo gl. tajnika KSKJ. za dobo od 1. julija 1934 do 30. junija 1938." Ker se nahaja v navedenem poročilu več važnih podatkov glede Jednotinega poslovanja in stanja v gorinavedeni dobi, in ker isti gotovo niso vsemu Jednotinemu članstvu znani, zato hočemo v nastopnih vrsticah navesti glavne točke ali izčrpke iz konvenČ-nega tajnikovega poročila kakor sledi: ODRASLI ODDELEK 1.) Vseh dohodkov je bilo v minulih štirih letih $2,861,-909.71, stroškov $2,033,022.74. Cisti štiriletni prebitek $828,-886.97. Čisto imetje Jednote dne 30. junija tega leta $4,160,-474.80. 2.) Denar po skladih: Smrtninski sklad $3,950,708.03, poškodninski sklad $2,953.91; bolniški sklad $24,670.38; atle-tični sklad $1,042.53; stroškovni sklad $33,431.53. 3.) Članstvo: Dne 1. julija 1934 je bilo v odraslem oddelku 22,608 članov. Od tedaj do 30. junija 1938 novo sprejetih 5,926; zopet sprejetih 125; umrlih v tej dobi 896; suspendiranih, črtanih in odstopilih 2900. Število članstva 30. junija t. 1. 24,863. Čisti napredek 2,255 čl. 4.) Članstvo zavarovano po razredih: A in B—17,524, C—2.537, D—3,855, E—73, F—234, G—26, CC—182, DD—371, EE_5, FF—42, GG—6. Izplačana zavarovalnina—8. Skupna zavarovalnina $20,059,483.00. 5.) Pregled članstva po državah: Arkansas 11, California 64, Colorado 1,865, Connecticut 320, Illinois 5,768, Indiana 366, Iowa 21, Kansas 549, Michigan 667, Minnesota 2,643, Missouri 109, Montana 451, Nebraska 55, New York 384, Ohio 5079, Oregon 38, Pennsylvania 4,510, Washington 69, West Virginia 20, Wisconsin 1,708, Wyoming 166. 6.) Vzrok smrti članov: Srčna bolezen 233, raz 110, pljučnica 103, izkrvavitev ^možganov 86, sušica 85, prebita lobanja 23, uremia 18, starost 17, razne operacije 16, vnetje ledvic 16, sladkorna bolezen 15, vnetje trebušne mrene 13, ubiti od avto-mobilovll, zastrupljenje krvi 10, itd. V drugi polovici 1934 jih je umrlo 102, leta 1935—185 leta 1936—242; leta 1937—256, in v prvi polovici leta 1938—111. Skupaj 896, ali 224 povprečno na leto, na mesec pa 18. 7.) Skupno izplačana podpora:.- Smrtninska $743,471.10. Operacijska $188,125.00. Bolniška $367,761.75. Izredna $3,-903.66. Odpravnina $1,235. Starostna $39,164.47. Asesment za 70 let stare $57,682.87. Skupaj $1,401,344.11. 8.) Članstvo centralnega bolniškega oddelka. V ta oddelek je spadalo 10,604 članov(ic) 133 krajevnih društev; zavarovanih po $2.00 na daft—724; po $1.00—8,652; po 50c—199; in po $5.00 tedensko—1,029. 9.) Jednotina posestva. Jednota je imela 30. junija t. 1. 17 posestev vštevši stari gl. urad in zemljišče novega Jednotinega doma. Knjižna vrednost vseh teh je znašala $205,-782.58. Štiri izmed teh posestev so bila zadnji čas prodana. MLADINSKI ODDELEK V tem oddelku je bilo v 4 letih čistega prebitka za $46,-562.70. Čisto premoženje 30. junija t. 1. je znašalo $188,568.35. Članov je umrlo v štirih letih 87, v odrasli oddelek prestopili 3,372, črtani 3,054. Na novo pristopili 4,463, zopet sprejeti 121. Število članov 30. junija t. 1. 10,556. Nazadovanje v minulih 4 letih za 1,929 čl. Skupno število Članstva obeh oddelkov dne 30. junija t. 1. 35,419. CELOTEN PREGLED OBEH ODDELKOV Povprečna obrestna mera investicij Leto Odrasli oddelek Mladinski oddelek 1934 ................ 4.01% ................ 3.49% 1935,................ 3.88% ................ 3.48% 1936 ................ 3.82% ................ 3.54% 1937 ................ 4.06% ................ 5.85% Umrljivost članstva Leto Odrasli oddelek Mladinski oddelek 1934 1935 1936 1937 Leto .... 96.49% ............... 37.84% ____ 74.40%» ............... 30.05% .... 97.85% ............... 36.85% .... 85.97% ............... 24.62% Solventnost Odrasli oddelek Mladinski oddelek .............. 170.30% .............. 185.69% .............. 195.30% .............. 212.40% z obveznostjo za leto 1937 1934 .............. 103.39% 1935 .............. 104.02% 1936 .............. 104.34% 1937 .............. 104.78% Pripomba: Aktiva v primeri odraslega oddelka znaša 104.78%. Poleg tega pa je vpisanih $250,000.00 v "Contingent" rezervo. Vpoštevajoč še ta denar, potem je znašala solventnost odraslega oddelka lanskega leta 113.37%. Aktiva v primeri z obveznostjo mladinskega oddelka znaša za lansko leto 212.40%. V "Contingent" rezervi pa se je nahajalo $25,000.00. Vpoštevajoč še ta denar, potem znaša solventnost mladinskega oddelka lanskega leta 316.32%. Solventnost obeh oddelkov skupaj pa znaša 116.71^. Novi grobovi v Clevelandu Po šestmesečni bolezni je preminula Ana Žagar, stara 53 let. Zadnje čase je bivala pri sinu na 3796 E. 91 St. Doma je bila iz Dobravljega pri Celju, odkoder je prišla v A-meriko pred 25 leti. Poleg žalujočega soproga Marka zapušča tudi dva sina Silvestra in Stanleya ter hčer Ano Ribarič, v stari domovini pa očeta in enega brata. — Dne 11. novembra je po dolgi in mučni bolezni preminul Frank Bencina, star 54 let, stanujoč na 1029 E. 77 St. Tukaj zapušča žalujočo soprogo, Gertrude, rojena Škoda, doma iz vasi "Čes-niče, fara sv. Leonard pri Ljubljani, Igrata Louisa in več sorodnikov. Rojen je bil v vasi Pod Brezja, fara Sežana na Primorskem, kjer zapušča sestro in več sorodnikov. Tu je bival 25 let. — Dne 12. novembra je po dolgi bolezni in trpljenju preminila znana Jennie Paulin rojena Uršič, stara 57 let in stanujoča na 1153 E. 177 St. Tukaj zapušča soproga Josepha in več sorodnikov, v New Y.orku pa sina Borisa. Doma je bila iz sv, Ruperta na Dolenjskem, kjer zapušča dva popol brata in eno popol sestro in več sorodnikov. Tu je bivala 34 let. — Dne 15. novembra je po kratki bolezni preminil v Women's bolnišnici dobro poznani in mladi rojak Vincent Rupnik. Star je bil samo 33 let. Stanoval je na 19802 Arrowhead Ave. Pokojni je *bil roje nv Clevelandu. Zapušča žalujočo soprogo Anno rojena Persic, hčerko June, mater Frances, brata Josepha in Louisa in sestre Stef-fie Mesojedec in Gabe ter več sorodnikov in prijateljev. — Dne 16. novembra zjutraj je po mučni bolezni preminila v Mt. Sinai bolnišnici znana Mary Kosuta-Krnc rojena Poga-tec, stara 54 let in stanujoča na 6618 Bonna Ave. Tukaj zapušča soproga Franka, sina Josdpha in hčere Emma in Mary ter nečakinjo Sylvia Lisjak in več sorodnikov. Rojena je bila v sv. Križu pri Trstu na Primorskem, kjer zapušča tri sestre in enega brata ter več sorodnikov. Tukaj je bila 26 let. — R. I. P. -o- ŽALOSTNA VEST IZ DOMOVINE Berwyn, lil. — Znani rojak Mr. Joseph Omerzel je te dni prejel iz stare domovine žalostno poročilo, da mu je v Zdolah pri Brežicah preminul oče Martin Omerzel v visoki starosti 88 let. Pokojni je bil oče že omenjenega Mr. Jožefa Omerzla in Mr. Maksa Omer-zela, ki biva na 21st Place v Chicagu. Njima in vsem ostalim sorodnikom sožalje, pokojnik pa naj v miru počiva. Listnica uredništva Važno za vse tajnike(ce) Glede premembe certifikatov razreda A r in B, v razred D ali k*k drugi razred (F ali G) naj služi vsem v pojasnilo, da traja tozadevna doba do 30. junija leta 1939, ne pa samo do 1. januarja. Tako je bilo sklenjeno na zadnji konvenciji. V zapisniku dotične seje se je nam urinila neljuba pomota glede datuma; torej ima članstvo še celih sedem mesecev časa. Vsak, ki bo premeni 1 v tej dobi svoj stari certifikat v kakega novega, bo za nekaj centov pri plačevanju asesmenta na boljšem, ker do tedaj (30. junija 1939) se mu bo računalo asesment še po 4'v obrestovalni meri. potem pa samo po tri in pol. Kdor ima kako gorinavedeno vrsto novih certifikatov, se mu po preteku treh let nabere rezerva, katero se vpošteva pri plačevanju asesmenta, da član toliko časa ne more biti suapendan, dokler mu njegova rezerVST ne poteče. Pojasnite to članstvu na letni seji meseca decembra. Sestanek naše mladine v Barbertomi, 0. Prihodnjo nedeljo, dne 27. novembra imajo naši Ohio K. S. K; J. Booster klubi v Bar-bertonu svojo sejo ali sestanek, da se določi smernice za bodoče delovanje. Sestanek se vrši v dvorani društva "Domovina" na 14. cesti in sicer točno ob treh popoldne. Takoj po seji se bo udeležencem kazalo filmske slike, kadetinje društva št. 111 bodo nastopile v prostih vajah in ob zaključku bo vsem serviran prigrizek. Tajnica' društva št. 110 tem potom prijazno vabi vse članstvo društva št. 110, 111 in 243, tako tudi člane in članice društva iz Girarda, da bi se udeležili te prireditve, da na ta način pokažemo svojo naklonjenost našim mladim Jed-notarjem. Udeleženci iz Clevelanda se odpeljejo izpred urada Glasila na 6117 St. Clair Ave. ob eni uri popoldne. HITLERJEVE BRKE PREPOVEDANE { Goderich, Ont., 15. nov. — Občinski svet Huron okraja je sprejel danes soglasno resolucijo, s katero je avtoriziral sodnega uradnika Geo. Jamesa da aretira vsakega, ki bi nosil brčice, podobne brkom nemškega kanclerja Hitlerja. Imetje obeh oddelkov Čisto imetje odraslega oddelka.................$4,160,474.80 Čisto imetje mladinskega oddelka ............. 188,568.35 Skupno imetje ........:...........$4,349,043.15 Prebitek obeh oddelkov * Čisti prebitek 30. junija 1938 ...................$4,349,043.15 Prebitek 30. junija 1934 ....................... 3,488,242.73 Ves svet obsoja nazije. Hitler razočaran Štiriletni prebitek.................$ 860,800.42 Washington. — Ko je predsednik Roosevelt začasno odpoklical našega ameriškega poslanika Wilsona iz Berlina, je podal zatem časnikarjem sledečo važno izjavo: "Vesti zadnjih dni iz Nemčije so globoko pretresle javno mnenje ljudstva Zedinjenih držav. Jaz sam komaj verujem, da se morejo take stvari dogajati v civilizaciji dvajsetega stoletja." Dne 18. novembra je predsednik Roosevelt dal navodila delavskemu departmentu, naj se judom, ki se nahajajo to-časno na obisku v Ameriki, podaljša šestmesečna viza ker bi ne bilo človeško iste pošiljati nazaj pod nazijsko tiranstvo. Kakor poroča ameriško časopisje, dvigajo krik proti na-zijem številne ameriške kulturne in druge skupine, predsedniki raznih univerz itd. Na ustanovni konvenciji Kongresa C.I.O. v Pittsburghu, Pa. je bila istotako sprejeta in odobrena tozadevna protestna resolucija, v tem smislu se je izrazila tudi Ameriška delavska federacija. V obče se zahteva popolen prelom diploma-tične zveze z Nemčijo in oster bojkot nemškemu blagu v tej deželi. Iz Londona se poroča, da je dne 21. novembra parlament tudi poslal nemški vladi oster protest vsled preganjanja Židov in sovraštva do katoličanov in bo angleški poslanik iz Berlina v kratkem odpoklican. Protest mesta Cleveland Cleveland, O., 22. nov. — Na sinočni seji mestne zbornice je bila z veliko večino sprejeta protestna resolucija štirih councilmanov proti preganjanju Židov in katoličanov na Nemškem. Prepis iste se je odposlalo državnemu tajniku Hullu in nemškemu poslaniku v Washington. Te dni je tudi znani nemški dnevnik "Waechter und An-zeiger" v Clevelandu priobčil jako oster članek proti početju Nemcev z opombo, da je ameriške Nemce sram vsled barbarskega početja svojih bratov pod Hitlerjem. Razjarjeni Nemci Berlin, 19. nov. — Ker so Združene države začasno odpo-klicale svojega poslanika iz Berlina, je izdal Hitler ukaz, da se mora tudi nemški poslanik v Washingtonu takoj vrniti domov. Zaeno je nemška vlada odredila, naj se ukrene vse k Pri društvu sv. Barbare št. 74. Springfield, III.: 10419 Anna Bresan. Pri društvu sv. Ane št. 105. New York. N. Y.: 28084 Joan Caroline Janes. Pri društvu sv. Genovefe št. 108, Joliet, 111.: 19749 Anna Beber, 11714 Genevieve Beber, 23704 John R. Beber. Pri društvu sv. Srca Marije št. 111. Barberton, O.: 13433 Agnes Grum. 13432 Frank Grum, 18376 Joseph Grum. Pri društvu sv. Družine št. 136, Wil-lard, Wis.: 31090 Rosalyn Zalar. Pri društvu sv. Valentina št. 145. Beaver Falls, Pa.: 20788 Anna Brozich. Pri društvu sv. Jeronima št. 153, Canonsburg, Pa.: 9469 Anna Potoccr. Pri društvu sv. Ane št. 170. Chicago, III.: 28326 Mary Kustcc. Pri društvu sv. Ane št. 173, Milwaukee, Wis.: 23243 Martin Meh. Pri društvu sv. Srca Marije št. 198. Aurora. Minn.: 18915 Molly Perushek, 15219 Louis Perushek. 15214 Angela Perushek. Pri društvu sv. Neže št. 206, South Chicago, III.: 30832 John H.Marrin Jr., 29810 Margaret C. Marrin, 29809 Mary P. Marrin, 22959 Anna Slntich, 22965 Elizabeth Sintich. 31130 Jack Walsh. 31131 James Walsh, 29083 Jol seph Vircich, 29084 Mary Vircich. Pri društvu sv. Jožefa št. 220, Chicago, III.: 29087 Fred Fugger, 29088 Joseph Fugger. Pri društvu sv. Jožefa št. 241, Steel-ton. Pa.: 25803 Annie Zelko, 25802 Catherine Zelko, 25804 Margaret Zelko, 25801 Mary Zelko, 25805 William Zelko. Razred "B" Pri društvu sv. Jožefa št. 56, Lead-ville, Colo. 27294 John L. Pahule. Pri društvu Presv. Srca Jezusovega št. 70, St. Louis, Mo.: 29866 William Kuturovac, 29867 Dorothy Kuturovac. Pri društvu sv. Mihaela št. 152, South Chicago, 111.: 30455 Frank Vu-kovich. SPOMINSKA SLIKA NAŠIH LETOŠNJIH POCITNI ODSTOPILI Razred "R" Od društva sv. Ane št. 150, Cleveland, O.: 28930 John Grahek, 30246 Ronald A. Grahek, 26287 Stanley Sre-bernak. Od društva Marije Pomagaj št. 190, Denver, Colo.: 24986 Doris L. Pasoff, 24987 Pete E. Pasoff. Pretopili v odrasli, oddelek Pri društvu sv. Cirila in Metoda št. 8, Joliet, III.: 9804 Lillian Terlep. Pri društvu sv. Janeza Krstnika št. II, Aurora, 111.: 10477 John Gorenz. Pri društvu sv. Roka št. 15, Pittsburgh, Pa.: 20093 John Kompare. Pri društvu sv. Vida št. 25, Cleveland, O.: 18346 Mary Perme. Pri druitvu sv. Frančiška Šaleškega št. 29, Joliet, III.: 10937 Genevieve Mlakar, 12908 Beatrice Setina. Pri društvu sv. Petra in Pavla št. 38, Kansas City, Kas.: 9785 George Sneller. Pri društvu sv. Florijana št. 44, South Chicago, III.: 15670 Edward Juvancic. Pri društvu sv. Lovrenca št. 63. Cleveland, O.: 28760 August Musatr. Pri društvu sv. Jožefa št. 69, Great Falls. Mont.: 25211 Helen M. Ursich. Pri društvu Marije Pomagaj št. 79. Waukegan, HI.: 11600 Joseph Zalar. 9813 William Grcar. Pri društvu Marije čistega Spočetja št. 80, South Chicago, III.: 20961 William Slobodnik. Pri društvu sv. Antona Padovanske-ga št. 87, Joliet, III.: 9900 Edward Mihelich. Pri društvu sv. Jožefa št. 110, Barberton, O.: 27952 Frank Mihelcic. Pri društvu Marije sv. Rožnega Venca št. 131, Aurora, Minn.: 10456 Mary Zupancich. Pri društvu sv. Družine št. 136. Willard, Wis.: 25019 Marie Theresa Lowery. Pri društvu sv. Mihaela št. 152, South Chicago, 111.: 17895 Mary Sertic. Pri društvu Kraljica Majnika št. 157, Sheboygan, Wis.: 9859 Victor Sterk. Pri društvu Marije Magdalene št. 162, Cleveland, O^ »7985 Vida Zobec, 10510 Rudolph Smolic, 10048 Frank Modic. Pri društvu sv. Mihaela št. 163, Pittsburgh, Pa.: 13585 Vilma Sečen. Pri društvu sv. Jožefa št. 169, Cleveland. O.: 11356 Louis Koželj. 18284 Alice Market. Pri društvu sv. Ane št. 170, Chicago. III.: 10298 Mary Kolcnko. Pri društvu sv. Neže št. 206, South Chicago, III.: 191.18 Sam Yurotovac. IZ URADA GLAVNEGA TAJNIKA IZPLAČANA IZREDNA PODPORA Zaporedna št. 98 Društvu Vnebovzete Marije Device št. 181, Steelton, Pa., za Katherine Mesaric, cert. št. D4677, izplačalo $15. IMENA ČLANOV PRISTOPIL1H V MLADINSKI ODDELEK MESECA OKTOBRA 1938 Razred "A" K društvu sv. Štefana št. 1, Chicago, II.: 31593 Sharon Diane Klopcic. Društvu sv. Ane št. 150, Cleveland, K društvu sv. Jožefa št. 21, Presto. O., za Josephine Fink, cert. št. 12400, Pa.: 31594 Timothy Maslanik, 31595 izplačalo $15. Carol Marie Chabalie. « 100 K društvu sv. Frančiška Šaleškega Društvu sv. Barbare št. 74, Spring- št. 29, Joliet, III.: 31596 Audrey Vicich, i field, III., za Antonia Plese, cert. št. 31597 Roy G. Vicich, 31598 Loretta 4443, izplačalo $15. Vicich, 31599 Edwin Vicich, 31600 Ray- 101 mond Vicich, 31601 Vivian Vicich, Društvu sv. Petra in Pavla št. 64, 31602 Leonard Vicich, 31603 Rosemarie Etna, Pa., za John Lalič, cert. št. 21597, Vicich, 31604 Robert Vicich. izplačalo $15. K društvu sv. Jožefa št. 56, Lead- 102 ville, Colo.: 31605 John Skala Jr. Društvu sv. Ane št. 150, Cleveland, K društvu sv. Antona Padovanskega O., za Emma Lekan, cert. št. 16210, št. 87, Joliet, III.: 31606 Patricia Ann izplačalo $15. Keca. 103 K društvu sv. Petra in Pavla št. 91, Društvu sv. Ane št. 156, Chishoim, Rankin, Pa.: 31607 Helen Matiasic. Minn., za Bernardine Gersich Johnson, k društvu sv. Jožefa št. 103, Mil-cert. št. D215I, izplačalo $25. waukee, Wis.: 31608 Marion Murn. 104 K društvu sv. Genovefe št. 108, Jo-Društvu sv. Jožefa št. 53, Waukegan, iier. III.: 31609 Josephine Jean Avsec. III., za John Jereb, cert. št. C1263, K društvu sv. Srca Marije št. 111, izplačalo $15. Josip Zalar. Barberton, O.: 31627 Stephen M. gl. tajnik. ———— Naznanilo o operiranih in poškodovanih Mesto 19381$ 50.00' 104 Pueblo, Colo. 1938 100.00! 120 i Forest City. Pa. 1938| 100.00 127 Waukegan, 111. 19381 75.00 148 Bridgeport, Conn. 1938 lOO.OOj 156 1 Chishoim. Minn. 1938| 100.00 157 | Sheboygan, Wis. 1938 50.001 132 Cleveland, O. 1938| 100.00 162 Cleveland, O. 1938 100.00 1 .Chicago, 111. 1938 50.00 127 ; Waukegan, 111. 1938 lOO.OOj 144 Sheboygan, Wis. 1938j lOO.OOi 162 Cleveland. O. 1938' 100.00', 165 West Allis, Wis. 1938 75.00 166 i South Chicago, III. | 250.00 86 Rock Springs, Wyo 1938 100.00 7 Pueblo, Colo. 1938 100.00 29 I Joliet, 111. 1938! 75.00 29 'Joliet, III. 1938j 100.00 29 i Joliet, III. 1938 50.00 59 Eveleth, Minn. 1938 100.00 146 Cleveland, O. 1938 100.00 169 | Cleveland, O. 1938 100.00 185 j Burgettstown. Pa. 1938 50.00 59 | Eveleth, Minn. 1938 100.00, 139 ! La Salle, 111. 1938 100.00 191 | Cleveland, O. 1938 100.00 114 j Steelton, Pa. 1938 50.00 208 Butte, Mont. 1938 150.00 1 (Chicago, 111. 1938 100.00 53 ! Waukegan, 111. 1938 100.00 63 ! Cleveland, O. 1938 50.00 113 I Denver, Colo. 1938 100.00 148 j Bridgeport, Conn. 1938 50.00, 1 ! Chicago, 111. 1938 100.00 41 | Pittsburgh, Pa. 1938 100.00 59 | Eveleth, Minn. 1938 100.00 104 j Pueblo, Colo. 1938 100.00 1») i Cleveland, O. 1938 100.00 ]9l I Sheboygan, Wis. 1938 100.00 193 Cleveland, O. 1938 100.00 237 Milwaukee, Wis. 1938 75.C0 249 Detroit, Mich. Naznanilo o umrlih Odrasli oddelek 3975 26. D1435 24. 6147 17. 10620; 15. | 17596'27. 1D2533 12. i 11343| 13. | 2748 20. D6011 9. i 9272 28. ! 8870126. i D 1723t 10. 33090126. D2981 27. ! 5995! I 590 20. | 1459 16. | 13926; 3. | 4452 20. D2865 12. D3356 13. C1751 27. i 11381 27. i 6524 4. DI699 7. 15746 4. 34599*30. | 14413 30. ! 2698 20. DD3 16. '26062,10. I 15805 14. ! D1220 10. 23253 15. 3548 18. 35241127. 33745 18. \ 17593 23. ! 10073 3. 12603 17. 34272' 19. i FF37J 6. 351 Margaret Mehle 352 j Ang. Hauptman 353 Johanna Osenek 354 Anna Horvat 355 Rose Turk 356 Josephine Skok 357 Johanna Svete 358 Antonia Zupan .159 Anna Kožar .360 Mary Terlep 361 Amalia Verscaj 362 Theresa Mramor 363 Justine Schuster 364 Emil Plesha 365 Mary Boznar 366 Frank Boje 367 1 Frank Ecimovich 368 Frank Miklich 369 John Pullman 370 Frank Peterlin 371 Marie Flak 372 Alice Kausek 373 Margaret Jenko 374 Michael Lovšin 375 Jane McConnell 376 B. Cerkvenik 377 lohanna Duralja 378 Olga Baker 379 John Kosmach 380 Albert Ccpon 381 Frank Sirk 382 Mary Bohte 383 Mary Pachnyck 384 Joseph Beribak 385 Rev. J. C. Mertcl .186 Julia Longar 387 Dorothy Princ .18« Josephine Winter .189 Rose Weiss 390 Anna Pierce .'91 Mary Maierle ."92 loseph Sonc Prestopila v odrasli oddelek meseca septembra 193S Pri društvu sv. Jeronima št. 153 Canonsburg, Pa.: 23560 Rose Kocjan. REZERV A ČLANOV IN ČLANIC PRE STOPILI IZ MLADINSKEGA V ODRASLI ODDELEK Plačana novembra 1938 Št.dr. Ime 8 Lillian Terlep ................ 11 John Gorenz .................. 15 John Kompare .............. 25 Rudolph Smolic ............ 25 Mary Perme ...... 25 Frank Modic .................. 29 Genevieve Mlakar ........ 38 George Sneller .............. 44 William Slpbodnik ........ 44 Edward Juvancic .......... 69 Helen M. Ursich............ 79 Joseph Zalar ................ 79 William Grcar ............. 87 Edward Mihelich .......... 108 Beatrice Setina ............ 131 Mary Zupancich ........... 136 Marie Theresa Lowery. 152 Mary Sertic .................... 157 Victor Sterk ................. 162 Vida Zobec ................... 163 Vilma Sečen ................. 169 Louis Koželj .................. 169 Alice Markel ................. 170 Mary Kolenko ............... 206 Sam Jurotovac ............. Vsota .$ 10.41 . 10.50 . 2.79 . / 9.73 t ) 5.32 . (10.41 . 10.50 . 13.20 3.62 8.52 1.30 . 10.50 . 10.41 . 10.50 . 9.73 . 10.50 1.30 4.46 . 10.41 .. 4.46 . 9.73 . 9.73 . 5.32 . 10.41 . 3.62 Skupaj Vzrok smrti Mesto ' La Šalle, lil.- i Joliet, HI. ! Aurora, lil. i Cleveland, O. i Lorain, O. ] Bradley, lil. ! Cleveland, O. Crested Butte, Colo. Butte, Mont. Homer City, Pa. i Cleveland, O. Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, 111. I Waukegan, 111. 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. 2816! $1,000.00 28. sept. 1938! 69 Rak na želodcu 1459 1,000/00 24. sept. 19381 61 j Pljučnica 567! 500.001 6. okt. 1938 75 | Srčna bolezen 14578 500.00, 1. okt. 1938 52 j Rak 8818 1,000.00 3. okt. 1938 47 | Srčna bolezen 15711 1,000.00 j 9. okt. 1938 62 ! Jctika D608 1.000.00 4. okt. 1938 44 ! Izkrvavitev možgan 21901 1,000.00 15. okt. 1938 41 Srčna bolezen 27695 2,000.00,27. sept. 1938 51 Jetika 26998 250.00 1 4. okt. 1938 59 1 Rak 4487 500.00 21. okt. 1938 63 Izkrvavitev možgan 12943 1,000.00 25. okt. 1938 58 Srčna bolezen 3301 1,000.00 i 17. okt. 1938 64 | Vnetje črevesne mrene' 17956 1,CC0.C0 30. okt. 1938 58 • Samomor 11253 ] 500.00 ;26. okt. 1938 64 | Izkrvavitev možgan , 102 Michael Kožar ...... 163 Frank Ecimovich .. 104 Helen Zelenšek .... 165 Mary Kuhar .......... 1»)'J Johanna Machutas 167 Michael Jakovčič .. 16H Mary Šimenc ........ 169 Andrew Oberstar .. 170 Rade M. Trtica...... 171 Martin Verhovsek 172 Anton Lovrin ........ 173 Frank Zore ............ 174 Mary Kobal .......... !75 lohn GerjoV ........... 176 Gertrude Modic .... stražni ognji ZGODOTVINSKA POVEST SFI8AL FRANCE BEVK Odgovor je bil kratek, da bi doma Le to sem medtem si krajšega vrag ne bil izmislil. "Ves čas sem ti sledil. Vprašal sem po kakem vozniku, dejali so mi, da je pred menoj in da počasi vozi." "Če bi zdajci ne bil počival, bi me vendar ne bil dohitel." "Tvojemu konju vsa čast! Brisal sem jo za teboj, da me bolijo noge in se mi kri cedi iz žuljev. Radi hvale božje se me usmili. Bog ti bo povrnil." "Grajski mi bo povrnil s palico," se je voznik odpravljal dalje. / Popotniku so se• veselo zasvetile oči. "Beneški zlat imam. Po poti kje ali v Vipavi ga izmenjam, svoje plačilo dobiš." Te besede so voznika zganile, da je pomislil. Poslednji-krat je premeril popotnika in zinil: "Sedi na voz!" Potnik je sedel na vreče. Palico je bil pustil na mestu, saj je ni več potreboval in le v napotje bi mu bila. Morda pod vtisom beneškega zlata ali radi dolgočasja se je voznik otajal: "Ali si iz Vipave?" "Sem," je pritrdil popotnik. Popotnik se je sprva ustrašil priznanja. Pa je pomislil: z graščino ne drži. Pošten je. Ni se ga bati. "Iz Vipave nisi," je ugovarjal voznik in gledal sumljivo. "Vipavec pa sem," je trdil popotnik. "Malo ven iz Vipave sem doma." "To je res," je pritrdil voznik, "da govoriš po vipavsko. Ali prihajaš od daleč?" se je voznika polastila radovednost. "Več nego dve leti hodim. Kaj sem delal, ti vsega ne morem povedati. Take kraje in ljudi sem videl, da jih danes še imenovati ne znam." "Romar?" "Kakor hočeš," se je popotnik izogibal jasnega odgovora. "Romar, ubežnik, izgnanec in spokornik." Voznik se je ozrl v popotnikov obraz. Trdota se mu je mečila na licu. Veliko sočutje s popotnim se mu je budilo. "Kaj pa si storil?" Popotnik je molčal dolgo. Mučila ga je želja, da bi se do dna razodel. Razmišljal je, ali naj vozniku zaupa ali ne. Po razmišljanju je izpre-govoril: "Storil sem nekaj, kar bi ne bil smel storiti." "Kaj?" Naglo, kratko vprašanje je popotnika potegnilo za seboj: "Človeka sem ubil." "Človeka?" je dejal voznik z glasom, ki ni izražal prevelikega začudenja, kakor da je to nekaj običajnega v tistih časih. "Človek, ki sem ga ubil, ni bil človek, bil je hudič. Le eden biričev je bil še hujši kot on. Pred domačimi so me .hoteli do nagega sleči, da me tepejo . . . Niti očetu se nisem dal tepsti." Voznik se je ozrl preko rame na popotnega in ga prodirno premotril. Ves se je stresel in se hitro spet obrnil proč. "Bil je torej birič?" je vprašal akozi zobe. "Hudič, ne birič, sem ti rekel!" Voznik je v tistem trenutku izgubil vajeti, konj je stopil na kraj ceste, voz bi se bil kmalu prevrnil pod njo. "Hoj!" je vzkliknil potnik. "Ti me boš še ubil." Voznik je udaril po konju, postal je nemiren. Njegove oči, ki so se bliskovito ozrle po popotniku, so bile drugačne kot poprej. "Zbežal sem," je dejal popotnik. "Nič ne vem, kako je izvedel, da je trideset srebrnikov razpisanih na mojo glavo. Trideset srebrnikov, kakor za Kristusa," se je smejal. Voznik je molčal. "Čuješ, trideset srebrnikov je razpisano na mojo glavo. Če me zdajle zvežeš in izdaš, trideset srebrnikov dobiš." "Nisem Jakomen denarja," je voznik udaril po konju in se ni ozrl. "Nocoj je čas," je bilo popotniku na tihem že žal, da se je toliko razkril. "Jutri me ne bo več." Voznik je bil na te besede tiho. Ta tihota je popotnika nekoliko vznemirjala. Čez dolgo časa, ko je konj stopil počasneje, se je voznik znova ozrl in vprašal: "Kako ti je ime?" "Andreje sem." Voznik je znova udaril po konju, vpraševal pa ni več, ne se oziral. Andreje je mislil predse: "Pri Bogu, da je ta človek zelo podoben umorjenemu biri-ču." Otresel se je misli in se hotel oprati obtožbe, ki jo je bil izrekel nad seboj. Voznik je molčal, kakor da kuha črne misli tega umora. "Vem, da nisem storil prav," je Andreje govoril predse kakor obtožbo in zagovor. "Človeka ubiti je greh in veliko hudo. To priznam. Glej, zašel sem med razbojnike in nisem ostal med njimi, da si ne ob-težim vesti še bolj. Delal sem, stradal sem, a pošten kruh sem jedel. Po cerkvah sem hodil po golih kolenih, da prejmem odpuščen je. Le ženo in otroke moram še enkrat videti—" Umolknil je. Po dolgem času je pristavil: "Bog je en sam, dom pa je tudi samo e-den . . ." Voz je prišel do najsamot-nejšega dela ceste. Na obeh straneh sta se dvigali navpični skali, porasli z grmovjem in trnjem. Dva ostra ovinka sta zakrivala pogled naprej in nazaj. Vseokrog je ležal temen, samoten gozd, skozi katerega je prodiralo v redkih lisah svetlo nebo. Voznik je ustavil konja in planil z voza. V naslednjem hipu je tako naglo, kot bi po-blisknilo, držal v eni roki samokres, a v drugi roki nož, ki ga je prej brusil. Meril je na preplašenega potnika na vozu in bliskal z očmi. Andreje je spoznal, da se nahaja v nevarnosti. Ni vedel, ali ima pred seboj razbojnika, ali je kaj drugega napeljalo tega človeka, da ga je napadel. Spoznal je, da bi bilo vsako upiranje zaman, zato je sklenil biti miren, četudi bi ga veljala mirnost življenje. Videl je še groznejše stvari po svetu. Za življenje se je tresel le za to, ker je bil že blizu doma in bi bil rad videl ženo in otroke. "Kaj mi hočeš?" ga je vprašal čisto mirno. "Ubil te bom." "Beneški cekin imam, dam ti ga rade volje. Več nimam." "Obdrži si ga. Ali veš, kdo sem jaz?" "Nisi mi povedal. Ali po tem, kar zdajle vidim, sodim, da si razbojnik." "Peter, sin rajnega Marka sem," je voznik pribil z besedo, ki je zvenela ko jeklo. "In ti si Andreje!" Andreje je za hip zledenel. Kmalu se je zbral in vprašal skozi stisnjeno grlo: "Peter, sin rajnega Marka?" in ga gledal. "Le glej in prepoznaj me. Dostikrat si me videl. Prav je, da veš, kdo te bo ubil." Andreje se jej znova zmedel. V naslednjem hipu je dobi prejšnjo mirnost. Le oči soffe0 mu neznano sijale. "In kaj je, če si sin umorje nega?" "Če si mi očeta ubil, ni tre ba, da izprašuješ." "Ti misliš, da me moraš u biti?" "Da." "Kdo ti je dal pravico?" "In kdo je dal tebi pravico da si mi ubil očeta?" "Vzrok sem imel, ti pa vzro ka nimaš." "Moj vzrok je maščevanje. "Maščevanje?'' je Andreje za hip utihnil. "Torej mašče vanje?" Peter se je obotavljal. Če bi se bil Andreje le zganil, bi bil sprožil vanj. Mirnost, ki si je ni vedel razlagati, ga je vezala. Roka se mu je pričela tresti. "Vse si nas spravil v ža lost," se je srd spreminjal bridkost. "Mati nam je radi tega umrla. Kaj ti je storil? Svojo dolžnost je opravljal." "Ha, svojo dolžnost!" se je porogal Andreje. "Bil je bi rič vipavskega oskrbnika Pa gana, a Pagan je hlapec ple miških trebuharjev. Pred tvojim očetom je vse bežalo, kot da jezdi Turek v vas. Le Ju rij mu je bil še enak . . . Ubij me, če misliš, da boš na ta na čin spravil njegovo krivico s sveta. Toda, preden me ubi ješ( me poslušaj, da boš vi del, da sekira ni padla zastonj in da se je stari gnev nabiral v meni . . . Pomisli na svobod njaka, ki so ga po krivici spremenili v roba in je bil prodan namilost in nemilost grofu, oskrbniku in biričem. In kaj grajskim pogodba in urbarji? Tlačan se drži pogodbe, ple mič jo razbije in ni vere njem. Če smo se uprli krivici, smo bili tepeni ,da je tekla kri. Pritožili smo se, nastale so preiskave, ki so končale tako, da je imel oskrbnik prav za nas se nič ni spremenilo To, vidiš, je vse. Če misliš, da boš s tem popravil krivico, u-bij me in pogubi svojo dušo! Iz Andrejca so vrele besede Vse dni so ga tiščale v prsih nikomur jih ni mogel povedati zdaj so mu bruhnile na dan Peter je povesil samokres in gledal srepo. (Dalje prihodnjič) Zabavni kotiček Vljudni prijatelji. Kozamur nik: "Ti, Krtina, si čisto navaden osel!" — Krtina: "Kaaaj? Tožit te grem za razžaljenje časti. In ti, Blatnik, boš za pričo." — Blatnik: "Da. Prisegel bom, da si res osel." * Nevarna »tvar: Gost: "Hej, natakar! Krompir je še čisto surov. Pritožil se bom. Pokličite mi gospodarja*!" — Natakar: "Nikarte, gospod, gospodar je šele surov!" < * Sedaj pa vei. Profesor: "Kaj pomeni beseda konsekventen?" — Dijak: "Konsekventen pomeni, da človek ni danes tako in jutri spet tako, temveč je zmeraj tako." * Nerodno vprašanje. "Ali kaj mislite na tisti stotak, ki sem vam ga zadnjič posodil?" — "O, pa kolikokrat! Kaj pravite, kje neki je zdaj?" • Dragoceno premoženje. Žena: "Vse je moje, da veš! Perilo, pohištvo, hiša, vse! Le kaj si imel prav za prav, preden si mene vzel? !" — Mož: "Mir." ■ • Znak moderne dobe. Gospa Frecetova sedi na divanu, kadi in čita dnevnik. Mož si šiva gumb na hlačah in nekaj brunda. Gospa ga vpraša: "No, kaj, dragi možiček, kaj ti ni všeč," — Mož: "Nikoli nisem mislil, da si bom v zakonu moral celo gumbe sam šivati." — Gospa: "Hm, mar si mislil, da lahko v zakonu kar brez gum- v hodiš okrog?" ' » * Slavnostni govor. V neki občini so med slavnostno občinsko sejo obesili v občinsko dvorano sliko pokojnega zaslužnega župana. Župan je ob tej priliki govoril navdušen govor, ki se je takole končal: "Da, go-gospoda moja, ta mož je zaslužil, da bi ga bili že za časa življenja obesili tu sem, a v svoji skromnosti je to vedno odklanjal." -o- (Nadaljevanje a pete strani) ve. Najbolj časten grob poleg velikega križa je gotovo grob pok. škofa Jakoba Trobca, strica g. župnika John Trobca. Nagrobni kamen nosi sledeči napis: "Rt. Rev. James Trobec, D.D., 7-10-1838, 12-14-1921. Third Bishop of St. Cloud." , V grobnici sta tudi dve škofovi sestri Marjanca in Marija. Poleg tega groba počiva škofov sorodnik Very Rev. dr. John Seliškar, bivši profesor na šentpavelskem semenišču, rojen 16. dec. 1871, umrl 8. junija 1932. Na nagrobnem kamnu je vklesan sledeči napis: "Blagor mu, ki v Gospodu zaspi, v slavi nebeški se tam prebudi! Počivaj v miru." Ogledal sem si še številne druge grobove na tem pokopališču in si zabeležil nekatera imena pokojnikov in njih starost, na primer: Pri vhodu na desno je prvi grob Frank Schambacha 72 let, Mary 83 let. Na levo: Gregor Hleba-nja 74 let. Potem so drugi grobovi: Bla$ Legat 81, Uršula Legat 80, Smolej Janez 70, Apolonija Dobana 77, Johana Slamnik 65, Mary Schumer 65, Janez Poglajen 77, John Schumer 83, Gregor Smolej 80, Uršula Smolej 84, John Jaklich 77, Jera Petemel 75, Thomas Peternel 78/ Gregor Petemel 78, Neža Legat 53, Supan Andrej 68, Zumer Janez 78, Zu-mer Margareta 84. Na tem nagrobnem ;kamnu je sledeči napis: "Veliko let smo skupaj živeli, srečni, zdravi in veseli, prišel pa je zdaj ta čas, ko naju -je Bog ločil od Vas." Na tem pokopališču počiva tudi pionir Omanove družine Tomaž, rojen 12-21-1836, umrl 10-4-1911, torej je bil star 85 let. Njegov nagrobni napis je sledeči: "S Teboj umrl plam-teč je narodnjak, podrl se domu steber je krepak; med očeti prvimi si bil; za trud sedaj plačilo si dobil." Istotako sem ono jutro obiskal grob prera-no umrle prve slovenske učiteljice v Ameriki gdč. Angele Mensinger, rojena 15. maja 1887, umrla 15. junija 1912. Pokojnica je bila učiteljica na slovenski farni šoli v Wauke- ganu, 111. Še mnogo drugih nagrobnih spomenikov je na navedenem pokopališču, vseh je nemogoče navesti. Še sledeči pijonirji te najstarejše far-marske naselbine počivajo tukaj: Blenkush, Vouk, Torkar, Kozel, Supan, Smolej, Legat, Knettel, Fiedler (Nemca) in drugi. Kakor razvidno, je večina istih dosegla visoko starost. Da je sv. Štefan v Min-nesoti "eldorado" naših očan-cev in starčkov, nam kaže dejstvo, da v bližnjem St. Cloudu živi naš rojak Primož Sku-mavc, ki šteje že 95 let. Naj bo tem potom, dasirav-no že pozno, izrečena iskrena zahvala č. g. župniku -in njegovi sestri za vso prijaznost in gostoljubnost, katero smo uživali one tri dni naših počitnic v prijazni šentštefanski naselbini. ZMAGA SLOVENCEV PRI VOLITVAH Iz Rock Springs, Wyo., se nam poroča, da sta bila pri zadnjih volitvah dne 8. novembra izvoljena tudi dva naša rojaka-Slovenca in sicer Mr. Joseph Galicich Jr. in Mr. Matt Leskovec. Prvi je bil ponovno izvoljen na demokratskem tiketu v u- PRATIKAza 1.1939 BLASNIKOVA ali DRUŽINSKA Cena 25c—Poštnina prosta Nova nJora direktno lz Ljubljane 'BAHOVEC PLANINKA' svetovno slavnega zdravilnega čaja Najbolje sredstvo zoper bolezni že-lcdca. Jeter, žolča, črevesja in mehurja. Urejuje, utrjuje in čisti kri ter daje telesu nove moči ln energijo. Zoper zaprtje in slabo prebavo ni boljšega. " Bahav ec Planinka" slovi kot splošno zdravilo za ženske, še posebno pa v prestopnih letih. Mi smo edini zastopniki v Ameriki, zato edino pravi "Bahovec Planinka" čaj dobite samo pri nas. Cena velike škatlje Je S1.00. S šk. $2.90. Poštnina prosta. MARIA CELJSKE KAPLJICE za želodec. Cena male s te ki. sedaj 50c, velike $1.25. ŠVEDSKE KAPLJICE za želodčne in črevesne bolezni. Cena sedaj male s te ki. 50c, velike $1.25. Poštnina prosta. Tudi Maria Celjske in švedske ka-plice so od lekarne Bahovet v Ljubljani ter Jih priporočamo. SIEVE M0H0RK0 CO. 704 So. 2nd St Milwaukee. Wis. ZA BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE V BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI "Marije Lokar (rojena ŽAGAR) ki nas je zapustila dne 24. novembra, 1937 Žena moja, mati mila, ki si nas že zapustila, o, da bi se vsaj onkraj groba skupaj v nebesih veselili! Žalujoči ostali: Joseph Lokar, soprog Frances, Justine in Mary omož. Turk, hčere Joseph in Frank, sinovi Pittsburgh, Pa. BOŽIČNI DAROVI V STARI KRAJ Spomnite se svojih staršev in drugih t starem kraju, ki so Vam dragi, s malim darom za božične praznike v obliki denarne pošiljke; seveda, ako Vam razmere dopuščajo. To zadevo pa boste najbolje opravili, ako se po-služite naše tvrdke, ld že 19 let neprestano pošilja denar ▼ stari kraj zanesljivo in točno. Mi pošljemo: Za t 2.55 100 Din. Za 6.0o 200 Din Za 7.25 S00 Din Za 11.60 600 Din Za 28.00 1.000 Din Za 45.00 2.000 Din Za $ S.25 Za <5.35 Za 12.26 Za 18.00 Za 29.50 50 Lir 100 Lir 200 Lir 300 Lir 600 Lir Za 57.00 1,000 Lir Pri večjih zneskih dajemo sorazmeren popust . . . Pošiljamo tudi v ameriških dolarjih ... V slučaju nujnosti pošiljamo ali po brzojavnem pismu, ali po direktnem brzojavu. POTOVANJE V STARI KRAJ ZA B02IC Ako ste namenjeni v stari kraj za božič. J« sedaj čas, da takoj pišete po Vozni red parnlkov in cene kart ter druga pojasnila na spodaj navedeni naslov. Poroča se nam. da sedaj pri potovanju- v Jugoslavijo ni nlkakih ovir. DRUGI P08LI S STARIM KRAJEM Kadar rabite pooblastilo, ali kako drugo listlDO za stari kraj, če imate tam posestvo na prodaj, ako imate dobiti dedščino od tam, ali kadar imate kak drug važen posel s starim krajem, je v Vašem interesu, da se obrnete na: Leo Zakrajšek General Travel Service, Inc. S02 E. 72nd St New York, N. T. V L OGE ▼ tej posojilnici zavarovane do $5,000.00 po Federal Saving« * Losa Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne ln društvene ▼loge Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. ms St Clair Ave. HEnd. 5670 Cleveland, Ohio rad okraj, pravdnika (County and Prosecuting Attorney) Sweetwater okraja, sobrat Lesk o vec je bil pa izvoljen za občinskega ali mestnega odbornika v 2. wardi in sicer na republikanskem tiketu. Novi mestni odbornik, sobr. Leskovec je že več let tajnik društva sv. Jožefa št. 122 K. S. K. J. in brat predsednika društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 v C level an d u; oba sta se kot delegata udeležila naše zadnje konvencije v Evelethu, Minn. Naše čestitke! Ameriški državljani imajo prednost pri delu Ako želite postati državljan spoznajte ameriške postave! Najbolj točna, zanesljiva in vsa potrebna vprašanja dobite pri "Ameriška Domovina" SLOVENSKA UNIJSKA TISKARNA 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. Cena tej najnovejši knjižici je samo 25c. Pri naročilu pošljite znamke ali money order. Važno za potovanje Kdor je namenjen potovati v stari kraj ali dobiti koga od tam. je potrebno, da je poučen v vseh stvareh. Vsled naše dolgoletne skušnje Vam zamoremo daU najboljša pojasnila in tudi vse potrebno preskrbeti, da je potovanje udobno in hitro. Zato se zaupno obrnite na nas za vsa pojasnila. Mi preskrbimo vse, bodisi prošnje za povratna dovoljenja, potne liste, vizeje in sploh vse, kar Je za potovanje potrebno v najhitrejšem času. in kar je glavno, za najmanjše stroške. Nedržavljani naj ne odlašajo do zadnjega trenutka, ker predno se dobi iz Washingtona povratno dovoljenje. RE-ENTRY PERMIT, trpi najmanj en mesec. Pišite torej takoj za brezplačna navodila in zagotavljamo Vam. da boste poccni in udobno potovali. SL0VENIC PUBLISHING COMPANY (Travel Bureau) 216 West 18th Street New York, N. Y. Ali veste? da je zdaj v teku velika kampanja za mesečnik <■ "NOVI SVET" Kampanja se konča ta mesec 30. novembra 1938 Itf c V tem času dokler traja kampanja, to je do 30. novembra, dobi vsak naročnik STAR ali NOV lepo na- j grado: DVA KRASNA ZEMLJEVIDA M Eden od celega sveta, drugi od Združenih držav, oba || vsebujoč zanimive podatke in informacije. Ako še nimate v Vaši hiši tega zanimivega dru- |j žinskega mesečnika "NOVI SVET," naročite si ga zdaj, , da boste deležni imenovanih nagrad. Stane samo $2.00 za celo leto II Ako ste že naročnik tega lista, tedaj v tem času II svojo naročnino obnovite, da dobite navedene nagrade. NA PREZRITE TE UGODNE PRILIKE! Naročnino se pošlje na; || UPRAVA "NOVI SVET' 1849 We»t Cermak Road — Chicago, lil. GLASILO K. S. K. JEDNOTE, NOVEMBER 23. 1938 EEP In Lbm With tU tU j OIN KSKJ'S — March To Progress! Fall In! Boost KSKJ Sports! BOOST THE KSKJ t . . . BOOST KSKJ SPORTS! joliet sodalities to honor venerable sisters at reunion BARRISTER NOTICE TO ALL KSKJ SUBORDINATE LODGES In accordance with the provisions of the KSKJ Athletic Board rules, the following notice is being submitted to all KSKJ lodges sponsoring or proposing to sponsor athletics or recreation in their respective districts and who are to elect directors to the KSKJ Athletic Board for the next four years: Article 2, Paragraph 3. The Directors shall be duly elected by the members of their respective KSKJ booster clubs or lodges. If jfour lodge sponsors a booster club, then the election of a district director should be completed at its meeting. Otherwise all lodges are requested to hold elections at their next regular meeting and notify the office of KSKJ athletic commissioner as to the elected director. Please send names of elected directors to: Joseph Zorc, 1045 Wadsworth Ave., North Chicago, 111. Joliet, III.—All members and former members of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality and the St. Agnes' Sodality of St. Joseph's Parish are invited to attend a sodality reunion Sunday, Nov. 27, at 3 p. m., at St. Joseph's Hall. Cleveland, O.—A renewal in the exchange of social and athletic contacts among the young people of northern Ohio were forecast by local officials of the Ohio KSKJ Booster Club. The prediction follows the receipt of a communication from the St. Mary's Cadets, No. Ill, of Barberton, O., welcoming the boosters to the meeting which will be held in Barber-ton Nov. 27, 3 p. m., in the Slovenian Hall, E. 14th St. "The Barberton St. Mary's Cadets, No. Ill," writes Pauline Zeleznikar, "heartily welcomes the Ohio KSKJ Booster Club, and we shall manifest our support by a cordial reception with a large crowd of Kay Jays." Cleveland members will meet in front of the Glasilo office at 1 p. m. Those having cars and those interested in making the trip to the Magic City are requested to be there at that time. Bowlers and bowlerets are especially invited. The meeting, which will be in the form of a KSKJ rally, will have in the order of business installation of officers. Supreme Officer Joseph Leksan, secretary of Lodge No. 110, of Barberton, will serve as the presiding officer. Both-lodges, Nos. 110 and 111, in addition to the Cadets, have promised co-operation in making the conclave one of the outstanding in the history of the club. As the next Eastern KSKJ Bowling Tournament to be held in Lorain in the spring of 1939 will be one of the important topics in the order of business, officials have made plans to show movies taken at previous KSKJ tournaments. "This meeting should pave the way to greater KSKJ activity in northern Ohio," said Stanley Zupan, retiring secretary, in announcing the confab. "It is time that we renew an interchange of ideas, and what Barberton has to offer should prove beneficial to our organization. In the past the Magic City Kay Jays did much in the promotion of athletic activities in this territory. Now that the Ohio Boosters have enlarged their scope of activity to conform to the plans formulated at the recent convention, the Barberton lodges will have an opportunity to co-operate. The enthusiasm and spirit shown at the recent program sponsored by the Barberton Cadets is undoubtedly still alive and shoulf add sparkle to the forthcoming meeting. "Added to the Magic City atmosphere, the meeting will have additional enthusiasm, for the lively, enterprising and congenial Girard St. Patricks are expected in attendance." The meeting, although business will be transacted by the Booster Club members, is open to all KSKJ members. M. W. STEFANICH Joliet, 111.—On his return from a very successful bar examination, Matthew W. Stefa-nich, member of St. Francis De Salles Society, No. 29, immediately became associated with the prominent law firm of Burke & Schenk, with offices at 414 The Joliet Bldg. Mr. James E. James of the firm is noted as one of the greatest trial lawyers in the state of Illinois, is a former assistant state's attorney and at present is serving his first term as state's attorney of Will County. Attorney Harry L. Schenk of the firm was also an assistant state's attorney under a previous administration. Bro. Stefanich and his many friends consider him very fortunate in gefling "connected with this law firm. Attorney Stefanich is the youngest son of Mrs. Ana Stefanich, who with her family resides and operates a most modern and up-to-date tavern at 455 N. Scott St. The father. John "Curley" Stefanich, died in 1916. Attorney Stefanich was born and raised and educated in Joliet and Champaign. He graduated from St. Joseph's School. De La Salle Catholic-High School and Joliet Junior College, receiving the Bachelor of Science degree in commerce and law in 1936 and the degree of Bachelor of Law in 1938. The latter two degrees were received from the University of Illinois. MEETING NOTICE Ely, Minn.—The members of St. Anthony's Society, No. 72, are hereby notified that the election of officers will be held on Sunday, Dec. 4, in the Slovenian National Home. The meeting will begin at 7 p. m. Please attend. Mike Cerkovnik, Sec'y. BURDELICK COLLECTS 562 WHEN MAGDALENE BOWLERETS TRIP MEN Cleveland, O. — Excitement j Vieki's Beauty Shoppe, oper-reigned at the Norwood Alleys ated by the well-known Miss last week when the Mary Mag- Vicki Kmet at 5506 Superior dalene (Grdina Undertakers) Ave. Whether the girls will bowled with determination to wear the page-boy or upswing bury the 61st Aces, a men's style at the alleys has not been team, with a 2226 to 2127 determined, but they certainly score. intend to do a lot of manicuring Burdelick and Gornik did on the pins, the heavy wood toppling for Both teams are gradually the girls, the former collecting rounding into midseason form. 562, including a 208 single, "Butch," proprietor of the while Gornik hit 439 for three girls' home alleys, is confident games. For the men Straus was the lassies will go places this high with a 441 series. year, and is matching his en- Although the Kay Jay girls dorsement by banking on the outpointed the boys, the lads girls even when they bowl are not so easily discouraged, j against men's teams, and a return mateb will be j The girls bowl every Mon-bowled shortly. ' ' ' day night at the Norwood Al- The No. 2 team of the lodge leys, and extend a welcome to announced last week that from all members to come out and now on it will be backed by watch them. pittsters' benefit musical comedy acclaimed success CHICAGO, LA SALLE DIVIDE HONORS IN MIXED BOWLING MATCH Brooklvnites, Social Reported Success Brooklyn, N. Y.—A large attendance crowned the efforts of the St. Joseph's Society, No. 57, which held its annual Mar-tionov večer dance on Saturday, Nov. 12. We, therefore, wish to extend our sincere thanks to all members and friends who attended this dance. It was through their co-operation that our affair was successful, socially and financially. We hope that all who were present enjoyed themselves very much. All members are reminded that if they did not as yet pay for the tickets that they do so before our next meeting, so that a financial report can be ready for the next meeting. Members on the sick list are Peter Routar and Joseph Stark, the latter being away in the country at present. All friends and members wish them a speedy recovery. Don't forget our next meeting on Dec. 3. TURNOUT PLEASES WEST ALLISIANS I FOR GOD, HOME | | AND COUNTRY | By FATHER KAPISTRAN The Catholics in the United States have a voice. Represent-atives of this country's body Catholic, the bishops of our land, have formed the National Catholic Welfare Conference. * Through this medium, the Catholics of America expressed themselves, on Nov. 16 in a nation-wide broadcast, regarding Nazi persecution of Catholics and Jews in Germany. * It was thrilling to hear Father Sheehy announce from the East that the first speaker would be Archbishop Mitty of San Francisco. * Thus the Catholic voice of protest against Nazi inhumanity rose from coast to coast. * Father Sheehy quoted the Holy Father when he said all men in the world are "spiritual Semites." * This means, if we are to begin analyzing blood as a criterion of racial worth, we must remember that it was by Jewish blood that we were redeemed. * Archbishop Mitty was not afraid to lash the public apathy which' for years has ignored persecution in Spain and in Mexico. ♦ "Somebody muzzled the correspondents ; somebody controlled the cables; somebody closed the columns of our press." * The true prescription for peace, according to Archbishop Mitty: "Peace comes out of order; order out of law; law out of justice; and justice is a virtue." * "Unregenerate human nature needs conversion and conversion is a function of religion." * Bishop Gannon listed all the persecutions that the Catholic Church has ever been heir to; and the recent wave of affliction beginning with Lenin. * "There appears to have broken through the veneer of modern civilization, a connected series of violent, cruel hates which modern dictators inflict without mercy of shame on their helpless victims." ♦ "Chronologically, the whole sickening mess started with the dictator Lenin and his dreamy political economy known as Russian communism." * Bishop Ireton made a clear distinction between the German people and those in Germany who are responsible for the persecution. * At Smith voiced the sentiments of one of our own Slovenian priests when he said: "Can it be possible that Germany, after producing some of the world's greatest scientists, writers, physicians, and statesmen, is becoming a barren nation, intellectually, culturally, and scientifically." * Msgr. Corrigan, rector of the C&thc!ic University at Washington, was the last speaker over the combined NBC and CBS hookup. ST. MARY'S CLUB STARTS 10TH YEAR WITH SOCIAL Waukegan, 111. — The St. Mary's, No. 79, Sports Club will open its 10th season of social and sports activities with a dance on Saturday evening, Nov. 26, at the Mother of God Hall with Johnny Paccentti and his six-piece orchestra providing the music. Dancing will begin at 9 p. m. and continue until midnight. As this is the last dance before the Advent season, a large crowd is expected. Admission 25 cents. "December Election* -Fratfces Jancet—„-,- During the month of December the various KSKJ lodges throughout the United States will elect officers for the new year. This December meeting is one of the most important meetings of the year, and to present officers every meeting should be an important meeting. A member who does not intend to attend all of thfi meetings unless, of course, he is physically incapacitated, should not accept any office in his subordinate society. According to new bylaws accepted at the last general con- ALTHOUGH PITT BOOSTERS WERE BUSY, THEY TOOK TIME FOR BOWLING Pittsburgh, Pa.—The Pitt Boosters have been so busy with their show the past few weeks that nothing had been heard of the Pitt Booster Bowling League. We are still bowling and meet every Saturday night at the Lawrenceville Recreation Alleys. The true fraternal spirit and enthusiasm prevails as. always with the Pitt Boosters and their friends. We have added several new bowlers to our list this season. Last Saturday evening Nick Spudic, one of our captains, whose hobby is woodcraft, offered two beautiful miniature bowling pins, which he had made, as prizes for the evening to the highest man bowler and highest woman bowler. This certainly stirred the group. Matthew Veselich, with his pretzel ball, came up on top with a score of 227, defeating Rudy Bizjack by two pins. Stephanie Eulert led the women with a total of 157 pins, defeating her sister, Mary Golobic, by three pins. A very close margin, and a grand cheer greeted the winners. The Boosters . appreciate Mr. Spudic's thoughtfulness and generosity in bringing these prizes. A suggestion has been made that from now on each Saturday one of the bowlers would bring a small prize, one for the men and one for the women, which would be awarded the highest scorer of the evening. This following Saturday is Matthew Veselich's turn to bring the prizes, and he promises 'Something very attractive. We hope that at the end of the season the bowlers will have quite a collection of beautiful prizes. Come on, you bowlers and bowlerets, this is your chance to have a lot of fun and still go home with a prize. You folks who enjoy an evening of bowling, why not join with the Pitt Boosters? Remember, it is never too late to join our bowling league! We will be going into our second half of the season soon, and by that time you will have practiced up enough to be lined up on a good team and have a grand time. Frances Lokar. vention inEveleth, Minn., there are a few other points that have to be taken into consideration in the coming December election, and they are: No president, secretary or treasurer of any other fraternal organization is allowed to be the president, secretary or treasurer of a subordinate society in the KSKJ. No supreme officer of any other organization should accept an office in a subordinate lodge of the KSKJ, for that supreme officer cannot do justice to both organizations. In your selection of officers think first if the person you wish to be an officer is both mentally and physically able to hold the office—if recording in Slovenian is necessary, does he or she know how to write in Slovenian—have they the interest in their lodge that is necessary for the promulgation of your lodge. Fraternal work is for humanity, lending a fraternal hand to our bereaved brothers and sisters, and paving a way for a safe and sound future. Above all things, let's leave politics out of our elections.. PERKOS LEAD AS QUINTS SCRAMBLE TO EDGE PACERS IN STEVES* LOOP /Chicago, 111.—The fight for first place in the St. Stephen's Bowling League has tightened up considerably. Parkview Laundry won three games and the Monarch Beers won two games, while Perko's Inn lost two. Perko's Inn still lead the race and are one game ahead of the Beers, while Parkview Laundry is now only three games behind the leaders. Parkview Laundry, led by Bicek with 581 and Anton Kre-mesec with 517, swept the three-game series from Toma-zin Tavern, who have been on the losing end for the past few weeks. Anton Tomazin was high with 526 for the Tavern team. The Monarch Beers kept themselves in the running by winning two games from the Jerin Butchers. High man for the Beer team was J. Terselich Jr., with 506, \phile Joe Zefran led the Butchers with 507. "Red" Grill rolled a 569 series to help the Korenchan Grocers take two games from circuit-leading Perko's Inn. Aiding "Red" with a fine score Was "Lefty" Kerzicnik with a 508 series. "Doc" Kosmach led Perko's Inn with his 533 series. In the past week "Red" Grill turned in three excellent series to lead his team in their respective leagues. Last Thursday "Red" bowled in the house league and rolled a 671 series, now top in that league, and came back on Sunday against the La Salle team with a 616 series. On Tuesday he came through ^with a 569 series. "Red" had a,total of 1856 for his three peries, which is a very good score anywhere. -o- ELECTED uq Rock Springs, Wyo.—Two Slovenians were elected to county and city offices at the election on Nov. 8. To the office of prosecuting attorney for the Sweetwater County Joseph Galicich Jr. was re-elected and Matt Leskovec was elected to the office of city councilman from Ward 2 of the city of Rock Springs. Mr. Galicich was on the Democratic and Mr. Leskovec on the Republican ballot. o- Your society should play a .»art in making your commu- n»tv « better place to live in! MILKMEN TRIP SVETEK-JOES Cleveland,. O. — Although the St. Joscph-Svetek's Undertakers last week outscored Ray's Dairy, 2602 to 2536, the Milkmen just about skimmed over the Jays to win a 2 to 1 decision in games in Pozelnik's B League. An, extra frame in the second game to break a tie upset the Undertakers. Al Sluga, Jays' clipping woodsman, paced his teammates with a 585 series, sandwiching a 220 single. Captain Michael Zlate followed with a 550 series, including a 201. For the Milkmen Strojin toppled a 210 single, while Sitar and Mlakar each tallied 200 even games. - The Kay Jays, now in fourth place, bowl every Wednesday night. -o Booster Clubs, Lodges Elect (Continued from page 7) been placed in the hands of the newly elected athletic officer. However, all business concerning KSKJ athletics in the course of 1938 will be carried out to a completed schedule by Brother Banich until Jan. 1, 1939. In considering the election of directors, it should be clearly understood that the female members for their splendid cooperation and effort should be given definite consideration. The ladies of the KSKJ, both young and old, have always been at the front for the organization in every way. The elected directors will later have the task of electing their zone chairmen within their rešpečtiVfe zones. The co-operation of every group is necessary in completing this election and it would be sincerely appreciated if every secretary would send in the election results right after their meeting. Copies of the rules governing the operation of the Athletic Board are available to all members interested and same can be secured by writing to Brother Zorc. Those who have their convention minutes will find these rules on Pages 84, 85, 86 and 87 of the English section of the 19th KSKJ convention. Joseph Zorc, KSKJ Athletic Commissioner-elect. -o- Is your lodge active? Has it a reporter? If not, why not?— The Page Must Top! Hopes for Good Attendance at Annual Meeting Brooklyn, N. Y.—The members of St. Joseph's Society, No. 57, are invited to attend the next meeting on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the usual place. There has been a rather poor attendance at the past few meetings, but it is sincerely hoped that a large attendance will be present on Dec. 3. The year 1938 is fast coming to the end and it is hoped that all members in arrears with assessments will make an attempt to pay up, so that we can start the new year with a clean slate. I am in receipt of a letter from our secretary, Joseph Klun, from which I quote as follows: "I wish to advise you that I am obliged to resign from my post as secretary of St. Joseph's Society, No. 57, due to the new position in which I started to work on Nov. 15. Kindly accept my resignation a3 of the end of this month, as it will be impossible for me to continue as secretary due to the fact that all my time will be taken up with my new position." I was sorry to hear that Brother Klun intends to resign, as he has always been a willing worker for the good of the society and has also been of great assistance to me in affairs concerning the society. Keep in mind that the yearly election of officers will take place at our meeting Dec. 3, and it is to your benefit to be present and vote for those who are best suited to guide our society during 1939. By the way, how about joining the bowling club, which meets every Friday night? If you aren't interested in bowling yourself, at least come down once in a while and root for us and perhaps before long you will get in the spirit of the game and join us. If you come down next Friday you will also see our "penny bank," which we industriously feed with pennies every time we miss a spare. Jack Zagar, Pres. -o- COMMUNION DAY OUR PAGE COOKING SCHOOL By Frances Jancer The Page Must Top! The Page Must Lead! Our Page is Your PageJ WESTERN PENNSY KSKJ MUSHBALL CHAMPS Topping the field in KSKJ "ompetition was the Canonsburg Booster team, pennant winners in the fast Western KSKJ Mush-ball League. On Nov. 6 the Canonsburg Booster Club and its friends met in banquet to honor the champions in a feast prepared by boys' mothers. Trophies were awarded the boys in a program that followed. Joliet, III.—At the last ing of St. Joseph's Society, No. 2, held Nov. 13, it was adopted that the members of the society receive Communion in a body on the first Sunday in Avent, namely Nov. . 27, ..at ..the ..8 o'clock Mass. As this is an annual custom, it is the duty of every member to attend. At the same time I want to inform all members that our yearly or general meeting will be held on Sunday, Dec. 4, at the usual time and place. As you all know, at this meeting suggestions are in order for the betterment of the lodge in the coming years. Also at this meeting the election of officers for the coming year (1939) takes place. This is another reason why all members should attend this meeting. Therefore, don't forget: Holy Communion in a body on Nov. 27 and the yearly or general meeting on Dec. 4. Robert L. Kosmerl, Sec'y. -o- A controlled passion, a moderated strength, a humble grandeur are always the most perfect forms of passion, strength and grandeur. So, too, an inward richness that does not display all its treasures, a suffering that instead of clenching its fist and calling on the universe to bear witness, turns to heaven. Christmas candies! Alluring shop windows with their fasci-nating and colorful gift boxes piled with holiday sweetsv! As you open the front door delicious sniffs tell you that candy is in the making in the kitchen! What shall it be this year? I have answered that question for you by giving you old favorites and some ne\V ones in candy making.' Peanut Marshmallow Fudge 1 pound confectioner's sugar or 3% cups of confectioner's sugar, 1 6-ounce can evaporated milk cup), 1 cup marshmallow whip, 2 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Combine the confectioner's sugar and milk in a saucepan and bring slowly to the boiling point, stirring frequently. Let the mixture cook gently, and as it browns on the bottom of the saucepan, stir this browning ip, making it a golden color. Stir constantly, being careful not to let the mixture burn. Cook until mixture form; a soft ball in cold water. Remove from heat and add the marshmallow whip, the butter, peanut butter and vanilla. Beat the fudge by hand or with an electric beater at high speed until nearly stiff, then pour it in a greased pan. When cool, cut in squares. Makes about l'/j pounds. Banana Fudge 2 cups sugar, 1/3 cup water, 2 tablespoons white corn syrup, 1/3 cup evaporated milk, 2 bananas sieved, 2 tablespoons butter. Stir sugar, water and corn syrup over low heat till sugar is dissolved; add milk and bananas and cook until small amount of mixture forms soft ball in cold water. Remove from heat and add butter. Cool quickly by setting in a pan of cold water; when lukewarm beat until creamy. Pour 1 inch thick in slightly greased pan. Mark in squares when firm. Makes 18 large pieces. Sour Cream Fudge 2 squares chocolate, 2 cups sour cream, 1 \\ cups firmly packed brown sugar, Vs teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla, % cup broken nutmeats. Combine chocolate, cream, sugar and salt; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar and chocolate are melted and mixture boils. Continue cooking, without stirring, until small amount of mixture forms soft ball in cold water. Remove from heat, adding vanilla, and cool to lukewarm. Then beat until creamy. Add nuts and turn in greased pan. When cool cut in squares. Divinity Fudge 3 cups sugar, 1 cup boiling water, 1 cup corn syrup, 3 stiffly beaten egg whites, % teaspoon vanilla, '/R teaspoon salt. Mix sugar, boiling water and corn syrup. Place on a warm part of the stove or over a low flame until sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally. Boil to the soft ball stage, remove from fire. Wait until boiling has stopped, then pour in a slow, steady stream onto the egg whites, beating at the same time. When mixture begins to thicken add the flavoring or any other addition an<| beat until thick. Pour into a' greased pan and when nearly bold,mark in squares.