Also available at ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 1 (2008) 66–80 Vertex-Weighted Wiener Polynomials for Composite Graphs Tomislav Došlić Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Kačićeva 26, Zagreb, Croatia Received 27 July 2007, accepted 2 February 2008, published online 21 July 2008 Abstract Recently introduced vertex-weighted Wiener polynomials are a generalization of both vertex-weighted Wiener numbers and ordinary Wiener polynomials. We present here explicit formulae for vertex-weighted Wiener polynomials of the most frequently encountered classes of composite graphs. Keywords: Wiener index, Wiener polynomial, Wiener number, composite graph, graph product. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C12, 05C05, 05C90 1 Introduction The Wiener number (or Wiener index), first introduced and studied by H. Wiener in 1947 [22], [23], is one of the first, and most important topological indices, i.e. graphic invari- ants used in the study of structure-property correlations. It has received lots of attention in chemical [17], [14] and also in mathematical literature [15], [3], [7] [25], [24]. Moreover, a fair number of its generalizations and extensions have been introduced and studied, such as the Balaban index [1], the hyper-Wiener index of Randić [16, 12], and Schultz’s so-called “molecular topological” index [19]. Many of these generalizations involved suitably chosen vertex-weightings. On the other hand, the fact that the Wiener number can be viewed as the unnormalized first moment of the set of shortest-path distances of a graph, motivated the in- troduction of higher moments [27, 11, 21, 4] and of the so-called Wiener polynomial ([8] and independently [18]). Sometimes the Wiener polynomial has been called the “Hosoya polyno- mial”, as in references [5]i and [20]. Yet a further extension of the study of Wiener-like graph invariants resulted recently in a unifying approach, achieved by introducing vertex-weighted Wiener polynomials [10]. E-mail address: (Tomislav Došlić) Copyright c© 2008 DMFA – založništvo T. Došlić: Vertex-Weighted Wiener Polynomials for Composite Graphs 67 The fact that many interesting graphs are composed of simpler graphs, that serve as their basic building blocks, prompted interest in the type of relationship between the Wiener num- ber of a composite graph and Wiener numbers of its building blocks [26]. This development was followed a couple of years later by an article [20] that established corresponding rela- tionships for Wiener polynomials. The main purpose of the present paper is to bring together in a unifying context the line of research of [10] with that of [26] and [20], by giving in an explicit form the formulae for vertex-weighted Wiener polynomials of the most important classes of composite graphs. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we give the relevant definitions and some preliminary results. In section 3 we state and prove our main results. Finally, those results are illustrated by a few characteristic examples in section 4. 2 Vertex-Weighted Wiener Polynomials All graphs considered in this paper are simple and connected, unless stated otherwise. For a given graph G we denote by V (G) its vertex set, and by E(G) its edge set. The cardinalities of these two sets are denoted by n and e, respectively, or, if pertaining to a graph Gi, by ni and ei, for the corresponding subscript i. The edge e ∈ E(G) with the endpoints u and v we denote by (u, v). The shortest-path distance between vertices u and v in a graph G is denoted by DG(u, v), or simply by D(u, v) when there is no possibility of confusion. The degree in G of a vertex u ∈ V (G) is denoted by dG(u), or simply by d(u). The (unweighted) Wiener polynomial of G is defined as Po(G; x) = ∑ u