Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Homs over 100 years' of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 106, No. 18 USPS 024100 ■ISSN Number 0164-68X jcqZ'\0ZZZ M m idV %3SvmvwS H'om AMEL.«mr HOME Ameriška Domovina> SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6. 2004 Phone: (216) 431-0628 Criiiail: ah@buckeyevveb.eoin 70c Story “Behind/Mother’yVay The beginnings of this holiday may have been in the ancient spring festival known as Hilaria, dedicated to the mother goddess Cy-bele. In medieval England there was a Mothering Sunday, the 4lh Sunday in Lent, when children who had been away from home as apprentices returned to see their Mothers, usually bringing the gift of a simnel or Mothering Cake with almond paste, oieant to be eaten on Mid-Lent Sunday. The evolution of Mother’s Day, as it exists today, began in the United States in 1890 when Miss Mary T. Sassen, of Kentucky Suggested to a gathering of teachers that an annual hom-age be paid to mothers every April 20th, her own mother’s birthday. Nothing came of the suggestion. In 1892 Robert Cummins, head of the Sunday School of the Uni-Versalist Church of Our Father in Baltimore, Maryland, Proposed an annual memorial service on the Sunday closest to May 22nd, the date which Mrs. Emily C. Allman, mother of the church’s pastor as well as the ..^tither of the inventor of the jiinian Sleeping (railroad) had died. This service undertaken, although later the annual service was dedicated not merely to Mrs. Pullman, but to all mothers worldwide. While this service was repeated for many years, it did not catch on nationally. Finally, the crusade for such a holiday achieved fulfillment through the tireless crusade of one individual. The actual creator of the modem Mother’s Day observance was a 44-year-old Philadelphia woman who, ironically, had never been a mother. She was Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948), who remained a spinster throughout her 84 years. Anna Jarvis was bom in Webster, West Virginia on May 1, 1864, the ninth of 11 children. From childhood, Anna Jarvis often heard her mother say that she hoped someone would one day establish a memorial for all mothers, living and dead. Upon the death of her mother on May 12, 1907, she moved to Philadelphia, from there worked to promote a national day honoring mothers. On May 10, 1908, the third anniversary of Mrs. Jarvis’ death, fully-prepared programs were held at the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church launching the observance of ? general memorial day for all mothers. The E.U. by JOHN PARISH It was an amazing difference crossing the Austrian/-Slovenian border the first morning after Slovenia’s entry into the European Union (EU). In over the 48 years of visits to Slovenia, mostly as a part of Yugoslavia, the border checks on both sides were careful and complete of car papers, passports, and people, and occasionally luggage. This first morning as an EU country, a wave of border police hands pushed me quickly through the border at the Kranken tunnel driving from Austria. It was a festive day with flags hung in the cities and towns I passed through and the radio carried ongoing reports of speeches and other major events. While much of the festivities were based in Ljubljana, news coverage was extensive of Goricia because of the city’s special efforts to make a special occasion out of the Slovenia Italian border barrier lowering with bands, parades and colorful streams being played out by the local fire companies. I joined my extended family in Moravce where more than 40 had gathered to celebrate the day. Some were civil service workers, managers, employees and university students among the family members, even a nun came who was related. Incidentally, a letter was read at the following Sunday Masses extolling the EU event instead of the usual homily. The Catholic church seems to have taken a positive, but cautious stance over the big event. While not everyone was totally excited about the EU entry, all felt that ultimately it would bring good to Slovenia. There were concerns about the new competition that would be brought to Slovenia by a need for open borders and the question arose whether Slovenian companies would be able to meet the challenge with some feeling that some companies might fail. A university student expressed concern over the fact May 1st is bis day Comes to Slovenia Slovenian flag, left, and EU flag on a pin_____________ that for many other generations the Slovenians had been followers not leaders. He felt that Slovenia was entering into an organization that required the presence of quality leaders. My comment to him was that he had the potential of being the future leader in this growing country. * 1 While representing only 2 percent of the population of the extended European Union, the Slovenians have a rich future ahead and are not expecting great masses of benefits as some of the other newly joined members are. The traditional hard work of the Slovenians will make them an important part of the collection of European states. It was exciting seeing the first day of Slovenia in the EU and even one local teenagers wore a pin that had a Slovenian flag combined with a European Union flag on his running suit to show that he recognized the importance of the day as I did. Last Big EU Expansion The European Union’s “big bang” expansion celebrated over the weekend of emotion and ceremony (May 1 and 2) will never be repeated, Romano Prodi, European Commission president, said on Monday. Mr. Prodi said the EU will soon be full and there was no prospect of countries such as the former Soviet republics of Ukraine or Belarus becoming members. Mr. Prodi, who steps down in October, said the EU will probably be complete once it has taken in the three outstanding applications: Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey - and the countries of the western Balkans, including Croatia and Serbia. —George Parker Financial Times Rev. John Kumse celebrates Silver Jubilee at Mass, Banquet Rev. John Kumse, pastor of St. Mary’s church in the Collinwood section of Cleveland will observe 25 years in the priesthood on Sunday, May 16th with an 11:00 a.m. Mass. All parishioners and friends are invited to attend. Following Mass a banquet and short program will follow the Mass at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. For tickets to the banquet please contact Elizabeth Zalik at 440-537-1941. 8 (N VO I i—( > o s o Q AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in' Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currenciy Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 18 May 6, 2004 Mmicrmm by Bmv God’s Greatest Creation by RUDY FLIS A lot of rain fell this weekend, and a lot of my kids came to visit because there wasn’t anything better to do. All of us also enjoyed a special guest - Tyler, a dog who looks like a “hot dog” wiener hound whose boss is my daughter, Carolyn. When goodbye time came, all were worn out, including Tyler. Six grandchildren and some of their parents kept Tyler running as they slid a stuffed pig toy all over the floor. As time wore on, the kids wore down as well. Tyler’s sharp teeth did a puncture job on the stuffed pig inflicting numerous holes in it. The toy stuffed pig was laid to rest in the garbage can. In a few weeks my daughter Carolyn will be moving to Texas and my daughter Sue to North Carolina at the end of June. Our family has been lucky in a couple of ways. A mother’s magic taught our children the blessings experienced when a family cares about each other. It has been years since any of our children have lived out of state, so we have been able to visit, enjoy the taste of good food, great company and laugh with each other. These great memories will ease the transition as we say goodbye to Carolyn and Sue, part of the core that is “us.” Our first bom came in the year 1957. Our last, Monica, arrived in 1976 who said, “Let me be the last and spoil me.” And we did. Monica hates being the caboose in our family. Nobody to boss around she says. As my wife, Therese, raised our brood, I was not oblivious to the work she had to perform every single day. She was exhausted at the end of the day when I came home from work but there was always a delicious supper waiting. Therese looked pretty good to me and waited until I came home to dine with me. It has always been that way with us. I remember my mother and how blessed I was to have her. My children are blessed as I was, for they have the same type Mom I had. On this “Mother’s Day” I pray for all you moms. I pray that fatigue and despair be strangers in your life. I wish you have love and hope with the true joy that is a family. Happy Mother’s Day! May you revel and enjoy the fact that you moms are God’s greatest creation. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. ' _Bob Milis Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec My name is Jim Debevec and I approve.of this column and hope you do too, but if you don’t, I’m never going to run for President again. What’s that? You didn’t know I was running fdf President? Well, I’m playing., it low key, but I looked at all the candidates on the primary ballot and didn’t much like the choices printed thereon, so I voted for myself. Every once in a while I do that just to shake things up a bit. I like the Democrats, but don’t know why they chose John Kerry to be their standard-bearer. He is so far left, he makes Edward Kennedy look like a conservative. If they had picked someone a little more middle of the road, he might have a better chance. Personally, I believe his wife would make a nice President. Then there is George W. Bush (or “W” for short). When the U.S. was attacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, he came right up to the plate and a couple of years later attacked - (pay attention) — Iraq. What Iraq had to do with all the terrorists I do not know. He said he was looking fonvveapons of mass desjRtictwin. Lots of luck. Maybe Saddam hid them in one of his hidey-holes. I think “W” was following the advice of the Vice President. He ought to do what every President has done for the past 200 years, and that is ignore his Vice President. He’d be better off drafting Ray Mlakar for his Vice President who could bring along his terrier, Harry, to Washington. The voters might think the dog is a reincarnation of (Harry) Truman and give him a vote. We know there are Heroes, Scamps, and Good Guys in politics as well as in life, just ask sportswriter Bob Dolgan who wrote a book about them. You’ll have to make up your own mind which is which. I remember years ago when going to the voting booth they used to give us a paper ballot. Being a Slovenian, I was somewhat smarter than the rest of the voters because I always brought.along my own pen. W hi lee ve ry o n e was waiting hours.in, line, I’d simply walk to a desk, whip out my pen, and mark my ballot. Now, you go into a polling place in Ohio and they still give you a printed ballot, but they also give you a needle on a chain. This enables you to vote and take your blood count at the same time. If you approve of this column e-mail your thoughts to ah@buckeyeweb.com but if you disapprove, I’m not going to run for President ever again. TOO WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “WARNING VIRUS...VERY IMPORTANT” (Sent by a reader...author unknown) “There is a new virus. The code name is ‘WORK’. If you receive WORK from your colleagues, your boss, via e-mail, or from anyone else—do not touch WORK under any circumstances. This virus wipes out your private life completely.” “If you should happen to come in contact with this virus. Tale two friends and go straight to the nearest bar. Order drinks and after three rounds, you will find that WORK has been completely deleted from your brain.” “Forward this virus warning immediately to at least five friends. Should you realize you do not have five friends, this means you are already infected by this virus and WORK already controls your whole life. If this is the case, go to the bar and stay until you make at least five friends. Then retry ” “1 think I have five friends but am not entirely positive...so Tm headed for the bar anyway.” CONGRATULATIONS AND CONTINUED SUCCESS —Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. Happy “FOUR GENERATIONS OF Mother’s Dav THE ZELE FAMILY”____________ZZL Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele or r ft,.’ pc"*1 Y'T"i': 452 East 152nd Street 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio Life in the Refugee Camps 1948 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Friday, Sept. 10, 1948 Today I helped Starič ^nd steel bars for reinforced concrete. His boss is a Slovenian who is not overly demanding. I got back to the camp by 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13,1948 Since we are being paid ‘by the piece,” we worked extra hard and fast. Starič, ^o other men and myself unloaded 70,000 pounds of cement in 3 hours. We were told that we would each be Paid 12 hours for 4 hours of work. But at the end of the day, I got into an argument w>th the foreman about the exact amount of credit I should get. He finally agreed jo put me down for the num-er ot hours I felt I deserved, but he said we would not be Paid this way any longer. I feturned to the camp very tired and vowed never to "'ork at a “piece rate” again. Wednesday, Sept. 15,1948 For the past 2 days, the oreman has had me working w'th the bricklayers. I’m hying not to work too hard. Saturday, Sept. 18,1948 1 reported to the work office that there is only one Ionian - Spreitzer - still taking lace for me. We are n°t selling enough to keep he others working. Monday, Sept. 20,1948 1 received letters from anada - Franc Kokelj sent h*e one dollar, Pavle sent lve dollars. I also received a otter from my brother Ciril and his wife Ivica in Slove-nia; with the first picture of . eir baby daughter, Marjetica. Thursday, Sept. 23, 1948 Q Last night I dreamt about cUr home in Slovenia. It was overed with deep snow and ^ ere was a river running °Wn the street next to our ^°Use. Was this a sign of bad e^s to come from home? n fact, 1 received a letter °Ui my sister Mici today v yin8 that our mother is ^ sick and may soon die. 1 Ish I could see her before l e jf'es, but if I try to go ba(* home, I would probably be,,arrestcd and put in prison I ever got to see her. Wc took our baby Janko tim mto the sun for the first e today. Saturday Sept. 25, 1948 for plka Went *5ac*c t0 worh reat| P' today, sewing shoe-Str ler- 1 worked on con-on Cl'0n all week, working Fodblee*~re'nforcct* concrete. Wjj, ^ * stayed in our room Pion ■'*an^0- slePt in the toon'0^’ *3Ut Cr'ct^ after~ I ><%, Sept. 27, 1948 to tLCrnej Zupan and 1 went e construction site alone today. We unloaded two railcars of sand in 5 hours instead of the expected 10, and then worked another 4 hours. I’m exhausted, my clothes are tom, and I’m hungry. Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1948 Today we started work on a construction site in Tro-faiach, which is much better than our other sites because we don’t have to travel so far. We dug a ditch next to the school for a telephone cable. (We have no machines, so everything is done with shovel and pickax). Afterwards, we argued with our foreman, Feldman, about our pay. We couldn’t reach an agreement. Thursday, Sept. 30, 1948 We finally reached agreement with Feldman about our pay on the current constmction job: 3 shillings per meter of ditch dug. Not good. By 1:30 I had dug 10 meters. At 3 p.m., about 100 Slovenians from our camp left for Argentina - our first group to go there. Included were Zajc and his wife, Lazar (one of my co-workers on the constmction job) with his wife and child, Jože Babnik with his wife and two children, Slavko Babnik with his wife and two children, Glac with his wife and two children, Urbančič with his wife and two children. Franc Jelovčan, Smole with his wife and five children, Paula Zagar with two children, Nežka Borovšak with her son, Kien with his wife and daughter, Ovčjak with his wife and two sons, Klemenčič with six children and two aunts, Rev. Klemenčič, Stanjko with his wife and 3 or 4 daughters, Stajdohar with his wife and six children, Mehle with his Wife and five children, Krvina with his wife and two children, Kobaljč with his wife and five children, Vilko Ceč, August Clemente, and two families that I don’t know. (I didn’t write this in my diary, but I think this group must have also included Fr. Mirnik, Jože Klemenčič, the Švajger family, Zinka, Miss Verčiand some people from Kapfenberg.) Immediately after the group left for Argentina, the camp administration ordered everyone rearranged in the camp. Karel helped me move our things from barracks #64 to #59, which is where the Lazar family had been. We worked past midnight to get everything rearranged. We lived in barracks #60 for 2 months and in #64 for almost 4 months. How long will we R,Continued) Seeks Support for Soldiers, Sailors Monument The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil War Monument, located on Public Square in downtown Cleveland, is in need of many improvements and repairs. A volunteer support group has been formed to renovate and maintain the 110 year-old structure. Memberships are $25.00 and are tax deductible, as are all donations. Your support is appreciated and needed. Please send all membership fees and donations to: The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument Support Group do Neil K. Evans, President 330 BP Tower 200 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44114-2301 Krofe Sale The Altar Society of St. Mary’s parish (Holmes Ave.) is sponsoring a Krofe and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 8lh in the school cafeteria. Stirnburys Accounting Accounting G income Thx Sewices 496 E. 200th St.. <, Euclid, OH 44119- (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com nttp.V/stimburysaccounting.com Enrolled t> Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servkine&dkWuals Corporations & Small Businesses Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. — Happy Mother's Day — Stretch Your Vacation Dollars + Save Time! Euclid Travel’s agents have the expertise to plan a vacation that fits your budget and lifestyle. EUCUDt5s§& TFlA\/EUFmm+ 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 1 -216-261-1050. travel©eudidtravel.com I Notice of Annual Meeting of Members The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED To be held on S LINDA T Mav 16, 2004 at the SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration: 2:00p.m. - Meeting 2:30p.m. I lease note: The meeting day has. been changed from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon ** Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For the 5/16/04 meeting, this is the period from 4/1/03 through 3/31/04. missing from your portfolio? Buy 1 two#ear, KSkJ Single Premium Fixed Annuity : Ami Get ■ Ain 'nzM -/'NŠHS I miit S 1,000 nm^cj^^.imoOT Pr,b|ca KSK1 Call a KSKJ representative today for a free quote: 1-800-843-5755 or visit us on the weh ;tl: \v \vvv.KSKJlife.com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6. Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane m 9 viorr Harry Capt. Andrej Kokal and his F-16 jet fighter plane both of whom fought in Desert Storm. The plane is on display at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. My Practical Mother ^ by RAY MLAKAR < Well, with the tempera- < ture getting close to 70, we £-< got to be feeling good and O here is hoping all of you are S outside enjoying the fine q weather. We have to enjoy it when it comes, for let’s face £3 it, it won’t last long. With 2 the warm weather I don’t ^ know what I should tackle < first, washing bed quilts and hanging them outside or hitting the weeding trail, but being that it does not get dark until real late, perhaps I can tackle them both providing the weather cooperates. I am looking forward to the close of the next two weeks when I can say “Good Bye” to eye drops although my aim from the eye dropper is getting better. Hope to get to order my new glasses next week and when I get those, perhaps I can lead the dog to places he has not been. Speaking of the dog, I had him to “his beauty parlor” last Friday and now he really looks like a true Cairn Terrier. But then he should look good for his haircuts cost three times what mine do, but of course they give him a manicure, too. Needless to say, Josie would be proud of him, for he can really turn heads now. Last week when I was writing about my trip to the Air Force Museum, telling about the various presidential planes, there was one interesting fact I overlooked. While walking thru Air Force One, the presidential plane that President Kennedy had, there was one remarkable feature about his plane. I certainly have to give credit to the protocol that was used in bringing his body back to Washington. After he met his fatal death, no time was lost in alternating the plane that he came in on for he was to go back to Washington on the same plane and they felt it would not be proper to put his casket in the baggage portion of the belly of the plane but have it placed right in the plane itself. One would have to see the staircase leading up to the plane and the narrow area to get a casket in the plane, but they lost no time in altering the plane to accommodate his casket. As one went up the back door to the plane, which was the narrowest portion of the plane to begin with, they actually “Cut Away,” a portion of the conference table, as well as booths around the table and constructed a flat surface on which the casket could be laid securely for the ride back to Washington. They did a good job that took quite a bit of engineering, and building to accommodate the casket. Once they landed in Washington, a crew had to redue the area to install the conference table and surrounding booth chairs to make it as it was before. As I think back, one of the famous sayings that President Kennedy loved was, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” Fortunately, at this sad event, the tide changed and the country did for him for a change to fix his plane to accommodate his casket in a befitting way. Surprising to say, there was a plaque mounted in the area of the conference room now, stating how the area was converted to accommodate the casket. Words fail me to say how neat the entire area of Wright Patterson Air Force Base is, as neat as a pin. When I viewed the area around the various hangers, they must cut grass from day break to sunset, seven days a week. There was one area within one of the hangers in which they had numerous huge TV sets in which they honored Bob Hope. As we all recall, he was the one outstanding comedian who visited the various military bases throughout the world, visiting our troops stationed there in both time of both peace and war. Sitting there and watching some of the movie clips really brought memories of one great guy whose memory will never be forgotten especially for those veterans who were visited by him. He could certainly poke fun at the various presidents that would get you rolling in the isle. They showed the one special Air Force type jacket that they had made for Bob Hope for it had every gadget you could think o£ from golf ball net pockets, tee pockets, beer can holders, with two special spigots sewn on the vest, one for beer, and the other for milk shakes, along with short wave radio sewn in the vest, and a calculator for keeping up with his golf score. The one thing I noticed and admired is that throughout the various hangers, displays of the various war planes, there was always neatly dressed older men there acting as hosts to answer any questions regarding the various displays. Their superior knowledge of the various planes amazed me. Most surprising was the fact that these men did not work for the base but were simply volunteers who in most cases were active during the war piloting the planes. One has to admire their dedication to volunteer their knowledge. Hey, Ray, it looks like you are not going to get back to the Reserve Center in this edition about Major Johnston, but have no fear, he won’t go away; he is like a bad dream, so let’s get on with a joke before you sign off. Are you ready? A guy goes to the eye doctor who shows him a card with the letters CZWXNQSTA C Z. “Can you read these?” the doctor asks. “Read it, I know the guy.” With that thought in mind, time I close in hopes that the Good Lord blesses and watches over all of you and keeps you in good health, and so until next week, get out there and enjoy the fine weather. Train Crossing In a terrible accident at a railroad crossing, a train smashed into a car and pushed it nearly 400 yards down the track. Though no one was killed, the driver of the car took the train company to court. At the trial, the engineer insisted that he had given the driver ample warning by waving his lantern back and forth for nearly a minute. He even stood and convincingly demonstrated how he’d done it. The court believed his story, and the suit was dismissed. “Congratulations,” the lawyer said to the engineer when it was over. “You did superbly under cross-examination.” “Thanks,” he said, “but he sure had me worried.” “How’s that?” the lawyer asked. “I was afraid he was going to ask if the lantern was lit.” Thanks to Philip Hrvatin for this joke. Vote for the man who promises least; he’ll be the least disappointing. —Bernard M. Baruch For Rent E. 200 St. and Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 I grew up in the forties and fifties with practical parents - my mother, God love her, who ironed Christmas wrapping paper and reused it and who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it. It was the time for fixing things - a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep. It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, re-heating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there would always be more. But then my mother died, and I saw in my kitchen that Sunday afternoon reading her old handmade cookbook in a binder. I was struck with the pain of feeling all alone, learning that sometimes there isn’t any “more.” Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away, never to return. So, while we have if it’s best we love it, and care for it, and fix it when it’s broken and heal it when it’s sick. This is true... for marriage... old cars... children with bad report cards... dogs with bad hips... aging par' ents... and grandparents. Some things we keep.-like a best friend who moved away, or a classmate v/e grew up with as well as our family and relatives and special friends we have met along the way. There are just some pe°' pie who make life important, like people we know who are special, like deceased moth' ers, whom we keep close.--in our hearts. ___ Thanks to Emma Pogacar of Toronto for these imp°r' , tant thoughts. The name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box is Bingo- Happy Mother's Day BRONKO'S Drive-in Beverage 510 E. 200 St. - DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines & Water We have all Ohio Lottery Games Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (no wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer St. Vitus Slovenian School Graduates This year’s St. Vitus Slovenian School graduates are Andrew Coffelt, David Cup, John Jakomin, Alex McKinley, John Srsen, and John Žakelj. They have successfully completed the course of studies in the Slovenian Language. They will receive their diplomas after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 16. Congratulations to the graduates. Immediately following the Mass, everyone is invited to the church basement for refreshments. Connor the ‘Miracle Baby’ Marquette, Mich. ~ Connor was bom on September Is1, 2003. His mother was told she’d give birth to a “stillborn.” We (Bishop Baraga Association personnel) prayed with her in the Baraga Crypt,” and put Baraga” things on her stomach. A team of doctors ean t believe it; the baby was born perfectly healthy. The Bishop Baraga Asso-c’ation has all the medical Records and hopes this is the miracle” that will speed , .'shop Frederic Baraga on 18 way to becoming an offi-c,al saint in the eyes of the Catholic Church. --Elizabeth Delene Bishop Baraga Association Archivist and editor Welcome Father Stanko Gerjolj Sf Vitus Parish in Cleve- earning a doctorate in theol-and welcomes Father tanko Gerjolj, C.M., a member of the Vincentian athers in Slovenia. Father tanko and Father Boznar °tiginate from the same part ® Slovenia in the vicinity of Hubljana. Currently, Father Gerjolj eaches catechistics and Pedagogical psychology in e theology department of e University of Ljubljana. ~e lectures extensively in his field of competence. Most eeently he was in charge of committee which com-eted a series of religion D°oks for schools. ather was ordained a r,est in 1982. He studied .pensively in Slovenia and .»^gther European countries ogy in 1986 and a doctorate in education in 1995. Most recently he is taking a “sabbatical” leave from teaching in order to sharpen his English language skills and be able to do private study. Thus, he will be a guest at St. Vitus parish until the end of June. Afterwards, he will continue studies at St. John University, Niagara Falls, NY, which is operated by the American Province of Vincentian Fathers. We wish Father Stanko Gerjolj a warm welcome, lots of well earned rest, study and renewed energies for future tasks. --St. Vitus Church Bulletin Trump Engaged to Slovenian M There's a new member of °nald Trump’s “A-Team.” °llowing Ivana and aria, model Melania ^ a^ss became engaged last Ve]6 t0 t^le billionaire de- . °per, Trump spokesman ^Pri]1^ F°er^erer sa*d on ®ave t*ie 33-year- rn0 0Ven'an native a dia- (ja engagement on Mon- a nauss wore the ring to rojy lfiat night at the Mct-ern A*1311 1VIuseuiT1 Mod-n°tio h' a*tbougb it went un-SUeSts ky lhe hundreds of l(nai?lrn.P’ 57, bas lived with 'n bis Trump Tower No *bc past five years. 'p c^^'ng date was set, b'gh 'v 11P ~ currently riding the success of his NBC reality show The Apprentice - had no comment on the latest twist in his sometimes tumultuous love life. His first two marriages ended in very public divorces: the first from wife Ivana after nearly 15 years, the second from Marla Maples after less than six years. Maples, the other woman in his 1990 divorce split with Trumjr fjpr good in 1999. Trump smd the union followed his realization that “life’s too felWrt,” a revelation prompted when a gunman killed^ half-dozen Long Slain! Rail Road coihhhditers. Trump TfitV'three children With Ivana and a daughter with Maples. Healthy Meals Made Easier (NAPS)—Most diets are quick fixes that rely on the myth that certain foods have extraordinary properties that-cause you to lose or gain weight. Experts agree, however, the real problem is the “supersize” phenomenon. Americans are eating more and incorporating less physical activity in their lifestyle. Everyone, needs to be aware of portion size, even those not trying to lose weight. Few people pay attention to the number of calories they consume. That’s where The Pampered Chef can help. Whether you’ve decided to watch what you eat, or simply take note of how much, delicious and healthy recipes found in the new Pampered Chef cookbook. It’s Good For You, can take the hassle out of caloriecounting and serving size struggles. Recipes in It’s Good For You were developed with 30 percent nr less of total calories from fat and many recipes meet one or more of the criteria for low fat, low cholesterol or low calorie meals. Successful weight loss (losing weight and keeping it off) can be accomplished by making simple changes. Give exercise a chance. You can enjoy the positive benefits of good health and weight maintenance when yqu incorporate physical activity, balanced nutrition, variety and moderation in your routine. You can start with this delectable dish from It’s Good For You that can be on the table in 30 minutes or less. To learn more about The Pampered Chef or to find a Kitchen Consultant, call (800) 266-5562 or visit www.pamperedchef. com. Teriyaki Pork Stir-Fry % cup reduced-sodium soy sauce V4 cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch This healthy recipe can be prepared in 30 minutes. 2 teaspoons peeled, finely chopped fresh gingerroot 2 garlic cloves, pressed Vi teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 pound boneless pork loin chops, cut into Vi-inch strips 2 cups instant whole grain brown rice l3/i cups water 1 medium red bell pepper, cut into Vi-inch strips 6 ounces fresh snow peas, trimmed 1 bunch green onions with tops, cut into 1-inch pieces (about 6-8) 1 teaspoon sesame oil, divided 1 can (8 ounces) bamboo shoots, drained 1. In Small Batter Bowl, combine soy sauce, brown sugar and cornstarch; whisk until blended. Finely chop ginger-root using Food Chopper. Add gingerroot, garlic pressed with Garlic Press and red pepper flakes to soy sauce mixture. 2. Using Chef’s Knife, cut pork into Vs-inch-thick strips. Add pork to soy sauce mixture; toss to coat. Cover; refrigerate 15 minutes to marinate. 3. Meanwhile, cook rice in Small (2-qt.) Saucepan according to package directions. Cut bell pepper into Vi inch strips, trim snow peas and cut green onions into 1-inch pieces. 4. Heat Vz teaspoon oil in Stir-Fry Skillet over high heat until hot. Remove pork from marinade using Nylon Slotted Spoon; add to skillet, reserving marinade. Using Bamboo Spatula Set, stir-fry 1-2 minutes or until pork is no longer pink. Remove from skillet; keep warm. 5. Heat remaining Vz teaspoon oil in same skillet. Add bell pepper, snow peas and green onions. Stir-fry 2-3 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Return pork to skillet. Stir in reserved marinade and bamboo shoots. Bring to a boil. Cook and stir 1 minute or until sauce is thickened. Serve over rice. Yield: 6 servings Nutrients per serving: Calories 310 (19'* calories from fat). Total Fat 6 g. Saturated Fat 2 g. Cholesterol 45 mg, Carbohydrate 41 g, Protein 21 g. Sodium 1000 mg, Fiber 4 g 10 Foods You Should Eat for Good Health 1. - Cantaloupe. - A quarter of a delicious melon supplies almost as much vitamin A and C as most people need in an entire day. 2. - Sweet Potatoes - A nutritional All-Star - one of the best vegetables you can eat. They’re loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Mix in un-sweetened applesauce or crushed pineapple for extra moisture and sweetness. 3. - Fat-free (skim) or low-fat Milk (1% not 2%). - Excellent source of calcium, vitamins, and protein with little or no arteryclogging fat and cholesterol. (Soy milk can have just as many nutrients - if the company adds them.) 4. - Salmon or other fatty fish. - The omega-3 fats in fish, especially fatty fresh fish like salmon, swordfish, and rainbow trout, can help reduce the risk of sudden-death heart attacks. 5. - Oranges. - Greattasting and rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. 6. - Broccoli. - Lots of vitamin C, carotenoids, and folic acid. 7. - Whole-Grain Bread. - It is higher in fiber and about a dozen vitamins and minerals than enriched white bread or “wheat” bread. 8. - Kellogg’s All-Bran Original or Post 100% Bran. - A half-cup serving of these cereals provides about one-third of the fiber you need for an entire day -to reduce the risk of constipation, diverticulosis, and heart disease. 9. - Beans. Inexpensive, low in fat, and rich in protein, iron, folic acid, and fi- ber. Choose garbanzo, pinto, black, Navy, kidney, or lentils. Eat them as a side dish or snack, in a tortilla with salsa, or in a soup. 10. - Spinach or Kale. -Loaded with vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium, and fiber. Steam ‘em and eat ‘em. French Breakfast Puffs 1 Vi cups all-purpose flour Vi cup sugar 1 Vi tsp. baking powder % tsp. ground nutmeg 1/8 tsp. salt 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted % cup sugar Vi tsp. ground cinnamon % cup butter or margarine, melted In a mixing bowl combine flour, the V2 cup sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. In another bowl beat eggs slightly; stir in milk and 1/3 cup melted butter or margarine. Add egg mixture to flour mixture. Stir just until moistened (the batter may be lumpy). Lightly grease muffin cups. Fill cups about two-thirds full with batter. Bake in a 350° oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until muffins are golden. Meanwhile, in a shallow bowl combine the 14 cup sugar and cinnamon. Immediately dip tops of hot muffins into the 14 cup melted butter or margarine, then into the cinnamon-sugar mixture until coated. Serve warm. V-lalepc. 11 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6, s Voinovich Announces $13 Million i f°r Euclid Corridor Project WASHINGTON, D.C. - Coming Events... [ U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH) announced | that Cleveland’s long-r pending Euclid Corridor Transportation project took an important step forward with final approval of this year’s government funding bills that includes his request for $13 million for the project. When fully completed the Euclid Corridor project will consist of a 6.7 mile bus rapid transit line between Public Square in Downtown Answer: The English. Not everybody may know that Wall Street in New York is named for a wall. It is shown clearly on maps from 1660 and 1673 as running along the rightmost (northern) edge of the settlement of New Amsterdam, as New York was known then. The Dutch settlers in what is now Manhattan faced many challenges, including volatile relations with the local Algonquin Indian nations in the 1640s. At least one historian reports “a line of planks or pickets” marked what is now Wall Street by as early as the 1640s. Another account holds that in the 1640s the Dutch erected a wall to protect against wandering cows; and another Questions may be directed to: Cancer Answers, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center (R23), 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195. May is Skin Cancer Awareness month. All May articles will focus on skin cancer. QUESTION: What is Mohn Micrographic Surgery? ANSWER: Mohs surgery is a technique developed by Frederick Mohs in 1936 for removal of skin cancers. In contrast to routine wide excision of skin cancer that is usually a one-stage procedure, Mohs surgery involves removing small sections of skin, one layer at a time. Each piece of excised skin is stained with dyes and numbered, and a map of the removed skin is made for orientation. The Mohs surgeon Cleveland to the Stokes / -Windermere Red Line Rapid Transit Station in East Cleveland. It will also include a 2.7 mile Transit Zone encompassing the parallel arteries of St. Clair and Superior Avenues in Downtown Cleveland. The funds will be used for construction management services to begin land acquisition and for initial construction. The bill now heads to the President for his signature. speaks of “untrimmed trees felled... and piled together to form a sort of barricade.” However, most accounts of the origins of the wall of Wall Street date to 1653 when the Dutch erected a palisade, or fortified wall, running along what was then the northern border of the settlement. Its construction was part of a consolidated effort by the Dutch to shore up their defenses against possible assault from the British, with whom a war had broken out in 1652. The street running behind it was known as Wall Street then, and it is still Wall Street today. —Yahoo Finance Internet then examines the tissue under the microscope. If any tumor extends to any of the outside edges, further skin is removed in a selective fashion. Therefore, complete tumor removal is achieved, while sparing the most amount of normal skin. Depending on the amount of skin removal, the wound may be allowed to heal on its own, or it may require a simple or complex repair with stitches. Mohs surgery is most commonly used to remove basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. It is most commonly employed to treat large skin cancers, skin cancers in areas where tissue sparing is important, such as on the eyelid, lip, and nose, and for skin cancers that have recurred after other types of treatment. It is also used when the size and depth News From SLOVENIA Companies Ready for EU Slovenian companies feel the most ready for EU membership amidst enterprises in 10 new member states according to a survey presented on Friday, April 23. Czech and Estonian companies are also well prepared, while Lithuania and Hungary are at the bottom of the list. As much as 67% of Slovenian companies feel optimistic about business opportunities after enlargement, only 7% are pessimistic, while 22% are expecting no change. 94% of Slovenian companies in the survey support EU entry and are pleased with the negotiations. The Slovenian percentages are above the average for all 10 acceding states. EU Membership Cannot Hinder Russian Trade -says Rupel Slovenih finds it unacceptable that its companies could see conditions for doing trade with kussia deteriorate as the country joins the EU, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel said last week. ' Meeting Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Razov ahead of regular Rus-sian-Slovenian political consultations, Rupel stressed it was extremely important to Slovenia that the EU-Russian partnership and cooperation agreement is promptly extended to include all 10 new EU members. Thanks to Philip J. Hrvatin for this information. of the skin cancer are unpredictable. Mohs surgery has also been used for the removal of malignant melanoma, although this is a highly controversial issue, and wide excision is most commonly performed. The advantages of Mohn surgery include its high cure rate in comparison to other skin cancer treatment methods, in addition to the ability to spare the most amount of normal skin that may optimize the cosmetic outcome. The disadvantages of Mohs surgery include the need for specialized equipment for tissue processing, and the relative length of time needed to complete the procedure. —Allison T. Vidimos, RPh, MD Department of Dermatology The Cleveland Clfric Friday, May 7,h Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik Saturday, May 8 Jadran Singing Society bids Fond Farewell with dinner-concert, dance at Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd., in Cleveland. Dinner served 5 until 6:30 p.m. Concert 7:00 p.m. Dancing following with music by Fred Ziwich. For tickets call (440) 951-1694. Sunday, May 9 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast Brunch $8.00. Children 10 years and under $4. Serving 9 am. to 12 noon. Wednesday, May 12 Collinwood Slovenian Home hosts Wing Dinner from 4 to 7 p.m. $4.00. Friday, May 14 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Sunday, May 16 Newburgh Slovenian National Home Salutes Eddie Kenik. Dinner 2 p.m. Music by A1 Battistelli from 3 until ? Reservations call (216) 475-7946, (216) 341-6136 or (440) 467-4971. Donation $18.00. Friday, May 21 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH Pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner, $9.00. Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 21 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Joey Tomsick Saturday, May 22 Slovenian Choral group Korotan annual concert at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., music by Veseli Godci. Sunday, May 23 Collinwood Slovenian Home features Pasta Dinner from 3 to 7 p.m. $7.00. Friday, May 28 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Tony Fortuna. Monday, May 31 Memorial Day Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 6 Opening picnic at Slovenska Pristava featuring Veseli Godci Orchestra. Saturday, June 12 Folklorna Skupina Kres Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Planinski Kvintet. Sunday, June 13 St. Mary’s Slovenian School Picnic at Slovenaka Pristava - featuring Veseli Godci Orchestra. Saturday, June 19 SPD Tabor, gathering and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 20 SPD Tabor, celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 20 Collinwood Slovenian Home prepares Breakfast 9 am. - 1 pm. featuring- eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, coffee, juice — $5.00. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 27 First Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Saturday, July 3 Slovenska Pristava fund raiser for new hall - Stari Prijatelji. Sunday, July 11 Mission Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Sunday, July 11 Catholic Mission Picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 14 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Picnic at VFW Post 4358 on White Rd, noon - 6 pm. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich. Refreshments available. Information call 440-943-3784. Friday, July 16 Slovenska Pristava Picnic featuring Alfi Nipič. Sunday, July 18 St. Vitus Parish Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 1 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 8 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 15 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 15 Second Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Saturday, Aug. 28 Štajerski Prekmurski Club picnic featuring Planinski Kvintet at Slovenska PriS' tava. Saturday, Sept. 4 Pristava Picnic. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina Kres 50lh Anniversary Performance at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Society dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 19 Wine Festival at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. What was the wall on Wall Street intended to keep out? Happy Mother’s Day Q. - Where do you put a noisy dog? A. - In a barking lot. It’s Cool to be Slovenian CANCER ANSWERS... Josephine Ambrosic, active fraternalist Josephine Ambrosic Josephine Ambrosic (nee Orazem), age 93, passed away at her Euclid, OH residence on Sunday, May 2, 2004. Bom July 8, 1910 in Cleveland, she had lived in the St. Clair neighborhood before moving to Euclid. She worked as a seamstress for. Richman Brothers Co. for 20 years and also helped in the family’s confectionery store °n St. Clair Avenue. Josephine was a member of AMLA St. Anne Lodge #4 where she was the treasurer for 50 years. She served on the Supreme Board of AMLA for a number of years. She was a frequent winner of the annual competition to sell the most AMLA fraternal insurance. Josephine was a member °f KSKJ Mary Magdalene Lodge #162, Slovenian Women’s Union Lodge #25, ^t. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society, and was appointed to the St. Vitus Church Fi-nance Advisory Council by Pastor, Rev. Joseph P. R°znar. She was a Trustee of the St. Vitus Endowment Trust, and Member of the St. ^itus Scholarship Committee. Josephine volunteered every Friday at St. Vitus B'ngo since its beginning Until a few years ago when Reclining health forced her to unit her activities. Josephine ^as also a member of St. itus Mothers Club, and a uiember of the American Wene Club. She was a Member of the Slovene Home for the Aged Auxilary, St. Vitus Alumni, United Slovene Society, Triends of the Slovenian National Home, Inc., and Bishop Baraga Association. She will be fondly remembered for her leadership and willingness to volunteer at the many fund-raising events held over the years. Josephine is survived by her son Joseph (wife Patricia) of Beavercreek, Ohio; grandson John Jason; sister Marie Orazem; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph; son John; sisters Frances Novak, Ann Zak, and brother Joseph Orazem. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 7 at St. Vitus Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Family will receive friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home (formerly Grdina), 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., on Wednesday, May 5 from 7-9 p.m. and Thursday, May 6 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Family suggests memorial donations in her name to St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. In Memory Friends donated $100.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Stanley Zakrajšek, who lived from Nov. 8, 1922 to April 7, 2004. Thank you very much for your generous donation. In Memory Thanks to Maria Povsic of Boca Raton, FI who renewed her subscription and added- a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Frank Povsic. In Memory Thanks to Anthony Baznik of Euclid, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of his wife, Valerie. In Memory Thanks to Anthony J. and Ana Maria Filipovič of Broadview Heights, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $30.00 donation in memory of Stanley Zakrajšek. L aPPl'*n«s, including a washer and dryer. The facility has c*n beco* ^ ^t>l-0300 with any question on how you or a family member ,nc a resident in our very special community. Donation Thanks to Joseph T. Snyder of Sagamore Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $30.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Marieta Jam-sek-Tehlirian, MD of West Bloomfield, MI who added a $25.00 donation to her subscription renewal. Donation Thanks to Triglav S.K.D. of Milwaukee who added a $20.00 donation to their subscription renewal. American Home Mothers All mothers (past and present subscribers to the American Home) are being remembered in a Mass novena at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois, and in a Mass at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. Your name has also been placed in the Memorial Prayer Capsule at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows until next Mother’s Day.________ ..................... 1 ~~irrr~ ■ Happy Mother's Day Dorothy Urbancich The Best Mom in the World! 7 > m 5« HH C/)< 5 d o s o < > > N> I LOW Your Family Donation Thanks to Ivanka and Lojze Brumen of Madison, OH for the $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Joseph Chauby of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Jennie Mramor of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. She writes, “Miss Jim’s Journal.” Donation Thanks to Frank Krašovec of Southhampton, PA who renewed his subscription and added a $40.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Maria Holje-vac of Parma, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Stefan and Sonja Durjava of Euclid, OH who added a $20.00 donation to their subscription renewal. In Loving Memory Joe and Frances Stariha 2002 -- 1996 Dearly remembered and never forgotten. Sadly missed by all their friends. May they rest in God’s peace. Mary Podlogar John & Alba Plutt Dr. Zenon A. KIos E. 18S,h Area ? 531-7700 Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON* 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 | LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Cleveland Accounting Service We wish all our customers a HAPPY MOTHER'S DA Y Call us 881-5158 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6, 2004 L.EGEND OF ZLATOROG (Golden Horn) Once upon a time the Triglav mountains were covered with meadows full of flowers. They were the home of the white fairies and their white goats. They were all protected by the white goat with golden horns - the invulnerable Zlatorog. If anybody should wound Zlatorog, a secret flower -“triglavska roza” would spring forth from his blood and cure him. Zlatorog’s golden horns were the key to hidden treasures under the mountain of Bogatin. All these secrets were known to a brave, young hunter who lived in the Trenta valley. He was in love with a girl named Jerica. She was an innkeeper’s daughter, a lovely girl whom many young men wanted to marry, but Jerica heartily loved the hunter from Trenta. He was the best hunter in the valley and people said he was under the protection of the fairies. One day a merchant from Venice came to the village where Jerica lived. He gave her a ring, earrings and other golden jewelry. Jerica accepted the gold from the foreigner. Being stung by the hurtful words of his beloved girl, who was enchanted with the presents that the merchant from Venice had given her, the Trenta hunter decided to find the Bogatin treasure. Sad and unhappy, he thought the only thing he could do at that moment was to kill Zlatorog, take his horns and open the underground cave under Bogatin where the treasure was hidden. The hunter found Zlatorog and shot at him. He wounded him, but from his blood the miraculous flower - triglavska roza - sprang up. When Zlatorog ate it, he became well and strong again. In his rage he butted the hunter over the cliffs. The fairies and white goats then left the Slovenian mountains. Zlatorog led them far away, nobody knows where. But before departing, Zlatorog devastated the sunny mountain meadows with his golden horns and turned them into a rocky wasteland, full of dangerous precipices. Many traces of his horns can be seen today in Slovenia’s mountains. We still have a little flower - triglavska roza” -growing on Triglav slopes. The fairy treasure is still hidden under the mountain of Bogatin. We still have a rocky path that traverses the Triglav north face -“Zlatorogove police.” We still have the wild beauty of the “Zlatorog kingdom” in the mountains of Triglav. —Dušica Kunaver Slovene Folk Tales Related article “Hiking in Slovenia” on page 11. Happy Moiher’yVay from the staff of JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland 531-7770 JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lake Shore Blvd., Eastlake 953-4600 era« Home GOLDEN RULE Fi MOMMMM raaMKflRjEMBamMHn Congratulations, AH Slovenians Dear readers .of the American Home newspaper: On this historic occasion of The Republic of Slovenia becoming a member of the European Union, consisting of 25 nations with a population of 460 million people, and 19 different languages, the Slovenian Language be- <; ing one of them, the Slovene Consul General in Cleveland, Mr. Marcel Koprol, wishes to congratulate all Slovenians! —Marcel Koprol, Consul General Saturday, 1st May, 2004 Potica-Cake I This is another of Mom’s old recipes, found in her! I cookbook on yellowed.paper. It’s similar to our Sour Cream! I Coffee cake. K | I Ingredients: i Dough: V* C butter 1 'Z C sugar 4 eggs 3 C flour 1 Vi t baking powder 1 Vz t baking soda 1 pint sour cream 1 Vi t vanilla Filling: 1 C ground nuts 2 T flour 1 Vi C dark brown sugar, packed 1 t cinnamon v, I Vjj orU ■ SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were born in the month of May: 5-09 - John Bencin, 85, bom in Cleveland. 5-10 - Anna Kasper, 95, bom in Cleveland. 5-13 - Jennie Podpadec, 98, bom in Baggaley, PA 5-25 - Josephine Doljac, 88, bom in Cleveland 5-26 - Anne Brewster, 91, bom in Cleveland. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, May 8lh in the auditorium social room. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. —Lao Tzu Flower Power 2004 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216) 361-9909 Listen to fl&THE rrf SLOVENIAN ^ HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 2^^ Tony Ovsenik i 440-944-2538 i Directions: i For dough: cream butter and sugar, add eggs one at a i time. Beat until creamy. Sift dry ingredients 3 times and add I alternately with sour cream and vanilla. (When you sift the J dry ingredients 3 times, it nearly doubles the bulk). Mix i batter until smooth. For filling: Mix ingredients together. i To assemble: grease and flour a 10” tube pan. Preheat [oven 1° 350 . Alternate layers of batter and nut mixture, j twirling with knife to produce a marbled effect. Continue J until all batter and nuts are used up, ending with nuts. Bake i at 350 for 1 hour (according to this recipe, it may take as i long as 1 hour and 25 minutes). At the 1 hour point, start J testing the center of the cake with a toothpick and check | every 5 minutes until done. The pick should come out J slightly wet from the oil in the nuts, but with no batter i sticking to it. Serve either sprinkled with powdered sugar or i j with whipped cream. j —Kim Ann Kaifesh | !___________________________Our Family and Friends Recipes i Happy Mothers Day "We're As Near /Is Your Phone" 486 4343 or FLO VVERS Terri Jarem Big bouquet F 1. ORIS T v 480 East 200 Street Euclid, Ohio 44119 Happy Mothers bay When You Want to Travel... Contact the Travel Experts at HANSA TRAVEL SERVICE On the West Side visit HANSA IMPORT STORE and TRAVEL AGENCY 2717 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland 44113 631-6585 ALSO - VISIT OUR NEWL Y REMODELED PATRIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185,h Street, Cleveland 44119 We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies °r candies, plus a large selection of audio mušica1 cassettes from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN and VISIT US SOON. Ask for Boris or Suzi _____{216? 531-6720 J U.S. to rest of the world: ‘Charge It!’ Beware of a concrete mind: it’s probably all mixed up and permanently set. The U.S. is behaving like a family with a well-worn, low-interest-rate MasterCard. For years the U.S. has been consuming roore than it produces. (That’s what it means to import more from the rest of the world than one exports.) And it has been investing more than it saves. (That’s why it depends on foreigners sending another $1.5 billion of their savings every day.) The U.S. buys lots from the rest of the world, and the rest of the world lends the U.S. the money to make the purchases - more every year - at today’s very low interest rates. For a considerable period now, economists " think of them as national credit counselors -have been warning that this can’t go on former. Foreigners won’t keep devoting larger shares of their savings to U.S. stocks, bonds and companies, just as there is a limit to how rouch MasterCard allows any one family to borrow. Sure, this could continue for years. But the dollar’s recent slide is a sign that countries are skittish about putting much more money into the U.S. Too often, though, the dollar is seen as the issue, rather than a symptom. Yes, the weak dollar is hard on European exPorters, and makes life easier for U.S. Manufacturers. Yes, It’s bad for Americans eyeing trips to Paris, and good for Germans "'ho long for the Florida sun in winter. But the issue is how U.S., Europe and Asia Can find a way - short of wrenching crisis - to Wean the U.S. economy from a growing ad-iction to foreigners’ savings and the rest of e world from an unhealthy dependence on American consumers. The world economy is out of whack. To set nght, the U.S. needs to buy more homemade ords and fewer imported Toyotas, so that it ^hes less on credit from Japan and others. nd Europe and Asia need to buy more U.S.-Made wares and rely less on exports. someday that’s going to happen. The question is how painful it will be. Right now, e global economy is trying to adjust by ^shing down the dollar. Recognizing that, George W. Bush’s administration is acquiescing. Economic textbooks say the weaker dollar should make imports more expensive in the U.S. (so Americans will buy fewer of them and more homemade goods) and make U.S. exports cheaper abroad (so other nations will buy more from the U.S.). The dollar isn’t the issue; it’s the symptom. Government economic policies could help if they could get European and Japanese consumers to buy more and get Americans - both citizens and government - to save more so the' U.S. doesn’t need so much foreign credit. Unfortunately, as one German official bluntly puts it, “It is as hard to get Germans to spend as it is to get Americans to save.” There is a painful way to right the world economy: a financial-market crisis. The dollar takes a sharp plunge. Stock and bond markets follow. With deficit angst running high and finally pushing up interest rates, the president - either President or a successor - rallies Congress to pass an emergency deficit-reduction package. That’s likely to mean the U.S. economy falters. But it will import less (because the U.S. buys less from abroad in a recession) and save more (that’s ^jdiat reducing the deficit does). What might a pain-prevention approach look like? A lower dollar, but not just against the euro. Lower European Central Bank interest rates. Aggressive moves in Europe and Japan to further deregulate their economies so their peoples can benefit more from changing technologies. Credible moves in the U.S. to reduce huge, future deficits threatened by the retirement of the populous generation bom after World War II, even if that means raising taxes. And smarter efforts to hone America’s competitive edge, particularly by better educating its children and training its workers. The benefits are priceless: A healthier global economy, that delivers more goods and services to all economies. —David Wessel Wall Street Journal RESTAURANT • LOUNGE • PARTY CENTER Happy Mother’s Day FROM 12:30 P.M. TO 5 P.M. * • CHEF CARVED ROAST BEEF AND BAKED HAM ■ ROAST TURKEY WITH DRESSING • BAKED CHICKEN ■ ROAST LEG OF LAMB ■ BOSTON SCROD ■ GREEN BEANS ALMONDINE • RIGATONI > MASHED & SWEET ^ ^ - potatoes >1 n95" > DELUXE SOUP AND x -SALAD BAR • ASSORTED DESSERTS Mother’s Day Buffet From 9 am to 12 noon Only 0 FULL COURSE 12 Noon to 7 PM Prices starting at MENU 795 artina nt J- Larger ;. parlies iVelcomc. 22305 LAKESHORE BLVD., EUCLID, OH CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 216-731-1800 Happy Mother's Day! Vese/ Materinski dan A mother is the wondrous gift, 'lir The bnght and shining Ught "T That God gave every one of us To teach us wrong from right. Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 1-440-473-4746 Office Hours - by appointment only. Saturday and evening hours available. lie also sneak SLOVENIAN! VESEL MATERINSKI D A N I UH an c Happy Mother's Day OiLC FUNERAL HOMES “Family Owned & Operated” 20 Years of Continuous Service to your Community' MffiWfiliftFormerly Grdina W n90 chardon Road 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Willoughby Hills 440 944-8400 Cleveland 216 486-2900 DAN COSIC and JOE ZEVNIK Licensed Funeral Directors AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6, 1 Recalling Grandpa’s Fancy Porch Z by JOE GLINŠEK ^ Grandpa retired from his ^ boilermaker job at NYCRR’s ^ Collinwood Yard in 1937 O with a small monthly pen-g sion and a lump sum of just Q over $ 1,000 — a lot of money < at the time. Planning to vS spend much of his time sur-g veying the passing scene from a favorite wooden rocker on the front porch, he was bothered that bugs, wind, dust, rain and cold would limit his ‘porch time’ and drive him indoors. He’d seen and coveted the glassed and screened porches in more affluent neighborhoods, and though he was tight with a buck, he wanted a comfortable vantage point from which to view the world. The Andrews Company was known for quality work and had done the enclosures he admired. After a visit from their estimator and some serious dickering, they were hired to do grandpa’s porch, and I’m guessing this job took a sizable bite from his retirement check. It was done during the summer, so the workers had two sidewalk superintendents nosing ; around; as grandpa’s junior deputy, I hung around the job and watched the progress with great interest. It was a frame house, but the existing front porch was all masonry construction with brick knee-walls, comer posts, and entry stairwell. The ledge caps and stair treads were limestone, and the concrete floor was pitched to a central spout to shed rain and melting snow; very sturdy construction, and virtually maintenance-free. Only the ceiling was wood; the usual narrow beaded boards used for an outdoor porch. With a bit of sanding and a fresh coat of varnish, it would remain as part of the new enclosure. Pre-primed triple window units were the basic feature of an Andrews porch enclosure. Three large single panes of glass were set in wooden frames. The center pane was fixed, and the side panels were casement windows that opened inward. One side opened against the center pane, and the other side, with a double-deep hinge, overlapped it to make a triple window sandwich in the center. The three were fastened to each other with imall hooks and eyes. The window openings had woodframed outer screens that stayed in place until late fall when they were removed, cleaned, and stored in the garage until the weather broke in the spring. These were the best times to give the windows a good wash; an easy job with brush and squeegee on a pole. The swinging windows had secure inner fasteners top and bottom. With an easy half-turn, the handles squeezed the window snug and tight against the metal weather stripping. One of the quality features of. an Andrews porch was the metal hardware. All of it was either solid brass or bronze, including the screening and small details like the hooks and eyes, mail slot, and door sill. The lock-set, with deadbolt, thumb-latch outer handle, and an inside knob lock, was made by Schlage; a quality name, then and now. None of these metal parts corroded in the normal sense; they merely darkened with age and acquired a dark patina. Both ends of the porch had one of these triple window units, and with windows open north and south, they provided plenty of fresh air. Well, usually fresh; NYCRR’s belching smoke stacks were nearby on the north. Across the front were two sets of these units, allowing four openings eastward. On very wann days when all the screened house windows were open, you’d have a wonderful breeze from all directions by opening the porch and living room windows. The latter had no screens and were seldom opened until the porch was enclosed. Now that these were protected by the enclosure, they could be left open for ventilation in the summer, or closed for better insulation in the winter. A smaller, fixed window filled the space between the front window units and the entrance. A handsome door with a large plate glass window was centered at the head of the outside stairs. The door, flanked by narrow side lights of textured glass, was thick and heavy. It closed securely with weather stripping and an interlocking bronze threshold. Our mail box used to hang next to the front door. The slot was below the window, and its heavy flap sounded like a door knocker. With young ears, I could usually hear when the mail had arrived. An Andrews porch was marked by a decorative element between the tops of the door and windows, and the base of the gable above. Usually eight or more inches high, this space w'as fitted with textured glass and accented with applied decorative moldings in the Pal-ladian style. This distinctive and attractive feature balanced the design and also let in additional daylight. The floor was one of the last things done. Tar paper was laid on the concrete floor to hinder dampness from being transferred to the tapered ‘sleeper’ joists that provided a level support for the tongue and groove pine flooring. All of this wood was pre-primed before installation and the floor was then finished with two coats of gray deck paint. The wood flooring was the finishing touch that made the porch feel like an inside room. Please forgive my love-affair with this porch: it’s the only part of the house that was built in my lifetime. I watched the enclosure being bom, and it was part of my life for many years. Sitting out there on hot summer nights when I was a kid, I waited for Mom to suggest having ‘coolers,” a signal for me to run to the comer for a pint of Launch’s ice cream and a1 quart of cold Double Eagle ginger ale. Some nights Grandpa would send me down the back alley to Walland’s for a bucket of beer that always arrived a little short of full; he knew why, and gave me a sly smile. From this new ‘family room’ we could hear a favorite radio program playing in the living room. Later on, I acquired a porch rocker of my own, a creaky old thing rescued from the collar. We used to get the Saturday Evening Post magazine and I looked forward to the latest Norman Rockwell cover and some of the stories. I had my first legal smoke in that rocker; Blue Boar tobacco in one of Dad’s pipes. Mom refused to watch and retreated to the kitchen. On Easter Sunday, if the weather was bad, we covered the porch floor with an old sheet and threw coins at a hard-boiled egg, trying to stick and bury one inside. Thirty years later, Dad and Grandpa were gone, but I brought my family over for dinner, after which Uncle Mike and Mom showed our kids how to play the ‘egg game.’ One Christmas they decided to display the tree on the porch instead of inside. Everybody liked the effect and the custom stuck. Because it was glassed in and tightly sealed, the porch was comfortable on many cool spring or fall days: this greatly prolonged its usefulness. Even on those rare sunny days in winter, it would be surprisingly warm - potted plants did very well. Grandpa’s home improvement was a good in- vestment and he lived to enjoy it for a good while, and because of its quality construction, at least two morp generations made good use of it. Of course, I didn’t notice and appreciate its fine construction until I matured. I had occasion to look it over after 40 years of use, and it was still in remarkably good condition. On the day it was demolished, Grandpa’s Porch would still have made him proud. I don’t usually get sentimental about ‘things,’ but I was looking at pictures of the home of my childhood being demolished. The porch was the setting for many happy memories and I was particularly sad to see the pictures of the ‘dinosaur’ chopping its remains. A me-chanipal dinosaur was taking -huge bites of it and spitting them into a pile of debris. I was bom in the house next door, also tom down, but I only’ lived there until my grandma died when I was only two. I grew up in this house with the fancy porch and lived there until I married in 1956 and visited often during the following two decades. Both houses were demolished for a good cause - St. Mary’s new Parish Hall will stand on this site for many more decades. My Mother ] When I was born, I was glad you were there to hold me and comfort me, To feed me and rock me to sleep. As I grew, I was glad you were there to make our house feel like a home. When I was a teenager, I was glad You were there to talk to me When things weren’t going quite right; You would tell me it would be okay. I am glad you’ve always been there To encourage me to do my best in whatever I do-J Happy Mother's bay SHELLI'S RESTAURANT 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 Take Out A vaitable Plants - Corsages - Fruit Baskets Louis Slapnik & Son Florist from Don and Nancy 431-1126 - 6102 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland City-wide and Suburb Delivery A Most Happy Mothers Day to All Our Wonderful Mothers 11 Hiking in Slovenia; Spotting Zlatorog? by FRANK KUŽNIK Special to The Washington Post I saw Zlatorog. This may not come as earth-shaking news in the heart of the American empire, but in the Julian Alps, the mythical anirnal^god still holds sway. Fjo^jhi^^ng-dom on the slqpeis pfjtylpunt, Triglav to the labels, of^ Lasko beer bottles, the golden-horned chamois is “biquitous throughout Slovenia, one of the last unboiled pockets of Eastern Europe. Were Catholicism not so Pervasive here, it would be tempting to call outdoor recreation the religion of this former Yugoslav republic, which declared independ-ence in 1991. Skiing, hiking, mountain climbing, cycling, kayaking and just about any other sport that involves mountains, rivers and adrenaline rushes are as Plentiful as summer wild flowers, especially in the Gorenjska, the northwest ;rea that encompasses Triglav National Park. At about 209,000 acres, Triglav is one of Europe’s argest national parks, with a st°rybook landscape of dramatic mountain peaks, picaresque farming valleys, shimmering Alpine lakes and 'storical attractions that sPan centuries. The castle ®verlooking Lake Bled dates ack to the 11th century, Eile just 20 miles away monuments and old fortifi l0ns mark the blood} l.T?0 Fr°nt °f World Wa ' he park is dominated b} the?1 Tri8lav (9,396 feet) S] triple-peaked symbol o thaVen*a’ and offers mon Cr n ,^»350 miles of criss-ey Ssin8 trails suitable foi stro'n'^'H^ ^rom an ariernoor to a two-week outing. mav?116 its size’ Tnglav SecL, °ne of the best'kePl beca,S m EuroPe> chiefly man C °f itS Setting- Unlike Em ^ Americans, most enc^ans know the differ- Si0v between Slovenia and easvakla> but it’s still an abn,„C,°Untry to overlook - ?erialHhaIf the size of Swit* °r dr' ’ tyPmufly a Ay-over l° nr>«u t^roug^ on tbe way E>aunhern Ita,y or Croatia’s Osa"an Coast. That peciai] e crowds down, es-•n th« ^ Jurists, especially a WeeSifnn8 and fal1- During Member" ithe C°Untry in hv0 ot, r> 1 saw a total of hat Wa Cr ^merreans - and Slot8 31 th6 airPort. 0ne op61!'3 a*so s'ts along ^°lds r.1 e 01081 intriguing n°mic a ,^UroPe> the eco- Here and.Polirical fault line fltful tra0Cla*'srn’s making a nsition to capitalism, a unique moment in history that cuts both ways for travelers. It can be amazingly cheap. Transportation (car rental, train fares) tends to run at Western rates, but if you are not terribly demanding otherwise, you can live on about $50 a day. It can also be amazingly backward. In ;thfiXi»ch Ret public, where I iivb, foreign^ • ers are still regarded with-suspicion, and a simple request (Can I get some ice?) will often earn you a haughty, insulting look - if the waiter even acknowledges your English. In this swirl of cross-cultural influences, Slovenia has struck an attractive balance. Under former president Tito’s comparatively relaxed form of socialism, Slovenians never developed the closed mindset typical of many Iron Curtain countries. As a result, the people are remarkably open and accommodating to visitors, catering to tourists with Western-style service and amenities. But they’re also determined to keep the best of their Old World heritage. Most of the country is still undeveloped, charmingly rural in character and proud of it. Nothing in Slovenia is more than a two- or three-hour drive away, and a couple of hours after landing in the capital of Ljubljana, I was having lunch on the shore of Lake Bled. Chances are you’ve seen a photo of Lake Bled without realizing it. The ice-blue Alpine lake is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and has a tiny island in the center graces by a baroque church steeple - a postcard shot often used as an emblem of Old World Europe. The photos don’t lie; it’s stunningly beautiful. Away from the water, however, the town of Bled is tricked up like a junior Lake Tahoe, with a casino, resort hotels and rows of souvenir shops. I was walking the south shore of the lake contemplating my next move when the water became dappled with raindrops and a storm blew in - one of those mountain thunderstorms with driving sheets of rain that send every living thing scrambling for cover. And so it was that I found myself in the timbered shelter of the Blegas gostilna (pub), drying out and talking baseball with Luka, an eager young Slovenian athlete. On a trip to the United States in 1997, Luka had the good fortune to see the Cleveland Indians in their prime. “How’s Manny Ramirez?” he wanted to know. " ^‘He’s in Boston now,” I said;'winding up to blast the problem child of baseball for his $20 million average annual salary and pouty, moody behavior. Then I stopped. Luka’s team, which can barely afford uniforms, had played a double header on Sunday and then came back on Monday for practice on a muddy field in the rain. Someone would taint that enthusiasm one day, but it wasn’t going to be me. “You saw one of the best hitters in the game,” I said. Luka encouraged me to keep traveling west, to Lake Bohinc, “It’s not far,” he promised. It turned out to be about an hour’s drive, and with the scenic turns of the Sava Bohinjka River, it was worth every minute. Bohinj is smaller and quieter than Bled, no less beautiful but much more charming, with a medieval church and bridge as the only visible structures on the lake shore. Time has not stood still in Bohinj, but it has lingered. On the road I passed an oncoming tour bus and then, moments later, a couple of kids driving a cow with switches. This was no coincidence; one of the social highlights of Bohinj is the annual Cows’ Ball, which celebrates the return of herdsmen and their cattle from the mountain pastures in mid-September. I pulled off into a picnic area and walked a trail along the lake, which I had to myself. The trail opened onto a small park with an imposing boulder. Perched atop it: a statue of Zlatorog, wet and gleaming in the fading daylight. Behind him, in the distance, the clouds parted and for just a few minutes, the white face of Mount Triglav emerged. Had the statue itself spoken, the invitation to stay couldn’t have been more enticing. The Lake Bohinj tourist office had maps and a friendly staffer to suggest hiking routes. A grocery store next door sold bottled water and other supplies. And just around the bend, the modem Hotel Jezero had a fitness center with a lap pool, the perfect place to limber up for some serious hiking. The next morning, fog crept down the mountains until it was licking my hotel room windows. My first stop was the tourist office, where I gave the woman behind the counter a forlorn look and said, “No hiking today, I guess.” - She said, “This is only fog; we get it every day.” Less than an hour later I was doing switchbacks up one of the mountainsides ringing the lake, with the fog eventually thinning and the sun cutting through the gloom. The trails in the park are well-marked. They’re also quite rugged. The Julian Alps are mostly limestone and dolomite, constantly crumbling, stewing the trails with gravel. It’s like walking across a pile of bricks, with the footing constantly shifting. The erosion has also created natural sculptures, which stopped me on more than one occasion. Were those giant tree roots or fingers of rock? Was that stone fortress really carved out by the elements? One of my reveries was interrupted by Jozef, a hardy local flying down the trail with the aid of hiking poles. He countered my worries about the rain with assurances that it was needed. Friends of his had been fighting fires in another part of the range over the summer. “What was that like?” I asked. “They were afraid to go into some places,” he said. “There is still lots of bullets and shells from World War I in the trees and the ground, and they were exploding in the fire.” The echoes of history faded farther on, where a break in the forest on a grassy slope overlooking the lake offered an ideal lunch spot and a chance to assess the gathering clouds. It was a place of uncommon beauty. As the sun darted in and out of the clouds, the lake turned incredible shades of blue and turquoise. To the north, sheer rock faces towered over the water. To the south, peaks marched off into the distance, jagged and unruly, shoving each other into definite angles. And beyond the mountains. a procession of majes- tic clouds swept across the top of the world. It was one of the most amazing sky shows I’ve ever seen, and had it not been for the quickening raindrops, I would probably still be there, awestruck. It was a long trek down, and I was in a state of exhaustion when I heard something moving through the woods. I froze and was sure I saw a four-legged animal stop on the other side of a big pine tree. Peering through the branches, I made out a face staring back - the same face I had been seeing since I got off the plane. I shifted slightly to look for the golden horns, but as soon as I did that, the image seemed to melt into the forest. Even after I walked around the tree to convince myself it was an illusion, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had been there. Later, with a full stomach and my bearings back, I chided myself - not for imagining I saw Zlatorog, but for thinking I would see him in the foothills. His lair is a sacred mountain many miles distant and higher -not a place you can approach quickly or lightly, no matter what your beliefs. Getting around: You’ll need a car if you’re venturing to trail heads in the mountains. Reserve from the United States through Hertz or Budget, or if it’s offseason, shop the counters at the Ljubljana airport, which include a low-cost local agency, ABC Rental. A midsize vehicle for a week runs $300 to $400. When to go: The mountain huts and trails are most crowded in July and August, but lessen in June and September. Before mid-May and after mid-October, the trails may be covered with snow. Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for submitting this article. Who is Zlatorog? The Slovenian folk tale of “Zlatorog” (Gold hom) by Dušica Kunaver is on page 8._______________ It's Cool To Be Slovenian! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6, Jadran Declares Fond Farewell with Concert The Jadran Singing Society will be presenting their final concert on Saturday, May 8 at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland. Sadly, due to declining membership, Jadran bids “Fond Farewell” with a dinner, concert and dance in their 84,h year. A delicious dinner prepared by Josie Cerer and her staff will be served beginning at 5:00 p.m. On the menu will be soup, chicken maršala, breaded pork chops, roast potatoes, mixed vegetables, dessert and coffee. After dinner at 7:00 p.m., Jadran will present their concert with musical selections, “Majeva,” excerpts from “Masquerade in Vienna,” “Mamici, in honor of Mother’s Day, “Lipa,” “Večernica” will be sung in memory of all our deceased members, a “Venček,” with familiar songs, and “Na svidenje.” Included in the program is a solo by Florence Unetich and of course our Jadran Songbirds Florence Unetich and Angela Žabjek. Our musical director and accordion accompanist is Fred Ziwich and piano accompanist is Reginald Resnik. Following the program, music for listening and dancing will be by the Fred Ziwich Orchestra. Tickets for the evening are S20 each and may be reserved by phoning Dolores Dobida at (440) 951-1694 or Sophie Matuch at (216) 481-6909. Tickets will also be available from Jadran members and at the Polka Hall of Fame. We would like to thank members from Zarja, president Richard Tomsic, Rudy Kozan, and from Glasbena Matica Don Mausser for lending their beautiful voices to our tenor section. We appreciate all your help. This last year we lost two staunch singing members, from the bass section Fred Skolaris, and from the tenor section Frank Smerke. They are very sadly missed and this last concert will be dedicated to both of them. Our condolences to both families. Jadran members are very sad to see the final performance come to an end. However, we want to thank all of our devoted friends who supported us these many years. Hope to see you May 8th. —Dolores Dobida Recording Secretary Garden of Daily Living PLANT THREE ROWS OF PEAS 1. -Peace of mind 2. - Peace of heart 3. - Peace of soul PLANT FOUR ROWS OF SQUASH L - Squash gossip 2. - Squash indifference 3. - Squash grumbling 4. - Squash selfishness PLANT FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE: 1. - Lettuce be faithful 2. - Lettuce be kind 3. - Lettuce be patient 4. - Lettuce really love one another NO GARDEN IS WITHOUT TURNIPS: 1. - Turnip for meetings 2. - Turnip for service 3. - Turnip to help one another TO CONCLUDE OUR GARDEN WE MUST HAVE THYME: 1. - Thyme for each other 2. - Thyme for family 3. - Thyme for friends WATER FREELY WITH PATIENCE AND CULTIVATE WITH LOVE. THERE IS SO MUCH FRUIT IN YOUR GARDEN BECAUSE YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. A charming custom in Slovenia is to greet friends at meal time with the simple and sincere words: “Dober Tek” which translates to, “Good Appetite to You!” Forward to First Edition of American Slovene Club Cookbook __________ ____—^___________________________January 26,1946 Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed. -Benjamin Franklin^ 12503 rmi50N m. SURE^MARKE^ Hdppy LAKEWOOD. OHIO 44107 Mother's Day V v*** v v WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS. - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY, 8AM-8PM SUNDAY, 9AM TO 6PM Happy Mother’s Day SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX • American'lxpress W® m0St maf0r inSurance 0*« • Discover • Photo Finishing . MasterCard Tom Sršen - Manager • • WIC - Food Stamps # Made . Manufacturers Coupons • Contact Ss Replacement Visit Us! Happy Mother's Day Brickman & Sons, Inc., Funeral Home 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid 481-5277 It was once considered bad luck to give a knife as a gift. Serving Families with Dignity and Respect for over 90 Years! FOR Fntdom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, May 6, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Slovenija od 1. maja dalje polnopravna članica Evropske unjje - Slovesnosti in proslave po vsej Slovenci in Evropi Preteklo soboto se je razširila Evropska unija na 25 držav članic. Med temi je sedaj tudi Slovenija, ki je tako dosegla - kakor pred enim mesecem z vstopom v NATO - eden njenih najbolj želenih dolgoletnih zunanjepolitičnih ciljev. Poslej bo dosledno morala upoštevati evropsko zakonodajo (120.000 strani uradnega lista EU), ki je tako postala del slovenske zakonodaje. Od pretekle sobote je slovenščina eden od uradnih jezikov EU, slovenski državljani so postali tudi državljani Evropske unije ter s tem dobili sklop dodatnih pravic. Od 1- junija bodo slovenski zavarovanci pravico do nujnih zdravstvenih storitev v državah EU in Evropskega gospodarskega prostora lahko uveljavljali z evropsko kartico zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Po vsej Sloveniji sp potekale slikovite, raznovrstne proslave, tako npr. od Kranjske gore do Nove Gorice do Gornje Radgone. Osrednja državna proslava je bila v Ljubljani, slavnostni govornik je bil predsednik države Janez Drnovšek. Slovesno tudi v Državnem zboru Slavnostna seja slovenskega parlamenta je bila že 29. aprila, slavnostni govornik je bil Predsednik DZ Borut Pahor. Prvič so zaigrali poleg Zdravljice tudi himno EU in izobesili poleg slovenske tudi zastavo EU. ^ parlamentu se bodo morali novim razmeram prilagoditi, saj od 1. maja je vloga 2bora spremenjena, ker so zakonodajalske Pristojnosti DZ omejene pri zadevah, ki jih države EU 25 urejajo skupaj, v svetu Ev-roPe kot osrednjem zakonodajnem telesu Pa bo Slovenijo zastopala vlada. Pravila igre 0 odnosu med Državnim zborom in vlado v evropskih zadevah bodo poslanci določili na izrednem zasedanju prihodnjo sredo, 12. maja. Volitve za sedem slovenskih poslancev v evropskem parlamentu v nedeljo, 13. junija Slovenske stranke izoblikujejo svoje liste kandidatov, ki se bodo potegovali za evropski parlament na volitvah po Sloveniji, ki bodo 13. junija. Sloveniji pripada sedem poslanskih mest. V igri je tudi nekaj zelo znanih imen, poleg veliko drugih, ki po vsej verjetnosti nimajo za izvolitev najmanjše možnosti. Po zgodnjih napovedih naj bi sedež v Evropskem parlamentu v Strasbourgu dobili: Jelko Kacin, Mojca Drčar Murko in Roman Jakič iz LDS, Miha Brejc in Matjaž Šinkovec iz SDS, Borus Pahor iz ZLSD, Franc But ali Janez Podobnik iz SLS in Alojz Peterle (NSi) ali Alenka Pavlin (SMS). Politični komentatorji menijo, da bodo izidi teh junijskih volitev dali vpogled na prihajajoče splošne parlamentarne volitve, ki bodo po vsej verjetnosti novembra. Jeseni po novem stopnišču na Blejski otok Po načrtih restavratorjev naj bi bila obnova južnega stopnišča na Blejskem i otoku (zgrajeno leta 1655, najstarejše v Sloveniji, 98 stopnic, širina 6 metrov) končana do 18. junija (ta čas bo dostop po severni strani). Projekt ($320.000us bid'' ‘ministrstva za kulturo) nadzoruje mešana strokovna komisija. Za prevoz materiala skrbi vojska s posebno pontonsko ploščadjo (trije čolni 7x5 metrov). 1 ■ ' Več tuiiH turistov v prvem četrtletju (T;i ‘ ' i -:t 'v* ■ • ‘ ' ' 'II V letošnjih: prvih treh mesecih je v Sloveniji letovalo 179.338 domačih in 203.733 tujih turistov. Gostov iz tujine je bilo za pet odstotkov več, število domačih je ostalo nespremenjeno v primerjavi z lanskim prvim četrtletjem. Turističnih prenočitev je 1,33 milijona (+1 odstotek). Še zmeraj je največ turistov iz Italije, Avstrije in Nemčije, povečuje se obisk Japoncev, Izraelcev in Kanadčanov. ^DŠKOF FRANC RODETOVA ZADNJA SV. MAŠA PRED ODHODOM V VATIKAN -Jubljanska stolnica je bila polno zasedena za slovesno sv. mašo, ki jo je daroval sedaj bivši ljubljanski nadškof in slovenski metropolit Franc Rode. Fotografija je iz Družine aprila) in kaže nadškofa pri oltarju, v ozadju so zbrani številni somašniki, spredaj 118 duhovniki iz Slovenec ter tudi častni gostje, ki so predstavljali druge veroizpovedi. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Pevski zbor Korotan— Pevski zbor Korotan vabi na svoj koncert, ki bo v soboto, 22. maja, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Koncert se bo pričel ob 7h zvečer, po koncertu bo ples, za kate-rege bo igral orkester Veseli godci. Za rezervacijo mize, pokličite Cvetko Rihtar na 440-286-5421, na str. 14 pa najdete dopis izpod peresa izkušnejega F. K.-ja. Žalostno sporočilo— Kristin Zupančič in Frank Ferkulj sta dobila žalostno sporočilo, da jima je umrla 3. maja ob 9. uri zjutraj v Ljubljani sestra Marija Vidmar. Naj počiva v miru. Prodaja krofov— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima to soboto dopoldne v društveni sobi prodajo krofov in rezancev. Oltarno društvo fare sv. Marije Vnebovzete prav tako ima to soboto prodajo krofov in drugega peciva, v šolski dvorani in tudi dopoldne. Članice obeh ustanov vas lepo vabijo, da pridete in pokupite, kajti gre dobitek v obeh primerih k podpiranju omenjenih fara. Novi grobovi Josephine Ambrosic Dne 2. maja je na svojem domu v Euclidu umrla 93 let stara Josephine Ambrosic, rojena Oražem 8. julija 1910 v Clevelandu, vdova po Josephu, mati Josepha in že pok. Jphna, 1-krat stara mati, sestra Marie Orazem ter že pok. Frances Novak, Ann Zak in Josepha, zaposlena kot šivilja pri Richman Bros. 20 let ter tudi delala v družinski slaščičarni na St. Clair Ave., članica društva sv. Ane št. 4 AMLA in je bila društvena blagajničarka 50 let, več let članica glavnega odbora AMLA, omejena ustanova vsako leto podeli šolninsko štipendijo, ki nosi pokojničino ime, bila je kar nekaj desetletij vodilna prodajalka zavarovalnin AMLA, članica KS-KJ št. 162, SŽZ št. 25, Oltarnega društva fare sv. Vida ter nekaj let služila tako v finančnem odboru pri Sv. Vidu kot v njenem Endowment Trustu, članica Materinskega kluba pri Sv. Vidu in American Slovene Club. Pogreb bo jutri, 7. (dalje na str. 20) Materinski dan— Ta bo letos to nedeljo. Ob tej priložnosti čestitamo vsem materam in se spominjajmo vseh, ki niso več med nami. Konec dolgega poslanstva— S svojim koncertom to soboto zvečer v SDD na Waterloo Rd. bo pevski zbor Jadran zaključil svoje skoro 83-letno kulturno poslanstvo v naši skupnosti. Če se zanimate za vstopnico, pokličite Betty Rotar na 440-946-6437. Dom za ostarele— Letna seja Slovenskega doma za ostarele bo v nedeljo, 16. maja, pop. ob 2.30, v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Javnost vabljena. Graduirali bodo— Letošnji absolventi Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu so Andrej Coffelt, David Cup, Janez Jakomin, Aleč McKinley, Janezek Sršen in Janko Žakelj. Uspešno so končali tečaj slovenskega jezika. Svoje diplome bodo prejeli 16. maja po polenaj-sti maši. Vsem prisrčne čestitke! Takoj po maši se jim pridružite za prigrizek, ki bo v dvorani pod cerkvijo. Kanarčki naprodaj— Če se zanimate, lahko pokličete na 440-944-0020 za informacije. KOLEDAR MAJ 30. - Društvo SRB sponzorira spominsko sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. opoldne, popoldne ob 3.30h bodo molitve na Vernih duš pokopališču. 31. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima Spominski dan prireditev na Triglavskem parku. JUNIJ 12. - Folklorna skupina Kres ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 19., 20. - Tabor DSPB priredi spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi za padle domobrance. Dne 19. junija molitve na SP, v nedeljo, 20. jun., sv. maša ob 12. uri opoldne pri Spominski kapelici. 27. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima prvi piknik na svojem parku. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Pevski zbor Korotan se pripravlja ... V vrtincu pevskih not EUCLID, O. - V svoji kameni dobi je bil Korotan skupina fantov, ki so peli sebi v zabavo. Potem se je zgodilo, kot že enkrat prej v raju in danes so ženski glasovi v premoči. V drugih slovenskih zborih s spoštovano zgodovino, danes alti ali soprani upravljajo z zapuščino. Vsak zbor je živ organizem, podvržen istim naravnim zakonom kot vsak posameznik. Če se v njegovih vrstah opazijo novi mladi obrazi, se pomnoži energija skupine. Ne gre brez vaj in vrtinec zmed se pojavi vsako pomlad pred koncertom. Kaj bo v pesmih, ki so letos izbrane za oder? V Borih je spomladno prebujanje teh kraških grč iz zimske stiske. Krmežljavo se jim sonce smeje. Greje jih, ko jim skozi veje divja burja veje. Nenavadna je Klanči-čeva uglasitev za čustveni izraz, ki ga je omislil pesnik Murn. Aleksandrov je bil njegov psevdonim. Julij Savelli je pel v Maroltovem zboru na univerzi. V Serviglianu je prevzel od Pogačarja be-. gunski zbor in z njim odšel v Argentino. Tam je umrl pred leti. Skladbo Lastovka je po spominu sestavil v taborišču. Tomaž Habe je postavil steklenico mašnega vina na klavir in ga med komponiranjem večkrat ponovno zalil, da je nastala res dobra skladba s podobno vsebino kot je Hubadova o veselih bratcih. Ponovili bomo pesem, ki smo jo prvič zapeli pred leti na istem odru v počastitev spominu Karla Mauserja. Pesnik Jakopič in Korotanov dirigent sta se lepo ujela v ganljivem koroškem motivu. Tudi priredbi Švi-karšičevih koroških stezic in o jezeru bliz’ Triglava, ter še par drugih so delo Frančka. Nekaj teh pesmi je na traku, ki ga je za razdelitev omogočila hčerka Metka. Dve narodno zavedni duši, Gregorčič in Vodopivec, sta nam zapustila zvočno zgodbo o izgubljenem cvetu. Kritika nekaterih takratnih duhovnih posod jima je očitala socializem. Belokranjice sem prvič srečal na jutranjem vlaku v Kranj. Iz Semiča in iz okolice Metlike so prinesle v jerbasih slive za kranjso tržnico. Belokranjice imajo vodilno vlogo v skladbi "Igraj kolce”. V tej inačici za mešani zbor jo je objavil Jakob Jež pred četrt stoletja. Upam, da boste vrtenje, ki ga ponazarja skladba, začutili tudi v dvorani. Ta priredba bo izvajana prvič med nami, mogoče bo vzbudila nekaj prijetnega presenečenja. Posvetil sem v del koncertne vsebine. Pomagajte si tudi sami s svojimi sodbami in ocenami. Vrata v dvorano bodo odprta vsem. Ta čas note še vedno prihajajo, novi napevi tako pozno, vzbujajo občutek neorganiziranosti. Zaupam v dirigentovo srečno roko. V tej deželi so slovenski ljudje reševali dnevne zadeve in društvene potrebe najprej v nemščini, nato v slovenščini, in danes njihovi potomci večinoma v angleščini. Prvina, ki jo uporablja in goji naš zbor, je slovenska pesem. Preko nje imamo stik s slovenskim knjižnim jezikom in s kulturo naroda v domovini. Veliko lepega o tem jeziku smo brali zadnja leta. Spada v indoevropsko skupino. V njej je čez 80 jezikov nastalih iz govorice v Anatoliji pred 9. tisočleUj. V Evropo so se širili z ralom in z izrazi za obedalvo zemlje. To potrjuje računalniška primerjava korenov izrazov za obdelavo zemlje. Dve dodatni lastnosti sem zaznal ob branju slovenskih klasičnih del, ki jih je lani objavilo glasilo Slovene Studies. Tam je vsaka slovenska stran za več vrstic krajša od angleškega prevoda. Strani je 334. Ista stvar se torej v slovenščini pove s krajšimi izrazi in z manj besedami. Naš jezik je bolj zgoščen in klen, in ohranil je dvojino. Potrebne bodo mogoče dodatne raziskave, ker vsi slovenski avtorji v omenjeni knjigi so moški. Praktični Tjaž pa je še prosil strica za očala, da bi lažje pravilno bral napise po Ljubljani, pa videl tudi vse tiste dvoje- zične okrog svojega doma. F.K. Izpod zvona sv. Marije Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. — Sestanek Zveze oltarnih društev je za nami. Kar lepa je bila udeležba naših članic in od fare sv. Vida. Škoda, da ni bilo nič odziva od sv. Kristine in ne sv. Lovrenca. Poslušale smo poročili od obeh prisotnih župnij in tudi pismo otrok pokojne Mary Marinko, o zavzetosti za delo pri oltarnem društvu. Bila je zares enkratna, navdušena delavka v svoji okolici. Pogovarjale smo se tudi o romanju v Lemont. Kristi Nemec je dve leti skrbela za to romanje in prosila, naj jo odvežemo od tega dela, kar je sprejela za to leto Ivanka Matič in že nas obvestila, da je naročila avtobus. Zdaj je na nas, kako se bomo odzvale in se priglasile za romanje. Čim prej se odločimo in pokličemo ali go. Matič ali Ani Nemec. Tudi če niste članica oltarnega društva in želiš se srečati z Marijo Pomagaj v Lemontu, lahko se priglasite in greste z nami nd pot, saj Marija čaka vsakega posebej, da se odzove in pride na obisk v hvaležnosti za vse milosti, katere prejemamo vsak dan po njeni priprošnji. To soboto bodo zopet naše članice delale krofe, da jih boste lahko dopoldne kupili v šolski dvorani. V nedeljo, 16. maja, bosta v naši cerkvi le dve sv. maši in sicer ob osmi uri kot običajno in ob enajsti uri srebrna sv. maša našega g. župnika Janeza Kumšeta. Udeležimo se te sv. maše in se zahvalimo Nebeškemu Očetu za vse milosti in blagoslove, kar smo prejeli po župnikovih rokah. Iskreno tudi prosimo, naj po priprošnji škofa Barage in škofa Vovka ljubi Bog vrne g. župniku glas, da bo zopet lahko z nami pel naše lepe pesmi in nas v pridigah navduševal za življenje po evangeliju. Bog nas usliši, je naša iskrena prošnja! Lavriševa PAVLE BORŠTNIK Komentar FORUM 21 PERRY, O. - Takoj po predsedniških volitvah pred dvema letoma, se je v Sloveniji pojavilo vprašanje: le kaj bo zdaj počel Milan Kučan. Mož je bil vsekakor še pri krepkih močeh, ko je oddal državne vajeti Janezu Drnovšku, iz nekaterih njegovih izjav pa se je dalo sklepati, da nima nobenega namena “izginiti” v zgodovino in se zadovoljiti z upokojensko eksistenco. Navsezadnje, parlament mu je zagotovil ne le dostojno pokojnino, temveč tudi (vsaj začasno) primerne pisarniške prostore, brezplačno vožnjo s službenim avtomobilom, pa varnostnika in še kaj. Zato ni prav nič presenetila govorica, da bo bivši predsednik najbrž ustanovil novo politično stranko. Ker so se nekako v istem času pričeli kazati prvi znaki osipa-nja politične levice (prišlo je tudi do slabo prikritih prepirčkov med posameznimi tribuni), so te govorice zadobile na moči, dokler ni postalo jasno, da je samo vprašanje časa, kdaj in kako se bo Kučan vrnil v politiko. Lansko jesen se je tisto osipanje pričelo izkazovati tudi v anketah javnega mnenja. Ljudje so slednjič uvideli, da imajo nekateri politiki predvsem eno samo in isto ambicijo: osebno obogatitev, istočasno pa, da zanemarjajo državne interese, kar je pripeljalo do rekordnega dolga - 15 milijard ameriških dolarjev. Kučan se je zavedel resnosti trenutka: levica je bila ogrožena tudi s samim dejstvom, da je bila Slovenija sprejeta tako v Evropsko unijo kot v NATO, torej v dve zahodni, neoporečno demokratični ustanovi, kjer se slovenska komunistična kontinuiteta gotovo ne bo počutila kot doma. Toliko manj, ker je EU ne- davno objavila, naj se funkcionarji nekdanjih komunističnih režimov v državah vzhodne Evrope, ki zdaj vstopajo v EU, ne potegujejo za uradne položaje Sr EU. Kučanova iniciativa je potekala vzporedno z levičarsko ofenzivo proti vse bolj popularni opoziciji (Janez Janša je celo že sestavil “vlado v senci” v pričakovanju zmage na letošnjih volitvah, pripisujejo pa mu tudi namen obnoviti nekdanji Demos) in znanemu poslancu Jelku Kacinu Je menda ušlo, da je kontinuiteta za ohranitev svoje premoči pripravljena uporabiti tudi silo. To kljub temu, da je ob vseh spremembah, ki jih je bilo začutiti preteklo jesen in so dosegle jasnejše obrise letošnjo pomlad, še vedno dejstvo, da ima levica v parlamentu zagotovljeno večino - do jesenskih volitev seveda. Kučan sam je potem vsa ugibanja končal z objavo, da bo formiral društvo z imenom “Forum 21”, sestavljeno iz ljudi, ki jih “skrbi podoba Slovenije v prihodnosti, pa tudi kdo jo bo oblikoval”. Izkazalo se je> da je imel med temi 1JU' dmi v mislih predvsem svoje poslovne prijatelje* to pa so ljudje, ki so že v socialistični Sloveniji zavzemali vodilna direktorska mesta, po osamosvojitvi Slovenije pa s0 nenadoma, nepričakovano, nekateri najbrž tudi nelegalno, neizmerno obogateli in zato danes predstavljajo vrhunski kapita' listični sloj slovenske postsocialistične družbe-Paradoks bi bil v resnici smešen, če ne bi ^ tako tragično resničen. Toliko bolj, če naj verjamemo navedbi Marjah3 Cerarja v MAG-u (Krasni novi Kučanov svet, MAU* (dalje na str. 16) tgtji Pesmi ... >n Melodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družina Cleveland HD MEIAC Vodja Radijske Družine WCSB 89.3 VM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44014 440-953-1709 m/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Pisatelj Drago Jančar o Sloveniji in narodu po vstopu v EU ... Prišel je čas ^ ir Prišel je trenutek, ki se ga je zgodovinar Bogo Grafenauer bal. V času vročih debat ob osamosvajanju Slovenije, pravzaprav nekakšnih pogovorov o prihodnosti, je pogosto poskušal prizemljiti naše visoko lebdeče slovenske vizijo in ohladiti naše razgrete evropske projekcijo. Bil je prepričan, da bomo ob trenutku, ko bodo padle meje, in ko bomo hkrati ostali brez organske povezave z južnoslovanskim zaledjem, izpostavljeni novim asimilacijskim tokovom. V njegovih najbolj črnih podobah se Jo prikazovala razprodana, podrejena, ponemčena, poitalijančena, pa tudi amerikanizirana Slovenija, iz katere v kratkih desetletjih naglo izginjata kulturno izročilo in slovenski jezik. O o V času Miloševlčevega Vzpona in vse večjega gospodarskega in politične-8a kaosa v nekdanji dr-^avi je sicer ugotovil, da kkšna Jugoslavija, nam-reč vse bolj Milošičeviče-Va- ni več garant za slovenski nacionalni obstoj, nJegovi strahovi, povezani z brezmejno Evropo, pa 2at° niso bili nič manjši. ®°go Grafenauer je bil zg°dovinar in skliceval Se Je na našo zgodovin-sk° izkušnjo na tem oze-^jO- Bil pa je tudi Ko-r°šec in dejstvo, da je °b več kot devetdesetod-st°tne slovenske večine na Južnem Koroškem o-stalo tam le nekaj odsto-* ^0v prebivalstva, ki je Opravljeno navesti slo-Venščino kot svoj obče-Valni jezik, je bilo zanj s^°rajda osebna bolečina, a bkrati tudi hladna kon-statacija 0 tem, kakšna e lahko usoda manjšine v Vropi, kaj pomeni biti Opadnik manjšine. Slovenci bomo s JJbn jezikom v Evrop- dg1 Uni^i rnanj^ina- V mo-^ Evropi seveda ne Prostora za provincial-nacionalizme, ki iz s^StraciJe. ki se Ji na av-^ Jskem Koroškem reče se pravi pra-^ ^ pred srbskimi ko-in partizansko ^ e^° zvezdo malal na (e^I1SParente gesla: Karn-ks Sprict‘ Deutsch ali kein Slowenisch I'd Se Pa ne pomeni, da ZikaProblem majhnega je-ne , ln nJegovega obstoja n0 ° P°stavil z drugač-°strino: kakšna Vrednota pa pravza- prav je jezik, da bi se ga bilo treba tako krčevito oklepati? Kot je skoraj izginil iz modernega obzorja “rod” iz devetnajstega stoletja, ki danes ni videti več samo anahronističen, pač pa tudi kot pojem, ki je v nasprotju s temeljnim pojmovanjem človekovih pravic - “rod” namreč izključuje drugega, ki ni narojen po svojem narodu - tako tudi jezik izginja iz območja nedotakljive svetosti. In morda se bo kmalu postavila tudi smiselnost uporabe majhnih jezikov. Za marsikoga je že zdaj slovenščina jezik literature in sporazumevanja v slovenski državi, angleščina pa naj bo evropska -kot zahteva Larry Seiden-top v knjigi Demokracija v Evropi - in svetovna lingua franca. Za slovenščino tako s stališča funkcionalnosti kakor z vidika svetosti ne bo prav lahko, če pomislim, da nas je dva milijona in da pri tem niti kakšno izvoljeno ljudstvo nismo. In ker bo slovenščina v Evropski uniji izrazito manjšinski jezik, se seveda zastavlja vprašanje, ali bomo v kratkem vsi skupaj živeli kot manjšin-ci s svojo obsedenostjo za ohranitev jezika, s svojimi odpadništvi in preštevanji, z miselnostjo in mentaliteto, ki široki spekter človekovih interesov zožuje na vprašanje, v katerem jeziku naj javno in zasebno govori? Človek ne živi samo po jeziku, njegov eksistencialni položaj je veliko tek * ^meriško Domovino ste vedno na ^e,Tl z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu globlji, njegovi horizonti so širši, zakaj bi naj torej bil, razen za pisatelje, jezik tista visoka vrednota, za katero bi bilo sploh treba izgubljati toliko časa in življenjskih energij? Zakaj naj bi se sredi sveta mnogoterih možnosti človek oklepal svojega malega jezika, kam človek sploh pride s slovenščino? V sedemdesetih letih je Marjan Kramberger napisal zelo odmeven esej z naslovom Slovenofilija slovenskih književnikov in postavil tezo, ki jo tukaj poenostavljam, da smo z jezikom in preko jezika s slovenstvom obsedeni samo pisatelji, za njegovega prijatelja zobozdravnika, ki se je preselil v Nemčijo, je ta obsedenost nesmiselna, on je prevzel nemščino in z njo dobro in smiselno živi naprej. Dokler ne bo prevzel, bi jaz danes dodal, on sam ali pa njegovi vnuki, kakšnega drugega jezika. Nobenega zagotovila namreč nima, da se po prav nemščina v času globalizacije obdržala v javni rabi s takšno samoumevnostjo, kot meni Krambergerjev prijatelj zobozdravnik. Neki ekspert za proučevanje jezikov je koroškemu Slovencu Majranu Sturmu ob robu zasedanja organizacije za zaščito manjšin rekel, da ima zanj slabo novico. V prihodnjih sto letih, je rekel, bodo izginili mnogi jeziki, med njimi bo slovenski. Imam pa za vas tudi dobro novico, je dodal. Med jeziki, ki bodo izginili, bo tudi nemški. Res je, da biti pripadnik manjšine ali majhne- tU icSfT * Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WORN Cleveland Public R^dio BSSSIffi! Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Slovenska Pristava PRIREDITVE ZA LETO 2004 6. junij (ned.) ...... Otvoritev Slovenske pristave (Igrajo Veseli godci) 12. junij (sob.) Folklorna skupina Kres, veselica (Igra Planinski kvintet) 13. junij (ned ) ... Veselice Slov. šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti (Igrajo Veseli godci) 19. junij (sob.) ........................ SPD Tabor 20. junij (ned.) ......................... SPD Tabor 27. junij (ned.) . Piknik Ohijske federacije KSKJ 3. julij (sob.) ....... Veselica Slovenske pristave (Dobiček gre za novo dvorano) (Igrajo Stari prijatelji) 11. julij (ned.) . Piknik Misijonske Znam. Akcije 16. julij (pet.) ...... Veselica Slovenske pristave (gostuje Alfi Nipič iz Slovenije) 18. julij (ned.) ........ Veselica župnije sv. Vida 25. "julij (ned.) .. Veselica Slov. šole pri sv. Vidu 1. avgust (ned.) .... Piknik Kluba upokojencev SP 8. avgust (ned.) ...... Veselica Primorskega kluba 15. avgust (ned.) Veselica župnije M. Vnebovzete 28. avgust (sob) .... Veselica Štajerskega/Prekmur- skega kluba (Igra Planinski kvintet) 4. sept. (sob.) ................ Pristavska veselica 19. sept. (ned.) ...... Vinska trgatev (Igra Grand Avenue Band) 10. oktober (ned.) Koline (Klub upokojencev SP ga naroda ni sama po sebi kakšna posebna odlika. Poleg tega živeti v nenehno ogroženem položaju, v skrbi za preživetje svojega jezika, svoje identitete in zato tudi človeške integritete, ni položaj, ki bi se ga moral človek posebej veseliti. Še najslabše bi bilo, ko bi se na evropskih nacionalnih in jezikovnih stičiščih spet razvnel nesrečni kulturni boj, boj za jezik, za kulturo, za pravico do upravljanja samega sebe. Toda vedeti, da takšna pripadnost ni ovira za razmah ustvarjalnosti in vseh pragmatičnih življenjskih oblik, da človek v svojem jeziku, v katerega so naloženi bogati sloji kulturne izkušnje, živi polneje in globlje, kakor mu to lahko omogoči neka lingua franca, to pa je v današnjih razmerah že odlika. In to dosegljiva sleherniku, ne samo besednim umetnikom. Angleščina, ki jo v glavnem govorimo po vsem svetu, namreč ni angleščina Shakespeara ali T. S. Eliota, to je angleščina, če prevzamemo analogije iz biologije, niž- je razvitih organizmov. Pa čeprav se v njej pogovarjamo o tako - če uporabim uveljavljeni anglici-zem - sofisticiranih sistemih, kot so kompjuterji s svojimi silicijevimi kristali. Se pravi, da pri prehodu iz svojega polnega jezika, jezika globokih pomenov in asociacij, pre-hajauno v globalni jezik površnega komuniciranja. Komuniciranja, ne pa govorjenja. Pred kratkim je na Irskem izšla knjiga mojih novel v irščini, se pravi v starem keltskem jeziku, ki je preživel najprej precej nasilno, potem pa seveda neskončno privlačno skušnjavo z angleščino, danes svetovnim jezikom. Med predstavljanjem te knjige v Dublinu sem doživljal odzive, ki jih ni mogoče primerjati z nobenim mojim drugim prevodom v velike in male jezike. Tu ni šlo samo za literaturo, šlo je za stvar srca, neke globlje identifikacije, ki je niti sam - pisatelj, ki piše v jeziku malega naroda -nisem mogel do kraja doumeti. (dalje na str. 16) - FORUM 21 - (nadaljevanje s str. 14) 12/2004, str. 54), da bo Forumu na voljo tudi partijska blaginja, ki naj bi “po nekaterih italijanskih ocenah po vsem svetu skrivala nekaj nad milijardo evrov” (tj. okrog $1 bilijon US). Po svoje zanimivo je tudi dejstvo, da se je v Sloveniji našla skupina gospodarstvenikov, ki jih skrbi, kakšna bo prihodnja podoba države. V normalnih demokratičnih državah se gospodarstveniki zanimajo za zdravo narodno gospodarstvo, ker je v tem vendar bistveni pogoj, da nekdo sploh lahko skrbi za podobo države. Predstavljajmo si reakcijo ameriške publike, če bi bil nenadoma sklican vrhunski sestanek ameriških kapitalistov, ki bi jih skrbela prihodnja podoba Združenih držav! Intelektualcev Kučan skoraj ni pritegnil (odsotni so bili tudi resnični predstavniki delavskega razreda. Značilen je primer Aleša Debeljaka, v ZDA izšolanega kulturni-Ka, Ki naj Ul sodeloval pri začetnih pogovorih o ustanovitvi Foruma, za katerega se mu je zdelo, da je potreben že zato. ker ga “imajo tudi vsi drugi svetovni bivši predsedniki”. Kasneje, se pravi tik pred dejansko ustanovitvijo Foruma, pa si je Debeljak premislil in ga na ustanovnem sestanku ni bilo. Po nekaterih ugibanjih naj bi si premislil, ker se je razširila neuradna razlaga, da naj bi bil Forum 21 nekakšen protiutež Novi reviji, ki se brez dvoma razvija iz nekdanjega disidentskega krožka v intelektualni forum, če uporabimo ta izraz, iz katerega bo po vsej verjetnosti izšla naslednja generacija slovne-skega kulturnega in političnega vodstva. Med ustanovniki tudi ni bilo Tineta Hribarja, ki je prav v času tega dogajanja pisal proti odločitvi parlamenta v vprašanju zamolčanih grobišč. Zdi se, da se je umaknilo tudi nekaj drugih intelektualcev, predvsem še potem, ko se je razvedelo, da je Kučan s svojo intervencijo dosegel, da je bila hrvaškemu po-UUKu siavenu betici izplačana hranilna vloga, ki jo je imel pri nekdanji Ljubljanski banki. Vest je vzbudila silno ogorčenje v Ljubljani ne le zaradi očitne protekci-je. temveč tudi, ker je z izplačilom Ljubljanska banka de facto potrdila upravičenost hrvaških zahtev za izplačilo hranilnih vlog, čemur se Slovenija upira in zahteva poravnavo v okviru vprašanja o dediščini nekdanje Jugoslavije. (Vse to za vsoto “ušivih” $3.000 US, kot je zapisal MAG.) Kučan je tudi brez ozira na evropske pomisleke o beloruskem predsedniku Lukašenku le-tega osebno sprejel, ko je prišel na oddih v Slovenijo, in celo objavil, da sta govorila o možnosti širših gospodarskih stikov med državama; to pa je predstavljajo vmešavanje nekega zasebnika v državne gospodarske posle. Vse to je Kučana prisililo, da je razgovore o ustanovitvi Foruma vodil v največji tajnosti. Nobena tajna pa seveda ni tako tajna, da ne bi slej ko prej prišla na dan in tako je prišlo na dan tudi nadvse značilno dejstvo, da sta se ustanovnega sestanka v Cankarjevem domu udeležila tudi - ministrski predsednik Tone Rop in predsednik parlamenta Borut Pahor. (Pokorščina nad vse!) Njima torej je bilo sporočeno, kakšna naj bo prihodnja podoba Slovenije in kdo naj skrbi zanjo. Vse skupaj pa je zadobilo značaj sestanka nekakšne mračne frama-zonske lože. Manjkajo samo govorice o raznih skrivnostnih ritualih, kakršne naj bi nekdanji framazoni opravljali v svojih temačnih templjih. Jasno pa je, da predstavlja ta koncentracija slovenskega kapitala resnično, čeprav še ne do kraja definirano nevarnost za nadaljno demokratično rast in gospodarski razvoj Slovenije. Tudi osnovni namen tega združenja je prozoren: zagotoviti zmago levice na jesenskih volitvah. Posebno luč na vsa ta dogajanja meče tudi nenavadna, a pogosto omenjena možnost, da je celo vse tisto govorjenje o upadanju vpliva levice v resnici konstrukt Zavoda za javno mnenje, ki ga vodi dr. Niko Toš, menda Kučanov prijatelj. Namen tega potvarjanja pa naj bi bil ustvariti ideološki pogoj za ustanovitev Kučanovega foruma pe- tem, ko je iz enega ali drugega razloga opustil misel na lastno politično stranko. Drug, prav tako zanimiv moment je v govorici, da naj bi odhod nadškofa Rodeta iz Ljubljane predstavljal politično katastrofo za levico, ker je s tem oropana najbolj primerne tarče za svoje izpade, torej za publiciteto take ali drugačne vrste. In ne nazadnje: na dnu vsega tega prerivanja naj bi bila Kučanova ambicija, da ponovno kandidira za predsednika države. . V samostojni Sloveniji po Demosu je bilo ves čas čutiti, da za dejansko vlado obstaja tudi nekakšna partijska vlada v senci. To so bili ljudje, ki so se enostavno morali umakniti iz javnega življenja, ker so imeli le preveč masla na glavi. Toda v senci so ti gospodje lahko vse nastale probleme predebatirali brez nadlegovanja medijev, napravili potrebne odločitve in jih sporočili aparatčikom v politični areni. Tej vladi v senci je vsekakor treba pripisati relativne uspehe levice po padcu Peterletove vlade. Vprašanje je, kaj se je zgodilo s to vlado v senci, da se je Kučanu porodila misel o nekem forumu, ki naj bi jo nadomestil. Se je odločil, da tajnost takega partijskega delovanja ni več potrebna? Se mu je zazdela nevarnost borbene desnice prevelika, da bi jo mogel zaupati dnevni politiki in njenim nosilcem? (Poslanec Tone Anderlič naj bi nedavno javno nadrl Boruta Pahorja, predsednika Združene liste fer mu očital zgrešeno politiko.) Je napredek desnice res zmernejši, kot se zdi in samo izgovor za zate-gnitev partijske discipline spričo nevarnosti, ki jo predstavlja članstvo v EU in NATU? Odgovorov na ta vprašanja še ni, jasno pa je, da se je z ustanovitvijo Foruma 21 v Sloveniji že pričela volilna kampanja. Drago Jančar (nadaljevanje s str. 15) . ' i- " Navsezadnje nam izkušnja s še eno nesmiselno komunistično utopijo, ki je želela ustvariti sovjetski, v naših razmerah pa tudi jugoslovanski narod, dokazuje, da različnost zmaguje. Zato ne popolna kulturna globalizacija kakor tudi ne evropska unifikacija ne more uspeti. Med enim od tistih pogovorov z Bogom Grafenauerjem, je bilo prijatelju, klasičnemu filologu, ki tudi nekaj ve o zgodovini in izginevanju kultur in jezikov, Primožu Simonitiju, vsega zadosti in je s precejšnjo ostrino izrekel stavek, ki sem ga v zadnjem desetletju doma in na tujem ob večno ponvljajočem se vprašanju, kaj bo s slovensko kulturo v novih razmerah, večkrat čiri tal in ga želim ponoviti tudi tukaj: Če slovenska kultura in slovenski jezik v združeni Evropi nista sposobna preživeti, potem tega tudi vredna nista. Stavek je neusmiljen, skoraj krut. Implicira misel, da naj živi samo tisto, kar je sposobno preživeti. Vendar je tudi stavek trdega realizma, v njem ni prostora za moraliziranje in deklaracije o pravicah malih narodov in manjšin. Takšnih deklaracij z dobrimi nameni v Evropi tako ali tako ne manjka, od nekdaj pa vemo, da med deklaracijami in realnostjo zeva brezno. Pot v pekel je, kot tudi vemo, tlakovana z deklaracijami. Živ jezik in živa kultura pa imata na srečo z deklaracijami tako malo skupnega kakor življenje samo. Rubriki “Gostujoče pero’ DELO. 29. aprila 2004 V ljubeč in blag spomin pokojnih Maroltovih 15. obletnice ata ŠTEFANA 1. obletnice mame MARIJE ki je v Gospodu zaspal 11. novembra 1989 ki je v Gospodu zaspala 14. m^ja 2003 20. obletnice brata ANDREJA 18. obletnice svakinje OLGE ki je v Gospodu zaspal 16. oktobra 1984 ki je v Gospodu zaspala 19. junija 1986 Gospod, daruj jim mir, naj večna Luč jim sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživajo naj raj sveti. Žalujoči: Hčerki in sestri - Marija Umek in Lojzka Sever Sinova in brata - Janez in Štefan ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji Cleveland, Ohio, 6. maja 2004. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio Razstava Rojstni Ust slovenske kulture v Nuku Slovenski rokopisni četverčki Prvič skupaj razstavljeni štirje najpomembnejši slovenski rokopisi Intervju z Lojzetom Peterletom (Naša luč, maj 2004) Začenja se nova doba Ljubljana - Rojstni Ust slovenske kulture so v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici pdpisali razstavo, ki jo bodo odprli 17. maja, najti pa jo je tudi na uradnem seznamu prireditev ob vstopu Slovenje v Evropsko unijo. Prvič po svojem nastanku se bodo na enem mestu in na slovenskem ozemlju (na skupnem ozemlju so nekoč že bili) znašli originali Brižinskih spomenikov, Celovškega oziro-ma Rateškega rokopisa ter Stiškega in Čedaške-§a oziroma Černjejskega rokopisa. Besede Če bi naš ded ne grešil, bi mu na veke bilo živeti iz pridige o grehu in pokori iz Brižin-skih spomenikov vsako-^nr, ki je posedal po diskih klopeh, še zveni-Jo v glavi. Najstarejši zahodnoslo-Vanski zapis sploh (nas-^ so med letoma 972 ln 1039 v bližini Vrbske-Jezera) je bilo doslej ^ngoče videti le v Bavarci državni knjižnici v ^Unchnu, kjer jih hranijo 0cl leta 1803, ko so jih Prenesli iz freisinškega polnega kapitlja) ali v izdajah, od rnaja do 20. Junija Pa bodo skrbno varovani na ogled v ta namen ob-P°vljeni razstavni dvorani ka. Doslej so menda 91110 enkrat odšli iz var-Aga varstva, in to v Va-Aan. štirih znameniti °venskih rokopisov, P v S° Pomembni le za sle Ao, marveč vso evre ,n 0 kulturno zgodovin dokaz njene pismene Je samo Stiški shrs lohu V Nuku’ zato Je š Urn ° dosežek tak kotVerZltetne knjižnic Žir V tem Primeru ange k^0811 zunanjega ii Ua UrneSa ministrstvE vid k° Vse štiri mogoč vLskupaJ- Ko razumevanja si dežT^1 tut^i v Korošken C £em muzeju v Cele r0it0 ^er hranijo Celovšh in cel° sami pol r°Va SPonzorja za zava lošknJe’ Pa tudi v Arhec Ju narodnem muze llJahskeCladU’ le da je ita Večja 9 birokracija š ska 8ton°ga kot sloven ' ”°Jazni, da bi kate Lojze Peterle se je rodil 5. julija 1948 v Čuž-nji vasi v občini Trebnje. Po gimnaziji v Novem mestu je diplomiral iz geografije in zgodovine na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, na Ekonomski fcikulteti pa je diplomiral iz ekonomije na prvi stopnji. Poleg svojega rednega dela je bil 15 let urednik Revije 2000 in vrsto let glavni urednik revije Tretji dan. o ♦ o ■1 tfdlii mite Brr fr u-nriurtrA poffwrfdinm i mint pmr jjntjt toanftu-ii muit itir wtiuf. tramknPgnrtiMiri) rna iitifmiirBnitki^Ž.-- ( f . - ivffhnmr iiir »iim rttmiitfs rtto oapj/ft umn Alg? Ihifo Brtlior irir oajjfrfTdnMio riiffm ikinrfcn« •k’ ’ mo mifs nc wiffcihir ivro/iiro I'fSuto irniifo uffr» f bofitgn-.niim-j s v | ' fr mlin« gnoft? pmimt goljioo ttiito • frCT/rtmi frattr fiitiimi’ m Cgn«« ’.f Crianw 1 • rdfflit Ufa iqls 3m(ti- ■L . A'' r »is eflfms audije ivfonogatfMjig/i in»r ... r; M'«« nefafo )‘tn) fcroUr- ivo ir« ihffKflii mftfiflk muufriiu foriiig« goljibfli Bvrrrjiiaftr ob flKftgrt mjffjrt rarm w ariwimf marrr murmui juo {isiuto fiilemmut lirikru uiHirwtr viio ivn StHbjioioft« am pif? StiiiiaKi« mittmnto gerr u-fert oa mrtinrfrfidoh-nffr wruWtf fn^r Rrfjrtff nutfrtr tnjti orfftt i\'fc«aijčrtHifijn oOwOrfirfj if/iut prt« feom finif rnomamre lift uenin iviifirttfflu 0iiriw>sii>f«©l ter obrtHinio ftt-mKo«’ ■ gtnfioir ^fmnrr nwm mofffu'cimr TfoctJ lit fry~ •;L . ■ • . -- List Celovškega oziroma Rateškega rokopisa je datiran z letnicama 1467 in 1471 ri od rokopisov manjkal, pa ni. Celotni projekt je ocenjen na okrog 40 milijonov tolarjev tj. kakih US $200.000). Zarado specifičnosti eksponatov, ki morajo biti tako transportirani kot razstavljeni v strokovno strogo določenih razmerEih (ustrezna temperatura, vlaga ...), so zelo visoke tudi zavarovalne premije. Brižinski spomeniki so npr. ocenjeni na šest milijonov evrov (tj. 4,8 milijona $US), zato znaša zavarovalnina premija 6200 evrov. Organizatorji (strokovni del vodi Mihael Glavan, “tehnični” pa Darko Balažič) so za polovico vsote zaprosili kot dodatna sredstva državo, drugo polovico bodo zbrali s pomočjo sponzorjev in donatorjev (prvi odzivi so menda že ugodni) ter z vstopnino (500 Sit /$2.50/ za skupine ali 1000 za posameznike). Prav zato, da bi zagotovili ustrezne pogoje, bo omejen obisk na okrog dvajset ljudi hkrati, tako da bi se jih lahko zvrstilo okrog petnajst tisoč, ker bo razstava odprta vse dni. Velik projekt je tudi priprava štirijezičnega kataloga (v slovenščini, italijanščini, nemščini in angleščini), ki bo sestavljen iz treh delov: študijskih besedil domačih in tujih strokovnjakov, ki so večinoma napisana na novo, objave vseh štirih rokopisov v slovenskem in treh drugih jezikih (tudi prevodi so novi ali sploh prvi), tretji del pa bo predstavljEila kompletna barvna reprodukcija vseh štirih rokopisov v naravni velikosti. Kmalu po slavnostnem odprtju razstave, kar bosta predvidoma storila slovenski in bavarski predsednik vlade, bo v Centru Evropa tudi enodnevni medneirodni znanstveni kolokvij. MilEin Vogel Delo, 21. aprila 2004 Ime _______________ Naslov ____________ Mesto, Država, Zip Skupaj s sodelavci je marca 1999 ustEinovil Slovensko krščansko socialno gibanje, ki se je istega leta preoblikovalo v stranko Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov. Na prvem kongresu stranke je bil izvoljen za predsednika. Na prvih demokratičnih volitvah spomladi leta 1990 je bil izvoljen v parlament, kmEilu za tem pa je postal predsednik prve demokratično izvoljene slovenske vlade. V času njegovega mandata (1990-1992) je Slovenija dosegla samostojnost in mednarodno priznanje. Demos je kot kosilici-ja na prvih volitvah nastopil z jasnim državotvornim programom: postavitev samostojne in demokratične države Slovenije. Kako danes gledate na tisti čas pred 14 leti? Z veseljem in ponosom, kajti naša generacija je razumela nasmeh zgodovine in je bila sposobna v spremenjenih političnih okoliščinah uresničiti sanje številnih slovenskih rodov ter izvesti projekt slovenske ossuno-svojitve. Takrat je bil resnični slovenski pomladni čas, čas odprtja in vesel sem, da nsim je to skupaj uspelo. Za skupni projekt so dobili tako široko podporo naših ljudi in nenazadnje tudi tako veliko podporo mednarodne skupnosti, ki nas je jsrnuarja 1992 tudi pri-znEila. So bile t* sanje Edi realistični načrt? Jugoslavija je bila pravzaprav mrtva že pred Titovo smrtjo, preprosto ni več delovala kot normalna država. V Demosu so se zbrale sile, ki so mislile zares, čeprav so takoimenovani “reEilisti” dejali, da je vse to nemogoče. Ne smemo pozabiti, da je JLA še vedno delovEda skupaj s tajno policijo in drugimi državnimi podsistemi. Kadar greste v velike projekte, nikoli ne morete z gotovostjo reči, vse je pripravljeno. Mi smo bili dobro pripravljeni, nekaj pa je bilo tudi tveganja in tistega notranjega “gremo”. Ta gremo pa se je zgodil na podlagi jasne politične volje, temeljitih priprav vlade ... Danes se veliko govori o nEirodni enotnosti v tistem času. Kako pa je bilo to čutiti v politiki? Je bil to res enoten nastop oziroma ksdto so to “enotnost” videli predstavniki prejšnje politične oblasti? Nsirodni enotnosti v tej zvezi dolgo ni bilo, ni je bilo celo po plebiscitu 23. decembra leta 1990, ko je 89% Slovencev podprlo koncept osamosvojitve. Na prve demokratične volitve je šel Demos na podlagi tkim. (DALJE na str. 18) Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš ‘ nov naslov 'kakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 centov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Star naslov Star naslov __________________ Mesto, država, zip _____________ Lojze Peterle: Začenja se nova doba ... (NADALJEVANJE s str. 17) Majniške deklaracije, ki je zahtevala samostojno in demokratično slovensko državo, politične sile na drugi strani so se navdihovale pri tkim. temeljni listini, ki je želela še naprej Jugoslavijo. To je bila bistvena razlika med nami. Po plebiscitu smo zaradi take ljudske podpore pričakovali, da bodo tudi stare sile podprle naš projekt. Vendar smo v državnem zboru, v katerem sedaj sediva, nekaj zakonov, ki so bili nujno potrebni za pravilen potek osamosvajanja po pravilih demokratične države, uspeli sprejeti z minimalno večino, z nekaj glasovi več. To je dokaz, kako močno so nekateri nasprotovali osamosvojitvi. Enotnost, o kateri radi govorimo, pa se je zgodila ob napadu na Slovenijo. Takrat smo zares vsi čutili tisto narodno enotnost, čeprav so še takrat nekateri razmišljali, da bi bilo potrebno z o-blasti vreči Demosovo vlado. Nekateri niti takrat niso mirovali. Osamosvojitve si brez pomoči “od zunaj” ne moremo zamisliti. Tukaj mislim predvsem na takrat vplivne politike po Evropi. Menda vam je v razgovoru na štiri oči nemški kancler Kohl rekel takole: ■ “Jaz natančno vem, kam spada Slovenija. Mi je ne štejemo na Balkan, vi ste kulturno civilizacijski del Zahodne Evrope. Če smo u-porabili načelo samoodločbe pri združitvi Nemčije, ne moremo tega odrekati Sloveniji.” To mi je 1. julija 1990 v Budimpešti pomenilo, da je bila takratna vodilna politična osebnost v Evropi odprta do našega projekta. On Je nedvomno močno zaslužen za naše mednarodno priznanje. Nemška politika se je kmalu zedinila v naklonjenem odnosu do našega projekta in to je imelo močan odmev po vsej Evropi. Leva, socialdemokratska evropska linija na začetku ni podpirala naše osamosvojitve in je zavzela drugačno stališče od krščanškodemokratske linije, ki jo je poosebljal kancler Kohl. Njegova li- nija je imela veliko večino v evropskem parlamentu, kar nam je bilo v veliko politično in moralno oporo. Kako ste doživljali “vpliv in pomoč” naših rojakov po svetu. Takrat Je oživela vsa Slovenija, vse slovenstvo. Dobivali smo poročila o veliki podpori naših rojakov po vsem svetu. Odvijale so se demonstracije, peticije, rojaki so odločno zastavili svoj glas v podporo osamosvojitvi in to nam je doma vlivalo dodatnega poguma. Včasih je marsikje odpiralo mnoga prej zaprta vrata. Xo je bil enkraten občutek. Prebujanje zunaj Slovenije, v zamejstvu, izseljenstvu in zdomstvu je imelo močan vpliv tudi pri političnih strukturah držav, v katerih so se rojaki organizirali. Slovenija danes - polnopravna članica EU in NATA? Kako sedaj? Nekateri pravijo, da velikih tem ni več, da se zgodovina zapira, jaz pa pravim, da se za nas začenja nova doba. Naredili smo pomembne izpite, v relativno zelo kratkem času smo uresničili oba želena cilja. Sedaj mora- V BLAG SPOMIN ob deseti obletnici, odkar nas je zapustil naš predragi mož, ata in stari ata ki ga je Gospod poklical 6. maja 1994. Deset let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš, srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost srca trga, solze rosijo nam oči; dom je prazen in otožen, od kar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: Rose - žena Sin - Lojze z družino Hčerke: Rosemary, Josephine in Jennie z družinami ter ostali sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji Cleveland, Ohio, 6. maja 2004. legmKmmmmMmmmmKmm mo začeti uresničevati naše narodno-politične cilje v novih okoliščinah. Spremeniti bomo morali mišljenje v naših glavah. Ni več meja, ni več mejaka, ampak imamo soseda, partnerja, s katerim moramo bolj sproščeno sodelovati. Prihajajo novi izzivi, odgovoriti bo treba na vprašanje mednarodnega terorizma, iskati nove možnosti povezovanja našega gospodarstva s svetovnim, doma imamo težave na demografskem področju, politični prostor doma je v krizi, nesorazmerno razdeljen ... Zamisliti si moramo, katere so naše prednosti in kaj bi lahko tej Evropi tudi ponudili, da jo sooblikujemo in ji damo nekaj našega duha. Zagotovo bomo priče mnogim spremembam, odprle so se meje, sosed naj bi postal “mejak” in ne več “vrag”. Smo sposobni teh sprememb v naših glavah? Tranzicija v glavi je zagotovo najtežja. Nas so desetletja učili, da so na drugi strani meje samo sovražniki. Tudi 1. 1991, ko nas je napadla JLA, so vojakom govorili, da je treba braniti Jugoslavijo, ker so jo napadli z zahoda in severa. Te meje se v glavah počasi umikajo novemu razumevanju. Sedaj pripadamo Evropi, s katero imamo iste vrednote, načela in tudi skupna pravila igre. Države v zvezi med seboj sodelujejo, se ne napadajo, iščejo skupne rešitve. Po dolgem času bomo Slovenci sedaj (razen rojakov na Hrvaškem) živeli v okviru iste skupnosti, v kateri bodo meje še ostale, ne bodo pa nas več delile. Če bomo hoteli, se bomo lahko najbolj približali konceptu Zedinjene Slovenije, ki je nastal leta 1848. Vse tri Slovenije bodo med seboj začele sodelovati bolj sproščeno, bolj umirjeno in s skupno vizijo. Kako naj Slovenija uveljavlja enakopravnost z drugimi, dosti večjimi in gospodarsko vplivnimi državami? Je to sploh mogoče? Je mogoče. To dokazujejo primeri manjših držav v Evropski zvezi. Njim nihče ne govori, da so majhni ali nesposobni. Ravno te države so dokazale, da je biti majhen lahko tudi velika;; pfe9- -* nost v Evropski zvezi. So v vrhu uspešnosti tudi v svetovnem merilu. Ne govori se več o velikih in majhnih, ampak o uspešnih in manj uspešnih državah. Torej ne odloča kvantiteta, ampak kvaliteta. In tu vidim priložnost, ki jo mora naša država izkoristiti sebi v prid. Jaz osebno tudi v evropskem parlamentu ali v evropski ljudski stranki, nimam nobenega manjvrednostnega kompleksa, ker prihajam iz po številu ljudi ali številu kvadratnih kilometrov majhne države. V to igro moramo iti s ponosom in samozavestno in zagotovo nas bodo opazili, nam prisluhnili in upoštevali naše mnenje. Pri nas je že stoletja prisoten strah majhnosti pred drugimi. Kako bo z ohranjanjem lastne, narodove identitete? Narodne zavesti ne bomo naročali v Bruslju, ampak doma v slovenskih družinah, slovenskih šolah, v slovenski Cerkvi. Nihče v Evropski zvezi ni izgubil svoje identitete, svojega jezika, kulture. Nasprotno, na podlagi večjega gospodarskega razvoja sta se narodna zavest in identiteta okrepili. Kar poglejmo si primere na Danskem, Irskem, Finskem. Vse te države potrjujejo moja stališča. Živeli bomo z načeli Evropske zveze, ki se glasi “Enotnost v različnosti”. Različnost se spoštuje. Kakšen naj bi bil po vašem mnenju slovenski evropski poslanec? Kaj so njegove prioritete, kako naj deluje? Slovenski evropski poslanec bo moral misliti evropsko s slovenskim srcem, če hoče uveljavljati tisto, kar bo pomagalo Sloveniji naprej. Bistveno je, da ne bomo mislili ozko nase. Iskati bomo morali rešitve, ki bodo zanimive tudi za druge. Samo tako bomo lahko dosegali cilje, ki bodo dobri tako za nas kot za druge. Kje in kako vidite sebe kot poslanca v evropskem parlamentu? Kje so vaše prednosti? (dalje na str. 19) It took John and Mary 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. How much time die! it take them to plan their estate? KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets * Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matte?. , Call a professional KSKJ representative today! KSKl^fe/ American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ 2439 Glenwood Avenue | Joliet, II 60435 Toll Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com Life insurance is not for those who die. It's for those who live. A Začenja se nova doba... (NADALJEVANJE s str. 18) Sam imam že dolgoletne mednarodne izkušnje. Imel sem že dve pomembni evropski funkciji, tam me politiki že dobro poznajo. Prejel sem tudi nekaj pomembnih evropskih nagrad, ki so vsekakor zasluga za ves moj dosedanji trud v evropskem parlamentu ip v evropski ljudski stranki, ki Je najmočnejša evropska stranka. S svojimi evropskimi zvezami lahko nedvomno veliko prispevam k promociji, razvoju in političnemu vplivu naše države v EZ. Mislim, da je bil moj glas v Evropskem Parlamentu že do sedaj jasen, prepoznaven in razumljiv. Zdi se, da ste zunaj dosti bolj priljubljeni in cenjeni kot doma. Kako si to razlagate? Zunaj nikoli nisem bnel težav s starimi poli-tičnhni silami, si so se Precej trudile s kampanjo Proti meni že v času, ko Sem bil predsednik vlade, ^unaj se mi ni treba u-^arjati z bivšimi komu-nisti in vsako jutro odstranjevati polen, ki se naberejo doma. Moram pa reči, da se Je tudi doma odnos spre-menil zlasti od takrat, sem zunaj dosegel različna priznanja za svo-■k delo. Tako se mi Je P° vseh meritvah priljubljenosti tudi doma dvi-Shlla priljubljenost in za- VBLAG SPOMIN 8. obletnici smrti Gregor vasle umrl 6. maj. Te ne bomo v Srr° konc° naših dm dok L borno Te nosili, r nam iivljenje tl FJrea80vi žalujoči: GregokrV0jena Svigel Milka ?V,asle ' sin Milena\e 0C!eC’ UoriCa ar,ein ’ hčerl vnuk V snaha Andre, nUkklnje in Pra' >n 0st .' °rat, v Slovei * *2!!^orodstvo sedam prvo mesto med pomladnimi politiki. Mislim, da je do nekega priznanja prišlo tudi doma. Dvanajst let vlade LDS. Kaj to pomeni za državo? Zdi se, da ni več prave vizije, vse se dogaja v nekih ograjenih vrtovih - fevdih, na obzorju ni več videti nekih novih projektov. Zgodba o uspehu se poslavlja, model vladanja se je izčrpal, koalicijska kultura je šibka. V politiki se zmeraj dogajajo vzponi in padci in mislim, da je politična opcija, ki nam vlada, že zdavnaj prešla svoj višek. Sedaj se na oblasti vzdržuje na način, ki državi ne koristi. Mislim, da je čas za spremembo. Pošteno rečem, da je tudi tej oblasti marsikaj uspelo in vesel sem, da smo skupaj uspeli pri glavnih zunanjepolitičnih ciljih - vstop v NATO in Evropsko zvezo. Ko bolj natančno analiziram zadeve, se mi vse bolj zdi, da se bližamo razmeram iz 1. 1990, ko je bivša o-blast natančno vedela, kaj je narobe in kaj bi morala storiti, pa ni več zmogla povleči pravih potez. Tudi ta vlada v zadnjem letu svojega mandata ne opravlja tistega, kar bi morala. Zato poskuša s popularnimi potezami pridobiti čimveč volivcev, vendar nas po jeseni čaka kar nekaj streznitev. Ne moremo nadaljevati poti naprej s takim zadolževanjem, s tako privatizirano državo v strankarskih interesih. Politiko je treba postaviti znova v vlogo služenja skupnim državnim interesom. In tu pričakujem velike spremembe. Velik del krivde k takemu stanju lahko pripišemo tudi neenotnosti samih strank iz pomladanskega bloka. Kako komentirate to neenotnost nekoč in danes? Vir te neenotnosti je v razpadu Demosa. Potem smo bili priče v različnih Drnovškovih vladah, da je ena ali sta dve stranki sodelovali v vladi, ostanek je bil v opoziciji. To je pri volivcih rojevalo vprašanja, apatijo, razočaranje in volilno abstinenco. Zgodile so se izdaje in politično neproduktivne zadeve, ki so nam samo škodile. Mislim, da temu nima smisla posvečati prevelike pozornosti. Delati je treba za to, da se tiste sile, ki so bistveno pripomogle k osamosvajanju, znova povežejo. Sedaj se po izključitvi SLS iz vlade kažejo možnosti, da bi vendarle lahko stopili skupaj v stvareh, ki nas povezujejo. Samo tako bomo lahko prepričali volivce, da podprejo linijo, ki ima za Slovenijo jasen program. Kaj bi ta enotnost prinesla na ravni volitev za evropski parlament? Stranke so zelo samozavestne in pričakujejo, da bi vsaka lahko dobila vsaj po en mandat. Tudi evropska ljudska stranka v tem primeru ne narekuje neke enotnosti na silo. Jeseni so tudi parlamentarne volitve in analitiki pravijo, da bi preveliko povezovanje sedaj pomenilo izgubo identitete in moči posamičnih strank. Zato smo se tako odločili, da gremo posebej tudi na evropske volitve. Kdaj bo ta država končno spremenila svoj odnos do rojakov po svetu? Mislim predvsem na sam koncept sodelovanja: rojaki se še vedno čutijo zapostavljeni, vsak aktivnost se ustavi pri folklori in navideznem ohranjanju same tradicije. Mislim, da V BLAG SPOMIN Ob štirinajsti obletnici smrti našega dobrega moža, očeta, starega očeta in brata ANTON CESAR ki ga je Gospod poklical 5. maja 1990. V miru božjem zdaj počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam. V nebesih rajsko srečo uživaj, do svidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči ostali: Žena: Ana Cesar Sin: Steve Cesar z družino Hčer: Ani Zudic z družino in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji in Ameriki. se država ne bi smela zadovoljiti zgolj s finančnimi drobtinicami, ki jih deli zelo neselektiv-no. Ne čudim se, da je stanje tako, kot je. Samo v zadnjem letu so se na tem mestu zamenjali trije državni sekretarji. V času Demosa smo imeli posebnega ministra za Slovence po svetu. Kasneje smo slišali celo ideje, da bi sekretarja za to področje preprosto ukinili, čemur smo mi odločno nasprotovali. Ne vidimo prave skrbi, pravega odnosa do te problematike, do naših ljudi po svetu. Veliko je delegacij, ki so drage, veliko se potuje, vse je bolj površno in na žalost res preveč folklorno. Ta oblast ne zna povezati slovenskih potencialov po svetu z našimi možnostmi, ki jih imamo doma. Tudi tako bi slovenstvo zaživelo v neki novi kvaliteti. Iz opozicije nismo imeli velikega vpliva na vse to. Mi pričakujemo naprej neki odnos države do Slovencev po svetu, spoštovanje in zahvalo za vse, kar so za nas do sedaj naredili. In tega ni malo. Pričakujem, da bomo redno enkrat letno povabili Slovence po svetu v naš parlament, se jim zahvalili, jim prisluhnili in poiskali nove možnosti sodelovanja. Res bi tudi finančno razdeljevanje sredstev tako po višini kot po namenu moralo biti drugačno. Kako pa komentirate stanje pri naših zamejcih in odnos RS do tega vprašanja? fiTaterinshi dan bo v nedeljo, 9. majal Slika v zamejstvu je odraz stanja pri nas doma. Rad rečem, da je berlinski zid padel na obe strani. Ta delitev med našimi ljudmi je odsev stanja doma in rezultat prejšnje politike do naših zamejcev. Tako se slovenske interese enostavno izigrava za politične igrice. Temeljni narodni vidik je izpuščen ali pa je zgolj v oklepaju. Vsekakor se odpirajo nove možnosti, ki jih moramo izkoristiti. Pluralnost mora biti in je naravna. Toda potrebno je poiskati tudi skupne imenovalce, ki voz popeljejo naprej. To velja tako za matico kot zamejstvo. Ne smemo pozabiti, da sta zlasti naši manjšini v Italiji in Avstriji plačali visok davek zaradi železne zavese, ki je prej delila Evropo na dva dela. Bili so tretira-ni kot možni uvozniki komunistične ideologije, na njih so gledali po strani tudi v teh državah. In vse to je ohromilo ves naš narod. Želel bi si, da sodelovanje ne bi bilo odvisno od barve, ki trenutno vlada v RS, ampak od skupnih narodnih interesov. Temelje linije odnosov s Slovenci po svetu in zamejstvu bi morale biti prisotne ne glede na to, kakšne so naše notranje politične razmere oziroma čutenje, ki ga vladajoča stran čuti do tega vprašanja. Samo v tej smeri je mogoče pričakovati stalen napredek. Iskrati moramo trajne odločitve. i BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Na MATERINSKI DAN najlepše počastimo naše matere S CVETLICAMI Say it with flowers on MOTHERS DAY James A. Slapnik Jr. - Florist 650 E. 185 St. Tel.: 531-7887 \ Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1523. Misijonarka s. Marija Sreš, ki deluje v Indiji med staroselkami, je poslala zelo zanimivo pismo Celestinov!: “Draga! Pravkar smo praznovali holi, naš festival pomladi, ki enako kot velika noč slavi zmago dobrega nad zlom in praznuje prerojenje narave po sivi, mrzli zimi ... kot to simbolizira velika noč. Noč holija je bil kakor dan, nihče ni spal, ker je bilo tako svetlo kot podnevi. Na širokem nebu je bila velika rumena krogla, kraljica noči, luna, ki je smehljajoča žarela nad nami in je z nebesnega oboka pregnala vse zvezde. Razsvetljevala je vso dolino Sabar-kante in njene prebivalce držala budne, ko so opravljali svojo pujo, obred kresa, in se zbrali v procesijo okrog njegovih žarečih plamenov ter tolkli na bobne, plesali in prepevali brez konca, vse do zatona naslednjega dneva. Vsa vas se je zbrala, plesala, se veselila in igrala ter zabavala in se tudi spravila preko svojih članov, ki so si izmenjali koščke kokoša, melase in dateljnov in tako začela novo življenje v skupnosti. Holi je najbolj veselo, najčudoviteje obarvano in najživahnejše praznovanje plemena Dungri Garasijcev, kjer si dajo duška v svoji ustvarjalnosti, humorju in veselju. Odpuščanje je temeljni del tega slavljenja, zamere se pozabijo, družine spravijo in to nas tudi spominja na veliko noč. Zgodaj zjutraj ženske zamesijo rotle (kruh) iz nove moke, zmlete iz pravkar požete pšenice. Iz tega razloga se holi naziva tudi festival zimske žetve. Letos je bil pšenični pridelek zelo dober in mnogotera zlata pšenična polja še čakajo na srp in žensko roko. V mojih očeh je lepota pokrajine dosegla svoj višek v številnih cvetočih kesudah, ki se kot kresovi blestijo v žgočem soncu. Oh, ta naša dežela še ni nikoli bila tako čudovito lepa kot je danes! To leto je bilo posebno lepo tudi za nas ženske, organizirane v Pragati Mahila Mandal (Naprej starosel-ke). Zakaj? Prvič v zgodovini je prišla k nam televizijska ekipa in posnela naše življenje in delo. Vse do danes ni noben medijski center pomislil na nas kot na osebe in pripadnice plemena, ki je vredno javnega priznanja. Letos pa je voditelj verskega programa RTV Slovenija Vid Stanovnik zasnoval dokumentarne serije na osnovi Marijinih zgodb, življenju staroselcev v Sabarkanti in dejavnosti našega gibanja Pragati Mahila Mandal ter tudi poslal snemalno ekipo. Posneli so nočno in dnevno praznovanje holija v naših vaseh. Članice PMM so skupno z vaščani uprizorile poročni obred Dungri Garasijskih staroselcev od začetka do konca. Vsi smo uživali kot če bi bili na resnični poroki. Snemalca sta tudi posnela življenjska izkustva nekaterih naših staroselk. Predsednica PMM Induben in njen mož Živa sta to srečanje med dvema tujcema in nami pripravila na staroselski način. Naj pojasnim: Boštjan in Stojan sta bila sprejeta, kot če bi bila člana naše družine. V zameno sta nas tudi ona sprejela kot enakovredne in med nami je bilo medsebojno deljenje in spoštovanje. Z veseljem sta jedla naše rotle in me smo uživale ob njunih darilih. Ob Dnevu žena sta nas počastila z darom: vsaka ženska je dobila eno pomarančo in pol. Vsi smo bili tako srečni in smo se imeli čudovito lepo. Snemanje ni bilo mehanično. Najprej smo se pogovarjali in se odprli eden drugemu, se vzljubili. Našli smo se v življenjskem pogovoru, obe strani sta dajali in prejemali. Še našo prihodnost smo skupaj zasnovali. Boštjan in Stojan sta se udeležila našega sestanka in z njima smo delile naše glavne cilje, ki so sedaj tudi njuni: pomagati staroselki dvosmerno, to je da postane ekonomsko samozadostna in se zave lastne vrednosti, samospoštovanja. Obe sta povezani. Ena od poti je izobrazba. Zato smo tudi toliko vložili v izobraževalne tečaje žensk in šolanje deklic, kakor tudi za razumevanje sveta okrog nas. Prizadevali smo si tudi za dosego projektov, ki prinašajo dohodek z namenom, da bi ženske postale ekonomsko neodvisne. Srečujemo se tudi s številnimi problemi. V zadnji okrožnici sem vam napisala o enem, to je o nenadni smrti Sardinega moža. Vzroka njegove smrti še niso našli, a vaščani javno kažejo s prstom na naše žensko gibanje, ki naj bi pokvarilo Sardin značaj. Ignoranca in patriarhalna mentaliteta sta naši največji težavi. Drugi problem je nakazal Zivabhai: Nima smisla pomagati staroselcem, razen če ti sprejmejo pomoč in če izšolani tudi dobijo službo. V nasprotnem primeru postane naše prizadevanje le frustracijska vaja. V resnici pa tudi izšolan in visoko kvalificiran staroselec težko dobi boljšo državno službo, saj tako njega kot staroselko vlada diskriminira in še posebno, če sta kristjana. Pri iskanju odgovora na ta vprašanja meni pomaga zgled Jezusa Kristusa. Svoje staroselce želim povezati s to inspiracijo in skrbjo za bližnjega, podobno kot sem to tudi sama darovala v služenju. Nekatere sem uspela navdušiti k tej predanosti za druge in v tem je moje pravo veselje. Zavedam se, da pri tej motivaciji uspeh ni vedno zagotovljen, a ima smisel sam v sebi. Zaradi tega rišem ostro mejo med seva (služenje) in nokri (služba). Seva je prostovoljno delo, služenje drugim, kjer je temeljna motivacija ljubezen in zaslužek minimalen, le za kritje vsakodnevnih stroškov. Nokri je služba, motivirana iz osebne izpolnitve preko napredovanj in plače. Nevarnost je v tem, da seva lahko postane preveč idealistična in se oddalji s fronte resničnega življenja. Izpostavljenost je tudi ta, da nokri postane preveč sebična in ambiciozna. Danes je denar postal primarni faktor in vir motivacije, medtem, ko služenje izgublja na veljavi. Poskušala sem sama živeti ideal in ga tudi posredovati članicam našega gibanja. Vem, da marsikatera staroselka to ceni. Tudi dejstvo je vredno, da ga delim z vami ob prihajajoči veliki noči. Kmalu bom morala v Slovenijo radi operacije komolca, ki se je lani oktobra tako nerodno zlomil. In ko si opomorem, se vrnem nazaj sem. kjer Je moje srce. Veliko Veliko noč! Marija” Vsak človek ima svojo pot v življenju. Nekateri jo hitro spoznajo, drugi morajo iti skozi preizkušnje, da pristanejo v pravem položaju. Tako je tudi na misijonskem polju, ko misijonar pogleda nazaj in vidi, da je bilo prav, da je naredil korak, ki ga je pripeljal v drugi svet, med druge narode. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav v imenu vseh sodelavcev in Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasnilo! Happy Mother’s Day VESELE IN SREČNE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VSEM! FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD Mr. Joseph Fortuna, Director 5316 Fleet Ave. Phone 641-0046 Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Licensed Directors John J. Fortuna, James R. Tržaška Mary Ann Fortuna Tržaška Fax: 216 - 271-0608 NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) maja, v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. (prej Grdinov zavod), s sv. mašo dop. ob 11. uri v cerkvi sv. Vida, sledil bo pokop na Kalvarije pokopališču. Kropljenje bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin župniji sv. Vida, 6019 Lau- j sebe Ave., Cleveland, OH | 44103. Janez Klopčič Dne 4. maja je na svojem domu umrl 82 let stari j Janez Klopčič, rojen 4. oktobra 1921 v Moravčah, Slovenija, mož Silvije, roj. Hojkar, oče že pok. Johna Jesenko, 2-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče. Pogreb bo v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clair Ave. v ponedeljek, I 10. maja, s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida dop. od I0b> sledil bo pokop na pokop2' lišču Brooklyn Hts. Kroplj6' nje bo to nedeljo (točen čas ob tem poročanju še ni bil določen). Anne Sluga Umrla je 88 let stara Anne Sluga, rojena Špenko, vdova po Franku, mati J°' ann Long, Lorrie Ratino *n že pok. Patricije Quagliata’ 6-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Franka, Fannie DeBolt in Johnniej® (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je b' 4. maja v oskrbi ŽeletovC" ga zavoda s sv. mašo v cef" kvi Marije Vnebozete pokopom na Vernih “U pokopališču. Družina b° hvaležna za darove v pok°J ničin spomin Slovene Ho*116 for the Aged Foundation« 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland-OH 44119. Elizabeth Urbič Dne 1. maja je urtU^ 87 let stara Elizabeth bic, rojena Hrastar, že Stanleya, mati Douglasa’ Michaela, Jacqueline Chf® sniak, Margaret SinU1^’ Laure Jobes in že P° Nancy, stara mati, seS^{ Marlene Dobrzeniecki že pok. Marie Hein, )°s. pha in Williama. Pogreb bil 5. maja v oskrbi ^ tovega zavoda s sv. n13^ cerkvi sv. Vida in pokop0 na Kalvarije pokopališč0- Starman lin0'3 Bertha ^ Starman, rojena Baitt, ^ va po Charlesu st., . e Connie Roberts, ®ef ,e. Kandrac in že pok. Char . sa ml., 13-krat stara 10 t 22-krat prastara mati, 3- ^ praprastara mati, sestra lije Bolden, Edwarda, dyja in Josephine ^tarI11o5-Pogreb je bil 4. maja v Bertha M. Dne 30. aprila je 92 let stara zavo' da pa- krbi Brickmanovega s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. skala Baj Ionskega in P° _ .. ■< j..? nO^ pom na pališču. Vernih duš PoJ