FOR Freedom AND Justice NO. 86 Ameriška Mi i a ?i rcft i^n rej. A » AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100' Friday, November 14, 1986 NA VOL. LXXXVIII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Reagan branil svojo politiko stikov z Iranom — ZDA niso plačale odkupnine — Predsednikova iniciativa zelo sporna WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sinoči je predsednik Ronald Reagan govoril po televiziji ameriški javnosti o svoji sporni pobudi za obnovitev stikov z Iranom. Reagan je bil dokaj kratek — njegov govor je trajal 12 minut in odločen. Označil je poročila v sred-stvih javnega obveščanja o podrobnostih stikov z Iranom kot netočne in napačne, predv-sem Pa je bil nezadovoljen s komentarji o teh stikih. Zaradi napačnega informiranja, je re-el predsednik, je bolj nevarno ostati tih kot Pa javno govoriti o tej njegovi diplomatski ■niciativi. Reagan je priznal, da je pred poldrugim et°m pristal na načrt, katerega namčn je bil obnoviti stike z iranskim režimom ajatole omeinija. Določeni krogi v Iranu so to po-Uc|o sprejeli in nastala so strogo tajna pogajanja. Ameriški predpogoj za nadaljevanje stikov je bil, da bi iranski režim prenehal s Podpiranjem mednarodnega terorizma in da 1 skušal vplivati na muslimance v Libanonu, ki imajo v svojih rokah kot talce ameri-s e državljane. V zameno naj bi ZDA prista-e na dobavo Iranu manjšo količino orožja 'n r^zervnih delov, ki pa ne bi dalo Iranu akšno prednost v vojni z Irakom. Reagan je zanikal trditve, da so ZDA fjansko zamenjale orožje za talce. Pogla- ovl!1' Ciljstikov Je bil in ie še, da ZDA in Iran 'kujejo nove odnose. V svojem govoru je Predsednik poudarjal veliko vlogo, ki jo igra .ran na Srednjem vzhodu. Geografska lega ^rana je strateškega pomena glede želje R» da prodira proti Indijskemu oceanu, ar naj bi bil dolgoročni sovjetski cilj, je nodal Reagan. Prve reakcije kažejo, da predsednik ni spel v svojem poskusu, da bi pomiril kriti-e- Splošno mnenje političnih analitikov in samih politikov obeh strank, tako liberalcev n°t konservativcev, je, da je Reaganova zu-atija politika enostavno v razvalinah. Dol-® ^tni vodilni konservativec sen. Barry o dwater, republikanski predsedniški kan-* at 1. 1964, je rekel na primer, da je Rea-n glede Irana storil strašno napako. Sodeč ^ Poročilih raznih novinarjev, mnogi člani Pad83 d°Ve at*m'n‘strac'ie 50 tucb ogoročeni da ^emokratski kongresniki trdijo, že ' ° pravkar izvoljeni novi zvezni kongres mjJanuarja začel z obširnimi preiskava-Sj ° ^eaganovi iranski pobudi. Demokrati nj v. 0v°ijujejo, da sami republikanci pred-ClJo v kritiziranju Reagana. goč Sp*°^no mnenje je, da bo odslej nemo-trcjje nacialjevati s stiki z Iranom. Iranci sami obm?'^ V sec*anj'b razmerah ni pričakovati raoraVllVe Sl*kov 2 ZDA. Ameriška vlada vzhodSPremen't' svoj° Pob'iko do Srednjega •ran * ^ PredP0g°j kaj takega, trdi ^znanci ubili vodilnega levičarja, ki je Piral vlado Corazon Aquinove na • 'Pinih — Vojska odgovorna? nik vn,AN,LA’ F'- ' Rolando Olalia, načel-*~judskIVne8a 1- niaja in predsednik Cental6 .Stranke Je postal žrtev neznanih Politik °rjev'. 01alia je bil vodilni levičarski ^dnice0^''**3'0'*1 'n Pocipiral vlado pred-ske eiP 0razon Aquinove zoper desničar-Pred od'hnte V *'lipinski vojski in policiji. Pon^i-n .0<^orn Aquinove na obisk na Ja-^06/^5 b‘l Olalia dejal, da bi njegovo gi- banje s silo nasprotoval poskusu državnega udara s strani vojske. O takem udaru so mnogo govorili na Filipinih, ko je bila Aqui-nova na Japonskem, a se ni nič zgodilo. Drugi levičarji trdijo, da so nedemokratični elementi v vojski odgovorni za atentat na Olalio, Aquinova pa je obljubila, da bo njena vlada storila vse, da bi odkrila in kaznovala storilce. Tudi obrambni minister Juan Enrile, katerega politične ambicije so sicer dobro znane, je obljubil sodelovanje. Opazovalci filipinskih političnih razmer menijo; da bi lahko atentat na Olalio odprl novo obdobje političnega nasilja, kar bi bilo nevarno za Aquinovo in za demokratizacijo političnega sistema v deželi. Ameriški škofje z ogromno večino odobrili pastoralno pismo, v katerem zagovarjajo gospodarske interese najrevnejših slojev WASHINGTON, D.C. — Včeraj so ameriški škofje, zbrani na letnem zasedanju Nacionalne konference katoliških škofov, z večino 225:9 odobrili pastoralno pismo o ameriškem gospodarstvu, v katerem so močno zagovarjali gospodarske interese in pravice gospodarsko zaostalih Amerikancev. Da je toliko ljudi revnih v tako bogati deželi kot je Amerika, so rekli škofje, je družbeni in moralni škandal, ki ga ne moremo ignorirati. Med drugimi nasveti, predlaga pastoralno pismo, daje nujno potrebna gospodarska politika, katere cilj je zagotoviti delovno mesto in primeren dohodek vsakemu, ki želi biti zaposlen. Vladne agencije, privatne in dobrodelne ustanove bi morale učinkoviteje sodelovati v prizadevanjih za izboljšanje ekonomskega stanja najrevnejših slojev v deželi, več podpore bi morale namenjati ameriškim farmarjem, več podpore bi morale ZDA pošiljati deželam Tretjega sveta. Dalje, škofje so bili kritični do ogromnih izdatkov za obrambne namene. Predsedujoči na konferenci, škof James W. Malone iz Youngstowna, Ohio, je rekel na tiskovni konference, da so bili škofje tako kritični, ker ameriška vladna politika se ne zanima dovolj intenzivno in srčno za interese revnejših v družbi. Po tajnem razpravljanju, ki je trajalo dobrih 5 ur, so škofje z zelo veliko večino izrazili svojo podporo Vatikanu v zadevi sea-ttlskega nadškofa Raymonda G. Hunthau-sna. Nadškof Hunthausen je bil discipliniran od Vatikana, ker je z nekaterimi svojimi stališči v nesoglasju s katoliško teologijo. — Kratke vesti — Washington, D.C. — Na krajši obisk v ZDA bo danes prišla angleška premierka Margaret Thatcher. V pogovorih s predsednikom Reaganom in drugimi visokimi člani administracije, se bo Thatcherjeva zanimala za nadaljnje ukrepe zoper mednarodni terorizem in posredovala gledanje evropskih zaveznic ZDA do pogajanj s SZ o jedrski oborožitvi. Boston, Mass. — Raziskovalci so našli prvo zdravilo, vsaj delno učinkovito, čeprav začasno zoper Alzheimerjevo bolezen. Zdravilo še poskušajo in ga ni mogoče dobiti v lekarnah ali od zdravnikov. O ozdravitvi žrtev te grozne bolezni pa ni mogoče govoriti. Bern, Švi. — Zaradi eksplozije in požara v kemični tovarni, je kakih 20 ton zelo strupenih snovi prišlo v reko Ren. Ekološke posledice so ogromne in bodo trajale več let. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Seji- Podr. št. 10 SŽZ ima sejo v sredo, 19. nov., ob 1. pop. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Na seji bodo volile odbornice za 1987 in se odločale o božičnici. Članice vabljene! Klub slov. upokojencev v Nevburgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 19. nov., ob 1. pop. v SND na E. 80 St. Zahvaljuje se— Jennie Fenda, Chardon Rd., se zahvaljuje vsem sorodnikom in prijateljicam za obiske, cvetje, darila in kartice v času, ko se je nahajala v bolnici in v Wickliffe Country Home na Bishop Rd. Zlata poroka— G. in ga. Venceslav Sfiligoj s Chardon Rd. na Willoughby Hills bosta obhajala zlato poroko 21. novembra. Prizadevna in priljubljena člana Primorskega kluba sta poklonila $30 Ameriški Domovini, mi pa se jima zahvaljujemo in jima želimo vse najboljše! Izredna podpora— Dr. John Nielsen, New York, N.Y. je poklonil $1000 našemu listu. Za res izredno podporo se dr. Nielsenu iskreno zahvalimo! In škof Pevec— Clevelandski pomožni škof A. Edward Pevec nam je poslal $200, v pisemcu pa omenil, kako draga je bila Ameriška Domovina njegovim staršem. Splošno priljubljenemu škofu Pevcu naša globoka zahvala! Novi grobovi Jennie Zadel V četrtek, 13. novembra, je v Euclid General bolnišnici po krajši bolezni umrla 64 let stara Jennie Zadel s Tracy Ave., rojena v Cumberlandu, Md., na Tracy Ave. pa je živela od 1. 1950, sestra Mae Guley, June Morris, Antonie Frydryck in Josepha (pok.), teta in prale-ta, zaposlena pri Mutual Metal Products 1972-1984, nato pri Frame Products. Pogreb bo iz Želelovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. St. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Kristine dop. ob 9.15 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 5. in zv. od 7. do 9. Frank J. Zaletel Umrl je Frank J. Zaletel, mož Elsie (r. Batich), oče Melanie Lapow (Wis.) in Franka (Kalif.), 2-krat stari oče, brat Mary Hočevar, Frances Urankar, Josephine Bohinc, Rudol-pha in Jean Stradiot. Pogreb bo iz Sankovic-Johnston zavoda na 15314 Macauley Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Paskala Bajlonskega dop. ob 9.30 in od lam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes od 2. do 9. zv. Maša za škofa Rožmana— To nedeljo, 16. novembra, dop. ob 10.30 bo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete sv. maša za pok. škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana ob obletnici njegove smrti. Martinovanje— Juiri zvečer se bodo v avdi-toriju pri Sv. Vidu zbrali Štajerci in Prekmurci ler njih pri-jaielji na letnem martinovanju. Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo imelo prodajo peciva v soboto in nedeljo, 22. in 23. novembra. Prodaja se bo pričela 22. nov. točno ob 11. uri in ne preje. Članice prosijo stranke, da to upoštevajo. V nedeljo bodo prodajale po vsaki sv. maši in na bazarju. Dobre faranke so na-prošene za domače pecivo. Letna seja preložena— Podr. št. 41 SŽZ bo imela letno sejo z božičnico v sredo, 19. novembra ob 1. pop. v SDD na Waterloo Rd. in ne 18. novembra. Ribje večerje— 1 Pri SDD na Waterloo Rd. ob petkih zopet postrežejo z ribjo večerjo. Ako želite, lahko naročite golaž s polento ali pohan svinjski zrezek. Vabljeni! Spominski darovi— Mary Strancar in Mary V. Zimperman, S. Euclid, O., sta darovali $100 našemu listu v spomin na moža in očeta Josepha Strancarja. Jo (Jamnik) Gornik je darovala $70 v spomin 70. rojstnega dne njenega pok. moža John (Jevec) Gornika, ki je bil 13. novembra. Ludvik Burgar st., Ridgewood, N.Y., je poklonil Ameriški Domovini $37 v spomin na svojega sina Ludvika ml. Marie A. Mocilnikar, Mentor, O., je darovala $20 v spomin svakinje Anne Stakich. G. in ga. Joseph Telich, Ely, Minn, sta darovala $20 v spomin očeta Franka Telicha, ki je umrl 8. jan. 1986 v starosti 97 let, 10 mesecev. Frances Mavko, Marblehead, Mass., je poklonila $15 v spomin očeta Valentina Mavka. Dorothy Urbancich, Euclid, O., je darovala $10 v spomin Sylvije Banko. Mary Križman, Montville, O., je prav tako prispevala $5 in sicer ob 5. obletnici smrti moža Jožeta Križmana. Vsem darovalcem naša iskrena hvala! VREME Pretežno sončno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 34° F. Spremenljivo oblačno in vetrovno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 47°F. V nedeljo pretežno oblačno z možnostjo dežja. ameriška domovina Poslovili smo se od Franka Sterleta 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and IrmaTelich, Frank J. Lausche NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 1 8 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežale izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $18.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 86 Friday, November 14, 1986 Vizija Slovenije v bodočnosti Zadnjič smo na tem mestu priobčili nekaj iz gledanja pesimista na slovensko bodočnost. Da se vzdrži neko ravnotežje, objavljamo danes poglede optimista na to bodočnost. Obe razpravi sta izšli v isti publikaciji, razmnoženi za visokošolski tečaj v Buenos Airesu, Argentina. Današnji sestavek imenujem »vizijo«, ker gleda v daljno bodočnost z veliko mero optimizma in samozaupanja, vendar pisec ne šari po oblakih, temveč govori o ostvarljivih možnostih bodočega razvoja. Razpravo je napisal dr. Peter Klopčič, povojni priseljenec v Kanadi, kije pooblaščeni zastopnik SLS (slovenske krščanske demokracije) v mednarodni Krščansko-demokratski zvezi za Srednjo Evropo (CDUCE) na evropskem prostoru in aktiven sodelavec za svobodo naroda v domovini. Pričujoči ponatis vsebuje le končni, gospodarski det obsežne razprave. Možnosti gospodarskega razvoja v Sloveniji. Poljedelstvo. Po statistiki, ki je realistična, imamo v Sloveniji samo 1 2,7 odstotka njiv in vrtov in 2,8% sadovnjakov in vinogradov, ter 23% pašnikov in travnikov. Celokupne obdelane zemlje je torej samo 1 5,5%. Tako stanje je absolut-- nezadovoljivo in nesprejemljivo in je posledica ne samo zanemarjenega kmetijstva, ampak celo preganjanja in zaviranja in to vseh 40 let, odkar so komunisti na oblasti. Marca 1983 je Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije v Ljubljani izdal študijo »Analiza dolgoročnih možnosti razvoja kmetijstva SR Slovenije do leta 2000«. Od 229.000 hektarov močvirnate zemlje bi lahko meliorirali (izsušili in izboljšali) do I. 2000, 60.00C ha zemljišč (varianta 1) ali 100.000 ha (varianta 2). Eventuelno bi lahko vso močvirnato zemljo izsušili in jo usposobili za polja, enako kot del travnikov in pašnikov. S tem bi se trenutna površina njiv in vrtov dvignila od 1 3% na 26% (torej podvojila - Slovenija ima najmanj obdelane zemlje na prebivalca v Evropi)... Povečanje proizvodnje na teh zemljiščih (slovenskih njivah) bi dosegli predvsem z izboljšanjem tehnologije in smotrno uporabo produkcijskih sredstev (gnojila, semena itd). Potem bo Slovenija proizvajala hrano ne samo za 2 milijona prebivalcev, ampak celo za 4 milijone. Jasno pa je, da bodo morali povečati investicije v kmetijstvo od sedanjih 6% vseh investicij letno, vsaj na 15%, kot svetujejo slovenski agronomski strokovnjaki... Čas je tudi, da se slovenski komunisti nauče, da se s kolektivizacijo ne prido v kmetijstvu nikamor... Obrt in mala industrija. V razvitih državah (jaz bi dodal: v gospodarsko svobodnih, op. pis.) ustvarja drobno gospodarstvo (obrt in mala industrija) 40 odstotkov narodnega dohodka in zaposluje več kot 40% ljudi. Drobno gospodarstvo dela bolj intenzivno kot velepodjetja. Ravno v tem drobnem gospodarstvu obstojajo v Sloveniji največje možnosti (za ekonomski napredek) poleg poljedelstva. Ni samo vprašanje, da bi dovolili, da bi več kot 10% zaposlenih odpadlo na obrt, ampak da bi se ta mala podjetja pravično obdavčila, ne pa trikrat več kot državna podjetja. Tudi krediti bi jim morali biti na razpolago. Glavno pa je Frank in Ančka Sterle med koncertom Slavka Avsenika v clevelandskem Music Hallu 14. septembra 1985, ob 25. obletnici Sterletove Slovenian Country House restavracije. CLEVELAND, O. - Preteklo sredo dopoldne so se številni prijatelji Franka Sterleta od njega z žalostnimi srci poslovili, najprvo v veliki dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave., potem v nabito polni cerkvi sv. Vida, zadnjič pa pred odprtim grobom na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu, Ohio. Kot smo pretekli torek v AD poročali, je Frank Sterle umrl na posledicah srčne kapi, ki ga je zadela v soboto, 8. novembra, med 4. in 5. uro zjutraj, na svojem domu nad svojo restavracijo Frank Sterle’s Slovenian Country House na 1401 E. 55 St. Prepeljali so ga v Mt. Sinai bolnišnico, zdravniška intervencija pa ga ni mogla več rešili. Frank se je rodil v Koritnicah na Primorskem. V otroških letih si je poškodoval nogo in radi tega ni šel k vojakom, ko je nastala druga svetovna vojna. Leta 1954 je prišel v Trst, kjer je bival dalj časa v San Sava taborišču za begunce. V Združene države je prišel 1. 1956 in je prvih 6 mesecih delal na farmi svojega sponzorja g. Pustotnika v Genevi, Ohio, nato tri leta v tovarni Z-W. Leta 1960 je kupil majhno gostilno Bonna Cafe na vogalu Bonna Ave. in E. 55. ceste. V naslednjih 26 letih je Frank z neumornim delom in tudi tveganjem to gostilno večkrat razširil in naredil iz nje eno najbolj znanih restavracij v Velikem Clevelandu. Frank Sterle’s Slovenian Country House je postal znan ne le skoro vsem zavednim Slovencem v ZDA in Kanadi, marveč tudi v sami Sloveniji. Njegova restavracija je bila nekaka »obvezna« točka za obiskoval- ce v Cleveland, redki je tisti rojak, ki ni bil nikoli prišel skozi vrata Frankove gostilne. Ko je skozi leta razširjal svoje prostore in povečeval parkališče, je Frank kupil in podrl kar devet starih hiš. S svojim delom je Frank nekako postavil tudi tretji steber slovenske sentklerske naselbine, poleg župnije sv. Vida in Slovenskega narodnega doma. Že res, da je bila Frankova restavracija privatna last, daje bil »businessman« in to še kako spreten. Poudarili pa moramo, da Frank ni nikoli pozabil na svojo slovensko kri, na slovensko skupnost. Redno in večkrat anonimno je daroval raznim slovenskim in drugim dobrodelnim in kulturnim ustanovam. Marsikateri rojak na obisku v Clevelandu iz Slovenije, zamejstva, tudi iz našega mesta, je našel v Sterle-lovi restavraciji gostoljubnost, ki je ne bi našel drugje. Celoten seznam vseh organizacij, ki so bili deležne Frank Sterletove radodarnosti nimamo, najbrž je za vse vedel le sam Frank, naj pa nekatere naštevamo: Slovenskima šolama pri Sv. Vidu in Mariji Vne-bovzeti, Slovenskemu domu za ostarele, Ameriški Domovini, Slovenski radio oddaji dt-Milana Pavlovčiča, tolklorm skupini Kres in Slovenskemu folklornemu inštitutu, U.S.S. godbi na pihala, Molly Voino-vich skladu, Skladu za obnovo Kipa svobode, Muscular Dy* strophy Assoc., Mary Mavec šoli za duševno zaostale otroke in še in še. Že več let je Frank sponzoriral gostovanja v Clevelandu in drugih mestih narodnozabavnih ansamblov iz Slovenije-Ko ga je doletela smrt, je b* sredi prizadevanj za najnovejše tako gostovanje. Višek njegovega tovrstnega delovanja je gotovo doživel septembra lani. ko je praznoval 25-letnico svoje restavracije, k slovesnosti pa se je pridružil — kot dokaz osebnega prijateljstva — sve' lovno znani ansambel Slavka Avsenika. Slovenci so zased > veliko Music Hall dvorano v središču Clevelanda 14. septembra lani za res enkraten in nepozaben koncert Avsem kov. pomanjkanje zaupanje. Po 40 letih preganjanja vsake privatne iniciative, ljudje ne zaupajo komunistični vladi. Transport. Slovenija je eno najbolj prehodnih ozemelj v Evropi. Tranzit in transport že igra na splošno svojo vlogo, toda bi lahko pomenil še veliko več za slovensko gospodarstvo. Treba bi bilo čimprej dokončati obe avtocesti, lliriko in Sloveniko. Tudi predor pod Karavankami za boljšo povezavo z Beljakom in Bavarsko je važen. To so programi na kratko roko. Dolgoročni načrt pa je vodna pot Jadran-Dunaj ter Jadran-Zagreb. Ameriška Domovina je 22. jan. 1985 prinesla zanimiv članek o tem načrtu. ... Realizacija tega načrta bi pomenila ogromno za slovensko gospodarstvo. Ravno tako bi povzročila veliko ekoloških problemov. Načrt predvideva, da bi izkopali za kanal Jadran-Dunaj tunel od Vipave do Vrhnike. Skale, ki bi jih izkopali, bi odložili na ljubljanskem Barju. S tem bi verjetno povovico Barja nasuli do take mere, da bi se zemlja lahko uporabljala za industrijska zemljišča. Na ljubljanskem Barju bi, če se načrt realizira, izkopali veliko pristanišče. Ljubljansko Barje bi lahko postalo eno največjih nakladišč in industrijskih con v Evropi. Celo Barje od Vrhnike do Ljubljane in tja do Iga bi bila ena sama velika industrijska cona, ki bi služila prek avtocest ne samo Sloveniji in Hrvatski, ampak zlasti tudi Avstriji, Bavarski, Madžarski in Češki. Zadnji torek smo zap>sa da bomo kot skupnost Fr30 a zelo, zelo pogrešali. To mi5®, ponavljamo danes. Nje8° žalujoči ženi Ančki in oSlj* družini izrekamo naše globo sožalje. Urednik V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠEGA MOŽA, OČETA ^ STAREGA OČETA OB PBV' OBLETNICI SMRTI Možnosti torej veliko, problemov pa tudi. Takšno je gledanje v bodočnost Slovenije njenega optimističnega sina dr. Petra Klopčiča. Marsikomu se bo njegova vizija zdela utopična, kolikor se namreč tiče bodočnosti transporta in tranzita. Toda pomisliti velja, da šo to res dolgoročna načrtovanja, in kot takšna imajo svojo ceno. Dokler ima narod pred seboj velike cilje, ki jih skuša pošto: poma dosegati, je živ in aktiven, brez njih pa životari in nazaduje ne samo gospodarsko, temveč tudi v nacionalnem in kulturnem oziru. Je pa današnji sestavek pravo nasprotje onega, ki smo ga objavili v prejšnji izdaji AD. Naj še slišita obe plati zvona! I. P. MAKS KRSTE Umrl je 19. nov. 1985- Tam v raju pa prosi zdaj Bo9a' da življenje všam nam mirno da-Kadar pa pride bleda smrt, tedaj nebeški? raj naj bo vsem °dPr alujoči ostali: Žena — Ivana Sinova — Marjan z družino Sinova. — Lojze z družino in ostalo-sorodstvo. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 70S. MZA Milwaukee, Wisconsin, je na Misijonsko nedeljo pripravila prodajo peciva v pomoč našim misijonarjem in uspeh je bil zelo lep, zbrale so $856. Zahvala gre vsem sodelujočim, predvsem pridnim gospodinjam, ki so napekle toliko lepega peciva. Zahvala Sre tudi ge. Simčič, Kotar, Mernik, Janežič in Cimerman-čič, ki so pecivo prodajale. Baragovi zvezi je odsek daroval po poletnem pikniku $50, tako du je ostalo čistega poleti $6.032. Z dodatkom prodaje Peciva v znesku $856 so zbrali letos v Milwaukeeju v odseku skupno $6.888. Predsednica Coffeltova sporoča tudi, da se je zdravje g. dr. Goletu izboljšalo in je na Misijonsko nedeljo že imel sv. mašo. Misijonski prijatelji vse v MZA iz Milwaukeeja prav Prisrčno pozdravljajo. Za njih žrtve in spodbuden zgled zve-stega sodelovanja smo jim vsi zelo hvaležni. Še posebno naši misijonarji na terenu, ki bodo deležni spet znatnejše pomoči v denarju, potem ko so iz dne- Va v dan vedno v naših molitvah. Za najbolj potrebne naše misijonarje sta darovali sestri Mary Kette in Paula Vrečar iz Bessemer, Pa., $70. MZA pravni zastopnik, ad-v°kat Albin Lipold iz Richmond Hts., Ohio, je poslal po Rudiju Knezu dar $150 za Vse, kar je želel dati na pikniku v Juliju, a ni mogel nanj. Družina Joše Maganja iz Euclida, Ohio, je poslala ček za $1000: za vse naše misijo-narje na terenu $600; za tretje- v blag spomin °B PRVI OBLETNICI SMRTI našega moža, očeta 'N STAREGA OČETA Ludvik jelenc k' je zatisnil svoje blage oči d"e 15. novembra 1985. ^n° leto Te zemlja krije, temnem grobu mirno spiš; rue Tvoje več ne bije, ° ečin nič več ne trpiš. Pa žalost srce trga, 0 Ze lijejo iz oči; ^0rn ie prazen in otožen, er Te več med nami ni. Ža!ujoči ostali: J^ara Jelenc — žena arV Ann in Betty — hčerki in Dale - zeta av|d, Timmy in Andy — Be Vnuki VVVr1, 14. novembra 1986. letno vzdrževalnino za podpiranega domačega bogoslovca v Afriki $250. Je to bogoslovec John - Addas - Boateng iz Gane. Po $25 v dar novomašniko-ma Andrew Poku in Mike Ba-rimah, skupaj $50. V pismu njima poslani denar nista nikdar prejela in je bil izgubljen ali ukraden. MZA bo poslala obema preko njihovega škofa. G. Pokuja je vzdrževal sin, g. Barimaha pa starši Maganja. $100 pa je za sv. maše, po namenih družine Maganja. Za gg. Maurice Milimu in Anthony Huebo, oba iz škofije Kakamega, Kenija, je bilo že lani darovanih za tri leta vzdrževanja $1500. Za četrti letnik pa bo darovano malo kasneje. Za vse kandidate Maganjevi dnevno molijo, da bi vztrajali v svetem poklicu in postali dobri dušni pastirji med svojim ljudstvom. Ga. Frances Škrjanc je spet poslala za sv. mašo, v zahvalo po prestani operaciji njene sestre. Ona živi v Pucblu, Colo. Misijonar Janko Slabe z Madagaskarja 22. septembra piše pismo zahvale piscu teh člankov in našim misijonskim sodelavcem v MZA: »Niti dvomil nisem, ali sem vam odgovoril na vaše pismo. Danes pa mi je kar kri zaledenela po žilah, ko sem ga odkril med neodgovorjeno pošto. Pravkar sem prišel z motorjem iz 18 km oddaljene postojanke, iz podružnice, kjer sem poučeval verouk. Povečerjal sem in se spravil za pisalni stroj, da vam odgovorim. Bog povrni vsakemu posebej za velikodušnost, najprej vam, potem pa vsem ostalim: gdč. Sonji Ferjan, Marku Ovnu, družini Slavo Oven, Louise Rogina ter Angeli Gospodarič. V pismu je bil namreč tudi ček z darovi. Denar nam prenesejo banke, vaše žrtve pa brez čekov prenesejo božji poslanci. Med tem časom je bil za nas največji dogodek, kot že veste, obisk ljubljanskega gospoda nadškofa z gg. Kopeinigom in Markom. Tudi Klemen Štolcar V BLAG SPOMIN 4. OBLETNICE MOJEGA LJUBLJENEGA OČETA Umrl dne 10. novembra 1982. NEPOZABLJENI ATA Žalujoča: Julia Grabelšek - hčerka. Geneva. Ohio. 14. novembra 1986. se je vrnil iz dopusta oziroma pogreba svoje mame. Tisti njegov dopust tako ni bil nič kaj prida. Prihodnjo soboto začenja v Fort - Dauphin svoj noviciat Tone Kerin, skupaj s 5 Malga-ši. Sestrska hiša počasi napreduje. Vsak čas nam bo spet zmanjkalo cementa. Rad bi napredoval vsaj toliko, da bi bila hiša pred deževjem pod streho, da bomo potem lahko delali v vsakem vremenu. Sedaj imamo kar naprej lepo vreme. Za gradnjo čudovito. Kmetje mu bodo pa kmalu pravili grdo vreme, kljub vsakodnevnemu soncu, oziroma prav zaradi njega, saj je suša že precej huda. Tukaj v Ma-tangu so ljudje toliko na boljšem, ker ni sedaj glavna sezona sajenja riža, pač pa januar in februar. Pred prihodom ljubljanskega gospoda nadškofa je bil tu farafanganski škof, da je blagoslovil temelje sestrske hiše in birmal novokrščence iz dveh podružnic. Sedaj imam tam spet nekaj katehumenov. Bog daj, da bi vztrajali obojni, novi kristjani in katehumeni. Gospe Kette osebno sicer ne poznam, poznam pa skoraj vse njene domače v Rovtah, saj je moja teta stanovala v njihovi hiši, njen nečak pa je bil moj sošolec v osnovni šoli. Zato sem njene pomoči kar dvakrat vesel. Bog vas blagoslovi pri vašem delu in naj vam za vse obilno povrne. Z moje strani pa vsem izkren pozdrav! Janko Slabe« Bral Rafael Mrzel, S.D.B., je gdč. Ferjanovi pisal 7. oktobra s Filipinov: »Bog Vam povrni za dragoceno pisemce in vzpodbudne besede. V BLAG SPOMIN ŠESTNAJSTE OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE ODŠEL PO VEČNO PLAČILO NAŠ PREDRAGI SOPROG, OČE, STARI IN PRASTARI OČE ANTON NOVAK ki nas je zapustil 15. novembra 1970. Šestnajst let Te zemlja krije, odkar Te več med nami ni, žalostna so naša srca, solze zalivajo oči. Hladna zemlja Tebe krije, srce ljubeče več ne bije, spomin na Tebe še živi in bo do konca naših dni. Žalujoči: soproga ANTONIJA hčerki OLGA por. CAMPBELL MARY por. PETRIČ VNUKI IN VNUKINJE PRAVNUKI IN PRAVNUKINJE Ostalo sorodstvo Cleveland, Ohio, 14. nov. 1986. še posebej pa za molitveno pomoč! Dolgo nikakor ni šlo, da bi prijel za pero. Upanje je, da bo bodočnost ugodnejša. 28. avgusta sem srečno prestal operacijo druge večje kile (hernia). Bog bodi zahvaljen! Uspeh je bil dvomljiv radi srčnega in splošnega mojega stanja z zdravjem. Srce, angina se da še zelo čutili, posebej v jutru in zvečer; tudi želodec že dolgo ne sprejme skoraj ničesar in v bolnici, kjer so zelo lepo skrbeli zame, ni bilo nič boljše glede tega. Dali so mi stalno pomoč za nekaj dni zaradi srčnega napada. Sedaj po operaciji je stanje dosti boljše, vsaj glede kile. Vsekakor sem še vedno pri mojem delu. Tudi slumskemu delu v okolici sem še vedno v pomoč. V enem mesecu smo imeli kar dve veliki poplavi. Večina ulic in pritličnih stanovanj so bile pod vodo. Ulični promet je bil samo s čolni, oziroma z vsem, kar vzdrži na vodi. Škoda je velika, mnogi so izgubili vse, nekateri celo življenje, ker so utonili. Samo včeraj jih je bilo 20. Zasilna pomoč prihaja uradno in privatno, pa to še zdaleč ne krije najnujnejšega. Mnogi pridejo do mene za kakršnokoli pomoč. Storim, kar pač najbolje mogoče. Dobivam včasih iz domovine pakete in škatlje. Večkrat od prijateljev kaj iz Milana. Posebej pa je v pomoč vsaka finančna podpora požrtovalnih dobrotnikov, članov Misijonske znamkarske akcije! Naj Bog vsem bogato povrne! Najprisrčnejše misijonske pozdrave in molitve v povezanosti, v Gospodu prevdani in hvaležni b. Rafael Mrzel, S.D.B.« Iz Drugega vseslovenskega misijonskega simpozija v Tinjah, od 7. do 10. oktobra, imamo že precej materiala zbranega. Na simpoziju je zastopala MZA glavna tajnica gdč. Sonja Ferjanova in V BLAG SPOMIN TRINAJSTE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE TETE ROSE DOBRICH rojena Jalovec ki je preminula 16. nov. 1973. Trinajst let je že minilo, odkar te več med nami ni. V našem srcu še živiš, in boš živela do konca dni. Žalujoči: Mary Kaucnik, Anna Mivec, John Mivec, Frank Grdanc, Helen Ferenčak, nečaki in nečakinje. Cleveland, O., 14. nov. 1986. je kratko na njem tudi o delu MZA poročala 8. oktobra. Čim dobimo še malo več podrobnosti, bomo obširneje o simpoziju poročali. Medlem pa MZA že začenja s pripravo razpošiljanja darov vsem slovenskim misijonarjem in pionirkam na teren, da bodo mogli za Božič povečini pomoč že uporabiti, vsaj po svojih najnujnejših potrebah. Molimo, da bi mogli vsakemu pomagati na najbolj učinkovit način! Posebno mnogim, ki nimajo v zaledju nikogar razen sodelujočih v MZA, ki vedno mislijo na vse najbolj potrebne. Naj Bog povrne posebej vsako letošnjo nabirko’ v naših odsekih in po poverjenikih v ZD in Kanadi! Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 1 31 Birchmount Rd. Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 finfon M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 PnjatePs Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS________ TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov V BLAG SPOMIN TRIINDVAJSETE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA DRAGEGA OČETA JOHN MIVEC ki je umrl 12. novembra 1963. Triindvajset tet je že minilo, odkar si, dragi, Sel od nas, vedno svež spomin je na Te, pogrešamo Te vsaki čas. Žalujoči: Anna Mivec in Mary Kaucnik, hčerki, John Mivec in Frank Grdanc, sinova. Cleveland, O., 14. novembra 1 986. »Kralj polke« V prilogi »Dolenjskega lista« z dne 25. septembra 1986je izšel članek o znanem polka glasbeniku Franku Yankovicu, v katerem novinarka Zdenka Lindič-Dragašpoda nekaj zanimivih podatkov. Nekatere Yankoviceve trditve o svoji vlogi se zdijo pretirane, posebej tista, ko pravi, da se je zanimanje za diatonično harmoniko med ameriškimi Slovenci začelo šele potem, ko je on izdal ploščo pred 15 leti in igral na tako harmoniko. Zanimanje se je začelo predvsem po gostovanju Slakovega ansambla. Članek je pa vsekakor zanimiv in ga posredujem bralcem v celoti. Ur. Že več kot pol stoletja je harmonika najzvestejša sopotnica Franka Yankovica, kar pa ni pravzaprav nič neobičajnega, saj gre vendar za ameriškega »kralja polke«. Harmonika ga spremlja vsepovsod. Tudi na letošnjih počitnicah v stari domovini svojih staršev jo je imel s seboj, čeprav nastopov ni imel v načrtu. A kot vedno mu je le prišla prav, saj ljudje, kamor pride, pričakujejo, da bo vsaj malo raztegnil svoj meh in zapel, in on jim zmeraj z veseljem ustreže. Počitnice je avgusta preživljal v Šmarjeških Toplicah. Do tega ga je pripravil prijatelj iz Denverja, je zaupal v krajšem pogovoru za Dolenjski list; Frank Yankovic se ni pustil dosti pregovarjati, saj gre vedno rad v domovino staršev. Doslej je bil v Sloveniji že šestkrat, pred leti pa je v Ljubljani posnel ploščo. Le mimogrede povejmo, da mu je bilo v Šmarjeških Toplicah in na vseh izletih, ki so jih pripravili za svoje goste, zelo všeč, s počitnic pa je šel tako rekoč takoj igrat na festival polke v Rock Springsu v ameriški zvezni državi Wyoming, na katerem je med svojo tritedensko turnejo po ZDA igral tudi ansambel Jožeta Gotliba. 71-letni Frank Yankovic, ki se je sicer rodil v Ameriki, njegove korenine pa po materi segajo v Cerknico in po očetu v Kal pri Pivki, je že desetletja med najbolj priljubljenimi glasbeniki v Združenih državah in gotovo že ena od legend ameriške glasbe, posebno polke. Ogromno je storil tudi za ohranjanje in uveljavljanje slovenskega glasbenega izročila v ZDA. Eden od kritikov v ZDA je zapisal, da je v Ameriki veliko glasbenikov, ki igrajo polko, a od ene obale do druge je znan le Frank Yankovic. Drugi so veseli, če prodajo svoje plošče v pet tisoč primerkih, Yankovic pa je dve (od okrog 150, kolikor jih je posnel od leta 1937, odkar snema) prodal kar v milijon primerkih. Za Yankovica nekateri pravijo, da je le povprečen harmonikar. Sam »kralj polke« jim da celo prav, vendar je jasno, da se kar tako ni povzpel na »prestol« in na njem ostal tri desetletja in pol. Prvič je Yankovic postal »kralj polke« v ZDA leta 1951, pa potem tudi 1952 in 1953, nato pa takšnih koncertov ni bilo več. Upravičenost naziva ameriški »kralj polke«, ki mu je ostal, Frank Yankovic vedno znova dokazuje s svojo glasbo, pa s svojim celotnim nastopom, s showom. Za Yankovica pravijo, da zna neprekoslji- vo zabavati publiko, kar je redkost, medtem ko odličen harmonikar niti ni taka redkost. Yankovic nastopa, igra za ljudi, ne pa zato, da bi im-presioniral druge glasbenike, čeprav drži, da mu tudi to uspeva. Je tudi odličen pevec, z izrednim ljudskim stilom, kar vžge ne le pri ameriški publiki, ampak povsod, kjer Yankovic nastopa. »Pesmi delam tako«, razlaga Yankovic v dokaj lepi slovenščini (ki jo razloži s tem, da so doma vedno govorili slovensko, medtem ko noben njegovih otrok, kot večina slovenskih izseljencev tretje generacije in več, ne zna sloven- sko), »da jih poslušajo vsi, ne le naši ljudje, ameriški Slovenci. Igramo vse amerikanske pesmi, glavna pa je seveda polka.« Ta v Ameriki seveda zveni nekoliko drugače, kot smo je navajeni mi od naših narodnozabavnih ansamblov, a polka je le. Yankovic sam piše tudi glasbo in besedila za pesmi. Besedila so tako v angleščini kot v slovenščini, a prva prevladujejo. Zelo mlad začel s harmoniko Prvi harmonikarski poskusi Franka Yankovica sodijo v njegovo deveto leto. Pripoveduje, da je imel eden od delavcev, za katere je njegova mama kuhala in skrbela — oče je bil kovač — v »kampu« v Euclidu pri Clevelandu, kjer Yankovic živi tudi danes, harmoniko, na katero je zvečer po delu zaigral svojim tovarišem. Podnevi je harmoniko večkrat »izmaknil« mali Frank in se sam učil igrati. Ko je dobil svojo harmoniko, je še mislil, da bo igral le zase, v svoje veselje. »Potem pa je tako naneslo, da sem kar nadaljeval z igranjem,« se je nasmejal. Šest let je igral na »našo«, slovensko harmoniko, potem pa na ameriško »pianokord« harmoniko. »Pred 15 leti sem posnel prvo ploščo z našo domačo harmoniko,« pove Yankovic, »in sedaj nanjo vsi igrajo, medtem ko preje nihče ni vedel zanjo.« Glasba je Yankovicu vedno bila delo, kruh in največje veselje, ki ga prenaša tudi na druge. Ko je bil kot ameriški vojak v drugi svetovni vojni v Evropi, je bilo tako mrzlo, da so mnogim zmrznili prsti na rokah in nogah. Tudi z Yan-kovicem je bilo precej hudo, tako da so mu že hoteli odrezati prste. Preprosil jih je, da tega niso storili. Prsti so se res popravili, da je lahko po vojni igral naprej. Frank Yankovic s svojim ansamblom, veliko pa tudi sam, saj so vsi ostali člani zaposleni, ogromno nastopa. Pravi, da gre vsak teden kam igrat. Le kdo bi prešel vse nastope, ki jih je imel v 55 letih, kolikor časa hodi igrat po svetu! Nastopal je predvsem po vsej Ameriki in Kanadi, okto- bra pa se odpravlja na enomesečno turnejo po Avstraliji pa Japonski in Kitajski. Gostoval je v vseh večjih ameriških TV programih, tudi v znanem TV showu Johnnyja Carsona, pa vsako nedeljo v slovenskem programu clevelandskega radia. (Mišljen je najbrž program na clevelandski televiziji, na katerem je redno nastopal Yankovic s svojim ansamblom, op. ur.) Za zadnjo ploščo, »70 let hitov Franka Yankovica«, ki jo je izdal pri »svoji« diskografski hiši Polygram Records — predno je prišel v to hišo, je snemal plošče pri nič manj znani Columbia Records — je februarja letos v Los Angelesu dobil znamenito glasbeno nagrado emmy za najboljšo polka ploščo leta, kar je veliko, a kar samoumevno priznanje njegovemu dolgoletnemu glasbenemu udejstvovanju. Seveda pa ta plošča ne bo dolgo njegova zadnja, saj sta praktično pred izidom dve novi, 1 Wish I Was 18 Again (Želim, da bi imel ponovno 18 (dalje na str. 5) Ko Vas skrbi varnost Vašega denarja, dobro je imeti podporo najmočnejše velike banke v Ameriki. V teh nenavadnih gospodarskih časih, je poslovanje z AmenTrust tako prijetno. Od 100 največjih bank v deželi, je AmenTrust prva v razmerju med premoženjem in čistim dobičkom. To pomeni, da je Vaš denar najbolj možno varen in da poslujete z zanesljivim managementom, kar pa postane pomembno, ko potrebujete močnega finančnega partnerja. Ako se zanimate za soliden načrt varčevanja, imamo jih več na razpolago — med njimi naš Money Market Deposit Account, ki Vam nudi pravico napisati omejeno število osebnih čekov, in Your Choice Certificates, ki se visoko obrestujejo in Vam dajejo pravico določati datume, ko certifikati potečejo. Dalje, vsi naši varčevalni načrti so zavarovani pri federalni vladi do $100,000. Ako odpirate čekovni račun, nudimo Vam več različnih vrst, med njimi AmeriCheck Plus, ki se obrestuje na podlagi tržnih obrestnih mer in sicer začenši z vsotami v Vašem čekovnem računu od $50 naprej. Ko potrebujete posojilo ali želite kreditno karto ali pa želite ustanoviti »trust« za Vašo družino, AmenTrust Vam tudi lahko pomaga. Oglasite se kmalu v kateri koli poslovalnici AmenTrust in se pozanimajte za naše nasvete in pomoč! Za vse Vaše bančne potrebe, vljudno Vas vabimo, da obiščete AmenTrust Company poslovalnice v sledečih soseščinah: EUCLID: Joseph A. Bregar Assistant Vice President Lake Shore-225 Office Phone: 687-4170 PAWNEE: Denis B. Meder Manager E. 185-Pawnee Office Phone: 687-4130 ST. CLAIR Dan J. Marich Assistant Vice President St. Clair-60 Office Phone: 687-4160 Allan B. Wargo Manager St. Clair40 Office Phone: 687-4180 /tnerifrust Member FDIC 1986 Za Vaše zdravje: PREHLAD IN GRIPA Hladnejši del leta je spet pred Vrati in z njim neprijetni prehladi pa tudi gripe. Sam prehlad brez zapletov in povišane temperature ni nič hudega, davijo, da če ga zdraviš, traja en teden, če ga pa ne zdraviš, m>ne v sedmih dneh. Seveda je prehlad zelo neprijetna zadeva, saj ga spremna slabše počutje, kihanje, trkanje, kašljanje, lahko tudi glavobol, razdražena slu-2ltica pa pordi in peče posebno Pri otrocih, kar tudi ni prijet-no- Poleg tega prehlad kaj lah- napreduje do bronhitisa, vnetja sinusov ali celo pljučni-Ce> posebno pri majhnih otro-c'h tudi do vnetja srednjega Pšesa itd., zato se je ob prehlada vendar vredno malo paziti •» 'n kaže tudi ukrepati, kolikor se Pač da. Kaj storiti? Jejte veliko sad-ia 'n zelenjave pa mleka in Pečnih izdelkov. Če ni limon, P0lnaranč ali grenivk, vzemite ^ do 3 tablete C vitamina na »Kralj polke« (Nadaljevanje s str. 4) *et) in Christmas Memories (Božični spomini). Frank Yankovic je zelo ve-Sei> da mu pri njegovih najno-VejŠih glasbenih projektih po-jda8a tudi sin Robert, ki igra ltaro. Robert je namreč edini °d Yankovicevih desetih otr°k, od tega šestih sinov, ki Pokazal toliko zanimanja za §lasbo, da se je pripravljen resneje ukvarjati z njo. v blag spomin OB ŠESTI OBLETNICI ODKAR JE V GOSPODU ^EMlNUL NAŠ LJUBLJENI, NEpOZABNI SOPROG, OČE, StAR| OČE, BRAT, TAST, SVAK IN STRIC mam dan. Težave blažijo tudi prsni ali lipov čaj, med in vdihovanje vročega kamiličnega čaja, v katerega smo kanili nekaj kapljic smrekovega olja. Po inhalaciji seveda ne smemo ven. Če prehlad brez vročine tudi po nekaj dneh še kar traja, pojejte še 2 do 3 aspirine na dan. Če telesna temperatura ni povišana, ob prehladu ni treba k zdravniku, če pa imate vročino in se nasploh slabo počutite, obisk pri zdravniku ne bo odveč. Zoper vročino sicer vzamemo aspirin. Zopet prehlad in nahod dobro deluje tudi naslednja čajna mešanica: Zmešamo enake količine rožmarinovih listov, materine dušice, žajblja in majarona; tri velike žlice te mešanice prelijemo z litrom vrele vode in pustimo nekaj časa pokrito, nato pa vdihujemo soparo skozi nos in usta. Še posebno je potrebno lajšati prehladne težave pri otroku. Tudi otrok naj pije tople napitke z medom in vitaminom C, po možnosti v naravni obliki, sicer v tabletkah. Prsi in nos mu lahko namažemo z mazilom, ki vsebuje kafro, ker to lajša dihanje. Potrebno je vlažiti zrak v sobi, kjer spi, da se mu sluznica ne izsuši, lahko mu pomagamo z inhalacijami. Važno je, da so otrokov vrat in prsi stalno topli, da se prehlad ne bo razvil v bronhitis ali celo pljučnico. Nahodnega otroka tudi ne smemo preveč obleči, saj bi se spotil in na hladnem zraku potem še bolj prehladil. Če se pri otroku ob nahodu pojavi vročina, ne gre posebno odlašati z obiskom zdravnika. Kot rečeno, se pri malčku namreč kaj hitro lahko razvije vnetje srednjega ušesa, bronhitis ali kakšne druge komplikacije, ki jih je treba že aktivno zdraviti. In gripa? To je zelo muhasta bolezen, ki nas vsako leto napada z novimi virusi. To nadlogo zdravimo tako, da lajšamo bolezenske znake. Vzamemo aspirin zoper • glavobol, boleče sklepe in proti vročini. Koristi tudi uživanje vitamina C, po možnosti v naravni obliki, pa toplih napitkov ter sirupa zoper kašelj, če boli, ko pokašljujemo. Ljudem s kroničnimi boleznimi srca, ožilja, pljuč itd. priporočajo cepljenje proti gripi. Gripo je najbolje kolikor se da odležati, da ne oku-žujemo drugih in si ne podaljšujemo težav. Brez zapletov traja bolezen povprečno tri do pet dni. Dobro antiseptično sredstvo zoper gripo je čaj iz materine dušice. V času, ko razsaja gripa, ga je dobro piti preventivno večkrat na dan. Čaj sladkajte s cvetličnim medom. Tudi kakšen strok česna vsak dan, v solati ali kar sam, bo samo koristil. Iskrica Usodno je, da smo prepogosto prepričani: to se nam ne more zgoditi. — R. Ringbauer Slovenian Smoked Sausages $2.59 Ib. or $2.39 if over 10 lbs. Slovenian Fresh Sausages $2.39 lb. Rice & Blood Sausages $1.59 lb. Home-smoked Bacon $1.79 lb. Homemade Salami, Želodec & Collage Ham $2.69 lb. We also have homemade poticas and strudels. R & D SAUSAGE Co. Phone:692-1832 15714 Waterloo Rd. Closed Mondays Anthony J. Perko dne 8. novembra 1980. il »Ve/ ^ zapustil ms, tQ BoSu pa pmsi vedno za nas! Sef>Ustil solzno si dolino, ^ Preselil v boljšo domovino, l^r n‘ ialostne skrbi, er vse se večno veseli. Žalujoči: ^a*herine roj. Grdina — ht6rk0insinovjezdružinami; sestri; brata; 8 vnukov in vnukinj ter ostalo sorodstvo. O., 14. novembra 19bS. Dragi rojaki, potujete v Evropo? Na pragu domovine, v središču stare Gorice na lepem drevoredu Corso Italija, vas pričakujemo v PALACE HOTELU, najboljšem hotelu v mestu: 75 sob s kopalnico, telefonom, radijskim sprejemnikom, barvno televizijo, mini-barom, klimatizacijo. Najmodernejši komfort po zelo ugodnih cenah: enoposteljna soba $28.00, dvoposteljna soba $39.00. Cenjenim gostom so na razpolago hale, konferenčna dvorana, parkirni prostor in hotelska restavracija v začasno ločenem poslovanju. V PALACE HOTELU bo poskrbljeno za vaš čimprijetnejše počutje, dobrodošlico pa vam bo osebno izrekel rojak Vinko LEVSTIK: DOBRODOŠLI! PH-PALACE HOTEL, Corso Italians 63 34 170 Gorizia-Gorica, Italy: Tel.: 0481-82166; Telex 461154 PAL GO 1 Srčna vam hvala! CLEVELAND, O. - Krajevni odbor TABOR-a DSPB v Clevelandu se prav prisrčno zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste se udeležili našega jesenskega družabnega večera, kakor tudi vsem tistim svojim sodelavcem, ki so po svojih močeh pripomogli, da je večer ponovno nadvse odlično uspel. Ameriški Domovini in njenemu uredniku ter slovenski radio oddaji, ki jo vodi dr. Milan Pavlovčič, za izredno naklonjenost, naša najpri-srčnejša zahvala. Socialni sklad Tabora bo za božične praznike, ki so skoro pred durmi, obdaroval vse stalne podpirance, ki so močni potrebni naših podpor, tistim pa, ki stalnih podpor ne dobivajo, bo Tabor poslal nekaj priboljška. Brez vaše pomoči tega ne bi zmogli, zalo še enkrat — Bog vam povrni! Tabor DSPB Cit včlanil ISKRICA Vest je glas človeštva v vsakem posamezniku. — E. Fischer MALI OGLASI FOR RENT 3 rooms & bath, up. Garage. Abby Ave. in Euclid. $260 a month. Call 481-2023. (86-87) FOR RENT 5 rms, dn. St. Clair & E. 70. Elderly couple preferred. $200 a month plus deposit. Call 449-1706 after 3 p.m. (86-87) For Sale by Owner Mod. 3 bdrm Euclid Col. Form. Din. rm. Lge family rm. Great family home. Good cond. — 692-0633. (x) Apartment for Rent 6 rooms, up. Quiet. Well maintained. Strictly modern kitch, wall-to-wall carpeting. Close to two bus lines. Reasonable. Security Deposit. Call 431-8800. (86-87) FOR RENT E. 61 St. — 4 rooms. Senior citizen or single person, near St. Vitus. Call 431-1570. (84-87) FOR RENT 5 rooms down & garage, near St. Vitus Church. Call after 6 p.m. — 946-8714. (83-86) COOK WANTED Collinwood Slovenian Home. Needed for lunch time trade. Contact Dan Pavšek — 531-8199. <*1 HOUSEWORK 5 day week. Steady job. Must drive. Gates Mills area. Call 442-9290. (80-87) KITCHEN CABINETS BEAUTIFUL RE-COVER Call Rich Jaklič at American Cabinet, Inc. if ou’re thinking of a great-looking kitchen for half the price oi new cabinets. We have been re-cover specialists for the past t5 years and, unlike some other re-cover companies, we cover all existing exterior cabinet surfaces, then install new doors and drawer fronts with your choice of colors and many designs. Call Rich Jaklič at 781-3«33 for a free home estimate. I-' _____________________a FOR RENT 1 2 apts., up. 4 rms & |sj£th each. Newly decorated, i$t. Vitus area. 431-8998. ' ■ /vt Joseph L. FORTUNA I ■ POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 g Moderni pogrebni zaypd Ambulanca na razpolftigo podnevi in ponočifi/ ’-.y CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! t “SLOVENIA RADIO PROGRAM” HEARD COAST TO COAST 6 to 7 on Saturday evening E.S.T. on N.B.N. Cable TV systems. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 1004 DHIewood Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Grdina Pogrebni Zavod 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 53 i; -6300 ; 1053 E. 62. cesta 431-2088 — V družinski lasti že 82 let. — AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVfcMBtH i^, i»oo •Recent Death, FRANK STERLE Frank Sterle, 62, died suddenly on Saturday morning, Nov. 8. He was owner-operator of the Frank Sterle Slovenian Country House Restaurant on E. 55th and Bonna Ave. He arrived in the United States from Slovenia in 1956 and obtained his first job picking apples on a farm. From there he went to work in a factory and in 1960 was able to purchase a little corner cafe located at 1401 East 55th St. After years of hard work, he expanded his establishment and saw his dream come true with the little cafe being remodeled into a Slovenian chalet. As a grand opening celebration of an expansion of the restaurant, noted for its fine home-cooking, he sponsored his first Slovenian ensemble as a special attraction. From that time on each year Sterle had an original musical ensemble from Slovenia or Canada entertain for New Year’s eve. One of his greatest joys was obtaining the world-renowed Slavko Avsenik Ensemble to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of his restaurant. Mr. Sterle was generous to various worthy cultural groups and ethnic organizations. He contributed to Muscular Dystrophy Assoc., Austrian Slovenian School, St. Vitus School, St. Mary’s School, Mary Mavec School for Retarded Children, WCPN Public Radio, United Slovenian Society Band, Milan Pavlovčič Slovenian Radio Program, Molly Voinovich Fund, American Home Newspaper (Ameriška Domovina), Slovenian Folklore Institute, and Statue of Liberty Restoration Fund. He was a member of the Primorski Club, United Slovenian Society, Slovenian National Benefit Society, KSKJ Lodge No. 169, Liquor Association of Cleveland. Mr. Sterle is survived by his wife, Ann (nee Ferk), stepson Verner, mother Alojzija of Yugoslavia, brothers Hubert and Stanley, both of Australia Great American Smokeout Adopters can offer ‘survival snacks and encourage- Smokers who want to give up cigarettes might find it easier by joining up with a 10-year-old who’s helped millions of people prove to themselves that quitting is possible: the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout. On Thursday, November 20, the 10th annual Smokeout will be celebrated throughout the nation — with activities ranging from parades, rallies and balloon releases to elaborate festivities high lighting Americans who have quit smoking for good since the Smokeout’s inception. All activities aim to keep smokers’ minds off cigarettes for at least 24 hours, and stress the benefits of quitting. Carol Conley Honorary Smokeout Chairman in Cuyahoga County, OH, said, “Although the Great American Smokeout is known as a ‘fun’ event, it has a very serious purpose. Each year, 350,000 Americans die of diseases linked to cigarette smoking, and 83 percent of all cancers are related to smoking. We have to convince smokers that quitting is the best thing they can do for themselves and their loved ones.” If there’s someone you’d like to see kick the cigarette habit for the Great American Smokeout, there’s no better way to get your message across than with a special Smokeout postcard from the American Cancer Society. “The illustrated card simply tells the smoker that you wish they’d take a day off from smoking on November 20th. According to Conley the postcard can serve as a reminder to the smoker, or it can be sent by someone who intends to “adopt” the smoker that day. Speaking of adoption, a popular Smokeout program is “Adopt-a-Smoker,” which allows nonsmokers to take part in the day’s activities. “A nonsmoker can ‘adopt’ someone they’d like to have quit for the day,” Conley said. kits,’ ------ - ment throughout the day. The support really helps.” The Smokeout began in 1974 in Monticello, Minnesota as “D-Day.” Newspaper publisher Lynn R. Smith started a grassroots movement in his town to get all its smokers to quit for a day. The idea was adopted in 1976 by the American Cancer Society’s California Division, which renamed the vent the Great Smokeout. A year later, it became a national program. “You don’t have to smoke tobacco to reap the attention and benefits of this year’s Great American Smokeout,” says Conley. “In fact, the 10th anniversary of this nationwide event could be a* very special day for dippers and chewers.” Recently, the dangers of smokeless tobacco use have become so well-publicized that Kansas City Royals slugger George Brett, a long-time chewer, announced that he gave up the habit. And, as a result of a new law, television and radio ads for smokeless tobacco have been banned. The same law requires that warning labels be printed on all packaging starting next year. Despite these measures, however, it has been estimated that as many as 22 million Americans use smokeless tobacco, and a recent study claims that 12 percent of college students nationwide dip or chew. and Joze of Yugoslavia. Mr. Sterle lie in state at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair. Funeral Mass at St. Vitus was Wed., Nov. Meeting The November meeting of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 10 will be held on Wed., Nov. 19 at 1 p.m. at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. All members are urged to attend. Election of officers will take place and plans for the Christmas party will be made. Our new badges have arrived and will be given to all members. Dues for the coming year will be collected. Please check your policies for any changes in beneficiary. Hope to have a good attendance. Ann Stefancec Rec. Sec. Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Venceslav Sfiligoj of Willoughby, Ohio are celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Nov. 21st. On the occasion of that memorable event, they donated $30.00 to the American Home newspaper. Congratulations and a million thanks for your donation. Tax Update at Euclid Library A free “Update on the New Tax Laws” will be offered at Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222 St., on Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Michael Wach Room. Conducting the session will be Robert Akos, Assistant Manager for A. G. Edwards and Son, Investment Brokers. Mr. Akos, an expert on tax law, is also a member of the EPL Board of Trustees. Free admission tickets will be issued at the Main Desk and may be picked up during library hours. 90 Years Young Sirs: Enclosed is a check for renewal of Ameriška Domovina for Joseph Rolih of Garfield Hts., Ohio. He is 90 years old and still enjoys the paper which he has been reading for years. Mrs. W. Topolnicki Peanuts contain more protein per pound than a pound of steak. 12, and burial in All Souls Cemetery. Funeral arrangements by Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home. Family requests donations be made to charity of your choice. imzszmmm, GRDINA r? 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. Donates $1,000 John Nielsen, New York City, donated $1,000 to the American Home newspaper. Thanks a million, John for your very, "'cry generous donation. Kollander World I ravid Anit'VHV. " i'l 'Ik,; I "111 I h v.ckp ' PROUDLY PRESENTS! RIO DE JANEIRO POLKA EXTRAVAGANZA FEBRUARY 211, 1987 - JOIN - * The Klančnik Brothers Orchestra * Tony Petkovšek ► Walter Ostanek Canada's Polka King ★ Frank Kalik * for 8 days of fun in the entertainment capitol of South America * • from Detroit, Buffalo only ^ M ^3 Cleveland & Pittsburgh $963 from Miami Price includes: Airfare, 1st Class Hotel. Brazilian Breakfast. Transfers. Luggage Handling. Taxes (Extended Stays in RIO and BUENOS AIRES are available.) and < Join and Orchestra on the BRAND NEW Fun sh,p CELEBRA TION CARIBBEAN CRUISE MARCH 21-28, 1987 for a week long prices from includes Roundtrip Air from Cleveland $1045 EAT, DRINK, AND POLKA YOUR TROUBLES AWAY! I or Information And Reservations Please ( all KOLLAIMDER TRAVEL (« 1-800-12 » tSO in Ohio v all « olle« I Zlh-( “’ ’ ’ ’ ‘ ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor A [filiations 9 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-311» Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posretbo. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio 7 Jim9s Journal by James V. Debevec On Wednesday, we buried °ne of our great Slovenians, Prank Sterle. Notice I said, “one of OUR ••• Not your., not mine, but OUR. fiy that I mean Frank Sterle ^as unique because he was riendly to and respected by Slovenians. He was esteemed by those who came ‘° America after the Second "°rld War, as he did, and by 1 ose who are second, third, 0r fourth generation U.S. Cltizens. And his attributes also revered by officials r°m Slovenia, Yugoslavia in Ur°pe. Sterle was one of a ^ry, very few who during his 1 etime was openly respected jjtd patronized by all three potions with equal vigor. esides being a cohesive force etween various Slovenian j*rsuasions, Mr. Sterle was an ^equalled humanitarian in all ln8s connected with his e3utifui Slovenian heritage. c 0r a number of years he 1*^ imo the American Home tolH ^ money orders. He 'd Madeline to fill out one J lhe name of “Ameriška O.?ril0v*na” on it, and on the p er nme he would have her nj t^le names of nine Slove-n cultural groups, such as tin ^ °r s‘ng‘ng organiza-. ns- Just like that, each year •ni^6 3 to whomever 8 1 be in need of funds. e also sponsored other nts such as the large sum-rp:: °utdoor festival at his wheaUrant on E- 55th St-dj rc the proceeds went fo^'v to the Slovene Home he 'u6 Last September rought the Avsenik ^semble to Cleveland and the 9nio Profit was distributed 8 his favorite groups. lar esides having a heart as Wase as the ocean, Mr. Sterle bu . an astute and aggressive on^tnan. His restaurant it js' ^5th grew and grew until iar now perhaps one of the in tfSt Slovenian “gostilnas” iit 6 'Vorld. He would bring Euro8Uest musicians from a pl ^e’ and they would have restaat;e t° stay on top of his beenUrant where rooms had panc.added. He was always ex-bac. n8 and pouring money live lnto the business. He had titpg^fsic there often three ever a Weel< and just about eitSe °Cal Slovenian musical j^mle has played there. b0vv IS fiends and patrons, •he p!er’ Were not limited to cians °Venian people. Politi-ecutj’ JUd8es> business ex-'ypesVes and downtown office-Ster| , anci yuppies made llUtCL S 0ne of their favorite •er ^ 'sP°ts. At noon, no mat-•he p- rnuch Sterle enlarged cq. ^Ce’ it was always crowd-hoUse e bought house after Sticj ln the immediate area štea ade an enclosed parking a full time guard, his p Was often mentioned by '•'ere !^°ns that his restrooms City j e leanest in America. 'V ,o,;^ec’°rs have personal-sDotie 016 t*1at his kitchen was SS- Vou don’t have to Frank Sterle, the Ultimate Slovenian worry when you eat at Sterle’s. As much as he loved his restaurant he was just as proud of his heritage. Last year he came into the American Home and announced he was bringing Avsenik here. “Everyone said it can’t be done,” he told us, “but 1 did it! They’re coming for sure, and it may be their last tour of America before retirement.” Sterle was so excited to show us the merits of Avsenik’s music, he had Madeline and myself sitting on his immediate right at the Cleveland Music Hall. That evening, his restaurant was packed, inside and outside, with friends helping him celebrate the happy occasion. Frank took special pride in his wife, Ančka, whom he treasured above all. She helped him run the business and took care of things when he was on one of his trips to Europe. His ventures in the “old country” was to see his special love, his mother, who is still living. One year Sterle brought his mom here to America, then threw a big party so everyone could meet his mother. He was a tough businessman, but inside was a soft, tenderhearted guy as far as his ladies were concerned. A shorter person in height who walked with a limp the agile Mr. Sterle could be seen at almost every Slovenian event in Greater Cleveland. Nothing stopped him from seeing the cultural activities which reminded him of his homeland. And when dignitaries from Slovenia stopped in Cleveland for a visit, they knew they could always count on the Country House for a good domač home-cooked meal dished up by a friendly innkeeper who was not ashamed to go out of his way for a fellow countryman. Frank Sterle was a patron of the Slovenian arts, a trustworthy, caring host who liked everybody. He had a dream for the coming summer. He wanted to bring Slovenian dancers or singers who had not been home since the war, back to Slovenia to perform their culture. Alas, his dream will not come true for now because he is no longer with us, having died unexpectedly in his sleep last Saturday morning. His body lie in state at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. There were 98 floral pieces covering the front of the hall from one wall to the other. A hundred and fifteen cars were in the funeral cor-tage with arrangements by the Roy Sankovič Funeral Home. At the National Home, prior to the Mass at St. Vitus church offered by pastor Rev. Joseph Boznar, Rev. John Kumse, Rev. Joseph Simcic, and Rev. Victor Tome, beautiful eulogies were offered by various representatives of clubs and cultural groups and the Yugoslav Consulate. Particularly touching was the speech given by radio personality Tony Petkovšek, who broke down in tears at the loss of one of his closest friends. Frank, your body is not among the living, but your good deeds will remain a part of the Slovenian community forever. What more could be asked of a human than to bring a bit of happiness to those whom your life has touched? When someone of a different nationality asks us, “What’s a Frank Sterle (second, left) last fall at the Cleveland Music Hall gives a painting to world famous musician Slavko Avsenik. Holding the portrait is Sterle’s wife, Ančka; at left is one of his best friends, Tony Petkovšek w'ho w'as Master of Ceremonies. Slovenian?” All we have to do is recall some of the good deeds that Frank Sterle has done, and we can recite what it is to be a Slovenian. He MARIJA STROPNIK Marija Stropnik, 61, of Trebeč Ave., Euclid, passed away in Euclid General Hospital on Friday, Oct. 24 after a long illness. Maria was born in Podtobor, Yugoslavia, the daughter of Alojzij and Rozalija Rus. She came to America from Germany in 1960 and lived in Euclid since 1962. She began working for Dejak Machine & Recent Death Tool in Eastlake in 1974 as a drill press operator where she continued until early this year. Maria was the wife of Frank, the mother of Branko, grandmother of Brendon and Smatha, and the sister of Rose Boh and Ivana Božic. Visitation was at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. with Mass at St. Christine Church and burial in All Souls Cemetery. *★*★*★★★★★******** * * * * ♦ * * ♦ * * * * ♦ _ „ „ „ dip and save— CLEVELAND SLOVENIAN RADIO CLUB Tony Petkovšek — 25 Years on Daily Radio Special 25th Radio Anniversary Celebrations in "Year of Polka Stars John Peatotnlk, Chairman • Congressman Dennis Eckart, Honorary Chairman NBN CABLE epitomized the Slovenian ideal. To his wife, Ančka, and family, we express our deepest sympathy and sincere regrets. Thanks Mary Habat wishes to thank the readers for their prayers, cards and concern for her recovery. Mary has been released from Euclid General Hospital and is resting comfortably at home. In Memory Sirs: Enclosed is a donation to the American Home Publishing Co. in memory of our dearest friend, John Sušnik. Joseph, Josephine Ambrosic and Marie Orazem Thanksgiving Weekend — 1986 The Polka Dance Extravaganza of the Past Quarter Century + ’ 1 1 1 ' ; 1 ....................................... * * Traditional Polka Party - 25 Great Cleveland Bands - Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27 i + 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. St. Joseph High Auditorium, E. 185th & Lake Shore Admission $5.00* Button Box Dinner Dance — Accordion Artists & Ensembles — Friday, November 28 5 p.m - Midniqht * * Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue - ($12.50 Dinner-Dance ) $2.50 Dance Only (at door) £ ** Slovenian Show — Singers, Dancers, Artists — Sunday, November 30 3 p.m. * ^Euclid Cultural Center, E. 222nd & Lake Shore Blvd. — Donation $5.00 * + (ln cooperation with United Slovenian Society to benetlt Slovene Home for Aged) * ★ THANKSGIVING DAY - BAND SCHEDULE St. Joseph Hi Auditorium — Thursday, November 27, 1986 (music In 3 areas) LOBBY - ENTRANCE 5:00 - Eddie Andres 6:00 - Bob Schauer 7:00 - Al Nowak 8:00 - Sumrada Bros. 9:00 - Frank Spetich 10:00 - Alpine Sextet RECORDS • TAPES • SPECIALTIES 971 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 481-7512 UPPER HALL STAGE 5:00 - Wolf Band 5:30 - Eddie Rodick 6:00 - Art Perko 6:30 - Don Slogar 7:00 - (Special Vocalists) Price - Mlhelich - Kenik 7:30 - Duke Marsic 8:00 - Al Battistelli 8:30 - Al Markič (Cecilia Dolgan) 9:00 - Champa - Bucar „ 9:30 - Joey Tomslck 10:00 - Hoyer - Cook 10:15 - Habat - Kotsos 10:30 - Jeff Pecon 11:00 - Johnny Vadnal 11:30 - Frank Yankovic - Joe Miskulin 12:00 - “JAM" - Ostanek - Benedict till - - Trebar, ect. 1:00 AM Flo. Unetich - Angie Žabjek, LOWER HALL BANDSTAND 5:30 - Fred Ziwich 6:00 - Ray Polantz 6:30 - Fred Kuhar 7:00 - Chris Benda 7:30 - Corky Godec 8:00 - Hank Hailer (Johnny Krizancic) 8:30 - Dave Wretschko 9:00 - Al Terček 9:30 - Skui - Zagar 10:00 - Harry Faint 10:30 - Joe Luzar 11:00 - Don Wojtila 11:30 - 12:30 - "JAM” Fedorchak, Somrak, Burger (Kenny Bass, Emcee) Vocalists BUTTON BOX DINNER DANCE Friday, November 28, 1986 - Slovenian National Home - St. Clair Avenue Doors Open 5:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM AUDITORIUM 5:30 - Cleveland Lake Erie Button Box Club 6:00 - Maple Heights Button Box Club 6:30 - St. Stephen’s Button Box Club 7:00 - West Park Button Box Group 7:30 - Holmes Hall Buttonaires 8:00 - Fairport Ensemble 8:30 - Euclid Squeezeboxers 9:00 - Mesaba Button Box Club 9:30 - Mahoning Valley Button Box Club 10:00 - Buttons & Bows Button Box Club 10:30 - Barberton Button Box Showcase 11:00 - 11:45 “JAM” - Frank Novak ANNEX 8:30 - Lorain Slovenian Button Accordionists Association 9:00 - Northern Ohio Button Box Club 9:30 - West Park Diatonic Club 10:00 - Kusar’s Button Box Gang 10:30 - 11:30 - "JAM” — Joey Tomsick THANKSGIVING IN CLEVELAND -A REAL POLKA HAPPENING! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 14, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 14, 1986 8 Pensioners See World s Biggest Cuckoo 51 attend South Florida Meeting October 13, the date for our Amish Tour was drawing near, and I am sure that many of those scheduled for the tour, h-’d their ears atuned to the daily weather reports, hoping to hear, “Clear skies, warm and plenty of sunshine for Monday, October 13th.” Came the morning of that day, and we were greeted by this message, “Another day of cloudy, cool weather with possible showers.” One would say, it was enough to dampen the spirit. Nevertheless, the outlook and attitude of all, as we gathered to board the bus, was cheery and optimistic. As we rolled along on the highway, we did run into a few showers and ominous threatening skies, but the attitude of the optimism prevailed. Tony Kaus, our faithful musician, “unboxed” his but-tonbox, and soon the music and singing took over and the weather became the least of our concerns. Before long, we arrived at our breakfast stop and the lines quickly formed at the food counter and elsewhere. What did 1 say? That’s right. Elsewhere. Isn’t that right, ladies? As expected when touring the Holmes County Amish Land, one stops at the cheese places, country stores, and in the fall season, at an apple farm. This tour throughout the day, included these normal stops. We looked, tasted, enjoyed, and bought of the wares. Of course, the highlight or apex of any Amish tour has to be the one “grand meal” of the day. To Marge Kaus fell the task of selecting the place. How to satisfy everyone? A real challenge. You see, many of our group had visited various Amish eateries on previous tours, and they might even be considered “connoisseurs” in this category. Of course, the final proof, without question, would be in the eating. In her wisdom but questioning mind, Marge decided that she could not go wrong in selecting the Alpine-Alpha, also known as the Switzerland Wonderland. First, the background decor of this delightful restaurant, is a breathtaking portrayal of the Majestic Alps of Switzerland; featuring a sparkling glacial stream, miniature lighted chalets, a tiny red whistling mountain train, and overhead, stars twinkling in the sky. The dining area setting and atmosphere was that of a lovely Swiss garden. The food... ah, Delicious... prepared to perfection, in the finest Swiss Amish tradition. The serving, “family style.” For seconds, again a second offering of loaded platters assuring us that no one would leave hungry. Having leisurely feasted and satisfied our appetites, we were now ready to pronounce judgement. Without question or exception, a rating of AAA plus (or blue ribbon) was awarded for both the food and atmosphre. Excellent! Additional features of the Alpine-Alpha restaurant (which is located in Wilmot, Ohio in Holmes County) is its cuckoo clock terrace, where one can see the world’s largest cuckoo clock, which performs on the hour and on the half hour. And then there is their Black Forest gift shop, “The Cuckoo Clock Capital of America,” which has some 300 cuckoo clocks, all sizes and shapes, on display and for sale. Much credit for the success of our tour must go to our driver and tour guide, John. Throughout the events of the day, we traversed much of the Amish countryside; saw their neatly kept farms and homes, their schoolhouses (not government supported), their horse and buggy mode of transportation, and learned much of their way of life and customs. Our driver, without question, was well versed in the Amish history. His running dialogue of Amish lore was interesting and informative, and appreciated by all. A guide of this caliber can add much to the quality of a tour. Our many thanks to you, John. On our return trip back to Cleveland, we ran into a few minor showers, but at this point, who cares. Throughout the day, it was cloudy but comfortably warm... and no rain to spoil the day. A real enjoyable tour. * At our November meeting we will hold our annual election of officers for the coming year. The date of this meeting is Thursday, November 20th, at 1:30 p.m. in the Annex Hall of the St. Clair National Home. All members are urged to attend this important meeting. Among our reported sick, we have the following: Agnes Kosec, broken hip and dislocated shoulder. She was hospitalized and is now undergoing therapy at the Wickliffe Country Place. Jane Lube, seriously ill. Hospitalized for over seven weeks, and soon to be transferred to a nursing home for therapy. Frances Tavzelj had major surgery and is now at home. Josephine Stwan had surgery and is now residing with her daughter. Ursula Unetič has returned home from the hospital and is under continued doctor’s care. John Trinko spent a few days in the hospital for a checkup and is home at the present time. Let’s remember our seriously ailing members with an occasional card of cheer. 1 am sure it will be appreciated. On October 28 we received the sad news of the death of our member John Sušnik. May he rest in peace. Our sincere sympathy to his wife and family members on their loss. John was an energetic organizational leader in our area for many years, and has left his mark in this field. In his earlier years, John was also an outstanding gymnastic athlete. 1 first met him in the early thirties, as a member of the Orel gymnastic club at St. Vitus. Last month, on Sunday, October 19th, on the occasion of Andrew Kavchnik’s 90th birthday, a small gathering of family, relatives, and intimate friends, surprised Andy with a party in his honor. Because of Andy’s past years of active involvement in the Club, the members contributed the sum of $50.00 to the St. Clair National Home Fund, in Andy’s honor. Also, last month 1 failed to mention that another member, Karl Estanek, observed his 90th birthday on October 28th. Our special wishes for health to you, Karl. During the past summer, a number of our members had the occasion to visit friends and relatives in Slovenia. They are all safely back now, and we will see them at our meetings. Welcome back: Anton Žakelj, Angela Bolha, Lojska Fegus, Frank Kuret, Jennie Kuret, and Frances Innocenti. Anton Žakelj has promised to show us slides of his trip, at one of our future meetings, probably in January. Lojska Fegus tells me that she has interesting pictures also. Remember our meeting date, Thursday, October 20. Also... don’t fail to make your reservation for our Christmas Dinner in December. Tickets will be available at the November meeting. See you all there. Stanley J. Frank Secretary The American Slovene Club of South Florida held its meeting on Oct. 5 in Sunrise Center, Florida. Birds of all types are returning, cardinals, orioles, doves, blue birds — and the snow birds. We had a delightful meeting with every one of the 51 members in good spirits. We welcomed four new members from West Palm Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Evencevich and Mr. and Mrs. Pepovich. We are delighted to have them. They brought along four of the best behaved youngsters you could want to meet, three boys and one girl. Hope they one day become members. Wedding anniversaries were celebrated by Mary and Cyril Grilc, Nancy and Ed Blatnik, Ann and Henry Madey, Theresa and Bill Zupanc. Plenty of 50s to celebrate in the next few years. They were greeted in song. Birthdays must be recognized. We should be thankful for them, otherwise we would be down under, and I don’t mean Australia, either. Sophie Phillips, Mary Grubelic, Alice Koprivec and Ivan Willis. All are holding well at “39”. Songs were sung for them. Sick list is active. Toni Bilyk was severly ill, slowly recovering. Ed Strumbly is in the hospital, Theresa Zupanc was gravely ill, Frances Drenik suffered another stroke. Mary Nagode is status quo. A speedy recovery is wished for all; our prayers are with you all. When the Yugoslav Club decides to have a lamb roast, a large number of our Slovenes attend, up to 30 persons. They do prepare excellent lamb. At the last session Mayme and Ed Leban from Samsula attended. Of course, their accordion came along. We had a great jam session. They are two agreeable musicians. Ed was feeling low that day, but you never would suspect it. He still has a smile. The Hocevars from Margate were there. Wish Ella Samanich from Cleveland had been here. We are hereby reminding the West Park gang (West Side of Cleveland) to come to our event in April. That close knit group consists of Bea Zak, Rose and John Žnidaršič, Stella Dancul, Helen Konkoy and others. If they come by bus it is a great way to see the country and attend our event at the same time. We expect a good many from Cleveland and Euclid, and parts east. Good reports are coming in. We had a nice dinner following the meeting with a large birthday cake for Ivan Willi5 after dinner. It was shared by all. At 85 he deserves a large cake. When visiting down here, do pay us a visit. You will be welcome. Next meeting is on Nov. 9. In December it will be on the 14th at Sunrise Center, Ft. Lauderdale. For further information call me at 758-9032 in Miami. In Ft. Lauderdale call 463-1025 or 564f-8756. Na svidenje M. Willis In Memory Please accept my check in the amount of $70.00 in memory of my husband, John (Jevec Gornik’s 70th birthday, Nov- Jo Jamnik-Gornik In Memory Victoria H. Svete of Euclid. Ohio donated $25.00 to t e Ameriška Domovina 'n memory of her husband, Yi tor Svete. AH Invited to AML^ Lodge 6 Celebration On Dec. 6 Slovenski Lodge 6 of AMLA will be celebrating its Diamon Jubilee with a dinner aIj dance at the Slovenian ^oc’^, Home on Recher Ave., Euc i Ohio. /- Dinner will be served -7 p.m. Following there wil ^ a short program, then by the Joe Fedorchek chestra from 8 until midnig Cost of the dinner dance $12.00. Advance sale on^ For ticket information cal Petrie 481-7167, or Jean b ' bian 944-3649, or Ann Cece 1-256-8721, or Marie Ho 531-3757. Tickets are a available at Tony’s Eo Village and Slovenian SoO Club Room. Jean Fabian Happy Birthday vict°r Birthday greetings to ^ Skok who was 86 years y0 on Monday, Nov. 10. House acts to stop ‘frivolous law suits’ Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 1 (PX) The Ohio House of Representatives passed legislation earlier this month which should make insurance more available and rates more affordable for governments and local businesses. “We have successfully passed legislation which should help,” said Representative Ronald Šuster, D-Euclid. “By instituting sanctions against frivolous suits and better regulating the insurance industry, we should see more policies Written at more reasonable rates.” The past several years for many business and local government entities have been plagued by the commonly-termed “insurance crisis.” Policy cncellations became routine. And those who managed to retain policies found themselves faced with exorbitant premiums. The insurance industry attributed its actions to a law-suit happy society. “I have been contacted by countless businesspeople and elected officials,” said Representative Šuster. “Many were forced to operate without insurance because there wasn’t enough money available to pay premiums which ha creased several hundred ^ cent. Others couldn’t e ^ find a company to wrl policy for them.” For many lawmakers^^ point was driven home many cities were forcejUiy cancel Fourth of festivities. ce Under the new bill. tnsur^ (0 companies will be require make financial disclosUfrate and will face increased 5 scrutiny on rate increase-“Our action yesterday be the last word on the 5 ject,” said Šuster. Historic Slovenian halls before the National Homes 9 by Vince Gostilna Around the turn of the cen-,ury. our early Slovenian Pioneers lived a very rugged and taxing existence. They toiled '10 hours per day, six days a week and were paid Very menial wages. The work Jas mostly of the back-feaking variety and at the day’s end, they trudged omeward, fatigued and ex- nausted. ^et, somehow, they never-the-less enjoyed an active s°cial and cultural life, Specially on the week’s end. Concerts, stage presentations, tPeetings, dances and wed-tags afforded them a temporary escape from the fudgery of their week’s toil. Where these social events to°k place is historically k'gnificant and also might e interesting to the readers. , ht the St. Clair neigh-Jtfhood, a total of eight halls ere in use by our early set-ners! Most of the halls were 1 very large, accom-°dating at the most, a few ll ered persons, and nearly Were on upper floors. In retrospect, it must be considered exceedingly fortunate that a major fire never occurred for surely many casualties would have resulted. The eight halls in use around the year 1900 and later were: ST. VITUS HALL 1110 Norwood Rd. It was located on the third floor of the old St. Vitus School. Here was enacted the first Slovenian dramatic presentation by the first theatrical group in America, “Slovenian Catholic Cultural Society.” Also served as the clubroom for KSKJ branches and Catholic Order of Foresters. The wooden building was demolished in the mid-forties, and was replaced with a modern auditorium-gym complex in 1957. KNAUS HALL 6131 St. Clair Mr. Jernej Knaus built the first private Slovenian hall in 1904. This facility served as the early cultural center until the Slovenian National Home was constructed in 1924. Many fraternal groups, dramatic FORMER JUDGE EDMUND J. TURK Attorney-at-Law (ODVETNIK) Total Legal Services Slovenian National H^me E. 65th & St. Clair - 391-4000 SPECIAL OFFER The American Home ethnic newspaper is conti-u,r,9 a special promotion seeking new subscribers n ^ Ameriška Domovina newspaper. It will last until Dec- 31, 1986. s Between now and then, persons wishing to describe to the Ameriška Domovina for the first time c r have not been a subscriber for the last five years) . n receive the paper at a ridiculously low price — V st $15.00 a year for the twice weekly or $10.00 a ar for the Friday (half English) edition. t. !N ADDITION, any college student or person in ( 6 biilitary service may receive the twice weekly edi- (ha?/°r ~ get this — iust $10 a year. or the Frfday f or more English) for — $5.00 a year. s REMEMBER: This is for FIRST TIME an SCRIBERS ONLY and does not apply to renewals or yeaj°ne who has dropped their subscription in the last five r------------------------------------------------- send This is too good an offer to be passed up. Please pSr" ^Fridays at $10.00 [^allege or military daily at $10 eollege or military Friday at $5.00 for one year to: reet CltV. State, Zip _ ^ Name____________ ^ Address_________ ^ City, State, Zip ^ Bicase send a___ card indicating my gift. clubs, etc. availed themselves of this popular site. Located on the third floor, in later years it was the home of the American Legion Post 273. The building is still in existence, however, not being used for Slovenian activities. STOCKES HALL 6021 St. Clair Became GRDINA’S HALL in 1911 when John Grdina Sr. assumed management of the establishment. It was located on the second floor and was the scene of many dances, plays, and lodge meetings. Accommodated about 400 which made it the largest of any in our area prior to SNH. The East Ohio gas fire on October 20, 1944 destroyed the third and second floor and the hall was replaced with a modern bowling establishment of 12 lanes. Today the building is the home of Sheliga Drug Store. UNION HALL 5902 St. Clair Later it was called KIKELJ’s HALL. It was the early home of the “Sava” Dramatic Society. In 1907 young magician John Grdina appeared in the People’s Theater and displayed great conjuring abilities. There were other live acts, including jugglers, singers, etc. on the program. This hall was the first public auditorium in the E.-65th area around 1870 and was razed in the late 1960s to make way for the new modern Cleveland Trust Bank (now AmeriTrust). JAITES HALL 6004 St. Clair Later known as BIRK’S HALL, here began the Ivan Cankar Dramatic Society and many early performances of Slovenian drama were enacted on the upper floor of this venerable building. The wooden structure burned down in 1930 and a gas station and winery were later built on the site. ULMANN’S HALL 1400 E. 55 St. Later known as SACHSENHEIM, it is now the HOFBRAU HAUS restaurant. This facility once housed the Sorrowful Mother Slovenian Catholic Church in 1907. It was under the pastorship of Rev. Kasimir Zakrajšek, O.F.M. and was designed for all Slovenians living west of East 55th. The church, however, soon was dissolved and merged with St. Vitus. ULMER HALL 5707 St. Clair In later years it was known as TIEBER’S. Not very much is known about this establishment, however the late Frank Turk, pioneer historian, wrote that it was used as the headquarters for petitioning the City of Cleveland to erect the St. Clair Bathhouse at E. 63rd and St. Clair. Old timers will remember the fort-like appearance of the turret-clock tower. This entire Tieber block was razed years ago to make room for a gas station. GERMANIA GARDENS 1357 E. 55 St. VERNOMANIA Out of a storm cloud you burst into my doorless boathouse one icy day in early May. Sired by lightning, cradled on the north wind, you nestled your blinded fledglings on a crossbeam tie rod against the cold. Midsummer madness nudges you to prod your torpid young to zig - (and skim and skip and dive, then) - zag again into the lurching sky -to chase the sun across this gypsy earth. Below the May high-water mark the door I built in A ugust haste, unmindful of your clandestine farewell. But now that autumn woods at noon are lit by midnight fires two paneless portholes scan the southern clouds for your return. ANTHONY AMBROŽIČ Toronto Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who have birthdays in November: Frances Sadar, 89 Mary Žnidaršič, 91 Joseph Tisovec, 76 Marko Sarich, 92 Martin Vogrin, 84 Cecilia Hočevar, 79 Mary Progar, 100 Mary Silhanek, 81 Louis Smerdel, 72 Also later known as KIND-SVATER GARDENS. This was not really a hall, as such, but an outdoor summer picnic grove on the east side of E. 55th St. halfway between St. Clair and Bonna. We are including Germania Gardens since there was performed one of the first Slovenian drama presentations on the outdoor bandstand, without the benefit of any sets or scenery. This was also the site of many picnics, religious services and musical concerts. An industrial firm, the Leiden Cabinet Co. stands on the approximate site of the Germania Gardens. “IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” NDEPENDENT 'AVINGS BANK • 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ‘Baline*« $1,000.00 and graatar earn variable rate Balance« $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook STS'*.,**, $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd.. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hit., Ohio 44130 845-8200 — A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. MEMBER wnc Federal Saving* 4 lean Insurance Carp Your Sevingt Insured to S 100.000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 14, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 14, 1986 o Recipes Donations GROUND CHUCK WITH DRESSING CASSEROLE 2 l )s. ground chuck 1 pkg. Pepperidge Dressing 1 large can condensed milk 1 can mushroom soup Mix meat and milk well. Spread in a 13” x 7” pan. Mix dressing with water just to dampen. Spread over meat mixture. Pour soup, diluted with 1/3 can of water, over all. Bake 1 hr. and 15 min. at 350°. To serve, cut in squares. CRANBERRY PUDDING This very special recipe is unique to the Midwest, and has become a tradition in many households at holiday time. It is simple to prepare. I egg, slightly beaten 1 heaping T. sugar 1/2 c. light molasses 1/3 c. hot water 1 1/2 c. flour 2 t. baking soda 1/2 t. salt 2 c. fresh cranberries, washed and drained. Combine all ingredients in order listed. Pour into a greased mold and steam for 1 hour over simmering water, tightly covered. Make a steamer by punching holes in an aluminum pie pan and inverting it in the bottom of a saucepan with a tight-fitting cover. Serve warm with the following sauce. No other sauce will do! Sauce / c. coffee cream 1/4 cup. butter 1 c. sugar 1/4 t. salt 1 t. vanilla Heat cream, butter, sugar and salt to the boiling point. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Serve warm over warm pudding. Use the sauce liberally, as the pudding is tart. OLD-FASHIONED PUMPKIN PIE / 9-inch unbaked pie shell 1 c. sugar 2 T. flour 1/2 t. salt 1/2 t. ground ginger 1/2 t. cinnamon 1/2 t. ground nutmeg 1/8 t. ground doves 3 eggs 1 1/2 c. pumpkin 2 c. milk (1 c. evaporated milk and 1 c. water) 1 T. brandy (optional) whipped cream pecans Mix together sugar, flour, salt, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Beat in eggs. Stir in pumpkin, milk and brandy. Pour into unbaked pie shell and bake in a preheated 400'' oven 45 to 50 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool and serve garnished with whipped cream and pecans. PUMPKIN BREAD 3 cups sugar 1 cup salad oil 2 cups canned pumpkin 4 eggs, beaten 3 1/2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 cup golden raisins 1/2 cup pecans, chopped Combine sugar, two-thirds cup water, oil, pumpkin and eggs and beat well. Mix in dry ingredients. Add raisins and nuts. Bake in greased loaf pans at 350 degrees for one hour. Yield: 3 large or 4 small loaves. HOLIDAY CHOCOLATE CHIP SQUARES 2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour 11/4 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt I c. butter, softened 1 1/4 c. sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla extract one 12-oz. pkg. (2 c.) semisweet chocolate morsels 1 c. chopped nuts three 6-oz. jars (30) maraschino cherries, drained, pat dry 16 small candy spearmint leaves, cut into quarters lengthwise Preheat oven to 350°F. in bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. In bowl, combine butter and sugar; beat until creamy. Add egg and vanilla extract; mix well. Gradually blend in flour mixture. Stir in chocolate morsels and nuts. Spread into greased 13”x9” glass baking dish. Press 30 maraschino cherries into dough spacing them to form 6 rows; 5 cherries per row. Place 2 quartered spearmint leaves at base of each cherry; press into dough. Bake at 350°F. for 25-30 minutes. Cool. Cut into 2” squares, makes 30 squares. MOLLIE’s INDIANA CRUMB-foP APPLE PIE Filling: 2/3 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspon nutmeg 8 large tart apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced (12 cups, about 4 lbs.) 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons butter Crumb Topping: 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 cup all-purpose flour Filling: Preheat oven to 350°F. In large bowl combine sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add apples; sprinkle on water and lemon juice. Toss until evenly coated. Spoon into a 9-inch deep-dish pie pan (without pastry). Dot with butter. Crumb Topping: Cream sugar and butter until light and fluffy. Add flour and stir until smooth. Daub on apples. Bake 50 to 60 minutes. Serve warm — plain or with ice cream, whipped cream or cheese. Makes 8 servings, about 375 calories each. ZUCCHINI WITH MOZZARELLA This cook-and-serve-in-one-skillet herbed-vegetable dish features sliced zucchini simmered with onions, green peppers, and tomato, topped with melted mozzarella, Southern Italy’s pride and joy of cheeses. 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 medium onion, diced 1 medium green pepper, diced 1 small garlic clove, minced 1 16-ounce can tomatoes 4 medium zucchini (about 2 pounds), cut into 1/4-inch slices 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon oregano leaves 1/4 teaspoon basil 1 8-ounce package moz zarella cheese, coarsely shredded About 40 minutes before serving: In 10-inch skillet over medium heat, in hot salad oil, cook onion, green pepper, and garlic until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Add tomatoes with their liquid and next 5 ingredients; heat to boiling. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer until zucchini is tender-crisp, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to break up tomatoes. When zucchini is done, sprinkle evenly with cheese; cover and simmer about 3 minutes or until cheese is melted. Makes 8 accompaniment servings. Uention Recipe Readers! As we are approaching the holiday season, the American Home newspaper would like to publish your favorite holiday recipes and share them with all of our readers. Our Slovenian gals are known throughout the world for their fine culinary talents. Please send us your holiday recipes to- ! * day and mail them to: American Home Holiday Recipes 6117 St. Clair Ave. ^)( Cleveland, OH 44103 * * * i t i * * i r i i t r i i i i c i FETTUCINI WITH CLAMS AND MUSHROOMS / lb. cooked fettucini 1/4 c olive oil I lb. sliced mushrooms 1 heaping teaspoon freshly mashed garlic 1/2 c white wine juice of one lemon 2 cans minced or whole baby clams 1 T sweet basil salt and pepper to taste 1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese chopped parsley Heat olive oil and add sliced mushrooms and garlic. Cover and cook until mushrooms are fairly soft. Add the wine and lemon juice and allow some of the liquid to evaporate. Then add the clams and sweet basil, salt and pepper. After the fettucini has been cooked, remove it to a warm platter to keep heated until the sauce is ready. Mix the sauce with the fettucini and sprinkle the grated cheese and chopped parsley on top. APPLE-WALNUT TORTE Light, moist, with rich walnut flavor 3 1/4 cups walnuts, very finely ground 1/2 cup finely chopped, peeled apple 1/3 cup flour 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 6 eggs, separated 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups whipped cream apple wedges and 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped, for garnish About 1 1/2 hours before serving: Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease two 9-inch-round cake pans; line with waxed paper; grease paper. In bowl, mix ground walnuts, chopped apple, flour, baking powder, and salt. In large bowl with mixer at high speed, beat egg whites to soft peaks. In small bowl with mixer at high speed, beat egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla until thick. Fold nut and yolk mixtures into beaten whites; spoon into pans; bake 25 minutes or until top springs back. Cool in pans on rack 5 minutes; remove from pans; cool. Spread cream between layers and on top; garnish. Makes 12 servings. 340 calories per serving. Lettuce should be kept in an air-tight plastic bag whenever possible to stop the oxidation process, which turns the vegetable brown. Thanks to the following f°r their donations to t^e American Home to keep l^e newspaper solvent: John and Antonette Celesnik, Cleveland, in memory of Celesnik an(i Debelak Families — $12.00 John Turk and Rose Johnson families, Orinda, Calif-. *n memory of their sister Josephine Slanich — $30.00 Marjan Gašperšič, Euclid " $7.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Telich-Ely, Minn., in memory 0 father Frank Telich who pass' ed away on Jan. 8, 1986 at the age of 97 years and 10 month5 — $20.00 Rev. Joseph Cvelbar, Pitts burgh — $50.00 Caroline Zadnik, Euclid. Ohio, in memory of husban Joseph — $23.75 , Ohio Federation of Lodges — $25.00 Marie Mocilnikar, Mentor’ Ohio, in memory of her sistct in-law Anna Stakich — $20-John and Marija Brodnik’ Willoughby, Ohio - SI7-00 | Jadran Singing Socic1 Cleveland — $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ed*®^, Gorenc, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rudolf, and Mr. and ^ John Gross — in memory their mother Mary Rud° $30.00 3U.UU , Capt. Martha J- Spr10 . Bethesda, Maryland.^ Y memory of her mother " Barle Svete — $10.00 Mrs. Josephine ^ ^ th Cleveland, in memory 0 ^ o| husband, — Joseph' parents — Jennie »n Žnidaršič — $10.00 j|3,75 elj' Poldi Bojc, Euclid Vladimir N. Washington, D.C. " ’ g0l Metoda Fischinger, Sl as G C th ch th, 111. - $7.00 ,.h,iicti, Miss Frieda H Jackson Hts., N.Y. " n. ' t Mary Škerl, Euclid, ' ^ $7.00 v Ph Mrs. A. L. (Pauline) ^ ^ nik. Garrettsville. O-J- ^ Frances M- in i)io Marblehead, ^asSy9|ei1' 'Si, memory of her father, tine Mavko — $.l5•0np|levi|l^;, Pfr Louis V. Jerin, Belle 7C N.j. _ $5.00 FoWler. Rev. John Lavrih, ties, in Kansas — $5.00 Ludvik Burgarnem^' Sea! Ridgewood, NY.’ '^Lgar.’ of his son, Ludvik — $37.00 noh1' ho Westm0”' fny Andrej Remec, ,IL ~ $7'00 . , ,-ffe 0- ' Mai Mary Ster, Wick i ^ in memory of her qUa] Peter Ster — $22-00 ^ Mary F. Rudolph, Eot H.g $7.00 ,5^' ?lc|e Alex and oO N Millbrae, Calif- " S °Jr lnco "m^:, R°chester’ " $7'00 , navis. H.e Marija Merala, ^ aw ... (Fra^S Mrs. Alojzij 0pt jnf Mavec, Richmond Hd - h 2' — $7.00 divjf Canada — $13.00 Belokranjsk j Cleveland — Ciril Pfeifer, c,eve $5.00 Our Travels thru National Parks and Monuments by Cyril Grilc % wife, Mary, and I began a two week bus tour of National Parks and Monuments in El Paso, western Texas on a Saturday in August. I went on an afternoon bus lr'P across the Rio Grande to Juarez, Mexico. Their tequila 's as powerful as Slovenian Slivovka. It is interesting to note the population of these cities, although not even ln the same country, share one Phone book with the same °cal call charges. That evening in our hotel ’here was a get acquainted din-ner with- the other 41 Passengers that made up our tr'P. With the exception of a few, we were all strangers to each other, but before long we were one happy family of golden agers. On leaving El Paso we traveled through part of Texas to New Mexico and shortly before noon we arrived at Carlsbad Caverns which are a bit different from vast Mammoth Cave in Kentucky but very much like Postojnska Jama. Not as cool, but dryer. It is also bigger with self-guided easy walks with superior lighting. The entrance is from top of a hill so visitors go down in an elevator 750 feet and can spend as much time there as they wish. There is also a cafeteria. That evening, after dinner, we went back near the cavern ‘5th Anniversary of Petkovsek’s Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club Tony Petkovšek has been on ethnic radio since 1961. ** addition to popular polka e[|ls'c> political, civic and er,ainment personalities AM136 heard daily on WELW SM ^BO NBN Cable and on PPdays i to 2:00 p.m.. on ye PN FM 90. For the past 15 on ?’ t*le Pro8rarns have aired y °cation at Tony’s Polka J a8e and Specialty Shop, Past 185th Street. th ^etk°vsek helped establish „e United Slovenian Society reater Cleveland from the °f G ^ak committee, having served 'ts president, S Cl and the evcland Slovenian Radio j, uh which has raised Ch°u.Sands of dollars for (u r'tahle purposes, such as lovene Home for the Ag- (H Assistance Program y0(Jr'j^'P-), which can reduce Now Open it1glease carefully note the fil- tn. Per'°d for the Home r8y A, aiod *leadn8 costs f°r l°w to is ’ncome households, ^ open through Jan. 31. The ij„ Pro norne Energy Assistance fed®ram . (H.E.A.P.) is a de$j ra**y'funded program in r^ed to provide up to 42(7o < Uct>ons in heating bills Seas ® Ihe three-month winter is available to and renters of lypCs an