XVII- 78-79 - 1996 Mednarodni kongres v Radencih Biosf erni rezervat Drava-Mura priložnost za mejno regijo med Avstrijo, Slovenijo, Hrvaško in Madžarsko Zaključna deklaracija, 18. maj 1996: Spoštovani! Od leta 1992 potekajo poglobljena med- narodna prizadevanja za ohranitev enkrat- ne naravne in kuturne rečne krajine ob Dravi in Muri, kjer reki še nista presekani s hidroenergetskimi jezovi. Sodelovanje stro- kovnjakov, vladnih strokovnih služb in nevladnih organizacij usklajuje Fondacija za evropsko naravno dediščino EURONA- TUR Že pred tremi leti je bila podana zamisel o ustanovitvi omrežja zaščitenih območij v obliki biosf ernega rezervqta v skladu z UNESCO-vim programom Clovek in biosfe- ra (Man and the Biosphere). Cilj biosfemega rezervata je ohraniti rečni ekosistem z obrečno kulturno krajino. Hkrati naj bi ponudil trajnostno razvojno perspektivo tu- kajšnjim regijam. V obdobju, ki je sledilo, so številne organizacije vseh štirih držav zamisel dodo- bra preučile in raziskale možnosti za njeno uresničitev. Kongres v Radencih pomeni močno potrditev takšne zamisli. Potrdili so jo predstavniki vladnih in nevladnih orga- nizacij iz vseh štirih držav, kot tudi predstav- niki mednarodnih ustanov IUCN in UNESCO. V številnih referatih vodilnih strokovnjakov za varovanje rečne krajine ter načrtovanje sonaravnega, trajnostnega razvoja so bile nakazane nove možnosti in rešitve. S podporo kongresa podpisani pozivamo odgovorne vladne organe, da imenujejo nacionalne komisije za pripravo predloga o biosfemem rezervatu. Nadalje pozivamo te komisije, da ustanovijo mednarodno koordi- nacijsko telo, ko bo usklajevalo njihove aktivnosti. Za udeležence kongresa: ACROCEPHALUS Intemational Conference in Radenci: The Drava-Mura Biosphere Reserve A chance for the border region between Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary Final declaration of May 18th, 1996: Dear Sirs, Since 1992 increasing intemational ef- forts are aiming at the preservation of the unique natura! and cultural riverain land- scape of a great part of Drava and Mura rivers, which is not yet affected by power dams. Under the coordination of EURONA- TURE, experts, govemmental bureaus and NGOs have been collaborating since then. Three years ago, an idea was launched about establihing a network of protected areas integrated into a biosphere reserve, as proposed by the "Man and the Biosphere" - programme of UNESCO. The target is to preserve the river ecosystem as well as the cultural landscape forming part of it and, at the same tirne, to offer prospects of sustaina- ble regional development. In the following tirne, a certain number of organizations from all four countries coope- rated in working out the idea of the bisphere reserve and finding ways of implementa- tion. The Radenci conference confirmed the plan being well-founded. Support was given by representatives of govemmental bodies and NGOs from the four countries as well as by the representatives of IUCN and UNESCO. In numerous lectures of leading experts in preservation of river ecosystems and sustai- nable development new proposals and solutions were presented. The undersigned, having attended the conf erence, request the responsible govem- mental bodies to establish national commit- tees destinated to elaborate the designation of the biosphere reserve, as proposed. Furthermore, we call on these committees to set up an intemational body for the coordination of their activities. For the participants of the conference: Dr. Uwe Kozina, Europdisches Naturerbe, Graz Pr9t. Dr. Dr. h.c. Branimir Prpic, Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo, Zagreb Borut Stumberger, dr. vet. med., Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije, Ljub}jana Dr. Ferenc Winkler, Somogy Termeszeti Or6ksege Alapftvany, Kaposvar Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby, European Natural Heritage Fund, Radoltzell 133