Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 07/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 15. 2. 2015 6. Nedelja med LETOM 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Jezus in bolniki Današnje berilo in evangelij govorita o gobavosti. Do nedavnega je bila ta bolezen neozdravljiva, saj je v njej človek počasti razpadal pri živem telesu. Taki bolniki so bili povsod, zaradi nevarne nalezljivosti, izločeni iz človeške družbe. Prvo berilo iz Mojzesove knjige govori o napotkih duhovnikov, ki so bili nekakšna zdravstvena služba v tistem času in okolju. Zamislimo si v duševno razpoloženje človeka, ki je izvedel, da je neozdravljivo bolan in še izključen iz družbe. Kakšno ponižanje človekškega dostojanstva je bilo to. Prav je, da se skušamo vživeti v take ljudi, da bomo samo bolj skromni, bolj hvaležni z zdravje in bolj odprti za trpeče in bolne. Veliki apostol gobavcev Raoul Follereau se je še posebej zavzel za gobavce in njihove pravice. Sam pravi: »Nihče nima pravice biti srečen sam« in »za nikogar ne sme več veljati starozavezno pravilo, namenjeno gobavim: Zunaj tabora bodi njegovo prebivališče.« Pavel v drugem berilu Korinčanom daje odlično pravilo za naše vsakdanje življenje: »Najsi jeste ali pijete ali kaj delate, vse delajte v božjo slavo.« Ni torej tako važno, kaj človek dela, pač pa kako ali komu v čast, sebi ali drugim ali na koncu, v božjo čast. Če je v korist drugim in v božjo čast, je dobro in ima svoj večnostni smisel. In še dodaja: »Skušam v vseh rečeh ugoditi vsem«. To gotovo zahteva veliko človeško in krščansko zrelost, veliko mero odpovedi, še prej pa ljubezni do vsakega čoveka. V evangeliju vidimo Kristusa, kako se sreča z gobavcem: »Če hočeš,« mu reče ta, »me moreš očistiti«. To je tako preprosta beseda, a vključuje toliko vere. Prepričan je, da Jezus vse more. Vprašanje je Ie, če bo to hotel storiti. Nehote se nam vsiljuje vprašanje o naše veri v Kristusa in njegovo vsemogočnost. Jezus se, proti vsakemu pravilu tedanjega in današnjega časa, bolnika dotakne in mu reče: »Hočem, bodi očiščen«. Nato je zahteval od ozdravljenca, da se pokaže, po takratnih predpisih, duhovniku: »Pokaži se duhovniku in prinesi za svoje očiščenje dar.« Pokazal pa je, kako nobena, še tako huda bolezen telesa, duha ali duše ne sme zmanjšati našega spoštovanja do človeške osebe, ampak ga mora celo povečati. St. Gregory the Great Catholic Women's League Cordially invites everyone to our Annual Parish BAZAAR Sunday, March 1st, 2015 Lunch at 12:30 Bake Sale, Penny Sale, Raffles, Children's games, 50/50 draw Join us for a day of Family fun Admission: Adults: $15 in advance prepaid $ 17 at door Children 4_10 yes. - $5 Children 3 % under - Free banket društva sv. jožefa_ Letos bo banket društva sv. Jožefa v nedeljo, 22. marca. Dopoldne bo samo ENA SV. MAŠA ob 10:00. Začetek banketa s kosilom ob 12:00h. Vstopnice in rezervacije miz lahko uredite pri Franku Erzarju 905-643-0285. slovenians got talent_ This year the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph will be hosting a talent show at their annual banquet on March 22. We are looking for anyone (all ages) including kids, parents, grandparents who want to show their talents to our community. It can include singing, dancing or playing an instrument. There is no judging, just having fun. To sign up or for more information, please contact Peter Novak 905-560-4201 ( V pevski sobi smo dobili v dar 55 inčno LED HD televijijo, ki nam jo je podarila ga. Cecilija Lehner. Iskrena hvala za ta dar, saj bodo sedaj lahko otroci slovenske šole, ki imajo v tej sobi tudi verouk in pevske vaje lažje brali, ker je ekran precej večji od stare televizije. Response: You are my refuge, Lord; with deliverance you surround me. First Reading Leviticus 13:1-2. 44-46 Separation from the community is a rule laid down for those with a contagious disease. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 10:31 - 11:1 Christ Jesus is the true model of life. Gospel Mark 1:40-45 Jesus heals a leper and finds he has to stay outside. "Never do anything offensive to anyone." Illustration A beautiful saying has come down to us from the earliest days of the Church. This saying goes like this: "The glory of God is a human being fully alive." The author of these words is the second-century Bishop of Lyons, St Irenaeus. This man was a disciple of St Polycarp, a bishop in Asia Minor, and Poly-carp was a disciple of St John and knew the generation of the apostolic age. Polycarp, in his own writings, often quoted the writings of St Paul. And today we hear another beautiful saying about glory that comes directly from the great apostle of the Gentiles. Writing to the Christians of Corinth, Paul says, "Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God." These sayings about glory are key statements about the meaning of Christian faith. To live a holy life in this world is to do all things for the one purpose of giving glory to God. And, as Irenaeus has pointed out, giving glory to God means promoting everything that brings human beings to life. How on earth is that to be done? Paul follows up his exhortation by saying, "Never do anything offensive to anyone." There is the answer. The amazing thing about this answer is that we find it in the mouth of Paul - Paul, who from his earliest days was a ferocious defender of his faith, and who was quite prepared to persecute others in the defence of his own point of view. This man, once verbally and physically aggressive, is now a person who will not give offence to anyone. In fact he is prepared to suffer any inconvenience if he might help others to know Christ Jesus. He even goes so far as to say, "Take me for your model." It's some turnaround! Gospel Teaching The person who brought about this turnaround in the life of Paul was Jesus himself, whom Paul met on the road to Damascus. As Paul hunted down the followers of the Lord, Jesus said to him, "I am Jesus and you are persecuting me." Paul's education now began. He came to know this crucified Jesus, and his eyes were opened to a wider and more wonderful world. From this moment onwards, Paul would never again do anything offensive to anyone, neither Jew nor Greek nor Church of God. Paul had come to know the Lord, who went about preaching and curing all who were sick. This Jesus of Nazareth never did anything offensive to anyone, though his opponents found much to be offended about. Today we hear of an encounter with a leper. Jesus is anxious that this cure should not be broadcast, for fear it would cause uproar. The trouble is that good news cannot stay hidden; and soon the story is out, and Jesus is forced to stay away from ordinary places. Ironically, the leper has found his place back among his own people and the Lord has been forced outside. But despite that consequence, Jesus was more than willing to heal the sick man. That is why he came - to bring true life to all people and to heal our sicknesses. The trouble is that our deep sicknesses are much worse than skin diseases. They are the sicknesses of the soul, not as easy to see, but the pain is just as real. Application Our deepest hurts are the things that cause us to fight one another, our anger and our sense of injustice, our aggressiveness with one another and our violence. These are the true sorrows of our world. How do we heal them? We are back where we started, with the advice of St Paul: "Never do anything offensive to anyone." In my own heart the war has to cease. In my own mind the dominating has to stop. In my own actions the controlling has to end. Other people are not going to change their behaviour just because I say so. But other people will be led to know the Lord if they see the Lord's grace alive in me. Paul used the extraordinary statement, "Take me for your model, as I take Christ." This is not a brag or a boast. It is the highway to peace in the world. Each one of us is invited to do the very same thing. Discernment Retreats March 2015 Discernment Retreats in March Have you thought about the priesthood or religious life? If you would like to learn how to listen to God's call in your own life, and how to follow that call in your own vocational discernment, then this retreat is for you. Open to people 18 years old and older: March 13-15 (for men) and March 20-22 (for women). To register or to find out more visit and click on the "Discernment Retreat" tab. come and see weekend_ "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:38) Hosted by St. Peter Seminary in London, a Come and See Weekend offers a special opportunity for men considering a vocation to diocesan priesthood to reflect on the call of God in their lives, immerse themselves in Seminary life, and interact with seminarians who can share and witness from personal experience. Offered the weekend of March 6 to 8 at St. Peter Seminary beginning with registration on the Friday evening between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m. and concluding with lunch on Sunday afternoon at about 2:00 p.m. The weekend is open to men who are in grade twelve and older. Please feel free to contact Father Kuzma at the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Hamilton at for further information or to register as a participant. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor-vaje шщщь -л i > i!% Vaje za župnijski mešani I jQ J pevski zbor bodo v četrtek А ' 19. februarja. Pojemo na prvo postno nedeljo 22. februarja. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 15. februar: Bled - Valentine's Day-lunch ♦ 18. februar: Pepelnica-začetek posta ♦ 1. marec: CWL-KŽZ - Bazaar ♦ 1. marec: Sv. Jožef - Občni zbor/Annual General Meeting -11:00am ♦ 3. marec: Lipa Park - 5:30 p.m. - Občna seja ♦ 8. marec: Triglav-London: ob12:15 p.m. maša v dvorani društva & Koline. - Bled: Members General Meeting ♦ 15. marec: SAVA -1:00 p.m. maša Bled: Dan žena - banquet (Oto Pestner) ♦ 22. marec: Banket društva sv. Jožefa - maša bo ta dan SAMO ob 10:00 a.m. občni zbor: 12. april 2015_ Datum letošnjega župnijskega občnega zbora smo na zadnjem srečanju članov župnijskega pastoralnega sveta prestavili na nedeljo,12. aprila. Ker odslej škofija zahteva, da oddamo finančno poročilo do konca februarja, je premalo časa še za dobro pripravo Občnega zbora. Prosimo, da razmislite, če bi bili pripravljeni postali člani župnij-skega sveta -vsako leto rabimo nekaj novih članov. cwl-kžz bazaar: march 1st, 2015 A reminder that our CWL Bazaar will be held on Sunday, March 1, 2015. Lunch tick- ets are now available before and after each mass. You can also contact Theresa Sarjaš directly for reservations: 905-560-1218. Although the Bazaar is organized and run by our dedicated CWL members, a large portion of our fundraisers go towards helping our church so we turn to our parish members for support. To help make our Penny sale and Raffle tables a success, any donations that you are able to make would be welcome and very much appreciated. Donations can be dropped off with our ladies selling lottery and lunch tickets before and after masses in the boxes provided. We ask that donations be dropped off by early Saturday morning so that we have enough time to organize our tables for our bazaar the following day. We are also very appreciative of the baked goods the ladies of our parish contribute to the bazaar - we all know that it just wouldn't be the same without your Pecivo! Your baked goods can be dropped off in the upper hall on Saturday Feb. 28th in the morning. Thank you in advance for your contributions. The Bazaar is coming up soon and the Catholic Girls Club will be organizing and running the children's center again this year. We are in need of prizes and donations to create a great experience for the kids here at our parish. Any help you can give us with this would be really appreciated. We are going to have our teddy bear corner again, so any gently used or new teddy bears that you can spare would also be a great help to us. The Catholic Girls Club will be having an IMPORTANT meeting on Sunday Feb. 15th after 11 am mass to discuss and organize the Children's center at the Bazaar. darovi_ Dar $3000 za cerkev (n.n.). in dar za cerkev $100 (n.n.). Hvala za velikodušen dar. postna postava_ Postni čas, ki se začne s pepelnično sredo, nas vsako leto pripravlja na veliko noč. Naj bo to res čas milosti, duhovne poglobitve in dobrih del, ki jih bomo darovali za potrebe Cerkve in vsega sveta. Cerkev za postni čas določa tudi posebne oblike spokornosti. Strogi post je na pepelnično sredo (letos 18. februarja) in na veliki petek (letos 3. aprila). Ta dva dneva se le enkrat na dan do sitega najemo in se zdržimo mesnih jedi. Strogi post veže od izpolnjenega 18. leta do začetka 60. leta. Samo zdržek od mesnih jedi je na vse petke v letu. Zunaj postnega časa smemo zdržek od mesnih jedi zamenjati s kakim drugim dobrim delom pokore ali ljubezni do bližnjega. Zdržek od mesnih jedi veže vernike od izpolnjenega 14. leta. Kadar je praznik (cerkveni ali državni) na petek ali je kakšna slovesnost v družini (poroka, pogreb ...), post in zdržek odpadeta. pokojni_ V Šentvidu pri Stični so našli mrtvega Jožeta Grebenca (66 let), tamkajšnjega župnika in njegovo gospodinjo, katehistinjo Anico Dobrove. Pogreb je bil v soboto 14. februarja 2015. Pri nas smo opravili sveto mašo za pokoj njunih duš v soboto pri večerni maši po namenu Lojzeta Grebene in sestre Dragice Grebene. Pokojni Jože je bratranec našega farana Lojzeta Grebenca. Iskreno sožalje sorodnikom. Pokojnima pa večni mir in pokoj. canadian slovenian historial society 11th general annual meeting At Dom Lipa Board room 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto We are inviting all members and friends of CSHS to attend the 11th General annual meeting to be held on Saturday February 21th 2015, starting with the registration at 9:30 a.m. The executive members of the Board will present the reports of the activities in the past year. You will have the opportunity to visit the Archives office. Join us and help us preserve the history of Canadian Slovenians. All members and friends of CSHS welcome! kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo enajsti redni letni občni zbor v Domu Lipa Board room 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto Vabimo vse člane in prijatelje KSZD, da se udeležijo enajstega rednega letnega občnega zbora, ki bo v soboto 21. februarja 2015 v spodnjih prostorih Doma Lipe (Board Room), pričenši z registracijo dopoldne ob 9:30. Odboriniki vam bodo predstavili poročila o delu v preteklem letu. Ob tej priliki si lahko ogledate Arhivsko pisarno. Le združeni lahko ohranjamo zgodovino kanadskih Slovencev. Vsi člani in prijatelji KSZD dobrordošli! svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -DON BOSCO Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 15. 2. 2015 DO 22. 2. 2015 svete maše - masses Nedelja - Sunday za žive in rajne župljane 6. Ned. med letom 9:30 a.m. 15.februar f RudiHanc Ivan in družina Kirec Klavdij, redovnik f Izidor Zabukovec, obl. 11:00 a.m. Žena z družino Ponedeljek Monday f Florian Miklavčič 7:00 p.m. Žena 16. februar Za zdravje Vera Gonza in Sandy Julijana, mučenka Torek - Tuesday f Jože Novak 17. februar 8:00 a.m. Sestra Jožica Novak f Michele n.n. Aleš, ust. Sreda - Wednesday f Martin Glavač 7:00 p.m. Družina Šemen 18.februar ff Sorodniki iz družine Šemen Družina Šemen + +PEPELNICA ff Bernard, Milan in Elizabeth Sestra Milka in Maks Pavlič Četrtek - Thursday ff Stane in Frančiška Napast 19.februar Bonifacij, škof 7:00 p.m. Družina Pinter ff Frančiška Napast Ethel in Angelo Lombardi Petek - Friday 20. februar f Andrej Pahulje 7:00 p.m. Tomaž in Karla Pahulje Leon Sicilski, škof Sobota Saturday f 21.februar f Irena, devica f Peter Damiani, škof f Po namenu Sidonija Drvarič Frančiška Napast Aldona Bev 8:00 a.m. n.n. 5:30 p.m. Daughter in Family Lucy Zenone Družina Mlačak Družina Mlačak Nedelja - Sunday 1. Postna 22. februar Sedež apostola Petra za žive in rajne župljane f Marija Mes, obl. f Terezija Hajdinjak 9:30 a.m. Amalija Štadler z družino 11:00 a.m. Joe in Kathy Prša