Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 29/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 10. 8. 2014 19. NEDELJA MED LETOM 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@stgregoryha Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@stgregoryhamil Hoditi po vodi? Evangeljski odlomek 19. nedelje med leto priča o tem, kako je Bog naša trdna opora. V življenjskih viharjih in stiskah nam prihaja naproti - kakor Jezus apostolom v čolnu ponuja nam svojo roko kakor Petru in nas vabi v varen pristan. Koliko ga vidimo in prepoznamo, pa je odvisno od naše vere, od naše sposobnosti zaupanja Bogu, od naše pripravljenosti, da spolnjujemo njegovo voljo. Peter je lahko hodil po vodi, dokler je trdno veroval in zaupal Jezusovi besedi. Ko pa je začel dvomiti in se je prepustil človeški logiki razmišljanja, češ da po vodi ni mogoče hoditi, da so valovi veliki in veter premočan, se je začel potapljati. To je dragocen nauk tudi za nas. Če bomo do kraja zaupali Jezusu, bomo zmožni neverjetnih, naravnost čudežnih dejanj. Zmožni bomo Boga in njegovo kraljevanje v nas vedno postavljati na prvo mesto, zmožni bomo odpuščati krivice in svojim sovražnikom želeti dobro; zmožni bomo nesebično pomagati ljudem, ki jim življenjski viharji ne prizanašajo; skratka, zmožni bomo živeti evangelij. In tako bo Bog lahko oznanjal svojo dobroto in usmiljenje tudi po nas. Kakor nekoč Petra vabi Jezus k sebi tudi vsakega od nas: »Pridi!« Največji blagoslov vere je zavest, da v življenju nismo sami, da nas nekdo, ki je večji od nas, kliče k sebi. Ta klic sega prek vseh življenjskih viharjev, stisk in dvomov. Tako te tudi sredi valov drži pokonci zavest, da greš naproti Njemu, ki mu lahko popolnoma zaupaš, Njemu, ki ti daje moč za hojo, Njemu, ki ti brž ponudi roko, kadar se zaradi pomanjkljive vere začneš potapljati. ßame CMCL ßeie&iate 50 Ifewi 1*1 SLOVENSKI M Saturday August 16th Gates Open at 8:00 am Fun and Festivities Begin at 10:00 am Hot Food and Tasty Treats served All Day! Slovenski Parks Roasted Pig Fun And Games lor Kids of All Ages Kids Face Painting and Bouncy Castle Adult Games Too !!! "lots ani tdewa« Mi «me »••« ^'„stó P** 1 ® Geren—s b bysi° vSa^vtt w h Ogled razstave o zgodovini Slovenskega parka v dvorani - cel dan! 246 | VESTNIK 2014 14th Annual Slovenian Summer Day Camp AUGUST 5th - AUGUST 8th Well, we had another great week of Slovenian Summer Camp. This was our 14th annual Day Camp and the attendance and enthusiasm was fantastic by all, campers, leaders, parents, grandparents and friends. Thank you to everyone for participating and making this a successful week. We had kids who attended the very first Day Camp 14 years helping out as Camp Leaders. Not only did they do a great job, they seemed to have fun and really connect with one another. During this week of fun, we prayed and gave thanks to God for all our blessings, we sang songs, experienced Magic, participated in science activities, made crafts and played sports... Dr. Dodge Ball was certainly a camp favourite. Our end of Week picnic was attended by over 80 campers, family members and friends. Everyone had a nice time Friday evening as Drago Horvat - our BBQ Chef, prepared hot dogs and sausages for all. Everyone participated by bringing treats for everyone to enjoy, making the evening a great event. As for our Annual Campers vs. Parents Soccer Game - well, some of our kids took a few hard hits, but the campers persevered and won the game with a smashing 10-5 score! Better luck next year parents! Again, we have to thank the SCU (Slovenian Credit Union), St. Joseph's Society, CWL as well as Sandy and Milan Ferletic for their unwavering support. They help make our camp possible every year. Of course, Fr. Drago deserves a great big thank you as he spent all week talking with the kids, learning everything there is to know about them and their interests, taking pictures and ensuring a strong spiritual presence at the camp. Thank you Fr. Drago, and thank you for being such a good sport during our infamous water fights... I don't know why you always end up wetter than everyone else at the camp? To all of our parishioners, thank you for your support - it is because of all of you that this camp is possible. Remember to mark August 4-7th on your next year's calendar for our 15th annual Day Camp! - Heidy Novak 19th Sunday in Ol (August 10) First Reading 1 Kings 19:9. 11-13 Elijah encounters the Lord in the gentle breeze. Second Reading Romans 9:1-5 Paul longs for the day when his fellow Israelites will accept Jesus as the Christ. Gospel Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus saves Peter and the disciples acknowledge him as the Son of God. "Courage! It is I! do not be afraid Illustration There is an ancient Hindu myth that all human beings were once gods, but that they misused their divinity so much that the chief god took it away from them and called a council of the gods to decide where they should hide it so that humanity would never find it again. But they struggled to find a suitable place: if they buried it deep in the earth, eventually people would dig down deep enough and uncover it. If they placed it at the bottom of the deepest ocean, human beings would ultimately learn to plumb the depths of the seas and discover it. And no mountain would be high enough that it would never be conquered by humanity. Eventually the chief god decided: he would bury divinity deep inside every person - because humans would never think to look for it there. And ever since, so the story goes, human beings have been exploring the earth - its highest peaks and its darkest depths - looking for something that is already within themselves. Gospel Teaching Today's readings all deal with the question of humanity's search for and encounter with divinity. And yet, in the experience of the people of God, that search is turned on its head. As today's scriptures show us, it is not that humanity is able to seek and find God by its own powers, but rather it is God who allows God's self to be discovered by us. And usually we encounter God in the most unexpected of places and ways. In the first reading, Elijah is on the run, in fear of his life, being hunted down by the pagan queen Jezebel. Elijah has had enough and pleads with God to take his life. But on Mount Horeb he is given the rare privilege of having an encounter with the Lord, who is found not amidst the traditional pomp and trappings one might expect - a mighty wind, an earthquake, a fire - but in the gentle breeze, sometimes translated as a "still, small voice" or even "the silence". It is there that Elijah encounters the living God. In the Gospel the disciples are battling with the storm on the lake, in circumstances that make any encounter with God highly improbable. However, the Lord does indeed appear to them - though his disciples think he is a ghost. Jesus reassures them: "Courage! It is I! do not be afraid." But Peter voices the disciples' doubt: "If it is you..." Here we see the dynamic of faith succinctly expressed: Jesus invites Peter to recognise who he is, to have faith in him, to take the step of faith. But it is only a step. Faced with the reality of the storm and danger of death, Peter's faith wavers and he needs the Lord to save him. He allows his doubts - or rather his fears - to get the better of him. Application In our lives, we can find ourselves like Elijah and Peter - at the end of our tether, living in fear, full of doubts, perhaps simply wishing it would all just end. And, like Elijah, we can discover that we don't find God where we expect to meet God - in the places and rituals where we have been comforted by the Lord's presence in the past. Or, like Peter, the storms of our life may mean that we are so busy struggling simply to survive that we are unable to lift up our eyes to recognise the God who is already walking towards us in the midst of our personal battles. God comes to us unexpectedly - in the silence, in the midst of our busyness and our fear, in our tiredness and brokenness, in our doubts and desperation. The Lord invites us to come out of the darkness of the caves of our lives, to step out of the security of our little boats and to place our trust in him. In the Hindu legend, the secret of divinity lies right under our noses. In a sense, both Elijah and Peter reveal a similar truth: that no matter how desperate, how frantic or even how hopeless our lives may seem, they are pregnant with the possibility of encountering the living God. Not because we can make ourselves worthy to meet the Lord, but because he is quite simply always there reaching out to us - in the gentle breeze and the silence, in the storms and fears - with his strong hand, ready to save us. His words to us remain unchanged: "Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid." BARAGOVI DNEVI 17. - 20. OKTOBER 2014 Naša župnija organizira avtobus za letošnje baragove dneve, ki bodo zopet v Marquettu (Michigan). Za to priložnost bodo blagoslovili NOVO KAPELO, kjer bo odslej Baragova krsta. Ker je vseeno precej daleč, bo odhod v petek zjutraj, v soboto si bomo ogledali razne znamenitosti, zvečer bo slovenska sveta maša in večerja. V nedeljo bo sveta maša v angleščini in nato banket. Okvirna cena za poln avtobus bo znašala: $140 CAN in $230 USA. Prosimo, da se čimprej prijavite, najkasneje pa do nedelj 17. avgusta. Zaenkrat imamo le 20 prijav, zato prosimo, da tisti, ki nameravate na romanje, to čimprej storite, sicer bomo morali romanje odpovedati. Prijave sprejemata: Terezija Sarjaš, telefon 905560-1218 ali Vera Gonza, telefon 905-560-0089. Obvestila - Announcements bocce TOURNAMENT, 30. avgust 2014 TURNIR V BALINANJU bo v soboto 30. avgusta 2014 z začetkom ob 10:00 dopoldne. Za prijvo na turnirju se plača $12.00. Po končanem turnirju, okrog enin popoldne bo kosilo in podelitev nagrad zmagovalcem v društvenih prostororih Ville Slovenie. Gostje in člani društva ste vabljeni na kosilo, cena kosila je $8.00 po osebi. Porosimo, da potrdite udeležbo na telefon Franku Erzarju 905643-0285. Bocce Tournament will be held Saturday, August 30 and begin at 10 AM with lunch and awards presentations to follow in the Villa after 1:00 PM. Registration to play: $12.00. Guests and members are welcome for lunch at $8.00 per person. Please confirm attendance with Frank Erzar at 905-643-0285. OKTOBERFEST, Saturday Oct. 18th, 2014 Breslau - Kitchener - OBERKRAINER HAUS Hosted by "SAVA", sponsored by Slovenian Society St. Joseph Society - Društvo Sv. Jožefa, Hamilton Saturday, October 18th, 2014 - Departure - 12:00, St. Gregory's Parking Lot SPECIAL PACKAGE- $59.00 per person includes: • Visit to St. Jacob Market and Flea Market • Admission ticket to Sava Club • Visit to St. Jacob Market & Flea Market • Delicious Dinner (6:30 PM) • Dancing to live band • Kitchener German Oktoberfest Dancers • Taxes & Gratuities • Comfortable Motor Coach transportation Reservation only with full payment of: $59.00. Cheque payable to St. Joseph Society! One bus only! Contact: Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar@905-643-0285 CLEVELAND 53rd ANNUAL THANKSGIVING POLKA - EXTRAVAGANZA Weekend — November 27-29TH, 2014_ Special Fun Weekend Package — USA Thanksgiving Weekend - sponsored by: The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph, Hamilton Departure from St. Gregory's Parish parking lot on Centennial Parkway at 8:30 AM, Thursday, November 27th and returning Saturday evening, November 29th (late) Package includes: ♦ Deluxe Coach: Hamilton/Cleveland return ♦ Duty Free stop at Fort Erie ♦ 2 nights double occupancy at the beautiful Cleveland Marriott Hotel ♦ Breakfast (brunch) @ Marriott Hotel on Friday & Saturday AM ♦ Polka Party $20. Admission tickets on Thursday & Friday ♦ Awards Show $25. admission ♦ Dinner at Dubrovnik Gardens Restaurant on Friday ♦ Dinner at Sterles Slovenian Country House Restaurant on Saturday ♦ Hospitality Room welcome with drinks and food on arrival Thurs. ♦ St. Joseph Society Hospitality room available for our gathering ♦ The Polka Mass — presided by Bishop Edward Pevec, Shopping trip; Gratuities, US exchange & taxes included. Join us for an uplifting, fun filled musical weekend! Don't delay! Reservations can be made - only with full payment $350 cheque made out to the St. Joseph Society or cash. For reservations & payment: contact Jerry Ponikvar @905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar @905-643-0285 Romanje v Midland - 6. sept. 2014 Tudi letos bo enodnevno romanje v Midland in sicer na prvo soboto v septembru, to je 6 septembra 2014. Zaradi lažje organizacije romanja z avtobusom se čim prej prijavite ge. Tereziji Sarjaš na telefon: 905-560-1218 ali ge. Veri Gonza, telefon 905-560-0089. Cena: $35.00. Darovi V spomin na rajno Veroniko Obal Društvo sv. Jožefa daruje $50 v gradbeni skald župnije. Hvala. VELEPOSLANIŠTVO RS OTTAWA_ Iz Slovenskega veleposlaništva v Ottawi sporočajo, da bodo v mesecu avgustu konzularne ure v Torontu in sicer v soboto 16. avgusta 2014, od 10.00 do 14.00 ure. OKLICI_ V soboto, 16. avgusta 2014 bosta sveti zakon sklenila nevesta Nancy, rojena Dundek hči Štefana in Aranke (Fujs) in ženin Rohan Taylor, sin očeta Sextus in matere Deadrec. CWL - KŽZ_ Ladies of our parish... This CWL invites all of you to come join us at our ANNUAL SUMMER LUNCHEON. We will again be going to the Mandarin buffet restaurant in Burlington. Even if you are not a CWL member, we hope that you will take this opportunity to come out for an afternoon social as we head towards the end of the summer. Our Mandarin luncheon will take place on Wednesday, August 20. We will have a bus available for anyone interested. Please contact Angela Kobe at 905662-5264 to reserve your spot on the bus. The bus will leave our church parking lot promptly at 11:30am so that we arrive for a 12 noon lunch. If you will be driving on your own, please contact us so that we know how many seats to reserve at the Mandarin. We look forward to seeing you all there! y«^ svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i\r Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. Od 10. 8. 2014 do 17. 8. 2014 svete maše - masses 19. Nedelja MED LETOM 10. Avgust Lovrenc, diakon za žive in rajne župljane f Štefka Rihar ff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. John in Ann Božnar Mary Ponikvar - Desanti Ponedeljek Monday 11. Avgust Klara, dev. f Mary Hochevar f Mary Hochevar f Alojzija Petrov Godina f RudiHanc 7:00 P.M. družina Dim Manja Erzetič Tony Vinčec Društvo sv. Jožefa Torek - Tuesday 12. Avgust Ivana Šantalska, red. f Veronika Obal Protection of christians 8:00 A.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa n.n. SREDA Wednesday 13. Avgust Hipolit in Poncijan, m. f Ivan Mertuk f Alojzija Petrov Godina f Frančiška Napast 7:00 P.M Kathy in Joe Prša Emilia Mertuk Družina Pinter ČETRTEK Thursday 14. Avgust Maksimiljan Kolbe, muč ff Jože in Verona Prša f Veronika Obal f Franc Pelcar 7:00 P.M. Veronika Čurič Društvo sv. Jožefa Margaret Pergar Petek Friday Marijino vnebovzetje 15. Avgust Veliki šmaren f Marija Grebenc f Slavko Erzetič f Ciril Virant V čast Rožnovenski M. B. 7:00 P.M. družina Grebenc Manja Erzetič Family Stok (Timins) I. roža živega rož. venca Sobota Saturday 16. Avgust Rok, spokornik ff Ivan in brat Luise Sarjaš f Apolonija Marič ff Pokojni farani f Stanko Bratuž, obl. ff Ignac, Terezija, Ivan ff Martin in Katarina Nedelko 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. družina Alojz Sarjaš Ivan Antolin z družino Marinka Štefanec Matilda Bratuž sestra Marija Glavač Ivan in Ana Nedelko 20. Nedelja med letom 17. Avgust Klara, red. za žive in rajne župljane ff Marija in Jože Groznik f Marija Rihar 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. družina Groznik Rihar Family