Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health 69 Strokovni članek 1 Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Novo mesto, Slovenia 2 Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of ljubljana, ljubljana, Slovenia Korespondenca/ Correspondence: Damjan Balabanič, e: damjan.balabanic@ gmail.com Ključne besede: kemični povzročitelji endokrinih motenj; endogeni hormoni; okolje; reproduktivno zdravje pri moških Key words: endocrine-disrupting chemicals; endogenous hormones; environment; human male reproductive health Prispelo: 20. 11. 2016 Sprejeto: 18. 12. 2017 Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health: a review Kemični povzročitelji endokrinih motenj in reproduktivno zdravje pri moških: pregled literature Damjan Balabanič,1 Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič2 Abstract Balanced functioning of the endocrine system is essential for preservation of human species by providing normal growth and development, reproduction, and normal functioning of all other organ systems. In the last decades, emerging area of interest is the impact of environmental exposures to human health. Important environmental pollutants are endocrine-disrupting che- micals (EDCs), which can have adverse effects on the living organism due to their interference with the endocrine system. The group of known EDCs embraces ubiquitous synthetic substan- ces used as industrial lubricants and solvents, with their by-products, incomplete combustion remains, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides and plasticizers. Natural com- pounds such as genistein, a phytoestrogen, and heavy metals can also have endocrine effects. Endocrine disruption is a serious public health problem. EDCs among other health problems ge- nerate reproductive disorders in males, such as decreases in sperm count and quality, increases in testicular germ cell numbers, prostate and breast cancers, cryptorchidism and hypospadias, impaired fertility, and infertility. This paper critically reviews the current knowledge of the impa- ct of EDCs on reproductive disorders in human males. Izvleček Uravnoteženo delovanje hormonskega sistema zagotavlja rast in razvoj, razmnoževanje in nor- malno delovanje vseh drugih organskih sistemov v telesu. Zato je ključnega pomena za ohrani- tev človeške vrste. V zadnjih desetletjih narašča število raziskav, povezanih z izpostavljenostjo ljudi različnim kemičnim snovem iz okolja in njihovim vplivom na zdravje. Kemični povzročitelji endokrinih motenj (KPEM) sodijo med pomembna okoljska onesnažila z negativnim učinkom na organizem zaradi poseganja v endokrini sistem. V skupino znanih KPEM sodijo povsod prisotne sintezne snovi, ki se uporabljajo kot industrijska maziva in topila ter njihovi stranski produkti, os- tanki nepopolnega zgorevanja, zdravilne učinkovine, izdelki za osebno nego, pesticidi, mehčala in drugo. Naravne spojine, kot so genistein, fitoestrogenske snovi in težke kovine lahko prav tako moteče delujejo na endokrini sistem ljudi in živali. Motnje endokrinega sistema so resen pro- blem javnega zdravja. KPEM med drugim povzročajo reproduktivne motnje pri moških, kot so zmanjšano število speremskih celic in njihovo nižjo kakovost, rak prostate in dojk, kriptorhizem in hipospadijo, zmanjšano plodnost in neplodnost. V prispevku je predstavljen kritičen pregled trenutnega znanja o vplivih KPHM na reproduktivne motnje pri moških. Citirajte kot/Cite as: Balabanič D, krivograd klemenčič a. endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health: a review. Zdrav vestn. 2018;87(1–2):69–80. DOI: 10.6016/Zdravvestn.2456 70 Zdrav vestn | januar – februar 2018 | letnik 87 reproDukcija človeka 1. Introduction In the last decades, numerous stu- dies have reported that certain chemi- cals called endocrine-disrupting che- micals (EDCs) may cause disruption of the endocrine system and can affect reproduction and development of exposed humans and wildlife (1-5). An “Endocrine-disrupting chemical” (EDC) has been broadly defined as “an exoge- nous substance or a mixture that alters function(s) of the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse health effects in an intact organism, or its pro- geny, or (sub)populations” (6). EDCs can disrupt the normal actions of endogeno- us hormones by altering normal hormo- ne levels, inhibiting or stimulating the production of hormones, or changing the way hormones travel through the body, thus affecting the functions that these hormones control (4). The group of known EDCs is extre- mely heterogeneous and includes diffe- rent groups of chemicals such as steroids (ethinyl estradiol, 17β-estradiol, estrone, mestranol and diethylstilbenstrol), al- kylphenols (nonylphenol, nonylphenol ethoxylate, octylphenol and octylphe- nol ethoxylate), polyaromatic com- pounds (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- bons (PAHs) and brominated flame re- tardants), organic oxygen compounds (bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates), pesticides (atrazine, chlordane, deme- ton-S-methyl, dichlorvos, dieldrin, di- methoate, endosulfan, hexachlorobenze- ne, lindane, linuron, pentachlorophenol, permethrin, simazine and trifluralin) and others (tributyltin, dioxins and furans) as well as certain heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury) (4,7,8). The logKow (octanol/water partition coeffi- cient) values for some EDCs indicate a high degree of lipophilicity (9) and thus bioaccumulation. Human exposure to EDCs may result from the ingestion of contaminated food and water, inhala- tion of air and absorption of the EDCs through the skin. However, in most ca- ses, human exposure to EDCs is through the ingestion of contaminated food. The EDCs that are most commonly present in contaminated food are bisphenol A (BPA), nonylphenol, phthalates, and he- avy metals. BPA is used as a source ma- terial for the production of epoxy resins, polyacrylates and polyesters, but mainly for the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics (10). Epoxy resins are used as food contact surface lacqu- er coatings for cans, protective coatings and finishes, adhesives and as coatings for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes (10). Polycarbonate plastics are used in the manufacture of household appliances, food packaging and plastic bottles beca- use they have high impact strength, har- dness, toughness, transparency, and re- sistance to temperatures, many acids and oils (10). In food packaging, nonylphenol originates from oxidation of the antioxi- dant additive trisnonylphenyl phosphi- te (11). Levels of nonylphenol in different packaging materials were recently asses- sed and were found to range from below 0.03 µg/g in a polyethylene terephtha- late (PET) water bottle to 287 µg/g in PVC cling film (12). Nonylphenol was also detected in different types of reta- il-purchased foods: up to 78 ng/L were found in PET-bottled mineral water (13), up to 40 µg/kg in beverage cartons of ultra-high temperatures (UHT) whole milk and up to 32.3 µg/kg in high density polyethylene (HDPE)-bottled milk (in bottle sterilization) (14). Dimethyl pht- halate, Diethyl phthalate, Diisobutyl pht- Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health 71 Strokovni članek halate, Di-n-butyl phthalate, Benzylbutyl phthalate, Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthala- te, Dicyclohexyl phthalate, Di-n-octyl phthalate, Diisononyl phthalate and Diisodecyl phthalate were detect in di- fferent fruits and vegetables, sport drin- ks, artificial juice drinks, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, milk and nutracevtical products (15,16). Lead (Pb) in food originates mainly from at- mospheric deposition and adherence of Pb-rich soil particles to fruits and vege- tables (17). Exposure to excess Arsenic (As), principally from contaminated drinking water, is considered one of the top environmental health threats worl- dwide (18). Most of this exposure is from natural geological sources of As that contaminate groundwater (18). It has been established that fish and seafood can accumulate organic As from their environment (19,20). The concentrations of As in fruits and vegetables depends on the soil content, water contaminati- on, air pollution and the usage of fertili- zers (19). The general human population is exposed to mercury (Hg) (usually in an inorganic form and at very low con- centrations) primarily through the diet with contaminated fish, dental amalgam and water consumption (4,21). The level of Hg in foods is inconsistent and refle- cts the level of pollution of the local en- vironment (22). 2. Impact of endocrine- disrupting chemicals on male reproduction health Epidemiological data has revealed an increase in male reproductive function disorders over the past 50 years, sugge- sting a correlative relationship with the increasing amounts of EDCs in the en- vironment (4,8). In the context of male reproductive health, EDCs have been linked to disrupted reproductive functi- on (such as reduced semen quality and infertility), altered fetal development (such as urogenital tract abnormalities, including hypospadias and cryptorchi- dism) and testicular germ-cell, prostate and breast cancers (4,5,23). As previou- sly mentioned, the potential lag between exposure to EDCs and the manifestation of a clinical reproductive disorder is of critical concern. In humans, this period may be years or decades post exposure because sexual maturity and fertility cannot be assessed until the exposed in- dividual has attained a certain age (24). In 1993, Sharpe and Skakkebaek (25) sug- gested fetal exposure to environmental oestrogens such as synthetic oestrogens, phytoestrogens, oestrogens in milk and oestrogenic chemicals (e.g. chlorinated hydrocarbon (TCDD)) to be the com- mon aetiological factor for the observed rise in the incidence of testicular can- cer, cryptorchidism and the downward trend in sperm quality (25). Skakkebaek et al. (26) have suggested that the inci- dences of cryptorchidism, hypospadias and poor semen quality are risk factors for one another and that they are all predictive of testicular germ-cell cancer development. Cryptorchidism, hypos- padias, poor semen quality, and testicu- lar germ-cell cancers are defined as the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). They propose that the aetiology of TDS lies in the diminished androgen action in fetal developmental periods and has a negative impact on the proper functio- ning of Sertoli cells (the cells supporting germ cells) and Lydig cells (where andro- gen synthesis occurs). This hypothesis proposes a strong association between environmental exposures (e.g., to phtha- lates, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and non-resistant pesticides) and 72 Zdrav vestn | januar – februar 2018 | letnik 87 reproDukcija človeka development of TDS (27). Identifying en- vironmental causes of TDS in humans is difficult because developing fetal tissues are inaccessible for examination. Thus, the majority of mechanistic evidence linking EDCs to TDS comes from ani- mal experiments. It is possible to experi- mentally induce all the elements of TDS, except for germ-cell cancer, by exposing pregnant rats to di-2-ethylhexyl phtha- late, di-n-butyl phthalate and butyl ben- zyl phthalate and other chemicals that block androgen action (28). This model is referred to as the “phthalate syndrome” model, and it comprises cryptorchidism, hypospadias, poor semen quality, and malformations of other sex organs (29). Certain pesticides (dichlorodiphenyltri- chloroethane (DDT), alachlor, atrazine, diazinon) are able to block the androgen receptor, or interfere with the conversi- on of testosterone into dihydrotestoste- rone, thus producing effects similar to phthalate syndrome. Androgen action is also essential for proliferation and de- velopment of Sertoli cells, which are ne- cessary for sperm production. Altogether, EDC-mediated disruption of androgen action during fetal development results in reduced fertility later in life (30). A study of dioxin exposure conducted by Mocarelli et al. (31), suggests that timing of exposure has a significant impact on semen quality. This study was based on men who were exposed to high levels of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCCD) as a result of a chemical plant explosion in 1976 in Italy. Men who were exposed prepubertally (1–9 years of age) demonstrated poor semen quality as adults (27). Interestingly, men who were exposed between 10–17 and 18–27 years of age showed slightly positive or no diffe- rences in semen quality, respectively (27). 2.1. Cryptorchidism and hypospadias Several studies have shown that sons of mothers treated with diethylstilbe- strol (DES) during pregnancy are at increased risk of cryptorchidism and hypospadias (5,32). Exposure of fathers to dioxins in the Seveso accident in 1976 resulted in an increased incidence of hypospadias among their sons (3). In exposure studies, the risk for cryptor- chidism was higher in sons of women, working with pesticides (33), while si- gnificantly higher concentrations of hexachlorbenzene and heptachlorepoxi- de were found in adipose tissues of boys with cryptorchidism, compared to those of a control group (34). The aetiology of this entity is unknown and thus prenatal exposure to exogenous oestrogens is ad- vised (34). Moreover, these findings do not prove a direct causality between the accumulation of hexachlorbenzene and heptachlorepoxide and undescended te- stes since they reflect the total accumu- lation until the time of sampling, and a conclusion regarding exposure during a specific period of development cannot be made. Comparison of registry-ba- sed information on cryptorchidism and hypospadias may have pitfalls because of underreporting, differences in regi- stration systems, and inclusion crite- ria (35). Therefore, prospectively desig- ned cohort studies have been performed in Denmark and Finland to assess the incidence of these disorders during the years 1997 and 2001. The results of these studies showed that the rate of congeni- tal cryptorchidism at birth was signifi- cantly higher in Denmark as compared to Finland (9.0 % in Denmark and 2.4 % in Finland) (36). Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health 73 Strokovni članek 2.2. Decreasing sperm counts and quality Based on a meta-analysis of 61 studi- es, it has been suggested that the human sperm count and quality have decreased in the past 50 years (37). It was suggested that some common prenatal influen- ces could be responsible for the decline in sperm density. Several studies have shown that sons of mothers treated with DES during pregnancy are at increased risk of decreased sperm count (5,32). A recent study found an inverse correla- tion between the concentration of PCB metabolites in blood and seminal plasma and sperm motility as well as concentra- tion (38). Guo et al. (39) concluded that heavy exposure to PCBs resulted in ne- gative effects on sperm morphology and motility, but not on sperm concentration. 2.3. Cancer EDCs are based on animal models, human clinical observations, and epi- demiological studies suspected of cau- sing various types of human cancer in males, including testicular, prostate and breast cancers (24,40-42). Over the last 50 years, the incidence of prostate can- cer in some countries (e.g. U.S., Britain and Denmark) has doubled, while that of testicular cancer has tripled (e.g. U.S. and Britain) or even quadrupled (e.g. Denmark) since 1943 (43,44). EDCs may be accountable for the observed trends (4); since both humans and wil- dlife are chronically exposed to copio- us potentially hazardous chemicals that are continuously released into the envi- ronment (45). Most evidence depicting cancer risk associated with exposure to EDCs is limited to cellular and animal models (46). 2.3.1. Testicular cancer During recent decades, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of testicular cancer, albeit with clear ra- cial and geographical differences (the highest incidence is among white men in northern Europe) (47) suggesting that both genetic and environmental factors are important in the development of te- sticular cancer. The main risk factor for testicular cancer is cryptorchidism, fol- lowed by hypospadias (48,49). Testicular cancer is most common among young men between the ages of 15–34 years (50). The origins of testicular cancer are elu- sive; however, many investigators are exploring the possibility that fetal and early-life EDCs exposures can disrupt the critical hormonal balance during development, and in turn contribute to the formation of testicular cancer later in life (41,51). It was found that men who have some form of gonadal dysgenesis are more likely to develop testicular can- cer in conjunction with other male re- productive abnormalities such as hypos- padias and cryptorchidism (26,52). The mechanisms behind the development of testicular cancer are still unknown, but both environmental and lifestyle fa- ctors have been associated with its deve- lopment. Although the strength of the association is unclear, some EDCs have been identified that may play a role in te- sticular carcinogenesis, including certa- in types of persistent organic pollutants (i.e. organochlorine pesticides) (40), and synthetic hormones, namely oe- strogens, gestagens and androgenic ana- bolics used for meat production (52). Animal studies are helpful in assessing the effects of exogenous oestrogens or anti-androgenic chemicals after in utero or early-life exposures. Some examples of highly studied oestrogenic compou- 74 Zdrav vestn | januar – februar 2018 | letnik 87 reproDukcija človeka nds include DES, ethinyl estradiol, and BPA, while anti-androgenic compounds include flutamide and vinclozolin (26). Results from animal studies have shown that in utero exposures to selected EDCs (Table 1) can lead to the development of hypospadias, cryptorchidism and redu- ction in sperm volume in the majority of the animals exposed, and in some seve- re cases the formation of Leydig cell tu- mours (26). These initial studies provide some insight on the effects of early life exposures, but the animal models have significant limitations in terms of their relevance to human testicular germ-cell tumour also due to much higher doses used in experiments compared to do- ses of human exposure. Phthalates (e.g. mono-n-butyl phthalate), which have a wide application in commercial and industrial plastics, have been shown to alter male reproductive development by acting as anti-androgens within the fe- tal testis of rats, as described above (26). Phthalates induce multinucleated germ cells (MNGs) following a gestational exposure (53). MNGs have multiple nu- clei that are contained within one cyto- plasm and are postulated to be formed from the abnormal differentiation of germ cells. Although MNGs and carci- noma in situ cells share a putative origin as developmentally dysgenetic germ-line cells, MNGs do not appear to lead to te- sticular cancer in rodent models (53-55). 2.3.2. Prostate cancer Prostate cancer remains an impor- tant public health concern in Western countries and an emerging malignan- cy in developing nations (e.g. U.S., New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Austria Table 1: Reproduction problems in males and connected endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Male reproduction problems Endocrine-disrupting chemicals References Reduced semen quality and infertility phthalates (di-butyl, di-(2-ethylhexyl) and butyl benzyl phthalates); tcDD; pcBs and their metabolites; DeS; ethinyl estradiol; Bpa; pesticides (flutamide, vinclozolin, DDe, DDt) 25, 26, 29, 31, 38, 39 Hypospadias phthalates (di-butyl, di-(2-ethylhexyl) and butyl benzyl phthalates); DeS; dioxins; ethinyl estradiol; Bpa; pesticides (flutamide, vinclozolin, DDe, DDt) 3, 5, 26, 29, 32 Cryptorchidism phthalates (di-butyl, di-(2-ethylhexyl) and butyl benzyl phthalates); DeS; ethinyl estradiol; Bpa; pesticides (hexachlorbenzene, heptachlorepoxide, flutamide; vinclozolin, DDe, DDt) 5, 25, 26, 29, 32, 33, 34 testicular cancer DeS; ethinyl estradiol; Bpa; pesticides (hexachlorbenzene, heptachlorepoxide, flutamide; vinclozolin, DDe, DDt) 25, 26, 40, 52 prostate cancer DeS; pcB; Bpa; uv filters; heavy metals (cadmium, arsenic); pesticides (beta-hexachlorohexane, gamma-hexachlorohexane, p,p-DDe, vinclozolin) 4, 42, 60, 61, 62, 63 breast cancer phthalates (diethyl and butyl benzyl phthalate); tcDD; insecticide (heptachlor); pesticides (hexachlorobenzene, organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, malathion, parathion); pcBs; Bpa; cosmetics (benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenyl methylpropional); cadmium 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 Bpa – bisphenol a, DeS – diethylstilbestrol, DDe – 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene, DDt – 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) ethane, tcDD – 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health 75 Strokovni članek (Tyrol), Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Iceland) (56). In the United States pros- tate cancer has the highest incidence among cancers and is second leading cause of cancer death among men (57- 59). Despite the common occurrence of prostate tumours, its aetiology rema- ins largely unknown. Prins (60), who contributed importantly to the study of prostate carcinogenesis, found out that there is substantial evidence from ani- mal models about the influence of speci- fic EDCs (Table 1) to prostate cancer de- velopment or progression. In large part, these effects appear to be linked to inter- ference with oestrogen signalling, either through interacting with ERs or by influ- encing steroid metabolism and altering oestrogen levels within the body. Studies in animal models show augmentation of prostate carcinogenesis with several environmental EDCs including DES, PCBs, cadmium, UV filters, BPA, and ar- senic (4,60-62). Importantly, sensitivity of the prostate to these EDCs appears to be heightened during the critical develo- pmental windows including in utero and neonatal time points as well as during puberty. Thus infants and children may be considered a highly susceptible popu- lation for EDCs exposures and increased risk of prostate cancers with aging (60). BPA, a plastic component that can be considered a model agent for endocrine disruption, was shown to induce changes in differentiation patterns, cell prolifera- tion at a BPA dose of ~ 10-7 M or 23 ppb, and size of the prostate in male offspring after feeding pregnant mice 2 or 20 μg/ kg/day BPA, changes that are probably associated with an increase in cancer risk (61). Exposure to DES, especially prenatal and early in life, has been asso- ciated with prostate abnormalities, inclu- ding prostatic squamous neoplasia (60). UV filters, compounds of sunscreens, have been reported to alter prostate gland development and oestrogen target gene expression in rats (63). Especially 4-methylbenzylidene and 3-benzylide- ne camphor are ER-beta ligands (62-64). Cadmium is a known ER ligand (65). In vitro work has shown proliferative acti- on of cadmium in human prostate cells, and in rats prostatic tumours have been induced by oral cadmium exposure or by injection (60,66,67). According to Benbrahim-Tallaa and Waalkes (68), arsenic can induce malignant transfor- mation of human prostate epithelial cel- ls and also appears to impact prostate cancer cell progression by precipitating events leading to androgen independen- ce in vitro. Vinclozolin, a fungicide, has known anti-androgenic properties. On the one hand, prostate gland growth in rats was reduced by vinclozolin, but on the other hand, prenatal exposure le- ads to aging-associated prostatitis in the next four generations of offspring. Kumar et al. (42) studied 70 newly di- agnosed prostate cancer patients and 61 age-matched healthy male controls. They found significantly higher levels of beta-hexachlorohexane (5.64 ± 3.06 ng/ mL vs. 4.27 ± 2.74 ng/mL), gamma- -hexachlorohexane (7.37 ± 6.97 ng/mL vs. 5.33 ± 4.22 ng/mL), and p,p-DDE (4.16 ± 2.67 ng/mL vs. 3.02 ± 2.33 ng/ mL) in blood of prostate cancer patients compared to controls (42). 2.3.3. Male breast cancer Male breast cancer is a rare disease, showing an increasing incidence trend rising along with that of female bre- ast cancer. The 2009 Endocrine Society scientific statement entails considerable evidence indicating that EDCs contri- bute to the risk of male breast cancer occurrence (24). From the clinical and biological point of view, male and female breast cancer differ mainly in the frequ- ency of their histological type and in the 76 Zdrav vestn | januar – februar 2018 | letnik 87 reproDukcija človeka expression of hormone receptors and of epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The major risk factor related to male breast cancer is a positive family history for breast cancer, which indicates a relevant genetic component (5). Biological effects favouring ma- lignant transformation were observed on human breast cells for pesticide hexa- chlorobenzene (69), organochlorine pesticides (70), organophosphorus pe- sticides, malathion and parathion (71), PCBs (72), BPA (73), butyl benzyl pht- halate (74), cosmetics benzyl salicyla- te, benzyl benzoate and butylphenyl methylpropional (75) and also cad- mium (76,77). Experiments on animals showed that in utero exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlo- rodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) induce alterations in breast development and increase susceptibility for mamma- ry cancer development (78). Mice and rats exposed perinatally to BPA showed preneoplastic lesions (intradu- ctal hyperplasias) in mammary tissue and such rats developed carcinoma in situ (79,80). Rats exposed perinatally or through lactation to BPA showed an in- creased susceptibility to neoplastic de- velopment (81,82). According to Markey et al. (83) perinatal exposure of mice to environmentally relevant levels of BPA (25 and 250 µg/kg body weight) indu- ce in the mammary gland an increase in the number of terminal end buds, the structures in which mammary can- cer originates in both rodents and hu- mans (84). The experiment performed by Markey et al. (83) showed that by 6 months of age, the mammary glands of exposed mice demonstrated a dra- matic expansion of the ductal network with a significant increase in terminal ducts and alveolar structures relative to the control. 2.4. Poor semen quality Although several studies have shown that EDCs may operate through hor- monal pathways to affect spermatoge- nesis (85), the decline in semen quali- ty in men is still a controversial issue. The debate began when a Carlsen et al. (37) review highlighted a decrease in sperm counts, of up to 50 % during the period 1940–1990 (mean sperm co- unt from 113 millions/mL in 1940 to 66 millions/mL in 1990) and continued with several meta-analyses reporting a decline in semen quality around the world (4,23,31,49,86,87). It is known that the environmental EDCs might affect the development of the male reproductive system during fetal or childhood life (25). However, se- veral studies on occupational exposure to EDCs showed that spermatogenesis can also be corrupted by exposure of the adult man to various EDCs (88,89). 3. Conclusion The preservation of adequate repro- ductive capacity is crucial for the human species maintenance, while also being one of the most important determinants of “good health” for the individual. In the last decades, numerous studies have reported an increasing incidence of hu- man reproductive diseases and a con- sequent decline in reproductive functi- on (90). Because of the short time frame, it is not likely that this could be expla- ined by genetic changes. More likely explanation for the observed trends is exposure of humans to copious potenti- ally hazardous chemicals called endocri- ne-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which can interact with the endocrine system and are continuously released into the environment. Exposure of humans to Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health 77 Strokovni članek environmental EDCs, which are poten- tially posing a serious health hazard, is among the most pressing environmental issues facing modern toxicology in re- cent years. Despite the biological plausi- bility of the effects of EDCs on animals demonstrated in numerous laboratory studies, it is not clear yet to what extent human health is adversely impacted by EDCs’ exposure. There are similarities between results obtained from animal studies and adverse effects seen in hu- mans, but there is no direct evidence for possible effects of EDCs on human fer- tility. Nevertheless, the obvious regional differences in male abnormalities (such as testicular cancer and reduced sperm counts) suggest the influence of envi- ronmental factors, as opposed to genetic predisposition. Linking environmental factors with health factors is of paramo- unt importance for the identification of the causes of the growing number of re- productive diseases in humans possibly caused by exposure to various envi- ronmental factors. Identification of re- lationships between exposure to specific EDCs in the environment and detrimen- tal fertility measures in humans could lead to preventive strategies and polici- es aimed at limiting the production of these chemicals, as well as at favouring removal of these substances from the en- vironment. References 1. colborn t, vom Saal FS, Soto aM. Developmental effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans. environmental Health perspectives. 1993;101(5):378–84. 2. Safe SH. endocrine Disruptors and Human Health–is there a problem? an update. environmental Health perspectives. 2000;108(6):487–93. 3. Baskin lS, Himes k, colborn t. 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