213 Acrocephalus 32 (150/151): 213−214, 2012 First confirmed breeding of Woodcock Scolopax rusticola in Vitosha Mountain (CW Bulgaria) Prvo potrjeno gnezdenje sloke Scolopax rusticola v gorovju Vitoša (osrednja zahodna Bolgarija) Gradimir Gruychev1 & Nikolay Dyakov2 1 University of Forestry, Wildlife Management Department, 10 Kl. Ochridski Blvd., BG–1756 Sofia, Bulgaria, e−mail: gradi.val@gmail.com 2 University of Forestry, Department of Dendrology, 10 Kl. Ochridski Blvd., BG–1756 Sofia, Bulgaria Woodcock Scolopax rusticola is a Palearctic species, breeding mainly in broad-leaved and mixed European forests. In Fennoscandia, it nests in mature coniferous forests. Southern border of the bird’s breeding distribution passes through the Balkan Peninsula, Rhodope Mountains (Northern Greece) (Glutz von Blotzheim et al. 1986, Hoodless & Saari 1997). In Bulgaria, the Woodcock nests mainly in coniferous, mixed, and, occasionally, mature broad-leaved forests between 400 and 1800 m a.s.l. Its population was estimated at 100–200 (Nankinov 2004) and, more recently, at only 30–100 (Nikolov et al. 2007) breeding pairs. After the mid-20th century, its confirmed breeding was evidenced only three times, probably due to its secretive way of life, night activity, cryptic coloration, and low numbers. So far, only one nest with three eggs is confirmed from Rhodope Mountains in 1983, two nestlings from Rila Mountain in June 2000, and one nest from Pirin Mountain in 2002 (Stoyanov et al. 2003). On 10 May 2011, a nest containing four eggs was accidentally found at 1,645 m a.s.l., on the northern slope of Vitosha Mountain (N42°37’, E23°15’), rising on the outskirts of Sofia. The nest was placed in a 70– 80 year old Norway Spruce Picea abies plantation on a 7 ° slope, which was selectively logged in the autumn of 2010 (Figure 1). Canopy cover in a 100 m2 sample plot around the nest was 75%. Shrubs of Raspberry Rubus idaeus covered < 1% of the sample plot, while herb cover was 15% with prevailing Common Wood- sorrel Oxalis acetosella, Wood Stitchwort Stellaria nemorum and lungwort Pulmonaria rubra. The nest was located some 10 m from a small stream with side bogs. This part of the mountain falls within the boundaries of homonymous Nature Park, so a tourist track passes ca. 30 m away from the nest with no direct visibility towards it. The nest-site is only 3 km away from the Kumata chalet, where a flying Woodcock was observed on 18 May 2006, but no roding song was reported (Nikolov et al. 2007). It falls within the altitudinal range of 900–2,185 m a.s.l., where all the confirmed breeding records in Bulgaria have been made (Stoyanov et al. 2003). On 20 May 2011, the female bird was incubating, but on 27 May 2011 the nest with eggs was found depredated (Figure 2). We analyzed the nesting material and a hair from the dorsothoracal body part of Wildcat Felis silvestris (compared with University of Forestry’s collection) was found, which could have been the possible predator. Nest dimensions measured were: outer diameter = 18 cm, inner diameter = 12.5 cm, depth = 2.7 cm. Thus, the nest was not as deep as usual, which is 3.5–4.5 (6) cm according to Glutz von Blotzheim et al. (1986), but its measures were very close to the only nest measured so far in Bulgaria (Stoyanov et al. 2003). The nest was built over half- decayed spruce twigs. Its total dry weight was 70 g. Woodcock female builds the nest with adjacent materials (Glutz von Blotzheim et al. 1986), so the prevalence of spruce needles with 53.3 g (76.1%) is expected. Fine spruce twigs (5.7 g, 8.1%), beech leaves (0.6 g, 0.9%), half-decayed spruce cone particles, and other unidentified plant materials (5.7 g, 8.1%) were much less-represented. Furthermore, we found 36 small female Woodcock feathers (0.2 g, 0.3%) mixed with other plant material. In general, the nesting material used was similar to that described by Glutz von Blotzheim et al. (1986). Figure 1: Woodcock Scolopax rusticola sitting on the nest under a fallen spruce, Vitosha Mountain (CW Bulgaria), 20 May 2011 (photo: G. Gruychev) Slika 1: Sloka Scolopax rusticola na gnezdu pod podrto smreko, gorovje Vito{a (osrednja zahodna Bolgarija, 20.5.2011 (foto: G. Gruychev) 214 The Woodcock is considered an endangered species in Bulgaria (Shurulinkov et al. 2011). Thus, the report on confirmed breeding is an important piece of information that might help in conservation efforts of its small breeding population and the fact that should not be neglected in Vitosha Nature Park’s management plan. Acknowledgements: We are greatly thankful to B. Milchev for his advises on the field work and manuscript preparation. Povzetek Sloka Scolopax rusticola je maloštevilna in ogrožena gnezdilka Bolgarije, kjer so bila v drugi polovici 20. stoletja znana le tri opazovanja s potrjenim gnezdenjem te vrste. Dne 10.5.2011 sta avtorja na severnem pobočju gorovja Vitoša nad obrobjem Sofije (osrednja Z Bolgarija), na nadmorski višini 1645 m po naključju našla gnezdo s štirimi jajci. Gnezdo je bilo zgrajeno v 70–80 let starem nasadu smreke Picea abies, ki je bil jeseni leta 2010 selektivno posekan. Dne 20.5.2011 sta opazovala valečo samico, dne 27.5.2011 pa sta opazila, da je bilo gnezdo izplenjeno. Gnezdo sta premerila in podrobno analizirala gnezditveni material. References Glutz von Blotzheim, U., Bauer, K. & Bezzel, E. (1986): Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas. Band 7/II. Charadriiformes. – AULA Verlag, Wiesbaden. Hoodless, A. & Saari, L. (1997): Woodcock Scolopax rusticola. pp. 292–293 In: Hagemeijer, W.J.M & Blair, M.J. (eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance. – T & A D Poyser, London. Nankinov, D. (ed.) (2004): [Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria.] – Green Balkans, Plovdiv. (in Bulgarian) Nikolov, S., Delov, V., Daskalova, G. & Gerassimov, G. (2007): (Euroasian) Woodcock Scolopax rusticola. pp. 258–259 In: Iankov, P. (ed.): Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Conservation Series, Book 10. – Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds BSPB, Sofia. Shurulinkov, P., Delov, V., Kyuchukov, D., Nikolov, S. & Stoyanov, G. (2011): Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola). In: Golemanski, V. (ed.): Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. II. Animals. – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. Stoyanov, G, Shurulinkov, P., Kjuchukov, D., Spakovski, P., Delov, V., Vulchev, K. & Stoyanov, A. (2003): Vom Brüten der Waldschnepfe Scolopax rusticola in Bulgarien. – Ornithologische Mitteilungen 55 (6): 211–217. Arrived / Prispelo: 27. 6. 2011 Accepted / Sprejeto: 23. 9. 2012 G. Gruychev & N. Dyakov: First confirmed breeding of Woodcock Scolopax rusticola in Vitosha Mountain (CW Bulgaria) Figure 2: Depredated nest of Woodcock Scolopax rusticola, Vitosha Mountain (CW Bulgaria), 27 May 2011 (photo: G. Gruychev) Slika 2: Izplenjeno gnezdo sloke Scolopax rusticola, gorovje Vito{a (osrednja zahodna Bolgarija, 27.5.2011 (foto: G. Gruychev)